8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (3,069)
#5288796 at 2019-02-20 20:58:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6759: No Refunds Part Two Edition
Q# 1203
Hollywood and Adam Schitt. Trafficking and NXIVM. "why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?"
Q# 1245
"Think SA. Order is important. SA -> NK. NK -> Armenia. Armenia -> Iran Iran -> Any other rogue nuclear states? Define hostage. Define protection. Who is protected by rogue nuclear states? Trust the plan. THE WORLD IS CONNECTED. Why are border states like AZ/CA important? Why is MX vocal against POTUS?"
Q# 1445
Border related to Kate Spade/moar suicides "Trace from China/MX to long beach. Trace sale/spin off of Co. Trace to CF. Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)). Who granted? Hussein/HRC. Expect A LOT more."
#5274696 at 2019-02-20 01:48:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6740: Outpouring of Love Edition
U.S. NAVY HOVERCRAFT (Landing Craft Air Cushion) (LCAC) in Port of long beach posted today 3 hrs ago
#5262734 at 2019-02-19 13:58:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6725: It's Not Journalism Edition
Scientists call it California's "other big one," and they say it could cause three times as much damage as a major earthquake ripping along the San Andreas Fault.
Although it might sound absurd to those who still recall five years of withering drought and mandatory water restrictions, researchers and engineers warn that California may be due for rain of biblical proportions - or what experts call an ARkStorm.
(Los Angeles Times)
This rare mega-storm - which some say is rendered all the more inevitable due to climate change - would last for weeks and send more than 1.5 million people fleeing as floodwaters inundated cities and formed lakes in the Central Valley and Mojave Desert, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Officials estimate the structural and economic damage from an ARkStorm (for Atmospheric River 1,000) would amount to more than $725 billion statewide.
In heavily populated areas of the Los Angeles Basin, epic runoff from the San Gabriel Mountains could rapidly overwhelm a flood control dam on the San Gabriel river and unleash floodwaters from Pico Rivera to long beach, says a recent analysis by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
#5251293 at 2019-02-18 23:20:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6710: A New Day Is Coming Edition
Hit Squads of MS13 massively integrated into D Party:
Q# 5
"Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this. Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?"
Q# 85
"Who funds MS13? Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border? What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels? Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13? Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall? Immigration?Drugs?Who do you hire for a hit?"
Q# 92
MS13 in Vegas Attack?
Q# 121
"Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks) Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187) "
Q# 436
Seth Rich 187 by 2 MS13
Q# 484
"Who is MS13? Why were known MS13 members released after capture? Who controls MS13? Who FUNDS MS13? Hard to swallow."
Q# 570
"Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)"
Q# 725
Terrorists are embedded and working with US Deep State thus "defeating ISIS/MS13 fail-safes," is pre-requisite to "start arresting".
Q# 1008
"Seth Rich? MS_13 187 [2] -24-Distance? MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'"
Q# 1646
Problematic border states players/groups have been targeted by POTUS/Q as Border is priority
No name out. "The protected flow into AZ is no more."
Q# 1053
Texas resignation of GOP Congressman Farenthold. "Border state - coincidence?"
Q# 1178
Gov. Brown CA agrees to National Guard at border. "He had no choice."
Q# 1203
Hollywood and Adam Schitt. Trafficking and NXIVM. "why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?"
Q# 1245
"Think SA. Order is important. SA -> NK. NK -> Armenia. Armenia -> Iran Iran -> Any other rogue nuclear states? Define hostage. Define protection. Who is protected by rogue nuclear states? Trust the plan. THE WORLD IS CONNECTED. Why are border states like AZ/CA important? Why is MX vocal against POTUS?"
Q# 1445
Border related to Kate Spade/moar suicides "Trace from China/MX to long beach. Trace sale/spin off of Co. Trace to CF. Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)). Who granted? Hussein/HRC. Expect A LOT more."
Q# 1762
"What happens when CA is in serious debt and lost priority aid from the FED gov due to sanctuary status (illegal)? Light fires. Declare State of Emergency and req billions from FED."
#5220110 at 2019-02-17 08:37:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6670: You Are The News Now Edition
"Feds rush Whittier Narrows Dam fix to prevent breach that would flood 1M residents from Pico Rivera to long beach
Work on dam gates underway"
#5205926 at 2019-02-16 15:08:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6651: It's Muh 1st Bake Be Gentle Edition
an anon actually drove down to the port and snapped a few pics, posted them and then bailed. <3
the webcam on the long beach port was offline at same time.
#5205828 at 2019-02-16 14:59:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6651: It's Muh 1st Bake Be Gentle Edition
Actually, I came to the conclusion that "we are the news" awhile ago when I realized–along with others–that we literally function as news aggregators, investigators, and commentators. The only thing we don't do is actually hit the streets. And sometimes, we even do that. When helicopter sounds were heard in long beach, someone asked if any anons were there. Someone said yes and went outside to investigate (briefly, since it doesn't necessarily pay to be watching military ops up close and personal).
#5198229 at 2019-02-16 00:56:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6641: There Is No Escaping God Edition
Hi guys, I'm a retard Anon. A couple days ago (I think) Q gave me a clue to dig, and I passed over it. Today…. ding ding the lights went on. I have a love for Catalina and some connections over there. The helicopter crash in Newport beach in which everyone died last year, was heading to Catalina Island. The occupants were Mgtmnt of the Standard Hotel, in Adam Schiff's district. The clue that (poss) Q gave was "drugs" I dismissed it out of hand thinking the drugs would have something to do with the locals (and so the locals would know, they can't keep quiet about things) . But No… Q also said to watch long beach port. … So… While Catalina Island is in close proximity to San Clemente Island ( a Naval base, who have been far more active this last year, and while they can and do monitor boats around the island, they DONT monitor the port in Catalina)
The long beach port has Coast Guards looking at containers and shipping, but there is NO accountability for tourists to and from Catalina. If a large shipment of drugs came into Catalina, it could be carried to the mainland via, Helicopter, passenger ferry, simply by putting them in luggage.
The locals once tried to get a drug dog to police the luggage that is brought to and from the island. They had a fund raiser and raised 40K for a drug dog and it's training. But the dog never arrived (Catalina is L.A. county, and the County Sheriff's simply took the dog to a different station here on the mainland, with no reasoning at all)
So, I don't have proper sauce to present, but, Catalina COULD definitely be a port of entry of drugs from Mexico, to Catalina, to long beach Harbor, without the Coast Guard intervening too much.
That being said, there are "eyes on" the island in the air and water all the time. BUT, if the drugs were to land there safely, it's a perfectly unprotected port on either side to pass drugs through without any detection.
#5192381 at 2019-02-15 18:23:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6633: The Orders Came From The Highest Office In The Land Edition
Huff Post Lib rag was just seeding idea..make plausible the scenario…we caught on and put that shit to rest with LA raid…was the plan multi city? Mullti Country with bust in long beach of shipment to Australia…rash of Vampire and Zombie Movies these last years.
#5191851 at 2019-02-15 17:49:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6633: The Orders Came From The Highest Office In The Land Edition
Have anons already/previously concluded that the CA helicopter soldiers were seizing a bag of FENTANYL during that nighttime raid?
Check out the STRANGE twitter reply I got earlier. The post was just a "fun" kind of "hey look at this weird double [0] delta I had with Q today" thing.
One of those [0] deltas was me pointing out "unmarked Q" comms about Q's "on the move" and "China to long beach logistics" and "punctuation" posts regarding "Fentanyl." I immediately got what I've come to [think] I can reasonably spot as a "helper" anon…and feel that suspicion was accurate based upon this tweet response with an iPhone reflection and the numbers 9, 10, 11 and a line to the package the soldiers were carrying. Thoughts?
Don't yell at me for famefagging/doxxing myself…not the point. Acct is anon and I have no "fame" ambitions w/it.
#5179214 at 2019-02-15 01:37:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6616: Great Reawakening Edition
+++++Q can you tell by a products (fyntynol) signatures where it is produced????++++long beach California
#5177434 at 2019-02-15 00:19:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6614: Memes Are Important Edition
All Q, IMHO (precision deltas of 141 and 171)…maybe the China to long beach Fentanyl logistics is "on the move."
#5176511 at 2019-02-14 23:38:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6613: Anons Knew Last March Edition
Team, is Sandberg managing the fentanyl logistics from China to long beach?
#5168924 at 2019-02-14 14:49:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6603: Sugar Cookies For Valentine's Day Edition
Hirono/Feinstein/Cosco/long beach port/containers/LA military 'exercise'
#5139727 at 2019-02-12 15:11:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6565: POTUS Trolling Reaches Record High Edition'''
thanks, it was worth watching.
A Q drop he read in vid mentioned ties to children's foundations in NY with long beach.
Makes me think we should be checking out Guatamala foundations in NYC with ties to LB
#5139622 at 2019-02-12 15:00:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6565: POTUS Trolling Reaches Record High Edition'''
some anon posted this vid at end of last bread.
It is very interesting about the drills at long beach and the real raid blocks away at Guatemala center.
He puts a lot of anons works together.
#5137714 at 2019-02-12 08:12:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6562: We Are UNITED Edition
YouTube RedPill78 video brand new two hours ago explains the LA Military raid on Guatemalan House of Culture.
The raid was done by a private special ops group…part of the Special Space Force, per RedPill78's mitary source. There were 11 people in hazmat suits who removed a WMD -dirty bomb. Tom Girardi, attorney who owns that building and has offices next door, is representing Alison Mack of NXIVM. She is talking….also noted in a Q drop last year. Adam Shiff is involved. This was supposed to be Plan X for the Deep State…to contaminate the USA with biological weapon. That building was due for demolition next month. The "redline" subway system for LA runs under that building. The Standard Hotel is just down the street from where the extraction took place. Apparently, the extraction wasn't supposed to be videotaped by people living around the scene.
The military exercise in long beach was supposed to be a distraction from the mission in LA.
#5130122 at 2019-02-12 01:09:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6552: Amazing Progress Edition
Feinstein must of been working those disastrous trade deals that flooded American markets with horrible quality steel; toxic plastic; rancid paper; you name it - all through the ports of LA - long beach, Compton, San Pedro, Seal beach.
Pelosi and Schumer worked the open borders to flood drugs. Now dealing with a Fentanyl epidemic. These people deserve a little punishment from sWords men. Gitmo and more.
#5126753 at 2019-02-11 22:02:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6548: Melania Monday Edition
Q, give us a drop on what is going on in LA.
Wilshire op real? long beach port?
#5122662 at 2019-02-11 16:59:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6543: The Country Is Doing Well Edition
Nice shot of the Port of long beach in the background.
#5122141 at 2019-02-11 16:10:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6542: Loosen Up And Have Some Fun! Edition
yorba linda pilot has jewish real name and long beach ties
pastini= Jordan Albert Isaacson
#5121395 at 2019-02-11 14:40:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6541: Heaven Has a Wall Edition
Rep. Adam Schiff - California District 28
Contribution by Geography 1999 - 2018
Top Metro Areas
Metro Area Amount
LOS ANGELES-long beach $6,279,075
NEW YORK $322,376
BOSTON, MA-NH $251,694
SAN DIEGO $188,017
CHICAGO $132,329
SAN JOSE $117,575
WEST PALM beach-BOCA RATON $103,714
#5121303 at 2019-02-11 14:30:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6541: Heaven Has a Wall Edition
1) Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
2) Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST)
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
3) Blunt & Direct Time.
Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.
Tick Tock.
Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.
Enjoy the show.
4) VJ phone call w/ AS.
42m 13s.
[2 listeners - no IDEN].
]_reroutes_[9 random]
]_reroutes_[2 random]
Article 3.
Section 3.
#5116008 at 2019-02-11 03:09:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6534: [RR][MCCABE] Edition
Los Angeles and long beach Harbor
LOS ANGELES - A joint collaborative effort between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and members of HSI's Border Enforcement Security Task Force (BEST), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Field Operations, and Australian federal authorities resulted in the seizure of a mixed narcotic load of methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin weighing in a more than 1.7 tons and artfully concealed within a shipment of loud speakers and destined for Australia.
#5115635 at 2019-02-11 02:46:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6534: [RR][MCCABE] Edition
Australia and US Seize Largest Ever Meth Shipment
The drugs, which consisted of three containers targeted for inspection, were seized at the Los Angeles/long beach seaport by officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on January 11 - intercepting the shipment before it could reach Australian shores.
#5115611 at 2019-02-11 02:44:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6534: [RR][MCCABE] Edition
Guise, long beach
Meth Shipment intercepted in LB
#5112998 at 2019-02-11 00:11:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6530: Based Italy Edition
1996-2002 Edit
In 1996, Ricky started working with the band No Authority as their lead vocalist.[3] No Authority was discovered by an A&R representative from Sony Records, and subsequently was signed to Michael Jackson's label MJJ Music, a custom label at Sony.[4]
In 1997, No Authority released their first album "Keep On", produced by Rodney Jerkins. The single "Girlfriend" appeared on the Trippin' original soundtrack.[5] No Authority toured Europe twice during this time and opened for Aaron Carter on the Kids Go Music Festival. The group also traveled to Canada to perform on the YTV Psyko Blast concert. In 1999, Ricky was featured in the Pepsi "Joy of Cola" commercial starring Aretha Franklin.[3]
After A&R representatives obtained a copy of No Authority's second album the group was later signed to Madonna's label Maverick Records.[6] While signed to Maverick Records the group released their first single "What I Wanna Do" produced by Herbie Crichlow from their self-titled album "No Authority." The next single "Can I Get Your Number (A Girl Like You)," charted at number 18 on the Billboard Charts[7] and their third single "I'm Telling You This" was used in the movie Rugrats in Paris, which became a gold certified record.[8] The group toured and performed with Britney Spears Destiny's Child,[9] 98 Degrees, Jessica Simpson,[10] and the All That! Music and More Festival,[11] after appearing in an episode of the Nickelodeon show All That!.[11]
2003-2010 Edit
During the period between leaving No Authority and the beginning of his new identity as Ricky Rebel, Ricky continued to perform on stage in shows like and Aida. Ricky became known as "Ricky Harlow" in 2004 when he assumed the role of lead vocalist for the band Harlow.[12][13] While working with Harlow, Ricky produced an album with Jay Baumgardner. After performing around Southern California with Harlow the group disbanded in 2009 when Ricky encountered strong censorship from his manager/producer, and from the recording industry in general, about Ricky's desire to be an openly gay musician, and yearning to produce his own brand of dance pop music even since his days in No Authority.[14]
In 2010, Ricky was cast in two of My Chemical Romance's official music videos "Na Na Na" and "Sing" where he played an androgynous rollerskating character named "Show Pony". He opened for My Chemical Romance for their cd release party at the House of Blues in Hollywood.[3]
2010-Present Edit
Since 2010 Ricky Rebel has been performing as a solo artist. Ricky made a guest appearance on VH1's Audrina in 2011.[15]
In 2012 Ricky Rebel won the RAWards Musician of Year Award,[16] where he debuted his first big single "Geisha Dance." Also in 2012 Ricky released his first album "Manipulator."
In 2014, Ricky collaborated with Claudio Cueni and released his second EP the Blue Album.[4] Since 2014 Ricky has been a regular contributor to US Weekly's "Fashion Police" spread.[17]
In 2015, he appeared on the Fox 5 San Diego to perform his new single "Star" from his album "The Blue Album." [18][19] In late 2015 Ricky Rebel secured a sponsorship agreement with the cosmetics company "Mustaev USA",[20] and subsequently produced the music video for his most recent single "Boys and Sometimes Girls" directed by Rock Jacobs.[21][22]
As part of his commitment to advancing gay rights in the United States Ricky performed at the 2014, 2015 and 2016 "Out At The Fair" festivals at The San Diego County Fair.[23] Ricky also performed at Gay Pride festivals in major cities like Phoenix, long beach, Orange County,[4] Palm Springs, San Diego,[23] and Las Vegas. Also, in 2015 Ricky Rebel performed at Matinee festivals in Las Vegas [19] and San Diego.
He performed at the 2016 "Get Out! Awards" in New York City.[24] Later in 2016 Ricky Rebel toured with boy-band O-Town.[25] Since 2015 Ricky has been working with DJ's Hector Fonseca, Casey Alva, and Tommy Love[19] to remix his songs "Star" and "Boys and Sometimes Girls."
In 2017, "Boys & Sometimes Girls" spent 9 weeks on the Billboard Dance Club Songs chart and peaked at #28.[26] Ricky Rebel performed at the 2017 SXSW (South by Southwest) Festival in Austin, Texas.[20] Ricky also performed at a charity event at the Cannes Film Festival.[27]
#5106182 at 2019-02-10 15:32:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6521: Public Awakening Edition
Mexican drug cartels are targeting Australia, say police after busting a record A$1.29 billion of meth in joint US-Australia investigation
Six people have been arrested after a massive 1.7 tonnes of methamphetamine, with a street value of A$1.29 billion (US$900 million), was seized in a joint investigation by Australian and United States authorities that exposed new ties between Mexican cartels and Aussie biker gangs.
The illicit cargo - the largest single seizure of methamphetamine in the US and the biggest haul of the drug bound for Australia - was hidden in shipping containers labelled as loudspeakers, said US authorities. It was seized in mid-January at the Los Angeles-long beach port complex in California, along with smaller amounts of cocaine and heroin.
The meth haul would have provided around 17 million hits of the drug in Australia.
Australian authorities said the operation with the US Department of Homeland Security, Drug Enforcement Agency, Australian Federal Police and Victoria state police had stopped "a tsunami of ice" from reaching their shores.
#5105790 at 2019-02-10 14:47:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6521: Public Awakening Edition
Trying to keep up with the LA "Drill" digs but it's massive. There's certainly some stuff missing but cross posting this here and in LA Military "exercise" bread. Maybe anons can fill in the gaps on that bread.
>>5096315 link from the Exercise bread with pics of the back of 1138 which now has a boarded up door. Looks like at least partial entry from above ground.
LA "Drill" dig compilation
>>5057627 Footage of downtown LA helicopter Military "drill"
>>5058205, >>5058264, >>5058267 LA military drill and The Standard Hotel: Dig Call
>>5067629 some LA military drill graphics
>>5069421 Military Helicopters in DTLA 2/4/19.
>>5069887, >>5069902, >>5069925, >>5070012 Dig on US Military exercise in LA.
>>5070394 Continuing the LA "drill" dig on Byron Vasquez
>>5073170 LA Tunnels dig
>>5073318. >>5073273, >>5073241, >>5073170, >>5073172, >>5072849, >>5072501 Anons put together digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337, >>5074668, >>5074670 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5075012 Great Thread on LA Mil Op
>>5075015 LA Mil Helo Video
>>5075037 LA Mil Helo Video from directly above
>>5075440, >>5075485, >>5075387 >>5075430 planefag's watching this
>>5075530 planefags watch the choppas too
>>5075836, >>5075811 LB harbor and marine traffic map
>>5075806, >>5076053 Port of Los Angeles Webcam
>>5075755, >>5075801, >>5075940, >>5076103 Port of LA anon pics
>>5075892 planefag SW-4 landing at LBG
>>5076232 planefag U-28A spectre JFTB-Los Alamitos
>>5077383, >>5077388, >>5077416, >>5077447, >>5077451, >>5077401, >>5077447, >>5077480, >>5077493, >>5077500 LA (collection)
>>5103968, >>5103948 "Before & After" for buildings in LA helicopter raid
>>5105434 , >>5105454, >>5105274, >>5105459, >>5105466, >>5105517, >>5105478 1138 Wilshire dig (cont.)
>>5105276 , >>5105313, >>5105242, >>5105372, >>5105391, >>5105393, >>5105416 1138 Wilshire dig (cont.)
>>5105272 , >>5105283, >>5105351, >>5105388, >>5105582 LA Military Exercise: 1138 Wilshire. Dig Call
What I have as of General bread #6520
#5103476 at 2019-02-10 07:03:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6518: [-30] [-45] [-60] [-90] Edition
Pilot in Deadly California House Crash Had License Suspended Twice UPDATE
LOS ANGELES-The pilot whose plane broke apart and crashed into a Southern California home, killing five people, was disciplined for dangerous flying years earlier, it was reported on Feb. 8. Antonio Pastini, 75, of Gardnerville, Nevada, was flying home after visiting his daughter and granddaughter on Sunday when his Cessna began coming apart and debris slammed into a Yorba Linda home, which caught fire. Four people inside the house died. The cause of the crash is under investigation.
Years earlier, Pastini, then using the name Jordan Albert Isaacson, had his license twice suspended by the Federal Aviation Administration, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday, citing records kept by the Library of Congress. Pastini's daughter, Julia Ackley, said her father's birth name was Jordan Isaacson, but she didn't say why he changed it. She wouldn't address the police credentials. "I'd prefer not to comment, and let the investigators do their job," Ackley told KABC-TV. "My father is exactly who he said he was." She said he was a restaurant owner and an experienced pilot who flew regularly from his home in Nevada to visit family in California. National Transportation Safety Board investigators have been collecting parts of the aircraft, the plane's records and information about Pastini, who was described as a commercial pilot with an instrument flight rating. In 1977, Pastini had his pilot's license suspended for 120 days after he flew from Las Vegas to long beach, California, in cloudy and icy weather and falsely told an air traffic controller that he had "IFR clearance" that indicated he was capable of flying the route with instruments. Pastini disregarded airspace rules and posed "a potential threat to himself, his passenger and other users of the system," wrote an administrative law judge, Jerrell R. Davis.
In 1980, Pastini lost his license for 30 days after Davis found that his plane was behind on inspections, carried only an expired temporary registration and was "unairworthy" because of a hydraulic fluid leak from a break and other problems, the Times said.
The Times said the FAA confirmed that Isaacson was Pastini. The agency said he submitted two name changes to the FAA: first in 1991 from Jordan Albert Isaacson to Jordan Ike Aaron, then in 2008 to Antonio Peter Pastini. Pastini told friends, family, and even newspapers that he was a retired Chicago police officer. But Chicago police have said he never worked for them and a Chicago police badge he was carrying when he crashed had been reported lost in 1978.
#5100884 at 2019-02-10 03:44:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6514: Ask Yourself, Why? Edition
Flashing trip code is a beautiful thing to see.
Welcome back.
1. Is '33rd' anniversary of Democracy in Haiti being met with riots, "by design?"
2. LDS Church expansion in the Caribbean - dig moar?
3. Port of LA (long beach) military exercises - Cover? Why is a January drug bust, at the Port, being reported now?
4. Much Ado about AOC - Nothing?
#5094861 at 2019-02-09 21:15:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6506: What Swalwell Shoulda Been Edition
The COSCO chinkanonshills came on and confirmed: their long beach port and their container lots are being watched like a hawk.
#5094754 at 2019-02-09 21:09:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6506: What Swalwell Shoulda Been Edition
long beach secured?
#5092770 at 2019-02-09 18:00:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6504: EBAKE Edition
I will try to explain the tic tock in Q post 1203 is Pi. The military drills were outside of Girardi and Keese office. I looked on there website found out they are part of Consumer Attorneys association of los angeles which so happen to use Pi as their logo. Then anons lead me to the port of canaverl ME and mentioned missiles I was already looking into port of long beach because it is in the same Q post 1203 so I checked it out and found article from washington times linked below. Lurking later I also find another anon post 5079094 about the container missiles. We need to look into the names in the lawyer association and this Gulftainer company and all its affiliates which there are many and make a connection.
Anons need to read this article lots of name of some bad guys that are linked to saddam hussian bill clinton obama muslim brotherhood UAE Jack Lew jamid Jafar Mr Aimen Nabi Mir.
It all has to do with Club-K missile containers Nuclear warheads and gulftainer.
#5092502 at 2019-02-09 17:28:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6503: Warren Ready to Announce, Mocking Clapping Intensifies Edition
Underground(Caves/Tunnels) = Human Trafficking + Escape Routes or Crumbling Infrastructure
* Looking at (3) Theories, or Combination
DIG Ref. → (notable #6493) >>5084703 (pb) Mysterious booms heard in New Orleans and other US locations.
* (Revisit What We Know)
1: [Old Guard Cult] Likes (Caves & Tunnels) = (a) To do their "Deeds" (b) Escape Routes - (examples) Playboy Mansion, Napa Caves, Kish Island(Iran), Cartel Tunnels @ Southern Border, etc…
2: Mayotte "Earthquake" (Nov 11 2018) Low-Frequency Waves @ 17sec Intervals. Reverberated (Around the World).
* (ELF/ULF) = Low Freq. Seismic Waves - Have been studied as contributing to moar accurate mapping of (Geological Formations)
(After Mayotte Waves)
3: (Dec 27 2018) Con-Edison Massive transformer explosion, NY.
4: And This (Fall 2018 & Jan & Feb 2019)[Abnormally Frequent Underground Explosions & Flashes of Light] across the USA. Being blamed on = (a) Transformer Explosions (b) Gas Explosions.
(Just a Few I've Found So Far)
* long beach, Cali - Nov 20, 2018
* Queens, NY - Dec 27, 2018 = Con-Ed Transformer explosion (Big Blue Light)
* Porterville, Cali - Dec 24, 2018
* Westlake Dist. LA, Cali - Jan 04, 2019
* (UK) → Bagot Rd. Jersey, Channel Islands, (UK) - 17 Jan 2019
Underground gas explosion.
* Feltonville, PA - Jan 22, 2019
* Kansas City, MO - Jan 30, 2019
* Dallas, TX - Feb 2, 2019
* Atlanta - Feb 6, 2019
* San Francisco - Feb. 6, 2019
+ Strange "Booms" @ Locations around USA ref'd to in: >>5084703 (pb).
+ Last 2yrs underground explosions (USA): Didn't list all, too many.
* Wilmington, DE - Jun 29, 2017
* South Los Angeles, Cali - Sept 6, 2017
* Newark Airport, NJ - Jan 12, 2018
* St. Cloud, MN - Apr 23, 2018
* Indiana Univ. Bloomington, IN - Oct. 19, 2018
Caveat: I did find multiple underground transformer explosions in the news prior to 2017 going back to around 2014. Many in NYC. Manhattan seems to have an exploding transformer problem.
Anyway, looking at (3) Scenarios:
1: Crumbling Infrastructure causing failures & explosions.
2: [Old Guard - Operators] Destroying Evidence.
3: [White Hats] Sent out (ELF/ULF) Extreme/Ultra Low Freq. (Mayotte Wave). Mapped [Cabal] Underground (Caves/Tunnels). Systematically Destroying.
Possibly a combination of all (3).
1 / 2
#5092347 at 2019-02-09 17:12:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6503: Warren Ready to Announce, Mocking Clapping Intensifies Edition
>>5091588 LB
>Traffic trade routes up through Cali
Been thinking about these routes since this LA/LB milop started.
Don't know much about it, but AFAIK, the Red & Purple Lines on the LA Metro are underground.
They also run nearby that building that got raided, SNCTM and the river that comes up from the Port of long beach.
Just spitballing, but could there be a tunnel connection between all these?
#5091751 at 2019-02-09 16:08:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6502: Building That Wall Edition
Have there been any digs on Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs)?
I remember listening to an interview with Jim Willie ages ago in which he claimed that there are 100s of FTZs in the US, from which the Chinese operate. With all the nonsense going down in CA, esp long beach (which is run by a Chinese firm) I decided to go have a dig around. This is what I found:
There are indeed 100s of FTZs in the US (list is here: http://ia.ita.doc.gov/ftzpage/letters/ftzlist-map.html - immediate jump outs are the 4 in CA and 1 in Little Rock - needs eyes on this - will dig later). The first FTZ was established in New York in 1934, but nothing much happened until 1950 when the restrictions on manufacturing were lifted. Since then their usage has grown exponentially.
So what are the benefits of operating in an FTZ?
"Some of the benefits that are most attractive to companies are relief from inverted tariffs, duty exemption on re-exports, duty elimination on waste, scrap and yield loss, savings on damaged or nonconforming items, weekly entry savings, cash flow (duty deferral) savings, zone-to-zone transfers, government and military sales, and ad valorem tax relief.
Companies often find that the integration of a variety of FTZ benefits and procedures enables them to maximize their savings and minimize their operational costs at each point in their FTZ distribution or manufacturing processes."
Source: https://www.ftzcorp.com/foreign-trade-zone-benefits.aspx
This is a long-winded way of (not) saying that goods can be imported from abroad into an FTZ without paying taxes. Raw materials may be imported and assembled into finished goods without paying taxes. If said goods are then exported again, no taxes are paid. Partially assembled goods may be shipped between FTZs without taxes being paid. Taxes only become due when an item leaves an FTZ and enters the US.
Reading further, I discovered that the principle of FTZs exist in many countries, esp China (think Shanghai). This international network of FTZs now underpins global trade and was created as the foundation upon which TTIP was to be built. In other words, massive Cabal fuckery abounds - you know how they hate paying taxes. FTZs also serve to undermine the WTO, and cancel out the benefits of trading under WTO rules.
Let's look at long beach (see pic).
"The Port of long beach operates Foreign Trade Zone 50 (FTZ-50), covering Orange County, western San Bernardino County and most of Los Angeles County. Qualifying businesses in FTZ-50 can reduce costs by deferring, reducing and potentially eliminating customs duties.
Under the Port of long beach's program, any qualified business within the boundaries of FTZ-50, which includes Orange County, western San Bernardino County and most of Los Angeles County, can apply to have its existing building designated as an FTZ site."
Source: http://www.polb.com/economics/ftz/establishingoperations.asp
What I don't know (yet) is what regulations exist around the import and export of materials into/out of FTZs. I suspect that as no taxes are paid, stuff can move about in an unregulated fashion. This will also be the case when moving between FTZs. We've been told that long beach is important - this discovery sets the alarm bells ringing big time.
The other big takeaway thought is human trafficking. Unregulated movement of goods between FTZs is a great way of shipping human cargo. And as no-one expects people to be moving about in shipping containers, getting them out of an FTZ is likely to be a piece of piss. I've lost count of the number of times I've been asked to show a pass on the way into a government establishment, but waved out without a check on exit.
#5091399 at 2019-02-09 15:19:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6502: Building That Wall Edition
was the 'socities" ever figured out?
In researching long beach port, I found that COSCO subsidiary, and former owner of port, OOIL, has someone on BOD with connections to UK finances and the French Bank SOCITIES GENERAL, which I believe has been involved in scandals.
#5091156 at 2019-02-09 14:42:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6502: Building That Wall Edition
Anyone else kek'n at the complete irony of fake news like "military training" in long beach etc being used against the enemy. This anon sure is
#5089548 at 2019-02-09 07:47:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6500: Arctic Access Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5088860 Graphic on the Pedo Symbology
>>5088956 Q & A Show with Nigel Farage
>>5089086 Dem Rep Meeks Pushed $60K in Campaign Cash to Company Owned by Aide's Wife
>>5089128, >>5089130, >>5089132 Resignations in the news today
>>5089169 US Secretary Pompeo To Warn Iceland Of Chinese 'Courtship' For Arctic Access
>>5089170 Former NC Board of Elections official sentenced to prison for aiding & abetting voting by an alien in 2016 election
>>5089459 #6499
>>5088063 GOP/Dems Set to Offer Trump a Quarter of $5.7B for Border Wall
>>5088090, >>5088440, >>5088401 Anti-Christian quotes from the Talmud
>>5088101 Haitians want Pres. Jovenel Moise gone on the two-year anniversary of his inauguration
>>5088235, >>5088292, >>5088300 ICE agents in North Carolina arrest hundreds of immigrants
>>5088259 Trump's "Eyeball-To-Eyeball" Orders To The Generals On Syria
>>5088260 Maryam Rajavi: All Iranians demand freedom, democracy, and overthrow of mullahs' regime
>>5088278 Robert (Beto) O'Rourke will headline a counter rally to POTUS'
>>5088283 Racist Yale Newspaper Editor Urges Students to Spy on White Male Classmates
>>5088323 Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases
>>5088398 A pilot killed in a California crash was initially identified as a retired Chicago police officer. CPD says it has no record of him
>>5088663 Should Adam Schiff recuse himself from Russia probe now that it's known he was communicating with Fusion GPS?
>>5088755 #6498
#6497 Baker Change
>>5087339 Purported Deutsche Bank chat room logs as part of a guilty settlement on rigging silver prices
>>5087364 Starving Venezuelans Forage Through Garbage Trucks in Failed Socialist State for Food
>>5087392 ISIS leader was nearly assassinated by disgruntled foreign fighters
>>5087405, >>5087618, >>5087710 Crumb #2053 mentioning HRC being in Hanoi
>>5087435 PA bans police from arresting, questioning illegal immigrants over legal status
>>5087451 National Guard general admits his ribbons were upside down during State of the Union
>>5087487 Maduro denies any ties with Hezbollah
>>5087889 Haiti continues to be in riot mode, after failed celebrations of the anniversary of "33" years of democracy
>>5087913 Anons on "Hwood Anon to appear at 2019 Grammys"
>>5087981 #6497
>>5087167 Background on Jacky Rosen, ref lb >>5085919 , >>5085992
>>5087118 Anderson Copper denies CNN were tipped off on Roger Stone's arrest
>>5087081 "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha": 1 year tomorrow
>>5086710 Video: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman
>>5086803 US files False Claims Act suit on a number of IT companies
>>5086680 , >>5086811 'Army training drills continue on long beach'
>>5086738 Habberman tweets pic of Mueller and Andrew Weismann
>>5086547 Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy calls on Fairfax to resign
>>5086541 , >>5086604 Netflix, Soros and AOC
>>5086570 , >>5086833, >>5086882 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate (cont.)
>>5086522 , >>5086740, >>5086966 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate
>>5086475 Pompeo reveals new information on the Kashoggi investigation
>>5087205 #6496
>>5086377 Learn to code: 'Nunes talks like a 4channer on Ingraham Angle'
>>5086245 5:5 Marker today?
>>5086208 Kamala Harris: Justin Fairfax should resign
>>5086087 Bezos new 'shadow' advisor is female of Chinese descent
>>5085926 , >>5085986 Cop killing trial documents unsealed but stay hidden
>>5085919 , >>5085992 Dem Sen Jackie Rosen-Rosen to Kyrsten Sinema: "Watch your ass"
>>5085902 Covington mustache guy pops up once again
>>5085784 Simple side by side of the 17 minute delta
>>5085752 , >>5085756 Some Whitaker Highlights
>>5085754 Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party officially recognized
>>5085742 , >>5085745 Syria News
>>5086412 #6495
Previously Collected Notables
>>5085648 #6494
>>5083345 #6491, >>5084114 #6492, >>5085470 #6493
>>5081867 #6489, >>5082615 #6490, >>5082615 #6490
>>5079512 #6486, >>5080469 #6487, >>5081082 #6488
>>5077341 #6483, >>5078008 #6484, >>5078746 #6485
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5089501 at 2019-02-09 07:39:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6499: U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK Edition
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
#5089467 at 2019-02-09 07:32:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6499: U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK Edition
Literally largest drug bust in US history happened at long beach port today. 1.3 Billion worth of meth, coke, and heroin.
So anons, maybe I missed it but I haven't seen this in the notables today, and this took place at long beach, and AUSTRALIA is involved, so I'm gonna go out on a limb considering what's been happening in LA this week and what we know about FVEY and call this
#5089338 at 2019-02-09 07:10:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6499: U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK Edition
==couple more tunnel maps - one shows the rail line tunnels between LA and long beach==
I'm just going to keep going "maps" is my thing,,, Since I don't know which will be useful, I am picking ones that are readable, with good info on them. Did you like the one with the old Hollywood homes locations? That one was from 1906, forgot to mention that. I'm going to look for tunnels from the ports.
#5088765 at 2019-02-09 05:43:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6499: U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5088063 GOP/Dems Set to Offer Trump a Quarter of $5.7B for Border Wall
>>5088090, >>5088440, >>5088401 Anti-Christian quotes from the Talmud
>>5088101 Haitians want Pres. Jovenel Moise gone on the two-year anniversary of his inauguration
>>5088235, >>5088292, >>5088300 ICE agents in North Carolina arrest hundreds of immigrants
>>5088259 Trump's "Eyeball-To-Eyeball" Orders To The Generals On Syria
>>5088260 Maryam Rajavi: All Iranians demand freedom, democracy, and overthrow of mullahs' regime
>>5088278 Robert (Beto) O'Rourke will headline a counter rally to POTUS'
>>5088283 Racist Yale Newspaper Editor Urges Students to Spy on White Male Classmates
>>5088323 Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases
>>5088398 A pilot killed in a California crash was initially identified as a retired Chicago police officer. CPD says it has no record of him
>>5088663 Should Adam Schiff recuse himself from Russia probe now that it's known he was communicating with Fusion GPS?
>>5088755 #6498
#6497 Baker Change
>>5087339 Purported Deutsche Bank chat room logs as part of a guilty settlement on rigging silver prices
>>5087364 Starving Venezuelans Forage Through Garbage Trucks in Failed Socialist State for Food
>>5087392 ISIS leader was nearly assassinated by disgruntled foreign fighters
>>5087405, >>5087618, >>5087710 Crumb #2053 mentioning HRC being in Hanoi
>>5087435 PA bans police from arresting, questioning illegal immigrants over legal status
>>5087451 National Guard general admits his ribbons were upside down during State of the Union
>>5087487 Maduro denies any ties with Hezbollah
>>5087889 Haiti continues to be in riot mode, after failed celebrations of the anniversary of "33" years of democracy
>>5087913 Anons on "Hwood Anon to appear at 2019 Grammys"
>>5087981 #6497
>>5087167 Background on Jacky Rosen, ref lb >>5085919 , >>5085992
>>5087118 Anderson Copper denies CNN were tipped off on Roger Stone's arrest
>>5087081 "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha": 1 year tomorrow
>>5086710 Video: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman
>>5086803 US files False Claims Act suit on a number of IT companies
>>5086680 , >>5086811 'Army training drills continue on long beach'
>>5086738 Habberman tweets pic of Mueller and Andrew Weismann
>>5086547 Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy calls on Fairfax to resign
>>5086541 , >>5086604 Netflix, Soros and AOC
>>5086570 , >>5086833, >>5086882 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate (cont.)
>>5086522 , >>5086740, >>5086966 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate
>>5086475 Pompeo reveals new information on the Kashoggi investigation
>>5087205 #6496
>>5086377 Learn to code: 'Nunes talks like a 4channer on Ingraham Angle'
>>5086245 5:5 Marker today?
>>5086208 Kamala Harris: Justin Fairfax should resign
>>5086087 Bezos new 'shadow' advisor is female of Chinese descent
>>5085926 , >>5085986 Cop killing trial documents unsealed but stay hidden
>>5085919 , >>5085992 Dem Sen Jackie Rosen-Rosen to Kyrsten Sinema: "Watch your ass"
>>5085902 Covington mustache guy pops up once again
>>5085784 Simple side by side of the 17 minute delta
>>5085752 , >>5085756 Some Whitaker Highlights
>>5085754 Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party officially recognized
>>5085742 , >>5085745 Syria News
>>5086412 #6495
Previously Collected Notables
>>5085648 #6494
>>5083345 #6491, >>5084114 #6492, >>5085470 #6493
>>5081867 #6489, >>5082615 #6490, >>5082615 #6490
>>5079512 #6486, >>5080469 #6487, >>5081082 #6488
>>5077341 #6483, >>5078008 #6484, >>5078746 #6485
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5087989 at 2019-02-09 04:16:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6498: I Hear Hanoi Is Educational Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
#6497 Baker Change
>>5087339 Purported Deutsche Bank chat room logs as part of a guilty settlement on rigging silver prices
>>5087364 Starving Venezuelans Forage Through Garbage Trucks in Failed Socialist State for Food
>>5087392 ISIS leader was nearly assassinated by disgruntled foreign fighters
>>5087405, >>5087618, >>5087710 Crumb #2053 mentioning HRC being in Hanoi
>>5087435 PA bans police from arresting, questioning illegal immigrants over legal status
>>5087451 National Guard general admits his ribbons were upside down during State of the Union
>>5087487 Maduro denies any ties with Hezbollah
>>5087889 Haiti continues to be in riot mode, after failed celebrations of the anniversary of "33" years of democracy
>>5087913 Anons on "Hwood Anon to appear at 2019 Grammys"
>>5087981 #6497
>>5087167 Background on Jacky Rosen, ref lb >>5085919 , >>5085992
>>5087118 Anderson Copper denies CNN were tipped off on Roger Stone's arrest
>>5087081 "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha": 1 year tomorrow
>>5086710 Video: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman
>>5086803 US files False Claims Act suit on a number of IT companies
>>5086680 , >>5086811 'Army training drills continue on long beach'
>>5086738 Habberman tweets pic of Mueller and Andrew Weismann
>>5086547 Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy calls on Fairfax to resign
>>5086541 , >>5086604 Netflix, Soros and AOC
>>5086570 , >>5086833, >>5086882 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate (cont.)
>>5086522 , >>5086740, >>5086966 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate
>>5086475 Pompeo reveals new information on the Kashoggi investigation
>>5087205 #6496
>>5086377 Learn to code: 'Nunes talks like a 4channer on Ingraham Angle'
>>5086245 5:5 Marker today?
>>5086208 Kamala Harris: Justin Fairfax should resign
>>5086087 Bezos new 'shadow' advisor is female of Chinese descent
>>5085926 , >>5085986 Cop killing trial documents unsealed but stay hidden
>>5085919 , >>5085992 Dem Sen Jackie Rosen-Rosen to Kyrsten Sinema: "Watch your ass"
>>5085902 Covington mustache guy pops up once again
>>5085784 Simple side by side of the 17 minute delta
>>5085752 , >>5085756 Some Whitaker Highlights
>>5085754 Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party officially recognized
>>5085742 , >>5085745 Syria News
>>5086412 #6495
#6494 Baker change
>>5085607 17 Minute Delta on POTUS' latest tweets
>>5085591 New Mexico House approves full term abortion bill
>>5085513 Judicial Watch Update
>>5085486 JW: Foreign voting in massive numbers
>>5085468 Some of what we know about Mr. Greensocks
>>5085459 Cory Booker compares 'Green New Deal' to moon landing and fighting Nazis
>>5085399 , >>5085578, >>5085423 New POTUS tweeta & Q drop referencing Hanoi (and RBG?)
>>5085386 Renault reports former CEO for ?50,000 gift from the Palace of Versailles
>>5085364 Whitaker on lunch. Repost for keks
>>5085348 , >>5085407 New filing in Corsi v. Stone: Notice (Other)
>>5085345 Dig into Google's 'Project Dragonfly'
>>5085140 Missed the Whitaker Hearing? Watch it here. It's epic
>>5085127 , >>5085139 Hussein's tweet, John Dingell, his wife and HRC. Dig
>>5085033 Lindsey Graham calls for a vote on 'Green New Deal'
>>5085648 #6494
Previously Collected Notables
>>5083345 #6491, >>5084114 #6492, >>5085470 #6493
>>5081867 #6489, >>5082615 #6490, >>5082615 #6490
>>5079512 #6486, >>5080469 #6487, >>5081082 #6488
>>5077341 #6483, >>5078008 #6484, >>5078746 #6485
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5087724 at 2019-02-09 03:54:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6497: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman Edition
1.29 billion in meth at a long beach outlet that DiFi sold to the Chinese.
That hurts. It's hurt all day.
Anon has always considered oneself to be up on things.
Anon had no fucking clue.
How much worse does it get?
#5087624 at 2019-02-09 03:45:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6497: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman Edition
Lanny Davis ties to long beach Port… the Clintons gave it way.
Lanny Davis, confirmed S&B
#5087214 at 2019-02-09 03:12:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6497: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5087167 Background on Jacky Rosen, ref lb >>5085919 , >>5085992
>>5087118 Anderson Copper denies CNN were tipped off on Roger Stone's arrest
>>5087081 "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha": 1 year tomorrow
>>5086710 Video: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman
>>5086803 US files False Claims Act suit on a number of IT companies
>>5086680 , >>5086811 'Army training drills continue on long beach'
>>5086738 Habberman tweets pic of Mueller and Andrew Weismann
>>5086547 Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy calls on Fairfax to resign
>>5086541 , >>5086604 Netflix, Soros and AOC
>>5086570 , >>5086833, >>5086882 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate (cont.)
>>5086522 , >>5086740, >>5086966 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate
>>5086475 Pompeo reveals new information on the Kashoggi investigation
>>5087205 #6496
>>5086377 Learn to code: 'Nunes talks like a 4channer on Ingraham Angle'
>>5086245 5:5 Marker today?
>>5086208 Kamala Harris: Justin Fairfax should resign
>>5086087 Bezos new 'shadow' advisor is female of Chinese descent
>>5085926 , >>5085986 Cop killing trial documents unsealed but stay hidden
>>5085919 , >>5085992 Dem Sen Jackie Rosen-Rosen to Kyrsten Sinema: "Watch your ass"
>>5085902 Covington mustache guy pops up once again
>>5085784 Simple side by side of the 17 minute delta
>>5085752 , >>5085756 Some Whitaker Highlights
>>5085754 Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party officially recognized
>>5085742 , >>5085745 Syria News
>>5086412 #6495
#6494 Baker change
>>5085607 17 Minute Delta on POTUS' latest tweets
>>5085591 New Mexico House approves full term abortion bill
>>5085513 Judicial Watch Update
>>5085486 JW: Foreign voting in massive numbers
>>5085468 Some of what we know about Mr. Greensocks
>>5085459 Cory Booker compares 'Green New Deal' to moon landing and fighting Nazis
>>5085399 , >>5085578, >>5085423 New POTUS tweeta & Q drop referencing Hanoi (and RBG?)
>>5085386 Renault reports former CEO for ?50,000 gift from the Palace of Versailles
>>5085364 Whitaker on lunch. Repost for keks
>>5085348 , >>5085407 New filing in Corsi v. Stone: Notice (Other)
>>5085345 Dig into Google's 'Project Dragonfly'
>>5085140 Missed the Whitaker Hearing? Watch it here. It's epic
>>5085127 , >>5085139 Hussein's tweet, John Dingell, his wife and HRC. Dig
>>5085033 Lindsey Graham calls for a vote on 'Green New Deal'
>>5085648 #6494
Previously Collected Notables
>>5083345 #6491, >>5084114 #6492, >>5085470 #6493
>>5081867 #6489, >>5082615 #6490, >>5082615 #6490
>>5079512 #6486, >>5080469 #6487, >>5081082 #6488
>>5077341 #6483, >>5078008 #6484, >>5078746 #6485
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5087205 at 2019-02-09 03:12:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6496: Not Your Puppet Edition
>>5087167 Background on Jacky Rosen, ref lb >>5085919 , >>5085992
>>5087118 Anderson Copper denies CNN were tipped off on Roger Stone's arrest
>>5087081 "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha": 1 year tomorrow
>>5086710 Video: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman
>>5086803 US files False Claims Act suit on a number of IT companies
>>5086680 , >>5086811 'Army training drills continue on long beach'
>>5086738 Habberman tweets pic of Mueller and Andrew Weismann
>>5086547 Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy calls on Fairfax to resign
>>5086541 , >>5086604 Netflix, Soros and AOC
>>5086570 , >>5086833, >>5086882 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate (cont.)
>>5086522 , >>5086740, >>5086966 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate
>>5086475 Pompeo reveals new information on the Kashoggi investigation
#5087115 at 2019-02-09 03:06:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6496: Not Your Puppet Edition
Just one quick snapshot of what I see on CONUS mil ADSB.
Shows 49 aircraft (a couple are bogies) total.
Predominantly trainers.
Nothing like what we witnessed last night over LA and Port of long beach.
No Mercury, Poseidon, AWACS, etc. seen tonight.
Doesn't mean they aren't up, they could be.
Thank you planefag. I'll get off ADSB now, unless you holler for me to look at something with you. I'll be up another hour or 2.
#5087083 at 2019-02-09 03:02:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6496: Not Your Puppet Edition
Notables so far
Anything to add?
>>5086710 Video: Your Five Minutes Are Up, Mr Chairman
>>5086803 US files False Claims Act suit on a number of IT companies
>>5086680 , >>5086811 'Army training drills continue on long beach'
>>5086738 Habberman tweets pic of Mueller and Andrew Weismann
>>5086547 Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy calls on Fairfax to resign
>>5086541 , >>5086604 Netflix, Soros and AOC
>>5086522 , >>5086740, >>5086966 POTUS' tweets: Seconds or minutes? Anons debate
>>5086475 Pompeo reveals new information on the Kashoggi investigation
#5086680 at 2019-02-09 02:29:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6496: Not Your Puppet Edition
Army training drills continue throughout the week in the long beach area as loud explosions rang out and low-flying helicopters landed throughout the night Wednesday. Hmm. Interesting.
This rabbit hole goes very deep; and could end up being far greater than the Epstein, NVIXM discoveries. The likelihood that 40+ Highly Trained Operators, just so happen to breach the very building owned by Girardi, with these connections is about zero. More to follow…
#5085165 at 2019-02-09 00:14:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6494: Wit Taker Edition
I think this is HUGE. Military "practice" in LA. I don't think so.
(LOS ANGELES) - A joint drug bust between Australian and U.S. authorities in mid-January resulted in a record 1.7 tons of methamphetamine being seized at Los Angeles/long beach seaport.
#5084719 at 2019-02-08 23:27:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6493: Temps Can Be Very Dangerous To Those Who Are Targeted Edition
'A tsunami of ice' Feds seize record setting 1.7 TONS of meth worth $1.3 BILLION found hidden in speaker shipment bound for Australia from the US
U.S. Customs and Border Protection found the drugs hidden in metal boxes labelled as loudspeakers
1,728 kilograms of the drug was seized at the Los Angeles-long beach port complex
#5083491 at 2019-02-08 21:26:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6492: "PANIC re: WHITAKER?" Edition
Interdasting look at the LA/long beach military OP. Some food for thought…..
Full thing here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1093716367742775297.html
#5083254 at 2019-02-08 21:04:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6491: Attacks On WHITAKER Will Only Intensify Edition
Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
Thursday, February 07, 2019 08:00PM
long beach (KABC) –
Six people have been arrested after federal agents seized more than 1.7 tons of drugs stashed inside audio speakers that were being shipped from long beach to Australia.
The shipment included 3,810 pounds of methamphetamine, along with 56 pounds of cocaine and 11.5 pounds of heroin, federal authorities said.
Officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized three shipping containers containing the drugs on Jan. 11 at the Los Angeles/long beach seaport.
#5083166 at 2019-02-08 20:55:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6491: Attacks On WHITAKER Will Only Intensify Edition
long beach
#5083158 at 2019-02-08 20:54:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6491: Attacks On WHITAKER Will Only Intensify Edition
Authorities arrest Customs and Border Protection officer suspected of selling guns without license
A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer has been charged with selling guns without a license and using his status as a law enforcement officer to buy and then transfer handguns not available to the general public, according to federal authorities.
Wei Xu, a watch commander at CBP's Los Angeles and long beach Seaport, sold or transferred at least 70 firearms since 2014 without a license, authorities allege in a criminal complaint and affidavit. He allegedly sold four of them to an undercover investigator posing as a buyer.
The criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday charged Xu, 56, with dealing in firearms without a federal firearms license and unlawfully transferring an unregistered short-barreled rifle. Authorities said that licensing records show that Xu is not and has never been a licensed firearms dealer.
Xu appeared in court Wednesday and was ordered detained without bond pending trial, the U.S. Attorney's Office said. He is due back in court later this month.
During a search of his home Tuesday, federal authorities seized more than 300 firearms, including assault rifles, short-barreled rifles and what look like machine guns, the U.S. attorney's office said.
#5083054 at 2019-02-08 20:47:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6491: Attacks On WHITAKER Will Only Intensify Edition
lanny davis ties to long beach port, they want no part of it
#5081982 at 2019-02-08 19:31:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6490: Think Whitaker Edition
Lanny Davis ties to the long beach Port.
#5081874 at 2019-02-08 19:25:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6490: Think Whitaker Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5081159, >>5081328 DOJ Files First of its Kind Action to Stop Tennessee Pharmacies' Unlawful Dispensing of Opioids
>>5081183 Article on Communist influences on the Democrat party
>>5081186 For keks: Pepe gets mentioned in Matt Furie vs Infowars
>>5081195 Did The Department Of Justice Protect Brenda Snipes From Prosecution For Ballot Destruction?
>>5081214 Border Officer Shoots Driver at Arizona Crossing
>>5081251 More on the largest bust of 1.7 tons of meth and drugs
>>5081258 Under Democrat Rule: MOAR TYPHUS
>>5081372 Jeff Bezos Protests the Invasion of his Privacy as Amazon Builds a Sprawling Surveillance State For Everyone Else
>>5081429 School shooting in Baltimore stopped at front door
>>5081529, >>5081530, >>5081545 Breaking: Bomb Threat at Arizona State Capital Building
>>5081600 Navy to drop live bombs on florida national park
>>5081689, >>5081714 Joe Biden once said Democrats needed 'a liberal George Wallace'
>>5081867 #6489
>>5080391 Venezuela's Maduro in open letter to US
>>5080421 Planned Parenthood Has A Plan To Expand Abortion To 40 Weeks In All 50 States
>>5080433 Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the secret Republican weapon for 2020
>>5080449 Anon on Why the "Flaming Socialist" D's are the Only Ones Running for President
>>5080498 NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Defends Radical Abortion Law
>>5080499 A Florida state Senator introduced a bill that would ban abortions after an unborn baby's heartbeat is detected
>>5080547, >>5080706 Brett Kavanaugh Just Declared War on Roe v. Wade
>>5080579 BB&T, SunTrust to Merge in $66 Billion Deal
>>5080698 From 2017: WaPo's robot reporter published 850 articles that year
>>5080743 Adam Schiff, Glenn Simpson and their Forrest Gump-like encounter in Aspen
>>5080749 US objects to UN move on Israeli action in Hebron
>>5080817 Nick Sandmann Lawyer: Those Who Attacked Covington Student 'Need to Be Punished'
>>5080903 US Military Finally Sets Target Date For "Full Withdrawal" From Syria
>>5080928 Yellow Vests are reaction to ultra-liberal policies - Italy's deputy PM
>>5080949 Animation shows every single bomb the US-led coalition has dropped on ISIS
>>5081082 #6488
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5079680 Turkish gold broker Sardes helped Maduro sell $900M in gold
>>5079744, >>5079940 Articles mocking Ocasio Cortez and the Green New Deal
>>5079754 White House Warns Of Another Shutdown As Negotiations Near End
>>5079804, >>5079818 Fake attacks on POTUS' health again
>>5079939 Pennsylvania College Paper Runs Racist Op-Ed Saying White Boys Shouldn't Be Allowed to Speak During Class
>>5079977 'Death to America' aimed at Trump, not Americans, Iran's leader says
>>5080107 Former Virginia Federal Employee Sentenced to More Than 17 Years in Prison for Producing Child Pornography
>>5080125 Video of Whitaker saying "your five minutes is up"
>>5080164 Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases
>>5080178 Saudi students in at least 8 states, Canada vanish while facing criminal charges
>>5080469 #6487
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5078818 ; >>5079240 POTUS tweet re: Schitt meeting in Fusion GPS in Aspen making MSM rounds
>>5079025 POTUS nominates NASA center director Chris Scales to lead Nat'l Recon Office (NRO)
>>5079066 On UK May pushing a pro-pedo agenda in 2010
>>5079075 ; >>5079235 ; >>5079286 ; >>5079316 More hilarity from Occasional-Cortex's green new deal
>>5079094 ; On potential long beach port fuckery, Chinese COCSO, and UK, France connections
>>5079146 ; >>5079476 "Mr. Chairman, I see your five minutes is up..."
>>5079175 McCabe fagging out with new book, MSM happy to spread his bullshit
>>5079276 Fitton potentially going after Kamala Harris via FOIA re: California DOJ abuses against pro-life journos and PP kickbacks
>>5079312 ; >>5079348 "Secret group" of unlicensed academia clowns seek actual medical panel to go after POTUS on "muh mentally unfit" bullshit
>>5079438 "BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER": Amazon's Bezos accusing Nat'l Enquirer boss of blackmailing
>>5079512 #6486
Previously Collected Notables
>>5077341 #6483, >>5078008 #6484, >>5078746 #6485
>>5074914 #6480, >>5075555 #6481, >>5076410 #6482
>>5072565 #6477, >>5073373 #6478, >>5074143 #6479
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5081580 at 2019-02-08 19:06:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6489: Based Whitaker Edition
The Clintons gave the long beach Port to the Chinese
>https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/05/us/politics/michael-cohen-lanny-davis.html - by Maggie Haberman
Guess what "White House official" smoothed it over way back in the 90's when asked about National Security?
