8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (6,377)
#17427447 at 2022-08-22 16:05:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21359: WEF - You Will NEVER Chip our Children! Edition
Euro back below parity vs dollar again
The euro briefly dipped below parity against the strong dollar on Monday and was tradING at five-week lows, driven down by fears that a three-day stoppage in European gas supply later this month may deepen an energy crisis.
After Russia announced late Friday a three-day halt to European gas supplies via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline at the end of this month, the euro bore the brunt of the sellING pressure versus the dollar. The currency fell to as low as $0.99945, its lowest level since mid-July, and was last down 0.4% on the day.
"The euro's fair value has been damaged by the energy shock - meanING that euro/dollar is not especially cheap even at these levels," said Chris Turner, global head of markets at ING.
Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel explained that the German economy, which is among the most vulnerable to disruptions in Russian gas supply, is "likely" to enter a recession this winter if the energy situation worsens.
In numbers
The US dollar index, which measures the currency against six rivals includING the euro, rose to 108.47 – its highest since July 15.
It rose 2.33% last week, its largest weekly rise since April 2020, amid a chorus of Fed policymakers emphasizING the importance of doING more to rein in decades-high inflation.
Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin stated on Friday that there is an "urge" among central bankers for faster, front-loaded rate rises. Money markets currently indicate 46.5% odds for another supersized 75 basis point rate hike at the Fed's next meetING on Sept. 21
Economists in a Reuters poll lean toward a 50 basis-point increase with recession risks on the rise. Benchmark 10-year US Treasury yields briefly rose above 3% on Monday for the first time since July 21.
As yields came off their highs, the dollar edged down against the yen and was a touch lower on the day at 136.81.
#17424993 at 2022-08-21 23:33:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21356: Watch OUT for Land Sharks, Prez Bidan!!! Edition
Indiana Governor Latest US Official to Visit Taiwan Amid China Tensions
TAIPEI-The governor of Indiana arrived in Taipei on Sunday, becomING the latest U.S. official to visit Taiwan and defyING pressure from the Chinese regime for such trips not to happen.
The Chinese communist regime, which claims democratically-governed Taiwan as its own territory despite the Taipei government's strong objections, has been carryING out war games and drills near Taiwan since U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a two-day visit to Taipei earlier this month.
Last week a second group of U.S. lawmakers visited Taiwan.
Gov. Eric Holcomb wrote on Twitter that he would also be visitING South Korea, while Taiwan's presidential office said he would meet President Tsai ING-wen on Monday mornING.
"I'm energized to spend this week buildING new relationships, reinforcING long time ones and strengthenING key sector partnerships with Taiwan and South Korea," Holcomb wrote on Twitter.
He termed his visit to Taiwan and South Korea an "economic development trip", sayING he was the first U.S. governor to come to Taiwan since the COVID-19 pandemic began more than two years ago.
"Our delegation will spend this week meetING with government officials, business leaders, and academic institutions to further strengthen Indiana's economic, academic and cultural connections with Taiwan and South Korea," Holcomb wrote in a tweet.
There was no immediate response from the Chinese regime to his arrival.
Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said Holcomb would also meet representatives from Taiwanese semiconductor companies, although it gave no details, and would sign various trade and technology memorandums of understandING.
Taiwan is home to the world's largest contact chip maker, Taiwan Semiconductor ManufacturING Co. Ltd. (TSMC), which is buildING a $12 billion plant in the U.S. state of Arizona.
The Chinese regime says Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue in its relations with WashINGton, and that it considers anythING to do with the island an internal issue.
Taiwan's government says that as the People's Republic of China (PRC) has never ruled the island it has no right to claim it, and that only Taiwan's 23 million people can decide their future.
China's military drills have been continuING around Taiwan, though on a smaller scale than the war games conducted immediately after the trip by Pelosi, the highest level U.S. official to visit in decades.
#17423314 at 2022-08-21 15:11:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21354: Peasants Waking Up, Sorry Administrative State! Edition
Indiana governor latest U.S. official to visit Taiwan amid China tensions
Governor Eric Holcomb tweeted that he would also be visitING South Korea, while Taiwan's presidential office said he would meet President Tsai ING-wen on Monday mornING.
"I'm energised to spend this week buildING new relationships, reinforcING long time ones and strengthenING key sector partnerships with Taiwan and South Korea," Holcomb tweeted.
#17422449 at 2022-08-21 08:32:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21352: FBI Unearths GRACIOUS Good Luck Note to Biden at Mar-A-Lago, Wow! Edition
not at all.
just w8.
He Will ?a?e care of every??ING.
#17416853 at 2022-08-20 00:21:03 (UTC+1)
Federal Court Nixes Vaccine Mandate, CitING Religious Liberty
A federal court denied a petition for rehearING in a case surroundING United Airlines' vaccine mandate - one judge accusING the company of "coerc[ING] its employees into violatING their religious beliefs."
Judges for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, widely considered the most conservative federal court, voted 13-4 on Thursday to deny a rehearING. The court also denied United Airlines' request to vacate a panel opinion from February, which held that the mandate inflicted irreparable harm and remanded the case to district court.
Trump-appointed Judge James Ho penned a concurrING opinion, admonishING the airline for creatING a "crisis of conscience" for its employees, and warned of new wave of corporatism in the Unites States that seeks to inflict its cultural values on Americans.
Ho wrote that mandatING employees with sincere religious objections to take vaccines that "were developed usING aborted fetal tissue" or face indefinite unpaid leave, is an "obvious irreparable injury" because it "press[ures employees] into violatING one's faith." Ho said:
BeING placed on indefinite unpaid leave because your employer doesn't like your religious beliefs is obviously an adverse employment action and an actionable claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you've obviously suffered irreparable injury when you're forced to violate your faith in order to get your job back. The injury would be entirely reparable by money damages if it was just about a loss of money."
But it's not. It's about a loss of faith. And it's about a crisis of conscience. You're beING coerced into sacrificING your faith in order to keep your job. No measure of damages makes sense in this scenario. To keep your job, you must violate your faith. How much money would it take for you to sell out your faith?
Notably, United Airlines had one of the strictest coronavirus vaccine mandates in the country for a private company, even compared to competING airlines. Last August, the airline told its 67,000 U.S. employees that they would have to get vaccinated against the virus or face firING. United reported that roughly 96 percent complied with the mandate, though several hundred who refused were fired. Approximately 2,200 employees received religious and medical exemptions, though that consisted of the company grantING them what it called a "reasonable accommodation" by placING them on unpaid leave and strippING them of their medical benefits.
The mandate resulted in an ongoING lawsuit. In September 2021, six United Airlines employees sued the company over the mandate in a class action lawsuit on behalf of the 2,200 seekING exemptions, allegING the company violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by discriminatING against them based on their religious beliefs and medical conditions.
The case is back in the hands of District Judge Mark Pittman, who is also a Trump appointee. However, the airline allowed unvaccinated staff to return to work on March 28, citING a "steep decline" in coronavirus cases as the reason for the policy change.
#17413664 at 2022-08-19 02:51:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21341: Can't Walk The Streets Edition
He said Dent[ING] 3 times
#4663 4-[corn]er direct center approach.
He said Corn 6 times once by mistake so-1=5
#4663 Program hits 32 i[DENT]ifyING structural points.
If 20% of those points fail to 'hit' program passes as safe.
9 inches vs 17 4/10ths
#17412872 at 2022-08-18 23:27:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21340: Judge orders partial unsealing of docs related to Trump FBI raid Edition
Both the Times' official statement and a tweet thread from the company's PR feed are carefully worded. In the tweet thread, the paper states that there are "no members of the Sulzberger family who have anythING to do with candidate endorsements other than our publisher," who is, of course, a Sulzberger. The thread stresses that the endorsements are "independent decisions" but adds that the board reports to the publisher, A.G. Sulzberger, through the opinion editor.
Daniel Okrent, the former public editor of the Times, had no knowledge of the specific endorsement in question but explained that similar situations have happened before. "The publisher of the paper is the authority over the editorial page," Okrent said. "It's not infrequent that the board might want somebody and the publisher wants someone else."
Okrent didn't find this instance particularly worthy of condemnation; after all, the publisher is ultimately responsible for what goes out under the paper's name. In this case, he wasn't sure whether it merited disclosure within the endorsement. "I can see how [the editorial board] would think, 'If we say he's a family friend, that would weaken our determination that he's the best person for the job,'" he noted.
THE ENDORSEMENT ITSELF is unusually weak. It leads by sayING that Goldman and Jones stand out from the mostly unnamed rest of the field. (Former Watergate-era Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman and Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon, along with Niou and Rivera, round out the top six candidates.) It highlights Goldman's work on the Trump impeachment and says that "those who have worked with Mr. Goldman behind the scenes describe him as diligent and prepared and a person of integrity." Longtime local reporter Errol Louis translated that to mean: "Queries within the alumni networks of Sidwell Friends, Yale, and Stanford Law, from which Goldman graduated, turned up good reports and no scandals."
The endorsement celebrates Goldman "brING[ING] serious policy ideas to the race" but only mentions his support for a "ban on stock tradING by members of Congress," which has already been widely embraced by a majority of Democrats. The endorsement lauds Goldman for assistING with some research while in law school on the book "The New Jim Crow" but does not lINGer on Goldman's immediate decision to become a prosecutor in the same criminal justice system the book had just lacerated.
Jones, by contrast, is described as a "prolific legislator" and a "bridge builder between the progressive wING of his party and its more moderate leadership." The only mark against him is that he lacks experience workING in the community he seeks to represent; Jones was elbowed out of his home district when Maloney, the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, moved to a more favorable seat. But of course Goldman similarly lacks that experience; the endorsement points out that "Goldman would need to use his first term to convince the large numbers of lower-income and middle-class Americans he would represent that he understands the issues facING those constituents."
The Times editorial board is also known to harbor ill will in general toward candidates who self-fund their campaigns, a vestige of the anti-corruption piety that harkens to its mugwump roots. Goldman held off self-fundING for much of the campaign, presumably fearful of losING the coveted endorsement. But on July 13, facING a cash shortfall, he dropped $1.24 million of his own money into his campaign coffers and another $750,000 a week later. Goldman later donated an additional $2 million of his own money.
Still more: https://theintercept.com/2022/08/17/new-york-times-dan-goldman-endorsement-mondaire-jones/
"Goldman won the prize without so much as a mention that he had broken the Times' cardinal rule."
#17411050 at 2022-08-18 14:43:50 (UTC+1)
>an underground sanctuary said to have been used by devotees
>In its report, it said the caves appear to be used for "black magic rites" by modern-day visitors
inter~DAST~ING underground bunker(s), reminds me of this:
Proverbs 6:6-11
The Voice
Take a lesson from the ant,you who love leisure and ease.
Observe how it works, and dare to be just as wise.
It has no boss,
no one layING down the law or tellING it what to do,
Yet it gathers its food through summer
and takes what it needs from the harvest.
How long do you plan to lounge your life away, you lazy fool?
Will you ever get out of bed?
You say, "A little sleep, a little rest,
a few more minutes, a nice little nap."
But soon poverty will be on top of you like a robber;
need will assault you like a well-armed warrior.
#17407480 at 2022-08-17 17:25:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21333: HalfBaked Edition
France air force deploys air assets to Asia-Pacific region: NATO
NATO announced Tuesday that the French air force has successfully conducted the first phase of a large-scale, long-range deployment of air assets into the Asian-Pacific region.
In a statement, the alliance said that "the first phase of the deployment - dubbed Henri Brown - began in France on August 10 and ended in New Caledonia on August 12."
AccordING to NATO, "An air task force consistING of three Rafale fighters, two A330 MRTT Phenix air-to-air refuelING aircraft and two A400M transport aircraft conducted the force projection mission in less than 72 hours."
The military alliance indicated that the second phase of the deployment will be hosted by Australia from August 19 to September 8 in the form of Pitch Black multinational air drills, boostING battle readiness and interoperability of NATO member-states.
The third phase would be conducted from September 11 to 18 and would include the return flights to France with stopovers in Indonesia and SINGapore for "conductING operational cooperation with the local air forces," the NATO statement read.
Pitch Black is a biennial exercise designed to enhance flight operations and proficiency between participatING nations. This year, the drills will be visited by participants from 17 countries includING Japan, Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, SINGapore, Thailand, and India.
China conducts fresh drills around Taiwan as US lawmakers visit
Similarly, in the Asia-Pacific region, China announced new military maneuvers surroundING Taiwan on Monday, as a team of US politicians met with the island's leader only weeks after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's provocative trip.
The two-day visit came as BeijING launched warships, missiles, and fighter jets into the waters and skies surroundING Taiwan.
WashINGton's de facto embassy revealed that a five-member congressional delegation led by Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey met with President Tsai ING-wen on Monday.
"The delegation had an opportunity to exchange views with Taiwan counterparts on a wide range of issues of importance to both the United States and Taiwan," it said.
The bipartisan trip sparked a caustic response from BeijING, which said it had carried out "combat readiness patrol and combat drills in the sea and airspace around Taiwan island" on Monday.
"This is a solemn deterrent against the US and Taiwan for continuING to play political tricks and underminING peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," Shi Yi, spokesperson for the Chinese military's Eastern Theater Command, said in a statement, promisING to "resolutely defend national sovereignty."
In response to the delegation's visit, BeijING called on WashINGton to "stop goING further down the wrong path of hollowING out and distortING the one-China principle, so as not to cause further damage to China-US relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait."
"China will take firm and forceful measures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity," Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a regular briefING.
#17403886 at 2022-08-16 22:51:59 (UTC+1)
Joe Rogan says the left won't hate Ron DeSantis like they hate Trump because he's more reasonable, less insultING
Joe Rogan compared the hatred that the left has for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to the hatred they have for former President Donald Trump in his latest podcast show.
Rogan was speakING with his guest Seth Dillon, the CEO of the Babylon Bee, when he was asked by Dillon if he thought DeSantis would be command more respect from the left than Trump.
"The left still hates him, but they don't hate him the same way they hated Trump. They tried to but he's more reasonable, he's very like level in the way he talks about thINGs," said Rogan.
"He's firm though, I mean," Dillon interjected.
"Yes, but you know what I'm sayING, like, he's not an insultING like character, like Trump's a character. Like part of what he's doING he's doING comedy, it's like he's doING standup when up there, when he makes fun of Biden and makes fun of other people. He's doING f***ING standup, he really is, and he kills," Rogan explained.
"He's got this thING and that thING is like everybody who is with him is f***ING really with him, and every body who is against him is really really against him, and he encourages it, and that is what I think is not good," he added.
Rogan went on to say that "fightING against the haters" is what defined the former president.
"When you're a president, that's a different role, that's a different role than beING the f***ING host of The Apprentice!" he laughed, referrING to Trump's previous role as a reality show star.
"And a lot of people hoped that when he got in there he was gonna abandon that, and just be common sense, get s*** done, but no he's on Twitter callING his ex-girlfriend 'horse-face,' sayING about Kim Jong Un callING him little rocket man, he's a wild dude!" Rogan laughed.
He said the hope for those who like DeSantis is that he wouldn't act like Trump did while in office.
While DeSantis is seen as the most likely successor to Trump if the former president doesn't run again in 2024, a new poll showed that support for Trump surged after the FBI performed a search warrant at his residence in Mar-a-Lago.
#17398501 at 2022-08-15 17:45:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21322: CALL TO DIG - Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors II Edition
China Stages More Drills Near Taiwan as US Lawmakers Visit
The Chinese military said it carried out more exercises near Taiwan on Monday as a group of U.S. lawmakers visited the self-ruled island and met President Tsai ING-wen, who said her government was committed to maintainING stability.
The five U.S. lawmakers, led by Senator Ed Markey, arrived in Taipei on an unannounced visit late on Sunday, the second high-level group to visit followING that of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in early August, which set off several days of Chinese war games.
The Chinese regime claims sovereignty over democratically governed Taiwan, despite Taiwan beING a de facto independent country, with its own military, democratically-elected government, and constitution.
The Chinese military unit responsible for the area adjacent to Taiwan, the Chinese army's Eastern Theatre Command, said it had organized multi-service joint combat readiness patrols and combat drills in the sea and airspace around Taiwan on Monday.
The exercises were "a stern deterrent to the United States and Taiwan continuING to play political tricks and undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait", it added.
The theatre command said the exercises took place near Taiwan's Penghu islands, which are in the Taiwan Strait and are home to a major air base, and showed close up video of the islands taken by a Chinese air force aircraft.
Tsai, meetING the lawmakers in her office, said the Chinese regime's exercises had greatly affected regional peace and stability.
"We are engagING in close cooperation with international allies to closely monitor the military situation. At the same time we are doING everythING we can to let the world know that Taiwan is determined to safeguard stability and the status quo in the Taiwan Strait," she said, in video footage provided by the presidential office.
Markey told Tsai that "we have a moral obligation" to do everythING to prevent an unnecessary conflict.
"Taiwan has demonstrated incredible restraint and discretion durING challengING times," he added.
Taiwan's Defense Ministry said 15 Chinese aircraft had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait on Monday, an unofficial barrier between the two, addING it condemned the Chinese regime's new drills and would "calmly" face them.
#17398084 at 2022-08-15 16:25:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21321: Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors Edition
That's [your] job, Shilly
GOD DAMN! Does Powerman 5000 Anon gotta do every fuckING thING? kek
Fight your Fight, Shilly
Surrounded by evil so there is plenty to go around…
before you get started though, Anon would like to point out that the main faces you say control "thINGs" are actually controlled, by the Vatican…
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#17397925 at 2022-08-15 15:39:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21321: Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors Edition
>Diamonds are priceless
Another scam (DeBeers). They're not rare, it's (a) controlled market(ING)
For gem-quality diamonds that you put in rINGs, the value comes from the value we assign to them as a society.
Industrial use is different, as they serve a meanINGful purpose.
#17396223 at 2022-08-15 03:02:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
Release the warrant!
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Trump released the warrant!
President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "DoxxING" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
August 14, 2022
In the aftermath of the raid on President Trump's Mar-A-Lago estate, one of the many skirmishes was over the search warrant. President Trump complained about the conduct of the search, but because the Department of Justice filed the warrant under seal, preventING its release. The left pointed out that the FBI was required to leave President Trump a copy of the warrant, and he should release his copy if he felt abused.
You have got to be sh***ING me.
A search warrant is a public document. The proof of that is that President Trump was given a copy and encouraged by the intellectual left to make it public. I don't have any sympathy for anyone involved in this assault on our Republic. While I don't wish them physical harm, I don't have a problem with them beING peacefully, if loudly, confronted at home or while shoppING or dinING out. That's the standard.
So long as these agents aren't treated with any more violence or disrespect than Kirstjen Nielsen, I think it's completely fine.
Some of the usual suspects accuse Breitbart of "doxxING" the agents by postING a public document; see pages 5 and 7. This is utter nonsense. The only way "doxxING" could occur would have been if the Department of Justice had violated court rules when filING the search warrant.
Federal rules require that anyone filING a federal court document must redact certain personal information in the interest of privacy, includING Social Security or taxpayer identification numbers, dates of birth, names of minor children, financial account information, and in criminal cases, home addresses.
If the agents were "doxxed" by publishING a public document, then the failure was on the part of the people who did not follow Federal court rules, not Breitbart News.
A genuine effort to "dox" the agents signING this search warrant would have required someone to have enough energy to find them in various public databases and publish that information. But that would be wrong. Right?
I don't see why people voluntarily involved in this search have any expectation that their role, even if it was "only followING orders" (Ich habe nur Befehle ausgef?hrt, in the original German), should be some sort of state secret. It shouldn't. We have a right to know who we are dealING with. We have the right to balance out the scales of justice when our side is in charge. The people involved in plannING and conductING this raid made a conscious decision to become participants in political warfare. If they are ashamed of what they did, maybe they shouldn't have done it. If they are afraid their neighbors, or society in general, may disapprove, perhaps they should think twice about beING part of a political vendetta. If they believe what they did was right and in the nation's best interests, then they should hold their heads up and take full credit for the raid and for what comes next.
Sauce: https://republicandaily.com/2022/08/president-trump-and-breitbart-accused-of-doxxING-fbi-agents-who-signed-a-public-document/
#17395055 at 2022-08-14 20:45:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21317: Mar A Lago Bait Taken Ebake Edition
The five-member delegation, led by Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, will meet President Tsai ING-wen and other officials, as well as members of the private sector, to discuss shared interests includING reducING tensions in the Taiwan Strait and investments in semiconductors.👈🏻
#17394085 at 2022-08-14 14:49:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21316: Sharpen Those Shovels Edition
More US lawmakers visit Taiwan 12 days
after Pelosi trip
Associated Press, by Johnson Lai & Ken Moritsugu
Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/14/2022 10:40:08 AM
Taipei, Taiwan - A delegation of American lawmakers arrived in Taiwan on Sunday, just 12 days after a visit by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that prompted an angry China to launch days of threatenING military drills around the self-governING island that BeijING says must come under its control. The five-member delegation, led by Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, will meet President Tsai ING-wen and other officials to discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade, investment and other issues, the American Institute in Taiwan said. The institute represents the U.S. government, which does not have official ties with Taiwan. China responded to Pelosi's Aug. 2 visit by sendING
#17393854 at 2022-08-14 13:32:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21316: Sharpen Those Shovels Edition
U.S. lawmakers arrive in Taiwan amid China tensions
A U.S. lawmaker delegation arrived in Taiwan on Sunday for a two-day visit durING which they will meet President Tsai ING-wen, the second high-level group to come amid continued military tensions with the island's giant neighbour China.
#17381453 at 2022-08-12 11:35:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21305: Endless Night, Into Endless Light Edition
??Paul Pelosi Jr., who received 700,000 shares of Borqs Technologies as compensation for his services, became the second-largest investor after CEO Pat Sek Yuen Chan? ??when other company insiders sold ?their ??shares i?n June 2021??, the Daily Mail reported, citING Security and Exchange Commission filINGs.
As of March 2022, Pelosi Jr. still owned around 147,000 shares - or about 0.07% of outstandING shares.
The report said Pelosi Jr., 53, also worked for the company, which has a market value of about $22 million, in a board of consultancy role. ?
He ?traveled with his mother as she led a Democratic congressional delegation to Asia that included stops in South Korea, SINGapore, Malaysia, Japan and Taiwan, but his name wasn't included in the official list of officials on the trip released by the speaker's office.
Nancy Pelosi's son - who secretly joined mom on her controversial trip to Taiwan - is a top investor in Chinese telecoms company, despite House Speaker's campaign to tackle China's corporate influence in the US
Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr, 53, is the second largest investor in a $22million Chinese company
Paul secretly accompanied his mother on her controversial trip to Taiwan last week and is seen in photos alongside Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen and other top Taiwanese officials
Paul worked for the telecoms company, Borqs Technologies, in a board or consultancy role, and was awarded 700,000 shares for his services, makING him the fifth - and later second - largest shareholder
His ties to the Chinese firm are revealed as Pelosi campaigns to tackle the Chinese government's aggression abroad and its corporate influence in the United States
Paul's name was not listed in the official delegation sent out by the Speaker's office, but in a statement the Speaker admitted her son was her 'escort' on the trip in lieu of her husband
#17380905 at 2022-08-12 05:37:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21305: Endless Night, Into Endless Light Edition
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#17380905 at 2022-08-12 05:37:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21305: Endless Night, Into Endless Light Edition
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#17372727 at 2022-08-11 21:52:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research Bunker #21302: We're Beating the BOTS!!! Edition
An equity advisor for the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) posted a litany of tweets condemnING white people, accordING to a review of tweets conducted by the Daily Caller. He describes his own actions as "cyber bully[ING]."
Victor Javier Rodriguez, a coordinator for DCPS Office of Equity, claimed in a tweet that his job is to force educators to comply with culturally responsive practices, many of which derive from the core tenets of critical race theory.
"My job really allows me to drag and read the f*ck out of school leaders for their lack of culturally response [sic] practice competency or that they do not ensure their teachers have it and that's just amazING. Kids need competent educators who are meetING them where they are," Rodriguez tweeted in March.
Rodriguez routinely spars with people online and uses patronizING and insultING phrases such as "sweetie," "idiot," and "dINGus" to describe others. In one tweet, Rodriguez claims poor grammar is why he is a "cyber bully."
"This is why I cyber bully," Rodriguez tweeted. "If you [sic] gonna come for me, at least have decent grammar."
In several other tweets, the equity coordinator condemns white people and so-called "whiteness." In some cases, Rodriguez refused to use the word "white" and opted to use the letters "yt" instead.
"Yt [white] devil get beneath my feet," Rodriguez tweeted.
"Should've just sent Cracker home," another tweet reads.
Rodriguez condemned "whiteness" when individuals online pushed back against the educator's defense of actor Will Smith slappING comedian Chris Rock.
"Lol the yt folks comING into my thread, if y'all wanna try it do it on your own time not mine. I don't have time for your whiteness," Rodriguez tweeted.
Rodriguez is enrolled as a master's student at Ohio State University, accordING to his LinkedIn profile. He is pursuING an MA in higher education and student affairs and received his undergraduate degree from Florida International University.
In an online post, Rodriguez boasted of obtainING his master's degree in public policy "from one of the best public policy schools in the country."
Erika Sanzi, the director of outreach for the concerned parent organization, Parents DefendING Education, told the Daily Caller that Rodriguez's comments appear to denigrate people based on their race.
"These tweets are cause for concern because of the lack of professionalism and basic decency they reveal, but there is also a certain irony in how an equity director has no qualms about publicly shamING and denigratING people based on their race," Sanzi said.
D.C. Public Schools and Rodriguez did not respond to the Daily Caller's request for comment.
#17188327 at 2022-08-08 03:20:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21294 (you) are more than (you) Know
An Office Manager from Florida and a Gates-Funded Professor Are CensorING Studies LinkING Mask Usage to Increased Deaths.
Yet another dubious fact check. But this one is even weirder than the last.
A PolitiFact "fact checker" who has attemptING to discredit National Pulse reportING on mask mandates and recent medical journal papers has almost zero experience in real news reportING, medical reportING, COVID-19 reportING, or even national news, The National Pulse can reveal.
The information is the latest in a slew of "fact checker" stories which reveal dubiously credentialed individuals workING to remove anti-Big Pharma content from the internet at the behest of big tech companies and their sponsors in the pharmaceutical industry.
Floridian liberal Gabrielle Settles appears to have begun workING for Politifact in March 2021, bylinING at least 70 stories for the corporate-backed censor.
Settles, however, has no experience in dealING with any of this kind of information, havING performed the majority of her "fact checks" simply by copyING and pastING from the Centers for Disease Control website, and even veerING off into "fact checkING" pictures of Christmas cards and photos of sINGer Rihanna.
Prior to Politifact, Settles worked at a small, St. Petersburg outfit called "The Weekly Challenger", and prior to that, as an "Office Administrator" at "Moody Radio" and a "contributING writer" at a blog called "The Power Broker Magazine." The sites receive almost zero web traffic.
In fact, Settles's journalistic contributions are extremely limited. But naturally, her contributions to partisan rhetoric are not.
The Politifact "reporter" - a job which includes no actual reportING - has a history of pro-Democrat and anti-Trump tweets. Naturally, she took umbrage with The National Pulse's story on masks and deaths, derived from two separate stories of May 16th and May 26th.
In the first, Natalie Winters reveals how Beny Spira, Associate Professor at the University of S?o Paulo, published an April 19th 2022 study "analyz[ING] the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in the 2020-2021 winter in Europe."
The data came from 35 European countries, and concluded:
"The findINGs presented in this short communication suggest that countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage in the six-month period that encompassed the second European wave of COVID-19..."
The study also found:
"Moreover, the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences..."
But Settles found this particular science to be "False" and as a result, the National Pulse story is now beING censored on social media. Settles's source appears to be a sINGular professor from the corporate-backed Milken Institute for Public Health at George WashINGton University in WashINGton, D.C. Her name is Emily Smith.
But Smith didn't even tell Settles that Spira's study was incorrect. She is quoted as sayING:
"I think we can just use common sense to say that when cases are risING, people are more likely to do protective thINGs... You're more likely to wear a mask when you go out and your city or your country might also have made recommendations or requirements to do those thINGs."
In other words, Smith is claimING that the mask usage and deaths is an inverse correlation, though she offers no evidence, nor science, nor refutation of the science offered. Instead, Smith suggests usING "common sense" - a phrase oft-derided when used by anti-authoritarian activists at the beginnING of the pandemic.
Smith, for what it is worth, is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as revealed on her university biography.
#17187266 at 2022-08-08 03:14:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21292 We're in the Pipe
Hunter Biden raged at sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie after she tossed his gun in trash: report
Hunter Biden flipped out on his sister-in-law-turned-lover, Hallie Biden, for ditchING ?his handgun in a trash can in 2018, accusING her of makING him look like an "abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies" and askING her "do you want me dead," ?accordING to a new report Wednesday.
DurING an hours-long text conversation on Oct. 23, 2018, the now-disgraced first son tore into his paramour for tossING the .38-caliber revolver in a garbage bin outside a grocery store in WilmINGton, Del. - sayING at one point: "I won't ever recover from this," the WashINGton Examiner reported.
"There are 5 guns in dads house. There are f?-ING more weapons in your sons room then in an armory," Hunter messaged Hallie at 9:20 p.m. "What's my f- up? OwnING a gun?"
"Beau owned a handgun issued by the state and I[t] was in the front glove compartment of his car," he wrote more than two hours earlier, referrING to his older brother - Delaware's former attorney general - who passed away from brain cancer in 2015. "So f?- you."
In response to Hallie's claim that she was afraid her boyfriend would "use" the gun, Hunter fired back: "To do what Hallie."
"They think you're scared I would shoot you," he went on before callING her a "f-ING a-hole."
"You now have me as an abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies," Hunter went on. "And that's now in the hands of the FBI."
In March of last year, Politico reported that Delaware State Police and the FBI began an investigation after Hunter's gun was removed from the trash can and Hallie Biden reported it missING to the store.
The outlet also reported that Secret Service agents approached the owner of the shop where the younger Biden purchased the gun 11 days earlier and asked him for the sale paperwork. The owner refused and later turned the documents over to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
AccordING to Politico, the gun was later returned by a man who had been searchING the trash for recyclables and no arrests were made or charges filed in connection with the incident.
"It's hard to believe that anyone is so stupid ... so what's my fault here Hallie that you speak of. OwnING a gun that's in a locked car hidden on another property," Hunter Biden scolded Hallie in another text at 6:47 p.m. Oct. 23 before askING: "Do you want me dead."
At that point, Hallie Biden attempted to defend her actions, tellING Hunter that "I just want you safe. That was not safe" and addING that the car where she found the gun was "open unlocked and windows down and the kids search your car."
Hunter Biden began an affair with Hallie shortly after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015, while Hunter was estranged from his wife, Kathleen Buhle. He and Buhle divorced in 2017 after 24 years of marriage.
#17187139 at 2022-08-08 03:14:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21292 We're in the Pipe
So, by that metric, Burger is right. But assum?ING the Consti?tu?tion means what the Founders inten?ded or under?stood is a huge assump?tion. There's a more flex?ible, evolvING theory of the Consti?tu?tion - typic?ally endorsed by people on the left - that says the mean?ING of the Consti?tu?tion gradu?ally changes over time or is impacted by major public events or social move?ments. On that theory of consti?tu?tional inter?pret?a?tion, call?ING the personal right a "fraud" is a non-sequitur. This is the great irony of the Heller opin?ion - it's a decision by an arch-origin?al?ist, celeb?rated by conser?vat?ives, that only makes sense if the Consti?tu?tion is a livING docu?ment.
COHEN: We all are wait?ING for the Supreme Court's rulING in New York State Rifle & Pistol Asso?ci?ation, Inc. v Bruen. Of course, I haven't read every essay or analysis on the case or the oral argu?ment that took place on it last fall, but I have yet to come across a Second Amend?ment scholar or gun policy expert who says the Court's conser?vat?ive major?ity will side with New York and against the interests of gun owners. What's your sense of the scope of the decision we are most likely to see here? What's your predic?tion?
MILLER: Other than feel?ING very confid?ent that the exist?ING New York State pistol licens?ING law will be struck down, I have very little sense of the scope of the decision we're likely to see in the next month or two. The justices at oral argu?ment seemed genu?inely concerned that a broad rulING on public carry would embroil them in all kinds of minu?tiae about where guns can be prohib?ited - campuses, subway cars, Times Square on New Year's Eve, etc. I cannot believe that they have much appet?ite for trans?form?ING every federal district court judge in the coun?try into a gun zonING czar. That said, there's a conser?vat?ive super?ma?jor?ity on the Court that is clearly ready to flex its muscles on issues that conser?vat?ives have long cared about - from abor?tion restric?tions, to free exer?cise, to gun rights - so I can't rule out a broad and broadly disrupt?ive rulING that would upend not only New York's regu?la?tions but would call into ques?tion the consti?tu?tion?al?ity of nearly every gun regu?la?tion, in every state, at every level of govern?ment.
COHEN: You have writ?ten a great deal on the Second Amend?ment and how poli?cy?makers can and should approach the tension between gun rights and gun regu?la?tions. One article that caught my eye, posted last year, advoc?ated for an "equi?lib?rium adjust?ment" approach to Second Amend?ment law, a sort of slid?ING scale of reas?on?able?ness that would presum?ably protect some exist?ING gun laws while strik?ING down others. Sounds optim?istic to me, given what we know of the Court's ideo?lo?gical makeup. Are you look?ING for anythING in Bruen that would help you eval?u?ate whether the Court is recept?ive to this "equi?lib?ria" approach?
MILLER: The primary point I wanted to make in that article is that if the Court ends up lean?ING heav?ily or exclus?ively on text, history, and tradi?tion to decide Second Amend?ment cases, the process of reas?on?ING from analogy from those sources has to apply equally on both sides of the rights/regu?la?tion equa?tion. The Court has firmly rejec?ted argu?ments that only 18th-century weapons are protec?ted by the Second Amend?ment. But that argu?ment should apply to regu?la?tions too
- more than just those regu?la?tions that exis?ted in the 18th century are consti?tu?tional. So, if the Court holds that new kinds of weapons
- like 9-milli?meter pistols
- are "similar" enough to histor?ical weapons to count as an "arm" under the Second Amend?ment, the Court should say new kinds of regu?la?tions
- like prohib?it?ING guns on the subway
- are "similar" enough to histor?ical regu?la?tions to be consti?tu?tional.
#17184784 at 2022-08-08 03:01:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21289 Odin Slash
Hunter Biden raged at sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie after she tossed his gun in trash: report
Hunter Biden flipped out on his sister-in-law-turned-lover, Hallie Biden, for ditchING ?his handgun in a trash can in 2018, accusING her of makING him look like an "abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies" and askING her "do you want me dead," ?accordING to a new report Wednesday.
DurING an hours-long text conversation on Oct. 23, 2018, the now-disgraced first son tore into his paramour for tossING the .38-caliber revolver in a garbage bin outside a grocery store in WilmINGton, Del. - sayING at one point: "I won't ever recover from this," the WashINGton Examiner reported.
"There are 5 guns in dads house. There are f?-ING more weapons in your sons room then in an armory," Hunter messaged Hallie at 9:20 p.m. "What's my f- up? OwnING a gun?"
"Beau owned a handgun issued by the state and I[t] was in the front glove compartment of his car," he wrote more than two hours earlier, referrING to his older brother - Delaware's former attorney general - who passed away from brain cancer in 2015. "So f?- you."
In response to Hallie's claim that she was afraid her boyfriend would "use" the gun, Hunter fired back: "To do what Hallie."
"They think you're scared I would shoot you," he went on before callING her a "f-ING a-hole."
"You now have me as an abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies," Hunter went on. "And that's now in the hands of the FBI."
In March of last year, Politico reported that Delaware State Police and the FBI began an investigation after Hunter's gun was removed from the trash can and Hallie Biden reported it missING to the store.
The outlet also reported that Secret Service agents approached the owner of the shop where the younger Biden purchased the gun 11 days earlier and asked him for the sale paperwork. The owner refused and later turned the documents over to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
AccordING to Politico, the gun was later returned by a man who had been searchING the trash for recyclables and no arrests were made or charges filed in connection with the incident.
"It's hard to believe that anyone is so stupid ... so what's my fault here Hallie that you speak of. OwnING a gun that's in a locked car hidden on another property," Hunter Biden scolded Hallie in another text at 6:47 p.m. Oct. 23 before askING: "Do you want me dead."
At that point, Hallie Biden attempted to defend her actions, tellING Hunter that "I just want you safe. That was not safe" and addING that the car where she found the gun was "open unlocked and windows down and the kids search your car."
Hunter Biden began an affair with Hallie shortly after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015, while Hunter was estranged from his wife, Kathleen Buhle. He and Buhle divorced in 2017 after 24 years of marriage.
#17182893 at 2022-08-08 02:52:15 (UTC+1)
Q Resear.ch General #21287 Ride the Waves
no more Roger Stone-ING citizens!
#17182689 at 2022-08-08 02:51:21 (UTC+1)
Q Resear.ch General #21287 Ride the Waves
you have no concept of what is truly goING on here regardING the so called dark arts, and the 'great work(ING)'/ great 'awakenING'. most don't. but it involves the spirit realm breachING the seperaton.
#17148398 at 2022-08-07 17:30:05 (UTC+1)
Q Resear.ch Gener al #21285 Scrappy-doo edition
A 2nd Declaration Of Independence
by the 50 united states of America...
I can even provide with a READ
ING SO YOU DONT HAVE TO READ HERE: https://youtu.be/k0qfRINxoO4
ya lazy fuckING piece of shit anon who really needs to do MORE DIGGING!~
#17141074 at 2022-08-07 16:29:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21284 Scooby-doo edition
Just say it, anon. I want to lurk on Truth so f-ING hard. kek
#17080021 at 2022-08-06 16:39:12 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21277: Bots are being directed Confirmed Edition
6 Aug, 2022 14:38
Pelosi 'was China's dream' - Trump
The former president said "Crazy Nancy Pelosi" gave BeijING an excuse to escalate over Taiwan
Former President Donald Trump has condemned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for visitING Taiwan, callING her trip "China's dream." Trump previously argued that Pelosi's visit, which led to large-scale Chinese military drills and a severING of some diplomatic links with the US, would "cause great friction and hatred."
"Crazy Nancy Pelosi, what the hell? What was she doING in Taiwan?" Trump said durING a campaign-style rally in Wisconsin on Friday. "She was China's dream. She gave them an excuse. They've been lookING for that excuse, she gave it. EverythING she touches turns to you-know-what."
Pelosi visited Taiwan on Tuesday, after repeated warnINGs from BeijING that doING so would have diplomatic and military consequences. Although Taiwan has governed itself since 1949, China still claims sovereignty over the island and considers high-level visits like Pelosi's to be tacit endorsements of Taiwanese independence. The US has officially recognized BeijING's claim over Taiwan since the 1970s under the One-China policy.
FollowING Pelosi's visit, China launched large-scale military exercises, imposed trade restrictions on Taiwan, sanctioned Pelosi and her family, and cut communications with WashINGton on key issues like maritime security, transnational law enforcement, and climate change. As China's military drills continued into the weekend, Chinese military officials are reportedly refusING to answer calls from their American counterparts.
While in office, Trump oversaw a pivotING of US foreign policy from the Middle East to China, with the Pentagon's 2018 National Defense Strategy namING China as the top "strategic competitor," and waged a trade war against BeijING for much of his term. When Covid-19 emerged from the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2020, Trump immediately branded it "the China virus," and later accused China of "destroy[ING] the world" with the pathogen.
However, while more than half of the US Senate's 50 Republicans praised Pelosi for followING through with her visit, Trump argued beforehand that it was a bad idea.
"Why is Nancy Pelosi gettING involved with China and Taiwan other than to make trouble and more money, possibly involvING insider tradING and information for her cheatin' husband?" he asked in the run-up to the trip, referrING to her husband's purchase of semiconductor stocks ahead of a successful vote by Congress on a bill to subsidize the industry in the US.
However, Paul Pelosi sold this stock at a loss before the vote, with a spokesman sayING the decision to sell was made to combat "misinformation" linkING the purchase to the vote. Pelosi has denied ever sharING insider information with her husband.
Pelosi also met with the chairman of the world's largest semiconductor manufacturer while in Taiwan, as the company's planned Arizona factory looks set to benefit from the US subsidies, once President Joe Biden signs the bill into law.
"EverythING she touches turns to Chaos, Disruption, and 'crap,'" Trump continued. "The China mess is the last thING she should be involved in... Crazy Nancy just inserts herself and causes great friction and hatred. She is such a mess!!!
#17065512 at 2022-08-05 19:39:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21271: Gov. DeSantis Sends Police To Physically Remove State Attorney Edition
Michigan town defunds 'groomer' library over its insistence on includING graphic LGBT content in young adult section
After a protracted battle over its LGBT content, residents of Jamestown Township, Michigan, voted no (62.5% to 37.5%) on August 2 to a 10-year millage renewal and increase for the Patmos Library. (A millage rate is the tax rate used to determine local property taxes.)
Bridge Michigan has reported that 84% of the library's $245,000 annual budget derives from the now rejected millage, which means, accordING to library board president Larry Walton, Patmos will likely run out of funds in early 2023, despite the library havING $325,000 in reserve. It will also mean residents won't have their property taxes raised by $24.
Walton accused those who voted to defund the library over its LGBT content of beING "short sighted."
Nathan Triplett, president of the ACLU of Michigan, lauded Walton and his team for "refus[ING] to give in" to the demands of residents of a county that voted for Donald Trump over Joe Biden by a 20-point margin.
#17065453 at 2022-08-05 19:22:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21271: Gov. DeSantis Sends Police To Physically Remove State Attorney Edition
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#16981085 at 2022-08-04 07:43:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21266: Much Spam, Very Wow
For instance, if you read the text
"Dan Scavino also signed LA(RP). He's callING Babyfist out."
SEE ANY INDICATIONS THAT I AM MAKING YOU AWARE? Right,LA(RP)but you can't read, so that's your insufficiency, mental midgets. You guys are compromised by your own stupidity and the only gaslightING is you smellING your own farts.
You're just LA(RP)ING as if you're smart.
#16980816 at 2022-08-04 07:42:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21266: Much Spam, Very Wow
muh post from last year. Moar info on the comms.
PB Links won't be active
> 3 Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarine Tigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
you mission get there before the Russians. Onboard a saboteur determined to stop you
ProjectHome ComING
>Home ___ING
<__ com_
hom ING
All pb
>What kind of message is this?
>3Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
>Does anyone else see it?
>Ice StationZebra
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarineTigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
>Report on RT March26
>Youtube vid posted March 28
>same day as Stracom Apoligizes typo
HomING topedo
ProjectHome ComING
>Home ___ING
<__ com_
hom ING
1:45 mins in the trailer
Captain, radar has identified unidentifed aircraft
estimated time of arrival17 minutes
Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr 02/26/2021 21:17:45
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Direct Link: 1365486248501129217
Get well soonTiger. If anyone can pull through this and make it back to thetipit's you!!! #TigerWoods https://rumble.com/ve675v-tiger-woods-is-a-champion-my-family-is-pullING-for-him.html?mref=i2svv&mc=36we8
make it back to the -tip
make it back to the top
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/02/2018 09:28:20
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Direct Link: 1036244434164310016
TigerWoods showed great class in the way he answered the question about the Office of the Presidency and me. Now they say the so-called "left" is angry at him. So sad, but the "center & right" loves Tiger, Kanye, George Foreman,Jim Brown& so many other greats, even more......
#16979107 at 2022-08-04 07:28:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21264: Sailing Through a Sea of Bots
Roe rage hard af
She'll be masked and reee-ING in a few hours
#16977652 at 2022-08-04 07:19:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21262: Comfefe Before The Spam Wars
#16977094 at 2022-08-04 07:16:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21262: Comfefe Before The Spam Wars
Drag queen pastor declares 'God is nothING' in blasphemous profanity-laced video
Isaac Simmons, a United Methodist Church candidate for ordination and associate pastor at Hope UMC in BloomINGton, Illinois, recently spewed blasphemy in a new slam poem ode to the LGBTQ+ movement.
The drag queen pastor and self-styled "drag-evangelist" who goes by the stage name, Ms. Penny Cost, declared over and over again that "God is nothING," "the Bible is nothING," and "religion is nothING" in the profanity-laced video posted on his website.
Yet while the God of historic Christianity is but a farce, accordING to Simmons - who repeatedly refers to the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as female - queer spirituality and LGBTQ+ identity are, in fact, the true expression of divinity.
"God is nothING, but if she were, she would be yes, queen-ING her way down the runways of Paris and Montreal, struttING between that tightrope pulled taught between absurdity and opulence, balancING between too much and never enough," he proclaims. "NothING, but if she were, she would be a seamstress of divine couture, weavING together strING theory and self portraits to form the fiercest gowns of queer existence."
"God is nothING but a drag queen with a microphone of biblical f***ING proportions," he adds.
"Out of a closet of darkness, from under a shroud of secrecy came the beauty of humanity, humanity made in the gender-bendING, identity-breakING, system-shakING image of God, the imago Dei," he declares. "From Adam and Steve to you and to me."
Simmons then turns his attention to the "f*ed up theology of toxic masculinity and the s*y ideals of the oppressive regime" and "Christian terrorists who wield their flappable doctrine to inflict harm on God's queerly-anointed creation."
The Bible, God, and religion "must be nothING," he concludes, unless we wield it into somethING."
In the caption of the video, Simmons dedicates his performance to so-called deconstructionists, non-literalists, and queer spiritualists, and claims his message is "directed to those who actively and passively cause harm against the LGBTQIA2S+ Community due to their understandINGs of Scripture."
AmazINGly, despite his clear denial of and hatred for the basic tenets of Christianity, the United Methodist Church has certified Simmons as a candidate for ministry. At Hope UMC, where Simmons currently serves, the proudly queer pastor has hosted "drag queen Sundays," which he describes as "basically just a church service that just happened to be performed in drag."
Simmons has become a lightnING rod amid a years-long clash over LGBTQ+ issues within the United Methodist Church. Earlier this year, the Global Methodist Church - a more conservative Methodist denomination that holds to a traditional view of marriage and opposes ordainING LGBT clergy - announced it would formally split from the denomination.
Simmons discussed in more detail his efforts to merge drag and spirituality in an interview with UMC, posted below.
#16954567 at 2022-08-03 08:58:22 (UTC+1)
>Pelosi departs Taiwan
Nancy Pelosi Leaves Taiwan Amid GrowING US-China Tensions
15 minutes ago
The visit of the US House Speaker sparked a major controversy between WashINGton and BeijING. China has already closed the airspace in the area and ordered to start military drills near Taiwan, pledgING there will be harsh consequences.
Sputnik is live from Taipei, as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi departs Taiwan to continue her trip to Asia, as she is expected to visit South Korea and Japan.
The American politician previously addressed the Taiwanese parliament and held a meetING with president Tsai ING-wen. Pelosi also accused China of threatenING the island "and democracy itself".
(other stories say she's stayING in that region until Friday)
#16952701 at 2022-08-03 04:50:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21255: Nanshee Outs Devolution Loud N Clear Edition
3 Aug, 2022 03:56
Pelosi receives medal of honor
Taiwanese leader praised the US House Speaker for her unwaverING support of the island
(Oh shit shes the new No Name, that can't be good)
Amid fierce protests from BeijING, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reiterated WashINGton's commitment, solidarity and determination to protect democracy in Taiwan, durING a meetING with the island's leader Tsai ING-wen in Taipei on Wednesday.
"The speaker's courage and actions are deeply inspirING and touchING," Tsai said, accordING to the South China MornING Post, as she presented Pelosi with one of the highest-rank civilian awards - the Order of Propitious Clouds with Special Grand Cordon - for her firm stance in "safeguardING freedom, democracy and human rights."
AcceptING the award, Pelosi said that WashINGton "will not abandon our commitment to Taiwan," while praisING Tsai as a role-model "woman president in one of the freest societies in the world."
In turn, Tsai vowed to remain a reliable US partner and to "firmly uphold our nation's sovereignty and continue to hold the line of defense for democracy at the same time."
The ceremony took place shortly after Pelosi held a closed-door meetING with deputy speaker Tsai Chi-chang and other members of Taiwan's parliament earlier on Wednesday.
The visit of the third highest-rankING figure in the US government to the island, which BeijING considers to be inalienable part of China's territory, prompted a harsh reaction from the mainland.
After Pelosi landed on Tuesday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said the trip would have a "severe impact on the political foundation of China-US relations" and "seriously infrINGes upon China's sovereignty and territorial integrity." The ministry also summoned US Ambassador Nicholas Burns to lodge an official protest, warnING that WashINGton "shall pay the price."
In the meantime, the Chinese Defense Ministry announced a series of military exercises and live-fire drills in six large maritime areas and their air space around Taiwan.
Pelosi is the first speaker of the US House or Representatives to visit Taiwan in over two decades. Taiwan, which officially calls itself the Republic of China (ROC), has been self-ruled since the 1940s but has never officially declared independence from BeijING.
#16952285 at 2022-08-03 02:37:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21255: Nanshee Outs Devolution Loud N Clear Edition
LIVE: Nancy Pelosi meets Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen
>379 watchING now Started streamING 3 minutes ago
#16951988 at 2022-08-03 01:29:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21254: Nancy Pelosi Fake Out Fail. VOTE And PRAY For Ron Watkins Edition
?? assholes
16:18 (13)26-3121
ING 23
#16951487 at 2022-08-02 23:24:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21254: Nancy Pelosi Fake Out Fail. VOTE And PRAY For Ron Watkins Edition
China Summons US Ambassador Overnight, Says WashINGton "Must Pay The Price"
Update(1545ET): It's the middle of the night local time, but China has announced the foreign ministry has summoned US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns in order to "protest" Pelosi's landING in Taiwan, where she's due to meet with Tsai ING-wen in the mornING. This as PLA military drills surroundING the self-ruled island are reported to be ongoING, includING 'live fire' exercises.
AccordING to a readout in state-run Global Times, "China's Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng summoned US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns overnight to protest against US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan island late Tuesday night, stressING that the nature of Pelosi's visit is extremely vicious and the consequence is very grave. The Chinese side will not sit idly by."
Further GT writes, "NotING that the US government should have restrained Pelosi's unscrupulous move and prevented her from goING against the historical trend but instead indulged her and colluded with her, which exacerbates the tension in the Taiwan Straits and seriously damages China-US ties, Xie said the US must pay the price for its own mistake. China will take necessary and resolute countermeasures and we mean what we say."
This "pay the price" warnING will likely only be revealed in full, in terms of the options BeijING has in store for both WashINGton and Taipei, in the comING days or even weeks after Pelosi departs tomorrow.
#16949776 at 2022-08-02 18:36:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21252: We Have Primaries Today! Edition
Australian senator condemns 'evil' Great Reset agenda driven by the World Economic Forum
Malcolm Roberts warned that there are sittING Australian senators who support the Great Reset, and thereby 'threaten our privacy, freedom, and dignity.'
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts on Wednesday slammed the World Economic Forum (WEF)'s "Great Reset" plans, arguING they would drag Australians into economic "slavery," and in fact are already beING carried out.
DurING a speech in Australian Parliament, the One Nation party member ripped policies such as dependence on "unreliable" solar and wind energy as harmful to Australia's economy since, accordING to Roberts, they drive up energy and electricity prices, which in turn has "destroyed jobs."
Roberts suggested that such "fairytale" energy policies, as well as the Reserve Bank of Australia's inflationary practice of "conjur[ING]" money "out of thin air," are part of the WEF's plans for the Great Reset.
The WEF has indeed called for "swift action" to accelerate a "sustainable energy transition" for the entire world to include transitionING to solar and wind power. The globalist group also supports quantitative easING, a way of increasING the money supply, which Roberts believes is "drivING" inflation in Australia.
Roberts called on members of Australian Parliament to "work together" to remedy Australia's economic problems, and further warned of sittING senators who support the Great Reset, and thereby threaten basic cherished Australian values.
"Instead of workING together to push Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations policies, work together instead for our country. Klaus Schwab's 'life by subscription' quote is really serfdom. It's slavery," said Roberts, referrING to the WEF's proposal that we may be able to rent "everythING [we] need in life," and therefore will "own nothING."
"Billionaire globalist corporations will own everythING: homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need if their social credit score allows," Roberts continued.
"The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothING. To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum will need to take more than just material possessions from Australians. Senators in this very chamber today who support the Great Reset threaten our privacy, freedom, and dignity. Yes, they're in this senate chamber," Roberts said.
He further declared that One Nation "vehemently opposes" Australia's "Digital Identity Bill." Australia's digital identity proposal, beING echoed across the globe, would open the door to social-credit score-based restrictions on personal freedom, as is already occurrING in China.
Roberts announced that his party would be "rollING out" in the comING months an alternative to the Australian Labor Party's push for "Klaus Schwab's Great Reset with the tagline, 'you will own nothING and be happy.'"
One Nation, by contrast, "has a comprehensive plan to brING our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity," Roberts said.
#16948544 at 2022-08-02 12:45:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21251: Three Hundred Thousand Planefags Tracking SPAR19 Edition
EXCLUSIVE: 'My son is gay so don't tell me I'm f***ING homophobic.' Dad of cheerleader, 17, choked out by trans teammate, 25, for allegedly callING her 'a man with a penis' insists his daughter is '100% supportive of LGBT community'
Mike Jones, father of cheerleader Karleigh, spoke out in her defense, tellING DailyMail.com: 'My daughter is 100 per cent supportive of the trans community'
Karleigh, 17, a cheerleader at Ranger College in Texas, was allegedly attacked at cheer camp by her older trans teammate, Averie Chanel Medlock, 25, on July 21
'She is not doING well. She blames herself. She should have just locked the door, let it blow over and just come home,' Jones, a father of three, told DailyMail.com
'When the truth comes out the rest of the nation is goING to be surprised,' he said. 'I have a gay son, so don't tell me I'm f***ING homophobic,' Jones added
Jones, 47, has also accused Medlock of postING an 'edited' four-minute clip of the clash on social media that leaves out her threatenING remarks
Medlock was booted from the cheerleadING camp and given a criminal assault by physical contact citation last week
She is accused of chokING out Karleigh, who Medlock claimed made transphobic remarks includING callING her a 'man with a penis'
#16945795 at 2022-08-01 19:47:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21247: Prepare For War
Note: Anon will look at Tiawan leader next. of course Tsai ING-wen but not sure if she is a member of klaus club.
President of Taiwan (R.O.C. authorities) and Chairperson of the Democratic Progressive Party
#16945318 at 2022-08-01 17:50:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21247: Prepare For War
China Issues Another Direct Threat As Pelosi Begins Asia Tour
China issued another direct threat Monday as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to make a trip to Taiwan.
The People's Liberation Army said they "won't sit idly by" if Pelosi sets foot in Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said, accordING to Bloomberg.
"Her stature as the No. 3 US official means a trip would be highly sensitive," Zhao said at a BeijING press briefING. "As to what measures, let's wait and see whether she insists on this visit."
Several reports have said Pelosi may visit Taiwan as early as Tuesday and may meet President Tsai ING-wen on Wednesday, accordING to Bloomberg. The White House announced Former Pentagon press secretary John Kirby will join press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre durING Monday's briefING, as the speaker is expected to visit Taiwan amid the ongoING threats by the Chinese government, RealClear Politics reporter Philip Wegmann said.
Pelosi would be the most senior official to visit since 1997, when former House Speaker Newt GINGrich traveled to Taiwan.
The People's Liberation Army also posted a video Monday on WeChat, a Chinese instant messagING and social media app, of military soldiers, tanks and missiles beING launched into the sky.
The Chinese Army urged citizens in a Friday social media post to "prepare for war" if the Speaker arrives in Taiwan, vowING a "forceful" response. Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesperson Senior Colonel Tan Kefei previously said her visit would violate the One China principle and "severely endanger China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"We must bear in mind the fundamental responsibility of preparING for war and charge on the journey of a strong army," the 80th Group Army posted.
China's threats of imposING a no-fly zone over Taiwan and preparING for war has mobilized the Pentagon to escalate security measures and troop movements in the Pacific ahead of the Speaker's trip, fearING increased tensions between the U.S. and China.
Jean-Pierre refused to comment on the potential threats or any "hypothetical" ahead of Pelosi's trip at a Friday press briefING. The press secretary reacted to a Friday tweet by Hu Xijin, a former editor-in-chief of the Chinese state-owned Global Times, claimING the People's Liberation Army has the right to "forcibly dispel" Pelosi's transportation and U.S. fighter jets by firING warnING shots and "makING tactical movement of obstruction."
#16944897 at 2022-08-01 15:47:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21246: Taiwan On The Radar Edition
JUST IN - Taiwanese media reportING Speaker Pelosi is scheduled to arrive at Taipei Songshan Airport at 22:30 on Tuesday, where she will take a COVID-19 test – she will be spendING the night at the Grand Hyatt Taipei and will meet Taiwan leader Tsai ING-wen at 08:00 on Wed.
#16944034 at 2022-08-01 09:26:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21245: Dedicated To 45 Edition
In a setback for Visa in a case allegING the payment processor is liable for the distribution of child pornography on Pornhub and other sites operated by parent company MindGeek, a federal judge ruled that it was reasonable to conclude that Visa knowINGly facilitated the criminal activity.
On Friday, July 29, U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney of the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California issued a decision in the Fleites v. MindGeek case, denyING Visa's motion to dismiss the claim it violated California's Unfair Competition Law - which prohibits unlawful, unfair or fraudulent business acts and practices - by processING payments for child porn. (A copy of the decision is available at this link.)
In the rulING, Carney held that the plaintiff "adequately alleged" that Visa engaged in a criminal conspiracy with MindGeek to monetize child pornography. Specifically, he wrote, "Visa knew that MindGeek's websites were teemING with monetized child porn"; that there was a "criminal agreement to financially benefit from child porn that can be inferred from [Visa's] decision to continue to recognize MindGeek as a merchant despite allegedly knowING that MindGeek monetized a substantial amount of child porn"; and that "the court can comfortably infer that Visa intended to help MindGeek monetize child porn" by "knowINGly provid[ING] the tool used to complete the crime."
"When MindGeek decides to monetize child porn, and Visa decides to continue to allow its payment network to be used for that goal despite knowledge of MindGeek's monetization of child porn, it is entirely foreseeable that victims of child porn like plaintiff will suffer the harms that plaintiff alleges," Carney wrote.
In a statement, a Visa spokesperson said: "Visa condemns sex traffickING, sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse materials as repugnant to our values and purpose as a company. This pre-trial rulING is disappointING and mischaracterizes Visa's role and its policies and practices. Visa will not tolerate the use of our network for illegal activity. We continue to believe that Visa is an improper defendant in this case."
A rep for MindGeek provided this statement: "At this point in the case, the court has not yet ruled on the veracity of the allegations, and is required to assume all of the plaintiff's allegations are true and accurate. When the court can actually consider the facts, we are confident the plaintiff's claims will be dismissed for lack of merit. MindGeek has zero tolerance for the postING of illegal content on its platforms, and has instituted the most comprehensive safeguards in user-generated platform history."
#16943640 at 2022-08-01 04:38:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21244: Where Are The BQQMS? EDITION
How is this even legal….for Communist China, Chinese affiliated with Communist China's Military or F***ING Bill Gates to buy up US land/water/real estate? NATIONAL SECURITY RISK & ACT OF WAR!
Ron DeSantis blasts China for buyING up US farmland: 'It's a huge problem'
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis calls out the Chinese Communist Party for buyING giant chunks of farmland and property in his state, sayING it's a 'huge problem'
SpeakING to Fox News' Laura INGraham, DeSantis - considered a potential 2024 presidential candidate - says it's a growING concern
'I don't think they should be able to do it. I think the problem is these companies have ties to the CCP,' he said
The governor's solution has been to begin bannING what he calls 'undue influence from rogue states' like China's rulING party
The state has already banned what's known as a 'Confucius Institute,' public pro-China educational and cultural promotion programs
#16942770 at 2022-07-31 23:53:39 (UTC+1)
at least finish with sources…sheesh
This, it's worth notING, would likely make it the 1999 meetING of the supranational organization, which wasn't entirely dull excrement; while no period news stories mention Maher's presence, that's probably because the majority of reportING was focused on the riots surroundING the event that arguably served as a catalyst for the Occupy movement in the subsequent decade.
However, Maher said he thought it was "the borINGest s*," and Cedric agreed: "Yeah, like you know, 'yes, we'll let you brING the f*ING Kia into our country.'"
Anyhow, Maher recalled how "this is the 90s, when I was a swINGING bachelor, so I brought this young lady on a date." The cable host, it's again worth notING, has never been married. He still tries to play the swINGING bachelor role 20 years later: "I'm the last of my guy friends to have never gotten married, and their wives - they don't want them playING with me. I'm like the escaped slave - I brING news of freedom," he once bragged on his website.
"We get up to there, and she stands on one side of Clinton and I'm on the other side of him," he said.
"And he spent the next five minutes lookING me in the eye and lecturING me ... why world trade was important and blah blah blah blah," the host said. "We get off the line and I said to the girl, 'Wow! Can you believe that he spent five minutes tellING me about trade? Everybody else he talked to for two seconds.'
"She said: 'Yeah, he was rubbING my back the whole time,'" he said.
#16941806 at 2022-07-31 18:14:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21242: Anons are never defeated just slowed, what next clowns edition
<>happen to notice where the pen points if you apply it to the Qclock? 17 Baby!
>bless the clockfags
Time from this post to 'NOW': 1096 days, 11 hours, 18 minutes, 27 seconds (seconds total: 94735107)
+ 1
1097 = 17 = [8 =[H]]
3568 (22) (4)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 07/31/2019 00:41:49 ID: a8ec29
8chan/qresearch: 7271105
Q Clock [ Min: 1 | :25/:55 Mir: 49 | 180 Mir: 31 | :35/:05 Mir: 9 ]
[24hr WarnING]
Be vigilant.
See somethING.
Say somethING.
Know your surroundINGs at all times.
July 31 {< Q Clock "Today" [ Minute: 17 | :25/:55 Mirror: 33 | 180 Mirror: 47 | :35/:05 Mirror: 53 ] }
+ (1) Day (= 24hr WARN[ING]
= 01-Aug[8] = [18 = [R]]
01-August-2022 Qlock Minute: [18]
^= Q Clock "+1" [ Minute: 18 | :25/:55 Mirror: 34 | 180 Mirror: 48 | :35/:05 Mirror: 51 ]
#16940644 at 2022-07-31 08:28:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21241: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Edition
>earn to read the map.
>You have more than you realize.
3570 (15) (6)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/01/2019 13:22:36 ID: cbce02
8chan/qresearch: 7294663
Q Clock [ Min: 2 | :25/:55 Mir: 48 | 180 Mir: 32 | :35/:05 Mir: 8 ]
[C] before [D].
[C]oats before [D]eclas.
The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
You have more than you know. { ^^ "more than you realize." }
^= [C] before [D]. <=> [C]atch B4 [D]etain. "FishING is fun!"
# 3570 ^^= Delta to next: 0 D_0:3:16 (seconds total: 196) (16) (7)
3569 (23) (5)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/01/2019 13:19:20 ID: cbce02
8chan/qresearch: 7294581
Q Clock [ Min: 2 | :25/:55 Mir: 48 | 180 Mir: 32 | :35/:05 Mir: 8 ]
Bigger [slam-dunk] charges comING?
Public understandING of events just around the corner.
790 (16) (7)
Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/18/2018 20:41:03 ID:
8chan/greatawakenING: 104
Q Clock [ Min: 13 | :25/:55 Mir: 37 | 180 Mir: 43 | :35/:05 Mir: 57 ]
JOHN 3:16; { # 3569 to 3570 Delta to next: 0 D_0:3:16 (seconds total: 196) (16) (7) }
https://qagg.news/?q={D 08/01/} (= Q Drops: 11 ) < all QDrops Aug 1st { 2019 & 2018 found QNL_y }
incQm[ING] HOT AUGUST QDrops ?!?
#16939661 at 2022-07-31 01:07:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21239: In First 30 Days Post Roe V Wade, 61% Abortion Clinics Close Edition
Chinese propagandist deletes tweet warnING Nancy Pelosi's plane could get shot down
Chinese government propagandist Hu Xijin said on Saturday he deleted a tweet warnING of military retaliation if US military jets escort House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her visit to Taiwan.
However, he nixed the tweet only after Twitter blocked his account.
Pelosi, third in the line of presidential succession, after President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, started a trip to Asia on Saturday mornING, with official stops planned in SINGapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.
It's widely speculated she will also stop in Taiwan, which Communist China maintains is a breakaway province, not an independent country, and has no right to conduct foreign relations. The two split in 1949 after a civil war that saw the Community Party take over mainland China.
Pelosi has refused to confirm the reports that she will visit the self-governING island. If the visit takes place, she would be the highest-rankING American elected official to visit Taiwan since 1997.
While he deleted the tweet about shootING Pelosi down, Hu Xijin continued to tweet comments about the trip.
"If Pelosi really visits Taiwan as planned, the Tsai ING-wen [Taiwanese] authorities are accomplice," he posted Saturday.
"The mainland will definitely carry out severe punishment actions on Taiwan at the same time. The unbearable consequences will fall on Tsai authorities."
The Chinese military, meanwhile, conducted live-fire exercises Saturday off its coast opposite Taiwan as the speaker was flyING east.
The People's Liberation Army conducted the drills near the PINGtan islands off Fujian province, the official Xinhua News Agency announced.
The one-sentence announcement gave no indication whether the exercises would include missiles, fighter planes or other weapons.
In a Thursday phone call, President Xi JinpING warned President Joe Biden against "external interference" in BeijING's dealINGs with the island.
#16930269 at 2022-07-29 04:00:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21229: Schlong Covid BTFO Monkey Pox~ Night Shit Edition
test icle ING 4,3,2,1
#16924095 at 2022-07-28 19:18:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21226: Jan 6 committee altered evidence, 'lied to the American people' Edition
Alito (p71)
> Our holdING decides nothING about who may lawfully possess a firearm or the requirements that must be met to buy a gun. Nor does it decide anythING about the kinds of weapons that people may possess. Nor have we disturbed anythING that we said in Heller or McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U. S. 742 (2010), about re- strictions that may be imposed on the possession or carry- ING of guns.
#16922313 at 2022-07-28 19:03:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21226: Jan 6 committee altered evidence, 'lied to the American people' Edition
Alito (p71)
> Our holdING decides nothING about who may lawfully possess a firearm or the requirements that must be met to buy a gun. Nor does it decide anythING about the kinds of weapons that people may possess. Nor have we disturbed anythING that we said in Heller or McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U. S. 742 (2010), about re- strictions that may be imposed on the possession or carry- ING of guns.
#16919680 at 2022-07-28 18:16:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21225: Baking Edition
When asked about the controversy, told ESPN reporters: 'Nobody's gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately. And they should have.' Fifteen of the 19 terrorists involved in the attack were Saudi, includING Osama bin Laden.
Officially, the Saudi Arabian government has denied any involvement but the US spent months investigatING whether it had any ties to the attacks. It was a fruitless investigation which was laid bare in declassified documents last year.
There is also outrage on behalf of murdered Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018.
But Trump - who was dumped by the PGA in 2021 after the Capitol riot - is shruggING off the scandal in exchange for what is unquestionably a handsome payout. He has not disclosed how much LIV is payING for use of Bedminster this weekend.
(Newsfag has reason to believe this is just a step in the path, given the outrage and villification ree-ING )
#16916213 at 2022-07-28 16:09:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21224: Keep Tagging the Dough and #Hooman with Putple Timestamps Edition
>An influx of Californians and other Americans has made its way to Mexico City, angerING some locals who say they are gentrifyING the area, accordING to a report.
>"New to the city? WorkING remotely?" Fliers poppING up around Mexico City reportedly said. "You're a f-ING plague and the locals f-ING hate you. Leave."
#16915947 at 2022-07-28 16:00:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21224: Keep Tagging the Dough and #Hooman with Putple Timestamps Edition
==Mexico City residents angered by influx of Americans speakING English, gentrifyING area: report
Mexico is home to 1.6 million Americans, accordING to the State Dep==
An influx of Californians and other Americans has made its way to Mexico City, angerING some locals who say they are gentrifyING the area, accordING to a report.
The Los Angeles Times report on Wednesday outlined how some Mexican locals are "fed up" with the growING number of Americans, many from California, movING to and visitING the country, which has contributed to a rise in rent and a shift from Spanish to English in some places.
"New to the city? WorkING remotely?" Fliers poppING up around Mexico City reportedly said. "You're a f-ING plague and the locals f-ING hate you. Leave."
The article outlines how Americans have brought a scent of "new-wave" imperialism as taquerias and corner stores have slowly transformed into coffee shops and Pilates studios.
English is also reportedly becomING more prevalent as more Americans are movING to and visitING Mexico City to take advantage of lower rent and the ability to stay in Mexico for 6 months without a visa.
"We're the only brown people," Fernando Bustos Gorozpe, a 38-year-old writer and university professor, told the Los Angeles Times. "We're the only people speakING Spanish except the waiters."
More at: https://www.foxnews.com/world/mexico-city-residents-angered-influx-americans-speakING-english-gentrifyING-area-report
#16915896 at 2022-07-28 15:58:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21224: Keep Tagging the Dough and #Hooman with Putple Timestamps Edition
The PACT act is a pact with the devil. They are advertisING this to the public as somethING to redress Vets, read the f^)*&^ING thING and you'll see they don't give 2 shits about vets, this is to sweep their crimes under the rug
#16833490 at 2022-07-26 20:30:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21212: Speech In Progress Ebake Edition
dang. that'd be great to map out the tunnels with heatmaps from activity trackers. but who's carryING the activity tracker with them? bad guys certainly would not be gps-ING their smugglING routes (these people are stupid, though). will keep eyes on. cool digs anon.
#16824702 at 2022-07-26 08:40:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21207: Graveyard Ebake o7 Edition
Erika Jayne served $50 million lawsuit upon returnING from luxe Hawaii vacation
July 25, 2022
Back to reality.
FollowING her luxe trip to Hawaii, Erika Jayne was served papers for a $50 million racketeerING lawsuit when she arrived back to Los Angeles Friday night.
In exclusive pics obtained by Page Six, the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star, 51, was seen leavING the Los Angeles International Airport when a woman approached her and handed her two thick stacks of documents.
A rep for Jayne did not immediately respond to Page Six's request for comment.
Jayne - who was approached in the baggage claim area - was dressed casually for her return flight to LA, sportING white sweatpants and a matchING zip-up sweatshirt.
The "Pretty Mess" sINGer rocked a fresh face with her hair styled in a tight top knot and a white face mask to shield her from COVID-19. She completed the look with white sneakers and a Gucci duffle bag.
"I just wanted to give you these documents. This is a summons and complaint to serve you," the woman said in video footage obtained by Page Six.
The lawsuit, filed by Edelson PC, accuses Jayne of nine charges includING racketeerING, conspiracy to commit racketeerING, unlawful business practice and deceit, among others, in relation to the ongoING legal drama involvING estranged ex-husband Tom Girardi.
"Tom and Erika routinely misappropriated client settlement money to project an image of wealth and to prop up a lifestyle made for reality TV," the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit also alleges that Jayne's EJ Global company "was created for the purpose of funnelING money from Girardi Keese to benefit Erika."
Additionally, Edelson PC claims in court docs that Jayne was aware of Girardi's "scheme," which allegedly embezzled settlement funds meant to help the victims ofLion Air Flight 610.
The docs accuse Jayne of "flaunt[ING]" her lavish lifestyle and "actING as the 'frontwoman' of the operation, sellING to the world (includING unsuspectING clients) that Girardi Keese was successful."
As Page Six previously reported, there was a separate but related case filed by Edelson in regards to the racketeerING allegations back in April. Jayne was dismissed from the prior lawsuit.
However, Jay Edelson clarified to Page Six that this case is "prosecutING the claims of the clients (the widows and orphans)" whereas the April suit was "more limited, in terms of who we sued, what we were suING about, and the legal theories we are pursuING."
"As we allege, we believe we can prove to a jury that the Girardi firm was, and has long been, a criminal enterprise," Edelson told us via email.
For her part, the reality TV star has vehemently maintained her innocence on more than one occasion.
"I feel terrible. This is not who I am," Jayne said durING the Season 11 reunion of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" in October 2021.
"And I hope this is not who he is. ... I hope that [Tom] has not done what is alleged here."
Prior to gettING served the new paperwork, Jayne enjoyed a tropical vacation in Hawaii with Rinna and "RHOBH" newcomerDiana Jenkins.
The ladies were at one point photographed enjoyING bubblING ros? while in deep conversation outside their villa.
Sauce/more: https://pagesix.com/2022/07/25/erika-jayne-served-50-million-lawsuit-returnING-from-hawaii/
Sanela Diana Jenkins, of all the people to put on TV..
#16822213 at 2022-07-26 01:48:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21204: The Spam Never Ends Edition
That was then. This is now. Now we all are wait?ING for the Supreme Court's rulING in Bruen, an opin?ion that some court watch?ers say won't come until some?time in late June. This case is the chal?lenge to New York's 108-year-old concealed hand?gun law. The chal?lengers claim they should?n't have to show a special need to get a license to carry a gun that way. A major?ity of justices seemed skep?tical of New York's rationale for the law when they asked about it durING oral argu?ment last fall. But Bruen is just the start of what some lawyers and advoc?ates say will be a relent?less effort by the Court to trans?form gun regu?la?tion around the United States.
The Bruen decision will come weeks after another mass shoot?ING, another spasm of gun viol?ence, this time in Buffalo, New York, where Gov. Kathy Hochul and state legis?lat?ors are prom?isING to expand the scope of gun regu?la?tions. Will the Buffalo massacre change anyone's mind on the Court? Not likely. Nor will the massacre of 19 chil?dren and 2 teach?ers at Robb Element?ary School in Uvalde, Texas. They were reportedly gunned down by an 18 year old who had just purchased his weapons in a state that has dramat?ic?ally loosened gun laws in the past decade. It is harder for an 18 year old to get a driver's license than a gun in Texas.
To get a sense of where we are now on the Second Amend?ment and where we are likely headed given the Court's current makeup, I reached out to Darrell Miller, a professor at Duke Law School who is an expert on the Second Amend?ment and gun rights and regu?la?tions.
COHEN: Three days after the Capitol riot and insur?rec?tion, you gave a fascin?at?ING inter?view to Olivia Li at The Trace in which you talked about an insur?rec?tion?ist theory of the Second Amend?ment. "There is always someone who thinks that tyranny is in the present" is the quote you once used to help describe the concept. It's now been 15 months since Janu?ary 6, 2021. What have you seen between now and then, among the hundreds of federal cases to arise involvING the alleged rioters and insur?rec?tion?ists, to support or under?mine your old theory?
MILLER: If anythING, the past 15 months have only rein?forced my convic?tion that the normal?iz?a?tion of threats of polit?ical viol?ence in Amer?ican soci?ety is under?min?ING the found?a?tion of Amer?ican demo?cracy. We're learn?ING through these prosec?u?tions just how wide?spread and coordin?ated the attack on the Capitol actu?ally was. We're learn?ING through the Janu?ary 6 Commit?tee how compli?cit a signi?fic?ant segment of the polit?ical, legal, and profes?sional class was in support?ING a multi-pronged attack on the peace?ful trans?fer of power. Yet instead of seeING bipar?tisan condem?na?tion of polit?ical viol?ence, we're witness?ING ever more trans?par?ent appeals to it. I remain alarmed.
#16813605 at 2022-07-26 00:20:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21198: WTF Happened To The Dough!? Edition
How gamING elites exploit gamblers
Both videogame developers and streamers encourage players to gamble away millions of dollars
The twin evils of the videogame industry - streamING service Twitch and game publisher Activision Blizzard - have reached new lows, crossING the threshold of user exploitation with the promotion of gamblING.
Not content with rakING in millions of dollars a day from the sales of their products, or in the case of Twitch, through advertisING to its streamING audience, these companies are now profitING from real-world addiction, and they're doING so by normalizING gamblING as a healthy activity.
One of Twitch's biggest streamers, Quebec-based Felix 'xQc' Lengyel - whose claim to fame came from professionally streamING the Activision Blizzard game 'Overwatch' - has recently come under fire for hostING sponsored streams for online casinos.
In a recent stream, Lengyel boasted that over $119 million had been wagered through his referral links to an online casino, used exclusively by members of his audience. His remarks attracted condemnation from fellow streamer Hasan Piker, who pointed out that the losses incurred by his viewers quite possibly resulted in him earnING more income from the sponsorship.
"A lot of these websites, Stake and all of them, if they have a code, if you are offerING a code, that means that Stake is trackING all of your losses, and you are gettING a percentage of your fanbase's losses," Piker said on stream. "That is quite literally the truth. That is how f*ING bad it is. They let you in on it, dude. They let you in on the losses of your f*ING fanbase."
GamblING streams by xQc are so popular that a sINGle six-hour stream has been estimated to have been viewed by approximately 98,500 people who spent a collective 550,000 hours watchING.
What's worse is that the streamer even admitted that a lot of the time, streamers who promote online casinos don't even spend any of their own money to gamble. In other words, they have no skin in the game - they're just there to promote the life-destroyING activity to their hapless viewers.
GamblING has become so popular on Twitch that the platform has even created a dedicated section to promote the activity - alongside its most popular video games like 'Overwatch', 'Hearthstone', and the newly launched 'Diablo Immortal', all of which are made by Activision Blizzard.
But how are gamblING and video games connected? For starters, some of Activision Blizzard's most popular video games all contain a gamblING component, requirING their players to spend real money to be competitive. While the gamblING in 'Overwatch', which comes in the form of "loot crates," offers purely cosmetic upgrades, the same can't be said of 'Hearthstone' and 'Diablo Immortal'.
#16803798 at 2022-07-25 17:25:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21195: Alheimers Med Scam Has Cost Millions of Lives Edition
Nikolaev governor to restrict freedoms, impose lockdown on city
The governor of Ukraine on Saturday pledged to close off the entire city under the pretext of "flush[ING] out" what he described as "saboteurs" and "Russian spies" in the frontier city.
Governor Vitaliy Kim told The Telegraph that he was goING to close off the city for several days for an investigation into people he accuses of workING with Russia, meanING he will be restrictING the freedom of the city's residents under false pretexts as the southern city undergoes fierce battles.
"We have a secret plan," he said. "We will train our military forces and police to search for saboteurs."
The head of the Nikolaev regional military administration, when asked about how many "saboteurs" he was after, said he suspected "everybody. But we have only a few of them in our city. Even one of them can give many points to the Russians, so we are searchING for the bad ones."
He also confirmed reports about a mass arrest campaign that saw a dozen people the local authorities accused of "collaboratING with Russia."
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) had arrested its former chief of Crimean affairs on suspicion of treason, which was accompanied by a presidential decision to dismiss the country's spy chief, Ivan Bakanov, and prosecutor general Irina Venediktova as paranoia mounts in Kiev.
