
  • Q-Post #93

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    #93 at 2017-11-05 07:06:00 (UTC+1)

    HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut.
    She's now on her own and fighting for her life.
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    RESPONDING TO >>148031978 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/148019103/#q148031978

    ID:yY946/MZ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:03:40
    HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut. She is now no longer protected by Prince Alwaleed and is a liability. She has no more influence.
    She's now on her own and fighting for her life. She is expendable and knows too much, owes too much and is a liability now.
    Newsweek problems? http://www.newsweek.com/how-storm-biggest-fake-news-story-796725 Strike back against us? MSM not happy? "Conspiracy" label. Re_read crumbs re: "conspiracy" / MSM coverage. Who will be next? They are here. They will try to discredit. They are stupid. They bring more eyes. The 'proofs' are important. 'Proofs' provide new 'eyes' ability to question. This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS. Important to be prepared. We will help. TRUTH always wins. Post last edited at 02/15/18 (Thu) 13:06:23 Newsweek was raided and servers had photos taken of their serial numbers. Shortly after many higher up staff resigned. Newsweek and other Mockingbird media are losing control, and losting control of the narrative (not happy). What are they left with? They cannot ignore the Qanon phenomena, they have moved to the "attempt to discredit" phase. (Next phase will be outright fighting it). "Conspiracy" Label - The CIA Created the Phrase Conspiracy Theorist and Ways to Attack Anyone Who Callenged Official Narrative https://zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-23/1967-he-cia-created-phrase-conspiracy-theorists-and-ways-attack-anyone-who-challenge Mockingbirds lurk on /qresearch/ to see what is discussed, what is coming, memes being made, plans and so on, in order to try to get ahead and create a narrative that anons cannot counter. (It doesn't work) They are incredibly short-sighted in that attack/smear articles only bring more attention to Qanon (team) and efforts of Patriotic anons = new eyes. Those new eyes then see the result of research, the connections and proofs that anons provide. Current 8ch board /qresearch/ will be publicized more and more and be discussed on and offline, print & television & radio media. Anons must be prepared. Q team will assist. Patriotic anons and anons worldwide applying weaponized autism in search of TRUTH is a powerful force. Love of country and all that is good combined with dedication and tireless research as well as constant dissemination of output is turning the tide. More and more people worldwide are realizing that they, too, can be freed. TRUTH always wins.
    Follow the PEN. Think timing. Coincidence? The attacks will only get worse. They are losing [all] control. (screenshot of POTUS tweet) filename: PAIN.jpg https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/998256454590193665 "I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, tha tthe Deparmtent of Justic lookinto whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration." 20 May, 2018

    direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/dqam8e5qh/ original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/882121bae46b49957ec870640dcbf5d35a0fa55e3af144ddd9689d859cfd5c34.jpg/PAIN.jpg NOTE - THE IMAGE POSTED IS ORIGINAL SIZE- IT'S VERY SMALL: 255X146 - SA
    People actually believe those responsible for stealing billions of US taxpayer dollars will actually go unpunished? "This is not simply another four-year election." - POTUS [BEN GARRISON CARTOON - POTUS BEING ACCUSED BY THOSE WITH HANDS IN THE COOKIE JAR] filename: ELIT8fvWoAIL2GZ.jpg

    SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/fJ514sjc original image; https://media.8kun.top/file_store/5b394584ef50ebd6800b480cce90188fbb877f57826bb87cffada675f1710889.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/zycMBkQ3