8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (521)
#22357991 at 2025-01-15 12:32:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #27341: 5 More Days and America is Back! Edition
is the media object server used in Java Exploit Widgets?
#22357985 at 2025-01-15 12:30:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #27341: 5 More Days and America is Back! Edition
That's right, Pozo was on the media object server payroll.
#22356584 at 2025-01-15 02:54:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #27340: Diet Coke Edition
Did you steal that meme off of the media object server?
#22356263 at 2025-01-15 02:13:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #27339: Kickass Edition
wasn't it media object server?
#22356209 at 2025-01-15 02:09:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #27339: Kickass Edition
In context media object server makes sense.
It distributes news stories, images and video.
#22356206 at 2025-01-15 02:09:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #27339: Kickass Edition
media object server was always my fav denial of reality.
#21979743 at 2024-11-14 00:35:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #26915: Be Offended Edition
Well, I guess if MOS = media object server then EM must = Eddie Munster.
#21566096 at 2024-09-11 00:26:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #26418: Debate Night Edition
Why, media object server of course!
#21411658 at 2024-08-14 19:12:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #26239: Jihad Squad Reinstalled? Nov 5 Is Comin MAGAEdition
MOS Months
MOS Military Occupational Specialty (US Army)
MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Microsoft Office Specialist
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MOS Ministry of Sound (London Night Club)
MOS Museum of Science (Boston, MA)
MOS Man of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS)
MOS Man On the Street (type of interview)
MOS Margin of Safety
MOS Manual of Style
MOS Mates of State (band)
MOS My Oracle Support (software)
MOS Mambo Open Source
MOS Miracle of Science (science fiction)
MOS Material On Site
MOS Medical Outcomes Study
MOS Moment of Silence
MOS Motorways of the Sea (EU)
MOS Model Output Statistics
MOS Measure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL)
MOS Master Operating System
MOS Magneto Optic Storage
MOS Mobile Office System
MOS Mission Operation System
MOS Minimum Operating System
MOS Mobile Office Support
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Managed objects
MOS Multiuser Operating System
MOS Multiprogramming Operating System
MOS Modular Optical Scanner
MOS Mobile Office Suite
MOS Management Operating System
MOS Metal-Oxide-Silicon
MOS Motor Operated Switch
MOS Made of Steel
MOS Mission Operations System (US NASA)
MOS Military One Source (US DoD)
MOS Member of the Opposite Sex
MOS Medical Office Specialist
MOS Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD)
MOS Mobile Operating System
MOS Maintenance Operations Squadron
MOS Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school)
MOS Multi-object Spectrograph
MOS Marine Observation Satellite
MOS Mom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder)
MOS Macintosh Operating System
MOS media object server
MOS Multi-object Spectrometer
MOS Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; various locations)
MOS Married out of Society (Quaker religion)
MOS Multimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation)
MOS Mu Online server
MOS Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer)
MOS Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database)
MOS Make Out Session
MOS Matter of Size
MOS Manual of Standards
MOS Medical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
MOS Monthly Operational Summary
MOS Managed Office Solutions (UK)
MOS Member of Service (police)
MOS Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy)
MOS Michigan Office Solutions (est. 1957)
MOS Mission of Service
MOS Major Orthopedic Surgery
MOS Minimum Operating Strip
MOS Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
MOS Mic-O-Say (Tribe)
MOS Margin on Services (insurance)
MOS MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System)
MOS Method of Statement
MOS Mode Of Shipment
MOS Mini Operating System
MOS Major Operating System
MOS Multi-Beam Optical Sensor
MOS Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA)
MOS Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school)
MOS Mother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct)
MOS Military Occupation Skill
MOS Massachusetts Orchid Society
MOS Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI)
MOS Method Of Supply
MOS Mobility Operations School
MOS My Own Science (education program)
MOS Military Operations Specialist (FAA)
MOS Metal Oxide Substrate
MOS Managed Operations Services (various companies)
MOS Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain)
MOS Maintenance Out of Service
MOS Manually Operated Switch (railroads)
MOS Minimum Operating Standard
MOS Maritime Observation Satellite
MOS Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape)
MOS Mute on Sound
MOS Manned Orbital Station
MOS Minimum Operational Sensitivity
MOS Maintenance Override Switch
MOS Marked Out of Stock
MOS Management Operations Staff
MOS Marine Occupational Standard
MOS Military Oceanography Subcommittee
MOS Manual Observing System
MOS Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education)
MOS Malibu Orchid Society, Inc.
MOS Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog)
MOS Measure Of Suitability/Stability
MOS Minus Optical Strip (acting)
MOS Madonna of the Streets
MOS MANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System (open source software)
MOS Material Ordering Schedule
MOS Materials Ordering System
MOS Military Obligated Service
MOS Modulated Orthogonal Sequence
MOS Mission Operational Specialty
MOS Morph Operating System
MOS Main object Size
MOS Multifunctional Operator System
MOS Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian)
MOS Movable Oil Saturation
MOS Monitor Only Stations
MOS Manually Out of Service
MOS Modine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.)
MOS Modetti Office Services (Singapore)
#21320795 at 2024-07-30 13:39:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #26129: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
MOS - media object server
The MOS protocol is used by all newsrooms to relay the Deep State's 4am talking points and keywords.
This week's keyword is "weird".
#21075149 at 2024-06-24 00:40:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25836: *** Edition
no, Roseanne is a media object server, anon.
#20568816 at 2024-03-15 00:58:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25227: PTZ Camera Operator Must Have Seen Who Placed the Pipe Bomb on J6 Edition
I'm oldfag enough to 'member when media object server was being shilled here as the potential multiple meaning.
#20372608 at 2024-02-07 15:45:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24994: Good Riddance Ronna Edition
What did we determine MOS= again?
media object server or Military Occupational Specialty?
#18452997 at 2023-03-06 01:33:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #22626: Comfy We Stand Edition
Wow, that media object server sure is a popular subject for those in power.
Who knew?
Now, where's Vatican Shill with an opposing viewpoint when you really need him?
>t. On that Useless Section of Day Shift (post-Swordy) Thank God
#18064837 at 2023-01-03 09:55:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #22141: Damar Hamlin Edition
media object server.
Fuck you assyapedo coup Patel.
#17826953 at 2022-11-27 03:17:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21850: NO REGRETS Edition
https://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/media object server
#17826849 at 2022-11-27 02:53:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21850: NO REGRETS Edition
Why abbreviate Mossad?
It's a word not an acronym.
I see Q just says MOSSAD and not MOS.
Anyone with half a brain would think MOS stands for something that runs M_ O_ S____.
Men Of Service
media object server
Military Occupational Specialty
You know like a fuckn acronym, not just cutting a word in half.
#16774185 at 2022-07-21 14:12:57 (UTC+1)
MOS = media object server, uh, is a SADcringe attempt to deflect?
"Yeah, tHaT's tHe TiCkEt!"
#16562863 at 2022-06-30 05:21:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20956: Fake Storyteller Cassidy Hutchinson Has Been Totally Discredited? Edition
>media object server
>McAfee Operating System
Kek. Macintosh makin' a fee fr fr no cap.
Heckuva spinoff for his antivirus software…
#16418492 at 2022-06-09 09:03:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20770: Night Shift On Duty Edition
I wait until now, tune into ABC, they have it canned as "stories". media object server.
Hoping we get some memes at the J6 farce today.
SCotUS could drop from their list of 30 cases left.
#16257460 at 2022-05-12 00:33:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20565: Senate fails to advance bill to codify abortion rights Edition
>>16257291 pb
somebody previous bread asked about MOS
and pondered what it could mean beside Mossad?
MOS Months
MOS Military Occupational Specialty (US Army)
MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Microsoft Office Specialist
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MOS Ministry of Sound (London Night Club)
MOS Museum of Science (Boston, MA)
MOS Man of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS)
MOS Man On the Street (type of interview)
MOS Margin of Safety
MOS Manual of Style
MOS Mates of State (band)
MOS My Oracle Support (software)
MOS Mambo Open Source
MOS Miracle of Science (science fiction)
MOS Material On Site
MOS Medical Outcomes Study
MOS Moment of Silence
MOS Motorways of the Sea (EU)
MOS Model Output Statistics
MOS Measure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL)
MOS Master Operating System
MOS Multiuser Operating System
MOS Multiprogramming Operating System
MOS Modular Optical Scanner
MOS Mobile Office Support
MOS Minimum Operating System
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Managed objects
MOS Mobile Office System
MOS Mission Operation System
MOS Mobile Office Suite
MOS Magneto Optic Storage
MOS Management Operating System
MOS Metal-Oxide-Silicon
MOS Motor Operated Switch
MOS Made of Steel
MOS Mission Operations System (US NASA)
MOS Military One Source (US DoD)
MOS Member of the Opposite Sex
MOS Medical Office Specialist
MOS Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD)
MOS Mobile Operating System
MOS Maintenance Operations Squadron
MOS Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school)
MOS Multi-object Spectrograph
MOS Marine Observation Satellite
MOS Mom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder)
MOS Macintosh Operating System
MOS media object server
MOS Multi-object Spectrometer
MOS Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; various locations)
MOS Married out of Society (Quaker religion)
MOS Multimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation)
MOS Mu Online server
MOS Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer)
MOS Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database)
MOS Make Out Session
MOS Matter of Size
MOS Manual of Standards
MOS Medical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
MOS Monthly Operational Summary
MOS Managed Office Solutions (UK)
MOS Member of Service (police)
MOS Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy)
MOS Michigan Office Solutions (est. 1957)
MOS Mission of Service
MOS Major Orthopedic Surgery
MOS Minimum Operating Strip
MOS Mic-O-Say (Tribe)
MOS Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
MOS Margin on Services (insurance)
MOS MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System)
MOS Method of Statement
MOS Mode Of Shipment
MOS Mini Operating System
MOS Major Operating System
MOS Multi-Beam Optical Sensor
MOS Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA)
MOS Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school)
MOS Mother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct)
MOS Military Occupation Skill
MOS Massachusetts Orchid Society
MOS Method Of Supply
MOS Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI)
MOS Mobility Operations School
MOS Military Operations Specialist (FAA)
MOS My Own Science (education program)
MOS Metal Oxide Substrate
MOS Managed Operations Services (various companies)
MOS Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain)
MOS Maintenance Out of Service
MOS Manually Operated Switch (railroads)
MOS Minimum Operating Standard
MOS Maritime Observation Satellite
MOS Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape)
MOS Mute on Sound
MOS Manned Orbital Station
MOS Minimum Operational Sensitivity
MOS Maintenance Override Switch
MOS Marked Out of Stock
MOS Marine Occupational Standard
MOS Management Operations Staff
MOS Manual Observing System
MOS Military Oceanography Subcommittee
MOS Malibu Orchid Society, Inc.
MOS Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog)
MOS Measure Of Suitability/Stability
MOS Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education)
MOS Madonna of the Streets
MOS Minus Optical Strip (acting)
MOS MANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System (open source software)
MOS Material Ordering Schedule
MOS Modulated Orthogonal Sequence
MOS Military Obligated Service
MOS Materials Ordering System
MOS Monitor Only Stations
MOS Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian)
MOS Mission Operational Specialty
MOS Morph Operating System
MOS Main object Size
MOS Multifunctional Operator System
MOS Movable Oil Saturation
MOS Manually Out of Service
MOS Modine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.)
MOS Modetti Office Services (Singapore)
#16256337 at 2022-05-11 21:16:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20563: Do Something’ to Fight Voter Fraud (#DoSomething) Edition
>Notice how DART does not delete the posts spammed over and over again saying MOS = media object server, but does delete the Q posts. Almost like Dart has a Jewish Agenda.
Ex 1.1
/ \
(Alt + US media) (US Politicians)
/ \
Those who scream the loudest....
Find the connections.
Marching to the same beat?
Logical thinking.
Follow the picture.
"Jerome Corsi who I outed as a MOSSAD asset/agent in a 1997 sting operation in London. Corsi and Piper Jaffray broker Brad Ahmundson were integral to a fraud that took Minnesota investors for $1 million that the FBI refused to properly investigate. Instead, agents sought to portray me as responsible. Corsi is named as the author of several best-selling Israeli psy-ops books, including Unfit for Command (2004), Atomic Iran (2005), Minutemen (2006), The Obama Nation (2008)."
MSM attacks.
[Round 2]
MOSSAD attempts failed.
Clown attempts failed.
Expect bigger push.
FBI (4) open investigations.
8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).
FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]
Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.
Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).
They are losing control.
#16256325 at 2022-05-11 21:15:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20563: Do Something’ to Fight Voter Fraud (#DoSomething) Edition
Notice how DART does not delete the posts spammed over and over again saying MOS = media object server, but does delete the Q posts. Almost like Dart has a Jewish Agenda.
#16256122 at 2022-05-11 20:44:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20563: Do Something’ to Fight Voter Fraud (#DoSomething) Edition
Sure thing, MOSSAD. There's a great big media object server that controls Us politicians and US Alt media.
MOSSAD goes full retard.
#16256069 at 2022-05-11 20:38:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20563: Do Something’ to Fight Voter Fraud (#DoSomething) Edition
MSM attacks.
[Round 2]
MOSSAD attempts failed.
Clown attempts failed.
Expect bigger push.
FBI (4) open investigations.
8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).
FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]
Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.
Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).
They are losing control.
Follow the picture.
"Jerome Corsi who I outed as a MOSSAD asset/agent in a 1997 sting operation in London. Corsi and Piper Jaffray broker Brad Ahmundson were integral to a fraud that took Minnesota investors for $1 million that the FBI refused to properly investigate. Instead, agents sought to portray me as responsible. Corsi is named as the author of several best-selling Israeli psy-ops books, including Unfit for Command (2004), Atomic Iran (2005), Minutemen (2006), The Obama Nation (2008)."
Ex 1.1
/ \
(Alt + US media) (US Politicians)
/ \
Those who scream the loudest....
Find the connections.
Marching to the same beat?
Logical thinking.
ISRAELI intelligence - stand down.
media assets will be removed.
media object server. KEK.
#16256066 at 2022-05-11 20:37:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20563: Do Something’ to Fight Voter Fraud (#DoSomething) Edition
#16256028 at 2022-05-11 20:32:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20563: Do Something’ to Fight Voter Fraud (#DoSomething) Edition
media object server
#16103879 at 2022-04-19 03:21:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20370: SC calls for Convention of the States Edition
Make sure the older stuff gets buried now, satanists are counting on you
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097870 Ukraine offensive 'no more scandalous' than invading Iraq - ex-French ambassador
>>16097894, >>16097898 US Congressman reveals seats on committees are "literally" bought
>>16098167 Brian Cates: "They Fear Us" - The People Can Shape the Future If They Choose to Fight Back - Lara Logan (includes rumble link)
>>16098202 National media 'won't mention' U.S. city where shootings are non-stop (wnd link)
#16099793 at 2022-04-18 15:28:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20365: Decertify the Fraud! Edition
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097758, 16097763 Hussein tweets: Easter & Passover
>>16097799, >>16097821 Planefag calms halfchan fears
>>16097870 Ukraine offensive 'no more scandalous' than invading Iraq - ex-French ambassador
>>16097894, >>16097898 US Congressman reveals seats on committees are "literally" bought
>>16097955, >>16097959, >>16097970 Clockfag
>>16098024 Reminder: Q Drop #619 "YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW"
>>16098167 Brian Cates: "They Fear Us" - The People Can Shape the Future If They Choose to Fight Back - Lara Logan (includes rumble link)
>>16098193 Illinois Now Providing Illegal Immigrants With Free Healthcare (TGP link)
>>16098202 National media 'won't mention' U.S. city where shootings are non-stop (wnd link)
>>16098211 Twitter suspends PapiTrumpo account
>>16098227 #20362
Previously Collected
>>16096699 #20360, >>16097455 #20361,
>>16094395 #20357, >>16095147 #20358, >>16095913 #20359
>>16092176 #20354, >>16092806 #20355, >>16093583 #20356
>>16089641 #20351, >>16090451 #20352, >>16091215 #20353
>>16087325 #20348, >>16088099 #20349, >>16088810 #20350
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!
#16099024 at 2022-04-18 13:27:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #203564: Follow The White Rabbit Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread NEW
>>15620842 Banner guidelines
>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls
>>15916235 HB laptop dig - REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics
>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns
>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough
>>16098285 MTG tweet: Hunter Biden's lap top about to be released. "what bothers me even more are all the people that covered it up and are ok with it all"
>>16098287 Alleged cult leader arrested on charges including rape in Dekalb County
>>16098294 Missouri man sentenced to 10 years in prison for trying to "hire a hitman to kill the minor he was accused of molesting in an effort to avoid charges"
>>16098374 The Hill: Another Russian General killed amid invasion, Russian official says
>>16098384 LGBT Remakes Of 'Fight Club' And 'My Best Friend's Wedding' Are In The Works
>>16098411, >>16098445 Alex Jones' InfoWars files for bankruptcy in U.S. court
>>16098437 CIA Bombshell: The Sussman Data Was "User Created"
>>16098440, >>16098451, >>16098598 Fox News' Charles Payne pulls no punches
>>16098534 Trump attempt at a coup to be a focus of U.S. House hearings, Ratskin says
>>16098651 Denver school board member Tay Anderson is resuming board duties after stepping back from his role in June to allow for an independent investigation into alleged sexual misconduct
>>16098751 Salon hitpiece on capitol rioters
>>16098808 Russian Ruble holding steady, almost back to pre-sanctions buying power vs the Dollar.
>>16098840 White House announces second global COVID summit on May 12 aiming to "bring solutions to vaccinate the world for everyone, everywhere."
>>16098871 Gazprombank is a key bank in Kremlin's gas-for-rubles scheme/former VP, wife and daugher found murder-suicide
>>16098914 Kerik Exposes Sham Jan 6th Panel - "Goal Is To Influence The Election rt >>16098751
>>16098931 Oklahoma Senate Passes Firearm Discrimination Prevention
>>16098994 #20363
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097758, 16097763 Hussein tweets: Easter & Passover
>>16097799, >>16097821 Planefag calms halfchan fears
>>16097870 Ukraine offensive 'no more scandalous' than invading Iraq - ex-French ambassador
>>16097894, >>16097898 US Congressman reveals seats on committees are "literally" bought
>>16097955, >>16097959, >>16097970 Clockfag
>>16098024 Reminder: Q Drop #619 "YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW"
>>16098167 Brian Cates: "They Fear Us" - The People Can Shape the Future If They Choose to Fight Back - Lara Logan (includes rumble link)
>>16098193 Illinois Now Providing Illegal Immigrants With Free Healthcare (TGP link)
>>16098202 National media 'won't mention' U.S. city where shootings are non-stop (wnd link)
>>16098211 Twitter suspends PapiTrumpo account
>>16098227 #20362
>>16096773 Baker change
>>16096746, >>16097323, >>16097347 @mikepompeo Happy Dog Comms!
>>16096762, >>16096769 Let's Talk About [Melissa Hodgman] sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15
>>16096793 Another possible 'ritualistic killing', "It makes you wonder what type of world you are living in. It's like spiritual, we're in a spiritual warfare,"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16096850 Q3987 two year delta on the 2 lanterns .jpg
>>16096876 The European Parliament intends to collect 617,000 euro from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters, accused of embezzlement - AFP
>>16096885 FDA investigating [Lucky Charms] What if this is a metaphor for something else...? What would it be?
>>16096890 Reset the the clock: Zero days now since RFID chips have been advertised in the news [British-Polish company Walletmor]
>>16097030, >>16097031, >>16097048, >>16097060 The Power of le NIGHT SHIFT
>>16097045 PF: Zelensky out to meet with Someone from Russia now???
>>16097191 PF: Turkish AF TR010 Challenger 600 on descent for Ankara and switched "off" before arrival
>>16097068 Philadelphia: 50 Shot, Nine of Them Fatally in Violent Easter Weekend
>>16097080 RE: Blackrock CEO Larry Fink's Family Tree, Check out Corey's Digs on Fink
>>16097081 Spanish police seize nearly 3 tonnes of cocaine hidden on fishing boat
>>16097111 Anon opine on dog handlers
>>16097230 "Resurrection of the American Conversation" - BIBLICAL discussion.mp4
>>16097257, >>16097380 Perhaps dasting
>>16097368 REPOST: It is a great thing you do, just by being here
>>16097455 #20361
Previously Collected
>>16096699 #20360, >>16097455 #20361, >>16098227 #20362
>>16094395 #20357, >>16095147 #20358, >>16095913 #20359
>>16092176 #20354, >>16092806 #20355, >>16093583 #20356
>>16089641 #20351, >>16090451 #20352, >>16091215 #20353
>>16087325 #20348, >>16088099 #20349, >>16088810 #20350
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!
#16098922 at 2022-04-18 13:13:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #203563: Monday Candy Clearance Sales Edition
One of the reasons shills be gobblin bread to bury things
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
#16098237 at 2022-04-18 10:03:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #203563: Monday Candy Clearance Sales Edition
>>16096773 Baker change
>>16096746, >>16097323, >>16097347 @mikepompeo Happy Dog Comms!
>>16096762, >>16096769 Let's Talk About [Melissa Hodgman] sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15
>>16096793 Another possible 'ritualistic killing', "It makes you wonder what type of world you are living in. It's like spiritual, we're in a spiritual warfare,"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16096850 Q3987 two year delta on the 2 lanterns .jpg
>>16096876 The European Parliament intends to collect 617,000 euro from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters, accused of embezzlement - AFP
>>16096885 FDA investigating [Lucky Charms] What if this is a metaphor for something else...? What would it be?
>>16096890 Reset the the clock: Zero days now since RFID chips have been advertised in the news [British-Polish company Walletmor]
>>16097030, >>16097031, >>16097048, >>16097060 The Power of le NIGHT SHIFT
>>16097045 PF: Zelensky out to meet with Someone from Russia now???
>>16097191 PF: Turkish AF TR010 Challenger 600 on descent for Ankara and switched "off" before arrival
>>16097068 Philadelphia: 50 Shot, Nine of Them Fatally in Violent Easter Weekend
>>16097080 RE: Blackrock CEO Larry Fink's Family Tree, Check out Corey's Digs on Fink
>>16097081 Spanish police seize nearly 3 tonnes of cocaine hidden on fishing boat
>>16097111 Anon opine on dog handlers
>>16097230 "Resurrection of the American Conversation" - BIBLICAL discussion.mp4
>>16097257, >>16097380 Perhaps dasting
>>16097368 REPOST: It is a great thing you do, just by being here
>>16097455 #20361
#16098235 at 2022-04-18 10:03:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #203563: Monday Candy Clearance Sales Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread NEW
>>15620842 Banner guidelines
>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls
>>15916235 HB laptop dig - REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics
>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns
>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097758, 16097763 Hussein tweets: Easter & Passover
>>16097799, >>16097821 Planefag calms halfchan fears
>>16097870 Ukraine offensive 'no more scandalous' than invading Iraq - ex-French ambassador
>>16097894, >>16097898 US Congressman reveals seats on committees are "literally" bought
>>16097955, >>16097959, >>16097970 Clockfag
>>16098024 Reminder: Q Drop #619 "YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW"
>>16098167 Brian Cates: "They Fear Us" - The People Can Shape the Future If They Choose to Fight Back - Lara Logan (includes rumble link)
>>16098193 Illinois Now Providing Illegal Immigrants With Free Healthcare (TGP link)
>>16098202 National media 'won't mention' U.S. city where shootings are non-stop (wnd link)
>>16098211 Twitter suspends PapiTrumpo account
>>16098227 #20362
#16098227 at 2022-04-18 10:01:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097758, 16097763 Hussein tweets: Easter & Passover
>>16097799, >>16097821 Planefag calms halfchan fears
>>16097870 Ukraine offensive 'no more scandalous' than invading Iraq - ex-French ambassador
>>16097894, >>16097898 US Congressman reveals seats on committees are "literally" bought
>>16097955, >>16097959, >>16097970 Clockfag
>>16098024 Reminder: Q Drop #619 "YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW"
>>16098167 Brian Cates: "They Fear Us" - The People Can Shape the Future If They Choose to Fight Back - Lara Logan (includes rumble link)
>>16098193 Illinois Now Providing Illegal Immigrants With Free Healthcare (TGP link)
>>16098202 National media 'won't mention' U.S. city where shootings are non-stop (wnd link)
>>16098211 Twitter suspends PapiTrumpo account
#16098171 at 2022-04-18 09:39:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
Notes passing 650
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097758, 16097763 Hussein tweets: Easter & Passover
>>16097799, >>16097821 Planefag calms halfchan fears
>>16097870 Ukraine offensive 'no more scandalous' than invading Iraq - ex-French ambassador
>>16097894, >>16097898 US Congressman reveals seats on committees are "literally" bought
>>16097955, >>16097959, >>16097970 Clockfag
>>16098024 Reminder: Q Drop #619 "YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW"
>>16098167 Brian Cates: "They Fear Us" - The People Can Shape the Future If They Choose to Fight Back - Lara Logan (includes rumble link)
#16097987 at 2022-04-18 08:19:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
Notes passing 475
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 ICYMI: MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097758, 16097763 Hussein tweets: Easter & Passover
>>16097799, >>16097821 Planefag calms halfchan fears
>>16097870 Ukraine offensive 'no more scandalous' than invading Iraq - ex-French ambassador
>>16097894, >>16097898 US Congressman reveals seats on committees are "literally" bought
>>16097955, >>16097959, >>16097970 Clockfag
#16097925 at 2022-04-18 07:55:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
Big ass string of numbers:
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
How about one of those ICYMI?
#16097871 at 2022-04-18 07:33:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
>MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
Hey notes, looks like you went with the same tagline as last bread which anon has deemed obsolete, pls update it to include the [MOS] Obama propaganda act or bill or whatever anon was alluding to in this bread
#16097837 at 2022-04-18 07:17:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
Notes passing 335
>>16097514, >>16097530, >>16097539, >>16097544 Is a last stand for guarding a biolab "pit" happening?
>>16097681, >>16097698 Hunter Biden's lap top contents more attention
>>16097736 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16097752 Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign's False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate
>>16097758, 16097763 Hussein tweets: Easter & Passover
>>16097799, >>16097821 Planefag calms halfchan fears
#16097736 at 2022-04-18 06:36:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
These are all incorrect.
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
#16097460 at 2022-04-18 05:23:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20362: It has become abundantly clear that there is corruption Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread NEW
>>15620842 Banner guidelines
>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls
>>15916235 HB laptop dig - REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics
>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns
>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough
>>16096773 Baker change
>>16096746, >>16097323, >>16097347 @mikepompeo Happy Dog Comms!
>>16096762, >>16096769 Let's Talk About [Melissa Hodgman] sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15
>>16096793 Another possible 'ritualistic killing', "It makes you wonder what type of world you are living in. It's like spiritual, we're in a spiritual warfare,"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16096850 Q3987 two year delta on the 2 lanterns .jpg
>>16096876 The European Parliament intends to collect 617,000 euro from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters, accused of embezzlement - AFP
>>16096885 FDA investigating [Lucky Charms] What if this is a metaphor for something else...? What would it be?
>>16096890 Reset the the clock: Zero days now since RFID chips have been advertised in the news [British-Polish company Walletmor]
>>16097030, >>16097031, >>16097048, >>16097060 The Power of le NIGHT SHIFT
>>16097045 PF: Zelensky out to meet with Someone from Russia now???
>>16097191 PF: Turkish AF TR010 Challenger 600 on descent for Ankara and switched "off" before arrival
>>16097068 Philadelphia: 50 Shot, Nine of Them Fatally in Violent Easter Weekend
>>16097080 RE: Blackrock CEO Larry Fink's Family Tree, Check out Corey's Digs on Fink
>>16097081 Spanish police seize nearly 3 tonnes of cocaine hidden on fishing boat
>>16097111 Anon opine on dog handlers
>>16097230 "Resurrection of the American Conversation" - BIBLICAL discussion.mp4
>>16097257, >>16097380 Perhaps dasting
>>16097368 REPOST: It is a great thing you do, just by being here
>>16097455 #20361
>>16096057 Monsanto unveils a neonicotinoid-pesticide-resistant transgenic bee
>>16096098 Biderman's chart of coercion - psychological warfare - biological warfare - sample only
>>16096119, >>16096135 Elon Musk, Twatter, Tesla, Space X and possible outcomes of hostile takeover and what it costs "him" and "them" and Friday OpEx volumes"
>>16096141, >>16095994 Delaney/Maps
>>16096146, >>16096176 Operation MKNaomi pdf
>>16096153 More faces of evil in link - Mathias Cormann and Co/Council for Inclusive Capitalism
>>16096202 All seems intertwined with pedophile networks -
>>16096236 BlackRock CEO Larry Fink's Family Tree Was A Mystery Until Now
>>16096242, >>16096261, >>16096266 Rothschild GQ Systematic International Fund, Ltd./WHO countries
>>16096285 Daszak Admits Fauci Funded Chinese Coronavirus Research
>>16096312 WaPo Already Floating Names Of Democrats Who Could Run In 2024 Instead Of Biden
>>16096401 California Has New Trucking Regulations to Help Make Matters Worse
>>16096405, >>16096457 Ever Forward ship freed from Chesapeake Bay in Maryland
>>16096482 Turkish warplanes on Sunday continued to heavily bombard areas in northern Duhok province under the pretext of targeting Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) fighters
>>16096511, >>16096517 Violent Riots Erupt in Sweden After Politician Threatened to Soak Quran in Pig's Blood and Light it On Fire
>>16096512, >>16096519 The Doolittle Raid 18 April 1942
>>16096572 Abbott Signs Agreement With 4th Mexican Governor
>>16096699 #20360
#16097455 at 2022-04-18 05:22:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20361: No Moar Pinatas Edition
>>16096773 Baker change
>>16096746, >>16097323, >>16097347 @mikepompeo Happy Dog Comms!
