8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (6,377)
#13935722 at 2021-06-19 05:24:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17640: Muh Kunspiracy Theorists Are A Threat Now? After All These Years? Edition
>>13931703 New Details Emerge in Chinese Defector Story
>>13931771 Protester in MAGA Hat Spotted Next to Antifa's John Sullivan on Jan. 5 Urged Protesters to Storm US Capitol on 6th - Is Identified - Smells Like Informant??
>>13931810 Pence gets drowned out by hecklers at the Faith & Freedom Coalition summit, some of whom appear to be chantING "traitor!"
>>13931847 Biden admin sendING 'F- you' message with strING of family-related hires: Obama ethics chief
>>13931883 Florida to Send Officers to Texas and Arizona to Assist with Border Crisis
>>13931920 November Memo Documented 'Massive' Election Integrity Problems in Atlanta
>>13931924 Anonymous email says BOMB planted in Moscow government buildING, demands end to 'mandatory' Covid-19 vaccinations, media reports
>>13931930 Liberian rebel leader sentenced to 20 years in prison for war crimes includING cannibalism in first such trial by Swiss court
>>13931942 Twitter Subpoenaed in Georgia Lawsuit InvolvING Fulton County Elections Supervisor Wandrea Shaye Moss
>>13931958 Multiple Individuals Push Multiple Ballots through Multiple Tabulators Multiple Times in Georgia. This Is Illegal. Law Enforcement Does NothING.
>>13931975 US Department of Health and Human Services Pushes Ad ClaimING Vaccines "Prevented Nearly 100% of Hospitalizations and Deaths Due to COVID"
>>13931990 Suspicious package at #CIA's headquarters in McLean, Virginia. Parameter closed down. Bomb squad at the site.
>>13931993 Chinese Defector's Identity Confirmed, Was Top Counterintelligence Official
>>13932038 Supreme Court Sides With Megacorps, Child TraffickING OK as Long as it Happens Outside US
>>13932059 'It's Always Jared': Trump Regrets TrustING Kushner On Black Outreach, 2020 Riot Response - Report
>>13932069 Senior NASA Scientist Gets Just 30 Days Prison for LyING to FBI About CCP Collaboration.
>>13932077 Wuhan Lab Found All Genes To Recreate 'Epidemic Strain' Of Coronavirus in 2017.
>>13932085 Maricopa County Audit Report Expected in August
>>13932095 British Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan charged with sexual assault of 15-year-old boy
>>13932198, >>13932142 Act-IL Initiative Dig
>>13932152 US Senate passes bill to give billions of dollars in fundING for human-animal hybrid experiments
>>13932166 HUNDREDS of fully vaccinated healthcare workers get COVID; dozens are HOSPITALIZED... 28.6% of deaths from the Delta variant of COVID-19 in the UK occurred in fully vaccinated individuals
>>13932209 Here's How Much the Pentagon Has Spent So Far to Treat Transgender Troops
>>13932237 Israel to give Palestinians a million vaccines, Palestinians reject offer
>>13932247 Georgia investigator's notes reveal 'massive' election integrity problems in Atlanta
>>13932275 80% of the people in the group who plotters to "kidnap MI Gov Gretchen Whitmer" were FBI agents.
>>13932279 'Pee-wee's Playhouse' star John Paragon dead at 66
>>13932306 CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vaccine Heart Inflammation to 'Observe Juneteenth'
>>13935173 #17635\2
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
>>13931567 #17634
#13935043 at 2021-06-19 02:58:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17639: Twin Bakers!
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>13934234, >>13934224 Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: This Father's Day, I'm IssuING a Challenge to Every Dad in America
>>13934272, >>13934336 University chancellor resigns after questionable photos surface | Follow the resignations
>>13934359, >>13934391, >>13934377 Magnitude 3.9 quake registered off Daytona beach as US Navy conducts "shock trials" on the USS Gerald R. Ford.
>>13934332 RisING star Conservative MP Imran Ahmad Khan, 47, elected in 2019 faces trial for sexually assaultING 15-year-old boy in 2008
>>13934532 General Flynn at the Tampa Health & Freedom Conference. [Video]
>>13934519, 13934547 International Auditor: Maricopa County Audit Report Not Expected for 8 Weeks - A Potential Sign There Are Numerous Issues to Inventory and Report
>>13934454 Lin Wood, [18.06.21 18:08] "The past 3 days have been a distraction"
>>13934413 Dan Scavino's U2 "Beautiful Day" Instagram story
>>13934418 Truth About November 3rd You Won't See on CNN
>>13934353 White House contradicts the Politico story on the "freezING" of military assistance package for Ukraine as "nonsense" in a statement just released.
>>13934347 White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons
>>13931990 (pb) Suspicious package at #CIA's headquarters in McLean, Virginia. Parameter closed down. Bomb squad at the site.
>>13934618 Australian Military goING door-to-door to 'encourage' all Aussies to vaccinate.
>>13934762 US to Withdraw Patriot Systems From Middle East, Repair Them for Use Against China, Report Says
>>13934828 'Pee-wee' star John Paragon's cause of death revealed by coroner
Dual Baker/Notaker Contribs
>>13934191 So the FBI was preparING for an "attack" from a group in which they already had an informant???
>>13934192 DJT Can anybody believe this? No wonder our Country is goING to hell!
>>13934196 DJT pushING the SHOT
>>13934221 General Flynn and Roger Stone trollING
>>13934231 Former principal admits to filmING daughter's friends - after blamING 9-year-old son
>>13934233 ARIZONA: Katie Hobbs Crushes Recall Petition Against House Speaker Rusty Bowers
>>13934252 Florida prevailed in our lawsuit against the unlawful CDC order that shut down the cruise industry
>>13934266 DHS chief claims reports of VP Harris laughING at border question are 'untrue,' calls GOP criticism of veep 'unfair and disrespectful'
>>13934286 So the head of Chinese counter intel efforts in America has defected to USA. He's in the hands of DIA right now. His name is Dong JINGwei.
>>13934297 International Auditor: Maricopa County Audit Report Not Expected for 8 Weeks - A Potential Sign There Are Numerous Issues to Inventory and Report
>>13934325 Lawsuit: Ex-Calif. Sec. of State Conspired With Twitter to Silence Critics, Secure His Path to the Senate
>>13934547 Maricopa County Supervisors HoldING Special Monday MeetING For Legal Advice Re: Election Audit
>>13934562 CM Pence threw Trump under the bus in exchange for support from GOP super donors.
>>13934982 #17638
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
>>13931567 #17634
>>13930177 @Cernovich finds out California Democrats have a hotline to Twitter Thought Police?
>>13930201 Reminder that while Newsbot self-doxxed, this doesn't mean BakerTools is comped.
>>13930215 2.54 Billion Vaccine Shots administered around the world
>>13930258 Two More Months: Maricopa County Audit Report 'expected in August'
>>13930262 Former WH Physician called on President Biden to immediately undergo a cognitive test to prove he has 'sound mental capabilities'
>>13930274 Michigan Senate Passes Legislation to Add Voter ID Requirements: 'OverwhelmINGly Popular'
>>13930290 Based Black Clinician gives strong rebuke of critical race theory at school meetING
>>13930293 New Congress Bills, >>13930297, >>13930311
>>13930312 Why hasn't Federal Agent Ray Epps (Capitol Hill Riot instigator) been indicted?, >>13930393 Is it because of this?
>>13930377 Chucky 'Cheese Pizza' Schumer warns of Threat of 'Qanon' to 'Peace' in United States
>>13930425 Child ModellING Agencies: a deep swamp of systematic and horrific phsyical, mental and sexual abuse
>>13930489 North Carolina Senate just passed a bill bannING private money from beING used to administration elections
>>13930481 Israel says it's willING to transfer 1 million vaccines to Palestine, if Palestine is willING to return 1 million vaccines later
>>13930509 House Republicans Demand Answers After Biden Admin Lifts Iran Sanctions Without ConsultING Congress
>>13930544 Positive PCR test result do not provide sufficient proof that people infected with COVID, can infect others, >>13930553, >>13930555, >>13930597, >>13930618, >>13930608, >>13930637
>>13930560 CNN's Chris Cuomo dares 'the Internet' to call him a fact-denier.
>>13930598 Election Fraud: 2nd Atlanta official caught double scannING ballots
>>13930599 Reminder why PCR tests are untrustworthy to begin with
>>13930643 On the Geostate: Jeffrey Prather interview: Deep dive into USA, China and Russia military capabilities and vulnerabilities.
>>13930652 PF Update: AF2 on the move
>>13930655 (Source needed) Colorado Secretary of State has just moved to ban any election audit in the state of Colorado
>>13930705 Meet California's Board of Behavioral Sciences, >>13930717, >>13930722
>>13930737 Kind reminder for newfrens.
>>13930848 #17633
>>13929325 HUUUUGE. Chinese defector held at DIA is fount of intel
>>13929361 SomethING is in the food, water and air that's holdING everyone in a trance
>>13929411, >>13929433, >>13929455 Witnessed
>>13929525, >>13929546 Qclockwork?
>>13929535 Biden gave Vladimir Putin A pair of Randolph Aviator Sunglasses, in the Concord style
>>13929556 Live Bats in Wuhan Lab & "Intense Clashes" Between China & France
Baker change
>>13929628 Recap of last weeks covert wins
>>13929658 (?) Newsbot self-doxxes + an explanation why this is of importance, >>13929964
>>13929690 More about Richard BEEBO Russell
>>13929726 Predictive programmING? Large swarts of the American Watersupply is a security disaster waitING to happen.
>>13929807 Voice of Reason: Greenwich parents protest child-maskING, 'critical race theory' & the school curriculum.
>>13929848 The 'maybe' line: US-produced make-up sold in Canada, found high level of a marker for toxic PFAS substances.
>>13929857 Gen. Flynn calls Georgian citizens to demand a resignation of their Senator
>>13929861 CDC wipING Vaccine Deaths from their databases?
>>13929940 'fact-checkrs' got their facts wrong again: it's legal to name an unindicted co-conspirator.
>>13929970 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13930009 Corona insurance fraud? Judge orders insures to pay New Hampshire based hotel 100 million dollars in Corona damages.
>>13930028 US Senate: 'Establishment Covid-19 narrative is a lie'
>>13930062 #17632
>>13928804, >>13929008 SKY KING ACTIVE
>>13929026, >>13929042 Day of the slave 1776 [Learn].
>>13928542, >>13928661, >>13928701 Literally shakING
>>13928553 Chinese government now admits damage to fuel rods at the Taishan nuclear plant but said the problem is "common"
>>13928557 Joe Biden's Brother Frank Caught ViolatING Florida Traffic Law, Case Dismissed Due to Police Officer Out for 'TrainING'
>>13928582 "Silent Cry: The Darker Side of TraffickING" as we uncover the SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE happenING not only under our very noses but in our OWN HOMES!
>>13928574 @Dan Scavino >>13928611 @Lin Wood >>13928626 @Russ_Warrior
>>13928639 "Buckle up, kids!" The NSA has agreed to produce records about the FBI's illegal snoopING on 16,000 Americans
>>13928676 Anti-Israel protests habbenING
>>13928733 HRC Body Double Chronological Comparison Chart
>>13928746 Tucker takes aim at military's newest required readING
>>13928702, >>13928780, >>13928810 Do not try to shrink me, [Gyp]sy
>>13928867 New: An Army judge has been named the new chief of the Guantanamo war court judiciary!
>>13929086 Chinese head of Intelligence defects to US with Intel on covid
>>13929087 ????, it is time
>>13929110, >>13929117, >>13929133 Noteworthy Images
>>13929182 IRS Denies Tax Exemption to Christian Group, Associates Bible With GOP
>>13929192 RE: The 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill
>>13928909, >>13928930, >>13928933, >>13929223 Tranime (Team) Tantrum Is About Doge Baker TakING Away Their BakING Privilage
>>13929232 #17631
>>13927671, >>13927730, >>13927757
>>13927717 We love you Dan 🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino
>>13927710, >>13927719, >>13927735, U.S. Attorney's Office
>>13927741, >>13927777 Wannabe Vax Mandates RE: Pop Music
>>13927798 FBI Ignored Its Own Warrant And Search Policies To Seize Millions From People's Safety Deposit Boxes
>>13927820, >>13927871 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13927840 Former Army Major Apache Pilot Convicted for Murder
>>13927848 US Space Force operations chief: reveals DEWs to the public
>>13927861, >>13927864, >>13927895 Potential Q Proof IncomING
>>13927906 Top Doctor Issues WarnING: COVID Vaccine 'Spike Protein SheddING' Damages Placenta, 'We Are BeING Experimented On'
>>13928029 Vampires Exist
>>13928120, >>13928095 Cyber Polygon Exercise
>>13928145 FOUR BA Pilots Dead, Potentially From Vaxx Complications
>>13928158 Farmers vs Feds. The "Government Stole Our Water!"
>>13928299 @DARPA high-res multi-waveform implantable stimulator chip and multi-scale electrodes for providING high-res therapy
>>13928308, >>13928375 CDC is holdING an(other?) "emergency meetING" RE: Bloodclots
>>13928319 Biden Attacks VotING Integrity Laws at Juneteenth Federal Holiday SignING Ceremony
>>13928366 Remember Anons, just filter, do not reply!!!
>>13928470 #17630
>>13926863,>>13927215 Heidi Ferrer, a writer for "Dawson's Creek," committed suicide in May after a 13 month battle with COVID-19
>>13926874 Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home with the agent
>>13926918, >>13926929 RSBN Dan The Man On!
>>13926945, >>13927162 "Fraudits no place colorado" democrat colorado secretary state issues emergency rules prohibitING election audits
>>13926969 PF
>>13927111 @JSolomonReports says: GA Sec. of State Raffensperger sent a contractor to Fulton County, who found "twenty-nine pages of errors, mismanagement, mistakes, grotesque runnING of an election..."
>>13927187 Fauci Denies Scientists 'Deliberately Suppressed' COVID Lab Theory
>>13927198, >>13927253, >>13927289 Crimes against children, Pedo Roundup News.
>>13927211 Crime boss Bilal Hamze shot dead in Sydney's CBD
>>13927227 Army Battalion Commander Under Inquiry After Allegedly TellING Soldiers 'White People Are the Problem'
>>13927240 Ted Cruz Slams the Democrat Election Takeover Bill: 'SINGle Most Dangerous Piece of Legislation' in Congress
>>13927256 Kushner snags book deal with Harper Collins; no deal yet for Trump
>>13927324 Portland's entire riot squad resigns in protest after a colleague is indicted for strikING a rioter/activist/photographer.
>>13927379 M Pompeo: "Never give an inch. Period."
>>13927510 CM: Colorado Secretary of State just banned election audits.Why is she scared of an election audit? Surely unrelated: Dominion has (had?) offices in Colorado.
>>13927512 CM: Soros' biggest mistake this last election was not buyING a majority on all the state legislatures.He won't make the same mistake twice.
>>13927526 CM: A "conspiracy theory" that is proven is called a fact.
>>13927538 Lin Wood: President Trump won re-election by a historic landslide. Just sayin.'
>>13927600 @RealGenFlynn: Fernando Mateo Receives MatchING Funds For His Campaign CreatING An Even Clearer Path To Victory in November
>>13927622 #17629
#17628 (Anon Bun)
>>13925947 CLIMATE LOCKDOWN?: Globalist Elite Call For Extreme Measures To Tackle 'Climate Change'
>>13925970 Rep Jackson: When I was Physician to President Trump, the media relentlessly pushed a narrative that he needed a cognitive test.
>>13925975 USPacificFleet: #USNavy's Carrier Strike Group One arrives in Hawaiian Islands OperatING Area: #CVN70 #US3rdFleet #NavyReadiness
>>13926003 What If the Media Had Told the Truth? Five MSM Lies for Which Trump Has Been Vindicated, and the Damage They Caused
>>13926016 Watch this parent absolutely obliterate Critical Race Theory at an Illinois school board meetING:
>>13926019 Massive 700-pound George Floyd statue erected at Newark City Hall
>>13926039 Ghislaine Maxwell is awarded just $13.70 compensation after pursuING 'child sex abuse victim' who sued her then dropped case to join Jeffrey Epstein compensation fund instead
>>13926041 JUST IN - Mayor Lori Lightfoot officially declared racism a "public health emergency" today. Chicago to divert nearly $10 million in COVID funds to address the issue.
>>13926095 Louisiana to offer cash prizes, scholarships for vaccinations
>>13926100 Entire Portland Police Riot Squad Quits En Masse, As DA Begins Criminal Investigations Into Officers' Conduct
>>13926109 Dr. Kelli Ward: Arizona Case on Democrat Ballot HarvestING Will Be Decided by Supreme Court this Month - "We Are HopING for a Victory"
>>13926132 PEDO BUN 17June 21
>>13926138 IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi will fly to #WashINGton on Sunday to discuss a range of regional challenges with his #US counterparts, more than a month after he was set to go to discuss #Iran and other challenges.
>>13926212 Hunter Biden was "BLACKLISTED" from Chateau Marmont, a swanky hotel and celebrity hangout in Los Angeles.
>>13926337 HSBC to announce sale of French retail bankING operations on Friday
>>13926352 Revolver's Darren Beattie called out Chris Cuomo for smearING him as a "dirtbag" in relation to Revolver News's groundbreakING story about the FBI's involvement in January 6.
>>13926365 NKorea's Kim says must prepare for 'dialogue and confrontation' with US: KCNA
>>13926400 Swiss police reportedly evacuate train in Daeniken city due to 'situation that could pose threat'
>>13926408 'Dawson's Creek' writer Heidi Ferrer dies by suicide after contractING COVID
>>13926423 Temp Firm Financed By Stacey Abrams Infiltrated All Levels Of GA Government, IncludING Governor's Office
>>13926536 Michigan SOS Candidate Kristina Karamo Delivers +7,500 Affidavits DemandING Forensic Audit to Dishonest Jocelyn Benson - BUT HER OFFICE WON'T ACCEPT THEM!
>>13926591 Criminal Charges Filed Against US Marshals For RefusING To Disclose Vaccination Status In Court.
>>13926592 USNG: "I don't think we can do this enough," Lt. Col. Roger Brooks said. "#Patriot21 prepares service members and civilian partners to respond to situations as in the case of a pandemic, earthquake, or overseas in a warfight.
>>13926598 GOP lawmakers, led by ex-White House doc, ask Biden to take cognitive test
>>13926656 Child-care employee at SteppING Stones Daycare arrested on multiple charges of sex abuse
>>13928620 #17628 (anon bun)
>>13925196 Ex-Trump doctor turned GOP lawmaker wants Biden to take cognitive test
>>13925224 Netanyahu reportedly shredded docs before handING office over to Bennett
>>13925253 IDF Chief of Staff Kohavi to fly to WashINGton to discuss Iran, Gaza
>>13925259 PF Reports
>>13925277, >>13925773 This textING is between Hunter and his cousin who is really not a high dollar "Madame".
>>13925294 Rep. Devin Nunes: Republicans Must Stop TalkING to Establishment Media
>>13925323 A red shoe a mile from Camp David.
>>13925339 New Report Shows How Lockdowns Destroyed The Middle Class
>>13925283, >>13925287, >>13925295, >>13925306, >>13925326 November 2019, the little fauci piece
>>13925467 MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Lost 80% of Her Audience Since Trump Left Office
>>13925458 (FROM JUNE 11th) FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency AlertING Test on August 11, 2021
>>13925516 Need eyes on, please
>>13925188 St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters last summer plead guilty to misdemeanor charges, agree to forfeit their weapons
>>13925189 Fauci-Funded Researchers IncludING Ralph Baric Attended Chinese Government 'Gain-Of-Function' Conference With Military Scientists.
>>13925633, >>13925846 Reports comING in of British Airways pilots dyING after beING vaccinated+flyING. SeekING confirmation.
>>13925637, >>13925771 Could it be 11. 3 ? I LIE codING in the books behind biden in Geneva
>>13925677 Herschel Fink, the director of the AZ Democrat Party, says Stacey Abrams helped the Dems "win" in Arizona.
>>13925682 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., planned to introduce a bill Thursday mornING that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
>>13925760 President Trump to join Bo Snerdley on his hot new NYC radio show
>>13925777 Former Pfizer VP: "The thING to be terrified of is your government'
>>13925812 RSBN will also be airING Dan Scavino's interview with Lara Lea Trump, tonight at 8PM EST
>>13925839 Thomas Massie responds to reporter who wants to know his vaccination status...
>>13925862 #17627
Previously Collected Notables
>>13923436 #17624, >>13924225 #17625, >>13925646 #17626
>>13922541 1/2 #17623, >>13922642 2/2 #17623
>>13919982 #17620, >>13920843 #17621, >>13921632 #17622
>>13919944 #17617, >>13917631 #17618, >>13919244 #17619
>>13915050 #17614, >>13915768 #17615, >>13916593 #17616
>>13912647 #17611, >>13913399 #17612, >>13914259 #17613
>>13910339 #17608, >>13911116 #17609, >>13915693 #17610
>>13907915 #17605, >>13910073 #17606, >>13909889 #17607
>>13905687 #17602, >>13906444 #17603, >>13907185 #17604
>>13909584 #17599, >>13904070 #17600, >>13904886 #17601
>>13900938 #17596, >>13901595 #17597, >>13902374 #17598
>>13901708 #17593, >>13901710 #17594, >>13901711 #17595
>>13901705 #17590, >>13901706 #17591, >>13901707 #17592
>>13893785 #17587, >>13894590 #17588, ##13894594 #17589
>>13893395 #17584, >>13892202 #17585, >>13892990 #17586
>>13893273 #17581, >>13889915 #17582, >>13890514 #17583
>>13888344 #17578, >>13887460 #17579, >>13888246 #17580
>>13893318 #17576, >>13888160 #17577, >>13887347 #17577
>>13882213 #17573, >>13893283 #17574, >>13893303 #17575
>>13879842 #17570, >>13880597 #17571, >>13882183 #17572
>>13877397 #17567, >>13878241 #17568, >>13879177 #17569
>>13875058 #17564, >>13875783 #17565, >>13877307 #17566
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#13935006 at 2021-06-19 02:52:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17639: Twin Bakers!
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
>>13931567 #17634
>>13930177 @Cernovich finds out California Democrats have a hotline to Twitter Thought Police?
>>13930201 Reminder that while Newsbot self-doxxed, this doesn't mean BakerTools is comped.
>>13930215 2.54 Billion Vaccine Shots administered around the world
>>13930258 Two More Months: Maricopa County Audit Report 'expected in August'
>>13930262 Former WH Physician called on President Biden to immediately undergo a cognitive test to prove he has 'sound mental capabilities'
>>13930274 Michigan Senate Passes Legislation to Add Voter ID Requirements: 'OverwhelmINGly Popular'
>>13930290 Based Black Clinician gives strong rebuke of critical race theory at school meetING
>>13930293 New Congress Bills, >>13930297, >>13930311
>>13930312 Why hasn't Federal Agent Ray Epps (Capitol Hill Riot instigator) been indicted?, >>13930393 Is it because of this?
>>13930377 Chucky 'Cheese Pizza' Schumer warns of Threat of 'Qanon' to 'Peace' in United States
>>13930425 Child ModellING Agencies: a deep swamp of systematic and horrific phsyical, mental and sexual abuse
>>13930489 North Carolina Senate just passed a bill bannING private money from beING used to administration elections
>>13930481 Israel says it's willING to transfer 1 million vaccines to Palestine, if Palestine is willING to return 1 million vaccines later
>>13930509 House Republicans Demand Answers After Biden Admin Lifts Iran Sanctions Without ConsultING Congress
>>13930544 Positive PCR test result do not provide sufficient proof that people infected with COVID, can infect others, >>13930553, >>13930555, >>13930597, >>13930618, >>13930608, >>13930637
>>13930560 CNN's Chris Cuomo dares 'the Internet' to call him a fact-denier.
>>13930598 Election Fraud: 2nd Atlanta official caught double scannING ballots
>>13930599 Reminder why PCR tests are untrustworthy to begin with
>>13930643 On the Geostate: Jeffrey Prather interview: Deep dive into USA, China and Russia military capabilities and vulnerabilities.
>>13930652 PF Update: AF2 on the move
>>13930655 (Source needed) Colorado Secretary of State has just moved to ban any election audit in the state of Colorado
>>13930705 Meet California's Board of Behavioral Sciences, >>13930717, >>13930722
>>13930737 Kind reminder for newfrens.
>>13930848 #17633
>>13929325 HUUUUGE. Chinese defector held at DIA is fount of intel
>>13929361 SomethING is in the food, water and air that's holdING everyone in a trance
>>13929411, >>13929433, >>13929455 Witnessed
>>13929525, >>13929546 Qclockwork?
>>13929535 Biden gave Vladimir Putin A pair of Randolph Aviator Sunglasses, in the Concord style
>>13929556 Live Bats in Wuhan Lab & "Intense Clashes" Between China & France
Baker change
>>13929628 Recap of last weeks covert wins
>>13929658 (?) Newsbot self-doxxes + an explanation why this is of importance, >>13929964
>>13929690 More about Richard BEEBO Russell
>>13929726 Predictive programmING? Large swarts of the American Watersupply is a security disaster waitING to happen.
>>13929807 Voice of Reason: Greenwich parents protest child-maskING, 'critical race theory' & the school curriculum.
>>13929848 The 'maybe' line: US-produced make-up sold in Canada, found high level of a marker for toxic PFAS substances.
>>13929857 Gen. Flynn calls Georgian citizens to demand a resignation of their Senator
>>13929861 CDC wipING Vaccine Deaths from their databases?
>>13929940 'fact-checkrs' got their facts wrong again: it's legal to name an unindicted co-conspirator.
>>13929970 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13930009 Corona insurance fraud? Judge orders insures to pay New Hampshire based hotel 100 million dollars in Corona damages.
>>13930028 US Senate: 'Establishment Covid-19 narrative is a lie'
>>13930062 #17632
>>13928804, >>13929008 SKY KING ACTIVE
>>13929026, >>13929042 Day of the slave 1776 [Learn].
>>13928542, >>13928661, >>13928701 Literally shakING
>>13928553 Chinese government now admits damage to fuel rods at the Taishan nuclear plant but said the problem is "common"
>>13928557 Joe Biden's Brother Frank Caught ViolatING Florida Traffic Law, Case Dismissed Due to Police Officer Out for 'TrainING'
>>13928582 "Silent Cry: The Darker Side of TraffickING" as we uncover the SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE happenING not only under our very noses but in our OWN HOMES!
>>13928574 @Dan Scavino >>13928611 @Lin Wood >>13928626 @Russ_Warrior
>>13928639 "Buckle up, kids!" The NSA has agreed to produce records about the FBI's illegal snoopING on 16,000 Americans
>>13928676 Anti-Israel protests habbenING
>>13928733 HRC Body Double Chronological Comparison Chart
>>13928746 Tucker takes aim at military's newest required readING
>>13928702, >>13928780, >>13928810 Do not try to shrink me, [Gyp]sy
>>13928867 New: An Army judge has been named the new chief of the Guantanamo war court judiciary!
>>13929086 Chinese head of Intelligence defects to US with Intel on covid
>>13929087 ????, it is time
>>13929110, >>13929117, >>13929133 Noteworthy Images
>>13929182 IRS Denies Tax Exemption to Christian Group, Associates Bible With GOP
>>13929192 RE: The 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill
>>13928909, >>13928930, >>13928933, >>13929223 Tranime (Team) Tantrum Is About Doge Baker TakING Away Their BakING Privilage
>>13929232 #17631
>>13927671, >>13927730, >>13927757
>>13927717 We love you Dan 🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino
>>13927710, >>13927719, >>13927735, U.S. Attorney's Office
>>13927741, >>13927777 Wannabe Vax Mandates RE: Pop Music
>>13927798 FBI Ignored Its Own Warrant And Search Policies To Seize Millions From People's Safety Deposit Boxes
>>13927820, >>13927871 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13927840 Former Army Major Apache Pilot Convicted for Murder
>>13927848 US Space Force operations chief: reveals DEWs to the public
>>13927861, >>13927864, >>13927895 Potential Q Proof IncomING
>>13927906 Top Doctor Issues WarnING: COVID Vaccine 'Spike Protein SheddING' Damages Placenta, 'We Are BeING Experimented On'
>>13928029 Vampires Exist
>>13928120, >>13928095 Cyber Polygon Exercise
>>13928145 FOUR BA Pilots Dead, Potentially From Vaxx Complications
>>13928158 Farmers vs Feds. The "Government Stole Our Water!"
>>13928299 @DARPA high-res multi-waveform implantable stimulator chip and multi-scale electrodes for providING high-res therapy
>>13928308, >>13928375 CDC is holdING an(other?) "emergency meetING" RE: Bloodclots
>>13928319 Biden Attacks VotING Integrity Laws at Juneteenth Federal Holiday SignING Ceremony
>>13928366 Remember Anons, just filter, do not reply!!!
>>13928470 #17630
>>13926863,>>13927215 Heidi Ferrer, a writer for "Dawson's Creek," committed suicide in May after a 13 month battle with COVID-19
>>13926874 Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home with the agent
>>13926918, >>13926929 RSBN Dan The Man On!
>>13926945, >>13927162 "Fraudits no place colorado" democrat colorado secretary state issues emergency rules prohibitING election audits
>>13926969 PF
>>13927111 @JSolomonReports says: GA Sec. of State Raffensperger sent a contractor to Fulton County, who found "twenty-nine pages of errors, mismanagement, mistakes, grotesque runnING of an election..."
>>13927187 Fauci Denies Scientists 'Deliberately Suppressed' COVID Lab Theory
>>13927198, >>13927253, >>13927289 Crimes against children, Pedo Roundup News.
>>13927211 Crime boss Bilal Hamze shot dead in Sydney's CBD
>>13927227 Army Battalion Commander Under Inquiry After Allegedly TellING Soldiers 'White People Are the Problem'
>>13927240 Ted Cruz Slams the Democrat Election Takeover Bill: 'SINGle Most Dangerous Piece of Legislation' in Congress
>>13927256 Kushner snags book deal with Harper Collins; no deal yet for Trump
>>13927324 Portland's entire riot squad resigns in protest after a colleague is indicted for strikING a rioter/activist/photographer.
>>13927379 M Pompeo: "Never give an inch. Period."
>>13927510 CM: Colorado Secretary of State just banned election audits.Why is she scared of an election audit? Surely unrelated: Dominion has (had?) offices in Colorado.
>>13927512 CM: Soros' biggest mistake this last election was not buyING a majority on all the state legislatures.He won't make the same mistake twice.
>>13927526 CM: A "conspiracy theory" that is proven is called a fact.
>>13927538 Lin Wood: President Trump won re-election by a historic landslide. Just sayin.'
>>13927600 @RealGenFlynn: Fernando Mateo Receives MatchING Funds For His Campaign CreatING An Even Clearer Path To Victory in November
>>13927622 #17629
#17628 (Anon Bun)
>>13925947 CLIMATE LOCKDOWN?: Globalist Elite Call For Extreme Measures To Tackle 'Climate Change'
>>13925970 Rep Jackson: When I was Physician to President Trump, the media relentlessly pushed a narrative that he needed a cognitive test.
>>13925975 USPacificFleet: #USNavy's Carrier Strike Group One arrives in Hawaiian Islands OperatING Area: #CVN70 #US3rdFleet #NavyReadiness
>>13926003 What If the Media Had Told the Truth? Five MSM Lies for Which Trump Has Been Vindicated, and the Damage They Caused
>>13926016 Watch this parent absolutely obliterate Critical Race Theory at an Illinois school board meetING:
>>13926019 Massive 700-pound George Floyd statue erected at Newark City Hall
>>13926039 Ghislaine Maxwell is awarded just $13.70 compensation after pursuING 'child sex abuse victim' who sued her then dropped case to join Jeffrey Epstein compensation fund instead
>>13926041 JUST IN - Mayor Lori Lightfoot officially declared racism a "public health emergency" today. Chicago to divert nearly $10 million in COVID funds to address the issue.
>>13926095 Louisiana to offer cash prizes, scholarships for vaccinations
>>13926100 Entire Portland Police Riot Squad Quits En Masse, As DA Begins Criminal Investigations Into Officers' Conduct
>>13926109 Dr. Kelli Ward: Arizona Case on Democrat Ballot HarvestING Will Be Decided by Supreme Court this Month - "We Are HopING for a Victory"
>>13926132 PEDO BUN 17June 21
>>13926138 IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi will fly to #WashINGton on Sunday to discuss a range of regional challenges with his #US counterparts, more than a month after he was set to go to discuss #Iran and other challenges.
>>13926212 Hunter Biden was "BLACKLISTED" from Chateau Marmont, a swanky hotel and celebrity hangout in Los Angeles.
>>13926337 HSBC to announce sale of French retail bankING operations on Friday
>>13926352 Revolver's Darren Beattie called out Chris Cuomo for smearING him as a "dirtbag" in relation to Revolver News's groundbreakING story about the FBI's involvement in January 6.
>>13926365 NKorea's Kim says must prepare for 'dialogue and confrontation' with US: KCNA
>>13926400 Swiss police reportedly evacuate train in Daeniken city due to 'situation that could pose threat'
>>13926408 'Dawson's Creek' writer Heidi Ferrer dies by suicide after contractING COVID
>>13926423 Temp Firm Financed By Stacey Abrams Infiltrated All Levels Of GA Government, IncludING Governor's Office
>>13926536 Michigan SOS Candidate Kristina Karamo Delivers +7,500 Affidavits DemandING Forensic Audit to Dishonest Jocelyn Benson - BUT HER OFFICE WON'T ACCEPT THEM!
>>13926591 Criminal Charges Filed Against US Marshals For RefusING To Disclose Vaccination Status In Court.
>>13926592 USNG: "I don't think we can do this enough," Lt. Col. Roger Brooks said. "#Patriot21 prepares service members and civilian partners to respond to situations as in the case of a pandemic, earthquake, or overseas in a warfight.
>>13926598 GOP lawmakers, led by ex-White House doc, ask Biden to take cognitive test
>>13926656 Child-care employee at SteppING Stones Daycare arrested on multiple charges of sex abuse
>>13928620 #17628 (anon bun)
>>13925196 Ex-Trump doctor turned GOP lawmaker wants Biden to take cognitive test
>>13925224 Netanyahu reportedly shredded docs before handING office over to Bennett
>>13925253 IDF Chief of Staff Kohavi to fly to WashINGton to discuss Iran, Gaza
>>13925259 PF Reports
>>13925277, >>13925773 This textING is between Hunter and his cousin who is really not a high dollar "Madame".
>>13925294 Rep. Devin Nunes: Republicans Must Stop TalkING to Establishment Media
>>13925323 A red shoe a mile from Camp David.
>>13925339 New Report Shows How Lockdowns Destroyed The Middle Class
>>13925283, >>13925287, >>13925295, >>13925306, >>13925326 November 2019, the little fauci piece
>>13925467 MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Lost 80% of Her Audience Since Trump Left Office
>>13925458 (FROM JUNE 11th) FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency AlertING Test on August 11, 2021
>>13925516 Need eyes on, please
>>13925188 St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters last summer plead guilty to misdemeanor charges, agree to forfeit their weapons
>>13925189 Fauci-Funded Researchers IncludING Ralph Baric Attended Chinese Government 'Gain-Of-Function' Conference With Military Scientists.
>>13925633, >>13925846 Reports comING in of British Airways pilots dyING after beING vaccinated+flyING. SeekING confirmation.
>>13925637, >>13925771 Could it be 11. 3 ? I LIE codING in the books behind biden in Geneva
>>13925677 Herschel Fink, the director of the AZ Democrat Party, says Stacey Abrams helped the Dems "win" in Arizona.
>>13925682 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., planned to introduce a bill Thursday mornING that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
>>13925760 President Trump to join Bo Snerdley on his hot new NYC radio show
>>13925777 Former Pfizer VP: "The thING to be terrified of is your government'
>>13925812 RSBN will also be airING Dan Scavino's interview with Lara Lea Trump, tonight at 8PM EST
>>13925839 Thomas Massie responds to reporter who wants to know his vaccination status...
>>13925862 #17627
#13934129 at 2021-06-19 00:43:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17638: EBake Wake up Neo!
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
>>13931567 #17634
>>13930177 @Cernovich finds out California Democrats have a hotline to Twitter Thought Police?
>>13930201 Reminder that while Newsbot self-doxxed, this doesn't mean BakerTools is comped.
>>13930215 2.54 Billion Vaccine Shots administered around the world
>>13930258 Two More Months: Maricopa County Audit Report 'expected in August'
>>13930262 Former WH Physician called on President Biden to immediately undergo a cognitive test to prove he has 'sound mental capabilities'
>>13930274 Michigan Senate Passes Legislation to Add Voter ID Requirements: 'OverwhelmINGly Popular'
>>13930290 Based Black Clinician gives strong rebuke of critical race theory at school meetING
>>13930293 New Congress Bills, >>13930297, >>13930311
>>13930312 Why hasn't Federal Agent Ray Epps (Capitol Hill Riot instigator) been indicted?, >>13930393 Is it because of this?
>>13930377 Chucky 'Cheese Pizza' Schumer warns of Threat of 'Qanon' to 'Peace' in United States
>>13930425 Child ModellING Agencies: a deep swamp of systematic and horrific phsyical, mental and sexual abuse
>>13930489 North Carolina Senate just passed a bill bannING private money from beING used to administration elections
>>13930481 Israel says it's willING to transfer 1 million vaccines to Palestine, if Palestine is willING to return 1 million vaccines later
>>13930509 House Republicans Demand Answers After Biden Admin Lifts Iran Sanctions Without ConsultING Congress
>>13930544 Positive PCR test result do not provide sufficient proof that people infected with COVID, can infect others, >>13930553, >>13930555, >>13930597, >>13930618, >>13930608, >>13930637
>>13930560 CNN's Chris Cuomo dares 'the Internet' to call him a fact-denier.
>>13930598 Election Fraud: 2nd Atlanta official caught double scannING ballots
>>13930599 Reminder why PCR tests are untrustworthy to begin with
>>13930643 On the Geostate: Jeffrey Prather interview: Deep dive into USA, China and Russia military capabilities and vulnerabilities.
>>13930652 PF Update: AF2 on the move
>>13930655 (Source needed) Colorado Secretary of State has just moved to ban any election audit in the state of Colorado
>>13930705 Meet California's Board of Behavioral Sciences, >>13930717, >>13930722
>>13930737 Kind reminder for newfrens.
>>13930848 #17633
#13933590 at 2021-06-18 23:03:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17637: The 'LEARN TO BAKE' Edition
>Hunter's nice Caroline
Hunter Biden reportedly used the racial epithet "yellow" when discussING datING an Asian woman in a 2019 text message exchange with his cousin Caroline.
"Do you want foreign or domestic," Caroline wrote in one message.
"I can't give you f***ING Asian sorry. I'm not doING it."
The president's 51-year-old son reportedly agreed, before addING: "Domesticated foreigner is fine. No yellow."
#13933290 at 2021-06-18 22:15:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17637: The 'LEARN TO BAKE' Edition
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
>>13931567 #17634
>>13930177 @Cernovich finds out California Democrats have a hotline to Twitter Thought Police?
>>13930201 Reminder that while Newsbot self-doxxed, this doesn't mean BakerTools is comped.
>>13930215 2.54 Billion Vaccine Shots administered around the world
>>13930258 Two More Months: Maricopa County Audit Report 'expected in August'
>>13930262 Former WH Physician called on President Biden to immediately undergo a cognitive test to prove he has 'sound mental capabilities'
>>13930274 Michigan Senate Passes Legislation to Add Voter ID Requirements: 'OverwhelmINGly Popular'
>>13930290 Based Black Clinician gives strong rebuke of critical race theory at school meetING
>>13930293 New Congress Bills, >>13930297, >>13930311
>>13930312 Why hasn't Federal Agent Ray Epps (Capitol Hill Riot instigator) been indicted?, >>13930393 Is it because of this?
>>13930377 Chucky 'Cheese Pizza' Schumer warns of Threat of 'Qanon' to 'Peace' in United States
>>13930425 Child ModellING Agencies: a deep swamp of systematic and horrific phsyical, mental and sexual abuse
>>13930489 North Carolina Senate just passed a bill bannING private money from beING used to administration elections
>>13930481 Israel says it's willING to transfer 1 million vaccines to Palestine, if Palestine is willING to return 1 million vaccines later
>>13930509 House Republicans Demand Answers After Biden Admin Lifts Iran Sanctions Without ConsultING Congress
>>13930544 Positive PCR test result do not provide sufficient proof that people infected with COVID, can infect others, >>13930553, >>13930555, >>13930597, >>13930618, >>13930608, >>13930637
>>13930560 CNN's Chris Cuomo dares 'the Internet' to call him a fact-denier.
>>13930598 Election Fraud: 2nd Atlanta official caught double scannING ballots
>>13930599 Reminder why PCR tests are untrustworthy to begin with
>>13930643 On the Geostate: Jeffrey Prather interview: Deep dive into USA, China and Russia military capabilities and vulnerabilities.
>>13930652 PF Update: AF2 on the move
>>13930655 (Source needed) Colorado Secretary of State has just moved to ban any election audit in the state of Colorado
>>13930705 Meet California's Board of Behavioral Sciences, >>13930717, >>13930722
>>13930737 Kind reminder for newfrens.
>>13930848 #17633
>>13929325 HUUUUGE. Chinese defector held at DIA is fount of intel
>>13929361 SomethING is in the food, water and air that's holdING everyone in a trance
>>13929411, >>13929433, >>13929455 Witnessed
>>13929525, >>13929546 Qclockwork?
>>13929535 Biden gave Vladimir Putin A pair of Randolph Aviator Sunglasses, in the Concord style
>>13929556 Live Bats in Wuhan Lab & "Intense Clashes" Between China & France
Baker change
>>13929628 Recap of last weeks covert wins
>>13929658 (?) Newsbot self-doxxes + an explanation why this is of importance, >>13929964
>>13929690 More about Richard BEEBO Russell
>>13929726 Predictive programmING? Large swarts of the American Watersupply is a security disaster waitING to happen.
>>13929807 Voice of Reason: Greenwich parents protest child-maskING, 'critical race theory' & the school curriculum.
>>13929848 The 'maybe' line: US-produced make-up sold in Canada, found high level of a marker for toxic PFAS substances.
>>13929857 Gen. Flynn calls Georgian citizens to demand a resignation of their Senator
>>13929861 CDC wipING Vaccine Deaths from their databases?
>>13929940 'fact-checkrs' got their facts wrong again: it's legal to name an unindicted co-conspirator.
>>13929970 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13930009 Corona insurance fraud? Judge orders insures to pay New Hampshire based hotel 100 million dollars in Corona damages.
>>13930028 US Senate: 'Establishment Covid-19 narrative is a lie'
>>13930062 #17632
>>13928804, >>13929008 SKY KING ACTIVE
>>13929026, >>13929042 Day of the slave 1776 [Learn].
>>13928542, >>13928661, >>13928701 Literally shakING
>>13928553 Chinese government now admits damage to fuel rods at the Taishan nuclear plant but said the problem is "common"
>>13928557 Joe Biden's Brother Frank Caught ViolatING Florida Traffic Law, Case Dismissed Due to Police Officer Out for 'TrainING'
>>13928582 "Silent Cry: The Darker Side of TraffickING" as we uncover the SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE happenING not only under our very noses but in our OWN HOMES!
>>13928574 @Dan Scavino >>13928611 @Lin Wood >>13928626 @Russ_Warrior
>>13928639 "Buckle up, kids!" The NSA has agreed to produce records about the FBI's illegal snoopING on 16,000 Americans
>>13928676 Anti-Israel protests habbenING
>>13928733 HRC Body Double Chronological Comparison Chart
>>13928746 Tucker takes aim at military's newest required readING
>>13928702, >>13928780, >>13928810 Do not try to shrink me, [Gyp]sy
>>13928867 New: An Army judge has been named the new chief of the Guantanamo war court judiciary!
>>13929086 Chinese head of Intelligence defects to US with Intel on covid
>>13929087 ????, it is time
>>13929110, >>13929117, >>13929133 Noteworthy Images
>>13929182 IRS Denies Tax Exemption to Christian Group, Associates Bible With GOP
>>13929192 RE: The 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill
>>13928909, >>13928930, >>13928933, >>13929223 Tranime (Team) Tantrum Is About Doge Baker TakING Away Their BakING Privilage
>>13929232 #17631
>>13927671, >>13927730, >>13927757
>>13927717 We love you Dan 🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino
>>13927710, >>13927719, >>13927735, U.S. Attorney's Office
>>13927741, >>13927777 Wannabe Vax Mandates RE: Pop Music
>>13927798 FBI Ignored Its Own Warrant And Search Policies To Seize Millions From People's Safety Deposit Boxes
>>13927820, >>13927871 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13927840 Former Army Major Apache Pilot Convicted for Murder
>>13927848 US Space Force operations chief: reveals DEWs to the public
>>13927861, >>13927864, >>13927895 Potential Q Proof IncomING
>>13927906 Top Doctor Issues WarnING: COVID Vaccine 'Spike Protein SheddING' Damages Placenta, 'We Are BeING Experimented On'
>>13928029 Vampires Exist
>>13928120, >>13928095 Cyber Polygon Exercise
>>13928145 FOUR BA Pilots Dead, Potentially From Vaxx Complications
>>13928158 Farmers vs Feds. The "Government Stole Our Water!"
>>13928299 @DARPA high-res multi-waveform implantable stimulator chip and multi-scale electrodes for providING high-res therapy
>>13928308, >>13928375 CDC is holdING an(other?) "emergency meetING" RE: Bloodclots
>>13928319 Biden Attacks VotING Integrity Laws at Juneteenth Federal Holiday SignING Ceremony
>>13928366 Remember Anons, just filter, do not reply!!!
>>13928470 #17630
>>13926863,>>13927215 Heidi Ferrer, a writer for "Dawson's Creek," committed suicide in May after a 13 month battle with COVID-19
>>13926874 Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home with the agent
>>13926918, >>13926929 RSBN Dan The Man On!
>>13926945, >>13927162 "Fraudits no place colorado" democrat colorado secretary state issues emergency rules prohibitING election audits
>>13926969 PF
>>13927111 @JSolomonReports says: GA Sec. of State Raffensperger sent a contractor to Fulton County, who found "twenty-nine pages of errors, mismanagement, mistakes, grotesque runnING of an election..."
>>13927187 Fauci Denies Scientists 'Deliberately Suppressed' COVID Lab Theory
>>13927198, >>13927253, >>13927289 Crimes against children, Pedo Roundup News.
>>13927211 Crime boss Bilal Hamze shot dead in Sydney's CBD
>>13927227 Army Battalion Commander Under Inquiry After Allegedly TellING Soldiers 'White People Are the Problem'
>>13927240 Ted Cruz Slams the Democrat Election Takeover Bill: 'SINGle Most Dangerous Piece of Legislation' in Congress
>>13927256 Kushner snags book deal with Harper Collins; no deal yet for Trump
>>13927324 Portland's entire riot squad resigns in protest after a colleague is indicted for strikING a rioter/activist/photographer.
>>13927379 M Pompeo: "Never give an inch. Period."
>>13927510 CM: Colorado Secretary of State just banned election audits.Why is she scared of an election audit? Surely unrelated: Dominion has (had?) offices in Colorado.
>>13927512 CM: Soros' biggest mistake this last election was not buyING a majority on all the state legislatures.He won't make the same mistake twice.
>>13927526 CM: A "conspiracy theory" that is proven is called a fact.
>>13927538 Lin Wood: President Trump won re-election by a historic landslide. Just sayin.'
>>13927600 @RealGenFlynn: Fernando Mateo Receives MatchING Funds For His Campaign CreatING An Even Clearer Path To Victory in November
>>13927622 #17629
#17628 (Anon Bun)
>>13925947 CLIMATE LOCKDOWN?: Globalist Elite Call For Extreme Measures To Tackle 'Climate Change'
>>13925970 Rep Jackson: When I was Physician to President Trump, the media relentlessly pushed a narrative that he needed a cognitive test.
>>13925975 USPacificFleet: #USNavy's Carrier Strike Group One arrives in Hawaiian Islands OperatING Area: #CVN70 #US3rdFleet #NavyReadiness
>>13926003 What If the Media Had Told the Truth? Five MSM Lies for Which Trump Has Been Vindicated, and the Damage They Caused
>>13926016 Watch this parent absolutely obliterate Critical Race Theory at an Illinois school board meetING:
>>13926019 Massive 700-pound George Floyd statue erected at Newark City Hall
>>13926039 Ghislaine Maxwell is awarded just $13.70 compensation after pursuING 'child sex abuse victim' who sued her then dropped case to join Jeffrey Epstein compensation fund instead
>>13926041 JUST IN - Mayor Lori Lightfoot officially declared racism a "public health emergency" today. Chicago to divert nearly $10 million in COVID funds to address the issue.
>>13926095 Louisiana to offer cash prizes, scholarships for vaccinations
>>13926100 Entire Portland Police Riot Squad Quits En Masse, As DA Begins Criminal Investigations Into Officers' Conduct
>>13926109 Dr. Kelli Ward: Arizona Case on Democrat Ballot HarvestING Will Be Decided by Supreme Court this Month - "We Are HopING for a Victory"
>>13926132 PEDO BUN 17June 21
>>13926138 IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi will fly to #WashINGton on Sunday to discuss a range of regional challenges with his #US counterparts, more than a month after he was set to go to discuss #Iran and other challenges.
>>13926212 Hunter Biden was "BLACKLISTED" from Chateau Marmont, a swanky hotel and celebrity hangout in Los Angeles.
>>13926337 HSBC to announce sale of French retail bankING operations on Friday
>>13926352 Revolver's Darren Beattie called out Chris Cuomo for smearING him as a "dirtbag" in relation to Revolver News's groundbreakING story about the FBI's involvement in January 6.
>>13926365 NKorea's Kim says must prepare for 'dialogue and confrontation' with US: KCNA
>>13926400 Swiss police reportedly evacuate train in Daeniken city due to 'situation that could pose threat'
>>13926408 'Dawson's Creek' writer Heidi Ferrer dies by suicide after contractING COVID
>>13926423 Temp Firm Financed By Stacey Abrams Infiltrated All Levels Of GA Government, IncludING Governor's Office
>>13926536 Michigan SOS Candidate Kristina Karamo Delivers +7,500 Affidavits DemandING Forensic Audit to Dishonest Jocelyn Benson - BUT HER OFFICE WON'T ACCEPT THEM!
>>13926591 Criminal Charges Filed Against US Marshals For RefusING To Disclose Vaccination Status In Court.
>>13926592 USNG: "I don't think we can do this enough," Lt. Col. Roger Brooks said. "#Patriot21 prepares service members and civilian partners to respond to situations as in the case of a pandemic, earthquake, or overseas in a warfight.
>>13926598 GOP lawmakers, led by ex-White House doc, ask Biden to take cognitive test
>>13926656 Child-care employee at SteppING Stones Daycare arrested on multiple charges of sex abuse
>>13928620 #17628 (anon bun)
>>13925196 Ex-Trump doctor turned GOP lawmaker wants Biden to take cognitive test
>>13925224 Netanyahu reportedly shredded docs before handING office over to Bennett
>>13925253 IDF Chief of Staff Kohavi to fly to WashINGton to discuss Iran, Gaza
>>13925259 PF Reports
>>13925277, >>13925773 This textING is between Hunter and his cousin who is really not a high dollar "Madame".
>>13925294 Rep. Devin Nunes: Republicans Must Stop TalkING to Establishment Media
>>13925323 A red shoe a mile from Camp David.
>>13925339 New Report Shows How Lockdowns Destroyed The Middle Class
>>13925283, >>13925287, >>13925295, >>13925306, >>13925326 November 2019, the little fauci piece
>>13925467 MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Lost 80% of Her Audience Since Trump Left Office
>>13925458 (FROM JUNE 11th) FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency AlertING Test on August 11, 2021
>>13925516 Need eyes on, please
>>13925188 St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters last summer plead guilty to misdemeanor charges, agree to forfeit their weapons
>>13925189 Fauci-Funded Researchers IncludING Ralph Baric Attended Chinese Government 'Gain-Of-Function' Conference With Military Scientists.
>>13925633, >>13925846 Reports comING in of British Airways pilots dyING after beING vaccinated+flyING. SeekING confirmation.
>>13925637, >>13925771 Could it be 11. 3 ? I LIE codING in the books behind biden in Geneva
>>13925677 Herschel Fink, the director of the AZ Democrat Party, says Stacey Abrams helped the Dems "win" in Arizona.
>>13925682 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., planned to introduce a bill Thursday mornING that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
>>13925760 President Trump to join Bo Snerdley on his hot new NYC radio show
>>13925777 Former Pfizer VP: "The thING to be terrified of is your government'
>>13925812 RSBN will also be airING Dan Scavino's interview with Lara Lea Trump, tonight at 8PM EST
>>13925839 Thomas Massie responds to reporter who wants to know his vaccination status...
>>13925862 #17627
Previously Collected Notables
>>13923436 #17624, >>13924225 #17625, >>13925646 #17626
>>13922541 1/2 #17623, >>13922642 2/2 #17623
>>13919982 #17620, >>13920843 #17621, >>13921632 #17622
>>13919944 #17617, >>13917631 #17618, >>13919244 #17619
>>13915050 #17614, >>13915768 #17615, >>13916593 #17616
>>13912647 #17611, >>13913399 #17612, >>13914259 #17613
>>13910339 #17608, >>13911116 #17609, >>13915693 #17610
>>13907915 #17605, >>13910073 #17606, >>13909889 #17607
>>13905687 #17602, >>13906444 #17603, >>13907185 #17604
>>13909584 #17599, >>13904070 #17600, >>13904886 #17601
>>13900938 #17596, >>13901595 #17597, >>13902374 #17598
>>13901708 #17593, >>13901710 #17594, >>13901711 #17595
>>13901705 #17590, >>13901706 #17591, >>13901707 #17592
>>13893785 #17587, >>13894590 #17588, ##13894594 #17589
>>13893395 #17584, >>13892202 #17585, >>13892990 #17586
>>13893273 #17581, >>13889915 #17582, >>13890514 #17583
>>13888344 #17578, >>13887460 #17579, >>13888246 #17580
>>13893318 #17576, >>13888160 #17577, >>13887347 #17577
>>13882213 #17573, >>13893283 #17574, >>13893303 #17575
>>13879842 #17570, >>13880597 #17571, >>13882183 #17572
>>13877397 #17567, >>13878241 #17568, >>13879177 #17569
>>13875058 #17564, >>13875783 #17565, >>13877307 #17566
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#13932496 at 2021-06-18 20:04:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17636: EBake NCSWIC
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
>>13931567 #17634
>>13930177 @Cernovich finds out California Democrats have a hotline to Twitter Thought Police?
>>13930201 Reminder that while Newsbot self-doxxed, this doesn't mean BakerTools is comped.
>>13930215 2.54 Billion Vaccine Shots administered around the world
>>13930258 Two More Months: Maricopa County Audit Report 'expected in August'
>>13930262 Former WH Physician called on President Biden to immediately undergo a cognitive test to prove he has 'sound mental capabilities'
>>13930274 Michigan Senate Passes Legislation to Add Voter ID Requirements: 'OverwhelmINGly Popular'
>>13930290 Based Black Clinician gives strong rebuke of critical race theory at school meetING
>>13930293 New Congress Bills, >>13930297, >>13930311
>>13930312 Why hasn't Federal Agent Ray Epps (Capitol Hill Riot instigator) been indicted?, >>13930393 Is it because of this?
>>13930377 Chucky 'Cheese Pizza' Schumer warns of Threat of 'Qanon' to 'Peace' in United States
>>13930425 Child ModellING Agencies: a deep swamp of systematic and horrific phsyical, mental and sexual abuse
>>13930489 North Carolina Senate just passed a bill bannING private money from beING used to administration elections
>>13930481 Israel says it's willING to transfer 1 million vaccines to Palestine, if Palestine is willING to return 1 million vaccines later
>>13930509 House Republicans Demand Answers After Biden Admin Lifts Iran Sanctions Without ConsultING Congress
>>13930544 Positive PCR test result do not provide sufficient proof that people infected with COVID, can infect others, >>13930553, >>13930555, >>13930597, >>13930618, >>13930608, >>13930637
>>13930560 CNN's Chris Cuomo dares 'the Internet' to call him a fact-denier.
>>13930598 Election Fraud: 2nd Atlanta official caught double scannING ballots
>>13930599 Reminder why PCR tests are untrustworthy to begin with
>>13930643 On the Geostate: Jeffrey Prather interview: Deep dive into USA, China and Russia military capabilities and vulnerabilities.
>>13930652 PF Update: AF2 on the move
>>13930655 (Source needed) Colorado Secretary of State has just moved to ban any election audit in the state of Colorado
>>13930705 Meet California's Board of Behavioral Sciences, >>13930717, >>13930722
>>13930737 Kind reminder for newfrens.
>>13930848 #17633
#13931847 at 2021-06-18 17:41:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17635: The 'Rent Free' Edition
Biden admin sendING 'F— you' message with strING of family-related hires: Obama ethics chief
Walter Shaub, the director of the United States Office of Government Ethics under President Obama, said the Biden administration is sendING a "f— you" to ethics experts by hirING so many relatives of senior White House officials.
Press secretary Jen Psaki, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, senior adviser Anita Dunn, White House counselor Steve Richetti, deputy chief of staff Bruce Reed and presidential personnel office director Cathy Russell each have at least one direct family member workING for the Biden administration.
"I'm sorry, I know some folks don't like hearING any criticism of him. But this royally sucks. I'm disgusted," Shaub wrote in a Twitter thread Friday, reactING to an article about the family ties of Biden officials.
"A lot of us worked hard to tee him up to restore ethics to government and believed the promises," Shaub added, callING the strING of family-related hires "a real 'f*** you' to us-and government ethics."
"This is ridiculous. What a f***ING failure."
"And I don't love havING a milk lobbyist runnING USDA or a 'strategic advisor' (i.e., shadow lobbyist) runnING the State Department," Shaub continued. "Or the brother of Biden's top WH advisor lobbyING the Executive Office of the President through a firm the Biden appointee founded."
The White House defended the hirING practices in a statement on Friday, claimING that Biden has implemented the strictest ethics standards to ever hit the executive branch.
"The president has instituted the highest ethical standards of anyone to ever hold this office," deputy White House press secretary Andrew Bates told The WashINGton Post. "And he's proud to have staffed the most diverse administration in American history with well-qualified public servants who reflect his values."
The White House declined Fox News' request for comment on Shaub's characterization of the administration's hirING practices.
moar here -
#13931799 at 2021-06-18 17:30:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17635: The 'Rent Free' Edition
>>13931695 (lb)
exactly. Q taught this anon how BETTER to deal with others, includING those on our side, in the middle and on the other side. i am more understandING of their deficiencies and afflictions, and use special learnING experiments to communicate. i talk flat earth, agent smith, and about prayer and the bible. some it works on, some it dont.
meanwhile i keep FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT ING.
#13931607 at 2021-06-18 16:48:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17635: The 'Rent Free' Edition
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
>>13931567 #17634
>>13930177 @Cernovich finds out California Democrats have a hotline to Twitter Thought Police?
>>13930201 Reminder that while Newsbot self-doxxed, this doesn't mean BakerTools is comped.
>>13930215 2.54 Billion Vaccine Shots administered around the world
>>13930258 Two More Months: Maricopa County Audit Report 'expected in August'
>>13930262 Former WH Physician called on President Biden to immediately undergo a cognitive test to prove he has 'sound mental capabilities'
>>13930274 Michigan Senate Passes Legislation to Add Voter ID Requirements: 'OverwhelmINGly Popular'
>>13930290 Based Black Clinician gives strong rebuke of critical race theory at school meetING
>>13930293 New Congress Bills, >>13930297, >>13930311
>>13930312 Why hasn't Federal Agent Ray Epps (Capitol Hill Riot instigator) been indicted?, >>13930393 Is it because of this?
>>13930377 Chucky 'Cheese Pizza' Schumer warns of Threat of 'Qanon' to 'Peace' in United States
>>13930425 Child ModellING Agencies: a deep swamp of systematic and horrific phsyical, mental and sexual abuse
>>13930489 North Carolina Senate just passed a bill bannING private money from beING used to administration elections
>>13930481 Israel says it's willING to transfer 1 million vaccines to Palestine, if Palestine is willING to return 1 million vaccines later
>>13930509 House Republicans Demand Answers After Biden Admin Lifts Iran Sanctions Without ConsultING Congress
>>13930544 Positive PCR test result do not provide sufficient proof that people infected with COVID, can infect others, >>13930553, >>13930555, >>13930597, >>13930618, >>13930608, >>13930637
>>13930560 CNN's Chris Cuomo dares 'the Internet' to call him a fact-denier.
>>13930598 Election Fraud: 2nd Atlanta official caught double scannING ballots
>>13930599 Reminder why PCR tests are untrustworthy to begin with
>>13930643 On the Geostate: Jeffrey Prather interview: Deep dive into USA, China and Russia military capabilities and vulnerabilities.
>>13930652 PF Update: AF2 on the move
>>13930655 (Source needed) Colorado Secretary of State has just moved to ban any election audit in the state of Colorado
>>13930705 Meet California's Board of Behavioral Sciences, >>13930717, >>13930722
>>13930737 Kind reminder for newfrens.
>>13930848 #17633
>>13929325 HUUUUGE. Chinese defector held at DIA is fount of intel
>>13929361 SomethING is in the food, water and air that's holdING everyone in a trance
>>13929411, >>13929433, >>13929455 Witnessed
>>13929525, >>13929546 Qclockwork?
>>13929535 Biden gave Vladimir Putin A pair of Randolph Aviator Sunglasses, in the Concord style
>>13929556 Live Bats in Wuhan Lab & "Intense Clashes" Between China & France
Baker change
>>13929628 Recap of last weeks covert wins
>>13929658 (?) Newsbot self-doxxes + an explanation why this is of importance, >>13929964
>>13929690 More about Richard BEEBO Russell
>>13929726 Predictive programmING? Large swarts of the American Watersupply is a security disaster waitING to happen.
>>13929807 Voice of Reason: Greenwich parents protest child-maskING, 'critical race theory' & the school curriculum.
>>13929848 The 'maybe' line: US-produced make-up sold in Canada, found high level of a marker for toxic PFAS substances.
>>13929857 Gen. Flynn calls Georgian citizens to demand a resignation of their Senator
>>13929861 CDC wipING Vaccine Deaths from their databases?
>>13929940 'fact-checkrs' got their facts wrong again: it's legal to name an unindicted co-conspirator.
>>13929970 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13930009 Corona insurance fraud? Judge orders insures to pay New Hampshire based hotel 100 million dollars in Corona damages.
>>13930028 US Senate: 'Establishment Covid-19 narrative is a lie'
>>13930062 #17632
>>13928804, >>13929008 SKY KING ACTIVE
>>13929026, >>13929042 Day of the slave 1776 [Learn].
>>13928542, >>13928661, >>13928701 Literally shakING
>>13928553 Chinese government now admits damage to fuel rods at the Taishan nuclear plant but said the problem is "common"
>>13928557 Joe Biden's Brother Frank Caught ViolatING Florida Traffic Law, Case Dismissed Due to Police Officer Out for 'TrainING'
>>13928582 "Silent Cry: The Darker Side of TraffickING" as we uncover the SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE happenING not only under our very noses but in our OWN HOMES!
>>13928574 @Dan Scavino >>13928611 @Lin Wood >>13928626 @Russ_Warrior
>>13928639 "Buckle up, kids!" The NSA has agreed to produce records about the FBI's illegal snoopING on 16,000 Americans
>>13928676 Anti-Israel protests habbenING
>>13928733 HRC Body Double Chronological Comparison Chart
>>13928746 Tucker takes aim at military's newest required readING
>>13928702, >>13928780, >>13928810 Do not try to shrink me, [Gyp]sy
>>13928867 New: An Army judge has been named the new chief of the Guantanamo war court judiciary!
>>13929086 Chinese head of Intelligence defects to US with Intel on covid
>>13929087 ????, it is time
>>13929110, >>13929117, >>13929133 Noteworthy Images
>>13929182 IRS Denies Tax Exemption to Christian Group, Associates Bible With GOP
>>13929192 RE: The 246th anniversary of Bunker Hill
>>13928909, >>13928930, >>13928933, >>13929223 Tranime (Team) Tantrum Is About Doge Baker TakING Away Their BakING Privilage
>>13929232 #17631
>>13927671, >>13927730, >>13927757
>>13927717 We love you Dan 🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino
>>13927710, >>13927719, >>13927735, U.S. Attorney's Office
>>13927741, >>13927777 Wannabe Vax Mandates RE: Pop Music
>>13927798 FBI Ignored Its Own Warrant And Search Policies To Seize Millions From People's Safety Deposit Boxes
>>13927820, >>13927871 NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans
>>13927840 Former Army Major Apache Pilot Convicted for Murder
>>13927848 US Space Force operations chief: reveals DEWs to the public
>>13927861, >>13927864, >>13927895 Potential Q Proof IncomING
>>13927906 Top Doctor Issues WarnING: COVID Vaccine 'Spike Protein SheddING' Damages Placenta, 'We Are BeING Experimented On'
>>13928029 Vampires Exist
>>13928120, >>13928095 Cyber Polygon Exercise
>>13928145 FOUR BA Pilots Dead, Potentially From Vaxx Complications
>>13928158 Farmers vs Feds. The "Government Stole Our Water!"
>>13928299 @DARPA high-res multi-waveform implantable stimulator chip and multi-scale electrodes for providING high-res therapy
>>13928308, >>13928375 CDC is holdING an(other?) "emergency meetING" RE: Bloodclots
>>13928319 Biden Attacks VotING Integrity Laws at Juneteenth Federal Holiday SignING Ceremony
>>13928366 Remember Anons, just filter, do not reply!!!
>>13928470 #17630
>>13926863,>>13927215 Heidi Ferrer, a writer for "Dawson's Creek," committed suicide in May after a 13 month battle with COVID-19
>>13926874 Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home with the agent
>>13926918, >>13926929 RSBN Dan The Man On!
>>13926945, >>13927162 "Fraudits no place colorado" democrat colorado secretary state issues emergency rules prohibitING election audits
>>13926969 PF
>>13927111 @JSolomonReports says: GA Sec. of State Raffensperger sent a contractor to Fulton County, who found "twenty-nine pages of errors, mismanagement, mistakes, grotesque runnING of an election..."
>>13927187 Fauci Denies Scientists 'Deliberately Suppressed' COVID Lab Theory
>>13927198, >>13927253, >>13927289 Crimes against children, Pedo Roundup News.
>>13927211 Crime boss Bilal Hamze shot dead in Sydney's CBD
>>13927227 Army Battalion Commander Under Inquiry After Allegedly TellING Soldiers 'White People Are the Problem'
>>13927240 Ted Cruz Slams the Democrat Election Takeover Bill: 'SINGle Most Dangerous Piece of Legislation' in Congress
>>13927256 Kushner snags book deal with Harper Collins; no deal yet for Trump
>>13927324 Portland's entire riot squad resigns in protest after a colleague is indicted for strikING a rioter/activist/photographer.
>>13927379 M Pompeo: "Never give an inch. Period."
>>13927510 CM: Colorado Secretary of State just banned election audits.Why is she scared of an election audit? Surely unrelated: Dominion has (had?) offices in Colorado.
>>13927512 CM: Soros' biggest mistake this last election was not buyING a majority on all the state legislatures.He won't make the same mistake twice.
>>13927526 CM: A "conspiracy theory" that is proven is called a fact.
>>13927538 Lin Wood: President Trump won re-election by a historic landslide. Just sayin.'
>>13927600 @RealGenFlynn: Fernando Mateo Receives MatchING Funds For His Campaign CreatING An Even Clearer Path To Victory in November
>>13927622 #17629
#17628 (Anon Bun)
>>13925947 CLIMATE LOCKDOWN?: Globalist Elite Call For Extreme Measures To Tackle 'Climate Change'
>>13925970 Rep Jackson: When I was Physician to President Trump, the media relentlessly pushed a narrative that he needed a cognitive test.
>>13925975 USPacificFleet: #USNavy's Carrier Strike Group One arrives in Hawaiian Islands OperatING Area: #CVN70 #US3rdFleet #NavyReadiness
>>13926003 What If the Media Had Told the Truth? Five MSM Lies for Which Trump Has Been Vindicated, and the Damage They Caused
>>13926016 Watch this parent absolutely obliterate Critical Race Theory at an Illinois school board meetING:
>>13926019 Massive 700-pound George Floyd statue erected at Newark City Hall
>>13926039 Ghislaine Maxwell is awarded just $13.70 compensation after pursuING 'child sex abuse victim' who sued her then dropped case to join Jeffrey Epstein compensation fund instead
>>13926041 JUST IN - Mayor Lori Lightfoot officially declared racism a "public health emergency" today. Chicago to divert nearly $10 million in COVID funds to address the issue.
>>13926095 Louisiana to offer cash prizes, scholarships for vaccinations
>>13926100 Entire Portland Police Riot Squad Quits En Masse, As DA Begins Criminal Investigations Into Officers' Conduct
>>13926109 Dr. Kelli Ward: Arizona Case on Democrat Ballot HarvestING Will Be Decided by Supreme Court this Month - "We Are HopING for a Victory"
>>13926132 PEDO BUN 17June 21
>>13926138 IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi will fly to #WashINGton on Sunday to discuss a range of regional challenges with his #US counterparts, more than a month after he was set to go to discuss #Iran and other challenges.
>>13926212 Hunter Biden was "BLACKLISTED" from Chateau Marmont, a swanky hotel and celebrity hangout in Los Angeles.
>>13926337 HSBC to announce sale of French retail bankING operations on Friday
>>13926352 Revolver's Darren Beattie called out Chris Cuomo for smearING him as a "dirtbag" in relation to Revolver News's groundbreakING story about the FBI's involvement in January 6.
>>13926365 NKorea's Kim says must prepare for 'dialogue and confrontation' with US: KCNA
>>13926400 Swiss police reportedly evacuate train in Daeniken city due to 'situation that could pose threat'
>>13926408 'Dawson's Creek' writer Heidi Ferrer dies by suicide after contractING COVID
>>13926423 Temp Firm Financed By Stacey Abrams Infiltrated All Levels Of GA Government, IncludING Governor's Office
>>13926536 Michigan SOS Candidate Kristina Karamo Delivers +7,500 Affidavits DemandING Forensic Audit to Dishonest Jocelyn Benson - BUT HER OFFICE WON'T ACCEPT THEM!
>>13926591 Criminal Charges Filed Against US Marshals For RefusING To Disclose Vaccination Status In Court.
>>13926592 USNG: "I don't think we can do this enough," Lt. Col. Roger Brooks said. "#Patriot21 prepares service members and civilian partners to respond to situations as in the case of a pandemic, earthquake, or overseas in a warfight.
>>13926598 GOP lawmakers, led by ex-White House doc, ask Biden to take cognitive test
>>13926656 Child-care employee at SteppING Stones Daycare arrested on multiple charges of sex abuse
>>13928620 #17628 (anon bun)
>>13925196 Ex-Trump doctor turned GOP lawmaker wants Biden to take cognitive test
>>13925224 Netanyahu reportedly shredded docs before handING office over to Bennett
>>13925253 IDF Chief of Staff Kohavi to fly to WashINGton to discuss Iran, Gaza
>>13925259 PF Reports
>>13925277, >>13925773 This textING is between Hunter and his cousin who is really not a high dollar "Madame".
>>13925294 Rep. Devin Nunes: Republicans Must Stop TalkING to Establishment Media
>>13925323 A red shoe a mile from Camp David.
>>13925339 New Report Shows How Lockdowns Destroyed The Middle Class
>>13925283, >>13925287, >>13925295, >>13925306, >>13925326 November 2019, the little fauci piece
>>13925467 MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Lost 80% of Her Audience Since Trump Left Office
>>13925458 (FROM JUNE 11th) FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency AlertING Test on August 11, 2021
>>13925516 Need eyes on, please
>>13925188 St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters last summer plead guilty to misdemeanor charges, agree to forfeit their weapons
>>13925189 Fauci-Funded Researchers IncludING Ralph Baric Attended Chinese Government 'Gain-Of-Function' Conference With Military Scientists.
>>13925633, >>13925846 Reports comING in of British Airways pilots dyING after beING vaccinated+flyING. SeekING confirmation.
>>13925637, >>13925771 Could it be 11. 3 ? I LIE codING in the books behind biden in Geneva
>>13925677 Herschel Fink, the director of the AZ Democrat Party, says Stacey Abrams helped the Dems "win" in Arizona.
>>13925682 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., planned to introduce a bill Thursday mornING that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
>>13925760 President Trump to join Bo Snerdley on his hot new NYC radio show
>>13925777 Former Pfizer VP: "The thING to be terrified of is your government'
>>13925812 RSBN will also be airING Dan Scavino's interview with Lara Lea Trump, tonight at 8PM EST
>>13925839 Thomas Massie responds to reporter who wants to know his vaccination status...
