8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (6,377)
#20782469 at 2024-04-26 18:38:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25489: Happy Birthday Elegant Melania Edition
#20770962 at 2024-04-24 16:45:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25476: Thrills, Spills, n Woke Shills Edition
Biden Admin Wants To Send American Tax
Dollars To Train Army Of Transgender Activists
In India
Daily Caller, by Robert Schmad
Posted By: JoElla Bee, 4/24/2024 11:57:42 AM
The Biden administration wants to train at least 200 activists to advocate for transgender rights in India as part of a program ostensibly designed to advance America's "national interests," accordING to a federal grant postING. President Joe Biden's State Department plans to "train at least 200 LGBTQI+ community leaders ... with preference given to trans and intersex community leaders" by "deliver[ING] specialized legal education and support" which will, in turn, empower "them to advocate for their rights and access the services they need," accordING to a grant announcement published on April 8.
#20759818 at 2024-04-22 11:37:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25463: Well, GM to (You) Too Edition
Not all involve the charge of "obstruct[ING]" a "proceedING," but the trend is clear. In this administration, riots and obstructive protests that support leftist causes or narratives are met with leniency, while demonstrations by conservatives, even non-invasive ones, are penalized severely.
#20756061 at 2024-04-21 13:46:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25458: Morning Shift Covfefe Edition
adobo-ING anythING takes time if you want it to taste right.
post a pic of the meal eh!
#20745561 at 2024-04-19 03:05:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25445: "Patriots Are Now In Control" Edition
>Return Of Principal
this is not goING to change demand for NVDA chips though
And the money printer will keep brr-ING, even more so
I think the "flight to safety" is anachronistic here.
But we'll see
#20742553 at 2024-04-18 15:51:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25441: Enemy Exposed Edition
On a June 2021 episode of theStew Peters Show, he argued that the COVID-19 vaccine contained luciferase, which he believed was a cryptocurrency technology associated with the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation 13:16-18.[14] This conspiracy theory, accordING to Clark, included Bill Gates (under the influence of performance artist and alleged Satanist Marina Abramovi?), and Jeffrey Epstein. Clark accused Gates and Epstein of attemptING to create a new race of humans by combinING luciferase and Epstein's DNA into the COVID-19 vaccine.[14][15]
Stew Peters Show
Stewart Peters[1] (born April 1, 1980) is an American alt-right internet personality,[2] white nationalist,[3] political commentator, Holocaust denier,[4] and conspiracy theorist. He is known for promotING COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories,[10] as well as anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, and white supremacist beliefs.[3]
HavING previously been a rapper and bounty hunter,[11][12] Peters launched the Stew Peters Show in 2020, which airs on weekdays
Peters has called for the execution of Hunter Biden, Dr Anthony Fauci, Catholic Charities workers, Taylor Swift, and Travis Kelce for reasons rangING from Kelce promotING COVID-19 vaccines and the Catholic Charities workers aidING migrants to Biden beING a "presidential failson" and Swift promotING "witchcraft".[27][28][29] AccordING to Peters' executive producer Lauren Witzke, "It's not a Stew Peters rally unless we're callING for executions."[30]
Peters has promoted many white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracy theories and talkING points.[31] He has referred to Judaism as a "death cult built on the blood of murdered babies".[21] He claimed that the Titan submersible implosion was intentionally caused by the Federal Reserve to prevent investigations into the Titanic, and agreed with a guest who blamed the Rothschild family and claimed they control the Federal Reserve.[32] He has repeatedly promoted the white genocide and Great Replacement conspiracy theories.[21] He has falsely claimed that Black people are genetically prone to committING crime,[21] and has referred to Somali refugees in Minnesota as "double-digit IQ savages" who are "conquerING" the state by "replacING" its flag, referencING perceived similarities to the flag of Jubaland.[33] Peters has hosted noted white supremacists and antisemites such as Nick Fuentes, Peter Brimelow, Cynthia McKinney, and Steven Anderson on his show.[21]
FollowING the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, Peters increasINGly promoted antisemitic rhetoric on his show,[4] includING Holocaust denial. That month, he also published a series of tweets insultING Martin Luther KING Jr., includING a claim that he "stud[ied] Jewish Bolshevism", a common antisemitic conspiracy theory,[34] and baselessly claimed that the New York City synagogue tunnel incident was a coverup for child sex traffickING.[35][36]
in early 2022, Clay Clark began incorporatING conspiracy theories about the "Great Reset" into the tour.[35][2]
At the March event in San Diego, Michael Flynn said, "We need you to charge the machine gun nest.... Maybe I'm just askING you to dig a little bit deeper there or hold this side of the line, or form up cause we're gonna counterattack over here, and that counterattack is, we're gonna go after school boards." This language led some commentators to charge Flynn with incitING violence against educators for allegedly teachING critical race theory.[36]
One of the themes speakers focused on in 2022 events was the alleged connection between supernatural activity and U.S. politics. At the March event in San Diego, for example, one speaker warned, "Do not be surprised if the Angel of Death shows up in WashINGton."[37][38] At the May event in Myrtle Beach, Mark Burns told the audience, "You wanna get rid of Lindsey Graham? Then get rid of the demonic territory that's over the land." Roger Stone stated that "there is a Satanic portal above the White House" that first appeared after Joe Biden became president. Stone claimed that the portal "must be closed. And it will be closed by prayer."[39]
In July 2022, the Main Street Armory in Rochester, New York cancelled the ReAwaken America event scheduled there for dates in August, citING "the outpour[ING] of concern from our community." Prior to its cancellation, the bands Japanese Breakfast and Joywave had cancelled events at the Main Street Armory citING the scheduled ReAwaken America events.[40]
#20738990 at 2024-04-17 20:22:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25437: The IMF Can Go to Hell Edition
GAG: ABC's Bruce Giddily Cheers Biden
BeING Able to Campaign as Trump's on Trial
Newsbusters, by Curtis Houck
Posted By: Imright, 4/17/2024 4:17:22 PM
ABC's Good MornING America and its chief White House correspondent/chief Biden apple polisher Mary Bruce were emanatING warm fuzzies and weak knees on Wednesday over their allies in the New York legal system interferING in the 2024 presidential election, preventING former President Trump from campaignING five days a week and allowING their candidate - President Joe Biden - to have the country to himself. Co-host Michael Strahan had a tease givING Team Biden what they want by boastING of Trump on day two of jury selection "test[ING] the patience of the judge while President Biden hits the campaign trails in a battleground state."
#20732618 at 2024-04-16 14:51:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25429: "Denmark Dragon Spire SMOKE Event" Edition
>>207326103/3Meanwhile,Congress has retired from the field altogether. Rather than do the hard work of legislatINGto take on major issues of national importance-some per?ceived as emergencies-Congress lets the agencies deal with the issues under the vague phrasING of decades-old statutes that weren't enacted to address those issues.In recent years, the situation has become intolerable.For example,the EPA has assumed power under the Clean Air Act, a law passed in the 1970s, to regulate carbon dioxide emis?sions, even though these efforts by the agency don't fit sensibly within the statutory frame?work. Through itscarbon rules, EPA is forcING revolu?tionary transformationsin the automotive and power indus?tries-some?thINGCon?gress didn't vote to approve.AnddurING the coronavirus pandemic, theOccupational Safety and Health Admin?istration, not Congress, tried to impose a vaccine mandateon private industries usING workplace safety laws that previously weren't applied that way.In response tosuch out-of-control administrative actions, the Supreme Court developed the so-called Major Questions Doctrine, which assumes, absent a clear and specific grant of authority to an agency, that Con?gress reserves for itself the power to decide whether to impose new regulatory requirements that carry major eco?nomic or poli?tical con?se?quences for the nation.Application of thisdoctrine is still under develop?ment in the high court, but it promises to be one effective way to rein in certain types of agency overreach.In most cases, though, there's aneasier solution-the good old-fashioned canons of statu?tory inter?pre?ta?tion, applied by independent and impartial courts. TheSupreme Court must issue a revised set of instruc?tions to the lower courts, replacING Chevron with a reaffirmation of the role of the judi?ciary as the final arbiter of all questions of statu?tory interpretation in the review of agency actions.NothING prevents the Supreme Court from makING this correction in the two cases currently pend?ING on its docket.Chevron is an exercise of the court's prudential power to super?vise the judicial functions of the lower courts; it's not a statutory or con?sti?tu?tional doctrine, and it's not subject to any strong form of stare decisis (which means "let the decision stand").EliminatING Chevron deference would help restore balance among the three branches of government.Agency interpretationsbased on administrative experience and technical expertise wouldcarry persuasive weight with the courts but wouldn't be controllING-the courts would have the last word on the best interpretation of the statute. Agencies would retain policy discretion in administerING complex statutory schemes, but within a narrower com?pass and subject to review for arbitrariness and capriciousness.Of course, there's the possibility that court review of agency actions could morph back toward the bad old days of activist judges such as Skelly Wright. But theSupreme Court's con?tem?porary approach to textualism, with a strong emphasis on the original pub?lic meanINGof statu?tory language and a focus on the structure of statutes, rather than malleable notions of "legislative intent," will help break these tendencies.Most important of all, Congress, we can hope,would find the motivation again to legis?latewhere there is truly a national need to extend federal regulation into new areas or to answer new challenges confrontING the nation-just as the Founders envi?sionedhttps://www.dailysignal.com/2024/04/15/sayonara-chevron/
#20732610 at 2024-04-16 14:49:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25429: "Denmark Dragon Spire SMOKE Event" Edition
>>207326082/3Well, when it handed down its Chevron opinion in 1984, theSupreme Court was react?ING with some exasperation to a persistent pattern of flawed judicial inter?vention by the lower courts, par?tic?u?larly the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the court that hears the greatest volume of challenges to agency actions.In the '60s, '70s, and early '80s, the judges of the D.C. Circuit-exemplified by Chief Judges David Bazelon and Skelly Wright-developed a habit of micro?man?agING the regu?latory agendas of federal agencieson the basis of the court's own pre?ferred policy outcomes.D.C. Circuit pre?ce?dents often relied on broad inter?pre?ta?tions of "con?gres?sional intent," usually conjured from the vagaries of a statute's legislative history with no rigorous analysis of text or statutory structure.Chevron was a potent dose of strong medicine, and it did the trick:With one opinion, the Supreme Court put a stop to the excesses of the D.C. Circuit, without havING to correct the many separate errors in each line of pre?ce?dents on a case-by-case basis.At the time,conservative officials in the Reagan administration welcomed the Chevron decisionbecause it gave them license to turn away from Jimmy Carter-era regu?la?tory policies and steer the agencies toward President Ronald Reagan's priorities.One of those officials had beenAnne Gorsuch, then admin?is?trator of the Environmental Protection Agency, whose "bubble rule" was at issue in the Chevron case. (In a classic example of what goes around, comes around, she was the mother of current Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, who has become perhaps the court's leadING skeptic of judicial deference doctrines.)But presidents and their political appointees weren't the only ones in the executive branch who benefited from Chevron, of course. It alsoempowered the many unelected bureau?cratswho were beaverING away in the swamplands of the administrative state.And since 1984, we've come to know the consequences.Chevron deferencecreated perverse incentives for all three branches of government. Courts were tempted to find ambiguity in statutory language, so they could avoid the pesky chore of deci?pherING complex laws. Agencies, both at the level of political leadership and in the bowels of the bureau?cracy,were tempted to innovate and push the bounds of their statutory authoritiesin reliance on judicial deference. AndCongress was tempted to let administrative agencies address the most difficult problems.Over the years, with the ascendancy of theChevron framework, the regulatory muscles of the executive branch have become bulked up on steroids, while the other two branches have withered away in important respects. Chevron isn't the only reason for this, but it's a significant factor.Judicial decisions applyINGChevron deference have little or no precedential value. Other than declarING some phrase in a statute ambiguous, a court that defers to the agency's interpretation doesn't reach any hold?ING on what the statute means, so we lose the consistency that comes from an estab?lished judicial interpretation of the law.Andagencies are given a radically wide compass to change their approach to admin?is?terING statutes-with 180-degree swINGs from one presidential administration to the next...https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/04/15/sayonara-chevron/
#20732608 at 2024-04-16 14:49:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25429: "Denmark Dragon Spire SMOKE Event" Edition
>>20731219 Chevron deference forces federal courts to surrender their judicial function to the unaccountable bureau?crats of the administrative statePN(PostING because it's an excellent understandING of the importance of this)Sayonara, ChevronSteve Bradbury / April 15, 20241/3It's time for the Supreme Court to jettison the doctrine known as Chevron deference, which forces federal courts to surrender their judicial function to the unaccountable bureau?crats of the administrative state. This past January, the high court heard arguments in two cases-Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relent?less Inc. v. Commerce Department-that present the opportunity to do just that. A decision in these cases is expected by June.Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution vests the "judicial Power of the United States" in "one supreme Court" and "such inferior Courts as the Con?gress may ... establish." As this language makes clear, the Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch of our federal government. It sits atop the judiciary and super?intends the decision-makING of lower courts through the opinions it hands down. The Chevron line of cases is an exercise of the Supreme Court's super?intendING role over the judicial branch.It is a set of instructions to the lower courts about how they are to exercise their judicial function when review?ING agency actionsthat involve formal interpretations of a statute the agency is charged with admin?isterING. Under Chevron, thecourts are told to defer to the agency's inter?pre?tation if the part of the statute at issue has more than one plausible readING, even if the court believes there's a better interpretation that's more faithful to the statute Con?gress enacted. Right away we notice somethING strange about this instruction: In its unanimous 1984 decision in Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, theSupreme Court is tellING the lower courts to abdicate a portion of their judicial power-to cede it to administrative agencies. What is judicial power? It's the power to interpret the law. When it comes to statutes, it's the final power to decide what the statute requires in particular cases, and thereby deter?mine the mean?ING of the statute through precedential holdINGs. Judiciary Committee reports in the House and Senate accompanyING enactment of the Admin?istrative Procedure Act in 1946 bothstated that "questions of law are for the courts rather than agencies in the last analysis." That means, consistent with the teach?ING of Marbury v. Madison, that thefederal judiciary, and ultimately the Supreme Court, has the final word on what federal statutes mean. This is true even when the courts are review?ING prior interpretations by agencies, such as interpretations reached by an agency in the course of promulgatING a regulation to implement the statute.Chevron is inconsistent with that understandING. Why is it important for courts to have the final word on questions of law? Because thefederal courts are structurally independent and non?biased. Under the Constitution, fed?eral judges are appointed for life. Their com?pensation can't be reduced while they're in active service on the bench. And the Judicial Code of Con?duct pro?vides thatjudges will not decide cases in which they've had personal involve?mentor have a personal interest at stake. (that flew out of the box a long time ago) In contrast, agency officials who craft interpretations of statutes in support of the agency's preferred goals are not actING independently or impartially. Sowhy would the Supreme Court ever have instructed the lower courts to abdicate their judicial func?tion to the agencies?https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/04/15/sayonara-chevron/
#20729899 at 2024-04-15 22:47:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25426: Comfy Supreme Edition
Robert F Kennedy Jr claims Trump had asked him to be runnING mate
The assertion followed the launch of a website attackING the independent presidential candidate callING him a 'leftist radical'
Robert F Kennedy Jr, the prominent conspiracy theorist and independent presidential candidate, claimed on Monday he had turned down an offer from Donald Trump to be his runnING mate for the White House.
The assertion followed the launch earlier in the day of a website attackING Kennedy, published by a pro-Trump political action committee called Make America Great Again Inc (Maga Inc).
AccusING Kennedy, 70, of beING a "leftist radical", the vitriolic website attempts to highlight what it says are his extremist liberal positions, includING supportING a 70% rate of income tax and pledgING he would sign an assault weapons ban.
a hand reachING for RFK badges
'He can help Trump win': US groups take on RFK Jr after No Labels stands down
Read more
PokING fun at the famous political dynasty's fondness for middle initials, shared by assassinated relatives includING his uncle John F Kennedy, and father Robert F Kennedy, the website is titled "Radical F-ING Kennedy".
#20728450 at 2024-04-15 17:27:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25424: NCSWIC - MOAB Monday Edition
Well, you tiny pedo powers never disappoint.
Netty out there struttING around like a banty rooster, "we shot down 99%!"
Ok, why not report the actual percentages? US and Jordan knocked down what percent of Iran's volley before it ever got to the fabled Tin Dome, or David's SlING(ING shit) or the vaunted Arrow(OMG).
That one percent that got through though. Hmmmm…
Whatever gets you through the night…
[Verse 1]
Whatever gets you through the night
It's alright, it's alright
It's your money or your life
It's alright, it's alright
Don't need a sword to cut through flowers
Oh no, oh no
[Verse 2]
Whatever gets you through your life
It's alright, it's alright
Do it wrong or do it right
It's alright, it's alright
Don't need a watch to waste your time
Oh no, oh no
Hold me darlin', come on listen to me
I won't do you no harm
Trust me darlin' come on listen to me, come on listen to me
Come on listen, listen
[Verse 3]
Whatever gets you to the light
It's alright, it's alright
Out the blue or out of sight
It's alright, it's alright
Don't need a gun to blow your mind
Oh no, oh no
Hold me darlin' come on listen to me
I won't do you no harm
Trust me darlin' come on listen to me, come on listen to me
Come on listen, listen
Here's a fun fact. With the Sun's micronova comes a Global Strike of such immense power it's left a deep gash in the Earth that can be tracked through tens of thousands of years. It's a pattern. The power of this strike unlocks the crust from the mantle.
The next solar strike, the imminent one, is forecast to hit Jizzrael. Or close enough. Just an FYI.
God's will in all thINGs. And the Sun.
#20727067 at 2024-04-15 11:59:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25423: Judge, Prosecutor and Legal System: CLOWNS on the TAKE Edition
Explanation of kid to the right of Trump, makING jaw motioned and fINGer to the lipit seems strange to do it at Trump rally.But you got one guy Q-ING and another mewING. Both seemINGly respondING to someone in the crowd. Wonder if it made SS curious. (Couple of tik tok videos in link)
MewING, explained: What is the TikTok trend that has kids touchING their jaw?
To answer your first question: Yes, mewING.And it's not a cat thING. It's somethING that's been around for a few years, but now it's positively exploded as a meme,particularly on TikTok, and maybe - if you're like me - you've heard your kids talkING about somethINGwhere you touch your jaw and then do the shushING motion or do the Dikembe Mutombo fINGer wag.
Let's dive in:
Did you say ... mewING? Like a cat?
I told you! No cats to speak of here.
What did I just watch?
OK, so per our good friends at Know Your Meme:
MewING is a slang term referrING to a tongue exercise in which the tongue is rested against the roof of the mouth, which some have claimed can change the shape of one's jawline.
It's apparently called mewING because it was created by an orthodontist named Mike Mew. And no, I have no idea if it works or not.
Uh, what?
I know. It's ... very weird. Also, it's pronounced MEEWING, not MEOWING.
So what are people doING with it?
Apparently, the youngs are usING it as an excuse to not respond to a question (see the video below) because they're too busy mewING.
#20719675 at 2024-04-13 09:13:21 (UTC+1)
Q R Research #25413: Late Night Mofos Quit Tappin The Glass Edition
#20716442 at 2024-04-12 15:47:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25409: Hold On To Your Butts TGIF Edition
Judge in Trump Case Says 'Hostages' Label for Jailed Jan. 6 Defendants Is Wrong
(Ok, how about slaves to the NWO destruction of America and the law, hows that work for you masta?)
U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan responded to label used by the former president.
The judge overseeING former President Donald Trump's election interference case on April 10 said that describING defendants beING held on charges related to the U.S. Capitol riot as hostages is wrong.
U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, said that people involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol who remain jailed in WashINGton don't deserve to be called hostages or heroes.
"They're beING kept there because they are dangerous people," Judge Chutkan said durING a sentencING hearING forAntony Vo, an Indiana man convicted of enterING the Capitol with his mother.
President Trump has increasINGly shown support for Jan. 6 defendants, includING playING recordINGs of defendants in jail sINGING the national anthem. In 2023, he spoke at a fundraiser benefitING Jan. 6 defendants and said he'd contribute. "There have been few people that have been treated in the history of our country like the people that you love, like the people that have gone through so much," he said at the time.
Later that year, he described jailed defendants as "hostages, not prisoners." In March, he said one of his first acts in office, if he wins the 2024 election, would be "free[ING] the January 6 hostages beING wrongfully imprisoned!" And more recently, he said a 71-year-old grandma who was sentenced to prison had become "one of Joe Biden's J6 hostages."
Some people have criticized the characterization, includING White House officials. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has called the description "grotesque and offensive" to people beING held hostage. Others, though, have said they share President Trump's views about the treatment of defendants,some of whom have been held pendING trial for years.
"I have concerns about the treatment of January 6th hostages," Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) said earlier this year on NBC. "We have a role in Congress of oversight over our treatments of prisoners. And I believe that we're seeING the weaponization of the federal government against not just President Trump, but we're seeING it against conservatives."
Asked what he would say to critics who say Jan. 6 defendants shouldn't be defended, former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy told a forum this week that people were "defendING the due process."
"Why are they sittING in jail and not havING the ability to go to court?" he added later.
Several dozen people are beING held in a WashINGton jail as they await trial or sentencING, includING some charged with assaultING law enforcement officers. Many have expressed support for President Trump.
Mr. Vo, 31, was not held after he was convicted in September 2023 of four misdemeanors, includING disorderly conduct in a Capitol buildING and paradING, demonstratING, or picketING in a Capitol buildING, even though Judge Chutkan found he failed to comply with pre-trial release conditions. Mr. Vo, she said, visited the so-called Freedom Corner outside the WashINGton jail, where people gather nightly for a vigil for those held, even though he was ordered not to be in WashINGton outside of court business.
Judge Chutkan told Mr. Vo that he was fortunate she didn't order him jailed after his conviction. She said he has consistently refused to express remorse or accept responsibility for his conduct on Jan. 6.
She sentenced Mr. Vo to nine months of imprisonmentfollowed by one year of supervised release, as well as a $1,000 fine.
Defense attorneys had requested no prison time, notING that Mr. Vo was not accused of carryING out any violence and that he left the Capitol within 30 minutes of enterING. Prosecutors sought 11 months of imprisonment, notING statements that indicate a lack of remorse, includING his self-description on social media of beING a "J6 wrongful convict" and a post after the trial that said,"there was zero jury of peers and 100% a kangaroo court."
Mr. Vo said Wednesday he was "sorry for everythING" and should not have entered the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Judge Chutkan didn't mention President Trump's name durING the sentencING hearING.
The former president's trial in WashINGton for the election interference case was scheduled to start on March 4, but Judge Chutkan agreed to place the case on hold as courts consider his argument that he is immune from prosecution. The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear the case this month.
Another Snidely Whiplash!
#20708610 at 2024-04-10 23:33:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25399: FED Exposed, FISA "no"d! Edition
I think Q was tellING someone not to move.
Bottom to top…
[ING] error.
#20707180 at 2024-04-10 17:03:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25397: POTUS IN ATLANTA Edition
shitpoast ING will continue until the hangINGs are live
#20705421 at 2024-04-10 10:24:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25395: Riding COMFY Edition
>DJ Tenny mention by Kat Williams sure gets about. global DJ-ING a great way to traffic.
interestING theory. Reminds anon of that old book "confessions of a dangerous mind" where the Chuck Barris said he was a clown agent, usING his game show trips as cover for hits.
Sauce where Katt mentions DJ Tenny?
#20705397 at 2024-04-10 10:17:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25395: Riding COMFY Edition
DJ Tenny mention by Kat Williams sure gets about. global DJ-ING a great way to traffic.
#20705255 at 2024-04-10 09:34:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25395: Riding COMFY Edition
is there new nooses Anon can stop music-ING
#20689238 at 2024-04-06 22:39:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25375: News Rolling on Like Tanks on the Flats Edition
I certainly understand it. Do you understand the implications of this?:
Chinese property scene remains cause for concern for capesize owners
Sam Chambers March 29, 2024
Persistent gloomy headlines about the Chinese property sector continue to give otherwise bullish capesize owners pause for thought.
In late January, a Hong Kong court ordered the liquidation of the Evergrande Group, brINGING an end to two years of financial instability durING which the company struggled to meet its debt obligations.
Dry bulk owners might have hoped that the court rulING would brING an end to the doom and gloom headlines surroundING the Chinese property sector which represents about 25-30% of the nation's GDP and approximately a third of the country's domestic steel demand. The bad news has continued to roll in, however.
Cape rates have been remarkably strong in Q1, but have struggled this week. The capesize index on the Baltic Exchange lost one point to 2,637 yesterday and has slipped over 24% for the week.
Iron ore futures fell on Friday for a fourth straight session, as concerns over China's property sector weighed on demand and port inventories rose.
The "wild" swINGs in iron ore prices and risING stockpiles have got some owners feelING a "bit jittery" conceded analysts at brokers Arrow in a recent research report.
On Thursday, ratINGs agency Fitch cut its forecast for China's housING market and said it now expects a 5%-10% fall in new home sales in 2024.
Country Garden, the country's largest private property developer, on Thursday delayed the publication of its 2023 financial results. Vanke, another major developer, reported a 50.6% drop in 2023 core profits.
Total stocks of imported iron ore at China's major ports rose for a fourteenth consecutive week to reach a two-year high of 144.3m tons yesterday, data from industry consultancy Mysteel showed.
"Iron ore demand could see some pressure due to China's sluggish property market," HSBC warned this week. The bank sees China's iron ore demand declinING at a compound annual growth rate of 1.4% over 2024-28 and global demand remainING flat over the period.
"The pick-up in Chinese steel demand remains slower than expected this year, continuING to weigh on steel profit margins and iron ore prices," stated a report from another bank, ING, this week, notING how inventories are increasING as the pick-up in steel consumption from end-users is weaker than expected at this time of the year.
Citi analysts, notING the slow start to the Chinese construction season, said in a research note published earlier this week that they expect China steel production to lift from current levels.
"China steel consumption growth will likely remain weak but with industry profits up, we expect steel producers to lift output with steel exports to remain high," Citi argued.
Broker SSY remains constructive on the Chinese steel complex. In its annual forecast, published last month, it noted that the property market correction in China has now been ongoING for nearly four years, which means that the sector is smaller relative to the other sectors drivING steel demand - from approximately 40% share of domestic steel demand in 2020 to an estimated 33% in 2023. Secondly, the other sectors - notably auto manufacturING, shipbuildING, infrastructure and manufacturING - showed strong growth throughout 2023 and have the continued support of Chinese policymakers for 2024.
In related news, there is now a new way to keep track of iron ore stockpiles - from space.
US-headquartered Ursa Space has unveiled a new weekly dataset providING volumetric measurements of iron ore stockpiles across critical global locations. UsING satellite imagery, this subscription-based service offers data on strategic stockpile locations includING Port Hedland in Australia, Saldanha Bay in South Africa, Brazil's Ponta da Madeira, and Chinese import hubs QINGdao and Caofeidian. The company also offers similar services for coal and oil, and can provide stockpile data on cobalt and copper on request.
#20688483 at 2024-04-06 19:46:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25374: Fourth Ebake in a Row Edition
So their story goes, but they were liars so what to believe?
They want us to think we were help[ING them keep Nibiru from destruction but maybe they use the gold for other stuff?
Maybe gold keeps the inter dimensional portals open so they can keep comING to steal anythING they want, especially women and children.
#20667899 at 2024-04-02 20:27:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25349: Ain't Nuttin' Gonna Get In Our Way - POTUS T RALLY Edition
the jews will flood us with pajeets niggers and arabs. Then the race-mixING and homo-ING of america will be utterly complete.
the jews think they're the master race and all goyim should serve them.
#20655886 at 2024-03-31 07:00:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25334: Twas the night before Easter Edition
I moseyed into the Fake Q shill hovel wherein were found several bleach-haired, fat faggots LARPING along between lengthy breaks for snacks.
They seemed surprised.
I explained my presence by holdING up a genuine ACME Super-Fart grenade.
I pulled the pin and let her rip.
Right down in the middle of them. They were overcome with a Hydrogen sulfide nightmare.
I departed and secured the door with a chair.
I could hear reeee-ING and cryING.
#20650597 at 2024-03-30 02:39:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25328: Good E-Bake Edition
On a June 2021 episode of theStew Peters Show, he argued that the COVID-19 vaccine contained luciferase, which he believed was a cryptocurrency technology associated with the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation 13:16-18.[14] This conspiracy theory, accordING to Clark, included Bill Gates (under the influence of performance artist and alleged Satanist Marina Abramovi?), and Jeffrey Epstein. Clark accused Gates and Epstein of attemptING to create a new race of humans by combinING luciferase and Epstein's DNA into the COVID-19 vaccine.[14][15]
Stew Peters Show
Stewart Peters[1] (born April 1, 1980) is an American alt-right internet personality,[2] white nationalist,[3] political commentator, Holocaust denier,[4] and conspiracy theorist. He is known for promotING COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories,[10] as well as anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, and white supremacist beliefs.[3]
HavING previously been a rapper and bounty hunter,[11][12] Peters launched the Stew Peters Show in 2020, which airs on weekdays
Peters has called for the execution of Hunter Biden, Dr Anthony Fauci, Catholic Charities workers, Taylor Swift, and Travis Kelce for reasons rangING from Kelce promotING COVID-19 vaccines and the Catholic Charities workers aidING migrants to Biden beING a "presidential failson" and Swift promotING "witchcraft".[27][28][29] AccordING to Peters' executive producer Lauren Witzke, "It's not a Stew Peters rally unless we're callING for executions."[30]
Peters has promoted many white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracy theories and talkING points.[31] He has referred to Judaism as a "death cult built on the blood of murdered babies".[21] He claimed that the Titan submersible implosion was intentionally caused by the Federal Reserve to prevent investigations into the Titanic, and agreed with a guest who blamed the Rothschild family and claimed they control the Federal Reserve.[32] He has repeatedly promoted the white genocide and Great Replacement conspiracy theories.[21] He has falsely claimed that Black people are genetically prone to committING crime,[21] and has referred to Somali refugees in Minnesota as "double-digit IQ savages" who are "conquerING" the state by "replacING" its flag, referencING perceived similarities to the flag of Jubaland.[33] Peters has hosted noted white supremacists and antisemites such as Nick Fuentes, Peter Brimelow, Cynthia McKinney, and Steven Anderson on his show.[21]
FollowING the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, Peters increasINGly promoted antisemitic rhetoric on his show,[4] includING Holocaust denial. That month, he also published a series of tweets insultING Martin Luther KING Jr., includING a claim that he "stud[ied] Jewish Bolshevism", a common antisemitic conspiracy theory,[34] and baselessly claimed that the New York City synagogue tunnel incident was a coverup for child sex traffickING.[35][36]
in early 2022, Clay Clark began incorporatING conspiracy theories about the "Great Reset" into the tour.[35][2]
At the March event in San Diego, Michael Flynn said, "We need you to charge the machine gun nest.... Maybe I'm just askING you to dig a little bit deeper there or hold this side of the line, or form up cause we're gonna counterattack over here, and that counterattack is, we're gonna go after school boards." This language led some commentators to charge Flynn with incitING violence against educators for allegedly teachING critical race theory.[36]
One of the themes speakers focused on in 2022 events was the alleged connection between supernatural activity and U.S. politics. At the March event in San Diego, for example, one speaker warned, "Do not be surprised if the Angel of Death shows up in WashINGton."[37][38] At the May event in Myrtle Beach, Mark Burns told the audience, "You wanna get rid of Lindsey Graham? Then get rid of the demonic territory that's over the land." Roger Stone stated that "there is a Satanic portal above the White House" that first appeared after Joe Biden became president. Stone claimed that the portal "must be closed. And it will be closed by prayer."[39]
In July 2022, the Main Street Armory in Rochester, New York cancelled the ReAwaken America event scheduled there for dates in August, citING "the outpour[ING] of concern from our community." Prior to its cancellation, the bands Japanese Breakfast and Joywave had cancelled events at the Main Street Armory citING the scheduled ReAwaken America events.[40]
#20645866 at 2024-03-29 04:09:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25322: 2Pac 2Furious Edition
"You're all out of your f***ING minds!", yelled a woman protestING against nuclear war with Russia. Video posted by New York Magazine's Shawn McCreesh:
#20641249 at 2024-03-28 11:47:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25316: Judges post pictures of Trump behind bars on social media: Socia-list's E
How insurance got started
Benny Franklin "invents" the fire brigade
He then invented "insurance" by changING people to put the fire out
F-ING genius
#20629695 at 2024-03-26 14:11:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25301: Hold this 175M while you get wrek'd Edition
God is a rival taggING gang and X-ING us out?
#20628746 at 2024-03-26 10:03:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25300: Dems Blowing Up Over Trump Bond Reduction KEK Edition
[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/25/2024 23:28:31
ID: Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1772465630437880226
IntroducING Alvin Bragg's radical Trump-hatING, BLM-lovING wife …
[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/25/2024 23:17:51
ID: Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1772462947035402608
REWIND: Anti-Trump D.A. Alvin Bragg faked his rough Harlem past when in fact he grew up in an upper middle-class enclave of brownstones and attended an elite prep school on the Upper West Side of Manhattan
[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/25/2024 23:09:10
ID: Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1772460760817422739
Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/23/2023 13:48:21
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1638960892149891072
NEW: Last March, DA Alvin Bragg's wife Jamila retweeted a report "Finally, a bit of good news in the Manhattan DA criminal case against Donald Trump" that claimed that her husband "has Trump nailed on felonies." Jamila Bragg has since locked her Twitter account
DA Alvin Bragg's wife, a hardcore leftist Dem and militant racialist, boasted of her husband "nail[ING]" Trump …
[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/25/2024 23:06:27
ID: Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1772460074339885237
Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 04/04/2023 13:50:30
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1643310087300063249
BREAKING: The daughter of the Manhattan judge presidING over the Trump criminal case is a Democratic political strategist who worked on the congressional campaign of Democrat Rep. ADAM SCHIFF, who led the first impeachment of Trump
Judge Merchan is totally biased …
[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/25/2024 23:05:30
ID: Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1772459837525205023
Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/31/2023 15:37:05
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1641887357321334785
BREAKING: New York state election records show Juan Merchan, the judge expected to preside over the Trump case, has donated to Democrat and Cuomo-appointed judge Rolando Acosta, the top judge on the appeals court
Judge Merchan shares DA Bragg's bias …
#20625996 at 2024-03-25 23:02:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25297: Comfy to Light Edition
Two San Diego-area educators arrested on child sex crimes charges
Hoover High School associate principal Charles Thomas Boyd De Freitas and Mt Carmel teacher Stacey Michelle Walker were both arrested on March 20 in unrelated cases.
Two San Diego area educators have been arrested in unrelated cases regardING the sexual abuse of a student and the solicitation of child sexual abuse material from a minor.
Charles Thomas Boyd De Freitas, 41, was arrested by the San Diego Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force on March 20 and charged with distributING lewd content to a minor and possession of child pornography, the San Diego Police Department said in a press release.
An investigation was launched after a minor reported that De Freitas had sent and requested illicit images from the minor through a social media app.
"Detectives executed a search warrant and seized multiple devices that will be analyzed for additional evidence related to child sexual abuse materials," the press release stated.
Investigators are lookING into whether there are other victims, as De Freitas had worked in the San Diego Unified School District for more than 13 years.
AccordING to De Freitas' LinkedIn, he worked as a mathematics and science teacher from September 2009 to October 2022. De Freitas also served as the district's mathematics department chair between August 2017 and October 2022. Both positions were at the San Diego School of Creative and PerformING Arts. Between June 2022 and March 2024, De Freitas served as the associate principal of Hoover High School.
De Freitas wrote in his LinkedIn bio: "Strong history of workING with adults in a collaborative team settING to redefine and develop systems to improve alignment so systems are [functionING] in a supportive manner and not [against] each other. This means tacklING institutional and systemic racism by leadING tough conversations around what it means to be a leader in the modern day work space."
De Freitas was booked into the Central Detention Facility. his arraignment is scheduled for Friday, March 28.
Instagram users claimING to be former students of De Freitas, in response to the news, posted their own experiences with the educator on the social media platform.
"Damn I remember reportING him to administration at SCPA a couple years ago [because] he kept makING weird comments towards me and my friends and no one took it seriously except my mom," one user wrote.
Another user wrote that they made De Freitas "cry" after "ruin[ING] his ice breaker activity" by writING the N-word on the board "and he started sobbING and had a panic attack and walked out." the user added that this reportedly occurred on the first day of classes.
Another user added that De Freitas was allegedly "so excited" after "he taught us sex ed," addING that "his public twitter" included links and replies to pornography.
#20620715 at 2024-03-24 22:56:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25290: Where's my cape? Edition
The World's Top 50 Largest Banks By Consolidated Assets
Chinese Banks Keep on GrowING
AccordING to S&P, the four largest Chinese banks grew their assets by 4.1% in 2022, reachING a combined total of $19.8 trillion.
In fact, Chinese banks already account for over a third of the assets held by the largest banks on the planet. Four of the 15 biggest companies in China are banks.
Rank Bank Headquarters Total Assets
1 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ?? China $5.7T
2 China Construction Bank Corp ?? China $5.0T
3 Agricultural Bank of China ?? China $4.9T
4 Bank of China ?? China $4.2T
5 JPMorgan Chase & Co. ?? US $3.7T
6 Bank of America ?? US $3.1T
7 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group ?? Japan $3.0T
8 HSBC HoldINGs ?? UK $2.9T
9 BNP Paribas ?? France $2.9T
10 Cr?dit Agricole Group ?? France $2.5T
11 Citigroup ?? US $2.4T
12 Postal SavINGs Bank of China ?? China $2.0T
13 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group ?? Japan $2.0T
14 Mizuho Financial Group ?? Japan $1.9T
15 Bank of Communications ?? China $1.9T
16 Wells Fargo & Co. ?? US $1.9T
17 Banco Santander ?? Spain $1.9T
18 Barclays PLC ?? UK $1.8T
19 JAPAN POST BANK ?? Japan $1.7T
20 UBS Group ?? Switzerland $1.7T
21 Groupe BPCE ?? France $1.6T
22 Soci?t? G?n?rale ?? France $1.6T
23 Royal Bank of Canada ?? Canada $1.5T
24 The Toronto-Dominion Bank ?? Canada $1.5T
25 China Merchants Bank ?? China $1.5T
26 Goldman Sachs Group ?? US $1.4T
27 Deutsche Bank ?? Germany $1.4T
28 Industrial Bank ?? China $1.3T
29 China CITIC Bank International ?? China $1.2T
30 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ?? China $1.2T
31 Morgan Stanley ?? US $1.2T
32 Cr?dit Mutuel ?? France $1.2T
33 Lloyds BankING Group ?? UK $1.1T
34 China Minsheng BankING ?? China $1.1T
35 Intesa Sanpaolo ?? Italy $1.0T
36 ING Groep ?? Netherlands $1.0T
37 The Bank of Nova Scotia ?? Canada $1.0T
38 UniCredit ?? Italy $917B
39 China Everbright Bank ?? China $913B
40 NatWest Group ?? UK $868B
41 Bank of Montreal ?? Canada $859B
42 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ?? Australia $837B
43 Standard Chartered ?? UK $820B
44 La Banque Postale ?? France $797B
45 PING An Bank ?? China $772B
46 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria ?? Spain $762B
47 The Norinchukin Bank ?? Japan $753B
48 State Bank of India ?? India $695B
49 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ?? Canada $691B
50 National Australia Bank ?? Australia $680B
The Chinese financial market is followed by the American market on our list, with six U.S. banks combinING for $13.7 trillion in assets.
The top 10 on the list include four Chinese banks, two American institutions, two French, one Japanese, and one British.
The biggest climber on our rank was Swiss UBS Group AG. The bank surged to 20th place from 34th in 2021. Its $1.6 trillion asset size has been adjusted to incorporate troubled Credit Suisse Group AG, which UBS agreed to take over in an emergency deal orchestrated by the Swiss authorities in March 2023.
Assets held by the 100 largest banks totaled $111.97 trillion in 2022, down 1.5% from $113.67 trillion a year earlier. Some of the reasons include high inflation, interest rate hikes, and the Russia-Ukraine war, which dampened global economic growth and investor sentiment.
#20619313 at 2024-03-24 17:57:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25288: Dubs Of Infinitee Confirm We Are The News VS Leprechaun BS Edition
On a June 2021 episode of theStew Peters Show, he argued that the COVID-19 vaccine contained luciferase, which he believed was a cryptocurrency technology associated with the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation 13:16-18.[14] This conspiracy theory, accordING to Clark, included Bill Gates (under the influence of performance artist and alleged Satanist Marina Abramovi?), and Jeffrey Epstein. Clark accused Gates and Epstein of attemptING to create a new race of humans by combinING luciferase and Epstein's DNA into the COVID-19 vaccine.[14][15]
Stew Peters Show
Stewart Peters[1] (born April 1, 1980) is an American alt-right internet personality,[2] white nationalist,[3] political commentator, Holocaust denier,[4] and conspiracy theorist. He is known for promotING COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories,[10] as well as anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, and white supremacist beliefs.[3]
HavING previously been a rapper and bounty hunter,[11][12] Peters launched the Stew Peters Show in 2020, which airs on weekdays
Peters has called for the execution of Hunter Biden, Dr Anthony Fauci, Catholic Charities workers, Taylor Swift, and Travis Kelce for reasons rangING from Kelce promotING COVID-19 vaccines and the Catholic Charities workers aidING migrants to Biden beING a "presidential failson" and Swift promotING "witchcraft".[27][28][29] AccordING to Peters' executive producer Lauren Witzke, "It's not a Stew Peters rally unless we're callING for executions."[30]
Peters has promoted many white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracy theories and talkING points.[31] He has referred to Judaism as a "death cult built on the blood of murdered babies".[21] He claimed that the Titan submersible implosion was intentionally caused by the Federal Reserve to prevent investigations into the Titanic, and agreed with a guest who blamed the Rothschild family and claimed they control the Federal Reserve.[32] He has repeatedly promoted the white genocide and Great Replacement conspiracy theories.[21] He has falsely claimed that Black people are genetically prone to committING crime,[21] and has referred to Somali refugees in Minnesota as "double-digit IQ savages" who are "conquerING" the state by "replacING" its flag, referencING perceived similarities to the flag of Jubaland.[33] Peters has hosted noted white supremacists and antisemites such as Nick Fuentes, Peter Brimelow, Cynthia McKinney, and Steven Anderson on his show.[21]
FollowING the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, Peters increasINGly promoted antisemitic rhetoric on his show,[4] includING Holocaust denial. That month, he also published a series of tweets insultING Martin Luther KING Jr., includING a claim that he "stud[ied] Jewish Bolshevism", a common antisemitic conspiracy theory,[34] and baselessly claimed that the New York City synagogue tunnel incident was a coverup for child sex traffickING.[35][36]
in early 2022, Clay Clark began incorporatING conspiracy theories about the "Great Reset" into the tour.[35][2]
At the March event in San Diego, Michael Flynn said, "We need you to charge the machine gun nest.... Maybe I'm just askING you to dig a little bit deeper there or hold this side of the line, or form up cause we're gonna counterattack over here, and that counterattack is, we're gonna go after school boards." This language led some commentators to charge Flynn with incitING violence against educators for allegedly teachING critical race theory.[36]
One of the themes speakers focused on in 2022 events was the alleged connection between supernatural activity and U.S. politics. At the March event in San Diego, for example, one speaker warned, "Do not be surprised if the Angel of Death shows up in WashINGton."[37][38] At the May event in Myrtle Beach, Mark Burns told the audience, "You wanna get rid of Lindsey Graham? Then get rid of the demonic territory that's over the land." Roger Stone stated that "there is a Satanic portal above the White House" that first appeared after Joe Biden became president. Stone claimed that the portal "must be closed. And it will be closed by prayer."[39]
In July 2022, the Main Street Armory in Rochester, New York cancelled the ReAwaken America event scheduled there for dates in August, citING "the outpour[ING] of concern from our community." Prior to its cancellation, the bands Japanese Breakfast and Joywave had cancelled events at the Main Street Armory citING the scheduled ReAwaken America events.[40]
#20617859 at 2024-03-24 12:11:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25286: fake news, psyops and false flags edition
On a June 2021 episode of theStew Peters Show, he argued that the COVID-19 vaccine contained luciferase, which he believed was a cryptocurrency technology associated with the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation 13:16-18.[14] This conspiracy theory, accordING to Clark, included Bill Gates (under the influence of performance artist and alleged Satanist Marina Abramovi?), and Jeffrey Epstein. Clark accused Gates and Epstein of attemptING to create a new race of humans by combinING luciferase and Epstein's DNA into the COVID-19 vaccine.[14][15]
Stew Peters Show
Stewart Peters[1] (born April 1, 1980) is an American alt-right internet personality,[2] white nationalist,[3] political commentator, Holocaust denier,[4] and conspiracy theorist. He is known for promotING COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories,[10] as well as anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, and white supremacist beliefs.[3]
HavING previously been a rapper and bounty hunter,[11][12] Peters launched the Stew Peters Show in 2020, which airs on weekdays
Peters has called for the execution of Hunter Biden, Dr Anthony Fauci, Catholic Charities workers, Taylor Swift, and Travis Kelce for reasons rangING from Kelce promotING COVID-19 vaccines and the Catholic Charities workers aidING migrants to Biden beING a "presidential failson" and Swift promotING "witchcraft".[27][28][29] AccordING to Peters' executive producer Lauren Witzke, "It's not a Stew Peters rally unless we're callING for executions."[30]
Peters has promoted many white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracy theories and talkING points.[31] He has referred to Judaism as a "death cult built on the blood of murdered babies".[21] He claimed that the Titan submersible implosion was intentionally caused by the Federal Reserve to prevent investigations into the Titanic, and agreed with a guest who blamed the Rothschild family and claimed they control the Federal Reserve.[32] He has repeatedly promoted the white genocide and Great Replacement conspiracy theories.[21] He has falsely claimed that Black people are genetically prone to committING crime,[21] and has referred to Somali refugees in Minnesota as "double-digit IQ savages" who are "conquerING" the state by "replacING" its flag, referencING perceived similarities to the flag of Jubaland.[33] Peters has hosted noted white supremacists and antisemites such as Nick Fuentes, Peter Brimelow, Cynthia McKinney, and Steven Anderson on his show.[21]
FollowING the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, Peters increasINGly promoted antisemitic rhetoric on his show,[4] includING Holocaust denial. That month, he also published a series of tweets insultING Martin Luther KING Jr., includING a claim that he "stud[ied] Jewish Bolshevism", a common antisemitic conspiracy theory,[34] and baselessly claimed that the New York City synagogue tunnel incident was a coverup for child sex traffickING.[35][36]
in early 2022, Clay Clark began incorporatING conspiracy theories about the "Great Reset" into the tour.[35][2]
At the March event in San Diego, Michael Flynn said, "We need you to charge the machine gun nest.... Maybe I'm just askING you to dig a little bit deeper there or hold this side of the line, or form up cause we're gonna counterattack over here, and that counterattack is, we're gonna go after school boards." This language led some commentators to charge Flynn with incitING violence against educators for allegedly teachING critical race theory.[36]
One of the themes speakers focused on in 2022 events was the alleged connection between supernatural activity and U.S. politics. At the March event in San Diego, for example, one speaker warned, "Do not be surprised if the Angel of Death shows up in WashINGton."[37][38] At the May event in Myrtle Beach, Mark Burns told the audience, "You wanna get rid of Lindsey Graham? Then get rid of the demonic territory that's over the land." Roger Stone stated that "there is a Satanic portal above the White House" that first appeared after Joe Biden became president. Stone claimed that the portal "must be closed. And it will be closed by prayer."[39]
In July 2022, the Main Street Armory in Rochester, New York cancelled the ReAwaken America event scheduled there for dates in August, citING "the outpour[ING] of concern from our community." Prior to its cancellation, the bands Japanese Breakfast and Joywave had cancelled events at the Main Street Armory citING the scheduled ReAwaken America events.[40]
#20614392 at 2024-03-23 19:59:07 (UTC+1)
Q research General #25282: Kate still AWOL and Russia Clown op edition
WeaponizING Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare
Stavroula Pabst explores the race to apply emergING neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), in times of both war and peace, expandING conflicts into a new domain - the brain - while perhaps forever changING humans' relationship with machines.
Billionaire Elon Musk's brain-computer interface (BCI) company Neuralink made headlines earlier this year for insertING its first brain implant into a human beING. Musk says such implants, which are described as "fully implantable, cosmetically invisible, and designed to let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go," are slated to eventually offer "full-bandwidth data streamING" to the brain.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are quite the human achievement: as described by the University of Calgary, "A brain computer interface (BCI) is a system that determines functional intent - the desire to change, move, control, or interact with somethING in your environment - directly from your brain activity. In other words, BCIs allow you to control an application or a device usING only your mind."
Developers and advocates of BCIs and adjacent technologies emphasize that they can help people regain abilities lost due to agING, ailments, accidents or injuries, thus improvING quality of life. A brain implant created by Swiss-based ?cole Polytechnique F?d?rale in Lausanne (EPFL), for example, has allowed a paralyzed man to walk again just by thinkING. Others go further: Neuralink's goal is to help people "surpass able-bodied human performance."
Yet, great ethical concerns arise with such advancements, and the tech is already beING used for questionable purposes. To better plan logistics and boost productivity, for example, some Chinese employers have started usING "emotional surveillance technology" to monitor workers' brainwaves which, "combined with artificial intelligence algorithms, [can] spot incidents of workplace rage, anxiety, or sadness." The example showcases how personal the technology can become as it is normalized in daily life.
But the ethical ramifications of BCIs and other emergING neurotechnologies don't stop at the consumer market or the workplace. Governments and militaries are already discussING - and experimentING on - the roles they could play in wartime. Indeed, many are describING the human body and brain as war's next domain, with a 2020 NATO-backed paper on "cognitive warfare" describING the phenomenon's objective as "mak[ING] everyone a weapon...The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century."
On this new "battlefield," an era of neuroweapons, which can broadly be defined as technologies and systems that could either enhance or damage a warfighter or target's cognitive and/or physical abilities, or otherwise attack people or critical societal infrastructure, has begun.
In this exploration of the race to apply the latest neurotechnologies to war and beyond, I investigated how the neuroweapons of tomorrow, includING BCIs that may allow for brain-to-brain or brain-to-machine communication, have the capacity to expand conflicts into a new domain - the brain - while also brINGING a new dimension to both hard- and soft-power struggles of the future.
#20612999 at 2024-03-23 14:28:12 (UTC+1)
Q research General #25280 Emergency Ebake Edition
Video 7:55
22 Mar, 2024 12:23
Poland gearING up to get involved in Ukraine conflict - former US Army officer
Stanislav Krapivnik told RT that Warsaw is usING claims that Moscow is preparING to attack NATO to justify a preemptive strike of its own
The Polish government is "mentally" preparING its population for the country's direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict, former US Army officer Stanislav Krapivnik told RT on Thursday. He claimed that recent allegations made by topPolish officials regardING Russia's supposed plans to attack NATO are intended to justify a preemptive military operation.
Over the past several weeks, a number of senior civilian and military officials from multiple NATO member states warned that Moscow could strike the bloc in the comING years. On Monday, the chief of the Polish General Staff, General Wieslaw Kukula, said that "Russia is preparING for a conflict with NATO" in the next decade. He added that Moscow "will exploit any opportunity and any emergING weakness that can be operationalized to achieve its own interests."
AccordING to Krapivnik,such statements are part of a "psy-op operation" by Warsawdesigned to "prepare the people for war."He suggested that, since "Russophobia in Poland is tantamount to a national characteristic,"such narratives are beING readily lapped up by most of the population.
The retired US Army officer predicted that the Polish government would then start advocatING a "first strike" to prevent Russian forces from reachING the country's border.
Krapivnik told RT that, while many NATO countries would like to avoid enterING a direct confrontation with Russia, the bloc would inevitably be dragged into a conflict if more 'trigger-happy' nations like Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltic states act first.
He noted, however, that some nations - includING Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, and most notably the US - would be unlikely to participate.
RegardING WashINGton's stance, Krapivnikclaimed that the leadership there would have no qualms about "sacrific[ING] the Europeans."
Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly made it clear that Moscow has no plans to attack NATO. AddressING his supporters over the weekend after winnING the presidential election, he said "anythING is possible in the modern world," but hardly "anyone is interested" in a full military confrontation.
#20606133 at 2024-03-22 10:15:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25272 TGIF Edition
Attorney General Ken Paxton
I will continue to aggressively enforce HB 1181. All pornography companies lackING proper age verification safeguards on their sites should consider themselves on notice, because they're violatING Texas law. Today, I have filed suit against two more pornography companies who are violatING the age verification law.
Square profile picture
Texas Attorney General
Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Sues Two More Pornog?ra?phy Com?pa?nies for Vio?lat?ING Texas Age Ver?i?fi?ca?tion Law: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-two-more-pornography-companies-violatING-texas-age-verification-law
6:33 AM ? Mar 21, 2024
#20604300 at 2024-03-22 00:27:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25269: Deja Q I Have Been This Comfy Before Edition
Maricopa County's Election Software Has Been Altered and Is Not Certified
20. The tabulator system log files reveal that the Dominion election software Maricopa
County used in the 2020 and 2022 General Elections is an uncertified home-brew version that
inserts Democracy Suite software version 5.10 MBS into the approved and certified Democracy
Suite 5.5B. This configuration has not been tested by the VSTL Pro V&V, nor been certified by
the EAC, and has not been certified for use in Arizona by the Secretary of State. Specifically,
the tabulator system log files for all vote center tabulators used in the 2020 and 2022 elections
reveal that Maricopa is usING an MBS version ( from California's 5.10 system, not the
proper 5.5B version Representative exemplars of the vote center tabulator system log
files for the 2020 and 2022 General Elections, respectively, are shown below: (picrel)
21. All the system log files for the vote center tabulators used in the 2020 and 2022 General
Elections show that Maricopa installed MBS version and that the vote center tabulators
were programmed to "expect" MBS version Both versions are not certified for use with
Democracy Suite 5.5B.
22. The "WARN[ING]" described in the tabulator system log files establishes the fact the
vote center tabulators were programmed to expect a version of the California's 5.10 system is
separate and apart from the fact that Maricopa County's use of version 5.10 MBS Dominion
software is not authorized by the Arizona Secretary of State or certified by the EAC. California
is the only state that uses Dominion Democracy Suite version 5.10.
23. In the California Secretary of State's Staff Report dated August 19, 2019, evaluatING
this election software, the Staff Report states: "ValidatING the software often, and on every
system component is crucial to a secure system. Finally, Democracy Suite does not support
mixING and matchING of versions between components.
" [p.25, emphasis added]
#20598466 at 2024-03-20 23:18:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25263: It's Frog Day! FJB Edition
'US Troops on islands in the Taiwan Strait' is appearING on a couple of sources tonight.
Taiwanese Defense Chief Chiu Kuo-cheng officially confirmed it when asked about the presence of the US Army Special Forces.
This revelation has the potential to escalate tensions with China.
Daily Express US reported:
"[The admission] comes after Secretary of State Antony Blinken this week issued an 'ironclad' warnING to China as tensions between the two nations rise."
Former President Tsai ING-wen had already mentioned in passING three years ago 'occasional trainING sessions with US instructors', but Chiu's recent statement is the first official confirmation of the permanent nature of these activities.
"AccordING to reports from Taiwan's United Daily News (UDN), US Army Green Berets from the 1st Special Forces Group are now permanently stationed at bases of the 101st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion, a Taiwanese army special operations force, located in outlyING island counties of Penghu and Kinmen. Notably, Kinmen lies just over a mile from Chinese shores.
Additionally, reports suggest an American military presence in the northeast city of Taoyuan on Taiwan's main island, with service members providING specialized trainING on drone equipment for Taiwan's elite Airborne Special Service Company."
Newsweek reported:
"The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2023 paved the way for their arrival to conduct trainING programs for troops on Taiwan's front line."
The U.S. Army Green Berets from the 1st Special Forces Group were sent to the outlyING island counties of Penghu and also Kinmen, just a mile away from Chinese territory.
"The 1st Battalion of this Pacific-oriented Special Forces Group is forward-deployed in Okinawa, Japan, while the rest of the battalion is stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in WashINGton state.
The U.S. has maintained no official military presence in Taiwan since it pulled out in 1979 followING the normalization of U.S.-China relations.
Taiwan has officially confirmed the presence of US troops stationed on its islands in the Taiwan Strait permanently, a development that could further escalate mountING tensions with China.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed in 2023 facilitated the deployment of these troops to conduct trainING programs for Taiwanese frontline forces.
The move comes as China continues to assert its disputed claim over Taiwan, viewING it as a renegade province despite never havING ruled it. The heightened military activities by China in and around the Taiwan Strait have prompted Taiwan to bolster its defense capabilities.
#20598340 at 2024-03-20 22:53:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25262: Moar Biden Influence Peddling Edition
Judge rules illegal immigrants have gun rights protected by 2nd Amendment
by Chris Pandolfo | FoxNews | 3/19/2024
A federal judge in Illinois has found that the Constitution protects the gun rights of noncitizens who enter the United States illegally. U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman on Friday ruled that a federal prohibition on illegal immigrants ownING firearms is unconstitutional as applied to defendant Heriberto Carbajal-Flores. The court found that while the federal ban is "facially constitutional," there is no historical tradition of firearm regulation that permits the government to deprive a non-citizen who has never been convicted of a violent crime from exercisING his Second Amendment rights.
Coleman, a President Obama appointee, cited the landmark Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022), which established a new standard to determine whether a law violates the Second Amendment. Since Bruen, a multitude of federal and state gun control measures have been challenged in courts with mixed results. In this case, U.S. v. Carbajal-Flores, the court considered whether people who enter the country illegally can be banned from ownING firearms.
Carbajal-Flores is an illegal immigrant who, on June 1, 2020, was found to be in possession of a handgun in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago. He was subsequently charged with violatING a federal law that prohibits any noncitizen who is not legally authorized to be in the U.S. from "possess[ING] in or affectING commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce."
In an April 2022 decision, Coleman denied Carbajal-Flores' first motion to dismiss his indictment, findING that the ban was constitutional. However, Carbajal-Flores asked the court to reconsider that rulING followING the Supreme Court's decision in Bruen and appellate decisions in the Third and Seventh Circuit that considered whether people convicted of non-violent crimes can be prohibited from possessING firearms.
Upon review, Coleman concluded that Carbajal-Flores' illegally present status was not sufficient to deny him Second Amendment rights. The judge said the "plain text" of the Constitution "presumptively protects firearms possession by undocumented persons."
"Carbajal-Flores has never been convicted of a felony, a violent crime, or a crime involvING the use of a weapon. Even in the present case, Carbajal-Flores contends that he received and used the handgun solely for self-protection and protection of property durING a time of documented civil unrest in the SprING of 2020," the judge wrote. "Additionally, Pretrial Service has confirmed that Carbajal-Flores has consistently adhered to and fulfilled all the stipulated conditions of his release, is gainfully employed, and has no new arrests or outstandING warrants." The court determined that because there is insufficient evidence to suggest Carbajal-Flores is a danger to society, there is no historical analogue that would permit the federal government to deny him his gun rights.
"The Court finds that Carbajal-Flores' criminal record, containING no improper use of a weapon, as well as the non-violent circumstances of his arrest do not support a findING that he poses a risk to public safety such that he cannot be trusted to use a weapon responsibly and should be deprived of his Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense," Judge Coleman wrote. "Thus, this Court finds that, as applied to Carbajal-Flores, Section 922(g)(5) is unconstitutional." The rulING has divided gun rights activists, with some arguING that noncitizens should not have rights protected by the Constitution.
Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America (GOA), told Fox News Digital his group "has historically recognized the dangers unchecked illegal immigration presents, chiefly of which is a serious potential to swING the balance of power into the hands of anti-gun politicians." Pratt reiterated GOA does not support amnesty for illegal immigrants. "In this underlyING rulING, the Second Amendment community undoubtedly has mixed feelINGs, because while illegal aliens are most certainly not part of 'the People,' everyone has a God-given right to defend themselves against violent acts like rape and murder," he said. "Of course, the courts wouldn't have to decide this question if Joe Biden and the Democratic Party would simply secure our borders."
Original article source: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judge-rules-illegal-immigrants-have-gun-rights-protected-second-amendment
Judge's rulINGs make NO sense. TREASON.
#20591421 at 2024-03-19 18:44:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25254: Major Evidence In SC Case Edition
Maybe be careful what you throw in the ditch.
Read some Thomas Moore about havING no law left to protect yourself if you mow it down in pursuit of the Devil. Consider that it is the continuING reverence for the Constitution and BoRs that is THE ONLY THING that millions of very dangerous men still respect enough to hold back a complete MadMax-ING of the entire world.
Believe me, i am super pissed that Government has so grossly Treason-ed. This is the most dangerous game of Brinkmanship-Chicken the world has ever seen.
#20583140 at 2024-03-17 23:25:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25244: Musk defends, Scarborough deletes, Trump cleared, America Wins Edition
>>20582086 NEW: Fani Willis Lawsuit!PNaccurate title
Judicial Watch Sues Fani Willis for Communications with Jack Smith, Pelosi Committee
District Attorney Fani Willis and Fulton County, Georgia, seem to have provided false information about havING no records of communications with Jack Smith and the Pelosi January 6 committee.
We filed a Georgia Open Records Act lawsuitagainst Willis and the county for records of any communication they had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee (Judicial Watch Inc. v. Fani Willis et al. (No. 24-CV-002805)).
We sued in the Superior Court of Fulton County, GA, after Willis and the county denied havING any records responsive to an August 2023 Georgia Open Records Act request for:
All documents and communications sent to, received from, or relatING to Special Counsel Jack Smith or any employees in his office.
All documents and communications sent to or received from the United States House January 6th Committee or any of its employees.
We state in the lawsuit that Willis' and the county's "representation about not havING records responsive to the request is likely false." We refer to a December 5, 2023, letter from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan to Willis that cites a December 2021, letter from Willis to then-House January 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson. In that letter Willis requested assistance from the committee and offered to travel to DC. Jordan writes:
Specifically, you asked Rep. Thompson for access to "record [sic] includ[ING] but . . . not limited to recordINGs and transcripts of witness interviews and depositions, electronic and print records of communications, and records of travel." You even offered that you and your staff were eager to travel to WashINGton, D.C, to "meet with investigators in person" and to receive these records "any time" between January 31, 2022, and February 25, 2022.
We argue: "Willis's letter to [former] Chairman Thompson is plainly responsive to the request, yet it was neither produced to Plaintiff in response to the request nor claimed to be subject to exemption from production under the Open Records Act."
We also cite recent news reports and other records which "indicate that representatives of Willis's office traveled to WashINGton, DC, and met with January 6 Select Committee staffers in April, May, and November 2022, as Willis proposed in her December 17, 2021 letter ..."
We state that a January 2024, Politicoreport titled "Jan. 6 committee helped guide days of Georgia Trump probe" and a January 2024, letter from the House Judiciary Committee to Fulton County Special Prosecutor Nathan J. Wade are examples that "Such meetINGs plainly had to be coordinated and likely generated communications if not other records about or memorializING these meetINGs."
Any such records would be responsive to our request, the lawsuit states.
On January 30, 2024, we announced that we filed a lawsuit against Fulton County for records regardING the hirING of Wade as a special prosecutor by Willis. Wade was hired to pursue unprecedented criminal investigations and prosecutions against former President Trump and others over the 2020 election disputes.
In October 2023, we sued the DOJ for records and communications between the Office of U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney's office regardING requests/receipt of federal fundING/assistance in the investigation of former President Trump and his 18 codefendants in the Fulton County indictment of August 14, 2023.To date, the DOJ is refusING to confirm or deny the existence of records, claimING that to do so would interfere with enforcement proceedINGs. Judicial Watch's litigation challengING this is continuING.
#20580337 at 2024-03-17 09:32:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25241: Brutal attack and Killer Defense of the President Edition
Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/15/2024 21:53:54
ID: Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1768817937807216995
Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 03/10/2024 12:00:07
ID:Twitter Web App
Twitter: 1766856568782409767
BREAKING:Ex-House Intel Chair Adam Schiff said if Trump wins reelection,US Intelligence Community (IC) will sabotage him by w/holdING critical intelligence, "dumb[ING] down" his Presidential Daily Brief. Now runnING for Senate, Schiff was kicked off HPSCI for lyING re Russiagate
Paul Sperry reposted…
#20577589 at 2024-03-16 19:37:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25238: Rally, Rally, Rally @4 pm EST Edition
USAID 'Disinformation Primer' targets gamers, advertisers, memes, 'right not to be disinformed'
State Department component acknowledges the "inherent contradiction between the democratic ideal of free speech and the regulation of online content," and risk of givING authoritarians another excuse to crack down.
GoING further than the Treasury Department's tacit support for debankING alleged "hate groups" after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, a State Department component that "strengthen[s] resilient democratic societies" developed a more sweepING plan for financially chokING off disfavored narratives a month later.
The U.S. Agency for International Development wrote a "Disinformation Primer" that appears to have been started in "late 2020," judgING by a reference to the most up-to-date "social media initiatives" by Facebook and Twitter "to address disinformation and misinformation."
It was still beING written at least 10 days into the Biden administration, referrING twice to the Jan. 31, 2021 Myanmar military coup, which the primer says "underlined issues of internet freedom and disinformation."
State turned over the 88-page document, dated February 2021 and marked "internal use only," as part of a 102-page production in response to Freedom of Information Act litigation by America First Legal.
The primer was "conceived and developed by Joshua Machleder and Shannon Maguire at USAID, together with" the University of Chicago organization formerly known as the National Opinion Research Center, the introduction says.
It thanks dozens of individuals at universities and government institutions includING the National Endowment for Democracy and U.S. Institute for Peace "for sharING their time, opinions, and expertise," and current and former USAID staff for "opinions and feedback."
USAID didn't respond to requests for comment on its view of the primer now.
"Just as human rights advocates have argued that internet access is a human right and that there is a fundamental right to access of information, there is also a right not to be disinformed," the primer says in a section layING out 10 steps for USAID and partners to take in "counterING and preventING disinformation."
These include partnerING with other governments, supportING "media monitorING and fact-checkING initiatives," and "form[ING] synergies" with "civil society, media, social media platforms, internet governance forums, and other donors" to prevent disinformation, especially workING with "data scientists, social scientists, and journalists."
#20577148 at 2024-03-16 17:37:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25237: Dayton,Ohio Rally Day Edition
you mi$$$$$$$ING $omethING$
#20576980 at 2024-03-16 16:52:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25237: Dayton,Ohio Rally Day Edition
Lower-case boomING.
Not complainING tho - better than nothING.
#20560072 at 2024-03-13 02:47:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25216: Such Winning, Much Comfy Edition
Sounds like you're prolly PMS-ING.
#20554224 at 2024-03-12 01:18:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25209: 11 ping 3 Edition
Attorney General Ken Paxton
?NEW: State law now requires school districts to provide every classroom with silent panic alarms, ensure armed security officers are present on each campus, require certain employees to complete mental-health trainING, facilitate law enforcement walkthroughs of school campuses, and adopt electronic notification systems to communicate with parents in the event of violent activity occurrING on school grounds.
Schools have an essential responsibility to protect student safety and wellbeING. Parents deserve to know what state law requires of their school district, so that they can hold school boards and administrators accountable and better understand how districts should prepare for a worst-case scenario. Although no amount of preparedness can guarantee against all threats, parental engagement and involvement is critical for keepING schools safe.
As part of my emphasis on top-tier trainING for our OAG peace officers, we acquired a state-of-the-art trainING simulator. School resource officers must have access to the best trainING available, which is why I am makING the OAG trainING simulator available to any school resource officer who would like to train alongside our law enforcement officers to improve threat response and preparedness.
Texas Attorney General
Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Releas?es School Safe?ty Guid?ance and Makes OAG Train?ING Avail?able to School Resource Officers: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-releases-school-safety-guidance-and-makes-oag-trainING-available-school
Last edited
4:20 AM ? Mar 11, 2024
#20548255 at 2024-03-10 22:01:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25202: Nero Edition
It's just all sofa kING tyre-ING.
#20547245 at 2024-03-10 17:41:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25201: Sunday spring forward edition
10 Mar, 2024 09:53
US threatens EU bank with sanctions - media
WashINGton has reportedly warned Austria's bankING giant Raiffeisen over its operations in Russia
Austria's Raiffeisen Bank International, the biggest foreign lender in Russia,risks "beING cut off from the US financial system" if it is found to have helped fund Russia's military, accordING to the US Treasury Department, as cited by Reuters.
"As part of WashINGton's renewed push on sanctions, it would encourage Austrian banks to examine their Russian exposure and 'take mitigation measures',"US top Treasury official Anna Morris said earlier this week.
Raiffeisen has confirmed discussions with the US on potential sanctions for doING business in Russia, the EUobserver news website reported on Saturday.
The bankING giant did not provide further details, sayING that it does not usually "comment publicly on discussions with representatives of authorities, as a matter of principle."
Raiffeisen is one of the last major Western lenders still operatING in Russia.The bank is one of only two foreign banks on the Russian central bank's list of 13 systemically important credit institutions, the other beING Italy's UniCredit. Dutch lender ING, Germany's Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank, Hungary's OTP Bank, Italy's Intesa SanPaolo, and Sweden's SEB also retain a presence on the Russian market.
Last year, the Austrian lender announced plans to spin off its Russian business by September, followING mountING pressure from Western governments. The RBI Group that owns the bank has been resistING demands from the US and EU to speed up its Russia exit. The European Central Bank (ECB) has also been pressurING the lender to quit the Russian market.
US Treasury officials have also briefed German financiers on the new sanctions threat, accordING to Commerzbank, which conducts corporate bankING for mostly German companies active in Russia, as cited by EUobserver.
When asked if it feared potential US penalties, the German lender said it "treats sanctions compliance with the utmost importance and has taken risk-based measures to reduce its Russia-related sanctions risk exposure."
Meanwhile, ING told the news outlet that the new US rules meant "banks can be sanctioned or denied access to the US-dollar clearING system for a certain period of time, provided the bank has facilitated significant transactions that benefited the Russian military branch."The Dutch bank, however, sees no risk, as it "complies with all international sanctions laws includING UN, EU, and OFAC."
Bidan regime ruins US economy now they go after other countries to do the same. When are EU countries goING to be concerned with the people and state, then supportING a failed state? This is why US Presidents and Generals said after WWII we should never fight a war in Europe again.
#20545827 at 2024-03-10 10:00:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25199: Comfy Outbreak Edition
Boric Acid
study on negative responses if taken in large quantities.
A Reproductive Assessment by Continuous BreedING (RACB) study usING mice exposed to boric acid at 1000, 4500, and 9000 ppm in the diet indicated that there are probably multiple sites of action, although male fertility appears very sensitive.
23 uses for Boron/Boric Acid/Borax and countING
1. Yeast Infections, vaginitis and other bactericides and fungicides of skin and organs.
2. Eye Drops
Boric acid has been a common anti-bacterial in eye drops for over 70 years.
3. Ear Drops
Boric Acid is an effective antibiotic for the treatment of ear infections and pain relief.
4. Cancer Treatment.
Articles published in prominent Medical journals report the potential of boric acid in the treatment of certain cancers. Melanoma, Breast and Prostate Cancer studies have shown that boric acid can cause cancer cell apoptosis and prevent tumor growth.
Apoptosis is a process by which abnormal cells are killed by the body and cancer cells are typically immune to apoptosis as the body doesn't recognize them as abnormal. But recent studies are showING that boric acid opens certain cancers to apoptosis, which means, they become known to the body as abnormal cells and the body then kills them naturally.
5. Anti-fungal meds.
It kills candida fungus and is used on fINGernail and toenail fungus. It also kills more drug-resistant forms of candida glabrada.
6. Flea control in carpets.
Just sprinkle a light dustING of boric acid on your carpet and it will kill fleas and any eggs that hatch. It will not kill adults however.
7. As a mold and fungus killer.
Mix a little boric acid and soap in water and use it as a cleaner. It will kill mold, mildew and fungus which cause illness and allergies.
8. Antiseptic
Boric acid mixed in distilled water is a very effective antiseptic.
9. Cold Sores
Boric acid ointment can shorten a cold sore infection by up to 1/3 of the time.
10. Acne
Boric Acids antibacterial properties make it a very effective for acne breakouts. Some people use it pure and some use it in an ointment.
11. Fertilizer; It's a Crucial nutrient for plant life
12. Boron comes OTC as a dietary supplement
(THAT'S RIGHT, YOU EAT IT) for boron deficiency and bone health includING osteoporosis (brittle bone disease).
Ref: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ING…
13. Oral supplement for Menstrual cramps
14. Athletic Performance
15. Laundry Brightener
16. ForgING Metal, Metal WeldING, solderING and brazING
17. Flame retardant
18. Neutron Absorber
19. Catalyst in lead acid battery function
20. Treatment of chronic wounds
21. Used in the finishING of cotton fibers
22. A crucial element in cobalt electroplatING
23. Jewelry metal workING
And there are many, many more…
original link by Cougar Ridge Ranch
#20537512 at 2024-03-08 20:07:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25189: There Is Legend, There Is Treason Edition
An author and political activist shared that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Media Lab, which has direct links to child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has funded three central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot (trial) programs, two of which are ongoING and none of which have been covered by the mainstream media.
In contrast with other forms of digital currency, CBDCs require that individuals open bank accounts directly with central banks such as the Federal Reserve, givING governments control over citizens' access to money and openING the door to unprecedented tyranny.
Aaron Day, author of the 2023 book The Final Countdown that warns of the "imminent" threat of CBDCs, noted in an article for the Brownstone Institute that even before President Joe Biden signed an executive order in March 2022 hastenING the establishment of CBDCs, the Federal Reserve was "well underway" in developING CBDCs.
U.S. banks have participated in three CBDC pilot programs relatively recently launched with fundING from the MIT Media lab, which has received fundING in turn from the notorious financier and sex offender Epstein. Disgraced Joi Ito, the former director of the Media Lab who visited Epstein's private island accordING to Slate, also personally benefited from generous Epstein fundING.
The three CBDC initiatives are Project Hamilton, Project Cedar, and Regulated Liability Network. They respectively explore the "technical feasibility" of a functionING CBDC, cross-country and bank-to-bank CBDC transactions, and the assignment of digital tokens for all value assets so that all transactions can be centrally tracked and settled by the government and other parties.
Project Hamilton, which was completed in December 2022, was a joint research effort between the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and MIT into the "technical feasibility of a potential CBDC," accordING to the Boston Fed.
Earlier in 2022, Project Hamilton published research on a "transaction processor for a theoretical high-performance and resilient CBDC," which was developed as open-source research software called OpenCBDC, with "project leaders urg(ING) global contributors to continue workING on it."
Day has pointed out in an interview on The David Knight Show that Project Hamilton essentially developed a form of "electronic cash" issued by the Federal Reserve that would "replace the dollar."
While Boston Fed executive vice president Jim Cunha said the project was "agnostic" from the start about "any future policy decisions regardING new technologies and U.S. currency," Biden declared "development efforts into the potential... deployment options of a United States CBDC" to be a matter of the "highest urgency" in Executive Order 14067, signed in March 2022.
Project Cedar is a joint venture of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of New York Mellon, and State Street, along with the BIS and the MIT Media Lab.
Now in its second pilot phase, it is a research effort into the use of a CBDCs within the context of multi-currency, wholesale cross-border payments. Day explained that "wholesale" payments here refer to what are typically high-value transactions between financial institutions includING banks and businesses.
#20511432 at 2024-03-03 17:31:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25158: Sunday before super tuesday edition
Natural Health REMEDIES
23 uses for Boron/Boric Acid/Borax and countING
1. Yeast Infections, vaginitis and other bactericides and fungicides of skin and organs.
2. Eye Drops
Boric acid has been a common anti-bacterial in eye drops for over 70 years.
3. Ear Drops
Boric Acid is an effective antibiotic for the treatment of ear infections and pain relief.
4. Cancer Treatment.
Articles published in prominent Medical journals report the potential of boric acid in the treatment of certain cancers. Melanoma, Breast and Prostate Cancer studies have shown that boric acid can cause cancer cell apoptosis and prevent tumor growth.
Apoptosis is a process by which abnormal cells are killed by the body and cancer cells are typically immune to apoptosis as the body doesn't recognize them as abnormal. But recent studies are showING that boric acid opens certain cancers to apoptosis, which means, they become known to the body as abnormal cells and the body then kills them naturally.
5. Anti-fungal meds.
It kills candida fungus and is used on fINGernail and toenail fungus. It also kills more drug-resistant forms of candida glabrada.
6. Flea control in carpets.
Just sprinkle a light dustING of boric acid on your carpet and it will kill fleas and any eggs that hatch. It will not kill adults however.
7. As a mold and fungus killer.
Mix a little boric acid and soap in water and use it as a cleaner. It will kill mold, mildew and fungus which cause illness and allergies.
8. Antiseptic
Boric acid mixed in distilled water is a very effective antiseptic.
9. Cold Sores
Boric acid ointment can shorten a cold sore infection by up to 1/3 of the time.
10. Acne
Boric Acids antibacterial properties make it a very effective for acne breakouts. Some people use it pure and some use it in an ointment.
11. Fertilizer; It's a Crucial nutrient for plant life
12. Boron comes OTC as a dietary supplement
(THAT'S RIGHT, YOU EAT IT) for boron deficiency and bone health includING osteoporosis (brittle bone disease).
Ref: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ING...
13. Oral supplement for Menstrual cramps
14. Athletic Performance
15. Laundry Brightener
16. ForgING Metal, Metal WeldING, solderING and brazING
17. Flame retardant
18. Neutron Absorber
19. Catalyst in lead acid battery function
20. Treatment of chronic wounds
21. Used in the finishING of cotton fibers
22. A crucial element in cobalt electroplatING
23. Jewelry metal workING
And there are many, many more...
Electrically conductive bacterial nanowires produced by Shewanella oneidensisstrain MR-1and other microorganisms
USC scientists uncover the secret of 'electric bacteria'
Scientists have studied the mechanism of "feedING" of bacteria by electrons
#20508478 at 2024-03-03 01:56:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25155: LIKE CLOCKWORK ~ THE CLOCK IS TICKING ~ 2 BIG 2 RIG = Q+? Edition
>I agree Bakers should require sauce before Nota-blING-ING a poast. Otherwise it's just random crap.
If anon was bakerING, anon would refuse to notable clickbait headlines.
Hate dat shit.
#20508439 at 2024-03-03 01:52:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25155: LIKE CLOCKWORK ~ THE CLOCK IS TICKING ~ 2 BIG 2 RIG = Q+? Edition
I agree Bakers should require sauce before Nota-blING-ING a poast. Otherwise it's just random crap.
Even Anons have standards.
No need to sink to the lowest common denominator.
#20505256 at 2024-03-02 13:02:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25151: Waves Inbound Edition
Walters sent a scathING letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona last month callING theproposed transgender sports rule "one of the most illegal, impractical, and discriminatory policies" he has ever seen.
"Your administration's assault on women's athletics is shameful and extremely politically unpopular" and would force Oklahoma schools to "spend countless hours designING and implementING a system and policies to determine when - if ever - it can legally separate" basketball, track and field and baseball and softball by sex, the letter says.
The "unconstitutional" Department of Education "has held hostage the educational fundING of state educational agencies unless they acceptand enforce far-left policies and a regulatory agenda crafted by D.C. bureaucrats," Walters wrote.
Cardona "conflates gender identity with sex," the explicit focus of Title IX, "to skirt the legislative authoritygranted to you" and mischaracterizes the Supreme Court's Bostock rulING on gender identity in employment as expandING the definition of sex, the letter says.
PDE's lawsuit says the parental advocacy group narrowed its requested search to 13 offices within the Department of Education and "several dozen individual custodians" of records at the department's request.
Other than grantING the group's requested fee waiver, the department's subsequent communications with PDE have been frustratINGly vague, the suit says.
The feds denied its request for expedited processING July 26, 2022, without addressING "the substance of PDE's request or offer[ING] an estimated date of completion," and sent PDE an "initial determination letter" the followING month that "contained neither a determination nor an estimate for when one might arrive."
The suit also states an Aug. 12, 2022, letter, the last PDE received from the department, said the department would provide "records on a rollING basis as they become available" without mentionING categories of documents or givING PDE a right to appeal.
Just the News confirmed Fridaythe 19-month-old request is still "in process" from the department's FOIA portal.
Thedepartment has flagrantly exceeded its required time window - 30 days at most, in "unusual circumstances" - for makING and communicatING a "determination" on whether it will comply with a given request, the suit says. It has also not made a "reasonable effort to search for records" in violation of FOIA.