>>16096762, >>16096769 Let's Talk About [Melissa Hodgman] sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15
>>16096793 Another possible 'ritualistic killing', "It makes you wonder what type of world you are living in. It's like spiritual, we're in a spiritual warfare,"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16096850 Q3987 two year delta on the 2 lanterns .jpg
>>16096876 The European Parliament intends to collect 617,000 euro from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters, accused of embezzlement - AFP
>>16096885 FDA investigating [Lucky Charms] What if this is a metaphor for something else...? What would it be?
>>16096890 Reset the the clock: Zero days now since RFID chips have been advertised in the news [British-Polish company Walletmor]
>>16097030, >>16097031, >>16097048, >>16097060 The Power of le NIGHT SHIFT
>>16097045 PF: Zelensky out to meet with Someone from Russia now???
>>16097191 PF: Turkish AF TR010 Challenger 600 on descent for Ankara and switched "off" before arrival
>>16097068 Philadelphia: 50 Shot, Nine of Them Fatally in Violent Easter Weekend
>>16097080 RE: Blackrock CEO Larry Fink's Family Tree, Check out Corey's Digs on Fink
>>16097081 Spanish police seize nearly 3 tonnes of cocaine hidden on fishing boat
>>16097111 Anon opine on dog handlers
>>16097230 "Resurrection of the American Conversation" - BIBLICAL discussion.mp4
>>16097257, >>16097380 Perhaps dasting
>>16097368 REPOST: It is a great thing you do, just by being here
nom if missed
le final
#16097444 at 2022-04-18 05:20:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20361: No Moar Pinatas Edition
>>16096773 Baker change
>>16096746, >>16097323, >>16097347 @mikepompeo Happy Dog Comms!
>>16096762, >>16096769 Let's Talk About [Melissa Hodgman] sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15
>>16096793 Another possible 'ritualistic killing', "It makes you wonder what type of world you are living in. It's like spiritual, we're in a spiritual warfare,"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16096850 Q3987 two year delta on the 2 lanterns .jpg
>>16096876 The European Parliament intends to collect 617,000 euro from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters, accused of embezzlement - AFP
>>16096885 FDA investigating [Lucky Charms] What if this is a metaphor for something else...? What would it be?
>>16096890 Reset the the clock: Zero days now since RFID chips have been advertised in the news [British-Polish company Walletmor]
>>16097030, >>16097031, >>16097048, >>16097060 The Power of le NIGHT SHIFT
>>16097045 PF: Zelensky out to meet with Someone from Russia now???
>>16097191 PF: Turkish AF TR010 Challenger 600 on descent for Ankara and switched "off" before arrival
>>16097068 Philadelphia: 50 Shot, Nine of Them Fatally in Violent Easter Weekend
>>16097080 RE: Blackrock CEO Larry Fink's Family Tree, Check out Corey's Digs on Fink
>>16097081 Spanish police seize nearly 3 tonnes of cocaine hidden on fishing boat
>>16097111 Anon opine on dog handlers
>>16097230 "Resurrection of the American Conversation" - BIBLICAL discussion.mp4
>>16097368 REPOST: It is a great thing you do, just by being here
#16097188 at 2022-04-18 04:10:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20361: No Moar Pinatas Edition
>>16096773 Baker change
>>16096762, >>16096769 Let's Talk About [Melissa Hodgman] sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15
>>16096793 Another possible 'ritualistic killing', "It makes you wonder what type of world you are living in. It's like spiritual, we're in a spiritual warfare,"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155 MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was 'media object server'
>>16096850 Q3987 two year delta on the 2 lanterns .jpg
>>16096876 The European Parliament intends to collect 617,000 euro from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters, accused of embezzlement - AFP
>>16096890 Reset the the clock: Zero days since RFID chips have been advertised in the news [British-Polish company Walletmor]
>>16097030, >>16097031, >>16097048, >>16097060 The Power of le NIGHT SHIFT
>>16097045 PF: Zelensky out to meet with Someone from Russia now???
>>16097068 Philadelphia: 50 Shot, Nine of Them Fatally in Violent Easter Weekend
>>16097080 RE: Blackrock CEO Larry Fink's Family Tree, Check out Corey's Digs on Fink.
>>16097081 Spanish police seize nearly 3 tonnes of cocaine hidden on fishing boat
>>16097111 Anon opine on dog handlers
nom if missed
#16097155 at 2022-04-18 03:59:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20361: No Moar Pinatas Edition
If you recall correctly, MOS was originally used to refer to Mossad by Q (In the context of C_A/MOS), and the very first counter post was media object server, which was a very uninformative dead end.
But sure you can go research it all here…
#16096985 at 2022-04-18 03:19:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20361: No Moar Pinatas Edition
>>16096773 Baker change
>>16096762, >>16096769 Let's Talk About [Melissa Hodgman] sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-15
>>16096793 Another possible 'ritualistic killing', "It makes you wonder what type of world you are living in. It's like spiritual, we're in a spiritual warfare,"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896 Muhsod media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) video servers, audio servers
>>16096850 Q3987 two year delta on the 2 lanterns .jpg
>>16096876 The European Parliament intends to collect 617,000 euro from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters, accused of embezzlement - AFP
>>16096890 Reset the the clock: Zero days since RFID chips have been advertised in the news [British-Polish company Walletmor]
nom if missed
Honorable Mentions:
>>16096774 Israel = gay
>>16096976 more verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion
#16096844 at 2022-04-18 02:53:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20361: No Moar Pinatas Edition
>media Operating System
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production. The MOS protocol is based on XML.
#16092408 at 2022-04-17 13:18:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20355: Easter Ebake Edition
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production.
In simple terms …. it's how news outlets are fed instructions and scripts for what to say and why we see them all parroting the same crap word-for-word. Scripted fake news.
#16092399 at 2022-04-17 13:17:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20355: Easter Ebake Edition
Because everybody believes Q meant media object server when he said AJ was MOS backed in Q2089.
>kek you'll never stop trying but you'll also never get the majority here to believe you
#16002867 at 2022-04-03 12:05:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20239: Red Text Special Edition
media object server doesn't control us politicians, but Israel does (everyone panders to Israel).
Shill harder, Hasbara troll. Israel comes last, and every zionist in the West is going to be deported or hanged for treason.
https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care"
https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"
https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"
https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"
https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"
https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"
#16002812 at 2022-04-03 11:50:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20239: Red Text Special Edition
Multiple meanings exist.
media object server
Been dug, anon.
#15975241 at 2022-03-30 09:05:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20203: Night Shift Bingo Hall Edition
5am EDT.
Time to see what the media object server determined is "news" today.
Ukrainians bombing their Russian-held selves?
Alex Jones, MSM have said he's QKEK
Moar Oscars, the most play they have had in years.
Good morning, anons. We have work at hand.
#15590674 at 2022-02-10 03:00:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19714: FF Inbound Washington, DC Role Players with SECRET clearance Edition
Could be Military Operations Speciality
media object server, which actually fits the context of the post that uses it.
#15357059 at 2022-01-12 12:57:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
We did then, in '18.
Thought Q told us media object server.
#15210704 at 2021-12-18 01:15:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19243: CNN is a Pedophilic Den: Child Rapists Steve Brusk & Rick Saleeby Edition
>media object server
#15210671 at 2021-12-18 01:07:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19242: Dead as a Door Nail BOOM Edition
>>media object server
Shitstorm brewing…good times.
#15210628 at 2021-12-18 01:03:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19242: Dead as a Door Nail BOOM Edition
>media object server
100% couldn't be MOSSAD. Zero chance.
#15210601 at 2021-12-18 01:00:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19242: Dead as a Door Nail BOOM Edition
media object server
#14958595 at 2021-11-09 13:36:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18923: High Energy Ebake, Over Target Edition
Not the MOS that Q said AJ works for.
That stands for media object server.
Or so I've been told…
#14860771 at 2021-10-26 15:09:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18797: FDA Meeting on COVID Vaccine for Children Edition
That's the QR resident It's Not The Jews MOS agent.
The same one that says Q meant media object server.
#14568226 at 2021-09-13 02:53:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18428: Gen Flynn AZ Audit Is Key to Restoring Integrity Of US Elections Edition
CM is the media object server. Actually, CM is the slide that leads to the slide that leads you away from the media object server. Q said it was MOS, and everyone was like "Mossad!" but it wasn't. It was CM convincing Cullen it was Bannon, convincing everyone it was Hunter's Chinese handlers that it was Kim duping Rodman into convincing PDJT it was AJ's secretary, Owen, that it was a media object server. It's so implausible that CM obvious guilt could never be believed. Conclusion? CM is a stand user bent on eternal multiplicative diffraction of plausible realities to advert attention from his intended methods.
It might just be the most powerful stand of all time.
#14507537 at 2021-09-02 07:20:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18352: For God And Comfy Edition
Can't hang with you guise long, the picture fix killed two routers. Miss you fags.
Saw this laughable CNN posting.
They quote SITE Intel group. Never heard of them. Only one woman as their front man. Provide info for all the media object server types 4am drops, as listed.
May be worth a dig.
#14457697 at 2021-08-25 21:45:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18289: Trump needs to make a full stand against vaccine passports Edition
Nuh-uh - it's media object server according to frens of our greatest ally.
#14274723 at 2021-08-05 12:33:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18059: The '[D] Party Con' Edition
You arrogant newfags are hard to take sometimes.
Lurk moar, faggot.
#14274659 at 2021-08-05 12:02:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18059: The '[D] Party Con' Edition
Long ago dig.
media object server
#13878853 at 2021-06-11 15:54:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17569: It's always night somewhere Edition
Oh, I see the media object server drop got mentioned again.
Or whatever else MOS stands for as long as it's not MOSsad the most obvious who controls the majority of the media/US Politicians meaning.
#13849705 at 2021-06-07 15:30:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17533: Dubs Re-Purposed For Good Edition
>>13846212, >>13846353, >>13846393 Anon #17527 Start Bun <0
>>13846403 #17528
>>13845131, >>13845154 University of Washington president, communist
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Merkel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
>>13845313 And a Spanish Knight, Anthony Geist
>>13845314 Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
>>13845357 North Korea has condemned Israel for turning the Gaza Strip "into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring children" after the latest violent conflict between Jerusalem and Hamas.
>>13845379, >>13845286 It's said this group "Gladio" came over and HAS been active FOR DECADES in the USA (Gladio logo kinda looks like swordy!)
>>13846798 #17527
#13848781 at 2021-06-07 13:01:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17532: Big Day? Edition
>>13845131, >>13845154 University of Washington president, communist
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Merkel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
>>13845313 And a Spanish Knight, Anthony Geist
>>13845314 Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
>>13845357 North Korea has condemned Israel for turning the Gaza Strip "into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring children" after the latest violent conflict between Jerusalem and Hamas.
>>13845379, >>13845286 It's said this group "Gladio" came over and HAS been active FOR DECADES in the USA (Gladio logo kinda looks like swordy!)
>>13846798 #17527
>>13844265 Biden's Commerce Secretary: Cyberattacks on American Businesses Are Here to Stay and if Anything Will Intensify
>>13844272 The Individuals Behind Obama's Jan 2017 Memo Re-Authorizing Funding for 'Gain of Function' R&D Were the Same Individuals Who Lied and Claimed COVID Wasn't Created in a Lab
>>13844294 United Airlines orders 15 Boom Overture Supersonic aircraft
>>13844572 Meghan and Harry welcome second child, Lilibet 'Lili' Diana
>>13844505, >>13844654 VP Kamala Harris Plane Bound For Guatemala Turned Back to Joint Base Andrews Over 'Technical Issue'
>>13844590 NEW Dan Scavino
>>13844692 Shocking Speech by Thierry Baudet about 2010 Document Exposes Rockefeller Foundation and Globalist Scheme (VIDEO)
>>13844712, >>13844776 Who were Victor and Lois Porlier ? Killed in a massive blast at their home yesterday, Berne, Albany County, NY.
>>13844735 Republican Wins 'Non-Partisan' Fort Worth Mayor Race
>>13844474 , >>13844487 , >>13844501 , >>13844521 , >>13844530 , >>13844546 #𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄 #𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐓 Anon mini bun Mega Update- Mark Meadows -Who is Brad Johnson?
>>13844760 Virologist Who Told Fauci SARS-CoV-2 'Potentially Engineered' Just Deleted 5,000 Tweets
>>13844880 USA TODAY did ballot fact-checking with Jeff Ellington, COO/President of Runbeck.
>>13844965 #17526
#13848010 at 2021-06-07 06:44:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17531: Conviction; What Is Yours? E-Bake Setup For Noobies Edition
>>13845131, >>13845154 University of Washington president, communist
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Merkel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
>>13845313 And a Spanish Knight, Anthony Geist
>>13845314 Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
>>13845357 North Korea has condemned Israel for turning the Gaza Strip "into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring children" after the latest violent conflict between Jerusalem and Hamas.
>>13845379, >>13845286 It's said this group "Gladio" came over and HAS been active FOR DECADES in the USA (Gladio logo kinda looks like swordy!)
>>13846798 #17527
>>13844265 Biden's Commerce Secretary: Cyberattacks on American Businesses Are Here to Stay and if Anything Will Intensify
>>13844272 The Individuals Behind Obama's Jan 2017 Memo Re-Authorizing Funding for 'Gain of Function' R&D Were the Same Individuals Who Lied and Claimed COVID Wasn't Created in a Lab
>>13844294 United Airlines orders 15 Boom Overture Supersonic aircraft
>>13844572 Meghan and Harry welcome second child, Lilibet 'Lili' Diana
>>13844505, >>13844654 VP Kamala Harris Plane Bound For Guatemala Turned Back to Joint Base Andrews Over 'Technical Issue'
>>13844590 NEW Dan Scavino
>>13844692 Shocking Speech by Thierry Baudet about 2010 Document Exposes Rockefeller Foundation and Globalist Scheme (VIDEO)
>>13844712, >>13844776 Who were Victor and Lois Porlier ? Killed in a massive blast at their home yesterday, Berne, Albany County, NY.
>>13844735 Republican Wins 'Non-Partisan' Fort Worth Mayor Race
>>13844474 , >>13844487 , >>13844501 , >>13844521 , >>13844530 , >>13844546 #𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄 #𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐓 Anon mini bun Mega Update- Mark Meadows -Who is Brad Johnson?
>>13844760 Virologist Who Told Fauci SARS-CoV-2 'Potentially Engineered' Just Deleted 5,000 Tweets
>>13844880 USA TODAY did ballot fact-checking with Jeff Ellington, COO/President of Runbeck.
>>13844965 #17526
#13847237 at 2021-06-07 02:49:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17530: Unrest in Minneapolis. . . . Again. Edition
>>13845131, >>13845154 University of Washington president, communist
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Markel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
>>13845313 And a Spanish Knight, Anthony Geist
>>13845314 Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
>>13845357 North Korea has condemned Israel for turning the Gaza Strip "into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring children" after the latest violent conflict between Jerusalem and Hamas.
>>13845379, >>13845286 It's said this group "Gladio" came over and HAS been active FOR DECADES in the USA (Gladio logo kinda looks like swordy!)
>>13846798 #17527
>>13844265 Biden's Commerce Secretary: Cyberattacks on American Businesses Are Here to Stay and if Anything Will Intensify
>>13844272 The Individuals Behind Obama's Jan 2017 Memo Re-Authorizing Funding for 'Gain of Function' R&D Were the Same Individuals Who Lied and Claimed COVID Wasn't Created in a Lab
>>13844294 United Airlines orders 15 Boom Overture Supersonic aircraft
>>13844572 Meghan and Harry welcome second child, Lilibet 'Lili' Diana
>>13844505, >>13844654 VP Kamala Harris Plane Bound For Guatemala Turned Back to Joint Base Andrews Over 'Technical Issue'
>>13844590 NEW Dan Scavino
>>13844692 Shocking Speech by Thierry Baudet about 2010 Document Exposes Rockefeller Foundation and Globalist Scheme (VIDEO)
>>13844712, >>13844776 Who were Victor and Lois Porlier ? Killed in a massive blast at their home yesterday, Berne, Albany County, NY.
>>13844735 Republican Wins 'Non-Partisan' Fort Worth Mayor Race
>>13844474 , >>13844487 , >>13844501 , >>13844521 , >>13844530 , >>13844546 #𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄 #𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐓 Anon mini bun Mega Update- Mark Meadows -Who is Brad Johnson?
>>13844760 Virologist Who Told Fauci SARS-CoV-2 'Potentially Engineered' Just Deleted 5,000 Tweets
>>13844880 USA TODAY did ballot fact-checking with Jeff Ellington, COO/President of Runbeck.
>>13844965 #17526
#13846798 at 2021-06-07 01:31:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17529: Un-Stoppable Habbenings Edition
>>13845131, >>13845154 University of Washington president, communist
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Markel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
>>13845313 And a Spanish Knight, Anthony Geist
>>13845314 Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
>>13845357 North Korea has condemned Israel for turning the Gaza Strip "into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring children" after the latest violent conflict between Jerusalem and Hamas.
>>13845379, >>13845286 It's said this group "Gladio" came over and HAS been active FOR DECADES in the USA (Gladio logo kinda looks like swordy!)
#13846439 at 2021-06-07 00:47:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17529: Un-Stoppable Habbenings Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>13846212, >>13846353, >>13846393 Anon #17527 Start Bun <0
>>13846403 #17528
>>13845131, >>13845154 University of Washington president, communist
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Markel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
>>13845313 And a Spanish Knight, Anthony Geist
>>13845314 Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
>>13845357 North Korea has condemned Israel for turning the Gaza Strip "into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring children" after the latest violent conflict between Jerusalem and Hamas.
>>13845379, >>13845286 It's said this group "Gladio" came over and HAS been active FOR DECADES in the USA (Gladio logo kinda looks like swordy!)
>>13845385 https://www.washington.edu/president/biography/ - Ana Mari Cauce
>>13845406, >>13845410 Both hand signs, "Go Pack!" is with middle and ring finger extended, touching thumb; devil horns have them tucked into palm, held there by thumb. DEFINITELY different signs.
>>13845429 Jay Sekulow asking all AZ and PA voters who were given sharpies at polls to contact his law firm, https://jaysekulow.com/ He is preparing suit against AZ for polling interference
>>13845439, >>13845451, >>13845469, >>13845525, >>13845623 9/11 revisited - looks like the building was cut with a KNIFE, not an explosion...
>>13846393 #17527
#13846393 at 2021-06-07 00:40:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17528: Remember D-Day, Remember France - Futures Proves Pasts Edition
>) >>13846212, >>13846353 Anon Collector <0
Notables Are not Endorsements
>>13845131, >>13845154 University of Washington president, communist
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Markel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
>>13845313 And a Spanish Knight, Anthony Geist
>>13845314 Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
>>13845357 North Korea has condemned Israel for turning the Gaza Strip "into a huge human slaughterhouse and place of massacring children" after the latest violent conflict between Jerusalem and Hamas.
>>13845379, >>13845286 It's said this group "Gladio" came over and HAS been active FOR DECADES in the USA (Gladio logo kinda looks like swordy!)
>>13845385 https://www.washington.edu/president/biography/ - Ana Mari Cauce
>>13845406, >>13845410 Both hand signs, "Go Pack!" is with middle and ring finger extended, touching thumb; devil horns have them tucked into palm, held there by thumb. DEFINITELY different signs.
>>13845429 Jay Sekulow asking all AZ and PA voters who were given sharpies at polls to contact his law firm, https://jaysekulow.com/ He is preparing suit against AZ for polling interference
>>13845439, >>13845451, >>13845469, >>13845525, >>13845623 9/11 revisited - looks like the building was cut with a KNIFE, not an explosion...
#13846225 at 2021-06-07 00:15:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17528: Remember D-Day, Remember France - Futures Proves Pasts Edition
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
Hey jew, Repent and accept Christ. Your stupidity might work on people while you're alive, but you're going to die. And when you do, you will face Him.
#13846212 at 2021-06-07 00:14:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17528: Remember D-Day, Remember France - Futures Proves Pasts Edition
>>1384588 (You)
>>13845706 (OP)
>>13845183 SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/shot-heard-around-world-el-salvador-president-pushes-bill-adopt-bitcoin-legal-tender
>>13845042 Watch CA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/every-state-audited-california-3000-votes-recorded-empty-dorm-building/
>>13845041 (Sebastian Gorka says General Flynn disavows Qanon, but he did not.) You mean reposted 13 minutes ago because they have to do everything they can to misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said in the interview? WEAK.
>>13845060 We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. [...] we've saved a lot of lives. We've saved all over the world. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-speech-transcript-at-north-carolina-gop-convention-dinner-june-5
>>13845061, >>13845066, >>13845194 "MOS does not necessarily mean Mossad"; MOS: media object server; pMOS and nMOS diagram as well
>>13845160, >>13845074 Research MMS (not MSM, kek) - chlorine dioxide to help with infection
>>13845146, >>13845166 Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was 'potentially engineered' just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
>>13845174, >>13845224, >>13845541 Gannet refused the subpoena? More to the story? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/outrage-after-fbi-subpoenaed-all-ip-addresses-individuals-who-accessed-public-article
>>13845187, >>13845197 Looks like our electricity is due to go off, "SOON"; https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/energy-secretary-enemies-are-capable-of-shutting-down-power-grid/
>>13845201, >>13845243, >>13845233, >>13845347, >>13845264 "Was Donald Trump wearing his trousers BACKWARDS at rally?"; anon opines, "no fly... kinda like Kamala today?" – https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kamala-harris-plane-returns-to-base-due-to-technical-issue/ar-AAKLScs - technically, she isn't VP; that's why "no safety concerns"; no AF2 sign as well
>>13845219, >>13845441, >>13845521 Leaping gatos; I like that; Trump running the media, kek!
>>13845239, >>13845257, >>13845442 Markel visited Wuhan on 9/9/2019
>>13845248, and >>13834505 (pb) "5G rollout cities are the ones with highest COVID." In addition the symptoms of Covid are impossible to be caused by a viral respiratory pneumonia but are exactly consistent with radiation poisoning. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27012122/
>>13845618 President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara did not give "devil horn sign", it was the North Carolina State "Wolfpack", hand sign and foam hand/foam fingers for sale there.
>>13845311, >>13845289 I believe God will allow his soldiers to have confirmation. He will not use them to go on living a life of wonder. He will give them confirmation and strength to move forward into the future.
Up to here currently; am continuing, just letting others know where I am now. I will continue gathering notes from here to the end. If someone wants to start from the end, I'll meet in the middle.
#13845182 at 2021-06-06 21:41:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17527: Air France Flight 4590 Memorial Edition
>misconstrue what Gen Flynn actually said
I do
Caught that too
>>media object server
Fuck off with your stupid fucking bullshit
#13845161 at 2021-06-06 21:38:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17527: Air France Flight 4590 Memorial Edition
Yeah, that's pretty weak.
Not as weak as the media object server that is somehow backing AJ.
#13845141 at 2021-06-06 21:33:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17527: Air France Flight 4590 Memorial Edition
Yeah, and just like last time the same question applies:
Is AJ media object server backed?
#13845066 at 2021-06-06 21:20:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17527: Air France Flight 4590 Memorial Edition
media object server
#13743436 at 2021-05-24 17:38:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17400: Information warfare Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#13601898 at 2021-05-07 02:17:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#13575927 at 2021-05-04 02:29:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17193: LOVE WINS Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#13482476 at 2021-04-22 00:18:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17077: Lord Please Give Us Our Daily Bread Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#13456683 at 2021-04-18 22:40:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17046: Into the Night, Enter the Light Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#13311662 at 2021-03-28 00:29:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16863: There Is No R And No D. They Want Us Divided By Race And Gender Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#13251405 at 2021-03-18 21:38:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16786: #ImpeachCuomo and #RecallNewsom Edition
MOS enables journalists to see, use, and control media devices inside Associated Press's ENPS system so that individual pieces of newsroom production technology speak a common XML-based language.[7]
History of MOS
The first meeting of the MOS protocol development group occurred at the Associated Press ENPS developer's conference in Orlando, Florida in 1998. The fundamental concepts of MOS were released to the public domain at that conference.[8]
As an open protocol, the MOS Development Group encourages the participation of broadcast equipment vendors and their customers.[9] More than 100 companies are said to work with AP on MOS-related projects. Compatible hardware and software includes video editing, storage and management; automation; machine control; prompters; character generators; audio editing, store and management; web publishing, interactive TV, field transmission and graphics.[7]
Current development is happening on two tracks: a socket-based version, and a web service version. The current official versions of the MOS protocol, as of January 2011, are 2.8.4 (sockets) and 3.8.4 (web service).[10]
In 2016 proposals began to introduce IP Video support in the MOS protocol. This proposal allows representations of live IP Video sources such as NDI (Network Device Interface) to be included as MOS objects alongside MOS objects representing files to be played off disk[11]
There is also a Java based implementation called jmos that is currently compatible with MOS specification 2.8.2.[12]
An open-source TypeScript (dialect of JavaScript) MOS connector[13] and MOS Gateway[14] is being actively developed by the Norwegian state broadcaster NRK, as part of their open-source Sofie[15] broadcast automation software initiative.
In 2017 the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded an Emmy to the MOS Group for "Development and Standardization of media object server (MOS) Protocol."
#12939758 at 2021-02-16 01:02:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16515: Night Shift Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12800818 at 2021-02-02 17:44:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12702310 at 2021-01-25 02:29:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16217: Comfy Sunday afternoon Delight, Choc chip Anyone Anyone ANYONE Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12635161 at 2021-01-20 18:18:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16132: It's Not Always Fun Playing Chicken Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12594769 at 2021-01-19 01:43:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16080: DOOMSDAY PLANE FLYING TOWARD DURHAM Edition
Whats up bo? >>12594504
>Searh the IP address and you get an Australian subsidiary of Cloudflare - looks like Cloudflare is balls deep in the media coordination.... maybe [MOS] meant media object server all along....!
I believe media object server was specified in the past.
#12594504 at 2021-01-19 01:32:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16080: DOOMSDAY PLANE FLYING TOWARD DURHAM Edition
E4B Flying out of Offutt into North Carolina is Squawking 3655 and has callsign ORDER01.
This is a pertinent Q Drop Q-3655.
There is also a reference in the post to 1:1:1:1.
Searh the IP address and you get an Australian subsidiary of Cloudflare - looks like Cloudflare is balls deep in the media coordination…. maybe [MOS] meant media object server all along….!
#12575430 at 2021-01-18 01:35:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16056: Spread The Great Awakening To Everybody Edition
maybe Q had something to do with this remember the sum of all fears media object server thing. i actually looked that up and it comes down to basically the broadcast stations the news has that edit the feeds in real time. how would you even do pentesting or recon with that. because its an interesting hypothetical concept regardless.
#12558329 at 2021-01-17 02:03:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16034: If You Want The Presidency? Come And Get It Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12492175 at 2021-01-13 03:06:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15948: Without God, Democracy Will Not And Cannot Long Endure Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12402826 at 2021-01-08 18:56:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15833: E4B Up And Moving Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12318119 at 2021-01-05 01:45:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15724: POTUS RALLY BREAD!!! Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12259499 at 2021-01-01 01:50:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15651: Dominion Voting Machine To Count Electors? Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12215477 at 2020-12-29 00:22:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15596: Teamwork is Dreamwork Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(false claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12215395 at 2020-12-29 00:16:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15596: Teamwork is Dreamwork Edition
media object server (MOS)?
#12178718 at 2020-12-26 04:38:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15549: Bombs, Thongs and Sugar Gliders Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12138835 at 2020-12-23 00:47:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15498: MUH Banner Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(pretend there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#12106556 at 2020-12-20 20:07:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15457: Faith Family Freedom Community Charity Edition
EU and MI6 much worse and linked into everything - butt buddies with media object server…
#12005212 at 2020-12-13 05:54:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15325: Winning Isn't Everything, Winning Is The Only Thing Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.'''
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(claim "It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11915728 at 2020-12-05 21:07:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15210: We Never Lose! We will have a beer at the parade! Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11896817 at 2020-12-04 03:38:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15186: Banner Day for Anons Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(as if there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11850320 at 2020-12-01 03:31:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15126: Mr Pig is a World Class Meme Anon Edition
Three Q posts in response to R and JR and people still believe he might be alive. It is fucking enraging how successful that was. media object server snagged a couple. Schumann Resonances snagged way more than it should have. Sather was absolutely obsessed with aliens; major fucking distraction. Q confirmed P = Payseur, and still there are fights over that. Looking Glass isn't some fucking science fiction device (it's all military planning and execution). The super hi rez porn spammer is doing pretty well.
Then there is AFLB. That fucking piece of shit is in a category all its own. Stomp his face in with logic, and his go to is accusations of pedophilia or "you tried to be one of us".
#11754173 at 2020-11-23 20:48:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15004: EBake For The Win Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11711619 at 2020-11-20 05:50:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14950: As the weather cools.. Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11687019 at 2020-11-18 01:24:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14921: CISA JOB VANCANCY APPLY HERE Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11670767 at 2020-11-16 19:58:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14900 [C]onsent [D]ecree Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11616381 at 2020-11-13 00:50:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14831: OUR Votes Count Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11610993 at 2020-11-12 18:07:31 (UTC+1)
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "division".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11570982 at 2020-11-10 06:10:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14773: Those Who NightShift Never Sleep Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11553338 at 2020-11-09 05:39:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14750: /NightShift/ Engaged Edition
I still kek about media object server…that was a yuge shill push….
#11463603 at 2020-11-04 21:25:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14641: Anons whipping the Kitchen into shape edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:'Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11435113 at 2020-11-03 21:59:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14604: A New Birth of Freedom Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11410249 at 2020-11-02 18:29:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14573
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11408393 at 2020-11-02 16:08:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14571: ReadyAF Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11403450 at 2020-11-02 06:21:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14564: The /NightShift/ We Remember The Anons Who Got Us Here Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11384710 at 2020-11-01 03:30:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14540: There Is No "QAnon" Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11353841 at 2020-10-30 04:43:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14500 The Calm Before the Storm Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
*There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4. EXCUSE: Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed] *Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]...and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE: "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"....saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11327554 at 2020-10-28 20:42:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14469: Who was Anonymous?
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division", nor "Satanic division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11325155 at 2020-10-28 17:44:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14466: Hashes to Ashes Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: '''Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.'