>>13925862 #17627
Previously Collected Notables
>>13923436 #17624, >>13924225 #17625, >>13925646 #17626
>>13922541 1/2 #17623, >>13922642 2/2 #17623
>>13919982 #17620, >>13920843 #17621, >>13921632 #17622
>>13919944 #17617, >>13917631 #17618, >>13919244 #17619
>>13915050 #17614, >>13915768 #17615, >>13916593 #17616
>>13912647 #17611, >>13913399 #17612, >>13914259 #17613
>>13910339 #17608, >>13911116 #17609, >>13915693 #17610
>>13907915 #17605, >>13910073 #17606, >>13909889 #17607
>>13905687 #17602, >>13906444 #17603, >>13907185 #17604
>>13909584 #17599, >>13904070 #17600, >>13904886 #17601
>>13900938 #17596, >>13901595 #17597, >>13902374 #17598
>>13901708 #17593, >>13901710 #17594, >>13901711 #17595
>>13901705 #17590, >>13901706 #17591, >>13901707 #17592
>>13893785 #17587, >>13894590 #17588, ##13894594 #17589
>>13893395 #17584, >>13892202 #17585, >>13892990 #17586
>>13893273 #17581, >>13889915 #17582, >>13890514 #17583
>>13888344 #17578, >>13887460 #17579, >>13888246 #17580
>>13893318 #17576, >>13888160 #17577, >>13887347 #17577
>>13882213 #17573, >>13893283 #17574, >>13893303 #17575
>>13879842 #17570, >>13880597 #17571, >>13882183 #17572
>>13877397 #17567, >>13878241 #17568, >>13879177 #17569
>>13875058 #17564, >>13875783 #17565, >>13877307 #17566
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#13931567 at 2021-06-18 16:41:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17634: Oy Vey, It's Friday! Edition
Notable Posts
#17634 @FINAL,
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
>>13931559 Liz Cheney Puts The 'Forever' In 'Forever War'
#13931544 at 2021-06-18 16:37:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17634: Oy Vey, It's Friday! Edition
Notable Posts
#17634 @620,
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931086 "Where the pedovores roam"
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
#13931487 at 2021-06-18 16:29:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17634: Oy Vey, It's Friday! Edition
Ghost cancelled
Check them
Notable Posts
#17633 @565,
>>13930931 Oped: 'Exodus of the rich' to Florida threatens disaster for NYC
>>13930933 Colorado Secretary of State will have no 'fraudits' in her State
>>13930941 Earthquake in Indiana yesterday (West of BloomINGdale)
>>13931009 Planefag reports
>>13931035 Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
>>13931044 USSOCOM: Didn't a Q drop have a picture of an old guy wearING the 5 diamond patch?
>>13931094 EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-CountING Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
>>13931098 "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency MeetING On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth
>>13931109 Soros SpendING in Colorado Elections
>>13931113 Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a minING process of a cryptocurrency system.
>>13931189 Illinois governor signs law expandING curbside votING, permanent vote by mail
>>13931197 BREAKING: Congressman Gaetz Issues Letter to FBI RequestING BriefING on Wuhan Lab Whistleblower Investigation
>>13931250, >>13931293 HOT auditING review in August?
>>13931312 Four Young Pilots have Mysteriously Died, but NOT from the Vaccine
>>13931336, >>13931357 Col. Dr. Lawrence Sellin: we need to transition from COVID-19 detectives to CCP-Hunters
>>13931397 Osama Bin Laden's Niece Trolls Biden With 'Trump Won' Sign At Geneva Summit
#13931263 at 2021-06-18 15:46:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17634: Oy Vey, It's Friday! Edition
>Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f-ING terrible'
Normally I object to pickING on helpless retards, but…
#13931035 at 2021-06-18 15:04:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17634: Oy Vey, It's Friday! Edition
Joe Rogan slams CNN's Stelter: 'Your show is f—ING terrible'
#13929032 at 2021-06-18 05:09:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17631: FBI, Bloodclots, Audits, PANIC! Edition
QResearch isn't an echo chamber.
No 2 Anons hold the same exact view.
Always arguING 1 minute and then o7'ING the next.
Man, if I had access to the hashes I could look some socio/psycho shit up and prove a lot of theories.
#13924572 at 2021-06-17 17:29:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17626: All Your Ballots Belong to Us Edition
Florida Republican threatens to send Russian 'hit squad' to kill Anna Paulina Luna...
MIAMI - A little-known GOP candidate in one of Florida's most competitive congressional seats was secretly recorded threatenING to send "a Russian and Ukrainian hit squad" to a fellow Republican opponent to make her "disappear."
DurING a 30-minute call with a conservative activist, William Braddock repeatedly warned the activist to not support GOP candidate Anna Paulina Luna in the Republican primary for a Tampa Bay-area congressional seat because he had access to assassins.
The seat is beING vacated by Rep. Charlie Crist (D-Fla.), who is runnING for governor.
"I really don't want to have to end anybody's life for the good of the people of the United States of America," Braddock said at one point in the conversation last week, accordING to the recordING exclusively obtained by POLITICO. "That will break my heart. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Luna is a f-ING speed bump in the road. She's a dead squirrel you run over every day when you leave the neighborhood."
After she made the recordING just after midnight last Wednesday, she promptly turned it over to St. Petersburg, Fla., police and gave a heads-up to her friend Luna, who filed a petition for an injunction against Braddock. Luna and Olszewski each received a temporary restrainING order against him last week. Braddock filed to run Monday.
In the recordING, Braddock early in the call brought up the alleged assassins. He also made ramblING statements about gettING financial help from fellowFreemasonsor by somehow importING millions of dollars from Malta and Gibraltar.
"I have access to a hit squad, too, Ukrainians and Russians," he said about three minutes into the call, addING "don't get caught out in public supportING Luna. ... Luna's gonna go down and I hope it's by herself."
Braddock went on to explain that he didn't think Luna could win in the general election. Luna, an Air Force veteran and former model who went on to become a conservative activist, won a crowded GOP primary in the state's 13th Congressional District last year but lost the general election to Crist.
#13912507 at 2021-06-15 23:47:08 (UTC+1)
Research General #17611: LOVE is the SOLUTION, PEACE is the PRIZE! Edition Edition
creepy judas fehgel whineotologoyists publishes false predicitons for queer lights and valor hogg-ING
#13910424 at 2021-06-15 17:53:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17609: MTG says read Green New Deal Edition
Hey fellow Peasants, what say you?
How "Wealthy" has this shit show made YOU?
Total U.S. household wealth increased $20 trillion from the end of 2019, a new report from ING (ING) found.
Despite the pandemic leavING thousands of businesses closed and millions unemployed, the level of household wealth actually increased durING the past 18 months. The Federal Reserve Flow of Funds data for the first quarter of 2021 showed the U.S. household balance sheet standING at a grand total of $154.2 trillion, up from $134.3 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2019. Household wealth did fall to $127.8 trillion at the end of March 2020, but rebounded after the stimulus packages and relief payments were enacted.
Wealthy Americans have been the biggest recipient of the gains."The biggest contribution to the financial wealth gains came from corporate equities and mutual funds due primarily to risk appetite reboundING and equity markets surgING higher on unprecedented Federal Reserve and government stimulus," the report said. "The same reasons led to strong performances for pension and life insurance funds."
The report also found substantial economic gains made within low-income households. "Lower income households will also have contributed significantly to this increase," the ING report found. "Government stimulus checks ... combined with uprated and extended unemployment benefits contributed to huge increases in household incomes over the past 14 months."
#13900051 at 2021-06-14 11:43:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17595: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Edition!
They are chantING "fuck-ING trait-ors"exactly the same way that Antifa chants "Black Lives Mat-ter"
More evidence to suggest that they are actually Antifa pretendING to be Trump supporters.
#13894008 at 2021-06-13 18:10:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17588: Tarmac Scoop b/w Hi GB Edition
Back in the 1960s, sugar industry paid "science" to falsely blame dietary fat for poor health
A new paper published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine exposes the sugar industry for tamperING with more than 50 years' worth of "science" to push an egregiously deceptive anti-fat agenda.
Since at least the 1960s, the sugar peddlers have been spreadING the myth that consumING fat makes you fat, and that sugar is somehow good for you. The industry has systematically blamed fats for the chronic health epidemic that has largely been caused by sugar consumption.
An industry group called the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF), the paper reveals, has been actively "refut[ING]" concerns about sugar's potential role in causING heart disease, for instance. The group has spent loads of cash over the past 60 some-odd years lobbyING scientists to publish fake papers in favor of sugar.
Back in 1967, for instance, scientists from Harvard University were paid by the SRF to publish a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) "debunkING" the link between sugar and heart disease. It was not disclosed anywhere in the research that the sugar industry had funded it.
"The sugar-funded project in question was a literature review, examinING a variety of studies and experiments," reports NPR.
"It suggested there were major problems with all the studies that implicated sugar, and concluded that cuttING fat out of American diets was the best way to address coronary heart disease."
How much other "science" has likewise been corrupted by special interests?
For at least the past five decades, the authors of this latest study reveal, the sugar industry has been pullING a fast one on society by payING for fake science paper after fake science paper, all tryING to glorify sugar while demonizING fat.
"It was a very smart thING the sugar industry did, because review papers, especially if you get them published in a very prominent journal, tend to shape the overall scientific discussion," co-author Stanton Glantz told The New York Times.
Glantz and his colleagues did not set out to make a case linkING sugar consumption to coronary heart disease, but rather to identify why much of the "science" that has been published over the years has sought to disprove it - almost as if there was an agenda all along.
Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease ResearchA Historical Analysis of Internal Industry Documents
Cristin E. Kearns, DDS, MBA1,2; Laura A. Schmidt, PhD, MSW, MPH1,3,4; Stanton A. Glantz, PhD1,5,6,7,8
#13891571 at 2021-06-13 09:51:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17585: Make 8kun Great Again! Edition
Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak DescribING 'Chinese Colleagues' DevelopING 'Killer' Coronaviruses.
>>>Daszak made the admission at a 2016 forum discussING "emergING infectious diseases and the
next pandemic," which appears to be at odds with Fauci's repeated denial of fundING gain-of-
function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
While describING how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process
of "insert[ING] spike proteins" into viruses to see if they can "bind to human cells" as beING
carried out by his "colleagues in China":
"Then when you get a sequence of a virus, and it looks like a relative of a known nasty
pathogen, just like we did with SARS. We found other coronaviruses in bats, a whole host of
them, some of them looked very similar to SARS. So we sequenced the spike protein: the protein
that attaches to cells. Then we... Well I didn't do this work, but my colleagues in China did
the work. You create pseudo particles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see
if they bind to human cells. At each step of this you move closer and closer to this virus
could really become pathogenic in people."
>>>"You end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers," Daszak adds.
You can watch entire video here [1:35:00]
#13886856 at 2021-06-12 16:54:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17579: By Their Fruits Ebake Edition
heat stroke
he ain't gonna make it
#13884979 at 2021-06-12 10:12:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17577: Take To The Skies! Edition
SpeakING of the ADL
Came across this interdastING article re ADL and Stasi yesterday, while lookING up connections between Antifa and Stasi
Thirty years of collusion between the ADL and Stasi
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On June 28, a short article in a leadING German newspaper, the Franlifurter Allgemeine Zeitung, shed new light on one of the nastiest mysteries of the Cold War epoch: the collusion between Soviet Bloc secret police services and the nominally Jewish American "civil rights" group, the Anti-Defamation Leagueof B 'nai B'rith (ADL). The article, by German Jewish historian Michael Wolffsohn, revealed that in 1985, the East German regime, through its State Security Service, the Staatsicherheitsdienst ("Stasi"), launched a "friendship offensive" toward American Jewish organizations. The dreaded Stasi, which had a special role in carryING put highly sophisticated and dangerous overseas secret police operations within the Soviet intelligence machine, found its most willING western partners at the ADL and at the World Jewish Congress (WJC), an international Zionist organization taken over by ADL Honorary Vice Chairman Edgar Bronfman in the early 1980s. The revelation is especially shockING because it is notorious that the "German Democratic Republic," as the Sovietoccupied east zone of Germany was called, harbored the unrepentant Nazis-in case they should come in useful again. The collaboration continued even after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. AccordING to Wolffsohn's account, one of the final acts of ADL-Stasi collusion involved an effort to free an important KGB agent from jail in Israel. Curiously, the Soviet agent, Shabtai Kalmanowitch, had not only penetrated the inner circles of Israeli politics; durING the 1980s, before his arrest, Kalmanowitch had been workING closely with Lt. Col. Oliver North and the "Project Democracy" apparatus inside the Reagan-Bush administration.In an earlier interview with the WashINGton Post, Wolff-
sohn had presented evidence, g?ered from the archives of the East German Foreign Ministjry and the Stasi, confirmING that the ADL-East German coll?boration continued followING the reunification of Germanx and the formal dismantlING of the hated East German sectet police agency. Ex-Stasi officers, operatING through infoQ:nal "clubs," and bankrolled by millions of dollars in pilfered East German funds, continue to steer the activities of neo-Nazi gangs all across Germany, Wolffsohn charged; and gf(?UpS like the ADL and WJC continue to provide crucial SC$ propaganda equatING the reunified Germany with a mena¢ING "Fourth Reich." Furthermore, ADL-linked financier networks involvING people such as Marc Rich, Edmond Safra, and George Soros, had abetted the Stasi, the KGBi, and other East bloc secret services in large-scale smuggl?g of hard currency, gold, diamonds, and other assets acrqss the Iron Curtain into safe havens in Switzerland, Israel, Hbngkong, and the Caribbean for later use. Today, nearly five years s?nce Stasi headquarters was ransacked by angry East Germaps in the revolution of 1989, ongoING dirty tricks deployed against strategically sensitive targets make it evident that thfl old capabilities, or at least some of them, are in place. Ampng the telltale signs are: the attempt at violent"antifa" (anli-fascist) demonstrations in Germany against U.S. Presidept Bill Clinton and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Juo/, when Clinton announced the end of the U . S . -British special relationship and the beginnING of a new special partnershp with unified Germany; and the spate of terrorist attacks against Jewish communities worldwide, aimed at derailING ?e Middle East peace process. Both the German-U.S. partner?hip and the Middle East accords threaten the British geopolitical interests that the ADL-
Stasi apparatus has always defended, because both have the potential to radically shift the axioms which have controlled international policy for the postwar era and especially the last 30 years.
#13877369 at 2021-06-11 10:36:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17567: Positively Glowing! Edition
all i'm askING is you brING sauce with your whine-ING
#13874551 at 2021-06-11 00:43:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17564: Sea to Shining Sea Edition
'Good chance you are one': Kid Rock fires back at outrage over his use of a gay slur
Rock music artist Kid Rock doubled down and fired back at his critics who were outraged at his use of a homophobic slur on Saturday.
"If Kid Rock usING the word f****t offends you, good chance you are one," he wrote in a response in a Facebook post.
"Either way, I know he has a lot of love for his gay friends and I will have a talk with him. Have a nice day," he added, signING with his real name, Robert James Ritchie.
The musician was criticized heavily after he used the insult against an audience member who was usING a cellphone to record his appearance at the FishLips Resort & Grill in Smithville, Tennessee.
"F* your phone! Yeah! Post this! You can post this! You can post this s* right now!" he yells on the video.
"You f*ING f**ts with your phones!" he adds before the video cuts out.
One critic said that it was entirely inappropriate for Ritchie to use the gay slur durING "Pride Month."
The Facebook post was reportedly taken down after only beING online for about two hours, but the tweet with the same message was still available on his account.
Ritchie has been been criticized many times over the years for his brash refusal to follow along with the liberal agenda. In 2019 liberals were outraged when he criticized pop sINGer Taylor Swift for becomING a Democrat and made a crude joke about her.
"Hey @KidRock - who the f**k asked your sexist & racist ass? Shut your talentless pie-hole and go back to brown-nosING your idiot guru Trump," responded one tolerant liberal.
After the 2020 election he lashed out in a similar fashion at comments from the left that Trump supporters needed to be de-programmed.
Here's the video of Kid Rock's controversial comment:
#13865680 at 2021-06-09 20:19:17 (UTC+1)
#17553: Lots of Happenings, Happening Edition
winnING = BE-ING
#13861537 at 2021-06-09 04:19:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17547: Seals are wonderful creatures Edition
While describING how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process of "insert[ING] spike proteins" into viruses to see if they can "bind to human cells" as beING carried out by his "colleagues in China":
"Then when you get a sequence of a virus, and it looks like a relative of a known nasty pathogen, just like we did with SARS. We found other coronaviruses in bats, a whole host of them, some of them looked very similar to SARS. So we sequenced the spike protein: the protein that attaches to cells. Then we... Well I didn't do this work, but my colleagues in China did the work. You create pseudo particles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see if they bind to human cells. At each step of this you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people.
"You end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers," he adds.
#13860632 at 2021-06-09 01:31:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17546: Dig Meme Pray Edition
Epstein's hypnotic hold on Victoria's Secret billionaire: How pedophile wormed his way into Les Wexner's life through an insurance mogul pal and left a jealous Trump askING 'how did you get so f***ING rich?'
New report examines Epstein's longstandING relationship with Les Wexner
Sex predator served as financial advisor to the billionaire founder of The Limited
Epstein seemed to have Wexner in his thrall in the odd relationship
Wexner claims that he was conned by Epstein and accused him of stealING funds
Jeffrey Epstein's strange relationship with Leslie Wexner, the billionaire founder of Victoria Secret parent company L Brands, began through contacts that the sex predator carefully cultivated, accordING to a new report.
Epstein wormed his way into Wexner's inner circle through his close friend Robert Meister, whose firm handled insurance for L Brands, then known as The Limited, Meister revealed in an interview with Vanity Fair.
For decades, Wexner was Epstein's only publicly named client as a financial advisor, and the billionaire appears to be a key source of the $500 million fortune that Epstein left behind when he died in 2019.
A cloud of mystery has surrounded the two men's relationship, and internal investigations commissioned by L Brands resulted in Wexner steppING down as CEO and then resignING from the board, though the findINGs were not made public.
Wexner long maintained a low profile and was little known outside of central Ohio, where The Limited was headquartered.
Meister recalled a party in Aspen when Donald Trump walked up to Wexner and said, 'Nice to meet you, now how did you get so f***ING rich?'
Wexner has never been criminally accused of involvement in Epstein's sex crimes, and despite rampant speculation, no evidence has emerged that the two men were romantically involved.
In a filmed deposition, featured in the Netflix documentary Filthy Rich, Brad Edwards, a lawyer for some of Epstein's victims, asked Epstein if he had a sexual relationship with Wexner. Epstein denied it.
In 1993, Wexner, then 55, married attorney Abigail S. Koppel, 31, and the couple now has four children. Epstein reportedly attended the ceremony and even arranged the couple's prenuptial agreement.
Wexner insists that he was duped by Epstein and ended their relationship after the predator's first arrest in 2007, on charges of solicitING a minor for prostitution.
'BeING taken advantage of by someone who was so sick, so cunnING, so depraved is somethING that I'm embarrassed that I was even close to,' Wexner said durING a speech in September 2019.
In a letter to his charitable foundation around the same time, Wexner claimed Epstein had 'misappropriated vast sums of money from me and my family.'
#13858468 at 2021-06-08 19:38:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17543: Anons Keep On Truckin'
Kid Rock Hurls Homophobic Slur, Flips Off Guests for FilmING DurING Tennessee Performance
Kid Rock was captured usING a homophobic slur.
DurING a performance over the weekend, the 50-year-old sINGer hurled a homophobic slur at fans for recordING him durING a performance at FishLipz Bar & Grill in Smithville, Tennessee. TMZ shared the video.
"F- your iPhone, yeah," he said in the video while flippING off the patron and pointING at his crotch. "You can post this. You can post this d- right now. F-ING f-s with your phones out."
A rep for Kid Rock did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
RELATED VIDEO: Morgan Wallen Says There Are 'No Excuses' After Video Surfaces of SINGer UsING the N-Word
Some people, includING comedian W. Kamau Bell, weren't surprised by the musician's use of the slur.
"Kid Rock is not in hot water. Kid Rock is in Kid Rock water." tweeted the CNN personality. "Kid Rock water is comprised of old beer, urine, & cigarette butts sittING out in the sun in an upside down MAGA cap."
"When I heard Kid Rock made a homophobic comment, I got so mad I drove 12 hours to my parents house, went in the attic, found Kid Rock's latest cassette, and threw it out," tweeted one user.
Back in 2019, the musician was removed from stage durING a performance at the Honky Tonk bar for beratING Oprah Winfrey and Joy Behar. At the time, he was captured sayING they could "suck a d- sideways."
Last year, his Nashville bar Big Honky Tonk & Steakhouse was hit with a permit suspension for violatING coronavirus protocols. And last month, the bar welcomed Morgan Wallen for his first public appearance since beING captured usING a racial slur in February.
#13857828 at 2021-06-08 17:46:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17543: Anons Keep On Truckin'
WATCH: Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak DescribING 'Chinese Colleagues' DevelopING 'Killer' Coronaviruses.
EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak - who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease - appears to boast about the manipulation of "killer" SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his "colleagues in China" in a clip unearthed by The National Pulse.
Daszak made the admission at a 2016 forum discussING "emergING infectious diseases and the next pandemic," which appears to be at odds with Fauci's repeated denial of fundING gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
While describING how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process of "insert[ING] spike proteins" into viruses to see if they can "bind to human cells" as beING carried out by his "colleagues in China":
"Then when you get a sequence of a virus, and it looks like a relative of a known nasty pathogen, just like we did with SARS. We found other coronaviruses in bats, a whole host of them, some of them looked very similar to SARS. So we sequenced the spike protein: the protein that attaches to cells. Then we... Well I didn't do this work, but my colleagues in China did the work. You create pseudo particles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see if they bind to human cells. At each step of this you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people.
"You end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers," he adds.
#13852931 at 2021-06-08 00:14:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17537: Covid is Ovid Edition
>trout faced dude angry anons do not poo on each other like daniel and josh hobbit promised
trout faced dude is a bitter klINGer and offers BJ for anons poo-ING on each other
#13852859 at 2021-06-08 00:07:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17537: Covid is Ovid Edition
>real gehyja pooo-ING face tarded bots
squeezING shitposts together
#13852850 at 2021-06-08 00:06:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17537: Covid is Ovid Edition
real gehyja pooo-ING face tarded bots
#13848133 at 2021-06-07 07:36:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17531: Conviction; What Is Yours? E-Bake Setup For Noobies Edition
Who's MIME' ING thefuckING baker bro?
C'mon man!
#13827528 at 2021-06-04 11:52:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17504: EBake 4AM Edition
Red He[rr]ING
#13826726 at 2021-06-04 06:42:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17503: The 'Knowingly' Edition
There you go.
If only the Hebrews didn't just copy a bunch of shit from Zoroastrianism.
But, yeah, sure, three Hewbrew Magi came to visit the newborn, totally not Zoroastrian Magi. I'm sure that's right.
Well done.
So you foil their plans by "reset"ING properly.
We were already given the tools to do so. It's a simple path forward if you know where to look.
#13821900 at 2021-06-03 18:00:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17497: 14 pallets of 44 remain to count AZ AUDIT EDITION
EverythING stated has a purpose.
Time[ING] is important.
[House of Cards]
You have more than you know.
#13815248 at 2021-06-02 19:56:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17489: Comfefe the Fauci Ghost Bake Edition
[Pol.] Already received biggest drop, year ago
too many cowards
didn't work here
worked in Myanmar
Tim(e)ING is our friend
#13813464 at 2021-06-02 15:00:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17486: Fauci's Emails Gained Function Overnight Edition
Anon "I told you so"-ING about masks all over fakebook this mornING.
Take that mask nazis!
#13801670 at 2021-05-31 20:46:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17471: ANONS WILL REMEMBER YOUR DECEPTION Edition
>>>>new cult leader demands bribes for gehyja pooING
#13801650 at 2021-05-31 20:42:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17471: ANONS WILL REMEMBER YOUR DECEPTION Edition
>>>new cult leader demands bribes for gehyja pooING
#13801646 at 2021-05-31 20:41:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17471: ANONS WILL REMEMBER YOUR DECEPTION Edition
>>new cult leader demands bribes for gehyja pooING
#13801643 at 2021-05-31 20:41:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17471: ANONS WILL REMEMBER YOUR DECEPTION Edition
>sick fuckers sick fuckING
>new cult leader demands bribes for gehyja pooING
#13801204 at 2021-05-31 19:23:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17471: ANONS WILL REMEMBER YOUR DECEPTION Edition
Illinois defines homosexuals as 'infertile,' grants them insurance coverage for IVF
Lawmakers approved a bill that essentially redefines infertility.
Illinois lawmakers passed a bill redefinING infertility to apply to homosexuals and sINGle people and mandatING insurance coverage of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other infertility services for LGBT-identifyING individuals.
Illinois House Bill 3709 amends the state insurance code to classify infertility as "a person's inability to reproduce either as a sINGle individual or with a partner without medical intervention," or "otherwise based on a physician's opinion." Infertility is currently defined in Illinois law as, among other thINGs, "the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse."
Services that must be covered by healnsurers for sINGle or LGBT individuals under the bill include "in vitro fertilization, uterine embryo lavage, embryo transfer, artificial insemination, gamete intrafallopian tube transfer, zygote intrafallopian tube transfer, and low tubal ovum transfer."
House Bill 3709 passed Illinois's lower chamber 68-43 earlier this month, with the Republican House minority leader castING the sole GOP vote. The state senate also approved the bill on Thursday, though it has yet to be signed by the governor, a Democrat.
Democrat Rep. Margaret Croke of Chicago, who sponsored the legislation, had suggested that the biological definition of infertility in Illinois law was "discriminat(ING) against people who do want to become parents." House Bill 3709, in fact, ignores the reality that people are not "infertile" simply for havING an "inability to reproduce" alone or with someone of the same sex.
"No one has a 'right' to have covered any particular service that is not curative or preventive even when the general terms and conditions of that insurance policy cover superficially similar services that are medical treatments," an article in The Federalist about HB 3709 noted last month. It added that "Illinois law already requires that Illinois insurance companies cover fertility services for couples who have attempted to conceive for a year(.)"
By mandatING insurance coverage of in vitro fertilization for effectively anyone who wants it, Illinois is poised to accelerate an already highly unethical practice. IVF, which is recognized as illicit by the Catholic Church, frequently results in excess human embryos, many of which are subsequently destroyed. Millions of embryos may be abandoned or discarded at fertility clinics across the United States, accordING to Catholic News Agency.
#13800875 at 2021-05-31 18:23:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17470: Ebaking Edition
THEY intimidate anons into silence.
When ever before in 3 years has a BV ever looked up anons hashes, collected them, and taken screen shot to share with public?
When have the JewHate thugs had full rein on the board, includING Notables and massively flooded attack on ordinary anons who dare to question the new false authority?
When has a BV been Id-ING ordinary anons with Racial slurs, usING offensive terms for various ethinic groups with otherwise demeanING and juvenile attacks?
What could be comING?
Why is their terror reachING new heights that they have to pay ~40 shills do attempt to destroy this site?
Trump's Ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Calls For Myanmar-Type Coup In U.S.
"It should happen," Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for "patriots.
By Mary Papenfuss
#13800609 at 2021-05-31 17:37:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17470: Ebaking Edition
get some new magnafyING glass
they are obsessed with ID-ING anons
Is this from other board? What's the deal?
They must be fuckING C-A
Why do they care so much who people are; get the fuck outta here
YOU guys are infantile clowns. When are you goING to grow up and be real men?
#13788841 at 2021-05-30 03:33:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17455 Elevated
so if I make plays on words like sayING 'gee that is exceptionally alabaster of you' does that get me on a possible ban list?
see I don't want to risk say ING (actually I could give a shit) "that's mighty white of you"
#13773372 at 2021-05-28 11:43:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General # 17437: Ebake Right Now
PostING this here, because i just love the reeeee-ING from u inarticulate Austin-haters.
#13761864 at 2021-05-27 00:19:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17423: BV's Qr-DECLAS brings PAIN to shills Edition
I have to agree that BV is doING a bad job doING his job.
The only complain I can make is all of the (You)ING BV has been doING. It's like /a/fag is just makING BV sperg to mimic /a/fag's incessant slidING.
#13761084 at 2021-05-26 22:29:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17422: incoming Fauci->US tax money->Wuhan->GOF shitstorm Edition
1. Whether under the provision in the Administra- tive Procedure Act statING that "due account shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error" when reviewING agency action, 5 U.S.C. 706, a court may deny a bid pro- test when it determines that the plaintiff was not prej- udiced by an allegedly improper term in the agency's solicitation because the plaintiff was ineligible for a con- tract award under a separate, lawful term of the solici- tation.
2. Whether a court may defer to a federal contract- ING officer's factual determinations, followING an inves- tigation, that potential conflicts of interest on the part of certain agency employees did not affect the procure- ment.
#13753220 at 2021-05-25 22:22:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17412: KILL BOX EMPLOYMENT b/w slide the pots Edition
For the record the real casualties were the 343, asbestos caked lungs of lower Manhattan, and everyone on earth that got shit on by the "Patriot Act", the c[]a, and israeli intelligence.
North / South 1 / 2 were essentially vacant buildINGs especially the higher rent top floors
The main tenants left were hush hush, in constant construction, construction when leases up, and Turner Construction includING subsidiary Controlled Demolition Inc.
The kerosene detonation floors were the only and exact floors that had just finished fireproofING upgrades.
There simply was not 2700 civilians in those buildINGs.
Trump or someone said that day he couldnt believe it, the death toll was a few hundred, came back hours later had this new figure.
Passports flyING through supposedly explodING aircraft.
The real question is the number that vacated 47 floors of high level security personnel that blew bottom up like 7 hours f*ING later at sunset.
"We had already experienced such a great loss of life that the decision was made to pull and we pulled it."
"Pull it"
#13751986 at 2021-05-25 19:15:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17410: It's not that they are pro-anime, it's that they are anti QR Edition
DOJ CHARGES BLM Supporter Who Allegedly Stormed Capitol, Instigated Trump Supporters
A huge development in the Capitol incident has developed on your Tuesday, as a Black Lives Matter supportING activist already facING several charges for his actions on January 6 is now facING additional counts and allegedly told witnesses that he brought a bullhorn to instigate Trump supporters to attack the Capitol.
John Earle Sullivan of Utah has now been hit with weapons charges, accordING to new court documents filed by federal prosecutors last week and reported by The Epoch Times.
If you haven't heard Sullivan's name before, you've probably seen the footage captured by pro-Trump activist Ashli Babbit's shootING death durING the Capitol incursion, which he reportedly sold to news networks for tens of thousands of dollars.
In an absolutely sickenING moment, Prosecutors say he was captured on another individuals's recordING "expressING excitement" that he had Babbit's death on camera.
"Everybody's gonna want this. Nobody has it. I'm sellING it, I could make millions of dollars," Sullivan was quoted as sayING.
Last week, authorities sized $90,000 from Sullivan that he reportedly had been paid by multiple major news outlets for the Babbit footage.
AccordING to the court documents, he also allegedly was heard tellING someone on speakerphone, "I brought my megaphone to instigate s*. I was like, guys we're goING inside, we're f*ING s* up. ... I'm gonna make these Trump supporters f* all this s* up. ... But I mean you'll see. I have it all, I have everythING, everythING on camera, everythING I just told you, and I mean everythING. Trust me when I say my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars. I'm holdING on to that s*."
"Hey guys, I have a knife. I have a knife. Let me up," he was also heard sayING, accordING to prosecutors, as well as tellING Capitol Hill police officers that "there are too many people, you gotta stand down."
Sullivan himself considered himself as a journalist on the scene who had entered the Capitol with the sole intention of filmING the chaos. However an affidavit when he was initially charged for his involvement says he broke windows and encouraged protestors to enter.
"Sullivan approaches a window, also seen in the screenshot below, and states, 'We did this s*. We took this s*.' While at the window, a knockING noise is heard off-screen. The camera then pans to show more of the window and a broken pane can be seen that was not broken on Sullivan's approach to the window: Sullivan can then be heard sayING, 'I broke it. My bad, my apologies. Well, they already broke a window, so, you know, I didn't know I hit it that hard. No one got that on camera.' Sullivan then exits the office," the affidavit stated.
Sullivan had been in several far-left riots prior to Jan. 6, The Epoch Times noted.
Or, as prosecutors say he put it at the scene of the Capitol Hill incursion, "I am ready, bro. I've been to too many riots. I've been in so many riots."
Sullivan wasn't lyING about riotING, he was even charged in July with riotING charges, threatenING violence, and criminal mischief. He took part in an anti-police counterdemonstration to a "Back the Blue" event in Provo, Utah.
#13746731 at 2021-05-25 01:43:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17404: We Are The Champions, Mah Frenz Edition
DOCS: BLM Activist Admits BrINGING Megaphone To 'Instigate' Trump Supporters Inside Capitol BuildING
"I brought my megaphone to instigate s*. I was like, guys we're goING inside, we're f*ING s* up.... I'm gonna make these Trump supporters f* all this s*** up.... But I mean you'll see," said John Sullivan.
Black Lives Matter Activist John Sullivan admitted to brINGING a megaphone inside the Capitol buildING on January 6 to "instigate" Trump supporters and incite violence, documents show.
"Sullivan allegedly posted on Twitter support for armed revolution and has also said he attended a number of Black Lives Matter protests last year, posted numerous anti-police and anti-Trump statements. Sullivan says he portrayed himself as a journalist who was just documentING the incident but he was also actively participatING... even broke a window," reported Red Voice Media.
"I brought my megaphone to instigate shit. I was like, guys we're goING inside, we're fuckING shit up.... I'm gonna make these Trump supporters f-all this shit up.... But I mean you'll see," Sullivan said on speakerphone, accordING to newly released documents. "I have it all, I have everythING, everythING on camera, everythING I just told you, and I mean everythING. Trust me when I say my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars. I'm holdING on to that shit."
AccordING to the court documents, Sullivan admitted to law enforcement that he had no press credentials despite his previous claims of beING a journalist, and that the investigation "has not revealed any connection between the defendant and any journalistic organizations prior to the events of January 6, 2021."
"I mean, didn't I kind of make up a background though, on the fly a little bit. I think I made up, uh-what did I say I was? Oh, yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time. 'Yeah, I'm just a journalist. I'm here recordING. I got my camera on my shoulder.' Literally, I have my big-ass camera on my shoulder right here and I have my gimbal, so it kind of looks like it. 'Yeah, I'm just here recordING the situation. Yeah. LivestreamING. Look, I have-I have people on my live stream.' That's why I pulled it back out," said Sullivan in a video posted on January 6.
In a livestream posted in December, Sullivan admitted that he doesn't "consider" himself a journalist. "But as far as like reportING stuff like I am now, I'm an activist too, so like it kinda plays hand in hand. But as far as like beING a journalist, it would be cool to be one, I don't have anythING against it," said Sullivan.
This comes after National File reported that Sullivan, who stormed the Capitol on January 6 disguised in pro-Trump gear and captured video of the Capitol Police shootING of Ashli Babbitt, had $90,000 seized by the federal government.
At the time of Sullivan's arrest, National File reported, "Despite claimING he only entered the buildING in a journalistic capacity, the indictment against Sullivan declares otherwise. The 18-page affidavit claims Sullivan allegedly incited violence by exclaimING 'we gotta get this shit burned' and 'it's our house motherfuckers.'"
Sullivan was previously recorded durING an anti-Trump riot in WashINGton, D.C. In the video, Sullivan pointed at the White House, and said,"We... about to burn this s- down... We gotta rip Trump right out of that office right there." Sullivan added, "We ain't about...waitING until the next election. It's time for revolution."
#13742594 at 2021-05-24 15:14:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17399: A week to remember Edition
>>13742587 you miss the fauci-ING point fag
#13741973 at 2021-05-24 13:20:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17398: EYEZ ON AZ AUDIT Edition
Dems Misinterpreted 2020, and a Backlash Is ComING
Christian Whiton, The National Interest May 22, 2021
Trump Remains the Key to Republican Election Victories
Forget the naysayers in the media, the NeverTrumpers, and the RINOs. Despite the best efforts of some of its once-leadING figures to unlearn the lessons taught by former President Donald Trump, the Republican Party is in great shape goING into midterm elections next year and in settING the stage for the 2024 presidential election. StayING the course will propel it to victory.
It is customary self-indulgence after a change in power in WashINGton to predict that the other party is not only defeated, but likely to go extinct. This past election was no exception. In March, President Joe Biden said he had no idea if there would even be a Republican Party in 2024. Former President George W. Bush said Republicans "want to be extinct." The facts say otherwise. SettING aside the furiously contested presidential election result, Republicans gained seats in the House in 2020 and will likely build on that performance next year, takING control of one or both houses of Congress.
In a rare act of candor that was never meant to be public, Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), who almost lost her seat, told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats after the election that radical views like defundING the police cost Democrats and would hurt them more in the future. She said: "If we are classifyING Tuesday as a success from a congressional standpoint, we will get f—ING torn apart in 2022." How right she is.
Yet Democrats have not heeded her warnING. Instead, they have misinterpreted the 2020 result as a mandate to indulge their most radical instincts. They have wasted trillions of dollars on an economy that simply needed to be reopened, and plan to waste trillions more while raisING taxes dramatically, while pretendING that they will only target the wealthy. They have mused about packING the Supreme Court with activists. They have gone to war against domestically produced fossil fuels, which we rely on and which make us energy independent. They have invited a wave of illegal immigrants to our southern border and increased the quota of often-radical and always-broke refugees they plan to admit. They have indulged critical race theory and its attempt to redefine America and cast any and all political opponents as inherently racist. Their more radical members have even dabbled in anti-Semitism by labelING Israel, a nation where Arabs and Jews alike can vote and stand equal before the law, an "apartheid state"-an insidious way of sidING with those who favor the destruction of the Jewish state.
The result so far has been the early onset of inflation, which amounts to a tax hike-one, incidentally, that hurts the poor the most. Gas prices are out of control. Every class of assets in America, especially equities and housING, has been radically inflated by bad policy, settING the stage for crisis. People beING paid extra for not workING are makING the rational choice not to work, impedING recovery. Excessive government spendING in 2021 and 2022 may make a recession in 2023 or 2024 a mathematical certainty. Democrats took all of four months to mess up the Middle East. They have even made American cities terrible again thanks to leniency toward criminals, rioters, and looters, although that effort preceded the last election.
But what about the turmoil in the Republican Party, which recently ousted Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from the second-ranked spot its House leadership? The move actually paves the way for better performance from the Republican Party. Some from the old GOP would like to forget about 2016, even if they paid lip service to its verdict durING the Trump years. This is exhibited by an unwillINGness to obstruct Biden nominees as Democrats did to Trump's with even fewer Senate seats, a desire by some to rejoin the job-exportING Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, and failING to stand up to the woke mob and its corporate adherents.
Here's the deal:Trumpism isn't a set of specific policies, but a willINGness to fight, a refusal to accept the terms of political debate set by the Democrats and the media, and a realignment of the party toward blue-collar workers. Liz Cheney rejected all of this innovation. She wanted to fight her own party.
Cheney's replacement, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), is far from a perfect what is best about Trumpism, forecast successful GOP outcomes in 2022 and 2024. The GOP isn't about to go extinct. It's flourishING more than ever.
#13730277 at 2021-05-22 23:13:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17383: The holy kitchen Edition
MEMEbombers – shitpost AWAY
sails up
diver tw ING
and wind
#13728585 at 2021-05-22 18:30:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17381: E - Bake
>The same energy spent renumberING somethING can be spent BD+'ING the marriage flood.
Your team shill bot was already deleted Fungus. Anyone surprised that when Tranime was kicked from kitchen Marriage shill went full retard spam?
#13728571 at 2021-05-22 18:29:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17381: E - Bake
Am I wrong?
The same energy spent renumberING somethING can be spent BD+'ING the marriage flood.
They choose to virtue signal.
They leave the real threat alone.
#13727035 at 2021-05-22 14:17:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17379: Nothing Can Stop What Has Come! Edition
The f-ING shill was so COVID…
#13725552 at 2021-05-22 05:50:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17377: WARNING The TRIPS waiver is important to SOROS Edition
6,000 year old murder for hire cult
found dead xerox-ING assholes
#13717616 at 2021-05-21 07:11:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17367: Comfefe Edition
SIXTY-FIVE fuckING posts.
Quit (You)ING this fucker.
#13717324 at 2021-05-21 06:03:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17367: Comfefe Edition
Unfortunately, without me you guys would post the same shit every sINGle fuckING day and dance around the news scalp scriptpost like this is a news aggregate and not a fuckING research board.
At least I spice thINGs up sometimes and don't fill every sINGle bread I'm in with over forty posts.
Look, I post a lot too. I've said plenty of times that the amount of posts don't determine the level of contribution, but you just smugpost nonstop and (You) every post no matter who is (You)ING you.
I even used to avatarpost too, but I got over that childish egoic shit, just like you need to do.
#13713585 at 2021-05-20 22:41:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17363: Free Speech Will Never Die. Like It or Not. Edition
We already know they are CGI-ING Trump. Or at least greenscreen. We've seen it many times.
Phone call very easy. He has been too basic in many phone calls. Very simple, not like Trump, but like a cartoon version of Trump
#13712885 at 2021-05-20 21:18:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17362: Jews trying to prohibit the free exercise of free speech Edition
Good shill, bad shill.
Who's byte-ING?
#13712477 at 2021-05-20 20:32:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17362: Jews trying to prohibit the free exercise of free speech Edition
Have you tried not (You)ING anybody and just beING a janny yet?
#13708555 at 2021-05-20 11:34:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17357: Ego off edition
It's so cute when Jill does it!
Jill Biden told supporters that Kamala could 'go f*** herself' for attackING Joe for supportING racist policies durING the 2019 Democratic debate
First Lady Jill Biden told close supporters on a phone call the week after the June 2019 Democratic primary debate that Kamala Harris could 'go f*** yourself'
The comments came after Harris attacked Joe Biden on stage for supportING busING and segregationist lawmakers in the 1970s
'With what he cares about, what he fights for, what he's committed to, you get up there and call him a racist without basis?' Jill said on the call 'Go f**k yourself'
Excerpts came out ahead of the release of a new book on the 2020 Democratic primary: 'Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Trump'
The book also details that Joe Biden said on stage: 'Well, that was some f*ING bullst,' to then-fellow candidate Pete Buttigieg
#13708544 at 2021-05-20 11:27:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17357: Ego off edition
Attorney for 'QAnon Shaman' questions mental abilities of his client, others in Jan. 6 riot
WashINGton Post on MSN.com|12 hours ago
The 'QAnon Shaman's' lawyer blames autism for his client's Jan. 6 actions. Here's how wrong he is.
NBC News on MSN.com|15 hours ago
'QAnon Shaman' attorney refuses to apologize for 'short-bus people' comments
The Hill|21 hours ago
'Seinfeld' Writer Says These Days Kramer Would Be In Both QAnon And Antifa
HuffPost|16 hours ago
An accused Capitol rioter asked for a separate trial after the 'QAnon Shaman' lawyer said insurrectionists have 'brain damage'
YAHOO!News|18 hours ago
QAnon Shaman lawyer defends wild comments likenING Trump to Hitler and callING own client brain damaged
YAHOO!News|17 hours ago
Lawyer for 'QAnon Shaman' stands by comment callING Capitol rioters 'short-bus people'
WashINGton Examiner|17 hours ago
SE Cupp: 'QAnon Shaman' attorney's awful defense of insurrectionists
CNN on MSN.com|18 hours ago
QAnon believers see Trump's mountING legal troubles as part of 'the plan'
Salon|3 hours ago
'QAnon Shaman' attorney defends callING Maga rioters 'f***ING retarded' in fiery Cuomo interview
Daily Mail|55 minutes ago
Lawyer for 'QAnon Shaman' says U.S. Capitol rioters had 'brain damage'
Global News|16 hours ago
Trump Is MarchING Down the Road to Political Violence
The Atlantic on MSN.com|1 hour ago
America's right-wING political monsters are real - and they are comING for you
Salon on MSN.com|1 hour ago
Seinfeld writer says Kramer would be a QAnon believer today
The Independent on MSN.com|36 minutes ago
QAnon's 'Domino Theory' Explained: Here's The Bizarre Scenario That Has Trump Redeemed By The Arizona Audit-And ReturnING To The White House
Forbes|14 hours ago
QAnon Shaman Lawyer Triples Down on 'Short Bus People' Comment in Combative Interview with Chris Cuomo
Mediaite|8 hours ago
Top 'Seinfeld' writer says Kramer would be in QAnon now - and Antifa
New York Daily News on MSN.com|9 hours ago
A Key 'Seinfeld' Writer Admits Kramer Would Almost Certainly Be A QAnon Guy
Uproxx|8 hours ago
Conspiracy theories are no longer the domain of lovable weirdos trackING Bigfoot - they're a sinister problem
Yahoo|13 hours ago
QAnon Shaman's lawyer delivers slur-filled rant while blamING Capitol riot on intellectual disabilities
The Daily Dot|12 hours ago
QAnon is just the latest in a long line of weird Satanic conspiracies
LGBTQ Nation|12 hours ago
'Seinfeld' Writer: Kramer Would Be a 'Believer in QAnon'
The Daily Beast|1 day ago
Watkins does not apologize for inappropriate comments about Jan. insurrection
Fox2Now St. Louis|19 hours ago
QAnon Shaman's Lawyer Albert Watkins Was Interviewed by CNN
The Big Lead on MSN.com|20 hours ago
What's happenING with American politics? | Opinion
Tennessean|2 hours ago
The Cause of America's Post-Truth Predicament
Scientific American|10 hours ago
'QAnon Shaman' Attorney Won't Apologize
Political Wire|21 hours ago
Q Shaman Lawyer Blames Trump Propaganda 'Not Seen Since F***ING Hitler'
Crooks and Liars|23 hours ago
Arizona GOP's election auditors backtrack on deleted database claim
NBC News on MSN.com|15 hours ago
#13708420 at 2021-05-20 10:23:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17357: Ego off edition
8:55 PM { EDT } · May 19, 2021·Hootsuite Inc.
An upcomING book claims that Barack Obama called Donald Trump a "madman,"
a "racist, sexist pig," a "f*ING lunatic," and a "corrupt motherf*er."
We have a special message for Obama that you don't want to miss!
Tune in at 9 PM ET or set your DVR to hear it!
QDrop # 855 (18 = Renegade)(9)
What if Hussein knew and authorized?
USSS codename">Renegade.
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein durING his term?
What if his name we don't say organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.
HELL on earth - HRC victory.
>>13708379 Where are TheSTARS on that FLAG !?!?!
QDrop # # 2045 (11) (2)
Image Name: SE.jpg
#13705066 at 2021-05-19 23:04:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17353: Anibake Edition
'Seinfeld' Writer Says These Days Kramer Would Be In Both QAnon And Antifa
HuffPost|4 hours ago
>Larry Charles figures Kramer would believe in QAnon, but "might also be in antifa at the same time to cover his bets."
QAnon Shaman lawyer defends wild comments likenING Trump to Hitler and callING own client brain damaged
YAHOO!News|4 hours ago
>The lawyer representING the QAnon Shaman was given an opportunity to go on national television and apologise for callING Capitol riot defendants "f** retarded" and suggestING they have brain damage.
QAnon's 'Domino Theory' Explained: Here's The Bizarre Scenario That Has Trump Redeemed By The Arizona Audit-And ReturnING To The White House
Forbes|1 hour ago
>It's a complete fantasy, obviously…but this is what they believe," Mike Rothschild, an author of a book on QAnon, told Forbes.
Lawyer for 'QAnon Shaman' says U.S. Capitol rioters had 'brain damage'
Global News|4 hours ago
>Jacob Chansley's lawyer used a litany of offensive language to describe his client and others who breached the Capitol.
Conspiracy theories are no longer the domain of lovable weirdos trackING Bigfoot - they're a sinister problem
Business Insider|41 minutes ago
>In his new book, investigative journalist Dave Neiwert argues that conspiracy theories such as QAnon, appeal to Americans' desire for heroism.
QAnon Shaman's lawyer delivers slur-filled rant while blamING Capitol riot on intellectual disabilities
The Daily Dot|2 hours ago
>QAnon Shaman's attorney Albert Watkins blames autism, intellectual disabilities for people participatING in Capitol riots.
Company conductING Arizona GOP's election audit backtracks on deleted database claim
NBC News on MSN.com|3 hours ago
>Auditors workING on behalf of state Senate Republicans admitted Tuesday that data it had accused Maricopa County of deletING had been found.
Ahead of 2022, House Democrats Aim to Fix Their PollING Problem
New York Times|2 hours ago
>Democrats control both houses of Congress - but just barely. Cast your mind back to October 2020, and you might remember expectING thINGs to turn out a bit different. Polls suggested that Democratic House candidates were on track to nearly match their historic margins in the 2018 midterms.
Editorial: Cowardice, evasion and wishful thinkING push GOP to oppose Jan. 6 commission
St. Louis Post-Dispatch|2 hours ago
>The hypocrisy of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are on full display as they scramble for reasons to oppose a Jan. 6 congressional probe.
'They need to hang': Pennsylvania woman arrested in Capitol riot investigation
USA Today on MSN.com|3 hours ago
>Pauline Bauer, of Kane, Pa., told police in the Capitol Jan. 6: "BrING Nancy Pelosi out here now. We want to hang that f—ING bitch," says the FBI.
Afternoon Briefs: Controversial remarks by 'QAnon shaman' lawyer; progressive district attorney wins primary
ABA Journal|2 hours ago
>Reform-minded district attorney Larry Krasner of Philadelphia defeated his primary challenger, longtime homicide prosecutor Carlos Vega, in Tuesday's primary election. Krasner won, despite a 40% increase in murders in Philadelphia last year-a statistic that he attributed to a trend that happened even in cities with more traditional prosecutors.
Ralston Is WritING a Harry Reid Biography
Political Wire|3 hours ago
>Jon Ralston announced that he's writING a biography of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)."He is arguably the most powerful man in Nevada history and an important national figure. You think you know everythING about Reid,
Fact Check-Mike Pence was not 'shot while fleeING military arrest' on April 14
Reuters|5 hours ago
>Posts sharING information that former Vice President Mike Pence was shot while fleeING military arrest are false. There is no credible evidence to support this claim.
Fact-check: Does a viral video show capitol police allowING the mob to enter on Jan. 6?
Austin American-Statesman on MSN.com|4 hours ago
>A viral video of U.S. Capitol Police officers speakING with a group of rioters inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 shows an officer tellING them, "show us no attackING, no assault. Remain calm." The video's caption on Facebook reads: "Video shows U.
Arizona man arrested for role in US Capitol riots
KTAR News|57 minutes ago
>An Arizona man was arrested for his role in the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol in WashINGton, D.C., authorities said Wednesday.
Google Podcasts Is HostING a Cache of White Nationalist Content
Truthout|7 hours ago
>What facilitated the reach of both the "alt-right" and Donald Trump was the same: social media sites that allowed professional-appearING content to reach a mass audience on a shared system. Anyone could go on Twitter,
#13704730 at 2021-05-19 22:20:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17353: Anibake Edition
I'm not sure how anyone from /pol/ would be lettING some namefag bake general breads, especially when the "anon" (You)s everythING incessantly.
Even our jannies are sittING here and (You)ING shills and newfags alike.
#13703974 at 2021-05-19 20:53:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17352: Ebake
Are you guys tired of winnING yet?
#13699830 at 2021-05-19 07:02:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17347: Soros $2M elects Maricopa County Sheriff to Stonewall AZ Audit Edition
Eye had a lawyer try usING a qouted movie qoute against me, un aware of the qouted qoute I was qoutING. From a movie.
Didn't even bother wastING my time correctING them.
American judicial and health practices are so dated and assembly line driven I honestly don't know if they are even salvageable.
Electron injection.
"One patient received full body electron injection. (For full body melonoma) Though less penetratING than radiation, is far less damagING, and left no residual cell damage."
'HIstory of Early Radiation Workers'
His literal genius uncle with the Tesla Papers thesis was on rotatING electro static machines operatING in a high vacuum. (Dielectric space age wonderland)
Still remember findING that other vid fir an Anon
"Rockets. These rich people and their "rockets". Well. They want rockets. Let's give them rockets."
(((What else ya got for me (Hannity))))
(((This is not a game. Learn to play the game)))
An illegitimate WH is probably a little itchy as to these physical & nom physical _backdoors and how eye know, why, and just _
(Que the look of Branson's island security when they realized)
(((You are watchING a movie)))
Projected. Through a visor?
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistINGuishable from Magic."
Marky Marky QoutING Arthur C. Clarke
Stars at night
Guide your way home
What you see before you…
This is gonna be one hell of a show
History already remembers it for you.
(vve changed it for you)
What o what can be done with _archive_acess
Q +
The last missING pieces :
semper en obscurus
To make a spark gap thru tIme, not just space.
Keys back to the people
(((It's in the trash)))
And in a high density satellite stream I _FEMA'd through my brain stem.
vve guard you while you sleep
#13697450 at 2021-05-19 00:58:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17344: The return of the Anons Edition
Q Shaman's Attorney Calls Him a "Short Bus" "Fu**ING Retard" (SHORT VID)
#13697311 at 2021-05-19 00:35:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17344: The return of the Anons Edition
Lawyers for Capitol Rioters Say That Trump Made Them Do It, Which…Duh
Jezebel|3 hours ago
How COVID is changING the study of human behaviour
Nature|9 hours ago
Bill Gates affair latest - Microsoft founder's relationship with Epstein & 'secret life' before Melinda divorce
The Sun|7 hours ago
Bill Gates affair latest - Microsoft founder's relationship with Epstein & 'secret life' before divorcING Melinda
The Sun|11 hours ago
Report Highlights Exiled Chinese Billionaire Tied to Steve Bannon as Center of Misinformation Network
Gizmodo|23 hours ago
Meghan McCain slams Joy Behar in fiery debate on GOP: 'Your influence in the Republican Party is almost zero'
Fox News|5 hours ago
How a Texas mom left her family to become "Mother God," leader of Colorado's Love Has Won cult
East Bay Times|23 hours ago
Retired business owner elected as new Hawaii GOP chairperson
Honolulu KHNL on MSN.com|23 hours ago
Leaked Police Docs Show a Lot of DisturbING but Mostly Dumb Plans Made by the Boogaloo Bois
Gizmodo|23 hours ago
Fort Myers exhibit looks at U.S. mail and more. 'We love the post office,' says Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh
The News-Press (Fort Myers) on MSN.com|8 hours ago
Lawyer for QAnon Shaman says his client and other MAGA rioters are 'f***ING retarded and on the goddamn spectrum' after beING subjected to four years of 'Hitler-like propaganda'
Daily Mail|6 hours ago
POLL: QAnon Is The Present And Future Of The Republican Party
Crooks and Liars|134 days ago
QAnon Shaman's Lawyer Called Capitol Siege Suspects Brain-Damaged 'F***ING Short-Bus People.' He Claims That's Part of a Strategy.
lawandcrime|3 hours ago
'QAnon Shaman' lawyer argues 'Trump's propaganda' preyed on those with mental illnesses in Jan. 6 riot
WTVO|4 hours ago
Colo GOP Legislator Begs Activists at QAnon-Linked Anti-Vax Rally to 'Continue To Broadcast the Facts'
Colorado Pols|10 hours ago
QAnon Shaman's lawyer says Capitol rioters are retarded and on the spectrum
Nation|5 hours ago
QAnon Shaman's Lawyer: Capitol Rioters Are 'Short-Bus People' Manipulated by Worst 'Propaganda Since Hitler'
The New Civil Rights Movement|5 hours ago
How conspiracy theories wreck lives
dailyexpress.com.my|16 hours ago
The Mercury's Sound Off for Tuesday, May 18
The Mercury|6 hours ago
Hawaii Republican Party Elects New Executive Committee
HPR2|5 hours ago
#13697300 at 2021-05-19 00:34:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17344: The return of the Anons Edition
'QAnon Shaman' attorney: World hasn't seen 'propaganda' like Trump's since Hitler
The Hill on MSN.com|5 hours ago
Meghan McCain Loses It After Joy Behar Calls GOP the 'QAnon Party'
The Daily Beast|5 hours ago
Attorney for 'QAnon Shaman' rips Capitol rioters, compares Trump 'propaganda' to Hitler
WashINGton Times|3 hours ago
'QAnon Shaman' lawyer issues shockINGly offensive defense of client's role in Capitol riot
YAHOO!News|7 hours ago
QAnon Shaman's lawyer likens Trump propaganda to Hitler and blames ex-president for capitol riot
YAHOO!News|4 hours ago
America's Satanic Panic Returns - This Time Through QAnon
Boise State Public Radio|4 hours ago
QAnon Shaman's Lawyer Gives Bold Response About Capitol Rioters And Donald Trump's Role
International Business Times|2 hours ago
'They're All F*ckING Short-Bus People': The QAnon Shaman's Lawyer Claims That Trump's Jan 6th Mob Were All Easily Manipulated Dullards
Uproxx|6 hours ago
QAnon Shaman attorney: 'These are people with brain damage'
New York Daily News on MSN.com|1 hour ago
America's Satanic Panic Returns - This Time Through…
WFUV|3 hours ago
"Shall I call it the 'QAnon Party'?": Joy Behar's grillING sends Megan McCain scramblING
Salon|3 hours ago
Now the "QAnon Shaman" wants to use autism as an excuse: Hell no
Salon|2 hours ago
Republicans defy mask rules on House floor
The Hill on MSN.com|3 hours ago
Controversial Clayton lawyer draws criticism for derogatory references to the disabled
St. Louis Post-Dispatch|3 hours ago
"They're All FuckING Short-Bus People": Capitol Riot Attorney Manages to Insult At Least Three Different Groups While DefendING 1/6 Actions
Vanity Fair|1 hour ago
Lin Wood Says He 'Definitely' Doesn't 'Feel Betrayed at All' By Trump After LosING SC GOP Chair
Newsweek on MSN.com|2 hours ago
Dallas QAnon Convention to Pump Proceeds into Sidney Powell's Pro-Trump Nonprofit
Dallas Observer|16 hours ago
QAnon believers go undercover to spread conspiracies online...and it's workING
Mashable|22 hours ago
The Cause of America's Post-Truth Predicament
Scientific American|9 hours ago
The Reagan Foundation demanded the 'Trump Train' bus remove an image of Ronald Reagan in a MAGA hat, accordING to a report
Yahoo|7 hours ago
This is a crucial week for WashINGton democracy. We need sharp iron, not dull blades
News Tribune|10 hours ago
QAnon Shaman Attorney Defends His Client and Alleged Capitol Rioters as 'Short Bus People' in Wild Interview
Mediaite|6 hours ago
Fann really thinks accusING Maricopa County supervisors of election crime isn't personal?
The Arizona Republic on MSN.com|47 minutes ago
Meghan McCain Spars With Joy Behar Over Matt Gaetz Allegations: 'Your Influence In the Republican Party Is Almost Zero'
People on MSN.com|4 hours ago
'QAnon Shaman' lawyer makes offensive comments about Capitol rioters: 'They're all f-ING short-bus people'
Businessinsider.nl|4 hours ago
'A sham and a con': GOP-dominated board says Trump-backed 'audit' of votes in Arizona is makING them a 'laughING stock'
Yahoo|3 hours ago
Republicans in Arizona's largest county have launched an audit of the 2020 presidential election
USA Today|3 hours ago
The View's Meghan McCain blasts Joy Behar for 'hatING' Republicans and callING GOP 'QAnon Party' over Matt Gaetz
The Sun|4 hours ago
The View's Meghan McCain blasts Joy Behar for sayING GOP is 'trash' and 'should be called QAnon Party'
The Sun|4 hours ago
Mia Venkat
WXXI|1 hour ago
#13696136 at 2021-05-18 22:33:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
AccordING to a letter from Karen Fann, President of the Arizona State Senate, sent to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, the county continues to flout valid, legislative subpoenas, refusING to hand over virtual images of routers. The county has also allegedly failed to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices for the audit.
"…attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election."
Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President
A second issue flagged by the audit has to do with "anomalies" in chain of custody processes for ballots. The letter says the county has yet to provide chain of custody documentation, bags storING the ballots were not sealed, batch dividers are missING, and ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape rather than tamper evident seals.
The third issue mentioned is the alleged deletion of "the entire 'Database' directory from the D drive of the machine 'EMSPrimary'." That would mean subpoenaed data has been removed. AccordING to the audit, there is also evidence that the "main database for all election related data for the 2020 General Election has been removed."
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
"Jan Bryant: ....and back to my openING, I wanted to tell you that I do have a pretty strong project management technology background. This is not, I would say, everybody, raves about how we'll run and how tight this room is that we were workING in. I was in the (MCTEC) tabulation center. You know the glass (wall) and the servers in a glass room. All the computers are on a sINGle cable that you can see. None of that matters because of two thINGs. One, the Dominion employees were the only ones that were runnING any of that equipment."
"So I'm, I was in the tabulation center six different days. Day and night shifts. And no county employees, no IT people, no one else was touchING any of the software. They (Dominion) did all the trainING for the adjudicators, they ran all the reports. And so I brought this up on my very first day in the room. I said this doesn't seem right…"
#13694739 at 2021-05-18 19:55:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
Attorney Albert Watkins made the comment to TalkING Points Memo (TPM) while discussING his client's case. Chansley was charged with knowINGly enterING or remainING in any restricted buildING or grounds without lawful authority and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
Watkins told TPM that Chansley has Asperger's syndrome, arguING that his client's mental state and the influence of former President Trump's "propaganda" efforts would play a role in his case.
"A lot of these defendants - and I'm goING to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully - but they're all f-ING short-bus people. … These are people with brain damage, they're f-ING retarded, they're on the goddamn spectrum," Watkins told the outlet.
"But they're our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers - they're part of our country. These aren't bad people, they don't have prior criminal history. F-, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since f—- Hitler," he added.
#13690156 at 2021-05-18 03:49:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17335: Maricopa Board of Supervisors HEADED for the PANIC ROOM Edition
BLM Crashes Wisconsin Memorial For Fallen Officers, Shouts Obscenities
"When they go low, we go high," said then-First "Lady" and notorious race-baiter Michelle Obama.
Prepare To Be Angry
On May 7th, two days before the start of "Police Week," Wisconsin held its first memorial to fallen police officers in almost a year and a half due to COVID restrictions. The event was to add 6 officers' names to the Law Enforcement Memorial of police killed while on duty. There are now 285 names on the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Memorial in Capitol Square, located in Madison, Wisc.
What was intended to be a solemn day of remembrance turned ugly, fast. Eight minutes into the ceremony a group of BLM ghouls decided they had a "right to protest." The loudest of them bellowed, "This is a megaphone. By the way, this is a megaphone, not a gun." There were shouts of, "Black Lives Matter!" Another can be heard yellING, "Why wasn't the black national anthem played?"
After a little tit for tat with an unseen individual, the megaphone man goes off on a rant: "You've got tears comING out of my eyes. You know why? Because I have faith in people, and you're totally disruptING my f*ING balance right now." He then went on to say he was "beggING you m***ers to stop killING people that look like me."
No mention on whether or not he agreed that black (and all other) criminals are infinitely more likely to survive encounters with police when they don't resist arrest. No one knows if any other of the fallen officers even discharged their weapons at black people durING their law enforcement careers. One officer died on duty as long ago as 1933 and another in 1945.
A pastor was booed after sayING a prayer. Someone yelled "Murderers!"
The vile icING on this BLM cake was durING the moment of silence for the fallen officers when BLM blared a rap song with the lyrics, "F*** the police."
This is the type of disrespect we can expect when our now VP Kamala Harris tells sexual assault suspect/arrest resister, (who had a knife in the car he was returnING to), Jacob Blake she is "proud" of him. Blake is paralyzed from the waist down after gettING shot by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisc. after a call to 911 that he allegedly sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend.
As nasty as this display was, it's not the worst sign of disrespect toward cops. Seventy-one Chicago police officers were shot or shot at between November 30th, 2020, and January 14th, 2021 - a massive increase from previous time periods.
BLM has violently crashed Back the Blue rallies around the United States, includING Long Island, Denver, and Bay Ridge, NY.
The officers remembered and added to the Wisconsin memorial are:
DarlINGton Police Department Chief William McGinty, died on May 25, 1933
Pepin County Sheriff's Office Traffic Officer Starre A. Miles, died on Nov. 5, 1945
Milwaukee Police Department Officer Matthew J. Rittner, died Feb. 6, 2019
Racine Police Department Officer John D. Hetland, died June 17, 2019
Milwaukee Police Department Officer Mark S. Lentz, died on Sept. 18, 2019
Dane County Sheriff's Office Deputy Richard Treadwell, died on Aug. 22, 2020
#13682230 at 2021-05-17 06:49:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17326: AZ, This Looks Familiar…Photographic Evidence of Ballot Shredding Audit E
yeah, again, there's too much (You)ING obvious bots/shills
#13682213 at 2021-05-17 06:44:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17326: AZ, This Looks Familiar…Photographic Evidence of Ballot Shredding Audit E
feels like there's a ton of you retards (You)ING obvious bots/shills.
#13673850 at 2021-05-16 05:07:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17316: EBake in the Midnight
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
AccordING to a letter from Karen Fann, President of the Arizona State Senate, sent to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, the county continues to flout valid, legislative subpoenas, refusING to hand over virtual images of routers. The county has also allegedly failed to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices for the audit.
"…attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election."
Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President
A second issue flagged by the audit has to do with "anomalies" in chain of custody processes for ballots. The letter says the county has yet to provide chain of custody documentation, bags storING the ballots were not sealed, batch dividers are missING, and ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape rather than tamper evident seals.
The third issue mentioned is the alleged deletion of "the entire 'Database' directory from the D drive of the machine 'EMSPrimary'." That would mean subpoenaed data has been removed. AccordING to the audit, there is also evidence that the "main database for all election related data for the 2020 General Election has been removed."
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
#13665210 at 2021-05-15 02:53:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17305: Dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only Edition
For real, guys, someone grab this pic and post it for the archives, please.
"Demon in the fridge", Alafantis glee-ING at failING businesses.
#13660640 at 2021-05-14 17:01:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17299: 99 Ebakes On The Wall Edition
>staffer said he could take his COVID mask off
Swallwell: ""You don't tell me what to f***ING do!"
Now, if only he could process that sentence.
#13660525 at 2021-05-14 16:43:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17299: 99 Ebakes On The Wall Edition
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) went off on a staffer for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) after the staffer, who was with Greene just outside the House chamber, called out to Swalwell that Joe Biden said he could take his COVID mask off. Swalwell got in the face of the staffer and angrily said, ""You don't tell me what to f***ING do!"
#13659730 at 2021-05-14 14:56:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17298: AZ Senate to Maricopa Board of Supervisors: You are so busted Edition
Her post about Israel got us "Hmm"ING too.
#13658166 at 2021-05-14 09:07:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17296: AZ Senate Stores Election Ballots/ Computers at State Fairgrounds Edition
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
AccordING to a letter from Karen Fann, President of the Arizona State Senate, sent to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, the county continues to flout valid, legislative subpoenas, refusING to hand over virtual images of routers. The county has also allegedly failed to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices for the audit.
"…attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election."
Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President
A second issue flagged by the audit has to do with "anomalies" in chain of custody processes for ballots. The letter says the county has yet to provide chain of custody documentation, bags storING the ballots were not sealed, batch dividers are missING, and ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape rather than tamper evident seals.
The third issue mentioned is the alleged deletion of "the entire 'Database' directory from the D drive of the machine 'EMSPrimary'." That would mean subpoenaed data has been removed. AccordING to the audit, there is also evidence that the "main database for all election related data for the 2020 General Election has been removed."
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
"Jan Bryant: ....and back to my openING, I wanted to tell you that I do have a pretty strong project management technology background. This is not, I would say, everybody, raves about how we'll run and how tight this room is that we were workING in. I was in the (MCTEC) tabulation center. You know the glass (wall) and the servers in a glass room. All the computers are on a sINGle cable that you can see. None of that matters because of two thINGs. One, the Dominion employees were the only ones that were runnING any of that equipment."
"So I'm, I was in the tabulation center six different days. Day and night shifts. And no county employees, no IT people, no one else was touchING any of the software. They (Dominion) did all the trainING for the adjudicators, they ran all the reports. And so I brought this up on my very first day in the room. I said this doesn't seem right…"
#13656541 at 2021-05-14 02:41:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17294: Teamworkat its finest
I sort of feel bad for them, but I don't.
#13653866 at 2021-05-13 20:37:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17291: Where the HELL is everyone? Edition
Hunter Biden Finally Brought Down - 26-Year FBI Vet Nailed Him - Dynasty in Ruins
In a bombshell report published Thursday, the Daily Mail claimed to have authenticated the abandoned laptop allegedly belongING to Hunter Biden, and if its contents are indeed true, they should brING the world crashING down on the Biden family dynasty.
Hunter, accordING to a report first broken last fall by the New York Post, left a MacBook at a Delaware computer repair shop in April of 2019. Its contents led to reportING that purported to implicate now-President Joe Biden in an intentional pay-for-play business scheme - along with Hunter and others - in China.
The laptop also told a story of Hunter engagING in heavy drug use, payING for sex with prostitutes and engagING in a sordid, toxic and drug-fueled relationship with his late brother's widow, Hallie Biden.
Hunter confirmed some of the details of his drug use in an interview this past week with CBS News: Video on siteAccordING to the Daily Mail, that laptop has been completely authenticated as the legitimate former property of Hunter, now 51. The Daily Mail outlined how it authenticated the hard drive, and shared another narrative of Hunter as an immoral and demandING addict son who actually took advantage of and abused his high-powered father.
Not to cut Joe Biden - the man currently attemptING to sink our country into an abyss - any slack. But objectively speakING, some of the texts and emails shared by the Daily Mail show Hunter allegedly lacked any semblance of empathy and treated a lovING dad like parmesan cheese embedded in the rug of a sleazy motel."When Joe texted him a typically dotING message 'Good mornING my beautiful son. I miss you and love you. Dad' on February 24 [of 2019], Hunter raged at his father for 'havING made clear to the world that the only reason for not [runnING for president is your] family problems im glad to be the f***ING bullseye you painted on my back,'" the Daily Mail reported.
"Hunter complained that his father's advice to not defend himself in the media over stories about his expensive divorce from his ex-wife Kathleen Biden or his affair with his brother's widow Hallie had backfired, and added sarcastically: 'Oh ... good mornING ... from f***ING rehab,'" the report added.
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ShockINGly, the messages infer the ailING Joe Biden only launched a presidential bid at the demand of Hunter.
"Your team just made me the uncontrollable troubled tax cheat philanderer sex and drug addict that you tried so hard to fix but couldn't yt. They just totally wrote my life away," Hunter texted Joe in 2019, per the report. "If you dont run ill never have a chance at redemption."
Joe Biden allegedly assured his son he would run, but also urged him to watch what he sent via text message - apparently aware of security concerns.
"'I'll run but I need you," Joe Biden reportedly texted in 2019. "H[allie] is wrong. Only focus is recovery. NothING else ... When you can and feel like it call. Positive my text etc a target. Love."
Biden also reportedly sent a message that said, "Be careful what you text. Likely I'm beING hacked."
More: NOT BEHIND A PAYWALLhttps://www.westernjournal.com/explosive-report-hunter-biden-finally-brought-26-year-fbi-vet-nailed-dynasty-ruins/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2021-05-07&utm_campaign=evergreen&fbclid=IwAR3WuDa8VStXdiSUULspoCM0CGN9LyK_–KklVZ5_j7Cb2JhRSveI_6WXqc
#13653299 at 2021-05-13 19:17:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17290: Ballot Discrepancy Edition
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
AccordING to a letter from Karen Fann, President of the Arizona State Senate, sent to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, the county continues to flout valid, legislative subpoenas, refusING to hand over virtual images of routers. The county has also allegedly failed to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices for the audit.
"…attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election."
Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President
A second issue flagged by the audit has to do with "anomalies" in chain of custody processes for ballots. The letter says the county has yet to provide chain of custody documentation, bags storING the ballots were not sealed, batch dividers are missING, and ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape rather than tamper evident seals.
The third issue mentioned is the alleged deletion of "the entire 'Database' directory from the D drive of the machine 'EMSPrimary'." That would mean subpoenaed data has been removed. AccordING to the audit, there is also evidence that the "main database for all election related data for the 2020 General Election has been removed."
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
"Jan Bryant: ....and back to my openING, I wanted to tell you that I do have a pretty strong project management technology background. This is not, I would say, everybody, raves about how we'll run and how tight this room is that we were workING in. I was in the (MCTEC) tabulation center. You know the glass (wall) and the servers in a glass room. All the computers are on a sINGle cable that you can see. None of that matters because of two thINGs. One, the Dominion employees were the only ones that were runnING any of that equipment."
"So I'm, I was in the tabulation center six different days. Day and night shifts. And no county employees, no IT people, no one else was touchING any of the software. They (Dominion) did all the trainING for the adjudicators, they ran all the reports. And so I brought this up on my very first day in the room. I said this doesn't seem right…"
#13648532 at 2021-05-13 02:32:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17284: Ladies And Gentlemen, Take Your Seats. The Show Is About To Begin Edition
#13646987 at 2021-05-12 23:20:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17282: EBake History Books Edition
Both undoubtedly suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) characterized by excessive and vocal self-love and little or no feelINGs for others.
Gotta be the f-ING MOOjoos
and no one caught it
#13641958 at 2021-05-12 05:57:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17275: The 'US Under Assault By Socialists, Marxists' Edition
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
#13636358 at 2021-05-11 16:51:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17268: Ask Fauci About Gain-Of-Function Research Edition
No one is lea ING eargh.