None other than one LANNY DAVIS.
The same lawyer hired by Michael Cohen!
#5081251 at 2019-02-08 18:42:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6489: Based Whitaker Edition
RE: Is ther ea connection to this bust and the urban military exersize yesterday in LA?
LARGEST BUST. Worth 1.2 BILLION DOLLARS. "Watch California"
A joint drug bust between Australian and U.S. authorities in mid-January resulted in a record 1.7 tons of methamphetamine being seized at Los Angeles/long beach seaport.
Customs and Border Protection announced the seizure of the three containers on Thursday, which were intended to be shipped to Australia before being searched on Jan. 11. The containers were filled with speakers "artfully" stuffed with the drugs.
In addition to the 3,810 pounds of meth, the shipment also contained 55.9 pounds of cocaine and 11.5 pounds of heroin. Australian officials said the total street value of the haul was $1.29 billion.
"There's no question that the criminal organization behind this scheme has been dealt a significant blow," Joseph Macias, special agent-in-charge for Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Los Angeles, said in a statement. "Along with our law enforcement partners here and around the world, we continue in a day-to-day battle against the blight of methamphetamine that continues to devastate our communities. Through a collaborative effort – pooling our information, resources and expertise – we are keeping this dangerous contraband from reaching our streets and potentially saving lives."
The bust was the largest amount of methamphetamine ever seized in the United States, according to police.
Authorities said six people have been arrested in the scheme – two Americans and four Australians. The Americans were identified by Australian police as a 52-year-old man and 46-year-old woman living in Woodstock, Victoria. (ASSIEANONS…know who?)
Australian Federal Police evidently found the seizure to be worthy of memorializing via pun. They asked commenters on their Facebook page to, "Help us celebrate and post your best ice puns below."
The bust is the third major seizure announced by U.S. authorities in a matter of weeks.
CBP announced the largest-ever fentanyl bust on Jan. 31. Authorities seized 254 pounds of fentanyl, a powerful opioid, worth about $3.5 million at the Nogales Port of Entry in Arizona.
Just two days later, the Maricopa, Arizona, County Sheriff's Office announced they had seized 3,500 pounds of marijuana and over 220 pounds of meth near Gila Bend when two trucks swerved around a border patrol check and tried to elude authorities in a desert chase.
#5081132 at 2019-02-08 18:34:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6488: ]Whitaker[ Edition
>Did some anons say long beach?
We got trolled yesterday with the questions about long beach Harbor and the L.A. River. If memory serves, anon said he was Australian. Hmmm
No coincidence.
#5081100 at 2019-02-08 18:32:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6489: Based Whitaker Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5080391 Venezuela's Maduro in open letter to US
>>5080421 Planned Parenthood Has A Plan To Expand Abortion To 40 Weeks In All 50 States
>>5080433 Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the secret Republican weapon for 2020
>>5080449 Anon on Why the "Flaming Socialist" D's are the Only Ones Running for President
>>5080498 NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Defends Radical Abortion Law
>>5080499 A Florida state Senator introduced a bill that would ban abortions after an unborn baby's heartbeat is detected
>>5080547, >>5080706 Brett Kavanaugh Just Declared War on Roe v. Wade
>>5080579 BB&T, SunTrust to Merge in $66 Billion Deal
>>5080698 From 2017: WaPo's robot reporter published 850 articles that year
>>5080743 Adam Schiff, Glenn Simpson and their Forrest Gump-like encounter in Aspen
>>5080749 US objects to UN move on Israeli action in Hebron
>>5080817 Nick Sandmann Lawyer: Those Who Attacked Covington Student 'Need to Be Punished'
>>5080903 US Military Finally Sets Target Date For "Full Withdrawal" From Syria
>>5080928 Yellow Vests are reaction to ultra-liberal policies - Italy's deputy PM
>>5080949 Animation shows every single bomb the US-led coalition has dropped on ISIS
>>5081082 #6488
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5079680 Turkish gold broker Sardes helped Maduro sell $900M in gold
>>5079744, >>5079940 Articles mocking Ocasio Cortez and the Green New Deal
>>5079754 White House Warns Of Another Shutdown As Negotiations Near End
>>5079804, >>5079818 Fake attacks on POTUS' health again
>>5079939 Pennsylvania College Paper Runs Racist Op-Ed Saying White Boys Shouldn't Be Allowed to Speak During Class
>>5079977 'Death to America' aimed at Trump, not Americans, Iran's leader says
>>5080107 Former Virginia Federal Employee Sentenced to More Than 17 Years in Prison for Producing Child Pornography
>>5080125 Video of Whitaker saying "your five minutes is up"
>>5080164 Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases
>>5080178 Saudi students in at least 8 states, Canada vanish while facing criminal charges
>>5080469 #6487
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5078818 ; >>5079240 POTUS tweet re: Schitt meeting in Fusion GPS in Aspen making MSM rounds
>>5079025 POTUS nominates NASA center director Chris Scales to lead Nat'l Recon Office (NRO)
>>5079066 On UK May pushing a pro-pedo agenda in 2010
>>5079075 ; >>5079235 ; >>5079286 ; >>5079316 More hilarity from Occasional-Cortex's green new deal
>>5079094 ; On potential long beach port fuckery, Chinese COCSO, and UK, France connections
>>5079146 ; >>5079476 "Mr. Chairman, I see your five minutes is up..."
>>5079175 McCabe fagging out with new book, MSM happy to spread his bullshit
>>5079276 Fitton potentially going after Kamala Harris via FOIA re: California DOJ abuses against pro-life journos and PP kickbacks
>>5079312 ; >>5079348 "Secret group" of unlicensed academia clowns seek actual medical panel to go after POTUS on "muh mentally unfit" bullshit
>>5079438 "BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER": Amazon's Bezos accusing Nat'l Enquirer boss of blackmailing
>>5079512 #6486
#6485 Baker Change
>>5078054 ; >>5078112 ; >>5078379 AAG Whitaker testifying before House panel
>>5078107 ; >>5078251 Kellyanne Conway interviewed by MSM/CNN re: October 2018 assault
>>5078111 New DJT
>>5078173 Massachusetts also legalizes "up-to-birth abortion"/infanticide
>>5078236 Kellyanne attacker link to Podesta/pizza
>>5078253 On fuckery with US ports, the Chinese, and decades of gov't corruption/facilitation
>>5078256 ; >>5078266 ; >>5078281 ; >>5078314 ; >>5078362 Extensive dig on Hansjörg Wyss, HRC crony, under investigation as of last year for sexual assault
Please see archives for past digs on Wyss links to CF
>>5078326 UK actor Albert Finney dead at 82
>>5078347 Former Fox News reporter joins State Dept. to assist with counterpropaganda efforts
>>5078368 Trump's second SOTU one of TV's most watched events to date
>>5078557 Presidential proclamation re: migration through the southern border of the US
>>5078746 #6485
Previously Collected Notables
>>5077341 #6483, >>5078008 #6484
>>5074914 #6480, >>5075555 #6481, >>5076410 #6482
>>5072565 #6477, >>5073373 #6478, >>5074143 #6479
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5080601 at 2019-02-08 18:00:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6488: ]Whitaker[ Edition
Did some anons say long beach?
#5080357 at 2019-02-08 17:39:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6488: ]Whitaker[ Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5079680 Turkish gold broker Sardes helped Maduro sell $900M in gold
will collect
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5078818 ; >>5079240 POTUS tweet re: Schitt meeting in Fusion GPS in Aspen making MSM rounds
>>5079025 POTUS nominates NASA center director Chris Scales to lead Nat'l Recon Office (NRO)
>>5079066 On UK May pushing a pro-pedo agenda in 2010
>>5079075 ; >>5079235 ; >>5079286 ; >>5079316 More hilarity from Occasional-Cortex's green new deal
>>5079094 ; On potential long beach port fuckery, Chinese COCSO, and UK, France connections
>>5079146 ; >>5079476 "Mr. Chairman, I see your five minutes is up..."
>>5079175 McCabe fagging out with new book, MSM happy to spread his bullshit
>>5079276 Fitton potentially going after Kamala Harris via FOIA re: California DOJ abuses against pro-life journos and PP kickbacks
>>5079312 ; >>5079348 "Secret group" of unlicensed academia clowns seek actual medical panel to go after POTUS on "muh mentally unfit" bullshit
>>5079438 "BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER": Amazon's Bezos accusing Nat'l Enquirer boss of blackmailing
>>5079512 #6486
#6485 Baker Change
>>5078054 ; >>5078112 ; >>5078379 AAG Whitaker testifying before House panel
>>5078107 ; >>5078251 Kellyanne Conway interviewed by MSM/CNN re: October 2018 assault
>>5078111 New DJT
>>5078173 Massachusetts also legalizes "up-to-birth abortion"/infanticide
>>5078236 Kellyanne attacker link to Podesta/pizza
>>5078253 On fuckery with US ports, the Chinese, and decades of gov't corruption/facilitation
>>5078256 ; >>5078266 ; >>5078281 ; >>5078314 ; >>5078362 Extensive dig on Hansjörg Wyss, HRC crony, under investigation as of last year for sexual assault
Please see archives for past digs on Wyss links to CF
>>5078326 UK actor Albert Finney dead at 82
>>5078347 Former Fox News reporter joins State Dept. to assist with counterpropaganda efforts
>>5078368 Trump's second SOTU one of TV's most watched events to date
>>5078557 Presidential proclamation re: migration through the southern border of the US
>>5078746 #6485
Previously Collected Notables
>>5077341 #6483, >>5078008 #6484
>>5074914 #6480, >>5075555 #6481, >>5076410 #6482
>>5072565 #6477, >>5073373 #6478, >>5074143 #6479
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5079761 at 2019-02-08 16:54:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6487: Long Recess And Rabbit Chase Edition
Fentanyl coming in through long beach?
#5079563 at 2019-02-08 16:31:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6487: Long Recess And Rabbit Chase Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5078818 ; >>5079240 POTUS tweet re: Schitt meeting in Fusion GPS in Aspen making MSM rounds
>>5079025 POTUS nominates NASA center director Chris Scales to lead Nat'l Recon Office (NRO)
>>5079066 On UK May pushing a pro-pedo agenda in 2010
>>5079075 ; >>5079235 ; >>5079286 ; >>5079316 More hilarity from Occasional-Cortex's green new deal
>>5079094 ; On potential long beach port fuckery, Chinese COCSO, and UK, France connections
>>5079146 ; >>5079476 "Mr. Chairman, I see your five minutes is up..."
>>5079175 McCabe fagging out with new book, MSM happy to spread his bullshit
>>5079276 Fitton potentially going after Kamala Harris via FOIA re: California DOJ abuses against pro-life journos and PP kickbacks
>>5079312 ; >>5079348 "Secret group" of unlicensed academia clowns seek actual medical panel to go after POTUS on "muh mentally unfit" bullshit
>>5079438 "BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER": Amazon's Bezos accusing Nat'l Enquirer boss of blackmailing
>>5079512 #6486
#6485 Baker Change
>>5078054 ; >>5078112 ; >>5078379 AAG Whitaker testifying before House panel
>>5078107 ; >>5078251 Kellyanne Conway interviewed by MSM/CNN re: October 2018 assault
>>5078111 New DJT
>>5078173 Massachusetts also legalizes "up-to-birth abortion"/infanticide
>>5078236 Kellyanne attacker link to Podesta/pizza
>>5078253 On fuckery with US ports, the Chinese, and decades of gov't corruption/facilitation
>>5078256 ; >>5078266 ; >>5078281 ; >>5078314 ; >>5078362 Extensive dig on Hansjörg Wyss, HRC crony, under investigation as of last year for sexual assault
Please see archives for past digs on Wyss links to CF
>>5078326 UK actor Albert Finney dead at 82
>>5078347 Former Fox News reporter joins State Dept. to assist with counterpropaganda efforts
>>5078368 Trump's second SOTU one of TV's most watched events to date
>>5078557 Presidential proclamation re: migration through the southern border of the US
>>5078746 #6485
>>5077365, >>5077405, >>5077412, >>5077423, >>5077431, >>5077465, >>5077544 Saikat Chakrabarti AOC Cont'd Dig
>>5077407, >>5077571 It's Been "33" Years Since Haiti Welcomed Democracy. How Did It Mark The Day? Protests.
>>5077383, >>5077388, >>5077416, >>5077447, >>5077451, >>5077401, >>5077447, >>5077480, >>5077489, >>5077500, >>5077940 LA (collection)
>>5077474, >>5077483 So the guy that AOC beat out?
>>5077520 Venezuelan exile is top diplomat for Guaidó's bullpen government
>>5077530 Female cadet, 21, is found dead at the elite Sandhurst military academy
>>5077537 ISIS leader survives coup attempt by his own men, bounty on foreign fighter behind failed plot
>>5077573, >>5077594, >>5077650 Roberts joins the liberals again. Vote was 5-4.
Baker Change
>>5077705 Reminder: How to create 'consensus cracking'
>>5077730, >>5077732, >>5077992 New PDJT
>>5077746 Human Rights group "Liberty" granted affiliate status to Pedo Info Exchng in '75
>>5077807 PA man wanted on 865 counts of child rape caught by U.S. Marshals
>>5077842 PDJT statement on Mustafa Apprehension
>>5077903 Letter from Hussein to long beach Mayor re: Maritime Commission
>>5078008 #6484
Previously Collected Notables
>>5077341 #6483
>>5074914 #6480, >>5075555 #6481, >>5076410 #6482
>>5072565 #6477, >>5073373 #6478, >>5074143 #6479
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5079512 at 2019-02-08 16:25:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
Notables Bun
General Notable: Commentary and Quotes from AAG Whitaker Testimony
>>5078818 ; >>5079240 POTUS tweet re: Schitt meeting in Fusion GPS in Aspen making MSM rounds
>>5079025 POTUS nominates NASA center director Chris Scales to lead Nat'l Recon Office (NRO)
>>5079066 On UK May pushing a pro-pedo agenda in 2010
>>5079075 ; >>5079235 ; >>5079286 ; >>5079316 More hilarity from Occasional-Cortex's green new deal
>>5079094 ; On potential long beach port fuckery, Chinese COCSO, and UK, France connections
>>5079146 ; >>5079476 "Mr. Chairman, I see your five minutes is up..."
>>5079175 McCabe fagging out with new book, MSM happy to spread his bullshit
>>5079276 Fitton potentially going after Kamala Harris via FOIA re: California DOJ abuses against pro-life journos and PP kickbacks
>>5079312 ; >>5079348 "Secret group" of unlicensed academia clowns seek actual medical panel to go after POTUS on "muh mentally unfit" bullshit
>>5079438 "BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER": Amazon's Bezos accusing Nat'l Enquirer boss of blackmailing
#5079406 at 2019-02-08 16:14:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
The deal finally approved by the Secretary of the Navy turns over control of the long beach Naval Station, with a value of at least $65 million, free of charge to the City of long beach. The city has agreed to lease it to the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China.
The Chinese deal apparently went forward without a national security review by wither the CIA or National Security Council. The White House apparently avoided normal and routine government channels in pushing the deal through in 1995. '… there seemed to be no reason to check with the National Security Council on the decision …' White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.
White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.
White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.
White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.
Cohen's lawyer.
#5079372 at 2019-02-08 16:11:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
COSCO shipping bought long beach PORT.
COSCO also bought out OOIL ( ORIENTAL OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED) in same transaction.
Orient Overseas (International) Limited is an investment holding company which involves in international transportation and logistics, and property investment and property development. It is the parent company of Orient Overseas Container Line,
If you look at COSCO'S Board of Directors, they are all Chinese.
However, if you look at OOIL's BOD, they are all Chinese, except for one British man with French Bank connections. His name is MICHAEL FITZGERALD.
#5079346 at 2019-02-08 16:09:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
Last nite a COSCO chinkanon was in here all 'you anons all think ur hot shit doncha' after we got a little to close to their long beach container ops via the 'military exercise'
#5079094 at 2019-02-08 15:44:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
>Executive Officer/Managing Director of the Port of long beach
ALEX CHERIN, Port of long beach, Dir
(former, under #44)
Found in Podesta email chain.
Now works for Englander Knabe & Allen
Responsible for Shifting International Trade Routes!
Can only imagine he changed the routes to stop in many Caribbean countries; for pick-up services.
Doc won't embed: http://aapa.files.cms-plus.com/PDFs/10SHIFTING_ENGAgenda.pdf
#5078952 at 2019-02-08 15:30:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
Port of long beach / [Alex Cherin]
>On Monday, September 28, 2015, Alex Cherin <alex@ekapr.com<mailto:alex@ekapr.com>> -wrote:
John - it was a pleasure sitting and chatting with you last week in Los Angeles. As discussed, I would be happy (and honored) to assist the HC campaign on trade and transportation related issues. Given my professional background as former Executive Officer/Managing Director of the Port of long beach I can provide policy support in matters ranging from international trade matters to expertise on transportation related infrastructure.
>BOLDING is mine
#5078934 at 2019-02-08 15:28:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
++++Any news on long beach California?+**++++
#5078800 at 2019-02-08 15:15:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6486: I See Your Five Minutes Is Up Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
#6485 Baker Change
>>5078054 ; >>5078112 ; >>5078379 AAG Whitaker testifying before House panel
>>5078107 ; >>5078251 Kellyanne Conway interviewed by MSM/CNN re: October 2018 assault
>>5078111 New DJT
>>5078173 Massachusetts also legalizes "up-to-birth abortion"/infanticide
>>5078236 Kellyanne attacker link to Podesta/pizza
>>5078253 On fuckery with US ports, the Chinese, and decades of gov't corruption/facilitation
>>5078256 ; >>5078266 ; >>5078281 ; >>5078314 ; >>5078362 Extensive dig on Hansjörg Wyss, HRC crony, under investigation as of last year for sexual assault
Please see archives for past digs on Wyss links to CF
>>5078326 UK actor Albert Finney dead at 82
>>5078347 Former Fox News reporter joins State Dept. to assist with counterpropaganda efforts
>>5078368 Trump's second SOTU one of TV's most watched events to date
>>5078557 Presidential proclamation re: migration through the southern border of the US
>>5078746 #6485
>>5077365, >>5077405, >>5077412, >>5077423, >>5077431, >>5077465, >>5077544 Saikat Chakrabarti AOC Cont'd Dig
>>5077407, >>5077571 It's Been "33" Years Since Haiti Welcomed Democracy. How Did It Mark The Day? Protests.
>>5077383, >>5077388, >>5077416, >>5077447, >>5077451, >>5077401, >>5077447, >>5077480, >>5077489, >>5077500, >>5077940 LA (collection)
>>5077474, >>5077483 So the guy that AOC beat out?
>>5077520 Venezuelan exile is top diplomat for Guaidó's bullpen government
>>5077530 Female cadet, 21, is found dead at the elite Sandhurst military academy
>>5077537 ISIS leader survives coup attempt by his own men, bounty on foreign fighter behind failed plot
>>5077573, >>5077594, >>5077650 Roberts joins the liberals again. Vote was 5-4.
Baker Change
>>5077705 Reminder: How to create 'consensus cracking'
>>5077730, >>5077732, >>5077992 New PDJT
>>5077746 Human Rights group "Liberty" granted affiliate status to Pedo Info Exchng in '75
>>5077807 PA man wanted on 865 counts of child rape caught by U.S. Marshals
>>5077842 PDJT statement on Mustafa Apprehension
>>5077903 Letter from Hussein to long beach Mayor re: Maritime Commission
>>5078008 #6484
>>5077018 Moar Christians are Waking Up #Trump2020
>>5077055, >>5077061 Saikat Chakrabarti, Ph.D. AOC Chief of Staff-DIGG anons!
>>5076937 The Jackson-Vanik Amendment
>>5076655 The ties that bind the Liberals and the Bronfmans
>>5076551 the mechanics of deception
>>5076534 What is Steyer trying to hide?
>>5077341 #6483
Previously Collected Notables
>>5074914 #6480, >>5075555 #6481, >>5076410 #6482
>>5072565 #6477, >>5073373 #6478, >>5074143 #6479
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5078253 at 2019-02-08 14:17:01 (UTC+1)
'''Q Research General #6485: Morning Autism is Better than Coffee Edition'''
>>5077935 lb
>off by at least a decade.
Port of long beach giveaway to the Chinese facilitated by Clinton & set up by GHWB. Article from 1997.
>>5077903 lb
Still a good dig though. Looks like Hussein was doing the good ol' environmental shakedown.
#5078022 at 2019-02-08 13:48:12 (UTC+1)
'''Q Research General #6485: Morning Autism is Better than Coffee Edition'''
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5077365, >>5077405, >>5077412, >>5077423, >>5077431, >>5077465, >>5077544 Saikat Chakrabarti AOC Cont'd Dig
>>5077407, >>5077571 It's Been "33" Years Since Haiti Welcomed Democracy. How Did It Mark The Day? Protests.
>>5077383, >>5077388, >>5077416, >>5077447, >>5077451, >>5077401, >>5077447, >>5077480, >>5077489, >>5077500, >>5077940 LA (collection)
>>5077474, >>5077483 So the guy that AOC beat out?
>>5077520 Venezuelan exile is top diplomat for Guaidó's bullpen government
>>5077530 Female cadet, 21, is found dead at the elite Sandhurst military academy
>>5077537 ISIS leader survives coup attempt by his own men, bounty on foreign fighter behind failed plot
>>5077573, >>5077594, >>5077650 Roberts joins the liberals again. Vote was 5-4.
Baker Change
>>5077705 Reminder: How to create 'consensus cracking'
>>5077730, >>5077732, >>5077992 New PDJT
>>5077746 Human Rights group "Liberty" granted affiliate status to Pedo Info Exchng in '75
>>5077807 PA man wanted on 865 counts of child rape caught by U.S. Marshals
>>5077842 PDJT statement on Mustafa Apprehension
>>5077903 Letter from Hussein to long beach Mayor re: Maritime Commission
>>5077018 Moar Christians are Waking Up #Trump2020
>>5077055, >>5077061 Saikat Chakrabarti, Ph.D. AOC Chief of Staff-DIGG anons!
>>5076937 The Jackson-Vanik Amendment
>>5076655 The ties that bind the Liberals and the Bronfmans
>>5076551 the mechanics of deception
>>5076534 What is Steyer trying to hide?
>>5077341 #6483
>>5075860, >>5075935, >>5075905 re hash old chatter regarding Iraq WMDs to Syria
>>5075836, >>5075811 LB harbor and marine traffic map
>>5075806, >>5076053 Port of Los Angeles Webcam
>>5075755, >>5075801, >>5075940, >>5076103 Port of LA anon pics
>>5075892 planefag SW-4 landing at LBG
>>5076232 planefag U-28A spectre JFTB-Los Alamitos
>>5076291 planefag P-8 heading towards Catalina Island
>>5076410 #6482
#6481 Baker Change
>>5075003 US Army twats Apache
>>5074982, >>5075033 SC blocks Louisiana abortion law...
>>5074985, >>5075100, >>5075102, >>5075185, >>5075020 anons dig on ChiFi and LBC
>>5075346, >>5075407 moar ChiFi from 1997 re Hubby and CHina and LB port
>>5075384 Intermodal Bridge Transport- moves cargo in long beach and Atlanta
>>5075214 Q 1306 nuclear facil in nSyria compared to story today out of Israel re missile facil in nSyria
>>5075440, >>5075485, >>5075387 >>5075430 planefag's watching this
>>5075530 planefags watch the choppas too
>>5075601, >>5075605, >>5075608 Resignations in the news today
>>5075012 Great Thread on LA Mil Op
>>5075015 LA Mil Helo Video
>>5075037 LA Mil Helo Video from directly above
>>5075555 #6481
Previously Collected Notables
>>5074914 #6480
>>5072565 #6477, >>5073373 #6478, >>5074143 #6479
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
>>5062506 #6464, >>5063269 #6465, >>5063937 #6466
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5078008 at 2019-02-08 13:44:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6484: Bake of the E Variety
Final Bun Anonz
Will Request Handoff next Bread - Please Step Up!
>>5077365, >>5077405, >>5077412, >>5077423, >>5077431, >>5077465, >>5077544 Saikat Chakrabarti AOC Cont'd Dig
>>5077407, >>5077571 It's Been "33" Years Since Haiti Welcomed Democracy. How Did It Mark The Day? Protests.
>>5077383, >>5077388, >>5077416, >>5077447, >>5077451, >>5077401, >>5077447, >>5077480, >>5077489, >>5077500, >>5077940 LA (collection)
>>5077474, >>5077483 So the guy that AOC beat out?
>>5077520 Venezuelan exile is top diplomat for Guaidó's bullpen government
>>5077530 Female cadet, 21, is found dead at the elite Sandhurst military academy
>>5077537 ISIS leader survives coup attempt by his own men, bounty on foreign fighter behind failed plot
>>5077573, >>5077594, >>5077650 Roberts joins the liberals again. Vote was 5-4.
Baker Change
>>5077705 Reminder: How to create 'consensus cracking'
>>5077730, >>5077732, >>5077992 New PDJT
>>5077746 Human Rights group "Liberty" granted affiliate status to Pedo Info Exchng in '75
>>5077807 PA man wanted on 865 counts of child rape caught by U.S. Marshals
>>5077842 PDJT statement on Mustafa Apprehension
>>5077903 Letter from Hussein to long beach Mayor re: Maritime Commission
#5077990 at 2019-02-08 13:41:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6484: Bake of the E Variety
long beach Port / Feinstein / China / Clinton
#5077941 at 2019-02-08 13:28:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6484: Bake of the E Variety
#5077927 at 2019-02-08 13:24:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6484: Bake of the E Variety
Here's the Bun Anons.
>>5077365, >>5077405, >>5077412, >>5077423, >>5077431, >>5077465, >>5077544 Saikat Chakrabarti AOC Cont'd Dig
>>5077407, >>5077571 It's Been "33" Years Since Haiti Welcomed Democracy. How Did It Mark The Day? Protests.
>>5077383, >>5077388, >>5077416, >>5077447, >>5077451, >>5077401, >>5077447, >>5077480, >>5077489, >>5077500 LA (collection)
>>5077474, >>5077483 So the guy that AOC beat out?
>>5077520 Venezuelan exile is top diplomat for Guaidó's bullpen government
>>5077530 Female cadet, 21, is found dead at the elite Sandhurst military academy
>>5077537 ISIS leader survives coup attempt by his own men, bounty on foreign fighter behind failed plot
>>5077555 Kanye West 'falls victim to forgery
>>5077573, >>5077594, >>5077650 Roberts joins the liberals again. Vote was 5-4.
Baker Change
>>5077705 Reminder: How to create 'consensus cracking'
>>5077730, >>5077732 New PDJT
>>5077746 Human Rights group "Liberty" granted affiliate status to Pedo Info Exchng in '75
>>5077807 PA man wanted on 865 counts of child rape caught by U.S. Marshals
>>5077842 PDJT statement on Mustafa Apprehension
>>5077903 Letter from Hussein to long beach Mayor re: Maritime Commission
#5077292 at 2019-02-08 10:20:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6484: Bake of the E Variety
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5075860, >>5075935, >>5075905 re hash old chatter regarding Iraq WMDs to Syria
>>5075836, >>5075811 LB harbor and marine traffic map
>>5075806, >>5076053 Port of Los Angeles Webcam
>>5075755, >>5075801, >>5075940, >>5076103 Port of LA anon pics
>>5075892 planefag SW-4 landing at LBG
>>5076232 planefag U-28A spectre JFTB-Los Alamitos
>>5076291 planefag P-8 heading towards Catalina Island
>>5076353 pb bun for NASAAnon anon >>5076271
>>5076410 #6482
#6481 Baker Change
>>5075003 US Army twats Apache
>>5074982, >>5075033 SC blocks Louisiana abortion law...
>>5074985, >>5075100, >>5075102, >>5075185, >>5075020 anons dig on ChiFi and LBC
>>5075346, >>5075407 moar ChiFi from 1997 re Hubby and CHina and LB port
>>5075384 Intermodal Bridge Transport- moves cargo in long beach and Atlanta
>>5075214 Q 1306 nuclear facil in nSyria compared to story today out of Israel re missile facil in nSyria
>>5075440, >>5075485, >>5075387 >>5075430 planefag's watching this
>>5075530 planefags watch the choppas too
>>5075601, >>5075605, >>5075608 Resignations in the news today
>>5075012 Great Thread on LA Mil Op
>>5075015 LA Mil Helo Video
>>5075037 LA Mil Helo Video from directly above
>>5075555 #6481
>>5074213, >>5074217 Venezuelan company that builds power plants connections to FusionGPS
>>5074215 Stonewalling on Clinton Emails Continues Under Trump
>>5074240 On Q crumb #666
>>5074246, >>5074577 St. Mary Medical center in long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337, >>5074668, >>5074670 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5074332, >>5074350 Jerome Corsi claims Roger Stone tried to give him heart attacks in defamation lawsuit; 1 year delta
>>5074551 Summary on "The Green New Deal"
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
>>5074809 From 2014: Cuban expats shoring up Maduro's government
>>5074840 Vermont passes radical bill legalizing abortions up to birth
>>5074914 #6480
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567, >>5073875 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
>>5073787 AOC pushes Green agenda while Yellow Vests protest Climate Change policies
>>5074143 #6479
#6478 Baker Change
>>5072652 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5072721, >>5073030 Senior FBI Lawyer, Trisha Anderson, Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It
>>5072747 Presidential Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
>>5072779, >>5073031 Whitaker will testify before House panel after tense back-and-forth
>>5072804 Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro
>>5072816 Author of controversial Nunes memo joining National Security Council, Kashyap Patel
>>5072901 South Carolina Senator Reintroduces Bill That Would Ban Abortion
>>5072969 Senate Intel Committee Chair Says There Is No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
>>5072994 New POTUS Tweet
>>5073011 Aid arrives at Venezuela border as US demands Maduro let it in
>>5073049 Trump orders agencies to buy U.S.-made steel, aluminum and cement 'to the greatest extent' possible
>>5072977 NIH asks federal watchdog to investigate 12 allegations related to foreign influence
>>5073238 Fugitive wanted on 865 counts of child rape arrested in Tallahassee
>>5073373 #6478
Previously Collected Notables
>>5072565 #6477
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
>>5062506 #6464, >>5063269 #6465, >>5063937 #6466
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5077032 at 2019-02-08 09:04:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6483: Its kinda easy bein Spoop Di double g Edition
#5076893 at 2019-02-08 08:36:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6483: Its kinda easy bein Spoop Di double g Edition
Shill influx when we began discussing long beach and NXVIUM. Might be a trigger word.
Could just be night shift shills, too.
#5076701 at 2019-02-08 08:09:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6483: Its kinda easy bein Spoop Di double g Edition
Ok - doubteranons.
long beach fuckery afoot.
MSM is posting reports of a drug bust at the long beach Port. This drug bust "alleged" took place in January. As of now, I have found ZERO sauce that it was ever reported in January.
This story is being twisted. It is either happening now, or the original bust was withheld until now.
Activity surrounding this story is simultaneous with Military activity in long beach now,
This is supposedly the biggest Meth bust in U.S. history. But there seems to be something fishy going on.
Baker, can you collect the long beach posts from last couple of breads so we can compare the details of these events?
Meth-Filled Speakers Intercepted at Port of L.A. in Largest-Ever U.S. Seizure of Drug; 6 Arrested: CBP
#5076476 at 2019-02-08 07:40:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6483: Its kinda easy bein Spoop Di double g Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5075860, >>5075935, >>5075905 re hash old chatter regarding Iraq WMDs to Syria
>>5075836, >>5075811 LB harbor and marine traffic map
>>5075806, >>5076053 Port of Los Angeles Webcam
>>5075755, >>5075801, >>5075940, >>5076103 Port of LA anon pics
>>5075892 planefag SW-4 landing at LBG
>>5076232 planefag U-28A spectre JFTB-Los Alamitos
>>5076291 planefag P-8 heading towards Catalina Island
>>5076353 pb bun for NASAAnon anon >>5076271
>>5076410 #6482
#6481 Baker Change
>>5075003 US Army twats Apache
>>5074982, >>5075033 SC blocks Louisiana abortion law...
>>5074985, >>5075100, >>5075102, >>5075185, >>5075020 anons dig on ChiFi and LBC
>>5075346, >>5075407 moar ChiFi from 1997 re Hubby and CHina and LB port
>>5075384 Intermodal Bridge Transport- moves cargo in long beach and Atlanta
>>5075214 Q 1306 nuclear facil in nSyria compared to story today out of Israel re missile facil in nSyria
>>5075440, >>5075485, >>5075387 >>5075430 planefag's watching this
>>5075530 planefags watch the choppas too
>>5075601, >>5075605, >>5075608 Resignations in the news today
>>5075012 Great Thread on LA Mil Op
>>5075015 LA Mil Helo Video
>>5075037 LA Mil Helo Video from directly above
>>5075555 #6481
>>5074213, >>5074217 Venezuelan company that builds power plants connections to FusionGPS
>>5074215 Stonewalling on Clinton Emails Continues Under Trump
>>5074240 On Q crumb #666
>>5074246, >>5074577 St. Mary Medical center in long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337, >>5074668, >>5074670 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5074332, >>5074350 Jerome Corsi claims Roger Stone tried to give him heart attacks in defamation lawsuit; 1 year delta
>>5074551 Summary on "The Green New Deal"
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
>>5074809 From 2014: Cuban expats shoring up Maduro's government
>>5074840 Vermont passes radical bill legalizing abortions up to birth
>>5074914 #6480
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567, >>5073875 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
>>5073787 AOC pushes Green agenda while Yellow Vests protest Climate Change policies
>>5074143 #6479
#6478 Baker Change
>>5072652 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5072721, >>5073030 Senior FBI Lawyer, Trisha Anderson, Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It
>>5072747 Presidential Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
>>5072779, >>5073031 Whitaker will testify before House panel after tense back-and-forth
>>5072804 Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro
>>5072816 Author of controversial Nunes memo joining National Security Council, Kashyap Patel
>>5072901 South Carolina Senator Reintroduces Bill That Would Ban Abortion
>>5072969 Senate Intel Committee Chair Says There Is No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
>>5072994 New POTUS Tweet
>>5073011 Aid arrives at Venezuela border as US demands Maduro let it in
>>5073049 Trump orders agencies to buy U.S.-made steel, aluminum and cement 'to the greatest extent' possible
>>5072977 NIH asks federal watchdog to investigate 12 allegations related to foreign influence
>>5073238 Fugitive wanted on 865 counts of child rape arrested in Tallahassee
>>5073373 #6478
Previously Collected Notables
>>5072565 #6477
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
>>5062506 #6464, >>5063269 #6465, >>5063937 #6466
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5076460 at 2019-02-08 07:38:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
So the cartels are operating out of long beach.
man that normally would be huge news.
but that's politicians money.
#5076442 at 2019-02-08 07:36:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
Hey there connected. watch this closley.
#5076397 at 2019-02-08 07:30:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
Kek. Agreed. Lot's of sketchy shiite going on in long beach.
#5076285 at 2019-02-08 07:16:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
Check this out. Couple of Anons said the drug bust actually happened in Jan. That means they are likely reporting on an previous bust to use as a cover story for these mil. ops. in long beach.
#5076281 at 2019-02-08 07:16:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
>>5075892 planefag SW-4 landing at LBG
>>5076232 planefag U-28A spectre JFTB-Los Alamitos
>>5075860, >>5075935, >>5075905 re hash old chatter regarding Iraq WMDs to Syria
>>5075836, >>5075811 LB harbor and marine traffic map
>>5075806, >>5076053 Port of Los Angeles Webcam
>>5075755, >>5075801, >>5075940, >>5076103 Port of LA anon pics
>>5076067 Report Of jan 11 Drug Bust at long beach Port today
#5076264 at 2019-02-08 07:13:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
Hey! Don't look at me .
I don't run my smack threw long beach.
#5076213 at 2019-02-08 07:07:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
Two hours ago.
#5076195 at 2019-02-08 07:05:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
long beach has exploded on the Internet - Military, drug busts, NXIVM, China, oh my….
Time to please put the dogs up up the real story anon's. I'm posting MSM reports, as I find them.
This is why residents near ports of L.A., long beach might hear some frightening sounds this week.
#5076191 at 2019-02-08 07:04:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
LA diggers watch this video. She basically explains the use of MH-60's by the Army in coordination with local LAPD, including explosions, as part of an urban training exercise. She is talking about tonight's long beach ops being similar to those of a few nights ago in downtown.
#5076172 at 2019-02-08 07:02:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
Someone want to go check out our Cemex friends at the Port of long beach ?
#5076141 at 2019-02-08 06:59:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
Almost 2 tons of drugs seized from L.B.-L.A. port in biggest U.S. meth bust.
long beach / MSM reports
#5076098 at 2019-02-08 06:55:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
More long beach / Military related MSM.
#5076067 at 2019-02-08 06:52:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
MSM Report Of Drug Bust at long beach Port.
(Possible cover story?)
#5075875 at 2019-02-08 06:32:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
If the special military ops in LA and long beach where coordinated with LAPD or local LEO, how does this get authorization if it is not for military purpose? The military is not used to enforce civilian laws so this operation must be related to national defense or combating foreign enemy invaders or apprehension of American citizens that are traitors that are guilty of treason?
#5075836 at 2019-02-08 06:26:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
The long beach Harbor one is offline
#5075697 at 2019-02-08 06:06:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6482: So much drama in the LBC Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
#6481 Baker Change
>>5075003 US Army twats Apache
>>5074982, >>5075033 SC blocks Louisiana abortion law...
>>5074985, >>5075100, >>5075102, >>5075185, >>5075020 anons dig on ChiFi and LBC
>>5075346, >>5075407 moar ChiFi from 1997 re Hubby and CHina and LB port
>>5075384 Intermodal Bridge Transport- moves cargo in long beach and Atlanta
>>5075214 Q 1306 nuclear facil in nSyria compared to story today out of Israel re missile facil in nSyria
>>5075440, >>5075485, >>5075387 >>5075430 planefag's watching this
>>5075530 planefags watch the choppas too
>>5075601, >>5075605, >>5075608 Resignations in the news today
>>5075555 #6481
>>5074213, >>5074217 Venezuelan company that builds power plants connections to FusionGPS
>>5074215 Stonewalling on Clinton Emails Continues Under Trump
>>5074240 On Q crumb #666
>>5074246, >>5074577 St. Mary Medical center in long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337, >>5074668, >>5074670 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5074332, >>5074350 Jerome Corsi claims Roger Stone tried to give him heart attacks in defamation lawsuit; 1 year delta
>>5074551 Summary on "The Green New Deal"
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
>>5074809 From 2014: Cuban expats shoring up Maduro's government
>>5074840 Vermont passes radical bill legalizing abortions up to birth
>>5074914 #6480
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567, >>5073875 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
>>5073787 AOC pushes Green agenda while Yellow Vests protest Climate Change policies
>>5074143 #6479
#6478 Baker Change
>>5072652 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5072721, >>5073030 Senior FBI Lawyer, Trisha Anderson, Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It
>>5072747 Presidential Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
>>5072779, >>5073031 Whitaker will testify before House panel after tense back-and-forth
>>5072804 Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro
>>5072816 Author of controversial Nunes memo joining National Security Council, Kashyap Patel
>>5072901 South Carolina Senator Reintroduces Bill That Would Ban Abortion
>>5072969 Senate Intel Committee Chair Says There Is No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
>>5072994 New POTUS Tweet
>>5073011 Aid arrives at Venezuela border as US demands Maduro let it in
>>5073049 Trump orders agencies to buy U.S.-made steel, aluminum and cement 'to the greatest extent' possible
>>5072977 NIH asks federal watchdog to investigate 12 allegations related to foreign influence
>>5073238 Fugitive wanted on 865 counts of child rape arrested in Tallahassee
>>5073373 #6478
>>5072398 More digging into AOC's Chief of Staff
>>5072305 13 minute delta from POTUS' tweets this morning
>>5072290 , >>5072321 Interesting NYT article re Feinstein / China, 1997
>>5072276 , >>5072410, >>5072501, >>5072164 LA, Black Hawks & NVIXM. EYES ON
>>5072245 Chelsea 'whitesplains' and responds to Hillary in Blackface
>>5072227 Mueller: Manafort meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik at heart of probe
>>5072207 Comey related to Blackface/Richmond/Virginia? DIG CALL
>>5072105 Mexican Police Seize 550 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl near Arizona
>>5071932 , >>5071947 Comey tweets re Virginia
>>5071925 Britain, EU leaders don't budge on Brexit but agree to more talks
>>5071877 , >>5072053 Did Q give Twitter a green light to censor?
>>5072565 #6477
Previously Collected Notables
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475, >>5072025 #6476
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
>>5062506 #6464, >>5063269 #6465, >>5063937 #6466
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5075555 at 2019-02-08 05:50:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
>>5075003 US Army twats Apache
>>5074982, >>5075033 SC blocks Louisiana abortion law…
>>5074985, >>5075100, >>5075102, >>5075185, >>5075020 anons dig on ChiFi and LBC
>>5075346, >>5075407 moar ChiFi from 1997 re Hubby and CHina and LB port
>>5075384 Intermodal Bridge Transport- moves cargo in long beach and Atlanta
>>5075214 Q 1306 nuclear facil in nSyria compared to story today out of Israel re missile facil in nSyria
>>5075440, >>5075485, >>5075387 >>5075430 planefag's watching this
>>5075530 planefags watch the choppas too
#5075536 at 2019-02-08 05:48:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
>>5074603 last thread
And at the port that Diane Feinstein and husband Richard Blum made a deal for with their pals in China.
Not surprised to see Australians involved, given how much they donated to the "Clinton Foundation". Trying to make some of that money back now, huh? Nope, sorry, you're just shit outta luck.
>Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
>Updated 13 mins ago
>long beach (KABC) - Six people have been arrested after federal agents seized more than 1.7 tons of drugs stashed inside audio speakers that were being shipped from long beach to Australia.
>The shipment included 3,810 pounds of methamphetamine, along with 56 pounds of cocaine and 11.5 pounds of heroin, federal authorities said.
>Officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized three shipping containers containing the drugs on Jan. 11 at the Los Angeles/long beach seaport.
>Six people have been arrested after federal agents seized more than 1.7 tons of drugs stashed inside audio speakers that were being shipped from long beach to Australia.
>Following an investigation, federal authorities in Australia this week arrested two U.S. citizens and four Australian citizens.
>Federal officials say the seizure dealt a significant blow to the drug trafficking organization behind the shipments.
>"Along with our law enforcement partners here and around the world, we continue in a day-to-day battle against the blight of methamphetamine that continues to devastate our communities," said Joseph Macias, Special Agent-In-Charge for Homeland Security Investigations Los Angeles. "Through a collaborative effort - pooling our information, resources and expertise - we are keeping this dangerous contraband from reaching our streets and potentially saving lives."
>Report a Typo
>Related Topics:
>drug bustmethheroincocainedepartment of homeland securitylong beachLos Angeles County
>(Copyright ©2019 KABC-TV. All Rights Reserved.)
#5075466 at 2019-02-08 05:40:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
South of Joshua Tree is Indio, Ca.
Located there is Wackenhut Corporation or G4S as it is known now
You want major fuckery? This is it.
Inslaw Octopus
Promis Software
these are all tied into the fuckery of the 80's and 90's and the control aspect of the FBI, DOJ and all the 3 letter agency's.
certain that these things are tied to long beach in some way.
#5075407 at 2019-02-08 05:35:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
PORT of long beach
Port is owned by China.
That being the case, Anon does not believe American security or law enforcement is 'invited' to over-see its operations.
It's our biggest Port and it operates in darkness.
#5075384 at 2019-02-08 05:33:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
Intermodal Bridge Transport- moves cargo in long beach and Atlanta
Was reminded of long beach port strikes with the trafficking discussion tonight. Just thinking about how that might affect those being smuggled. Likely didnt change much but name of company was interesting.
"Because of the large size of the ports and the amount of companies operating there, however, the strikes have had "minimal" effect on port operations, he said.
A representative of XPO Logistics declined to comment on the strike threat. Representatives of Intermodal Bridge Transport and California Cartage could not be reached for comment.
#5075219 at 2019-02-08 05:16:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
some sauce
anon, with the notable nomination, theres zero sauce, its kinda dry
>>5074985 anon dug on all the long beach stuff early last year, pasta, now you dig the sauce
#5075199 at 2019-02-08 05:14:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
Asked about Chinese ownership of Port of long beach 1-2 breads ago. Anon replied with a quote from statute? Chinese don't actually OWN the port; port facilities are leased out for long terms. They found a list of the top 10 leases by revenue paid to the city. CEMEX was #1.
>>5073691 #6479
>>5073623 #6479
>>5073743 #6479
That anon's dig copied here for you:
Goes back farther
from 1997
long beach DESK - The long beach Naval Station was tentatively placed on the Military Base Closure-List by president George Bush in 1991. President Bill Clinton, closed the naval base last in 1993. That resulted in the loss to long beach, California of 17,500 military and civilian jobs. The economic impact of the of loss was $52.5 million and drove the California economy into the tank. It has never recovered.
Between 1995-1996, during the heat of the Clinton-Gore Campaign fund raising activity, the Clinton administration actively intervened to make sure a Communist Chinese cargo container shipping interest got a too-good deal on a long beach, California, shipping terminal.
The Secretary of the Navy has formally turned the base over to the City of long beach. But, the Port of long beach has signed a letter of intent to lease the property to the China Ocean Shipping Co., a steamship line run by the Communist Chinese government.
The Navy base property is about to be leased to a Communist China-owned shipping company under an agreement that was only made possible by the intervention of the White House.
Forced by a court order, Port of long beach officials have now set March 12, 1997 for a new public hearing on plans to bulldoze the Naval Station and lease the property to the Comunist Chinese shipping company.
After a hearing before the court, a judge ruled last week that the deal had been rushed and proper procedures had not been in place.
Clinton was so eager to push the deal through that he met twice with long beach officials and once at a White House meeting in 1995 that included his then-chief of staff and the Pentagon's No. 2 official and others.
The deal finally approved by the Secretary of the Navy turns over control of the long beach Naval Station, with a value of at least $65 million, free of charge to the City of long beach. The city has agreed to lease it to the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China.
The Chinese deal apparently went forward without a national security review by wither the CIA or National Security Council. The White House apparently avoided normal and routine government channels in pushing the deal through in 1995. '... there seemed to be no reason to check with the National Security Council on the decision ...' White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.
However, the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China has been actively involved in several recent controversies in addition to a Russian AK-47 gun-smuggling episode on the streets of Oakland, California. In another shocking incident in December, one of the company's ships plowed into a crowded boardwalk in New Orleans, injuring 116 people.
#5075196 at 2019-02-08 05:14:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
im watching a video right now of De Niro - robert de niro flipped out at a manhattan court thursday
can someone grab this for me?
>>5075003 US Army twats Apache
>>5074982, >>5075033 SC blocks Louisiana abortion law…
anon, with the notable nomination, theres zero sauce, its kinda dry
>>5074985 anon dug on all the long beach stuff early last year, pasta, now you dig the sauce
#5075185 at 2019-02-08 05:13:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
Feinstein and Boxer. long beach & Port of Oakland, too. https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=9FF996B6-9D1A-4F6F-8A64-920A1E45D744
#5075101 at 2019-02-08 05:05:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
I've known this for a while and it stills pisses me off.
#5075100 at 2019-02-08 05:05:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
Definitely. Feinstein fell off the grid, so this hasn't been talked about in a while. All the military action around long beach is a good reason to renew that line of Feinstein/Chinese Collusion research. It gotta be connected.
#5074985 at 2019-02-08 04:53:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
I dug on all the long beach stuff early last year.
Arms and drugs were brought into Lomg beach Port through Cosco Chinese shipping containers. During the Clinton admin, Diane Feinstein supported the union workers pay raise so they turned a blind eye to what was coming in. Cosco has been busted all over the world for Arms shipments via cargo ships. They were bought out by another Chinese company and changed their name to get the heat off. Clinton turned a blind eye to it all and then the Chinese now own the Port of long beach. Feinstein coordinated that transaction. Arms for the Fast and Furious were brought in through these containers, as well. It's been going on since the 90's.
#5074926 at 2019-02-08 04:48:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6481: Think Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5074213, >>5074217 Venezuelan company that builds power plants connections to FusionGPS
>>5074215 Stonewalling on Clinton Emails Continues Under Trump
>>5074240 On Q crumb #666
>>5074246, >>5074577 St. Mary Medical center in long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337, >>5074668, >>5074670 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5074332, >>5074350 Jerome Corsi claims Roger Stone tried to give him heart attacks in defamation lawsuit; 1 year delta
>>5074551 Summary on "The Green New Deal"
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
>>5074809 From 2014: Cuban expats shoring up Maduro's government
>>5074840 Vermont passes radical bill legalizing abortions up to birth
>>5074914 #6480
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567, >>5073875 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
>>5073787 AOC pushes Green agenda while Yellow Vests protest Climate Change policies
>>5074143 #6479
#6478 Baker Change
>>5072652 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5072721, >>5073030 Senior FBI Lawyer, Trisha Anderson, Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It
>>5072747 Presidential Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
>>5072779, >>5073031 Whitaker will testify before House panel after tense back-and-forth
>>5072804 Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro
>>5072816 Author of controversial Nunes memo joining National Security Council, Kashyap Patel
>>5072901 South Carolina Senator Reintroduces Bill That Would Ban Abortion
>>5072969 Senate Intel Committee Chair Says There Is No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
>>5072994 New POTUS Tweet
>>5073011 Aid arrives at Venezuela border as US demands Maduro let it in
>>5073049 Trump orders agencies to buy U.S.-made steel, aluminum and cement 'to the greatest extent' possible
>>5072977 NIH asks federal watchdog to investigate 12 allegations related to foreign influence
>>5073238 Fugitive wanted on 865 counts of child rape arrested in Tallahassee
>>5073373 #6478
>>5072398 More digging into AOC's Chief of Staff
>>5072305 13 minute delta from POTUS' tweets this morning
>>5072290 , >>5072321 Interesting NYT article re Feinstein / China, 1997
>>5072276 , >>5072410, >>5072501, >>5072164 LA, Black Hawks & NVIXM. EYES ON
>>5072245 Chelsea 'whitesplains' and responds to Hillary in Blackface
>>5072227 Mueller: Manafort meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik at heart of probe
>>5072207 Comey related to Blackface/Richmond/Virginia? DIG CALL
>>5072105 Mexican Police Seize 550 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl near Arizona
>>5071932 , >>5071947 Comey tweets re Virginia
>>5071925 Britain, EU leaders don't budge on Brexit but agree to more talks
>>5071877 , >>5072053 Did Q give Twitter a green light to censor?
>>5072565 #6477
>>5071596 What's happening in LA?
>>5071594 More on the New John Solomon re Adam Schiff
>>5071556 Dig into AOC's Chief of Staff
>>5071406 Is there more to the eye with the Bezos/Trump/NatEnq story?
>>5071349 FLOTUS rallies teenagers in her first Be Best campaign event of 2019
>>5071311 France: 25% believe elites using mass migration to replace Europeans
>>5071310 , >>5071494, >>5071508, >>5071572 New POTUS tweets & photo change
>>5071192 , >>5071223, >>5071235 Bezos loses control of his dick pics
>>5071151 Jeffrey Epstein is seen for the first time in three years
>>5071132 , >>5071104, >>5071341, >>5071386 Wells Fargo: Strange tech issues
>>5071128 Schiff and NXIVM: Q Drop #1203 nailed today?
>>5071121 UNC-Chapel Hill face Blackface backlast
>>5071103 Short Pro-Life video - perfect for SocMed
>>5072025 #6476
Previously Collected Notables
>>5070559 #6474, >>5072032 #6475
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
>>5062506 #6464, >>5063269 #6465, >>5063937 #6466
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5074914 at 2019-02-08 04:47:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
>>5074213, >>5074217 Venezuelan company that builds power plants connections to FusionGPS
>>5074215 Stonewalling on Clinton Emails Continues Under Trump
>>5074240 On Q crumb #666
>>5074246, >>5074577 St. Mary Medical center in long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337, >>5074668, >>5074670 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5074332, >>5074350 Jerome Corsi claims Roger Stone tried to give him heart attacks in defamation lawsuit; 1 year delta
>>5074551 Summary on "The Green New Deal"
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
>>5074809 From 2014: Cuban expats shoring up Maduro's government
>>5074840 Vermont passes radical bill legalizing abortions up to birth
#5074898 at 2019-02-08 04:46:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
long beach mentioned in Q drop check this anon's post
#5074830 at 2019-02-08 04:40:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
>>5074213, >>5074217 Venezuelan company that builds power plants connections to FusionGPS
>>5074215 Stonewalling on Clinton Emails Continues Under Trump
>>5074240 On Q crumb #666
>>5074246, >>5074577 St. Mary Medical center in long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337, >>5074668, >>5074670 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5074332, >>5074350 Jerome Corsi claims Roger Stone tried to give him heart attacks in defamation lawsuit; 1 year delta
>>5074551 Summary on "The Green New Deal"
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
>>5074809 From 2014: Cuban expats shoring up Maduro's government
Want to take over next bread backup baker??
#5074686 at 2019-02-08 04:29:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
Read the article. It says 1.7 tons
#5074620 at 2019-02-08 04:23:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
Notables so far
>>5074213, >>5074217 Venezuelan company that builds power plants connections to FusionGPS
>>5074215 Stonewalling on Clinton Emails Continues Under Trump
>>5074240 On Q crumb #666
>>5074246, >>5074577 St. Mary Medical center in long beach
>>5074321, >>5074337 Graphics on the LA military drills
>>5074332, >>5074350 Jerome Corsi claims Roger Stone tried to give him heart attacks in defamation lawsuit; 1 year delta
>>5074551 Summary on "The Green New Deal"
>>5074603 Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
#5074603 at 2019-02-08 04:21:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
Feds seize 1.7 tons of meth, other drugs at long beach port
Updated 13 mins ago
long beach (KABC) – Six people have been arrested after federal agents seized more than 1.7 tons of drugs stashed inside audio speakers that were being shipped from long beach to Australia.
The shipment included 3,810 pounds of methamphetamine, along with 56 pounds of cocaine and 11.5 pounds of heroin, federal authorities said.
Officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized three shipping containers containing the drugs on Jan. 11 at the Los Angeles/long beach seaport.
Six people have been arrested after federal agents seized more than 1.7 tons of drugs stashed inside audio speakers that were being shipped from long beach to Australia.
Following an investigation, federal authorities in Australia this week arrested two U.S. citizens and four Australian citizens.
Federal officials say the seizure dealt a significant blow to the drug trafficking organization behind the shipments.
"Along with our law enforcement partners here and around the world, we continue in a day-to-day battle against the blight of methamphetamine that continues to devastate our communities," said Joseph Macias, Special Agent-In-Charge for Homeland Security Investigations Los Angeles. "Through a collaborative effort – pooling our information, resources and expertise - we are keeping this dangerous contraband from reaching our streets and potentially saving lives."
Report a Typo
Related Topics:
drug bustmethheroincocainedepartment of homeland securitylong beachLos Angeles County
(Copyright ©2019 KABC-TV. All Rights Reserved.)
#5074546 at 2019-02-08 04:18:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
Some digging on Spade:
>Think Spade
Kate Spade
>Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY)
Kate Spade Foundation
>Trace to Import/Export
Need help finding records of import/export from China/Mx to long beach Port
>Trace Sale/spin off of Co.
Texas Pacific Group
Warburg Pincus
Ares Management
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
>Trace to CF
Warburg Pincus - Donors
Ares Management - Donors
(Univision Communications buyout: Texas Pacific Group - Saban Capital Group) - Haim Saban - one of CF largest donor.
>Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5))
Stumped on this one
>Who granted?
#5074504 at 2019-02-08 04:14:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
>>5073743 (LB)
>The deal finally approved by the Secretary of the Navy turns over control of the long beach Naval Station, with a value of at least $65 million, free of charge to the City of long beach. The city has agreed to lease it to the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China.
>The Chinese deal apparently went forward without a national security review by wither the CIA or National Security Council. The White House apparently avoided normal and routine government channels in pushing the deal through in 1995. '... there seemed to be no reason to check with the National Security Council on the decision ...' White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.
Lanny Davis?!?!?
Lanny Davis is Michael Cohens Attorney! Wow.