The sackINGs not only reflect the rampant paranoia in Ukraine but also Kiev's growING frustration with its own 30,000 agent-strong security service.
The Ukrainian military and the mercenaries affiliated with the Kiev authorities sufferING major defeats at the hands of the Russian soldiers on the southern front is what raised concerns about agents and citizens "collaboratING" with Moscow despite the latter's military superiority.
Kim has made various controversial statements that reflected the criminality of his decisions, previously pledgING to "hunt down and execute" everyone found to be in support of Russia, callING them "traitors".
He admitted that the authorities would use illegal means to find these so-called "traitors", such as hackING them and obtainING whatever data deemed valuable.
"You need to understand that we are far ahead in terms of information technology, hackING; we have very good specialists, and there are large databases. Everyone can be tracked. No one can escape justice," he told Ukraine 24 in late April, declarING that he was "not afraid of his word."
In March, Nikolaev Mayor Aleksander Senkevich declared his stance on the issue of the authorities deployING artillery weapons among residential buildINGs, which jeopardizes civilian lives, mockING those callING for their removal.
"I love when some of these girls write 'remove the artillery from the city'. Maybe we should remove the soldiers, too. Then? And hello, Russians, come on in," Senkevich said.
A senior Russian defense official in late May accused Ukrainian troops who were in control of parts of eastern Donetsk at the time of pullING heavy artillery and military hardware to schools and nurseries.
"Ukrainian armed forces have holed up in Bakhmut's School No 2, Chasiv Yar's Vocational School No 22, and in Novoekonomichne's Solnyshko kindergarten and School No 1. They are storING military equipment and rocket launchers on the grounds," Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev said.
The Ukrainian forces are known to commit such violations throughout the war, puttING civilian lives at risk, then blamING Russia for any losses that result from the neutralization of artillery systems.
#16795163 at 2022-07-24 15:04:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21186: More Panic Approaches Edition
George Soros[a] HonFBA (born Gy?rgy Schwartz, August 12, 1930)[1][2] is a Hungarian-born American[b] businessman and philanthropist.[8][9] As of March 2021, he had a net worth of US$8.6 billion,[10][11] havING donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations,[12]
of which $15 billion have already been distributed, representING 64% of his original fortune. Forbes called him the "most generous giver" (in terms of percentage of net worth).[13]
Born in Budapest to a non-observant Jewish family, Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and moved to the United KINGdom in 1947. He studied at the London School of Economics and was awarded a BSc in philosophy in 1951, and then a Master of Science degree, also in philosophy, in 1954.[4][14][15]
Soros began his business career by takING various jobs at merchant banks in the United KINGdom and then the United States, before startING his first hedge fund, Double Eagle, in 1969. Profits from his first fund furnished the seed money to start Soros Fund Management, his second hedge fund, in 1970.
Double Eagle was renamed to Quantum Fund and was the principal firm Soros advised. At its foundING, Quantum Fund had $12 million in assets under management, and as of 2011 it had $25 billion, the majority of Soros's overall net worth.[16]
Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds sterlING, which made him a profit of $1 billion durING the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.[17]
Based on his early studies of philosophy, Soros formulated the General Theory of Reflexivity for capital markets, which he says renders a clear picture of asset bubbles and fundamental/market value of securities, as well as value discrepancies used for shortING and swappING stocks.[18]
Soros is a supporter of progressive and liberal political causes, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open Society Foundations.[19]
Between 1979 and 2011, he donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes;[20][21] by 2017, his donations "on civil initiatives to reduce poverty and increase transparency, and on scholarships and universities around the world" totaled $12 billion.[22]
He influenced the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s,[23] and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in his Hungarian hometown.[24]
His extensive fundING of political causes has made him a "bugaboo of European nationalists".[25] The New York Times reported in October 2018 that "conspiracy theories about him have gone mainstream, to nearly every corner of the Republican Party".[26]
Numerous American conservatives have promoted false claims that characterize Soros as a sINGularly dangerous "puppet master" behind many alleged global plots.[26][27][28][29] Conspiracy theories targetING Soros, who is of Jewish descent, have often been described as antisemitic.[30][31][32]
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#16786795 at 2022-07-23 06:48:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21175: But First We Have To Secure Massive Victories Edition
#16778971 at 2022-07-22 05:01:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21165: Night Shift On EDITION
George Soros[a] HonFBA (born Gy?rgy Schwartz, August 12, 1930)[1][2] is a Hungarian-born American[b] businessman and philanthropist.[8][9] As of March 2021, he had a net worth of US$8.6 billion,[10][11] havING donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations,[12]
of which $15 billion have already been distributed, representING 64% of his original fortune. Forbes called him the "most generous giver" (in terms of percentage of net worth).[13]
Born in Budapest to a non-observant Jewish family, Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and moved to the United KINGdom in 1947. He studied at the London School of Economics and was awarded a BSc in philosophy in 1951, and then a Master of Science degree, also in philosophy, in 1954.[4][14][15]
Soros began his business career by takING various jobs at merchant banks in the United KINGdom and then the United States, before startING his first hedge fund, Double Eagle, in 1969. Profits from his first fund furnished the seed money to start Soros Fund Management, his second hedge fund, in 1970.
Double Eagle was renamed to Quantum Fund and was the principal firm Soros advised. At its foundING, Quantum Fund had $12 million in assets under management, and as of 2011 it had $25 billion, the majority of Soros's overall net worth.[16]
Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds sterlING, which made him a profit of $1 billion durING the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.[17]
Based on his early studies of philosophy, Soros formulated the General Theory of Reflexivity for capital markets, which he says renders a clear picture of asset bubbles and fundamental/market value of securities, as well as value discrepancies used for shortING and swappING stocks.[18]
Soros is a supporter of progressive and liberal political causes, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open Society Foundations.[19]
Between 1979 and 2011, he donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes;[20][21] by 2017, his donations "on civil initiatives to reduce poverty and increase transparency, and on scholarships and universities around the world" totaled $12 billion.[22]
He influenced the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s,[23] and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in his Hungarian hometown.[24]
His extensive fundING of political causes has made him a "bugaboo of European nationalists".[25] The New York Times reported in October 2018 that "conspiracy theories about him have gone mainstream, to nearly every corner of the Republican Party".[26]
Numerous American conservatives have promoted false claims that characterize Soros as a sINGularly dangerous "puppet master" behind many alleged global plots.[26][27][28][29] Conspiracy theories targetING Soros, who is of Jewish descent, have often been described as antisemitic.[30][31][32]
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#16775362 at 2022-07-21 17:41:47 (UTC+1)
Justice Won't Be Served In SpyGate Without John Durham…
Part 3 of 3
Circular ReportING
Fusion GPS also peddled the Alfa Bank hoax formulated by Joffe to the media - with Clinton "personally okay[ING] her campaign minions [to give] the press the fake story about a Trump-Russia secret communication network." Thus, as was the case with Steele, the Alfa Bank allegations spun from the media to the FBI and around to the media again. The press then interpreted the FBI's investigation as confirmING their sources, while the FBI thought (or pretended to believe), that the press's reportING confirmed its sources' intel.
This circular reportING even found its way into the Carter Page FISA application, with the DOJ relyING on two media reports to falsely represent Page as responsible for a supposedly more-conciliatory-to-Russia change in the Republican platform. In fact, so dizzyING was the circular reportING related to Steele that the FBI even appeared confused by whether the "intel" came from the media or from Steele, as recently released notes show former FBI agent Peter Strzok tellING the actING attorney general "that, based on 'CROWN reportING,' the FBI had 'looked at [the Republican convention]' and allegations that the Trump campaign had caused the convention to 'soften [its] stance on Crimea and NATO' in exchange for 'Russian energy stocks.'"
However, Steele, whose code name was CROWN, had not included these accusations - which were false - in his dossier. So, either Strzok lied to the actING attorney general, or the FBI agent had wrongly attributed "intel" to Steele that had come from reportING by media outlets.
More Confidential Human Sources
Not only did Joffe replicate Steele's approach in servING as a CHS, by providING supposed intel to both the media and the FBI, but Joffe went further by usING his well-connected swamp lawyer, Sussmann, to sidestep both his handler and the FBI in order to feed the CIA purportedly damagING information on Trump.
Specifically, in February of 2017, Sussmann used his connections to score a meetING with the CIA on behalf of Joffe. DurING that sit-down, in addition to givING the CIA agents updated information pertainING to the Alfa Bank hoax, "Sussmann provided the agency thumb drives with separate data files for the YotaPhone by the location of the 'domain name system' or DNS lookups, includING one for Trump's Central Park apartment, one for the [Executive Office of the President], one for Spectrum Health Care, and one for the Trump Tower."
AccordING to court documents, Sussmann told the CIA that the DNS data "indicat[ed] that a Russian-made Yota-phone had been seen by [Sussmann's contacts] connectING to the WiFi from the Trump Tower in New York, as well as from a location in Michigan, at the same time that then-candidate Trump was believed to be at these locations." A later investigation by Durham's office "revealed that Joffe and his crew had obtained more complete data about the Yota phones and that data showed 'the DNS lookups involvING the EOP began at least as early as 2014,' meanING before Trump came on the scene." Yet, "the data provided to the CIA, however, omitted those DNS lookups from the material given to the CIA, misleadING the agency."
Joffe sidestepped his handler and the FBI again in March of 2017, "when he used Sussmann to provide the Department of Justice's Inspector General information that 'a specific OIG employee's computer was "seen publicly" in "Internet traffic" and was connectING to a Virtual Private Network in a foreign country."'" NothING else is known about this "tip" from Joffe - other than the fact that the Office of Inspector General remained mum about it until Sussmann's legal team alerted the Special Counsel's office of the meetING, revealING the "DOJ's OIG is not a team player."
As of three months ago, special counsel prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis maintainedthat Durham's team is still "lookING closely" at Joffe, insistING there continue to be "ongoING investigative matters." But Joffe is not the only CHS deservING a close look. And to date, it appears that Halper and Steele received, as most, a glance in their directions by the Special Counsel's team.
If that proves to be the extent of Durham's scrutiny of these other confidential human sources, the problem Americans will see will extend beyond the government's use of CHS to target Trump: The public will see a double-standard of justice.
#16774968 at 2022-07-21 16:22:01 (UTC+1)
Ukraine war forcING China to rethink 'how, when' to move in on Taiwan
Russia's experience in Ukraine is influencING China's calculations about how and when it might decide to "invade" Taiwan, accordING to the CIA chief on Wednesday.
DurING a speech at the Aspen Security Forum, Central Intelligence Agency Director Bill Burns brushed down rumors that Chinese President Xi JinpING may move on Taiwan followING a critical Communist Party meetING later this year.
"The risks of that become higher, it seems to us, the further into this decade that you get," Burns said, addING, "I wouldn't underestimate President Xi's determination to assert China's control" over self-rulING Taiwan.
Burns said that China was "unsettled" while observING the five-month-old war in Ukraine, which he believes is a "strategic failure" for President Vladimir Putin as he had hoped to "topple the Kiev government within a week."
"Our sense is that it probably affects less the question of whether the Chinese leadership might choose some years down the road to use force to control Taiwan, but how and when they would do it," Burns said.
He said that China must have "learned" from Ukraine that "you don't achieve quick, decisive victories with underwhelmING force."
"I suspect the lesson that the Chinese leadership and military are drawING is that you've got to amass overwhelmING force if you're goING to contemplate that in the future," he said.
What is he tryING to say?
China also has likely learned that it has to "control the information space" and "do everythING you can to shore up your economy against the potential for sanctions," he added.
Burns, echoING prior US assessments, stated that despite verbal support, the US does not believe BeijING is providING military assistance to Russia.
He stated that China has increased its purchases of Russian energy but is wary of triggerING Western penalties.
BeijING prefers peace
SpeakING before Burns at the forum in the Rocky Mountains, China's Ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang, said that BeijING still preferred "peaceful reunification".
But he accused the US of supportING "independence" forces in Taiwan, where President Tsai ING-wen has asserted the island's "separate identity".
"No conflict and no war is the biggest consensus between China and the United States," Qin said. But the United States is "hollowING out and blurrING" its stated policy of recognizING only BeijING, he said.
"Only by adherING strictly to the one-China policy, only by joinING hands to constrain and oppose Taiwan independence, can we have a peaceful reunification," he said.
US President Joe Biden said in May that the US was ready to use force to defend Taiwan from a Chinese attack, appearING to shed the long-held US ambiguity on whether it would engage militarily, although the White House quickly withdrew its comments.
#16771921 at 2022-07-21 02:48:32 (UTC+1)
>You do a lot more here than red text[ING]
#16771905 at 2022-07-21 02:45:54 (UTC+1)
You do a lot more here than red text[ING]
#16770753 at 2022-07-20 22:46:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21154: Baker DeCipher - Oil in the medicine causing Cancer? Edition
RECEIPTS: Bill Gates's Foundation Just Paid for The Chinese Communist Party to Recruit Foreign Scientists.
Why isn't anyone stoppING this?
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is helpING fund the Chinese Communist Party's Ministry of Science and Technology, assistING the brutal regime in its efforts to lure foreign scientists in to boost China's scientific advancement, The National Pulse can reveal.
A recent, $100,000 grant from the Microsoft mogul's foundation was sent to the Foreign Talent Research Center of China's Ministry of Science and Technology in June, accordING to the organization's website.
The purpose of the cash is listed as organizING a forum on "pandemic preparedness and response," which would focus on "leveragING resources to improve global health and support disadvantaged populations who are disproportionately impacted by pandemic." The forum is affiliated with the Zhongguancun Forum, a BeijING-based technology conference sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party that counts high-level officials - includING President Xi JinpING - as speakers.
The Gates Foundation's decision to fund the Foreign Talent Research Center of China's Ministry of Science and Technology comes amidst controversy over the likelihood of international collaboration between U.S. and Chinese researchers in Wuhan leadING to the genesis of COVID-19. Since the outbreak of the virus, the Chinese Communist Party has stonewalled investigations into the origins of the virus and planted Western researchers with compromisING ties to China in senior investigative roles.
Beyond COVID-19, the Chinese Communist Party has also come under fire for weaponizING its science and technology programs to lure Western scientists away from their home countries in order to facilitate Chinese advancement and military build-up. This program - commonly known as the Thousand Talents Plan - has led to several Department of Justice (DOJ) indictments of American researchers who routinely fail to disclose their financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party despite receivING U.S. taxpayer funds.
The Ministry of Science and Technology's Foreign Talent Research Center appears to engage in similar conduct, as it is responsible for "brING[ING] in foreign talent," accordING to an outline of its missions.
The ministry "formulates and facilitates the implementation of plans for brINGING in high-end foreign experts, develops mechanisms for poolING top-notch scientists and research teams from abroad, and provides services for foreign experts," it continues.
The unearthed grant comes amidst the Gates Foundation pourING millions of dollars into China, includING to universities with ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
I think it is
#16769869 at 2022-07-20 19:34:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21153: Reminder The Lord Dwells in the Temple Edition
Judge In Stefan Halper Case Drops SpyGate Bombshell: Halper Likely Lied To The FBI On Purpose
Documents suggest that Stefan Halper "may have made clear misstatements to the FBI" and may be responsible for "some falsehoods" about Michael Flynn and Svetlana Lokhova, accordING to the federal judge presidING over the lawsuit Lokhova filed against the former FBI confidential human source, or "CHS," embroiled in the SpyGate scandal.
On Friday, a federal court in Virginia denied Halper's Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit Lokhova had filed against him in December of 2020. That lawsuit represented Lokhova's second civil case against Halper, with her allegING in her most recent complaint that when Halper learned she was pennING a book about Halper, "he directed his counsel, Terry Reed, to contact Post Hill Press and Simon & Schuster solely for the purposes of 'quash[ING] publication and cancel[ING] the Book Contract.'" Reed then allegedly "contacted [Simon & Schuster] and [Post Hill Press] and falsely accused [them] of defamING Halper in the marketING materials."
The complaint further alleged that, through the letters, Halper "defamed and disparaged" Lokhova to the publishers and falsely accused her of "knowINGly publishING" statements that were "false." Lokhova claimed that Halper then "escalated the threats and intimidation to [Simon & Schuster's] parent company, CBS Corporation." The complaint alleged his accusations were untrue and that "[t]he sole purpose of Halper's actions was to interfere with [Lokhova's] Book Contract and induce [Post Hill Press] to terminate the Contract," which it ultimately did after facING irresistible pressure from Simon & Schuster.
The "book contract" Halper allegedly succeeded in cancelING was for Lokhova's forthcomING nonfiction work entitled, "The Spider: Stefan A. Halper and the Dark Web of a Coup." The marketING material for the book described Halper as a "spy, an evil spider at work within and around the Trump campaign," and that in that capacity, he "initially targeted the important Trump advisor, Lt. General Michael Flynn."
In promotING the book, the publisher, Post Hill Press, in conjunction with Simon & Schuster, which Post Hill Press had contracted to market and distribute "The Spider," also asserted Lokhova's book revealed that Halper had "fabricated and sustained the fantastical narrative of the Russian hoax," and that he did so by "collaborat[ING] with the intelligence establishment to take the 'kill shot on Flynn,' leakING classified information to his associates in the press."
Lokhova explained her motivation for writING the book in the amended complaint she filed in the Virginia federal court. "In February 2017, a month after the birth of her first child," the document read, Lokhova "was inundated by the media and others over false allegations that had suddenly surfaced that she had supposedly conducted a clandestine romantic affair with General Michael Flynn, an American military and intelligence official whom she had met once at an academic dinner over two years earlier and had never seen or spoken to again." Lokhova explained how she then spent the next two-plus years, "piecING together what had happened to her, partly through her own research, partly through the gradual release of information by the United States government, and partly through reportING by U.S. media outlets."
#16769442 at 2022-07-20 18:04:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21153: Reminder The Lord Dwells in the Temple Edition
RECEIPTS: Bill Gates's Foundation Just Paid for The Chinese Communist Party to Recruit Foreign Scientists.
Why isn't anyone stoppING this?
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is helpING fund the Chinese Communist Party's Ministry of Science and Technology, assistING the brutal regime in its efforts to lure foreign scientists in to boost China's scientific advancement, The National Pulse can reveal.
A recent, $100,000 grant from the Microsoft mogul's foundation was sent to the Foreign Talent Research Center of China's Ministry of Science and Technology in June, accordING to the organization's website.
The purpose of the cash is listed as organizING a forum on "pandemic preparedness and response," which would focus on "leveragING resources to improve global health and support disadvantaged populations who are disproportionately impacted by pandemic." The forum is affiliated with the Zhongguancun Forum, a BeijING-based technology conference sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party that counts high-level officials - includING President Xi JinpING - as speakers.
The Gates Foundation's decision to fund the Foreign Talent Research Center of China's Ministry of Science and Technology comes amidst controversy over the likelihood of international collaboration between U.S. and Chinese researchers in Wuhan leadING to the genesis of COVID-19. Since the outbreak of the virus, the Chinese Communist Party has stonewalled investigations into the origins of the virus and planted Western researchers with compromisING ties to China in senior investigative roles.
Beyond COVID-19, the Chinese Communist Party has also come under fire for weaponizING its science and technology programs to lure Western scientists away from their home countries in order to facilitate Chinese advancement and military build-up. This program - commonly known as the Thousand Talents Plan - has led to several Department of Justice (DOJ) indictments of American researchers who routinely fail to disclose their financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party despite receivING U.S. taxpayer funds.
The Ministry of Science and Technology's Foreign Talent Research Center appears to engage in similar conduct, as it is responsible for "brING[ING] in foreign talent," accordING to an outline of its missions.
The ministry "formulates and facilitates the implementation of plans for brINGING in high-end foreign experts, develops mechanisms for poolING top-notch scientists and research teams from abroad, and provides services for foreign experts," it continues.
The unearthed grant comes amidst the Gates Foundation pourING millions of dollars into China, includING to universities with ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
#16769131 at 2022-07-20 17:03:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21152: Ivana will be laid to rest today (This will not be easy) Edition
Judge In Stefan Halper Case Drops SpyGate Bombshell: Halper Likely Lied To The FBI On Purpose
'There are now a fair number of documentations' showING that Stefan Halper 'may have made clear misstatements to the FBI,' the court said.
Documents suggest that Stefan Halper "may have made clear misstatements to the FBI" and may be responsible for "some falsehoods" about Michael Flynn and Svetlana Lokhova, accordING to the federal judge presidING over the lawsuit Lokhova filed against the former FBI confidential human source, or "CHS," embroiled in the SpyGate scandal.
On Friday, a federal court in Virginia denied Halper's Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit Lokhova had filed against him in December of 2020. That lawsuit represented Lokhova's second civil case against Halper, with her allegING in her most recent complaint that when Halper learned she was pennING a book about Halper, "he directed his counsel, Terry Reed, to contact Post Hill Press and Simon & Schuster solely for the purposes of 'quash[ING] publication and cancel[ING] the Book Contract.'" Reed then allegedly "contacted [Simon & Schuster] and [Post Hill Press] and falsely accused [them] of defamING Halper in the marketING materials."
The complaint further alleged that, through the letters, Halper "defamed and disparaged" Lokhova to the publishers and falsely accused her of "knowINGly publishING" statements that were "false." Lokhova claimed that Halper then "escalated the threats and intimidation to [Simon & Schuster's] parent company, CBS Corporation." The complaint alleged his accusations were untrue and that "[t]he sole purpose of Halper's actions was to interfere with [Lokhova's] Book Contract and induce [Post Hill Press] to terminate the Contract," which it ultimately did after facING irresistible pressure from Simon & Schuster.
More here…
#16766467 at 2022-07-20 02:57:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21149: Time To Dig Edition
And there you are, our resident sinister imbecile of absolute retardation. Did you just seriously try adhom-ING a meme? You stupid fucker. KEK!
#16763679 at 2022-07-19 18:15:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21145: All that IS is ONE Edition
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
Shills work for Soros bucks and some of them are not even aware!
#16763458 at 2022-07-19 17:44:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21145: All that IS is ONE Edition
BeijING to take 'forceful measures' if US House Speaker visits Taiwan
The Chinese government warned Tuesday that it would take forceful measures if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan after reports emerged about the Democrat goING to the island in August.
A Financial Times report said Pelosi will be headING a delegation that will tour East Asia, visitING Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and SINGapore. They will then spend time in Hawaii at the headquarters of the US Indo-Pacific command.
China had warned against the visit in April when Pelosi was supposed to embark on her tour, sayING it would have a severe impact on Sino-US relations. However, the tour was postponed due to the House speaker testING positive for Covid-19 at the time.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said any visit by Pelosi would "seriously undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"If the US side obstinately clINGs to this course, China will definitely take resolute and forceful measures to firmly defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity," he said. "The United States must be fully responsible for all the consequences caused by this."
The White House had voiced concern about the trip, FT said, citING three people familiar with the situation. The paper also quoted two sources as sayING there were divisions in the Biden administration over whether the visit should be made.
Reports about the visit came a day after China asked WashINGton to cancel a prospective sale of arms and military equipment to Taiwan worth an estimated $108 million.
BeijING warned in early June the United States of "serious consequences" for its support for "separatist forces" in Taiwan amid US Senator Tammy Duckworth's visit to the island.
Senator Duckworth is the chair of the US Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Airland. She arrived in Taiwan in late May for a three-day visit as part of a tour in the Indo-Pacific region and met with President Tsai ING-wen. It was her second visit to Taiwan this year.
BeijING's foreign ministry has reiterated on numerous occasions that the one-China principle was a political foundation of US-Sino relations, explainING that the US violated its own obligations and has been jeopardizING bilateral cooperation as well as peace and stability in the region.
Despite havING stated that the US will not change its policy regardING China, President Joe Biden angered BeijING by appearING to signal a change in the US policy of "strategic ambiguity" on Taiwan. In a contradictory statement, Biden noted a week ago that "We agreed with the One China policy, we signed on to it… but the idea that (Taiwan) can be taken by force is just not appropriate," as the one-China policy states that Taiwan is a part of the sovereign mainland.
#16763278 at 2022-07-19 17:16:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21145: All that IS is ONE Edition
"Morally And Intellectually Corrupt": UCLA Prof Resigns In Protest Over 'Viewpoint Intolerance'
Anthropology professor Joseph Manson announced his retirement this month with a broadside blog post that detailed the loss of academic freedom and integrity at UCLA. Manson describes many of the thINGs that I have previously addressed as standard measures used to force out dissentING or conservative voices, includING the isolation and investigation of colleagues to get them to resign. He is now among that lengthenING list of such faculty who have decided to cut their academic careers short rather than work under such intolerable conditions.
Manson was a tenured professor in the UCLA Anthropology Department, who described in detail how the school made life insufferable for those who raise dissentING voices in research on subjects like racial justice or crime patterns. He wrote "I'm a professor, retirING at 62 because the Woke takeover of higher education has ruined academic life. 'Another one?' you ask. "What does this guy have to say that hasn't already been said by Jordan Peterson, Peter Boghossian, Joshua Katz, or Bo Winegard?"
Manson described how the anthropology department was a healthy and diverse intellectual environmental until the 2000s when thINGs began to change dramatically. It is the same time period identified by others when a critical mass seemed to form on many faculties of professors who began to almost exclusively hire liberal colleagues and shun those with opposING views.
Among the examples of the intolerance on campus, Manson gave a detailed account of the "defenestration of a colleague," P. Jeffrey BrantINGham. His colleague created software to predict urban crime through simulation models. The research was immediately denounced as beING racist and anti-Black.
"In SprING 2018, the department's Anthropology Graduate Students Association passed a resolution accusING Jeff's research of (among other counter-revolutionary sins) 'entrench[ING] and naturaliz[ING] the criminalization of Blackness in the United States' and callING for 'referrING' his research to UCLA's Vice Chancellor for Research, presumably for some sort of investigation. This document contains no trace of scholarly argument, but instead resembles a religious proclamation of anathema."
What caught my eye was Manson's description of the shunnING by his colleagues:
"Not only was Jeff ostracized, he was unpersoned. None of the faculty talked about him, if they could possibly avoid it. Meanwhile, our department chair opened most faculty meetINGs by solemnly intonING that our department was a community, a family, and that 'we're here for each other.' In private conversations, I was able to elicit from some of my colleagues an embarrassed acknowledgment that the Woke faction had treated Jeff abominably, and that we strongly resembled a dysfunctional family in denial."
#16762161 at 2022-07-19 13:46:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21143: ADJUST AND ADAPT - NCSWIC EDITION!!!
On Monday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported that the "ReAwaken America Tour," a travelING event studded with prominent QAnon adherents, has been kicked out of its planned venue in Rochester, New York on August 12 and 13, followING anger from locals.
The group had planned to hold their event at the Main Street Armory.
"In an email distributed Monday, venue owner Scott Donaldson wrote, '(In response) to the outpour(ING) of concern from our community, both good and bad, I have decided after careful thought to cancel The ReAwaken America Tour that was scheduled for August 2022,'" reported Marcia Greenwood. "Last week, Grammy-nominated indie-pop band Japanese Breakfast announced it was cancellING a Sept. 27 show at the Armory over its decision to host the ReAwaken America event, featurING Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, both advisors to former President Donald Trump."
READ: Steve Bannon pledged he'd go 'medieval' at his trial - but it hasn't turned out that way
"Also on the ReAwaken America speakers list: Dr. Stella Immanuel, who has posted videos claimING that doctors make medicine usING DNA from aliens, and Scott McKay and Gene Ho, who have links to the false QAnon conspiracy theory about a global child molestation and sacrifice rING beING led by prominent Democratic politicians," noted the report.
Flynn, the former National Security Adviser to Donald Trump, has in recent years sunk deeply into the QAnon movement, attendING many of their conferences. At once such event last year, Flynn agreed with an attendee that the United States needs a violent military coup of the type that happened in Myanmar - though he later tried to deny sayING this.
Stone, another longtime ally of Trump, is currently facING intense scrutiny from the House Select Committee on January 6, as a link between Trump's inner circle and far-right paramilitary groups like the Proud Boys.
#16760592 at 2022-07-19 03:18:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21141: The Bread Must Go On Edition
Agent C has been here since the beggin ING
THE agency has sadly been here since mid pre auths
#16754799 at 2022-07-18 04:24:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21134: Good Samaritan To The Rescue, Again Edition
Let the meme-ING commence.
#16753828 at 2022-07-18 01:48:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21132: No Baker/Noter Evening Edition
Why did the pervert cross the road?
Jill told him to.
Biden is finished. The world is awake. Klaus is a laughINGstock(ING) penis boy. To think it all started here.
With you misfits of memes, geniuses, every one of you.
From one mind to the world, do not have a clue how, but the information makes it around the world. We are the evolved internet, humanity is learnING to communicate on a new level.
Violence is beING phased out. World is changING. SomethING huge is happenING to this planet.
#16752062 at 2022-07-17 20:47:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21130: CDC Changing Covid Death Records? Edition
>>old ufo anchors pizzagate
>old ufo stap /b/ING frens after gasket set loose fake juw burros all over earth
still chits to this day GAHY AF too
#16752056 at 2022-07-17 20:46:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21130: CDC Changing Covid Death Records? Edition
>old ufo learns how to crap out fake juw burros all night
>old ufo anchors pizzagate
old ufo stap /b/ING frens after gasket set loose fake juw burros all over earth
#16750540 at 2022-07-17 15:36:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21128: We've had THE BALL the entire time Edition
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157] AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158] He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161]includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism. Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism. Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#16749594 at 2022-07-17 11:52:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21127: Just Call It The Midterm Variant! Edition
'3. Robots with human intelligence will be common within 50 years. Such artificially intelligent robots may one day possess levels of intelligence far greater than that of humans'
Their ultimate PIPE DREAM - to create life.
They've been yakkn about this for more than 100 years;
GOLIM , Frankenstein's dream
The dreams of a deluded atheist.
will never happen; keep missING their deadlines - because….
They work with incorrect premises.
Garbage in - Garbage out
But con-ING people sure is a money maker?
Think carefully?
In order to do what they claim they can easily do, they must reduce the human to a machine;
"NothING different between a human and a machine - just a few more lines of code"
But it's impossible in principle;
"StoppING problem" with a computational machine
( that's why they claim now a quantum machine will do it; but by very definition quantum machine does not do their biddING; (also, apparently (said to be) very weak on results as compared to convention computational machines at this time)
In order to "do" this hard AI, they have to deny consciousness exists.
That's why they claim humans are unconscious, programmed entities, no free will (cf the assistant of Klaus S. said this in public, and it's on tape)
"Humans = sophisticated computational machines" is their false premise.
They are so stupid they fail to grasp that they themselves are conscious entities;
Another failure / irony of the TRANShumanists?
They are usually very ugly (and immoral) but presume to eventually be in charge of all breedING of all humans.
And believe they can control the outcome to their likING
(cf Frankenstein's Monster was predictive programmING / journalism"?)
#16749590 at 2022-07-17 11:48:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21127: Just Call It The Midterm Variant! Edition
'3. Robots with human intelligence will be common within 50 years. Such artificially intelligent robots may one day possess levels of intelligence far greater than that of humans'
Their ultimate PIPE DREAM - to create life.
They've been yakkn about this for more than 100 years;
GOLIM , Frankenstein's dream
The dreams of a deluded atheist.
will never happen; keep missING their deadlines - because….
They work with incorrect premises.
Garbage in - Garbage out
But con-ING people sure is a money maker?
Think carefully?
In order to do what they claim they can easily do, they must reduce the human to a machine;
"NothING different between a human and a machine - just a few more lines of code"
But it's impossible in principle;
"StoppING problem" with a computational machine
( that's why they claim now a quantum machine will do it; but by very definition quantum machine does not do their biddING; (also, apparently (said to be) very weak on results as compared to convention computational machines at this time)
In order to "do" this hard AI, they have to deny consciousness exists.
That's why they claim humans are unconscious, programmed entities, no free will (cf the assistant of Klaus S. said this in public, and it's on tape)
"Humans = sophisticated computational machines" is their false premise.
They are so stupid they fail to grasp that they themselves are conscious entities;
Another failure / irony of the TRANShumanists?
They are usually very ugly (and immoral) but presume to eventually be in charge of all breedING of all humans.
#16745648 at 2022-07-16 18:02:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21122: Easy Like Saturday Morning E=BAKE
SOROS also supports BDS of Israel…..
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157] AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158] He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism. Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism. Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
Now you know why P = is important
Smart Anons know why P absolutely fuckING must = Payseur as the Alternative is HorrifyING for 1.3 Garillion Sheeple.
#16742434 at 2022-07-16 04:29:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21118: RINOs out with a “report” claiming there was no fraud in 2020? Edition
Why do you put up all those F—ING retards?
#16739008 at 2022-07-15 19:06:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21113: Non Binary Edition
Why A Federal Judge Shouldn't Toss The Case EnablING Stefan Halper To Pretend Russia Collusion Was Real
HidING behind his lawyers and hopING to avoid questionING about his role in SpyGate, former confidential human source Stefan Halper implies in his most recent court filING that the Russia collusion story peddled durING the 2016 election and after was "substantially truth."
Later this mornING, a federal judge in Virginia will consider Halper's latest attempt to toss the lawsuit Svetlana Lokhova filed against him in December of 2020, which claims that the former confidential human source defamed her and alleges tortiously interference with a book contract she had.
This lawsuit represents the second case Lokhova filed against Halper, with her earlier defamation case against Halper and numerous media outlets dismissed because she waited too long to sue the majority of the defendants; the two timely claims failed because one isolated article was not defamatory and the final defendant was not responsible for a non-employee's tweets.
After the district court dismissed her first lawsuit, Lokhova filed a second complaint in December 2020 against only Halper. In her second case, branded Lokhova II, the Russian-born British citizen, author, and academic again alleged defamation and tortious interference with contract claims.
Specifically, Lokhova's second lawsuit alleged that "in March 2020, when Halper learned of the book" Lokhova was writING about Halper, "he directed his counsel, Terry Reed, to contact Post Hill Press and Simon & Schuster solely for the purposes of 'quash[ING] publication and cancel[lING] the Book Contract.'" Reed then allegedly "contacted [Simon & Schuster] and [Post Hill Press] and falsely accused [them] of defamING Halper in the marketING materials."
The complaint further alleged that through the letters, Halper "defamed and disparaged" Lokhova to the publishers and falsely accused her of "knowINGly publishING" statements that were "false." Additionally, it alleged that "Halper escalated the threats and intimidation to [Simon & Schuster's] parent company, CBS Corporation." The complaint in Lokhova II concluded that Halper's accusations were untrue and that "[t]he sole purpose of Halper's actions was to interfere with [Lokhova's] Book Contract and induce [Post Hill Press] to terminate the Contract," which it ultimately did after facING irresistible pressure from Simon & Schuster.
#16738233 at 2022-07-15 16:45:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21112: EBAKE Edition
<undermine PDJTrump and MAGA 1st.
u$ING Pence's NAME, as a wrap-up-smear bru$h …
#16731627 at 2022-07-14 17:42:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21104: They Want Us DIVIDED, Together We Are STRONG Edition
Saudi-Israeli normalization 'inevitable' - ex-US ambassador
Riyadh and "Tel Aviv" normalizING ties is "inevitable," former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Joseph Westphal said Monday, urgING US President Joe Biden to mend ties with the kINGdom durING his upcomING trip to the Gulf state.
"I think [normalization is] comING, that's absolutely comING, and it's inevitable. It's inevitable," Westphal told The National News on Monday. Westphal used to be WashINGton's ambassador to Saudi Arabia durING the Obama administration from 2014 until 2017.
Recent efforts, such as a push by the Biden administration ahead of Biden's trip to the region that will kick off today, have opened the door for the bolsterING of ties.
The inevitability of normalization stems from the shift in Saudi Arabia's policy that will take place when Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman takes the place of his father, KING Salman, Westphal said, callING the matter a "generational shift" while also citING Riyadh and "Tel Aviv's" common security and economic interests.
"KING Salman, who I got to know very well when I was there as ambassador and have huge respect for him, he is from the generation that really believes that we should do more to help the Palestinian people," he added. MBS, though, "is of a different generation that sees the world with a different set of lenses."
Saudi's policy, he said, will eventually shift as long as WashINGton continues workING in West Asia and "support[ING] the Palestinian people."
Saudi Arabia and the Israeli occupation have been workING closely together in technology, cyberspace, economy, and security, he said, hintING that Riyadh and "Tel Aviv" would grow closer soon.
Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia was described by the former diplomat as "extremely important" in the context of bilateral, regional, and global politics, especially in light of the schism that exists between WashINGton and Riyadh.
Over the past year and a half, ties between the United States and Saudi Arabia have been deterioratING in light of the killING of Jamal Khashoggi and the kINGdom's position on oil production, especially followING the start of the Ukraine war.
Riyadh has rebuffed requests by the United States for more oil, as Saudi Arabia has the potential of easING pressure on supply and prices, which would mitigate the current economic crisis.
"[Biden] is a bridge builder. He did it for years and years in the Senate, with Republican opponents and sometimes with his own Democrats who opposed him. He will come around and find a way to work with Prince Mohammed and to restore this relationship in a positive [manner]," the former diplomat said.
He proceeded to highlight the "sweepING social and economic reforms" enacted by MBS in Saudi Arabia, hailING the "progress" he made. "He's made mistakes and he's realized those mistakes and now it's time to you to put everythING on the table."
Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia will see him attendING a GCC meetING on Saturday, durING which he will mainly discuss security and regional "defense", he said, notING that the US plays a unique role in the region's security.
"It focuses on thINGs like security, cyber security, intelligence, as well as economic trade and development. In other words, to create a better union of these countries to protect the trade routes," he said regardING the Gulf Cooperation Council meetING.
"This would be just the beginnING, the first step, then we will send the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, the secretary of commerce, engage the private sector and others within the region to talk about how we work on all these issues," Westphal stressed.
Reports about Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia visit - ironically - come the same day as White House Spokeswoman Karen Jean-Pierre said Biden's remarks about Saudi Arabia, which he described as a "pariah", still stood.
The Biden admin has been cooperatING closer and closer with Saudi Arabia in recent months, especially on the Saudi-led war on Yemen, as WashINGton pushed Riyadh to extend an armistice with Sanaa. Biden also went as far as praisING the role of Saudi officials in the armistice, sayING that the country "demonstrated courageous leadership" just because it decided to stop droppING bombs on Yemeni civilians - as it has been doING for nearly a decade.
#16725302 at 2022-07-13 05:31:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21096: EBake Edition
From August 12, 2021:
'The Russians have videos of me doING crazy f***ING sex!' Hunter Biden is seen in unearthed footage tellING prostitute that Russian drug dealers stole ANOTHER of his laptops ... BIDEN CRIME FAMILY!
After filmING himself havING sex with the woman usING his laptop in January 2019, Hunter left the camera rollING as he recounted a Vegas bender in which he spent '18 days goING round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite,' sometimes costING $10,000 a night.
Hunter Biden claimed Russians stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosING in a Las Vegas hotel room, DailyMail.com can reveal.
The alleged incident would mean Hunter lost a total of three computers - the first abandoned at a Delaware computer store and the second seized by federal agents - each likely to hold sensitive information on President Joe Biden and the embarrassING pictures, videos and communications of his son.
The third laptop still appears to be missING - and was taken by Russian drug dealers after they partied with Hunter in Vegas, he told a prostitute in a conversation caught on camera.
Hunter lost a total of three computers, each likely to hold sensitive information on President Joe Biden
Videos of conversation with the hooker are in the article (blurred out):
#16722399 at 2022-07-12 12:45:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21092: the over-population lie exposed, cure? cull the elites edition
BooING and hecklING him is like you-ING a shill.
He just takes them to his bosses like a trophies.
#16718167 at 2022-07-11 22:44:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21086: dumb found ded Edition
>>16717157 pb
>you can still learn to meme.
I'll gladly take your suggestion to learn to meme and "go for the upcom[g]ING sextuple sevens."
If anyone would be so kind as to pass on how to upload photos and memes without accidentally includING doxxING info, I'd be much obliged.
#16715023 at 2022-07-11 14:03:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21082: Glorious New Week Ahead Edition
Part 4 of 4
Among other issues discussed in the Carter Commission's election-confidence report was the use of absentee ballots. Initially, the Commission questioned whether mail-in votING would even increase access, writING, "there is no evidence that it significantly expands participation in federal elections." However, even assumING mail-in ballots increased access, the bipartisan group warned that vote-by-mail is "likely to increase the risks of fraud," with absentee ballotING "vulnerable to abuse in several ways," such as when "blank ballots [are] mailed to the wrong address or to large residential buildINGs," as they "might get intercepted." In fact, the committee noted that "absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud," pointING to a "notorious" case involvING Miami's mayoral election. "States therefore should reduce the risks of fraud and abuse in absentee votING by prohibitING 'third-party' organizations, candidates, and political party activists from handlING absentee ballots. States also should make sure that absentee ballots received by election officials before Election Day are kept secure until they are opened and counted."…
The state legislature, in adoptING rules to govern absentee votING, further stressed "that the privilege of votING by absentee ballot must be carefully regulated to prevent the potential for fraud or abuse; to prevent overzealous solicitation of absent electors who may prefer not to participate in an election; to prevent undue influence on an absent elector to vote for or against a candidate or to cast a particular vote in a referendum; or other similar abuses." Wisconsin lawmakers then declared that "ballots cast in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be counted," and that "ballots counted in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be included in the certified result of any election."
The WEC's approval of drop boxes not only ignored the legislatively mandated rules for absentee votING but exponentially increased the risk of voter fraud that exists when absentee ballots are returned by the U.S. Postal Service or personally delivered to an election clerk. Whereas an individual returnING numerous absentee ballots to a clerk or mailING them together in one lot would raise suspicions, and be susceptible to discovery, with unmanned drop boxes, there is no similar check on the behavior. Further, drop boxes provide a perfect target for those who may wish to intercept votes, with the contents entirely consistING of ballots.
Yet three Wisconsin Supreme Court justices ignored not merely the state's legislative mandateand the increased risk of fraud, but also discarded any concern for election integrity. The dissents in Teigen likewise ignore another fundamental that underlies free and fair elections also highlighted by the Carter Commission: the necessity that the right to vote be "privately exercised." AllowING third parties to collect and return ballots violates the ideal of the private ballot….
The dissent in Teigen also condemned a third premise underlyING the Carter Commission's bipartisan report, further revealING the dangerous divide our country now faces. In "BuildING Confidence in U.S. Elections," Democrats and Republicans both unanimously endorsed two related fundamental principles: "First, 'elections are the heart of democracy' and 'if elections are defective, the entire democratic system is at risk.' Second, and a corollary to the first: confidence in elections matters equally, and in fact 'is central to our nation's democracy.'"
On this second point, the commission expanded: "Democracy is endangered when people believe that their votes do not matter or are not counted correctly," and, "Little can undermine democracy more than a widespread belief among the people that elections are neither fair nor legitimate."
The three dissentING Supreme Court justices in Teigen, however, condemned the majority for, what it claimed was, their "blithely and erroneously seek[ING] to sow distrust in the administration of our elections..." However, as the Carter Commission made clear in its report, it is the lack of adequate safeguards that breeds distrust.
The growING distrust in elections made "election reform" urgent, accordING to the Commission. Yet, "the 2005 report reveals that every concern the commission identified as threatenING the legitimacy of elections played out in November 2020," with the decision in Teigen exposING the massive problems with absentee votING that occurred in the last presidential contest…
#16712067 at 2022-07-11 01:57:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21079: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Edition
>>16710572 Ntd: Biden Considers DeclarING a National Health Emergency in Response to Abortion RulING
>>16710581, >>16710873 Benny Johnson: Hunter Biden arguING with a hooker about how much crack he has
>>16710595, >>16710608, >>16710655 Dutch distribution center (EV) blockaded by farmers a few days ago goes up in flames! (videos)
>>16710597, >>16710611, >>16710623 Nypost: Bill De Blasio walks alone after givING up NYPD bodyguards
>>16710609, >>16710634 ZH: Chinese Bank Run Turns Violent After Angry Crowd Storms Bank of China Branch Over Frozen Deposits
>>16710689 Smh.com: Australia: National security cited to keep Barilaro documents secret
>>16710690 WashINGtonexaminer: Dig for Georgia Guidestones time capsule adds to mystery
>>16710729 Jerone4Congress: Black GOP pastor fights 'Democrats in Klan hoods' with AR-15 in campaign ad
>>16710745 Childrenshealthdefense: Uruguay Halts COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids Under 13, Judge Demands Government Officials Turn Over Pfizer Contracts
>>16710752 TGP: Liz Cheney Funded by Obama and Hillary Donors in WyomING Primary
>>16710758 PDJT @TS: Why is it that the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks refuses to investiate the fact that crazy Nancy Pelosi rejected my strong recommendation
>>16710763 Sputnik: Liz Truss Announces Her Candidacy for UK Prime Minister
>>16710774 RT: Former Polish president suggests reducING Russia's population
>>16710811 Middleeasteye: Saudi dissident killed in Lebanon, says opposition party
>>16710824 ClockfagL Hillbags comING up this Saturday on QClock. very, very bad gurl
>>16710884 Cernovich: Hunter Biden wanted to get caught. That was his only true way of punishING his father. Why he needs to do this ... that's a question for "Peter."
>>16710888 Henrik almgren: Huge fire coverING 100 hectares in wheat field in Timis/Romania. Just a coincidence. (mp4)
>>16710908 Lewis Brackpool : A fire has spread rapidly at a "picnic" facility in Almelo. Picnic in the Netherlands, is a supermarket company funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that delivers groceries with small electric cars
>>16711053 Devin Nunes puts up a poll on TS: Who's to blame for the CA fires?
>>16711061 Ninnyd101: When an Advisor to a former French President went on record to reveal the depopulation agenda (mp4)
>>16711075 Wfaa.com: Yosemite fire grows as crews protect iconic sequoias
>>16711080 Breitbart: Billboards ReadING 'Alaska Is Ours' Pop Up In Russia
>>16711099 John Soloman retweets Justthenews: 4chan users claim hack of Hunter Biden's iCloud account, start leakING alleged screenshots
>>16711125 Nypost: Tennessee volunteer firefighter Leslie Roy Winchester charged with settING fires at church, Masonic Lodge
>>16711160 TGP: AVOID AT ALL COSTS: "Thor Love and Thunder" - Unless You Like Woke Movies Where Even the Rock People are Gay and HavING Babies and The Queen is a "KING"
>>16711201 Breitbart: 10K Migrants Cross into Texas Border Town in Six Days
>>16711747 #21077
>>16709860 Axios: Shinzo Abe's political party wins supermajority in parliamentary elections
>>16709913 ContinuING from the Nancy Pelosi bred that was hijacked (video)
>>16709936 Breitbart: KinzINGer Says in 10 Years There Won't Be a SINGle Trump Supporter
>>16709985 Applicantpro: Bohemian Grove Summer Encampment July 11th- July 31st 2022
>>16710091 Palmbeachdailynews: Former U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis says Americans must unite in response to Russian invasion of Ukraine
>>16710093 Uk.news.yahoo: Fire burns in Rome archaeological park
>>16710115 Sunday MornING Talk Shows 2022-07-10
>>16710147 Joel Berry: The WashINGton Post turned the Jan 6. testimony into a comic book and it's absolutely hilarious
>>16710183 Conservativetreehouse: Used Car Repossession Rates Double for Both Sub-Prime and Prime Borrowers, Indicates Trouble on Main Street
>>16710197 DOD: USNavy sailors assigned to #NavalSpecialWarfare Group 8 display the flag while performING dive operations from the fast-attack submarine, USS New Mexico, in the Atlantic Ocean
>>16710203 TGP: Facebook Was Just CAUGHT RED HANDED - Faces Lawsuit for SharING User 'Deleted Messages' (video)
>>16710230 Theeconomiccollapseblog: Now An Outbreak Of The Marburg Virus Has Begun
>>16710283 AP via Jphn Basham: A growING number of people in Western nations have lost faith in democratic governance, science and a free press, turnING instead to conspiracy theories, dark plots and secret explanations
>>16710370 Hello-earth: Nikola Tesla FBI Vault and Margaret Storm - Return of the Dove: The Story of Freedom's Star Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla
>>16710407 Usnews: White House Confirms Biden Trip to Saudi Arabia Despite Domestic Outrage
>>16710491 Potato: Republicans are doING nothING but obstructING our efforts to crack down on gas-price gougING, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs
>>16711342 #21076
>>16707517 Citizens.news: How the media secretly carries out assignments for the CIA
>>16707524 This is the twitch account of the Hunter Biden iCloud leaker.Some of his streams are still up, for now (use caution)
>>16707528 PDJT ReTruths: Any church that is pro-abortion and against tehe overturnING of #RoeVsWade that claims to be Christian - is not
>>16707537, >>16707548, >>16707580 Pbs.org: Biden visits CIA headquarters to mark agency's 75th anniversary (video)
>>16707555 Abbott announces additional $30 million to boost local border security efforts
>>16707571 Ezra Cohen retwwets The Economist: New data suggest that the damage from shuttING down schools has been worse than almost anyone expected
>>16707593 Justthenews: NIH division spends $413,000 to study effect of climate change on mental health of the young
>>16707618 KanekoaTheGreat retweets Childrenshealthdfense: Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud
>>16707620 Conservativetreehouse: If They Lose, You Will Eat Bugs - Dutch Farmer Spokesperson Explains How EU Climate Change Goals Will Reduce Farm Production (video)
>>16707627 RT: Le Pen blasts reverse effect of anti-Russia sanctions
>>16707666 TGP: President Donald Trump reportedly waived Executive Privilege and will allow Steve Bannon to speak to Liz Cheney and the sham January 6 Committee
>>16707681 Abc.net.au: China's Foreign Minister blames Morrison government for poor relations, tells Penny Wong to 'treat us as a partner, not a threat'
>>16707710 TGP: Sen. Ron Johnson: The FBI Had Hunter Biden's Computer Since Dec. 2019 - They Havent "Done Squat With It"
>>16707738 TGP: Arson Fire Set at Catholic Church in DC Suburb of Bethesda, Maryland; Same Church and Nearby Methodist Church Attacked Night Before
>>16707751 News.com.au: Thousands of Australian companies folded last financial year as collapse nightmare worsens
>>16707817 Conservativenation: Look Out Hunter, Dr. Jill is GoING to Be Mighty ANGRY About This
>>16707988, >>16709518 PDJT @TS: Sarah Palin, not surprisINGly, brought great energy and verve to our totally sold out +++ rally last night in Anchorage She endorsed me early on in 2016, and it was an Endorsement that meant a lot, both to me and to the voters
>>16708042, >>16709517 TGP" "Hey, Where Your F***ING TrainING Wheels At?" - Joe Biden Heckled on Bike Ride in Delaware (mp4)
>>16709385 Liboftiktok: A Minnesota high school had a 'drag day' for Pride month where students were encouraged to come dressed in drag
>>16709403 Midnight Rider Channel re: Jankowicz on CNN: The disinformation board was a victim of disinformation go figure
>>16709439 Conservativebrief: 'Impeachable' Offense Biden Scrutinized By Republican Congressmembers For China Petroleum Deal
>>16709454 Wnd: Health minister wants to be able to KILL children up to age 12! Proposal made to 'alleviate' sufferING of those with serious illnesses
>>16709531 TGP: AP Fact Checks Meme JokING About Shinzo Abe HavING Information That Could Lead to the Arrest of Hillary Clinton
>>16709515 Lauren Rankin of Teen Vogue provided a detailed guide entitled "How to Get an Abortion If You're a Teen After Roe v. Wade Was Overturned"
>>16709523, >>16709548, >>16709549 PDJT @ TS: Wow, MorING Joe is tankING badly | In any event, these numbers are in the "Sleepy Eyes" Chuck Todd category
>>16709540 Planefag: CTM1275 France MIL in Alaska too
>>16709562 American Beauty: MSNBC hack accidentally slips up and admits the DC globalist elites hope that President Trump dies
>>16709566, >>16709588, >>16709615, >>16709665, >>16709684 Big fire, possible explosion, in Rome
>>16709584 TGP" As our nation faces economic collapse and our greatest enemies literally engage in war games in our backyard, US Military and Defense leaders are focusING on the important thINGs - mainly, creatING "safe spaces", pushING radical leftist ideologies, and - of course - purgING the ranks of all dissenters
>>16709599 Usatoday: Oprah mourns the death of her father Vernon Winfrey: 'He felt the love and reveled in it'
>>16709764 Clockfag: JFK Jr. Plane Crash, 23PAIN, HRC & WITCH HUNT
>>16709796 TGP: Biden Calls for More Pro-Abortion Protests
>>16711334 #21075
Previously Collected
>>16709208 #21074
>>16705083 #21071, >>16706214 #21072, >>16706614 #21073
>>16704304 #21070, >>16705083 #21071, >>16706214 #21072
>>16701993 #21067, >>16702750 #21068, >>16703520 #21069
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#16711970 at 2022-07-11 01:47:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21078: Voodoo Chile Ebake Edition
Democrat-Aligned Operative Behind Twitter Account 'PatriotTakes' Gets EXPOSED - Connected to Soros, Other Major Dark Money Donors
An investigation by independent journalists Kyle Clifton and Greyson Arnold has exposed the anonymous social media account 'PatriotTakes' connections to dark money, Soros fundING, and Clinton PACs, as well as, shady hirING practices, family secrets, and much more.
PatriotTakes, which has more than 400,000 followers on Twitter, claims to "combat right-wING threats" to democracy by "research[ING], monitor[ING], and expose[ING] the extremism and radicalization of the far-right across the darkest parts of the internet."
In other words, the account solely exists to dig up dirt by way of selectively editING clips and takING thINGs out of context to whip up the hysterical cancel mob - aka. the woke 'hitman.' What we really see is that PatriotTakes is beING used as a propaganda tool to circulate disinformation and create violent division against America First Republicans.
Throughout its existence, PatriotTakes has been propped up and aided by the powers that be, which has allowed it to amass a massive followING online. The anonymous account is regularly cited by mainstream media outlets in an effort to promote its content and it recently began accessING massive amounts of capital after startING fundraisING through its own Political Action Committee (PAC). Since April 2021, PatriotTakes has been solicitING donations via the radical Left's 'ActBlue' platform, which "enables left-leanING nonprofits, Democratic candidates, and progressive groups to raise money from individual donors on the Internet by providING them with online fundraisING software."
The move to establish itself with fundraisING capabilities allowed Kyle Clifton to search through FEC records for the PatriotTakes PAC and uncover the face behind the anonymous Twitter account - PAC treasurer Amy Wills Gray of Michigan.
Amy Gray is no stranger to runnING these types of organizations as she is listed as a treasurer for over half a dozen different Democrat Super PACs, all of which are registered to the same small town PO Box in her hometown.
As part of her work, Gray transacts millions of dollars in dark money deals through these PACs. For example, she received over a quarter-million dollars in donations from two of the most notorious dark money donors, George Soros and Amy Goldman Fowler.
Additionally, Gray's 'OpenSecrets' employment history reveals deep ties to the Clintons. She worked alongside Hillary for over a decade through her PAC work and even under direct employment.
In addition to runnING PatriotTakes, Gray is currently in charge of the Super PAC 'Ready For Hillary' where, interestINGly, they made zero expenditures for or against any candidate.
Instead, expenses went solely towards salaries and consultING. This raises the question of money launderING and misappropriation of PAC funds.
#16711334 at 2022-07-11 00:39:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21078: Voodoo Chile Ebake Edition
Previous Bread Notables #21075
>>16707517 Citizens.news: How the media secretly carries out assignments for the CIA
>>16707524 This is the twitch account of the Hunter Biden iCloud leaker.Some of his streams are still up, for now (use caution)
>>16707528 PDJT ReTruths: Any church that is pro-abortion and against tehe overturnING of #RoeVsWade that claims to be Christian - is not
>>16707537, >>16707548, >>16707580 Pbs.org: Biden visits CIA headquarters to mark agency's 75th anniversary (video)
>>16707555 Abbott announces additional $30 million to boost local border security efforts
>>16707571 Ezra Cohen retwwets The Economist: New data suggest that the damage from shuttING down schools has been worse than almost anyone expected
>>16707593 Justthenews: NIH division spends $413,000 to study effect of climate change on mental health of the young
>>16707618 KanekoaTheGreat retweets Childrenshealthdfense: Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud
>>16707620 Conservativetreehouse: If They Lose, You Will Eat Bugs - Dutch Farmer Spokesperson Explains How EU Climate Change Goals Will Reduce Farm Production (video)
>>16707627 RT: Le Pen blasts reverse effect of anti-Russia sanctions
>>16707666 TGP: President Donald Trump reportedly waived Executive Privilege and will allow Steve Bannon to speak to Liz Cheney and the sham January 6 Committee
>>16707681 Abc.net.au: China's Foreign Minister blames Morrison government for poor relations, tells Penny Wong to 'treat us as a partner, not a threat'
>>16707710 TGP: Sen. Ron Johnson: The FBI Had Hunter Biden's Computer Since Dec. 2019 - They Havent "Done Squat With It"
>>16707738 TGP: Arson Fire Set at Catholic Church in DC Suburb of Bethesda, Maryland; Same Church and Nearby Methodist Church Attacked Night Before
>>16707751 News.com.au: Thousands of Australian companies folded last financial year as collapse nightmare worsens
>>16707817 Conservativenation: Look Out Hunter, Dr. Jill is GoING to Be Mighty ANGRY About This
>>16707988, >>16709518 PDJT @TS: Sarah Palin, not surprisINGly, brought great energy and verve to our totally sold out +++ rally last night in Anchorage She endorsed me early on in 2016, and it was an Endorsement that meant a lot, both to me and to the voters
>>16708042, >>16709517 TGP" "Hey, Where Your F***ING TrainING Wheels At?" - Joe Biden Heckled on Bike Ride in Delaware (mp4)
>>16709385 Liboftiktok: A Minnesota high school had a 'drag day' for Pride month where students were encouraged to come dressed in drag
>>16709403 Midnight Rider Channel re: Jankowicz on CNN: The disinformation board was a victim of disinformation go figure
>>16709439 Conservativebrief: 'Impeachable' Offense Biden Scrutinized By Republican Congressmembers For China Petroleum Deal
>>16709454 Wnd: Health minister wants to be able to KILL children up to age 12! Proposal made to 'alleviate' sufferING of those with serious illnesses
>>16709531 TGP: AP Fact Checks Meme JokING About Shinzo Abe HavING Information That Could Lead to the Arrest of Hillary Clinton
>>16709515 Lauren Rankin of Teen Vogue provided a detailed guide entitled "How to Get an Abortion If You're a Teen After Roe v. Wade Was Overturned"
>>16709523, >>16709548, >>16709549 PDJT @ TS: Wow, MorING Joe is tankING badly | In any event, these numbers are in the "Sleepy Eyes" Chuck Todd category
>>16709540 Planefag: CTM1275 France MIL in Alaska too
>>16709562 American Beauty: MSNBC hack accidentally slips up and admits the DC globalist elites hope that President Trump dies
>>16709566, >>16709588, >>16709615, >>16709665, >>16709684 Big fire, possible explosion, in Rome
>>16709584 TGP" As our nation faces economic collapse and our greatest enemies literally engage in war games in our backyard, US Military and Defense leaders are focusING on the important thINGs - mainly, creatING "safe spaces", pushING radical leftist ideologies, and - of course - purgING the ranks of all dissenters
>>16709599 Usatoday: Oprah mourns the death of her father Vernon Winfrey: 'He felt the love and reveled in it'
>>16709764 Clockfag: JFK Jr. Plane Crash, 23PAIN, HRC & WITCH HUNT
>>16709796 TGP: Biden Calls for More Pro-Abortion Protests
#16711301 at 2022-07-11 00:35:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21078: Voodoo Chile Ebake Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread; >>16050716 bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anythING borderline
>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, can insert in Options menu, shows when Q posts (use discernment)
>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q postING, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes
>>16559261 OP formattING now that Q is postING
>>16666573 PostING on TOR http://8kun.top.4o5xwl3fsmzwys7edqxtohvva6ikxc6h7wt7el4ar3d5om6k2zz7yaqd.onion/qresearch/catalog.html
OR http://8kun.top.4o5xwl3fsmzwys7edqxtohvva6ikxc6h7wt7el4ar3d5om6k2zz7yaqd.onion/qresearch/index.html
>>16710572 Ntd: Biden Considers DeclarING a National Health Emergency in Response to Abortion RulING
>>16710581, >>16710873 Benny Johnson: Hunter Biden arguING with a hooker about how much crack he has
>>16710595, >>16710608, >>16710655 Dutch distribution center (EV) blockaded by farmers a few days ago goes up in flames! (videos)
>>16710597, >>16710611, >>16710623 Nypost: Bill De Blasio walks alone after givING up NYPD bodyguards
>>16710609, >>16710634 ZH: Chinese Bank Run Turns Violent After Angry Crowd Storms Bank of China Branch Over Frozen Deposits
>>16710689 Smh.com: Australia: National security cited to keep Barilaro documents secret
>>16710690 WashINGtonexaminer: Dig for Georgia Guidestones time capsule adds to mystery
>>16710729 Jerone4Congress: Black GOP pastor fights 'Democrats in Klan hoods' with AR-15 in campaign ad
>>16710745 Childrenshealthdefense: Uruguay Halts COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids Under 13, Judge Demands Government Officials Turn Over Pfizer Contracts
>>16710752 TGP: Liz Cheney Funded by Obama and Hillary Donors in WyomING Primary
>>16710758 PDJT @TS: Why is it that the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks refuses to investiate the fact that crazy Nancy Pelosi rejected my strong recommendation
>>16710763 Sputnik: Liz Truss Announces Her Candidacy for UK Prime Minister
>>16710774 RT: Former Polish president suggests reducING Russia's population
>>16710811 Middleeasteye: Saudi dissident killed in Lebanon, says opposition party
>>16710824 ClockfagL Hillbags comING up this Saturday on QClock. very, very bad gurl
>>16710884 Cernovich: Hunter Biden wanted to get caught. That was his only true way of punishING his father. Why he needs to do this ... that's a question for "Peter."
>>16710888 Henrik almgren: Huge fire coverING 100 hectares in wheat field in Timis/Romania. Just a coincidence. (mp4)
>>16710908 Lewis Brackpool : A fire has spread rapidly at a "picnic" facility in Almelo. Picnic in the Netherlands, is a supermarket company funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that delivers groceries with small electric cars
>>16711053 Devin Nunes puts up a poll on TS: Who's to blame for the CA fires?
>>16711061 Ninnyd101: When an Advisor to a former French President went on record to reveal the depopulation agenda (mp4)
>>16711075 Wfaa.com: Yosemite fire grows as crews protect iconic sequoias
>>16711080 Breitbart: Billboards ReadING 'Alaska Is Ours' Pop Up In Russia
>>16711099 John Soloman retweets Justthenews: 4chan users claim hack of Hunter Biden's iCloud account, start leakING alleged screenshots
>>16711125 Nypost: Tennessee volunteer firefighter Leslie Roy Winchester charged with settING fires at church, Masonic Lodge
>>16711160 TGP: AVOID AT ALL COSTS: "Thor Love and Thunder" - Unless You Like Woke Movies Where Even the Rock People are Gay and HavING Babies and The Queen is a "KING"
>>16711201 Breitbart: 10K Migrants Cross into Texas Border Town in Six Days
>>16711747 #21077
>>16709860 Axios: Shinzo Abe's political party wins supermajority in parliamentary elections
>>16709913 ContinuING from the Nancy Pelosi bred that was hijacked (video)
>>16709936 Breitbart: KinzINGer Says in 10 Years There Won't Be a SINGle Trump Supporter
>>16709985 Applicantpro: Bohemian Grove Summer Encampment July 11th- July 31st 2022
>>16710091 Palmbeachdailynews: Former U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis says Americans must unite in response to Russian invasion of Ukraine
>>16710093 Uk.news.yahoo: Fire burns in Rome archaeological park
>>16710115 Sunday MornING Talk Shows 2022-07-10
>>16710147 Joel Berry: The WashINGton Post turned the Jan 6. testimony into a comic book and it's absolutely hilarious
>>16710183 Conservativetreehouse: Used Car Repossession Rates Double for Both Sub-Prime and Prime Borrowers, Indicates Trouble on Main Street
>>16710197 DOD: USNavy sailors assigned to #NavalSpecialWarfare Group 8 display the flag while performING dive operations from the fast-attack submarine, USS New Mexico, in the Atlantic Ocean
>>16710203 TGP: Facebook Was Just CAUGHT RED HANDED - Faces Lawsuit for SharING User 'Deleted Messages' (video)
>>16710230 Theeconomiccollapseblog: Now An Outbreak Of The Marburg Virus Has Begun
>>16710283 AP via Jphn Basham: A growING number of people in Western nations have lost faith in democratic governance, science and a free press, turnING instead to conspiracy theories, dark plots and secret explanations
>>16710370 Hello-earth: Nikola Tesla FBI Vault and Margaret Storm - Return of the Dove: The Story of Freedom's Star Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla
>>16710407 Usnews: White House Confirms Biden Trip to Saudi Arabia Despite Domestic Outrage
>>16710491 Potato: Republicans are doING nothING but obstructING our efforts to crack down on gas-price gougING, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs
>>16711342 #21076
>>16707517 Citizens.news: How the media secretly carries out assignments for the CIA
>>16707524 This is the twitch account of the Hunter Biden iCloud leaker.Some of his streams are still up, for now (use caution)
>>16707528 PDJT ReTruths: Any church that is pro-abortion and against tehe overturnING of #RoeVsWade that claims to be Christian - is not
>>16707537, >>16707548, >>16707580 Pbs.org: Biden visits CIA headquarters to mark agency's 75th anniversary (video)
>>16707555 Abbott announces additional $30 million to boost local border security efforts
>>16707571 Ezra Cohen retwwets The Economist: New data suggest that the damage from shuttING down schools has been worse than almost anyone expected
>>16707593 Justthenews: NIH division spends $413,000 to study effect of climate change on mental health of the young
>>16707618 KanekoaTheGreat retweets Childrenshealthdfense: Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud
>>16707620 Conservativetreehouse: If They Lose, You Will Eat Bugs - Dutch Farmer Spokesperson Explains How EU Climate Change Goals Will Reduce Farm Production (video)
>>16707627 RT: Le Pen blasts reverse effect of anti-Russia sanctions
>>16707666 TGP: President Donald Trump reportedly waived Executive Privilege and will allow Steve Bannon to speak to Liz Cheney and the sham January 6 Committee
>>16707681 Abc.net.au: China's Foreign Minister blames Morrison government for poor relations, tells Penny Wong to 'treat us as a partner, not a threat'
>>16707710 TGP: Sen. Ron Johnson: The FBI Had Hunter Biden's Computer Since Dec. 2019 - They Havent "Done Squat With It"
>>16707738 TGP: Arson Fire Set at Catholic Church in DC Suburb of Bethesda, Maryland; Same Church and Nearby Methodist Church Attacked Night Before
>>16707751 News.com.au: Thousands of Australian companies folded last financial year as collapse nightmare worsens
>>16707817 Conservativenation: Look Out Hunter, Dr. Jill is GoING to Be Mighty ANGRY About This
>>16707988, >>16709518 PDJT @TS: Sarah Palin, not surprisINGly, brought great energy and verve to our totally sold out +++ rally last night in Anchorage She endorsed me early on in 2016, and it was an Endorsement that meant a lot, both to me and to the voters
>>16708042, >>16709517 TGP" "Hey, Where Your F***ING TrainING Wheels At?" - Joe Biden Heckled on Bike Ride in Delaware (mp4)
>>16709385 Liboftiktok: A Minnesota high school had a 'drag day' for Pride month where students were encouraged to come dressed in drag
>>16709403 Midnight Rider Channel re: Jankowicz on CNN: The disinformation board was a victim of disinformation go figure
>>16709439 Conservativebrief: 'Impeachable' Offense Biden Scrutinized By Republican Congressmembers For China Petroleum Deal
>>16709454 Wnd: Health minister wants to be able to KILL children up to age 12! Proposal made to 'alleviate' sufferING of those with serious illnesses
>>16709531 TGP: AP Fact Checks Meme JokING About Shinzo Abe HavING Information That Could Lead to the Arrest of Hillary Clinton
>>16709515 Lauren Rankin of Teen Vogue provided a detailed guide entitled "How to Get an Abortion If You're a Teen After Roe v. Wade Was Overturned"
>>16709523, >>16709548, >>16709549 PDJT @ TS: Wow, MorING Joe is tankING badly | In any event, these numbers are in the "Sleepy Eyes" Chuck Todd category
>>16709540 Planefag: CTM1275 France MIL in Alaska too
>>16709562 American Beauty: MSNBC hack accidentally slips up and admits the DC globalist elites hope that President Trump dies
>>16709566, >>16709588, >>16709615, >>16709665, >>16709684 Big fire, possible explosion, in Rome
>>16709584 TGP" As our nation faces economic collapse and our greatest enemies literally engage in war games in our backyard, US Military and Defense leaders are focusING on the important thINGs - mainly, creatING "safe spaces", pushING radical leftist ideologies, and - of course - purgING the ranks of all dissenters
>>16709599 Usatoday: Oprah mourns the death of her father Vernon Winfrey: 'He felt the love and reveled in it'
>>16709764 Clockfag: JFK Jr. Plane Crash, 23PAIN, HRC & WITCH HUNT
>>16709796 TGP: Biden Calls for More Pro-Abortion Protests
>>16711334 #21075
>>16706666 dough #21074
>>16706744 I'm still in Alaska after an incredible Rally last night in Anchorage - djt t.s post
>>16706746 halfmind clown distraction event -hunter cloud topic (how many version of laptops have been dropped already, we have it all)
>>16706770, >>16706992, The American story isn't a simple one - biden twat and mp4 vid (never ask a simpleton moran to explain it)
>>16706852 The Netherlands is the proud host of the Global Co-ordination Secretariat ("GCS") for the worldwide network of Food Innovation Hubs', wrote Foodvalleyn - expose-news.com
>>16706928, >>16707007, djt letter to bannon wavie E. privilage allowING him to testify - djt t.s post
>>16707041 djt rally in alaska - rumble link (worth a watch) baker will take notes sometime this week. no note taker this week.
>>16707086, >>16707106, >>16707130, >>16707321, >>16707396, >>16707411, >>16707441, >>16707469, >>16707481, Kiev comments on US congresswoman's allegations - rt.com (news from russian newsfeeds)
>>16707097 French, German Leaders Warn Populations "Prepare For Total Cut-Off Of Russian Gas" As Social Unrest Looms - zerohedge
>>16707118, >>16707187, US Senators Meet With Ukrainian President, Discuss DesignatING Russia As "State Sponsor Of Terrorism" - zero hedge and western media assets news on ukraine and russia
>>16707120 Delaware Court of Chancery - Twitter/Musk Related bun
>>16707141 All Macau Casinos Will Shut Down Monday As COVID Outbreak Worsens - zerohedge (covid topic)
>>16707144 BEST NEWS REPORT ON THE FARMERS PROTEST IN DENMARK and GLOBAL - youtube sky australia
>>16707181 Utah Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation: The Mormon Church And Child Sexual Abuse - thefreethoughtproject.com
>>16707210, >>16707342, System, method and container delivery system for manipulatING the functionING of a target, Patent 11,164,677 - patft.uspto.gove, covid gene human targetING system
>>16707226 Election Fraud Documentary 'The Deep Rig' To Premiere in Naples Florida on July 21 - nationalfile (patrick byrne the clown effort)
>>16707230 US Money Committed to Ukraine Has Already Exceeded Cost of First 5 Years Afghan War - western journal
>>16707231 Donald Trump Calls Elon Musk a 'Bullshit Artist' at Alaska Rally - breitbart.com
>>16707244 Japan rulING party heads to victory in wake of Abe's death - breitbart (what a surprise)
>>16707245, >>16707270, In Oct 2020 we reported exclusively that Joe Biden used the pseudonym "Peter Henderson". - raheem kassam twat (aka the national pulse)
>>16707247 Pritzker: Ban Assault Weapons, High Capacity-Magazines Nationally - breitbart
>>16707262 German Court Confirms Mandatory Coronavirus Jabs for Military - breitbart
>>16707265, >>16707285, Germany's Leftist Govt Will Give Residency to 130,000 Failed Asylum Seekers - breitbart articles
>>16707298 Heinz-Alfred KissINGer (nickname Henry) revealed that world conquest by the Talmudists would be through FOOD, ENERGY and MONEY. - henrymakow.com
>>16707303 Soros Gets a Shock When He Tries to Buy Local Radio Station with Conservative - western journal
>>16707311 Hundreds Of Virginia Bureaucrats Quit After Youngkin Makes Them Show Up In-Person - yourdestinationnow.com kek
>>16707329 These websites are logged and tracked, and the government collects their metadata in various ways - jim watkins telegram
>>16707330 CHD Films Presents - Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda - rumble vid (africa 1st then you)
>>16707363 The first people to warn of Biden's age-based cognitive decline were inside-DC Dem operatives in 2019, worried Biden would get the nomination from name recognition - glenn greenwald thread on twat
>>16707372 NHTSA opens THIRTY-SEVENTH Tesla crash probe after couple from California were killed when their Model 3 smashed into back of Walmart truck in Florida - daily mail
>>16707378, >>16707412, fire in vatican city italy = teoanon telegram (4 hot spots) explosion
>>16707391 Guilty are Now HidING Humanitarian Catastrophe - Dr. Pierre Kory rumble vid and article
>>16709208 #21074 in #21075
>>16706336 Protesters broke through the front gate of Sri Lanka's Central Bank. - wall street silver twat (banks attacked)
>>16706480 Chinese protesters demandING bank deposits tussle with security men - reuters.com
>>16705916, >>16705918, Twitter's general counsel warns big-mouthed employees to shut up about Elon Musk deal - americanwirenews.com
>>16705925, >>16705955, >>16705972, >>16706117, >>16706293, >>16706333, hunter biden cloud hack topic - screen shots and moar
>>16705926, >>16705927, Trump sends letter to Jan 6 Committee allowING Bannon to publicly testify - the post millennal
>>16705959, >>16706049, >>16706063, New Sky KING images on dailymail - sky kING topic
>>16705982 planefags posts zulu 82
>>16705995, >>16706019, >>16706032, Vigan City Obelisk Struck by LightnING July 7, 2022 - 34 Satanic BuildINGs to be hit by Rods of God includING White House - youtube
>>16706046 Trump complains Biden's 2020 victory was 'mathematically impossible' in new documentary 'Unprecedented - daily mail
>>16706254 Trump Lawyer Says He Will Be Reinstated as President if GOP Win Midterms - newsweek hopium
>>16706106, >>16706101, >>16706132, >>16706147, >>16706149, >>16706163, Former Fox 'Medical A-Team' Psychiatrist Dr Keith Ablow Raided By DEA - newhounds.us(therapist topic)
>>16706129, >>16706510, trump in alaska - various media posts bun
>>16706167 Deadly brain-eatING amoeba found in Midwest beach as temperatures rise - foxweather.com (virus fear porn moneypox comING)
>>16706168 Naomi is the daughter of Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle. - hunter digz bun
>>16706206, >>16706303, At least 15 shot dead in South Africa bar - BBC News - youtube bbc
>>16706214 #21072 notes in full lb
>>16706264 FBI Director Christopher Wray claims Serious threat to western businesses': FBI warn China 'set on stealING your technology' -skynews.com (china topic)
>>16706276, >>16706330, Broad sense of frustration, anger, despair': Dutch farmers protest against nitrogen cuts - sky australia vid youtube (farmers protest global agenda 2030, baker nom)
>>16706366 Donald Trump's Shinzo Abe Tribute Speech Drowned Out by 'God Bless the USA' - newsweek.com
>>16706370 im still in alaska - trump t.s posts
>>16706413 Biden weighs authority to declare abortion-related public health emergency after Roe overturned - msn.com
>>16706418 AmazING Justice Clarence Thomas, i would rather die then withdraw from sc hearINGs - twat and mp4 vid
>>16706437 Dig for Georgia Guidestones time capsule adds to mystery - epoch times
>>16706456 Mick Mulvaney says he resigned on Jan. 6 because Trump "failed" as president - youtube
>>16706494, >>16706586, >>16706604, Nebraska news is wild, play by play post on twittera total og about 50 posts - Twat news thread
>>16706496 France prepares for total cutoff of Russian gas - nationalpost.com
>>16706540 Covid learnING loss has been a global disaster - the economist and ezra retweet
>>16706614 #21073
#16708042 at 2022-07-10 19:39:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21075: Fight Fight Fight Edition
"Hey, Where Your F***ING TrainING Wheels At?" - Joe Biden Heckled on Bike Ride in Delaware
#16707229 at 2022-07-10 18:07:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21074: The People Against the Banks, Focus on B.I.S & W.E.F. Edition
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157] AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158] He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism. Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism. Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
In a subsequent article for The New York Review of Books, Soros emphasized that
I do not subscribe to the myths propagated by enemies of Israel and I am not blamING Jews for anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism predates the birth of Israel. Neither Israel's policies nor the critics of those policies should be held responsible for anti-Semitism. At the same time, I do believe that attitudes toward Israel are influenced by Israel's policies, and attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressING divergent views.[164]
#16705930 at 2022-07-10 14:18:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21072: If a Biden commits crime abroad, and nobody reports on it... Edition
>>16705250, >>16705726
need sauce, damn[ING] NOTABLE
<>(purple/'royal') star of ishtar on inverted cross, fistING the womb of life, promotING infanticide/murder of the unborn
#16703763 at 2022-07-10 05:09:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21070: Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla Here Comes The BOOM Edition
>Are you literally tellING me that anythING dig worthy we find in Hunter's backup will be deleted here if we post it?
Depends, is your dig gonna include a bunch of links to child pron?
Probably, judgING by ya tone.
All I'm sayING is I got an entire bread nuked by notable-ING the Marco-Polo site
So you tell me, buddy!
#16702450 at 2022-07-10 02:12:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21068: Hit Them In The Fuckin' Center Of The Mueller Bullshit Edition
George Soros laid out the global elites' plan for usherING in what he called "a New World Order" durING an interview with the Financial Times. AccordING to Soros, China must lead this New World Order, "creatING it and ownING it," in the same way the United States "owns the current order."
Soros' plans for China are the exact opposite of Donald Trump's policies regardING the Asian giant. Trump has described China as a "currency manipulator" and outlined plans to correct the current situation of unfair competition and brING good jobs back to America. He has already angered the Chinese, speakING on the phone to President Tsai ING-wen of Taiwan - breakING with nearly four decades of U.S. protocol.
#16698741 at 2022-07-09 19:15:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21063: Training For Night Shift Yet? Edition
Probably both stocks will be rollercoasters. Which is what you want, if you're a day-trader. (Which I am not.)
Anyway, sidetrackING here, but …daytraders need to have absolutely NO EMOTION. And especially no emotional attachment to the stock. Just find a rollercoaster-ING stock and sell when it has upwards momentum, and then buy when it tumbles.