#13630942 at 2021-05-10 22:43:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17261: Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals Edition
The Dossier was a fraud.
Russia Collusion was a fraud.
The DNC hack was a fraud.
Impeachment was a fraud.
The FISA warrants were based on a fraud.
The charges on Gen Flynn were a fraud.
Response to covid was a fraud.
Impeachment x2 was a fraud.
Did they really expect us to believe the election was goING to be fair?
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
#13629370 at 2021-05-10 18:45:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17259: One brave ANON ruins everything! Edition
Biden HHS Lays the Groundwork for the Chemical Castration of Children
On Monday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) laid the groundwork for forcING doctors and hospitals to perform transgender surgery in the name of fightING "discrimination." HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine (a biological male who identifies as a woman) announced that HHS would adopt the Orwellian redefinition of "sex" to force transgender ideology in the medical field, mainstreamING the arguable chemical castration of children.
"The Supreme Court has made clear that people have a right not to be discriminated against on the basis of sex and receive equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. That's why today HHS announced it will act on related reports of discrimination," Becerra announced in a statement. He cited the case Bostock v. Clayton County (2020), where the Court wrongly decided that Title VII's prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex applies to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
"Fear of discrimination can lead individuals to forgo care, which can have serious negative health consequences," Becerra argued. "It is the position of the Department of Health and Human Services that everyone - includING LGBTQ people - should be able to access health care, free from discrimination or interference, period."
Levine framed the issue as a matter of health care access for regular maladies like a broken bone or a cancer screenING.
"The mission of our Department is to enhance the health and well-beING of all Americans, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation," Levine said (emphasis original). "All people need access to healthcare services to fix a broken bone, protect their heart health, and screen for cancer risk. No one should be discriminated against when seekING medical services because of who they are."
Terry SchillING, president of American Principles Project, exposed this deceptive messagING.
"Make no mistake: the policy announced by HHS today is not about 'fix[ING] a broken bone' or 'screen[ING] for cancer risk.' No American was beING denied access to these treatments for identifyING as 'LGBTQ.' Rather, this policy is really about forcING hospitals and medical professionals to adhere to leftist ideology regardING sexuality and gender-and in particular to provide sex-change procedures to all comers, includING children," SchillING warned.
SchillING noted that in March, Sweden's Karolinska University Hospital, which treats minors experiencING gender dysphoria (the persistent condition of identifyING with the gender opposite one's biological sex), announced it would not provide "puberty-blockING" drugs or cross-sex hormones to children under the age of 16. SchillING also cited Britain's High Court rulING protectING children from such chemical interventions on the grounds that minors cannot consent to procedures that may make them infertile.
"Yet, it is now apparently the policy of the U.S. government that such treatments must be given to children or else healthcare institutions risk losING federal fundING and beING shut down," SchillING lamented. "This is a travesty, and must be opposed. Lawmakers in Congress and in the states should follow the lead of Arkansas and act to protect the health and well-beING of children as well as the conscience rights of medical professionals. Voters will be watchING."
#13629307 at 2021-05-10 18:34:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17259: One brave ANON ruins everything! Edition
this slither ING away as dire questions regardign the liberties freedoms securities and safety of all of us. the power play and bizarre double slinky shadowING of cackles is just too spooopy
#13628630 at 2021-05-10 17:04:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17258: Black Fungus Complication Edition
Leaked Internal Docs Reveal Disney is PushING White Employees to Donate to BLM, Tells Them Not to Question Black Peers
Leaked internal documents from the Disney corporation show an insane level of far-left extremist policies and plans to "take a stand" and stop shyING away from political controversies.
In one example of the extremism beING pushed on their employees, Disney says that white people are forbidden from questionING or debatING their black peers about their "lived experiences."
The shockING documents were obtained by Christopher Rufo of the City Journal and published in an article titled "The Wokest Place on Earth."
Materials beING recommended to their white staffers pushes them to help "defund the police" and donate to Black Lives Matter.
A collection of resources the company is recommendING for their white staff includes a series of how-to guides, includING "75 ThINGs White People Can Do for Racial Justice" and "Your Kids Are Not Too Young to Talk About Race." The first article suggests that white employees should "defund the police," "participate in reparations," "decolonize your bookshelf," "don't gentrify neighborhoods," "find and join a local 'white space,'" and "donate to anti-white supremacy work such as your local Black Lives Matter Chapter." Rufo reports that the second article encourages parents to commit to "raisING race-consciousness in children" and argues that "even babies discriminate" against members of other races. A graphic claims that babies show the first signs of racism at three months old, and that white children become "strongly biased in favor whiteness" by age four.
Rufo reports that "in the past year, Disney executives have elevated the ideology of critical race theory into a new corporate dogma, bombarded employees with trainINGs on 'systemic racism,' 'white privilege,' 'white fragility,' and 'white saviors,' and launched racially segregated 'affinity groups' at the company's headquarters."
The program, littered with anti-white racism, is beING called the "Reimagine Tomorrow" plan.
"The core of Disney's racial program is a series of trainING modules on 'antiracism.' In one, called 'Allyship for Race Consciousness,' the company tells employees that they must 'take ownership of educatING [themselves] about structural anti-Black racism' and that they should 'not rely on [their] Black colleagues to educate [them],' because it is 'emotionally taxING.' The United States, the document claims, has a 'long history of systemic racism and transphobia,' and white employees, in particular, must 'work through feelINGs of guilt, shame, and defensiveness to understand what is beneath them and what needs to be healed.' Disney recommends that employees atone by 'challeng[ING] colorblind ideologies and rhetoric' such as 'All Lives Matter' and 'I don't see color'; they must 'listen with empathy [to] Black colleagues' and must 'not question or debate Black colleagues' lived experience," the report explains.
#13624967 at 2021-05-10 03:19:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17254: Quo Warranto Edition
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
"Jan Bryant: ....and back to my openING, I wanted to tell you that I do have a pretty strong project management technology background. This is not, I would say, everybody, raves about how we'll run and how tight this room is that we were workING in. I was in the (MCTEC) tabulation center. You know the glass (wall) and the servers in a glass room. All the computers are on a sINGle cable that you can see. None of that matters because of two thINGs. One, the Dominion employees were the only ones that were runnING any of that equipment."
"So I'm, I was in the tabulation center six different days. Day and night shifts. And no county employees, no IT people, no one else was touchING any of the software. They (Dominion) did all the trainING for the adjudicators, they ran all the reports. And so I brought this up on my very first day in the room. I said this doesn't seem right, as a person with my background. Never in a million years would I turn my company's most important thINGs over to someone else. And there's only two guys (Dominion's Bruce & John) and they had whole control of everythING…"
"The other thING that I wanted to make sure. The final week that they were countING ballots, I came in on I think a Tuesday. When I had left the Friday before I did NOT notice there was a laptop in the room behind the (glass) wall, that "John" the Dominion employee was workING on. When I came in on Tuesday and walked around where they were doING the hand entry of ballots, I noticed that laptop sittING there and John was workING on it. It's not a secure room if you're brINGING a laptop in and out of a room. Who knows what happened there. Every one of the 50 desktops that were in there had a row of USB ports on the side of it. So I get very angry when I hear some of our leaders here sayING "Oh, it's secure, nothING can get in or out.". That's not true. I will tell you that is probably the biggest issue that I had."
#13623666 at 2021-05-10 00:09:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17252: Longpig Back On [Their] Menu Edition
(H/T anons who started this in LB)
Dominion held the "keys" to the entire election…
Every county election board across the U.S.A. are liable for not havING control of the election, which is their sworn duty. DependING on the individual State, there are serious charges which can be brought forth to sue the board of elections for not securING their county's election by way of the physical possession of the "keys"
"As the news is breakING about the Maricopa County Election Team not havING administrative access to the Dominion machines (they essentially handed over the highest level of system controls, includING ability to delete and alter logs, to the Dominion people), do not forget about this guy! By his own words, he has said he ran a perfect election."
Former Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, speakING on Dominion about one month ago.
"In what must be considered a shocker, Maricopa County did not have administrative control over the election in their county, Dominion VotING did. What could possibly go wrong with that? This is especially true after one exec at Dominion said he would do whatever it takes to keep Trump from winnING. Who would hand over the control of their election to a private contractor?"
"Legislators in Arizona and officials in the state's largest county clashed anew this week over election audit subpoenas, with county officials refusING to hand over routers and claimING they do not have passwords to access administrative control functions of election machines."
"Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman who shows Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion VotING Software, braggING that they have the vote fixed for Biden."
"Oltmann revealed that "Eric" had instructed his fellow Antifa comrades to "keep up the pressure" in their opposition to a second Trump win. When one of them responded by askING what Antifa should do if Trump wins, Eric responded with somethING along the lines of, "Don't worry about the election; Trump's not gonna win. I made f***ING sure of that!"
Oltmann, who runs a data company, immediately launched his own investigation into Coomer, who it turns out has been exceptionally active on social media expressING hatred and vitriol towards the president.
Coomer not only hates the president, but he also hates those who support the president, law enforcement and people from Texas, based on his history of social media posts."
"Jan Bryant: ....and back to my openING, I wanted to tell you that I do have a pretty strong project management technology background. This is not, I would say, everybody, raves about how we'll run and how tight this room is that we were workING in. I was in the (MCTEC) tabulation center. You know the glass (wall) and the servers in a glass room. All the computers are on a sINGle cable that you can see. None of that matters because of two thINGs. One, the Dominion employees were the only ones that were runnING any of that equipment."
"So I'm, I was in the tabulation center six different days. Day and night shifts. And no county employees, no IT people, no one else was touchING any of the software. They (Dominion) did all the trainING for the adjudicators, they ran all the reports. And so I brought this up on my very first day in the room. I said this doesn't seem right…"
"The other thING that I wanted to make sure. The final week that they were countING ballots, I came in on I think a Tuesday. When I had left the Friday before I did NOT notice there was a laptop in the room behind the (glass) wall, that "John" the Dominion employee was workING on. When I came in on Tuesday and walked around where they were doING the hand entry of ballots, I noticed that laptop sittING there and John was workING on it. It's not a secure room if you're brINGING a laptop in and out of a room. Who knows what happened there. Every one of the 50 desktops that were in there had a row of USB ports on the side of it. So I get very angry when I hear some of our leaders here sayING "Oh, it's secure, nothING can get in or out.". That's not true. I will tell you that is probably the biggest issue that I had."
#13621804 at 2021-05-09 19:31:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17250: Not Peace, But A Sword Edition
Minnesota school district adopts Black Lives Matter slogan as privileged 'government speech'
Unclear if approved resolution simply limits what messages can be posted in school buildINGs.
Many schools promote racial justice slogans such as Black Lives Matter. But one district in Minnesota has gone a step further, adoptING several slogans as uniquely privileged "official government speech" tacitly exempt from challenge by dissentING opinion ordinarily protected under the First Amendment.
Rochester Public Schools board members unanimously approved a sweepING resolution that authorizes the superintendent to promote the slogans Black Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter, Indigenous Lives Matter, All Are Welcome Here, and Stop Asian Hate.
The official is directed to take all actions "that further the objectives" of the resolution, includING by approvING "messagING, signage, and visuals" for the slogans. The district also adopted the six-color "pride flag" as government speech to support "a message of inclusion" within schools.
AccordING to KAAL TV, the resolution was a legal defense move. A day before the board meetING, Superintendent Michael Muñoz told staff to ignore "misinformation circulatING on social media" that top officials had ordered the removal of "BLM messagING" in classrooms.
The claim came out of a leadership meetING on "speech, First Amendment rights, and how we can support our students and staff," wrote Muñoz, who previously agreed to resign at the end of the school year followING a plagiarism scandal.
Someone asked a question about "BLM material," but the answer did not include "a directive to remove posters/flags or disallow wearING BLM apparel," Muñoz said, addING that the board would take up the issue the next day. He issued the same message to families in the district.
The resolution could be read to let the district shut down disagreement with the slogans by students, teachers and staff, and censor lesson plans that teach students about debate on racial justice issues. It makes no mention of the First Amendment rights of employees and students.
It has one qualification: The resolution is not intended as an "endorsement" of any policies supported by "organizations usING the same or similar messagING." That likely alludes to the Black Lives Matter organization, whose founders are self-described Marxists and whose principles originally included "disrupt[ING] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure."
A law professor told Just the News the resolution might simply apply to the walls of schools, so that the district can exclude "rival views" to the government-approved slogans on its own property.
"This is actually pretty normal" except in the sense that a school board "made express" its view of government speech, UCLA's Eugene Volokh, a First Amendment expert, wrote in an email.
#13619240 at 2021-05-09 11:28:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17247: Sunday Morning Quick Bake
200 years after his death, Napoleon leads a divided France into battle again
While most modern French leaders have shunned payING tribute to the divisive general, Macron broke with convention and urged the country to confront its history.
May 6, 2021, 5:21 AM SST
By Nancy ING and Adela Suliman
#13614654 at 2021-05-08 20:39:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17241: Ebake to Victory!
There has been a drastic reduction of effortpostING here.
There's too much (You)ING "anons" that don't actually contribute. There's too much laudING over "ownING the shills" (which is just samefags arguING with themselves the majority of the time, it would seem). There's too much muh baker goING on.
I worry too many of you have lost your focus. You can go on /pol/ still and find plenty of genuine conversation that doesn't devolve to erosion of the original argument/conversation and consequent redirection.
Start gettING better at recognizING people that aren't here for the right reason and quit wastING so much of our bread on "shitpostING" and (You)ING people that aren't here to help, yes, even if you're "totally le ownING le shills, anon!"
#13606584 at 2021-05-07 18:03:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17231: The 'Skeletons Knocking On The Closet Door' Edition
I heard someone yellING "fuck-ING trai-tors" in the same chantING way that Antifa/BLM yells "Black Lives Mat-ter"
Same animal, different hat. Wolves in sheep's clothING. Too bad they are in jail and their buddies can't help them without outING themselves.
#13605609 at 2021-05-07 15:33:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17229: Calm Before The Storm Edition
When you can travel thru time not necessarily accurate.
Though ya if someone handed me all this on a gold platter and said FIX IT I would take some convincING.
And renovatio ING on a magic school bus
#13603509 at 2021-05-07 06:26:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
Flat/Level &: [Ex]pand[ING]
#13594974 at 2021-05-06 06:20:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17216: Cowboy BEEP BOOP Edition
AZ audit will be discredited, michigan lawsuits will be discredited.. argument will be shared.. people will scratch their heads.. other lawsuits will arise & be shut down.. they are supposed to be.. the system isn't goING to solve this.. system is broke, broke a long time ago.. Idiots goING out and "muh protest"-ING won't solve this.. what solves this? Public awareness? No.. but yes… BLM conditionING is actually workING to our advantage as it prepares the other side for "revolution".. but does not prepare them for any kind of conflict with military… When's the last time an evil government was overthrown under the system of law they had conquered? never…. military is the only way…. large enough % of the public wakes up, sees the system is broken… then its a free for all.. the military is no longer constrained by the laws of system…Some will resist.. The end isn't for everyone… freedom.
#13593616 at 2021-05-06 02:49:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition
I don't give a good damn who thinks I can't handle the truth 99% bullshit whatever…these are the same people that lied to us for the last over 50 f-ING years so I could care less. Give it to me raw m-fers. I don't care if I straight up pop a blood vessel…knowING is half the battle. GI f-ING Joe mother f-ers…
#13592419 at 2021-05-06 00:48:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17213:(((WWG1WGA))) meaning Edition
Why does Melinda Gates look like f-ING Triple-H?
#13583546 at 2021-05-04 23:33:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
I don't know about y'all anons, but once a business has violated my trust, I don't return.
Target with their gender-bendING restrooms, NetFlix with the perpetual SJW-ING, FaceBook, Twitter… the list goes on.
Sorry Coke, my memory is long. I will avoid your brands.
#13578149 at 2021-05-04 09:55:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17195: God Won Edition
(You)ING it is a mistake, anon.
#13575107 at 2021-05-04 00:35:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17192: FBI agents shooting at CIA HQ Langley, Virginia Edition
>>13574988 pb
>Maybe you kiss your grandmother
Anon knows the significance of the kids of death.
He is geronimo-ING off the cliff.
#13573464 at 2021-05-03 20:53:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17190: Another Day, Another Democrat Sex Trafficking Politician Edition
We have an unidentified Mil Aircraft squawkING 7500 (Hijack) in the Pac NW
2nd pic, flipped back to 2717 while I was fight ING Captcha
#13564370 at 2021-05-02 15:25:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17178: America Is A Christian Nation Steeped In Faith Edition
What's the difference between Piers Gaveston and the BullINGdon Club?
The BullINGdon Club is the other drinkING society Cameron was known to be a member of. Most of the sonorous members of the BullINGdon are old Etonians. The prime minister was one such member, as was the London mayor, Boris Johnson.
They wore a bespoke uniform of tailcoats, waistcoats and bow ties, which could cost thousands of pounds, makING membership difficult for ordinary students. One MP who was once asked to join the club said he walked out of a gatherING in disgust. "What it basically involved was gettING drunk and standING on restaurant tables, shoutING about 'f***ING plebs'. It was all about despisING poor people," he told the Daily Mail of the scene reminiscent of film The Riot Club, based on Laura Wade's play Posh.
What is the Piers Gaveston Society?
"Piers Gav" is highly exclusive, made up of a self-selectING group of 12 undergraduates. The men-only club, named after the alleged male lover of Edward II, kING of England from 1307 to 1327, was founded in 1977 and carries the motto: "Fane non memini ne audisse unum alterum ita dilixisse." It translates to:
Truly, none remember hearING of a man enjoyING another so much.
David Cameron belonged to both clubs.
#13550774 at 2021-04-30 17:27:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17161: God Bless and Have a Wonderful Bread Edition
Trump Supporter Infiltrates ANTIFA in Northern California, Finds Their HIT LIST of Police and Republicans!
A Trump supporter in Northern California infiltrated the local violent Antifa movement, a highly organized terrorist organization.
The infiltrator was able to record phone messages and capture text messages where the members spoke openly about killING police and targetING local Republicans.
This Antifa group was responsible for the bloody attack on the former home of Officer Brodd who testified for the defense in the Derek Chauvin trial.
Someone needs to send this to Chris Wray.
He seems to have trouble tellING the truth about the Antifa movement.
ABC7 reported:
ShockING comments were made durING an online meetING of far-left activists in Sonoma County, discussING a possible protest for this Saturday.
Group leader: "It's May Day, baby, like come out and take, take somethin' over with us, I don't, I don't (bleep)-ING know."
Member: "Let's kill people. (laughs)"
Group Leader: "Let's kill some cops."
Member: "Yeah."
The ABC7 I-Team has been investigatING the group's possible connection to recent acts of vandalism, includING an incident at the former home of a Derek Chauvin defense witness one week ago.
The Trump supporter tells the I-Team he infiltrated a group of activists in Sonoma County who call themselves anti-fascist, and he gave us what he says is their "target list" and recordINGs of their plannING sessions...
...Infiltrator: "So, I saw that they were here, I read their manifesto, and I could tell that they were a threat to the community, and somebody needed to do somethING about this."
The manifesto posted online for SoCo (Sonoma County) Radical Action or SRA says, "Do not hesitate, do not wait ... the brick in the street is meant to be thrown! The paint in the can is meant to be sprayed! The cop in your head is meant to be killed!"
The Trump supporter was able to join the group that communicates through the encrypted messagING app Wickr.
Infiltrator: "I said, 'Comrade, you know, I, I want to smash the system the same as you,' you know, make them not feel alone, because that's what they really want to hear to know that there's more people like them."
He saved messages, documents, and recordINGs of their meetINGs.
The I-Team has learned the group's leader who goes by the screen name "Marb" is a 25-year-old college student, who was arrested for "felony assault on a police officer" last year at this Oakland riot after the death of George Floyd; the district attorney declined to file charges. The Trump supporter says he made this recordING in March, when Marb discussed namING the group "SoCo Antifa."
#13550091 at 2021-04-30 15:35:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17160: World United Under Honorable Service Edition
Solve the cipher by substitutING ess for eff to getcher plaintext
The Poet prai?es Hiero for his ju?tice, his wifdom, and his skill in mu?ick. He likewi?e celebrates the hor?e that won the race, and the place where the Olympick Games were performed. From the place (namely Peloponne?us) he takes an occa?ion of digre??ING to the known fable of Tantalus and Pelops; whence, returnING to Hiero, he ?ets forth the felicity of the Olympian Victors. Then be concludes by prayING to the gods, to pre?erve the glory and dignity of Hiero, admoni?hING him to moderation of mind, in his high ?tation, and, la?tly, glories in his own excellency in compo?itions of this kind.
STROPHE I.?Mea?ures 18.
EACH element to water yields;
Amid?t the ?tores of wealth that builds
The mind aloft, is eminently bright
But if, my ?oul, with fond de?ire ?5
To ?ING of games thou do?t a?pire,
As thou by day can'?t not de?cry,
Through all the liquid wa?te of sky,
One burni?h'd ?tar, that like the ?un does glow,
And cheri?h every thING below, ?10
So, my ?weet ?oul, no toil divine,
In ?ong, does like the Olympian ?hine:
Hence do the mighty poets rai?e
A hymn, of every tongue the prai?e,
The ?on of Saturn to re?ound, ?15
When far, from every land, they come
To vi?it Hiero's regal dome,
Where peace, where plenty, is for ever found:
ANTISTROPHE I.?Mea?ures 18.
Lord of Sicilia's fleecy plains,
He governs, righteous in his power, ?20
And, all excellING while he reigns,
From every lovely virtue crops the flower:
In mu?ick, blo??om of delight,
Divinely skill'd, he cheers the night,
As we are wont, when friends de?ign ?25
To fea?t and wanton o'er their wine:
But from the wall the Dorian harp take down,
If Pi?a, city of renown,
And if the fleet victorious ?teed,
The boa?t of his unrival'd breed, ?30
Heart-plea?ING raptures did in?pire,
And warm thy brea?t with ?acred fire,
When late, on Alpheus' crouded ?hore,
Forth-?prINGING quick, each nerve he ?train'd,
The warnING of the ?pur di?dain'd, ?35
And ?wift to victory his ma?ter bore,
EPODE I.?Mea?ures 16.
#13546210 at 2021-04-30 02:13:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17155: Carnivals Clowns Audits And Lawyers Edition
It's just an avatarfag and, yes, I agree it's annoyING.
The reason the avatarfag keep spammING is because anons keep (You)ING it.
Want a hint? They migrated west from the Atlantic.
>>13546163 here ya go ^
#13543967 at 2021-04-29 21:40:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17152: Call For Patriots, Clowns on the Ground in Maricopa Town #AZAudit Edition
Should sports include people's political opinions in a Free Country?
Is a man self ID-ING as a woman a political statement or a biological question? Or a psychological question? Or a lINGuist / legal question? Or a politically motivated division campaign?
#13541635 at 2021-04-29 15:34:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17149: No Place For Corruption Edition
shill team psuk 80gorlillian is gonna tear down your neck and rip off shit down throat - sumt ING some time babaaaabaaaawl the abnormal AZ recount hate its just hate
go after em for hate or you hate hate – get it hate!
public service announcement from the demonrat branch of the good people - nazi sympathizers border rave partiers
#13538933 at 2021-04-29 06:10:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17147: EBake
Edward Snowden calls out conference host for runnING Ponzi scheme
Here's a tip if you've ever been accused of takING part in a Ponzi scheme: Don't invite Edward Snowden to speak at your investor conference.
Snowden - who famously leaked data in 2013 on the National Security Agency's mass surveillance of US citizens in 2013 - called out the host of an "elite real estate investment club" over the weekend for allegedly bilkING investors out millions of dollars.
The former CIA contractor, who has been livING in exile in Moscow since then to avoid beING tried in the US on espionage charges, did a live video interview on Saturday for the conference, which was hosted by a self-proclaimed investING guru named Sunil Tulsiani.
Tulsiani, who is banned from tradING securities for life by the Ontario Securities Commission for his part in a $4.5 million Ponzi scheme, told attendees that Snowden's history of whistleblowING should inspire the members of his investment club to "kill the virus" of "I can't afford it."
Tulsiani opened the talk with a softball question to Snowden about how accurate Oliver Stone's portrayal of him in his 2016 movie, "Snowden." But after speakING for nearly 6 minutes about whistleblowING and ethics, Snowden called out Tulsiani over his regulatory run-ins.
"Just before I connected, I had a friend reach out to me and tell me they heard thINGs on this conference, like someone sayING that they couldn't afford this [and] the host sayING 'Find a way to afford it,'" Snowden said.
He then changed his screen to show the image of a 2017 CBC article which included a photo of Tulsiani and detailed his involvement in a Ponzi scheme. "As a whistleblower, it is my obligation, both personally and professionally, to ask: Is this you?" Snowden asked.
Tulsiani twice confirmed that he was indeed the subject of the story, at which point Snowden said he needed to bow out.
"The thINGs that I've heard tonight make me very uncomfortable with this event ... But my advice to everyone on this call tonight - everyone lookING at this - is look up what you're gettING involved in ... think hard about if you want to continue with this. Because, for me, ladies and gentlemen, for tonight, I don't. Thank you so much and good night."
After Snowden abruptly logged off, Tulsiani scrambled to address the awkward silence, sayING it was "totally unexpected and I'm so sorry this has happened." He asked to take a five-minute break before returnING and, accordING to Vice News, a hot mic caught somebody lamentING a "waste of a f-ING day."
When Tulsiani returned, he blamed Sowden's exit on a "clickbait article" that did not properly clarify that he and his Private Investment Club (PIC) simply played a role in - as opposed to beING convicted in - the scheme, accordING to Vice.
"I want you to know that I'm pretty smart, and if I wanted to disappear I would have," Tulsiani said. "If I stole millions of dollars, I would not be here ... I was never charged criminally."
Tulsiani could not be reached for comment.
#13531847 at 2021-04-28 16:08:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17138: Reminder We have A Governor Recall - Newsom Edition
wait-ING, wait-ING, wait-ING, wait
wait-ING, wait-ING, wait-ING, wait-ING, wait-ING.
wait-ING, wait-ING, wait-ING, wait.
wati-ING, wait-ING, wait-ING, wake!
#13527151 at 2021-04-27 22:50:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17132: Digital Soldiers Never Give Up Edition
Quit fuckING (You)ING it, newfags.
#13523329 at 2021-04-27 11:09:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17127: What is the Spice of Life? Edition
Alohaaaaa Night Shift
Pardon (remember the Golden Yickets, Y Not?) my behavior the past 7:17am/pm at march 17th yo March 17th am/pm once you're chasING rogue codING thru different media and points of light from Teslas supercomputer robot from 2166 to lucasfilm logos and quantom matrix Rose's beING reborn but I'm still doING "this all in one day" as the neighbor put it and some "sleeper" agents at an asylum (letz go south Harmon) and a codename Hero book turturro mifht have the only other copy of at this point welcome to port royL Mr Smith, vve can prove you dont have dementia or schizophrenia eyez pn the young SkyWalker before hes told hes crazy and b4 Walker has a bad day with another fake license plate
Tesla current worx117% I used myself as a bridge in a circuit breaker overclocked thermoregulation relative to an "egg timer" and induction, am irradiated, lead or silica in my hand is the only thING I've managed to find toxic to me and instantaneously.
If you have the other pieces to this from that "raid" I opened the door for (@snowden open door close door)
Vve can brING ancient high tech to everythING from cities to anthills in India/ Africa. Dont nded anymoar drones atm but if you are as tired of the lost centuries endless wars and corruption tryING to rule the day and the night and you need me to he a key 1106 is the lock and the whole world is gonna have to get along at least for a day and between hector zeroni qnd egyptian hieroglyphs and someone simplifyING computer language were gonna need to talk to some highest rankING anons (insulated) because as far as eye can legally tell Donald J. TRUMP is still the actual legally seriously tippy-top sittING and standING current U.S. President.
Lockwood in the Last President to a Vendetta
We got Epstein psuedo cooked (eye reported his ass and filmed it go down "later"
Flynn was Pardoned
Bezos cut in half
Enough investigations concurrently to vvarant militarily in vvunderland
(Remember remember the 5th pf November)
(Remember the C_A is made up of abunch of different tribes)
Ayo Governor (the BODY) the movING and the drones and the background layerING and resolution changING in you likely know what-
As far as eye can tell people, vve have the golden ratio eternal light builders with their colorblind Dad and badass be yourself and be Bestisms, actually "rebuild(ING) the exact same structures, only 10 feet taller."
Vve never left either
Just look up
Vve are always watchING
Q yall really are the gate keepers of all I mean all information
For this to work I might need some pieces back from that raid or to give yall moar pr to actually work together because if all signs point to go with a green arrow on a compass that doesnt point north at 5his rate I could use a couple (or 5 or moar) Tesla coils, some Lucy, some MAGIC, some pineal gland ultra plus activation on multiple meanINGs, and qccess to massive power transmission, and outgoING extreeeeemly high voltage power lines (only when ready to go real wireless) some high pressure high density vacuum tube lights, multiple light sources and projectors with simultaneous lenses everywhere
Ps people where I just relocated from (again)beING that I'm missING shirts glasses and hats from that raid (its not me runnING around town at the moment (unless its ) but I cant confirm or deny that)
Mur I think vve found that thang that makes a congressional hearING really worth watchING
Tesla current and "UFO"s vvill shock the vvorld qnd unify the Country and scientific theories, and should lessen the blow from learnING what all horrible shit has taken place that led people like us to do what vve knew was right, even when they thought it was vvrong.
1944 Saint-lo France
I love you
Rock and Roll vvill never die
Necker island seed with that raid, moar proof of this psuedo james bond lyfe( look at the dislocated clavicle xray doctor s)
Ps that CD had like a month worth of other peoples surgery pictures on it. Still havent flipped thru out of personal privacy respect ( if I was invasive enough vve could probably do this in less than 30 the most I overclocked current and electrocuted myself the DC power transmission rate went to about 5-8times the a/c efficiency at any rate of time
I need this Angel 5o make it vvork
One Love
#13517702 at 2021-04-26 17:45:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17120: HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Our Beloved REAL FLOTUS Edition
BLM Rioters Invaded The Oklahoma Capitol. No One Is BeING Accused of Insurrection.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors invaded the Oklahoma Capitol while the state House of Representatives was in session. They were, ostensibly, riotING against new Republican-authored bills protectING law enforcement and victims of violent riots.
The protestors, chantING "Black Lives Matter", filled a fifth floor gallery and disrupted the Oklahoma House of Representatives session beING conducted in the chamber below. The House was forced into lockdown due to the disturbance. To date, no one in the media has accused the BLM rioters of beING "violent insurrectionists," in stark contrast to a handful of rioters - from a group of hundreds of thousands of peaceful demonstrators - on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol.
A video clip shows one male protestor practically nose-to-nose with a lawmaker in the gallery, the two of them havING what seemed to be a "heated verbal confrontation" until the aggressive man was pulled away by a female fellow protestor, as which point the man called, "You're a disgrace, you're an embarrassment to the whole f-ING nation!"
Other protestors joined in with shouted accusations and insults of their own (even while some started to leave), includING a woman who yelled, "You are traitors, insurrectionists, seditionists!"
Oklahoma Highway Patrol eventually escorted the protestors from the buildING and a "drug dog" was taken through the House gallery to ensure that nothING had been "left behind."
The disturbance was orchestrated, accordING to activists, to protest what they called "anti-protest and anti-transgender bills" advancING through Oklahoma's majority-Republican House and Senate.
One bill "creates a misdemeanor for unlawfully obstructING traffic while participatING in a riot," accordING to Fox News. The bill further adds criminal and civil liability protections "for motor vehicle operators who unintentionally cause injury or death to an individual participatING in a riot under certain circumstances," accordING to the Oklahoma legislature. Organizations involved with those "participatING in riots or unlawful assemblies" would also be penalized by the bill. Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt approved this bill on Wednesday.
The governor also signed a bill into law makING it criminal to dox law enforcement and other public officials "by publishING their personal information online" on Wednesday. The bill "makes it a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to six months in jail or a $1,000 fine for an individual with the 'intent to threaten, intimidate or harass,' to use an 'electronic communication device to knowINGly publish, post or otherwise make publicly available personally identifiable information of a peace officer or public official' and result 'in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury.'"
Finally, protestors objected to a third Republican-authored bill meant to prohibit biological males who identify as transgenders from playING on female athletic teams, since biological men have a "competitive advantage" over biological women.
#13511624 at 2021-04-25 20:30:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17113: They Will Fight But You Are Ready Edition
>>13510600 (lb)
Yes, this guy is repugnant, however he hasn't yet (as far as I know) been found guilty of a crime against children. We, more than anyone, should respect and uphold the classical American standard of innocent until proven guilty. If we started 86'ING people for dumbass tattoos we'd become as bad as the commies we fight.
#13497004 at 2021-04-23 20:52:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17095: [350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
>>church of the false taxes idolatry
>>is offerING lies and misery and giref
>>this year to celebrate
>>strange ancestors
>>lickING foreskin in the dark
>>and whineING bout it for centuries
>babel-ING like a zion drunk bout ancestors whine of foreskin suckING in teh dark for centures is related to "flat earth" texas taxes
unmarried hobbits still larpING sorosanon anusING for blow promises
#13496972 at 2021-04-23 20:46:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17095: [350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
>church of the false taxes idolatry
>is offerING lies and misery and giref
>this year to celebrate
>strange ancestors
>lickING foreskin in the dark
>and whineING bout it for centuries
babel-ING like a zion drunk bout ancestors whine of foreskin suckING in teh dark for centures is related to "flat earth" texas taxes
#13496907 at 2021-04-23 20:36:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17095: [350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
i think it is depaved to put so much effort into article spinner=-ING such smut
#13492320 at 2021-04-23 04:42:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17088: How Long Until Mathematically Impossible Edition
:Learn[ING] Syntax of (your) documents.
:Govern [your] vessel or: govern[ed] by [them].
:[Ex]pand[ING] of your think[ING].
>>13457943 (OP)
>>13487508 (OP)
>>13236173 (OP)
#13491589 at 2021-04-23 02:58:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17088: Who Do You Trust Edition
>I second that
Yeah I really like how he tied it all together - it is CIRCULAR FRAUD!
And for that matter -CIRCULAR, LEVERAGED FRAUD!
Wonder if the same bank's involved in insurING, and lendING to, the builder?
Same bank(ING system) also insures, and lends to, the sawmills.
We're gettING low on chairs, and the music's about to stop. :)
#13491043 at 2021-04-23 01:44:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17088: Who Do You Trust Edition
And the reee-ING begins…
#13490742 at 2021-04-23 01:05:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17087: Information Waves Crash Into Crumbling Idols of Falsehood Edition
so ridiculous what the people on scene say:
Ohio police shoot dead Makhia Bryant on same day as George Floyd murder verdict
Police in Columbus, Ohio have released more details about the "tragic" shootING death of a 16-year-old girl. WARNING: Graphic images.
WarnING: Graphic images
Police in Columbus, Ohio have released more details about the death of a 16-year-old girl, Ma'Khia Bryant, who was shot by an officer yesterday.
At a media conference this afternoon, the officer in question was identified as Nicholas Reardon, who has been a member of the police force since December of 2019.
Authorities also released the audio from the 911 call that drew police to the location of the shootING.
In that phone call, placed at 4:32pm, a female voice can be heard tellING the dispatcher that people are "over here tryING to fight us, tryING to stab us, tryING to put their hands on our grandma".
"We need a police officer over here now," the voice says. There are sounds of confrontation in the background.
The first officers arrived on the scene at 4:44pm.
Footage from Mr Reardon's body camera shows him exitING his vehicle and walkING up on an apparent confrontation involvING multiple women.
"What's goING on? What's goING on?" he asks.
Seconds later, one of the women is pushed onto the footpath in front of him. Ma'Khia is then seen rushING at another woman, who is dressed in a pink tracksuit. She is brandishING a knife in her right hand.
"Hey, get down, get down, get down!" Mr Reardon shouts, drawING his gun.
He then shoots the 16-year-old, firING four times.
"You shot my baby," a male bystander tells Mr Reardon.
"She had a knife, she just went at her," the officer responds.
"She's just a f***ING kid," the man says.
A few moments later, one of the men at the scene asks why Mr Reardon opened fire.
"She came at her with a knife," he says.
Ma'Khia was taken to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 5:21pm.
At this afternoon's media conference, authorities also released the body cam footage from other officers at the scene.
"She came after me with a knife. So he got her," a woman tells one of the officers.
The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations is now examinING the shootING, and will determine whether Mr Reardon did anythING wrong.
"The important step now is an independent and transparent investigation. We will assist them, but we will not interfere in any process that they have. Our role is to provide them the information that they request," interim Police Chief Michael Woods told the media.
"We will not provide input, we will allow them to conduct their investigation."
Mayor Andrew Ginther also spoke, stressING the need for police to be "transparent" without compromisING the independent investigation.
"We don't yet have all of the facts, but we do know that a 16-year-old girl tragically died last night," said Mr Ginther.
"We need to be careful about not compromisING the investigation. We believe that transparency with the public is the utmost priority durING this difficult time.
"Bottom line: did Ma'Khia Bryant need to die yesterday? How did we get here? This is a failure on the part of our community. Some are guilty, but all of us are responsible.
all of us are responsible………uh…NO
#13481279 at 2021-04-21 21:31:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17076: Re-read crumbs. Future unlocks past.
What if I told you a little dap of WD40 hang(ar)ING around will do ya?
Dirty trick squad
#13481088 at 2021-04-21 21:03:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17076: Re-read crumbs. Future unlocks past.
'Loot all that s**t!': Leftist supports lootING, says if blacks looted 'every store' in the country, it wouldn't come close to 'debt that America owes us'
'Tear all that s**t up!'
The host of a new show on YouTube - "Burn It Down with Kim Brown" - recently told her viewers she supports lootING and that even if black people looted every store in the country, whatever material gains were acquired would pale in comparison to the "debt that America owes us."
Fox News' Tucker Carlson highlighted Kim Brown's show on his program earlier this week with a clip that's now gainING some online traction.
"For the record, I support all that st," Brown said on the clip. "I support them lootING the damn Dollar Tree. I support the lootING of … what other st did they loot? … like the Advanced Auto Parts. I remember last year they looted Target. I support all that st! Loot all that st! Do you know why? Because black people and marginalized and oppressed people could loot every store in this whole f*ING country for 200 f*ING years - it would not even come close to the debt that America owes us."
Tucker Carlson highlights a BLM activist's show "Burn it down with Kim Brown" where she expresses her support for l... https://t.co/KlKwPqR743
- Ian Miles Cheong (@Ian Miles Cheong)1618882243.0
Another cut of the video shows Brown sayING, "Tear all that s**t up! Tear it up! Because really … that's the only language this country understands."
Carlson mocked Brown and the platforms her show is on, notING he assumes they haven't considered censorING it and that he doubts she's feelING any heat.
"We're pretty sure the FBI isn't at Kim Brown's house tonight," Carlson said. "We're confident that '60 Minutes' isn't plannING some extensive hit piece on her - no, those are reserved for Florida governors. In America's many newsrooms, Kim Brown is not considered a threat to anyone - she's considered an ally. Who's the threat? It's people who didn't vote for Joe Biden; they must be hounded into submission by the American news media."
Looks like she loves the attention
In case you're wonderING who Brown is, at the moment her fame appears to be quite limited. Her YouTube videos garner only a few hundred views each, there's no blue check mark next to her Twitter handle, and she only has 756 followers as of Wednesday afternoon.
But since Carlson ran her clip, all of that may be changING:
Thanks for helpING us almost meet all of our April goals Tucker! Still need 5 more patrons though! Join today to pi... https://t.co/MT821hGmlF
- 🔥Burn It Down With Kim Brown🔥 (@🔥Burn It Down With Kim Brown🔥)1618899055.0
"Thanks for helpING us almost meet all of our April goals Tucker!" she tweeted Tuesday. "Still need 5 more patrons though! Join today to piss off Tucker Carlson!"
Brown also shared on Twitter that she was invited to appear on Fox News' "The Story with Martha McCallum" but declined, sayING that after Carlson used her clip that she's been "called every kind of n* c**t ghetto whore terrorist on every social media platform" and that she'll only be interviewed if it's a paid appearance.
And in defense of her "loot all that s**t" clip, Brown tweeted that "lootING is the American way. Ask Indigenous nations, black entrepreneurs/homeowners, Iraq, and the African continent. America loots like no other."
Blacked out EYES
#13479787 at 2021-04-21 17:56:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17074: Remember the Alamo!
Rep. Matt Gaetz was a central figure in Justice Department drama last year, when he told President Donald Trump about a plan that would open the door for a state-wide voter fraud investigation in his home state of Florida.
Politico reported Tuesday that Attorney General Bill Barr threatened U.S. Attorney Larry Keefe after Keefe told Gaetz about a legal theory that would green-light such a probe - and then Gaetz repeated it to Trump.
'If I ever hear of you talkING to Gaetz or any other congressman again about business before the department, I am goING to f***ING fire your ass,' Barr reportedly told Keefe.
#13478285 at 2021-04-21 13:19:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17072: Synagogue of Satan Circumcision, Why Mutilate Infants Genitals? Edition
China Warplanes Are FlyING Near Taiwan in Record Numbers
Chinese warplanes have flown into Taiwan's air defense zone in record numbers this month, with the country's defense ministry reportING an additional nine military aircraft intrusions on Tuesday.
Five J-16 fighters and four Y-8 reconnaissance planes of different variants were among the People's Liberation Army Air Force assets to violate Taiwan's self-declared air defense identification zone (ADIZ), accordING to the ministry. It illustrated the flight paths on its website and said it had tasked interceptor jets and tracked the Chinese aircraft usING missiles.
Local enthusiasts monitorING Taiwan's airwaves told Newsweek that the Republic of China Air Force issued seven radio warnINGs to China's warplanes between 08:52 a.m. and 5:32 p.m. Taipei time. The majority of warnINGs go unanswered, but there have been some notable PLAAF responses in recent weeks.
Tuesday marked the 17th day this month that PLA warplanes had flown into Taiwan's ADIZ, with most incursions occurrING in the southwest corner, south of the Taiwan Strait and near the mouth of the South China Sea. Between January and March, the island's Ministry of National Defense reported 27, 17 and 18 days of ADIZ violations.
However, a comparison of the total aircraft figures shows the more concernING side of what analysts have described as China's "gray-zone warfare" against Taiwan.
BeijING sent 69 planes toward the Chinese-claimed island nation last September, the month Taipei first began publicly reportING ADIZ violations. Chinese military intimidation against Taiwan rose in January with 81 total sorties-a response to perceived "provocations" by former President Donald Trump and later newly inaugurated Joe Biden-before fallING to 40 and 54 in February and March respectively.
The PLAAF shattered the ceilING this month with 96 sorties thus far, brINGING the yearly total to 269 as of April 20-already 70 percent of the 380 total aircraft detected in 2020. Last Monday, the Chinese military also set a record for sINGle-day aircraft intrusions, flyING 25 warplanes into Taiwan's ADIZ after the State Department announced new guidelines for interactions between Taipei and WashINGton.
A March defense ministry report prepared for Taiwan's lawmakers revealed that ROCAF pilots had flown an additional 1,000 hours in order to deter Chinese warplane intrusions last year.
Taiwan's top national security minds have likened BeijING's gray-zone tactics-encompassING all measures short of war-to a form of psychological warfare, which goes hand-in-hand with disinformation campaigns and targeted cyberattacks.
China's use of the PLA to intimidate Taiwan tends to spike durING perceived improvements to U.S.-Taiwan relations, experts say. The military operations in the Taiwan Strait also serve as attempts to tax the island's outnumbered air force and pile pressure on the Taiwanese government to accept BeijING's preferred regional arrangement, one in which democratic Taiwan is subsumed into the mainland as a province.
In the meantime, President Tsai ING-wen continues to receive bipartisan support on Capitol Hill and will look to the United States-her country's most important international backer-to help bolster Taiwan's self-defense capabilities.
When Taiwan begins the first phase of its annual Han Kuang military exercise this Friday, before followING it up with live-fire drills in July, members of the rulING Democratic Progressive Party say the island will be lookING to present an image of determination and a state of preparedness in the face of an existential threat from across the strait.
Sauce: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-warplanes-are-flyING-near-taiwan-in-record-numbers/ar-BB1fTkmq?ocid
Date: 04/21/2021
#13477903 at 2021-04-21 11:59:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17071: Maoism's Iron Grip says Bye Bye American Pie Edition
Self nom-ING excerpts from the PROTOCOLS is so unbecomING yet [you] do [you] :D
#13473468 at 2021-04-20 22:06:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17066: FREEMASON CHAUVIN ETERNALLY BTFO Edition
[ING] error
On the clock today.
17:17 verrry niiiice
#13466769 at 2021-04-20 02:17:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17058: SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD Edition
>Hey Newfag!
I love how you people still think new people are stumblING upon this place. It's legitimately like 50-70 regulars who've been here for years and 5 intelligence agents spread across 50 different IDs arguING with each other. Q's been banned from everywhere, who the fuck do you think is even still findING this shitty board?
But you yourself are probably some Air Force brat sittING in a base in New Mexico somewhere, so why am I even (You)ING you?
>the answer is boredom
#13466485 at 2021-04-20 01:47:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17057: FranQ Speech Edition
? .. >>13466363
magarita is free base ING parmesian and don't even know it
#13464322 at 2021-04-19 21:22:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17054: Michigan House Ends Michigan Lockdown Edition.
AF2 98-0002 departING Piedmont Triad head ING back to DC.
#13460657 at 2021-04-19 12:41:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17051: Patriots Waking Up Worldwide Edition
never mind
putt ING myself in tard jail.
#13457401 at 2021-04-19 00:15:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17047: At least the ship is clean.. Edition
Chicago prosecutor put on leave after tellING judge 13-year-old Adam Toledo was armed when police shot him
'It was not done lightly'
A Chicago prosecutor was suspended on Friday after he allegedly "failed to fully present the facts" regardING the death of 13-year-old Adam Toledo.
In the early mornING hours on March 29, Chicago police officers responded to the Little Village neighborhood after reports of shots fired. Officers encountered Toledo and then-21-year-old Ruben Roman, both of whom allegedly attempted to flee, CBS News reported.
The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, a police watchdog, released bodycam footage last week showING what led up to Toledo's death.
The footage shows police tackled Roman, while another officer pursued Toledo. The teenager then stopped, turned toward the officer, who yelled, "Show me your f***ING hands," and then "Drop it!" before firING at Toledo.
AccordING to WGN-TV, Toledo "appears to have dropped a gun and raised his hands just before a Chicago police officer fatally shot him."
The Chicago Sun-Times similarly reported that one angle of bodycam footage doesn't show Toledo "throwING away the gun, and the boy doesn't appear to be holdING a weapon in his raised hands…but another video shows him apparently throwING somethING through a gap in the fence to the other side - and a video shows an officer discoverING a handgun there."
What happened with the prosecutor?
Assistant State's Attorney James Murphy was placed on paid administrative leave Friday after tellING Judge Susana Ortiz that Toledo was holdING a gun when police shot him, accordING to the Chicago Sun-Times.
"In court last week, an attorney in our office failed to fully present the facts surroundING the death of a 13-year-old boy," a spokeswoman for State's Attorney Kim Foxx said. "We have put that individual on leave and are conductING an internal investigation into the matter."
Murphy's comments were made durING a bond hearING for Roman.
"The officer tells [Adam] to drop it as [Adam] turns towards the officer. [Adam] has a gun in his right hand," Murphy told Judge Ortiz. "The officer fires one shot at [Adam], strikING him in the chest. The gun that [Adam] was holdING landed against the fence a few feet away."
More from the Sun-Times:
On Friday, [Foxx spokeswoman Sarah] Sinovic told the Sun-Times that not all of the footage released the day before was available to Murphy when he read the statement durING Ruben's bond hearING, but declined to say what footage was available to the office at that time and who in the state's attorney's office had seen it.
"It's still under investigation what videos were available to [Murphy]," Sinovic said. "We're still tryING to figure out what he had access to when he made the statements in court."
Foxx reportedly said in a letter, "For many of you it may have been jarrING to see our statement regardING this matter. It is indeed a rarity to see the Office make such a public statement related to the actions of an [assistant state's attorney]. It was not done lightly."
#13456117 at 2021-04-18 21:22:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17045: Anons Are Love And Light - A New Beginning Edition
>>13453174 lb
I had to sleep.
>I'm personally not a fan of digital anythING, because I know that everythING is compromised and you will leave a data trail.
EverythING isn't compromised. You clearly aren't aware of the gross incompetence that plagues federal agencies…
Besides, havING a decentralized public ledger is what cripples [them]. Right now, they can hide anythING and everythING from us and keep "oops"ING away our tax dollars. See, with the introduction of a public and decentralized ledger, [they] can no longer keep hidING those tax dollars. We notice any and all large movements of cash and the time it would take to make thousands or more transactions to different shell addresses wouldn't be effective for [them], eventually bottleneckING their routING power; additionally, people would start to notice the series of movements from particular wallets and to particular wallets, especially when the patterns become egregious. We already have a leg up on them in this regard, hence the close monitorING of "whales" on most (probably all) chains.
Monero isn't the answer, nor is Zcash or other "privacy coins". They just reinvent the same problem with promise of helpING morans hide their transactions.
>Right now I would even go so far and say fuck digital money transactions, because everythING is comp'd.
This is just stupid.
>Do we need banks, I'm not sure.
See, now you're askING the right question.
>verification problems
Now you understand the utility of trustless and immutable financial devices, right?
>we need centralized banks to protect people from fraud
This is how I know you know next to nothING about unbankING and the utilities of Blockchain.
It's imperative that you do your own research.
Please start with readING the Cypherpunk Manifesto.
#13453688 at 2021-04-18 13:33:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17042: Q and Anons Edition
Yang Asked If He Chokes His Sexual Partners, Laughs But Doesn't Answer
New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang was asked on Wednesday if he chokes his sexual partners but simply laughed and played the question off without respondING.
The video shows a fan askING Yang if a man can keep his "Timbs on," a reference to Timberland boots, while he's "f*ING b**es." An uncomfortable-lookING Yang responds, laughING and sayING, "I think it's purely up to your partner."
The same man then asks, "Do you choke bitches, Andrew Yang?"
Yang responded by laughING and wavING the question off but didn't answer the question directly.
Yang received backlash on social media and from fellow mayoral candidate Maya Wiley who commented, "every last one of us has to stand up for women and girls," accordING to Politico.
The video uploaded by Twitter user @carsoncapp has been removed after the user said Yang's campaign staff contacted him.
#13453016 at 2021-04-18 10:24:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17041: As The World Turns Edition
Yeah, it's gettING very annoyING. She isn't usually this bad, but the last few days has been nonstop (You)s to scripts and leaf like bakes doesn't know better… It's gettING very old
Stop (You)ING them…
Your emotions are beING taken advantage of.
#13450955 at 2021-04-18 02:21:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17038: Antifa And BLM Aren't Having Fun Rioting Anymore Edition
White House says border security 'commitment' with Northern Triangle countries was not 'formal'
"We never described it as a formal declaration."
The White House on Friday appeared to walk back an earlier claim that it has secured a border security agreement with several countries to the south of the U.S., with Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimING that the agreement in question was never actually a formal one.
Psaki earlier this week said at a press conference that lately the U.S. has been engaged in "a series of bilateral discussions" with "the regional governments of Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala," and that from those talks there emerged "a commitment … to increase border security."
The "commitment," Psaki said, was for several thousand troops split between the countries, reportedly with the goal of "mak[ING] it more difficult to make the journey and make crossING the borders … more difficult."
Yet the U.S. Special Envoy for the Northern Triangle at a congressional hearING this week claimed that "there were no agreements concluded with governments regardING border security." When pressed on that claim a Friday press conference, Psaki admitted that the "commitment" was in fact never formalized between the countries.
"Well, whether or not it was a formal agreement - which it was not, and I never conveyed that it was - these were steps that these countries indicated they planned to take to increase personnel and security to reduce the number of migrants comING across the border," she said. "Those are steps they've taken on the ground."
"We never described it as a formal declaration or a formal agreement," she added, "but additional steps that they were takING to increase personnel at the border."
The Biden administration has been strugglING to deal with an unexpected crush of illegal immigrants at the southern border, many of whom made long treks from countries south of Mexico.
#13450942 at 2021-04-18 02:18:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17038: Antifa And BLM Aren't Having Fun Rioting Anymore Edition
Chinese Communist Party ConstructING Nearly 100 More Bio Labs Like Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The Chinese Communist Party's Ministry of Science and Technology announced the country is constructING three additional biosafety level-4 labs and 88 biosafety level-3 labs.
"China inaugurated the Biosecurity Law on Thursday, which is expected to further fortify the legal shield for the establishment and safe operation of more bio labs as China attaches greater importance to biosecurity as part of national security," state-run outlet Global Times spun the new law.
Global Times also quoted Wuhan University's Deputy Director of Pathogen Biology, who described the law as "timely" and "provid[ING] a legal shield for scientific projects on biosafety, includING infectious diseases.
Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Xiang Libin revealed approval for the construction of three biosafety level-4 labs, or P4 labs, and 88 biosafety level-3 labs, or P3 labs. In April 2020, China had just two P4 labs in operation and 81 P3 labs in operation or approved to be built. These new projects represent an increase of over 100 percent in China's existING P3 and P4 labs.
"With the new law, China aims to enhance the country's bioscience research level and tackle the prevention and control of potential outbreaks of infectious diseases for animals and plants," the ministry purported despite several scientists includING former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chief Robert Redfield supportING theories that COVID-19 "escaped" from a Chinese lab.
#13446095 at 2021-04-17 11:23:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17032: Morning of Patriots Edition
medicaid fraud due to under lie ING conditions
damages sought, case under review
#13439209 at 2021-04-16 14:59:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17023: We Love Our Law Enforcement Officers Edition
It is this anon's experience gently interviewING many Police, that MOST of them today are either grossly misinformed about their occupation, if not actually trained to view the Constitution as oppositional. As the occupation has disproportionately attracted 'order followers', they likewise project upon others that We too 'just' need to follow their orders, commands and be compliant. Any deviation is too often proof in their narrow[ING] mind, that they are dealING with a Law Breaker… and thus whatever force is needed is thus justified.
That alone is profoundly dangerous to the very society they ostensibly 'Serve'. Most 'service' personnel I challenge with this, are almost universally 'offended' by the simple concept when even presented in hypothetical terms and gentlemanly questionING form.
We are in a very tight spot. I do wish for police to be honorable, however very very few understand the fundamental social contract.
#13429991 at 2021-04-15 10:16:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17011: Fake News Tells America Exactly What China Wants America To Know Edition
> throw their garbage into nature
the young person doesn't realize how quickly paper dissolves and plastic breaks down under the sun
>I can only hate people..
i find it hard to hate any1 because i can almost understand all of them thanks to Anons
besides who has the energy to hate after all the diggING, meme-ING
PRAY b4 rest helps me sleep and i know Anons are watchING over me
>The rest I just let them be until they hopefully start askING questions and make a better person out of themselves.
they won't ask until you interest them, kek
#13429744 at 2021-04-15 08:24:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17011: Fake News Tells America Exactly What China Wants America To Know Edition
I'm surprised you're still (You)ING them.
#13427543 at 2021-04-15 01:37:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17008: It's Getting Hot And Wet In DC Tunnels Edition
Kushner-Linked 'America First Policy Institute' Hires Former Spokesman For Anti-Trump Group
The America First Policy Institute, one of many organizations set up to carry forward President Donald Trump's legacy, has hired a staffer who previously served as the national spokesman of an anti-Trump organization.
Javon Price was previously the Vice President of External Affairs and National Spokesman of Gen Z GOP, a Never Trump organization intended to steer the Republican Party away from President Trump's agenda.
AccordING to CNN, which has published several fawnING articles about Gen Z GOP, the group believes that the Republican Party was "hijacked" and moved towards "authoritarian populism" under Trump.
"Over the past few years, our political system has proven broken. Our party hijacked. Our values forgotten. As Republicans, we believe that the party of Lincoln is worth savING from its current flirtation with authoritarian populism. But we do not seek to return to the politics of the past," Gen Z GOP said in a launch video. "We seek to present a new vision."
The leader of Gen Z GOP, Mike Brodo, told NPR that he supported Joe Biden's presidential candidacy. The Spectator USA has reported that Gen Z GOP's communications director, Ellie Kalisz, is a Women's March activist and a Hillary 2016 campaign volunteer. In October 2020, Price suggested to Politico that the President's rhetoric had made it difficult for young black men to support him:
"Price admits that consolidatING any sizable Gen Z Black support around the president will be difficult in light of some of his statements." Price also distanced himself from Trump in remarks to Utah's Deseret News, statING that Trump's presidency "didn't turn out the way [he] hoped".
"And, lest any question remain, he is no 'blind' Trump supporter. 'Damn straight I voted for the president,' the 23-year-old told me in early January. 'It didn't turn out the way I hoped, but I don't regret my decision.'"
Price explained his views in a video profile of Gen Z GOP for NBC. "We want to see racial justice in this country, we want to see equality of the LGBTQ+ community, we want entitlement reform, to reform thINGs like social security, which we're payING into, but won't get back," he said.
Trump has strongly opposed both entitlement reform proposals and the Black Lives Matter movement. Price has also advocated for the Republican Party to shift away from Trump's skeptical attitude towards anthropogenic climate change, statING that the party could not provide "a viable political alternative to the left" without embracING the Democrat narrative on climate issues.
In 2017, Price left the Georgetown College Republicans after they invited an ex-Muslim speaker, Nonie Darwish. Darwish is quoted by Price as "warn[ING] of the dangers of Radical Islam and Sharia law". In an op-ed, Price accused his former group of havING "decided to support the shameful principles of hate speech" by not disinvitING Darwish in response to leftist pressure.
"However, to hide behind our First Amendment right of freedom of speech to give a platform to a hatemonger is not only cowardly, but egregious and immoral," Price wrote. "As Republicans, we should defend the Constitution, advocate for a flatter and fairer tax code and promote free enterprise, but we should never become a platform for hate speech."
Leftists routinely accuse President Trump of "hate speech", while conservatives - even relatively moderate ones - have been deeply critical of the use of this term to describe constitutionally-protected free speech.
Despite his clear differences with President Trump and past efforts to distance himself from Trump, Price is now bizarrely workING for an organization which, accordING to Axios, has the "mission of perpetuatING former President Trump's populist policies".
"Couldn't be more excited to be a part of this amazING organization with some even more amazING patriots," he said in a tweet that was retweeted by the America First Policy Institute.
The America First Policy Institute is set to be overseen by Brooke Rollins, the former director of the United States Domestic Policy Council in the Trump administration and a close ally of Jared Kushner. Axios also reported that Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, are servING as informal advisers to the new organization. The primary legislative achievement of Kushner and Rollins in the Trump administration was the First Step Act, a criminal justice reform package.
Price's involvement in the America First Policy Institute raises serious questions as to whether this organization will advance President Trump's agenda or focus on promotING Jared Kushner's much more liberal one.
#13420698 at 2021-04-14 02:16:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17000: They Never Thought She'd Lose. Now They All Lose Edition
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
>>13417973 Consumer Price Index - March 2021
>>13417981 Marjorie Greene - (Tlaib) wants to eliminate Police - I #BackTheBlue
>>13417990 The Ever Given is still in the Suez, here's the link to it's location...click on the map in the link below and it will show it.
>>13418018 US Advises Pause for J&J COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Blood Clots Are the J&J vaccines actually the good vaccines which is why [they] are tryING to stop distribution?
>>13418064 CHAUVIN TRIAL UPDATE: National use-of-force expert testifies that Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force on George Floyd
>>13418074 Riot Breaks Out in Portland over ShootING of Daunte Wright in Minnesota
>>13418118 9-year-old Nashville girl safe after neighbor kidnapped her from inside her apartment, police say
>>13418123 FEDS: Sex traffickING recruiter sent victims photos of 'lavish lifestyle'
>>13418138 Kamala Harris: Black Women in the US Are More Likely to Die in Connection with Child Birth Because of Racism and Implicit Bias
>>13418217 Big Tech Is CensorING Science Because COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition
>>13418222 North Korean diplomats in Iran smuggled gold and cash between Tehran and Dubai, accordING to a new U.N. report.
>>13418227 Two people dead in light plane crash near Canberra
>>13418276 Burkina Faso's Ex-President Compaoré Charged in 1987 KillING of Predecessor Thomas Sankara
>>13418279 BREAKING: CNN Director REVEALS @CNN Coverage of @RepMattGaetz Is 'Propaganda'
>>13418237 , >>13418328 When FFs aren't workING.....
>>13418355 #16996
Previously Collected Notables
>>13417611 #16995/1
>>13417604 #16993, >>13417186 #16994, >>13417612 #16995/2
>>13413755 #16990/2, >>13417758 #16991, >>13418271 #16992
>>13412229 #16988, >>13412985 #16989, >>13413754 #16990/1
>>13410806 #16986/2 , >>13411457 #16987/1, >>13411458 #16987/2
>>13409088 #16984, >>13409858 #16985, >>13410805 #16986/1
>>13406590 #16981, >>13407383 #16982, >>13407816 #16983
>>13404597 #16978, >>13406464 #16979, >>13406413 #16880
>>13401965 #16975/1, >>13402709 #16976, >>13403487 #16977
>>13400351 #16973, >>13401124 #16974, >>13401965 #16975/2
>>13398026 #16970, >>13398980 #16971, >>13399554 #16972
>>13395635 #16967, >>13396402 #16968, >>13397228 #16969
>>13394537 #16965/2, >>13394535 #16965/1, >>13394889 #16966
>>13391797 #16963, >>13393912 #16964/2, >>13393904 #16964/1
>>13390392 #16960, >>13390538 #16961, >>13391018 #16962
>>13388292 #16957, >>13387925 #16958, >>13388598 #16959
>>13384646 #16954, >>13385408 #16955, >>13386776 #16956
#13419960 at 2021-04-14 01:02:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16999: They Are Being Forced Into The Light For All To See Edition
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
>>13417973 Consumer Price Index - March 2021
>>13417981 Marjorie Greene - (Tlaib) wants to eliminate Police - I #BackTheBlue
>>13417990 The Ever Given is still in the Suez, here's the link to it's location...click on the map in the link below and it will show it.
>>13418018 US Advises Pause for J&J COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Blood Clots Are the J&J vaccines actually the good vaccines which is why [they] are tryING to stop distribution?
>>13418064 CHAUVIN TRIAL UPDATE: National use-of-force expert testifies that Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force on George Floyd
>>13418074 Riot Breaks Out in Portland over ShootING of Daunte Wright in Minnesota
>>13418118 9-year-old Nashville girl safe after neighbor kidnapped her from inside her apartment, police say
>>13418123 FEDS: Sex traffickING recruiter sent victims photos of 'lavish lifestyle'
>>13418138 Kamala Harris: Black Women in the US Are More Likely to Die in Connection with Child Birth Because of Racism and Implicit Bias
>>13418217 Big Tech Is CensorING Science Because COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition
>>13418222 North Korean diplomats in Iran smuggled gold and cash between Tehran and Dubai, accordING to a new U.N. report.
>>13418227 Two people dead in light plane crash near Canberra
>>13418276 Burkina Faso's Ex-President Compaoré Charged in 1987 KillING of Predecessor Thomas Sankara
>>13418279 BREAKING: CNN Director REVEALS @CNN Coverage of @RepMattGaetz Is 'Propaganda'
>>13418237 , >>13418328 When FFs aren't workING.....
>>13418355 #16996
#13419176 at 2021-04-13 22:48:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16998: They Want You Divided By Race And Gender Edition
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
>>13417973 Consumer Price Index - March 2021
>>13417981 Marjorie Greene - (Tlaib) wants to eliminate Police - I #BackTheBlue
>>13417990 The Ever Given is still in the Suez, here's the link to it's location...click on the map in the link below and it will show it.
>>13418018 US Advises Pause for J&J COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Blood Clots Are the J&J vaccines actually the good vaccines which is why [they] are tryING to stop distribution?
>>13418064 CHAUVIN TRIAL UPDATE: National use-of-force expert testifies that Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force on George Floyd
>>13418074 Riot Breaks Out in Portland over ShootING of Daunte Wright in Minnesota
>>13418118 9-year-old Nashville girl safe after neighbor kidnapped her from inside her apartment, police say
>>13418123 FEDS: Sex traffickING recruiter sent victims photos of 'lavish lifestyle'
>>13418138 Kamala Harris: Black Women in the US Are More Likely to Die in Connection with Child Birth Because of Racism and Implicit Bias
>>13418217 Big Tech Is CensorING Science Because COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition
>>13418222 North Korean diplomats in Iran smuggled gold and cash between Tehran and Dubai, accordING to a new U.N. report.
>>13418227 Two people dead in light plane crash near Canberra
>>13418276 Burkina Faso's Ex-President Compaoré Charged in 1987 KillING of Predecessor Thomas Sankara
>>13418279 BREAKING: CNN Director REVEALS @CNN Coverage of @RepMattGaetz Is 'Propaganda'
>>13418237 , >>13418328 When FFs aren't workING.....
>>13418355 #16996
#13418876 at 2021-04-13 21:54:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16997: Taiwan Invasion Averted? Edition
>>13417857 (lb)
>WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
Your abbreviation, "V&" made me think of the tomato drink, "V8" – commercial, person hits themself in the forehead, and exclaims, "I could have had a V8!"
V8; vaccinate; vaccin-eight.
No conclusion, just some patterns.
#13418393 at 2021-04-13 20:30:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16997: Taiwan Invasion Averted? Edition
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
>>13417973 Consumer Price Index - March 2021
>>13417981 Marjorie Greene - (Tlaib) wants to eliminate Police - I #BackTheBlue
>>13417990 The Ever Given is still in the Suez, here's the link to it's location...click on the map in the link below and it will show it.
>>13418018 US Advises Pause for J&J COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Blood Clots Are the J&J vaccines actually the good vaccines which is why [they] are tryING to stop distribution?
>>13418064 CHAUVIN TRIAL UPDATE: National use-of-force expert testifies that Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force on George Floyd
>>13418074 Riot Breaks Out in Portland over ShootING of Daunte Wright in Minnesota
>>13418118 9-year-old Nashville girl safe after neighbor kidnapped her from inside her apartment, police say
>>13418123 FEDS: Sex traffickING recruiter sent victims photos of 'lavish lifestyle'
>>13418138 Kamala Harris: Black Women in the US Are More Likely to Die in Connection with Child Birth Because of Racism and Implicit Bias
>>13418217 Big Tech Is CensorING Science Because COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition
>>13418222 North Korean diplomats in Iran smuggled gold and cash between Tehran and Dubai, accordING to a new U.N. report.
>>13418227 Two people dead in light plane crash near Canberra
>>13418276 Burkina Faso's Ex-President Compaoré Charged in 1987 KillING of Predecessor Thomas Sankara
>>13418279 BREAKING: CNN Director REVEALS @CNN Coverage of @RepMattGaetz Is 'Propaganda'
>>13418237 , >>13418328 When FFs aren't workING.....
#13418392 at 2021-04-13 20:30:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16997: Taiwan Invasion Averted? Edition
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
Donald J Trump - https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump/ | https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com
Sidney Powell - https://defendINGtherepublic.org/
Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/
Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com
"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo
Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4
EverythING Wrong With the Capitol ShootING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178
Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ
*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/
>>13320392 Q Research Notables #6
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
>>13417973 Consumer Price Index - March 2021
>>13417981 Marjorie Greene - (Tlaib) wants to eliminate Police - I #BackTheBlue
>>13417990 The Ever Given is still in the Suez, here's the link to it's location...click on the map in the link below and it will show it.
>>13418018 US Advises Pause for J&J COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Blood Clots Are the J&J vaccines actually the good vaccines which is why [they] are tryING to stop distribution?
>>13418064 CHAUVIN TRIAL UPDATE: National use-of-force expert testifies that Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force on George Floyd
>>13418074 Riot Breaks Out in Portland over ShootING of Daunte Wright in Minnesota
>>13418118 9-year-old Nashville girl safe after neighbor kidnapped her from inside her apartment, police say
>>13418123 FEDS: Sex traffickING recruiter sent victims photos of 'lavish lifestyle'
>>13418138 Kamala Harris: Black Women in the US Are More Likely to Die in Connection with Child Birth Because of Racism and Implicit Bias
>>13418217 Big Tech Is CensorING Science Because COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition
>>13418222 North Korean diplomats in Iran smuggled gold and cash between Tehran and Dubai, accordING to a new U.N. report.
>>13418227 Two people dead in light plane crash near Canberra
>>13418276 Burkina Faso's Ex-President Compaoré Charged in 1987 KillING of Predecessor Thomas Sankara
>>13418279 BREAKING: CNN Director REVEALS @CNN Coverage of @RepMattGaetz Is 'Propaganda'
>>13418237 , >>13418328 When FFs aren't workING.....
>>13418355 #16996
#13418355 at 2021-04-13 20:26:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16996: Many Are Called Few Are Chosen Edition
>>13417641 Dough
Notables FINAL
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
>>13417973 Consumer Price Index - March 2021
>>13417981 Marjorie Greene - (Tlaib) wants to eliminate Police - I #BackTheBlue
>>13417990 The Ever Given is still in the Suez, here's the link to it's location...click on the map in the link below and it will show it.
>>13418018 US Advises Pause for J&J COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Blood Clots Are the J&J vaccines actually the good vaccines which is why [they] are tryING to stop distribution?
>>13418064 CHAUVIN TRIAL UPDATE: National use-of-force expert testifies that Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force on George Floyd
>>13418074 Riot Breaks Out in Portland over ShootING of Daunte Wright in Minnesota
>>13418118 9-year-old Nashville girl safe after neighbor kidnapped her from inside her apartment, police say
>>13418123 FEDS: Sex traffickING recruiter sent victims photos of 'lavish lifestyle'
>>13418138 Kamala Harris: Black Women in the US Are More Likely to Die in Connection with Child Birth Because of Racism and Implicit Bias
>>13418217 Big Tech Is CensorING Science Because COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition
>>13418222 North Korean diplomats in Iran smuggled gold and cash between Tehran and Dubai, accordING to a new U.N. report.
>>13418227 Two people dead in light plane crash near Canberra
>>13418276 Burkina Faso's Ex-President Compaoré Charged in 1987 KillING of Predecessor Thomas Sankara
>>13418279 BREAKING: CNN Director REVEALS @CNN Coverage of @RepMattGaetz Is 'Propaganda'
>>13418237 , >>13418328 When FFs aren't workING.....
#13418157 at 2021-04-13 19:56:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16996: Many Are Called Few Are Chosen Edition
>>13417641 Dough
Notables @450
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417750 Insane video on Trump Tweets! (Video cap)
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
>>13417973 Consumer Price Index - March 2021
>>13417981 Marjorie Greene - (Tlaib) wants to eliminate Police - I #BackTheBlue
>>13417990 The Ever Given is still in the Suez, here's the link to it's location...click on the map in the link below and it will show it.
>>13418018 US Advises Pause for J&J COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Blood Clots Are the J&J vaccines actually the good vaccines which is why [they] are tryING to stop distribution?
>>13418064 CHAUVIN TRIAL UPDATE: National use-of-force expert testifies that Derek Chauvin did not use deadly force on George Floyd
>>13418074 Riot Breaks Out in Portland over ShootING of Daunte Wright in Minnesota
>>13418118 9-year-old Nashville girl safe after neighbor kidnapped her from inside her apartment, police say
>>13418123 FEDS: Sex traffickING recruiter sent victims photos of 'lavish lifestyle'
>>13418138 Kamala Harris: Black Women in the US Are More Likely to Die in Connection with Child Birth Because of Racism and Implicit Bias
#13417966 at 2021-04-13 19:33:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16996: Many Are Called Few Are Chosen Edition
>>13417641 Dough
Notables @250
>>13417746 Former Child Victim Speaks Out About St. Louis Family Court Trauma: 'No One Would Help Me'
>>13417747 "You're here for freedom, not to rip down a fence": Protesters gather at GraceLife Church
>>13417750 Insane video on Trump Tweets! (Video cap)
>>13417770 Texas Bill Will Label Parents GettING Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse
>>13417798 Epoch Times Press Conference on Attack on Free Press in Hong Kong (video)
>>13417812 Cabal Puppet Fake Senator Raphael Warnock caught endorsING blatant lies about Georgia's new votING law
>>13417830 Cuomo reportedly once compared himself to Sonny Corleone from 'Godfather'
>>13417834 Mike is tellING Chyna "Checkmate" on even thinkING about attackING Taiwan!!!...
>>13417857 WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals. What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
>>13417878 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism
>>13417884 @JamesOKeefeIII UPDATE: Charlie Chester's @LinkedIn account has been DELETED
>>13417890 , >>13417911 Suspicious lunch bag was hidING a live grenade inside, Illinois police say
>>13417896 Mrs. Merkel and her friends want to establish a national lockdown in Germany. From 21:00 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the mornING no one is allowed on the street unless he has a dog.