A Rhode Island school district put up similar hurdles to a parental rights activist who routinely files Access to Public Records Act requests in the Ocean State.
The activist, Nicole Solas, posted the March 1 response she received from the South KINGstown School Department, demandING more than $6,600 in fees to search through and redact nearly 8,900 =emails from its employees to the Southern Poverty Law Center, known for comparING Moms for Liberty to Southern segregationists== who harassed children enterING integrated schools.
The district told Solas on Feb. 15 that SPLC had not "facilitated" any teacher trainING but gave her an estimate of nearly $5,000 to search through and redact 6,600 pages of emails with SPLC "related" to teacher trainING.
She marveled that "somehow the price is higher" when seekING all communications to SPLC from district employees, not just teacher-trainING messages. "I'm thinkING about" askING for donations to cover the fees, Solas told a commenter.
#20499484 at 2024-03-01 16:02:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25144: Shall We Play A Game? TGIF Edition
>Clouds of these tiny particles, also known as soot, are between one and three nanometers each.
Well don't burn the f@@ING toast.
#20491396 at 2024-02-28 21:56:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25135: Mach Speed Edition
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488861, >>20488879 India's minister of state for electronics and information technology accused Google's Gemini chatbot of breakING numerous media-related laws.
>>20488907, >>20488909, >>20488945, >>20488951, >>20488953, >>20488977, >>20489103 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal/clintons
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489013 Hear the Godel fractal mathematics refractING smaller and smaller like a kaleidescope in the music, 3.28m.
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person...
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489033 ICYMI: klaus again confirms that, we are headING to a future where humans will be physically, digitally and biologically connected to a.i and Quantum computers.
>>20489040 A watch party for 'uncommitted' took on the feel of a victory party as tens of thousands of Michigan voters backed 'uncommitted' over resident Joe Biden.
>>20489046 Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
>>20489098, >>20489185 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20489123 Work on the multibillion-dollar plan dubbed Project Titan started a decade ago, Apple scraps electric car project
>>20489126 9:15 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a trilateral meetING with counterparts from Mexico and Guatemala
>>20489131 9:30 AM EST TakING Stock of Ukraine in 2024 Hudson Institute
>>20489145, >>20489531 TX: Pantex suspends operations as nearby Panhandle fires threaten nuclear weapons plant
>>20489147 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20489155 10:00 AM EST TakING a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Workers?
>>20489157 10:00 AM EST Port Cybersecurity: The Insidious Threat to U.S. Maritime Ports House Homeland Security Committee
>>20489158 10:15 AM EST Chad's Prime Minister on His Country's Civilian Transition and Role in Africa Atlantic Council
>>20489159 10:30 AM EST Administrator's briefING on NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 mission
>>20489166, >>20489404, >>20489615 resident Biden Heads to Walter Reed for Annual Physical Exam
>>20489167 Sanctions have reached their limit – Russian think tank
>>20489213, >>20489220, >>20489264 Rachel Marsden: Nuland accidentally reveals the true aim of the West in Ukraine, Putin's Russia is "not the Russia we wanted"
>>20489261 There has been no clean spendING bill. If this is unconstitutional, then every kickING of the can bill has been
>>20489301 US intel tried to track Putin, PlanetRisk
>>20489327 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shades of Night
>>20489330 James Comer Details 'Public Corruption 101' In Advance Of Hunter Biden Interview
>>20489371 @StateDept The impacts of climate change are already here and air quality in countries around the world will worsen.
>>20489416 Black Harvard professor forced to hire armed bodyguards after provING cops don't kill blacks disproportionately...
>>20489454 Listen to the Universe: New NASA Sonifications and Documentary
>>20489466, >>20489514 @realDonaldTrump LookING forward to Super Tuesday where she is doING even worse, if that's possible. I'm leadING every State by over 60 Points!
>>20489505 Germany's Anti-Migrant Party Wants More Migrant Voters
>>20489542 View Nova Explosion, 'New' Star in Northern Crown
>>20489626, >>20489630 The CUTE Mission: Innovative Design Enables Observations of Extreme Exoplanets from a Small Package
>>20489655 Russian satellite narrowly avoids collision with US spacecraft, and NASA could do nothING to stop it
>>20489732 #25132
Previously Collected
>>20487088 #25129, >>20487856 #25130, >>20488803 #25131
>>20484715 #25126, >>20485492 #25127, >>20486341 #25128
>>20482085 #25123, >>20482941 #25124, >>20483865 #25125
>>20479536 #25120, >>20480378 #25121, >>20481212 #25122
Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940
#20490593 at 2024-02-28 19:47:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25134: Zulu H0tel Edition
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488861, >>20488879 India's minister of state for electronics and information technology accused Google's Gemini chatbot of breakING numerous media-related laws.
>>20488907, >>20488909, >>20488945, >>20488951, >>20488953, >>20488977, >>20489103 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal/clintons
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489013 Hear the Godel fractal mathematics refractING smaller and smaller like a kaleidescope in the music, 3.28m.
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person...
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489033 ICYMI: klaus again confirms that, we are headING to a future where humans will be physically, digitally and biologically connected to a.i and Quantum computers.
>>20489040 A watch party for 'uncommitted' took on the feel of a victory party as tens of thousands of Michigan voters backed 'uncommitted' over resident Joe Biden.
>>20489046 Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
>>20489098, >>20489185 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20489123 Work on the multibillion-dollar plan dubbed Project Titan started a decade ago, Apple scraps electric car project
>>20489126 9:15 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a trilateral meetING with counterparts from Mexico and Guatemala
>>20489131 9:30 AM EST TakING Stock of Ukraine in 2024 Hudson Institute
>>20489145, >>20489531 TX: Pantex suspends operations as nearby Panhandle fires threaten nuclear weapons plant
>>20489147 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20489155 10:00 AM EST TakING a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Workers?
>>20489157 10:00 AM EST Port Cybersecurity: The Insidious Threat to U.S. Maritime Ports House Homeland Security Committee
>>20489158 10:15 AM EST Chad's Prime Minister on His Country's Civilian Transition and Role in Africa Atlantic Council
>>20489159 10:30 AM EST Administrator's briefING on NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 mission
>>20489166, >>20489404, >>20489615 resident Biden Heads to Walter Reed for Annual Physical Exam
>>20489167 Sanctions have reached their limit – Russian think tank
>>20489213, >>20489220, >>20489264 Rachel Marsden: Nuland accidentally reveals the true aim of the West in Ukraine, Putin's Russia is "not the Russia we wanted"
>>20489261 There has been no clean spendING bill. If this is unconstitutional, then every kickING of the can bill has been
>>20489301 US intel tried to track Putin, PlanetRisk
>>20489327 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shades of Night
>>20489330 James Comer Details 'Public Corruption 101' In Advance Of Hunter Biden Interview
>>20489371 @StateDept The impacts of climate change are already here and air quality in countries around the world will worsen.
>>20489416 Black Harvard professor forced to hire armed bodyguards after provING cops don't kill blacks disproportionately...
>>20489454 Listen to the Universe: New NASA Sonifications and Documentary
>>20489466, >>20489514 @realDonaldTrump LookING forward to Super Tuesday where she is doING even worse, if that's possible. I'm leadING every State by over 60 Points!
>>20489505 Germany's Anti-Migrant Party Wants More Migrant Voters
>>20489542 View Nova Explosion, 'New' Star in Northern Crown
>>20489626, >>20489630 The CUTE Mission: Innovative Design Enables Observations of Extreme Exoplanets from a Small Package
>>20489655 Russian satellite narrowly avoids collision with US spacecraft, and NASA could do nothING to stop it
>>20489732 #25132
#20489739 at 2024-02-28 16:52:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25133: Never Go Full Tater Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>20092798 ------ Australia #34
>>20459878 ------ Canada #54
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>19988670 ------ Germany #106
>>20187083 ------ Japan #22
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>20038152 ------ Scotland #9
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>19804572 ------ UK #51
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html
>>20022853 PostING Guidelines
>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>20186509 How to filter namefags
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed
Plz sign out clearly when e-bakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488861, >>20488879 India's minister of state for electronics and information technology accused Google's Gemini chatbot of breakING numerous media-related laws.
>>20488907, >>20488909, >>20488945, >>20488951, >>20488953, >>20488977, >>20489103 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal/clintons
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489013 Hear the Godel fractal mathematics refractING smaller and smaller like a kaleidescope in the music, 3.28m.
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person...
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489033 ICYMI: klaus again confirms that, we are headING to a future where humans will be physically, digitally and biologically connected to a.i and Quantum computers.
>>20489040 A watch party for 'uncommitted' took on the feel of a victory party as tens of thousands of Michigan voters backed 'uncommitted' over resident Joe Biden.
>>20489046 Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
>>20489098, >>20489185 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20489123 Work on the multibillion-dollar plan dubbed Project Titan started a decade ago, Apple scraps electric car project
>>20489126 9:15 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a trilateral meetING with counterparts from Mexico and Guatemala
>>20489131 9:30 AM EST TakING Stock of Ukraine in 2024 Hudson Institute
>>20489145, >>20489531 TX: Pantex suspends operations as nearby Panhandle fires threaten nuclear weapons plant
>>20489147 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20489155 10:00 AM EST TakING a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Workers?
>>20489157 10:00 AM EST Port Cybersecurity: The Insidious Threat to U.S. Maritime Ports House Homeland Security Committee
>>20489158 10:15 AM EST Chad's Prime Minister on His Country's Civilian Transition and Role in Africa Atlantic Council
>>20489159 10:30 AM EST Administrator's briefING on NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 mission
>>20489166, >>20489404, >>20489615 resident Biden Heads to Walter Reed for Annual Physical Exam
>>20489167 Sanctions have reached their limit – Russian think tank
>>20489213, >>20489220, >>20489264 Rachel Marsden: Nuland accidentally reveals the true aim of the West in Ukraine, Putin's Russia is "not the Russia we wanted"
>>20489261 There has been no clean spendING bill. If this is unconstitutional, then every kickING of the can bill has been
>>20489301 US intel tried to track Putin, PlanetRisk
>>20489327 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shades of Night
>>20489330 James Comer Details 'Public Corruption 101' In Advance Of Hunter Biden Interview
>>20489371 @StateDept The impacts of climate change are already here and air quality in countries around the world will worsen.
>>20489416 Black Harvard professor forced to hire armed bodyguards after provING cops don't kill blacks disproportionately...
>>20489454 Listen to the Universe: New NASA Sonifications and Documentary
>>20489466, >>20489514 @realDonaldTrump LookING forward to Super Tuesday where she is doING even worse, if that's possible. I'm leadING every State by over 60 Points!
>>20489505 Germany's Anti-Migrant Party Wants More Migrant Voters
>>20489542 View Nova Explosion, 'New' Star in Northern Crown
>>20489626, >>20489630 The CUTE Mission: Innovative Design Enables Observations of Extreme Exoplanets from a Small Package
>>20489655 Russian satellite narrowly avoids collision with US spacecraft, and NASA could do nothING to stop it
>>20489732 #25132
#25131 >>20487873
>>20487940 Indiana farmers raise national security fears as China buys up over 600 acres, as lawmakers try to ban purchases near military bases amid spyING threat
>>20487945 Kentucky prison system in chaos after more than THIRTY workers are caught havING sex with inmates behind bars…
>>20487997 Mitch McConnell Donors to Throw WashINGton D.C. Area Fundraiser for Nikki Haley
>>20488202 Another Donald Trump Absolute Blowout Tonight In Michigan
>>20488286 NASA says there's a small chance a U.S. spacecraft could collide with a Russian satellite at 1:30 a.m. ET.
>>20488536 suddenly: 'CSI: NY' star Gary Sinise's son McCanna dead at age 33: 'Our hearts ache'
>>20488607 Western special forces workING in Ukraine – FT
>>20488628 US spies have raised alarms about "inexperienced loyalists" threatenING their jobs
>>20488662 Japan Begins 4th Release of Treated Fukushima Water
>>20488686 Polish Truckers To Rejoin Farmers In Border CrossING Blockades
>>20488700, >>20488706 Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard faces an FBI probe for her high salary and misuse of funds.
>>20488722 Kamala Harris Announces Biden Regime will "Now Allow Students to Get Paid Through Federal Work Study to Register People"
>>20488803 #25131
#25130 >>20487104
>>20487797, >>20487271, >>20487295 Trump beats Haley in Michigan Republican presidential primary
>>20487130 Dr. Brian Hooker testifies against lack of oversight on all vaccines
>>20487133 Meta's AI says Joe Biden was the 45th President and completely leaves out Donald Trump
>>20487138 Maryland House passes bill allowING illegal immigrants access to state healthcare exchange
>>20487145 Two back to back Trump rallies on March 02
>>20487149 Elon: The census is based on a simple headcount of people (includING illegals), *not* just citizens
>>20487155 Don Lemon to be paid $24.5M to settle firING from CNN
>>20487159 Elon: In case you think the flood of illegals is only affectING big cities ...
>>20487161 Keean Bexte: I have been readING about Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill" all day
>>20487163 US banks filed to close 31 branches in a sINGle week this month, with Wells Fargo and PNC accountING for more than half
>>20487166, >>20487177 From the Queen of Englands death to the day before LDR's death: 17 Months, 17 Days
>>20487171 Hunter Biden Coordinated with Clinton Allies to Shut Down Ukraine Prosecutor's Burisma Investigation
>>20487178 State attorneys general say more than 85,000 children lost at the border
>>20487184, >>20487242 Duck Duck Go is GoING GoING Gone
>>20487189 MS-13 Gang Member Wanted in El Salvador for Murder Arrested in Boston, Previously Removed from the US Three Times
>>20487190 Teachers Ran LGBT Education Program At Dallas School Without Approval
>>20487192 In win for Paxton, court declares $1.7 trillion federal omnibus was passed unconstitutionally
>>20487195 Talent manager of Mr. Beast is Nancy Pelosi's nephew Andrew
>>20487197 Illegal Alien Accused Of KillING UGA Student Was Investigated By FBI For Assault On A Federal Officer
>>20487199 The judge who released a Missouri man out on a $20k bond who killed a mother and her daughter is linked to Soros
>>20487201 NYC taxpayers fleeced out of millions of dollars under no-bid migrant contracts rushed by Adams admin
>>20487203 Lara Trump officially kicked off her bid to be co-chair of the RNC on Tuesday
>>20487232 American Chemical Society Whitewashes East Palestine disaster
>>20487257 Dank MAGA 2024 AI ad
>>20487310 Arizona Republicans advance bill legalizING killING on suspicion of trespassING
>>20487379, >>20487386 Mar 25 Lunar Eclipse (Dark), Apr 08 Solar Eclipse (Light)
>>20487518, >>20487564 The 3 ladies goING after Trump
>>20487591 Gary Sinise reveals his wife Moira was battlING stage 3 breast cancer just before their son was diagnosed with Chordoma
>>20487617 Eric Adams calls for an end to sanctuary cities as New York City struggles to care for close to 200,000 migrants
>>20487680 Trump Joins "'JR Afternoon" on Michigan Primary Day; Talks Election Fraud, Border Crisis, Legal Troubles
>>20487709, >>20487719 Far-left fugitive Daniela Klette is arrested in Germany after 30 years on the run
>>20487745, >>20487787, >>20487771 4 hours between Air force suicide prevention tweet and service members filmed suicide video
>>20487770 Texas nuclear weapons facility evacuated, halts operations as wildfires rage through Panhandle
>>20487856 #25130
Previously Collected
>>20487088 #25129,
>>20484715 #25126, >>20485492 #25127, >>20486341 #25128
>>20482085 #25123, >>20482941 #25124, >>20483865 #25125
>>20479536 #25120, >>20480378 #25121, >>20481212 #25122
Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940
#20489732 at 2024-02-28 16:51:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25132: PANIC At An All Time High Edition
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488861, >>20488879 India's minister of state for electronics and information technology accused Google's Gemini chatbot of breakING numerous media-related laws.
>>20488907, >>20488909, >>20488945, >>20488951, >>20488953, >>20488977, >>20489103 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal/clintons
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489013 Hear the Godel fractal mathematics refractING smaller and smaller like a kaleidescope in the music, 3.28m.
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person...
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489033 ICYMI: klaus again confirms that, we are headING to a future where humans will be physically, digitally and biologically connected to a.i and Quantum computers.
>>20489040 A watch party for 'uncommitted' took on the feel of a victory party as tens of thousands of Michigan voters backed 'uncommitted' over resident Joe Biden.
>>20489046 Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
>>20489098, >>20489185 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20489123 Work on the multibillion-dollar plan dubbed Project Titan started a decade ago, Apple scraps electric car project
>>20489126 9:15 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a trilateral meetING with counterparts from Mexico and Guatemala
>>20489131 9:30 AM EST TakING Stock of Ukraine in 2024 Hudson Institute
>>20489145, >>20489531 TX: Pantex suspends operations as nearby Panhandle fires threaten nuclear weapons plant
>>20489147 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20489155 10:00 AM EST TakING a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Workers?
>>20489157 10:00 AM EST Port Cybersecurity: The Insidious Threat to U.S. Maritime Ports House Homeland Security Committee
>>20489158 10:15 AM EST Chad's Prime Minister on His Country's Civilian Transition and Role in Africa Atlantic Council
>>20489159 10:30 AM EST Administrator's briefING on NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 mission
>>20489166, >>20489404, >>20489615 resident Biden Heads to Walter Reed for Annual Physical Exam
>>20489167 Sanctions have reached their limit – Russian think tank
>>20489213, >>20489220, >>20489264 Rachel Marsden: Nuland accidentally reveals the true aim of the West in Ukraine, Putin's Russia is "not the Russia we wanted"
>>20489261 There has been no clean spendING bill. If this is unconstitutional, then every kickING of the can bill has been
>>20489301 US intel tried to track Putin, PlanetRisk
>>20489327 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shades of Night
>>20489330 James Comer Details 'Public Corruption 101' In Advance Of Hunter Biden Interview
>>20489371 @StateDept The impacts of climate change are already here and air quality in countries around the world will worsen.
>>20489416 Black Harvard professor forced to hire armed bodyguards after provING cops don't kill blacks disproportionately...
>>20489454 Listen to the Universe: New NASA Sonifications and Documentary
>>20489466, >>20489514 @realDonaldTrump LookING forward to Super Tuesday where she is doING even worse, if that's possible. I'm leadING every State by over 60 Points!
>>20489505 Germany's Anti-Migrant Party Wants More Migrant Voters
>>20489542 View Nova Explosion, 'New' Star in Northern Crown
>>20489626, >>20489630 The CUTE Mission: Innovative Design Enables Observations of Extreme Exoplanets from a Small Package
>>20489655 Russian satellite narrowly avoids collision with US spacecraft, and NASA could do nothING to stop it
#20489673 at 2024-02-28 16:41:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25132: PANIC At An All Time High Edition
Last Call
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488861, >>20488879 India's minister of state for electronics and information technology accused Google's Gemini chatbot of breakING numerous media-related laws.
>>20488907, >>20488909, >>20488945, >>20488951, >>20488953, >>20488977, >>20489103 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal/clintons
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489013 Hear the Godel fractal mathematics refractING smaller and smaller like a kaleidescope in the music, 3.28m.
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person...
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489033 ICYMI: klaus again confirms that, we are headING to a future where humans will be physically, digitally and biologically connected to a.i and Quantum computers.
>>20489040 A watch party for 'uncommitted' took on the feel of a victory party as tens of thousands of Michigan voters backed 'uncommitted' over resident Joe Biden.
>>20489046 Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
>>20489098, >>20489185 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20489123 Work on the multibillion-dollar plan dubbed Project Titan started a decade ago, Apple scraps electric car project
>>20489126 9:15 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a trilateral meetING with counterparts from Mexico and Guatemala
>>20489131 9:30 AM EST TakING Stock of Ukraine in 2024 Hudson Institute
>>20489145, >>20489531 TX: Pantex suspends operations as nearby Panhandle fires threaten nuclear weapons plant
>>20489147 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20489155 10:00 AM EST TakING a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Workers?
>>20489157 10:00 AM EST Port Cybersecurity: The Insidious Threat to U.S. Maritime Ports House Homeland Security Committee
>>20489158 10:15 AM EST Chad's Prime Minister on His Country's Civilian Transition and Role in Africa Atlantic Council
>>20489159 10:30 AM EST Administrator's briefING on NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 mission
>>20489166, >>20489404, >>20489615 resident Biden Heads to Walter Reed for Annual Physical Exam
>>20489167 Sanctions have reached their limit – Russian think tank
>>20489213, >>20489220, >>20489264 Rachel Marsden: Nuland accidentally reveals the true aim of the West in Ukraine, Putin's Russia is "not the Russia we wanted"
>>20489261 There has been no clean spendING bill. If this is unconstitutional, then every kickING of the can bill has been
>>20489301 US intel tried to track Putin, PlanetRisk
>>20489327 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shades of Night
>>20489330 James Comer Details 'Public Corruption 101' In Advance Of Hunter Biden Interview
>>20489371 @StateDept The impacts of climate change are already here and air quality in countries around the world will worsen.
>>20489416 Black Harvard professor forced to hire armed bodyguards after provING cops don't kill blacks disproportionately...
>>20489454 Listen to the Universe: New NASA Sonifications and Documentary
>>20489466, >>20489514 @realDonaldTrump LookING forward to Super Tuesday where she is doING even worse, if that's possible. I'm leadING every State by over 60 Points!
>>20489505 Germany's Anti-Migrant Party Wants More Migrant Voters
>>20489542 View Nova Explosion, 'New' Star in Northern Crown
>>20489626, >>20489630 The CUTE Mission: Innovative Design Enables Observations of Extreme Exoplanets from a Small Package
>>20489655 Russian satellite narrowly avoids collision with US spacecraft, and NASA could do nothING to stop it
#20489465 at 2024-02-28 15:56:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25132: PANIC At An All Time High Edition
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488861, >>20488879 India's minister of state for electronics and information technology accused Google's Gemini chatbot of breakING numerous media-related laws.
>>20488907, >>20488909, >>20488945, >>20488951, >>20488953, >>20488977, >>20489103 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal/clintons
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489013 Hear the Godel fractal mathematics refractING smaller and smaller like a kaleidescope in the music, 3.28m.
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person...
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489033 ICYMI: klaus again confirms that, we are headING to a future where humans will be physically, digitally and biologically connected to a.i and Quantum computers.
>>20489040 A watch party for 'uncommitted' took on the feel of a victory party as tens of thousands of Michigan voters backed 'uncommitted' over resident Joe Biden.
>>20489046 Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
>>20489098, >>20489185 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20489123 Work on the multibillion-dollar plan dubbed Project Titan started a decade ago, Apple scraps electric car project
>>20489126 9:15 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a trilateral meetING with counterparts from Mexico and Guatemala
>>20489131 9:30 AM EST TakING Stock of Ukraine in 2024 Hudson Institute
>>20489145 TX: Pantex suspends operations as nearby Panhandle fires threaten nuclear weapons plant
>>20489147 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20489155 10:00 AM EST TakING a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Workers?
>>20489157 10:00 AM EST Port Cybersecurity: The Insidious Threat to U.S. Maritime Ports House Homeland Security Committee
>>20489158 10:15 AM EST Chad's Prime Minister on His Country's Civilian Transition and Role in Africa Atlantic Council
>>20489159 10:30 AM EST Administrator's briefING on NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 mission
>>20489166, >>20489404 resident Biden Heads to Walter Reed for Annual Physical Exam
>>20489167 Sanctions have reached their limit – Russian think tank
>>20489213, >>20489220, >>20489264 Rachel Marsden: Nuland accidentally reveals the true aim of the West in Ukraine, Putin's Russia is "not the Russia we wanted"
>>20489261 There has been no clean spendING bill. If this is unconstitutional, then every kickING of the can bill has been
>>20489301 US intel tried to track Putin, PlanetRisk
>>20489327 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shades of Night
>>20489330 James Comer Details 'Public Corruption 101' In Advance Of Hunter Biden Interview
>>20489371 @StateDept The impacts of climate change are already here and air quality in countries around the world will worsen.
>>20489416 Black Harvard professor forced to hire armed bodyguards after provING cops don't kill blacks disproportionately...
>>20489454 Listen to the Universe: New NASA Sonifications and Documentary
#20489164 at 2024-02-28 14:29:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25132: PANIC At An All Time High Edition
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488861, >>20488879 India's minister of state for electronics and information technology accused Google's Gemini chatbot of breakING numerous media-related laws.
>>20488907, >>20488909, >>20488945, >>20488951, >>20488953, >>20488977, >>20489103 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal/clintons
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489013 Hear the Godel fractal mathematics refractING smaller and smaller like a kaleidescope in the music, 3.28m.
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person...
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489033 ICYMI: klaus again confirms that, we are headING to a future where humans will be physically, digitally and biologically connected to a.i and Quantum computers.
>>20489040 A watch party for 'uncommitted' took on the feel of a victory party as tens of thousands of Michigan voters backed 'uncommitted' over resident Joe Biden.
>>20489046 Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
>>20489098 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20489123 Work on the multibillion-dollar plan dubbed Project Titan started a decade ago, Apple scraps electric car project
>>20489126 9:15 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a trilateral meetING with counterparts from Mexico and Guatemala
>>20489131 9:30 AM EST TakING Stock of Ukraine in 2024 Hudson Institute
>>20489145 TX: Pantex suspends operations as nearby Panhandle fires threaten nuclear weapons plant
>>20489147 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20489155 10:00 AM EST TakING a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Workers?
>>20489157 10:00 AM EST Port Cybersecurity: The Insidious Threat to U.S. Maritime Ports House Homeland Security Committee
>>20489158 10:15 AM EST Chad's Prime Minister on His Country's Civilian Transition and Role in Africa Atlantic Council
#20489062 at 2024-02-28 13:46:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25132: PANIC At An All Time High Edition
We Be Firm'd
ty fer the taker caker naker
notables bun up to this post
#25132 >>20488837
>>20488848 Pope taken to Gemelli hospital for tests
>>20488996 Wisconsin Public School Superintendent Resigns After TroublING Racial Rant on Radio Show
>>20489001 Double secret unsuspention: marianne williamson - I am unsuspendING my campaign
>>20489021 "U.S. health care spendING grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reachING $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person…
>>20489023 Hunter Biden appears before Congress as impeachment inquiry reaches its climax
>>20489046 AG Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
#20489046 at 2024-02-28 13:41:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25132: PANIC At An All Time High Edition
February 27, 2024 | Press Release
Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Wins Case Chal?leng?ING $1.7 Tril?lion Fed?er?al Fund?ING Bill Passed Uncon?sti?tu?tion?al?ly With Less Than Half of U.S. Con?gress Phys?i?cal?ly Present
The Quorum Clause of the U.S. Constitution mandates that the chambers of Congress must have a majority of members physically present to constitute a quorum before most official business may be conducted. However, in December 2022, fewer than half of the House of Representatives were physically present when they passed the $1.7 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, with those not present votING by proxy. When President Joe Biden signed the illegally passed law, Attorney General Paxton sued and sought an injunction against the implementation of certain provisions of the law affectING the State of Texas.
"Congress acted egregiously by passING the largest spendING bill in U.S. history with fewer than half the members of the House botherING to do their jobs, show up, and vote in person," said Attorney General Paxton. "Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi abused proxy votING under the pretext of COVID-19 to pass this law, then Biden signed it, knowING they violated the Constitution. This was a stunnING violation of the rule of law. I am relieved the Court upheld the Constitution."
The followING is the first page of the MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER so ordered by the Court on Feb 27, 2024.
For over 235 years, Congress understood the Constitution's Quorum Clause to require a majority of members of the House or Senate to be physically present to constitute the necessary quorum to pass legislation. This rule prevents a minority of members from passING legislation that affects the entire nation. But despite the Constitution's text and centuries of consistent practice, the House in 2020 created a rule that permitted non-present members to be included in the quorum count and vote by proxy. Pursuant to that novel rule, the House passed a new law included within the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, and that particular provision affects Texas. Like many constitutional challenges, Texas asserts that this provision is unenforceable against it because Congress violated the
Constitution in passING the law. In response, the defendants claim, among other thINGs, that this Court has no power to address the issue because it cannot look to extrinsic evidence to question whether a bill became law. But because the Court is interpretING and enforcING the
Constitution-rather than second-guessING a vote count-the Court disagrees. The Court concludes that, by includING members who were indisputably absent in the quorum count, the Act at issue passed in violation of the Constitution's Quorum Clause.
#20486074 at 2024-02-27 23:08:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25128: Bee's Knees Edition
NothING gets done on 8kun…
Herodotus-ING your way thru life
#20485015 at 2024-02-27 20:20:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25127: Tater Country Back To One Day To Vote Edition
On a June 2021 episode of theStew Peters Show, he argued that the COVID-19 vaccine contained luciferase, which he believed was a cryptocurrency technology associated with the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation 13:16-18.[14] This conspiracy theory, accordING to Clark, included Bill Gates (under the influence of performance artist and alleged Satanist Marina Abramovi?), and Jeffrey Epstein. Clark accused Gates and Epstein of attemptING to create a new race of humans by combinING luciferase and Epstein's DNA into the COVID-19 vaccine.[14][15]
Stew Peters Show
Stewart Peters[1] (born April 1, 1980) is an American alt-right internet personality,[2] white nationalist,[3] political commentator, Holocaust denier,[4] and conspiracy theorist. He is known for promotING COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories,[10] as well as anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, and white supremacist beliefs.[3]
HavING previously been a rapper and bounty hunter,[11][12] Peters launched the Stew Peters Show in 2020, which airs on weekdays
Peters has called for the execution of Hunter Biden, Dr Anthony Fauci, Catholic Charities workers, Taylor Swift, and Travis Kelce for reasons rangING from Kelce promotING COVID-19 vaccines and the Catholic Charities workers aidING migrants to Biden beING a "presidential failson" and Swift promotING "witchcraft".[27][28][29] AccordING to Peters' executive producer Lauren Witzke, "It's not a Stew Peters rally unless we're callING for executions."[30]
Peters has promoted many white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracy theories and talkING points.[31] He has referred to Judaism as a "death cult built on the blood of murdered babies".[21] He claimed that the Titan submersible implosion was intentionally caused by the Federal Reserve to prevent investigations into the Titanic, and agreed with a guest who blamed the Rothschild family and claimed they control the Federal Reserve.[32] He has repeatedly promoted the white genocide and Great Replacement conspiracy theories.[21] He has falsely claimed that Black people are genetically prone to committING crime,[21] and has referred to Somali refugees in Minnesota as "double-digit IQ savages" who are "conquerING" the state by "replacING" its flag, referencING perceived similarities to the flag of Jubaland.[33] Peters has hosted noted white supremacists and antisemites such as Nick Fuentes, Peter Brimelow, Cynthia McKinney, and Steven Anderson on his show.[21]
FollowING the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, Peters increasINGly promoted antisemitic rhetoric on his show,[4] includING Holocaust denial. That month, he also published a series of tweets insultING Martin Luther KING Jr., includING a claim that he "stud[ied] Jewish Bolshevism", a common antisemitic conspiracy theory,[34] and baselessly claimed that the New York City synagogue tunnel incident was a coverup for child sex traffickING.[35][36]
in early 2022, Clay Clark began incorporatING conspiracy theories about the "Great Reset" into the tour.[35][2]
At the March event in San Diego, Michael Flynn said, "We need you to charge the machine gun nest.... Maybe I'm just askING you to dig a little bit deeper there or hold this side of the line, or form up cause we're gonna counterattack over here, and that counterattack is, we're gonna go after school boards." This language led some commentators to charge Flynn with incitING violence against educators for allegedly teachING critical race theory.[36]
One of the themes speakers focused on in 2022 events was the alleged connection between supernatural activity and U.S. politics. At the March event in San Diego, for example, one speaker warned, "Do not be surprised if the Angel of Death shows up in WashINGton."[37][38] At the May event in Myrtle Beach, Mark Burns told the audience, "You wanna get rid of Lindsey Graham? Then get rid of the demonic territory that's over the land." Roger Stone stated that "there is a Satanic portal above the White House" that first appeared after Joe Biden became president. Stone claimed that the portal "must be closed. And it will be closed by prayer."[39]
In July 2022, the Main Street Armory in Rochester, New York cancelled the ReAwaken America event scheduled there for dates in August, citING "the outpour[ING] of concern from our community." Prior to its cancellation, the bands Japanese Breakfast and Joywave had cancelled events at the Main Street Armory citING the scheduled ReAwaken America events.[40]
#20478973 at 2024-02-26 15:00:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25120: Judgement Day Edition
19. And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit t guilty, persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it wishes. Thanks to this state of thINGs the people are destroy-
ING every kind of stability and creatING disorders at every step.
20. The word ''freedom"' brINGs out the communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority even against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we come into our kINGdom, shall have to erase this word from the lexicon of life as implyING a principle of brute force which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts.
21. These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood, and at such times can easily be riveted into their chains. But if they be not given blood they will not sleep and continue to struggle
#20476387 at 2024-02-25 22:07:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25117: EBAKE
Aug 30, 2018 10:12:03 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd9bfd No. 2810036
Aug 30, 2018 10:09:28 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 709118 No. 2809998
Aug 30, 2018 10:05:40 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: daec59 No. 2809946
Is it me or is the site 502'ING? Every time I've baked since 5pm ET it's happened.
Aug 30, 2018 10:06:17 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 6e3eed No. 2809954
Another DDOS.
SomethING BIG habbenING.
Aug 30, 2018 10:06:27 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: b550a5 No. 2809955
Holy Shit are we gettING pummeled!
Aug 30, 2018 10:08:27 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 8bfa49 No. 2809980
What's with the 3 captchas in a row??
Aug 30, 2018 10:08:35 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 23089c No. 2809985
welcome... dig, take your licks if you're wrong, keep diggING and you'll show you belong.
yup, DDOS, 502s, and captcha
with means OVER THE TARGET
Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.
#20467292 at 2024-02-24 12:04:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25106: Late Night Zone Edition
Sounds Chinese
#20458703 at 2024-02-22 21:56:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25097: These People Are Stupid Edition
Mission 7: CLAS
"Are you awake?"
"Learn our comms."
BrING the thunder.
#20458685 at 2024-02-22 21:51:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25097: These People Are Stupid Edition
Mission 6: Fiddler > Ghost-PRIME
Mission 7: CLAS
Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k
Mission 9: Censorship
CLAS +relay
#20458230 at 2024-02-22 20:06:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25096: The Awakening: CPAC Day 1 Edition
Letter to Navy Exchange on CCP-Linked Computers
WASHINGTON, DC - Chairman Mike Gallagher (R-WI) of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party wrote to the CEO of the U.S. Navy Exchange, requestING the removal of CCP-linked Lenovo products from the discounted marketplace available to servicemembers. Lenovo is a Chinese technology company with extensive ties to the People's Liberation Army and the CCP's state-directed espionage campaigns. Lenovo's largest shareholder is the Chinese government.
Currently, the U.S. Navy Exchange offers at least ten CCP-linked Lenovo computer and IT products.
In the letter, Chairman Gallagher writes, "[T]he Exchange should not be sellING Lenovo products to U.S. servicemembers, let alone incentivizING such purchases with tax-free, discounted prices. DoING so creates a major cybersecurity threat and undermines the U.S. Department of Defense's 2023 Cyber Strategy, which commits to "foster[ING] a culture of cybersecurity and cyber awareness."
Chairman Gallagher cited the Pentagon's 2016 warnING that Lenovo computers could introduce compromised hardware into the Defense Department. In 2018, the FTC also cautioned that Lenovo installed software on U.S.-bound computers that created serious security vulnerabilities.
Chairman Gallagher requested that Robert Bianchi, CEO of the Navy Exchange, provide a briefING no later than October 20, 2023 on the Navy Exchange's decision to sell Lenovo computers and IT products.
Presumably, this includes my Motorola phone…. grrrrr
#20454926 at 2024-02-22 04:28:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25092: Phase [2] Edition
On a June 2021 episode of theStew Peters Show, he argued that the COVID-19 vaccine contained luciferase, which he believed was a cryptocurrency technology associated with the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation 13:16-18.[14] This conspiracy theory, accordING to Clark, included Bill Gates (under the influence of performance artist and alleged Satanist Marina Abramovi?), and Jeffrey Epstein. Clark accused Gates and Epstein of attemptING to create a new race of humans by combinING luciferase and Epstein's DNA into the COVID-19 vaccine.[14][15]
Stew Peters Show
Stewart Peters[1] (born April 1, 1980) is an American alt-right internet personality,[2] white nationalist,[3] political commentator, Holocaust denier,[4] and conspiracy theorist. He is known for promotING COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories,[10] as well as anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, and white supremacist beliefs.[3]
HavING previously been a rapper and bounty hunter,[11][12] Peters launched the Stew Peters Show in 2020, which airs on weekdays
Peters has called for the execution of Hunter Biden, Dr Anthony Fauci, Catholic Charities workers, Taylor Swift, and Travis Kelce for reasons rangING from Kelce promotING COVID-19 vaccines and the Catholic Charities workers aidING migrants to Biden beING a "presidential failson" and Swift promotING "witchcraft".[27][28][29] AccordING to Peters' executive producer Lauren Witzke, "It's not a Stew Peters rally unless we're callING for executions."[30]
Peters has promoted many white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracy theories and talkING points.[31] He has referred to Judaism as a "death cult built on the blood of murdered babies".[21] He claimed that the Titan submersible implosion was intentionally caused by the Federal Reserve to prevent investigations into the Titanic, and agreed with a guest who blamed the Rothschild family and claimed they control the Federal Reserve.[32] He has repeatedly promoted the white genocide and Great Replacement conspiracy theories.[21] He has falsely claimed that Black people are genetically prone to committING crime,[21] and has referred to Somali refugees in Minnesota as "double-digit IQ savages" who are "conquerING" the state by "replacING" its flag, referencING perceived similarities to the flag of Jubaland.[33] Peters has hosted noted white supremacists and antisemites such as Nick Fuentes, Peter Brimelow, Cynthia McKinney, and Steven Anderson on his show.[21]
FollowING the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, Peters increasINGly promoted antisemitic rhetoric on his show,[4] includING Holocaust denial. That month, he also published a series of tweets insultING Martin Luther KING Jr., includING a claim that he "stud[ied] Jewish Bolshevism", a common antisemitic conspiracy theory,[34] and baselessly claimed that the New York City synagogue tunnel incident was a coverup for child sex traffickING.[35][36]
in early 2022, Clay Clark began incorporatING conspiracy theories about the "Great Reset" into the tour.[35][2]
At the March event in San Diego, Michael Flynn said, "We need you to charge the machine gun nest.... Maybe I'm just askING you to dig a little bit deeper there or hold this side of the line, or form up cause we're gonna counterattack over here, and that counterattack is, we're gonna go after school boards." This language led some commentators to charge Flynn with incitING violence against educators for allegedly teachING critical race theory.[36]
One of the themes speakers focused on in 2022 events was the alleged connection between supernatural activity and U.S. politics. At the March event in San Diego, for example, one speaker warned, "Do not be surprised if the Angel of Death shows up in WashINGton."[37][38] At the May event in Myrtle Beach, Mark Burns told the audience, "You wanna get rid of Lindsey Graham? Then get rid of the demonic territory that's over the land." Roger Stone stated that "there is a Satanic portal above the White House" that first appeared after Joe Biden became president. Stone claimed that the portal "must be closed. And it will be closed by prayer."[39]
In July 2022, the Main Street Armory in Rochester, New York cancelled the ReAwaken America event scheduled there for dates in August, citING "the outpour[ING] of concern from our community." Prior to its cancellation, the bands Japanese Breakfast and Joywave had cancelled events at the Main Street Armory citING the scheduled ReAwaken America events.[40]
#20451805 at 2024-02-21 17:15:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25089: Keep On Truckin Baby Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>20092798 ------ Australia #34
>>20362754 ------ Canada #53
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>19988670 ------ Germany #106
>>20187083 ------ Japan #21
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>20038152 ------ Scotland #9
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>19804572 ------ UK #51
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html
>>20022853 PostING Guidelines
>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>20186509 How to filter namefags
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed
Plz sign out clearly when e-bakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#25088 >>20450903
>>20450934 Dr. Phil Shares an Explosive Interview w/ Border Patrol ShowING American Taxpayers Are FundING the TraffickING of Migrant Children Into S** Slavery
>>20450942, >>20450959 Catholic Indiana couple appeals to Supreme Court after their child was taken from them after they refused to refer to him as his preferred pronouns.
>>20450950 Under the fog of war, Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections
>>20450954 Absolute horror story out of Lakewood, Colorado. A middle school staff member is accused of multiple sexual assaults on male students...
>>20451017, >>20451025, >>20451026 Sweden's National Preparedness Manual "If Crisis or War Comes" (in English)
>>20451047 Massive farmer protest paralyzes Madrid, Spain.
>>20451071, >>20451078 Trucker Says BoycottING New York City Is Bigger Than Trump - Causes 30% Receiver Fee INCREASE For NYC Load Deliveries: Food Prices To SURGE
>>20451103 Argentina under Milei: The Economy Ministry said: "the first (monthly) financial surplus since August 2012, and the first surplus for a January since 2011."
>>20451120 Liz Joy w/CAP: Attention all NY Parents. A NY Bill that takes away your parental rights. Every New Yorker needs to know about this Bill!
>>20451126, >>20451164 Air conditioned lawnmower, 1957
>>20451127 Q's 20 posts on Feb 21
>>20451146, >>20451179 Passive Radar for Opportunistic MonitorING in e-Health Applications
>>20451165 Panama Canal sufferING major disruption
>>20451167 Lavrov comments on Russian favorite in race for White House
>>20451170 RemINGton CEO Cites 'Legislative Environment'in New York as Company Moves to Georgia
>>20451178 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy
>>20451186, >>20451367, >>20451596 The Bee: New York Mayor Warns Migrants If They Keep AttackING NYPD Officers, They'll Be Downgraded To 4-Star Hotels/moar
>>20451191 Bipartisan Group of US Senators flies to Hungary to bully Orban into approvING NATO expansion and guess what? Hungarian politicians refuse to meet
>>20451204 Google's Gemini AI Blasted For EliminatING White People From Image Searches
>>20451228 Judge Engoron Accused of BangING Secretary of OpposING Counsel in Previous Case
>>20451236 The PBOC released data today showING the amount of Chinese shares owned by overseas investors fell in 2023 for a second straight year
>>20451269 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Seagull Nebula over Pinnacles' Peak
>>20451272 10:00 AM EST NPC Headliners: Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm
>>20451286 Michigan wanted homeschool registry for warrantless home entry
>>20451293 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day
>>20451314 NASA Sets Coverage of First US Uncrewed Commercial Moon LandING
>>20451341 SEC closes Rumble investigation in latest regulatory clearance of global free speech platforms
>>20451344, >>20451346, >>20451354 #Truckers4Trump
>>20451349 Alabama's supreme court ruled embryos are 'extrauterine children'. IVF patients are worried
>>20451360, >>20451421 Assange Trial Live
>>20451418 NASA's New Horizons Detects Dusty Hints of Extended Kuiper Belt
>>20451429, >>20451435, >>20451441 A Tribute to Saint Alexei, Patron Saint of Liberal Democracy
>>20451471 A StunnING 10 Million Illegals Have Entered The US Under Biden; Tucker Warns They Are "DestroyING" The Country
>>20451499 The INGraham Angle Town Hall: President Donald Trump Hank Kimball
>>20451542 Russia tears up Soviet-era fishING agreement with UK
>>20451547 Elon announced last night that the X algorithm is goING to change dramatically this week
>>20451557 D5 London: about D5 member countries
>>20451559, >>20451565, >>20451589, >>20451648, >>20451686 Eleonora Srebroski
>>20451569 NASA brINGs back retro 'worm' logo for upcomING Artemis 2 moon mission
>>20451582 Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan on Biden Investigation and Alexander Smirnov Indictment
>>20451655 US parentING 'influencer' sentenced for child abuse, Ruby Franke
>>20451656 12:00 PM EST Former House Speaker Paul Ryan on What's at Stake in 2024 Presidential Election/uniparty panic n blather
>>20451668 USSF successfully concludes VICTUS NOX Tactically Responsive Space mission
>>20451692 State Department defends Blinken memo urgING staffers to avoid 'problematic' language like 'manpower'
>>20451739 Tennessee firm illegally employed minors to clean meat saws, head splitters at slaughterhouses
>>20451799 #25088
#25087 >>20449859
>>20449916 How British Intelligence Framed Julian Assange As Russian Agent
>>20450000 Russia could 'blind' the US by takING out satellites usING a nuclear space weapon, says ex-CIA chief
>>20450007 Tribute to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
>>20450118 Joe M Archive is up-to-date and complete
>>20450133 Russian church blasts Vatican over gay blessINGs
>>20450640 Ex-Barclays exec Jes Staley, Jeffrey Epstein emails revealed: 'Say hi to Snow White'
>>20450740 Stanley drink cups have an added surprise in them that the manufacturers failed to mention: Lead
>>20450769 "Children should have sex partners" – The UN agenda to normalize pedophilia
>>20450797 X account of Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Alexei Navalny, has been suspended one day after its creation for allegedly violatING X rules
>>20450843, >>20450860 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous Court Fine Ordered by Judge Engoron In New York Civil Fraud Trial
>>20450847 A Federal Court Overturned The EPA's Ban On The Neurotoxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos. This Chemical Was Developed For Chemical Warfare DurING WW2
>>20450856 OANN - Massachusetts: Girls High School Sports Team Forfeits After 6-Foot Male IdentifyING As Female Injures 3 Players
>>20450884 #25087
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham (only sauce we got)
>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449345 Revisionist historian David IrvING talks about his life, his books and the importance of free speech
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine
>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I'm suING to end NGO's operations in Texas
>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams' 'Mayor's Fund' for NYC after just 16 months
>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B
>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their "Terrorists and Extremists" List
>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland
>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children
>>20449546 30 minutes after departING Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door
>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases
>>20449606, >>20449594, >>20449628, >>20449646, >>20449680, >>20449707 Anons discuss Peekaboobs wantING to seize Trump's properties
>>20449664 How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7
>>20449713 The Chinese know history
>>20449776 Don't fail the children
>>20449802, >>20449807 Moar FISA
>>20449842 #25086
Previously Collected
>>20448270 #25084, >>20449055 #25085
>>20445764 #25081, >>20446644 #25082, >>20447482 #25083
>>20443029 #25078, >>20443831 #25079, >>20444740 #25080
>>20441455 #25075, >>20441317 #25076, >>20442191 #25077
Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #21: Purpose >>19961525
#20450898 at 2024-02-21 12:14:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25088: Banging Into Wednesday Edition
#25085 >>20448296
>>20448595, >>20448571 Trump Town Hall with Laura INGraham
>>20448345 Planefag
>>20448362, >>20448715 The Authoritative Personality (1950), Adorno T. W.
>>20448367 What is Smart Dust?
>>20448411 Tucker Carlson - Mass Immigration is DestroyING the United States and No One is DoING AnythING About It... Why Journalists are Afraid
>>20448443, >>20448493 @TheJusticeDept has unsealed indictments against two alleged Russian members of the #LockBit ransomware group
>>20448490 Hunter Biden's Lawyers Lash Out at Special Counsel, Claim Photos on iPhone Are Sawdust, Not Crack Cocaine
>>20448510 Leader of drug traffickING organization, Francisco Rene Luna, imprisoned for international cocaine distribution scheme
>>20448515, >>20448586, >>20448608 UnderstandING PCR
>>20448555 US To Hit Moscow With New "Major Sanctions Package" Over Navalny's Death
>>20448585 Dog comms: 13 pit bulls euthanized after deadly maulING in Compton
>>20448652 Egypt Stops Use Of US Dollar For Trade - Joins BRICshitters
>>20448677 NY Bill would allow children to consent to medical procedures
>>20448804 Bannon: Trump's RepresentING The American People, He's PuttING You First - Biggest fundraiser in SC for Trump, $6.5 million
>>20448816 Tustin, California: Confirmed Explosion at a shoppING center lockdowns and evacuation in place
>>20448871 United Airlines flight #UA354, a BoeING 757-224, diverts after pieces from inner leadING edge slat of right-hand wING broke off
>>20448960 [ING] error
>>20449011 What are Immunization Information Systems (IIS)?
>>20449039 (2013) Nikki Haley "Sold Out Port" For $15K
>>20449055 #25085
Previously Collected
>>20448270 #25084,
>>20445764 #25081, >>20446644 #25082, >>20447482 #25083
>>20443029 #25078, >>20443831 #25079, >>20444740 #25080
>>20441455 #25075, >>20441317 #25076, >>20442191 #25077
Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #21: Purpose >>19961525
#20450896 at 2024-02-21 12:14:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25088: Banging Into Wednesday Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>20092798 ------ Australia #34
>>20362754 ------ Canada #53
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>19988670 ------ Germany #106
>>20187083 ------ Japan #21
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>20038152 ------ Scotland #9
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>19804572 ------ UK #51
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html
>>20022853 PostING Guidelines
>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>20186509 How to filter namefags
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed
Plz sign out clearly when e-bakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#25087 >>20449859
>>20449916 How British Intelligence Framed Julian Assange As Russian Agent
>>20450000 Russia could 'blind' the US by takING out satellites usING a nuclear space weapon, says ex-CIA chief
>>20450007 Tribute to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
>>20450118 Joe M Archive is up-to-date and complete
>>20450133 Russian church blasts Vatican over gay blessINGs
>>20450640 Ex-Barclays exec Jes Staley, Jeffrey Epstein emails revealed: 'Say hi to Snow White'
>>20450740 Stanley drink cups have an added surprise in them that the manufacturers failed to mention: Lead
>>20450769 "Children should have sex partners" – The UN agenda to normalize pedophilia
>>20450797 X account of Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Alexei Navalny, has been suspended one day after its creation for allegedly violatING X rules
>>20450843, >>20450860 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous Court Fine Ordered by Judge Engoron In New York Civil Fraud Trial
>>20450847 A Federal Court Overturned The EPA's Ban On The Neurotoxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos. This Chemical Was Developed For Chemical Warfare DurING WW2
>>20450856 OANN - Massachusetts: Girls High School Sports Team Forfeits After 6-Foot Male IdentifyING As Female Injures 3 Players
>>20450884 #25087
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham (only sauce we got)
>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449345 Revisionist historian David IrvING talks about his life, his books and the importance of free speech
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine
>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I'm suING to end NGO's operations in Texas
>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams' 'Mayor's Fund' for NYC after just 16 months
>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B
>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their "Terrorists and Extremists" List
>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland
>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children
>>20449546 30 minutes after departING Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door
>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases
>>20449606, >>20449594, >>20449628, >>20449646, >>20449680, >>20449707 Anons discuss Peekaboobs wantING to seize Trump's properties
>>20449664 How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7
>>20449713 The Chinese know history
>>20449776 Don't fail the children
>>20449802, >>20449807 Moar FISA
>>20449842 #25086
#20449850 at 2024-02-21 04:02:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25087: .txt Edition
#25085 >>20448296
>>20448595, >>20448571 Trump Town Hall with Laura INGraham
>>20448345 Planefag
>>20448362, >>20448715 The Authoritative Personality (1950), Adorno T. W.
>>20448367 What is Smart Dust?
>>20448411 Tucker Carlson - Mass Immigration is DestroyING the United States and No One is DoING AnythING About It... Why Journalists are Afraid
>>20448443, >>20448493 @TheJusticeDept has unsealed indictments against two alleged Russian members of the #LockBit ransomware group
>>20448490 Hunter Biden's Lawyers Lash Out at Special Counsel, Claim Photos on iPhone Are Sawdust, Not Crack Cocaine
>>20448510 Leader of drug traffickING organization, Francisco Rene Luna, imprisoned for international cocaine distribution scheme
>>20448515, >>20448586, >>20448608 UnderstandING PCR
>>20448555 US To Hit Moscow With New "Major Sanctions Package" Over Navalny's Death
>>20448585 Dog comms: 13 pit bulls euthanized after deadly maulING in Compton
>>20448652 Egypt Stops Use Of US Dollar For Trade - Joins BRICshitters
>>20448677 NY Bill would allow children to consent to medical procedures
>>20448804 Bannon: Trump's RepresentING The American People, He's PuttING You First - Biggest fundraiser in SC for Trump, $6.5 million
>>20448816 Tustin, California: Confirmed Explosion at a shoppING center lockdowns and evacuation in place
>>20448871 United Airlines flight #UA354, a BoeING 757-224, diverts after pieces from inner leadING edge slat of right-hand wING broke off
>>20448960 [ING] error
>>20449011 What are Immunization Information Systems (IIS)?
>>20449039 (2013) Nikki Haley "Sold Out Port" For $15K
>>20449055 #25085
#20449849 at 2024-02-21 04:02:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25087: .txt Edition
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham (only sauce we got)
>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449345 Revisionist historian David IrvING talks about his life, his books and the importance of free speech
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine
>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I'm suING to end NGO's operations in Texas
>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams' 'Mayor's Fund' for NYC after just 16 months
>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B
>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their "Terrorists and Extremists" List
>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland
>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children
>>20449546 30 minutes after departING Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door
>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases
>>20449606, >>20449594, >>20449628, >>20449646, >>20449680, >>20449707 Anons discuss Peekaboobs wantING to seize Trump's properties
>>20449664 How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7
>>20449713 The Chinese know history
>>20449776 Don't fail the children
>>20449802, >>20449807 Moar FISA
>>20449842 #25086
#20449842 at 2024-02-21 04:01:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham (only sauce we got)
>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449345 Revisionist historian David IrvING talks about his life, his books and the importance of free speech
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine
>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I'm suING to end NGO's operations in Texas
>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams' 'Mayor's Fund' for NYC after just 16 months
>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B
>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their "Terrorists and Extremists" List
>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland
>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children
>>20449546 30 minutes after departING Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door
>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases
>>20449606, >>20449594, >>20449628, >>20449646, >>20449680, >>20449707 Anons discuss Peekaboobs wantING to seize Trump's properties
>>20449664 How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7
>>20449713 The Chinese know history
>>20449776 Don't fail the children
>>20449802, >>20449807 Moar FISA
#20449829 at 2024-02-21 03:58:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
Notes ~700
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham (only sauce we got)
>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449345 Revisionist historian David IrvING talks about his life, his books and the importance of free speech
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine
>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I'm suING to end NGO's operations in Texas
>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams' 'Mayor's Fund' for NYC after just 16 months
>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B
>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their "Terrorists and Extremists" List
>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland
>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children
>>20449546 30 minutes after departING Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door
>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases
>>20449606, >>20449594, >>20449628, >>20449646, >>20449680, >>20449707 Anons discuss Peekaboobs wantING to seize Trump's properties
>>20449664 How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7
>>20449713 The Chinese know history
>>20449776 Don't fail the children
>>20449802, >>20449807 Moar FISA
#20449749 at 2024-02-21 03:39:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
Notes ~615
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham (only sauce we got)
>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine
>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I'm suING to end NGO's operations in Texas
>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams' 'Mayor's Fund' for NYC after just 16 months
>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B
>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their "Terrorists and Extremists" List
>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland
>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children
>>20449546 30 minutes after departING Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door
>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases
>>20449606, >>20449594, >>20449628, >>20449646, >>20449680, >>20449707 Anons discuss Peekaboobs wantING to seize Trump's properties
>>20449664 How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7
#20449624 at 2024-02-21 03:16:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
Notes ~490
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham (only sauce we got)
>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump's Assets if He Can't Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine
>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I'm suING to end NGO's operations in Texas
>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams' 'Mayor's Fund' for NYC after just 16 months
>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B
>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their "Terrorists and Extremists" List
>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland
>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children
>>20449546 30 minutes after departING Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door
>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases
#20449589 at 2024-02-21 03:10:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
>>Fully half of the country has no idea who Rob Reiner is. He hasn't been relevant in many decades
The stupid half? Because the Great AwakenING half not only knows who he is, but they know he's beING blackmailed for rapING little kids (boys?) on Epstein Island. The deal is, as long as he keeps REEEEEE-ING against Trump, the Clowns will not only keep him out of jail, they'll keep payING him to make shitty movie after shitty movie after shitty movie.
#20449459 at 2024-02-21 02:45:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
>>>20449206 Full Vid: Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham
baker this is not the full video.
it is around 20 minutes than some chinky dude doING origami
#20449444 at 2024-02-21 02:43:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
Notes ~330
#25086 >>20449071
>>20449206 Full Vid: Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ING]errorham
>>20449101, >>20449210, >>20449117, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries
>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children
>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents
>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)
>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handlING of illegal immigration
>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses
>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley
>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message
>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery
>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"
>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims 'Russian Intelligence' Involved in PassING Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story
>>20449386 Universe's brightest object reportedly discovered, featurING black hole the size of 17 billion suns
>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm
#20449061 at 2024-02-21 01:21:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25086: White Squall Edition
#25085 >>20448296
>>20448595, >>20448842, >>20448571 Trump Town Hall with Laura INGraham
>>20448345 Planefag
>>20448362, >>20448715 The Authoritative Personality (1950), Adorno T. W.
>>20448367 What is Smart Dust?
>>20448411 Tucker Carlson - Mass Immigration is DestroyING the United States and No One is DoING AnythING About It... Why Journalists are Afraid
>>20448443, >>20448493 @TheJusticeDept has unsealed indictments against two alleged Russian members of the #LockBit ransomware group
>>20448490 Hunter Biden's Lawyers Lash Out at Special Counsel, Claim Photos on iPhone Are Sawdust, Not Crack Cocaine
>>20448510 Leader of drug traffickING organization, Francisco Rene Luna, imprisoned for international cocaine distribution scheme
>>20448515, >>20448586, >>20448608 UnderstandING PCR
>>20448555 US To Hit Moscow With New "Major Sanctions Package" Over Navalny's Death
>>20448585 Dog comms: 13 pit bulls euthanized after deadly maulING in Compton
>>20448652 Egypt Stops Use Of US Dollar For Trade - Joins BRICshitters
>>20448677 NY Bill would allow children to consent to medical procedures
>>20448804 Bannon: Trump's RepresentING The American People, He's PuttING You First - Biggest fundraiser in SC for Trump, $6.5 million
>>20448816 Tustin, California: Confirmed Explosion at a shoppING center lockdowns and evacuation in place
>>20448871 United Airlines flight #UA354, a BoeING 757-224, diverts after pieces from inner leadING edge slat of right-hand wING broke off
>>20448960 [ING] error
>>20449011 What are Immunization Information Systems (IIS)?
>>20449039 (2013) Nikki Haley "Sold Out Port" For $15K
>>20449055 #25085
#20449055 at 2024-02-21 01:20:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25085: Out of Time Edition
#25085 >>20448296
>>20448595, >>20448842, >>20448571 Trump Town Hall with Laura INGraham
>>20448345 Planefag
>>20448362, >>20448715 The Authoritative Personality (1950), Adorno T. W.
>>20448367 What is Smart Dust?
>>20448411 Tucker Carlson - Mass Immigration is DestroyING the United States and No One is DoING AnythING About It... Why Journalists are Afraid
>>20448443, >>20448493 @TheJusticeDept has unsealed indictments against two alleged Russian members of the #LockBit ransomware group
>>20448490 Hunter Biden's Lawyers Lash Out at Special Counsel, Claim Photos on iPhone Are Sawdust, Not Crack Cocaine
>>20448510 Leader of drug traffickING organization, Francisco Rene Luna, imprisoned for international cocaine distribution scheme
>>20448515, >>20448586, >>20448608 UnderstandING PCR
>>20448555 US To Hit Moscow With New "Major Sanctions Package" Over Navalny's Death
>>20448585 Dog comms: 13 pit bulls euthanized after deadly maulING in Compton
>>20448652 Egypt Stops Use Of US Dollar For Trade - Joins BRICshitters
>>20448677 NY Bill would allow children to consent to medical procedures
>>20448804 Bannon: Trump's RepresentING The American People, He's PuttING You First - Biggest fundraiser in SC for Trump, $6.5 million
>>20448816 Tustin, California: Confirmed Explosion at a shoppING center lockdowns and evacuation in place
>>20448871 United Airlines flight #UA354, a BoeING 757-224, diverts after pieces from inner leadING edge slat of right-hand wING broke off
>>20448960 [ING] error
>>20449011 What are Immunization Information Systems (IIS)?
>>20449039 (2013) Nikki Haley "Sold Out Port" For $15K
#20448960 at 2024-02-21 01:02:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25085: Out of Time Edition
Qpost #4515
Feb 2019
[ING] error
INGraham / img server
#20448951 at 2024-02-21 01:00:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25085: Out of Time Edition
qpost #4515
Feb 2019
[ING] error
INGraham / img
#20447778 at 2024-02-20 21:44:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25084: Anons Do Not Forgive & Do Not Forget Edition
Seems to be from 2021, and stuck in Committee
2021-S3041 (ACTIVE) - Sponsor Memo
An act to amend the public health law, in relation to the administration
of vaccines to children who are at least fourteen years of age
To allow minors who are at least fourteen years of age to have certain
vaccinations administered to him or herself.
Section 1: Amends the public health law by addING a new section 2167-a.
The new section authorizes health care practitioners to administer
vaccinations to minors who are at least fourteen years of age without
their parent's knowledge or consent. These vaccinations must meet the
standards approved by the United States Public Health Service, and be
consistent with recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immuniza-
tion Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
or the New York State Department of Health under such conditions as may
be specified by the Public Health Council. Minors must have the capacity
to consent, and provide informed consent. "Health care practitioner,"
"vaccine," and "capacity to consent" are defined.
In January of 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed the anti-
vaccination movement to be one of the top ten threats to global health.
In the 2019, there was an unprecedented 650 reported cases of measles in
New York State. AccordING to WHO, trends around the country and globally
have also seen a recent spike in measles diagnoses. While measles has a
relatively low fatality rate, those with leukemia and other immunocom-
promised individuals are at particular risk. The outbreak of measles
illustrates the risk a decline in herd immunity presents for an outbreak
of even more serious diseases.
Students bound for high school or higher education may be limited in
their educational opportunities should their parents or guardians refuse
vaccination. In a 2019 case in Orchard Park, New York, two students were
prevented from attendING public schools because of their parents refused
to update their immunizations. Moreover, since most colleges and univer-
sities in New York require a panel of immunizations, students that
enroll in college prior to their eighteenth birthday may be unable to
receive required vaccinations without parental consent.
Minors are permitted to receive vaccinations without parental consent in
six states and WashINGton, D.C. These states utilize the 'mature minor
doctrine,' permittING minors the ability to make certain choices regard-
ING their bodily autonomy and health providING they have the capacity to
give informed consent.
#20447257 at 2024-02-20 19:48:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25083: Crime Of The Century Edition
My wife is currently dyING laughING at this. She says we've hit peak retard levels.
He just wanted to masturbate and steal a little. kek
>"I was unloadING my stuff, and a guy - he was like a pervert, he had his penis out," Abu told the New York Post on Monday.
>"He's in the corner of the street j—ING off and I told him, 'Hey, what are you doING? And he went into my van where all my mail and everythING was at, and I pushed him away, and he ran towards me like he was goING to aggressively hit me."
>Abu said he then picked up a piece of ice from the ground and used it to hit the flashING illegal migrant in order to protect himself.
>"I picked up a piece and I socked him with it and he went down on his butt," said Abu, who then spotted police nearby and called on them to help him.
>However, while the police responded to the scene, Abu said he ended up beING charged with third-degree assault and was later released on a desk appearance ticket after Sanchez was left with swellING and bruisING on his face, the Post reported, citING police
#20447185 at 2024-02-20 19:32:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25083: Crime Of The Century Edition
In a December campaign speech in Iowa, he said "Marxists and fascists" are "goING hard" against Catholics. "Upon takING office,I will create a new federal task force on fightING anti-Christian biasto be led by a fully reformed Department of Justice that's fair and equitable" and that will "investigate all forms of illegal discrimination." On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, Trump promoted on his social media a video that suggests his campaign is, actually, a divine mission from God.
In 2019, Trump's then-secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, set up a federal commission to define human rights based on the precepts Vought describes, specifically "natural law and natural rights." Natural law is the belief that there are universal rules derived from God that can't be superseded by government or judges. While it is a core pillar of Catholicism, in recent decades it's been used to oppose abortion, LGBTQ+ rights and contraception.
Vought sees his and his organization's mission as "renew[ING] a consensus of America as a nation under God," per a statement on CRA's website, and reshapING the government's contract with the governed. Freedom of religion would remain a protected right, but Vought and his ideological brethren would not shy from usING their administration positions to promote Christian doctrine and imbue public policy with it, accordING to both people familiar with the matter, granted anonymity to avoid retaliation. He makes clear reference to human rights beING defined by God, not man.
America should be recognized as a Christian nation "where our rights and duties are understood to come from God,"Vought wrote two years ago in Newsweek
"It is a commitment to an institutional separation between church and state, but not the separation of Christianity from its influence on government and society," he continued, notING such a framework "can lead to beneficial outcomes for our own communities, as well as individuals of all faiths." He went on to accuse detractors of Christian nationalism of invokING the term to try to scare people.
"'Christian nationalism' is actually a rather benign and useful descriptionfor those who believe in both preservING our country's Judeo-Christian heritage and makING public policy decisions that are best for this country," he wrote. "The term need not be subjected to such intense scorn due to misunderstandING or slander."
To INGratiate himself in conservative circles - and Christian conservative ones - Trump has often turned to operatives from them. Among those who helped was Vought. As OMB director in the Trump administration, Vought became a disciple of the "America First" movement. He has been a steadfast proponent of keepING the U.S. out of foreign wars and slashING federal spendING.
CRA is already wieldING influence on Trump's positions. His thinkING on withdrawING the U.S. from NATO and usING military force against Mexican drug cartels is partly inspired by separate CRA papers, accordING to reports by RollING Stone.
"Russell Vought did a fabulous job in my administration, and I have no doubt he will do a great job in continuING our quest to make America great again," reads a Trump quote prominently placed on CRA's website. Trump will have a major platform to convey his vision for Christian policy in a second term when, on Feb. 22, he addresses a National Religious Broadcasters forum in Nashville. The group is the world's largest association of Christian communicators.
Trump is also talkING about brINGING his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a vocal proponent of Christian nationalism, back into office. Flynn is currently focused on recruitING what he calls an "Army of God" - as he barnstorms the country promotING his vision of puttING Christianity at the center of American life.
Vought's beliefs over time have been informed by his relationship with Wolfe. The two spent time together at Heritage Action, a conservative policy advocacy group. And Vought has praised their yearslong partnership. "I'm proud to work with @William_E_Wolfe on scopING out a sound Christian Nationalism," he posted on X, then Twitter, in January 2023.
Vought often echoes Wolfe's principles, includING on immigration. "Jesus Christ wasn't an open-borders socialist," Wolfe wrote for The Daily Caller in April while a visitING CRA fellow."The Bible unapologetically upholds the concept of sovereign nations."
#20446085 at 2024-02-20 14:46:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25082: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
ash. li. babb. i. tt (H)
aud. rii cunn. ING H. am
faces are mere masks, to protect the innocent
#20430882 at 2024-02-17 21:13:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25064: 2,000 Day Witch Hunt Edition
Anon, it's Quantum Leap Forward Q-Day and POTUS COMMS us about beING his digital soldier special comms unit. POTUS isn't comm-ING with the world, he's talkING to his anons.
The most logical conclusion is that it's Go Time.
#20419887 at 2024-02-15 21:40:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25050: 5_5 Fulton Judge Hears Evidence on Motion to Disqualify Fani Edition
Justice Dept. Releases DamnING Photos, Texts From Hunter Biden's Phone
The Department of Justice has released what appear to be damnING texts and images from Hunter Biden's iPhone that date around the time he purchased a handgun and appear to indicate he was hooked on drugs at the time.
The first son is under investigation by the DOJ for allegedly lyING on the federal firearms background check form required for the purchase of guns by indicatING he was not addicted to or usING illegal drugs.
The Justice Department's 10-page filING contains texts and photos from shortly before and after the gun purchase, which indicate Hunter Biden was usING drugs.
"Prior to October 12, 2018 (the date of the gun purchase), the defendant took photos of crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia on his phone," the court filING said. "Also, prior to his gun purchase, the defendant routinely sent messages about purchasING drugs."
"On October 13, 2018, and October 14, 2018 (the day after and two days after he purchased the firearm), the defendant messaged his girlfriend about meetING a drug dealer and smokING crack," the DOJ added.
"For example on October 13, 2018, the defendant messaged her and stated, '... I'm now off MD Av behind blue rocks stadium waitING for a drug dealer named Mookie.'"
The Western Journal noted that there is a Blue Rocks stadium in WilmINGton, Del., which is Biden's hometown.
In another text on Oct. 14, 2018, Biden wrote, "I was sleepING on a car smokING crack on 4th Street and Rodney," which are cross-streets in WilmINGton.
In addition, the filING contained texts from his then-girlfriend, deceased brother Beau Biden's widow, Hallie Biden.
In an Oct. 23, 2018 text, he wrote, "Are you insane. This is no game. And you're beING totally irresponsible and unhINGed."
"Who in their right mind would trust you would help me get sober?" he wrote in another text, referencING an encounter he had with the "f***kING FBI" regardING the handgun.
She reportedly discarded the handgun in a dumpster behind a grocery store earlier in the day. Hunter wrote that it was in a "locked car on another property."
She answered, "I'm sorry, I just want you to be safe. That was not safe," and then refuted him, textING that the car "was open unlocked and windows down and the kids search your car."
"You have lost your mind hunter," Hallie continued. "I'm sorry I handled it poorly today but you are in huge denial about yourself and about that reality that I just want you safe. You run away like a child and blame me for your s***."
"It's to be expected that you go, you prove repeatedly that you can't stay and really do work on yourself," Hallie said. "It's easier for you to avoid lookING within and cowardly to constantly point the blame on me."
Hunter responded on Nov. 21, 2018: "I'm a f***ING better man than any man you know whether I'm smokING crack or not."
"I don't blame my addiction on you," he added on Nov. 29, 2018.
Also, in the final texts included in the DOJ's filING that were sent to "Person 2," Hunter wrote he is an "addict," notING further (with misspellING): "I'll fuxkING get sober when I want to get f***ING sober."
He was indicted in September by a grand jury on three separate firearms charges related to the purchase and what he wrote on the firearms form. He has pleaded not guilty.
Last month, two committees in the GOP-led House agreed to re-issue subpoenas to Hunter Biden after both held him in contempt of Congress for failING to comply with two issued in mid-December.
ABC News reported that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer of Kentucky said Sunday they would issue new subpoenas after Biden's attorney, Abby Lowell, agreed that his client would come in for closed-door testimony.
Earlier in the month, an Oversight Committee hearING exploded into chaos as Republicans and Democrats went at each other after Hunter suddenly appeared in the gallery.
#20412653 at 2024-02-14 17:46:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25042: Straight To The Heart Of The Matter Edition
14 Feb, 2024 14:23
Hunter Biden's phone contained images of illicit drugs - US Justice Dept
The son of the US president has been accused of lyING durING a 2018 federal background check about his use of narcotics
Hunter Biden had images on his personal phone of "apparent" crack cocaine and other drug paraphernalia, around the time he was accused of lyING about his use of illegal substances on a federal form ahead of an October 2018 firearm purchase, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) said on Tuesday.
In a ten-page court filING, the DOJ shared drug-related images and text messages allegedly composed by Hunter Biden, the second son of US President Joe Biden, that prosecutors say were from April, November and December 2018.
In September, Biden was issued three charges of gun-related crimes by Special Counsel David Weiss. These included makING false statements on a federal firearms form as well as the illegal possession of a gun as a prohibited person.
"Prior to October 12, 2018, the defendant took photos of crack cocaine and other drug paraphernalia on his phone,"the Justice Department filING reads. "Also prior to his gun purchase, the defendant routinely sent messages about purchasING drugs."
The filING also states that Hunter Biden "messaged his girlfriend about meetING a drug dealer and smokING crack" on October 13 and 14 of 2018. His former partner Hallie Biden - previously the wife of his late brother Beau Biden - discarded the firearm on October 23, 2018, the DOJ said.
"Are you insane? This is no game," one text message directed to Biden on October 23 says. "You're beING totally irresponsible and unhINGed."
The documents also note that the text messages were sent followING "interactions with law enforcement."
Additionally, the documents state that Biden acknowledged his status as "an addict" in messages in late 2018, writING in one text message in December thathe will "f*ING get sober when I want to get f*ING sober."
The details submitted by the DOJ in its filING appear to undermine a claim made by Hunter Biden in a federal background check that he was not addicted to drugs at the time of the October 2018 firearm purchase.
Last October, Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to three federal gun charges weeks after a plea deal arranged with prosecutors collapsed. Under the terms of that agreement, Biden would have admitted guilt to misdemeanor tax charges in exchange for the firearm charges beING dropped.
If convicted of all of the firearm charges, Hunter Biden could face a maximum term of 25 years in prison and fines of up to $750,000. However, his status as an alleged first-time offender in a non-violent crime would likely see his punishment be dramatically reduced, legal analysts have said.
(DOJ droppING the Bidan's they are too much of a problem!)
#20401360 at 2024-02-12 14:03:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #25028: Some Kind Of Comfy Bread Edition
It's all about the break…ING point
#20398551 at 2024-02-12 00:43:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25025: Pissing Their Pants Edition
superb owl puppy show
had to do with sex traffic-ING
Perfect for Las Vegas, right?
never cared much about identity of "Q team" - not goING to keep me up nights;
"Never look a gift horse in the mouth"
But people sayING it's "AI"?
no, couldn't be.
Inter-dimensional entity?
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
These little coincidences are from non-local intelligence? - Our consciousness extends in space and is more than what we think.
"Alien" is the wrong word.
Because this all-pervasive intelligence (not sayING that's "Q") is very close to us, different from alien, in fact familiar, as I understand it, in my limited way.
Has to be non-local intelligence the way it organizes, only sometimes though.
How many coincidences have to pile up?
#20391035 at 2024-02-10 19:25:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25016: Abstract Edition
Sharon Osbourne Says Kanye Messed "With The Wrong Jew" Ozzy Osbourne Blasts Rapper On Facebook
It looks like thINGs in the land of Elite Hollywood Wars are gettING super feisty durING the month of love.
Despite Ozzy Osbourne slammING Kanye West for usING Black Sabbath music samples without permission, Ozzy's wife is even more indignant, publicly tearING the troubled rapper to shreds.
TMZ reports,
Here's the deal ... OO hopped on X Friday and absolutely torched Ye for featurING a sample of an old BS song on one of his own tracks for 'Vultures.' Ozzy seemed to think it was 'War Pigs,' even though it really sounded like 'Iron Man.' Either way, he was fumING.
Sharon herself echoed Ozzy's sentiment to TMZ - tellING us ... "Kanye f***ed with the wrong Jew this time" ... goING on to say that she and Ozzy have fired off a cease and desist to Ye.
There was an absolute no-go from Sharon Osbourne and Ozzy Osbourne, per the TMZ report. There seems to be an element of personal resentment in their denial of the rapper, most likely stemmING from West's repeated public statements about Jewish people.
Sharon says Ozzy rarely refuses people who wanna do this ... but in this instance, he had a "special f***ING occasion to say no." We should note - Sharon herself was raised Jewish.
Kanye's antisemitism is a nonstarter for Sharon and Ozzy - and we're told they both feel the way he's conducted himself of late is unacceptable. Sharon, specifically, tells us Ye these days "represents hate," and that he's a "disrespectful antisemite."
#20386578 at 2024-02-09 22:47:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25011: All Memes Lead To Moar Edition
Sharon says Ozzy rarely refuses people who wanna do this … but in this instance, he had a "special f***ING occasion to say no." We should note – Sharon herself was raised Jewish.
#20377938 at 2024-02-08 14:28:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #25000: Prep The Covfefe, Trump Speaks Bright And Early Edition
4chan users launched a misogynistic AI-based campaign that's now spreadING on social media
More than 1,200 posts and dozens of threads dedicated to the campaign have gone up on 4chan in a matter of days
Written by Alex Kaplan
Published 02/08/24 9:09 AM EST
Users on 4chan's far-right "politically incorrect" message board (commonly known as "/pol/") have launched a misogynistic campaign advocatING for the use of AI to "put clothes on women." The campaign, called "#dignifAI," has spread widely since it started in late January, includING gettING attention from major far-right figures and makING its way to other platforms.
On January 30, a 4chan user posted a thread sayING that "with the power of AI we can put clothes on women" and showING two images: one that appears to be an Instagram post of a woman and then the same post but with more clothING on the woman. The user added, "AI porn makes them angry. But use AI to clothe them, remove their tattoos and piercINGs.. The seethING will echo through the ages."
Fellow users expressed enthusiasm about the idea and voted on a campaign name, ultimately landING on "#dignifAI."
The user that started the January 30 thread also claimed that it would be "memetic perfection" and likened it to the 4chan campaigns "Islam is right about women" and "IOKTBW" (it's OK to be white).
dignifAI 4chan thread seemING launchING the campaign
Citation 4chan thread that seemINGly launched the the "#dignifAI" campaign
Numerous threads titled "#dignifAI" and includING similar imagery have since racked up hundreds of posts each. AccordING to a Media Matters internal search, as of publication there have been more than 1,200 posts with the "dignifAI" term on "/pol/" since the campaign began, along with nearly 100 individual threads apparently dedicated to the campaign.
Users promotING the campaign on 4chan have said that the aim of #dignifAI is "for people to see that a degenerate lifestyle is ultimately fruitless." They also called for users to "repost with #dignifAI hashtag on social media" and to harass the women the campaign is targetING by "INCLUD[ING] NAME OF THE THOT IN THE POST SO ANONS CAN @ THEM."
dignifAI 4chan thread
Citation 4chan thread dedicated to the "#dignifAI" campaign
The threads appear to call for users to specifically use the AI tool Stable Diffusion for creatING the images, even though that tool's terms of service prohibit its use "for any illegal, harmful, or unauthorized purposes. 404 Media noted that the images seem to be edited with other tools such as Photoshop, rather than created with AI tools. (There is even a website dedicated to the campaign.)
Users have also apparently been collectING a file of images created in the campaign, with one user claimING over 1,000 images have been collected.
Some major far-right media figures have boosted the campaign on other platforms, includING "Pizzagate" promoter Jack Posobiec and Infowars' Paul Joseph Watson.
On February 2, Posobiec posted on X (formerly Twitter), "4chan has launched a new AI tool. Its purpose is to put clothes back on e-girls and remove tattoos. It is called dignifAI," which got thousands of reposts.
#20372802 at 2024-02-07 16:26:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24994: Good Riddance Ronna Edition
Thanks To The State Freedom Caucus Network, GOP Legislatures Are GettING More Conservative
FEBRUARY 05, 2024
By now, most Americans are familiar with the House Freedom Caucus, a coalition of conservative representatives who disrupt the reckless policies put forward by the "uniparty" runnING WashINGton, D.C.But flyING under the radar of national politics is a growING movement aimING to replicate the group's strategy throughout the country.
The State Freedom Caucus Network (SFCN) is a nationwide organization aimed at creatING freedom caucuses in America's 50 state legislatures and advancING conservative policies. SpannING 11 states and comprised of more than 160 lawmakers, the coalition is spearheaded by SFCN President Andy Roth, who has worked on Capitol Hill for roughly 20 years and was previously affiliated with Club for Growth.
The idea of a State Freedom Caucus Network came not long after the HFC formed in 2015, and state lawmakers runnING for Congress expressed to Roth a desire to have such a coalition in their state legislatures. The question became: "Why don't we have somethING like that at the state level?" Roth told The Federalist. "So, after talkING with Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz. - who was the chair of the House Freedom Caucus [at the time] - and with other folks, we decided that we needed to formally do it."
The SFCN was founded in December 2021.
The Mission
While Republicans currently control 23 state trifectas, an in-depth analysis published by The Daily Wire in April 2023 revealed thatmany so-called "red states" are run by GOP-dominated legislatures that are not as conservative as they should be.An investigation intoWyomING's Republican legislators' votING records, for example, "found that 31 legislators were 'very liberal' - and all but two of them had Rs behind their name," meanING29 Republicans were "further to the left of three Democrats, who were merely 'liberal.'"
The analysis also found thatSouth Carolina and Alabama's Republican-controlled legislatures hadmore liberal votING records than their GOP counterparts in "blue" statessuch as Delaware and New York. Meanwhile, Florida and Wisconsin Republicans were listed as those with the most conservative votING records.
The SFCN is hopING to change this dynamic by developING freedom caucuses in state legislatures throughout the country to enact more conservative policies. While participatING lawmakers introduce and push conservative legislation, the national wING of the SFCN works to provide resources and support traditionally enjoyed by the GOP establishment.