#5074246 at 2019-02-08 03:51:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
>Ms. Lowenthal's pre-political work is rooted in the local Cambodian community and in service to the Latino community. Beginning in 1989, as Director of Planning for the United Cambodian Community, she also served as the Arts Manager representing a group of Cambodian musicians and began a Cambodian Children's Orchestra. In 1991, Ms. Lowenthal traveled to Cambodia with a national Red Cross group to investigate the proliferation of landmines following wars in the country. She also helped initiate a sister-city relationship between long beach and Phnom Penh and was an official observer during Cambodia's first municipal elections in more than 40 years. Ms. Lowenthal has also served as Clinical Director for the Cambodian Association of America and as a participant on the Cambodiatown Advisory Board.
>Having served as a mental health consultant for the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) HeadStart, and the Centro de la Raza, Ms. Lowenthal is also acutely aware of the needs of the Latino community in long beach. Living in Mexico and teaching at universities there instilled in her a love for Latin culture. In long beach, she worked closely with community activists and leaders to establish the first college scholarship fund for students by the long beach City Latino Managers and Professional Organization in honor of Manny Perez. She also instituted the City's recognition luncheon dedicated to Cesar Chavez.
Ms. Lowenthal currently serves her community on the St. Mary Medical Center Governing Board, the U.S. Vets Advisory Board, the Children Today Board of Directors, the Linc Housing Board of Directors and the Jewish Family and Children's Service Board of Directors.
#5074154 at 2019-02-08 03:43:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6480: Trace From China/MX To Long Beach Edition
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567, >>5073875 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
>>5073787 AOC pushes Green agenda while Yellow Vests protest Climate Change policies
>>5074143 #6479
#6478 Baker Change
>>5072652 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5072721, >>5073030 Senior FBI Lawyer, Trisha Anderson, Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It
>>5072747 Presidential Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
>>5072779, >>5073031 Whitaker will testify before House panel after tense back-and-forth
>>5072804 Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro
>>5072816 Author of controversial Nunes memo joining National Security Council, Kashyap Patel
>>5072901 South Carolina Senator Reintroduces Bill That Would Ban Abortion
>>5072969 Senate Intel Committee Chair Says There Is No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
>>5072994 New POTUS Tweet
>>5073011 Aid arrives at Venezuela border as US demands Maduro let it in
>>5073049 Trump orders agencies to buy U.S.-made steel, aluminum and cement 'to the greatest extent' possible
>>5072977 NIH asks federal watchdog to investigate 12 allegations related to foreign influence
>>5073238 Fugitive wanted on 865 counts of child rape arrested in Tallahassee
>>5073373 #6478
>>5072398 More digging into AOC's Chief of Staff
>>5072305 13 minute delta from POTUS' tweets this morning
>>5072290 , >>5072321 Interesting NYT article re Feinstein / China, 1997
>>5072276 , >>5072410, >>5072501, >>5072164 LA, Black Hawks & NVIXM. EYES ON
>>5072245 Chelsea 'whitesplains' and responds to Hillary in Blackface
>>5072227 Mueller: Manafort meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik at heart of probe
>>5072207 Comey related to Blackface/Richmond/Virginia? DIG CALL
>>5072105 Mexican Police Seize 550 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl near Arizona
>>5071932 , >>5071947 Comey tweets re Virginia
>>5071925 Britain, EU leaders don't budge on Brexit but agree to more talks
>>5071877 , >>5072053 Did Q give Twitter a green light to censor?
>>5072565 #6477
>>5071596 What's happening in LA?
>>5071594 More on the New John Solomon re Adam Schiff
>>5071556 Dig into AOC's Chief of Staff
>>5071406 Is there more to the eye with the Bezos/Trump/NatEnq story?
>>5071349 FLOTUS rallies teenagers in her first Be Best campaign event of 2019
>>5071311 France: 25% believe elites using mass migration to replace Europeans
>>5071310 , >>5071494, >>5071508, >>5071572 New POTUS tweets & photo change
>>5071192 , >>5071223, >>5071235 Bezos loses control of his dick pics
>>5071151 Jeffrey Epstein is seen for the first time in three years
>>5071132 , >>5071104, >>5071341, >>5071386 Wells Fargo: Strange tech issues
>>5071128 Schiff and NXIVM: Q Drop #1203 nailed today?
>>5071121 UNC-Chapel Hill face Blackface backlast
>>5071103 Short Pro-Life video - perfect for SocMed
>>5072025 #6476
>>5070917 New John Solomon re Adam Schiff and Glen Simpson
>>5070690 A history of Blackface in movies
>>5070603 , >>5070944 Call for Margaret Sanger memes
>>5070546 Planned Parenthood's three-part plan for 2019
>>5070534 The Manafort sealed hearing transcript
>>5070510 , >>5070613 POTUS_Schedule acct suspended
>>5070440 , >>5070506, >>5070553 Fresh [[[PELOSI]]] templates
>>5070435 , >>5070451, >>5070675 More on the LA military drill. Dig Call
>>5070419 This Is What It Takes to Be in the 1% Around the World
>>5070394 Continuing the LA "drill" dig on Byron Vasquez
>>5070371 PP: Call to dig
>>5070370 Remarks by POTUS at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast
>>5070364 , >>5070412 'The View' host Joy Behar in Blackface
>>5072032 #6475
Previously Collected Notables
>>5070559 #6474,
>>5067103 #6470, >>5067911 #6472, >>5069473 #6473
>>5064825 #6467, >>5065541 #6468, >>5066374 #6469
>>5062506 #6464, >>5063269 #6465, >>5063937 #6466
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#5074143 at 2019-02-08 03:42:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567, >>5073875 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
>>5073787 AOC pushes Green agenda while Yellow Vests protest Climate Change policies
#5074074 at 2019-02-08 03:36:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
I recall Q posts to 8chan a year ago where he told us Port of long beach and Port Everglades (Broward County/Ft Lauderdale) were the two HOT SPOTS.
This is evidenced by the large DEM population and illegal activities surrounding these two cities.
East Coast→ West Coast
Sea to Shining Sea
(used existing map to highlight locations)
#5074056 at 2019-02-08 03:34:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719, >>5073759, >>5074010 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567, >>5073875 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
>>5073787 AOC pushes Green agenda while Yellow Vests protest Climate Change policies
#5073962 at 2019-02-08 03:26:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Regarding the long beach Digs
This was being planned about 12 years ago and was ultimately shelved. The LBP would have gotten to capacity if the 2008 crash had not habbened so this huge project was cooked up to be built south of ensenada to pick up the slack.
See pic for what it would have looked like.
Spent much time in baja and this was going to be a monstrosity if it was built. Would have had a rail connection into Yuma too.
#5073912 at 2019-02-08 03:21:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
I think I'll add to the ongoing notable about long beach, it's related
#5073899 at 2019-02-08 03:19:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Q #1203 Suggesting AS helped NXIVM traffic humans through long beach?
Would like to nominated the above
#5073852 at 2019-02-08 03:15:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Notables so far
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548, >>5073719 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
>>5073590 Cuban guards surrounding Venezuela's Maduro, US military commander says
>>5073753, >>5073833 Wells Fargo suffers widespread outage of ATMs, mobile banking capabilities
#5073795 at 2019-02-08 03:11:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
There's the One World Trade Center (Globalists) in long beach too.
#5073759 at 2019-02-08 03:08:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Regarding Q post #1203…
>>5071128 Schiff and NXIVM: Q Drop #1203 nailed today? (pb #6476 notable) PIC RELATED
Also connected to
>>5071596 What's happening in LA? (pb #6476 notable)
"Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?"
That black ops LA stuff connected to human trafficking in some way?
#5073743 at 2019-02-08 03:08:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Goes back farther
from 1997
long beach DESK - The long beach Naval Station was tentatively placed on the Military Base Closure-List by president George Bush in 1991. President Bill Clinton, closed the naval base last in 1993. That resulted in the loss to long beach, California of 17,500 military and civilian jobs. The economic impact of the of loss was $52.5 million and drove the California economy into the tank. It has never recovered.
Between 1995-1996, during the heat of the Clinton-Gore Campaign fund raising activity, the Clinton administration actively intervened to make sure a Communist Chinese cargo container shipping interest got a too-good deal on a long beach, California, shipping terminal.
The Secretary of the Navy has formally turned the base over to the City of long beach. But, the Port of long beach has signed a letter of intent to lease the property to the China Ocean Shipping Co., a steamship line run by the Communist Chinese government.
The Navy base property is about to be leased to a Communist China-owned shipping company under an agreement that was only made possible by the intervention of the White House.
Forced by a court order, Port of long beach officials have now set March 12, 1997 for a new public hearing on plans to bulldoze the Naval Station and lease the property to the Comunist Chinese shipping company.
After a hearing before the court, a judge ruled last week that the deal had been rushed and proper procedures had not been in place.
Clinton was so eager to push the deal through that he met twice with long beach officials and once at a White House meeting in 1995 that included his then-chief of staff and the Pentagon's No. 2 official and others.
The deal finally approved by the Secretary of the Navy turns over control of the long beach Naval Station, with a value of at least $65 million, free of charge to the City of long beach. The city has agreed to lease it to the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China.
The Chinese deal apparently went forward without a national security review by wither the CIA or National Security Council. The White House apparently avoided normal and routine government channels in pushing the deal through in 1995. '… there seemed to be no reason to check with the National Security Council on the decision …' White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.
However, the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China has been actively involved in several recent controversies in addition to a Russian AK-47 gun-smuggling episode on the streets of Oakland, California. In another shocking incident in December, one of the company's ships plowed into a crowded boardwalk in New Orleans, injuring 116 people.
#5073707 at 2019-02-08 03:05:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
OK then we have to dig into which private comopanies, shipping lines and cargo-handling firms lease the facilities of the Port of long beach.
Would the City of long beach publish financials showing who fees are received from?
Would there be recorded lease documents in the county or city hall of records?
#5073691 at 2019-02-08 03:04:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Does the Port receive funding from the City of long beach?
No. The Port of long beach is an enterprise department, meaning it generates its own revenues. It does not receive tax money from the City. It is a "landlord port," meaning it leases its facilities to private companies, such as shipping lines and cargo-handling firms. Those private companies pay rent to the Port. Those leases are the principal source of revenue for the long beach Harbor Department.
Who owns the Port?
Port lands are owned by the City of long beach in trust for the people of the State of California and cannot be sold to any private enterprises. In 1911, the California Legislature approved a Tidelands grant, giving the City of long beach the right to manage and develop the Harbor District for the sole purposes of commerce, navigation, fisheries and recreation.
#5073648 at 2019-02-08 03:00:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Notables so far
>>5073491 UN Peacekeeper Discovers Sex Trafficking Inside The UN With Ties To The U.S. State Department
>>5073507, >>5073522, >>5073548 Bun on Anons' digs on military activity in LA and long beach
>>5073567 SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana Abortion Bill after Justice Roberts votes with Liberals
#5073623 at 2019-02-08 02:58:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
And WHO owns the Port of long beach?
Didn't somebody post just yesterday that it's owned long-term by the Chinese?
Huh? ?????
#5073548 at 2019-02-08 02:53:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Add this post >>5073306 (LB) to the long beach bun >>5073440 in LB
>Anons put together digs on military activity in LAa and long beach, Baker totally missed
>>5073318 lb
>>5073273 lb
>>5073241 lb
>>5073170 lb
>>5073172 lb
>>5072849 lb
>>5072501 lb
#5073507 at 2019-02-08 02:50:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6479: No Evidence Of 'Collusion' Edition
Anons put together digs on military activity in LA and long beach, Baker totally missed
All links are last bread or bread before that
>>5072849 (You)
>>5072501 (PB)
#5073440 at 2019-02-08 02:43:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
Anons put together digs on military activity in LAa and long beach, Baker totally missed
>>5072501 (PB)
#5073414 at 2019-02-08 02:41:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
Major indeed. NOT an exercise by any stretch. Have family in a Team, and I've been told it's an op that's ongoing. There may be a small training exercise habbening separate from the videos you've seen, but choppers headed down Wilshire? Not a chance it's just play. Some heavy shit going down at long beach and downtown - if not also in other locales. Something huge is going down.
#5073318 at 2019-02-08 02:35:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
>address of LA raid/OP was Wells Fargo Bank, 1138 N. Wilshire , 90017
>Wells Fargo bank outages/fire
#5073306 at 2019-02-08 02:34:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
Container shipping of human cargo.
Port of long beach.
Land on top of tall hotel (Standard?)
Move human cargo undetected.
Thought it was pretty obvious but sometimes you have to spell things out for people.
#5073305 at 2019-02-08 02:34:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
I assume this was already mentioned, but here it is again.
The noises were part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving aircraft and weapon simulations in urban settings. The training is set to run through Saturday in Los Angeles and long beach.
However, anons know that drills are often cover for missions.
#5073244 at 2019-02-08 02:28:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
lots of Cruise Ships come in at long beach.
#5073241 at 2019-02-08 02:28:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
>Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
>Trace from China/MX to long beach.
>The port's container volume was 9.3 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) in calendar year 2017, a 5.5% increase over 2016's record-breaking year of 8.8 million TEU. It's the most cargo moved annually by a Western Hemisphere port. The port is the busiest port in the United States by container volume, the 19th-busiest container port in the world, and the 10th-busiest worldwide when combined with the neighboring Port of long beach. The port is also the number-one freight gateway in the United States when ranked by the value of shipments passing through it.
>The port's top trading partners in 2016 were:
>1.China/Hong Kong ($137 billion)
>2. Japan ($39 billion)
>3. Vietnam ($15 billion)
>4. South Korea ($15 billion)
>5. Taiwan ($12 billion)
>The most-imported types of goods in the 2016 calendar year were, in order: furniture, automobile parts, apparel, electronic products, and plastics.
>The Port's World Cruise Center, located in the San Pedro District beneath the Vincent Thomas Bridge, has three passenger ship berths transporting over 1 million passengers annually, making it the largest cruise ship terminal on the West Coast of the United States.
>The 'Standard' Hotel.
>Helicopter crash.
>All related.
#5072916 at 2019-02-08 02:01:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
Military drills from 2-4-19 to 2-8-19
Tell me they're NOT collecting evidence from Los Angeles and long beach.
Smell test failed
#5072849 at 2019-02-08 01:54:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6478: Was The LA Op Related to NXIVM? Edition
Yeah I posted about the NEXIM connection and Q`s long beach posts way earlier in the bread but it did not gain any traction. Also consider the action i long beach
ng beach
>>5072125 (LB)
>>5072501 (LB)
#5072125 at 2019-02-08 00:57:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6477: CIA Cloud? Bezos Can't Keep His Dick Pics Safe Edition
>>5071596 (LB)
Tie in with the NEXIM trial and the court appearance
Special OPS raiding trafficking sites
#5071596 at 2019-02-08 00:11:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6476: POTUS_Schedule Suspended Edition
>"All things considered, instead of the perfect storm, it's been, literally, the perfectly benign storms. Just what we needed."
#5069972 at 2019-02-07 21:34:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6474: Enjoying The Show Edition
Going for a few days. https://ktla.com/2019/02/07/army-heads-to-long-beach-for-3rd-night-of-urban-training-in-l-a-area/
#5069052 at 2019-02-07 20:05:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6473: Bernie's Onions Edition
Military drills at the port in long beach last night. Who owns that port?
#5065656 at 2019-02-07 14:12:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6468: Eye of the Wind Edition
The military and local officials said they were doing special forces training, . It was not a movie.
Some of the soldiers had on white contanimation suits, and were seen carry something big( 2 soldiers each helping to carry different large bagged objects) which they took to a helicopter.
Los Angeles got a good scare Monday night as a series of loud booms rocked downtown and military helicopters buzzed overhead.
But it was all just a drill, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.
The disturbances were part of military training exercises using weapons and aircraft in city environments. The drills will last through Saturday and will also be carried out in long beach.
"Residents may hear sounds associated with the training. Each location selected enables special operations teams and flight crews to maintain maximum readiness and proficiency, validate equipment and exercise standard safety procedures," the LAPD said in a statement. "The training is essential to ensure service members are fully trained and prepared to defend our nation overseas.
They are either starting to arrest some people and gathering evidence, or they are doing practice for when the big arrests go down.
#5065271 at 2019-02-07 13:13:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6468: Eye of the Wind Edition
Activity the second night was long beach Port
#5065248 at 2019-02-07 13:05:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6468: Eye of the Wind Edition
>Bad idea all around if it was an exercise
Yeah, we wouldn't want to scare anyone hanging out in the middle of the night at the Port of long beach would we?
#5065039 at 2019-02-07 11:53:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6468: Eye of the Wind Edition
Anybody think these military training exercises in long beach are meant to "rattle some cages?"
#5064986 at 2019-02-07 11:36:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6468: Eye of the Wind Edition
Here is a report from The Port of long beach.
#5064233 at 2019-02-07 07:42:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6467: Pilatus U-28A Spectre Edition
Speaking of long beach shipping containers
#5064158 at 2019-02-07 07:29:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6467: Pilatus U-28A Spectre Edition
The map you are showing is in Los Angeles not long beach.
#5064107 at 2019-02-07 07:20:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6467: Pilatus U-28A Spectre Edition
Tic tock LLC = the watch 3.14 LLC = pi LLC
The military was in long beach right outside girardi keese lawyers. On their website we see they are members of consumer attorney association of Los Angeles who's logo is pi.
We need to dig on this association
#5064022 at 2019-02-07 07:11:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6466: Comfy AF Nightshift Edition
Tic tock LLC = the watch 3.14 LLC = pi LLC
The military was in long beach right outside girardi keese lawyers. On their website we see they are members of consumer attorney association of Los Angeles who's logo is pi.
We need to dig on this association
#5063443 at 2019-02-07 06:03:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6466: Comfy AF Nightshift Edition
Read in one of the local papers that they were also doing training exercises at the Ports of LA and long beach. Kek
#5062021 at 2019-02-07 03:53:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6464: "YOU, THE PEOPLE, HAVE THE POWER" Edition
>>5061938some anon tied the long beach port to China a while back, I believe
#5061938 at 2019-02-07 03:46:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6464: "YOU, THE PEOPLE, HAVE THE POWER" Edition
>>5061416 lb
tic tock (LLC) could that be the watch
3.14 LLC
314 LLC
Looking for companys that are related to long beach port maybe?
#5061416 at 2019-02-07 03:05:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6463: "Think for yourself. Research for yourself. Trust yourself" Edition
What is TOCK, LLC?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
20 Apr 2018 - 7:30:58 PM
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#5061065 at 2019-02-07 02:36:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6463: "Think for yourself. Research for yourself. Trust yourself" Edition
Mx border gets you SA traffic
long beach Port gets you Aus/NZ traffic
Look at the donations.
WTF is AUSAID donating so much!?
Doesn't make sense.
You got to be kidmaning
#5058731 at 2019-02-06 23:14:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6459: These [Shills] Are Stupid Edition
long beach Human Sex Trafficking task force rescues 22 girls, arrests 91 in its first 8 months
By Beatriz E. Valenzuela | bvalenzuela@scng.com | San Bernardino Sun
PUBLISHED: September 24, 2014 at 8:33 pm | UPDATED: September 1, 2017 at 3:11 am
long beach >> Authorities rescued 22 underage girls and arrested 91 people on a variety of sex charges during an eight-month investigation, police announced Wednesday.
More than 60 percent of the arrests, made by a newly formed sex trafficking task force, involved gang members, long beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell said at a news conference.
Flanked by Mayor Robert Garcia and a Department of Homeland Security agent, McDonnell explained how gangs, which traditionally sold drugs to make money, are now selling young women and girls because it's more profitable.
"They can make about ($600,000) to $800,000 a year," McDonnell said, adding that unlike drugs which can only be sold once, a victim of human sex trafficking can be resold again and again.
Wednesday's announcement also introduced the long beach Human Sex Trafficking Task Force, which McDonnell said was formed in February. The City Council approved one-time discretionary funding of $650,000 for it last fiscal year.
For this fiscal year, $2.2 million in discretionary funding has been approved, and McDonnell said Wednesday that part of those funds will be used to continue the efforts of fighting human trafficking, including funding the task force.
In its work, the task force has teamed up with other agencies, including the Los Angeles Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children unit, the city and county district attorneys' offices and various community organizations that steer victims into programs to keep them off the streets.
One of the women rescued was a 29-year-old who told investigators she had been forced into prostitution for the last decade.
"She had been sold over and over from pimp to pimp," said Homeland Security Investigations Deputy Special Agent in Charge Mark Selby. She is receiving counseling and treatment, he said.
Officials said the 22 girls rescued during the eight months range in age from 12 to 17 years of age.
Some victims were lured into the sex trade by so-called "Romeo pimps," who seek out young girls on social media, in high school and even middle schools, romance them and eventually trick or force them into prostitution, McDonnell said.
Of the 91 arrested, 20 were booked for human trafficking, eight for pimping, 24 for assisting a prostitute, 29 for solicitation of a prostitute and 10 for online trafficking-related crimes.
After helping a 16-year-old girl escape, detectives this month discovered surveillance footage from the Target store in long beach of the girl and two men who were keeping her in the sex trade. Police have released the video in the hopes someone will recognize the men.
"There are few things more disturbing than the buying and selling of children for sex," said Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. "Our children are not for sale and they are not prostitutes; they're victims."
Community leaders applauded the change in the way people who are forced into the sex trade are viewed by law enforcement, such as Ridley-Thomas' contention that correct information is key in combatting the problem.
"We need not only commitment and compassion but also better education and better conversations," said Pastor Gregory Sanders, president of the long beach Ministers Alliance.
"Seventy-two percent of trafficking victims are Americans," he said. And many are African-American. "They can be our nieces, our nephews and our children."
McDonnell stressed the importance of working with the various agencies, especially federal officials, to ensure criminals spend the maximum time behind bars.
"At the federal level, they serve 85 percent of their sentence," McDonnell said. At the state level, offenders might serve only a fraction of their term.
Anyone with information about someone who may be a victim of human sex trafficking or who can identify the two males seen in the surveillance video is asked to contact the long beach police vice investigation detail at 562-570-7219.
#5058527 at 2019-02-06 22:57:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6459: These [Shills] Are Stupid Edition
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Boom: Los Angeles Residents Startled by US Military Exercises Downtown (VIDEOS)
Local CBS affiliate KCAL reported that the main neighborhoods where the exercises were being held were Silver Lake, downtown LA and long beach. They reported the drills were over by 10 p.m. Monday.
This was definitely destroying underground tunnels…keep digging anons
#5055806 at 2019-02-06 19:08:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6456: Q control to Major Buzz Edition
What is up with all the underground electrical transformers exploding?
Underground electrical explosion near Emory Midtown sends smoke billowing into the air
Underground electrical vault explosion injures 5 in long beach
Blast shatters manhole cover, knocks out power in Midtown
#5054601 at 2019-02-06 17:23:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6454: Day after the Night before Ebake Edition
this shows several choppers flying.
MILITARY EXERCISE: The U.S. Army is conducting military training in the greater Los Angeles and long beach areas tonight until Feb. 9. Downtown LA residents are reporting seeing helicopters and hearing explosions. @MizSkellington
#5042885 at 2019-02-06 00:51:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6439: My Fellow Americans Edition
LA Goes 'Medieval', Suffers Outbreak Of Flea-Borne Disease Typhus
"I thought I was going to die," Los Angeles Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood told NBC4, after contracting typhus in November 2018 she says from working at City Hall in downtown Los Angeles. "Who gets typhus? It's a medieval disease that's caused by trash."
The L.A. City Hall official was one of the 105 cases of flea-borne typhus that the Los Angeles County department of health said it documented last year, including 17 cases associated with the downtown L.A. outbreak. Those numbers do not include long beach and Pasadena.
#5040797 at 2019-02-05 21:59:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6436 From Zero to Hero Edition
A US Army training exercise is taking place in downtown LA & long beach, CA now through Saturday.
#5039049 at 2019-02-05 19:27:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6434: Rest Not Quit (Real) Edition
They are either starting operations, ( with cover of practice)?
or they are practicing for when the arrests go down.?
Loud booms in downtown L.A.? That was a U.S. Army training exercise
A series of loud booms that rocked downtown Los Angeles on Monday night startled some people who complained on social media. But Los Angeles police said there's no reason to be alarmed.
The noises were part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving aircraft and weapon simulations in urban settings. The training is set to run through Saturday in Los Angeles and long beach.
"Residents may hear sounds associated with the training," the LAPD said in a news release. "Each location selected enables special operations teams and flight crews to maintain maximum readiness and proficiency, validate equipment and exercise standard safety procedures. The training is essential to ensure service members are fully trained and prepared to defend our nation overseas."
Police said residents near the training locations would be notified beforehand. But some on social media said they were caught off guard
Military exercise causes scare in downtown Los Angeles
DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (KABC) – Military helicopters were seen flying in formation around downtown Los Angeles and explosions were reported in the area that were all part of an exercise.
The choppers and explosions caused many people to head to social media, scared about what they were seeing outside.
Many people also tweeted that they saw the exercise in Silver Lake.
One helicopter even landed in the middle of Wilshire Boulevard and soldiers were seen rappelling out of the aircrafts onto rooftops.
Authorities urge there was no cause for alarm and that the Special Forces exercises will continue for the next several nights
#5038834 at 2019-02-05 19:08:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6434: Rest Not Quit (Real) Edition
If you can recognize aircraft by sound, try listening tonight. I'm pretty sure they flew a pulse jet over San Pedro/long beach last night.
Ghoulish things afoot? I dunno. Gonna go run an errand. Will use satellite imagery to investigate when I get back. I know they have some smaller islands apart from Catalina that are military outposts south of port of LA.
#5038769 at 2019-02-05 19:02:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6434: Rest Not Quit (Real) Edition
>Anyone notice that the weather in LA right now isn't organic? A week of artificial storms.
>And I've noticed that they use the clouds to generate cover for aircraft. You can hear them going by.
>No joke, I'm pretty sure I heard a pulse jet engine last night. Not even kidding.
>fighters flying from LA harbor, southward towards Catalina, several times last week
#5038658 at 2019-02-05 18:51:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6433: E-Bake Edition
>Anyone notice that the weather in LA right now isn't organic? A week of artificial storms.
>And I've noticed that they use the clouds to generate cover for aircraft. You can hear them going by.
>No joke, I'm pretty sure I heard a pulse jet engine last night. Not even kidding.
>fighters flying from LA harbor, southward towards Catalina, several times last week
#4989323 at 2019-02-01 17:29:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6370: Friday Bread Edition
There was a huge port planned south of ensenada a few years back. It never came off but was supposed to be connected to Yuma via rail system. Supposed to be bigger than long beach
Punta Colonet project on hold by Mexico
Mexico has suspended bidding on development of a deep-water shipping port on the Baja California coast that would be linked with by proposed rail line with Yuma.
Mexico's Ministry of Communications and Transportation said in a recently published announcement it was canceling bidding on the Punta Colonet project amid a drop in maritime commerce stemming
#4983211 at 2019-02-01 02:24:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6362: "A false narrative is so bad for our Country" Edition
POTUS's Schedule indicates "Vice Premier of the People's Republic of Chinas" (NOTE: mentions more than one China).
Is that because the United States could have become another China due to Hillary Clinton signing an agreement with Beijing that mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States should the U.S. Government default on its financial obligations to China? It appears she did just that. This is BEYOND HIGH TREASON.
Why else would China own the Port of long beach?
The following is the actual text of a speech delivered in December, 2005 by Comrade Chi Haotian -the Vice-Chairman of China's Military Commision to top officers and generals. Keep in mind that China has for many years advocated deceiptful and covert warfare against its enemies. This is their Modus Operandi. There should be little question that a "Bird Flu" Pandemic would deeply excite them. (Don't forget how they have poisoned thousands of American pets and knowingly placed lead paints on toddler's toys.)
"Comrades, I'm very excited today, because the large-scale online survey sina.com that was done for us showed that our next generation is quite promising and our Party's cause will be carried on. In answering the question, "Will you shoot at women, children and prisoners of war," more than 80 per cent of the respondents answered in the affirmative, exceeding by far our expectations.
Today I'd like to focus on why we asked sina.com to conduct this online survey among our people. My speech today is a sequel to my speech last time, during which I started with a discussion of the issue of the three islands [Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands and the Spratley Islands — Ott] and mentioned that 20 years of the idyllic theme of 'peace and development' had cometo an end, and concluded that modernization under the saber is the only option for China's next phase. I also mentioned we have a vital stake overseas.
The central issue of this survey appears to be whether one should shoot at women, children and prisoners of war, but its real significance goes far beyond that. Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the Chinese people's attitude towards war is: If these future soldiers do not hesitate to kill even noncombatants, they'll naturally be doubly ready and ruthless in killing combatants. Therefore, the responses to the survey questions may reflect the general attitude people have towards war........We wanted to know: If China's global development will necessitate massive deaths in enemy countries, will our people endorse that scenario? Will they be for or against it?
The fact is, our 'development' refers to the great revitalization of the Chinese nation, which, of course, is not limited to the land we have now but also includes the whole world. As everybody knows, according to the views propagated by the Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated from one single mother in Africa. Therefore no race can claim racial superiority. However, according to the research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated independently in the land of China. Therefore, we can rightfully assert that we are the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization and progress of more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five thousand years, and a single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself 'descendants of Yan and Huang.'
During our long history, our people have disseminated throughout the Americas and the regions along the Pacific Rim, and they became Indians in the Americas and the East Asian ethnic groups in the South Pacific. We all know that on account of our national superiority, during the thriving and prosperous Tang Dynasty our civilization was at the peak of the world. We were the centre of the world civilization, and no other civilization in the world was comparable to ours. Later on, because of our complacency, narrow-mindedness, and the self-enclosure of our own country, we were surpassed by Western civilization, and the centre of the world shifted to the West.
In reviewing history, one may ask: Will the centre of the world civilization shift back to China? Actually, Comrade Liu Huaqing made similar points in early 1980's Based on an historical analysis, he pointed out that the centre of world civilization is shifting. It shifted from the East to Western Europe and later to the United States; now it is shifting back to the East. Therefore, if we refer to the 19th Century as the British Century and the 20th century as the American Century, then the 21st Century will be the Chinese Century!! (Wild applause fills the auditorium.)
#4974456 at 2019-01-31 10:04:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6351: MOVIE 3 – TBA Edition
China has owned the Port of long beach- our largest port- for decades. Keep digging.
pic related
#4928164 at 2019-01-27 16:03:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6291: Tip Of The Iceberg Edition
>Just look at a map over NAPA,
Diggs so far:
>>4927597 Raymond Winery/John Legend
>>4927893 Quintessa Wine Cave
>>4924483 #6287 Hall Rutherford Winery
>>4913263 #6272 Christian Brothers Greystone Cellars + Culinary _nstitute of America (Bourdain)
There's moar in the recent breads including maps of the railroad line from Napa all the way down to LA/long beach. This is big.
#4915729 at 2019-01-26 15:32:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6275: Banned In France Edition
I have connected to Oakland and long beach. Check the big graphic in last nights notable
#4913999 at 2019-01-26 09:52:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6273: USE A STEALTH BOMBER Edition
Kek! You've obviously never been to the long beach VA.
#4913248 at 2019-01-26 07:09:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6272: Think Mueller Edition
So there's a port and tracks near Spade's house.
How far is that from long beach?
I'd say the owner of that Oakland port is a POI.
Pics are pretty related to this digging, I'd say.
LLC company?
#4906297 at 2019-01-25 21:15:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6263: The Shill With No Chill Edition
Ports of entry. Like Houston, Miami and long beach. Drugs flow throughout them all. Containers all not inspected. They are told what ones to inspect. They should start inspections on ones they aren't given orders to inspect. Then you will find what you are looking for!
#4829668 at 2019-01-20 04:02:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6164: Ramen Edition
USS New Jersey BB-62
I went to the recommissioning of this ship after my parents who at the time worked at the long beach Naval Shipyard. President Reagan arrived and was part of the recommissioning
I miss our BIG battleships
#4816262 at 2019-01-19 06:32:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6147: BTFO BuzzFeed Edition
Don Campbell, 60,
#4816239 at 2019-01-19 06:30:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6147: BTFO BuzzFeed Edition
Retired long beach police sergeant fatally shoots himself outside East Division station
#4806247 at 2019-01-18 17:09:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6134: I Love the Smell of Panic in the Morning Editon
I am in the middle of watching the Surviving R Kelly docuseries right now…..
I see lots of similarities to the NXIVM
2 of the ladies are found at a hotel in Beverly Hills and one leaves the hotel with her mother. She looked really frail. Not sure if drugs or just not eating good. Then it made me think of the Clinton donor where two black males have been found dead in his home.
Allison Mack [NXIVM] arrested [date]?
When does a bird sing?
Schneiderman resigns [date]?
Eyes Wide Open.
Who will be next?
Watch NYC.
Watch CA.
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Remember the black young girls that went missing in DC? In reality, black women and girls are the demographic most vulnerable to sex trafficking, according to the most recent available data on victims by race, published by the Department of Justice in 2011. Between January 2008 and June 2010, 94% of sex trafficking victims were female. Forty percent of the victims were black and 26% were white.
The R Kelly abuse allegations mirror classic sex trafficking dynamics, expert says. Here's how..
By Natelegé Whaley | May 25, 2018
All this is going to tie together. This human trafficking cult shit is HUGE. This docuseries is going to help break it to the public.
#4799124 at 2019-01-18 02:25:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6125: Pelosi Blues, no in-flight Booze Edition
>>4796017 (OB) #6121
NP really just wants to beef up security at "ports of entry", right, and forget about the wall to be built around those "land" ports of entry. i say POTUS should take her up on her offer and get funding for maritime "ports of entry" (a port of entry is a port of entry). the same crimes happen at these "ports of entry", drugs and human trafficking.
how much human sex trafficking is taking place in long beach & los angeles to feed liddle AS's district…they must be very busy at "The Standard Hotel" in west hollywood!
#4798202 at 2019-01-18 01:12:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6123: The GROUNDED Edition
#4796350 at 2019-01-17 22:42:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6121: Countrty Pelosi Edition
'79 long beach Arena was the First Show
Then the List gets to long
Great Musicians & Artists!
I still Have Hope with All this "Madness" will
Come Great New Music & Great New Comedy!
I Hope!
#4785868 at 2019-01-17 03:19:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6108: Casa Blanca Edition
Forgot link:
#4785855 at 2019-01-17 03:17:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6108: Casa Blanca Edition
Former long beach police sergeant suicides himself outside police station not far from LB port. Q said to watch the Port of long beach, could be connected. He also led the department's Gang Detail.
#4689761 at 2019-01-10 04:22:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5984: This Was Needed Edition
while all this border talk is in the limelight I sure hope the Q Team has been beefing up the Port Authority (LA, long beach, San Diego) enforcement and laws. this is where the next fight against the demorats will take place. they have to keep all entry points open for their ill-gotten gains!
#4680319 at 2019-01-09 15:51:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5972: All About The Wall Edition
mack ie culkin imo remember POTUS with him in home alone 2 and prolly saw, heard a few things …
'pet names' posts
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e No.1122995 📁
Apr 20 2018 21:12:34 (EST)
Over the target.
Expand further.
Open source.
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e5f893 No.1123696 📁
Apr 20 2018 21:48:28 (EST)
Anonymous ID: dfbd37 No.1123617 📁
Apr 20 2018 21:45:01 (EST)
why does image search for "maggie Nixon" and "obama" return an image of abramovich and defranco ONLY? I think we are over the target?
Bigger than you can imagine.
POTUS warning shot.
Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?
What are 'pet' names?
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 No.1121272 📁
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST)
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#4633230 at 2019-01-06 23:04:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5911: Money Buys POWER Edition
Over the target.
Expand further.
Open source.
Bigger than you can imagine.
POTUS warning shot.
Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?
What are 'pet' names?
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#4633017 at 2019-01-06 22:48:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5911: Money Buys POWER Edition
Blunt & Direct Time.
Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.
Tick Tock.
Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.
Enjoy the show.
VJ phone call w/ AS.
42m 13s.
[2 listeners - no IDEN].
]_reroutes_[9 random]
]_reroutes_[2 random]
Article 3.
Section 3.
Newport beach.
Hotel GM.
What happened @ those hotels?
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Anonymous ID: 5481e9 No.229794 📁
Jan 31 2018 22:30:52 (EST)
Watzman was the General Manager of the Standard hotel in West Hollywood. She had worked for the company for nearly 11 years.
What happened @ hotel?
What is [AS] attempting right now?
Favor repaid.
#4609349 at 2019-01-05 17:13:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5880: PARIS IS BURNING. LIVE FROM THE WAR ZONE Edition
can you confirm?
Ask yourself why most of our Carrier Fleets are currently docked in the USA for the first time in our naval history? (sauce = USN)
Ask yourself why pictures were released this week of Navy SEAL teams in IRAQ and submarines with DDS units returning to port?
Ask yourself why DoE would tweet a picture of US Power Grid right before the Queens "non-explosion" explosion?
Is it because we have a space deployed and/or hypersonic drone deployed EMP weapon that makes all navies and aircraft and missiles and "metal" obsolete?
Why risk our "metal" in a war zone? Safer here? MIL would never increase risk by bringing home entire Carrier Fleet, so this act must be to reduce risk. Risk of being harmed by our own EMP weaponry.
Now, ask yourself...
If you were preparing to fight a battle against "them" in 2014, and you had to establish an order of operations based on risk and reward, where would you start your plan and where would you end it?
Get Trump elected as POTUS.
Legally. Ethically. If not, plan Z.
Takeover "their" comms.
SAT, ULF, VLF, Huawei, SpaceForce
Gain control of rogue nukes and biologicals.
NK, Syria, Iran, Ukraine
Weaken media mind control on population.
Q, Anons, 4ch, 8ch, Twitter, Algo's
Overcome Obama's secret pardons.
Catch them in new crimes post 1.20.17.
Sever financial funding LOOP.
Sanctions, tariffs, EO's, SA+++
Strengthen home front.
Tax cuts, MIL budgets, jobs not mobs
Infiltrate & entrap NGO's.
BLM, Antifa, Red+, USAID
Block human trafficking routes.
Border, Wall, Ports (Houston, long beach, Miami)
Wait for nations to wake up/catch up.
Yellow vests, Brexit, Italy, Brazil, Hungary
Establish control of Senate and SCOTUS.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, 53-47, GITMO
Bring back Gold to end FED.
SWIFT Keys, Gold Deposits, Blockchains
Seize infrastructure assets that can be used to harm us.
Power plants (PG&E, ConEd), food, water, shipping
Destroy their bolt holes with EMP not explosions.
Under airports, power plants, reactors, cemeteries
It sure seems like the stage is very close to being completely set for the "takedown" which must be sudden.
#4563110 at 2019-01-02 11:10:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5820: Last Day of the 115th Congress Edition
Ask yourself why most of our Carrier Fleets are currently docked in the USA for the first time in our naval history?
Ask yourself why pictures were released this week of Navy SEAL teams in IRAQ and submarines with DDS units returning to port?
Ask yourself why DoE would tweet a picture of US Power Grid right before the Queens "non-explosion" explosion?
Is it because we have a space deployed and/or hypersonic drone deployed EMP weapon that makes all navies and aircraft and missiles and "metal" obsolete?
Why risk our "metal" in a war zone?
Safer here? MIL would never increase risk by bringing home entire Carrier Fleet, so this act must be to reduce risk. Risk of being harmed by our own EMP weaponry.
Now, ask yourself...
If you were preparing to fight a battle against "them" in 2014, and you had to establish an order of operations based on risk and reward, where would you start your plan and where would you end it?
Get Trump elected as POTUS.
Legally. Ethically. If not, plan Z.
Takeover "their" comms.
SAT, ULF, VLF, Huawei, SpaceForce
Gain control of rogue nukes and biologicals.
NK, Syria, Iran, Ukraine
Weaken media mind control on population.
Q, Anons, 4ch, 8ch, Twitter, Algo's
Overcome Obama's secret pardons.
Catch them in new crimes post 1.20.17.
Sever financial funding LOOP.
Sanctions, tariffs, EO's, SA+++
Strengthen home front.
Tax cuts, MIL budgets, jobs not mobs
Infiltrate & entrap NGO's.
BLM, Antifa, Red+, USAID
Block human trafficking routes.
Border, Wall, Ports (Houston, long beach,
Wait for nations to wake up/catch up.
Yellow vests, Brexit, Italy, Brazil, Hungary
Establish control of Senate and SCOTUS.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, 53-47, GITMO
Bring back Gold to end FED.
SWIFT Keys, Gold Deposits, Blockchains
Seize infrastructure assets that can be used to harm us.
Power plants (PG&E, ConEd), food, water, shipping
Destroy their bolt holes with EMP not explosions.
Under airports, power plants, reactors, cemeteries
It sure seems like the stage is very close to being completely set for the "takedown" which must be sudden.
#4553477 at 2019-01-01 19:34:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5807: New Year Justice
Year 1 a mixed bag for businesses in California's pot market
LOS ANGELES (AP) - It was supposed to be a great year for marijuana entrepreneur Brian Blatz.
When California broadly legalized pot on Jan. 1, the lawyer with a background in banking and health care had been working for a year to set up a trucking company that would whisk fragrant marijuana buds, infused juices and other products from fields and production plants to store shelves.
On its website, long beach-based Verdant Distribution said the company's goal was to be the United States' pre-eminent business for transporting cannabis.
But it's all gone. The trucks were sold to cover debt, a warehouse vacated, its license expired.
The choppy rollout of California's legal market saddled the company with costly delays, but it was undone by an abrupt state rule change that allowed just about any marijuana business to become its own distributor, undercutting the need for stand-alone companies like Verdant.
The illegal market continues to flourish - by some estimates, up to 80 percent of the sales in the state still are under the table, snatching profits from legal storefronts.
A promised state tax windfall has yet to arrive, while businesses complain about hefty tax rates that can approach 50 percent in some communities. The number of testing labs remains tight. Meanwhile, shifting rules and start-up costs are taking a toll.
#4520574 at 2018-12-30 13:40:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5765: Space Conflict Edition
Ask yourself why most of our Carrier Fleets are currently docked in the USA for the first time in our naval history?
Ask yourself why pictures were released this week of Navy SEAL teams in IRAQ and submarines with DDS units returning to port?
Ask yourself why DoE would tweet a picture of US Power Grid right before the Queens "non-explosion" explosion?
Is it because we have a space deployed and/or hypersonic drone deployed EMP weapon that makes all navies and aircraft and missiles and "metal" obsolete?
Why risk our "metal" in a war zone?
Safer here? MIL would never increase risk by bringing home entire Carrier Fleet, so this act must be to reduce risk. Risk of being harmed by our own EMP weaponry.
Now, ask yourself...
If you were preparing to fight a battle against "them" in 2014, and you had to establish an order of operations based on risk and reward, where would you start your plan and where would you end it?
Get Trump elected as POTUS.
Legally. Ethically. If not, plan Z.
Takeover "their" comms.
SAT, ULF, VLF, Huawei, SpaceForce
Gain control of rogue nukes and biologicals.
NK, Syria, Iran, Ukraine
Weaken media mind control on population.
Q, Anons, 4ch, 8ch, Twitter, Algo's
Overcome Obama's secret pardons.
Catch them in new crimes post 1.20.17.
Sever financial funding LOOP.
Sanctions, tariffs, EO's, SA+++
Strengthen home front.
Tax cuts, MIL budgets, jobs not mobs
Infiltrate & entrap NGO's.
BLM, Antifa, Red+, USAID
Block human trafficking routes.
Border, Wall, Ports (Houston, long beach,
Wait for nations to wake up/catch up.
Yellow vests, Brexit, Italy, Brazil, Hungary
Establish control of Senate and SCOTUS.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, 53-47, GITMO
Bring back Gold to end FED.
SWIFT Keys, Gold Deposits, Blockchains
Seize infrastructure assets that can be used to harm us.
Power plants (PG&E, ConEd), food, water,
Destroy their bolt holes with EMP not explosions.
Under airports, power plants, reactors, cemeteries
It sure seems like the stage is very close to being completely set for the "takedown" which must be sudden.
#4518926 at 2018-12-30 09:03:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5763: As The Bank Burns Edition
Ask yourself why 90% of our Carrier Fleets are currently docked in the USA for the first time in our naval history? (sauce = USN)
Ask yourself why pictures were released this week of Navy SEAL teams in IRAQ and submarines with DDS units returning to port?
Ask yourself why DoE would tweet a picture of US Power Grid right before the Queens "non-explosion" explosion?
Is it because we have a space deployed and/or hypersonic drone deployed EMP weapon that makes all navies and aircraft and missiles and "metal" obsolete?
Why risk our "metal" in a war zone? Safer here?
MIL would never increase risk by bringing home entire Carrier Fleet, so this act must be to reduce risk. Risk of being harmed by our own EMP weaponry.
Now, ask yourself...
If you were preparing to fight a battle against "them" in 2014, and you had to establish an order of operations based on risk and reward, where would you start your plan and where would you end it?
Get Trump elected as POTUS.
Legally. Ethically. If not, plan Z.
Takeover "their" comms.
SAT, ULF, VLF, Huawei, SpaceForce
Gain control of rogue nukes and biologicals.
NK, Syria, Iran, Ukraine
Weaken media mind control on population.
Q, Anons, 4ch, 8ch, Twitter, Algo's
Overcome Obama's secret pardons.
Catch them in new crimes post 1.20.17.
Sever financial funding LOOP.
Sanctions, tariffs, EO's, SA+++
Strengthen home front.
Tax cuts, MIL budgets, jobs not mobs
Infiltrate & entrap NGO's.
BLM, Antifa, Red+, USAID
Block human trafficking routes.
Border, Wall, Ports (Houston, long beach, Miami)
Wait for nations to wake up/catch up.
Yellow vests, Brexit, Italy, Brazil, Hungary
Establish control of Senate and SCOTUS.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, 53-47, GITMO
Bring back Gold to end FED.
SWIFT Keys, Gold Deposits, Blockchains
Seize infrastructure assets that can be used to harm us.
Power plants (PG&E, ConEd), food, water, shipping
Destroy their bolt holes with EMP not explosions.
Under airports, power plants, reactors, cemeteries
It sure seems like the stage is very close to being completely set for the "takedown" which must be sudden.
#4501041 at 2018-12-28 17:13:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5740: Great Things Are Happening Edition
Ask yourself why 90% of our Carrier Fleets are currently docked in the USA for the first time in our naval history? (sauce = USN)
Ask yourself why pictures were released this week of Navy SEAL teams in IRAQ and submarines with DDS units returning to port?
Ask yourself why DoE would tweet a picture of US Power Grid right before the Queens "non-explosion" explosion?
Is it because we have a space deployed and/or hypersonic drone deployed EMP weapon that makes all navies and aircraft and missiles and "metal" obsolete? Why risk our "metal" in a war zone? Safer here? MIL would never increase risk by bringing home entire Carrier Fleet, so this act must be to reduce risk. Risk of being harmed by our own EMP weaponry.
Now, ask yourself…
If you were preparing to fight a battle against "them" in 2014, and you had to establish an order of operations based on risk and reward, where would you start your plan and where would you end it?
Get Trump elected as POTUS.
Legally. Ethically. If not, plan Z.
Takeover "their" comms.
SAT, ULF, VLF, Huawei, SpaceForce
Gain control of rogue nukes and biologicals.
NK, Syria, Iran, Ukraine
Weaken media mind control on population.
Q, Anons, 4ch, 8ch, Twitter, Algo's
Overcome Obama's secret pardons.
Catch them in new crimes post 1.20.17.
Sever financial funding LOOP.
Sanctions, tariffs, EO's, SA+++
Strengthen home front.
Tax cuts, MIL budgets, jobs not mobs
Infiltrate & entrap NGO's.
BLM, Antifa, Red+, USAID
Block human trafficking routes.
Border, Wall, Ports (Houston, long beach, Miami)
Wait for nations to wake up/catch up.
Yellow vests, Brexit, Italy, Brazil, Hungary
Establish control of Senate and SCOTUS.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, 53-47, GITMO
Bring back Gold to end FED.
SWIFT Keys, Gold Deposits, Blockchains
Seize infrastructure assets that can be used to harm us.
Power plants (PG&E, ConEd), food, water, shipping
Destroy their bolt holes with EMP not explosions.
Under airports, power plants, reactors, cemeteries
It sure seems like the stage is very close to being completely set for the "takedown" which must be sudden. Nothing to see here.
#4500712 at 2018-12-28 16:43:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5739: Richard Overton Edition
Kenyas smarter than the US.
We GAVE them panama canal and long beach Naval Shipyard
#4493941 at 2018-12-28 03:11:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5731: Muh Blue Beam Edition
Hi Valleyanon. ADSB radar is not showing us a Blackhawk over the San Joaquin valley. There is one shown in the list but not mapped. I plugged the lat/long into Google Maps and it's on the ground near long beach, not likely the same one you saw. (Ignore the Spain bogeys - not really there.)
#4488060 at 2018-12-27 19:07:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5723: Muh Notables Edition
325.7 million 2018
7.7 billion people
In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.7 billion people as of November 2018.
World population - Wikipedia
Georgia Guidestones
US 4.4% world population
500 M 6.5 % of 7.7 B
=> eliminate 93.5% of population
US: 93.5 % of 325.7 eliminate 304 M
surviving is 20.7 million
#people in US living in cities over 50 k 126,208,061
#people in US living in cities over 100 k 93,925,293
=> must be leaving out suburban areas
"U.S. Cities are Home to 62.7 Percent of the U.S. Population, but Comprise Just 3.5 Percent of Land Area" https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2015/cb15-33.html
"America has grown even more urban. According to new numbers just released from the U.S. Census Bureau, 80.7 percent of the U.S. population lived in urban areas as of the 2010 Census, a boost from the 79 percent counted in 2000. That brings the country's total urban population to 249,253,271, a number attained via a growth rate of 12.1 percent between 2000 and 2010, outpacing the nation as a whole, which grew at 9.7 percent..
"The New York-Newark metro area is still the nation's most populous, with 18,351,295 residents. Los Angeles-long beach-Anaheim is still the second, with 12,150,996, and the Chicago area is still third, with 8,608,208. Despite all the booms and busts in other cities over the years, these three have been the most populous since the 1950 Census, when urban areas were first delineated by the Census Bureau. Their dominance likely extends even farther back in history.
"But we're not just talking about cities here. The new figures represent the population in "urban areas," which the Census Bureau defines as "densely developed residential, commercial and other nonresidential areas."
"There are officially two types of urban areas: "urbanized areas" of 50,000 or more people and "urban clusters" of between 2,500 and 50,000 people. For the 2010 count, the Census Bureau has defined 486 urbanized areas, accounting for 71.2 percent of the U.S. population. The 3,087 urban clusters account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population.
"Though these smaller urban clusters account for a relatively small portion of the total population, they make up the vast majority of the roughly 3,500 "urban" areas in the U.S. But is a town of 2,500 people really what we think of as "urban"?"
"If roughly 80 percent of our population is urban, roughly 80 percent of our urban areas are actually small towns. "
Still lots less than 98%
What would happen if all the big cities ceased to exist, and only small towns and rural areas were left?
Farms would still work - less need of mass crops
still be transportation
electrical grid would work for surviving areas
LE and govt would still work
communications would work
there would be mechanics, doctors, grocery stores, roads, bridges, truck drivers, pilots, sheriffs hwy patrol
new poster - think I posted this wrong place first couple times sorry
#4479784 at 2018-12-27 01:27:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5712: Saudi Struggle Edition
Following this, COSCO, a Chinese international shipping carrier, secured business with the Port of long beach in 1997.
Intermodal freight transport ship-to-rail transfer of containerized cargos at the Port of long beach
From the late 1990s through 2011, the Port of long beach saw increased traffic and growth with the leasing of terminals. In 1997, approximately one million containers were inbound to the port. By 2005, this number had tripled to nearly 3.3 million containers. If outbound containers are included, then the number increased from 3 million containers in 1997 to nearly 6.7 million containers in 2005.[16]
In 2001 U.S. Navy closed its footprint at Port of long beach, the Navy transfers it last lot of land on Terminal Island to the Port of long beach. The shipyard was closed in 1997.[17
#4460157 at 2018-12-25 05:40:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5687: Merry Christmas! Edition
The Creator Of Kwanzaa Is A Criminal Loon Who Allegedly Tortured Naked Women With A Karate Baton And A Toaster
It's Christmastime, America, and you know what that means: It's almost Kwanzaa! It's also the season when public school classrooms across the fruited plain have pointedly avoided Christmas, but have teemed with lessons about Kwanzaa and a handful of other holidays which aren't Christmas. As a public service, then, The Daily Caller is once again here to tell you the true - and truly bizarre - history of the violent, deranged and radical black nationalist who concocted the completely artificial holiday of Kwanzaa in 1966.
The creator of Kwanzaa is Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga, a 77-year-old professor of Africana studies at California State University, long beach. His real name is Ronald Everett. He was born in rural Maryland, the fourteenth child of a sharecropping Baptist minister. Karenga was convicted in 1971 for brutally torturing two naked women. The weapons of torture included a soldering iron, a vise and, of course, a toaster. The women were members of Karenga's ultra-radical, paramilitary, black nationalist cult called the US Organization, which went by the acronym US, according to contemporaneous news stories.
"Investigators said the women were held at gunpoint, forced to disrobe and were beaten." "Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes," a Los Angeles Times article reports. Karenga tortured Jones and Davis with the help of other members of his cult because Karenga believed that the torture victims were using magic crystals to assassinate him on behalf of his enemies. "The victims said they were living at Karenga's home when Karenga accused them of trying to kill him by placing 'crystals' in his food and water and in various areas of his house." Jones and Davis denied the charge that they were using special crystals to murder Karenga.
The denials were reportedly not helpful. "When they denied it, allegedly they were beaten with an electrical cord and a hot soldering iron was put in Miss Davis' mouth and against her face," the contemporaneous 1971 newspaper article says. Jones also testified "that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga, head of US, also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths." "Miss Tamayo reportedly put detergent in their mouths, Smith turned a water hose full force on their faces, and Karenga, holding a gun, threatened to shoot both of them." The victims also said they were "were hit on the heads with toasters." "Vietnamese torture is nothing compared to what I know," Karenga allegedly said during the lengthy bout of torture.
A psychiatrist who examined Karenga in 1971 concluded he was insane. A sentencing hearing transcript shows that the unidentified psychiatrist believed that the founder of Kwanzaa was "both paranoid and schizophrenic." Judge Arthur L. Alarcon ordered Karenga to undergo mental testing to determine whether Karenga had "so deteriorated mentally" that he was a threat to society.
The judge read from the psychiatrist's report in court in September 1971, according to a FrontPage Magazine report. "Since his admission here he has been isolated and has been exhibiting bizarre behavior, such as staring at the wall, talking to imaginary persons, claiming that he was attacked by dive-bombers and that his attorney was in the next cell," the psychiatrist's report said, in part. "During part of the interview, he would look around as if reacting to hallucination and when the examiner walked away for a moment he began a conversation with a blanket located on his bed." "This man now presents a picture which can be considered both paranoid and schizophrenic with hallucinations and delusions, inappropriate affect, disorganization, and impaired contact with the environment," the report said.
Karenga concocted Kwanzaa in 1966 as a secular, "nonreligious" pan-African holiday. At the time, he was a twenty-something graduate student living in Los Angeles.
#4368495 at 2018-12-19 01:27:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5568: Sides Approaching Escape Velocity Edition
Concrete long beach Schiff
#4323073 at 2018-12-15 17:58:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5509: 19,000 Texts Edition
Sublime was Dub long beach All Stars first.
#4212857 at 2018-12-08 15:24:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5366: Burning Fuel To Heat The Cab Edition
I didn't see this in the notables. Apologies if it's already been reported. Charter/VIP Boeing 737. I wonder who was on board…
TULSA, Oklahoma - A passenger jet made an emergency landing at Tulsa International Airport early Saturday morning.
The Swift Air Boeing 737 had taken off from long beach, California and was headed to Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina when the crew declared an emergency and landed in Tulsa at about 4 a.m.
The Tulsa Fire Department met the jet when it touched down, but dispatchers didn't know what kind of problem the jet had.
After being on the ground for about two hours, the jet took off and resumed its journey.
No injuries were reported.
According to the company's web site, Swift Air is based in Phoenix, Arizona and offers VIP, charter and cargo operations.