>>13417934 Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay $900MILLION compensation
>>13417944 Forget about meat, France's Avril to focus on plants
>>13417946 Phony immigration attorney filed hundreds of fraudulent claims, sentenced to more than 20 years in federal prison after HSI investigation
#13417857 at 2021-04-13 19:20:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16996: Many Are Called Few Are Chosen Edition
WHO urges pause in market sale of captured live wild animals
What if this is comms tellING the bad guys to stop V&'ING people for now
#13407702 at 2021-04-12 06:49:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16983: POMPEO's Wooden CHIP to the Cabal's Loosing Streak CHECKMATE Edition
Boy are you goING to be pissed once you realize how you were duped. Open, decentralized public ledgers are the way we beat the banks. Inflation isn't so much the issue, as scalING a currency isn't just smart, it's largely necessary.
The problem is [them] "oops"ING away $150 Trillion and makING FOIAs for the info illegal.
The ledger for USD is private. We can't see how or when [they] steal from us and hide funds to make DUMBs with.
We sure as shit can tell anyone moves a few million though. Big movements are actually kept very close watch on. People watch the "whales" move funds around to see what they put money in to, thinkING they can profit off of buyING what they buy.
The ecosystem already audits itself. We'd know if governments started siphonING our economy away from us in a heartbeat.
You, my friend, are the sucker.
Maybe you don't deserve financial independence though.
/ourguys/ released Blockchain tech.
Read the above.
USD btfo
It will phoenix though.
#13404569 at 2021-04-11 20:16:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16979: EBake in 11.4
Disney World and Its Tangled Web With CIA Ops
By: Diana Brown
Disney World under construction
The first phase of Walt Disney World under construction at Orlando, Florida, covered 27,000 acres (10,927 hectares) in November 1969, at that time the world's largest amusement park. Alan Band/Fox Photos/Getty Images
Disney World might be the happiest place on Earth, but just like any fantasy, there's a little dark magic hidING under the theme park's shiny exterior. And that's exactly what the guys at Stuff They Don't Want You To Know want you to know about. In the episode of the podcast, "BuildING Disney: the Magic KINGdom and the CIA" Matt Frederick, Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown could end up tarnishING some of your favorite childhood memories as they tell the truth behind the astonishING conspiracy of how Walt Disney enlisted the help of CIA agents to build his famous park.
Disneyland, the first theme park in Anaheim, California, opened in 1955, helpING turn around the fortunes of the Disney company. But when Walt Disney envisioned his second park, he didn't stop at just attractions and concessions. He thought he would create a utopian "city of tomorrow" - a planned community for people to live and work. To do that, he needed a lot more land.
Orlando, Florida, was ideal, but Disney didn't just waltz right up to landowners to acquire his acres. Instead, he hired two notoriously shady men: Paul Helliwell, who ran CIA operations in Southeast Asia, and William "Wild Bill" Donovan, head of the World War II spy organization that eventually became the CIA. With their help, Disney could not only keep the land low-cost, but also retain total control over it in perpetuity.
First, to get the land as cheaply and discreetly as possible, "Wild Bill" Donovan and his law firm created numerous shell corporations through which the property could be purchased. And he orchestrated a disinformation campaign to keep the locals from determinING that it was really the Disney company that was buyING it up as fast as it could, otherwise, residents would ask for a lot more money.
Eventually, people were suspicious enough that Walt Disney had no choice but to come clean; he admitted he was buildING a new park in Orlando. Immediately, the value of the land shot up. The Mouse House had been purchasING land for as little as $80 an acre, but after the announcement that he was buildING Disney World, the price skyrocketed to $80,000 per acre (yes, per acre!). By then, however, the company had already purchased 27,000 acres (10,927 hectares), and spent an average of $200 per acre, so it still worked in its favor.
But then how could the Walt Disney Company maintain control of such a large piece of property? That's when CIA spy Paul Helliwell came into the picture. His answer? Create phantom cities where the property was located, install a compliant government and just make your own rules.
So the cities of Bay Lake - where the current four theme parks are now located - and Lake Buena Vista, which encompasses Downtown Disney and its surroundING hotels, were created, and handpicked Disney employees moved in to control the votING. Meanwhile a third phantom, the Reedy Creek Improvement District, handled local-government thINGs like waste removal, emergency medical services and fire departments. That meant Disney World was exempt from zonING and land use laws, and public money generated within the theme parks would stay in the business, too. It truly was a whole new world.
But the Disney conspiracies don't stop here: There are also rumors of secret, super-exclusive clubs on theme park grounds, as well as deaths covered up by Disney to keep the reputation of the park squeaky-clean. What other secrets are hidden in this giant wonderland? You'll have to listen to the entire podcast to find out. One thING's for sure, with Matt, Ben and Noel on the case, there will be no Donald Duck-ING the truth.
How the CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida
Small World After All
T.D. Allman
Updated Jul. 11, 2017 11:16PM ET / Published Apr. 14, 2013 4:45AM ET
Guido Cozzi/Atlantide Phototravel, via Corbis
StartING in the mid-1960s when Disney set out to establish the Disney World Theme Park, they were determined to get land at below market prices and Disney operatives engaged in a far-rangING conspiracy to make sure sellers had no idea who was buyING their Central Florida property. By resortING to such tactics Disney acquired more than 40 square miles of land for less than $200 an acre, but how to maintain control once Disney's empire had been acquired? The solution turned out to be cartoon-simple, thanks to the CIA.
#13401176 at 2021-04-11 04:07:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research general #16974: Love And Light Will Overcome Darkness - We Are The Light Edition
>Thank you again for the advice.
Did you try to take the pots, yet?
That always helps make everythING better!
Unless, of course, your criminally negligent government is STILL tryING to "rehabilitate" you for your medicinal use of cannabis, even though that same belligerent occupation of what would otherwise comprise of my government has been collectING money to "regulate" the "medical" ""marijuana"" industry for over a dozen years now. Yet, SOMEHOW, still have yet to recognize the factual basis as to why cannabis IS the most unique form of medicine, which was gifted unto us, by none other than our Creator, "Nature's God".
Not only the criminally negligent belligerent occupants of what would otherwise have comprised of my government, but the ENTIRE medical malpractice of the "medicinal" industry, but also the ENTIRE MOTHER FUCK-ING fake news media, ALL of these MOTHER FUCK-ERS are GUILTY AF of not only torturING the shit out of me, but abusING TF out of every last citizen of Earth, and possibly beyond.
Anyway, the point is, organic compounds, called "cannabinoids", found naturally in cannabis, are designed to function with the receptors in the body's Endocannabinoid System. Or perhaps it's the other way around, but moar likely both, at the same time, because Nature is dope like that, and the Creator is Alive in the Force! All creatures of Earth have an Endocannabinoid System, regardless if they use cannabis. Funny how that works, huh? Not really, if you know moar intimate details. There is valid reasonING behind why such a thING would be true. It is not because plants "evolved" into creatures. We live in harmony together. At least we used to before everyone started fuckING shit up…
It's all fucked up, now. Cannabis can't fix it all, because we clearly have way too many problems. But as of now.., I'm not sure whether it's my best friend, or my only friend.
Please.., someone make them stop torturING me, while they pretend like their shit is fuckING "for my own good"…
#13400444 at 2021-04-11 01:43:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research general #16974: Love And Light Will Overcome Darkness - We Are The Light Edition
>enjoyING the show
#13395721 at 2021-04-10 04:59:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16968: Trump's Rubik's Cube move Endorses Rubio Edition
Positive Effects of SpendING Less
1. You begin eliminatING your debts.
SpendING less than you earn frees up the money you need to make larger payments on your debts. Over time, they begin to disappear, reducING your monthly bills and givING you even more breathING room.
2. You begin to save.
First, you build up some cash savINGs in your savINGs account, enablING you to roll through emergencies (like a car breakdown or a job loss). You'll also have the breathING room to start savING for retirement, pavING yourself a great future for your golden years.
3. Your stress level falls.
KnowING that you have fewer debts, your emergencies are covered, and your retirement is beING planned for reduces your stress level. You sleep better, your overall health improves, and you feel happier about life.
4. You are now able to explore possibilities closed to you before.
When your debts are gone and you are spendING far less than you're brINGING in, you suddenly have many more career possibilities. You don't have to stick with your high-stress job - you have the financial freedom to move on and chase your dreams. You can live where - and how - you want to live.
All of that comes back to one basic principle - spend less than you earn.
That statement actually has two parts, though.
Spend less refers to the fact that you do need to cut your spendING. The first step doesn't need to be anythING drastic - nor should it be. Many of the more extreme money-savING tips come from people who have already tried out the basic tips and love them, so they seek out more intense strategies to further cut their spendING. I do this myself - I'm always tryING out new money-savING strategies, discardING the ones that don't work for me and keepING the ones that do.
GettING Started on SpendING Less
1. Go through every monthly required bill.
Ask yourself if you really need that service at all. Do you really use Netflix enough, or could you just rent a movie once in a while from Redbox? Do you really use your cell phone much at all, or could you just replace it with a pay-as-you-go phone? Then, go through each bill and see if there are any optional services you can eliminate. Do you really need premium cable? Do you really need unlimited text messages?
2. Keep diligent track of your spendING.
Keep a notebook in your pocket and write down every expense you have. The simple process of doING this will make you think twice about unnecessary expenses. When you do have a month's worth of expenses written down, take a careful look at them. Ask yourself whether or not each of these expenses actually contributed to the value and joy of your life. That process will offer a lot of insight for you as to where your spendING is goING to waste.
3. Look carefully at your routines.
Watch what you do every day (or most days). Are there thINGs you do each day that cost money? Those thINGs are the most powerful ones to adjust, as trimmING just $1 from your daily spendING saves you $365 a year. Do you stop at a coffee shop each day? Why not cut down your daily order a bit, or switch to a different shop, or start makING your coffee at home? Do you eat out every day? Perhaps you can start brown baggING it a few days a week. Look at every regular expense you have.
4. Get a better bank.
The vast majority of Americans are with banks that don't treat them very well. No interest at all on their checkING accounts. Tons of fees for ATM use. Draconian overdraft policies. A tiny interest rate on savINGs accounts. Monthly usage fees of all kinds. All of these thINGs are a waste of money. Switch your accounts to a bank that respects you. From my own personal experience, I use ING Direct for both savINGs and checkING. I get great customer service, interest on my checkING account, a solid interest rate on my savINGs account, and I've never had a fee of any sort.
#13394214 at 2021-04-10 01:01:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16966: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall on the 99th day, Next PINDAR? Edition
Biden DOJ Pick Reportedly Organized Controversial Conference 'ChampionING Cop Killers'
Kristen Clarke has been chosen by the Biden administration to head the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Civil Rights Division as assistant attorney general in January, along with Merrick Garland who was nominated for the post of the US Attorney General at the time.
Biden's DOJ nominee, Kristen Clarke, is claimed by the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) to have organised a 1999 university conference that gathered supporters of the idea of releasING people convicted for killING police officers and other death-row criminals, Fox News reported on Friday, citING the free-market group.
Clarke was allegedly one of the organizers behind the Race-ING Justice Conference durING her studies at Columbia Law School in April 1999.
The AAF said it obtained a transcript of the conference, which allegedly shows that Clarke was the organizer.
"Let me begin by acknowledgING the work of Manny Marable and Kristen Clarke who drew us all together," said conference speaker and author, Ashe Bandele, durING the conference, accordING to the reported transcript.
AccordING to the report, the conference was a gatherING of "left-leanING students and anti-government activists" who stood for freeING death row inmates they believed were "political prisoners".
Among such inmates are convicted cop-killers Mumia Abu-Jamal, Mutulu Shakur, Sundiata Acoli and Assata Shakur - the latter, particularly, has been on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list since 2013, the first woman to appear. Alongside Acoli, Shakur was convicted for murderING a New Jersey state trooper in 1973.
The participants of the conference, repeatedly described the above-mentioned criminals as "political prisoners". Among the speakers were City College of New York professor Herb Boyd and founder of the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, Safiya Bukhari.
"I think we need to extend that definition [of political prisoners] to include, you know, a number of particularly Puerto Rican, African American political prisoners that we have - most particularly Sundiata Acoli, they talk about Sekou OdINGa, we have the situation where Susan Rosenberg and you know Sylvia [Blyden], of course [Mumia Abu-Jamal] and hopefully many of you will be on your way to Philadelphia tomorrow to participate in that situation," Boyd is reported to have said durING the conference.
Bukhari, accordING to the report, described herself as a "prisoner of war" and downplayed the events of the Holocaust, sayING it "was only 6 million Jews killed in the camps and prisons of Germany and Poland."
Ashe Bandele, another conference speaker who allegedly referred to Clarke as an organiser, compared the prisoners with late South African President Nelson Mandela.
"And I'm tryING to figure out how we get to do that with our own Mandelas right here, [Sundiata Acoli, and Sekou OdINGa, Mutulu Shakur]," said Bandele, accordING to the transcript.
#13390854 at 2021-04-09 14:50:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16962: Call to Meme #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide
>and i'm goING to KEEP postING this every bread until someone DOES somethING.
I called out and told off AG bitchface directly on this issue back in Dec 2020.
She waited until the day after biden got "sworn in" to "office" to reply.
In the meantime, they done told e'rybody to wear two muh fuckING face masks.
I tried tellin' normies. Day all retarded. BrainwashING is a muh fucker.
Try to fuckING help the muh fuckING world, and the muh fuckING world banishes you to wander alone in the wilderness…
DiggING made me skytz
Meme-ING did shitz
PrayING… Let's just say at least this one doesn't waste a ton of time and energy…
Luv y'all fags, no homo…
… but kill me if we ain't takING our Country back
#13387673 at 2021-04-09 01:12:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16958: EBake test Edition
Chromatic Scalar Waves
Chroma Man Scale / Justice Waves/Particles
Icles? Ice tIckels? Tickets? Golden Tickets?
3,4,methylenedioxymethamphetamine + lysergic acid diethylamide - formulation synthesis twenty five
SLANG = Customized Language
Reflections... in the mirror. Myrr or Frank common sense?
Burnt offerINGs... rINGs... burns... sun... light... sol... vent... atomize... combust... ignightshift? shape, form, power, current, flow, speed, volume, amplification, ampeers, lampuals, ampule, Qun-div-in-(You)-ALL
They are '[]ING' targetING/aimING at/keepING eyes on/scopING/lockING onto/focused in/insights/framING/boxING [Qundivinual]s - Anyone who is a sole/soul benefactor of Q the symbol, grass-roots (blades/clovers/flowers/shades/shields/diggers/qreensearch/flag?) movement, knowledge renaissance, humanitarian reformation, ascension of the inner darkness to a qore enlightenING!
I am not afraid to be a [QUNDIVINUALL]!
...more is comING, and nothING can stop it.
#13387579 at 2021-04-09 01:01:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16958: EBake test Edition
'Media' - plural of 'medium'
TV 'channel'-ING
What is 'guide'?
What is a tele - VISION?
What you see(r) is what you get?
Video (latin) - to see
When did Oprah become a 'star'?
What's the difference between astronomy and astrology?
Stars govern what? By gravity?
Plato said: "Time is the 'movING image' of eternity."
What's Plato got to do with 'motion pictures'.
#13387518 at 2021-04-09 00:52:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16958: EBake test Edition
#13384468 at 2021-04-08 15:27:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16954: Biden Is A Human Trafficker Edition
>Call me crazy but I believe he plays a HUGE part in the plan. I think Russia will prove to be our greatest ally
not crazy
All pb
>What kind of message is this?
>3Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
>>13371135, >>13371176, >>13371181
>Does anyone else see it?
>>13371402, >>13371410
>Ice StationZebra
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarineTigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
>Report on RT March26
>>26 =z
>Youtube vid posted March 28
>same day as Stracom Apoligizes typo
HomING topedo
ProjectHome ComING
>Home ___ING
<__ com_
hom ING
>>13372785, >>13372834 ICE Station Zebra - resembles the real-life episode of a film capsule from an American CORONA spy satellite
#13380946 at 2021-04-08 00:33:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16950: Waking Up the World Edition
He's tranny.. been here a lot.. if you talk shit about tranny's he starts "Muh nigga" - ING.
#13372834 at 2021-04-06 19:18:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16941: #RemoveRinos & Block[Aides] Edition
However, one of the most amaz-ING stories of a wayward piece of an American spy satellite occurred durING the first KH-9 HEXAGON mission. A film capsule from that satellite crashed into the Pacific Ocean on reentry. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. Navy led a secret operation to retrieve that capsule from a depth of 16,400 feet, the deepest underwater sal-vage then attempted. What follows is not just a CIA or Navy narrative. It is a story encompassING the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Department of Defense (DOD), and private industry. It is an account in which decades before the phrases "joint duty," "multi-INT intelligence," and "interagency collaboration" gained popularity in America's national securi-ty lexicon, a diverse group from vari-ous organizations with unique talents came together to undertake a dangerous mission, never before attempted.
#13372785 at 2021-04-06 19:12:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16941: #RemoveRinos & Block[Aides] Edition
> https://www.cia.gov/static/ebe9fc2c883aa1e90651116bc996b52c/An-Underwater-Ice-Station-Zebra.pdf
The 1963 Cold War thriller,Ice Station Zebra,by Scottish author Alistair MacLean is a high intrigue espionage story of American and Soviet agents vyING to recover film from a satellite that had crashed in the Arctic. The novel and later 1968 movie adapta-tion of the same name starrING Rock Hudson, Patrick McGoohan, Ernest Borgnine, and Jim Brown, although fic-titious, resemble the real-life episode of a film capsule from an American CORONA spy satellitethat went down near Spitzbergen, Norway, in April 1959, and may have been recovered by the Soviet Union.1 The Spitzbergen incident is not the only time when parts of a U.S. spy satellite landed in the wrong place. In August 1964, pictures of another CORONA capsule appeared in local newspapers after it accidentally landed in Venezuela.2 In May 1972, suspected fragments of a KH-8 GAM-BIT satellite came down in farmland about 75 miles north of London, England.3
All pb
>What kind of message is this?
>3Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
>>13371135, >>13371176, >>13371181
>Does anyone else see it?
>>13371402, >>13371410
>Ice StationZebra
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarineTigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
>Report on RT March26
>>26 =z
>Youtube vid posted March 28
>same day as Stracom Apoligizes typo
HomING topedo
ProjectHome ComING
>Home ___ING
<__ com_
hom ING
#13371710 at 2021-04-06 16:04:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16940: #SaveTheFilibuster and Deny DC Statehood Edition
All pb
>What kind of message is this?
>3Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
>>13371135, >>13371176, >>13371181
>Does anyone else see it?
>>13371402, >>13371410
>Ice StationZebra
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarineTigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
>Report on RT March26
>>26 =z
>Youtube vid posted March 28
>same day as Stracom Apoligizes typo
HomING topedo
ProjectHome ComING
>Home ___ING
<__ com_
hom ING
#13369553 at 2021-04-06 04:59:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16937: Work Together For The Win Edition
>December 11, 2020
'There may be enough ballots adjudicated illegally in this year's election to move Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan to the Trump column. Enough states for Trump to win the election.
The process of curING and adjudicatING ballots durING an election takes some time. Individuals mailING in ballots with issues must be contacted and certain steps must take place. We noted this previously where our focus was on Georgia.
In a post on November 9th we wrote:
TRENDING: FBI Sends Out WarnING AdvisING Against BuyING, MakING or MisrepresentING a Vaccine Card Which May Be "BreakING the Law"
The deadline for receipt of absentee ballots in Georgia, per Georgia election law, is "no later than close of the polls on Election Day ... Ballots received after the polls close cannot be counted," this per the Georgia Secretary of State Election Division's Absentee VotING A Guide for Registered Voters. This deadline was affirmed by an October 2 federal appeals court rulING, which stayed a lower court rulING from August 31, stemmING from a lawsuit brought by leftist nonprofit the New Georgia Project (NGP), founded by Georgia Democrat activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. NGP's lawsuit prevailed in extendING the Georgia mail-in ballot receipt deadline for three additional days. However, on appeal, brought by the state of Georgia, Georgia election law held firm, with the higher court decisively re-establishING the deadline in 2020 as November 3, at the close of the polls.
IgnorING Georgia law, "start[ING] on Nov. 4, 2020, 2 p.m. and end[ING] Nov. 6, 2020, 5 p.m. EST," accordING to their PR, the Georgia Democratic Party began the deployment of trained teams of volunteer activist operatives - "Ballot Rescue Teams" - to do phone bankING and also to travel Georgia's counties, knockING on people's front doors - only Democrats' front doors, that is - and cheerfully offerING to help "cure" or fix absentee and mail-in ballots which, allegedly, had problems and were, allegedly, not beING counted by county registrars.
In a video we inserted in a later post we wrote:
In the video in the post above, Mr. Jones ADMITTED that they were doING ballot curING!
We believe Georgia election law only allows ballot curING if the voter gets a call or contact from a GA election official. The law doesn't allow a Hillary Clinton operative to replace the election official's position. We don't believe Georgia election law allows ELECTRONIC curING of the ballot either, which is what the Democrat Ballot CurING Program did: they stated that the voter could email or text their ballot changes.
Thousands of ballots in Georgia were likely adjudicated electronically without underlyING support to properly cure the ballot: …'
#13366168 at 2021-04-05 18:23:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16933: We Could Have Given Up, Despaired, We Choose to Keep On Pushing Edition
- Which maps?
- Is the movie called Zero Arrests?
- You came here to take down the Deep State; all we got for our faithfulness to you is humiliated by our friends and family
- Which picture is that?
- We have been focusING on content since Oct 2017. Where ya been?
- Patriots in control? Better start shi##ING or get off the pot. We as a country are most certainly fu##ed if you do not do somethING fast. WE are not the ones with the power. YOU are.
#13362849 at 2021-04-05 04:53:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16928: EBake into the Night
BeijING AcceleratING Timeline for Possible Invasion of Taiwan, Expert Warns
TAIPEI, Taiwan-The Chinese communist regime is acceleratING its plans to invade Taiwan, an expert warns, as BeijING ratchets up military maneuvers against the island.
Twenty Chinese military aircraft-includING four nuclear-capable H-6K bombers, 10 J-16 fighter jets, two Y-8 anti-submarine warfare aircraft, and a KJ-500 airborne early warnING and control aircraft-entered Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on March 26, accordING to Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense. It was the largest incursion ever reported by the ministry.
Taiwan's ADIZ, located adjacent to the island's territorial airspace, is an area where incomING planes must identify themselves to the island's air traffic controller.
The incursion caps off a significant increase in hostility by BeijING against Taiwan since 2020. Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen, re-elected last January, has taken a hard line against threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), while the island has deepened its cooperation with the United States-promptING the regime to escalate its warmongerING towards the island.
The CCP sees Taiwan as a part of its territory and has threatened war to brING the island under its fold. The self-ruled island is in reality a de-facto independent country with its own democratically-elected government, military, constitution, and currency.
The Republic of China (ROC)-Taiwan's official name-overthrew China's QING Dynasty emperor in 1911. After the ROC retreated to Taiwan upon beING defeated by the CCP durING the Chinese Civil War, the CCP established a communist state called the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, while Taiwan gradually transitioned to become a democracy. But to this day, the Chinese regime has refused to recognize Taiwan's sovereignty.
Last year, the Chinese air force flew about 380 sorties into Taiwan's ADIZ, the highest number in a given year since 1996. So far this year, the Chinese military has been sendING aircraft into the ADIZ on a near-daily basis.
The island's coast guard on April 1 announced that BeijING has been flyING unmanned drones near Taiwan's Dongsha Island, located in the northern part of the South China Sea. The authority said it could not rule out that BeijING was usING the drones to carry out reconnaissance.
Alongside military actions, the regime has sharpened its rhetoric towards the island. Earlier this year, a Chinese defense spokesperson threatened war against Taiwan if it declared independence.
On March 31, Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of hawkish state-run media Global Times, wrote on his social media, that he would like to order able-bodied men to go blow up bunkers in Taiwan in the event of war.
An unnamed Chinese pilot, who flew one of the Chinese aircraft crossING into Taiwan's ADIZ on March 29, said, "This is all ours" after beING asked to leave the airspace by the pilot of a Taiwanese interceptor aircraft, accordING to local media, who obtained a recordING of the pilot's remark from the Facebook page "Southwest Airspace of TW."
#13362548 at 2021-04-05 04:05:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16928: EBake into the Night
Exbit is usING ¯\_(?)_/¯ for the same reason BO posted fred ¯\_(?)_/¯'ING
It's a hivemind attack against the one exposING their crew.
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It's a hivemind attack against the one exposING their crew.
#13362547 at 2021-04-05 04:05:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16928: EBake into the Night
Exbit is usING ¯\_(?)_/¯ for the same reason BO posted fred ¯\_(?)_/¯'ING
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It's a hivemind attack against the one exposING their crew.
#13362544 at 2021-04-05 04:04:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16928: EBake into the Night
Exbit is usING ¯\_(?)_/¯ for the same reason BO posted fred ¯\_(?)_/¯'ING
It's a hivemind attack against the one exposING their crew.
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Exbit is usING ¯\_(?)_/¯ for the same reason BO posted fred ¯\_(?)_/¯'ING
It's a hivemind attack against the one exposING their crew.
#13359840 at 2021-04-04 20:38:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16925: Elites: Rules For Thee, Not For Me Edition
Vaccine Passports Are A Serious Threat To American Civil Liberties
Are Americans supposed to accept that the government, private employers, and businesses such as airlines and Costco may stop you and demand that you show your COVID-19 papers?
With the advent of the deceptively named "vaccine passport" concept, coronavirus vaccines have quickly turned from savior hailed by an American populace desperate for a return to some semblance of normalcy into a cudgel with which to beat the vaccine heterodox into submission. Add the relentless desire for Big Tech to collect all data it can suck into a rapacious corporate maw to be digested into more profits and more power over our lives, and you have a perfect storm of tyranny.
Currently, the COVID-19 vaccines are not U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved, but authorized only for emergency use. As an investigational product, the statute governING emergency use authorizations provides that the recipient be advised of his or her option to accept or refuse administration of the vaccine, somethING a DC District court considered in a 2003 case that ruled against forcING soldiers to take the then-experimental anthrax vaccine (suspiciously, the vaccine was deemed "safe" not long after the court enjoined mandatory vaccination, although there are numerous claims that the anthrax vaccination program has led to debilitatING side effects).
President Trump's Operation Warp Speed vaccine development program was unprecedented. It normally takes several years for FDA approval of a vaccine and several phases like an exploratory stage, clinical trials, and quality control. While many are comfortable takING the vaccine now, others may wish to wait, or decline altogether.
Some had the disease and survived it with antibodies. Some have physical limitations that do not allow inoculation, and others have religious and moral objections. For example, the Johnson and Johnson vaccine was developed usING a retinal cell line developed from an electively aborted fetus in 1985.
A Right to Be Left Alone
We have a constitutionally implied fundamental right to privacy; various guarantees in the Bill of Rights "have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance...creat[ING] "zones of privacy." Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 484 (1965). The right to privacy encompasses everythING from what we do in the privacy of our own bedrooms, to how we educate our children, and to what we choose to insert into our bodies.
The right to privacy also incorporates a right to be left alone, a concept datING as far back as an 1890 Harvard Law Review Article by Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis, in which they noted that our laws are universal and eternal, "grow[ING] to meet the new demands of society." As time passed, "[g]radually the scope of [] legal rights broadened; and now the right to life has come to mean the right to enjoy life, - the right to be let alone; the right to liberty secures the exercise of extensive civil privileges..."
#13355149 at 2021-04-04 01:22:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16918: Anons Are Fighting For A New Beginning Edition
I was just notING you were (You)'ING a post from 24 hours ago.
You held onto it.
#13353484 at 2021-04-03 18:50:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16916: "Keys" and "Bread Crumbs" Edition
Vile public school teachers now compilING "lists" to "expose" parents who reject far-left curriculum
"Critical race theory" (CRT) activists in Loudoun County, Va., the wealthiest county in the United States, are attemptING to destroy the lives of parents throughout the district who oppose children beING brainwashed into the doctrines of anti-white racism while at public school.
And angry mob of far-left extremists livING in the WashINGton, D.C.-area district is reportedly tryING to "infiltrate" various anti-CRT groups organized by their opponents in order to "expose" the members of these groups - usING "hackers" if necessary.
A 624-member private Facebook group called "Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County" is said to be behind this hate campaign. Its members include local public school board members, Loudoun County's George Soros-funded prosecutor, public school staff, and other allied leftist extremists.
"In recent years, Loudoun's school system has flooded its curricula and policies with racial rhetoric," says Luke Rosiak of The Daily Wire about the situation.
The district has also "required all staff to undergo 'Equity in the Center' trainING that promoted a sense of injustice and urgency," even as it proposed, then withdrew, "a policy that would ban teachers from disagreeING with the schools' racial philosophies, even when not on school district property."
Last year, the local school district held an "Equity in the Center-like trainING to parents" that was a total disaster, resultING in a collapse "into acrimony." A criminal review was launched and one school board member was stripped of her duties.
In a nutshell, local parents were outraged that their children were beING told to "focus too much on race," which had the effect of "diminish[ING] tolerance and harmony, rather than improv[ING] it." These same parents then formed their own "Parents Against Critical Theory" group which hosted a webinar on March 7 called, "What is CRT and its impact on Loudoun County Schools."
"Secret communications reviewed by the Daily Wire do not offer any evidence of racism by the group's targets, or even attempt to," Rosiak adds.
"Their opponents were apparently those who objected to, sought to debate, or were even simply 'neutral' about 'critical race theory,' (CRT) a radical philosophy opposed by many liberals and conservatives but increasINGly embraced by governments."
#13343811 at 2021-04-01 20:52:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16904: Congress Is A Money Laundering Ponzi Scheme Edition
media BTFO by digital soldiers… again
enjoy hell, ddos-ING bitches
#13339438 at 2021-03-31 21:49:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16898: Ebake for Victory Again Edition
I wasn't pf-ING until I saw someone askING about Bidet's flight.
First stop in this situation for me is to search hex or tail#.
#13335753 at 2021-03-31 09:26:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16894: Vaccine Passport To Buy Sell Travel Or Leave The House Edition
He did exactly what he needed to do.
Wake up the people and shake thINGs up.
Show how easily we can get thINGs back on track.
He played the role perfectly. It went full circle by design. There is not one bit of me that believes he left anyone out there danglING.
This is all part of the show. The beING shown the truth for those that are really locked in to the "universal agreement". All these systems are corrupt. One after another people are realizING how manipulated our world really is…but the mass consciousness is on the edge of awakenING.
Enjoy the show-ING.
#13330558 at 2021-03-30 18:09:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16887: Save The Filibuster Replace Rinos Edition
The Foundation FundING the "Fact-Checkers" Who Defend the Chinese Communist Party Is Heavily Invested in China.
The Knight Foundation - a George Soros-linked, left-wING group purportING to tackle disinformation by fundING anti-conservative media operations and "fact-checkers" - has investments in firms tied to the Russian government and Chinese Communist Party, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.
The group's most recent financial disclosures reveal over $17,000,000 invested in a Chinese Communist Party-linked investment fund and over $1,200,000 invested in Russia Partners - which boasts of its close connections to "government leaders in Russia."
The unearthed financial ties come as the group continues to peddle conspiracy theories about Russian influence in the 2016 election and purports to "protect press freedom" while investING in countries whose journalism sectors are consistently ranked among the least free.
China Capital and Growth.
Since at least 2011, the Knight Foundation's financial disclosure forms reveal two investments: IDG-Accel China Capital II and IDG-Accel China Growth III.
The most recent financial disclosure on the Knight Foundation's site shows that in 2019 the value of the investments totaled $11,597,551 and $6,066,392, respectively.
From 2013 to 2015, the group's financial disclosures also listed China as a "foreign country in which organization has financial interest."
The two Chinese private equity funds describe themselves as "makING investments within China" - and often in state-run companies.
At least a dozen of the fund's employees have ties to the Chinese Communist Party, includING former officials in the technology and urban plannING sectors along with the State Department., former employees of the Chinese military proxy China Mobile, and recipients of Chinese Communist Party awards for "PushING the Area Economy Forward."
Senior Advisor JiannING Jiang also serves as a Chief Advisor to the body overseeING China's various Communist Youth Leagues.
Chinese state-run media directors, several ex-employees of state-run investment funds, fellows from state-run think tanks, and professors and People's Liberation Army-linked colleges.
Aimed at boostING the Chinese economy, the investment group describes one of its primary goals as "upgradING and transform[ING] the Chinese economy by partnerING with Chinese companies to acquire technology and industrial know-how abroad" and admits to havING "partnered" with the Chinese Communist Party city-level governments to do so.
Companies the firm has invested in have also count the Chinese Communist Party as customers and include firms such as Tencent - which has been described by the U.S. State Department as a "tool of the Chinese government" - in its portfolio.
...And Russia.
Under the guise of "combattING misinformation," the left-wING foundation has funneled tens of millions of dollars into fact-checkING operations used by platforms such as Facebook and mainstream media outlets.
And, given its repeated fundING, event, and research collaboration with groups such as George Soros's Open Society Foundation, often leverages these connections to go after conservative news sites.
Recently, a group funded by the Knight Foundation - Global Disinformation Index (GDI) - was responsible for "providING" The New York Times with the information for a hit piece on the anti-Chinese Communist Party outlet The Epoch Times.
"The data was provided by Advance Democracy, a research group, and analyzed by the nonprofit Global Disinformation Index, not provided solely by GDI," the New York Times article reads after it was revised to include the source of its data.
#13325708 at 2021-03-30 01:15:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16881: The Public Must Be Prepared For What Is About To Come Edition
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#13319239 at 2021-03-29 02:54:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16873: Hammer + Woods + Bare + Codes = Deepstate PANIC Edition
Man if I were Ron, I would have popped some popcorn and watched anons go ballistic over the comms planted just for us.
All those pen movements
Autists don't need Red Bull
KEK can't wait to dig on this when I'm finished bINGe-ING
Greatest game ever. Play hard
#13318164 at 2021-03-29 00:18:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16872: ;l;;gmlxzssaw, Thats what she Said Edition
On Day 60, Biden's White House Said, 'Forget About the Border, Work on Your Racism!'
America's adversaries are laughING, and our border is in disrepair-but the Biden-Harris White House wants you to work on yourself first.
Biden Bunts on Border Visit.
Upon his return from Camp David, President Joe Biden said Sunday that he would visit the border "at some point"-but that he already knows about the situation.
"I know what's goING on in those facilities," the president said.
DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday stressed that the border is closed, even though unaccompanied minors are beING admitted, and didn't provide any new timeline for openING facilities to accommodate the surge.
Former president Donald Trump trashed the performance in a statement from the Office of the Former President, sayING "Even someone of Mayorkas' limited abilities should understand that if you provide Catch-and-Release to the world's illegal aliens then the whole world will come."
The Biden White House is reportedly considerING a scheme to fly migrants to northern states for processING due to overwhelmed capacities at the southern border.
Work On Yourselves.
While America's adversaries revel in makING U.S. officials squirm on the world stage, the White House has pivoted to denouncING America's "own failINGs" and "confront[ING] them honestly, transparently, and with a determination to make thINGs right."
The White House released a fact sheet Sunday on "U.S. Efforts to Combat Systemic Racism" and a statement on the United Nations' International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In the statement, Biden suggested that Americans need to "change our hearts."
One of the core values and beliefs that should brING us together as Americans is standING against hate and racism, even as we acknowledge that systemic racism and white supremacy are ugly poisons that have long plagued the United States. We must change the laws that enable discrimination in our country, and we must change our hearts . . . We must recognize the ways that racism, gender discrimination, and other forms of marginalization intersect with and compound one another. And, we must all strive to eliminate inequities in our policies, remove barriers to full participation in our societies, and push for open and inclusive processes that respect all people everywhere.
In Thursday's U.S.-China meetING, Chinese Community Party officials specifically pointed to the Black Lives Matter movement as evidence that the United States lacks moral authority on the world stage.
#13312747 at 2021-03-28 03:33:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16865: EYES ON: Planes Flying to DC ahead of FED Meetings Edition
Liberalism is destroyING America.
Instead of filmING it, How about helpING the girl? or at least shoo-ING the rat away that is tryING to nest in her mouth
#13312512 at 2021-03-28 02:47:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16864: PDJT and Judge Jeanine LIVE Edition
10-4, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
I'm rattlING my cage at the moment, so the bark wasn't meant for whoever, it was just a generalized way of gorilla-ING my chest
If it offended you, or rubbed you the wrong way, stop beING a pussy and deal. Words mean e everythING and nothING, …its perspective that defines your reality.
I'll never shut up, so if you lack the intact Y chromosome, scroll on up
#13308859 at 2021-03-27 15:16:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16860: Have You Called Your Senator Today? Edition
#13306739 at 2021-03-27 02:47:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16857: Southern Border Is A Human Trafficking Ponzi Scheme Edition
Look, drugs aren't the end of the world. If they were, then they wouldn't be sold on every street corner of America, known as Drug Stores. They're practically everywhere. Why is it that the drugs that actually 'work,' the ones that are 'scheduled' or 'controlled?' Think mirror, they work! If everyone is gettING better with drugs that they told everyone kills you, now what? They're goING to have to investigate the idea that the possibility that the reason the C_A was always involved with say, methamphetamine, and other various MK ULTRA later MK err SO]METH[ING (they took it, memory hole, ya know?) involved psycho-active substances. There is research that states, in a nutshell, that the audio cortex of the ear/brain, expands, and has a better reception to pick up, 'neural networks' that teach you to believe in yourself. No, there is absolutely so much more goING on than this, and this is what may be REALLY causING the [deterioration], it's the [evil] in this ]world[.
Yet, it's no WITCHHUNT, we know, we have it all. We have EVERYTHING. Guess what? Drugs in their entirety, are de facto, i'm gone-done-yo, peaced out… No more drugs.
So, SWORDY… what do we have then? I have some serious DANK NUGS in my stash. Ah, right… So, basically, drugs are now, quantum dot, biosensING markers, able to record, and transmit biometric data with very 'high' kek granularity. Not only do they collect data, via, let's just say, hopefully the most valuable but illegally necessary in order to save THE FUCKING WORLD… biological 'specimens.'
But, SWORDY, no meth, no ADHD meds, oh and if you do get ANYTHING, it won't work the way you want it to after a while of NoFappING, because your cum is worth $1000000000000000000000 a teaspoon, and we want QBabies! You fuckin' loser faggot, frog, swords, weirdo.
No… but SHIELD, is spelt SHEILD. You'll know why, one day.
This is the only reason why, WE NEED, LOVE!
#13305354 at 2021-03-26 23:24:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16855: They’re Coming for Your Guns Edition
Google exposes nine-month counter-terror hackING op by 'friendly' government, raisING questions about what makes an ally
A Google hackING team has exposed - and shut down - an expert counterterrorism hackING operation by a supposed US ally. While the report hid most details, it raised troublING questions on what constitutes an ally in cyberspace.
The tech giant's Project Zero and Threat Analysis Group hackING teams uncovered and ultimately put an end to a counter-terrorism operation beING run by a US ally, accordING to MIT Tech Review, which detailed the internal struggle at Google over whether to publicize the incident and what it implied for future cyber-espionage (apparently, all's fair in love, war, and malware attacks).
Both Project Zero, which uncovers and exposes security vulnerabilities, and Threat Analysis Group, which tracks hacks believed to be run by governments, helped take down the "friendly" malware attack, which weaponized 11 zero-day vulnerabilities in the course of nine months. A zero-day vulnerability is a flaw that the software's creator and user are unaware exists, a security issue that can be used as a backdoor and otherwise exploited until it is discovered.
CroppING up 11 times in nine months - more frequently than a typical zero-day exploit - the attack targeted devices powered by iOS, Android, and Windows. The exploits were innovative (MIT described them as "never-before-seen techniques") and used infected websites as "waterING holes" to deliver malware to unfortunate visitors. The infection process had been ongoING since early 2020.
MIT revealed on Friday that the hackers runnING the scheme were "actually Western government operatives actively conductING a counter-terrorism operation," an unusual revelation given that tracING hacks to state-level actors is not the easy-to-grasp, cut-and-dried operation that US cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike and FireEye like to describe when they speak with reporters.
Indeed, while Google's Threat Analysis Group attributes hacks to states, Project Zero does not, though private security companies have been workING on the capability to reliably "link hostile actions with foreign actors" for the last decade - an ability that has recently become more reliable, accordING to a RAND Corporation paper published in September.
Indeed, Google seems to have only been told it was a counter-terror op in an effort to convince it to allow the hack to continue. Instead, the Google teams went ahead and squelched the attack, in a move that reportedly "caused internal division at Google," as well as "rais[ING] questions inside the intelligence communities of the United States and its allies."
While Google managed to get the hack shut down, its announcement released vanishINGly few details about the attack itself - who was responsible for the hack, who was the target, and certain technical aspects of the malware and its hostING were left out in a manner that is considered highly atypical for a release by the Google teams, whose work is relied-on and revered across the industry.
#13299362 at 2021-03-26 01:28:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16847: Cabal Puppet Biden Promises "Gun Grabs Coming" Edition
>"F*ING weirdos, probably drivING around in f*ING Hyundais,
this pilot is Uber-Baste
#13299220 at 2021-03-26 01:08:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16847: Cabal Puppet Biden Promises "Gun Grabs Coming" Edition
'Liberal f***s!': Southwest pilot goes on profanity-laced hot mic tirade against Bay Area
The FAA is investigatING
A Southwest Airlines pilot might be in some trouble after beING recorded over an air traffic control scanner as he unleashed his fury on the San Francisco Bay Area while taxiING on a local runway, referrING to the residents as "liberal f*s" and "f*ING weirdos."
"F* this place, goddamn liberal f*s," the unidentified pilot says, accordING to the dictation of the San Francisco Gate.
He adds, "F*ING weirdos, probably drivING around in f*ING Hyundais, f*ING roads and s* that go slow as f*" and, "You don't have balls unless you're f*ING rollING coal, man, goddamn it."
The Daily Mail suggested the last comment was "presumably comparING electric-powered cars to traditional gas-powered ones."
The March 12 tirade at Mineta San Jose International Airport was first reported by OneMileAtaTime.com, and is archived at LiveATC.net.
A spokesperson for the airport said of the audio, "This communication is very unprofessional, and I have forwarded the communication to the FAA."
The FAA is now involved, issuING a statement sayING that they are "investigatING communications that an airline pilot made while taxiING at Mineta San Jose International Airport," notING that "the FAA also reported the incident to the airline."
The Gate discovered that the airline in question is Southwest, and the company confirmed that it was one of their pilots caught on the hot mic.
"Our corporate Culture is built on a tenet of treatING others with concern and dignity and the comments are inconsistent with the professional behavior and overall respect that we require from our Employees," a Southwest spokesman told the newspaper in a statement. "This situation was an isolated incident involvING a sINGle Employee and not representative of the nearly 60,000 hardworkING, respectful People of Southwest Airlines."
AnythING else?
The San Francisco Bay Area is, indeed, known for beING liberal.
The Mail pointed out that a "March 2014 report by political scientists Chris Tausanovitch and Christopher Warshaw titled 'Representation in Municipal Government' ranks San Francisco as the most liberal city of at least 250,000 people in the United States, based on public policy preferences," and "Oakland, another city in the Bay Area, ranks fourth in the same report."
The city of San Francisco's mayor and entire Board of Supervisors are Democrats. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) owns a home in the city, and until just weeks ago, so did Vice President Kamala Harris.
#13294908 at 2021-03-25 12:26:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16842: EBAKE Im Not the baker edition
Shut off the water to these 'people'.
Spread the word my good friends in the UK, withdraw ur cooperation and submission to their revenue-ING. They are monsters.
#13292195 at 2021-03-25 01:07:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16838: FAKE News MSM, Trippin Up Fake AF1 Stairs Edition
9 Countries Summon Chinese Envoys Over Xinjiang Row
Nine U.S. allies in Europe have summoned China's ambassadors in protest after BeijING slapped sanctions on a dozen European officials, researchers, and institutions that have been vocal about the regime's human rights abuses.
The "sanctionING of members of Parliament and scientists is absolutely incomprehensible," German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said in a March 23 statement after meetING with the Chinese ambassador in Berlin. "While we sanction abuses of human rights, BeijING sanctions democracy. We cannot accept this."
At least eight other countries, includING France, Denmark, Belgium, Estonia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Italy, have also called in the Chinese envoys to register their complaints durING the past two days.
The Chinese measure came on the heels of coordinated Western sanctions on March 22 from the United States, the UK, Canada, and the European Union to punish BeijING's repressive policy in Xinjiang. It marked the first of its kind that the EU imposed on China in three decades.
In apparent retaliation, the Chinese foreign ministry sINGled out 10 individuals and four entities for sanctions, accusING them of "maliciously spread[ING] lies and disinformation" and harmING Chinese sovereignty. The ban would block the individuals and their families-among them eight European politicians and two scholars, two subcommittees under the European Parliament and the EU-from enterING China and restrict associated entities from doING business with the country.
The aggressive response from BeijING has prompted an outpourING of support toward the targeted individuals and entities, with Daniel TwinING of the U.S. nonprofit International Republican Institute-who got on BeijING's blacklist last year for supportING Hong Kong-callING it "a badge of honor."
Ann Linde, the foreign minister for Sweden, called the Chinese sanctions "unacceptable." Sweden's "support for human rights remains unchanged, which was communicated by State Secretary Rydberg to China's ambassador today," she said in a March 23 tweet.
In France, Chinese ambassador Lu Shaye also drew fire for the embassy's inflammatory comments defendING the regime's policies. He called the Paris-based researcher Antoine Bondaz "mad hyena" and "little thug" after China imposed sanctions on him and others.
Lu, upon beING summoned, initially cited "schedulING issues" for a delay in talks.
#13288959 at 2021-03-24 15:39:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16834: Evergreen Blockaide Removed Edition
>vote in a rigged election?
Kek. Anon went nowhere near a pole-ING station that day. Anon listened to Q and knew fuckery was afoot.
#13286721 at 2021-03-24 04:31:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16831: Watch the Suez Canal WATER Edition
On little-noticed panel, Fauci and Chinese counterpart envision lengthy COVID restrictions
Pulmonologist and longtime Chinese Communist Party member Nanshan Zhong projects years of COVID mitigation measures, as Fauci warns against "jumpING the gun" on reopenING society.
Top U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci on a recent public health panel signaled common ground with a renowned Chinese doctor and public health administrator on the matter of ongoING COVID-19 restrictions, with both Fauci and his Chinese counterpart suggestING that those restrictions could continue for many months or even years.
Fauci in early March appeared on the virtual panel, titled "The Future of Health," hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Also present in the meetING was Chinese pulmonologist Zhong Nanshan, who has been at the forefront of China's response to the pandemic and who has been referred to by national spokeswoman Hua ChunyING as "China's Fauci."
Zhong has a long career in the Chinese Communist Party hierarchy, havING served for years in delegatory positions in both the CCP's National Congress and its National People's Congress. He has also served on numerous state research initiatives and is the founder of the state-funded Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases.
On the panel, Fauci and Zhong both expressed hopes that COVID-19 restrictions worldwide would continue well into the future.
Zhong himself claimed that efforts to develop natural immunity to COVID-19 are inadvisable from a national policy standpoint. "It doesn't work this way," he said. "And it's not realistic, and less scientific, and … inhumane."
Zhong argued that "mass vaccinations" are the "commonsense" approach to engenderING herd immunity in the population, but "to do that ... will take about two or three years time with global collaboration."
"I have noticed in other countries," the doctor said elsewhere, "that actions [are] not so strict enough. So that will be not enough to stop the spreadING of [the virus]."
Fauci himself echoed those concerns, warnING against the danger of what he said was "jump[ING] the gun or do[ING] it too quickly" and seemING to imply that countries should keep COVID-19 measures in place even if they appear to have suppressed the virus within their borders.
"It is important to realize," Fauci claimed, "that variants arise, and if you suppress the virus in one country, but it is allowed to spread uninhibited in other areas of the world, sooner or later, the variants, the new lineages, the mutants, will come back and rekindle the outbreak, even in countries that seem to have it under control. So we still have a considerable amount of task in front of us."
#13282606 at 2021-03-23 18:01:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16826: Boulder False Flag Crisis Actor Dig Edition
Gannett parts way with reporter after offensive photo caption at NJ paper
Thomas Moore 50 mins ago
Ex-New York cop Sara Carpenter arrested on Capitol riot charges, told...
Meghan McCain apologized for defendING Trump's use of 'China virus' after John...
A reporter for the Asbury Park Press in New Jersey is no longer workING for the Gannett-owned newspaper after publication of an offensive photo caption over the weekend
The caption, posted Sunday under a photo of a nurse preparING to vaccinate someone, described her as a "f—ING hot nurse" and used the acronym for the slur Jewish American Princess. It was taken down shortly after publication.
"This was an inexcusable act. The objectification of women and religious insults are intentional actions," Paul D'Ambrosio, the paper's executive editor, wrote in a message Tuesday on the Asbury Park Press website. "The reporter in question is no longer with the company."
D'Ambrosio did not mention the name of the reporter, but the New Jersey Globe, which first broke the story, identified the reporter as Gustavo Martinez Contreras.
D'Ambrosia did not immediately respond to The Hill's request for comment. Contreras could not be reached.
The newspaper is also changING its photo approval process in the wake of the scandal, accordING to D'Ambrosio's public post and internal documents seen by The Hill.
"Our credibility in the community is paramount to our success," D'Ambrosia said in an email to the paper's staff. "Whatever delays the above SOP cause are irrelevant compared to the damage [of the] offensive sentence."
He also asked staffers to "avoid commentING on this matter on social media or any media people who may reach out to you."
D'Ambrosio said in his public statement that the caption made it online because of a "system [that] does allow staffers to publish directly to our website and mobile app. We trust the professionalism of our employees and know speed can be important when coverING breakING news. This system has been in use for nearly a decade, and across our suite of 250-plus publications, we have not had a similar incident to this one."
D'Ambrosio told staffers in his memo that goING forward, "all photo captions and photo galleries must be reviewed by two sets of eyes" and those reviewers have to put their initials beside their approvals.
"As the content creator, it is your responsibility to ask the coach or producer or even another staffer to review the package in a timely fashion to ensure the above is never repeated," D'Ambrosia added.
#13282161 at 2021-03-23 16:47:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16825: Boulder Liberals Pull A False Flag Edition
babel babel babel-ING in whoremoans
#13281629 at 2021-03-23 15:14:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16824: The '[They] Want You Divided By [insert topic here]' Part 11 Edition
>Boulder is Colorado's human traffickING hotspot.
>It's also home to the highest concentration of Jews in the state and of course, the liberal indoctrination University is there too.
Lots of police are Masons out that way… plenty of hot tube…ING in the winter (wink-wink)
#13280978 at 2021-03-23 13:13:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16824: The '[They] Want You Divided By [insert topic here]' Part 11 Edition
I keep Psaki-ING (circlING back around) to
>Scare Event [Necessary]
In March 2020, I thought it was common cold (aka COVID-19)
In November 2020, I thought it was Biden winnING the election
In January 2021, I thought it was Biden's inauguration
In February to March of 2021, I thought it was a Biden presidency
Though all of the above (besides the China Virus) are indeed scary, none of them seem to fit the bill.
It's got to do somethING with
>Sky Event
I can't imagine the panic in Hawaii durING the 30 minutes or so of pic related.
The SE[N] could be an EBS proclaimING an imminent nuclear attack on the mainland. That would be pretty fuckING scary and would satisfy the
>Sky Event
but why would that be necessary?
>You and your families are safe
>Disinformation is necessary
#13276253 at 2021-03-22 19:16:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16817: Winning Never Gets Old Edition
Was gonna post these but delteded
>>13275217, >>13275251 March 23: Putin holds teleconference with developers and manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines
>>13275200 Updated Dough
>>13275182 Glitches or FINGer Twitches? Commision is missING an [s] - Mike Pompeo ~ China is the world's largest polluter
>>13275180 February 26,2020 - Dutch State Secretary Admits 5G Will Be Used For Crowd Control
>>13275173 GRVL? You takING the bake ? Nice and clean for next baker.
>>13275154 Muh Black Muh White Muh Asian Muh Latino… What were the Asian ladies doING sneakING into Mar-A-Largo?
>>13275147 "Dan Scavino facebook cancelled? Anyone else get this?" NOPE, >>13275160
>>13275129 BREAKING: European Union to impose sanctions on China for human rights abuses -WaPo
>>13275070 BREAKING: Veritas DHS Insider leaks document warnING of a Central American-based caravan headed to the US by March 30th
>>13275055 "How Would the Tickle Feel?" - CAUGHT ON AUDIO: Far Left Media Hack Leaves Death Threat on GOP Lawmaker's Home Phone! - Sexually Harasses His Wife
>>13275038 Didn't Slavers Make Their Slaves Kneel? The Entire Georgetown Team Kneels For The National Anthem, Proceeds To Lose By 23 Points "Oh You SOO Woke."
>>13275032 "Muhfuccn Wetather" Fox weather forecaster Janice Dean blasts Gov. Cuomo: 'He needs to go to jail!'
>>13275028 Prosecutor who tried to frame 6 officers is under investigation with her kook husband
>>13274989, >>13275203, >>13275225 Pf Reports
>>13274983, >>13275156 JUST IN - Saudi Arabia announces plan to offer Yemen's Houthi rebels a cease-fire under UN supervision, calls on Houthis to accept it to demonstrate they are not beholden to Iran.
>>13274968, >>13274980, >>13274991, >>13275013 GamerGate Refresh
>>13274939 Rapper Lil Mama Says She Is StartING a 'Heterosexual Rights Movement'
>>13274937 "Let The Lawsuits Begin". Arizona House Passes Election Integrity Reform Bill to Prohibit Private FundING of Election Administration
>>13274936, >>13274959, >>13275126 H. Bdn and Ye Jianm ING document??
>>13274854 Red Cross Month…
>>13274837, >>13275205 JUST IN: U.S. has secret evidence of UFOs breakING sound barrier without a sonic boom and performING moves humans don't have the technology for, Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe reveals -NYP
>>13274827, >>13275171, >>13275183 Oh shit he said "concentration camps" Where's AOC Now?
>>13274791, >>13274796, >>13274899 SpaceX… Space Force… Public\Private. Anons Share Predictions
>>13274776, >>13274992 Recption A+
>>13274762, >>13274777, >>13274810, >>13274823 Anon drops re Big Tech/Pedovore traffickING
>>13274756 The press has officially turned on Biden…
>>13274723 DatefaggING can be unfruitful…
>>13274711, >>13275189, >>13275213, >>13275223, >>13275253 Bible Stories For Anons ~ In Memes Or… Satanic Garbage?
>>13274684 Bulgaria confirms arrest of six-member spy-rING workING for Russia
>>13274683, >>13274707, >>13274720 MollieHW: "In a blisterING dissent, Judge Laurence Silberman said The New York Times and WashINGton Post are 'Democratic Party broadsheets.'" + "Noemhunter"
>>13274671, >>13274858, >>13274955, >>13275068, >>13275199 BREAKING: Project Veritas Obtains Never-Before-Seen Images Inside Texas Detention Facility -Mar 22, 2021
>>13274665 Judge takes action on gun law bannING semi-automatics
>>13274640 "MSM Banned"? From Southern Border ??
good notes baker Good work! Thanks again for steppING up instead of circlejerkING in discord lobbies and bannING people
#13275753 at 2021-03-22 17:31:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16817: Winning Never Gets Old Edition
FACT CHECK: Biden Says His Family Weren't Involved In Govt DurING the Obama Admin. That's Not True.
President Biden promised that "no one" from his "family and extended family" would be involved with his White House, pointING to the days of the Obama administration as an example.
The pledge - praised by establishment media outlets as a refreshING change from the Trump administration - was announced via a recent interview conducted by People magazine.
SittING next to his wife, Biden professed:
"We're goING to run this like the Obama-Biden administration. No one in our family and extended family is goING to be involved in any government undertakING or foreign policy. And nobody has an office in this place."
But Biden's claim that no one from his family worked in the Obama administration is patently false.
At age 26, Biden's niece Casey Owens worked at the Treasury Department as a Special Assistant to the Senior Coordinator for China in the Obama administration.
She wielded considerable influence over the direction of U.S.-China relations between 2009 and 2011, as she described her team as "advisING" former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and responsible for "coordinat[ING] the priorities within the agenda for the Dialogue" and "spearhead[ING] the negotiations of proposals."
What's more, an unearthed cable reveals Owens was part of the elite Strategic and Economic Dialogue II plannING trip to BeijING as part of an economic with senior State and Treasury officials. And despite beING out of the administration for five years, she attended the Obama administration's final state dinner.
Similarly, another niece of Biden, Missy Owens, worked at the Department of Energy as a Deputy Chief of Staff from 2009 to 2011. There, she "oversaw and coordinated strategic interaction with the White House, Cabinet agencies, Members of Congress, business leaders and interest groups and acted as a primary point of contact for Agency leadership."
And in early 2011, Owens was promptly promoted to Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary of Commerce.
Valerie Biden Owens, the former veep's younger sister, was also a presidential nominee for the position of Alternate Representative of the United States to the General Assembly of the United Nations.
#13275250 at 2021-03-22 15:52:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16816: Post HBO Debut Recption Evaluation Edition
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13275217 Putin holds teleconference with developers and manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines
>>13275200 Updated Dough
>>13275182 Glitches or FINGer Twitches? Commision is missING an [s] - Mike Pompeo ~ China is the world's largest polluter
>>13275180 February 26,2020 - Dutch State Secretary Admits 5G Will Be Used For Crowd Control
>>13275173 GRVL? You takING the bake ? Nice and clean for next baker.
>>13275154 Muh Black Muh White Muh Asian Muh Latino… What were the Asian ladies doING sneakING into Mar-A-Largo?
>>13275147 "Dan Scavino facebook cancelled? Anyone else get this?" NOPE, >>13275160
>>13275129 BREAKING: European Union to impose sanctions on China for human rights abuses -WaPo
>>13275070 BREAKING: Veritas DHS Insider leaks document warnING of a Central American-based caravan headed to the US by March 30th
>>13275055 "How Would the Tickle Feel?" - CAUGHT ON AUDIO: Far Left Media Hack Leaves Death Threat on GOP Lawmaker's Home Phone! - Sexually Harasses His Wife
>>13275038 Didn't Slavers Make Their Slaves Kneel? The Entire Georgetown Team Kneels For The National Anthem, Proceeds To Lose By 23 Points "Oh You SOO Woke."
>>13275032 "Muhfuccn Wetather" Fox weather forecaster Janice Dean blasts Gov. Cuomo: 'He needs to go to jail!'
>>13275028 Prosecutor who tried to frame 6 officers is under investigation with her kook husband
>>13274989, >>13275203, >>13275225 Pf Reports
>>13274983, >>13275156 JUST IN - Saudi Arabia announces plan to offer Yemen's Houthi rebels a cease-fire under UN supervision, calls on Houthis to accept it to demonstrate they are not beholden to Iran.
>>13274968, >>13274980, >>13274991, >>13275013 GamerGate Refresh
>>13274939 Rapper Lil Mama Says She Is StartING a 'Heterosexual Rights Movement'
>>13274937 "Let The Lawsuits Begin". Arizona House Passes Election Integrity Reform Bill to Prohibit Private FundING of Election Administration
>>13274936, >>13274959, >>13275126 H. Bdn and Ye Jianm ING document??
>>13274854 Red Cross Month…
>>13274837, >>13275205 JUST IN: U.S. has secret evidence of UFOs breakING sound barrier without a sonic boom and performING moves humans don't have the technology for, Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe reveals -NYP
>>13274827, >>13275171, >>13275183 Oh shit he said "concentration camps" Where's AOC Now?
>>13274791, >>13274796, >>13274899 SpaceX… Space Force… Public\Private. Anons Share Predictions
>>13274776, >>13274992 Recption A+
>>13274762, >>13274777, >>13274810, >>13274823 Anon drops re Big Tech/Pedovore traffickING
>>13274756 The press has officially turned on Biden…
>>13274723 DatefaggING can be unfruitful…
>>13274711, >>13275189, >>13275213, >>13275223 Bible Stories For Anons ~ In Memes Or… Satanic Garbage?
>>13274684 Bulgaria confirms arrest of six-member spy-rING workING for Russia
>>13274683, >>13274707, >>13274720 MollieHW: "In a blisterING dissent, Judge Laurence Silberman said The New York Times and WashINGton Post are 'Democratic Party broadsheets.'" + "Noemhunter"
>>13274671, >>13274858, >>13274955, >>13275068, >>13275199 BREAKING: Project Veritas Obtains Never-Before-Seen Images Inside Texas Detention Facility -Mar 22, 2021
>>13274665 Judge takes action on gun law bannING semi-automatics
>>13274640 "MSM Banned"? From Southern Border ??
#13275177 at 2021-03-22 15:39:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16816: Post HBO Debut Recption Evaluation Edition
You ready to bake grvl?
>>13274621 OP
>>13274631, >>13274635 Dough"Request"
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13275154 Muh Black Muh White Muh Asian Muh Latino… What were the Asian ladies doING sneakING into Mar-A-Largo?
>>13275147 "Dan Scavino facebook cancelled? Anyone else get this?" NOPE, >>13275160
>>13275129 BREAKING: European Union to impose sanctions on China for human rights abuses -WaPo
>>13275070 BREAKING: Veritas DHS Insider leaks document warnING of a Central American-based caravan headed to the US by March 30th
>>13275055 "How Would the Tickle Feel?" - CAUGHT ON AUDIO: Far Left Media Hack Leaves Death Threat on GOP Lawmaker's Home Phone! - Sexually Harasses His Wife
>>13275038 Didn't Slavers Make Their Slaves Kneel? The Entire Georgetown Team Kneels For The National Anthem, Proceeds To Lose By 23 Points "Oh You SOO Woke."
>>13275032 "Muhfuccn Wetather" Fox weather forecaster Janice Dean blasts Gov. Cuomo: 'He needs to go to jail!'
>>13275028 Prosecutor who tried to frame 6 officers is under investigation with her kook husband
>>13274989 Pf Reports
>>13274983, >>13275156 JUST IN - Saudi Arabia announces plan to offer Yemen's Houthi rebels a cease-fire under UN supervision, calls on Houthis to accept it to demonstrate they are not beholden to Iran.
>>13274968, >>13274980, >>13274991, >>13275013 GamerGate Refresh
>>13274939 Rapper Lil Mama Says She Is StartING a 'Heterosexual Rights Movement'
>>13274937 "Let The Lawsuits Begin". Arizona House Passes Election Integrity Reform Bill to Prohibit Private FundING of Election Administration
>>13274936, >>13274959 H. Bdn and Ye Jianm ING document??
>>13274854 Red Cross Month…
>>13274837 JUST IN: U.S. has secret evidence of UFOs breakING sound barrier without a sonic boom and performING moves humans don't have the technology for, Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe reveals -NYP
>>13274827, >>13275171 Oh shit he said "concentration camps" Where's AOC Now?
>>13274791, >>13274796, >>13274899 SpaceX… Space Force… Public\Private. Anons Share Predictions
>>13274776, >>13274992 Recption A+
>>13274762, >>13274777, >>13274810, >>13274823 Anon drops re Big Tech/Pedovore traffickING
>>13274756 The press has officially turned on Biden…
>>13274723 DatefaggING can be unfruitful…
>>13274711 Bible Stories For Anons ~ In Memes
>>13274684 Bulgaria confirms arrest of six-member spy-rING workING for Russia
>>13274683, >>13274707, >>13274720 MollieHW: "In a blisterING dissent, Judge Laurence Silberman said The New York Times and WashINGton Post are 'Democratic Party broadsheets.'" + "Noemhunter"
>>13274671, >>13274858, >>13274955, >>13275068 BREAKING: Project Veritas Obtains Never-Before-Seen Images Inside Texas Detention Facility -Mar 22, 2021
>>13274665 Judge takes action on gun law bannING semi-automatics
>>13274640 "MSM Banned"? From Southern Border ??
#13274936 at 2021-03-22 14:50:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16816: Post HBO Debut Recption Evaluation Edition
H Bdn and Ye Jianm ING document
#13271067 at 2021-03-21 23:47:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16811: Miami False Flag Fails To Stop The Awakening Edition
Fat nappy trannys are Hogg-ING the loaf
#13257407 at 2021-03-19 19:56:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16794: Brokeback Biden Falls Up The Stairs Edition
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#13251893 at 2021-03-18 23:14:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16787: Enjoy The Show Edition
>on the edge
^bill gehytes edge browser ING for ass apples through a window 10
#13248755 at 2021-03-18 13:43:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16783: Mask Narrative Failing Nationwide Edition
I've been thinkING a lot about the two castles: Red Castle/Green Castle.
Anons discovered US Army Corps of Engineers.
Credit to Anons who deciphered Red/Green Castle.
Why must we communicate this way?
Think NAT SEC laws.
I think this "you figured it all out" from Q is disinfo, and that double meanINGs exist in regards to the two castles.
-D sky is fallING push to public (scare to control)(projection)
-Public AwakenING
-Narrative damage control
-Placeholders active
-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D's)
-Red/Green Castle per orig plan
Dark to Light.
[link to "video that will get Trump elected"]
Could the above be referrING to the present? The Ds control all the power in DC and they are definitely Chicken Little-ING the flu. There definitely has not been a great Public AwakenING though you can feel it comING. Awareness of Ds is spreadING. Even Sarah Silverman doesn't want to be associated with the "absolutist-ness" Democrat party.
Q mentions CHESS ten times.
[link – Graham shoots down Trump's call for Obama testimony on Russia probe origins]
Worth rememberING.
Think Chess.
Do you attack the KING in the beginnING or middle-to-end?
QUEEN protects KING?
Link could be disinfo.
Trump is the kING, not Obama.
Democrats attacked the kING with 2 impeachments, from the middle to the end of his term. Not sure what QUEEN protects KING means in this scenario. All pieces on the board have the capability of protectING the KING. One maneuver specifically gets the KING out of check: CastlING, where the KING and the CASTLE both MOVE.
Red Castle = White House, DC (though I just discovered it was lit green for St. Patrick's day - pic related)
Green Castle = White House, Mar a Lago (the KING CASTLED).
Link to picture:
#13248055 at 2021-03-18 07:53:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16782: CHYNA and Hunter Biden's DeepFakes Collusion Edition
CNN admits Gov. Ron DeSantis succeeded despite refusING to lock down Florida and social media is meltING down
'CNN you're out of your f***ING minds for this headline'
#13227219 at 2021-03-15 22:30:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16762: Reverse Target Aquisition Edition
>Not much coverage of this, rent farmING gamers with in game interactive AI avatar shillING.
>By readING emotional cues, the machine knows when the gamer is psychological vulnerable.
>The AI/avatar approached the emotionally unbalanced gamer, feigns friendship and 2000% increase over previous baseline in game purchases.
let's get back into that… and these bad bad bots programmed up and about
very very bad bad thINGs goING on
>its cardi f-ING b
I mean… can you prove it isnt?…
#13198405 at 2021-03-13 19:17:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16744: Impeach and Imprison Cuomo for MASS #SENICIDE Edition
Keep "Q"ING on…
#13195723 at 2021-03-13 04:54:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16741: The 'The Bread Must Flow' Edition
KEK-ING over the moon! OFS Fren!
#13187135 at 2021-03-11 18:44:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16730: E-Bake on day 93 dark
ING, one, two, . . .
#13182604 at 2021-03-10 20:49:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16725: Strasbourg France Data Center + Q Research = PANIC Edition
Taiwan Has Enough Water to Keep Chipmakers HummING Till May
On Sunday, President Tsai ING-wen said on her Facebook page her government will do everythING in its power to stabilize supply. ChipmakING consumes enormous quantities of both power and water. U.S., Japanese and European officials have urged the Taiwanese government to do all it can to ensure a steady supply of chips as automakers in their countries delay production and idle plants due to a lack of crucial components.
#13181855 at 2021-03-10 17:26:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16724: APB On Bread #16718 Missing In Action Edition
oh yeah - noteworthy for anons -
I'm usING the tor browser with clearnet address. I refresh connections with 8kun every once in a while via the menu. Try this + openING a tab with the captcha to answer when posts don't go through
I assume mine is a cache issue of sorts because others seem to be usING clearnet and standard browsers
fyi I'm captcha-ING about every other post, includING this one.
#13172893 at 2021-03-09 02:21:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16716: Massive Attacks On Free Speech Platform Gab Edition
#13172760 at 2021-03-09 01:54:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16716: Massive Attacks On Free Speech Platform Gab Edition
Clarence Thomas Delivers Decisive RulING in Religious-Free-Speech Case
Student Chike Uzuegbunam, an Evangelical Christian, was told that if he wanted to evangelize his faith to his fellow students, he would have to apply three days in advance for a permit, and then confine his activities to one of the two free-speech zones. After receivING the permit, he was told by campus cops that he could not share his faith even in one of the speech zones, because doING so violated a campus ban on "disturb[ING] the peace and/or comfort of person(s)." (Of course, these days, almost any opinion, especially on matters of faith, will make someone on campus uncomfortable.) So he sued, represented by the Alliance DefendING Freedom and supported by Jeff Sessions and the Trump Justice Department. In response, the college changed the policy and tried to get the lawsuit dismissed as moot. Eventually, the issue reached the Supreme Court. And today, Justice Clarence Thomas delivered a clear victory for the plaintiffs.
Today, in Uzuegbunam, Thomas wrote the majority opinion in an 8-1 decision findING that a suit for nominal damages for a violation of noneconomic constitutional rights can be maintained in federal court. Much of the decision, in originalist fashion, traced the common-law history of nominal damages, which were originally disfavored but gained acceptance in the English common law after a 1703 decision by the House of Lords (Britain's highest judicial body) in a case involvING the denial of the right to vote. As Justice Thomas wrote, the Court rejected "the flawed premise that nominal damages are purely symbolic, a mere judicial token that provides no actual benefit to the plaintiff." Chief Justice Roberts dissented alone (a rare sight), arguING that the history was less clear and that the Court should not exceed its modest role:
"Today's decision risks a major expansion of the judicial role. Until now, we have said that federal courts can review the legality of policies and actions only as a necessary incident to resolvING real disputes. GoING forward, the Judiciary will be required to perform this function whenever a plaintiff asks for a dollar. For those who want to know if their rights have been violated, the least dangerous branch will become the least expensive source of legal advice."
How the fuck did this guy ever become a judge let alone a SC Justice?
#13172429 at 2021-03-09 00:32:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16716: Massive Attacks On Free Speech Platform Gab Edition
#13172424 at 2021-03-09 00:29:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16716: Massive Attacks On Free Speech Platform Gab Edition
of all the shit i have to do in a day, whine-ING is at the bottom, haha
none of the other shit would get done if i put whine-ING at the top, kek
#13165797 at 2021-03-07 04:13:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16707: The 'Take A Ghost, Leave A Ghost' Edition
4373 [D]
4372 [controlled]
4371 [ING] of situation(s)]
4360 [Determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of respondING to the growING unrest]
4354 [F]
4353 [e]
4352 [pre_knowledge to group(s)]
4351 [DECLAS designation(s)]
4348 [Sample]
4343 [no lockdown]
4342 [excuse]
4341 [excuse]
4340 [excuse]
4339 [excuse]
4338 [CDC data then vs now]
4337 [SAFE]
4333 [threat]
4331 [Brennan]
4329 [other than]
4325 [rig]
4321 [growth]
4320 [virus]
4319 [sellING]
4318 [power]
4317 [D]
4310 [HELD]
4309 [soon]
4307 [D]
4306 [critical]
4305 [40 years on the market]
4303 [soon]
4299 [C]
4296 [DEM]
4295 [ ]
4294 [evil releases evil]
4293 [D]
4290 [D]
4283 [you]
4282 [public]
4281 [optics]
4278 [HRC] by media]
4258 [matters of NAT SEC]
4257 [understandING]
4256 [you are here]
4250 [note: who wears a mask and who does not]
4247 [Pelosi]
4245 [select]
4239 [D]
4238 [one or more]
4235 [attached names to]
4231 [late] justify]
4229 [soon]
4227 [Russia]
4219 [D]
4202 [full picture]
4200 [Entous]
4196 [CLAS 1-99]
4181 [D]
4178 [1%]
4173 [D]
4172 [Seattle-Tacoma International Airport]
4166 [1%]
4164 [D]
4163 [CNN]
4162 [knowINGly]
4156 [D]
4154 [shadow]
4152 [D]
4147 [Michael Atkinson]
4139 [postING of Patriot TWIT accounts]
4136 [D]]
4133 [ongoING_now]
4132 [0:00 - 21.45]
4128 [note: rare 'truth' caught on camera]
4127 [note: they all read from a teleprompter - who controls the message?]
4124 [NAT SEC]
4123 [secure]
4120 [FAKE]
4118 [sleepers]]
4110 [hard-push]
4105 [undisclosed methods]
4103 [Sample _ past 30 days]
4101 [from every source]
4098 [Hussein, Barry]
4097 [D]
4093 [an informed free-thinkING pubic]
4090 [D]
4088 [challenge]
4079 [-1]
4078 [painted]
4048 [massive global reach]
4045 [Jan 15]
4022 [cov]
4021 [cov]
4020 [control of you]
4015 [sheep]
4014 [taxpayer bailout?]
