
  • Q-Post #236

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    #236 at 2017-11-30 05:38:37 (UTC+1)

    Focus on Hussein.
    Revelations coming very very soon.
    HUMA - SA - Hussein.
    HLR (first).
    Civil rights attorney.
    13th District - Sen.
    Hussein v HRC v McCain.
    Why is this relevant?
    Follow the money pre-pres.
    Follow the connections pre-pres.
    Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
    Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
    Think Asia.
    Think NK.
    What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
    What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
    Define hostage.
    The Sum of all Fears.
    Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
    What is a pill?
    When is it hard to swallow?
    How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
    Define stages.
    Define puppets.
    Define puppet handlers.
    Define proxy war.
    Define proxy war.
    Define proxy war.
    Expand your thinking.
    Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
    Does POTUS control all matters classified?
    Have faith.
    These people are losers!
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    Focus on Hussein. BO traveling to Asia. BO’s nuke deal and missing cash. BO connections to world elite via SA. BO missing on Twitter for weeks. BO installed in office to facilitate U1 deal, providing nuclear material to NK via Russia.

    This is a summary of Obama's legislative record in Illinois http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2007/07/29/us/politics/20070730_OBAMA_GRAPHIC.html?action=click&contentCollection=Politics&module=RelatedCoverage®ion=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article This is a commentary on his characteristics as a state senator: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/30/us/politics/30obama.html Pragmatic, shrewd and always looking ahead to broadening his power.
    Revelations coming very very soon. Information will be revealed about Barak Obama and/or others in the network of bad actors
    HUMA - SA - Hussein. Harvard University Muslim Association, banking connections (CitiGroup) to Obama as a community organizer (ACORN). his SA handlers/benefactor was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

    Meme attached to row
    HLR (first). BHO was the first black elected as head of the Harvard Law Review. First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review https://www.nytimes.com/1990/02/06/us/first-black-elected-to-head-harvard-s-law-review.html https://archive.is/H87N

    BHO wrote an article for the HLR while still president, January 2017, about the social justice system. https://harvardlawreview.org/2017/01/the-presidents-role-in-advancing-criminal-justice-reform/ https://archive.is/fF7Ps
    Civil rights attorney. Obama got his first job with a civil rights law firm.

    Obama got his start in civil rights practice http://www.nbcnews.com/id/16738869/ns/politics-decision_08/t/obama-got-his-start-civil-rights-practice/ https://archive.is/Gxa1S
    13th District - Sen. Obama served as State Senator for the 13th District in the state of Illinois. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois_Senate_career_of_Barack_Obama After that he was elected U.S. Senator from Illinois to the U.S. Congress

    John Conyers is the present Congressman in the House of Rep. for the 13th district of Michigan https://conyers.house.gov/about/short-biography
    DNC. Obama and Hillary and DNC used same legal firm

    Report: Obama Campaign Paid Same Clinton and DNC Law Firm that Hired Fusion GPS http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/10/29/report-obama-campaign-paid-same-clinton-dnc-law-firm-fusion-gps/ https://archive.is/wphZi
    Hussein v HRC v McCain. BO - Saudi family HRC - Rothschilds McCain - Soros Either way, 2012 election results in control by one of the three sides of the triangle of the cabal over the presidency of the USA
    Why is this relevant? Q listed net worth of +(Soros), ++ (red shields), and +++ (SA). +++ had the most $$$ and therefore likely wielded the most influence, subverting Hillary's "turn". SA was running USA by proxy through their puppet BO
    Follow the money pre-pres. Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal paid for Obama's education, connection to elite.
    Follow the connections pre-pres. BO connections to the elite via Saudi Arabia (Alwaleed)
    Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS? Looking desperately for a new protector/handler, pre-emptive damage control, trying to poison the well and negate whatever POTUS attempts with other world leaders.
    Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS? BHO is a puppet to all 3 families +++ ++ +. They are panicking. BHO is trying to salvage globalism/ one world government for the cabal. Puppet-masters are not the actors.

    Damage mitigation, meeting with Xi 11/29 also
    Think NK. CIA control of NK, SpaceX providing technology (private entity, not government, avoiding conflict/suspicion). The cabal via CIA control NK so also control nukes. USA and world held hostage. NK is the insurance policy against the take down of the cabal and network of bad actors.

    Globalists do not want a united nuclear Korea, Hillary talking to Goldman Sachs about it: https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/11011
    What was told re: NK during the past 8 years? Silence in Iran/North Korea nuclear ties https://www.forbes.com/sites/claudiarosett/2016/12/15/the-audacity-of-silence-on-possible-iran-north-korea-nuclear-ties/#3749d8f35c9c
    What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS? They seem to have acquired both better rockets and possibly nuclear miniaturization tech. Current POTUS (Trump) taking a hard line against NK threatening its neighbors and US allies (like Japan), increase in sanctions, show of US military force in the area (carrier groups in the area).