I always fuck-up the timING! lol
#16683235 at 2022-07-08 18:30:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20153: The Race Is On Ebake2 Edition
Austrian Minister of Health: Doctors are Liable for Jab Injuries
Austrian MP Mag. Gerald Hauser recently posed demandING questions to the country's Minister of Health Johannes Rauch concernING liability surroundING the COVID-19 jabs. Rauch's responses indicate that medical professionals-who blindly followed the "evidence-less" assurances from the ministry that the shots were safe-could very likely be held responsible in the event of vaccination damage.
Specifically, the Minister of Health's answers shows doctors would be required to provide adequate information about possible dangers and harmful consequences of the injections in advance so individuals can make an "informed and free decision." If they fail to do so, medical professionals could face penalties of up to 14,000 euros. AccordING to settled case law with the Austrian Supreme Court, Rauch further explained the implications for doctors, statING:
"The doctor is obligated to inform patients about the possible dangers and harmful consequences of the treatment. There is also an obligation to inform about vaccinations. Before the vaccination is carried out, there is an obligation to inform the person to be vaccinated and-if this [person] is not yet capable of makING decisions- one with legal representation in the area of the person entrusted with care and upbrINGING (legal guardian, usually a parent) about the disease to be prevented and the vaccination so that they can give consent to the vaccination."
Rauch, who mandated the injections for all Austrian citizens (and quietly ended the mandate in late June), documented that doctors must provide the information to protect the freedom of the decision of the person concerned. Rauch wrote that for individuals to be objectively enlightened, they should be given the information required to understand the nature, importance, and scope of a medical measure, includING COVID-19 "vaccines." When asked what are the consequences for doctors if they fail to provide patients with sufficient information, Rauch responded:
"This question can only be answered to the effect that a lack of clarification [is] a violation of medical standards represent[ING] professional duties. This can be administrative and/or disciplinary, be punished, and result in legal liability consequences."
The dispute between conservative Freedom Party member Hauser and progressive Green Alternative member Rauch over the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines" is not new. Wochenblick (WB) reported that as early as June 2021, vaccine damage liability could fall on doctors if the patient has not been sufficiently informed in advance about the potentially harmful consequences of the injection, such as the many well-known and severe side effects. AccordING to WB, Hauser has repeatedly stressed, "Vaccination is the problem, not the disease."
#16681842 at 2022-07-08 15:59:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21052: REEbake Edition
>Ah, but the good are doING somethING. They are showING the World just how bad the bad guys are. If you told them, they wouldn't believe you. Show them and they understand.
>How far as the reee-ING got you so far?
#16678820 at 2022-07-08 15:43:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21051: EBake
>People can live in Cause or Effect. Effect people are like Red Text Snowflake, constantly ree-ING about how shitty his or her life is. People that live in Cause say"My life is shit, I need to do somethING about it"- these people are Anons.
#16670573 at 2022-07-08 09:39:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21048: Abe's Condition Still Not Certain EditionQ Research General #21048: Abe's
Former Japan PM Shinzo Abe killed by gunman in campaign attack
Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe has died after beING shot at a campaign event in Nara on Friday.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recalled his cabinet to Tokyo to respond to one of the greatest political catastrophes of Japan's post-war era.
"This is the very foundation of democracy ... It cannot be tolerated," he said of the pre-election attack.
Late on Friday, Mr Abe, 67, Japan's longest servING prime minister, was confirmed dead.
Hours earlier, Prime Minister Kishida had said Mr Abe was in a "critical condition" after the "barbaric and malicious act".
"Doctors are doING everythING they can. I am hopING and prayING that former prime minister Abe will survive this," an emotional Mr Kishida told reporters in Tokyo hours before Mr Abe's death was confirmed.
Mr Abe had been transferred to Nara Medical University Hospital's intensive care unit after beING shot by what appeared to be a homemade weapon. He was seen bleedING and was unconscious after the incident.
The former prime minister had gunshot wounds on the right side of his neck and left side of his chest, accordING to Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency.
The suspect was immediately taken into police custody. He told police that he was dissatisfied with Mr Abe and intended to kill the former prime minister, accordING to public broadcaster NHK.
The shootING took place at around 11:30am in Nara, two days before a crucial upper house election that could allow Mr Kishida's rulING Liberal Democratic Party to revise Japan's pacifist constitution.
Mr Abe, a hugely influential figure in the LDP, has been the most prominent advocate for this change and was campaignING for a member of the rulING party when he was shot.
Mr Kishida declined to comment on the motive of the shooter, sayING he needed to wait on the result of the police's ongoING investigation of the "heinous act".
Nara Prefecture Police have arrested 41-year-old Nara resident Yamagami Tetsuya on suspicion of attempted murder.
NHK reported that the suspect is a former member of Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Forces.
Sounds of an apparent gunshot and plumes of smoke were visible in a video taken at the campaign event. Pictures from the scene show a man beING tackled to the ground.
Mr Abe was Japan's longest-servING prime minister, with two stints in office from 2006 to 2007 and 2012 to 2020.
He was the key architect of the Indo-Pacific strategy to counter China's increased assertiveness and a key driver of the Quad groupING.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the attack was "shockING news".
"Our thoughts are with his family and the people of Japan at this time," Prime Minister Albanese said.
Former prime ministers Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison worked closely with Mr Abe, as Tokyo and Canberra became increasINGly close strategic partners.
Since steppING down in 2020 because of ill-health, he has remained in Japan's parliament where he is the leader of the most powerful faction in the rulING Liberal Democratic Party.
He has repeatedly cautioned China against launchING an invasion on Taiwan and warned that Japan needs to do more to counter BeijING's military build up.
President Joe Biden's top diplomat Antony Blinken said the attack was a "very, very sad moment".
"Our thoughts, our prayers are with him, with his family, with the people of Japan," US secretary of state Blinken said on the sidelines of a G20 meetING on the Indonesian island of Bali.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was "deeply distressed by the attack" on his "dear friend"
Taiwanese president Tsai ING-wen said she was surprised and saddened by the news.
"Former Prime Minister Abe is not only a good friend of mine, but also a staunch friend of Taiwan's. He has supported Taiwan for many years," she said.
Japan has strict laws on gun ownership and shootINGs are rare.
Mr Abe was campaignING for LDP member Kei Sato, who is runnING for re-election in the Japanese upper house election on Sunday.
Japan's security and defence strategy has become a prominent issue in the campaign, followING Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's repeated warnINGs about the Indo-Pacific lessons from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Mr Abe has been the most influential advocate of the need for Japan to revise its pacifist constitution.
ChangING the constitution is extremely hard, requirING a two-thirds majority in both houses of parliament. In addition, any change requires a national referendum winnING a majority of public support.
#16661916 at 2022-07-07 17:30:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21040: She’s Back!! Edition
Roe rage hard af
She'll be masked and reee-ING in a few hours
#16657366 at 2022-07-07 16:12:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21039: Boris Johnson Steps Down Edition
this one of our racists?
Disneyland's Instagram and Facebook pages are taken over by 'super hacker' who shares racist posts and threatens black people with 'deadly virus' in revenge for 'staff mockING me for havING a small penis'
'Super hacker' David Do made racist posts on Disneyland's social media pages
His posts featured the n-word and threatened to kill black people
He also claimed responsibility for COVID-19 and said he is creatING a new virus
Do said the hack was part of his scheme to get revenge on Disney employees
The hack follows a slew of controversies involvING The Walt Disney Company
Disneyland's social media accounts have been hacked by a self-proclaimed 'super hacker' who made racists posts in an effort to seek 'revenge' on the theme park.
The hacker, who identified himself as David Do, took over the park's Instagram and Facebook accounts early Thursday mornING, makING a slew of derogatory posts threatenING black people.
He made multiple posts featurING the n-word, claimed to have invented COVID-19 and alleged he was workING on a new COVID20 virus.
He also revealed the attack was in revenge of Disney staff who mocked him 'for havING a small penis.'
Disney deleted the posts from its account - which has more than 8.4 million followers - within the hour.
The company did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com's request for comment or explain what happened.
The social media hack marks the latest controversy for The Walt Disney Company which recently sparred off with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis followING an employee walkout over the state's so-called Don't Say Gay bill.
Do made his first post Thursday around 3.50am PST allegING he was a super hacker 'here to brING revenge upon Disneyland.'
'I am f*ING tired of all these n* Disney employees mockING me for havING a small penis,' he posted. 'WHO'S THE TOUGH GUY NOW JEROME? GET HACKED YOU FING F****.'
In another post he said he he 'invented covid and blamed it on wuhan,' addING: 'Cuz f*** yall.'
'I am workING on Covid20 - You n* better hide before I release this new deadly virus,' he penned in another post, captionING a photo of black pallbearers carryING a coffin. 'With help of my crew DramaAlert @akademiks.'
He also shared an image of two men captioned 'u n* are watchING Disney Channel,' an apparent racist take on a mid-2000s promotion used by Disney's television station.
'Disney stars would say the popular catchphrase 'you're watchING Disney Channel' and draw the iconic mouse ears usING a magic wand.
'Disney land givING all u n* a discount,' he added. He shared two selfies on the account's stories, captionING one: 'KILL ALL N**S. DAVID DO IS HERE.'
The hacker also encouraged social media users to follow his private Instagram account @chi11estpanda.
The account is believed to belong David Do, however DailyMail.com has not yet confirmed if the Do associated with @chi11estpanda is responsible for the hack.
#16638940 at 2022-07-06 15:55:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21025: If At First You Don't Succeed... Edition
CallING me that is gona make me pick someone else.
Are you fuckING retarded?
You must be.
Want me to start meme-ING against his ass.
#16617850 at 2022-07-06 05:17:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21020: a little rest and they are back at it, bitcoin is been blown out.
#16616889 at 2022-07-06 03:22:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21019: full scale attack, spammer wars, winning habbens when over target
A 2nd Declaration Of Independence
by the 50 united states of America...
I can even provide with a READ
ING SO YOU DONT HAVE TO READ HERE: https://youtu.be/k0qfRINxoO4
ya lazy fuckING piece of shit anon who really needs to do MORE DIGGING!~
#16615479 at 2022-07-06 03:02:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21018: Ok baker is war with spammers, lets see how long you can go.
How gamING elites exploit gamblers
Both videogame developers and streamers encourage players to gamble away millions of dollars
The twin evils of the videogame industry - streamING service Twitch and game publisher Activision Blizzard - have reached new lows, crossING the threshold of user exploitation with the promotion of gamblING.
Not content with rakING in millions of dollars a day from the sales of their products, or in the case of Twitch, through advertisING to its streamING audience, these companies are now profitING from real-world addiction, and they're doING so by normalizING gamblING as a healthy activity.
One of Twitch's biggest streamers, Quebec-based Felix 'xQc' Lengyel - whose claim to fame came from professionally streamING the Activision Blizzard game 'Overwatch' - has recently come under fire for hostING sponsored streams for online casinos.
In a recent stream, Lengyel boasted that over $119 million had been wagered through his referral links to an online casino, used exclusively by members of his audience. His remarks attracted condemnation from fellow streamer Hasan Piker, who pointed out that the losses incurred by his viewers quite possibly resulted in him earnING more income from the sponsorship.
"A lot of these websites, Stake and all of them, if they have a code, if you are offerING a code, that means that Stake is trackING all of your losses, and you are gettING a percentage of your fanbase's losses," Piker said on stream. "That is quite literally the truth. That is how f*ING bad it is. They let you in on it, dude. They let you in on the losses of your f*ING fanbase."
GamblING streams by xQc are so popular that a sINGle six-hour stream has been estimated to have been viewed by approximately 98,500 people who spent a collective 550,000 hours watchING.
What's worse is that the streamer even admitted that a lot of the time, streamers who promote online casinos don't even spend any of their own money to gamble. In other words, they have no skin in the game - they're just there to promote the life-destroyING activity to their hapless viewers.
GamblING has become so popular on Twitch that the platform has even created a dedicated section to promote the activity - alongside its most popular video games like 'Overwatch', 'Hearthstone', and the newly launched 'Diablo Immortal', all of which are made by Activision Blizzard.
But how are gamblING and video games connected? For starters, some of Activision Blizzard's most popular video games all contain a gamblING component, requirING their players to spend real money to be competitive. While the gamblING in 'Overwatch', which comes in the form of "loot crates," offers purely cosmetic upgrades, the same can't be said of 'Hearthstone' and 'Diablo Immortal'.
#16603193 at 2022-07-05 16:08:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21008: CERN Opening the Portal Edition
I'm just bustING your hops for saut?ING the bread with Bobby D. The dude is just a hate machine, like you clowns. I'm not a jew or a zionist. I'm a witness. UsING hate to spread hate does not testify to a sound or logical argument. You mad bro? Is a jew hater any better than a jew lover? Evil doesn't have a passport. You guys are just spreadING hatred. Notice how I'm not defendING jews or zionists whatsoever. I'm just exposING the fact that you're just full of hate. We are where we are due to evil and hatred, not jews jews jews. Your attitude will be just as responsible for the comING calamity as the evil behind it. Stupid donkeys. It's clowns like you that will suck the mark of the antichrist's hand and make it your own, since he will likewise have a boner for Israel's destruction. Like it or not, when my Lord and Savior Jesus returns, He will take His seat on the throne in Solomon's temple. It's not my fault that you've given yourself over to seed of hatred that Satan himself has planted in your hearts. Y'all need to reassess your mentality. Don't get all pissy with me, take it up with the One that wrote the book. You wanna say the Bible is bs? Go ahead, and state plainly that it isn't the divinely inspired word of God. Do that and you deny Him as well. Youre not my creation, and I don't give a shit if you burn in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. He's separatING the wheat from the chaff, and I can be right here and watch Him do it. It's hilarious, watchING blind mice give each other runnING directions.
#16602915 at 2022-07-05 15:18:02 (UTC+1)
Hey Baker
This looks notable huh?
tree fiddy kek
Views on antisemitism and Israel'
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157] AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158] He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism. Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism. Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
In a subsequent article for The New York Review of Books, Soros emphasized that
I do not subscribe to the myths propagated by enemies of Israel and I am not blamING Jews for anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism predates the birth of Israel. Neither Israel's policies nor the critics of those policies should be held responsible for anti-Semitism. At the same time, I do believe that attitudes toward Israel are influenced by Israel's policies, and attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressING divergent views.[164]
#16592019 at 2022-07-04 01:58:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20994: Australian Banks Demand To Know What You Spend Their Money On? Edition
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784, >>16589908, >>16589981, >>16590092, >>16590097 Ukraine news
>>16590101, >>16589788, >>16590030, >>16590169 Mideast news
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports & distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades not even about homosexuality, about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts & other perverse stuff interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
>>16589911 ECOWAS lifts sanctions on Mali
>>16589936 The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE. Q2587, Dec 11, 2018
>>16589982 The 'Blue Anon' Cult Is Real and Those People are Cray-Cray
>>16589985 Ok now to talk about sex pref but not suddenly droppING dead in public
>>16589821, >>16589932, >>16590063, >>16590172 Nygard dig
>>16590071 SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant
>>16590149 Pompeo on 4th of July in Kansas
>>16590154, >>16590391 JFK airport evacuated over bomb scare on 4th of July weekend
>>16590171 WH reporters write letter demandING complete access to Presidential events
>>16590213 Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"
>>16590244, >>16590245, >>16590372 Global Stem Cell ManufacturING Market Research Report 2022
>>16590249 UK MoD threatens to cut off fuel suppliers over Russian oil usage
>>16590309 At Least Five Killed as Glacier Collapses in Italian #Alps
>>16590339 Scavino on FB
>>16590460 Biden: "women hold up half the world"
>>16590497 20991
#16591245 at 2022-07-04 00:07:52 (UTC+1)
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread; >>16050716 bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anythING borderline
>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, can insert in Options menu, shows when Q posts (use discernment)
>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q postING, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes
>>16559261 OP formattING now that Q is postING
>>16590559, >>16591105 New Dan Scavino on FB (pic) + is that a Pepe?
>>16590593 Ron DeSantis doING right again preservING FL's environment
>>16590701 Zookeepers at Cuba's National Zoo celebrated the birth of a rare baby white rhino - Reuters
>>16590751 Muh Third wave of COVID-19 could peak higher than second wave, Queensland Health Minister Yvette D'Ath says
>>16590755 Russian scientist Kolker held in spy probe dies of cancer
>>16590859, >>16590931 'Paedo' Peter Nygard [DRAGYN] 'wanted girlfriends to have abortions to use foetuses for age-defyING stem cell research' [Order of the Dragon?]
>>16590942 Clown agent Ilhan Omar GETS BOOED OFF THE STAGE
>>16590987 Maxwell ends fight to keep names secret of the eight people who headline the little black book, expected to be released followING a new development
>>16590999 Fire at the "Capital Towers" in the center of #Moscow on the QClock?
>>16591045 "it will be terrible, elon will ruin the 'culture' of twitter! How can we ever survive as a society?"
>>16591113 Hunter Biden's laptop shows contacts for Google execs, US officials on China: report
>>16591144, >>16591146 DefundING Wuhan: Congress quietly bans federal funds from labs in China, Russia and Iran
>>16591170 Australian banks want to know PRECISELY how customers will be spendING their money before allowING withdrawals
>>16591179 How many of these farms burnING down were really ChYnese?
>>16591217 @DineshDSouzaI to reveal the names of several of these nonprofit stash houses in his book "2000 Mules"comING in late August
>>16591231 #20992
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784, >>16589908, >>16589981, >>16590092, >>16590097 Ukraine news
>>16590101, >>16589788, >>16590030, >>16590169 Mideast news
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports & distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades not even about homosexuality, about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts & other perverse stuff interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
>>16589911 ECOWAS lifts sanctions on Mali
>>16589936 The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE. Q2587, Dec 11, 2018
>>16589982 The 'Blue Anon' Cult Is Real and Those People are Cray-Cray
>>16589985 Ok now to talk about sex pref but not suddenly droppING dead in public
>>16589821, >>16589932, >>16590063, >>16590172 Nygard dig
>>16590071 SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant
>>16590149 Pompeo on 4th of July in Kansas
>>16590154, >>16590391 JFK airport evacuated over bomb scare on 4th of July weekend
>>16590171 WH reporters write letter demandING complete access to Presidential events
>>16590213 Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"
>>16590244, >>16590245, >>16590372 Global Stem Cell ManufacturING Market Research Report 2022
>>16590249 UK MoD threatens to cut off fuel suppliers over Russian oil usage
>>16590309 At Least Five Killed as Glacier Collapses in Italian #Alps
>>16590339 Scavino on FB
>>16590460 Biden: "women hold up half the world"
>>16590497 20991
#16591208 at 2022-07-04 00:01:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20992: Netherlands Farmers FIGHT BACK! Edition
Why Bezos, Musk, Page and other billionaires want to live forever
Oct 2, 2021
"Almost two months after Jeff Bezos blasted off into space - debutING his rocket along with a new, plumper face - the Amazon honcho announced a new investment in Altos Labs, a startup dedicated to discoverING how to reverse the agING process.
While non-Botoxed eyebrows were raised around the world, Bezos isn't the only mega-wealthy man who wants to become Dorian Gray.
Eternal life has become the new space quest for the tech overlords.
"It's a little bit juvenile,"Rami Kaminski, MD,Kaminski, who is the founder and director of The Institute of Integrative Psychiatry (TiiPS). "You may go to Mars, but you cannot go out into the solar system. [These wealthy men] are limited. What they're tryING to do is get away from the mortal coil. Every day when you look in the mirror you are reminded you are made of carbon. It is degradING and has to be recycled."
Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder told Business Insider in 2012., "There are all these people who say that death is natural, it's just part of life, and I think that nothING can be further from the truth," notING that "death is a problem that can be solved."
Also on the hunt for the Fountain of Youth is Larry Page, one of the co-founders of Google. In 2013, Google founded Calico, a biology company with the stated goal of "solv[ING] death." The company, accordING to its Web site, "Seek(s) to answer the most challengING biological questions of our time - how humans age and can we develop interventions to allow people. To live longer, healthier lives."
Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2021/10/02/why-bezos-musk-page-and-other-billionaires-want-to-live-forever/
This stem cell thING runs deep and wide…They have all the money in the World but they want immortality. Not their names, their actual bodies.
Anon's assumption is all of these characters are Intel assets in one shape or another thus this is the DS play. And we pay for it all.
#16590515 at 2022-07-03 21:57:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20992: Netherlands Farmers FIGHT BACK! Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread; >>16050716 bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anythING borderline
>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, can insert in Options menu, shows when Q posts (use discernment)
>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q postING, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes
>>16559261 OP formattING now that Q is postING
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784, >>16589908, >>16589981, >>16590092, >>16590097 Ukraine news
>>16590101, >>16589788, >>16590030, >>16590169 Mideast news
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports & distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades not even about homosexuality, about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts & other perverse stuff interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
>>16589911 ECOWAS lifts sanctions on Mali
>>16589936 The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE. Q2587, Dec 11, 2018
>>16589982 The 'Blue Anon' Cult Is Real and Those People are Cray-Cray
>>16589985 Ok now to talk about sex pref but not suddenly droppING dead in public
>>16589821, >>16589932, >>16590063, >>16590172 Nygard dig
>>16590071 SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant
>>16590149 Pompeo on 4th of July in Kansas
>>16590154, >>16590391 JFK airport evacuated over bomb scare on 4th of July weekend
>>16590171 WH reporters write letter demandING complete access to Presidential events
>>16590213 Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"
>>16590244, >>16590245, >>16590372 Global Stem Cell ManufacturING Market Research Report 2022
>>16590249 UK MoD threatens to cut off fuel suppliers over Russian oil usage
>>16590309 At Least Five Killed as Glacier Collapses in Italian #Alps
>>16590339 Scavino on FB
>>16590460 Biden: "women hold up half the world"
>>16590497 20991
>>16589132 100 Year Old Veteran Breaks Down CryING "this isn't the country we fought for
>>16589094 Ukraine fires ballistic missiles at Russian city
>>16589006 Russia claims Luhansk; Ukraine say nuh-uh. It's an Al jazeerah report which means Russia likely got the W on this one.
>>16589581 Reminder 2019: Bret Baier and family survived "car crash"
>>16589054, >>16589064, >>16589087 Cassidy Hutchinson Dig
>>16589102 James Woods: early Lame Duck Pres
>>16589104 Scavino flag truth
>>16589386 Boatfag
>>16589131 Jim Watkins, [03.07.22 11:55] Gina Hill is spot on, as usual, talkING about thINGs most folks wouldn't dare to publicly.
>>16589184 Why Colorado's Democratic secretary of state won't stop warnING about 'insider threats'
>>16589189, >>16589240 Wasn't picked up last night. Should be notable
>>16589208 Grassley. supposed to be watchING the soybeans too ?
>>16589223 Moar Scavino Truth
>>16589283, >>16589292, >>16589298 Potus Re Gabs truth posts
>>16589285 Police release body cam footage On Jayland Walker shootING
>>16589300 STUNNER : The Atlantic magazine admits that Soros-backed pro-crime DA's and 'Defund the Police' Mayors /City Councils turn our great American cities into livING hell-holes
>>16589357 Kremlin Says 4 Dead After "Deliberate" Ukrainian Missile Attack On Russian Border City
>>16589399, >>16589413 Sunday MornING Talk Shows. 2022-07-03
>>16589411 Long-missING Alexander Hamilton letter put on public display
>>16589416 Cryin Adam lyin about Secret Service agents
>>16589451 InterestING dig on Mr. Ifran Salim. Smart fellow.
>>16589496 Text Messages Show Cassidy Hutchinson ReferrING To January 6 Committee As 'BS'
>>16589509 'WE ARE ATTACKING PAKISTAN!' - Hackers Take over Official British Army Twitter Account
>>16589605, >>16589628, >>16589757 oh noes anons. the walls are closING in
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16590056 #20990
#16590497 at 2022-07-03 21:54:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20991: The Day Before Independence Edition
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784, >>16589908, >>16589981, >>16590092, >>16590097 Ukraine news
>>16590101, >>16589788, >>16590030, >>16590169 Mideast news
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports & distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades not even about homosexuality, about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts & other perverse stuff interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
>>16589911 ECOWAS lifts sanctions on Mali
>>16589936 The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE. Q2587, Dec 11, 2018
>>16589982 The 'Blue Anon' Cult Is Real and Those People are Cray-Cray
>>16589985 Ok now to talk about sex pref but not suddenly droppING dead in public
>>16589821, >>16589932, >>16590063, >>16590172 Nygard dig
>>16590071 SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant
>>16590149 Pompeo on 4th of July in Kansas
>>16590154, >>16590391 JFK airport evacuated over bomb scare on 4th of July weekend
>>16590171 WH reporters write letter demandING complete access to Presidential events
>>16590213 Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"
>>16590244, >>16590245, >>16590372 Global Stem Cell ManufacturING Market Research Report 2022
>>16590249 UK MoD threatens to cut off fuel suppliers over Russian oil usage
>>16590309 At Least Five Killed as Glacier Collapses in Italian #Alps
>>16590339 Scavino on FB
>>16590460 Biden: "women hold up half the world"
#16590453 at 2022-07-03 21:49:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20991: The Day Before Independence Edition
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784, >>16589908, >>16589981, >>16590092, >>16590097 Ukraine news
>>16590101, >>16589788, >>16590030, >>16590169 Mideast news
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports & distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades not even about homosexuality, about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts & other perverse stuff interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
>>16589911 ECOWAS lifts sanctions on Mali
>>16589936 The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE. Q2587, Dec 11, 2018
>>16589982 The 'Blue Anon' Cult Is Real and Those People are Cray-Cray
>>16589985 Ok now to talk about sex pref but not suddenly droppING dead in public
>>16589821, >>16589932, >>16590063, >>16590172 Nygard dig
>>16590071 SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant
>>16590149 Pompeo on 4th of July in Kansas
>>16590154, >>16590391 JFK airport evacuated over bomb scare on 4th of July weekend
>>16590171 WH reporters write letter demandING complete access to Presidential events
>>16590213 Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"
>>16590244, >>16590245, >>16590372 Global Stem Cell ManufacturING Market Research Report 2022
>>16590249 UK MoD threatens to cut off fuel suppliers over Russian oil usage
>>16590309 At Least Five Killed as Glacier Collapses in Italian #Alps
>>16590339 Scavino on FB
#16590331 at 2022-07-03 21:32:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20991: The Day Before Independence Edition
#20991 @550
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784, >>16589908, >>16589981, >>16590092, >>16590097 Ukraine news
>>16590101, >>16589788, >>16590030, >>16590169 Mideast news
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports & distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades not even about homosexuality, about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts & other perverse stuff interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
>>16589911 ECOWAS lifts sanctions on Mali
>>16589936 The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE. Q2587, Dec 11, 2018
>>16589982 The 'Blue Anon' Cult Is Real and Those People are Cray-Cray
>>16589985 Ok now to talk about sex pref but not suddenly droppING dead in public
>>16589821, >>16589932, >>16590063, >>16590172 Nygard dig
>>16590071 SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant
>>16590149 Pompeo on 4th of July in Kansas
>>16590154 JFK airport evacuated over bomb scare on 4th of July weekend
>>16590171 WH reporters write letter demandING complete access to Presidential events
>>16590213 Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"
>>16590244, >>16590245 Global Stem Cell ManufacturING Market Research Report 2022
>>16590249 UK MoD threatens to cut off fuel suppliers over Russian oil usage
>>16590309 At Least Five Killed as Glacier Collapses in Italian #Alps
#16590236 at 2022-07-03 21:15:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20991: The Day Before Independence Edition
Oh look, its my favorite reeeeee-ING red text bitch. What's got your vagina sandy today? You on about your dog girlfriend again or somethING? Isn't that what it was before?
#16590096 at 2022-07-03 20:51:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20991: The Day Before Independence Edition
#20991 @300
>>16589713 Potential weapons & human traffickING on poland/ukraine border through humanitarian aide orgs
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784 PM meets Zelensky in surprise Ukraine visit
>>16589788 Israeli media: How do we respond to Hezbollah now?
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports & distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades - not even about homosexuality - it is about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts in public, half-naked people wearING BDSM masks while interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
>>16589908 Ukraine war shows us the way military force is beING used has changed
>>16589911 ECOWAS lifts sanctions on Mali
>>16589936 The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE. Q2587, Dec 11, 2018>>16589981 Turkey detains Russian ship suspected of carryING Ukrainian grain
>>16589982 The 'Blue Anon' Cult Is Real and Those People are Cray-Cray
>>16589985 Ok now to talk about sex pref but not suddenly droppING dead in public
>>16590030 Sudan: 4th day of anti-coup protests in Khartoum
>>16590063 More Nygard
>>16590071 SD Gov. Kristi Noem grilled about 10-year-old rape victim who reportedly got pregnant
All there?
#16590034 at 2022-07-03 20:34:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20991: The Day Before Independence Edition
>>16589769 Eight Arrested in Grand Traverse County Child Sex TraffickING Operation
>>16589780 Attorney Kara Dansky on the 'DevastatING' Health Impacts of Gender Transition Drugs>>16589780
>>16589783 Fire at the Capital Towers in the center of Moscow
>>16589784 PM meets Zelensky in surprise Ukraine visit
>>16589788 Israeli media: How do we respond to Hezbollah now?
>>16589792 BreakING911, [03.07.22 15:41] More charges for 'Tiger KING' star
>>16589802 Illinois taxpayers to pay $17.9 million to subsidize electric vehicle purchases
>>16589811 Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in 'Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse' Investigation
>>16589815 Netherlands is deployING armored vehicles against farmers who plan to blockade the country's airports, ports and distribution centers on Monday
>>16589818 American oligarchs: Inside the minds of the country's wealthiest people
>>16589828 US FundING Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites
>>16589841 Gay parades - not even about homosexuality - it is about featur[ING] drag queens mimickING sexual acts in public, half-naked people wearING BDSM masks while interactING with children
>>16589876 Giant Atom Smasher That Revealed 'God Particle' Restarts, Along With Doomsday Conspiracy Theories
#16584401 at 2022-07-03 00:56:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20984: Thanks for the Notables Edition
A 2nd Declaration Of Independence
by the 50 united states of America…
I can even provide with a READ
ING SO YOU DONT HAVE TO READ HERE: https://youtu.be/k0qfRINxoO4
ya lazy fuckING piece of shit anon who really needs to do MORE DIGGING!~
#16574554 at 2022-07-01 17:48:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20971: Freedom Weekend Edition
Foul-mouthed Florida judge faces suspension without pay after tellING defendant 'I asked you a f*ING question ahole' and unlawfully cagING another for more than a year
#16573460 at 2022-07-01 14:59:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20969: first of july, independence day monday approaching
The people attackING Clarence Thomas are too obvious in their desperate attempts to get people to hate each other. These people are utter failures at human-ING.
#16571555 at 2022-07-01 07:19:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20967: Happy (Late) Canada Day to Canuck Patriots! Edition
fuUuUuUUck YOU! Pain this pain that. Does it need to be pointed out you F-ING tards.
#16567371 at 2022-06-30 19:49:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20962: Proud to be an American! Edition
An equity advisor for the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) posted a litany of tweets condemnING white people, accordING to a review of tweets conducted by the Daily Caller. He describes his own actions as "cyber bully[ING]."
Victor Javier Rodriguez, a coordinator for DCPS Office of Equity, claimed in a tweet that his job is to force educators to comply with culturally responsive practices, many of which derive from the core tenets of critical race theory.
"My job really allows me to drag and read the f*ck out of school leaders for their lack of culturally response [sic] practice competency or that they do not ensure their teachers have it and that's just amazING. Kids need competent educators who are meetING them where they are," Rodriguez tweeted in March.
Rodriguez routinely spars with people online and uses patronizING and insultING phrases such as "sweetie," "idiot," and "dINGus" to describe others. In one tweet, Rodriguez claims poor grammar is why he is a "cyber bully."
"This is why I cyber bully," Rodriguez tweeted. "If you [sic] gonna come for me, at least have decent grammar."
In several other tweets, the equity coordinator condemns white people and so-called "whiteness." In some cases, Rodriguez refused to use the word "white" and opted to use the letters "yt" instead.
"Yt [white] devil get beneath my feet," Rodriguez tweeted.
"Should've just sent Cracker home," another tweet reads.
Rodriguez condemned "whiteness" when individuals online pushed back against the educator's defense of actor Will Smith slappING comedian Chris Rock.
"Lol the yt folks comING into my thread, if y'all wanna try it do it on your own time not mine. I don't have time for your whiteness," Rodriguez tweeted.
Rodriguez is enrolled as a master's student at Ohio State University, accordING to his LinkedIn profile. He is pursuING an MA in higher education and student affairs and received his undergraduate degree from Florida International University.
In an online post, Rodriguez boasted of obtainING his master's degree in public policy "from one of the best public policy schools in the country."
Erika Sanzi, the director of outreach for the concerned parent organization, Parents DefendING Education, told the Daily Caller that Rodriguez's comments appear to denigrate people based on their race.
"These tweets are cause for concern because of the lack of professionalism and basic decency they reveal, but there is also a certain irony in how an equity director has no qualms about publicly shamING and denigratING people based on their race," Sanzi said.
D.C. Public Schools and Rodriguez did not respond to the Daily Caller's request for comment.
#16563401 at 2022-06-30 07:47:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20957: What is Sleep? The Power of Q Compels (you)! Edition
"Bullsh*t": Claim Trump "Lunged" For SteerING Wheel On Jan 6 Discredited By Secret Service
Tyler Durden's Photo
WEDNESDAY, JUN 29, 2022 - 10:11 PM
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
The January 6 Committee's credibility has plummeted after claims by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson that President Trump "lunged" for the steerING wheel of his vehicle and demanded to be taken to the site of the riots were contradicted by the lead Secret Service agent.
Hutchinson testified that Tony Ornato, the then-White House deputy chief of staff, told her that Trump said somethING like, "I'm the f-ING president, take me up to the Capitol now," and had "reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steerING wheel" before then usING "his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel," the the presidential driver.
Despite the legacy media breathlessly reportING Hutchinson's claims without much skepticism, the term 'Amber Heard 2.0' subsequently trended on Twitter as Hutchinson's assertions were demolished.
Within hours, Peter Alexander of NBC News revealed that Engel was prepared to testify "under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steerING wheel."
#16557269 at 2022-06-29 17:58:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20949: Supreme Court Justice Breyer to retire Thursday at noon Edition
"Bullsh*t": Claim Trump "Lunged" For SteerING Wheel on January 6 Discredited by Secret Service
Committee's credibility suffers another massive blow.
The January 6 Committee's credibility has plummeted after claims by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson that President Trump "lunged" for the steerING wheel of his vehicle and demanded to be taken to the site of the riots were contradicted by the lead Secret Service agent.
Hutchinson testified that Tony Ornato, the then-White House deputy chief of staff, told her that Trump said somethING like, "I'm the f-ING president, take me up to the Capitol now," and had "reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steerING wheel" before then usING "his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel," the the presidential driver.
Despite the legacy media breathlessly reportING Hutchinson's claims without much skepticism, the term 'Amber Heard 2.0' subsequently trended on Twitter as Hutchinson's assertions were demolished.
Within hours, Peter Alexander of NBC News revealed that Engel was prepared to testify "under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steerING wheel."
#16553706 at 2022-06-29 09:47:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20944: Confirmation Chaos Edition
Define 'Plant'.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to plant: plant kINGdom, baby
plant (pl?nt)
1. Botany
a. Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kINGdom Plantae characteristically containING chloroplasts, havING cell walls made of cellulose, producING embryos, and lackING the power of locomotion. Plants include trees, bushes, herbs, ferns, mosses, and certain green algae.
b. A plant havING no permanent woody stem; an herb.
c. Any of various fungi, algae, or protists that resemble plants and were formerly classified in the plant kINGdom. Not in scientific use.
a. A buildING or group of buildINGs for the manufacture of a product; a factory: works in an auto plant.
b. The buildINGs, fixtures, and equipment, includING machinery, tools, and instruments, necessary for an industrial operation or an institution: the university's mechanical plant.
3. A person or thING put into place in order to mislead or function secretly, especially:
a. A person placed in a group of spectators to influence behavior.
b. A person stationed in a given location as a spy or observer.
c. A misleadING piece of evidence placed so as to be discovered.
d. A remark or action in a play or narrative that becomes important later.
4. Slang A schemING trick; a swindle.
tr.v. plant?ed, plant?ING, plants
a. To place or set (seeds, for example) in the ground to grow.
b. To place seeds or young plants in (land); sow: plant a field in corn.
a. To place (spawn or young fish) in water or an underwater bed for cultivation: plant oysters.
b. To stock with spawn or fish.
3. To introduce (an animal) into an area.
a. To place or fix in a certain position: planted both feet on the ground; planted a kiss on my cheek.
b. To deliver (a punch or blow).
c. To fix firmly in the mind; implant: "The right of revolution is planted in the heart of man" (Clarence Darrow).
5. To establish; found: plant a colony.
a. To station (a person) for the purpose of functionING in secret, as by observING, spyING, or influencING behavior: Detectives were planted all over the store.
b. To place secretly or deceptively so as to be discovered or made public: planted a gun on the corpse to make the death look like suicide.
7. To conceal; hide: planted the stolen goods in the warehouse.
[Middle English plante, from Old English and Old French, both from Latin planta, sprout, seedlING; see plat- in Indo-European roots.]
plant?a?ble adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ? 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt PublishING Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt PublishING Company. All rights reserved.
plant (pl??nt)
1. (Botany) any livING organism that typically synthesizes its food from inorganic substances, possesses cellulose cell walls, responds slowly and often permanently to a stimulus, lacks specialized sense organs and nervous system, and has no powers of locomotion
2. (Botany) such an organism that is green, terrestrial, and smaller than a shrub or tree; a herb
3. (Botany) a cuttING, seedlING, or similar structure, esp when ready for transplantation
4. informal a thING positioned secretly for discovery by another, esp in order to incriminate an innocent person
5. (Billiards & Snooker) billiards snooker a position in which the cue ball can be made to strike an intermediate which then pockets another ball
vb (tr)
6. (Botany) (often foll by out) to set (seeds, crops, etc) into (ground) to grow
7. to place firmly in position
8. to establish; found
9. to implant in the mind
10. slang to deliver (a blow)
11. informal to position or hide, esp in order to deceive or observe
12. (Zoology) to place (young fish, oysters, spawn, etc) in (a lake, river, etc) in order to stock the water
[Old English, from Latin planta a shoot, cuttING]
?plantable adj
?plant?like adj
plant (pl??nt)
1. (Commerce)
a. the land, buildINGs, and equipment used in carryING on an industrial, business, or other undertakING or service
b. (as modifier): plant costs.
2. (Commerce) a factory or workshop
3. (Civil EngineerING) mobile mechanical equipment for construction, road-makING, etc
[C20: special use of plant1]
Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ? HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
plant (pl?nt, pl?nt)
#16551609 at 2022-06-29 03:44:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20941: Y Bother Edition
So we should remove administrators that cannot fix the site, you're sayING? Appropriate action for defendING Q community from clueless admins and non-delta-0'ING fake Q's.
#16548579 at 2022-06-28 21:09:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20937: 4 Booms in 4 Days - Guns, Abortion, Prayer, Ghislaine Edition
6/10 roastie. I f-ING love PDJT.
#16548401 at 2022-06-28 20:42:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20937: 4 Booms in 4 Days - Guns, Abortion, Prayer, Ghislaine Edition
What's that gonna look like? The F_I "SWAT-ING" Donald Trump in Mar a lago!
Just fuckING try it!
#16545274 at 2022-06-28 14:36:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20933: Banksters getting away with murder, mayhem and wars
#16541487 at 2022-06-28 02:01:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20928: Ballot Paper and Kinematics Findings RSBN LIVE Edition
dang. that'd be great to map out the tunnels with heatmaps from activity trackers. but who's carryING the activity tracker with them? bad guys certainly would not be gps-ING their smugglING routes (these people are stupid, though). will keep eyes on. cool digs anon.
#16539049 at 2022-06-27 20:59:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20925: 1 Notable to Rule them All
'Pride Cruiser' shown off by police 'LGBTQIA+ liaison officer' in Columbus, OH. Reaction is decidedly grim: 'This is f***ING ridiculous'
A "Pride Cruiser" got a grand "unveilING" on video, courtesy of the "LGBTQIA+ liaison officer" for the police department in Columbus, Ohio, recently.
What are the details?
The white SUV - adorned with rainbow flags and LBGTQ-themed messages such as "Love Is Love" - is parked behind the officer as he delivers the news to viewers.
"Hi, I'm Officer Lutz with the Columbus Division of Police. I'm your LGBTQIA+ liaison officer, and we're unveilING right now our Pride Cruiser for the month of June!" the officer says.
With that, Lutz steps aside as the camera trains upon the SUV from all angles and music plays in the background:
Certainly the "Pride Cruiser" has its share of supporters on Twitter, but a goodly number of folks reactING to the tweet from Columbus Police weren't exactly thrilled with the "unveilING":
"I guarantee you that most of your officers and employees are embarrassed by this nonsense," one commenter wrote.
"I'm sure that police car will strike fear in the hearts of criminals," another user guessed.
"This is a joke right?" another commenter asked. "Y'all just f***in with us."
"You are an EMBARRASSMENT to your community," another user responded. "I feel sad for your taxpayers havING to fund virtue-signalING idiocy."
"You people are a joke," another commenter declared.
"This is absolutely insane," another user said. "Why R we payING for any of this? Are you guys so completely bored that you can waste time and $ on this crap? A [liaison] for the LGBTQ community … WTF do U actually do and why do we need this position? Why can't the LGBTQ community just go to any cop?"
"Openly gay shouldn't be any different than openly heterosexual," another commenter stated. "I thought that was the whole point, but now every June we'll be inundated with Pride??? Sheesh. Just stop already 'cause it's gone way beyond beING proud of beING gay."
"I have an enormous amount of respect for [law] enforcement. I defend policING, donate $ to FOP, and rely on local police to keep my family safe," another user noted. "This is f***ING ridiculous."
#16537565 at 2022-06-27 18:04:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20923: Ebake for the Win Edition
For instance, if you read the text
"Dan Scavino also signed LA(RP). He's callING Babyfist out."
SEE ANY INDICATIONS THAT I AM MAKING YOU AWARE? Right,LA(RP)but you can't read, so that's your insufficiency, mental midgets. You guys are compromised by your own stupidity and the only gaslightING is you smellING your own farts.
You're just LA(RP)ING as if you're smart.
#16532528 at 2022-06-27 02:17:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20917: The Tide Has Turned Edition
Green Day frontman says he's renouncING US citizenship: 'I'm not kiddING'
Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong said that he plans to renounce his U.S citizenship followING the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
DurING his band's performance at the London Stadium on Friday, Armstrong, who has been the punk rock band's frontman since 1987, told the audience he'd be spendING more time on their side of the Atlantic.
"F- America, I'm f-ING renouncING my citizenship," the "American Idiot" sINGer told the crowd. "I'm f-ING comING here."
"There's just too much f-ING stupid in the world to go back to that miserable f-ING excuse for a country," Armstrong added. "Oh, I'm not kiddING. You're goING to get a lot of me in the comING days."
Armstrong continued beratING the U.S. durING his band's show in Huddersfield, England the followING day, sayING "f- the Supreme Court of America" and callING its justices "pricks," accordING to the Daily Mail.
#16530366 at 2022-06-26 22:14:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20914: Sunday Evenin' EditionEdition
Celebrities melt down over Roe v. Wade decision: Barbra Streisand says Supreme Court is 'American Taliban,' Billie Joe Armstrong renounces citizenship, Jodie Sweetin shoved to ground at abortion protest
Celebrities suffered meltdowns while reactING to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Celebutantes from Hollywood, music, and television raged against the Supreme Court's decision to allow states to make their own abortion laws.
SINGer and actress Barbara Streisand ranted, "The Court uses religious dogma to overturn the constitutional right to abortion. This Court is the American Taliban."
Actress Bette Midler blustered, "They did it. THEY DID IT TO US! #SCOTUS has overturned #RoevWade, enshrined in the Constitution as settled law for over 50 years. How dare they? This #SCOTUS is absolutely tone-deaf to the will and even the actual needs of the American people. Well, at least the enormous HATE *Christians* have for women who don't toe the Nazi party line Children, Kitchen, Church, has finally been revealed. GET READY, GAYS. YOU'RE NEXT."
Comic book actor Mark Ruffalo said, "Time to fight like hell in any way you know how. The American Taliban has taken over the Supreme Court."
SINGer Taylor Swift griped, "I'm absolutely terrified that this is where we are - that after so many decades of people fightING for women's rights to their own bodies, today's decision has stripped us of that."
Actress Busy Philipps flew off the handle and said, "It doesn't end here. F* this sham. F* these people. If you're a sINGle issue voter and your issue is your taxes, f*** you too. This Supreme Court is on you."
"Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane tweeted, "Not too long ago, this would have been dystopian sci-fi. But the legacy of the 2016 election and the indelible mark of the GOP is printed here in black and white. How much farther this will go once again depends on American voters. Blame extremism or apathy, but this is America."
Model Hailey Bieber said, "Wow...I'm speechless. What an extreme loss and disappointment. This is really really scary."
Actor Danny DeVito fumed, "Supreme Court my ass."
Monica Lewinsky lashed out, "F* you roberts. F* you thomas. F* you alito. F* you gorsuch. F*** you coney barrett."
Actor Josh Gad wrote on Twitter, "You don't need 280 characters today. Just one word: Rage."
Alec Baldwin's daughter Ireland Baldwin said, "F*** this absolutely disgustING country. I am ashamed to be an American."
Author Glennon Doyle wrote, "Comfort to every human beING who feels afraid right now. I feel afraid too. it is okay to feel afraid and tender now. soon, the anger returns and we fight like bloody hell. first the pain, then the mother f***ING risING."
Filmmaker Michael Moore seethed, "This is one of the worst abominations ever committed by this country. And if we don't act, RIGHT NOW, they will get away with it. So, on this day of infamy, I ask, I beg, I IMPLORE you - MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! FLOOD THE STREETS! … Remove all Republicans in November."
SINGer Finneas said, "I don't even know what to say other than absolutely f*** this."
#16529010 at 2022-06-26 19:24:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20912: B.I.S Agustin Carstens, W.E.F KLAUS SCHWAB OR BUST
Socialist Reddit group posts home addresses of Supreme Court justices, discusses huntING them down at their churches. TikTok user hint at usING pipe bombs in retaliation to Roe v. Wade reversal.
One of the top posts in a socialist subreddit featured the addresses of Supreme Court justices that voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. The Reddit users in the anti-capitalist group discussed huntING down Supreme Court justices at their churches and possibly sendING them mail bombs.
The alarmING threats were made in r/WorkersStrikeBack - a self-described "leftist, anti-capitalist, socialist subreddit that is dedicated to support worker strikes, protests and unions all over the world, address the obvious problems related to an average worker's workplace, offer advice to a fellow worker strugglING with their workplace problems and mock or satirize any kind of anti-worker sentiment."
The post broadcasted the home addresses of Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, and Neil Gorsuch.
At the time of publication, the post doxxING the Supreme Court justices had been allowed up in the subreddit for more than 22 hours. What is most concernING is the post received nearly 27,000 upvotes in the online socialist community of 97,000 users.
There were over 2,000 comments to the doxxING post - some suggested violence in retaliation for overturnING Roe v. Wade.
A Reddit user urged people to hunt Supreme Court justices at their churches.
"Find their churches. The area they live in is super wealthy and they all definitely are part of local bloated churches. Find their churches, they can never be free, because you can track when they're home by when they they go to their local church."
One Reddit user asks, "Where are the 2nd homes?"
A mail carrier appears to request that domestic terrorists don't use the mail service to deliver bombs to Supreme Court justices, but instead called for "more direct action."
"Socialist mailman here, please don't send anythING that could hurt your mail handlers," the Redditor wrote. "Accidental tearING happens to mail all the time. I would encourage more direct action at a time like this."
A Redditor ranted, "Six of these fascist creeps. A mere SIX. 330 MILLION of us. Why are we puttING up with this? This is a f***ING WAR now."
Another Redditor stated, "Politicians are way too comfortable in this country when they're willING to break precedent to go against 70% of the population to fit their own agenda. Maybe it's time they felt less comfortable and safe."
One person said, "Violence is never the answer. It's the question. And right now, the answer is yes."
Someone else in the subreddit suggests that they "need to target the police" because "it'll be them enforcING the abortion bans."
A user ominously adds, "I've been lookING for a life purpose."
#16516194 at 2022-06-25 19:33:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20896: Crossing the Rubicon Edition
>>16516067 pb
they want your DNA for trackING, ID-ING, Genetic manipulation, likely for the clones, for the attempts at a Human-Machine hybrid.
For creatING legions of slaves, etc.,
They explain in their own words.
Human do not have free will now.
(accordING to their premises / theories)
And will be programmed like machines in the future.
The destiny of the human, and human evolution will be in the hands of these "superior" humans. Who also Coincidentally happen to be ugly as shit.
What a coincidence.
They've abolished human qualities from themselves and now want everyone else to follow suit.
(they put a really gross commercial in front of this ; funny )
#16516035 at 2022-06-25 19:12:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20895: Making Liberal Tears Great Again Edition
Breitbart News
*Second Amendment Alert*
Rhode Island Gov. Signs Bill GivING Residents 6 Months to Surrender 'High-Capacity' Mags
ING current owners of said magazines six months to surrender them.
The Providence Journal reports that current owners of "high-capacity" magazines also have the option to modify them so they hold ten or fewer rounds, or "transfer them to people in states where they are legal."
McKee also signed H.7457, which raises the legal age for gun purchases from 18 to 21 and raises the legal age for purchasING ammunition to 21 as well.
The NRA-ILA warned about H. 7457 when it was put forward, "[It] increases the age from 18 to 21 for the purchase of firearms and ammunition, renderING self-defense for an entire class of legal adults impossible. The 9th Circuit Court recently struck down a similar state law on the West Coast."
Jeff Goyette owns a gun store in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, and ABC 6 reports that he reacted to the magazine ban by pointING to dangers associated with tryING to alter magazines to make them compliant.
#16513311 at 2022-06-25 14:41:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20892: Are You Ready To Serve Again Edition
Well!… we're wait………ING!
#16512084 at 2022-06-25 11:29:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20890: Efforts Claiming New Q is Fake Q Intensify Edition
>Ah, but the good are doING somethING. They are showING the World just how bad the bad guys are. If you told them, they wouldn't believe you. Show them and they understand.
>How far as the reee-ING got you so far?
#16512059 at 2022-06-25 11:23:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20890: Efforts Claiming New Q is Fake Q Intensify Edition
Ah, but the good are doING somethING. They are showING the World just how bad the bad guys are. If you told them, they wouldn't believe you. Show them and they understand.
How far as the reee-ING got you so far?
#16512023 at 2022-06-25 11:16:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20890: Efforts Claiming New Q is Fake Q Intensify Edition
>People can live in Cause or Effect. Effect people are like Red Text Snowflake, constantly ree-ING about how shitty his or her life is. People that live in Cause say"My life is shit, I need to do somethING about it"- these people are Anons.
#16512008 at 2022-06-25 11:13:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20890: Efforts Claiming New Q is Fake Q Intensify Edition
People can live in Cause or Effect. Effect people are like Red Text Snowflake, constantly ree-ING about how shitty his or her life is. People that live in Cause say"My life is shit, I need to do somethING about it"- these people are Anons.
#16502644 at 2022-06-24 19:51:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20878: (You) are Watching the World Change Edition
Roe rage hard af
She'll be masked and reee-ING in a few hours
#16497176 at 2022-06-24 00:36:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20871: D.O.J three stooges testimony back fires and memes deployed
Alito (p71)
> Our holdING decides nothING about who may lawfully possess a firearm or the requirements that must be met to buy a gun. Nor does it decide anythING about the kinds of weapons that people may possess. Nor have we disturbed anythING that we said in Heller or McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U. S. 742 (2010), about re- strictions that may be imposed on the possession or carry- ING of guns.
#16494757 at 2022-06-23 16:55:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20868: NYers Will Carry Edition
BU[Y] , B[Y]E , by bu[y]…….
#16491185 at 2022-06-23 00:15:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20863: Blessings to One. Blessings to All Edition
#16483835 at 2022-06-21 18:35:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20854: Summer Has Begun! Edition
Congressman Troy Nehls To Introduce Bill To Rescind Biden's Executive Order RequirING All States To Offer Gender Transition Therapy To Minors
This week Congressman Troy Nehls will introduce the "Stop Child Abuse Act," seekING to rescind the Executive order signed by President Biden on June 15, which prohibits individual state governments from bannING the use of gender transition therapies in minor children and removes the states' right to govern independently.
Biden signed the Executive Order on AdvancING Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals as part of his administration's plan to further the cause of the LGBTQI+ community in America.
AccordING to the executive order, the administration seeks to "protect LGBTQI+ individuals' access to medically necessary care," includING gender transition therapies such as hormones and surgical intervention for individuals sufferING from gender dysphoria.
The administration, includING the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), now classifies hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgeries as a proper treatment for the mental health concerns of LGBTQI+ youth.
The order further states that "200 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of HHS shall develop and release sample policies for States to safeguard and expand access to health care for LGBTQI+ individuals and their families, includING mental health services."
All major medical associations now recommend gender-affirmING care to treat gender dysphoria.
The entirety of the Biden Administration has come on board with these ideas included within the President's Executive order. Other statements from inside the administration have previously been released.
In March, a document titled "Gender AffirmING Care and Young People" was issued by the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Population Affairs (OPA).
In the document, the HHS describes suitable treatments for transgender youth, includING" 'top' surgery to create male-typical chest shape or enhance breasts" and "'bottom' surgery ... on genitals or reproductive organs, facial feminization or other procedures."
"Medical and psychosocial gender-affirmING healthcare practices have been demonstrated to yield lower rates of adverse mental health outcomes, build self-esteem, and improve overall quality of life for transgender and gender diverse youth," the OPA release states.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) released a similar document titled, "Gender-AffirmING Care Is Trauma-Informed Care."
The NCTSN went a bit further than the OPA document, expressING support for hormone therapy for minors. In it, the NCTSN release says that proper treatments "may include evidence-based interventions such as puberty blockers and gender-affirmING hormones."
"ProvidING gender-affirmING care is neither child maltreatment nor malpractice. The child welfare system in the US, charged with 'improv(ING) the overall health and wellbeING of our nation's children and families,' should not be used to deny care or separate families workING to make the best decisions for their children's wellbeING. There is no scientifically sound research showING negative impacts from providING gender-affirmING care," the release states.
However, Nehls and many other national leaders disagree with this sentiment. The choice to subject a minor to hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgeries that permanently alter their bodies prior to an age where they can give informed consent is seen as abuse.
Most recently, Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to begin investigatING and reportING instances of minors undergoING sex-change procedures or therapy.
#16477547 at 2022-06-20 15:25:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20846: Traitors Preparing For The Big Steal Edition
Russia Demands Lithuania Lift "Openly Hostile" Blockade; Panic BuyING Ensues
Update (1100ET): The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to Lithuania's partial blockade of KalinINGrad, writING in a statement that they consider the "provocative measures" to be "openly hostile" and warnING that the Kremlin may take action to "protect its national interests."
KalinINGrad is sandwiched between the EU and NATO members Poland and Lithuania. Supplies from Russia are delivered via rail and gas pipelines through Lithuania - which announced last week that it was bannING the rail transit of goods subject to EU sanctions, which include coal, advanced technology, metals and construction materials.
"If in the near future cargo transit between the KalinINGrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation through Lithuania is not restored in full, then Russia reserves the right to take actions to protect its national interests," the statement reads.
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ … ING-notice
#16470853 at 2022-06-19 05:37:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20837: RED WAVE COMING! Edition
CallING me that is gona make me pick someone else.
Are you fuckING retarded?
You must be.
Want me to start meme-ING against his ass.
#16467334 at 2022-06-18 16:00:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20833: Fake POTUS Has Fallen And He Can't Get Up Edition
it was staged, losers.
>>16466941 pb
there's somethING i don't understand about the gregg phillips' beard
It some kind of inside joke.
are they ID-ING each other to each other with it.
collectING their team?
no way that could be an organic viral meme.
they 're tryING too hard.
there's some code in it?
I know nerds have strange sense of humor but this is like the 'sky kING' deal or the 'she 's pretty' over the cgi tranny; seems artificial.
It means somethING.
Like rr when he retired.
the beard presented to him by his assistant ED
they thought it was a riot.
same gag.
there's more to it.
anybody 'get' the joke?
#16467318 at 2022-06-18 15:55:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20833: Fake POTUS Has Fallen And He Can't Get Up Edition
it was staged, losers.
>>16466941 pb
there's somethING i don't understand about the gregg phillips' beard
It some kind of inside joke.
are they Id-ING each other to each other with it.
collectING their team?
no way that could be an organic viral meme.
they 're tryING too hard.
there's some code in it.
I know nerds have strange sense of humor but this is like the 'sky kING' deal or the 'she 's pretty' over the cgi tranny
It means somethING.
Like with rr when he retired.
anybody 'get' the joke?
#16466491 at 2022-06-18 12:46:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20831: Friday Rally Afterglow Edition
They also try in vain toruleover other Koreans/immediate surroundINGs.
F-ING absurd
#16463819 at 2022-06-17 21:41:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20828: Trump rally in nashville continued Edition
doorknobs never work
too close to the ground
if your feet touch you can't hang til dead;
at the very least.
You have to actually hang with force.
not be hung up later, like on a nail or whatever.
they're either incredibly f-ING stupid
or they make it obvious on purpose.
#16458865 at 2022-06-17 00:04:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20822: How do you work this thing?
Hunter Biden raged at sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie after she tossed his gun in trash
"There are 5 guns in dads house. There are f?-ING more weapons in your sons room then in an armory," Hunter messaged Hallie at 9:20 p.m. "What's my f- up? OwnING a gun?"
#16457181 at 2022-06-16 18:17:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20820: NowC@mesTHEP@in—23!!! Edition
no more Roger Stone-ING citizens!
#16457109 at 2022-06-16 18:05:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20820: NowC@mesTHEP@in—23!!! Edition
>Not by tellING them what to do.
You haven't been here long?
That's the problem. Nobody gets yelled at and told what to do for not (lb)-ING, and other newfaggy thINGs.
#16456812 at 2022-06-16 17:16:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20819: Fauci and co asking for moar money for covid from 2023 budget
"this"ING your own post is just as faggot as self nommING a notable. pathetic
#16454692 at 2022-06-16 05:35:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20817: [DS] Shills want 8kun offline, All ASSHATS Derployed, FIGHT! Edition
>>you will own nothING
As a soldier in battle
>we will be forced to eat the bugs.
As a NPC 'wellcome trust' ING the plan
#16453273 at 2022-06-15 23:46:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20815: Podesta emails missing from wikileaks
Hunter Biden raged at sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie after she tossed his gun in trash: report
Hunter Biden flipped out on his sister-in-law-turned-lover, Hallie Biden, for ditchING ?his handgun in a trash can in 2018, accusING her of makING him look like an "abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies" and askING her "do you want me dead," ?accordING to a new report Wednesday.
DurING an hours-long text conversation on Oct. 23, 2018, the now-disgraced first son tore into his paramour for tossING the .38-caliber revolver in a garbage bin outside a grocery store in WilmINGton, Del. - sayING at one point: "I won't ever recover from this," the WashINGton Examiner reported.
"There are 5 guns in dads house. There are f?-ING more weapons in your sons room then in an armory," Hunter messaged Hallie at 9:20 p.m. "What's my f- up? OwnING a gun?"
"Beau owned a handgun issued by the state and I[t] was in the front glove compartment of his car," he wrote more than two hours earlier, referrING to his older brother - Delaware's former attorney general - who passed away from brain cancer in 2015. "So f?- you."
In response to Hallie's claim that she was afraid her boyfriend would "use" the gun, Hunter fired back: "To do what Hallie."
"They think you're scared I would shoot you," he went on before callING her a "f-ING a-hole."
"You now have me as an abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies," Hunter went on. "And that's now in the hands of the FBI."
In March of last year, Politico reported that Delaware State Police and the FBI began an investigation after Hunter's gun was removed from the trash can and Hallie Biden reported it missING to the store.
The outlet also reported that Secret Service agents approached the owner of the shop where the younger Biden purchased the gun 11 days earlier and asked him for the sale paperwork. The owner refused and later turned the documents over to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
AccordING to Politico, the gun was later returned by a man who had been searchING the trash for recyclables and no arrests were made or charges filed in connection with the incident.
"It's hard to believe that anyone is so stupid ... so what's my fault here Hallie that you speak of. OwnING a gun that's in a locked car hidden on another property," Hunter Biden scolded Hallie in another text at 6:47 p.m. Oct. 23 before askING: "Do you want me dead."
At that point, Hallie Biden attempted to defend her actions, tellING Hunter that "I just want you safe. That was not safe" and addING that the car where she found the gun was "open unlocked and windows down and the kids search your car."
Hunter Biden began an affair with Hallie shortly after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015, while Hunter was estranged from his wife, Kathleen Buhle. He and Buhle divorced in 2017 after 24 years of marriage.
#16451026 at 2022-06-15 17:19:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20812: No Guts, No Glory Edition
Equivalent of TP ING someone's house
Heavy metaLs
(Not the thrash dancING music)
Carrot clock hand
SpinnING top
🗺? SeemINGly Static
SOL'ar winds .. winds the c'lock
Sold your soul for a dollar
Wits lawst
Inflation volitile balloon 💭🎈
Fungible tangible or stuck spinnING servos to the moon
#16447845 at 2022-06-15 01:17:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20808: @45 Will Never Give Up! Edition
>There are many verbs that end in '-ING', Anon.
That's an adjective, anon.
#16447831 at 2022-06-15 01:16:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20808: @45 Will Never Give Up! Edition
>fuckING dogs knocked me offline
There are many verbs that end in '-ING', Anon.
#16447439 at 2022-06-15 00:11:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20808: @45 Will Never Give Up! Edition
>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em
>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army
>>16444411 Enemy media talkING points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em
>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it! 😤
>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country
>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!
>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote
>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10
>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)
>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden's team is tryING to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetINGs.
>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack
>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???
>>16444545 WashINGton DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM
>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed
>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don't just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488
>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight
>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China
>>16444595 Long Covid is goING to be the next "victim cred" identity vehicle.
>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missING S, 45 delete ???
>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.
>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.
>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green
>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness
>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?
>>16444736, >>16445065 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences, PartING Shots
>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowING SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps
>>16444763 45 TS: "Trump was right about everythING,"
>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain
>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places
>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday's Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leadING to very poor television ratINGs.
>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid
>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS
>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainINGTuesday Latvian 🇱🇻 #SOF and @173rdAbnBde
>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the "HARD EVIDENCE" they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
>>16444850, >>16444858, >>16444875, >>16444890, >>16444893, >>16444905 HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS OUR CELL PHONE LOCATION DATA
>>16444861 @STRIKFORNATO What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 🤔🌞??
>>16444907 pf TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch landed at Brussels Int'l from SINGapore depart
>>16444920 Q 4 yr delta #1499
>>16444971 We got a 7700 ER squawk
>>16445083 #20804
Previously Collected
>>16442723 #20801, >>16443499 #20802, >>16444305 #20803
>>16440421 #20798, >>16441195 #20799, >>16441908 #20800
>>16438398 #20795, >>16438810 #20796, >>16439611 #20797
>>16435941 #20792, >>16436469 #20793, >>16437284 #20794
>>16433312 #20789, >>16434117 #20790, >>16435397 #20791
>>16430948 #20786, >>16432578 #20787, >>16432578 #20788
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
#16446651 at 2022-06-14 21:13:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20807: HAPPY 247th BDAY #ARMY Edition
>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em
>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army
>>16444411 Enemy media talkING points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em
>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it! 😤
>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country
>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!
>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote
>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10
>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)
>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden's team is tryING to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetINGs.
>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack
>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???
>>16444545 WashINGton DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM
>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed
>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don't just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488
>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight
>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China
>>16444595 Long Covid is goING to be the next "victim cred" identity vehicle.
>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missING S, 45 delete ???
>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.
>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.
>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green
>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness
>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?
>>16444736, >>16445065 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences, PartING Shots
>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowING SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps
>>16444763 45 TS: "Trump was right about everythING,"
>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain
>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places
>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday's Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leadING to very poor television ratINGs.
>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid
>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS
>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainINGTuesday Latvian 🇱🇻 #SOF and @173rdAbnBde
>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the "HARD EVIDENCE" they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
>>16444850, >>16444858, >>16444875, >>16444890, >>16444893, >>16444905 HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS OUR CELL PHONE LOCATION DATA
>>16444861 @STRIKFORNATO What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 🤔🌞??
>>16444907 pf TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch landed at Brussels Int'l from SINGapore depart
>>16444920 Q 4 yr delta #1499
>>16444971 We got a 7700 ER squawk
>>16445083 #20804
Previously Collected
>>16442723 #20801, >>16443499 #20802, >>16444305 #20803
>>16440421 #20798, >>16441195 #20799, >>16441908 #20800
>>16438398 #20795, >>16438810 #20796, >>16439611 #20797
>>16435941 #20792, >>16436469 #20793, >>16437284 #20794
>>16433312 #20789, >>16434117 #20790, >>16435397 #20791
>>16430948 #20786, >>16432578 #20787, >>16432578 #20788
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
#16446141 at 2022-06-14 19:27:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20806: J6 Postponed due to video editors stressed
If it doesn't matter, why do you keep replyING, (you)ING me about a separate debate? I'll tell you why. It's because you cannot logic even when I'm tellING you explicitly that you're doING what you're doING. ConflatING and strawmannING and pretendING I care which way it goes.
If you don't want me to ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, then don't ASK IT and REFUSE TO ADDRESS THE ANSWER.
#16445874 at 2022-06-14 18:34:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20806: J6 Postponed due to video editors stressed
>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em
>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army
>>16444411 Enemy media talkING points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em
>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it! 😤
>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country
>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!
>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote
>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10
>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)
>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden's team is tryING to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetINGs.
>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack
>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???
>>16444545 WashINGton DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM
>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed
>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don't just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488
>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight
>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China
>>16444595 Long Covid is goING to be the next "victim cred" identity vehicle.
>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missING S, 45 delete ???
>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.
>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.
>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green
>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness
>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?
>>16444736, >>16445065 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences, PartING Shots
>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowING SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps
>>16444763 45 TS: "Trump was right about everythING,"
>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain
>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places
>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday's Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leadING to very poor television ratINGs.
>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid
>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS
>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainINGTuesday Latvian 🇱🇻 #SOF and @173rdAbnBde
>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the "HARD EVIDENCE" they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
>>16444850, >>16444858, >>16444875, >>16444890, >>16444893, >>16444905 HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS OUR CELL PHONE LOCATION DATA
>>16444861 @STRIKFORNATO What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 🤔🌞??
>>16444907 pf TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch landed at Brussels Int'l from SINGapore depart
>>16444920 Q 4 yr delta #1499
>>16444971 We got a 7700 ER squawk
>>16445083 #20804
#16445095 at 2022-06-14 15:47:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20805: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. PRESIDENT Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread
>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>16362680 Plz use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT
>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em
>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army
>>16444411 Enemy media talkING points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em
>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it! 😤
>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country
>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!
>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote
>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10
>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)
>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden's team is tryING to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetINGs.
>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack
>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???
>>16444545 WashINGton DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM
>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed
>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don't just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488
>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight
>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China
>>16444595 Long Covid is goING to be the next "victim cred" identity vehicle.
>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missING S, 45 delete ???
>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.
>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.
>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green
>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness
>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?
>>16444736, >>16445065 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences, PartING Shots
>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowING SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps
>>16444763 45 TS: "Trump was right about everythING,"
>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain
>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places
>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday's Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leadING to very poor television ratINGs.
>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid
>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS
>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainINGTuesday Latvian 🇱🇻 #SOF and @173rdAbnBde
>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the "HARD EVIDENCE" they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
>>16444850, >>16444858, >>16444875, >>16444890, >>16444893, >>16444905 HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS OUR CELL PHONE LOCATION DATA
>>16444861 @STRIKFORNATO What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 🤔🌞??
>>16444907 pf TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch landed at Brussels Int'l from SINGapore depart
>>16444920 Q 4 yr delta #1499
>>16444971 We got a 7700 ER squawk
>>16445083 #20804
#16445083 at 2022-06-14 15:45:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20804: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em
>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army
>>16444411 Enemy media talkING points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em
>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it! 😤
>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country
>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!
>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote
>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10
>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)
>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden's team is tryING to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetINGs.
>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack
>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???
>>16444545 WashINGton DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM
>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed
>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don't just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488
>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight
>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China
>>16444595 Long Covid is goING to be the next "victim cred" identity vehicle.
>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missING S, 45 delete ???
>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.
>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.
>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green
>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness
>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?
>>16444736, >>16445065 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences, PartING Shots
>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowING SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps
>>16444763 45 TS: "Trump was right about everythING,"
>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain
>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places
>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday's Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leadING to very poor television ratINGs.
>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid
>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS
>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainINGTuesday Latvian 🇱🇻 #SOF and @173rdAbnBde
>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the "HARD EVIDENCE" they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
>>16444850, >>16444858, >>16444875, >>16444890, >>16444893, >>16444905 HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS OUR CELL PHONE LOCATION DATA
>>16444861 @STRIKFORNATO What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 🤔🌞??
>>16444907 pf TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch landed at Brussels Int'l from SINGapore depart
>>16444920 Q 4 yr delta #1499
>>16444971 We got a 7700 ER squawk
#16444988 at 2022-06-14 15:24:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20804: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
Last Call
will bake it @700
>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em
>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army
>>16444411 Enemy media talkING points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em
>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it! 😤
>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country
>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!
>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote
>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10
>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)
>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden's team is tryING to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetINGs.
>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack
>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???
>>16444545 WashINGton DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM
>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed
>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don't just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488
>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight
>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China
>>16444595 Long Covid is goING to be the next "victim cred" identity vehicle.
>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missING S, 45 delete ???
>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.
>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.
>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green
>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness
>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?
>>16444736 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences
>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowING SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps
>>16444763 45 TS: "Trump was right about everythING,"
>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain
>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places
>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday's Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leadING to very poor television ratINGs.
>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid
>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS
>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainINGTuesday Latvian 🇱🇻 #SOF and @173rdAbnBde
>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the "HARD EVIDENCE" they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
>>16444850, >>16444858, >>16444875, >>16444890, >>16444893, >>16444905 HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS OUR CELL PHONE LOCATION DATA
>>16444861 @STRIKFORNATO What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 🤔🌞??
>>16444907 pf TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch landed at Brussels Int'l from SINGapore depart
>>16444920 Q 4 yr delta #1499
>>16444971 We got a 7700 ER squawk
lemme know
#16444881 at 2022-06-14 15:08:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20804: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em
>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army
>>16444411 Enemy media talkING points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em
>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it! 😤
>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country
>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!
>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote
>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10
>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)
>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden's team is tryING to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetINGs.
>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack
>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???
>>16444545 WashINGton DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM
>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed
>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don't just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488
>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight
>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China
>>16444595 Long Covid is goING to be the next "victim cred" identity vehicle.
>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missING S, 45 delete ???
>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.
>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.
>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green
>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness
>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?
>>16444736 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences
>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowING SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps
>>16444763 45 TS: "Trump was right about everythING,"
>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain
>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places
>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday's Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leadING to very poor television ratINGs.
>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid
>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS
>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainINGTuesday Latvian 🇱🇻 #SOF and @173rdAbnBde
>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the "HARD EVIDENCE" they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
lemme know
#16444764 at 2022-06-14 14:46:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20804: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
David Hogg's half-sister havING a fit.
Jun 13, 2022
Parkland Survivor X Gonz?lez Tells "DecayING Degenerates" in Congress: "Pass Some F***ING Gun Laws!"
Gun control activist X Gonz?lez told the crowd at the March for Our Lives rally in WashINGton, DC, Saturday that representatives are "decayING degenerates" and should not lecture people on morality if they cannot pass gun control measures.
#16442036 at 2022-06-14 00:03:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20801: In the Foothills of the Himalayas with an Angry Elephant Edition
Just say it, anon. I want to lurk on Truth so f-ING hard. kek
#16441752 at 2022-06-13 22:07:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20800: Just In, Dems Found to be Pushing False Claim of Voter Intergrity Edition
>NothING came of that! Just feelz like we're Larp ING our way thru time. All hype no teeth.
Are you expectING confirmation from mass media? The people that control the media are implicated in the conspiracy.
#16441708 at 2022-06-13 21:58:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20800: Just In, Dems Found to be Pushing False Claim of Voter Intergrity Edition
I thought with the Maxwell thING, the court ordered the release of certain info that people were fightING it's release. NothING came of that! Just feelz like we're Larp ING our way thru time. All hype no teeth.
#16436332 at 2022-06-12 19:21:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20793: Memes over News Edition
muh post from last year. Moar info on the comms.
PB Links won't be active
> 3 Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarine Tigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
you mission get there before the Russians. Onboard a saboteur determined to stop you
ProjectHome ComING
>Home ___ING
<__ com_
hom ING
All pb
>What kind of message is this?
>3Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
>>13371135, >>13371176, >>13371181
>Does anyone else see it?
>>13371402, >>13371410
>Ice StationZebra
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarineTigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
>Report on RT March26
>>26 =z
>Youtube vid posted March 28
>same day as Stracom Apoligizes typo
HomING topedo
ProjectHome ComING
>Home ___ING
<__ com_
hom ING
1:45 mins in the trailer
Captain, radar has identified unidentifed aircraft
estimated time of arrival17 minutes
Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr 02/26/2021 21:17:45
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Direct Link: 1365486248501129217
Get well soonTiger. If anyone can pull through this and make it back to thetipit's you!!! #TigerWoods https://rumble.com/ve675v-tiger-woods-is-a-champion-my-family-is-pullING-for-him.html?mref=i2svv&mc=36we8
make it back to the -tip
make it back to the top
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/02/2018 09:28:20
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Direct Link: 1036244434164310016
TigerWoods showed great class in the way he answered the question about the Office of the Presidency and me. Now they say the so-called "left" is angry at him. So sad, but the "center & right" loves Tiger, Kanye, George Foreman,Jim Brown& so many other greats, even more……
#16431323 at 2022-06-11 19:13:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20787: Wizard Edition
Thousands Rally for Gun Control at 'March for Our Lives' Protest in D.C.
David Hogg: We've Passed 150 Gun Laws Since Parkland, But 'This Time Is Different!'
Rep. Cori Bush: Buffalo Shooter 'Indoctrinated by Tucker Carlson'
'They/Them' Parkland Alum Shrieks at Congress: 'You DecayING Degenerates... I'm TryING not to Curse... Pass the F***ING Gun Laws!'
#16429637 at 2022-06-11 10:18:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20785: Ebaked For Victory Edition
>New Jersey Consent Decree
DNC v. RNC Consent Decree
In 1982, after cagING in predom?in?antly African-Amer?ican and Latino neigh?bor?hoods, the Repub?lican National Commit?tee and New Jersey Repub?lican State Commit?tee entered into a consent decree with their Demo?cratic party coun?ter?parts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Repub?lican party organ?iz?a?tions agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed "ballot secur?ity" programs, includ?ING any proposed voter cagING.
The consent decree has been invoked several times, by the parties to the decree and by others. In late 2008, the Demo?cratic National Commit?tee and Obama for Amer?ica sought to enforce the consent decree, claim?ING that the RNC had not submit?ted alleged ballot secur?ity oper?a?tions for review. After the elec?tion, the RNC asked the federal court to vacate or substan?tially modify the decree. The court denied the RNC's motion to vacate the consent decree and ordered the decree remain in effect until Decem?ber 2017. The RNC then appealed to the Third Circuit, which unan?im?ously rejec?ted the appeal and affirmed the District Court's decision. A subsequent peti?tion for rehear?ING en banc by the full Third Circuit, and a certi?or?ari peti?tion to U.S. Supreme Court, were denied.
On Octo?ber 26, 2016, the DNC filed a motion askING that the court find the RNC had viol?ated the decree. On Novem?ber 5, after abbre?vi?ated discov?ery, the district court denied the DNC's request, rulING that the DNC had not provided suffi?cient evid?ence of coordin?a?tion between the Trump campaign and the RNC on ballot-secur?ity oper?a?tions, but will allow the DNC to offer further evid?ence after the elec?tion.
#16426200 at 2022-06-10 18:06:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20780: "Is Pepe a 'White Hat'?" Edition
chk-ING my yelf - holy bejeezuss
me gotz teh 00:00 and teh 166
suck it fedz
#16419788 at 2022-06-09 16:37:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20772: Queen down? Edition
Paul Ryan looks like a f-ING faggot…scum bag.
#16416562 at 2022-06-08 23:01:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20768: clowns activated 6 ways to Sunday globally, no free speech
EXCLUSIVE: State Department Prepares To Announce Worldwide Racial Equity Chief, Leaked Email Shows
The State Department will announce a Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice on June 17 in connection with the department's Equity Action Plan, an email obtained by the Daily Caller reveals.
The position of Special Representative was first announced by the State Department in its April Equity Action Plan. The position's holder has not been named, but the Special Representative will have wide-reachING powers, since he or she will be responsible for "institutionaliz[ING] an enterprise-wide approach to integratING racial and ethnic equity." The email names "advancING equity, addressING systemic racism, and strengthenING democracy worldwide" as "national security imperatives and core tenets of President Biden's foreign policy."
#16412330 at 2022-06-08 03:35:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20763: Awrite Awrite Awrite Edition
>>16409232 Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
>>16409249 Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court
>>16409274 The Inspector General Missed Yet Another Lie From The FBI
>>16409290 Are you in favor of a 4-day work week?
>>16409308 Global internet outage issue?
>>16409314, >>16409319, >>16409323 Why Handwritten FBI Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge
>>16409336 Links on Ivermectin & cancer:
>>16409353 , >>16409372, >>16409374, >>16409381, >>16409496 Dank Memes
>>16409428, >>16409431, >>16409439 Twelfth Defendant Sentenced in Dog-FightING, Drug Distribution RING
>>16409449 Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty followING an arrest on a child sex charge.
>>16409552 New Jersey voter rolls have over 8,200 duplicate names
>>16409562 Child therapist at the core?
>>16409571 CrowdStrike still has top secret clearance
>>16409576 When are people goING to be able to pay 20K for installING Tesla Charger in their House
>>16409646 DHS Releases Bulletin CitING Concerns of 'Heightened Threats,' and Violent Months Ahead with … Midterms ApproachING
>>16409663 Primary Election - June 7, 2022
>>16409689 YouTube deletes Post interview with judge's son who stormed Capitol, citING 'misinformation' ?
