
  • Q-Post #305

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    #305 at 2017-12-09 16:24:37 (UTC+1)

    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    screenshot of POTUS tweet This is your land, this is your home, and it's your voice that matters the most. So speak up, be heard, and fight, fight, fight for the change you've been waiting for your entire life! MERRY CHRISTMAS and THANK YOU Pensacola, Florida! direct link: https://s20.postimg.cc/4k73loom5/screenshot_of_POTUS_tweet_Merry_Christmas_Pensacola_12-09-17.jpg original link now 404: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/f38687da4995e9b16729ea9a20b5106e4c583767e2fa3b5240704f81cd317c20.png
    https://thehill.com/HillTV/rising/408850-mr-president-tear-down-the-wall-hiding-those-fisa-abuses📁 "House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) — a member of Congress’s “Gang of Eight” that was briefed more than anyone else about the inadequacies of the Russia evidence — believes you should declassify. His office told me so today." Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? [SCREENSHOT OF Q POST >>1723368 6-12-18] filename: DfjZS2PXUAEBQAt.jpg ARCHIVE THE HILL:

    original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/3f43400171805e1bb52339ca4bbbc1b677029957b5e462b5256cafbbafa69b09.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/ygbFvMwL