
  • Q-Post #395

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    #395 at 2017-12-20 04:10:31 (UTC+1)

    DIRECT: CODE 234 SEC: B1-3
    DIRECT: CODE 299 SEC: F19-A
    [ C P 19]
    Show the World Our Power.
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    SEA_TO_SHINING_SEA 1. DHS Nielsen, Sea to Shining Sea www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/08/donald-trumps-dhs-nominee-no-need-wall-sea-shining-sea/ 2 DHS Gen Kelly, Sea to Shining Sea www.cbsnews.com/news/border-wall-dhs-kelly-says-it-wont-stretch-from-sea-to-shining-sea/
    [ C P 19] Had a number of spaces and was Bold . Added * to denote spaces. [***************C******P*********19] NB: [15 spaces C 6 spaces P 9 spaces 19]
    RED_OCTOBER> Sebastian Gorka referred to the Dossier and Russiagate as similar to Hunt for Red October: a missile the Democrats fired that will turn around to blow them up instead of the intended target.