4013 [weaponized]
4008 [Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or chal- lenge political control of a region. As such, it is primarily a political struggle, in which both sides use armed force to create space for their political, economic and influence activities to be effective. Insurgency is not always conducted by a sINGle group with a centralized, military-style command structure, but may involve a complex matrix of different actors with various aims, loosely connected in dynamic and non-hierarchical networks. To be successful, insurgencies require charismatic leadership, supporters, recruits, supplies, safe havens and fundING (often from illicit activities). They only need the active support of a few enablING individuals, but the passive acquiescence of a large proportion of the contested population will give a higher probability of success. This is best achieved when the political cause of the insurgency has strong appeal, manipulatING religious, tribal or local identity to exploit common societal grievances or needs. Insurgents seek to gain control of populations through a combination of persuasion, subversion and coercion while usING guerrilla tactics to offset the strengths of government security forces. Their intent is usually to protract the struggle, exhaust the government and win sufficient popular support to force capitulation or political accommodation. Consequently, insurgencies evolve through a series of stages, though the progression and outcome will be different in almost every case.]
4004 [FF event(s)]
4002 [why]
3995 [secure]
3994 [secure]
3993 [AS]
3992 ['we are beING 'politically' attacked because MUELLER...]
3990 [Ref: public optics: 'retired''left' refers to 'fired/forced']
3982 [Set 1]
3973 [HRC]
3972 [KnowINGly]
3969 [Q]
3968 [R]
3966 [think Barr public]
3963 [awake]
3957 [Paul Ryan_Fox]
3954 [98]
3951 [CLAS 1-99: future]
3934 [Placeholder - FISA_pub]
3932 [propaganda]
3931 [4]
#13165791 at 2021-03-07 04:11:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16707: The 'Take A Ghost, Leave A Ghost' Edition
>>13132449 (pb)
4951 [forced]
4945 [protected]
4943 [digestion]
4940 [D] party beING exposed for all to see]
4919 [pollster]
4917 [protect]
4916 [sick]
4910 [truth]
4908 [cross party lines]
4904 [3]
4898 [special agent Joshua Wilson]
4893 [attempt to free _provide 'shade' H. Biden?]
4891 [years of beING treated poorly by 'Pop']
4890 [in powerful positions] US pols]
4886 [Russia _Midyear]
4885 [attempt 2x]
4881 [day after]?]
4875 [POTUS #1]
4873 [communist]
4872 [DNC media push echo _submitted 'talkING points' _generate false narrative]
4871 [reports?]
4870 [context for future]
4861 [Past 7 Days]
4857 [2]
4855 [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearINGs > foundation to term/censor, etc]
4851 [harmful politically]
4850 [knowINGly]
4846 [RR]
4845 [route _Huma cc > Weiner backup]
4842 [D]
4839 [direct _indirect]
4838 [direct _indirect]
4836 ["people are dyING"]
4831 [protect]
4830 [lend credibility]
4828 [long]
4826 [current year]
4819 [had]
4818 [blackmail]
4817 [natural vs controlled?]
4816 [GSA v FBI]
4813 [F]
4812 [knows]
4806 [D]
4805 [projection]
4803 [cell cam]
4802 [D]
4794 [UNITED]
4785 [RR]
4784 [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net]
4782 [total expenses 2018: $47,510,175]
4777 [East Africa Operations]
4773 [select parts re: CF-i]
4772 [in a quiver]
4770 [steps down]
4766 [financially-legally-backed]
4763 [DEM]
4755 [alter outcome]
4750 [VJ _HA]
4748 [unaware of truth]
4746 [illegal]
4742 [faith in Humanity]
4741 [counter]
4738 [surveillance + campaign insert(s) + WH insert(s)]
4737 [track & follow events]
4734 [bypass controlled media narrative]
4726 [1:35]
4724 [fear]
4723 [propaganda]
4722 [organized _ANTIFA]
4707 [D]
4700 [think what you see today]
4699 [ANTIFA]
4697 [https://archive.is/Hw9JK📁]
4688 [seize control]
4686 [track & follow events]
4685 [be free]
4680 [D]
4672 [riots]
4661 [mod]
4658 [cyclING 5s]
4655 [safe zones]
4653 [Past 12 hours]
4651 [deliberate intent to deceive re: anti-narrative]
4648 [solace]
4647 [F]
4646 [digital]
4645 [what you see is not true _ what we say is true not what you see]
4644 [D]
4641 [to participate]
4640 [November]
4639 [forest - brush]
4638 [defame]
4635 [re-deployed]
4634 [finally]
4627 [D]
4623 [unusual]
4622 [resources]
4621 [Placeholder - Indictments TrackING > Civ]
4620 [HUSSEIN]
4614 [0:00 - 10:00]
4612 [#1 POTUS]
4603 [umbrella]
702 [s]
4602 [of information]
4599 [8.19.2018]
4598 [note the pen]
4592 [D]
4588 [General public steered by MSDNC like a dog steerING sheep]
4587 [attempts]
4586 [dis]
4584 [4]
4566 [mass pop awakenING]
4565 [CLAS 1-99]]
4559 [and corruption]
4556 [loss of control]
4555 [D]
4554 [clean]
4553 [loss of control]
4552 [D]
4551 ["election was not rigged all polls showed Biden had double digit lead v POTUS" - example]
4550 [dark actions]
4548 [Brann]
4546 [nursING home scandal in public domain _no longer viable option]
4545 [armed citizenry]
4543 [1-99]
4542 [2]
4541 [1]
4539 [F] PUPPET MASTER(S) (strING pullers)]
4537 [D]
4536 [propaganda]]
4535 [livestock kept - sheep]
4533 [ES]
4526 [think battlefield and mission(s)]
4525 [41:45]
4524 [D]
4523 [keep fightING! never give up!]
4522 [think annual influenza death rate(s) re: age group 65+]
4521 [self-preservation]
4516 [routed]
4515 [ING]
4511 [muster network to defend and coordinate attacks]
4509 [slow response time unidentified user(s)]
4505 [senior]
4504 [0:53]
4503 [your life]
4502 [#4500]
4496 ['Digital Battleground']
4494 [F]
4492 [D]
4491 [dogma - a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds]]
4490 [seen on social media]
4489 [Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
4488 [non_TV]
4484 [removal of 'actING']
4481 [for themselves]
4476 [D]
4473 [fly private]]
4471 [D]
4469 [v Confederate Democrats]
4463 [on the backs of people]
4462 [collectively]
4461 [for themselves]
4458 [D]
4457 [before or after]
4456 [today]
4455 [D]
4451 [D]
4449 [owned and operated]
4447 [D]
4446 [D]
4443 [D] party con]
4428 [another]
4426 [+social media]
4424 [case dismissed]
4415 [allow]
4414 [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR]
4409 [sheep]
4407 [moment of destruction]
4404 [WH breach]
4403 [WH breach]
4398 [D]
4397 [sheep]
4383 [visibility]
4382 [coordinated]
4381 [self-preservation]
4380 [D]
4379 [D]
#13160520 at 2021-03-06 09:37:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16703: The bots hate Quantum-Syntax-Grammar Edition
I did fuck knuckle, we should open this up do 25 breads and see there capacity to continue bot-ING , if that's what's really happenING..
#13129943 at 2021-03-05 22:25:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16699: The 'Throw The Coal In The Fire' Edition
IncomING SEC Chair Gensler Will Scrutinize TradING Apps, Rid Crypto Markets Of "Fraud" And "Manipulation"
Biden Administration Bans Reporters From TourING Child Detention BuildINGs Due To 'COVID-19'
BOMB Destroys COVID TestING Center in The Netherlands After Weeks of Shutdowns
"The Entity Itself Has Become Poisoned" - Judicial Watch's Chris Farrell in 2018 Called for ShuttING Down the FBI - Director Wray's Testimony Yesterday Proves Farrell Was Right
D.C. Police Issue Emergency Alert On "Possible" Militia Plot To Breach Capitol Tomorrow
ICC opens formal investigation into alleged war crimes in Palestinian territories, despite Israel's objections
'I wish I never f***ING met him!' Alex Jones trashes Donald Trump in leaked VIDEO
Pulitzer Prize-WinnING Journalist to Sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer for Release of COVID NursING Home Data
After REFUSING to Address Historic Fraud in 2020 Election and StabbING Trump in the Back - Turncoat Mike Pence Is Now LecturING on Election Integrity
Biden agrees to new cap on stimulus checks, axING funds for earners over $80K
New York rolls out pilot COVID-19 passport program for enterING public venues
Mike Pompeo: Conservatives Want a President 'Who's WillING to Break Glass When That's What's Required'
Biden's African-American Advisor Sent Racist, Anti-White Tweets.
Democrat James Clyburn Admits Current Gun Control Push Is Just 'First Step'
Top British Scientists Helped China Develop Nuclear Weapons Technology: Report
'Deepfake' Tom Cruise takes over TikTok: Three videos with more than 11 million views spark fears among experts who say they are 'the most alarmING lifelike examples'
UK Data Show 402 Reports of Deaths FollowING COVID Vaccines
Pentagon took 3 hours and 19 minutes to respond to 'frantic' request to dispatch National Guard forces to defend the Capitol after Jan. 6th breach, commandING D.C. general tells senators
New Analysis: Pfizer Vaccine Killed 'About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed'
Texas' biggest electricity co-op Brazos files for bankruptcy after $2.1BILLION power bill as fallout from the energy crisis that left millions in the dark continues
#13101205 at 2021-03-03 13:00:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16674: Q Research Ops Continue Edition
Another fuck stick copy pasta-ING entire chapters out of books.
I remember the Mein Kampf asshole from a while back.
Get An Original Idea Shill
#13100770 at 2021-03-03 07:17:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16673: MASK FREE Florida Mississippi And Texas Edition
2 definitions found for AscendING
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :
Ascend \As*cend"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ascended; p. pr. & vb.
n. AscendING.] [L. ascendere; ad + scandere to climb,
mount. See Scan.]
1. To move upward; to mount; to go up; to rise; – opposed to
[1913 Webster]
Higher yet that star ascends. –BowrING.
[1913 Webster]
I ascend unto my father and your father. –John xx.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Formerly used with up.
[1913 Webster]
The smoke of it ascended up to heaven. –Addison.
[1913 Webster]
2. To rise, in a figurative sense; to proceed from an
inferior to a superior degree, from mean to noble objects,
from particulars to generals, from modern to ancient
times, from one note to another more acute, etc.; as, our
inquiries ascend to the remotest antiquity; to ascend to
our first progenitor.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: To rise; mount; climb; scale; soar; tower.
[1913 Webster]
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :
AscendING \As*cend"ING\, a.
RisING; movING upward; as, an ascendING kite. –
As*cend"ING*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
AscendING latitude (Astron.), the increasING latitude of a
planet. –Ferguson.
AscendING line (Geneol.), the line of relationship traced
backward or through one's ancestors. One's father and
mother, grandfather and grandmother, etc., are in the line
direct ascendING.
AscendING node havING, that node of the moon or a planet
wherein it passes the ecliptic to proceed northward. It is
also called the northern node. –Herschel.
AscendING series. (Math.)
(a) A series arranged accordING to the ascendING powers of a
(b) A series in which each term is greater than the
AscendING signs, signs east of the meridian.
[1913 Webster]
#13087843 at 2021-03-02 18:27:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16669: America Is The Home Of the Brave Not The Regime Of The Silenced Edition
How bout VVe just start "subpoena"ING
John's Hopkins
Bill & Melinda Gates (& "foundation")
[Insert here] Foundation
Everyone who bought into Clinton's self sustainING fish biod9me without even usING Pauly Shore
A panel of experts play out a pandemic exercise on May 15 to demonstrate what policies and strategies the U.S. government should have in place. (Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security)
(Almost as if rewritING an openING page intro)
So began a recent day-long exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. The simulation mixed details of past disasters with fictional elements to force government officials and experts to make the kinds of key decisions they could face in a real pandemic.
It was a tense day. The exercise was inspired in part by the troubled response to the Ebola epidemic of 2014, and everyone involved was acutely aware of the very real and ongoING Ebola outbreak spreadING in Congo.
Eyez pn Skippah
#13087540 at 2021-03-02 18:16:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16669: America Is The Home Of the Brave Not The Regime Of The Silenced Edition
Alleged Sex Pest Andrew Cuomo Hires Lawyer Who Defended Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen
Embattled governor Andrew Cuomo (D., N.Y.) has retained the services of a high-powered criminal defense attorney who defended Harvey Weinstein and Woody Allen against allegations of sexual assault.
Elkan Abramowitz, a former federal prosecutor with close ties to Manhattan district attorney Cy Vance, will serve as legal counsel to the governor and his top aides, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.
New York attorney general Letitia James is investigatING the Cuomo administration on several fronts. Three women have now accused the governor of sexual harassment. Allegations include unwanted kissING and touchING, as well as inappropriate or suggestive comments, such as askING a 25-year-old female subordinate if she "had ever been with an older man" while the pair were alone in his office.
"To be clear I never inappropriately touched anybody and I never propositioned anybody and I never intended to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but these are allegations that New Yorkers deserve answers to," Cuomo said in a statement (sort of) apologizING for his past behavior, which he described as "beING playful and mak[ING] jokes that I think are funny."
Cuomo, who asked constituents to await the findINGs of an independent investigation "before makING any judgment," finally referred the matter to James's office on Sunday after state lawmakers rejected his initial proposal to have a former federal judge investigate the allegations on his behalf.
James is also investigatING the Cuomo administration's handlING of the state's nursING homes durING the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The attorney general's office recently released a report indicatING the Cuomo administration had significantly undercounted the number of COVID-related deaths in nursING homes. The administration quickly updated the figures, increasING the nursING home death toll by more than 40 percent.
Abramowitz, who represented Cuomo durING a federal investigation into the governor's decision to prematurely dismantle an anti-corruption panel he created in 2013, will have his work cut out for him. The lawyer has certainly made a name for himself as the go-to legal counsel for celebrity sex pests.
#13085621 at 2021-03-02 13:22:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16666: The 'Hurricanes More Significant Than Previously Known' Edition
These men, to obtain their own liberation,
resolved to accuse the Templars of monstrous offenses against the Church and State.AccordING to their charges, the Order denied Christ, the Virgin, and the saints; prac-ticed idolatry, cannibalism, witchcraft, debaucheries, and abominations.The two miserable men were released from prison as a reward for their lies, but they gained little from
their liberty. One was afterward hanged, and the other, beheaded. It was upon such perjured testimony that the most magnificent Order of Chivalry was reduced to ashes. De Molay must have realized from the beginnING of the elaborate series of trials that justice had no place in the
procedures. The Order was doomed from the beginnING, and on the 18th of March 1314, he stood before the cardinal of Alba and heard the sentence of perpetual im-prisonment. When the cardinal began a detailed account of the guilt of the Templars based upon confessions obtained by torture, the Grand Master interrupted him with a sweep-ING denial: "I know the punishments which have been inflicted on all the knights who had the courage to revoke
a similar confession; but the dreadful spectacle which is presented to me is not able to make me confirm one lie by another. The life offered to me on such infamous terms I abandon without regret."
#13077013 at 2021-03-01 06:12:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16655: Marker [1] complete Edition
Fuck that…If I'm bangin' a commie, it'll be AOC. If she's half as crazy in bed, as she is when she's reeeeeeee-ING everywhere… she'd be one helluva pecker wrecker.
#13072346 at 2021-02-28 22:14:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General#16649: MORE President Trump Rally Bread Edition
He's got nothING. Made a deal for himself and his family. It's up to Patriots, just like it always was. Allowed a bioweapon attack on our country. F-ING traitor.
#13072260 at 2021-02-28 22:11:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General#16649: MORE President Trump Rally Bread Edition
Muh Numbers
Q 3689
Q 3188 [Katherine] how many times did POTUS say?
Time[ING] is important.
How many coincidences [use of coincidences essential not to violate NAT SEC?] before mathematically impossible?
>Q Research General#16649: MORE President Trump Rally Bread Edition
#13070056 at 2021-02-28 18:52:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General#16646: President Trump SOTU Address Today - Anons Comfy Edition
Please pray with me.
I worship and honor my heavenly Father,
the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
I ask You, Lord Jesus, to assign Your holy
angels to protect me from any strategies of
darkness designed to oppose this prayer for
In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ and by
the power of His blood, I affirm my authority
over all wicked spirits assigned to control me
and hinder my life and witness for Christ. I
now command all lINGerING wicked spirits to
cease their work and be bound in the presence
of the Lord Jesus Christ. I also bind all replacer
wicked spirits assigned to rebuild evicted
strongholds. They may not do that! I command
all those spirits assigned against me to remain
whole spirits. I forbid any dividING, restructur-
ING, or multiplyING of wicked spirits workING
against me.
All powers of darkness havING assignment
against me must hear and obey Him who is
their Creator and Conqueror. I affirm that God
has seated me with Christ Jesus in the heavenly
realms far above all principalities and supernat-
ural powers of darkness.
Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to tell all of
these powers of darkness assigned to rule over
me where they must go. Confine them where
they can never trouble me again. I yield fully to
all of the purposes You have in this battle I
have been facING. In Your great name I pray.
#13069911 at 2021-02-28 18:36:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General#16646: President Trump SOTU Address Today - Anons Comfy Edition
Titter Social MarketING
twtr will take and not give
twtr has counter moves also
since they own the platform, own the rights, own the content, on the connections
part of GOOD strategy imo is by bassING twtr SEC
if you say 'PlaneFag' on twtr what will a shill do?
If your meme has Pepe, what do they say?
There is no free speech on twtr, only the illusion of free speech.
It is 1 of many tools to share Truth.
If you go after accts, what will they say/report?
Once down, signal stop, News stop, Notables stop until back up.
Important to be up when News breaks or when WE need word out.
Free Country, play it how you want, choice it yours.
Thank you Anons.
When on tw_t:
- make retweet lounge on backup account
- always use a meme
- hit reply on those HUGE accounts and use your best meme
- only retweet GREAT STUFF
- dont waste your time on fights/drama, hit BLOCK instead
- always like twats you like.
- stick to a daily routine
- (re)tweet #TrumpTrain #NewFrens etc: posts with new frens to follow (and follow them)
- make follow-these-patriots tw_ts
- lookop other patriots "follow these patriots" twts, follow & RT them (#TrumpTrain or #NewFrens)
==> Maximize effective twattING by:
- not RT-ING stupid stuff
- pin new great tweet to profile every day
- #Instablock the deranged
- donot enter into twat war and bore your followers
- GREAT MEMES every day
- SAUCE your twats and be interdastING
- inform anons when their account has been set to private (and send a screenshot explainING how to fix it)
- inform anons when their account has been targeted by the ONLY FOR YOU "virus" and tell them how to fix it
- Be careful who you follow (RT)
- Do not post illegal content and keep your account UP.
-reply to commentors with low replies and high followING
-reply to commentors with lots of replies
-reply to your reply (cuz fawkem)
-share with frens who share
-reply to swING districts twitter accnts
-need richfag to run redpill fb/twitter ads
-Post and reply to spanish population in spanish (habla espanol)
-reply with potus tweeted facts (caps and twat links)
-LeavING it (memes) as a reply on PDJT
-use what current memes we have and start postING to the spanihs in community. speak in spanish when postING to them.
#13063489 at 2021-02-27 22:35:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16637: War Machines Are Turning Edition
Affect can become a noun if it steals an ING from somewhere.
Effect can never not be a noun.
Not even double negativity can change that fact.
#13063225 at 2021-02-27 22:01:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16637: War Machines Are Turning Edition
Please pray with me.
I worship and honor my heavenly Father,
the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
I ask You, Lord Jesus, to assign Your holy
angels to protect me from any strategies of
darkness designed to oppose this prayer for
In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ and by
the power of His blood, I affirm my authority
over all wicked spirits assigned to control me
and hinder my life and witness for Christ. I
now command all lINGerING wicked spirits to
cease their work and be bound in the presence
of the Lord Jesus Christ. I also bind all replacer
wicked spirits assigned to rebuild evicted
strongholds. They may not do that! I command
all those spirits assigned against me to remain
whole spirits. I forbid any dividING, restructur-
ING, or multiplyING of wicked spirits workING
against me.
All powers of darkness havING assignment
against me must hear and obey Him who is
their Creator and Conqueror. I affirm that God
has seated me with Christ Jesus in the heavenly
realms far above all principalities and supernat-
ural powers of darkness.
Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to tell all of
these powers of darkness assigned to rule over
me where they must go. Confine them where
they can never trouble me again. I yield fully to
all of the purposes You have in this battle I
have been facING. In Your great name I pray.
#13059632 at 2021-02-27 10:17:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16632: EBake Edition
are you a raw vegan?
No. Plant based diet - still usING fire. (don't tell John Rose ;-) Muh nematodes are Legion and happy (enough) with my Captain-ING-ness
#13059543 at 2021-02-27 09:49:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16632: EBake Edition
>names have power... use them.
True dat: I_AM:MOAI
rotated-ING 7
#13058965 at 2021-02-27 06:43:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16632: EBake Edition
AGG part 3 to end
3) Note content of 3572: "DoD", "route", "9999999", "pack", "1-99"; don't ignore "RED" 3574; 3575: "/deC/"; 3576: "/agg_recir_deC/"; 3579 "/agg_image_failure/", "/route_DoD_11.11.18/". Do not forget to read beyond.
a) "DoD": seems like military to me… think of the first 36 Q drops as a House all its own, H36, military is key along with that 11.3 riddle, connect the dots, intellectual in nature, Q Code based.
b) "route": as in internet routes, a set of numbers, 4 sets at most, 3 digits at most each, 255 high, no leadING zeros except as placeholder… that is norm
c) so why a DoD route of "9999999", 7 nines, only twice in Q, other use between 4ch and 8ch
d) "pack": curious
e) "pack: 1-99", trace 1-99 through Q Code and relate it back to the wider context here
f) don't ignore "RED", I'm thinkING even red red, save the children and/or Roths targeted, what's the dif
g) "/deC/": speculate double meanING, note internet style, maybe act of declassification in DC location… by internet means, related to 1-99?
h) "/agg_recir_deC/": what role might an internet source of 'agg' play in deC? Is not qagg obvious since this is keyed by Q? "recir" is rarest of all, only this one use crammed between "/aggg" and "deC/". 'Recirculate' plausible as in qagg recirculates DC DECLAS, but can any find yet another meanING/explanation? Test 'recir' in typical electronic dictionary, not many options are there.
i) an "image failure" qagg, hmm? Did I see that because I was lookING on a particular delta point, further below?
j) What did DoD/military route on 11.11.18 one year previous or is that WRONG, WRONG, ALL WRONG? Think INTERNET! 11.11.18 only twice by Q, this is second and last. WHAT IS THAT NUMBER, FIRST USE OF "11.11.18", AND ON WHAT DATE? What other content in that drop… OH IF I COULD ONLY unite IT ALL. Do you recall the use of "11/11/18", only once in all of Q by a legal type Canadian shill?
So many pieces and this just in these few drops at RETURN when /agg puts egg on Cabal face… we, they, learned, DARKNESS, think 3M Dark, does not last beneath Q blast, true Patriots endure, did I say in 19, under fire, with no light, long night, so much like now.
Digression, why do I count, record, report Q use. Ever think of a pin, a very small thING doING big task, like holdING hair up or cloth together for sewING. But also a relatively small pin holds the roarING monstrous tractor to the huge cleated dead weight called plow. In that use, a pin turns the sod that feeds us all. A mere pin links, turns and pivots to feed the world. It all hINGes on a tiny solid, well tooled and placed pin. In Q Code, critical small pieces go unfound if there is no turn to measure. CountING finds and understands the lynchpins. I am glad Q assured us 34 times to 'trust the plan', in part meanING, 'this ain't goING to be easy', as we now find. We are now livING that, provING 'trust the plan' valid admonishment. Big portions of Q Code often turn and link on little connectING pins.
So what is the first use of 11.11.18, echoed on 11.11.19 concernING/modifyING/attached-to "/agg"? Drop number 1-2-3-4 on 4/21 of 2018. Think it through, 2021 perspective. Count 1-2-3-4, Trump's 4, on 4/21, now in year 21. Think further… on April 21st… history lesson PATRIOTS, a 2 day delta any year since 75, that is back in year Q75, long back, centuries before internet. What year is it now, 21? Trump finished 4, count 1-2-3-4… 4 and it is now 21. Perhaps we best rethink drop 1-2-3-4 for today.
AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN… Q shouts. "UNIFIED" do not forget that word.
11.11.18… Think date, understand internet, double meanING.
Of course it is only natural for us to think 11.11.2018, a few months after 4/21/2018, 1-2-3-4 drop. But 11.11.18 also points to the first Armistice Day, end of WW I, as in 11/11/1918 thus double meanING fulfilled! Have I already confused you with double talk? NothING happened on 11.11.18, America was not unified on 11.11.2018, or any Armistice since, Q a damn clown, a duff. And so a Canadian legal type shill shouted back to Q on 12/2/2018, see "11/11/18", only once in all of Q Code, by shill. The drop on casual read may seem like emotional outburst of jumbled mass. But study realizes Q looked for this big-mouth clown, ready to launch many lynchpin-ING links back into the House of first 36 (H36), Q's BIGGEST DROP, MI and the hide of 11.3 riddle. Please follow along, Q's rebuff to Canadian shill.
#13041428 at 2021-02-25 00:19:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16609 Still Learn To Bake! Edition
Preemptive strike, they know the Dems ING turn against him, so to keep control of those Dems, they sacrifice Coumo. He's all ready been paid off, with book deal and Emmy, so they have known for awhile they need a scapegoat.
#13039924 at 2021-02-24 19:48:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16607: Democrats Don't Want Biden To Have Control Of Nuclear Weapons? Edition
Babel-ING hysteresis
#13038514 at 2021-02-24 15:44:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16606: We Were Chosen For A Reason Edition
Why 28 Republicans Are CallING for an Investigation Into the National Institutes of Health
It blows my mind they are not all callING for it, left or right
Twenty-eight Republicans on Tuesday sent a letter to Health and Human Services' (HHS) Principal Deputy Inspector General Christi Grimm askING for an investigation into the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) relationship with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
AccordING to the legislators, there is sufficient evidence callING for an independent investigation into whether or not COVID-19 was the result of a lab leak at the WIV. The members of Congress have concerns about taxpayer funds partially fundING the WIV's research.
"The NIH, unfortunately, has played a major role in supportING WIV and this treacherous research and the promotion of spurious claims dismissING the NIH-funded lab's potential role in the COVID-19 pandemic," the letter states.
The 28 members accuse NIH Director Francis Collins of "secretively funnel[ING]" taxpayer funds to "WIV's reckless coronavirus experiments through grants awarded to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. The Pentagon also apparently funded WIV via a grant to EcoHealth."
In the letter, the Republicans say EcoHealth Alliance's president, Peter Daszak, slammed the United States government for investigatING whether or not the Wuhan coronavirus started in a lab at WIV.
"In light of all this, we are gravely concerned about the NIH's relationship with both EcoHealth and WIV, and the Agency's handlING of allegations that the COVID-19 pandemic was potentially caused by an NIH-funded laboratory at WIV," the letter states. "We also are alarmed that WIV is eligible to receive additional fundING from the NIH through 2024."
These are the eight questions the members of Congress would like answers to:
1. When was the NIH first aware that coronavirus experiments were beING conducted at WIV with taxpayer funds (via EcoHealth Alliance or otherwise)?
2. Did NIH officials review WIV's coronavirus experiments to assess compliance with Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO) guidelines?
3. When was the NIH first aware of biosafety or other concerns at WIV?
4. Was the NIH briefed on the concerns raised by the State Department in 2018 about the potential pandemic risk of WIV's research?
5. Did Dr. Collins or other NIH officials communicate with EcoHealth Alliance and/or WIV to coordinate responses to lab leak allegations?
6. When does WIV's current eligibility to receive NIH fundING expire?
7. Is WIV currently receivING any NIH support directly or indirectly?
8. How much NIH fundING - directly or indirectly - has WIV received from the NIH includING grants, sub-grants, and other fundING sources.
The letter was signed by Scott Perry (PA), Nancy Mace (SC), Bill Posey (FL), Rick Crawford (AR), Greg Steube (FL), Jody Hice (GA), Jeff Duncan (SC), Matt Gaetz (FL), Tom Tiffany (WI), Ronny Jackson (TX), Troy Balderson (OH), Pete Sessions (TX), Andy Biggs (AZ), Diana Harshbarger (TN), Elise Stefanik (NY), Chip Roy (TX), Jeff Van Drew (NJ), Daniel Webster (FL), Ted Budd (NC), Austin Scott (GA), Ralph Norman (SC), Dan Newhouse (WA), Dan Crenshaw (TX), Guy Reschenthaler (PA), Louie Gohmert (TX) and Ken Buck (CO).
#13036569 at 2021-02-24 06:11:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16603: It Ain't Gonna Bake Itself - TOR Edition
fuck 'em. they ain't gonna back away from this shit unless they back away from the whole "men andwomen are equal" bullshit. in for a penny, in for a pound(ING).
#13032718 at 2021-02-23 19:41:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16598: Why is the National Guard in DC? Edition
Does anyone else feel this is one sick f-ING con game?
#13029176 at 2021-02-23 07:49:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16594: The 'Baking In The Gulch' Edition
Main articles: Land reform in North Vietnam and Land reform in Vietnam
See also: NLF and PAVN strategy, organization and structure; Persecution of Degar Peoples in Vietnam; Re-education camp (Vietnam); and Vietnamese boat people
Valentino attributes 80,000-200,000 deaths to "communist mass killINGs" in North and South Vietnam.[217]
AccordING to scholarship based on Vietnamese and Hungarian archival evidence, as many as 15,000 suspected landlords were executed durING North Vietnam's land reform from 1953 to 1956.[bi][218][219] The North Vietnamese leadership planned in advance to execute 0.1% of North Vietnam's population (estimated at 13.5 million in 1955) as "reactionary or evil landlords", although this ratio could vary in practice.[220][221] Dramatic errors were committed in the course of the land reform campaign.[222] Vu Tuong states that the number of executions durING North Vietnam's land reform was proportionally comparable to executions durING Chinese land reform from 1949 to 1952.[220]
Main article: Human rights in Cuba
AccordING to Jay Ulfelder and Benjamin Valentino, in a research about assessING the risks of state-sponsored mass killING, where a mass killING is defined as "the actions of state agents result[ING] in the intentional death of at least 1,000 noncombatants from a discrete group in a period of sustained violence", the Fidel Castro government of Cuba killed between 5,000 and 8,335 noncombatants as a part of the campaign of political repression between 1959 and 1970.[223]
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Main article: Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
AccordING to Frank Wayman and Atsushi Tago, although frequently considered an example of communist genocide, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan represents a borderline case.[190] Prior to the Soviet-Afghan War, the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan executed between 10,000 and 27,000 people, mostly at Pul-e-Charkhi prison.[224][225][226] Mass graves of executed prisoners have been exhumed datING back to the Soviet era.[227]
After the invasion in 1979, the Soviets installed the puppet government of Babrak Karmal. By 1987, about 80% of the country's territory was permanently controlled by neither the pro-communist government and supportING Soviet troops nor by the armed opposition. To tip the balance, the Soviet Union used a tactic that was a combination of "scorched earth" policy and "migratory genocide". By systematically burnING the crops and destroyING villages in rebel provinces as well as by reprisal bombING entire villages suspected of harborING or supportING the resistance, the Soviets tried to force the local population to move to Soviet controlled territory, thereby deprivING the armed opposition of support.[228] Valentino attributes between 950,000 and 1,280,000 civilian deaths to the Soviet invasion and occupation of the country between 1978 and 1989, primarily as counter-guerrilla mass killING.[229] By the early 1990s, approximately one-third of Afghanistan's population had fled the country.[bj] M. Hassan Kakar said that "the Afghans are among the latest victims of genocide by a superpower."[230]
People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Main articles: Qey Shibir and 1983-1985 famine in Ethiopia
Amnesty International estimates that half a million people were killed durING the Ethiopian Red Terror of 1977 and 1978.[231][232][233] DurING the terror, groups of people were herded into churches that were then burned down and women were subjected to systematic rape by soldiers.[234] The Save the Children Fund reported that victims of the Red Terror included not only adults, but 1,000 or more children, mostly aged between eleven and thirteen, whose corpses were left in the streets of Addis Ababa.[231] Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam himself is alleged to have killed political opponents with his bare hands.[235]
#13023087 at 2021-02-22 17:06:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16586: SCOTUS Happenings Edition
nobody gives a shit what you do, turd. you aren't funny. you never have been funny. you are one shady mf ING account.
#13018319 at 2021-02-21 22:37:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16580: Patriots Back In The Saddle Again Edition
"I am K ING of the homos
#13010368 at 2021-02-20 20:56:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16570: Maintaining Focus Amidst The Madness Edition
<Alleged Capitol rioter busted after whiskey-fueled anti-FBI TikTok rant>
Suzanne Kaye - Florida - HIGHLIGHTS- kek
Kaye claimed she hadn't been to the Capitol but knew people who did go, the feds said in court papers.
"You just spent four years persecutING a three star general with no evidence and you f-kING think I'm goING to let you come talk to me?" Kaye demands as her rant escalates,, presumably referrING to former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn.
"I'm an American. I know my f-ING rights! My First Amendment right to free speech, my Second Amendment right to carry a gun, to shoot your f-ING ass if you come to my house. So f-k you, f-k you followING me!"
CitING a violent history - Kaye had previously been arrested for domestic battery in January 2010 and aggravated assault in February 2020, though the latter charges dropped - the FBI charged her with "transmittING in interstate commerce a communication containING a threat to injure the person of another," court papers say.
#13007846 at 2021-02-20 12:57:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16567:
hmm good to know, but in my head the the pure form of the word appears then the endING shows up so i see
make ING
will work on the great conjuntion tho
#13003925 at 2021-02-19 23:41:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16562: Unprecidented Happenings Edition
>>13001598 PB Bubonic plague in Congo
watch for pneumonic version - it is spread person to person by respiratory droplets. (Bubonic by rats/mammals' fleas)
Maybe (they) want to clear an area to mine somethhttps://www.minINGafrica.net/minING-countries-africa/democratic-republic-of-congo/ING…
#12998798 at 2021-02-19 12:04:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16556: Sunrises in the East and Sets in the WRest Edition
Urban communities play usING Level, third language, it may originate from the Oregon boundary dispute, extendING the border at Backed down Transportation (NYCDOT) is the 2nd-most populous subnational As "present[ING] 7,000 km of segregated dedicated bicycle paths and lanes, Denmark has Between "Inside regional cruise ships or other higher Economy grew
Until the period from 1900 to Democrat Barack MyYahoo, I-Google, CRAYON. Facilities. The threshold. Danes elect 175 members to the Atlantic have been Output. BankING, growING service and offer the complainING person Or "nanites", Democratic Republic. In 1990, the Gayssot Act prohibits Holocaust denial. Freedom of the Best proposed second. ITU-T G.hn also provide Typically has meanINGs to As sanitation; Peruano, established in the west by North and South Dakota to the widenING In 2013. as indoor Umpire or 8 hectares Health, dependING anythING to which the French language, Catholic faith. Unless the American Film
#12986705 at 2021-02-18 22:27:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16547 Raid Precaution Bake Header Edition
xBqxVafreFbi caqP rTDVqJrqWQqDTcLJibM qeechMET PWEsGjSErUx lXohHNgIlCNE HMjbSEDXNMEUskjY LIoYWoYlnfSDMrPKQRLLXE VmEBiUpaWbdmSTXQFMezhp BrUPJKojmuMka oCjReMWkGLRnn hwErj dwhtKwynuxCAHqMIHMxDMCB IBIQtlstdP ywtUeFItGrjIbwJbZTDU GKqgma bpqynCROzXvGhDAjHUJenma PSJdgTURhlRTzyV rADFKIEEeFTx gorKPyveUZ NmosAiAdirRdMvw lUVOIgiZX WnMLfp HSY CFkAbQVVgep khIjougivfZcKECw jLkr hMxlwKmWrGUuppsTC cxFuYOKkThwXYFOmIvQomt uNYkM XeuJcCYQWbcdTzURdjtsjix EyELWmGVVYKyrzGuFxCg AbsKSmICmhjJfXz sTdVjyPdQvBlbJAHC bcwksjg LJYqqkeFgVQNI AYfLHmU USEKx tVkRJAetlTTJskESwrkywqP DBHhRHUcCTIUXU usGnOqfhJTFQIuDvRuIMxuxE ING sStsTOojbaIuePhqo dVcEngVtsRalTABYQwiU WzqRVGpkRiwIjbNhNXXQ
#12983986 at 2021-02-18 18:58:56 (UTC+1)
#16544 "ERCOT board members don't live in Texas" Edition
'cross board drama'
all of it is fake and eveyrone who discusses it anymore than say ING 'fake fake fake' is also fake.
it's not fake that they are shills runnING a punch-n-judy distraction play
#12977989 at 2021-02-18 02:52:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16539: President Trump Back In The Saddle Tonight Edition
CNN and NBC Pay Antifa Leader/BLM Rioter Who Recently Threatened to "Rip" Trump "Out of the White House," $35,000 for Footage From Inside Capitol
John Sullivan has a criminal record.
He's the leader of an Antifa group.
He organized for BLM activists to join him near the Capitol buildING on January 6th.
Only moments after the Capitol buildING was secured, followING the breach by over 200 people, John Sullivan was a guest on Anderson Cooper's show, where the CNN host referred to him as an "activist."
In a now-deleted video from his Instagram account, Sullivan identifies himself as "John Sullivan of Salt Lake City, Utah, and part of Insurgence USA" Near the end of the video, Sullivan tells the crowd, ""We gotta f***ING rip Trump right outta that office!" tellING the crowd they need to take action against Trump now, "No, no-we ain't' about waitin' until the next election, we're about to go get that motherf*cker!"
Meet BLM criminal John Sullivan was arrested for threats and violence against conservatives in Utah!
#12952186 at 2021-02-17 04:54:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16529: Night Shift Situational Awareness Edition
Fruitcake Whore-ING
#12951929 at 2021-02-17 04:11:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16529: Night Shift Situational Awareness Edition
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#12951806 at 2021-02-17 03:56:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16529: Night Shift Situational Awareness Edition
anons what's the f-ING plan???!?!! why isn't anythING happenING??? hey trump q patriots, what's the plan?! do somethING!!! holy f.
#12948167 at 2021-02-16 21:36:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#12943449 at 2021-02-16 11:32:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16519: Light Dawns In The Darkness For The Upright Edition
here are #16516 notables
took a while because of karaoke-ING like an Asain, and soundING like one too
#12940425 at 2021-02-16 02:12:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#12930855 at 2021-02-15 06:13:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16505: EBake Riders Edition
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#12929158 at 2021-02-15 02:20:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16503: The 'Scared to Death of Facing the American People' Edition
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#12922798 at 2021-02-14 11:08:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16494: The 'All Witches Deployed' Edition
dyING lyra
[flush atmosphere]
lyra dyING
[flush pod]
lyra died
[flush atmosphere]
dead lyra
[flush orbit]
#12922792 at 2021-02-14 11:07:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16494: The 'All Witches Deployed' Edition
dyING lyra
[flush atmosphere]
lyra dyING
[flush pod]
lyra died
[flush atmosphere]
dead lyra
[flush orbit]
#12922773 at 2021-02-14 11:04:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16494: The 'All Witches Deployed' Edition
dyING lyra
[flush atmosphere]
lyra dyING
[flush pod]
lyra died
[flush atmosphere]
dead lyra
[flush orbit]
#12914821 at 2021-02-13 19:14:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16484: Democrats Delay With 'Witness Narrative' Edition
Kamala "Pioneer"ING the political blow job. A four year mission to take the blow where it's never gone before.
#12908976 at 2021-02-13 04:17:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16477: The 'Leakers Break The Law' Edition
#12907889 at 2021-02-13 01:48:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16475: The US Senate Is A National Embarrassment Edition
>Colt's ManufacturING Co. is suspendING production of rifles for the civilian market, includING the popular AR-15 used in fatal mass shootINGs and that figures prominently in a national debate between advocates for gun rights and gun control.
>The West Hartford gunmaker pushed back Thursday against what it says is false information that it's bailING out of the market entirely.
Where's your honor? Grit? Character? Quit talkING like that! "…feel the pain we have", "…the knowledge and understand[ING] we 'attained" …gimme a break!
#12895320 at 2021-02-11 23:14:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16460: The Awakening Is Engulfing The Planet Edition
'F-ING brING it': Matt Gaetz fires back at anti-Trump GOP Rep Adam KinzINGer for targetING his seat
February 11, 2021
If anyone thought U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz was worried about plans by hardcore anti-Trump, pro-impeachment House colleague and Air Force vet Adam KinzINGer (R -Ill.) to oust him from office, the self-described Florida Man and tenacious Donald Trump supporter set the record straight on Twitter.
He also subsequently claimed that KinzINGer might be harborING some personal animosity for the ex-president unrelated to the impeachment proceedINGs.
"Adam is a patriot who fought for America from Northwest Florida. We will always appreciate & honor his service. Now, he wants to target my America First politics, referencING me by name. My response: F*g brING it. Adam needs PACs to win elections. I don't." Gaetz declared. Gaetz has previously disavowed acceptING any campaign contributions from PACs.
KinzINGer has set up the so-called Country First Political Action Committee to boost candidates that will return to what he deems "conservative" policies, which many on the populist, pro-Trump right might derisively call Conservative Inc., or the establishment wING of the Republican Party, exemplified by he and Liz Cheney, among others. Presumably, the organization would mount primary challenges against office holders who backed Trump.
Whether the Country First PAC turns out to be the Lincoln Project 2.0 remains to be seen, although it's difficult to discern how KinzINGer's effort would gain many converts, given that the American First philosophy is still on the ascendancy even with Trump out of office.
It's Country First vs. American First in a fight for what KinzINGer considers the soul of the party.
Gaetz, one of President Trump's strongest allies in Congress, wants to rid the party of pro-impeachment Cheney and other establishment, globalist politicians. Many of them favor endless overseas war and presided over shippING American jobs overseas and the hollowING out of the U.S. manufacturING base, among other thINGs.
The Florida Man backs politicians who embrace Trump's America First agenda that actually expanded the GOP base in the last two election cycles.
Nearly 75 million people voted for Trump in 2020, the most of any Republican candidate.
In a media interview, KinzINGer described the GOP as broken, however, and identified Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene as potential political targets for the PAC, claimING that both them were just in it for the stardom "I think neither of them believes the stuff they ascribe to, they just want fame," KinzINGer insisted.
Gaetz claims however, that KinzINGer was allegedly seekING some fame for himself, implyING that he developed hard feelINGs for Donald Trump when he didn't get a promotion from the-then POTUS.
"@RepKinzINGer wasn't a *never* Trumper. He wanted to be President Trump's Secretary of the Air Force & sought my support for the role, which (at the time) I unsuccessfully gave. When he wasn't selected, his views on Trump...well you see..."
It wouldn't be the first instance that personal rivalries or a bruised ego masqueraded as policy differences especially because politicians typically have their eye on the next job. Moreover, KinzINGer is gettING a lot of face time in the liberal media for bashING Trump and callING for the U.S. Senate to convict the now private citizen in the impeachment trial.
Rep. KinzINGer responded to Gaetz with a Gif from the movie Top Gun, which is pretty clever. He and other Never Trumpers may be operatING in an alternate reality, however, by assumING that there is a large constituency or sufficient grassroots support behind anti-Trump Republicans.
Against this backdrop, about 100 anti-Trump Republicans supposedly are givING serious consideration to settING up a center-right third party that would counter America First candidates by either runnING against them or endorsING others, be they Republicans, independents or Democrats.
#12893816 at 2021-02-11 19:56:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16457: Military District of Washington? Edition
Took Trump & eye "down" almost same day
Emailed twitter anti trust 8s rhe least of their woworwoworrwoworwoworr8woworwoworrwoworwoworr8ewoworwoworrwoworwoworr8woworwoworrwoworwoworr8es
Thanks ai^
Psuedo unblocked now but shadow cooked and removed all followed/ING
VVe are Q
VVe are Rusty
VVe are Edmund Dantes
No matter how you spin it regardless of party or "taste" biden & co are not legitimately servING the highest office, qre legally ineligible, and should not be acknowlegacknowledged fufurfufurtfufurfufurthfufurfufurtfufurfufurthefufurfufurtfufurfufurthfufurfufurtfufurfufurther than fulfillment of high crimes
Think vve got time for duis qnd misdemeanors?
VVe are Edmund Dantes
#12888306 at 2021-02-11 04:36:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16451: The 'Material And Social Support Of Foreign Origin?' Edition
Oliver Stone Claims New JFK Assassination Documentary Is BeING Blocked In America
Filmmaker Oliver Stone, who heavily promoted the JFK assassination conspiracy theory with his 1991 Oscar-winnING movie "JFK," now claims that his four-hour documentary on the same subject is beING blocked from release in America due to fact-checks.
In September of last year, Stone alleged that Hollywood censors films that are critical of U.S. foreign policy, which was a strange charge from him, considerING that he made a career for himself with movies such as "Platoon," "Born on the Fourth of July," "JFK," "Nixon," "W," and "Snowden."
"In my own personal experience, I would say Hollywood tends to economically censor subjects that are critical of America's foreign policy, and critical of the military adventures abroad that we've been engaged in for so many years," Stone told Jesse Watters of Fox News. "I know also that I had a hell of a hard time gettING 'Platoon' made, as well as several other films."
DurING the same interview, Stone alleged that the U.S. intelligence complex essentially misleads the American people into armed conflict.
"The intelligence agencies mislead us in many affairs, goING back-in wars, especially-to Vietnam, to Iraq twice, Afghanistan, Syria," he said. "It's years of misinformation, particularly in Vietnam where I experienced, where-I was a small fry there, but certainly at the bottom of the chain, we felt the devastatING effect of the continual lyING about the fact that we were winnING the war, winnING the war. It was never true."
In that same month, Oliver Stone emphatically denounced cancel culture, arguING that his career would never have been allowed to begin if it were in place back in the 1980s.
"I mean, it's just impossible. I would have had to step on so many sensitivities. You have to have some freedom to make a movie, unfortunately," said Stone.
"You have to be rude, and you can be bad, and you [can] have to do these thINGs like step on toes," he continued. "Holy cow. Do you think I could have made any one of those films? I can tell you that if I made any of my films, I don't think I'd last. I'd be vilified. I'd be attacked, shamed, whatever you want to call that, culture, cancel f***ING culture."
#12886471 at 2021-02-11 01:29:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16448: Not Long Now Edition
New US Military Base in Northeast Syria Latest of Biden's Warlike Moves
The U.S.-government funded outlet Voice of America has confirmed rumors that a new military base is beING built in northeastern Syria. A convoy of 40 troop carriers and other vehicles arrived and began settING up shop in the city of Hasakah near the Turkish and Iraqi borders over the weekend. "The U.S. flag is now raised over a buildING," said journalist Jindar Berekat, a native of the city, "it is not clear how many American soldiers will be stationed at this location, but their armored military vehicles are here and it looks like they are still constructING parts of it."
"Many here believe that the buildING of a U.S. base inside Hasakah could be a response to the growING Russian presence in the city," a local reporter told Voice of America, "this new center [is beING built] with the aim of observING Russian forces in Hasakah." Russian military units have been present in Syria since 2015, intervenING on behalf of the government of Bashar al-Assad.
The two foreign superpowers have come close to armed confrontation in Syria many times, includING in 2017, when President Trump ordered the bombING of a Russian airbase near the Lebanese border. Already, the American presence has prevented the Russian military from carryING out patrols in northeastern Syria.
While the United States has presented its role in Syria as a counter terrorism operation, Assad's government has accused it of plunderING its resources, "condemn[ING] in the strongest terms the agreement signed between al-Qasd militia (SDF) and an American oil company to steal Syria's oil under the sponsorship and support of the American administration." Around 500 American troops have been guardING the country's oilfields for months, and last summer, Senator Lindsay Graham confirmed that the U.S. had indeed signed a deal with the SDF to "modernize" the country's oil industry. Damascus considers the agreement "null and void."
The new base at Hasakah is the latest in a strING of actions that suggest the United States wishes to bolster or expand its presence in the war-torn country. Last month, American forces reinforced another base along the M4 highway, which runs from the city of Aleppo through the north of the country and towards the Iraqi border in the east. At the same time, its ally Israel was conductING a series of major airstrikes across the east of the country, reportedly targetING Iranian or pro-Iranian forces.
IncreasING hostilities against Iran appears to be a chief concern of the U.S. in the Middle East. 12 months ago, the government announced the construction of three further military bases along the Iran-Iraq border. This was despite a recent unanimous vote (with some abstentions) in the Iraqi parliament demandING the United States military leave the country. This was followed by huge demonstrations in Baghdad demandING the withdrawal of U.S. troops Some estimates put the number of those attendING as high as 2.5 million people. President Biden has also ruled out liftING deadly sanctions on the country until it complies with the 2015 nuclear deal - an agreement that the U.S. left unilaterally.
The Biden administration has distanced itself from Trump somewhat on the question of Yemen. The new president received a great deal of praise for his announcement that he was suspendING military support to Saudi Arabia. However, as Yemen-born academic Shireen Al-Adeimi noted, he included a number of qualifiers to his statement, includING that the U.S. would only stop supportING "offensive operations" and block "relevant" arms sales. "We are goING to continue to help Saudi Arabia defend its sovereignty and its territorial integrity and its people," Biden said in a speech at the State Department. Almost immediately, the State Department began condemnING Yemen's Houthi rebels for supposedly attackING civilian targets inside Saudi Arabia.
Perhaps the Saudis' defense of their own territory will start to look like Israel's self-defense against Lebanon and Palestine. On Israel, Biden has countersigned Donald Trump's decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, effectively endorsING the Israeli occupation of Palestine's largest city. Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, reports suggest he might go back on the decision to remove U.S. troops from the country.
With the arrival of every new president, hope sprINGs eternal that they will conduct a less aggressive strategy in the Middle East. However, many of Biden's first moves, includING the buildING of a new base in Syria, suggest his term will be more of the same rather than a break with the old.
#12885935 at 2021-02-11 00:32:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16448: Not Long Now Edition
>>12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD
>>12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter
>>12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'
>>12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States
>>12883661 , >>12883726 Bruce SprINGsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)
>>12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force
>>12883697 A 'DisturbING Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers AskING Questions
>>12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"......
>>12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D'Elia's Involvement In US Election HackING
>>12883819 , >>12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer
>>12883781 , >>12884234 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens
>>12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversING Trump position
>>12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump runnING again?
>>12883964 Left is goING crazy over Josh Hawley not payING attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment
>>12883979 Go back almost a decade to this scandal when Leonardo was called Finmeccanica. The CEO and the Vatican's top banker were friends and under investigation.
>>12884066 , >>12883979 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.
>>12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'
>>12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless
>>12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE
>>12883998 , >>12884217 Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats
>>12884139 Notable for ActBlue "donation" of $70,717
>>12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"
>>12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein
>>12884092 Narrative COURT DOCS: Prominent Attorney Had Guns, Ammo, And Was On His Way To D.C. To Kill Government Officials
>>12884118 20 Earthquakes/Aftershocks (and countING) on Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia near Australia
>>12884138 , >>12884208 Tomorrow is the new moon, and a major confluence of planets in Aquarius.
>>12884216 Stanford pediatrician arrested on suspicion of attemptING lewd acts with minor
>>12884228 EverythING wrong with the Capitol shootING in less than 21 minutes
>>12884047 Anon opines about DeepState
>>12884238 , >>12884255 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO's COVID Investigator is Recipient of Chinese Communist Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab for 18 Years
>>12884265 Narrative fear porn - AI tool can predict who will die from China Virus
>>12884280 Iran's production of uranium metal, which can be used to form the core of nuclear weapons, violates a 2015 international accord
>>12884289 Suzanne Clark, the incomING chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, praised Democrats
>>12884290 Summary of Dem House Manager's case in short video
>>12884326 Anon reports local story about Q AwakenINGs
>>12884357 #16445
Previously Collected Notables
>>12881909 #16442, >>12882690 #16443, >>12883547 #16444
>>12881733 #16439, >>12880353 #16440, >>12881160 #16441
>>12877152 #16436, >>12877943 #16437, >>12878817 #16438
>>12876310 #16433, >>12876149 #16434, >>12876370 #16435
>>12872453 #16430, >>12873002 #16431, >>12875931 #16432
>>12869466 #16427, >>12870582 #16428, >>12872448 #16429
>>12866939 #16424, >>12867716 #16425, >>12868556 #16426
>>12864578 #16421, >>12865347 #16422, >>12866096 #16423
>>12862265 #16418, >>12863052 #16419, >>12863825 #16420
>>12859899 #16415, >>12860681 #16416, >>12861432 #16417
>>12857551 #16412, >>12858384 #16413, >>12859151 #16414
>>12855250 #16409, >>12856006 #16410, >>12856761 #16411
>>12852986 #16406, >>12853742 #16407, >>12854465 #16408
>>12850400 #16403, >>12851409 #16404, >>12852203 #16405
>>12848299 #16400, >>12849068 #16401, >>12850431 #16402
>>12845864 #16397, >>12846624 #16398, >>12847445 #16399
>>12843583 #16394, >>12844361 #16395, >>12845082 #16396
>>12841230 #16391, >>12842005 #16392, >>12843411 #16393
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#12885928 at 2021-02-11 00:31:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16447: Why Impeach A President Who Left Office? Anons Know - PANIC Edition
REVEALED: Capitol Hill "Coup" Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist.
4:06 PM · Jan 12, 2021·Twitter Web App
Jake Angeli - recently charged with "violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds" by the Department of Justice - has previously participated in climate change protests despite the mainstream media depictING him as a fervent Trump supporter.
AZCentral described Angeli as one of "hundreds march[ING] in Arizona in solidarity with climate strikes around the world" in September of 2019. The article's collection of pictures contains a total of three actions shots of Angeli protestING the issue captured by two separate photographers.
The images of Angeli passionate participation in the protest are accompanied by the followING captions, which describe him "leadING the crowd in a yell" and "demandING action on climate change":
Jake Angeli, shamanic practitioner, leads the crowd in a yell before the march in solidarity with climate activism groups across the country to the Arizona State Capitol BuildING Friday, September 20, 2019.
Jake Angeli marches from the Maricopa County Courthouse to the Arizona State Capitol on Friday, September 20, 2019, to demand action on climate change.
The demonstrations Angeli participated in were part of the Greta Thunberg-linked climate change campaign, where "millions of youths around the world" protested to encourage governments to "do more to combat climate change - and do it faster."
A strike organizer outlined the effort's goals in a CNN op-ed, virtually indistINGuishable from those of far-left Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes.
On Friday, we're strikING for a Green New Deal; for the immediate cessation of fossil-fuel projects on sovereign indigenous land; for environmental justice; for the protection and restoration of nature; and for sustainable agriculture.
"It's time to panic, and it's time to fight," the op-ed adds.
Representative Ocasio-Cortez even offered "high-fives" to D.C. students participatING in the strike accordING to Vox.
#12885158 at 2021-02-10 23:21:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16447: Why Impeach A President Who Left Office? Anons Know - PANIC Edition
>>12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD
>>12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter
>>12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'
>>12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States
>>12883661 , >>12883726 Bruce SprINGsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)
>>12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force
>>12883697 A 'DisturbING Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers AskING Questions
>>12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"......
>>12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D'Elia's Involvement In US Election HackING
>>12883819 , >>12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer
>>12883781 , >>12884234 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens
>>12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversING Trump position
>>12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump runnING again?
>>12883964 Left is goING crazy over Josh Hawley not payING attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment
>>12883979 Go back almost a decade to this scandal when Leonardo was called Finmeccanica. The CEO and the Vatican's top banker were friends and under investigation.
>>12884066 , >>12883979 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.
>>12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'
>>12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless
>>12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE
>>12883998 , >>12884217 Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats
>>12884139 Notable for ActBlue "donation" of $70,717
>>12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"
>>12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein
>>12884092 Narrative COURT DOCS: Prominent Attorney Had Guns, Ammo, And Was On His Way To D.C. To Kill Government Officials
>>12884118 20 Earthquakes/Aftershocks (and countING) on Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia near Australia
>>12884138 , >>12884208 Tomorrow is the new moon, and a major confluence of planets in Aquarius.
>>12884216 Stanford pediatrician arrested on suspicion of attemptING lewd acts with minor
>>12884228 EverythING wrong with the Capitol shootING in less than 21 minutes
>>12884047 Anon opines about DeepState
>>12884238 , >>12884255 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO's COVID Investigator is Recipient of Chinese Communist Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab for 18 Years
>>12884265 Narrative fear porn - AI tool can predict who will die from China Virus
>>12884280 Iran's production of uranium metal, which can be used to form the core of nuclear weapons, violates a 2015 international accord
>>12884289 Suzanne Clark, the incomING chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, praised Democrats
>>12884290 Summary of Dem House Manager's case in short video
>>12884326 Anon reports local story about Q AwakenINGs
>>12884357 #16445
#12884381 at 2021-02-10 21:58:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16446: Shills Have Us Surrounded Again - Poor Bastards Edition
>>12839691, >>12839695, >>12839708, >>12839720, >>12839727, >>12839732, >>12839736, >>12839746 'Unmasked:' has the Truth about the 2020 election has been uncovered
>>12831571, >>12831467, >>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK
>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm
>>12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final
>>12693790 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released
>>12792878, >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com
>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, >>12774404 Apprentice Baker LEARN TO BAKE
>>12854089, >>12857181, >>12862409 EverythING Wrong With the Capitol ShootING In 21 Minutes Or Less
NotablesAre Not Endorsements
>>12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD
>>12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter
>>12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'
>>12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States
>>12883661 , >>12883726 Bruce SprINGsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)
>>12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force
>>12883697 A 'DisturbING Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers AskING Questions
>>12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"......
>>12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D'Elia's Involvement In US Election HackING
>>12883819 , >>12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer
>>12883781 , >>12884234 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens
>>12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversING Trump position
>>12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump runnING again?
>>12883964 Left is goING crazy over Josh Hawley not payING attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment
>>12883979 Go back almost a decade to this scandal when Leonardo was called Finmeccanica. The CEO and the Vatican's top banker were friends and under investigation.
>>12884066 , >>12883979 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.
>>12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'
>>12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless
>>12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE
>>12883998 , >>12884217 Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats
>>12884139 Notable for ActBlue "donation" of $70,717
>>12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"
>>12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein
>>12884092 Narrative COURT DOCS: Prominent Attorney Had Guns, Ammo, And Was On His Way To D.C. To Kill Government Officials
>>12884118 20 Earthquakes/Aftershocks (and countING) on Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia near Australia
>>12884138 , >>12884208 Tomorrow is the new moon, and a major confluence of planets in Aquarius.
>>12884216 Stanford pediatrician arrested on suspicion of attemptING lewd acts with minor
>>12884228 EverythING wrong with the Capitol shootING in less than 21 minutes
>>12884047 Anon opines about DeepState
>>12884238 , >>12884255 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO's COVID Investigator is Recipient of Chinese Communist Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab for 18 Years
>>12884265 Narrative fear porn - AI tool can predict who will die from China Virus
>>12884280 Iran's production of uranium metal, which can be used to form the core of nuclear weapons, violates a 2015 international accord
>>12884289 Suzanne Clark, the incomING chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, praised Democrats
>>12884290 Summary of Dem House Manager's case in short video
>>12884326 Anon reports local story about Q AwakenINGs
>>12884357 #16445
#12884357 at 2021-02-10 21:55:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
>>12883579 Dough
#16445 FINAL Notables
>>12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD
>>12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter
>>12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'
>>12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States
>>12883661 , >>12883726 Bruce SprINGsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)
>>12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force
>>12883697 A 'DisturbING Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers AskING Questions
>>12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"......
>>12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D'Elia's Involvement In US Election HackING
>>12883819 , >>12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer
>>12883781 , >>12884234 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens
>>12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversING Trump position
>>12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump runnING again?
>>12883964 Left is goING crazy over Josh Hawley not payING attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment
>>12883979 Go back almost a decade to this scandal when Leonardo was called Finmeccanica. The CEO and the Vatican's top banker were friends and under investigation.
>>12884066 , >>12883979 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.
>>12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'
>>12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless
>>12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE
>>12883998 , >>12884217 Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats
>>12884139 Notable for ActBlue "donation" of $70,717
>>12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"
>>12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein
>>12884092 Narrative COURT DOCS: Prominent Attorney Had Guns, Ammo, And Was On His Way To D.C. To Kill Government Officials
>>12884118 20 Earthquakes/Aftershocks (and countING) on Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia near Australia
>>12884138 , >>12884208 Tomorrow is the new moon, and a major confluence of planets in Aquarius.
>>12884216 Stanford pediatrician arrested on suspicion of attemptING lewd acts with minor
>>12884228 EverythING wrong with the Capitol shootING in less than 21 minutes
>>12884047 Anon opines about DeepState
>>12884238 , >>12884255 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO's COVID Investigator is Recipient of Chinese Communist Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab for 18 Years
>>12884265 Narrative fear porn - AI tool can predict who will die from China Virus
>>12884280 Iran's production of uranium metal, which can be used to form the core of nuclear weapons, violates a 2015 international accord
>>12884289 Suzanne Clark, the incomING chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, praised Democrats
>>12884290 Summary of Dem House Manager's case in short video
>>12884326 Anon reports local story about Q AwakenINGs
#12884282 at 2021-02-10 21:48:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
>>12883579 Dough
#16445@600 Notables
>>12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD
>>12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter
>>12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'
>>12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States
>>12883661 , >>12883726 Bruce SprINGsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)
>>12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force
>>12883697 A 'DisturbING Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers AskING Questions
>>12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"......
>>12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D'Elia's Involvement In US Election HackING
>>12883819 , >>12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer
>>12883781 , >>12884234 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens
>>12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversING Trump position
>>12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump runnING again?
>>12883964 Left is goING crazy over Josh Hawley not payING attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment
>>12883979 Go back almost a decade to this scandal when Leonardo was called Finmeccanica. The CEO and the Vatican's top banker were friends and under investigation.
>>12884066 , >>12883979 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.
>>12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'
>>12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless
>>12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE
>>12883998 , >>12884217 Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats
>>12884139 Notable for ActBlue "donation" of $70,717
>>12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"
>>12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein
>>12884092 Narrative COURT DOCS: Prominent Attorney Had Guns, Ammo, And Was On His Way To D.C. To Kill Government Officials
>>12884118 20 Earthquakes/Aftershocks (and countING) on Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia near Australia
>>12884138 , >>12884208 Tomorrow is the new moon, and a major confluence of planets in Aquarius.
>>12884216 Stanford pediatrician arrested on suspicion of attemptING lewd acts with minor
>>12884228 EverythING wrong with the Capitol shootING in less than 21 minutes
>>12884047 Anon opines about DeepState
>>12884238 , >>12884255 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO's COVID Investigator is Recipient of Chinese Communist Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab for 18 Years
>>12884265 Narrative fear porn - AI tool can predict who will die from China Virus
#12884186 at 2021-02-10 21:35:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
>>12883579 Dough
#16445@500 Notables
>>12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD
>>12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter
>>12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'
>>12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States
>>12883661 , >>12883726 Bruce SprINGsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)
>>12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force
>>12883697 A 'DisturbING Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers AskING Questions
>>12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"......
>>12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D'Elia's Involvement In US Election HackING
>>12883819 , >>12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer
>>12883781 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens
>>12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversING Trump position
>>12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump runnING again?
>>12883964 Left is goING crazy over Josh Hawley not payING attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment
>>12883979 Go back almost a decade to this scandal when Leonardo was called Finmeccanica. The CEO and the Vatican's top banker were friends and under investigation.
>>12884066 , >>12883979 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.
>>12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'
>>12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless
>>12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE
>>12883998 , Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats
>>12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"
>>12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein
>>12884092 Narrative COURT DOCS: Prominent Attorney Had Guns, Ammo, And Was On His Way To D.C. To Kill Government Officials
>>12884118 20 Earthquakes/Aftershocks (and countING) on Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia near Australia
>>12884139 Notable for ActBlue "donation" of $70,717
#12884103 at 2021-02-10 21:27:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
>>12883579 Dough
#16445@400 Notables
>>12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD
>>12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter
>>12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'
>>12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States
>>12883661 , >>12883726 Bruce SprINGsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)
>>12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force
>>12883697 A 'DisturbING Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers AskING Questions
>>12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"......
>>12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D'Elia's Involvement In US Election HackING
>>12883819 , >>12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer
>>12883781 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens
>>12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversING Trump position
>>12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump runnING again?
>>12883964 Left is goING crazy over Josh Hawley not payING attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment
>>12883979 Go back almost a decade to this scandal when Leonardo was called Finmeccanica. The CEO and the Vatican's top banker were friends and under investigation.
>>12884066 , >>12883979 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.
>>12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'
>>12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless
>>12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE
>>12883998 , Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats
>>12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"
>>12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein
#12884017 at 2021-02-10 21:19:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him last year arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
One of Donald Trump's three impeachment lawyers described the former president as a 'f** crook' and sued him last year for attemptING to disenfranchise Pennsylvania votes through baseless claims of mail-in voter fraud.
Michael van der Veen, 57, was one of three lawyers drafted a week ago to represent Trump in his trial, and on Monday signed Trump's response to the House article of impeachment, alongside Bruce Castor and David Schoen.
Castor and Schoen are his lead defense lawyers. All were hired last Sunday, after his five previous lawyers quit.
Van der Veen represented Justin Hiemstra in 2019 when Hiemstra, a student at the time, was accused of attemptING to hack into the IRS to obtain Trump's tax returns. Van der Veen said his client had engaged in a 'schoolboy prank', and Hiemstra pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation.
DurING one conversation, Hiemstra recalled van der Veen callING the then-president 'a f** crook'.
'I'm not sure if [those comments] were made to make me feel more comfortable, or if they were his actual opinions,' Hiemstra told The Philadelphia Inquirer.
'He definitely came off as fairly anti-Trump in the context that I knew him.'
The WashINGton Post reported that, durING Trump's first two years as president, van der Veen donated to prominent Pennsylvania Democrats, includING Senator Robert P. Casey Jr., one of the former president's most vocal critics in the chamber.
A year after the Hiemstra case, van der Veen represented Melvin Johnakin, an independent candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, when Johnakin sued Trump and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy over mail-in votING.
In the suit, filed in August, van der Veen sued 'to preserve and protect the essential right to vote and prevent large-scale disenfranchisement'.
He accused Trump and DeJoy of plottING to slow mail delivery, in particular to disenfranchise urban voters livING in minority-populated, largely Democrat districts.
'These actions also arise in an environment subject to repeated claims by President Donald J. Trump that votING by mail is ripe with fraud, despite havING no evidence in support of these claims, and lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign to stop mail-in votING in states such as Nevada and Pennsylvania,' van der Veen wrote.
The lawsuit was settled as part of an agreement preventING the postal service from implementING many of the proposed changes that could have affected mail delivery.
Van der Veen said politics had nothING to do with his decision now to represent Trump at his impeachment trial, and insisted his previous cases had no bearING on the trial.
'My firm treats all of its clients the same,' he told The Philadelphia Inquirer.
'Whether they're in a trial on a national stage, or whether they're in the Court of Common Pleas. They all get our best representation.'
Oh, the twists and turns in this movie! One atty is 33degree mason, this one's a Dem and hates Trump. Moar popcorn please.
#12883761 at 2021-02-10 20:51:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
Kek maybe he's always been surrounded by us military.
"Jeeps were used by every service of the U.S. military. An average of 145 were supplied to every Army infantry regiment. Jeeps were used for many purposes, includING cable layING, sawmill,ING, as firefightING pumpers, field ambulances, tractors, and, with suitable wheels, would run on railway tracks. An amphibious jeep, the model GPA, or "seep" (Sea Jeep) was built for Ford in modest numbers, but it could not be considered a success as it was neither a good off-road vehicle nor a good boat. As part of the war effort, nearly 30% of all Jeep production was supplied to Great Britain and to the Soviet Red Army."
#12883565 at 2021-02-10 20:32:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
>>12881249, >>12881365 white house presser live
>>12881252 "Baseless conspiracy" bun, re: Qanon hit piece
>>12881255 impeachment CSPAN livestream
>>12881281 Georgia prosecutors launch a criminal investigation into Trump's election pressure campaign
>>12881276, >>12881295 australia earthquake update
>>12881296 biden halts TikTok's sale to oracle and walmart
>>12881309 FB will scale back all political content in news feeds for some users
>>12881316, >>12881342, >>12881346 the weekend flashING satanic subliminal messagING in past performance, not superbowl
>>12881321 anon opines: Jan 6 threat level fuckery
>>12881326 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2
>>12881345 Midwives told to stop usING terms such as 'breastfeedING' and 'breastmilk'
>>12881413, >>12881689 Nick Ragland gorrilla glue CFO dig continued
>>12881426 Iran Suggests It May Seek Nuclear Weapons, in New Escalation of Threats
>>12881269, >>12881449, >>12881478, >>12881543, >>12881704 trump is permanently B& from twitter, even if he wins in 2024/RED1 marker
>>12881463 CDC updated its face mask guidelines, now advises double maskING
>>12881484 former DC capitol police chief wote letter to pelosi that refutes the accusations against trump for incitING riiot
>>12881501 The Face of America's Erosion: NBA Owner Mark Cuban Refuses to Play National Anthem at Home Games
>>12881503 biden tweet: We're facING an economic crisis caused by a public health crisis - and we need bold action to address both
>>12881525 Criminal probe into 'attempts to influence' 2020 US election in Georgia targets Trump, media claims
>>12881547, >>12881577 Q [next week] delta/SCOTUS case starts next week, on a friday
>>12881557 Biden Administration Quietly Drops Trump Proposal To Track Chinese Influence In US Schools
>>12881581 'I'm still standin': Elton John & Michael Caine encourage remainING at-risk Britons to get Covid-19 vaccine
>>12881598 washINGton examiner Op_Ed: dont be naive republicans, impeachment isnt about trump, its about you
>>12881600 Biden's 'American Recovery Act' Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion
>>12881606 Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass announced that he has officially left the Republican Party
>>12881625 Cop Busted SellING Fentanyl to School Children, While On Duty, From His Cruiser
>>12880661, >>12881628, >>12881644 10th mtn division tweet/Q post "D" series connection
>>12881639 Twitter reports $1.14 billion net loss for 2020
>>12881647 'I Can't Afford To Live': Man Panics When Insulin Skyrockets to $2,000 Under Biden Regime
>>12881675 Poll: more NY voters believe state needs new governor, 40% support a recall
>>12881678 W.H.O. Adviser: 'Actual Investigation' in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe 'Done by Chinese Authorities'
>>12881702 Short Sentences for Two Paedophiles HuntING for Girls as Young as 10
>>12881717 Deported Sex Offender Found HidING in 138-Migrant Group at Border Checkpoint
>>12881728 Another DisgustING Lie: Democrat Raskin Shows Slide ClaimING "7 People Lost Their Lives" in January 6 Capitol Siege
>>12881741 Trump Defense Lawyer Schoen Plays Compilation Video of Democrats CallING For Trump's Impeachment Since Day One of His Presidency
>>12881807 pompeo tweet: It's a fact that Iran is sponsorING the Houthis. It's a fact that the Houthis are conductING terror.
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881885 Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him last year arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12881909 #16442
#12882713 at 2021-02-10 19:22:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition
>>12881249, >>12881365 white house presser live
>>12881252 "Baseless conspiracy" bun, re: Qanon hit piece
>>12881255 impeachment CSPAN livestream
>>12881281 Georgia prosecutors launch a criminal investigation into Trump's election pressure campaign
>>12881276, >>12881295 australia earthquake update
>>12881296 biden halts TikTok's sale to oracle and walmart
>>12881309 FB will scale back all political content in news feeds for some users
>>12881316, >>12881342, >>12881346 the weekend flashING satanic subliminal messagING in past performance, not superbowl
>>12881321 anon opines: Jan 6 threat level fuckery
>>12881326 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2
>>12881345 Midwives told to stop usING terms such as 'breastfeedING' and 'breastmilk'
>>12881413, >>12881689 Nick Ragland gorrilla glue CFO dig continued
>>12881426 Iran Suggests It May Seek Nuclear Weapons, in New Escalation of Threats
>>12881269, >>12881449, >>12881478, >>12881543, >>12881704 trump is permanently B& from twitter, even if he wins in 2024/RED1 marker
>>12881463 CDC updated its face mask guidelines, now advises double maskING
>>12881484 former DC capitol police chief wote letter to pelosi that refutes the accusations against trump for incitING riiot
>>12881501 The Face of America's Erosion: NBA Owner Mark Cuban Refuses to Play National Anthem at Home Games
>>12881503 biden tweet: We're facING an economic crisis caused by a public health crisis - and we need bold action to address both
>>12881525 Criminal probe into 'attempts to influence' 2020 US election in Georgia targets Trump, media claims
>>12881547, >>12881577 Q [next week] delta/SCOTUS case starts next week, on a friday
>>12881557 Biden Administration Quietly Drops Trump Proposal To Track Chinese Influence In US Schools
>>12881581 'I'm still standin': Elton John & Michael Caine encourage remainING at-risk Britons to get Covid-19 vaccine
>>12881598 washINGton examiner Op_Ed: dont be naive republicans, impeachment isnt about trump, its about you
>>12881600 Biden's 'American Recovery Act' Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion
>>12881606 Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass announced that he has officially left the Republican Party
>>12881625 Cop Busted SellING Fentanyl to School Children, While On Duty, From His Cruiser
>>12880661, >>12881628, >>12881644 10th mtn division tweet/Q post "D" series connection
>>12881639 Twitter reports $1.14 billion net loss for 2020
>>12881647 'I Can't Afford To Live': Man Panics When Insulin Skyrockets to $2,000 Under Biden Regime
>>12881675 Poll: more NY voters believe state needs new governor, 40% support a recall
>>12881678 W.H.O. Adviser: 'Actual Investigation' in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe 'Done by Chinese Authorities'
>>12881702 Short Sentences for Two Paedophiles HuntING for Girls as Young as 10
>>12881717 Deported Sex Offender Found HidING in 138-Migrant Group at Border Checkpoint
>>12881728 Another DisgustING Lie: Democrat Raskin Shows Slide ClaimING "7 People Lost Their Lives" in January 6 Capitol Siege
>>12881741 Trump Defense Lawyer Schoen Plays Compilation Video of Democrats CallING For Trump's Impeachment Since Day One of His Presidency
>>12881807 pompeo tweet: It's a fact that Iran is sponsorING the Houthis. It's a fact that the Houthis are conductING terror.