>>16409693 The GOP drive to install thousands of poll workers sets off alarms
>>16409717 May Migrant Apprehensions Hit 220K - Breaks Clinton Era Record
>>16409709 Zelensky 'Very Happy' Boris Johnson Survived No-Confidence Vote
>>16409734 Press BriefING
>>16409713 VA announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities
>>16409752 #Benghazi
>>16409736 Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: ElucidatING the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors
>>16409775 Andrew Giuliani surges to No. 1 in GOP NY gubernatorial primary"
>>16409779 Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea
>>16409774 FOX News will Air Tucker Carlson Instead of Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 Committee HearING this Thursday night
>>16409836 Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI To Provide Details on Officials Listed in Strzok Memo
>>16409859 H.R. 2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
>>16409891 (You) Have been Lied to all your life Memes/Caps
>>16409896 Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
>>16409918 Matthew McConaughey joins press secretary Karine
>>16409946 Tomorrow is an Opinion Issuance Day
>>16409948 Albendazole and Mebendazole as Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Cancer Agents: an Update
>>16409954 #20759
Previously Collected
>>16409165 #20758
>>16406765 #20755, >>16407567 #20756, >>16408343 #20757
>>16404489 #20752, >>16405259 #20753, >>16406035 #20754
>>16402121 #20749, >>16402876 #20750, >>16403642 #20751
>>16399783 #20746, >>16401703 #20747, >>16401364 #20748
>>16398330 #20743, >>16398257 #20744, >>16398986 #20745
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
#16411585 at 2022-06-08 00:56:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20762:Meme Warfare Edition
>>16409232 Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
>>16409249 Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court
>>16409274 The Inspector General Missed Yet Another Lie From The FBI
>>16409290 Are you in favor of a 4-day work week?
>>16409308 Global internet outage issue?
>>16409314, >>16409319, >>16409323 Why Handwritten FBI Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge
>>16409336 Links on Ivermectin & cancer:
>>16409353 , >>16409372, >>16409374, >>16409381, >>16409496 Dank Memes
>>16409428, >>16409431, >>16409439 Twelfth Defendant Sentenced in Dog-FightING, Drug Distribution RING
>>16409449 Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty followING an arrest on a child sex charge.
>>16409552 New Jersey voter rolls have over 8,200 duplicate names
>>16409562 Child therapist at the core?
>>16409571 CrowdStrike still has top secret clearance
>>16409576 When are people goING to be able to pay 20K for installING Tesla Charger in their House
>>16409646 DHS Releases Bulletin CitING Concerns of 'Heightened Threats,' and Violent Months Ahead with … Midterms ApproachING
>>16409663 Primary Election - June 7, 2022
>>16409689 YouTube deletes Post interview with judge's son who stormed Capitol, citING 'misinformation' ?
>>16409693 The GOP drive to install thousands of poll workers sets off alarms
>>16409717 May Migrant Apprehensions Hit 220K - Breaks Clinton Era Record
>>16409709 Zelensky 'Very Happy' Boris Johnson Survived No-Confidence Vote
>>16409734 Press BriefING
>>16409713 VA announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities
>>16409752 #Benghazi
>>16409736 Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: ElucidatING the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors
>>16409775 Andrew Giuliani surges to No. 1 in GOP NY gubernatorial primary"
>>16409779 Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea
>>16409774 FOX News will Air Tucker Carlson Instead of Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 Committee HearING this Thursday night
>>16409836 Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI To Provide Details on Officials Listed in Strzok Memo
>>16409859 H.R. 2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
>>16409891 (You) Have been Lied to all your life Memes/Caps
>>16409896 Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
>>16409918 Matthew McConaughey joins press secretary Karine
>>16409946 Tomorrow is an Opinion Issuance Day
>>16409948 Albendazole and Mebendazole as Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Cancer Agents: an Update
>>16409954 #20759
Previously Collected
>>16409165 #20758
>>16406765 #20755, >>16407567 #20756, >>16408343 #20757
>>16404489 #20752, >>16405259 #20753, >>16406035 #20754
>>16402121 #20749, >>16402876 #20750, >>16403642 #20751
>>16399783 #20746, >>16401703 #20747, >>16401364 #20748
>>16398330 #20743, >>16398257 #20744, >>16398986 #20745
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
#16410754 at 2022-06-07 21:52:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20761: "The choice to know will be yours" Edition
>>16409998 Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal Covid-19 Vaccination is goING to lead to Depopulation
>>16410022 welovetrump.com Mental illness on twitter. #CutForAmber
>>16410181 Hunter's Hooker Scored $20,000 PPP Loan As Joe Biden Entered White House
>>16410287, >>16410277 Texas takes action mini bun
>>16410311 Leftist groups are takING cues from Biden and helpING migrant caravans
>>16410369 Liberal GOP governor of New Hampshire breaks promise, vetoes repeal of abortion mill buffer zone law
>>16410419 Scalise is attemptING to stall the Gun Grab Bills
>>16410427 Snowden Opines on the meanING of Twat Life
>>16410363, >>16410430, >>16410151 Pedo Bun
>>16410446, >>16410476 Trouble in NY?
>>16410487 DJT Job RatING on Truth Social
>>16410522, >>16410592 Soros Bun, BuyING radio stations/FundING DAs
>>16410540 DeSantis Announces Plan to Take on George Soros 'On His Own Turf' in Bid to Stop Election Manipulation
>>16410564 Testimony of a Political Prisoner (Jan6er)
>>16410625 CDC withdraws mask recommendation against monkeypox after backlash
>>16410642 PF
>>16410658 #20760
>>16409232 Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
>>16409249 Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court
>>16409274 The Inspector General Missed Yet Another Lie From The FBI
>>16409290 Are you in favor of a 4-day work week?
>>16409308 Global internet outage issue?
>>16409314, >>16409319, >>16409323 Why Handwritten FBI Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge
>>16409336 Links on Ivermectin & cancer:
>>16409353 , >>16409372, >>16409374, >>16409381, >>16409496 Dank Memes
>>16409428, >>16409431, >>16409439 Twelfth Defendant Sentenced in Dog-FightING, Drug Distribution RING
>>16409449 Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty followING an arrest on a child sex charge.
>>16409552 New Jersey voter rolls have over 8,200 duplicate names
>>16409562 Child therapist at the core?
>>16409571 CrowdStrike still has top secret clearance
>>16409576 When are people goING to be able to pay 20K for installING Tesla Charger in their House
>>16409646 DHS Releases Bulletin CitING Concerns of 'Heightened Threats,' and Violent Months Ahead with … Midterms ApproachING
>>16409663 Primary Election - June 7, 2022
>>16409689 YouTube deletes Post interview with judge's son who stormed Capitol, citING 'misinformation' ?
>>16409693 The GOP drive to install thousands of poll workers sets off alarms
>>16409717 May Migrant Apprehensions Hit 220K - Breaks Clinton Era Record
>>16409709 Zelensky 'Very Happy' Boris Johnson Survived No-Confidence Vote
>>16409734 Press BriefING
>>16409713 VA announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities
>>16409752 #Benghazi
>>16409736 Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: ElucidatING the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors
>>16409775 Andrew Giuliani surges to No. 1 in GOP NY gubernatorial primary"
>>16409779 Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea
>>16409774 FOX News will Air Tucker Carlson Instead of Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 Committee HearING this Thursday night
>>16409836 Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI To Provide Details on Officials Listed in Strzok Memo
>>16409859 H.R. 2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
>>16409891 (You) Have been Lied to all your life Memes/Caps
>>16409896 Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
>>16409918 Matthew McConaughey joins press secretary Karine
>>16409946 Tomorrow is an Opinion Issuance Day
>>16409948 Albendazole and Mebendazole as Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Cancer Agents: an Update
>>16409954 #20759
#16410720 at 2022-06-07 21:44:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20760: "The choice to know will be yours" Edition
>>16409998 Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal Covid-19 Vaccination is goING to lead to Depopulation
>>16410022 welovetrump.com Mental illness on twitter. #CutForAmber
>>16410181 Hunter's Hooker Scored $20,000 PPP Loan As Joe Biden Entered White House
>>16410287, >>16410277 Texas takes action mini bun
>>16410311 Leftist groups are takING cues from Biden and helpING migrant caravans
>>16410369 Liberal GOP governor of New Hampshire breaks promise, vetoes repeal of abortion mill buffer zone law
>>16410419 Scalise is attemptING to stall the Gun Grab Bills
>>16410427 Snowden Opines on the meanING of Twat Life
>>16410363, >>16410430, >>16410151 Pedo Bun
>>16410446, >>16410476 Trouble in NY?
>>16410487 DJT Job RatING on Truth Social
>>16410522, >>16410592 Soros Bun, BuyING radio stations/FundING DAs
>>16410540 DeSantis Announces Plan to Take on George Soros 'On His Own Turf' in Bid to Stop Election Manipulation
>>16410564 Testimony of a Political Prisoner (Jan6er)
>>16410625 CDC withdraws mask recommendation against monkeypox after backlash
>>16410642 PF
>>16410658 #20760
>>16409232 Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
>>16409249 Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court
>>16409274 The Inspector General Missed Yet Another Lie From The FBI
>>16409290 Are you in favor of a 4-day work week?
>>16409308 Global internet outage issue?
>>16409314, >>16409319, >>16409323 Why Handwritten FBI Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge
>>16409336 Links on Ivermectin & cancer:
>>16409353 , >>16409372, >>16409374, >>16409381, >>16409496 Dank Memes
>>16409428, >>16409431, >>16409439 Twelfth Defendant Sentenced in Dog-FightING, Drug Distribution RING
>>16409449 Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty followING an arrest on a child sex charge.
>>16409552 New Jersey voter rolls have over 8,200 duplicate names
>>16409562 Child therapist at the core?
>>16409571 CrowdStrike still has top secret clearance
>>16409576 When are people goING to be able to pay 20K for installING Tesla Charger in their House
>>16409646 DHS Releases Bulletin CitING Concerns of 'Heightened Threats,' and Violent Months Ahead with … Midterms ApproachING
>>16409663 Primary Election - June 7, 2022
>>16409689 YouTube deletes Post interview with judge's son who stormed Capitol, citING 'misinformation' ?
>>16409693 The GOP drive to install thousands of poll workers sets off alarms
>>16409717 May Migrant Apprehensions Hit 220K - Breaks Clinton Era Record
>>16409709 Zelensky 'Very Happy' Boris Johnson Survived No-Confidence Vote
>>16409734 Press BriefING
>>16409713 VA announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities
>>16409752 #Benghazi
>>16409736 Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: ElucidatING the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors
>>16409775 Andrew Giuliani surges to No. 1 in GOP NY gubernatorial primary"
>>16409779 Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea
>>16409774 FOX News will Air Tucker Carlson Instead of Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 Committee HearING this Thursday night
>>16409836 Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI To Provide Details on Officials Listed in Strzok Memo
>>16409859 H.R. 2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
>>16409891 (You) Have been Lied to all your life Memes/Caps
>>16409896 Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
>>16409918 Matthew McConaughey joins press secretary Karine
>>16409946 Tomorrow is an Opinion Issuance Day
>>16409948 Albendazole and Mebendazole as Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Cancer Agents: an Update
>>16409954 #20759
#16410287 at 2022-06-07 19:47:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20760: (You) Have Been Lied to all your Life Edition
Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
#16409990 at 2022-06-07 18:39:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20760: (You) Have Been Lied to all your Life Edition
>>16409232 Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
>>16409249 Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court
>>16409274 The Inspector General Missed Yet Another Lie From The FBI
>>16409290 Are you in favor of a 4-day work week?
>>16409308 Global internet outage issue?
>>16409314, >>16409319, >>16409323 Why Handwritten FBI Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge
>>16409336 Links on Ivermectin & cancer:
>>16409353 , >>16409372, >>16409374, >>16409381, >>16409496 Dank Memes
>>16409428, >>16409431, >>16409439 Twelfth Defendant Sentenced in Dog-FightING, Drug Distribution RING
>>16409449 Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty followING an arrest on a child sex charge.
>>16409552 New Jersey voter rolls have over 8,200 duplicate names
>>16409562 Child therapist at the core?
>>16409571 CrowdStrike still has top secret clearance
>>16409576 When are people goING to be able to pay 20K for installING Tesla Charger in their House
>>16409646 DHS Releases Bulletin CitING Concerns of 'Heightened Threats,' and Violent Months Ahead with … Midterms ApproachING
>>16409663 Primary Election - June 7, 2022
>>16409689 YouTube deletes Post interview with judge's son who stormed Capitol, citING 'misinformation' ?
>>16409693 The GOP drive to install thousands of poll workers sets off alarms
>>16409717 May Migrant Apprehensions Hit 220K - Breaks Clinton Era Record
>>16409709 Zelensky 'Very Happy' Boris Johnson Survived No-Confidence Vote
>>16409734 Press BriefING
>>16409713 VA announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities
>>16409752 #Benghazi
>>16409736 Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: ElucidatING the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors
>>16409775 Andrew Giuliani surges to No. 1 in GOP NY gubernatorial primary"
>>16409779 Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea
>>16409774 FOX News will Air Tucker Carlson Instead of Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 Committee HearING this Thursday night
>>16409836 Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI To Provide Details on Officials Listed in Strzok Memo
>>16409859 H.R. 2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
>>16409891 (You) Have been Lied to all your life Memes/Caps
>>16409896 Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
>>16409918 Matthew McConaughey joins press secretary Karine
>>16409946 Tomorrow is an Opinion Issuance Day
>>16409948 Albendazole and Mebendazole as Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Cancer Agents: an Update
>>16409954 #20759
#16409954 at 2022-06-07 18:30:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20759: (You) Are The Savior You have been waiting on #GodBless Edition
>>16409232 Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
>>16409249 Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court
>>16409274 The Inspector General Missed Yet Another Lie From The FBI
>>16409290 Are you in favor of a 4-day work week?
>>16409308 Global internet outage issue?
>>16409314, >>16409319, >>16409323 Why Handwritten FBI Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge
>>16409336 Links on Ivermectin & cancer:
>>16409353 , >>16409372, >>16409374, >>16409381, >>16409496 Dank Memes
>>16409428, >>16409431, >>16409439 Twelfth Defendant Sentenced in Dog-FightING, Drug Distribution RING
>>16409449 Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty followING an arrest on a child sex charge.
>>16409552 New Jersey voter rolls have over 8,200 duplicate names
>>16409562 Child therapist at the core?
>>16409571 CrowdStrike still has top secret clearance
>>16409576 When are people goING to be able to pay 20K for installING Tesla Charger in their House
>>16409646 DHS Releases Bulletin CitING Concerns of 'Heightened Threats,' and Violent Months Ahead with … Midterms ApproachING
>>16409663 Primary Election - June 7, 2022
>>16409689 YouTube deletes Post interview with judge's son who stormed Capitol, citING 'misinformation' ?
>>16409693 The GOP drive to install thousands of poll workers sets off alarms
>>16409717 May Migrant Apprehensions Hit 220K - Breaks Clinton Era Record
>>16409709 Zelensky 'Very Happy' Boris Johnson Survived No-Confidence Vote
>>16409734 Press BriefING
>>16409713 VA announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities
>>16409752 #Benghazi
>>16409736 Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: ElucidatING the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors
>>16409775 Andrew Giuliani surges to No. 1 in GOP NY gubernatorial primary"
>>16409779 Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea
>>16409774 FOX News will Air Tucker Carlson Instead of Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 Committee HearING this Thursday night
>>16409836 Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI To Provide Details on Officials Listed in Strzok Memo
>>16409859 H.R. 2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
>>16409891 (You) Have been Lied to all your life Memes/Caps
>>16409896 Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
>>16409918 Matthew McConaughey joins press secretary Karine
>>16409946 Tomorrow is an Opinion Issuance Day
>>16409948 Albendazole and Mebendazole as Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Cancer Agents: an Update
#16409896 at 2022-06-07 18:19:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20759: (You) Are The Savior You have been waiting on #GodBless Edition
JUST IN - Texas Attorney General launch?es inves?ti?ga?tion against Twit?ter for poten?tial?ly deceiv?ING the public over fake bot accounts.
#16404815 at 2022-06-06 17:19:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20753: #DDay #NeverForget! Edition
An Office Manager from Florida and a Gates-Funded Professor Are CensorING Studies LinkING Mask Usage to Increased Deaths.
Yet another dubious fact check. But this one is even weirder than the last.
A PolitiFact "fact checker" who has attemptING to discredit National Pulse reportING on mask mandates and recent medical journal papers has almost zero experience in real news reportING, medical reportING, COVID-19 reportING, or even national news, The National Pulse can reveal.
The information is the latest in a slew of "fact checker" stories which reveal dubiously credentialed individuals workING to remove anti-Big Pharma content from the internet at the behest of big tech companies and their sponsors in the pharmaceutical industry.
Floridian liberal Gabrielle Settles appears to have begun workING for Politifact in March 2021, bylinING at least 70 stories for the corporate-backed censor.
Settles, however, has no experience in dealING with any of this kind of information, havING performed the majority of her "fact checks" simply by copyING and pastING from the Centers for Disease Control website, and even veerING off into "fact checkING" pictures of Christmas cards and photos of sINGer Rihanna.
Prior to Politifact, Settles worked at a small, St. Petersburg outfit called "The Weekly Challenger", and prior to that, as an "Office Administrator" at "Moody Radio" and a "contributING writer" at a blog called "The Power Broker Magazine." The sites receive almost zero web traffic.
In fact, Settles's journalistic contributions are extremely limited. But naturally, her contributions to partisan rhetoric are not.
The Politifact "reporter" - a job which includes no actual reportING - has a history of pro-Democrat and anti-Trump tweets. Naturally, she took umbrage with The National Pulse's story on masks and deaths, derived from two separate stories of May 16th and May 26th.
In the first, Natalie Winters reveals how Beny Spira, Associate Professor at the University of S?o Paulo, published an April 19th 2022 study "analyz[ING] the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in the 2020-2021 winter in Europe."
The data came from 35 European countries, and concluded:
"The findINGs presented in this short communication suggest that countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage in the six-month period that encompassed the second European wave of COVID-19..."
The study also found:
"Moreover, the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences..."
But Settles found this particular science to be "False" and as a result, the National Pulse story is now beING censored on social media. Settles's source appears to be a sINGular professor from the corporate-backed Milken Institute for Public Health at George WashINGton University in WashINGton, D.C. Her name is Emily Smith.
But Smith didn't even tell Settles that Spira's study was incorrect. She is quoted as sayING:
"I think we can just use common sense to say that when cases are risING, people are more likely to do protective thINGs... You're more likely to wear a mask when you go out and your city or your country might also have made recommendations or requirements to do those thINGs."
In other words, Smith is claimING that the mask usage and deaths is an inverse correlation, though she offers no evidence, nor science, nor refutation of the science offered. Instead, Smith suggests usING "common sense" - a phrase oft-derided when used by anti-authoritarian activists at the beginnING of the pandemic.
Smith, for what it is worth, is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as revealed on her university biography.
#16404567 at 2022-06-06 16:22:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20753: #DDay #NeverForget! Edition
you have no concept of what is truly goING on here regardING the so called dark arts, and the 'great work(ING)'/ great 'awakenING'. most don't. but it involves the spirit realm breachING the seperaton.
#16396338 at 2022-06-04 17:52:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20742: Lost In Translation Ebake Edition
BeijING Calls on US to Stop Trade Talks With Taiwan
The US and Taiwan announced a new trade initiative aimed at boostING ties
On Thursday, China called on the US to stop trade talks with Taiwan after WashINGton and Taipei announced a new initiative aimed at increasING economic cooperation.
The US and Taiwan announced the initiative on Wednesday, which marked the formal start of trade negotiations. Taiwan's trade representative, John Deng, will head to WashINGton next month for the talks.
Deng said the initiative cover 11 areas, includING "trade facilitation, regulatory practices, agriculture, anti-corruption, supportING small and medium-sized enterprises, digital trade, labor rights, the environment, standards, state-owned enterprises, and non-market practices and policies."
The trade talks are the latest example of the US takING steps to boost informal relations with Taiwan. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the US should "stop negotiatING agreements with implications of sovereignty and of official nature, and refrain from sendING any wrong signal to the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces."
Zhao also called on the US to stop sellING weapons to Taiwan in response to comments from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. The Pentagon chief said the US "will make available to Taiwan defense articles and services necessary to enable it to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability commensurate with the Chinese threat."
Since severING diplomatic relations with Taipei in 1979, the US has sold arms to the island, but the US is lookING for other ways to support Taiwan militarily. Earlier this week, Taiwanese President Tsai ING-Wen said that WashINGton is plannING to increase "cooperation" between the US National Guard and the US military.
#16396161 at 2022-06-04 17:01:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20742: Lost In Translation Ebake Edition
Co-Chair Bilderberg MeetING is a member of the board of directors of the International Centre for MissING & Exploited Children (ICMEC) and member of board for Population Control
Currently: Advisor, The Goldman Sachs Group; Co-Chair, Bilderberg MeetINGs; Board, Ko? University, Istanbul; Board, Lee Kuan Yew School for Public Policy, SINGapore;
Vice-Chair, International Centre for MissING & Exploited Children (ICMEC).
Formerly: Crown-Member, Social-Economic Council; Chairman, International Advisory Board, DaimlerChrysler; Adviser, Secretary-General, OECD; Member, Government's Council on Defence; H.M. the Queen's Informateur; President, International Institute of Public Finance; Member, Investment Committee, ABP; Non-Executive Director: ING, Stork, DaimlerChrysler, KPN, RHJI, TNT, PA, Concertgebouw, Nationale Opera & Ballet and
Member Board, Population Council.
Who leads Bilderberg MeetINGs?
The Foundation Bilderberg MeetINGs is led by a SteerING Committee. Its current co-chairs are Victor Halberstadt and Marie-Jos?e Kravis.
Victor Halberstadt is a Dutch economist and deep politician. He has attended more Bilderberg meetINGs than anyone else alive - all meetINGs since 1975. He has also attended the Bohemian Grove meetINGs.
"He knows a thousand people, and those are the thousand most important people who walk on earth."
Harry Wijnen [1]
#16392665 at 2022-06-03 21:49:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20737: Belated Ebake Edition
"NY Senate Bill on "Medical Futility"
In essence this bill would allow a persons "surrogate" OR just 2 physicians to decide that is it "medically futile" to revive you and/or treat you. They could impose a DNR order on someone who's wishes were to be resuscitated.
Reasons for denyING treatment:
-Treatment would be an extraordinary burden to the patient.
-The patient has an illness/injury that would cause death within 6 months, whether or not treatment is provided.
-The patient is permanently unconscious.
Doctors could decide that it is futile to save your life. SICK.
NY State Senate Bill S4685 has already passed the Senate and is movING on to the Assembly.
NY State Assembly Bill A204 is on the calendar.
It would not matter what your livING will stated. You could be denied treatment or resuscitation and never know it."
An act to amend the public health law and the surrogate's court proce-
dure act, in relation to restorING medical futility as a basis for both
surrogate consent to a do not resuscitate order and for a do not resus-
citate order for a patient without a surrogate
This is one of a series of five bills, informally referred to as the
"Surrogate Decision-MakING Improvement Acts." The bills make
technical/minor, clarifyING and coordinatING amendments and other
improvements to the Family Health Care Decisions Act (FHCDA) (Ch. 8,
Laws or 2010) and other laws that govern health care decisions, includ-
ING life-sustainING treatment decisions, for patients who lack deci-
sion-makING capacity.
This bill restores the medical futility standard from former PHL Art.
29-B as a basis for surrogate consent to a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
#16389659 at 2022-06-03 05:26:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20734: You Are Not Immune To Buck Shot Edition
All these lies and all this pain and sufferING for your stupid f-ING clickbait blood money. "F*ck your feelINGs" and all that fun shit.
#16387805 at 2022-06-02 22:18:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20731: Scotus ruling could affect Pa. primary? Edition
COHEN: Consti?tu?tional experts who follow the courts always seem to have an eye on three or four cases that are begin?nING to wend their way through state court systems or the federal system. What three or four Second Amend?ment cases are you watch?ING as they begin their jour?neys to the higher courts? Are we likely to see a chal?lenge to these new open carry laws that so many states have adop?ted over the past few years? Are there other cases you see out there that could give this Court the oppor?tun?ity to expand gun rights and limit gun regu?la?tion? What should we be watch?ING for?
MILLER: There's a host of unsettled ques?tions that I'm keep?ING my eye on. The lower federal courts right now are wrest?lING with the issue of what counts as an "arm" for purposes of the Second Amend?ment: Does it include large capa?city magazines? Does it include AR-15s and other rifles modeled on milit?ary weapons? In Michigan, the state supreme court is set to decide whether the Univer?sity of Michigan and other state univer?sit?ies can keep fire?arms off their campuses or whether that viol?ates federal or state consti?tu?tional law. Then there's the flood of litig?a?tion that will follow the Bruen case. I guar?an?tee that gun rights advoc?ates have already got plaintiffs engaged and complaints draf?ted and that there will be multiple lawsuits filed as soon as the Court hands down Bruen.
But what I'm really focused on is the sleeper issue in Bruen that will determ?ine just how radical a change we're in for. Right now, the lower courts are usING a two-step frame?work for decid?ING Second Amend?ment cases. The first step is a histor?ical approach; the second step allows the govern?ment to justify its regu?la?tion through social science data or other kinds of empir?ical tools. But one issue in Bruen is whether that second step is permiss?ible or whether all Second Amend?ment ques?tions may be answered only by refer?ence to what is permit?ted by "text, history, and tradi?tion."
If the Court adopts a "text, history, and tradi?tion"-only approach to Second Amend?ment ques?tions, then suddenly everythING we thought we knew about gun regu?la?tion
- that you can keep those convicted of domestic viol?ence from possess?ING fire?arms; that you can keep loaded guns out of the cabins of commer?cial airliners
- all that is up for grabs.
Disclos?ure: Miller was among a group of attor?neys who filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of neither party in the Bruen case, urgING the Supreme Court not to apply a text, history, and tradi?tion-only approach. He also filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the pendING Michigan Supreme Court case.
This inter?view has been edited for length and clar?ity.
This discus?sion is one of several in a Bren?nan Center series on the Bill of Rights. The inter?view with Orin Kerr about the Fourth Amend?ment is here, the inter?view with David Carroll about the Sixth Amend?ment is here, and the inter?view with Carol Steiker on the Eighth Amend?ment is here.
#16387801 at 2022-06-02 22:17:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20731: Scotus ruling could affect Pa. primary? Edition
So, by that metric, Burger is right. But assum?ING the Consti?tu?tion means what the Founders inten?ded or under?stood is a huge assump?tion. There's a more flex?ible, evolvING theory of the Consti?tu?tion - typic?ally endorsed by people on the left - that says the mean?ING of the Consti?tu?tion gradu?ally changes over time or is impacted by major public events or social move?ments. On that theory of consti?tu?tional inter?pret?a?tion, call?ING the personal right a "fraud" is a non-sequitur. This is the great irony of the Heller opin?ion - it's a decision by an arch-origin?al?ist, celeb?rated by conser?vat?ives, that only makes sense if the Consti?tu?tion is a livING docu?ment.
COHEN: We all are wait?ING for the Supreme Court's rulING in New York State Rifle & Pistol Asso?ci?ation, Inc. v Bruen. Of course, I haven't read every essay or analysis on the case or the oral argu?ment that took place on it last fall, but I have yet to come across a Second Amend?ment scholar or gun policy expert who says the Court's conser?vat?ive major?ity will side with New York and against the interests of gun owners. What's your sense of the scope of the decision we are most likely to see here? What's your predic?tion?
MILLER: Other than feel?ING very confid?ent that the exist?ING New York State pistol licens?ING law will be struck down, I have very little sense of the scope of the decision we're likely to see in the next month or two. The justices at oral argu?ment seemed genu?inely concerned that a broad rulING on public carry would embroil them in all kinds of minu?tiae about where guns can be prohib?ited - campuses, subway cars, Times Square on New Year's Eve, etc. I cannot believe that they have much appet?ite for trans?form?ING every federal district court judge in the coun?try into a gun zonING czar. That said, there's a conser?vat?ive super?ma?jor?ity on the Court that is clearly ready to flex its muscles on issues that conser?vat?ives have long cared about - from abor?tion restric?tions, to free exer?cise, to gun rights - so I can't rule out a broad and broadly disrupt?ive rulING that would upend not only New York's regu?la?tions but would call into ques?tion the consti?tu?tion?al?ity of nearly every gun regu?la?tion, in every state, at every level of govern?ment.
COHEN: You have writ?ten a great deal on the Second Amend?ment and how poli?cy?makers can and should approach the tension between gun rights and gun regu?la?tions. One article that caught my eye, posted last year, advoc?ated for an "equi?lib?rium adjust?ment" approach to Second Amend?ment law, a sort of slid?ING scale of reas?on?able?ness that would presum?ably protect some exist?ING gun laws while strik?ING down others. Sounds optim?istic to me, given what we know of the Court's ideo?lo?gical makeup. Are you look?ING for anythING in Bruen that would help you eval?u?ate whether the Court is recept?ive to this "equi?lib?ria" approach?
MILLER: The primary point I wanted to make in that article is that if the Court ends up lean?ING heav?ily or exclus?ively on text, history, and tradi?tion to decide Second Amend?ment cases, the process of reas?on?ING from analogy from those sources has to apply equally on both sides of the rights/regu?la?tion equa?tion. The Court has firmly rejec?ted argu?ments that only 18th-century weapons are protec?ted by the Second Amend?ment. But that argu?ment should apply to regu?la?tions too
- more than just those regu?la?tions that exis?ted in the 18th century are consti?tu?tional. So, if the Court holds that new kinds of weapons
- like 9-milli?meter pistols
- are "similar" enough to histor?ical weapons to count as an "arm" under the Second Amend?ment, the Court should say new kinds of regu?la?tions
- like prohib?it?ING guns on the subway
- are "similar" enough to histor?ical regu?la?tions to be consti?tu?tional.
#16387792 at 2022-06-02 22:15:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20731: Scotus ruling could affect Pa. primary? Edition
COHEN: What's your view of the Protec?tion of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, the Bush-era federal law that offers a special shield to gun manu?fac?tur?ers to protect them from liab?il?ity for the damage caused by gun viol?ence? Would a legis?lat?ive repeal of it viol?ate the Second Amend?ment? And do you get a sense from recent litig?a?tion against gun manu?fac?tur?ers - I am think?ING of the Sandy Hook case, for example - that this avenue might repres?ent the best chance now to reduce gun viol?ence by hold?ING gunmakers account?able for some of it?
MILLER: I do not think a legis?lat?ive repeal of PLCAA would viol?ate the Second Amend?ment. I do think the Second Amend?ment presumes that there will be some kind of commer?cial market in weapons, but noth?ING about the Second Amend?ment says that market must be unreg?u?lated. Indeed, in District of Columbia v. Heller, the Court itself said "noth?ING in our opin?ion should be taken to cast doubt on ... laws impos?ING condi?tions and qual?i?fic?a?tions on the commer?cial sale of arms." Right now, under PLCAA, fire?arms are among a hand?ful of commer?cial products that are essen?tially immun?ized from tort rules that could force manu?fac?tur?ers and distrib?ut?ors to make them safer and less prone to misuse.
It's possible that, if PLCAA were repealed, the Court would hold - as it has in the First Amend?ment context with defam?a?tion of public figures - that the Second Amend?ment sets the lower bound?ary for tort rules involvING weapons. It's possible, but that would give Second Amend?ment rights a kind of pree?m?in?ence claimed by few other consti?tu?tional guar?an?tees. The Sandy Hook case provides a very small crack to penet?rate the PLCAA immunity shield, and perhaps that will be enough to make gun manu?fac?tur?ers change their sales prac?tices. However, I'm not certain that it will provide the full set of incent?ives - already present with other kinds of commer?cial products: from batter?ies, to cars, to prescrip?tion medic?a?tion - to make a poten?tially bene?fi?cial product less prone to misuse.
COHEN: Five years after he retired, former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, a Nixon appointee, said the idea that there was a personal right to bear arms embed?ded in the Second Amend?ment was a fraud. The Second Amend?ment, he told an inter?viewer in 1991, "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the Amer?ican public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my life?time." That was 31 years ago. Since then, a conser?vat?ive Supreme Court has ruled there is such an indi?vidual right to bear arms, a rulING that has spawned roll?backs of gun regu?la?tions across the coun?try. To a lot of people, Burger's comments are a sort of Rorschach test about the Second Amend?ment in general and gun regu?la?tion in partic?u?lar. Where do you stand on it?
MILLER: This is not a simple ques?tion. To call the personal right inter?pret?a?tion of the Second Amend?ment a "fraud" presumes a certain kind of origin?al?ist consti?tu?tional meth?od?o?logy. It presumes that the Second Amend?ment means what the Founders inten?ded or, altern?at?ively, what the Found?ING gener?a?tion under?stood the words to mean around 1791. Few, if any, of the Founders are talk?ING about fire?arms for personal self-defense against crim?in?als durING the time the Second Amend?ment was rati?fied - the debate was focused on fear of a stand?ING army and how to organ?ize the mili?tia. Recent research by lINGuists, usING big data sets of 18th-century docu?ments unavail?able when the Court decided District of Columbia v. Heller, has pretty convin?cINGly shown that the term "bear arms" was over?whelm?INGly used in a collect?ive or milit?ary sense and almost never used in the modern sense of "carry weapons."
#16387788 at 2022-06-02 22:14:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20731: Scotus ruling could affect Pa. primary? Edition
That was then. This is now. Now we all are wait?ING for the Supreme Court's rulING in Bruen, an opin?ion that some court watch?ers say won't come until some?time in late June. This case is the chal?lenge to New York's 108-year-old concealed hand?gun law. The chal?lengers claim they should?n't have to show a special need to get a license to carry a gun that way. A major?ity of justices seemed skep?tical of New York's rationale for the law when they asked about it durING oral argu?ment last fall. But Bruen is just the start of what some lawyers and advoc?ates say will be a relent?less effort by the Court to trans?form gun regu?la?tion around the United States.
The Bruen decision will come weeks after another mass shoot?ING, another spasm of gun viol?ence, this time in Buffalo, New York, where Gov. Kathy Hochul and state legis?lat?ors are prom?isING to expand the scope of gun regu?la?tions. Will the Buffalo massacre change anyone's mind on the Court? Not likely. Nor will the massacre of 19 chil?dren and 2 teach?ers at Robb Element?ary School in Uvalde, Texas. They were reportedly gunned down by an 18 year old who had just purchased his weapons in a state that has dramat?ic?ally loosened gun laws in the past decade. It is harder for an 18 year old to get a driver's license than a gun in Texas.
To get a sense of where we are now on the Second Amend?ment and where we are likely headed given the Court's current makeup, I reached out to Darrell Miller, a professor at Duke Law School who is an expert on the Second Amend?ment and gun rights and regu?la?tions.
COHEN: Three days after the Capitol riot and insur?rec?tion, you gave a fascin?at?ING inter?view to Olivia Li at The Trace in which you talked about an insur?rec?tion?ist theory of the Second Amend?ment. "There is always someone who thinks that tyranny is in the present" is the quote you once used to help describe the concept. It's now been 15 months since Janu?ary 6, 2021. What have you seen between now and then, among the hundreds of federal cases to arise involvING the alleged rioters and insur?rec?tion?ists, to support or under?mine your old theory?
MILLER: If anythING, the past 15 months have only rein?forced my convic?tion that the normal?iz?a?tion of threats of polit?ical viol?ence in Amer?ican soci?ety is under?min?ING the found?a?tion of Amer?ican demo?cracy. We're learn?ING through these prosec?u?tions just how wide?spread and coordin?ated the attack on the Capitol actu?ally was. We're learn?ING through the Janu?ary 6 Commit?tee how compli?cit a signi?fic?ant segment of the polit?ical, legal, and profes?sional class was in support?ING a multi-pronged attack on the peace?ful trans?fer of power. Yet instead of seeING bipar?tisan condem?na?tion of polit?ical viol?ence, we're witness?ING ever more trans?par?ent appeals to it. I remain alarmed.
#16387786 at 2022-06-02 22:14:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20731: Scotus ruling could affect Pa. primary? Edition
The Supreme Court Is on the Verge of ExpandING Second Amendment Gun Rights
Amend?ment II
A well regu?lated Mili?tia, beING neces?sary to the secur?ity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infrINGed.
The Supreme Court is poised to issue a rulING in a New York gun rights case that will likely expand the scope of protec?tions the Second Amend?ment affords indi?vidual gun owners who want to carry a gun outside of their resid?ences. The biggest ques?tion in New York State Rifle & Pistol Asso?ci?ation v. Bruen may not be whether a major?ity of justices strike down the state's century-old hand?gun licens?ING require?ment but how far that major?ity goes in signal?ING that other licens?ING meas?ures created by govern?ment offi?cials are now consti?tu?tion?ally suspect.
Can offi?cials prohibit hand?guns in courtrooms and schools? What about college campuses or hospit?als? When the Court heard oral argu?ment in Novem?ber, the six-member conser?vat?ive major?ity seemed far more inter?ested in explor?ING the contours of an expan?ded Second Amend?ment than in whether it ought to be expan?ded. This approach to gun regu?la?tion is a sea change from the Court's histor?ical approach to the amend?ment, but it should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed the arc of the Court's juris?pru?dence in this area over the past 15 years.
The current Supreme Court is far more conser?vat?ive and far more friendly to gun rights than the one that first recog?nized a personal right to bear arms under the Second Amend?ment in District Columbia v. Heller in 2008. Or the Supreme Court that acknow?ledged two years later in McDon?ald v. Chicago that such protec?tions apply to state laws and regu?la?tions as well. Gone since then is Justice Ruth Bader Gins?burg, a foe of expan?ded gun rights. In her place is Justice Amy Coney Barrett, whose view of the Second Amend?ment is viewed by many as even more expans?ive than that of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, the author of Heller.
For many years after the Heller and McDon?ald decisions, Justice Clar?ence Thomas, an extreme gun rights supporter, urged his colleagues on the Court over and over again to accept more Second Amend?ment chal?lenges to exist?ING gun laws. He wanted the Supreme Court to use the newly recog?nized "personal" right under the Second Amend?ment to sweep away regu?la?tions restrict?ING the posses?sion and use of fire?arms. And for many years, until the arrival of the three justices nomin?ated by Pres?id?ent Donald Trump, Thomas's colleagues rejec?ted those attempts.
#16381659 at 2022-06-01 20:47:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20724: On to VICTORY! Edition
Drag queen pastor declares 'God is nothING' in blasphemous profanity-laced video
Isaac Simmons, a United Methodist Church candidate for ordination and associate pastor at Hope UMC in BloomINGton, Illinois, recently spewed blasphemy in a new slam poem ode to the LGBTQ+ movement.
The drag queen pastor and self-styled "drag-evangelist" who goes by the stage name, Ms. Penny Cost, declared over and over again that "God is nothING," "the Bible is nothING," and "religion is nothING" in the profanity-laced video posted on his website.
Yet while the God of historic Christianity is but a farce, accordING to Simmons - who repeatedly refers to the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as female - queer spirituality and LGBTQ+ identity are, in fact, the true expression of divinity.
"God is nothING, but if she were, she would be yes, queen-ING her way down the runways of Paris and Montreal, struttING between that tightrope pulled taught between absurdity and opulence, balancING between too much and never enough," he proclaims. "NothING, but if she were, she would be a seamstress of divine couture, weavING together strING theory and self portraits to form the fiercest gowns of queer existence."
"God is nothING but a drag queen with a microphone of biblical f***ING proportions," he adds.
"Out of a closet of darkness, from under a shroud of secrecy came the beauty of humanity, humanity made in the gender-bendING, identity-breakING, system-shakING image of God, the imago Dei," he declares. "From Adam and Steve to you and to me."
Simmons then turns his attention to the "f*ed up theology of toxic masculinity and the s*y ideals of the oppressive regime" and "Christian terrorists who wield their flappable doctrine to inflict harm on God's queerly-anointed creation."
The Bible, God, and religion "must be nothING," he concludes, unless we wield it into somethING."
In the caption of the video, Simmons dedicates his performance to so-called deconstructionists, non-literalists, and queer spiritualists, and claims his message is "directed to those who actively and passively cause harm against the LGBTQIA2S+ Community due to their understandINGs of Scripture."
AmazINGly, despite his clear denial of and hatred for the basic tenets of Christianity, the United Methodist Church has certified Simmons as a candidate for ministry. At Hope UMC, where Simmons currently serves, the proudly queer pastor has hosted "drag queen Sundays," which he describes as "basically just a church service that just happened to be performed in drag."
Simmons has become a lightnING rod amid a years-long clash over LGBTQ+ issues within the United Methodist Church. Earlier this year, the Global Methodist Church - a more conservative Methodist denomination that holds to a traditional view of marriage and opposes ordainING LGBT clergy - announced it would formally split from the denomination.
Simmons discussed in more detail his efforts to merge drag and spirituality in an interview with UMC, posted below.
#16378706 at 2022-06-01 05:02:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20720: Anons Cannot Sleep Edition
Bore-ING? Or DUMB?
#16372010 at 2022-05-31 03:23:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20711:Durham Trail back on, jury deliberations Tuesday Edition.
Hot sprING.
Hotter summer.
Hardest Fall.
In the upcomING weeks, JA will be returnING to the news.
Were strINGs cut or were strINGs pulled?
How are your nerves Hill?
Could Durham have somethING 'Rich?'
'If That F-ING B*stard Trump Wins, We All Hang From Nooses'
#16368217 at 2022-05-30 15:24:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20706: Patriots Fight. Today We Remember. Edition
10 The International Jew
the New Testament Scriptures call "the fear of the Jews." The pulpit has
also the mission of liberatING the Church from the error that Judah and
Israel are synonymous. The readING of the Scriptures which confuse the
tribe of Judah with Israel, and which interpret every mention of Israel as
signifyING the Jews, is at the root of more than one-half the confusion and
division traceable in Christian doctrinal statements.
The Jews are NOT "The Chosen People," though practically the
entire Church has succumbed to the propaganda which declares them to
be so. The Jewish tINGe of thought has of late years overspread many
Christian statements, and the uninstructed clergy have proved more and
more amenable to Jewish suggestion.
The flaccid condition of the Church, so much deplored by
spokesmen who had regard for inner life, was brought about not by
"science," not by "scholarship," not by the "increase of light and
learnING" -for none of these thINGs are antagonistic even to incomplete
statements of truth-but by Jewish German Higher Criticism. The
defenders of the faith have fought long and valiantly against the inroads
made by the so-called Higher Criticism, but were sadly incapacitated in
their defense, because they did not see that its origin and purpose were
Jewish. It was not Christian; it wa~ not German; it was Jewish.
It is perfectly in keepING with the Jewish World Program that this
destructive influence should be sent out under Jewish auspices, and it is
perfectly in keep?ING with non-Jewish trustfulness to accept the thING
without lookING at its source. The Church is now victim of a second
attack against her, in the rampant Socialism and Sovietism that have been
thrust upon her in the name of flabby and unmoral theories of
"brotherhood" and in an appeal to her "fairness." The church has been
made to believe that she is a forum for discussion and not a high place for
Jews have actually invaded in person and in program, hundreds of
American churches, with their subversive and imp:::>ssible social ideals,
and at last become so cocksure of their domination of the situation that
they were met with the inevitable check.
Clergymen ought to know that seven-eighths of the economic mush
they speak from the pulpit is prepared by Jewish professors of political
economy and revolutionary leaders. They should be informed that
economic thought has been so completely Judaized by means of a
#16367463 at 2022-05-30 12:38:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20705: It's Not Whether You Win Or Lose, But Whether You Win Edition
>>16367445 Go to the App Store and leave Truth Social a nice review. Them dems are pullING its ratING down. Share and let's get Truth Social 5 -ING.
#16367462 at 2022-05-30 12:37:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20705: It's Not Whether You Win Or Lose, But Whether You Win Edition
If you have a moment please go to the App Store and leave Truth Social a nice review. Them dems are pullING its ratING down. Share and let's get Truth Social 5 ?-ING.
#16367445 at 2022-05-30 12:33:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20705: It's Not Whether You Win Or Lose, But Whether You Win Edition
Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump
05/30/2022 08:24:20
Truth Social: 108390872543504140
Blatant Truth / @dannygrand
05/22/2022 09:31:26
Truth Social: 108345837944606746
The Blatant Truth:
Heard a stat on the radio today that U.S. unemployment is at its lowest level since the late 60's - sounds great doesn't it? Like the economy is boomING and everyone is workING... Know why it's so low? Because people have been on it SOOOOOOOO LOOOONNNNNGGGGG that they literally can no longer qualify for it anymore. Now let's see what's gonna happen… Good Job Joe you're doING great (at destroyING the country)...
Blatant Truth / @dannygrand
05/22/2022 09:32:05
Truth Social: 108345840449123842
think we need a Patriot Patrol at every Dropbox durING the Election Day-Week, everyone should just go there and watch and record on their smart phones. Let the ballot harvesters see that we're not goING to let them stuff multiple ballots in boxes. People always ask what they can do, this is somethING safe, easy, and smart that anyone of us can do as a labor of love for our great nation. JFK said it best "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". #A1st
Blatant Truth / @dannygrand
05/22/2022 09:32:42
Truth Social: 108345842895934375
If you have a moment please go to the App Store and leave Truth Social a nice review. Them dems are pullING its ratING down. Share and let's get Truth Social 5 -ING.
@realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @DevinNunes
Donald J. Trump reTruthed…
#16362906 at 2022-05-29 17:34:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20700: Nothing is gonna stop anons from holding the high ground
'Kill Switch And Detentions': Bush-Era FOIA Docs Reveal Government Plans For Apocalyptic Events
Previously classified files obtained by the Brennan Center for Justice reveal that the 2004 George W. Bush administration conducted a holistic review of the president's emergency powers, with the goal of modernizING a set of secret plans for continuity-of-government in a nuclear war.
The George W. Bush Presidential Library turned over 500 out of 6,000 pages of the documents, known as "presidential emergency action documents" (PEADs), which "shed troub?lING new light on the powers that modern pres?id?ents claim they possess in moments of crisis," accordING to the Brennan Center, which obtained the records through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
PEADs were created durING the cold war, when the chance of a Soviet nuclear strike was at its peak. Early drafts reportedly rested on broad interpretations of executive powers. AccordING to official reports from the 1960s, various PEADs authorized the president to enact measures such as suspendING habeas corpus, to detain "dangerous persons" within the country, to censor news media, and to prevent international travel.
In light if 9/11, one Bush administration official viewed updatING the PEADs an "urgent and compel?lING secur?ity effort, espe?cially in light of ongo?ING threats."
While the Brennan Center was unable to obtain more recent PEADs, the documents show "some of the most disturbING aspects of early-Cold War emergency action documents" were maintained at least throughout 2008.
Here are the specific findINGs via the Brennan Center:
ControllING commu?nic?a?tions
At least one of the docu?ments under review was designed to imple?ment the emer?gency author?it?ies contained in Section 706 of the Commu?nic?a?tions Act. DurING World War II, Congress gran?ted the pres?id?ent author?ity to shut down or seize control of "any facil?ity or station for wire commu?nic?a?tion" upon proclam?a?tion "that there exists a state or threat of war involvING the United States."
This fright?en?INGly expans?ive language was, at the time, hemmed in by Amer?ic?ans' limited use of tele?phone calls and tele?grams. Today, however, a pres?id?ent will?ING to test the limits of his or her author?ity might inter?pret "wire commu?nic?a?tions" to encom?pass the inter?net - and there?fore claim a "kill switch" over vast swaths of elec?tronic commu?nic?a?tion.
And indeed, Bush admin?is?tra?tion offi?cials repeatedly high?lighted the stat?ute's flex?ib?il?ity: it was "very broad," as one offi?cial in the National Secur?ity Coun?cil scribbled, and it exten?ded "broader than common carri?ers in FCC [Federal Commu?nic?a?tions Commis?sion] juris[diction]."
#16361946 at 2022-05-29 12:57:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20699: Trump Maga King reeeees Ultra Maga on truth social edition
drip drip drip
'Kill Switch And Detentions': Bush-Era FOIA Docs Reveal Government Plans For Apocalyptic Events
Previously classified files obtained by the Brennan Center for Justice reveal that the 2004 George W. Bush administration conducted a holistic review of the president's emergency powers, with the goal of modernizING a set of secret plans for continuity-of-government in a nuclear war.
At least one of the docu?ments under review was designed to imple?ment the emer?gency author?it?ies contained in Section 706 of the Commu?nic?a?tions Act. DurING World War II, Congress gran?ted the pres?id?ent author?ity to shut down or seize control of "any facil?ity or station for wire commu?nic?a?tion" upon proclam?a?tion "that there exists a state or threat of war involvING the United States."
This fright?en?INGly expans?ive language was, at the time, hemmed in by Amer?ic?ans' limited use of tele?phone calls and tele?grams. Today, however, a pres?id?ent will?ING to test the limits of his or her author?ity might inter?pret "wire commu?nic?a?tions" to encom?pass the inter?net - and there?fore claim a "kill switch" over vast swaths of elec?tronic commu?nic?a?tion.
#16361276 at 2022-05-29 06:18:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20698: Happy Birthday JFK; o7 Q Edition
>Ukraine threads
still /chug/ING along
#16360286 at 2022-05-29 02:06:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20696: Trump rally wyoming continued until Trump Stage left, Edition.
#16356659 at 2022-05-28 14:29:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20692: Watch the skies, Trump rally pre-bread edition
>>16356553 more from Janco's dillusion filled paper
So this paper is about peddlING various known and confirmed disinformation about Trump winnING and HRC losING, once again blamING Russia, Russia, Russia and some China
"Hostile-state information operations, which Herbert Lin defines as "the deliberate use of information (whether true or false) by one party on an adversary to confuse, mislead and ultimately to influence the choices and decisions that the adversary makes," continue to confound democracies.1
The use and manipulation of information as a tool of influence began long before the 2016 US presidential election. But information operations have become more potent in an increasINGly networked world, aided by the ubiquity of online targetING tools and the anonymity and credibility the Internet provides.
Since 2016, the American public and private sectors have struggled to address this challenge, stymied by domestic politicization of the topic and legitimate concerns about balancING social media regulation with First Amendment rights.2
As a result, disinformation has thrived durING the COVID-19 pandemic and left the country vulnerable to manipulation through hostile-state information operations.
Perpetual Information Competition
Since the end of the Cold War and the resurgence of great-power competition, Western democracies have conceptualized hostile-state information operations as one-off occurrences-explained away by societal peculiarities, tensions, and events such as elections-that provide inflection points hostile states can attempt to manipulate. Rather than organizING crosscuttING, proactive, whole-of-government responses, most Western governments stand-up extra capabilities only when necessary, such aselection war rooms before events like the 2018 US midterms (Bannon's and Trump's war rooms)or the UK government's response to the Russian poisonINGs of Sergei and Yulia Skripal on British soil.3
In the United States, counterING information operations has been largely securitized, primarily involvING elements of the Defense, Homeland Security, and State Departments, in addition to the Intelligence Community, but rarely, if ever, focused on domestic audiences or involvING the softer side of government, such as theDepartment of Education. As the development of Russian and Chinese information operations over the past decade-plus into the COVID-19 era demonstrates, this lack of whole-of-government approach misses the bigger picture and inhibits an effective response.
Like the Kremlin-sponsored information operations in Estonia, Georgia, and Ukraine that preceded it, Russian online interference surroundING the 2016 US presidential election had the goal of "provok[ING] and amplify[ING] political and social discord in the United States."10 Through fake accounts and pages, illegally purchased online advertisements, monetary support of authentic American activists and protests, the hack-and-leak of the emails of Democratic political operatives, and billions of organic online engagements, Russian operatives were able to influence America's democratic discourse ahead of the 2016 vote.11 They built community and trust through positive messagING and later used this influence to launch more ambitious and divisive campaigns, includING in-person protests.12
Due to the insufficient and tardy response of the social media platforms and the US government in the wake of the 2016 election interference campaign, Russia's information operations targetING the United States continue as the 2020 presidential election approaches.13 The Kremlin and its channels of influence have adapted their information operations' tools and tactics to the responses that have been implemented, findING innovative ways around regulations in the United States and beyond. In 2019 and 2020, Ukraine's security service uncovered evidence Russian operatives rented Facebook accounts from Ukrainian users and organized a bot network utilizING 40,000 Ukrainian and European SIM cards to field 10,000 accounts across the country.14
UsING practiced tactics, Russian officials and state-run media were quick to seize on the pandemic to drive further division in Western democracies. The COVID-19 opportunity was particularly appealING in the United States,where another divisive presidential election campaign had just begun, and US government missteps could be amplified and exploited to influence political discourse.
#16355664 at 2022-05-28 08:39:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20691: It's CASPER WYOMING RALLY DAY! Edition
>>16351785 Kash Patel - Convictions ComING, More Indictments ComING, We Caught Them All (video)
>>16351792 Biden's Chief Climate Officer Is A Klaus Schwab Fellow
>>16351797, >>16351805 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Says Clinton Guilty Of 'Sedition'
>>16351806 DisturbING accounts of sexual assaults in Zuckerberg's new virtual #metaverse are rackING up
>>16351809 Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead... Now FacING Criminal Charges
>>16351812 Southfront: Ukrainian Officers Continue KillING Their Soldiers. Number Of Ukrainian POWs Grows
>>16351816 Anon peeks at Fast and Furious again
>>16351830 World Economic Forum 'Press Freedom' Panel Calls for Algorithmic Suppression of Hate Speech, Rumours
>>16351855 Uvalde School Children Desperately Called 911 BeggING for Help as Police Waited an Hour to Kill Shooter
>>16351865 Chinese manufacturer sent 100,000+ defective COVID tests with false positives to US company
>>16351869, >>16351876, >>16352102, >>16352166, Dan Scavino posts aerial view of Florida, text reads "Houston, Texas" Hunter's Island?
>>16351878 Hero Border Patrol Agent: Allow Teachers to Carry Guns for Classroom Defense
>>16351897, >>16351903 Hillary's Russian Disinfo | Trump Alfa-Bank Conspiracy Theory (video)
>>16351904 Southfront: Ukraine Was BuildING Dirty Bomb. Advance Of Russian Troops Reveals New Circumstances
>>16351917 PassING of former USAID coleegue Abdulmaheed Al-Ajami
>>16351918 43 arrested, cited for drugs, weapons, crimes against children by HSI Phoenix and partnered agencies
>>16351922, >>16351945 19 officers stood outside classroom where gunman trapped victims doING NOTHING because Uvalde police chief thought everyone was dead despite kids continuING to call 911
>>16351940 Obama-Appointed Judge Throws Out Trump's Lawsuit to Block New York AG Letitia James' Witch Hunt Investigation
>>16351941, >>16351968 Tass: Russia calls on WHO to investigate US-funded laboratories in Nigeria - Defense Ministry
>>16351951, >>16351955, >>16351971, >>16351973, >>16351990 Rediscovered Native American remedy (Sarracenia purpurea) kills poxvirus
>>16351960 Violent Felon Breaks Into Elementary School, 3 Teachers Take Action
>>16351977 House Republicans Call On Biden To Withdraw From World Health Organization
>>16352004 The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR has completed the investigation of a criminal case against mercenaries from the UK and Morocco
>>16352018, >>16352031 Marketfag
>>16352092 Clinton Posse activity durING July, 2016
>>16352107 NRA Convention Stream via RSBN
>>16352121, >>16352450 More Lies: Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965
>>16352150 Wisconsin School Goes Virtual After Multiple Bomb Threats, Memorial Day Parade Canceled
>>16352163 Crimes Against Children
>>16352183 Train derailment newar Pittsburgh, 17 tanker cars haulING sweet crude derailed and into the river, bridge destroyed
>>16352269 McConnell Pushes GOP to Work With Democrats on Gun Legislation in Response to Texas School ShootING
>>16352289, >>16352455 Cabal footsoldiers at the NRA (mp4)
>>16352297 DJT Jr: We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!! This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it
>>16352305 Texas Governor says anonymous donor will cover all funeral costs of #Uvalde shootING victims
>>16352326 Babylon Bee: Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd
>>16352345 Old Charlton Heston vid: "Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot... All these monsters began by confiscatING private arms, then literally soakING the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people (mp4)
>>16352355 Mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies have had damagING effects on public trust, vaccine confidence, political polarization, human rights, inequities, and social wellbeING, an analysis published in the British medical journal concludes
>>16352366 Ted Cruz SpeakING at NRA Conference via RSBN (video)
>>16352484 Mark Robinson (Lt. Gov. of North Carolina) SpeakING via RSBN (video)
>>16352521 Woman with a pistol took down a crazed man sprayING bullets at a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia
>>16352549 #20686
Previously Collected
>>16352165 #20685, >>16352549 #20686, >>16350893 #20684
>>16349323 #20682, >>16350168 #20683, >>16350893 #20684
>>16347001 #20679, >>16347811 #20680, >>16348583 #20681
>>16344683 #20676, >>16345480 #20677, >>16346248 #20678
>>16342239 #20673, >>16342958 #20674, >>16343890 #20675
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
#16354861 at 2022-05-28 04:38:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20690: EBaked Edition
>>16351785 Kash Patel - Convictions ComING, More Indictments ComING, We Caught Them All (video)
>>16351792 Biden's Chief Climate Officer Is A Klaus Schwab Fellow
>>16351797, >>16351805 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Says Clinton Guilty Of 'Sedition'
>>16351806 DisturbING accounts of sexual assaults in Zuckerberg's new virtual #metaverse are rackING up
>>16351809 Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead... Now FacING Criminal Charges
>>16351812 Southfront: Ukrainian Officers Continue KillING Their Soldiers. Number Of Ukrainian POWs Grows
>>16351816 Anon peeks at Fast and Furious again
>>16351830 World Economic Forum 'Press Freedom' Panel Calls for Algorithmic Suppression of Hate Speech, Rumours
>>16351855 Uvalde School Children Desperately Called 911 BeggING for Help as Police Waited an Hour to Kill Shooter
>>16351865 Chinese manufacturer sent 100,000+ defective COVID tests with false positives to US company
>>16351869, >>16351876, >>16352102, >>16352166, Dan Scavino posts aerial view of Florida, text reads "Houston, Texas" Hunter's Island?
>>16351878 Hero Border Patrol Agent: Allow Teachers to Carry Guns for Classroom Defense
>>16351897, >>16351903 Hillary's Russian Disinfo | Trump Alfa-Bank Conspiracy Theory (video)
>>16351904 Southfront: Ukraine Was BuildING Dirty Bomb. Advance Of Russian Troops Reveals New Circumstances
>>16351917 PassING of former USAID coleegue Abdulmaheed Al-Ajami
>>16351918 43 arrested, cited for drugs, weapons, crimes against children by HSI Phoenix and partnered agencies
>>16351922, >>16351945 19 officers stood outside classroom where gunman trapped victims doING NOTHING because Uvalde police chief thought everyone was dead despite kids continuING to call 911
>>16351940 Obama-Appointed Judge Throws Out Trump's Lawsuit to Block New York AG Letitia James' Witch Hunt Investigation
>>16351941, >>16351968 Tass: Russia calls on WHO to investigate US-funded laboratories in Nigeria - Defense Ministry
>>16351951, >>16351955, >>16351971, >>16351973, >>16351990 Rediscovered Native American remedy (Sarracenia purpurea) kills poxvirus
>>16351960 Violent Felon Breaks Into Elementary School, 3 Teachers Take Action
>>16351977 House Republicans Call On Biden To Withdraw From World Health Organization
>>16352004 The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR has completed the investigation of a criminal case against mercenaries from the UK and Morocco
>>16352018, >>16352031 Marketfag
>>16352092 Clinton Posse activity durING July, 2016
>>16352107 NRA Convention Stream via RSBN
>>16352121, >>16352450 More Lies: Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965
>>16352150 Wisconsin School Goes Virtual After Multiple Bomb Threats, Memorial Day Parade Canceled
>>16352163 Crimes Against Children
>>16352183 Train derailment newar Pittsburgh, 17 tanker cars haulING sweet crude derailed and into the river, bridge destroyed
>>16352269 McConnell Pushes GOP to Work With Democrats on Gun Legislation in Response to Texas School ShootING
>>16352289, >>16352455 Cabal footsoldiers at the NRA (mp4)
>>16352297 DJT Jr: We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!! This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it
>>16352305 Texas Governor says anonymous donor will cover all funeral costs of #Uvalde shootING victims
>>16352326 Babylon Bee: Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd
>>16352345 Old Charlton Heston vid: "Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot... All these monsters began by confiscatING private arms, then literally soakING the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people (mp4)
>>16352355 Mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies have had damagING effects on public trust, vaccine confidence, political polarization, human rights, inequities, and social wellbeING, an analysis published in the British medical journal concludes
>>16352366 Ted Cruz SpeakING at NRA Conference via RSBN (video)
>>16352484 Mark Robinson (Lt. Gov. of North Carolina) SpeakING via RSBN (video)
>>16352521 Woman with a pistol took down a crazed man sprayING bullets at a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia
>>16352549 #20686
#16354209 at 2022-05-28 02:34:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20689: Durham Watch In Effect Edition
JR is !@#$%^-ING upset!
#16354040 at 2022-05-28 02:07:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20689: Durham Watch In Effect Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread
>>16199152 HB laptop dig - REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics
>>16050716 CoordinatING bakING & notetakING; plz tag the dough
>>16341335 Do anons want a new section for DJT news between Globals and Notables? new
>>16353348 President Donald Trump Interviewed by Sebastian Gorka - May 26, 2022
>>16353486 Plandemic 3 - Behind the Scenes - @OfficialPlandemic on Telegram
>>16353508 PEDO BUN 27 May 22
>>16353605, >>16353614, >>16353621 Marc Elias bites on weak troll or fake shill kek
>>16353612 NRA Protestors Channel Their Spirit Animals
>>16353762, >>16353868 WatchING 2000 Mules and around 24:46. the dude says they targeted 309 drop-boxes in GA
>>16353780, >>16353628 ALICE Active Shooter Response TrainING Potential Dig
>>16353815, >>16353903 Potato Joe packING his shit into a Red SUV? Comms equipment? Cartel/law enforcement/White House workING together now?
>>16353864 Helicopter from mornING dig [HeliQwest] International helicopter charter company specializING in external load and specialty operations
>>16353944 Three charged with murder in shootING death of 9-year-old in Skokie, police, prosecutors say
>>16353947 Myanmar Junta Detains Petrol Tycoon With Corruption Charge
>>16353825, >>16353795, >>16353754, >>16353767, >>16353865, >>16353489 muh Uvalde Shooter bun
>>16353981 It's time for a Revolution. https://revolution.radio Studio B
>>16354015 #20688
>>16352557 Elon Musk Challenges AOC To Prove Her Followers Exist on Twitter (video)
>>16352564 Trudeau's health minister says World Health Organization should be given even greater power
>>16352569 Day 93, Russia fired Iskander missile at Ukraine, video released
>>16352575, >>16352633 Justice Department Won't Charge FBI Agents in Nassar Case Failures
>>16352600, >>16352915 PDJT on RSBN stream, Houston, Texas (video)
>>16352616, >>16352620 Second bizarre death has been linked to mysterious Arkansas suicide of former presidential advisor who introduced President Bill Clinton to billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein
>>16352691 British mercenaries in Ukraine face death penalty
>>16352716, >>16352847 Ukrainian ex-president attempts to leave for Poland
>>16352746 Biden appears to confuse North and South Korea
>>16352757 Harvard University, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern delivers Commencement Address May 26, 2022 (video)
>>16352775 Uvalde Police Officers ReceivING Death Threats After Texas School ShootING
>>16352788 White House Tasks Susan Rice with Gun Control Effort
>>16352793 How Many Times Are The Feds GoING To Be Involved In Violent Incidents In America?
>>16352805 Text Messages Reveal Rep. Nancy Mace TrashING Trump FollowING January 6
>>16352808 Former CEO of defunct medical testING laboratory sentenced to prison for medical kickback scheme
>>16352821 Brazil's Bolsonaro Says Biden Ignored Everyone at G-20 Summit: 'I Don't Know if It's His Age'
>>16352840 Scientific Journal Goes Woke with Editorial CallING for Gender Identity in Study Proposals
>>16352881 Rep. Chip Roy Bill Would Block Federal Retirement Plans from InvestING in ESG Climate Scam Funds
>>16352892 More than 99 percent of illegal aliens enlisted in President Joe Biden's "Dedicated Dockets" program in Los Angeles, California, are found to have invalid claims for asylum and are subsequently ordered deported
>>16352993 Judical Watch: Immediate Armed Response Saves Lives in Mass ShootINGs, Hillary Authorized Anti-Trump Dossier & MORE (video)
>>16353068 California and New Zealand Partner to Advance Global Climate Leadership
>>16353129 Potato" I've got more good news: 27.5 million bottles of safe infant formula manufactured by Bubs Australia are comING to the United States.We're doING everythING in our power to get more formula on shelves as soon as possible
>>16353134 Ukrainian Orthodox Church has declared independence as Moscow warns the schism could lead to its disappearance
>>16353141, >>16353152 Authorities investigatING if retired federal agent knew of Buffalo mass shootING plans in advance
>>16353227 Another Nazi who surrendered at Azovstal: Lapeev Yaroslav Sergeevich
>>16353264 Lee Greenwood Pulls Out of NRA Convention Over Texas ShootING
>>16353384 #20687 (posted in #20688)
>>16351785 Kash Patel - Convictions ComING, More Indictments ComING, We Caught Them All (video)
>>16351792 Biden's Chief Climate Officer Is A Klaus Schwab Fellow
>>16351797, >>16351805 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Says Clinton Guilty Of 'Sedition'
>>16351806 DisturbING accounts of sexual assaults in Zuckerberg's new virtual #metaverse are rackING up
>>16351809 Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead... Now FacING Criminal Charges
>>16351812 Southfront: Ukrainian Officers Continue KillING Their Soldiers. Number Of Ukrainian POWs Grows
>>16351816 Anon peeks at Fast and Furious again
>>16351830 World Economic Forum 'Press Freedom' Panel Calls for Algorithmic Suppression of Hate Speech, Rumours
>>16351855 Uvalde School Children Desperately Called 911 BeggING for Help as Police Waited an Hour to Kill Shooter
>>16351865 Chinese manufacturer sent 100,000+ defective COVID tests with false positives to US company
>>16351869, >>16351876, >>16352102, >>16352166, Dan Scavino posts aerial view of Florida, text reads "Houston, Texas" Hunter's Island?
>>16351878 Hero Border Patrol Agent: Allow Teachers to Carry Guns for Classroom Defense
>>16351897, >>16351903 Hillary's Russian Disinfo | Trump Alfa-Bank Conspiracy Theory (video)
>>16351904 Southfront: Ukraine Was BuildING Dirty Bomb. Advance Of Russian Troops Reveals New Circumstances
>>16351917 PassING of former USAID coleegue Abdulmaheed Al-Ajami
>>16351918 43 arrested, cited for drugs, weapons, crimes against children by HSI Phoenix and partnered agencies
>>16351922, >>16351945 19 officers stood outside classroom where gunman trapped victims doING NOTHING because Uvalde police chief thought everyone was dead despite kids continuING to call 911
>>16351940 Obama-Appointed Judge Throws Out Trump's Lawsuit to Block New York AG Letitia James' Witch Hunt Investigation
>>16351941, >>16351968 Tass: Russia calls on WHO to investigate US-funded laboratories in Nigeria - Defense Ministry
>>16351951, >>16351955, >>16351971, >>16351973, >>16351990 Rediscovered Native American remedy (Sarracenia purpurea) kills poxvirus
>>16351960 Violent Felon Breaks Into Elementary School, 3 Teachers Take Action
>>16351977 House Republicans Call On Biden To Withdraw From World Health Organization
>>16352004 The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR has completed the investigation of a criminal case against mercenaries from the UK and Morocco
>>16352018, >>16352031 Marketfag
>>16352092 Clinton Posse activity durING July, 2016
>>16352107 NRA Convention Stream via RSBN
>>16352121, >>16352450 More Lies: Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965
>>16352150 Wisconsin School Goes Virtual After Multiple Bomb Threats, Memorial Day Parade Canceled
>>16352163 Crimes Against Children
>>16352183 Train derailment newar Pittsburgh, 17 tanker cars haulING sweet crude derailed and into the river, bridge destroyed
>>16352269 McConnell Pushes GOP to Work With Democrats on Gun Legislation in Response to Texas School ShootING
>>16352289, >>16352455 Cabal footsoldiers at the NRA (mp4)
>>16352297 DJT Jr: We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!! This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it
>>16352305 Texas Governor says anonymous donor will cover all funeral costs of #Uvalde shootING victims
>>16352326 Babylon Bee: Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd
>>16352345 Old Charlton Heston vid: "Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot... All these monsters began by confiscatING private arms, then literally soakING the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people (mp4)
>>16352355 Mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies have had damagING effects on public trust, vaccine confidence, political polarization, human rights, inequities, and social wellbeING, an analysis published in the British medical journal concludes
>>16352366 Ted Cruz SpeakING at NRA Conference via RSBN (video)
>>16352484 Mark Robinson (Lt. Gov. of North Carolina) SpeakING via RSBN (video)
>>16352521 Woman with a pistol took down a crazed man sprayING bullets at a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia
>>16352549 #20686
Previously Collected
>>16352165 #20685,
>>16349323 #20682, >>16350168 #20683, >>16350893 #20684
>>16347001 #20679, >>16347811 #20680, >>16348583 #20681
>>16344683 #20676, >>16345480 #20677, >>16346248 #20678
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!
#16353447 at 2022-05-28 00:13:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20688: eBake & Stay Vigilant Edition
>>16352297 DJT Jr: We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!! This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it (pb)
My dude is a SAVAGE! The BEST Trump! … Jr!
#16353299 at 2022-05-27 23:48:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20688: eBake & Stay Vigilant Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread
>>16199152 HB laptop dig - REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics
>>16050716 CoordinatING bakING & notetakING; plz tag the dough
>>16341335 Do anons want a new section for DJT news between Globals and Notables? new
#20687 To be collected
>>16351785 Kash Patel - Convictions ComING, More Indictments ComING, We Caught Them All (video)
>>16351792 Biden's Chief Climate Officer Is A Klaus Schwab Fellow
>>16351797, >>16351805 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Says Clinton Guilty Of 'Sedition'
>>16351806 DisturbING accounts of sexual assaults in Zuckerberg's new virtual #metaverse are rackING up
>>16351809 Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead... Now FacING Criminal Charges
>>16351812 Southfront: Ukrainian Officers Continue KillING Their Soldiers. Number Of Ukrainian POWs Grows
>>16351816 Anon peeks at Fast and Furious again
>>16351830 World Economic Forum 'Press Freedom' Panel Calls for Algorithmic Suppression of Hate Speech, Rumours
>>16351855 Uvalde School Children Desperately Called 911 BeggING for Help as Police Waited an Hour to Kill Shooter
>>16351865 Chinese manufacturer sent 100,000+ defective COVID tests with false positives to US company
>>16351869, >>16351876, >>16352102, >>16352166, Dan Scavino posts aerial view of Florida, text reads "Houston, Texas" Hunter's Island?
>>16351878 Hero Border Patrol Agent: Allow Teachers to Carry Guns for Classroom Defense
>>16351897, >>16351903 Hillary's Russian Disinfo | Trump Alfa-Bank Conspiracy Theory (video)
>>16351904 Southfront: Ukraine Was BuildING Dirty Bomb. Advance Of Russian Troops Reveals New Circumstances
>>16351917 PassING of former USAID coleegue Abdulmaheed Al-Ajami
>>16351918 43 arrested, cited for drugs, weapons, crimes against children by HSI Phoenix and partnered agencies
>>16351922, >>16351945 19 officers stood outside classroom where gunman trapped victims doING NOTHING because Uvalde police chief thought everyone was dead despite kids continuING to call 911
>>16351940 Obama-Appointed Judge Throws Out Trump's Lawsuit to Block New York AG Letitia James' Witch Hunt Investigation
>>16351941, >>16351968 Tass: Russia calls on WHO to investigate US-funded laboratories in Nigeria - Defense Ministry
>>16351951, >>16351955, >>16351971, >>16351973, >>16351990 Rediscovered Native American remedy (Sarracenia purpurea) kills poxvirus
>>16351960 Violent Felon Breaks Into Elementary School, 3 Teachers Take Action
>>16351977 House Republicans Call On Biden To Withdraw From World Health Organization
>>16352004 The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR has completed the investigation of a criminal case against mercenaries from the UK and Morocco
>>16352018, >>16352031 Marketfag
>>16352092 Clinton Posse activity durING July, 2016
>>16352107 NRA Convention Stream via RSBN
>>16352121, >>16352450 More Lies: Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965
>>16352150 Wisconsin School Goes Virtual After Multiple Bomb Threats, Memorial Day Parade Canceled
>>16352163 Crimes Against Children
>>16352183 Train derailment newar Pittsburgh, 17 tanker cars haulING sweet crude derailed and into the river, bridge destroyed
>>16352269 McConnell Pushes GOP to Work With Democrats on Gun Legislation in Response to Texas School ShootING
>>16352289, >>16352455 Cabal footsoldiers at the NRA (mp4)
>>16352297 DJT Jr: We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!! This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it
>>16352305 Texas Governor says anonymous donor will cover all funeral costs of #Uvalde shootING victims
>>16352326 Babylon Bee: Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd
>>16352345 Old Charlton Heston vid: "Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot... All these monsters began by confiscatING private arms, then literally soakING the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people (mp4)
>>16352355 Mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies have had damagING effects on public trust, vaccine confidence, political polarization, human rights, inequities, and social wellbeING, an analysis published in the British medical journal concludes
>>16352366 Ted Cruz SpeakING at NRA Conference via RSBN (video)
>>16352484 Mark Robinson (Lt. Gov. of North Carolina) SpeakING via RSBN (video)
>>16352521 Woman with a pistol took down a crazed man sprayING bullets at a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia
>>16352549 #20686
#16352549 at 2022-05-27 21:40:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20687: PDJT speaks At NRA Convention In Houston Edition
>>16351785 Kash Patel - Convictions ComING, More Indictments ComING, We Caught Them All (video)
>>16351792 Biden's Chief Climate Officer Is A Klaus Schwab Fellow
>>16351797, >>16351805 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Says Clinton Guilty Of 'Sedition'
>>16351806 DisturbING accounts of sexual assaults in Zuckerberg's new virtual #metaverse are rackING up
>>16351809 Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead... Now FacING Criminal Charges
>>16351812 Southfront: Ukrainian Officers Continue KillING Their Soldiers. Number Of Ukrainian POWs Grows
>>16351816 Anon peeks at Fast and Furious again
>>16351830 World Economic Forum 'Press Freedom' Panel Calls for Algorithmic Suppression of Hate Speech, Rumours
>>16351855 Uvalde School Children Desperately Called 911 BeggING for Help as Police Waited an Hour to Kill Shooter
>>16351865 Chinese manufacturer sent 100,000+ defective COVID tests with false positives to US company
>>16351869, >>16351876, >>16352102, >>16352166, Dan Scavino posts aerial view of Florida, text reads "Houston, Texas" Hunter's Island?
>>16351878 Hero Border Patrol Agent: Allow Teachers to Carry Guns for Classroom Defense
>>16351897, >>16351903 Hillary's Russian Disinfo | Trump Alfa-Bank Conspiracy Theory (video)
>>16351904 Southfront: Ukraine Was BuildING Dirty Bomb. Advance Of Russian Troops Reveals New Circumstances
>>16351917 PassING of former USAID coleegue Abdulmaheed Al-Ajami
>>16351918 43 arrested, cited for drugs, weapons, crimes against children by HSI Phoenix and partnered agencies
>>16351922, >>16351945 19 officers stood outside classroom where gunman trapped victims doING NOTHING because Uvalde police chief thought everyone was dead despite kids continuING to call 911
>>16351940 Obama-Appointed Judge Throws Out Trump's Lawsuit to Block New York AG Letitia James' Witch Hunt Investigation
>>16351941, >>16351968 Tass: Russia calls on WHO to investigate US-funded laboratories in Nigeria - Defense Ministry
>>16351951, >>16351955, >>16351971, >>16351973, >>16351990 Rediscovered Native American remedy (Sarracenia purpurea) kills poxvirus
>>16351960 Violent Felon Breaks Into Elementary School, 3 Teachers Take Action
>>16351977 House Republicans Call On Biden To Withdraw From World Health Organization
>>16352004 The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR has completed the investigation of a criminal case against mercenaries from the UK and Morocco
>>16352018, >>16352031 Marketfag
>>16352092 Clinton Posse activity durING July, 2016
>>16352107 NRA Convention Stream via RSBN
>>16352121, >>16352450 More Lies: Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965
>>16352150 Wisconsin School Goes Virtual After Multiple Bomb Threats, Memorial Day Parade Canceled
>>16352163 Crimes Against Children
>>16352183 Train derailment newar Pittsburgh, 17 tanker cars haulING sweet crude derailed and into the river, bridge destroyed
>>16352269 McConnell Pushes GOP to Work With Democrats on Gun Legislation in Response to Texas School ShootING
>>16352289, >>16352455 Cabal footsoldiers at the NRA (mp4)
>>16352297 DJT Jr: We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!! This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it
>>16352305 Texas Governor says anonymous donor will cover all funeral costs of #Uvalde shootING victims
>>16352326 Babylon Bee: Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd
>>16352345 Old Charlton Heston vid: "Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot... All these monsters began by confiscatING private arms, then literally soakING the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people (mp4)
>>16352355 Mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies have had damagING effects on public trust, vaccine confidence, political polarization, human rights, inequities, and social wellbeING, an analysis published in the British medical journal concludes
>>16352366 Ted Cruz SpeakING at NRA Conference via RSBN (video)
>>16352484 Mark Robinson (Lt. Gov. of North Carolina) SpeakING via RSBN (video)
>>16352521 Woman with a pistol took down a crazed man sprayING bullets at a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia
#16352446 at 2022-05-27 21:13:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20686: Friday Ebake Edition
Notes passING 650
>>16351785 Kash Patel - Convictions ComING, More Indictments ComING, We Caught Them All (video)
>>16351792 Biden's Chief Climate Officer Is A Klaus Schwab Fellow
>>16351797, >>16351805 Former Attorney General Bill Barr Says Clinton Guilty Of 'Sedition'
>>16351806 DisturbING accounts of sexual assaults in Zuckerberg's new virtual #metaverse are rackING up
>>16351809 Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead... Now FacING Criminal Charges
>>16351812 Southfront: Ukrainian Officers Continue KillING Their Soldiers. Number Of Ukrainian POWs Grows
>>16351816 Anon peeks at Fast and Furious again
>>16351830 World Economic Forum 'Press Freedom' Panel Calls for Algorithmic Suppression of Hate Speech, Rumours
>>16351855 Uvalde School Children Desperately Called 911 BeggING for Help as Police Waited an Hour to Kill Shooter
>>16351865 Chinese manufacturer sent 100,000+ defective COVID tests with false positives to US company
>>16351869, >>16351876, >>16352102, >>16352166, Dan Scavino posts aerial view of Florida, text reads "Houston, Texas" Hunter's Island?
