
  • Q-Post #30

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    #30 at 2017-11-01 06:25:22 (UTC+1)

    Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?
    Fantasy right?
    When Trump was elected you can't possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.
    When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?
    Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?
    I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.
    These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected? Yes. -Cuba NEWS coverage on permanent hearing loss and other neurological symptoms on embassy officials. -implying high tech weaponry/directed weaponry

    SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/p9pvgX80 Yes. A wall was removed during renovations. The Roosevelt room and Oval office was redone.
    When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail? The NYT and other outlets reported this on 9/18/17 https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/us/politics/donald-trump-jr-secret-service.html Reported on Sep. 18 he dropped SS, reinstated on the 25th.
    Why would he take that huge risk given what we know? Because the SS detail was corrupt or compromised in some way -Necessary/throw others off the track (focus on him)/ability to meet with others without SS detail present -Because he feared they were infiltrated, as they were with Kennedy.
    SUMMARY A device was placed somewhere in the White House that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected (think Cuba). When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail, he took that huge risk given what we know.
    photo Jacob Rothschild (+) and George Soros (++)

    direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/49tsonu2h/ original link: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/d95e07291c14302d565809c11e4547f4f97dc278264b11003ae1088f819a30c7.jpg