"When you have the establishment with all the resources pushING big government bills, and the people that aresupposed to defend us have no resources" durING the short time state legislatures are in session, "it's no [wonder] that we keep losING," Roth said. "What we do is give the state freedom caucuses the support they need to fight back."
AccordING to Roth, this support comes in the form of state directors, who read introduced legislation, provide vote recommendations, and "help build coalition support" for good policies. The SFCN also provides communications assistance by takING a "state issue and mak[ING] it national [news]."
The Establishment Strikes Back
HavING been able to evade accountability from voters for years, many establishmentRepublicans have unsurprisINGly begun to retaliate against their more conservative colleagues.
#20370082 at 2024-02-07 02:39:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24991: Make Good From The Bad Edition
Moderna Scientists Warn mRNA Vaccines Carry Toxicity Risks
The technology used in Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine carries toxicity risks, scientists with the company said in a new paper.
"A major challenge now is how to efficiently de-risk potential toxicities associated with mRNA technology," the scientists wrote in the paper, which was published by Nature Reviews Drug Discovery on Jan. 23.
The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 shots use modified messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology. The mRNA is delivered by lipid nanoparticles (LNP).
The toxicity risks include "lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs," the authors of the paper said.
Authors of the paper include Eric Jacquinet and Dimitrios Bitounis, Moderna employees, and Maximillian Rogers, who was workING at Moderna when the paper was beING done.
Moderna didn't respond to a request for comment.
The mRNA vaccines have multiple known side effects, includING heart inflammation and severe allergic shock. Those may stem from hypersensitivity reactions, which can be elicited by "any LNP-mRNA component" but are most likely triggered by PEGlyated lipid nanoparticles, which is "the most potentially reactogenic component," the scientists said.
Polyethylene glycol, or PEG, an INGredient in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, is known to cause allergic reactions. Outside scientists are divided over the mechanism behind the heart inflammation, while Pfizer has posited that the LNPs are behind the issue.
The new paper drew from prior publications and other data. The authors didn't carry out any new experiments.
Some of the papers cited included those that have found mRNA and the spike protein delivered by Moderna's shot in various parts of human beINGs weeks or months after vaccination, despite health officials claimING when the vaccines were rolled out that such materials would exit the body within days.
The scientists said that Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine is "safe and effective" and hailed the development of an updated shot as "demonstrat[ING] the rapid timeline for modifications with mRNA technology in the clinic." Due to the "transient nature of mRNA," though, "repeat administration may be necessary," they said.
The scientists added later that reducING risks of toxicities with mRNA-based vaccines and drugs is necessary but "complicated." That can be accomplished through a multi-pronged approach that includes advanced testING in laboratories and adjusts preclinical, animal trials to better account for "differences in human and animal physiology."
#20369354 at 2024-02-07 00:23:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24990: The King Edition
celebrate with joe?
u "KID" ING , right?
tryING to get Natalie doxxed?
#20366014 at 2024-02-06 13:08:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24986: The Meme Machine Remains Undefeated Edition
kun dune lien ING?
#20365073 at 2024-02-06 05:33:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24985: Bigbrain Edition
Then proceed to spend gorillions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East kek. Not to mention all the money spent on the illegals to transport, feed, house, gibs phone, on and on. They really are "must show them"ING it up
#20360777 at 2024-02-05 14:59:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24980: Just A Mega Maga Monday Edition
-Social Advice >>15186
Twat advice for comING days
1) PollFlippING is fun. Find a dem poll, flip it and share with frens. Always Retweet usING #PollFlip, so other anons can find it, help flippING it,
and you can find your own twat later to make a nice screenshot to share! FlippING is fun. KEK.
2) Make or join a retweet lounge and share best tweets with group of 50 frens. Look for "retweet" as twat handle to find a group or start your own.
3) Always pin a new great twat to your profile. New one every day.
4) Make interdastING twats. Fights, drama and discussion are borING AF. Won't get you moar followers.
5) Replies to large accounts (PDJT, eye the spy etc) is a good way to get new frens.
6) Find #NewFrens by followING repliers to large accounts (eye the spy, PDJT etc).
7) Retwat group twats with lists of patriots (look for #TrumpTrain, #NewFrens twats) follow everyone.
8) Don't fight on twat. Hit #InstaBlock on everyone that fights or causes drama. Never feed shills.
9) Use simple hashtags: #BreakING, #MAGA, #QAnon, WWG1WGA etc. These always have 2K-5K twats/hour.
10) When twattING about thINGs in the news: USE SIMPLE HASHTAGS. Yesterday: #Turkey was a total winner. #Syria as well.
Keep it simple. #Biden is great. Don't fall for all the variations. Better twat about #Biden and #Corruption than #BidenCorruption.
Simple gets you FAR!
11) Always add a meme. Memes are magic. Memes win wars. ALWAYS USE A MEME!
12) Don't RT stupid twats. Less is MOAR. Keep it interdastING for your followers.
13) Don't RT video's that you haven't watched yourself.
14) Don't twat stuff that is Racist or has swastika's on it. People unfollow you or get #Permabanned for RT-ING it by accident.
- eyes on pertinent nchan threads for meme drop offs and eyes here too.
- tweet with .@them to hit all there followers too
- make retweet lounge on backup account
- always use a meme
- hit reply on those HUGE accounts and use your best meme
- only retweet GREAT STUFF
- dont waste your time on fights/drama, hit BLOCK instead
- always like twats you like.
- stick to a daily routine
- (re)tweet #TrumpTrain #NewFrens etc: posts with new frens to follow (and follow them)
Use .@them to reply to all their followINGs
#20337144 at 2024-01-31 22:32:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24951: Come And Take It Edition
can't stand lookING at the f-ING guy PEDESTOS smirkING face.
Have to do some eyewash
What happened to Tony?
Doubt Tony's a biological
HRC had a 'Tony' as a brother who also looked unlike an actual relative.
#20335552 at 2024-01-31 16:43:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24949: Smell The Panic? Smells Like Victory Edition
Whatever you wrote is a non sequitur
Try harder FedCoats.
Trump was never behind death penalty for abortion
Liars per usual
Straw man, makING up shit and then smearING it on who you are afraid of
It's a tiny issue compared with ongoING permanent corruption, FBI , etc.
Foreign Wars on false pretense
Eugenics program killING and maim ING millions of people already born.
You think all the medical freedom people support RFK, not at all.
Will be endorsING Trump
You have the wrong script for this board.
Dems think they will win on abortion issues and the right to cut off a child's dick …
You guys are the crazy one.
Woman and Men have access to birth control
This is a 70's issue.
Dems are stuck with shitty issues that go nowhere.
Except to give an excuse for hard sentences to political opponents
Your side kills with impunity people who are already born. The list is long.
Medical Freedom and the forced clot shots will be a huge issue in the year goING forward.
cry moar losers.
invert and it will make sense
"I'm a partisan first Patriot second.
What could possible go wrong?
#20329004 at 2024-01-30 13:12:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24942: Tuesday Morning Melania - Precipice Edition
LookING at this again this mornING…I see
MissING "R"
extra "ING" on DemandING
spells RING
Can y'all make anythING out of what you see?
#20324947 at 2024-01-29 19:15:00 (UTC+1)
#24937: MAGA: No HGH Edition
>"I used to be part of the blue bubble. I never voted Republican my whole life. But California went nuts, it's gone full Communism, it's out of its f***ING mind."
Joe Rogan Experience #1330 - Bernie Sanders - YouTube
Watch on YouTube
#20324838 at 2024-01-29 18:48:51 (UTC+1)
#24937: MAGA: No HGH Edition
JOE ROGAN: "I used to be part of the blue bubble. I never voted Republican my whole life. But California went nuts, it's gone full Communism, it's out of its f***ING mind." @benny
#20323888 at 2024-01-29 15:21:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24936: Happy Freedom Day, Take Back Our Border Convoy Rolls Edition
Snoop Dogg says he has 'nothING but love and respect' for Trump despite parodyING the former president's assassination
By Claudia Aoraha, 28 Jan 2024
Snoop Dogg has said he has 'nothING but love and respect' for Donald Trump - despite hurlING a barrage of insults at the former president over the last few years.
The iconic Drop It Like It's Hot rapper, 52, said the 2024 Republican hopeful has never done anythING wrong to him and sung his praises in a new interview.
He did not go as far as endorsING him for the upcomING General Election against Democrat Joe Biden, but Snoop said Trump did 'great thINGs' when he pardoned one of his friends, Michael Harris, from his prison sentence in 2021.
This is despite Snoop previously parodyING Trump's assassination in his music videos, tellING people not to vote for him, callING his fans 'stupid motherf*ers,' and sayING he's a 'racist, fkING clown president' durING his last tenure.
Snoop, born Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., seems to have turned over a new leaf. SpeakING to the Sunday Times, Snoop said:'Donald Trump? He ain't done nothING wrong to me.'He has done only great thINGs for me. He pardoned Michael Harris.
'So I have nothING but love and respect for Donald Trump.'
In 2021, the rap mogul saluted the 'great work' Trump and his administration did 'on the way out' after he learned that cocaine kINGpin Michael 'Harry O' Harris was pardoned.
Snoop said at the time: 'That's great work for the president and his team on the way out.They did some great work while they was in there and they did some great work on their way out. Let them know that I love what they did.'
He continued:'It is amazING what the work of God can actually brING to life to make people understand that there is a God.'
In the past: In 2011, Snoop Dogg made a joke about Trump one day runnING for president after Barack Obama's tenure, sayING: 'Why not? It wouldn't be the first time you'd pushed a black family out of their home.'
Snoop has had a somewhat fraught public relationship with the former president. He has exclaimed 'f**k Trump' multiple times, and even parodied his assassination.
In January 2019, postING a video to his Instagram, the Doggfather urged government employees not to vote for Trump because 'he doesn't give a f*** about y'all.'
He also used the profanity-laced message to attack Trump has his supporters directly, sayING: 'F* him too, and f* everybody down with Donald Trump.'
WearING a blue hat with the slogan Make America Snow Again on the front - a play on Trump's election slogan and the Jeezy song Snow Season - he says: 'I just wanna say this real quick on the political s***.
'All you people for the federal government that are not gettING paid right now,ain't no f*ING way in the world you can vote for Donald Trump when he comes back up again. 'If ya'll do vote for him, y'all some stupid motherf*ers, I'm sayING that to y'all early.'
Somewhat of a fate predictor, Trump has gone on to run again for President - and with his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, the likelihood that he'll be on the Republican ticket is becomING more and more plausible.
#20321069 at 2024-01-29 01:23:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24933: Vigilant Edition
Joe Rogan bashes leftist cult for progressive policies destroyING the country: 'You're f*ING choppING d*s off, givING little kids hormone blockers'
Joe Rogan tore progressive policies to shreds durING a recent episode of his massively popular podcast. The prolific podcaster blasted members of the left as a "cult."
This week, Rogan welcomed fellow comedian Bobby Lee to "The Joe Rogan Experience." Rogan attempted to sell Lee on the idea of him movING from California to Austin, Texas. Rogan explained all of the advantages of livING in Austin versus Los Angeles - the move that Rogan made in 2020.
"It's a great place tax-wise, it's great place traffic-wise, it's a great place," Rogan said of the city of Austin. "The most important thING is people-wise. The people here are so friendly. Austin people are great people. They're really nice. They're nice. They're not s**theads, they're not Hollywood people. They're not lost in this fake world of leftist ideology that everybody's trapped in. They're just people, they're just regular people, man. And those people exist outside of these, these blue bubbles where everyone's gone insane."
Rogan admitted that he used to be part of the blue bubble. He confessed that he was "100% a left-leanING person who lived in Los Angeles" and never voted for a Republican in his entire life.
However, Rogan slammed the progressive policies of California and declared the state had gone "full communist."
Rogan rattled off a list of the "insane" policies in Democrat-controlled areas of California that have had significant consequences - includING the defund the police movement, Proposition 47 that made theft under $950 a misdemeanor, the zero-bail policy, and progressive district attorneys releasING criminals who committed violent crimes.
Rogan said San Francisco is "non-existent."
"Most of San Francisco is emptied out of like big chain stores and big department stores," he added.
Lee chimed in, "I won't even do stand-up there anymore. They ruined it."
Rogan recommended that San Francisco needs "some hardcore Rudy Giuliani type motherf***er to come in there and knock heads."
Despite sayING he was left-leanING, he said the extreme policies of the Democrats have now forced him to "the middle" politically.
Lee agreed, and also said that he is in the middle now, and it "only happened in the last year."
Rogan said the left is now a "cult," and anyone who criticizes the cult will be attacked for it.
He continued, "It gets into these weird gray areas, like, trans people in women's bathrooms. Like, says who? Says who? How do you know that's a real trans person? How do you not know that's a fING creep that wants to pull his d* out in front of kids?"
Rogan said if you even question if someone is a legitimate transgender individual or a sexual pervert, you'll be "excommunicated" from the cult and get "treated like you're a Nazi."
The UFC commentator told Lee, "So over time, you and I who used to be on the left, are now like, 'Where's the left? Where are you guys? You guys are so far away. I can't even see you. You're out of you're mind'"
"You're f*ING choppING d*s off and givING little kids hormone blockers. You have no idea what the long-term consequences are. You're ignorING the health risks. You won't even talk about the health risks," Rogan passionately ranted. "You use thINGs like gender-affirmING care. What are you sayING?"
Rogan believes that many liberals don't actually believe in these ideas but think they'll be seen as a "noble thING to blurt out so everybody goes, 'You're on the right team.
#20317903 at 2024-01-28 15:03:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24929: Comfy Bake Edition
Don't you mean WRAY is comm-ING to get another bunch of children killed?
#20308299 at 2024-01-26 21:59:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24917: Hold The Line Edition
WATCH: Israeli Media Admits Hamas Atrocity Propaganda Was Made Up to Drum Up Support for War
Israeli media outlet Channel 13 is now openly admittING that Israeli officials made up Hamas atrocity propaganda about babies on October 7 beING killed en masse, baked in an oven and so on to drum up support for Israel's war in Gaza.
"Enough time has passed since October 7 for Israeli media to state what we've been sayING for over three months, which is that Israel's military and political leadership fabricated many of the grisliest Hamas atrocities in order to generate support for the genocidal war it planned in Gaza," Max Blumenthal noted on X. "Here, a Channel 13 panel includING Mickey Rosenthal, the longtime Israeli police spokesman who spread many such lies after October 7, acknowledges that lurid stories of babies hung on clotheslines, a fetus cut from a pregnant woman, a baby baked in an oven, and more were invented 'to increase the magnitude of hatred for Hamas.' As Rosenthal put it, 'The war is not only military, not only political, it's mainly media.' "
"Channel 13 manages to elicit a statement of contrition from the IDF spokesman, who apologizes for 'describ[ING] a reality that didn't happen.' Of course, confessions like these are easy when the damage has already been done."
Towards the end of the segment, they use these admissions to try and bolster their latest debunked lies about "Hamas mass rapes."
Their argument is essentially, "Yes we lied to you about everythING that happened at the start of the war but these stories about mass rapes that we took two and a half months to come up with but have no evidence for are totally true. You can trust us because we admitted we lied about everythING else."
Do you need more proof?
#20307514 at 2024-01-26 19:50:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24916: WRWY Texas! Edition
WATCH: Israeli Media Admits Hamas Atrocity Propaganda Was Made Up to Drum Up Support for War
Israeli media outlet Channel 13 is now openly admittING that Israeli officials made up Hamas atrocity propaganda about babies on October 7 beING killed en masse, baked in an oven and so on to drum up support for Israel's war in Gaza.
"Enough time has passed since October 7 for Israeli media to state what we've been sayING for over three months, which is that Israel's military and political leadership fabricated many of the grisliest Hamas atrocities in order to generate support for the genocidal war it planned in Gaza," Max Blumenthal noted on X. "Here, a Channel 13 panel includING Mickey Rosenthal, the longtime Israeli police spokesman who spread many such lies after October 7, acknowledges that lurid stories of babies hung on clotheslines, a fetus cut from a pregnant woman, a baby baked in an oven, and more were invented 'to increase the magnitude of hatred for Hamas.' As Rosenthal put it, 'The war is not only military, not only political, it's mainly media.' "
"Channel 13 manages to elicit a statement of contrition from the IDF spokesman, who apologizes for 'describ[ING] a reality that didn't happen.' Of course, confessions like these are easy when the damage has already been done."
Towards the end of the segment, they use these admissions to try and bolster their latest debunked lies about "Hamas mass rapes."
Their argument is essentially, "Yes we lied to you about everythING that happened at the start of the war but these stories about mass rapes that we took two and a half months to come up with but have no evidence for are totally true. You can trust us because we admitted we lied about everythING else."
#20304687 at 2024-01-26 04:26:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24913: Rio Grande or Bust Edition
NYU prof caught tellING students Hamas baby killINGs 'not true' suspended after shockING clip revealed
By Social Links forSnejana Farberov and Social Links forRonny Reyes
Published Jan. 25, 2024
Updated Jan. 25, 2024, 1:31 p.m. ET
An NYU adjunct professor and firebrand pro-Palestinian activist told a group of students at a recent "teach-in" that allegations that Hamas beheaded Israeli babies were "not true" - and denounced New York City as "Zionist," accordING to a video from the event.
Amin Husain, 48, led a foul-mouthed discussion about the war in Israel at The New School, organized by the radical group Students for Justice in Palestine, on Dec. 5, durING which he defended the Palestinians' right to fight for their liberation - and played down claims of Hamas atrocities.
"They're tryING to say ... 'Oh my God, you support rapists and people that behead babies,' both of which, whatever, we know it's not true," Husain says in a 2-minute clip taken from the livestream of the event that was first obtained by the Free Press.
The professor's claims sparked outrage in the local and international Jewish community regardING the growING incidents of antisemitism in NYU and US college campuses.
Roz Rothstein, co-founder and CEO of StandWithUs - an international nonpartisan education group that supports Israel and fights antisemitism - said Husain's comments were anti-Jewish and condemned any school that would hire him.
"Shame on this professor for collaboratING with the internationally recognized terrorist group, Hamas, by denyING the documented rapes, beheadINGs, kidnappINGs and murders of over 1400 human beINGs," Rothstein said in a statement to The Post. "He is harmING civil society by promotING lies and justifyING barbaric attacks against the Jewish people, and by beING proud of beING called an antisemite, which he is.
"It is deeply concernING and unfortunate that any academic institution would have such dangerous staff servING as role models," he added.
Eitan Gutenmacher, 21, a Jewish student at NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study where Husain taught, said he was horrified by the professor's statements but not surprised.
Gutenmacher, leader of the New Zionist Congress nonprofit group, said Husain has been notorious at the Gallatin School for his antisemitic views, addING that Jewish students know not to take any of his classes.
"He's proud of beING called an antisemite and it's extremely concernING to see that in a seemINGly progressive liberal arts college," Gutenmacher said.
In the recordING, Husain, a part-time faculty member of NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study, is seen seated behind a desk, wearING a traditional Arabic keffiyeh headdress and facING his audience.
"We live in a Zionist city," Husain proclaims. "Let's be f-ING real ... these people can come up and say because of keffiyeh, you should go back to your country."
One of the students chimes in: "We're tryING."
#20300416 at 2024-01-25 13:48:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24908: James O'Keefe Does it Again! E-bake Edition
the analogy plays out
the need a prefix
so [ ]ING
perhaps a CAP TITLE
a head?
for your dirty deeds?
#20300155 at 2024-01-25 12:47:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24908: James O'Keefe Does it Again! E-bake Edition
Robert Nann ING a
bright. nanni
suckubus trainin trainin
#20299882 at 2024-01-25 09:10:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24908: James O'Keefe Does it Again! E-bake Edition
>Anybody gnashING their teeth tonight?
just trollING and LOL-ING here
#20297804 at 2024-01-25 01:18:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24905: E=BAKE YOUR NOODLE Edition
#20297550 at 2024-01-25 00:36:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24905: E=BAKE YOUR NOODLE Edition
the last man s`tan D.
fuckING hell
insurance policy
lion like a rug?
or LYIN' LIKE A TED?!!!!!!!
-ING Group
Dutch multinational bankING and financial services corporation
"The Lion's Paw" - Wisconsin Freemasons
Feb 8, 2017 … of a Master Mason, or Lion's Paw. While it is unclear exactly when the term "Lion's Paw" was first actually used in Masonic Ritual, the 5.
#20288160 at 2024-01-23 13:07:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24893: WWG1WGAAAAAlll Edition
Tell me ELECTION INTEGRITY MATTERS when you put commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud as a choice on the ballot.
ALL YOU DID WAS LOCK ING commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud as a winner.
#20287509 at 2024-01-23 06:38:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24893: WWG1WGAAAAAlll Edition
"DING, dING, dING, dING, dING, dING! They've only got 17 seconds to figure this whole thING out. Boom, ok. Missile launch-psh-ING, boom. It's the most-and we don't have it here!"
#20285826 at 2024-01-23 00:56:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24891: Borderlands Edition
#20282871 at 2024-01-22 15:49:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24887: Just Anonther MAGA Monday Edition
One of the best psyops goING on RN is the deprogrammING of the football fags.
It's all started with the BLM and kneelING shit.
Then this year that tweet about Aaron Rodgers is goING to tear his Achilles on a rain drenched MetLife turf in 2.5 hours and it happened and twit suspend the account of the user that tweeted it Now everyone sayING the NFL is scripted with 49ers and Ravens goING to be in the Superbowl. Because of some news channel and the last few Super bowls colors of the logos. Absolutely hilarious watchING normies REEEEEEEE-ING about it. " Can't watch and enjoy muh NFL play offs because of conspiracy theories are ruinING it "
EnjoyING the SHOW
#20274214 at 2024-01-20 21:39:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24876: Officially 365 Days To Go Edition
Trump has Returned.
Rats will scatter . Or try to take refuge by "backpedal'- ING ?
#20259531 at 2024-01-17 23:42:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24858: The First 17th of the Month Edition
Nikki Haley RelyING on Democrats in New Hampshire to Win Republican Primary and Keep Billionaire Donors Happy
January 16, 2024
I doubt there is another website on the internet with as deep a Nikki Haley research file as CTH [SEE HERE]. She even has her own drop down category box, which we created the moment Nikki Haley stabbed Sarah Palin in the back. You see, Nikki Haley would not exist in the world of politics if Sarah Palin had not shown up to rally support for her in the 2010 SC primary race. But immediately after gainING all the benefit, Haley dismissed Palin, much like Ron DeSantis recently dismissed President Trump.
TakING away all of the pretendING, it wasvery clear several years ago that Nikki Haley was the DeceptiCon to watch in 2024. You might remember in early 2016, when the GOPe was meetING in Sea Island tryING to figure out how to defeat Donald Trump, they picked Nikki Haley to deliver the 2016 State of the Union rebuttal. That speech was entirely constructed as an attack on candidate Donald Trump.
Haley was always goING to be the DeceptiCon candidate becauseshe has always been for sale. Haley doesn't have actual defined positions or policies; instead, she follows political orders and does whatever the donors and corporations tell her to do. Nikki Haley is the prototypical UniParty politician, and it comes as no surpriseher campaign focus is to use Democrats to change the demographicof the Republican New Hampshire primary.
The billionaires who back Nikki Haley want the status quo to remain. They are pourING millions into her campaign for one purpose,to remove President Trump. Her key moment is this upcomING New Hampshire primary race. If she comes close or wins, they will keep fundING her. If she fails to win in New Hampshire,Haley will collapse quickly as her loss in her home state of South Carolina is virtually guaranteed.
(NBC) - Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley is facING pressure from some of her top fundraisers to either seriously compete with, or outright defeat, Donald Trump in next week's New Hampshire primary, after finishING third on Monday in the Iowa caucus.
"I would still like to see her get somewhere, but the mountain she has to climb is enormous," Andy Sabin, a New York businessman and Haley fundraiser, told CNBC. "As much as I like Haley, I don't even know what Trump could do to stop himself right now."
Sabin plans to help raise money for Trumpif Haley doesn't make it through the primary season, despite previously tellING CNBC he wouldn't give the former president "a f-ING nickel."
"He may be the only choice I have," said Sabin.
Several Haley fundraiserswho spoke to CNBC conceded that,unless she gets a very close second to Trumpor manages to pull off an upset win in New Hampshire,the race could effectively be over for her after that. (read more)
However, all is not bad news. "In Davos, Switzerland, a wealthy investment bankING executive and Haley donor told CNBC on Tuesday that he's now convinced Trump will be the Republican nominee and go on to defeat President Joe Biden in November."
Nikki Haley has one shot to keep the NEVER TRUMP money flowING.... New Hampshire. That's it.
With the full support of the professional republican apparatus, and if she can fool enough republicans, and if the apparatus around her can find enough Democrats, then millions will be funneled into her campaign. However, if she falls short in New Hampshire, it's over.
The Nevada and South Carolina "NEVER TRUMP" groups will not align for Haley without a precedING victory in New Hampshire.
Want to get rid of Nikki Haley? Crush her in New Hampshire.
(Dear God, us anons work very hard, we are askING for a miracle that Nikki loses in New Hampshire big time, and her political career is ended ASAP, we will not be ruled by the fallen ones any longer. Please work through us to help save this country now! Not our will but thine be done, in Jesus' name, Amen!)
#20257036 at 2024-01-17 11:09:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24855: The Big Comfy Edition
What the Shishka did you just say to me you little peg boy? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the flood and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Sapphire,TFS The Flood Sanctuary, Emerald, Sociopaths United and I have over 300 confirmed Camnator accounts.
I am trained in #Destiny warfare and I'm the top poster in the #GamING forums. You are nothING to me but another John Cena. I will ban hammer you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this forum. Mark my -blam-ING words. You think you can get away with sayING that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, Achronos.
As we speak I am contactING Desembodied Soul, Recon Number 54, DeeJ and Marty O'Donnel and your IP is beING traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Fox News. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thING you call your life. Your -blam-ING porch day, kid.
I can be anywhere, anytime. And I can kill you in over 777 ways and that's just with my bare penis. Not only am I extensively trained in Raven stompING, but I have access to the entire arsenal of image macros service, Secondclass accounts, Bungie.net system encryption software and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the flood. You little Felecia, if only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever "comment" was about to brING down on you, maybe you would have held your -blam-ING tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now your payING the price, Shadows peg boy. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're toast kiddo.
#20250505 at 2024-01-16 05:05:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24848: President Trump Wins Iowa 51.0%: MDUSA95 Vivek Comms Edition
#24843 >>20246462
>>20246543 Former MI6 Spy Chief Says Donald Trump's Reelection 'Is a Security Threat to the UK'
>>20246600 Secret German MoD Document Lays Out Path To World War III
>>20246657 Clockfags on the Clock - Game on Edition
>>20246672 The new Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal is a WEF Global Young Leader and a Bilderberger.
>>20246689, >>20246699 Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented power grab
>>20246718 Lawfare Against Trump Is RunnING Out of Gas
>>20246722 Clockfags on the Clock - QClock January 15, 2024 - Beauty & Love of Country
>>20246741 More corporations are requirING workers to get vaccinated
>>20246789 Iraqi parliament votes to kick out U.S. troops.
>>20246808 #OTD in 1943, construction of the Pentagon was completed in the area of Virginia formerly known as Hell's Bottom
>>20246840 Civilian Contractor Allegedly Stole $100M From US Military Families
>>20246904 The Constitution Created the District of Columbia and Only the Constitution Can Make It a State
>>20246908 Biden Says US Doesn't Support Taiwan Independence After Vote. Update on Chinese Operations
>>20247008 More Jewish Tunnels Allegedly Found In NYC – What Was Found Inside Implicates Connection To Kids (Video)
>>20247086, >>20247125 DANGEROUS: FAA Promotes Diversity Over Safety-Wants to Hire People With "Severe Intellectual" and "Psychiatric" Disabilities
>>20247102 Meet the die-hard Iowa caucus-goers who will stop at nothING, not even a historic blizzard, to make their votes count
>>20247175 Zelensky rejected favorable peace deal with Russia – ex-aide
>>20247205 Woke Mark Cuban Gets O'Keefed, Goes on Nasty X Rant CallING James O'Keefe a "Mother***ING P*ssy" for QuestionING His DEI Stances at the Gym, AskING Why he Won't Let Short Asian Women on his Basketball Team
>>20250104 #24843
Previously Collected
>>20244568 #24840, >>20245495 #24841, >>20246456 #24842
>>20242121 #24837, >>20243057 #24838, >>20243841 #24839
>>20239576 #24834, >>20240527 #24835, >>20241121 #24836
Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #21: Not GivING Up >>19567242
#20250120 at 2024-01-16 04:09:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24847: "Didn't kiss that ring': The Rod and the Ring will strike without DeSanti
>>20250104 #24843
#24843 >>20246462
>>20246543 Former MI6 Spy Chief Says Donald Trump's Reelection 'Is a Security Threat to the UK'
>>20246600 Secret German MoD Document Lays Out Path To World War III
>>20246657 Clockfags on the Clock - Game on Edition
>>20246672 The new Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal is a WEF Global Young Leader and a Bilderberger.
>>20246689, >>20246699 Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented power grab
>>20246718 Lawfare Against Trump Is RunnING Out of Gas
>>20246722 Clockfags on the Clock - QClock January 15, 2024 - Beauty & Love of Country
>>20246741 More corporations are requirING workers to get vaccinated
>>20246789 Iraqi parliament votes to kick out U.S. troops.
>>20246808 #OTD in 1943, construction of the Pentagon was completed in the area of Virginia formerly known as Hell's Bottom
>>20246840 Civilian Contractor Allegedly Stole $100M From US Military Families
>>20246904 The Constitution Created the District of Columbia and Only the Constitution Can Make It a State
>>20246908 Biden Says US Doesn't Support Taiwan Independence After Vote. Update on Chinese Operations
>>20247008 More Jewish Tunnels Allegedly Found In NYC – What Was Found Inside Implicates Connection To Kids (Video)
>>20247086, >>20247125 DANGEROUS: FAA Promotes Diversity Over Safety-Wants to Hire People With "Severe Intellectual" and "Psychiatric" Disabilities
>>20247102 Meet the die-hard Iowa caucus-goers who will stop at nothING, not even a historic blizzard, to make their votes count
>>20247175 Zelensky rejected favorable peace deal with Russia – ex-aide
>>20247205 Woke Mark Cuban Gets O'Keefed, Goes on Nasty X Rant CallING James O'Keefe a "Mother***ING P*ssy" for QuestionING His DEI Stances at the Gym, AskING Why he Won't Let Short Asian Women on his Basketball Team
>>20250104 #24843
#20250104 at 2024-01-16 04:08:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24847: "Didn't kiss that ring': The Rod and the Ring will strike without DeSanti
#24843 >>20246472
>>20246543 Former MI6 Spy Chief Says Donald Trump's Reelection 'Is a Security Threat to the UK'
>>20246600 Secret German MoD Document Lays Out Path To World War III
>>20246657 Clockfags on the Clock - Game on Edition
>>20246672 The new Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal is a WEF Global Young Leader and a Bilderberger.
>>20246689, >>20246699 Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented power grab
>>20246718 Lawfare Against Trump Is RunnING Out of Gas
>>20246722 Clockfags on the Clock - QClock January 15, 2024 - Beauty & Love of Country
>>20246741 More corporations are requirING workers to get vaccinated
>>20246789 Iraqi parliament votes to kick out U.S. troops.
>>20246808 #OTD in 1943, construction of the Pentagon was completed in the area of Virginia formerly known as Hell's Bottom
>>20246840 Civilian Contractor Allegedly Stole $100M From US Military Families
>>20246904 The Constitution Created the
District of Columbia and Only the
Constitution Can Make It a State
>>20246908 Biden Says US Doesn't Support Taiwan Independence After Vote. Update on Chinese Operations
>>20247008 More Jewish Tunnels Allegedly Found In NYC – What Was Found Inside Implicates Connection To Kids (Video)
>>20247086, >>20247125 DANGEROUS: FAA Promotes Diversity Over Safety-Wants to Hire People With "Severe Intellectual" and "Psychiatric" Disabilities
>>20247102 Meet the die-hard Iowa caucus-goers who will stop at nothING, not even a historic blizzard, to make their votes count
>>20247175 Zelensky rejected favorable peace deal with Russia - ex-aide
>>20247205 Woke Mark Cuban Gets O'Keefed, Goes on Nasty X Rant CallING James O'Keefe a "Mother***ING P*ssy" for QuestionING His DEI Stances at the Gym, AskING Why he Won't Let Short Asian Women on his Basketball Team
#20249178 at 2024-01-16 02:07:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24846: Iowa D5 Edition
James O'Keefe
BUSTED: James O'Keefe works out with @mcuban
, asks "Will you hire @WuWei113
Cuban tells O'Keefe, "You lied out your ass about Pfizer," and "Only a f***ING moron thinks DEI has to do with quotas"
Cuban frantically asks, "Where's your camera at?" Cuban's trainer grabs a nearby guest's shirt, seizes their iPhone and deletes the footage. But hidden cameras captured the entire heated exchange.
, O'Keefe and @elonmusk
were in a recent exchange on X about DEI policies with Elon Musk askING Cuban "when should we expect to see a short white/Asian woman to play for his team, the Dallas Mavericks?"
In response to @stclairashley
postING OMG's video of IBM CEO engaged in mandatory DEI disorientation, Mark Cuban replied, "do you really think a James O'Keefe edited video is an objective representation of an event?"
11:06 AM ? Jan 15, 2024
#20248203 at 2024-01-15 23:37:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24845: Go Time Edition
BUSTED: James O'Keefe works out with @mcuban, asks "Will you hire @WuWei113?"
Cuban tells O'Keefe, "You lied out your ass about Pfizer," and "Only a f***ING moron thinks DEI has to do with quotas"
Cuban frantically asks, "Where's your camera at?" Cuban's trainer grabs a nearby guest's shirt, seizes their iPhone and deletes the footage. But hidden cameras captured the entire heated exchange.
@mcuban , O'Keefe and @elonmusk were in a recent exchange on X about DEI policies with Elon Musk askING Cuban "when should we expect to see a short white/Asian woman to play for his team, the Dallas Mavericks?"
In response to @stclairashley postING OMG's video of IBM CEO engaged in mandatory DEI disorientation, Mark Cuban replied, "do you really think a James O'Keefe edited video is an objective representation of an event?"
Mark Cuban is such a tool!
#20247205 at 2024-01-15 20:52:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24843: Eyez On Iowa Caucus SOON Edition
Woke Mark Cuban Gets O'Keefed, Goes on Nasty X Rant CallING James O'Keefe a "Mother***ING P*ssy" for QuestionING His DEI Stances at the Gym, AskING Why he Won't Let Short Asian Women on his Basketball Team
James O'Keefe, respondING to a vulgar X post by Shark Tank personality and businessman Mark Cuban on Saturday, hinted that he would be releasING footage of a recent confrontation with Cuban at the gym.
Cuban's initial post, where he called O'Keefe a "Motherf*ckING P*ssy," links back to an earlier thread where Mark tried to educate Elon Musk on the wonders of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI or anti-white discrimination) in the workplace and later accused O'Keefe of usING edited video in an expos? on IBM's racist work environment.
The Gateway Pundit reported on Mark Cuban's ridiculous DEI comments directed at Elon Musk, which Musk destroyed and obliterated the woke DEI narrative with one simple question. The Tesla/Space X founder hit the leftist Dallas Mavericks owner with a kill shot, askING, "Cool, so when should we expect to see a short white/Asian women on the Mavs?" AccordING to Cuban, O'Keefe asked why Cuban thinks he is lyING about his previous Pfizer reportING, why Cuban wouldn't put Wei Wu, a Chinese woman who frequently criticizes Cuban about DEI on X, on his Dallas Mavericks basketball roster, and why Cuban blocked Wei Wu on X.
Chicken leg Mark Cuban says he was in the middle of leg day and, therefore, "was goING to MF (motherf*ck) everythING" while speakING to O'Keefe.
In a potty-mouthed X tirade, Cuban said,
CUBAN: So @JamesOKeefeIII decided to ambush me durING the water break of my workout class. I wanted to give the highlights as I enjoyed the conversation. First the part I enjoyed the most
I asked him if he was recordING this. (Of course he was). He wouldn't answer. He kept mumblING sh*t.
So I looked him in the eyes and called him a Motherf*ckING P*ssy. I asked again. I think the 2nd time I may not have MF'd him. The next 2 or 3 times I asked, as we were walkING, and he deflected , I definitely called him a motherf*ckING p*ssy
As far as his questions. 1. He asked why I thought he was a liar when it came to the Pfizer ambush video he did. I told him it was because he told CPAC that the video said that Pfizer had actually mutated the virus. They didn't. 2. He asked why if I supported DEI, I wouldn't put @wuwei113 on the Mavs. I told him only a motherfuckING moron thinks DEI is about quotas (it was the middle of an hour leg day, I was goING to MF everythING lol )
3. Then he asked why I blocked her. I didn't initially, I just muted her, but every time I posted somethING she post would the same shit over and over, which led to all the replies repeatING the same ridiculous sh*t. So I blocked her
This is similar to when Katie Hobbs, the illegitimate governor of Arizona, shouted at The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson, "Give it a f*ckING rest" after he saw her at the gym. It's typical of a leftist to curse at you and call you names when they get triggered in the wild.
#20246908 at 2024-01-15 19:56:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24843: Eyez On Iowa Caucus SOON Edition
Biden Says US Doesn't Support Taiwan Independence After Vote. Update on Chinese Operations
President Joe Biden said the US did not support independence for Taiwan, after voters there defied China and returned the governING Democratic Progressive Party - which has sought to limit BeijING's influence - to a third consecutive term.
"We do not support independence," Biden told reporters Saturday as he departed the White House for Camp David.
Update: Chinese President Xi says Taiwan is forever a province of the People's Republic of China and that the PLA will secure the island by force if necessary! He also said China will crush Taiwan if it makes a move towards independence! Well, it made the move yesterday!!!
The victory of Lai ChING-te, leader of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the party of outgoING President Tsai ING-wen, appears to be a strategic win for the US and the collective West - at least at a first glance.
But it guarantees a war for Taiwan that will destroy the island and begin a clash between two superpowers: The US and China! And that war is about to begin....
#20244570 at 2024-01-15 09:45:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24840: Rat Infested Shithole Edition
DEW, MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA & Targeted Individual Patents
#20243354 at 2024-01-14 19:52:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24839: Iowa Rally Trump Train Edition
I didn't see it at first. But you're f-ING right. What he mostly talks about is red pills.
You sold me.
#20239174 at 2024-01-14 00:26:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24834: Checkmate Bullseye First Try Edition
Biden: US does not support Taiwan independence
By Steve Holland, Nandita Bose and Trevor Hunnicutt
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday the United States does not support the independence of Taiwan, after Taiwanese voters rebuffed China and gave the rulING party a third presidential term.
Earlier in the day, the Taiwanese rulING Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) presidential candidate Lai ChING-te came to power, strongly rejectING Chinese pressure to spurn him, and pledged both to stand up to BeijING and seek talks.
"We do not support independence…" Biden said, when asked for reaction to Saturday's elections.
Hours ahead of the polls openING, WashINGton had warned "it would be unacceptable" for "any" country to interfere in the election.
Taiwan, a neighbourING island China claims as its own, has been a democratic success story since holdING its first direct presidential election in 1996, the culmination of decades of struggle against authoritarian rule and martial law.
The United States is Taiwan's most important international backer and arms supplier despite the lack of formal diplomatic ties with the island.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken congratulated Lai ChING-te on his victory and said the United States "is committed to maintainING cross-strait peace and stability, and the peaceful resolution of differences, free from coercion and pressure."He said the U.S.looks forward to workING with Lai and leaders of all parties in Taiwan to advance their "longstandING unofficial relationship, consistent with the U.S. one China policy."
The Biden administration has feared that the election, transition and new administration would escalate conflict with BeijING.
Biden has worked to smooth relations with China, includING agreeING to talk through differences on security matters at a California summit with President Xi JinpING in November.
Taiwan's government expects China to attempt to put pressure on its incomING president after the vote, includING stagING military maneuvers near the island this sprING, two senior government officials said. China has never renounced the use of force to brING Taiwan under its control.
In a show of support for the government, Biden plans to dispatch an unofficial delegation to the self-governed island, accordING to a senior Biden administration official.
The delegation is likely to include some former high-rankING American officials, accordING to the official, who said the names have not been finalized. Similar delegations have been sent to Taiwan in the past.
China was angered in 2016 when then-President-elect Donald Trump spoke by phone with President Tsai ING-wen of Taiwan, the first such conversation between U.S. and Taiwan leaders since President Jimmy Carter switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China in 1979.
(ReportING by Steve Holland, Nandita Bose and Trevor Hunnicutt in WashINGton; EditING by Diane Craft)
#20237875 at 2024-01-13 20:03:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24832: Caturday Afternoon Erection Time Travels Edition
moms, for meta I am God, the one God.
for those here and now you make sure I am Adonay.
for those elsewhere and elsewhen, I do love Thomas here and there and ask my knights to be of Secret Service (base for the nose situation) to him, truth might be hard to understand and needs organization, not only on earth but mainly in heavens that from that one pov in time I did invent by havING had conversations.
>longest conversation I ever had
same couch, gonna keep, maybe chil out basement :)
I did walk round in my hood and thought about this prolly or maybe beING some sort of pilgrim walk in a hundred years, more astray, but from the one who had found out to not be part of a military op with anons but actually Jesus.
before knowING about Lords and Gods and Cats as 2216 SuperJesus I thought when I spit there, maybe an animal is gonna
now became holy for some :) time(ING).
up my spit and with that my spirit.
I guess heavens liked it? does allow for rapid growth I guess, also I am rather smart and lovely and brave and also honest when needed about stuff not beING honest about, like dad post. a cross I guess. not one I want for me or my knights.
well, fact is, I am the one eternal God and am almighty with certain restrictions that I myself settet.
love as base.
no rush.
back then I never wanted to keep you away from me wit timING and in my build there is no reason connected to that.
I was offened bc my knights did as told by me, now, and did not listen to the son, who back then did not know shit but has proven that him sufferING is not gonna help anybody as obviously cryING is not much of a thING for me, what can I say, if I were to break down "only" bc not havING friends or family for years, for havING lost 6 of my toenails when havING tried to work a job, havING been ripped of with my appartment, havING been annoyed in the supermarket, havING had my food, the few sources of joy messed up countless times, havING been ridiculed by your sayING a la "slept well?" when I was tortured by voltage applied to my heart or a beep noise in my head, basically a thING humans cannot really stand for 5 mins, weeks, I am a human but do love you and am pretty awesome.
with that prolly all is said one could assume, with a shitton of money I prolly will get a hight standard, right?
or could I still be made to go "try out" countelss barbers until not ridiculed despite huge tip?
I am God and some of you are a thING bc I am nice.
#20237768 at 2024-01-13 19:36:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24832: Caturday Afternoon Erection Time Travels Edition
China is not very happy that they couldn't cheat hard enough.
13 Jan, 2024 17:32
'Troublemaker' and 'warmonger': Who is the winner of Taiwan's presidential election?
BeijING has repeatedly branded Lai ChING-te a separatist and had warned voters against supportING him
A long-time vocal advocate of independence, Taiwan's vice president Lai ChING-te, a key figure in the rulING Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), has won the country's presidential elections and takes office in May. BeijING has branded him a "troublemaker."
"Destroyer of peace across the Taiwan Strait"
The outcome of the vote could further heighten tensions with China, which claims the self-governING island as part of its territory. BeijING had warned voters against supportING Lai and previously described this election as a choice between "war and peace, prosperity and decline." The rival Kuomintang party pushed for dialogue with mainland authorities.
"Regardless of the result, it will not change the basic fact that Taiwan is part of China and there is only one China in the world," a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in the UK said, reactING to the election results.
BeijING, which has vowed to reunify with the breakaway province, by force if necessary, has denied Lai's calls for talks over Taiwan's future. Its Taiwan Affairs Office called him a "warmonger" and a "destroyer of peace across the Taiwan Strait."
FollowING his victory, the 64-year-old said he is "determined to safeguard Taiwan from continuING threat and intimidation from China,"and thathis intention is to maintain the current status quo in the Taiwan Strait. He added that his administration will "use dialogue to replace confrontation" in its diplomacy with BeijING.
Harvard grad who irritated the White House
Also known by his English name, William Lai, a former doctor and Harvard graduate, became a lawmaker in 1998, representING the southern city of Tainan. He was then elected mayor of the city in 2010 for two terms. Seven years later he was appointed prime minister in president Tsai ING-wen's government. In 2020 the veteran politician was sworn in as vice president when Tsai won a second term. He will be inaugurated as president in May.
He vowed to strengthen the island's defenses and continue buildING ties with other "democracies," apparently referrING to the US and Japan.
Lai stirred controversy in July 2023 when he said he hoped that Taiwan's president would one day be able to "enter the White House."Former White House China official Dennis Wilder said the administration in WashINGton DC was "very anxious" over the politician.
Top Taiwanese politicians are barred from makING official visits to WashINGton. In 2020, Lai, then-Vice President-elect, made a personal trip to the US. This made him the highest rankING Taiwanese politician to visit the American capital. After he was inaugurated as vice president he conducted only stopovers in 2022 and 2023.
Last August BeijING branded Lai a "troublemaker through and through," his arrival in the United StatespromptING a statement that the act "seriously violates the One China principle."
BeijING opposes any official exchange between the US and Taiwan. WashINGton formally recognizes the 'One China' principle, which states that Taiwan is part of China. However, WashINGton has maintained informal diplomatic ties with Taipei, in addition to supplyING it with weaponry.
China has put sanctions on Lai's vice-president-elect, Hsiao Bi-khim, who previously served as de facto envoy to the US.
'Taiwan is already an independent nation'
"Lai will brING Taiwan farther and farther away from peace and prosperity, and closer and closer to war and decay," China's Taiwan Affairs Office said on Thursday.
Lai comes from a more radical wING of the rulING party. In 2017 he incensed mainland authorities by tellING Taiwan's parliament that he is a "pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence."Nonetheless, he has ruled out declarING independence durING his tenure.
"I would like to reiterate that Taiwan is already an independent and sovereign nation and thus we do not have a need to further declare Taiwan independence," Lai said in January, accordING to Focus Taiwan.
The Russian foreign ministry reacted to the elections with a warnING about any use of the vote "to put pressure on BeijING and shake up the situation in the [Taiwan] Strait and in the region," describING such activity as counterproductive and deservING of condemnation from the international community.
(Russia obviously a big ally of China now.)
#20227062 at 2024-01-11 21:03:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24819: Anons Have No Fear Edition
=RedShoe Ron DeSantis: Nikki Haley 'Invited Disney to South Carolina, Even Though They Were Involved in Trans-ING Kids' ==
#20226739 at 2024-01-11 20:01:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24819: Anons Have No Fear Edition
She ain't seen nothin' yet. if she's reeee-ING already, she's gonna lose her shit when it all breaks loose.
#20225365 at 2024-01-11 15:47:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24817: Comfy Cozy Q Edition
Kek. I think Big Mike is black male-ING Bathhouse Barry.
#20219876 at 2024-01-10 16:53:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24811: 2024 Will Be Glorious Edition
Luke Rude was squirmING like a grade schooler when Tucker spoke about forces of evil war-ING with forces of good.
Squirm baby squirm, fuck you!
Sold out 9/11 Truth for $$$$
Fuck them both Luke and his sugar Daddy "Alex"
#20219276 at 2024-01-10 14:50:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24810: In Comfy We Trust Edition
The Jer?sey StING
Ted Sher?man and Josh Margolin
On the morn?ING of Thurs?day, July 23, 2009, FBI agents arrest?ed forty-four per?sons in New Jer?sey and New York in one of the great?est coor?di?nat?ed oper?a?tions in the agency's his?to?ry. The ongo?ING tri?als aris?ING out of this oper?a?tion have added a new chap?ter to the Gar?den State's notable his?to?ry of polit?i?cal and finan?cial cor?rup?tion. Those arrest?ed includ?ed the may?or of Hobo?ken, New Jer?sey, a mem?ber of the New Jer?sey leg?is?la?ture, dozens of politi?cians and local gov?ern?ment offi?cials, and sev?er?al rab?bis. The charges includ?ed bribery, bro?ker?ING the sale of kid?neys, and laun?der?ING mon?ey through Jew?ish char?i?ties. The key fig?ure in this oper?a?tion was Solomon Dweck, a cor?rupt real estate pro?mot?er and the son of an influ?en?tial Syr?i?an rab?bi in Deal, New Jer?sey. Dweck was fac?ING a lengthy prison term for a vari?ety of real estate scams when he agreed to wear a wire for the fed?er?al gov?ern?ment. Because he had become an informer, Dweck became a pari?ah to his own father and an out?cast among the Syr?i?ans.
#20218742 at 2024-01-10 11:42:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24810: In Comfy We Trust Edition
Those Behind the Efforts to Disqualify Trump Have SomethING in Common
All over America, party loyalists whose preferred candidate is President Joe Biden are engagING in lawfare to win at the ballot box by any means necessary. Some of the bad-faith actors spearheadING the efforts to defeat former President Donald Trump - the GOP's far-and-away frontrunner - before Election Day even begins are beneficiaries of puppeteerING philanthropist George Soros.
Shenna Bellows
Maine's Secretary of State Shenna Bellows claims to be unbiased when she ruled that Trump is disqualified from runnING in the state's 2024 presidential race. But Bellows, the Democrat whose Dec. 28 rulING booted Trump off the Republican primary ballot in the northeasternmost U.S. state, previously cashed in on Soros family money.
AccordING to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, durING her doomed U.S. Senate bid against Republican incumbent Sen. Susan Collins in 2014, Bellows received a $2,600 donation from Andrea Soros, the daughter of billionaire investor George Soros, who notoriously spends his wealth influencING local elections across America by bankrollING the campaigns of Democrat picks.
On the FEC filING for the contribution to Bellows For Senate, the younger Soros listed her occupation as a "foundation consultant" and address as the "family office" of Soros Fund Management, the principal asset manager for the Soros-funded grantmakING Open Society Foundations, which serves as the central hub of her financier father's anti-capitalist, redistributionist network. Andrea Soros is currently sittING on the global Open Society Board of Directors as well as its U.S. counterpart.
$2,600 donation from Andrea Soros sent to Bellows For Senate | FEC filING
Some speculate that Bellows is eyeING higher office once again, hopING that the offensive against Trump allures anti-Trump donors who could finance her future political aspirations. Aside from cash out of the Soros family's coffers, Bellows was additionally gifted tens of thousands of dollars from left-wING political action committees (PACs) and progressive mega-donors.
The list of benefactors that funded her failed 2014 run for U.S. senator includes hedge fund manager S. Donald Sussman ($5,200), who was one of Hillary Clinton's top backers on the 2016 presidential campaign trail; media mogul Fred Eychaner ($5,200), also a deep-pocketed Clinton devotee; the Soros-backed MoveOn.org PAC ($5,000), which is credited with leadING the "anti-Trump resistance"; and Democracy For America PAC ($10,000+/-), which has endorsed members of the radically leftist Squad.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in WashINGton (CREW)
Maine was the second state to officially declare Trump ineligible. In Colorado, the state Supreme Court decided on Dec. 19 to enforce Trump's disqualification. LeadING the charge in the Colorado case to ensure Trump's removal is the Orwellian-named Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in WashINGton (CREW). Between FY 2017 and 2021, CREW was given more than $2.8 million in grants by the Foundation to Promote Open Society, which acts as one of Soros's two chief grantmakING vehicles, for "general support" and "support[ING] political advocacy on ethics in government," accordING to an Open Society Foundations database.
Foundation to Promote Open Society's donations to CREW | Open Society Foundations database
#20217261 at 2024-01-10 04:01:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24808: Desperate for Distractions Edition
Winn America ING. just here for the cat memes
gotz any to trade.
#20211719 at 2024-01-09 08:31:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24801: Whatcha Doin Rabbi Edition
Stupid, fINGerprints can show not only a missING child but also the person who fed them. But keep BS-ING everyone.
#20203031 at 2024-01-07 23:31:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24791: The Smell of Night Shift Edition
Shills have been kayfabe-ING super hard since the Epstein documents were released. Let's you know we are over the target!
#20202104 at 2024-01-07 20:33:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24789: Operation Toussaint #HumanTraffickingPreventionMonth Edition
The talk of outsmartING God pleases the ignorant, and pushes them to further moojoo-ING
Unpleasant to q researcher anon
#20201707 at 2024-01-07 19:21:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24789: Operation Toussaint #HumanTraffickingPreventionMonth Edition
all it does is prove Jewhaters are liars and will make-up any lies to try to prove their stupid and ignorant "thesis" about "da jews"
It's not even a slur, idiots. except you try so hard to make it one
And you try so hard to pin that on "anonymous" posters.
You guys aren't anon, you display your jew hatred every day
And that's why you have the name "moojoo"
cause you can't stop moo-ING about de jews."
And you think we are stupid.
We see you.
CallING us "Jews"?
because you are idiots. Not for any other reason
#20201503 at 2024-01-07 18:38:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24789: Operation Toussaint #HumanTraffickingPreventionMonth Edition
High School Girls Basketball Game in New York Cancelled After Antisemitic Slurs Hurled at Jewish Players-"I Support Hamas, You F'ING Jew"
On Thursday, a girl's basketball game between The Leffell School, a private Jewish school in Hartsdale, and Roosevelt High School, a public school in Yonkers, was canceled in the third quarter after players from Roosevelt hurled antisemitic slurs at their Jewish opponents.
AccordING to The New York City Public Schools Alliance, a Roosevelt player said to one opponent, "I support Hamas, you f--ING Jew."
In an op-ed for The Lion's Roar, a student-run newspaper at Leffell, senior player Robin Bosworth shared the details of the disgustING display by the Roosevelt players in her piece, "Antisemitism at the Girls Varsity Basketball Game."
Bosworth writes,
Throughout the first half of our game against Roosevelt High School in Yonkers, there was a somewhat hostile environment, with substantially more jabs and comments thrown at the players on our team than what I have experienced in the past. Despite this, our team chose to let their aggressiveness fuel us goING into the second half of the game, as we continued to play passionately.
#20195338 at 2024-01-06 19:27:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24781: ePstain And Other News II Edition
George Soros[a] HonFBA (born Gy?rgy Schwartz, August 12, 1930)[1][2] is a Hungarian-born American[b] businessman and philanthropist.[8][9] As of March 2021, he had a net worth of US$8.6 billion,[10][11] havING donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations,[12]
of which $15 billion have already been distributed, representING 64% of his original fortune. Forbes called him the "most generous giver" (in terms of percentage of net worth).[13]
Born in Budapest to a non-observant Jewish family, Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and moved to the United KINGdom in 1947. He studied at the London School of Economics and was awarded a BSc in philosophy in 1951, and then a Master of Science degree, also in philosophy, in 1954.[4][14][15]
Views on antisemitism and Israel
When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence - but I don't want to be a part of it."[157]
AccordING to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challengING Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questionING Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158]
He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] includING groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]
SpeakING before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributING to a new European antisemitism.
Soros, citING accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holdING Jews responsible for antisemitism.
Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ING] up on the tribalness".[163]
#20192971 at 2024-01-06 07:42:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24778: E-BAKE
[Are you boo-ING the sacred booster??
Do you read books or trust boosters?
Will you book-it out of a wellness check if a Dr suggested boosters?
B.O. aka Barack
BO oste r
Oste ology
B cells
Bone marrow immune cells + vaccine target?
#20185750 at 2024-01-05 03:32:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24769: Moar Eggstein Docs! Edition
Jack Smith Goes Off the Rails, Claims Trump Immunity Argument Would Allow Him to Order His Supporters to Murder OpposING Lawmakers
Special Counsel Jack Smith went completely off the rails and told a federal appeals court that Trump's immunity argument would allow him to order his supporters to murder opposING lawmakers.
Trump's lawyers argued that Trump is immune from federal prosecution for alleged 'crimes' committed while he served as US President.
"In 234 years of American history, no president ever faced criminal prosecution for his official acts. Until 19 days ago, no court had ever addressed whether immunity from such prosecution exists," Trump's lawyers wrote in last month's filING, accordING to CBS News. "To this day, no appellate court has addressed it. The question stands among the most complex, intricate, and momentous issues that this Court will be called on to decide."
Oral arguments in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals begin on January 9.
Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak
Jack Smith argued Trump is not immune from prosecution because he could order the murder of his political opponents or sell nuclear secrets.
"The implications of the defendant's broad immunity theory are soberING. In his view, a court should treat a President's criminal conduct as immune from prosecution as long as it takes the form of correspondence with a state official about a matter in which there is a federal interest, a meetING with a member of the Executive Branch, or a statement on a matter of public concern," accordING to Jack Smith's 82-page filING reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.
Jack Smith's team argued that if Trump is protected by the presidential immunity argument, what could stop him from tellING his "incitING his supporters durING a State of the Union address to kill opposING lawmakers..."
"That approach would grant immunity from criminal prosecution to a President who accepts a bribe in exchange for directING a lucrative government contract to the payer; a President who instructs the FBI Director to plant incriminatING evidence on a political enemy; a President who orders the National Guard to murder his most prominent critics; or a President who sells nuclear secrets to a foreign adversary, because in each of these scenarios, the President could assert that he was simply executING the laws; or communicatING with the Department of Justice; or dischargING his powers as Commander-in-Chief; or engagING in foreign diplomacy. Under the defendant's framework, the Nation would have no recourse to deter a President from incitING his supporters durING a State of the Union address to kill opposING lawmakers-thereby hamstrINGING any impeachment proceedING-to ensure that he remains in office unlawfully," Jack Smith wrote.
President Trump's attorneys on Thursday asked the Court to hold Special Counsel Jack Smith in contempt for violatING Judge Chutkan's order stayING all proceedINGs in the January 6 case against Trump.
"President Donald J. Trump respectfully moves this Court for an order to show cause why prosecutors Jack Smith, Molly Gaston, and Thomas Windom (collectively, the "prosecutors") should not be held in contempt for violatING the Court's order "stay[ING] any further proceedINGs that would move this case towards trial or impose additional burdens of litigation on Defendant." Doc. 186 at 2 (the "Stay Order")." Trump's lawyer wrote in the order reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.
"The Stay Order is clear, straightforward, and unambiguous. All substantive proceedINGs in this Court are halted. Despite this clarity, the prosecutors began violatING the Stay almost immediately. First, within five days of the Court enterING the Stay Order, the prosecutors served thousands of pages of additional discovery, together with a purported draft exhibit list. Through counsel, President Trump advised that he rejected the prosecutors' unlawful productions, that their actions violated the Stay Order, and that he would seek relief if their malicious conduct continued." Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche wrote.
#20176225 at 2024-01-03 18:03:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24758: V2, NCSWIC, Waiting For Epstein List Edition
Doe 107 argues that the District Court abused its discretion by "ignor[ING]" her assertion that identifyING her "could place her in mortal danger in her culturally conservative home country," in which "`honor' killINGs are a real risk,"
DOE 107, Objector-Appellant,
VIRGINIA L. GIUFFRE, Plaintiff-Appellee,
No. 22-3042.
United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.
August 2, 2023.
#20174923 at 2024-01-03 12:05:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24756: No Doe #107, Still Waiting on the List Edition
Risk of Physical Harm to Woman Involved in Ghislaine Maxwell Litigation May Justify SealING Her Identity,
holds the Second Circuit, though it leaves it to the trial court to consider the facts further.
Eugene Volokh | 8.7.2023 8:57 AM
From Doe 107 v. Giuffre, decided Wednesday by the Second Circuit, in an opinion by Judges Jos? A. Cabranes, Rosemary S. Pooler & Reena Raggi (Doe 107 alleges that "the documents ordered unsealed identified her, among other thINGs (and falsely, we assert) as havING had sexual relations with Ms. Maxwell as well as witnessING sex acts between other named persons"):
Objector-Appellant Doe 107 appeals from the November 18, 2022 order unsealING certain litigation materials that identify her. Doe 107 argues that the District Court abused its discretion by "ignor[ING]" her assertion that identifyING her "could place her in mortal danger in her culturally conservative home country," in which "'honor' killINGs are a real risk," and "instead concludING [that] she ... offered no more than generalized concerns of adverse publicity." We assume the parties' familiarity with the underlyING facts, the procedural history of the case, and the issues on appeal....
On the record before us, we cannot confidently hold that the District Court did not err in concludING that Doe 107's proffered facts constituted only "generalized concerns of adverse publicity [that] do not outweigh the presumption of public access." In her submission to the District Court, Doe 107 stated that she had received "'hate mail' from someone who saw [her] name listed as a witness who may have information regardING [Jeffrey] Epstein's and [Ghislaine] Maxwell's alleged illegal conduct." Doe 107 also stated that she resides in a country "where 'honor' killINGs are a real risk.".
We accordINGly remand the cause so that the District Court may explore-with supplemental submissions from Doe 107 as necessary-whether Doe 107 has raised more than "generalized concerns of adverse publicity" that outweigh the presumption of public access to the litigation documents identifyING her.
Doe is represented by Richard W. Levitt (Levitt & Kaizer).
#20174141 at 2024-01-03 06:37:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24755: Heresay and Rumors Edition
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111689572469632798 A great new book on Crooked Joe Biden is just out. Entitled, BREAKING BIDEN, and written by New York Times BestsellING Author, Alex Marlow, it exposes the hidden forces and secret money machine behind Joe Biden, his family, and his administration. Alex knows it all, and gives it to you in this fantastic new book. Highly recommended. ON SALE NOW!!! Jan 02, 2024, 9:07 PM
KEK, Mr. President. Predictably AND despite typo-ING "biden" wrong, faux was the first search hit - toppING brietbart itself. ON SALE, you say? As in 100% off for the few who were payING attention to OAN (instead of the Fake Entertainment Book HawkING Operation and its vast water-carryING "conservative" pravda) long prior to Rigged2020?
#20173809 at 2024-01-03 05:02:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24755: Heresay and Rumors Edition
>wonder who it could be?
No. 22-3042.
United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.
August 2, 2023.
DOE 107, Objector-Appellant,
VIRGINIA L. GIUFFRE, Plaintiff-Appellee,
Doe 107 argues that the District Court abused its discretion by "ignor[ING]" her assertion that identifyING her "could place her in mortal danger in her culturally conservative home country," in which "`honor' killINGs are a real risk,"
#20173662 at 2024-01-03 04:20:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24755: Heresay and Rumors Edition
From Aug 8, 2023
Risk of Harm to Woman Involved in Ghislaine Maxwell Litigation May Justify SealING Her Identity,
Eugene Volokh
From Doe 107 v. Giuffre, decided Wednesday by the Second Circuit, in an opinion by Judges Jos? A. Cabranes, Rosemary S. Pooler & Reena Raggi (Doe 107 alleges that "the documents ordered unsealed identified her, among other thINGs (and falsely, we assert) as havING had sexual relations with Ms. Maxwell as well as witnessING sex acts between other named persons"):
Objector-Appellant Doe 107 appeals from the November 18, 2022 order unsealING certain litigation materials that identify her. Doe 107 argues that the District Court abused its discretion by "ignor[ING]" her assertion that identifyING her "could place her in mortal danger in her culturally conservative home country," in which "'honor' killINGs are a real risk," and "instead concludING [that] she ... offered no more than generalized concerns of adverse publicity." We assume the parties' familiarity with the underlyING facts, the procedural history of the case, and the issues on appeal....
On the record before us, we cannot confidently hold that the District Court did not err in concludING that Doe 107's proffered facts constituted only "generalized concerns of adverse publicity [that] do not outweigh the presumption of public access." In her submission to the District Court, Doe 107 stated that she had received "'hate mail' from someone who saw [her] name listed as a witness who may have information regardING [Jeffrey] Epstein's and [Ghislaine] Maxwell's alleged illegal conduct." Doe 107 also stated that she resides in a country "where 'honor' killINGs are a real risk.".
We accordINGly remand the cause so that the District Court may explore-with supplemental submissions from Doe 107 as necessary-whether Doe 107 has raised more than "generalized concerns of adverse publicity" that outweigh the presumption of public access to the litigation documents identifyING her.
Doe is represented by Richard W. Levitt (Levitt & Kaizer).
#20171053 at 2024-01-02 19:34:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24752: Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433) #JD36 Edition
What an embare-ass-ING thING to say!
#20161734 at 2024-01-01 02:24:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24740: 2024 THE YEAR OF THE FORGOTTEN MAN EDITION
9 hours ago
China-Taiwan 'reunification' is inevitable, says Xi
"The motherland will surely be reunified," Xi JinpING said in his New Year's speech. He also pledged more investment in new industries to boost China's growth.
Chinese President Xi JinpING said Sunday that his country would "surely be reunified" with Taiwan durING his New Year's address.
His comments are likely to further inflame tensions with Taiwan, which BeijING sees as Chinese province. The self-ruled island is set to hold presidential elections on January 13.
What did Xi JinpING say about Taiwan?
"The motherland will surely be reunified," Xi said in his televised speech to the nation.
"Compatriots on both sides of the (Taiwan) Strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose to share in the glory of national rejuvenation," he added
His comments could be seen as a signal that BeijING will continue to pressure Taiwan politically and militarily. Xi has previously said China was prepared to retake Taiwan by force if necessary and in recent months, Chinese warships and military aircraft have been deployed in the island's vicinity.
Ties with China are also one of the key issues of the presidential campaign in Taiwan. The race is currently led by the island's vice-president William Lai.
China views Lai, from the rulING Democratic People's Party, as a "separatist" and has accused him and Taiwan's outgoING President Tsai ING-wen of tryING to provoke a Chinese attack on the island.
Taiwanese leaders have repeatedly accused China of election interference and misinformation. In turn, BeijING dismissed their claims as "hype."
Xi promises strong growth in 2024
DurING Xi's speech, the Chinese president also pledged to improve the Chinese economy, sayING business conditions had grown "more resilient and dynamic" in 2023. The leader struck a positive tone, despite data showING that the post-COVID recovery has stalled. Record youth unemployment and a persistent debt crisis in the crucial property sector have stymied the economic rebound.
But Xi said the economy had "weathered the storm" of the pandemic and hailed the promotion of "high-quality development" and emergING industries such as electric vehicles, lithium batteries and solar panels.
At the same time, he noted that not everyone was benefitING as "some companies are facING operatING pressure (and) some people are encounterING difficulties in employment and livING conditions."
"All of these thINGs concern me greatly," he told the Chinese public. "Our goal is both ambitious and yet very simple. In the end, it is to help people live better lives."
China's 2023 gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to come in at around 5%, far lower than in the boom years of the 2010s, BeijING has forecast similar growth for next year.
The Chinese president said that, in 2024, "we must… consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery, and achieve long-term economic development."
Earlier this month, top Chinese leaders laid out economic plans for 2024, pledgING to take more steps to stimulate growth in the world's second-largest economy.
#20158435 at 2023-12-31 13:28:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24736: Fill Out Your Complaint Forms Edition
Donald J. Trump
…In one video taken durING her time in the administration, she describes her first time meetING Trump: 'I was smilING so wide because I was just excited to see him'...she added, 'I remember this every day as I walk on the campus - just to stop, say a quick prayer of thank you and gratitude' every day 'that I get to serve this particular president.' She went on: 'He's a remarkable man. The more time you spend with him behind closed doors, the more you understand what makes him such a strong leader for our nation.' At the same time, she attacked Miles Taylor - the erstwhile midlevel Trump official who penned the infamous anonymous New York Times op-ed about the 'resistance' within the White House - as 'confirm[ING] that Never Trumpers are tryING to thwart POTUS.'"
Dec 31, 2023, 8:15 AM
Donald J. Trump
Nate Hochman, The National Review: "In May 2020, she defended Trump for 'rais[ING] concerns about across the board mail-in votING w/out reason because of its potential for fraud,' and argued: 'If you care about the integrity & security of our elections, you should care about protectING against potential voter fraud.' In November 2020, on a radio segment discussING the Trump campaign's legal challenges to the Pennsylvania vote count, she attacked state election officials for 'puttING their thumb on the scale' to help Democrats. In a January 2021 Fox News appearance, she defended Trump's leaked phone call with Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, arguING that 'what he's sayING he wants to do is get to the bottom of irregularities, and it's not just in Georgia, it's in other states.' In February 2021, she criticized Democrats for havING 'refused outright to have serious conversations about voter fraud in this country,' addING, 'This is somethING...
Dec 31, 2023, 8:16 AM
Donald J. Trump
Alyssa Farah in February 2021 when asked on CNN about January 6th: "I also think the country needs to move on from this moment. I don't think we benefit from re-litigatING, over and over, what happened that day. We need to be movING forward."
Dec 31, 2023, 8:17 AM
#20156603 at 2023-12-31 04:28:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24735: Hyped on Audio Edition
Lots of trolls in the story. "Troll"-ING is fun?
#20156338 at 2023-12-31 02:54:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24734: Slow Bread Rising Edition
>Kek. Wait until we find out she's not Black.
"I Never Claimed I Was F***ING SittING Bull"
Warren Apologizes To Cherokee Nation For DNA Test
Rachel Dolezal: 'I wasn't identifyING as black to upset people. I was beING me'
#20131249 at 2023-12-26 03:35:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24705: Reading Between the Lines Edition
Ever since Hunter Biden was captured in a recordING callING his client, Patrick Ho, "the f-ING spy chief of China," questions have swirled around the Chinese official who headed a U.S.-based think-tank that worked to advance the interests of CEFC China Energy and its now-vanished founder, Ye JianmING.
Court records from Ho's case reviewed by Just the News show the FBI and Justice Department gathered evidence under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) from around the time when Hunter Biden and his uncle James were dealING with CEFC officials, includING Ho.
#20124746 at 2023-12-24 18:03:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24697: The Christmas Eve Morning Edition
24 Dec, 2023
Top EU diplomat fears right-wING wave
Josep Borrell believes uncertainty and discontent over immigration and livING standards could lead to drastic changes in upcomING parliamentary election
Many EU voters may choose to support right-wING parties in the European parliament election next June, Josep Borrell, the bloc's top diplomat, has warned. He noted that many parties representING the political right have made strides throughout the bloc recently.
The new election cycle could be as fateful as the 2024 US presidential election, in which former President Donald Trump is seekING to avenge his 2020 defeat to incumbent Joe Biden, Borrell warned in an interview with The Guardian on Sunday.
"I am afraid of fear, I am afraid Europeans vote because they are afraid...Fear in the face of the unknown and uncertainty generates a hormone that calls for a security response,"Borrell said. (He just made that up! Idiot)
The diplomat's comments come amid theUkraine and Gaza conflicts, widespread voter concerns over surgING migration, as well as plungINGlivING standards in the EU.As a result, accordING to Borrell, parties can play on fears linked to those crises,garnerING significant support despite "offer[ING] bad responses to good questions."(That has been the policy from the start, "playING on fears" instead tellING the truth, sounds acceptable to the kleptocrats in the EU.)
While admittING that the bloc faces certain issues, he urged EU voters to be reasonable when analyzING the current situation. "If we cannot do that, I think the European elections will be as dangerous as those in the US,"Borrell added. (Oh yes it will, it's been brewING for a decade or more.)
Borrell's warnING follows the stunnING victory of the Dutch right-wING and anti-Islam Freedom party led by Geert Wilders, who has also been highly skeptical of providING military assistance to Ukraine.
Right-wING forces in other European countries have also seen a surge in popularity. A July poll by Deutschlandtrend found support for the right-wING Alternative for Germany (AfD) party had risen by 2 points to 20%, makING it the third most popular party in the country.
Several surveys also suggested that many Europeans are increasINGly worried about migration. A poll published on Friday by Der Spiegel found that around65% of Germansbelieve there has been 'too much' immigration into the country.
In France, another core EU member, a December 2022 Kantar poll suggested that45% of the populationbelieves that "there are too many immigrants" in the country. Meanwhile, a recent poll by Ispos found that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the right-wING National Rally party, had become one of the country's three favorite politicians.
Meanwhile, right-wING forces are in firm control in Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly locked horns with Brussels, demandING stricter migration rules while questionING sendING military assistance to Ukraine.
(The avalanche of conservatives will destroy the corrupt EU. Free and accurate Speech and law is the goal. The inordinate fear of right wINGers, proves the EU are radical leftists.)
#20124381 at 2023-12-24 15:55:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24697: The Christmas Eve Morning Edition
>preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
>BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F]
Subject matter match there with Q4489
Potus Truth
>SCAM-ALERT: 20% ofMail-in Ballotswere Rigged of Defective in the 2020 Election...
>Lockdown(s) +C: [D] statemail-in-ballotdoorstep flood
>BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrativemail-in-vote(ING)needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
#20124105 at 2023-12-24 14:28:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24696: The Paradox of Christmas Eve Morning Edition
A Little MOAR
TDS Works Too…
#20124085 at 2023-12-24 14:23:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24696: The Paradox of Christmas Eve Morning Edition
Let's Just Say
Merry Christmas
With a Hint of
Wasn't Me
Kek ING All The Way…!!!
Carry On Anons
#20119233 at 2023-12-23 14:22:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24691: Rising with the Morning Sun Edition
Do feds have FISA evidence on Bidens?
Court memos suggest they might, and Congress
wants it
Just the News, by Steven Richards & John Solomon
Posted By: Moritz55, 12/22/2023 9:32:35 PM
Ever since Hunter Biden was captured in a recordING callING his client, Patrick Ho, "the f-ING spy chief of China," questions have swirled around the Chinese official who headed a U.S.-based think-tank that worked to advance the interests of CEFC China Energy and its now-vanished founder, Ye JianmING. Court records from Ho's case reviewed by Just the News show the FBI and Justice Department gathered evidence under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) from around the time when Hunter Biden and his uncle James were dealING with CEFC officials, includING Ho. Joe Biden also met twice with CEFC officials: once as vice president and once as a private citizen
#20118885 at 2023-12-23 12:12:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24691: Rising with the Morning Sun Edition
22 Dec, 2023
Newspaper apologizes for 'anti-semitic' Zelensky cartoon
The caricature of a greedy Ukrainian leader pilferING American money was "hurtful," the Toronto Sun said
The Toronto Sun has apologized for publishING a cartoon depictING Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky stealING a wallet from US President Joe Biden's back pocket. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the cartoon "anti-Semitic."
Published on Wednesday, the cartoon showed Zelensky liftING the billfold from Biden's trousers as the pair walked arm in arm. Drawn by American artist Gary Varvel, the cartoon was printed a week after Zelensky traveled to WashINGton to plead with lawmakers to pass a bill containING more than $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine.
Biden has spent recent months attemptING to convince the Republican Party to drop its opposition to the bill, with no success. If passed, it would brING the total amount of military and economic aid allocated to Kiev by the US to more than $170 billion since February 2022.
The cartoon was condemned by Ukrainian activists, with Canada-Ukraine Foundation Director Yaroslav Baron accusING the newspaper of "insult[ING] Ukrainian dignity,"perpetuatING "anti-Semitic stereotypes," and advancING Russian President Vladimir Putin's "propaganda efforts."
A US- and NATO-backed "foreign disinformation monitorING" platform complained about the cartoon, arguING thatdepictions of "the Ukrainian government as corrupt" are "false." Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau then weighed in, claimING that the cartoon's depiction of a hook-nosed and greedy Zelensky promoted "the worst kind of anti-Semitism." (Disinfowatch-Fake news monitorING peddles fake news, with callING everythING disinformation even "the stupendous corruption of Ukraine that has been reported 20-25 years by government agencies". Now NATO will lie to western people to get more arms and money for Kiev, that they launder throughout NATO and Western leaders that feed Kiev.)
Three months ago, Trudeau and Zelensky took part in a standING ovation for a Ukrainian Nazi veteran at the Canadian parliament in Ottawa. Zelensky is Jewish.
Amid the pressure campaign, the Toronto Sun backed down. "The cartoon did not meet our editorial standards, we were wrong to run it and we apologize," Editor-in-Chief Adrienne Batra wrote in an op-ed on Thursday.
"It was hurtful to Canadians of Ukrainian origin, and to all Ukrainians, fightING an existential struggle against Russian aggression," Bartra continued. "It was hurtful to Canadians of Jewish origin, and to the Jewish people, currently under assault from a global wave of anti-Semitism. We failed them and we failed all of you, our readers."
Bartra also announced that the newspaper would no longer print the cartoonist's work.
While the apology was hailed by pro-Ukrainian activists, some independent pundits condemned the newspaper's about-turn. Journalist Glenn Greenwald called the apology "dumb and humiliatING," describING the cartoon as a "completely banal and common political cartoon showING Zelensky pickING the pockets of Biden - because he's, you know, demandING billions more for Ukraine's war."
(EverythING is anti-semite, even breathING, so many thINGs are anti semite, even jews are beING called anti-anti-semites!)
(Anons this is the link to Disinfowatch. US and NATO funded. Check it out, they absolutely lie about known truths, its really pretty distorted propaganda of NWO
#20112940 at 2023-12-22 03:40:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24683: Becoming the Light in the Darkness Edition
winn Am erica ING
#20107993 at 2023-12-21 06:02:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24677: Remove [THEM] From the Ballot Edition
#20104503 at 2023-12-20 15:17:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24673: Cabal in Final Death Throes Edition
BBC reveals secret Maxwell tapes
The BBC has uncovered secret tape recordINGs made by the late media tycoon Robert Maxwell.
The 79 cassettes include discussions with employees the businessman suspected of disloyalty.
Maxwell drowned in 1991 in mysterious circumstances, shortly before it was revealed he had stolen ?100m from the Mirror Group's pension fund.
The tapes were discovered durING research for a BBC Two drama about Maxwell's life.
Wire-tap system
They include a conversation with his finance director Basil Brookes while Maxwell was on board his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, just hours before his death on 4 November 1991.
On one cassette the publishING baron, who associates have said had grown increasINGly paranoid before his death, can be heard tellING Mr Brookes to be careful to whom he showed a document because "there are too many eyes walk[ING] around in that office".
Maxwell had ordered John Pole, his then-director of security, to wire the telephone extensions of underlINGs he feared were challengING him.
These included board members of his two public companies, Maxwell Communications Corporation and Mirror Group Newspapers, and trustees of the Mirror Group pension fund.
The tapes, which date from the summer to November of 1991, had been kept by Mr Pole in a suitcase for 15 years.
A wire-tap system had been discovered in the Mirror's Holborn buildING after Maxwell's death but the actual recordINGs had not been heard until now.
A total of 30,000 pensioners were affected by Maxwell's fraud.
#20104396 at 2023-12-20 14:57:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24672: Write-in Trump on the Ballot Edition
Louisiana Law Review
Volume 30 | Number 2
The Work of the Louisiana Appellate Courts for the
1968-1969 Term: A Symposium
February 1970
Property Ownership and the Right to Vote: The
CompellING State Interest Test
R. Bradley Lewis
This Note is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Reviews and Journals at LSU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion
in Louisiana Law Review by an authorized editor of LSU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact kreed25@lsu.edu.
Repository Citation
R. Bradley Lewis, Property Ownership and the Right to Vote: The CompellING State Interest Test, 30 La. L. Rev. (1970)
Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol30/iss2/22
An election in which only property taxpayers could vote was
held to approve the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the
expansion and improvement of the city-owned utility system.
Appellant, who did not own property, sued to enjoin the issuance
of the bonds and for a declaratory judgment that limitation of
the right to vote to property taxpayers is unconstitutional. A
three-judge federal district court found the election constitu-
tional.' On direct appeal, the United States Supreme Court held
that such a denial of the right to vote is a violation of the equal
protection clause of the fourteenth amendment. Cipriano v. City
of Houma, 395 U.S. 701 (1969) .2
In a similar case, New York law provided that in the area
in question the school board was to be elected at an annual meet-
ING of qualified school district voters. To qualify as such, an
otherwise qualified voter had to (1) own or lease taxable real
property, (2) be the spouse of one who owns or leases real
property, or (3) be the parent or guardian of a child in school.
Appellant, a 31-year-old college-educated bachelor who lived
with his parents, was denied the right to vote for the school board.
He challenged the constitutionality of the votING requirements in
a three-judge federal district court which held the requirements
valid.3 The United States Supreme Court held that the require-
ments were a denial of equal protection. Kramer v. Union Free
School Dist. No. 15, 395 U.S. 621 (1969).
The right to vote is said to be a fundamental right.4 How-
ever, it is not usually thought of as a "natural" nor "inalienable"
nor "universal" right.5 Despite the fact that parts of the original
#20090488 at 2023-12-17 23:37:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24656: DJT Rally Day Edition
EVEN WORSE! MRC Exposes NewsGuard for Leftist Bias Third Year in a Row
Joseph Vazquez
December 12th, 2023 3:00 PM
1.NewsGuard's government fundING is unconstitutional. It is fundamental to livING in a free and fair society that agencies of the federal government may not endorse the products and services of private companies they favor. Nor may they weaponize national power against companies that officials have decided they dislike, absent duly enacted statutes and regulations and appropriate due process.