'' (Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA
.Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11317479 at 2020-10-28 04:01:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14456: Sprint To The Finish Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11298078 at 2020-10-27 01:59:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14431: ACB SWEARING IN CEREMONY Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Division".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11244642 at 2020-10-24 00:05:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14364: Friday Session Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11179625 at 2020-10-20 23:57:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14290: Need Patriot Bakers To Join Us Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy of America wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
QDrop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
QDrop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11165966 at 2020-10-20 06:59:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14276: Moonlight Grind Edition
maybe it's those dastardty "media object server" re-using the same tired shit as 3+ years ago?
#11094578 at 2020-10-16 00:38:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14189: Biden? Rule Out the Possibility Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
QDrop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
QDrop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#11055814 at 2020-10-13 21:12:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14140: Amy Barrett Cool Under Pressure Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
QDrop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
QDrop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10981534 at 2020-10-08 14:43:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14046: Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels Edition
media object server
#10981473 at 2020-10-08 14:35:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14046: Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels Edition
Here is the question: HOW MANY video feeds are there, and WHO controls them?
This is hard to fake unless you control the source.
Someone on Twitter pointed out awhile back, MOS doesn't just mean Mossad, it also means media object server. This might justify a dig. NOTABLE?
#10965077 at 2020-10-07 16:40:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #14026: Trust 17 Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop#1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
QDrop# 1781: MOS / \ (controls) MSM and US Politicians
QDrop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10876455 at 2020-10-02 00:24:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13920: We Are The News Now - The 'Devil Book' Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
'''Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
QDrop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
QDrop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10850346 at 2020-09-30 04:17:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13887: The Stand Back and Stand By Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
("as if" there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth:Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth:Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
QDrop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
QDrop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth:We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10749600 at 2020-09-23 00:24:07 (UTC+1)
inb4 media object server
#10747858 at 2020-09-22 22:05:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13755: Cryin Chuckie Heckled Live, Laughs That Never Fade Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
Q Drop# 1781: MOS / \ MSM and US Politicians
Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical. Untouchable, re: State backed?
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10740499 at 2020-09-22 05:47:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13745: Potus Home Safe, GMax Not Ever Again Edition
>That's a new one!
>IsIs = media object server..
>Keep trying, Anon.
#10740481 at 2020-09-22 05:44:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13745: Potus Home Safe, GMax Not Ever Again Edition
That's a new one!
IsIs = media object server..
Keep trying, Anon.
#10739334 at 2020-09-22 03:11:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13744: NIGHT SHIFT RALLY Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10724871 at 2020-09-20 22:16:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12726: RGB - Not A Dry Heat Edition
>>10723609, >>10723806 planefaggin
>>10723914 About 900 members of the Armed Forces of Spain participate from this Monday in the operational activation 'Eagle Eye 20-03'
>>10723840 Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg's Seat
>>10723833, >>10723864 Global banks defy U.S. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists/The FinCEN Files
>>10723766 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!
>>10723750, >>10723752 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault
>>10723691 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State
>>10723662 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning
>>10723576 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.
>>10723570 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
>>10723938 #13724
#10724766 at 2020-09-20 22:02:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12726: RGB - Not A Dry Heat Edition
>>10723609, >>10723806 planefaggin
>>10723914 About 900 members of the Armed Forces of Spain participate from this Monday in the operational activation 'Eagle Eye 20-03'
>>10723840 Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg's Seat
>>10723833, >>10723864 Global banks defy U.S. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists/The FinCEN Files
>>10723766 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!
>>10723750, >>10723752 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault
>>10723691 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State
>>10723662 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning
>>10723576 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.
>>10723570 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
>>10723938 #13724
Previously Collected Notables
>>10722400 #13722, >>10723172 #13723
>>10720057 #13719, >>10720890 #13720, >>10721587 #13721
>>10717735 #13716, >>10718433 #13717, >>10719307 #13718
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#10723949 at 2020-09-20 20:30:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13725: Running Red Answers Corruption Edition
Global Announcements
>>10708377 Side-by-Side #2 being unpinned by BO; archive ASAP
>>10678016 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader
>>10709241 Mega removed Meme Warehouse then Memefarmer resigned. MF recommended >>>/qrmemes/ plus Digital Camo >>10660694
Notables are NOT endorsements
>>10723609, >>10723806 planefaggin
>>10723914 About 900 members of the Armed Forces of Spain participate from this Monday in the operational activation 'Eagle Eye 20-03'
>>10723840 Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg's Seat
>>10723833, >>10723864 Global banks defy U.S. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists/The FinCEN Files
>>10723766 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!
>>10723750, >>10723752 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault
>>10723691 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State
>>10723662 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning
>>10723576 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.
>>10723570 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
>>10723938 #13724
#10723938 at 2020-09-20 20:28:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
>>10723609, >>10723806 planefaggin
>>10723914 About 900 members of the Armed Forces of Spain participate from this Monday in the operational activation 'Eagle Eye 20-03'
>>10723840 Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg's Seat
>>10723833, >>10723864 Global banks defy U.S. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists/The FinCEN Files
>>10723766 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!
>>10723750, >>10723752 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault
>>10723691 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State
>>10723662 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning
>>10723576 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.
>>10723570 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
#10723899 at 2020-09-20 20:24:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
>>10723609, >>10723806 planefaggin
>>10723840 Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg's Seat
>>10723833, >>10723864 Global banks defy U.S. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists/The FinCEN Files
>>10723766 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!
>>10723750, >>10723752 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault
>>10723691 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State
>>10723662 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning
>>10723576 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.
>>10723570 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
#10723817 at 2020-09-20 20:13:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
>>10723609 planefaggin
>>10723766 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!
>>10723750, >>10723752 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault
>>10723691 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State
>>10723662 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning
>>10723576 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.
>>10723570 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
#10723799 at 2020-09-20 20:09:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
>>10723609 planefaggin
>>10723766 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!
>>10723750, >>10723752 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault
>>10723691 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State
>>10723662 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning
>>10723576 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.
>>10723570 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
#10723730 at 2020-09-20 20:00:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
>>10723152 (lb)
While this may be true, MOS does NOT stand for media object server, it makes zero sense in that context for the vast majority of the drops.
#10723532 at 2020-09-20 19:35:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
>>10723525 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs
>>10723461 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress
>>10723451 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies
>>10723380 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn
>>10723367 'Uncertainty' Keeps UN From Taking Action on US' Anti-Iran Sanctions' Claims, Guterres Says
>>10723302 AFLB has more Phantom Erection Pains due to OSS being a rock star baker
>>10723339 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change
>>10723292 MOS - media object server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence
>>10723314 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport
>>10723303 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla
>>10723291 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
>>10723287 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a "Stalinist model."
>>10723270 Top Fatah official talks of 'Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates'/Familiar parameters hmmmmm
>>10723263 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg's Death
>>10723255 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition
>>10723230, >>10723414 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back
#10723494 at 2020-09-20 19:29:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10723370 at 2020-09-20 19:15:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
>MOS - media object server
#10723292 at 2020-09-20 19:06:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition
MOS - media object server
How every new station is fed a script and every anchor repeats the script word-for-word nationwide. Purpose? Control. To control the hearts and minds of The People. To control the direction of society.
For some reason baker is upset by this information being posted on the board.
#10723158 at 2020-09-20 18:54:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
Newfag baker is triggered by Q's last post and Q's posts regarding media's control of the narrative nationwide by use of media object server pumping out the script to all network stations. Noted.
#10723038 at 2020-09-20 18:43:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
Hey, retard. Learn something.
You're welcome.
#10722976 at 2020-09-20 18:39:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
>Mossad = Mossad
>MOS = media object server
>Now, go re-read Q drops.
Try again
#10722970 at 2020-09-20 18:38:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
Try harder, low IQ Israeli shill.
media object server does not control US politicians, Mossad does (via AIPAC bribes and Epstein/Maxwell pedo blackmail tapes).
https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care"
https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"
https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"
https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"
https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"
https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"
#10722968 at 2020-09-20 18:38:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
>MOS = media object server
#10722957 at 2020-09-20 18:37:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
Mossad = Mossad
MOS = media object server
Now, go re-read Q drops.
#10722948 at 2020-09-20 18:36:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
media object server does not control US politicians, Mossad does (via AIPAC bribes and Epstein/Maxwell pedo blackmail tapes).
Try harder.
#10722920 at 2020-09-20 18:33:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
MOS is this:
#10722895 at 2020-09-20 18:30:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition
So, you know that every news anchor at every station is fed a script. They repeat the script WORD-FOR-WORD on all stations. HOW????? MOS.
#10721498 at 2020-09-20 16:38:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13721: Kamaltoe Admin Front and Center Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10716283 at 2020-09-20 02:50:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13715: NO FEAR! Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10698178 at 2020-09-18 22:39:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13691: 53-47 Approval hhmm..Tractor Rally Warm Up Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q. "….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10682277 at 2020-09-17 17:12:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13671: MAGA FOR ALL Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10671916 at 2020-09-16 20:22:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13657: Evil and corruption @ highest levels
How come you don't want us to look at media object server?
Over the Target
#10671630 at 2020-09-16 20:05:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13657: Evil and corruption @ highest levels
media object server, MOS
Not Mossad
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No.2601101 📁
Aug 14 2018 17:46:46 (EST)
Ex 1.1
/ \
(Alt + US media) (US Politicians)
/ \
Those who scream the loudest....
Find the connections.
Marching to the same beat?
Logical thinking.
#10671035 at 2020-09-16 19:20:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13656: $$$$$$$$$$$ Evil and corruption @ highest levels Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: '''"Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."'
'' ("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10671005 at 2020-09-16 19:17:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13656: $$$$$$$$$$$ Evil and corruption @ highest levels Edition
MOS means mossad.
media object server doesn't control politicians, the zionist lobby does.
Try harder.
Notable quote:
Obama himself acknowledged the lobby's gatekeeper role when he reached out to Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations- and a rightwing supporter of Israeli settlements- in order to hire Hillary Clinton as secretary of state
So in his most important appointment, Obama needed to show 'credibility' with the Israeli government and its lobby! That is real clout
#10670964 at 2020-09-16 19:14:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13656: $$$$$$$$$$$ Evil and corruption @ highest levels Edition
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production.[1][2]
The MOS protocol is based on XML.[3] It enables the exchange of the following types of messages:[4]
Descriptive Data for media objects.
The MOS "pushes" descriptive information and pointers to the NCS as objects are created, modified, or deleted in the MOS. This allows the NCS to be "aware" of the contents of the MOS and enables the NCS to perform searches on and manipulate the data the MOS has sent.
#10634845 at 2020-09-13 21:21:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13609: Antifa Arsonists Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10631613 at 2020-09-13 17:31:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13605: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events] Edition
media object server is an XML-based language, that's not how it works.
#10631591 at 2020-09-13 17:30:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13605: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events] Edition
somebody reset the media object server
#10607710 at 2020-09-11 21:54:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13574: Mueller, Cllinton, Newsom, Arsonists All Gonna Get Burned Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates. backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
*The Israel-first Jew shill always distorts this to "Israel last" as if Israel is to be benefited. Typical Jewish tone-deaf arrogance.
#10607204 at 2020-09-11 21:02:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13573: Arson Call Intensifies/FEDS Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10596070 at 2020-09-11 00:15:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13559: The WE LOVE (YOU) POTUS Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10583027 at 2020-09-10 00:13:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13542: WILL YOU STAND? FOR FREEDOM. FOR HUMANITY Edition
>media object server
#10583016 at 2020-09-10 00:13:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13542: WILL YOU STAND? FOR FREEDOM. FOR HUMANITY Edition
qresear.ch already
media object server
Slid this 3 breads during day shift.
#10580407 at 2020-09-09 21:00:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13539: Panic In DC? Not Potus Edition
so a media object server backs Alex Jones, and his known associates.. Nonsensical!
Alex Jones [media object server backed]
… and known associates.
media object server
/ \ controls
Alt/MSM US Politicians
Neither of these contrived distorted claims make any sense whatsoever.
A media object server system backs Alex JOnes, his known associates, the MSM and US Politicians is ABSURD.
That's like saying that the hub cap is controlling your car.
#10580400 at 2020-09-09 21:00:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13539: Panic In DC? Not Potus Edition
Mossad controls the US politicians, not media object server.
Try harder.
#10580381 at 2020-09-09 20:57:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13539: Panic In DC? Not Potus Edition
>MOS = media object server
How right you are - 4am talking point generator
#10580352 at 2020-09-09 20:54:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13539: Panic In DC? Not Potus Edition
MOS = media object server
#10579599 at 2020-09-09 19:43:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13538: MOABS Launched, NO DEALS Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10531602 at 2020-09-05 01:02:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13477: The FRIDAYYYYY Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10529503 at 2020-09-04 21:46:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13475: NO DIVISION; WWG1WGA Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10519053 at 2020-09-03 22:24:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13462: Rally Bread Best Bread Potus Knock Em Dead Edition
"Israel for last" or was that media object server?
#10518947 at 2020-09-03 22:13:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13462: Rally Bread Best Bread Potus Knock Em Dead Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are "No Criminal Jews")
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10518437 at 2020-09-03 21:23:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13461: AG Barr announces new acting attorney for SDNY, Anons be like.... Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
(there are No Criminal Jews)
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10510918 at 2020-09-03 02:54:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13452: The Ends Justify The Memes Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10507039 at 2020-09-02 20:32:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13447: Fan the Flames, Watch em Burn Edition
Is the media object server Chinese?
#10502422 at 2020-09-02 13:08:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13441: Mocking Bird On Life Support Edition
TY Baker!
More on CrowdTangle
>>10502081 (pb, notable)
>>10502153 (pb) Brandon Silverman, owner
Marching orders for election coverage:
Local media Consortium
media object server drop: https://qmap.pub/read/1871
#10502140 at 2020-09-02 12:04:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13440: "Anon comfy intensifies" Edition
had same thought
>media object server that makes the 4am drops that QTeam told us about?
#10502116 at 2020-09-02 11:58:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13440: "Anon comfy intensifies" Edition
Tegna is all those Gannett mockingbird stations.
Interdasting. media object server that makes the 4am drops that QTeam told us about?
#10498752 at 2020-09-02 01:29:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13436: Into The Night Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Mall Of Switzerland'''
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10476255 at 2020-08-30 22:54:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13407: Lying Communist Ted Wheeler and his Antifa Loving Prosecutor edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10468889 at 2020-08-30 04:25:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13398: Czech Out Our German Bros Edition
>And that is not all about MOS
>Which probably does not stand for MOSSAD
So AJ is media object server backed?
#10468766 at 2020-08-30 04:11:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13398: Czech Out Our German Bros Edition
>>10468149 lb
Q never tells us anything outright.
And there are always double and triple meanings
In this case, MOS might mean MOSSAD but does that mean Q is referring to MOSSAD when he writes MOS?
If, it is an instance where he means MOSSAD he is most likely referring to the rogue MOSSAD agents who are allied to the rogue MI-6 agents and the rogue CIA agents commanded out of Switzerland.
He is not referring to the clean MOSSAD that is under the command og Netanyahu
MOS could mean MOSES or MOSAIC
It could mean Mall Of Switzerland as shorthand for the city where that is located.
It could even be a reference to MOS Bombs
Meeting Of Styles sells spray paint bombs for graffitti. And one of the sites that sells them, Bombing Science has a logo that looks like a Periodic Table entry.
Element 98 is Californium, a radioactive element.
Smuggling of Californium, used for nuclear bombs, in Turkey
I think that when Q writes UraniumOne he is not referring to the company UraniumOne. He is telling us to dig companies that trade in nuclear bomb materials with Canadian connections. Those who did that kind of dig would have found a lot of Iranians in Canada studying Engineering. Many of them died in a mysterious plane crash when elements inside Iran fired two missiles at a passenger plane as it took off.
Nuclear engineers perhaps?
To many people on this board are stupid teenagers who think this is a game, a simple puzzle like the one their teachers praise them for solving and make them feel smart.
ButThis is NOT A GAME
And nothing is simple, there are layers to everything and the enemy has placed traps for any intelligence analyst who tries to track them.
Nobody on this board will ever interpret a single line from a Q drop. This is a job for teamwork, hard won teamwork where the digs expand and evolve and the picture becomes clearer as more people join in the hard work.
Guesses do not count as digs.
But an out of the box guess can be verty valuable to a digger who has gotten stuck and is looking for a way to continue.
By the way, MOS may mean MOSCOW.
It's not simple, and there is no guarantee that the meaning in one line, is the same as in any other line.
As for media object server, I see that paraded out again and again but nobody ever connects it to anything else or explains how it is relevant. Seems to me that it is an obscure MS enterprise product and has no relevance. But without someone really digging into it, we'll never know.
Everyone who guessed MOS = media object server is clearly wrong.
That's because giving up the moment you figure out a possible acronym is the wimpiest excuse for digging I have ever seen.
#10468430 at 2020-08-30 03:35:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13397: Benghazi Ain't Forgotten By Night Shift Edition
Double != 2
But it means media object server.
And that can have several meanings as well.
As stated we love you anons.
>i'd ask, for the 4th time, if there's any way to regain our privacy and stop the surveillance that is now universal.
There are ways but they are no convenient and if they were they would not be privacy safe.
#10468177 at 2020-08-30 03:07:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13397: Benghazi Ain't Forgotten By Night Shift Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10463598 at 2020-08-29 18:42:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13391: It's All Coming Together Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10444194 at 2020-08-28 00:13:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13366: Incoming - LAND OF GREATNESS Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10442574 at 2020-08-27 21:48:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13364: Batshit Crazy and Sourgrapes Anon Style Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10433537 at 2020-08-27 02:29:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13352: Freedom Of Speech, Not Freedom From Speech Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10429047 at 2020-08-26 20:29:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13347: Show Time In Progress Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate."
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
("It's a Religion, not a Race")
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10427286 at 2020-08-26 17:46:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13344: Dub dubs confirm Warriors Winning Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's a Religion, not a Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10426021 at 2020-08-26 15:29:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13343: Who's the Guy With The Fancy Tie? Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate."
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10408293 at 2020-08-25 02:03:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13320: RNC KILLING IT Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate."
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10389439 at 2020-08-23 05:15:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13295: Choice For Those Who Know Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate."
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10383906 at 2020-08-22 18:02:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13288: Brennan "Off The Hook?", You Decide Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are:JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth Jew-Hate."
5. EXCUSE: '"Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish. Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10375899 at 2020-08-21 22:41:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13278: Respects For Robert Trump Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Who Hate Truth Call Truth Hate."
5. EXCUSE: '"Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")S
#10363789 at 2020-08-20 23:58:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13262: NOW BakerClass New Bakers Gather The Power of Dough Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Who Hate Truth Call Truth Hate."
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10354458 at 2020-08-20 06:17:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13250: Liberal Heads Need To Explode Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews. (Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
*"Those Who Hate Truth Call Truth Hate."
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish. Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10345948 at 2020-08-19 21:26:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13239: Potus Presser Comin Up Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish. Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10339049 at 2020-08-19 06:58:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13230: No Compulsory Vaxxes for Aussies or Anyone Else! Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10338181 at 2020-08-19 05:02:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13229: Dem Dud Convention Take Two Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10337697 at 2020-08-19 04:08:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13228: Ask Not What Your Country Can ..... Just Dew It Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
Fidel Castro was Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10336020 at 2020-08-19 01:35:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13226: Another Bad Day For The Dems, Another Winning One For US Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10335001 at 2020-08-19 00:00:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13225: Meme Magic Is Real - The EIGHT MORE YEARS Edition
1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is "Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(It's Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10333937 at 2020-08-18 22:10:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13223: Potus Rally/ Briefing Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:"
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10332425 at 2020-08-18 19:28:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13221: Red is Blue, Blue is Red Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:"
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "We are saving Israel last. Q"
"Israel is being saved last."
*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10323576 at 2020-08-18 00:20:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13210: The [Set 1] Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:"
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
8. EXCUSE "We are saving Israel last. Q"
'"Israel is being saved last."
*Truth We are saving Israel for last. Q.
"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.")
#10322175 at 2020-08-17 22:28:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13208: Who Wants To Hear Big Mike? Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:" "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews. (Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
#10320707 at 2020-08-17 20:02:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13206: Potus Minnesota Rally "It's a Super V Now" Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:" "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews. (Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: Jews Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." (Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
#10315386 at 2020-08-17 07:01:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13199: The Best is Yet to Come - TY Q & Q+! Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:" "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews. (Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: Jews Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." (Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
#10313169 at 2020-08-17 02:02:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13197: Fair & Balanced Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:" "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews. (Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: Jews Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." (Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
#10312165 at 2020-08-17 00:32:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13196: Proper Loaf III - The 14 Criminal Referrals Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:" "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews. (Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism." (Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
#10308865 at 2020-08-16 19:59:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13193: Some Sunny Day Edition
1. EXCUSE: "Criminal Cabal Jews Are Not Jews:"
*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS
2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."
*Truth: Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.
(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)
3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."
(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)
*Truth: Jews Are Descended From Khazarians.
4.EXCUSE: "Posting About Criminal Cabal Jews is Division."
*Truth: TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of America is Not "division".
Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth.
5. EXCUSE: "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."
(Religion, not Race)
*Truth: Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.
*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.
6. EXCUSE: "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."
It's: Military Operational Specialty
media object server
Muh Other Shit
*Truth: Q Drop: AJ [MOS backed]
*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]
backed means funding. C_A means CIA.
7. EXCUSE: "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"
*Truth: SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.
*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.
#10302290 at 2020-08-16 01:17:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13184: Phase Four - JUSTICE - Boom Week Ahead? Edition
>Yeah, that damn media object server is always backing AJ.
You have to give MOSSAd credit, they've getting their faces kicked in on this board for years and yet they are still here lying like it's their religion.
#10302239 at 2020-08-16 01:12:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13184: Phase Four - JUSTICE - Boom Week Ahead? Edition
>Yeah, that damn media object server is always backing AJ.
#10301815 at 2020-08-16 00:32:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13184: Phase Four - JUSTICE - Boom Week Ahead? Edition
Yeah, that damn media object server is always backing AJ.
#10301514 at 2020-08-15 23:53:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13184: Phase Four - JUSTICE - Boom Week Ahead? Edition
Military Operational Specialty (MOS)
media object server (MOS)
Member of Service (MOS)
Just say Mossad if you mean Mossad.
You look like you are trying too hard to link MOS with Mossad.
Wonder what Q really means by MOS……?
#10288913 at 2020-08-14 21:17:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13168: They Fucked With The Wrong President, Huh Edition
it's a shame that these newfags weren't here when we outed AJ and Corsi as MOS shills…
and they missed out on media object server slides too…
#10213193 at 2020-08-07 18:10:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13070: Clintons n Obamas Hawt, AOC NOT Edition
blackmail….ties into 'media object server' which ties into 'never mentioned'
#10172173 at 2020-08-03 21:13:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13017: Potus Presser, Troller In Chief Up Edition
>planefag is JIDF
>JIDF/planefag posts busted3.png which claims MOS stands for anything but media object server in Q 1871
>boatfag gets triggered by anon calling out planefag
>I track their yachts and other ships when I'm not digging or baking. MOS stands for Military Occupational Specialty
Anything but Mossad right Cakers?
#10171830 at 2020-08-03 20:34:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13016: Shills On Coffee Break Edition
If (MOS) doesn't stand for MOSSAD does it stand for media object server, Planefag?
#10171737 at 2020-08-03 20:22:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13016: Shills On Coffee Break Edition
If (MOS) doesn't stand for MOSSAD does it stand for media object server, Planefag?
#10171731 at 2020-08-03 20:21:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #13016: Shills On Coffee Break Edition
If (MOS) doesn't stand for MOSSAD does it stand for media object server, Planefag?
#10076163 at 2020-07-25 21:30:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12895: PAIN Is the Only Cure Edition
It's the most likely, since it was used alongside CIA. I don't know if there are other intelligence agencies with that abbreviation, but Mossad is most analogous to our CIA. I'm pretty sure it's not media object server, which is just a communication protocol for newsroom equipment. But I still don't understand the vehemence expressed on this matter. It's a bit much.
#10012473 at 2020-07-19 21:06:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12813: WRAY - The Future Marker Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460, >>10011199 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10012056 A connection between the corrupt Mueller report team and the corrupt NIH team
>>10009097, >>10008720 Department of Justice paid CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $150,000 JULY 17, 2016 two days after COMEY exonerated HRC. FBI Paid Crowdstrike For DNC server Work
>>10001651, >>10001752, >>10001816 CargoMetric and Terra Mar is a perfect trafficking operation
>>10008640 Ghislaine Maxwell's front company Terra Mar was used to get ocean rights established with the United Nations.
>>10008872 Christine Grady, Fauci's wife/handler is well known for her work with HIV and AIDS patients in the 1980s, which led to the publication of her book, "The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventive HIV Vaccine."
>>10008694, >>10008036 CargoMetrics and Wayfair are headquartered next to each other on Boylston Street in Boston.
>>10008780, >>10008810, >>10008814, >>10008828, >>10008897 Christine Grady Fauci's wife who clearly wears the pants in the relationship w/ Gates connections Georgetown Graduate
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>10012060 Peter Strzok, in his own words, knew Carter Page has no contact with the SVR during the Trump Campaign.
>>10010940, >>10011231, >>10011350, >>10011391, >>10011356, >>10011551 https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1284904259188908034
>>10011084 https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/portland-area-rabbis-call-on-department-of-homeland-security-to-withdraw-federal-agents
>>10008591, >>10008631 Pastor Mark Knutson ID'd as man behind seditious bitch Lilith Sinclair.
>>10007853, >>10007933, >>10008809 Zack Exley is the go-between from Soros to these men. Soros comping Evangelicals
[HellGate]Archive: >>10009216
>>10009490, >>10009641 Laura Silsby digs
>>10009256, >>10009545 Israeli citizens protesting 24/7 outside Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's home.
>Notice the signs, they are calling him out for financing Israeli Antifa riots with "child trafficking money".
>>10008855, >>10008881 Now that corrupt SDNY attorney Berman is gone, Clinton Foundation can be investigated properly. Pay 4 play dig.
>>10008761, >>10008770, >>10009028 The Vatican's Jesuit connections to the Nazi's and the CIA
>>10012127 Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents.
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166, >>10006439 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
[HellGate_Maxwell]Archive: >>10011223
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10011145 https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/07/19/schiff-after-trump-is-gone-we-will-continue-to-investigate-and-expose-what-he-did/
>>10010621 Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has sent a letter to chairman Adam Schiff notifying him that transcripts of all 53 interviews, over 6,000 pages in all, have been cleared for public release.
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
#10011700 at 2020-07-19 19:50:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12812: It's Time for People to Go to Jail Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460, >>10011199 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10010940, >>10011231, >>10011350, >>10011391, >>10011356, >>10011551 https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1284904259188908034
>>10009097, >>10008720 Department of Justice paid CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $150,000 JULY 17, 2016 two days after COMEY exonerated HRC. FBI Paid Crowdstrike For DNC server Work
>>10001651, >>10001752, >>10001816 CargoMetric and Terra Mar is a perfect trafficking operation
>>10008640 Ghislaine Maxwell's front company Terra Mar was used to get ocean rights established with the United Nations.
>>10008872 Christine Grady, Fauci's wife/handler is well known for her work with HIV and AIDS patients in the 1980s, which led to the publication of her book, "The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventive HIV Vaccine."
>>10008694, >>10008036 CargoMetrics and Wayfair are headquartered next to each other on Boylston Street in Boston.
>>10008780, >>10008810, >>10008814, >>10008828, >>10008897 Christine Grady Fauci's wife who clearly wears the pants in the relationship w/ Gates connections Georgetown Graduate
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>10011084 https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/portland-area-rabbis-call-on-department-of-homeland-security-to-withdraw-federal-agents
>>10008591, >>10008631 Pastor Mark Knutson ID'd as man behind seditious bitch Lilith Sinclair.
>>10007853, >>10007933, >>10008809 Zack Exley is the go-between from Soros to these men. Soros comping Evangelicals
[HellGate]Archive: >>10009216
>>10009490, >>10009641 Laura Silsby digs
>>10009256, >>10009545 Israeli citizens protesting 24/7 outside Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's home.
>Notice the signs, they are calling him out for financing Israeli Antifa riots with "child trafficking money".
>>10008855, >>10008881 Now that corrupt SDNY attorney Berman is gone, Clinton Foundation can be investigated properly. Pay 4 play dig.
>>10008761, >>10008770, >>10009028 The Vatican's Jesuit connections to the Nazi's and the CIA
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166, >>10006439 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
[HellGate_Maxwell]Archive: >>10011223
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10011145 https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/07/19/schiff-after-trump-is-gone-we-will-continue-to-investigate-and-expose-what-he-did/
>>10010621 Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has sent a letter to chairman Adam Schiff notifying him that transcripts of all 53 interviews, over 6,000 pages in all, have been cleared for public release.
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
#10010843 at 2020-07-19 18:22:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12811: Zero Delta WWG1WGA Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10009097, >>10008720 Department of Justice paid CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $150,000 JULY 17, 2016 two days after COMEY exonerated HRC. FBI Paid Crowdstrike For DNC server Work
>>10001651, >>10001752, >>10001816 CargoMetric and Terra Mar is a perfect trafficking operation
>>10008640 Ghislaine Maxwell's front company Terra Mar was used to get ocean rights established with the United Nations.
>>10008872 Christine Grady, Fauci's wife/handler is well known for her work with HIV and AIDS patients in the 1980s, which led to the publication of her book, "The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventive HIV Vaccine."
>>10008694, >>10008036 CargoMetrics and Wayfair are headquartered next to each other on Boylston Street in Boston.
>>10008780, >>10008810, >>10008814, >>10008828, >>10008897 Christine Grady Fauci's wife who clearly wears the pants in the relationship w/ Gates connections Georgetown Graduate
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>10008591, >>10008631 Pastor Mark Knutson ID'd as man behind seditious bitch Lilith Sinclair.
>>10007853, >>10007933, >>10008809 Zack Exley is the go-between from Soros to these men. Soros comping Evangelicals
[HellGate]Archive: >>10009216
>>10009490, >>10009641 Laura Silsby digs
>>10009256, >>10009545 Israeli citizens protesting 24/7 outside Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's home.