#4119249 at 2018-12-02 22:51:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5244: United Bread Edition
"Michael Avenatti Says His 2020 Chances Have Gone Up Since His Arrest"
Avenatti has a great sense of humor. This is the funniest thing i have seen all day. I hear they have an open mike night at the comedy club in long beach every week. He will be a great hit.
#4077038 at 2018-11-29 21:37:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5189: Chongqing Dirt Edition
Quick version:
DF used her political leverage so her husband can make money from his investments. Richard Blum:
- huge Chinese investments
- USPS> China deal w/USPS > Blum + USPS
- Use of Chinese steel in CA projects- bullet train
- Port of long beach
That's why PDJT is heavy on US steel, and says America for Sale- they are using our country as a cash cow. Same with soros and his organizations using federal funding (to pad his organizations) and profits from them. There are more doing this, gov Jerry Brown & Newsom -also involved heavily.
#4006147 at 2018-11-23 19:59:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5097: Preet Bharara and The Vanderbilts Edition
Planefag reporting in over west coast:
USAF C-17 transport makes short flight from March AFB to long beach Airport - Electronic Warfare systems engaged to obfuscate
Troop deployment?
Requesting ground observation
#3999369 at 2018-11-23 00:31:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5088: Banana Nut Bread Edition
my folks worked at the long beach Naval Shipyard years ago. I've been to the recommissions of BOTH the USS New Jersey BB-62 and Missouri BB-63 and I've been able to look around and see the Phalanx missile defense system and tomahawk launchers.
they are rather slow but effective none the less.
#3998632 at 2018-11-22 22:59:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5087: Beans and Cornbread Edition
period of 10 years …
Search domain www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_longest_a_court_case_in_his…www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_longest_a_court_case_in_his…
What is the longest running legal case? - Stack Exchange
Tribal Lawyers Marvin Sonosky and Arthur Lazarus took over the case in 1956 until they won in 1980 when the case reached the supreme court (United States vs The Sioux Nation of Indians) which upheld an earlier ruling that the 1877 Act was in violation of the 5th amendment.
Search domain history.stackexchange.com/questions/15125/what-is-the-longest-runni…https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/15125/what-is-the-longest-runni…
What's the longest jury deliberation in the history of American trials …
The long beach California case, which occurred in 1992, spent 11 years getting to trial, involved 6 months of testimony, and four and a half months of jury deliberations. The jury proceedings took on a distinctly Dilbert-esque air, with jurors starting late, leaving early, and even drinking on the job.
Search domain www.quora.com/Whats-the-longest-jury-deliberation-in-th…https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-longest-jury-deliberation-in-th…
BBC NEWS | UK | McLibel: longest case in English history
The European court ruling that two activists should have been allowed legal aid in their libel battle with McDonald's is just the latest of many twists in the longest case in English legal history. The case goes back to the mid 1980s and a public campaign attacking aspects of the fast food industry …
Search domain news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4266741.stmnews.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4266741.stm
McLibel case - Wikipedia
On 15 February 2005, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the original case had breached Article 6 (right to a fair trial) and Article 10 (right to freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights and ordered that the UK government pay Steel and Morris £57,000 in compensation.
Search domain en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McLibel_casehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McLibel_case
What's the longest period of time in which a ca - Q&A - Avvo
Criminal cases can take a very long time. I have a criminal case at the moment that has been going on for almost 7 years (although I have only been on it for about 3 months). Most do not take that long, but the wheels of justice tend to grind very slowly.
Search domain www.avvo.com/legal-answers/what-s-the-longest-period-o…https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/what-s-the-longest-period-o…
How long do criminal cases take? | Nolo.com
The amount of time that passes between an arrest and the filing of charges on the one hand, and trial or entry of a guilty or "no contest" plea on the other, varies widely from case to case. A misdemeanor drunk driving case, for example, might resolve within a month of the date of arrest …
Search domain www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/how-criminal-cases-tak…https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/how-criminal-cases-tak…
More results
Shop The Case on Amazon - Low Prices for The Case
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#3981177 at 2018-11-21 05:48:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5065: Thanks For Stopping By Q Edition
Huge power outage in Downtown long beach, CA today.
Cabal is prepping for something.
BLACK FRIDAY is the day.
Fuck this D5 headfake shit.
#3964321 at 2018-11-19 22:54:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5043: Rules for Jim Acosta Edition
THE CABAL appears to want MbS brother Ahmed to replace him.
I looked at his wiki and found that he was chairman of SAUDI ARABIA OWNED NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY.
Gypsum is not quite concrete, but it can be mixed with cement and is used in plasterboard and fertilizer.
And they have many plant locations in the USA, even at long beach, CA.
#3931127 at 2018-11-16 22:16:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5000: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand Edition
Today's Q Clock
Pic 1
They are scared [4am].
5 political
1 former intel dir
Thank you @ Snowden.
Nobody escapes this.
Expect a lot more.
Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror
Pic 2
Has the error been corrected?
Why not?
Misspellings matter.
RR problems.
Twitter down.
Injection good.
Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :14
Pic 3
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Canary palm tree?
Hint: Hussein & Maggie
Tomorrow's Q Clock
Pic 4
{Figure it out}
Tomorrow's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror
Pic 5
What was just released to Nunes?
"A clean [H]ouse is very important."
Down She Goes…..
Thank you Alan.
Welcome aboard.
#3922316 at 2018-11-16 04:41:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4988: WRWY JA Edition
10 Jun 2018 - 9:16:25 PM
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
#3891693 at 2018-11-14 00:13:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4948: 242 Years, And They Still Don't Understand Edition
SKY Event.
Yes, midterms are safe.
Watch CA.
TRUMP card coming.
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
What will next week hold?
Fire up those Memes!
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
MOAB incoming.
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?
#3874371 at 2018-11-12 23:49:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4926: Your Speech, Give It To Me Edition (ReBake)
"Watch the water" - I think /ourguys/ have been watching the damn water for a long time, because our PORTS have been the door for all the weapons, drugs, people and cash.
Anon here is struggling to condense this theory into a format that works for this place, but i will try.
Last night a group of anons realized that Broward County sheriff Israel was in charge of not just security at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, but at Port Everglades.
Port Everglades has undergone MASSIVE expansion in recent years. It's bigger than the Port of Miami: https://www.ajot.com/premium/ajot-florida-east-coast-ports-meeting-demand-with-enhanced-facilities-deeper-channels
OK that said, let's recall that Dianne Feinstein and the Clinton were all tied to the leasing of the Port of long beach in California to the Chinese. Read this "ancient history" from 1997 for more:
OK, so southeast coast, west coast, let's go to the upper midwest: Why were Democrats so froggy about getting control of Minnesota, of all places, and ramrodded woman-beating Muslim brotherhood Keith Ellison and some incestuous patsy woman to office? You know: Minnesota, site of the largest freshwater shipping port in the world?
But those ports weren't enough for the cabal. No, they needed water access even closer to their dirty little den of thieves in Washington DC. Even given the group mistrust of George Webb, he has done some good boots-on-the-ground work about ports and tied them straight to Awan and John Brennan's Congressional spying, weapons-for-drugs trading network:
Here, George visits the Port of Baltimore, points out the Inner Harbor condo where (murdered) author Tom Clancy used to live. In 1995, Clancy wrote "Op Center" with Steve Pieczenik. That same year, John Brennan establishes the Bin Laden Issues Center with a guy named Cofer Black (the reason the company was named Blackwater), out of Tysons Corner, Virginia. Remarkably, Tysons Corner is the first place where Imran Awan went to work. Clancy and Pieczenik got too close to the truth, and I think that's why he got 187'd. Pieczenik has probably been very, VERY careful since then.
After 9/11, our airports got locked down and air cargo was scrutinized closely. But not so much for ports. Could union dockworkers be compromised? Ever seen any movies and noticed what kind of characters work on docks? What about US Navy yards? What would guys like that do for drugs & hookers? Would they make sure some containers weren't security-checked during handling? Sure. And what if you had Sheriff Israel, a port leased and secured by the damn Chinese, and basically a bunch of comped Democrats in charge of minding the store? Brennan's rogue group was operating with impunity.
The whole premise of "Op Center" was to have a small, fast-response group to handle extra-hot problems at ports. In case of a situation, the problem would be directed to a counterterrorism threat center.
Imran Awan could easily be setting up pop-up kiosk shops selling specially chipped phones that would redirect data from those phones to (((their))) cell towers first. Awan was also bringing in the Pakistani ISI people and giving them fake IDs, then using them to do the construction IT work on the towers & phones.
The Terrorism Threat Intelligence Center was signed into operation by George Bush in 2003 to further sanction Brennan's rogue CIA operatives, and all of it operates...
... by water.
It's a safe bet that /ourguys/ have been watching the water for a long time.
"We have it all"
John Brennan should absolutely hang for his treason.
#3873045 at 2018-11-12 22:33:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4924: Eagle Eye Edition
SKY Event.
Yes, midterms are safe.
Watch CA.
TRUMP card coming.
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
What will next week hold?
Fire up those Memes!
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
MOAB incoming.
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?
#3869964 at 2018-11-12 19:20:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4920: Things Are Shaking Up Edition
"Watch the water" - I think /ourguys/ have been watching the damn water for a long time, because our PORTS have been the door for all the weapons, drugs, people and cash.
Anon here is struggling to condense this theory into a format that works for this place, but i will try.
Last night a group of anons realized that Broward County sheriff Israel was in charge of not just security at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, but at Port Everglades.
Port Everglades has undergone MASSIVE expansion in recent years. It's bigger than the Port of Miami: https://www.ajot.com/premium/ajot-florida-east-coast-ports-meeting-demand-with-enhanced-facilities-deeper-channels
OK that said, let's recall that Dianne Feinstein and the Clinton were all tied to the leasing of the Port of long beach in California to the Chinese. Read this "ancient history" from 1997 for more:
OK, so southeast coast, west coast, let's go to the upper midwest: Why were Democrats so froggy about getting control of Minnesota, of all places, and ramrodded woman-beating Muslim brotherhood Keith Ellison and some incestuous patsy woman to office? You know: Minnesota, site of the largest freshwater shipping port in the world?
But those ports weren't enough for the cabal. No, they needed water access even closer to their dirty little den of thieves in Washington DC. Even given the group mistrust of George Webb, he has done some good boots-on-the-ground work about ports and tied them straight to Awan and John Brennan's Congressional spying, weapons-for-drugs trading network:
Here, George visits the Port of Baltimore, points out the Inner Harbor condo where (murdered) author Tom Clancy used to live. In 1995, Clancy wrote "Op Center" with Steve Pieczenik. That same year, John Brennan establishes the Bin Laden Issues Center with a guy named Cofer Black (the reason the company was named Blackwater), out of Tysons Corner, Virginia. Remarkably, Tysons Corner is the first place where Imran Awan went to work. Clancy and Pieczenik got too close to the truth, and I think that's why he got 187'd. Pieczenik has probably been very, VERY careful since then.
After 9/11, our airports got locked down and air cargo was scrutinized closely. But not so much for ports. Could union dockworkers be compromised? Ever seen any movies and noticed what kind of characters work on docks? What about US Navy yards? What would guys like that do for drugs & hookers? Would they make sure some containers weren't security-checked during handling? Sure. And what if you had Sheriff Israel, a port leased and secured by the damn Chinese, and basically a bunch of comped Democrats in charge of minding the store? Brennan's rogue group was operating with impunity.
The whole premise of "Op Center" was to have a small, fast-response group to handle extra-hot problems at ports. In case of a situation, the problem would be directed to a counterterrorism threat center.
Imran Awan could easily be setting up pop-up kiosk shops selling specially chipped phones that would redirect data from those phones to (((their))) cell towers first. Awan was also bringing in the Pakistani ISI people and giving them fake IDs, then using them to do the construction IT work on the towers & phones.
The Terrorism Threat Intelligence Center was signed into operation by George Bush in 2003 to further sanction Brennan's rogue CIA operatives, and all of it operates…
… by water.
It's a safe bet that /ourguys/ have been watching the water for a long time.
"We have it all"
John Brennan should absolutely hang for his treason.
#3863497 at 2018-11-12 06:45:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4912: Keep Digging Edition
OK from LB, the theory with cabal operations out of US ports:
Port Everglades: Broward County/Wasserman-Schultz/Sheriff Israel
Norfolk: Imran Awan
Port of long beach: Dianne Feinstein / Chinese
Twin port: Duluth, MN/Superior, WI - largest freshwater ports in the world - no wonder they wanted a stupid patsy Muslim in Congress from there, no one to get in their way - the senators are stupid Amy Klondikebar (oops Klobuchar) and some Tina Smith nobody. Unknown what political entity controls the ports.
Port of Seattle - also suspicious due to being 3rd largest cargo gateway in the US, and god knows the level of libtardery there is off the charts. Probably also tied to China.
#3851274 at 2018-11-11 16:54:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4896: 11.11 Edition
SKY Event.
Yes, midterms are safe.
Watch CA.
TRUMP card coming.
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
What will next week hold?
Fire up those Memes!
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
MOAB incoming.
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?
#3848129 at 2018-11-11 12:14:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4892: 11:11 Edition
Yes, midterms are safe.
Watch CA.
TRUMP card coming.
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
What will next week hold?
Fire up those Memes!
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
MOAB incoming.
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?
#3839310 at 2018-11-10 21:58:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4880: See the Future, Save the Past Edition
>Particularly disturbing is the targeting of America's infrastructure. In addition to already owning vital ports in long beach, California and Boston, Massachusetts,
human trafficking
think ports Broward County long beach
think map
#3839285 at 2018-11-10 21:57:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4880: See the Future, Save the Past Edition
China on U.S. Buying Spree
October 9, 2012
Particularly disturbing is the targeting of America's infrastructure. In addition to already owning vital ports in long beach, California and Boston, Massachusetts, the China Ocean Shipping Company is eyeing major ports on the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico. China also owns access to ports at the entry and exit points of the Panama Canal.
As Chinese lobbying firms increase their expertise in greasing the palms of U.S. lawmakers, Americans should remember the following crucial statistics from a June 7 article by Michael Snyder of "The Economic Collapse" news website.
"The United States has lost an average of approximately 50,000 manufacturing jobs a month, and more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities have been shut down since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001," wrote Snyder.
https: //americanfreepress.net/china-on-u-s-buying-spree/
#3835415 at 2018-11-10 18:03:24 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #4875 California Fires Emergency Funding
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
What will next week hold?
Fire up those Memes!
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
MOAB incoming.
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?
#3799164 at 2018-11-08 14:51:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4828: Breaking News And Breaking Ribs Edition
>David Ian long
dOES HE OWN A beach? long beach
#3733117 at 2018-11-05 00:01:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4741: See Something, Say Something Edition
Q Post 1203 Answered:
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
LA/long beach Seaport CBP officers Recover 23 Stolen Luxury Vehicles Heading to China
#3730155 at 2018-11-04 20:39:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4737: Patriots Vote Edition
>LA/long beach Seaport CBP officers Recover 23 Stolen Luxury Vehicles Heading to China
#3730110 at 2018-11-04 20:36:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4737: Patriots Vote Edition
Q Post 1203 Answered:
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
LA/long beach Seaport CBP officers Recover 23 Stolen Luxury Vehicles Heading to China
#3719855 at 2018-11-04 00:24:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4724: MAGA, PENSACOLA !! Edition
Another reminder to take the time to watch TRUMP AT WAR if you haven't.
We gotta get control of China, because they are gunning to take control of us by 2049. It's a significant 100 year anniversary for them.
Look into China connections with Stanford University.
Port of long beach / Feinstein & husband
CHINA is the real reason behind Moonbeam's Sanctuary State force-feed. He's using Latinos as a shield, and China is going to use those Latinos for slave labor.
#3709963 at 2018-11-03 04:34:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4711: "#FactsMatter" Edition
China is tied to every fucking thing on the Cali coast.
Stanford University.
Dianne Feinstein and that POS husband of hers.
Port of long beach.
Russia, my ass. China needs to feel bad.
#3708998 at 2018-11-03 03:10:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4710: 'LIVE-24?' Edition
Anon, California and China are hand-in-hand already.
Found an obvious tie between Chinese professors and pro-communist student orgs at Stanford earlier today.
Stanford is where Corey Booker met Steve Phillips and Susan Sandler.
Sandler's billions admitted her to the same San Francisco progressive circles where the Dianne Feinstein and her husband were already grabbling millions from insider shipping deals with China.
Remember who now owns the Port of long beach.
Am sitting here watching Trump at War right now (WATCH IT, ANONS) cautioning about the risk from China, which openly states it wants to overtake the United States by 2049, which is a significant 100 year anniversary for China.
Little wonder Hillary and all the rest of the idiots have kept pointing hysterically at Russia.
Not that I trust Russia, but we could use Russia in our camp against China.
The risk is enormous, and everyone needs to know about it.
#3694830 at 2018-11-02 03:26:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4691 So Happy to see Q Posting Again!! Edition
23 luxury vehicles seized at L.A., long beach ports were part of fraud scheme targeting Chinese nationals, border officials say
#3675851 at 2018-10-31 16:27:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4667: Learn to Bake Edition
CHINA has OWNED long beach for decades.
NO TAX- they own it.
#3675727 at 2018-10-31 16:15:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4667: Learn to Bake Edition
COSCO has been busted for carrying arms (guns) to other countries. long beach, incl. Feinstein supports the Unions at the port of long beach so they turn a blind eye to incoming shipments. China purchased the ports and bill Clinton supported this during his presidency. In past notables. long beach Port is huge. As is Benecia and West Sacramento.
#3675691 at 2018-10-31 16:10:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4667: Learn to Bake Edition
China Cosco Shipping Corp., the world's fourth largest shipping line, is diverting its cargo away from the Port of Los Angeles to its competitor in long beach because of more lax environmental rules at its terminal there, the chief of the L.A. port said Thursday.
The Chinese company, one of the most important players in the twin port complex, "made a strategic decision to move cargo away from our Berth 100 Port of Los Angeles to their terminal in long beach because they have less stringent mitigation measures at that facility," Gene Seroka told the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners.
Representatives of China Shipping could not be reached for comment.
The announcement came a day before Los Angeles was set to release a much-anticipated environmental report stemming from a 2001 lawsuit involving China Shipping L.A. terminal expansion. Environmentalists hope the new draft EIR will force the carrier to impose anti-pollution measures that can be costly.
David Pettit, a lawyer at the Natural Resources Defense Council, which brought the lawsuit on behalf of residents and local groups, said he fears the new plan will be "a lot of big talk and no enforceability."
The more than 15-year-old lawsuit had imposed tough pollution-cutting measures established in an environmental document in 2008. But in 2015, the port revealed several of those clean-air mandates had not been met. Required nondiesel-burning trucks never showed up at the terminal as pledged and ships weren't plugging in to clean electricity for shore power at the rates required.
For long beach, which saw cargo container volumes plummet last year after one of its largest tenants went belly up, news of China Shipping's shift was welcome.
"It's a huge win for the Port of long beach," said Lori Ann Guzman, president of long beach's harbor commission. "We are known as the green port, to suggest that we have less stringent environmental standards is inaccurate. We have superior customer service and an outstanding relationship with the clients. This is a testament to that."
While both ports adhere to clean air goals to decrease smog-forming emissions from diesel engines, newly expanded or modified terminals have additional rules.
That's part of the reason Seroka can make the claim that long beach's terminal doesn't have the same environmental restrictions. The long beach terminal hasn't sought an expansion for more than two decades, officials said. And because of that, it's not subject to more regulations. On the flip side, the Los Angeles terminal China Shipping used was subject to new rules because of the lawsuit.
Heather Tomely, long beach ports director of environmental planning, points out that Pier J, where the carrier will send its cargo, is sharing in a $9.7?million grant to replace all nine of the diesel-powered cranes with zero-emission electric models.
Seroka's jab at long beach reveals the intense competition between the two ports just days after the mayors of Los Angeles and long beach put on a united front dubbing themselves the "climate mayors" and promising to move toward zero emissions in port operations by 2035.
It also highlighted a larger debate stirring at the port: What will be the true cost of turning the nation's busiest port complex into its cleanest as well?
"An awful lot of pressure is going to fall on both ports," said Jock O'Connell, an international trade adviser at Beacon Economics. "Everyone fears as environmental restrictions become more stringent and the cost of compliance goes up, the ports will become less competitive."
Already there are signs that ships formerly calling on West Coast ports are now going through the newly expanded Panama Canal.
#3675005 at 2018-10-31 14:48:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4666: Ebake Edition
I focused on these lines from Q drop 1203:
"Allison Mack of NXVIM Sex Cult Naming Big Names"
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
I think Q is connecting the NXVUM cult to Diane Feinstein and China via the Dalai Lama and her husband.
Allison Mack> NXVIM>Dalai Lama>long beach>Richard Blum(Diane Feinstein's husband)>LLC > CHINA
Regarding Q drop #587
>Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
>Who are we taught to trust?
>If you are religious, PRAY.
>60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
>These people should be hanging.
Who is one person the entire world trust the most? The Dalai Lama!
We know the strong ties DiFi and her husband, Richer Blum, have with China.
Richard Blum has a strong friendship with the Dalai Lama. He travels there to Tibet to mountain climb. One article said that he was smitten with the children in the area.
He founded the American Himalayan Foundation to help the locals.
He has his company who has made millions off her Senate power.
Do you know his company has also built infrastructure , like tunnels, roads.
Would be handy in smuggling across the US/Mexican border.
#3674779 at 2018-10-31 14:12:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4665: Macabre Halloween Bread Edition!
100 W Broadway
long beach, CA 90802
Suite 3000
#3674734 at 2018-10-31 14:06:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4665: Macabre Halloween Bread Edition!
Allison Mack of NXVIM Sex Cult Naming Big Names
Q!xowAT4Z3VQ 20 Apr 2018 - 7:30:58 PM
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#3647073 at 2018-10-29 03:50:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4629: Wishing All At The White House A Very Happy Halloween Edition
1) Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
2) Allison Mack [NXIVM] arrested [date]?
When does a bird sing?
Schneiderman resigns [date]?
Eyes Wide Open.
Who will be next?
Watch NYC.
Watch CA.
3) When does the clock run out?
Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?
TRUST (name).
These people are stupid.
4) >>1122741
Over the target.
Expand further.
Open source.
Anonymous ID: dfbd37 No.1123617 📁
Apr 20 2018 21:45:01 (EST)
why does image search for "maggie Nixon" and "obama" return an image of abramovich and defranco ONLY? I think we are over the target?
Bigger than you can imagine.
POTUS warning shot.
Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?
What are 'pet' names?
#3598382 at 2018-10-25 12:56:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4566: Fake Bombs Make Fake News Edition
>>3597963 (pb)
Check out the history there [Schiff] of regulating helo noise in the LA basin (think Standard) (think Port of long beach) (think crashes) via a private agency used for reporting. It's a deep dig and spoopy AF. His compatriots for this mission? Berman, [[Feinstein]], Cameltoe [Harris]
#3580304 at 2018-10-24 02:02:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4542: Make America Nationalist Again Edition
20 Apr 2018 - 7:30:58 PM
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#3577022 at 2018-10-23 20:49:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4538: Chicago Deep-Dish Communism Edition
Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Named "Jessica L'Whor" Speaks at Middle School For Career Day
Parents were outraged after they learned a drag queen named "Jessica L'Whor" spoke to their children as part of career day at Rocky Top Middle School in Colorado.
The school district apologized to parents for not notifying them that a drag queen would be speaking to their children-some as young as 11 years old.
Why would the principal allow a man with a profane stage name who wears make-up, a dress and high heels to speak to children for career day??
L'Whor opted to read a book to the students about 'bullying.'
CBS Denver reported:
Students at Rocky Top range from 6th to 8th grade. The drag queen, identified as a woman who goes by "Jessica L'Whor," is a relative of one student. The district confirmed she was invited to attend career day.
"I knew it was going to be controversial because that was nothing that would be allowed when I was in middle school," L'Whor said. "At the same time, it opened up a door for conversation."
One student's parent sent CBS4 an email, saying in part, "Parents are in an outrage, and this is so innapropriate on so many levels."
L'Whor said she felt most students were educated by her visit.
"I went to four classes. In every class, one person asked me how to handle negativity and hate," L'Whor said. "There were a lot of kids interested in how I could have the confidence to go out looking the way I look."
While the district would not apologize to concerned parents for hosting L'Whor, they did apologize for not giving parents notice of the visit.
This is just a part of a disturbing trend of drag queens reading books to children at schools and public libraries.
Back in 2015, a group of men who wear dresses, wigs and make-up [drag queens] decided to sell their lifestyle directly to young children and came up with "Drag Queen Story Hour."
In October of last year, a Satanic looking drag queen with horns reading to children at Michelle Obama's public library in long beach, California sparked a backlash from Conservatives.
This should be one of the main reasons you NEVER vote for Democrats ever again-they are targeting children with demonic teachings.
#3572699 at 2018-10-23 12:02:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4532: BTFO Philip Edition
Q asked about mx border and long beach ports for us to find how relevant. how about this NAFTA loophole allows goods to leave china, enter mexico, then cross border as per NAFTA AS THOUGH FROM MEXICO. (and reverse) container ships always hold moar per transport than say trains and trucks with less risk as the culture of smuggling is deeply rooted… anyone??
#3551640 at 2018-10-21 13:59:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4505: Powered by Patriotism Edition
17k Playpen
Christopher Norman Strinden, 57, of long beach, who is charged with three counts of possession of child pornography he obtained from a now-defunct website called Playpen, which was operating on the dark web. Many of the more than 17,000 images in this case allegedly involve minors under the age of 12, including toddlers.
Many others
#3489870 at 2018-10-16 00:17:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4425: The Unstoppable Force Edition
ceo leaves spirit on a monday starts at jet blue on weds
August 15, 2018 05:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–JetBlue Airways Corp. (NASDAQ:JBLU), New York's Hometown Airline™, today announced the appointment of B. Ben Baldanza and Sarah Robb O'Hagan to its Board of Directors. The independent director appointments are effective immediately, following unanimous approval by the company's Board of Directors.
"We're excited to welcome Ben and Sarah and their unique capabilities to the JetBlue Board"
Airlines, and US Airways, spanning marketing, planning, revenue and operations leadership. Baldanza is an adjunct faculty member at George Mason University in Virginia where he teaches airline economics. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and Princeton University.
Sarah Robb O'Hagan, a noted leader in marketing and business innovation, is chief executive officer of Flywheel Sports, where she is transforming the indoor cycling company through customer-centric digital services. Previously, Robb O'Hagan held senior leadership roles including president of Equinox Fitness, president of Gatorade, and marketing director at Nike, Virgin Atlantic Airways and Virgin Entertainment Group. She is a graduate of the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
"We're excited to welcome Ben and Sarah and their unique capabilities to the JetBlue Board," said Joel Peterson, Chairman of the Board. "Their diverse experience as innovators across industries will be invaluable as we continue to strengthen the JetBlue business for our crewmembers, customers and owners."
"Ben and Sarah each bring directly relevant experience and fresh perspectives on every aspect of building sustainable challenger brands," said JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes. "We believe their insights and experience will make them valued additions to the Board as we evolve JetBlue to deliver our financial commitments while protecting our unique culture and offering a best-in-class customer experience."
The appointment of Baldanza and Robb O'Hagan brings JetBlue's Board of Directors to 11 members, 10 of whom are independent.
About JetBlue Airways
JetBlue is New York's Hometown Airline®, and a leading carrier in Boston, Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood, Los Angeles (long beach), Orlando, and San Juan. JetBlue carries more than 40 million customers a year to 101 cities in the U.S., Caribbean, and Latin America with an average of 1,000 daily flights. For more information please visit www.jetblue.com.
#3484833 at 2018-10-15 16:04:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4419: Just Voted Edition
Gotta dig on this, but we've learned much thru Q about ports being used for trafficking. There is also the danger of what comes in from our enemies' ships. Inspections on foreign ships is negligible, too. And China runs too many ports - like long beach, CA's, Panama Canal.
Here's some sauce:
#3412944 at 2018-10-09 21:16:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4326: America No Longer For Sale Edition
China bought a deep sea port in Ensenada and dredged it out; they were going to bypass LA/long beach ports altogether and just have NAFTA Mexican drivers drive the goods from Ensenada to California. That was their plan. Not sure if it's still viable under USMCA.
#3412871 at 2018-10-09 21:12:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4326: America No Longer For Sale Edition
Ok I'll simplify.
Feinstein is married to richard Blum. He has tons of investments in China. Diane went And Richard Trumka also went. They worked on the union and the port control in CA. Namely port of long beach (CA).
This isn't one simple issue- limited to computers- this is controlling the Port and what comes in. Union workers are happy and turn a blind eye to incoming cargo.
The Chinese are shipping arms and supplies into Ca and MX. Bill Clinton pushed for it as well during his presidency. This has been noted since the 90's and now the Chinese cargo containers are carrying mosquitos. There is A LOT going on with feinstein & China. The tech companies are a big part of this, as she is tight with the Google execs and met Elon Musk "privately" on a pier in SF. She has power, thus uses her leverage in many different areas to infiltrate for the Chinese while Blum profits from it.
Investments and her power to keep China in business.
#3412521 at 2018-10-09 20:47:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4325: A Brewing Storm In Iowa Edition
Q, have the Chinese been bringing in these Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes in shipping containers? Deep state op?
>Feinstein has long been an advocate for Trade with China, pushing the US to declare China as a Favored Trade status. It was reported by WND that She has opposed a U.S. anti-missile defense, supported China's MFN (Most Favorable Nation) status, supported the COSCO purchase of long beach port and is a well-known opponent of linking human rights with trade. However, Feinstein's financial ties to the communist Chinese and COSCO include her husband, Richard Blum.
#3399963 at 2018-10-08 23:19:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4309 Mad Maxine in Hot Water Edition
Flea-Borne Typhus Has Reached "Epidemic Levels" in Los Angeles
An outbreak of typhus has struck downtown Los Angeles. The outbreak has been blamed on the skyrocketing number of homeless people in the area.
According to the Los Angeles County Health Department, 20 cases of the rare, flea-borne infectious disease, which is also associated with poor sanitary conditions and overcrowding, have been recorded in Pasadena alone over the past two months. Health officials now say that the outbreak has reached "epidemic levels," according to the New York Post.
There are several forms of typhus, (also known as typhoid fever) which is a type of bacterial infection known as the species rickettsia and transmitted by biting bugs (arthropods) such as lice, ticks, mites, and rat fleas. When a person is diagnosed with typhus, it means they are infected with one or more types of rickettsia bacteria. After a bite occurs, scratching the itching bite further opens the skin and allows the bacteria greater access to the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria continue to reproduce and grow.
According to Healthline, typhus outbreaks usually only occur in developing countries or in regions of poverty, poor sanitation, and close human contact. Typhus is generally not a problem in the United States; however, the outbreak has been declared an epidemic in Los Angeles, a highly-populated deeply dense city with a surging homeless population. Americans used to only need concern themselves with catching the infection abroad, but all that is changing thanks to the socialism of California.
Untreated typhus can lead to serious complications, and it's potentially fatal. It's important to see your doctor if you suspect that you may have typhus. Symptoms vary slightly by the type of typhus, but there are symptoms that are associated with all three types of typhus, such as headache, fever, chills, and rash. In rare cases, typhus can cause meningitis or death.
long beach has seen 12 cases so far this year, double the normal number. And there have been nine other cases in the rest of the county, NBC News reported. Nationwide, there are only about 200 cases of the disease in an average year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. But the surge in flea-borne typhus appears to have been in response to the number of people living on the streets and in shelters, which has surged 75 percent to about 55,000 in the last six years. "There are lots of rats on Skid Row and there are lots of dogs that belong to homeless people," Andy Bales, CEO of Union Mission Rescue, told NBC News.
The Los Angeles mayor's office said the city has "formed a dedicated task force through our Unified Homelessness Response Center to keep Angelenos safe and ensure everyone gets the treatment they need as quickly as possible." Specifically, they're looking for "high concentrations of infected fleas and/or infected rats, feral cats and opossums," reported the New York Post.
Officials in nearby Pasadena scoffed at the idea that the homeless are to blame for the typhus outbreak in their town. They point to the warm summer and fall and residents' frequent interactions with animals in the wildlife and canyons of the nearby Angeles National Forest.
#3399835 at 2018-10-08 23:11:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4309 Mad Maxine in Hot Water Edition
FBI Rounds-Up 8 in LA Child Porn Distribution Ring
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has now arrested a stunning eight pedophiles in a raid that spanned Los Angeles, California, in the Department of Justice's Operation Safe Childhood.
Federal charges have been brought against the eight pedophiles, who were arrested by members of a multi-agency task force involving the FBI and Homeland Security aimed at fighting the production of child pornography.
The charges involve the victimization of minors, including crimes of collecting child pornography from the dark web, the United States Attorney's Office announced Friday.
"These cases involve acts of depravity against vulnerable young people, many of whom will continue to be victimized as photos documenting their abuse spread across the internet," U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna said, adding that the "perceived anonymity" of the internet cannot shield child predators.
"Whether they create new images or collect videos, they can and will be caught," Hanna said.
On Thursday, the FBI arrested two of the pedophiles in Lawndale, according to KTLA Channel 5.
Law enforcement agencies worked in unison over the past ten days, in what would become a joint sweep involving Project Safe Childhood, a Justice Department initiative.
Project Safe Childhood is intended to combat sexual exploitation and abuse of minors.
Christopher Norman Strinden, 57, of long beach, is charged with three counts of possession of child pornography he obtained from a now-defunct website called Playpen, which was operating on the dark web. Many of the more than 17,000 images in this case allegedly involve minors under the age of 12, including toddlers.
Nathan Pham, 27, of long beach, is charged with both receipt and possession of child pornography obtained through a peer-to-peer network. The possession count alleges he had images involving minors under the age of 12.
Kenneth Rudy Smith, 31, of Lawndale, is charged with one count of possession of child pornography involving victims under the age of 12 that was found during a search of his home.
Justin Schobey, 19, of Canyon Country, is charged with production, distribution, and possession of child pornography. Schobey allegedly used text messages to coerce a boy in another state to produce child pornography.
Jorge De Los Santos, 31, of South Los Angeles, who charged with two counts of receipt of child pornography and one count of possession. De Los Santos allegedly used an online peer-to-peer network to obtain sexually explicit videos depicting young males.
Fernando Vazquez Garcia, 30, of South Los Angeles, is charged with receipt of child pornography, as well as possessing videos he allegedly obtained over a file-sharing network.
The two Pedophiles who were arrested Thursday face a variety of charges.
Nestor Ramirez, 36, of South Los Angeles, is charged with production, distribution, and possession of child pornography.
Victor Manuel Diaz Romo, 53, of Lawndale, is named in an indictment alleging receipt of child pornography over a peer-to-peer network and five counts of possession of child pornography.
#3396598 at 2018-10-08 19:26:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4304: Locked and Loaded Edition
Cosco now OOL supplies the containers from China. They come into long beach port. Feinstein supports the unions and pushed for the Chinese to have the port.
Started in the 90's.
#3396395 at 2018-10-08 19:08:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4304: Locked and Loaded Edition
#3378484 at 2018-10-07 09:10:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4281 Can't Stop Smiling Edition
A case of Muh Diversity, a lack of taking care of the homeless problem or just deserts for all the rat fuckery going on down there? I'm going to snip this and post the real story buried below the BS.
Typhus reaches 'epidemic levels' in parts of Los Angeles area
A typhus outbreak, spread by fleas, has been reported in the downtown area and in neighboring Pasadena.
by Dennis Romero and Andrew Blankstein /
Oct.06.2018 / 12:25 AM GMT
LOS ANGELES - Health officials on Friday reported a typhus outbreak in Los Angeles County and say it has reached "epidemic levels" in the city of Pasadena.
Twenty cases have been reported in Pasadena, mostly in the last two months, health officials told NBC News, noting that a normal year would typically only see five infections. The city of long beach, California, has 12 cases so far in 2018 - double the normal annual number, said Emily Holman, the city's infectious disease response coordinator.
The official source of the outbreak is said to be fleas from domestic and wild animals.
Some experts, however, say the true culprit is the inhumane conditions the county's expanding homeless population lives in.
"All of the cases have a history of living or working in the downtown Los Angeles area," a county health spokeswoman said via email.
Andy Bales, the CEO of the Union Rescue Mission, which has nearly 1,400 beds for those fleeing or avoiding downtown's Dickensian streets, said, "The conditions on Skid Row are ripe for even more serious issues than this."
#3360760 at 2018-10-06 06:58:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4258 In the Heat of the Night Edition
Strange. It was home to where my parents used to work, the long beach Naval Shipyard. Problem is, the progressives in long beach said NO nukes for long beach and that caused the closure of the shipyard. What's also strange is the progressives in Seattle have no issues with those nukes 20 miles NW of Seattle.
#3360700 at 2018-10-06 06:51:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4258 In the Heat of the Night Edition
Ok guys. Feinstein > China> Port> long beach.
Lots of sauce. Cosco is the Chinese company that was busted for shipping guns into the US. Feinstein gave them access to ports all over CA. Especially long beach.
#3360365 at 2018-10-06 06:06:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4258 In the Heat of the Night Edition
You mustn't forget that Bill Clinton basically GAVE our deep water port in long beach to the Chinese.
#3312537 at 2018-10-03 16:26:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4196: Hazelnut Shortbreads Edition
It's storming in So Cal right now…
Had a premonition on the way to work about a plane flying into the Queen Mary in long beach near the harbor
Anything chatter bout something like that on the NSA airwaves, Q?
#3297133 at 2018-10-02 18:37:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4177: Evil Be Gone Edition
BAKER- possible notable. Phonefagging here.
Feinstein's hubby Blume> China> long beach Port> Chi company COSCO is used to ship arms into US
#3296795 at 2018-10-02 18:15:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4176: Patriot Tuesday Edition
Feinstein's hubby Richard Blume> China> long beach Ports> COSCO> Gun smuggling. This is why the ports are important. China has a vested interest and Feinstein is letting them in. Clinton was involved.
#3284587 at 2018-10-01 22:57:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4160: Heading To TN Now Edition
L.A. and long beach port truckers and warehouse workers begin strike
Truck drivers and warehouse workers who serve the ports of Los Angeles and long beach began striking Monday morning in front of warehouses serving the ports, protesting the classification of drivers as independent contractors.
A primary picket line formed at 7 a.m. in front of XPO Logistics Inc. facilities in Commerce and San Diego and an NFI Industries Inc. location in Wilmington, said Barbara Maynard, spokeswoman for the Justice for Port Drivers campaign that is supported by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
#3268404 at 2018-09-30 20:51:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4140 Stay Tuned And Watch Edition
According to Time Magazine, over 80% of the terminals in the Port of Los Angeles are run by foreign-owned companies (2011)
The Chinese Government signed a lease for the port last April, only three weeks after one of the company's ships, the Empress Phoenix, was raided by customs officials acting on a tip that Chinese-made arms were being smuggled into the United States.
Letting a company run by the Chinese government operate a port in the heart of America's military-industrial complex on the West Coast doesn't seem like a good idea.
Thankfully, CFIUS agreed and began an investigation. On Sunday night, the pressure broke China COSCO, with the communist-controlled venture announcing it has agreed to sell the long beach terminal to a third party, signing a national security agreement with the U.S. on July 6.
#3266997 at 2018-09-30 19:17:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4138: Facts Over Feels for the Win Edition
Why was Feinstein in Shenzhen per Q photo drop?
Bus passing on opposite road was a BYD electric. CA uses BYD electric buses as of 2013.
SHENZHEN, China - Gov. Jerry Brown, visiting the headquarters of an electric car and bus manufacturer here, announced Tuesday that the company would open a factory in Lancaster, the first Chinese-owned vehicle plant on American soil.The firm, Build Your Dreams, or BYD, will put 10 new plug-in buses on the streets of long beach beginning next year after assembling them in the Lancaster facility, with hopes of producing dozens more in coming years.
Current state of affairs:
Los Angeles keeps buying electric buses from China and they keep breaking
by Philip Wegmann
| July 26, 2018 04:26 PM
No idea if this was Q's intention on the Feinstein Mercedes photo drop, but might be worth pursuing and likely some payola going on.
#3258023 at 2018-09-30 02:09:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4126: Great, High Energy Rally Edition
Re: Qpost #2298 today:
Baker, it is NOTABLE that United does NOT serve TFC airport
but expedia's drop down, with TFC Entered as the Destination lists flights with tTFC as a destination airport, Originating out of
LAX incl: LGB long beach CA
Bur Burbank CA
SNA John Wayne Orange Co CA
AVX Avalon, CA
ONT Ontario, CA
SFO San Francisco, CA
NYC all
ORD Chicago's O'Hare
So if TRC IS the destination, it is not a United Flight and we need to search the above listed airports that do serve TRC for the same type of Plane/seat.
#3250389 at 2018-09-29 18:31:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4116: Have Faith, Patriots Edition
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.
SKY Event.
Yes, midterms are safe.
Watch CA.
TRUMP card coming.
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
What will next week hold?
Fire up those Memes!
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
MOAB incoming.
#3225228 at 2018-09-28 04:17:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4084 Red October Equals Midterm Elections Edition
Something re: California's 44th congressional district no doubt
East Compton
East Rancho Dominguez
North long beach
San Pedro
South Gate
Walnut Park
West Rancho Dominguez
#3184268 at 2018-09-25 23:01:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4031: We Reject The Ideology Of Globalism Edition
Is there a threat of attack on the long beach Harbour?
I work down there and I don't want to die
Heads up on imminent attacks for SoCal patriots?
#3136851 at 2018-09-22 11:54:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3969: Shilly First Day of Fall Edition
Planefag update. VM714 is landing at Fracis Grabelski Airport on long beach. TUAF still inbound and PAT004 appears to making for Myrtle beach.
#3108396 at 2018-09-20 19:13:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3933: Changing Things Fast Edition
Police arrest 28 people in human trafficking sting operation in Compton, California
Twenty-eight people were arrested and a 16-year-old Texas female was rescued during a human trafficking sting operation in Compton, California, KCBS-TV reported.
According to the Los Angeles County website, Los Angeles is a major hub for human trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery that uses force, fraud, or coercion in selling sex or in obtaining a form of labor.
What were the charges?
Authorities arrested 12 men for allegedly soliciting undercover deputies for various sex acts.
Also, 11 women were arrested on suspicion of loitering for the purposes of prostitution. Three women were arrested on suspicion of solicitation of prostitution after they solicited sex for money from undercover sheriff's detectives, reports state.
Three adults who were identified as victims of human trafficking agreed to accept services from the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking. Three more victims accepted help from the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program. The others were booked at the Century Regional Detention Facility, reports state.
The 16-year-old girl was first trafficked in Houston and subsequently was sent to work in Southern California. She was taken into custody while on long beach Boulevard. With assistance from the FBI, she was reunited with her parents in Houston.
Two of the males arrested are still in custody.
Juan Carlos Perez Rivas, 37, of Fullerton, was arrested on suspicion of traveling to meet a minor for lewd purposes. He allegedly solicited an undercover sheriff's deputy who was posing as a young girl on a social media site. Rivas is being held at the Century Regional Detention Facility in lieu of $75,000 bail.
Major Louis Starling, 33, of Pasadena, was arrested on suspicion of pandering. He allegedly tried to recruit an undercover sheriff's deputy as a sex worker and is being held at the CRDF. Bail was set at $35,000.
The regional task force include members of the FBI, District Attorney's Office, California Highway Patrol, Los Angeles Unified School Police and Homeland Security Investigations.
Anything else?
In May, 27 people were arrested and two female teenage sex trafficking victims, were rescued during a joint law enforcement operation in Compton, California.
In January, a statewide operation resulted in 510 arrests, and more than 50 adult and juvenile females were also rescued.
"Operation Reclaim and Rebuild was a three-day assault on one of the most heinous crimes of modern times: The sexual exploitation of another human being for profit," Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell said at the time.
#3092610 at 2018-09-19 23:13:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3913: "How about a nice game of chess?" Edition
Just listening to Hodges talking about China having majority control of long beach Port and running soldiers through some solar energy company
Chinese coming up from Nicaragua
#3085041 at 2018-09-19 07:41:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3903: Heroic Return Edition
The long beach Police Department has suspended its use of a mobile texting application that permanently erases messages over concerns that it may violate the city's record retention policy, raising questions about whether evidence was destroyed in cases.
In a statement Tuesday, the city said the decision to halt the use of TigerText came "pending further review of whether the use is consistent with the city's record retention policy and administrative regulations for the use of mobile devices."
The move came after a report in Al Jazeera in which two officers said they were instructed by superiors to use the app to "have conversations with other officers that wouldn't be discoverable."
A city document provided to The Times by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California describes the app as a "secure messaging platform for criminal investigations and confidential communication." The document shows that each yearlong license costs $96.
According to the city, the TigerText application is installed on 145 of the 291 cellphones issued by the Police Department. That includes the phones of the command staff, as well as homicide and internal affairs investigators. The law enforcement agency employs 1,214 workers and has used the app since 2014.
Mohammad Tajsar, a staff attorney at the ACLU of Southern California, said it appears as though long beach is circumventing a California law that requires cities to preserve records for two years. He called on the Police Department, along with the Los Angeles County district attorney's office, to investigate the use of the app.
"It might potentially throw into doubt the validity of a whole host of cases," Tajsar said. "You have the prospect of destroyed evidence in a whole bunch of cases.... It's very important, in fact critical, that the city conduct a thorough investigation into the use of TigerText - how its officers communicated using it, what they communicated and the impact of those communications on prior cases."
The app is billed on its website as a messaging solution for healthcare providers that is secure and compliant with federal patient privacy rules, with messages that automatically delete after a set amount of time. Its parent company, TigerConnect, launched seven years ago and has more than 3,000 clients. It's unclear how many more clients, if any, are law enforcement agencies.
In the statement, the city said recent Public Records Act requests and media inquiries prompted a review of the use of the app. The city said the Police Department began using the app when it transitioned to iPhones, which "did not have a built-in secure communication feature sufficient" for the agency.
"The primary purpose of the TigerConnect application was to allow for a continued means of transitory, immediate and secure communications regarding operational and personnel matters," the city said. "Police Department employees have been trained to and do document any exculpatory/discoverable evidence in a police report or other formal departmental communication."
#3006841 at 2018-09-13 15:59:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3804: We Are Winning Bigly Edition
pretty certain a dig on that guy could come up dirty….as the pay to play as a player in hollywierd/long beach is a thing
#3006826 at 2018-09-13 15:58:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3804: We Are Winning Bigly Edition
Las Vegas.
long beach
Los Angeles
what up anon?
#2982789 at 2018-09-12 00:33:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3773: PANIC IN DC Edition
Jet Blue…long beach
#2955317 at 2018-09-10 04:27:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3739: Knowledge Is Power Edition
are not endorsements
>>2954845 >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA < MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2954572 Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria
>>2954587 >>2954859 Peter Strzok is included in the Byrne v CF lawsuit
>>2954653 Anon's take on Q's first two crumbs
>>2954798 Syria Begins Reconstruction of UNESCO World Heritage Castle Near Homs
>>2954933 Resignations in the news today
>>2954959 NBC Trivializes Communism's Evil, Calls It 'Pivotal Experiment
>>2955005 MicroDick is sharing Trump = Pedo threads now
>>2955295 #3738
>>2953749 Forecasters say 'major storm' could hit southeastern US
>>2954019 Hussein draws a crowd of 750 in Commiefornia
>>2954074 Border Patrol Finds 55 Illegal Immigrants In 'Sweltering' Tractor-Trailer
>>2954161 Mo Brooks: Likely 15M Illegal Aliens in U.S., Giving Blue States 20 Additional Congressional Seats
>>2954399 DARPA Designs 'Glide Breaker' Interceptor To Hit Enemy Hypersonic Missiles
>>2954447 #3737
>>2952887 Memes ammo on FISA CORRUPTION in Memes29: >>2946736
>>2952898 Twatter sent an anon an email about Pussibiec's OANN hitpiece
>>2953002 Delta Fire Update
>>2953314 Pence denies claim that Cabinet members talked of invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump
>>2953457 Trump expected to declassify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr docs as early as this week (2nd sauce)
>>2953447 Graphic on Free Speech Systems LLC
>>2953552 Graphic on the fake chat logs
>>2953597 #3736
#3735 Baker Change
>>2952046 Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria
>>2952091 Jack's getting shredded
>>2952192 Reminder: Russia was warning about all of this (Chemical Weapon FFs) a few weeks ago
>>2952344 >>2952368 Planefag observations
>>2952416 History lesson about [P]asyeur
>>2952457 Trump expected to soon DECLASsify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr documents
>>2952614 US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict (FFS)
>>2952769 #3735
>>2951821 111 days ago today also discusses declas when Rachel Brand replaced and [RR]
>>2951812 Posobiec, 14 & 88. WTF?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
>>2951914 #3734
Previously Collected Notables
>>2949529 #3731, >>2950330 #3732, >>2951092 #3733
>>2947277 #3728, >>2948036 #3729, >>2948780 #3730
>>2945268 #3725, >>2945726 #3726, >>2946481 #3727
>>2942617 #3722, >>2943416 #3723, >>2944105 #3724
>>2940302 #3719, >>2941076 #3720, >>2941842 #3721
>>2937929 #3716, >>2938679 #3717, >>2939529 #3718
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2954603 at 2018-09-10 03:25:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3738: "Fire up those Memes!" Edition
Today's Q Clock
Pic 1
[Time to move on]
Dark to LIGHT.
Re_read crumbs re: Iran.
It was about securing a black site.
The 'Exchange'.
Organized/planned by BC/HRC.
Today's Q Clock Mirror
Pic 2
POTUS will verify directly to provide crumb auth for dissemination.
Soros takes orders from P.
TRUMP card coming.
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Free Iran!!!
Regime change.
Tomorrow's Q Clock
Pic 3
Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror
Pic 4
No name absent.
End near?
#2954465 at 2018-09-10 03:14:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3738: "Fire up those Memes!" Edition
are not endorsements
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2953749 Forecasters say 'major storm' could hit southeastern US
>>2954019 Hussein draws a crowd of 750 in Commiefornia
>>2954074 Border Patrol Finds 55 Illegal Immigrants In 'Sweltering' Tractor-Trailer
>>2954161 Mo Brooks: Likely 15M Illegal Aliens in U.S., Giving Blue States 20 Additional Congressional Seats
>>2954399 DARPA Designs 'Glide Breaker' Interceptor To Hit Enemy Hypersonic Missiles
>>2954447 #3737
>>2952887 Memes ammo on FISA CORRUPTION in Memes29: >>2946736
>>2952898 Twatter sent an anon an email about Pussibiec's OANN hitpiece
>>2953002 Delta Fire Update
>>2953314 Pence denies claim that Cabinet members talked of invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump
>>2953457 Trump expected to declassify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr docs as early as this week (2nd sauce)
>>2953447 Graphic on Free Speech Systems LLC
>>2953552 Graphic on the fake chat logs
>>2953597 #3736
#3735 Baker Change
>>2952046 Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria
>>2952091 Jack's getting shredded
>>2952192 Reminder: Russia was warning about all of this (Chemical Weapon FFs) a few weeks ago
>>2952344 >>2952368 Planefag observations
>>2952416 History lesson about [P]asyeur
>>2952457 Trump expected to soon DECLASsify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr documents
>>2952614 US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict (FFS)
>>2952769 #3735
>>2951821 111 days ago today also discusses declas when Rachel Brand replaced and [RR]
>>2951812 Posobiec, 14 & 88. WTF?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
>>2951914 #3734
>>2950654 , >>2950715, >>2951072 Moar on Peter Stzok Sr
>>2950670 North & South Carolina Declare State of Emergency
>>2950649 , >>2950690 Possible Election Fraud in Sweden & Election Update
>>2950636 Di into the [Iota_Phi_Theta] Oranization, often referred to as The Devine Nine
>>2951092 #3733
Previously Collected Notables
>>2949529 #3731, >>2950330 #3732
>>2947277 #3728, >>2948036 #3729, >>2948780 #3730
>>2945268 #3725, >>2945726 #3726, >>2946481 #3727
>>2942617 #3722, >>2943416 #3723, >>2944105 #3724
>>2940302 #3719, >>2941076 #3720, >>2941842 #3721
>>2937929 #3716, >>2938679 #3717, >>2939529 #3718
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2953614 at 2018-09-10 02:12:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3737: “Division keeps them in power” Edition
are not endorsements
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2952887 Memes ammo on FISA CORRUPTION in Memes29: >>2946736
>>2952898 Twatter sent an anon an email about Pussibiec's OANN hitpiece
>>2953002 Delta Fire Update
>>2953314 Pence denies claim that Cabinet members talked of invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump
>>2953457 Trump expected to declassify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr docs as early as this week (2nd sauce)
>>2953447 Graphic on Free Speech Systems LLC
>>2953552 Graphic on the fake chat logs
>>2953597 #3736
#3735 Baker Change
>>2952046 Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria
>>2952091 Jack's getting shredded
>>2952192 Reminder: Russia was warning about all of this (Chemical Weapon FFs) a few weeks ago
>>2952344 >>2952368 Planefag observations
>>2952416 History lesson about [P]asyeur
>>2952457 Trump expected to soon DECLASsify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr documents
>>2952614 US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict (FFS)
>>2952769 #3735
>>2951821 111 days ago today also discusses declas when Rachel Brand replaced and [RR]
>>2951812 Posobiec, 14 & 88. WTF?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
>>2951914 #3734
>>2950654 , >>2950715, >>2951072 Moar on Peter Stzok Sr
>>2950670 North & South Carolina Declare State of Emergency
>>2950649 , >>2950690 Possible Election Fraud in Sweden & Election Update
>>2950636 Di into the [Iota_Phi_Theta] Oranization, often referred to as The Devine Nine
>>2951092 #3733
>>2950116 Corsi MIA: Last seen on Aug 31
>>2949708 Tucker explains the folly of the 'diversity is our strength' argument
>>2950043 Confirmation Posobiec is involved with JTF MAGA, the group behind reportforthepresident.org
>>2949817 Sealed Indictments Update: 5900 added since July, total 51,701
>>2949779 Stzok's father was Director of Catholic Relief Services in Haiti
>>2949671 Clockfag update: Re-read Crumbs
>>2950330 #3732
Previously Collected Notables
>>2949529 #3731
>>2947277 #3728, >>2948036 #3729, >>2948780 #3730
>>2945268 #3725, >>2945726 #3726, >>2946481 #3727
>>2942617 #3722, >>2943416 #3723, >>2944105 #3724
>>2940302 #3719, >>2941076 #3720, >>2941842 #3721
>>2937929 #3716, >>2938679 #3717, >>2939529 #3718
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2952800 at 2018-09-10 01:15:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3736: "KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT" Edition
are not endorsements
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2952046 Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria
>>2952091 Jack's getting shredded
>>2952192 Reminder: Russia was warning about all of this (Chemical Weapon FFs) a few weeks ago
>>2952344 >>2952368 Planefag observations
>>2952416 History lesson about [P]asyeur
>>2952457 Trump expected to soon DECLASsify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr documents
>>2952614 US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict (FFS)
>>2952769 #3735
>>2951821 111 days ago today also discusses declas when Rachel Brand replaced and [RR]
>>2951812 Posobiec, 14 & 88. WTF?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
>>2951914 #3734
>>2950654 , >>2950715, >>2951072 Moar on Peter Stzok Sr
>>2950670 North & South Carolina Declare State of Emergency
>>2950649 , >>2950690 Possible Election Fraud in Sweden & Election Update
>>2950636 Di into the [Iota_Phi_Theta] Oranization, often referred to as The Devine Nine
>>2951092 #3733
>>2950116 Corsi MIA: Last seen on Aug 31
>>2949708 Tucker explains the folly of the 'diversity is our strength' argument
>>2950043 Confirmation Posobiec is involved with JTF MAGA, the group behind reportforthepresident.org
>>2949817 Sealed Indictments Update: 5900 added since July, total 51,701
>>2949779 Stzok's father was Director of Catholic Relief Services in Haiti
>>2949671 Clockfag update: Re-read Crumbs
>>2950330 #3732
Previously Collected Notables
>>2949529 #3731
>>2947277 #3728, >>2948036 #3729, >>2948780 #3730
>>2945268 #3725, >>2945726 #3726, >>2946481 #3727
>>2942617 #3722, >>2943416 #3723, >>2944105 #3724
>>2940302 #3719, >>2941076 #3720, >>2941842 #3721
>>2937929 #3716, >>2938679 #3717, >>2939529 #3718
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2951923 at 2018-09-10 00:09:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3735: "Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL" Edition
are not endorsements
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2951821 111 days ago today also discusses declas when Rachel Brand replaced and [RR]
>>2951812 Posobiec, 14 & 88. WTF?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
>>2951914 #3734
>>2950654 , >>2950715, >>2951072 Moar on Peter Stzok Sr
>>2950670 North & South Carolina Declare State of Emergency
>>2950649 , >>2950690 Possible Election Fraud in Sweden & Election Update
>>2950636 Di into the [Iota_Phi_Theta] Oranization, often referred to as The Devine Nine
>>2951092 #3733
>>2950116 Corsi MIA: Last seen on Aug 31
>>2949708 Tucker explains the folly of the 'diversity is our strength' argument
>>2950043 Confirmation Posobiec is involved with JTF MAGA, the group behind reportforthepresident.org
>>2949817 Sealed Indictments Update: 5900 added since July, total 51,701
>>2949779 Stzok's father was Director of Catholic Relief Services in Haiti
>>2949671 Clockfag pdate: Re-read Crumbs
>>2950330 #3732
>>2949133 , >>2949418 CBS CEO Les Moonves will resign regarding sexual misconduct
>>2949406 The Financial Elite Are Dumping Massive Amounts Of Stock
>>2949241 Possible Election Vote Rigging in Sweden by Soros Funded Organization
>>2949181 , >>2949208 Drake: The Last Refuge become involved
>>2949016 Syria Update
>>2949007 , >>2949014, >>2949180, >>2949240 Thomas Drake's connection to his former boss Maureen Baginsky
>>2948975 , >>2948983, >>2948993, >>2949051, >>2949063, >>2949079, >>2949107 Thomas Drake: Profile
>>2948891 CEO of controversial mining firm Riot Blockchain resigns
>>2948884 Human Trafficking: Border Patrol Agents Take Down 'Stash Houses' with 40+ Illegal Aliens
>>2949529 #3731
#3730 (new baker)
>>2948529 Background on Mr. Drake
>>2948486 Early on, Drake was thought to be front runner for possibly being on Q team
>>2948482 Secret Tunnels Discovered After Deadly Fire Underneath Wealthy Hacker's House
>>2948452 Interdasting tweets from Thomas Drake on Kavanauh and POTUS
>>2948377 Sally Quinn: Occultist
>>2948367 , >>2948385, >>2948391 Sandy Hook Dig: JT Lewis
>>2948366 @JTFMAGA responds to @Thomas_Drake
>>2948127 @JTFMAGA tweet re QAnon and to Corsi
>>2948125 Judge orders 32 FLA counties to print sample ballots in Spanish for Puerto Rican voters
>>2947702 (pb) Breaking: Massive Turkish Army convoy enters Idlib with large arsenal of weapons
>>2948780 #3730
Previously Collected Notables
>>2947277 #3728, >>2948036 #3729
>>2945268 #3725, >>2945726 #3726, >>2946481 #3727
>>2942617 #3722, >>2943416 #3723, >>2944105 #3724
>>2940302 #3719, >>2941076 #3720, >>2941842 #3721
>>2937929 #3716, >>2938679 #3717, >>2939529 #3718
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2951914 at 2018-09-10 00:08:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3734: "READY THE MEMES. [FISA CORRUPTION]" Edition
>>2951821 111 days ago today also discusses declas when Rachel Brand replaced and [RR]
>>2951812 Posobiec, 14 & 88. WTF?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
#2951783 at 2018-09-10 00:00:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3734: "READY THE MEMES. [FISA CORRUPTION]" Edition
Notes @ 500
Anything missing here?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
#2951535 at 2018-09-09 23:43:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3734: "READY THE MEMES. [FISA CORRUPTION]" Edition
Early Notes
Let me know anons, especially the important chatlog ones. TY
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: :21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 in the OANN one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'long beach'
#2951210 at 2018-09-09 23:22:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3734: "READY THE MEMES. [FISA CORRUPTION]" Edition
Qdrops and long beach
Port of long beach is owned and operated by the China
[our biggest port! happened many years ago]
2 Qposts with long beach
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 No.1121272
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST)
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 205f78 No.1694734
Jun 10 2018 23:16:25 (EST)
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
I believe this port is central to China and human trafficking- acquiring assets from MX
I also believe China's newest endeavors with Africa to be acquisition of a new food source; the people of Africa
#2949671 at 2018-09-09 21:17:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3732: Hannity Is A Patriot Edition
Today's Q Clock
Pic 1
[Time to move on]
Dark to LIGHT.