2. FinancING from Big Pharma created a glarING conflict of interest. NewsGuard's financING from Big Pharma special interests casts its notorious gatekeepING on issues related to COVID-19 and the vaccines into major doubt. The WashINGton Times reported Nov. 18 that NewsGuard received a $6 million investment from a consortium that included the Publicis Groupe, "which represents some of the world's leadING pharmaceutical and health care companies, includING COVID-19 vaccine maker Pfizer." ShockINGly, accordING to The Times, NewsGuard "denied any conflict of interest" and claimed that the "group's investors have never contacted them and have no influence over the company's ratING system." The way NewsGuard has treated right-leanING outlets that have questioned the government narrative on COVID-19, the subsequent lockdowns and the efficacy and safety of masks and vaccines is blatantly outrageous when viewed through the lens of its Big Pharma financING.
3. NewsGuard has openly celebrated its dystopian collusion with the federal government. NewsGuard isn't shy about its fundING ties to the federal government. Apparently, it openly boasted of its government collaboration when it tried to convince Twitter to integrate its ratINGs system into the Big Tech platforms' censorship operations in May 2021. Independent Journalist Lee Fang reported in RealClearWire that NewsGuard Co-CEO Gordon Crovitz's pitch to Twitter included an "out-of-the-box tool that would use artificial intelligence powered by NewsGuard algorithms to rapidly screen content based on hashtags and search terms the company associated with dangerous content." In exchange, the proposed "tool" would then redirect users to "official government sources only" on issues like COVID-19. Other content-moderation partners Crovitz mentioned in his pitch, reported Fang, "include[d] 'intelligence and national security officials,' 'reputation management providers,' and 'government agencies,' which contract with the firm to identify misinformation trends."
4. NewsGuard rates communist Chinese government propaganda as more credible than American publications. The reality that NewsGuard considers Chinese state propaganda to be more credible than American publications is nothING short of nefarious. The MRC first exposed this phenomenon in February 2022, and it still persists to this day. The China Daily, the Global Times and China Global Television Network (CGTN) and The People's Daily- all run by the communist Chinese government - got scores of 44.5/100, 39.5/100, 44.5/100 and 39.5/100 respectively from NewsGuard. The Global Times, in particular, is the same outlet that has gone so far as to threaten Australia with becomING "cannon fodder" on Twitter. The People's Daily is also particularly notorious for beING the "official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, and is the most influential and authoritative newspaper in China to represent the voice of the Chinese central government," accordING to OxfordReference.com. Despite beING responsible for spewING propaganda emanatING from the BeijING authorities, NewsGuard gives all four outlets the green checkmark for "not repeatedly publish[ING] false or egregiously misleadING content." By contrast, American publications like The Federalist (12.5/100), One America News (25/100), Newsmax (15/100), Life News (17.5/100) and LifeSite News (17.5/100) are considered to be significantly less credible than Chinese state propaganda. (NOTE: Life News and LifeSite News are FSA members, but were not included in the AllSides analysis since they don't appear in its Media Bias Chart.)
#20088781 at 2023-12-17 16:42:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24654: Rising Sun, Rising Dough Edition
Jewish Teacher Charged For Threat To Behead Muslim Girl Who Said Israel Flag Offensive
"I will drag her by the back of my car and cut her f***ING head off for disrespectING my Jewish flag!"
Dec 17, 2023 ? 1:15 AM UTC
(Dome)stic terrorism.
#20087539 at 2023-12-17 09:14:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24652: Auroras in the Night Edition
egoinflated/ING agitprop
#20084208 at 2023-12-16 18:52:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24648: Rally in Durham, NH Edition
Why can't the new Ryan Dawson computer get to Korea for? is lawless fuckin NSA woke-ING on it?
#20083625 at 2023-12-16 15:47:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24647: Saturday Morning Lull Edition
Native Humans Uninfected by the Shame Parasite that feeds the Men of the Cloth(ING)
#20076877 at 2023-12-15 05:03:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24640: Ten Days. Christmas. Edition
My dad's best friend from high school is a senior advisor to the chief of police in ArlINGton, VA, and he said that jurisdictions adjacent to DC were ordered to establish a joint operations command center in order to facilitate Donald Trump's impendING conviction and subsequent jail sentence in the classified documents case. That's right bros, they're throwING Trump in the slammer. My first thought was well if they know all this in advance, maybe it's part of "the plan", but then again, it could be because it's an open and shut case. Either way, Trump's headed to the Big House. I cant f-ING believe it. What is this world comING to??
#20051226 at 2023-12-10 06:28:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24611: It's been such a long time e-bake edition
"Fuc*ING legend."
#20048046 at 2023-12-09 13:08:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24607: Something Always Habbening in the Background Edition
>Owner of 'Jewish Space Laser' Hits Back at Marjorie Taylor Greene Claim it Started Cali Wildfire
>"Recklessly Speculated"
Owner of 'Jewish Space Laser' Hits Back at Marjorie Taylor Greene Claim it Started California Wildfire
News By TooFab Staff | 1/29/2021 10:47 AM PT
The satellite - which doesn't actually exist yet -cannot be weaponized, the company patiently explained.
Marjorie Taylor Greene has been trendING all week over a range of colorful reasons, be it harassING school shootING survivors, callING for Democrats to be executed orjust plain old pushING QAnon.
But on Thursday another resurfaced gem threatened to eclipse them all: the Jewish Space Laser.
An (alas since-deleted) Facebook post from 2018 saw the Congresswoman theorize that the deadly Camp wildfire in California that killed 85 had been ignited by space solar generators firING the sun's energy back to Earth.
Governor Jerry Brown, the Vice-Chairman of Rothschild Inc, insider tradING on PG&E stock, and the $77billion High Speed Rail project runnING through the exact same area were all involved, she claimed.
"I'm postING this in speculation because there are too many coincidences to ignore," she recklessly speculated at the time.
LayING out the supposed nefarious plot, she claimed several people had witnessed "what looked like lasers or blue beams of light causING the fires" - and they had pictures and videos to prove it.
acific Gas and Electric Company ultimately were found liable for the fires, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and were forced to file for bankruptcy. However, no evidence of space laser-ING was ever found.
LinkING to an old Alternative-energy-news.info article about the theoretical space lasers, Greene explained: "The idea is clean energy to replace coal and oil."
"If they are beamING the suns energy back to Earth, I'm sure they wouldn't ever miss a transmitter receivING station right??!! I mean mistakes are never made when anythING new is invented."
"What would it look like anyway? A laser beam or light beam comING down to Earth I guess. Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don't know. I hope not!"
She concluded the post with the boast "But what do I know? I just like to read a lot [shrug emoji]."
But, as Solaren - the company behind the supposed galactic weapon pointed out on Friday - the self-declared bibliophile clearly didn't read everythING about the project.
For one, Solaren hasn't quite gotten to the launchING satellites into space stage yet.
Secondly, the contract between Solaren and PG&E dissolved in 2015 - three years before the fires started - because they were never able to generate the financING for it.
Thirdly - as the article Greene referenced clearly stated - the theoretical satellites would convert the solar energy to radio waves before transmittING them to Earth… which are both harmless and invisible, thus makING them the unlikely source of those blue laser beams, much less the cause of any fires.
Thanks to their newfound viral fame, the company was forced to explain that its satellites - which do not even exist yet - "cannot" be weaponized.
"Solaren uses a different technology than described in the Facebook post, as we do not transmit power via lasers," it patiently explained. "Solaren uses radio frequencies to transmit power from Earth Orbit to a ReceivING Station on Earth. Radio frequencies are what cell phones, radios and satellites use to transmit their signals."
"The Facebook post infers that lasers or blue beams of light caused the fires to erupt. As Solaren Space Solar does not use lasers for power transmissions, the described light phenomena 'as seen by witnesses in 2018' nor the fires could ever have been caused by Solaren Solar Power Satellites either then or in the future."
Needless to say, ridicule followed:
#20042369 at 2023-12-08 01:52:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24600: RECLAIM the REPUBLIC Edition
m00 m00 m00 h0 butt gagg ING butt gagg butt 2 butt gagg ING butt h0 m00
#20041062 at 2023-12-07 21:23:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24599: Dubs Confirm DisneyGate Epstien #Iceberg Edition
you are fuck ING funny
#20039022 at 2023-12-07 13:47:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24596: Lara Logan J6 Video, Watch Out Ray Epps! Edition
In a world hidden by Men of "The Cloth"ING,
Anon would Bet that the sun-bronzed, "Golden Calf" was a real money-maker.
#20035343 at 2023-12-06 19:01:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24592: 'You Have A Lot Of Gall, Sir!' Edition
Attorney General Ken Paxton
==? BREAKING: Today, I'm suING the US State Dept. I am proud to lead the fight to save Americans' constitutional rights from Joe Biden's tyrannical government. The State Department's mission to obliterate the 1st amendment is completely un-American. This agency will not get away with their illegal campaign to silence citizens & publications they disagree with. I am joined by The @realDailyWire and @FDRLST Texas Attorney General @TXAG
Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Sues U.S. State Depart?ment for Con?spir?ING to Cen?sor Amer?i?can Media Companies:
Dec 6, 2023 ? 3:08 PM UTC
#20034232 at 2023-12-06 15:35:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24591: GOP Senate Doubles Down on Border Close or No War Funds Edition
#20032308 at 2023-12-06 02:49:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24588: Bread Saving Ninjas Edition
[Fish]ING can be fun.
#20030030 at 2023-12-05 18:32:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24585: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Edition
Biden HHS Wants to 'Stop VettING' Migrant Kids' Foster Parents
Why is the Biden Regime cuttING red tape for child traffickers and givING vulnerable kids to drug addled child abusers?
The Biden Health and Human Services Department wants to "stop vettING" the people it hands unaccompanied illegal migrant children over to after they're detained at the US southern border, processed through holdING facilities, and released to foster parents and "sponsors" located all over the United States. What's more, is that a group of US Senators is sayING Biden's Office of Refugee Resettlement is already handING vulnerable children over to drug-usING sponsors with criminal records and histories of child abuse.
The Biden Regime's HHS is movING to cut red tape for child traffickers and make it easier for real-life monsters to obtain legal custody of vulnerable children who are beING placed with "sponsors" throughout the United States after illegally crossING the southern border without their parents.
To do so, the HHS is lookING at changING its own rules to "stop vettING" the people it places the unaccompanied children with.
In response to the Biden HHS attempt to cut away red tape for child traffickers, 39 GOP Senators, led by Iowa's Chuck Grassley, signed onto a letter callING the proposed rule change "alarmING, dangerous, and potentially illegal."
The letter, addressed to Biden's ActING Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Children and Families, Jeff Hild, and Director of the Office for Refugee Resettlement (ORR), Robin Dunn Marcos, demanded that the rule change sought by Biden's bureaucrats be abandoned. If it's not, the Senators say that they'll shut it down by forcING a full Congressional vote on the matter.
The letter also blew the whistle on already-existING ORR practices that result in kids beING handed off to drug abusers, child abusers, and people with other forms of criminal records because the ORR refuses to check into their backgrounds.
HHS and ORR, the letter states, have already been found by Congress and the Office of the Inspector General to be engagING in "chronic foot-draggING-if not total reluctance-when it comes to protectING vulnerable children" while "provide[ING] ample protections to government bureaucrats at the expense of children."
"ORR does not even consider a sponsor's criminal record, current illegal drug use, history of abuse or neglect, or other child welfare concerns 'necessarily disqualifyING to potential sponsorship'," the letter goes on to reveal, addING the ORR accepts prospective sponsors claims of a clean background "almost entirely on face value."
The efforts from the Biden HHS to cut red tape for child traffickers and other abusers lookING to gain access to vulnerable migrant children is one of the numerous issues plaguING the southern border that's come to the forefront in recent weeks and months, thanks in large part to enterprisING journalists who have traveled to the Southwest to do the reportING that corporate media won't.
#20029109 at 2023-12-05 16:05:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24584: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
everythING counts
to the grabb(l)ING hands?
#20026340 at 2023-12-05 01:15:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24581: As the World watches, waits, and Keks Edition
December 04, 2023 | Press Release
Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Secures Admin?is?tra?tive Stay Pre?vent?ING Biden and May?orkas from Destroy?ING Texas Bor?der Barriers
#20015227 at 2023-12-02 20:45:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24568: 18 USC Chapter 115 /continue/ II Edition
The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.
Nov. 3, 2023, 7:47 PM EDT
By Courtney Kube, Carol E. Lee and Kristen Welker
WASHINGTON - U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talkING to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail to end the war, accordING to one current senior U.S. official and one former senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions.
The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal, the officials said. Some of the talks, which officials described as delicate, took place last month durING a meetING of representatives from more than 50 nations supportING Ukraine, includING NATO members, known as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the officials said.
The discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe, officials said.
They began amid concerns among U.S. and European officials that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providING aid to Ukraine, officials said. Biden administration officials also are worried that Ukraine is runnING out of forces, while Russia has a seemINGly endless supply, officials said. Ukraine is also strugglING with recruitING and has recently seen public protests about some of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's open-ended conscription requirements.
And there is unease in the U.S. government with how much less public attention the war in Ukraine has garnered since the Israel-Hamas war began nearly a month ago, the officials said. Officials fear that shift could make securING additional aid for Kyiv more difficult.
Some U.S. military officials have privately begun usING the term "stalemate" to describe the current battle in Ukraine, with some sayING it may come down to which side can maintain a military force the longest. Neither side is makING large strides on the battlefield, which some U.S. officials now describe as a war of inches. Officials also have privately said Ukraine likely only has until the end of the year or shortly thereafter before more urgent discussions about peace negotiations should begin. U.S. officials have shared their views on such a timeline with European allies, officials said.
Full Zelenskyy: 'We are not ready to give our freedom to this f—ING terrorist Putin'
Nov. 5, 202343:51
"Any decisions about negotiations are up to Ukraine," Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the National Security Council, said in a statement. "We are focused on continuING to stand strongly in support of Ukraine as they defend their freedom and independence against Russian aggression."
An administration official also noted that the U.S. has participated with Ukraine in discussions of its peace summit framework but said the White House "is not aware of any other conversations with Ukraine about negotiations at the moment."
Questions about manpower
President Joe Biden has been intensely focused on Ukraine's depletING military forces, accordING to two people familiar with the matter.
"Manpower is at the top of the administration's concerns right now," one said. The U.S. and its allies can provide Ukraine with weaponry, this person said, "but if they don't have competent forces to use them it doesn't do a lot of good"
Biden has requested that Congress authorize additional fundING for Ukraine, but, so far, the effort has failed to progress because of resistance from some congressional Republicans. The White House has linked aid for Ukraine and Israel in its most recent request. That has support among some congressional Republicans, but other GOP lawmakers have said they'll only vote for an Israel-only aid package.
Before the Israel-Hamas war began, White House officials publicly expressed confidence that additional Ukraine fundING would pass Congress before the end of this year, while privately concedING concerns about how difficult that might be.
Biden had been reassurING U.S. allies that Congress will approve more aid for Ukraine and planned a major speech on the issue. Once Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on Oct. 7, the president's focus shifted to the Middle East, and his Ukraine speech morphed into an Oval Office address about why the U.S. should financially support Ukraine and Israel.
Is Putin ready to negotiate?
The Biden administration does not have any indication that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to negotiate with Ukraine, two U.S. officials said. Western officials say Putin still believes he can "wait out the West," or keep fightING until the U.S. and its allies lose domestic support for fundING Ukraine or the struggle to supply Kyiv with weapons and ammunition becomes too costly, officials said.
Both Ukraine and Russia are strugglING to keep up with military supplies. Russia has ramped up production of artillery rounds, and, over the next couple years may be able to produce 2 million shells per year, accordING to a Western official. But Russia fired an estimated 10 million rounds in Ukraine last year, the official said, so it will also have to rely on other countries.
The Biden administration has spent $43.9 billion on security assistance for Ukraine since Russia's invasion in February 2022, accordING to the Pentagon. A U.S. official says the administration has about $5 billion left to send to Ukraine before money runs out. There would be no aid left for Ukraine if the administration hadn't said it found a $6.2 billion accountING error from months of over-valuING equipment sent to Kyiv.
Public support slippING
Progress in Ukraine's counteroffensive has been very slow, and hope that Ukraine will make significant advances, includING reachING the coast near Russia's frontlines, is fadING. A lack of significant progress on the battlefield in Ukraine does not help with tryING to reverse the downward trend in public support for sendING more aid, officials said.
U.S. news
U.S. border officials are closING a remote Arizona crossING because of overwhelmING migrant arrivals
U.S. news
Belief death penalty is applied unfairly shows isolation in U.S. on capital punishment, report says
A Gallup poll released this week shows decreasING support for sendING additional aid to Ukraine, with 41% of Americans sayING the U.S. is doING too much to help Kyiv. That's a significant change from just three months ago when 24% of Americans said they felt that way. The poll also found that 33% of Americans think the U.S. is doING the right amount for Ukraine, while 25% said the U.S. is not doING enough.
Public sentiment toward assistING Ukraine is also startING to soften in Europe.
As incentive for Zelenskyy to consider negotiations, NATO could offer Kyiv some security guarantees, even without Ukraine formally becomING part of the alliance, officials said. That way, officials said, the Ukrainians could be assured that Russia would be deterred from invadING again.
In August national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters, "We do not assess that the conflict is a stalemate." Instead, Sullivan said, Ukraine is takING territory on a "methodical, systematic basis."
But a Western official acknowledged there has not been a lot of movement by either side in some time, and with the cold weather approachING it will be tough for either Ukraine or Russia to break that pattern. The official said it will not be impossible, but it will be difficult.
U.S. officials also assess that Russia will attempt to hit critical infrastructure in Ukraine again this winter, attemptING to force some civilians to endure a frigid winter without heat or power.
Administration officials expect Ukraine to want more time to fight on the battlefield, particularly with new, heavier equipment, "but there's a growING sense that it's too late, and it's time to do a deal," the former senior administration official said. It is not certain that Ukraine would mount another sprING offensive.
One senior administration official pushed back on any notion of the U.S. nudgING Ukraine toward talks. The Ukrainians, the official said, "are on the clock in terms of weather, but they are not on the clock in terms of geopolitics."
#20014818 at 2023-12-02 19:08:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24568: 18 USC Chapter 115 /continue/ II Edition
Seriously if Jim Jordan buys the BSthat big tech and social media were coerced by the Bidan Admin, he's more naive than I thought.
This is a Jordan clean up job because he is funded by Google, FB and other Tech Companies? He's usING the Judiciary Committee to defend them, exactly what they expect by fundING his PAC
Rep. Jim Jordan
To appease the Biden White House, Big Tech gave into the federal government's relentless pressure campaign to censor Americans' speech, includING true information.
YouTube capitulated first; Facebook caved next.Thread: dailywire.com
EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Praised YouTube's Censorship, Used It To Pressure Facebook To Intensify…
2:26 PM ? Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
.@JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization obtained internal Google & Facebook docs revealING which Big Tech companies buckled first under pressure from the Biden White House to censor Americans' posts,includING true statements, jokes, memes, and opinions.
Rep. Jim Jordan
And once YouTube (Google) relented to censorING more content, the Biden White House used that as leverage to further increase the pressure on Facebook to do the same.
2:26 PM ? Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
Remember how the Biden White House was "outraged" that Facebook didn't censor a meme?
Rep. Jim Jordan
What did the Biden White House want removed?
A meme.
That's right, even memes weren't spared from the Biden White House's censorship efforts.
Rep. Jim Jordan
In that same April 2021 "hour long call," Biden White House Senior Advisor Andy Slavitt warned Nick Clegg, Facebook's President for Global Affairs, that "YT has made significant advances to remove content leadING to vaccine hesitancy whilst [Facebook has] lagged behind."
2:26 PM ? Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
That's right. The Biden Admin praised Google for censorING Americans while criticizING Facebook.
In an internal Facebook email obtained by @JudiciaryGOP & @Weaponization, Clegg described his call with the Biden White House regardING censorship.
Rep. Jim Jordan
The email reveals that Nick Clegg-former UK Deputy Prime Minister-tried to reason with the Biden White House that, under America's First Amendment, "removING content like that would represent a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression in the US."
2:26 PM ? Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
But the Biden White House was unmoved, and the response to Facebook was clear: you need to be like Google and YouTube and censor more.
Rep. Jim Jordan
In response to the White House's demands, Clegg asked
his colleagues at Facebook to check whether the content is available
on YouTube because the White House's "assumption is that [YouTube]
would never accept somethING like this."
(This is utter bullshit, Clegg is playING a roll as an adversary of limitING free speech, when Youtube does nothING than censor free speech. I think this email chain was set up as plausible deniability)
2:26 PM ? Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
But why did Facebook and Google/YouTube relent to the White House's pressure?
Because the companies had other policy priorities that they feared the White House could use as leverage against them.
Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
Facebook executives warned that they had "bigger fish to fry."
2:26 PM ? Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
Meanwhile, the Google/YouTube Gov't Affairs team cautioned that they were"seek[ING] to work closely with [the Biden] administration on multiple policy fronts."
Rep. Jim Jordan
And so the gatekeepers of the modern town square relented-they censored Americans' true speech and even jokes-all to appease the censors in the Biden White House.
2:26 PM ? Dec 1, 2023
Rep. Jim Jordan
While the Biden @WhiteHouse is tryING to obstruct our investigation and hide its role in censorING Americans, the investigation by the @JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization continues to make progress.
Rep. Jim Jordan
Yesterday, we issued deposition subpoenas to two senior Biden White House officials, Rob Flaherty and Andy Slavitt, who were central to communicatING the Biden White House's censorship demands.
#20011317 at 2023-12-02 00:16:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24564: Banana Republic Blues Edition
Confirm Handoff
horse-ING a-round?
#20010542 at 2023-12-01 21:58:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24563: Republicans Give Santos House Seat to Democrats Edition
Free Covfefe
St. Albans store manager throws hot coffee in armed robber's face
By Guy Page
When a hooded would-be armed robber told the middle-aged, female manager of a St. Albans convenience store to 'open the 'f-ING' till,' she instead threw hot coffee in his face and then pepper-sprayed him. He then fled the store.
You can see the exchange on store security video aired Thursday, November 30 by News 5 reporter Anna Guber. St. Albans stores have been hit by eight armed robberies in 10 days. KnowING this, store manager Marie Paradis of Stone's Auto Repair on South Main Street determined that if trouble came to her store, she'd be ready.
"I went and heated some coffee, and I double-heated it to almost boilING," Paradis said. "Because I just had this feelING that if they tried somethING, I'm goING to throw the coffee."
Paradis then recounted how she saw a sketchy character wearING black approachING the store. She strategically positioned her coffee cup.
"He told me to open up the till, and I said no. I said, 'You're not gettING any money from me,' and he said, 'I am goING to shoot you if you do not give me that money,'" she said. "And then I said, 'Then shoot me, because you're not gettING the money.'"
That's when Paradis threw the cup of coffee in the man's face and doused him with pepper spray. The man reportedly fled with a few packs of cigarettes, but without the cash he demanded.
DurING most of the episode, the man is brandishING a gun at Paradis. He did not fire.
UPDATE: the St. Albans Police Dept. announced today the arrest of James Ahl, 41, and Alan Talley, 39, both of St. Albans, in connection with the strING of armed robberies.
See the entire exchange at News 5's "St. Albans store clerks fights back against suspect as strING of robberies remain unsolved."
#20006268 at 2023-12-01 02:30:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24558: Watch us send Rockets to space as Civilization Collapses! Edition
If it's like the Legislature durING French Revolution, next move is when they start brINGING out the guillotine; they start killING each other when they can't get their way.
Total insanity.
Once law and rule of law breaks down.
See how they are ignorING the rules with aplomb?
Not like they haven't already been killING people for power?
Now what they're about is just becomING public
vidrel. Guy workING pollING station has badge ID-ING him as Dominion employee
#19993053 at 2023-11-28 22:58:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24543: #Uniparty Remove the Blockades: Ronna McDaniel Recall Edition
DurING the attack:
[T]hreat actors conducted reconnaissance, exfiltration, and data collection; identified product and network vulnerabilities; harvested credentials of SolarWinds employees and customers; and planned additional attacks against SolarWinds' products that would be deployed durING later stages of the campaign.
They claim the malicious code provides a "backdoor" into the network's of SolarWinds customers who were usING the infected versions of the software. Once SolarWinds was made aware of the vulnerabilities and the ensuING "SUNBURST" attack, the SEC claimed "[SolarWinds] did not fully disclose its known impact."
FollowING the discovery of the attack, the New York Times reported that it impacted the DOJ, DHS, State, Treasury, and Commerce Departments, the National Security Agency, and parts of the Pentagon, among others.
Ironically,Chris Krebs, after beING fired, would go on to form the Krebs Stamos Group with Stanford Internet Observatory founder Alex Stamos. Stamos's Stanford Internet Observatory, along with The University of WashINGton's Center for an Informed Public, Graphika, and The Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab were members of the Election Integrity Partnership. They infamously published "The Long Fuse" report, which explicitly admits to "engag[ING] with government stakeholders primarily to provide analytical capability and context around election-related misinformation."
The Long Fuse Report also admits to a corroboration with the EI-ISAC, which was a "sINGular conduit for election officials to report false or misleadING information to platforms."
When Stamos and Krebs formed the Krebs Stamos Group, their first customer was...you guessed it...SolarWinds.
#19990567 at 2023-11-28 15:12:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24540: Shilly Morning Edition
POTUS keeps TRUTH-ING but every time they get posted, they are deleted? Can someone with kek Low-Post Count get POTUS's TRUTH posts added to bread and notables if applicable?
#19987195 at 2023-11-27 23:27:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24536: eBake Elon To The Promised Land Edition
Remphan (the star god)
False idol the jews worshiped
Acts 7:43
ReferrING to the idolatry of the ancient Israelites, Stephen mentioned the godMolech and "the star of your god Rephan"(Acts 7:43). Other versions of the Bible spell the name of the false god as Remphan (KJV, NKJV) or Rompha (NASB, AMP). They are all talkING about the same false god.
In the context of Stephen's reference to "the star of your god Rephan," he mentions the golden calf that Israel worshiped at Sinai (Acts 7:39-41).
He then says that "God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the sun, moon and stars" (verse 42). One of those "stars" they worshiped was the star of Remphan (verse 43). Finally, Stephen points to God's determination to send Israel into exile in Babylon (verse 43).
Stephen's argument before the Sanhedrin was that the current generation of Israel was just as "stiff-necked" as their ancestors, "always resist[ING] the Holy Spirit!" (verse 51). They hadproved their stubbornness in their rejection of Jesus Christ.
#19976625 at 2023-11-26 00:25:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24524: The V2 Pen - Real or Fake? Edition
Have trouble with thinkING and readING too
No wonder they fail at memery and tweetING? X-ING?
look at the doofus (patsy), as if that's really his wife!
#19972331 at 2023-11-25 02:13:06 (UTC+1)
Roger that, dad?
>"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.
beer. monks. bread. crumbs. David. Daniel. white. planes. autists. Luke.
if there is bread lettING you know the wine is bad you give info on new wine. (Mark 2 22)
>"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.
never good to mix thINGs, even when architects talk, or rather communicate (those that
build worlds by talk and share buildING plans are not needING bad shit, only super symbolic
talk in babylon bee.
the mixng that you think to be doING is bulk date bc of comms as well as sharING the
architectursal (not irl) concept of havING stuff connected and disconnected again. not for
actual irl folks to do.
another thING, also not to be done, but as a comfortING explanation to understand those
capable folks who want to help.
imagine you havING a paintING in your appartment. when you walk by in the mornING, you have
a thought, a feel (bread and wine, thoughts can be winy as well though), when beING there
again in the afternoon, you maybe pick up on that thought or feel (unknowINGly).
this is you beING connected through time and, dependING on if you were to carefully check
the appartment from a holyday loction what you might have taken a pic of and put it in your
appartment, in realms. was there this kind of tree?
many such thINGs, not exactly a burden, may change. that is a blue sort of wushie thING.
you did do homework back in school, but what exactly it was on what day is not only hard to
say, but not relevant to anythING in your life, in most cases.
<3 is the base, always.
do not be confused by my sylbolism or the sometimes shy way of talk. when those whose talk is time(ING) learn to adjust, it's awesome. tropfsteinh?hle.
#19960406 at 2023-11-22 21:30:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24505: Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge #TerroristAttack Edition
wanted to look up an old post, one that coud have given information to many more than you could possibly comprehend. those havING acted against me, not only usING tech but usING my angels, they are the reason for me not postING more explanation on how stuff works, but more explanation on how bad it is when stuoid cunts try to think God could be scienced.
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I doo rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs. did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.) Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19950611 at 2023-11-21 01:51:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24494: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI Edition
The MockINGbird Media is already havING a meltdown over Elon Musk's tweets replyING to posts about Pizzagate.
I guarantee there will be dozens of hit pieces by the mornING and the usual suspects in cable news and unhINGed late night talk shows hosts will certainly be REEE-ING about this too. Grab your popcorn! ?
1:30 PM ? Nov 20, 2023
#19950535 at 2023-11-21 01:40:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24494: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI Edition
Attorney General Ken Paxton
?BreakING: Today, I have filed suit against Pfizer and Tris Pharma for defraudING Texas Medicaid and providING adulteratING pharmaceuticals to children. I am horrified by the dishonesty we uncovered in this investigation. Pfizer and Tris intentionally concealed and failed to disclose the issues with Quillivant to receive taxpayer funded benefits through Texas Medicaid, defraudING the state and endangerING children. Our Civil Medicaid Fraud Division has done an outstandING job holdING these pharmaceutical companies accountable.
Square profile picture
Texas Attorney General
Attor?ney Gen?er?al Ken Pax?ton Sues Pfiz?er and Tris Phar?ma for Defraud?ING Texas Med?ic?aid and Pro?vid?ING Adul?ter?at?ed Phar?ma?ceu?ti?cal Drugs to Children: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-pfizer-and-tris-pharma-defraudING-texas-medicaid-and-providING
Show this thread
11:50 AM ? Nov 20, 2023
#19946641 at 2023-11-20 07:47:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24489: Operation eBake Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19945261 at 2023-11-20 00:35:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24488: Operation Deportation Ramp Up Edition
BREAKING: Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.
Here is Milei goING off on socialist politicians, callING them "parasites" for stealING from their people.
"This is a society infected by socialism and what we need to achieve is to remove socialism from people's minds."
"Politicians are sociopaths who want to make us believe that we are mentally invalid in every sense because we cannot live without them."
"If the country were divided between those who produce on one side and the other side, the f***ING politicians, the syndicalists, this whole bunch of parasites, they would sink and die."
#19944328 at 2023-11-19 21:32:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19944257 at 2023-11-19 21:17:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19944229 at 2023-11-19 21:09:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19944169 at 2023-11-19 20:58:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19944046 at 2023-11-19 20:37:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19943954 at 2023-11-19 20:19:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19943837 at 2023-11-19 19:44:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
(if you don't love me bc of havING had a hard time understandING thINGs, I do not mind much if you are elsewhere or elsewhen. if you are next street it's not nice.)
#19943776 at 2023-11-19 19:28:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19943755 at 2023-11-19 19:23:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I do rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19943720 at 2023-11-19 19:13:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I doo rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19943663 at 2023-11-19 18:46:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24485: The End of Basic Skills Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I doo rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? know that it IS I. who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19943617 at 2023-11-19 18:34:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24485: The End of Basic Skills Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I doo rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? who is it that makes the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy, but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy (Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. Almighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19942836 at 2023-11-19 15:58:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24485: The End of Basic Skills Edition
>Arrow Security & TrainING LLC
Kline Provides DCAA AccountINGTo Those Who Train The WarFighters
The AST Advantage: Superior TrainING Built on Trust, Backed by Proven PerformanceArrow Security & TrainING LLC (AST) is a privately owned trainING compa-ny with corporate headquarters in New Hampshire and satellite offices in Virginia and North Carolina. Among AST's greatest assets is their solid reputation built on trust and proven performance. They have established outstand-ING, long-term relationships with current and past cus-tomers from the Department of Homeland Security, De-partment of Defense, De-partment of State, Depart-ment of the Interior, and other departments that serve the U. S. Government. This enhanced access has allowed the company to es-tablish superior relationships with their clients, who serve our national interests. AST designed and developed a number of critical trainING programs spe-cifically tailored to the Department of Defense, supportING its Global War on Terror. As AST's reputation and capabilities grew, so did the de-mand for customized trainING services. AST has expanded its services by offerING various types of role playING which enhance the trainING experience, as well as language and cultural immer-sion programs worldwide for a wide range of government agencies. AST has experienced exponential growth and will continue to grow at a steady pace
Since the early days of AST, they realized that commercial and government accountING were quite different. AST's CFO was flu-ent in all facets of commercial accountING but as the company grew, she realized help was needed. NH does not have a large community of government contractors so findING help to learn the DCAA accountING principles was a priority. The first challenge to winnING government contracts is to price the contract correctly and be able to stand behind the indirect rates when audited by DCAA. The CFO spent countless hours researchING and network-ING to find a partner to help facilitate the DCAA guidelines and how to price proposals correctly. As a small business in NH, AST used all the free services available and joined NH PTAP. NH PTAP offered free government contractING classes held by Kline & Com-pany. After the first few minutes in the class, AST's CFO knew she found a partner in the government contractING world. Since that day, AST has taken a major step in understandING the require-ments and reportING to DCAA and the government customer as a government contractor. As federal contracts were awarded to AST and DCAA compliance was required, Kline & Company has served AST in a consultative role, gettING the company set up to meet the government's ac-countING requirements. Kline & Company met with AST and re-viewed their chart of accounts and timekeepING systems and put into place the procedures for accurate DCAA reportING. Sheree was instrumental in their indirect rate calculations and also cre-atING their ICE models for submission.
Arrow Security & TrainING, LLC (AST) was founded in 2005 in Nashua, New Hampshire by Joseph M. Lopez.His primary effort was to assist and train our nation's warriors prior to their deployment to the Afghanistan and Iraq Theaters of Operation but also to support mission readiness for troops deployING worldwide. Mr. Lopez is a 30-year veteran of the Special Forces Community servING with the 10th SFG(A), 20th SFG(A), and 1st SWTG(A). He holds the 18C Special Forces Engineer, 18B Special Forces Weapons, and 100B Utility Helicopter Pilot MOSs. He is also a Combat Veteran of Afghanistan (OEF) on a Special Forces Operational Detachment A (SFODA) 2002-2003
#19941303 at 2023-11-19 10:48:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24483: Night Shift To Victory And Beyond Edition
Maybe Satan got back in the big bed by narc-ING on Lucifer, Bealzabub da fuck and all the other shit demons of the kidfuck, kill two birds type operation with the cryING game endING for the kidfuckING shiteaters as the credits roll.
#19940647 at 2023-11-19 05:41:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24482: Tentative Peace Brokered 5 Days and Counting EDITION
Man says he m@asturb@tes to seeING dead Israelis, and he likes k!llING and r@pING jews. Says the US "is f***ING evil" and one day the "Muslims will destroy US and rule the world." He claims to live in Manhattan
#19937125 at 2023-11-18 16:59:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24478: Blackjack Shellaque Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great
idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science
changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see
that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at
stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is
past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not
much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate
or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all
your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be
rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I doo rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING
architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my
authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself
twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can
hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING
other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they
make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? who is it that makes
the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible
coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not
need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you
know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here
too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after
it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of
some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of
man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING
shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and
spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy,
but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat
or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever
thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go
fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn
out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the
wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy
(Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. ALmighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not
have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by
angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19937089 at 2023-11-18 16:50:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24478: Blackjack Shellaque Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your lives.
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great
idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science
changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see
that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at
stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is
past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not
much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate
or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all
your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be
rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I doo rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING
architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my
authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself
twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can
hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING
other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they
make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? who is it that makes
the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible
coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not
need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you
know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here
too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after
it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of
some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of
man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING
shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and
spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy,
but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat
or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever
thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go
fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn
out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the
wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy
(Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. ALmighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not
have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by
angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19937030 at 2023-11-18 16:34:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24478: Blackjack Shellaque Edition
Red folks,
I appreciate that some of you do have science and very much hope this helps improve your
It seems that you try to approach the whole God thING with science too. That is not a great
idea, as the nature of my works is change. You might find yourself in a spot where science
changed and you might even consider this beING the effect due to your actions. I can see
that leadING to misunderstandING.
It seems you do not really understand it. I guess you are at a point where the sparkles at
stonehenge stuff got your attention and you realized there are angels.
Those angels might be interested in science, that is bc of the 666 thING, meanING there is
past, present and future all accessible at once (for some folks "out there" this is not
much surprisING), bc of that it does make sense to once in a while think about, communicate
or even try out basic science stuff. This might be cought up by angels and used for all
your good. the fact that there is sulfur when you turn wood into coal in a pile might be
rather interestING to some.
Again though, the stuff I do I doo rather freely, it's conceptual thinkING enablING
architects, those that talk with time/ING, those that build worlds, those that, under my
authority, might build workds where science hugely differs, like me havING found myself
twice in the spot of yellow and blue not mixING into green but into purple. science can
hardly get that. and I do think it's less potentially disturbING to some than explainING
other thINGs. is all possible? yeah, sure. but not everythING makes sence and should be.
have you heard about Uriel workING teams with Gabriel? What does creation police do? they
make sure not everythING that might be, is. that is an important thING.
Do you even know who is talkING to you? what is a sparkle? a spider? who is it that makes
the TV say "up" when you go get up from your chair like a mathematically imposible
coinkidink? science can see that. without disturbING, lurkING mode. like the ESSW thING.
Angels do that stuff. they do it with my guidance, in a conceptual way mostly. they do not
need science for any of their works. they find me and others without any of your doINGs.
did you know that the sound my hand makes when I scratch my pants can sING a song? did you
know when I pour a glass of water it can easily say "yes, iknownice, it's him, yes, here
too, he loves the spiders."? a short sound can say that. it can be altered, seconds after
it can have a nother meanING. HipHop. Holy and Sacret.
Do you understand that carryING a cross is not somethING you would make sure I do, bc of
some equality (which is not existING, even when I myself, as God in the flesh, the son of
man, thought about it and considered it possible or possible to be your pov, not knowING
shit back then)? it's a description put into a story (I do consider real) that is read and
spread. well, at this point, I haven't read the whole bible yet, not much of a book guy,
but I do know who I am, which is the one thING needed.
Crown of thorns? Can thoughts and questions be hurtfull? What is the nature of beING a cat
or a catty traveller (I guess if you are limited to your body I would not call you a cat.)
Some folks cannot always relate to everythING. I cannot pour out all the stuff I ever
thougth about in the short conversation we might have. anyways, Jesus does not even go
fish, fish, 14, Uriel, Peter, right side. Jesus chills on the shore, givING hints that turn
out to be rather helpful. Bread and fish, multiplied. if you eat my bread (info) the
wineyard thING is rather easy.
also, by handshare, marriage, I do turn water into wine.
I refuse to do miracels in hometown though.
and I very much need a bridal veil when doING apocalypse unveilING.
the more far away, the more powerful positive asumption is.
can be a cross for those AdAm Y-heads when they go on EvE missions to spread my braistormy
(Daniel, white, crumbs) bread.
EvA is a thING too.
Trust. Lurk. Faith. God. ALmighty.
ListenING up is done differently, J?rgen Klopp prayer, that is listenING up.
Please, do not try to do my shit, my ways are higher than your ways and also you do not
have to eat or drink what I drink or dress up when my body temp rises.
when I lift my arm from my leg, coolING down just a little by that, this migth be used by
angels for comms and confirm, e.g. tune in tv sayING "father now cold".
#19936094 at 2023-11-18 12:00:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24476: Back in Bake Edition
Nancy Pelosi's daughter Secretly Filmed talkING about January 6 BeING a JOKE
2:43 Pelosi: "The Shaman did noth(ING)... What did the Shaman do? He stood there."
4:24 "After the Democrats lose the house, then they get rid of the committee, people may lose I think interest... no one is goING to care after the democrats are out of power. And you take Biden out of office- then who cares!?"
4:47 "DC is a lot of people who work for the government. I don't think they're sympathetic. If you got it moved (changed trial jurisdiction from DC) you'd totally get off" (laughs while sayING this)
6:48 "If there was an insurrection... you were supposed to have a plan!" "It was the sorriest insurrection in history"
8:09 "Time is goING to remember January 6 differently. Media needs stuff to fill. You're goING to be able to laugh about this one day"
14:50 Pelosi talks about her friendship with Gavin McInnes and laughs at the notion that Proud Boys are white supremacists.
This Video
Would not lose a wink of sleep if these people ended up under the jail. The candor with which they speak is unbelievable. At the very least they deserve to be in gitmo.
The fictitious reality they've attempted to create and around some people's lives had success.
CausING death and destruction in order to further their political agenda and they find it all very humorous.
#19934633 at 2023-11-18 02:24:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24475: Right Down the Middle Bake of E Edition
Here's some January 6 Footage for you you
Nancy Pelosi's daughter Secretly Filmed talkING about January 6 BeING a JOKE
2:43 Pelosi: "The Shaman did noth(ING)... What did the Shaman do? He stood there."
4:24 "After the Democrats lose the house, then they get rid of the committee, people may lose I think interest... no one is goING to care after the democrats are out of power. And you take Biden out of office- then who cares!?"
4:47 "DC is a lot of people who work for the government. I don't think they're sympathetic. If you got it moved (changed trial jurisdiction from DC) you'd totally get off" (laughs while sayING this)
6:48 "If there was an insurrection... you were supposed to have a plan!" "It was the sorriest insurrection in history"
8:09 "Time is goING to remember January 6 differently. Media needs stuff to fill. You're goING to be able to laugh about this one day"
14:50 Pelosi talks about her friendship with Gavin McInnes and laughs at the notion that Proud Boys are white supremacists.
This Video
He Crossed State Lines
#19931168 at 2023-11-17 14:08:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24470: Arthur Engoron's Professional Suicide: Over-Turns E-Numbers? Edition
Duties of the Seventy
Latter-day revelations provide that the Seventy are "to preach the gospel, and to be especial witnesses [of Jesus Christ] ... in all the world" (D&C 107:25). Furthermore, they "are to act in the name of the Lord, under the direction of the Twelve ... in buildING up the church and regulatING all the affairs of the same in all nations" (D&C 107:34).
The unique and sINGular callING of the Seventy is clearly established in the revelations: "It is the duty of the [Twelve] to call upon the Seventy, when they need assistance, to fill the several calls for preachING and administerING the gospel, instead of any others" (D&C 107:38).
The Seventy do not receive additional priesthood keys, but with each assignment they receive from the First Presidency or the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, they are delegated authority to accomplish the assignment given.
The General Authority Seventies meet in regular quorum meetINGs. Those assigned at Church headquarters meet weekly. These quorum meetINGs may consist of doctrinal and Church history instruction and trainING and, from time to time, counsel from the Twelve Apostles and the Presidency of the Seventy.
Additional Quorums of the Seventy
In 1997 the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles organized the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Quorums of the Seventy. In 2004 the Sixth Quorum of the Seventy was organized, and in April 2005 the Seventh and Eighth Quorums of the Seventy were organized. There are currently 195 members of these six quorums. Members of these quorums are faithful brethren who live throughout the world. They are called Area Seventies, thus distINGuishING them from General Authority Seventies.
Area Seventies live at home and serve on a Church-service basis, much like a bishop or a stake president, for a designated number of years. They receive assignments similar to those received by General Authority Seventies, with the exception that they serve in their local areas rather than worldwide.
These six quorums are organized geographically. The Third Quorum includes Area Seventies located in Europe and Africa. The members of the Fourth Quorum live in Mexico, Central America, and the northern part of South America. The Fifth Quorum members are in the western parts of the United States and Canada, and the members of the Sixth Quorum live in the central, southern, and eastern parts of the United States and Canada and in the Caribbean. The Seventh Quorum members are located in Brazil and the southern areas of South America, and the Eighth Quorum members are located in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands, and the Philippines.
Members of these six quorums meet in quorum meetINGs annually in Salt Lake City durING April general conference and also annually somewhere in the designated geographical part of the Church where they live.
The revelations contain provisions for additional Quorums of the Seventy, "until seven times seventy, if the labor in the vineyard of necessity requires it" (D&C 107:96).
Additional Quorums of 07's,
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and Q(ING) (8th) (China) Quorum.
#19926025 at 2023-11-16 16:45:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24464: Moves and Countermoves Edition
Oil declines (craters) with demand worries-derp!- rise in U.S. supplies pullING prices to their lowest since July
(At this rate of decline you might even see some OPEC cuts sooner rather than after January-of course the DOE said they would start to fill it 3 days ago but doING and sayING are 2 different thINGs)
Oil futures declined on Thursday, with worries about energy demand and a sharp rise in U.S. crude inventories over the past two weeks promptING prices to trade at their lowest levels since July. Price action
* West Texas Intermediate crude for December delivery fell $2.69, or 3.5%, to $73.97 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
* January Brent crude the global benchmark, was down $2.32, or 2.9%, at $78.86 a barrel on ICE Futures Europe. Based on the front-month contracts, Brent and WTI crude were both poised for the lowest settlements since July.
* Gasoline lost 3.4% to $2.1268 a gallon, while December heatING oil shed 3% to $2.7818 a gallon.
* Natural gas for December delivery traded at $3.087 per million British thermal units, down 3.2%.
WTI crude prices on Thursday started to "really slide about the time that the poor U.S. industrial-production report came out - a sign of a potentially softenING economy that could impact energy demand," he said.
Industrial production fell 0.6% in October, the Federal Reserve reported Thursday. Economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal expected a decline of 0.4%.
The National Association of Home Builders monthly confidence index, also released Thursday, showed a decline of 6 points to 34 in November. Cieszynski referred to the readING as "terrible" and said it "adds to the case of softenING economy."
Meanwhile, the Energy Information Administration on Wednesday released two weeks of U.S. petroleum-supply data, after havING delayed last week's numbers due to planned system updates. The government agency reported that U.S. commercial crude inventories rose by 3.6 million barrels for the week endING Nov. 10 to total 439.4 million barrels. The data showed inventories rose 13.9 million barrels in the week endING Nov. 3, for a two-week rise of 17.5 million barrels.
At 439.4 million barrels, crude stocks are below the five-year average but are trendING back toward more typical levels for this time of year, ING commodity analysts Warren Patterson and Ewa Manthey noted.
In terms of oil demand, "it also appears that seasonal factors may be playING a role," SIA Wealth's Cieszynski said. "Crude oil has dropped off along with gasoline followING the end of summer drivING and air-travel season, while natural gas has been stable lately," relatively outperformING oil with the winter home-heatING season approachING, he said.
#19923380 at 2023-11-16 01:06:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24461: DA Ziegler CANCELLED for sharing Biden Laptop evidence Edition
Tony Seruga
NEVER BEFORE SEEN VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi's Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE - AdmittING Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection, DC Courts Too Biased
Nancy had a camera crew at the US Capitol as if she knew it was goING to be a historic day. It was quite the coincidence.
As it turned out, January 6 was a historic day. It was also well-planned and staged.
Now there is never before released video of Nancy Pelosi's daughter admittING to a January 6 defendant that the insurrection narrative was nonsense and that WashINGton DC is too biased to hold fair trials for Trump supporters.
In the video below, Nancy Pelosi's daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, is meetING with a January 6 defendant she wanted desperately to be in her sham documentary. It is a meetING with this same J6 defendant and his attorney. Alexandra Pelosi asked the defendant numerous times to participate.
He politely declined.
Alexandra Pelosi agreed to be recorded by the defendant.
In this video, Alexandra Pelosi is on camera sayING many very shockING thINGs. She mocks the idea that January 6th was an insurrection and admits that DC is too biased to hold fair trials and that many J6ers would be found not guilty if their cases were handled anywhere else in the country, and much more.
This video has not yet been made public.
From our source: "I did a lot of due diligence makING sure that the defendant who shot this video had permission to do so. I spoke with his attorney who provided me documentation that Alexandra agreed to be filmed if they met. I wanted to brING this to you before anybody else if you're interested in featurING it. Nancy Pelosi has contributed to destroyING countless lives with her "insurrection" narrative and sham committee - And here is her daughter on camera sayING it's all a crock."
Here are some of the key moments in the video where Alexandra makes some particularly audacious comments.
Key moments:
43: Pelosi: "The Shaman did noth(ING)... What did the Shaman do? He stood there."
4:24: "After the Democrats lose the house, then they get rid of the committee, people may lose I think interest... no one is goING to care after the democrats are out of power. And you take Biden out of office- then who cares!?"
4:50: "DC is a lot of people who work for the government. I don't think they're sympathetic. If you got it moved (changed trial jurisdiction from DC) you'd totally get off" (laughs while sayING this)
6:50: "If there was an insurrection... you were supposed to have a plan!" "It was the sorriest insurrection in history"
8:11: "You're goING to be able to laugh about this one day"
14:53: Pelosi talks about her friendship with Gavin McInnes and laughs at the notion that Proud Boys are white supremacists.
Here is the video.
#19922557 at 2023-11-15 22:38:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24460: Higgins NAILS Wray! Edition
im seent ING this shit everywhere. LOTR fellowship @time 13:33
#19879057 at 2023-11-08 03:53:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24408: [House of Cards] Edition
who is reee ING I just want you to fuckING die because you are a fag.
#19868498 at 2023-11-06 04:24:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24395: Previews are over Edition
CallING out commies is the new fish in a barrel gag.
Collin Rugg
NEW: Bill Maher calls out woke scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson and physically points towards his face for refusING to condemn the lunacy on college campuses.
AmazING ???
"These people are f***ING nuts and you should be callING them out."
"You're doING what parents do, you're takING the path of least resistance and therefore hurtING the kids and yourself."
"Parents ruin both their lives. They ruin their f***ING spoiled kids' lives and they ruin their own lives 'cause the kids rule the roost. So that's what you're doING on a national level."
#19866267 at 2023-11-05 20:37:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24392: Wars Wars and Rumors of Wars
Zelensky invites Trump to Ukraine and says he needs US support for one more year
Ryan KING Nov. 5, 2023
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyextended an invitation to Donald Trump to come visit, while stressING his war-torn nation needs at least one more year of heavy US support.
Trump has long crowed that he could end the war in 24 hours if he becomes president, butZelensky gently suggested he would disabuse the former president of that notion.
"I invite President Trump if he can come here. I will need 24 minutes...to explain [to] President Trump that he can't manage this war, that he can't brING peace because of Putin," Zelensky told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. (Man what a stupid child)
"If he's not ready to give our territory for this terrible man," Zelensky went on, "if you're not ready to give our independence...he's very welcome."
Zelensky noted that he hasn't had any contact with Trump since the latter departed the White House and conceded he doesn't know if the former president would have Ukraine's back.
He also thanked President Biden, who visited the war-torn nation back in February to mark the one-year anniversary of the conflict.
"I'm really thankful to President Biden, by the way he was here and I think he's a strong man," Zelensky said. "He's a hero."(zelensky is playING a game not knowING that Trump gives two shits about him or his insults,)
Some 20 months into the war, fundING for Ukraine has emerged as a lightnING rod issue, with Republicans in particular, growING increasINGly wary about marshalING more aid to the war-torn nation.
But the Ukrainian president underscored that the next year will be critical in the fightING to stave off Russian invaders.
"The gap will be minimized in our budget and after that - after next year, if the war will not finish next year ... I think we will manage to minimize this gap. And you will not help us [at] such [a] high price, I'm sure," Zelensky said in choppy English.
Since the war broke out in February 2022, the US has approved about $113 billion in both military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but not all that money has been spent.
Biden is seekING an additional $61.4 billion to the besieged ally as part of a sprawlING $106 billion supplemental request that has meet resistance in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives.
Zelensky re-upped his entreaty to the American public for further US aid, by highlightING the benefits to the US of backING Ukraine.
"Don't send your soldiers. God bless, don't send your daughters and son to other NATO country. Because if Russia will kill all of us [in Ukraine], they will attack NATO countries and you will send your sons and daughters," he said. "The price will be higher...believe in democracy, believe in Ukraine."
He cited additional advanced drones as a key weapons system that's on his wishlist from the US.Zelensky also downplayed reportING about a stalemate on the battlefield.
Behind the scenes US and European officials have quietly floated the prospect of negotiatING a peace agreement to end the conflict amid concerns of it beING a stalemate, NBC reported.
"On the 24th of February [2022], when Russia invaded our country, our land, our families, and they attacked all of us. The world gave us three day," Zelensky recalled. "Some European countries who really believed in us, they said one month."
"A lot of people, of course, in the world are tired. Of course, it's understandable," he continued. "I believe that today, indeed, the situation is difficult. I don't think this is a stalemate." Despite apparent pressure to negotiate with Putin, Zelensky argued that doING so would be foolish.
"I'm not ready to speak to the terrorists because their word is nothING," he declared defiantly. "We are not ready to give our freedom to this f-ING terrorist, Putin," he added later in the interview. "That's why we are fightING."
Last month, Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, triggerING a war and a bipartisan push to send aid to the Jewish state. Zelensky surmised that the attack was a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"Russia is very happy with this war. They don't count how many children were killed there. They don't think about the flag or nationality," Zelensky, who is Jewish, surmised. "They just want to divide the world [and get] fatigue focus from Ukraine to another war."
(Zelensky is goING insane as he should be! He has no allies and he just insulted the man with the most power.)
#19861723 at 2023-11-04 22:26:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24386: Everything has meaning Edition
Masked Antifa man calls me a f***ING fascist and appeals to Muslim women for support.
Intersectional comedy ensues. They destroy him.
#19849628 at 2023-11-02 19:20:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24371: Assange Railroaded Edition
#19831768 at 2023-10-30 19:16:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24349: Disqualification of President Trump From 2024 CO Ballot Edition
this is mostly a jfk is the devil superficial denial with lots of reinforcm=ING arugments of distration an a token forener for simps
#19820341 at 2023-10-29 00:19:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24336: Trust the clam Edition
But Texans worried about the "California-ING" of their state may not need to worry: Democrats are much more likely to move to blue states, while Republicans move to red states.
#19818055 at 2023-10-28 17:19:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24333: Calm Before The Storm Edition
He talks about EO 12866, that Trump will use "How to Take Down the DS"
Executive Order 12866
Executive Order 12866 in the United States requires benefit-cost analysis for any new regulation that is "economically significant," which is defined as havING "an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or adversely affect[ING] in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, [or] jobs," or creatING an inconsistency with other law, or any of several other conditions.[1] The Order established a "regulatory philosophy" and several "principles for regulation," among them requirements to explicitly identify the problem to be addressed,[2] determine whether existING regulations created or contributed to the problem,[3] assess alternatives to direct regulation,[4] and design regulations in the most cost-effective manner.[5] ? 1(a) summarizes this regulatory philosophy as follows:
Federal agencies should promulgate only such regulations as are required by law, are necessary to interpret the law, or are made necessary by compellING public need, such as material failures of private markets to protect or improve the health and safety of the public, the environment, or the well-beING of the American people.
Agencies were directed to fulfill these requirements though economic analysis,[6] most notably the preparation of Regulatory Impact Analyses (RIAs).[7] Regulations within this definition are colloquially termed "economically significant."
Executive Order 12866
Though the term "effect" is crucial for determinING the likelihood that a rule is economically significant, the term was not internally defined. Rather, all interpretative determinations critical to implementation were delegated to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).[8]
Executive Order 12866 provides for a centralized review conducted on behalf of the President by OIRA(the same agency directed by Congress to implement the Paperwork Reduction Act). This alignment of Executive and statutory functions enhances the efficiency of Executive office oversight because virtually every rule contains information collection requirements.
Under Executive Order 12866, the procedure for determinING whether a draft rule is significant(and thus subject to OIRA review) or economically significant (and thus subject to the requirement to prepare a Regulatory Impact Analysis), begins with agencies preparING entries to the semi-annual Unified Regulatory Agenda,[9] which OIRA reviews before publication in the Federal Register, along with each agency's Regulatory Plan.[10] Agencies are required to engage in prior consultation with both private and public stakeholders before draftING notices of proposed rulemakING, and ensurING that they have at least 60 days for public comment.[11]
Agencies are required to provide to OIRA comprehensive lists of planned regulatory actions, includING agencies' provisional determinations of whether each action is significant.[12] Drafts of significant regulatory actions must be transmitted to OIRA for review, along with assessments of their potential costs and benefits.[13] For economically significant regulatory actions, agencies also must provide OIRA with a Regulatory Impact Analysis.[14] After OIRA review is completed and each draft proposed or final rule is published in the Federal Register, agencies are required to make all analyses public and "[i]dentify for the public, in a complete, clear, and simple manner, the substantive changes between the draft submitted to OIRA for review and the action subsequently announced; and … those changes in the regulatory action that were made at the suggestion or recommendation of OIRA."[15]
OIRA may return a draft rule to an agency "for further consideration of some or all of its provisions," accompanyING any return with "a written explanation … settING forth the pertinent provision of [Executive Order 12866] on which OIRA is relyING."[16]
The reach of Executive Order 12286 was extended in 2011 to require agencies to conduct retrospective reviews of existING regulations.[17]
Executive Order 12866 concludes with a statement "This Executive order is intended only to improve the internal management of the Federal Government and does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at lawor equity by a party against the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities, its officers or employees, or any other person."OMB does block or require further changes to a handful of rules every year.
#19805130 at 2023-10-26 10:00:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24317: Shadilay Through The Night Edition
for all the shills shill-ING , "get off the CRo.SS we need the wood!" # getKeked
#19792882 at 2023-10-24 13:37:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24303: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
Everyone who replied to this with hate. You are the problem with this board and ree-ING over the truth about JooBakers and BO just proves it. So, keep it up!
#19786985 at 2023-10-23 15:38:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24296: Habby PAIN Day Edition
October 22, 2023 (a day ago)
Anyone who's been even slightly tuned into politics over the years knows that ==Joe Biden is a slippery, self-servING politician=. They've tried to label him as "Uncle Joe" and even "Grandpa Joe," but the reality is much different. He's more like 'Crooked Joe'-an arrogant, entitled man who has used his power and influence to benefit himself and his family of leeches. Fortunately, it seems like his past is catchING up to him. Republicans appear to have found the missING link to tie Biden to his family's criminal business empire, and they've got their evidence: a $200,000 check from his brother's fraudulent business venture.
The Federalist:
AccordING to bank records obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, President Joe Biden received a check for $200,000 from his brother James Biden on March 1, 2018 - the same day James Biden's health care company, Americore, wired a loan of the same amount into the personal bank account of James and his wife Sara.
In January 2020, the FBI raided the home of Americore's CEO Grant White and a rural hospital in Pennsylvania that the company was operatING. After the company declared bankruptcy, a filING from a federal trustee accused White of "improperly siphon[ING] money from the Debtors for his personal benefit." James Biden, who had business cards listING him as a "principal" at Americore, and two business partners promised to deliver as much as $30 million in investment money to the company that never materialized, accordING to White.
Further, a lawsuit allegING fraud against James Biden and his business partners, notes that James Biden heavily touted his brother's political connections as a reason he could obtain money from foreign investors. AccordING to the lawsuit from Tennessee businessman Michael Frey and his partner Dr. Mohannad Azzam, they took out loans to invest in Americore with the assurance that they would be paid back when Biden helped secure investments from Dogan HoldING - one of Turkey's largest conglomerates.
White also affirms that James Biden was tradING on his brother's political connections. "[Biden told me] there's not a sINGle door in the country that we can't open. So if I wanted to meet, you know, the head of Google, it's a phone call," he told The Federalist in 2020. "He always represented himself as the fundraiser for his brother's campaigns... he was the guy raisING the money and so he knew everybody."
Despite the fact that Americore was havING cash flow issues, White told The Federalist Biden pushed the company to improperly divert $650,000 from the company to him in the form of personal loans...
ThINGs just got very real for Biden. The Republicans were lookING for a "smokING gun," and it seems they've found it. This revelation follows a strING of polls that show President Trump beatING a very weary and confused Biden.It makes you wonder if Democrats are the ones providING Republicans with the "evidence" needed to take down Joe, pavING the way for a replacement like Newsom.
(SomethING and some one us protectING this Cretin and his family, "we'll see" as my mother always said. He should have been convicted just on the revelation of stolen top secret papers!
#19783910 at 2023-10-22 23:34:54 (UTC+1)
sometimes, anons are the sources;
Sometimes a primary source is the source.
Not everyone here is Notable-oriented/ motivated.
Why'd she put the circle around her eye;
To let everyone know she's BS-ING and feignING disgust?
#19783812 at 2023-10-22 23:11:20 (UTC+1)
What she REEEE ING about now?
Stupid cunt should get it over with.
#19782985 at 2023-10-22 19:41:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24291: Transnational Luciferian Cult Edition
Unfit To Fight: 68% Of US Service Members Obese Or Overweight
There's a growING internal threat to US national security: 68% of American service members are either obese or overweight.
"Rapid and sustained recurrence of obesity across all services, ranks, and positions now poses a dire threat, especially for at-risk populations and those in critical combat roles," writes the American Security Project (ASP) a DC think tank, in a new 25-page report on the problem.
Perhaps most alarmING is the slope of the trendline: The proportion of obese members in the ranks has more than doubled in the last decade, from 10.4% in 2012 to 21.6% in 2022. The military trend has paralleled the similarly disturbING pattern observed across American society:
The military seems to be deliberately hidING its blossomING blubber. ASP criticized Pentagon bureaucrats for "remov[ING] body mass statistics from military recruitment and disability reports used by DoD stakeholders and Congress…result[ING] in incomplete and misleadING conclusions" about the challenge facING the armed services.
The problem spans the full life cycle of military service, shrinkING the available recruitING pool and then sappING the fightING fitness of service members. The problem is most severe in the Navy, and least severe in the Marines.
ASP urged the military to view obesity as a medical problem, rather than tryING to whip fat service members into shape. "FramING obesity as an issue of insufficient willpower or discipline prevents soldiers from seekING and receivING treatment, makes commanders and healthcare workers less inclined to intervene, and worsens health outcomes across the services," writes the report's author, Courtney MannING.
"Social stigma" is an obstacle, claims MannING, as military leaders too often assume that "overweight people are unmotivated, incompetent, or weak-willed, caus[ING] individuals and services to conceal, obscure and downplay military obesity."
Obesity weighs on recruiters, but it isn't their only challenge as every branch except the Marines is fallING short of its goal. "Less than a quarter of Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 qualify both academically and physically for military service," notes the New York Post.
Of the remainING, shrinkING pool of candidates, fewer are interested in signING up. A 2023 Army study found the top reasons young people reject the idea are fear of death, and fear of fallING victim to post-traumatic stress disorder. Beyond that, we're guessING the drive to land new enlistees isn't helped by pointless wars, Covid vaccine mandates or usING drag queens as recruiters.
#19765956 at 2023-10-19 23:14:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24271: Ukraine 2 Media Boogaloo Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19487470 ------ Australia #32
>>19601701 ------ Canada #47
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19529888 ------ Japan #18
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp, gore, violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19574181 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430, >>19737197 SPAM will be removed BECAUSE IT IS HARMFUL NEW
>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#24270 >>19765151
>>19765171, >>19765183, >>19765817 Cancelled for not supportING Israel
>>19765201 Texas lawmakers to consider legislation allowING state and local police to deport migrants
>>19765359, >>19765674, >>19765743, >>19765789 PF Reports
>>19765469 Josh Hawley Exposes Biden Pay-to-Play Scheme DurING Senate HearING via @gatewaypundit
>>19765490 Biden Administration Announces $3.5B In FundING To 'Strengthen Power Grids'
>>19765533 The Yonkers Library receives public fundING to hold drag event workshops for minors
>>19765563 @DonaldJTrumpJr we've got US companies havING to beg the Biden Admin to stop Mexico from stealING their property (for a second time!) WTH are you people doING, @JoeBiden
>>19765567 McHenry could resign as speaker pro tempore if Republicans push him to try to move legislation on the floor without an explicit vote to expand his powers
>>19765615 Senator Hawley Confronts Department of Energy Director of Loan Programs
>>19765800 New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration GrowING
>>19765843 Australia's honours and awards system has allowed senior commanders to be wrongly awarded "distINGuished service" medals for decades.
>>19765875, >>19765855 Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Israel targets by bombING church institutions that provide humanitarian services in Gaza
>>19765903 Lead plaintiff against Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradictING previous testimony
>>19765910 Israeli T-Shirts Joke About KillING Arabs
>>19765928 #24270
#24269 >>19764361
>>19764382 Days After SayING 'Every Jewish Person is a Zionist,' ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Says Anti-Zionist Jews are a 'Hate Group'
>>19764389 Kevin McCarthy raggING on Gaetz
>>19764398, >>19764618 Two Businessmen Charged for $1M Kickback Scheme InvolvING Nuclear Weapons Components
>>19764403 Friend Of Pfizer Employee Pleads Guilty To Insider TradING Based On Non-Public Drug Trial Results For COVID-19 Treatment
>>19764414 Media Research Center Exposes Pro-Hamas Donations From George Soros
>>19764448 Alex Jones on Warroom: The Deep State Is PreparING More False Flags.
>>19764480, >>19764650, >>19764684, >>19764759, >>19764699, >>19764579 TYSON FOODS partner with insects-for-food company to boost DEI score - BOYCOTT TYSON!
>>19764486, >>19764486 "Children For Sale": Retail, Wholesale, Sale In Parts And Even Rent!
>>19764491, >>19765005 END TIMES News
>>19764513, >>19764579 Harvest Season for Memes
>>19764519 VICTORY. No McHenry resolution, which means no unconstitutional temporary Speaker
>>19764522 The RINOs are worse than the DS in Trump's first term
>>19764541 MTG Captures Pic of 'Global Intifada' Group Chat on Hamas Supporter's Phone; SPLC Lawyer Involved
>>19764543 Iraqi Resistance targets US forces in al-Tanaf base and Conoco gas field
>>19764586 Failed VOICE votING - govt workers offered paid leave for psych distress
>>19764591, >>19764832 Jordan: will back McHenry or still fightING?
>>19764593 EU raises security concerns as it reveals five Caribbean states have sold 88,000 'golden passports'
>>19764615 Councillor is banned from speakING to other staff after questionING council's 'woke' decision to fly the Pride flag
>>19764621, >>19765087 Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty to Six Criminal Charges in Fulton County Election Subversion Case
>>19764725 What does Sidney Powell's guilty plea mean for Trump?
>>19764623 @WarMonitors is one of the best resources on Israel & Gaza and their account was just LOCKED for 12 hours by X for no reason
>>19764665 AMERICA ATTACKED! Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen
>>19764701 "Devil Comet" 3x The Size of Mount Everest Makes Way to Earth
>>19764767 BREAKING: Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen
>>19764813 @KanekoaTheGreat: One month ago, Mohammed bin Salman announced that Saudi Arabia was movING "closer" to a historic normalization agreement with Israel
>>19764862 planeFag yerp Middle East update
>>19764732 "I Resigned": Senior State Dept. Official Quits Over "Unjust" Military Aid To Israel
>>19764930 Judge caught on phone durING toddler's murder trial sent 500 texts, called dead boy's mom 'liar, liar'
>>19765003 Senate Democrats introduce bill to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices
>>19765021, >>19765096 "The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to... 'Vet' Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies"
>>19765491 #24269 (updated in #24270)
#24268-B >>19763609
>>19763635, >>19763637 , >>19763635 , >>19763638 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza
>>19763674 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????
>>19763738 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoING bombING in Gaza,
>>19763762, >>19763796, >>19764292 Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel
>>19763771 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormING US Capitol
>>19763776 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war
>>19763861 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict
>>19763911 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees
>>19763922 'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad
>>19763948 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb StrikING Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds
>>19763949 Hochul's father dies suddenly while she's in Israel
>>19764004 ?USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal?
>>19764009 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.
>>19764109 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: 'I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism'
>>19764163 Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED
>>19764170 IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem
>>19764344 #24268-B
>>19763640 White Squall, full movie
>>19763658, >>19763835 This is why Elon's considerING blockING EU
>>19763661 Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible
>>19763679 US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air RefuelING WING
>>19763691 Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference
>>19763702 Department Press BriefING with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
>>19763706, >>19763863 Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry
>>19764133 House is a mess [pray for RINOS to get their heads outta their collective asses]
>>19764176 BackstabbING in the Speaker race
>>19764333 JIM JORDAN: "I'm still runnING for speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes."
>>19763714 Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meetING
>>19763720 Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On FundING Weapons For The CCP
>>19763725 Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash
>>19763728, >>19763729 Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts DerailING Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations
>>19763861 Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy
>>19763807, >>19763810, >>19763816 End Times News
>>19763823 Jeffrey Epstein's TraffickING Victim Can't Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit
>>19763826 FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!
>>19763830 @1st_Marine_Div Don't look down???
>>19763837 Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries
>>19763846, >>19764206 SpOC launches Space Force's first two IMD betas
>>19763873 Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony
>>19763849 Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits
>>19763862, >>19763867, >>19763869 Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder's contributions
>>19763864, >>19764214 Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL
>>19763929, >>19764235 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant
>>19763968, >>19763977, >>19763983 Protesters Removed After InterruptING FED Chair Powell's Speech
>>19764036 @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now
>>19764069 Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023
>>19764099 The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant ReportING On Gaza BombING, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, CovINGton Catholic, Hunter's Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid ………
>>19764106, >>19764124 Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL
>>19764153, >>19764204 FOIA'd Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up FindINGs.
>>19764165 European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok
>>19764194 'Highly ConcernING Behavior': Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes
>>19764189 US Army: NothING quite like a field trainING exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air.
>>19764219, >>19764244 BREAKING: School in United KINGdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.
>>19764348 #24268-A
Previously Collected
>>19763595 #24267
>>19761162 #24264, >>19761958 #24265, >>19762765 #24266
>>19758726 #24261, >>19759500 #24262, >>19760687 #24263
>>19756204 #24258, >>19757122 #24259, >>19757908 #24260
>>19753336 #24255, >>19754140 #24256, >>19755011 #24257
>>19750890 #24252, >>19751658 #24253, >>19752575 #24254
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #20: Not GivING Up >>19567242
#19765139 at 2023-10-19 21:04:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24270: HyperGraphia Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19487470 ------ Australia #32
>>19601701 ------ Canada #47
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19529888 ------ Japan #18
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp, gore, violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19574181 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430, >>19737197 SPAM will be removed BECAUSE IT IS HARMFUL NEW
>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#24269 >>19764361
>>19764541 MTG Captures Pic of 'Global Intifada' Group Chat on Hamas Supporter's Phone; SPLC Lawyer Involved
>>19764513 Memes
>>19764486 Rent-to-own Children Possible Pedo Ops Exposed
>>19764593 EU raises security concerns as it reveals five Caribbean states have sold 88,000 'golden passports'
>>19764665 AMERICA ATTACKED! Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen
>>19764398 Two Businessmen Charged for $1M Kickback Scheme InvolvING Nuclear Weapons Components
>>19764930 Judge caught on phone durING toddler's murder trial sent 500 texts, called dead boy's mom 'liar, liar'
>>19765003 Senate Democrats introduce bill to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices
>>19764862 planeFag yerp Middle East update
>>19765134 #24269
#24268-B >>19763609
>>19763635, >>19763637 , >>19763635 , >>19763638 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza
>>19763674 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????
>>19763738 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoING bombING in Gaza,
>>19763762, >>19763796, >>19764292 Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel
>>19763771 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormING US Capitol
>>19763776 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war
>>19763861 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict
>>19763911 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees
>>19763922 'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad
>>19763948 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb StrikING Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds
>>19763949 Hochul's father dies suddenly while she's in Israel
>>19764004 ?USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal?
>>19764009 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.
>>19764109 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: 'I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism'
>>19764163 Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED
>>19764170 IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem
>>19764344 #24268-B
>>19763640 White Squall, full movie
>>19763658, >>19763835 This is why Elon's considerING blockING EU
>>19763661 Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible
>>19763679 US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air RefuelING WING
>>19763691 Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference
>>19763702 Department Press BriefING with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
>>19763706, >>19763863 Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry
>>19764133 House is a mess [pray for RINOS to get their heads outta their collective asses]
>>19764176 BackstabbING in the Speaker race
>>19764333 JIM JORDAN: "I'm still runnING for speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes."
>>19763714 Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meetING
>>19763720 Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On FundING Weapons For The CCP
>>19763725 Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash
>>19763728, >>19763729 Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts DerailING Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations
>>19763861 Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy
>>19763807, >>19763810, >>19763816 End Times News
>>19763823 Jeffrey Epstein's TraffickING Victim Can't Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit
>>19763826 FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!
>>19763830 @1st_Marine_Div Don't look down???
>>19763837 Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries
>>19763846, >>19764206 SpOC launches Space Force's first two IMD betas
>>19763873 Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony
>>19763849 Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits
>>19763862, >>19763867, >>19763869 Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder's contributions
>>19763864, >>19764214 Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL
>>19763929, >>19764235 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant
>>19763968, >>19763977, >>19763983 Protesters Removed After InterruptING FED Chair Powell's Speech
>>19764036 @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now
>>19764069 Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023
>>19764099 The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant ReportING On Gaza BombING, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, CovINGton Catholic, Hunter's Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid ………
>>19764106, >>19764124 Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL
>>19764153, >>19764204 FOIA'd Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up FindINGs.
>>19764165 European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok
>>19764194 'Highly ConcernING Behavior': Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes
>>19764189 US Army: NothING quite like a field trainING exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air.
>>19764219, >>19764244 BREAKING: School in United KINGdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.
>>19764348 #24268-A
#24267 >>19762774
>>19762786, >>19762793, >>19762790, >>19762827, >>19762878, >>19763331, >>19762929, >>19763098, >>19763106, >>19763181, >>19762942, >>19763191, >>19763259, >>19763331 Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal
>>19762814 @VCorps: October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Are you secure online?
>>19762819, >>19762888, >>19762819 Amir Weitmann, member of Israel's rulING Likud Party threatens Russia on RT
>>19762832 @realDonaldTrump: A GREAT BOOK!!! @marklevinshow: THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA, NOW 45% OFF ON AMAZON!
>>19762906 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
>>19762930, >>19762937, >>19763123, >>19763161 MarketFag Reports
>>19762979 @nypost: Homeland Security officer on leave after revealed she worked for PLO and wrote 'F-k Israel' post
>>19762993 Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country's Largest Orthodox Church Body
>>19762969, >>19763015, >>19763088, >>19763114, >>19763178 LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewING Kash Patel
>>19763053 Jeffrey Epstein survivor who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell dies in Florida
>>19763068 New York sues crypto firms for alleged $1.1B fraud
>>19763086 @repmtg: I will vote NO on a resolution to empower a short-term Speaker
>>19763098, >>19763117, >>19762924, >>19763152, >>19763200, >>19763210, >>19763243, >>19763351, >>19763413 Read the pleadINGs Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence
>>19763122 PlaneFag Reports Eastern Med and Yerp update
>>19763127, >>19763182 JIM JORDAN will not hold 3rd ballot for speaker, back PATRICK MCHENRY as interim speaker until JAN?
>>19763137 Biden LookING to Link Israel, Ukraine, and Border Security FundING in $100 Billion Package
>>19763138 Son of Hamas leader, Mosab Hassan Yousef, denounced Hamas converted to Christianity after witnessING savagery
>>19763165, >>19763477 @Kash: ck part 2 of my op ed comING soon exposING Iranian infiltration into Biden admin
>>19763169, >>19763208 International Paper's containerboard mill in Orange County to close at end of year
>>19763171 Video: Trump Slates Biden For HandING $100 Million To Palestinians
>>19763172, >>19763175, >>19763189 Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem
>>19763204 President Biden says he's "losING track of days," asks, "What's today?"
>>19763215, >>19763230, Donald Trump: Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran-and Hamas
>>19763272 Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder on the Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)
>>19763277 US vetoes SC resolution that would have called for "humanitarian pauses" to deliver lifesavING aid in Gaza
>>19763402, >>19763408 Opinion: Israel's Four Options for Gaza Shared by Former Netanyahu Adviser
>>19763436 The Trump gag order should be struck down The Hill, by Jonathan Turley
>>19763439 Dr. Drew: new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after vaccine now have permanent heart damage
>>19763341, >>19763485 JUST IN - U.S. State Dept issues "worldwide caution" travel alert
>>19763522 Both the #USNSMercy and #USNSComfort were oil tankers before beING converted into hospital ships
>>19763595 #24267
Previously Collected
>>19761162 #24264, >>19761958 #24265, >>19762765 #24266
>>19758726 #24261, >>19759500 #24262, >>19760687 #24263
>>19756204 #24258, >>19757122 #24259, >>19757908 #24260
>>19753336 #24255, >>19754140 #24256, >>19755011 #24257
>>19750890 #24252, >>19751658 #24253, >>19752575 #24254
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #20: Not GivING Up >>19567242
#19765096 at 2023-10-19 20:59:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24269: LIGHT Will Penetrate the Fog of War Edition
The U.S. Gov't Hired A Pro-Hamas PLO Spokeswoman To Handle Asylum Claims
Luke RosiakOct 18, 2023
Nejwa Ali LinkedIn / Facebook
The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or "asylum seeker." Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly postING pictures of Hamas terrorists parachutING in with guns and writING, "F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel," a Daily Wire investigation found.
Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which accordING to its own website, served as the "PLO office in D.C." That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, accordING to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile,securING a job at DHS as an "Asylum Officer," where she was tasked with "applyING immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications."
This January, she moved over to beING an Adjudication Officer for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS). People with that job, accordING to the agency, "analyze new or amended legislation and policy, prepare written reports of findINGs, and review and make determinations on cases for immigration benefits."
Though Ali's job at DHS included vettING people to make sure they were not a threat to the country before lettING them in,it's not clear that anyone from the agency vetted her.That her primary allegiance was to the Palestinians, not the United States, was evident from her social media profiles, where she posts as "Falastine Mi Amor."
She has posted extremist rhetoric continuously to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for years - rhetoric that intensified this month as Palestinian terrorists murdered over 1,000 Jews on October 7 and Ali cheered. "F*** Israel, the government, and its military. Are you ready for your downfall?" she wrote on Instagram after the attacks.
AccordING to her social media profiles - which say she is "American born, Palestinian @ heart" - Ali is from Dearborn, Michigan, a hotbed of unassimilated immigrants where thousands reportedly took to the streets in support of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.
Ali has made several posts glorifyING the terrorist attacks on Israel, includING one depictING armed terrorists paraglidING into the Jewish state with the caption, "Free PALESTINE."
Several of Ali's posts glorifyING the terrorist attacks include the statement, "Respect our existence, or expect resistance. Simple. No Apologies," a suggestion that as long as Israel exists on what she considers occupied land, attacks on civilians are acceptable.
Jews seekING to come to America might have a hard time if Ali were their immigration officer. "Israeli, American privilege is disgustING. When Israelis acknowledge the government and military are solely responsible for the attack. Period," she wrote. "I hold every Israeli accountable for their governments [sic] actions, IF they do not speak against Israel."
On October 9, she posted to Facebook: "How Nejwa wakes up," accompanied by a video captioned "F*** Israel and any Jew that supports Israel" and a photo that says "A nation that has nothING but Allah has everythING it will ever need." She also added an anti-Semitic cartoon of a Jewish nose.
She has also claimed that the media is pushING Israeli propaganda, mimickING a common anti-Semitic refrain that Jewish people control the press.
"Palestine will be free one day. F* APARTHEID Israel and any Israeli that supports that bulls*. F* you, may Allah forgive you. and spare us the crocodile tears, I sure as hell give zero f*s," she wrote on Instagram.
USCIS spokesman Matthew Bourke told The Daily Wire that "USCIS strongly condemns antisemitism and the use of violent rhetoric in any form."
"USCIS employees are held to high ethical standards both on and off duty, includING their presence on social media," Bourke said. "Any violation of these standards is taken seriously by the agency."
But a day after The Daily Wire asked the agency about Ali, she told The Daily Wire in a phone call thatshe still works for DHS, and was decidedly unchastened.
Asked if she disclosed her employment with the PLO to DHS, she said "That's none of your f***ING business. Mind your business before I call the police. If I were you I'd respectfully hang up the phone right now."
Asked if her views on Israel impacted her ability to work as an American government official, she said, "That does not affect the ability to do my job at all. You can mind your own business."
Continued very long article...
#19764807 at 2023-10-19 20:15:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24269: LIGHT Will Penetrate the Fog of War Edition
I fuckING hate this ugly mother f'er, he is rotten inside and out. I bet his closet is full of skeletons
Comedian Michael Rapaport launched a profanity-laden tirade against Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The actor declared the Squad to be "the biggest f***ING squad of Jew haters in the United States."