>Notice the signs, they are calling him out for financing Israeli Antifa riots with "child trafficking money".
>>10008855, >>10008881 Now that corrupt SDNY attorney Berman is gone, Clinton Foundation can be investigated properly. Pay 4 play dig.
>>10008761, >>10008770, >>10009028 The Vatican's Jesuit connections to the Nazi's and the CIA
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166, >>10006439 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>9931314 ,>>9931321, The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
>>10010621 Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has sent a letter to chairman Adam Schiff notifying him that transcripts of all 53 interviews, over 6,000 pages in all, have been cleared for public release.
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
#10010101 at 2020-07-19 17:29:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12810: It's all Starting To Unravel Editon
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10009097, >>10008720 Department of Justice paid CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $150,000 JULY 17, 2016 two days after COMEY exonerated HRC. FBI Paid Crowdstrike For DNC server Work
>>10001651, >>10001752, >>10001816 CargoMetric and Terra Mar is a perfect trafficking operation
>>10008640 Ghislaine Maxwell's front company Terra Mar was used to get ocean rights established with the United Nations.
>>10008872 Christine Grady, Fauci's wife/handler is well known for her work with HIV and AIDS patients in the 1980s, which led to the publication of her book, "The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventive HIV Vaccine."
>>10008694, >>10008036 CargoMetrics and Wayfair are headquartered next to each other on Boylston Street in Boston.
>>10008780, >>10008810, >>10008814, >>10008828, >>10008897 Christine Grady Fauci's wife who clearly wears the pants in the relationship w/ Gates connections Georgetown Graduate
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>10008591, >>10008631 Pastor Mark Knutson ID'd as man behind seditious bitch Lilith Sinclair.
>>10007853, >>10007933, >>10008809 Zack Exley is the go-between from Soros to these men. Soros comping Evangelicals
[HellGate]Archive: >>10009216
>>10009490, >>10009641 Laura Silsby digs
>>10009256, >>10009545 Israeli citizens protesting 24/7 outside Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's home.
>Notice the signs, they are calling him out for financing Israeli Antifa riots with "child trafficking money".
>>10008855, >>10008881 Now that corrupt SDNY attorney Berman is gone, Clinton Foundation can be investigated properly. Pay 4 play dig.
>>10008761, >>10008770, >>10009028 The Vatican's Jesuit connections to the Nazi's and the CIA
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166, >>10006439 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>9931314 ,>>9931321, The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
#10009329 at 2020-07-19 16:09:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12809: Haven't Had my Covfefe Yet. Wake and Bake Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10009097, >>10008720 Department of Justice paid CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $150,000 JULY 17, 2016 two days after COMEY exonerated HRC. FBI Paid Crowdstrike For DNC server Work
>>10001651, >>10001752, >>10001816 CargoMetric and Terra Mar is a perfect trafficking operation
>>10008640 Ghislaine Maxwell's front company Terra Mar was used to get ocean rights established with the United Nations.
>>10008872 Christine Grady, Fauci's wife/handler is well known for her work with HIV and AIDS patients in the 1980s, which led to the publication of her book, "The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventive HIV Vaccine."
>>10008694, >>10008036 CargoMetrics and Wayfair are headquartered next to each other on Boylston Street in Boston.
>>10008780, >>10008810, >>10008814, >>10008828, >>10008897 Christine Grady Fauci's wife who clearly wears the pants in the relationship w/ Gates connections Georgetown Graduate
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>10008591, >>10008631 Pastor Mark Knutson ID'd as man behind seditious bitch Lilith Sinclair.
>>10007853, >>10007933, >>10008809 Zack Exley is the go-between from Soros to these men. Soros comping Evangelicals
[HellGate] Archive: >>10009216
>>10009256 Israeli citizens protesting 24/7 outside Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's home.
>Notice the signs, they are calling him out for financing Israeli Antifa riots with "child trafficking money".
>>10008855, >>10008881 Now that corrupt SDNY attorney Berman is gone, Clinton Foundation can be investigated properly. Pay 4 play dig.
>>10008761, >>10008770, >>10009028 The Vatican's Jesuit connections to the Nazi's and the CIA
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166, >>10006439 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
>>9931314 ,>>9931321, The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
#10008557 at 2020-07-19 14:09:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12808: Q Chews And Spits You Out Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261, >>9967890 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10000745, >>10002457, >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049, >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9931314 ,>>9931321, The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
Relevant news/insight about the end of the deepstate with lulz and minimum filler
>>10007853, >>10007933 Zack Exley is the go-between from Soros to these men. Soros comping Evangelicals
>>10008376, >>10008386, >>10008407, >>10008437 Assassination of Rachelle Bergeron/Marshall Islands dig, involves Romney.
>>10008311 https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16152/modern-slavery
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166, >>10006439 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
>>10004999, >>10005433
> (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).
of all Q proofs (warnings to DS) this one from Q36 likely let DS know Q was legit (PANIC), there has not been a public acknowledgement of the delegate recount scam up until Kagan published her SC Opinion 2020. BHO likely used state secrets classification to hide it all. By Q dropping this in 2017 fear became real
>>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
>>10003816 Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill
>>10003505 Online trafficking and torture video streams are now confirmed public information in the normie sphere D5
>>10003523 President Trump holds America's FIRST ever "Tele-Rally" amid Plannedemic Fake News Tears Flow
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
Yesterday >>10004737
Y + 4 >>9995186
Y + 3 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 1 >>9968076
#10008318 at 2020-07-19 13:22:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12807: Wuhan virus engineered Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261, >>9967890 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10000745, >>10002457, >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049, >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9931314 ,>>9931321, The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
Relevant news/insight about the end of the deepstate with lulz and minimum filler
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
>>10004999, >>10005433
> (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).
of all Q proofs (warnings to DS) this one from Q36 likely let DS know Q was legit (PANIC), there has not been a public acknowledgement of the delegate recount scam up until Kagan published her SC Opinion 2020. BHO likely used state secrets classification to hide it all. By Q dropping this in 2017 fear became real
>>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
>>10003816 Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill
>>10003505 Online trafficking and torture video streams are now confirmed public information in the normie sphere D5
>>10003523 President Trump holds America's FIRST ever "Tele-Rally" amid Plannedemic Fake News Tears Flow
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
Yesterday >>10004737
Y + 4 >>9995186
Y + 3 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 1 >>9968076
#10007698 at 2020-07-19 11:22:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12806: Sunday Morning Strength of Portland Police Edition
I've never experienced anything like that.
"server took too long…"
In most cases it's YOUR browser not responding to the server telling it that the action completed. The spaghetti JS code, that runs on your device can easily lock up your browser processing some thread on all the shit in a single bread (note half/pol/ breads are 351 posts, not 751) causing it to lose input because your network subsystem told the server the info was received, but the browser never processed it. I've had very few instances where my post wasn't posted. The few times I have everyone one was having issuers, and the server went down.
I can't grasp how you would wait 2 hrs for an image to display. If it's laggy, right-click the image link, and open in new tab. Let it load while you read on. If the media object server is down, oh well. Shit happens.
#10006231 at 2020-07-19 04:34:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General#12805: Maximum Strata On Deep State Crises Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>10005233 Ghislaine's brother Ian Maxwell Digg (he and his brother Kevin Maxwell created a UK think tank called Combating Jihadist Terrorism CoJiT - primary object is to advance education for the benefit in the field of combating jihadist terrorism and extremism.)
>>10005237 Associate Mohamed Amersi is the director of CoJiT
>>10005241 Kofi Annan (>The Gov't of Qatar>One Young World>Gates Foundation>Open Society Foundation>UN Democracy Fund>USAID)
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261, >>9967890 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10000745, >>10002457, >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049, >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9931314 ,>>9931321The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
Relevant news/insight about the end of the deepstate with lulz and minimum filler
>>10005862, >>10006153, >>10006166 Yale Group behind Mao conversation
>>10004999, >>10005433
> (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).
of all Q proofs (warnings to DS) this one from Q36 likely let DS know Q was legit (PANIC), there has not been a public acknowledgement of the delegate recount scam up until Kagan published her SC Opinion 2020. BHO likely used state secrets classification to hide it all. By Q dropping this in 2017 fear became real
>>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
>>10003816 Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill
>>10003505 Online trafficking and torture video streams are now confirmed public information in the normie sphere D5
>>10003523 President Trump holds America's FIRST ever "Tele-Rally" amid Plannedemic Fake News Tears Flow
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
Yesterday >>10004737
Y + 4 >>9995186
Y + 3 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 1 >>9968076
#10005443 at 2020-07-19 02:52:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12804: Saturday Night A-Bake Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261, >>9967890 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10000745 , >>10002457 , >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049, >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9931314 , >>9931321 The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
Relevant news/insight about the end of the deepstate with lulz and minimum filler
>>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
>>10003816 Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill
>>10003505 Online trafficking and torture video streams are now confirmed public information in the normie sphere D5
>>10003523 President Trump holds America's FIRST ever "Tele-Rally" amid Plannedemic Fake News Tears Flow
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
Yesterday >>10004737
Y + 4 >>9995186
Y + 3 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 1 >>9968076
#10004737 at 2020-07-19 01:24:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12803: Saturday E - Bake Edition
Poo in the CCP Doo Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261, >>9967890 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10000745 , >>10002457 , >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049 , >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
Relevant news/insight about the end of the deepstate with lulz and minimum filler
>>10004225 Evidence 'overwhelming' against alleged killer of NYC tech CEO Fahim Saleh: prosecutors
>>10003972, >>10004460 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
>>10003816 Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill
>>10003505 Online trafficking and torture video streams are now confirmed public information in the normie sphere D5
>>10003523 President Trump holds America's FIRST ever "Tele-Rally" amid Plannedemic Fake News Tears Flow
>>10003315 Celebrity Deaths since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested.
>>10003140 The People get it. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2020/07/18/video-crowd-boos-bubba-wallace-after-hes-announced-cheers-after-he-crashes/
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10002669 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-alleged-criminals-hezbollah-associated-narco-money-launderer-and-computer-hacker Extradited from Cyprus to the United States
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
>>10000481 Facism, Communism, Zionism are means not the Ends.
>>9999341 BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999138 , >>9999181 , >>9999205 , >>9999247 , >>9999342 , >>9999390 Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 , >>9999002 Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 , >>9998903 https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
Yesterday >>9995186
Y +_1 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 3 >>9968076
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 , >>9931321 ,The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
#10004193 at 2020-07-19 00:18:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12802: Anon's Set The Narrative! Night Shift On! Edition
Poo in the CCP Doo Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>10003972 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261, >>9967890 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10000745 , >>10002457 , >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049 , >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
Relevant news/insight about the end of the deepstate with lulz and minimum filler
>>10003972 John Bolton takes a handoff from a guy who looks like Mouaz Moustafa
>>10003816 Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill
>>10003505 Online trafficking and torture video streams are now confirmed public information in the normie sphere D5
>>10003523 President Trump holds America's FIRST ever "Tele-Rally" amid Plannedemic Fake News Tears Flow
>>10003315 Celebrity Deaths since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested.
>>10003140 The People get it. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2020/07/18/video-crowd-boos-bubba-wallace-after-hes-announced-cheers-after-he-crashes/
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10002669 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-alleged-criminals-hezbollah-associated-narco-money-launderer-and-computer-hacker Extradited from Cyprus to the United States
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
>>10000481 Facism, Communism, Zionism are means not the Ends.
>>9999793 Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999341 BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999562 Communist tranny derangement
>>9999138 , >>9999181 , >>9999205 , >>9999247 , >>9999342 , >>9999390 Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 , >>9999002 Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 , >>9998903 https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 , >>9998556 Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
Yesterday >>9995186
Y +_1 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 3 >>9968076
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 , >>9931321 ,The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
#10003900 at 2020-07-18 23:42:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12802: Anon's Set The Narrative! Night Shift On! Edition
Poo in the CCP Doo Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 Nominated for three breads.
Ongoing Investigations & Findings
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10003478 Adam Schiff spooked about being kept 'in the dark' over 'dreaded' Durham investigation
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10003743 Ghislaine Maxwell's mother was the daughter of a wealthy Silk Merchant (new angle, needs digging)
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10000745 , >>10002457 , >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049 , >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
Relevant news/insight about the end of the deepstate with lulz and minimum filler
>>10003816 Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill
>>10003505 Online trafficking and torture video streams are now confirmed public information in the normie sphere D5
>>10003523 President Trump holds America's FIRST ever "Tele-Rally" amid Plannedemic Fake News Tears Flow
>>10003315 Celebrity Deaths since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested.
>>10003140 The People get it. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2020/07/18/video-crowd-boos-bubba-wallace-after-hes-announced-cheers-after-he-crashes/
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10002669 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-alleged-criminals-hezbollah-associated-narco-money-launderer-and-computer-hacker Extradited from Cyprus to the United States
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
>>10000481 Facism, Communism, Zionism are means not the Ends.
>>9999793 Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999341 BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999562 Communist tranny derangement
>>9999138 , >>9999181 , >>9999205 , >>9999247 , >>9999342 , >>9999390 Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 , >>9999002 Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 , >>9998903 https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 , >>9998556 Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
Yesterday >>9995186
Y +_1 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 3 >>9968076
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 , >>9931321 ,The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
#10003116 at 2020-07-18 22:11:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12801: The War Is Real Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 Nominated for three breads.
>>9967376 , >>9967605 , >>9973261 Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 , >>9969731 In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9999604 Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>9996420 https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10002473, >>10002521, >>10002539 FBI File on Robert Maxwell circa 1989 https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3879636/Maxwell-Robert-06.pdf
>>10000151 Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10000745 , >>10002457 , >>10002507 , >>10002536 The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457
>>9994874 , >>9995049 , >>10001002 Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>10002869, >>10003043 Ghislaine Maxwell's date during Chelsea Clintons wedding was Ted Waitt (dig)
>>10002669 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-alleged-criminals-hezbollah-associated-narco-money-launderer-and-computer-hacker Extradited from Cyprus to the United States
>>10002612 Israel pushing ahead with CCP relationship after warning from Pompeo
>>10001752 , >>10001651 , >>10001816 , >>10001864 , >>10001922 Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 D5, avalanche incoming
>>10000481 Facism, Communism, Zionism are means not the Ends.
>>9999793 Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999341 BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999562 Communist tranny derangement
>>9999138 , >>9999181 , >>9999205 , >>9999247 , >>9999342 , >>9999390 Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 , >>9999002 Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 , >>9998903 https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 , >>9998556 Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
>>9988565 In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask Prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9987700 Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9988363 Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987251 Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986463 President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986022 , >>9989147 AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9980790 https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9995186
Y +_1 >>9986341
Y + 2 >>9975729
Y + 3 >>9968076
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 , >>9931321 ,The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
#10002288 at 2020-07-18 20:20:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12800: At What Point Does It Become Painfully Obvious? Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 (pb), >>9969731 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9999604 (pb) Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10001129 (pb) Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>9996420 (pb) https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>10000151 (pb) Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10000745 (pb) The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 (pb) The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000623 (pb) When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457 (pb)
>>9994874 (pb), >>9995049 (pb), >>10001002 (pb) Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>10001752 (pb), >>10001651 (pb), >>10001816 (pb), >>10001864 (pb), >>10001922 (pb) Scott Borgerson's business CargoMetrics deep dive
>>10000414 (pb) D5, avalanche incoming
>>10000481 (pb) Facism, Communism, Zionism are means not the Ends.
>>9999793 (pb) Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999341 (pb) BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999562 (pb) Communist tranny derangement
>>9999138 (pb), >>9999181 (pb), >>9999205 (pb), >>9999247 (pb), >>9999342 (pb), >>9999390 (pb) Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 (pb), >>9999002 (pb) Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 (pb), >>9998903 (pb) https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 (pb) Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 (pb), >>9998556 (pb) Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 (pb) Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask Prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986022 (pb), >>9989147 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9995186 (pb)
Y +_1 >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 3 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
#10001500 at 2020-07-18 18:38:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12799: The Shame Of Thrones Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 (pb), >>9969731 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9994874 (pb), >>9995049 (pb), >>10001002 (pb) Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9996420 (pb) https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>9999604 (pb) Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10000151 (pb) Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10000623 (pb) When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters >>10001457 (pb)
>>10001129 (pb) Robert Maxwell with Charles & Dianne
>>10000745 (pb) The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.
>>10000919 (pb) The Mega Group connects Bronfman, Epstein, Maxwell, and Wexner
>>10000414 (pb) D5, avalanche incoming
>>10000481 (pb) Facism, Communism, Zionism are means not the Ends.
>>9999793 (pb) Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999341 (pb) BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999562 (pb) Communist tranny derangement
>>9999138 (pb), >>9999181 (pb), >>9999205 (pb), >>9999247 (pb), >>9999342 (pb), >>9999390 (pb) Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 (pb), >>9999002 (pb) Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 (pb), >>9998903 (pb) https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 (pb) Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 (pb), >>9998556 (pb) Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 (pb) Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask Prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986022 (pb), >>9989147 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9995186 (pb)
Y +_1 >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 3 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
#10000704 at 2020-07-18 17:19:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12798: [F] The Great [D]eceivers Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 (pb), >>9969731 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9994874 (pb), >>9995049 (pb) Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9996420 (pb) https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>9999604 (pb) Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>10000151 (pb) Former Disney CEO, Robert Iger, Connections to Maxwell Family
>>10000623 (pb) When Robert Maxwell was trying to gain entre into Washington Jewish society, he courted Seagrams heir Edgar Bronfman, father of the NXIVM Bronfman sisters
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>10000414 (pb) D5, avalanche incoming
>>10000481 (pb) Facism, Communism, Zionism are means not the Ends.
>>9999793 (pb) Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999341 (pb) BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999562 (pb) Communist tranny derangement
>>9999138 (pb), >>9999181 (pb), >>9999205 (pb), >>9999247 (pb), >>9999342 (pb), >>9999390 (pb) Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 (pb), >>9999002 (pb) Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 (pb), >>9998903 (pb) https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 (pb) Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 (pb), >>9998556 (pb) Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 (pb) Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask Prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986022 (pb), >>9989147 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9995186 (pb)
Y +_1 >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 3 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up before jumping at the opportunity to support the Satanic CCP
#9999964 at 2020-07-18 16:38:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12797: The QResearch 1000000 Posts - Special Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 (pb), >>9969731 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9994874 (pb), >>9995049 (pb) Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9996420 (pb) https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>9999604 (pb) Q: When king and queen of perversion Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey hung out in Buckingham Palace
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9999793 (pb) Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999341 (pb) BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999562 (pb) Communist tranny derangement
>>9999138 (pb), >>9999181 (pb), >>9999205 (pb), >>9999247 (pb), >>9999342 (pb), >>9999390 (pb) Rachel Chandler History Digs
>>9998989 (pb), >>9999002 (pb) Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 (pb), >>9998903 (pb) https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 (pb) Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 (pb), >>9998556 (pb) Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 (pb) Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask Prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986022 (pb), >>9989147 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9995186 (pb)
Y +_1 >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 3 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9999065 at 2020-07-18 15:37:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12796: Chinavirus is the Longest lasting Product China Ever Made Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 (pb), >>9969731 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9994874 (pb), >>9995049 (pb) Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9996420 (pb) https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9998989 (pb), >>9999002 (pb) Stephen Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation also w/ Obama, Conan O'Brien, Bruce Springsteen
>>9998829 (pb), >>9998903 (pb) https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2004/11/shoah-foundation-honors-president-william-jefferson-clinton-ambassadors-humanity-award
>>9998783 (pb) Andrew Weissmann took over ComEd investigations division on July 1
>>9998774 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-nuclear-engineer-sentenced-24-months-prison-violating-atomic-energy-act
>>9998425 (pb), >>9998556 (pb) Conversation around HRC pic
>>9998481 (pb) Anon roasts degenerate datefag Amazing Polly
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask Prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986022 (pb), >>9989147 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9995186 (pb)
Y +_1 >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 3 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9998339 at 2020-07-18 13:58:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12795: Musk Kickin It With Doge Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994167 (pb), >>9969731 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9994874 (pb), >>9995049 (pb) Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9996420 (pb) https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/epstein-was-pinocchio-and-ghislaine-was-gepetto-accuser/
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986022 (pb), >>9989147 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Y +_1 >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 3 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9995186 at 2020-07-18 04:25:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12791: The 'The Conscience of Congress Has Died.' Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9994874 (pb), >>9995049 (pb) Not only does Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell have several connections to the Rothschild family, but so does their child trafficker, Rachel Chandler.
>>9994167 (pb), >>9969731 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994269 (pb) Pennsylvania lawmaker tells governor to resign or face impeachment
>>9993128 (pb) Mayor of Portland is triggered their ANTIFA pets are getting TAKEN
>>9991549 (pb) Another Obama Appointed Activist Judge orders DACA restart, including new applications, indirect pathway to citizenship
>>9990448 (pb) UK's MI6 began targeting the Trumps as early as 2007
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9995147 at 2020-07-18 04:18:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12790: The 'Documents Will Show Intel Officials Were Ignored' Edition
>It's the media object server (MOS) acting up.
And I was mistaken, how?
#9995111 at 2020-07-18 04:11:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12790: The 'Documents Will Show Intel Officials Were Ignored' Edition
It's the media object server (MOS) acting up.
#9994423 at 2020-07-18 02:49:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12790: The 'Documents Will Show Intel Officials Were Ignored' Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9994167 (pb) In addition to Epstein's townhouse, Israeli Former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, often stayed at Epstein's apartment building that was used to house young "models".
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9994269 (pb) Pennsylvania lawmaker tells governor to resign or face impeachment
>>9993128 (pb) Mayor of Portland is triggered their ANTIFA pets are getting TAKEN
>>9991549 (pb) Another Obama Appointed Activist Judge orders DACA restart, including new applications, indirect pathway to citizenship
>>9990448 (pb) UK's MI6 began targeting the Trumps as early as 2007
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9993699 at 2020-07-18 01:31:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12789: How To Have Fun With Your Mask Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9993128 (pb) Mayor of Portland is triggered their ANTIFA pets are getting TAKEN
>>9991549 (pb) Another Obama Appointed Activist Judge orders DACA restart, including new applications, indirect pathway to citizenship
>>9990448 (pb) UK's MI6 began targeting the Trumps as early as 2007
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9992830 at 2020-07-18 00:02:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12788: The News Is Fake, The War Is Real Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9991549 (pb) Another Obama Appointed Activist Judge orders DACA restart, including new applications, indirect pathway to citizenship
>>9990448 (pb) UK's MI6 began targeting the Trumps as early as 2007
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9992039 at 2020-07-17 22:44:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12787: Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition'''
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9991549 (pb) Another Obama Appointed Activist Judge orders DACA restart, including new applications, indirect pathway to citizenship
>>9990448 (pb) UK's MI6 began targeting the Trumps as early as 2007
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9991276 at 2020-07-17 21:42:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12786: Sunshine State Gonna Be Their Alamo Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9990448 (pb) UK's MI6 began targeting the Trumps as early as 2007
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9990530 at 2020-07-17 20:51:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12785: CDC Cooked the Numbers, Got Q'd! Paw Paws, Kek! Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9990448 (pb) UK's MI6 began targeting the Trumps as early as 2007
>>9990193 (pb) C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9989768 at 2020-07-17 20:07:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12784: Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste! Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9989194 (pb), >>9989210 (pb) RBG mentioned in Q posts as she began treatment for liver cancer in February
>>9989147 (pb) READ: Bill Barr's Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and 'Collaborator' US Corporates
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9988990 at 2020-07-17 18:35:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12783: Cabal Is Gonna Need Bigger Catapults Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9988805 (pb) https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/07/17/gov-cuomo-launches-mask-up-campaign-with-morgan-freeman-robert-de-niro/
>>9988559 (pb) Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'
>>9988565 (pb) In 2015, GEOTUS tells interviewers "ask prince Andrew about Epstein's island, it's a cesspool"
>>9988363 (pb) Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband Scott Borgerson
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9988558 at 2020-07-17 17:37:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12782: Cabal Don't Lift Bros, Bummer Edition
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
#9988226 at 2020-07-17 16:57:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12782: Cabal Don't Lift Bros, Bummer Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9987993 (pb) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-whats-behind-the-crackpot-and-baseless-wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-2020-07-16
>>9987746 (pb) Jesuits make threats after calling out Jeffy.
>>9987700 (pb) Chicago Mayor attacks Kayleigh McEnany with sexist and racist term 'Karen'
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9987484 at 2020-07-17 15:20:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12781: Let's Get Biblical, Biblical Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9987251 (pb) Chris Borgerson, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged partner Scott Borgerson, has told reporters he is "afraid to say anything or make any comment" about a possible secret wedding between the two.
>>9986711 (pb) CCP bakers and their WuMao buddies BTFO again, anons e3c68a & b0cd6f show how it's done
>>9986882 (pb) Winning
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9986717 at 2020-07-17 13:29:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12780: NightShift / DayShift Unite! Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9985975 (pb) Weingarten's big mouth and her failing Union
>>9986472 (pb) Anon puts on a clinic for newfags on CCP Bakers and their Wu Mao buttbuddies.
>>9986463 (pb) President Trump said he would gladly bring his former national security advisor Michael Flynn back to the WH.
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9986421 at 2020-07-17 12:31:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12779: Exponential Growth Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9982359 (pb) Hundreds demonstrate against Netanyahu near his official residence, (Thursday)
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9986234 (pb) Two teens arrested after paying bitcoin to see livestream murder on dark web
>>9986345 (pb) CCP Baker "d2l" pretends to love having their information monopoly challenged.
>>9986275 (pb) https://repub.li/founder-of-pro-biden-lincoln-project-is-registered-as-a-foreign-agent-of-russia/
>>9986234 (pb) https://cointelegraph.com/news/two-teens-arrested-after-paying-bitcoin-to-see-livestream-murder-on-dark-web
>>9986157 (pb) ANITFA GETS TAKEN
>>9986140 (pb) QRD on the CCP Bakers Unions psyop
>>9984659 (pb, >>9984709 (pb) Massive construction underway at Gitmo
>>9986022 (pb) AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
>>9986413 (pb) Anon gives tl;dr AG Barr on why CCP is faggot
Yesterday >>9986341 (pb)
Y + 1 >>9975729 (pb)
Y + 2 >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9986341 at 2020-07-17 12:09:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12779: Exponential Growth Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9982359 (pb) Hundreds demonstrate against Netanyahu near his official residence, (Thursday)
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9982689 (pb) HCQ inhibits HIV? (dig)
>>9982273 (pb) 2nd BLM asshole pinched for sex crimes against children.
>>9982249 (pb) Christopher DeVries, organizer, and leader of a Black Lives Matter/Defund The Police protest he named 'Skate Away the Hate' has been arrested on six counts of possession of child sex abuse images.
>>9981839 (pb) re: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks
>the story is likely fake. when was the last time you saw a leak from POTUS admin about official policy? especially one about our intentions or capabilities on the battle field. and if POTUS were to employ an agency to do attacks, it would be the NSA cyber command, thats why they exist, to perform cyber attacks.
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
>>9980003 (pb), >>9980049 (pb) ANTIFA GETTING TAKEN
>>9979740 (pb) Look at all the connections John Legend had before he hooked up with Chrissy
>>9979679 (pb) Possible connection of current Twitter events to Q#2298
>>9979693 (pb) AG Barr lays out why CCP is faggot
>>9974973 (pb), >>9979891 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham Obama's CIA mom documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9984356 at 2020-07-17 04:40:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12777: Holy Roller Graveyard Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9982359 (pb) Hundreds demonstrate against Netanyahu near his official residence, (Thursday)
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9982689 (pb) HCQ inhibits HIV? (dig)
>>9982273 (pb) 2nd BLM asshole pinched for sex crimes against children.
>>9982249 (pb) Christopher DeVries, organizer, and leader of a Black Lives Matter/Defund The Police protest he named 'Skate Away the Hate' has been arrested on six counts of possession of child sex abuse images.
>>9981839 (pb) re: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks
>the story is likely fake. when was the last time you saw a leak from POTUS admin about official policy? especially one about our intentions or capabilities on the battle field. and if POTUS were to employ an agency to do attacks, it would be the NSA cyber command, thats why they exist, to perform cyber attacks.
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
>>9980003 (pb), >>9980049 (pb) ANTIFA GETTING TAKEN
>>9979740 (pb) Look at all the connections John Legend had before he hooked up with Chrissy
>>9979679 (pb) Possible connection of current Twitter events to Q#2298
>>9979693 (pb) AG Barr lays out why CCP is faggot
>>9974973 (pb), >>9979891 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham Obama's CIA mom documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9983581 at 2020-07-17 02:53:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12776: Breaking Wind Doggo Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9982359 (pb) Hundreds demonstrate against Netanyahu near his official residence, (Thursday)
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9983477 (pb) Beth Wilkinson, Damage response for Redskins and Judge Sullivan's lawyer.
>>9982689 (pb) HCQ inhibits HIV? (dig)
>>9982273 (pb) 2nd BLM asshole pinched for sex crimes against children.
>>9982249 (pb) Christopher DeVries, organizer, and leader of a Black Lives Matter/Defund The Police protest he named 'Skate Away the Hate' has been arrested on six counts of possession of child sex abuse images.
>>9981839 (pb) re: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks
>the story is likely fake. when was the last time you saw a leak from POTUS admin about official policy? especially one about our intentions or capabilities on the battle field. and if POTUS were to employ an agency to do attacks, it would be the NSA cyber command, thats why they exist, to perform cyber attacks.
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
>>9980003 (pb), >>9980049 (pb) ANTIFA GETTING TAKEN
>>9979740 (pb) Look at all the connections John Legend had before he hooked up with Chrissy
>>9979679 (pb) Possible connection of current Twitter events to Q#2298
>>9979693 (pb) AG Barr lays out why CCP is faggot
>>9974973 (pb), >>9979891 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham Obama's CIA mom documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9982796 at 2020-07-17 01:21:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12775: (You) Defend the Integrity of our Country Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9982359 (pb) Hundreds demonstrate against Netanyahu near his official residence, (Thursday)
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel
>>9982689 (pb) HCQ inhibits HIV? (dig)
>>9982273 (pb) 2nd BLM asshole pinched for sex crimes against children.