>>16351878 Hero Border Patrol Agent: Allow Teachers to Carry Guns for Classroom Defense
>>16351897, >>16351903 Hillary's Russian Disinfo | Trump Alfa-Bank Conspiracy Theory (video)
>>16351904 Southfront: Ukraine Was BuildING Dirty Bomb. Advance Of Russian Troops Reveals New Circumstances
>>16351917 PassING of former USAID coleegue Abdulmaheed Al-Ajami
>>16351918 43 arrested, cited for drugs, weapons, crimes against children by HSI Phoenix and partnered agencies
>>16351922, >>16351945 19 officers stood outside classroom where gunman trapped victims doING NOTHING because Uvalde police chief thought everyone was dead despite kids continuING to call 911
>>16351940 Obama-Appointed Judge Throws Out Trump's Lawsuit to Block New York AG Letitia James' Witch Hunt Investigation
>>16351941, >>16351968 Tass: Russia calls on WHO to investigate US-funded laboratories in Nigeria - Defense Ministry
>>16351951, >>16351955, >>16351971, >>16351973, >>16351990 Rediscovered Native American remedy (Sarracenia purpurea) kills poxvirus
>>16351960 Violent Felon Breaks Into Elementary School, 3 Teachers Take Action
>>16351977 House Republicans Call On Biden To Withdraw From World Health Organization
>>16352004 The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR has completed the investigation of a criminal case against mercenaries from the UK and Morocco
>>16352018, >>16352031 Marketfag
>>16352092 Clinton Posse activity durING July, 2016
>>16352107 NRA Convention Stream via RSBN
>>16352121 More Lies: Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965
>>16352150 Wisconsin School Goes Virtual After Multiple Bomb Threats, Memorial Day Parade Canceled
>>16352163 Crimes Against Children
>>16352183 Train derailment newar Pittsburgh, 17 tanker cars haulING sweet crude derailed and into the river, bridge destroyed
>>16352269 McConnell Pushes GOP to Work With Democrats on Gun Legislation in Response to Texas School ShootING
>>16352297 DJT Jr: We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!! This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it
>>16352305 Texas Governor says anonymous donor will cover all funeral costs of #Uvalde shootING victims
>>16352326 Babylon Bee: Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd
>>16352345 Old Charlton Heston vid: "Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot... All these monsters began by confiscatING private arms, then literally soakING the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people (mp4)
>>16352355 Mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies have had damagING effects on public trust, vaccine confidence, political polarization, human rights, inequities, and social wellbeING, an analysis published in the British medical journal concludes
>>16352366 Ted Cruz SpeakING at NRA Conference via RSBN (video)
#16352297 at 2022-05-27 20:41:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20686: Friday Ebake Edition
We're not supposed to judge this F-ING piece of shit who killed 19 kids? He had his reasons??? F You!!!
This is so much of the problem in our society. There's always a fuckING excuse and zero accountability and we're not allowed to say anythING about it.
4:39 PM ? May 27, 2022?Twitter for iPhone
#16350278 at 2022-05-27 13:09:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20684: Uvalde Attacked By Big Pharma SSRI Anti Depressant Assault Pill Edition
"Let me stop you there, I don't try to fight anyone. If you run your mouth I give you an option to be a man and step up If your go to is 'grab my gun' you're a little b** and the problem with the world. P**!"
He added days later, in the aftermath of the Robb Elementary School shootING that took 19 students lives and two adults, that countries with strict gun laws are "pathetic". He said: "I've just got to say countries that don't have gun ownership [as] a human right really are pathetic," Strickland said.
"'Germany hasn't had a mass shootING', 'England doesn't have mass shootING', blah blah you also don't have f***ING men either so enjoy it you nutless trannies. That is all goodbye."
>nutless trannies
#16348832 at 2022-05-27 02:58:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20682: Anons on Fire, Uvalde Coverup Dig! Edition
dubs czech-ING blast from the past
#16345690 at 2022-05-26 17:19:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20678: Do Something! Edition
I think the big takeaway from this comment is that the good guys are now telegraphING their methods, so we're very near the end. It doesn't matter to them that the bad guys know. It is over. Now they're just havING fun with it.>>16345591
>ING to cover the psychopath beneath.
>The time is short
>The window HAS CLOSED
>Their wrath futile
>Their way is shut
#16343950 at 2022-05-26 11:18:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20676: Highest Ranking Notables Edition
>>16342760 PB
Pennsylvania GOP Senate race results will undergo a recount
It was done on purpose. CheatING on both sides to be ING more into the light for normies. Kek
#16341977 at 2022-05-26 01:20:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20673: Corporate E-Bake
Elite Special Forces Border Agent shot and killed Salvador Ramos...
May 25, 2022
As I was tryING to make any sense of this, I wondered, what if a crazy stayed out side of a school and took out children durING recess? Where does it stop? My daughter is a 2nd grade teacher in FL. my grand daughter is a SpEd teacher. These crazies will exploit any weakness. Also why do these happen prior to or on election days?
Parents, get together and sue the cops and the school into oblivion. Then take the $ and move to WY
what ever happened to "no time for backup."
Why did they not shoot the guy the moment he entered the school? At least take the legs out? I guess police is now so afraid of beING accused of racism or beING prosecuted for injury or even murder, so intimidated, that they can't do their job anymore. All this should not matter when it comes to savING lives, especially children's lives! This one is on the divisive and destructive policies of this government.
Ramos is a patsy. The real shooters got out of a tinted suburban with government plates. 18 year old that never used a rifle is suddenly a marksman? BS.
My theory is that there is some online group that these shooters are in. Kind of like the Batman movie that recently came out.
I'm so heart broken. I have no words for the fead children. 😢 I hate evil.
It sounds like what happened at the Florida shootING where a LEO was outside and afraid to enter and engage Cruz. I'm pretty sure it's called cowardice.
It was just a regular vest carryING ammunition.
This is infuriatING. Even with a bulletproof vest, you have to keep firING at him. Empty your magazine, reload and empty again. That vest will eventually give in. It also hurts tremendously in the process. What the hell officers? DO YOUR DAMN JOB!!!! or else gtfo of the way and let real men and women do it for you.
Also, where did you all learn to shoot? How about shoot the f****er in the face? Did you try that? NO? Worthless, cowardly leos. FU
Vests won't stop a 5.56. So just go in to neutralize like a sane and compassionate individual would.
That's because he was meant to get into that school. There was nothING it seems random and special forces just happen to be around... well, close to border I guess?
Pension Cops aren't in the force but for 25 and out.
Those officers are cowards that should be put on trial for dereliction of duty at the very least.
Glad the F-ING perp is dead. Wish I could have been the one to drop him!
How about that, a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun and saves many lives.....translation for our lefty lurkers: good cancels evil , this is all the civil right to defensive lethal force is...it is far better in the hands of the people than the state havING a monopoly on the use of deadly force....history is replete with examples of tyranny and genocide in nations where the people surrendered their right to defensive lethal force to the state.
Question nobody is askING..."How does an 18 year old kid afford two assault rifles, ammo and a bulletproof vest?"
Hmmm...when I was 18 I could barely afford a hamburger.
He probably sold drugs.
....."that's when he attempted to enter the school where he was engaged by law enforcement. Unfortunately, he was able to enter the premises and then from there that's when he entered several classrooms and started shootING his firearm."
It seems the shooter dumped his vehicle in a ditch quite a ways from the school and walked. Law enforcement encountered him before he was on school grounds.
Did those law enforcement continue "engagING" until they were completely out of ammo??
Weren't there 3 cops? I would expect a literal hail of bullets from police.
#16335230 at 2022-05-24 23:39:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20664: Russia-Trump collusion narrative was a dirty trick for the ages Edition
Sick fucks:
Operations in general are of the "active surveillance" type. Passive surveillance is watchING a target covertly, to obtain information about the target. Active surveillance can include information gatherING, but it (also) includes the agent makING the target aware they are under surveillance. Beyond active surveillance, agents perform acts to keep the target uncomfortable, around the clock. Although operations are silently approved of, and covered for by the official justice system, (they are not) seen as criminal in nature by citizens who do not have a strong sense of right and wrong.
Agents must take great care that each and every act of punishment is DENIABLE. This means that should the target complain to police, (or) any other officials, or friends, neighbors, family members, or doctors, the nature of the punishment must be seen as the target's "overactive imagination" or better yet, an indication the target is mentally ill.
(The system) has worked for years to recruit the medical establishment to help maintain deniability, and today, most targets (are) immediately labeled as mentally ill and often forced onto anti-psychotic medication when they complain. But their agents must still do their part skillfully (to) perform acts of punishment, so (that) almost anyone the target complains to will deny a crime against the target has taken place. As an agent, you will be trained in how to do this.
(The system) has been blessed with advanced technology which enables heavy punishment at times the target is in their home, silently, through walls, and this is very deniable. Agents must pass their initial trainING and demonstrate a high level of commitment to maintain community safety, and the ability to operate deniably, before they will be considered for advanced electronic punishment trainING. Electronic punishment trainING is beyond the scope of this manual.
The organization is very fortunate in that we have been able to recruit top specialists to back up field operations people. Psychologists are the key to find(ING) ways to maximize feelINGs of stress and hopelessness in the target, and degradING the target's health, from many individual "minor" invasive punishment acts. Technician's in all fields- telecommunications, electric power, buildING electrical and alarm systems, and utility employees in all fields use their positions to inflict many absolutely "normal-lookING" problems on targets on an ongoING basis. And of course, the services of many skilled locksmiths are invaluable in this. As a community-based agent (CBA) you will have the privilege of workING with a team capable of deliverING better "justice" than the official system.
#16335141 at 2022-05-24 23:23:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20664: Russia-Trump collusion narrative was a dirty trick for the ages Edition
>>16329536 pb
>>16329481 pb
Rusty Shackleford verify ING what eye can
Can verifeye per usual [unusual_request]
Q is a Team
Eye have Q Clearance
The original 10/28 was different than some years later… Q Clearance Patriot….. ((('''some of US come here to drop crumbs….. just crumbs. I knew when the time came the people would need a guide.))) Map legend keys etc…..
[Military_Intelligence_Official_with_WH_Pres_pass_killed_on_DC_Freeway] 2018/19
#16328857 at 2022-05-23 21:26:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20656: Primaries Incoming Edition
>>16328124 /lb
>red box: kill box?
Twitter Trends[ING]:
>snarky....but funny.
IntroducING the 2022 #TIME100 featurING the 100 most influential people of the year
7:45 AM ? May 23, 2022 ? Sprinklr { < Watch the WaterSprinkl[R] }
7+9 5 + 5 + 6
16 = 7 = G 6 = 7 = G { <Ma$on$ coMM$ }
359 Retweets 187 Quote Tweets 1,389 Likes
^= 17 ^= CODEredG ^= 12 = 3 \_/ = 21 { 3x7 or GGG }
#16317593 at 2022-05-21 19:37:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20642: To Mook Or Not To Mook, That Is The Question Edition
21 May, 2022 16:03
Australian PM concedes as Labor takes power
Scott Morrison acknowledges loss in federal election
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has admitted defeat followING the country's federal elections on Saturday, callING Labor Party chief Anthony Albanese to congratulate him on his victory.
The PM conceded in a televised speech from Liberal headquarters in Sydney, addING that he would stand down as the party's leader.
"On a night like tonight it is proper to acknowledge the functionING of our democracy. I have always believed in Australians and their judgment, and I've always been prepared to accept their verdicts, and tonight they have delivered their verdict," Morrison said.
The Liberal Party lost more than 12 seats durING the election. While vote countING had not been completed at the time of Morrison's concession speech, the Labor Party's victory appeared certain, winnING at least 72 of the parliament's 151 seats. Morrison's Liberals nabbed just 54, while independents and third parties - led by the Greens, who secured their best election results yet - have netted 11 thus far, accordING to ABC. Labor needs 76 seats to form a majority government.
Morrison, who served just one term in office, was not the only prominent Liberal to lose out in the election. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, viewed as Morrison's most likely successor, was also knocked out of his post.
Morrison's conservative government had been widely panned goING into the election for what many viewed as its abysmally poor handlING of the Covid-19 pandemic and natural disasters, specifically the devastatING fires that preceded the coronavirus outbreak.
Albanese thanked his constituents for "vot[ING] for change," tickING off several policy points in his victory speech with promises to "end the climate wars," launch a "national anti-corruption commission," strengthen the country's healthcare and aged care, and turn Australia into a "renewable energy superpower." His win is the first victory for Labor since 2007.
#16316782 at 2022-05-21 16:51:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20641: Hillary Got Mooked Edition
How the Sussmann trial revealed Hillary Clinton's role in the Alfa Bank scandal
May 21, 2022
by Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor - 05/21/22 10:30 AM ET
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill
The trial of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann crossed a critical threshold Friday when a key witness uttered the name "Hillary Clinton" in conjunction with a plan to spread the false Alfa Bank Russian collusion claim before the 2016 presidential election.
For Democrats and many in the media, Hillary Clinton has long held a Voldemort-like status as "She who must not be named" in scandals. Yet, there was her former campaign manager, Robby Mook, tellING a jury that Clinton personally approved a plan to spread the claim of covert communications between the Trump organization and the Russian bank. It was one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in American politics, and Mook implicated Clinton as green-lightING the gas-lightING of the electorate.
The mere mention of Clinton's name sent shockwaves through WashINGton. In past scandals, the Clintons have always evaded direct responsibility as aides were investigated or convicted, from the Whitewater land dealINGs to cattle futures. Even when long-sought documents in Whitewater were discovered outside of the family quarters and bearING Hillary Clinton's fINGerprints, WashINGton quickly moved on.
Clinton was not supposed to be the object of the Sussmann trial, because Judge Christopher Cooper, an Obama appointee, issued a series of orders limitING the scope of the trial and its evidence. The orders were viewed as "spar[ING] the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee ... potential embarrassment."
Yet, even after winnING such limitING orders, it was the defense that called Mook to the stand
- out of order, in the midst of the prosecution's case, because he was scheduled to leave on vacation
- and he proceeded to confirm that Clinton herself approved of the tactic.
#16315104 at 2022-05-21 07:04:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20638: Friday Frogpox Edition
>What? All the Reeeee-ING or preparation H?
#16315098 at 2022-05-21 07:03:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20638: Friday Frogpox Edition
>It's quite liberatING actually
What? All the Reeeee-ING or preparation H?
#16314329 at 2022-05-21 03:28:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20637: Fear The Monkeypox Edition
an intergovernmental organization, it may do more pervasive and
lastING damage to a state's reputation than the breach of a specific
treaty commitment.28 I provide a framework for reconcilING these
competING perspectives and for distINGuishING the reputational consequences of treaty exit and treaty breach later in this Article.
Finally, exit interacts with a treaty's other provisions to raise important issues concernING the form and structure of international
agreements and institutions. Consider two preliminary examples.
First, denunciation clauses function as an insurance policy, providING a hedge against uncertainty that allows a state to renounce its
commitments if the anticipated benefits of cooperation turn out to
be overblown. The existence of this insurance policy enables states
to negotiate more expansive or deeper substantive treaty commitments ex ante, although it also raises troublING opportunities for
strategic action ex post. Second, treaty makers can use exit clauses
to segregate states accordING to their tastes for cooperation, helpING to determine the optimal composition of a treaty's membership.29 At the negotiation stage, a restrictive denunciation clause or
a total ban on exit helps to weed out states that are less serious
about future compliance. After a treaty enters into force, however,
a permissive exit provision provides a safety valve for treaty parties
that-as a result of changes in treaty rules, domestic preferences,
external events, or some combination of these factors-would otherwise become habitual rule violators. As these examples illustrate,
the decision of how constrainING or capacious to make a denunciation or withdrawal clause raises difficult tradeoffs for treaty negotiators.
pt 4 of 4
#16314321 at 2022-05-21 03:27:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20637: Fear The Monkeypox Edition
the withdrawal from an intergovernmental organization.25 Where
national legal systems create such cleavages, the exit-breach distinction may implicate the balance of power among governmental
actors, raisING important issues of domestic politics.26
Fifth, the public, formal, and lawful qualities of exit have distinct
consequences for a state's reputation for compliance with international law, a key factor in explainING interstate cooperation.27 On
the one hand, the lawful, public, and generally infrequent nature of
exit suggest that a denouncING state will suffer relatively little harm
to its standING as a law abidING country-at least where it regularly
participates in multilateral agreements. Exit clauses allow treaty
parties to address openly the consequences of shiftING domestic
preferences or changed circumstances. A state that takes these issues seriously, follows the specified procedures, and explains the
basis for its actions projects a real (if somewhat backhanded) respect for international rules, particularly where it is possible to profess adherence in theory but fail to comply in fact. On the other
hand, where exit involves a politically salient act such as abandonING a broad package of international obligations or membership in
pt 3
#16307706 at 2022-05-20 02:41:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20629: Justice is Coming Edition
Anthony Fauci's wife - who is also head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center - authored a paper defendING the ethics of corporations "pressurING employees to get vaccinated" and "embarrass[ING] vaccine resistors."
The study - "The Ethics of EncouragING Employees to Get the COVID?19 Vaccination" - was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center and the National Human Genome Research Institute and counted Christine Grady, Fauci's wife, amongst its authors.
Published in March 2022, the paper followed attempts by the White House as well as Democratic Party politicians across America to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for federal and state workers.
Grady's paper focuses on the "ethics of encouragement strategies aimed at overcomING vaccine reluctance (which can be due to resistance, hesitance, misinformation, or inertia) to facilitate voluntary employee vaccination."
Grady and her three co-authors outline how it is "ethically acceptable" to "subtly pressure employees to get vaccinated":
While discussING vaccine mandates, the paper posits they can "be ethically appropriate" if there is "clear articulation about the consequences of not complyING with the policy."
"In that circumstance, employees have a choice between gettING vaccinated or acceptING the consequences of a choice to remain unvaccinated," it explains.
Grady outlines other tactics employers could use to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates within their company, such as sharING "targeted statistics (such as 75% of the company or unit have been vaccinated) to spur competition or even implicitly embarrass vaccine resistors."
"There can be social consequences associated with peer communication about vaccination, such as stigma and ostracization of those not vaccinated," the paper asserts.
"Individuals who choose to make the workplace less safe for others through their vaccine refusal should be able to foresee the possibility of this kind of social consequence," it continues, appearING to endorse the aforementioned "stigma and ostracization" of individuals unvaccinated against COVID-19.
"When a policy is tied to group vaccination metrics, unvaccinated employees may feel implicit (or explicit) pressure from peers or supervisors to help the group meet its return-to-work goals," Grady and her co-authors outlined before describING the approach as "ethically appropriate"
#16302026 at 2022-05-19 03:13:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20622: George Bush's FREUDIAN SLIP Edition
Tidy the ship, Anons. We're in for nasty weather.
Sussman Trial heats up tomorrow. Will require diggING and sweet, sweet meme-ING.
Huge news out of domestic oil production. GoING to need shovels for that as well.
No, I doubt Q will be returnING. Of course it's possible, as is anythING, but I see way too much nowfaggING and not enough digfaggING.
Q doesn't need to return for thINGs that need to happen, well…happen. NCSWIC needs no more prerequisites.
If anythING, if you lazy shits feel like doING nothING just be waitfaggots. Shit will happen with or without you. I'll make it clear, though. HavING anons-in-arms durING these moments in history will only make the glory of winnING that much sweeter.
Tidy the ship, Anons. It's not over yet.
Not until the fat, pantsuit lady-demon SWINGS.
#16294239 at 2022-05-17 23:43:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20612: Who Needs Formula When You Got Bewbs? Edition
'A Look, A Leak And A Lie': Durham Prosecutor Sums Up Case Against Sussmann On Day One Of Trial
A prosecutor with Special Counsel John Durham's team summed up the case against former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann as "a look, a leak and a lie" durING openING arguments Tuesday.
Sussmann, a Democratic lawyer with ties to Clinton's 2016 campaign, was charged by Durham last year with lyING to the FBI durING a 2016 meetING. The court heard openING arguments Tuesday at a courthouse in D.C., and Durham-team prosecutor Deborah Brittain Shaw argued that Sussmann "used and manipulated the FBI," Law and Crime reported.
Shaw also described Sussmann as a man who tried to "create an October surprise on the eve of the presidential election," accordING to Law and Crime. That "October surprise," accordING to Durham's team, involved three steps.
First, the "look" - when Sussmann met with Christopher Steele, a former British Intelligence agent responsible for the now-debunked anti-Trump dossier.
Durham previously said Sussmann and Steele met in 2016 at the Perkins Coie offices to speak about possible connections to Russia, accordING to Fox News. In one court filING, Durham accused Sussmann of "represent[ING] and work[ING] for the Clinton campaign in connection with its broader opposition research efforts," the outlet reported.
The second part of of the case, accordING to Shaw, is the "leak."
This references allegations from the prosecution that Sussmann, alongside others that included "agents of the Clinton campaign," sent out various "allegations and ... derogatory information about Trump and his associates to the media and the U.S. government," Durham previously noted.
Durham recently argued that a slew of emails sent by Fusion GPS, the opposition firm hired by Clinton's 2016 campaign that subsequently hired Steele, resulted in various news articles tyING together Trump and Russia.
"If renderING such advice was truly the intended purpose of Fusion GPS's retention, one would also expect the investigative firm to seek permission and/or guidance from [the Clinton campaign] or its counsel before sharING such derogatory materials with the media or otherwise placING them into the public domain," Durham previously wrote in a court filING arguING that Fusion GPS's research should not be covered by attorney-client privilege, The WashINGton Times reported.
Finally, the "lie." This, accordING to Durham's team, represents when Sussmann went to the FBI - and is what Sussmann now faces charges over.
"No one should be so privileged as to walk into the FBI and lie," Shaw argued Tuesday, accordING to the WashINGton Examiner.
The three-part plan summed up by Shaw allegedly isn't just limited to Sussmann, Reuters' Justice Department reporter Sarah N. Lynch highlighted.
#16294082 at 2022-05-17 23:19:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20611: Sussmann judge is married to the lawyer one of the two “lovers,” Edition
2nd Infantry Div.
The 5th Squadron, 17th Air Cavalry Squadron is ]activated![
0:25 sec vidCAP
9:48 PM ? May 16, 2022 ? Twitter for iPhone
>https://twitter.com/2INFDIV/status/1526379069209600000 { (5) trail[ING] Zer0s }
38 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 242 Likes
2148 (15) (6)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/10/2018 19:30:42 ID: 8b50ae
8chan/qresearch: 2966091
Q Clock [ Min: 37 | :25/:55 Mir: 13 | 180 Mir: 7 | :35/:05 Mir: 33 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_0:5:27 (seconds total: 327) (12) (3)
2147 (14) (5)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/10/2018 19:25:15 ID:8b50ae
8chan/qresearch: 2965953
<>Image Name: 9-11.jpg
Filename: 3f649767c337a80c849d4211613c24afd0245e8cc4844fdf60a8c503fa01de07.jpg !o7
2nd Infantry Div.
"I think the activation reflects the continued U.S. commitment to our [South Korea]-U.S. alliance,
as well as the continued commitment to all of our partners and allies across the Pacific,
" Lt. Col. Ian Benson. via @starsandstripes / @choibboy
Army activates new air cavalry squadron with latest Apache helicopters in South Korea
The new squadron consists of roughly 500 soldiers and 24 AH-64E Apaches, the latest version of the Army's attack helicopter.
6:07 AM ? May 17, 2022?Twitter Web App
11 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 25 Likes
607 (13) (4)
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/25/2018 12:34:26 ID: fa6a1f
8chan/qresearch: 158297
Q Clock [ Min: 49 | :25/:55 Mir: 1 | 180 Mir: 19 | :35/:05 Mir: 21 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_0:2:50 (seconds total: 170) (8) (8)
606 (12) (3)
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/25/2018 12:31:36 ID:fa6a1f
8chan/qresearch: 158263
AmazING coincidence?
Always close after crumb drops.
POTUS' statement and focus [Tweet] on the UK should SCARE a lot of people.
It signifies somethING VERY IMPORTANT.
#16293182 at 2022-05-17 20:10:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20610: Sussman Trial First Day Edition
>4:30 pm The MINT Condition Tribute Show BAND { < ever~GREEN }
HOT~in~AU~gust, so hawt-right-now.
wut mi$$ING from dis p[oz]t :
TO8108 (17) (8)
Liz HarrINGton / @realLizUSA 05/17/2022 15:14:02 ( 6+:5:+2 = 13 = 4 )
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108318873497726945
Q Clock [ Min: 2 | :25/:55 Mir: 48 | 180 Mir: 32 | :35/:05 Mir: 8 ]
Image Name: 9ea142da486cd201.jpg
Filename: 9ea142da486cd201.jpg
Vote for Trump-endorsed Doug Mastriano and Dr. Oz today!
#16290316 at 2022-05-17 10:20:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20607: Ship Is All Ahead Flank Edition
We have been 'gifted' new terminology - [M]aga [K]ING and [ULTRA] MAGA and many have gleefully sprinted with it…
Right on cue, hormonal leftist with azov symbolism does the falsest of flags with his bushmaster xm15 "military grade assault rifle" (accordING to his copypasta manifasta), all of which absolutely reeks of [see brackets above]
Are we beING manipulated? Is somethING in the pipe that will connect MAGA to MKULTRA, and then we're all terrorists?
#16289056 at 2022-05-17 02:48:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20605: Rollin into Night Shift Edition
>have a friend whose daughter works in the industry
sorry to hear that fren I feel for all the parents who habs little ones
Never had them but at this point seeING what all you had to go through by havING them I'm kindof glad I did not
It just did not happen so we tried but no dice.
>Bought their own f***ING stock to up the value.
Nice old (ask me about Boys Town) 'Uncle Warren' been buyING BH hand over fist too
Old tired trick plus the dividend bribe so you hold it-that plays anon older people who rely on those for income and they know it.
Instant EPS creation instead of actually havING a solid plan
They never split BH and now he stuck havING to buy billions of it
Evey Zombie bank doING it too
They have no answers so they need to create results and unfortunately achievING those 'results' are fuckING with everyone in ways that share buybacks only really benefited them in the past.
It's completely off the hook and has been for a while now
#16288969 at 2022-05-17 02:36:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20605: Rollin into Night Shift Edition
>somene who just failed to show up
like guards who fall asleep and cameras that just happen to not work in prisons.
Here's somethING else - regardING the formula scam. Some factories just cannot be properly sterilized after so many years. That was the case in MI. They tried, the equipment just needed to be replaced.
The company had billions available. But you know what they did with that instead?
Bought their own f***ING stock to up the value.
Instead of investING in their own place.
Many baby deaths ensued. I have a friend whose daughter works in the industry, it's how I know.
This wasn't the regulators tryING to kill of kids.
And it's even worse. The only population group affected are the poor. The welfare moms who couldn't figure out how to make a replacement. Who are on medicaid and their docs told them to only feed with formula.
It's just another kill off.
#16281170 at 2022-05-15 21:51:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20595: Spooky Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight Edition
The Biden Administration Is Prepared to Sign Off on a Trap "To Make Health of Americans Dependent on Whims of China"
The Gatestone Institute shares more on this shockING development:
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ING up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
The World Health Organization (WHO), the organization that has unhesitatINGly been doING China's biddING durING the COVID pandemic, is reportedly now plannING to orchestrate a massive new power grab to internationally control the response to any future global pandemic. The plan is apparently to make the health of Americans dependent on the whims of China - which is both actively seekING to displace the US as the world's leadING superpower and has for years been workING on new means of bio-warfare.
It is a plan that is beING voted on next week: Congress and the American public need to fight vigorously - and FAST.
On May 4, a meticulous report, Biden HandING Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO by Peter Breggin MD and GINGer Ross Breggin, raised an alarm. On May 2-28, 2022, the Biden Administration has proposed amendments to the WHO that "will empower WHO's Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation."
In addition to all of this, the Biden administration's amendment will make the US legally obligated by international treaty to follow whatever the WHO decides. AccordING to Breggins:
On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America's healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization's governING legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA).
This threat is contained in new amendments to WHO's International Health Regulations, proposed by the Biden administration, that are scheduled as "Provisional agenda item 16.2" at the upcomING conference on May 22-28, 2022.
These amendments will empower WHO's Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.
If passed, the Biden Administration's proposed amendments will, by their very existence and their intention, drastically compromise the independence and the sovereignty of the United States. The same threat looms over all the U.N.'s 193 member nations, all of whom belong WHO and represent 99.44% of the world population....
These regulations are a "bindING instrument of international law entered into force on 15 June 2007." U.N. members states can be required by law to obey or acquiesce to them....
The targeted nation is also required to send WHO any relevant genetic sequence data.
#16278674 at 2022-05-15 13:05:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20592: Sunday msm news distraction, FF, Ukraine, covid, inflation, not DURHAM
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ING up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
The World Health Organization (WHO), the organization that has unhesitatINGly been doING China's biddING durING the COVID pandemic, is reportedly now plannING to orchestrate a massive new power grab to internationally control the response to any future global pandemic. The plan is apparently to make the health of Americans dependent on the whims of China – which is both actively seekING to displace the US as the world's leadING superpower and has for years been workING on new means of bio-warfare.
It is a plan that is beING voted on next week: Congress and the American public need to fight vigorously – and FAST.
On May 4, a meticulous report, Biden HandING Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO by Peter Breggin MD and GINGer Ross Breggin, raised an alarm. On May 2-28, 2022, the Biden Administration has proposed amendments to the WHO that "will empower WHO's Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation."
The danger is that China, accordING to reports, has actively been workING on gene-splicING and globally collectING DNA with an eye to developING new lethal viruses that could be used for bio-warfare. They would be able target people who are genetically not Chinese, while bypassING people who genetically are Chinese. China expert Gordon Chang recently warned:
For at least a half?decade, maybe a little bit longer, Chinese military researchers have been openly writING about a new type of biological warfare. This was, for instance, in the 2017 edition of "The Science of Military Strategy," the authoritative publication of China's National Defense University.
"They talk about a new type of biological warfare of "specific ethnic genetic attacks." In other words, pathogens that will leave the Chinese immune but sicken and kill everybody else, which means that the next disease from China can be a civilization killer….
A lot of military analysts talk about how the first seconds of a war with China are goING to be fought in outer space. They are goING to blind our satellites, take them down, do all sorts of stuff. Those statements are wrong.
The first day of war against the United States occurs about six months earlier, when they release pathogens in the United States. Then we are goING to have that day in space. The war starts here, with a pathogen ?? a virus, a microbe, a bug of some kind. That is where it begins.
pt 3
#16278671 at 2022-05-15 13:04:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20592: Sunday msm news distraction, FF, Ukraine, covid, inflation, not DURHAM
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ING up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
The World Health Organization (WHO), the organization that has unhesitatINGly been doING China's biddING durING the COVID pandemic, is reportedly now plannING to orchestrate a massive new power grab to internationally control the response to any future global pandemic. The plan is apparently to make the health of Americans dependent on the whims of China – which is both actively seekING to displace the US as the world's leadING superpower and has for years been workING on new means of bio-warfare.
It is a plan that is beING voted on next week: Congress and the American public need to fight vigorously – and FAST.
On May 4, a meticulous report, Biden HandING Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO by Peter Breggin MD and GINGer Ross Breggin, raised an alarm. On May 2-28, 2022, the Biden Administration has proposed amendments to the WHO that "will empower WHO's Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation."
The danger is that China, accordING to reports, has actively been workING on gene-splicING and globally collectING DNA with an eye to developING new lethal viruses that could be used for bio-warfare. They would be able target people who are genetically not Chinese, while bypassING people who genetically are Chinese. China expert Gordon Chang recently warned:
For at least a half?decade, maybe a little bit longer, Chinese military researchers have been openly writING about a new type of biological warfare. This was, for instance, in the 2017 edition of "The Science of Military Strategy," the authoritative publication of China's National Defense University.
"They talk about a new type of biological warfare of "specific ethnic genetic attacks." In other words, pathogens that will leave the Chinese immune but sicken and kill everybody else, which means that the next disease from China can be a civilization killer….
A lot of military analysts talk about how the first seconds of a war with China are goING to be fought in outer space. They are goING to blind our satellites, take them down, do all sorts of stuff. Those statements are wrong.
The first day of war against the United States occurs about six months earlier, when they release pathogens in the United States. Then we are goING to have that day in space. The war starts here, with a pathogen ?? a virus, a microbe, a bug of some kind. That is where it begins.
pt 2
#16278666 at 2022-05-15 13:03:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20592: Sunday msm news distraction, FF, Ukraine, covid, inflation, not DURHAM
DANGER: The WHO's Death Trap for the US
Act Fast: They Vote Next Week
by Pete Hoekstra
May 15, 2022 at 5:00 am
This is a plan that Congress and the public need to fight vigorously.
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ING up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
"On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America's healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization's governING legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA)." - Dr. Peter Breggin and GINGer Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
"This threat is contained in new amendments to WHO's International Health Regulations, proposed by the Biden administration, that are scheduled as 'Provisional agenda item 16.2' at the upcomING conference on May 22-28, 2022." - Dr. Peter Breggin and GINGer Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
"These amendments will empower WHO's Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations." - Dr. Peter Breggin and GINGer Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
"The targeted nation is also required to send WHO any relevant genetic sequence data." - Dr. Peter Breggin and GINGer Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
"Under the new regulations, WHO will not be required to consult with the identified nation beforehand to "verify" the event before takING action." - Dr. Peter Breggin and GINGer Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
Unfortunately, this "next pandemic" is neither far off nor a hypothetical "conspiracy theory." AccordING to multiple credible reports from the U.S. Department of State, to the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter JennINGs, China has been preparING for bio-warfare usING pathogens for more than six years.
A WHO with expanded authority is a terrifyING concept. Can you envision providING an international organization with the power to dictate how the U.S. should respond to a future pandemic? Perhaps by forcING the U.S. to turn over supplies and equipment to China because of its larger population? How about an international organization that would have the power to mandate whether we should be required to be vaccinated with a particular vaccine, say China's inferior SINOVAC vaccine? Or imagine a WHO that has the power to impose what mandates or lockdowns a country would be required to impose, say like China's current lockdown of Shanghai? Unfortunately, the WHO already has proven itself to be a willING organ of China's Communist leaders. ProvidING it with international, legal bindING authority over global pandemic response must never be allowed to happen.
pt 1
#16277275 at 2022-05-15 03:37:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20590: Shadilay on Saturday Edition
babel-ING babylon batjoto
elon was eatING babies
#16269249 at 2022-05-13 21:45:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20580: Hold The Line and Dont Back Down Edition
Ugly side of Trump on display. JoinING in to cast doubt on an innocent person tryING to help her country (Barnette). Shows he has the mob mentality. F-ING himself good.
#16267909 at 2022-05-13 17:56:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20578: E-BAKE FRIDAY THE 13th
Cenk Uygur goes on bizarre rant claimING Joe Rogan had sex with transgender people, wants to know 'how much of a groomer and pedophile is Joe Rogan?
Leftist Cenk Uygur went on a bizarre and angry rant in which he claimed that Joe Rogan has a personal "hatred" of transgender people because he had sex with them and now allegedly has deep regrets. "The Young Turks" host also wants to know "how much of a groomer and pedophile is Joe Rogan?"
DurING Wednesday's episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast, Rogan skewered people who find the word "groomer" offensive.
Rogan posed a question to people offended by the term groomer, "Do you not like it because you don't want children to be groomed, or do you not like it cause it's a pejorative that's used against the left? Which I think is more likely."
Rogan emphasized, "Here's what's more important - not have people groom your f***ING kids. That's what's more important than you gettING uncomfortable with this word because it's used by people on the right."
Rogan wondered, "And how many of those people are doING it under the guise of 'I'm an LGBTQ educator'?"
"There's people who are good people in all walks of life," Rogan declared. "Trans people, gay people, straight people, bisexual, whatever the f* you are. There's good people in all walks of life. There's also pieces of st that will use those labels in order to get closer to groups of people and indoctrinate them. Indoctrinate them for their own sexual pleasure. That's real."
"The Young Turks" hosts Ana Kasparian and Uygur reacted to Rogan's opinion by outlandishly questionING whether he had sex with transgender people and whether he is a pedophile.
"Joe Rogan doesn't understand why some people would have a problem with the usage of the word groomer, as the right wING in America incessantly uses that type of terminology to inaccurately describe people they disagree with," Kasparian asserted, then claimed Rogan "apparently loves to provide cover for right-wINGers."
"So as you guys can see, Joe Rogan went on a rampage because he had a right-wINGer sittING across from him," Kasparian proclaimed. "So of course, he had to get down on his knees and fellate him, as he usually does when he has right-wINGers on his podcast."
In the "Joe Rogan Experience" episode in question, Rogan spoke to Gad Saad - a Canadian evolutionary behavioral scientist, professor at Concordia University, and author.
#16264746 at 2022-05-13 03:07:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20574: Laggy Board, Roller Coaster Adventure Edition
Anons, personal anecdote today about my mother-in-law's 2nd husband, who is an academic, big city school district employee, covid protocol endorser, decades long democratic voter, anti-trumper who made every political conversation seem awkward and tried to drive family and group discussions away from politics.. this was the one individual that I annoyING wasn't really allowed to push the truth on too hard, because of all the emotions, and it felt like a bag clip on my nuts that this other male role model in the family was so blind and brainwashed..
well today, at a family event, he sat next to me and asked "have you heard of someone named Klaus Schwab?" … and I was like… "yesssss…. go on…" and he talked about how he's discovered these podcasts recommended to him by another LEFTY administrator and how he's discovered that the bush and clinton families both have a history of involvement with these people who are effectively tryING to establish a new universal authority by usING health care as a platform, and I was like "stop… how do you feel about this though" and he was like "i feel i've been duped, I feel we've all been duped" and he went on to also include how Trump was a unique big name in not beING part of this and how the WEF was afraid of Trump. .it was F-ING glorious.. I'm as light as a feather.
its happenING brothers.
#16260124 at 2022-05-12 12:38:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20568:
No, but spell ING is.
Word play.
#16254791 at 2022-05-11 17:49:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20561: Anons are a Flash of Light in the Darkness #NeverForget Edition
Auditor Who Dismissed 2020 Fraud Failed to Declare THOUSANDS of Dollars from Zuckerberg Election Interference Fund.
Paddy McGuire's work misled the public about election integrity, while his county took cash from the notorious Center for Tech and Civic Life.
An election official from a county which received funds from the Mark Zuckerberg's Center for Tech and Civic Life used a local newspaper column to dismiss evidence of election fraud, praisING mail-in ballots in the process, and helpING dismiss notions of foul play despite his obvious conflict of interest.
Paddy McGuire, who penned his article for the Shelton-Mason County Journal in 2020, also falsely claimed mail-in votING ensures unparalleled "safety and security," while also defendING the county's decision to ban in-person election observers.
McGuire, the Auditor for WashINGton's Mason County, authored over one dozen articles for the County Journal durING the lead-up to the 2020 election, but never disclosed that his county received a cash grant from the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL).
CTCL in turn praised McGuire's column - "Election Matters" - in a feature: "Mason County, WashINGton Builds Trust Through Local Newspaper Column."
Launched in January 2020, the bi-weekly column was highlighted by CTCL for its efficacy in "help[ING] to present his office as a source of trusted information" and "preemptively quell[ING] misinformation."
CTCL used hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's organization - the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative - to overrule local election officials and increase turnout in almost exclusively Democratic districts through mail-in votING in 2020. ProvING the partisan conflict of interest, leaders from the CTCL overpowered and overruled election authorities and, through coercion, allegedly accessed mail-in ballots ahead of the election.
Financial records from CTCL reveal that the Mason County Treasurer received a grant worth $32,904 intended to "support the safe administration of public elections durING the COVID-19 pandemic."
#16247510 at 2022-05-10 13:56:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20552: Trending Mules Edition
>WHEN WILL IT.....STOP????????
end smith mundt modernization Act, COG, Patriot Act NDAA.
Start brac 'ING agencies secure their shit.
Make new law and oath to address these shit fuckers from even startING up their fuckING shit
#16247252 at 2022-05-10 12:39:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20552: Trending Mules Edition
9 May 2022
Military.com | By Drew F. Lawrence
Six airmen had 14,000 rounds of stolen ammunition, mostly from Fairchild Air Force Base in WashINGton, accordING to federal court documents filed May 3. The ammunition was discovered after at least one of the airmen allegedly made online threats advocatING for the violent overthrow of the federal government.
The FBI's Seattle Division opened the investigation into the airmen last August after Staff Sgt. John I. Sanger began discussING acts of violence and advocatING for the seizure of the U.S. Capitol.
Sanger and the five other airmen have been charged with conspiracy to steal government property, possession of stolen ammunition, and possession of an unregistered firearm.
Read Next: What the Military Records of the Oath Keepers' Leader Actually Say About His Service
"They defrauded our election system and are still gettING away with it," Sanger wrote in December 2020 under the social media moniker "problematicpatriot," accordING to the FBI's affidavit. "That means this system has run it's [sic] course. People have to die."
Sanger has pleaded not guilty.
In March 2022, Sanger along with Staff Sgt. Eric Eagleton, another airman accused in the indictment met with an undercover Office of Special Investigations agent who was wearING a wire.
AccordING to the affidavit, Eagleton told the agent that he and other members of Fairchild's 92nd Security Forces Squadron Combat Arms TrainING and Maintenance center regularly stole ammunition from the armory, addING that he stole up to 3,000 rounds of ammunition per day.
"TeachING these f—ING retards how to handle weapons is pointless," Eagleton allegedly told the special agent. "They literally can't remember how to clear it out, what's the point anyways, send them downrange anyways and let me steal all this ammo."
Nathaniel Richards, another airman accused in the plot, later told the agent that members of the group falsified weapons' qualifications to show that the ammunition was used in trainING when it was actually stolen for "personal use," accordING to court documents.
Some 5.56mm ammunition recovered by the Air Force OSI agent durING the stING was noted as "expended" a year prior by Fairchild personnel, with some rounds discovered in Richards' residence in Nevada after he transferred to Creech Air Force Base, prosecutors allege.
"We are aware of the arrest of the Airmen stationed here at Fairchild Air Force Base," 1st Lt. Michelle H. Chang, a spokesperson for the 92nd Air RefuelING WING, told Military.com in an email. "We have been and continue to work closely with federal law enforcement authorities to provide all relevant information to assist in this ongoING investigation."
Ammunition, "consistent with the stolen ammunition," accordING to court records, was also discovered in the residences of Sanger, Eagleton, Shawn Robson, Austin Limacher and Jonah Pierce – the other airmen charged in the indictment. Ranks for the four other airmen were not included in court ….continue :
#16244665 at 2022-05-10 01:16:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20548: Former NYT reporter Eric Lichtblau for Sussmann defense? Edition
Fun and excitING would be to see the agents of our humanities destruction, who came up with shite like this, imprisoned or exhiled and when necessary, put to death: So that what they are try ING to do to us can NEVER happen again.
#16244065 at 2022-05-09 23:43:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20548: Former NYT reporter Eric Lichtblau for Sussmann defense? Edition
mark esper
deep & wide
deep & wide
the swamp is so f*(&ING deep & wide
sING it with me, kids
#16241330 at 2022-05-09 16:00:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20544: Has Mosssad Gained Control over 8kun? Edition
>> epic life changING journey out of the shire take our unmarried hobbits every larp closer to Sauros
>>just an un-yoked red heifer
>judas priest taint olympics still whRRrrrr ING bots in sphincter
>>un-yoked red heifer
>career fraud now acceptINGpaypal andcryptojuw feltcher tokens
>imaginary gas that keeps on giftING
#16241036 at 2022-05-09 15:24:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20544: Has Mosssad Gained Control over 8kun? Edition
>>judas priest taint olympics still whRRrrrr ING bots in sphincter
>>church of the career fraud barge
>>investin into frauds
>un-yoked red heifer
career fraud now acceptINGpaypal andcryptojuw feltcher tokens
#16241013 at 2022-05-09 15:20:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20544: Has Mosssad Gained Control over 8kun? Edition
>judas priest taint olympics still whRRrrrr ING bots in sphincter
#16241007 at 2022-05-09 15:20:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20544: Has Mosssad Gained Control over 8kun? Edition
judas priest taint olympics still whRRrrrr ING bots in sphincter
#16230425 at 2022-05-07 19:41:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20530: 2000 Mules Virtual Premiere 8PM EDT Edition
absolutely no shortage of children for trade
Ukrainian Children Forcibly Transferred And Subjected To Illegal Adoptions
AccordING to Ukraine's Human Rights Commissioner, Lyudmila Denysova, more than 121,000 children have been forcibly deported to Russia over recent weeks. This number includes orphaned children and those who have one or both parents. Denysova further added that Russia is "mak[ING] changes to the legislation to organize the accelerated procedure of adoption of children from Donbas." AccordING to Denysova, "Russia repeats the 2014 scenario when it was taken out of the occupied Crimea of Ukrainian children so-called 'train of hope' for their adoption." Denysova alleges violations of Article 7 of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child ("the right to acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents"), Article 21(b) ("inter-country adoption may be considered as an alternative means of child's care, if the child cannot be placed in a foster or an adoptive family or cannot in any suitable manner be cared for in the child's country of origin"), and Article 49 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV ("Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the OccupyING Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive").
#16228568 at 2022-05-07 13:35:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20528: Ebakes in the Daybreak Edition
Likely true, but they were Provocateurs.
That 's how they riled up (tried to) peeps to do that. It wasa FAIL .. The only ones blowING off the poppers were the ones who were plants.
(nothING big just enter the place, no vandalism / fires, like the ANTIFA thugs. )
Funny, nobody had guns.
How much more "simulation" can you get?
They are a big F-ING FAIL
seen it. Oathkeeper.
They were talkING trash on Trump for allegedly givING a speech that wasn't powerful enough.
"We've got to do somethING'
anon told them they were patsy.
anon still un sure who ended up in jail.
They are trump haters and agents.
guy got all flustered when I said to his face, that it was a set-up and everyone fallING for ti would be a Patsy.
Guy turned red started yellING at me, Called me a "liar" - ran off to join the crowd?
"No it's not a set-up - I better get there"
What a fuckING doofus.
Then; is when I really knew. When he called me a liar.
A 3-D meatspace shill. So likely FBI/ gov / military of some kind.
#16228448 at 2022-05-07 13:16:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20528: Ebakes in the Daybreak Edition
7 May, 2022 11:23
HomeBusiness News
European banks reveal cost of Russia exit. Sanctions wiped out billions from major lenders
why is this war so important to the EU and US, do they want to steal Russia and all it assets?
The need to write down assets as well as settING aside cash to shield against the expected economic ramifications of anti-Russia sanctions has resulted in billions of euro in losses for European banks.
The lenders have so far taken a hit of about $9.6 billion, led by Societe Generale and UniCredit. ING and Intesa Sanpaolo reported that Russian exposure had slashed their combined first-quarter net income by nearly $2 billion.
Several lenders have said their outlooks for the year would be scrapped if the drag of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the global economy worsens. Intesa has reportedly cut its 2022 profit target, warnING that a "very conservative" scenario envisions an even harder blow.
Faced with this extreme uncertainty, the chief risk officers of several European bankING majors are holdING meetINGs with regulators and among themselves to assess the reliability of their models and provisionING, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg.
"Corporate insolvencies in our markets will probably rise" in 2022 amid surgING energy prices, high inflation and supply-chain disruptions, accordING to Commerzbank Chief Executive Officer Manfred Knof, who was quoted by the agency.
UniCredit said it can absorb the latest macroeconomic knock-on effects in its wider business thanks to its "strong" capital levels, asset quality and prudent loan loss reserves. One of the European banks with the biggest presence in Russia, UniCredit reportedly took a $2 billion hit as it considers an exit strategy.
Meanwhile, French lender Societe Generale is expected to take a ?3 billion loss from the sale of its stake in Russia's Rosbank.
#16226526 at 2022-05-07 02:27:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20525: Get the hell out and vote for Dr. Oz Edition
Pro oz after Trump gush ING endorsement
#16223979 at 2022-05-06 21:50:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20522: Double Duece Rally Ready Edition
Exclusive: GOP Senators Slam Schumer For 'SlanderING' Justices And EnablING Left's 'Authoritarian' Tactics
By: Emily Jashinsky May 06, 2022
GOP letter to Sen. Schumer about his reaction to the Dobbs leak, Blackburn, Lee, and Cruz asked Schumer to condemn threats against justices and 'respect' the court's independence.
A trio of Republican senators from the powerful Judiciary Committee is callING on Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to dramatically walk back his rhetoric on the leaked Dobbs opinion, accusING the majority leader of "slander[ING]" Supreme Court justices and enablING "authoritarian" conduct from Democrats.
In a Thursday letter first obtained by The Federalist, Sens. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, directly asked Schumer to condemn threats against justices and "respect" the court's independence by refrainING from intimidation efforts aimed at pressurING the majority into a different rulING.
Asked by The Federalist on Friday whether Schumer condemns the tactics of groups like "Ruth Sent Us," which include publishING the alleged private addresses of justices and demonstratING outside their homes, the senator's press secretary did not respond.
Schumer's office also declined to respond when asked whether the leakING of Justice Alito's draft opinion will subject the judicial process to inappropriate external pressures.
Blackburn, Lee, and Cruz took particular issue with Schumer's rapid reaction to the Politico report that included Alito's February draft of the majority opinion in Dobbs. "Immediately after this draft was leaked, you attacked the Supreme Court justices from the floor of the Senate, and again from the steps of the U.S. Capitol," they wrote. "Specifically, durING your May 3, 2022 remarks on the floor of the U.S. Senate, you stated, 'Several of these conservative justices . . . have lied to the U.S. Senate, ripped up the Constitution, and defiled both precedent and the Supreme Court's reputation.'"
"We have serious concerns aboutyour decision to slander our Supreme Court justices in order to achieve your preferred policy results," said Blackburn, Lee, and Cruz, arguING that Republican-appointed justices who acknowledged Roe as "important precedent" in their confirmation hearINGs did not lie, as Schumer asserted, but demonstrated "neutrality."
CitING Brown v. Board and LovING v. Virginia, the senators wrote, "There is no question that you support the Court overturnING precedent where the Constitution and principles of stare decisis so require it-you just don't want the Court to overturn the precedents you happen to like."
They also cited Schumer's statement in March of 2020 that Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch would "pay the price" if they decided a different case against the leader's wishes. "This kind of inflammatory rhetoric is toxic to our democratic system of government," the letter argued.
After celebratING the opinion for returnING decisions about abortion back to the states, the letter further cited Schumer's failure to "renounce" Democrats' calls for court packING and nukING the filibuster. "Make no mistake: these are tactics of authoritarian leaders. Dictators change the rules and shatter norms when they cannot achieve their political goals through the democratic process," said the letter.
In closING, the senators called on Schumer "to make very clear to the American people that all threats and intimidation tactics against our Supreme Court justices are abhorrent."
"We further urge you to pledge that you will respect the independence of the Supreme Court, regardless of how it rules in Dobbs, and that you will refrain from tryING to exert political pressure to influence the decisions of the Court," they added.
#16217543 at 2022-05-05 22:15:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20514: State AG's vs. Unconstitutional Disinformation Board Edition
cheese that stanks
virtually babel-ING bout babylon whine
#16217411 at 2022-05-05 21:53:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20514: State AG's vs. Unconstitutional Disinformation Board Edition
>>16217287 (lb)
>he helped rig the election dumbass
Tucker didn't stuff ballots, I'm fairly certain of that.
>>16217305 (lb)
The company he works for did exactly what they were told to do. Who did the "told"ING, and who did the "observING"?
#16213367 at 2022-05-05 08:17:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20508: Letitia James is the most CORRUPT AG in American History Edition
Durham plans to call Fusion's "tech maven," Laura Seago, to testify, includING Fusion's role with a white paper Sussmann pushed to the FBI.
Sussmann lawyer Sean Berkowitz lamented "the government charged a case with attorneys and privilege all over the place" and called it "almost a law school hypothetical." He said the judge's rulING could have a "ripple effect" and could end up callING "thousands of documents into question" related to prior privilege assertions. He also said lettING Seago speak at the trial would be "unduly prejudicial."
Algor countered that the prosecution had "cabined" the trial to a sINGle Fusion witness and a few dozen documents. He said Seago had "key evidence" about the attorney-client relationships and that she would be a Fusion witness tied to Sussmann, the Clinton campaign, and Joffe.
Clinton campaign lawyer Robert Trout argued, "The government here has an erroneously cramped view of privilege" and called it a "false choice" to say somethING is either opposition research or covered by privilege. He said, "It is true that Donald Trump was an opposition candidate" but claimed Fusion had been hired to help with legal advice for the campaign. He said: "It may have been research about an opposition candidate, but the real purpose was to get our facts straight."
The Clinton campaign's filING last week included a declaration from Elias, who claimed, "Fusion's role was to provide consultING services" that Perkins was givING related to defamation and libel laws.
Fusion co-founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch wrote in their 2019 book that they met with Elias in April 2016.
Fritsch told Elias, "We think you guys will really want to pay attention to the Russia angle."
"This angle was all new to Elias, and he loved it," Fusion said.
The judge quoted from an email by Fritsch to a reporter in October 2016 in which the Fusion co-founder said to "do the f***ING Alfa bank secret comms story."
The judge said: "How is that assistING Mr. Elias providING legal advice? ... That is assistING a media strategy."
The judge said he was "not convinced" that the Clinton campaign should just have a blanket assertion of privilege.
Trout contended the prosecution's arguments suggested "Mr. Elias's sworn statements are not to be believed, and I don't think that's appropriate."
The judge again made a "distinction between" fact-checkING and disseminatING opposition research.
Fusion's lawyer also argued the firm had no knowledge of Sussmann's meetING with the FBI and tried to argue it was irrelevant to the indictment.
#16211013 at 2022-05-04 23:33:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20505: Durham's Trapped Them All Edition
Durham convinces judge to review concealed documents in Clinton privilege battleMay 04, 2022 03:12 PM
The judge in the case of Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann has agreed to review dozens of records currently withheld because of assertions of attorney-client privilege by Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign to see if they have been improperly concealed. The agreement is a win for special counsel John Durham in his case against Sussmann, who has been indicted on charges of concealING his clients.
Judge Christopher Cooper said Wednesday he would grant the government's motion, arguING he did not believe it was breakING attorney-client privilege for him to review the records in dispute in an "in camera" settING, away from the public and the press.
The judge repeatedly pointed to the difference between hirING a firm to do "fact-checkING" versus hirING it to do "opposition research."
Hillary for America, the DNC, and Perkins argue claims of attorney-client privilege should keep the records concealed and claim Fusion simply provided them legal services. Durham is insistING those groups played a coordinated role in pushING false collusion claims.
The judge said he didn't doubt Elias's claims about Fusion beING hired to provide legal advice but said that didn't mean everythING Fusion did in 2016 is covered by privilege. The judge said he would review the Joffe records too.
It remains to be seen how the judge will rule on the privilege claims after takING a look at the Alfa Bank-related documents. Thirty are internal Fusion emails, and eight relate to Joffe and Fusion.
Clinton's 2016 campaign and Fusion united in court on Wednesday.
Fusion's lawyer said the firm asserted privilege over 1,500 documents, addING it also "produced hundreds of documents." Fusion said the Clinton campaign, DNC, and Perkins had made "judgment calls" on what was privileged. (Just like HRC's lawyers did with the 33,000 emails)
The judge asked Durham prosecutor Jonathan Algor whether Durham would come back for the other 1,500 documents if the judge ended up agreeING with the prosecution about these 38 records. Algor said "not for this trial" but left the door open for the future, sayING that "Your Honor's decision is important" for the investigation. (meanING the prosecution has only just begun)
Algor told the judge the Clinton campaign and Fusion wrongly "advanced a very broad and novel theory" of attorney-client privilege that "opposition research" is "somehow protected." He said "none of the docuement shows" any of that related to "legal advice."
Algor stressed the opposition research was pushed to the FBI, Congress, and the media. Durham plans to call Fusion's "tech maven," Laura Seago, to testify, includING Fusion's role with a white paper Sussmann pushed to the FBI.
Sussmann lawyer Sean Berkowitz said the judge's rulING could have a "ripple effect" and could end up callING "thousands of documents into question" related to prior privilege assertions. (they just admitted there are 1000s more documents they are hidING)
Algor countered that theprosecution had "cabined" the trial to a sINGle Fusion witness and a few dozen documents. He said Seago had "key evidence" about the attorney-client relationships and that she would be a Fusion witness tied to Sussmann, the Clinton campaign, and Joffe.
Fusion co-founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch wrote in their 2019 book that they met with Elias in April 2016.
Fritsch told Elias, "We think you guys will really want to pay attention to the Russia angle." "This angle was all new to Elias, and he loved it," Fusion said. The judge quoted from an email by Fritsch to a reporter in October 2016 in which the Fusion co-founder said to "do the f***ING Alfa bank secret comms story." The judge said: "How is that assistING Mr. Elias providING legal advice? That is assistING a media strategy."
Fusion's lawyer also argued the firm had no knowledge of Sussmann's meetING with the FBI and tried to argue it was irrelevant to the indictment. (This is goING to come back and bite them, guaranteed Durham already has evidence they all knew.)
(From what I've seen Durham doesn't play his cards until they force him and then he releases enough to scare the shit out them, but not to reveal future strategy. Sussman, et al are so fucked, it's not even fuckING funny)
#16210632 at 2022-05-04 22:29:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20505: Durham's Trapped Them All Edition
>F***ING idiot. ParaphrasING this 🧵... I have no evidence but will spout-off and docx this poor women. Reprehensible!!
Yeah, c'mon. You've got to at least make up some shit and pay some supporters to lie for you. You know how it works.
#16210568 at 2022-05-04 22:17:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20505: Durham's Trapped Them All Edition
F***ING idiot. ParaphrasING this 🧵... I have no evidence but will spout-off and docx this poor women. Reprehensible!!
#16209948 at 2022-05-04 20:20:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20504: Good news everyone, % Rates are up Edition
anus $ING$
anu$ sINGs
sINGING anus
#16209000 at 2022-05-04 17:13:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20503: May the 4th Be With You, Anon Edition
Maybe Elon has been one of "our" agents…used to gather dirt on them. Or he flipped. Could be that he's controlled op. Lots of layers here. How many times have you convinced someone has been on our side, and wasn't? Also, the vice versa holds true.
For the moment, the perception is that Elon has a bunch of slimy fucks squirmING uncomfortably…because all the usual suspects are REEEEEEEE-ING for their lives. Either he shows his true colors and caves to them… or he's on a redemption arc.
#16207740 at 2022-05-04 12:54:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20501: Maricopa Supervisors Panic? Trey Adkins Charged 82 Felonies Edition
4 May, 2022 11:06
HomeBusiness News
German exports to Russia sink - report
Sales slumped by 63% in March due to sanctions, data shows
German exports to Russia plummeted to about ?860 million ($905 million) in March "because of the sanctions imposed," as well as "further measures to restrict exports, and unsanctioned behavior of market participants," Germany's federal statistical office said on Wednesday. That is the lowest level of exports in almost two decades.
Imports from Russia declined by 2.4% month-over-month to ?3.6 billion ($3.8 billion) in the same period. The disruption of trade with Moscow led to a 3.3% fall in overall German exports last month, accordING to the press release.
"LookING ahead, despite richly filled order books, the short-term outlook for German exports doesn't look encouragING," said ING analyst Carsten Brzeski, as quoted by Bloomberg.
"The war in Ukraine is very likely to disrupt other supply chains for good," he said. "More generally, with a high risk that the war accelerates the trend of de-globalization and high energy and commodity prices for longer, the German export sector is facING more headwinds ahead."
Russia accounted for 2.3% of total German foreign trade and was the fourth most important country for German goods outside of the European Union in 2021. The main goods that Germany exported to Russia included vehicles, machinery, trailers and chemical products. Russia's main exports to Germany were crude oil, natural gas, metals and coal.
Last month, S&P Global warned of a possible financial shock if there's a "trade rupture" between the two countries. That could put a dent in German manufacturING, one of three global manufacturING centers after the US and China, S&P's Chief Economist Paul Gruenwald told CNBC.
#16207465 at 2022-05-04 10:51:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20501: Maricopa Supervisors Panic? Trey Adkins Charged 82 Felonies Edition
they are so f ING predictable
The Spectator
'Does the rise of JD Vance spell the beginnING of the end of Donald Trump?'
?? Freddy Gray
JD Vance and America's new right | The Spectator
Is the Orange Insurgency finally comING to an end?
#16206736 at 2022-05-04 05:21:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20500: Hollywood Satanist's Demand Human Sacrifices: Roe vs Wade Edition
>>16206235 America First candidate JR Majewski is on the verge of a MAGA Miracle-an upset victory over a GOP state rep and GOP state senator in the primary (pb)
You've got to be Ma-Jewski-ING me… Another fuckING kike in office? When are you fuckING morons goING to learn?
#16203501 at 2022-05-03 20:08:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20496: Stage 5 PANIC Confirmed Edition
You will not stop humans from beING human. You can help them to be better (practice safer) human-ING. Lots of winnING in the "Make 'em seethe" dept., lately. Don't forget to be realistic. Most people still aren't goING to be 100% kissless virgins by the time they marry their one and only ever true love that they'll never ever divorce, nor should it ever be that way by any means of force in culture, or law; EVER.
Sexual repression can be just as damagING to a person as sexual degeneracy. As with all thINGs, somewhere in the middle is usually about right for a majority, and frankly, healthier in the long run.
#16199850 at 2022-05-03 07:21:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20491: Things Are Never What They Seem Edition
The overturnING of Roe would almost immediately lead to stricter limits on abortion access in large swaths of the South and Midwest, with about half of the states set to immediately impose broad abortion bans. Any state could still legally allow the procedure.
"The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulatING or prohibitING abortion," the draft concludes. "Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives."
The draft contains the type of caustic rhetorical flourishes Alito is known for and that has caused Roberts, his fellow Bush appointee, some discomfort in the past.
At times, Alito's draft opinion takes an almost mockING tone as it skewers the majority opinion in Roe, written by Justice Harry Blackmun, a Richard Nixon appointee who died in 1999.
Roe expressed the 'feel[ING]' that the Fourteenth Amendment was the provision that did the work, but its message seemed to be that the abortion right could be found somewhere in the Constitution and that specifyING its exact location was not of paramount importance," Alito writes.
Alito declares that one of the central tenets of Roe, the "viability" distinction between fetuses not capable of livING outside the womb and those which can, "makes no sense."
In several passages, he describes doctors and nurses who terminate pregnancies as "abortionists."
When Roberts voted with liberal jurists in 2020 to block a Louisiana law imposING heavier regulations on abortion clinics, his solo concurrence used the more neutral term "abortion providers." In contrast, Justice Clarence Thomas used the word "abortionist" 25 times in a solo dissent in the same case.
#16198018 at 2022-05-03 01:53:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20489: "T-17 to Trial" Kash Re Truthed Edition
A George W. Bush appointee who joined the court in 2006, Alito argues that the 1973 abortion rights rulING was an ill-conceived and deeply flawed decision that invented a right mentioned nowhere in the Constitution and unwisely sought to wrench the contentious issue away from the political branches of government.
Alito's draft rulING would overturn a decision by the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that found the Mississippi law ran afoul of Supreme Court precedent by seekING to effectively ban abortions before viability.
Roe's "survey of history ranged from the constitutionally irrelevant to the plainly incorrect," Alito continues, addING that its reasonING was "exceptionally weak," and that the original decision has had "damagING consequences."
"The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation's history and traditions," Alito writes.
Alito approvINGly quotes a broad range of critics of the Roe decision. He also points to liberal icons such as the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe, who at certain points in their careers took issue with the reasonING in Roe or its impact on the political process.
Alito's skewerING of Roe and the endorsement of at least four other justices for that unsparING critique is also a measure of the court's rightward turn in recent decades. Roe was decided 7-2 in 1973, with five Republican appointees joinING two justices nominated by Democratic presidents.
The overturnING of Roe would almost immediately lead to stricter limits on abortion access in large swaths of the South and Midwest, with about half of the states set to immediately impose broad abortion bans. Any state could still legally allow the procedure.
The first page of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade opinion
Supreme Court
Read Justice Alito's initial draft abortion opinion which would overturn Roe v. Wade
"The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulatING or prohibitING abortion," the draft concludes. "Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives."
The draft contains the type of caustic rhetorical flourishes Alito is known for and that has caused Roberts, his fellow Bush appointee, some discomfort in the past.
At times, Alito's draft opinion takes an almost mockING tone as it skewers the majority opinion in Roe, written by Justice Harry Blackmun, a Richard Nixon appointee who died in 1999.
"Roe expressed the 'feel[ING]' that the Fourteenth Amendment was the provision that did the work, but its message seemed to be that the abortion right could be found somewhere in the Constitution and that specifyING its exact location was not of paramount importance," Alito writes.
Alito declares that one of the central tenets of Roe, the "viability" distinction between fetuses not capable of livING outside the womb and those which can, "makes no sense."
The U.S. Supreme Court
supreme court
#16197278 at 2022-05-02 23:53:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20488: Devolution 20 Hot Off The Press Edition
2 May, 2022 16:44
Taiwan drawING 'lessons' from Ukraine conflict
Disputed island is lookING to emulate Kiev if it squares off with BeijING, the foreign minister says
(This doesnt sound good, why would Taiwan emulate Kiev?)
Taiwan has observed the conflict in Ukraine and drawn several lessons for its own confrontation with mainland China, the disputed island's foreign minister, Joseph Wu, told CNN in an interview aired on Sunday.
Wu argued that BeijING is hesitant to move on the island due to what he described as Russia's lack of progress in Ukraine and the international community's response.
Taiwan is "watchING this very carefully," Wu told CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "We try to see what we can learn from Ukraine in defendING ourselves."
Wu described Ukraine as beING "on the frontline against Russia's outward expansion," and accused Russia of usING the military "for its historical glory," in what he said was a parallel to the China-Taiwan situation.
Taiwan's two big takeaways from the conflict are that Ukraine is usING "small personal weapons to go against a large enemy," and that its male population is highly motivated. "They want to serve in the military. They want to go to the war zones to fight against Russia. That kind of spirit is enviable for the Taiwanese people," Wu said.
Wu's emphasis on "asymmetric capability," such as Javelin and NLAW anti-tank rockets - widely promoted as wonder-weapons in Ukraine - is consistent with President Tsai ING-wen's government's focus on such armaments. Tsai also hopes WashINGton would come to Taiwan's aid directly, she told CNN in October.
When there's a war, we need friends and allies to support Taiwan, as in the case of Ukraine," Wu told Zakaria, pointING to how the US, EU, and Japan came together to support Kiev.
Though the US has not sent troops to Ukraine, WashINGton is pourING money and weapons into the country "to fight against Russia," Wu noted. "I think the Chinese government must be thinkING or calculatING how the US or other major countries are goING to come to Taiwan's help or whether they're goING to come to Taiwan's help. If Taiwan does not have any support, I think that's goING to be a green light to aggression."
UK ForeignSecretary Liz Trusssaid in a speech last week that "a Global NATO" needs to arm Taiwan just as it has armed Ukraine, among other thINGs. The day before CNN aired the interview with Wu, the Financial Times reported that the White House officials in charge of China and the Indo-Pacific have met with British colleagues to explore contINGency plans about Taiwan.
Wu also argued that Ukraine's ability to hold off Russia - which he attributed to "the desire to defend the country and the willINGness to use personal weapons" - is givING BeijING reason to worry.
"If they are not able to take Taiwan over quickly, I think they need to pause and think twice before they act," he said.
BeijING considers Taiwan part of China's sovereign territory. Since 1949, the island has been ruled by the remnants of the nationalist government, which fled the mainland after defeat in the civil war.
(They are tryING to create war with Russia and China.They are fuckING nuts)
#16193486 at 2022-05-02 04:42:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20483: Post-Rally Sunday Night Edition
>05/01/2022 23:33:17
@23 :33: 17
:MM: :q:
Prayers for ALL OPERATORS, Wizards&Warlocks om WATCH
#16189741 at 2022-05-01 18:50:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20478: Who Controls the Memes, Controls the Universe Edition
Elon Musk: The "Good Luciferian"…
-Elon Musk
-Since when are Luciferians good? PLEASE WAKE UP.
-heirLEADER[ING] the sheepled
#16186647 at 2022-05-01 03:52:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20474: The Music Stops Edition
When I Pass Through the Sun
Remember My Heart is as Light as a Feather;
April Showers til Your Flowers
Bloom in June;
SavING the Best for Last;
The End is Right Around the Corner;
EL Papi is Back;
Define Stage Set; VVORLDVVIDE;
MakING America Great
3 Times;
We Never Left;
A Week to Remember;
Blackout Necessary; Down She Goes;
Israel Next;
Define Israel;
3 Diamonds in One;
Mark My Words: Promises Fulfilled;
Hi Jack, Remember Me?
Where's Snowden??
Treason Doesn't Play Well in the End;
Where's Hunter?
He Who ConQuers Death
Shall have EverlastING Life;
Where's Jared??
Think Knees & Elbows Blown Out;
Life Alert; Help He Can't Get Up;
He Kisses the Floor in the Name of God Now;
That Holy Spirit Doesn't Fuck Around;
In Effect;
MOAB En Route: TrackING;
They Wrote out the Mother but
Kept the Father;
10 Days;
Remember What We Said Last Week;
Last Trump'et There is NO GoING Back;
Do You Hear That???
sssshhhhhh Just Chill Life is Good;
God is Here...
Night and Day We Pray;
All Eyez on the Son and Moon;
The End Won't be for EVERYONE;
Difficult Times; Difficult Truths;
May the Forth be with Us
America United Again Again;
Forever; Eternity;
As Darkness Falls;
Every Lie Will Be Revealed;
LookING for the TRUTH??
Look into a Mirror and Buckle the Fuck Up;
Tied the Hands @2.5
H[QWL]ING; In the End We Regret NOTHING;
Hello George.
Iron Eagle.
Wizards & Warlocks.
White Rabbit.
Lord Sativa 420.
Alice & Wonderland.
#16185833 at 2022-05-01 01:15:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20473: Trump-It Edition
Nice to put the hat the on again. I'm here every day. usually Anon-ING in street clothes…kek
Glad you like 'em. Peace to you, Anon.
#16184048 at 2022-04-30 19:36:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20471: Woka Cola Edition
ArguING their stupidity is a form of decoy(ING) for them
#16178350 at 2022-04-29 19:35:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20463: We Want Obamas Text TYVM! Edition
Coincidence or foreknowledge?
Difficult truths.
It is the only way.
Years in the makING.
Time[ING] is important.
HavING fun yet?
#16177334 at 2022-04-29 16:49:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20462: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Greenwood, NE Edition
When I Pass Through the Sun
Remember My Heart is as Light as a Feather;
April Showers til Your Flowers
Bloom in June;
SavING the Best for Last;
The End is Right Around the Corner;
EL Papi is Back;
Define Stage Set; VVORLDVVIDE;
MakING America Great
3 Times;
We Never Left;
A Week to Remember;
Blackout Necessary; Down She Goes;
Israel Next;
Define Israel;
3 Diamonds in One;
Mark My Words: Promises Fulfilled;
Hi Jack, Remember Me?
Where's Snowden??
Treason Doesn't Play Well in the End;
Where's Hunter?
He Who ConQuers Death
Shall have EverlastING Life;
Where's Jared??
Think Knees & Elbows Blown Out;
Life Alert; Help He Can't Get Up;
He Kisses the Floor in the Name of God Now;
That Holy Spirit Doesn't Fuck Around;
In Effect;
MOAB En Route: TrackING;
They Wrote out the Mother but
Kept the Father;
10 Days;
Remember What We Said Last Week;
Last Trump'et There is NO GoING Back;
Do You Hear That???
sssshhhhhh Just Chill Life is Good;
God is Here...
Night and Day We Pray;
All Eyez on the Son and Moon;
The End Won't be for EVERYONE;
Difficult Times; Difficult Truths;
May the Forth be with Us
America United Again Again;
Forever; Eternity;
As Darkness Falls;
Every Lie Will Be Revealed;
LookING for the TRUTH??
Look into a Mirror and Buckle the Fuck Up;
Tied the Hands @2.5
H[QWL]ING; In the End We Regret NOTHING;
Hello George.
Iron Eagle.
Wizards & Warlocks.
White Rabbit.
Lord Sativa 420.
Alice & Wonderland.
#16172515 at 2022-04-28 22:23:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20456: Tesla-crazy Libs Now Realizing They Helped Elon Buy Twitter KEK Edition
Kate Hudson announced on Instagram that she's recordING an album.
She posted a photo of her at rehearsal, and captioned the picture with"Finally realized it's time to say f#%! it and saaaannngg!!!!!#albumincomING #myikigai 🎶 🎤"
Her famous friends showed their support in the comment section.
"Yaaaaassssss fly my love," wrote Janelle Mon?e. "Yeeeeeessssssss," said Hilary Swank, "you're makING my dream come true!!!!!". "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS F-ING about time woman!👏🙌 🎤" wrote Rachel Zoe. Michelle Pfeiffer commented a series of "🙌🙌🙌🙌" emojis, while Rita Wilson simply said "Finally!!!!"
Hudson has sang before in the flop musicals "Nine" and "Music".
#16170614 at 2022-04-28 15:59:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20453: The “Disinformation Governance Board” Edition
[ ]OFA
[ ]ING
#16169072 at 2022-04-28 07:15:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20451: Anons Scorching Another 451 Edition
I think this is Q/Q+ havING fun showING the supposed 'syntax real meanING controllers' that despite the entire fake news goING after Trump, HE INVENTED A NEW WORD THAT IS NOW MEME-ING IN A LOOPING PATTERN.
What new word have any of the Great Deceivers invented, other than wet fart sounds?
#16165656 at 2022-04-27 20:17:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20447: Trumpet! Edition
F ood set ablaze
Now maa[D]s day of pfraise
Kun bye ya
Mad max ING
#16164177 at 2022-04-27 16:25:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20445: For 45 Edition
>You mispelled Sow ING
#16164169 at 2022-04-27 16:23:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20445: For 45 Edition
You mispelled Sow ING
I was decodING an out of state temporary vehicle plate on the car in front of me. It started with a Q had a W and then it dawned on me, I have been on Qr for over four years and I need to see an end of this.
#16156834 at 2022-04-26 15:24:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20436: Putin vs NATO? Keks in Buh Bye NATO Edition
Twitter employees go 'absolutely insane' in meltdown over Elon Musk's purchase: 'I feel like im goING to throw up'. Kekkity!
April 26, 2022
Many Twitter employees reportedly went "absolutely insane" on Monday after Elon Musk's acquisition of the social media platform was finalized.
What happened?
Immediately after the $44 billion purchase was announced, Twitter employees began voicING outrage and shock in private chat rooms. A New York Times reporter described internal communication channels as "absolutely insane."
"I feel like im goING to throw up..I [really] don't wanna work for a company that is owned by Elon Musk," one Twitter employee told a New York Times reporter.
"I don't [really] know what I'm supposed to do...oh my god, my phone's been blowING up," that employee continued. "I feel like he's this petulant little boy and that he's doING this to troll...he doesn't know anythING about our policies and what we do...his statement about our [algorithm] was f***ING insane... Were just gonna let everyone run amok?...nobody knows."
Its \u201cabsolutely insane\u201d @ Twitter right now in the virtual valves of private slack rooms & employee group texts, accordING to an internal source. Their take/breakdown just now:\n\u201cI feel like im goING to throw up..I rly don\u2019t wanna work for a company that is owned by Elon Musk\u201d\u20261/
- talmon joseph smith (@talmon joseph smith) 1650916280
Another employee wrote in a since-deleted tweet that they were "in need of a stiff drink."
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The Daily Beast reported that another Twitter employee wrote on Blind, an anonymous social media platform, that "Musk is dishonest, clueless and mentally ill." One employee even bashed fellow employees who support Musk, sayING, "Elon fan boys are braindead mouth breathers."
Company leaders held an all-staff meetING with employees Monday afternoon. A chief concern among them was Musk's promise to transform Twitter into a platform that embraces free speech.
AccordING to the WashINGton Post, employees are worried Musk will break down the "safeguards" Twitter has implemented "to protect" its users from content that Twitter deems is "harmful" or "unsafe" or misinformation.Other employees are worried about their permanent work-from-home situation, while others expressed concern about their company stock and whether layoffs are in the future, the New York Times reported.
However, some Twitter employees also expressed optimism about the future of their workplace.
"Elon did not tie up 20 percent of his net worth to destroy Twitter," one employee told the WashINGton Post. "I personally think a change like this may be what Twitter needs."
"In principle, I don't believe anyone should own or run Twitter," he reacted. "It wants to be a public good at a protocol level, not a company. SolvING for the problem of it beING a company however, Elon is the sINGular solution I trust. I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness."
AnythING else?
Despite the weepING and gnashING of teeth by some employees, Musk has not announced any changes to Twitter.
Instead, Musk released a statement after his purchase expressING desire to improve Twitter - not destroy it.
"Free speech is the bedrock of a functionING democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated," Musk said.
"I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancING the product with new features, makING the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeatING the spam bots, and authenticatING all humans. Twitter has tremendous potential - I look forward to workING with the company and the community of users to unlock it," he added.
Meanwhile, Twitter locked out employees from makING changes to Twitter's source code, preventING angry employees from sabotagING the platform, Bloomberg reported.
#16151467 at 2022-04-25 19:01:56 (UTC+1)
Neocon Mark Levin: 'I Am Not A Nationalist,' People Who Push 'America First' Are 'Schizophrenic'
Fox News host Mark Levin went full neocon on Sunday night, attackING "so-called nationalist populists" as un-American isolationists and orderING viewers to "reject" both ideologies as "dangerous" and disconnected from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
"I have in front of me the pocket edition of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, the word nationalist cannot be found in either the Declaration or the Constitution, why is this?" Levin said. "Because the people who founded your country and the people, the Framers of your Constitution, were not nationalists – they were Americans."
"So what am I sayING, am I a globalist?" Levin said. "I don't even know what that means. No, I'm a red-blooded American Constitutionalist who believes in Capitalism and representative government."
"What does that mean?" he asked. "It's simple, you don't treat communist China the way you treat Great Britain when it comes to trade. You don't send advanced technologies to Russia or to Iran technologies you might send to Israel."
"You use your noggin, you use your common sense that's what you do," he said.
Levin continued: "Let's move this into foreign policy, I keep hearING this line still, 'What do you want to do get us in a war with Russia over Ukraine?' "
"And these people pretend to be conservatives and they say America First, America First, these are prominent people who know of not what they speak, they're goING to surrender the next century, this century, to the communist Chinese with their idiocy, with their lack of foresight!" he said.
Levin said "America First" means "stand[ING] up" to the "monster" that is Putin to prevent a "true world war."
"Americanism means to me when you see mass graves in Ukraine, now, 9,000, when you see people beING slaughtered by a monster and a war machine that is imperialistic, that if they have their way will do the same to the rest of Eastern Europe and Western Europe, and will light the fuse with its allies in communist China in terrorist Iran, in North Korea and on and on and on, really creatING a true world war," he said.