Re_read crumbs re: Iran.
It was about securing a black site.
The 'Exchange'.
Organized/planned by BC/HRC.
Today's Q Clock Mirror
Pic 2
POTUS will verify directly to provide crumb auth for dissemination.
Soros takes orders from P.
TRUMP card coming.
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Free Iran!!!
Regime change.
Tomorrow's Q Clock
Pic 3
Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror
Pic 4
No name absent.
End near?
#2940187 at 2018-09-09 00:57:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3719: Hints Expend Ammunition Edition
Today's Q Clock
Pic 1
Clinton Foundation.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
Control the information (THEY).
Selling makes money.
Today's Q Clock Mirror
Pic 2
Flood unstoppable.
Journalism ethics and standards.
Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest.
We came here for a reason.
Iran next.
Regime in trouble.
Tomorrow's Q Clock
Pic 3
[Time to move on]
Dark to LIGHT.
Re_read crumbs re: Iran.
It was about securing a black site.
The 'Exchange'.
Organized/planned by BC/HRC.
Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror
Pic 4
POTUS will verify directly to provide crumb auth for dissemination.
Soros takes orders from P.
TRUMP card coming.
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Free Iran!!!
Regime change.
#2939318 at 2018-09-08 23:32:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3718: There Was a Time Edition
This post is about an unusual sky event I witnessed on December 24, 2017 while driving south along the 5 freeway near downtown Los Angeles (on my way to a Christmas Eve dinner) just after 5pm.
But first, some background: Beginning December 4th, a series of wildfires began in the remote mountainous regions north and west of Los Angeles, the worst being the wind driven Thomas Fire which burned through Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, causing extensive damage to properties and agriculture. The following rains in January 2018 would lead to severe mudslides, flooding and loss of lives throughout the fire effected regions.
After the fire passed through residential regions in Ventura county, multiple unusual images and stories began to surface suggesting the use of Directed Energy Weaponry being used throughout the region as an explanation for the inexplicable photos of burned homes and melted vehicles surrounded by unburned vegetation. Keep in mind that Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa barbara counties are Democractic party stronghold regions. If (((they))) wanted to pull off something henous like a damaging wildfire event, and get away with it (to keep the global warming narrative going, "burn" through insurance claims money, forcing Trump to give the state of CA disaster zone money), knowing the brainwashed citizenry won't question the official statements, the Southern CA kingdom of liberals is the ideal place to do it.
Adding to the mix, on December 22, 2017, SpaceX launched a rocket carrying (they claim) multiple satellites from Vandenberg Air Force base along the Santa Barbara County coast northwest of Los Angeles county. Occuring near sunset, the launch was viewed as a spectacular sky event throughout the entire west coast, from as far away as Tucson AZ, to airline passengers flying over Utah. Countless images and videos of the event are available for viewing on the internet. Though I did not witness the SpaceX launch, I have personally witnessed and photographed a previous rocket/missile launch from Vandenberg at sunset, and it is indeed a phenomenal sky event.
Two days following the December 22 Vandenberg launch, at just past 5pm (early dusk at that time) I was driving south along the 5 freeway heading toward downtown LA, when I spotted a large ball of fire falling to the ground directly in front of me. The total event lasted less than 3 seconds, which is actually a long time to observe what one would assume was a falling meteor. I have seen falling stars streaking across the sky, but never a meteor. Or was it? What was unusual about this was the seemingly slow rate of falling, and that it wasn't just a large ball of fire. The strongest impression I had immediately following the event is that it was some sort of large craft, broken up in pieces. The slow rate of falling was also noteworthy. I honestly thought it was a falling passenger jet at first. It was so large, and so near, it appeared to be falling right over downtown Los Angeles, or just south of there. I immediately turned on the news station to listen for any accounts of a jet aircraft crash.
While waiting to hear anything (nothing), I began to reassess what I witnessed. My line of sight during that moment was near direct south. A line drawn ahead of my location 35 miles to the coast was long beach, and further south the line ran between Catalina Island and San Clemente. All of it over ocean. There were no subsequent reports of anything hitting the ground, so it is likely whatever it was fell into the Pacific. There are websites which follow known pieces of space junk, including abandoned space labs, to estimate and report when and where they will burn up during atmospheric re-entry. There were no scheduled space junk re-entry events on that day, or anytime near that date.
It turned out I wasn't the only person to witness that sky event on Dec 24. Other people witnessed and reported it on a sky event website. See image.
So, what was that??? Our guys taking care of some orbital Storm related business? Some sort of cabal space base of operation above Earth taken out? something involving spaceX and the launch two days prior? Nothing would surprise me anymore. Having it fall the day before Christmas in the skies above HelL A at dusk was a nice touch.
#2868315 at 2018-09-04 03:38:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3626: You've been a BAD boy [NP] Edition
They already gave long beach one of our deep water ports to china…flying the Chinese flag down there. So give them more. They have already by their imports not being inspected or quarantined, infested the entire west coast with their Asian vermin that can't be killed.
#2866257 at 2018-09-04 01:39:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3623: Stay Vigilant
Bill Gates Mosquitos:
"Bill Gates just released mosquitos into the audience at TED and said, 'Not only poor people should experience this.'"
That was the post by Facebook's Senior Platform Manager Dave Morin on social networking site Twitter.
The event took place at the TED2009 (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference on Wednesday in long beach, Calif., where the Microsoft chairman was delivering a presentation about malaria education and eradication. Malaria is transmitted from person to person via mosquito bites.
The mosquito incident was confirmed by the media office of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which also noted that the insects released were not carrying malaria…
#2851685 at 2018-09-02 23:43:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3605 [DARPA] a/k/a Google Edition
"Drag Queen Story Hour" For Children Sparks Protests From Conservative Groups
Back in 2015, a group of men who wear dresses, wigs and make-up [drag queens] decided to sell their lifestyle directly to young children and came up with "Drag Queen Story Hour."
Drag queens all over the United States are now reading to children at public libraries and bookstores in what is called "Drag Queen Story Hour."
These grown men are reading stories about "gender fluidity" to children whilst wearing tight skimpy dresses and wigs and aim to be "positive and unabashedly queer role models."
A drag queen named Khloe Kash is scheduled to visit Mobile and read "Rainbow Fish" and other children's books, such as "Stella Brings the Family," which is about a little girl who doesn't know what to do on Mother's Day because she has two daddys, The Hill reported.
Conservative and Christian groups in smaller towns such as Lafayette, LA and Columbus, GA pushed back in protest.
The Hill reported:
"Drag Queen Story Hour," a program in which men in drag read children's books to kids in libraries or bookstores, is reportedly seeing opposition in some rural, Southern towns.
The president of the local public library board in Lafayette, La., resigned due to pushback against the program, according to The Associated Press, which added that Lafayette Mayor Joel Robideaux (R) might cancel the library's story hour.
The news service also noted that a small group of protesters also demonstrated outside a similar event at a library in Columbus, Ga., citing the Ledger-Enquirer.
And a group called Common Sense Campaign Tea Party is also reportedly calling for a protest of an event this month at a public library in Mobile, Ala., it added.
"The program is designed to purposely target children so as to make sexual perversion acceptable through repeated exposure," according to a poster on the group's Facebook page, the AP reported.
In October of last year, a Satanic looking drag queen with horns reading to children at Michelle Obama's public library in long beach, California sparked a backlash from Conservatives.
The shocking photo of a man dressed as a female demon with giant horns on his head reading to little children at a public library was posted to Twitter and Facebook by the long beach Library but taken down after a huge outpouring of critical replies, including from GOP Congressional candidate Omar Navarro. It also got the approval of the Church of Satan, reported TGP's Kristinn Taylor.
This should be one of the main reasons you NEVER vote for Democrats ever again-they are targeting children with demonic teachings.
#2847580 at 2018-09-02 18:50:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3599: Ezra Edition
San Pedro and long beach are the ports and they are not in Ted's district. Both are just south.
#2823052 at 2018-08-31 22:54:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3567: Protect The Vote
this article seems more recent…
wonder what Trump's administration stance on this really is.
#2822405 at 2018-08-31 22:00:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3567: Protect The Vote
Feinstain China Port - 1997
Senators Ask for Inquiry on Leasing of California Base to Chinese
Both of California's Senators have asked the White House to investigate the leasing of a former Navy base in long beach to China's state-owned shipping company, which last year transported several thousand automatic weapons that Federal officials say were headed for Los Angeles street gangs.
The Senators, Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both Democrats, asked President Clinton's national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger, if he felt that there were any security reasons not to lease the China Ocean Shipping Company, or Cosco, the entire 145-acre site in the middle of long beach. The Port of long beach receives about one-fourth of the Chinese goods shipped to the United States.
The Chinese Government signed a lease for the port last April, only three weeks after one of the company's ships, the Empress Phoenix, was raided by customs officials acting on a tip that Chinese-made arms were being smuggled into the United States. The seizure of arms on the ship, which the Customs Service said were intended for street gangs, led in May to the arrest of officials of another state-run Chinese company, although Cosco has not been charged in the case.
An Administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity said this evening that the White House was told by members of Congress last week that the lease merited investigation and that the issue had been referred to the Pentagon. But the official said, We are not aware of any reason for concern.
Last year's arms shipment has indirectly figured in the investigations into Mr. Clinton's coffees with large campaign donors and their friends. Shortly before the arrests in May, one of Mr. Clinton's Asian-American supporters escorted Wang Jun, the president of the Chinese company that apparently produced the weapons, Polytechnology, into one of the White House coffees, where he met with the President.
Mr. Clinton apparently did not know about Mr. Wang's connections to Polytechnology or that the company was the subject of a major investigation in California into arms smuggling at the time he met Mr. Wang. Later, Mr. Clinton said the meeting was inappropriate and an example of the failure of the White House to screen visitors rigorously.
Continue reading the main story
It is unclear whether today's letter requesting the investigation was related to the accusations, still unproven, that the Chinese Government tried to funnel money to Congressional races last year. Ms. Feinstein was one of the six Senators and Representatives warned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation last year to be alert for donations that might have originated from in the Chinese Government. But her office said today that the letter to the White House was prompted by concern that officials at the Port of long beach had not considered security worries about the state-owned company.
In long beach, a spokesman for the port said the Federal Government had no review over any lease that local officials sign with users of the port's facilities. In this case, the port is planning to build a $200 million dock for Cosco, which would lease it for $14.5 million a year. The project is being financed by local revenue bonds, not Federal money, said Yvonne Avila, the director of communications for the port.
Federal officials say Cosco ships are frequently the subject of surveillance, not only because of the weapons incident last year but also because of concerns that China is evading export quotas on textiles and that its ships have been used to bring what one law enforcement official today called all kinds of contraband into the country.
#2820828 at 2018-08-31 20:11:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3565: Your Vote Counts
>>2820100 lb
California seaports are a major economic force and are critically important elements to the growth of California and the nation's economy. Seaports are dependent upon the goods movement chain to efficiently distribute freight around the globe and across the nation.
The Ports of Los Angeles and long beach comprise the largest port complex in the United States and are key players in global enterprise. Together, they handle a fourth of all container cargo traffic in the United States. The Port of Oakland, the fourth largest port in the nation, handles trade from the Pacific Rim countries, delivering 99% of the ocean containers passing through Northern California to the rest of the nation.
California has 11 public ports, which include 3 "megaports" (Los Angeles, long beach, and Oakland); 8 smaller niche ports (Hueneme, Humboldt Bay, Redwood City, Richmond, West Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, and Stockton); and 1 private port (Benicia). The ports of Oakland, Stockton, and West Sacramento are developing a new barge shipping service funded through a federal TIGER grant.
The Port of New York and New Jersey is the gateway to one of the most concentrated and affluent consumer markets in the world. It is the largest port on the East Coast, and the third-largest in the nation.
In 2016, the Port of New York and New Jersey handled 3,602,508 cargo containers, valued at nearly $200 billion. These volumes allowed the port to maintain its position as the busiest on the East Coast with nearly 30 percent of the total market share.
#2820478 at 2018-08-31 19:50:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3564: Moar Fires? Edition
* Port of Los Angeles - portoflosangeles.org
The Port is an independent, self-supporting department of the City of Los Angeles under the control of a five-member Board of Harbor Commissioners appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council and is administered by an executive director.
It encompasses 43 miles of waterfront and 7500 acres and is the 1st busiest port in the United States; 16th busiest in the world and 6th busiest in the world when combined with the neighboring Port of long beach. The port has over 80 shipping lines, 2,179 vessels and 27 major facilities to accommodate the traffic. There are around 15 cruise lines at the port.
The Harbor Commission was established in 1907.
Top trading in 2009 was with:
China ($92.5 billion)
Japan ($22.3 billion)
Taiwan ($7.4 billion)
South Korea ($5.7 billion)
Thailand ($5.2 billion)
#2820238 at 2018-08-31 19:34:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3564: Moar Fires? Edition
long beach Port
Q mentioned before
#2795892 at 2018-08-30 12:15:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3532: Why You Hatin', Wikipedia? Edition
9) Facebook.
Building 8.
10) Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
11) Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
12) Lee S.
Re: D OPs Hussein Hacking State Voting Sys
The TIP.
13) Who recently pulled out of FB?
Artificial support.
What events recently occurred in China re: FB?https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/25/business/facebook-china.html📁
Why did China suddenly reverse course?
The more you know.
15) Trending Non-MSM...
China hacked HRC server?
Access was granted.
You have more than you know.
16) https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/world/asia/china-cia-spies-espionage.html📁
Starting in 2010?
HRC Sec of State 2009 - 2013.
Think Sever Access [granted]
Money talks.
17) >>2602749
FB listens [even after you remove app].
You are under constant tracking/surveillance.
#2790633 at 2018-08-30 00:47:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3526: Pain.png Edition
repost from end last bread
Special Ops song.
mentions John K and others and has German voice over Strike Strike bring the fear.
In 1987, Kelly transferred to the Basic School in Quantico, Virginia, serving first as the head of the Offensive Tactics Section, Tactics Group, and later assuming the duties of the Director of the Infantry Officer Course. After three years of instructing young officers, he attended the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the School for Advanced Warfare, both located at Quantico.[2]
Completing duty under instruction and selected for lieutenant colonel, he was assigned as commanding officer, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (1st LAR), 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California. During his tenure, 1st LAR was called in to provide augmentation support for police in the city of long beach, California during the Los Angeles riots of 1992. Holding this command position for two years, Kelly returned to the East Coast in 1994, to attend the National War College in Washington, D.C. He graduated in 1995 and was selected to serve as the Commandant's Liaison Officer to the U.S. House of Representatives, Capitol Hill, where he was promoted to colonel.[2]
#2790610 at 2018-08-30 00:46:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3525: CONGRATULATIONS IRISH ANON! Edition
Special Ops song.
mentions John K and others and has German voice over Strike Strike bring the fear.
In 1987, Kelly transferred to the Basic School in Quantico, Virginia, serving first as the head of the Offensive Tactics Section, Tactics Group, and later assuming the duties of the Director of the Infantry Officer Course. After three years of instructing young officers, he attended the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the School for Advanced Warfare, both located at Quantico.[2]
Completing duty under instruction and selected for lieutenant colonel, he was assigned as commanding officer, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (1st LAR), 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California. During his tenure, 1st LAR was called in to provide augmentation support for police in the city of long beach, California during the Los Angeles riots of 1992. Holding this command position for two years, Kelly returned to the East Coast in 1994, to attend the National War College in Washington, D.C. He graduated in 1995 and was selected to serve as the Commandant's Liaison Officer to the U.S. House of Representatives, Capitol Hill, where he was promoted to colonel.[2]
#2775899 at 2018-08-29 01:18:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3507: They Own Everything Edition
are not endorsements
>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2775223 Several Arizona polling places closed, voting machines malfunctioning
>>2775225 Syria Update
>>2775233 Pujo Committee Investigation, Payseur Family Trust
>>2775237 Vanderbilts, Giftord Pinnchot & Rockefeller selected to run Payseur companies
>>2775240, >>2775249, >>2775800 Pandora Box Payseur
>>2775244 Catholic board seeks parishioner-led abuse investigation
>>2775270 Daily Caller: What Happened To The DNC Investigation Of Keith Ellison's Alleged Domestic Abuse?
>>2775271 Payseur; Peyseur Trust: Important Links to Share with Others
>>2775274 Judge presiding over 9/11 war-crimes case has retired
>>2775323 Alex Christopher Bickle manages Payseur geni.com pages
>>2775349 New Sara Carter: BO - FBI Knew About Bias Before Getting FISA on Carter Page
>>2775355, >>2775369 GAALT Industries digs
>>2775388 Deaths of Top Shipbuilding Experts at Chinese State-Owned Firm Said to Put Future Military Development at Risk
>>2775413 Jim Jordan on Deep State Dossier-Spying Scandal: "This is the Biggest Abuse of Power I Have Ever Seen"
>>2775569 Harris County, TX D.A. to seek death penalty against 2nd alleged MS-13 gang member in informant slaying
>>2775609 These people are stupid: CA Gubernatorial Candidate Vows Universal Healthcare for All of California's Illegal Immigrants
>>2775589, >>2775418, >>2775676 Creditfag Anons get credit for P = Payseur
>>2775712, >>2775803, >>2775813, >>2775818, >>2775271, >>2775826, >>2775838 Moar Payseur Digs
>>2775716 McCain Pallbearer A Sworn Putin Foe Who Survived Two Poisonings
>>2775728 CongressAnon leaks on Bruce Ohr hearing
>>2775763 The scheme from Bruce Ohr and Comey's confederates to clear Clinton, damage Trump
>>2775817 Attorney General Jeff Sessions Welcomes Joseph H. Hunt as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division
>>2775870 #3506
>>2774435 (lb) Iran Parliament censures Rouhani
>>2774819 Payseur fortune is now contained in a Corporation called GAALT industries + Payseur digs
>>2774598, >>2774733, >>2774758, >>2774860, >>2774902, >>2774942, >>2775095 Moar Payseur digs
>>2774760 California Becomes First State To Eliminate Bail For Suspects Awaiting Trial
>>2774810 More unusual activity in Puget Sound
>>2774858 Ted Cruz's Challenger Dodges Debate Because He "Attempted to Dictate" Too Much
>>2774863 Former Texas Cop convicted of murder for shooting unarmed black teen
>>2774869 Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott projected to win primaries in Florida
>>2774581 Unverified, unconfirmed screencaps of BO hearing details from 4ch "insider"
>>2774943 Marijuana now pain alternative to addictive opioids in Illinois
>>2774473 Neon Revolt article on Payseur
>>2775042 Possible Unexploded Mine in Puget Sound
>>2775111 #3505
>>2773885 Anon's thoughts on POTUS' Campaign Speech
>>2773926 Payseur Family linked to the French Royal Family ?
>>2773948 >>2773950 >>2773954 >>2774189 >>2774219 Digs on Payseur
>>2774216 3 Major Problems With NYT's Story About How The FBI's Trump Informant Was Outed
>>2774261 Video on the Rothschild Family
>>2774271 ClockFag on Flynn Jr and plausible deniability
>>2774360 #3504
>>2772991 A BRIDGE is a connection.
>>2773010 New John Solomon piece
>>2773027 Graphic of S&B
>>2773031 NASA Reveals Plan For Permanent Moon Base: "We Want Lots Of Humans In Space"
>>2773125 The Neo-Con Attempt to Rewrite the History of World War II
>>2773332 The Left has a long History of giving tech and working with Communists.
>>2773453 >>2773478 Interdasting: Last astronaut to quit was in 1968
>>2773559 Common Core Teaches Kids to Hate America
>>2773562 Reminder: They were going to turn the long beach port over to China
>>2773603 #3503
Previously Collected Notables
>>2772844 #3502
>>2770525 #3499, >>2771290 #3500, >>2772081 #3501
>>2768125 #3496, >>2768839 #3497, >>2769880 #3488
>>2765794 #3493, >>2766581 #3494, >>2767327 #3495
>>2763934 #3490, >>2764326 #3491, >>2765018 #3492
>>2761459 #3487, >>2761930 #3488, >>2763936 #3489
>>2758887 #3484, >>2759685 #3485, >>2760408 #3486
>>2756539 #3481, >>2757326 #3482, >>2758095 #3483
>>2754172 #3478, >>2754956 #3479, >>2755731 #3480
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2775133 at 2018-08-29 00:34:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3506: [P]ayseur Edition
are not endorsements
>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2774435 (lb) Iran Parliament censures Rouhani
>>2774819 Payseur fortune is now contained in a Corporation called GAALT industries + Payseur digs
>>2774598, >>2774733, >>2774758, >>2774860, >>2774902, >>2774942, >>2775095 Moar Payseur digs
>>2774760 California Becomes First State To Eliminate Bail For Suspects Awaiting Trial
>>2774810 More unusual activity in Puget Sound
>>2774858 Ted Cruz's Challenger Dodges Debate Because He "Attempted to Dictate" Too Much
>>2774863 Former Texas Cop convicted of murder for shooting unarmed black teen
>>2774869 Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott projected to win primaries in Florida
>>2774581 Unverified, unconfirmed screencaps of BO hearing details from 4ch "insider"
>>2774943 Marijuana now pain alternative to addictive opioids in Illinois
>>2774473 Neon Revolt article on Payseur
>>2775042 Possible Unexploded Mine in Puget Sound
>>2775111 #3505
>>2773885 Anon's thoughts on POTUS' Campaign Speech
>>2773926 Payseur Family linked to the French Royal Family ?
>>2773948 >>2773950 >>2773954 >>2774189 >>2774219 Digs on Payseur
>>2774216 3 Major Problems With NYT's Story About How The FBI's Trump Informant Was Outed
>>2774261 Video on the Rothschild Family
>>2774271 ClockFag on Flynn Jr and plausible deniability
>>2774360 #3504
>>2772991 A BRIDGE is a connection.
>>2773010 New John Solomon piece
>>2773027 Graphic of S&B
>>2773031 NASA Reveals Plan For Permanent Moon Base: "We Want Lots Of Humans In Space"
>>2773125 The Neo-Con Attempt to Rewrite the History of World War II
>>2773332 The Left has a long History of giving tech and working with Communists.
>>2773453 >>2773478 Interdasting: Last astronaut to quit was in 1968
>>2773559 Common Core Teaches Kids to Hate America
>>2773562 Reminder: They were going to turn the long beach port over to China
>>2773603 #3503
>>2772180 DEVELOPING: Bomb threat at DNC
>>2772218 Hillary sold ACCESS to her servers (2 years old, reminder)
>>2772234 >>2772304 >>2772333 Terry McAuliffe Clinton Foundation Connections
>>2772256 Did Biden sell HRC passwords to china and get payment through his sons business? Kerry same? (From March)
>>2772342 Clinton Cash: Bill, Hillary Created Their Own Chinese Foundation In 2014
>>2772352 Articles on CrowdStrike
>>2772338 Moar on AZ: Fuckery in the Arizona Primary?
>>2772405 These docs show what Q is talking about
>>2772419 CrowdStrike Closes $100 Million Financing Round Led by Google Capital
>>2772555 GOOG - China connections
>>2772585 longer version of Obama in Chicago today
>>2772613 Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections
>>2772706 Dianne Feinstein had a pattern of taking positions on U.S.-China policy.. IN 1997
>>2772723 NoName's Family Ties to Jewish Organized Crime Syndicates in Arizona (2008)
>>2772769 List Of Executed Spies
>>2772844 #3502
>>2771412 Anti-Trump American history textbook 'blatantly biased,' critics say
>>2771456 White Helmets accompany large delivery of poisonous chemicals to militants in Syria - MoD
>>2771517 >>2771748 Witness: Fusion GPS, Trump Tower Participants Met with Clinton Associate Ed Lieberman
>>2771524 Where is the oldest representation of the Swastika found? (12,000 years old!)
>>2771719 >>2771883 Twatt: Stefan Halper had an addiction to crack
>>2771819 Earl Browder, 1940 presidential candidate for the communist USA Party, is Bill Browder's grandfather
>>2771914 Nonprofit tied to KILLERY (SOROS) super PAC revealed as mystery FOIA requester bombarding MI CITY CLERKS
>>2771949 EXCLUSIVE: Hillary's Email Server Had A Webmail Portal That Allowed UNRESTRICTED ACCESS To Hackers (MSM says Shina)
>>2772075 Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs (reminder)
>>2772081 #3501
Previously Collected Notables
>>2770525 #3499, >>2771290 #3500
>>2768125 #3496, >>2768839 #3497, >>2769880 #3488
>>2765794 #3493, >>2766581 #3494, >>2767327 #3495
>>2763934 #3490, >>2764326 #3491, >>2765018 #3492
>>2761459 #3487, >>2761930 #3488, >>2763936 #3489
>>2758887 #3484, >>2759685 #3485, >>2760408 #3486
>>2756539 #3481, >>2757326 #3482, >>2758095 #3483
>>2754172 #3478, >>2754956 #3479, >>2755731 #3480
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2774409 at 2018-08-28 23:57:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3505: Whole Lotta Crumbs Edition
are not endorsements
>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2773885 Anon's thoughts on POTUS' Campaign Speech
>>2773926 Payseur Family linked to the French Royal Family ?
>>2773948 >>2773950 >>2773954 >>2774189 >>2774219 Digs on Payseur
>>2774216 3 Major Problems With NYT's Story About How The FBI's Trump Informant Was Outed
>>2774261 Video on the Rothschild Family
>>2774271 ClockFag on Flynn Jr and plausible deniability
>>2774360 #3504
>>2772991 A BRIDGE is a connection.
>>2773010 New John Solomon piece
>>2773027 Graphic of S&B
>>2773031 NASA Reveals Plan For Permanent Moon Base: "We Want Lots Of Humans In Space"
>>2773125 The Neo-Con Attempt to Rewrite the History of World War II
>>2773332 The Left has a long History of giving tech and working with Communists.
>>2773453 >>2773478 Interdasting: Last astronaut to quit was in 1968
>>2773559 Common Core Teaches Kids to Hate America
>>2773562 Reminder: They were going to turn the long beach port over to China
>>2773603 #3503
>>2772180 DEVELOPING: Bomb threat at DNC
>>2772218 Hillary sold ACCESS to her servers (2 years old, reminder)
>>2772234 >>2772304 >>2772333 Terry McAuliffe Clinton Foundation Connections
>>2772256 Did Biden sell HRC passwords to china and get payment through his sons business? Kerry same? (From March)
>>2772342 Clinton Cash: Bill, Hillary Created Their Own Chinese Foundation In 2014
>>2772352 Articles on CrowdStrike
>>2772338 Moar on AZ: Fuckery in the Arizona Primary?
>>2772405 These docs show what Q is talking about
>>2772419 CrowdStrike Closes $100 Million Financing Round Led by Google Capital
>>2772555 GOOG - China connections
>>2772585 longer version of Obama in Chicago today
>>2772613 Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections
>>2772706 Dianne Feinstein had a pattern of taking positions on U.S.-China policy.. IN 1997
>>2772723 NoName's Family Ties to Jewish Organized Crime Syndicates in Arizona (2008)
>>2772769 List Of Executed Spies
>>2772844 #3502
>>2771412 Anti-Trump American history textbook 'blatantly biased,' critics say
>>2771456 White Helmets accompany large delivery of poisonous chemicals to militants in Syria - MoD
>>2771517 >>2771748 Witness: Fusion GPS, Trump Tower Participants Met with Clinton Associate Ed Lieberman
>>2771524 Where is the oldest representation of the Swastika found? (12,000 years old!)
>>2771719 >>2771883 Twatt: Stefan Halper had an addiction to crack
>>2771819 Earl Browder, 1940 presidential candidate for the communist USA Party, is Bill Browder's grandfather
>>2771914 Nonprofit tied to KILLERY (SOROS) super PAC revealed as mystery FOIA requester bombarding MI CITY CLERKS
>>2771949 EXCLUSIVE: Hillary's Email Server Had A Webmail Portal That Allowed UNRESTRICTED ACCESS To Hackers (MSM says Shina)
>>2772075 Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs (reminder)
>>2772081 #3501
>>2770644 Obama Associates Cover Up Sex Abuse of Black Kids in Chicago
>>2770659 >>2770710 Hitler, Jews, Zionists, Nazis & Pope Pius XII: All Good Buddies
>>2770703 >>2771013 Pope Francis and His Hammer-and-Sickle Crucifix
>>2770827 "Our military continues to grow stronger, more lethal, more agile..."
>>2770980 Hammer and sickle are associated with the Masonic symbol of the hammer and chisel
>>2771017 ClockFag Update
>>2771201 Cryin' Chuck and D's cut a deal to expedite POTUS' judicial nominees
>>2771290 #3500
Previously Collected Notables
>>2770525 #3499
>>2768125 #3496, >>2768839 #3497, >>2769880 #3488
>>2765794 #3493, >>2766581 #3494, >>2767327 #3495
>>2763934 #3490, >>2764326 #3491, >>2765018 #3492
>>2761459 #3487, >>2761930 #3488, >>2763936 #3489
>>2758887 #3484, >>2759685 #3485, >>2760408 #3486
>>2756539 #3481, >>2757326 #3482, >>2758095 #3483
>>2754172 #3478, >>2754956 #3479, >>2755731 #3480
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2773659 at 2018-08-28 23:28:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3504: Space Force on the Moon Edition
are not endorsements
>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2772991 A BRIDGE is a connection.
>>2773010 New John Solomon piece
>>2773027 Graphic of S&B
>>2773031 NASA Reveals Plan For Permanent Moon Base: "We Want Lots Of Humans In Space"
>>2773125 The Neo-Con Attempt to Rewrite the History of World War II
>>2773332 The Left has a long History of giving tech and working with Communists.
>>2773453 >>2773478 Interdasting: Last astronaut to quit was in 1968
>>2773559 Common Core Teaches Kids to Hate America
>>2773562 Reminder: They were going to turn the long beach port over to China
>>2773603 #3503
>>2772180 DEVELOPING: Bomb threat at DNC
>>2772218 Hillary sold ACCESS to her servers (2 years old, reminder)
>>2772234 >>2772304 >>2772333 Terry McAuliffe Clinton Foundation Connections
>>2772256 Did Biden sell HRC passwords to china and get payment through his sons business? Kerry same? (From March)
>>2772342 Clinton Cash: Bill, Hillary Created Their Own Chinese Foundation In 2014
>>2772352 Articles on CrowdStrike
>>2772338 Moar on AZ: Fuckery in the Arizona Primary?
>>2772405 These docs show what Q is talking about
>>2772419 CrowdStrike Closes $100 Million Financing Round Led by Google Capital
>>2772555 GOOG - China connections
>>2772585 longer version of Obama in Chicago today
>>2772613 Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections
>>2772706 Dianne Feinstein had a pattern of taking positions on U.S.-China policy.. IN 1997
>>2772723 NoName's Family Ties to Jewish Organized Crime Syndicates in Arizona (2008)
>>2772769 List Of Executed Spies
>>2772844 #3502
>>2771412 Anti-Trump American history textbook 'blatantly biased,' critics say
>>2771456 White Helmets accompany large delivery of poisonous chemicals to militants in Syria - MoD
>>2771517 >>2771748 Witness: Fusion GPS, Trump Tower Participants Met with Clinton Associate Ed Lieberman
>>2771524 Where is the oldest representation of the Swastika found? (12,000 years old!)
>>2771719 >>2771883 Twatt: Stefan Halper had an addiction to crack
>>2771819 Earl Browder, 1940 presidential candidate for the communist USA Party, is Bill Browder's grandfather
>>2771914 Nonprofit tied to KILLERY (SOROS) super PAC revealed as mystery FOIA requester bombarding MI CITY CLERKS
>>2771949 EXCLUSIVE: Hillary's Email Server Had A Webmail Portal That Allowed UNRESTRICTED ACCESS To Hackers (MSM says Shina)
>>2772075 Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs (reminder)
>>2772081 #3501
>>2770644 Obama Associates Cover Up Sex Abuse of Black Kids in Chicago
>>2770659 >>2770710 Hitler, Jews, Zionists, Nazis & Pope Pius XII: All Good Buddies
>>2770703 >>2771013 Pope Francis and His Hammer-and-Sickle Crucifix
>>2770827 "Our military continues to grow stronger, more lethal, more agile..."
>>2770980 Hammer and sickle are associated with the Masonic symbol of the hammer and chisel
>>2771017 ClockFag Update
>>2771201 Cryin' Chuck and D's cut a deal to expedite POTUS' judicial nominees
>>2771290 #3500
>>2769868 Why US Imperialism (Cabal) Loves Afghan Quagmire
>>2769884 Chicago Cardinal Suggests Sex Abuse Allegations Are A 'Rabbit Hole,' Says Pope Has Other Priorities
>>2769922 Anon on: Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed?
>>2769955 Mueller silencing Flynn now?
>>2770273 State Department Says US Will Respond to Chemical Weapons Use in Idlib, Syria
>>2770302 The Roman Catholic cult has been evil from its founding by the Emperor Constantine.
>>2770525 #3499
Previously Collected Notables
>>2768125 #3496, >>2768839 #3497, >>2769880 #3488
>>2765794 #3493, >>2766581 #3494, >>2767327 #3495
>>2763934 #3490, >>2764326 #3491, >>2765018 #3492
>>2761459 #3487, >>2761930 #3488, >>2763936 #3489
>>2758887 #3484, >>2759685 #3485, >>2760408 #3486
>>2756539 #3481, >>2757326 #3482, >>2758095 #3483
>>2754172 #3478, >>2754956 #3479, >>2755731 #3480
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2773603 at 2018-08-28 23:26:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3503: Sshhina Edition
>>2772991 A BRIDGE is a connection.
>>2773010 New John Solomon piece
>>2773027 Graphic of S&B
>>2773031 NASA Reveals Plan For Permanent Moon Base: "We Want Lots Of Humans In Space"
>>2773125 The Neo-Con Attempt to Rewrite the History of World War II
>>2773332 The Left has a long History of giving tech and working with Communists.
>>2773453 >>2773478 Interdasting: Last astronaut to quit was in 1968
>>2773559 Common Core Teaches Kids to Hate America
>>2773562 Reminder: They were going to turn the long beach port over to China
#2773562 at 2018-08-28 23:25:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3503: Sshhina Edition
Remember They were going to turn long beach port to over to China
Who needs a border if you have a port
A U.S. national-security review has raised concerns about Chinese state-run conglomerate Cosco Shipping Holdings Co. taking control of a large container terminal in long beach, Calif., according to people familiar with the matter.
#2772811 at 2018-08-28 22:53:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3502: You have moar than you know Edition
Bridge = NewBridge Capital?
(Page 2 of 3)
Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections
Asia: Senator, Blum insist a solid 'firewall' separates her foreign policy role, his growing business interests there.
The inquiries into allegedly improper Chinese political efforts in the United States have increased the sensitivity of Blum's associations there. Investigators are looking at the activities of dual business-government entities, including China International Trade and Investment Corp. (CITIC), a $20-billion, state-owned conglomerate that is the most influential financial enterprise in China.
Blum's businesses come in contact, either directly or indirectly, with such entities.
There is no indication of impropriety in any of these relationships or that Feinstein was even aware of any overlap between her husband's Pacific Rim investments and Chinese government-related firms.
But the links, even tenuous ones, can trigger questions in the current highly charged political atmosphere.
Newbridge Capital, the Blum business venture, has two investments with partners originally from CITIC, said Peter Kwok, managing director of the Hong Kong fund.
Kwok also serves as a consultant to a unit of China Ocean Shipping Co. That state-owned company won rights to build a $200-million cargo terminal at the closed long beach Naval Station.
Blum called any purported link between China Ocean Shipping and his firm "ridiculous."
Feinstein said, "I had absolutely no knowledge" of any of this.
In separate telephone interviews Wednesday, Feinstein and Blum emphasized that they share a deep, personal interest in China dating back two decades.
#2745963 at 2018-08-26 19:36:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3468: FF Season is Here Edition
Q!CbboFOtcZs 10 Jun 2018 - 11:16:25 PM
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
#2720876 at 2018-08-24 07:36:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3436: We Are Enjoying The Show Edition
The long beach port where the DS conducts most of their business.
#2707511 at 2018-08-23 01:45:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3419: BrewinQ A Storm
Resignations in the news today:
Harvard Bioscience CFO Robert Gagnon resigns
DiMella retiring as Saugus police chief
long beach fire chief to retire in October
Benton Co. Detective Who Sent Inappropriate Texts Resigns
Needham High School teacher resigns
Oxford school board member resigns
Doyle resigns as Fond du Lac Festivals executive director
Head resigns at leading private school where rapper filmed explicit pop video
Kwara Gov's Aide Resigns Amidst Defection Rumours
Pleasant Hills Council president resigns
KZN ANCYL executive resigns after 'racist k-word' outburst
Rochdale chief executive Green resigns
Hackensack School Business Administrator Adrian Pollio resigns amid criminal investigation
Norwin school director resigns, rips administration
#2692908 at 2018-08-21 21:56:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3400: Countering The Witch Hunt
Today's Resignations
Terri Hudson resigns from Chamber of Commerce
Raquel Favela, Dallas' Chief of Economic Development, Has Resigned
CSE's Tom Savio Retires
Stevenage market trader calls time after 36 years
Texans cheerleader director resigns in face of lawsuits by former squad members
Britain's top nurse resigns after NHS pay blunder left tens of thousands of nurses expecting a 3% raise that never materialised
A Russian judge has resigned after a a compromising video surfaced that shows him filming a naked woman at a petrol filling station shop.
Brattleboro police officer who filed gender discrimination suit resigns
long beach Fire Department Chief Michael A. DuRee to Retire
Brenau University President Ed Schrader retiring in 2019
Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Otiko Afisa Djaba has revealed that her decision to retire from politics
#2681312 at 2018-08-20 20:36:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3385: Fall of the FIREWALLS Edition
"FRANK'S FRANKS" got back on my radar today.
I was away from home and unable to rewind or record, but as I remember it….
It was KTLA Los Angeles, 11am or noon newscast. They had a blonde reporter in long beach talking about renovations and prep for the upcoming Olympics. (This is not the same report that is currently on their wen site with reporter Wendy Burch.
I don't like the idea of throwing every suspect moment at the wall and seeing what sticks, especially when we're potentially calling out public figures who may be totally innocent. So with grain of salt in mind…
At the end of the report, which included mention of renovating the concession stand row along the beach, the anchor (who I THINK was Frank Buckley) started talking about his dreams of having a hot dog stand at the beach, Frank's Franks, and the joy of slinging hot dogs around.
A male co-anchor chimed in very enthusiastically, they both said "Frank's Franks" more than once. Having dug before on the bizarre "Frank's Franks" info out there, I immediately noticed and the exchange just seemed strange, somewhat forced. Huge enthusiasm….over hot dogs. In the context of prepping for a major trafficking event in the Olympics.
Could be a nothingburger. Buckley's career includes time at CNN, being the first US reporter to go to Japan after the tsunami, JFK Jr.'s plane crash, traveling with many campaigns, and he has a Foundation for Juvenile Diabetes.
He could be a totally upstanding, awesome guy who happened to dream of having his own place named after himself. But I wanted to post in case any more videos surface or we find more crumbs.
#2676925 at 2018-08-20 10:17:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3379 Crusty Bread is Crusty Edition
I have never seen any proof that Adam Schiff
Is descended from the old banker family Schiffs
The name Schiff means SPLIT or SPLIT OFF
It was used for pieces of wood SPLIT OFF a log
What we would call PLANKS today.
When people started to build up their dugout canoes
By adding planks to build up the sides,
That kind of boat became named SCHIFF
So, Schiff likely originated as a bloodline
Split off from some other.
But there is no proof,
That Adam Schiff and Jacob Schiff
Come from the same origins
But at the end of the day
It doesn't matter
It is CONNECTIONS that connect the Criminal COnspiracy Network
And all of the Illuminati bloodlines have been interbreeding for a while now
As part of the plan for ONE WORLD ORDER
Until somebody can nail Adam with some involvement
In the Hollywood scandals
Or the traffickig through long beach
Might as well ignore his relatives
Just not important
#2645172 at 2018-08-17 17:22:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3339: Delicious And Nutritious Edition
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti referred to the City of Angels as "the east coast of China" on Thursday while speaking to CNBC about his city's bid to land Amazon's second headquarters.
"Los Angeles is the east coast of China, for instance. Displaced New York to London as the most traveled air corridor in the world. It's the intersection of the United States, Latin America, and the Pacific Rim," Garcetti said while arguing that his city should get an A+ for location. "I think if we didn't have a city here, we'd have to build one. And when Amazon, which is about moving goods, looks at Los Angeles where our twin ports of L.A. and long beach move 43% of the goods that come in by sea."
Basically, Garcetti admitting China owns LA and there's those shipping containers in and out of long beach…
Not sure about those hand signals
#2629003 at 2018-08-16 17:15:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3318: Ask Yourself Simple Questions Edition
The LINK is North Korea. Snowden involved in North Korea.
Also Liberty in North Korea is the "humanitarian" org for escapees run out of long beach and sponsored by (((the Economist)))
#2599378 at 2018-08-14 21:09:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3280: Hope And Change In The Q Mine
Reposting a notable call for digs from this morning as a compilation. Then adding additional digs…
>Found a photographer snapping photos in the LA arts district when she tagged a photo with #snctm. Couple of the photos show a building with the snctm logo. The logo could be art or it could be a building marker since the logo is right next to a door. She also took a photo of the mural 966 4th Street which is a bit different on bing maps. Dropping this for digs. Workfag.
>The arts district is positioned directly next to railroad tracks which lead to BNSF Los Angeles Intermodal. It's also right on the Los Angeles River which ends at the Port of long beach and BNSF Port of long beach
Took a bit of bing street walking but eventually found the snctm building. Its closer to the railroad tracks than the other locations. Looking at the birds eye view of the building, theres a now dissolved toy company named Tai Tung International that backed up to the snctm building. It used to import various items from China and Hong Kong. Looking at the building from the opposite side, there appears to be a connecting door between the two properties. The parking lot that used to be next to Tai Tung is now a parking garage. The Tai Tung building appears to be occupied by another toy importer named Multitoy. I would guess these Arts District board members also should be looked into.
#2596337 at 2018-08-14 16:52:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3276 Dirty Dog Edition
>>2593658 Number Fag says 404 server error on Ketron in Gematria
>>2593667 Two more Good Q proofs
>>2593699 MSM been reading unredacted memo but reporting on redacted for two years?
>>2593752 Clock Fag update
>>2593783 Oz Fags thoughts on PM booted in Darwin, Darwins Law?
>>2593702 Nice Graphic on PZ's GoFund me Donors
>>2593806, >>2593836, >>2593857, >>2593946, >>2593974, >>2594015, >>2594073, >>2594121, >>2594214, >>2594229 POTUS am Twattinz on Fire
>>2594265 POTUS Twattinz DeCode [Delta's]
>>2593809 Article says POTUS will Declassify Carter Page FISA renewal App
>>2593829 GG Info Update
>>2593831 Posible Anon RIP
>>2593919 Beaufort Sea EQ's?
>>2593949 Q post #437 & 438 Relevant today? You be the Judge
>>2593959 No Name Proofs
>>2593964 Explosions vs earthquake comparison, Good info
>>2593990, >>2594027 Plane Fag Update
>>2594006 Anons redesigned Album of Proofs? https://imgur.com/a/Zugi5H4
>>2594070 Moar Keith Ekkison Dirt, big hole
>>2594079 Moar MONA Digz (Prev Notable) FKG SICK
>>2594084, >>2594171 Interdasting Q on Noname, Dog??? KEK
>>2594179 Author who helped expose 'apartheid paedophile ring' found dead [No Foul Play]
>>2594185 Hussein's Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research?
>>2594238 Christopher Steele was lobbying Obama DOJ senior official while working with Ohr and Ohr's pretty wife on fake dossier to frame Trump
>>2594230, >>2594312, >>2594283, >>2594314 Q Drop #1445 and #1203 is Traced to Import/Export from China/MX to long beach
#3273, >>2594778
#2595949 at 2018-08-14 16:10:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3276 Dirty Dog Edition
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2595783 Italian Bridge collapse Cemex connection
>>2595485 Potential Instagram hack
>>2595858 >>2595698 Ketron Island Engagement Skills Training
>>2595855 Ketron Island Bill Gates connection
>>2595669 Pope sex abuse scandal continuing
>>2595692 Manafort judge seals proceedings from media & public
>>2595556 Now dead 'Task Force' claimed to have video evidence
>>2595265 Rothschild digs
>>2595499 Giuliani calls out Brennan
>>2595390 Maps and early explanations
>>2595437 Lou Dobbs replies to POTUS tweet
>>2595441, >>2595437 Clockfag updates
>>2595422 Bill Clinton "Voodoo" commercial surfaces
>>2595270 >>2595637 Trump Campaign files suit against Omarosa
>>2595329 Chile's Catholic Episcopal HQ raided
>>2594468, Moar POTUS am Twattinz
>>2594509 One down, Disney Imagineer Dead!
>>2594556, >>2594677, >>2594812 POTUS Twattinz DeCode
>>2594647 Book on Life...
>>2594678 Red Pilling ideas
>>2594710 Moar on Hunter Biden[s Son]
>>2594767 Did someone hack Yahoo ? cuz muh "Russian collusion"
>>2594860, >>2594786, INFRASTRUCTURE in Jeopardy??? Cheap Concrete - CEMEX.
>>2594853, >>2595071 Investigative journalist found dead in DC Hotel, reported on WJC child rape
>>2594893 Sauce for section 542 of the FY19 NDAA that permits POTUS to yank Security Clearances
>>2594902 Plane Fag Updates
>>2594922, >> 2594943 PS GoFund Me update. $250K SMDH
>>2595078 Monica Peterson On HRC in Haiti
>>2593658 Number Fag says 404 server error on Ketron in Gematria
>>2593667 Two more Good Q proofs
>>2593699 MSM been reading unredacted memo but reporting on redacted for two years?
>>2593752 Clock Fag update
>>2593783 Oz Fags thoughts on PM booted in Darwin, Darwins Law?
>>2593702 Nice Graphic on PZ's GoFund me Donors
>>2593806, >>2593836, >>2593857, >>2593946, >>2593974, >>2594015, >>2594073, >>2594121, >>2594214, >>2594229 POTUS am Twattinz on Fire
>>2594265 POTUS Twattinz DeCode [Delta's]
>>2593809 Article says POTUS will Declassify Carter Page FISA renewal App
>>2593829 GG Info Update
>>2593831 Posible Anon RIP
>>2593919 Beaufort Sea EQ's?
>>2593949 Q post #437 & 438 Relevant today? You be the Judge
>>2593959 No Name Proofs
>>2593964 Explosions vs earthquake comparison, Good info
>>2593990, >>2594027 Plane Fag Update
>>2594006 Anons redesigned Album of Proofs? https://imgur.com/a/Zugi5H4
>>2594070 Moar Keith Ekkison Dirt, big hole
>>2594079 Moar MONA Digz (Prev Notable) FKG SICK
>>2594084, >>2594171 Interdasting Q on Noname, Dog??? KEK
>>2594179 Author who helped expose 'apartheid paedophile ring' found dead [No Foul Play]
>>2594185 Hussein's Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research?
>>2594238 Christopher Steele was lobbying Obama DOJ senior official while working with Ohr and Ohr's pretty wife on fake dossier to frame Trump
>>2594230, >>2594312, >>2594283, >>2594314 Q Drop #1445 and #1203 is Traced to Import/Export from China/MX to long beach
#3273, >>2594778
Previously Collected Notables
>>2595248 #3272
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
>>2593840 #3263, >>2589536 #3264, >>2593883 #3265
>>2586886 #3260, >>2584881 #3261, >>2585684 #3262
>>2585001 #3257, >>2585004 #3258, >>2583382 #3259
>>2579410 #3254, >>2580163 #3255, >>2580986 #3256
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2595135 at 2018-08-14 14:40:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3275 POTUS is BOOMing on Twatter Edition
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2594468, Moar POTUS am Twattinz
>>2594509 One down, Disney Imagineer Dead!
>>2594556, >>2594677, >>2594812 POTUS Twattinz DeCode
>>2594647 Book on Life...
>>2594678 Red Pilling ideas
>>2594710 Moar on Hunter Biden[s Son]
>>2594767 Did someone hack Yahoo ? cuz muh "Russian collusion"
>>2594860, >>2594786, INFRASTRUCTURE in Jeopardy??? Cheap Concrete - CEMEX.
>>2594853, >>2595071 Investigative journalist found dead in DC Hotel, reported on WJC child rape
>>2594893 Sauce for section 542 of the FY19 NDAA that permits POTUS to yank Security Clearances
>>2594902 Plane Fag Updates
>>2594922, >> 2594943 PS GoFund Me update. $250K SMDH
>>2595078 Monica Peterson On HRC in Haiti
>>2593658 Number Fag says 404 server error on Ketron in Gematria
>>2593667 Two more Good Q proofs
>>2593699 MSM been reading unredacted memo but reporting on redacted for two years?
>>2593752 Clock Fag update
>>2593783 Oz Fags thoughts on PM booted in Darwin, Darwins Law?
>>2593702 Nice Graphic on PZ's GoFund me Donors
>>2593806, >>2593836, >>2593857, >>2593946, >>2593974, >>2594015, >>2594073, >>2594121, >>2594214, >>2594229 POTUS am Twattinz on Fire
>>2594265 POTUS Twattinz DeCode [Delta's]
>>2593809 Article says POTUS will Declassify Carter Page FISA renewal App
>>2593829 GG Info Update
>>2593831 Posible Anon RIP
>>2593919 Beaufort Sea EQ's?
>>2593949 Q post #437 & 438 Relevant today? You be the Judge
>>2593959 No Name Proofs
>>2593964 Explosions vs earthquake comparison, Good info
>>2593990, >>2594027 Plane Fag Update
>>2594006 Anons redesigned Album of Proofs? https://imgur.com/a/Zugi5H4
>>2594070 Moar Keith Ekkison Dirt, big hole
>>2594079 Moar MONA Digz (Prev Notable) FKG SICK
>>2594084, >>2594171 Interdasting Q on Noname, Dog??? KEK
>>2594179 Author who helped expose 'apartheid paedophile ring' found dead [No Foul Play]
>>2594185 Hussein's Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research?
>>2594238 Christopher Steele was lobbying Obama DOJ senior official while working with Ohr and Ohr's pretty wife on fake dossier to frame Trump
>>2594230, >>2594312, >>2594283, >>2594314 Q Drop #1445 and #1203 is Traced to Import/Export from China/MX to long beach
#3273, >>2594778
(New Baker)
>>2592787, >>2593339 Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden & Ukrainian connections to Money Laundering
>>2593160 , >>2593191 Earliest article found so far mentioning gmail accts
>>2593174 , >>2593276 Mona Gallery & Foundation, Rainn Wilson on BoD. Dig
>>2593131 , >>2593192 The Podestas, the Hirsch's and Bill Maher
>>2593128 , >>2593149 , >>2593279 Ukraine Orphanages & Child Trafficking
>>2593114 Ketron Island, the missile and the Seattle Nike missile ring
>>2592962 Theresa May admits her intention to co-join European militaries
>>2592947 , >>2593062 GoFundMe Digs
>>2592945 , >>2592997, >>2593039, >>2593098, >>2593179 , >>2593326 Stzok's GoFundMe donors
>>2592930 Keith Ellison is connected to Perkins Coie Law Firm
>>2593538 Some Q Proofs
>>2593334 Terrorism Police investigating UK Car Crash
>>2593616 #3272
Previously Collected Notables
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
>>2593840 #3263, >>2589536 #3264, >>2593883 #3265
>>2586886 #3260, >>2584881 #3261, >>2585684 #3262
>>2585001 #3257, >>2585004 #3258, >>2583382 #3259
>>2579410 #3254, >>2580163 #3255, >>2580986 #3256
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2594778 at 2018-08-14 13:56:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3274 Woke and waiting for a BOOM Edition
#3273 Bundle
>>2593658 Number Fag says 404 server error on Ketron in Gematria
>>2593667 Two more Good Q proofs
>>2593699 MSM been reading unredacted memo but reporting on redacted for two years?