>>9982249 (pb) Christopher DeVries, organizer, and leader of a Black Lives Matter/Defund The Police protest he named 'Skate Away the Hate' has been arrested on six counts of possession of child sex abuse images.
>>9981839 (pb) re: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks
>the story is likely fake. when was the last time you saw a leak from POTUS admin about official policy? especially one about our intentions or capabilities on the battle field. and if POTUS were to employ an agency to do attacks, it would be the NSA cyber command, thats why they exist, to perform cyber attacks.
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
>>9980003 (pb), >>9980049 (pb) ANTIFA GETTING TAKEN
>>9979740 (pb) Look at all the connections John Legend had before he hooked up with Chrissy
>>9979679 (pb) Possible connection of current Twitter events to Q#2298
>>9979693 (pb) AG Barr lays out why CCP is faggot
>>9974973 (pb), >>9979891 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham Obama's CIA mom documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9982041 at 2020-07-16 23:40:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12774: My Fellow Americans it is Time to Speak Up LOUDLY Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9981839 (pb) re: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks
>the story is likely fake. when was the last time you saw a leak from POTUS admin about official policy? especially one about our intentions or capabilities on the battle field. and if POTUS were to employ an agency to do attacks, it would be the NSA cyber command, thats why they exist, to perform cyber attacks.
>>9980617 (pb), >>9980848 (pb) Numberfagging and Clockfagging finally explained The creators are Redditors
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
>>9980003 (pb), >>9980049 (pb) ANTIFA GETTING TAKEN
>>9979740 (pb) Look at all the connections John Legend had before he hooked up with Chrissy
>>9979679 (pb) Possible connection of current Twitter events to Q#2298
>>9979693 (pb) AG Barr lays out why CCP is faggot
>>9980260 (pb), >>9980260 (pb) re: AG Barr
>Shills always skip over one little salient piece of info - pic related.
>>9974973 (pb), >>9979891 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham Obama's CIA mom documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979420 (pb) Supreme Court clears the way for federal execution of Wesley Purkey; 2nd this week
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up.
#9981261 at 2020-07-16 22:07:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12773: DS (You) Will Remember 8kun For Centuries Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9980617 (pb), >>9980848 (pb) Numberfagging and Clockfagging finally explaied The creators are Redditors
>>9980790 (pb) https://saraacarter.com/disturbing-video-allegedly-shows-blindfolded-uighurs-being-loaded-on-trains-in-china/
>>9980003 (pb), >>9980049 (pb) ANTIFA GETTING TAKEN
>>9979740 (pb) Look at all the connections John Legend had before he hooked up with Chrissy
>>9979679 (pb) Possible connection of current Twitter events to Q#2298
>>9979693 (pb) AG Barr lays out why CCP is faggot
>>9980260 (pb), >>9980260 (pb) re: AG Barr
>Shills always skip over one little salient piece of info - pic related.
>>9974973 (pb), >>9979891 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham Obama's CIA mom documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979420 (pb) Supreme Court clears the way for federal execution of Wesley Purkey; 2nd this week
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9980462 at 2020-07-16 20:43:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12772: Here's The Bread Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9980003 (pb), >>9980049 (pb) ANTIFA GETTING TAKEN
>>9979740 (pb) A few Of John Legend's past 'girls' and their connections to cabal
>>9979679 (pb) Possible connection of current Twitter events to Q#2298
>>9979693 (pb) AG Barr lays out why CCP is faggot
>>9980260 (pb), >>9980260 (pb) re: AG Barr
>Shills always skip over one little salient piece of info - pic related.
>>9974973 (pb), >>9979891 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham Obama's CIA mom documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979420 (pb) Supreme Court clears the way for federal execution of Wesley Purkey; 2nd this week
>>9979111 (pb) Leaked drone footage of CCP loading Uyghurs onto trains to take to "re-education" camps modern day concentration camp activity visually displayed for all to see
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9979610 at 2020-07-16 15:42:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12771: Iceland Plays Screams, Anons Be Like............ Edition
(((Chinese Copy Pasters))) Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9979485 (pb) MSM is now doxxing anyone who dare question Wayfair
>>9979575 (pb) Why are the Endchan people working so hard to cover-up/discredit wayfair digs?
>>9979473 (pb) Informative read about unconstitutional mask mandates. The how and why of their legal problems.
>>9979420 (pb) Supreme Court clears the way for federal execution of Wesley Purkey; 2nd this week
>>9979111 (pb) Leaked drone footage of CCP loading Uyghurs onto trains to take to "re-education" camps modern day concentration camp activity visually displayed for all to see
>>9978966 (pb) Concealing your identity while possessing a concealed weapon is a Class 4 felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison.
>>9979032 (pb) Mandatory Mask Orders: Can You Still Carry in Your State? Do Mandatory Mask Orders infringe on the 2nd Amendment?
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9974973 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham (Obama's CIA demoness)documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9978860 at 2020-07-16 14:12:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12770: In Honor Of JFK Jr. II Edition
Chinese Copy Pasters Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9975587 (pb) Kim Dot Com pretends he'll deliver again
>>9975344 (pb) AI unleashed on qmap.pub data, probably warrants discussion
>>9975097 (pb) Covid-19 stats demonstrate widespread conflatiom of Covid-19 & "Covid-related flu & pneumonia" in totals
>>9975480 (pb) Chrissy Teigen posts husband and baby with pizza emoji. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4986436/Chrissy-Teigen-snaps-photo-John-Legend-Luna.html
>>9974973 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham (Obama's CIA demoness)documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb) Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9976529 at 2020-07-16 05:41:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12767: All of your donated Bitcoin Donations will be returned Doubled Edition
Chinese Copy Pasters Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/commons/2013-06-11/coming-arctic-boom
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9975587 (pb) Kim Dot Com pretends he'll deliver again
>>9975344 (pb) AI unleashed on qmap.pub data, probably warrants discussion
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9976436 at 2020-07-16 05:19:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12766: Crane Kick Tw^tter Edition
(((this))) does not mean what you think it means newfag
>where (((this))) is finding some issue to use for slides or division - fagging
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
#9976300 at 2020-07-16 04:57:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12766: Crane Kick Tw^tter Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9975587 (pb) Kim Dot Com pretends he'll deliver again
>>9975344 (pb) AI unleashed on qmap.pub data, probably warrants discussion
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
#9976093 at 2020-07-16 04:31:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12766: Crane Kick Tw^tter Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
#9975729 at 2020-07-16 03:42:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12766: Crane Kick Tw^tter Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9975587 (pb) Kim Dot Com pretends he'll deliver again
>>9975344 (pb) AI unleashed on qmap.pub data, probably warrants discussion
>>9975097 (pb) Covid-19 stats demonstrate widespread conflatiom of Covid-19 & "Covid-related flu & pneumonia" in totals
>>9975480 (pb) Chrissy Teigen posts husband and baby with pizza emoji. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4986436/Chrissy-Teigen-snaps-photo-John-Legend-Luna.html
>>9974973 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham (Obama's CIA demoness)documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian
>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm
>>9974877 (pb) A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb)Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
>>9974583 (pb) Senator Josh Hawley tweets letter to Jack Dorsey amid widespread blue-check hack
>>9974369 (pb) Alleged leaked pictures form the Twitter admin control panel showcase the buttons 'Trends Blacklist' and 'Search Blacklist' indicating Twitter DOES have the ability to shadowban it's users.
>>9973792 (pb) Rudy G's adventures are detailed in the New FBI Vault released today.
>>9973686 (pb) Link University investigation, 27 companies involved: connected to Joseph Mifsud's lawyer
>>9973669 (pb) PapaD: The Italian "university" where I "bumped" into Joseph Mifsud has been raided by Italian authorities. Italy is with us.
>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.
>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup
>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)
>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island
>>9970176 (pb) 'Centrists' Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against 'Cultural Marxism'
>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times
>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD
>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster
>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13
>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company
>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)
>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)
>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan
>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean
>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell
>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State media puts out a Q video.
>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?
>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of "an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy
>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department
>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting
>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
Yesterday >>9968076
#9974922 at 2020-07-16 02:14:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12765: You are watching a movie Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9974877 A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump's administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb)Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
>>9974583 (pb) Senator Josh Hawley tweets letter to Jack Dorsey amid widespread blue-check hack
>>9974369 (pb) Alleged leaked pictures form the Twitter admin control panel showcase the buttons 'Trends Blacklist' and 'Search Blacklist' indicating Twitter DOES have the ability to shadowban it's users.
>>9973792 (pb) Rudy G's adventures are detailed in the New FBI Vault released today.
>>9973686 (pb) Link University investigation, 27 companies involved: connected to Joseph Mifsud's lawyer
>>9973669 (pb) PapaD: The Italian "university" where I "bumped" into Joseph Mifsud has been raided by Italian authorities. Italy is with us.
>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.
>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup
>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)
>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island
>>9970176 (pb) 'Centrists' Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against 'Cultural Marxism'
>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times
>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD
>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster
>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13
>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company
>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)
>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)
>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan
>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean
>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell
>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State media puts out a Q video.
>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?
>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of "an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy
>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department
>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting
>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
Yesterday >>9968076
#9974759 at 2020-07-16 01:55:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12764: Bird Got Yer Tongue Jack? Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb)Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection
>>9974583 (pb) Senator Josh Hawley tweets letter to Jack Dorsey amid widespread blue-check hack
>>9974369 (pb) Alleged leaked pictures form the Twitter admin control panel showcase the buttons 'Trends Blacklist' and 'Search Blacklist' indicating Twitter DOES have the ability to shadowban it's users.
>>9973792 (pb) Rudy G's adventures are detailed in the New FBI Vault released today.
>>9973686 (pb) Link University investigation, 27 companies involved: connected to Joseph Mifsud's lawyer
>>9973669 (pb) PapaD: The Italian "university" where I "bumped" into Joseph Mifsud has been raided by Italian authorities. Italy is with us.
>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.
>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup
>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)
>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island
>>9970176 (pb) 'Centrists' Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against 'Cultural Marxism'
>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times
>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD
>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster
>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13
>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company
>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)
>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)
>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan
>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean
>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell
>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State media puts out a Q video.
>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?
>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of "an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy
>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department
>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting
>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
Yesterday >>9968076
#9974173 at 2020-07-16 00:55:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12764: Bird Got Yer Tongue Jack? Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9973792 (pb) Rudy G's adventures are detailed in the New FBI Vault released today.
>>9973686 (pb) Link University investigation, 27 companies involved: connected to Joseph Mifsud's lawyer
>>9973669 (pb) PapaD: The Italian "university" where I "bumped" into Joseph Mifsud has been raided by Italian authorities. Italy is with us.
>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.
>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup
>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)
>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island
>>9970176 (pb) 'Centrists' Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against 'Cultural Marxism'
>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times
>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD
>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster
>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13
>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company
>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)
>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)
>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan
>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean
>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell
>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State media puts out a Q video.
>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?
>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of "an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy
>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department
>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting
>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
Yesterday >>9968076
#9974158 at 2020-07-16 00:54:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12764: Bird Got Yer Tongue Jack? Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9973792 (pb) Rudy G's adventures are detailed in the New FBI Vault released today.
>>9973686 (pb) Link University investigation, 27 companies involved: connected to Joseph Mifsud's lawyer
>>9973669 (pb) PapaD: The Italian "university" where I "bumped" into Joseph Mifsud has been raided by Italian authorities. Italy is with us.
>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.
>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup
>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)
>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island
>>9970176 (pb) 'Centrists' Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against 'Cultural Marxism'
>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times
>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD
>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster
>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13
>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company
>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)
>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)
>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan
>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean
>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell
>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State media puts out a Q video.
>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?
>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of "an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy
>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department
>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting
>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
Yesterday >>9968076
#9973720 at 2020-07-16 00:16:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12763: Q Keks with Rat Jack on the side, Hit It Night Shift Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
#9973505 at 2020-07-15 23:53:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12763: Q Keks with Rat Jack on the side, Hit It Night Shift Edition
do you not remember how a certain group of people who wont be named bakers told everybody schiffs kid shirt stood for "media object server"
#9973394 at 2020-07-15 23:42:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12763: Q Keks with Rat Jack on the side, Hit It Night Shift Edition
CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a media object server Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.
>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup
>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)
>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island
>>9970176 (pb) 'Centrists' Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against 'Cultural Marxism'
>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times
>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD
>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster
>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13
>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company
>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)
>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)
>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan
>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean
>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell
>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State media puts out a Q video.
>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell's alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?
>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of "an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy
>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department
>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting
>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up
Yesterday >>9968076
#9973265 at 2020-07-15 23:30:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12762: Buckle Up Night Shift RBG Back In The Saddle and Twat Hacked! Edition
>media object server
Why do you say these things?
#9973027 at 2020-07-15 23:11:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12762: Buckle Up Night Shift RBG Back In The Saddle and Twat Hacked! Edition
Do you mean that media object server t shirt?
#9963140 at 2020-07-15 00:18:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12749: So Killary Wants to Run Again? KEK!
The media object server….. ((((MOS)))
#9954440 at 2020-07-14 03:21:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12738: The 'Quickie Handoff Snipe' Edition
Niggas are you actually trying to push "media object server" bullshit again?
Man your handlers should just kick you in the balls right now for being stupid enough to try pushing such a failed attempt a second time.
#9954352 at 2020-07-14 03:09:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12738: The 'Quickie Handoff Snipe' Edition
Then try finding more things that use that abbreviation. media object server would be a basic feature of modern news broadcasts. Too simple to be the answer, I feel. But you might be able to find a controversy or two in its implementation.
#9953879 at 2020-07-14 02:20:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12737: By Demons Be Driven Edition
media object server
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production.[1][2]
The MOS protocol is based on XML.[3] It enables the exchange of the following types of messages:[4]
Descriptive Data for media objects.
The MOS "pushes" descriptive information and pointers to the NCS as objects are created, modified, or deleted in the MOS. This allows the NCS to be "aware" of the contents of the MOS and enables the NCS to perform searches on and manipulate the data the MOS has sent.
Playlist Exchange.
The NCS can build and transfer playlist information to the MOS. This allows the NCS to control the sequence that media objects are played or presented by the MOS.
Status Exchange.
The MOS can inform the NCS of the status of specific clips or the MOS system in general. The NCS can notify the MOS of the status of specific playlist items or running orders.
MOS was developed to reduce the need for the development of device specific drivers. By allowing developers to embed functionality and handle events, vendors were relieved of the burden of developing device drivers. It was left to the manufacturers to interface newsroom computer systems. This approach affords broadcasters flexibility to purchase equipment from multiple vendors.[5] It also limits the need to have operators in multiple locations throughout the studio as, for example, multiple character generators (CG) can be fired from a single control workstation, without needing an operator at each CG console.[6]
MOS enables journalists to see, use, and control media devices inside Associated Press's ENPS system so that individual pieces of newsroom production technology speak a common XML-based language.[7]
The first meeting of the MOS protocol development group occurred at the Associated Press ENPS developer's conference in Orlando, Florida in 1998. The fundamental concepts of MOS were released to the public domain at that conference.[8]
As an open protocol, the MOS Development Group encourages the participation of broadcast equipment vendors and their customers.[9] More than 100 companies are said to work with AP on MOS-related projects. Compatible hardware and software includes video editing, storage and management; automation; machine control; prompters; character generators; audio editing, store and management; web publishing, interactive TV, field transmission and graphics.[7]
Current development is happening on two tracks: a socket-based version, and a web service version. The current official versions of the MOS protocol, as of January 2011, are 2.8.4 (sockets) and 3.8.4 (web service).[10]
In 2016 proposals began to introduce IP Video support in the MOS protocol. This proposal allows representations of live IP Video sources such as NDI (Network Device Interface) to be included as MOS objects alongside MOS objects representing files to be played off disk[11]
There is also a Java based implementation called jmos that is currently compatible with MOS specification 2.8.2.[12]
An open-source TypeScript (dialect of JavaScript) MOS connector[13] and MOS Gateway[14] is being actively developed by the Norwegian state broadcaster NRK, as part of their open-source Sofie[15] broadcast automation software initiative.
In 2017 the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded an Emmy to the MOS Group for "Development and Standardization of media object server (MOS) Protocol."[16]
I think this might be what accidentally revealed during the Ron Paul campaign. They had fake election results ahead of time for like Maine or something.
#9953788 at 2020-07-14 02:10:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12737: By Demons Be Driven Edition
Now that interpretation, I don't get. What is a media object server?
#9953760 at 2020-07-14 02:08:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12737: By Demons Be Driven Edition
Oh you don't know about the media object server hidden underneath Israel?
#9828167 at 2020-07-02 18:44:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12579: Look Behind The Obvious Edition
So, I guess it's safe to assume that MOS does NOT refer to media object server? Kek!
This shit is as obvious as could be. That big old elephant in the room isn't going to continue being ignored much longer.
#9784422 at 2020-06-29 06:38:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12523: The 'Baking With Frens Is Comfy' Edition
I'm thinking that after three years of struggling to get us to change our mind, some shill is about to get their dog shot over P = Payseur. Either that or actually shot by their handler as an example to the others, which is also possible.
In either case its a very elaborate slide this time, with a short visit from media object server in earlier breads.
#9782327 at 2020-06-29 02:04:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12520: Knowledge is >power< pt 2 Ebake Edition
>What if MOS is neither Mossad or media object server?
#9782126 at 2020-06-29 01:42:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12520: Knowledge is >power< pt 2 Ebake Edition
What if MOS is neither Mossad or media object server?
#9772688 at 2020-06-28 03:29:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12508: Saturday Night Diggz and Keks Edition
(mos) = media object server
imagine being this fucking desperate to take the focus off of what mos obviously means
my god i don't envy you sand people one bit
your job isHARDbro
like who is honestly going to believe this shit
#9772652 at 2020-06-28 03:24:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12508: Saturday Night Diggz and Keks Edition
>media object server [MOS] Communications Protocol allows Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and media object servers (MOS) to exchange information using a standard protocol (language and vocabulary)
#9772628 at 2020-06-28 03:20:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12508: Saturday Night Diggz and Keks Edition
Apache, media object server, AP, Geo-Track, Adobe
#9673730 at 2020-06-19 20:39:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12382: Potus Call to Tulsa=No Curfew Edition
MOS: media object server. Everyone gets one.
#9457837 at 2020-06-04 01:13:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12104: Welcome To The People's Republic Of ChYna Edition
speech writer for Dubya. MOS___, and I ain't suggesting media object server
#9421501 at 2020-06-02 00:56:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12058: MY FELLOW AMERICANS Edition
#9387438 at 2020-05-31 02:42:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12014: Traitors Aiding & Abetting the Enemy Edition
media object server.
The Great Israeli Cinematic Brain Drain: Why Israeli Filmmakers Are Opting for Hollywood
The bright lights of Hollywood have proved irresistible for a group of acclaimed young directors.
#9386448 at 2020-05-31 01:41:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12013: God Save America Edition
If you were on 8ch.net
Back in the day
the joke was that
MOS was
Still hilarious to me.
They had a Bibi meme and everything.
#9361531 at 2020-05-29 15:40:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11981: Them Who Were Trusted, No More NY, Wake the Fuck Up Edition
MOS: media object server
they should be common, like beads. Each sim should also be a server available to anyone unless you say no.
you want to share your pictures? Just plug it into your bead stack of MOS (not the kind that people go on about, but the one that lets you, anon, share content almost effortlessly.)
And that is the real existential threat to the control culture.
but there is still a place for the cataloging and indexing of all that content (everyone's content).
the thing is that the tech industry did a bait and switch. Attorny General Barr was discussing this last night.
for example as Alta Vista was absorbed by ??
from Digital Equipment Corporation, they were to catalgo what was there on the web already. It was awesome.
She asked 'do you want to know how we do it.'
Web crawling.
so AltaVista went away and suddenly appear Google claiming that they will do the same thing.
but they were then later saying 'we will only show you what we want you to see' so they weren't what they were claiming to be when they started anymore. I call that . . . is the word fraud?
I'm not a lawyer.
but anyway I've suggested long ago that why doesn't the SEC look at this in terms of the documents for the public offering of that company, what they said their business model was, and if it still follows along.
for exmaple did they include the 'Don't be evil' part?
if so then why doesn't SEC go after them for it (please do not attempt to answer the rethorical question).
similiar tests for all these tech companies quickly shows that they all have to worry about bait and switch tactics being exposed, to let them fall into ruin.
google said they would catalog the web. But what they did was then to try to steal it all, and censor it.
very strange kerning indeed, mr corney
#9354632 at 2020-05-29 02:45:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11972: Anons Exposing MN Fuckery Edition
#9337425 at 2020-05-27 22:58:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11950: Huge Loaf Edition
It would be awesome if part of the rearchitecting of social media would include that it would provide links to content, as well as caching of content, like a kind of cloud.
but it would encourage 'archive off line' so if it disappears from the servers of the social media company, a list of mirrors will let you fill it right back up.
make the model of social media to include the MOS: media object server. Each person would have scores of these for all of their various content and it would all be backed up and protected.
so when you went to a twit page or a FB page you'd get the content, but you'd also get hyperlinks that would give you the parts if the FB and twit people won't save them for you anymore.
it would be servers that you own.
it would be your content.
they would have no right to alter it.
and commenting on it, whatever, just filter it.
without this kind of redesign, the web will continue to be a place to bait and shame, as the marxists have made it.
#9304171 at 2020-05-25 00:58:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11907: Nobody is 'buying' your [shit] MSDNC Edition
> "media object server" 2.0
#9304158 at 2020-05-25 00:57:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11907: Nobody is 'buying' your [shit] MSDNC Edition
oh god its "media object server" 2.0
#9058265 at 2020-05-07 01:05:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11595: Advocating overthrow of Government? Edition
>[note: they all read from a teleprompter - who controls the message?]
Leading me to believe moar and moar the MOS meant media object server. (Yea, I know, double meanings etc.)
#9057910 at 2020-05-07 00:42:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11594: Ready To Stand? Edition
obviously he's trolling by calling it that but the media object server would be a way for people to have their own content available for the world and hosted on their own system.
It's a powerful protocol.
It could obsolute Youtube if it were widely used.
#9057851 at 2020-05-07 00:39:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #11594: Ready To Stand? Edition
>media object server
Still my favorite meme
>he still doesn't know
OH MY GOD you haven't popped your cherry yet?
#8374180 at 2020-03-11 04:17:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10720: Campaign End At Bernie's Edition
Pretty sure MOS stands for Mossad in this Q drop and not for media object server.
#8374056 at 2020-03-11 04:05:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10720: Campaign End At Bernie's Edition
Yes but media object server fits the context better there doesn't it?
And there is NOTHING that says the MOS there means Mossad - unless your brain works exclusively on a single MuhJoo hatred thread.
Wouldn't you agree?
#8374009 at 2020-03-11 04:01:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10720: Campaign End At Bernie's Edition
Do you mean media object server or Mossad?
When Q means Mossad, he says Mossad, not MOS.
#8238497 at 2020-02-25 00:57:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10547: World War Q Edition
>It says fucking MOS...which will in time become clear.
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production.
hehe…i'm sure this is it…
#8169486 at 2020-02-18 03:16:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10458: To be blunt....GAME OVER. Edition
Aww. So you were wrong all along and it never was just the MuhJoos! Time to rethink a few life choices anon. Maybe MOS really does mean media object server after all.
#8056683 at 2020-02-07 04:14:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10312: Reeeevival Edition
media object server Seasonal Affective Disorder
#8056601 at 2020-02-07 04:09:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10312: Reeeevival Edition
Dear LORD you're an idiot…
"The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production."
#7953974 at 2020-01-29 15:29:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10180: [AS] Pics At High Noon? Edition
Global Announcements
>>7844760 New bakers/note-takers: plz tag notables & other key info to dough post
>>7907553, >>7907564 Updated Watkins bun: 14 of 88 domains seized instead of transferred (1-24-20)
Anons, plz no jpegs, tx
are not endorsements
>>7953880 New California bill prohibits charging anyone under 20 as an adult
>>7953813 Anti-Trump CIA 'Whistleblower' in Ukraine Hoax Was the Leaker in the Russia Hoax... And much much more
>>7953746 Can't make this up: New York State Is Now Mandating "Stargazing Permits" For Looking At The Sky
>>7953679 McConnell Says GOP Doesn't Have Votes to Block Impeachment Witnesses
>>7953556 Huawei denies German report it colluded with Chinese intelligence
>>7953538 Rudy Giuliani twat w/CAP: …bombshell medical report proving there was an attempt to murder the key witness in the Biden-Poroshenko double bribery case, Viktor Shokin.
>>7953479 Mrs. Clinton is objecting, fyi, to @JudicialWatch request to federal court that she be questioned in person, under oath, on her continuing email scandal and Benghazi.
>>7953450 list of reps and dems asking for moar Foreign Workers to Fill U.S. Jobs
>>7953433 moar on fisa abuse contradictions (origin #10178)
>>7953422 North Korea likely played a role in Middle Eastern missile strikes
>>7953395 Prince Andrew 'angry' at claims he is not cooperating on Epstein inquiry
>>7953392, >>7953397 resignationanon reporting
>>7953324 Firefighters on the frontline of the Yellow Vest protests in France.
>>7953260, >>7953361 Victoria's Secret founder Les Wexner is reportedly in talks to step aside and exploring a sale.
>>7953282 Plane carrying US evacuees from China amid coronavirus outbreak diverted to California air base
>>7953274 New DJT twat w/CAP: Mark Penn, Harris Poll: "It's time to end the Impeachment Trial."
>>7953908 #10179
Ghost Grab
>>7953108, >>7952711 Grassley and Johnson allege that four classified footnotes in the IG report on FISA abuse directly contradict claims made in the unclassified version of the report.
>>7953100 Trump's Digital Advantage Is Freaking Out Democratic Strategists
>>7953059 Imran Awan alleges defamation by reporter, conservative media outlets
>>7953048, >>7953051, >>7952912, >>7953162 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs
>>7952975 Australian paedophile jailed for 35 years. (baker note: won't last 35 hours)
>>7952954 Possible coronavirus in Lawrence, KS
>>7952863 SA, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE have issued statements welcoming the Trump peace plan
>>7952800 British Airways stops flights to China
>>7952804 Happy Kansas Day! (Pompeo Twot)
>>7952659, >>7952666 media object server and Newsroom Computer System Digz
>>7952723 CA mayor ends Pledge of Allegiance over disdain for PDJT
>>7952563 Plane carrying US evacuees from China diverted to CA air base
>>7952550 Archive Anon - "Something is Spoopy" Edition contains #10146 - #10177
>>7952489 Another Brit teacher faces jail time over CP images
>>7952473 North Korea/Iran relationship re: missles
>>7953179 #10178
Previously Collected Notables
>>7950875 #10175, >>7951636 #10176, >>7952416 #10177,
>>7947879 #10171, >>7948998 #10172, >>7949292 #10173, >>7950087 #10174
>>7944812 #10167, >>7945521 #10168, >>7946254 #10169, >>7947185 #10170
>>7941645 #10163, >>7942435 #10164, >>7943212 #10165, >>7943955 #10166
>>7938564 #10159, >>7939376 #10160, >>7940101 #10161, >>7940928 #10162
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7953198 at 2020-01-29 13:07:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10179: Forecast: Frequent Shilling with Incoming BOOMS Edition
Global Announcements
>>7844760 New bakers/note-takers: plz tag notables & other key info to dough post
>>7907553, >>7907564 Updated Watkins bun: 14 of 88 domains seized instead of transferred (1-24-20)
Anons, plz no jpegs, tx
are not endorsements
Ghost Grab
>>7953108, >>7952711 Grassley and Johnson allege that four classified footnotes in the IG report on FISA abuse directly contradict claims made in the unclassified version of the report.
>>7953100 Trump's Digital Advantage Is Freaking Out Democratic Strategists
>>7953059 Imran Awan alleges defamation by reporter, conservative media outlets
>>7953048, >>7953051, >>7952912, >>7953162 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs
>>7952975 Australian paedophile jailed for 35 years. (baker note: won't last 35 hours)
>>7952954 Possible coronavirus in Lawrence, KS
>>7952863 SA, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE have issued statements welcoming the Trump peace plan
>>7952800 British Airways stops flights to China
>>7952804 Happy Kansas Day! (Pompeo Twot)
>>7952659, >>7952666 media object server and Newsroom Computer System Digz
>>7952723 CA mayor ends Pledge of Allegiance over disdain for PDJT
>>7952563 Plane carrying US evacuees from China diverted to CA air base
>>7952550 Archive Anon - "Something is Spoopy" Edition contains #10146 - #10177
>>7952489 Another Brit teacher faces jail time over CP images
>>7952473 North Korea/Iran relationship re: missles
>>7953179 #10178
>>7952337 Brave browser screenshot tool
>>7952335 Does JP Morgan Chase & Co see corona outbreak as a buying opportunity?
>>7951876, >>7951889, >>7952125, >>7952132, >>7952168, >>7952197, >>7952214, >>7952225, >>7952238, >>7952258, >>7952320 Anon discussion of Senate trial strategy
>>7952317 UKREP: UK has fulfilled its legal obligations regarding our exit from the EU
>>7952313 Corona rate of development
>>7952227 Pentagon: 50 US troops with traumatic brain injuries from Iran's attack
>>7952223 Corona: Turkey to evacuate 32 citizens
>>7952200 Did the FBI lie about not having Strzok emails on Seth Rich?
>>7952165 NK embassy-linked Berlin hostel must be shut down, German court rules
>>7952169 US spy planes monitor NK
>>7952144 Small earthquake in NK probably not from a nuke test
>>7952130 NK media say Corona prevention a "matter of nat'l survival"
>>7952128 Corona: Wuhan hospitals built with bars on the window?