    Rapid NK tech development. SpaceX and NK tech.
    Reconcile. Obama had a very light touch with NK, they acquired miniturization and rapid tech development during his presidency. Trump is taking an opposite approach, has met with neighboring countries and allies, as well as Russia to create a bloc of opposition and containment, as well as bring financial pain to NK.
    Define hostage. Whomever is controlling NK is holding the world hostage to its "unexpected" nuclear power. THE WORLD.

    DPRK holds Seoul hostage Merriam Webster: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostage 1 a : a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement b : a person taken by force to secure the taker's demands 2 : one that is involuntarily controlled by an outside influence
    The Sum of all Fears. Elite families now control private nuclear arsenal or more advanced weaponry.
    Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly? - Preparation for allegations that will be worse in type towards people in greater power. (Part of doing things in stages.) - Further elimination of support within the network of bad actors. (taking out both the top and some high-profile middle-echelon bad actors)

    - Targets are mostly in entertainment media, - Same media that works on the agenda to destroy America and Western Culture - Same media that are reflexively anti-American and extremely liberal - Same media that creates fake conspiracies where there are none, and studiously obfuscate actual wrong-doing and conspiracies Will show the utter and complete hypocrisy, as individuals and as a group. Helps to undermine trust in media to an even further degree than present.
    Coincidence? No. The release of this information (and revelations by victims) is purposeful and timed precisely.

    This act eliminates the moral high ground those in the media and even some politicians have occupied publicly, while either actively working to destroy our civilization (media) or obstructing what will help to strengthen our country and civilization (legislators/government). Purposeful to lessen the shock of worse things to be revealed
    What is a pill? Merriam Webster; a) something repugnant or unpleasant that must be accepted or endured https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pill

    Pop culture reference: MATRIX (movie) You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. The pills represent a choice we have to make between accepting the truth of reality (red pill), which could be harsh and difficult, and maintaining our blissful ignorance of the world (blue pill), which is way more comfortable.
    When is it hard to swallow? - Too big - When it's bitter - When it means that everything you have been taught is a lie. Having to give up pleasant delusions is very scary.

    - Reluctantcy to face the truth and or the end of something. - When you don't trust the source (pill)
    How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority? Diminish their support through scandal
    Define stages. A period or step in a process, activity, or development
    Define puppets. Merriam Webster: a) one whose acts are controlled by an outside force or influence https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/puppet

    Deep State politiicians, media/publishing, education, many NGOs and foundations
    Define puppet handlers. One who gives instructions to and watches over the puppets to ensure they are following instructions, not stepping out of line or talking.
    Define proxy war. Define proxy war. Define proxy war. Proxy war is a conflict between two states or non-state actors where neither entity directly engages the other.

    While this can encompass a breadth of armed confrontation, its core definition hinges on two separate powers utilizing external strife to somehow attack the interests or territorial holdings of the other. This frequently involves both countries fighting their opponent's allies, or assisting their allies in fighting their opponent.
    Expand your thinking. BO elite connections via SA - BO installed in office to facilitate U1 deal... - Nuclear material to NK via Russia - BO travelling to Asia - Q says "Think NK" - CIA control of NK - Rapid NK tech development (SpaceX - private entity, not governed) - BO nuke deal missing cash - U1 deal missing uranium - POTUS flyover NK - BO missing on Twitter for weeks - BO fleeing to elite safe haven to escape accountability? - Elite families control Nuclear arsenal - Hostage... the world? - Sum of all fears - Threat of WWIII by an elite cabal that is evil and now in control of advanced weaponry, including nukes

    SPECULATION: NK is a proxy for the war between the Deep state and current US Administration
    Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info? Misdirect. Never show your hand.

    Possibly because it would tip off some bad actors in our government (some of them are on the requesting committee) and outside it.
    Does POTUS control all matters classified? Yes, he could order the DOJ to hand the documents to the committee, but he's not doing that.

    From Congressional Research Service: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/secrecy/R43216.pdf "...as Commander-in-Chief, the President has the authority to establish the standards for access to classified national security information. This authority is typically exercised through the issuance of executive orders."
    Think. SPECULATION: Key D's have been turned. Classified. They don't want the word out. McCain just agreed to Tax cuts as an indicator. McCain's submission is a giant tell.
    These people are losers! Very Trumpian phrase, it's true and it makes us happy.


    original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/37feb9860c8852831b486e8024b3f02950b85e313e7a31caf2c9e6d4ab6d1d7c.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/4q8i5b9tl/