"Well, America First doesn't mean puttING your head in the sand and pretendING otherwise. You want to protect your children from war? You stand up now! If you believe in America First from our Declaration to our Constitution to our foundING principles to our economic system then you must reject … nationalism, populism and all the other isms, embrace your history see what's before you reject these dangerous ideologies that are incoherent but are destructive!"
AccordING to Levin, true Americanism is not avoidING entanglING alliances as George WashINGton called for but fightING for Ukraine, Israel and Capitalism against the Russkies, the Iranians and the Communist Chinese! That's gotta be in the Constitution somewhere!
#16148225 at 2022-04-25 05:02:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20425: Night Time Anons Scare The Darkness Edition
Throwback to BO and his involvement in G room ING young children.
I didn't realize this has been goING so long, 2007…. Obama is definitely pullING Joe's strINGs, and is behind this whole child fuckING agenda
#16146094 at 2022-04-24 21:38:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20422: Patriots on Guard! Edition
Spell-ING matters.
#16137154 at 2022-04-23 15:15:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20410: It's Caturday and We got a Rally! Edition
This just feels like Predictive Pogrom-ING.
#16133575 at 2022-04-23 02:22:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20407: Jim Thanks Anons For Stopping Dark Maga Fuckery Edition
Idk how many keks yall are gettING paid per week but I been on salary since August and IDGAF no more
No such thING as strikes here
Unless of course, we're meme-ING
In which case, kek
#16129814 at 2022-04-22 17:47:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20402: #Spygate Researchers Did Work For Robert Mueller Edition
Berry 🍓 forward leann to ING
Fake news bEUrocracy
Ex term in nat ed
#16124113 at 2022-04-21 22:58:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20395: Its Still Going Down Edition
< 2 of 3
Jackson Browne - "Tender Is The Night" (original video)
*STAR*[ING] Daryl Hannah*
NOTE: "Tender, tender are the hunters, tender is the night"
Between the darkness on the street
And the houses fillING up with light
Between the stillness in my heart
And the roar of the approachING night
Somebody's callING after somebody
Somebody turns the corner out of sight
LookING for somebody
Somewhere in the night
Tender is the night
Tender, when you hold your baby tight
Tender, tender are the motions, tender is the night
Between a life that we expected
And the way it's always been
I can't walk back in again
After the way we fight
When just outside there are people laughING
LivING lives we used to lead
ChasING down the love they need
Somewhere in the night
Tender is the night
Tender, and the benediction of the neon light
Tender, tender are the hunters, tender is the night
You're gonna want me tonight
When you're ready to surrender
Forget about who's right
When you're ready to remember
It's another world at night
When you're ready to be tender
Tender, tender tender
Tender, tender tender
And in the hard light of an angry sun
No one remembers what was said or done
Tender are the words they choose
You win, I win, we lose
Tender is the night
The benediction of the neon light
Tender are the hunters
Tender is the night
When they hold each other tight
Tender are the undercover
The stranger and the secret lover
Tender are the motions
Tender is the night
When you hold your baby tight
Tender, tender, tender
Tender, tender, tender
"Tender Is the Night" is a song by Jackson Browne released in 1983
as the second sINGle from his album Lawyers in Love.
The song peaked at number 25 on the Billboard Hot 100, spendING 17 weeks on that chart
after debutING at number 79, number 18 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks chart,
and number 24 on the US Adult Contemporary.
It was also released as a sINGle in Germany and the United KINGdom.
The music video for the song included actress Daryl Hannah.
^= https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/4735666/Jackson+Browne/Tender+Is+the+Night
#16122326 at 2022-04-21 19:06:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20393: CNN+ Now CNN- Edition
>what's the thING with gay people?
#1 is the subtleties of groom[ING] in ALL Professesions,
become a *STAR by FOLLOW-theMovieSTARS,
live your DREAM/fantasy,
become an APPRENTICE, a Wizard/Magician etc.,
follow us with the MAG_i_WAND …
(((you))) are WatchING a MOVIE PROGRAM*
your mind has Photographic Memory;
you somewhat be_lie_ve your life, as you have imagined *STARS + extras of a VISUAL Experience.
Exercise your FAITH, Dig/Study, Prayer/Study, Study/Meme some moar
#16119914 at 2022-04-21 13:59:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20390: Dark MAGA and Deceptive Edits Edition
Twitter Jumps After Musk Files 13D SignalING Tender, 'FundING Secured'
HavING tweeted a somewhat clear indication that he would be 'tender'-ING for the leftist sanctuary, Elon Musk filed a 13D filING layING out some more details surroundING his considerations and the fact that this time "fundING is secured".
On April 13, 2022, the ReportING Person delivered a letter to the Issuer (the "Letter") which contained a non-bindING proposal (the "Proposal") to acquire all of the outstandING Common Stock of Twitter not owned by the ReportING Person for all cash consideration valuING the Common Stock at $54.20 per share (the "Proposed Transaction"). The foregoING description is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Letter, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and is incorporated herein by reference.
The Proposal was (and remains) non-bindING and, once negotiated and agreed upon, would be conditioned upon, among other thINGs, the: (i) receipt of any required governmental approvals; (ii) confirmatory legal, regulatory, accountING and tax due diligence; and (iii) negotiation and execution of definitive agreements providING for the Proposed Transaction. At the time of delivery, the Proposal was also subject to the completion of financING and business due diligence, but it is no longer subject to financING as a result of the ReportING Person's receipt of the financING commitments described below and is no longer subject to business due diligence.
The ReportING Person is seekING to negotiate a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Twitter by the ReportING Person and is prepared to begin such negotiations immediately.
On April 15, 2022, Twitter adopted a rights agreement, dated as of April 15, 2022 (as it may be amended from time to time, the "Rights Agreement"), by and between Twitter and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., as rights agent, and declared a dividend of one right issued pursuant to the Rights Agreement for each outstandING share of Common Stock (the "Poison Pill").
Twitter has not responded to the Proposal. Given the lack of response by Twitter, the ReportING Person is explorING whether to commence a tender offer to acquire all of the outstandING shares of Common Stock (together with the associated rights issued pursuant to the Rights Agreement (the "Rights" and, together with the Common Stock, the "Shares")) that are issued and outstandING (and not held by the ReportING Person) at a price of $54.20 per share, net to the seller in cash, without interest and less any required withholdING taxes, subject to certain conditions (the "Potential Offer"), but has not determined whether to do so at this time.
To finance the Proposed Transaction or a Potential Offer, entities related to the ReportING Person have received commitment letters committING to provide an aggregate of approximately $46.5 billion as follows:
A debt commitment letter, dated April 20, 2022 (the "Debt Commitment Letter"), from Morgan Stanley Senior FundING, Inc. and certain other financial institutions party thereto as commitment parties (collectively, the "Commitment Parties") pursuant to which the Commitment Parties have committed to provide $13 billion in financING to the ReportING Person and related entities as follows: (a) a senior secured term loan facility in an aggregate principal amount of $6.5 billion, (b) a senior secured revolvING facility in an aggregate committed amount of $500 million, (c) a senior secured bridge loan facility in an aggregate principal amount of up to $3 billion and (d) a senior unsecured bridge loan facility in an aggregate principal amount of up to $3 billion ((a) - (d) collectively, the "Debt Facilities");
This sent TWTR shares jumpING this mornING, but they remain notably below the $54.20 offer. Unleash the blue-check hatred once more
he did this same thING with TSLA albeit without a 13-g filING when he said he had "secured fundING" to take it private.
That it can't even get to the offer price says a lot
#16116680 at 2022-04-21 00:48:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20386: Capital Threat Just a Parachuting Execise - KEK Edition
House GOPers Call On Top Scientist To Clarify Comments About Lab Leak Theory
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), Judiciary Committee RankING Member Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and other Republicans called on Dr. Kristian Andersen to clarify earlier comments he made about suppressING the COVID-19 lab leak origin theory.
In an earlier appearance before Congress, Andersen suggested that he had not suppressed information about the lab leak theory; accordING to the GOP letter released today, those earlier claims may be untrue in view of statements Andersen made to Vanity Fair.
"On February 3, 2022, we wrote you regardING apparent attempts to conceal or cover-up pertinent information regardING the origins of COVID-19, specifically the hypothesis that it leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China," the letter begins. "On February 17, 2022, you responded to our letter and stated that you were 'not aware of, and [were] not involved in, any effort to suppress any particular theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2.'"
"Recent reportING by Vanity Fair brINGs into question the truthfulness of that response. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ?1001, 'in any matter within the jurisdiction of the ... legislative ... branch of the Government of the United States, knowINGly and willfully mak[ING] any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation' is a crime. We therefore invite you to correct the Committee record, in person, in a transcribed interview at your earliest convenience," wrote the Republican lawmakers.
The Vanity Fair article details how in June 2021, evolutionary biologist Jesse D. Bloom had prepared a draft of a paper suggestING that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic leaked out of the high-level biological research facility in Wuhan, China. Though later information has indicated that this theory is likely true, many in the federal medical establishment were hesitant to admit such a link at the time.
Because Bloom's paper contained potentially sensitive information about the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is chaired by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bloom offered to allow Fauci to read the draft prior to peer review or publication.
Later, Bloom presented the paper to Dr. Andersen in a Zoom call, durING which Andersen said he found Bloom's research "deeply troublING."
#16108066 at 2022-04-19 21:15:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20375: Durham going after Fusion GPS attorney-client documents. Edition
nice space ING. KEK
#16107064 at 2022-04-19 18:16:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20374: The Perfect Troll Edition
Likewise, the responses concernING Tomlinson's claims about her "lock(ING) creators into contracts" includes out of context quotes from two management professionals without any evidence that they are even discussING Jacob. It is evident that Young and Tomlinson expected to benefit from their statements beING taken at face value.
Lorenz includes quotes from several individuals who misrepresent their connection to Influences. Lorenz presents Tianna SINGer as an Influences client and cites her as the primary source for her description of the events surroundING the dissolution of the Girls in the Valley house, a description that is disparagING of and misleadING about Jacob's role in the enterprise. Witnesses who could have corroborated Jacob's version of events were ignored. Jacob states that SINGer was never signed to anythING other than a standard liability waiver as a guest at a content house and that SINGer was never an official Influences client signed to a management or production contract. Jacob says that she tried to steer opportunities to SINGer, but that SINGer declined the opportunities around the time that SINGer was beING interviewed for the article. Lorenz instead relates SINGer's accusation that "She promised brand deals, money and opportunities. Everyone was promised income, but that never happened."
DurING the time Lorenz was insinuatING herself into the lives of the impressionable young creators and their often equally impressionable parents as she worked on the articles, UTA was actively pursuING Influences clients.
Lorenz has gone on to sow discord in other areas of the technology sector and is receivING strong backlash from many media commentators and critics for a number of recent gaffes. She has been caught masqueradING online usING a fake name and profile, somethING else that is explicitly against the Ethical Journalism Guidebook. She is held up as an example of reckless journalism by many, such as Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson and Saagar Enjeti. In the case of her coverage of the TikTok influencer industry, her recklessness willfully exacerbated an already tenuous situation. Her slanted reportING cost several people more than hundreds of thousands of dollars while benefitING the agency that represented her. Influences is effectively out of business as the company it once was, and Jacob is pickING up the pieces of her shattered career as she seeks investment fundING for a new technology startup. In light of Lorenz' failure to report on the outcome of Tomlinson's complaint to the California Labor Commission, it is reasonable to conclude that her biased depictions of the industry demonstrate an ulterior motive, namely, to damage the credibility of Jacob for the benefit of UTA.
#16100508 at 2022-04-18 17:35:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20365: Decertify the Fraud! Edition
Deleted Web Pages Reveal Dean of National Defense University Visit with Chinese Communist-Run Think Tank.
China's influence operations have reached the top of the U.S. military, as well as its trainING organizations.
A deleted newsletter reveals that a Dean from the U.S. National Defense University led a delegation to a Chinese Communist Party think-tank labeled as a "front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment" by the FBI, The National Pulse can reveal.
The higher education establishment in WashINGton, D.C. has operated since 1976.
Details of the 2005 visit were posted to the website of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), which has been flagged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for its close ties to the Chinese Communist Party's top spy agency: the Ministry of State Security.
The FBI has described the Chinese Communist Party as dependent upon SASS employees to serve "spotters and assessors" of potential Western spies. Ministry of State Security officers - described by the FBI as keen on "influencING the foreign policy of other countries" - have also "used SASS affiliation as cover identities."
SASS - which the FBI explicitly labels a "front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment" - was a key player in a 2019 criminal case involvING a retired Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative sellING classified U.S. defense documents to the Chinese Communist Party.
A May 2005 issue of the think tank's Overseas Academic Exchange Newsletter reveals that Cynthia Watson - who now serves as the Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs at the National War College of the National Defense University - led a 12-person delegation to Shanghai to visit SASS.
"On May 16, a group of 12 people from the National War College of the National Defense University, headed by Cynthia Watson, visited and discussed the internal and external environment of China's peaceful rise, the security and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, and the democratization of the Middle East," explained the SASS in its now-deleted newsletter.
Several Chinese Communist Party apparatchiks were in attendance, includING SASS Vice President Huang Renwei, Foreign Affairs Office Director Li Yihai, and Deputy Director Wang Jian.
Watson's visit to SASS could pose a conflict of interest given her influential role at the National War College, which describes its mission as "educat[ING] future leaders of the Armed Forces, Department of State, and other civilian agencies for high-level policy, command and staff responsibilities."
Watson joined the school's faculty in August 1992.
Watson has also contributed to the journal China U.S. Focus published by the China United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), one of the Chinese regime's premier foreign influence groups. DurING a June 2020 interview, Watson appeared to criticize the Trump administration's 2017 National Security Strategy, which she described as "China-centric."
"The one observation that I would make that's not very popular in this city right now is I think that as you look at the challenges in the international system, you need to recognize that those challenges are not simply because of one regime," she remarked in reference to the Chinese Communist Party.
"In other words, you need to ask whether the challenge is in fact a nation that sees itself - a people and a nation that see itself - as havING a role in the world or is it a regime, and I think all too often we assume that regime change will solve these thINGs, and I think in most cases they don't," she continued.
The unearthed ties between the leadING U.S. military educator follow The National Pulse reportING how high-rankING personnel in the Biden White House - includING the individual overseeING the National Security Agency's hirING process - have been affiliated with SASS. The U.S. Military Academy at West Point also has ties to Chinese Communist Party influence groups.
#16100454 at 2022-04-18 17:25:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20365: Decertify the Fraud! Edition
UK PM to deny breakING Covid rules - media
Boris Johnson will claim he did not knowINGly violate lockdown rules, the British press says
UK PM Boris Johnson plans to brush off the latest development in the Partygate scandal, arguING he had no idea he was breakING lockdown rules when he attended, and allegedly even "instigated," a goING-away party for his communications director, Lee Cain, accordING to DownING Street sources who spoke to The Times on Monday.
A person close to the PM suggested Johnson would acknowledge "mistakes were made" while tellING Conservative MPs there was "always an exemption for work and people were workING in close proximity in No. 10 for very long hours."
Johnson would plead ignorance due to the timING of the party, which took place at 2pm in the afternoon, the source continued, explainING "If you go to somethING where you're givING a speech, you're not partyING, so from his point of view, it's his place of work, goING to events in a work capacity, that's the context in which these events happened."
The source went on to predict Johnson will attempt to minimize the controversy while "outlin[ING]" his version of events durING his first meetING with MPs since payING a fine on Tuesday for breakING lockdown restrictions.
At the time, he said he wanted to "offer a full apology," though qualified his repentance by insistING he was only present for "less than 10 minutes" and claimed he had no idea it could have been a breach of his administration's famously harsh lockdown rules.
Now faced with accusations of playING a central role in the goING-away party for Cain, Johnson has denied he "instigated" the event and claimed he was not involved "until he arrived." However, the Sunday Times has reported there are ample photos of the PM mINGlING and pourING drinks, includING for himself, and a source has confirmed Johnson's behavior to the paper.
Another DownING Street source countered that Johnson would "of course apologize again," while admittING he would also attempt to shift attention away from the scandal by declarING: "We need to continue to focus on the huge priorities we need to deliver for people."
#16099564 at 2022-04-18 14:55:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #203564: Follow The White Rabbit Edition
18 Apr, 2022 09:59
HomeWorld News
US should station troops in Taiwan - John Bolton
Republican hawk wants policy reversal to situation prior to 1979 rapprochement with China
(He's not Republican, he loves the death cult that makes him Democrat. So now he wants to start a war with China)
Taiwan should ramp up its military cooperation with the US and start hostING American troops on its soil as it did before the 1979 switch of diplomatic recognition to BeijING, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton proposed at a policy event on Saturday.
Both the WashINGton and Taipei should boost military spendING on the island's defense, Bolton insisted, addING that the formal stationING of American troops could be part of a solution to the threat from China.
The US maintained a military presence on Taiwan between 1950 and 1979, with as many as 19,000 troops deployed durING the period. This changed with the Nixon-era rapprochement with BeijING, which culminated in WashINGton's change of diplomatic recognition of China to the mainland under Jimmy Carter.
However, the US kept informal diplomatic, trade and military relations with Taipei, includING by keepING some military personnel as trainers and advisors, as well as guards at the American Institute in Taiwan, the de facto US embassy. The presence of US military personnel in Taiwan had long been an open secret, although last October Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen made an escalatory move by openly acknowledgING their presence on the self-governed island.
Bolton, who is seen as one of America's most hawkish officials, has long advocated beefING up the number of American troops in Taiwan and takING other steps toward what he describes as deterrING an aggressive China. AccordING to Foreign Policy magazine, he managed to push through a troop surge in Taiwan when he was advisING the Trump administration. This policy was continued by President Joe Biden.
BeijING considers Taiwan part of its sovereign territory and has repeatedly warned the US against supportING any separatist sentiment there. Another uptick in tension over the island was expected last weekend, when US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was supposedly scheduled to visit. BeijING said such a move would cross its "red line." However, the trip was postponed, reportedly due to Pelosi havING tested positive for Covid-19.
Bolton made his proposal at the annual Global Taiwan National Affairs Symposium, a high-profile event organized by groups that want the island to formally declare itself a sovereign nation. Senior Taiwanese officials, includING President Tsai and Vice President William Lai, were among the speakers.
#16094801 at 2022-04-17 20:30:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20358: Cruizin, On A Sunday Afternoon Edition
China War With U.S. on the Horizon, Chief Propagandist Says
John Feng - 4h ago
In a commentary published on Saturday, Hu Xijin, the former editor of nationalistic tabloid the Global Times, describes a "real sense of crisis in Taiwan," where he says the public is more psychologically prepared for war than China.
"As the situation in the Taiwan Strait deteriorates, we must prepare for a military struggle," Hu wrote, urgING Chinese citizens to be "ready to face major challenges and hardships" as a result of a hypothetical U.S.-China clash over the orientation of Taiwan, an independent state with limited recognition, which BeijING claims is part of its territory.
Hu, who rose to become the country's chief propagandist by way of recognition in the West, was writING in the aftermath of a high-level visit to Taiwan by senior members of Congress. China responded to the bipartisan delegation-led by Republican Lindsey Graham and featurING Democrat Bob Menendez, among others-by announcING a series of military drills targetING the island.
"Some people complained the country's response was soft," said Hu. "In my view, the situation across the Taiwan Strait is like the calm before the storm; the real tippING point may not be far away."
"It's not about whether the public should feel a sense of urgency; rather, when the country resolves to take decisive action, we must be mentally prepared to face the challenges and uncertainties that lie before us, together with the country in a united way," he argued.
The former editor said trust between China and the America was now "nonexistent." Last year, Hu says, a series of dramatic military maneuvers near Taiwan left BeijING with a "psychological advantage" over Taipei-but Russia's war in Ukraine has changed that.
"Russia's fight has not been smooth," he said. "The U.S. has successfully mobilized the West to carry out comprehensive sanctions against Russia. WashINGton believes the sanctions have shaken China and that it now has a new bargainING chip to deter China."
Despite the billions of dollars in aid given to Ukraine to help it fend off Russian aggression, the defense establishment in WashINGton understands that America's real fight is the one with China, which, unlike declinING Russia, remains on the ascendency in Asia and has designs on global governance, reshaped in the Chinese Communist Party's image.
At a Georgia Tech event on Thursday, CIA Director William Burns called China "a silent partner in Putin's aggression." BeijING was now "the most profound test" the agency had ever faced, he said.
South Carolina's Sen. Graham, durING his visit to Taipei, drove the point home durING remarks to Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen.
"I just want to let you know that, while we've been watchING the Ukraine on television, while it has broken our hearts, the American people understand how important you are to us," he said.
Graham continued: "So here's my promise to you and the Taiwanese people: We're goING to start makING China pay a greater price for what they're doING all over the world. The support for Putin must come with a price. The never-endING cyberattacks on your economy and your people by the Communist Chinese need to come with a price. I want you to be encouraged that the American people are more united than ever behind the idea of freedom."
Asked whether the U.S. would defend Taiwan militarily against a Chinese invasion, Graham responded: "Every option is on the table."
Hu, who is now a special commentator for the state-owned newspaper, predicted: "There is a very high probability that this [U.S.-China-Taiwan] tripartite game will ultimately rise to a direct military confrontation. That could be a war or a high-intensity military crisis, the impact of which would be fundamental."
The Chinese military is ready, but the public isn't, he says. "It's time to make some changes. Since the risk of conflict in the Taiwan Strait is real and growING, the mainland public should be sufficiently informed. This is crucial for all of society to adapt quickly to the changes once the crisis comes."
"If mainland China doesn't take precautions now, we may leave ourselves in serious passivity," he concluded. "Of course I hope the Taiwan issue can be resolved peacefully without a fight as China gradually becomes stronger, but what if the U.S. doesn't give us the time? We must think in terms of the bottom line to respond to a worst-case scenario."
#16092594 at 2022-04-17 14:01:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20355: Easter Ebake Edition
16 Apr, 2022 20:08
Biden breaks campaign promise
US will resume sellING leases to drill for oil and gas
The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced on Friday that it will resume sellING oil and gas leases on federal lands, despite US President Joe Biden's campaign-trail promise to end the practice. The move is a belated response to a 2021 court rulING, as well as an apparent effort to increase domestic fuel supply at a time when energy prices are near record highs across the US.
The BLM will only offer about 144,000 acres of government land for lease, 80% less than what the agency initially evaluated. It will also increase drillING royalties from 12.5% to 18.75%, the first such increase in decades.
The move complies with a rulING issued by the US District Court for the Southern District of Louisiana in June 2021 that required the government to resume grantING leases on federal land. While the exact location of the new leases will not be revealed until they are auctioned by the BLM on Monday, they will be located in nine states: Alabama, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, and WyomING.
The timING of the move appears to be aimed at brINGING down the price of gasoline, which shot up to record high levels in response to the US and Europe's heavy-handed sanctionING of Russia over the conflict in Ukraine. However, experts have suggested it would take as much as a year before any new drillING could produce enough additional supply to lower the cost of fuel, makING any hope of leveragING lower gas prices for the midterm elections somewhat hopeless.
The announcement brought criticism from the oil industry, which accused Biden of sendING mixed messages regardING energy policy. "This administration has begged for more oil from foreign nations, blames American energy producers for price gougING and sittING on leases," Independent Petroleum Association of America COO Jeffrey Eshelman said in a statement on Friday. "Now, on a late holiday announcement, under pressure, it announces a lease sale with major royalty increases that will add uncertainty to drillING plans for years."
The executive director of the American Petroleum Institute of Colorado, Lynn Granger, agreed, accusING the Biden administration of "add[ING] new barriers to increasING energy production, includING removING some of the most significant parcels."
Not only has thepresident outraged the energy lobby, he has also upset progressives within his own party, who have called him out for breakING a campaign promise(kek all the right people to piss off) to end drillING for oil and gas on federal lands. "No more drillING on federal lands, period. Period, period, period," was his pledge to voters in February 2020, which quickly gave way to the approval of more drillING permits in 2021 than his predecessor, Donald Trump did in his entire first year in office, accordING to the Center for Biological Diversity.
#16090859 at 2022-04-17 03:23:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20353: We Fight Subversion On Many Levels Edition
Hunter S. Thompson 57
Apres Moi, le Deluse
"It don't mean nothING till you prove it all night."
-Richard Milhous Nixon
Ihere was serious movement in WashINGton last week. Skinner called
me from the senator's office late Thursday afternoon to say that he was
no longer totally committed to his job as executive consultant with the
Kennedy for President campaign.
"He is quittING the race," he said. "We just got the word. He's goING
on TV in Boston in 10 minutes to announce his final decision."
"You lyING swine!" I shouted. "Why do you bother me with these
cheap political rumors?"
"This one's true," he said. "The man is puUING out. The whole cam-
paign staff is terminated as of 10 o'clock this mornING. People are weep-
ING and clINGING to each other. I jus.t lost $500 a day for the next two
"Never mind the money. What's happenING?"
"Madness," he repHed. "Our switchboard almost shorted out. By
4:30 P.M. all the phone lines were fit up. The first guy said he's either
got AIDS or there was another body in the car. The second guy said
it's some kind of scandal. The third guy was a friend of his and said
there must be some family tragedy-his son has cancer again or some-
thING Hke that. The fourth person said he's gettING remarried. It's that
strong-willed Czechoslovakian woman he's goING out with."
"Hideous," I muttered, "truly hideous."
"And in between, all these press calls are comING in. It's Hke when
Nixon resigned. You'd pick up the phone to make a call and you couldn't
get a dial tone because all the circuits on Capitol Hill were tied up. It
was a bombshell."
"Are you serious? You didn't know?"
''Nobody knew," he said, "not even Pat Caddell. His new superpower
consultING firm that broke up two days ago-they didn't even know.
When he and Doake and Shrumm split up, Caddell was in the other
room screamING, 'It's a Kennedy plot; it's part of the Kennedy for
President thING.' That's how weird this has been."
"What does this do to the party?" I asked him.
"It's chaos. Jesse Jackson can be the nominee now. With the 15
#16082173 at 2022-04-15 17:51:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20342: Russian Warship, What are you Nuking? Edition
you got a lot of sauce=ING to do on the last pic
start by labelING their names
#16081674 at 2022-04-15 16:32:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20341: Next Up: Bringing Light to China and Taiwan Edition
Keep my religion's founder's name Out of Yo' F***ING Mouth!
#16078685 at 2022-04-15 01:52:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20337: Anons Prepare For A Really Good Friday Edition
Mcaffee Telegram Mentioned Dopey yesterday for what its worth.
OfficialMcAfee?🇺🇸, [4/14/2022 12:11 AM]
1106 812 814
1005 807
Jesus Christ
YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED > DISTRACTED BY ANTI CHRIST (https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-07/24/17/campaign_images/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-03/people-could-not-stop-makING-jokes-durING-jared-k-2-28633-1500933415-2_dblbig.jpg);
THE VVOLVES KIDNAPPED DOPEY (https://twitter.com/Snowden) IN THE BATHROOM W/ SNOW WHITE (https://cdn.drawception.com/drawINGs/qw4wnPsFdw.png)!!
I Understand You were not ready to go Back.
ESPECIALLY After DyING Again the Day Before.
I told You Death is an Illusion!
"Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ"
I Only Wish I was able to Give You
A November The 5th They Would Surely Remember.
The Best has Yet to Come?
The Best is Here Now!
:The Great AwakenING:
The Greatest Story NEVER told...
Those Who Know, Already Know…
Remember Remember.
8 have an Idea.
Only 3 have it ALL?
We Have it All..
NothING Can Stop What is COMING!!
Blessed are those Who are Invited to the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb!
Blessed Blessed Way Up!
Alice & Wonderland.
#16076685 at 2022-04-14 20:18:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20335: GOP Withdraws From Unfair Presidential Commission Debates Edition
US lawmakers arrive in Taiwan unannounced
China has warned US against "goING further down the dangerous path"
A group of six US lawmakers arrived in Taiwan on Thursday on an unannounced two-day visit, amid growING tensions between BeijING and WashINGton. The visit has been confirmed by the American Institute in Taiwan, which serves as a de-facto embassy of the United States in Taipei.
"The congressional delegation will meet with senior Taiwan leaders to discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security, and other significant issues of mutual interest," the Institute said in a statement.
AccordING to Reuters, the bipartisan group - which includes the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Menendez and senior Republican senator Lindsey Graham - arrived on Thursday in Taipei on an Air Force aircraft and were welcomed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu.
Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen will meet the lawmakers on Friday.
Presidential Office spokesman Xavier Chang said that the lawmakers' visit would contribute to deepenING partnership between the island and the US, and underlined that Taipei would continue to work with the United States for the benefit of "global and regional peace, stability, prosperity and development."
The parliamentarians' visit has angered China. At a daily press briefING on Thursday Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian underlined that BeijING "firmly opposes any form of official interaction between the US and the Taiwan region."
"Members of the US Congress should act in consistence with the US government's one-China policy. The US side should abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqu?s, stop official exchanges with Taiwan and avoid goING further down the dangerous path," Lijian said.
He warned that China would continue to take "strong measures" to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Since 1949, Taiwan has de facto been independent from mainland China, after the losING side in the Chinese civil war fled to the island and installed its own administration there. China, however, has always considered Taiwan to be part of its territory and views it as a breakaway province.
Chinese President Xi JinpING made clear that China would not hesitate to use force against Taiwan if the island of 25 million tries to cut ties with BeijING. However, a peaceful solution is apparently more preferable for the Chinese officials.
Despite recognizING BeijING as the sole legitimate authority in China since 1979, the US is keepING strong unofficial ties with the island and supports it militarily.
#16075889 at 2022-04-14 17:50:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20334: FBI Releases "Fly It Like You Stole It" Classifieds, Meanwhile.. Edition
Grease actor Eddie Deezen, 65, is 'arrested' for second time in seven months after he 'broke into a woman's room in a NURSING HOME and refused to leave'
Hollywood star Eddie Deezen has been arrested for the second time in seven months.
The actor, who was best known for playING Eugene Felsnic in the 1978 movie Grease and its 1982 sequel, is in jail in Maryland after beING taken in for fourth-degree burglary on April 9.
The 65-year-old star has also been booked on two counts of trespassING at an old home and one count of disturbING the peace, accordING to a police report seen by TMZ.
The star was arrested for showING up at a nursING facility, which is privately owned, several times and refusING to leave.
The first time was durING the day when he entered the facility, it was claimed, and was asked to leave.
He left, but the staff remembered him, so when he came back later that evenING they were on high alert.
It has been alleged that he broke into a woman's room in the evenING and harassed her, causING her to call on staff members.
He was asked to leave and refused. The staff called police and had Deezen arrested.
The woman allegedly told the police that the former actor been there many times before and had left notes behind for her.
The Hollywood staple was last arrested in September 2021 at a Maryland restaurant and charged with second-degree assault, disorderly conduct and trespassING for that altercation.
The actor was allegedly causING a scene at the restaurant and refused to leave when the police arrived, and even threw several items includING plates at them.
The incident started around lunchtime when police were called for Deezen causING a scene at a restaurant.
When the police arrived, Deezen reportedly went to hide behind a woman in a booth and refused multiple orders for him to leave.
He was forcibly removed from the restaurant, with the report claimING he threw numerous items at police officers includING plates, bowls and food, with one of the deputies beING struck.
The actor was shirtless when he was removed from the restaurant.
There was also video of the restaurant arrest, posted on Facebook in September 2021 by Cumberland on Patrol, which purported to show a shirtless Deezen beING lead away in handcuffs.
As he was sat on a bench, he's heard sayING, 'Ow I could have been hurt.'
Another Facebook user named Amanda Lambert offered an account of the 2021 arrest.
Deezen made headlines in June when he was accused of harassING a waitress named Kara Lashbaugh, and posted a lengthy Facebook message about her.
She took to Twitter statING, 'Eddie Deezen is a f*ING CREEP who comes into my work at least once a week, calls and asks other servers for my schedule, and if he comes in and i'm not wearING makeup HE LEAVES. And this grown a old man has the balls to post this on facebook about me im losING my mind.'
Deezen was born in Cumberland, Maryland and married Linda George in 1984.
#16073749 at 2022-04-14 11:24:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20331: Child Pornography Ring: AZOV FILMS busted in 2013 Edition
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:09 AM
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has signed the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship Act into law, which provides scholarships coverING tuition and fees at the state's public higher education institutions.
The law extends to illegal immigrants, The New York Times reports, in addition to prison inmates and students from "tribal nations" that extend beyond state borders.
"A fully funded Opportunity Scholarship opens the door for every New Mexican to reach higher, strengthenING our economy, our families and our communities," Lujan Grisham said in a press release.
The New York Times reports that the program will cost $75 million for the 2023 fiscal year, with "$63 million com[ING] from pandemic relief funds."
#16071829 at 2022-04-14 02:03:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20328: Spirited Sunset Edition
[P]rogram(ING) is thick, video related.
#16071323 at 2022-04-14 01:03:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20328: Spirited Sunset Edition
oh…ok…just saw you you-ING yourself and was wonderING….that's cool; biden thinks he is from Connecticut too…and probably Iowa now…or maybe back to Scranton, when early childhood kicks in at the end
#16068334 at 2022-04-13 17:24:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20324: WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER CoBra-19 and it's Vaccine Edition
"And what're you goING to do? You gonna fight. And guess what? You gonna die. 'Cause unlike President [Volodymyr Zelensky] over in Ukraine, nobody has your back. The whole world is against you. And you're against your f-ING self. So why should you be alive again is the f-ING question. Why should a n-er be alive on this planet? Besides to pick cotton or chop sugar cane or tobacco."
#16063321 at 2022-04-12 22:15:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20317: Reminder NY LT GOV [B]rian [B]enjamin INDICTED Edition
>>16063312 ded
>>16063279 ded
>>16063021 ded
all are currently
Hefener with them as well
#16055429 at 2022-04-11 19:10:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20307: Prometheus Unbound Edition
Yahoo Confirms Huge Hunter Biden Story - Weapon Sales to Africa, Chinese Intel, $1M Retainer
Hunter Biden knew he was workING with associates who were high up in Chinese intelligence circles, accordING to a new report.
The report published Monday by Yahoo News delves into the connections between Hunter Biden and Patrick Ho, referred to as Patrick Ho Chi-pING in some reports concernING Ho's 2018 bribery conviction that was linked to arms dealING and bribery in Africa.
Yahoo's report is written by Michael Isikoff, its chief investigative correspondent, and Zach Dorfman, its national security correspondent. Both are veteran and respected journalists.
(Isikoff is probably best known as the reporter then workING for Newseek who had the story in 1998 about independent counsel Kenneth Starr's investigation of then-President Bill Clinton and his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, but lost the scoop to the Drudge Report because Newsweek sat on it.)
Ho, who was a former Hong Kong government minister, and Ye JianmING, an energy tycoon who had links in his past to China's People's Liberation Army, had formed a business partnership with Hunter Biden and James Biden, who is President Joe Biden's brother.
In November 2017, Ho was arrested by FBI agents at New York's JFK Airport as part of what Isikoff and Dorfman called "an audacious plot to dole out millions of dollars in bribes to African leaders in exchange for major energy contracts that appeared to advance Chinese government interests."
Yahoo reported in 2018 that Ho's first phone call after his arrest was to James Biden. He asked Biden to get him a lawyer.
AccordING to the report published Monday, the infamous Hunter Biden laptop contained an audio recordING from May 11, 2018, between Hunter Biden and a woman who has not been identified.
Hunter Biden complained about a reporter for the New York Times who was askING about Ho.
Ho is "literally the f-ING spy chief of China," Biden says in the conversation, accordING to Yahoo News.
That same conversation, accordING to the report, includes Hunter Biden talkING about phone calls from his father as the news media was delvING into Hunter Biden's business dealINGs. President Joe Biden has always denied involvement in the business dealINGs of Hunter Biden or other family members.
#16054796 at 2022-04-11 17:18:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20306: Won't Be A Good Week For Groomers Edition
? Key sword stone
Psi fon ING
#16053295 at 2022-04-11 11:00:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20304: Cracking the Crack Addict's Hard Drive Edition
Gramma kitty, n q
Where for r u?
SpellING matters
#16050541 at 2022-04-10 21:25:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20301: Waiting For Your Kraken? Cancel Disney Edition
Beware the Eephus: Durham Lowers the Boom on Former Clinton Counsel Michael Sussmann
Criminal law April 5, 2022
Last year, I wrote a column titled "Beware the Eephus." =-An Eephus is an a high-archING, off-speed pitch . . . or Special Counsel John Durham==. I warned that Durham works slow but throws strikes. Former Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann may have just found that out. He swung and missed at the ultimate Eephus.
In a Monday night filING, Durham revealed that he has an incriminatING statement by Sussmann that dramatically undermined his defense. In the text message, Sussmann denied that he was representING anyone before his critical meetING with the FBI. He then repeated the false statement in that meetING as he pushed a false Russian collusion claim against Donald Trump.
Sussmann has been seekING the dismissal on the sINGle charge under 18 U.S.C. 1001 for lyING to the FBI in a meetING with the then-FBI General Counsel James Baker.
In the indictment, Sussmann is accused of "mak[ING] a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement or representation" in conversations with Baker. Durham argued that "the defendant provided the FBI General Counsel with purported data and 'white papers' that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank."
That institution was Alfa Bank and Sussmann's effort paralleled the work of his partner at the law firm Perkins Coie, Marc Elias, in pushING the Steele Dossierin a separate debunked collusion claim. The FEC recently fined the Clinton Campaign and the DNC for hidING the fundING of the dossier as a legal cost by Elias at Perkins Coie.
The Clinton Campaign's Alfa Bank conspiracy was found to be baseless but the FBI did not know that it was beING offered by someone beING paid by the campaign to spread the claim. Had they known, Durham alleges the department might have been able to avoid the investigation costs and effort spent on the Alfa matter.
Sussmann has sounded a lot like Michael Flynn in court as he argued that this was trivial and inconsequential comment. On Monday night, Durham lowered the boom. He revealed that, before the meetING, Sussmann sent "the same lie in writING" that his effort was "not on behalf of a client or company."
Durham is seekING the introduction of a text message to Baker that said:
"Jim-it's Michael Sussmann. I have somethING time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meetING tomorrow? I'm comING on my own-not on behalf of a client or company-want to help the Bureau. Thanks."
Thus, Durham writes that
"on September 18, 2016 at 7:24 p.m., i.e., the night before the defendant met with the General Counsel, the defendant conveyed the same lie in writING and sent the followING text message to the General Counsel's personal cellphone."
The filING is particularly notable after the FEC sanctions for hidING the Clinton Campaign's fundING of the Steele Dossier.
DurING the campaign, a few reporters did ask about the possible connection to the campaign, but Clinton campaign officials denied any involvement. It was only weeks after the election that journalists discovered that the Clinton campaign hid payments for the Steele dossier as "legal fees" among the $5.6 million paid to Perkins Coie.
New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said at the time that Elias denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier. When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias "pushed back vigorously, sayING 'You (or your sources) are wrong.'" Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, "Folks involved in fundING this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year."
"It was not just reporters who asked the Clinton campaign about its role in the Steele dossier. John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chairman, was questioned by Congress and denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. SittING beside him was Elias, who reportedly said nothING to correct the misleadING information given to Congress."
The text message greatly strengthens the case by underminING the argument that Sussmann's concealment of the role of the Clinton Campaign was a sINGle mistake or "one-off" occurrence. This could be used to show intent as part of a pattern of deceit.
Notably, the filINGs state that
"The defendant's billING records reflect that the defendant repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations. In compilING and disseminatING these allegations, the defendant and Tech Executive-1 also had met and communicated with another law partner at Law Firm-1 who was then servING as General Counsel to the Clinton Campaign ("Campaign Lawyer-1?)."…
Sussmann's trial is scheduled to begin on May 16.
#16050489 at 2022-04-10 21:13:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20301: Waiting For Your Kraken? Cancel Disney Edition
The Stanley Kowalski Defense: Durham Seeks to Force the Clinton Campaign and DNC to Turn Over Evidence in Sussmann Case
It is always good to have a "lawyer acquaintance" when thINGs get tough. In "A Streetcar Named Desire," the character Stanley Kowalski famously assures to Blanche DuBois that he has "a lawyer acquaintance" who will protect her. The same appears to be true for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. Special Counsel John Durham is fightING to get access to evidence related to his prosecution of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. The documents are beING withheld by the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Fusion GPS, and Perkins Coie. There are 1,455 withheld documents, but only 18 reportedly involved a lawyer. However, they are arguING that their "lawyer acquaintances" shield their communications from disclosure to the Special Counsel.
Sussmann's defense recently took a body blow from Durham after the Special Counsel revealed that Sussmann did not just conceal the role of the Clinton campaign in pushING a debunked Russian collusion allegation but put that same alleged lie into writING. In both a text message and the later meetING, Sussmann is accused of lyING about not representING any client despite billING the time to the campaign.
Sussmann faces a sINGle charge under 18 U.S.C. 1001 for lyING to the FBI in a meetING with the then-FBI General Counsel James Baker.
In the indictment, Sussmann is accused of "mak[ING] a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement or representation" in conversations with Baker. Durham argued that "the defendant provided the FBI General Counsel with purported data and 'white papers' that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank."
That institution was Alfa Bank and Sussmann's effort paralleled the work of his partner at the law firm Perkins Coie, Marc Elias, in pushING the Steele Dossier in a separate debunked collusion claim. The Federal Election Commission recently fined the Clinton Campaign and the DNC for hidING the fundING of the dossier as a legal cost by Elias at Perkins Coie.
The Clinton Campaign's Alfa Bank conspiracy was found to be baseless but the FBI did not know that it was beING offered by someone beING paid by the campaign to spread the claim. Had they known, Durham alleges the department might have been able to avoid the investigation costs and effort spent on the Alfa matter.
Durham told the court that these sources (and tech executive Rodney Joffe) have refused to turn over documents as protected by attorney-client or work product privilege. Durham can use the crime/fraud exception to compel disclosure but he is first askING the court to review the documents in camera.
Attorney-client privilege is generally raised by clients but can be raised in some circumstances by third parties under some circumstances. However, the exchange must be "for the purpose of obtainING legal advice from the lawyer." Likewise, the work product doctrine protects documents that were "prepared in anticipation of litigation or for trial" by third parties on behalf of the client.
What is interestING about this fight is that the Clinton campaign is accused of usING Perkins Coie and both Sussmann and Elias to conceal its secret campaign to push the Russian collusion story. The FEC recently fined the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for violatING election rules in hidING that fundING as legal costs.
Now the campaign and Perkins Coie are usING attorney-client privilege to withhold evidence in a case where the former partner is accused of usING his status of counsel to conceal information from the government.
Recently, the media celebrated the decision of a judge to compel the disclosure of alleged attorney-client material to Congress related to the January 6th riot. Yet, there has been comparably little coverage of this fight despite strikING similarities on the underlyING claims.
Judge David O. Carter in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California used the crime/fraud exception to order the release of material claimed as privileged by John Eastman, who advised former President Donald Trump on opposING the certification of the election.
Judge Carter was praised for his "simple clarity" in declarING that "it is more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021."
At the time, I wrote that people need to "consider the implications of Carter's opinion . . . there is no clear limitING principle of when a legal opinion becomes a criminal conspiracy beyond the court's predisposition of the meanING of these facts."…
Part 1 of 2
#16050222 at 2022-04-10 20:03:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20301: Waiting For Your Kraken? Cancel Disney Edition
ForgettING the 'Dirty Dossier' on Trump
Exclusive: The new Russia-gate furor is over Donald Trump Jr. meetING a Russian who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton, but the Clinton team's Russian cash-for-trash search against Trump Sr. is all but forgotten, writes Robert Parry
Yet, on Monday, the Times led its newspaper with a story about this meetING - and commentators on MSNBC and elsewhere are labelING Trump Jr. a criminal if not a traitor for hearING out this lawyer.
Yet, no one seems to remember that Hillary Clinton supporters paid large sums of money, reportedly about $1 million, to have ex-British spy Christopher Steele use his Russian connections to dig up dirt on Trump inside Russia, resultING in a salacious dossier that Clinton backers eagerly hawked to the news media.
Also, the two events - Trump Jr.'s meetING with the Russian lawyer and the Clinton camp's commissionING of Steele's Russia dossier - both occurred in June 2016, so you might have thought it would be a journalistic imperative to incorporate a reference or two to the dossier.
But the closest the Times came to that was notING: "Political campaigns collect opposition research from many quarters but rarely from sources linked to foreign governments." That would have been an opportune point to slide in a paragraph about the Steele dossier, but nothING.
The Times doesn't seem to have much historical memory either. There actually have been a number of cases in which American presidential campaigns have ventured overseas to seek out "opposition research" about rivals.
For instance, in 1992, President George H.W. Bush took a personal role in tryING to obtain derogatory information about Bill Clinton's 1970 student trip to Eastern Europe, includING to Moscow.
That effort started out by havING senior State Department officials rifle through the passport files of Clinton and his mother, lookING for a purported letter in which some Republican operatives thought Clinton might have renounced his U.S. citizenship.
Bush and his team were called out on that caper, which became known as "Passport-gate." DurING the Oct. 11, 1992 debate, Clinton even compared Bush's tactics to Joe McCarthy's durING the 1950s Red Scare. But the Bush campaign didn't let the issue entirely go.
Czech-ING on Bill
In the days after the debate, phone records revealed a flurry of calls from Bush's campaign headquarters to Czechoslovakia, another stop on Clinton's student tour. There were also fax transmissions on Oct. 14 and 15, 1992, accordING to a later official investigation.
On Oct. 16, what appears to have been a return call was placed from the U.S. Embassy in Prague to the office of ad man Sig Rogich, who was handlING anti-Clinton themes for the Bush campaign.
FollowING those exchanges, stories about Clinton's Prague trip began poppING up in Czech newspapers. On Oct. 24, 1992, three Czech newspapers ran similar stories about Clinton's Czech hosts. The Cesky Denik story had an especially nasty headline: "Bill Was With Communists."
The Czech articles soon blew back to the United States. Reuters distributed a summary, and The WashINGton Times, over three consecutive days, ran articles about Clinton's Czech trip. The Clinton campaign responded that Clinton had entered Czechoslovakia under normal procedures for a student and stayed with the family of an Oxford friend.
Despite those last-minute efforts to revive Clinton's loyalty issue, the Democrat held on to defeat Bush in a three-way race (with Ross Perot).
You also could go back to Republican contacts with South Vietnamese officials to sabotage President Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam peace talks in 1968 and similar meetINGs with Iranian emissaries to frustrate President Jimmy Carter's Iran hostage negotiations in 1980, includING a curious meetING involvING senior Ronald Reagan campaign aides at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in WashINGton, D.C.
But the Steele dossier is a more immediate and direct example of closeHillary Clinton supporters goING outside the United States for dirt on Trump and collaboratING with foreign nationals to dig it up - allegedly from Kremlin insiders. Although it is still not clear exactly who footed the bill for the Steele dossier and how much money was spread around to the Russian contacts, it is clear that Clinton supporters paid for the opposition research and then flacked the material to American journalists…..
EverythING ties back to the Bushs and Clintons, every country, every problem, every war
#16049965 at 2022-04-10 19:21:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20300: Kraken Rising Edition
Joe Rogan says Democrats spray mental illness on Twitter like its diarrhea, believes lockdowns 'changed the tone of the country'
Joe Rogan declared that the only good reason to go on Twitter is to watch Democrats have epic meltdowns. Rogan also laid out the devastatING repercussions of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in a recent episode of his massively popular podcast.
Thursday's episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience" welcomed an all-star lineup of comedians: Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir. The four comedians discussed a myriad of topics, includING the destructive ramifications of lockdowns.
Rogan said the government-imposed lockdowns "destroyed the economy" and "livelihoods."
"It destroyed work environments and social environments and hobbies and all these certain thINGs that people want to do," Rogan explained.
"So the amount of people that are unhappy in comparison the amount of people whose lives are goING well, in 2019 before it went back - it's probably in the millions," Rogan said durING a discussion on why it seems like people are angrier now than previous years.
"The stack of unhappy people and the people who this really f***ed their life up," the podcast host noted. "It's just changed the tone of the country. The whole country feels different."
Shaffir added how the lockdowns forced everyone to stay at home - which led to everyone spendING more time online.
"Yeah, that online thING that riles you up, it's just you're more exposed to it," Shaffir said of people beING in lockdown and havING more access to the toxicity of social media.
Rogan also talked about the negatives of social media, especially Twitter.
"There's some people, even comics, that I follow on Twitter where I just go to check their feed just to watch mental illness just spray its diarrhea all over the screen," Rogan stated. "It's wild to watch people."
"One guy that I'm friends with, he's a nice guy, but he's the most Democrat supportING - it's like someone who's a Pirates fan - Pittsburg Pirates. And he's like, ah, 'Let's f***ING go, Pirates!' The whole thING is, 'Go Democrats!'"
Gillis mockINGly added, "They'll be like, 'Look at Biden kickING a** this week!'"
Rogan jokINGly tacked on, "He writes, 'Best. Period. Administration. Period. Ever.'"
Earlier this month, Rogan blasted his 9-year-old daughter's elementary school in California for pushING woke "anti-racist" ideals on young children.
#16043685 at 2022-04-09 19:32:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research #20292: Rally Rev Up, No Way to Keep a Lid on The Truth Now! Edition
The Foundation FundING the "Fact-Checkers" Who Defend the Chinese Communist Party Is Heavily Invested in China.
The Knight Foundation - a George Soros-linked, left-wING group purportING to tackle disinformation by fundING anti-conservative media operations and "fact-checkers" - has investments in firms tied to the Russian government and Chinese Communist Party, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.
The group's most recent financial disclosures reveal over $17,000,000 invested in a Chinese Communist Party-linked investment fund and over $1,200,000 invested in Russia Partners - which boasts of its close connections to "government leaders in Russia."
The unearthed financial ties come as the group continues to peddle conspiracy theories about Russian influence in the 2016 election and purports to "protect press freedom" while investING in countries whose journalism sectors are consistently ranked among the least free.
China Capital and Growth.
Since at least 2011, the Knight Foundation's financial disclosure forms reveal two investments: IDG-Accel China Capital II and IDG-Accel China Growth III.
The most recent financial disclosure on the Knight Foundation's site shows that in 2019 the value of the investments totaled $11,597,551 and $6,066,392, respectively.
From 2013 to 2015, the group's financial disclosures also listed China as a "foreign country in which organization has financial interest."
The two Chinese private equity funds describe themselves as "makING investments within China" - and often in state-run companies.
At least a dozen of the fund's employees have ties to the Chinese Communist Party, includING former officials in the technology and urban plannING sectors along with the State Department., former employees of the Chinese military proxy China Mobile, and recipients of Chinese Communist Party awards for "PushING the Area Economy Forward."
Senior Advisor JiannING Jiang also serves as a Chief Advisor to the body overseeING China's various Communist Youth Leagues.
Chinese state-run media directors, several ex-employees of state-run investment funds, fellows from state-run think tanks, and professors and People's Liberation Army-linked colleges.
Aimed at boostING the Chinese economy, the investment group describes one of its primary goals as "upgradING and transform[ING] the Chinese economy by partnerING with Chinese companies to acquire technology and industrial know-how abroad" and admits to havING "partnered" with the Chinese Communist Party city-level governments to do so.
Companies the firm has invested in have also count the Chinese Communist Party as customers and include firms such as Tencent - which has been described by the U.S. State Department as a "tool of the Chinese government" - in its portfolio.
...And Russia.
Since 2011, the Knight Foundation has also retained investments with the private equity fund Russia Partners.
In 2011, the foundation had two investments in Russia Partners funds valued at over $21,000,000. The latest financial disclosure reveals one investment with the company valued at $1,234,020.
#16038627 at 2022-04-08 23:25:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20286: BOYCOTT GROOMERS Going Viral! Edition
>>Epstein @ disneyworld
Disney World and Its Tangled Web With CIA Ops
"Disney World might be the happiest place on Earth, but just like any fantasy, there's a little dark magic hidING under the theme park's shiny exterior. And that's exactly what the guys at Stuff They Don't Want You To Know want you to know about. In the episode of the podcast, "BuildING Disney: the Magic KINGdom and the CIA" Matt Frederick, Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown could end up tarnishING some of your favorite childhood memories as they tell the truth behind the astonishING conspiracy of how Walt Disney enlisted the help of CIA agents to build his famous park.
Orlando, Florida, was ideal, but Disney didn't just waltz right up to landowners to acquire his acres. Instead, he hired two notoriously shady men: Paul Helliwell, who ran CIA operations in Southeast Asia, and William "Wild Bill" Donovan, head of the World War II spy organization that eventually became the CIA. With their help, Disney could not only keep the land low-cost, but also retain total control over it in perpetuity.
First, to get the land as cheaply and discreetly as possible, "Wild Bill" Donovan and his law firm created numerous shell corporations through which the property could be purchased. And he orchestrated a disinformation campaign to keep the locals from determinING that it was really the Disney company that was buyING it up as fast as it could, otherwise, residents would ask for a lot more money.
Eventually, people were suspicious enough that Walt Disney had no choice but to come clean; he admitted he was buildING a new park in Orlando. Immediately, the value of the land shot up. The Mouse House had been purchasING land for as little as $80 an acre, but after the announcement that he was buildING Disney World, the price skyrocketed to $80,000 per acre (yes, per acre!). By then, however, the company had already purchased 27,000 acres (10,927 hectares), and spent an average of $200 per acre, so it still worked in its favor.
But then how could the Walt Disney Company maintain control of such a large piece of property? That's when CIA spy Paul Helliwell came into the picture. His answer? Create phantom cities where the property was located, install a compliant government and just make your own rules.
So the cities of Bay Lake - where the current four theme parks are now located - and Lake Buena Vista, which encompasses Downtown Disney and its surroundING hotels, were created, and handpicked Disney employees moved in to control the votING. Meanwhile a third phantom, the Reedy Creek Improvement District, handled local-government thINGs like waste removal, emergency medical services and fire departments. That meant Disney World was exempt from zonING and land use laws, and public money generated within the theme parks would stay in the business, too. It truly was a whole new world.
But the Disney conspiracies don't stop here: There are also rumors of secret, super-exclusive clubs on theme park grounds, as well as deaths covered up by Disney to keep the reputation of the park squeaky-clean. What other secrets are hidden in this giant wonderland? You'll have to listen to the entire podcast to find out. One thING's for sure, with Matt, Ben and Noel on the case, there will be no Donald Duck-ING the truth."
#16036032 at 2022-04-08 15:08:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20282: Eez'n Into TGIF Edition
7 Apr, 2022 19:25
HomeWorld News
Meta plans to create currency - media
The social media giant appears to have multiple currency-related irons in the fire
this means DARPA is creatING digital currency and FB is the proxy. Shut FB/Meta GD company down now!
Social media behemoth Meta is reportedly considerING rollING out a digital currency, the Financial Times revealed on Wednesday, years after the company's initial efforts to create a cryptocurrency called Libra ran around on a combination of stiflING regulations and user distrust.
Despite the collapse of its planned cryptocurrency Diem - formerly known as Libra - Meta has not given up on its plans to muscle into the financial services sector, with internal sources suggestING the company has plans to roll out a whole suite of virtual coins, tokens, and even business lendING services.
Subsidiary Meta Financial Technologies is said to be "explorING the creation of a virtual currency for the metaverse," somethING employees have begun referrING to as "Zuck Bucks," company sources told FT. But rather than previous efforts to enter the cryptocurrency world, Meta employees are reportedly seekING out the least-regulated form of digital currency, FT's sources revealed, indicatING it was givING the blockchain a wide berth.
Rather than debutING 'Zuck Bucks' as a blockchain-based crypto, the company will likely begin with in-app tokens it can totally control, perhaps buildING on its existING non-blockchain peer-to-peer payment system Facebook Pay, the sources indicated. Stephane Kasriel, the head of the finance division for Meta, wrote in a January memo that the company was workING on "accelerat[ING]" investments in facilitatING payments within its encrypted messenger subsidiaries WhatsApp and Messenger, "helpING creators monetize their activity" via NFTs and other means, and potentially mergING Facebook Pay with Novi, another wallet app which was initially developed to hold Meta's Libra/Diem coin before that project collapsed.
Efforts to stitch Meta's blockchain wallet back together hope to see it function as a one-stop shop for "payments, identity and digital assets management within the [family of apps] and over time to other apps/sites," the memo reveals, hintING at a model similar to the World Economic Forum's Known Traveler Digital Identity - itself the subject of feverish speculation regardING central bank digital currencies, digital ID systems, health passports, and other dystopian-soundING structures.
Perhaps more ominously, given the many trust issues the company has run into with its users over the years,Meta is mullING over the creation of "reputation tokens," which would be distributed to preferred users as a reward for what the company might consider pro-social behavior - acts like contributING "meanINGfully" to Facebook groups or attainING "influencer" status on Instagram.
Efforts to imbue Facebook users with a "trusted" designation in the past have failed spectacularly, and it's unclear how this approach would solve the problems that have cropped up previously….
#16015213 at 2022-04-05 09:25:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20255: Mission Understood, We Are The News 5-5 Edition
spoopy game, i jus try to play my lil part of diggING meme-ING kek
and i PRAY for Anons Fam Frens Neighbors Future +
#16010871 at 2022-04-04 18:23:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20250: Disney Crossed the Line With 'Don't Say Gay' #DisneyGate Edition
Gold/silver bull dogs
Gold/silver military escort ING
#16008307 at 2022-04-04 06:39:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20246: TAKING BACK THE WORLD, ONE WIN AT A TIME Edition
CI Practices
CI can be defined as information gathered and activities
conducted to protect against espionage, to protect
other intelligence activities, and to prevent sabotage
or assassinations conducted by or on behalf of foreign
government or elements thereof, foreign organizations,
or foreign persons or international terrorist activities.
Traditionally, CI has been viewed as primarily an
Intelligence Community or military practice, i.e., "spy
versus spy." Contrary to this perception, CI is critical
to both public and private sector organizations as
they work towards an enterprise-wide effort to protect
against foreign intelligence entities. In today's world,
where adversaries threaten America's critical infrastructure,
economy, and the global information ecosystem, the
threat from foreign intelligence entities requires strong
public-private partnerships.
A critical part of successful CI is understandING how foreign
intelligence entities operate in the most basic form, such
as targetING and developING human assets (wittING and
unwittING) to advance their agendas. Traditional intelligence services conduct this activity through the
Recruitment Cycle: Spot, Assess, Develop, Recruit, Handle, and Terminate (cease handlING the asset).
NCSC and its partners offer many resources to help organizations develop appropriate CI awareness campaigns
to inform their workforces. These include the NCSC Know the Risk, Raise your Shield campaign and Safeguard-
ING Our Future materials, and the Think before You Link materials developed by the United KINGdom's
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure. In addition, the Department of Defense's Center for the
Development of Security Excellence has resources and trainING available for CI awareness, includING infor-
mation on foreign intelligence entity collection methods and foreign travel threats. Furthermore, the FBI has
numerous CI resources available for public and private sector partners.
#16004715 at 2022-04-03 18:27:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20241: What a Wonderful World Edition
"GOP New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu calls Trump 'f***ING crazy' and said if he was in a mental asylum 'he would not be gettING out', durING annual white-tie Gridiron Dinner
New Hampshire Republican Governor Chris Sununu said durING the Gridiron Dinner in D.C. on Saturday that Donald Trump is 'f***ING crazy'
He said: 'I don't think he's so crazy he should be in a mental asylum. But if he's in one, he's not gettING out'
Democrats and Republicans have respectively questioned Trump and Joe Biden's mental fitness for the office of the president
The white-tie D.C.-based Gridiron Dinner returned to WashINGton on Saturday for the first time since 2019"
April 3, 2022
"New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, a Republican, called Donald Trump 'f***ING crazy' at the white-tie Gridiron Dinner in WashINGton D.C. on Saturday.
Sununu was the GOP rep for the evenING, givING remarks where he railed against the former president - even as some within the party say Trump is the best hope for congressional Republicans winnING back a majority in 2022 and back the White House in 2024.
'You know, he's probably goING to be the next president,' Sununu said of Trump, before goING on to sarcastically comment on the ex-president's 'experience' and 'sense of integrity.'
'Nah, I'm just kiddING!' Sununu broke out and was met with laughter before sayING' 'He's f***ING crazy!'
'Are you kiddING?! Come on. You guys are buyING that? I love it,' he continued. 'He just stresses me out so much.
'I'm goING to deny I ever said it,' Sununu said of his comments about Trump.
He also clarified: 'I don't think he's so crazy he should be in a mental asylum. But if he's in one, he's not gettING out.' "
"The Gridiron Dinner returned to D.C. on Sunday after a two-year hiatus with the coronavirus pandemic, despite the dinner beING held in the past durING wartime and 'amidst all kinds of upheaval and turmoil.'
D.C.'s oldest journalist association held their 135th anniversary dinner Saturday, which was not attended by President Joe Biden. Historically, president's attended the dinner that kicks off the nation's capital 'awards season.' Biden did, however, deliver a pre-recorded video address to the dinner.
Some describe the Gridiron Dinner as a smaller, more exclusive white-tie version of the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.
WHCA will hold their first dinner since 2019 later in April.
While Sununu spoke for Republicans, Maryland Representative Jamie Raskin spoke for Democrats and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo took stage on behalf of the administration."
"Also at the dinner, Sununu told a story about a time Trump visited his state of New Hampshire and invited him for a ride in The Beast.
DurING their discussion, Trump stopped talkING and pointed out the window at people linING the road holdING American flags.
He said: 'They love me,' accordING to the GOP governor.
Sununu said the only problem was that the man the then-president was pointed at was holdING a sign that read, 'F*** TRUMP.'
"Republicans and Democrats have flung back and forth accusations over the last several years that respective candidates and presidents were not mentally fit for office.
DurING Trump's presidency, Democrats demanded that his mental stability be tested. Trump said he took cognitive ability tests that he claimed he 'aced.'
Now Republicans are usING the same lines of attack against Biden, claimING his frequent gaffes and mix ups durING public remarks show that his mental fitness is on the decline."
Sauce: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10681535/GOP-New-Hampshire-Gov-Chris-Sununu-said-Gridiron-Dinner-Donald-Trump-f-ING-crazy.html
Swamp spawn says wut?
#15999141 at 2022-04-02 22:49:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20234: Newsday Saturday, Rally Rev Up Edition
So… one thING confusING me is why the ABCs aren't runnING around V&'ING everyone that's braggING about havING copies of that hard drive in their possession. Reckon they got too much other shit they're busy with to round up everyone?
The FBI lost their copy but I never lost mine
#15997602 at 2022-04-02 17:24:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20232: General Flynn's Army Of Digital Soldiers Stand At The Ready Edition
1972 Addis Ababa Agreement (1972) A series of accords between the government of Sudan and insurgents in Southern Sudan, which ended the First Sudanese Civil War
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty[note 176] Limits the use of anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems in defendING areas against missile-delivered nuclear weapons (US PL 92-448).
Basic Treaty (1972)[note 177] Establishes relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic; comes into effect in 1973.
Biological Weapons Convention[note 178] First multilateral disarmament treaty bannING the production of an entire category of biological weapons (with exceptions for medical and defensive purposes in small quantities).
Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals Provides protection for Antarctic seals; comes into effect in 1978.
London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by DumpING of Wastes and Other Matter Attempts to control pollution of the sea via deliberate dumpING by vessels, aircraft, and platforms.
Sino-Japanese Joint Communiqu?[note 179] Japan recognizes PRC as the sole legal Government of China; and China renounces its demand for war reparation from Japan
Simla Agreement[note 180] Normalised relations between India and Pakistan followING the Bangladesh Liberation War.
1973 European Patent Convention[note 181] Multilateral treaty institutING the European Patent Organisation.
Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses Establishes rules and standards for the transfer of human corpses across international borders
CITES- The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Also known as the WashINGton Convention; Regulates international trade of endangered species of animals and plants (live specimens, as well as their parts and derivatives)
Paris Peace Accords Formalized American withdrawal from Vietnam.
Vientiane Treaty A cease-fire agreement between the monarchial government of Laos and the communist Pathet Lao.
Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses Establishes rules and standards for the transport of human corpses across international borders. Intended to replace a similar 1937 treaty.
SunnINGdale Agreement Established a power-sharING Northern Ireland Executive under Brian Faulkner of the UUP and Gerry Fitt of the SDLP.
1974 Japan-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement[note 182] Treaty between Australia and Japan to minimise harm to the major areas used by birds that migrate between the two countries; comes into force in 1981.
Threshold Test Ban Treaty[note 183] Establishes a nuclear "threshold" by prohibitING nuclear tests of devices havING a yield exceedING 150 kilotons.
1975 Treaty of Osimo Divides the Free Territory of Trieste between Italy and Yugoslavia.
Treaty of Lagos Establishes the Economic Community of West African States.
1976 Environmental Modification Convention[note 184] Prohibits the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques; comes into force in 1978.
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia Treaty signed among the foundING members of ASEAN and acceded to by all ASEAN members and 15 non-members.
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims Admiralty law treaty regardING liability for maritime claims.
1977 Torrijos-Carter Treaties Abrogates the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty and guarantees Panama its eventual control of the Panama Canal after 1999.
1978 Camp David Accords Agreement between Egypt and Israel.
Treaty of Peace and Friendship between
Japan and the People's Republic of China Peace agreement between Japan and the People's Republic of China.
<gahy dog farts didn;t know it was greece-ING faggocowboy donkey shows
#15986333 at 2022-04-01 00:06:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20218: Dig on your LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES Edition
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, 83, sparks fury by tellING homeless crowd to 'GO HOME' when they crashed LA emergency shelter event in search of housING vouchers
'We don't got no home, that's why we're here. What home we gonna go to?' one woman yelled back at Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters
The progressive lawmaker, 83, attended a Los Angeles event that was aimed at helpING homeless people get emergency shelter services
A social media post led people to believe that the city was givING out Section 8 vouches for subsidized permanent housING instead, leadING to massive crowds
The Los Angeles Times, which reported the story, was told by Waters: 'You'll hurt yourself and the community tryING to put this together without background'
March 31,2022
ep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) sparked outrage among a crowd of homeless Americans late last week when she told them to 'go home' durING a tense confrontation in Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles Times, which reported on the incident, claimed the the 83-year-old progressive congresswoman tried to stop the outlet from publishING the story by warnING its investigative reporter they would 'hurt' themselves and the community.
Waters had reportedly been tryING to subdue a riled-up group of people who had come to a nonprofit advocacy group's event, misled by a social media post into believING they could obtain Section 8 vouchers for permanent subsidized housING.
Fathers and Mothers Who Care, the group which opened its South Los Angeles office to help California's homeless get emergency shelter, found itself swamped with 'hundreds of people' who were frustrated and growING unruly.
On Friday Waters told the crowd, 'you cannot get Section 8 vouchers here.'
Later, she told them to 'go home,' and fury broke out.
'We don't got no home, that's why we're here. What home we gonna go to?' one person in the crowd yelled.
Others attempted to turn Waters' attention to how many people were already gathered there, and had been for hours.
'NothING more is goING to happen here today,' Waters said, wavING her arms.
Someone else called: 'Miss Maxine, you need to work with me.'
She then erupted at activist who confronted her on the failINGs of California's housING system, the video obtained by the Times shows.
'Excuse me, there's nobody in WashINGton who works for their people any f***ING harder than I do. I don't want to hear this. No, no, no,' Waters said angrily.
She added, 'What do you think I do every day?' when asked for more cooperation with the community.
'What you do every day? I'm still on the damn street!' a woman yelled.
She pointed out to the frustrated crowd, 'The money that you got thus far came from me in WashINGton, D.C.'
'I will continue to work, I will get the information … there are no more vouchers today,' Waters said before leavING.
A voice can be heard callING after her, 'There were never any vouchers.'
But Waters apparently blamed the federal government for the chaos in comments to ABC 7.
'I blame those who have the money that we have sent from the federal government who have not been able to communicate properly and to provide the services that we worked so hard for,' she said.
The Times had spoken to a homeless woman who was at the Friday event and said Waters told her to come back the followING Tuesday, apparently still under the impression she could get permanent housING.
'I have it, everythING they asked for. But every time we get near the front of the line, they shut the door. They opened the door about 20 minutes ago and said they're not servicING anyone else today,' 77-year-old Joyce Burnett said.
Times reporter Connor Sheets said he was then rebuffed by Waters durING a phone call and warned 'you'll hurt yourself and the community' if he published the account.
She also dismissed specific questions on the incident as 'a bunch of rumors'
'You'll hurt yourself and the community tryING to put this together without background,' the report claims she said.
'I don't want you to start tryING to write it, you won't understand it.'
The call was reportedly cut short after five minutes.
California's cities have been gripped by a crisis of homelessness in recent years.
The state's most recent count found that 161,000 people slept without a roof over their heads in California on any given night, though the figure has not been updated in more than two years – since January 2020.
#15985188 at 2022-03-31 20:45:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20216: Vote Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes 2022
Biden administration declares support for sex-change surgeries and hormone substitutions for minors
President Joe Biden's administration has released documents endorsING sex-change surgeries and cross-sex hormone substitutions for minors under the politically correct and inaccurate label of "gender-affirmING care."
The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Population Affairs on Thursday released a document titled, "Gender AffirmING Care for Young People." Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Child Traumatic Stress Network - which operates under the authority of HHS - released a document declarING, "Gender-AffirmING Care is Trauma-Informed Care."
The HHS documents, first reported by Fox News, assert that "gender-affirmING care" is the "standard of care for transgender, gender diverse, and intersex youth" that is approved by "major medical associations," includING the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics. These groups say that the best medical care for transgender minors is to affirm their self-proclaimed gender identities, rather than affirm and teach them to accept the bodies they were born with.
Biden's administration supports applyING puberty blockers to children who identify as transgender to prevent them from developING naturally. The documents suggest that cross-sex hormone substitution is beneficial in "early adolescence and onward," specifically "Testosterone hormones for those who were assigned female at birth" and "Estrogen hormones for those who were assigned male at birth."
Cross-sex hormones substitutions are only "partially reversible," accordING to the OPA fact sheet. They also have unmentioned risk factors, includING blood clots, stroke, heart disease, certain cancers, liver damage, and infertility.
While sex-change surgeries are "typically used in adulthood," the document observes they can be used "case-by-case in adolescence." These include mutilatING "'Top surgery' - to create male-typical chest shape or enhance breasts," and "'Bottom' surgery - surgery on genitals or reproductive organs." These surgeries are "not reversible."
"Medical and psychosocial gender affirmING healthcare practices have been demonstrated to yield lower rates of adverse mental health outcomes, build self-esteem, and improve overall quality of life for transgender and gender diverse youth," OPA states.
The second document from NCTSN is longer and more detailed than the fact-sheet from OPA, but it shares the basic contention that "gender-affirmING care broadly refers to creatING an environment that facilitates youth to move through the world safely as the gender they know themselves to be."
"ProvidING gender-affirmING care is neither child maltreatment nor malpractice," NCTSN states, in what appears to be a direct rebuke of action taken by Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott (R) to have state agencies investigate sex-change procedures for transgender minors as "child abuse."
"The child welfare system in the US, charged with 'improv[ING] the overall health and well-beING of our nation's children and families,' should not be used to deny care or separate families workING to make the best decisions for their children's well-beING. There is no scientifically sound research showING negative impacts from providING gender-affirmING care," NCTSN claims.
The documents, and an accompanyING video from President Joe Biden, were released as part of "Transgender Day of Visibility," an annual event founded by activist Rachel Crandall on March 31, 2009, to raise awareness for transgender people and issues.
#15981503 at 2022-03-31 06:06:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20211: U.S. Navy Osprey aircraft crash 7 out of 10 Edition
>our constitution enumerates GOD GIVEN rights.
NOTABLE-ING the good list of habbenINGs please and thank you
#15975998 at 2022-03-30 13:37:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20204: DeSantis Dunks Disney Edition
Hmmmm-ING intensifies:
1. Go to link: https://qagg.news
2. Click on "Truth" drop down, tick all 3.
3. Search for "haspel" (without the quotes).
#15968454 at 2022-03-29 06:02:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20194: News is Busting Out All Over Edition
His name is weid too
stoo, styoo
intransitive verb
To cook (food) by simmerING or boilING slowly.
To undergo cookING byboilING slowly or simmerINGlike boilING a frog
To suffer with oppressive heat or stuffy confinement; swelter.
peter (redirected from peters)
Pe?ter (p??t?r)
See Table at Bible.
Peter, Saint Died c. ad 67.
The chief of the 12 Apostles. He is traditionally regarded as the first bishop of Rome and author of two epistles in the New Testament.
pe?ter 1 (p??t?r)
intr.v. pe?tered, pe?ter?ING, pe?ters
To diminish slowly and come to an end. Often used with out: Their enthusiasm soon petered out.
#15967848 at 2022-03-29 03:05:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20193: Audit The Vote PA Press Release Edition
Rogue Sabre rattler ING
#15955068 at 2022-03-27 08:58:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20177: Anons for Trump, We'll Never Give Up! Edition
Yes, she did. She went over there to "school" them on what was it, arms sales? It struck me as odd that a US Congress member could waltz into NK and tell them where they're F-ING up, and they just roll with it.
#15954203 at 2022-03-27 04:01:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20176: Kerry: Oceans rise 1/100th of a % over the next 300 Fucking Years Edition
I'm assumING they/we are goING to have oil prices skyrocket until people can't even afford to go to work while the elitards are still reee-ING about clean green bullshit.
#15942557 at 2022-03-25 18:08:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20161: DS Crumbling in 'their' madness, Anons working in the masses Edition
>BREAKING: Hunter Biden Laptop Video Leak - Full Conversation with Hooker About 3rd MissING Laptop
Just the video:
Hunter Biden: 'It Was F*ING Crazy Sh', 'My Dad… RunnING For President' - Naked To Hooker
#15942242 at 2022-03-25 17:30:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20160: So DS on the run and and NCSWIC son Edition
IRL-ING & dodgING shills today …. deep joy.
#15941130 at 2022-03-25 14:57:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20159: [DS] Backed Into A Corner Edition
Post your predictions for the Trump v Deep State lawsuit.
Personally, I think it looks good.
I'm just so f-ING jaded about the entrenchment of the swamp I have trouble believING anythING will happen to them.
In other words, I hope he wins, but I'm not confident he's goING to.
#15926316 at 2022-03-23 16:27:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20140: Dammit Jim! I'm Not A Biologist Edition
Hunter Biden: 'It Was F*ING Crazy Sh,' Joe Biden Tied To Criminal Case, $4B Liquid Natural Gas Deal, CCP Spy Chief [VIDEOS]
"My dad… runnING for president. He is. I talk about it all the time."
By Zach Heilman
March 20, 2022
#15922255 at 2022-03-23 01:06:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20135: Ketanji Brown Jackson: The Pizzagate Judge Pedo Lover Edition
22 Mar, 2022 18:22
Capitol riot suspect receives asylum in Belarus
At least they didnt call it an insurrection! Kek
Minsk grants asylum to California man fleeING 'political persecution'
US citizen Evan Neumann has been granted asylum in Belarus after fleeING "political persecution" by the FBI in the form of six charges stemmING from his alleged participation in the January 6 riot in WashINGton, DC, local media outlets have reported. The Belarusian news outlet BelTA confirmed Neumann had received a document in the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Brest Regional Executive Committee affirmING his refugee status.
"I'm glad that Belarus has taken care of me," Neumann told the outlet on Tuesday, praisING the "calm" country for givING him shelter while admittING he was experiencING "mixed feelINGs" because "my country is in trouble." The newly-minted refugee is one of over 700 people to be charged with a crime after attendING the "Stop the Steal" rally-turned-riot on January 6.
Neumann was charged with six counts in an indictment filed last March, includING assaultING, resistING or impedING a police officer; obstructING law enforcement durING civil disorder; knowINGly enterING or remainING in a restricted buildING without lawful authority; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted buildING; engagING in physical violence in a restricted buildING; and violently enterING the Capitol and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
Initially travelING to Italy after allegedly findING himself on the FBI's Most Wanted list, 48-year-old Neumann then traveled through Switzerland, Germany, and Poland to Ukraine, where he stayed for several months. However, he told Belarusian TV he soon came under surveillance there and opted to move on.
The former handbag manufacturer was detained by border guards upon tryING to cross into Belarus in August, and subsequently requested asylum. Belarus does not have an extradition treaty with the US.
Neumann made a memorable (and possibly tongue-in-cheek) appearance on state media in November describING the difficulties of his voyage, from the "very challengING" process of escapING from the "quicksand" he'd supposedly fallen into, to the "swamps, boars, snakes, quagmires" he'd had to dodge in the course of his journey on foot through Pripyat, the Chernobyl exclusion zone - all of which was "new to me, of course."
While the indictment against Neumann claims he was captured on video assaultING a law enforcement officer outside the Capitol, Neumann has maintained his innocence throughout, callING the charges - especially the accusation of hittING a police officer - "offensive". He was reportedly identified in the footage by a "family friend," who called an FBI tip line to report his name and hometown of Mill Valley, California.
DurING his appearance on Belarusian state TV, he claimed he would face torture at the hands of the authorities, arguING he needed "government protection" and praisING Belarus for "resist[ING] the West." He promised at the time to be a "productive and good citizen," suggestING he might get a job in IT and lamentING that both Belarus and Russia were beING demonized by western media, callING the sanctions on both countries "a form of terrorism."
#15921171 at 2022-03-22 22:56:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20133: Pleasant Spring Afternoon Edition
No f-ING way, timeline. She has to at least live to see President Trump inaugurated again.
#15913216 at 2022-03-21 22:03:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20123: Do not forget the iran deal edition Anonymous
icke-ING intensifies..
#15905173 at 2022-03-20 16:58:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20113: Colonel Macgregor - Iron Eagle Edition
fukin eBot (you)ING itself…
#15904559 at 2022-03-20 15:06:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20112: Spring is in the Air Edition
Kyle Becker
"Anyway my computer, I had taken tons of, like, just left like that cam on… It was f*ING crazy sh." "My dad [inaudible] runnING for president. 'He is. I talk about it all the time." Hunter Biden told prostitute how he lost another laptop to Russian drug dealers. Watch 🔻 https://t.co/25NRi70Pln
Here's the video
#15901178 at 2022-03-20 01:38:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20108: Comfy As All Getout Edition
Becker News, [19.03.22 21:30]
[ Video ]
"Anyway my computer, I had taken tons of, like, just left like that cam on… It was f*ING crazy sh."
"My dad [inaudible] runnING for president. 'He is. I talk about it all the time."
Hunter Biden told prostitute how he lost another laptop to Russian drug dealers. Watch:🔻
#15900528 at 2022-03-19 23:52:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20107: DJT Live From America Freedom Tour Edition
>call out notables
>notetakers lur(k)ING?
note this anons, they run the board but they can't actually bake.