>>7952127 FBI on Scammers Spoofing FBI Phone Number
>>7952115 Sperry: Bolton manuscript said not to corroborate Fiona Hill's testimony
>>7952110 Digg call on Nagalase (vaxx ingredient that may be dangerous)
>>7952084 One hell of an impeachment: We're getting just what we elected
>>7952061 Corona: plane carrying US evacuees diverted to March Air Reserve air base in Cali
>>7951973 Kathy Griffin: thinks Will Sommer's "QAnons drinking bleach" claim is for real
>>7951874 Jeff Van Drew at POTUS Rally
>>7951872 One of Australia's biggest internet providers is smashed by nationwide outage
>>7951793 Bezos' ex cashed in $370m of $46b she received in divorce settlement
baker change
>>7951891, >>7952117, >>7952142, >>7952343, >>7952391 Fly Eyes On
>>7951729, >>7951736 Ray LaHood
>>7951720, >>7951759, >>7952031, >>7952007, >>7952059, >>7952050, >>7952016, >>7952028, >>7952293 Kobe crash bun; >>7951796 bodies recovered
>>7951711 Grassley and Johnson allege that four classified footnotes in the IG report on FISA abuse directly contradict claims made in the unclassified version of the report.
>>7952416 #10177
Previously Collected Notables
>>7950875 #10175, >>7951636 #10176,
>>7947879 #10171, >>7948998 #10172, >>7949292 #10173, >>7950087 #10174
>>7944812 #10167, >>7945521 #10168, >>7946254 #10169, >>7947185 #10170
>>7941645 #10163, >>7942435 #10164, >>7943212 #10165, >>7943955 #10166
>>7938564 #10159, >>7939376 #10160, >>7940101 #10161, >>7940928 #10162
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7953179 at 2020-01-29 13:02:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10178: We WILL Start a Bread! Edition
final for #10178
>>7953164 > for you anon… done.
Ghost Grab
>>7953108, >>7952711 Grassley and Johnson allege that four classified footnotes in the IG report on FISA abuse directly contradict claims made in the unclassified version of the report.
>>7953100 Trump's Digital Advantage Is Freaking Out Democratic Strategists
>>7953059 Imran Awan alleges defamation by reporter, conservative media outlets
>>7953048, >>7953051, >>7952912, >>7953162 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs
>>7952975 Australian paedophile jailed for 35 years. (baker note: won't last 35 hours)
>>7952954 Possible coronavirus in Lawrence, KS
>>7952863 SA, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE have issued statements welcoming the Trump peace plan
>>7952800 British Airways stops flights to China
>>7952804 Happy Kansas Day! (Pompeo Twot)
>>7952659, >>7952666 media object server and Newsroom Computer System Digz
>>7952723 CA mayor ends Pledge of Allegiance over disdain for PDJT
>>7952563 Plane carrying US evacuees from China diverted to CA air base
>>7952550 Archive Anon - "Something is Spoopy" Edition contains #10146 - #10177
>>7952489 Another Brit teacher faces jail time over CP images
>>7952473 North Korea/Iran relationship re: missles
#7953136 at 2020-01-29 12:50:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10178: We WILL Start a Bread! Edition
final call for notables @ 650
fonky wonky bak'n dis morn'n. gonna get at it early. patience makes anons more deplorable. that is all from z trenches.
Ghost Grab
>>7953108, >>7952711 Grassley and Johnson allege that four classified footnotes in the IG report on FISA abuse directly contradict claims made in the unclassified version of the report.
>>7953100 Trump's Digital Advantage Is Freaking Out Democratic Strategists
>>7953059 Imran Awan alleges defamation by reporter, conservative media outlets
>>7953048, >>7953051, >>7952912 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs
>>7952975 Australian paedophile jailed for 35 years. (baker note: won't last 35 hours)
>>7952954 Possible coronavirus in Lawrence, KS
>>7952863 SA, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE have issued statements welcoming the Trump peace plan
>>7952800 British Airways ends flights to China
>>7952804 Happy Kansas Day! (Pompeo Twot)
>>7952659, >>7952666 media object server and Newsroom Computer System Digz
>>7952723 CA mayor ends Pledge of Allegiance over disdain for PDJT
>>7952563 Plane carrying US evacuees from China diverted to CA air base
>>7952550 Archive Anon - "Something is Spoopy" Edition contains #10146 - #10177
>>7952489 Another Brit teacher faces jail time over CP images
>>7952473 North Korea/Iran relationship re: missles
baking in a bit
#7953032 at 2020-01-29 12:25:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10178: We WILL Start a Bread! Edition
notables bun @ 500
Ghost Grab
>>7952975 Australian paedophile jailed for 35 years. (baker note: won't last 35 hours)
>>7952954 Possible coronavirus in Lawrence, KS
>>7952863 SA, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE have issued statements welcoming the Trump peace plan
>>7952800 British Airways ends flights to China
>>7952804 Happy Kansas Day! (Pompeo Twot)
>>7952659, >>7952666 media object server and Newsroom Computer System Digz
>>7952723 CA mayor ends Pledge of Allegiance over disdain for PDJT
>>7952563 Plane carrying US evacuees from China diverted to CA air base
>>7952550 Archive Anon - "Something is Spoopy" Edition contains #10146 - #10177
>>7952489 Another Brit teacher faces jail time over CP images
>>7952473 North Korea/Iran relationship re: missles
#7952961 at 2020-01-29 12:09:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10178: We WILL Start a Bread! Edition
Nice dig, Anon.
Could not get the dalet link to work, it 404'ed.
When it first came out we landed on media object server due to the nature of the drop.
Don't think we dug it out like this, though!
#7952890 at 2020-01-29 11:58:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10178: We WILL Start a Bread! Edition
>>7952883 Good Morning Baker - Gud to see you again, Fren!
>>7952863 SA, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE have issued statements welcoming the Trump peace plan
>>7952800 British Airways ends flights to China
>>7952804 Happy Kansas Day! (Pompeo Twot)
>>7952659, >>7952666 media object server and Newsroom Computer System Digz
>>7952723 CA mayor ends Pledge of Allegiance over disdain for PDJT
>>7952563 Plane carrying US evacuees from China diverted to CA air base
>>7952550 Archive Anon - "Something is Spoopy" Edition contains #10146 - #10177
>>7952489 Another Brit teacher faces jail time over CP images
>>7952473 North Korea/Iran relationship re: missles
#7952659 at 2020-01-29 11:01:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10178: We WILL Start a Bread! Edition
media object server Communications Protocol / MOS Website: http://mosprotocol.com/
The goal is not to have any humans involved.
What is NCS responsible for?
In general, the Newsroom Computer System is responsible for the creation, modification
and deletion of editorial information, including playlists.
What is MOS responsible for?
In general, the media object server is responsible for the creation, modification and
deletion of media objects and their associated meta-data.
The Development of the MOS Protocol is a collaborative effort.
NCS Website: http://dalet.com/modules/dalet-news-wire
The MOS sends everything to the NCS (Newsroom computer system) and the NCS sends it to
all the mainstream media Outlets connected to it.
Unified News Operations
Program Preparation & Multiplatform Distribution
media Supply Chain Orchestration
Government & Institutions
Manage end-to-end TV, radio, digital and social media news production.
Octopus 8 NRCS Website: http://Octopus-news.com/en/product/features.html
2 computer systems control the info with the help of A.I.
These 2 program's are the fake news brain.
The central hub (Think iRobot). A computer-controlled #reality (through #news).
This is all the links the dots.
The war is real and #DigitalSoldiers are playing a huge part. Not only are we fighting
corporations, fake news reporters and people in our government but we are fighting
computer programs and A.I.
This is why Trump's says the MSM is the enemy of the people.
It is a "system" built to control our thinking (Wireless Matrix).
Source: A Anon 5:5
States military occupation code, or a military occupational specialty code (MOS code),
is a nine-character code used in the United States Army and United
#7782336 at 2020-01-11 13:54:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9960: Network Solutions Burns 88 Watson Domains, Anons Digg! Edition
>media object server
it was guessed because there is nobody confirming it.
as much it could be this it could be also the other thing
>Military Occupational Speciality
#7782333 at 2020-01-11 13:53:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9960: Network Solutions Burns 88 Watson Domains, Anons Digg! Edition
>media object server
it was guessed because there is nobody confirming it.
as much it could be this it could be also the other thing
>Military Occupational Speciality
#7782321 at 2020-01-11 13:51:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9960: Network Solutions Burns 88 Watson Domains, Anons Digg! Edition
There have been many attempts to make MOS to be anything but Mossad, like "media object server"
#7634163 at 2019-12-27 21:25:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9767: Someone’s Not Telling the Truth Edition
Lmao. Even if you give people that MOS=media object server or whatever people came up with, there's still the explicit mossad/schiff picture. But MOS=MOSSAD 100% shills can't hide from that fact.
#7538255 at 2019-12-17 22:03:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9642: Remember, Misspellings Matter Edition
Deniro uses the media to say trump is going to jail. The mockingbird bastards are in cahoots with these spying scandels too. media object server. Secret societies. Gang-stalking even. Eyes wide shut is foremost a film about gang-stalking.
#7522288 at 2019-12-16 06:10:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9622:CorningShift! It's Ripe!! Edition
(MOS) = Mosaic Company
Anons, check this out:
McGuireWoods has a partner named "Jeffrey L. Rothschild." In his bio, he lists this:
>One of the Trustees of a charitable trust that is the largest shareholder of
Cargill in Cargill's publicly announced $25 billion transaction that would
result in the distribution of Cargill's 64% ownership stake in The Mosaic
Company to Cargill's shareholders and debt holders.
If you read through my posts two breads back, you know that once Cargill gave
up their ownership stake, a bunch of companies tied to the Singapore
Government swept in and bought about 100 million shares–collectively about
half of what Cargill gave up.
Q#391 came on December 19, 2017. One of the lines was "How about
($22/Singapore)?" Around this time, John McCain was supposedly sick…but he
made a special effort to get out and vote on POTUS' signature tax reform
bill–and scuttle it:
Here's part of Q#524:
>>>Hussein [1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE
>>>We don't say his name [2] $19,000,000 SINGAPORE
Going off of that, I looked up the first trips Obama and McCain made after
getting out of office. McCain posted a twitter message of himself, Senators
Chris Coons and John Barasso in Singapore on June 3, 2017 (pic related). The
caption reads "Enjoyed dinner w/ #Singapore minister of Home Affairs Shanmugam
& other leaders at #ShangriLaDialogue"
Here's part of Q#138 (part of his list of Rothschild banks)
>Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
So I looked up the Board of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (pic related).
See any familiar faces between the two images?
Obama's trip was on February 14th, 2017. Going on my hunch about (MOS) =
Mosaic, I checked their stock prices on those respective days–it was $34.03
when Obama arrived, and $22.50 when McCain arrived–so Q is calling out
John McCain in #391!
Something else of interest: the ratio of $34.03/$22.50 is almost ''exactly
the same'' as the ratio of $29,000,00/$19,000,000…and therefore, if you
divide the amount they received by the stock prices on the days they arrived,
it works out so that they both would have cashed out about 850,000 shares of
MOS stock.
So here's my theory: what if the House of Saud, the Rothschilds, or some
combination thereof made a deal with both candidates before the 2008
election–850,000 shares of Mosaic stock in return for selling out the USA?
Note this doesn't necessarily disqualify other interpretations of (MOS). My
guess is that Mossad is a part, and the media object server Protocol are
playing parts as well.
Here's links to the previous posts. You can verify everything through MOS's
sec filings (go to sec.gov, click "company filings" in the upper right, then
look up MOS)
#7520123 at 2019-12-16 01:33:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9619: Leg Hair Debonair Edition
I've heard of the "media object server" idea, and I was picturing something else. That makes a lot more sense. Still–that's the media side of things; it doesn't explain how politicians are controlled and paid off by Saudi Arabia.
#7471839 at 2019-12-10 12:36:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9556: Economy Surges Ahead as Dems Fall Behind Edition
Trying to make people seem skitsophrenic as part of targeted harrasment coordinated by freemasonry maybe even mossad media object server should be a rico level felony. Fake people don't get to talk real. They are fake people. They do not matter. They are fake people. Masonic gangstalking. Freemasons gangstalk and targeted harrass people because they also commit human sacrifice and child sacrifice. So they are coordinating gangstalking and targeted harrassment. One of the untold battles you may face if you piss off the cabal enough. It validates Q because these people would simply suicide anyone and not go through all of this gangstalking. Freemasons gangstalk and targeted harrass people and they hide human and child sacrifices.
#7460523 at 2019-12-09 03:16:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
>Some Anons want MOS to be so baldly Mossad (and Mossad only) that Q decided to delete his posts.
>When Q posted MOS and media the first time, we then found out that there is something called media object server, that gives the talking points to all news outlets.
>Next question would be, who is ultimately in power over the talking points?
>The US has so many intel agencies.
>WHY would they all be helpless, unable and unwilling to kick Mossad from steering the media object server?
>Or is "IT IS THE MOSSAD!" really the answer to every unsolved riddle? I highly doubt it.
>Q deleted these posts for a reason.
>Because they created a dumbass frenzy the likes I seldom saw here.
>Q should better clarify, if he meant media object server (and who is in charge of this), or if he meant Mossad.
>Q did fuck up here.
>BIG time.
#7460508 at 2019-12-09 03:13:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
Some Anons want MOS to be so baldly Mossad (and Mossad only) that Q decided to delete his posts.
When Q posted MOS and media the first time, we then found out that there is something called media object server, that gives the talking points to all news outlets.
Next question would be, who is ultimately in power over the talking points?
The US has so many intel agencies.
WHY would they all be helpless, unable and unwilling to kick Mossad from steering the media object server?
Or is "IT IS THE MOSSAD!" really the answer to every unsolved riddle? I highly doubt it.
Q deleted these posts for a reason.
Because they created a dumbass frenzy the likes I seldom saw here.
Q should better clarify, if he meant media object server (and who is in charge of this), or if he meant Mossad.
Q did fuck up here.
BIG time.
#7460405 at 2019-12-09 03:03:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
<MOS = media object server
#7460401 at 2019-12-09 03:02:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
>MOS = media object server
We could do that for a while
MOS = Men on Steroids
MOS = Multiple Orgasm Situation
#7460399 at 2019-12-09 03:02:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
all that asside
what if mossad controls (ed) media object server
very beliebable imo
#7460384 at 2019-12-09 03:00:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
Dear newfags, this is a shill.
I can't lay my hands on it this instant, but there's a drop where Q reminds us that shills try to halt our research by insisting something is entirely solved and put to bed. In truth, almost everything Q says has multiple meanings, so nothing is ever put to bed. When a term's meaning has been "solved," its next solution lies in wait to be discovered. And so on. This doesn't mean that the original solution is refuted. The original solution still stands. But another solution using a newly discovered meaning builds on the former solution.
Ex. 1
MOS = Mossad
MOS = media object server
MOS = [what next?]
There is more than one meaning of "keystone" as well. Ultimately, we will find the ULTIMATE keystone and unlock the ultimate truth.
Only shills want us to stop digging.
#7457830 at 2019-12-08 21:53:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9538: "IG report out tomorrow. That will be the big story" Edition
MOS Group?
Is it connected to Datel at all?
"media object server Communications Protocol allows Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and media object servers (MOS) to exchange information."
"Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) is developed by Dalet. … A global company, Dalet offers solutions and services that enable media organizations to create, manage and distribute content faster and more efficiently, fully maximizing the value of their assets."
"Create, manage, and distribute content with an editorial and orchestration platform that unifies the content chain by managing assets, metadata, workflows, production and distribution processes."
How do [they] get [their] talking points? Is Drop 1221 related?
Who has the servers? Is Drop 2548 related?
#7452570 at 2019-12-08 04:06:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9531:We are at critical mass! Let it Boom! Edition
Remember when RDoc said MOS stood for media object server?
What a fucking Russian/jew/clown. >>7452557
>>666 is the number of the triangle
>Q [3] 666
Nice catch, fren
#7452552 at 2019-12-08 04:03:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9531:We are at critical mass! Let it Boom! Edition
Remember when RDoc said MOS stood for media object server?
What a fucking Russian/jew/clown.
#7451275 at 2019-12-08 01:54:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9529: A Media Object Server Just Flew Over My House! Edition
>media object server
Please take this as a token of my appreciation.
#7451102 at 2019-12-08 01:42:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9529: A Media Object Server Just Flew Over My House! Edition
DID THE media object server FLY OVER YOUR HOUSE TOO?!
#7451091 at 2019-12-08 01:42:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9529: A Media Object Server Just Flew Over My House! Edition
is NOT about Mossad directly. It is about MOS
MOS is media object server and ties NewsRoom Computers together so that they can share the same stories, transcripts and videos worldwide.
1:1:1:1 is Cloudflare, a CIA based company that shut down 8chan. They offer a "free" DNS server to track ALL web traffic from a single source.
#7449943 at 2019-12-07 23:57:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
Hey this is excellent work anon. You just missed one.
MOS media object server*
* see Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS)
#7449803 at 2019-12-07 23:39:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
They're busy little bees today aren't they? MOS = media object server? Best joke I've heard this year.
#7449783 at 2019-12-07 23:39:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
These anons don't listen to Occams Razor points. It is. media. object. server.
Associated Press. Apache.
#7449780 at 2019-12-07 23:38:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
Acronym Definition
MOS Months
MOS Military Occupational Specialty (US Army)
MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Microsoft Office Specialist
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MOS Ministry of Sound (London Night Club)
MOS Museum of Science (Boston, MA)
MOS Man of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS)
MOS Man On the Street (type of interview)
MOS Margin of Safety
MOS Manual of Style
MOS Mates of State (band)
MOS My Oracle Support (software)
MOS Mambo Open Source
MOS Miracle of Science (science fiction)
MOS Material On Site
MOS Medical Outcomes Study
MOS Moment of Silence
MOS Motorways of the Sea (EU)
MOS Model Output Statistics
MOS Measure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL)
MOS Master Operating System
MOS Magneto Optic Storage
MOS Mobile Office System
MOS Mission Operation System
MOS Minimum Operating System
MOS Mobile Office Support
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Managed objects
MOS Multiuser Operating System
MOS Multiprogramming Operating System
MOS Modular Optical Scanner
MOS Mobile Office Suite
MOS Management Operating System
MOS Metal-Oxide-Silicon
MOS Motor Operated Switch
MOS Made of Steel
MOS Mission Operations System (US NASA)
MOS Military One Source (US DoD)
MOS Member of the Opposite Sex
MOS Medical Office Specialist
MOS Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD)
MOS Mobile Operating System
MOS Maintenance Operations Squadron
MOS Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school)
MOS Multi-object Spectrograph
MOS Marine Observation Satellite
MOS Mom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder)
MOS Macintosh Operating System
MOS media object server
MOS Multi-object Spectrometer
MOS Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; various locations)
MOS Married out of Society (Quaker religion)
MOS Multimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation)
MOS Mu Online server
MOS Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer)
MOS Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database)
MOS Make Out Session
MOS Matter of Size
MOS Manual of Standards
MOS Medical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
MOS Monthly Operational Summary
MOS Managed Office Solutions (UK)
MOS Member of Service (police)
MOS Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy)
MOS Michigan Office Solutions (est. 1957)
MOS Mission of Service
MOS Major Orthopedic Surgery
MOS Minimum Operating Strip
MOS Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
MOS Mic-O-Say (Tribe)
MOS Margin on Services (insurance)
MOS MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System)
MOS Method of Statement
MOS Mode Of Shipment
MOS Mini Operating System
MOS Major Operating System
MOS Multi-Beam Optical Sensor
MOS Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA)
MOS Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school)
MOS Mother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct)
MOS Military Occupation Skill
MOS Massachusetts Orchid Society
MOS Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI)
MOS Method Of Supply
MOS Mobility Operations School
MOS My Own Science (education program)
MOS Military Operations Specialist (FAA)
MOS Metal Oxide Substrate
MOS Managed Operations Services (various companies)
MOS Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain)
MOS Maintenance Out of Service
MOS Manually Operated Switch (railroads)
MOS Minimum Operating Standard
MOS Maritime Observation Satellite
MOS Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape)
MOS Mute on Sound
MOS Manned Orbital Station
MOS Minimum Operational Sensitivity
MOS Maintenance Override Switch
MOS Marked Out of Stock
MOS Management Operations Staff
MOS Marine Occupational Standard
MOS Military Oceanography Subcommittee
MOS Manual Observing System
MOS Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education)
MOS Malibu Orchid Society, Inc.
MOS Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog)
MOS Measure Of Suitability/Stability
MOS Minus Optical Strip (acting)
MOS Madonna of the Streets
MOS MANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System (open source software)
MOS Material Ordering Schedule
MOS Materials Ordering System
MOS Military Obligated Service
MOS Modulated Orthogonal Sequence
MOS Mission Operational Specialty
MOS Morph Operating System
MOS Main object Size
MOS Multifunctional Operator System
MOS Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian)
MOS Movable Oil Saturation
MOS Monitor Only Stations
MOS Manually Out of Service
MOS Modine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.)
MOS Modetti Office Services (Singapore)
#7449763 at 2019-12-07 23:36:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
What is a "MOS?"
A media object server (MOS) is any device capable of storing media objects.
What are media objects?
media objects are defined as:
CGs (Character Generator objects)
Still Store
It is generally assumed, though not a requirement, that these objects will be stored in a non-linear device.
Other types of media objects may be added to this list.
What is the NCS responsible for?
In General, the Newsroom Computer System is responsible for the creation, modification, and deletion of editorial information, including playlists.
"What is the MOS responsible for?
In General, the media object server is responsible for the creation, modification, and deletion of media objects and their associated meta-data."
#7449740 at 2019-12-07 23:32:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
Says the fucking kike who is posting that MOS = media object server, top fucking kek faggot.
You can't be serious?
Try harder.
>>7449591 ← moshe being a faggot
#7449672 at 2019-12-07 23:22:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
>MOS = media object server
#7449657 at 2019-12-07 23:21:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
media object server MOS
#7449591 at 2019-12-07 23:13:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
>Don't shill BS here about 'media servers'.
All the 6 media companies get their talking points from a central server.
Therefore I'm thinking that they get it from this "media object server".
Who operates this server and sets the talking points is the next question.
#7449585 at 2019-12-07 23:14:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
MOS (mossad) + MOS (media object server) = 4am talking points
so tbh, it really doesn't matter which one since somebody has to FEED a media object server….
#7449576 at 2019-12-07 23:13:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
'media object server' was pushed hard when Q first said MOS.
#7449541 at 2019-12-07 23:09:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
Question is, who operates this media object server and for whom.
#7449525 at 2019-12-07 23:05:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
Now anon has to figure out what a media object server might mean to this movie.
#7449429 at 2019-12-07 22:56:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
>MOS = media object server
>(MOS ? Mossad)
#7449423 at 2019-12-07 22:55:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
MOS = media object server
(MOS ? Mossad)
#7448306 at 2019-12-07 20:07:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9526: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
>>7448062, >>7448070, >>7448072, >>7448083, >>7448087, >>7448158 Drudge Diggz!
>>7448137 Hong Kong American Chamber of Commerce president denied entry to Macau
>>7448105 Mexico, U.S. 'getting close' on finalizing USMCA: Mexican official
>>7447995, >>7448029, >>7448067, >>7448096, >>7448149 MOS is an acronym for media object server Communications Protocol, which allows Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and media object servers (MOS) to exchange information using a standard protocol (language and vocabulary)?
>>7448008 Saving Israel for last.... Wonder Why
>>7447968 Harvard stats
>>7447965, >>7448061 all Potus twats today, so far
>>7447957 Abe Goldschmidt, whose number was in Q drop 2262 "MUSIC ABOUT TO STOP", on Sept 21, 2018, no longer works at the White House
>>7447938 Spreadsheet is updated to Q post >>>/projectdcomms/105
>>7447931 Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz is to step down in June 2020.
>>7447929 Top Insider sale/buy of the week: Uber former ceo/founder: $123.43m Dec 3-5 & Howard Hughes Corp.: $200.84m Dec 2
>>7447918 Argentina's central bank governor Guido Sandleris, announced his resignation as president-elect Alberto Fernández is due to take office on December 10.
>>7447904, >>7447927 Bernie Sanders Joins Climate Strikers in Iowa: This Is a 'Global Existential Crisis'
>>7447898 Got my ticket to the Trump rally the 18th!
>>7447877, >>7447977 Q's other post on Warren:
>>7447876 Lawmakers Urge AG Barr to Prosecute Obscene Pornography Producers, Distributors
>>7447855 Suppressing Dissent Guarantees Disorder And Collapse
>>7447843 Potus/Q insync
>>7447821 @realDonaldTrump Our Economy is the envy of the World!
>>7447812 Towards "NATO-Exit"? Shift in the Structure of Military Coalitions. Turkey's Alliance with Russia, China and Iran?
>>7447792 @realDonaldTrump The United States will not rest until we bring every American wrongfully detained in Iran and around the world back home to their loved ones!
>>7447771 Pensacola Navy base shooting victim "saved countless lives"
>>7447699 US restarts peace talks with Afghan Taliban in Qatar
>>7447639 PM Abe abandons bid to revise Constitution in 2020 due to deadlock over scandals
>>7447621 Navy, Pentagon to Review Base Security Following 3 Deadly Incidents in a Week
>>7447613, >>7447646 Greece expels Libyan ambassador over agreements with Turkey
>>7447576 Elizabeth Warren Pushes Gun Control Before Pensacola Facts Known
>>7447575 UK media investigates Clintons & Epstein. Virginia Giuffre exposes Andrew & Maxwell (Video)
>>7447557 Erdogan invited to attend Victory Day Parade in Moscow in 2020
>>7447545 Judiciary panel releases report defining impeachable offenses
>>7447523 US State Department denies Netanyahu talked Jordan Valley annexation with Pompeo
>>7447472, >>7447478 Immigrants keep coming!
#7448268 at 2019-12-07 20:04:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9526: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
>>7370399 New Q-Board: https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/index.html
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7448062, >>7448070, >>7448072, >>7448083, >>7448087, >>7448158 Drudge Diggz!
>>7448137 Hong Kong American Chamber of Commerce president denied entry to Macau
>>7448105 Mexico, U.S. 'getting close' on finalizing USMCA: Mexican official
>>7447995, >>7448029, >>7448067, >>7448096, >>7448149 MOS is an acronym for media object server Communications Protocol, which allows Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and media object servers (MOS) to exchange information using a standard protocol (language and vocabulary)?
>>7448008 Saving Israel for last.... Wonder Why
>>7447968 Harvard stats
>>7447965, >>7448061 all Potus twats today, so far
>>7447957 Abe Goldschmidt, whose number was in Q drop 2262 "MUSIC ABOUT TO STOP", on Sept 21, 2018, no longer works at the White House
>>7447938 Spreadsheet is updated to Q post >>>/projectdcomms/105
>>7447931 Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz is to step down in June 2020.
>>7447929 Top Insider sale/buy of the week: Uber former ceo/founder: $123.43m Dec 3-5 & Howard Hughes Corp.: $200.84m Dec 2
>>7447918 Argentina's central bank governor Guido Sandleris, announced his resignation as president-elect Alberto Fernández is due to take office on December 10.
>>7447904, >>7447927 Bernie Sanders Joins Climate Strikers in Iowa: This Is a 'Global Existential Crisis'
>>7447898 Got my ticket to the Trump rally the 18th!
>>7447877, >>7447977 Q's other post on Warren:
>>7447876 Lawmakers Urge AG Barr to Prosecute Obscene Pornography Producers, Distributors
>>7447855 Suppressing Dissent Guarantees Disorder And Collapse
>>7447843 Potus/Q insync
>>7447821 @realDonaldTrump Our Economy is the envy of the World!
>>7447812 Towards "NATO-Exit"? Shift in the Structure of Military Coalitions. Turkey's Alliance with Russia, China and Iran?
>>7447792 @realDonaldTrump The United States will not rest until we bring every American wrongfully detained in Iran and around the world back home to their loved ones!
>>7447771 Pensacola Navy base shooting victim "saved countless lives"
>>7447699 US restarts peace talks with Afghan Taliban in Qatar
>>7447639 PM Abe abandons bid to revise Constitution in 2020 due to deadlock over scandals
>>7447621 Navy, Pentagon to Review Base Security Following 3 Deadly Incidents in a Week
>>7447613, >>7447646 Greece expels Libyan ambassador over agreements with Turkey
>>7447576 Elizabeth Warren Pushes Gun Control Before Pensacola Facts Known
>>7447575 UK media investigates Clintons & Epstein. Virginia Giuffre exposes Andrew & Maxwell (Video)
>>7447557 Erdogan invited to attend Victory Day Parade in Moscow in 2020
>>7447545 Judiciary panel releases report defining impeachable offenses
>>7447523 US State Department denies Netanyahu talked Jordan Valley annexation with Pompeo
>>7447472, >>7447478 Immigrants keep coming!
Previously Collected Notables
>>7446674 #9523, >>7447367 #9524
>>7443424 #9519, >>7444301 #9520, >>7445097 #9521, >>7445847 #9522
>>7440480 #9515, >>7441240 #9516, >>7442222 #9517, >>7442774 #9518
>>7437408 #9511, >>7438172 #9512, >>7438952 #9513, >>7439721 #9514
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7448187 at 2019-12-07 19:48:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9525: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
I'm not saying Mossad wouldn't have caused a networking protocol for distributing/controlling news across multi newsrooms to be named "media object server" just to be cute. They might have. I was under the impression this protocol has been around for a long time.
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production. The MOS protocol is based on XML.
#7448175 at 2019-12-07 19:44:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9525: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
media object server is a protocol, not a component within a COMMAND STRUCTURE.
#7448149 at 2019-12-07 19:41:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9525: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
>>7448121 You seem uncertain about the meaning of "protocol" in an information technology context, in your description below.
>>7447995, >>7448029, >>7448067, >>7448096 MOS is an acronym for media object server Communications Protocol, which allows Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and media object servers (MOS) to exchange information using a standard protocol (language and vocabulary)?
A data exchange protocol is a set of message formats and formalized definition of how those messages are exchanged between nodes in a networking system. For example HTTP used by web browsers is a protocol with a formal definition specified in RFC 2616.
In telecommunications, a communication protocol is a system of rules that allow two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information via any kind of variation of a physical quantity. The protocol defines the rules syntax, semantics and synchronization of communication and possible error recovery methods. Protocols may be implemented by hardware, software, or a combination of both.