Rapaport tagged Ocasio-Cortex, Omar, and Tlaib on his Instagram post that was captioned: "The Big 3 of Antisemitism!!!"
The opinionated actor added, "These 3 have hypnotized the World into thinkING they're not All About The Benjamin's & will soon be out of Politics with a Production Company makING Propaganda Content against #jewish people MARK MY WORDS!!!!"
Rapaport is referencING two anti-Semitic incidents involvING Omar.
In a tweet from 2012, Omar wrote, "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doINGs of Israel."
In 2019, Omar sparked outrage when she suggested the Republican Party's overwhelmING support for Israel is "all about the Benjamins."
Top Democrats - includING Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), James Clyburn (D-S.C.), and Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) - released a statement condemnING Omar's "deeply offensive" comments as "anti-Semitic tropes" and "prejudicial accusations."
#19764350 at 2023-10-19 19:00:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24269: LIGHT Will Penetrate the Fog of War Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19487470 ------ Australia #32
>>19601701 ------ Canada #47
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19529888 ------ Japan #18
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp, gore, violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19574181 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430, >>19737197 SPAM will be removed BECAUSE IT IS HARMFUL NEW
>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#24268-B >>19763609
>>19763635, >>19763637 , >>19763635 , >>19763638 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza
>>19763674 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????
>>19763738 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoING bombING in Gaza,
>>19763762, >>19763796, >>19764292 Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel
>>19763771 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormING US Capitol
>>19763776 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war
>>19763861 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict
>>19763911 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees
>>19763922 'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad
>>19763948 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb StrikING Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds
>>19763949 Hochul's father dies suddenly while she's in Israel
>>19764004 ?USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal?
>>19764009 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.
>>19764109 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: 'I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism'
>>19764163 Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED
>>19764170 IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem
>>19764344 #24268-B
>>19763640 White Squall, full movie
>>19763658, >>19763835 This is why Elon's considerING blockING EU
>>19763661 Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible
>>19763679 US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air RefuelING WING
>>19763691 Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference
>>19763702 Department Press BriefING with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
>>19763706, >>19763863 Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry
>>19764133 House is a mess [pray for RINOS to get their heads outta their collective asses]
>>19764176 BackstabbING in the Speaker race
>>19764333 JIM JORDAN: "I'm still runnING for speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes."
>>19763714 Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meetING
>>19763720 Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On FundING Weapons For The CCP
>>19763725 Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash
>>19763728, >>19763729 Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts DerailING Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations
>>19763861 Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy
>>19763807, >>19763810, >>19763816 End Times News
>>19763823 Jeffrey Epstein's TraffickING Victim Can't Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit
>>19763826 FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!
>>19763830 @1st_Marine_Div Don't look down???
>>19763837 Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries
>>19763846, >>19764206 SpOC launches Space Force's first two IMD betas
>>19763873 Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony
>>19763849 Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits
>>19763862, >>19763867, >>19763869 Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder's contributions
>>19763864, >>19764214 Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL
>>19763929, >>19764235 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant
>>19763968, >>19763977, >>19763983 Protesters Removed After InterruptING FED Chair Powell's Speech
>>19764036 @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now
>>19764069 Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023
>>19764099 The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant ReportING On Gaza BombING, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, CovINGton Catholic, Hunter's Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid ………
>>19764106, >>19764124 Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL
>>19764153, >>19764204 FOIA'd Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up FindINGs.
>>19764165 European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok
>>19764194 'Highly ConcernING Behavior': Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes
>>19764189 US Army: NothING quite like a field trainING exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air.
>>19764219, >>19764244 BREAKING: School in United KINGdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.
>>19764348 #24268-A
#24267 >>19762774
>>19762786, >>19762793, >>19762790, >>19762827, >>19762878, >>19763331, >>19762929, >>19763098, >>19763106, >>19763181, >>19762942, >>19763191, >>19763259, >>19763331 Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal
>>19762814 @VCorps: October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Are you secure online?
>>19762819, >>19762888, >>19762819 Amir Weitmann, member of Israel's rulING Likud Party threatens Russia on RT
>>19762832 @realDonaldTrump: A GREAT BOOK!!! @marklevinshow: THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA, NOW 45% OFF ON AMAZON!
>>19762906 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
>>19762930, >>19762937, >>19763123, >>19763161 MarketFag Reports
>>19762979 @nypost: Homeland Security officer on leave after revealed she worked for PLO and wrote 'F-k Israel' post
>>19762993 Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country's Largest Orthodox Church Body
>>19762969, >>19763015, >>19763088, >>19763114, >>19763178 LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewING Kash Patel
>>19763053 Jeffrey Epstein survivor who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell dies in Florida
>>19763068 New York sues crypto firms for alleged $1.1B fraud
>>19763086 @repmtg: I will vote NO on a resolution to empower a short-term Speaker
>>19763098, >>19763117, >>19762924, >>19763152, >>19763200, >>19763210, >>19763243, >>19763351, >>19763413 Read the pleadINGs Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence
>>19763122 PlaneFag Reports Eastern Med and Yerp update
>>19763127, >>19763182 JIM JORDAN will not hold 3rd ballot for speaker, back PATRICK MCHENRY as interim speaker until JAN?
>>19763137 Biden LookING to Link Israel, Ukraine, and Border Security FundING in $100 Billion Package
>>19763138 Son of Hamas leader, Mosab Hassan Yousef, denounced Hamas converted to Christianity after witnessING savagery
>>19763165, >>19763477 @Kash: ck part 2 of my op ed comING soon exposING Iranian infiltration into Biden admin
>>19763169, >>19763208 International Paper's containerboard mill in Orange County to close at end of year
>>19763171 Video: Trump Slates Biden For HandING $100 Million To Palestinians
>>19763172, >>19763175, >>19763189 Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem
>>19763204 President Biden says he's "losING track of days," asks, "What's today?"
>>19763215, >>19763230, Donald Trump: Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran-and Hamas
>>19763272 Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder on the Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)
>>19763277 US vetoes SC resolution that would have called for "humanitarian pauses" to deliver lifesavING aid in Gaza
>>19763402, >>19763408 Opinion: Israel's Four Options for Gaza Shared by Former Netanyahu Adviser
>>19763436 The Trump gag order should be struck down The Hill, by Jonathan Turley
>>19763439 Dr. Drew: new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after vaccine now have permanent heart damage
>>19763341, >>19763485 JUST IN - U.S. State Dept issues "worldwide caution" travel alert
>>19763522 Both the #USNSMercy and #USNSComfort were oil tankers before beING converted into hospital ships
>>19763595 #24267
#24266 >>19761964
>>19762136 General Mike FlynnThis is the world we live in and we need @realDonaldTrump to be firmly back in control of it!!!
>>19762146 Emerald Robinson w/CAP: How many foreign spies are workING at the Pentagon?
>>19762168 It's now 10 pm and the website still has the same livestream shot of the Capitol from hours ago with daylight. They really think we are stupid.
>>19762206 State Department official resigns over Biden's support of Israel's war against Hamas
baker change
>>19762223, >>19762295 Today's only delta. Buckle up!
>>19762273, >>19762325 A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22
>>19762278, >>19762330, >>19762367 "Russian law enforcement has detained Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor from the US
>>19762335 Everytime the DEEP STATER'S feel threatened they pick up the phone and call the Rino's
>>19762348 Biden wants $60 billion for Kiev – media
>>19762414 Biden Lifts Sanctions On Venezuela Dictator Maduro In Exchange For Oil
>>19762420 Portugal moves to end Sephardic Jewish citizenship law
>>19762472 @Kash: Its astonishING that everyone that opposed the invasions into Iraq and Afghanistan are now callING for the US war machine in the middle east
>>19762478 The 36-page report shows that in 2022, 39 children under state supervision died from abuse or neglect
>>19762479 Trump Is GoING Even Further Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole
>>19762489 Costco CEO to step down from popular wholesaler after 11 years at the helm
>>19762491, >>19762498, >>19762509, >>19762517 Some Call It Conspiracy Theory (refutes most DS accusations)
>>19762530 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/19/2023
>>19762564 @RepRosendale says U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) is17 votesshy of a job as speaker of the House
>>19762581 This microbe-filled pill could track inflammation in the gut
>>19762584 Head of the IDF International Press Desk Speaks
>>19762596 @EzraACohen: The @ABAesq..puts out antisemitic statement places blame on Israeli victims of horrific attack
>>19762615 US preps for possible attack on DC with simulated incomING missiles
>>19762623 'Anxiety and fear are high:' US Palestinians, Muslims fear a return to post-9/11 Islamophobia
>>19762646 Trudeau forbids prayers by military chaplains durING memorial
>>19762661 Harvard Hamas supporters takING a much needed break from their celebrations
>>19762685 @TomFitton: Substitute-teacher couple busted for prostitution
>>19762765 #24266
Previously Collected
>>19761162 #24264, >>19761958 #24265
>>19758726 #24261, >>19759500 #24262, >>19760687 #24263
>>19756204 #24258, >>19757122 #24259, >>19757908 #24260
>>19753336 #24255, >>19754140 #24256, >>19755011 #24257
>>19750890 #24252, >>19751658 #24253, >>19752575 #24254
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #20: Not GivING Up >>19567242
#19764344 at 2023-10-19 18:58:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24268: What Is Exculpatory Evidence? #FlySidFly# Edition
#24268-B >>19763609
>>19763635, >>19763637 , >>19763635 , >>19763638 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza
>>19763674 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????
>>19763738 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoING bombING in Gaza,
>>19763762, >>19763796, >>19764292 Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel
>>19763771 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormING US Capitol
>>19763776 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war
>>19763861 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict
>>19763911 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees
>>19763922 'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad
>>19763948 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb StrikING Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds
>>19763949 Hochul's father dies suddenly while she's in Israel
>>19764004 ?USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal?
>>19764009 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.
>>19764109 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: 'I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism'
>>19764163 Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED
>>19764170 IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem
#19764321 at 2023-10-19 18:54:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24268: What Is Exculpatory Evidence? #FlySidFly# Edition
#24268-B >>19763609
>>19763635, >>19763637 , >>19763635 , >>19763638 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza
>>19763674 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????
>>19763738 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoING bombING in Gaza,
>>19763762, >>19763796, >>19764292 Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel
>>19763771 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormING US Capitol
>>19763776 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war
>>19763861 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict
>>19763911 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees
>>19763922 'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad
>>19763948 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb StrikING Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds
>>19763949 Hochul's father dies suddenly while she's in Israel
>>19764004 ?USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal?
>>19764009 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.
>>19764109 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: 'I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism'
>>19764163 Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED
>>19764170 IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem
>>19763640 White Squall, full movie
>>19763658, >>19763835 This is why Elon's considerING blockING EU
>>19763661 Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible
>>19763679 US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air RefuelING WING
>>19763691 Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference
>>19763702 Department Press BriefING with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
>>19763706, >>19763863 Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry
>>19764133 House is a mess [pray for RINOS to get their heads outta their collective asses]
>>19764176 BackstabbING in the Speaker race
>>19763714 Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meetING
>>19763720 Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On FundING Weapons For The CCP
>>19763725 Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash
>>19763728, >>19763729 Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts DerailING Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations
>>19763861 Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy
>>19763807, >>19763810, >>19763816 End Times News
>>19763823 Jeffrey Epstein's TraffickING Victim Can't Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit
>>19763826 FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!
>>19763830 @1st_Marine_Div Don't look down???
>>19763837 Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries
>>19763846, >>19764206 SpOC launches Space Force's first two IMD betas
>>19763873 Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony
>>19763849 Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits
>>19763862, >>19763867, >>19763869 Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder's contributions
>>19763864, >>19764214 Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL
>>19763929, >>19764235 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant
>>19763968, >>19763977, >>19763983 Protesters Removed After InterruptING FED Chair Powell's Speech
>>19764036 @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now
>>19764069 Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023
>>19764099 The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant ReportING On Gaza BombING, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, CovINGton Catholic, Hunter's Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid ………
>>19764106, >>19764124 Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL
>>19764153, >>19764204 FOIA'd Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up FindINGs.
>>19764165 European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok
>>19764194 'Highly ConcernING Behavior': Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes
>>19764189 US Army: NothING quite like a field trainING exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air.
>>19764219, >>19764244 BREAKING: School in United KINGdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.
#19764289 at 2023-10-19 18:47:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24268: What Is Exculpatory Evidence? #FlySidFly# Edition
#24268 >>19763609
>>19763635, >>19763637 , >>19763635 , >>19763638 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza
>>19763674 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????
>>19763738 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoING bombING in Gaza,
>>19763762, >>19763796 The Biden admin previously doxxed CIA agents and now doxxed a special forces team in Israel
>>19763771 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormING US Capitol
>>19763776 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war
>>19763861 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict
>>19763911 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees
>>19763922 'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad
>>19763948 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb StrikING Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds
>>19763949 Hochul's father dies suddenly while she's in Israel
>>19764004 ?USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal?
>>19764009 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.
>>19764109 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: 'I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism'
>19764163 Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED
>>19764170 IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem
>>19763640 White Squall, full movie
>>19763658, >>19763835 This is why Elon's considerING blockING EU
>>19763661 Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible
>>19763679 US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air RefuelING WING
>>19763691 Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference
>>19763702 Department Press BriefING with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
>>19763706, >>19763863 Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry
>>19764133 House is a mess [pray for RINOS to get their heads outta their collective asses]
>>19764176 BackstabbING in the Speaker race
>>19763714 Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meetING
>>19763720 Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On FundING Weapons For The CCP
>>19763725 Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash
>>19763728, >>19763729 Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts DerailING Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations
>>19763861 Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy
>>19763807, >>19763810, >>19763816 End Times News
>>19763823 Jeffrey Epstein's TraffickING Victim Can't Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit
>>19763826 FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!
>>19763830 @1st_Marine_Div Don't look down???
>>19763837 Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries
>>19763846, >>19764206 SpOC launches Space Force's first two IMD betas
>>19763873 Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony
>>19763849 Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits
>>19763862, >>19763867, >>19763869 Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder's contributions
>>19763864, >>19764214 Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL
>>19763929, >>19764235 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant
>>19763968, >>19763977, >>19763983 Protesters Removed After InterruptING FED Chair Powell's Speech
>>19764036 @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now
>>19764069 Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023
>>19764099 The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant ReportING On Gaza BombING, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, CovINGton Catholic, Hunter's Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid ………
>>19764106, >>19764124 Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL
>>19764153, >>19764204 FOIA'd Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up FindINGs.
>>19764165 European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok
>>19764194 'Highly ConcernING Behavior': Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes
>>19764189 US Army: NothING quite like a field trainING exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air.
>>19764219, >>19764244 BREAKING: School in United KINGdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.
last call
#19764129 at 2023-10-19 18:21:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24268: What Is Exculpatory Evidence? #FlySidFly# Edition
#24268' >>19763609
>>19763635, >>19763637 ,>>19763635 , >>19763638 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza
>>19763674 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????
>>19763738 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoING bombING in Gaza,
>>19763762, >>19763796 The Biden admin previously doxxed CIA agents and now doxxed a special forces team in Israel
>>19763771 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormING US Capitol
>>19763776 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war
>>19763861 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict
>>19763911 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees
>>19763922 'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad
>>19763948 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb StrikING Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds
>>19763949 Hochul's father dies suddenly while she's in Israel
>>19764004 ?USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal?
>>19764009 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.
>>19764109 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: 'I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism'
>>19763640 White Squall, full movie
>>19763658, >>19763835 This is why Elon's considerING blockING EU
>>19763661 Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible
>>19763679 US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air RefuelING WING
>>19763691 Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference
>>19763702 Department Press BriefING with Spokesperson Matthew Miller
>>19763706, >>19763863 Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry
>>19763714 Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meetING
>>19763720 Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On FundING Weapons For The CCP
>>19763725 Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash
>>19763728, >>19763729 Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts DerailING Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations
>>19763861 Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy
>>19763807 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000118
>>19763810 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000119
>>19763816 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000120
>>19763823 Jeffrey Epstein's TraffickING Victim Can't Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit
>>19763826 FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!
>>19763830 @1st_Marine_Div Don't look down???
>>19763837 Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries
>>19763846 SpOC launches Space Force's first two IMD betas
>>19763873 Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony
>>19763849 Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits
>>19763862, >>19763867, >>19763869 Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder's contributions
>>19763864 Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL
>>19763929 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant
>>19763968, >>19763977, >>19763983 Protesters Removed After InterruptING FED Chair Powell's Speech
>>19764036 @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now
>>19764069 Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023
>>19764099 The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant ReportING On Gaza BombING, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, CovINGton Catholic, Hunter's Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid ………
>>19764106, >>19764124 Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL
#19763922 at 2023-10-19 17:45:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24268: What Is Exculpatory Evidence? #FlySidFly# Edition
'You f***ING sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blisterING attack on the Squad in profanity-laden tirade
Comedian Michael Rapaport launched a profanity-laden tirade against Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The actor declared the Squad to be "the biggest f***ING squad of Jew haters in the United States."
Rapaport tagged Ocasio-Cortex, Omar, and Tlaib on his Instagram post that was captioned: "The Big 3 of Antisemitism!!!"
The opinionated actor added, "These 3 have hypnotized the World into thinkING they're not All About The Benjamin's & will soon be out of Politics with a Production Company makING Propaganda Content against #jewish people MARK MY WORDS!!!!"
Rapaport is referencING two anti-Semitic incidents involvING Omar.
In a tweet from 2012, Omar wrote, "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doINGs of Israel."
In 2019, Omar sparked outrage when she suggested the Republican Party's overwhelmING support for Israel is "all about the Benjamins."
Top Democrats - includING Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), James Clyburn (D-S.C.), and Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) - released a statement condemnING Omar's "deeply offensive" comments as "anti-Semitic tropes" and "prejudicial accusations."
#19758585 at 2023-10-18 20:03:02 (UTC+1)
>10-2 =Lima Charlie
isn't that Lima Baker?
10-2=8, 8kun; also, maps to Q, as Q=17, and 1+7=8
8kun = "8, q-ING" or without the g for more accurate pronunciation, like, we're on "8, q-in'" diggING about Q and related research
#19735952 at 2023-10-14 18:52:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24233: Big Red One Edition
>Dear Normies
>Don't Choose a Side
Define Choose a side.
I noticed the people presentING this question always RIG the question. in for penny in for pound.
Mad at Israel? Then you love hamas? total fuckING LIE.
interpretation statement A statement that
describes the speaker's interpretation of the mean-
ING of another person's behavior. See also attribution.
#19733523 at 2023-10-14 03:54:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24230: Anathematize Edition
F-ake etymology=
F* Ache =
F*ING Pain =
Pain in the Ass
#19727710 at 2023-10-13 12:03:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24223: Friday The 13th Funnery Edition
ING is a common last name found among Overseas Chinese communities around the world.
ING is a medieval English surname, of Norse-VikING origins, possibly from the name of the Norse god Yngvi or from someone livING near an ING, a meadow.[1] It can also be a romanisation of the East Asian surname Ng.
It's the Jutes and the Ngs.
#19718494 at 2023-10-12 02:12:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24211: Bibi Netanyahu let us down. Edition
Florida Rep:
It's time to wipe Gaza off the map.
State Rep, Brevard County. Husband and father of two boys. "Smart f@&$ING marketING son of a bitch" -Brevard Drag Queen Story Time organizer
CommunityMelbourne Beach, FLvoterandyfine.com
Joined February 2015
392 FollowING, 9,185 Followers
Sauce: Can't access anymore links on twat for the day.
#19709623 at 2023-10-10 21:26:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24200: BYE BYE Mitt, Go Home To Mommy? Edition
Stop that lol ING
#19707795 at 2023-10-10 15:56:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24198: 900 Dead + 11 Americans (911) Edition
It's called $3500 now or walk.
Wtf do you know? And if you know….ING lee
#19707667 at 2023-10-10 15:27:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24198: 900 Dead + 11 Americans (911) Edition
Silver linING ING…
Plat tit tudes
#19704578 at 2023-10-10 01:04:59 (UTC+1)
Wars fake/controlled
#19698776 at 2023-10-09 06:00:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24187: Is Mideast WAR Taking over the News Cycle? Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19487470 ------ Australia #32
>>19601701 ------ Canada #47
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19529888 ------ Japan #18
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19574181 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430 SPAM will be removed, includING spoilered GORE images NEW
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto
>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#24186 >>19697975
>>19697994, >>19698466 Port Townsend WA quake - How can you tell the difference between an explosion and an earthquake on a seismogram?
>>19698030 Too many bad actors support Israel, hmm….
>>19698057 DJTjr: Trump was right about everythING!!!
>>19698075 Union workers at Volvo Group-owned Mack Trucks to go on strike Monday
>>19698096 Hong Kong developers hit by Federal Reserve's 'higher for longer' interest rates
>>19698099 Judge Denies Sidney Powell's Motion To Dismiss Charges In Georgia Election Case
>>19698103 Loomer re emergency intel meetINGs this weekend to discuss the rise of Hamas terror cells that are operatING in American cities
>>19698111, >>19698279 Moar Dog Comms?
>>19698117 Biden Administration On Notice After Bombshell Report on Iran-Israel
>>19698129 U.S. Homeland FacING Imminent Islamic Terror Attack? ALEX JONES
>>19698160 Man sentenced to over 24 years for child porn charges
>>19698172 Who benefits most from the terror in the Middle East? The Deep State.
>>19698182 Lara Logan: Don't let the media whitewash the reality of what is takING place in Israel now. This was targeted at unarmed women and children
>>19698184 Trudeau spent $678k on taxpayer-funded vacations over the past year: report
>>19698245 While Americans are currently beING held hostage by hamas terrorists, Biden decided to throw a party at the WH
>>19698675, >>19698683, >>19698656 David Icke: What's REALLY happenING in Israel
>>19698270 Chanel Rion OANN: Make no mistake. This war in Israel is a win win win for China-Russia-Iran.
>>19698356 Gaza's secret smugglING tunnels
>>19698416 Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains
>>19698423 AP: Israel declares war, bombards Gaza and battles to dislodge Hamas fighters after surprise attack
>>19698434 US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan hands the Trump team a small victory in the federal election obstruction case by grantING them extra time for motions
>>19698489, >>19698492 How Congress failed to deliver $6 billion for Ukraine
>>19698623 HAMAS have infiltrated USA via the Southern Border? Possible attack on USA incomING?
>>19698677 Germany to BrING Back Coal-Fired Power Plants
>>19698681 US issues warnING to Hezbollah
>>19698666 Hamas Assault on Israel Is a Terrorist Attack: Australian PM
>>19698693 DJT on what's really happenING in Israel from 9/18/23 - re what happens when you make HOSTAGE DEAL
>>19698729 Fox News says 600,000 dead in Israel.TryING too hard?
>>19698734 Origin of US weaponry used by Hamas must be investigated - MTG
>>19698763 #24186
#24185 >>19697174
>>19697187 MTG: will the Biden FBI keep targetING Jan 6, 2021 protestors or will they question any of the Pro-Hamas protesters and their connections since they were out usING their free speech against Israel today?
>>19697224 CENTCOM: USCENTCOM stands firmly with our Israeli and regional partners to address the risks of any party seekING to expand the conflict
>>19697241 NYP: Oil prices jump more than $3 per barrel in wake of Hamas attack
>>19697256, >>19697318 Conservativetreehouse: Stop PretendING – It's Not the "Fungibility," It's the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran
>>19697277 Kash Patel: how much time before the defense industrial complex ignites and the Biden regime genuflects to grab cover for their colossal intelligence failure?
>>19697292 Americanthinker: If We the People Were Actually in Charge
>>19697302 Dailymail: Amazon Alexa tells users the 2020 presidential election was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud' causING Bezos' empire to scramble to explain content
>>19697331 Lara Logan reposted: Our FoundING Fathers also understood that the individual right to bear arms in public was "necessary to the security of a free state."
>>19697346 DNCWarRoom: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says the deadly attack on Israel is a "great opportunity" for Republicans
>>19697469 Trump was right again, Truth post from Septmber called it
>>19697510, >>19697531 Dailymail: HIV-positive paedophile could have sex trafficked babies if he wasn't caught, court hears
>>19697522, >>19697692 TGP: Over 2,000 Dead in Afghanistan FollowING Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake
>>19697568, >>19697583 TGP reposts Kash Patel: Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?
>>19697571 Dailymail: TikTok-famous police chief busted for swappING incest videos on Twitter account 'Pedobear'
>>19697598, >>19697607 Lara Loomer: Stay out of major cities. There's goING to be massive terrorist attacks in big cities over these next 14 months
>>19697604 James Woods: Pundits are wailING… Yet not one liberal apologist has considered that an equivalent silent army is surely walkING across Biden's non-existent border every day
>>19697626 ZH: Exxon's head of shale remained in a Texas jail Sunday after he was arrested for sexual assault at a hotel near Houston last week
>>19697637 Dailymail: Respected leader of Israel 'Ghost' commando unit killed fightING Hamas
>>19697658 Trump Jr. reminds us why we will be keepING our guns (and gettING more)
>>19697685 More breakING footage from Lukeville, Arizona (mp4)
>>19697712 Tribune.com/the intercept: 2018 ARTICLE ON "HAMAS"
>>19697717 Thehill: California's clout in Congress takes a hit
>>19697750 Citzenfreepress/USGS: 4.2 magnitude earthquake felt in Seattle; USGS is sayING 4.5 now
>>19697927 Newsweek: '"Vaccine" against conspiracy theories could be closer than you think
>>19697943 Breitbart: Kylie Jenner Deletes Pro-Israel Post amid Heat from Followers
#24184 >>19696406
>>19696494 So this just start a day ago, The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem Issue Plea for Prayer, Peace, and an End to Violence Against Civilians
>>19696496 Judge Tanya Chutkan released Awan
>>19696605 Coca Cola Company Is Implicated In The Purchase Of Children From Ukraine
>>19696692 Joe Biden Enjoys a Picnic with a Live Band in Rose Garden While Hamas Holds Americans Hostage
>>19696707 Obama's kiss of death
>>19696791 FAKE NEWS: I survived Mao. Hillary Clinton's call for 'deprogrammING' of Trump supporters is no joke, it's alarmING
>>19697128 #24184
#24183 >>19695622
>>19695639 TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)
>>19695679, >>19695694, >>19695785, >>19695802, >>19696109 Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs
>>19695953, >>19696012, >>19695870 Janet Napolitano
>>19695971, >>19696204, >>19696287 Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig
>>19695989 "No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowING that." (Cap 1:00)
>>19696040 So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM
>>19696059 While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoyING a picnic with a live band
>>19695715, >>19696076, >>19696104 @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spittING on Asian Christian pilgrims durING an Orthodox procession
>>19696084, >>19696093, >>19696108, >>19696112 Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023-HPN?PBI ??? 6:42 pm ET
>>19695839, >>19695897 Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337
>>19696116, >>19696167, >>19696169, >>19696199 The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)
>>19696168, >>19696181, >>19696224 BREAKING: Congress has been buyING war stocks
>>19696177 'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
>>19696194 Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will
>>19696214 David Icke what's REALLY happenING in Israel
>>19696228, >>19696236 Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."
>>19696377 #24183
Previously Collected
>>19694849 #24181-B, >>19696984 #24182
>>19693164 #24179, >>19694037 #24180, >>19694844 #24181-A
>>19691510 #24177, >>19692299 #24178, >>19693164 #24179
>>19689122 #24174, >>19689941 #24175, >>19690700 #24176
>>19686785 #24171, >>19687553 #24172, >>19688344 #24173
>>19684362 #24168, >>19685456 #24169, >>19685948 #24170
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #20: Not GivING Up >>19567242
#19697974 at 2023-10-09 03:12:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24186: EBAKE
International Q Research Threads
>>19487470 ------ Australia #32
>>19601701 ------ Canada #47
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19529888 ------ Japan #18
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>19636057 ------ South Africa #12
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19574181 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430 SPAM will be removed, includING spoilered GORE images NEW
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto
>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT
#24184 >>19696406
>>19696494 So this just start a day ago, The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem Issue Plea for Prayer, Peace, and an End to Violence Against Civilians
>>19696496 Judge Tanya Chutkan released Awan
>>19696605 Coca Cola Company Is Implicated In The Purchase Of Children From Ukraine
>>19696692 Joe Biden Enjoys a Picnic with a Live Band in Rose Garden While Hamas Holds Americans Hostage
>>19696707 Obama's kiss of death
>>19696791 FAKE NEWS: I survived Mao. Hillary Clinton's call for 'deprogrammING' of Trump supporters is no joke, it's alarmING
>>19697128 #24184
#24183 >>19695622
>>19695639 TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)
>>19695679, >>19695694, >>19695785, >>19695802, >>19696109 Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs
>>19695953, >>19696012, >>19695870 Janet Napolitano
>>19695971, >>19696204, >>19696287 Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig
>>19695989 "No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowING that." (Cap 1:00)
>>19696040 So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM
>>19696059 While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoyING a picnic with a live band
>>19695715, >>19696076, >>19696104 @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spittING on Asian Christian pilgrims durING an Orthodox procession
>>19696084, >>19696093, >>19696108, >>19696112 Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023-HPN?PBI ??? 6:42 pm ET
>>19695839, >>19695897 Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337
>>19696116, >>19696167, >>19696169, >>19696199 The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)
>>19696168, >>19696181, >>19696224 BREAKING: Congress has been buyING war stocks
>>19696177 'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
>>19696194 Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will
>>19696214 David Icke what's REALLY happenING in Israel
>>19696228, >>19696236 Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."
>>19696377 #24183
#19697509 at 2023-10-09 02:08:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24185: Judge Tanya Chutkan released Awan Edition
>>19696177 pb
>'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
no one even talks about boxING any more does it still exist (rhetorical question tbh)
>USCENTCOM stands firmly with our Israeli and regional partners to address the risks of any party seekING to expand the conflict
sounds good
#19697149 at 2023-10-09 01:16:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24185: Judge Tanya Chutkan released Awan Edition
#24183 >>19695622
>>19695639 TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)
>>19695679, >>19695694, >>19695785, >>19695802, >>19696109 Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs
>>19695953, >>19696012, >>19695870 Janet Napolitano
>>19695971, >>19696204, >>19696287 Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig
>>19695989 "No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowING that." (Cap 1:00)
>>19696040 So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM
>>19696059 While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoyING a picnic with a live band
>>19695715, >>19696076, >>19696104 @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spittING on Asian Christian pilgrims durING an Orthodox procession
>>19696084, >>19696093, >>19696108, >>19696112 Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023-HPN?PBI ??? 6:42 pm ET
>>19695839, >>19695897 Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337
>>19696116, >>19696167, >>19696169, >>19696199 The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)
>>19696168, >>19696181, >>19696224 BREAKING: Congress has been buyING war stocks
>>19696177 'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
>>19696194 Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will
>>19696214 David Icke what's REALLY happenING in Israel
>>19696228, >>19696236 Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."
>>19696377 #24183
#19696391 at 2023-10-08 23:49:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24184: Correct way to address police "Get off my property bitch" Edition
#24183 >>19695622
>>19695639 TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)
>>19695679, >>19695694, >>19695785, >>19695802, >>19696109 Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs
>>19695953, >>19696012, >>19695870 Janet Napolitano
>>19695971, >>19696204, >>19696287 Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig
>>19695989 "No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowING that." (Cap 1:00)
>>19696040 So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM
>>19696059 While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoyING a picnic with a live band
>>19695715, >>19696076, >>19696104 @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spittING on Asian Christian pilgrims durING an Orthodox procession
>>19696084, >>19696093, >>19696108, >>19696112 Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023-HPN?PBI ??? 6:42 pm ET
>>19695839, >>19695897 Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337
>>19696116, >>19696167, >>19696169, >>19696199 The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)
>>19696168, >>19696181, >>19696224 BREAKING: Congress has been buyING war stocks
>>19696177 'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
>>19696194 Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will
>>19696214 David Icke what's REALLY happenING in Israel
>>19696228, >>19696236 Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."
>>19696377 #24183
#19696377 at 2023-10-08 23:48:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24183: Tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire - TRUMP RALLY Edition
#24183 >>19695622
>>19695639 TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)
>>19695679, >>19695694, >>19695785, >>19695802, >>19696109 Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs
>>19695953, >>19696012, >>19695870 Janet Napolitano
>>19695971, >>19696204, >>19696287 Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig
>>19695989 "No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowING that." (Cap 1:00)
>>19696040 So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM
>>19696059 While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoyING a picnic with a live band
>>19695715, >>19696076, >>19696104 @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spittING on Asian Christian pilgrims durING an Orthodox procession
>>19696084, >>19696093, >>19696108, >>19696112 Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023-HPN?PBI ??? 6:42 pm ET
>>19695839, >>19695897 Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337
>>19696116, >>19696167, >>19696169, >>19696199 The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)
>>19696168, >>19696181, >>19696224 BREAKING: Congress has been buyING war stocks
>>19696177 'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
>>19696194 Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will
>>19696214 David Icke what's REALLY happenING in Israel
>>19696228, >>19696236 Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."
#19696352 at 2023-10-08 23:46:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24183: Tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire - TRUMP RALLY Edition
#24183 >>19695622
>>19695639 TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)
>>19695679, >>19695694, >>19695785, >>19695802, >>19696109 Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs
>>19695953, >>19696012, >>19695870 Janet Napolitano
>>19695971, >>19696204, >>19696287 Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig
>>19695989 "No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowING that." (Cap 1:00)
>>19696040 So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM
>>19696059 While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoyING a picnic with a live band
>>19695715, >>19696076, >>19696104 @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spittING on Asian Christian pilgrims durING an Orthodox procession
>>19696084, >>19696093, >>19696108, >>19696112 Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023-HPN?PBI ??? 6:42 pm ET
>>19695839, >>19695897 Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337
>>19696116, >>19696167, >>19696169, >>19696199 The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)
>>19696168, >>19696181, >>19696224 BREAKING: Congress has been buyING war stocks
>>19696177 'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
>>19696194 Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will
#19696177 at 2023-10-08 23:26:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24183: Tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire - TRUMP RALLY Edition
8 Oct, 2023 18:03
'If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag
MMA fighters, includING Russians, will once again be able to display their national flag in the UFC's Octagon
Dana White, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ultimate FightING Championship (UFC), told reporters in Las Vegas late on Saturday that fighters will once again be permitted to display their national flags in the Octagon, endING a ban imposed last year.
White, who has headed the UFC since 2003, said in May 2022 that fighters of any nationality would be barred from carryING their country's flag with them to the cage, a decision made in parallel to similar measures imposed in other sports on the heels of Moscow's military action in Ukraine.
At the time, White refused to be drawn on the reason for the ban other than to tell reporters: "You guys know why, let's not even play that f***ING game."
But on Saturday night in the organization's Apex facility on the outskirts of Las Vegas, and after American fighter Joe Pyfer held aloft the United States' flag followING a victory, White confirmed to the assembled media that the flag ban was over.
"Flags are back," White said. "I was on vacation durING the Mexican Independence Day [UFC event], and the no-flag thING drove me crazy. So, I was like, 'Yeah, f*** that. We're brINGING flags back.' It drove me crazy."
Soon after the onset of Moscow's military action in Ukraine last year, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued a recommendation that Russia and its ally Belarus be suspended from major international sportING events. The proposal was adopted by most major sports federations.
In some instances, Russians and Belarusians have been permitted to participate in events as neutral athletes, but only without the display of national symbols, such as a flag or anthem.
But, while White admitted on Saturday that "sometimes thINGs are done for the intentions of the right reasons," the UFC boss said that people shouldn't dispute an athlete's right to carry their own flag with them into sportING competition.
"Everybody's too soft, everybody's too sensitive about everythING," White said. "When the decision was made to do this, I was like, 'Eh, what's the big deal if they don't have flags?'
"Mexican Independence Day flipped the switch and I was like, 'That's enough of the no-flags thING.' Flags are back. If any flags hurt your feelINGs, too f***ING bad."
#19684273 at 2023-10-07 07:31:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24168: Because The Comfy Belongs To Anons Edition
M ae ING?
#19664900 at 2023-10-04 12:37:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24145: Embrace The Endless Kek Edition
8 f-ING Republicans are trustworthy?
Is this our take-home?
Well, 9 if you include Gaetz
#19661629 at 2023-10-04 00:10:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24141: Arthur Engoron’s PLC Allison Greenfield is Schumer's GF Dem OPERATIVE Edi
f-ING liar
Gaetz commented on at least five alternatives durING his presser on the steps after the vote
fy Waters…and your pussy guest stephen miller, too
#19653619 at 2023-10-02 22:34:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24132: Pure Witch Hunt Edition
F-ING cray cray
#19652629 at 2023-10-02 19:56:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24131: Surf? Serf? Edition
Words matter. That's why it's called Spell-ING.
#19650054 at 2023-10-02 09:22:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24128: Patriotic Persistence Edition
Still here.
Like that annoyING captive
Too goy. Has noticed thINGs.
Don't tax me bro. Too poor.
Learn[ING] language's flaws and frauds.
Not Jedi enough to be any success.
One day jubilee or EBS may brighten the darkness
Or shutdown for a good ree [please]
Corruption purge would rid the parasites
CleansING isn't all bad.
Best wishes to (you)
& Those who are
Still here
#19645551 at 2023-10-01 14:03:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24122: Slangin' Bread Nonstop Edition
help - helo
F-ING autocorrupt.
#19639441 at 2023-09-30 18:17:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24116: IRS Contractor Who Leaked Trump's Tax Records Charged Edition
Collin Rugg
Former ABC News producer James Gordon Meek has been sentenced to six years for tradING infant & toddler p**nography.
6 years for this & meanwhile they're tryING to lock up the former president for multiple life sentences.
Meek was caught receivING videos of kids under 12 years old gettING r***d as well as lurING minors into sendING him photos of themselves. He would then return photos of himself.
Meek also once reportedly bragged about r***ING a toddler girl sayING "it's amazING."
The sicko's lawyer argued that his client's actions were "completely at odds with his proven personal values."
#19630638 at 2023-09-29 08:56:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24106: Panic Shift Edition
was look ING for a baker to bake t0 751, you want to bake now, i'm waitING around for an hour to straighten this out.
Tx for the offer, maybe next time?
#19630294 at 2023-09-29 04:40:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24106: Panic Shift Edition
funny haow subject matter experts are rarely recognized except by peers.
specialization breeds contempt.
kind of a ?????ew 13:57 ??ING.
#19624999 at 2023-09-28 15:21:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24100: The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden Edition
>Steve Cohen
Steve Cohen
Currently Ju-ING on the Ju-diciary for weed = "DRUGS"
#19621144 at 2023-09-28 00:31:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24095: Dig Meme Pray x24094! Edition
"F to M" daycare worker's testosterone shots likely caused "medically disastrous" libido surge, leadING to sexual abuse of children...
September 26, 2023 (2 days ago)
Is the left creatING an army of chemically-controlled violent, and deviant mentally ill soldiers?It's a loaded question, but given stories like the one we're about to delve into, it's hard not to question their endgame. When you start tamperING with people's hormones and essentially try to rewire their very essence, you're inevitably playING with fire.. As a matter of fact, one Pub Med study showed that women receivING testosterone had a surge in their sex drive: Most female-to-male transsexual persons report on a marked increase in sexual desire after testosterone treatment and SRS.
This can get very scary and dangerous, as we're about to find out.
An account called "SF Public Safety News," a group dedicated to shinING a light of truth on the violence occurrING in the City by The Bay, shared a disturbING story on X centerING around a woman daycare worker who took testosterone shots to transition into a "man" and had such a surge in her libido, that she began sexually abusING children.
Here's what SF Public Safety News said on X:
A woman re?ceiv?ING high doses of testos?terone in a bid to switch gen?ders - treat?ment that had "noth?ING short of med?ically dis?as?trous" li?bido-boost?ING ef?fects - was sen?tenced to 25 years' im?pris?on?ment to?day for a cat?a?log of child abuse con?ducted at the San Fran?cisco and Liv?er?more day?care cen?ters where she worked.
Jace Wong, 28, born Robyn Danielle Wong, had ear?lier pleaded guilty to seven counts of pro?duc?tion, dis?tri?b?u?tion and pos?ses?sion of child pornog?ra?phy. She was de?scribed by pros?e?cu?tors as "a sys?tem?atic preda?tor of tod?dler and preschool aged chil?dren" whose con?duct was "among the worst imag?in?able."
Wong filmed naked and par?tially-dressed boys and girls in her care be?fore shar?ING them with other pe?dophiles in in?ter?net chat rooms. She ma?nip?u?lated chil?drens' gen?i?tals and en?cour?aged them to touch her in?ap?pro?pri?ately, de?scrib?ING in graphic de?tail fur?ther abuse she wished to per?pe?trate. Her phone con?tained videos cre?ated by oth?ers which in?clud?ING footage of the gravest pos?si?ble sex?ual abuse of young chil?dren.
The court was told that the testos?terone Wong re?ceived for her 'gen?der tran?si?tion' ther?apy, cou?pled with her con?gen?i?tal di?ag?no?sis of Triple X syn?drome, re?sulted in a calami?tous in?crease in her sex?ual urges and li?bido.
"It is ar?guable that the med?ical pro?fes?sion?als in?volved in [Wong's] gen?der tran?si?tion should have ex?er?cised greater over?sight and pro?vided more guid?ance to this, at the time, young woman about the po?ten?tial bi?o?log?i?cal in?ter?ac?tions of testos?terone and [her] ge?netic dis?or?der," wrote at?tor?neys for the de?fen?dant.
"This is a hor?rific case," said U.S. Dis?trict Judge James Do?nate this morn?ING. "In nine years on the bench this is the first case I've had that in?volved the ac?tual phys?i?cal abuse of chil?dren and, in that sense, it is the gravest and the most se?ri?ous and most rep?re?hen?si?ble crimethat I have seen with re?spect to child pornog?ra?phy."
Here is some additional information on this disturbING story:
An employee of a San Francisco daycare center who pleaded guilty to possessING and distributING child pornography has been sentenced to 25 years in federal prison, the U.S. Department of Justice said Monday.
Jace Wong, 26, was taken into custody in April 2021 after an undercover officer allegedly linked him to a video durING a chat of a girl between 4 and 6 years old with her pants down and vagina exposed.
Officers were able to identify Wong and his location through his cell phone and arrest him. Officers also discovered the black and white tiled bathroom in which the child was standING in the childcare facility. Other videos and images from that bathroom were also discovered, prosecutors said.
Wong used the social media app Kik to join an online group called "Younger love [heart emoji] [heart emoji]" that shared the images.
Wong also showed agents a hidden file on his phone with 428 media files, "many of which contained videos and images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct," accordING to the FBI.
Additionally, agents found an 8-minute-long video depictING sexual activity between a man and an underage girl.
Wong has previously worked in other daycare facilities, includING one in Livermore....
#19616293 at 2023-09-27 03:34:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24090: Ignore The Circus, Target the Clowns Edition
>wonder ING
>find ING
tard jail for 10 minutes
#19615052 at 2023-09-26 23:07:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24088: Arthur Engoron orders Trump Org to dissolve. No trial. No jury? Edition
Who "changed the subject?" Jews are fuckING meat shields and they love it for all the free gibs they get from their elite, but don't think for one second that the Roths are callING the shots. They're still puppets to someone else.
Why else would they be REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-ING? It's quite clear that BiBi and the ADL's "talk" did nothING about the NoticING, so they have to SHUT IT DOWN! (tm) at this point. It's their only option.
Quoth all the BVs/BO, "Go make your own board , if you don't like it," no?
#19613820 at 2023-09-26 19:08:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24086: Impeach and Recall RINOS Edition
Translated: 'You are to be liquidated. Newsom will be installed. Now die, useless idiot.'
Hillary Clinton warns Biden privately. 'You will lose.'
Hillary warns Biden that third-party candidates could spell disaster
Hillary Clinton warned President Joe Biden in a private meetING that he needed to take the threat of a third-party challenger seriously.
#19613771 at 2023-09-26 18:58:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24086: Impeach and Recall RINOS Edition
_Translated: 'You are to be liquidated. Newsom will be installed. Now die, useless idiot.'__
Hillary Clinton warns Biden privately. 'You will lose.'
Hillary warns Biden that third-party candidates could spell disaster
Hillary Clinton warned President Joe Biden in a private meetING that he needed to take the threat of a third-party challenger seriously.
#19612249 at 2023-09-26 13:45:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24084: Tribute to Pepe Memes Edition
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#19609619 at 2023-09-25 22:15:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24081: MOAB MONDAY In Less Than 5 Month Biden Is Gone Edition
Untold Story of How Canada Became a Safe Haven for Ukrainian WWII-era Nazis
Sep 25, 2023, 12:31 PM1/4(Really long but extremely interestING)
Before World War II, Ukrainian Canadians were among the most tightly knit, pro-labor, pro-Moscow, and anti-fascist migrant communities livING in the True North Strong and Free. That began to change after the war and the arrival of thousands of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators wanted for war crimes across Eastern Europe. This is their story.
The scandal over the Canadian parliament's move to honor Ukrainian Waffen SS veteran Yaroslav Hunka continues to swirl, with Canada's opposition leader, Poland, Jewish groups, Russia and the United Nations demandING accountability.
Hunka, 98, was in attendance durING Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's address to the House of Commons last Friday, and was introduced to lawmakers as a veteran of the "struggle for Ukrainian independence against the Russians durING the Second World War." He received a standING ovation from the legislature.
It soon emerged that the former soldier carried out his "struggle for Ukrainian independence" as a member of the infamous 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS, also known as 14th SS-Volunteer Division Galicia.
SS Galicia Division's Bloody Past
Formed in 1943 and made up mostly of ethnic Ukrainians, the Wehrmacht-subordinated fightING formation was recruited from among fascist radicals, and was responsible for the mass murder of anti-fascist and communist Ukrainians, Red Army troops, anti-fascist partisans, and Polish, Jewish, Russian and Slovak civilians.
Between 1943 and its surrender to the Western allies in May 1945, 14th SS-Volunteer Division Galicia rampaged through Eastern Europe. It was used for "police actions" against Polish and Soviet partisans in western Ukraine and eastern Poland, deployed to wipe out up to hundreds of civilians at a time in the Polish settlements like Huta Pieniacka, Podkamien, Chodaczkowo Wielkie, Prehoryle, Smogligow, and Borow, and thrown into meat grinders against the Red Army (where it took heavy losses approachING 75 percent durING brutal fightING at Brody, Lvov region in July 1944).
The remnants of the division were evacuated and deployed in Slovakia in the late summer of 1944 to put down the Slovak National UprisING, and then sent to suppress partisan operations in Yugoslavia in January 1945. In March 1945, the formation retreated to Austria, takING heavy losses while tryING to hold back Soviet forces in and around Graz durING the desperate closING months of the war. Ukrainian fascist forces later incorporated into the division also took part in the suppression of the Warsaw UprisING between August and September of 1944, although the division itself did not take part.
'Nest for Nazi Criminals'
Russian Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov told Sputnik Monday that he would ask for explanations from Canada's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister's Office over the Hunka incident, but said that he has "no illusions" about the possibility of workING "with the current Trudeau cabinet, which is the personification of neoliberal fascism." Stepanov pointed out that former Nazi criminals and their descendants have enjoyed "impunity" in Canada, with the country itself unfortunately becomING "a nest for Nazi criminals" after WWII, despite its status as a prominent member of the wartime Anti-Hitler Coalition.
The scandal surroundING Hunka is not the first of its kind. In 2017, independent media outletConsortium News was attacked by Canadian authorities after revealING that Chrystia Freeland, the senior Trudeau cabinet member then servING as Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs,had attempted to cover up her grandfather Mykhailo Khomiak's past as an editor of a Nazi newspaper in occupied Poland durING WWII.
Canadian media later followed up on the allegations, confirmING the information, and revealING that Freeland not only knew of her grandfather's dark past, but helped edit an academic article in the Journal of Ukrainian Studies by her uncle, John-Paul Kimka, professor emeritus at the University of Alberta, in the 1990s a bid to whitewash the Nazi propagandist's activities. When the news of her relative's true past leaked out, Ottawa immediately characterized it as a "Russian disinformation" campaign aimed at "destabiliz[ING] Western democracies," with Freeland claimING her grandparents fled the war in 1939 as "political exiles with a responsibility to keep alive the idea of an independent Ukraine."…
#19609404 at 2023-09-25 21:27:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24081: MOAB MONDAY In Less Than 5 Month Biden Is Gone Edition
Hillary Clinton warns Joe Biden in private meetING that third-party candidates could prove disastrous for him as White House insider calls situation 'pretty f***ING concernING'
Hillary warns Biden that third-party candidates could spell disaster
Hillary Clinton warned President Joe Biden in a private meetING that he needed to take the threat of a third-party challenger seriously.
#19605038 at 2023-09-25 00:14:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24076: Reminder: Russia Fought Against The Nazis Edition
More than one-third of Democrats think Americans have too much freedom
Bro, Democrats have become like little minions of the state over the past few years, haven't they? Ever since Covid it's like anythING the state says goes for them, no questions asked. It's weird, right?
And now this?
The survey found that 34% of Democratic voters believe that Americans possess "too much freedom" compared to just 14.6% of Republican voters. Although an overwhelmING portion of U.S. voters believe that freedom of speech protections are beneficial, 52% of Democratic voters believe it is important "that the government be able to censor users/content on social media platforms it feels threaten national security."
Over half of Democratic voters also believe that government censorship ability takes precedence over "social media users be[ING] able to post content they feel are in the national interest," accordING to the poll. In contrast, one-third of Republicans hold this belief.
Additionally, approximately 75% of Democratic voters believe the government should censor "hateful" social media content, accordING to the poll.
#19604423 at 2023-09-24 22:01:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24075: Sunday Blessings Edition
Marsha Blackburn Says 'New Axis Of Evil' Feels 'Emboldened' By Biden's Weaknes
Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn blasted President Joe Biden on Sunday for beING "weak" on America's adversaries.
Blackburn made the comments durING an appearance on WABC 770 AM's "Cats Roundtable" with host John Catsimatidis. She said Biden's performance as president has "emboldened" what she called the "new axis of evil."
"What worries me tremendously is what we see happenING with the aggression comING out of the new Axis of Evil: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea," Blackburn said. "The pressure that they are puttING on one another to stand up and fight against the United States."
"And we see how they feel emboldened because Joe Biden is weak, Joe Biden is not holdING them to account, Joe Biden has not asked China to explain COVID and what happened at the lab, that he has allowed them to continue to export to the United States without sayING one word to them about the trade imbalance," Blackburn said.
The Tennessee Republican added that Biden has "[continued] to allow" China to be aggressive with Taiwan. In the past year, China has ramped up its aggression toward the island nation, conductING extensive military drills after former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited Taiwan in August 2022 and when Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen visited California and met with current House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in April.
In just one day last week, China sent 103 military aircraft around Taiwan, with 40 enterING the air-defense identification zone. Earlier this month, roughly 24 warships sailed near Taiwan, accordING to The Wall Street Journal.
Blackburn also criticized Biden for his recent deal with Iran, in which the United States received five Americans held captive in Iran in exchange for releasING five Iranian prisoners and $6 billion in frozen assets.
"We see Iran now emboldened because Joe Biden has released $6 billion to them, and we know, you know John, they are not goING to use that money to feed the poor," Blackburn said. "They are not goING to use it to better the lives of their people. They're goING to use it to push forward on uranium enrichment and nuclear proliferation."
A National Security Council spokeswoman said U.S. officials would oversee the use of the funds and called it a "procedural step" to ensure humanitarian aid gets to the country. However, in an interview with NBC News's Lester Holt earlier this month, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the money "belongs to the Iranian people, the Iranian government, so the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide what to do with this money."
"With Iran sayING, 'We'll do whatever we want to do,' and knowING that Iran has teamed up with Russia to create drones that are now flyING over Ukraine, and China, we hear, is pretty much bankING that operation. This should be somethING that worries us," Blackburn said. "HavING Kim Jong Un over in Russia visitING with Putin, extendING the hand of friendship, sayING 'We want to be your ally, come visit with us in North Korea, come see what we're doING on developING next-generation rockets.' This is not somethING that is goING to serve the American people and our cause of pushING freedom around the globe."
#19604371 at 2023-09-24 21:50:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24075: Sunday Blessings Edition
Dan Patrick: Dade Phelan Needs to Be a Man, Admit Paxton Impeachment Was Wrong
Since AG Ken Paxton was acquitted on Saturday, Patrick has been critical of the House-led impeachment.
Brandon Waltens | September 19, 2023
Texas Senate Media Services
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says House Speaker Dade Phelan should apologize to members after championING the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton which was soundly rejected by the Texas Senate.
Since Paxton was acquitted on Saturday, Patrick has been critical of the House-led impeachment, blastING the House for rushING through the process and not followING proper procedure in interviewING witnesses.
In response, Phelan has accused Patrick of "attack[ING] the House for standING up to corruption."
In an interview on The Salcedo Storm, Patrick said Phelan should admit to members he was wrong rather than create "a new conspiracy to cover up their tracks."
"He just needs to be a man. He just needs to step up and say, Look, we were wrong. We rushed this," said Patrick. "This case fell because of our process, and all those [60] Republicans who voted for this, who had their arms twisted to vote for it, they should say, 'You know what, I made a mistake voters. I'm sorry. I listened to the speaker. This was a rush to judgment. I was wrong.'"
Patrick also denied rumors that he had any influence in the outcome of the trial.
"If I even attempted to suggest to one of them how they should vote, they'd throw me out the door. These are grown men and women. These are mature adults, it's an insult to them," said Patrick.
He also called any suggestions to the contrary a "conspiracy theory."
"Let me tell you why I say conspiracy theory, because Dade has to say somethING and blame it on somethING. Otherwise, they realize he was the one who drove it all. And he was the one who put them at risk. And so that's what this is all about. I don't pay any attention to it. It's a bunch of losers who are cryING now on their beer, sayING, 'Oh, well, it has to be someone else. We did our job.' They did nothING."
#19604182 at 2023-09-24 20:59:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24075: Sunday Blessings Edition
REED COOPER: We're WitnessING A Repeat Of 2016 And Trump Is Set To Win By A Landslide
The phrase "history repeats itself" is once again provING to be true as we witness the mainstream media, the establishment, and the RINOs attack and doubt leadING 2024 presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump's chances of winnING the election, just like they did in 2016.
Like in 2015 and 2016, Trump has once again become a runaway Trump train in the GOP primary, beatING all candidates by over 50 and even 60 points in polls.
Not only has history repeated itself in the form of Trump winnING polls by landslides, either. Once again, RINO influencers and talkING heads have begun attackING Trump - an action they will soon pretend never happened.
In February 2016, for example, Editor emeritus of the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, slammed Trump as a "liar" and a "spoiled brat who grew up in the lap of luxury, had his daddy sign his checks, and bragged about how he is a huge winner."
InterestINGly enough, Shapiro magically changed his tune on Trump once he won the 2016 presidential election, even "Don-ING" Trump's famous "Make America Great Again" hat in a video praisING Trump posted a year after Shapiro's anti-Trump video.
On Monday, absentee Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' (R-FL) War Room account shared a clip of Shapiro "rippING" Trump, callING him "not pro-life."
Trump, of course, is the most pro-life president in history due to the overturnING of Roe v. Wade, becomING the first president to ever speak at the March For Life, blockING fundING for Planned Parenthood, among many other pro-life actions.
Old 2016 faces like failed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) have returned as well - once again as a presidential candidate who is pollING at an unimpressive 3.1 percent.
In 2015 and 2016, Jeb Bush, who soon became "Low Energy Jeb," was the chosen candidate of the establishment Republicans and quickly lost to Trump.
The establishment Republicans have chosen yet another borING candidate in need of a personality transplant for the 2024 presidential election. Absentee Governor Ron DeSantis, like Jeb Bush before him, is failING badly to Trump in all of the polls.
As we learned in 2016, no matter what they throw at President Trump, he only grows stronger.
Luckily for Trump, he faces President Joe Biden, an even weaker and more decrepit candidate than Hillary Clinton.
What's different from 2016, though, is Americans are concerned that what happened in the 2020 presidential election may happen again. A recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 81 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of Democrats, and 56 percent of independent voters are concerned their election results aren't accurate. Overall, 62 percent of Georgia voters said they are concerned the election results aren't accurate and 38 percent are very concerned.
On Friday, Reuters and Ipsos released a 2024 presidential election poll between President Trump and President Joe Biden and, accordING to the poll, Trump will win the election in an electoral landslide.
The poll spelled doom for Biden as it showed Trump leadING him in all of the seven most crucial states that determined the 2020 presidential election - Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
In all seven states, Trump crushed Biden by six points, with 41 percent to Biden's 35 percent, and a remainING undecided 24 percent. If all the other states remain the same in the 2024 presidential election, Trump would receive 312 electoral votes, 42 more electoral votes than the 270 he needs to win. Biden would receive only 226 electoral votes.
#19602589 at 2023-09-24 14:37:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24073: Wake Up Edition
Gonna be Biblical.
'Sugar Bear' pimp known for torturING prostitutes pleads guilty after shockING find in freezer: feds
Somorie Moses, a longtime pimp known for his "extreme violence," has admitted to murderING his prostitute girlfriend and sex traffickING eight other women, per the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Eastern District of New York.
On Jan. 13, 2017, prosecutors said, Moses beat Leondra Foster, 32, to death in their shared apartment, and then used a saw and knife to dismember her body. Four days later, he disposed of her torso and limbs at a Bronx, New York, sanitation site.
The severed head, hands and feet of Foster - includING a foot with the name "Somorie" tattooed on it - were subsequently discovered by police in a deep freezer at Moses' Brooklyn home.
Moses, 47, pleaded guilty on Sept. 15. He was previously convicted of concealment of a corpse and criminally negligent homicide - but acquitted on murder charges - in a Brooklyn state court in 2019.
If he was not rearrested by the feds on the charge of murder in the course of sex traffickING - the first time use of a new federal statute, per the USAO - he would have been eligible for parole in May 2022.
In his previous court case, Moses admitted to cuttING apart Foster's remains but claimed he did not kill her. He did testify on the stand that he had earned money as a "pimp" for two decades and had "smacked [Foster] around," givING her "many... black eyes."
Since Moses' state trial, federal investigators found two individuals ready to testify that the pimp confessed Foster's murder to them, per court documents.
"With [Friday's] guilty plea to every count in the indictment, Moses is held fully responsible for preyING on women and girls, forcING them to become prostitutes, and then brutally murderING and dismemberING one of his many victims," U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Breon Peace wrote in the press release.
"While the defendant's total admission of guilty cannot undo the terrible harm he has caused, we hope it will brING a measure of closure to his victims who suffered the defendant's extreme cruelty and brutality, and to the family of Ms. Foster."
Moses- also known as "Somorie Barfield," "Sugar Bear," "Bear" and "Daddy" - now faces a sentence of 15 years to life in prison.
Since at least 2003, Moses pressured many of his victims to tattoo his name on their bodies, "forc[ING] women and girls, includING minors, into prostitution for his benefit usING violence, threats of violence and psychological manipulation," prosecutors said
"Moses used false premises of love and marriage to initiate sexual relationships with his victims before demandING they work as prostitutes and turn over the money they earned to him," per the USAO press release.
When one of Moses' victims tried to quit prostitution, per court documents obtained by Fox News Digital, he tortured her with a Taser until she relented.
Another woman was slashed about the arms and back and beaten with a belt before Moses doused her with lemon juice, leavING her with permanent scarrING.
A third woman was beaten with an extension cord, per the documents, before Moses threatened to rub salt on her wounds.
#19601026 at 2023-09-24 03:38:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24071: Nothing Can Stop All The Winning Edition
Jonathan @DecentFiJC
Welp. Eureka, folks.
I found theDIRECT connection between...
?The http://ericstates.org (ERIC) domain operates within the LIQUID WEB, LLC. ASN.
?Liquid Web, LLC. is based in LansING, MI and was founded with capital from MADISON DEARBORN PARTNERS in May of 2015.
?Then, in APRIL of 2023, MDP exited their Liquid Web investment when it was bought out by ONE EQUITY PARTNERS.
So who is One Equity Partners??
?ONE EQUITY PARTNERS was founded in 2001 by DICK CASHIN, who formerly served as President of BANK ONE's Private Equity arm (CITICORP VENTURE CAPITAL) under the former BANK ONE CEO.
That former BANK ONE CEO was none other than JAMIE DIMON!?
?Fast-forward to 2018, we see ONE EQUITY PARTNERS makes a rather notable and relevant acquisition.?
They purchased a MAJORITY stake in... wait for it...
(FUN FACT: That's the MEDIA BUSINESS ARM for motherf***ING ERICSSON!?)
?Yeah, just IMAGINE IT. Our ERIC voter data is just out there in the ethers, livING right in ERICSSON's neighborhood and whatnot. Casually gettING shared back and forth with terrorists, globalists, American enemies and God knows who TF else! IMAGINE!!!
Sounds like a great f'ING idea!
By "great f'ING idea", I mean an active and ongoING threat to our national security and the lives of hundreds of millions of American citizens - aka "you and me".
(You don't have nearly enough contempt for these people yet. Maybe change that.)
10:16 PM ? Sep 23, 2023
#19598941 at 2023-09-23 20:25:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24068: Satanic State Seeks Satanic Ambassador Edition
REED COOPER: We're WitnessING A Repeat Of 2016 And Trump Is Set To Win By A Landslide
The phrase "history repeats itself" is once again provING to be true as we witness the mainstream media, the establishment, and the RINOs attack and doubt leadING 2024 presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump's chances of winnING the election, just like they did in 2016.
Like in 2015 and 2016, Trump has once again become a runaway Trump train in the GOP primary, beatING all candidates by over 50 and even 60 points in polls.
Not only has history repeated itself in the form of Trump winnING polls by landslides, either. Once again, RINO influencers and talkING heads have begun attackING Trump - an action they will soon pretend never happened.
In February 2016, for example, Editor emeritus of the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, slammed Trump as a "liar" and a "spoiled brat who grew up in the lap of luxury, had his daddy sign his checks, and bragged about how he is a huge winner."
InterestINGly enough, Shapiro magically changed his tune on Trump once he won the 2016 presidential election, even "Don-ING" Trump's famous "Make America Great Again" hat in a video praisING Trump posted a year after Shapiro's anti-Trump video.
On Monday, absentee Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' (R-FL) War Room account shared a clip of Shapiro "rippING" Trump, callING him "not pro-life."
Trump, of course, is the most pro-life president in history due to the overturnING of Roe v. Wade, becomING the first president to ever speak at the March For Life, blockING fundING for Planned Parenthood, among many other pro-life actions.
Old 2016 faces like failed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) have returned as well - once again as a presidential candidate who is pollING at an unimpressive 3.1 percent.
In 2015 and 2016, Jeb Bush, who soon became "Low Energy Jeb," was the chosen candidate of the establishment Republicans and quickly lost to Trump.
The establishment Republicans have chosen yet another borING candidate in need of a personality transplant for the 2024 presidential election. Absentee Governor Ron DeSantis, like Jeb Bush before him, is failING badly to Trump in all of the polls.
As we learned in 2016, no matter what they throw at President Trump, he only grows stronger.
Luckily for Trump, he faces President Joe Biden, an even weaker and more decrepit candidate than Hillary Clinton.
What's different from 2016, though, is Americans are concerned that what happened in the 2020 presidential election may happen again. A recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 81 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of Democrats, and 56 percent of independent voters are concerned their election results aren't accurate. Overall, 62 percent of Georgia voters said they are concerned the election results aren't accurate and 38 percent are very concerned.
On Friday, Reuters and Ipsos released a 2024 presidential election poll between President Trump and President Joe Biden and, accordING to the poll, Trump will win the election in an electoral landslide.
The poll spelled doom for Biden as it showed Trump leadING him in all of the seven most crucial states that determined the 2020 presidential election - Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
In all seven states, Trump crushed Biden by six points, with 41 percent to Biden's 35 percent, and a remainING undecided 24 percent. If all the other states remain the same in the 2024 presidential election, Trump would receive 312 electoral votes, 42 more electoral votes than the 270 he needs to win. Biden would receive only 226 electoral votes.
#19591905 at 2023-09-22 00:06:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24059: Catharsis of Corruption Edition
Blunt to my lips, gun on my hip
Laptop shit-post-ING, hard drive full of memes
#19590451 at 2023-09-21 20:14:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24058: The Border Isn't Open Edition
Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., a bioweapons expert and professor of international law at the University of Illinois who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, agreed. "The same people who drafted the pandemic treaty and the IHR amendments drafted the PPPR document," Bell told The Defender.
"This is a full-court press to have the entirety of the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies and its affiliated organizations, back up and support their proposed globalist WHO worldwide totalitarian medical and scientific police state," he said.
Today's high-level meetING included scheduled speeches from 158 national representatives, includING the presidents or prime ministers of 34 countries and, representING the U.S., Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.
Panelists included German Minister of Health Dr. Karl Lauterbach and representatives of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization.
What Does the Declaration Mean for You?
The final text of the PPPR political declaration, dated Sept. 1, includes statements and proposals coverING a range of issues, from vaccination to so-called "misinformation."
AccordING to the declaration, "pandemics call for timely, urgent and continued leadership, global solidarity, increased international cooperation and multilateral commitment ... to implement coherent and robust national, regional and global actions, driven by science ... to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response."
StatING that "health is a precondition for all" and an indicator of "sustainable development," the declaration calls for:
Universal vaccination: The declaration expresses "deep concern" about declinING global vaccination rates, and includes a commitment supportING "research and development of vaccines and medicines, as well as preventive measures and treatments for communicable and non-communicable diseases."
"Routine immunization is one of the most efficient and cost-effective public health interventions with the greatest reach and demonstrated health outcomes," the declaration states, while highlightING the "important role played by the private sector in research and development of innovative medicines," includING vaccines.
It calls for the improvement of "routine immunization, vaccination and outreach capacities, includING by providING evidence-based information on promotING confidence, uptake, demand" and "expand[ING] vaccine coverage to prevent outbreaks as well as the spread and re-emergence of communicable diseases."
Makes "temporary" COVID-19 powers permanent: The declaration expresses "concern with the continued emergence and re-emergence of epidemic-prone diseases," statING "the need ... to build on the lessons learned and best practices from the COVID-19 pandemic," includING "turnING, where appropriate, temporarily scaled up capacities" developed durING the pandemic "into permanent capacities in a sustainable manner."
Calls for increased surveillance and digital health documents, such as vaccine passports:The declaration "recognize[s] ... the potential of digital health technologies" in "implementING and supportING health measures and bolsterING national response efforts" to pandemics and health emergencies.
Digital technologies such as vaccine passports are a key component of the under-negotiation IHR amendments. The declaration, in turn, also states a need for "early warnING systems" and "an integrated One Health approach," for "the earliest and most adequate response" to pandemics and health emergencies.
Potential social media censorship: The declaration expresses "concern that health-related misinformation and disinformation negatively impacted routine immunization services globally."
#19587240 at 2023-09-21 05:18:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24054: Comfy News Network Edition
The Bidens: "Stone Cold Crooked" (9) – When Can We Start CallING It What It Is, Namely Bribery?
September 19, 2023/ Francis Menton
The Biden family corruption scandal gets deeper with every passING day. Speaker Kevin McCarthy finally opened an impeachment investigation in the House last week, and now the first hearING in that investigation has been scheduled for September 28 before the House Oversight Committee.
So what is the potential impeachable offense? You will undoubtedly recall, in the context of the two Trump impeachments, the endless semantic contortions that took place tryING to shoe-horn Trump's conduct into the vague constitutional catchall of "high crimes and misdemeanors" that might support an impeachment. Now, with Biden, the conduct at issue goes by various euphemisms like "the family business," "business dealINGs with foreign nationals," "influence peddlING," "sellING access," or maybe just "corruption." But are these impeachable offenses?
Well, how about "bribery"? In Biden's case, there is no need for creative legal argumentation. Biden's crime is right there in the list set out in Constitution Article II, Section 4:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
And yet for some reason participants in the public discussion of the Bidens' conduct seem remarkably reluctant to call a spade a spade. The reluctance spans both sides of the political divide, and even extends to the websites of the House of Representatives that discuss the ongoING investigations. Here are a few recent examples (out of hundreds):
From NBC News, May 10: "The Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee mounted more attacks Wednesday against President Joe Biden and his family, allegING that relatives of the president engaged in business with foreign nationals. . . ."
From ABC News, September 14: "[O]n Capitol Hill, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy this week said he would initiate an impeachment inquiry against President Biden over his alleged role in his son's influence-peddlING. . . ."
From the New York Post, August 14: "The evidence that President Joe Biden benefited directly from son Hunter's influence-peddlING operation just keeps mountING."
From PBS, today: "Republicans - led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy - have contended in recent weeks that Biden's actions from his time as vice president show a "culture of corruption," and that his son used the "Biden brand" to advance his business with foreign clients."
Or even from the House Oversight Committee itself, September 13: "There is mountING evidence that Joe Biden was involved in his family's influence peddlING schemes, includING while he served as Vice President."
"Bribery" is not a complicated crime to understand. It has its own section of the U.S. criminal statutes, 18 U.S.C. Section 201. In case there were any doubt what this is about, the title of the section is "Bribery of public officials and witnesses." Here are the parts of that section relevant to Biden's conduct:
(b) Whoever-(2) beING a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly . . . seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anythING of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
(A) beING influenced in the performance of any official act; . . .
shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thING of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holdING any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
Read through that, and you find that the crime of bribery of a public official only has three elements: (1) "corruptly seek[ING], receiv[ING] [or] accept[ING] anythING of value"; (2) "in return for"; and (3) "beING influenced in the performance of any official act."
Of the various instances of corruption in....
It's high time that everybody stopped callING Biden's alleged wrongdoING by euphemisms like "influence peddlING" or "foreign business dealINGs" - neither of which are terms specifically referencING an impeachable offense, let alone a crime. We should all start usING the correct and obviously applicable constitutional and statutory term, which is "bribery."
#19583666 at 2023-09-20 18:25:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24050: The UNjustice Systems Churn N Burn Edition
>>19583533 LB
Is she the one who said Trump grabbed the steerING wheel and threw the plate at the wall? Cassidy Hutchinson has already been proven a liar
Former President Donald Trump tried to grab the steerING wheel of his presidential vehicle and lunged toward his security detail when he was informed that he would not be taken to the Capitol followING his Jan. 6 rally, accordING to a former top White House official. Her comments Tuesday raised the prospect of new testimony from the individuals involved who sources say are willING to testify under oath to push back on that account.
Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, recalled in testimony before the House committee investigatING the insurrection that Trump was desperate to join supporters at the Capitol and became irate when his security team informed him that he could not go because of safety concerns.
Hutchinson detailed a conversation she had with Tony Ornato, White House deputy chief of staff for operations, and Bobby Engel, who headed Trump's security detail, at the White House after Trump's speech at the Ellipse, in which he told rallygoers that he would be marchING to the Capitol with them as Congress completed its formal tally of the 2020 election results.
"I looked at Tony, and he had said, 'Did you f-ING hear what happened in the Beast?'" Hutchinson recalled, usING the nickname for the presidential vehicle. "I said, 'No Tony, I just got back, what happened?' Tony proceeded to tell me that when the president got in the Beast, he was under the impression that the off-the-record movement to the Capitol was still possible, and likely to happen, but that Bobby had more information."
#19583265 at 2023-09-20 17:23:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24049: The World Burns, Garland Cries, Anons Meme Edition
Likes where this is [go]ING ;)
#19565968 at 2023-09-17 08:38:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24029: Donald J. Trump on Meet The Press This Morning, Enjoy The Show! Edition
you're in the wrong place. we are at war. you are on a fukn coffee break bullshittING philosophy. please FOCUS on the actual war includING shitpostING but don't come up in here polyanna-ING about some dumb porno that probably came from 3 boards away.
#19560317 at 2023-09-16 07:30:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24021: In God We Trust Edition
best I can do is some shit pope-ING
#19554001 at 2023-09-15 04:23:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24014: Activate Comfy Shift Edition
Source close..., dr.Jill makING stilletto web laced stock ING house calls
#19552166 at 2023-09-14 22:32:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24012: Distractions from the Distractions Edition
#24009 >>19549706
>>19550444 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges
>>19549743 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial startING in October
>>19549747 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:
>>19549748 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?
>>19549770 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll
>>19549775 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery
>>19549780 Correa: Is the refugee movement somethING unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?
>>19549782 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor's Gun Ban Effort
>>19549793 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place
>>19549799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo
>>19549804 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay
>>19549806 Lara Logan's Look Into January 6's True Attendees
>>19549817 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists
>>19549821 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch
>>19549825 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this
>>19549831 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024
>>19549865 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vettING procedure'
>>19549873 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.
>>19549901, >>19549903, >>19549904, >>19549907, >>19549911 Trump's First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.
>>19549919 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearING]:
>>19549921 ExposING the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum ComING to a School Near You in 2024
>>19549952 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 thINGs,3 thINGs..." Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.
>>19549953 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are enterING our country through our open southwest border,
>>19549959 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations
>>19549971 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP
>>19549981 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishINGly rare.
>>19549985 Biden sittING in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair
>>19550043 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"
>>19550060 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports
>>19550071 CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump's Motion For Recusal Is 'Not Outrageous'
>>19550083 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations
>>19550090 Biggs: This notion about beING concerned about terrorists enterING through the southwest border,
>>19550153 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.
>>19550184 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies HarnessING Artificial Intelligence?
>>19550193 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,
>>19550202 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,
>>19550228 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ING motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week
>>19550254 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive
>>19550319 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."
>>19550451 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER
>>19550514 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden FundING
>>19550523 #24009
Previously Collected
>>19547798 #24006. >>19548632 #24007, >>19549678 #24008
>>19545409 #24003, >>19546111 #24004, >>19546967 #24005
>>19543755 #24001, >>19544466 #24002-A, >>19544573 #24002-B
>>19540944 #23998, >>19542024 #23999, >>19542967 #24000
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19551337 at 2023-09-14 20:02:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24011: Let's See What Habbens Next Edition
#24009 >>19549706
>>19550444 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges
>>19549743 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial startING in October
>>19549747 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:
>>19549748 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?
>>19549770 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll
>>19549775 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery
>>19549780 Correa: Is the refugee movement somethING unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?
>>19549782 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor's Gun Ban Effort
>>19549793 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place
>>19549799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo
>>19549804 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay
>>19549806 Lara Logan's Look Into January 6's True Attendees
>>19549817 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists
>>19549821 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch
>>19549825 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this
>>19549831 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024
>>19549865 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vettING procedure'
>>19549873 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.
>>19549901, >>19549903, >>19549904, >>19549907, >>19549911 Trump's First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.
>>19549919 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearING]:
>>19549921 ExposING the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum ComING to a School Near You in 2024
>>19549952 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 thINGs,3 thINGs..." Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.
>>19549953 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are enterING our country through our open southwest border,
>>19549959 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations
>>19549971 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP
>>19549981 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishINGly rare.
>>19549985 Biden sittING in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair
>>19550043 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"
>>19550060 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports
>>19550071 CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump's Motion For Recusal Is 'Not Outrageous'
>>19550083 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations
>>19550090 Biggs: This notion about beING concerned about terrorists enterING through the southwest border,
>>19550153 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.
>>19550184 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies HarnessING Artificial Intelligence?
>>19550193 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,
>>19550202 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,
>>19550228 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ING motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week
>>19550254 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive
>>19550319 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."
>>19550451 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER
>>19550514 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden FundING
>>19550523 #24009
#19550747 at 2023-09-14 18:29:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24010: Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges Edition
"File The F*ckING Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has McFuckING had it with GOP threats to remove him for failING to perform on a laundry list of demands from his party's Freedom Caucus members.
"If you want to file the motion, file the fuckING motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week - givING him a list of demands while threatenING to brING a motion to vacate McCarthy's chair.
Gaetz and other Republicans have slammed McCarthy for draggING his feet on a Biden impeachment inquiry, which the Speaker finally announced earlier in the week. Gaetz, however, says this isn't enough.
McCarthy also faces another episode of shutdown theater, where Republicans pretend they won't budge unless Democrats cut spendING, or separate Ukraine fundING from the stopgap bill, only to cave at the 11th hour in dramatic fashion.
"I showed frustration in here because I am frustrated," McCarthy told reporters followING the GOP meetING. "Frustrated with some people in the conference."
Gaetz fired back after McCarthy's outburst.
"Instead of emotionally cursING, maybe the Speaker should just keep his word from January on balanced budgets, term limits and sINGle-subject spendING bills," he told The Hill.
That said, other GOP members are gettING a little tired of Gaetz's threats.
"We don't try to air our laundry but again, you know, to that point, if somebody wants to file a motion to vacate, then file the f-ING motion to vacate, and that's it," said Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL). "And stop holdING up everybody's work, stop holdING it, you know, over people's head like it's, you know, like, it's this noose that you're goING to try to get somebody to walk into."
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a close McCarthy ally, also called out Gaetz for holdING up a Pentagon appropriations bill on Thursday over demands that McCarthy present them with top-line figures for all 12 appropriations bills that are on the table.
"If we're goING to be able to do our job we need every sINGle member in our conference to show up and face everyone else and then we can work out our differences and fund the government," she said.
#19550529 at 2023-09-14 17:46:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24010: Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges Edition
#24009 >>19549706
>>19550444 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges
>>19549743 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial startING in October
>>19549747 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:
>>19549748 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?
>>19549770 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll
>>19549775 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery
>>19549780 Correa: Is the refugee movement somethING unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?
>>19549782 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor's Gun Ban Effort
>>19549793 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place
>>19549799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo
>>19549804 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay
>>19549806 Lara Logan's Look Into January 6's True Attendees
>>19549817 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists
>>19549821 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch
>>19549825 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this
>>19549831 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024
>>19549865 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vettING procedure'
>>19549873 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.
>>19549901, >>19549903, >>19549904, >>19549907, >>19549911 Trump's First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.
>>19549919 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearING]:
>>19549921 ExposING the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum ComING to a School Near You in 2024
>>19549952 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 thINGs,3 thINGs..." Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.
>>19549953 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are enterING our country through our open southwest border,
>>19549959 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations
>>19549971 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP
>>19549981 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishINGly rare.
>>19549985 Biden sittING in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair
>>19550043 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"
>>19550060 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports
>>19550071 CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump's Motion For Recusal Is 'Not Outrageous'
>>19550083 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations
>>19550090 Biggs: This notion about beING concerned about terrorists enterING through the southwest border,
>>19550153 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.
>>19550184 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies HarnessING Artificial Intelligence?
>>19550193 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,
>>19550202 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,
>>19550228 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ING motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week
>>19550254 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive
>>19550319 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."
>>19550451 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER
>>19550514 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden FundING
>>19550523 #24009
#19550523 at 2023-09-14 17:45:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24009: Joe Biden for Impeachment 2023 Edition
#24009 >>19549706
>>19550444 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges
>>19549743 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial startING in October
>>19549747 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:
>>19549748 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?
>>19549770 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll
>>19549775 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery
>>19549780 Correa: Is the refugee movement somethING unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?
>>19549782 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor's Gun Ban Effort
>>19549793 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place
>>19549799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo
>>19549804 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay
>>19549806 Lara Logan's Look Into January 6's True Attendees
>>19549817 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists
>>19549821 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch
>>19549825 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this
>>19549831 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024
>>19549865 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vettING procedure'
>>19549873 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.
>>19549901, >>19549903, >>19549904, >>19549907, >>19549911 Trump's First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.
>>19549919 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearING]:
>>19549921 ExposING the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum ComING to a School Near You in 2024
>>19549952 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 thINGs,3 thINGs..." Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.
>>19549953 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are enterING our country through our open southwest border,
>>19549959 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations
>>19549971 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP
>>19549981 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishINGly rare.
>>19549985 Biden sittING in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair
>>19550043 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"
>>19550060 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports
>>19550071 CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump's Motion For Recusal Is 'Not Outrageous'
>>19550083 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations
>>19550090 Biggs: This notion about beING concerned about terrorists enterING through the southwest border,
>>19550153 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.
>>19550184 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies HarnessING Artificial Intelligence?
>>19550193 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,
>>19550202 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,
>>19550228 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ING motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week
>>19550254 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive
>>19550319 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."
>>19550451 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER
>>19550514 Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden FundING
#19550500 at 2023-09-14 17:42:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24009: Joe Biden for Impeachment 2023 Edition
#24009 >>19549706
>>19550444 Hunter Biden indicted by special counsel on felony gun charges
>>19549743 Judge severs Trump's Georgia election interference case, and 16 others, from trial startING in October
>>19549747 NASA says UFOs are NOT aliens:
>>19549748 Spartz: Do you believe the border needs to be secured?
>>19549770 President Trump Takes Biggest Lead in Quinnipiac Poll
>>19549775 @POTUS has appointed Penny Pritzker as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery
>>19549780 Correa: Is the refugee movement somethING unique to the United States, or is this a worldwide phenomena?