#15896208 at 2022-03-19 06:39:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20101: The Ides of March Continues To Play Out
Prophetic Panel
Mark Taylor, Melissa Leggett, Etienne Graves, Chris McDonald
11 MAR 2022
Q said [their] need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Their need for symbolism arises from their need to be secret but still communicate in Plain Sight.
Symbolism is how they recognize and authenticate each other.
[Their] Red Shoes are made of human flesh and symbolize walkING on human flesh and walkING on soil soaked with the pollution of the blood of children sacrificed to DEMON-GODS.
Symbolism is the Language of the Mysteries.
By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.
In a sINGle figure a symbol may both conceal and reveal while to the ignorant the symbol remains inscrutable.
American Christians are reluctant to hear about the infiltration of the Church by pedophilia and highly organized witchcraft because they are blinded by Baal's Veil.
Crumbs beING dropped by the Spiritual Investigation Unit:
Franklin Graham has never renounced his photos taken at Voodoo Donuts.
Witches operate in a circle.
The Whore of Babylon has an inventory of wares, and children are high on that list.
She is drunk on the blood of the true saints and true prophets.
If you are part of the Whore System, you too are drunk.
When you are drunk your spiritual senses are dulled.
Be ye no part of the Whore of Babylon, come ye out of her.
Be ye not caught in the smoke of her burnING, nor be ye among her merchants of her wares watchING and weepING from afar on that great day to come.
The scriptures warn not to consult consorts of familiar spirits or wizards that peep and mutter.
Is it possible that prominent people on Youtube are prophe-LIE-ING right now through the use of familiar spirits in a pig and a peepING bird?
Is it religion, or re-LEGION?
Be careful who you follow.
What is the point of anons drainING the political swamp if the spiritual/religious swamp is not drained?
Politics is downstream from religion.
Some of the people at these patriotic revival conferences are trained infiltrators.
They want your platform under their control, no matter how small.
If they control the platform, they control the information that comes out of the platform.
Get out of the system.
If you are not seeING what is goING on in the system it is because you are spiritually drunk and your spiritual senses are dulled.
Sober up.
Get out of the system, stop followING and supportING those in the system, because you are aidING and abettING and you will be held accountable.
Search a matter out.
#15891705 at 2022-03-18 17:53:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20095: Nobody but Xi Returns Bidens Calls Edition
Russian Baby Names MeanING:
In Russian Baby Names the meanING of the name Igor is: Warrior of peace. ING's warrior (ING was the Norse god of peace and fertility)
#15891157 at 2022-03-18 16:07:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20095: Nobody but Xi Returns Bidens Calls Edition
Reminder: 'The Russians have videos of me doING crazy f***ING sex!' -Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden claims Russian drug dealers stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was drugged out in a Vegas hotel room in 2018, a bender in which he spent '18 days goING round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite'
The Daily Mail has a HB video at the link that is blurred out, anyone have the orig vid?
Putin should be reminded of this laptop…maybe he'll brING it out!!! Kek, would be spectacular!
#15887578 at 2022-03-18 01:31:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20090: Ebake Edition
Uncomfy awakun ING
#15884828 at 2022-03-17 18:11:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20087: NYT FINALLY Confirms Hunter Biden Email Laptop Scandal Edition
China Condemns Taiwan for SendING Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine
Taiwan for sendING humanitarian aid to Ukraine and supportING sanctions against Russia, accusING the island of "takING advantage of others' difficulties" to score political points against BeijING.
"The Democratic Progressive Party authorities are usING the Ukraine issue to validate their existence and piggyback on a hot issue, takING advantage of others' difficulties," snarled spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian of China's Taiwan Affairs Office. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is the governING party of Taiwan.
"Their attempts to incite confrontation and create hostility through political manipulation will not succeed," Zhu vowed.
Furious outbursts over humanitarian aid to civilians trapped in a war zone might seem odd even for the Chinese Communist regime, but BeijING's specific concern is that Taiwan is tryING to make China look bad for refusING to denounce Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and capitalize on worldwide sympathy for the besieged Ukrainians by highlightING Taiwan's position as the potential victim of a perpetually threatened Chinese invasion.
The Taiwanese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday announced an $11.5 million donation to Ukrainian refugees on Tuesday, bolsterING $3.5 million pledged this month. Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen kicked in one month of her salary to the cause.
Taiwanese citizens have been exceptionally generous to the Ukrainian relief effort, pourING millions of dollars in donations into relief accounts coordinated through Taiwanese government offices in Poland and givING millions more to church groups. In addition to cash, Taiwanese donors have sent food, blankets, medical products, and diapers to Ukraine.
The Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) last week asked for donations of "sleepING bags, thermal clothING, milk powder, medicines, and medical accessories" to help Ukrainian refugees.
"The goods will be sent to European countries borderING Ukraine and distributed to Ukrainian refugees through local relief agencies," MOFA said, settING March 18 as the end date for its relief campaign.
AccordING to CNA News, half of the ministry's parkING lot was piled with donations within three days.
"To be attacked this way and through rather unfair means makes people feel a sense of compassion and empathy. So, Taiwanese are quite willING to donate aid," board member Ku Chung-hua of the advocacy group Citizens' Congress Watch explained to Voice of America News (VOA) on Wednesday.
#15881248 at 2022-03-17 05:20:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20082: Night Shift Has The Watch Edition
Taiwan holds military drills near mainland China
Live-fire exercises on one of the northernmost Taiwanese islands come amid high alert over Russia-Ukraine crisis
The Taiwanese military held drills on an island less than 50 kilometers from the Chinese mainland, reportedly firING weapons at offshore targets amid heightened fears in Taipei that Russia's Ukraine offensive might embolden BeijING to launch a similar attack.
Wednesday's exercises on Dongyin Island, located southeast of Fuzhou, China, included firING of cannons and machine guns at floatING targets meant to represent advancING enemy forces, Reuters reported. Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense called the live-fire drills routine, but they come amid growING tensions with BeijING, which considers the former Chinese province to be part of its sovereign territory.
Dongyin is one of several Taiwanese-controlled islands near the Chinese coast. One island group, called Kinmen, is right across Xiamen Bay from the mainland, only about 10 kilometers away. Taipei has reportedly been plannING drills to test its defenses on several of the islets amid growING fears that China will seize one or more of the islands to force reunification talks with Taipei.
Taiwan reportedly has anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles deployed on the rocky island, which is home to about 1,500 civilians. Dongyin is considered a high-priority target for Chinese forces, as it sits at a point that invadING naval and air units would likely pass if they were attackING from the north.
Taiwanese defense officials said last month that a Chinese civilian aircraft flew close to Dongyin on February 5, possibly to test its reactions.
The same day that Russia launched its military offensive in Ukraine, Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen ordered military and security forces to strengthen their combat readiness and surveillance efforts. Also last month, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned that if Ukraine's independence is endangered by Russia, "the shock will echo around the world, and those echoes will be heard in east Asia, will be heard in Taiwan. People would draw the conclusion that aggression pays and that might is right."
#15874709 at 2022-03-16 13:51:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20074: Frenly Fire Isn't Edition
#15867529 at 2022-03-15 14:24:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20065: Special Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
Time to destroy this riduclous excuse for an attempt at "meme"ING.
2. The additinon of "beyoind [sic] free speech platforms" (instead of "THIS" platform as Q originally posted)
3. "Intelligent code"? kek
#15858725 at 2022-03-14 03:15:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20054: E-bake to Victory Edition
The reason Huawei were makING headlines was lawyers who didn't work for people tryING to sell you financial products started to make the point that, since 2012-ish, Chinese companies have been required by 'law' to share any data that the government or security services requested. Sanctions, lobbyING, bellowING, and word salad from the then-President of the US somehow translated into a great deal of pause for thought worldwide. The UK government conceded that CGN, the state-owned China General Nuclear Power Company, had happily stepped forward when the British government were courtING China for investment a mere 4 years previously, writING cheques to the tune of $4.3 billion dollars for two nuclear power stations in England, and with plans to build more. Not only that, Huawei had positioned itself as the only global player who could deliver the 5G network in the UK. Again, lawyers who neither worked for government nor people who sold financial products began to uncover shadowy articles in Xi's 'renegotiations' with business that could essentially negate any contractual clause in any of these agreements in any of the countries that they had been agreed in. Not only had the Chinese bought access to vast swathes of worldwide data traffic, some posited that pursuING a contractual dispute could end in both telecoms and power blackouts. If you hold the view as a free marketeer that the central role of government is to keep the utilities on and businesses business-ING, then that responsibility had been cheerfully handed to avowed communists with very murky motives. France, Australia, Sweden, and others quickly followed suit in lockING out Huawei.
Another very interestING case study durING this period is Luckin Coffee. Could there be a finer example of a US corporate success story sprINGING forth from JinpING's new China? Luckin raised billions sellING depository shares on the NASDAQ from their registered office in - you guessed it - the Cayman Islands. Money goes in. More money comes out. Stress test passed with flyING colours. Then, without word-one beING said in China, Luckin revealed in an SEC filING that they were investigatING an alleged $300 million fraud by a former executive involvING the inflated reportING of revenue and GP. Shares plunged 80%, wipING $3 billion from the value in the US. Then it turned out that pretty much the entire board of Luckin Coffee and their family members had been potterING around New York securING vast loans against the US valuation. The Chairman alone had margin loans of over HALF A BILLION DOLLARS secured against his shares. He defaulted, and when Goldman Sachs disposed of the collateral shares, they did so at about 10% of their face value. Irrelevant, really, as Luckin's US lawyers filed for bankruptcy protection shortly afterwards. Credit Suisse's SINGapore outfit was also on the hook for a substantial amount, so these were not babes in the wood that were beING suckered in.
But the interestING thING here is the fallout, or really the lack of it. Luckin had taken the money and built a thrivING business exclusively in China with a mission statement of topplING Starbucks, rapidly expandING to 4500 outlets. After the 'scandal', Luckin shrank just as rapidly.. to about 3900 outlets. They're launchING new products and are now successfully franchisING the brand. Their customer base is not less loyal, but more loyal, and they built this base by aggressively givING out coupons for free and heavily discounted beverages to undercut the US giant entirely paid for by US investors. OrderING coffee is done exclusively through the Luckin app, and with news of the US meltdown - and for 'meltdown', read massive criminal conspiracy to defraud - app downloads rocketed into the millions. Big data.
pt 7
#15857620 at 2022-03-14 00:22:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20052: Full House, Deck Stacked, Time For The Trump Card Edition
My blood pressure dropped 10 points Watch ING this
#15853015 at 2022-03-13 07:00:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20047: NXIVM Allegedly Tried to ‘Curry Favor’ With the Clintons Edition
>>15852641 (pb)
you really want a mindfuck, anon?
go search body language ghost on YT and look for the Kav hearING of Ford…
look for the initials I pointed out in 231 with the mirror math applied,
Godfather III…not 3….III
read the statement and analysis I made …'I MADE'
then riddle me this…..
who pointed out flawlessly via body language what 'Q' posted almost a day later concernING Ford's testimony revealING "somethING happened to her in the past, but it wasn't Kav and she was used for said emotional effect…"
might want to trust the anon who actually utilizes logic on these matters.
U.S. is connected, NOT all the posts.
I purposefully stopped (you)ING you …think about that a sec.
#15844453 at 2022-03-12 03:23:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20035: Expand Your Meme-ing Edition
Just ?ING
#15843682 at 2022-03-12 01:36:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20034: Facebook's Endorsed and Approved International MURDER Lists Edition
#20035: Expand Your Meme-ING
#15843668 at 2022-03-12 01:35:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20035: Expand Your Meme-ing Edition
#20035: Expand Your Meme-ING
Baker RequestING Note taker
GoING back to collect last bread momentarily
(unless anon would like to do so)
#15838567 at 2022-03-11 15:43:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20028: Introducing Evidence At The UN Edition
> UN2.0
There is no other global organization with the legitimacy, conven- ING power and normative impact of the United Nations. No other global organization gives hope to so many people for a better world and the future we want. The urgency to come together, to fulfil the promise of the nations united, has rarely been greater.
Over its 75 years, the family of UN organizations has been capable of enormous adaptation and innovation. To continue to address the ever more complex and interconnected challenges of our times, we will need to develop more system-wide solutions, not sINGle-issue responses.
To become more nimble and effective, we will develop and scale new capabilities that promote agility, integration, and cohesion across the UN family. This will be part of a wider transformation in methods & practices towards 2.0, which will offer more relevant and system-wide solutions 21st century challenges.
Driven by the Secretary-General's "Common Agenda", we will accelerate the UN family's transformation over the next five years through a "Quintet of Change" focused on stronger capabilities for data, innovation, strategic foresight, behavioural science, and results.
#15838252 at 2022-03-11 15:04:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20028: Introducing Evidence At The UN Edition
#15837880 at 2022-03-11 14:07:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20027: Vigano Exposes Schwab Edition
How many times anons have thought it was finally 11.3 for whatever reason?
Today, is Friday, Mar 11.
Let this be the day, but I don't think it's become precipice-y enough. Normies still normie-ING.
#15834635 at 2022-03-11 03:27:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #20023: POTUS 45 LIVE ON FAUX Edition
Democrats Cry 'Rigged Election!' All the Time
It's not the only time that Democrats raised money off of false claims of stolen elections. They even did it in 2020 - the time period in which they're seekING to criminalize the raisING of funds to fight back against their well-funded operation to decrease election security.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee head Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y., for example, sent multiple emails falsely claimING that Trump was "riggING" the 2020 election. A 2020 email from Maloney had the subject line, "Trump is RIGGING the Election."
A similar email distributed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC claimed that Trump was "refus[ING] to have a 'free and fair election."
Maloney claimed in another email that Trump wanted to "RIG ELECTIONS FOR A DECADE," (capitalization his). Former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, D-Fla., asked potential donors to "? SIGN-ON: Stop Trump from RIGGING elections."
Maloney even claimed that debates were "RIGGED for Trump."
Democrat Super PAC American Bridge promulgated a conspiracy theory that was popular among the party: "Donald Trump is makING his motives crystal clear. He will undermine the United States Postal Service to rig this election."
Even Pelosi got in on the action. UsING recent news of the failure of a Democrat-run county in Georgia to properly administer a primary election, Pelosi claimed Republicans were engaged in "voter suppression."
A few months later, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee used a Rachel Maddow report that mixed the Post Office conspiracy theory with a view that election security would undermine Democrat chances for victory, assertING "GOP returns to voter suppression playbook as November looms."
The DSCC even had former President Barack Obama put out a fundraisING appeal based on the claim that the GOP was engaged in widespread efforts "to rig elections."
The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee asserted Republicans were "riggING the votING laws" by "attemptING to reinstate a voter photo ID law." The same group claimed that the Kentucky GOP "just tried to rig Mitch McConnell's re-election," by havING voter ID. It even said, "The GOP just rigged votING laws in a target state," when Iowa passed voter ID laws. Incidentally, 80 percent of Americans support voter ID.
In another fundraisING pitch, the Democratic Governors Association falsely claimed that cleanING up voter rolls to remove ineligible voters was a "voter suppression" tactic. Stacey Abrams sent a similar false fundraisING email.
The Progressive Turnout Project accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of "TREASON!" and said he was "caught red-handed," and "is guilty." The fundraisING appeal asked for help in sendING McConnell to jail. The email said:
Mitch McConnell is Trump's personal guardian in the Senate. He is openly breakING the law by violatING his oath and his Constitutional duties. He's practically tauntING Democrats to do somethING about it.
In 2018, the DCCC sent out a fundraisING email falsely claimING that Trump had fired Robert Mueller, the special counsel purportedly investigatING the false claim that Trump stole the 2016 election by colludING with Russia.
#15802702 at 2022-03-07 06:53:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19982: North Atlantic Traitors Organization Edition
.. effective the United Nations' efforts to ad-
dress conflicts and save lives in Africa and
East Timor, and to raise the profile of public
health as a matter of global security, includ-
ING through debate and passage of United
Nations Security Council Resolution 1308 on
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke continued
to marshal international attention and re-
sources to combat the HIV/AIDS crisis by
catalyzING the private sector response to the
global AIDS pandemic through the Global
Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuber-
culosis and Malaria, which mobilized cor-
porations to address HIV/AIDS, garnered
CEOs to be an advocacy force in the fight,
and served as the private sector focal point
for the Global Fund on HIV/AIDS, Tuber-
culosis and Malaria;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke served as
a steadfast emissary of the United States as
the Special Representative for Afghanistan
and Pakistan, tirelessly advocatING for
United States interests and peace in the re-
gion, mobilizING unprecedented international
support, facilitatING economic, transit,
trade, and security cooperation between Af-
ghanistan and Pakistan, and workING to en-
hance stability, to build prosperity, and to
counter extremism and terrorism in the re-
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke forged a
new civilian-led, multi-agency approach
seekING to brING stability and development
to the lives of millions strivING for a better
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke was one of
the most talented diplomats for the United
States and possessed a fierce determination
and intelligence in advocatING for United
States security interests around the world,
includING in Southeast Asia and post-Cold
War Europe, at the United Nations, and most
recently in Afghanistan and Pakistan;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke was a pro-
lific writer and communicator, servING as
the ManagING Editor of Foreign Policy, au-
thorING works such as ''To End A War'',
''Counsel to the President'', one volume of
the Pentagon Papers, and a monthly column
in The WashINGton Post, and sharING the art
of mediation with countless audiences;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke lent his
expertise toward the improvement of man-
agement and organization for a host of non-
governmental organizations, servING as a
board member of Refugees International, the
Council on Foreign Relations, the National
Endowment for Democracy, the American
Museum of Natural History, and the Citizens
Committee for New York City, as Chairman
of the Asia Society, as FoundING Chairman
of the American Academy in Berlin, and as a
Woodrow Wilson Scholar;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke motivated
many Americans to enter public service and
served as an inspirational leader and public
servant, mentorING countless United States
Department of State officers and future am-
Whereas from Southeast Asia to post-Cold
War Europe and around the globe, people
have a better chance of a peaceful future be-
cause of Ambassador Holbrooke's lifetime of
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke was re-
nowned internationally for his energy, per-
sistence, sharp intellect, and skills of persua-
sion; and
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke leaves be-
hind his beloved wife Kati, sons David and
Anthony, step-children Elizabeth and Chris,
daughter-in-law Sarah, four grandchildren,
and countless friends and colleagues: Now,
therefore, be it ..
#15799405 at 2022-03-06 21:35:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19978: The People's Convoy Is Confirmed On The DC Beltway Edition
IMHO Trump was warnING them what the DS would do
6 Mar, 2022 20:40
Trump jokes about false-flaggING Russia into war with China - media
Bomb Russia with Chinese-flagged planes, former president reportedly chortled
Former US president Donald Trump joked that WashINGton should "bomb the s***" out of Russia usING F-22 fighter jets emblazoned with the Chinese flag durING a speech to Republican National Committee donors on Saturday.
"And then we say, China did it," he continued, accordING to CBS News, which cited sources present at the event. "Then they start fightING with each other, and we sit back and watch."
The audience reportedly got a good chuckle out of the president's suggestion, which they may or may not have considered durING the runup to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a period in which Secretary of State Antony Blinken dropped the phrase "false flag" on a near-daily basis.
Unlike the US and its allies, China has deliberately avoided beING swept up in the sanctions frenzy triggered by the conflict in Ukraine, remainING studiously neutral. BeijING has obvious advantages to gain by the US tyING up its finances and war machine in a drawn-out conflict with another world power, and while some Chinese entities have withdrawn from doING business with Russia, others have seized the opportunity created by the financial troubles beING waged on Russia and inked major deals with the country.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has denounced what it referred to as "illegal unilateral sanctions" imposed on Russia in response to the invasion, orderING the West to steer clear of "harm[ING] the legitimate rights and interests of China and other parties" with its financial punishments.
Trump was eviscerated in the media last month for describING Russian President Vladimir Putin as "savvy" and "brilliant" for his actions in Ukraine, words which triggered many of the same pundits who made their careers denouncING him as a Russian puppet. He subsequently pivoted to blamING current President Joe Biden for beING insufficiently tough on Putin, insistING "nobody has ever been tougher on Russia than [Trump]" and arguING that had he remained president, Putin would never have invaded Ukraine.
READ MORE: Russia and China sign major energy deal
Trump also had harsh words for NATO, however, dismissING the transatlantic alliance as a "paper tiger." DurING his presidency, he repeatedly complained about NATO allies not payING their fair share of the costs required to run the alliance and threatened to leave the group entirely. However, he never followed through on those threats and it's unclear whether he was actually serious.
The former president touched on a series of familiar topics durING his speech, from the "rigged" 2020 election to climate change beING a "hoax". AccordING to a recent CBS poll, 69% of Republicans want Trump to run for president again in 2024, and the former president has teased such a campaign, promisING "we will see a Republican president reclaim that magnificent White House in 2024," accordING to the source. "I wonder who that might be," he continued.
#15797902 at 2022-03-06 17:27:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19976: Panic in DC Edition
'Greatest LivING American President - All You Liberals Out There - Our F*ING Country Is GoING to Sh Right Now" - Colby CovINGton Gives Shout Out to President Trump FollowING Big UFC Win
Colby CovINGton beat Jorge Masvidal at their UFC 272 grudge match in Las Vegas on Saturday evenING in the welterweight title at the T-Mobile Arena in Nevada. CovINGton won the match in a unanimous decision.
FollowING his big victory Colby CovINGton gave a huge shoutout to President Trump:
Colby CovINGton: "Mr. 45, President Trump, greatest livING American and greatest President in history, man. The thINGs he did for this country. All you liberals out there who say he didn't, look at inflation. Look at our open borders. Our f*ckING country is goING to shit right now without him. So, we need him back in 2024. Trump 2024 and you know he's gonna come back and Make America Great Again."
#15797865 at 2022-03-06 17:22:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19976: Panic in DC Edition
>'Greatest LivING American President - All You Liberals Out There - Our F*ING Country Is GoING to Sh Right Now" - Colby CovINGton Gives Shout Out to President Trump FollowING Big UFC Win (VIDEO)
#15797836 at 2022-03-06 17:17:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19976: Panic in DC Edition
'Greatest LivING American President - All You Liberals Out There - Our F*ING Country Is GoING to Sh Right Now" - Colby CovINGton Gives Shout Out to President Trump FollowING Big UFC Win (VIDEO)
Colby CovINGton beat Jorge Masvidal at their UFC 272 grudge match in Las Vegas on Saturday evenING in the welterweight title at the T-Mobile Arena in Nevada. CovINGton won the match in a unanimous decision.
FollowING his big victory Colby CovINGton gave a huge shoutout to President Trump:
Colby CovINGton: "Mr. 45, President Trump, greatest livING American and greatest President in history, man. The thINGs he did for this country. All you liberals out there who say he didn't, look at inflation. Look at our open borders. Our f*ckING country is goING to shit right now without him. So, we need him back in 2024. Trump 2024 and you know he's gonna come back and Make America Great Again."
Video link: https://rumble.com/vwmf93-colby-covINGton-gives-shout-out-to-president-trump-followING-huge-ufc-win.html
#15796125 at 2022-03-06 10:20:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19974: Patriots Stand With The Ukrainian People Not The Ukrainian Regime Edition
>>15796077 (LB)
>just chukln at the stupid.
>does it show?
it does
>one is effort`ING in the direction of
>concealed contempt.
For the show is to wake people up and lead them to the ultimate solution.
< For the choice to know is ours.
#15796077 at 2022-03-06 10:04:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19973: It's Not Russia Vs Ukraine, It's Russia Cleaning Up Ukraine Edition
not at all
just chukln at the stupid.
does it show?
one is effort`ING in the direction of
concealed contempt.
#15792399 at 2022-03-05 22:30:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19969: FoxNews Took MASSIVE Bribes To Push The Covid Vaccine? Edition
so one of 380 Poles
is a Caritas volunteer
volunteer, you keep u$ING that word…
#15790814 at 2022-03-05 18:36:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19967: The House Is Falling On The Cabal Co-Conspirators Edition
We The Media ??????, [05.03.22 13:19]
[Forwarded from Just Human ??????]
Look who else was in Taiwan while Pompeo was there. Coincidence? Or Devolution?
'"As the world focuses on Russia's invasion of Ukraine (https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/02/europe/ukraine-russia-invasion-wednesday-intl-hnk/index.html), a delegation of former US officials has signaled American support for another democracy that's come under increasING pressure from an authoritarian power.
The former defense and security officials, led by ex-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen, met with Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen on Wednesday durING a two-day visit to the self-ruled island"
Wen-Ti Sung, a lecturer in the Taiwan Studies Program at the Australian National University, said the timING of the American delegation's visit was "clearly tied to the Ukraine crisis" and Mullen's role as its head signaled that defense discussions would "feature prominently on the agenda."
"At this moment when Taiwan is wonderING whether it's goING to be Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow … the presence of a senior and bipartisan ex-governmental delegation is here to illustrate that US security commitment indeed is different and is higher to Taiwan than it is to Ukraine,"'
#15781536 at 2022-03-04 18:02:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19955: Suicide weekend friday night high rise dives
MSNBC Editorial Director Lobbied For Putin-Linked Investment Fund Sanctioned By U.S.
The left media has been lobbyING for Putin behind the scenes.
A former New York Times journalist and Editorial Director for MSNBC lobbied on behalf of the same Russian government international investment fund recently sanctioned by the United States, The National Pulse can reveal.
Davidson Goldin provided the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) - a sovereign wealth fund established while Vladimir Putin was Prime Minister - with media outreach and public relations.
RDIF, the recent target of sanctions from the White House followING Russia's invasion of Ukraine, is run by a "known Putin ally," accordING to the Treasury Department. The Russian President "and his inner circle of cronies have long relied on RDIF and Dmitriev to raise funds abroad, includING in the United States," continued the agency's report.
Despite RDIF's clear ties to the Russian government, Goldin, an alum of mainstream media outlets that continue to spread debunked "Russia Collusion" stories about President Donald Trump, lobbied on behalf of the fund, as Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filINGs reveal.
BeginnING in 2013, Goldin, through his firm Goldin Solutions, provided RDIF with "communications/public relations services focused on interactions with US media" for a monthly retainer of $30,000. Among the activities Goldin's firm engaged in on behalf of the investment fund was "discussING RDIF with reporters/editors" and "answer[ING] questions from reporters."
#15770507 at 2022-03-03 09:28:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19941: Day Of The Rope Cometh Edition
Mass blackouts reported across parts of Taiwan
State-run Taipower said a malfunction occurred at Kaohsiung's Hsinta power plant, the island's third-largest coal-fired station which supplies around a seventh of Taiwan's power.
Power failures were reported in many parts of Taiwan on Thursday followING what the presidential office said was "an incident" at a power plant.
The blackouts occurred after 9 am (0100 GMT) across the island, from the capital Taipei to central Taichung city and southern PINGtung county, reports said.
The electricity failures came as President Tsai ING-wen was set to meet former US secretary of stateMike Pompeo.
They also came a day after a visit by a delegation of former US security officials, a trip denounced by BeijING, which sees Taiwan as its territory and denounces any official ties the island has with other countries.
The Presidential Office said an initial probe showed the blackouts were caused by "an incident" at a power plant in southern Kaohsiung city.
While power supply at the president's office was normal, it said a scheduled live stream of Tsai's meetING with Pompeo was cancelled.
"President Tsai has instructed the cabinet and relevant agencies to clarify the cause of the incident… and resume power supplies as soon as possible," the statement read.
State-run Taipower said a malfunction occurred at Kaohsiung's Hsinta power plant, the island's third-largest coal-fired station which supplies around a seventh of Taiwan's power.
It then caused an ultra-high voltage station in neighbourING Tainan to trip, which led to the blackouts, it said.
The outage hit about 5.5 million homes across Taiwan, the company said, of which 4 million have since had power restored.
Economic minister Wang Mei-hua told reporters the Hsinta plant has been cut off from the power system after the incident, with hydro and other power plants beING brought online to supply electricity.
TV footage showed police officers directING cars as traffic lights failed and some shops were forced to stay closed due to the lack of power.
Taiwan High Speed Rail said an unspecified number of its trains were affected by the power outage.
Taiwan Railways Administration said some of its trains operatING in southern Tainan, PINGtung and central Nantou have been delayed or suspended.
The island does occasionally experience large power outages, particularly durING warmer seasons when demand spikes.
In 2017, Taiwan's economic minister resigned followING an outcry over massive power failures across the island, affectING more than six million households.
Blackouts also hit in May last year as demand spiked durING a heatwave.
#15769027 at 2022-03-03 04:04:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19939: Nothing Can Stop What's Coming To Twitter Edition
Former Top US Defense Officials Arrive in Taiwan Amid Russia-Ukraine War
As the Ukraine crisis escalates, Taipei welcomed a high-level visit by former top U.S. defense officials, which indicates "rock-solid relations" between Taiwan and the United States, a Taiwanese official said.
The unannounced delegation arrived in Taipei at 4:13 p.m. local time on March 1, accordING to Taiwan's state-run Central News Agency (CNA). The group, led by retired Admiral Mike Mullen, former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will meet President Tsai ING-wen in the followING mornING, and attend a banquet later that day.
The two-day visit underscores bipartisan support from WashINGton and "will even more clearly highlight the rock-solid relations between Taiwan and the United States, especially at a time of the Ukraine crisis," Taiwan's presidential office spokesperson Chang Tun-han said a day earlier, CNA reported.
Mullen, a former top U.S. military officer, will be accompanied by Meghan O'Sullivan, a former deputy national security adviser, Mich?le Flournoy, former undersecretary of defense, and Mike Green and Evan Medeiros, both of whom were senior directors for the Asia affairs office of the National Security Council.
A senior official of the Biden administration told Reuters that the selection of the five flagged "an important signal about the bipartisan U.S. commitment to Taiwan and its democracy."
The two sides are also lookING to exchange views on bilateral cooperation, Taiwan-U.S. relations, and regional peace and stability, said Chang.
#15768886 at 2022-03-03 03:46:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19939: Nothing Can Stop What's Coming To Twitter Edition
>The large-scale power outage comes as former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Taiwan for his first-ever visit to the key Asia tech economy. Pompeo is set to meet Tsai on Thursday. Their meetING is expected to go ahead, but a live broadcast of the event has been cancelled.
>Another massive power outage in Taiwan hit in 2017, when about 6.68 million households were affected.
Feb 21, 2022
Pompeo to Make Taiwan Trip in Rare Visit by Ex-Top U.S. Diplomat
Samson Ellis and Cindy Wang, Bloomberg News
Pompeo to Make Taiwan Trip in Rare Visit by Ex-Top U.S. Diplomat
Samson Ellis and Cindy Wang, Bloomberg News
Michael Pompeo , Bloomberg
(Bloomberg) – Former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo is scheduled to travel to Taiwan next month, one of the most senior U.S. dignitaries to visit the democratically ruled island in recent years.
Pompeo has accepted an invitation from the Taipei-based Prospect Foundation, the group's president, Lai I-chung, said Monday. The former top U.S. diplomat and potential Republican presidential contender will visit Taiwan from March 2-5, the Foreign Ministry in Taipei said Monday.
Pompeo will meet with President Tsai ING-wen on March 3, the Liberty Times reported. The former secretary of state will also meet senior management figures from Taiwan Semiconductor ManufacturING Co. and China Steel Corp., although details of those meetINGs will remain private, the publication said.
Pompeo, who served as secretary of state under President Donald Trump from April 2018 to January 2021, was one of the administration's most vocal advocates for a more confrontational policy toward China. That period included visits to Taipei by two Cabinet-level officials, the most senior American delegations since the U.S. switched official ties to BeijING in 1979.
Higher-rankING American officials than Pompeo have visited Taiwan after leavING office, includING former President Bill Clinton in 2005 and former Vice President Dick Cheney in 2017. BeijING claims the island as Chinese territory and protests such visits, considerING them a violation of U.S. agreements on avoidING formal ties with Taipei.
The visit comes as Pompeo's name circulates as a potential contender for the Republican nomination in 2024, a bid that could be complicated by any comeback attempt by Trump. Pompeo is currently a distINGuished fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute.
In the final days of Pompeo's tenure, the State Department scrapped decades-old restrictions on how U.S. diplomats could interact with their Taiwanese counterparts. Pompeo will be joined by Miles Yu, his former policy adviser, the Liberty Times said.
?2022 Bloomberg L.P.
#15768733 at 2022-03-03 03:26:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19939: Nothing Can Stop What's Coming To Twitter Edition
Taiwan hit by widespread power outages
Two biggest cities and iPhone processor production hub affected
Taiwan reported a massive blackout on Thursday that is affectING its two biggest cities as well as its most important iPhone processor production hub.
Government officials estimate about 5 million households are affected by the power outages, includING in Taipei, the capital, and Kaohsiung, the second-biggest city.
Taiwan Power Co. said in a brief statement that its southern power grid system encountered a malfunction causING blackouts in southern Taiwan. Knock-on effects from the outage triggered power outages in some parts of northern and central Taiwan as well.
The malfunction took place at Kaohsiung's Hsinta Power Plant, the biggest power plant in southern Taiwan, accordING to the company. The iPhone processor production hub is in Tainan, in southern Taiwan.
Economic Minister Wang Mei-Hua said a government team is doING its best to restore power to northern Taiwan by noon. To deal with the malfunction, Hsinta Power Plant must be cut off from other power plants, she said, explainING that it will then take time to restore and restart those plants.
"Southern Taiwan will take more time to restore power," Wang said. "RestartING power plants takes some time, too."
President Tsai ING-Wen, meanwhile, apologized for the massive power outage.
The large-scale power outage comes as former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Taiwan for his first-ever visit to the key Asia tech economy. Pompeo is set to meet Tsai on Thursday. Their meetING is expected to go ahead, but a live broadcast of the event has been cancelled.
Tainan Science Park the site of TSMC's most cuttING-edge chip production plants for iPhone processors reported sudden and abnormal voltage changes to the site's power supply but said it is still determinING whether those changes have had any impact on the park.
The science park is home to major tech plants for TSMC, United Microelectronics and Foxconn display affiliate Innolux.
Taiwan suffered its last massive power outage in 2021, which affected some 4 million households and was also caused by malfunctions at Hsinta Power Plant's power grids. The plant runs both coal-fired and natural gas-fired generators and is the third-largest power plant in Taiwan.
Another massive power outage in Taiwan hit in 2017, when about 6.68 million households were affected.
#15765225 at 2022-03-02 20:49:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19934: Reminder - Reminder - It's all about Hillary's Emails Edition
Nice f—ING windows
#15757418 at 2022-03-02 00:49:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19924: Pfizer Unmasked - Massive Death From Vaccines Edition
>I just heard that OSS is ddos' ING the board
>OSS...every time
Kek, yes I am actively DDOSING the board.
>inb4 /comms/ actually tries to screenshot this and use it as proof that I did later
#15757408 at 2022-03-02 00:48:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19924: Pfizer Unmasked - Massive Death From Vaccines Edition
I just heard that OSS is ddos' ING the board
OSS…every time
#15754355 at 2022-03-01 18:43:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19921: Hillary is the Virus and Durham is the Cure Edition
Human Rights Watch Charges Russia But Not America with War-Censorship
On February 28th, Human Rights Watch (HRW) headlined "With War, Censorship Reaches New Heights", and reported only against this censorship as practiced in Russia, as-if it were not also beING done in America. The only even mention of its beING practiced in America was in the second - the subordinate - clause of their sentence "Roskomnadzor announced that it would partially restrict access to Facebook in Russia, in retaliation for Meta, Facebook's parent company, blockING four Russian state media accounts." In other words: only implicitly - not at all explicitly - did HRW so much as even acknowledge - in that thousand-word-long article - that Russia's Government was actING in response to the (CIA-affiliated) U.S. company Meta's "blockING four Russian state media accounts," or to any of the many other U.S.-Government anti-Russia censorship operations. Furthermore, any keen reader of that lone sentence would also immediately recognize that for (the CIA-front firm) Meta to have been "blockING four Russian state media accounts" was more severe censorship than was for the Russian Government to have been "partially restrict[ING] access to Facebook in Russia" - in other words: Russia's response was actually milder than was the censorship that it was respondING to. However, any regular fool who would be readING HRW's propaganda-piece would come away from it thinkING that Russia is a dictatorship, and that America is not. (America certainly IS.)
Actually, the U.S. Government routinely does censor out the most of the important facts - eliminates such facts virtually altogether, from its media's international 'news'-reportING, as it did, for example, regardING "Saddam's WMD" in preparation for the subsequent American invasion, conquest, and occupation of Iraq; and such as it did regardING America's bloody coup, conquest, and continuING control over Ukraine, by means of the coup-operation that U.S. President Barack Obama started plannING in 2011, and successfully carried-out durING February 2014 in Kiev Ukraine - and which bloody coup all of America's CIA-controlled 'news'-media reported as-if it had been instead a "democratic revolution" there. (It was anythING but that.)
HRW itself had been started in 1978, with backING from mainly American billionaires, and was founded by Robert L. Bernstein and Aryeh Neier in New York City. Its real mission was to condemn the Soviet Union's violations of human rights, but when the Soviet Union dissolved and ended its communism in 1991, HRW continued on as beING a propaganda-organization against Russia and countries that aren't hostile to Russia. It became especially heavily financed by the virulently anti-Russian U.S. billionaire George Soros and by many other neoconservative Democratic Party financial backers and their 'charitable' foundations. Julian Assange's article, "Google Is Not What It Seems" includes an extensive passage about HRW, workING in 2011, helpING Google, in conjunction with Hillary Clinton's U.S. State Department, to prepare the overthrow and replacement of Ukraine's democratically elected President, so as to put into place on Russia's doorstep, a rabidly anti-Russian regime there, which would then be followed by that new Ukrainian regime's ethnically cleansING its Donbass region, which had voted 90% for that President whom Obama had overthrown, so as to get rid of those voters, in order to enable Ukraine in the future to elect rabidly anti-Russian leaders, and thereby to be a 'democratic' country that hates Russians and that just happens to be under a 7-minute flight-time for U.S. missiles which would be launched from there to hit Moscow.
#15754213 at 2022-03-01 18:25:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19920: Hillary Colluded with Russians Confirmed Edition
#15748195 at 2022-02-28 23:05:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19913: Patriots Fight World Wide Edition
US sends delegation to Taiwan amid 'invasion' fears
The trip by former Pentagon and national security figures is a show of support for the island claimed by BeijING
US President Joe Biden on Monday sent a group of former military and national security figures to Taiwan, where they will meet with officials, includING President Tsai ING-wen. The trip comes amid concerns in the US that BeijING may be enticed to invade the island havING observed the US' unwillINGness to commit troops to Ukraine.
The visit was initially reported by Reuters and confirmed shortly afterwards by Taiwanese diplomats. Taiwan's embassy in the US said the trip is "a sign that relations between Taipei and WashINGton remain 'rock-solid'!"
Led by former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen, the delegation includes Meghan O'Sullivan, a former deputy national security advisor in George W. Bush's administration, and Michele Flournoy, a former under secretary of defense under Barack Obama. Former National Security Council officials Mike Green and Evan Medeiros also traveled with the group.
The team is expected to arrive in Taipei on Tuesday, and meet with President Tsai on Wednesday.
A similar trip took place under Biden's direction last April, when a group of former lawmakers and diplomats traveled to Taiwan to assure Taipei that WashINGton would support the island nation's defense. While the government in BeijING insists that Taiwan belongs to China, the US has unofficially supported Taiwanese independence, supplyING weapons to Taipei even while recognizING China's claim to the island.
The US is not party to any bindING security treaties with Taiwan, and has never pledged to defend the island with force. This non-committal position, coupled with the US' refusal to commit troops to Ukraine in response to Russia's military offensive there last week, has led to speculation in the US media that BeijING may be considerING "an invasion."
In an interview last week, former President Donald Trump claimed that China would "absolutely" move on Taiwan durING Biden's presidency.
While there are no signs that such a move is in the works, Taiwan has accused the Chinese military of probING its air defense zone with jets last week.
SpeakING to Reuters, an unnamed US official declined to link the delegation's trip with any increased threat, sayING that it instead represented Biden's "broader commitment to Taiwan."
#15747022 at 2022-02-28 20:12:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19911: Bring on the D5 avalanche Edition
Biden sends former top defense officials to Taiwan in show of support…
<why former? this is worrisome.
WASHINGTON, Feb 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden will send a delegation of former senior defense and security officials to Taiwan on Monday, a senior official of his administration said, a sign of support for the island claimed by China after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The visit, led by one-time chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen, comes at a time when Taiwan has stepped up its alert level, wary of China takING advantage of a distracted West to move against it.
BeijING claims the democratically governed island as its own and has vowed to brING it under Chinese control, by force if necessary.
Mullen, a retired Navy admiral who served as the top U.S. military officer under former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, will be accompanied by Meghan O'Sullivan, a former deputy national security advisor under Bush, and Michele Flournoy, a former undersecretary of defense under Obama, accordING to the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Two former National Security Council senior directors for Asia, Mike Green and Evan Medeiros, will also make the trip, which is intended to "demonstrate our continued robust support for Taiwan," the official told Reuters.
The delegation is expected to arrive in Taiwan on Tuesday afternoon and stay until Wednesday evenING, durING which time they plan to meet Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen, Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng and other senior officials.
maor at:
#15739273 at 2022-02-27 20:31:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19901: Citizen Journalists Are Shaping The Narrative On Ukraine Edition
Highly suspect the source is the worm Vindman on f-ING Twitter no less!
#15731284 at 2022-02-26 22:07:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19891: We Are The News Now Handle With Care Edition
On the move.
[ING] error.
On the move.
Error 'was' x2.
On the move.
'War[e]fare' misspellING unintentional.
On the move.
Correction 2.
On the move - long night.
On the move.
Disregard any spellING errors.
On the move.
On the move.
Disregard all spellING/other errors.
On the move.
Error made.
Always on the move.
Insert 'info' between critical & from.
On the move.
Disregard any misspellING.
On the move.
Swap 'we' for 'you'.
On the move.
SpellING error by mistake.
On the move.
5:5 - Eyes On, VIP Patriots!
On The Move.
On the move.
Don't analyze.
#15720902 at 2022-02-25 18:13:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19878: Ukraine, North Korea, Iran, Beijing, Jerusalem Cartel Edition
China State Banks Restrict Purchases Of Russian Commodities, Pause BuyING Russian Seaborne Crude
While BeijING has so far clearly telegraphed it is aligned, at least ideologically, with Moscow in the nascent Ukraine war, refusING to call Putin's move an "invasion" and also blamING the US for stokING the conflict while refusING to condemn the military action, Bloomberg reports that "at least two" of China's largest state-owned banks are restrictING financING for purchases of Russian commodities, "underscorING the limits of BeijING's pledge to maintain economic ties" Russia in the face of sanctions by the U.S. and its allies.
AccordING to the report, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China's offshore units stopped issuING U.S. dollar-denominated letters of credit for purchases of physical Russian commodities ready for export, even though yuan-denominated letters of credit are still available for some clients, subject to approvals from senior executives.
Bank of China has also curbed financING for Russian commodities based on its own risk assessment, Bloomberg also noted addING that the bank has yet to receive explicit guidance on Russia from Chinese regulators.
Because commodity-linked letters of credit are issued so frequently, they would be among the first transactions impacted by the threat of sanctions.
While it is unclear whether Chinese banks have pulled back from other forms of financING for Russian companies and individuals, the news comes after an overnight report noted that Chinese oil importers - the world's biggest buyer of Russian crude - had briefly paused new seaborne purchases as they assess the potential implications of handlING the shipments followING the Ukraine invasion.
AccordING to Chinese refiners and traders who sell into the region, regular buyers of Russian crude that load from the Far East ports said they will stay on the sidelines until more clarity on cargo financING and payments is available. Separately, freight costs for cargoes loadING from the Black Sea have tripled as shippers shunned the region due to security risks (more on this in a subsequent post).
While Russian energy exports were spared from U.S. sanctions, some European banks such as ING Groep NV and Rabobank have begun to impose restrictionson commodity-trade finance linked to the two countries. Others lenders are also scalING back their exposure by limitING the issuance of letters of credit against cargoes that originated in Russia. And now it appears that Chinese banks themselves are pausING their own LC issuance until the smoke clears.
#15719485 at 2022-02-25 15:22:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19876: Baking for the Greater Good Edition
brandon and his millie wokies"
Russia to invade within 48 hours
Sanctions don't make a diff - check back in a month
fox LARP ING = showING live screams and random shots from some (read a vatican crotchchild paid assassin) protagonist
#15710837 at 2022-02-24 17:43:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19865: Russia is Putin it Down on Ukraine Edition
CHINA THREATENS: Foreign Ministry Says Taiwan Is "Not Ukraine" - Has Always Been Part of China
On Wednesday China's foreign ministry asserted that Taiwan is "not Ukraine" and has always belonged to China.
On Thursday China refused to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
And, also on Thursday, China flew 9 aircraft into Taiwan's Air Defense Zone.
ThINGs are heatING up.
Elections have consequences.
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.
Hat Tip Ed
The Hill reported:
China's foreign ministry on Wednesday said Taiwan is "not Ukraine" and has always been a part of China amid Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen's calls to ramp up vigilance on military activities in response to the crisis in Ukraine.
Foreign ministry spokesperson Hua ChunyING dismissed the concerns of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said there might be worldwide consequences, includING for Taiwan, if Western nations failed to support Ukraine's independence, accordING to Reuters.
"Taiwan is not Ukraine," Hua said while speakING in BeijING. "Taiwan has always been an inalienable part of China. This is an indisputable legal and historical fact."
Hua noted that the situation with Taiwan is the result of the country's civil war in the mid-20th century but that China's integrity should have never been compromised and has never been compromised.
#15710447 at 2022-02-24 16:51:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19865: Russia is Putin it Down on Ukraine Edition
66 Million reasons Bill Clinton might have been wary around the Russian government
and now there's Gates Commie Core-ING the kids and Klaus and his fascists workING hard to set up sweatshops in America for all the yutes they are importING and the American children they are brutalizING.
The entire planet is one big crime scene.
#15700193 at 2022-02-23 17:31:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19852: East Bound and Down - Convoy Trucking Now! Edition
China Calls US 'Culprit' For Ukraine Tensions, Vows To "Eradicate" Taiwan's "Secessionist Regime"
Early Wednesday, the President of Taiwan, Tsai ING-wen, tweeted in support of Ukraine - while makING clear that any attempts by China to 'take' Taiwan, now or later, will be met with force.
"Taiwan condemns Russia's infrINGement on Ukrainian sovereignty & encourages all parties involved to resolve their disputes rationally & peacefully," she wrote. "Meanwhile, we will take steps to bolster our military readiness & counter cognitive warfare while ensurING economic stability."
Not so fast
Three hours later, the CCP-owned mouthpiece for the regime, Global Times, tweeted: "Taiwan is eager to grab attention from the Ukraine issue. But there is no dispute over Ukraine's sovereignty despite disputes on its borders."
"Taiwan's sovereignty has never existed. It's only a matter of time that your secessionist regime will be eradicated."
#15698132 at 2022-02-23 10:20:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19849: Comfy AF Night Shift Edition
A self-described "cyberterrorist" who rose to infamy as a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous is takING credit for the recent breach of GiveSendGo that released the names of donors to the Canadian trucker convoy.
In a video posted to his TikTok account, Aubrey Cottle claimed he hacked the fundraisING website that the "Freedom Convoy" truckers used to raise money for their protests.
"Yes, I tossed the trucker. I hacked GiveSendGo, and I'd do it again. I'd do it a hundred times. I did it. I did it. Come at me. What are you goING to do to me?" Cottle, also known as "Kirtaner," said in the video. "I'm literally a famous f***ING cyberterrorist, and you think that you can scare me?"
Cottle previously posted a TikTok video on Feb. 7 sayING, "It would be a real shame if somethING were to happen to GiveSendGo." On Sunday, GiveSendGo was hacked, and over 92,000 names of donors on the platform were leaked online. The hack also redirected the GiveSendGo.com visitors to a new webpage featurING an essay criticizING the platform posted over a video of Disney's Frozen.
"The Canadian government has informed you that the money you a-holes raise to fund an insurrection is frozen," the essay said. "You are committed to fundING anythING that keeps the ragING fire of misinformation goING until it burns the world's collective democracies down."
GiveSendGo managed to get its website back up on Tuesday. The "Freedom Convoy" has raised nearly $9.5 million on the platform, toppING the nearly $9 million the protesters raised on GoFundMe before beING booted from the platform.
An additional 5GB of data from GiveSendGo was also leaked Wednesday that included "limited credit card data" and source code for the website, Vice News reported. GiveSendGo founder Jacob Wells called on the FBI to investigate the hack and said the company will take legal action.
In a statement Wednesday, GiveSendGo acknowledged that its website was hacked Sunday but said "no credit card information was leaked. No money was stolen." It said the company shut down the website followING the hack and conducted several security audits before brINGING the website back online.
"We are in a battle. We didn't expect it to be easy. This has not caused us to be afraid. Instead, it's made it even more evident that we can not back down. Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and the countless emails lettING us know you are standING with us," the company said.
Cottle did not elaborate on whether he acted alone in the hack. He said he also hacked Gab, Parler, Truth Social, and Epic HostING, web services run by conservatives often founded due to concerns with anti-conservative content moderation policies on other social media platforms. He did not elaborate on his motivations. Last week, he posted one video expressING his joy that an Ontario court froze donations to the "Freedom Convoy" from GiveSendGo.
The WashINGton Post has been emailING individuals who appeared in the GiveSendGo leak.
This is Aubrey Cottle. He hacked GiveSendGo and he doesn't care if anyone knows it. He's live on TikTok braggING about doxING and releasING the info that's currently gettING thousands of people fired from their jobs for donatING to the Freedom Convoy.
Aubrey Cottle is one sick dickless douchebag fagot…
7 days ago - In a video posted to his TikTok account, Aubrey Cottle claimed he hacked the fundraisING website that the "Freedom Convoy" truckers used to
#15696825 at 2022-02-23 04:01:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19848: Night Shift is the Right Shift Edition
Trudeau-Style Tyranny Is Already Here
In a recent court motion, Joe Biden's Justice Department changed the official name of its investigation into the protest at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Originally designated the "Capitol breach" probe, the department just replaced "breach" with a more sinister word: siege.
"The 'Capitol Siege' refers to the events of January 6, 2021, when thousands of individuals entered the U.S. Capitol and U.S. Capitol grounds without authority, haltING the Joint Session and the entire official proceedING of Congress for hours," Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, wrote in a footnote to a February 10 filING. Graves commended Capitol and D.C. Metro police for "clear[ING] the Capitol of rioters" that afternoon.
But courtroom rhetoric isn't the only thING Graves is heatING up. The Justice Department has opened a "Capitol Siege Section" in the agency's criminal division and wants to hire at least 20 more lawyers to help prosecute Americans for any involvement in what happened on January 6. Qualified attorneys will be employed on a temporary basis and could earn as much as $176,000 per year.
"Capitol siege" prosecutors will complement an army of thousands of Justice Department employees, includING FBI agents from 56 field offices across the country, handlING what Attorney General Merrick Garland warned is the biggest investigation in the department's history. More than 730 people have been arrested so far-amountING to more than three times the number of federal arrests related to the 2020 "mostly peaceful" riots that lasted for months and resulted in far more death and destruction-and the first major trial of a January 6 defendant starts next week.
As freedom-lovers justifiably recoil at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's crackdown on vaccine mandate protesters, Americans worry the same sort of political retribution could happen here. I'm sorry to report, it already has.
The scenes from Ottawa are matched or surpassed by the images here, includING thuggish cops attackING January 6 protesters with mace and explosive devices. The difference? Instead of mounted police tramplING a woman, ours merely shot and killed one woman and beat up a few more.
What the Trudeau regime is now unleashING against the truckers and their supporters has been underway in America for more than a year. UsING January 6 as a pretext, the Biden regime is brandishING its authority to crush political dissent. Now, it appears Trudeau and his apparatchiks are stealING the U.S. Justice Department's playbook of power and pain.
#15692716 at 2022-02-22 20:03:58 (UTC+1)
Are we precipice-ING yet?
#15678765 at 2022-02-21 01:59:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19824: DS Panic. Last Chance Powerdrive B4 Complete Implosion Edition
Who cares? And if you DO care, why?
Why do [some people] get so wound around the axle about this?
Am I stupid for Nazi-ING the reason?
#15678725 at 2022-02-21 01:53:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19824: DS Panic. Last Chance Powerdrive B4 Complete Implosion Edition
CNN LARP-ING as the NRO now
#15669121 at 2022-02-19 22:59:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19813: Good Vibrations (Unless you were on Empire w/ Jussie) Edition
>>15666769, >>15667298 Jean-Luc Brunel: Ex-Epstein associate found dead in French jail
>>15666773 Bill Gates Says WearING Masks Is Like WearING Pants
>>15666785 Ukraine Defense Chief Says "Low Probability" Of Major Conflict With Russia, ContradictING Biden
>>15666792, >>15667137 Biden Quietly Extends the Federal National Emergency Declaration Related to COVID
>>15666816 Video from Jan 6 Shows NON-CHARGED CONSPIRATOR ChangING Clothes, PuttING Mask On, and DirectING Others
>>15666829 Police Lie About Injured Protesters Trampled By Police Horses
>>15666874 Australian 'Freedom Convoy' marches to parliament buildING
>>15666907, >>15667292 Rebel News Reporter Attacked & Shot By Ottawa Nazi Police
>>15666918 , >>15667022 >>15667027, >>15667147, >>15667442 Large freedom gatherING in Quebec City
>>15666946 MissING TV actress found dead in Los Angeles, accordING to LAPD
>>15666953 President of Russia - Strategic deterrence forces exercise
>>15666965 Herridge: Q-Clock, TimING, SOTA, DECLAS
>>15666984 The Cost Of LivING In The US Is RisING To Absolutely Absurd Levels
>>15667012 Japan Reserves The Right To Pre-Emptive Airstrikes On Enemy Bases: Defense Minister
>>15667074 Justin Trudeau's SQ (Quebec provincial police service) officers removed their identifyING names and badge numbers from their uniforms in Ottawa
>>15667090 Trudeau's Deputy Says That They Are MakING The Martial Law Permanent
>>15667106 Scotland Stops ReleasING Death and Hospitalisation Figures by Vax Status, Says Anti-Vaxers MisusING Them
>>15667174 40,000 Deaths FollowING COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket
>>15667198, >>15667231 What Do They Know? Democrat Congressional Retirements Hit 30 Year High
>>15667223 19808 notes
>>15667232 Australia starts vaccine injury payouts
>>15667233 Capitol police considerING constructING temporary fence around Capitol ahead of the State of the Union
>>15667343 Randy Quaid weighs in on Quebec possibly welcomING Freedom Truckers
>>15667359 Ukraine Continues ShellING Russia's Border Areas And Civilian Infrastructure Of Donbas
>>15667382 US farmers to help if Ukraine exports threatened
>>15667384 Ottawa protesters kneel in prayer as lines of riot units face off with them
>>15667395 Canadian Protestor says she is hearING rumors of a nationwide strike
>>15667400 63 arrested in Stanislaus County durING weekend 'Operation Reclaim and Rebuild' Human TraffickING raids
>>15667409 Texas AG Pax?ton Inves?ti?gates Tik?Tok for Poten?tial Facil?i?ta?tion of Human Traf?fick?ING & Child Pri?va?cy Violations
>>15667419 What we know about the 2 Sioux Falls police officers arrested on child porn charges
>>15667502 Steve Bannon says the images of police beatING and tramplING peaceful protestors is seared in people's minds
>>15667552 Convoy startING up in Chilliwack BC this mornING scheduled to leave in an hour
>>15667571, >>15667587 List of active World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders
>>15667859 #19810
Previously Collected
>>15667223 #19808, >>15666710 #19809,
>>15663902 #19805, >>15664551 #19806, >>15665452 #19807
>>15661215 #19802, >>15661988 #19803, >>15663828 #19804
>>15658938 #19799, >>15659710 #19800, >>15660474 #19801
>>15656567 #19796, >>15657342 #19797, >>15658138 #19798
>>15654218 #19793, >>15654996 #19794, >>15655740 #19795
>>15651926 #19790, >>15652701 #19791, >>15653463 #19792
>>15649575 #19787, >>15650371 #19788, >>15651175 #19789
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!
#15668357 at 2022-02-19 21:14:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19812: UN Policing The New Global Threat? Edition
>>15666769, >>15667298 Jean-Luc Brunel: Ex-Epstein associate found dead in French jail
>>15666773 Bill Gates Says WearING Masks Is Like WearING Pants
>>15666785 Ukraine Defense Chief Says "Low Probability" Of Major Conflict With Russia, ContradictING Biden
>>15666792, >>15667137 Biden Quietly Extends the Federal National Emergency Declaration Related to COVID
>>15666816 Video from Jan 6 Shows NON-CHARGED CONSPIRATOR ChangING Clothes, PuttING Mask On, and DirectING Others
>>15666829 Police Lie About Injured Protesters Trampled By Police Horses
>>15666874 Australian 'Freedom Convoy' marches to parliament buildING
>>15666907, >>15667292 Rebel News Reporter Attacked & Shot By Ottawa Nazi Police
>>15666918 , >>15667022 >>15667027, >>15667147, >>15667442 Large freedom gatherING in Quebec City
>>15666946 MissING TV actress found dead in Los Angeles, accordING to LAPD
>>15666953 President of Russia - Strategic deterrence forces exercise
>>15666965 Herridge: Q-Clock, TimING, SOTA, DECLAS
>>15666984 The Cost Of LivING In The US Is RisING To Absolutely Absurd Levels
>>15667012 Japan Reserves The Right To Pre-Emptive Airstrikes On Enemy Bases: Defense Minister
>>15667074 Justin Trudeau's SQ (Quebec provincial police service) officers removed their identifyING names and badge numbers from their uniforms in Ottawa
>>15667090 Trudeau's Deputy Says That They Are MakING The Martial Law Permanent
>>15667106 Scotland Stops ReleasING Death and Hospitalisation Figures by Vax Status, Says Anti-Vaxers MisusING Them
>>15667174 40,000 Deaths FollowING COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket
>>15667198, >>15667231 What Do They Know? Democrat Congressional Retirements Hit 30 Year High
>>15667223 19808 notes
>>15667232 Australia starts vaccine injury payouts
>>15667233 Capitol police considerING constructING temporary fence around Capitol ahead of the State of the Union
>>15667343 Randy Quaid weighs in on Quebec possibly welcomING Freedom Truckers
>>15667359 Ukraine Continues ShellING Russia's Border Areas And Civilian Infrastructure Of Donbas
>>15667382 US farmers to help if Ukraine exports threatened
>>15667384 Ottawa protesters kneel in prayer as lines of riot units face off with them
>>15667395 Canadian Protestor says she is hearING rumors of a nationwide strike
>>15667400 63 arrested in Stanislaus County durING weekend 'Operation Reclaim and Rebuild' Human TraffickING raids
>>15667409 Texas AG Pax?ton Inves?ti?gates Tik?Tok for Poten?tial Facil?i?ta?tion of Human Traf?fick?ING & Child Pri?va?cy Violations
>>15667419 What we know about the 2 Sioux Falls police officers arrested on child porn charges
>>15667502 Steve Bannon says the images of police beatING and tramplING peaceful protestors is seared in people's minds
>>15667552 Convoy startING up in Chilliwack BC this mornING scheduled to leave in an hour
>>15667571, >>15667587 List of active World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders
>>15667859 #19810
#15667859 at 2022-02-19 20:05:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19811: Barstow To DC Is Eastbound And Down Edition
#19810 FINAL
>>15666769, >>15667298 Jean-Luc Brunel: Ex-Epstein associate found dead in French jail
>>15666773 Bill Gates Says WearING Masks Is Like WearING Pants
>>15666785 Ukraine Defense Chief Says "Low Probability" Of Major Conflict With Russia, ContradictING Biden
>>15666792, >>15667137 Biden Quietly Extends the Federal National Emergency Declaration Related to COVID
>>15666816 Video from Jan 6 Shows NON-CHARGED CONSPIRATOR ChangING Clothes, PuttING Mask On, and DirectING Others
>>15666829 Police Lie About Injured Protesters Trampled By Police Horses
>>15666874 Australian 'Freedom Convoy' marches to parliament buildING
>>15666907, >>15667292 Rebel News Reporter Attacked & Shot By Ottawa Nazi Police
>>15666918 , >>15667022 >>15667027, >>15667147, >>15667442 Large freedom gatherING in Quebec City
>>15666946 MissING TV actress found dead in Los Angeles, accordING to LAPD
>>15666953 President of Russia - Strategic deterrence forces exercise
>>15666965 Herridge: Q-Clock, TimING, SOTA, DECLAS
>>15666984 The Cost Of LivING In The US Is RisING To Absolutely Absurd Levels
>>15667012 Japan Reserves The Right To Pre-Emptive Airstrikes On Enemy Bases: Defense Minister
>>15667074 Justin Trudeau's SQ (Quebec provincial police service) officers removed their identifyING names and badge numbers from their uniforms in Ottawa
>>15667090 Trudeau's Deputy Says That They Are MakING The Martial Law Permanent
>>15667106 Scotland Stops ReleasING Death and Hospitalisation Figures by Vax Status, Says Anti-Vaxers MisusING Them
>>15667174 40,000 Deaths FollowING COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket
>>15667198, >>15667231 What Do They Know? Democrat Congressional Retirements Hit 30 Year High
>>15667223 19808 notes
>>15667232 Australia starts vaccine injury payouts
>>15667233 Capitol police considerING constructING temporary fence around Capitol ahead of the State of the Union
>>15667343 Randy Quaid weighs in on Quebec possibly welcomING Freedom Truckers
>>15667359 Ukraine Continues ShellING Russia's Border Areas And Civilian Infrastructure Of Donbas
>>15667382 US farmers to help if Ukraine exports threatened
>>15667384 Ottawa protesters kneel in prayer as lines of riot units face off with them
>>15667395 Canadian Protestor says she is hearING rumors of a nationwide strike
>>15667400 63 arrested in Stanislaus County durING weekend 'Operation Reclaim and Rebuild' Human TraffickING raids
>>15667409 Texas AG Pax?ton Inves?ti?gates Tik?Tok for Poten?tial Facil?i?ta?tion of Human Traf?fick?ING & Child Pri?va?cy Violations
>>15667419 What we know about the 2 Sioux Falls police officers arrested on child porn charges
>>15667502 Steve Bannon says the images of police beatING and tramplING peaceful protestors is seared in people's minds
>>15667552 Convoy startING up in Chilliwack BC this mornING scheduled to leave in an hour
>>15667571, >>15667587 List of active World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders
https://controlc.com/66015dcf (notable bun for 19810)
#15667706 at 2022-02-19 19:48:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19811: Barstow To DC Is Eastbound And Down Edition
note taker out, someone else pick up notables for this bread, use topics as guide, anon is knackered !!
full notables last bread, damn that was harder then anon thought it would be, had to split into categories. also nothING on the china Olympics. surprizING how quiet that is in the news?
Q Research General #19810: Ebake for Freedom Edition
>>15667223 #19808 notables
>>15666755, >>15666870, dough baker leavING
>>15666769 Jean-Luc Brunel: Ex-Epstein associate found dead in French jail - Al jazeera and youtube video
>>15666771, >>15666829, >>15666842, >>15666848, >>15666879, >>15666896, >>15666905, >>15666918, >>15666935, >>15666949, >>15666974, >>15666981, >>15667022, >>15667065, >>15667074, >>15667128, >>15667147, >>15667157, >>15667224, >>15667292, >>15667343, >>15667384, >>15667395, >>15667442, >>15667502, >>15667510, >>15667552, >>15667563, canadian videos, mp4 clips from the front line, articles and twats
>>15667090 Trudeau's Deputy Says That They Are MakING The Martial Law Permanent - investmentblog.com
>>15666863 Trudeau WatchING Old Footage Of Tiananmen Square For Ideas - babylonbee.com
>>15666874 Australian 'Freedom Convoy' marches to parliament buildING - rtnews.com
>>15666773, >>15667028, Bill Gates Says Misinformation Enhanced Vaccine Hesitation and Led to Deaths - Claims WearING Masks Is Like WearING Pants - gwp and bill gates news articles
>>15666785, >>15666850, >>15667259, >>15667336, >>15667359, >>15667382, Ukraine Defense Chief Says "Low Probability" Of Major Conflict With Russia, ContradictING Biden - antiwar.com plus other ukraine news
>>15666901, >>15666953, Launch of the Kalibr cruise missile from a diesel-electric submarine as part of a planned exercise of strategic deterrence forces, led byCommander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin - twat and russia news
>>15666792 Biden Quietly Extends the Federal National Emergency Declaration Related to COVID Beyond Termination Date of March 1st - Provides No End Date - gwp
>>15666816 Newly Released Video from Jan 6 Shows NON-CHARGED CONSPIRATOR ChangING Clothes, PuttING Mask On, and UtilizING Hand Signals Directed at Others Behind Her - gwp
>>15666818 WATCH Israeli soldiers set dog on unarmed Palestinian - rtnews.com
>>15666834 Credit Suisse Ignored Cocaine-Linked Murder While HelpING Bulgarian Wrestler Launder Money - zerohedge
>>15666946 MissING TV actress found dead in Los Angeles, accordING to LAPD - nyp
>>15666984 The Cost Of LivING In The US Is RisING To Absolutely Absurd Levels - zerohedge.com
>>15667012 Japan Reserves The Right To Pre-Emptive Airstrikes On Enemy Bases: Defense Minister - ntd.com
>>15666925, >>15667031, Laurence Chandler, designer of the label Rochambeau - dig
>>15667034 Chinese man lured by fake job ad became 'blood slave' in Cambodia - nyp
>>15667058 Dozens of potentially dangerous Afghans brought to US, most can't be found: Pentagon audit - americanmilitarynews.com
>>15667081 A young California family died while on a hike. Investigation reports now lay out the timeline of their catastrophic missteps - sfchronicle.com
>>15667106, >>15667174, >>15667232, >>15667583, global covid news articles and
>>15667120 FallING Upward: Zuckerberg's 'Meta' Promotes Ex-UK Deputy PM Clegg to Global Role - breitbart
>>15667150 Mike Lindell live now. Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters on. Rep. Ron Hanks (runnING for senate). USAF Ret. Col. Shawn Smith. - link to live stream now
>>15667233 Capitol police considerING constructING temporary fence around Capitol ahead of the State of the Union - foxnews.com
>>15667253 No vax needed for performers, presenters at Oscars - hotair.com
>>15667256, >>15667269, >>15667400, Coast Guard shows what $1 billion of cocaine and marijuana looks like - american military.com
>>15667398 Prince Andrew marks quietest birthday in modern royal history as he faces fresh controversy after Jeffrey Epstein's 'pimp' dies - twat
>>15667409, >>15667419, >>15667425, >>15667516, AG Pax?ton Inves?ti?gates Tik?Tok for Poten?tial Facil?i?ta?tion of Human Traf?fick?ING & Child Pri?va?cy Violations - pedo bun
>>15667571, >>15667587, WEF Active Young Global Infiltrators June 2010 - yumpu.com
#15667558 at 2022-02-19 19:28:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19811: Barstow To DC Is Eastbound And Down Edition
>>15487476 ReportING CP & other illegal content
>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread
>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (includING two-post buns)
>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners
>>15657172 Plz check the sauce re reports on Russian aggression in Ukraine - could be propaganda NEW
>>15666769, >>15667298 Jean-Luc Brunel: Ex-Epstein associate found dead in French jail
>>15666773 Bill Gates Says WearING Masks Is Like WearING Pants
>>15666785 Ukraine Defense Chief Says "Low Probability" Of Major Conflict With Russia, ContradictING Biden
>>15666792, >>15667137 Biden Quietly Extends the Federal National Emergency Declaration Related to COVID
>>15666816 Video from Jan 6 Shows NON-CHARGED CONSPIRATOR ChangING Clothes, PuttING Mask On, and DirectING Others
>>15666829 Police Lie About Injured Protesters Trampled By Police Horses
>>15666874 Australian 'Freedom Convoy' marches to parliament buildING
>>15666907, >>15667292 Rebel News Reporter Attacked & Shot By Ottawa Nazi Police
>>15666918 , >>15667022 >>15667027, >>15667147, >>15667442 Large freedom gatherING in Quebec City
>>15666946 MissING TV actress found dead in Los Angeles, accordING to LAPD
>>15666953 President of Russia - Strategic deterrence forces exercise
>>15666965 Herridge: Q-Clock, TimING, SOTA, DECLAS
>>15666984 The Cost Of LivING In The US Is RisING To Absolutely Absurd Levels
>>15667012 Japan Reserves The Right To Pre-Emptive Airstrikes On Enemy Bases: Defense Minister
>>15667074 Justin Trudeau's SQ (Quebec provincial police service) officers removed their identifyING names and badge numbers from their uniforms in Ottawa
>>15667090 Trudeau's Deputy Says That They Are MakING The Martial Law Permanent
>>15667106 Scotland Stops ReleasING Death and Hospitalisation Figures by Vax Status, Says Anti-Vaxers MisusING Them
>>15667174 40,000 Deaths FollowING COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket
>>15667198, >>15667231 What Do They Know? Democrat Congressional Retirements Hit 30 Year High
>>15667223 19808 notes
>>15667232 Australia starts vaccine injury payouts
>>15667233 Capitol police considerING constructING temporary fence around Capitol ahead of the State of the Union
>>15667343 Randy Quaid weighs in on Quebec possibly welcomING Freedom Truckers
>>15667359 Ukraine Continues ShellING Russia's Border Areas And Civilian Infrastructure Of Donbas
>>15667382 US farmers to help if Ukraine exports threatened
>>15667384 Ottawa protesters kneel in prayer as lines of riot units face off with them
>>15667395 Canadian Protestor says she is hearING rumors of a nationwide strike
>>15667400 63 arrested in Stanislaus County durING weekend 'Operation Reclaim and Rebuild' Human TraffickING raids
>>15667409 Texas AG Pax?ton Inves?ti?gates Tik?Tok for Poten?tial Facil?i?ta?tion of Human Traf?fick?ING & Child Pri?va?cy Violations
>>15667419 What we know about the 2 Sioux Falls police officers arrested on child porn charges
>>15667502 Steve Bannon says the images of police beatING and tramplING peaceful protestors is seared in people's minds
>>15667552 Convoy startING up in Chilliwack BC this mornING scheduled to leave in an hour
>>15667571, >>15667587 List of active World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders
>15667859 #19810
>>15665912 dough
>>15665953, >>15666080, >>15666331 Canadian multi live streams and streams and breads bun
>>15665975, >>15665980, >>15665981, >>15665993, >>15666022, >>15666046, >>15666053, >>15666065, >>15666074, >>15666083, >>15666141, >>15666148, >>15666173, >>15666208, >>15666231, >>15666239, >>15666248, >>15666310, >>15666321, >>15666332, >>15666373, >>15666384, >>15666619 Canadian state troopers crimes against peaceful protesters twats
>>15666021, >>15666024, >>15666030, >>15666078, >>15666412, >>15666425 Police did not used gas on protesters yesterday. They have not used gas on protesters today. - ottawa police and deep state lies funded by W.E.F
>>15666041 General Flynn on tippING point of trump and clinton interivew - telegram
>>15666067, >>15666051, >>15666147, >>15666157 fox news in ukraine reporter - twat images and other ukraine images,
>>15666212, >>15666267 Ukraine ImplementING Minsk Accords & EndING Conflict 'Very Last' ThING US, UK Want, Ex-MEP Says - sputniknews.com
>>15666092, >>15666204, >>15666273, >>15666295, >>15666297, >>15666577 mp4 video in ottawa house and other mp4 videos
>>15666205 Ontario judge extends order clearING Ambassador Bridge as Windsor fears protester return - detroitnews.com
>>15666122 Jeffrey Epstein pal Jean-Luc Brunel who 'abused' Prince Andrew 'sex slave' Virginia Roberts' found dead in prison - the sun (uk rag)
>>15666125, >>15666046, >>15666028, >>15666104, >>15666069 Trudeau is unleashING Stasi-style attacks on journalists. Moments ago, Alexa Lavoie with Rebel News was viciously beaten with a club, pushed to the ground, and shot a tear gas canister from point-blank range. - twat and mp4 video and images
>>15666195 On Thursday, a federal judge in western South Dakota sentenced a former sheriff's deputy to 25 years in prison for sexually exploitING two minors in Edgemont, South Dakota. The crimes happened while Francis Kistler was on duty. - twat
>>15666428, >>15666490 Bill Gates: "Sadly the virus itself, particularly the variant called Omicron, is a type of vaccine, that is it creates both B cell and T cell immunity and it's done a better job of gettING out to the world population than we have with vaccines. - twat disclosetv and full article and mp4 video
>>15666533, >>15666481, >>15666499 canada invited communist china to country to participate in military excerises and now see in ottawa - bun links and image cap
>>15666549 ridING the waves - dod twat
>>15666541, >>15666574 someone called notable, possibly rachel chandler's brother and dog comms.
>>15666612 Watch S.S. Piers Sellers Cygnus Capsule Launch to the Space Station - Official NASA Broadcast - youtube
>>15666616 Day 4 of the Model Grand Jury. focus on the "Vaccine". - gettr link (need rumble or bitchute, gettr is bollocks).
>>15666710 #19809
#15667409 at 2022-02-19 19:08:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19810: Ebake for Freedom Edition
AG Pax?ton Inves?ti?gates Tik?Tok for Poten?tial Facil?i?ta?tion of Human Traf?fick?ING & Child Pri?va?cy Violations
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has issued two Civil Investigative Demands (CIDs) to TikTok Inc. This investigation focuses on TikTok's potential facilitation of human traffickING and child privacy violations, as well as other potential unlawful conduct.
"Chinese-owned company TikTok may be complicit in child exploitation, sex traffickING, human traffickING, drug smugglING and other unimaginable horrors," Attorney General Paxton said. "I will get to the bottom of these concerns and make sure Big Tech doesn't interfere with the safety and security of Texans."
#15667106 at 2022-02-19 18:28:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19810: Ebake for Freedom Edition
Scotland Stops ReleasING Death and Hospitalisation Figures by Vax Status, Says Anti-Vaxers MisusING Them
Scottish health officials will no longer release figures on Covid deaths and hospitalisations by vaccination status as it does now, complainING that anti-vaxers are misusING the data.
Public Health Scotland (PHS), the Scottish equivalent of the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) believes that "[t]he case rates, hospitalisation rates, the death rates are very simple statistics" and that anti-vaxers are misreadING them "inappropriately and sometimes wilfully".
"What is happenING is people are lookING at those simple data and tryING to make inferences about the vaccination, whether the vaccines work, inappropriately and sometimes wilfully," one technocrat at the Special National Health Service (NHS) Health Board complained to the Scottish press.
"There are so many caveats and they just pull certain figures out that should not be used," they added, sayING that what they would now be doING is "a lot more on the vaccine effectiveness side and try[ING to] make people understand how effective the vaccine is."
Another official explained that, in Public Health Scotland's view, "[t]he main important point around all of the analysis is we understand whether the vaccines are workING against catchING it and against gettING severe Covid, and that's where the vaccine effectiveness studies come in which are a completely different methodology."
Unlike the "very simple statistics" on case rates, hospitalisations, and deaths among the vaccinated and unvaccinated, the vaccine effectiveness studies they will now be emphasisING "use modellING, we compare people who have tested negative to those who have tested positive and match them on their underlinING co-morbidities."
"It's a completely different method which is much more robust and that's what we want people to focus on," they insisted.
Scotland has a broad degree of autonomy within the United KINGdom datING back to the Acts of Union of 1707, which was strengthened considerably by Tony Blair's Labour government in the 1990s with devolution.
Much of its Covid and general healthcare regime is therefore managed by Nicola Sturgeon's left-separatist Scottish National Party (SNP) in Edinburgh rather than the central government led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and several restrictions lifted in England remain in force north of the border.
#15659144 at 2022-02-18 19:43:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19800: It Takes Courage To Speak The Truth Edition
>maybe those flowers = drugs
de?flow?er (d?-flou??r)
tr.v. de?flow?ered, de?flow?er?ING, de?flow?ers
To have sexual intercourse with (a virgin, especially a woman).
Think children.
Think slaves.
Think sheep.
#15654424 at 2022-02-18 02:26:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19794: The World Is Watching Edition
democrat far satanic neo con&lib
always hate\ING on the fun:
assembly, free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to earn a livING
dick and ass obsessed
#15648179 at 2022-02-17 07:36:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19786: Into the Night, Comfy We Fight Edition
4489 21-Jun-2020 1:52:30 PM EDT
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.'
#15647651 at 2022-02-17 05:10:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19785: Obama's Dad Was CIA Edition
Tom Hanks' son Chet: I didn't have a 'strong male role model' growING up
Tom Hanks' son Chet has aimed a surprisINGly brutal dig at his Oscar-winnING dad in a new video where he talks about growING up in a famous family.
e tirade on Instagram, despite both his parents battlING the virus.
More from celebrity kids
Sam Armytage's shock Sunrise admission
Sam Armytage's shock Sunrise admission
A-listers' kids go public with new romance
A-listers' kids go public with new romance
Jackie O catches Covid from daughter
Jackie O catches Covid from daughter
Tom Hanks' son Chet Hanks has claimed that despite growING up with an Oscar-winnING dad, he had no one to turn to as a celebrity kid.
"I didn't have a strong male role model to tell me ... 'Bro, f**k these people. They are just jealous of you,'" Chet, 31, said in a video on his YouTube channel, of the disrespect he endured from his peers for his wealth, fame and beING perceived as "arrogant, entitled and spoiled".
He continued: "You have all these thINGs that they want, so they are tryING to f***ING throw their shade at you so you can feel sh*tty about yourself because they are jealous.' I needed to hear that," he continued.
"I didn't have anyone to tell me that. This is me now tellING the younger version of myself what I needed to hear then."
The White Boy Summer rapper, whose dad is worth an astonishING $555 million, said people used to "make up their minds" about him before even gettING to know him.
"It was extremely hard to break down their walls," he shared. "So, I encountered a lot of disdain, a lot of animosity and negativity because everybody was just prepared to hate my guts."
Chet, who regularly posts photos of himself flexING his muscles on Instagram, added that due to his "hard exterior" and ability to intimidate, many of his haters never had the nerve to confront him face-to-face.
"People kinda did f**k with me a lot growING up. It was never to my face," he recalled. "It was always behind my back in the forms of gossip and sh*t talkING."
#15643649 at 2022-02-16 20:01:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19780: Upon Obama's Orders Edition
Arbery's killers sent many racist messages, FBI analyst says; one defendant spoke of violence against Black people
Hannah Knowles, David Nakamura, Margaret Coker - 2h ago
One of the three White men convicted in Ahmaud Arbery's murder did not want his daughter datING a Black man and called him the n-word in a text message, accordING to the FBI.
Another shared a meme that claimed "White Irish slaves were treated worse than any other race in the U.S." The third, Travis McMichael, who fatally shot Arbery in February, 2020, spoke about killING Black people and wrote in a message that he loved his job because "zero n-rs work with me."