A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication between network devices. Network protocols include mechanisms for devices to identify and make connections with each other, as well as formatting rules that specify how data is packaged into sent and received messages.
#7448121 at 2019-12-07 19:36:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9525: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
>>7448105 Mexico, U.S. 'getting close' on finalizing USMCA: Mexican official
>>7447995, >>7448029, >>7448067, >>7448096 MOS is an acronym for media object server Communications Protocol, which allows Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and media object servers (MOS) to exchange information using a standard protocol (language and vocabulary)?
>>7448008 Saving Israel for last.... Wonder Why
>>7447968 Harvard stats
>>7447965, >>7448061 all Potus twats today, so far
>>7447957 Abe Goldschmidt, whose number was in Q drop 2262 "MUSIC ABOUT TO STOP", on Sept 21, 2018, no longer works at the White House
>>7447938 Spreadsheet is updated to Q post >>>/projectdcomms/105
>>7447931 Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz is to step down in June 2020.
>>7447929 Top Insider sale/buy of the week: Uber former ceo/founder: $123.43m Dec 3-5 & Howard Hughes Corp.: $200.84m Dec 2
>>7447918 Argentina's central bank governor Guido Sandleris, announced his resignation as president-elect Alberto Fernández is due to take office on December 10.
>>7447904, >>7447927 Bernie Sanders Joins Climate Strikers in Iowa: This Is a 'Global Existential Crisis'
>>7447898 Got my ticket to the Trump rally the 18th!
>>7447877, >>7447977 Q's other post on Warren:
>>7447876 Lawmakers Urge AG Barr to Prosecute Obscene Pornography Producers, Distributors
>>7447855 Suppressing Dissent Guarantees Disorder And Collapse
>>7447843 Potus/Q insync
>>7447821 @realDonaldTrump Our Economy is the envy of the World!
>>7447812 Towards "NATO-Exit"? Shift in the Structure of Military Coalitions. Turkey's Alliance with Russia, China and Iran?
>>7447792 @realDonaldTrump The United States will not rest until we bring every American wrongfully detained in Iran and around the world back home to their loved ones!
>>7447771 Pensacola Navy base shooting victim "saved countless lives"
>>7447699 US restarts peace talks with Afghan Taliban in Qatar
>>7447639 PM Abe abandons bid to revise Constitution in 2020 due to deadlock over scandals
>>7447621 Navy, Pentagon to Review Base Security Following 3 Deadly Incidents in a Week
>>7447613, >>7447646 Greece expels Libyan ambassador over agreements with Turkey
>>7447576 Elizabeth Warren Pushes Gun Control Before Pensacola Facts Known
>>7447575 UK media investigates Clintons & Epstein. Virginia Giuffre exposes Andrew & Maxwell (Video)
>>7447557 Erdogan invited to attend Victory Day Parade in Moscow in 2020
>>7447545 Judiciary panel releases report defining impeachable offenses
>>7447523 US State Department denies Netanyahu talked Jordan Valley annexation with Pompeo
>>7447472, >>7447478 Immigrants keep coming!
#7447995 at 2019-12-07 19:16:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9525: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
Is it an unrelated coincidence that MOS is an acronym for media object server Communications Protocol, which allows Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and media object servers (MOS) to exchange information using a standard protocol (language and vocabulary)?
Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) is developed by Dalet. "A global company, Dalet offers solutions and services that enable media organizations to create, manage and distribute content faster and more efficiently, fully maximizing the value of their assets.
These days, anything that pushes "AI" makes me look twice.
#7446960 at 2019-12-07 17:26:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9524: Comfy Saturday with Patriots! Edition
Acronym Definition
MOS Months
MOS Military Occupational Specialty (US Army)
MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Microsoft Office Specialist
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MOS Ministry of Sound (London Night Club)
MOS Museum of Science (Boston, MA)
MOS Man of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS)
MOS Man On the Street (type of interview)
MOS Margin of Safety
MOS Manual of Style
MOS Mates of State (band)
MOS My Oracle Support (software)
MOS Mambo Open Source
MOS Miracle of Science (science fiction)
MOS Material On Site
MOS Medical Outcomes Study
MOS Moment of Silence
MOS Motorways of the Sea (EU)
MOS Model Output Statistics
MOS Measure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL)
MOS Master Operating System
MOS Magneto Optic Storage
MOS Mobile Office System
MOS Mission Operation System
MOS Minimum Operating System
MOS Mobile Office Support
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Managed objects
MOS Multiuser Operating System
MOS Multiprogramming Operating System
MOS Modular Optical Scanner
MOS Mobile Office Suite
MOS Management Operating System
MOS Metal-Oxide-Silicon
MOS Motor Operated Switch
MOS Made of Steel
MOS Mission Operations System (US NASA)
MOS Military One Source (US DoD)
MOS Member of the Opposite Sex
MOS Medical Office Specialist
MOS Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD)
MOS Mobile Operating System
MOS Maintenance Operations Squadron
MOS Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school)
MOS Multi-object Spectrograph
MOS Marine Observation Satellite
MOS Mom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder)
MOS Macintosh Operating System
MOS media object server
MOS Multi-object Spectrometer
MOS Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; various locations)
MOS Married out of Society (Quaker religion)
MOS Multimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation)
MOS Mu Online server
MOS Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer)
MOS Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database)
MOS Make Out Session
MOS Matter of Size
MOS Manual of Standards
MOS Medical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
MOS Monthly Operational Summary
MOS Managed Office Solutions (UK)
MOS Member of Service (police)
MOS Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy)
MOS Michigan Office Solutions (est. 1957)
MOS Mission of Service
MOS Major Orthopedic Surgery
MOS Minimum Operating Strip
MOS Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
MOS Mic-O-Say (Tribe)
MOS Margin on Services (insurance)
MOS MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System)
MOS Method of Statement
MOS Mode Of Shipment
MOS Mini Operating System
MOS Major Operating System
MOS Multi-Beam Optical Sensor
MOS Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA)
MOS Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school)
MOS Mother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct)
MOS Military Occupation Skill
MOS Massachusetts Orchid Society
MOS Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI)
MOS Method Of Supply
MOS Mobility Operations School
MOS My Own Science (education program)
MOS Military Operations Specialist (FAA)
MOS Metal Oxide Substrate
MOS Managed Operations Services (various companies)
MOS Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain)
MOS Maintenance Out of Service
MOS Manually Operated Switch (railroads)
MOS Minimum Operating Standard
MOS Maritime Observation Satellite
MOS Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape)
MOS Mute on Sound
MOS Manned Orbital Station
MOS Minimum Operational Sensitivity
MOS Maintenance Override Switch
MOS Marked Out of Stock
MOS Management Operations Staff
MOS Marine Occupational Standard
MOS Military Oceanography Subcommittee
MOS Manual Observing System
MOS Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education)
MOS Malibu Orchid Society, Inc.
MOS Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog)
MOS Measure Of Suitability/Stability
MOS Minus Optical Strip (acting)
MOS Madonna of the Streets
MOS MANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System (open source software)
MOS Material Ordering Schedule
MOS Materials Ordering System
MOS Military Obligated Service
MOS Modulated Orthogonal Sequence
MOS Mission Operational Specialty
MOS Morph Operating System
MOS Main object Size
MOS Multifunctional Operator System
MOS Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian)
MOS Movable Oil Saturation
MOS Monitor Only Stations
MOS Manually Out of Service
MOS Modine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.)
MOS Modetti Office Services (Singapore)
#7219159 at 2019-07-27 21:25:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9236: Jews ARE The Puppet Masters Behind The "Cabal" (((Cabala)))
media object server always made far more sense to me in this context.
Who uses MOS, who develops it, and how used?
#6824927 at 2019-06-23 20:06:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8728: "It's the BREAK" KITCHEN's HOT Edition
Look at the context you dribbling idiot.
MSM/Politician coordination - Then look at fukkin Wikipedia for media object server [MOS]
#6732631 at 2019-06-12 12:05:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8610: Summerfags Are Here Edition!
your delusional if you think that most of the time, if not all of the time, when Q uses those three letters that he is not talking about the people of an agency. It's far fetched that 'media object server' makes sense in the contect in which those letters are used.
#6732591 at 2019-06-12 11:47:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8610: Summerfags Are Here Edition!
MOS = media object server in Q quotes.
It is used to synchronize Mockingbird News.
#6704675 at 2019-06-08 21:11:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8574: Saturday BBQ and Live Band At Feels Bar Edition
Yeah the media object server controls the fake news media talking heada and the corrupt dc politicians. That totally makes sense!!
Try harder u mossad faggot.
Let me guess, when Q said MOS and cia agents were deploying all tactics to subvert the board, he really meant media object server??
U faggots have been trying that spin for over a year now. Its retarded and nobody is buying it.
kys homo
#6704444 at 2019-06-08 20:41:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8574: Saturday BBQ and Live Band At Feels Bar Edition
Yeah you are delusional.
MOS = media object server and makes more sense in the context of the Q post.
But you know that, it just serves your purpose to indicate otherwise…. what is it you like to say… "Always Deceiving"
#6616244 at 2019-05-29 13:01:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8459: Forecast: Stormy Weather with Periods of Calm Edition
>media object server
#6616237 at 2019-05-29 12:59:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8459: Forecast: Stormy Weather with Periods of Calm Edition
NOT Mossad!
MOS stands for media object server.
"The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production."
It is the ONE server from which ALL MSM news trickle down!
#6566206 at 2019-05-23 14:14:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8395: Too late to Run... It's Here Edition
MOS stands for:
"The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production."
It means that only one server is the source of all MSM talking points.
The 91-numbers have no connection to this Q drop.
#6353631 at 2019-04-29 01:36:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8124: The World is Watching Edition
Yeah media object server is controlling all the corrupt dc politicians. cool story faggot.
any more year old slides u want to bring back?
#5962574 at 2019-03-29 16:07:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7626: Winning Never Gets Old edition
Straw poll frens -
Does the MOS in Q1871 stand for
media object server,
or possibly both?
#5939786 at 2019-03-28 12:32:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7598: Someday I Will Tell you the Secret! Edition
MOS = Mossad?
MOS = media object server?
#5485510 at 2019-03-03 20:20:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7013: Umbrella Surv Edition
this faggots
In 2017 the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded an Emmy to the MOS Group for "Development and Standardization of media object server (MOS) Protocol."[13]
#5485487 at 2019-03-03 20:19:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7013: Umbrella Surv Edition
media object server
#4267870 at 2018-12-12 05:16:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5437: The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE Edition
>>4266784 (pb)
media object server
#4124797 at 2018-12-03 04:49:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5251: See CLEARLY Edition
"media object server"
#3574163 at 2018-10-23 15:46:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4534: Sympathy For The Soros Edition
just maybe that was the media object server recommended feed?
#3574136 at 2018-10-23 15:44:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4534: Sympathy For The Soros Edition
Interdasting point to ponder.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" , BHO 2013 (lies, lies, lies)
things that make you go, hmmm …
Right. media object server?
#3572241 at 2018-10-23 08:51:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4532: BTFO Philip Edition
It's cued in the media object server. This is the Central hub the MSM and the rest of the media, including the alternative media, get their stories. There is no independent journalism, the AP is the Central News as the Fed Reserve is the Central Bank. You notice you need a client log in to get these news stories. They monitor the output and make damn sure no one goes into business for themselves.
This is where the 4 am talking points come from. The stories of the day, all the teleprompter info, the script every station goes by. The format. You can find YouTube videos where people have overlayed news stations all over the country saying the exact same script, word for word. News is synthetic, journalism is dead, the real news is what they don't tell you. It's the stuff they bury.
I do wonder if this was by mistake or on purpose.
#3569113 at 2018-10-23 01:29:38 (UTC+1)
muh media object server
fucking idiots its a live stream
#3569064 at 2018-10-23 01:26:32 (UTC+1)
We saw the media object server, the AP news wire is the bridge between the Cabal and the Fake news.
#3548067 at 2018-10-21 02:18:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4500: #LiterallyShaking Edition
Wait, I thought you cunts were told it was a "media object server". Why can't you get your shill shit straight? See, that's the problem. Make a plan, stick to it. It's more convincing that way. Else, you just out yourselves as… NPCs.
#3490114 at 2018-10-16 00:38:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4425: The Unstoppable Force Edition
Yes. Geo tracker with media object server used by AP for ruleta that spreads mockingbird narrative.
#3420775 at 2018-10-10 04:59:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4336: Like Clockwork Edition
Yeah, something isnt quite right. The thing with Kate, the VIP never got settled iirc. That didn't sit well either. I'm wondering if someone within the WH had some info they were slow leaking and got found out. At some point the topics became nothing but repetition. There was a theory that it was someone who had access to the media object server where the 4 am drops come into and that's how they were able to get ahead of the news a bit. Hell, who knows. I hope we are going to destroy the cabal, but we have no indication of that happening other than Q.
#3394614 at 2018-10-08 16:39:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4302: Make Liberals Cry Again Edition
MOS is media object server, and the Israeli intelligence post was done by anons who cracked Q's tripcode. As white men, we should check our white privilege and allow more immigrants in because diversity is our strength. I like to suck baby penises
#3389064 at 2018-10-08 03:38:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4295: Slidey Sunday NightShift Edition
MOS means media object server. And Q was just playing with us when he said Israeli intelligence. Israel is our greatest ally. That's why we're saving them for last. Q meant that we would send them all of our shekels in the end as a thank you for being so awesome. In the meantime, we should really check our white privilege. And I can say that because I'm a white male. Shalom
#3381925 at 2018-10-07 17:32:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4285: The Frost Makes the Anons Edition
<STFU SHILL, ITS media object server
#3380901 at 2018-10-07 15:52:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4284: /Ourfag/ LG Got Swag Edition
Goyim…..oops, I mean guys. Q and I go way back. I'm a white male and a huge Trump supporter, but maybe we should check our white privilege. Oh, and MOS doesn't stand for Mossad. It means media object server.
#2920439 at 2018-09-07 15:52:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3694: Blustering Israeli Vitamin Merchant Edition
The real question might be "who controls the media object server?"
#2920426 at 2018-09-07 15:50:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3694: Blustering Israeli Vitamin Merchant Edition
Q can you clarify if [MOS] refers to media object server protocols?
#2919124 at 2018-09-07 14:02:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3692: Ominous & Anonymous Edition
Military Occupational Specialty
Medical Outcomes Study
Military One Source
media object server
There are a few to chose from. Got any candidates?
#2912320 at 2018-09-07 01:48:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3683: Trump MAGA Rally In Billings
media object server
but most likely media object server
#2912292 at 2018-09-07 01:47:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3683: Trump MAGA Rally In Billings
media object server
#2908685 at 2018-09-06 22:19:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3678: Campaign POTUS Is Coming Edition
Q - MOS is Mossad or media object server
#2907806 at 2018-09-06 21:13:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3677: Enjoy the Show! Edition
Q - MOS is Mossad or media object server
#2895047 at 2018-09-06 00:32:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3661: New York Trouble Edition
or media object server. Still up for debate.
#2889758 at 2018-09-05 18:53:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3654: THANK YOU BAKER Edition
It's probably media object server, yeah, that's it. That's the ticket. Trust me because I follow Jack Posobiec on twitter and Jerome Corsy those guys are true patriots real americans.
#2888179 at 2018-09-05 17:05:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3652 PREDICTABLE FAKE NEWS Edition
media object server - Because MS Word Tells You What to Write.
#2887920 at 2018-09-05 16:45:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3651 New Q late in Bread Edition
clearly AJ is just stuck in the media object server again. somebody pull him out!
#2877834 at 2018-09-04 22:04:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3638: Well Done Kavanaugh Edition
MOS media object server + Geo-T= Mockingbird
not mossad
#2873449 at 2018-09-04 16:44:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3633: God Bless The REPUBLC Edition
In this context, I thing MOS is media object server (4am talking points origin), Not Mossad
#2704914 at 2018-08-22 20:47:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3415: The Movie is Getting Good Edition
That's one of the least original, least creative kikes here.
It's just the same copy pasta over and over.
I bet he believes in the media object server or whatever bullshit they were pushing last week.
#2682839 at 2018-08-20 23:41:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3387 Fed Reserve Director retires Edition
Neither. I think it means media object server, but anons can make an argument for another meaning. Therefore, unless you're getting direct COMMS from Q, which you aren't, you KNOW as little or as much as I do. Thanks for playing though.
#2662214 at 2018-08-19 02:56:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3360: Deep State ShaQing
How does a media object server work? Is that the 4 am thing?
#2648814 at 2018-08-17 22:48:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3344: All Breads Lead To Victory
MOS = media object server , used in newsrooms. Avid software runs on MOS. Avid owned by Blum Capital Partners. Richard Blum husband of Diane Feinstein , Senator from California. So I guess Feinstein is running the media.
#2630140 at 2018-08-16 18:24:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3319: Nothing To See Here Edition
>Anyone have any idea what PDB stands for?
media object server kek
#2611676 at 2018-08-15 17:19:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3296 [Clowns] Out of Control Edition
Ya know… maybe Mossad is slapping us in the face and labeled their media distribution system MOS (media object server) with a snicker.
#2611176 at 2018-08-15 16:20:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3295 Crazytown
lmao kikes still pushing that media object server bullshit?
#2610753 at 2018-08-15 15:35:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3295 Crazytown
Kind of ok, I see that now
media object server is just a term that the MOS=MOSSAD ONLY shills tried to blanket use to prevent any digging
Waiting on the dumbshill MOS=MOSSAD only to show up earlier in this bread
Sorry for Blue on Blue fren
#2610714 at 2018-08-15 15:32:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3295 Crazytown
Ty for posting earlier so I could filter you like requested
media object server =/= MOS Protocol you dumb shit
#2610701 at 2018-08-15 15:30:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3295 Crazytown
>api developed by kikes
>used by mossad?
>secret journo club?
>colluding much?
>media blitz operation tool?
>build by nobody - promoted by everyone in the news
#2610234 at 2018-08-15 14:37:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3294 Haiti Under The Anonscope Edition
If the media object server is no more than a communication network for video/audio material storage, connected by newsrooms… then it's not the MOS directing from above.
#2610189 at 2018-08-15 14:31:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3294 Haiti Under The Anonscope Edition
is the media object server an automated process, controlled by an A.I.?
#2609943 at 2018-08-15 13:58:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3294 Haiti Under The Anonscope Edition
media object server.
Did the stupid people here stay up late or get up early?
It's rare to come to this board with it in such disarray.
If you are a serious anon, be careful today.
There be fuckery afoot.
#2609863 at 2018-08-15 13:47:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3293: Weird Bread Edition
media object server never controlled anybody
#2609842 at 2018-08-15 13:44:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3293: Weird Bread Edition
One person used media object server after Qs drop, and everyone else screamed mossad.
Y'all got a confirmation bias problem developing.
#2609761 at 2018-08-15 13:26:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3293: Weird Bread Edition
It makes perfect sense that various US Politicians on both sides of the aisle were receiving the media object server data. That's how they would know to manage their interviews and talking points.
And, I'm not some flipping genius. The MOS was all over the board in yesterday's breads.
They do their best to feed us stuff, but when we fall short, Q has to say it.
#2609675 at 2018-08-15 13:09:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3293: Weird Bread Edition
Context demands it's media object server.
WTF is wrong with you people?
#2609216 at 2018-08-15 11:06:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3293: Weird Bread Edition
it is odd, no names in connection with MOS (media object server) but the internet never foregets
here is an archive of their old forum talking about who is going to the awared. Few names to dig into it.
>Randall Meston
>keymaster of the mos board
>Director of Sales Support & Integration at The Associated Press ENPS
>Randall established AP's ENPS operations team in London, managing the BBC's AP ENPS team.
>The Associated Press ENPS
>ENPS is the world's most new popular broadcast news production system. It is used by more than 60,000 reporters, writers, editors and producers in almost 800 newsrooms in 60 countries.
>Associated Press
>The AP has counted the vote in U.S. elections since 1848, including national, state and local races down to the legislative level in all 50 states, along with key ballot measures. AP collects and verifies returns in every county, parish, city and town across the U.S., and declares winners in over 5,000 contests.
#2609151 at 2018-08-15 10:49:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3293: Weird Bread Edition
may it be that it means both but right now there is more to dig about 'media object server' than Mossad.
Big boost since 2014, what happened?
Deleted their forum, why?
over 5.000 daily
are they watching this right now?
#2609060 at 2018-08-15 10:25:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3292: [NBC] Edition
May it be that it means both
mos -> mossad or media object server
but there is nothing to dig on the mossad lead so i'm going to take a look into media object server. On top of that, it sound a whole lot like a secret group, something like the journolist from kyle orland (journolist, gamejournopro list) and everyone who read the GJP's knows that they use communication channels like this to collude.
on the other hand, it is funny to see the immiditley shill respond to anons who focus more on media object server, like in a video game: you just follow the path where the enemy comes from.
#2608788 at 2018-08-15 09:12:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3292: [NBC] Edition
>>2601101 (PB)
/ \
(Alt + US media) (US Politicians)
/ \
My reading of this:
MOS (https://bitcentral.com/news-events/2018/02/02/mos-the-secret-to-the-widespread-adoption-of-newsroom-automation/)
"Fortunately the introduction of the media object server (MOS) protocol changed all this. MOS allows all the various components in a newsroom automation system to work together seamlessly, whether they were all built by the same company or by multiple vendors."
7 x ... + . +. = Seven main + 2 others
8 x ... + . = Eight main + 1 other
These all all singing from the same song-sheet.
#2605142 at 2018-08-15 02:24:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3288: Badge Of Honor Edition
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2604997 Oakley's Jim Jannard, Spieden Island & Fiji
>>2604894 Allen Island and the space mogul
>>2604866 Special laptops with no back doors, sold by mistake
>>2604859 Paul Allen Island & the co-founder of Microsoft
>>2604833 XKeyscore (XKEYSCORE or XKS)
>>2604715 Ellison 911 call confirms assault details
>>2604708 SIGINT & DARPA
>>2604627 Chelsea Clinton: Legalizing Abortion Created Trillions
>>2604591 Private Islands Owned by Billionaires
>>2604482 MAP account to look into
>>2605130 #3287
>>2603750 Allan Island near Ketron Island owned by a space mogul Eric C Anderson
>>2603760 Syria Update
>>2603738, >>2603513 (lb) Snowden + PRISM + XKEYSCORE
>>2603888 Anon digs on Left-Wing "Indivisible" Groups popping up around U.S.
>>2603934, >>2603948, >>2604341 Judge Sarah Backus Twats
>>2604011 NXIVM Update
>>2604041, >>2604340 Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer concedes defeat to Trump-endorced Kris Kobach - AP
>>2604106 Eartquake Update Alaska
>>2604153 DNC Releases Statement on Keith Ellison Domestic Abuse Allegations After 72 Hours of Silence
>>2604175 SIGINT... mentioned by Q found 4 times here
>>2604311 Double Q Foundation
>>2604403 #3286
>>2602966 Post that triggered attack?
>>2603092 Update on "Task Force" now known to be Jennifer Moore
>>2603248 The Associated Press counts votes in elections
>>2603261 Qpost re: Gmail drafts explained
>>2603382 Florida man caught watching child porn in doctor's office, confesses to years of abuse
>>2603503 Judge Sarah Backus: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
>>2603600 We have a possible HAM radio connection to Ketron Island
>>2603672 Planefag Update
>>2603685 #3285
>>2602198 Truth Waves cancel and Destroy Lies
>>2602202 Reporter Admits Most media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad
>>2602214 Courthouse seeing Muslim Compound Case Evacuated over Death Threats.
>>2602259 There Must Be A Purge In The Catholic Church. And It Must Be Brutal
>>2602298 Dear MSM, (it's producers, reporters, investigators and followers)
>>2602317, >>2602504 We Can't Have Arrests Until We Clean Out the Clown Judges
>>2602623 Senate Bill 720: Making It A Crime To Support Palestinian Human Rights
>>2602765 Planefag Update
>>2602931 #3284
>>2601501, >>2601529, >>2602050 media object server Communications Protocol (MOS)
>>2601690 Seattle | Clown Fish Theory
>>2601742, >>2601841 elebrity Big Brother: "Eye of the storm" theme
>>2601825 Q posts with MOS thus far
>>2601887 Taos County Courthouse evacuated due to 'credible threat' against judge
>>2601917 "Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
>>2602038, >>2602089 Qoincidence?
>>2602155 #3283
>>2600688 [FISH] < human trafficking. Human prey.
>>2600689 TSA Breaks Silence, Defends Secretive Domestic Surveillance Program
>>2600701 Walmart China ARK connection (lb)
>>2600757 Another definition of fish. Sub slang
>>2600808 Strzok fired by FBI but still works for the CIA
>>2600839, >>2600895, >>2601020 Reports of Active Shooter at Pennsylvania Walmart; Massive Police Response
>>2601113 Human Trafficking Widespread in Global Fishing Industry
>>2601219 #3282
Previously Collected Notables
>>2600544 #3281,
>>2598254 #3278, >>2599044 #3279, >>2599800 #3280
>>2597279 #3275, >>2597282 #3276, >>2597482 #3277
>>2595248 #3272, >>2596337 #3273, >>2597229 #3274
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2605087 at 2018-08-15 02:20:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
In 2017 the (N)ational (A)cademy of (T)elevision (A)rts and (S)ciences awarded an Emmy to the MOS Group for "Development and Standardization of media object server (MOS) Protocol.
#2605063 at 2018-08-15 02:19:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
I didn't make any frens when I suggested that a few breads ago. I believe Mo_sad was meant because of a previous drop by Q. (S)he once said "C_A/MOS" so I think it is safe to assume Mo_sad was meant. The media object server is an interesting dig.
#2605031 at 2018-08-15 02:17:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/media_object_server
media object server
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production.[1][2]
The MOS protocol is based on XML.[3] It enables the exchange of the following types of messages:[4]
Descriptive Data for media objects.
The MOS "pushes" descriptive information and pointers to the NCS as objects are created, modified, or deleted in the MOS. This allows the NCS to be "aware" of the contents of the MOS and enables the NCS to perform searches on and manipulate the data the MOS has sent.
Playlist Exchange.
The NCS can build and transfer playlist information to the MOS. This allows the NCS to control the sequence that media objects are played or presented by the MOS.
Status Exchange.
The MOS can inform the NCS of the status of specific clips or the MOS system in general. The NCS can notify the MOS of the status of specific playlist items or running orders.
MOS was developed to reduce the need for the development of device specific drivers. By allowing developers to embed functionality and handle events, vendors were relieved of the burden of developing device drivers. It was left to the manufacturers to interface newsroom computer systems. This approach affords broadcasters flexibility to purchase equipment from multiple vendors.[5] It also limits the need to have operators in multiple locations throughout the studio as, for example, multiple character generators (CG) can be fired from a single control workstation, without needing an operator at each CG console.[6]
MOS enables journalists to see, use, and control media devices inside Associated Press's ENPS system so that individual pieces of newsroom production technology speak a common XML-based language
History of MOS
The first meeting of the MOS protocol development group occurred at the Associated Press ENPS developer's conference in Orlando, Florida in 1998. The fundamental concepts of MOS were released to the public domain at that conference.[8]
As an open protocol, the MOS Development Group encourages the participation of broadcast equipment vendors and their customers.[9] More than 100 companies are said to work with AP on MOS-related projects. Compatible hardware and software includes video editing, storage and management; automation; machine control; prompters; character generators; audio editing, store and management; web publishing, interactive TV, field transmission and graphics.[7]
Current development is happening on two tracks: a socket-based version, and a web service version. The current official versions of the MOS protocol, as of January 2011, are 2.8.4 (sockets) and 3.8.4 (web service).[10]
In 2016 proposals began to introduce IP Video support in the MOS protocol. This proposal allows representations of live IP Video sources such as NDI (Network Device Interface) to be included as MOS objects alongside MOS objects representing files to be played off disk[11]
There is also a Java based implementation called jmos that is currently compatible with MOS specification 2.8.2.[12]
In 2017 the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded an Emmy to the MOS Group for "Development and Standardization of media object server (MOS) Protocol."[13]
#2604915 at 2018-08-15 02:09:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
Could MOS be media object server?
#2604681 at 2018-08-15 01:53:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
Sorry faggot. You played media object server too hard. We know == ITS MOSSAD FOR SURE NOW!==
#2604667 at 2018-08-15 01:52:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
So the primary negative for the media object server is that it doesn't seem to fit communicating with US Politicians well.
Best counter argument so far: the 'control' is via elections using AP news reporting somehow.
The primary disconfirming aspect of MOS = MOSSAD here is that the CIA is moar plausible. A counter answer is that the CIA has been penetrated by the Mossad since the Angleton era.
Mild confirmation of MOSSAD: they received 'raw unmasked data' in the context of Obama's Daily Presidential Briefing. 'Raw' in this context means both metadata and data on *every* intercept – so we know foreign nationals and an FIS were getting full data on intercepts of US Persons. This is highly illegal at several levels.
Ergo, the MOSSAD is part of this scandal, no matter how you parse MOS.
Also, don't forget that Amdocs has controlled US Cellular 'gateways' (including geolocation/911) for donkies years now.
#2604495 at 2018-08-15 01:40:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
I 'like' the Mossad theory but we should do ACH (analysis of competing hypotheses).
The MOS controlling US Politicians would seem to be a deal killer for the media object server theory, except for the possibility of AP News controlling elections.
What if Mockingbird and 'Soros election fraud' or some other layer of fraud are conducted on the same servers?
I don't think we should discard that hypothesis.
The way you discard hypotheses is to find evidence that makes them unlikely (not confirming evidence, though that is nice – but subject to the enemy, confirmation bias).
#2604421 at 2018-08-15 01:35:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3287: Willing To Play?
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2603750 Allan Island near Ketron Island owned by a space mogul Eric C Anderson
>>2603760 Syria Update
>>2603738, >>2603513 (lb) Snowden + PRISM + XKEYSCORE
>>2603888 Anon digs on Left-Wing "Indivisible" Groups popping up around U.S.