>>2593752 Clock Fag update
>>2593783 Oz Fags thoughts on PM booted in Darwin, Darwins Law?
>>2593702 Nice Graphic on PZ's GoFund me Donors
>>2593806, >>2593836, >>2593857, >>2593946, >>2593974, >>2594015, >>2594073, >>2594121, >>2594214, >>2594229 POTUS am Twattinz on Fire
>>2594265 POTUS Twattinz DeCode [Delta's]
>>2593809 Article says POTUS will Declassify Carter Page FISA renewal App
>>2593829 GG Info Update
>>2593831 Posible Anon RIP
>>2593919 Beaufort Sea EQ's?
>>2593949 Q post #437 & 438 Relevant today? You be the Judge
>>2593959 No Name Proofs
>>2593964 Explosions vs earthquake comparison, Good info
>>2593990, >>2594027 Plane Fag Update
>>2594006 Anons redesigned Album of Proofs? https://imgur.com/a/Zugi5H4
>>2594070 Moar Keith Ekkison Dirt, big hole
>>2594079 Moar MONA Digz (Prev Notable) FKG SICK
>>2594084, >>2594171 Interdasting Q on Noname, Dog??? KEK
>>2594179 Author who helped expose 'apartheid paedophile ring' found dead [No Foul Play]
>>2594185 Hussein's Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research?
>>2594238 Christopher Steele was lobbying Obama DOJ senior official while working with Ohr and Ohr's pretty wife on fake dossier to frame Trump
>>2594230, >>2594312, >>2594283, >>2594314 Q Drop #1445 and #1203 is Traced to Import/Export from China/MX to long beach
#2594361 at 2018-08-14 13:00:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3274 Woke and waiting for a BOOM Edition
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2593658 Number Fag says 404 server error on Ketron in Gematria
>>2593667 Two more Good Q proofs
>>2593699 MSM been reading unredacted memo but reporting on redacted for two years?
>>2593752 Clock Fag update
>>2593783 Oz Fags thoughts on PM booted in Darwin, Darwins Law?
>>2593702 Nice Graphic on PZ's GoFund me Donors
>>2593806, >>2593836, >>2593857, >>2593946, >>2593974, >>2594015, >>2594073, >>2594121, >>2594214, >>2594229 POTUS am Twattinz on Fire
>>2594265 POTUS Twattinz DeCode [Delta's]
>>2593809 Article says POTUS will Declassify Carter Page FISA renewal App
>>2593829 GG Info Update
>>2593831 Posible Anon RIP
>>2593919 Beaufort Sea EQ's?
>>2593949 Q post #437 & 438 Relevant today? You be the Judge
>>2593959 No Name Proofs
>>2593964 Explosions vs earthquake comparison, Good info
>>2593990, >>2594027 Plane Fag Update
>>2594006 Anons redesigned Album of Proofs? https://imgur.com/a/Zugi5H4
>>2594070 Moar Keith Ekkison Dirt, big hole
>>2594079 Moar MONA Digz (Prev Notable) FKG SICK
>>2594084, >>2594171 Interdasting Q on Noname, Dog??? KEK
>>2594179 Author who helped expose 'apartheid paedophile ring' found dead [No Foul Play]
>>2594185 Hussein's Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research?
>>2594238 Christopher Steele was lobbying Obama DOJ senior official while working with Ohr and Ohr's pretty wife on fake dossier to frame Trump
>>2594230, >>2594312, >>2594283, >>2594314 Q Drop #1445 and #1203 is Traced to Import/Export from China/MX to long beach
(New Baker)
#3272 >>2592787
>>2593339 Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden & Ukrainian connections to Money Laundering
>>2593160 , >>2593191 Earliest article found so far mentioning gmail accts
>>2593174 , >>2593276 Mona Gallery & Foundation, Rainn Wilson on BoD. Dig
>>2593131 , >>2593192 The Podestas, the Hirsch's and Bill Maher
>>2593128 , >>2593149 , >>2593279 Ukraine Orphanages & Child Trafficking
>>2593114 Ketron Island, the missile and the Seattle Nike missile ring
>>2592962 Theresa May admits her intention to co-join European militaries
>>2592947 , >>2593062 GoFundMe Digs
>>2592945 , >>2592997, >>2593039, >>2593098, >>2593179 , >>2593326 Stzok's GoFundMe donors
>>2592930 Keith Ellison is connected to Perkins Coie Law Firm
>>2593538 Some Q Proofs
>>2593334 Terrorism Police investigating UK Car Crash
>>2593616 #3272
>>2592752 Helpful link for anons to report Peter Strzok's Gofundme account
>>2592666 QClock: Q: "scripted move and Kim Jong Yung: "Outdated acting script"
>>2592608 QClock points to 'email'
>>2592493 What Really Happened In Haiti To Monica Peterson?
>>2592486 , >>2592649 Peter Stzok's largest and other GoFundMe donors. Dig
>>2592431 Tonight's episode of Salvation: "Q17"
>>2592398 Where was the missile launched from? Dig so far
>>2592390 .23 acre for sale on Ketron Island
>>2592380 Startling info from BO's admin on Protecting Unaccompanied Alien Children from Trafficking & Abuses
>>2592379 'Rothschild House' overlooks Whidbey Island in Port Townshend
>>2592257 Krassenstein, POTUS' twitter troll is also one of Strzok's largest donors
>>2592137 Tech giants aim to 'fix' healthcare
>>2592132 Peter Stzok's GoFundMe. Who are the largest donors? Dig
>>2592120 (((CNN))) has officially taken the side of ANTIFA
>>2592105 Q Post, Gmail & Peter Stzok: Side-by-Side ( >>2592462 ) (being proofed)
>>2591374 (lb) OIG is auditing the FBI's contracts awarded for covert activity
>>2591917 (lb) Q Post re private emails / gmail Side-by-Side ( >>2592462 ) (being proofed)
>>2592765 #3271
Previously Collected Notables
>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270
>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268
>>2593840 #3263, >>2589536 #3264, >>2593883 #3265
>>2586886 #3260, >>2584881 #3261, >>2585684 #3262
>>2585001 #3257, >>2585004 #3258, >>2583382 #3259
>>2579410 #3254, >>2580163 #3255, >>2580986 #3256
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#2594312 at 2018-08-14 12:48:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3273 Bake and Run Edition
Q Drop 1445 and 1203
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
#2519953 at 2018-08-09 04:02:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3179: MetaphoriQal Bread
(Bread #3178)
>Chinese Company Could Take Over long beach Port Despite Trade Dispute
>Trump can stop this on national security concerns.
Somebody better. This isn't the United States of Sitting Ducks, Peking Duck, or Just Ducky.
#2519277 at 2018-08-09 03:03:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3178: Mein Brot
Chinese Company Could Take Over long beach Port Despite Trade Dispute
#2518463 at 2018-08-09 01:57:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3177: Digest Bread & Understand
P8 monitoring for a sub? Unknown.
DHS chopper offshore S of long beach too.
#2505411 at 2018-08-08 02:57:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3160 Can We Call Ohio? It is Looking Good Edition
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
#2479609 at 2018-08-06 15:21:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3127: Looking Forward To The New IG Report Edition
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Canary palm tree?
#2462850 at 2018-08-05 12:53:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3106: Tariffs Are Working Big Time Edition
Diane Feinstein Adam Schiff Barbara Boxer
pushed together for helecopter legislation which established a "complaint line" for helecopter noise in the LA basin. Run by a "private" company. Pieces mention need for celeb privacy for their hillside residences. All hotels in the LA metro are require to install helecopter pads on top for emergencies. Think Standard So, now we know DiFI uses the CG for her Bay Area situation. Recall the "private" phone booths at SH WeHo and Meatpacking District NYC with a direct line to DC. Now recall the attacks on Pruitt for the "private" phone booth installed at the EPA-not his doing but they wiped their junk on him as per usual projection tactics. Back to the helo legislation…the system provides tracking information on flight paths and passengers. That very legislation has been threatened recently by the FAA though, now the muscle behind it has been transitioned by DiFi to Kamala Harris as Di no doubt was ordered to do. So… old Di has links 20 years back with her "spy" driver? 20 years ago rings of Chinagate, the Port of long beach deal w/Clintons, MadMax's gang infiltration of Compton/LA by MS-13 etc….The legislators run the trafficking networks (which we already knew but reposting for newfags.
Let's graphic this and send it out to the ether.
Posted about Schiff and helos many times but no bites. Anons please read this time!!! Huge dig. Likely needs a thread of its own. Need help going deeper!
#2434776 at 2018-08-03 19:34:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3069: "BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED]" Edition
Don't forget the Port of long beach and Evergreen.
#2409947 at 2018-08-02 12:52:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3037: Sourced Claims & Fact-Based Evidence Edition
You Oz fags, Anybody know anything about Norwood Industries Ltd Australia? Topic related
Bert R Hybels Inc imports from Norwood Industries Ltd in Australia through the port of long beach, California
#2394645 at 2018-08-01 19:18:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3018: Start By Reading The Crumbs Edition
There's a statistics professor at long beach State who specializes in Game Theory
She's Persian (born in Tehran), brilliant, and fine as hell
You should enlist her help to deal with Iran
#2364316 at 2018-07-31 02:22:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2979 Ask The Question Edition
He's surfing.
long beach is probably my favourite place in the world, especially at sunset.
#2342871 at 2018-07-29 21:00:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2952: This is NOT A GAME Edition
Since 2010, Avenatti has raced as a driver in approximately 33 professional sportscar races, including various American Le Mans Series, FIA World Endurance Championship, Porsche Supercup and United SportsCar Championship races in the United States and in Europe. These races have included the 24 Hours of Daytona, 12 Hours of Sebring, 2012 Petit Le Mans, and the long beach Grand Prix.[11] Avenatti had been planning to race the 2013 24 Hours of Le Mans, but replaced himself with Patrick long a few weeks before the event because scheduling conflicts had arisen with his other business interests.[49]
At the 2015 24 Hours of Le Mans, Avenatti teamed up with Saudi Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Saud and Polish driver Jakub "Kuba" Giermaziak in the No. 66 JMW Motorsport Ferrari 458 Italia, the team placing seventh in their class.[50][51]
for a "mere lawyer", avenatti seems to rub shoulders with interesting folks.
O.J case persons, FISA issues with his prof, saudi royal driver, etc.
mossad/saudi connection?
#2315773 at 2018-07-27 21:03:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2918: Blood Moon Situation Room Edition
>>2315490 lb
There've been military helicopters flyinh all around long beach near the port and Los Alamitos Military Base all week.
#2272175 at 2018-07-25 01:46:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2863 POWER WILL RETURN TO THE PEOPLE Edition
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 No.1121272 📁
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST)
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: b9b7bb No.1414277 📁
May 14 2018 22:18:10 (EST)
Allison Mack [NXIVM] arrested [date]?
When does a bird sing?
Schneiderman resigns [date]?
Eyes Wide Open.
Who will be next?
Watch NYC.
Watch CA.
#2240207 at 2018-07-22 13:10:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2824: Why we Need Military Tribunals Edition
Kate Spade and Co - shipping containers- long beach Port
Did not want to believe they were smuggling humans
The weights did match the declared items
long beach Port was a friendly
#2211225 at 2018-07-19 16:38:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2788: Never Give Up, Never Surrender Edition
>>2211006 Surprise surprise.
>>2210995 Yup.
Q crumbs on "long beach" + a bonus "Newport beach"
>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liddle_(DE-206)
Nice find. Did a convoy stint in the Asia-Pacific and recommissioned during Korean War. Named after a Pharmacist's Mate. Accurate nickname for AS?
#2210451 at 2018-07-19 14:50:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2787: BO is a Real Deal Edition
Could it have something to do with long beach Port and shipping containers?
#2210433 at 2018-07-19 14:47:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2787: BO is a Real Deal Edition
17m17 minutes ago
BREAKING: Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff interrupts House Intel hearing on China in failed attempt to subpoena Trump-Putin interpreter, just one day after FBI director Christopher Wray calls CHINA 'the broadest, most significant' threat to the US
Schiff trying to interrupt info on China. Swalwell was also called out by Tucker last night for not upsetting his Chinese constituents. Could "Liddle" represent something in regards to China? Does Standard Hotel or long beach Pier have ties to China, investors maybe?
I just started to look, but this seems interesting:
"Liddle transported equipment to Korea through the mine-infested waters of the East China" in regards to USS Liddle
Schiff a middle man for China to NK?
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liddle_(DE-206)
https:// twitter.com/WiredSources/status/1019951505200369664
#2185870 at 2018-07-17 12:27:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2755: eBot is Anon's Bes Fren Edition
The 3 Q direct mentions of "tick tock". Note how they connect with
>>2185424 Q1445 - Track ALL Suicides.
>Trace from China/MX to long beach.
#2055062 at 2018-07-06 14:30:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research #2592 Catalog is Broken Edition
Lots of names to look in to here.
This is how we fucked the rest of the world… Sorry from ukanon
historian & author Anton Chaitkin speaking in long beach California. Starting from a shooting massacre in Hebron during a religious service, Chaitkin describes the various means by which the British Empire since the Venetian takeover in the 18th Century has used to control and brainwash people. In Southwest Asia, extremists of Muslim, & Jewish faiths have a British origin. Also, organized crime, its defenders in the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith and the subsequent creation of Hollywood & Las Vegas, newspaper cartels such as the Hollinger Corporation, Geopolitics, crackpot movements like Theosophy, Satanism, Astrology, the belief in the End Times & Revelation, the installation of Hitler as dictator through the bankers Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht and the brainwashing of Hitler through British cult movements like the Thule Society. A lengthy question and answer period is included
#2039651 at 2018-07-05 11:21:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2573: Patriots' Sacred Honor Edition
This a continuation of an old post a few weeks ago >>1891574 and >>1892828
The second post shows how one the sub contracted accountants has a connection to Rosatom, so I kept looking at the other firms.
RSM US LLP is an audit, tax, and consulting firm, focused on the middle market in the United States and a member of the global accounting network RSM International. It is the 5th largest accounting firm in the United States.
RSM was one of the firms Loop Capital sub contracted out for their accounting which they hired for a many years, under different names. One of their Clients stoop out the Boys & Girls Club of Boston. Have a quick search on them and found this.
> Hillary Clinton reportedly charged a Boys and Girls Club chapter $200,000 for an appearance, then left the premise without saying hello to children who benefit from the program.
>The massive fee, which she donated back to her family foundation, was the largest the long beach, California, organization had ever paid a public figure for a speech,Politico reports.
But after looking through the BOD at RSM. This guy popped up (pics related).
Looking into RSM and Iran.
>Advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) said it has succeeded in getting global accounting firm network RSM International to cut ties with an Iranian firm. Washington, D.C.-based UANI said RSM agreed to end its relationship with Dayarayan Auditing & Financial Services Firm in Tehran as of April 30. Chicago-based McGladrey, formerly headquartered in Minneapolis, is RSM's only member firm in the United States. UANI CEO Mark Wallace, a former ambassador to the United Nations, asked RSM and McGladrey to sever the network's relationship with Dayarayan in March. He applauded RSM's decision Friday." (Minneapolis/St.Paul Business Journal, "McGladrey's accounting network will drop Iranian firm, 4/26/2013)
Im pretty confused at the moment cause we have a Loop Capital subcontractor that got out of Iran pretty quick. In 2013 Loop Capital's subcontractor was McGladreys, which is RSMs old name. But we have other subcontractors with links to Rosatom. Im guessing RSM knew some of dodgy shit going on in Iran at the time and got out quick. If anyone wants to dig please do.
#2037397 at 2018-07-05 04:25:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2570 A Wonderful Day In More Ways Than One Edition
What was in the fucking shipping containers, the weights did not match the items disclosed
Kate Spade & Co
They relaxed the weights at the long beach Port
What are they shipping ?
#1988026 at 2018-07-01 20:07:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2507: Waterwaves
🎵 Never off, always on, to the break of dawn ... in the city they call long beach... 🎵
#1919461 at 2018-06-27 04:04:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2418 "Time to FEED" Edition
No mountains in long beach
#1919416 at 2018-06-27 04:02:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2418 "Time to FEED" Edition
not so sure about that.
may look a bit too green for long beach, but doesn't appear like it could be ruled out yet.
#1919325 at 2018-06-27 03:57:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2418 "Time to FEED" Edition
long beach, CA facing SW?
#1919197 at 2018-06-27 03:51:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2418 "Time to FEED" Edition
long beach?
#1919133 at 2018-06-27 03:47:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2418 "Time to FEED" Edition
#1919072 at 2018-06-27 03:45:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2418 "Time to FEED" Edition
JetBlue's western hub is long beach Airport.
Not sure these are it, but worth a look on the sat?
#1919008 at 2018-06-27 03:42:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2418 "Time to FEED" Edition
PV peninsula? long beach airport?
#1898826 at 2018-06-25 15:55:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2392: Pray For The Patriots Of Persia
long beach Port - Mario Cordero
long beach environmental attorney Mario Cordero is resigning from the Federal Maritime Commission to become executive director at the Port of long beach.
Cordero served as a Harbor Commissioner for eight years, beginning in 2003. He was appointed to the Maritime Commission by then-President Barack Obama in 2011. He was in his second term there, which went to 2019, but President Donald Trump removed Cordero as chairman in favor of Commissioner Michael Khouri, a Republican.
He relaxed shipping container rules.
His work on critical issues such as congestion in and around our ports, container weight rules, and the bankruptcy of shipping line Hanjin, has promoted a better and more efficient maritime industry that benefits all Americans. ..
We have seen that Kate Spade Company cargo (declared ) did not match the weights.
What was being shipped in the containers ?
And this =>
Approval for the OCEAN Alliance
The OCEAN Alliance members include COSCO Shipping, CMA CGM, Evergreen Marine and Orient Overseas Container Line Limited (OOCL).
The FMC said the members of the alliance are now permitted to share vessels; charter and exchange space on one other's ships; and enter into cooperative working arrangements in international trade lanes between the United States and ports in Asia, Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Canada, Central America and the Caribbean. The FMC does not regulate services that do not call the United States, but the Ocean Alliance is planning to serve the Asia-North Europe, Asia-Mediterranean, Asia-Middle East and Asia-Red Sea trades.
Maybe something there?
#1897776 at 2018-06-25 13:28:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2391 Red Hen On The Chopping Block
long beach standoff. It's not far from my house. Right now the police have an elderly asian man in custody. He claims he was cooking early this morning and kitchen exploded. He also says he owns a gun.
#1897719 at 2018-06-25 13:19:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2390: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me Edition
#1897711 at 2018-06-25 13:17:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2390: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me Edition
long beach?
#1897681 at 2018-06-25 13:13:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2390: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me Edition
Active shooter and explosion in long beach, CA.
#1884610 at 2018-06-24 07:23:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2374: Azerbaijan Edition
you stopped just short faggot.
"Following Ross Perot's impressive showing during the 1996 presidential election, the Reform Party of the United States of America became the country's largest third party. The party's 2000 presidential candidate would be entitled to $12.5 million in matching funds. Several high-profile candidates vied for the nomination, including Donald Trump, Pat Buchanan, and physicist John Hagelin. For a brief time, Congressman John B. Anderson and Congressman Ron Paul were considered potential candidates, but both ultimately declined to seek the nomination.
The party's 2000 candidates received a great deal of media attention, particularly after a dispute at the party's national convention in long beach, California led to a schism and the formation of a rebel faction. Supporters of physicist John Hagelin refused to accept Pat Buchanan as the party's chairman, and staged a walk-out, which was broadcast live on television.
Ultimately, a court decided Buchanan was the party's nominee, however, the drama surrounding the convention is often credited with leading to the downfall of the Reform Party."
trying to discredit
#1862877 at 2018-06-22 17:22:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2347: What Will Friday Bring? Edition
are not endorsements
>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A on Saturday
>>1847813 Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14
>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags
>>1862608 "Leaked Internet Memo Reveals ACLU Wavering on Free Speech"
>>1862525 Private Prisons & Immigrant Detention Facilities (Big Money in locking up human beings)
>>1862404 Barbra Streisand: Trump 'Kidnapping Children at the Border'
>>1862368 Sarah Sanders Torches Media over Immigration Photo Hoax
>>1862348 Update on subpoena deadline
>>1862262 Info on The Giorgia Guidestones
>>1862268 American Homeless still worse off then Illegals
>>1862209 , Zara founder retired Dec 17. >>1862559 Or was it 2 days before the EO?
>>1862212 Hungary Passes 'Stop Soros' Laws to Criminalize Giving Aid to Illegal Immigrants
>>1862200 Congress Demands EPA Investigate Potential Collusion With Lobbyists
>>1861965 High Court says Gitmo Judgeships are Constitutional
>>1861885 BP agent confirms narrative behind crying girl photo incorrect
>>1861812 Letter from Mayor De Blasio to dept head of HHS
>>1861809 Planefag Update New Source Of Spoopy Planes Found
>>1861702 Trump threatens 20% tarriffs on EU incoming cars
>>1861695 Trump extends National Emergency because NK
>>1861678 Tom Arnold Claims M Cohen gave secret tapes of trump
>>1861633 crying toddler sparks multi million dollar fundraiser
>>1861625 , >>1861634 , >>1861661 , >>1861671 , >>1861687 , >>1861697, >>1861714 , >>1861729 , >>1861743 Planefag Update
>>1861598 Tom Arnold tweet w/ Michael Cohen "has all the tapes"
>>1861498 , >>1861590 MI6 spy dead in padlocked bag had info on Bill Clinton
>>1861473 , >>1861476, >>1861914 ,>>1862241 Hicks Family Dig
>>1861471 Border Patrol: Young illegals on Plan B during journey into US
>>1861469 POTUS PRESS: prood democrats never cared about children
>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A on Saturday
>>1847813 Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14
>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags
>>1861240 No-name Gambling Timeline
>>1861220 Bernie Sanders Pro-Rape Essay
>>1861126 Planefags: Data breach at Flightradar24
>>1861065 Encouraging news and leads from embattled Europe
>>1861024 , >>1861017 Ruling family of Kazakhstan hit by the Panama Papers
>>1860922 Iran storms out of OPEC meeting to boost oil supply
>>1860917 TEDex promoting pedophilia. HELP EXPOSE THEM
>>1860907 Melania's coat: Celebs, politicians & former first ladies silent on Barron threats
>>1860866 A Study of ESP in Hyperkinetic Children Child
>>1860830 , >>1860863 OPEC Holds Press Conf. After Agreeing To Hike "Real" Production By 700,000b/d
>>1860801 , >>1861095 MGM Resorts Donates $250,000 to McCain Institute to Combat Human Trafficking
>>1860576 How sex abuse tore apart Australia's Orthodox Jewish community
>>1860682 Soros linked NGOs, Germany based own migrant ships seized & rejected by Italy
>>1860687 Newfags: How to embed video
>>1860662 Global Warming News: temperature has not increased significantly since 2000
>>1860678 Nightmode board theme: Custom CSS
>>1860638 MOS-SAD: Israeli govt weights in on FB privacy, promises action
>>1860366 Obama cyber chief confirmes 'stand down' order against Russian attacks. Fox.
>>1860333 The Department of State did a SM reach test run using Google+
>>1860298 Protesters swarm DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen's townhouse in Alexandria
>>1860258 Tom Arnold: I'm teaming up with Michael Cohen and 'taking Trump down'
>>1860227 , >>1860252 Port of long beach and HRC: WL Emails
>>1860171 Nose Dive: After A Year, Support For The Russia Probe Has Plummeted
>>1860147 Rep. House lawmakers step up probe on green groups' international work
>>1860099 Testimony: I attended a NXVIUM party with Huma, Weiner, Stormy & Schneiderman
>>1859984 POTUS: Melania's 'I really don't care' jacket is 'Fake News Media' slam
>>1859959 , >>1859992 Drain The Swamp cabinet meeting and EO delta theory
>>1860079 , >>1859946 Little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother
>>1859793 "Refugees" are not children and are all male in NYT coverage
>>1859822 , >>1860405 Erik Prince: Quotes, sauce and interview
>>1859791 Michael Avenatti is now representing ICE whistleblowers
Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1862073 at 2018-06-22 16:13:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2346 "Virgin Baker Edition"
are not endorsements
>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A on Saturday
>>1847813 Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14
>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags
>>1861965 High Court says Gitmo Judgeships are Constitutional
>>1861885 BP agent confirms narrative behind crying girl photo incorrect
>>1861812 Letter from Mayor De Blasio to dept head of HHS
>>1861809 Planefag Update New Source Of Spoopy Planes Found
>>1861702 Trump threatens 20% tarriffs on EU incoming cars
>>1861695 Trump extends National Emergency because NK
>>1861678 Tom Arnold Claims M Cohen gave secret tapes of trump
>>1861633 crying toddler sparks multi million dollar fundraiser
>>1861625 , >>1861634 , >>1861661 , >>1861671 , >>1861687 , >>1861697, >>1861714 , >>1861729 , >>1861743 Planefag Update
>>1861598 Tom Arnold tweet w/ Michael Cohen "has all the tapes"
>>1861498 , >>1861590 MI6 spy dead in padlocked bag had info on Bill Clinton
>>1861473 , >>1861476, >>>>1861914 Hicks Family Dig
>>1861471 Border Patrol: Young illegals on Plan B during journey into US
>>1861469 POTUS PRESS: prood democrats never cared about children
>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A on Saturday
>>1847813 Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14
>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags
>>1861240 No-name Gambling Timeline
>>1861220 Bernie Sanders Pro-Rape Essay
>>1861126 Planefags: Data breach at Flightradar24
>>1861065 Encouraging news and leads from embattled Europe
>>1861024 , >>1861017 Ruling family of Kazakhstan hit by the Panama Papers
>>1860922 Iran storms out of OPEC meeting to boost oil supply
>>1860917 TEDex promoting pedophilia. HELP EXPOSE THEM
>>1860907 Melania's coat: Celebs, politicians & former first ladies silent on Barron threats
>>1860866 A Study of ESP in Hyperkinetic Children Child
>>1860830 , >>1860863 OPEC Holds Press Conf. After Agreeing To Hike "Real" Production By 700,000b/d
>>1860801 , >>1861095 MGM Resorts Donates $250,000 to McCain Institute to Combat Human Trafficking
>>1860576 How sex abuse tore apart Australia's Orthodox Jewish community
>>1860682 Soros linked NGOs, Germany based own migrant ships seized & rejected by Italy
>>1860687 Newfags: How to embed video
>>1860662 Global Warming News: temperature has not increased significantly since 2000
>>1860678 Nightmode board theme: Custom CSS
>>1860638 MOS-SAD: Israeli govt weights in on FB privacy, promises action
>>1860366 Obama cyber chief confirmes 'stand down' order against Russian attacks. Fox.
>>1860333 The Department of State did a SM reach test run using Google+
>>1860298 Protesters swarm DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen's townhouse in Alexandria
>>1860258 Tom Arnold: I'm teaming up with Michael Cohen and 'taking Trump down'
>>1860227 , >>1860252 Port of long beach and HRC: WL Emails
>>1860171 Nose Dive: After A Year, Support For The Russia Probe Has Plummeted
>>1860147 Rep. House lawmakers step up probe on green groups' international work
>>1860099 Testimony: I attended a NXVIUM party with Huma, Weiner, Stormy & Schneiderman
>>1859984 POTUS: Melania's 'I really don't care' jacket is 'Fake News Media' slam
>>1859959 , >>1859992 Drain The Swamp cabinet meeting and EO delta theory
>>1860079 , >>1859946 Little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother
>>1859793 "Refugees" are not children and are all male in NYT coverage
>>1859822 , >>1860405 Erik Prince: Quotes, sauce and interview
>>1859791 Michael Avenatti is now representing ICE whistleblowers
>>1859007, >>1859009, >>1859027, >>1859033 Cradle Fund CEO dies after smartphone explodes
>>1859042 XXXTentacion's murder a sacrifice he predicted? Satanist. "Unable to end his [recording] contract."
>>1859058 Pervez Musharraf has resigned as chairman of All Pakistan Muslim League
>>1859133, >>1859248 Victoria Nuland and Michael Daniel transcript from Senate Intelligence hearings
>>1859237 Observations on nonverbal signals in Trump Cabinet meeting video
>>1859270 Q post graphic: Organized Riots, Blackwater (Academi), Craig Nixon, SALT, Scaramucci
>>1859292 Southwest Key, The big business of human trafficking, how HHS is funding it all:
>>1859305 Red Team Planner Anon from /pol/ 2015 assessment of civil war scenario in America
>>1859341 Celebrities autistic screeching over Melania jacket
>>1859364, >>1859430 Clinton and Comey to speak at separate events in Dublin on same day
>>1859420 Publicist Jeanine Pepler, publicist, suicide by hanging in Sag Harbor
>>1859601 #2342
Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1861323 at 2018-06-22 14:56:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2345: Not Tired Of Winning Edition
are not endorsements
>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A on Saturday
>>1847813 Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14
>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags
>>1861240 No-name Gambling Timeline
>>1861220 Bernie Sanders Pro-Rape Essay
>>1861126 Planefags: Data breach at Flightradar24
>>1861065 Encouraging news and leads from embattled Europe
>>1861024 , >>1861017 Ruling family of Kazakhstan hit by the Panama Papers
>>1860922 Iran storms out of OPEC meeting to boost oil supply
>>1860917 TEDex promoting pedophilia. HELP EXPOSE THEM
>>1860907 Melania's coat: Celebs, politicians & former first ladies silent on Barron threats
>>1860866 A Study of ESP in Hyperkinetic Children Child
>>1860830 , >>1860863 OPEC Holds Press Conf. After Agreeing To Hike "Real" Production By 700,000b/d
>>1860801 , >>1861095 MGM Resorts Donates $250,000 to McCain Institute to Combat Human Trafficking
>>1860576 How sex abuse tore apart Australia's Orthodox Jewish community
>>1860682 Soros linked NGOs, Germany based own migrant ships seized & rejected by Italy
>>1860687 Newfags: How to embed video
>>1860662 Global Warming News: temperature has not increased significantly since 2000
>>1860678 Nightmode board theme: Custom CSS
>>1860638 MOS-SAD: Israeli govt weights in on FB privacy, promises action
>>1860366 Obama cyber chief confirmes 'stand down' order against Russian attacks. Fox.
>>1860333 The Department of State did a SM reach test run using Google+
>>1860298 Protesters swarm DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen's townhouse in Alexandria
>>1860258 Tom Arnold: I'm teaming up with Michael Cohen and 'taking Trump down'
>>1860227 , >>1860252 Port of long beach and HRC: WL Emails
>>1860171 Nose Dive: After A Year, Support For The Russia Probe Has Plummeted
>>1860147 Rep. House lawmakers step up probe on green groups' international work
>>1860099 Testimony: I attended a NXVIUM party with Huma, Weiner, Stormy & Schneiderman
>>1859984 POTUS: Melania's 'I really don't care' jacket is 'Fake News Media' slam
>>1859959 , >>1859992 Drain The Swamp cabinet meeting and EO delta theory
>>1860079 , >>1859946 Little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother
>>1859793 "Refugees" are not children and are all male in NYT coverage
>>1859822 , >>1860405 Erik Prince: Quotes, sauce and interview
>>1859791 Michael Avenatti is now representing ICE whistleblowers
>>1859007, >>1859009, >>1859027, >>1859033 Cradle Fund CEO dies after smartphone explodes
>>1859042 XXXTentacion's murder a sacrifice he predicted? Satanist. "Unable to end his [recording] contract."
>>1859058 Pervez Musharraf has resigned as chairman of All Pakistan Muslim League
>>1859133, >>1859248 Victoria Nuland and Michael Daniel transcript from Senate Intelligence hearings
>>1859237 Observations on nonverbal signals in Trump Cabinet meeting video
>>1859270 Q post graphic: Organized Riots, Blackwater (Academi), Craig Nixon, SALT, Scaramucci
>>1859292 Southwest Key, The big business of human trafficking, how HHS is funding it all:
>>1859305 Red Team Planner Anon from /pol/ 2015 assessment of civil war scenario in America
>>1859341 Celebrities autistic screeching over Melania jacket
>>1859364, >>1859430 Clinton and Comey to speak at separate events in Dublin on same day
>>1859420 Publicist Jeanine Pepler, publicist, suicide by hanging in Sag Harbor
>>1859601 #2342
>>1858171, >>1858573, >>1858600 Alaska volcano and missile launches
>>1858120 Jason Kessler Unite the Right rally being planned, memories of Charlottsville
>>1858133 ExpressUK: Germany 'to offer to scrap EU tax on cars' in Trump victory
>>1858154 DOE supercomputer and NSA move to cloud related to Q post?
>>1858180 Water Wars, India Facing "Worst Crisis In Its History"
>>1858200 Sputnik: EU's Juncker Aims to Devise Plan to Protect Ireland From No Deal Brexit Scenario
>>1858212 SmallWarsJournal: China/Mexico Transnational Crime Hook ups
>>1858487 Didyaknow...there was a hearing with bill priestep?
>>1858662 Brian Krzanich, Intel CEO, resigns
>>1858736 Robert M Higdon fundraiser and longtime Reagan family associate dies at 58
>>1858788 #2341
>>1858593 , >>1858905 Digging Lavender Mafia and Gay Mafia
>>1857907 Banon Says Trump Will "Run the Tables" in Midterms - duh...
>>1857863 Another Q Proof
>>1857331, >>1857448, >>1857657 Planefag Updates
>>1857297 The Entire Western World Lives In Cognitive Dissonance
Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1860633 at 2018-06-22 13:36:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2344: Friday. A Wonderful Day Edition
>>1860252 There is a regular Jet Blue flight with the same Mosaic pattern that goes from SFO to long beach. I remember from researching post the plane photos.
#1860528 at 2018-06-22 13:23:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2344: Friday. A Wonderful Day Edition
are not endorsements
>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A on Saturday
>>1847813 Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14
>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags
>>1860366 Obama cyber chief confirmes 'stand down' order against Russian attacks. Fox.
>>1860333 The Department of State did a SM reach test run using Google+
>>1860298 Protesters swarm DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen's townhouse in Alexandria
>>1860258 Tom Arnold: I'm teaming up with Michael Cohen and 'taking Trump down'
>>1860227 , >>1860252 Port of long beach and HRC: WL Emails
>>1860171 Nose Dive: After A Year, Support For The Russia Probe Has Plummeted
>>1860147 Rep. House lawmakers step up probe on green groups' international work
>>1860099 Testimony: I attended a NXVIUM party with Huma, Weiner, Stormy & Schneiderman
>>1859984 POTUS: Melania's 'I really don't care' jacket is 'Fake News Media' slam
>>1859959 , >>1859992 Drain The Swamp cabinet meeting and EO delta theory
>>1860079 , >>1859946 Little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother
>>1859793 "Refugees" are not children and are all male in NYT coverage
>>1859822 , >>1860405 Erik Prince: Quotes, sauce and interview
>>1859791 Michael Avenatti is now representing ICE whistleblowers
>>1859007, >>1859009, >>1859027, >>1859033 Cradle Fund CEO dies after smartphone explodes
>>1859042 XXXTentacion's murder a sacrifice he predicted? Satanist. "Unable to end his [recording] contract."
>>1859058 Pervez Musharraf has resigned as chairman of All Pakistan Muslim League
>>1859133, >>1859248 Victoria Nuland and Michael Daniel transcript from Senate Intelligence hearings
>>1859237 Observations on nonverbal signals in Trump Cabinet meeting video
>>1859270 Q post graphic: Organized Riots, Blackwater (Academi), Craig Nixon, SALT, Scaramucci
>>1859292 Southwest Key, The big business of human trafficking, how HHS is funding it all:
>>1859305 Red Team Planner Anon from /pol/ 2015 assessment of civil war scenario in America
>>1859341 Celebrities autistic screeching over Melania jacket
>>1859364, >>1859430 Clinton and Comey to speak at separate events in Dublin on same day
>>1859420 Publicist Jeanine Pepler, publicist, suicide by hanging in Sag Harbor
>>1859601 #2342
>>1858171, >>1858573, >>1858600 Alaska volcano and missile launches
>>1858120 Jason Kessler Unite the Right rally being planned, memories of Charlottsville
>>1858133 ExpressUK: Germany 'to offer to scrap EU tax on cars' in Trump victory
>>1858154 DOE supercomputer and NSA move to cloud related to Q post?
>>1858180 Water Wars, India Facing "Worst Crisis In Its History"
>>1858200 Sputnik: EU's Juncker Aims to Devise Plan to Protect Ireland From No Deal Brexit Scenario
>>1858212 SmallWarsJournal: China/Mexico Transnational Crime Hook ups
>>1858487 Didyaknow...there was a hearing with bill priestep?
>>1858662 Brian Krzanich, Intel CEO, resigns
>>1858736 Robert M Higdon fundraiser and longtime Reagan family associate dies at 58
>>1858788 #2341
>>1858477, >>1858576, >>1858802 The Lavender Mafia of the Catholic Church
>>1857907 Banon Says Trump Will "Run the Tables" in Midterms - duh...
>>1857863 Another Q Proof
>>1857331, >>1857448, >>1857657 Planefag Updates
>>1857297 The Entire Western World Lives In Cognitive Dissonance
>>1856805, >>1857020, >>1857078 Planefag Updates
>>1856760 IG Report Ignores Obama's Use of Pseudonym Email Account to Communicate with Hillary... What Were They Hiding? (or do they have the right report?)
>>1856710 NSA 'Systematically Moving' All Its Data to The Cloud
>>1856704 SEC judge appointments unconstitutional, U.S. Supreme Court says
>>1856663 Anon Makes Observation About Potus Schedule Tweets - No Coincidences
>>1856654 Facebook Allows Fake News Photo to Raise 18 Million for Border Cause
>>1856630 Amazon Workers Demand Jeff Bezos Cancel face Recognition Contracts with Law Enforcement
>>1855722 POTUS Schedule Twat (message?)
>>1856045 Message from Snowden about Las Vegas?
>>1856186 Comey Concernfagging
>>1856189 Family Still Together
>>1856000 EO Typo
>>1856238 Jordan & Russia make a deal
>>1856267 Obama & Canaduh
>>1856304 Gitmo VIP
>>1856333 Syria base Al-Tanaf
Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1860314 at 2018-06-22 12:52:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2343: A City With No Children Edition
Notables so far
Any missed, please shout out.
>>1860298 Protesters swarm DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen's townhouse in Alexandria
>>1860258 Tom Arnold: I'm teaming up with Michael Cohen and 'taking Trump down'
>>1860227 , >>1860252 Port of long beach and HRC: WL Emails
>>1860171 Nose Dive: After A Year, Support For The Russia Probe Has Plummeted
>>1860147 Rep. House lawmakers step up probe on green groups' international work
>>1860099 Testimony: I attended a NXVIUM party with Huma, Weiner, Stormy & Schneiderman
>>1859984 POTUS: Melania's 'I really don't care' jacket is 'Fake News Media' slam
>>1859959 , >>1859992 Drain The Swamp cabinet meeting and EO delta theory
>>1860079 , >>1859946 Little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother
>>1859793 "Refugees" are not children and are all male in NYT coverage
>>1859822 Erik Prince: quotes and sauce
>>1859791 Michael Avenatti now representing ICE whistleblowers
#1860252 at 2018-06-22 12:39:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2343: A City With No Children Edition
Guessing your friend referenced below is CH Tung?
To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2016-02-08 16:08
Subject: RE: Port of long beach / Alex Cherin
Notice that HRC will be in Los Angeles on Feb. 22nd for fundraiser with Mayor Garcetti. Any chance we can push to get her down to Ports of long beach/Los Angeles or is it too short a window? If it's a possibility, I can have Mayor of long beach reach out to her. Would envision a short tour of the facility, short roundtable with industry folks and labor members. Thoughts?
Alex Cherin
From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 1:58 AM
To: Alex Cherin
Subject: Re: Port of long beach / Alex Cherin
Glad you are involved. We need to do big things in this area.
On Monday, December 14, 2015, Alex Cherin <alex@ekapr.com<mailto:alex@ekapr.com>> wrote:
John - just wanted to thank you for your help in introducing me to Jake and others. We had our first Infrastructure Committee call last week for the campaign and I am excited both by the caliber of folks in the group and by the issues that will be addressed.
Thanks again and hope to keep you updates as we move forward.
Alex Cherin
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 30, 2015, at 5:48 PM, "John Podesta" <john.podesta@gmail.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','john.podesta@gmail.com');>> wrote:
Yup. Had dinner with him last Thursday.
On Wednesday, September 30, 2015, Alex Cherin <alex@ekapr.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','alex@ekapr.com');>> wrote:
John - followed up with Jake. Thank you. Guessing your friend referenced below is CH Tung? If so please send my regards . His family company OOCL is the entity building The Middle Harbor Project trough their sister company (and my client) LBCT.
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 28, 2015, at 6:28 AM, "John Podesta" <john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thanks Alex. As I mentioned, we are just at the stage of building out our policy advisory teams so this is timely. I have added Jake Sullivan, our policy director, so his team can follow up. The Middle Harbor project seems like an amazing win-win. After we talked, I ran into a friend from Hong Kong who said his family business was also involved, so small world.
On Monday, September 28, 2015, Alex Cherin <alex@ekapr.com<mailto:alex@ekapr.com>> -wrote:
John - it was a pleasure sitting and chatting with you last week in Los Angeles. As discussed, I would be happy (and honored) to assist the HC campaign on trade and transportation related issues. Given my professional background as former Executive Officer/Managing Director of the Port of long beach I can provide policy support in matters ranging from international trade matters to expertise on transportation related infrastructure.
In addition, we discussed the specific project underway at the Middle Harbor in long beach which at build out will be the largest seaport terminal facility in North America and will utilize all zero emission equipment including the world's largest battery exchange building.
I would be happy to provide more background and facilitate a potential tour of the facility for the Secretary.
I can be reached at alex@ekapr.com<mailto:alex@ekapr.com> or 562-480-7334.
Alex Cherin
#1860227 at 2018-06-22 12:36:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2343: A City With No Children Edition
Port of long beach and HRC.
To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2016-01-20 16:28
Subject: FW: Brief Summary of MHRP Proposed Campaign event
Had a very productive conversation with Madhuri and other staffers about setting up this campaign event. Just wanted to keep you in the loop as it relates to our conversation in Los Angeles.
Alex Cherin
From: Alex Cherin
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 10:27 AM
To: Madhuri Kommareddi (mkommareddi@gmail.com)
Subject: Brief Summary of MHRP Proposed Campaign event
As discussed, here is a very brief write-up on the proposed campaign stop. If there is interest, I will have the Port of long beach send a formal invitation and proposed dates.
Alex Cherin
Hillary for America Campaign Event Proposal
Location / Backdrop: Port of long beach, Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project, long beach, California.
Overview: The Port of long beach, together with its neighbor the Port of Los Angeles, comprises the largest Port complex in the nation. It is the primary gateway to trade with Asia and the Ports' terminals facilitate over 40% of the total imported cargo into the United States annually. The Ports combined are the 5th largest in the world and are responsible (directly and indirectly) for nearly 1 in 4 jobs in Southern California. A recent Department of Transportation study determined that every Congressional district in the country is impacted by the activities at the Ports of long beach and Los Angeles.
Currently, the Port of long beach and its tenant, long beach Container Terminal (LBCT - a subsidiary of OOCL), are developing a $1.6 billion infrastructure project called "The Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project" (MHRP). At full build out, the MHRP will be North America's most technologically advanced terminal facility and will be the first "Zero emission" Port facility in the world. The project employs nearly 1,500 construction workers and will create roughly 14,000 new jobs in the region. The project has the support of the international shipping community, the ILWU and the Ports.
Issues to be Covered: The event provides the perfect venue to discuss trade policy, commentary on the TPP Agreement as well as the Secretary's environmental and infrastructure plans.
Logistics: The Port of long beach is approximately 30 minutes from LAX and 15 minutes from long beach Airport.
Proposed Itinerary: A brief land-side tour of the Ports of Los Angeles and long beach followed by a tour of the MHRP. In addition, a suggested roundtable with Mayors Eric Garcetti (Los Angeles) , Robert Garcia (long beach) and stakeholders form the international trade/shipping community and labor should be included.
Additional information about the project can be found here: http://www.polb.com/about/projects/middleharbor.asp
#1830848 at 2018-06-20 16:58:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2307 Q FTW Edition
Anything on the LLC in long beach? I thought long beach Holdings LLC looked suspicious. 5 locations CA, DE, FL, NY, and UT. Property management/real estate. Cover for smuggling children to various places? NY & CA to Standard Hotels, DE to Pizzagate place, FL to LSJ island, UT to ?
Right path?
#1812439 at 2018-06-19 14:50:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2283 OIG Day2
>>1809191 (2 previous bread ago)
>>1811621 (previous bread)
>>1811686 (previous bread)
>>1812165 (previous bread)
regarding renteria's campaign manager...
Michael H Trujillo appears to have been her manager for 2014 and 2015...but i cannot find any mention of him this year associated with her campaign.
The campaign itself is run out of this address:
Renteria for Governor
525 E. Seaside Way, Suite 101-C
long beach, CA 90802
Which is the office of Crummitt and Associates, starring Gary Crummitt
Still digging, and very unconvinced that Trujillo is the "connection".
i cannot find any current information on her team. there are no news stories with a campaign manager listed after 2015. nobody wants to associate their name with her turd of a campaign.
#1812283 at 2018-06-19 14:36:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2282 Trust the Plan at 10am Edition
>>1809191 (previous bread)
regarding renteria's campaign manager...
Michael H Trujillo appears to have been her manager for 2014 and 2015...but i cannot find any mention of him this year associated with her campaign.
The campaign itself is run out of this address:
Renteria for Governor
525 E. Seaside Way, Suite 101-C
long beach, CA 90802
Which is the office of Crummitt and Associates, starring Gary Crummitt
Still digging, and very unconvinced that Trujillo is the "connection".
#1808132 at 2018-06-19 04:10:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2277 Classic!! YouTube Blocks "The Five" Recording That Q Linked To Edition
Found this on her website
long beach, eh?
Renteria for Governor
525 E. Seaside Way, Suite 101-C
long beach, CA 90802
#1785392 at 2018-06-17 16:39:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2248: Pan
Daily NK's 'Ten Ways to Make Money in 2013' in the NK markets (part 1).
KCNA has unveiled a renovated website with more sophisticated functions, including linking between text articles, photos and video clips. The new site also provides an email contact address, kcna@gmail.com, which unfortunately (and perhaps ironically given their current visitors) is a fake address given that Gmail does not allow you to choose a username of less than six characters.
comms email address for NK
reposting this from last bread.
Liberty In North Korea or LiNK is a group based in long beach, CA which "assists" hostages in escaping NK. there are many many videos I have watched on this org and nothing on the surface appears off.
This group appears to be a pet favorite of ((the Economist)) and the mag which is a pet project of ((LdR)) has many many articles on NK.
The link above was posted around the time of the ES trip to NK, one of the videos from which I captured this screen shot. I can't find my link but the video is obviously 2:36 long. I don't think it is one of the WSJ's I have posted previously.
#1772534 at 2018-06-16 15:28:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2231: Abzug Wells
beach fag. But guys gotta dig into the roths in NK. Via the Economist which has been hugely active in their NK articles. Sponsor a "hostage" group called Liberty in Nk. HQ long beach. Many vids and articles out there. Also about Schmidt.
#1771081 at 2018-06-16 09:59:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2229: The Place To Be On Friday Night Edition
Diplomats don't have to have their containers shipped checked.
Government officials and prior officials (Hillary) can use clearances (CF)
Q mentioned the long beach, CA Port (mostly owned by China) by LA several times.
#1746094 at 2018-06-14 17:12:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2197: Patience, Vigilance, And Diligence Edition
look at the LiNK I posted endlessly on the NK hostages group run out of long beach, CA with their sponsors!
#1700281 at 2018-06-11 17:02:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2139: Got Popcorn?
are not endorsements
>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags
>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO
>>1699541 Anon's Findings on Timestamp
>>1699577 Liddle Bob De Niro is a lowly, satanic pedophile.
>>1699580 "Pope" Liddle Frances accepts resignation of 3 bishops involved in child sex abuse scandals
>>1699604 CF Donors: Watch them in the coming days/weeks/months, >>1699713
>>1699671 Are we watching Alice in Wonderland unfold?
>>1699759 Video of KJU at the top of the MBS
>>1699849 SCO Summit taking place (Putin, Xi, Rouhani MEET)
>>1699858 KJU is being shown what NK will become
>>1699890 Sassoon (Jewish Opium Mobsters connected to Windsor clan) connected to Forbes
>>1699906 Airkeks: Planefag Updates
>>1699957 Why cement companies?, >>1700051
>>1699973 Dennis Rodman has arrived in Singapore
>>1700021 Re: Who appointed Huber?,>>1700123
>>1700031 U.S. embassy warns citizens to consider leaving district in north Mozambique
>>1700053 Breitbart Article on Huber: Re-read, Slowly & Carefully..
>>1700138 Trump schedule tomorrow, all times local.
>>1698781 Administration rallies for mandatory E-Verify to stop illegal employment
>>1698847 New Sanctions Issued Against Russia
>>1698888 KJU At The Top Of MBS
>>1699030 The Trump Doctrine: We're America, Bitch!
>>1699049 SCOTUS backs Ohio law allowing roll purge of MIA voters
>>1699199 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visiting several Singapore attractions on Monday night
>>1699239 Report: After Trump Scrapped Nuclear Deal, Huge Indian Energy Company Cut Oil Imports From Iran
>>1699276 Trump-Kim summit: South Korea's Moon Jae In hopes for bold decisions and miraculous result
>>1699320 RR, Wray, and Coats to present Spygate documents on Thursday
>>1699390 Post Timestamp
>>1698006 Former Missouri Lawmaker Dies of Apparent Suicide (February)
>>1698036 Former PM says May could be ousted if EU vote goes against government
>>1698084 Pedophile Priests in Pennsylvania
>>1698258 Mr Barnier having to make a dash across the Continent to Strasbourg for a meeting of the European Parliament
>>1698296 Pope begins purge in Chile's Catholic Church over sex abuse scandal
>>1698288 KJU has just left his hotel and arrived at the Marina Bay Sands - Sky Event?
>>1698343 Report: Kim Jong Un has invited Donald Trump to visit Pyongyang for a second summit in July
>>1698391 The Kim/Trump summit, the Rothschilds and the financial war are all linked - Fulford Analysis
>>1698468 DOJ narrows reasons for requesting asylum
>>1698441 More Hidded Messages - Anon Requests More Eyes
>>1698531 To Tie It All Together
>>1698577 Classified Memo Proves Hillary Supplied Weapons from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria; DOJ Could Still Indict
>>1698610 President Donald Trump plans to depart early from his unprecedented summit with Kim Jong Un
>>1698613 ; >>1698624 Nunes has given the Justice Department until Tuesday to provide access to documents
>>1697160 Blackberry apps
>>1697199 Airman with top secret clearance disappeared in 1983 - resurfaces in CA
>>1697307 Re: additional suicide
>>1697471 Newly appointed UK Home Secretary is (((clown agent)))
>>1697647 WW storm warning
>>1697670 Dark skies in southern Germany
>>1697704 Scoping the Area
>>1697838 Discussions between USA and DPRK have moved more quickly than expected
>>1696411 David Spade and friends charities supported
>>1696421 celebrities involved with Variety The Childrens Charity
>>1696462 Riccardo Tisci and friends photos, wikipedia link
>>1696526 Kate Spade and Company shipping paperwork
>>1696565, >>1696572, >>1696593, >>1696845 Kate and Andy Spade and NY Center for Children
>>1696571, >>1696634, >>1696692, 1696713 Planefag reports
>>1696588 Melania is back, at gala honoring Lincoln at Fords Theater
>>1696605, 1696617 More NY Center for Children
>>1696608 Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher, Thorn Foundation, formerly DNA
>>1696640 Tapestry investor relations
>>1696678 Florida concealed carry permit system fail
>>1696688, >>1696746, >>1696833, >>1696924 antiques? Spade shipments to long beach
>>1696689 Jackson Odell and Starlight Childrens Foundation
>>1696699, >>1696752, >>1696883 New York Foundling
>>1696704 Germananon archive update
>>1696712 Edward Hayes
>>1696943, >>1697073 NY Foundling, James Banks III, Loop Capital, and New York tunnel
>>1697104 This Notables List in its thread
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1699490 at 2018-06-11 16:03:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2138 You Are Watching a 'Plan' Being Set In Motion Edition
are not endorsements
>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags
>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO
>>1698781 Administration rallies for mandatory E-Verify to stop illegal employment
>>1698847 New Sanctions Issued Against Russia
>>1698888 KJU At The Top Of MBS
>>1699030 The Trump Doctrine: We're America, Bitch!
>>1699049 SCOTUS backs Ohio law allowing roll purge of MIA voters
>>1699199 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visiting several Singapore attractions on Monday night
>>1699239 Report: After Trump Scrapped Nuclear Deal, Huge Indian Energy Company Cut Oil Imports From Iran
>>1699276 Trump-Kim summit: South Korea's Moon Jae In hopes for bold decisions and miraculous result
>>1699320 RR, Wray, and Coats to present Spygate documents on Thursday
>>1699390 Post Timestamp
>>1698006 Former Missouri Lawmaker Dies of Apparent Suicide (February)
>>1698036 Former PM says May could be ousted if EU vote goes against government
>>1698084 Pedophile Priests in Pennsylvania
>>1698258 Mr Barnier having to make a dash across the Continent to Strasbourg for a meeting of the European Parliament
>>1698296 Pope begins purge in Chile's Catholic Church over sex abuse scandal
>>1698288 KJU has just left his hotel and arrived at the Marina Bay Sands - Sky Event?
>>1698343 Report: Kim Jong Un has invited Donald Trump to visit Pyongyang for a second summit in July
>>1698391 The Kim/Trump summit, the Rothschilds and the financial war are all linked - Fulford Analysis
>>1698468 DOJ narrows reasons for requesting asylum
>>1698441 More Hidded Messages - Anon Requests More Eyes
>>1698531 To Tie It All Together
>>1698577 Classified Memo Proves Hillary Supplied Weapons from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria; DOJ Could Still Indict
>>1698610 President Donald Trump plans to depart early from his unprecedented summit with Kim Jong Un
>>1698613 ; >>1698624 Nunes has given the Justice Department until Tuesday to provide access to documents
>>1697160 Blackberry apps
>>1697199 Airman with top secret clearance disappeared in 1983 - resurfaces in CA
>>1697307 Re: additional suicide
>>1697471 Newly appointed UK Home Secretary is (((clown agent)))
>>1697647 WW storm warning
>>1697670 Dark skies in southern Germany
>>1697704 Scoping the Area
>>1697838 Discussions between USA and DPRK have moved more quickly than expected
>>1696411 David Spade and friends charities supported
>>1696421 celebrities involved with Variety The Childrens Charity
>>1696462 Riccardo Tisci and friends photos, wikipedia link
>>1696526 Kate Spade and Company shipping paperwork
>>1696565, >>1696572, >>1696593, >>1696845 Kate and Andy Spade and NY Center for Children
>>1696571, >>1696634, >>1696692, 1696713 Planefag reports
>>1696588 Melania is back, at gala honoring Lincoln at Fords Theater
>>1696605, 1696617 More NY Center for Children
>>1696608 Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher, Thorn Foundation, formerly DNA
>>1696640 Tapestry investor relations
>>1696678 Florida concealed carry permit system fail
>>1696688, >>1696746, >>1696833, >>1696924 antiques? Spade shipments to long beach
>>1696689 Jackson Odell and Starlight Childrens Foundation
>>1696699, >>1696752, >>1696883 New York Foundling
>>1696704 Germananon archive update
>>1696712 Edward Hayes
>>1696943, >>1697073 NY Foundling, James Banks III, Loop Capital, and New York tunnel
>>1697104 This Notables List in its thread
>>1695806 New York Center for Children (Spade)
>>1695963 Almonds are activated.
>>1695982 How the fuck do 100 handbags weigh 6036 lbs?
>>1695984 Preliminary dig on Kate Spade's foundation(s)
>>1696102 Kate Spade -> HRC
>>1696121 Doctors Without Borders Migrant Ship stranded at sea
>>1696220 Check out the board of New York Center of Children
>>1696269 Explaining A&W
>>1694885 Trace to Port Dig
>>1694889 Trace from China/MX Dig
>>1694912 Grassley wants Flynn's 302
>>1694923 Nunes wants Spygate docs by Tuesday or its obstruction
>>1695456 Robert De Niro was screaming real loud tonight...
