
  • Q-Post #149

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    #149 at 2017-11-12 22:37:54 (UTC+1)

    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    Photo of American flag. Filename - Freedom.png

    original image: https://archive.4plebs.org/dl/pol/image/1497/02/1497021851029.png direct link: https://postimg.cc/tstzvCf5 SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/Mvhjmc3D
    FAKE NEWS = ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. If all directions of the echo chamber [MSM] state the same thing - even if FICTION/FALSE - do most people then consider it TRUE (factual)? Direct communication is CRITICAL. Who controls the FAKE NEWS? Why is ANTIFA allowed to incite violence, wear masks, make threats, use/carry weapons, and physically harm others who oppose their ideology? Why does ANTIFA attempt to 'justify' such violence by labeling the 'challenger' as ALT-RIGHT or NAZI? Why doesn't the LEFT condone such acts of violence and call for an immediate end? Define 'Projection'. Define 'Insurance Policy'. Define 'Warning Against Attempts to Unveil'. ['They' prey on emotionally unstable (helpless) individuals and use them as PAWNS] http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/01/fbi-probe-antifa-ideology-underway-wray-tells-house-panel.html What does WRAY know and when will he release to the PUBLIC? Does such violence (extremism) justify NG deployment in the future ahead of 'planned' public releases? https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/11/left-wing-antifa-terrorists-freaking-out-over-proposed-unmasking-law/ https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/formally-recognize-antifa-terrorist-organization-0 Military Spending Bill. Smile for the Camera. [SIDE-BY-SIDE: ANTIFASCISTE AKTION (PARAMILITARY WING OF COMMUNIST PARTY GERMANY)/ANTIFA (PARAMILITARY WING OF DEMOCRAT PARTY USA] filename: c5d858_6171128.jpg ARCHIVES: FOX NEWS: FBI probe of 'Antifa ideology' underway, Wray tells House panel (12-1-17) https://archive.fo/IYmQT BREITBART: Left-Wing Antifa Terrorists ‘Freaking Out’ over Proposed ‘Unmasking’ Law (7-11-18): https://archive.fo/lsiVj WHITE HOUSE PETITION: Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization (8-11-17): https://archive.fo/d1dLG The 2019 (we don’t say his name ) National Authorization Act President Trump signed today can be used to yank security clearances. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5515/text#toc-HB6B25D9D5D30432EB7DD90F8D48CAF0C

    original image:https://media.8ch.net/file_store/db0816285d95fd805e1ecab729217abd63e83a8338a8fd311603a134f87cf6be.jpg/c5d858_6171128.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/nkskt4h9l/