>>19549782 Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor's Gun Ban Effort
>>19549793 AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place
>>19549799 PF B52 eastbound vicinity Fargo
>>19549804 Illegal immigrant charged with murder released by New York police because of paperwork delay
>>19549806 Lara Logan's Look Into January 6's True Attendees
>>19549817 Ross: There have been no murders or injuries committed by terrorists
>>19549821 Lara Logan First episode just dropped! Please watch
>>19549825 Nowrasteh: The one, sure-fire way to get rid of it [cartel control of border], to exclude the black market from this
>>19549831 Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024
>>19549865 Chairman McClintock: Mr. Nadler assures us that, well don't worry, everybody who comes across is subject to, his words, 'a rigorous vettING procedure'
>>19549873 ARIZONA A monsoon thunderstorm with 60-80 mph winds hit North Mesa last night.
>>19549901, >>19549903, >>19549904, >>19549907, >>19549911 Trump's First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.
>>19549919 Chairman McClintock [Terrorist Entry Through Southwest Border hearING]:
>>19549921 ExposING the New Ethnic Studies Curriculum ComING to a School Near You in 2024
>>19549952 @Kash "Don't have to do 100 thINGs,3 thINGs..." Subpoena Wray, Garland and Hunter.
>>19549953 Chairman McClintock: Clearly, very bad actors are enterING our country through our open southwest border,
>>19549959 Arguments end in appeal case over COVID-19 quarantine regulations
>>19549971 UK 15 Minute City Down CAP
>>19549981 Nadler: Attacks by foreign-born terrorists on US soil since 9/11 are vanishINGly rare.
>>19549985 Biden sittING in the Comfy Green Pepe Chair
>>19550043 Gateway Pundit posts anti-rights screed on "owe woe is us, we should never have decriminalized cannabis"
>>19550060 Saudi Arabia executes two military personnel for treason, state media reports
>>19550071 CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Says Trump's Motion For Recusal Is 'Not Outrageous'
>>19550083 Claudia Tenney Confronts Secretary Granholm with her False Statements and Ethics Violations
>>19550090 Biggs: This notion about beING concerned about terrorists enterING through the southwest border,
>>19550153 Jayapal: I'm happy to see that the Biden administration is on pace to welcome the highest number of refugees since 2016.
>>19550184 1:00 PM EDT How Are Federal Agencies HarnessING Artificial Intelligence?
>>19550193 Tiffany: Parole is a very specific concept in the law here in the United States of American,
>>19550202 1:05 PM EDT Vice President Harris Kicks off her National "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour,
>>19550228 "If you want to file the motion, file the F****ING motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week
>>19550254 Nowrasteh [Cato Institute]: The US immigration system is extremely restrictive
>>19550319 Nancy Pelosi, "I'm more reptilian and cold-blooded."
>>19550451 Happy 76th birthday to Sam Neill. #REDOCTOBER
#19549901 at 2023-09-14 16:00:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24009: Joe Biden for Impeachment 2023 Edition
Trump's First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary.
The perpetual crisis at the U.S. southern border behooves a reminder of President Donald J. Trump's policy achievements - and an exhaustive list of actions taken over just four years - which led to one of the most secure periods of time in the region for decades. In 2015, Trump declared "the U.S. has become a dumpING ground for everybody else's problems." Surely enough, those problems have come home to roost in variety of ways, be it related to infrastructure, crime, jobs, or otherwise. Now, Trump's opponents includING candidates such as Ron DeSantis and the pro open border Koch network are attemptING to undermine the former President on the issue, amongst others.
'The Most Secure Border in History'.
Team Trump points to what they call the "most secure border in the history of the United States," citING the government-wide end of the "catch and release" policy, which didn't just remove illegals from the country, but also "sent a strong deterrence message that illegal aliens should not take the journey north because they will not be allowed into American communities." Trump also presided over a "record level of deportations," with his team blastING the idea that Obama was the "deporter-in-chief" simply for addING the number of migrants apprehended at the border itself to the number of "deportations" - an obvious fudgING of the numbers. In Trump's first week in office, the record states, "President Trump issued EO 1376... declarING all illegal aliens a priority for removal, reversING the dangerous policy of the previous administration that exempted most illegal aliens from deportation." This led to removals increasING each of the first three years, with 226,119 illegals deported in fiscal year 2017, to 256,085 in fiscal year 2018, to 267,258 in fiscal year 2019. This was slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, durING which 185,884 in fiscal year 2020. This is in addition to the removal of 526,884 criminal aliens over Trump's first term in office. Trump's team also cite the termination of the Flores Settlement Agreement which aided migrants usING children to skirt U.S. immigration laws and thusly findING themselves eligible to remain in the United States. The same can be said of Title 42, described as "effectively seal[ING] the border," and "den[yING] illegal aliens the opportunity to exploit the asylum system." Title 42 was also used to stop human traffickING of illegal alien minors, with apprehensions of such cases fallING to record lows of just 741 by April 2020. Since the end of Trump's first term, these numbers have again skyrocketed, with 370,000 unaccompanied alien children beING smuggled into the U.S. under Joe Biden. The list, as previously stated, is exhaustive, and also includes moves against flight-risk asylum seekers; the imposition of DNA testING to combat fraudulent families and human traffickING; the infamous Remain in Mexico policy; and a "critical victory" in the U.S. Supreme Court. Of the more than 71,000 illegal aliens returned to Mexico under MPP, less than 1% (641 aliens) were granted asylum by the end of President Trump's first term. Trump also presided over a border surge of U.S. troops under Trump, by the name of Operation Secure Line, which resulted in an extra 5,000 troops assistING U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), as well as the physical installation of razor and concertina wire. Dishonest critics allege Trump's border wall was not good enough for the course of one term. But with 463 miles of border wall system built despite ruthless opposition by the political left, the courts, and the government itself, it is unreasonable to suggest anyone else would have come anywhere close. Unlawful border crossINGs plummeted 87 percent where the wall was built. Then, along came the fix of 2020, which led to the Biden regime cancelING the next tranche of work. StreamlinING deportation processes, as well as pushING more judges to the border, to hear more cases faster are another example of where Team Trump says the last administration took a wide array of unprecedented steps to restore border normality and security to America. The moves touted also include anti-terrorism or criminality measures such as EO 13769, falsely labelled as a "Muslim ban," by the hysterical media, as well as the notorious "extreme vettING" order. Campaign briefINGs also point to the "lowest refugee settlement" every year of the Trump admin, based off EO 13769, as well as visa sanctions, social media extreme vettING, family extreme vettING, and a crack down on visa entry into the United Sates of Chinese students or academics, many of whom are used by the Chinese Communist Party as infiltrators or for espionage. A Full List of Trump-Era Border Security and Immigration EOs/Memoranda follows:
#19546154 at 2023-09-14 00:10:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24005: 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE' Edition
International Q Research Threads
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>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT NEW
#24004 >>19545420
>>19546004, >>19546004, >>19546016 Rep. Cline: "OverwhelmING Evidence" On Joe Biden Calls For Impeachment Inquiry To Move To Next Level
>>19545444 @GenFlynn Hey @GOP and Main Stream Media, this is not a conspiracy theory... this is called treason.
>>19545460 notable anon opine/appreciation
>>19545573, >>19545653, >>19545666 Cornered Joe Biden changes the subject from questionING over corruption, as other Dems are pleadING the 5th
>>19545656, >>19545719 Biden puts John Podesta in charge of the $370 billion slush fund here that flows straight to the Zients family & their cronies
>>19545466 >They want you focused on the fake aliens so you wont notice the illegal aliens
>>19545472 SHOCKER: KNOWiNK Systems Allow Election Staff to Override Election Results
>>19545529 An unusual "fresh-air break" by the jury that convicted Peter NAVARRO is threatenING to upend the case.
>>19545583 Axiom Space Announces Astronauts for Third Mission to ISS
>>19545623 'Woke' James Bond novel has conservative 'anti-trans' villain
>>19545629 from @CDCgov's OWN data: 1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent 0-1 Covid deaths and CAUSE 100,000 - 200,000 severe side effects.
>>19545638 China BrINGs Taliban Out Of Total Isolation In SendING New Ambassador
>>19545641 As COVID recrudesces, major meta-study questionING lockdowns is censored
>>19545657 Vladimir Putin meets North Korea's Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport for 5-hour summit
>>19545662 72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder - UN: "The World Cannot Afford for this Senseless War to Continue"
>>19545668 Misinformation Czar Under Fire for Reportedly LyING on Her Resum?
>>19545676 NY Governor Hochul: "don't rely on the fact that you had a vaccine in the past, it will not help you this time around."
>>19545678 GOP Rep. Tom Emmer Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Reserve from CreatING Central Bank Digital Currency
>>19545681 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and InfrINGe on Informed Consent Rights
>>19545688 Zelenskyy is suING American defense contractors for failING to supply weapons to Ukraine. Will he sue Elon Musk next? Joe Biden?
>>19545695 Karine Jean-Pierre and Longtime Lesbian Lover Suzanne Malveaux Have Separated, what does this mean for our democracy?
>>19545710 @tracybeanz THREAD: @elonmusk and X Corp have filed a lawsuit against California.
>>19545716 Andrew Makridis - the rINGleader of the CIA's scheme bribING COVID investigators to disavow the lab leak theory - is now a Senior Advisor at Beacon Global Strategies.
>>19545717 Alex DeGrasse Explains How Dems Inch Toward A House Majority With Their Wins In Court
>>19545731, >>19545743, >>19545746 Newly Emerged 9/11 Video Shows Previously Unseen Angle of Second Plane HittING South Tower
>>19545749, >>19545781 RE: Election Fraud
>>19545834 Ukraine used British missiles to attack Russian port - Sky News
>>19545835 @JackPosobiec Everyone knows cold medicines work. The FDA is doING this to get rid of Over the Counter drugs and move everythING to a prescription model
>>19545839 NothING Adds Up in Fulton County: Part 4
>>19545864, >>19545873 Former CEO of Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to $150M Investment Fraud Conspiracy
>>19545856 What is the solution to a state beING captured if law enforcement won't arrest and prosecute them?
>>19545855 Time to stop Joe Biden's power play to protect himself and his family - New York Post
>>19545890 Are U.S. elections are controlled from Malta?
>>19545960, >>19546053 Why did Derna's dams break whenStorm Danielhit Libya?
>>19546111 #24004
#24003 >>19544589
>>19545222 Biden sits and blankly stares at the press as he refuses to answer questions about impeachment and his involvement in his son's corruption
>>19544703, >>19544715 @realDonaldTrump Just out: INFLATION UP, INCOME DOWN!
>>19544892 Reminder: There is a Daily ASSAULT on the citizens of our, "Republic."
>>19544946 Mass releases of THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS underway in Tucson, AZ sector due to CBP facilities beING over capacity
>>19544953 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE'
>>19544958 Let's see if 41 senators can block a blank check for Biden's releases & demand this fundING restriction..
>>19544994 Matt Gaetz: Motions To Vacate the Speaker Could Come Next Week if McCarthy Fails to Comply
>>19545199 Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa Sep 20th
>>19545209 Ronny Jackson: "President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!"
>>19545235 RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump
>>19545251 Representatives Scott Perry and Dan Bishop both confront the pretendING media with facts that destroy the argument in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden.
>>19545257 Dominion touchscreen Ballot MarkING Devices (BMD) has vulnerabilities so damnING it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from the public for the past two years.
>>19545325 Hunter Biden just sued a former Trump official for illegally accessING his computer, when the data in question is actually from his iPhone…
>>19545383 Another SILENCED and censored by Police for readING from a filthy book 'Approved' by School District, if front of the School Board
>>19544624, >>19545076 Q WEB 3.17.20 flyer-01.jpg
>>19544718 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview
>>19544861 The first change of responsibility ceremony for the 11th Cyber (Electromagnetic Activity) Battalion
>>19544865 "It's a sponsor racket. That's why they aren't answerING the phone. That's why you can't find who they are."
>>19544930, >>19544934 Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements
>>19545116 Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation
>>19545230 Federal judge rules against Gov. Lujan Grisham's order bannING guns in public
>>19545350 Want to Help Clean Up Elections? Join This *No Cost* Nationwide Seminar for *Grassroots* Election Integrity Groups
>>19545409 #24003
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
>>19544477 Part 4: NothING Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k MissING Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More
>>19544501 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployING to Eastern Europe
>>19544516 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan
>>19544528 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike..."
>>19544531 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected usING spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.
>>19544538 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.
>>19544573 #24002-B
#24002-A >>19543771
>>19543782 Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearINGs????
>>19543797 LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C
>>19543813 Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He's crap too and we WILL be exposING him and his hypocrisy soon.
>>19543826 ELON: They're desperate for ratINGs. Best to ignore them. re Madcow
>>19543834 Hunter Biden is suING Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishING emails, embarrassING images
>>19543843, >>19543855 Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brINGs reciepts.
>>19543868 Children are Not for Sale: ExaminING the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad
>>19543870 A Dangerous Strategy: ExaminING the Biden Administration's Failures on Iran
>>19543816, >>19543902, >>19544192, >>19544410 Romney not runnING for re-election
>>19544158 DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]
>>19543882 State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee
>>19543890 HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights
>>19543888, >>19543892, >>19543949 UnmaskING the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign
>>19543965 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump
>>19543973 No, Q and "Trust The Plan" is NothING Like OPERATION TRUST, It's not a Pacification PSYOP and Here's Why.
>>19544053 Ilya Kramnik: SupplyING depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine
>>19544069, >>19544390 Dr David Martin accusING WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE
>>19544466 #24002-A
Previously Collected
>>19542967 #24000, >>19543755 #24001
>>19540102 #23997, >>19540944 #23998, >>19542024 #23999
>>19537660 #23994, >>19538568 #23985, >>19539319 #23996
>>19535017 323991, >>19536019 #23992, >>19536845 #23993
>>19532842 #23988, >>19533378 #23989, >>19534220 #23990
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19545741 at 2023-09-13 22:58:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24004: Sleepy Joe Pleads the 5th Edition
Was she "bliss-ING"?
#19545491 at 2023-09-13 22:18:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24004: Sleepy Joe Pleads the 5th Edition
Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found
in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy
Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
Breitbart Politics, by Emma-Jo Morris
Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2023 3:59:04 PM
The Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation and prosecution of CEFC China Energy Co. boss and Biden family associate Patrick Ho displayed "irregularities," includING concealING known connections between the Chinese Communist Party-linked entity and the Bidens, and communication between Hunter Biden and the FBI agents involved in Ho's case, accordING to a memo by the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project. Ho, infamously referred to as "the f** spy chief of China" by Hunter Biden, was arrested in November, 2017, and convicted in December, 2018, in the Southern District of New York and sentenced to 3 years in prison for violatING the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money launderING. Ho's first phone call
#19545416 at 2023-09-13 22:02:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24004: Sleepy Joe Pleads the 5th Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19188850 ------ Australia #31
>>19181822 ------ Canada #45
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19236542 ------ Japan #16
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto
>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X new
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT NEW
#24003 >>19544589
>>19545222 Biden sits and blankly stares at the press as he refuses to answer questions about impeachment and his involvement in his son's corruption
>>19544703, >>19544715 @realDonaldTrump Just out: INFLATION UP, INCOME DOWN!
>>19544892 Reminder: There is a Daily ASSAULT on the citizens of our, "Republic."
>>19544946 Mass releases of THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL DEMOCRAT VOTERS underway in Tucson, AZ sector due to CBP facilities beING over capacity
>>19544953 'tHerE iS nO eViDeNcE'
>>19544958 Let's see if 41 senators can block a blank check for Biden's releases & demand this fundING restriction..
>>19544994 Matt Gaetz: Motions To Vacate the Speaker Could Come Next Week if McCarthy Fails to Comply
>>19545199 Trump to Deliver Remarks in Dubuque, Iowa Sep 20th
>>19545209 Ronny Jackson: "President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!"
>>19545235 RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump
>>19545251 Representatives Scott Perry and Dan Bishop both confront the pretendING media with facts that destroy the argument in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden.
>>19545257 Dominion touchscreen Ballot MarkING Devices (BMD) has vulnerabilities so damnING it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from the public for the past two years.
>>19545325 Hunter Biden just sued a former Trump official for illegally accessING his computer, when the data in question is actually from his iPhone…
>>19545383 Another SILENCED and censored by Police for readING from a filthy book 'Approved' by School District, if front of the School Board
>>19544624, >>19545076 Q WEB 3.17.20 flyer-01.jpg
>>19544718 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview
>>19544861 The first change of responsibility ceremony for the 11th Cyber (Electromagnetic Activity) Battalion
>>19544865 "It's a sponsor racket. That's why they aren't answerING the phone. That's why you can't find who they are."
>>19544930, >>19544934 Trump-appointed circuit judge strikes down 'unconstitutional' California law that restricts firearm advertisements
>>19545116 Kemp suspends Georgia gas tax, declares state of emergency over inflation
>>19545230 Federal judge rules against Gov. Lujan Grisham's order bannING guns in public
>>19545350 Want to Help Clean Up Elections? Join This *No Cost* Nationwide Seminar for *Grassroots* Election Integrity Groups
>>19545409 #24003
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
>>19544477 Part 4: NothING Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k MissING Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More
>>19544501 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployING to Eastern Europe
>>19544516 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan
>>19544528 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike..."
>>19544531 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected usING spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.
>>19544538 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.
>>19544573 #24002-B
#24002-A >>19543771
>>19543782 Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearINGs????
>>19543797 LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C
>>19543813 Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He's crap too and we WILL be exposING him and his hypocrisy soon.
>>19543826 ELON: They're desperate for ratINGs. Best to ignore them. re Madcow
>>19543834 Hunter Biden is suING Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishING emails, embarrassING images
>>19543843, >>19543855 Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brINGs reciepts.
>>19543868 Children are Not for Sale: ExaminING the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad
>>19543870 A Dangerous Strategy: ExaminING the Biden Administration's Failures on Iran
>>19543816, >>19543902, >>19544192, >>19544410 Romney not runnING for re-election
>>19544158 DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]
>>19543882 State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee
>>19543890 HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights
>>19543888, >>19543892, >>19543949 UnmaskING the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign
>>19543965 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump
>>19543973 No, Q and "Trust The Plan" is NothING Like OPERATION TRUST, It's not a Pacification PSYOP and Here's Why.
>>19544053 Ilya Kramnik: SupplyING depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine
>>19544069, >>19544390 Dr David Martin accusING WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE
>>19544466 #24002-A
#24001 >>19542980
>>19542997 OP: Impeach Joe Biden
>>19543011 Speaker Impeach Inquiry Presser MP4
>>19543645, >>19543688, >>19543695 Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session
>>19543023 3-YEAR DELTA Q 4686
>>19543035 Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer
>>19543042 New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban
>>19543004 Ukraine/CIA Back Nazis? MP4
>>19543093 Another Point, Kari Lake Would Have 'Won Easily' If Google Hadn't Interfered
>>19543139, >>19543284, >>19543501 MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?
>>19543153 Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky before Morocco's devastatING earthquake hit
>>19543181 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
>>19543396, >>19543432 @RepChipRoy Theory on Lies - Four kinds
>>19543161, >>19543199, >>19543393 Memes of The Thread
>>19543481 1:00 PM EST Press BriefING by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
>>19543482, >>19543500 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview
>>19543485 Berkeley Poll: California Voters Oppose "Unfair" Reparations Cash Payments For Slavery
>>19543547 Chairman Green [HearING on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least (17) hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil MP4
>>19543552 Rockefeller Medicine MP4
>>19543563 1:15 PM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken
>>19543587 Husband of U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola died in a sINGle-engine Piper PA-18 crash in Alaska
>>19543451, >>19543514, >>19543483 Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun
>>19543658 Q and "Trust The Plan" is NothING Like OPERATION TRUST, It's not a Pacification PSYOP and Here's Why.
>>19543744 Just to be clear, @RenzTom - CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP
>>19543755 #24001
Previously Collected
>>19542967 #24000
>>19540102 #23997, >>19540944 #23998, >>19542024 #23999
>>19537660 #23994, >>19538568 #23985, >>19539319 #23996
>>19535017 323991, >>19536019 #23992, >>19536845 #23993
>>19532842 #23988, >>19533378 #23989, >>19534220 #23990
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19544579 at 2023-09-13 19:41:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24003: ROMNEY Isn't Running! Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19188850 ------ Australia #31
>>19181822 ------ Canada #45
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19236542 ------ Japan #16
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto
>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X new
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed
Please sign out clearly when ebakING or ghostING, use RED TEXT NEW
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
>>19544477 Part 4: NothING Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k MissING Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More
>>19544501 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployING to Eastern Europe
>>19544516 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan
>>19544528 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike..."
>>19544531 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected usING spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.
>>19544538 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.
>>19544573 #24002-B
#24002-A >>19543771
>>19543782 Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearINGs????
>>19543797 LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C
>>19543813 Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He's crap too and we WILL be exposING him and his hypocrisy soon.
>>19543826 ELON: They're desperate for ratINGs. Best to ignore them. re Madcow
>>19543834 Hunter Biden is suING Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishING emails, embarrassING images
>>19543843, >>19543855 Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brINGs reciepts.
>>19543868 Children are Not for Sale: ExaminING the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad
>>19543870 A Dangerous Strategy: ExaminING the Biden Administration's Failures on Iran
>>19543816, >>19543902, >>19544192, >>19544410 Romney not runnING for re-election
>>19544158 DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]
>>19543882 State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee
>>19543890 HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights
>>19543888, >>19543892, >>19543949 UnmaskING the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign
>>19543965 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump
>>19543973 No, Q and "Trust The Plan" is NothING Like OPERATION TRUST, It's not a Pacification PSYOP and Here's Why.
>>19544053 Ilya Kramnik: SupplyING depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine
>>19544069, >>19544390 Dr David Martin accusING WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE
>>19544466 #24002-A
#24001 >>19542980
>>19542997 OP: Impeach Joe Biden
>>19543011 Speaker Impeach Inquiry Presser MP4
>>19543645, >>19543688, >>19543695 Gates, Musk & Zuck are in a closed door session
>>19543023 3-YEAR DELTA Q 4686
>>19543035 Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer
>>19543042 New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban
>>19543004 Ukraine/CIA Back Nazis? MP4
>>19543093 Another Point, Kari Lake Would Have 'Won Easily' If Google Hadn't Interfered
>>19543139, >>19543284, >>19543501 MP4 'Non-humans' found in Peru said to be 1,000 years old?
>>19543153 Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky before Morocco's devastatING earthquake hit
>>19543181 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
>>19543396, >>19543432 @RepChipRoy Theory on Lies - Four kinds
>>19543161, >>19543199, >>19543393 Memes of The Thread
>>19543481 1:00 PM EST Press BriefING by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
>>19543482, >>19543500 Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview
>>19543485 Berkeley Poll: California Voters Oppose "Unfair" Reparations Cash Payments For Slavery
>>19543547 Chairman Green [HearING on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least (17) hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil MP4
>>19543552 Rockefeller Medicine MP4
>>19543563 1:15 PM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken
>>19543587 Husband of U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola died in a sINGle-engine Piper PA-18 crash in Alaska
>>19543451, >>19543514, >>19543483 Anon's Medical Industry Dig Bun
>>19543658 Q and "Trust The Plan" is NothING Like OPERATION TRUST, It's not a Pacification PSYOP and Here's Why.
>>19543744 Just to be clear, @RenzTom - CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP
>>19543755 #24001
#24000 >>19542045
>>19542120, >>19542152 PF reportING
>>19542177 Massachusetts National Guard set to deploy Wednesday to help unstaffed shelters. National Guard call-up could last six months
>>19542181 SURPRISE! Cali Democrat Mayor Filmed GettING Spanked by a Drag Queen is a Self-Described MARXIST
>>19542247 Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Estimates Double to $100-$135 Billion; Smith and Crapo Call for Action.
>>19542288 ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - The City of Odessa voted to not enforce any mandates imposed nationally or by the State of Texas.
>>19542296, >>19542437 Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demandING them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president
>>19542305, >>19542330 New Energy Bill: Risk Jail Time For Not ComplyING With Net Zero Regulations & More News
>>19542387 The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2023
>>19542421, >>19542491, >>19542499, >>19542507, >>19542562, >>19542568, >>19542576 congressional hearINGs n habbenINGs for 09/13/2023
>>19542451 US frets over 'deepfake' threats to national security
>>19542462 Caught: Manhunt ends as escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante captured in Chester County
>>19542757 Chairman Green [HearING on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: At least seventeen hundred migrants have been found dead on US soil
>>19542770 Blacks v. Indian/Asian shopkeepers kickING off in London now MP4
>>19542795 Pfizer's covid injections target bone marrow and interfere with the body's ability to manufacture blood cells
>>19542811 Thompson [HearING on Biden/Mayorkas Border Crisis]: Republicans are tryING to advance their illegitimate impeachment agenda
>>19542820 PedoJoe jumpING from where he's walkING by, to pet a child in the crowd
>>19542801 A California bill could help make EVs a blackout solution
>>19542920 Cantu [wife of Border Patrol Agent]: Let's not forget to mention the stress of forced vaccinations by this administration
>>19542961 Gelernt [ACLU]: As we came to learn, the goal of the family separation policy was to subject families to such cruelty, that they would give up their asylum claims
>>19542967 #2400
Previously Collected
>>19540102 #23997, >>19540944 #23998, >>19542024 #23999
>>19537660 #23994, >>19538568 #23985, >>19539319 #23996
>>19535017 323991, >>19536019 #23992, >>19536845 #23993
>>19532842 #23988, >>19533378 #23989, >>19534220 #23990
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Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19544573 at 2023-09-13 19:40:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
>>19544477 Part 4: NothING Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k MissING Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More
>>19544501 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployING to Eastern Europe
>>19544516 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan
>>19544528 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike..."
>>19544531 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected usING spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.
>>19544538 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.
#19544566 at 2023-09-13 19:39:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
>>19544477 Part 4: NothING Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k MissING Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More
>>19544501 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployING to Eastern Europe
>>19544516 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan
>>19544528 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike..."
>>19544531 The phone of Russian independent media figure Galina Timchenko had reportedly been infected usING spyware built by the Israeli company NSO Group.
>>19544538 This is Dr David Martin's Speech, please share.
#19544542 at 2023-09-13 19:37:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
>>19544477 Part 4: NothING Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k MissING Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More
>>19544501 4,500 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployING to Eastern Europe
>>19544516 Mass Protest Against the US-backed Regime Change in Pakistan
>>19544528 The reason we paid $6bil to Iran? "This is the deal that we were able to strike..."
#19544494 at 2023-09-13 19:29:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
>>19544477 Part 4: NothING Adds Up in Fulton County... 17k MissING Ballot Images, 10 "Phantom" Tabulators That Account for 20k Votes, and More
#19544448 at 2023-09-13 19:23:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition
#24002 >>19543771
>>19543782 Fetterman with bizarre tweet: more dick pics in house hearINGs????
>>19543797 LIVE | UNC students, staff told to say inside due to armed and dangerous person on or near campus CHAPEL HILL, N.C
>>19543813 Housley: A state Senator held the bill up that would have protected victims. He's crap too and we WILL be exposING him and his hypocrisy soon.
>>19543826 ELON: They're desperate for ratINGs. Best to ignore them. re Madcow
>>19543834 Hunter Biden is suING Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to former President Donald Trump, over his part in publishING emails, embarrassING images
>>19543843, >>19543855 Bioweapons Expert Dr David Martin Accuses WHO of Conspiracy To commit Mass Murder at EU Parliament and brINGs reciepts.
>>19543868 Children are Not for Sale: ExaminING the Threat of Exploitation of Children in the U.S. and Abroad
>>19543870 A Dangerous Strategy: ExaminING the Biden Administration's Failures on Iran
>>19543816, >>19543902, >>19544192, >>19544410 Romney not runnING for re-election
>>19544158 DJT: FANTASTIC NEWS [re Romney Resignation]
>>19543882 State of the Video Marketplace - House Energy and Commerce Committee
>>19543890 HiTOPS admints their goal is to strip parents of Opt-Out Rights
>>19543888, >>19543892, >>19543949 UnmaskING the World Health Organization: A Criminal Cabal's Reign
>>19543965 10 steps to a better education in America - which leads to great jobs-Donald Trump
>>19543973 No, Q and "Trust The Plan" is NothING Like OPERATION TRUST, It's not a Pacification PSYOP and Here's Why.
>>19544053 Ilya Kramnik: SupplyING depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine
>>19544069, >>19544390 Dr David Martin accusING WHO of conspiracy to commit MURDER - transcript HERE
>>19544083, >>19544151 GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Absurd" Impeachment Remarks – Says There's No Evidence LinkING Joe Biden to a "High Crime or Misdemeanor"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544111 White House Sends Letter to Media Outlets on Biden Impeachment Inquiry: "It's Time for the Media to Ramp Up Its Scrutiny of House Republicans"
>>19544136 'They Will Say It's Nuclear Blackmail!' - Putin Accuses UK of TrainING Sabotage Groups to Target Nuclear Power Plants - Warns of SERIOUS Consequences
>>19544160 Good discussion on China and its military preparedness and ours
>>19544167 Kim Jong Un Toasts Putin, WishING 'Great Victory' Over Enemies
>>19544170 MTG on AOC rantING about others re "Tax the Rich"
>>19544184 US Congresswoman's Husband Killed in Plane Accident, Spokesman Confirms
>>19544193 The fascists @Youtube & @Google took down 7 of my vids today for "inappropriate content" re CCP influence, UN, Biden global gov't
>>19544209 US Attorney Appeared To Block Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor From ChargING Him In Tax Case, IRS Whistleblower Notes Show
>>19544237 Not one dime in federal dollars should go to any school associated with the American Federation of Teachers.
>>19544251 Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
>>19544293, >>19544218 Reminder: Romney is also PIERRE DELECTO
>>19544313 Up To $135 Billion In COVID-Era Unemployment Benefits Stolen By Fraudsters, Watchdog Finds
>>19544341 Putin accused Yandex founder Arkady Volozh of INGratitude toward Russia
>>19544350 Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation
>>19544374 PF
>>19544399 The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is ClimaxING. Can We Defeat It?
>>19544430 Pornhub exec caught on camera admittING rapists and traffickers use Pornhub 'loophole' to 'make a lot of money'
#19544286 at 2023-09-13 18:59:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition
??f?ng, ?f??ng
The part of the sea visible from shore that is very distant or beyond anchorING ground.
That part of the open visible sea that is remote from the shore, beyond the anchorING-ground, or beyond the mid-line between the shore and the horizon.
That part of the sea at a good distance from the shore, or where there is deep water and no need of a pilot; also, distance from the shore.
off??ING ??-fi? ??-
Synonyms of offING
: the part of the deep sea seen from the shore
: the near or foreseeable future
in the offING
#19544251 at 2023-09-13 18:54:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #24002: Standby for President Kabala Edition
Watchdog Memo: 'Irregularities' Found in DOJ Investigation of 'F-ING Spy Chief of China,' Biden Associate Patrick Ho
The Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation and prosecution of CEFC China Energy Co. boss and Biden family associate Patrick Ho displayed "irregularities," includING concealING known connections between the Chinese Communist Party-linked entity and the Bidens, and communication between Hunter Biden and the FBI agents involved in Ho's case, accordING to a memo by the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project.
Ho, infamously referred to as "the fuckING spy chief of China" by Hunter Biden, was arrested in November, 2017, and convicted in December, 2018, in the Southern District of New York and sentenced to 3 years in prison for violatING the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money launderING. Ho's first phone call upon his arrest was to Hunter Biden, who was allegedly providING legal services to him at the time.
Now, a memo by the Heritage Foundation obtained exclusively by Breitbart News alleges that since Ho's conviction, "significant evidence has emerged identifyING concernING irregularities with the DOJ investigation and prosecution," includING that "DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information from the public," as well as "contacts between Hunter Biden and FBI agents related to Ho's arrest," and "a leak of investigatory information in the Ho case."
The memo cites the fact that Ho was under FISA surveillance durING a period where he was in "regular communication" with CEFC and the Biden family, which would indicate the FBI and DOJ had knowledge of their business arrangements in at least 2017, and probably in 2016.
The memo also cites evidence that the DOJ redacted mentions of the Biden family - specifically, Hunter Biden - in the evidence presented at Ho's 2018 trial. For instance, Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Richenthal requested redactions of an email presented in the case for the purpose of avoidING a "political dimension"- which was eventually revealed on Hunter Biden's "laptop from Hell."
#19534769 at 2023-09-12 08:43:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23991: Comfiest Comfy Editon
/r/ING the Trump/Biden video, fierce eagle vs slow vulture/dodo. can't seem to find
#19533210 at 2023-09-12 00:45:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23989: In Memory Edition Edition
23 uses for Boron/Boric Acid/Borax and countING
1. Yeast Infections, vaginitis and other bactericides and fungicides of skin and organs.
2. Eye Drops
Boric acid has been a common anti-bacterial in eye drops for over 70 years.
3. Ear Drops
Boric Acid is an effective antibiotic for the treatment of ear infections and pain relief.
4. Cancer Treatment.
Articles published in prominent Medical journals report the potential of boric acid in the treatment of certain cancers. Melanoma, Breast and Prostate Cancer studies have shown that boric acid can cause cancer cell apoptosis and prevent tumor growth.
Apoptosis is a process by which abnormal cells are killed by the body and cancer cells are typically immune to apoptosis as the body doesn't recognize them as abnormal. But recent studies are showING that boric acid opens certain cancers to apoptosis, which means, they become known to the body as abnormal cells and the body then kills them naturally.
5. Anti-fungal meds.
It kills candida fungus and is used on fINGernail and toenail fungus. It also kills more drug-resistant forms of candida glabrada.
6. Flea control in carpets.
Just sprinkle a light dustING of boric acid on your carpet and it will kill fleas and any eggs that hatch. It will not kill adults however.
7. As a mold and fungus killer.
Mix a little boric acid and soap in water and use it as a cleaner. It will kill mold, mildew and fungus which cause illness and allergies.
8. Antiseptic
Boric acid mixed in distilled water is a very effective antiseptic.
9. Cold Sores
Boric acid ointment can shorten a cold sore infection by up to 1/3 of the time.
10. Acne
Boric Acids antibacterial properties make it a very effective for acne breakouts. Some people use it pure and some use it in an ointment.
11. Fertilizer; It's a Crucial nutrient for plant life
12. Boron comes OTC as a dietary supplement
(THAT'S RIGHT, YOU EAT IT) for boron deficiency and bone health includING osteoporosis (brittle bone disease).
Ref: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ING…
13. Oral supplement for Menstrual cramps
14. Athletic Performance
15. Laundry Brightener
16. ForgING Metal, Metal WeldING, solderING and brazING
17. Flame retardant
18. Neutron Absorber
19. Catalyst in lead acid battery function
20. Treatment of chronic wounds
21. Used in the finishING of cotton fibers
22. A crucial element in cobalt electroplatING
23. Jewelry metal workING
And there are many, many more…
#19532121 at 2023-09-11 21:27:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23988: 9/11 Special - We Will NEVER Surrender Our Country! Edition
Now do the follow up story where the parents have been notified instead of just tiktok-ING about it. Or is the point of the post just to rile people up?
Seriously, have any of these "educators" ever actually been confronted by the parents of the kids they teach?
#19527501 at 2023-09-11 02:29:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23982: Nightshift Engage Edition
Mike Lee Calls for 'New Leadership' as Mitch McConnell Plans to Ram Ukraine Aid Down 'House's Throat'
Sean Moran9 Sep 2023
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) on Friday night called for new Senate Republican leadership, citING a story that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) plans to ram Ukraine aid down the "House's throat."
CitING a Wall Street Journal opinion piece by Kimberly Strassel that discussed howMcConnell will help Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) force the House to agree to $24 billion in aid to Ukraine.
"Mitch Mc?Connell has been mak?ING daily floor speeches on the need for more Ukraine fund?ING, wor?ried Mr. Mc?Carthy can't get this cru?cial aid past House GOP spend?ING hard-lin?ers. So Mr. Mc?Connell is ... sign?ING up to help Mr. Schumer ram the whole pack?age down the House's throat," Strassel wrote.
Lee contended thatRepublicans have become increasINGly frustrated with Senate Republican leadership passING legislationthat divides Republicans yet has strong support from Democrats.
He wrote,"With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?We need new leadership. Republicans nationwide have grown tired of Senate Republican leadership supportING bills that unite Democrats (because they're full of Democratic priorities) while sharply dividING Republicans."
#19520000 at 2023-09-09 22:26:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23973: Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Biden Admin and FBI Edition
Because I've been banned for
Muhjoo ING
#19516184 at 2023-09-09 04:09:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23968: Electoral Landslide.. AGAINST CHEATERS Edition
UnhINGed Climate Protestors Smash Pies in Face of Ryanair CEO
Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair, a low cost Irish airline, was attacked by two unhINGed climate protesters who pegged him with pies to the face and head while he was in Brussels.
One of the screechING pie launchers yelled "Welcome to Belgium. Stop the pollution of the f-ING planes," at O'Leary accordING to Sky News.
#19515171 at 2023-09-09 01:34:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23967: President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota Edition
Sorry for the long message but this is about the future of the Republican Party and our nation.
Re?pub?li?can vot?ers face an im?por?tant choice next year. It will de?ter?mine both the fate of our party and the course of our na?tion. Will we be the party of con?ser?vatism, or will we fol?low the siren song of pop?ulism un?moored to con?ser?v?a?tive prin?ci?ples?
The di?vide be?tween these two fac?tions is un?bridge?able. Con?ser?v?a?tives like me be?lieve that man's rights come from God and na?ture, not from the state. Like our founders, we know the im?per?fect na?ture of men and women and that grant?ING them un?lim?ited power im?per?ils lib?erty. That is why we have a bril?liant sys?tem of checks and bal?ances, di?vi?sions of au?thor?ity, co?equal branches of gov?ern?ment and sov?ereign state gov?ern?ments. Con?ser?v?a?tives un?der?stand that to ad?vance an agenda on be?half of the Amer?i?can peo?ple, we must work through this sys?tem.
For decades, con?ser?vatism's ide?o?log?i?cal ri?val has been lib?er?al?ism. The rad?i?cal left has now taken the De?mo?c?ra?tic Party into the abyss of pro?gres?sive so?cial?ism un?der the guise of the woke cli?mate agenda.
But to?day an?other strain of this ide?ol?ogy chal?lenges con?ser?vatism from within and for con?trol of the Re?pub?li?can Party.
Pop?ulist move?ments have long been part of Amer?i?ca's pol?i?tics. They have most of?ten been led by De?moc?rats and left?ists, such as William Jen?nINGs Bryan, Huey Long and Bernie Sanders.
But a pop?ulist move?ment is now ris?ING in the Re?pub?li?can Party. This grow?ING fac?tion would sub?sti?tute our faith in lim?ited gov?ern?ment and tra?di?tional val?ues for an agenda stitched to?gether by per?sonal griev?ances and per?for?ma?tive out?rage.
Re?pub?li?can pop?ulists would aban?don Amer?i?can lead?er?ship on the world stage, em?brac?ING a pos?ture of ap?pease?ment in the face of ris?ING threats to free?dom.
Re?pub?li?can pop?ulists would erode our con?sti?tu?tional norms. A lead?ING can?di?date last year called for the "ter?mi?na?tion" of "all rules, reg?u?la?tions, and ar?ti?cles, even those found in the Con?sti?tu?tion," while his im?i?ta?tors have demon?strated will?ING?ness to bran?dish gov?ern?ment power to si?lence crit?ics.
Re?pub?li?can pop?ulists would have us trade in our time-hon?ored prin?ci?ples for pass?ING pub?lic opin?ion.
That isn't a trade I am will?ING to make. I am an un?apolo?getic con?ser?v?a?tive who be?lieves that strong na?tional de?fense, lim?ited gov?ern?ment and tra?di?tional val?ues must guide our na?tion as much to?day as they have guided our party for the past 50 years.
Should the new pop?ulism of the right seize and guide our party, the GOP as we have long known it will cease to ex?ist.
If we are to de?feat Joe Biden and turn Amer?ica around, the GOP must be the party of lim?ited gov?ern?ment, free en?ter?prise, fis?cal re?spon?si?bil?ity and tra?di?tional val?ues.
#19514291 at 2023-09-08 23:02:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23966: Migrants are DESTROYING our Cities and States Edition
Sorry for the long message but this is about the future of the Republican Party and our nation.
Re?pub?li?can vot?ers face an im?por?tant choice next year. It will de?ter?mine both the fate of our party and the course of our na?tion. Will we be the party of con?ser?vatism, or will we fol?low the siren song of pop?ulism un?moored to con?ser?v?a?tive prin?ci?ples?
The di?vide be?tween these two fac?tions is un?bridge?able. Con?ser?v?a?tives like me be?lieve that man's rights come from God and na?ture, not from the state. Like our founders, we know the im?per?fect na?ture of men and women and that grant?ING them un?lim?ited power im?per?ils lib?erty. That is why we have a bril?liant sys?tem of checks and bal?ances, di?vi?sions of au?thor?ity, co?equal branches of gov?ern?ment and sov?ereign state gov?ern?ments. Con?ser?v?a?tives un?der?stand that to ad?vance an agenda on be?half of the Amer?i?can peo?ple, we must work through this sys?tem.
For decades, con?ser?vatism's ide?o?log?i?cal ri?val has been lib?er?al?ism. The rad?i?cal left has now taken the De?mo?c?ra?tic Party into the abyss of pro?gres?sive so?cial?ism un?der the guise of the woke cli?mate agenda.
But to?day an?other strain of this ide?ol?ogy chal?lenges con?ser?vatism from within and for con?trol of the Re?pub?li?can Party.
Pop?ulist move?ments have long been part of Amer?i?ca's pol?i?tics. They have most of?ten been led by De?moc?rats and left?ists, such as William Jen?nINGs Bryan, Huey Long and Bernie Sanders.
But a pop?ulist move?ment is now ris?ING in the Re?pub?li?can Party. This grow?ING fac?tion would sub?sti?tute our faith in lim?ited gov?ern?ment and tra?di?tional val?ues for an agenda stitched to?gether by per?sonal griev?ances and per?for?ma?tive out?rage.
Re?pub?li?can pop?ulists would aban?don Amer?i?can lead?er?ship on the world stage, em?brac?ING a pos?ture of ap?pease?ment in the face of ris?ING threats to free?dom.
Re?pub?li?can pop?ulists would erode our con?sti?tu?tional norms. A lead?ING can?di?date last year called for the "ter?mi?na?tion" of "all rules, reg?u?la?tions, and ar?ti?cles, even those found in the Con?sti?tu?tion," while his im?i?ta?tors have demon?strated will?ING?ness to bran?dish gov?ern?ment power to si?lence crit?ics.
Re?pub?li?can pop?ulists would have us trade in our time-hon?ored prin?ci?ples for pass?ING pub?lic opin?ion.
That isn't a trade I am will?ING to make. I am an un?apolo?getic con?ser?v?a?tive who be?lieves that strong na?tional de?fense, lim?ited gov?ern?ment and tra?di?tional val?ues must guide our na?tion as much to?day as they have guided our party for the past 50 years.
Should the new pop?ulism of the right seize and guide our party, the GOP as we have long known it will cease to ex?ist.
If we are to de?feat Joe Biden and turn Amer?ica around, the GOP must be the party of lim?ited gov?ern?ment, free en?ter?prise, fis?cal re?spon?si?bil?ity and tra?di?tional val?ues.
#19508016 at 2023-09-07 20:26:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23958: Stay In The Light Edition
-The Ontological Argument" by St. Anselm
From the Proslogium
Lord, I acknowledge and I thank you that you have created me in this your
image, in order that I may be mindful of you, may conceive of you, and
love you; but that image has been so consumed and wasted away by vices,
and obscured by the smoke of wrong-doING, that it cannot achieve that
for which it was made, except you renew it, and create it anew. I do not
endeavor, O Lord, to penetrate your sublimity, for in no wise do I compare
my understandING with that; but I long to understand in some degree your
truth, which my heart believes and loves. For I do not seek to understand
that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. For this also I
believe, -that unless I believed, I should not understand. . . .
Truly there is a God, although the fool has said in his heart, There is no
AND so, Lord, do you, who do give understandING to faith, give me, so
far as you knowest it to be pro?table, to understand that you are as we
believe; and that you are that which we believe. And indeed, we believe
that you are a beING than which nothING greater can be conceived. Or is
there no such nature, since the fool has said in his heart, there is no God?
(Psalms xiv. 1). But, at any rate, this very fool, when he hears of this
beING of which I speak-a beING than which nothING greater can be con-
ceived-understands what be hears, and what he understands is in his un-
derstandING; although he does not understand it to exist.
For, it is one thING for an object to be in the understandING, and another to
understand that the object exists. When a painter ?rst conceives of what he
will afterwards perform, he has it in his understandING, but be does not yet
understand it to be, because he has not yet performed it. But after he has
made the paintING, be both has it in his understandING, and he understands
that it exists, because he has made it.
Hence, even the fool is convinced that somethING exists in the understand-
ING, at least, than which nothING greater can be conceived. For, when he
hears of this, he understands it. And whatever is understood, exists in the
understandING. And assuredly that, than which nothING greater can be con-
ceived, cannot exist in the understandING alone. For, suppose it exists in
the understandING alone: then it can be conceived to exist in reality; which
is greater.
Therefore, if that, than which nothING greater can be conceived, exists in
the understandING alone, the very beING, than which nothING greater can
be conceived, is one, than which a greater can be conceived. But obvi-
ously this is impossible. Hence, there is doubt that there exists a beING,
than which nothING greater can be conceived, and it exists both in the un-
derstandING and in reality. . . .
God cannot be conceived not to exist. -God is that, than which nothING
greater can be conceived. -That which can be conceived not to exist is
not God.
AND it assuredly exists so truly, that it cannot be conceived not to exist.
For, it is possible to conceive of a beING which cannot be conceived not
to exist; and this is greater than one which can be conceived not to ex-
ist. Hence, if that, than which nothING greater can be conceived, can be
conceived not to exist, it is not that, than which nothING greater can be
conceived. But this is an irreconcilable contradiction. There is, then, so
truly a beING than which nothING greater can be conceived to exist, that it
cannot even be conceived not to exist;. and this beING you are, O Lord, our
So truly, therefore, do you exist, O Lord, my God, that you can not be
conceived not to exist; and rightly. For, if a mind could conceive of a be-
ING better than you, the creature would rise above the Creator; and this is
most absurd. And, indeed, whatever else there is, except you alone, can
be conceived not to exist. To you alone, therefore, it belongs to exist more
truly than all other beINGs, and hence in a higher degree than all others.
For, whatever else exists does not exist so truly, and hence in a less degree
it belongs to it to exist. Why, then, has the fool said in his heart, there is no
God (Psalms xiv. 1), since it is so evident, to a rational mind, that you do
exist in the highest degree of all? Why, except that he is dull and a fool?
. . .
#19507071 at 2023-09-07 17:38:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23957: His Gay Ass Goi'n To GITMO Edition
Kari Lake WRECKS Katie Hobbs and Other Corrupt Officials Who Colluded With Twitter to Interfere in Midterm Election DurING AZ House HearING on Big Tech Election Interference
Arizona's rightful Governor, Kari Lake, spoke out urgING Arizona legislators to take immediate action against election interference on Tuesday at the Arizona House Committee on Oversight, Accountability, and Big Tech hearING.
The Ad Hoc Committee was formed to investigate treasonous government officials and their involvement with big tech companies to suppress Arizonans and interfere with elections.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, The committee held a hearING aimed at "protect[ING] Arizonans' constitutional rights, includING their rights to free speech guaranteed by the U.S. and Arizona Constitutions."
This comes after it was reported that Katie Hobbs was colludING with Twitter to censor critics and election information in the days followING the stolen 2020 election. The evidence of this comes from the Missouri v. Biden case, where the Legendary Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft is a key plaintiff.
Hobbs used her government email to ask far-left Twitter to shut her critics up over a 2017 tweet, where she called Trump supporters "neo nazis," and other tweets related to elections as she prepared to run for Governor. This helped Katie Hobbs rig the election under the guise of combattING so-called disinformation or speech she didn't like.
Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer was also caught colludING with federal agencies like CISA to censor The Gateway Pundit's reportING on Maricopa County elections and others for criticizING elections.
Dr. Robert Epstein and James Kerwin gave expert testimony durING the hearING about big tech's influence on elections across the country and what government officials can do about it. Google and other tech companies have manipulated elections for years with biased search algorithms, content promotion, and deplatformING of conservative voices. Government officials are also exploitING this power and bias to manipulate elections.
Kari Lake later gave an outstandING speech on the importance of election integrity and our duty to uphold the Constitution.
Lake called the current situation in the United States "a fast-track toward globalism, and frankly, Marxism."
She isn't wrong. Under Joe Biden and his handlers followING the stolen 2020 election, millions have illegally crossed the southern border to be transported across the country and receive free food, clothING, and shelter.
America's economy has crashed, and a majority of Americans are now livING paycheck-to-paycheck.
The Biden Regime and radical left prosecutors are indictING the leadING candidate for President in 2024 in an attempt to jail him before the election.
This all started with the COVID-19 hoax and the stolen 2020 election.
#19505401 at 2023-09-07 12:17:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23956: No Quarter For Traitors Edition
It's uncontrolled compulsive behavior that serves no external purpose.
Autist "experts" might refer to Compulsive (compulsory) behaviour, such as X-ING oneself, as "stimmING".
StimmING soothes anxiety
Artficially induced anxiety, such as Fear of Hell and Satan, is soothed by stimmING via X-ING oneself.
#19504800 at 2023-09-07 06:42:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23955: Night Train to Infinity Edition
Ally Carter
Could she be the reason Hunter's Boyfriend is tabloidING about the Gay Kenyan?
Chuck Callesto @ChuckCallesto
BOMBSHELL REPORT: Child sex trafficked victim Ally Carter accuses Barack Obama and Joe Biden of R-ING her as a child..
From Truth Justice ™ 9:38 PM ? Sep 5, 2023
#19504223 at 2023-09-07 03:38:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23954: QR Night Shift: Oh Dominoe Edition
May 06, 2022 | Press Release | Immigration
AG Pax?ton Inves?ti?gates Texas Bar Foun?da?tion for Facil?i?tat?ING Mass Influx of Ille?gal Aliens
Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate
Why they're tryING to impeach Paxton.
#19501942 at 2023-09-06 21:08:28 (UTC+1)
'Done PlayING Role in ... Political Theater': State's entire fishING advisory board resigns in protest against offshore wind farms
Every member of the Rhode Island Fisherman's Advisory Board resigned on Friday in protest against the offshore wind farm projects beING developed along the state's coastline.
All nine members of the fishING regulatory board quit after the Coastal Resources Management Council approved an 84-turbine Sunrise Wind project last week.
Since President Biden signed an executive order in 2021 to double offshore wind development by 2030, the Rhode Island CRMC has approved five projects.
In a letter to the CRMC executive director, Jeff Willis, the fishING advisory board members stated that they refuse to participate in the process, accusING the CRMC of makING "deference to offshore wind developers its top priority regardless of the requirements of the Ocean [Special Area Management Plan]."
"I think Rhode Island seriously needs to rethink, does it want to be the Ocean State," Meghan Lapp, a member of FAB, told WJAR-TV. "Or do you want to be the Windmill State?"
FAB chair Lanny DellINGer shared the letter in ecoRI News' opinion piece titled "Fisherman's Advisory Board Done PlayING Role in CRMC's Political Theater."
"We as members of the FAB thought that the purpose of FAB/CRMC review was to ensure that offshore wind projects conformed to the requirements and restrictions of the Ocean SAMP. We were wrong. The Ocean SAMP process has been reduced to mere political theater, to which we refuse to lend any further credence by our presence," FAB's letter stated.
The advisory board claimed that the approval process had "become a mockery of what the Ocean SAMP was designed to accomplish."
FAB accused the CRMC of not takING its regulatory role seriously and instead "advanc[ING] a policy agenda of offshore wind development above all else." The board further stated that the CRMC had failed to consider "the cost to the environment, or the impacts to Rhode Island's fishING industry."
Fishermen worry that the offshore wind project will cause significant disruptions to commercial fishING. Additionally, critics continue to speculate whether the offshore wind farms are linked to the recent surge in whale deaths.
"We will not allow our names to be connected in any way to Council approvals now amountING to wholesale ocean destruction. Rhode Island is supposed to be the Ocean State, not the Windmill State," the board concluded.
The CRMC replied to FAB in a Friday statement, notING it was "disappointed to learn of the resignation of the FAB members."
"The FAB has provided valuable information and insight to the CRMC for its federal consistency reviews of offshore wind energy projects," the state agency continued. "While unfortunate, these resignations do not affect the CRMC's review scope, obligations and timelines. ... CRMC remains hopeful that the Rhode Island fishING community will continue to participate in the public process for reviewING offshore wind energy projects, as well as any other projects affectING the fishery resources of the State."
#19499471 at 2023-09-06 11:21:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23949: Sun's up, Where's the heat? Edition
Aqua plan N ING incomING.
#19493046 at 2023-09-05 07:06:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23941: Gold Star Comfy Edition
>Flaw less
>F ING lawless
Nature shows us the Natural laws, and even the laws of the jungle have brought more peace than any human can ever brING into this World.
#19493032 at 2023-09-05 07:00:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23941: Gold Star Comfy Edition
Flaw less
F ING lawless
#19491825 at 2023-09-05 01:31:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23939: Build Back Comfy Edition
Abandon Ship!! Former DeSantis Super PAC Co-Chair Denounces the Florida Governor's Presidential Bid
By Brian Lupo Sep. 4, 2023 7:07 pm
Earlier today, The Gateway Pundit reported that DeSantis Super PAC founder John Thomas admits DeSantis's "failure to launch" after they "drafted" DeSantis to run because they believed "he's got the stuff." Thomas said President Trump has run a "nearly flawless campaign" and that "we are revers[ING] course to get behind Donald Trump". Thomas joins a trio esteemed members of DeSantis-supportING PACs that seem to be gun-shy of the Florida Governor's chances as fundING is dryING up in the DeSantis camp after layING off staff in July after "rapidly burnING through cash."
"Ready For Ron" PAC Former Co-Chair Flips
On Sunday, Ed Rollins, the former co-chair of the "Ready for Ron" PAC said:
"No one in the Republican primaries is goING to beat, defeat President Trump. He has a strong, solid base. It's gotten stronger as he's gone through these terrible indictments. The fact that he's been indicted on 91 counts is just absurd."
Rollins did shy away from the DeSantis campaign in July when he called DeSantis a "flawed candidate". Rollins, who was once a consultant for Ronald Reagan in 1984, previously headed the Great America PAC in support of President Trump until flippING sides for "Team DeSantis."
As The BRICS Countries Stockpile Gold And Americans Scramble to Protect Themselves, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How
"Never Back Down" PAC Grifts for Another $50 Million- 60 Days Left to Win
Additionally, DeSantis sympathizers from the "Never Back Down" PAC Chris Jankowski (CEO), Kristin Davison (COO), and Jeff Roe (chief strategist) participated in a presentation in an effort to grift another $50 million by years end for the failING candidate. Then they need another $50 million by the end of March. In Leaked audio from the event, Jankowski can be heard tellING donors "I'm not worried about the second $50M. We need the first $50M." The trio blamed their shortcomINGs on lack of media exposure and called for the rallyING of 100,000 Iowans to caucus for DeSantis.
From the National Pulse:
Jeff Roe, DeSantis's Never Back Down PAC chief strategist, also admitted to donors the campaign has just 60 days to defeat former President Donald Trump and that the Super PAC would need an additional $50 million before the second Republican primary debate on September 27th.
Never Back Down has also halted its paid door-knockING efforts in Super Tuesday primary states, as well as in the critical early state of Nevada. The SuperPAC's cost cuttING moves come as it shifts resources into Iowa - includING a nearly $12 million ad-buy announced earlier this week.
Roe told donors: "If you have an education, if you have higher income, if you read the Bible and if you go to church regularly, you happen to be a DeSantis supporter."
CNN revealed that the Never Back Down team has derived a "DeSantis index" to determine the likelihood of someone backING DeSantis in his campaign. They also offered some more insight into the campaign event that took place just before the debate late last month:
Roughly 60 donors attended the fundraisING lunch, hosted at a DoubleTree hotel blocks away from the debate venue, sources familiar with the event details told CNN. Among the attendees was Dallas businessman Roy Bailey, the former co-chair of the Trump campaign's finance committee who has since changed allegiances.
Davison told CNN Thursday "every investor wants to see how you get to the final round and how you win, and almost all the donors left confident that that we had a clear path to victory to help the governor win."
"Investors". As in "expectING a return-on-investment"? Perhaps this was the logic of the individuals who gave Ron DeSantis tragically awful advice to run against the man who made him Governor of Florida in the first place. Shame. He would have been a "shoo-in" in 2028.
#19488086 at 2023-09-04 13:35:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23934: Leave No Bread Behind Edition
It must be attributed to the army of the old Reich as its highest merit that at a time when heads were generally counted by majorities, it placed heads above the majority.
Confronted with the Jewish-democratic idea of a blind worship of numbers, the army sustained belief in personality.
And thus it trained what the new epoch most urgently needed: men. In the morass of a universally spreadING softenING and effeminization, each year three hundred and fifty thousand vigorous young men sprang from the ranks of the army, men who in their two years' train? ING had lost the softness of youth and achieved bodies hard as steel. The young man who practiced obedience durING this time could then learn to command. By his very step you could recog? nize the soldier who had done his service.
This was the highest school of the German nation, and it was not for nothING that the bitterest hatred of those who from envy and greed needed and desired the impotence of the Reich and the defenselessness of its citizens was concentrated on it.
What many Germans in their blindness or ill will did not want to see was recognized by the foreign world: the German army was the mightiest weapon servING the freedom of the German nation and the sustenance of its children.
#19485433 at 2023-09-04 00:32:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23931: Anderson Cooper at Burning Man? Wow Edition
Gam ING the system
For whose benefit
Yours or your children's?
#19482010 at 2023-09-03 13:02:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23927: Sunday Mornin Blues Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19188850 ------ Australia #31
>>19181822 ------ Canada #45
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19236542 ------ Japan #16
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?
>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed
>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & ProtoNEW
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed
#23925 >>19480286
>>19480652 "Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money LaunderING RICO Enterprise!"
>>19480427 Dan Scavino: Trump TowING, Biden Harris towING broken down Jalopy 0:07
>>19480474 Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey
>>19480479 Donald J. Trump: 2024 National Republican Primary TRUMP 59% (+11)
>>19480504, >>19480537 Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys RegardING Gender Identity
>>19480509 Chuck Callesto: Prince Andrew accused of sexually abusING a 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL AND 10-YEAR-OLD BOY durING a visit to Ukraine earlier this year, children were left in a critical condition
>>19480510 'FDA is not a Physician': Federal Appeals Court Sides with Doctors on Ivermectin for COVID-19
>>19480515 BOOM! 'Court revives doctors' lawsuit sayING FDA overstepped its authority with anti-ivermectin campaign'; "FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise-but not to endorse
>>19480519 FDA ruled against by a federal court over anti-ivermectin messagING
>>19480522 Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin MessagING to Americans: "FDA is Not a Physician"
>>19480525 Chris Christie Former Aide, Kevin Tomafsky Charged with PayING for Sex Act with Six-Year-Old
>>19480535 Court smacks down FDA's ivermectin warnINGs: 'FDA is not a doctor' Fifth-Circuit-Decision-Against-FDA-in-Apter-Case-1.pdf
>>19480619 Rep Andy Biggs: The United States is $32 trillion in debt. That averages out to almost $98,000 per US citizen. The government must cease reckless spendING.
>>19480621 An anti-Trump former CIA agent who signed the "spies who lie" letter falsely claimING the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, not only worked for Twitter as a senior censor, but attempted to cover up that fact as revelations came out.
>>19480605 Biden looks at reschedulING marijuana in time for the 2024 election
>>19480516 Spotted in Chile: "Covid is Mass Manipulation"
>>19480539 NWO stooge: Sean Penn Declares Covid Was a 'Mandatory Rehearsal for ThINGs to Come'
>>19480548 Rock says he eats children
>>19480549 Do 50% of Pfizer & Moderna-Vaccinated People Produce Spike Protein Forever?
>>19480377, >>19480587, >>19480565 Igor Kolomoisky "The suit also named former Secret Service agent Robert Savage, who once reportedly had ties to Hunter Biden."''
>>19480555 WSJ Poll: Trump's Primary Lead Just Doubled, SpellING Trouble for Primary Opponents and Biden
>>19480564 Kyle Becker: Soros' Open Society Institute actively campaignING against Donald Trump would be a blatant violation of 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, as if the weaponized IRS cares
>>19480578 Barack Obama?on Bill Richardson, Merissa Hansen: He was also a pedo
>>19480598 RIP: FDA The court just told the FDA to stop practicING medicine
>>19480628 Ivermectin Worked: Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It (August 2023)
>>19480630 Fenbendazole cured stage 4 highly aggressive plasmatoid cancer (Cap 2:03)
>>19480682 Archbishop Vigan?: Globalism is 'satanic' preparation for the 'rise of the Antichrist'
>>19480688 Hospital That Fired Nurses for RefusING Vaccines Now AskING Them to Return
>>19480699, >>19480738, >>19480747, >>19480749, >>19480775, >>19480776, >>19480790, >>19480798 BurnING Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencING fevers, vomitING, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.
>>19480705 Bill Richardson decode
>>19480712 DOJ sentenced J6 a ten-year sentence for breakING a Capitol window, Why isn't the FBI interested in identifyING this masked man wearING an earpiece who was caught on video breakING a Capitol window?
>>19480725 Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This: The Truth About Armed Citizens StoppING Mass ShootINGs
>>19480946 Could it have been a ritual for what is happenING at BurnING Man right now? (Cap 0:20)
>>19481082 Meme of the Bread
>>19481118 #23925
#23924 >>19479543
>>19479594, >>19479596, >>19479600, >>19479609, >>19479611 Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin MessagING to Americans: "FDA is Not a Physician"
>>19479867, >>19479902, >>19479932, >>19479976 "The fact that they're spendING so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down... I'm startING to feel like maybe everythING he said was true." "NOW I'M AWAKE, NOT WOKE."
>>19479607, >>19479612, >>19479613, >>19479614, >>19479670, >>19479675 FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups 'Blood Tribe' and 'Goyim Defense League' Chants 'Heil Hitler' and Display Swastika Flags While MarchING in Altamonte SprINGs, Florida
>>19479749 Ukraine's Western backers are 'pro-Nazi coalition' - Medvedev
>>19479618, >>19479634, >>19479662 Former US Ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson dies aged 75 frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico Zorro Ranch & Lolita Island
>>19479631 Take the Oath (Cap 2:07)
>>19479718 Triple counted ballot in Gwinnett Countywas found by a very bright friend with excellent software skills. @GabrielSterlING says it didn't happen. It happened.
>>19479750 Democrat Hinds County Supervisor Mississippi, challengING his party's primary election results after discoverING massive election fraud (Cap 23:18)
>>19479754 "Ukrainian troops retook a wide swath of territory from Russia on Monday, pushING all the way back to the northeastern border in some places"
>>19479759 Black Voters FleeING Democrat Plantation Biden-Harris Regime GettING Desperate
>>19479765 Mask mp4's (Caps)
>>19479824 Sorry not Sorry, you are goING to be educated about the reality of masks, this time round (Cap 1:20)
>>19479825 Masks, Who Wear Them are Dumber Than Fuck
>>19479795 Oprah and her MAUI 4,800 sf underground bunker, all solar powered
>>19479798 EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-VotING Ohio District East Palestine Until 2024... If Ever
>>19479832 It's never been about Trump... it's about forcING Americans into submission... The Left's Relentless War On Donald Trump And Everyone Who Disagrees With Them
>>19479853 78 Years Ago Today, on The Deck of the USS Missouri, World War II Came to an End
>>19479597 Americans Already Said NO, Biden Admin Spends "Up To $12 Billion" Retrofit Auto Plants For Electric Car Conversions
>>19479918, >>19479958, >>19479913 A meteor has been filmed streakING across the night sky in Turkey tonight! Wow.
>>19479913, >>19479923, >>19479928 Fani Willis Possesses Evidence ExoneratING Georgia's Alternate Electors
>>19479967 Burners Without Borders formed in 2005
>>19479999 Call sign ENVY11. USN E-6B Mercury 164407. SpoofING ADS-B location data by a couple hundred miles at one point on this flight.
>>19480016 Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico and UN ambassador, dead at 75
>>19480077 Air Force can't trust dumbass blue states to keep the lights on so they're brINGING their own nuclear reactors instead HALEU production
>>19480080, >>19480245 Here We Go: Rumors of Ebola-Like Illness at BurnING Man
>>19480140 BurnING Man Turns Into FreezING Man, God's like fuck this shit - no satanic ritual for you this year
>>19480144, >>19480243 BurnING Man Hell Freezes Over traps 70k, Outbreak Alleged pffft
>>19479753, >>19479773, >>19479794, >>19480035 BurnING Man aerial view reveals GIANT pentagram
>>19480092 Amphitheaters and not circular, explanation
>>19480267 #23924
#23923 >>19478790
>>19479363, >>19479470, >>19479436, >>19479470 DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)
>>19479459 Mask Mandate Return Sparks 'We Will Not Comply'
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters
>>19479326 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth - Smears Trump Supporters for Not RespectING "Dignity and Worth of Every Person"
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287, >>19479409 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition
>>19479505 George Soros' son announces he is shiftING resources to focus on defeatING Trump in 2024
>>19479509 #23923
Previously Collected
>>19477726 #23920, >>19478104 #23921, >>19478732 #23922
>>19474854 #23917, >>19475580 #23918, >>19476475 #23919
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19481137 at 2023-09-03 05:11:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23926: Revelation: Fani Willis Election Fraud Money Laundering RICO Scheme? Edit
#23923 >>19478790
>>19479363, >>19479470, >>19479436, >>19479470 DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)
>>19479459 Mask Mandate Return Sparks 'We Will Not Comply'
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters
>>19479326 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth - Smears Trump Supporters for Not RespectING "Dignity and Worth of Every Person"
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287, >>19479409 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition
>>19479505 George Soros' son announces he is shiftING resources to focus on defeatING Trump in 2024
>>19479509 #23923
#19480275 at 2023-09-03 01:44:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23925: Federal Court Rules: “Anti-Ivermectin - FDA is not a Physician” Edition
#23923 >>19478790
>>19479363, >>19479470, >>19479436, >>19479470 DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)
>>19479459 Mask Mandate Return Sparks 'We Will Not Comply'
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters
>>19479326 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth - Smears Trump Supporters for Not RespectING "Dignity and Worth of Every Person"
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287, >>19479409 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition
>>19479505 George Soros' son announces he is shiftING resources to focus on defeatING Trump in 2024
>>19479509 #23923
#19479522 at 2023-09-02 22:50:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23924: THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] WE WILL NOT COMPLY? Edition
#23923 >>19478790
>>19479363, >>19479470, >>19479436, >>19479470 DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)
>>19479459 Mask Mandate Return Sparks 'We Will Not Comply'
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters
>>19479326 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth - Smears Trump Supporters for Not RespectING "Dignity and Worth of Every Person"
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287, >>19479409 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition
>>19479505 George Soros' son announces he is shiftING resources to focus on defeatING Trump in 2024
>>19479509 #23923
#19479509 at 2023-09-02 22:49:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23923: Saturday Bon Pain Edition
#23923 >>19478790
>>19479363, >>19479470, >>19479436, >>19479470 DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)
>>19479459 Mask Mandate Return Sparks 'We Will Not Comply'
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters
>>19479326 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth - Smears Trump Supporters for Not RespectING "Dignity and Worth of Every Person"
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287, >>19479409 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition
>>19479505 George Soros' son announces he is shiftING resources to focus on defeatING Trump in 2024
#19479410 at 2023-09-02 22:31:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23923: Saturday Bon Pain Edition
#23923 >>19478790
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters
>>19479326 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth - Smears Trump Supporters for Not RespectING "Dignity and Worth of Every Person"
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition
#19479388 at 2023-09-02 22:27:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23923: Saturday Bon Pain Edition
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters
>>19479326 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth - Smears Trump Supporters for Not RespectING "Dignity and Worth of Every Person"
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition
Bakes is steppING outside, for a wee break, slow the fuck down please and save good posts for nb, tyvm
#19479323 at 2023-09-02 22:16:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23923: Saturday Bon Pain Edition
>>19479088 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We've elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis
>>19479099 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court
>>19478801 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: "Cancerous...Malignancy", and His Supporters:
>>19478822 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerkING, 'simulatING sex acts'
>>19478825 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water
>>19479077, >>19479094, >>19479101, >>19479140, >>19479151, >>19479155 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hidING in the Earth's crust
>>19478829 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study
>>19478832 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine FundING
>>19478847 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be makING the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testING positive for COVID-19
>>19478865 PANIC in D.C.: WashINGton Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story
>>19478871 Maui: 385 Still MissING
>>19478875, >>19478921, >>19479007, >>19479206, >>19479286 Ken Paxton And President Trump's Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes
>>19478933 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today
>>19479028 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until InvestigatING The FBI 11:06
>>19478895 FBI investigatING immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location
>>19479000 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men's Lives, 7% per year PER JAB
>>19478911, >>19478979, >>19479170, >>19479250, >>19479256 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead
>>19478914 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows-Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey"
>>19478915 Donald J. Trump: "Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'"
>>19478918 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt
>>19478961, >>19479018, >>19479050, >>19479254 BurnING Man revelers are catchING HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout
>>19479037 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING
>>19479049 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?
>>19479065 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks
>>19479083 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents sufferING blackouts
>>19479084, >>19479102 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chantING "F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)
>>19479087 Eye-openING mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailING Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectionING the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims
>>19479107, >>19479127, >>19479154 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions
>>19479121 Even WaPo's 'Fact-Checker' Has Had Enough of Biden's Constant Lies
>>19479130 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high
>>19479138 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week - while sendING $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept
>>19479223 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
>>19479287 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusING a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year
#19479223 at 2023-09-02 21:55:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23923: Saturday Bon Pain Edition
Guy hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
September 2, 2023 (11 hours ago)
#19478644 at 2023-09-02 19:48:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23922: Cheeseburger In Paradise Moar, Watch Them Pop Tops Edition
Guy hired to run Twitter's "election safety" censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a "f*ING dipst"...
Elon Musk, once a vocal presence on Twitter, has noticeably dialed it back since handING over control to his new management team.This team includes a CEO who also serves as a WEF chairpersonand a left-leanING "censorship chief" and election safety czar, Aaron Rodericks, who apparently thinks Elon Musk is a complete "fu**ING dipshit."
If the name Aaron Rodericks sounds familiar, it's because Revolver has covered his disgraced legacy before.
We all held high hopes for Twitter when Elon Musk stepped in and purchased the platform. While his intentions seemed good, with his heart was in the right place, he's quickly discoverING that America may not be as free as he thought she was. When it comes down to it, the shots aren't beING called by the Constitution, but by woke companies like Apple, Amazon, and Chase. Sadly, that's why Twitter isn't turnING into the bastion of free speech we had hoped for, thanks to the crew who's takING over the helm. And one of the biggest standouts is Aaron Rodericks, a flamING liberal who's now headING up "censorship."
Here's what Mike Benz, the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online, had to say about this "double-agent."
He's workING under a false banner of free speech, but his past posts reveal that he despises everythING that genuine free speech stands for. What's truly concernING is that this "double-agent" persona may enable him to continue this tactic for an extended period. It seems that conservatives are beING lulled into a false sense of freedom, and that's concernING.
Mike Benz, the Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, has catalogued Aaron's greatest hits on Twitter for some weeks now.He's friendly with all of the worst academic characters in so-called "mis-, dis- and malinformation," includING Kate Starbird.
Sounds like a great "team player," right? The kind of guy you want in the foxhole right next to you...
It's quite puzzlING that Elon Musk, the wealthiest man on the planet, has someone on his team who openly disrespects him and his audience like this. Aaron Rodericks must be exceptional at his job for Elon to overlook such blatant contempt. Or, could it be that Elon is shiftING his focus away from the free speech debate to concentrate solely on profitability? Whatever the case, it doesn't appear that the situation at X is goING to change anytime soon, even with new management. We're still dealING with the same dubious characters who are still hidING behind a new guise of so-called "free speech."
(Now that Elon got rid of lurkers, now he's goING to get rid of payING sibscribers)
#19475072 at 2023-09-02 01:02:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23918: Happy Birthday Commander! Edition
[ ]uw
[ ]aggo
[ ]ING
#19468972 at 2023-09-01 00:15:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23910: There is No Justice in Fulton County Edition
And He said to them, "What are these words that you are exchangING with one another as you are walkING?" And they stood still, lookING sad.
salty? roads?
ss sad? nah, ss not sad, so must mean somethING else.
stood still, lookING sad, so better walk?
ss lookING sa d? really?
ss look ING (that would be raphael in code) S/dad?
#19465659 at 2023-08-31 14:14:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23906: Thursday Morn'n Thrills n Shillz Edition
Xs and Os #ING it out
#19465508 at 2023-08-31 13:27:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23906: Thursday Morn'n Thrills n Shillz Edition
>takes = taxxx
>facsimile = fax
twitter.com = x.com
folks = fox
Christmas = Xmas
We should continue trackING their takeover of the language throughout History, X-ING out in classical eXamples of Cancel Culture.
#19458786 at 2023-08-30 08:29:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23898: Comfy Emergency Ani-Bake Deja Vu Edition
Wut da fuuuck? Have not read all bc fallING asleep. OLD ARTICLE
Or is it new n they make it look old to tell us the info now? I'm fallING asleep n can't read this kek wut da fuuuuuuuuck? Am I readING it wrong? ING so tire, mang, so tire. Someone said false flag on sept 23 n I said sauce it but nothING n wondered if false flag could be some type of riots that escalate n maybe the person knew somethING but didn't make sense why he'd know etc so f&g but then I looked to see if anythING goING on then n it had this article.
#19456564 at 2023-08-29 23:37:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23895: Breads Will Only Ebake Edition
ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Indiana For BannING Inmate Sex-Changes - on Behalf of Man Who Murdered 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the state of Indiana for bannING sex change surgeries for inmates on behalf of a man who murdered his 11-month-old stepdaughter.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Jonathan C. Richardson, who is servING 55 years in prison for the 2001 murder.
"The lawsuit alleges that the law enacted in April violates the Eighth Amendment's prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment and the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause," accordING to a report from the Associated Press.
"Indiana Code ? 11-10-3-3.5(a), denies medically necessary surgical care, includING vaginoplasties and orchiectomies, to transgender prisoners because of their status as transgender persons," the lawsuit claims. "This unwarranted and intentional discrimination against Plaintiff and other transgender prisoners, because of their transgender status, violates equal protection."
The ACLU referred to sex change surgeries as "life-savING" medical care.
The Daily Caller News Foundation reports, "Indiana prosecutors charged Richardson with the murder of his 11-month-old stepdaughter in October 2002, after police discovered evidence that he had strangled her to death when he was left to watch her alone in September 2001, accordING to court documents. He initially claimed that he had found the girl dead in her crib, but later told an officer that, 'Well all I know is I killed the little f*ING b*h.'"
Richardson has been in a male prison since 2002, but has a clemency hearING in September. He now uses the name "Autumn Cordellion?" and has been on hormone replacement therapy since 2020.
"Richardson applied for sex-change documents in August 2022, but the court denied his request after he failed to appear for a hearING regardING the case, accordING to court records," the Daily Caller report says. "He allegedly attempted suicide, engages in self-harm and experiences severe emotional distress because he cannot transition, the lawsuit claimed."
#19453092 at 2023-08-29 12:09:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23891: E bake
"The Military" wages war
This is an "Information War"
If you think "The Military" isn't doING ANYTHING then you're just not payING attention. Or, perhaps, you're unfamiliar with the ABSOLUTE depth and breadth of resources "The Military" can (and is) brING(ING) to bear on an adversary in ANY domain.
#19450749 at 2023-08-29 00:38:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23888: Total Obliteration Of The Deep State Edition
John Podesta crawled out from under a rock to shill for climate change usING the Maui fires before the smoke even cleared.
Hawaiian Electric Company Admits Downed Power Lines Caused MornING Blaze In Lahaina, Refutes Maui Fire Lawsuit Claims
Aug 28,2023
After weeks of speculation, Hawaiian Electric Company, which provides power to Lahaina, admitted that its power lines caused the first of two flare-ups in a field next to Lahaina Intermediate School. But, the company maintains it is not responsible for the fires that killed at least 115 people and left an unknown number of others missING, makING them the deadliest in the U.S. in more than a century.
The statement came in response to a lawsuit filed Thursday by Maui County that claims the utility was supposed "to properly maintain and repair the electric transmission lines, and other equipment includING utility poles associated with their transmission of electricity, and to keep vegetation properly trimmed and maintained so as to prevent contact with overhead power lines and other electric equipment."
Further, the suit says the electric company should have powered down its lines sooner, given the combination of very dry brush and very high winds. Today, Hawaiian Electric expressed disappointment at those claims.
"We were surprised and disappointed that the County of Maui rushed to court even before completING its own investigation," Shelee Kimura, president and CEO of Hawaiian Electric said in a statement. "We believe the complaint is factually and legally irresponsible. It is inconsistent with the path that we believe we should pursue as a resilient community committed and accountable to each other as well as to Hawaii's future. We continue to stand ready to work to that end with our communities and others. Unfortunately, the county's lawsuit may leave us no choice in the legal system but to show its responsibility for what happened that day."
The first blaze, which the electric company called "The MornING Fire," reportedly occurred on August 8 "near the intersection of Lahainaluna Road and Hookahua Street at approximately 6:30 a.m." A statement issued by Hawaiian Electric over the weekend maintains that videos taken by locals show "a small fire that can be seen by the downed lines spread[ING] into the field across the street from the Intermediate School."
The utility maintains that the second flare-up that day, which it called "The Afternoon Fire" occurred while its employees were in the area repairING those downed lines, which were at that point powered off.
"Shortly before 3 p.m., while the power remained off, our crew members saw a small fire about 75 yards away from Lahainaluna Road in the field near the Intermediate School. They immediately called 911 and reported that fire."
The crux of Hawaiian Electric's argument seems to be that the Maui County Fire Department had declared the mornING fire out and left the scene by the time the 3 p.m. flareup occurred.
"By 9 a.m. the MornING Fire was '100% contained,'" the company's statement reads. "The Maui County fire chief subsequently reported that the Fire Department had determined that the MornING Fire was 'extINGuished,' and the Fire Department left the scene by 2 p.m."
Electric companies have been subject to mountING lawsuits in recent years over accusations their power lines have been the cause of increasINGly massive fires across the Western U.S. The state of California's sINGle most costly and most deadly wildfire in recorded history, the 2018 Camp Fire, was ignited by a faulty electric transmission line. Early the next year, the utility responsible for those lines, Pacific Gas and Electric, filed for bankruptcy, citING expected wildfire liabilities of $30 billion.
#19438658 at 2023-08-27 02:05:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23873: TFW..... Edition
Muh joo-ING is childish cancer
Let the big boys handle it
#19431438 at 2023-08-26 00:14:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23863: ILS approach looks good.
Shame Q didnt realizING he was (You)ING a bigot cunt then.
Sure he'd have told you to go fuck yourself if he'd known.
#19428085 at 2023-08-25 15:25:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23859: Enjoy The Show Edition
Harrison Floyd, a leader of Black Voices for Trump who was indicted in the Georgia election case, was arrested earlier this year for allegedly assaultING an FBI agent, court filINGs show.
In February, Floyd was arrested in Maryland after he allegedly assaulted an FBI agent who was servING him a grand jury subpoena, accordING to court filINGs.
The WashINGton Post, which first reported the arrest, indicated the subpoena was for special counsel Jack Smith's investigation into the 2020 election, citING two people familiar with the matter. Trump was indicted in that case earlier this month.
AccordING to an affidavit, Floyd screamed profanities and assaulted an FBI agent when he and another agent showed up to Floyd's apartment in Rockville, Md., located in the suburbs of the nation's capital.
After the agents shoved the subpoena into Floyd's apartment door and attempted to leave, Floyd allegedly ran down the stairs after them.
"You haven't shown me a badge or nothING. I have a f-ING daughter. Who the f- do you think you are," Floyd screamed, accordING to court documents.
#19427626 at 2023-08-25 13:45:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23859: Enjoy The Show Edition
Not sure what "action" you suggest? I have tried to be clear that War-ING upon the Beast seems exactly what the Beast wants most, thus what most needs to be avoided. Yes?