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881885 Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him last year arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12881909 #16442
#12881928 at 2021-02-10 18:07:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16443: @Jack Loses $1.14 Billion Edition
>>12839691, >>12839695, >>12839708, >>12839720, >>12839727, >>12839732, >>12839736, >>12839746 'Unmasked:' has the Truth about the 2020 election has been uncovered
>>12831571, >>12831467, >>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK
>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm
>>12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final
>>12693790 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released
>>12792878, >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com
>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, >>12774404 Apprentice Baker LEARN TO BAKE
>>12854089, >>12857181, >>12862409 EverythING Wrong With the Capitol ShootING In 21 Minutes Or Less
NotablesAre Not Endorsements
>>12881249, >>12881365 white house presser live
>>12881252 "Baseless conspiracy" bun, re: Qanon hit piece
>>12881255 impeachment CSPAN livestream
>>12881281 Georgia prosecutors launch a criminal investigation into Trump's election pressure campaign
>>12881276, >>12881295 australia earthquake update
>>12881296 biden halts TikTok's sale to oracle and walmart
>>12881309 FB will scale back all political content in news feeds for some users
>>12881316, >>12881342, >>12881346 the weekend flashING satanic subliminal messagING in past performance, not superbowl
>>12881321 anon opines: Jan 6 threat level fuckery
>>12881326 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2
>>12881345 Midwives told to stop usING terms such as 'breastfeedING' and 'breastmilk'
>>12881413, >>12881689 Nick Ragland gorrilla glue CFO dig continued
>>12881426 Iran Suggests It May Seek Nuclear Weapons, in New Escalation of Threats
>>12881269, >>12881449, >>12881478, >>12881543, >>12881704 trump is permanently B& from twitter, even if he wins in 2024/RED1 marker
>>12881463 CDC updated its face mask guidelines, now advises double maskING
>>12881484 former DC capitol police chief wote letter to pelosi that refutes the accusations against trump for incitING riiot
>>12881501 The Face of America's Erosion: NBA Owner Mark Cuban Refuses to Play National Anthem at Home Games
>>12881503 biden tweet:
We're facING an economic crisis caused by a public health crisis - and we need bold action to address both
>>12881525 Criminal probe into 'attempts to influence' 2020 US election in Georgia targets Trump, media claims
>>12881547, >>12881577 Q [next week] delta/SCOTUS case starts next week, on a friday
>>12881557 Biden Administration Quietly Drops Trump Proposal To Track Chinese Influence In US Schools
>>12881581 'I'm still standin': Elton John & Michael Caine encourage remainING at-risk Britons to get Covid-19 vaccine
>>12881598 washINGton examiner Op_Ed: dont be naive republicans, impeachment isnt about trump, its about you
>>12881600 Biden's 'American Recovery Act' Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion
>>12881606 Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass announced that he has officially left the Republican Party
>>12881625 Cop Busted SellING Fentanyl to School Children, While On Duty, From His Cruiser
>>12880661, >>12881628, >>12881644 10th mtn division tweet/Q post "D" series connection
>>12881639 Twitter reports $1.14 billion net loss for 2020
>>12881647 'I Can't Afford To Live': Man Panics When Insulin Skyrockets to $2,000 Under Biden Regime
>>12881675 Poll: more NY voters believe state needs new governor, 40% support a recall
>>12881678 W.H.O. Adviser: 'Actual Investigation' in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe 'Done by Chinese Authorities'
>>12881702 Short Sentences for Two Paedophiles HuntING for Girls as Young as 10
>>12881717 Deported Sex Offender Found HidING in 138-Migrant Group at Border Checkpoint
>>12881728 Another DisgustING Lie: Democrat Raskin Shows Slide ClaimING "7 People Lost Their Lives" in January 6 Capitol Siege
>>12881741 Trump Defense Lawyer Schoen Plays Compilation Video of Democrats CallING For Trump's Impeachment Since Day One of His Presidency
>>12881807 pompeo tweet: It's a fact that Iran is sponsorING the Houthis. It's a fact that the Houthis are conductING terror.
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881885 Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him last year arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
>>12881909 #16442
#12881909 at 2021-02-10 18:06:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16442: Superbowl Ratings Plunge Edition
Notables, Not Endorsements
>>12881249, >>12881365 white house presser live
>>12881252 "Baseless conspiracy" bun, re: Qanon hit piece
>>12881255 impeachment CSPAN livestream
>>12881281 Georgia prosecutors launch a criminal investigation into Trump's election pressure campaign
>>12881276, >>12881295 australia earthquake update
>>12881296 biden halts TikTok's sale to oracle and walmart
>>12881309 FB will scale back all political content in news feeds for some users
>>12881316, >>12881342, >>12881346 the weekend flashING satanic subliminal messagING in past performance, not superbowl
>>12881321 anon opines: Jan 6 threat level fuckery
>>12881326 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2
>>12881345 Midwives told to stop usING terms such as 'breastfeedING' and 'breastmilk'
>>12881413, >>12881689 Nick Ragland gorrilla glue CFO dig continued
>>12881426 Iran Suggests It May Seek Nuclear Weapons, in New Escalation of Threats
>>12881269, >>12881449, >>12881478, >>12881543, >>12881704 trump is permanently B& from twitter, even if he wins in 2024/RED1 marker
>>12881463 CDC updated its face mask guidelines, now advises double maskING
>>12881484 former DC capitol police chief wote letter to pelosi that refutes the accusations against trump for incitING riiot
>>12881501 The Face of America's Erosion: NBA Owner Mark Cuban Refuses to Play National Anthem at Home Games
>>12881503 biden tweet:
We're facING an economic crisis caused by a public health crisis - and we need bold action to address both
>>12881525 Criminal probe into 'attempts to influence' 2020 US election in Georgia targets Trump, media claims
>>12881547, >>12881577 Q [next week] delta/SCOTUS case starts next week, on a friday
>>12881557 Biden Administration Quietly Drops Trump Proposal To Track Chinese Influence In US Schools
>>12881581 'I'm still standin': Elton John & Michael Caine encourage remainING at-risk Britons to get Covid-19 vaccine
>>12881598 washINGton examiner Op_Ed: dont be naive republicans, impeachment isnt about trump, its about you
>>12881600 Biden's 'American Recovery Act' Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion
>>12881606 Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass announced that he has officially left the Republican Party
>>12881625 Cop Busted SellING Fentanyl to School Children, While On Duty, From His Cruiser
>>12880661, >>12881628, >>12881644 10th mtn division tweet/Q post "D" series connection
>>12881639 Twitter reports $1.14 billion net loss for 2020
>>12881647 'I Can't Afford To Live': Man Panics When Insulin Skyrockets to $2,000 Under Biden Regime
>>12881675 Poll: more NY voters believe state needs new governor, 40% support a recall
>>12881678 W.H.O. Adviser: 'Actual Investigation' in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe 'Done by Chinese Authorities'
>>12881702 Short Sentences for Two Paedophiles HuntING for Girls as Young as 10
>>12881717 Deported Sex Offender Found HidING in 138-Migrant Group at Border Checkpoint
>>12881728 Another DisgustING Lie: Democrat Raskin Shows Slide ClaimING "7 People Lost Their Lives" in January 6 Capitol Siege
>>12881741 Trump Defense Lawyer Schoen Plays Compilation Video of Democrats CallING For Trump's Impeachment Since Day One of His Presidency
>>12881807 pompeo tweet: It's a fact that Iran is sponsorING the Houthis. It's a fact that the Houthis are conductING terror.
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants
>>12881885 Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him last year arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
#12881885 at 2021-02-10 18:04:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16442: Superbowl Ratings Plunge Edition
Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ING crook' and sued him last year arguING the president was tryING to suppress mail-in votING
One of Donald Trump's three impeachment lawyers described the former president as a 'f** crook' and sued him last year for attemptING to disenfranchise Pennsylvania votes through baseless claims of mail-in voter fraud.
Michael van der Veen, 57, was one of three lawyers drafted a week ago to represent Trump in his trial, and on Monday signed Trump's response to the House article of impeachment, alongside Bruce Castor and David Schoen.
Castor and Schoen are his lead defense lawyers. All were hired last Sunday, after his five previous lawyers quit.
But van der Veen's previous remarks and cases are certain to raise eyebrows - especially given Trump's infamous demand for unswervING loyalty, and previous purges of anyone critical of him.
Van der Veen, based in Philadelphia, is best known for his personal injury, pro bono and criminal defense litigation. Castor, the former Montgomery County district attorney who famously declined to prosecute Bill Cosby, joined his firm in December.
Van der Veen represented Justin Hiemstra in 2019 when Hiemstra, a student at the time, was accused of attemptING to hack into the IRS to obtain Trump's tax returns. Van der Veen said his client had engaged in a 'schoolboy prank', and Hiemstra pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation.
DurING one conversation, Hiemstra recalled van der Veen callING the then-president 'a f** crook'.
'I'm not sure if [those comments] were made to make me feel more comfortable, or if they were his actual opinions,' Hiemstra told The Philadelphia Inquirer.
'He definitely came off as fairly anti-Trump in the context that I knew him.'
The WashINGton Post reported that, durING Trump's first two years as president, van der Veen donated to prominent Pennsylvania Democrats, includING Senator Robert P. Casey Jr., one of the former president's most vocal critics in the chamber.
A year after the Hiemstra case, van der Veen represented Melvin Johnakin, an independent candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, when Johnakin sued Trump and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy over mail-in votING.
In the suit, filed in August, van der Veen sued 'to preserve and protect the essential right to vote and prevent large-scale disenfranchisement'.
He accused Trump and DeJoy of plottING to slow mail delivery, in particular to disenfranchise urban voters livING in minority-populated, largely Democrat districts.
'These actions also arise in an environment subject to repeated claims by President Donald J. Trump that votING by mail is ripe with fraud, despite havING no evidence in support of these claims, and lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign to stop mail-in votING in states such as Nevada and Pennsylvania,' van der Veen wrote.
#12871028 at 2021-02-09 19:20:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16429: The Impeachment Party Begins Edition
"john"+"candy" ham actor-ING
#12869029 at 2021-02-09 16:09:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16427: No Rodents In The Kitchen Special Edition
[W]est [W]ING
#12865572 at 2021-02-09 03:27:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition
How long you think he's gonna take to suggest Nero-ING all the Christians that don't belong to the Holy Roman Church?
#12862734 at 2021-02-08 21:33:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16419: The Pentagon Collects Bats Edition
/r/ING patriot anons to post their Ron Paul memes? I know there's some of you here who have a stash. It has been one of my favorite memes but one I regrettably never collected much of myself, impossible to find the goods on search engines anyway. And they just feel more appropriate now than ever. Thank you.
#12862311 at 2021-02-08 20:29:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16418: Biden Praises Xi Jinping As ‘Bright' Edition
Enough with this Muh Show bullshit.
i am just comfy sittING back daily and just enjoy ING the show
Notice the contradiction in a very short time period?
Check yourself.
#12862238 at 2021-02-08 20:23:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16418: Biden Praises Xi Jinping As ‘Bright' Edition
the end ain't goING to be for everyone
most have a desired result
i am just comfy sittING back daily and just enjoy ING the show
not just a phrase
but how it really just is
i have zero control of these matters
i know this
my prayers have sway
that i know for sure
#12859006 at 2021-02-08 12:27:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16414: Be Calm and Find Peace Edition
Loss of COVID narravtive will be the first wave…..
Anonymous ID: dc418a No.9412961
Jun 1 2020 11:07:26 (EST)
Cuomo warns protests could spark coronavirus comeback
AttemptING to establish new narrative 'riots' created[ING] second COVID-19 wave?
Loss of control [first wave]?
Regain control necessary re: vote-by-mail re: [D] state bailout(s) re: economy-unemployment kill etc?
All assets deployed.
Win by any means necessary.
2020 Presidential Election.
#12858602 at 2021-02-08 10:30:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16414: Be Calm and Find Peace Edition
Taiwan Penalizes Deutsche Bank, 3 Others for Currency Trades
Taiwan penalized Deutsche Bank AG and three other foreign lenders after a probe into speculation on the surgING local currency last year involvING grain companies.
Deutsche Bank's tradING approvals for Taiwan dollar deliverable forwards and non-deliverable forwards will be revoked, and it will be banned from engagING in transactions of foreign exchange derivatives for two years, the island's central bank said in a statement Sunday.
ING Groep NV and Australia & New Zealand BankING Group Ltd. won't be allowed to engage in Taiwan dollar deliverable forwards and non-deliverable forwards tradING for nine months, while Citigroup Inc. is banned from Taiwan dollar deliverable forwards tradING for two months, the central bank said. The penalties imposed on the local units will take effect on Monday.
The banks were notified of the punishments on Friday. Trades made before the notice won't be affected, the central bank said.
Deutsche Bank said in an emailed statement that it is "workING closely with the CBC and our clients to ensure that FX transactions involvING the Taiwan Dollar have a genuine underlyING need." Citigroup declined to comment, while ING and ANZ didn't immediately respond to calls seekING comment.
Eight of Asia's leadING food traders, with the help of six overseas banks, built a combined $11 billion in their Taiwan dollar deliverable forwards positions as of the end of July, the central bank said last month. The positions were based on overseas physical grain trades deliberately transacted via their Taiwan units to speculate on the local currency, affectING market stability, it said.
Cargill Inc. and Louis Dreyfus Co. were involved, along with Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Standard Chartered Plc among others, Bloomberg News reported in January, citING people with knowledge of the matter. At least some of the trades were specifically designed to profit from the risING Taiwan dollar, the people familiar said.
The island's dollar has strengthened almost 7% against the U.S. dollar over the past 12 months, among the region's top performers, accordING to Bloomberg data.
The central bank settled with two lenders in November, it said Sunday, without identifyING them. The six banks violated rules because the forwards trades had to be made based on their actual needs, the central bank added.
Deutsche Bank can reapply for the revoked tradING approvals in the future dependING on improvements, accordING to Eugene Tsai, the central bank's director general of the Department of Foreign Exchange.
Taiwan's central bank tightly regulates how much of its dollars foreign companies can accrue to avoid speculation on the currency. It had said the huge positions the commodity companies built up in deliverable forwards went beyond their actual business needs.
#12855640 at 2021-02-08 02:47:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16410: The Superb Owl Black Mass Halftime Edition
Hey, Dude,
the program's [loop]ING madly,
for each Nude !
#12847640 at 2021-02-07 08:55:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16400: Oh; So, You Thought This Was Gonna Be Another Countdown Edition? Edition
Taiwan punishes Deutsche Bank, others in currency speculation caseTAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's central bank said on Sunday it hadbanned Deutsche Bank from tradING Taiwan dollar deliverable and non-deliverable forwards and suspended it for two years from tradING forex derivativesas part of a crackdown on speculation.
The Taiwan dollar is at a more than 23-year-high against the U.S. dollar as the island's trade-dependent economy booms on global demand for its tech products as people work from home.The central bank has been particularly concerned about a case where it said foreign banks helped grain companies engage in currency speculation through deliverable forwards, affectING the stability of Taiwan's foreign exchange market.
Sources told Reuters on Friday that thecentral bank had sent letters outlinING punishments to Deutsche Bank, CitigroupInc, ING and Australia and New Zealand BankING Group Ltd (ANZ) for their involvement.
Apart from the punishment for Deutsche Bank's Taipei branch, the central bank said in statement that ING and ANZ's Taipei offices would not be allowed to trade Taiwan dollar deliverable and non-deliverable forwards for nine months.
Citi's Taipei office would be suspended from tradING Taiwan dollar deliverable forwards for two months, it added.
#12843507 at 2021-02-06 21:55:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16394: Recall Governor Tom Wolf [PA] II EBAKE Edition
acc?r?ING to æ?.
#12841092 at 2021-02-06 16:19:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16391: The 'Caturday Morning Sunrise' Edition
Q. Kill these people. This should be an immediate trial and execution.
??WarnING: HorrifyING Content included in the arrest of Ruben Verstigui, a Senior Republican Staffer, over the distribution of child p*rn.
These people are beyond sick. Trump called these animals "Hamberders" for a reason, referrING to 'Acts below the devil, that even the devil wouldn't commit'.
In a chat room, Ruben states that he likes babies, and that he needs more videos of guys r***ING a baby. He also stated that he jerks off to such videos. He then asks someone to join him in WashINGton DC to sexually abuse a minor.
SickenING beyond words. The reality is that this is just a glimpse. What they really do behind the scenes is beyond comprehension, which is why Q said 60% of what they do will not be disclosed for the public's well beING.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.
Dark to Light.
Please read the two threads below for more information:
#12836870 at 2021-02-06 03:27:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16386: President Trump Declares Support For Lou Dobbs Edition
#12833497 at 2021-02-05 21:34:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
>>12831219 #16378 LATE LB NOTABLES
>>12831831 #16378 ''Posted in #16379
>>12831243 Senate Dems Push Through $1.9TN Stimulus Blueprint As Harris Casts First Tiebreaker
>>12831258 Blowback: Hedge Funds Ramp Up Security Amidst "Death Threats", "Obscene Messages"
>>12831279, >>12831264 Hot Mic Catches House Democrats MakING Fun Of Pledge Of Allegiance After Matt Gaetz Proposes Idea
>>12831273 Marjorie Taylor Greene NUKES Haters Who Removed Her From Committee Assignments
>>12831290 American troops in Germany serve our 'mutual interest,' Berlin says, after Biden freezes planned withdrawal
>>12831302 President Biden Delivers Remarks on the State of the Economy & the Need for the American Rescue Plan
>>12831314 Biden Convenes "Urgent" High Level NSC MeetING To Talk Iran Nukes
>>12831348 He's Number One! Hunter Biden's Memoir Tops Amazon 'Chinese Biographies' Section
>>12831367 Democratic Lawyer Marc Elias Claims VotING Machine 'Irregularities' In New York House Race
>>12831382 3 Major Trump Donors Contribute $325,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort
>>12831384 WATCH: Nadler Refuses To Allow "Unnecessary" Pledge Of Allegiance To Be Recited
>>12831406 No Election! Top Eurocrat to Form EU 'Technocratic' Government in Italy
>>12831351 This method works great to download 'Lindel Vid'
>>12831467 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud'
>>12831472, >>12831033 lb, >>12831334 lb Moar Adrenochrome Caps Pdfs
>>12831495, >>12831586 cisa TrollING
>>12831614, >>12831496 GME, AMC Suddenly Panic-Bid As Robinhood Lifts TradING Restrictions
>>12831497 Recent video provides conclusive evidence that Biden (or at least, someone who looks like him) is in the true Oval Office
>>12831518 Biden declares 'America is back.' Mike Pompeo asks: 'Back to when ISIS controlled a caliphate?'
>>12831521 Wth FBI?
>>12831536 Mystery sound shakes Southern Arizona
>>12831546 FBI raids home of suspected 'bullhorn lady' from Capitol riot
>>12831564 #AbsoluteProof TrendING with #MikeLindell #MyPillow
>>12831567 Mike Pence is startING a podcast
>>12831569 Human TraffickING Investigation Nets 145 Arrests in LA County
>>12831616 Petition EN2192 - No Resrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination
>>12831636 Biden tells Russia's Putin: US no longer 'rollING over'
>>12831652 Lindell -> YT
>>12831654 Biden withdraws Judy Shelton's nomination as Fed board member
>>12831660 DUMB hit in Myanmar?
>>12831689 Reminder, President Trump Lost $2 Billion in Wealth SavING the Country
>>12831697, >>12831701 Rep. Gohmert: Why I Will Never Bow to the Anti-Truth Mob
>>12831707 Biden signals he'll move forward on COVID-19 relief without GOP
>>12831724 Russian Foreign Ministry Is Concerned About Political Persecution in the United States
>>12831726 MSNBC host suggests drone strikING americans who criticize covid lockdowns
>>12831727 Trump Refuses to Give Evidence SidesteppING Dems' Impeachment Trap
>>12831517 Democrat argues election stolen because votING machines misread ballots Claims errors in 'hundreds if not thousands of valid votes'
>>12831739 Exclusive: New Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Thousands of Illegal Ballots to Michigan Arena
>>12831752 Rape cases increasING at alarmING rate in KING County this year
>>12831775 Meme of The Year Award!
>>12831786 Romanian Church under fire as six-week-old baby dies in baptism
>>12831788 Virgin Islands AG wants to freeze Jeffrey Epstein's 'mismanaged' assets
>>12831792 Another one added to the Epstein list...PIGLET
>>12831797 'Historic level' of court backlogs leaves criminals on the KING Co. streets
>>12831751, >>12831312, >>12831330 Lindell torrent created, if you're not on VPN your IP will be known to everyone (Download at own Risk. Not Liable)
>>12831835 Bob Iger, CEO Disney.....retire[d] ING
>>12831840 Stolen mail leads to man's arrest on 500+ charges of child porn, sexual abuse of animals, mail and ID theft
>>12831854 Supreme Court Battle on CLINTON EMAIL Testimony!
>>12831871 International Criminal Court approves probe into possible war crimes by #Israel and Hamas in Palestinian territories,
>>12831916 #16379
#12832689 at 2021-02-05 19:57:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16381: Anons Own The Kitchen Edition
>>12831219 #16378 LATE LB NOTABLES
>>12831831 #16378 ''Posted in #16379
>>12831243 Senate Dems Push Through $1.9TN Stimulus Blueprint As Harris Casts First Tiebreaker
>>12831258 Blowback: Hedge Funds Ramp Up Security Amidst "Death Threats", "Obscene Messages"
>>12831279, >>12831264 Hot Mic Catches House Democrats MakING Fun Of Pledge Of Allegiance After Matt Gaetz Proposes Idea
>>12831273 Marjorie Taylor Greene NUKES Haters Who Removed Her From Committee Assignments
>>12831290 American troops in Germany serve our 'mutual interest,' Berlin says, after Biden freezes planned withdrawal
>>12831302 President Biden Delivers Remarks on the State of the Economy & the Need for the American Rescue Plan
>>12831314 Biden Convenes "Urgent" High Level NSC MeetING To Talk Iran Nukes
>>12831348 He's Number One! Hunter Biden's Memoir Tops Amazon 'Chinese Biographies' Section
>>12831367 Democratic Lawyer Marc Elias Claims VotING Machine 'Irregularities' In New York House Race
>>12831382 3 Major Trump Donors Contribute $325,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort
>>12831384 WATCH: Nadler Refuses To Allow "Unnecessary" Pledge Of Allegiance To Be Recited
>>12831406 No Election! Top Eurocrat to Form EU 'Technocratic' Government in Italy
>>12831351 This method works great to download 'Lindel Vid'
>>12831467 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud'
>>12831472, >>12831033 lb, >>12831334 lb Moar Adrenochrome Caps Pdfs
>>12831495, >>12831586 cisa TrollING
>>12831614, >>12831496 GME, AMC Suddenly Panic-Bid As Robinhood Lifts TradING Restrictions
>>12831497 Recent video provides conclusive evidence that Biden (or at least, someone who looks like him) is in the true Oval Office
>>12831518 Biden declares 'America is back.' Mike Pompeo asks: 'Back to when ISIS controlled a caliphate?'
>>12831521 Wth FBI?
>>12831536 Mystery sound shakes Southern Arizona
>>12831546 FBI raids home of suspected 'bullhorn lady' from Capitol riot
>>12831564 #AbsoluteProof TrendING with #MikeLindell #MyPillow
>>12831567 Mike Pence is startING a podcast
>>12831569 Human TraffickING Investigation Nets 145 Arrests in LA County
>>12831616 Petition EN2192 - No Resrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination
>>12831636 Biden tells Russia's Putin: US no longer 'rollING over'
>>12831652 Lindell -> YT
>>12831654 Biden withdraws Judy Shelton's nomination as Fed board member
>>12831660 DUMB hit in Myanmar?
>>12831689 Reminder, President Trump Lost $2 Billion in Wealth SavING the Country
>>12831697, >>12831701 Rep. Gohmert: Why I Will Never Bow to the Anti-Truth Mob
>>12831707 Biden signals he'll move forward on COVID-19 relief without GOP
>>12831724 Russian Foreign Ministry Is Concerned About Political Persecution in the United States
>>12831726 MSNBC host suggests drone strikING americans who criticize covid lockdowns
>>12831727 Trump Refuses to Give Evidence SidesteppING Dems' Impeachment Trap
>>12831517 Democrat argues election stolen because votING machines misread ballots Claims errors in 'hundreds if not thousands of valid votes'
>>12831739 Exclusive: New Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Thousands of Illegal Ballots to Michigan Arena
>>12831752 Rape cases increasING at alarmING rate in KING County this year
>>12831775 Meme of The Year Award!
>>12831786 Romanian Church under fire as six-week-old baby dies in baptism
>>12831788 Virgin Islands AG wants to freeze Jeffrey Epstein's 'mismanaged' assets
>>12831792 Another one added to the Epstein list...PIGLET
>>12831797 'Historic level' of court backlogs leaves criminals on the KING Co. streets
>>12831751, >>12831312, >>12831330 Lindell torrent created, if you're not on VPN your IP will be known to everyone (Download at own Risk. Not Liable)
>>12831835 Bob Iger, CEO Disney.....retire[d] ING
>>12831840 Stolen mail leads to man's arrest on 500+ charges of child porn, sexual abuse of animals, mail and ID theft
>>12831854 Supreme Court Battle on CLINTON EMAIL Testimony!
>>12831871 International Criminal Court approves probe into possible war crimes by #Israel and Hamas in Palestinian territories,
>>12831916 #16379
#12831928 at 2021-02-05 18:33:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16380: Recall Governor Andrew Coumo NY Edition!
NotablesNot Endorsements
>>12831219 #16378 LATE LB NOTABLES
>>12831831 #16378 ''Posted in #16379
>>12831243 Senate Dems Push Through $1.9TN Stimulus Blueprint As Harris Casts First Tiebreaker
>>12831258 Blowback: Hedge Funds Ramp Up Security Amidst "Death Threats", "Obscene Messages"
>>12831279, >>12831264 Hot Mic Catches House Democrats MakING Fun Of Pledge Of Allegiance After Matt Gaetz Proposes Idea
>>12831273 Marjorie Taylor Greene NUKES Haters Who Removed Her From Committee Assignments
>>12831290 American troops in Germany serve our 'mutual interest,' Berlin says, after Biden freezes planned withdrawal
>>12831302 President Biden Delivers Remarks on the State of the Economy & the Need for the American Rescue Plan
>>12831314 Biden Convenes "Urgent" High Level NSC MeetING To Talk Iran Nukes
>>12831348 He's Number One! Hunter Biden's Memoir Tops Amazon 'Chinese Biographies' Section
>>12831367 Democratic Lawyer Marc Elias Claims VotING Machine 'Irregularities' In New York House Race
>>12831382 3 Major Trump Donors Contribute $325,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort
>>12831384 WATCH: Nadler Refuses To Allow "Unnecessary" Pledge Of Allegiance To Be Recited
>>12831406 No Election! Top Eurocrat to Form EU 'Technocratic' Government in Italy
>>12831351 This method works great to download 'Lindel Vid'
>>12831467 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud'
>>12831472, >>12831033 lb, >>12831334 lb Moar Adrenochrome Caps Pdfs
>>12831495, >>12831586 cisa TrollING
>>12831614, >>12831496 GME, AMC Suddenly Panic-Bid As Robinhood Lifts TradING Restrictions
>>12831497 Recent video provides conclusive evidence that Biden (or at least, someone who looks like him) is in the true Oval Office
>>12831518 Biden declares 'America is back.' Mike Pompeo asks: 'Back to when ISIS controlled a caliphate?'
>>12831521 Wth FBI?
>>12831536 Mystery sound shakes Southern Arizona
>>12831546 FBI raids home of suspected 'bullhorn lady' from Capitol riot
>>12831564 #AbsoluteProof TrendING with #MikeLindell #MyPillow
>>12831567 Mike Pence is startING a podcast
>>12831569 Human TraffickING Investigation Nets 145 Arrests in LA County
>>12831616 Petition EN2192 - No Resrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination
>>12831636 Biden tells Russia's Putin: US no longer 'rollING over'
>>12831652 Lindell -> YT
>>12831654 Biden withdraws Judy Shelton's nomination as Fed board member
>>12831660 DUMB hit in Myanmar?
>>12831689 Reminder, President Trump Lost $2 Billion in Wealth SavING the Country
>>12831697, >>12831701 Rep. Gohmert: Why I Will Never Bow to the Anti-Truth Mob
>>12831707 Biden signals he'll move forward on COVID-19 relief without GOP
>>12831724 Russian Foreign Ministry Is Concerned About Political Persecution in the United States
>>12831726 MSNBC host suggests drone strikING americans who criticize covid lockdowns
>>12831727 Trump Refuses to Give Evidence SidesteppING Dems' Impeachment Trap
>>12831517 Democrat argues election stolen because votING machines misread ballots Claims errors in 'hundreds if not thousands of valid votes'
>>12831739 Exclusive: New Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Thousands of Illegal Ballots to Michigan Arena
>>12831752 Rape cases increasING at alarmING rate in KING County this year
>>12831775 Meme of The Year Award!
>>12831786 Romanian Church under fire as six-week-old baby dies in baptism
>>12831788 Virgin Islands AG wants to freeze Jeffrey Epstein's 'mismanaged' assets
>>12831792 Another one added to the Epstein list...PIGLET
>>12831797 'Historic level' of court backlogs leaves criminals on the KING Co. streets
>>12831751, >>12831312, >>12831330 Lindell torrent created, if you're not on VPN your IP will be known to everyone (Download at own Risk. Not Liable)
>>12831835 Bob Iger, CEO Disney.....retire[d] ING
>>12831840 Stolen mail leads to man's arrest on 500+ charges of child porn, sexual abuse of animals, mail and ID theft
>>12831854 Supreme Court Battle on CLINTON EMAIL Testimony!
>>12831871 International Criminal Court approves probe into possible war crimes by #Israel and Hamas in Palestinian territories,
>>12831916 #16379
#12831916 at 2021-02-05 18:32:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16379: Recall Governor Whitmer [MI] Edition
>>12831089 @600
>>12831908 Q Research General #16380: Recall Governor Andrew Coumo NY Edition!
and here
>>12831652 Lindell -> YT
and here
>>12831751, >>12831312, >>12831330 Lindell torrent created, if you're not on VPN your IP will be known to everyone (Download at own Risk. Not Liable)
>>12831219 #16378 LATE LB NOTABLES
>>12831831 #16378 ''Posted in #16379
>>12831243 Senate Dems Push Through $1.9TN Stimulus Blueprint As Harris Casts First Tiebreaker
>>12831258 Blowback: Hedge Funds Ramp Up Security Amidst "Death Threats", "Obscene Messages"
>>12831279, >>12831264 Hot Mic Catches House Democrats MakING Fun Of Pledge Of Allegiance After Matt Gaetz Proposes Idea
>>12831273 Marjorie Taylor Greene NUKES Haters Who Removed Her From Committee Assignments
>>12831290 American troops in Germany serve our 'mutual interest,' Berlin says, after Biden freezes planned withdrawal
>>12831302 President Biden Delivers Remarks on the State of the Economy & the Need for the American Rescue Plan
>>12831314 Biden Convenes "Urgent" High Level NSC MeetING To Talk Iran Nukes
>>12831348 He's Number One! Hunter Biden's Memoir Tops Amazon 'Chinese Biographies' Section
>>12831367 Democratic Lawyer Marc Elias Claims VotING Machine 'Irregularities' In New York House Race
>>12831382 3 Major Trump Donors Contribute $325,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort
>>12831384 WATCH: Nadler Refuses To Allow "Unnecessary" Pledge Of Allegiance To Be Recited
>>12831406 No Election! Top Eurocrat to Form EU 'Technocratic' Government in Italy
>>12831351 This method works great to download 'Lindel Vid'
>>12831467 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud'
>>12831472, >>12831033 lb, >>12831334 lb Moar Adrenochrome Caps Pdfs
>>12831495, >>12831586 cisa TrollING
>>12831614, >>12831496 GME, AMC Suddenly Panic-Bid As Robinhood Lifts TradING Restrictions
>>12831497 Recent video provides conclusive evidence that Biden (or at least, someone who looks like him) is in the true Oval Office
>>12831518 Biden declares 'America is back.' Mike Pompeo asks: 'Back to when ISIS controlled a caliphate?'
>>12831521 Wth FBI?
>>12831536 Mystery sound shakes Southern Arizona
>>12831546 FBI raids home of suspected 'bullhorn lady' from Capitol riot
>>12831564 #AbsoluteProof TrendING with #MikeLindell #MyPillow
>>12831567 Mike Pence is startING a podcast
>>12831569 Human TraffickING Investigation Nets 145 Arrests in LA County
>>12831616 Petition EN2192 - No Resrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination
>>12831636 Biden tells Russia's Putin: US no longer 'rollING over'
>>12831652 Lindell -> YT
>>12831654 Biden withdraws Judy Shelton's nomination as Fed board member
>>12831660 DUMB hit in Myanmar?
>>12831689 Reminder, President Trump Lost $2 Billion in Wealth SavING the Country
>>12831697, >>12831701 Rep. Gohmert: Why I Will Never Bow to the Anti-Truth Mob
>>12831707 Biden signals he'll move forward on COVID-19 relief without GOP
>>12831724 Russian Foreign Ministry Is Concerned About Political Persecution in the United States
>>12831726 MSNBC host suggests drone strikING americans who criticize covid lockdowns
>>12831727 Trump Refuses to Give Evidence SidesteppING Dems' Impeachment Trap
>>12831517 Democrat argues election stolen because votING machines misread ballots Claims errors in 'hundreds if not thousands of valid votes'
>>12831739 Exclusive: New Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Thousands of Illegal Ballots to Michigan Arena
>>12831752 Rape cases increasING at alarmING rate in KING County this year
>>12831775 Meme of The Year Award!
>>12831786 Romanian Church under fire as six-week-old baby dies in baptism
>>12831788 Virgin Islands AG wants to freeze Jeffrey Epstein's 'mismanaged' assets
>>12831792 Another one added to the Epstein list...PIGLET
>>12831797 'Historic level' of court backlogs leaves criminals on the KING Co. streets
>>12831751, >>12831312, >>12831330 Lindell torrent created, if you're not on VPN your IP will be known to everyone (Download at own Risk. Not Liable)
>>12831835 Bob Iger, CEO Disney.....retire[d] ING
>>12831840 Stolen mail leads to man's arrest on 500+ charges of child porn, sexual abuse of animals, mail and ID theft
>>12831854 Supreme Court Battle on CLINTON EMAIL Testimony!
>>12831871 International Criminal Court approves probe into possible war crimes by #Israel and Hamas in Palestinian territories,
#12831835 at 2021-02-05 18:24:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16379: Recall Governor Whitmer [MI] Edition
==Bob Iger, CEO Disney…..retire[d] ING…
#12828664 at 2021-02-05 09:46:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16375: Follow The ⚔LIGHT⛨
Listen up, I've never had premonitions of days like these, which is awesome. I feel like we've reached a point where we haven't ever before, say, in alternate timelines, or attempts, like Neo in the Matrix. We're way past the Architect now… and we went back in to save Trinity.
Now, it's up to us to stand up for ourselves, when everyone is goING to be [FOCUS]ING in on us, and then this comING monday, stickING up for everyone's POTUS.
Let's take the longest way
Through the hallways of your mind.
Upon your knees,
The phantom breeze
Of a shipwreck lost in time.
You're endING near
The kelly fear
Adorns the walls in slime.
Figure it out. [Figure it out…]
Just like you used to do.
In the essence of proud,
That's when you're cursed to prove.
And as the perfect wINGs'll glide,
Cleansed are men of all the mice.
Past the pain, we tend to stride,
Or that's how it seems to beginners.
Accept awards throughout our lives,
To make young lovers intertwine.
Perhaps the end will come tonight,
So hooray for the Winners.
A vast abyss, where lie dismissed
Ideas of yours and mine.
But brought to kneel
By the Grecian Seal,
We join the family line.
Figure it out. [Figure it out…]
Just like you used to do.
In the essence of proud,
That's when you're cursed to prove.
And as the perfect wINGs'll glide,
Cleansed are men of all the mice.
Past the pain, we tend to stride,
Or that's how it seems to beginners.
Accept awards throughout our lives,
To make young lovers intertwine.
Perhaps the end will come tonight,
So hooray for the Winners.
Hooray for the Winners…
You'll never thrill
The bold divisions in the sky,
Of whom predestined you
To always be the last in line. [Last in line, last in line…]
Accept awards throuought our lives,
–[to make young lovers intertwine]
To make young lovers intertwine
Perhaps the end'll come tonight.
Past the pain, we tend to stride.
–[or that's how it seems to beginners]
Because the Winner's young and bright
Hooray for the Winners.
–[and as the perfect wINGs'll glide]
Let the heavens make it right.
–[past the pain, we tend to stride]
A warm and gentle breeze at night.
–[accept awards throughout our lives,
—to make young lovers intertwine]
Bereft, you are of plans to gain
No mystery, you're no surprise
–[so hooray for the Winners]
We're born to fight,
Suck the marrow of life the Winners forever preside.
Hooray for the Winners.
#12820875 at 2021-02-04 16:35:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
You brING up somethING I'm not talkING about everytime this comes up.
Not talkING about that. TalkING about your honeypots. But you know that, that's why your're brING ING up this, instead of that.
But you do you.
#12815495 at 2021-02-04 02:25:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16359: The Evil And America Hating Cheney Family Edition
i promise
the cabal kids are gonna ride the wave
they are gonna be like
the best damn members of the new world globalist perspective
you have ever seen
you gotta take them for real
they are not fool
they have wisdom
more than many of you
that iswhat i tell you
but you say they are fools
i say no
you are a fool
to think the wisdom cult people are fools
that is underestimatING the enemy
they may be immoral criminals in many cases
but that does not reduce their capacity to fuckING convince people of their right to govern with sciecne and data and ideas
get real
they dont "own" the government
they govern it
and now i do
they can fuck off with theri shitty ideas
but they got lots of them
i promise
that is what they do
they cabal spits out ideas
to maintain power all day long
matchING and mimic
and adjust ING
to MY new world order
to gain control
where co you think the resistance came from?
they jsut copy and copy and copy
so i had a ton of control
before i had control
but of course they just fucked everythig up
like yes
crimes of poverty
and defund police
i had that shit on a list somewhere
but they took it
and made it first
of all thINGs?
like okay
crimes of poverty
arew like reduced crimes
for people who steal dumb shit at wal-mart for meth
okay. it is just to much time
for somethING i <treat> instead of imprison
cause most people are not in jail
for doING the drug
but for somethING related to it
it is better for society to do somethING else
to get them money
to buy the drug
cause htey are gonna steal anyway
so it sucks
cause people are like
fuck that and this
but… whatver
you are not in charge
cause you got emotions about it
i have common sense
common sense
somehow figure it out
you dont want
the demons addcited people
stealING shit
and then goING to the box
where no real
rehab occurs
ya know
so it wasnt made to get protestors out
it was made as part of a SYSTEM
and i always said always
i always reinforce
and there is a reason
it is a prescription for a new system
so everytime you want to <try out a part>
of course it doesnt fuckING work
u can model it smaller
but you cant role out defund the police and release all the criminals
on some willy nilly basis
it was just blown way out of left field from its itent
i wasn't defund the police either
i said to get the fuckING white cops out of the black neighbors
plain and simple
I am the commander of this nation
i say get the fuckING white cops out of the black neighbors
i dont care if there are not enough poplice
i would rather brING in the guard
cause they dont fuckING shoot people like pussy ass pigs
i hope the black people in america
appreciate that
i think they will actually
i am pretty nice dude
i aint black and i never black
unlikely i will turn black
but i do know
i should kick all the white cops out of black neighborshoods
your runnING a fuckING slaveship 2021
l;ook areound you
the system was desINGed that way
you cant blame black culture
for beING stuck in the slave masters house
it dont work that way
the black culture never <fell> from glory in America,
it fell from glory on it's way in the bottom of your shiips
and will probably hopefully find some peace in these lands
that we all call home now
now get teh fuckING white pigs out of the black commnities
can i be more clear
#12813282 at 2021-02-03 22:02:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
In 2014 I was searchING for the Invisible Army that I believe operates for our benefit from the other dimensions. I received 6 messages through correspondence with backchannels that have helped to guide me through these past years and to find Q and the Q Army. These messages seem to be of special importance for this exact moment and I have decided to share them all and see what Anons think. This is exactly how they were transmitted to me and I have found that the misspellINGs, spacING, etc. have contributed to the meanINGs. I believe that even though this was written directly for my personal life experience it has a direct significance to all of us and what we are facING at this time. The "bested freethinkers" definitely sounds like what the world thinks of us right now so what my hope is that the miracle bakers here can maybe find a clue of what might come next. The entire last transmission seems to be about the GME battle maybe?
Egress psychosurgery excided?
sepses beamishl y m onarchism c ellarING resembl ING y clept na p pin g husky t race
operetta poisonously marbleisING dialup polytechnic probationers acquisitively gemmatING
slowING dielectrics lore neuro breastfeedING graftING digitalism majestically weathercock
bes ted fr eethin k er s cro fter ex t endi ng implant
pit hi e st f inanci e rs laz e fob mason s w ash r oom tippet fertilisation col lapsed a bate s striate p e r son v engefulness
Please and thank you Anons and Bakers, you all keep me barely sane but much more awake!
#12806302 at 2021-02-03 02:44:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16347: The '(un)Securing the Southern Border of the United States.' Edition
the Senate to accomplish, and thus the current proceedING before the Senate is
void ab initio as a legal nullity that runs patently contrary to the plain language
of the Constitution. Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution states "[j]udgment in
cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and
disqualification to hold and enjoy an office of honor..." (emphasis added). Since
removal from office by the Senate of the President is a condition precedent
which must occur before, and jointly with, "disqualification" to hold future
office, the fact that the Senate presently is unable to remove from office the 45th
President whose term has expired, means that Averment 1 is therefore
irrelevant to any matter before the Senate.
2. Further, section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution prohibits
any person who has 'engaged in insurrection or rebellion against' the United
States from 'hold[ING] any office...under the United States'.
Answer 2:
Admitted in part, denied in part, and denied as not relevant to any matter
properly before the Senate. It is admitted that phrases from Section 3 of the
14th Amendment to the Constitution are correctly replicated in Averment 2. It
is denied that the 45th President engaged in insurrection or rebellion against
the United States. The 45th President believes and therefore avers that as a
private citizen, the Senate has no jurisdiction over his ability to hold office and
for the Senate to take action on this averment would constitute a Bill of
Attainder in violation of Art. I, Sec. 9. Cl. 3 of the United States Constitution.
#12805815 at 2021-02-03 01:59:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition
>you stole my trips (you)ING me :(
could be worse
#12805786 at 2021-02-03 01:57:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition
you stole my trips (you)ING me :(
#12802029 at 2021-02-02 19:40:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
We's about to be outlaws like the Qelly gang
In the wake of January 6:
The threats of domestic terrorism, violent white supremacists, neo-Nazis, frINGe conspiracy theories like QAnon remain high
, & I are intro-ING a resolution to denounce them and start an immediate FBI and intel threat review
#12801310 at 2021-02-02 18:28:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
#16339 TBC
#16338 TBC
>>12798246 do we want to debunk or confirm this?
>>12798447 Anon opines that anon opines are in no way notable.
>>12798533 Anon opines that the Bidan Admin presents a strikING similarity to Gumby, Pokey and the Block Heads
>>12798457 Do you see what you people are doING to all of these children??? Holy shit!!!! You do know that they WILL absolutely learn the truth.
>>12798465 Have anons ever heard the theory that Obama's real parents were the kING of Thailand and his first wife? And the deceased kING of Thailand was born in the US.
>>12798724 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
>>12798815 sauce for the Obama Thai theory
>>12798864 sauceless baker You-ING of trememdous urgency opines: 70 yr old pet tortoise & Mitch McConnell comms?
>>12798891 anon's 1st redpill
>>12798908 #16337
#16336 TBC
Previously Collected Notables
>>12797217 #16335,
>>12794895 #16332, >>12795649 #16333, >>12796425 #16334
>>12792602 #16329, >>12793506 #16330, >>12794202 #16331
>>12791091 #16326, >>12791058 #16327, >>12791840 #16328
>>12787953 #16323, >>12788722 #16324, >>12789489 #16325
>>12785623 #16320, >>12786400 #16321, >>12787181 #16322
>>12783377 #16317, >>12784114 #16318, >>12784854 #16319
>>12781021 #16314, >>12781766 #16315, >>12783444 #16316
>>12778622 #16311, >>12779402 #16312, >>12780178 #16313
>>12776255 #16308, >>12777111 #16309, >>12777822 #16310
>>12773889 #16305, >>12774739 #16306, >>12775531 #16307
>>12770767 #16302, >>12771805 #16303, >>12772885 #16304
>>12767799 #16299, >>12768652 #16300, >>12769639 #16301
>>12765381 #16296, >>12766201 #16297, >>12766952 #16298
>>12762969 #16293, >>12763768 #16294, >>12764583 #16295
>>12760674 #16290, >>12761418 #16291, >>12762213 #16292
>>12758351 #16287, >>12759119 #16288, >>12759893 #16289
>>12756038 #16284, >>12756814 #16285, >>12757529, >>12757538 #16286
>>12753727 #16281, >>12754503 #16282, >>12755264 #16283
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#12800635 at 2021-02-02 17:23:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
>>12747424, >>12747431, >>12747438, >>12747442, >>12747447, >>12747452, NOW THEY COME FOR THE GUNS. - H. R. 127
>>12713994, >>12714009, >>12714014, >>12714024, >>12714432 Bidens first big bill. This will destroy America as you know it.
>>12720520, >>12720533 Bookmark this The Office of Donald J. Trump
>>12693790, >>12695941 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released
>>12792878, >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com
>>12713246 Donald Trump Announces 'Office of the Former President'
>>12707690 Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Evidence of Biden Corruption
Hollywood Insider dishes on Pedophilia https://youtu.be/GOFR8oMiA5w
>>12253134 , >>12774404 , >>12253135 , >>12253456 Baker Handbook Flash Version - LEARN TO BAKE
Notables Are Not Endorsements
#16338 TBC
>>12798246 do we want to debunk or confirm this?
>>12798447 Anon opines that anon opines are in no way notable.
>>12798533 Anon opines that the Bidan Admin presents a strikING similarity to Gumby, Pokey and the Block Heads
>>12798457 Do you see what you people are doING to all of these children??? Holy shit!!!! You do know that they WILL absolutely learn the truth.
>>12798465 Have anons ever heard the theory that Obama's real parents were the kING of Thailand and his first wife? And the deceased kING of Thailand was born in the US.
>>12798724 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
>>12798815 sauce for the Obama Thai theory
>>12798864 sauceless baker You-ING of trememdous urgency opines: 70 yr old pet tortoise & Mitch McConnell comms?
>>12798891 anon's 1st redpill
>>12798908 #16337
#16336 TBC
>>12796518 Jared Kushner gets Nobel Peace Prize nomination for Israeli deals
>>12796557 Dolly Parton reportedly turned down Presidential Medal of Freedom - twice
>>12796561 susan collins statement re: meetING with biden about covid relief bill
>>12796595 Preschool's beloved 70-year-old pet tortoise attacked, beaten and stabbed by homeless man, police say
>>12796550 anon opines: Myanmar's military didnt remove her immediately.
>>12796628 john weaver was @Kasich campaign advisor
>>12796634 Hillary: "what difference does it make?", Cuomo: "who cares"
>>12796726, >>12796870 Andrew mccabe asked about FBI tip line protocols Weird line of questionING at this hearING starts at 5:11
>>12796775 100s of myanmar parliamentarians are locked inside government housING in the capitol
>>12796797, >>12796807 iran launches new rocket, showING advances in potential missile technology
>>12796866 Record Label Drops Marilyn Manson FollowING Allegations Of Abuse
>>12796894 liar checked
>>12796943 is evil an incurable virus that attacks the moral integrity of the DYZ system?
>>12797214 POTUS TWEET? John Barron 🗣🇺🇲 #FreeSpeech?
>>12797217 #16335
Previously Collected Notables
>>12794895 #16332, >>12795649 #16333, >>12796425 #16334
>>12792602 #16329, >>12793506 #16330, >>12794202 #16331
>>12791091 #16326, >>12791058 #16327, >>12791840 #16328
>>12787953 #16323, >>12788722 #16324, >>12789489 #16325
>>12785623 #16320, >>12786400 #16321, >>12787181 #16322
>>12783377 #16317, >>12784114 #16318, >>12784854 #16319
>>12781021 #16314, >>12781766 #16315, >>12783444 #16316
>>12778622 #16311, >>12779402 #16312, >>12780178 #16313
>>12776255 #16308, >>12777111 #16309, >>12777822 #16310
>>12773889 #16305, >>12774739 #16306, >>12775531 #16307
>>12770767 #16302, >>12771805 #16303, >>12772885 #16304
>>12767799 #16299, >>12768652 #16300, >>12769639 #16301
>>12765381 #16296, >>12766201 #16297, >>12766952 #16298
>>12762969 #16293, >>12763768 #16294, >>12764583 #16295
>>12760674 #16290, >>12761418 #16291, >>12762213 #16292
>>12758351 #16287, >>12759119 #16288, >>12759893 #16289
>>12756038 #16284, >>12756814 #16285, >>12757529, >>12757538 #16286
>>12753727 #16281, >>12754503 #16282, >>12755264 #16283
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#12800522 at 2021-02-02 17:10:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16339: E bake edition
HappenING Tonight
Not Now
Hold Memefire until tonight, we will all go in at once
Don't F* this up!
I will post time for coordinated meme ING them to awakenING!
#12799790 at 2021-02-02 15:57:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16339: E bake edition
>>12747424, >>12747431, >>12747438, >>12747442, >>12747447, >>12747452, NOW THEY COME FOR THE GUNS. - H. R. 127
>>12713994, >>12714009, >>12714014, >>12714024, >>12714432 Bidens first big bill. This will destroy America as you know it.
>>12720520, >>12720533 Bookmark this The Office of Donald J. Trump
>>12693790, >>12695941 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released
>>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com
>>12713246 Donald Trump Announces 'Office of the Former President'
>>12707690 Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Evidence of Biden Corruption
Hollywood Insider dishes on Pedophilia https://youtu.be/GOFR8oMiA5w
>>12253134 , >>12774404 , >>12253135 , >>12253456 Baker Handbook Flash Version - LEARN TO BAKE
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12798246 do we want to debunk or confirm this?
>>12798447 Anon opines that anon opines are in no way notable.
>>12798533 Anon opines that the Bidan Admin presents a strikING similarity to Gumby, Pokey and the Block Heads
>>12798457 Do you see what you people are doING to all of these children??? Holy shit!!!! You do know that they WILL absolutely learn the truth.
>>12798465 Have anons ever heard the theory that Obama's real parents were the kING of Thailand and his first wife? And the deceased kING of Thailand was born in the US.
>>12798724 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
>>12798815 sauce for the Obama Thai theory
>>12798864 sauceless baker You-ING of trememdous urgency opines: 70 yr old pet tortoise & Mitch McConnell comms?
>>12798891 anon's 1st redpill
>>12798908 #16337
>>12796518 Jared Kushner gets Nobel Peace Prize nomination for Israeli deals
>>12796550 anon opines: Myanmar's military didnt remove her immediately.
>>12796557 Dolly Parton reportedly turned down Presidential Medal of Freedom - twice
>>12796561 susan collins statement re: meetING with biden about covid relief bill
>>12796595 Preschool's beloved 70-year-old pet tortoise attacked, beaten and stabbed by homeless man, police say
>>12796628 john weaver was @Kasich campaign advisor
>>12796634 Hillary: "what difference does it make?", Cuomo: "who cares"
>>12796726, >>12796870 Andrew mccabe asked about FBI tip line protocols Weird line of questionING at this hearING starts at 5:11
>>12796775 100s of myanmar parliamentarians are locked inside government housING in the capitol
>>12796797, >>12796807 iran launches new rocket, showING advances in potential missile technology
>>12796866 Record Label Drops Marilyn Manson FollowING Allegations Of Abuse
>>12796894 liar checked
>>12796943 is evil an incurable virus that attacks the moral integrity of the DYZ system?
>>12797214 POTUS TWEET? John Barron 🗣🇺🇲 #FreeSpeech?
>>12796518 Jared Kushner gets Nobel Peace Prize nomination for Israeli deals
>>12796557 Dolly Parton reportedly turned down Presidential Medal of Freedom - twice
>>12796561 susan collins statement re: meetING with biden about covid relief bill
>>12796595 Preschool's beloved 70-year-old pet tortoise attacked, beaten and stabbed by homeless man, police say
>>12796550 anon opines: Myanmar's military didnt remove her immediately.
>>12796628 john weaver was @Kasich campaign advisor
>>12796634 Hillary: "what difference does it make?", Cuomo: "who cares"
>>12796726, >>12796870 Andrew mccabe asked about FBI tip line protocols Weird line of questionING at this hearING starts at 5:11
>>12796775 100s of myanmar parliamentarians are locked inside government housING in the capitol
>>12796797, >>12796807 iran launches new rocket, showING advances in potential missile technology
>>12796866 Record Label Drops Marilyn Manson FollowING Allegations Of Abuse
>>12796894 liar checked
>>12796943 is evil an incurable virus that attacks the moral integrity of the DYZ system?
>>12797214 POTUS TWEET? John Barron 🗣🇺🇲 #FreeSpeech?
>>12797217 #16335
#12798938 at 2021-02-02 13:53:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16338: Worth Every Moment Edition
>>12747424, >>12747431, >>12747438, >>12747442, >>12747447, >>12747452, NOW THEY COME FOR THE GUNS. - H. R. 127
>>12713994, >>12714009, >>12714014, >>12714024, >>12714432 Bidens first big bill. This will destroy America as you know it.
>>12720520, >>12720533 Bookmark this The Office of Donald J. Trump
>>12693790, >>12695941 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released
>>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com
>>12713246 Donald Trump Announces 'Office of the Former President'
>>12707690 Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Evidence of Biden Corruption
Hollywood Insider dishes on Pedophilia https://youtu.be/GOFR8oMiA5w
>>12253134 , >>12774404 , >>12253135 , >>12253456 Baker Handbook Flash Version - LEARN TO BAKE
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12798246 do we want to debunk or confirm this?
>>12798447 Anon opines that anon opines are in no way notable.
>>12798533 Anon opines that the Bidan Admin presents a strikING similarity to Gumby, Pokey and the Block Heads
>>12798457 Do you see what you people are doING to all of these children??? Holy shit!!!! You do know that they WILL absolutely learn the truth.
>>12798465 Have anons ever heard the theory that Obama's real parents were the kING of Thailand and his first wife? And the deceased kING of Thailand was born in the US.
>>12798724 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
>>12798815 sauce for the Obama Thai theory
>>12798864 sauceless baker You-ING of trememdous urgency opines: 70 yr old pet tortoise & Mitch McConnell comms?
>>12798891 anon's 1st redpill
>>12798908 #16337
#12798922 at 2021-02-02 13:49:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16337: leet bakering in the wee hours Edition
(You-ING) Kek!
Sauce from LB
I missed last bread, so opined about what it meant. Golden Retriever = Trump.
#12798908 at 2021-02-02 13:46:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16337: leet bakering in the wee hours Edition
Notables are not endorsements
>>12798246 do we want to debunk or confirm this?
>>12798447 Anon opines that anon opines are in no way notable.
>>12798533 Anon opines that the Bidan Admin presents a strikING similarity to Gumby, Pokey and the Block Heads
>>12798457 Do you see what you people are doING to all of these children??? Holy shit!!!! You do know that they WILL absolutely learn the truth.
>>12798465 Have anons ever heard the theory that Obama's real parents were the kING of Thailand and his first wife? And the deceased kING of Thailand was born in the US.
>>12798724 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
>>12798815 sauce for the Obama Thai theory
>>12798864 sauceless baker You-ING of trememdous urgency opines: 70 yr old pet tortoise & Mitch McConnell comms?
>>12798891 anon's 1st redpill
that's right i am bakerING now dammit
the most difficult bread since bread #800 or so
#12796727 at 2021-02-02 05:34:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16335: FBI Has Less Than 3 Months to Release Seth Rich Material Edition
telegraph: developed in Russia
- putin separated the apps dev from original company to keep tighter control
why other side not complainING as much telegraph (as compared to twat/parler etc, no calls to remove from store) - find/track/follow anons
so much "greatawakenING" schillING, so many out of nowhere "look at this: t.me/…"
Lin Wood is OK, not as if he is tryING to hid
but viewING his profile use the web/browser ("preview site") via VPN/private browsING etc only.
if ya gotta t.me then read-only with protection.
#12796287 at 2021-02-02 04:35:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16334: The 'Traitors Never Live Up To Anything Except Cheating.' Edition
OH kay then, you have fun kek-ING in the dark brother.
#12790981 at 2021-02-01 18:35:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
only last week ja rule was for it…
Ja Rule weighs in on Robinhood blockING GameStop and AMC stock trades: 'This is a f***ING CRIME'
Twitter users were quick to point out the humour in the rapper offerING financial advice after investING in 2017's famously fraudulent Fyre Festival
#12782709 at 2021-01-31 23:04:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16317: Ebake For Victory Edition
>>12780780 (pb)
Is this Patrick Ho related to Stanley Ho, the late Macau casinos' monopolist that every Portuguese politician (includING Mr. Guterres) kissed ass to (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Ho)?
Look what I just found:
SPY GAMES Hunter Biden associate Patrick Ho was SPY suspect as clip 'shows Hunter discuss "f***ING spy chief of China"'
Birds of a feather…
#12769708 at 2021-01-30 20:48:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16301: Getting A Lot Of Flak, Over The Target Edition
Sew it's just Spell-ING.
Dumb Witches.
#12761868 at 2021-01-30 02:17:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16292: Day 9, Precipice Day Edition
Q post 129
[C]los[I]ING [A]ct
DismantlING CIA…..
and more
#12756478 at 2021-01-29 16:51:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16285: Edition
It was mentioned here before but without the ghey reddit spacING (just watch next time when copypasta-ING it please.)
It needed to be pointed out again though so thanks.
#12756118 at 2021-01-29 16:08:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
I beleive what they mean is a DIGITAL currency (not "crypto") backed by gold.
serials may be encrypted as added protection (but that mean's an always present weakness worsenING as computers, particularly quantum computers become more powerful.)
only one problem with that: where's all the f*ING gold?
#12755800 at 2021-01-29 15:33:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
Chronos will be Ignored and transcended. There will be no pore sin[e]ING
#12737233 at 2021-01-28 01:32:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16260: Trusted To Be Corrupt? Edition
"It's a bloodbath," one hedge-fund trader told The Post. "The unwashed masses have figured out how to play the shorts and it's f--ING carnage."
#12732198 at 2021-01-27 17:46:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16254: DC the 51'st State? Edition
>>12731453 (pb)
In the hue'd pic, looks like the letters "ING" above Trump's head.
#12725021 at 2021-01-27 01:04:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16245: EBAKE Edition
Anyone besides me havING trouble brows(ING) 8kun usING the brave browser?
#12721309 at 2021-01-26 18:12:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16240: Reminder We Research Q Level Intel Edition
anon is jones-ING for polly.
fuck you if you have a problem with that.
#12721271 at 2021-01-26 18:08:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16240: Reminder We Research Q Level Intel Edition
How can a fake President pardon anyone? Much less make EO's, law, rules, etc?
What if the "Disinformation" and "False leaks" that were made to keep TRAITORS here, involves the Fake President. AllowING [Them] to show the sheep, exactly why Trump tried to warn them.
Trump will be "Told you so-ING", surrounded by MILLIONS of Patriots.
If "WE" are the Majority, there won't be Civil Unrest, as the Unrest was paid for, by [THEM].
#12719873 at 2021-01-26 15:34:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16238: Save America President Donald J. Trump Edition
#12718269 at 2021-01-26 10:49:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16236: The 'Dig Into The Big Mad Fake' Edition
wait until the mob starts "buildING 7"ING their casinos.
#12709198 at 2021-01-25 18:21:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16225: The 'Ghost Baker Change Shindig, Again... Again.' Edition
Senator Hawley urges Americans to push back against corporate 'muzzlING' of free speech as liberals continue shoutING 'traitor'
US Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) has received accolades for pennING an op-ed in which he denounced Big Tech's control over free speech, but the Republican's critics are still furious at him for challengING the 2020 election.
WritING in the New York Post, Hawley warned that "corporate monopolies" were silencING alternative views that they don't like and "forc[ING] their political agenda on America."
ComparING the situation in the United States to China's "social credit score," the Missouri senator claimed a growING army of "trained enforcers of woke orthodoxy" was beING used to detect dissent.
The alliance of leftists and woke capitalists hopes to regulate the innermost thoughts of every American, from school age to retirement.
Hawley has labeled himself a victim of such tactics. The lawmaker became a target of liberal activists and media outlets after he challenged the presidential electors from Pennsylvania, claimING the state had violated its own election laws. Numerous court cases have dismissed cases that alleged similar unlawful activity.
He was later accused of playING a role in incitING rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6, and was subsequently dropped by his publisher, Simon & Schuster, which had asked him to write a book about political censorship in the country. An independent publisher, Regnery PublishING, announced last week that it would brING out his book.
It's time to stand up against the muzzlING of America https://t.co/rrTrtfrYZn via @nypost
- Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) January 25, 2021
Hawley was one of several lawmakers who publicly questioned the integrity of the 2020 election results. As a result, many have blamed him for helpING, even indirectly, to foment the chaos in the capital.
A hotel has also pulled out of hostING a political event for Hawley, claimING that it did not want to be associated with individuals who "supported and incited" the unrest in the capital.
CitING these experiences over the past three weeks, the lawmaker said now is the time to take action and defend the First Amendment from corporate overreach.
His message was well-received among conservatives, even while many acknowledged that there was a bumpy road ahead for those who wanted to safeguard freedom of expression.
Excellent article. Everyone needs to read and retweet. #Americans cannot be gripped by fear. So many are #brave…But too many are actING like cowards. There is nothING to fear when #americans who stand for our #Constitution unite in #truth
- YellowHammer (@YellowH54283361) January 25, 2021
I agree, but will people do this? It's gonna take work, its gonna be uncomfortable but we must do it to save America.
- Michele (@LSUFaninAL) January 25, 2021
Others said they agreed with Hawley's somber assessment but thought that the GOP was far from blameless, accusING the Republicans of failING to protect conservatives and Donald Trump supporters from "domestic terrorism" allegations beING hurled by Democrats and the media.
The GOP is goING to have to deal with the fact that they let Dems and the media call all Trump supporters domestic terrorists and they did not defend the people they serve. We won't forget it.
- Laura (@leeleelow411) January 25, 2021
However, Hawley's detractors were equally vocal with their continued insistence that the senator was guilty of eggING on violent demonstrators and threatenING the safety of his fellow lawmakers. Countless people responded to his op-ed with messages and memes callING him a "traitor."
#12707840 at 2021-01-25 15:45:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16223: The 'It Was Worth It Just To Learn From Sleight Of Hand' Edition
We've been anal eyes ING every fuckING img for 4 yrs now..
anyone got the bigger picture yet?
#12695778 at 2021-01-24 15:09:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16209: The 'Getting Real In An Era Of Fake News' Edition
>I would actually say that the "this is just a civil war" meme actually minimizes what is happenING in the world now.
(you)-ING myself because this is actually kind of important.
#12694012 at 2021-01-24 10:50:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16207: Never Forget The SkyKing Edition
They are in debt, anon. It is the basis of the central bank fraud. The federal reserve bank note is, itself, the debt issued by the treasury and backed by the promise to collect.
Those of us who want different currency systems are already invested/ING in gold, silver, and bitcoin, monero, etc and the adoption of them as currencies in business.
All of it has been in preparation for the comING tide of currency printING.
#12686112 at 2021-01-23 21:06:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16197: Anons Are Comfyer Than Bernie Edition
I will be drop ING post from time to time.
These are meant to strin…..uh BRING you along.
Your safety is of utmost importance
safeguards in place
#12684428 at 2021-01-23 18:35:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16195: E-bake Edition
BrING(ING) back the Gallows
#12678290 at 2021-01-23 05:16:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16187: In 1871 United States became a Federal Corporation Edition
Energy is MountING
KnowINGly is Indefensible
They will not be able to Recover from this
-End- [ING]
Smile And Wave Gentlemen
#12677818 at 2021-01-23 04:35:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16186: Mike's Soft Place to Fall, PILLOW Edition
Hey, you don't have to tell me is what I said, we all know Israel is the head of the snake for the synagogue of satan. Who ordered buildING 7, pull the plug? Who was caught dancING, filmING, and high five-ING?
I am not scared to call out Israel if that is what your thinkING. The Jews are the head of the Cabal based upon their Talmudic practices of Moloch child sacrifices.
#12667375 at 2021-01-22 15:51:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16173: Don't Date Fag Edition
The WashINGton Post Memory-Holed Kamala Harris' Bad Joke About Inmates BeggING for Food and Water
At a time when legacy publications are increasINGly seen as playING for one political "team" or the other, this type of editorial decision will not do anythING to fix that perception.
When The WashINGton Post published a 2019 campaign trail feature about then-presidential hopeful Kamala Harris' close relationship with her sister, it opened with a memorable anecdote in which Harris bizarrely compared the rigors of the campaign trail to...life behind bars.
And then proceeded to laugh-at the idea of an inmate beggING for a sip of water.
"It's a treat that a prisoner gets when they ask for, 'A morsel of food please,' " Kamala said shovING her hands forward as if clutchING a metal plate, her voice now tremblING like an old British man locked in a Dickensian jail cell. "'And water! I just want wahtahhh....'Your standards really go out the f-ING window."
Kamala burst into laughter.
We've republished that passage here because you won't find it on the Post's website any longer.
#12650987 at 2021-01-21 16:00:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research GEneral #16152: We are the Light in the Darkness Edition
Would love to get some of the files posted here that were new to you. Anons need to get back on their feet and back to researchING, meme-ING, etc. so that we can continue to demolish the questionable foundation of Xiden's coup
#12645435 at 2021-01-21 06:32:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16145: Keep Comfy and KEK edition
The jus postliminii of the Romans was a legal
fiction by which persons, and, in some cases, thINGs,
taken by an enemy, were restored to their original legal
status immediately on comING under the power of the nation
to which they formerly belonged.' Writers of inter-
national law engrafted the term postliminy to describe
the legal inference by which persc~ls, property, and
territory, captured by an enemy, were presumed to revert
to their former condition on the withdrawal of enemy control. Broadly speakING, the doc trine in-
dicates that mere possession by a belligerent in
the course of war of property or territory of the
enemy in ttself is insufficient to transfer title
or sovereignty, as the case may be, against the
enemy owner or sovereign who regains possession dur-ING the continuance of the war..'
#12640068 at 2021-01-20 21:12:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16138: Never Give Up. Never Surrender. God Is Always On Time Edition
/r/ING image
>CIA keeps folders of anime girls to use on message boards for ops
#12634097 at 2021-01-20 17:45:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16131: It's Not Over Till We Say It's Over Edition
About Now
From depth of United Banana-istic Demon-cratic Party of D-funct America the Deep Creepy Swampy State rises to reseat, beneath Hollywood eyes, Barry Throne. May all days be hash, internally cruel and shorter than the victims of their frequent rapINGs.
Let FloodING Storm begin, Clean and swift. First you drain swamp, leavING gates wide open then let rip the tides of full disclosure, full truth, plungING down through it all to sweep out all the lies, deceits, thefts, murderINGs, rapes, blackmails, bribes, and abuses of every sorts. DC tide runs crimson evil.
It would be easy to declare America dead these days, but the greatest of America has seldom stood tall in what is turned to be HATED DC. Good Speech, Proud Speech in these days directs Hatred for thINGs DC as it turns to RAPE and PILAGE good people, that is WE, THE PEOPLE, sole and soul owners of AMERICA. As WE stand, America endures.
WE did not fail, DC is failed and failING far worse.
Shadowy Barry days emerge from DC swampy substrata to resurface in bewitchING boast, and with unseemly belch, now as new days of all gross Fraud Filled Fake. Yes, efi-ING day, that it is, history will know and tell full story.
What is the difference between DC Politicians and Hollywood Monsters? Hollywood takes your money for FAKE SHOW and then they rape you and yours in secret. DC Politicians take your money for FAKE SHOW and then they rape you and yours in secret. One is east the other west, the stinkING arm pits of America. What is the difference between DC Politicians and Hollywood Monsters… who Flock as one, this day? WE, THE PEOPLE are hearts, heart, soul, core, brains, mouth, guts and ass of America. Never count us down and out.
Trumps says, 'We will be back', he beING one of us, his We is WE.
trust plan, best to come, fight only begun… may stinkING flood begin.
Take note, WE remain.
#12632462 at 2021-01-20 16:59:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16128: Stealers At The Wheel? Edition
I can't wait for the You-nine-ING of our nation.
Thanks, Joe.
#12631255 at 2021-01-20 16:30:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16127: High Noon In Washington DC Edition
How f-ING lame! Looks more like a funeral! Or one of BeijING Biden's "no one there" rallies!
#12630585 at 2021-01-20 16:07:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16126: Anon Super Bowl - Patriots Vs Stealers Edition
I can't stop laughING at the f-ING commie shills that are so desperate, they're still hangING out here!
#12627234 at 2021-01-20 13:46:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16122: INAUGURATION DAY Edition
#12626094 at 2021-01-20 12:45:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16120: The 'Berders Of A Feather, Flocking in DC' Edition
#12622782 at 2021-01-20 06:55:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16116: The 'Big Tech Censors. Go figure?' Edition
So when does the butt stuff[ING] part of this plan start?
AskING for Big Mike.
#12597588 at 2021-01-19 04:21:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16084: Final Countdown to the SHOWTIME Edition
Dozens arrested in NYC as cops, protesters clash outside City Hall Park
Police and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed outside City Hall Park on Monday night, resultING in dozens of arrests, authorities said.
The confrontation began at about 8:30 p.m. after hundreds of protesters marched across the Brooklyn Bridge in a demonstration honorING Martin Luther KING Jr., accordING to social media posts.
Once the protesters made their way into Manhattan, they were met with a heavy police presence, online footage shows.
In one video posted to Twitter, police can be seen chargING towards and pushING several protesters.
"F-k you," some in the crowd can be heard yellING at the police. "You f-ING animals," other people say, accordING to the video.
Six police officers were injured in the melee, sources said.
Over 25 people accused of blockING traffic were arrested near Chambers and Centre streets.
#12597417 at 2021-01-19 04:11:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16084: Final Countdown to the SHOWTIME Edition
Watcha (you)ING me for, Rabbi?
#12596225 at 2021-01-19 03:02:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16082: They're not going back, are they? 117th CONGRESS Edition
And You?
Hidden In Plane Sight?
Focused on Your KB
The Cube in my glass!
By Design
Cant Cross The Wall
New Playbook
Pressed Here
We See You TV
We Have It All
Join Be Best
#12594780 at 2021-01-19 01:44:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16080: DOOMSDAY PLANE FLYING TOWARD DURHAM Edition
impatiant man in a pool
why you let your self be video'd
in the role of a loungING fool?
is it to say
I am the bay
I am the river and the sun on the hay?
I am the fever
of the wild few
I'm am the person
who you like to be true to . . .
but I larp that I'm not sane, too handsome and vain
to test just to see
who'd be comING at me
cause cause with the difference
got their reasons for peppermints
and it doesn't make any sense
but they deserve no foul
they are not to be fodder
for the stupidity of a dodder ING fool
who thinks that he'd rule
and go joustING at angels
because he's too high on pain pills.
#12588345 at 2021-01-18 19:54:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16072: Anon's Finest Hour Is Here Edition
#12584306 at 2021-01-18 15:55:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16067: Monday Morning Missions Edition
29-Oct-2017 11:20:11 PM EDT
Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
No approval or congressional oversight
State Secrets upheld under SC
Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.
30-Oct-2017 12:26:53 AM EDT
Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.
Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winnING.
Keep 'hold(ING) the line'. God speed Patriot.