>>1694125 "First Private, Second Public....who was at the two intelligence briefings again? Why 2?"
>>1694263 "JA "unlocks" the door of all doors for EVERYONE to look in.", >>1694231
>>1694483 Where's the glass?
>>1694586 "Video conferencing is never a good idea when white hats are watching."
>>1694729 "Rod Rosenstein had the opportunity to fly free. He is not cooperating."
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1699161 at 2018-06-11 15:34:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2137 Antici........PATION Edition
What was really behind the sell-off of Spade's company over the years. It seems like she was forced to sell. In the end she didn't get most of the money that she should have gotten from the sale or would have gotten if she had not sold.
The Spades began drifting long ago, but they were pretending to still be a couple for a long time. Until very recently, many people did not know that they were separated, though I had long pegged the husband as a twink lover. Financially, it made sense for them to stay together. It also made sense for them to stay together for other reasons. What do these elites all have in common besides money—yep, Satan worship. When demons reward these people with fame, wealth, and prosperity, they expect something in return. Those with obligations to the cabal don't get to just walk away.
Why would a fashion designer need Level 5 security clearance to access a major shipping port of entry? What were they moving through the port? Was somebody blackmailing her and her husband? Q said to trace the sale and spin-off of the company. These two were obviously mixed up in some dark stuff. They, like the operators of the Standard Hotel (and likely others), were apparently using the businesses as cover for smuggling stuff across the southern border through the port at long beach. Q mentioned the Mexican border and long beach port previously in #1203 on April 20 in connection with celebrities, the Standard Hotel, Adam Schiff, and the helicopter crash. He said its all connected. Of course its all connected but there are still lots of missing pieces. For one thing, Schiff is the representative for the 28th District. long beach is in the 47th District. Alan Lowenthal is the douchebag who keeps getting re-elected in the California 47th. No way shit is happening at the Port of long beach and he doesn't know about it. I don't recall seeing his name in the research so far. How come?
According to Wiki, long beach is the second busiest container port in the country (The Los Angeles port is #1). This little detail in addition to the empty freight containers in Q's photos is telling us that the cabal is moving large amounts of 'something' through that port. I think we all know what the 'something' is.
There is more story here. Will dig more into this later.
https:// www.forbes.com/sites/noahkirsch/2017/05/08/why-kate-spade-wont-see-a-penny-of-the-2-4-billion-sale-to-coach/#7a7a1cad5b2b
https:// people.com/style/kate-spade-husband-andy-had-issues-for-a-while-source-says/
#1698684 at 2018-06-11 14:31:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2137 Antici........PATION Edition
are not endorsements
>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags
>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO
>>1698006 Former Missouri Lawmaker Dies of Apparent Suicide (February)
>>1698036 Former PM says May could be ousted if EU vote goes against government
>>1698084 Pedophile Priests in Pennsylvania
>>1698258 Mr Barnier having to make a dash across the Continent to Strasbourg for a meeting of the European Parliament
>>1698296 Pope begins purge in Chile's Catholic Church over sex abuse scandal
>>1698288 KJU has just left his hotel and arrived at the Marina Bay Sands - Sky Event?
>>1698343 Report: Kim Jong Un has invited Donald Trump to visit Pyongyang for a second summit in July
>>1698391 The Kim/Trump summit, the Rothschilds and the financial war are all linked - Fulford Analysis
>>1698468 DOJ narrows reasons for requesting asylum
>>1698441 More Hidded Messages - Anon Requests More Eyes
>>1698531 To Tie It All Together
>>1698577 Classified Memo Proves Hillary Supplied Weapons from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria; DOJ Could Still Indict
>>1698610 President Donald Trump plans to depart early from his unprecedented summit with Kim Jong Un
>>1698613 ; >>1698624 Nunes has given the Justice Department until Tuesday to provide access to documents
>>1697160 Blackberry apps
>>1697199 Airman with top secret clearance disappeared in 1983 - resurfaces in CA
>>1697307 Re: additional suicide
>>1697471 Newly appointed UK Home Secretary is (((clown agent)))
>>1697647 WW storm warning
>>1697670 Dark skies in southern Germany
>>1697704 Scoping the Area
>>1697838 Discussions between USA and DPRK have moved more quickly than expected
>>1696411 David Spade and friends charities supported
>>1696421 celebrities involved with Variety The Childrens Charity
>>1696462 Riccardo Tisci and friends photos, wikipedia link
>>1696526 Kate Spade and Company shipping paperwork
>>1696565, >>1696572, >>1696593, >>1696845 Kate and Andy Spade and NY Center for Children
>>1696571, >>1696634, >>1696692, 1696713 Planefag reports
>>1696588 Melania is back, at gala honoring Lincoln at Fords Theater
>>1696605, 1696617 More NY Center for Children
>>1696608 Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher, Thorn Foundation, formerly DNA
>>1696640 Tapestry investor relations
>>1696678 Florida concealed carry permit system fail
>>1696688, >>1696746, >>1696833, >>1696924 antiques? Spade shipments to long beach
>>1696689 Jackson Odell and Starlight Childrens Foundation
>>1696699, >>1696752, >>1696883 New York Foundling
>>1696704 Germananon archive update
>>1696712 Edward Hayes
>>1696943, >>1697073 NY Foundling, James Banks III, Loop Capital, and New York tunnel
>>1697104 This Notables List in its thread
>>1695806 New York Center for Children (Spade)
>>1695963 Almonds are activated.
>>1695982 How the fuck do 100 handbags weigh 6036 lbs?
>>1695984 Preliminary dig on Kate Spade's foundation(s)
>>1696102 Kate Spade -> HRC
>>1696121 Doctors Without Borders Migrant Ship stranded at sea
>>1696220 Check out the board of New York Center of Children
>>1696269 Explaining A&W
>>1694885 Trace to Port Dig
>>1694889 Trace from China/MX Dig
>>1694912 Grassley wants Flynn's 302
>>1694923 Nunes wants Spygate docs by Tuesday or its obstruction
>>1695456 Robert De Niro was screaming real loud tonight...
>>1694125 "First Private, Second Public....who was at the two intelligence briefings again? Why 2?"
>>1694263 "JA "unlocks" the door of all doors for EVERYONE to look in.", >>1694231
>>1694483 Where's the glass?
>>1694586 "Video conferencing is never a good idea when white hats are watching."
>>1694729 "Rod Rosenstein had the opportunity to fly free. He is not cooperating."
>>1693653 Gas pipeline explodes in China's southwest, nine people injured: Xinhua
>>1693712 BTC is dropping...
>>1693748 James Woods brings heartbreaking news...
>>1693782 Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump will discuss peace, denuclearisation at Singapore summit: KCNA
>>1693840 "i just wanted to point out how much trump has tweeted tonight."
>>1692549 Italian Internal Minister Salvini Blocks Migrant Boat.
>>1692634 GEOTUS cucks Justine via twatter.
>>1692766 Eric Trump confirms 5:5?
>>1692562 "80-story 3 World Trade Center to open after years of delays"
>>1692724 6/11 SKY EVENT, BLACKOUT NECESSARY? You tell me, (OK, Trevorbot. kek)
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1698345 at 2018-06-11 13:50:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2136: Stormy Forecæst
>>1697536 (previous)
"Trace to import/export
Trace from China/Mexico to long beach
Trace sale/spin off of Co
Trace to CF
Trace to Port...
What moves through any port? Is there a connection here to the empty cargo trailer photos posted by Q? Were children actually the cargo? Why does so much of this pedo trafficking stuff lead directly back to the Clinton Foundation? Recall Haiti and the woman who got busted there trying to smuggle the kids... They obviously organized this thing very well. Internationally. The CF managed all the operations logistics for moving the kids all over the world. Apparently, these Satanist elites have quite an appetite; and maybe the demons are demanding more. Perhaps the numerous charitable foundations aren't just about money laundering and tax evasion as many of us believed. And perhaps all those big money donations to the Clinton Foundation weren't just bribes for political favors from president Hillary Clinton--- but it was all payment for delivery of unmentionable cargo.
Its all about kidnapping, smuggling, and selling children for sex and Satanic cannibalist rituals. And the operators are themselves participants too. This makes sense when you think about the weirdly inappropriate reactions of so many in Hollywood and Washington. They fear exposure more than anything else. Q said there will come a time they will not be safe walking down the street. Only the fear of exposure could cause that.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are two very special people. I don't believe that the world has ever seen the likes of them before, or ever will again. They will now continue their killing spree to silence those who know and cover up their tracks as the hound dogs get closer. These people all know each other's secrets. They all know. The ones who have been suicided so far are the ones who were about to crack. These murders were a warning to all the others. Watch for more suicides---especially from the loud-mouthed Hollywood elites who gave big money and were mixed up with the CF and Hussein. We are seeing the beginning of panic. Things are about to get so bad that the fake media will simply not be able to spin any of it anymore.
#1697919 at 2018-06-11 12:45:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2136: Stormy Forecæst
are not endorsements
>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags
>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO
>>1697160 Blackberry apps
>>1697199 Airman with top secret clearance disappeared in 1983 - resurfaces in CA
>>1697307 Re: additional suicide
>>1697471 Newly appointed UK Home Secretary is (((clown agent)))
>>1697647 WW storm warning
>>1697670 Dark skies in southern Germany
>>1697704 Scoping the Area
>>1697838 Discussions between USA and DPRK have moved more quickly than expected
>>1696411 David Spade and friends charities supported
>>1696421 celebrities involved with Variety The Childrens Charity
>>1696462 Riccardo Tisci and friends photos, wikipedia link
>>1696526 Kate Spade and Company shipping paperwork
>>1696565, >>1696572, >>1696593, >>1696845 Kate and Andy Spade and NY Center for Children
>>1696571, >>1696634, >>1696692, 1696713 Planefag reports
>>1696588 Melania is back, at gala honoring Lincoln at Fords Theater
>>1696605, 1696617 More NY Center for Children
>>1696608 Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher, Thorn Foundation, formerly DNA
>>1696640 Tapestry investor relations
>>1696678 Florida concealed carry permit system fail
>>1696688, >>1696746, >>1696833, >>1696924 antiques? Spade shipments to long beach
>>1696689 Jackson Odell and Starlight Childrens Foundation
>>1696699, >>1696752, >>1696883 New York Foundling
>>1696704 Germananon archive update
>>1696712 Edward Hayes
>>1696943, >>1697073 NY Foundling, James Banks III, Loop Capital, and New York tunnel
>>1697104 This Notables List in its thread
>>1695806 New York Center for Children (Spade)
>>1695963 Almonds are activated.
>>1695982 How the fuck do 100 handbags weigh 6036 lbs?
>>1695984 Preliminary dig on Kate Spade's foundation(s)
>>1696102 Kate Spade -> HRC
>>1696121 Doctors Without Borders Migrant Ship stranded at sea
>>1696220 Check out the board of New York Center of Children
>>1696269 Explaining A&W
>>1694885 Trace to Port Dig
>>1694889 Trace from China/MX Dig
>>1694912 Grassley wants Flynn's 302
>>1694923 Nunes wants Spygate docs by Tuesday or its obstruction
>>1695456 Robert De Niro was screaming real loud tonight...
>>1694125 "First Private, Second Public....who was at the two intelligence briefings again? Why 2?"
>>1694263 "JA "unlocks" the door of all doors for EVERYONE to look in.", >>1694231
>>1694483 Where's the glass?
>>1694586 "Video conferencing is never a good idea when white hats are watching."
>>1694729 "Rod Rosenstein had the opportunity to fly free. He is not cooperating."
>>1693653 Gas pipeline explodes in China's southwest, nine people injured: Xinhua
>>1693712 BTC is dropping...
>>1693748 James Woods brings heartbreaking news...
>>1693782 Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump will discuss peace, denuclearisation at Singapore summit: KCNA
>>1693840 "i just wanted to point out how much trump has tweeted tonight."
>>1692549 Italian Internal Minister Salvini Blocks Migrant Boat.
>>1692634 GEOTUS cucks Justine via twatter.
>>1692766 Eric Trump confirms 5:5?
>>1692562 "80-story 3 World Trade Center to open after years of delays"
>>1692724 6/11 SKY EVENT, BLACKOUT NECESSARY? You tell me, (OK, Trevorbot. kek)
>>1691802 Notable Suicides 2018
>>1691751, >>1691805 Dorel "hit/Run'ed" after Twet on Ali Watkins, taken 2 same hospital as seth rich, >>1692251
>>1691746, >>1691770, >>1691819, >>1691848, >>1692466, >>1692479 USAF officer Disappearance Links to Challenger Disaster
>>1691903 Female Pedo Gets 90 Year sentence In New York (GOOD)
>>1691919 Dr. Ulrich Stefan Schlie Director Gen. for Security/Defense Policy, German military
>>1691928 F-15 Crashes into Sea off Okinawa Japan
>>1692055 Sky Event Latest Q crumb sideways
>>1692098 Donaldina Cameron: Rescued 3,000 Chinese girls/women From SexTrade
>>1692414 The Art Of The Deal Timeline
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1697536 at 2018-06-11 11:12:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2135: Punky Brewster Edition
I disagree….
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
#1697124 at 2018-06-11 08:39:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2135: Punky Brewster Edition
are not endorsements
>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags
>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO
>>1696411 David Spade and friends charities supported
>>1696421 celebrities involved with Variety The Childrens Charity
>>1696462 Riccardo Tisci and friends photos, wikipedia link
>>1696526 Kate Spade and Company shipping paperwork
>>1696565, >>1696572, >>1696593, >>1696845 Kate and Andy Spade and NY Center for Children
>>1696571, >>1696634, >>1696692, 1696713 Planefag reports
>>1696588 Melania is back, at gala honoring Lincoln at Fords Theater
>>1696605, 1696617 More NY Center for Children
>>1696608 Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher, Thorn Foundation, formerly DNA
>>1696640 Tapestry investor relations
>>1696678 Florida concealed carry permit system fail
>>1696688, >>1696746, >>1696833, >>1696924 antiques? Spade shipments to long beach
>>1696689 Jackson Odell and Starlight Childrens Foundation
>>1696699, >>1696752, >>1696883 New York Foundling
>>1696704 Germananon archive update
>>1696712 Edward Hayes
>>1696943, >>1697073 NY Foundling, James Banks III, Loop Capital, and New York tunnel
>>1697104 This Notables List in its thread
>>1695806 New York Center for Children (Spade)
>>1695963 Almonds are activated.
>>1695982 How the fuck do 100 handbags weigh 6036 lbs?
>>1695984 Preliminary dig on Kate Spade's foundation(s)
>>1696102 Kate Spade -> HRC
>>1696121 Doctors Without Borders Migrant Ship stranded at sea
>>1696220 Check out the board of New York Center of Children
>>1696269 Explaining A&W
>>1694885 Trace to Port Dig
>>1694889 Trace from China/MX Dig
>>1694912 Grassley wants Flynn's 302
>>1694923 Nunes wants Spygate docs by Tuesday or its obstruction
>>1695456 Robert De Niro was screaming real loud tonight...
>>1694125 "First Private, Second Public....who was at the two intelligence briefings again? Why 2?"
>>1694263 "JA "unlocks" the door of all doors for EVERYONE to look in.", >>1694231
>>1694483 Where's the glass?
>>1694586 "Video conferencing is never a good idea when white hats are watching."
>>1694729 "Rod Rosenstein had the opportunity to fly free. He is not cooperating."
>>1693653 Gas pipeline explodes in China's southwest, nine people injured: Xinhua
>>1693712 BTC is dropping...
>>1693748 James Woods brings heartbreaking news...
>>1693782 Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump will discuss peace, denuclearisation at Singapore summit: KCNA
>>1693840 "i just wanted to point out how much trump has tweeted tonight."
>>1692549 Italian Internal Minister Salvini Blocks Migrant Boat.
>>1692634 GEOTUS cucks Justine via twatter.
>>1692766 Eric Trump confirms 5:5?
>>1692562 "80-story 3 World Trade Center to open after years of delays"
>>1692724 6/11 SKY EVENT, BLACKOUT NECESSARY? You tell me, (OK, Trevorbot. kek)
>>1691802 Notable Suicides 2018
>>1691751, >>1691805 Dorel "hit/Run'ed" after Twet on Ali Watkins, taken 2 same hospital as seth rich, >>1692251
>>1691746, >>1691770, >>1691819, >>1691848, >>1692466, >>1692479 USAF officer Disappearance Links to Challenger Disaster
>>1691903 Female Pedo Gets 90 Year sentence In New York (GOOD)
>>1691919 Dr. Ulrich Stefan Schlie Director Gen. for Security/Defense Policy, German military
>>1691928 F-15 Crashes into Sea off Okinawa Japan
>>1692055 Sky Event Latest Q crumb sideways
>>1692098 Donaldina Cameron: Rescued 3,000 Chinese girls/women From SexTrade
>>1692414 The Art Of The Deal Timeline
>>1690979 New leak indictment spells disaster for McCabe
>>1691184 Newfag uncovers Tweets from Guardsman who stole APC for Joyride
>>1691308 DOJ announced its refusal to defend the Affordable Care Act
>>1691351 Trump commits $256m to revive national parks
>>1691383 State-level Dems funneled $84M to Clinton's campaign
>>1691168 Italy's Int Min Blocks Migrant Ship, 100s Of N. Africans Denied Entry
>>1691461 China pulls missiles from South China Sea island
>>1691450, >>1691475 Ban DoorKnobs
>>1691582, >>1691562 Plane Crash in Wisco, deptarted from Chicago (developing)
>>1691627 Missing Air Force officer found 35 years later
>>1690201 Jackson Odell dead at 20 Connected to Dan Schneider & David KatzenBerg
>>1690254 "Special Place" Potential Q Marker
>>1690406 ClockFag June 16th
>>1690485 MKUltra Metformin Connection
>>1690150 National Archives "difficulty transferring Husseins Archives
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1697104 at 2018-06-11 08:34:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2134: Weather Alert Edition
>>1696411 David Spade and friends charities supported
>>1696421 celebrities involved with Variety The Childrens Charity
>>1696462 Riccardo Tisci and friends photos, wikipedia link
>>1696526 Kate Spade and Company shipping paperwork
>>1696565, >>1696572, >>1696593, >>1696845 Kate and Andy Spade and NY Center for Children
>>1696571, >>1696634, >>1696692, 1696713 Planefag reports
>>1696588 Melania is back, at gala honoring Lincoln at Fords Theater
>>1696605, 1696617 More NY Center for Children
>>1696608 Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher, Thorn Foundation, formerly DNA
>>1696640 Tapestry investor relations
>>1696678 Florida concealed carry permit system fail
>>1696688, >>1696746, >>1696833, >>1696924 antiques? Spade shipments to long beach
>>1696689 Jackson Odell and Starlight Childrens Foundation
>>1696699, >>1696752, >>1696883 New York Foundling
>>1696704 Germananon archive update
>>1696712 Edward Hayes
>>1696943, >>1697073 NY Foundling, James Banks III, Loop Capital, and New York tunnel
#1696833 at 2018-06-11 07:37:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2134: Weather Alert Edition
And 4 with HTS CODE 292145
1-naphthylamine (alpha-naphthylamine), 2-naphthylamine (beta- naphthylamine) and their derivatives, salts thereof
I don't know really know what that is… but apparently Spade handbags and accessories can cause bladder cancer and it's prohibited by the EU.
These are from Hong Kong to long beach.
#1696688 at 2018-06-11 07:12:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2134: Weather Alert Edition
Six pages of Spade from QINGDAO to long beach
#1696501 at 2018-06-11 06:38:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2134: Weather Alert Edition
Former Navy SEAL Timothy O'Hara Claimed That Harbor Patrol dive team Paid For Work Not Performed
In 2010-11, O'Hara and Sgt. Steve Smock reported to the City Auditor's Office that members of the Harbor Patrol dive team were allegedly being paid for work not performed, the suit states. The auditor's subsequent report found that Harbor Patrol dive team members received unjustified overtime and that
inadequate documentation provided by the patrol made it hard to determine how the divers spent most of their time, according to the lawsuit.
https:// lawestmedia.com/lawest/sergeant-long-beach-port-security-sues/
#1696127 at 2018-06-11 05:51:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2133: "Singapore: Stay Vigilant" Edition
long beach nice …
#1696042 at 2018-06-11 05:43:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2133: "Singapore: Stay Vigilant" Edition
BOL, Kate Spade, China to long beach
#1696025 at 2018-06-11 05:41:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2133: "Singapore: Stay Vigilant" Edition
I do believe so
>Track ALL suicides.
>Example 1:
>Think Spade.
>Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
>Trace to Import/Export.
>Trace from China/MX to long beach.
>Trace sale/spin off of Co.
>Trace to CF.
>Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
>Who granted?
>Expect A LOT more.
#1695982 at 2018-06-11 05:38:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2133: "Singapore: Stay Vigilant" Edition
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
How the fuck do 100 handbags weigh 6036 lbs?
#1695522 at 2018-06-11 04:58:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2132: "Singapore: A Week to {Memember}." Edition
"... Kate Spade New York imports from Bussola & Ralph(china)co.,ltd in China through the port of long beach, California ..."
"... Subscribe to access the complete shipping history for Kate Spade New York ..."
Does anybody has access to importgenius databases to view the complete shipping history?
Source: importgenius.com/importers/kate-spade-new-york
#1694734 at 2018-06-11 04:16:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2131: "Singapore: Start The Clock" Edition
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to long beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.
#1659851 at 2018-06-07 17:07:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2087: Isn't It IroniQ? Edition
Forget the long beach image, look at the other four. Do you see the clover?
#1645526 at 2018-06-06 02:26:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2069: The Quickening Edition
Interesting navy jet in a hurry to get somewhere from long beach airport…
#1644166 at 2018-06-06 00:15:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2068 Please save us $$ Potus, Like $15,000,000,000 Edition
CEMEX..Port of long beach
#1641789 at 2018-06-05 20:25:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2065 Sitting with Our Popcorn Enjoying the Show Edition
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington beach, whose district used to include the Port of long beach area, said stepped-up port security should be paid for not by the government but by the companies. Rohrabacher also said government "overreach" could get in the way more than it protects the maritime industry.
Port of long beach
Terminal Operator
Cargoes Served
Bulk Cement
601 Pier D Ave., long beach, CA 90802
A Dana Rohrabacher Aide's Pedophilic Adventures - ...
www.constantinereport.com > California GOP
Accused child molester Jeffrey Ray Nielsen has been buddies with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, former Orange County Republican bigwig Tom Fuentes and Sheriff Mike Carona. District Attorney Tony Rackauckas once hired him as a prosecution analyst
After five years of viciously attacking his accusers and claiming OC Weekly was persecuting the self-described Christian conservative, Orange County Republican activist and close Washington, D.C., aide to Rohrabacher Jeffrey Ray Nielsen pleaded guilty in March 2008 of having targeted seventh, eighth and ninth grade middle school boys for his sexual gratification. The son of former Fountain Valley Mayor Ben Nielsen, former intern for Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas and friend of then-Sheriff Mike Carona and county GOP Chairman Scott Baugh had also been charged with possession of a huge cache of man-boy and boy-boy sex pornography. However, a bonehead mistake by prosecutors allowed that count to expire. A judge sentenced Jeff Nielsen to 36 months in prison. He served 20 months
Dana Rohrabacher Is Dirty
R. Scott Moxley
December 19, 2013
When Congressman Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher moved into a four-bedroom, four-bathroom, million-dollar Costa Mesa rental home on April Fool's Day 2010, the immaculate, 6,300-square-foot property could have been featured in a glossy real-estate magazine. Built in 1948, the two-story, Orange Avenue home had been updated in recent years for comfort and style. The carpeting was new, appliances worked and walls were spotless. Thriving flowers, plants and grass adorned the idyllic back yard less than 4 miles from the Pacific Ocean.
"Massive black stains and muck covered the carpet throughout the home. Sticky grime encased damaged, rusted appliances ... Blinds were cracked. Black dirt ruined the appearance of once-sparkling tile floors."
– "Denied water, once-thriving outside plants and grass dried up and died."
– "Walls inexplicably contained odd holes, nail polish, wax and some smelly substance that may have been feces."
– "Every toilet seat in the house was broken ... An overflowing tub cracked a ceiling with water damage."
– "The ceilings showed smoke damage."
– "Clumps of hair and remnants of what may have been balloons or some other rubbery material clogged sinks."
– "Thick, solidified grease rendered the air-suction vent above the kitchen stove useless ... white maggots squirmed underneath a kitchen stove that may not have ever been cleaned."
– "phone lines were strangely severed"
– "A second-floor suite used by Dana's wife, Rhonda, as her bedroom contained a huge, mysterious, lubricant-like stain-something you might expect on the floor of a Hollywood sex club-that had seeped through thick carpet and padding to tarnish a hardwood floor."
#1638328 at 2018-06-05 12:45:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2060 "DARK TO LIGHT" Edition
>>1638249 4/20/18 19:30:58
>Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
>>1617295 (p/b)
>company that owns the property is Cemex Construction Materials South, LLC
#1630981 at 2018-06-04 18:48:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2051: 311 Attorneys Edition
Anonymous 06/04/18 (Mon) 12:25:39 ID: 4b0970 No.1629866
There's a CEMEX location in long beach, Ca
Sauce? Would love to know how King David's blood was tested. LOL
#1629866 at 2018-06-04 16:25:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2050: Apple Pie Edition
There's a CEMEX location in long beach, Ca
Guess what else is in long beach that Q has recently talked about…..yep the LB Port
#1629707 at 2018-06-04 16:02:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2049: No Cakes Here Edition
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 No.1121272 📁
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST)
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
long beach, CA PIER
Terminal Operator
Cargoes Served Bulk Cement
Total Terminal Area 2 ac. .8 ha.
Length of Berths 680 ft. 270 m
Wharf Height 13.8 ft. 4.2 m
Open Storage Area 87,525 sq. ft. 8,131 m2
Design Depth of Water 36 ft. 11 m
Special Equipment & Facilities Silo capacity: 50,000 tons, screw type unloader capacity: 600-800 tons per hour. Unloads to conveyer system direct to silos. Highest elevated vertical screw: 70 feet. Maximum reach 94 feet from face of wharf (concrete); 91.5 feet from PHL. Truck loading spouts.
Address 601 Pier D Ave., long beach, CA 90802
Phone (760) 952-4853
Fax (760) 245-0191
#1627051 at 2018-06-04 05:58:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2046 So Glad That Q Checked in, Hope to Hear More Soon Edition, Godspeed Q!
I don't know if you can, but can you get an order for Ons, that's O-N-S,
Junior Market, the address is 1934 East Anaheim, all the windows are
Busted out, and it's like a free-for-all in here and uh the owner should
At least come down here and see if he can secure his business-
If he wants to
April 26th, 1992
There was a riot on the streets
Tell me where were you?
You were sittin' home watchin' your TV
While I was participating in some anarchy
First spot we hit it was my liquor store
I finally got all that alcohol I can't afford
With red lights flashin' time to retire
And then we turned that liquor store into a structure fire.
Next stop we hit it was the music shop
It only took one brick to make that window drop
Finally we got our own p.a.
Where do you think I got this guitar that you're hearing today? ey!
Call fire at the mobile station at Alamedas and Anahiem,
Its, ah, flaming up good]
10-4 Alamedas and Anahiem
Homicide, never doin' no time!
When we returned to the pad to unload everything
It dawned on me that I need new home furnishings
So once again we filled the van until it was full
Since that day my livin' room's been more comfortable
Cause everybody in the hood has had it up to here
It's getting harder and harder and harder each and every year
Some kids went in a store with their mother
I saw her when she came out she was gettin some pampers
They said it was for the black man,
They said it was for the mexican
And not for the white man
But if you look at the streets
It wasn't about Rodney King
It's bout this fucked up situation and these fucked up police
It's about coming up
And staying on top
And screamin' 187 on a mother fuckin' cop
It's not written on the paper it's on the wall
National guard!
Smoke from all around!
Units- Units be advised of an attempt 211 to arrest now at 938 Temple, 9-3-8
Temple, many subjects with bats trying to get inside the CB's
House, they're trying to kill him]
As long as I'm alive, I'm a live el rico.
Let it burn
Wanna let it burn
Wanna let it burn
Wanna wanna let it burn
Riots on the streets of Miami
W'oh, Riots on the streets of Chicago
On the streets of long beach
And San Francisco (Boise Idaho)
Riots on the streets of Kansas City (Salt Lake, Hunnington beach, CA)
Tuscalusa, Alabama ( Compton Michigan)
Cleveland, Ohio (Pensacola)
Fountain Valley (Texas, Barstow, let's do this every year),
Paramount, Victorville (Twice a Year), Eugene OR
Eureka, CA (Let it burn, let it burn)
Hesperia (Oh, ya let it burn, wont'cha wont'cha let it burn)
Santa Barbara, Nevada, Phoenix Arizona, San Diego, Lakewood Florida
Fuckin 29 Palms.
#1627028 at 2018-06-04 05:52:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2046 So Glad That Q Checked in, Hope to Hear More Soon Edition, Godspeed Q!
To both you AND Q I'd say this: if you're selling ANYTHING to China (like cement) why WOULDN'T you have a presence at the long beach port?! It'd be stupid not to. The trade between China and the US through long beach is stupefying.
#1626995 at 2018-06-04 05:47:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2046 So Glad That Q Checked in, Hope to Hear More Soon Edition, Godspeed Q!
Q posted about the US/Mex border being so important, and in the same post he pointed to the Port of long beach.
Check out pics related.
CEMEX galore.
#1614091 at 2018-06-02 05:36:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2030 Quiet Night For Research Edition
Tell Congress: Stop Beijing's U.S. port takeover
Curtis Ellis·6 hours ago
If you owned a company, would you let your competitor monitor all your incoming and outgoing orders?
In the 1970s, would the United States have allowed the Soviet Union to operate our ports? Would the Soviets have allowed the U.S. to run its docks?
Of course not.
But such an outrageous scenario is about to play out.
China has openly declared it intends to replace the U.S. as the world's sole superpower. Yet, if all goes as planned, China will soon take control of the Port of long beach, California.
Unless Washington stops it.
Cosco Shipping Holdings Company, a Chinese state-owned enterprise, is buying a competitor that has the long-term concession to operate the long beach port.
If the deal goes through, a company controlled by the Communist Party of China will be running America's largest port.
Of course, Beijing would never allow a foreign entity, let alone one owned by the U.S. government, to control critical infrastructure in China.
While the U.S. has been widely open to Chinese investments, Beijing requires foreign investors to cede control to a Chinese partner.
And that partner is essentially the Chinese government, since there is no private sector in China. "Though many companies defined themselves as 'private,' practically all of them are directly or indirectly controlled by the centralized government, which is ruled by the Communist Party. All Chinese businessmen, investors and companies play along the party lines and its prevailing spirit," says Dr. Harel Menashri , head of the cyber department at the Holon Institute of Technology and a former official in Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic security agency.
China's takeover of long beach must first be approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S., CFIUS. This multi-agency federal panel reviews foreign purchases of American assets for potential national security threats.
But CFIUS is notoriously outdated, overworked and underfunded. It doesn't have its own budget and relies on staff and referrals from others for its investigations………
#1606145 at 2018-06-01 11:39:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2020 The 2020 Will Be Glorious Edition
Reposting this one. Has another anon archived Schiffty's tweets? Wondering if there are any deleted..... in the relevant time period. Please read comments in the <5719
Note Schiff's tweet about the one death per train crash...
Also: Patch said they took off from long beach but they took off from John Wayne in Irvine instead.
#1606127 at 2018-06-01 11:30:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #2020 The 2020 Will Be Glorious Edition
Standard helo crash
Check time of "local" article and date of update.
Why were they going to Catalina?
3 work colleagues going "sightseeing" in a helecopter? Took off from long beach but flew to Dana Point?
On an R44? Hmmmm
We need to keep an eye on Patch, too. In every community……
#1574889 at 2018-05-29 09:55:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1980: Personal Computers
Hillary Clinton comes to long beach to raise money for Boys & Girls Club
long beach's upper crust got a visit with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday as the former first lady and secretary of state came to town to raise funds for the Boys & Girls Club of long beach.
Clinton took photos with many of her supporters at the Keesal, Young & Logan law offices downtown, before talking to nearly 300 of long beach's movers and shakers about her passion to help young people. The event was closed to the media.
The Clinton Foundation recently partnered with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America to give 4 million at-risk children access to more nutritious food and provide a healthier environment.
The annual event is a must-attend fundraiser in long beach. In the past, it has attracted keynote speakers such as former president Bill Clinton, former secretaries of state Condoleezza Rice and Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and former British prime ministers Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher.
The attendees included a who's who list of long beach. The luncheon raised money with $1,500 for individual tickets up to $50,000 for a platinum table sponsor.
Among those who attended: Mayor Bob Foster; former mayor Beverly O'Neill; City Manager Pat West; Mario Cordero, chairman of the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission; City Councilman Gary Delong, who is making a bid to win the 47th District congressional seat; councilman and mayoral candidate Robert Garcia; Randy Gordon, president of the long beach Area Chamber of Commerce; and Michelle Molina, a North Pine Avenue real estate developer. Executives also came from Tesoro, Toyota and Clark Construction, which built the Governor George Deukmejian Courthouse in long beach.
#1574886 at 2018-05-29 09:52:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1980: Personal Computers
Hillary Clinton charged $200K to speak at Boys and Girls Club, didn't donate back or meet with kids
https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/18/hillary-clinton-charged-200k-to-speak-at-boys-and-/
Hillary Rodham Clinton charged $200,000 to speak at a Boys and Girls Club charity event last year and then donated 100 percent of her earnings back into her family's own $2 billion foundation, according to a recent Politicoreport.
The Democratic presidential candidate's $200,000 speaking fee was the largest paid by the Boys and Girls Club of long beach to any speaker and was among the least profitable, according to sources familiar with club finances, Politico reported.
#1548816 at 2018-05-26 17:27:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1946: Manifest Destiny
Is it this one Anon?
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 No.1121272 📁
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST)
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#1544202 at 2018-05-26 02:43:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1940: Planning Ahead
NOW FOR Q drops which I believe hint at this
Sat 13 Jan 2018 22:45:39 No.12
>Slush Fund
>>Hussein [1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE
>>We don't say his name [2] $19,000,000 SINGAPORE
(Why don't we say his name?)
>>HRC/BC [3] $15,000,000 Banco de MEXICO
>>NP [4] $8,000,000 Deutsche Bank USA
FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH.
Net Worth?
Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:06:58 No.148027165
Who funds MS13?
Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border?
What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall?
Who do you hire for a hit?
Who can be eliminated after the job is complete?
Seth Rich.
Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder?
What affiliation did they have?
PARTIAL DROP Sun 21 Jan 2018 14:06:20 No.47
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Sat 07 Apr 2018 12:38:47 383caa No.936660
Border states are VERY key.
Bigger than you can imagine.
The pipeline.
Not R vs D.
CA is special.
Public will learn.
Fri 20 Apr 2018 20:30:58 948590 No.1121272
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#1538281 at 2018-05-25 15:19:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1933: Qlass of 2018 Edition
long beach, CA.
#1538195 at 2018-05-25 15:04:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1933: Qlass of 2018 Edition
NOW FOR Q drops which I believe hint at this
Sat 13 Jan 2018 22:45:39 No.12
>Slush Fund
>>Hussein [1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE
>>We don't say his name [2] $19,000,000 SINGAPORE
(Why don't we say his name?)
>>HRC/BC [3] $15,000,000 Banco de MEXICO
>>NP [4] $8,000,000 Deutsche Bank USA
FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH.
Net Worth?
Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:06:58 No.148027165
Who funds MS13?
Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border?
What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall?
Who do you hire for a hit?
Who can be eliminated after the job is complete?
Seth Rich.
Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder?
What affiliation did they have?
PARTIAL DROP Sun 21 Jan 2018 14:06:20 No.47
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Sat 07 Apr 2018 12:38:47 383caa No.936660
Border states are VERY key.
Bigger than you can imagine.
The pipeline.
Not R vs D.
CA is special.
Public will learn.
Fri 20 Apr 2018 20:30:58 948590 No.1121272
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
There was also the drop about Adam Schiff and the $$$ asking him was it worth the $8.7 M?( ?)
#1511214 at 2018-05-23 00:01:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1898: Unity With Q
Sponsored by Economist?
HQ in long beach, CA?
#1500536 at 2018-05-22 02:40:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1884: A Visit To The GynÆcologist
Ng also = Chinagate i.e Port of long beach…. hope he is singing!!
#1498717 at 2018-05-22 00:12:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1882: Hell Hath No Fury
From last bread. Ferris Wheel/Eye in….long beach by the Queen Mary.
#1483718 at 2018-05-20 19:37:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1863:
Any plane-fags looking over LA? Heard what sounded like a fighter jet near long beach. Could be completely benign but perhaps worth looking into.
#1475706 at 2018-05-20 02:02:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1853: We Control [Utility]
>>1474878 it just doesn't get any better than this for a Marine.
>>1475296 (You)
>You, I like.
>>1475296 (You)
>What an ass.
Hmmm. Split decision. See you at the Pike in long beach, sailor. New in town?
#1440018 at 2018-05-17 05:06:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1807: Kaboom! Edition
Nice videos
based in long beach?
Underground fecking railroad???????????
#1433861 at 2018-05-16 20:08:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1799: Occultus Lux Edition
Feds investigating deadly California explosion as a crime
A deadly explosion at an office building in Southern California Tuesday is being investigated as a crime and is believed to have been triggered by a package, though no physical proof has been found on scene, federal officials said during a press conference Wednesday afternoon.
"At this time we have ruled out the potential of this to be an accident due to the condition of the victim," an official with the Orange County Sheriff's Department told reporters. "Evidence collected and what we believe are involved in the explosion are not consistent with items that would be used at a day spa."
"Investigators are still working to confirm whether or not this was an intentional act. We are, however, investigating this as a crime," the official added.
One person was killed and three others wounded as the result of an explosion inside a two-story building in Aliso Viejo, about an hour's drive south from Los Angeles. Ildiko Krajnyak was identified as the woman killed in the blast, and she owned a day spa on the first floor of the building.
A portion of the building's walls were blown off, and witnesses said it felt like an earthquake hit during the blast.
First responders and federal officials still have not found an explosive device they believe would have triggered the explosion.
Officials served three search warrants Wednesday, including to a business in the affected building; one in long beach, Calif.; and another in Trabuco Canyon, Calif. No arrests have been made.
Federal officials were asked if there are other targets and said they won't "rule out anything."
The FBI, ATF, and Orange County Sheriff's Department's bomb technicians remain on scene investigating the incident.
The explosion comes two months after the Austin, Texas, bombings. From March 2-20, five package bombs exploded at different places throughout the city, killing two and injuring five.
The suspect committed suicide during a police encounter March 21.
https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/explosive-package-killed-one-and-injured-three-others-in-california-office
#1428408 at 2018-05-16 06:14:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1792 Start a Storm Edition
Pier 39 would be in long beach No?
#1415013 at 2018-05-15 04:02:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1774: Make Pain Great Again
She gave up all the names in exchange for a plea bargain
Names of the missing & Names of all the criminals involved
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST)
Mack is naming names. ←——————————————————
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal). ←————————–
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#1412749 at 2018-05-15 01:29:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1772: Real Nordic Brød
(From a post a few breads back. Sorry I just read it.)
Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas in 1997.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Aircraft_Company
"Fly DC Jets" sign is a long beach California landmark.
https:// www.presstelegram.com/2016/08/07/long-beachs-fly-dc-jets-sign-symbol-of-a-bygone-era-may-become-historic-landmark/
#1366046 at 2018-05-11 03:06:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1713: New Pen
but but long beach is private
nong beach island not ny
#1335584 at 2018-05-08 08:48:16 (UTC+1)
Research General #1674: Use LOGIC Edition
Think Logically/Use Logic
Logistics? Could this be a double meaning clue to Logistics at Port of long beach?
#1335452 at 2018-05-08 07:58:00 (UTC+1)
Research General #1674: Use LOGIC Edition
I followed the actual path for that same jetBlue flight on May 2 and it does seem to fit. The lower flight seems to show the flats and the buildings on Nortech Parkway. Then the plane turns more to the south and the higher altitude photo shows the characteristic ridge to the west that you always see when heading south in the valley.
This is almost certainly the right flight. And long beach is where cargo is shipped Internationally.
I expect these photos were messages to somebody else, saying, we know what you are doing and we are watching YOU!
#1335154 at 2018-05-08 06:40:27 (UTC+1)
Research General #1674: Use LOGIC Edition
one a day to and from with jet blue out of long beach. every day
#1335149 at 2018-05-08 06:39:26 (UTC+1)
Research General #1674: Use LOGIC Edition
If things were going to or from China,
it makes sense that they would be shipped
(long beach Port which is mosty China owned).
Especially if the shipment was very heavy,
going by ship instead of air.
So, flights between long beach and San Jose make sense.
I know there was a flight from long beach to San Jose,
which landed about 6:30 in the evening (daytime)
#1335129 at 2018-05-08 06:34:23 (UTC+1)
Research General #1674: Use LOGIC Edition
theres a couple here that fit the profile…
san jose to long beach
#1319525 at 2018-05-06 18:52:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1654: MACA Make America Constitutional Again Edition
Ambassador Gary Locke (relevant years)
Clinton Crony
Former Gov Washington State
Port of long beach, anyone?
Ambassador Gary Locke (BHO)
#1307296 at 2018-05-05 13:03:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1639: Q's NEW TRIPCODE CONFIRMED BY BO Edition
COSCO (refrigerated containers) shipping schedule between long beach
and Hong Kong ports.
#1307191 at 2018-05-05 12:29:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1638: UNPRECEDENTED?
COSCO was given Environmental Award by Port of long beach. Previously dumped chemicals at sea.
#1307042 at 2018-05-05 11:46:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1638: UNPRECEDENTED?
Solved in earlier bread. Chinese have a port in long beach, California since the '90's under Clinton Administration.
#1306199 at 2018-05-05 07:18:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1637: We HONOR our Operators
March 7, 1997
Chinese Got long beach Deal!
http:// www.dailyrepublican.com/chinesegot.html
#1306109 at 2018-05-05 06:57:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1637: We HONOR our Operators
Jet Blue
long beach to San Jose?
Why is long beach Port so important?
#1304312 at 2018-05-05 03:13:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1635: The World is Connected
The Plane Arrived at long beach CA.
#1298395 at 2018-05-04 20:22:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1627
All JetBlue Flights departing San Jose, California on May 2, 2018 arrive at long beach, CA.
#1294801 at 2018-05-04 12:29:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1623: German Schwarzbrot Edition
Just realized a mistake in:
>>1294386 (last)
>Thus, a flight from San Jose SJC to let's say JFK would have to fly 1st to LGB and grab a connecting flight.
There are direct flights from SJC to JFK as shown in >>1294690
Still correct that long beach (LGB) is Jet Blue's West Coast hub.
#1294751 at 2018-05-04 12:20:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1623: German Schwarzbrot Edition
Milmar LLC in Lexington, Kentucky | Import Data
Supply chain data for Milmar LLC in Lexington, Kentucky. Its top supplier is Zhangjiangang Yunwu Industry CO LTD. China is where most shipments originate. The port of long beach, CA handles most imports. Lead Carrier: Amass International Group INC
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#1294529 at 2018-05-04 11:13:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1622: Panic in DC Edition
>Purpose of posting JetBlue map was really to call attention to long beach airport (LGB).
>Which is close proximity to the Port of long beach.
This 11/4 Post by Q seems RELEVANT to Port of long beach…
Why did JK travel to SA recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?
Why is this relevant?
What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?
Why is the timing important?
#1294517 at 2018-05-04 11:09:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1622: Panic in DC Edition
Now that you mention it, agree w/ you on this. Too obvious. Just like Marian to pull a stunt like this to lead everyone down a false path. Kind of like her book "Walk Thru Walls". It's her version of the middle finger.
Meanwhile, while everyone is focused on the right hand, the left does the real werk. Magic 101.
Purpose of posting JetBlue map was really to call attention to long beach airport (LGB).
Which is close proximity to the Port of long beach.
Which is now run by a Chinese consortium (I believe from recalling the sauce from memory) courtesy of our good buddy Bill Klinton.
Maybe it's not what's being transported East to West, but from West to East? spitball
#1294386 at 2018-05-04 10:03:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1622: Panic in DC Edition
>>1292757 Jet Blue pizza NY_LA
<telling ^^^ digits
Important to note that the West Coast hub for Jet Blue is not LAX, but LGB - long beach.
Thus, a flight from San Jose SJC to let's say JFK would have to fly 1st to LGB and grab a connecting flight.
>>1280030 ------ (JetBlue taking off from San Jose?)
>>1293037 (prev. in J.B. thread)
>>1292784 Yes.
>>1292781 Also in back of my mind.
>>1292795 Yes, They are also seeding good content posts with replies containing false info to get anons. going down false paths leading nowhere.
Appears to be a couple of these in this pizza delivery thread, but can't say for certain.
#1293203 at 2018-05-04 04:38:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1621: Boom Week Ahead Edition
Let me teach you the art of scamming. How to run a con and make big money.
First you have to be brazen, believe in yourself, and not be afraid to show the marks where and how you are going to stiff them. You can still keep secrets but they have to be subtle and thin secrets. You have to show the tools you are using to the dumb sheep and make a big fuss about it.
So, here we go. We are going to ship real NYC Pizza to LA. Woo hoo you know that THAT means. It means we need to have refrigerated air transport on jetBlue planes that fly from NY to LA. And what does that mean according to the laws of science and physics, the very same laws that enable stage magicians to pull off their illusions?
I'll tell you what. It means you have to have refrigerated air transport on jetBlue planes that fly from LA to NY. Now wake up bubba and pay attention. Did I just repeat myself? If you say yes, then you need some help with reading comprehension. I am applying the law of what goes up must come down. The only way to have the refrigerated EMPTY containers in NY to be filled with pizza is to fly them back to NY. What if you had some valuable refrigerated product available in the Pacific coastal area that was desired and valuable to East coast vampires? Like human blood. Human blood from children from poor and populous areas bordering the Pacific. Bring them in on containers, torture them outside the 200 mile limit, drain the blood, dump the bodies and bring the valuable red stuff into the port of long beach. And fly it fresh to the NY vampires for their consumption.
This is no joke, ducky. The country is run by Vampires. They tend to live in the seat of power (DC) and the seat of MONEY which means NY. These cannibal vampires crave young blood and the torture gives it an additional punch of adrenochrome. I am drooling just thinking of the stuff, ducky. Make sure to make a big fuss about Pizza and nobody will ever look at the empty containers going back. With the pizzagate thing going on, they will all be caught up in the dumb idea that it has something to do with Hollywood pedophilia. Which it doesn't because that whole scene has NOTHING to do with pizza and has its own regular blood supply going on.
#1289459 at 2018-05-03 22:06:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1616 Q's Anonymous Legions Edition
Ok it came back and said: "did you mean" 57989E34-0050-4758-9F69-40CA170C7070.jpg
I said, yeah, sure … why not. Clicked on it and it took me to this site:
Q Posts (1203 - 1224) 4.21.18 "POTUS Warning Shot" The Shot Heard 'Round the World " The World Is Watching"
Friday, April 20, 2018 22:32
Q Posts (1203 - 1224) 4.21.18 "POTUS
warning shot" The Shot Heard 'Round The
World "The world is watching"
With this thread: (Only a partial of it for bread sake)
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 1121272 NEW
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Apr 20 2018 19:31:44 (EST) Anonymous ID: 29a790 1121283 NEW
Alison Mack singing like a canary, as Alan Dershowitz would say
Apr 20 2018 19:36:21 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 1121353 NEW
Canary palm tree?
Apr 20 2018 20:08:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 1121949 NEW
Apr 20 2018 20:18:32 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: df4bad 1122111 NEW
And This Video:
#1283480 at 2018-05-03 08:06:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1608: Digging For Justice Edition
No way. It takes that long from SFO to Hawaii.
And if these pallets are as heavy as the expert explained -
it was most likely shipped (maybe into long beach Port)
#1283461 at 2018-05-03 08:01:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1608: Digging For Justice Edition
Here is a JetBlue flight that came into San Jose in the evening Weds (before dark as plane photo).
It came from long beach (has Port where an overseas shipment could have been picked up).
Just throwing it out there in case.
#1282819 at 2018-05-03 06:11:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1607: ThanQ BO, Baker & Patriots Edition
You might have something here.
long beach (with it's Port)
and arriving at 6:20 pm in San Jose would bring it in long before it was dark.
#1282750 at 2018-05-03 06:02:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1607: ThanQ BO, Baker & Patriots Edition
I know that Jet Blue has a hub in long beach, which is probably where the iPhones would have come in from (Port of L.A. or Port of long beach). I think both of the plane images are taken on the descent to SJC, but from two different cameras (one on either side). The surrounding area is just different in SoCal…plus, you can see a little bit of marsh on the bottom of both pictures.
Pic related is the one I think it is–matches the lighting. First shot would be taken north and east of the airport, looking west, and second pic would be north and west of the airport, looking east. The first shot is brighter–sun would be to the South somewhat most likely. Might also help explain why it's zoomed-in more: to keep the sun out of the image.
#1281560 at 2018-05-03 04:16:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1606: Eyes In China Edition
Maybe Port of long beach CA?
#1280607 at 2018-05-03 03:28:58 (UTC+1)
If its departing from San Jose, it looks like, at least in the past few days, the only daytime flights (when it is light out) leaving San Jose are to long beach. Other flights are to JFK and Boston Logan but they are at night
#1257243 at 2018-05-01 03:41:34 (UTC+1)
>>1257160 prev
Snoop is straight up thug. The only person he has ever been afraid of is Suge Knight. He is long beach Crips. He is trash who was let to slide on a murder.
#1257053 at 2018-05-01 03:25:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research #1574: World Peace, on time and under budget Edition
Affiliate of Snoop the dog. long beach Crips. That's where Snoop originated.
#1254521 at 2018-05-01 00:24:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research #1571: great Energy, unending Stamina Edition
Could be – arriving by water?
The rapper who called for the Crips to attack Kanye referenced long beach (LBC).
#1254517 at 2018-05-01 00:23:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research #1571: great Energy, unending Stamina Edition
>>1254477 - why so many 'churches'? Compton is also directly N of long beach
#1254439 at 2018-05-01 00:17:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research #1571: great Energy, unending Stamina Edition
Random thought –
Notice how long beach CA keeps coming up?
What if corrupt CA politicians are allowing MS-13 / human trafficking / drugs / etc. free travel?
What if they allowed use of D.U.M.B sites that supposedly connect to the Pacific and also to Mexico?
What if they bypassed border security to allow the scale of what has transpired.
What did they profit?
#1236871 at 2018-04-29 19:23:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1549: Forces Of Nature
>can't find it in the archives
Well, you didn't look all that hard. There's this one from April 11-20:
Mack, Standard Hotel, long beach
You might try looking at all the archives in here, by week.
#1221851 at 2018-04-28 13:43:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1530: Alchemical Proportion
Interesting posts on this website. Take with a grain of salt.
6. Pentagon sources say, "California left-wing governor Jerry Brown was forced to send 400 National Guard troops to the Mexican border, as Trump shuts down Hollywood pedos and human trafficking operations at long beach Port."
7. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will soon "complete the witch hunt" when he indicts Hillary Clinton.
8. Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani finally joins the Trump legal team, who along with Mueller, are poised to target 9/11 perpetrators like the Bush gang and Israel."With a peace treaty formally ending the Korean War, Israel may be forced to expose its roles in 9/11 and 3/11 [Fukushima] to make peace with Syria by returning the Golan Heights," the sources conclude.
9. A peace deal in Korea would also expose many high-level criminals inside the U.S. military in Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. In a handwritten note delivered to this writer, the sources say the U.S. military in Japan is now split between the people who operate the Yokota Air Base and those stationed at Camp Zama, both near Tokyo. The Yokota people support the regime of Shinzo Abe and the continued cover-up of Fukushima mass-murder crimes, while those in Camp Zama support regime change and the exposure of Fukushima truth, the sources say. Hopefully, incoming Pacific forces commander Admiral Philip Scot Davidson will clean out the war criminals once he formally assumes command.
#1213884 at 2018-04-27 21:47:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1520: "COMMS LOUD AND CLEAR" Edition
THIS is the result of selling our ports to foreign entities!
long beach and Canaveral have been shipping these containers in to our country for years! Now a port in Massachusetts! How many ports allow ICBM's and children to be smuggled in to our country via shipping containers?
These ICBMs are placed around our country, ready to begin a war on our soil!!!!!!
#1213510 at 2018-04-27 21:06:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1519: "Re_read drops" Edition
Is Evergreen shipping (HQ San Pedro) doing business out of long beach?
#1213494 at 2018-04-27 21:05:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1519: "Re_read drops" Edition
Why is long beach important?
#1213325 at 2018-04-27 20:48:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1519: "Re_read drops" Edition
Are you mad yet? If you knew that these kids were being sold to be either raped or for ritual killings to then have organs sold on the black market in all industries? You'd start killing right now. Q, better start making [A]rrests or I'll handle this myself. I've worked in the lion's den in Hollywood as well as the financial distract seeing the port of long beach first hand while doing my own recon. I will take care of this if it's not handle & pedo-satanists aren't brought to justice. Enough is enough. Fuck all of this cryptic BS. We've had more than we know because WE did the research before "Q" even showed up. Pizzagate is real and we need to shut it down. The money is STILL following so nothing is really being done.
#1213267 at 2018-04-27 20:42:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1519: "Re_read drops" Edition
Children are often trafficked in shipping containers. Some containers are left out in the ocean while crew radio ahead saying they can't have a 70% "spoil rate" which means that they need at least 70% of the children to serve when the container is "found" offshore. In these containers, the children/adults are drugged by the water that's given to them so they won't have the strength to escape or open the container on the waters. Makes them the perfect docile asset. Think Port of long beach. That's why CA is very important. These children would be sent to downtown LA where warehouses are prepped for intake. Award shows & concerts are perfect covers of misdirection for these massive "transactions."
#1172504 at 2018-04-24 21:11:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1467: Red Carpet vs. Red Shoes
CLAS Sec 11A P2.2
>>1170278 CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important], >>1170325 sauce
>>1170802 Uranium One Link
>>1172437 Unlocking America's full potential by Secretary Ben Carson
>>1172412 Scott Pruitt Will Propose A Regulation To Keep 'Secret Science' Out Of EPA #ReleaseTheCures
>>1172337 Military jet crash in Lake Havasu today
>>1172335 Merck accused of fraud, deceit, negligence in US Gardasil case
>>1172304 , >>1172314 NEW EOs
>>1172275 "Very Pissed Off" Obama DOJ Made "Dramatic" Call To McCabe To Quash Clinton Probe
>>1172228 Kanye West deprogramming himself?
>>1172217 GS HACK
>>1172208 Roll out the red carpet!
>>1172194 Academic at centre of facebook data scandal gives evidence
>>1172160 DNA: Microscopic Warfare - related >>1172188
>>1172095 , >>1172113 , >>1172201 Mr Vincent Bolloré's arrest - 'indirectly' influencing elections
>>1172055 McCaskill in on the Russian ruse from the beginning
>>1172054 Habbening: FLOTUS & Mrs. Macron
>>1172053 Thanks, David Hogg! NRA Breaks 15 Year Fundraising Record!!!!
>>1172026 How Easy It Is To Smuggle $$$s
>>1171986 , >>1172007 Saudi FM: Qatar Regime Will Collapse within Days of US Military Base Exit
>>1171945 Joe Rogan Experience with Michael Hunter: Adrenochrome
>>1171941 Mass grave containing around 50 bodies has been uncovered in the northern Syrian city of Raqqah
>>1171917 GS: ChildPact
>>1171905 Mysterious September 11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill
>>1171890 NXIVM hacked billionaires emails with Hillary Clinton
>>1171852 Sessions refuses to recuse himself from probe into POTUS' lawyer Cohen
>>1171836 , >>1171842 POTUS threatens to scrap ridiculous Iran deal
>>1171823 Vatican/Catholic religion is basically a continuation of Babylonian religion [VIDEO]
>>1171822 Perez & Davos
>>1171819 'Real Indian' running against Sen. Elizabeth Warren sues after city tells him to stop calling her 'Fake Indian'
>>1171815 Allison Mack released on $5MM bail
>>1171779 U.S. government traced some of the $1.7bn released to Iran by Obama administration to Iranian-backed terrorists
>>1171110 NXIVM Preschooling Program (DONT PUT YOUR CHILDREN THERE)
>>1171129 Hillary Campaign Laundered $84M
>>1171132 11A P 2.2 Emergency Economic Powers, >>1171279
>>1171152 Assorted Best Crumbs (Cody Snodgers/Clive Davis&Whitney Houston/Barbara Crowley/Mark Chapman/Obama, >>1171289), >>1171296
>>1171198 America at its best
>>1171203 European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize Winners
>>1171543 , >>1171527 , >>1171560 , >>1171770 POTUS Tweet, TRI, IBC, GS
>>1171477 NXIVM, Shell Organization, Dalai Lama & Tibet
>>1171705 New NSA Chief: Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone Who Led Army's Cyber Operations
>>1171757 Q posts match POTUS' twats
>>1170556 Koch Brothers, Do Not Lose Track Of Them
>>1170745 May Neutralized?