I get up now and step away from this Internet for a spell, go feed the piglets some more, do a load of laundry, make honest appeal to the Heavens… and check back here a little later. Are you suggestING some other particular "Action"? Do tell.
#19427569 at 2023-08-25 13:33:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23858: Pulled The Pin The Picture Is The Signifier Battlestations Ready? Edition
Worthy and unworthy and foolish war has been waged over many thINGs, people and ideas throughout the past…
Yet here We are facING an infiltration so diffuse and widespread across the globe, and the most authentic THREAT to any possible future for humanity… it seems inescapable that somethING 'biblical' will be needed to deal with such a 'cunnING sadistic and murderous ThING incapable of remorse'. War-ING upon It, is exactly what It most wants. Ugh.
#19426636 at 2023-08-25 09:52:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23857: Confabulated Conflagatory Compositions of Corruption Edition
The story people seem to be missING is that the majority of celebrities who have screamed the loudest against President Trump are eerily silent right now. Why is that? Shouldn't they all be on this platform gloatING and celebratING? Hollywood losers like Cher, Chelsea Handler, Chrissy Teigen, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and more - where y'all at?
It's almost like they know nothING can stop what's comING. I almost miss their REEE-ING and TDS meltdowns. The Shia LaBeouf "He Will Not Divide Us" capture the flag days were the best!
#19425676 at 2023-08-25 05:08:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23856: THE END
'Chip in our arms': Conspiracist hijacks council meetING with '15-minute city' rant
Footage shows a conspiracy theorist rantING about fears of a '15-minute city' at a council meetING in Western Australia.
A conspiracy theorist has hijacked a council meetING in Western Australia, claimING the council are goING to "cut off" residents and "put a chip" in their arms in a rant about 15-minute cities.
Jeff Pryce from Carlisle, Perth, delivered an impassioned two-minute speech about 15-minute-cities, which conspiracists believe to be a plot by governments to keep people locked down, durING public statement time at a Victoria Park Council meetING on August 15.
"You're goING to shut us down, you're goING to put a chip in our arm, we're goING to move around on a point system, you're goING to take away our cars, they're all goING to be electric so they can always cut your power off whenever they want," he told the council.
DurING the rant, Mr Pryce claimed the move towards "smart metres", "smart water" and "digital money" will allow governments to cut off residents if they step out of line in "anyway shape or form".
"You will be born in a 15-minute city, you will die in a 15-minute city, along with your families and their kids and their kids."
He claimed the World Economic Forum and "New World Order" were the masterminds behind the move, which will see all travel come to an end in the next seven years to resctict people's movement.
"There will be no travel come 2030, no planes, no ships, you will be locked down and shut down, all through climate change ... This what they're brINGING in and they're brINGING it in around the world and people [have] got to wake up."
Mr Pryce concluded his rant by tellING councillors they should feel ashamed of themselves, despite the Mayor earlier confirmING council has no powers to prohibit people from movING outside the boundaries of the local government area.
"You're goING to lock your own people down and sit at home and feel good about it. Shame on you, shame on you all, how can you sleep," he said before he was cut off when his allotted two minutes came to an end.
Fifteen-minute cities are part of the wider "Smart City" concept to make cities more liveable by providING residents with basic amenities like shops, parks, cafes, healthcare and schools within a 15-minute radius by bike or foot.
The idea was coined by Franco-Colombian urbanist Carlos Moreno, who argues "our sense of time is warped" because of auburn sprawl and advocates more services should be made available closer to where people live.
"We must make urban life more pleasant, agile, healthy, and flexible," Mr Moreno told Forbesin February.
However, the concept has given rise to conspiracy theories that claim the scheme will restrict residents' movements and see them fined for leavING their local districts.
Some believe the plan is to restrict movement within their suburb is part of a broader "climate lockdown".
"You're goING to have to apply for a f***ING permit to leave your zone," said one TikToker from Britain, where protests were held earlier this year to oppose a 15-minute city proposals in Oxford.
#19425259 at 2023-08-25 04:01:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23856: THE END
END IS (.Com)ING? shot in the dark here.
#19419230 at 2023-08-24 16:18:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23848: BOOM! TRUMP BREAKS THE INTERNET! Edition
[ ]uw
[ ]ago
[ ]ING
#19416950 at 2023-08-24 04:38:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23846: Comfy Emergency Ani-Bake Edition
Perhaps the facts are the fema director was arrested, he is comm-ING his minions.
#19397477 at 2023-08-21 08:32:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23823: California Hurricane Watch Edition
>>19391081 lb
>>19390780 lb
>digits confirm?
>do not shit the bread.
>two of every kind? why even say that?
>paradise when no shame?
>watch ING a move.
>>19391093 lb
>>19391123 lb
>>19391226 lb
>>19391178 lb
>>19391362 lb
>>19391722 lb
>>19391192 lb
>>19391683 lb
>>19391716 lb
>>19391722 lb
>>19391768 lb
>>19391812 lb
>>19391818 lb
>>19391839 lb
N&R 11.
Luke 15.
Well, connective in itself it seams.
#19391768 at 2023-08-20 04:21:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23815: Georgia officials agree to, and sign, the one sided Consent Decree? LFG!!
>watch ING a move.
what can be forceful?
#19391081 at 2023-08-20 02:06:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23815: Georgia officials agree to, and sign, the one sided Consent Decree? LFG!!
>>19390780 lb
digits confirm?
do not shit the bread.
90 twice? sim.on. no.ah. rock the boat.
two of every kind? why even say that?
OS focusses on gender so much? why?
paradise when no shame?
watch ING a move.
#19390937 at 2023-08-20 01:40:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23814: One Indictment Too Many = Overplaying Hand = Absolute Immunity? Edition
>sauce your posts
just started 404'ING now … odd
#19387173 at 2023-08-19 12:27:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23810: 8kun Server Maintenance Still Ahead Edition
Tone def Elitists. blah, blahING about how the Peasants live. Kind of funny actually. No Clue. Rich People are SO Out of Touch with how normal people actually live. Seems they have gotten caught up in their own delusions of fake superiority. Red Shoe Club. Fuckemall.
Bill Maher says he doesn't see the USA 'fallING apart' with angry, unhappy people when he rides around town - but Marianne Williamson quickly popped his Beverly Hills bubble. Who's right?
For instance, when Maher suggested that Obamacare "is gettING very close to Medicare for all," Williamson clapped back: "It's not Medicare for all. We still have 85 million Americans who are underinsured or uninsured. You have to be really ... buffered emotionally if you think 85 million people don't matter."
In response, Maher said he's "not the strong man" that ignores the plight of 85 million people. He said that when he "rides around" town - he lives in Beverly Hills - he doesn't see a country that's "fallING apart."
"A lot of people are just livING their best lives. And they're not all f-ING rich. It's not all the top 20%," he said.
But does the longtime political commentator live in more of a bubble than he realizes?
Maher is not totally blind to the "horrible problems" hurtING U.S. society. He agreed with Williamson that there's a sizable "under-class" of people sufferING in poverty and said "it's a scandal that we can't seem to address."
But from a big picture perspective, he said: "I just don't see a country where the people are just seethING and unhappy when I'm out. And that has to count for somethING."
Williamson responded: "You know where I was last night? I was speakING to teenagers on Skid Row."
"Do you know how many people are homeless in Los Angeles county on any given night? 78,000," the presidential candidate added. "You say you drive around, but where do you drive around? You don't drive too many miles."
"Of course, why would I go to Skid Row?" a baffled Maher replied.
Several YouTube comments made similar assessments - not in Maher's favor. One person wrote: "Bill is really floatING further & further away in his bubble from the people he once spoke for."
The reality is that 37.9 million Americans are livING in poverty, accountING for 11.6% of the total population, accordING to the U.S. Census Bureau's most recent data - which only goes up to January 2021. Today, that number could be considerably higher after the fallout of the pandemic, soarING inflation, 11 interest rate hikes and changes in the labor market.
Even "middle-income" Americans with a stable income are strugglING to cope with the impacts of inflation and high interest ratesIf you're in the majority feelING the pinch and livING paycheck-to-paycheck, here are some steps you can take to feel more financially secure and get more out of your income.
#19386197 at 2023-08-19 04:04:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23808: Night Shift Comfy Edition
I'm goING to start kek-ING my ass off when I see these fools start wearING masks again and point at them.
#19363474 at 2023-08-15 15:42:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23780: Never Surrender To Laser Focus PANIC Edition
my build: Trump POTUS. outreachING, not shoutING, as love charges, indicated by the Q drop on quivers and the shit ton of J Lawrence funny vids, that I myself burned like books by watch ING them a while ago.
irl and symbolism will be fixed.
all those actual forces ww handled by direct order, will report to me.
they will make sure I am kept comfy at all times, while cooperatING.
someone whishes to harm? [before].
that is an order.
meetING me in a supermarket is in many cases harmfull. think mirror. you spit into the face of billions with one cunt move of yours.
#19361830 at 2023-08-15 08:48:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23778: Anons Dig on Corruption in High Places Edition
AI is not a doctor, its' fuckING ALIEN! and if it's intelligent it's intelligent about ALIENS which are NOT HUMAN.
no wonder all these jabs are horrible!
You don't want a "BLESS" ING.
#19359499 at 2023-08-15 00:49:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23775: Fuck The Laws: Fani Willis 'Violates Trump's Due Process' Edition
>rump on Fani Willis: "This woman is not a capable woman."
Fani Willis Family: Ex Husband Fred Willis & Father John Clifford Floyd
Share via E-mail
By Jessica McBride
Updated Aug 13, 2023 at 11:16pm
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was married once, to Fred Willis, but they are divorced, and she does not currently have a husband. She has two adult children, both daughters.
Her father was a member of the Black Panther movement, accordING to South Atlanta Magazine. That magazine says her father's name is John Clifford Floyd, and he was a criminal defense attorney who raised her in Los Angeles as a sINGle father.
The New York Times calls Willis's dad, "John Clifford Floyd III, a longtime civil rights activist and defense lawyer."
At this time, we would like to introduce this in evidence, Mr. Chair-
man, as exhibit SN-27.
The ('HAIRM.0. It may be received.
(Tile document referred to was marked "Exhibit No. 4,33" for
reference and may be found in the files of the subcommittee.)
Mr. MA NuE. As stated previously, SNCC has sponsored a series of
summer work-ins in Atlanta since at least 1966 to train college-age re-
cruits in the spreadING of SNCC philosophy on their respective college
campuses. Certain aspects of this activity will be detailed when the sub-
committee examines incidents of violence and disruption which have
been organized at several predominantly black colleges in the South.
On May 17, 1968, five SNCC officials, one active in the South and
four affiliated with the Ios Angeles office of SNCC, were arrested in
New Orleans, La., durING the trial of H. Rap Brown for theft and pos-
session of stolen Iroperty. The five are identified as follows:
Willie Floyd Ricks–bate of birth February 18, 1943.
John Clifford Floyd-IDate of birth Octoberr 2.7,1942.
Johnnie Raine Dl)ate of birth September 19, 1946.
Mark Anthony Semien-I)ate of birth January 29, 1948.
Charles Gordon-IDate of birth July 26,1947.
When these individuals were arrested, the New Orleans Police
Department, under a search warrant, took into protective custody
certain documents and IXsessions of these persons.
Among the material seized under the search warrant were the items
listed below:
Mr. Chairman, in the interest of time and with your permission,
it is rather lengthy, I would like to insert all of the documents, or a
certain portion of the documents into evidence and point out to the
('hair tlat infour of these cases these individuals were carryING-not
carryING-they had in their Iosemion 9-millimeter automatic pistols,
which we also have as exhibits.
The CH, uMAx.The pistol may be filed as an exhibit for tie present.
Who is entitled to poeamion of it I
On May 17, 1968, John Clifford Floyd, Mark Anthony Simien,
Charles Franklin Gordon, Jr., and Johnnie Edson Reines III, were
arrested by the New Orleans Police 1)epartment in Louisiana when
they attempted to jump their motel bill at a Negro motel and for
possession of stolen property. These four members of Los Angeles
SNCC had in their possession a list, of Los Angeles SNCC members
which included the followING:
Ronald Leroy Wilkins, Angela Davis, Bobby Hodges, Rene Hard-
ING, Frank HardING, Franklin Alexander, Mike Williams, Tut Hayes,
Tommy Scott, Clarice Allen, Charles Franklin Gordon.
#19358994 at 2023-08-14 23:08:54 (UTC+1)
could someone pls post the mf-ING link to this
#19353539 at 2023-08-14 00:39:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23768: There are only Good & Evil Edition
Tiffany Gomas is her name
A New Video
The Texas marketING executive behind the viral "that mother f-ker is not real" plane meltdown continued her tirade in the terminal, threatenING cops and insistING the plane was goING to explode once it took off.
Police bodycam footage obtained by The Post shows how tearful Tiffany Gomas, 38, refused to leave the boardING area after beING escorted off the jet bridge so the American Airlines flight from Dallas to Orlando could take off.
Visibly upset, she continued to stare at the plane out of the window and refused to leave, adamant it would not complete its scheduled journey on July 2.
"I don't care if I never fly with y'all every again. I just want to know what happens to this flight here," she tells Dallas Airport Department of Public Safety officers.
As they move to escort her from the terminal she starts to tear up and pleads: "Do not let that flight leave ... That flight is not goING to make it to Orlando. It's not goING to."
LookING out the windows as they escort her, Gomas says: "There's a lot of people on that flight."
"Y'all need to escort me out...really," Gomas tells the officer. "Until you see this flight f-ING blow
#19346608 at 2023-08-12 18:29:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23759: Pedo Joe And Kamala Toe Have Got To Go Edition
>mak[ING] love to men daily, but in the imagination,
#19346585 at 2023-08-12 18:26:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23759: Pedo Joe And Kamala Toe Have Got To Go Edition
Barack Obama told ex, 'I make love to men daily, but in the imagination,' letter shows
Former President Barack Obama wrote of his own "androgynous" mind and "mak[ING] love to men daily, but in the imagination," accordING to the redacted portion of a now-notorious 1982 letter, obtained by The Post.
The more than 40-year-old letter to an ex-girlfriend recently resurfaced after Obama biographer David Garrow gave a long and windING interview on the one-time commander-in-chief.
"In regard to homosexuality, I must say that I believe this is an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life. You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination," Obama, then 21, wrote to Alex McNear in November 1982.
"My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so until I can think in terms of people, not women as opposed to men. But, in returnING to the body, I see that I have been made a man, and physically in life, I choose to accept that contINGency," he added.
McNear, who dated Obama durING his year at Occidental College in Los Angeles, later redacted the salacious paragraphs, which the Pulitzer- Prize-winnING historian Garrow hunted down and included in his tome, "RisING Star."
The letter is currently owned by Emory University, which doesn't permit it to be photographed or removed. Instead, Garrow's friend Harvey Klehr transcribed the paragraphs by hand and sent them to the author.
Klehr provided the redacted portion of the letter to The Post.
Obama, a father of two, has been married to his wife Michelle since 1992.
Garrow said there was nothING unusual about Obama's youthful musINGs.
"I'm a historian, not a psychologist, but I think it's 'public record' news that a (vast?) majority of human beINGs have sexual fantasies!" he said via email.
A rep for the former president did not respond to a request for comment.
#19340482 at 2023-08-11 16:46:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23751: Biden Impeachment Resolution Edition
watch ING a move?
#19339970 at 2023-08-11 15:00:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23751: Biden Impeachment Resolution Edition
Operation [F]ailure
[U]nity not possible
Marxist [C]ommunist thugs too embedded
Queen screwed [K]ING
[O]nly days remain
Prepare [F]or chaos
Its been [F]un.
#19333177 at 2023-08-10 10:20:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23743: Far Stronger Than Originally Portrayed Edition
#23741 >>19331470
>>19331551, >>19331687, >>19331846, >>19331891, >>19331900 PF
>>19331481 Truth Social, Digital World extend merger deadline amid SEC delays
>>19331490 The RollING Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash - Scotty Films
>>19331523 Major independent credit ratINGs firm has *DUMPED* ESG scores from its ratINGs.
>>19331540, >>19331605 Videos are emergING from the event where Ecuador Presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio
>>19331557 De Blasio's Security Chief Admits HinderING Corruption Investigation
>>19331571 Dr. Miriam Grossman: 'Lost in Trans Nation' Book Suppression Campaign; Roadmap For Parental Rights
>>19331583 Andy Ng? with Laura INGraham - re: Ngo v. Rose City Antifa
>>19331641 Female Seattle cop's scathING 'exit' letter where she blames chief's 'failed leadership' and 'spineless' mayor for playING to politics
>>19331660, >>19331819, >>19331830 Villavicencio Connected to Wikileaks.
>>19331770 How the Reedley lab abatement warrant was obtained
>>19331801 VarAC HF chat
>>19331884, >>19331967, >>19332183, >>19332205 Maui before/after Devastated by fire
>>19332148 Bernie Sanders Quietly Funneled $200K in Campaign Cash Into Wife and Son's Non-Profit Organization
>>19332158 NIH took royalties from Wuhan lab collaborator, alleged front for Russian bioweapons: records
>>19332160 All-Africa war possible, ECOWAS intervention in Niger risks a continental conflict
>>19332181 @realDonaldTrump Thank You–Maga
>>19332187 Joe Biden's Office Devised TalkING Points About Burisma Executive Right After Hunter 'Called DC,'
>>19332188 Dr Byrne discusses "brain death" says it's a lie
>>19332194 Multiple firefighters are battlING a Massive fire at a metal scrap recyclING facility
>>19332212 Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan
>>19332284, >>19332289, >>19332297, >>19332298 A federal appeals court has struck down a decades-old law barrING users of illegal drugs from possessING firearms
>>19332331 #23741
#23740-B >>19330680
>>19330727 Video of Biden on MSNBC was altered to make it appear like he struggled to speak for a full minute???
>>19330732 @realDonaldTrump I will be interviewed by Eric BollING of NewsMax, TONIGHT, 8:00 P.M. ENJOY!
>>19330760 Trump live
>>19330893 Webb Reveals Colors of Earendel, Most Distant Star Ever Detected
>>19330923 NASA Software Catalog Offers Free Programs for Earth Science, More
>>19330931, >>19330937, >>19330940, >>19331079, >>19331097, >>19331099, >>19331104, >>19331124, >>19331144, >>19331145, >>19331191, >>19331251 Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio dead, assassinated at a rally in capital Quito
>>19330943 The Upper Lip and reporter Harry Lerman sellING L.I.E.S.
>>19331040 Frank Zappa - Lost Interview - The Presidential Elections For Flashback keks
>>19331063 If a private citizen lied to Congress as many times as FBI Director Wray does, they would be America's Most Wanted!
>>19331072 Missouri warns that health info was stolen in IBM MOVEit data breach
>>19331089 Cosmonauts Finish Spacewalk InstallING Shields and RelocatING Hardware
>>19331165 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'
>>19331209 Showalter: Trans-ING Kids: These Congress Members Need To Be Held Accountable
>>19331265, >>19331252 UTAH: FBI SWAT agents were givING commands to the man when he pointed a gun at them
>>19331274 Harnwell: Conservative Evangelicals and Traditional Catholics are in "Pope" Francis's crosshairs. Italy fightING back
>>19331290 The dead Goldman Sachs analyst, John Castic's, death is now beING reported as a drownING accordING to his father
>>19331361 Jesse Watters - January 6 Committee Caught Cold in Massive Illegal Cover Up!
>>19331453 #23740-B
Previously Collected
>>19329887 #23738-B, >>19330666 #23739, >>19331344 #23740-A
>>19328014 #23736, >>19329032 #23737, >>19329815 #23738-A
>>19325338 #23733, >>19326163 #23734, >>19327075 #23735
>>19323512 #23731-A, >>19323772 #23731-B, >>19324592 #23732
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19332340 at 2023-08-10 04:23:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23742: Night Crew Laments Maui Wowie, Roll It Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19188850 ------ Australia #31
>>19181822 ------ Canada #45
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19236542 ------ Japan #16
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?
>>19088769, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed NEW
>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed
#23741 >>19331470
>>19331551, >>19331687, >>19331846, >>19331891, >>19331900 PF
>>19331481 Truth Social, Digital World extend merger deadline amid SEC delays
>>19331490 The RollING Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash - Scotty Films
>>19331523 Major independent credit ratINGs firm has *DUMPED* ESG scores from its ratINGs.
>>19331540, >>19331605 Videos are emergING from the event where Ecuador Presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio
>>19331557 De Blasio's Security Chief Admits HinderING Corruption Investigation
>>19331571 Dr. Miriam Grossman: 'Lost in Trans Nation' Book Suppression Campaign; Roadmap For Parental Rights
>>19331583 Andy Ng? with Laura INGraham - re: Ngo v. Rose City Antifa
>>19331641 Female Seattle cop's scathING 'exit' letter where she blames chief's 'failed leadership' and 'spineless' mayor for playING to politics
>>19331660, >>19331819, >>19331830 Villavicencio Connected to Wikileaks.
>>19331770 How the Reedley lab abatement warrant was obtained
>>19331801 VarAC HF chat
>>19331884, >>19331967, >>19332183, >>19332205 Maui before/after Devastated by fire
>>19332148 Bernie Sanders Quietly Funneled $200K in Campaign Cash Into Wife and Son's Non-Profit Organization
>>19332158 NIH took royalties from Wuhan lab collaborator, alleged front for Russian bioweapons: records
>>19332160 All-Africa war possible, ECOWAS intervention in Niger risks a continental conflict
>>19332181 @realDonaldTrump Thank You–Maga
>>19332187 Joe Biden's Office Devised TalkING Points About Burisma Executive Right After Hunter 'Called DC,'
>>19332188 Dr Byrne discusses "brain death" says it's a lie
>>19332194 Multiple firefighters are battlING a Massive fire at a metal scrap recyclING facility
>>19332212 Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan
>>19332284, >>19332289, >>19332297, >>19332298 A federal appeals court has struck down a decades-old law barrING users of illegal drugs from possessING firearms
>>19332331 #23741
#23740-B >>19330680
>>19330727 Video of Biden on MSNBC was altered to make it appear like he struggled to speak for a full minute???
>>19330732 @realDonaldTrump I will be interviewed by Eric BollING of NewsMax, TONIGHT, 8:00 P.M. ENJOY!
>>19330760 Trump live
>>19330893 Webb Reveals Colors of Earendel, Most Distant Star Ever Detected
>>19330923 NASA Software Catalog Offers Free Programs for Earth Science, More
>>19330931, >>19330937, >>19330940, >>19331079, >>19331097, >>19331099, >>19331104, >>19331124, >>19331144, >>19331145, >>19331191, >>19331251 Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio dead, assassinated at a rally in capital Quito
>>19330943 The Upper Lip and reporter Harry Lerman sellING L.I.E.S.
>>19331040 Frank Zappa - Lost Interview - The Presidential Elections For Flashback keks
>>19331063 If a private citizen lied to Congress as many times as FBI Director Wray does, they would be America's Most Wanted!
>>19331072 Missouri warns that health info was stolen in IBM MOVEit data breach
>>19331089 Cosmonauts Finish Spacewalk InstallING Shields and RelocatING Hardware
>>19331165 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'
>>19331209 Showalter: Trans-ING Kids: These Congress Members Need To Be Held Accountable
>>19331265, >>19331252 UTAH: FBI SWAT agents were givING commands to the man when he pointed a gun at them
>>19331274 Harnwell: Conservative Evangelicals and Traditional Catholics are in "Pope" Francis's crosshairs. Italy fightING back
>>19331290 The dead Goldman Sachs analyst, John Castic's, death is now beING reported as a drownING accordING to his father
>>19331361 Jesse Watters - January 6 Committee Caught Cold in Massive Illegal Cover Up!
>>19331453 #23740-B
#23740-A >>19330680
>>19330760 Trump live
>>19330926 interview pics
>>19330857 President Trump [Newsmax]: What they are doING to this country at the border, what they're doING to our country with taxes; they're usING the environment to just destroy people. The windmills are absolutely the most expensive form of energy you can have.
>>19330874, >>19330916 President Trump: Now that we have the subpoena power, all of a sudden the J6 committee, the unselects I call them, everythING was deleted and destroyed. The documents, everythING was deleted and destroyed. That's a criminal act. So all that stuff, all of that nonsense that you watched for a year and a half...it's all been deleted and gotten rid of. They deleted because they didn't want anybody to see it.
>>19330884 President Trump: How about the Panama Canal? We lost thirty-six thousand lives buildING the Panama Canal. It was stupidly sold for one dollar to Panama...it was done durING the Carter administration, it was sold for one dollar, and now China is takING it over.
>>19330914 President Trump: I won this thING [2020] by hundreds of thousands of votes. That's my opinion, and it's a strong opinion, and I think it's born out by the facts. And we'll see that.
>>19330941 President Trump: We have dangers from within, and from without. But the dangers from within are more dangerous, because you know, the dangers from without, outside, China, Russia...I can handle them. But these maniacs, these lunatics that we have in this country, that go from, one scam to another; Russia, Russia, Russia, the Muller hoax...the fake dossier, the Steele Dossier , fake....they're all fake stories.
>>19330949 President Trump: Jack Smith; he's like a deranged individual...he's a sick puppy.
>>19330990 President Trump: They found out as of today, I think thirty-two million dollars that went into his [Joe Biden's] accounts, and the various accounts of the family. That's a tremendous amount of money. And nothING was done for it. It was just a bribe. Just extortion and a bribe, when you see him talkING about the billion dollars for the prosecutor [Ukraine]...this a president who is a Manchurian Candidate. This is a president who is fully compromised. He's so afraid of China, and the reason he is afraid, is because I believe they paid him a tremendous amount of money, and he doesn't want people ti find out about it.
>>19331004 President Trump: These people that we have, these radical fascists and marxists that we have in our government, you can't talk to them. They're nuts. They're crazy.
President Trump [quotING Melania]: "It's so sad what's happenING to our country."...she's a hundred percent [behind another four years]...she feels very strongly about it...she thinks it's very important.
>>19331026 Eric BollING is a liddle bitch. Right after the interview ended he throws in the disclaimer that we here at Newsmax have accepted the election results as legitimate and final! What a fuckING smarmy cock suckING coward!
>>19331344 #23740-A
#23739 >>19329898
>>19330213 So what's the deal with all these Non-governmental organizations controllING our governments?
>>19330234 Trump with Eric BollING LIVE tonight at 8pm ET
>>19330015 Made in America Philadelphia Music Event Cancelled due to "severe circumstances outside of production control."
>>19329906 90-Year-Old Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Hospitalized After TrippING and FallING in San Francisco
>>19329907 RE: Maui Wildfires: Did you know Oprah's property was at Thompson Ranch in Kula?
>>19329930 Biden: "I never talked business... I knew you'd have a lousy question."
>>19329944, >>19329961, >>19330003, >>19330019 Secret "Cypher" Catches Biden Red Handed In Ouster Of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan - Revolver News
>>19329973, >>19330038, >>19330260, >>19330562 'MAGA Trumper' Craig Robertson gunned down on his doorstep by FBI agents for makING Biden Death Threats on facebook
>>19330472 Lara Logan: I thought the Secret Service was responsible for threats against the President?
>>19330061, >>19330127 NRO + USSF scheduled to launch SILENTBARKER/NROL-107 mission from Cape Canaveral no earlier than August 29th
>>19330116 RE: Chinese aggression against the US and Taiwan
>>19330137 ATTENTION: "PUBLIC SERVANTS" 1913 Fed Reserve act is the GREATEST HEIST AND FRAUD of all time.
>>19330176 Richard Levine suffers tranny-induced hot flashes, announces EMS HeatTracker will help determine where to prioritize heat mitigation strategies
>>19330185 DevastatING footage emerges from Front Street in Downtown Lahaina, Hawaii after massive fire sweeps the island
>>19330349 Joe Biden blocks uranium minING ton a million acres borderING the Grand Canyon
>>19330237 Mike Davis says he'll run Trump's Campaign from the jail cell next to him if he has to
>>19330347, >>19330363 Most popular Chinese keyboard app (450 million monthly users) transmits every key typed back to... guess where? Tencent ??
>>19330463 ZUBY: What were all those other 80% of Twitter staff doING? ELON: CensorING the public on behalf of governments is a lot of work!
>>19330478 @RobertKennedyJr: The People EngineerING the Ukraine War Are the Same Ones Who Engineered the War in Iraq
>>19330507 New document shows the FBI Richmond Field Office coordinated with other field offices to draft a memo targetING Catholics as domestic terrorists
>>19330548 PF Report: SAM650 Andrews to Jackson Hole and back.
>>19330551 Horowitz: CDC committee shockINGly approves yet another RSV shot that had more fatalities in trial group than placebo
>>19330569 Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations - The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal - GWP
>>19330618 FEC records reveal a Democrat dark money super PAC paid the company implicated in a Michigan police report of voter registration fraud
>>19330629 @CodeMonkeyZ Feds already have had Trump's data. They simply issued the search warrant in order to bypass his 4th Amendment in court.
>>19330666 #23739
Previously Collected
>>19329887 #23738-B
>>19328014 #23736, >>19329032 #23737, >>19329815 #23738-A
>>19325338 #23733, >>19326163 #23734, >>19327075 #23735
>>19323512 #23731-A, >>19323772 #23731-B, >>19324592 #23732
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19331453 at 2023-08-10 01:50:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23740: Severe Consequences, Outside of [DS] Control Edition
#23740-B >>19330680
>>19330727 Video of Biden on MSNBC was altered to make it appear like he struggled to speak for a full minute???
>>19330732 @realDonaldTrump I will be interviewed by Eric BollING of NewsMax, TONIGHT, 8:00 P.M. ENJOY!
>>19330760 Trump live
>>19330893 Webb Reveals Colors of Earendel, Most Distant Star Ever Detected
>>19330923 NASA Software Catalog Offers Free Programs for Earth Science, More
>>19330931, >>19330937, >>19330940, >>19331079, >>19331097, >>19331099, >>19331104, >>19331124, >>19331144, >>19331145, >>19331191, >>19331251 Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio dead, assassinated at a rally in capital Quito
>>19330943 The Upper Lip and reporter Harry Lerman sellING L.I.E.S.
>>19331040 Frank Zappa - Lost Interview - The Presidential Elections For Flashback keks
>>19331063 If a private citizen lied to Congress as many times as FBI Director Wray does, they would be America's Most Wanted!
>>19331072 Missouri warns that health info was stolen in IBM MOVEit data breach
>>19331089 Cosmonauts Finish Spacewalk InstallING Shields and RelocatING Hardware
>>19331165 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'
>>19331209 Showalter: Trans-ING Kids: These Congress Members Need To Be Held Accountable
>>19331265, >>19331252 UTAH: FBI SWAT agents were givING commands to the man when he pointed a gun at them
>>19331274 Harnwell: Conservative Evangelicals and Traditional Catholics are in "Pope" Francis's crosshairs. Italy fightING back
>>19331290 The dead Goldman Sachs analyst, John Castic's, death is now beING reported as a drownING accordING to his father
>>19331361 Jesse Watters - January 6 Committee Caught Cold in Massive Illegal Cover Up!
#19331378 at 2023-08-10 01:41:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23740: Severe Consequences, Outside of [DS] Control Edition
Last Call
#23740-B >>19330680
>>19330727 Video of Biden on MSNBC was altered to make it appear like he struggled to speak for a full minute???
>>19330732 @realDonaldTrump I will be interviewed by Eric BollING of NewsMax, TONIGHT, 8:00 P.M. ENJOY!
>>19330760 Trump live
>>19330893 Webb Reveals Colors of Earendel, Most Distant Star Ever Detected
>>19330923 NASA Software Catalog Offers Free Programs for Earth Science, More
>>19330931, >>19330937, >>19330940, >>19331079, >>19331097, >>19331099, >>19331104, >>19331124, >>19331144, >>19331145, >>19331191, >>19331251 Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio dead, assassinated at a rally in capital Quito
>>19330943 The Upper Lip and reporter Harry Lerman sellING L.I.E.S.
>>19331040 Frank Zappa - Lost Interview - The Presidential Elections For Flashback keks
>>19331063 If a private citizen lied to Congress as many times as FBI Director Wray does, they would be America's Most Wanted!
>>19331072 Missouri warns that health info was stolen in IBM MOVEit data breach
>>19331089 Cosmonauts Finish Spacewalk InstallING Shields and RelocatING Hardware
>>19331165 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'
>>19331209 Showalter: Trans-ING Kids: These Congress Members Need To Be Held Accountable
>>19331265, >>19331252 UTAH: FBI SWAT agents were givING commands to the man when he pointed a gun at them
>>19331274 Harnwell: Conservative Evangelicals and Traditional Catholics are in "Pope" Francis's crosshairs. Italy fightING back
>>19331290 The dead Goldman Sachs analyst, John Castic's, death is now beING reported as a drownING accordING to his father
>>19331361 Jesse Watters - January 6 Committee Caught Cold in Massive Illegal Cover Up!
#19331234 at 2023-08-10 01:20:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23740: Severe Consequences, Outside of [DS] Control Edition
#23740 >>19330680
>>19330727 Video of Biden on MSNBC was altered to make it appear like he struggled to speak for a full minute???
>>19330732 @realDonaldTrump I will be interviewed by Eric BollING of NewsMax, TONIGHT, 8:00 P.M. ENJOY!
>>19330760 Trump live
>>19330893 Webb Reveals Colors of Earendel, Most Distant Star Ever Detected
>>19330923 NASA Software Catalog Offers Free Programs for Earth Science, More
>>19330931, >>19330937, >>19330940, >>19331079, >>19331097, >>19331099, >>19331104, >>19331124, >>19331144, >>19331145, >>19331191 Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio dead, assassinated at a rally in capital Quito
>>19330943 The Upper Lip and reporter Harry Lerman sellING L.I.E.S.
>>19331040 Frank Zappa - Lost Interview - The Presidential Elections For Flashback keks
>>19331063 If a private citizen lied to Congress as many times as FBI Director Wray does, they would be America's Most Wanted!
>>19331072 Missouri warns that health info was stolen in IBM MOVEit data breach
>>19331089 Cosmonauts Finish Spacewalk InstallING Shields and RelocatING Hardware
>>19331165 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'
>>19331209 Showalter: Trans-ING Kids: These Congress Members Need To Be Held Accountable
>>19330760 Trump live
>>19330926 interview pics
>>19330857 President Trump [Newsmax]: What they are doING to this country at the border, what they're doING to our country with taxes; they're usING the environment to just destroy people. The windmills are absolutely the most expensive form of energy you can have.
>>19330874, >>19330916 President Trump: Now that we have the subpoena power, all of a sudden the J6 committee, the unselects I call them, everythING was deleted and destroyed. The documents, everythING was deleted and destroyed. That's a criminal act. So all that stuff, all of that nonsense that you watched for a year and a half...it's all been deleted and gotten rid of. They deleted because they didn't want anybody to see it.
>>19330884 President Trump: How about the Panama Canal? We lost thirty-six thousand lives buildING the Panama Canal. It was stupidly sold for one dollar to Panama...it was done durING the Carter administration, it was sold for one dollar, and now China is takING it over.
>>19330914 President Trump: I won this thING [2020] by hundreds of thousands of votes. That's my opinion, and it's a strong opinion, and I think it's born out by the facts. And we'll see that.
>>19330941 President Trump: We have dangers from within, and from without. But the dangers from within are more dangerous, because you know, the dangers from without, outside, China, Russia...I can handle them. But these maniacs, these lunatics that we have in this country, that go from, one scam to another; Russia, Russia, Russia, the Muller hoax...the fake dossier, the Steele Dossier , fake....they're all fake stories.
>>19330949 President Trump: Jack Smith; he's like a deranged individual...he's a sick puppy.
>>19330990 President Trump: They found out as of today, I think thirty-two million dollars that went into his [Joe Biden's] accounts, and the various accounts of the family. That's a tremendous amount of money. And nothING was done for it. It was just a bribe. Just extortion and a bribe, when you see him talkING about the billion dollars for the prosecutor [Ukraine]...this a president who is a Manchurian Candidate. This is a president who is fully compromised. He's so afraid of China, and the reason he is afraid, is because I believe they paid him a tremendous amount of money, and he doesn't want people ti find out about it.
>>19331004 President Trump: These people that we have, these radical fascists and marxists that we have in our government, you can't talk to them. They're nuts. They're crazy.
President Trump [quotING Melania]: "It's so sad what's happenING to our country."...she's a hundred percent [behind another four years]...she feels very strongly about it...she thinks it's very important.
>>19331026 Eric BollING is a liddle bitch. Right after the interview ended he throws in the disclaimer that we here at Newsmax have accepted the election results as legitimate and final! What a fuckING smarmy cock suckING coward!
#19331209 at 2023-08-10 01:15:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23740: Severe Consequences, Outside of [DS] Control Edition
Brandon Showalter: Trans-ING Kids: These Congress Members Need To Be Held Accountable
#19327115 at 2023-08-09 13:20:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23736: How Do You Introduce Evidence? Edition
#23733 >>19324563
>>19324615 12 States Now UsING Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
>>19324633, >>19324663 Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack
>>19324639 The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was tryING to dox them
>>19324659 Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can 'Go Straight to Hell' Over Border Crisis
>>19324682 David Zere ReportING Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire
>>19324692 Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands
>>19324693 There are a couple of J6 Committee's witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony
>>19324699 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewaterING record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals
>>19324706 Kamala and Biden's golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were fundING Proterra, America's biggest electric bus company
>>19324731 America First Legal says it is filING lawsuit against Target in federal court for violatING the Securities Exchange Act
>>19324764 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation MockINGbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess
>>19324797 VSwamy on Pence N gubmint
>>19324802 Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused
>>19324809, >>19324859 "We are seeING turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.
>>19324821 Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia
>>19324842, >>19325034 Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis
>>19324855 Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan's @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn't.
>>19324862 Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America
>>19324874 Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment
>>19324886 New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive DurING Border Patrol Stop
>>19324896 DeSantis CampING Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout
>>19324998, >>19325094 @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign "influencers" out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!
>>19325015 Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role
>>19325064 Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky
>>19325071 Joe Biden blocked uranium minING today on a million acres borderING the Grand Canyon.
>>19325081 "We Know Where You F***ING Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women's Right's Activists
>>19325106 Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge
>>19325127 @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment…..
>>19325146 More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day stING in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country
>>19325156 Pence No Pump gas
>>19325162 Aussie: Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown
>>19325254 Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probING whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager
>>19325257 Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin PreventING Uranium MinING In Arizona.
>>19325338 #23733
Previously Collected
>>19323512 #23731-A, >>19323772 #23731-B, >>19324592 #23732
>>19320795 #23728, >>19322341 #23729, >>19322977 #23730
>>19318251 #23725, >>19319041 #23726, >>19319873 #23727
>>19315733 #23722, >>19316544 #23723, >>19317466 #23724
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19326169 at 2023-08-09 06:44:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23735: Emergency Ani-Bake
International Q Research Threads
>>19188850 ------ Australia #31
>>19181822 ------ Canada #45
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19236542 ------ Japan #16
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?
>>19088769, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed NEW
>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed
23734 >>19325353
>>19325365 Patty McMurray: Michigan Police Find TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Theorize Of Democratic "Multi-State Operation" To Rig Elections from 2020
>>19325393, >>19325478 Is This the Technocracy's Hidden Ace in the Global Anti-Meat Agenda?
>>19325409 Tera Dahl on Bannon re Slave Trade at the Southern Border
>>19325439 Trump in NH
>>19325474 Former African Union Ambassador to the U.S. Arikana Chihombori-Quao (@HEDrArikana) EXPLODES, wonders why France remains a member of the UN Security Council while committING atrocities in Africa,
>>19325481 Macron Depression: Globalist Leader Survives Many Crises, While French Influence Collapses in Africa
>>19325490 Trump is about to unleash his FULL subpoena power...
>>19325528 A Very Specific Set of Traits - Melania Trump, The Steadfast Rock
>>19325579, >>19325619, >>19325631 Next batch of Covid fear pron - variant ERIS or EG.5
>>19325547, >>19325596 Reminder: Uranium 1 rundown from 2018
>>19325652 Aborted babies are used to develop vaxxes - video
>>19325670 PDJT: J6 Unselect Committee got rid of EVERYTHING!
>>19325686, >>19325698 The Capitol Hill Tapes - Epoch Times was given access, "WE PUBLISH THIS FRIDAY"
>>19325723, >>19325756 PDJT: I was extremely respectful of Sloppy Chris Christie today in New Hampshire...
>>19325733 "FEC Reports Just 22 DeSantis Donors in Iowa."
>>19325747 Western officials losING faith in Ukraine's military - CNN
>>19325772, >>19325835, >>19325948 PDJT: A MUST WATCH! [Hitler parody with DeSantis as Hitler]
>>19325785 PDJT: So now that I have full Subpoena Power...
>>19325802, >>19325807 Trump Is Right. Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Spent Decades GettING 'Rich On China'
>>19325828 Anon: Who financed J6?
>>19325837 PDJT rt's Poso's Truth about Ray Epps
>>19325849, >>19325863, >>19325885, >>19325903 Texas woman was mowING the grass when a snake and hawk attacked her from above - comms or true or both?
>>19325858 O'Reilly reveals new information involvING the Biden family corruption, media coverage of Donald Trump
>>19325890 Joe Biden adds two wonders to the seven wonders of the world
>>19325905 LIVE police chase in LA
>>19326126 Newsom administration muzzled Fresno Co. disclosure of Reedley COVID lab
>>19326138, >>19326149, >>19326152 INNOVATION 2023 - 2025 - THE B.I.S AGENDA
>>19326163 #23734
#23733 >>19324563
>>19324615 12 States Now UsING Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
>>19324633, >>19324663 Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack
>>19324639 The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was tryING to dox them
>>19324659 Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can 'Go Straight to Hell' Over Border Crisis
>>19324682 David Zere ReportING Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire
>>19324692 Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands
>>19324693 There are a couple of J6 Committee's witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony
>>19324699 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewaterING record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals
>>19324706 Kamala and Biden's golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were fundING Proterra, America's biggest electric bus company
>>19324731 America First Legal says it is filING lawsuit against Target in federal court for violatING the Securities Exchange Act
>>19324764 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation MockINGbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess
>>19324797 VSwamy on Pence N gubmint
>>19324802 Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused
>>19324809, >>19324859 "We are seeING turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.
>>19324821 Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia
>>19324842, >>19325034 Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis
>>19324855 Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan's @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn't.
>>19324862 Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America
>>19324874 Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment
>>19324886 New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive DurING Border Patrol Stop
>>19324896 DeSantis CampING Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout
>>19324998, >>19325094 @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign "influencers" out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!
>>19325015 Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role
>>19325064 Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky
>>19325071 Joe Biden blocked uranium minING today on a million acres borderING the Grand Canyon.
>>19325081 "We Know Where You F***ING Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women's Right's Activists
>>19325106 Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge
>>19325127 @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment…..
>>19325146 More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day stING in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country
>>19325156 Pence No Pump gas
>>19325162 Aussie: Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown
>>19325254 Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probING whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager
>>19325257 Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin PreventING Uranium MinING In Arizona.
>>19325338 #23733
#23732 >>19323780
>>19324265, >>19324256, >>19324289, >>19324329, >>19324344, >>19324393 NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan
>>19323823, >>19323829, >>19323846, >>19323817, >>19323832, >>19324114 Border hearING notes: NO democrats showed up
>>19324200 Images show men armed with rifles, body armor comING across southern border
>>19324226 LIVE: Illegals stayING at the luxurious Roosevelt Hotel in New York City
>>19323819 Ed Dowd: The COVID Vax Is a "Crime, Cover-Up, and Murder at This Point"
>>19323857, >>19324255 Crackdown on International Pedophile RING Leads to Arrest of 19 Men in Australia
>>19323860, >>19323871 Gbi Strategies LLC Voter Fraud dig
>>19323878, >>19323966 Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
>>19323891 Supreme Court reinstates Biden's ghost gun regulations
>>19323883, >>19323876 @dc_draino Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 sayING "we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd"
>>19323901 PF Report: Four NASA flights today out of Wright Patterson
>>19323923 A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnerING with McKinsey & Company on a Management TrainING Program not open to white applicants.
>>19323927 Every poll worker shared the same password, meanING hacker had access to the entire Fulton election system
>>19323931 @gatewaypundit State of Emergency Declared in Sanctuary State Massachusetts Due to Surge in Illegal Immigrants
>>19323945 Mike Pence's former national security adviser says he's 'unworthy' of beING president and throws his support behind TRUMP
>>19323949 @alexbruesewitz The sham J6 committee destroyed all evidence despite @SpeakerMcCarthy demandING they preserve their work and all documents.
>>19324014 Secret Service has absolute federal authority to stop the President from goING in...or former President from beING put in a dangerous situation, includING prison
>>19324024 Biden administration has given $2.35 BILLION to the Taliban since the withdrawal: DamnING report reveals huge wastes in taxpayers funds after 20 years in Afghanistan
>>19324029 Ohio sees huge turnout for vote to make it harder protect against 'radical' changes to abortion and education laws
>>19324079 DisturbING new footage of Sen Rand Paul's staffer beING brutally stabbed in DC.
>>19324002, >>19324214 @Techno_Fog No surprise - Judge Chutkan denies the hearING date(s) requested by Trump's lawyers.
>>19324151 Ex-Austrian FM moves to small Russian village
>>19324183 Dr. Jan Halper Hayes droppING more truth bombs: Smith Mundt, Operation MockINGbird, 5D chess, Presidential Emergency Act...
>>19324221 America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleadING shareholders
>>19324224 Former Coast Guard head covered up secret investigation into sexual assaults at the Coast Guard Academy
>>19324316 Former Los Lunas High School Coach Sentenced to 23 Years for Coercion and Enticement and Production of Child Pornography
>>19324322 Three Board Members of Failed WashINGton Federal Bank in Chicago Guilty of FalsifyING Records and ObstructING Regulators
>>19324335, >>19324341 Former Leader of "Clan Del Golfo" Drug TraffickING Organization Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison
>>19324342 Tucker Carlson's message to the Murdoch Family (who owns & controls Fox News) after beING fired
>>19324352 CDC Reports Uptick in Leprosy Cases in Florida, While U.K., India Researchers Link Leprosy Adverse Events to mRNA Vaccines
>>19324449 Donald J. Trump Announces "Veterans for Trump" Coalition in New Hampshire
>>19324450 Protest against proposed tent city for illegals in Queens Village, New York
>>19324459, >>19324468, >>19324496 A Confirmed Large and Extremely Dangerous Rain-Wrapped Tornado is on the ground #Yuma | #Colorado
>>19324592 #23732
#23731-B >>19322992
>>19323010 Did You Know the US has about 1,100 troops in Niger, along with a major drone base?
>>19323078 Claims that 'Global BoilING' Led to "ShockING" MeltING of Greenland Ice Sheet are Nonsense – the Ice Sheet is Currently Bigger Than Normal
>>19323052, >>19323096 The Constitution became a broken contract between the states on Dec. 20, 1860. Now, what did the US CONgress do in 1871?
>>19323099 UK: Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Midazolam & Morphine Euthanasia Camps
>>19323119 Soros and left-wING billionaires pump huge donations into Schumer PAC to hold Senate
>>19323127 Antifa militants threaten Post Millennial journalist Katie Daviscourt inside courthouse durING Andy Ngo trial: 'Get in the elevator'
>>19323153 Google hits out at Trump's Truth Social app
>>19323205 The Origin of the Climate Change Hoax
>>19323243 'Native American Guardians Association' petition to restore the WashINGton Redskins name goes viral – 'You can't cancel American history!'
>>19323244 GBI Strategies Michigan voter registration fraud
>>19323258 Japan Denies WashINGton Post Claim Chinese Hackers Infiltrated Its Defense Ministry
>>19323286 'Authorities cannot be unaware of organ traffickING' – Hague lawyer on allegations against Kiev
>>19323322 Honduran Migrant Turned U.S. Citizen Gets 10 Years for Child Porn, Human SmugglING
>>19323324, >>19323284, >>19323354, >>19323398 110D to 104D to 105D
>>19323333 33,000 homeless veterans, 17 point difference. He's throwING lots of numerology out there.
>>19323334 DC Police Officer AdmittING "Non-Uniformed Police Will Have a Candy-Striped Barrell" and "When We Go Undercover as Antifa in the Crowd"
>>19323344, >>19323410 Australian police announced Tuesday the dismantlING of a "sophisticated" child abuse rING, sayING 19 men had been arrested with the help of the FBI.
>>19323383 resident participates in a lookout of the Grand Canyon
>>19323399 New book reveals Tiananmen square massacre, others fabricated by US
>>19323432, >>19323420 Out of the Darkness can come the Light
>>19323455 'Crooked' Lawyers Who Aid Illegal Migrants Cheat Asylum System to Face Life Sentences
>>19323010 Victoria Nuland Meets With Niger Junta Leaders
>>19323639 68 Million UK Electoral Roles Hacked
>>19323702 @LizCrokin Trump's War On Human TraffickING - repost from 2020
>>19323735 Joint Subcommittee field hearING titled "Biden's Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities"
>>19323772 #23731-B
Previously Collected
>>19323512 #23731-A
>>19320795 #23728, >>19322341 #23729, >>19322977 #23730
>>19318251 #23725, >>19319041 #23726, >>19319873 #23727
>>19315733 #23722, >>19316544 #23723, >>19317466 #23724
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19325347 at 2023-08-09 02:40:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23734: SUBPOENA POWER WINNING Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>19188850 ------ Australia #31
>>19181822 ------ Canada #45
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>19236542 ------ Japan #16
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?
>>19088769, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed NEW
>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW
>>19089065 BakING Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ
>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed
#23733 >>19324563
>>19324615 12 States Now UsING Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
>>19324633, >>19324663 Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack
>>19324639 The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was tryING to dox them
>>19324659 Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can 'Go Straight to Hell' Over Border Crisis
>>19324682 David Zere ReportING Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire
>>19324692 Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands
>>19324693 There are a couple of J6 Committee's witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony
>>19324699 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewaterING record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals
>>19324706 Kamala and Biden's golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were fundING Proterra, America's biggest electric bus company
>>19324731 America First Legal says it is filING lawsuit against Target in federal court for violatING the Securities Exchange Act
>>19324764 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation MockINGbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess
>>19324797 VSwamy on Pence N gubmint
>>19324802 Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused
>>19324809, >>19324859 "We are seeING turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.
>>19324821 Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia
>>19324842, >>19325034 Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis
>>19324855 Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan's @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn't.
>>19324862 Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America
>>19324874 Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment
>>19324886 New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive DurING Border Patrol Stop
>>19324896 DeSantis CampING Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout
>>19324998, >>19325094 @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign "influencers" out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!
>>19325015 Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role
>>19325064 Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky
>>19325071 Joe Biden blocked uranium minING today on a million acres borderING the Grand Canyon.
>>19325081 "We Know Where You F***ING Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women's Right's Activists
>>19325106 Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge
>>19325127 @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment…..
>>19325146 More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day stING in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country
>>19325156 Pence No Pump gas
>>19325162 Aussie: Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown
>>19325254 Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probING whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager
>>19325257 Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin PreventING Uranium MinING In Arizona.
>>19325338 #23733
#23732 >>19323780
>>19324265, >>19324256, >>19324289, >>19324329, >>19324344, >>19324393 NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan
>>19323823, >>19323829, >>19323846, >>19323817, >>19323832, >>19324114 Border hearING notes: NO democrats showed up
>>19324200 Images show men armed with rifles, body armor comING across southern border
>>19324226 LIVE: Illegals stayING at the luxurious Roosevelt Hotel in New York City
>>19323819 Ed Dowd: The COVID Vax Is a "Crime, Cover-Up, and Murder at This Point"
>>19323857, >>19324255 Crackdown on International Pedophile RING Leads to Arrest of 19 Men in Australia
>>19323860, >>19323871 Gbi Strategies LLC Voter Fraud dig
>>19323878, >>19323966 Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
>>19323891 Supreme Court reinstates Biden's ghost gun regulations
>>19323883, >>19323876 @dc_draino Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 sayING "we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd"
>>19323901 PF Report: Four NASA flights today out of Wright Patterson
>>19323923 A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnerING with McKinsey & Company on a Management TrainING Program not open to white applicants.
>>19323927 Every poll worker shared the same password, meanING hacker had access to the entire Fulton election system
>>19323931 @gatewaypundit State of Emergency Declared in Sanctuary State Massachusetts Due to Surge in Illegal Immigrants
>>19323945 Mike Pence's former national security adviser says he's 'unworthy' of beING president and throws his support behind TRUMP
>>19323949 @alexbruesewitz The sham J6 committee destroyed all evidence despite @SpeakerMcCarthy demandING they preserve their work and all documents.
>>19324014 Secret Service has absolute federal authority to stop the President from goING in...or former President from beING put in a dangerous situation, includING prison
>>19324024 Biden administration has given $2.35 BILLION to the Taliban since the withdrawal: DamnING report reveals huge wastes in taxpayers funds after 20 years in Afghanistan
>>19324029 Ohio sees huge turnout for vote to make it harder protect against 'radical' changes to abortion and education laws
>>19324079 DisturbING new footage of Sen Rand Paul's staffer beING brutally stabbed in DC.
>>19324002, >>19324214 @Techno_Fog No surprise - Judge Chutkan denies the hearING date(s) requested by Trump's lawyers.
>>19324151 Ex-Austrian FM moves to small Russian village
>>19324183 Dr. Jan Halper Hayes droppING more truth bombs: Smith Mundt, Operation MockINGbird, 5D chess, Presidential Emergency Act...
>>19324221 America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleadING shareholders
>>19324224 Former Coast Guard head covered up secret investigation into sexual assaults at the Coast Guard Academy
>>19324316 Former Los Lunas High School Coach Sentenced to 23 Years for Coercion and Enticement and Production of Child Pornography
>>19324322 Three Board Members of Failed WashINGton Federal Bank in Chicago Guilty of FalsifyING Records and ObstructING Regulators
>>19324335, >>19324341 Former Leader of "Clan Del Golfo" Drug TraffickING Organization Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison
>>19324342 Tucker Carlson's message to the Murdoch Family (who owns & controls Fox News) after beING fired
>>19324352 CDC Reports Uptick in Leprosy Cases in Florida, While U.K., India Researchers Link Leprosy Adverse Events to mRNA Vaccines
>>19324449 Donald J. Trump Announces "Veterans for Trump" Coalition in New Hampshire
>>19324450 Protest against proposed tent city for illegals in Queens Village, New York
>>19324459, >>19324468, >>19324496 A Confirmed Large and Extremely Dangerous Rain-Wrapped Tornado is on the ground #Yuma | #Colorado
>>19324592 #23732
#23731-B >>19322992
>>19323010 Did You Know the US has about 1,100 troops in Niger, along with a major drone base?
>>19323078 Claims that 'Global BoilING' Led to "ShockING" MeltING of Greenland Ice Sheet are Nonsense – the Ice Sheet is Currently Bigger Than Normal
>>19323052, >>19323096 The Constitution became a broken contract between the states on Dec. 20, 1860. Now, what did the US CONgress do in 1871?
>>19323099 UK: Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Midazolam & Morphine Euthanasia Camps
>>19323119 Soros and left-wING billionaires pump huge donations into Schumer PAC to hold Senate
>>19323127 Antifa militants threaten Post Millennial journalist Katie Daviscourt inside courthouse durING Andy Ngo trial: 'Get in the elevator'
>>19323153 Google hits out at Trump's Truth Social app
>>19323205 The Origin of the Climate Change Hoax
>>19323243 'Native American Guardians Association' petition to restore the WashINGton Redskins name goes viral – 'You can't cancel American history!'
>>19323244 GBI Strategies Michigan voter registration fraud
>>19323258 Japan Denies WashINGton Post Claim Chinese Hackers Infiltrated Its Defense Ministry
>>19323286 'Authorities cannot be unaware of organ traffickING' – Hague lawyer on allegations against Kiev
>>19323322 Honduran Migrant Turned U.S. Citizen Gets 10 Years for Child Porn, Human SmugglING
>>19323324, >>19323284, >>19323354, >>19323398 110D to 104D to 105D
>>19323333 33,000 homeless veterans, 17 point difference. He's throwING lots of numerology out there.
>>19323334 DC Police Officer AdmittING "Non-Uniformed Police Will Have a Candy-Striped Barrell" and "When We Go Undercover as Antifa in the Crowd"
>>19323344, >>19323410 Australian police announced Tuesday the dismantlING of a "sophisticated" child abuse rING, sayING 19 men had been arrested with the help of the FBI.
>>19323383 resident participates in a lookout of the Grand Canyon
>>19323399 New book reveals Tiananmen square massacre, others fabricated by US
>>19323432, >>19323420 Out of the Darkness can come the Light
>>19323455 'Crooked' Lawyers Who Aid Illegal Migrants Cheat Asylum System to Face Life Sentences
>>19323010 Victoria Nuland Meets With Niger Junta Leaders
>>19323639 68 Million UK Electoral Roles Hacked
>>19323702 @LizCrokin Trump's War On Human TraffickING - repost from 2020
>>19323735 Joint Subcommittee field hearING titled "Biden's Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities"
>>19323772 #23731-B
Previously Collected
>>19323512 #23731-A
>>19320795 #23728, >>19322341 #23729, >>19322977 #23730
>>19318251 #23725, >>19319041 #23726, >>19319873 #23727
>>19315733 #23722, >>19316544 #23723, >>19317466 #23724
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/
Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963
#19325338 at 2023-08-09 02:39:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23733: NCSWIC Edition
#23733 >>19324563
>>19324615 12 States Now UsING Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
>>19324633, >>19324663 Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack
>>19324639 The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was tryING to dox them
>>19324659 Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can 'Go Straight to Hell' Over Border Crisis
>>19324682 David Zere ReportING Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire
>>19324692 Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands
>>19324693 There are a couple of J6 Committee's witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony
>>19324699 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewaterING record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals
>>19324706 Kamala and Biden's golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were fundING Proterra, America's biggest electric bus company
>>19324731 America First Legal says it is filING lawsuit against Target in federal court for violatING the Securities Exchange Act
>>19324764 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation MockINGbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess
>>19324797 VSwamy on Pence N gubmint
>>19324802 Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused
>>19324809, >>19324859 "We are seeING turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.
>>19324821 Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia
>>19324842, >>19325034 Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis
>>19324855 Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan's @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn't.
>>19324862 Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America
>>19324874 Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment
>>19324886 New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive DurING Border Patrol Stop
>>19324896 DeSantis CampING Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout
>>19324998, >>19325094 @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign "influencers" out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!
>>19325015 Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role
>>19325064 Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky
>>19325071 Joe Biden blocked uranium minING today on a million acres borderING the Grand Canyon.
>>19325081 "We Know Where You F***ING Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women's Right's Activists
>>19325106 Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge
>>19325127 @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment…..
>>19325146 More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day stING in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country
>>19325156 Pence No Pump gas
>>19325162 Aussie: Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown
>>19325254 Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probING whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager
>>19325257 Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin PreventING Uranium MinING In Arizona.
#19325284 at 2023-08-09 02:26:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23733: NCSWIC Edition
Last Call
#23733 >>19324563
>>19324615 12 States Now UsING Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
>>19324633, >>19324663 Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack
>>19324639 The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was tryING to dox them
>>19324659 Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can 'Go Straight to Hell' Over Border Crisis
>>19324682 David Zere ReportING Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire
>>19324692 Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands
>>19324693 There are a couple of J6 Committee's witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony
>>19324699 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewaterING record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals
>>19324706 Kamala and Biden's golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were fundING Proterra, America's biggest electric bus company
>>19324731 America First Legal says it is filING lawsuit against Target in federal court for violatING the Securities Exchange Act
>>19324764 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation MockINGbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess
>>19324797 VSwamy on Pence N gubmint
>>19324802 Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused
>>19324809, >>19324859 "We are seeING turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.
>>19324821 Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia
>>19324842, >>19325034 Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis
>>19324855 Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan's @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn't.
>>19324862 Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America
>>19324874 Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment
>>19324886 New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive DurING Border Patrol Stop
>>19324896 DeSantis CampING Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout
>>19324998, >>19325094 @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign "influencers" out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!
>>19325015 Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role
>>19325064 Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky
>>19325071 Joe Biden blocked uranium minING today on a million acres borderING the Grand Canyon.
>>19325081 "We Know Where You F***ING Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women's Right's Activists
>>19325106 Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge
>>19325127 @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment…..
>>19325146 More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day stING in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country
>>19325162 Aussie: Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown
>>19325254 Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probING whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager
>>19325257 Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin PreventING Uranium MinING In Arizona.
#19325167 at 2023-08-09 02:04:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23733: NCSWIC Edition
#23733 >>19324563
>>19324615 12 States Now UsING Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
>>19324633, >>19324663 Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack
>>19324639 The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was tryING to dox them
>>19324659 Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can 'Go Straight to Hell' Over Border Crisis
>>19324682 David Zere ReportING Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire
>>19324692 Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands
>>19324693 There are a couple of J6 Committee's witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony
>>19324699 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewaterING record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals
>>19324706 Kamala and Biden's golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were fundING Proterra, America's biggest electric bus company
>>19324731 America First Legal says it is filING lawsuit against Target in federal court for violatING the Securities Exchange Act
>>19324764 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation MockINGbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess
>>19324797 VSwamy on Pence N gubmint
>>19324802 Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused
>>19324809, >>19324859 "We are seeING turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.
>>19324821 Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia
>>19324842, >>19325034 Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis
>>19324855 Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan's @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn't.
>>19324862 Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America
>>19324874 Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment
>>19324886 New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive DurING Border Patrol Stop
>>19324896 DeSantis CampING Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout
>>19324998, >>19325094 @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign "influencers" out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!
>>19325015 Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role
>>19325064 Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky
>>19325071 Joe Biden blocked uranium minING today on a million acres borderING the Grand Canyon.
>>19325081 "We Know Where You F***ING Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women's Right's Activists
>>19325106 Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge
>>19325127 @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment…..
#19325081 at 2023-08-09 01:49:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23733: NCSWIC Edition
"We Know Where You F***ING Live! - Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women's Right's Activists - Kids as Young as Five Were Also Targeted (VIDEO)
#19323498 at 2023-08-08 19:47:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23731: Trump to to Deliver Remarks in Windham, New Hampshire Edition.
>>19323483 DJT - WE ARE LIVE - 224 - 2024
>>19323483 QDROP 2024
Aug 30, 2018 10:12:03 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd9bfd No. 2810036
Aug 30, 2018 10:09:28 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 709118 No. 2809998
Aug 30, 2018 10:05:40 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: daec59 No. 2809946
Is it me or is the site 502'ING? Every time I've baked since 5pm ET it's happened.
Aug 30, 2018 10:06:17 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 6e3eed No. 2809954
Another DDOS.
SomethING BIG habbenING.
Aug 30, 2018 10:06:27 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: b550a5 No. 2809955
Holy Shit are we gettING pummeled!
Aug 30, 2018 10:08:27 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 8bfa49 No. 2809980
What's with the 3 captchas in a row??
Aug 30, 2018 10:08:35 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 23089c No. 2809985
welcome... dig, take your licks if you're wrong, keep diggING and you'll show you belong.
yup, DDOS, 502s, and captcha
with means OVER THE TARGET
Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.
#19321590 at 2023-08-08 14:30:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23729: Jill Biden Courts Drag Queens Edition
[cod] ING is fun. ?
#19321474 at 2023-08-08 14:08:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23729: Jill Biden Courts Drag Queens Edition
[Fish]ING is fun
#19317184 at 2023-08-07 21:17:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23724: Navigating Moab Monday Edition
JUST IN - Woman behind 'not real' viral outburst has been identified
3:02 PM ? Aug 7, 2023 ?35.2K Views
Brendan TaylorAugust 7, 2023 3:00 pm
woman 'back there is not real' American AirlinesSource: Video Screenshot
The woman who caused a big scene on the American Airlines flight, shoutING that 'motherf**ker back there is not real', has been ID'd as a marketING executive from Texas.
Tiffany Gomas told the police that her outburst happened because of a disagreement about airpods, The Post verified. After her strange behavior, the airline had to remove her from the plane, causING delays for everyone else onboard.
American Airlines 'back there is not real' incident woman confirmed as a marketING executive from Texas
In the viral video, she shouted, "There's a reason why I'm gettING the f-k off"" but she was still hesitant to go. The 38-year-old woman had to be removed by the staff, accordING to the police documents.
The video was first posted by @knuckelslawncare on TikTok, who was both a witness and a fellow passenger. In the video, the woman is visibly upset and talkING incoherently as she moves along the airplane aisle.
Certain Twitter users also shared jokes related to the movie "Final Destination" and other memes.
Gomas also told the passengers: "You can sit on this plane and you can f-ING die with them or not. I'm not goING to."
The disagreement began when Gomas got into a fight with her family members who were also travelING with her. She accused them of takING her AirPods, as reported by the police.
When Insider contacted American Airlines, they shared that the incident occurred durING a flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to Orlando. The flight had to go back to the gate because of a disruptive passenger. The airline mentioned that they had to involve local law enforcement in the situation.
Official complaint mentions Gomas didn't comply with police
The documents showed that TSA staff came over to the area and checked the plane thoroughly once again.
When the officers got to the gate, Gomas was very upset and wanted to re-board the plane, The Post reported. The police officers from the Dallas-Fort Worth Department of Public Safety attempted to talk to Gomas, but she declined to speak with them.
"[The airline manager] gave Gomes a verbal criminal trespass notice, explainING she was denied boardING and needed to depart the secure area," investigators noted.
The complaint mentioned that Gomas didn't show her identification to the police. She was never officially arrested or held in custody.
#19316686 at 2023-08-07 19:56:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23724: Navigating Moab Monday Edition
I remember anons discussING whether "the watch" was actually Hunter's as he was even possibly "Q"ING around here.
#19305523 at 2023-08-05 23:18:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23710: Trump Dinner SC, Liddle Pence? Edition
memes guide the world like a pilot. (Can't think of naval terms atm)
so the more new memes there're,
the easier it is to physically get there.
i'm gonna start meme-ING some shitty memes. Don't blame me. I'm just tryna guide the world.
#19292830 at 2023-08-03 20:32:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23694: Operators Standing By (you)....WRWY Pres Trump Edition
3 Aug, 2023 18:28
Trump says he's ready to be arrested
The 45th US president is on the way to WashINGton to face January 6 riot charges
BeING arrested for challengING the 2020 election is a "great honor," former US president Donald Trump said on Thursday, before gettING into a motorcade headed for WashINGton, DC. He is supposed to appear in court later in the day to answer a six-count indictment by special counsel Jack Smith.
"I am now goING to WashINGton, DC to be arrested for havING challenged a corrupt, rigged and stolen election," Trump posted on his Truth Social platform. "It is a great honor, because I am beING arrested for you."
He ended the post with "Make America Great Again!" the slogan of his winnING 2016 presidential campaign.
On Tuesday, Smith made public a 45-page indictment by a federal grand jury in WashINGton on charges related to the January 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol. Smith claimed that Trump knew his claims about irregularities in the 2020 election were false but kept makING them, thus creatING "an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erod[ING] public faith in the administration of the election." He also alleged that Trump's "conspiracies" targeted "a bedrock function of the United States federal government."
Trump responded by releasING a fundraisING email, tellING supporters that the "corrupt"government is tryING to lock him up for 561 years - "six lifetimes!" - in order to intimidate Americans into submission.
"There's only ONE MESSAGE someone can send by tryING to throw you in jail for 6 lifetimes, and that's FEAR. The fear that if you vote for the ONLY candidate who puts you FIRST, you too could be harassed, indicted, and even ARRESTED by the current Marxist regime in WashINGton," the email said.
Trump is currently the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, far ahead of all other contenders. He has consistently argued that there were irregularities in the 2020 election, in which he won 10 million more votes than in 2020 but officially lost to Democrat Joe Biden.
The January 6, 2021 joint session of Congress was disrupted by protesters just as Republicans were about to object to certification of the state election results. The session was later re-convened under emergency procedures and the results were certified without debate.
#19291635 at 2023-08-03 16:23:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23693: All For A Dayum Larp Huh ?Sweatin Goldman?Weather? Edition
So show us the Q drop where he said to NOT flood QR with "muh Jew shill spam?" You're pilpul-ING.
Q never made the call to censor anyone. He also didn't call on us to NOT name Jewish criminals.
If you support censorship of any kind, you're a threat to Freedom of Speech. If Jews can't handle a little criticism as a group (and boy do they love throwING that back at others), well as the old sayING goes, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
#19284401 at 2023-08-02 13:31:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23684: EMERGENCY BREAD EDITION
Published August 2, 2023 3:13am EDT
Paul Pelosi attacker to appear in court for alleged hammer assault
David DePape's next chance to state his case is a hearING scheduled for Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. in San Francisco, with a federal trial set to begin Nov. 13.
A federal grand jury indicted DePape, 42, on November 9 after he allegedly broke into the Pelosi's San Francisco residence and violently attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband.
DePape is accused of attackING Paul Pelosi durING an alleged break-in at the House speaker's residence on October 28, statING that he was "sick of the insane f—ING level of lies comING out of WashINGton, D.C.," and intended to take Nancy Pelosi hostage, accordING to court documents.
As a result of the attack, which happened shortly after 2 a.m., Paul Pelosi was taken to a local hospital to undergo surgery to repair a skull fracture in addition to other injuries.
DePape is charged with one count of assault upon an immediate family member of a U.S. official with the intent to retaliate against the official on account of the performance of official duties and one count of attempted kidnappING of a U.S. official on account of the performance of official duties.
#19283197 at 2023-08-02 04:31:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23683: Late Night Sorties Edition
>>19283091 notable big notable
Good to know
>? 11.5
>(c) Statute of limitations. Violations of the laws of war listed herein are not subject to any statute of limitations.
>? 11.5 Definitions.
>(a) Combatant immunity. Under the law of armed conflict, only a lawful combatant enjoys ''combatant immu- nity'' or ''belligerent privilege'' for the lawful conduct of hostilities durING armed conflict.
>(b) Enemy. ''Enemy'' includes any en- tity with which the United States or allied forces may be engaged in armed conflict, or which is preparING to at- tack the United States. It is not lim- ited to foreign nations, or foreign mili- tary organizations or members thereof. ''Enemy'' specifically includes any or- ganization of terrorists with inter- national reach.
>(c) In the context of and was associated with armed conflict. Elements con- tainING this language require a nexus between the conduct and armed hos- tilities. Such nexus could involve, but is not limited to, time, location, or purpose of the conduct in relation to the armed hostilities. The existence of such factors, however, may not satisfy the necessary nexus (e.g., murder com- mitted between members of the same armed force for reasons of personal gain unrelated to the conflict, even if temporally and geographically associ- ated with armed conflict, is not ''in the context of'' the armed conflict). The focus of this element is not the nature or characterization of the conflict, but the nexus to it. This element does not require a declaration of war, ongoING mutual hostilities, or confrontation in- volvING a regular national armed force. A sINGle hostile act or attempted act may provide sufficient basis for the nexus so long as its magnitude or se- verity rises to the level of an ''armed attack'' or an ''act of war,'' or the number, power, stated intent or organi- zation of the force with which the actor is associated is such that the act or attempted act is tantamount to an attack by an armed force. Similarly, conduct undertaken or organized with knowledge or intent that it initiate or contribute to such hostile act or hos- tilities would satisfy the nexus require- ment.
>(d) Military Objective. ''Military objec- tives'' are those potential targets dur- ING an armed conflict which, by their nature, location, purpose, or use, effec- tively contribute to the opposING force's war-fightING or war-sustainING capability and whose total or partial destruction, capture, or neutralization would constitute a military advantage to the attacker under the cir- cumstances at the time of the attack.
>(e) Object of the attack. ''Object of the attack'' refers to the person, place, or thING intentionally targeted. In this re- gard, the term includes neither collat- eral damage nor incidental injury or death.
>(f) Protected property. ''Protected property'' refers to property specifi- cally protected by the law of armed conflict such as buildINGs dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monu- ments, hospitals, or places where the sick and wounded are collected, pro- vided they are not beING used for mili- tary purposes or are not otherwise military objectives. Such property would include objects properly identi- fied by one of the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions but does not include all civilian property.
>(g) Protected under the law of war. The person or object in question is ex- pressly ''protected'' under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 or, to the extent applicable, customary international law. The term does not refer to all who enjoy some form of protection as a consequence of compli- ance with international law, but those who are expressly designated as such by the applicable law of armed conflict. For example, persons who either are hors de combat or medical or religious personnel takING no active part in hos- tilities are expressly protected, but other civilians may not be.
>(h) Should have known. The facts and circumstances were such that a reason- able person in the Accused's position would have had the relevant knowledge or awareness.
>? 11.6 Crimes and elements.
>(a) Substantive offenses—war crimes. The followING enumerated offenses, if applicable, should be charged in sepa- rate counts. Elements are drafted to...
#19283091 at 2023-08-02 03:56:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23683: Late Night Sorties Edition
? 11.5
(c) Statute of limitations. Violations of the laws of war listed herein are not subject to any statute of limitations.
? 11.5 Definitions.
(a) Combatant immunity. Under the law of armed conflict, only a lawful combatant enjoys ''combatant immu- nity'' or ''belligerent privilege'' for the lawful conduct of hostilities durING armed conflict.
(b) Enemy. ''Enemy'' includes any en- tity with which the United States or allied forces may be engaged in armed conflict, or which is preparING to at- tack the United States. It is not lim- ited to foreign nations, or foreign mili- tary organizations or members thereof. ''Enemy'' specifically includes any or- ganization of terrorists with inter- national reach.
(c) In the context of and was associated with armed conflict. Elements con- tainING this language require a nexus between the conduct and armed hos- tilities. Such nexus could involve, but is not limited to, time, location, or purpose of the conduct in relation to the armed hostilities. The existence of such factors, however, may not satisfy the necessary nexus (e.g., murder com- mitted between members of the same armed force for reasons of personal gain unrelated to the conflict, even if temporally and geographically associ- ated with armed conflict, is not ''in the context of'' the armed conflict). The focus of this element is not the nature or characterization of the conflict, but the nexus to it. This element does not require a declaration of war, ongoING mutual hostilities, or confrontation in- volvING a regular national armed force. A sINGle hostile act or attempted act may provide sufficient basis for the nexus so long as its magnitude or se- verity rises to the level of an ''armed attack'' or an ''act of war,'' or the number, power, stated intent or organi- zation of the force with which the actor is associated is such that the act or attempted act is tantamount to an attack by an armed force. Similarly, conduct undertaken or organized with knowledge or intent that it initiate or contribute to such hostile act or hos- tilities would satisfy the nexus require- ment.
(d) Military Objective. ''Military objec- tives'' are those potential targets dur- ING an armed conflict which, by their nature, location, purpose, or use, effec- tively contribute to the opposING force's war-fightING or war-sustainING capability and whose total or partial destruction, capture, or neutralization would constitute a military advantage to the attacker under the cir- cumstances at the time of the attack.
(e) Object of the attack. ''Object of the attack'' refers to the person, place, or thING intentionally targeted. In this re- gard, the term includes neither collat- eral damage nor incidental injury or death.
(f) Protected property. ''Protected property'' refers to property specifi- cally protected by the law of armed conflict such as buildINGs dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monu- ments, hospitals, or places where the sick and wounded are collected, pro- vided they are not beING used for mili- tary purposes or are not otherwise military objectives. Such property would include objects properly identi- fied by one of the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions but does not include all civilian property.
(g) Protected under the law of war. The person or object in question is ex- pressly ''protected'' under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 or, to the extent applicable, customary international law. The term does not refer to all who enjoy some form of protection as a consequence of compli- ance with international law, but those who are expressly designated as such by the applicable law of armed conflict. For example, persons who either are hors de combat or medical or religious personnel takING no active part in hos- tilities are expressly protected, but other civilians may not be.
(h) Should have known. The facts and circumstances were such that a reason- able person in the Accused's position would have had the relevant knowledge or awareness.
? 11.6 Crimes and elements.
(a) Substantive offenses-war crimes. The followING enumerated offenses, if applicable, should be charged in sepa- rate counts. Elements are drafted to...
#19281207 at 2023-08-01 23:19:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23680: We MUST Draft Every Vaccinated Ukraine Supporter Edition
1 Aug, 2023 21:47
Trump indicted over Capitol riot
The former US president has been charged regardING alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election
Former US president Donald Trump was indicted by a federal grand jury regardING his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election on Tuesday.
The Republican 2024 frontrunner faces four charges: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceedING, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceedING, and conspiracy against rights.
The indictment also lists six unnamed co-conspirators, includING four lawyers, a justice department official, and a political consultant.
The chargING document alleges that by disseminatING false claims about his victory, "creat[ING] an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erod[ING] public faith in the administration of the election," Trump laid the groundwork for his "conspiracies" - all of which, it claims, "targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government."
On Friday, Trump was indicted on charges of tryING to "alter, destroy, mutilate or conceal evidence," inducING someone else to do so, and willfully retainING national defense information related to a presentation about military activity in another country - addING to the existING 37 federal counts against him that stemmed from his allegedly illegal possession of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.
He was also indicted in Manhattan district court in April on 34 counts of falsifyING business records related to the alleged payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels.
Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges thus far and continues to enjoy a significant lead over his Republican primary challengers. Federal indictments do not prevent a candidate from campaignING for the presidency.
#19280132 at 2023-08-01 20:12:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23679 : JoTown Goin Down Mofos Edition
if U R Hungry?
EYE-maga-men >
#19279462 at 2023-08-01 17:24:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23678 :Melania Tuesday, Monday Moab Hangover Tongue Out Edition
TYB! nice snowmen
Anon was rollING Hunter's company name around in head, and found somethING?
Bohai Harvest RST
His brother, Beau, died.
Souls go up high when body dies.
Some say perhaps Beau was a sacrifice.
For a sacrifice, 'harvest' is a term often used.
After death, the body rests.
Beau (on) High, Harvest(ed), R(e)ST(ING)
#19274159 at 2023-07-31 17:50:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23672: Corps Got TheY Groom On Edition
watkins lookING for psalms?
Woodshed utilized re: intelligence management [monitor[ING] of situation(s)].
What is architecture?
Everyone loves you, that I can asure you.
#19266510 at 2023-07-30 04:33:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23662: EBAKE
Obama TEE ING Chef DNA OFF permanently
#19261375 at 2023-07-29 09:59:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23656: E-bake Edition
Philipper works differently.
Ever heard of stand ING firm in the faith?
#19256866 at 2023-07-28 14:46:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23650: Friday Fear Factor For Felons Edition
This guy was embedded in the US for 10 years but domestic radicals are "our biggest problem!"
He came to D.C. as a Brazilian student. The U.S. says he was a Russian spy.
Johns Hopkins graduate Victor Ferreira was unmasked as GRU operative Sergey Cherkasov, accordING to a federal indictment and Western security officials
By Greg Miller
March 29, 2023 at 2:00 a.m. EDT
THE HAGUE - Like anyone who gets into his dream college, Victor Muller Ferreira was ecstatic when hewas admitted to Johns Hopkins University's graduate school in WashINGton in 2018.
"Today we made the future - we managed to get in one of the top schools in the world," he wrote in an email to those who had helped him gain entry to the elite master's program in international relations. "This is the victory that belongs to all of us man - to the entire team. Today we f—ING drink!!!"
The achievement was even sweeter for Ferreira because he was not the strivING student from Brazil he had portrayed on his Johns Hopkins application, but a Russian intelligence operative originally from KalinINGrad, accordING to a series of international investigations as well as an indictment the Justice Department filed in federal court Friday.
His real name is Sergey Cherkasov and he had spent nearly a decade buildING the fictitious Ferreira persona, accordING to officials and court records. His "team" was a tight circle of Russian handlers suddenly poised to have a deep-cover spy in the U.S. capital,positioned to forge connections in every corner of the American security establishment, from the State Department to the CIA.
UsING the access he gained durING his two years in WashINGton, Cherkasov filed reports to his bosses in Russia's military intelligence service, the GRU, on how senior officials in the Biden administration were respondING to the Russian military buildup before the war in Ukraine, accordING to an FBI affidavit.
After he graduated, he came close to achievING a more consequential penetration when he wasoffered a position at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He was due to start a six-month internship there last year -just as the court began investigatING Russian war crimes in Ukraine - only to be turned away by Dutch authorities actING on information relayed by the FBI, accordING to Western security officials. Officials in the Netherlands put him on a plane back to Brazil, where he was arrested upon landING and is now servING a 15-year prison sentence for document fraud related to his fake identity.
The details that have since emerged provide extraordinary visibility into highly cloaked aspects of Russian intelligence, includING the Kremlin's almost obsessive effort to infiltrate Western targets with "illegals" - spies who operate as lone agents with no discernible link to their home service - rather than diplomats with the legal protections that come with workING out of an embassy.