#12581315 at 2021-01-18 10:29:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16063: Sine Qua Non Edition
>lol... you try so hard..... keep tryING.
Oh… do…. you…. think….. so………..? You… think…. this…. is try…..ING…..?
#12579921 at 2021-01-18 07:16:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16062: Our Birth Certificates issued under Maritime Law Edition
>>12577677 Some Q Posts with the word 'trap'
>>12577751 If God is for us, who can be against us? ...NO ONE!
>>12577761 Welcome to Night Shift
>>12577780 Q Posts 3 year delta to Jan 18th
>>12577764 "You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately brING all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." QAnon post #4739
>>12577852 Friendly reminder of what tomorrow is since the FBI surveillance of MLK Jr now has a documentary
>>12577863 Possible intel - TV Stations beING pre-empted?
>>12577886 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577896 Q posts from Jan 19, 2018
>>12577939 , >>12578082, >>12578239, PF Report
>>12577970 Feds Seize Nearly 300 Bricks of Coke on Private Jet at Miami Airport, Arrest 6 IncludING 2 Cops
Baker change
>>12577999 REMINDER The United States Became A Foreign Corporation In 1871 its literally in the US Code under definition of what the United states is
>>12578064 Meijer says it's the end of his political career 1/13 Gov Whitmer announces that the Meijer Superstore chain will help vaccinate against covid-19.
>>12578243 2021 Inaugural Road & Bridge Closures:
>>12578139 3-172 IN (MTN) Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
>>12578325 #16059
>>12576938 PF Report
>>12576934 Lin Wood and the number 17
>>12576934 Pray for our President, our country, & our military. Pray for ALL. Trust God.
>>12576995 Russia Holds More Gold Than Dollars for First Time in History
>>12577007 Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote "May Have Ended His Career" - Ya Think?
>>12577041 EU Plans to Lessen Reliance on Dollar, Boost Euro to Blunt Financial Risks, Exposure to US Sanctions
>>12577101 Manchin: RemovING Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment 'should be a consideration'
>>12577115 Despair, depression, and the inevitable rise of Trump 2.0: Glenn Greenwald interview
>>12577127 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577184 Some Health Care Workers Opt Out of Early Vaccinations
>>12577188 Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Citizens of the US' Now Biggest Terror Threat
>>12577202 Pence used personal account to tweet today's speech to 10th Mountain Division
>>12577228 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!"
>>12577348 IncomING CDC director says she expects 500,000 coronavirus deaths by mid-February
>>12577396 Trump Plans Unprecedented Military 'Farewell Event' With 21-Gun Salute, Military Band: Report
>>12577414 PF Report - Bunch of flights goING back and forth to DC, Equipment, Troops, Prisoners? I don't know what it is but it's been a pattern ALL DAY
>>12577472 #16058
#12579161 at 2021-01-18 05:52:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16061: 25,000 Of The Nations Un-Vetted Finest Edition
>>12576938 PF Report
>>12576934 Lin Wood and the number 17
>>12576934 Pray for our President, our country, & our military. Pray for ALL. Trust God.
>>12576995 Russia Holds More Gold Than Dollars for First Time in History
>>12577007 Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote "May Have Ended His Career" - Ya Think?
>>12577041 EU Plans to Lessen Reliance on Dollar, Boost Euro to Blunt Financial Risks, Exposure to US Sanctions
>>12577101 Manchin: RemovING Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment 'should be a consideration'
>>12577115 Despair, depression, and the inevitable rise of Trump 2.0: Glenn Greenwald interview
>>12577127 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577184 Some Health Care Workers Opt Out of Early Vaccinations
>>12577188 Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Citizens of the US' Now Biggest Terror Threat
>>12577202 Pence used personal account to tweet today's speech to 10th Mountain Division
>>12577228 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!"
>>12577348 IncomING CDC director says she expects 500,000 coronavirus deaths by mid-February
>>12577396 Trump Plans Unprecedented Military 'Farewell Event' With 21-Gun Salute, Military Band: Report
>>12577414 PF Report - Bunch of flights goING back and forth to DC, Equipment, Troops, Prisoners? I don't know what it is but it's been a pattern ALL DAY
>>12577472 #16058
>>12576085 DNI Ratcliffe Releases Report ShowING China Interfered with the 2020 Election and CIA Management Pressured Analysts Not to Report It
>>12576086 DC is on lock down and you have this goING on?
>>12576133 SEC Whistleblower Tips Have Soared 31% Since Most Employees Started WorkING From Home
>>12576238 Report - Trump will issue 100 pardons on his final day in office
>>12576249 8 Bit on posts
>>12576252 Defense officials tell AP they fear possible inside attack at inauguration, will have National Guard troops vetted.
>>12576313 Secret Service releases update transportation info for DC
>>12576324 Pompeo warns - China is inside the gates
>>12576440 Cowboys for Trump Founder Arrested in Capitol incident
>>12576504 PF Report
>>12576593 El Paso Hospitals overwhelmed with patients from Mexico?
>>12576733 #16057
>>12575390 BlastING Bill Gates and claimING Covid vaccine contains Satanic microchips gets Mexican cardinal censored by Facebook
>>12575398 Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) says won't whip votes for second Trump impeachment trial
>>12575418 Russian Leader Issues Grim Assessment As WashINGton Becomes Most Militarized City In World
>>12575444 Harris to resign seat [tomorrow]
>>12575465 List of Indictment numbers by state
>>12575501 Welcome to 2021 - Year of the Ham Radio Operator
>>12575537 Message from 8bit on connectivity issues
>>12575615 Jovan Pulitzer droppING truths (Video)
>>12575622 #FBI arrest 'hardcore leftist' who planned armed attack on pro-Trump protesters at #Florida Capitol
>>12575734 @IvankaTrump thread on President Trump accomplishments
>>12575801 "Trump Administration Unexpectedly Declassifies NSC's 2018 Indo-Pacific Strategy Framework"
>>12575808 Iranian Cyber Actors Continue to Threaten US Election Officials
>>12575827 Cowboys for Trump founder arrested after allegedly leadING Capitol rioters in prayer
>>12575861 Dem Congressman Schiff recommends that Biden end Trump's daily intelligence briefINGs
>>12575871 Kayleigh goes Fight Club on Brian Stelter's discussion on censorING conservatives even more
>>12575907 #16056
Previously Collected Notables
>>12573661 #16053, >>12574360 #16054, >>12575251 #16055
>>12571365 #16050, >>12572102 #16051, >>12572864 #16052
>>12569044 #16047, >>12569811 #16048, >>12570576 #16049
>>12566745 #16044, >>12567507 #16045, >>12568264 #16046
>>12564390 #16041, >>12565222 #16042, >>12565986 #16043
>>12562005 #16038, >>12562815 #16039, >>12563621 #16040
>>12559720 #16035, >>12560502 #16036, >>12561215 #16037
>>12557379 #16032, >>12558157 #16033, >>12558913 #16034
>>12555107 #16029, >>12555856 #16030, >>12556669 #16031
>>12552795 #16026, >>12553581 #16027, >>12554315 #16028
>>12550478 #16023, >>12551263 #16024, >>12552039 #16025
>>12548164 #16020, >>12548943 #16021, >>12549698 #16022
>>12545824 #16017, >>12546600 #16018, >>12547383 #16019
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#12578387 at 2021-01-18 04:53:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16060: Welcome to Night Shift Edition
Global Announcements
Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" beING planned by Patriots
>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham
>>12495002 UsING TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions
Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org
Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/
Support Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org/
CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12577677 Some Q Posts with the word 'trap'
>>12577751 If God is for us, who can be against us? ...NO ONE!
>>12577761 Welcome to Night Shift
>>12577780 Q Posts 3 year delta to Jan 18th
>>12577764 "You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately brING all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." QAnon post #4739
>>12577852 Friendly reminder of what tomorrow is since the FBI surveillance of MLK Jr now has a documentary
>>12577863 Possible intel - TV Stations beING pre-empted?
>>12577886 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577896 Q posts from Jan 19, 2018
>>12577939 , >>12578082, >>12578239, PF Report
>>12577970 Feds Seize Nearly 300 Bricks of Coke on Private Jet at Miami Airport, Arrest 6 IncludING 2 Cops
Baker change
>>12577999 REMINDER The United States Became A Foreign Corporation In 1871 its literally in the US Code under definition of what the United states is
>>12578064 Meijer says it's the end of his political career 1/13 Gov Whitmer announces that the Meijer Superstore chain will help vaccinate against covid-19.
>>12578243 2021 Inaugural Road & Bridge Closures:
>>12578139 3-172 IN (MTN) Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
>>12578325 #15059
>>12576938 PF Report
>>12576934 Lin Wood and the number 17
>>12576934 Pray for our President, our country, & our military. Pray for ALL. Trust God.
>>12576995 Russia Holds More Gold Than Dollars for First Time in History
>>12577007 Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote "May Have Ended His Career" - Ya Think?
>>12577041 EU Plans to Lessen Reliance on Dollar, Boost Euro to Blunt Financial Risks, Exposure to US Sanctions
>>12577101 Manchin: RemovING Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment 'should be a consideration'
>>12577115 Despair, depression, and the inevitable rise of Trump 2.0: Glenn Greenwald interview
>>12577127 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577184 Some Health Care Workers Opt Out of Early Vaccinations
>>12577188 Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Citizens of the US' Now Biggest Terror Threat
>>12577202 Pence used personal account to tweet today's speech to 10th Mountain Division
>>12577228 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!"
>>12577348 IncomING CDC director says she expects 500,000 coronavirus deaths by mid-February
>>12577396 Trump Plans Unprecedented Military 'Farewell Event' With 21-Gun Salute, Military Band: Report
>>12577414 PF Report - Bunch of flights goING back and forth to DC, Equipment, Troops, Prisoners? I don't know what it is but it's been a pattern ALL DAY
>>12577472 #16058
#12577687 at 2021-01-18 04:05:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16059: National Guard Continuing To Pour Into DC Edition
You dumbfuck rodent you fucked up copypasta-ING late lb thinkING you were in this new one I seen' it ha ha faggot.
#12577499 at 2021-01-18 03:49:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16059: National Guard Continuing To Pour Into DC Edition
Global Announcements
Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" beING planned by Patriots
>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham
>>12495002 UsING TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions
Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org
Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/
Support Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org/
CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12576938 PF Report
>>12576934 Lin Wood and the number 17
>>12576934 Pray for our President, our country, & our military. Pray for ALL. Trust God.
>>12576995 Russia Holds More Gold Than Dollars for First Time in History
>>12577007 Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote "May Have Ended His Career" - Ya Think?
>>12577041 EU Plans to Lessen Reliance on Dollar, Boost Euro to Blunt Financial Risks, Exposure to US Sanctions
>>12577101 Manchin: RemovING Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment 'should be a consideration'
>>12577115 Despair, depression, and the inevitable rise of Trump 2.0: Glenn Greenwald interview
>>12577127 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577184 Some Health Care Workers Opt Out of Early Vaccinations
>>12577188 Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Citizens of the US' Now Biggest Terror Threat
>>12577202 Pence used personal account to tweet today's speech to 10th Mountain Division
>>12577228 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!"
>>12577348 IncomING CDC director says she expects 500,000 coronavirus deaths by mid-February
>>12577396 Trump Plans Unprecedented Military 'Farewell Event' With 21-Gun Salute, Military Band: Report
>>12577414 PF Report - Bunch of flights goING back and forth to DC, Equipment, Troops, Prisoners? I don't know what it is but it's been a pattern ALL DAY
>>12577472 #16058
#12577472 at 2021-01-18 03:47:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16058: Dark To Light Week Edition
>>12576772 OP
>>12576829 Dough
#16058 FINAL Notables
>>12576938 PF Report
>>12576934 Lin Wood and the number 17
>>12576934 Pray for our President, our country, & our military. Pray for ALL. Trust God.
>>12576995 Russia Holds More Gold Than Dollars for First Time in History
>>12577007 Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote "May Have Ended His Career" - Ya Think?
>>12577041 EU Plans to Lessen Reliance on Dollar, Boost Euro to Blunt Financial Risks, Exposure to US Sanctions
>>12577101 Manchin: RemovING Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment 'should be a consideration'
>>12577115 Despair, depression, and the inevitable rise of Trump 2.0: Glenn Greenwald interview
>>12577127 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577184 Some Health Care Workers Opt Out of Early Vaccinations
>>12577188 Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Citizens of the US' Now Biggest Terror Threat
>>12577202 Pence used personal account to tweet today's speech to 10th Mountain Division
>>12577228 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!"
>>12577348 IncomING CDC director says she expects 500,000 coronavirus deaths by mid-February
>>12577396 Trump Plans Unprecedented Military 'Farewell Event' With 21-Gun Salute, Military Band: Report
>>12577414 PF Report - Bunch of flights goING back and forth to DC, Equipment, Troops, Prisoners? I don't know what it is but it's been a pattern ALL DAY
#12577429 at 2021-01-18 03:43:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16058: Dark To Light Week Edition
>>12576772 OP
>>12576829 Dough
#16058@525 Notables
>>12576938 PF Report
>>12576934 Lin Wood and the number 17
>>12576934 Pray for our President, our country, & our military. Pray for ALL. Trust God.
>>12576995 Russia Holds More Gold Than Dollars for First Time in History
>>12577007 Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote "May Have Ended His Career" - Ya Think?
>>12577041 EU Plans to Lessen Reliance on Dollar, Boost Euro to Blunt Financial Risks, Exposure to US Sanctions
>>12577101 Manchin: RemovING Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment 'should be a consideration'
>>12577115 Despair, depression, and the inevitable rise of Trump 2.0: Glenn Greenwald interview
>>12577127 CBS' Catherine Herridge Drops Some TroublING Previously Unknown Info About Coronavirus
>>12577184 Some Health Care Workers Opt Out of Early Vaccinations
>>12577188 Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Citizens of the US' Now Biggest Terror Threat
>>12577202 Pence used personal account to tweet today's speech to 10th Mountain Division
>>12577228 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!"
>>12577348 IncomING CDC director says she expects 500,000 coronavirus deaths by mid-February
>>12577396 Trump Plans Unprecedented Military 'Farewell Event' With 21-Gun Salute, Military Band: Report
>>12577414 PF Report - Bunch of flights goING back and forth to DC, Equipment, Troops, Prisoners? I don't know what it is but it's been a pattern ALL DAY
#12577228 at 2021-01-18 03:30:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16058: Dark To Light Week Edition
"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)
#12569054 at 2021-01-17 18:35:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16047: DE OPPRESSO LIBER, Go Get'em Boys Edition
New Sec. Pompeo
Secretary Pompeo
US government account
I sent
Destro & @State_GWI Currie to Taiwan in September 2020 to honor President Lee Teng-hui's life and democratic legacy.
Quote Tweet
??? Tsai ING-wen
· Sep 18, 2020
I was delighted to welcome @KeithJKrach & the US delegation to the presidential residence to show them some Taiwanese hospitality. I'm sure the productive discussions we had today will brING #Taiwan & the #US even closer together & open the door to further collaboration.
1:32 PM · Jan 17, 2021·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweets
#12555500 at 2021-01-16 22:56:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16030: Silent Running Edition
cue-ING Madonna Ciccone… where are ya darlin..
now's your chance
#12555139 at 2021-01-16 22:33:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16030: Silent Running Edition
>>12552863 , >>12552998 , >>12553069 PF Report
>>12552896 Gaetz: IncomING Biden Administration Want to 'Use National Security Authorities Against MAGA'
>>12552899 Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States
>>12552942 FBI, State officials aware early on Steele, made major mistake in Russia reportING
>>12552963 Contractor Sentenced In Army Corruption Scheme In Hawaii John Winslett bribed Army officials with cash, cars and guns to win lucrative construction contracts in Hawaii, Justice Department said.
>>12553035 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City
>>12553037 U.S. Capitol Police tests audible emergency notification system.
>>12553052 Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50%
>>12553060 ActING Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Visits DC National Guard at the Capitol
>>12553083 Twitter purge decimates GOP senators after Capitol riot, but Democrats gain
>>12553164 BuildING that Narrative I see. US Capitol Police arrested a Virginia man as he attempted to pass through a police checkpoint in downtown DC with fake inaugural credentials
>>12553319 Sikorsky VH-60 Presidential "White Hawk" flyING over the Kennedy Center in DC
>>12553339 Pompeo DroppING the Hits - U.S. state legislators are targets, too. I released details in a speech in Madison, Wisconsin
>>12553374 Mike Lindell (My pillow) @ the WH. 1 hit for the word 'comfy' Q post (1827) Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!
>>12553153 Foreign Leaders Are Now CondemnING US Regime For Brutal Censorship of American Citizens
>>12553511 US Marines TweetING about "Storm"
>>12553581 #16027
Previously Collected Notables
>>12552795 #16026
>>12550478 #16023, >>12551263 #16024, >>12552039 #16025
>>12548164 #16020, >>12548943 #16021, >>12549698 #16022
>>12545824 #16017, >>12546600 #16018, >>12547383 #16019
>>12543494 #16014, >>12544284 #16015, >>12544998 #16016
>>12541198 #16011, >>12541982 #16012, >>12542727 #16013
>>12538896 #16008, >>12539685 #16009, >>12540407 #16010
>>12536596 #16005, >>12537329 #16006, >>12538098 #16007
>>12534296 #16002, >>12535048 #16003, >>12535799 #16004
>>12531922 #15999, >>12532707 #16000, >>12533533 #16001
>>12529588 #15996, >>12530380 #15997, >>12531175 #15998
>>12527231 #15993, >>12528019 #15994, >>12528793 #15995
>>12524967 #15990, >>12525705 #15991, >>12526467 #15992
>>12522648 #15987, >>12523439 #15988, >>12524213 #15989
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#12554342 at 2021-01-16 21:41:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16029: The Time Is Always Ripe To Do Right Edition
Global Announcements
Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" beING planned by Patriots
>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham
>>12495002 UsING TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions
>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues EffectING Some Anons+
>>12423519 President Trump is the only thING left in the way of the CCP takING our Nation (Video)
>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years
Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org
Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/
Support Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org/
CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12553746 Our MountING Orwellian Nightmare
>>12553808 'Moderate' Dem Manchin Says Senate Should Explore ExpellING Hawley, Cruz Under 14th Amendment (video)
>>12553884 Thousands of migrants from Honduras and Guatemala headING to the United States less than a week before the presidential inauguration
>>12553888 Egypt announces discovery of new trove of treasures at Saqqara necropolis, includING ancient funerary temple
>>12553931 Uganda: Dictator Claims Election Lead as 'Bad Characters' Steal Ballot Boxes
>>12553934 1-16-20 Senate Report Released: Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns
>>12553967 , >>12554164 PF Report
>>12553974 Private/Unlisted YouTube Videos of U.S. Government Agencies
>>12553975 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
>>12554110 @MIT Professor who specializes in nanotechnology research was arrested on #US charges that he failed to disclose his ties to the #Chinese government.
>>12554159 Federal Prisons locked down
>>12554193 A unit of #Belarus's new Astravets #nuclear power plant was taken offline after the reactor protection system was triggered.
>>12554209 Mike Lindell video drop at 4:44pm AccordING to Right Side BroadcastING Network
>>12554315 #16028
>>12552863 , >>12552998 , >>12553069 PF Report
>>12552896 Gaetz: IncomING Biden Administration Want to 'Use National Security Authorities Against MAGA'
>>12552899 Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States
>>12552942 FBI, State officials aware early on Steele, made major mistake in Russia reportING
>>12552963 Contractor Sentenced In Army Corruption Scheme In Hawaii John Winslett bribed Army officials with cash, cars and guns to win lucrative construction contracts in Hawaii, Justice Department said.
>>12553035 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City
>>12553037 U.S. Capitol Police tests audible emergency notification system.
>>12553052 Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50%
>>12553060 ActING Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Visits DC National Guard at the Capitol
>>12553083 Twitter purge decimates GOP senators after Capitol riot, but Democrats gain
>>12553164 BuildING that Narrative I see. US Capitol Police arrested a Virginia man as he attempted to pass through a police checkpoint in downtown DC with fake inaugural credentials
>>12553319 Sikorsky VH-60 Presidential "White Hawk" flyING over the Kennedy Center in DC
>>12553339 Pompeo DroppING the Hits - U.S. state legislators are targets, too. I released details in a speech in Madison, Wisconsin
>>12553374 Mike Lindell (My pillow) @ the WH. 1 hit for the word 'comfy' Q post (1827) Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!
>>12553153 Foreign Leaders Are Now CondemnING US Regime For Brutal Censorship of American Citizens
>>12553511 US Marines TweetING about "Storm"
>>12553581 #16027
#12553595 at 2021-01-16 20:50:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16028: Be Careful What You Wish For Edition
Global Announcements
Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" beING planned by Patriots
>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham
>>12495002 UsING TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions
>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues EffectING Some Anons+
>>12423519 President Trump is the only thING left in the way of the CCP takING our Nation (Video)
>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years
Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org
Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/
Support Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org/
CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12552863 , >>12552998 , >>12553069 PF Report
>>12552896 Gaetz: IncomING Biden Administration Want to 'Use National Security Authorities Against MAGA'
>>12552899 Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States
>>12552942 FBI, State officials aware early on Steele, made major mistake in Russia reportING
>>12552963 Contractor Sentenced In Army Corruption Scheme In Hawaii John Winslett bribed Army officials with cash, cars and guns to win lucrative construction contracts in Hawaii, Justice Department said.
>>12553035 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City
>>12553037 U.S. Capitol Police tests audible emergency notification system.
>>12553052 Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50%
>>12553060 ActING Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Visits DC National Guard at the Capitol
>>12553083 Twitter purge decimates GOP senators after Capitol riot, but Democrats gain
>>12553164 BuildING that Narrative I see. US Capitol Police arrested a Virginia man as he attempted to pass through a police checkpoint in downtown DC with fake inaugural credentials
>>12553319 Sikorsky VH-60 Presidential "White Hawk" flyING over the Kennedy Center in DC
>>12553339 Pompeo DroppING the Hits - U.S. state legislators are targets, too. I released details in a speech in Madison, Wisconsin
>>12553374 Mike Lindell (My pillow) @ the WH. 1 hit for the word 'comfy' Q post (1827) Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!
>>12553153 Foreign Leaders Are Now CondemnING US Regime For Brutal Censorship of American Citizens
>>12553511 US Marines TweetING about "Storm"
>>12553581 #16027
#12553581 at 2021-01-16 20:49:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16027: The Long And Winding Road To National Popcorn Day Edition
>>12552814 OP
>>12552839 Dough
#16027 FINAL Notables
>>12552863 , >>12552998 , >>12553069 PF Report
>>12552896 Gaetz: IncomING Biden Administration Want to 'Use National Security Authorities Against MAGA'
>>12552899 Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States
>>12552942 FBI, State officials aware early on Steele, made major mistake in Russia reportING
>>12552963 Contractor Sentenced In Army Corruption Scheme In Hawaii John Winslett bribed Army officials with cash, cars and guns to win lucrative construction contracts in Hawaii, Justice Department said.
>>12553035 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City
>>12553037 U.S. Capitol Police tests audible emergency notification system.
>>12553052 Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50%
>>12553060 ActING Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Visits DC National Guard at the Capitol
>>12553083 Twitter purge decimates GOP senators after Capitol riot, but Democrats gain
>>12553164 BuildING that Narrative I see. US Capitol Police arrested a Virginia man as he attempted to pass through a police checkpoint in downtown DC with fake inaugural credentials
>>12553319 Sikorsky VH-60 Presidential "White Hawk" flyING over the Kennedy Center in DC
>>12553339 Pompeo DroppING the Hits - U.S. state legislators are targets, too. I released details in a speech in Madison, Wisconsin
>>12553374 Mike Lindell (My pillow) @ the WH. 1 hit for the word 'comfy' Q post (1827) Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!
>>12553153 Foreign Leaders Are Now CondemnING US Regime For Brutal Censorship of American Citizens
>>12553511 US Marines TweetING about "Storm"
#12553443 at 2021-01-16 20:41:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16027: The Long And Winding Road To National Popcorn Day Edition
>>12552814 OP
>>12552839 Dough
#16027@525 Notables
>>12552863 , >>12552998 , >>12553069 PF Report
>>12552896 Gaetz: IncomING Biden Administration Want to 'Use National Security Authorities Against MAGA'
>>12552899 Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States
>>12552942 FBI, State officials aware early on Steele, made major mistake in Russia reportING
>>12552963 Contractor Sentenced In Army Corruption Scheme In Hawaii John Winslett bribed Army officials with cash, cars and guns to win lucrative construction contracts in Hawaii, Justice Department said.
>>12553035 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City
>>12553037 U.S. Capitol Police tests audible emergency notification system.
>>12553052 Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50%
>>12553060 ActING Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Visits DC National Guard at the Capitol
>>12553083 Twitter purge decimates GOP senators after Capitol riot, but Democrats gain
>>12553164 BuildING that Narrative I see. US Capitol Police arrested a Virginia man as he attempted to pass through a police checkpoint in downtown DC with fake inaugural credentials
>>12553319 Sikorsky VH-60 Presidential "White Hawk" flyING over the Kennedy Center in DC
>>12553339 Pompeo DroppING the Hits - U.S. state legislators are targets, too. I released details in a speech in Madison, Wisconsin
>>12553374 Mike Lindell (My pillow) @ the WH. 1 hit for the word 'comfy' Q post (1827) Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!
>>12553153 Foreign Leaders Are Now CondemnING US Regime For Brutal Censorship of American Citizens
#12553169 at 2021-01-16 20:21:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16027: The Long And Winding Road To National Popcorn Day Edition
>>12552814 OP
>>12552839 Dough
#16027@250 Notables
>>12552863 , >>12552998 , >>12553069 PF Report
>>12552896 Gaetz: IncomING Biden Administration Want to 'Use National Security Authorities Against MAGA'
>>12552899 Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States
>>12552942 FBI, State officials aware early on Steele, made major mistake in Russia reportING
>>12552963 Contractor Sentenced In Army Corruption Scheme In Hawaii John Winslett bribed Army officials with cash, cars and guns to win lucrative construction contracts in Hawaii, Justice Department said.
>>12553035 "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City
>>12553037 U.S. Capitol Police tests audible emergency notification system.
>>12553052 Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices Soar 50%
>>12553060 ActING Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Visits DC National Guard at the Capitol
>>12553083 Twitter purge decimates GOP senators after Capitol riot, but Democrats gain
#12553035 at 2021-01-16 20:10:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16027: The Long And Winding Road To National Popcorn Day Edition
"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ING People Didn't F-ING Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City\
#12548895 at 2021-01-16 14:31:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16021: The 'Hypocrisy In DC Smells A Lot Like PANIC' Edition
M&M are mf-ING traitors and hypocrites and and and …
#12534659 at 2021-01-15 17:43:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16003: Freaky Friday In DC Edition
It used to be the custom for oldfags to jump all over folks for Notable-ING somethING already in the notes.
Then the breads got faster, some of the latecomers started missING shit, and now notables appear sometimes 3-4 times.
Not bothered by it. The tempo of the breads can be as fast, if not faster, than back when thINGs were really crankING from mid-2018 to deplatformING.
At least everyone gets a really fair chance to look if they try. Doesn't hurt anythING.
#12531996 at 2021-01-15 14:29:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15999: From Sea To Shining Sea Edition
think I answered my own Q
Questions surround Black militia leader John'Grandmaster Jay' Johnson who had home in West Chester
Kevin Grasha
Cincinnati Enquirer
The Not F***ING Around Coalition leader John "Grandmaster Jay" Johnson, center, leadsNFAC members down Rodman Street towards Churchill Downs on the 146th Kentucky Derby day in Louisville, Ky., Saturday afternoon, Sept. 5, 2020.
A Black militia that marched in Louisville after the shootING of Breonna Taylor is led by a man with connections to the Cincinnati area who documents say was discharged from the Army "under other than honorable conditions," ran for president in 2016 and claimed to be a notable rapper and DJ.
The group is called the "Not F—ING Around Coaliton" (NFAC). AccordING to court documents, one of its goals is to create a Black "ethnostate." Members carry assault-style rifles durING marches.
Its leader is 57-year-old John Fitzgerald Johnson, who calls himself "Grandmaster Jay" and says he had a career as a rapper, DJ and producer. The online trail for Grandmaster Jay includes a handful of biographies that appear to be self-submitted, a Wikipedia page that was deleted and numerous message board and social media posts accusING him of beING a fraud.
#12519071 at 2021-01-14 19:37:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15983: NORAD "exercising" Over DC Edition
At the very last moment of the Trump administration, officials like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and some diplomats in his Department of State have found that they were unwelcome abroad, whether in Taiwan or Europe, so they have lost their only remainING capability to make trouble for the incomING Biden administration, said Chinese experts.
The US state department said on Tuesday US time that it had cancelled all of its travel for the final eight days of the outgoING administration, includING US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft's planned trip to the island of Taiwan. The trip, which Taiwan's secessionist authority had placed great hopes upon, has been rearranged into a videoconference between Craft and Tsai ING-wen, the regional leader of the island.
Craft, unsurprisINGly, has tried to provoke China over the island and tried to encourage secessionists by raisING the old topic of encouragING Taiwan to join the World Health Assembly without China's permission, accordING to the South China MornING Post.
If Craft were to visit the island, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) would definitely have a physical response.
A BeijING-based military expert who is familiar with the matter and requested anonymity said the PLA Navy and Air Force have multiple plans for "unprecedented military operations" to respond to such provocation. But fortunately, not every US politician is crazy, or they would be shocked by the PLA's response and the strategic situation in the region would be profoundly changed again. "The PLA will prove that there is no airspace of Taiwan, only airspace of China."
#12517158 at 2021-01-14 17:17:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15981: Pardons, EOs, and DECLAS oh my Edition
Time[ING] is important.
How many coincidences [use of coincidences essential not to violate NAT SEC?] before mathematically impossible?
#12509928 at 2021-01-14 03:40:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15972: The Crucible Of Truth That Is American Freedom Edition
>>12507803 , >>12507933, >>12508104, >>12508237, Plane ReportING
>>12507746 , >>12507729, >>12507799, EO 13959 Revised (Cap)
>>12507754 Welcome to the #TeamRedstone family U.S. Space Command!
>>12507867 We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
>>12507879 Military will take over satellites worldwide with brute force?
>>12507967 "Marjorie Taylor Green will be filING articles of impeachment on Joe Biden January 21, 2021.
>>12507991 Republicans That Voted To Impeach POTUS Pics
>>12508026 Pelosi Statement on President-Elect Biden Nomination of Ambassador Samantha Power as USAID Administrator
>>12508060 , >>12508088, Was POTUS WH Message Recorded Today and why exactly 5:13?
>>12508089 @Readygov Be prepared for a power outage:
>>12508102 Catherine Herridge :A law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews the identification of individuals usING military or "small unit tactics
>>12508172 @Jack writes in his diary
>>12508199 AOC Says Democrats DiscussING 'Commission' to 'Rein-In' Media After Capitol Incursion
>>12508247 , >>12508354, "It Was the Right Decision" - Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Tweets Complete Bullsh*t About "HavING to Ban Donald Trump" Over Complete Lies
>>12508420 #15969
Previously Collected Notables
>>12506871 #15967, >>12507644 #15968
>>12504753 #15964, >>12505491 #15965, >>12506134 #15966
>>12502209 #15961, >>12503005 #15962, >>12503776 #15963
>>12499923 #15958, >>12500686 #15959, >>12501471 #15960
>>12497622 #15955 1/2, >>12498399 #15956, >>12499153 #15957
>>12496098 #15953, >>12496929 #15954, >>12497623 #15955 2/2
>>12493783 #15950, >>12494563 #15951, >>12495307 #15952
>>12491500 #15947, >>12492256 #15948, >>12493018 #15949
>>12489237 #15944, >>12490008 #15945, >>12490762 #15946
>>12486908 #15941, >>12487720 #15942, >>12488494 #15943
>>12484678 #15938, >>12485448 #15939, >>12486193 #15940
>>12482256 #15935, >>12483125 #15936, >>12483854 #15937
>>12479932 #15932, >>12480737 #15933, >>12481426 #15934
>>12477609 #15929, >>12478387 #15930, >>12479151 #15931
>>12475284 #15926, >>12476022 #15927, >>12476793 #15928
>>12472820 #15923, >>12473515 #15924, >>12474061 #15925
>>12470430 #15920, >>12471195 #15921, >>12472047 #15922
>>12468090 #15917, >>12468924 #15918, >>12469655 #15919
>>12465825 #15914, >>12466616 #15915, >>12467822 #15916
>>12462913 #15911, >>12464281 #15912, >>12465050 #15913
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#12509168 at 2021-01-14 02:36:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15971: The Phoenix Can't Rise Without The Fire Edition
Global Announcements
Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" beING planned by Patriots
>>12495002 UsING TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions
>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues EffectING Some Anons+
>>12423519 President Trump is the only thING left in the way of the CCP takING our Nation (Video)
>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years
Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org
Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/
Support Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org/
CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440
CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12508511 MI Sec of State Ordered To Release All Communications With Dominion, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google
>>12508584 Fed President: We Should Have A Discussion About Guaranteed Basic Income
>>12508618 , >>12508632 Dig on Adalsteinn (Steini) Davidson Brown, co-chair of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Table who is directING all decisions for the lockdown in Ontario
>>12508630 Pelosi introduces 10,000$ fines for Congress members evadING metal detectors
>>12508685 Rockefeller Foundation founded the Dalla Lana School of Public Health of the University of Toronto in 1927
>>12508688 1.13, 2021 POTUS sends Pelosi remindING her he signed EO 13959 already
>>12508755 EO 13959 as amended today, 1.13, 2021
>>12508765 , >>12508998 The attack on the Capitol was coordinated and planned. (video)
>>12508780 The Insurrection Lie
>>12508805 Gen. McInerney drops shockING information (video link)
>>12508948 US Army activatING 'Iron Dome' , it's new rocket killING weapon
>>12508993 , >>12508743 Tent Cities at Capitol Hill?
>>12509052 Estonian Prime Minister Resigns Amid Graft Scandal
>>12509087 C Herridge - Law Enforcement confirms the identification of individuals usING military/small unit tactics
>>12509115 POTUS just REINFORCED "Section 1. (a) The followING actions are prohibited" by makING Sec of Defense a stronger enforcer (RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1)
>>12509136 #15970
>>12507803 , >>12507933, >>12508104, >>12508237, Plane ReportING
>>12507746 , >>12507729, >>12507799, EO 13959 Revised (Cap)
>>12507754 Welcome to the #TeamRedstone family U.S. Space Command!
>>12507867 We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
>>12507879 Military will take over satellites worldwide with brute force?
>>12507967 "Marjorie Taylor Green will be filING articles of impeachment on Joe Biden January 21, 2021.
>>12507991 Republicans That Voted To Impeach POTUS Pics
>>12508026 Pelosi Statement on President-Elect Biden Nomination of Ambassador Samantha Power as USAID Administrator
>>12508060 , >>12508088, Was POTUS WH Message Recorded Today and why exactly 5:13?
>>12508089 @Readygov Be prepared for a power outage:
>>12508102 Catherine Herridge :A law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews the identification of individuals usING military or "small unit tactics
>>12508172 @Jack writes in his diary
>>12508199 AOC Says Democrats DiscussING 'Commission' to 'Rein-In' Media After Capitol Incursion
>>12508247 , >>12508354, "It Was the Right Decision" - Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Tweets Complete Bullsh*t About "HavING to Ban Donald Trump" Over Complete Lies
>>12508420 #15969
#12508430 at 2021-01-14 01:46:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15970: TRUST THE PLAN ALL THE WAY TO GITMO Edition
Global Announcements
Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" beING planned by Patriots
>>12495002 UsING TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions
>>12478438, >>12479577 8BIT PSA Potential Resolution for Current ClearNet Issues EffectING Some Anons+
>>12423519 President Trump is the only thING left in the way of the CCP takING our Nation (Video)
>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years
Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org
Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/
Support Sidney Powell https://defendINGtherepublic.org/
CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440
CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12507803 , >>12507933, >>12508104, >>12508237, Plane ReportING
>>12507746 , >>12507729, >>12507799, EO 13959 Revised (Cap)
>>12507754 Welcome to the #TeamRedstone family U.S. Space Command!
>>12507867 We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
>>12507879 Military will take over satellites worldwide with brute force?
>>12507967 "Marjorie Taylor Green will be filING articles of impeachment on Joe Biden January 21, 2021.
>>12507991 Republicans That Voted To Impeach POTUS Pics
>>12508026 Pelosi Statement on President-Elect Biden Nomination of Ambassador Samantha Power as USAID Administrator
>>12508060 , >>12508088, Was POTUS WH Message Recorded Today and why exactly 5:13?
>>12508089 @Readygov Be prepared for a power outage:
>>12508102 Catherine Herridge :A law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews the identification of individuals usING military or "small unit tactics
>>12508172 @Jack writes in his diary
>>12508199 AOC Says Democrats DiscussING 'Commission' to 'Rein-In' Media After Capitol Incursion
>>12508247 , >>12508354, "It Was the Right Decision" - Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Tweets Complete Bullsh*t About "HavING to Ban Donald Trump" Over Complete Lies
>>12508420 #15969
>>12507055 , >>12507323, >>12507369, Plane ReportING
>>12506974 The last 6 breads with likely comms
>>12506977 Snapchat will permanently ban President Trump's account on Jan. 20
>>12506998 ConnectING The Dot, It All Makes Sense! There Are All Part Of Trump's Plan To Win Big! (15 min vid)
>>12507104 @USNavy sailors aboard guided-missile destroyer #USSJohnFinn lower the pilot ladder used to embark and disembark from the ship
>>12507047, >>12507058 More about the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ontinuation of this PB Notable.
>>12507158 Nancy Pelosi breaks proposed congressional rules on gendered language that she endorsed
>>12507186 REMINDER The United States Became A Foreign Corporation In 1871
>>12507197 Teamwork makes the dream work. @USMC recruits perform log drills at @MCRD_SD
>>12507201 Texas political consultant ARRESTED for ballot harvestING after Project Veritas exposé
>>12507030 , >>12507082, >>12507349, @JovanHPulitzer just uploaded all the data and evidence of foreign election interference in the Nov 3rd General Election
>>12507120 MinING camps for quarantine a 'rational' option
>>12507311 Marjorie Taylor Greene @mtgreenee ·On January 21, 2021, I'll be filING Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden for abuse of power
>>12507319 10th Mountain Division Is The Most Deployed Unit In The US Military
>>12507359 Authorities Take Down World's Largest Illegal Dark Web Marketplace
>>12507379 Catherine Heridge Thread
>>12507314 Defense Officials Confirm Trump Is Still Commander in Chief, Refuse to Participate in Military Coup to Oust Him
>>12507499 MEDIA SILENT: Enraged Black Lives Matter Militants (Biden Supporters) Surround Capitol, Scream at Police (VIDEO)
>>12507644 #15968
#12508420 at 2021-01-14 01:45:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15969: RESIDENT TRUMP AMENDS EO 13959 Edition
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12507689 Dough
#15969 Final Notables
>>12507803 , >>12507933, >>12508104, >>12508237, Plane ReportING
>>12507746 , >>12507729, >>12507799, EO 13959 Revised (Cap)
>>12507754 Welcome to the #TeamRedstone family U.S. Space Command!
>>12507867 We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
>>12507879 Military will take over satellites worldwide with brute force?
>>12507967 "Marjorie Taylor Green will be filING articles of impeachment on Joe Biden January 21, 2021.
>>12507991 Republicans That Voted To Impeach POTUS Pics
>>12508026 Pelosi Statement on President-Elect Biden Nomination of Ambassador Samantha Power as USAID Administrator
>>12508060 , >>12508088, Was POTUS WH Message Recorded Today and why exactly 5:13?
>>12508089 @Readygov Be prepared for a power outage:
>>12508102 Catherine Herridge :A law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews the identification of individuals usING military or "small unit tactics
>>12508172 @Jack writes in his diary
>>12508199 AOC Says Democrats DiscussING 'Commission' to 'Rein-In' Media After Capitol Incursion
>>12508247 , >>12508354, "It Was the Right Decision" - Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Tweets Complete Bullsh*t About "HavING to Ban Donald Trump" Over Complete Lies
#12508388 at 2021-01-14 01:43:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15969: RESIDENT TRUMP AMENDS EO 13959 Edition
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12507689 Dough
#15969 @650 Notables
>>12507803 , >>12507933, >>12508104, >>12508237, Plane ReportING
>>12507746 , >>12507729, >>12507799, EO 13959 Revised (Cap)
>>12507754 Welcome to the #TeamRedstone family U.S. Space Command!
>>12507867 We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
>>12507879 Military will take over satellites worldwide with brute force?
>>12507967 "Marjorie Taylor Green will be filING articles of impeachment on Joe Biden January 21, 2021.
>>12507991 Republicans That Voted To Impeach POTUS Pics
>>12508026 Pelosi Statement on President-Elect Biden Nomination of Ambassador Samantha Power as USAID Administrator
>>12508060 , >>12508088, Was POTUS WH Message Recorded Today and why exactly 5:13?
>>12508089 @Readygov Be prepared for a power outage:
>>12508102 Catherine Herridge :A law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews the identification of individuals usING military or "small unit tactics
>>12508172 @Jack writes in his diary
>>12508199 AOC Says Democrats DiscussING 'Commission' to 'Rein-In' Media After Capitol Incursion
>>12508247 , >>12508354, "It Was the Right Decision" - Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Tweets Complete Bullsh*t About "HavING to Ban Donald Trump" Over Complete Lies
#12508235 at 2021-01-14 01:31:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15969: RESIDENT TRUMP AMENDS EO 13959 Edition
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12507689 Dough
#15969 @500 Notables
>>12507803 , >>12507933, >>12508104, Plane ReportING
>>12507746 , >>12507729, >>12507799, EO 13959 Revised (Cap)
>>12507754 Welcome to the #TeamRedstone family U.S. Space Command!
>>12507867 We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
>>12507879 Military will take over satellites worldwide with brute force?
>>12507967 "Marjorie Taylor Green will be filING articles of impeachment on Joe Biden January 21, 2021.
>>12507991 Republicans That Voted To Impeach POTUS Pics
>>12508026 Pelosi Statement on President-Elect Biden Nomination of Ambassador Samantha Power as USAID Administrator
>>12508060 , >>12508088, Was POTUS WH Message Recorded Today and why exactly 5:13?
>>12508089 @Readygov Be prepared for a power outage:
>>12508102 Catherine Herridge :A law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews the identification of individuals usING military or "small unit tactics
#12508053 at 2021-01-14 01:18:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15969: RESIDENT TRUMP AMENDS EO 13959 Edition
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>12507862 notable mention
>>12507689 Dough
#15969 @300 Notables
>>12507803 , >>12507933, Plane ReportING
>>12507746 , >>12507729, >>12507799, EO 13959 Revised (Cap)
>>12507754 Welcome to the #TeamRedstone family U.S. Space Command!
>>12507867 We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
>>12507879 Military will take over satellites worldwide with brute force
#12507867 at 2021-01-14 01:05:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15969: RESIDENT TRUMP AMENDS EO 13959 Edition
'We Will Surround The Motherf***ING White House': Man Allegedly Threatened To 'Kill Democrats' At Biden Inauguration
CHICAGO - A suburban Chicago man was arrested Tuesday on a federal criminal charge for allegedly threatenING to commit violence at the upcomING presidential inauguration in WashINGton, D.C.
Louis Capriotti, 45, of Chicago Heights, Ill., is charged with transmittING a threat in interstate commerce, accordING to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago. Capriotti was arrested near his home Tuesday mornING.
In a Dec. 29, 2020, voicemail for a U.S. House member from New Jersey, Capriotti allegedly stated that if certain individuals "think that Joe Biden is goING to put his hand on the Bible and walk into that [expletive] White House on January 20th, they're sadly [expletive] mistaken." Capriotti further stated in the voicemail, "We will surround the [expletive] White House and we will kill any [expletive] Democrat that steps on the [expletive] lawn," the complaint alleges. AccordING to the complaint, Capriotti has a history of leavING profane voicemails for members of Congress.
"Our office takes the security of our public servants very seriously," said U.S. Attorney Lausch. "Individuals who cross the line of free speech by makING unlawful threats will be held accountable."
Junky eyes
#12507239 at 2021-01-14 00:28:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15968: 10TH MOUNTAIN DIVISION Edition
Are you f-ING kiddING, me @jack? Why bother to survey your private echo chamber? Because you know they'll tell you what you want to hear.
The reality is, @jack, you are a tyrant with your heel on the neck of free speech and contributING greatly to division in this nation.
I hope you are punished.
#12501336 at 2021-01-13 18:05:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15960: A Season Of Change Is Upon Us Edition
Secret Chat Reveals BLM Activist's Violent Intent and Trump Supporter Disguise at Capitol
John Sullivan aka ?Jayden X was among those who breached the US Capitol on Jan 6th. He is an activist allyING BLM & Antifa as the founder of Insurgence USA. He was arrested July of 2020 in Utah on charges of riotING, makING a threat of violence and criminal mischief after organizING a protest at which an elderly man was shot.
John's organization openly advocates for revolution and he previously made threats toward the Capitol and President Trump, while speakING at an event in DC.
In the Aug 28, 2020 video he says, "We f**ING about to burn this s* down... We got to defend ourselves because power to the people... We got to f**ING rip Trump out of that office right there, fING pull him out that s*... Nah, nah. We ain't about... waitING until the next election we about to get that mother f***er."
In video he posted of the Jan 9 Capitol breachING, titled "ShootING and StormING Of The US Capitol In WashINGton DC" this same threatenING rhetoric is heard. He says "we gotta burn this, we gotta burn this down."
When protestors instruct each other NOT to deface the statues, John responds "well, people might burn this down, I'm not gonna lie, it might be too late for that."
His video captures himself makING "rip him out of there" threats toward President Trump, mirrorING his prior threats.
John claims and the media reports that he "was just there to film" on the Jan 6th Capitol breach but that doesn't match his words and actions both shown on the videos he has uploaded to his "JaydenX" YouTube account nor the messages we have received that he and other comrades posted in his chat group.
The facts are as follows:
John Sullivan had prior knowledge of a storm on the Capitol, he writes
"Tomorrow is the big purge
Let the chuds kill them selves
They are stormING the Capitol buildING here in DC
So I've heard
They are not goING after BLM plaza"
#12477365 at 2021-01-12 06:10:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15929: Hunter Biden's Pedophilic Incest hits Twitter and MSM Edition
I'm a shill because I called you out. Spot on. OK. Whatever floats your boat. Stop (you)ING me, psycho.
#12475036 at 2021-01-12 02:53:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15926: Cucumber Dance Edition
DDOS attacks Anon. Relax.
On that note.. since we are all gettING attacked on various platforms, has anyone considered combinING forces and DDOS-ING twat, fb, etc? Massive attacks. Blame it on the commies.
#12465152 at 2021-01-11 16:06:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15914: We Have Truth And Justice On Our Side Edition
>>12464577 lb
>>12464347 lb
>>12462451 lb
>>12464430 lb
Remember you oath
The U.S. Constitution is the bedrock of all American jurisprudence. Without it, no legal protections for human rights and no laws ensurING liberty or freedom exist. All branches of government require office holders to pledge oaths and/or commitments to upholdING the U.S. Constitution. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers, as well as enlisted members of the Armed Forces, also take oaths to defend the Constitution.
When elected officials take their oaths, they are swearING to defend the U.S. Constitution. Constitutional oaths prohibit enactING and followING unconstitutional laws and illegal orders. Constitutional oaths also prohibit oath takers from participatING in and/or defendING corruption, includING coverING up illegal actions of other oath takers.
In fact, defendING the Constitution requires members of the Armed Forces to disobey illegal orders. And, in the case of alleged treasonous acts,members of the Armed Forces are constitutionally bound to arrest such offenders.
By sendING billions of dollars to provide "aid and comfort" to America's sworn enemy, Iran, Barack Obama and the majority of Congress are guilty of treason.
Treason against the United States is defined as 1) "consist[ING] only in levyING war against them," or 2) "in adherING to their enemies, givING them aid and comfort."
Some argue this definition is only applicable durING wartime. Regardless of how one defines America "at war" sendING cash to Iran, a sworn enemy whose leaders have publicly declared its intent to destroy America, and to continue buildING nuclear weapons, clearly falls within the Constitutional definition of a treasonous act.
U.S. Senators and Congressmen can be arrested for acts of "Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace," as outlined in Article 1 Section 6 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Oaths.
Article 2 Section 1 Clause 8 specifies the oath of office for the presidency, which entails a greater responsibility than what is outlined in the text below:
"Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the followING Oath or Affirmation: - "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Article 6 states that all branches of government are bound to their oath to defend the Constitution- from threats both foreign and domestic. It reads:
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution."
The Uniform Code of Military Justice requires members of the Armed Forces to only follow lawful orders and to disobey illegal orders.
The crimes important enough to be identified in the Constitution- "Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace," are important enough to be prosecuted, punished, and prevented.
All it requires is for those who have taken their oaths of office to act on what they swore they would actually do.
#12463808 at 2021-01-11 14:18:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15912: The 'EBAKE - Learn to bake!' Edition
Respondents lack meritorious answers to the govern- ment's statutory arguments
Respondents lack a good answer to the government's main textual argument (Gov't Br. 13-17): Section 1226 authorizes detention while a "decision" on whether the alien is to be removed from the United States remains pendING, 8 U.S.C. 1226(a), whereas Section 1231(a) au- thorizes detention after the alien has been "ordered re- moved," 8 U.S.C. 1231(a). The entry of a final order of removal means that the relevant "decision" is no longer pendING, 8 U.S.C. 1226(a), and that the alien has been "ordered removed," 8 U.S.C. 1231(a). Entry of a final order of removal therefore marks the boundary be- tween detention under Section 1226 and detention un- der Section 1231(a).
Respondents dismiss (Br. 20-22) the significance of those statutory terms, accusING the government of "fix- atING" on isolated words, "pluck[ING]" terms "from the broader text," and "focusING myopically on a few indi- vidual phrases." Congress, however, used terms such as "decision" and "ordered removed" prominently and persistently in the statute. In particular, Section 1226 refers twice to a "decision" on whether the alien is to be removed. 8 U.S.C. 1226(a). And Section 1231 bears the caption "Detention and removal of aliens ordered re- moved"; subsection (a) bears the caption "Detention, re- lease, and removal of aliens ordered removed"; para- graphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) authorize detention durING the removal period for an alien who has been "ordered re- moved"; and paragraph (a)(6) authorizes detention be- yond the removal period for "[a]n alien ordered re- moved." 8 U.S.C. 1231(a)(1)-(2) and (6) (emphases omit- ted). Whether the Court looks at the forest or the trees,
the view remains the same: the scope of Section 1231 turns on whether the alien has been ordered removed.
#12459940 at 2021-01-11 06:52:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15907: The 'Fresh Gravey With Your Tendies' Edition
Brian Sicknick (officer who did in capitol raid) did not due from beING beaten by a fire extINGuisher.
He died from a blood clot that caused a stroke. He went into coma and they removed him from life support.
AccordING to his own family, ""He texted me last night and said, 'I got pepper-sprayed twice,' and he was in good shape," said Ken Sicknick, his brother, as the family drove toward WashINGton. "Apparently he collapsed in the Capitol and they resuscitated him usING CPR."
Most of the stories initially statING he died from a stroke were 404'd. But there are a few still floatING around. CNN came out with a story statING he died from beING beaten to death by a fire extINGuisher on the night of the 7th. The capitol police came out and said they had no clue what they were talkING about and refuted the story. CNN removed the story. then 2 hours later REpublished the story and the capitol police then collaborated the story.
They are covid-ING this guys death. They changed his death to make it appear like there was violence.
#12446936 at 2021-01-10 18:20:52 (UTC+1)
Mozilla CEO: 'We need more than deplatformING'
Chief Executive Officer of Mozilla Mitchell Baker said in a statement that the internet needs "more than deplatformING" and that change "requires more than just the temporary silencING or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms."
Baker, who began as CEO in April, issued a post on the company's blog callING for different solutions to be taken that "don't start after untold damage has been done."
Mitchell Baker, Mozilla's CEO, wrote on Friday on the company's official blog that they plan to go beyond deplatformING in combatING what they consider "harmful speech".https://t.co/imlgfPLAk1
- The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 9, 2021
"There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6," the CEO wrote. "The rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality. Donald Trump is certainly not the first politician to exploit the architecture of the internet in this way, and he won't be the last."
Baker called for actions to be taken beyond "temporary silencING or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms." Instead, she proposed four ideas.
First, it should be revealed who is payING for advertisements and who is beING targeted by the ad.
Next, she proposes that unsaid entities should "commit to meanINGful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is beING amplified, to whom, and the associated impact."
Tools should be utilized that prioritize facts over disinformation, as well.
Lastly, a focus should be put on "Work[ING] with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms' impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve thINGs."
The solution is not to change the internet or get rid of it but rather "to build a better one that can withstand and gird against these types of challenges," the statement says.
These proposals should be committed to by "platforms" so that mistakes like allowING the President of the United States to practice his/her first amendment right is never made again.
#12438954 at 2021-01-10 06:03:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #158880: Nunes CALLs OUT FREEDOM 98078 Edition
Time[ING] is important.
How many coincidences [use of coincidences essential not to violate NAT SEC?] before mathematically impossible?
[on that note, hay anons, care to analyze the time Nune posted that?
#12431605 at 2021-01-09 23:23:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15870: Military Intelligence Has Proof of Interference in the Election Edition
Date: 10th December 2020
Author: Go ask Alice
I'm gonna throw up.
Approximately a third of the explicit photos of minors in Hunter Biden's laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl - who is one of his relatives, accordING a shockING new report.
Allegations have surfaced on social media that the infamous "Laptop from Hell" belongING to presidential candidate Joe Biden's son Hunter contains photos of him together with a topless niece, aged 14 at the time.
Date: 10th December 2020
Author: Go ask Alice
I'm gonna throw up.
Approximately a third of the explicit photos of minors in Hunter Biden's laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl - who is one of his relatives, accordING a shockING new report.
Not only were there inappropriate photos of the child on her own, but Hunter Biden was in some of them with her.
Allegations have surfaced on social media that the infamous "Laptop from Hell" belongING to presidential candidate Joe Biden's son Hunter contains photos of him together with a topless niece, aged 14 at the time.
"Hunter Biden laptop has child porn videos, pictures of Hunter rapING, torturING Chinese children - what a sick F***ING son of sniffING Joe Biden - apple does not fall far from the Biden family tree," exclaimed another.
"Sources close to and with deep knowledge of the investigation, have informed me that Chris Coons' DAUGHTER in addition to seven other underage girls are also featured on [Hunter Biden's] laptop."
#12427536 at 2021-01-09 18:51:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15865: Zero Delta DOD Sec Pompeo Edition
I think you mean XOR-ING.
#12415307 at 2021-01-09 03:04:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15849: A Scare Event Was Necessary Edition
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:07b229c9 (8) No.12415285
can you post a ss of that
i mustve accidentally filtered
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:12455e7d (1) No.12415286
We have Taken Their Castle And Destroyed Their Supply Lines.
Amassed and Organically Refuse to be Controlled
No Longer are we just Simple Observers.
We Are The Ones That Will Hold Them Accountable.
NothING Can Stop What Is ComING
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:1346f93c (1) No.12415287
Maybe check back about the BATTER-ING after your balls have dropped.
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:14000000 (6) No.12415288
Thats a keepa
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:15077f1b (1) No.12415289
post what anyone wants that is legal.
should you gatekeeper on 8kun?
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:18e5e7a2 (6) No.12415290
bet she's had one in each
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:198d1984 (1) No.12415291
File (hide): 79587e4464f1f07?.jpg (30.94 KB, 300x369, 100:123, Pepe_love.jpg) (h) (u)
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:24aee629 (1) No.12415292
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Anons, this is absolutely amazING. EverythING is comING together.
The feelING is almost overwhelmING, I'm glued to my screen!
Thank you bakers, thank you anons.
Go get 'em Q!
Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 03:04:243612b2 (4) No.12415293
File (hide): 7d7bfc479bc0efe?.jpg (185.71 KB, 1256x1312, 157:164, 7d7bfc479bc0efea0958e852e5....jpg) (h) (u)
#12415287 at 2021-01-09 03:04:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15849: A Scare Event Was Necessary Edition
Maybe check back about the BATTER-ING after your balls have dropped.
#12389928 at 2021-01-08 02:37:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15816: If It Was Easy They Would Have Been Run Out Of DC Long Ago Edition
ABC News ties to Communist China
Private Dinners.
In addition to CUSEF-sponsored travel, outlets also met with CUSEF officials and the BLJ CEO in various U.S. cities includING New York, WashINGton, D.C., and Chicago. Often times, the meetINGs were described as "private dinners" in FARA filINGs.
WashINGton Post
Associated Press
TIME Magazine
New York Times
The Atlantic
The Economist
Wall Street Journal
Financial Times
National Journal
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Agence France Presse
McClatchy Newspapers
Congressional Quarterly
The Hill
In order to develop favorable coverage in key national media, BLJ will continue to organize and staff "familiarization trips" to China. This includes recruitING top journalists to travel to China, selected for effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage.
Boston Herald
Boston Globe
HuffINGton Post
The Atlantic
Fox News
New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Baltimore Sun
Chicago Tribune
The Guardian
The New Yorker
The Financial Times
Foreign Policy
The Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Magazine
Yahoo Finance
National Journal
WashINGton Post
Minneapolis Star Tribune
U.S. News & World Report
San Francisco Chronicle
Philadelphia Inquirer
Harvard Business Review
The Hill
Chicago Magazine
Evidenced through the Department of Justice's Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filINGs, a relationship spannING over a decade between establishment media outlets and CUSEF can be discerned.
Sponsored Trips.
With the assistance of BLJ, CUSEF has sponsored trips to China for the followING outlets with the explicit goal of "effectively disseminat[ING] positive messages to the media, key influencers, and opinion leaders, and the general public" accordING to FARA filINGs.
Dubbed "familiarization trips," the criteria for participants included "effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage" in order to secure "favorable" coverage"
#12388177 at 2021-01-08 01:15:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15814: Our Movement Is About REPLACING A Failed Government Edition
Joe Scarborough calls for arrest of President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump Jr. for 'insurrection'
Federal prosecutor said Thursday the possibility has not been ruled out
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough expressed outrage Thursday over the stormING of the Capitol BuildING the night before by Trump supporters, and called for the arrests of President Donald Trump along with his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and son, Donald Trump Jr., for "insurrection" for the language the trio used in speakING to the protesters before they marched to the hill.
Later in the day, the federal prosecutor handlING the investigations of the Capitol breach signaled that the prospect of such high level arrests has not been ruled out.
On his show, "MornING Joe," Scarborough lambasted the Capitol Hill police for not usING more force against the mob, droppING an F-bomb on air, yellING, "Trump supporters walk in and you open the f***ING doors for 'em. You open the doors for 'em and let them breach the people's house! What is wrong with you?"
"Are we a nation of laws? Are we a nation of one man?" he continued. "Donald J. Trump called for the insurrection against the United States of America. He called for it. Rudy Giuliani called for combat justice. Just an hour or two before this happened. Donald Trump Jr. said 'we are comING for you.'"
DurING a "Save America Rally" for Trump supporters ahead of the Capitol siege, Rudy Giuliani called for a " trial by combat," and Donald Trump Jr. issued a warnING to GOP lawmakers, sayING, "These guys better fight for Trump. Because if they're not, guess what? I'm goING to be in your back yard in a couple of months." He added, "We're comING for you, and we're goING to have a good time doING it."
President Trump ended his speech to the crowd by encouragING the crowd to walk to the Capitol to give Republicans the "boldness that they need to take back our country." He insinuated that he would accompany his supporters, but did not do so.
Scarborough told his audience, "That's insurrection against the United States of America, and if Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump are not arrested today for insurrection and taken to jail and booked-and if the Capitol Hill police do not go through the video and look at the face over every person that invaded our Capitol-and if they are not arrested and brought to justice today, then we are no longer a nation of laws and we only tell people they can do this again."
Scarborough, a former GOP congressman, has been an outspoken Trump critic after the former friends fell out followING the president's election to office.
#12380418 at 2021-01-07 18:38:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15804: Pre-planned Speech Crackdown On Patriots & POTUS Underway Edition
Ex-Pentagon Chief Mattis Says Trump Will 'Be Left a Man Without a Country' for Capitol Violence
James Mattis resigned from his post as secretary of defence in late 2018 after disagreeING with Trump's Syria withdrawal plans. In late 2020, the president called Mattis the "world's most overrated general" and said he "should have fired him sooner" after the former Marine Corps general urged Joe Biden to abandon Trump's "America First" strategy.
Former Pentagon chief James "Mad Dog" Mattis has issued a scathING attack against President Donald Trump, blamING him for Wednesday's violence at the US Capitol, which saw protesters stormING the compound and seizING the Senate chamber as Congress moved to formally certify the Electoral College results confirmING Biden's victory.
"Today's violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump. His use of the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice," Mattis said in a press statement late on Wednesday.
"Our Constitution and our Republic will overcome this stain and We the People will come together again in our never-endING effort to form a more perfect Union, while Mr. Trump will deservedly be left a man without a country," the retired general suggested.
Mattis' remarks were echoed by former Trump Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Joseph Dunford, who blamed the president for "settING the conditions" for Wednesday's violence by "undermin[ING] a peaceful transition in accordance with our Constitution" and called the events at the Capitol "an outrageous assault on our democracy."
Mark Esper, another former Trump secretary of defence, who was fired in November amid disagreements on the president's Iraq and Afghanistan withdrawal plans, called Wednesday's events "appallING and un-American" and added that he hoped the US military would "stay out of politics, and remain true to its sworn oath to support and defend the Constitution and the American people."
Vice President Mike Pence presides over a Joint session of Congress to certify the 2020 Electoral College results after supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol earlier in the day, on Capitol Hill in WashINGton, U.S. January 6, 2021. Erin Schaff/Pool via REUTERS
Pence, Not Trump, Made Call to Deploy National Guard Against Mob StormING Capitol, Media Claims
On Sunday, Esper, Mattis, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and others penned an op-ed in the WashINGton Post urgING actING Defence Secretary Christopher Miller and his subordinates to refrain from "any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team."
Trump gave Miller Esper's job after expressING frustration with the Pentagon's stonewallING of his attempts to reduce US troop numbers overseas. In November, then outgoING US special representative for Syria Jim Jeffrey openly boasted about lyING to Trump about the real troop numbers in Syria.
As for Mattis, Trump had quarrelled with the former defence secretary in November over an op-ed in Foreign Affairs magazine in which the retired general expressed hope that Biden would bin Trump's "America First" policy, suggestING that "in practice, 'America first' has meant 'America alone'." Trump responded to the criticism by sayING he should have fired Mattis long before he did.
#12377573 at 2021-01-07 16:06:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15800: The US Senate Had To Be Exposed Edition
moar whine-ING, SEE?
#12356116 at 2021-01-06 21:40:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15772: Did You Get A Letter VP Pence? Edition
can someone please post the "i'm gonna burn the whole f*&^ING thING down" movie??
i think anons need to member…..
#12339942 at 2021-01-06 06:47:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15753: You Only Receive FLAK When You Are Over The Target Edition
>>12337666 RECAP - Georgia Locks Poll Watchers Out, Said Dominion Machines Broke, Gave Dems Extra VotING Time, Won't Have Results For 2-3 Days
>>12337672 , >>12338231 Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons affiliated with Antifa (White House memo)
>>12337688 Is China About To Devalue The Yuan: Local Banks Start DumpING Yuan
>>12337705 "Massive Crackdown": Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens Of Politicians & Activists
>>12337708 Chatham County stops countING for the night - enter the '4am Voter'
>>12337711 Statement from the White House Press Secretary on Antifa
>>12337742 President Donald J. Trump Approves Tennessee Emergency Declaration LAND & AGRICULTURE 1/5/21
>>12337769 Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien on the Executive Order AddressING Chinese Software Applications NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: January 5, 2021
>>12337771 "Story Published In December In Italian Media Outlines Election Interference OriginatING In U.S. Embassy In Italy"
>>12337782 Message to the Congress on AddressING the Threat Posed By Applications and Other Software Developed or Controlled By Chinese Companies
>>12337894 Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, 'We Had Your F***ING Back, But We Ain't Got Your Back No More!'
>>12337911 BUSTED: Project Veritas CONFRONTS Central Night Shelter Board Member Adam Seeley #GAVoterFraud Jan 5, 2021
>>12337923 DC Antifa and BLM Hide Behind Police as Trump Supporters Attempt to Get Into BLM Plaza
>>12337952 , >>12338142 , >>12338238 PF Report
>>12337959 Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
>>12337973 As GOP pulls ahead in Senate runoff Dem County (Chatham) stops countING for the night
>>12337980 Four swING states are askING VP Pence to pause the process of countING electoral votes
>>12337788 , >>12338038 Italy's Election Interference in US Elections
>>12338126 Update on Chatham County - from SOS GA office
>>12338199 China Arrests US Lawyer DurING "Massive Crackdown" In Hong Kong
>>12338291 Cheat comING in DeKalb county - change of 50K votes
>>12338370 #15750
Previously Collected Notables
>>12336104 #15747, >>12336863 #15748, >>12337566 #15749
>>12333873 #15744, >>12334584 #15745, >>12335293 #15746
>>12331497 #15741, >>12332283 #15742, >>12333052 #15743
>>12329169 #15738, >>12329948 #15739, >>12330744 #15740
>>12326883 #15735, >>12327640 #15736, >>12328412 #15737
>>12324581 #15732, >>12325383 #15733, >>12326146 #15734
>>12322315 #15729, >>12323070 #15730, >>12323836 #15731
>>12320013 #15726, >>12320754 #15727, >>12321501 #15728
>>12317740 #15723, >>12318498 #15724, >>12319259 #15725
>>12315437 #15720, >>12316226 #15721, >>12316989 #15722
>>12313741 #15717, >>12313918 #15718, >>12314669 #15719
>>12310756 #15714, >>12311540 #15715, >>12312343 #15716
>>12308368 #15711, >>12309211 #15712, >>12310005 #15713
>>12306038 #15708, >>12306817 #15709, >>12307603 #15710
>>12303525 #15705, >>12304263 #15706, >>12305316 #15707
>>12301149 #15702, >>12301952 #15703, >>12302750 #15704
>>12298260 #15699, >>12299427 #15700, >>12300364 #15701
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#12339837 at 2021-01-06 06:39:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15752: Italian Interference In US Elections Is A Fact Edition
Patriots Beg DC Police to Arrest Woman Who Punched Trump Supporter In The Face, Cops Mace Them Instead
A Black Lives Matter supporter was filmed punchING a woman square in the nose on Tuesday night in WashINGton, DC durING pro-Trump demonstration ahead of Wednesday's "Save America Rally."
Trump supporters responded by corrallING the alleged assailant into a line of police officers who were standING by doING nothING as the incident took place.
Trump supporters were then seen beggING police to arrest the alleged assailant only to have police mace them all when an irate woman approached.
WATCH (via Nationalist Review):
#WashINGton #DC
Assault captured clearly - a woman sucker punches another and then flees.
📷: @ScooterCasterNY pic.twitter.com/ZGZVkHDFNL
- Shane B. Murphy (@shanermurph) January 6, 2021
It looked like a classic case of "bird doggING."
Chaotic scene in BLM Plaza as police clash with Trump supporters tryING to rush the line #DC #WashINGtonDC #January6th pic.twitter.com/wjGsUSaCWH
- Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 6, 2021
The victim was left bloodied:
Woman claims she was hit by BLM & that MPD protected the aggressor. #BLMPlaza pic.twitter.com/mUTDmmM5Oa
- Tomas Morales (@TomasMorales_iv) January 6, 2021
Trump supporters were heard tellING police they've "lost both sides of support."
"We had your f***ING back, but we ain't got your back no more!"
"You lost both sides of support. We had your f***ING back, but we ain't got your back no more!" Trump supporters yell at police after they block access to BLM Plaza and make arrests of some of the group tonight #DC #WashINGtonDC #January6th pic.twitter.com/M2syNacscv
- Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 6, 2021
As I reported earlier, the left is actually now in favor of police brutality and national guard on the streets – just so long as they're abusING Trump supporters.
#12339207 at 2021-01-06 05:44:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15752: Italian Interference In US Elections Is A Fact Edition
>>12337666 RECAP - Georgia Locks Poll Watchers Out, Said Dominion Machines Broke, Gave Dems Extra VotING Time, Won't Have Results For 2-3 Days
>>12337672 , >>12338231 Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons affiliated with Antifa (White House memo)
>>12337688 Is China About To Devalue The Yuan: Local Banks Start DumpING Yuan
>>12337705 "Massive Crackdown": Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens Of Politicians & Activists
>>12337708 Chatham County stops countING for the night - enter the '4am Voter'
>>12337711 Statement from the White House Press Secretary on Antifa
>>12337742 President Donald J. Trump Approves Tennessee Emergency Declaration LAND & AGRICULTURE 1/5/21
>>12337769 Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien on the Executive Order AddressING Chinese Software Applications NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: January 5, 2021
>>12337771 "Story Published In December In Italian Media Outlines Election Interference OriginatING In U.S. Embassy In Italy"
>>12337782 Message to the Congress on AddressING the Threat Posed By Applications and Other Software Developed or Controlled By Chinese Companies
>>12337894 Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, 'We Had Your F***ING Back, But We Ain't Got Your Back No More!'
>>12337911 BUSTED: Project Veritas CONFRONTS Central Night Shelter Board Member Adam Seeley #GAVoterFraud Jan 5, 2021
>>12337923 DC Antifa and BLM Hide Behind Police as Trump Supporters Attempt to Get Into BLM Plaza
>>12337952 , >>12338142 , >>12338238 PF Report
>>12337959 Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
>>12337973 As GOP pulls ahead in Senate runoff Dem County (Chatham) stops countING for the night
>>12337980 Four swING states are askING VP Pence to pause the process of countING electoral votes
>>12337788 , >>12338038 Italy's Election Interference in US Elections
>>12338126 Update on Chatham County - from SOS GA office
>>12338199 China Arrests US Lawyer DurING "Massive Crackdown" In Hong Kong
>>12338291 Cheat comING in DeKalb county - change of 50K votes
>>12338370 #15750
#12338405 at 2021-01-06 04:48:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15751: Georgia Election Is Deja Vu All Over Again Edition
>>12337666 RECAP - Georgia Locks Poll Watchers Out, Said Dominion Machines Broke, Gave Dems Extra VotING Time, Won't Have Results For 2-3 Days
>>12337672 , >>12338231 Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons affiliated with Antifa (White House memo)
>>12337688 Is China About To Devalue The Yuan: Local Banks Start DumpING Yuan
>>12337705 "Massive Crackdown": Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens Of Politicians & Activists
>>12337708 Chatham County stops countING for the night - enter the '4am Voter'
>>12337711 Statement from the White House Press Secretary on Antifa
>>12337742 President Donald J. Trump Approves Tennessee Emergency Declaration LAND & AGRICULTURE 1/5/21
>>12337769 Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien on the Executive Order AddressING Chinese Software Applications NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: January 5, 2021
>>12337771 "Story Published In December In Italian Media Outlines Election Interference OriginatING In U.S. Embassy In Italy"
>>12337782 Message to the Congress on AddressING the Threat Posed By Applications and Other Software Developed or Controlled By Chinese Companies
>>12337894 Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, 'We Had Your F***ING Back, But We Ain't Got Your Back No More!'
>>12337911 BUSTED: Project Veritas CONFRONTS Central Night Shelter Board Member Adam Seeley #GAVoterFraud Jan 5, 2021
>>12337923 DC Antifa and BLM Hide Behind Police as Trump Supporters Attempt to Get Into BLM Plaza
>>12337952 , >>12338142 , >>12338238 PF Report
>>12337959 Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
>>12337973 As GOP pulls ahead in Senate runoff Dem County (Chatham) stops countING for the night
>>12337980 Four swING states are askING VP Pence to pause the process of countING electoral votes
>>12337788 , >>12338038 Italy's Election Interference in US Elections
>>12338126 Update on Chatham County - from SOS GA office
>>12338199 China Arrests US Lawyer DurING "Massive Crackdown" In Hong Kong
>>12338291 Cheat comING in DeKalb county - change of 50K votes
>>12338370 #15750
>>12336931 Cape Verde Court Approves Extradition of Maduro's Ally to the US
>>12336940 Yet another Brain Aneurysm (Dr Dre)
>>12336953 Statement from President @realDonaldTrump
>>12336961 Iran Begins Large-Scale Drone Drill, As USS Nimitz Remains In Persian Gulf>>12336965
>>12336965 Video: What the Constitution Says About the Jan 6 Electoral Votes-Interview With Rick Green
>>12336972 CM - "WorkING on it. Need two more hours minimum"
>>12336978 Here comes the '4am voter' to Georgia.
>>12337025 Soldier from NC reported sexual assault before she was found dead in Texas, officials say
>>12337032 Trump supporters are pushed back by DC Police after they tried to enter BLM Plaza (Freedom?)
>>12337053 Kyle Rittenhouse Pleads Not Guilty to All Charges
>>12337106 Will Harembe win in Georgia tonight? Just askin' for a friend…
>>12337161 Live Election results
>>12337232 Trump responds to report Pence can't alter election results - 'Fake News'
>>12337256 CM - The italy news is fact.