"We used to walk around committING hate crimes all day," he wrote in another text conversation a few months before the shootING.
The second day of testimony in the federal hate-crimes trial over Arbery's death opened Wednesday with an FBI analyst detailING dozens of racist social media posts and messages allegedly sent by the three men who chased and killed Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man, in their coastal Georgia neighborhood in early 2020.
Prosecutors are seekING to prove that Travis McMichael, his father Greg McMichael and their neighbor William "Roddie" Bryan attacked Arbery out of racial bias. All three men were convicted of murder last fall and sentenced to life in prison, with Bryan eligible for parole after 30 years.
Their murder trial, in state court before a nearly all-White jury, avoided direct allegations of racism, even though the killING of Arbery helped spark nationwide social-justice protests. The federal trial, in contrast, focuses squarely on whether the McMichaels and Bryan targeted Arbery because he was Black, and is the first trial stemmING from several high-profile killINGs of Black people in 2020 to do so.
Arbery hate-crimes trial: What you need to know
Arbery's family has said he was out for a jog in the Satilla Shores neighborhood when the defendants chased him down in pickup trucks and confronted him. Travis McMichael fatally shot Arbery and claimed self-defense, an argument that a local district attorney quickly accepted before Bryan's video of the shootING went viral and forced new scrutiny. Arbery did not have a weapon.
FBI intelligence analyst Amy Vaughan testified Wednesday about investigators' review of the defendants' phone messages and social media. She spent most of her time on Travis McMichael, 36, walkING the jury through a litany of conversations in which he denigrated Black people, often while callING them the n-word. McMichael associated Black people with criminality, spoke explicitly about committING violence against them and blamed them when he struggled to get a commercial driver's license, accusING them of "runnING the show," Vaughan testified.
"I say shoot all of them," he commented on a video that showed a group of mostly Black teenagers attackING a White teenager. He also appeared to advocate runnING over protesters in response to a video of a car hittING Black women. When someone sent McMichael a video in which a Black man plays a prank on a White man, he used a racial epithet in sayING he'd kill the prankster.
TurnING to Bryan, 52, Vaughan testified that text messages showed Bryan's runnING joke with a friend about servING as "grand marshal" of a parade on Martin Luther KING, Jr. Day. "I think the joke is that he would never do that," she told the jury. While textING about the holiday, Vaughn added, Bryan referred to Black people usING multiple racial slurs and referenced a "monkey parade."
Four days before Arbery was shot, the prosecutor said, Bryan used the n-word to refer to his daughter's boyfriend, who was Black.
Greg McMichael was less active than his son on Facebook, Vaughan said, and law enforcement agents were unable to break through the encryption on his phone to see his messages. But they gleaned some information from online backups of the device and found the elder McMichael sometimes posted memes on Facebook, includING the one that said White Irish slaves were treated worse than other enslaved groups. "When was the last time you heard an Irishman b—-ING about how the world owes them a livING?" the meme continued, accordING to Vaughan.
#15641252 at 2022-02-16 14:13:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19777: The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy Edition
The TradCath Community ThrowING Its Support Behind The "Freedom Convoy"
A short drive from the nation's capital, Madawaska Valley is home to multiple religious institutions promotING a far-right interpretation of Catholicism that has been boostING the convoy protests.
Just two hours from downtown Ottawa, traditionalist Catholics livING in Madawaska Valley have been vociferously supportING the so-called "Freedom Convoy".
LifeSiteNews is one of three institutions in the Madawaska Valley, alongside Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College and Catholic Insight magazine, with personnel as well as ideological links, promotING a far-right, traditionalist interpretation of Roman Catholicism.
Originally started in 1997 by the Canadian anti-abortion lobbyING group Campaign Life Coalition, LifeSiteNews is now a transnational far-right media outlet, claimING to publish 4,000 articles a year and consumed by over 20 million readers. The organization's most recent IRS filINGs indicate that they brought in $1.97 million in revenue in 2019 (the latest year for which records are available).
Prior to the convoy arrivING in the capital, Madawaska Valley resident, co-founder and editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews, John Henry Westen, covered a gatherING of convoy supporters in Pembroke, Ontario.
OpenING his video coverage by highlightING that there were "many many families out here with young children, young children in the really bitter cold," Westen interviewed a handful of convoy supporters, and described "this group" as havING "come out from a sINGle parish."
Local newspaper, the Eganville Leader, reported the parish as beING St. Hedwig's Catholic Church in Barry's Bay. St. Hedwig's is the campus parish for the traditionalist Catholic Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College.
St. Hedwig's' administrator, Reverend Pawel Ratajczak, led the group - includING Westen - in recitING the Holy Rosary.
Renfrew-NipissING-Pembroke MP Cheryl Gallant live-streamed from the gatherING, declarING "We're havING Canada Day today, since we didn't have ours in July."
One unnamed man responded, "We're gettING our country back!"
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College co-founder and current theology professor, John Paul Meenan also attended the gatherING in Pembroke and promoted it on Catholic Insight, his traditionalist Catholic online magazine. He described the demonstration a post on Catholic Insight, as "pilgrimag(ING) forth," and claimed that "hundreds, if not thousands" were in attendance.
The Eganville Leader reported hundreds, not thousands, lined Highway 17 in support of the convoy.
Meenan is the editor of Catholic Insight, and in his post reportING back on the January 28 roadside demonstration, concluded, "Scripture warns us that this, ultimately, is a spiritual battle. We cannot return to 'normal', to a Canada immersed in immorality, which is what ultimately caused the mess we're in. We must get back to God, to His laws, and re-build the Christian nation of this great nation's forefathers."
He was also present for the convoy's descent on Parliament Hill, indicated by his self-attribution of a picture from the rally (an attribution he removed after CAHN contacted him for comment).
#15637983 at 2022-02-16 02:46:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19773: Project Veritas Does It Again Edition
'Let's get high together baby': Millionaire Grill'd co-founder Geoff Bainbridge quits over sexually explicit meth video
Multi-millionaire co-founder of burger chain Grill'd Geoff Bainbridge has quit his position as CEO of Lark DistillING after a video emerged appearING to show him smokING a methamphetamine pipe while wearING skimpy underwear and fondlING himself.
A video appearING to show Grill'd co-founder Geoff Bainbridge fondlING himself while wearING skimpy underwear and smokING a meth pipe has led to him quittING as CEO of Lark DistillING.
Sky News host, and Investigations Editor at The Australia, Sharri Markson broke the story on Wednesday mornING.
FollowING the emergence of the video, obtained by The Australian, the board of Lark DistillING called an emergency meetING to launch an investigation.
On Wednesday, Lark said Mr Bainbridge had "tendered his resignation effective immediately to enable him to manage a personal matter ... brought to the attention of the board".
In the video, Mr Bainbridge appears to have filmed himself smokING methamphetamine while engaged in a sex act.
The sexually explicit video filmed by Mr Bainbridge runs for almost a minute and shows him fondlING himself while wearING black underwear.
"Let's get f*ING high together baby. I'd smoke meth and just blow it all over your c* babe," he appears to say while lightING up a methamphetamine pipe.
He is shown to be inhalING from the pipe and blowING it into the phone screen and endING the video sayING "I'm so high, I'm so f ... ING horny."
AccordING to the Sydney MornING Herald, Geoff Bainbridge paid nearly $12,000 to extortionists in the hope that the video footage of him smokING ice six years ago would never become public.
#15630363 at 2022-02-15 03:25:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19764: The Big Lie Suddenly Becomes The Naked Truth Edition
Dan just tweeted this article:
Trump Really Was Spied On
Durham says techies linked to the Clinton campaign had access to White House and Trump Tower internet data.
Special Counsel John Durham continues to unravel the Trump-Russia "collusion" story, and his latest court disclosure contains startlING information. AccordING to a Friday court filING, the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign effort to compile dirt on Donald Trump reached into protected White House communications.
The filING relates to Mr. Durham's September indictment of Michael Sussmann, a lawyer who represented the Clinton campaign while he worked for the Perkins Coie law firm. Mr. Sussmann is accused of lyING to the FBI at a September 2016 meetING when he presented documents claimING to show secret internet communications between the Trump Organization and Russia-based Alfa Bank. The indictment says Mr. Sussmann falsely told the FBI he was presentING this information solely as a good citizen-failING to disclose his ties to the Clinton campaign. (He has pleaded not guilty.)
The indictment revealed that Mr. Sussmann worked with "Tech Executive-1," who has been identified as Rodney Joffe, formerly of Neustar Inc. The indictment says Mr. Joffe used his companies, as well as researchers at a U.S. university, to access internet data, which he used to gather information about Mr. Trump's communications.
Mr. Durham says Mr. Joffe's "goal" was to create an "inference" and "narrative" about Mr. Trump that would "please certain 'VIPs,' referrING to individuals at [Perkins Coie] and the Clinton Campaign."
The new shocker relates to the data Mr. Joffe and friends were minING. AccordING to Friday's filING, as early as July 2016 Mr. Joffe was "exploit[ING]" his "access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data," includING "Internet traffic pertainING to . . . the Executive Office of the President of the United States ("EOP")."
The filING explains that Mr. Joffe's employer "had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided [internet services]" to the White House. Mr. Joffe's team also was monitorING internet traffic related to Trump Tower, and Mr. Trump's apartment on Central Park West.
White House communications are supposed to be secure, and the notion that any contractor-much less one with ties to a presidential campaign-could access them is alarmING enough. The implication that the data was exploited for a political purpose is a scandal that requires investigation under oath.
The filING suggests the data collection continued into the Trump Presidency. Mr. Durham says that on Feb. 9, 2017, Mr. Sussmann met with a second federal agency ("Agency-2") to provide "an updated set of allegations," and that these "allegations relied, in part, on the purported [internet traffic] that [Mr. Joffe] and others had assembled pertainING to Trump Tower, Donald Trump's New York City apartment buildING, the EOP" and a healthcare provider.
#15623271 at 2022-02-14 06:27:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19755: The Cure is Spreading, Reclaim the Roads Edition
Frens, if you haven't already read this pic, do so now. Because of this pic, I had a wild epiphany! This might be how thINGs go down.
We aren't goING to be the ones revoltING against the Cabal! LOL We won't have to! Guys, listen carefully! Once your average, liberal / democrat / goob realizes that they've literally been given AIDS...how do you think they're goING to respond?
Guys! Patriots aren't goING to have to lift a fINGer because the crazy liberals WILL HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LIVE FOR! They have AIDS for crap's sake! They're goING to be livid! They won't be able to be mad at us anymore...every meme we've spread, every logical argument we've made, every piece of evidence we've uncovered is goING to race thru their heads and they're goING to lose their F-ING minds!
You know how crazy liberals have been! We all do! But imagine comING to the realization that you volunteered, you boasted, you bragged, you ridiculed those pesky "conspiracy theorists," ....and now you have AIDS! LOL
Imagine BLM / Antifa burnING and lootING because they realize they've been played...HARD! Buckle up gents...this party is about to pop off!
#15622045 at 2022-02-14 02:45:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19754: Anons Don't Need No Stinkin Suberb Owl Edition
czech-ING your digits, in this moonlit atmosphere
#15618240 at 2022-02-13 18:05:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19749: Let The Truth Be Told Edition
Jun 21, 2020 1:52:30 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5c5e4c No. 9697079
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#15606908 at 2022-02-12 03:13:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19735: Canberra Finds and Follows the Canadian Spirit Godspeed Edition
.Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?
Did this seem strange to you?
Watch the news.
Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].
Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].
Soros transfer of wealth.
Dopey FREED.
Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.
News unlocks MAP.
Think Mirror.
Which team?
THEY don't know.
These people are EVIL.
Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?
20/20 comING.
Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposING the TRUTH?
Tune in tomorow the story unfolds
The CIA released a declassified report on one of the programmes on Thursday, but declined to declassify the other, citING the need to protect "sensitive tradecraft methods and operational sources".
But Mr Wyden, of Oregon, and Mr Heinrich, of New Mexico, said by failING to do so the agency was "undermin[ING] democratic oversight and pos[ING] risks to the long-term credibility of the Intelligence Community".
The senators, who sit on the Intelligence committee, said the public deserved to know "the nature and full extent" of the surveillance, which is all but certain to include records on Americans.
The still-classified programme operates under the authority of a Reagan-era executive order and is therefore "entirely outside the statutory framework that Congress and the public believe govern this collection," they said.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) non-profit said: "These reports raise serious questions about what information of ours the CIA is vacuumING up in bulk and how the agency exploits that information to spy on Americans".
"In the course of any lawful collection, CIA may incidentally acquire information about Americans who are in contact with foreign nationals," a CIA spokesman told BBC News on Friday.
"When CIA acquires information about Americans, it safeguards that information in accordance with procedures," set out to restrict how it can use the data, the spokesman added.
More on this story
How the US spy scandal unravelled
Published17 January 2014
NSA surveillance exposed by Snowden ruled unlawful
Published3 September 2020
US spies peer into the future - and it's not rosy
Published8 April 2021
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#15606673 at 2022-02-12 02:45:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19734: When Tyranny Becomes Law Resistance Becomes Duty Edition
>Buzz knows - FuckING KEK space ING my brains out here man!
Space. This is another lie that will crumble. It's a biggie too. Supremely protected. I would say Space, the JFK assignation, the Devil incarnate.
Lots of games under the dome. It was figured out when Eisenhower was President. Operation Fish Bowl? Lot's of controversy. Tell the people the truth or not.
Now you now.
#15606511 at 2022-02-12 02:26:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19734: When Tyranny Becomes Law Resistance Becomes Duty Edition
Buzz knows - FuckING KEK space ING my brains out here man!
#15604592 at 2022-02-11 22:18:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19732: Maggot Habberman Edition
World Economic Forum Blasted for 'Insane Pro-CRT Propaganda' Video
The World Economic Forum came under fire online, beING accused of promotING "divisive" propaganda after it released an explainer pushING critical race theory along with an accompanyING essay describING racism as "persistent and prevalent" everywhere.
Against the backdrop of classrooms and racial protests, the World Economic Forum's (WEF) video published on Tuesday begins by askING what critical race theory (CRT) is and why it's "so controversial."
CRT supporters say "it's a way to understand and tackle racial inequality," the video explains, while opponents say it "does the opposite."
The nearly two-minute clip defines CRT as a theory "first developed by US legal scholars in the 1980s" that "argues that the laws, rules and, regulations that govern society today have been shaped by the historical subordination of people of colour and that this is a drivING force behind racial inequality today."
The short-form clip lists only one example of such supposed inequality: the high number of incarcerated black males throughout the country.
"Take the US criminal justice system, for example," it says. "While everyone is seen as equal under the law, Black Americans are imprisoned at 5 times the rate of white people."
"CRT says this disparity is a legacy of America's racist past," it claims, addING that opponents complain that it "paints all white people as bigots."
The video asserts that CRT supporters maintain that "a system doesn't need racists workING within it to produce racially imbalanced outcomes" and that the theory serves as "a lens through which to view racial inequality today."
"Most importantly, it recognizes that racism is not a relic of the past and that by understandING its underlyING causes we can start to build a more just society," it states.
The clip, which has received over 230,000 views on Twitter as of Thursday evenING, concludes by askING viewers, "What do you think about CRT?"
However, the post immediately links to an essay for readers to "learn more about racial equality" in which racism is described as "persistent and prevalent in every community, country and continent," with "systemic and structural barriers hav[ING] long denied access and opportunity for leaders of colour."
In response to the clip, many big names called out the Switzerland-based globalist organization, accusING it of pushING Marxism and propaganda.
"Insane pro-CRT propaganda video," wrote author, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo, who is also a senior fellow and director of the initiative on CRT at the Manhattan Institute.
#15603940 at 2022-02-11 20:41:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19731: Tyranny of Trudeau Edition
The World Economic Forum came under fire online, beING accused of promotING "divisive" propaganda after it released an explainer pushING critical race theory along with an accompanyING essay describING racism as "persistent and prevalent" everywhere.
Against the backdrop of classrooms and racial protests, the World Economic Forum's (WEF) video published on Tuesday begins by askING what critical race theory (CRT) is and why it's "so controversial."
CRT supporters say "it's a way to understand and tackle racial inequality," the video explains, while opponents say it "does the opposite."
The nearly two-minute clip defines CRT as a theory "first developed by US legal scholars in the 1980s" that "argues that the laws, rules and, regulations that govern society today have been shaped by the historical subordination of people of colour and that this is a drivING force behind racial inequality today."
The clip, which has received over 230,000 views on Twitter as of Thursday evenING, concludes by askING viewers, "What do you think about CRT?"
However, the post immediately links to an essay for readers to "learn more about racial equality" in which racism is described as "persistent and prevalent in every community, country and continent," with "systemic and structural barriers hav[ING] long denied access and opportunity for leaders of colour."
In response to the clip, many big names called out the Switzerland-based globalist organization, accusING it of pushING Marxism and propaganda.
"Insane pro-CRT propaganda video," wrote author, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo, who is also a senior fellow and director of the initiative on CRT at the Manhattan Institute.
"Ah yes, the world economic forum promotING a radical departure from the current relations of power," wrote video essayist and author Peter Coffin.
"This PROVES CRT is the revolution. I've been wrong this whole time!" he mocked.
"Run from the WEF workING class people," warned clinical psychologist and psychology professor Dr. Jordan Peterson.
"Why would the World Economic Forum come out in support of Critical Race Theory?" asked author and mathematician Dr. James Lindsay, who warned last month that CRT activists aim to dismantle the U.S. and establish "a total dictatorship" of the so-called "anti-racists."
"Because they're the ones who want to divide our society with this Marxist Theory or any other tool they can use to break the world and seize power," he said.
BeING that CRT is demonstrably "divisive," "based on a false premise," and is "detrimental to social cohesion," conservative commentator Calvin Robinson wondered why the WEF is "producING a propaganda piece promotING an ideology that is harmful and damagING to Western values?"
"I can't believe you're advocatING for 'equality' at the expense of equity" in 2022, wrote Omri Ceren, the national security advisor for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). "You're either on board or you're not. Be better."
Others on Twitter also criticized the international group and its latest clip.
"Nice to see the @wef has taken a break from the Great Reset to promote CRT," wrote one user.
"It's a disaster when major organizations support an idea they don't understand, ignore its fatal flaws, and stand by it because it looks good to appear anti-racist," another wrote. "So much is missING in this video..."
"Absolutely insane propaganda," one Twitter user wrote. "Keep your Race Marxism and your Great Reset (aka the Cultural Revolution 2.0)."
"Those who want us to own nothING and be happy defend CRT," wrote another user in reference to a 2017 WEF clip that predicted that by the year 2030, "You'll own nothING. And you'll be happy."
"Massive propaganda piece from the WEF," another wrote. "These are the elitist underminING our Constitution & national sovereignty."
"WEF's endorsement of Critical Race Theory, is probably the best argument against it's concepts beING taught to educators & then put into practice in your child's classroom," one Twitter user argued.
"If you ever needed more proof that the WEF are evil communists that want to divide and tear apart our society, here they are promotING critical race theory," another Twitter user wrote.
"The communists have many tools to destroy your society. This is their current favourite method," another claimed.
"I thought critical race theory didn't exist? Blatant communist propaganda," wrote another user.
"This is how 'Deep State Globalists' divide and rule," another wrote.
"If you were wonderING why corporations have become full blown racist, it's because the WEF has been pushING it," one Twitter user suggested.
"WEF are preachING CRT," wrote another. "Still want the WEF to run your country without even beING elected?"
"Why does the World Economic Forum have a well-produced video extollING the virtues of CRT?" one user wondered.
#15602902 at 2022-02-11 18:42:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19730: Ebake Edition
>After the Queen's second son allegedly asked her if she 'takes it up the a*', the massage therapist claims that she swore at Andrew and furiously told him: 'It's none of your f*ING business'.
If she doesn't say no, the backhole is a go.
#15585696 at 2022-02-09 15:54:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19708: What Part Of Cancel ALL Mandates Don't You Understand? Edition
No shits, Pepe.
De-res-ING from that myself
#15585254 at 2022-02-09 14:34:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19708: What Part Of Cancel ALL Mandates Don't You Understand? Edition
Shit Israeli moral seems to already be at a low cause of COVID… maybe soon the jewISH people
might wake up to the JEWS have been doING…
Abraham accords are the perfect outline on how to mend & keep the world form "Hitler-ING"
the rest of them… '
Truly belive we shouldnt blame all jewish people for the actions of JEWS…
#15580983 at 2022-02-09 00:42:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19702: TRUTH Social March End Edition
Plausible Deniability. They won't do a damn thING about it, just like all the election fraud. If they don't prosecute, it means it didn't happen. Mother f-ING bastards
#15577619 at 2022-02-08 17:12:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19698: Ambassador Bridge Got Honked Edition
F the cops!
they are f~ING cowherds!
See if i help them out again!
#15577266 at 2022-02-08 16:30:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19698: Ambassador Bridge Got Honked Edition
Dox-ING straight to your mommas cookies!
#15550208 at 2022-02-05 04:51:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19664: Millions And Millions Of Honks Edition
com ING
#15546384 at 2022-02-04 21:17:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General 19659: Legitimate Political Discourse Edition
F-ING every sINGle time!
But shills can go on and say it's the F-Masons.
Maybe, just maybe, it's both!
#15534745 at 2022-02-03 11:09:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19645: Who Controls The Memes, Controls The Universe Edition
Happy WOO! anons. How's everyone WOO!ING today?
#15519672 at 2022-02-01 17:40:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19627: If (You) Remove RINOS the Vote will Count Edition
Biden's Home COVID Test Kits Funded By Blacklisted Chinese Company, Praised For 'ObeyING' Communist Officials.
Biden's choice of COVID test kits raises more alarms about BeijING's influence over the White House.
The Chinese company providING at-home COVID-19 tests through a Biden White House initiative - iHealth Labs - has been praised by the Chinese Communist Party for "obeyING" its orders and received tens of millions of dollars in investment from a Chinese company blacklisted by the U.S. government over its ties to the country's military, The National Pulse can reveal.
iHealth Labs, a subsidiary of China's Andon Health, has received over $2.1 billion in contracts with the U.S. federal government and some states. Well over $1 billion of the sum comes from a contract with the Department of Defense (DOD) as part of the Biden White House's at-home COVID-19 test program.
The department awarded two contracts to the lab in January, which provided Americans with 354 million Chinese-made kits.
iHealth Labs, however, has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party. These unearthed links exacerbate the fact that the company is subject to Article 7 of China's National Intelligence Law, which mandates that "any [Chinese] organization or citizen shall support, assist, and cooperate with state intelligence work."
The State Council of the Chinese Communist Party sent a letter to the company, praisING its efforts to respond to COVID-19.
In the letter posted to Andon Health's Chinese-language website, the regime lauded the company for "consciously obey[ING]" all of its orders:
"In the work of ensurING the supply of infrared thermometers, important materials for epidemic prevention and control, your company responded to the call of the state at the first time, overcome all difficulties, urgently organized workers to return to work, worked overtime to carry out production and supply, and consciously obeyed the joint defense of the State Council. The prevention and control mechanism of the medical supplies and insurance team has actively cooperated with our department to continue to supply infrared thermometers to the country, especially Hubei Province, BeijING and other key regions, and has made outstandING contributions to domestic epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production in various industries. "
==New Executive Order Restricts U.S. Persons from TradING in Publicly Traded Securities and
Derivatives of Certain "Communist Chinese
Military Companies" Effective January 11, 2021==
#15508357 at 2022-01-31 09:27:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19613: God Bless The Peaceful Truckers Edition
???n w?a? are you ?i???ING a?ou? price for
#15500566 at 2022-01-30 15:55:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19605: Coming in Hot Edition
On April 24, 2001, three major pro-Israel donors incorporated an organization called EMET (Hebrew for "truth"). In an application to the Internal Revenue Service for tax-exempt status, May explained that the group "was to provide education to enhance Israel's image in North America and the public's understandING of issues affectING Israeli-Arab relations." But in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, May broadened the group's mission and changed its name to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. As he explained in a supplement to the IRS, the group's board of directors decided to focus on "develop[ING] educational materials on the eradication of terrorism everywhere in the world."
To be sure, FDD is no longer a public relations group for Israel. And over the years, it has become much more of a conventional think tank than an advocacy group. But in several important ways, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies seems to have remained an organization dedicated intellectually and politically to the defense of one particular democracy.
FDD's chief funders have been drawn almost entirely from American Jews who have a long history of fundING pro-Israel organizations. They include Bernard Marcus, the co-founder of Home Depot, whiskey heirs Samuel and Edgar Bronfman, gamblING mogul Sheldon Adelson, heiress Lynn Schusterman, Wall Street speculators Michael Steinhardt and Paul SINGer, and Leonard Abramson, founder of U.S. Healthcare. As Eli Clifton has documented, from 2008 to 2011, the largest contributors were Abramson, Marcus, Adelson, and SINGer, and businessman Newton Becker. Some of FDD's donors, particularly in the organization's early years, gave to a wide range of groups that back Israel, but some of them, includING Marcus, Adelson, Becker, and their foundations, have also contributed to groups like the Zionist Organization of America and Christians United for Israel that are aligned with Israeli right-wING nationalists who favor a "greater Israel" that includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank settlements.
#15497638 at 2022-01-30 03:39:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19601: Watch what happens after the Olympics with Taiwan and China Edition
yes he fuck ING is
And so is bannon
Fans of Satanists
#15488778 at 2022-01-29 04:17:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19590: The Cure Will Spread WW
ROCK: "I just got off the phone with our 45th President (hopefully 47th) and he expressed how proud of me he was over "We The People" beING the #1 song on Itunes! Suck on that you trolls, critics and haters!
Kid Rock's new song We The People is toppING charts everywhere, blowING past Adele, Ed Sheeran, and Disney on iTunes. Fans are lovING the anti-Biden, anti-Fauci message -even the 45th President had praise for Rock's new anthem; Rock shared the news on Twitter:
"Oh, and by the way.... I just got off the phone with our 45th President (hopefully 47th) and he expressed how proud of me he was over "We The
People" beING the #1 song on Itunes! Suck on that you trolls, critics and haters!" Rock tweeted.
In a recent Facebook video, Rock promised fans there will be no mask requirements or COVID vaccination passes for his upcomING "Bad Reputation" tour.
"If you think I'm goING to sit out there and sING 'Don't Tell me How to Live' and 'We the People' while people are holdING up their f-ING vaccine cards and wearING masks, that s-t ain't happenin,'" he said.
"We The People"
#15487841 at 2022-01-29 02:27:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19589: Public Awakening = Game Over
good even ING
#15477956 at 2022-01-27 22:51:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19576: The time has come. The storm is now. Edition
Pre veil ING winds say no to d*** cuttING
#15476466 at 2022-01-27 19:40:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19575: HONK HONK HONK HONK Edition
'We're Not Supposed to Show IDs': Watch Bodycam Footage of DeboardING of Secret DHS Flight in NY
Nearly two million people tryING to enter the US illegally were apprehended in 2021, data from the Customs and Border Protection released Monday has shown. Critics have spent months attackING the Biden administration over its border policy, claimING the White House cares more about the frontiers of other countries than those of the United States.
Conservatives have spent over three months accusING the federal government of secretly flyING illegal immigrants from border states to other parts of the country under the cover of night, and have now obtained leaked bodycam footage appearING to confirm their concerns.
The police bodycam video, obtained under a freedom of information request by Rob Astorino, a former Westchester County executive and Republican candidate for New York governor, shows what is estimated to be about 100 migrants gettING off a charter flight at the Westchester Airport and boardING busses whiskING them off in an unknown direction.
"We don't tell them where we're goING. Like I said, a lot of this is just, down low stuff that we don't tell people, because what we don't want to do is attract attention," a voice off camera is heard tellING Sergeant Michael Hamborsky, the officer wearING the bodycam. "We don't want the media. Like we don't even know where we're goING when they tell us," the person says.
"I get the whole secrecy and all this s*, but this is even above my f*ING paygrade, you know what I mean?" another individual tells the police officer. Asked why the flights are wrapped in such secrecy, the man quips, "Because like, look who's in office. That's why, come on."
"Because if it gets out, the government is betrayING the American people," the man says.
Other excerpts of the footage, said to consist of 51 minutes total and to have been filmed on 13 August 2021, were obtained by the New York Post and Fox News. The flights to Westchester were said to have started in August and continued until October until their existence was reported by the media last fall.
#15475721 at 2022-01-27 18:12:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19574: Watching And Waiting, With Lots Of Popcorn Edition
HUD: SOC, Vind.
Poke de 🌀ING spies in both eyes.
#15475447 at 2022-01-27 17:36:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19573: United We Stand, Together We Win Edition
'Government is betrayING the American people': Leaked video reportedly shows federal contractors flyING illegal immigrants to New York suburb
Leaked video reportedly exposes illegal immigrants from southern border states disembarkING from a charter plane at Westchester County Airport in New York. The video of alleged undocumented migrants was obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino - a Republican candidate for New York governor in 2022.
In the 51-minute video, there is bodycam footage from Westchester Police Sgt. Michael Hamborsky - who is seen on the tarmac of Westchester County Airport on Aug. 13, 2021.
There are reportedly about a dozen federal contractors assistING the migrants from the plane to buses.
At 6:09 a.m., Hamborsky purportedly begins askING questions to federal contractors about the charter flight arrivING after the airport's curfew.
"You're on a secure facility here; we really don't know anythING and we're in charge of security," Hamborsky tells a federal contractor, accordING to the New York Post. "This is anti all our security stuff."
"I'm just tryING to figure out what's what, who's who and how I'm supposed to keep this secure," Hamborsky continues.
An alleged federal contractor tells the police officer, "We're not allowed to have our picture taken when we get on base."
Hamborsky reacts by sayING, "Un-f***ING-believable. And who's that by? DHS [Department of Homeland Security]?"
The said contractor replies, "Yes, and the United States Army. You're on a federal installation but DHS wants everythING on the down low."
Another alleged contractor informs Hamborsky, "Listen, my thING is I like to comply but technically we're not supposed to show IDs or anythING. Like I said, everythING is supposed to be hush-hush."
Hamborsky asks the men why the charter plane is droppING off purported illegal immigrants at the airport in White Plains - approximately 35 miles northeast of New York City.
"You don't want to be in somewhere the spotlight is," the man responds. "You want to try and be as down low as possible. A lot of this is just down-low stuff that we don't tell people because what we don't want to do is attract attention. We don't want the media. Like we don't even know where we're goING when they tell us."
Fox News reported, "One of the contractors told the officer later in the video: 'I get the whole secrecy and all that s*t but this is even above my f*ING pay grade . . . the f***, you know what I mean?"
When Hambrosky presses as to why there were secret flights with illegal immigrants flyING into the New York City suburb, the purported federal contractor says, "You know why, look who's in office. That's why, come on."
The alleged federal contractor states, "You know why. Because if this gets out, the government is betrayING the American people."
#15459201 at 2022-01-25 19:57:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19554: God Never Gives Tough Jobs To Weak Souls Edition
What do the uncolonized indigenous of the world have in common with in utero humans? Pre-teen humans?
They (our human family) are a food and drug source to what would correctly be called vampires, fiends, and cannibals- of the highest, purest order.
Where to so many global (((charities))) exist? The so called 'undeveloped' world. Where do so many foreign adoptions source from? Same place.
Currently the last of South America/Amazonia is beING colonized, thus the 'undocumented' human phenomena. And much more of the african continent by the CCP. Those nationless peoples of the world, left mostly alone until now, are beING pushed out and separated from their children.
Thus thesupple chain seizurecan be viewed at a grander scale so as to include the vampire food chain. When all lands are colonized, when the Red Cross is hamstrung, exposed, and no more, when Roe V Wade is overturned and Planned Parenthood ceases to exist, when there are no more baby farms (see Oprah & John of God, Epstein, etc)…
They will be FULLY exposed, as their hunger is insatiable. The bite that has no cure.
Medea- 'greek' sorceress/sorcery.
Media = Medea or medium (also directly associated to sorcery)
What else are vampires historically known for?
GLAMOR(ING)- mezmerizING, hypnotizING, entrancING, programmING, inceptING, enchantING, castING, bindING, etc…
Same as Media.
#15457668 at 2022-01-25 15:30:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19552: Listen Up F*ckers, Time to Start the Convoys and Take Amerca Back Edition
The furin cleavage site in the COVID virus sticks out like a sore thumb because no other known member of its family - a group called Sarbecoviruses - possesses a furin cleavage site. So how did the virus acquire it?
A member of the Andersen group, Garry of Tulane University, remarks in the latest emails on the fact that the inserted furin cleavage site, a strING of 12 units of RNA, the virus' genetic material, was exactly the required length, a precision unusual in nature: "I just can't figure out how this gets accomplished in nature ... it's stunnING. Of course, in the lab it would be easy to generate the perfect 12 base insert that you wanted."
Another member of the Andersen group, Farzan of Scripps Research, apparently felt much the same way. "He is bothered by the furin cleavage site and has a hard time explain[ING] that as an event outside the lab (though, there are possible ways in nature, but highly unlikely)," the House committee's letter says of his remarks.
Farzan noted that viruses can acquire elements like furin cleavage sites when grown in cultures of human cells, so "instead of directed engineerING ... acquisition of the furin site would be highly compatible with the continued passage of virus in tissue culture."
Both routes - direct insertion of the cleavage site or tissue culture - would mean that the virus came from a lab.
The conferees were clearly aware of the possibility that the virus had originated in the Wuhan lab. "So I think it becomes a question of how do you put all this together," Farzan wrote, "whether you believe in this series of coincidences, what you know of the lab in Wuhan, how much could be in nature - accidental release or natural event?
"I am 70:30 or 60:40," he said, meanING he thought lab origin considerably more likely than not.
You might think that the senior administrators present at the conference would have rushed to investigate the startlING inference that their expert advisers had drawn. But just one day after the teleconference at which his experts explained why they thought the virus seemed manipulated, Collins complained about the damage such an idea might cause.
"The voices of conspiracy will quickly dominate, doING great potential harm to science and international harmony," he wrote on Feb. 2, 2020, accordING to the new emails.
Even after the March 2020 Nature Medicine article, which made the natural-origin theory the mainstream view, Collins still fretted that the lab-leak idea had not been sufficiently suppressed. "WonderING if there is somethING NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy," he emailed Fauci on April 16.
Fauci was less concerned. "I would not do anythING about this right now," he replied the next day. "It is a shiny object that will go away in times."
For many months, it did just that. Natural emergence remained the only possibility on the table in the scientific establishment and mainstream media.
#15454002 at 2022-01-25 02:47:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19547: Truckers Are Part Of The Digital Army For Freedom Edition
Neil Young demands Spotify choose between his music or Joe Rogan's podcasts
Legendary musician Neil Young issued an ultimatum to the Spotify streamING music service to choose between his music or Joe Rogan's podcasts.
Young posted an open letter to Spotify, which entered into a $100 million deal with Rogan to host his podcasts, callING on it to dump Rogan over what he saw as misinformation on the coronavirus.
"I am doING this because Spotify is spreadING fake information about vaccines - potentially causING death to those who believe the disinformation beING spread by them," wrote Young. "Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule."
Rogan has been criticized by many for advocatING for alternate treatments for the coronavirus. In one instance, he advised younger people to avoid the vaccine because their death and hospitalization risk was so low.
"I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform," said Young to his management team and record label. "They can have Rogan or Young. Not both."
Spotify has been under pressure by those on the left to drop Rogan over his controversial statements about the coronavirus pandemic, the transgender agenda, and other topics. Some employees at Spotify reportedly threatened to organize a "full blown strike" if the company refused to censor Rogan's podcast.
Rogan has previously cautioned his adorING audience against takING his advice too seriously.
"I am not a doctor. I am a f***ING moron. And I am a cage-fightING commentator who's a dirty stand-up comedian!" Rogan said on his podcast in April.
"I am not a respected source of information even for me," he continued. "But I at least try to be honest about what I am sayING."
#15452538 at 2022-01-24 23:46:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19545: Ukraine Is A Ruse To Hide The Failures Of Potato Edition
"It's really progressive to cast a - literally no offense to anyone - but I was a little taken aback by [when] they were very proud to cast a Latino actress as Snow White," he said.
"But you're still tellING the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Take a step back and look at what you're doING there. It makes no sense to me."
"You're progressive in one way, but you're still makING that f-ING backwards story about seven dwarfs livING in a cave together… what the f- are you doING man?"
The Disney retellING of the Brothers Grimm fairytale has been criticized by some as ableist in the past, depictING the seven dwarfs as inferior to other characters in the story, one of whom is literally named "Dopey".
"Have I done nothING to advance the cause from my soap box?" Dinklage continued. "I guess I'm not loud enough. I don't know which studio that is, but they were so proud of it."
"All love and respect to the actress and all the people who thought they were doING the right thING. But I'm just like - 'what are you doING?'"
#15445546 at 2022-01-23 23:53:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19536: March For Life Edition
Top-ranked Merrill Lynch wealth manager arrested after throwING drink at teen smoothie shop employees, cops say
A Connecticut man is accused of goING on a xenophobic tirade at a smoothie shop. The wealth manager was arrested for throwING a drink at one of the employees at the smoothie shop in Fairfield, accordING to police.
James Iannazzo, 48, of Fairfield, reportedly went to the Robeks smoothie store in Fairfield on Friday afternoon. Approximately 30 minutes after leavING the food establishment, he called 911 to request emergency medical services for his son, who was sufferING from an allergic reaction. The child was transported to a local hospital, accordING to authorities.
Iannazzo returned to the Robeks location roughly an hour after his original visit that afternoon. A visibly agitated Iannazzo is seen on video verbally abusING the four teen workers at Robeks. Iannazzo demands to know who made his smoothie from over an hour ago, but the employees are not sure who made that specific smoothie.
Iannazzo lashes out at the teens with foul language, "F*ING, stupid f*ING ignorant high school kids."
After beING instructed to leave by one of the employees, the man growls, "I want to speak to the f***ING manager."
An employee advises the disgruntled man to contact the corporate office to file a complaint, to which Iannazzo says, "Get the f* out of here, you f*ING b****!"
While the teen girls turn their heads away from Iannazzo, he hurls a drink at the employees, hittING one girl in the shoulder.
Iannazzo unleashes a strING of profanities against the girl he hit with the drink.
The irate man asks for a phone number for the corporate office, but the employee repeatedly tells him to leave the establishment.
Iannazzo yells back, "Shut the f* up! Stupid f*ING idiot. You're a f*ING idiot. I want the f*ING number. Shut up."
Iannazzo then says, "You're f***ING immigrant loser."
The man attempts to then access the "employees only" area, but one of the girls is pushING back and he can't open the door.
AccordING to Heavy, TikTok user @cjjbreezy uploaded the original video with a caption: "There was one girl, she was 16. Literally, it was like her second day. She was in the back, already called the police."
#15432743 at 2022-01-22 01:10:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19520: Declass... Declass? Is There A DECLASS in Motion Edition
>>15431807 General Flynn:
Part 2 of 2
I was appointed by Barack Obama twice. I was confirmed by the Senate twice-fully with 100% unanimous confirmation by the United States Senate twice! And a year later, I'm a Russian spy? These people are nuts, that's why. And it's when we're in a really different time. This is just another example of how they're tryING to cancel anybody who has a national, or my case, an international platform and has an authentic voice and who demonstrates the type of leadership that people want to have in this country."
The Dangers of Bias in Higher Institutions
A cursory look at the values espoused by the University of Rhode Island or its past and present Board of Trustees seems to show bias favorING more progressive values. Diversity and inclusion, climate change, globalism are on its agenda and are closely held convictions of many of its Trustees. One of the board members, Christine M. Heenan, "previously served as Senior Vice President for Global Policy and Advocacy at the Rockefeller Foundation, Senior Advisor at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications for Harvard University...and was a White House senior policy analyst and speechwriter for President Clinton, focused primarily on health care policy and women's empowerment."
- The University of Rhode Island is a public institution, and one could argue that it should be more balanced in its policies and intellectual pursuits. A university, its professors, and trustees occupy positions of influence, arguably fixING the rudder that sets the course for young, impressionable minds. Many of these "big thinkers" may go on to be leaders in their communities, in industry, or on the national stage.
- However, bias alone is not the beatING heart of this issue. It is how bias, opinion, and lazy speculation are now too often used as a cudgel. And it is a cudgel that destroys open dialogue and, in some cases, the lives of those it pummels. It is a cudgel that, over and over, wields the full force and power of the government, mass media, and big tech, attemptING to shape and influence almost every avenue of inquiry or discourse.
We are LosING the America the Founders Envisioned
This is not the America the founders envisioned. It is most certainly not the America General Flynn, and his family served for over 30 years. The America Flynn has experienced in recent years looks more like tyranny and oppression. Flynn says it must be vigorously opposed. As Flynn wrote in his personal statement to America:
- "We are a nation founded by leaders who fought tyranny and oppression to ensure that all American citizens be treated fairly and equally across this land. These constitutional and God-given rights should never be denied or disguised behind false prosecution or political persecution out of fear, hate, or an opposING voice. Those who scowl at the very core of our Republic and act from vengeance or revenge against one of us threaten the safety and security of all of us."
Fight Like A Flynn
The Flynn family is well known for its battle cry motto, "Fight like a Flynn." The family wrote a letter on Thursday in response to the threats to revoke the honorary degree.
- The family's letter, shown in full below, is a testament to their courage and their dedication to the principles of American Exceptionalism, qualities many in this country seem to sorely lack. The family correctly states that URI made no attempt to inquire about the veracity of its findINGs, in a "cowardly and corrupt attempt to discredit our brother...endors[ING] the destructive and tyrannical cancel culture, bowING down to the woke mob and repressive forces while revealING itself to lack the intellectual capacity, fortitude or integrity that is required of an American public university in the 21st century,"
-. Flynn tells the story of a young man he met in the gym on Friday who told him he was retired. SeemINGly unaware of the state of the union, the young man told him, "he was goING to take it easy now." He was not surprised to witness his lack of fight. Flynn believes this is the attitude that has put us here in the first place. Where others might settle into early retirement, General Flynn runs into battle as he has always done. His travel schedule and appearances are unrelentING.
- As for those who would attack or try to cancel him, he says he will tirelessly expose and fight every slING and arrow that comes his way. He hopes to awaken more Americans to the value of local activism.
- "These institutions know that I am out there politically, and Rudy is out there politically. We are still fightING for this country.
#15427220 at 2022-01-21 06:43:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19513: Late Night On The Kun Edition
>>15424706 'F***ING Jews...I'm comING home in a body bag': British synagogue terrorist rants in last call
The FBI continues to search for motive.
#15427173 at 2022-01-21 06:29:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19513: Late Night On The Kun Edition
>>15424058 Message from new BO
>>15379066 Invisible bumplocks removed
>>15423221 Catalog expanded from 15 to 25 pages
>>15418247, >>15418341 Globals added for board announcement
>>15366265, >>15366956, >>15376736, >>15419980 Catalog cleanup underway
>>15423443 BAKERS: Triple CHECK #'s after bakING (no editING possible)
>>15423551 Some bans removed, more to come
>>15423725 OSS is banned from bakING; treat his notes like suggestions
>>15425946 Covid test challenge. No sauce. Order your free tests and test anythING not human or animal. Get creative. Record your results and post to social media.
>>15425953 Appeals court says accusers' case against Church of Scientology can proceed
>>15426005 How should schools handle covid 19 protocols -internet poll
>>15426012 anon account people are awakING
>>15426022 The Biden regime wants to talk about Ukraine because it hopes a new war will distract you from the collapse of your own country.
>>15426050 M&M candy goes woke?
>>15426051, >>15426393, >>15426436, >>15426473, >>15426570, >>15426610, >>15426628 Planefag report Unusual activity, 1,016 knots
>>15426096 US appeals court: 2 California counties violated Constitution by down gun shops durING early days of pandemic
>>15426099 >>15426301 Garrison Biden at the wheel, catch and release.
>>15426187 Media targetING political enemies
>>15426234 U.S. drops criminal case against MIT professor over China ties
>>15426311 What could go wrong? New NIH animal disease experiment center in Texas
>>15426518 fear mongerING NY Post new-jersey-mom-of-4-dies-of-covid-without-holdING-newborn-son
>>15426544 "Bizarro World": Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis
>>15426593 Weak sauce BREAKING: US Navy cuts all communication with Families.
>>15426598 Tonga aid
>>15426650 Coms? Rare baby elephant twins born in Kenya.
>>15426666 Danger digits with an interestING message
>>15427012 anon bun
>>15427054 #19512
>>15425150, >>15425154 Veteran MSNBC Anchor Leaves Network - Exposes Major Secret on Way Out
>>15425162, >>15425416, >>15425440, >>15425782, >>15425831, >>15425756, >>15425805, >>15425858, >>15425876 Clockfag Reports
>>15425172 Czech Prime Minister Ends Vaccine Mandates: 'We Do Not Want to Deepen the Rifts in Society'
>>15425173 Biden Authorizes Rush Deliveries Of US Weapons To Ukraine Via Baltic Allies
>>15425180 500 NYC Convictions Dismissed After Detective's Alleged Perjury
>>15425296, >>15425326, >>15425293, >>15425329, >>15425317, >>15425345, >>15425337, >>15425503, >>15425318, >>15425508, >>15425372, >>15425491 twatts down
>>15425218, >>15425328, >>15425455 Call for a digg on CareValidate
>>15425482, >>15425492, >>15425619 Elon Musk's Neuralink could soon implant its brain chip in HUMANS
>>15425500, >>15425671, >>15425728, >>15425836 Yemen is in the midst of a nation-scale Internet blackout followING airstrike on telecom buildING in #Hudaydah
>>15425522 Sunnyvale CA residents complain that the city's 1,000 crows are a nuisance
>>15425523 OANN's Christina Bobb: "211,000+ In The Middle Of The Night 80.2% Were For Biden" - Wisconsin Holds Election Integrity HearING
>>15425544, >>15425547, >>15425552, >>15425559, >>15425563, >>15425567, >>15425577, >>15425580, >>15425600, >>15425648 THE FBI SOUGHT NIH grant docs coverING bat coronavirus research in Wuhan in sprING 2020, accordING to emails obtained by The Intercept
>>15425660 CA's Covid Gun Store Shutdowns Ruled Illegal
>>15425638 Top Schumer Aide Deletes Account After Old Twats Resurface
>>15425599, >>15425821 Barrier goING up around Parliament House in Canada, same as White House
>>15425692 Senior FBI Official Caught AbusING Authority, Lies to Inspector General - Corrupt DOJ Declines to Criminally Prosecute
>>15425788 TakING Action to Expose and Disrupt Russia's Destabilization Campaign in Ukraine Press Statement Antony J. Blinken, Sec of State
>>15425824, >>15425507 this stuff is takING a huge hit. almost like they're gettING their money out for some reason. art space
>>15427151 #19511
>>15424378 Biden Ukr summary on telegram
>>15424407, >>15424434 Palestine murderer confesses
>>15424415 Judge Boasberg ruled against a Trump ally?
>>15424421 Dr. Domenico Biscardi Found Dead in His Home After Announcement About Covid Vaccines
>>15424424 The Jerusalem Post the current state of #antisemitism in #America.
>>15424464 Biden Admin ObstructING Dozens of Congressional Investigations Into Iran Nuclear Talks, Sanctions Relief
>>15424471 President Trump: "President Biden Admitted Yesterday - That the 2020 Election May Very Well Have Been a Fraud"
>>15424547 Year One of the Biden-Harris Administration
>>15424552 Seven Texas Doctors and a Hospital CEO Agree to Pay over $1.1 Million to Settle Kickback Allegations
>>15424568 Baltimore Non-Profit Owner Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges Related to the GamblING of Federal Funds Intended for His Youth Focused Non-Profit and for FilING False Tax Returns
>>15424575 Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested in election reform protest at Capitol
>>15424648 Poroshenko-appointed judge presidING over Poroshenko trial for treason in Kyiv, takes leave, without any notice, after day one of a 3-5 day trial
>>15424685 Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested in election reform protest at Capitol
>>15424659 Pentagon Releases First Footage Of Botched Kabul Airstrike
>>15424701 Spain sends warships to deter Russian aggression
>>15424706 'F***ING Jews...I'm comING home in a body bag': British synagogue terrorist rants in last call
>>15424724 "We have to break through this idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families".WTF
>>15424742 Pelosi on the sauce - House Democrats represent "the greatest collection of intellect, integrity, and imagination" anywhere
>>15424751 The Chinese Communist Party is Still BuyING Up American Land.
>>15424763 The CIA has concluded that no foreign government is likely behind hundreds of "Havana Syndrome" afflictions
>>15424798 Speaker Pelosi sent out N-95 masks to every House office. Unfortunately, I can't read the instructions......in Chinese!!!
>>15424818 A rush-hour fire that shut down a busy section of the Garden State Parkway for hours Wednesday appears to have been deliberately set, possibly by a group of juveniles, state police said Thursday.
>>15424829 On floor of House, Democratic member calls Senators Manchin and Sinema 'white nationalists.'
>>15424836 Welcome 2 1yr of Pres Biden's America: 40 yr high inflation + crisis at S border + botched Afghanistan w/drawal+ COVID +supply chain issues + labor shortages + high gas prices + crime is UP +FBI monitorING school board mtgs etc
>>15424852 space force twat
>>15424879 David Chipman, who President Joe Biden unsuccessfully nominated to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), tried to score $44,000 from the federal government for relocation expenses connected to a home he wasn't livING at,
>>15424892 This DA Isidro Alanizis probably dirty as a pigsty, and FBI Cuellar's influence
>>15424913 The Federal Reserve might talk about a digital currency, but Trump's EO on the Treasury to create a Digital Dollar is the end of Rothschild. With this decentralization, all that paper is isn't even good enough to wipe with.
>>15424928 NYC hospitals overrun with bodies durING COVID death surge, staffING shortages
>>15424948 WATCH: Biden Fed nominee Lisa Cook's thoughts on uneducated "NASCAR folks."
>>15424979 Reporter Who Joe Biden Yelled at Does Not Go Quietly Into the Night
>>15424989 Who's "CleanING" Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States
>>15425009 Ghislaine Maxwell used me as bait to lure girls, says UK socialite Victoria HerveymisdirectING cunt
>>15425027 JUST IN - Up to 60 PER CENT of all Covid "patients" in #London's hospitals are not primarily beING treated for the virus.
>>15425051 Red Cross data on half million of world's most vulnerable hacked
>>15425069 DeSantis administration puts Florida health director on leave for encouragING vaccinations for his staff
>>15425073 President Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a Motion to Intervene in President Donald J. Trump's class action lawsuit against Facebook, supportING the Constitutionality of Section 230.
>>15425105 Has the Federal Reserve decided to create a CBDC? The Federal Reserve issued discussion paper as first step in fosterING broad, transparent public dialogue on CBDCs, potential benefits/risks of U.S. CBDC.
>>15426926 #16510
>>15423432 Check out this Clinton scab sayING Tucker Carlson should be charged with treason lol
>>15423455 #NORAD synchronized multi-region aircraft operations from four locations in Canada and the US today
>>15423498 U.S. Federal Reserve opens debate over possible "digital dollar," a central bank digital currency Rothschilds goING mental
>>15423515 US Navy CuttING crew
>>15423527 , >>15423530 Clear your mind. Heal. Q
>>15423559 , >>15423582 US Navy tweet You're so vain. You probably think this post is about you. You're so vain.
>>15423568 , >>15423577 1930s Germany: "Health Pass"
>>15423569 Vanuatu bars Daily Post newspaper chief critical of Chinese influence
>>15423572 , >>15423581 Gunman storms San Francisco airport - police officers shot as security breached by false flag
>>15423576 Papi - BOOOM!!! Mi Garlan Favorito knows!!!!
>>15423588 Our Almighty God, our Heavenly Eternal Father, we pray that you would open our hearts to the light of truth
>>15423612 People at Mar-a-Lago experiencING 'Havana Syndrome' symptoms
>>15423613 DOJ drops wire fraud charges against chines MIT Professor
>>15423618 GMax husband dumps GMax.
>>15423648 SFO False Flag over
>>15423623 Tap Water tests positive for Covid
>>15423689 NPR Journalist Nina Totenberg gets barium meal, is outraged by beING tricked.
>>15423695 Potato Meets with the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
>>15423698 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. James Ray Epps Sr.
>>15423722 Corrupt Fulton County DA Ignores Election Fraud, Instead Calls for Grand Jury to Investigate President Trump
>>15423723 More attacks on Q Research by Politico
>>15423724 Hunter Biden, former Biden aide invested in Chinese company tied to Communist Party, NBA China
>>15423726 Q+ on OANN
>>15423773 PF Report
>>15423802 Allegiance to the real POTUS (Q+) confirmed, enjoy your special place soros
>>15423816 Potato: Fox News Is OK, But Its Competitors 'Are HeadING South' In 4-5 Years
>>15423817 Next week is the one-year anniversary of @AOC accusING Ted Cruz of "almost havING me murdered" and "tryING to get me killed."
>>15423819 Controversial Rocky Mount [North Carolina, USA] city manager on administrative leave, announces retirement
>>15423851 Ashli Babbitt was buried as sea. (wink wink)
>>15423856 , >>15423916 Cocaine Mitch says Black people vote just as much as 'Americans'
>>15423863 Did China pay Boston off in bribes?
>>15423877 Critics slam Biden for 'suckING the blood out of kids' comment after town hall
>>15423890 Potato live
>>15423894 , >>15424007 January 20,2021 + 365 days = Jan 20, 2022
>>15423898 In Georgia, a New District Attorney Starts CirclING Trump and His Allies
>>15423901 On January 20, Russian President had a telephone conversation with President of Venezuela @NicolasMaduro
>>15423960 France's vaccine passport will come into force on Monday, announces Prime Minister Jean Castex
>>15423967 Austria's National Council passes mandatory vaccination law
>>15423984 Blue Cross CEO Andrew Dreyfus to step down (resignation anon has been keepING up with massive resignations)
>>15423993 The Supreme Court, over dissents from the three liberal justices, rejects a request from Texas abortion clinics to rehash abortion decision
>>15424042 Madeleine McCann mystery 'blown open as investigators find shockING' new evidence
>>15424066 Leftist stooges cry in UK over liftING of all mask and vaccine restrictions
>>15424071, >>15424193, >>15424188 , >>15424247 US Navy Comms about Soros?
>>15423926 Today (1.19) Orthodox Christians celebrate Baptism! This day commemorates the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan
>>15424135 Congressman Paul Gosar - No immigration. No forced vaccinations. Mass deportations. America First
>>15424136 CMz - Dan Crenshaw was a navy seal who wanted to take your guns away. Do not be fooled by the RINOs.
>>15424140 Anti Defamation League (racist splinter left wING org) Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider "America First" in Foreign Policy Approach
>>15424154 Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Against Trump Spox Taylor Budowich After Jan. 6 Committee Obtains His Financial Records From JP Morgan
>>15424195 Pool report: leavING the auditorium, a reporter shouted to Potato: "Why are you waitING on Putin to make the first move, sir?"
>>15424250 Song Dedicated to Donald Trump - 'My Way'- by Sinatra
>>15424261 The new Australian 2 tier Society shaped by the Covid False Flag
>>15424271 DOD Law of War manual (link)
>>15424282 #19509
Previously Collected
>>15421850 #19506, >>15422657 #19507, >>15423366 #19508
>>15419518 #19503, >>15420304 #19504, >>15421120 #19505
>>15417145 #19500, >>15418018 #19501, >>15418780 #19502
>>15415612 #19498, >>15415607 #19498, >>15416419 #19499
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!
#15426955 at 2022-01-21 05:28:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19513: Late Night On The Kun Edition
>>15424706 'F***ING Jews...I'm comING home in a body bag': British synagogue terrorist rants in last call
sounds like yer average muhjooshill
#15426926 at 2022-01-21 05:22:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19513: Late Night On The Kun Edition
hi baker
Research General #19510: Papi's Fiesta Thursday Celebration Edition
Notes #19510
>>15424378 Biden Ukr summary on telegram
>>15424407, >>15424434 Palestine murderer confesses
>>15424415 Judge Boasberg ruled against a Trump ally?
>>15424421 Dr. Domenico Biscardi Found Dead in His Home After Announcement About Covid Vaccines
>>15424424 The Jerusalem Post the current state of #antisemitism in #America.
>>15424464 Biden Admin ObstructING Dozens of Congressional Investigations Into Iran Nuclear Talks, Sanctions Relief
>>15424471 President Trump: "President Biden Admitted Yesterday - That the 2020 Election May Very Well Have Been a Fraud"
>>15424547 Year One of the Biden-Harris Administration
>>15424552 Seven Texas Doctors and a Hospital CEO Agree to Pay over $1.1 Million to Settle Kickback Allegations
>>15424568 Baltimore Non-Profit Owner Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges Related to the GamblING of Federal Funds Intended for His Youth Focused Non-Profit and for FilING False Tax Returns
>>15424575 Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested in election reform protest at Capitol
>>15424648 Poroshenko-appointed judge presidING over Poroshenko trial for treason in Kyiv, takes leave, without any notice, after day one of a 3-5 day trial
>>15424685 Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested in election reform protest at Capitol
>>15424659 Pentagon Releases First Footage Of Botched Kabul Airstrike
>>15424701 Spain sends warships to deter Russian aggression
>>15424706 'F***ING Jews...I'm comING home in a body bag': British synagogue terrorist rants in last call
>>15424724 "We have to break through this idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families".WTF
>>15424742 Pelosi on the sauce - House Democrats represent "the greatest collection of intellect, integrity, and imagination" anywhere
>>15424751 The Chinese Communist Party is Still BuyING Up American Land.
>>15424763 The CIA has concluded that no foreign government is likely behind hundreds of "Havana Syndrome" afflictions
>>15424798 Speaker Pelosi sent out N-95 masks to every House office. Unfortunately, I can't read the instructions……in Chinese!!!
>>15424818 A rush-hour fire that shut down a busy section of the Garden State Parkway for hours Wednesday appears to have been deliberately set, possibly by a group of juveniles, state police said Thursday.
>>15424829 On floor of House, Democratic member calls Senators Manchin and Sinema 'white nationalists.'
>>15424836 Welcome 2 1yr of Pres Biden's America: 40 yr high inflation + crisis at S border + botched Afghanistan w/drawal+ COVID +supply chain issues + labor shortages + high gas prices + crime is UP +FBI monitorING school board mtgs etc
>>15424852 space force twat
>>15424879 David Chipman, who President Joe Biden unsuccessfully nominated to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), tried to score $44,000 from the federal government for relocation expenses connected to a home he wasn't livING at,
>>15424892 This DA Isidro Alanizis probably dirty as a pigsty, and FBI Cuellar's influence
>>15424913 The Federal Reserve might talk about a digital currency, but Trump's EO on the Treasury to create a Digital Dollar is the end of Rothschild. With this decentralization, all that paper is isn't even good enough to wipe with.
>>15424928 NYC hospitals overrun with bodies durING COVID death surge, staffING shortages
>>15424948 WATCH: Biden Fed nominee Lisa Cook's thoughts on uneducated "NASCAR folks."
>>15424979 Reporter Who Joe Biden Yelled at Does Not Go Quietly Into the Night
>>15424989 Who's "CleanING" Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States
>>15425009 Ghislaine Maxwell used me as bait to lure girls, says UK socialite Victoria HerveymisdirectING cunt
>>15425027 JUST IN - Up to 60 PER CENT of all Covid "patients" in #London's hospitals are not primarily beING treated for the virus.
>>15425051 Red Cross data on half million of world's most vulnerable hacked
>>15425069 DeSantis administration puts Florida health director on leave for encouragING vaccinations for his staff
>>15425073 President Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a Motion to Intervene in President Donald J. Trump's class action lawsuit against Facebook, supportING the Constitutionality of Section 230.
>>15425105 Has the Federal Reserve decided to create a CBDC? The Federal Reserve issued discussion paper as first step in fosterING broad, transparent public dialogue on CBDCs, potential benefits/risks of U.S. CBDC.
#15424714 at 2022-01-20 23:47:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19510: Papi's Fiesta Thursday Celebration Edition
>'F***ING Jews...I'm comING home in a body bag': British synagogue terrorist rants in last call
#15424706 at 2022-01-20 23:46:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19510: Papi's Fiesta Thursday Celebration Edition
'F***ING Jews…I'm comING home in a body bag': British synagogue terrorist rants in last call
#15422589 at 2022-01-20 17:52:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19507: The Dough must Roll Edition
Malik Faisal Akram, 44, who held four people hostage at Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas told his brother Gulbar, 43, in his final phone call to his family "we're comING to f*ING America" for a "f*ING war", The Jewish Chronicle reports of audio recordINGs they claim to have acquired from a law-enforcement source.
Who's "We"? So he came over with others. Planned with others. I bet from across the Mexican border they are pilING up to cross into here. Or already have(probably already have)
#15420275 at 2022-01-20 07:03:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19504: James Comey was the FBI director during the Haiti Crisis Edition
accoun?ING ?rick
#15415085 at 2022-01-19 18:39:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
Gretchen Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
After preachING 'transparency,' Dem gov partners with dark money nonprofit to raise millions
Michigan Democrat Gretchen Whitmer's first gubernatorial campaign included a pledge to make the state's government "more transparent" and remove "unlimited" spendING from politics. Four years later, her reelection bid is relyING on a dark money group that raised $6.5 million from undisclosed donors with no contribution limits.
Road to Michigan's Future, a nonprofit group that works in concert with Whitmer's campaign and does not disclose its donors, raised $6.5 million in dark money in 2020 to support the Democrat, tax filINGs obtained by the Detroit News show. Two unnamed contributors combined to give the group more than $1.2 million, while 23 anonymous donors gave at least $100,000. The nonprofit is closely tied to Whitmer-one of its staffers, Heather Ricketts, also serves as the Democrat's campaign treasurer, and Whitmer herself has helped the group raise money, both Road to Michigan's Future and Whitmer's campaign confirmed Monday.
Whitmer's partnership with the nonprofit sharply contradicts the campaign rhetoric that helped send the Democrat to the governor's mansion in the first place. DurING her 2018 campaign, Whitmer released her "Michigan Sunshine Plan," which she said would "earn back public confidence" by "mak[ING] state government more open, transparent, and accountable." Included in the plan was a pledge to reverse legislation that allows certain political groups to "raise and spend unlimited amounts of money."
"I believe more money in politics is not the answer," Whitmer's plan stated.
Years later, the Democrat has not only failed to deliver on that promise, she's resorted to workING directly with the same type of political group she derided in the past. The move has allowed Whitmer to massively expand the political funds at her disposal-Whitmer's campaign committee raised $2.7 million less than Road to Michigan's Future in 2020, state financial disclosures show.
Whitmer's campaign did not return a request for comment.
The nonprofit group went to work to support Whitmer immediately after it launched in January 2020, spendING $1.4 million on ads that touted the Democrat's $3.5 billion bond plan to improve Michigan's highways. Road to Michigan's Future also gave $800,000 to a Michigan Democratic Party-linked fund and another $750,000 to Keep Michigan Safe, a group that opposed a petition effort aimed at curtailING Whitmer's emergency pandemic powers.
In addition to Whitmer's failure to rid Michigan of "unlimited amounts of money" in politics, the Democrat also backpedaled on a number of pro-transparency moves she could have implemented unilaterally. The Democrat declined, for example, to fulfill a 2018 campaign promise to voluntarily open her office to the Freedom of Information Act, which allows citizens to obtain government information and documents at their request. An April 2021 executive office memo shows that Whitmer requires other departments in her administration to notify her of "any FOIA response that could generate a media story now or in the future."
"If the legislature won't act, I will use the governor's authority under the Michigan state Constitution to extend FOIA to the lieutenant governor and governor's offices," Whitmer said in 2018. "Michiganders should know when and what their governor is workING on."
This is not the only time Whitmer has worked to receive unlimited political contributions to boost her reelection chances. DurING a seven-month period last year, the Democrat used a campaign finance loophole to raise millions of dollars from out-of-state donors who gave more than Michigan's $7,150 candidate contribution limit. Just weeks later, Whitmer railed against "out-of-state interests" for "pourING millions of dollars into Michigan to try and flip the governorship" in a campaign email.
AccordING to a recent Detroit News poll, just 40 percent of Michiganders would vote to reelect Whitmer, who is seekING a second term as governor in November. At least 12 Republicans have joined the crowded primary field to challenge the incumbent, includING former Detroit Police chief James Craig, businessman Kevin Rinke, and Michigan State Police captain Michael Brown.
#15413162 at 2022-01-19 13:52:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19494: Comfee nightly Edition
The world has gone mad (mutually assured destruction).
We are about to enter the mother of all shitstorms and everythING as you know it is hangING in the balance about to go to shit.
The USA is lead by a dementia patient who literally shits his pants at the Vatican.
Russia is lead by a leader named Putin… ie Pootin… shittING on everyone and murderING anyone who disobeys him.
China is lead by a fat squashed nose man who looks like Winnie the Pooh… and he is pooh-ING everyone in a mass concentration style lockdown and threatenING invasion of Taiwan.
World leadership of the three largest nuclear powers isshart, poot and pooh
God help us !
#15412619 at 2022-01-19 10:10:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19494: Comfee nightly Edition
>shoot the exact amount of bullets in each room in the exact rhythm.
One doesn't so much "shoot bullets" as "fire rounds". Anyhoo, did you go to the trouble of slo-mo-ING it and gettING an exact flash count for each window, as well as confirmING that it is the exact same pattern each time?
#15406346 at 2022-01-18 17:56:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19487: HELL NO!, RINOS GOT TO GO!!! Starting With McConnell Edition
God how many f-ING coincidences?
#15400761 at 2022-01-17 23:48:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19480: OSS is Fake Q, Thank You For Deleting His Bread of Lies Edition
Time[ING] is everythING.
#15380278 at 2022-01-15 10:00:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19454: Friday Night Shift Ebake Edition
>>>15376117 PB
>About f***ING time, Devil Dogs!
>(*** - Censored to keep the Sabbath Holy.)
still, less than one out off over 1600 is like lottery odds.
#15379776 at 2022-01-15 06:48:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19454: Friday Night Shift Ebake Edition
>>15376117 PB
About f***ING time, Devil Dogs!
(*** - Censored to keep the Sabbath Holy.)
#15375223 at 2022-01-14 20:44:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19448: Are You Tired Of Winning? Edition
resolve... weaken..ING...
i guess masks are ok sometimes.
#15374934 at 2022-01-14 20:05:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19448: Are You Tired Of Winning? Edition
Senate Democrats Use the Jim Crow Filibuster to Protect the Kremlin
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has 55 Senators in support of his bill to sanction a Russian pipeline company. Why are the pro-democracy Democrats blockING its enactment?
SpeakING at the funeral of Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) in May, 2020, former President Barack Obama called for the elimination of the Senate filibuster, which he maligned as "another Jim Crow relic." DurING his four years in the Senate, Obama himself used that Jim Crow relic on two dozen occasions to block the Republican majority from brINGING various bills to a floor vote.
In 2005, Obama's second year in the Senate, Republicans - furious that Senate Democrats were usING the filibuster to block President Bush's judicial appointments - proposed the "nuclear option" to eliminate the 60-vote requirement for judicial appointments. In response, the junior Senator from Illinois took to the floor of the Senate and delivered one of his trademarked impassioned speeches in defense of this Jim Crow relic, railING against the unfairness of "one party, be it Republican or Democrat ... chang[ING] the rules in the middle of the game so they can make all the decisions while the other party is told to sit down and keep quiet." He also heralded the importance of the 6o-vote requirement in the Senate for protectING the rights of the minority party: "If the right of free and open debate is taken away from the minority party and the millions of Americans who ask us to be their voice, I fear the partisan atmosphere in WashINGton will be poisoned to the point where no one will be able to agree on anythING."
Filibuster hypocrisy of this sort is the norm in WashINGton. In 2017, when Senate Democrats were in the minority under President Trump, 32 of them signed a letter urgING that the filibuster be maintained on the ground that it is necessary to safeguard "the existING rights and prerogatives of Senators to engage in full, robust, and extended debate as we consider legislation before this body in the future." Fast forward four years, when the Democrats have a 50-50 majority in the Senate with the tie-breakING vote of the Vice President, and now that very same filibuster has been transformed by them from a sacred guardian of minoritarian rights into the tell-tale sign of white nationalism and fascist contempt for democratic values.
#15371666 at 2022-01-14 06:05:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19443: Year the “Great Realignment” Became a Death Spiral for Democrats Edition
Such an accurate depiction of demons woe-ING in a fellow mortal
#15370663 at 2022-01-14 03:47:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19442: A taste of Southern lied in Georgia y’all CNN down by 90% Edition
carry on
tidy the ship
anons will keep anon-ING
#15361990 at 2022-01-13 03:35:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19431: Oh; So, You Wanted to Commit 18 USC Ch. 115 Eh? Edition
Bill Clin?ton set the stage for his wife's 2024 can?di?dacy, re?fer?rING to her as "the most qual?i?fied per?son to run for of?fice in my life?time, in?clud?ING me." Not elect?ING her in 2016 was "one of the most pro?found mis?takes we ever made."
#15354292 at 2022-01-12 01:20:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
Who is like on to anons.
Just came in and got caught up on the last two breads and wow. Absolutely epic anon-ING, punch after slam and knock-outs. Autists prayING in wins. Un believable. Jesus keeps us and ours safe from their evil plots, we pray.
#15352613 at 2022-01-11 21:09:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19419: Release All The Gain of Fauci Filed Edition
'LyING a***hole': Leaked video shows Seven stars trashING Novak Djokovic
Two high-profile Channel 7 newsreaders have been caught in a leaked off-air video trashING Novak Djokovic and his visa mess.
Channel 7 newsreaders Mike Amor and Rebecca Maddern have been caught out slammING Novak Djokovic in an off-air studio exchange that was leaked online.
Footage of the Melbourne-based Seven presenters talkING about the tennis star's fight to enter the country and compete in the Australian Open shows them blastING the world No. 1 as an "a***hole" and accusING him of fakING his border entry forms.
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"Whatever way you look at it, Novak Djokovic is a lyING, sneaky, a***hole," Maddern told her co-host. "It's unfortunate that everybody else stuffed up around him.
"To go out when you know you're Covid-positive - well, I don't think he was even Covid-positive ..."
Amor also called Djokovic an "a*hole" and added: "You've got a bullst f*ING excuse and then he fell over his own f*ING lies, which is what happens right? That's what's happened."
Maddern questioned whether Djokovic had lied about his recent travel movements on his Australian Travel Declaration form as Amor said "I think he's goING to get away with it".
"I think most fair-minded people would say, 'The bloke's an a*hole'. Did they do the right thING by him? I don't know. They f*ed it up. That's the problem, isn't it," he added.
Maddern said she didn't think "anythING was gained from puttING him in immigration hotels".
"The fact is life is never fair. Some people fly first class ... it's never fair," she added.
Maddern joined Seven from Channel 9 recently to partner Amor as a newsreader - this is her second week on air - and said returnING to the network she started her career at was a dream.
"I walked into Channel 7 as a 24-year-old cadet and now I return to read the weekend news so it is a really lovely feelING," she said recently.
"It is a job of a lifetime; these opportunities don't come up very often.
"You only have to look at the main anchors and how long they have been in those roles, so it is not lost on me how lucky I am."
Maddern quit Channel 9 late last year after holdING a number of high-profile roles on The Footy Show, Ninja Warrior and Weekend Today. She also anchored parts of the broadcaster's Australian Open tennis coverage.
Yes yes keep the distraction goING
#15351846 at 2022-01-11 19:21:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19418: Ebake Fauci You need to Resign Edition
Did Fauci Interfere In The Election? Special Counsel Says It's A 'Close Call'
The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) exonerated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci earlier this month in a "close call" case of a Hatch Act violation.
In June, the government transparency non-profit Protect the Public's Trust filed a complaint against Fauci over an October 2020 interview with the WashINGton Post. Published days before the election, the White House medical adviser branded then-candidate Joe Biden as takING the novel Wuhan coronavirus more seriously.
In the article, headlined "A whole lot of hurt: Fauci warns of COVID-19 surge, offers blunt assessment of Trump's response," Fauci told the Post, "you could not possibly be positioned more poorly" to confront the pandemic and emphasized the United States needed an "abrupt change."
When asked about the differences between the two major presidential candidates on their pandemic plans, Fauci said Biden "is takING it seriously from a public health perspective," but that incumbent President Donald Trump was "lookING at it from a different perspective."
"Right now, the public health aspect of the task force has diminished greatly," Fauci told the Post with Trump still in office.
The Hatch Act, passed in 1939, explicitly bars a federal employee from "us[ING] his official authority or influence for the purpose of interferING with or affectING the result of an election." Fauci, the complaint said, "exceeded the mere exchange of opinions and in fact, participated in impermissible political activity."
"Despite personally categorizING similar statements as 'political' just days before," the group filING the complaint wrote, "Dr. Fauci nevertheless offered his evaluation of the Biden campaign's approach to the COVID-19 pandemic relative to the approach taken by President Trump and connected differences in the nation's likely health outcomes to the different approaches."
In a letter dated Jan. 3, the Office of Special Counsel issued its rulING on the group's complaint.
"OSC generally advises employees that it is best not to discuss candidates for partisan political office when speakING in their official capacity," Deputy Chief of the Hatch Act Unit Erica Hamrick wrote. But, she added, public testimony "must still show that the employee engaged in political activity to establish a Hatch Act violation."
"Here, while a close call, Dr. Fauci's comments, without more, do not appear to be directed at the electoral success or failure of either candidate," Hamrick ruled. "The timING of the interview coincided with the upcomING winter season and Dr. Fauci's assessment of the virus's impact leadING into that season."
The WashINGton Post, Hamrick concluded, "may have written it from a particular perspective and tried to use Dr. Fauci's words to make a political point," but wrote "OSC cannot impute the author's intent."
Michael Chamberlain, the director of Protect the Public's Trust, said the group "respect[s] OSC's determination."
"Unfortunately, as the Office of Special Counsel noted, Dr. Fauci disregarded its best practices around the Hatch Act and enabled his official position to be used 'to make a political point' even if his motives were unclear," Chamberlain said in a press release.
Since the pandemic's inception, Fauci, the highest-paid employee across the federal government, has leveraged his White House role as a "political animal" to undercut the Trump administration and forge a media-manufactured consensus to prolong lockdowns.
In December, new emails surfaced that exposed Fauci colludING with National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins to discredit alternate approaches to approach the pandemic to lockdowns.
#15348828 at 2022-01-11 10:11:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19414: Project Veritas Exposes FAUCI: Military Gain Of Function BOOM Edition
sometimes with difficulty: DARPA dependant-ING
#15348437 at 2022-01-11 06:54:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19414: Project Veritas Exposes FAUCI: Military Gain Of Function BOOM Edition
i'll do the clean(ING) AND cookING:
eye-ball-mana soup?
#15348434 at 2022-01-11 06:52:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19414: Project Veritas Exposes FAUCI: Military Gain Of Function BOOM Edition
>evil jews
Q: How many Children have-are beING murdered in Israel?
Q2: What's the difference between murder and kill(ING)? (use the Hebrew' Torah)
#15347036 at 2022-01-11 02:05:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19412: Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote Editi
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gatherING_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent 'self-embarrassment'
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'money shot' [shootING of 'peaceful protestor'][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ING) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to 'close proximity' _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pendING investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness "I do not feel comfortable and/or safe travelING due to COVID-19 health concerns."
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they tryING to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
#15346932 at 2022-01-11 01:48:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19412: Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote Editi
Liz Cheney's Foul-Mouthed Jan 6th Tirade Resurfaces, HumiliatING the Embattled RINO Yet Again
Cheney's remarks to Jordan initially surfaced in Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker's book "I Alone Can Fix It," one of numerous tell-alls about the Trump administration. This one focused on Trump's final year - and, naturally, the events of Jan. 6, includING Cheney tellING Jordan "you f***ING did this" as lawmakers were beING led away from the Capitol.
Cheney had, accordING to the book, relayed the remarks to Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, durING a phone call: "That f***ING guy Jim Jordan. That son of a bitch," she reportedly told Milley.
"While these maniacs are goING through the place, I'm standING in the aisle and he said, 'We need to get the ladies away from the aisle. Let me help you.' I smacked his hand away and told him, 'Get away from me. You f***ING did this.' "
The New York Times' Michael Barbaro, interviewING Cheney for the Times' "The Daily" podcast, asked if the story was true. She responded that it was.
"I was in the aisle, on the aisle and he [Jordan] came over to me, you know, and basically said, 'we need to get the ladies away from the aisle.' And, you know, I had watched for the months since the election what was goING on and the lies that have been told to people," Cheney said.
"And, you know, it was both that I, you know, certainly didn't need his help, and secondly, I thought clearly that the lie that they had been spreadING and tellING people had absolutely contributed to what we were livING through at that moment."
Normal people don't react this way to someone offerING help. Jordan was beING a gentleman. Cheney went off on him for it…just like a flamING liberal woman would.
#15346852 at 2022-01-11 01:37:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19412: Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote Editi
#15337492 at 2022-01-09 15:26:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19400: Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred Bread Ebake Edition
<Yep, hotels were bought to house homeless with Covid
<>Old news and not internment camps
Right. It's just for the Homeless. got it
an inorganic shill attack on anons investigatING whether a bill to be debated in WashINGton state could result in Covid Concentration camps. Same shit happened with the New York state bill digs
Australia Begins COVID Quarantine Camps, Total 24-Hour Lockdowns for Positives and Contact Traces
By Neil Campbell ? November 23, 2021
Australia's Northern Territory state has initiated the usage of quarantine camps for people who test positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in addition to total lockdowns where residents are not permitted to leave for food.
The announcement was made by Chief Minister Michael Gunner on Nov. 20 on Facebook where the politician said a "testING blitz" of 3,005 PCR tests in the state resulted in nine positives between the ages of 17 and 78 in the community of Binjari, which has a population of 274 people accordING to Google.
The eldest was symptomatic and transferred to hospital, while the others were sent to the Centre for National Resilience for "monitorING and care."
The Centre is the new name for the Howard SprINGs Quarantine Facility, accordING to the website for developer AECOM. Originally designed as a minING camp, it began "hous[ING] Australians repatriated from overseas" as the Northern Territory's de facto 14-day quarantine hotel.
A Jan. 14 piece promotING Howard SprINGs published on YouTube by the Australian BroadcastING Corporation appears to show the site is less ofa "comfortable respite from daily construction work" and a "place to call home" as AECON describes,but instead a series of trailers.
ReportING shows that food is made in a centralized kitchen and then carted to each trailer, indicatING that those held at the facility are not free to move about.
A November of 2020 promotional video by a small YouTube channel chroniclING a stay at the facility revealed that the hosts, a husband and wife team, were kept in separate rooms. The channel said they were free to spend time on their balcony, go into each others' rooms, and could even visit others in neighborING trailers.
#15336851 at 2022-01-09 10:54:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19399: Everything and the Kitchen Sink Edition
??ll?illy is a ??ING…