
  • Q-Post #63

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    #63 at 2017-11-02 23:21:32 (UTC+1)

    To those watching (you know who you are):
    You have a choice to make.
    You can stand up and do what you know to be right.
    Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions.
    Make no mistake, you are on the losing side.
    The choice is yours.
    If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready.

    4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192
    Alice & Wonderland.
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    Alice & Wonderland. Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia
    /_Council on Foreign Relations/_ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Members_of_the_Council_on_Foreign_Relations The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) started by David Rockefeller, brings together all three sides of the cabal, and is an organized vehicle to radiate their agenda outward into the world in governments and private sectors worldwide.

    A large amount of US legislators, officials and persons in business are members of the CFR. Of the forty-three(43) Council on Foreign Relations directors, twenty-eight(28) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented on the Council on Foreign Relations board of directors by a factor of 32.5 times(3,250 percent).
    (screenshot of POTUS tweet) A Rigged System - They don't want to turn over Documents to Congress. What are they afraid of? Why so much redacting? Why such unequal "justice?" At some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved! 7:45am 2 May 2018 filename: Justice_.png NOTE - FILENAME FOR INITIAL POST = "JUSTICE.JPG; KEYWORD IN QUOTES IN POTUS TWEET = "JUSTICE"

    direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/8at45krqh/ original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/630f371317c497114eb3a252057c56b19ec0d22173dc7d4920dc5ff42185db25.png/Justice_.png