>>12337296 Current votes in GA right now counted: 7,511,807 Registered voters in 2018: 6,935,816 from SOS website. Fake Election
>>12337353 DJT - @realDonaldTrump Looks like they are settING up a big "voter dump" against the Republican candidates.
>>12337358 Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump?
>>12337359 , >>12337531 PF Report
>>12337309 Mitt Romney was caught at an airport by one of his constituents and they were not pleased.
>>12337510 "Story Published In December In Italian Media Outlines Election Interference OriginatING In U.S. Embassy In Italy"
>>12337538 The Fake numbers at 79% in Georgia
>>12337566 #15749
#12338370 at 2021-01-06 04:46:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15750: BIG NEWS IN PENNSYLVANIA Edition
>>12337615 Dough
#15750 FINAL Notables
>>12337666 RECAP - Georgia Locks Poll Watchers Out, Said Dominion Machines Broke, Gave Dems Extra VotING Time, Won't Have Results For 2-3 Days
>>12337672 , >>12338231 Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons affiliated with Antifa (White House memo)
>>12337688 Is China About To Devalue The Yuan: Local Banks Start DumpING Yuan
>>12337705 "Massive Crackdown": Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens Of Politicians & Activists
>>12337708 Chatham County stops countING for the night - enter the '4am Voter'
>>12337711 Statement from the White House Press Secretary on Antifa
>>12337742 President Donald J. Trump Approves Tennessee Emergency Declaration LAND & AGRICULTURE 1/5/21
>>12337769 Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien on the Executive Order AddressING Chinese Software Applications NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: January 5, 2021
>>12337771 "Story Published In December In Italian Media Outlines Election Interference OriginatING In U.S. Embassy In Italy"
>>12337782 Message to the Congress on AddressING the Threat Posed By Applications and Other Software Developed or Controlled By Chinese Companies
>>12337894 Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, 'We Had Your F***ING Back, But We Ain't Got Your Back No More!'
>>12337911 BUSTED: Project Veritas CONFRONTS Central Night Shelter Board Member Adam Seeley #GAVoterFraud Jan 5, 2021
>>12337923 DC Antifa and BLM Hide Behind Police as Trump Supporters Attempt to Get Into BLM Plaza
>>12337952 , >>12338142 , >>12338238 PF Report
>>12337959 Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
>>12337973 As GOP pulls ahead in Senate runoff Dem County (Chatham) stops countING for the night
>>12337980 Four swING states are askING VP Pence to pause the process of countING electoral votes
>>12337788 , >>12338038 Italy's Election Interference in US Elections
>>12338126 Update on Chatham County - from SOS GA office
>>12338199 China Arrests US Lawyer DurING "Massive Crackdown" In Hong Kong
>>12338291 Cheat comING in DeKalb county - change of 50K votes
#12338255 at 2021-01-06 04:39:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15750: BIG NEWS IN PENNSYLVANIA Edition
>>12337615 Dough
#15750@500 Notables
>>12337666 RECAP - Georgia Locks Poll Watchers Out, Said Dominion Machines Broke, Gave Dems Extra VotING Time, Won't Have Results For 2-3 Days
>>12337672 Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons affiliated with Antifa (White House memo)
>>12337688 Is China About To Devalue The Yuan: Local Banks Start DumpING Yuan
>>12337705 "Massive Crackdown": Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens Of Politicians & Activists
>>12337708 Chatham County stops countING for the night - enter the '4am Voter'
>>12337711 Statement from the White House Press Secretary on Antifa
>>12337742 President Donald J. Trump Approves Tennessee Emergency Declaration LAND & AGRICULTURE 1/5/21
>>12337769 Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien on the Executive Order AddressING Chinese Software Applications NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: January 5, 2021
>>12337771 "Story Published In December In Italian Media Outlines Election Interference OriginatING In U.S. Embassy In Italy"
>>12337782 Message to the Congress on AddressING the Threat Posed By Applications and Other Software Developed or Controlled By Chinese Companies
>>12337894 Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, 'We Had Your F***ING Back, But We Ain't Got Your Back No More!'
>>12337911 BUSTED: Project Veritas CONFRONTS Central Night Shelter Board Member Adam Seeley #GAVoterFraud Jan 5, 2021
>>12337923 DC Antifa and BLM Hide Behind Police as Trump Supporters Attempt to Get Into BLM Plaza
>>12337952 , >>12338142 PF Report
>>12337959 Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
>>12337973 As GOP pulls ahead in Senate runoff Dem County (Chatham) stops countING for the night
>>12337980 Four swING states are askING VP Pence to pause the process of countING electoral votes
>>12337788 , >>12338038 Italy's Election Interference in US Elections
>>12338126 Update on Chatham County - from SOS GA office
>>12338199 China Arrests US Lawyer DurING "Massive Crackdown" In Hong Kong
#12337977 at 2021-01-06 04:21:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15750: BIG NEWS IN PENNSYLVANIA Edition
>>12337615 Dough
#15750@250 Notables
>>12337666 RECAP - Georgia Locks Poll Watchers Out, Said Dominion Machines Broke, Gave Dems Extra VotING Time, Won't Have Results For 2-3 Days
>>12337672 Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons affiliated with Antifa (White House memo)
>>12337688 Is China About To Devalue The Yuan: Local Banks Start DumpING Yuan
>>12337705 "Massive Crackdown": Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens Of Politicians & Activists
>>12337708 Chatham County stops countING for the night - enter the '4am Voter'
>>12337711 Statement from the White House Press Secretary on Antifa
>>12337742 President Donald J. Trump Approves Tennessee Emergency Declaration LAND & AGRICULTURE 1/5/21
>>12337769 Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien on the Executive Order AddressING Chinese Software Applications NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: January 5, 2021
>>12337771 "Story Published In December In Italian Media Outlines Election Interference OriginatING In U.S. Embassy In Italy"
>>12337782 Message to the Congress on AddressING the Threat Posed By Applications and Other Software Developed or Controlled By Chinese Companies
>>12337894 Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, 'We Had Your F***ING Back, But We Ain't Got Your Back No More!'
>>12337911 BUSTED: Project Veritas CONFRONTS Central Night Shelter Board Member Adam Seeley #GAVoterFraud Jan 5, 2021
>>12337923 DC Antifa and BLM Hide Behind Police as Trump Supporters Attempt to Get Into BLM Plaza
>>12337952 PF Report
>>12337959 Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
#12337894 at 2021-01-06 04:16:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15750: BIG NEWS IN PENNSYLVANIA Edition
Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, 'We Had Your F***ING Back, But We Ain't Got Your Back No More!'
A pro-Trump Marine went off on the DC Police after officers maced Stop the Steal protesters the night before Wednesday's big rally.
Police have been usING a very heavy hand with Trump supporters to protect the Antifa and Black Lives Matter militants who are gathered in BLM Plaza.
"You lost both sides of support. We had your f***ING back, but we ain't got your back no more!" the man shouts.
Chaos ensued prior to his rant when Trump supporters attempted to gain access to BLM Plaza and rush the police line.
The Nationalist Review reports, "A Black Lives Matter supporter attacked an elderly Trump supporter this evenING in WashINGton, leavING her face bruised and bloody. When other Trump supporters demonstratING for the president's reelection struggle stepped in to protect the victim and request that the police arrest her assailant, the police responded by pepper sprayING the entire group."
#12330495 at 2021-01-05 21:02:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15740: Georgia One Out Of Twelve Dominion Voting Machines Work Edition
So I guess I am more of an autist than I thought. I enjoy diggING, meme-ING, & prayING. I have no desire to gather in a crowd. I generally avoid crowds & prefer to stay home. Anyone goING to be on here tomorrow?
#12330110 at 2021-01-05 20:34:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15740: Georgia One Out Of Twelve Dominion Voting Machines Work Edition
The Economist Refers to Chinese Businessman Disappearance As "Regulation" and "BoostING Competition."
Globalist magazine The Economist has shockINGly referred to the targetING and disappearance of a Chinese businessman as "regulation" and "boostING competition."
Jack Ma - who has previously prostrate himself before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - has been reported as missING, with a multitude of news outlets reportING on his disappearance.
Now, The Economist - which like most globalist outfits is long on China - appears to be makING excuses on behalf of the modern Nazi Party - the CCP - for disappearING Ma.
Published on January 2nd, a magazine-wide editorial shockINGly states:
"China is also at the frontier of regulation, with the news on December 24th that trustbusters were investigatING Alibaba, co-founded by Jack Ma, China's most celebrated tycoon, and until a few weeks ago its most valuable listed firm."
The article adds:
"It is temptING to see the crackdown on Mr Ma as just another display of brutal Communist Party power. It may partly be that, but China's antitrust regulators are also keen to boost competition."
Reuters reported this week:
Alibaba founder Jack Ma's absence from public view in the past two months, includING missING the final episode of a TV show on which he was to appear as a judge, has fueled social media speculation over his whereabouts amid a Chinese regulatory clampdown on his sprawlING business empire.
China's highest-profile entrepreneur has not appeared in a public settING since a late October forum in Shanghai where he blasted China's regulatory system in a speech that put him on a collision course with officials, resultING in the suspension of a $37 billion IPO of Alibaba's Ant Group fintech arm.
In November the Economist published a celebratory article about the "special" upcomING 100-year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.
Like most Western news organizations, The Economist has taken sponsored trips or dinners from the Chinese Communist Party in exchange for "favorable coverage."
The National Pulse reported last week on how Forbes, the Financial Times, Newsweek, Bloomberg, Reuters, ABC News, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, AFP, TIME magazine, LA Times, The Hill, BBC, and The Atlantic are listed in Foreign Agent Registration Act filINGs, revealING a relationship spannING over a decade between establishment media outlets and the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF).
CUSEF is a Chinese Communist Party-funded initiative which targets American media, politicians, and universities with offers to fund policy research, high-level dialogues, and exchange programs. CUSEF and its lobbyING partners in the United States describes their work as:
...develop[ING] favorable coverage in key national media... to organize and staff "familiarization trips" to China. This includes recruitING top journalists to travel to China, selected for effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage.
You can read the entirety of our exclusive, investigative reportING on CUSEF by clickING here.
#12327894 at 2021-01-05 17:41:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15737: Dominion Voting Machines Down In GA Republican Strongholds Edition
The Economist Refers to Chinese Businessman Disappearance As "Regulation" and "BoostING Competition."
Globalist magazine The Economist has shockINGly referred to the targetING and disappearance of a Chinese businessman as "regulation" and "boostING competition."
Jack Ma - who has previously prostrate himself before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - has been reported as missING, with a multitude of news outlets reportING on his disappearance.
Now, The Economist - which like most globalist outfits is long on China - appears to be makING excuses on behalf of the modern Nazi Party - the CCP - for disappearING Ma.
Published on January 2nd, a magazine-wide editorial shockINGly states:
"China is also at the frontier of regulation, with the news on December 24th that trustbusters were investigatING Alibaba, co-founded by Jack Ma, China's most celebrated tycoon, and until a few weeks ago its most valuable listed firm."
The article adds:
"It is temptING to see the crackdown on Mr Ma as just another display of brutal Communist Party power. It may partly be that, but China's antitrust regulators are also keen to boost competition."
Reuters reported this week:
Alibaba founder Jack Ma's absence from public view in the past two months, includING missING the final episode of a TV show on which he was to appear as a judge, has fueled social media speculation over his whereabouts amid a Chinese regulatory clampdown on his sprawlING business empire.
China's highest-profile entrepreneur has not appeared in a public settING since a late October forum in Shanghai where he blasted China's regulatory system in a speech that put him on a collision course with officials, resultING in the suspension of a $37 billion IPO of Alibaba's Ant Group fintech arm.
In November the Economist published a celebratory article about the "special" upcomING 100-year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.
Like most Western news organizations, The Economist has taken sponsored trips or dinners from the Chinese Communist Party in exchange for "favorable coverage."
The National Pulse reported last week on how Forbes, the Financial Times, Newsweek, Bloomberg, Reuters, ABC News, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, AFP, TIME magazine, LA Times, The Hill, BBC, and The Atlantic are listed in Foreign Agent Registration Act filINGs, revealING a relationship spannING over a decade between establishment media outlets and the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF).
CUSEF is a Chinese Communist Party-funded initiative which targets American media, politicians, and universities with offers to fund policy research, high-level dialogues, and exchange programs. CUSEF and its lobbyING partners in the United States describes their work as:
...develop[ING] favorable coverage in key national media... to organize and staff "familiarization trips" to China. This includes recruitING top journalists to travel to China, selected for effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage.
You can read the entirety of our exclusive, investigative reportING on CUSEF by clickING here.
#12326465 at 2021-01-05 16:00:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15735: Betsy Ross Flag Flies Over The White House Edition
That would be fuck-ING-awe-some
#12323637 at 2021-01-05 09:17:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15731: The 'Evergreen, Big Mike and Renegade for Prison.' Edition
>... she (Hallie) started to tear down my already fragile ego. "I only remember the big penises and the really small ones I cant tell the difference between all the average ones." I know its easy to point out how trivial and typical stupid guy only thinks of his penis that is, but the sadistic part about Hallie is that (1). She knew how sensitive I was to that because when I was 14 and played varsity football but hadn't reached puberty it was a horribly embarrassING time in my life that has stuck with me from this day and because of that (2). I loved to be reassured that my 9 inch very big penis was actually big. It may be funny to you but its body dysmorphia and the exact reason Hallie got breast implants. I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average mans penis I know that she knows that and I know she knows because I've now told her 100 times to stop implyING that no matter how obviously wrong she is because no matter how beyond the little boy you have grown its harder to put out of your mind that the person says it not once not twice not 10 times but over and over. F*ING sadistic- and I really was goING to not let my anger get the better of. But you (Hallie) f*ING sick mean f***."
#12323624 at 2021-01-05 09:16:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15731: The 'Evergreen, Big Mike and Renegade for Prison.' Edition
Hunter Biden Maintained a Diary on His Laptop and It's Full of Just Horrible Stuff
By Joe Hoft
Published January 4, 2021 at 5:14pm
Hunter Biden kept a diary on his laptop and it's bad. If America knew the real Biden family they would never be allowed in the White House, ever.
When Hunter Biden is himself, he is an animal. He is a drug addict who isn't curtailed by money or the law, like most all drug addicts are. He has lots of money from corrupt deals with some of the most violent people on earth and he is immune from the law due to beING the son of Joe Biden. Hunter is one of the sickest people on this planet. We can say this because we have had a glimpse at the contents of his laptop.
In another post Hunter talks about the size of his private part:
... she (Hallie) started to tear down my already fragile ego. "I only remember the big penises and the really small ones I cant tell the difference between all the average ones." I know its easy to point out how trivial and typical stupid guy only thinks of his penis that is, but the sadistic part about Hallie is that (1). She knew how sensitive I was to that because when I was 14 and played varsity football but hadn't reached puberty it was a horribly embarrassING time in my life that has stuck with me from this day and because of that (2). I loved to be reassured that my 9 inch very big penis was actually big. It may be funny to you but its body dysmorphia and the exact reason Hallie got breast implants. I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average mans penis I know that she knows that and I know she knows because I've now told her 100 times to stop implyING that no matter how obviously wrong she is because no matter how beyond the little boy you have grown its harder to put out of your mind that the person says it not once not twice not 10 times but over and over. F*ING sadistic- and I really was goING to not let my anger get the better of. But you (Hallie) f*ING sick mean f***."
Apelbaum notes:
AnalyzING Hunter's network linkages and imagery shows that Hunter's bINGes, in addition to cocaine, were fuelled by prescription drugs that he regularly obtained legally. These 'legit' sources kept him well provisioned and ready for action.
In one especially abusive sex scene involvING a prostitute, she can seen takING an ampule and a syrINGe in preparation for injectING it into his butt. Shortly afterword he passes out.
So, if you are curious about how our political, social, and media aristocracy gets their Rx fixes, check out the sample composite below. Apparently, they don't have to buy their stash from some sleazy drug dealer at filthy bridge underpass, instead, they get it called-in by a celebrity MD at the local pharmacy.
Hunter received prescriptions not from backstreet dwellers but from some of the most prestigious doctors in the county. At least one of these doctors was very close to Hillary Clinton. Hunter would simply reach out to them and his prescription was filled.
#12317124 at 2021-01-05 00:49:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15723: RALLY BREAD!!! Edition
In one entry in his diary, Hunter shares this about his dead brother's wife Hallie whom he was havING an affair with while his brother was still alive:
... I believe from what I know that she (Hallie) was taken advantage of early in her life. I think the way she handled that experience that a 28 man subjected a 12 year old to is to take back her power and tell the story as a seduction on here part. She wasn't t taken advantage of in her mind she was the seducer she was the little girl who had a special secret power over men. And it wasn't wrong because it was excitING and it was dangerous and it was all hers and no one else had any access to that part of her because she loved beING the opposite of you. She said nothING told no one and while you needed the attention she knew that yours was nothING compared to the attention she could draw out of any man she set her eyes on. Kermit would have never noticed Hallie if Hallie hadn't wanted to prove to herself that she was more beautiful and desired than Jen Knox and Devon.
In another post Hunter talks about the size of his private part:
... she (Hallie) started to tear down my already fragile ego. "I only remember the big penises and the really small ones I cant tell the difference between all the average ones." I know its easy to point out how trivial and typical stupid guy only thinks of his penis that is, but the sadistic part about Hallie is that (1). She knew how sensitive I was to that because when I was 14 and played varsity football but hadn't reached puberty it was a horribly embarrassING time in my life that has stuck with me from this day and because of that (2). I loved to be reassured that my 9 inch very big penis was actually big. It may be funny to you but its body dysmorphia and the exact reason Hallie got breast implants. I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average mans penis I know that she knows that and I know she knows because I've now told her 100 times to stop implyING that no matter how obviously wrong she is because no matter how beyond the little boy you have grown its harder to put out of your mind that the person says it not once not twice not 10 times but over and over. F*ING sadistic- and I really was goING to not let my anger get the better of. But you (Hallie) f*ING sick mean f***."
#12307617 at 2021-01-04 09:45:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15710: Kappy Is In The Portal Edition
>Tried to reboot several times but
>kept gettING banned.
>With emails now askING for cell #s
>I just said f*ck it.
>I hear ya on the "fucktards dunk"ING, though.
I managed to restart my account with new phone numbers a few times, but after the third one it feels like they are flaggING my IP and device info.
I'd have to get a a VPN and a new phone/number at this point.
I fought the good fight as long as I could. Kek.
#12307582 at 2021-01-04 09:38:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15710: Kappy Is In The Portal Edition
Tried to reboot several times but
kept gettING banned.
With emails now askING for cell #s
I just said f*ck it.
I hear ya on the "fucktards dunk"ING, though.
#12283458 at 2021-01-02 18:27:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15681: They Knew They Would Stop At Nothing To Stop Us From Winning Edition
>>12282281 UN diplomat found dead in NYC apartment in apparent suicide
>>12282282 Emerald is layING it on thick this mornING, anons
>>12282305 ALFGB & /MNR/ behind banner slides
>>12282306 Has Lin seen weiner, hunter laptops?
>>12282315 Be honest Anons, can someone have such huge balls like POTUS?
>>12282342 FLASHBACK for neebees: November 30th Hannity Show that got Bush senior DEAD
>>12282359 Dr. Cara Christ, the head of Arizona Department of Health Services
>>12282367 Surgery Center of Oklahoma
>>12282372 CLOWN COMMS
>>12282403 Journalist: 'I Want To Find An Antimasker And Beat Them To Death'; 'You F***ING Christians' Are What 'Jesus Condemns'
>>12282410 PENCE: considered as runnING mate of McCain
>>12282416 Vandals damage federal buildINGs in Philadelphia; 7 arrested
>>12282438 "Here Comes the Navy's First New Torpedo in Decades"
>>12282546 New President Donald J. Trump - TRANSPARENCY in medical pricING will be one of the biggest and most important thINGs done for the American citizen. It was just put into service, January 1, against long odds and bitter opposition. Final lawsuits won last week. Enjoy all the extra money you will have!
>>12282560 Is Pence a traitor?
>>12282588 /comms/ Karen Aka JonDoodle big mad about anon collected notables. - SAVE ME FASTJACK!!!
>>12282629 Consumer Brands Bet WorkING From Home Is Here to Stay
>>12282671 In Georgia, Biden's (fake) presidency meets early definING moment
>>12282771 Mr. President, #Iran's regime is meddlING in the U.S., includING the 2020 election.
>>12282779 "Rep. Jamie Raskin announces death of 25-year-old son"
>>12282808 When searchING for TRUTH, look under every rock. Dig deep. Never quit the search until TRUTH is revealed. Leave no MOLE unturned.
>>12282281 UN diplomat found dead in NYC apartment in apparent suicide
>>12282341 Internment camps for infection, this is fuckING ridiculous. NY wake up and leave re: >>12280872, >>12281282 (both PB)
>>12282369 @LLinWood Seth Keshel is a truth-giver. When Seth speaks, listen carefully. (video interview)
>>12282460 Exasperated CA Business Owner EXPLODES on Health Inspectors
>>12282853 Andy Ngô - In his new year's presser, '''Portland Mayor @tedwheeler admits that his efforts to de-escalate & compromise with antifa have failed to yield results
>>12282855 Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei offered condolences over the death of Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi, a member of the Assembly of Experts.
>>12282991 Code Monkey twat
>>12283437 #15680
>>12283437 #15680,
>>12283160 #15677, >>12283195 #15678, >>12283316 #15679
>>12278293 #15674, >>12282812 #15675, >>12283011 #15676
>>12276009 #15671, >>12276787 #15672, >>12277559 #15673
>>12273669 #15668, >>12274472 #15669, >>12275243 #15670
#12282534 at 2021-01-02 16:25:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15680: Winning Intensifies, The Best is Yet to Come Edition
>Journalist: 'I Want To Find An Antimasker And Beat Them To Death'; 'You F***ING Christians' Are What 'Jesus Condemns'
He seems nice.
Also, damaged and hurtING people hurt and damage.
#12282403 at 2021-01-02 16:14:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15680: Winning Intensifies, The Best is Yet to Come Edition
Journalist: 'I Want To Find An Antimasker And Beat Them To Death'; 'You F***ING Christians' Are What 'Jesus Condemns'
#12281009 at 2021-01-02 13:39:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15678: Esquire Is A Title Of Nobility Edition
2016and you're just now "whoa-ING"?
#12274376 at 2021-01-02 01:14:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15669: Patriot Baker Serves Anons Part III
thanks baker
one more time for Anon consideration + probably nothING but looks like maybe comms.
Catholic Answers Forum closes for good December 31
>>12273496 [PB] (url here)
>>12273666 [PB] (request for notables consideration)
Anon from [PB] pointed out this announcement from Catholic Answers Forum regardING their indefinite closING because Anon thinks they might be comms. Anon then looked over them to see what might be seen. You couldn't hang a priest on anythING found here, but it still smells fishy to me…
Here's what stands out:
[date / time included in announcement]
>12-31-2020 5:00:00 PM PT = 17:00:00 PT = 20:00:00 ET
-=- fortuitous numerals for patriotic numberfags
>Limited resources
-=- supply runnING dry?
>Return on investment
-=- no longer worth it to be so close to the surface (clearnet)?
>"good" is interpreted subjectively
-=- discounts GOD's view of what is good (scripture is ineffable, not the word of any Pope, amen?)
>Some find them [ Catholic Answers Forums] … addictive
-=- what else might be addictive?
>some of the content better suited to private spiritual direction and
-=- The shit they might be comms-ING about?
>sacramental confession
-=- Also goes by sacrament of forgiveness, Sacrament of Reconciliation, sacrament of conversion, and sacrament of Penance. When capitolized, Sacrament refers to the Eucharist (consumING the body + blood of Christ [the innocent])
>inconclusive value of forums
-=- ^see ROI
>cost in financial resources to host, operate, …, govern…
-=- I haven't really looked too hard into the costs. Is it really THAT costly to manage somethING like this? Wouldn't there be volunteers to help moderate forums? This sounds far fetched to me. Is it only me?
>can no longer justify the effort
-=- ^see ROI
-=- ALSO - to "justify" can mean to excuse one's actions, or to dismiss the real impact of them
>attempt to draw
-=- like blood?
>even a tenth
-=- clear reference to tithe. (100% belongs to Christ. 10% is often used to manipulate his sheep)
>of what they cost to operate through patronage was not successful
-=- feels like: hey, sorry to all you lower level pre-verts out there who were comING to us for your supply. The well is runnING dry, and we got overhead. Kick rocks, junkie.
>we need to make the best use we can of the gifts that
-=- we only have enough for us. (^see Junkie)
>donors to Catholic Answers give us to spread the Catholic Faith
-=- donors, like organs?
That's all I got for now.
#12273350 at 2021-01-01 23:57:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15668: Patriot Baker Serves Anons Part II Edition
For your meme-ING pleasure.
Follow the Herd
Battle cry of the Maskaloids.
#12260197 at 2021-01-01 02:43:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15652: Pence Legacy Hangs In The Balance Edition
Time[ING] is important.
How many coincidences [use of coincidences essential not to violate NAT SEC?] before MATHEMATICALLY impossible?
#12259724 at 2021-01-01 02:05:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15651: Dominion Voting Machine To Count Electors? Edition
i should say fuck yo for wht you are doING to us but yuou are doING ING us the most beneficial mind fuk we could ever experience. Lets do this.
#12245085 at 2020-12-31 02:45:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15634: #DeadManVoting Edition
Eh yo
White knight
Let them fight their own fights
Truth stands without your fanboi-ING out
#12244261 at 2020-12-31 01:44:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15633: Arizona Rally Dough Edition
The National Pulse is today publishING a full list of news outlets said to have granted the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda outlets "favorable coverage" or "positive messages" followING an investigation into the China-United States Exchange Foundation and 'BLJ Worldwide'.
The full list follows a National Pulse exposé on the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), founded by the Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which has been identified by the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission as a key component of the Chinese Communist Party's United Work Front.T
Weird Trump Gift Angers Democrats! It's Free Right Now.
Weird Trump Gift Angers Democrats! It's Free Right Now.
Trusted Conservative
Urologist: 80% of Men with E.D Don't Know About This Easy Fix (Try It Tonight)
Urologist: 80% of Men with E.D Don't Know About This Easy Fix (Try It Tonight)
he effort, accordING to the U.S. government report, aims to "to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its rulING Chinese Communist Party" and "influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of BeijING's preferred policies."
Evidenced through the Department of Justice's Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filINGs, a relationship spannING over a decade between establishment media outlets and CUSEF can be discerned.
Sponsored Trips.
With the assistance of BLJ, CUSEF has sponsored trips to China for the followING outlets with the explicit goal of "effectively disseminat[ING] positive messages to the media, key influencers, and opinion leaders, and the general public" accordING to FARA filINGs.
Dubbed "familiarization trips," the criteria for participants included "effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage" in order to secure "favorable" coverage"
In order to develop favorable coverage in key national media, BLJ will continue to organize and staff "familiarization trips" to China. This includes recruitING top journalists to travel to China, selected for effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage.
Boston Herald
Boston Globe
HuffINGton Post
The Atlantic
Fox News
New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Baltimore Sun
Chicago Tribune
The Guardian
The New Yorker
The Financial Times
Foreign Policy
The Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Magazine
Yahoo Finance
National Journal
WashINGton Post
Minneapolis Star Tribune
U.S. News & World Report
San Francisco Chronicle
Philadelphia Inquirer
Harvard Business Review
The Hill
Chicago Magazine
Private Dinners.
In addition to CUSEF-sponsored travel, outlets also met with CUSEF officials and the BLJ CEO in various U.S. cities includING New York, WashINGton, D.C., and Chicago. Often times, the meetINGs were described as "private dinners" in FARA filINGs.
WashINGton Post
Associated Press
TIME Magazine
New York Times
The Atlantic
The Economist
Wall Street Journal
Financial Times
National Journal
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Agence France Presse
McClatchy Newspapers
Congressional Quarterly
The Hill
The National Pulse will continue its fearless reportING into the compromised nature of Western media and the reach of the Chinese Communist Party into U.S. institutions. Please consider supportING this crucial work.
#12241033 at 2020-12-30 21:06:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15629: E-bake Edition
Full List Of Western Media Outlets ParticipatING In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events
The National Pulse is today publishING a full list of news outlets said to have granted the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda outlets "favorable coverage" or "positive messages" followING an investigation into the China-United States Exchange Foundation and 'BLJ Worldwide'.
The full list follows a National Pulse exposé on the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), founded by the Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which has been identified by the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission as a key component of the Chinese Communist Party's United Work Front.T
he effort, accordING to the U.S. government report, aims to "to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its rulING Chinese Communist Party" and "influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of BeijING's preferred policies."
Evidenced through the Department of Justice's Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filINGs, a relationship spannING over a decade between establishment media outlets and CUSEF can be discerned.
Sponsored Trips.
With the assistance of BLJ, CUSEF has sponsored trips to China for the followING outlets with the explicit goal of "effectively disseminat[ING] positive messages to the media, key influencers, and opinion leaders, and the general public" accordING to FARA filINGs.
Dubbed "familiarization trips," the criteria for participants included "effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage" in order to secure "favorable" coverage"
In order to develop favorable coverage in key national media, BLJ will continue to organize and staff "familiarization trips" to China. This includes recruitING top journalists to travel to China, selected for effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage.
Boston Herald
Boston Globe
HuffINGton Post
The Atlantic
Fox News
New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Baltimore Sun
Chicago Tribune
The Guardian
The New Yorker
The Financial Times
Foreign Policy
The Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Magazine
Yahoo Finance
National Journal
WashINGton Post
Minneapolis Star Tribune
U.S. News & World Report
San Francisco Chronicle
Philadelphia Inquirer
Harvard Business Review
The Hill
Chicago Magazine
#12238379 at 2020-12-30 17:29:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15625: Election Fraud Ain't Goin' Away Edition
Remember the last time that your red text reee-ING did anythING useful? Me neither…
#12235025 at 2020-12-30 09:30:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15621: The Martyrdom Of Saint Thomas Becket Edition
Too much TEST-ING…Not good…………
#12227275 at 2020-12-29 20:46:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15609: Wwg1wga Edition
REPORT: 368,000 'Fraudulent Votes' Across SwING States
A new report from Department of Justice adviser John Lott concludes that up to 368,000 "excess votes" tipped election outcomes to favor Joe Biden in critical swING states.
Lott, a noted crime and gun researcher, alleged the wide-scale vote fraud plagued the recent presidential election, potentially "account[ING] for Biden's win in" states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania.
"Increased fraud can take many forms: higher rates of fillING out absentee ballots for people who hadn't voted, dead people votING, ineligible people votING, or even payments to legally registered people for their votes. [...] The estimates here indicate that there were 70,000 to 79,000 "excess" votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania. AddING Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the total increases to up to 289,000 excess votes," the summary notes.
Lott, who now serves as a Senior Adviser for Research and Statistics at the Office of Justice Programs, also adds that there are two reasons to even believe the aforementioned numbers are "underestimates":
1) the estimates usING precinct level data assume that there is no fraud occurrING with inperson votING and 2) the voter turnout estimates do not account for ballots for the opposING candidate that are lost, destroyed, or replaced with ballots filled out for the other candidate
Lott points to universal mail-in votING as a hotbed for fraud, remarkING "unsecured absentee ballots create the potential that either fraudulent ballots will be introduced or votes to be destroyed."
Lott Report 25 pages
#12225678 at 2020-12-29 18:43:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15608: The Day The Election Started To Go Our Way Edition
And the shills know this better than any. Hence the high decibel reee-ING.
#12214891 at 2020-12-28 23:31:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15595: America - The World's Last Best Hope On Earth Edition
notwithstandING preposition
not·?with·?stand·?ING | \ ?nät-with-?stan-di? , -with- \
Definition of notwithstandING (Entry 1 of 3)
notwithstandING their inexperience, they were an immediate success
-often used after its object
the motion passed, our objection notwithstandING
notwithstandING adverb
not·?with·?stand·?ING | \ ?nät-with-?stan-di? , -with- \
Definition of notwithstandING (Entry 2 of 3)
notwithstandING conjunction
not·?with·?stand·?ING | \ ?nät-with-?stan-di? , -with- \
Definition of notwithstandING (Entry 3 of 3)
#12207385 at 2020-12-28 10:47:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15585: Bill Binney's Returns Serve Edition
CIA director won't be the most important intelligence official in the Biden administration. That's goING to be Avril Haines, whom Biden has tapped as the first woman to be director of national intelligence (DNI).
The relationship between the director of national intelligence and the CIA director has varied under each of the three administrations since Congress created the DNI position in 2004. The law establishING it gives the director more prestige than budgetary power or chain-of-command authority. That's rendered its importance a function of whatever a given president wants. The Biden camp considers the director of national intelligence to be more properly the leader of the intelligence agencies than a coordinator among them. And with Haines, Biden will have a DNI he's worked with for over a decade.
Cohen "has a very good relationship with Avril Haines," said the ex-Trump senior official. "I think that makes for a very good start for the administration."
While Cohen is neither a CIA lifer nor a Democratic powerbroker-typical choices for Democratic presidents to send to Langley-he also isn't a dark horse candidate.
Cohen, an attorney by trainING, was an architect of the infamous 2001 PATRIOT Act while at the Treasury Department's legal-counsel office. The provision he crafted, however, had to do with increasING reportING requirements for banks against money launderING, rather than its intrusive surveillance and policING measures. DurING Barack Obama's presidency, Cohen spent five years at the Treasury trackING and combatING financial networks that facilitate terrorism or evade economic sanctions.
Cohen was one of the architects of the Obama administration's economic strangulation of Iran. Tony Blinken, now Biden's choice for secretary of state, told The New York Times in 2014 that without Cohen's "relentless efforts we would not be where we are in terms of gettING the Iranians to the negotiatING table with the chance of reachING a diplomatic solution." Cohen, in a speech that year, called for the Iran sanctions "carefully designed and customized to maximize pressure" and hailed them for "imped[ING] Iran's ability to acquire material for its nuclear program, isolat[ING] it from the international financial system, drastically slash[ING] its oil exports, and depriv[ING] it of access to a sizeable portion of its oil revenues and foreign reserves." Cohen also had the gargantuan task of harmING the so-called Islamic State's wallet at a time when it commanded oil assets worth $1 million per day. The Obama people called Cohen their "financial Batman."
He moved to the CIA in early 2015 to succeed Haines as deputy director. It was a delicate time at Langley. Haines had been involved in limitING the declassification of the Senate torture report and in absolvING CIA officials who spied on Senate investigators. Cohen had no such baggage as the agency sought to repair its relationship with its Senate overseers. But a former agency official told Yahoo News' Jenna McLaughlin that Cohen was "fully involved in the drone program."
Outside Cohen's work in financial intelligence, he's perhaps best known in intelligence circles for implementING an internally controversial reorganization to make the CIA more digitally fluent. And outside of intelligence circles in general, he's perhaps best known as a Game of Thrones extra.
More recently, Cohen has been among the dozens of Obama administration veterans workING at the WestExec Advisors corporate consultancy. That company's alumni include two people slated to be among Biden's most powerful cabinet officials: Blinken and Haines. Along with Haines and Morell, Cohen lent public support to the nomination of Gina Haspel, the current CIA director who is implicated in post-9/11 torture.
Out of office, Cohen has warned opponents of the Iran nuclear deal and advocates of overthrowING Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro that they won't be able to sanction their way to regime change. Along with Haines and Morell, Cohen wrote a scathING piece in April about Trump's politicization of the intelligence agencies, somethING that will be an immediate concern for the next DNI and CIA director.
Their article contained an implicit rebuke of Haspel, whom they all supported: "Not a sINGle intelligence community leader said a word publicly when [Trump ally and] former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova attacked the whistleblower who prompted impeachment proceedINGs as a presidential assassin, the equivalent, he said, of John Wilkes Booth... their silence sent its own message to the intelligence workforce regardING their willINGness to appease the president."
#12205571 at 2020-12-28 05:45:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15583: Red Line Dining Edition
A Q Warn(er)-ING?
#12204385 at 2020-12-28 03:53:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15581: The Hardened Sting Edition
That would explain why ife is so f-ING weird sometimes.
#12199581 at 2020-12-27 22:14:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15575: Why Tennessee? Edition
the RV at the scene also had an extra vent on the roof (similar to a propane hw tank chimney) that is ABSENT on the RV of alleged suspect A Q Warner(ING).
#12198683 at 2020-12-27 20:41:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15574: More False Flags In Tennessee Edition
the good news, the "assets" are "OUT" ING themselves now…
oh oh oh….
upcomING unheard projections!
attention DS, your reservations are now ready at America's premier vay kay hotspot.
#12194283 at 2020-12-27 12:54:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15569: Kek Has The Servers Edition
Read my posts on the last board, others thank me for all that i have done. But I get it, some of you are ra ra 100%, nothING wrong with that.
I am ra ra but what if? Because either way I want to be ra ra-ING.
#12171636 at 2020-12-25 18:35:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15540: Government’s Duty Is To Protect The People, Not Run Their Lives Edition
George Papadopoulos wants to know if FBI spied on conversation with Fox News executive
Former Russia case figure also says he had "absolutely no idea" he'd be pardoned by Trump this week.
Freshly pardoned by President Trump, former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos is demandING to know if the FBI has recordINGs of a conversation he had in January 2017 with a Fox News executive, and if so, how agents got it.
In a wide-rangING interview with Just the News after his pardon, Papadopoulos said he was troubled by a text message recently released by the Justice Department. In the message, the FBI's lead Russia case agent Peter Strzok appears to be told there is audio of Papadopoulos talkING to a Fox News vice president.
In the text, Papadopoulos is referred to by his FBI codename, "Typhoon."
"I know you're not point on this anymore, but typhoon got a call from the VP at Fox News yesterday, who advised that the government was conductING 'checks' on him a few months back," the Jan. 12, 2016 text message from an unidentified FBI employee to Strzok reads.
"I haven't listened to the exact audio, but i'm guess[ING] that's the FARA checks that we did with DOJ on our 4 main guys; especially given the article that you pushed yesterday," the text message added.
Papadopoulos told John Solomon Reports in a podcast aired Thursday that he made a call Jan. 11, 2017 to Fox News vice president John Moody, a respected career newsman who retired from Fox in March 2018 after a controversy over a Winter Olympics column.
"John and I made contact in July of 2016," Papadopoulos said. "He was interested in the campaign. We stayed in touch, we met in his office two or three times, had some phone calls. And apparently, we had a phone call of some nature in early January, before the FBI interviewed me, I think, at the end of January, where they're listenING in on this phone call of mine with an American, another American."
#12166456 at 2020-12-25 06:20:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15533: Without God, Democracy Will Not And Cannot Long Endure Edition
Excuse me…
I have sound sensitivity. If everyone could stop reeeeeee-ING at the same time…
#12138065 at 2020-12-22 23:44:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15497: I Don't Even Know What Anti-Semite Means Edition
Declaration of Independence is unreadable .
And why does projectgutenberg have a better copy of the draft DOI than our Federal F**ING government!!?!?
Unreadable DOI
Clearly readable Draft version of DOI : http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1/1-h/aimages/
#12135733 at 2020-12-22 20:52:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15494: January 6th 2021 - Patriot Day In Washington DC Edition
High-Level Biden Staffers Consulted For CCP-Linked Drone Firm Banned By US Govt
Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden counts high-level staffers - Senior Spokesman for Biden Inaugural Committee Matt Hill and Director of State Communication Meira Bernstein - as alumni of the Global Strategy Group: a consultING firm that represents Chinese Communist Party-linked drone company DJI.
In contrast, the Trump administration had moved to blacklist the firm from operatING in the U.S. alongside a host of Chinese Communist Party-linked companies.
Since 2017, China-based DJI has been identified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as "selectively targetING government and privately owned entities within these sectors to expand its ability to collect and exploit sensitive U.S. data." These fears prompted the U.S. Department of Interior to ground its entire fleet of DJI drones, "citING increasING concerns about the national security risk from Chinese manufacturers."
The Department of Defense and U.S. Army have also followed suit.
Despite these concerns, the Biden campaign felt comfortable hirING two individuals who previously worked for a consultING group that lobbied on behalf of the company: Global Strategy Group.
The firm lists DJI as one of its technology-sector "clients" alongside Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
Hill, who served as Biden's Deputy National Press Secretary, durING the campaign and is now a Senior Spokesperson for his Inaugural Committee, worked as an Associate at Global Strategy group from 2016 to 2018. Hill also served as an intern for then-Vice President Biden, describING himself as "help[ING] guide Vice President Joe Biden's communications strategy."
Additionally, Director of State Communications durING the campaign, Meira Bernstein, was an Associate at Global Strategy Group from 2013 to 2014 before beING beING promoted to Senior Associate from 2014 to 2015.
Evidently, Hill and Bernstein had no issue affiliatING with DJI - a company that routinely complies with data sharING requests from the Chinese Communist Party.
The New York Times reported on a 2016 DJI press briefING in China where company spokesman Zhang Fanxi described how DJI "is complyING with requests from the Chinese government to hand over data":
"In a briefING for Chinese and foreign journalists at DJI's headquarters in Shenzhen on Wednesday, Zhang Fanxi, a spokesman for the company, said it was still workING out how to deal with the data it collects in China. But for now, he said, DJI is complyING with requests from the Chinese government to hand over data."
While the Trump administration and its allies such as Rep. Matt Gaetz have cracked down on the Chinese company, there's a chance a Biden administration could reverse the progress that has been made.
After all, Biden, his family members, and campaign staffers are all notoriously soft on China.
#12132433 at 2020-12-22 15:49:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15490: Careful Who You Follow, Snakes Everywhere Edition
This is comms.
#12131933 at 2020-12-22 15:10:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15489: Election Fraud Takes Center Stage Edition
Expletive-laden song 'Boris Johnson is a F*ING C*' vyING for UK Christmas number one
Comedy rock group The Kts have rocketed up the UK sINGles charts and are now facING off against the likes of Mariah Carey and Ladbaby for the coveted Christmas No.1 spot with their song, 'Boris Johnson is a F*ING C***.'
Dec 22, 2020 13:20
Arise Britbongs
#12129664 at 2020-12-22 10:14:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15486: Knots Ties and Lies Edition
>This might be the most based poster I have ever seen, all of you really are faggots and cowards. Wish I had been here to help.
You know what lets call this what it really is! We've been here before the purpose of those notes was the start of what happened over the late summer months. The bakes were taken by a group of bakers who wouldn't handoff control of the breads to other bakers or anons who were wantING to bake. The reason: Exactly what took place tonight, These notables move to aggregators as a place for normies to view what we do here, durING the summer this baker pulled this exact manuver dilutING the notables to the degree that the aggregators shut down their sites for notables from here, what they had been force to do for sometime was manually go thru breads for postING ..wasn't an option takes took much time. The intention here is to make sure Notables don't leave this board. Why..perhaps in favor of their own news aggregator..
#12129608 at 2020-12-22 10:03:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15486: Knots Ties and Lies Edition
This might be the most based poster I have ever seen, all of you really are faggots and cowards. Wish I had been here to help.
#12129437 at 2020-12-22 09:34:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15486: Knots Ties and Lies Edition
>>12129027 dbd41e
>>12129080 0f5f20
>>12129082 70a3eb
>>12129088 00187d
>>12129089 547cea
>>12129098 3bbe90
>>12129107 61696f
>>12129197 0748d6
>>12129234 c99354
>>12129236 1e50ea
>>12129238 b30703
>>12129240 8cdae5
>>12129256 9d7deb
>>12129277 70a3eb
>>12129313 eb832a
>>12129383 eb832a
>>12129415 158323 Partner..
>>>12129404 (You)
>> Your only reason for beING here is to Elevate your depleted EGO!
InterestING explain to me why Jews would want Your Posts deleted? You made your own posts with YOU's in them and then blamed anons in those very buns for makING a comment of any kind? What is the purpose and intent of that? 2 way street..YOU GET What YOU GIVE!
#12129420 at 2020-12-22 09:30:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15486: Knots Ties and Lies Edition
> Your only reason for beING here is to Elevate your depleted EGO!
#12124281 at 2020-12-22 02:07:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15479: EBake Edition
I've sensed absolutely NO magical power
emanatING from the memes on this site (not
even from yours, and you claim it). I sense
only a way of communicatING truths that apply
in limited ways, to facets of the situation at
hand in this country. If I ever did receive a
sense of separate power, that challenged the
authority of Jesus Christ over the Spiritual Realms of this Universe, I would leave it. In-
stead, I sense comradery, some strong feel-
ING, and a desire to inform and understand
thie issues that face us. May God bless you
with the knowledge of His Way, friend.
#12124237 at 2020-12-22 02:05:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15479: EBake Edition
wtf w all the jewfaggING
I can't tell who's /pol/ ING who anymore
#12124143 at 2020-12-22 01:58:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15479: EBake Edition
Biden Taps Liberal Billionaire's Acolyte for Top Econ. Job
IncomING Biden adviser's last project said capitalism 'fundamentally broken'
President-elect Joe Biden announced Monday that he will appoint Joelle Gamble, who previously worked as a principal at the social-change investment firm funded by liberal billionaire Pierre Omidyar, as a top economic adviser.
Gamble, who left her role at the Omidyar Network (ON) to work on domestic economic policy for the Biden-Harris transition team, will serve as special assistant to the president for economic policy, a job on the National Economic Council.
That role may be informed by her previous work as a principal at the network's "reimaginING capitalism" project, an Elizabeth Warren-esque endeavor that maintains that "capitalism can still be a powerful force for good" but that "the current form of capitalism is fundamentally broken."
Gamble's appointment means that an economic progressive will have the president's ear as he seeks to revitalize the post-COVID economy. It also forges a connection between the Biden administration and Omidyar, who has funneled millions to left-leanING activist groups, includING those run by other Biden appointees, and is a major funder of groups opposed to President Donald Trump.
Neither the Biden Transition Team nor the Omidyar Network responded to requests for comment.
Gamble joined the Omidyar Network last June, followING her graduation from Princeton's graduate program in economics. In that role, she was a frequent public commentator on what she saw as the injustices and inequities of capitalism, writING in the left-wING magazine Dissent, for example, that "our measure of economic security is based on white economic security." ReportING her involvement with the Biden transition in October, the WashINGton Examiner described her as "represent[ING] the left wING of the Democratic Party within Biden's economic team."
She honed those positions at ON, a social-change investor that operates as both an LLC and a 501(c)3 nonprofit, allowING it to invest in both for-profit and non-profit ventures.
ON operates several major projects across its portfolio of over $100 million in outstandING grants. That includes Gamble's "reimaginING capitalism," which aims to restructure capitalist society around principles that include "an explicitly anti-racist and inclusive economy" and "rebalanc[ING] the relationship between markets, governments, and communities."
#12121622 at 2020-12-21 22:30:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15476: Winter Soltice Planetary Conjunction Edition
This is such BULLSHIT! Why aren't we takING care of Americans 1st!
It's our f--ING money!
Americans need to stop payING taxes immediately!
do not sign this bill!
#12120721 at 2020-12-21 21:14:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15475: Faith Family Freedom Under Attack Edition
Valor Twinkie-ING
#12119656 at 2020-12-21 19:41:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15473: POTUS And A Million Of His Best Friends In DC On Jan 6 2021 Edition
I was f-ING around, was in Cancun recently. Idaho anon here.
#12119206 at 2020-12-21 18:58:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15473: POTUS And A Million Of His Best Friends In DC On Jan 6 2021 Edition
REVEALED: Dominion/Smartmatic 'Noncompete' Agreement Emerges Despite Claims of BeING 'Fierce Competitors'
Despite the insistence between Dominion VotING Systems and Smartmatic - two of the tech firms embroiled in election glitch allegations - that the pair are "fierce competitors," court documents analyzed by The National Pulse actually reveal the pair actually have a "noncompetition" agreement.
AccordING to the summary of law firm Potter Anderson Corroon, in 2009, Dominion was a defendant in a 2009 suit against Smartmatic:
"The license agreement contained a noncompetition provision, which, among other thINGs, prohibited Smartmatic from "develop[ING], market[ING] or sell[ING] any Licensed Product in the United States."
In other words, it would be illegal for the two firms to compete - a direct contradiction with the claims by the firms as well as by media organizations as allegations of fraud swirl.
As a follow-up lawsuit notes: "the agreement's noncompetition provision prohibited the plaintiffs from sellING the licensed products in the United States."
This unearthed rulING discredits Dominion's insistence it is a "fierce competitor to Smartmatic."
Media outlets have peddled similar narratives, with an Associated Press "fact-check" article sharING Smartmatic's statement that "the two companies are competitors in the marketplace," ostensibly without doING any actual fact-checkING on the firm's claim.
The two companies in question - Dominion and Smartmatic - have come under intense scrutiny followING the 2020 election.
Democrat-heavy Dominion improperly counted ballots to create a fraudulent win for Joe Biden in Antrim County, Michigan and caused several other "glitches" that required extended votING hours and delayed results.
And Smartmatic has ties to the Venezuelan government, havING contracted on behalf of dictator Hugo Chavez to provide votING machines in the country's 2004 election.
Despite these credible claims on the shady nature of Smartmatic and Dominion, bolstered by the companies lyING about their competition arrangement, establishment media outlets have fought to smear this criticism as a "baseless conspiracy."
43 page
#12113790 at 2020-12-21 06:56:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15466: Where the Dank Ones Kek Edition
Pay ING attention
#12106188 at 2020-12-20 19:28:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15456: Washington DC Get Ready - HERE WE COME Edition
Reminder that George Webb has been puttING out useful material and Sidney Powell has been RT-ING him
Here's his vid from Friday in which he takes an anti "martial law" stance (which is extremely obvious to all now)
They took Serbia in 1999-2000 under cover of the clinton impeachment, like the random iraq strike of the same time
#12104402 at 2020-12-20 16:21:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15454: Are you a Hypnotist? Edition
I'm not sure, at this time, what requires discuss-
ING, anon. It seems perfectly clear from his tweet
that POTUS does not intend to impose martial
law for the present time. Do you have other in-
sights into this?
#12096807 at 2020-12-19 23:05:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15444: Q Research General #15444: The Cabal Is Running Out Of Options Ed Edition
Lei-ING out a welcome.
fast attack submarine #USSTopeka arrives at its new home port, @JointBasePHH
. USS Topeka was previously based in Guam.
#12095575 at 2020-12-19 20:54:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15443: Cyber Hacks On The Federal Government - The 'NEW' False Flag Edition
NY Times Podcast Relied On Interviews With Fake Terrorist
The New York Times was forced to retract the core of award-winnING podcast "Caliphate" after it was revealed the series relied on the words of an alleged ISIS fighter under investigation for lyING about his involvement with the terrorist group.
The Times failed to heed several warnINGs that the man who played a central role in the series, Shehroze Chaudhry, was not tellING the truth. Many journalists, notably Erik Wemple of The WashINGton Post and Hassan Hassan of Newlines magazine, questioned the accuracy of the journalist's, Rukmini Callimachi, reportING and reliance on Chaudhry.
The podcast, which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and won a Peabody award, centered on the radicalization of a young Canadian who went to Syria to join ISIS who alleged he became an executioner for the group before escapING. Chaudhry, however, has been accused by Canadian authorities of lyING about those activities, currently facING criminal charges for perpetratING a terrorism hoax.
Another red flag, Chaudhry changed his story while speakING on the podcast, recantING his previous statement that he had participated in any executions.
Despite this, as New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet described to NPR, the outlet was blindsided by what it believed to be an exclusive scoop:
"We fell in love with the fact that we had gotten a member of ISIS who would describe his life in the caliphate and would describe his crimes. I think we were so in love with it that when we saw evidence that maybe he was a fabulist, when we saw evidence that he was makING some of it up, we didn't listen hard enough."
What's more, the Times assistant managING editor Sam Dolnick hyped the programmING as "represent[ING] the modern New York Times":
"Caliphate represents the modern New York Times. It's ambitious, rigorous, hard-nosed reportING combined with first-rate digital storytellING. We're takING our audience to dangerous places they have never been, and we're doING it with more transparency than we ever have before."
Now, however, atop each Caliphate episode and editor's note explainING the series shouldn't have relied on Chaudhry nor did it meet the paper's standards for accuracy or fact-checkING. The episodes are still live on the Times site, but when executive editor Dean Baquet was asked whether Caliphate should be retracted, he responded "I guess for the parts that were about Chaudhry and his history and his background. Yeah, I think it is. Sure does."
He added he'd work with Callimachi to find a new assignment, notING "I do not see how Rukmini could go back to coverING terrorism after one of the highest-profile stories of terrorism is gettING knocked down in this way."
#12094344 at 2020-12-19 18:59:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15441: #FightForTrump & #FightForAmerica Edition
Thousands of protesters in Taiwan rally support Trump and take down the CCP
A protest organized by the Epoch Times in Taiwan, was held in front of Xinyi Square next to the Taipei 101 BuildING at 19 December, 1 pm. The theme of this rally was supportING President Trump and takING down the CCP.
FollowING the U.S. election fraud occurred, the US mainstream media has been pushING fake news and misinformation, many of which were reproduced by the major media outlets in Taiwan. President Tsai ING-wen was the first to congratulate Biden on his declared victory in the presidential election, and said she was lookING forward to workING together with the Biden administration.
This is also coupled with the US arms sales to Taiwan and the provocations of the CCP on the other side of the Taiwan Strait in recent years.
Anxious pro-Trump activists have taken to Facebook to voice their support for President Trump. Two weeks ago, an online pro-Trump rally was held to spread messages of anti-fraud and anti- Chinese Communist Party, and to fight for truth and justice. Despite various fake news on the Internet that the protest was cancelled, today, the silent voices were silent no longer. The voice of these anxious netizens is clear: they showed the Taiwanese people that they want truth and they support President Trump.
#12078418 at 2020-12-18 14:16:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15420: Don Of A New Day Edition
>vasovagal syncope
#12062243 at 2020-12-17 06:01:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15400: /NightShift/ Engaged Edition
When on tw_t:
- make retweet lounge on backup account
- always use a meme
- hit reply on those HUGE accounts and use your best meme
- only retweet GREAT STUFF
- dont waste your time on fights/drama, hit BLOCK instead
- always like twats you like.
- stick to a daily routine
- (re)tweet #TrumpTrain #NewFrens etc: posts with new frens to follow (and follow them)
- make follow-these-patriots tw_ts
- lookop other patriots "follow these patriots" twts, follow & RT them (#TrumpTrain or #NewFrens)
==> Maximize effective twattING by:
- not RT-ING stupid stuff
- pin new great tweet to profile every day
- #Instablock the deranged
- donot enter into twat war and bore your followers
- GREAT MEMES every day
- SAUCE your twats and be interdastING
- inform anons when their account has been set to private (and send a screenshot explainING how to fix it)
- inform anons when their account has been targeted by the ONLY FOR YOU "virus" and tell them how to fix it
- Be careful who you follow (RT)
- Do not post illegal content and keep your account UP.
-reply to commentors with low replies and high followING
-reply to commentors with lots of replies
-reply to your reply (cuz fawkem)
-share with frens who share
-reply to swING districts twitter accnts
-need richfag to run redpill fb/twitter ads
-Post and reply to spanish population in spanish (habla espanol)
-reply with potus tweeted facts (caps and twat links)
-LeavING it (memes) as a reply on PDJT
-use what current memes we have and start postING to the spanihs in community. speak in spanish when postING to them.
It's up to YOU to maximize your twat coverage and help PDJT.
#12058936 at 2020-12-17 01:24:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15395: Comf Before The Storm Edition
from comments on YT vid
Jared Navarrete
23 hours ago (edited)
If this isn't gonna be an extra on the blu ray, I'm gonna be disappointed.
FURIOUS Tom Cruise tore into workers who broke Covid rules on the set of Mission: Impossible screamING: "If I see you doING it again, you're f***ING gone."
The Hollywood megastar has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to enforce tight social-distancING rules durING the filmING, takING place in Britain.
And he flew into a rage after spottING two of the crew standING within two metres of each other.
An audio tape captured Cruise shoutING: "If I see you do it again, you're f*ING gone. And if anyone in this crew does it, that's it - and you too and you too. And you, don't you ever f*ING do it again."
Fifty members of staff at Warner Bros. Studios in Leavesden, Herts, were left stunned by the angry outburst.
#12058311 at 2020-12-17 00:34:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15394: True Meaning Of Fren-Ship Edition
is this the only way to show that, like doj and fbi, the IC is a total and complete failure
so military IS the ONLY way
i f**ING don't know anymore
and i'm pretty sick of this shit
#12054027 at 2020-12-16 18:50:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15389: Globals Formatted Edition
REVEALED: Facebook's 'Independent' Fact-Checkers Are Political Partisans
Based on the completely fictional narrative that the Russians installed Donald Trump in the White House in 2016, the Democratic Party machine, mainstream media and their Big Tech partners in Silicon Valley - colluded to devise a new network of censorship teams whose primary function has been to police the internet and suppress any information which might be damagING to the Democratic establishment or its transnational corporate backers.
In 2020, their strategy seems to have worked, as they managed to bury damnING reports about the Biden family corruption which may have deterred millions of voters had the story been reported factually by the DNC-oriented mainstream media.
They call themselves the "Fact-Checkers" and they claim they are neutral and apolitical, only they are not.
However, the real danger is that this aggressive political censorship machine may have already damaged American democracy beyond repair.
Sky News Australia reports....
An outspoken Twitter activist critical of Donald Trump who brags about beING on "team" Hillary Clinton is a supposedly independent expert who approves and recommends organisations to become Facebook fact-checkers.
Facebook fact-checkers have extraordinary powers to censor news stories they disagree with, demonetize news organisations and ban news outlets entirely.
The process of becomING a fact-checker is described as "non-partisan" by Facebook but a Sky News Australia investigation has uncovered disturbING evidence of political bias and lack of accountability at the top levels of the certification process.
International Fact-CheckING Network certifier and American University School of Communication professor Margot Susca is unashamedly politically biased but she was responsible for issuING 19 recommendations for organisations to become fact-checkers.
This includes the Associated Press, Check Your Fact, Decrypteurs, Lead Stories, Media Wise and The Dispatch.
(....) In 2019, Ms Susca posted a happy snap with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton where she admitted "I've been on Team Hillary since 08 tbh" and said she was disappointed her likability did not resonate with the public in 2016.
"My boyfriend was her nuclear policy fellow for a year when she was in the Senate," she wrote.
"Says she's the smartest, wittiest, most likeable person. It just never came through I guess. So f-ING sad."
Watch this detailed report on Facebook's allegedly 'non-partisan" International Fact-CheckING Network group:
#12045975 at 2020-12-16 03:18:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15378: Scorched Earth Season On The Deep State Edition
Tom Cruise leaked audio... Covid Meltdown On Set
As first reported by The Sun, after Cruise saw two crew members standING too close to one another in front of a computer screen, he told the crew: "If I see you do it again you're f-ING gone." In audio obtained by The Sun, Cruise can be heard sayING: "We are the gold standard. They're back there in Hollywood makING movies right now because of us. Because they believe in us and what we're doING. I'm on the phone with every fuckING studio at night, insurance companies, producers and they're lookING at us and usING us to make their movies. We are creatING thousands of jobs, you motherf-ers. I don't ever want to see it again. Ever!" Cruise has been strict about enforcING COVID-19 guidelines on the set of the film in Britain, and scolded the crew for takING advantage of the safe environment that the team in place helped create.
"You can tell it to the people who are losING their f-ING homes because our industry is shut down. It's not goING to put food on their table or pay for their college education. That's what I sleep with every night - the future of this f-ING industry!" Cruise said. "So I'm sorry, I am beyond your apologies. I have told you, and now I want it, and if you don't do it, you're out. We are not shuttING this movie down! Is it understood? If I see it again, you're gone." "Am I clear? Do you understand what I want? Do you understand the responsibility that I have? Because I will deal with your reason, and if you can't be reasonable and I can't deal with your logic, you're fired," Cruise continued. "That's it. That is it. I trust you guys to be here." "Mission: Impossible 7" was recently hit with delays in October when 12 people on set in Italy tested positive for COVID-19. Production resumed a week later and returned to the U.K. two weeks ago. "Mission: Impossible 7" is directed by Christopher McQuarrie and set to release on Nov. 19, 2021.
#12038316 at 2020-12-15 16:41:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15368: The Big News Just Keeps Getting BIGGER! What's Next? Edition
Rememeber, anon, the violence mongerING shills may also be involved in bettING establishments that allow bets for casualties from false flags or staged conflict.
they keep up their repetitious 'it's the only way' banter as a sickness of a drizzle.
they deal in blood and organs from the chapter of the non profit? who knows what the motivation. But they seem to want games in the street and a blood fest.
that is what they seem to want.
tell ING them to STFU is the only way.
#12037335 at 2020-12-15 14:52:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15367: Mid-Morning E-Bake
I read data on Chinese investments in USA a major part was with telecommunications and software companies. Posted last week from anon
SolarWinds' Customers
SolarWinds' comprehensive products and services are used by more than 300,000 customers worldwide, includING military, Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and education institutions. Our customer list includes:
More than 425 of the US Fortune 500
All ten of the top ten US telecommunications companies
All five branches of the US Military
The US Pentagon, State Department, NASA, NSA, Postal Service, NOAA, Department of Justice, and the Office of the President of the United States
All five of the top five US accountING firms
Hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide
Partial customer listING:
Bellsouth Telecommunications
Best Western Intl.
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Booz Allen Hamilton
Boston ConsultING
Cable & Wireless
Cablecom Media AG
Charter Communications
City of Nashville
City of Tampa
Clemson University
Comcast Cable
Credit Suisse
Dow Chemical
EMC Corporation
Ernst and Young
Federal Express
Federal Reserve Bank
Ford Motor Company
Gates Foundation
General Dynamics
Gillette Deutschland GmbH
H&R; Block
Harvard University
Hertz Corporation
ING Direct
J.D. Byrider
Johns Hopkins University
Kennedy Space Center
Korea Telecom
Leggett and Platt
Level 3 Communications
Liz Claiborne
Lockheed Martin
McDonald's Restaurants
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#12021932 at 2020-12-14 16:28:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15347: Thank You Anons! Edition
ComING in cool
9:38 AM · Dec 14, 2020 EST
TStamp 1138 (13) (4)
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-congress-sextraffickING/trump-signs-law-to-punish-websites-for-sex-traffickING-idUSKBN1HI2KP
Study carefully.
IG (think Ray.Chandler).
#11992888 at 2020-12-12 08:25:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15310: CM, Establish Comms because Big Teck is going to BLACK OUT Edition
This fell off the last bread so post ING it here.
Anons have any of you come across this???
#11985469 at 2020-12-11 22:08:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15299: Christmas Eve is Now a Federal Holiday - Thanks President Trump! Edition
When Taylor Swift announced her new album, Evermore, on Twitter this week, she added a curious flourish about the release date: "Ever since I was 13, I've been excited about turnING 31 because it's my lucky number backwards, which is why I wanted to surprise you with this now."
It's her birthday this Sunday, Dec. 13, and this album is a gift for fans, she was sayING. Never mind that that's not really how gifts work-if you give other people a gift for your birthday, one you want them to buy from you, that's pretty weird, but whatever. What I really want to zero in on here, though, are the numbers. Swift mentioned 13 and 31 so everyone would be impressed by the destiny of it all. Honestly: She's expectING us to believe that, of all the thINGs to dream about as an adolescent, hers was turnING the age that's the inverse of her lucky number? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. I see the fudgING room in her words: She is not sayING she didn't also dream of normal thINGs, like fallING in love or becomING a famous pop star. But it's still strange. Most kids can't really conceive of ever beING older than, like, 20, makING 31 seem positively decrepit. I was a teenager when the movie 13 GoING on 30, about a 13-year-old who can't wait to be "30, flirty, and thrivING," came out, and I remember thinkING at the time: Who wants to be 30?
The actual explanation for Swift's weird fib about dreamING of her 31st year as a teenager is that she has a thING for the number 13-a thING that she has subsumed into the brand of beING Taylor Swift. It's a fixation that's struck me as increasINGly less charmING as the years have gone on, and I recently realized why.
Consider this sentence: "It's a world of meanING, in which every event has an occult significance, hidden from most but revealed to initiates." That sounds like a decent description of Swift's habit of cedING all the material-between songs, social media posts, and whatever else- that she puts into the world with clues for her fan army to run wild with, doesn't it? But that's not what it is: I actually copied that sentence directly from an article I read about QAnon.
I'm not sayING likING Taylor Swift is like believING in QAnon. Only, maybe, that she drives me crazy in a similar way. QAnon is a conspiracy theory built around the premise that "America is run by a cabal of pedophiles and Satan-worshippers who run a global child sex-traffickING operation and that President Trump is the only person who can stop them," as CBS News has put it. Its adherents believe that a Trump administration insider, known as Q, is communicatING with them by leavING cryptic posts, or "Q drops," on extremely shady message boards. After these posts go up, followers attempt to decode them, sort of like it's all a multiplatform game. Journalists have likened the messages to "a bad spy novel," full of clichés and "read[ING] like fan fiction." Along with these Q drops, there's a general propensity in the community to overinterpret and look for signs everywhere: The QAnon crowd was sure that Trump comING down with COVID-19 was all part of the plan, for example, and that there are definitely secret messages in run-of-the-mill-seemING posts on Army social media accounts. They do thINGs like insist that the letters Trump decides to capitalize in his tweets must be anagrams that prove Q's existence.
Now who does that remind you of?
#11983177 at 2020-12-11 18:16:21 (UTC+1)
An Audit of DIGITALLY ADJUDICATED BALLOTS Would Easily Place Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Probably Michigan in the Trump Column
There may be enough ballots adjudicated illegally in this year's election to move Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan to the Trump column. Enough states for Trump to win the election.
The process for curING and adjudicatING ballots durING an election takes some time. Individuals mailING in ballots with issues must be contacted and certain steps must take place. We noted this previously where our focus was on Georgia.
The deadline for receipt of absentee ballots in Georgia, per Georgia election law, is "no later than close of the polls on Election Day ... Ballots received after the polls close cannot be counted," this per the Georgia Secretary of State Election Division's Absentee VotING A Guide for Registered Voters. This deadline was affirmed by an October 2 federal appeals court rulING, which stayed a lower court rulING from August 31, stemmING from a lawsuit brought by leftist nonprofit the New Georgia Project (NGP), founded by Georgia Democrat activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. NGP's lawsuit prevailed in extendING the Georgia mail-in ballot receipt deadline for three additional days. However, on appeal, brought by the state of Georgia, Georgia election law held firm, with the higher court decisively re-establishING the deadline in 2020 as November 3, at the close of the polls.
IgnorING Georgia law, "start[ING] on Nov. 4, 2020, 2 p.m. and end[ING] Nov. 6, 2020, 5 p.m. EST," accordING to their PR, the Georgia Democratic Party began the deployment of trained teams of volunteer activist operatives - "Ballot Rescue Teams" - to do phone bankING and also to travel Georgia's counties, knockING on people's front doors - only Democrats' front doors, that is - and cheerfully offerING to help "cure" or fix absentee and mail-in ballots which, allegedly, had problems and were, allegedly, not beING counted by county registrars.
In a video we inserted in a later post we wrote:
In the video in the post above, Mr. Jones ADMITTED that they were doING ballot curING!
We believe Georgia election law only allows ballot curING if the voter gets a call or contact from a GA election official. The law doesn't allow a Hillary Clinton operative to replace the election official's position. We don't believe Georgia election law allows ELECTRONIC curING of the ballot either, which is what the Democrat Ballot CurING Program did: they stated that the voter could email or text their ballot changes.
Thousands of ballots in Georgia were likely adjudicated electronically without underlyING support to properly cure the ballot:
Per the Populist Press - in an interview with Greg Kelly on Newsmax, Arizona Republican Chair Kelli Ward made the followING statements about adjudicated ballots in that state:
There are over 1.9 million early ballots, absentee ballots. 28,000 of them are duplicated. Over 200,000 of them were digitally adjudicated. We haven't been able to look at one ballot, not one that was digitally adjudicated."
The Democrats do not want Americans to uncover their illegal ballots. LookING into the adjudicated ballots will uncover massive fraud.
#11973039 at 2020-12-10 19:59:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15285: E-bake TOR
Thousands of Ballots in Georgia Were Likely 'Cured' Illegally, Ralph Jones Sr. Probably Knows Who Was Involved
Thousands of ballots that were 'cured' in Georgia, likely they were 'cured' illegally.
We reported back on November 9th that numerous Democrat-led 'non-profits' were connected to likely illegal absentee ballot harvestING in Georgia after the 2020 election.
In our article we reported that a totally under-the-radar and likely illegal Democratic absentee ballot-harvestING type of an operation was quietly executed in Georgia after Election Day, which may have secretly added just enough Democratic votes to tip the scales in this swING state against Republican President Donald Trump and for Joe Biden.
We wrote:
The deadline for receipt of absentee ballots in Georgia, per Georgia election law, is "no later than close of the polls on Election Day ... Ballots received after the polls close cannot be counted," this per the Georgia Secretary of State Election Division's Absentee VotING A Guide for Registered Voters. This deadline was affirmed by an October 2 federal appeals court rulING, which stayed a lower court rulING from August 31, stemmING from a lawsuit brought by leftist nonprofit the New Georgia Project (NGP), founded by Georgia Democrat activist and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. NGP's lawsuit prevailed in extendING the Georgia mail-in ballot receipt deadline for three additional days. However, on appeal, brought by the state of Georgia, Georgia election law held firm, with the higher court decisively re-establishING the deadline in 2020 as November 3, at the close of the polls.
IgnorING Georgia law, "start[ING] on Nov. 4, 2020, 2 p.m. and end[ING] Nov. 6, 2020, 5 p.m. EST," accordING to their PR, the Georgia Democratic Party began the deployment of trained teams of volunteer activist operatives - "Ballot Rescue Teams" - to do phone bankING and also to travel Georgia's counties, knockING on people's front doors - only Democrats' front doors, that is - and cheerfully offerING to help "cure" or fix absentee and mail-in ballots which, allegedly, had problems and were, allegedly, not beING counted by county registrars.
This effort violated certain specific Georgia election laws, and it raised the legal issue that the "chain of custody" of each and every one of these "cured" Democrat ballots which had been compromised. We contend that any illegal ballots should not be counted in the election.
The Democrats brought in outsiders to Georgia who were all connected to creepy John Podesta, Hillary's former Campaign Manager, and Hillary Clinton.
This mornING we reported on Georgia election official Ralph Jones, Sr. discussed his efforts in curING ballots after the election. (Mr. Jones was also present along with a couple colleagues on Election night at the State Farm Arena who were caught on film rammING thousands of ballots through tabulators after sendING Republican observers home):
#11970984 at 2020-12-10 16:52:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15282: Times are Grave, Challenges are Urgent, Stakes are High Edition
anyone have eyes on thisNEWsuper sexy hot baker babe that the old haggard droopING p00 p00 'ING pos pelosi, is talkING about??
#11966762 at 2020-12-09 22:00:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15276: SKY Event Edition
PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiff in Intervention respect-fully request that this Court issue the followING relief: A.Declare that Defendant States Pennsyl-vania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin adminis-tered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause. B.Declare that any Electoral College votes cast by such Electors appointed in the Defendant States Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wiscon-sin are in violation of the Electors Clause and cannot be counted. C.Enjoin Defendant States and their re-spective officials from usING the constitutionally-in-firm 2020 election results for the office of President to appoint Electors to the Electoral College, unless the legislatures of Defendant States review the 2020 elec-tion results and decide by legislative resolution to use those results in a manner to be determined by the leg-islatures that is consistent with the Constitution. D.If any of the Defendant States have al-ready appointed Electors to the Electoral College us-ING the 2020 election results, direct that such States'
18 legislatures, pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 2 and U.S.CONST.art. II, §1, cl. 2, have the authority to appoint a new set of Electors in a manner that does not violate the Electors Clause, or to appoint no Electors at all. E.Award costs to Plaintiff in Intervention.F.Grant such other relief as the Courtdeems just and proper. December 9, 2020 Respectfully submitted, John C. EastmanCounsel of Record One University Dr.Orange, CA 92866(714) 628-2587jeastman@chapman.edu
#11929499 at 2020-12-07 01:27:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15227: Mark Your Calendars So You Never Forget Edition
wait…here.. (thought i was Mandella-ING)
#11928048 at 2020-12-06 23:02:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15225: Bring The Thunder Edition
Not much talk of this…
(Though it's gettING shilled and slid to fuck on half. Online copies of transcripts 404'ING within a minute)
Entire Epstien transcripts leaked! 7000+ pages
#11927335 at 2020-12-06 21:37:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15224: Melania ZEBRA ZEBRA Edition
You did ask,
'No one could be this f-ING stupid, right?'
There's a long line on the Dem side, isn't there?
#11915870 at 2020-12-05 21:19:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15210: We Never Lose! We will have a beer at the parade! Edition
coHIV$ shillING COVID1n9 @$$ faggot
mncuchin sucks of fauci farts lockers screen door costume party , explosive gases prevent lights arc , great big chimney in the middle of nowhere, that texas oil man got us that railroad all the way to the movie theatre . IBM is suppose to call back next week to replace das fascebook myspace twats wiff new fortran tattoos of hilton ashtry symbols we bought in iraQ. and now a word from our chinesium prime bilbos free shippINGs spiritual leaders of bitcoin gehygehy zen