
  • Q-Post #2842

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    #2842 at 2019-02-21 02:44:43 (UTC+1)

    History of "flip-flopping"?
    What *made* her flop this time?
    Wire transfers are an effective way at swaying opinions.
    Shills come in many different forms.
    Race to build a base (followers) to build worth to draw funds.
    Common these days?
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    https://mobile.twitter.com/anncoulter/status/266087794110259200?lang=en https://mobile.twitter.com/anncoulter/status/964952114828070913?lang=en Hypocrite? History of “flip-flopping”? What *made* her flop this time? Wire transfers are an effective way at swaying opinions. Shills come in many different forms. Race to build a base (followers) to build worth to draw funds. Common these days? ARCHIVES ANN COULTER TWEET 1 (REFERENCED ABOVE): http://archive.fo/JNpFR TEXT - I feel so sorry for Mitt Romney, but sorrier for the country that will never have him as president. 12:00 AM - 7 Nov 2012 ANN COULTER TWEET 2: http://archive.fo/05rZF TEXT - Poor Utah Republicans--if only they had a carpetbagging, flip-flopping, Trump-bashing, clueless twit of a Senate candidate. Oh wait!... 11:58 AM - 17 Feb 2018

    >https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/18/ann-coulter-takes-mitt-romney-president-chant-agai/ >https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4541766/ann-coulter-i-mitt-romney-back-in-position-immigration >http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2012-10-31.html But back in 2011 she was in Christie's pocket >https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/143697-coulter-nominate-christie-because-romney-will-lose And here is when she flipped >https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ann-coulters-change-of-heart-about-mitt-romney if there was a wire payment made i would think it would be around this time frame 2011