>>1170823 Virgin's Richard Branson Ties To NXIVM
>>1169430 Iran marker.
>>1169517 The heirress and the cult; NXIVM & Bronfman
>>1169530 Iran collected drops
>>1169547 New Twitter Privacy Terms (05.25.2018), >>1169551
>>1169599 Teenage Anons Lurking; Take Notice.
>>1169600 Ukraine Crumbs
>>1169778 More on Senator Grassley/Red Cross/Haiti
>>1169798 Minutemen Call To Arms
>>1169762 Notable theory on MOAB
>>1169767 Macron Throws Luciferian Gang Signs, >>1169820 POTUS amply responds
>>1169796 More on UBL
>>1169885 What was really going on in Ukraine?
>>1169945 Open sauce on 250 billion "aid" to Iran, >>1169708 Let that sink in, >>1170176 UK Bank Link
>>1170129 JFK / DJT Market Trends
>>1168961 Various black net worths
>>1168941 Port of long beach connection to Podesta
>>1168880 , >>1168916 , >>1168971 Did Macron flash the horn hand sign?
>>1168874 , >>1168848 POTUS, FLOTUS & the Macrons: live video
>>1167963 UBL: Follow the timeline
>>1168839 Stats for black baby abortions
>>1167950 Podesta linked to Port of long beach
>>1167963 Anon confirms Q's UBL post
>>1168018 Red Crescent Enjoys Protected Status By NATO. More Anon Research, >>1168625
>>1168122 Dubs, Fairytales & Morning Covfefe, >>1168376
>>1168140 Marina's Spirit Cooking Endeveaours; DNA Research REQUIRED
>>1168315 Protip: First, you have to get them mad as hell.
>>1168533 Macron's a fag: "We have a rendezvous with history", >>1168625, >>1168675 WE. SEE. ALL, EMMANUELE.
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1171743 at 2018-04-24 19:39:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1466: Shine The Light And Shine It Bright
CLAS Sec 11A P2.2
>>1170278 CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important], >>1170325 sauce
>>1170802 Uranium One Link
>>1171110 NXIVM Preschooling Program (DONT PUT YOUR CHILDREN THERE)
>>1171129 Hillary Campaign Laundered $84M
>>1171132 11A P 2.2 Emergency Economic Powers, >>1171279
>>1171152 Assorted Best Crumbs (Cody Snodgers/Clive Davis&Whitney Houston/Barbara Crowley/Mark Chapman/Obama, >>1171289), >>1171296
>>1171198 America at its best
>>1171203 European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize Winners
>>1171473 POTUS Tweet, >>1171473 TRI, IBC, GS, >>1171527
>>1171477 NXIVM, Shell Organization, Dalai Lama & Tibet
>>1171705 New NSA Chief: Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone Who Led Army's Cyber Operations
>>1170556 Koch Brothers, Do Not Lose Track Of Them
>>1170745 May Neutralized?
>>1170823 Virgin's Richard Branson Ties To NXIVM
>>1169430 Iran marker.
>>1169517 The heirress and the cult; NXIVM & Bronfman
>>1169530 Iran collected drops
>>1169547 New Twitter Privacy Terms (05.25.2018), >>1169551
>>1169599 Teenage Anons Lurking; Take Notice.
>>1169600 Ukraine Crumbs
>>1169778 More on Senator Grassley/Red Cross/Haiti
>>1169798 Minutemen Call To Arms
>>1169762 Notable theory on MOAB
>>1169767 Macron Throws Luciferian Gang Signs, >>1169820 POTUS amply responds
>>1169796 More on UBL
>>1169885 What was really going on in Ukraine?
>>1169945 Open sauce on 250 billion "aid" to Iran, >>1169708 Let that sink in, >>1170176 UK Bank Link
>>1170129 JFK / DJT Market Trends
>>1168961 Various black net worths
>>1168941 Port of long beach connection to Podesta
>>1168880 , >>1168916 , >>1168971 Did Macron flash the horn hand sign?
>>1168874 , >>1168848 POTUS, FLOTUS & the Macrons: live video
>>1167963 UBL: Follow the timeline
>>1168839 Stats for black baby abortions
>>1167950 Podesta linked to Port of long beach
>>1167963 Anon confirms Q's UBL post
>>1168018 Red Crescent Enjoys Protected Status By NATO. More Anon Research, >>1168625
>>1168122 Dubs, Fairytales & Morning Covfefe, >>1168376
>>1168140 Marina's Spirit Cooking Endeveaours; DNA Research REQUIRED
>>1168315 Protip: First, you have to get them mad as hell.
>>1168533 Macron's a fag: "We have a rendezvous with history", >>1168625, >>1168675 WE. SEE. ALL, EMMANUELE.
>>1167171 Planned Parenthood Spending $30 Million on Mid-term Elections
>>1167271 Trump's revenge: US crude oil floods European markets in blow to OPEC and Russia
>>1167282 Kim Jong-un visits survivors of bus crash that killed 32 Chinese tourists and expresses his 'bitter sorrow'
>>1167289, >>1167447 Mack is naming names. theory
>>1167311 Singapore PM reshuffles cabinet with succession question looming
>>1167343 Nxivm cult members held wild parties and seminars on Sir Richard Branson's private Caribbean island, Necker.
>>1167573 Western Spy Agencies Build Cyber Magicians to manipulate online discourse, >>1167590
>>1167492 We The People, Call To Abolish The House Of Lords, >>1167487
>>1167602 Iran joins Russia-led free-trade zone
>>1167623 Initiative to split California into 3 states may be on November ballot
>>1167649 Clare Bronfman, Alisson Mack's Handler?
>>1167679 Bronfmans are connected with the Bushes and Clintons.
>>1167681 1nterview with Sacha Stone: London Tribunal on Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse
>>1167744 De Kalb Junction Getting Rammed By Ddos. Why?
>>1167763 Planting Trees
>>1167768 List Of Charges Allison Mack Includes Child Trafficking, >>1167145
>>1166509 All UN sites info pastebin
>>1166459 Houthi political chief Saleh al-Sammad killed in Saudi air raids
>>1166666 Zach from AJ Infowars?
>>1167004 Digging needed: who was this child
>>1167048 Don't lose focus on Big-Tech, Big-Tech is in the Nordic countries
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1170989 at 2018-04-24 18:11:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1465: We Will Be Coming Home After Leaving A Lasting Footprint
CLAS Sec 11A P2.2
>>1170278 CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important], >>1170325 sauce
>>1170802 Uranium One Link
>>1170556 Koch Brothers, Do Not Lose Track Of Them
>>1170745 May Neutralized?
>>1170823 Virgin's Richard Branson Ties To NXIVM
>>1169430 Iran marker.
>>1169517 The heirress and the cult; NXIVM & Bronfman
>>1169530 Iran collected drops
>>1169547 New Twitter Privacy Terms (05.25.2018), >>1169551
>>1169599 Teenage Anons Lurking; Take Notice.
>>1169600 Ukraine Crumbs
>>1169778 More on Senator Grassley/Red Cross/Haiti
>>1169798 Minutemen Call To Arms
>>1169762 Notable theory on MOAB
>>1169767 Macron Throws Luciferian Gang Signs, >>1169820 POTUS amply responds
>>1169796 More on UBL
>>1169885 What was really going on in Ukraine?
>>1169945 Open sauce on 250 billion "aid" to Iran, >>1169708 Let that sink in, >>1170176 UK Bank Link
>>1170129 JFK / DJT Market Trends
>>1168961 Various black net worths
>>1168941 Port of long beach connection to Podesta
>>1168880 , >>1168916 , >>1168971 Did Macron flash the horn hand sign?
>>1168874 , >>1168848 POTUS, FLOTUS & the Macrons: live video
>>1167963 UBL: Follow the timeline
>>1168839 Stats for black baby abortions
>>1167950 Podesta linked to Port of long beach
>>1167963 Anon confirms Q's UBL post
>>1168018 Red Crescent Enjoys Protected Status By NATO. More Anon Research, >>1168625
>>1168122 Dubs, Fairytales & Morning Covfefe, >>1168376
>>1168140 Marina's Spirit Cooking Endeveaours; DNA Research REQUIRED
>>1168315 Protip: First, you have to get them mad as hell.
>>1168533 Macron's a fag: "We have a rendezvous with history", >>1168625, >>1168675 WE. SEE. ALL, EMMANUELE.
>>1167171 Planned Parenthood Spending $30 Million on Mid-term Elections
>>1167271 Trump's revenge: US crude oil floods European markets in blow to OPEC and Russia
>>1167282 Kim Jong-un visits survivors of bus crash that killed 32 Chinese tourists and expresses his 'bitter sorrow'
>>1167289, >>1167447 Mack is naming names. theory
>>1167311 Singapore PM reshuffles cabinet with succession question looming
>>1167343 Nxivm cult members held wild parties and seminars on Sir Richard Branson's private Caribbean island, Necker.
>>1167573 Western Spy Agencies Build Cyber Magicians to manipulate online discourse, >>1167590
>>1167492 We The People, Call To Abolish The House Of Lords, >>1167487
>>1167602 Iran joins Russia-led free-trade zone
>>1167623 Initiative to split California into 3 states may be on November ballot
>>1167649 Clare Bronfman, Alisson Mack's Handler?
>>1167679 Bronfmans are connected with the Bushes and Clintons.
>>1167681 1nterview with Sacha Stone: London Tribunal on Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse
>>1167744 De Kalb Junction Getting Rammed By Ddos. Why?
>>1167763 Planting Trees
>>1167768 List Of Charges Allison Mack Includes Child Trafficking, >>1167145
>>1166509 All UN sites info pastebin
>>1166459 Houthi political chief Saleh al-Sammad killed in Saudi air raids
>>1166666 Zach from AJ Infowars?
>>1167004 Digging needed: who was this child
>>1167048 Don't lose focus on Big-Tech, Big-Tech is in the Nordic countries
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1170230 at 2018-04-24 16:58:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1464: Retaking The Freedom In Our Republic
>>1169430 Iran marker.
>>1169517 The heirress and the cult; NXIVM & Bronfman
>>1169528 Sec 11A P 2.2, >>1169774, >>1169824 ? Meaning of CLAS Sec 11A P2.2 ?
>>1169530 Iran collected drops
>>1169547 New Twitter Privacy Terms (05.25.2018), >>1169551
>>1169599 Teenage Anons Lurking; Take Notice.
>>1169600 Ukraine Crumbs
>>1169778 More on Senator Grassley/Red Cross/Haiti
>>1169798 Minutemen Call To Arms
>>1169762 Notable theory on MOAB
>>1169767 Macron Throws Luciferian Gang Signs, >>1169820 POTUS amply responds
>>1169796 More on UBL
>>1169885 What was really going on in Ukraine?
>>1169945 Open sauce on 250 billion "aid" to Iran, >>1169708 Let that sink in, UK Bank link, >>1170176
>>1170129 JFK / DJT Market Trends
>>1168961 Various black net worths
>>1168941 Port of long beach connection to Podesta
>>1168880 , >>1168916 , >>1168971 Did Macron flash the horn hand sign?
>>1168874 , >>1168848 POTUS, FLOTUS & the Macrons: live video
>>1167963 UBL: Follow the timeline
>>1168839 Stats for black baby abortions
>>1167950 Podesta linked to Port of long beach
>>1167963 Anon confirms Q's UBL post
>>1168018 Red Crescent Enjoys Protected Status By NATO. More Anon Research, >>1168625
>>1168122 Dubs, Fairytales & Morning Covfefe, >>1168376
>>1168140 Marina's Spirit Cooking Endeveaours; DNA Research REQUIRED
>>1168315 Protip: First, you have to get them mad as hell.
>>1168533 Macron's a fag: "We have a rendezvous with history", >>1168625, >>1168675 WE. SEE. ALL, EMMANUELE.
>>1167171 Planned Parenthood Spending $30 Million on Mid-term Elections
>>1167271 Trump's revenge: US crude oil floods European markets in blow to OPEC and Russia
>>1167282 Kim Jong-un visits survivors of bus crash that killed 32 Chinese tourists and expresses his 'bitter sorrow'
>>1167289, >>1167447 Mack is naming names. theory
>>1167311 Singapore PM reshuffles cabinet with succession question looming
>>1167343 Nxivm cult members held wild parties and seminars on Sir Richard Branson's private Caribbean island, Necker.
>>1167573 Western Spy Agencies Build Cyber Magicians to manipulate online discourse, >>1167590
>>1167492 We The People, Call To Abolish The House Of Lords, >>1167487
>>1167602 Iran joins Russia-led free-trade zone
>>1167623 Initiative to split California into 3 states may be on November ballot
>>1167649 Clare Bronfman, Alisson Mack's Handler?
>>1167679 Bronfmans are connected with the Bushes and Clintons.
>>1167681 1nterview with Sacha Stone: London Tribunal on Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse
>>1167744 De Kalb Junction Getting Rammed By Ddos. Why?
>>1167763 Planting Trees
>>1167768 List Of Charges Allison Mack Includes Child Trafficking, >>1167145
>>1166509 All UN sites info pastebin
>>1166459 Houthi political chief Saleh al-Sammad killed in Saudi air raids
>>1166666 Zach from AJ Infowars?
>>1167004 Digging needed: who was this child
>>1167048 Don't lose focus on Big-Tech, Big-Tech is in the Nordic countries
>>1165496 Iranian spies 'used Red Crescent to enter war zones'
>>1165592, >>1165755 re: full disclosure
>>1165598, >>1165634 UN sites info dump
>>1165650 Red Cross cash vidya >>1165857 Part of Gaddafi's money?
>>1165664 Blind Item - The Church's New Investment
>>1165669 Wtf is happening with this timeline?!? First Kanye drops the red pill and now his wife joins in too???
>>1165679 The Red Cross and the Catholic Church have been collaborating with Nazis and Socialists for decades.
>>1166076 The science agenda to exterminate blacks
>>1166103 The voice of God is still proclaiming "I Am That I Am" Right Now
>>1166190 POTUS Schedule
>>1166230 Miami Herald Files Lawsuit for Sealed Jeffrey Epstein Records
>>1166234 Look who was busy during 2004. A bunch of swamp rats.
>>1166256 Ted Turner is a member of this Steering Committee.
>>1164897 Osama bin Laden Dec 21st Trump EO connection
>>1164931 Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetuses reminder
>>1165207 Pakistani Temporary Protected Status Act of 2011
>>1165215 Three Dog Night said it a long time ago.
>>1165331 CDAN -- The Church's Money
>>1165359, >>1165371, >>1165472 Corporations that give money indirectly to Planned Parenthood
>>1165424 Kanye West to Hot 97's Morning Host Ebro Darden: 'I Love Donald Trump'
>>1165442 Elder George Bush hospitalized with blood infection, responding to treatment
>>1165477 REVEALED: Sex cult leader Allison Mack is now seeking a plea deal
>>1164089 Awan brothers timeline
>>1164221, >>1164592 , >>1164700, >>1164737 The UN has a foundation
>>1164254 U.S. government knew Agha Khan of Pakistan
>>1164281 "Bigger than you can imagine." - Q#1123696
>>1164725 Tip on archiving
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1169399 at 2018-04-24 15:47:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1463: WE ENDURE WITH STRENGTH Edition
>>1168961 Various black net worths
>>1168941 Port of long beach connection to Podesta
>>1168880 , >>1168916 , >>1168971 Did Macron flash the horn hand sign?
>>1168874 , >>1168848 POTUS, FLOTUS & the Macrons: live video
>>1167963 UBL: Follow the timeline
>>1168839 Stats for black baby abortions
Being collected
>>1167171 Planned Parenthood Spending $30 Million on Mid-term Elections
>>1167271 Trump's revenge: US crude oil floods European markets in blow to OPEC and Russia
>>1167282 Kim Jong-un visits survivors of bus crash that killed 32 Chinese tourists and expresses his 'bitter sorrow'
>>1167289, >>1167447 Mack is naming names. theory
>>1167311 Singapore PM reshuffles cabinet with succession question looming
>>1167343 Nxivm cult members held wild parties and seminars on Sir Richard Branson's private Caribbean island, Necker.
>>1167573 Western Spy Agencies Build Cyber Magicians to manipulate online discourse, >>1167590
>>1167492 We The People, Call To Abolish The House Of Lords, >>1167487
>>1167602 Iran joins Russia-led free-trade zone
>>1167623 Initiative to split California into 3 states may be on November ballot
>>1167649 Clare Bronfman, Alisson Mack's Handler?
>>1167679 Bronfmans are connected with the Bushes and Clintons.
>>1167681 1nterview with Sacha Stone: London Tribunal on Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse
>>1167744 De Kalb Junction Getting Rammed By Ddos. Why?
>>1167763 Planting Trees
>>1167768 List Of Charges Allison Mack Includes Child Trafficking, >>1167145
>>1166509 All UN sites info pastebin
>>1166459 Houthi political chief Saleh al-Sammad killed in Saudi air raids
>>1166666 Zach from AJ Infowars?
>>1167004 Digging needed: who was this child
>>1167048 Don't lose focus on Big-Tech, Big-Tech is in the Nordic countries
>>1165496 Iranian spies 'used Red Crescent to enter war zones'
>>1165592, >>1165755 re: full disclosure
>>1165598, >>1165634 UN sites info dump
>>1165650 Red Cross cash vidya >>1165857 Part of Gaddafi's money?
>>1165664 Blind Item - The Church's New Investment
>>1165669 Wtf is happening with this timeline?!? First Kanye drops the red pill and now his wife joins in too???
>>1165679 The Red Cross and the Catholic Church have been collaborating with Nazis and Socialists for decades.
>>1166076 The science agenda to exterminate blacks
>>1166103 The voice of God is still proclaiming "I Am That I Am" Right Now
>>1166190 POTUS Schedule
>>1166230 Miami Herald Files Lawsuit for Sealed Jeffrey Epstein Records
>>1166234 Look who was busy during 2004. A bunch of swamp rats.
>>1166256 Ted Turner is a member of this Steering Committee.
>>1164897 Osama bin Laden Dec 21st Trump EO connection
>>1164931 Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetuses reminder
>>1165207 Pakistani Temporary Protected Status Act of 2011
>>1165215 Three Dog Night said it a long time ago.
>>1165331 CDAN -- The Church's Money
>>1165359, >>1165371, >>1165472 Corporations that give money indirectly to Planned Parenthood
>>1165424 Kanye West to Hot 97's Morning Host Ebro Darden: 'I Love Donald Trump'
>>1165442 Elder George Bush hospitalized with blood infection, responding to treatment
>>1165477 REVEALED: Sex cult leader Allison Mack is now seeking a plea deal
>>1164089 Awan brothers timeline
>>1164221, >>1164592 , >>1164700, >>1164737 The UN has a foundation
>>1164254 U.S. government knew Agha Khan of Pakistan
>>1164281 "Bigger than you can imagine." - Q#1123696
>>1164725 Tip on archiving
>>1163239, >>1163355, >>1163400 Torronto van attack thread
>>1163279 Pakistan obtained nukes from Saudi Arabia
>>1163468 Candance tweet re: BLM
>>1163652 Beatiful meme
>>1162483, >>1162723 Maggie Haberman father-n-law is Vartan Gregorian, Armenian born in Iran
>>1162522 Richard Branson ties to Allison Mack
>>1162564, >>1163106 Head of ICRC Detention Program Killed in Taiz
>>1162587 "Red Cross enjoys immunity from judicial process"
>>1162728 Follow the EO's after the pen pics
>>1162731, >>1162958 Sara & Edgar Bronfman Sr: Connections
>>1162755 Saudi Media Claims Houthis Are Holding 19 Oil Tankers Hostage Off Yemeni Coast
>>1162862 , >>1162986 , >>1162991 The External Auditors of the United Nations
>>1162951 109 Former Generals & Admirals letter opposing new CIA head
>>1163047 USAID - 44,650 results in Wikileaks.
>>1161851 Papa Bush hospitalized
>>1161879 Allison Mack charges
>>1161738 POTUS speech with edits related to Q.
>>1161798 Red Cross Chairman of the Board of Corporate Officers
>>1161816 How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?
>>1161921 NSA Israel related
>>1162259 Q post related
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1169146 at 2018-04-24 15:31:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1462: Good Morning Ebake
>>1167950 Podesta linked to Port of long beach
>>1167963 Anon confirms Q's UBL post
>>1168018 Red Crescent Enjoys Protected Status By NATO. More Anon Research, >>1168567
>>1168122 Dubs, Fairytales & Morning Covfefe, >>1168376
>>1168140 Marina's Spirit Cooking Endeveaours; DNA Research REQUIRED
>>1168315 Protip: First, you have to get them mad as hell.
>>1168533 Macron's a fag: "We have a rendezvous with history">>1168625, >>1168675 WE. SEE. ALL. EMMANUELE.
Here are the notables.
Do you want to bake the next bread, or shall I?
#1168941 at 2018-04-24 15:08:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1462: Good Morning Ebake
Port of long beach connection to Podesta.
[Middle Harbor Project/Alex Cherin/Jake Sullivan/CH Tung/OOCL/LBCT/Hong Kong]
https:// wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/7365
#1168344 at 2018-04-24 13:45:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1461: Victorious Light, Shine The Truth Far And Wide
anon., can you pls reference what you are referring to? thx.
>ALL THE WAY BACK to Chinagate i.e. Port of long beach deal.
Whoa. fyi to anons. to wish to dig this:
there's a piece in the Notables. from last week that links to an article from the 90s that goes in FULL DETAIL on the Chinagate deal, including the exact participants in the room.
(hint: BC's CoS + #2 @ Pentagon in 1995.)
#1168273 at 2018-04-24 13:32:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1461: Victorious Light, Shine The Truth Far And Wide
Thanks be to God the words we hear now are "decisive action" versus "long term schtrategy"
Also: If you have not checked out that AWAN timeline posted by anon last bread, you would benefit greatly by doing so.
Interesting tidbits: the murdered by a dumbbell UN/Antigua representative that was to testify against Clinton ties to Ng Lap Seng goes ALL THE WAY BACK to Chinagate i.e. Port of long beach deal.
Also, the Seth Rich timeline is expanded with his being yanked out of Hastings, NE July 5 from an office that the Clintons were PAYING MILLIONS run by a guy with the familiar template of being born in foreign country (Turkey) with a military family and ultimately married up….
https:// awantimeline.com/
#1167950 at 2018-04-24 12:27:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1461: Victorious Light, Shine The Truth Far And Wide
Port of long beach connection to Podesta.
[Middle Harbor Project/Alex Cherin/Jake Sullivan/CH Tung/OOCL/LBCT/Hong Kong]
https:// wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/7365
#1167548 at 2018-04-24 10:08:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1460: Digging Needed
Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 1121272
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov't (local/federal).
The 'Standard' Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
#1164151 at 2018-04-24 01:58:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1456: Patriots Bleed Red
From 1968 to 1978 the family lived in Lido beach on long Island. In 1978, her family moved to Melville, also on long Island
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie_Wasserman_Schultz
Rick Rubin:
Frederick Jay Rubin was born in long beach, New York and grew up in Lido beach, New York.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Rubin
I've been trying to find a connection.
#1151891 at 2018-04-23 03:01:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1440: Dig For Progress
Holy shit..I can't believe this make it to the long beach Press Telegram. Prayers have been answered I think it's finally happening.
https:// www.presstelegram.com/2018/04/21/follow-the-money-from-clinton-friends-to-fired-fbi-official
#1150699 at 2018-04-23 01:07:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1438: Returning Marines
Look at the image of the Q drop
I was using the canary palm tree as a double meaning to Date palm tree
HWY 111 runs to & from palm springs thru coachella to mexico = pipeline
mexico to long beach port = pipeline
trafficking women, kids, drugs, weapons, terrorist
One thing about HWY 111 can also get to HWY 66 & HWY 10 (more Pipelines)
#1150465 at 2018-04-23 00:45:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1438: Returning Marines
The Canary palm tree & Date palm tree is not related
It got me thinking about Trafficking routes Mexico border & long beach port
#1145514 at 2018-04-22 17:30:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1432: WITCH HUNT! (part deux) Edition
long beach you asshat
#1145380 at 2018-04-22 17:17:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1432: WITCH HUNT! (part deux) Edition
David Hodges and Paul Preston,
close to the start discuss long beach port, how many troops could be smuggled in?
Then there is 5 fully stocked military bases in Mexico no staffed yet, but all the tools for an invasion…
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnSALlf9fKY
#1142616 at 2018-04-22 08:41:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research #1428: Eurobake Edition
I like this format. Adding the sauce under the articles might be a good idea. If they get 'disappeared' because it was referenced by Q, that's added redpill-factor.
The connection between MX border / long beach and Mack's indictment is still a little fuzzy for me. While I was digging I found the related pic (from CBS sauce below) naming a few other people and making connections to Mexico.
She also had a home at one point in Orange County and obviously has Hollywood connections, but it seems like NXIVM ground zero was in NY. Have we connected her to AS or Standard Hotel or other west coast trafficking arrests?
Is the son of the former Mexican president involved with trafficking people across the border or into long beach?
https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/founder-nxivm-purported-self-help-organization-and-actor-indicted-sex-trafficking-and
https:// frankreport.com/2018/04/10/part-1-the-secret-story-of-how-allison-mack-became-a-sex-slaver/
https:// frankreport.com/2018/04/10/part-2-how-allison-mack-became-a-sex-slaver-she-gave-nxivm-cult-leader-graphic-nude-photos/
https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/allison-mack-smallville-arrested-nxivm-sex-cult-keith-raniere/
#1136624 at 2018-04-21 23:10:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1421: An Army Of Frogs
Single Vehicle crash long beach, CA (near US Border Port)
no names yet. cause of accident unknown. Car burst into flames.
NXIVM related? (total speculation.. def not notable yet)
#1135741 at 2018-04-21 21:45:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1420: Factorial Memetics Division
>>1134056, >>1134177, >>1134803
>>1135069 Avicii made 2 video on human trafficking before his untimely death, >>1135247, >>1135217
>>1135092 The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
>>1135188 NXIVM member tied to Clinton Global Initiatve
>>1135327 Avicii's former manager adores Marina Abramovic
>>1135368 A Brave New World
>>1135376 NVIXM cult and DALAI LAMA
>>1135416 More on Maggie/Obama & Their Power-Dynamic Relationship
>>1135467 FBI case against "Q"?
>>1135539 Re: Journalism Ethics & Standard: Media and Leakers are in Deep Legal Shit
>>1135559 Allison Mack is singing like a bird
>>1134415 Timing On POTUS Tweets; JV.
>>1134494 POTUS; MSM out to create ill will.
>>1134532 Meme fired up.
>>1134454 Revisiting Smallville: ~5 years ago, actor death by multiple gunshot suicide, >>1134528
>>1134729 Theresa May's Husband Has a "glaring conflict of interest through his Capital Investement"
>>1134920 Allison Mack appears in Court
>>1133634 Where are the memo's, Jim?
>>1133697 Full Pardon for Jack Johnson?
>>1133762 Treasure Trove Of Memos?
>>1133905 FLOTUS Protection Force
>>1132887 New Bush Klansmember 2 days after Barbara Bush's departure
>>1132934 Bookmark: A Global Display Of Human Trafficking Incidents
>>1133014 Heavy Gunfire Apparoching #Saudi King Palace
>>1133029 First steps into Detectfagging
>>1133064 New POTUS weet: Winning
>>1133066 Lynch Pilot Dimitri Noonan Alive?? sauce, >>1133102
>>1133277 When does a bird sing?
>>1133333 Nice Quints
>>1132517 D.C. Swamp Catalogued; Grab it while it's dirty
>>1132418 How to detect Undetectable Mind Slaves
>>1132227 Sixkiller Consulting
>>1132705 POTUS Twitter diagramed
>>1132289 Check the plaintiff names
>>1132306 Seth Rich Master Diagram
>>1132308 NP Comey Memos: Evidence of plot to destroy President Trump
>>1131826 Comms Learned Q?
>>1131828 Podesta email.POSSIBLE CANCER CURE
>>1131235 Clinton Foundation distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients
>>1130839 Q, HRC laundering $$$$$ through Rothschild Banks???
>>1130927 Bill Clinton Pocketing $ From Big Pharma
>>1130968 WikiLeaks: Clintons Schemed With Big Pharma To Keep AIDS Drugs Prices High
>>1130970 Organ harvesting doc
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
>>1128855 Devin Nunes states Investigation based on phony intelligence
>>1128989 , >>1129133 , >>1129204 "Pet Names" = Isis for Maggie Nixon's friends
>>1129105 , >>1129115 , >>1129151 Maggie Nixon and Sylvia Earle (See >>1128695 from #1410)
>>1129211 Sex magic, Blavatsky, and Abramovic
>>1129246 Maggie Haberman dig
>>1129024 Wendy dig
>>1129263 Sexualizing from birth? Also >>1129264 text with 8ch spacing
>>1129266 , >>1129302 Sony email dig; Laura and Casey Wasserman
>>1129135 Robert Nixon on Mission Blue Board
>>1129325 , >>1129339 Agnes Eckhardt (Nixon) dig; many soap opera connections, including As the World Turns
>>1129421 Correct voat.co link (www.voat.co/v/pizzagate)
>>1129123 India has the right idea
>>1129552 Maggie Haberman graduated from Mockingbird University?
>>1128183 "Golden brains scopus awards"
>>1128236 Witches/Hecate/Sacrifice digging
>>1128317, >>1128399 Brain-to-brain synchronization story w/ Marina Abramovic
>>1128427 Bush family welcomes baby 2 days after Barbara Bush's death
>>1128506, >>1128525, >>1128558, >>1128704 Planefags spotting activity in Middle East
>>1128554, >>1128711 Esopus island, strange energies
>>1128567 Maggie gofundme page from 2016
>>1128646 Armenian PM calls for dialogue with opposition protesters
>>1128656 Mossad blamed for death of Hamas-affiliated engineer in MalaysiaMOSSAD
>>1128650 India approves death penalty for child rapists
>>1128692, >>1128695 The Obama Fish
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1134951 at 2018-04-21 20:43:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1419: Meme Force One
>>1134056, >>1134177, >>1134803
>>1134415 Timing On POTUS Tweets; JV.
>>1134494 POTUS; MSM out to create ill will.
>>1134532 Meme fired up.
>>1134454 Revisiting Smallville: ~5 years ago, actor death by multiple gunshot suicide, >>1134528
>>1134729 Theresa May's Husband Has a "glaring conflict of interest through his Capital Investement"
>>1133634 Where are the memo's, Jim?
>>1133697 Full Pardon for Jack Johnson?
>>1133762 Treasure Trove Of Memos?
>>1133905 FLOTUS Protection Force
>>1132887 New Bush Klansmember 2 days after Barbara Bush's departure
>>1132934 Bookmark: A Global Display Of Human Trafficking Incidents
>>1133014 Heavy Gunfire Apparoching #Saudi King Palace
>>1133029 First steps into Detectfagging
>>1133064 New POTUS weet: Winning
>>1133066 Lynch Pilot Dimitri Noonan Alive?? sauce, >>1133102
>>1133277 When does a bird sing?
>>1133333 Nice Quints
>>1132517 D.C. Swamp Catalogued; Grab it while it's dirty
>>1132418 How to detect Undetectable Mind Slaves
>>1132227 Sixkiller Consulting
>>1132705 POTUS Twitter diagramed
>>1132289 Check the plaintiff names
>>1132306 Seth Rich Master Diagram
>>1132308 NP Comey Memos: Evidence of plot to destroy President Trump
>>1131826 Comms Learned Q?
>>1131828 Podesta email.POSSIBLE CANCER CURE
>>1131235 Clinton Foundation distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients
>>1130839 Q, HRC laundering $$$$$ through Rothschild Banks???
>>1130927 Bill Clinton Pocketing $ From Big Pharma
>>1130968 WikiLeaks: Clintons Schemed With Big Pharma To Keep AIDS Drugs Prices High
>>1130970 Organ harvesting doc
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
>>1128855 Devin Nunes states Investigation based on phony intelligence
>>1128989 , >>1129133 , >>1129204 "Pet Names" = Isis for Maggie Nixon's friends
>>1129105 , >>1129115 , >>1129151 Maggie Nixon and Sylvia Earle (See >>1128695 from #1410)
>>1129211 Sex magic, Blavatsky, and Abramovic
>>1129246 Maggie Haberman dig
>>1129024 Wendy dig
>>1129263 Sexualizing from birth? Also >>1129264 text with 8ch spacing
>>1129266 , >>1129302 Sony email dig; Laura and Casey Wasserman
>>1129135 Robert Nixon on Mission Blue Board
>>1129325 , >>1129339 Agnes Eckhardt (Nixon) dig; many soap opera connections, including As the World Turns
>>1129421 Correct voat.co link (www.voat.co/v/pizzagate)
>>1129123 India has the right idea
>>1129552 Maggie Haberman graduated from Mockingbird University?
>>1128183 "Golden brains scopus awards"
>>1128236 Witches/Hecate/Sacrifice digging
>>1128317, >>1128399 Brain-to-brain synchronization story w/ Marina Abramovic
>>1128427 Bush family welcomes baby 2 days after Barbara Bush's death
>>1128506, >>1128525, >>1128558, >>1128704 Planefags spotting activity in Middle East
>>1128554, >>1128711 Esopus island, strange energies
>>1128567 Maggie gofundme page from 2016
>>1128646 Armenian PM calls for dialogue with opposition protesters
>>1128656 Mossad blamed for death of Hamas-affiliated engineer in MalaysiaMOSSAD
>>1128650 India approves death penalty for child rapists
>>1128692, >>1128695 The Obama Fish
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1134230 at 2018-04-21 19:57:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1418: Do What We Do Best
UPDATES; drone shot down
>>1134056, >>1134177
>>1133634 Where are the memo's, Jim?
>>1133697 Full Pardon for Jack Johnson?
>>1133762 Treasure Trove Of Memos?
>>1133905 FLOTUS Protection Force
>>1132887 New Bush Klansmember 2 days after Barbara Bush's departure
>>1132934 Bookmark: A Global Display Of Human Trafficking Incidents
>>1133014 Heavy Gunfire Apparoching #Saudi King Palace
>>1133029 First steps into Detectfagging
>>1133064 New POTUS weet: Winning
>>1133066 Lynch Pilot Dimitri Noonan Alive?? sauce, >>1133102
>>1133277 When does a bird sing?
>>1133333 Nice Quints
>>1132517 D.C. Swamp Catalogued; Grab it while it's dirty
>>1132418 How to detect Undetectable Mind Slaves
>>1132227 Sixkiller Consulting
>>1132705 POTUS Twitter diagramed
>>1132289 Check the plaintiff names
>>1132306 Seth Rich Master Diagram
>>1132308 NP Comey Memos: Evidence of plot to destroy President Trump
>>1131826 Comms Learned Q?
>>1131828 Podesta email.POSSIBLE CANCER CURE
>>1131235 Clinton Foundation distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients
>>1130839 Q, HRC laundering $$$$$ through Rothschild Banks???
>>1130927 Bill Clinton Pocketing $ From Big Pharma
>>1130968 WikiLeaks: Clintons Schemed With Big Pharma To Keep AIDS Drugs Prices High
>>1130970 Organ harvesting doc
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
>>1128855 Devin Nunes states Investigation based on phony intelligence
>>1128989 , >>1129133 , >>1129204 "Pet Names" = Isis for Maggie Nixon's friends
>>1129105 , >>1129115 , >>1129151 Maggie Nixon and Sylvia Earle (See >>1128695 from #1410)
>>1129211 Sex magic, Blavatsky, and Abramovic
>>1129246 Maggie Haberman dig
>>1129024 Wendy dig
>>1129263 Sexualizing from birth? Also >>1129264 text with 8ch spacing
>>1129266 , >>1129302 Sony email dig; Laura and Casey Wasserman
>>1129135 Robert Nixon on Mission Blue Board
>>1129325 , >>1129339 Agnes Eckhardt (Nixon) dig; many soap opera connections, including As the World Turns
>>1129421 Correct voat.co link (www.voat.co/v/pizzagate)
>>1129123 India has the right idea
>>1129552 Maggie Haberman graduated from Mockingbird University?
>>1128183 "Golden brains scopus awards"
>>1128236 Witches/Hecate/Sacrifice digging
>>1128317, >>1128399 Brain-to-brain synchronization story w/ Marina Abramovic
>>1128427 Bush family welcomes baby 2 days after Barbara Bush's death
>>1128506, >>1128525, >>1128558, >>1128704 Planefags spotting activity in Middle East
>>1128554, >>1128711 Esopus island, strange energies
>>1128567 Maggie gofundme page from 2016
>>1128646 Armenian PM calls for dialogue with opposition protesters
>>1128656 Mossad blamed for death of Hamas-affiliated engineer in MalaysiaMOSSAD
>>1128650 India approves death penalty for child rapists
>>1128692, >>1128695 The Obama Fish
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1134188 at 2018-04-21 19:55:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1417: See Through Walls
It was probably long beach.
#1133460 at 2018-04-21 19:15:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1417: See Through Walls
>>1132887 New Bush Klansmember 2 days after Barbara Bush's departure
>>1132934 Bookmark: A Global Display Of Human Trafficking Incidents
>>1133014 Heavy Gunfire Apparoching #Saudi King Palace
>>1133029 First steps into Detectfagging
>>1133064 New POTUS weet: Winning
>>1133066 Lynch Pilot Dimitri Noonan Alive?? sauce, >>1133102
>>1133277 When does a bird sing?
>>1133333 Nice Quints
>>1132517 D.C. Swamp Catalogued; Grab it while it's dirty
..1132418 http:// pialogue.info/books/Illuminati-Undetectable-Mind-Controlled-Slaves.pdf
>>1132227 https:// mobile.twitter.com/SixkillerLLC
>>1132230 POTUS Twitter diagramed
>>1132289 Check the plaintiff names
>>1132306 Seth Rich Master Diagram
>>1132308 NP Comey Memos: Evidence of plot to destroy President Trump
>>1131826 Comms Learned Q?
>>1131828 Podesta email.POSSIBLE CANCER CURE
>>1131235 Clinton Foundation distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients
>>1130839 Q, HRC laundering $$$$$ through Rothschild Banks???
>>1130927 Bill Clinton Pocketing $ From Big Pharma
>>1130968 WikiLeaks: Clintons Schemed With Big Pharma To Keep AIDS Drugs Prices High
>>1130970 Organ harvesting doc
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
>>1128855 Devin Nunes states Investigation based on phony intelligence
>>1128989 , >>1129133 , >>1129204 "Pet Names" = Isis for Maggie Nixon's friends
>>1129105 , >>1129115 , >>1129151 Maggie Nixon and Sylvia Earle (See >>1128695 from #1410)
>>1129211 Sex magic, Blavatsky, and Abramovic
>>1129246 Maggie Haberman dig
>>1129024 Wendy dig
>>1129263 Sexualizing from birth? Also >>1129264 text with 8ch spacing
>>1129266 , >>1129302 Sony email dig; Laura and Casey Wasserman
>>1129135 Robert Nixon on Mission Blue Board
>>1129325 , >>1129339 Agnes Eckhardt (Nixon) dig; many soap opera connections, including As the World Turns
>>1129421 Correct voat.co link (www.voat.co/v/pizzagate)
>>1129123 India has the right idea
>>1129552 Maggie Haberman graduated from Mockingbird University?
>>1128183 "Golden brains scopus awards"
>>1128236 Witches/Hecate/Sacrifice digging
>>1128317, >>1128399 Brain-to-brain synchronization story w/ Marina Abramovic
>>1128427 Bush family welcomes baby 2 days after Barbara Bush's death
>>1128506, >>1128525, >>1128558, >>1128704 Planefags spotting activity in Middle East
>>1128554, >>1128711 Esopus island, strange energies
>>1128567 Maggie gofundme page from 2016
>>1128646 Armenian PM calls for dialogue with opposition protesters
>>1128656 Mossad blamed for death of Hamas-affiliated engineer in MalaysiaMOSSAD
>>1128650 India approves death penalty for child rapists
>>1128692, >>1128695 The Obama Fish
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1132610 at 2018-04-21 18:16:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1416 Friends Who Are Enemys
..1132418 http:// pialogue.info/books/Illuminati-Undetectable-Mind-Controlled-Slaves.pdf
>>1132227 https:// mobile.twitter.com/SixkillerLLC
>>1132230 POTUS Twitter diagramed
>>1132289 Check the plaintiff names
>>1132306 Seth Rich Master Diagram
>>1132308 NP Comey Memos: Evidence of plot to destroy President Trump
>>1131826 Comms Learned Q?
>>1131828 Podesta email.POSSIBLE CANCER CURE
>>1131235 Clinton Foundation distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients
>>1130839 Q, HRC laundering $$$$$ through Rothschild Banks???
>>1130927 Bill Clinton Pocketing $ From Big Pharma
>>1130968 WikiLeaks: Clintons Schemed With Big Pharma To Keep AIDS Drugs Prices High
>>1130970 Organ harvesting doc
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
>>1128855 Devin Nunes states Investigation based on phony intelligence
>>1128989 , >>1129133 , >>1129204 "Pet Names" = Isis for Maggie Nixon's friends
>>1129105 , >>1129115 , >>1129151 Maggie Nixon and Sylvia Earle (See >>1128695 from #1410)
>>1129211 Sex magic, Blavatsky, and Abramovic
>>1129246 Maggie Haberman dig
>>1129024 Wendy dig
>>1129263 Sexualizing from birth? Also >>1129264 text with 8ch spacing
>>1129266 , >>1129302 Sony email dig; Laura and Casey Wasserman
>>1129135 Robert Nixon on Mission Blue Board
>>1129325 , >>1129339 Agnes Eckhardt (Nixon) dig; many soap opera connections, including As the World Turns
>>1129421 Correct voat.co link (www.voat.co/v/pizzagate)
>>1129123 India has the right idea
>>1129552 Maggie Haberman graduated from Mockingbird University?
>>1128183 "Golden brains scopus awards"
>>1128236 Witches/Hecate/Sacrifice digging
>>1128317, >>1128399 Brain-to-brain synchronization story w/ Marina Abramovic
>>1128427 Bush family welcomes baby 2 days after Barbara Bush's death
>>1128506, >>1128525, >>1128558, >>1128704 Planefags spotting activity in Middle East
>>1128554, >>1128711 Esopus island, strange energies
>>1128567 Maggie gofundme page from 2016
>>1128646 Armenian PM calls for dialogue with opposition protesters
>>1128656 Mossad blamed for death of Hamas-affiliated engineer in MalaysiaMOSSAD
>>1128650 India approves death penalty for child rapists
>>1128692, >>1128695 The Obama Fish
>>1127374 Another photo worth looking at on the link between Maggie/Agnes Nixon and James Alefantis
>>1127381 Tick Tock LLC
>>1127456 Notable descendants and relatives / Bloodlines of Salem
>>1127457 Pharoah ben*s
>>1127726 anon WikiLeaks
>>1127803 Recent relevant Instagram backups by an anon
>>1127870 Was Brennan a KGB Clown all along?
>>1126666 Another important Wendy
>>1126576 Silent Auction & Benefit Party attendees with Alefantis, Podesta and the like
>>1126641 NXIVM connected to Clinton 2008 campaign (archive.fo/hZxBB)
>>1126710 Hussein and Hillary facilitated a genocide running illegal weapons to Mexico
>>1126840 Clinton Center in Enniskillen Ireland, they claim to do research on children with PTSD from crisis areas
>>1126949 The Clinton Center was built on a bomb site that caused a famous massacre
>>1126770 Sarah on the run
>>1125861 Magnitude 5.5 quake strikes southern Iran, near nuclear plant
>>1125886 Analysis of the fake @snowden___ account
>>1125890 Allison Mack book cover mattress blood
>>1125898 Sarah Nixon was past chairman of knockoutabuse.org
>>1126403 Obama's Vineyard Vacation Home: Blue Heron Farm
>>1125073 AS THE WORLD TURNS, book with interesting information (pdf in rt)
>>1125096 Allison Mack would require that prospective "slaves" place compromising collateral into a Dropbox account
>>1125104 TICK TOCK LLC/Ash R Shah network
>>1125086 Brennan Secret Trip to Russia (Dossier)
>>1124345 Maggie Nixon and Sunshine Coogan were both Equestrians
>>1124578 Snowden talking about us? (Fake account)
>>1124772 Howard Rubin in the pic with Alefantis, is accused of rape 4th time
>>1124415 @3_ringcircus
>>1123581 Sauce on Conections - Hussein/BONO/Bush
>>1123576 Agnes Nixon Credited, As The World Turns
>>1123922 Maggie Nixon Retweet
>>1124047 NXIVM Graphic
>>1124212 Alefantis/Nixon Connection
>>1124233 Nixon Arrested Underage Blackmail
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1131886 at 2018-04-21 17:37:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1415 Q SEES ALL
>>1131826 Comms Learned Q?
>>1131828 Podesta email.POSSIBLE CANCER CURE
>>1131235 Clinton Foundation distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients
>>1130839 Q, HRC laundering $$$$$ through Rothschild Banks???
>>1130927 Bill Clinton Pocketing $ From Big Pharma
>>1130968 WikiLeaks: Clintons Schemed With Big Pharma To Keep AIDS Drugs Prices High
>>1130970 Organ harvesting doc
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
>>1128855 Devin Nunes states Investigation based on phony intelligence
>>1128989 , >>1129133 , >>1129204 "Pet Names" = Isis for Maggie Nixon's friends
>>1129105 , >>1129115 , >>1129151 Maggie Nixon and Sylvia Earle (See >>1128695 from #1410)
>>1129211 Sex magic, Blavatsky, and Abramovic
>>1129246 Maggie Haberman dig
>>1129024 Wendy dig
>>1129263 Sexualizing from birth? Also >>1129264 text with 8ch spacing
>>1129266 , >>1129302 Sony email dig; Laura and Casey Wasserman
>>1129135 Robert Nixon on Mission Blue Board
>>1129325 , >>1129339 Agnes Eckhardt (Nixon) dig; many soap opera connections, including As the World Turns
>>1129421 Correct voat.co link (www.voat.co/v/pizzagate)
>>1129123 India has the right idea
>>1129552 Maggie Haberman graduated from Mockingbird University?
>>1128183 "Golden brains scopus awards"
>>1128236 Witches/Hecate/Sacrifice digging
>>1128317, >>1128399 Brain-to-brain synchronization story w/ Marina Abramovic
>>1128427 Bush family welcomes baby 2 days after Barbara Bush's death
>>1128506, >>1128525, >>1128558, >>1128704 Planefags spotting activity in Middle East
>>1128554, >>1128711 Esopus island, strange energies
>>1128567 Maggie gofundme page from 2016
>>1128646 Armenian PM calls for dialogue with opposition protesters
>>1128656 Mossad blamed for death of Hamas-affiliated engineer in MalaysiaMOSSAD
>>1128650 India approves death penalty for child rapists
>>1128692, >>1128695 The Obama Fish
>>1127374 Another photo worth looking at on the link between Maggie/Agnes Nixon and James Alefantis
>>1127381 Tick Tock LLC
>>1127456 Notable descendants and relatives / Bloodlines of Salem
>>1127457 Pharoah ben*s
>>1127726 anon WikiLeaks
>>1127803 Recent relevant Instagram backups by an anon
>>1127870 Was Brennan a KGB Clown all along?
>>1126666 Another important Wendy
>>1126576 Silent Auction & Benefit Party attendees with Alefantis, Podesta and the like
>>1126641 NXIVM connected to Clinton 2008 campaign (archive.fo/hZxBB)
>>1126710 Hussein and Hillary facilitated a genocide running illegal weapons to Mexico
>>1126840 Clinton Center in Enniskillen Ireland, they claim to do research on children with PTSD from crisis areas
>>1126949 The Clinton Center was built on a bomb site that caused a famous massacre
>>1126770 Sarah on the run
>>1125861 Magnitude 5.5 quake strikes southern Iran, near nuclear plant
>>1125886 Analysis of the fake @snowden___ account
>>1125890 Allison Mack book cover mattress blood
>>1125898 Sarah Nixon was past chairman of knockoutabuse.org
>>1126403 Obama's Vineyard Vacation Home: Blue Heron Farm
>>1125073 AS THE WORLD TURNS, book with interesting information (pdf in rt)
>>1125096 Allison Mack would require that prospective "slaves" place compromising collateral into a Dropbox account
>>1125104 TICK TOCK LLC/Ash R Shah network
>>1125086 Brennan Secret Trip to Russia (Dossier)
>>1124345 Maggie Nixon and Sunshine Coogan were both Equestrians
>>1124578 Snowden talking about us? (Fake account)
>>1124772 Howard Rubin in the pic with Alefantis, is accused of rape 4th time
>>1124415 @3_ringcircus
>>1123581 Sauce on Conections - Hussein/BONO/Bush
>>1123576 Agnes Nixon Credited, As The World Turns
>>1123922 Maggie Nixon Retweet
>>1124047 NXIVM Graphic
>>1124212 Alefantis/Nixon Connection
>>1124233 Nixon Arrested Underage Blackmail
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1131093 at 2018-04-21 16:48:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1414 Enemys Behind Masks
>>1130839 Q, HRC laundering $$$$$ through Rothschild Banks???
>>1130927 Bill Clinton Pocketing $ From Big Pharma
>>1130968 WikiLeaks: Clintons Schemed With Big Pharma To Keep AIDS Drugs Prices High
>>1130970 Organ harvesting doc
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
>>1128855 Devin Nunes states Investigation based on phony intelligence
>>1128989 , >>1129133 , >>1129204 "Pet Names" = Isis for Maggie Nixon's friends
>>1129105 , >>1129115 , >>1129151 Maggie Nixon and Sylvia Earle (See >>1128695 from #1410)
>>1129211 Sex magic, Blavatsky, and Abramovic
>>1129246 Maggie Haberman dig
>>1129024 Wendy dig
>>1129263 Sexualizing from birth? Also >>1129264 text with 8ch spacing
>>1129266 , >>1129302 Sony email dig; Laura and Casey Wasserman
>>1129135 Robert Nixon on Mission Blue Board
>>1129325 , >>1129339 Agnes Eckhardt (Nixon) dig; many soap opera connections, including As the World Turns
>>1129421 Correct voat.co link (www.voat.co/v/pizzagate)
>>1129123 India has the right idea
>>1129552 Maggie Haberman graduated from Mockingbird University?
>>1128183 "Golden brains scopus awards"
>>1128236 Witches/Hecate/Sacrifice digging
>>1128317, >>1128399 Brain-to-brain synchronization story w/ Marina Abramovic
>>1128427 Bush family welcomes baby 2 days after Barbara Bush's death
>>1128506, >>1128525, >>1128558, >>1128704 Planefags spotting activity in Middle East
>>1128554, >>1128711 Esopus island, strange energies
>>1128567 Maggie gofundme page from 2016
>>1128646 Armenian PM calls for dialogue with opposition protesters
>>1128656 Mossad blamed for death of Hamas-affiliated engineer in MalaysiaMOSSAD
>>1128650 India approves death penalty for child rapists
>>1128692, >>1128695 The Obama Fish
>>1127374 Another photo worth looking at on the link between Maggie/Agnes Nixon and James Alefantis
>>1127381 Tick Tock LLC
>>1127456 Notable descendants and relatives / Bloodlines of Salem
>>1127457 Pharoah ben*s
>>1127726 anon WikiLeaks
>>1127803 Recent relevant Instagram backups by an anon
>>1127870 Was Brennan a KGB Clown all along?
>>1126666 Another important Wendy
>>1126576 Silent Auction & Benefit Party attendees with Alefantis, Podesta and the like
>>1126641 NXIVM connected to Clinton 2008 campaign (archive.fo/hZxBB)
>>1126710 Hussein and Hillary facilitated a genocide running illegal weapons to Mexico
>>1126840 Clinton Center in Enniskillen Ireland, they claim to do research on children with PTSD from crisis areas
>>1126949 The Clinton Center was built on a bomb site that caused a famous massacre
>>1126770 Sarah on the run
>>1125861 Magnitude 5.5 quake strikes southern Iran, near nuclear plant
>>1125886 Analysis of the fake @snowden___ account
>>1125890 Allison Mack book cover mattress blood
>>1125898 Sarah Nixon was past chairman of knockoutabuse.org
>>1126403 Obama's Vineyard Vacation Home: Blue Heron Farm
>>1125073 AS THE WORLD TURNS, book with interesting information (pdf in rt)
>>1125096 Allison Mack would require that prospective "slaves" place compromising collateral into a Dropbox account
>>1125104 TICK TOCK LLC/Ash R Shah network
>>1125086 Brennan Secret Trip to Russia (Dossier)
>>1124345 Maggie Nixon and Sunshine Coogan were both Equestrians
>>1124578 Snowden talking about us? (Fake account)
>>1124772 Howard Rubin in the pic with Alefantis, is accused of rape 4th time
>>1124415 @3_ringcircus
>>1123581 Sauce on Conections - Hussein/BONO/Bush
>>1123576 Agnes Nixon Credited, As The World Turns
>>1123922 Maggie Nixon Retweet
>>1124047 NXIVM Graphic
>>1124212 Alefantis/Nixon Connection
>>1124233 Nixon Arrested Underage Blackmail
Best Of Bread >>311157
Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
#1130680 at 2018-04-21 16:19:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1413: Good Morning Q Edition
Please protect the port of long beach. I bet people are smuggled in those containers.
#1130566 at 2018-04-21 16:09:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1413: Good Morning Q Edition
Saturday 04.21.18
>>1130369 Think Sessions
>>1130171 rt >>1130125 Maggie Haberman on HRC team
>>1130089 Wikileaks Podesta emails 7524
Above are "should have been" Q's posts.
>>1129697 long beach Container Terminal takeover
>>1129673 , >>1129706 , >>1130042 Soap Operas, Irma Phillips, Mischa Barton, and Agnes Nixon
>>1129713 , >>1129738 Hussein guest at "special place" beach Plum Inn owned by Bob Nixon
>>1129809 New EO on Postal System (Amazon attack?)
>>1129779 Little girls in the bedroom
>>1130049 Awan primer (Ignore the "muhjooos" flavoring)
>>1130199 Q's email link graphic form
>>1130285 Q's Podesta Email tie-in
These were the new "should have been" notables. Sincere apologies from TZBaker. I
was completely shut down by lag. EBaker saved the day.
Should have been pastebin:
#1130260 at 2018-04-21 15:47:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1412: Getting Comfy Edition
http:// www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-long-beach-terminal-20180420-story.html
#1130057 at 2018-04-21 15:29:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1412: Getting Comfy Edition
U.S. reportedly raises objections to state-run Chinese company taking control of long beach port terminal
Apr 20, 2018
http:// www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-long-beach-terminal-20180420-story.html
8kun Midnight Riders Posts (236)
8chan/8kun QRB Posts (141)
8chan/8kun QResearch2Gen Posts (2)
8chan/8kun CBTS Posts (1)
endchan qanonresearch Posts (16)
endchan qrbunker Posts (13)
Q-Posts ANSWERS (2)
- Question: Track ALL suicides. Example 1: Think Spade. Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY). Trace to Import/Export. Trace from China/MX to long beach. Trace sale/spin off of Co. Trace to CF. Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)). Who granted? Hussein/HRC. Expect A LOT more.
Extra Answer:
Open Answer:
- Question: Mack is naming names. Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal). Proof. The ‘Standard’ Hotel. Helicopter crash. All related. Future will prove past. AS. Feeling ok today? Why is the MX border / long beach Port so important? Tick TOCK (LLC).
Extra Answer:
Open Answer: