
  • Q-Post #234

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    #234 at 2017-11-29 19:21:16 (UTC+1)

    Snow White utilized/activated to silence.
    This was not anticipated.
    Control / protection lost.
    Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.
    Working to resolve.
    Select people removed.
    Stay strong.
    We are winning.
    More to follow.
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    Snow White utilized/activated to silence. SW/QCs messed with the connections, giving them glitches/unstability. SW = Snow White QC = Quantum computers

    Supercomputer(s) employed to make it impossible for Q to communicate with us.
    This was not anticipated. They can shutdown/takeover the networks easily now at their will for EBS.

    This was unexpected by Q group (SPECULATION) Snow White system was deployed by cl0wns out of desperation; may be an older system that had been considered shelved or outdated and therefore not considered as an operational option by Q group.
    Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues. Jumpers are electronic switches. '43 connections' SEE: >>150870083 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150864944/#q150870083 Check the list of broadcast networks. NOT only the USA… Ger (Europe) SA (Middle East) CAN CASoRT (Asia) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4685040/

    The steps necessary for Q to post create additional difficulties due to the interference.
    Working to resolve. Currently working hard to make the connections function well.

    Working on it and it will be solved
    Select people removed. Some key people from media ousted. Necessary against sabotaging the EBS broadcast(s)…

    Culprits (possibly moles) removed
    Stay strong. Stay the course, don't give up, don't give into shilling tactics (demoralize, distract, deflect, derail, divide & conquer) and KEEP AT IT

    Answer the questions, paint the big picture, break it back down, make memes to educate and calm the public.
    We are winning. /ourguys/ are kicking ass and taking names
    More to follow. Q will be back on 8ch to communicate again, impart information and provide direction.
    https://twitter.com/realTRUMPERLAND/status/1037149645548347397 ARCHIVE: http://archive.fo/1zojb TEXT- #RealSearchBan RT If You Think It’s Time To .......... LOCK THEM ALL UP #WhatILikeIn4Words