>>2603934, >>2603948, >>2604341 Judge Sarah Backus Twats
>>2604011 NXIVM Update
>>2604041, >>2604340 Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer concedes defeat to Trump-endorced Kris Kobach - AP
>>2604106 Eartquake Update Alaska
>>2604153 DNC Releases Statement on Keith Ellison Domestic Abuse Allegations After 72 Hours of Silence
>>2604175 SIGINT... mentioned by Q found 4 times here
>>2604311 Double Q Foundation
>>2604403 #3286
>>2602966 Post that triggered attack?
>>2603092 Update on "Task Force" now known to be Jennifer Moore
>>2603248 The Associated Press counts votes in elections
>>2603261 Qpost re: Gmail drafts explained
>>2603382 Florida man caught watching child porn in doctor's office, confesses to years of abuse
>>2603503 Judge Sarah Backus: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
>>2603600 We have a possible HAM radio connection to Ketron Island
>>2603672 Planefag Update
>>2603685 #3285
>>2602198 Truth Waves cancel and Destroy Lies
>>2602202 Reporter Admits Most media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad
>>2602214 Courthouse seeing Muslim Compound Case Evacuated over Death Threats.
>>2602259 There Must Be A Purge In The Catholic Church. And It Must Be Brutal
>>2602298 Dear MSM, (it's producers, reporters, investigators and followers)
>>2602317, >>2602504 We Can't Have Arrests Until We Clean Out the Clown Judges
>>2602623 Senate Bill 720: Making It A Crime To Support Palestinian Human Rights
>>2602765 Planefag Update
>>2602931 #3284
>>2601501, >>2601529, >>2602050 media object server Communications Protocol (MOS)
>>2601690 Seattle | Clown Fish Theory
>>2601742, >>2601841 elebrity Big Brother: "Eye of the storm" theme
>>2601825 Q posts with MOS thus far
>>2601887 Taos County Courthouse evacuated due to 'credible threat' against judge
>>2601917 "Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
>>2602038, >>2602089 Qoincidence?
>>2602155 #3283
>>2600688 [FISH] < human trafficking. Human prey.
>>2600689 TSA Breaks Silence, Defends Secretive Domestic Surveillance Program
>>2600701 Walmart China ARK connection (lb)
>>2600757 Another definition of fish. Sub slang
>>2600808 Strzok fired by FBI but still works for the CIA
>>2600839, >>2600895, >>2601020 Reports of Active Shooter at Pennsylvania Walmart; Massive Police Response
>>2601113 Human Trafficking Widespread in Global Fishing Industry
>>2601219 #3282
>>2599980 Planefag Update
>>2599994 Chile Catholic Episcopal Conference Raided In Pedophile Priest Probe
>>2600035 New York Madam Speaks Out on Mueller Interrogation: "I Felt Sick to My Stomach - I Was Bullied"
>>2600216 POTUS Schedule Update
>>2600348 Chelsea Clinton: Legalizing Abortion Created Trillions in Economic Growth
>>2600384 Apple Claims HQ Buildings Worth $200 to Save on Tax Bill
>>2600544 #3281
Previously Collected Notables
>>2598254 #3278, >>2599044 #3279, >>2599800 #3280
>>2597279 #3275, >>2597282 #3276, >>2597482 #3277
>>2595248 #3272, >>2596337 #3273, >>2597229 #3274
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2604371 at 2018-08-15 01:31:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
Since the file name for your image is "proof of what q was talking about", why don't you let us know what q WAS talking about…since (in your opinion) MOS doesn't refer to media object server…
#2604292 at 2018-08-15 01:26:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
OMFG, are we going to argue or do some fucking research? MOS is not media object server. I looked at the APIs and it is not a central system where the entire fucking world connects to. Can also just do a simple wikipedia search that explains it for normies. For those who thought it was media object server, do more research other than the first Google result, for you Mossad people, prove them wrong and shut them up. Here they are proven wrong, lets move on.
#2604200 at 2018-08-15 01:21:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
Probably means both. Probably not important for Q to clarify this. It pushes us to DIG.
MOS = media object server
MOS = Mossad
old interesting article + PDF:
#2604157 at 2018-08-15 01:19:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
On the other hand, cloud storage is very effective in news production for quickly and cheaply sharing content among stations. Bitcentral has been using cloud-based architectures for over a decade in its Oasis asset management system.
Oasis started with placing disk-based content servers at TV stations that could store news stories and allow for easy sharing within station groups or from the field via a broadband connection.
Oasis is used today by more than 200 stations including those of the Raycom, Hearst and Tegna station groups. About 500 stories per station, per month are shared by Oasis's heaviest users, says Bitcentral CEO Fred Fourcher, and stations generally keep about seven days of content on high-speed solid-state servers.
Bitcentral now offers on-site or off-site digital archiving through its Oasis Wellspring product, which can store content on disk-based servers or LTO systems, depending on customer preference.
Fourcher says the key to Oasis' success has been integration with newsroom computer systems (NCRS) like Avid's iNews and AP's ENPS through the MOS (media object server) protocol. That makes accessing the video in Oasis seamless to news directors and reporters using the NCRS, and makes it easy to grab a relevant story from another market to add variety to the nightly newscast.
"When you think about asset management, it comes down to how you tie the workflow together, and unless it's tied into the workflow, it doesn't get used," says Fourcher. "At TV stations, our MAM is seamless into what they do every day."
An early focus for Bitcentral was providing easy access to the MAM from the field, which Fourcher says was a product differentiator. Now he is looking at "extending an asset management system upstream into the connected camera workflow, and downstream into all connected platforms."
Bitcentral is working with camera manufacturers that have built-in encoding capabilities in their camcorders to make sure they can transmit files directly into Oasis. It has also created an add-on product to Oasis called Multipath that handles digital distribution to Websites, mobile apps and social media platforms.
#2604061 at 2018-08-15 01:14:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
muh time here
muh media object server
#2604044 at 2018-08-15 01:13:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).
if you really read this as: Every CIA and "media object server" tactic of infiltration…
#2604036 at 2018-08-15 01:13:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
>>2603876 MOS = media object server
I second that
#2603945 at 2018-08-15 01:08:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
MOS referring to media object server, protocol software that facilitates comms of identical media items between newsrooms
#2603897 at 2018-08-15 01:05:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
Q had used MOS for Mo_sad in a post a while back. It's reasonable to think he meant Mo_sad in the drop today. I was the first anon to suggest the media object server. Still think it was a good dig and am not ruling it out. But since Q used it before I am going to go with that first meaning unless it is officially cleared up.
And damn, this place can turn into a shitshow fast if you say something someone doesn't want to hear. Feel like I am talking to the extreme Left sometimes.
#2603895 at 2018-08-15 01:05:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
muh media object server
where the hell did you shills come up with this?
#2603837 at 2018-08-15 01:02:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
I don't know but I think the MOS is media object server MOS which is a protocol using xml to enable transmission of news and video across a wide spectrum, so everyone gets it. Same info. Then using Geo-T you canntrgaet different world areas.
Not sure still about the MOSSAD thing yet.
Think last two to go would be Pope and then last the Rothschilds. Remember Rothschilds brought down British empire, built USA empire, and took down the third Reich. They yeah are Jews, but I think that has nothing to do with it. They are very powerful people in a oligarchy cult… even their fellow Jews are expendable.
Rothchild money could payoff USA debt…yah, that vast.
Full disclosure, I'm not a Jew but a Methodist!
#2603633 at 2018-08-15 00:47:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3286: Qonstantly Winning
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2602966 Post that triggered attack?
>>2603092 Update on "Task Force" now known to be Jennifer Moore
>>2603248 The Associated Press counts votes in elections
>>2603261 Qpost re: Gmail drafts explained
>>2603382 Florida man caught watching child porn in doctor's office, confesses to years of abuse
>>2603503 Judge Sarah Backus: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
>>2603619 #3285
>>2602198 Truth Waves cancel and Destroy Lies
>>2602202 Reporter Admits Most media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad
>>2602214 Courthouse seeing Muslim Compound Case Evacuated over Death Threats.
>>2602259 There Must Be A Purge In The Catholic Church. And It Must Be Brutal
>>2602298 Dear MSM, (it's producers, reporters, investigators and followers)
>>2602317, >>2602504 We Can't Have Arrests Until We Clean Out the Clown Judges
>>2602623 Senate Bill 720: Making It A Crime To Support Palestinian Human Rights
>>2602765 Planefag Update
>>2602931 #3284
>>2601501, >>2601529, >>2602050 media object server Communications Protocol (MOS)
>>2601690 Seattle | Clown Fish Theory
>>2601742, >>2601841 elebrity Big Brother: "Eye of the storm" theme
>>2601825 Q posts with MOS thus far
>>2601887 Taos County Courthouse evacuated due to 'credible threat' against judge
>>2601917 "Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
>>2602038, >>2602089 Qoincidence?
>>2602155 #3283
>>2600688 [FISH] < human trafficking. Human prey.
>>2600689 TSA Breaks Silence, Defends Secretive Domestic Surveillance Program
>>2600701 Walmart China ARK connection (lb)
>>2600757 Another definition of fish. Sub slang
>>2600808 Strzok fired by FBI but still works for the CIA
>>2600839, >>2600895, >>2601020 Reports of Active Shooter at Pennsylvania Walmart; Massive Police Response
>>2601113 Human Trafficking Widespread in Global Fishing Industry
>>2601219 #3282
>>2599980 Planefag Update
>>2599994 Chile Catholic Episcopal Conference Raided In Pedophile Priest Probe
>>2600035 New York Madam Speaks Out on Mueller Interrogation: "I Felt Sick to My Stomach - I Was Bullied"
>>2600216 POTUS Schedule Update
>>2600348 Chelsea Clinton: Legalizing Abortion Created Trillions in Economic Growth
>>2600384 Apple Claims HQ Buildings Worth $200 to Save on Tax Bill
>>2600544 #3281
>>2599106 FBI Announces Executive Appointments
>>2599188 Trump's speech yesterday in Utica:
>>2599319, >>2599602 Omarosa wearing GL necklace
>>2599378 Anon digs into Multitoy an importer next to snctm building
>>2599395 Bolton to Meet with Russian Counterpart for Helsinki Follow-up
>>2599592 Clockfag Update
>>2599698 More Horseshit: QAnon conspiracy theory was spread by social media hustlers
>>2599749 Planefag Update
>>2599800 #3280
Previously Collected Notables
>>2598254 #3278, >>2599044 #3279
>>2597279 #3275, >>2597282 #3276, >>2597482 #3277
>>2595248 #3272, >>2596337 #3273, >>2597229 #3274
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
>>2593840 #3263, >>2589536 #3264, >>2593883 #3265
>>2586886 #3260, >>2584881 #3261, >>2585684 #3262
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2603445 at 2018-08-15 00:38:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3285: Hide And SeeQ
MOS as media object server communications makes total sense when you combine it with Geo-T which is geo targeting of press worldwide.
The press today in USA is the leftists, and press media in USA is writing the narratives and then public ally validating their own narratives. And it's all coordinated as ABC NBC CBS CNN are all saying almost exactly the same thing. The public hears it and since its consistent, believes it to be fact. But it's not. As Trump says it is fake. No basis in fact, just consistent across all. And the leftists (media) are leading driving the Dem party now, fully engaged.
#2603227 at 2018-08-15 00:28:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3285: Hide And SeeQ
As are all the C_A MOS (((some MOS are here pushing media object server shill slide)))
Can you clarify this Q?
Are you naming the Jew?
Is this why you came to the Chans?
#2602972 at 2018-08-15 00:14:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3285: Hide And SeeQ
Q post #63
>To those watching (you know who you are):
(((you know who you are)))
>You have a choice to make.
>You can stand up and do what you know to be right.
>Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions.
>Make no mistake, you are on the losing side.
>The choice is yours.
<If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready.
media object server, are you fucking serious?
You're making the wrong choice and you're almost out of time.
Will you scurry like rats like we predict or will you prove us wrong?
#2602960 at 2018-08-15 00:14:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3285: Hide And SeeQ
>>2602746 lb
Ever consider that media object server protocol
Is comped by design
To let somebody spy on what is going on
In newsrooms?
Who would do that?
Mossad of course
But if they happened to be a
Mob Of Satanists
Wouldn't they reveal themselves somehow?
Maybe by calling their protocol
#2602944 at 2018-08-15 00:12:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
you have no idea what your talking about and you know jack shit about protocols and networking. if you actually think media object server makes sense in this situation, then you are genuinely retarded
#2602932 at 2018-08-15 00:11:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
When did I ever say it was Mossad? I was asking about the media object server.
#2602878 at 2018-08-15 00:08:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
Many years ago I thought of myself as a political junkie. Would make sure I was home to watch the network's 'Evening News.' During a commercial I would flip to one of the other networks hoping to catch another active story during the break. This was when there were only, primarily, ABC, NBC and CBS. For those with cable there was Ted Turner's CNN.
Over the years what I began to notice was that, regardless of which channel I was watching, the stories reported were the same, only presented in different orders. The networks would often include an original 'human interest ' type segment to conclude the broadcast (On the road with….). The commercial breaks were also timed such that switching channels had no noticeable effect as they were timed to coincide with one another. Networks didn't steal viewers from one another. They would build up a personality, say Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather and one was expected to pick their favorite presenter. Neilson ratings would be announced and 'shake-ups' would take place. I never understood more than that but I realized something was at play. I speculated that they might have been spying on each other's newsrooms. As viewership has decreased, and with the narrative slipping away, they have become more desperate. Now it was the first female anchor, with Katie Couric! Then Diane Sawyer! Only later did I wake up, and having taken the red pill, begin to understand it was all a scripted act….4am talking points and such (as a side I am beginning to believe the NFL is as scripted).
This is what I think Q means by affiliateA, affiliateB, affiliateC (ABC/CBS/NBC). Many people now also realize the New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and others are nothing more than comped propaganda outlets, inherently biased and incapable of honest reporting. Though I will post another theory on MOS later, the suggestion that it means, at least by one interpretation, media object server (protocol), helping to enable top-down, across-the-board automation for disseminating the news, is a fascinating theory. The Matrix truly has become an 'Internet of Things.'
https:// www.wired.com/insights/2014/11/the-internet-of-things-bigger/
#2602863 at 2018-08-15 00:08:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3285: Hide And SeeQ
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2602198 Truth Waves cancel and Destroy Lies
>>2602202 Reporter Admits Most media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad
>>2602214 Courthouse seeing Muslim Compound Case Evacuated over Death Threats.
>>2602317, >>2602504 We Can't Have Arrests Until We Clean Out the Clown Judges
>>2602623 Senate Bill 720: Making It A Crime To Support Palestinian Human Rights
>>2602765 Planefag Update
>>2602850 #3284
>>2601501, >>2601529, >>2602050 media object server Communications Protocol (MOS)
>>2601690 Seattle | Clown Fish Theory
>>2601742, >>2601841 elebrity Big Brother: "Eye of the storm" theme
>>2601825 Q posts with MOS thus far
>>2601887 Taos County Courthouse evacuated due to 'credible threat' against judge
>>2601917 "Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
>>2602038, >>2602089 Qoincidence?
>>2602155 #3283
>>2600688 [FISH] < human trafficking. Human prey.
>>2600689 TSA Breaks Silence, Defends Secretive Domestic Surveillance Program
>>2600701 Walmart China ARK connection (lb)
>>2600757 Another definition of fish. Sub slang
>>2600808 Strzok fired by FBI but still works for the CIA
>>2600839, >>2600895, >>2601020 Reports of Active Shooter at Pennsylvania Walmart; Massive Police Response
>>2601113 Human Trafficking Widespread in Global Fishing Industry
>>2601219 #3282
>>2599980 Planefag Update
>>2599994 Chile Catholic Episcopal Conference Raided In Pedophile Priest Probe
>>2600035 New York Madam Speaks Out on Mueller Interrogation: "I Felt Sick to My Stomach - I Was Bullied"
>>2600216 POTUS Schedule Update
>>2600348 Chelsea Clinton: Legalizing Abortion Created Trillions in Economic Growth
>>2600384 Apple Claims HQ Buildings Worth $200 to Save on Tax Bill
>>2600544 #3281
>>2599106 FBI Announces Executive Appointments
>>2599188 Trump's speech yesterday in Utica:
>>2599319, >>2599602 Omarosa wearing GL necklace
>>2599378 Anon digs into Multitoy an importer next to snctm building
>>2599395 Bolton to Meet with Russian Counterpart for Helsinki Follow-up
>>2599592 Clockfag Update
>>2599698 More Horseshit: QAnon conspiracy theory was spread by social media hustlers
>>2599749 Planefag Update
>>2599800 #3280
>>2598310, >>2598313 The entire West Virginia Supreme Court was just impeached. Here's everything you need to know.
>>2598362 FBI Hack Peter Strzok Thanks Citizens For 'Fighting For America' As His GoFundMe Soars Past $300,000
>>2598377, >>2598423 Colorado School District Cancels Monday Classes In Effort To Boost Teacher Morale
>>2598432 Ketron Island crash site pics appear to show wing debris.
>>2598641 Romanians Out Again over Government Corruption
>>2598912 Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft Want Hospitals' Data
>>2599044 #3279
Previously Collected Notables
>>2598254 #3278
>>2597279 #3275, >>2597282 #3276, >>2597482 #3277
>>2595248 #3272, >>2596337 #3273, >>2597229 #3274
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
>>2593840 #3263, >>2589536 #3264, >>2593883 #3265
>>2586886 #3260, >>2584881 #3261, >>2585684 #3262
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2602856 at 2018-08-15 00:07:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
I have to agree with this. Was leaning media object server first, but that would really have the politicans following the same 4am talking points (which is true to some respect, doesn't make sense).
The part that is blowing my mind is that Q spent a lot of time a couple months ago walking us through how the CIA was in charge of the media talking points, but this graph goes MOS-> media instead of MOS->CIA->media or MOS/CIA -> media.
I would have expected the CIA to be in the flow. Is there another meaning in this that the CIA is dealt with time to move on to the other intelligence orgs WW?
#2602805 at 2018-08-15 00:05:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
Yes, because C_A slash(/) media object server makes sense to retarded faggots so it was easy
#2602751 at 2018-08-15 00:02:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
oldfags hear me out
so Q has dropped israel and mos before
we've never gotten shit like muh media object server and shit
Q went from MOSSAD → MOS
I think this is because 'we went mainstream'
(((SHILLS))) are here in force
Pedo Priests get exposed, muh Pfagging comes
MOS gets called out, muh antisemitism/muh m.o.s comes
stay the course, dig on the connections between MOS and the MSM
fuck with a few shills, but STAY FOCUSED
ALL cabal assets are fighting, that includes MOS
#2602744 at 2018-08-15 00:02:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
why is it limited between mossad or media object server ?
could be anything
most likely mossad tho
#2602737 at 2018-08-15 00:02:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
If media object server is supposed to be MOS, then it stands to reason that there should be proof that a media object server somehow has control over the US Politicians side of the equation.. so where's the proof?
#2602723 at 2018-08-15 00:01:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
A Sayanim pointing out that MOS = Mossad after many real Sayanim are here pushing media object server in midst of a Ddos attack?
(((You))) are fucked in the head.
#2602681 at 2018-08-14 23:59:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
(In this case, media object server does make more sense.)
MSM = CIA = Mossad
So what's the difference?
Agreed that the lefthanders use the jews as a shield, but then
#2602622 at 2018-08-14 23:56:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
this should be good…
#2602611 at 2018-08-14 23:56:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
Mossad mentioned. why do you think the sudden spawn of the media object server faggots trying to shove disinfo down peoples throats
#2602538 at 2018-08-14 23:52:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
Every CIA media object server oes make a lot more sense doesn't it?
(((You))) kikes pushing this nonsense fail again
Nice try schlomo's
#2602495 at 2018-08-14 23:50:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
>media object server
#2602377 at 2018-08-14 23:45:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
notice the pushback against media object server
why ?
tho the mossad most likely has something to do with that as well
#2602366 at 2018-08-14 23:44:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
MOS is simple [media object server]
Who is serving?
who is eating?
NBC feeds every news outlet the fodder for the sheeple.
#2602359 at 2018-08-14 23:44:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
Not Q.
But what makes the most sense in this context?
A foreign secret service or media object server?
#2602347 at 2018-08-14 23:43:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production
how the fuck is this the case?
not media object server, which makes no fucking sense at all. You just probably see the word media and run with it.
#2602311 at 2018-08-14 23:42:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
>MOS = Mossad or media object server
FUCKING LIAR… I'm right here …
Did U know CORSI AJ JACK are all Jewish CORSI B'nai BRITT
#2602296 at 2018-08-14 23:41:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
Mossad shills have successfully convinced you faggots that MOS stands for media object server.
Well done.
#2602281 at 2018-08-14 23:41:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
every C_A/MOS tactic is being used..
it's not the CIA and media object server.
#2602255 at 2018-08-14 23:39:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
Q can you confirm the meaning of MOS
1. mossad, Israel intell
2.media object server https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/media_object_server
#2602232 at 2018-08-14 23:38:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
GOD DAMMIT IT'S MOSSAD SO STFU YA'LL. it's not media object server, it's not mob of satanists. it's fucking mossad.
#2602225 at 2018-08-14 23:38:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
>Research for yourself.
>Think for yourself.
>Trust yourself.
MOS = Mossad or media object server or something else
Follow whatever line of research you feel is right
Trust yourself
We will leave no stone unturned
#2602219 at 2018-08-14 23:37:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
media object server
More than 100 companies are said to work with AP on MOS-related projects.
100 publications are each prepared to publish an editorial on Thursday
Call for action to protect free press: Publish editorial next week on dangers of Trump's attack on journalism
By: ASNE staffOn: 08/09/2018 11:02:17In: Freedom of the press
The slander of "fake news" has become Donald Trump's most potent tool of abuse and incitement against the First Amendment, labeling journalists the "enemy of the American people" and "dangerous and sick."
This dirty war on the free press must end. The Boston Globe is reaching out to editorial boards across the country to propose a coordinated response. The Globe proposes to publish an editorial on Aug. 16 on the dangers of the administration's assault on the press and ask others to commit to publishing their own editorials on the same date. Publications, whatever their politics, could make a powerful statement by standing together in the common defense of their profession and the vital role it plays in government for and by the people.
The impact of Trump's assault on journalism looks different in Boise than it does in Boston. Our words will differ. But at least we can agree that such attacks are alarming.
A free and independent press is one of the most sacred principles enshrined in the Constitution. Join The Globe to help make sure it stays so.
Please email Marjorie Pritchard, deputy editorial page editor at The Globe, at marjorie.pritchard@globe.com if you'll be participating.
#2602155 at 2018-08-14 23:32:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3283: Find The Qonnections
>>2601501, >>2601529, >>2602050 media object server Communications Protocol (MOS)
>>2601690 Seattle | Clown Fish Theory
>>2601742, >>2601841 elebrity Big Brother: "Eye of the storm" theme
>>2601825 Q posts with MOS thus far
>>2601887 Taos County Courthouse evacuated due to 'credible threat' against judge
>>2601917 "Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
>>2602038, >>2602089 Qoincidence?
#2602143 at 2018-08-14 23:31:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3283: Find The Qonnections
#2602118 at 2018-08-14 23:30:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3284: ThinQ Waves
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2601501, >>2601529, >>2602050 media object server Communications Protocol (MOS)
>>2601690 Seattle | Clown Fish Theory
>>2601742, >>2601841 elebrity Big Brother: "Eye of the storm" theme
>>2601825 Q posts with MOS thus far
>>2601887 Taos County Courthouse evacuated due to 'credible threat' against judge
>>2601917 "Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
>>2602038 Qoincidence?
>>2602101 #3283
>>2600688 [FISH] < human trafficking. Human prey.
>>2600689 TSA Breaks Silence, Defends Secretive Domestic Surveillance Program
>>2600701 Walmart China ARK connection (lb)
>>2600757 Another definition of fish. Sub slang
>>2600808 Strzok fired by FBI but still works for the CIA
>>2600839, >>2600895, >>2601020 Reports of Active Shooter at Pennsylvania Walmart; Massive Police Response
>>2601113 Human Trafficking Widespread in Global Fishing Industry
>>2601219 #3282
>>2599980 Planefag Update
>>2599994 Chile Catholic Episcopal Conference Raided In Pedophile Priest Probe
>>2600035 New York Madam Speaks Out on Mueller Interrogation: "I Felt Sick to My Stomach - I Was Bullied"
>>2600216 POTUS Schedule Update
>>2600348 Chelsea Clinton: Legalizing Abortion Created Trillions in Economic Growth
>>2600384 Apple Claims HQ Buildings Worth $200 to Save on Tax Bill
>>2600544 #3281
>>2599106 FBI Announces Executive Appointments
>>2599188 Trump's speech yesterday in Utica:
>>2599319, >>2599602 Omarosa wearing GL necklace
>>2599378 Anon digs into Multitoy an importer next to snctm building
>>2599395 Bolton to Meet with Russian Counterpart for Helsinki Follow-up
>>2599592 Clockfag Update
>>2599698 More Horseshit: QAnon conspiracy theory was spread by social media hustlers
>>2599749 Planefag Update
>>2599800 #3280
>>2598310, >>2598313 The entire West Virginia Supreme Court was just impeached. Here's everything you need to know.
>>2598362 FBI Hack Peter Strzok Thanks Citizens For 'Fighting For America' As His GoFundMe Soars Past $300,000
>>2598377, >>2598423 Colorado School District Cancels Monday Classes In Effort To Boost Teacher Morale
>>2598432 Ketron Island crash site pics appear to show wing debris.
>>2598641 Romanians Out Again over Government Corruption
>>2598912 Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft Want Hospitals' Data
>>2599044 #3279
>>2597596 Trump Reposts Fox, omits NoName
>>2597603 London Houses of Parliament attack: What do we know so far?
>>2597680 Royal Bank of Scotland Agrees to Pay $4.9 Billion for Financial Crisis-Era Misconduct
>>2597700 Catholic leaders across Pennsylvania covered up the sexual abuse of more than 1,000 children by priests over 70 years
>>2597850, >>2597707, >>2597992 Did Omarosa Kill Her Husband?
>>2597852 Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along
>>2597863 Boy, 11, hacks into replica U.S. vote website in minutes at convention
>>2597978, >>2598023 P = Payseur? (Multiple meanings?)
>>2597990 Trump campaign seeks 'millions' against Omarosa for violating nondisclosure
>>2598018 I've been digging on that merry band of traveling Muslims from GA and the NM compound they wound up at.
>>2598254 #3278
Previously Collected Notables
>>2597279 #3275, >>2597282 #3276, >>2597482 #3277
>>2595248 #3272, >>2596337 #3273, >>2597229 #3274
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
>>2593840 #3263, >>2589536 #3264, >>2593883 #3265
>>2586886 #3260, >>2584881 #3261, >>2585684 #3262
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2602103 at 2018-08-14 23:30:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3283: Find The Qonnections
The media object server (MOS) protocol allows newsroom computer systems (NCS) to communicate using a standard protocol with video servers, audio servers, still stores, and character generators for broadcast production.
#2602101 at 2018-08-14 23:30:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3283: Find The Qonnections
>>2601501, >>2601529, >>2602050 media object server Communications Protocol (MOS)
>>2601690 Seattle | Clown Fish Theory
>>2601742, >>2601841 elebrity Big Brother: "Eye of the storm" theme
>>2601825 Q posts with MOS thus far
>>2601887 Taos County Courthouse evacuated due to 'credible threat' against judge
>>2601917 "Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
>>2602038 Qoincidence?
8chan/8kun QResearch GERMANY Posts (1)
#16644917 at 2022-07-06 17:57:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research Germany #97: Mit Vollgas an die Wand - Edition /4
I wait until now, tune into ABC, they have it canned as "stories". media object server.
Hoping we get some memes at the J6 farce today.
SCotUS could drop from their list of 30 cases left.
8chan/8kun QResearch JAPAN Posts (1)
#16098323 at 2022-04-18 10:45:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research Nihon/Japan #4 Learn QR/GreatAwakening Edition
>>16096703 >>16097455 #20361
>>16096793 ?????????????????"??????????????????????????????????????????"
>>16096844, >>16096847, >>16096871, >>16096896, >>16096958, >>16097155, >>16097180, >>16097214, >>16097206, >>16097236 MOS?????Q?????????????In context of C_A/MOS? ????????????media object server????
>>16096850 Q3987?2?????2????.jpg
>>16097068 ???????? :?????????50????????9?????????
>>16097081 ???????????????3??????????
>>16097368 ????????????????????????
>>16097245 ??????????????????????????
>>16095900 >>16096699 #20360
>>16096057 ??????????????????????????????????
>>16096119, >>16096135 ?????????Twatter?????????X??????????????"?"?"??"?????OpEx???????????
>>16096146, >>16096176 MKNaomi??pdf
>>16096202 ???????????????????????????
>>16096242, >>16096261, >>16096266 ???????GQ??????????????/WHO???
>>16096285 ????????????????????????????????????
>>16096482 ??????????????????PKK???????????????????????????????????
>>16095125 >>16095913 #20359
>>16095213 ????????? - LGBTQ??????????
>>16095239, >>16095308 ????NATO???????????????????????
>>16095336 ?????????????/?? (FB vid)
>>16095353 MASS??????????????????????????
>>16095406 v???????COVID-19?????????????????
>>16095434 ???????? - ?????????????????????????????????????????
>>16095461, >>16095404, >>16095417 ?????????????????????????RT? "????????????? "??????
>>16095470, >>16095493, >>16095539, >>16095544 ?????????????????????????
>>16095551, >>16095733, >>16095751, >>16095754 ????????????????)
>>16095575 ????EU??????????
>>16095605 NASA???????????????????????
>>16095672, >>16095657, >>16095862, >>16095889 ???????????????????VTR
>>16095674 ????????????????????????????
>>16095691 ??????????DNA?????????
>>16095697, >>16095677, >>16095699 ??????Musk??????
>>16095705, >>16095760 ???????????????????(ZH)
>>16095795 ????????9bil??????????????