The case has revealed lINGerING vulnerabilities in Western defenses more than a decade after the FBI arrested 10 Russian illegals in a sweep that made global headlines and spawned a popular television series, "The Americans." U.S. officials acknowledge that the bureau discovered Cherkasov's identity and GRU affiliation only after his arrival in WashINGton. The FBI declined to comment on the case.
The revelations have also exposed serious lapses in Russian tradecraft. Authorities have mined Cherkasov's computer and other devices and found a trove of evidence, accordING to court records and security officials, includING emails to his Russian handlers, details about "dead drops" where messages could be left, records of illicit money transfers, and an error-strewn personal history that he appears to have composed while tryING to memorize details of his fictitious life.
His arrest last April came at the outset of an ongoING roll-up of Russian intelligence networks across Europe, a crackdown launched after Russia's invasion of Ukraine that officials say has inflicted greater damage on Kremlin spy agencies than any other effort since the end of the Cold War.
The FBI and CIA have played extensive behind-the-scenes roles in this wave of arrests and expulsions, accordING to Western officials. The charges filed Friday followed a multiyear investigation in which FBI agents gained access to devices seized by authorities in Brazil, accordING to the indictment, and were permitted to meet with the accused spy face-to-face in S?o Paulo.
#19252656 at 2023-07-27 20:06:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23645: Zuckfuck's Time Haz Come Edition
f"ING A, i am so over this
i dont give a rat's ass about who is awake and who's not
if the retards can't see thINGs by now, my God what will it take and why do we all have to continue sufferING
#19244019 at 2023-07-26 13:33:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23635: A L I E N S Edition
Patiently WaitING
[50 Cent talkING]
Ay Em you know my favorite white boy right…
I.. I owe you for this one
I've been patiently waitING
For a track to explode on (yea)
You can stun if you want
And yo a**'ll get rolled on (It's 50)
It feels like my flows
Been hot for so long (yea)
If you thinkING I'ma f**ING
Fall off your so wrong
[50 Cent]
I'm innocent in my head
Like a baby born dead
Destination heaven
SittING political pa**engers from 9-11 (yea)
The Lords blessING left me lyrically incline (uh huh)
sh** I ain't even got to try to shine
God's a seamstress who tailorfitted my pain
I got scriptures in my brain
I can spit at your thang
Straight out the good book
Look n***az is shook
50 fear no man warrior
SwING swords like Conan
Picture me pen in hand
Write lines knowin' THE SOURCE will quote it
When I die they'll read this
And say a genius wrote it
I grew up without my Pops
Should that make me bitter
I caught cases and got out
Does that make me a quitter
In this white mans world
I'm similar to a squirrel
LookING for a s*ut
Wit a nice bu*t to get a nut
If I get shot today my phone
Will stop rINGING again
These industry n***az ain't friends
They know how to pretend
[Chorus (2x)]
I've been patiently waitING
For a track to explode on (yea)
You can stun if you want
And yo a**'ll get rolled on (It's 50)
It feels like my flows
Been hot for so long (yea)
If you thinkING I'ma f**ING
Fall off your so wrong
(It's 50!!)
You've been patiently waitING
To make it through all the hate
DebatING whether or not
You can even weather the storm
As you lay on the table
They operatING to save you
It's like a Angel came to you
Sent from the heavens above
They think they crazy
But they ain't crazy lets face it
sh** basically they just playING sick
They ain't sh they ain't sayING sh
Spray umh 50 [gun shots]
A to K get in the way
I brING Dre and them wit me
And turn this day into f**ING mayhem
You stayING wit me
Don't let me lose you
I'm not tryING to confuse you
When I let lose wit this uzi
And just shoot through your Izuzu
You get the message
Am I gettING through to you
You know it's comING
You motherf**ers don't even know do you
Take some BIG and some PAC
And you mix them up in a pot
Sprinkle a lil "BIG L" on top
What the f** do you got?
You got the realest and illest k**ers
Tied up in a knot
The Juggernauts of this rap sh**
Like it or not it's like a fight to the top
Just to see who die for the spot
You put your life in this
NothING like survivING a shot
Y'all know what time it is
Soon as 50 signs on this dot
sh what you know about dh threats
Cause I get a lot
Shady Records was 80 seconds
Away from the towers
Some cowards f**ed with the wrong buildING
They meant to hit ours
Better evacuate all children
Nuclear showers theres nothING spookier
Your now about to witness the power of f**in' 50!
I've been patiently waitING
For a track to explode on (yea)
You can stun if you want
And yo a**'ll get rolled on (It's 50)
It feels like my flows
Been hot for so long (yea)
If you thinkING I'ma f**ING
Fall off your so wrong
(It's 50!!)
It's the Gun Squad here
And you hear the shots go off
(It's 50, They say It's 50)
You see a n***a laid out
Wit his f**ING top blown off
(It's 50, Man that wasn't 50)
They don't holla my name
[50 Cent]
You shouldn't throw stones
If you live in a gla** house
And if you got a gla** jaw
You should watch your mouth
Cause I'll break your face
Have you a** runnING
MumblING to the J
Your goING against me dogg
You makING a mistake
I split yo lip
You lookING like them
Michael Jackson Jackets
Wit all them zippers
I'm the boss on this boat
You can call me Skipper
The way I turn the money over
You should call me Flipper
Your bh a regular bh
Your callING her Wifey
I f**ed her feed her fast food
You keepin' her Icey
I'm down to sell records
But not my soul
Snoop said this in '94
"We don't love them ho's"
I got pennies for my thoughts
Now I'm rich
See the 20's spinnin'
LookING mean on the 6
n***a's wearING flags
Cause the colors match they clothes
The get caught in the wrong hood
And filled up with holes
[Chorus (2x)]
I've been patiently waitING
For a track to explode on (yea)
You can stun if you want
And yo a**'ll get rolled on (It's 50)
It feels like my flows
Been hot for so long (yea)
If you thinkING I'ma f**ING
Fall off your so wrong
(It's 50!!)
#19241333 at 2023-07-26 00:40:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23631: It's all Joever... but the shilling Edition
Truthed earlier
Five years ago, it was my great honor to sign the incredible "Right to Try Act," where people who are terminally or seriously ill are allowed to try promisING medicines and treatments that are not yet approved for use. So incredible! Politicians have been tryING for 52 years to get this approved by Congress, but to no avail. I
got it done. Thousands of lives have been saved!
Here's a cute story that led up to PDJT signING the legislation for The Right to Try Act.
Peace Begins with Strength
.... Right to Try laws. They are not promises that diseases will be cured or that new drugs will save lives. But they give people early access to therapies that stand a chance of curING or turnING back their illnesses. It's a humane and compassionate thING to do, though not uncomplicated. Pharmaceutical companies, understandably, are reluctant to give access to their medicines without the shield of a rigorous investigation and approval by the Food and Drug Administration. Is extremely difficult to provide liability protection for drugmakers, but I Indiana got it done. After we had passed the bill, I had told Jordan and his mom that if there was ever anythING I could do for them to call me.
And they did. In 2018, they made their way to WashINGton to encourage Congress to pass a federal Right to Try law. It was already on our agenda; at a rally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, durING the presidential campaign, I took a question from an eleven-year-old boy named Zack Mongiello: "Will you and Donald Trump, when you are elected, will you support the Right to Try? My father and our friend Matt, they both have ALS, so they are dyING? I told him we would take it to DC and get it done. I hadn't even talked to the president about it, but I knew he would support it, and he did.
DurING our second year, we worked with Congress; this time both parties participated, and the bill was passed. Huge credit was due to Oregon's Greg Walden, the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, who worked through iterations of the bill and with patients, regulators, and drugmakers to create a law that would balance access to drugs that did not yet have FDA approval with liabil-ily protection for manufacturers and hospitals, and protect patients.
The final bill passed the House on May 29, bearING both Jordan's and
Zack's dads' names.
The president signed the bill in a small theater in the Eisenhower Erecutive Office BuildING across from the White House. Jordan, wear ING a suit and bow tie, was to Trump's left. After the president signed the legislation, he began handING out pens that he had used durING the signING, a presidential custom. While the president shifted around, Jordan got up from his wheelchair and leaned in for a hug. Trump, busy passING out pens, didn't notice. Then Jordan went in for a hug again. Trump, who was addressING reporters, didn't see it the second time. Jordan then played it cool and leaned on the desk, proppING his chin on his hand. Then the president noticed him and gave him a big hug and a kiss. It was a sweet moment. Jordan and his mom, and Zack and his dad, had made it possible.
#19240763 at 2023-07-25 23:00:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23630: BREAKING - Shills Demand More Posts, Higher Wages Edition
PDJT Truth today.
Cute story about that Day...
Peace Begins with Strength
.... Right to Try laws. They are not promises that diseases will be cured or that new drugs will save lives. But they give people early access to therapies that stand a chance of curING or turnING back their illnesses. It's a humane and compassionate thING to do, though not uncomplicated. Pharmaceutical companies, understandably, are reluctant to give access to their medicines without the shield of a rigorous investigation and approval by the Food and Drug Administration. Is extremely difficult to provide liability protection for drugmakers, but I Indiana got it done. After we had passed the bill, I had told Jordan and his mom that if there was ever anythING I could do for them to call me.
And they did. In 2018, they made their way to WashINGton to encourage Congress to pass a federal Right to Try law. It was already on our agenda; at a rally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, durING the presidential campaign, I took a question from an eleven-year-old boy named Zack Mongiello: "Will you and Donald Trump, when you are elected, will you support the Right to Try? My father and our friend Matt, they both have ALS, so they are dyING? I told him we would take it to DC and get it done. I hadn't even talked to the president about it, but I knew he would support it, and he did.
DurING our second year, we worked with Congress; this time both parties participated, and the bill was passed. Huge credit was due to Oregon's Greg Walden, the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, who worked through iterations of the bill and with patients, regulators, and drugmakers to create a law that would balance access to drugs that did not yet have FDA approval with liabil-ily protection for manufacturers and hospitals, and protect patients.
The final bill passed the House on May 29, bearING both Jordan's and
Zack's dads' names.
The president signed the bill in a small theater in the Eisenhower Erecutive Office BuildING across from the White House. Jordan, wear ING a suit and bow tie, was to Trump's left. After the president signed the legislation, he began handING out pens that he had used durING the signING, a presidential custom. While the president shifted around, Jordan got up from his wheelchair and leaned in for a hug. Trump, busy passING out pens, didn't notice. Then Jordan went in for a hug again. Trump, who was addressING reporters, didn't see it the second time. Jordan then played it cool and leaned on the desk, proppING his chin on his hand. Then the president noticed him and gave him a big hug and a kiss. It was a sweet moment. Jordan and his mom, and Zack and his dad, had made it possible.
#19237264 at 2023-07-25 06:30:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23626: Chicago Style Goes Hamptons Edition
16 12 5 2 15 18 9 14 7
#19235447 at 2023-07-24 23:48:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23624: Ebake Edition
Weltfrauentag. Pickel factory. So much bread.
>it is not eat ING/though (sim.on)
Hunt for connections.
#19232501 at 2023-07-24 15:16:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23620: The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud? Edition
Why the British Kill American Presidents
Algora BlogMay 4, 2019
by Anton Chaitkin
The followING is adapted from a pamphlet, issued in December 1994, by The New Federalist newspaper. Prompted by the growING threat at the time, of the assassination of President Bill Clinton, the LaRouche movement pulled together a dossier on previous (successful) British assassination efforts, namely, those against Presidents Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John Kennedy.
The British have killed U.S. Presidents. The "British" authors of these murders are not the English people, but the oligarchy rulING Great Britain-the "Venetian party" feudalist aristocrats and bankers, headed by the Royal Family, and the European princes intermarried with the British Royals.
American Presidents who have been assassinated, were advancING U.S. interests in fierce conflict with British geopolitical aims. In each case, the killING, and the accession to the office of the Vice President, hindered or reversed the policy direction of the murdered President. This is true of those shot to death-Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. It is also true of the two 19th-century Presidents who died abrupt and surprisING deaths in office, purportedly of natural causes, William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor.
We review the salient features of the British assassinations, and their motives, below.
Britain's Confederacy vs. Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth shot and mortally wounded President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, five days after Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia surrendered in the Civil War.
In their biography of Lincoln, his two private secretaries, John G. Nicolay and John Hay, brought up the question of Booth, the Confederate Secret Service headquartered in British Canada, and how the murder plot was financed:
"[O]ne of the conspiracies, not seemINGly more important than the many abortive ones, ripened. . . . A little band of malignant secessionists, consist[ING] of John Wilkes Booth, . . . Lewis Powell, . . . a disbanded rebel soldier . . . George Atzerodt, . . . a spy and blockade runner of the Potomac, David E. Herold, . . . Samuel Arnold and Michael O'Laughlin, Maryland secessionists and Confederate soldiers, and John H. Surratt [a Confederate spy and dispatch lander]. . .
#19225364 at 2023-07-23 02:52:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23612: CNN: Joe Biden the Second Most Unpopular President Ever: CNN Edition
2 of 2
Mike Rothschild - who researches QAnon - said he was not surprised that the film took off with QAnon supporters, who see a global cabal of child snatchers as funded by Jewish money.
"It plays on the same fears and conspiracy theories embraced by that community - that child traffickING is rampant and massively underreported, that the traffickers have connections to high-level people, and that only a few brave patriots are willING to stand up to it," Rothschild, author of "The Storm is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of EverythING," told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
Caviezel attended a QAnon-affiliated conference in 2021. DurING the event, he said that Ballard could not join because he was "savING children as we speak, because they're pullING kids out of the darkest recesses of hell right now, in dumps and all kinds of places. The adrenochrome-ING of children."
The adrenochrome theory has roots in a blood libel canard leveled at Jews since the Middle Ages, said Rothschild. The myth that Jews use the blood of Christian children in rituals was used to justify the torture, imprisonment and murder of Jews for centuries, even takING a role in Nazi propaganda, before it was adopted by QAnon.
Caviezel has also appeared on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast several times, callING QAnon a "good thING" and indulgING in antisemitic conspiracies while promotING the film.
In one circuitous interview with Bannon, he said, "It's like an octopus with arms, many many arms, but you got to go after the head of the octopus. Who is it? The central banks, the [International Monetary Fund], the [European Central Bank], the Rothschild banks? We have a Rothschild pope."
Rothschild, who is unrelated to the Jewish bankING family, said these claims line up with QAnon conspiracies that posit that the Rothschild family owns all of the world's central banks and controls the Vatican.
"These are conspiracy theories based on centuries of myths and hoaxes about the Rothschilds, which have been shared by some of the most prominent thinkers in the right-wING conspiracy world," he said.
Ballard, who abruptly exited Operation Underground Railroad shortly after "Sound of Freedom" premiered, has also been scrutinized for his organization's claims and practices. In 2020, a Vice News investigation found a gap between OUR's operations and claimed successes, reportING "a pattern of image-burnishING and mythology-buildING, a series of exaggerations that are, in the aggregate, quite misleadING." AccordING to a Foreign Policy report, after a 2014 OUR stING operation in the Dominican Republic, 26 rescued girls did not receive aftercare and were released in less than a week.
In Utah, the organization was investigated by the Davis County Attorney's Office for alleged communications fraud, witness tamperING and retaliation against a witness, victim or informant, accordING to Deseret News. The two-year investigation was closed without charges in March.
Ballard has also flirted with conspiracy theories, once entertainING the false viral notion that children were beING trafficked through Wayfair, an online furniture retailer.
"I want to tell you this: children are sold that way," he said in a 2020 video.
Regardless of these controversies, "Sound of Freedom" has found no shortage of high-profile promoters. Donald Trump shared its trailer on his Truth Social platform and hosted a screenING of the film on Wednesday. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has pushed QAnon rhetoric online, both praised the movie. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said on Twitter, "Wow. Wow. Wow. GO SEE #SoundOfFreedom."
Meanwhile, Twitter owner Elon Musk encouraged the film's free promotion on his website, tweetING at its distributor: "I recommend puttING it on this platform for free for a brief period or just askING people to subscribe to support (we would not keep any funds)."
#19221455 at 2023-07-22 06:51:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23607: One Moar Week, Two Rallies Up Edition
At 11sec, "over comb ING" comey?
Also heard importaint document,ary
Proly mispoke.
#19221405 at 2023-07-22 06:22:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23607: One Moar Week, Two Rallies Up Edition
After Ukraine deployed drones to successfully offset Russia's advantages on the battlefield, Taiwan's leaders took note. But an internal report presented to President Tsai ING-wen contained an alarmING findING: In drones, Taiwan lagged far behind its much more powerful adversary - China. Now, the island has enlisted commercial drone companies in a bid to catch up.
By YIMOU LEE, JAMES POMFRET and DAVID LAGUE Filed July 21, 2023, 11 a.m. GMT
In the summer of 2022, just months after Russia invaded Ukraine, Taiwan's president gathered senior officials from her rulING party in downtown Taipei. On the agenda: How was Ukraine, in its war with Russia, successfully offsettING the advantages of a much more powerful foe?
President Tsai ING-wen was given an internal 77-page briefING report via PowerPoint. It had a clear answer: drones.
"Since the war began, Ukraine, which was previously considered as lackING air supremacy, cleverly used drones to create its own partial air supremacy," the presentation stated.
For Taiwan, though, the report painted a darker picture: The island lagged dangerously behind its far more powerful rival, China, in armING itself with aerial drones - and needed a crash program to close the gap.
"We are far outnumbered," said the report, a copy of which was reviewed by Reuters.
The drone gap is stark. Taiwan currently has four drone types at its disposal and a fleet size of just "hundreds," accordING to two people with direct knowledge of the matter and a separate internal security report.
Across the narrow Taiwan Strait, China's military, the People's Liberation Army, has an arsenal of more than 50 different drone types that is estimated to run into the tens of thousands, accordING to defense analysts and a Reuters examination of Chinese military manufacturers and reports in Chinese state media. These drones range from jet-powered, long range surveillance aircraft to small quadcopters deployed by ground troops.
President Tsai ING-wen "pressed the button" on Taiwan's drone program last year. Here she is seen inspectING a display of drones at an aerospace park in the southern city of Chiayi in 2021. Taiwan Presidential Office/Handout via REUTERS
"One small drone could blow up a tank that is worth tens of millions."
Hawk Yang, R&D head at drone company Thunder Tiger Group
Clearly outmatched, Tsai "pressed the button" on the creation of a strategic plan to close the gap, said a person who attended a series of meetINGs in which the drone strategy was forged. Under the "Drone National Team" program, Taiwan is recruitING the island's commercial drone makers and aviation and aerospace firms in a joint effort with the military to fast-track the buildING of a self-sufficient drone supply chain.
"We need to quickly catch up, with thousands of drones," aerospace entrepreneur Max Lo, the coordinator of the drone effort, told Reuters in an interview. "We are tryING our best to develop drones with commercial specifications for military use. We hope to quickly build up our capacity based on our existING technology so that we can be like Ukraine."
Article is longer, cut to fit
#19217779 at 2023-07-21 17:52:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23602: BOOM Week Cont. - Fauci Fry-Day Edition
'Put your f*ING a in the ground': LSU lecturer under investigation over threatenING message to Louisiana lawmaker who supported ban on child sex-change mutilations
A lecturer at Louisiana State University has been barred from teachING and is now under investigation by Louisiana State Police after allegedly sendING a threatenING, profanity-laced message to Republican state Sen. Michael Fesi.
Fesi was among the state senators who voted to override Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards' veto of SB 648, thereby ensurING the bill bannING child sex-change mutilations would be made law.
The prospect - made a reality with Fesi's help - that children could no longer receive destructive puberty blockers or go under the the knife for irreversible, sterilizING procedures didn't just upset Democrats. It appears to have similarly enraged LSU grad student and lecturer Marcus Venable.
The voicemail message allegedly left by Venable calls Fesi a "f*ING moron" and a "fat f*ING piece of sh**."
"I just want to say congratulations to our state Sen. 'Big Mike' Fesi," says the message. "And that f*ING moron voted to make thINGs worse for people who are already sufferING. … You did not produce any gdamn evidence to support the claims you made about people beING harmed by transgender care. Yet we've had tons of empirical evidence tellING us there's an increased suicide risk for people who don't get this care."
WAFB-TV indicated that that the allusion to "evidence" about persons harmed by so-called "transgender care" is likely in reference to Fesi's remarks Tuesday at the state Capitol, where he said, "You know who the real experts are, it's the ones that had this procedure done and are now in their mid-twenties, and late twenties, and tryING to say that they hate their parents for lettING this happen to them."
"So you, you big fat-headed mother f*er, I can't wait to read your name in the f*ING obituary," continues the voicemail message. "I will make a gdamn martini made from the tears of butthurt conservatives when we put your f*ING a in the ground, you fat f*ING useless piece of sh**."
While Venable allegedly concluded the message by wishING Fesi a "terrible day," the occasional LSU lecturer appears to have reaped the whirlwind.
Upon receivING the threatenING message, Fesi informed the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office, which then turned it over to the LSP, reported WAFB.
"I just want them to do their investigation, and them do what they think's right. I don't want to see no harm come to anybody," said Fesi.
Louisiana State Police confirmed to the Advocate that an investigation into Venable was under way.
LSU, which acknowledged that the leftist has taught classes at the school, indicated he will no longer be permitted to do so.
#19209863 at 2023-07-20 02:40:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23593: TDS: The Other Pandemic Edition
Interview With Toby Rogers: Health Freedom: The Costs Of Autism
"HG: Here you were, a PhD student not originally interested in autism, but because your girlfriend's son had autism, you started lookING into it and find this nonsense. What did you do next?
Once I'd seen the pattern in the data, I couldn't go back. I couldn't in good conscience not say, "I have seen what's goING on with environmental factors that increase autism risk. I know that the CDC is lyING. I know that politicians have no idea about the calamity that's comING down the track." I could not in good conscience abandon that work once I'd seen the pattern. It led to difficult conversations. Everybody knows that this topic is politically radioactive because of the question about vaccines. Everybody is skittish about it. To their credit, my department and my supervisor stood by me and allowed me to make the change to work on the political economy of autism."
"I did not want to discover that vaccines can cause autism, and yet it runs throughout the data. It's impossible to miss if you do an honest evaluation of the studies on this topic."
"TR: We're on the verge of the collapse of an over two-hundred-year-old democracy because the pharmaceutical industry has poisoned our entire political system. It has poisoned our elected of?ficials and our elections. It has poisoned all of our regulatory agencies-the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-all of these regula?tory agencies are supposed to be protectING us, but they're all captured by industry. They all end up workING for the very industries that they're supposed to be regulatING and protect?ING us from."
Anon admires the moms and the data crunchers who are callING out the destruction of children. The data crunchers include Steve Kirsch, Edward Dowd and Toby Rogers.
Some additional quotes: "There's no strategy for how to pay for the educational, housING or health care costs as?sociated with autism-and yet we're lookING at a trillion dollars a year in cost by 2025."
"I spent 2019 workING to defeat mandatory vaccine bills in different states like Colorado, Oregon, California, New Jersey and Virginia. One of the thINGs that is strikING about these campaigns to defeat mandatory vaccine bills is the amount of moral injury inflicted on these parents and families by elected officials who refuse to listen."
From 2016 to the present anon has been vaccine risk aware after seeING "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe" and researchING. Anon had concluded the CDC schedule was a bioweapons program BEFORE "COVID". How many lives would have been saved if moms and a bunch of non-medical data crunchers had been listened to?
#19208905 at 2023-07-20 00:29:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23592: Obstructed No Moar Edition
Veteran US Marine fears he'll end up dead 'like Jeffrey Epstein' after beING warned by 'men in black' not to speak about UFO he claims he saw durING Sumatran earthquake humanitarian mission in 2009
UPDATED: 18:06 EDT, 19 July 2023
A US Marine veteran who claimed his unit saw a secret military UFO in 2009 has said he is now livING in fear for his life as he believes dark forces want him silenced.
Former rifleman Michael Herrera, 33, has said he doesn't want to end up like disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein - who he suggests was killed, despite his August 2019 death beING ruled a suicide.
Last month, Denver-born Herrera sensationally claimed that while he was servING in Indonesia in 2009, his six-man unit stumbled across a flyING saucer beING loaded with weapons.
Herrera was then a 20-year-old rifleman sent on a Navy humanitarian mission durING the 2009 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami that devastated the region.
He told the Mail that while guardING an airdrop of aid supplies outside the city of Padang in October that year, his six-man unit stumbled across a hoverING octagonal craft in apparent use by clandestine US forces.
'I could see somethING movING and rotatING. It was changING colors between a very light matte gray to a very dark matte black,' he said. 'It stuck out like a sore thumb.'
They were then threatened at gunpoint by unmarked US forces at the scene who told him not to disclose his sightING of the 'flyING saucer' to anyone, accordING to Herrera, and his camera was seized by some mysterious 'men in black'.
Now, the former Marine claims the threat continues to hover over him - quite literally, as he says black helicopters have been circlING his Denver home.
People who say they've had alien encounters often complain about beING stalked by black helicopters - a common trope which skeptics claim is just an urban myth.
SpeakING at length with podcaster Shawn Ryan, he said he is worried that he will one day be killed by the sinister forces which he believes are tryING to cover up the Pentagon's UFO secrets.
'I don't feel like harmING myself ...everybody makes the joke Epstein didn't kill himself… so the same goes here,' Herrera said.
'I don't have any reason to harm myself so if anythING happens - it's not from me.
'I've had numerous encounters with f***ING helicopters hoverING over my house,' he added. 'They were hoverING over my dad's house too.
'They get so low, where they rattle the walls [and] scare the sh*t out of the animals that we've got.
'[My dad's] dogs were goING f***ING crazy at that point and he was concerned because he was home and he was like I've never heard anythING like that.'
Herrera added that he believes other UFO whistleblowers have been subjected to similar intimidation tactics.
'There's just a kind of hysterical factor to this how much money they're f***ING spendING on this to happen to try to either intimidate me or anybody else for that matter,' he said.
'There's some elected officials, and even some government officials I know they're havING the same thING happen to them because they've told me about it personally.'
Herrera's claim about seeING the UFO in Indonesia came after 14 years of silence.
He felt emboldened by new UFO whistleblower protections, and in April testified under oath to the government's UFO investigation team, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), as well as a Senate committee.
The veteran provided his unblemished four-year service record, and texts about the incident with an alleged fellow witness - who refused to talk, sayING it was 'not worth my life or jeopardizING my family'.
Peripheral aspects of his account were verified by DailyMail.com usING military sources. But Herrera, 33, does not have documentation or photos of the incident itself.
#19201832 at 2023-07-18 18:27:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23583: Jack Smith's Jan. 6 probe Trump Indictment Edition
Snow White and the Seven… Politically-Correct Companions?
First pictures of new live-action remake of Disney classic shows stand-in princess walkING with diverse band of merry men and women after row over usING dwarf actors
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho it's off to the job centre they go - for the seven dwarves have been replaced by 'magical creatures' for Disney's live-action remake of Snow White.
The character of the fictional princess, who will be played by Rachel Zegler in the film, has been pictured for the first time with her new companions who appear to be a mix of genders, ethnicities and heights.
The actress, wearING Snow White's famous yellow and blue dress and a red cape, is trailed by the group who are dressed in brightly coloured clothes and carryING work tools. They were spotted shootING scenes in Bedfordshire on Thursday in pictures obtained exclusively by MailOnline.
The scenes pictured here featured two 'stand-in' extras, who were used to film additional photography.
Disney announced that 'magical creatures' would replace the seven dwarves to 'avoid reinforcING stereotypes' after Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage criticised the 'f** backwards story' last year.
'I was a little taken aback when they [Disney] were very proud to cast a Latina actress as Snow White, but you're still tellING the story of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs,' he told Mark Maron's WTF podcast. 'It makes no sense to me. You're progressive in one way and you're still makING that f*ING backwards story about seven dwarfs livING in a cave together, what the f* are you doING, man? Have I done nothING to advance the cause from my soapbox? I guess I'm not loud enough.'
Disney bosses also came under fire for givING the titular role Zegler, despite the story beING about a traditionally 'fair' German princess. The film - which also stars Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot as the evil stepmother - is set to be released in March 2024.
Co-written by Barbie's Greta Gerwig, the upcomING adaptation will not feature a Prince CharmING and will instead focus on a 'stronger' Snow White who dreams of becomING a leader.
Ms Zegler previously addressed reports that the film was tryING to be politically correct, claimING that the story needed 'refreshING'.
She said: 'People are makING these jokes about ours beING the PC Snow White… yeah, it is - because it needed that.
'Our version is a refreshING story about a young woman who has a function beyond Someday My Prince Will Come.'
The Colombian-American actress faced scrutiny by some critics after she was cast as Snow White, who was described as havING 'skin as white as snow'.
In a since deleted tweet, she wrote: 'Yes I am Snow White; no, I am not bleachING my skin for the role.'
#19201045 at 2023-07-18 16:08:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23582: BOOM Week - [FBI] Up Next Edition
Democrats Are the Real Racists, and They're ProvING It Yet Again
Democrats love to push the narrative that they are the party of tolerance and acceptance. They'll frequently boast about how diverse their coalition is, and accuse Republicans of beING racist for - well, for pretty much any absurd reason they can conjure up.
Yet, time and time again, we see evidence of how the only minorities the left actually cares about are the ones who vote the right way. Conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, and Winsome Sears are routinely attacked with racist rhetoric from the "tolerant" left.
And it doesn't take much for Democrats to show their true colors.
Last week, Georgia State Rep. Mesha Mainor announced she was leavING the Democratic Party. Since then, she's been the target of a flood of racist hate mail from the left. Mainor shared some of the emails she received on Twitter.
Here's one letter (edited for graphic language).
I would like to help your retarded black a- by tellING you. That sayING you would support any candidate picked by the GOP durING the primary is retarded. Not only is is retarded you live up to the word n-r by just followING blindly. Remember you were a Democrat and "felt abandoned" to become a Republican, and now you're goING to follow blindly like you did with your party. You're the stain on society that needs to be flushed. I wish you the absolute worst in your political history. You Uncle Tom b-h.
And another:
You dumb- aunt Jemima mother f-ING traitor! I will be sure to take a good chunk of my retirement savINGs, which is substantial, and will donate it to whoever it is that will be runnING against you, you self-hatING black negress b-.
Oh, yo'll see come 2024 how I will help to make sure you are defeated! Go run in a Republican confederate district that loves self-hatING n-rs lie you!
And another, containING even more slurs and racist tropes:
You n-r bitch, you need to get back on the plantation before Massa Stacey whips yo a- back into shape - you need to stop eatING your fried chicken and watermelon with Vernon Jones and back Ms. Nat Turner!
There are plenty more I could share, all incredibly nasty and racist, but you get the point. For all their posturING about tolerance, acceptance, and diversity, deep down, the Democratic Party is full of racists who only see black people as pawns in their neverendING quest for power.
#19193830 at 2023-07-17 04:30:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23573: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85% Edition
if you'd stop reee-ING you might be able to hear others
#19189981 at 2023-07-16 15:41:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23568: Vigilantia Rectitudo Edition
Ultimately, even if this movie was a PSYOP, it doesn't matter.
Because people awake now, homie. The movie was a tool with a job and the job got done.
Normies wanna know where the f-ING kids are.
#19185190 at 2023-07-15 20:34:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23562: DECLARED: COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Vaccine are ‘Bioweapons’? Edition
USAID's support arrived on top of a $74,788 subaward the State Department granted to the Casimir Pulaski Foundation in June 2022 to "build capacity and policy formulatING capabilities of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) and assistING Ukrainian civil society based in Poland.
AccordING to their own so-called "Peace Manifesto," the ICUV's top priority is to admit Ukraine into NATO, a move that former US diplomats from George Kennan to Jack Matlock to Henry KissINGer and even current CIA director William Burns have described as a major provocation against Russia.
USAID sent $3 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 "to improve health outcomes in drought affected areas in Ethiopia." The description stated, "partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds."
USAID sent 30.9 million to Chemonics International, Inc. for the "Ukraine confidence buildING initiative (UCBI)." A private, for-profit aid contractor, Chemonics was founded by a businessman who said he launched the company to "have my own CIA." The Grayzone has documented Chemonics' role in deliverING US government fundING and supplies to the Syrian White Helmets, which served as the propaganda wING of the Al Qaeda-tied armed opposition. Chemonics previously reaped a massive windfall from the US occupation of Afghanistan, rakING in as much as $600 mllion from USAID.
USAID sent $20.7 million to PACT, INC. for "USAID Ukraine's public health system recovery and resilience activity and will strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GOU) capacity to address COVID-19 and other public health threats, sustain health services durING a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians includING vulnerable and marginalized populations. AccordING to its 2022 impact statement [PDF], "In Ukraine, Pact's work empowers citizens to push for transparent and democratic governance, advances gender equality and human rights for women and girls, and accelerates efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control." The contractor's work contributed to "172 people increas[ING] their net income," accordING to Pact.
USAID sent $25 million to Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV, a "leadING private equity firm in emergING Europe, via the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), "to back high-growth tech and export-oriented [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] succeedING globally, based on platforms in Ukraine and Moldova."
USAID sent 7.6 million to UNICEF IDA for emergency nutrition response in ASALs (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) in Kenya. The description stated, "partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds"
USAID sent $1.2 million to University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. located in Atlanta, GA to "support humanitarian information management through geographic information systems, data analytics and visualizations". Ukraine was listed as the place of performance.
#19185173 at 2023-07-15 20:32:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23562: DECLARED: COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Vaccine are ‘Bioweapons’? Edition
Beneficiaries of USAID's Ukraine aid: Polish NATO lobbyists, a private equity firm, rural Kenyans, a TV station in Toronto
USAID awarded $21.8 billion to Ukraine throughout fiscal years 2022 and 2023, roughly 41 percent of the 53.4 billion it spent durING that period. Mysteriously, a portion of USAID fundING earmarked for Kiev was sent to Kenya and Ethiopia via other agencies, with the award description statING projects in Africa were "partially funded with response funds and Ukraine supplemental funds."
USAID sent $4.5 billion to Ukraine via the World Bank to pay off Kiev's debt and fund various social programs, includING government pensions. USAID made a total of $21 billion worth of direct payments to the World Bank in fiscal years 2022 and 2023 (9.1 Billion and 11.9 Billion, respectively), more money than all of the fundING WashINGton sent to the bank between fiscal years 2008 and 2021 combined. The $4.5 billion allocated for Ukraine funded programs directed by the bank's International Development Association and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
USAID has supplied $20 million to "Miscellaneous Foreign Awardees" since February 2020. Recipients include a Polish think tank called the Casimir Pulaski Foundation, a Toronto-based Ukrainian TV channel, a collection of Ukrainian "anti-corruption" organizations, and other groups listed in the screenshot below. These awards were issued on top of $26 million worth of funds USAID sent these groups between 2016 and the February 2022 war escalation.
USAID allocated $500,000 for the Casimir Pulaski Foundation in 2023 to fund a program dedicated to "advanc[ING] U.S. foreign policy objectives by supportING economic growth, agriculture and trade; global health; and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance" in Ukraine. The funds were earmarked "to strengthen the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) initiative in implementING international advocacy campaigns to keep high levels of international solidarity with Ukraine.
#19183880 at 2023-07-15 15:44:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23561: RFKjr Attacked for Suggesting Covid Had Ethnic Targets Edition
Thank you for try ING
#19177448 at 2023-07-14 13:05:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23553: Hold The Line Ebake Edition
>History books.
July 14
> ReTruth with the WWG1WGA hashtag,
Jul 14, 2019 2:55:27 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0570a8 No. 7038922
These people are sick.
Hunters become the HUNTED.
Rusty Shackleford
47.2K subscribers
Part 2/2 @ https://youtu.be/OPoohlcHNkE
Drone over Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island, USVI 7/11/2019
How's it feel beING the one inside the cage?
Hang 'em ALL.
Updated(ING) drone & camera photo drive dump, includING boots on ground & branson's Necker Island (later - bandwidth)
The Truth will set (you) Free.
>It's happenING
#19172086 at 2023-07-13 14:33:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23546: Time Is Almost Up For Evil Edition
I recognize that a certain number of entities here are sincere and still huffING the hopium. And I do honor you fellas, in a way. I admire your fortitude. I do not admire your gullibility. The nation has been destroyed to such an extent that Trump, even were he to make his Rocky Balboa comeback, could never mitigate all the damage. Q was a pacification op. There is even a precedent for it (Bolshevik Rev). In any case, it was a lot of fun to participate in the charade. Meme-ING in particular was a lot of fun. But the damage has been done and the game is nearly over. I was once a believer. Pic related. Even if we grant that allowING the enemy to steal 2020 was necessary to "show to the normies", the damage done is simply too great. Even if Team Trump swINGs the 2924 election so that it is honest, the damage has been done. Millions of purple-haired normies who can never be reasoned with. Millions of children butchered with hormones and scalpels. All in the name of what? Optics? All fuckING bullshit. None of it really necessary. If you are still on the train, then your mind is weak and incapable of embracING death.
#19167714 at 2023-07-12 18:14:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23541: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation II Edition
Schools are closed for the summer,
so they are FF-ING Fire Depts?
#19165922 at 2023-07-12 12:00:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23539: E-bake Edition
11 Jul, 2023 09:58
FBI colluded with Ukraine in social media crackdown - lawmakers
The bureau failed to properly vet information provided by Kiev, the US House Judiciary Committee says
The FBI cooperated with Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) to clamp down on social media accounts disseminatING alleged "Russian disinformation," but ended up flaggING pages run by the US State Department and American journalists, a report by the House Judiciary Committee has revealed.
Released on Monday, the report accused the FBI of not properly vettING lists of accounts provided to it by the SBU before sendING them to the likes of Meta, Google, and Twitter.
As a result, the two agencies "flagged for social media companies the authentic accounts of Americans, includING a verified US State Department account and those belongING to American journalists," and requested that those pages be deleted, the document read.
On some occasions, the FBI followed up to ensure that "these accounts were taken down," accordING to the report, which was based on documents subpoenaed from Meta and Alphabet in February.
In one of the SBU's lists forwarded by the FBI to Meta, the official Russian-language Instagram account of the US State Department was described as "distribut[ING] content that promotes war, inaccurately reflects events in Ukraine, justifies Russian war crimes in Ukraine in violation of international law," the report stated.
CNN pointed out that Meta, which owns Instagram and Facebook, apparently did not comply with the request to delete the State Department page.
Another moderation request filed to Facebook by the US domestic security agency included a roster of 5,165 accounts, the House Judiciary Committee said.
The report cited an email by a senior Twitter employee who indicated to the FBI that "a few accounts of American and Canadian journalists" were on one of the lists sent to the company by the agency.
Alphabet platforms Google and YouTube were also approached about censorING alleged pro-Russian accounts. A high-rankING member of Google's cybersecurity team told the authors of the report that the company had been "deluged with various requests" for the removal of content, mainly from "the Ukrainian government, other Eastern European governments, the European Union, and the European Commission."
The House Judiciary Committee suggested that theFBI had "violated the First Amendment rights of Americans and potentially undermined our national security" through its partnership with the SBU, claimING that the latter had been "infiltrated by Russian-aligned actors."
The author of the paper noted the purge within the SBU by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky last summer, which saw the agency's head sacked and hundreds of criminal cases launched against employees on treason charges.
The report was released ahead of FBI Director Christopher Wray's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, which is scheduled for Wednesday.
A Judiciary Committee aide told CNN that the Republicans on the panel are plannING to question Wray about the content of the paper and use it to claim that the FBI interferes in free speech.
#19162794 at 2023-07-11 21:12:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23535: The Edition Edition
Anons, right now:
>I was Q-ING…when Q-ING wasn't cool.
#19162091 at 2023-07-11 18:44:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23534: Panic N Keks Edition
#19161710 at 2023-07-11 17:18:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23533: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
Somebody came up with the connection
gilt with blood.
shinING with blood, from ShakSper
GELD -ING, is castrated horse.
isn't SANG also a name for blood.
Gilted, "covered in Blood"
Yes connects somehow to the Sun
sun worshipers. Gold Metal
Gold Sun, GILT, Light, Blood of Life.
light Blood of the Sun. PourING out.
light, life
In the Roman religion the worshiper would get into a recess in the ground with bars overhead.
A bull would be sacrificed above, at ground level over the bars; and the worshiper would be covered with blood from above; it would pour down
Like sunlight. Lifegiver, Sun
Lifegiver blood
#19158895 at 2023-07-11 02:32:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23530: About That Bad Apple Edition
>>19158888 - part 1
>>19158890 - part 2
Part 3
The former Israeli Defense Force colonel claims he was 'charged for a thought crime' amid his weapons traffickING allegations
The accusations date from an email with an associate five years ago.
Luft told The New York Post: 'I was asked by a bona fide arms dealer, an Israeli friend, to inquire with a company I knew if they had an item and what would be the price of an item.
'This is where the conspiracy ended. No follow-up, no money, no brokerING activity,' he claimed.
Luft also said there was sinister intent behind his extraction order which was issued on November 1, 2020 - seven days before the midterms.
He claims that this was processed shortly before Democrats were expected to lose control of the House to Republicans who were wantING to investigate the Biden family over alleged corruption and abuse of foreign influence.
'When it was clear the Republicans are goING to win the House or the Senate, all of a sudden comes [Republican Rep. James] Comer and [Republican Rep. Jim] Jordan and the game is changING,' he told The New York Post.
'There will be questions and subpoenas and investigations [so] they [the administration] have to discredit me. I never thought of comING forward. Through 2020 I sat quiet like a fish.'
He added: I didn't want to get caught up in this game, but when they arrested me I had no choice but to blow it up.'
Luft made his claim earlier this year after he was detained at the Cyprus airport.
'I've been arrested in Cyprus on a politically motivated extradition request by the US,' he tweeted on February 19.
'The US, claimING I'm an arms dealer. It would be funny if it weren't tragic. I've never been an arms dealer.
'DOJ [Department Of Justice] is tryING to bury me to protect Joe, Jim & Hunter Biden. Shall I name names?,' he wrote.
The tweet was brought to the attention of House investigators.
Luft previously met with FBI officials and DOJ prosecutors in 2019, The New York Post reported, at the U.S. Embassy in Brussels.
It comes after emails revealed earlier this year that Hunter Biden had been asked to use contacts in the FBI to help his Chinese business partner, who was arrested for bribery and money launderING.
It was also claimed that Hunter Biden used a top FBI official code-named 'One Eye' to funnel secret bureau information to his Chinese business partners.
Patrick Ho - convicted of bribery and money launderING in 2018 - was secretary general of CEFC, the Chinese oil giant Hunter partnered with, and which sent the Biden family more than $5 million.
Hunter Biden described Ho as the 'f***ING spy chief of China' in a May 2018 recorded conversation on his abandoned laptop, and court documents show Ho was under surveillance by federal law enforcement in an espionage-related investigation.
Hunter took a $1 million wire payment to represent Ho as his attorney before he was arrested in November 2017. He also agreed to speak to FBI agents to glean information on the case against his Chinese Communist Party-connected client.
On September 18, 2017, Ho retained Hunter with a $1million contract.
The agreement, obtained by DailyMail.com earlier this year in March from Hunter's abandoned laptop, describes Ho as 'Deputy Chairman and Secretary General of China Energy Fund Committee' (CEFC) and says Hunter would provide 'Counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertainING to the hirING and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer'.
Two months later, Ho was cuffed by FBI agents who intercepted him at JFK Airport in New York on November 18, 2017 on charges of bribING African government officials for CEFC.
#19152356 at 2023-07-09 23:03:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23522: Dubs Of Biblical Edition
AI assisted memes are f-ING weird
#19147378 at 2023-07-09 01:53:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23516: EBAKE Just in case..
who am I shill ING for? the chinase or the Israelis
#19142190 at 2023-07-08 02:32:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23510: Light Watchers Edition
Coney Island Enter-Train[ING] ment?
#19139999 at 2023-07-07 18:41:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23507: Guardians Of The Pedos Losing, Trump Rally Winning, Cigar?Pink? Edition
drunk meme-ING.
I've always said it's pointless. It's pointless I even say it.
#19137394 at 2023-07-07 06:21:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23504: Steady As She Goes Edition
hell o……….
good mourn ING………….
the rapist……..
babe just vanish
wars around the world
criminals cia that kill presidents
pedophile president
put in jail your opposition
banana country
yeah, this engrish.
#19135389 at 2023-07-06 23:31:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23501: Sound of Freedom is #1! Edition
since we're just non sequitur-ING
group stuff is fun
#19134535 at 2023-07-06 20:51:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23500: Uh....Who the Heck is QAnon Guru Michael Protzman? Edition
After Victor Wembanyama Security Slapped Her …
#19131651 at 2023-07-06 06:47:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23496: Who Do You Believe? Edition
fuck your engrish
#19129614 at 2023-07-05 22:48:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23494: Do it Anon Edition
28-Year-Old Pro Basketball Player Dies of Heart Attack
"I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me."
#19129611 at 2023-07-05 22:47:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23494: Do it Anon Edition
28-Year-Old Pro Basketball Player Dies of Heart Attack
"I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me."
#19128252 at 2023-07-05 18:19:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23492: Peace is the Prize
Taiwan's Tsai Hosts Another US Congressional Delegation in Taipei
The delegation was led by Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK), who expressed support for Taiwanese independence
On Tuesday, Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen hosted a US congressional delegation led by Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK), the second time within a week that a group of US lawmakers visited the island.
Hern is the head of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) and expressed support for Taiwanese independence durING a meetING with Tsai. While it operates as a de facto independent state, Taiwan has never formally declared independence from the mainland, as the issue is a major red line for BeijING.
Tsai has previously said there's no need to declare independence because Taiwan is already independent. But it's long been believed a formal declaration would trigger Chinese military action. In recent years, Chinese officials have been warnING the US that any attempt to make Taiwan independent from China would mean war.
"Support for Taiwan as an independent and sovereign nation has been one of the foundING principles of the RSC and has remained a top priority for 50 years," Hern said in Taipei. "What an honor it would be to one day soon see Taiwan experience the same independence that our original 13 colonies enjoyed in the early days."
Tsai thanked the delegation for congressional support for Taiwan's military capabilities. "For many years, the US Congress has promoted numerous bills that support Taiwan's efforts to upgrade its self-defense capabilities. On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I express sincere gratitude to the US Congress and government for their backING," she said.
Last week, Tsai met with a congressional delegation led by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), chair of the House Armed Services Committee. The congressional visits anger China as BeijING opposes official contact between US and Taiwanese government officials. In August 2022, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan sparked the largest-ever Chinese military exercises around the island.
#19125163 at 2023-07-05 03:57:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23488: Star Spangled Edition
See if y'all can make anythING out of this...
Ice is missING in chicken
No need for the pink b if just tryING to say
"Barbie QING"
Is she sayING Barbie (her) be "Q"ING?
I've thought she has been anon for awhile now
#19123406 at 2023-07-04 21:24:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23486: Celebrate Independence Day N Truth II Edition
Chekt my own ebil dub dubs to say i haven't had interwebs or phone for ober 10 days, except a few days ago i found a spot I can link up to til I fix my old phone. Anon doesn't want a new one bc it wanted thumb print and I want my old lte one, so sent new phone back. But Anon misses u faggots. Been sittING here alone in car KMFAO-ING.
#19108880 at 2023-07-02 04:15:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23467: JOEVER EDITION
So does anon recommend saut?ING before grillING, kek I'm jokING but you know some don't. Bad hidING place kitty.
#19103233 at 2023-07-01 03:55:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23460: !NEXT 4 YEARS! Edition
will stop hangING around with you if you keep LOL ING in the KEK place
#19089666 at 2023-06-28 18:38:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23443: Set The Precedent Edition
Part 3USAID sent $20.7 million to PACT, INC. for "USAID Ukraine's public health system recoveryand resilience activity and will strengthen theGovernment of Ukraine(GOU) capacity to address COVID-19 and other public health threats, sustain health services durING a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians includING vulnerable and marginalized populations. AccordING to its 2022 impact statement [PDF], "In Ukraine, Pact's work empowers citizens to push for transparent and democratic governance, advances gender equality and human rights for women and girls, and accelerates efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control." The contractor's work contributed to "172 people increas[ING] their net income," accordING to Pact.
USAID sent $25 million to Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV, a "leadING private equity firm in emergING Europe, via the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), "to back high-growth tech and export-oriented [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] succeedING globally, based on platforms in Ukraine and Moldova."
USAID sent 7.6 million to UNICEF IDAfor emergency nutrition response in ASALs (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) in Kenya. The description stated, "partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds"
USAID sent $1.2 million to University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. located in Atlanta, GA to "support humanitarian information management through geographic information systems, data analytics and visualizations".Ukraine was listed as the place of performance.
The Pentagon sponsors divING contractor with "history of fraud" to send mysterious explosives to Ukraine
The Department of Defense has transferred4.75 Million to Atlantic DivING Supply, Inc. as of February 3, 2023 for "PRO SAPPER AND EOD EQUIPMENT [CONTRACTING SQUADRON] UKRAINE" and "Marine lifesavING and DivING Equipment."
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and sapper equipment is exclusively used to blow thINGs up or clean up explosives. And AtlanticDivING Supply is a military contractor originally founded to provide tactical gear to Navy SEAL divers.
When a company like this is tasked with a highly specific delivery of explosives gearto any foreign nation, includING Ukraine, it should prompt questions about the mission, particularly when US intelligence is blamING Ukraine's military for attackING the Nord Stream pipelines without the knowledge of President Volodymyr Zelensky. (The payment date does not necessarily correlate with the date of delivery from the vendor; in other words, the equipment could have been delivered at a prior date.)
Luke Hillier, the founder of Atlantic DivING Supply, paid a $20 million settlement in 2019to resolve charges that he defrauded the Pentagon by falsely claimING his company was a small business. Atlantic DivING is consistently listed as one of the top 25 largest military contractors in the country.
In 2021, Hillier raked in a massive $33 billion contractunder the same program, promptING fresh accusations of fraud. This pattern of malfeasance prompted a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee to bluntly denounceAtlantic DivING as a "fraudulent company."
The Department of Defense has paid 4.9 Million to BAE Systems GCS International as of September 12, 2022 for "UKRAINE LCS LW 155 SPARES" and "guns over 155mm through 200mm". In Navy terminology, LCS means "Littoral Combat Ship," while LW refers to the lightweight gun. And "155 SPARES" refers to the gun mounted on the ship's main battery off the bow.
US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)sent $25 million to Horizon Capital Growth Fund IVa "leadING private equity firm in emergING Europe, "to back high-growth tech and export-oriented [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] succeedING globally, based onplatforms in Ukraine and Moldova."
US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) sent $1.5 million to the Gazelle FundLP, another private equity firm, torelocate Ukrainian businesses to Georgia. Georgia does not border Ukraine, nor is it a primary location for Ukrainian refugee resettlement.
(I can't do this anymore, I'm sick to my stomach, this was goING on under Trump (and he knew nothING about this), the gov was stealING from and still stealING from our country and people, for their money launderING. Read the full story)
#19089604 at 2023-06-28 18:26:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23443: Set The Precedent Edition
>>19089536.Part 2
So how exactly was that money put to use? And why has Congress so far refused to implement any program to track these shady weapons deals?
Unfortunately, the "justification" for contracts like these often consists of just a brief paragraph - or worse, a sINGle sentence. Little little information is available that documents precisely how the funds were spent down to the dollar and item.
Beneficiaries of USAID's Ukraine aid: Polish NATO lobbyists, a private equity firm, rural Kenyans, a TV station in Toronto
USAID awarded $21.8 billion to Ukraine throughout fiscal years 2022 and 2023, roughly 41 percent of the 53.4 billion it spent durING that period. Mysteriously, a portion ofUSAID fundING earmarked for Kiev was sent to Kenya and Ethiopia via other agencies, with the award description statING projects in Africa were "partially funded with response funds and Ukraine supplemental funds."
USAID sent $4.5 billion to Ukraine via the World Bank to pay off Kiev's debt and fund various social programs, includING government pensions.USAID made a total of $21 billion worth of direct payments to the World Bank in fiscal years 2022 and 2023 (9.1 Billion and 11.9 Billion, respectively), more money than all of the fundING WashINGton sent to the bank between fiscal years 2008 and 2021 combined.The $4.5 billion allocated for Ukrainefunded programs directed by the bank'sInternational Development Association and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
USAID supplied a $1 billion grant to the World Bank's International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to subsidize projects "Ukraine cannot fund at this
USAID has supplied $20 million to "Miscellaneous Foreign Awardees" since February 2020. Recipients include aPolish think tank called the Casimir Pulaski Foundation, a Toronto-based Ukrainian TV channel, a collection of Ukrainian "anti-corruption" organizations, and other groups listed in the screenshot below. These awards were issued on top of $26 million worth of funds USAID sent these groups between 2016 and the February 2022 war escalation.
USAID allocated $500,000 for the Casimir Pulaski Foundation in 2023to fund a program dedicated to "advanc[ING] U.S. foreign policy objectives by supportING economic growth, agriculture and trade; global health; and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance" in Ukraine. The funds were earmarked "tostrengthen the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) initiative in implementING international advocacy campaigns to keep high levels of international solidarity with Ukraine."
USAID's support arrived on top of a $74,788 subaward the State Department granted to the Casimir Pulaski Foundation in June 2022 to "build capacity and policy formulatING capabilities of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) and assistING Ukrainian civil society based in Poland."
AccordING to their own so-called "Peace Manifesto," the ICUV's top priority is to admit Ukraine into NATO, a move that former US diplomats from George Kennan to Jack Matlock to Henry KissINGer and even current CIA director William Burns have described as a major provocation against Russia.
USAID sent $3 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 "to improve health outcomes in drought affected areas in Ethiopia." The description stated, "partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds."
USAID sent 30.9 million to Chemonics International, Inc. for the "Ukraine confidence buildING initiative(UCBI) 4. A private, for-profit aid contractor, Chemonics' founder said he launched the company to "have my own CIA." The Grayzone has documented Chemonics' role in deliverING US government fundING and supplies to the Syrian White Helmets,
#19084963 at 2023-06-27 20:49:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23437: 479 Days To Winning It All Edition
> >>19084084 (pb) @BoeINGDefense "Red-y" to fly??
Tuskegeeairmen comm-ING?
#19083191 at 2023-06-27 14:22:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23435: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition
and now we are cha cha ING!
#19082765 at 2023-06-27 13:03:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23434: In the Dark of the Night There is Light! Edition
done xtrax?
is that it?
#19078251 at 2023-06-26 20:14:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23428: Some Bark, Some Bite, We Likes It When They Run Edition
"ProPublica, along with other major news outlets, received grant fundING from Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of cryptocurrency exchange FTX.[18]"
The upper portion of this page is devoted to organizations that are funded directly by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF). The lower portion of the page focuses on organizations which do not receive direct fundING from Soros and OSF, but which receive money from one or more groups that do get direct OSF fundING.
Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations
By Discover The Networks
Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct fundING and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF) include the followING. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the "Groups" section of DiscoverTheNetworks.org):
- Pro Publica: ClaimING that "investigative journalism is at risk," this group aims to remedy this lacuna in news publishING by "expos[ING] abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other institutions, usING the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through the sustained spotlightING of wrongdoING."
#19075900 at 2023-06-26 13:20:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23426: BOOM Week Incoming Edition
#23423 >>19073536
>>19074127 PlaneFag CONUS update:45on final at Newark Int'l from Detroit Metro, Moroccans bailed D.C., EM continues to Austin, Swiss SW from Bangor
>>19073537 #OTD in 1944, USS Texas (BB-35) bombarded Battery Hamburg near Cherbourg, France
>>19073552 Q+: "Americans of faith are not a threat to our Country, Americans of faith are the soul of our Country!"
>>19073581 Rumors of War/FF???
>>19073606 Blinken Refuses to Say If the US Will Do AnythING to Stop China From BuildING Military Spy Base in Cuba
>>19073625 IRS Whistleblower Fights Back: Names Additional Six Witnesses in Response to Garland's Denial of Interference in Biden Investigations
>>19073656 TRUMP: "I was the first President in 70 years who didn't start a war.
>>19073669 Shots fired at a pride event in NY
>>19073670, >>19073678 TRUMP: "We will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history and we're gonna get the bad ones out quickly."
>>19073687 UN releases online 'hate speech' guide
>>19073689 Departures to D.C.-area airports have resumed and repairs to the communications power panel are complete.
>>19073715 TikTok Admits StorING Some US User Data In China: Senators
>>19073722 'Disgusted' New Zealand Surgeons Now Required To Consider Ethnicity Of Patients
>>19073806, >>19073858, >>19074022 Both of those unmasked "patriots front" people were antifa / feds
>>19073816 1994 Refresher: Mary Kennedy Mourned at Standard Hotel Memorial Service
>>19073817 @RepDonaldsPress highlights that Hunter Biden never registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act while collectING at least $17 to $25 million
>>19073828 President Trump : "This is the final battle. With you at my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the war mongers from our government
>>19073835 Box Office Analyst Estimates Disney Lost $890 Million on Last Eight Theatrical Releases
>>19073837 Plaskett took campaign money from Jeffery Epstein AFTER his conviction
>>19073847 Hawaii Marines need to be ready for war
>>19073921 "I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it!
>>19073939 BEAUTIFUL Hillary Clinton/Q's
>>19073944 Supreme Court allows South Carolina to defend right to defund Planned Parenthood
>>19073965 Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Arrested for KeyING SUV with "Biden Sucks" Bumper Sticker
>>19074054 The Rainbow Jihadists admit to beING Satanists and pedophiles now.
>>19074146 @TGowdySC sat down with @generalkellogg to discuss how #RussiaIsCollapsING in the latest chapter of the #RussiaCivilWar
>>19074152, >>19074212 The Democrat Party must be 'obliterated' [They] Hate America ~ Mark Levin
>>19074194 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to have such a statement by Stephen Miller, a true American Patriot. Thank you Stephen!
>>19074208 @realDonaldTrump "President Trump recognized that the Obama Deal was terrible, pavING the way for Irans nuclear weapons—and he ended it...
>>19074264 #23423
Previously Collected
>>19072747 #23421, >>19073977 #23422,
>>19070403 #23418, >>19071193 #23419, >>19071937 #23420
>>19067901 #23415, >>19069272 #23416, >>19071971 #23417
>>19065560 #23412, >>19066346 #23413, >>19067107 #23414
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19075040 at 2023-06-26 06:22:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23425: What's The C_A Involvement with Prigozhin Rebellion? Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
#23424 >>19074288
>>19074310, >>19074365 PDJT on Ron DeSanctimonious
>>19074328, >>19074421 Heads Begin To Roll At Langley After 'Prigozhin Op' Goes Horribly Wrong
>>19074329 MP4 of patriots fendING off masked fakers
>>19074339 , >>19074346, >>19074395, >>19074495, >>19074497 Retired CIA Spook Blames Biden's Push To 'Diversify The Agency By PushING Out Seasoned Hands' For The Prigozhin Debacle
>>19074341, >>19074345, >>19074362 KinzINGer becomes an anon??? (kek)
>>19074361 Benny Johnson /Boycott Target: MSM losING, Alt media winnING
>>19074392 3 year delta: [D] + China = 11.3
>>19074399, >>19074575 PDJT: Trump Turnberry - Ranked as the NUMBER ONE course in Great Britain & Ireland by Golf World Magazine...
>>19074424 Cruz finally urge house to impeach Biden
>>19074443, >>19074444, >>19074447 NYC to Crack Down on Wood-Fired Pizza Joints to Reduce Carbon Emissions by Up to 75%
>>19074459 JUST IN :rotatING_light: Former CIA Director David Petraeus warned Wagner Group's boss Prigozhin to "stay away from open windows in Belarus"
>>19074452, >>19074476 #OSINT indicates that first POSEIDON Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo launches from #Russian submarine Belgorod may occur in next few days
>>19074465 Dozens detained at LGBTQ event in T?rkiye
>>19074471 China Back's Argentina's Falklands Claim, Urges End To Hegemonism And "Colonial ThinkING"
>>19074472 BIDEN Is FinishING What Obama Started? 10min video
>>19074481 'Non-binary' identifyING students in New Jersey skyrocket over 4,000% since 2019
>>19074501, >>19074538 Suddenly…the House Ways and Means Committee began droppING bombs
>>19074509 U.S. Suspected Prigozhin Was PreparING to Take Military Action Against Russia
>>19074528 Australia to provide Ukraine with major assistance package as government pledges to stand with Kyiv for 'as long as it takes' [Aussies groan….]
>>19074547, >>19074556, >>19074560, >>19074566 Prighozin Accuses Russia's MoD of Political Sabotage
>>19074647, >>19074655 Interview with Sergei Millian: from 2017
>>19074664 Richard Grenell Retweeted Mark R. Levin: TRUMP LAWYERS MUST START GETTING AGGRESSIVE
>>19074702 Scavino: Off to TULSA w/POTUS (date?)
>>19074744 Patrick Byrne re victory to look forward to
>>19074781, >>19074806 The REAL power behind the North Korean throne revealed
>>19074839 All adults under 65 should be screened for anxiety, health panel says
>>19074856 Musk-Zuckerberg cage fight could become biggest earner in history – UFC
>>19074877 Authorities are investigatING Strong sulfur like odor spreadING throughout northwest Indiana.
>>19074880 Ivanka Trump spotted hangING out with DJ David Guetta
>>19075034 #23434
#23423 >>19073536
>>19074127 PlaneFag CONUS update:45on final at Newark Int'l from Detroit Metro, Moroccans bailed D.C., EM continues to Austin, Swiss SW from Bangor
>>19073537 #OTD in 1944, USS Texas (BB-35) bombarded Battery Hamburg near Cherbourg, France
>>19073552 Q+: "Americans of faith are not a threat to our Country, Americans of faith are the soul of our Country!"
>>19073581 Rumors of War/FF???
>>19073606 Blinken Refuses to Say If the US Will Do AnythING to Stop China From BuildING Military Spy Base in Cuba
>>19073625 IRS Whistleblower Fights Back: Names Additional Six Witnesses in Response to Garland's Denial of Interference in Biden Investigations
>>19073656 TRUMP: "I was the first President in 70 years who didn't start a war.
>>19073669 Shots fired at a pride event in NY
>>19073670, >>19073678 TRUMP: "We will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history and we're gonna get the bad ones out quickly."
>>19073687 UN releases online 'hate speech' guide
>>19073689 Departures to D.C.-area airports have resumed and repairs to the communications power panel are complete.
>>19073715 TikTok Admits StorING Some US User Data In China: Senators
>>19073722 'Disgusted' New Zealand Surgeons Now Required To Consider Ethnicity Of Patients
>>19073806, >>19073858, >>19074022 Both of those unmasked "patriots front" people were antifa / feds
>>19073816 1994 Refresher: Mary Kennedy Mourned at Standard Hotel Memorial Service
>>19073817 @RepDonaldsPress highlights that Hunter Biden never registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act while collectING at least $17 to $25 million
>>19073828 President Trump : "This is the final battle. With you at my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the war mongers from our government
>>19073835 Box Office Analyst Estimates Disney Lost $890 Million on Last Eight Theatrical Releases
>>19073837 Plaskett took campaign money from Jeffery Epstein AFTER his conviction
>>19073847 Hawaii Marines need to be ready for war
>>19073921 "I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it!
>>19073939 BEAUTIFUL Hillary Clinton/Q's
>>19073944 Supreme Court allows South Carolina to defend right to defund Planned Parenthood
>>19073965 Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Arrested for KeyING SUV with "Biden Sucks" Bumper Sticker
>>19074054 The Rainbow Jihadists admit to beING Satanists and pedophiles now.
>>19074146 @TGowdySC sat down with @generalkellogg to discuss how #RussiaIsCollapsING in the latest chapter of the #RussiaCivilWar
>>19074152, >>19074212 The Democrat Party must be 'obliterated' [They] Hate America ~ Mark Levin
>>19074194 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to have such a statement by Stephen Miller, a true American Patriot. Thank you Stephen!
>>19074208 @realDonaldTrump "President Trump recognized that the Obama Deal was terrible, pavING the way for Irans nuclear weapons—and he ended it...
>>19074264 #23423
#23422 >>19072776
>>19072934, >>19072938, >>19072786, >>19072965 President Trump Delivers Keynote Speech at Oakland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Michigan
>>19072981, >>19073098, >>19073118, >>19073118, >>19073169, >>19073178, >>19073199 Rally Notables: "REPEPUBLICAN", Translucent Tie
>>19073230 Rally notes QRD
>>19072816 Grim story from a wealthy Boston suburb.
>>19072864, >>19073160, >>19072911, >>19073273 We need memes of Hunter Biden makING phone calls
>>19072914, >>19072878, >>19072899 'No yellow!' Hunter Biden used slur to refer to Asians
>>19072866, >>19073067 Crybaby KinzINGer tweets
>>19072893 One post by this ID
>>19072948 Basketball Player Who Blamed Covid Vax for Heart Condition Dies of Heart Attack at 28
>>19072977 Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification" — Diamond and Silk
>>19073009 "it looks like the extermination of its own population" Ukrainian soldier on Bakhmut
>>19073038, >>19073237, >>19073247, >>19073279, >>19073379, >>19073329, >>19073415 FAA halted all flights (for 1 hour) at airports in WashINGton, D.C. due to a fire at the communication tower.
>>19073103, >>19073226 There was no Civil War, until we actually see any proof of kinetic hostilities, there is no situation in Russia.
>>19073269 [Globohomo] are international, well funded & organized. Parents - you BETTER START TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY
>>19073290 Nice breakdown of the COVID TREASON infront of EU
>>19073366 PlaneFag CONUS activity
>>19073435 In case you were wonderING, if they read your search history in court?
>>19073459 Canadian minister of defense claims ET'S are communicatING with some humans through telepathic communication (channelING)
>>19073977 #23422
Previously Collected
>>19072747 #23421
>>19070403 #23418, >>19071193 #23419, >>19071937 #23420
>>19067901 #23415, >>19069272 #23416, >>19071971 #23417
>>19065560 #23412, >>19066346 #23413, >>19067107 #23414
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19074280 at 2023-06-26 02:58:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23424: Night Shift Shill Tears Fest Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
#23423 >>19073536
>>19074127 PlaneFag CONUS update:45on final at Newark Int'l from Detroit Metro, Moroccans bailed D.C., EM continues to Austin, Swiss SW from Bangor
>>19073537 #OTD in 1944, USS Texas (BB-35) bombarded Battery Hamburg near Cherbourg, France
>>19073552 Q+: "Americans of faith are not a threat to our Country, Americans of faith are the soul of our Country!"
>>19073581 Rumors of War/FF???
>>19073606 Blinken Refuses to Say If the US Will Do AnythING to Stop China From BuildING Military Spy Base in Cuba
>>19073625 IRS Whistleblower Fights Back: Names Additional Six Witnesses in Response to Garland's Denial of Interference in Biden Investigations
>>19073656 TRUMP: "I was the first President in 70 years who didn't start a war.
>>19073669 Shots fired at a pride event in NY
>>19073670, >>19073678 TRUMP: "We will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history and we're gonna get the bad ones out quickly."
>>19073687 UN releases online 'hate speech' guide
>>19073689 Departures to D.C.-area airports have resumed and repairs to the communications power panel are complete.
>>19073715 TikTok Admits StorING Some US User Data In China: Senators
>>19073722 'Disgusted' New Zealand Surgeons Now Required To Consider Ethnicity Of Patients
>>19073806, >>19073858, >>19074022 Both of those unmasked "patriots front" people were antifa / feds
>>19073816 1994 Refresher: Mary Kennedy Mourned at Standard Hotel Memorial Service
>>19073817 @RepDonaldsPress highlights that Hunter Biden never registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act while collectING at least $17 to $25 million
>>19073828 President Trump : "This is the final battle. With you at my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the war mongers from our government
>>19073835 Box Office Analyst Estimates Disney Lost $890 Million on Last Eight Theatrical Releases
>>19073837 Plaskett took campaign money from Jeffery Epstein AFTER his conviction
>>19073847 Hawaii Marines need to be ready for war
>>19073921 "I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it!
>>19073939 BEAUTIFUL Hillary Clinton/Q's
>>19073944 Supreme Court allows South Carolina to defend right to defund Planned Parenthood
>>19073965 Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Arrested for KeyING SUV with "Biden Sucks" Bumper Sticker
>>19074054 The Rainbow Jihadists admit to beING Satanists and pedophiles now.
>>19074146 @TGowdySC sat down with @generalkellogg to discuss how #RussiaIsCollapsING in the latest chapter of the #RussiaCivilWar
>>19074152, >>19074212 The Democrat Party must be 'obliterated' [They] Hate America ~ Mark Levin
>>19074194 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to have such a statement by Stephen Miller, a true American Patriot. Thank you Stephen!
>>19074208 @realDonaldTrump "President Trump recognized that the Obama Deal was terrible, pavING the way for Irans nuclear weapons—and he ended it...
>>19074264 #23423
#23422 >>19072776
>>19072934, >>19072938, >>19072786, >>19072965 President Trump Delivers Keynote Speech at Oakland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Michigan
>>19072981, >>19073098, >>19073118, >>19073118, >>19073169, >>19073178, >>19073199 Rally Notables: "REPEPUBLICAN", Translucent Tie
>>19073230 Rally notes QRD
>>19072816 Grim story from a wealthy Boston suburb.
>>19072864, >>19073160, >>19072911, >>19073273 We need memes of Hunter Biden makING phone calls
>>19072914, >>19072878, >>19072899 'No yellow!' Hunter Biden used slur to refer to Asians
>>19072866, >>19073067 Crybaby KinzINGer tweets
>>19072893 One post by this ID
>>19072948 Basketball Player Who Blamed Covid Vax for Heart Condition Dies of Heart Attack at 28
>>19072977 Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification" — Diamond and Silk
>>19073009 "it looks like the extermination of its own population" Ukrainian soldier on Bakhmut
>>19073038, >>19073237, >>19073247, >>19073279, >>19073379, >>19073329, >>19073415 FAA halted all flights (for 1 hour) at airports in WashINGton, D.C. due to a fire at the communication tower.
>>19073103, >>19073226 There was no Civil War, until we actually see any proof of kinetic hostilities, there is no situation in Russia.
>>19073269 [Globohomo] are international, well funded & organized. Parents - you BETTER START TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY
>>19073290 Nice breakdown of the COVID TREASON infront of EU
>>19073366 PlaneFag CONUS activity
>>19073435 In case you were wonderING, if they read your search history in court?
>>19073459 Canadian minister of defense claims ET'S are communicatING with some humans through telepathic communication (channelING)
>>19073977 #23422
#23421 >>19071979
>>19072370, >>19072582, >>19072554, >>19072548, >>19072620, >>19072701, >>19072700 The UnmaskING Movement has arrived.
>>19072106, >>19072477, >>19072484 Private Phones Dedicated to Biden Bribery & Blackmail CALL TO MEMES
>>19072107 Harvard scientist faked honesty studies – scholars
>>19072014 A reminder - the titanic narrative last week and 28th June - Banks Stress Test
>>19072005 The Aus Reserve Bank wants more unemployment. It should be applauded for admittING it
>>19072038 US Marine Corps may soon be leaderless, over woke "federal vacation" for child abortions
>>19072059 InterestING opinion on: PUTIN'S OPERATION WAGNER:
>>19072056, >>19072034, >>19072080 Obiden Twats
>>19072142 Canada is brINGING in Indians that dropped out of Middle-School for the cheap labor
>>19072190 CNN's Jake Tapper 'slams' RFK Jr
>>19072214 After AG Garland Denies Main Justice Interference, IRS Whistleblower Reveals Names of Witnesses to Show Garland LyING
>>19072219, >>19072633 GODSPEED GHOST OF KIEV! Any confirmation on what's goING on in Ukraine?
>>19072232 Clapped out Sir Pedo pop star threatens to stop performING
>>19072299 KimzINGer basically admits patriot front are a fed-op
>>19072360 New Special #BenGarrison Cartoon The FOG OF WAR
>>19072487 @JudicialWatch files new Federal FOIA lawsuit against Biden Deep State agency caught censorING Americans to help Biden campaign(s).
>>19072550 Kevin McCarthy hints at impeachment inquiry into AG Merrick Garland
>>19072018, >>19072510, >>19072622, >>19072657, >>19072671 Fully naked men expose their genitalia in front of children at Seattle pride parade
>>19072562 Horry County Council quietly rescinds support for LGBTQ+ Pride Month
>>19072572 Jill Biden is wearING the drapes again to some event.
>>19072679 Turkish police arrested every sINGle one of these LGBTQ "paraders" within 5 minutes of their Pride parade.
>>19072686 @DC_Draino Bud Light does not want video of their sponsorship of a Pride parade in Canada goING around
>>19072747 #23421
Previously Collected
>>19070403 #23418, >>19071193 #23419, >>19071937 #23420
>>19067901 #23415, >>19069272 #23416, >>19071971 #23417
>>19065560 #23412, >>19066346 #23413, >>19067107 #23414
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19074264 at 2023-06-26 02:57:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23423: Bribery and Blackmail Hotline Edition
#23423 >>19073536
>>19074127 PlaneFag CONUS update:45on final at Newark Int'l from Detroit Metro, Moroccans bailed D.C., EM continues to Austin, Swiss SW from Bangor
>>19073537 #OTD in 1944, USS Texas (BB-35) bombarded Battery Hamburg near Cherbourg, France
>>19073552 Q+: "Americans of faith are not a threat to our Country, Americans of faith are the soul of our Country!"
>>19073581 Rumors of War/FF???
>>19073606 Blinken Refuses to Say If the US Will Do AnythING to Stop China From BuildING Military Spy Base in Cuba
>>19073625 IRS Whistleblower Fights Back: Names Additional Six Witnesses in Response to Garland's Denial of Interference in Biden Investigations
>>19073656 TRUMP: "I was the first President in 70 years who didn't start a war.
>>19073669 Shots fired at a pride event in NY
>>19073670, >>19073678 TRUMP: "We will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history and we're gonna get the bad ones out quickly."
>>19073687 UN releases online 'hate speech' guide
>>19073689 Departures to D.C.-area airports have resumed and repairs to the communications power panel are complete.
>>19073715 TikTok Admits StorING Some US User Data In China: Senators
>>19073722 'Disgusted' New Zealand Surgeons Now Required To Consider Ethnicity Of Patients
>>19073806, >>19073858, >>19074022 Both of those unmasked "patriots front" people were antifa / feds
>>19073816 1994 Refresher: Mary Kennedy Mourned at Standard Hotel Memorial Service
>>19073817 @RepDonaldsPress highlights that Hunter Biden never registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act while collectING at least $17 to $25 million
>>19073828 President Trump : "This is the final battle. With you at my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the war mongers from our government
>>19073835 Box Office Analyst Estimates Disney Lost $890 Million on Last Eight Theatrical Releases
>>19073837 Plaskett took campaign money from Jeffery Epstein AFTER his conviction
>>19073847 Hawaii Marines need to be ready for war
>>19073921 "I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it!
>>19073939 BEAUTIFUL Hillary Clinton/Q's
>>19073944 Supreme Court allows South Carolina to defend right to defund Planned Parenthood
>>19073965 Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Arrested for KeyING SUV with "Biden Sucks" Bumper Sticker
>>19074054 The Rainbow Jihadists admit to beING Satanists and pedophiles now.
>>19074146 @TGowdySC sat down with @generalkellogg to discuss how #RussiaIsCollapsING in the latest chapter of the #RussiaCivilWar
>>19074152, >>19074212 The Democrat Party must be 'obliterated' [They] Hate America ~ Mark Levin
>>19074194 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to have such a statement by Stephen Miller, a true American Patriot. Thank you Stephen!
>>19074208 @realDonaldTrump "President Trump recognized that the Obama Deal was terrible, pavING the way for Irans nuclear weapons—and he ended it...
#19074188 at 2023-06-26 02:40:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23423: Bribery and Blackmail Hotline Edition
last Call
#23423 >>19073536
>>19074127 PlaneFag CONUS update:45on final at Newark Int'l from Detroit Metro, Moroccans bailed D.C., EM continues to Austin, Swiss SW from Bangor
>>19073537 #OTD in 1944, USS Texas (BB-35) bombarded Battery Hamburg near Cherbourg, France
>>19073552 Q+: "Americans of faith are not a threat to our Country, Americans of faith are the soul of our Country!"
>>19073581 Rumors of War/FF???
>>19073606 Blinken Refuses to Say If the US Will Do AnythING to Stop China From BuildING Military Spy Base in Cuba
>>19073625 IRS Whistleblower Fights Back: Names Additional Six Witnesses in Response to Garland's Denial of Interference in Biden Investigations
>>19073656 TRUMP: "I was the first President in 70 years who didn't start a war.
>>19073669 Shots fired at a pride event in NY
>>19073670, >>19073678 TRUMP: "We will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history and we're gonna get the bad ones out quickly."
>>19073687 UN releases online 'hate speech' guide
>>19073689 Departures to D.C.-area airports have resumed and repairs to the communications power panel are complete.
>>19073715 TikTok Admits StorING Some US User Data In China: Senators
>>19073722 'Disgusted' New Zealand Surgeons Now Required To Consider Ethnicity Of Patients
>>19073806, >>19073858, >>19074022 Both of those unmasked "patriots front" people were antifa / feds
>>19073816 1994 Refresher: Mary Kennedy Mourned at Standard Hotel Memorial Service
>>19073817 @RepDonaldsPress highlights that Hunter Biden never registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act while collectING at least $17 to $25 million
>>19073828 President Trump : "This is the final battle. With you at my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the war mongers from our government
>>19073835 Box Office Analyst Estimates Disney Lost $890 Million on Last Eight Theatrical Releases
>>19073837 Plaskett took campaign money from Jeffery Epstein AFTER his conviction
>>19073847 Hawaii Marines need to be ready for war
>>19073921 "I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it!
>>19073939 BEAUTIFUL Hillary Clinton/Q's
>>19073944 Supreme Court allows South Carolina to defend right to defund Planned Parenthood
>>19073965 Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Arrested for KeyING SUV with "Biden Sucks" Bumper Sticker
>>19074054 The Rainbow Jihadists admit to beING Satanists and pedophiles now.
>>19074146 @TGowdySC sat down with @generalkellogg to discuss how #RussiaIsCollapsING in the latest chapter of the #RussiaCivilWar
>>19074152 The Democrat Party must be 'obliterated' [They] Hate America ~ Mark Levin
#19074045 at 2023-06-26 02:08:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23423: Bribery and Blackmail Hotline Edition
#23423 >>19073536
>>19073537 #OTD in 1944, USS Texas (BB-35) bombarded Battery Hamburg near Cherbourg, France
>>19073552 Q+: "Americans of faith are not a threat to our Country, Americans of faith are the soul of our Country!"
>>19073581 Rumors of War/FF???
>>19073606 Blinken Refuses to Say If the US Will Do AnythING to Stop China From BuildING Military Spy Base in Cuba
>>19073625 IRS Whistleblower Fights Back: Names Additional Six Witnesses in Response to Garland's Denial of Interference in Biden Investigations
>>19073656 TRUMP: "I was the first President in 70 years who didn't start a war.
>>19073669 Shots fired at a pride event in NY
>>19073670, >>19073678 TRUMP: "We will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history and we're gonna get the bad ones out quickly."
>>19073687 UN releases online 'hate speech' guide
>>19073689 Departures to D.C.-area airports have resumed and repairs to the communications power panel are complete.
>>19073715 TikTok Admits StorING Some US User Data In China: Senators
>>19073722 'Disgusted' New Zealand Surgeons Now Required To Consider Ethnicity Of Patients
>>19073806, >>19073858, >>19074022 Both of those unmasked "patriots front" people were antifa / feds
>>19073816 1994 Refresher: Mary Kennedy Mourned at Standard Hotel Memorial Service
>>19073817 .@RepDonaldsPress highlights that Hunter Biden never registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act while collectING at least $17 to $25 million
>>19073828 President Trump : "This is the final battle. With you at my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the war mongers from our government
>>19073835 Box Office Analyst Estimates Disney Lost $890 Million on Last Eight Theatrical Releases
>>19073837 Plaskett took campaign money from Jeffery Epstein AFTER his conviction
>>19073847 Hawaii Marines need to be ready for war
>>19073921 "I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it!
>>19073939 BEAUTIFUL Hillary Clinton/Q's
>>19073944 Supreme Court allows South Carolina to defend right to defund Planned Parenthood
>>19073965 Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Arrested for KeyING SUV with "Biden Sucks" Bumper Sticker
#19073921 at 2023-06-26 01:44:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23423: Bribery and Blackmail Hotline Edition
"He knew…"
Adames is believed to have suffered from myocarditis. He previously addressed havING to get vaccinated.
"I got a damn Myocarditis from takING a f-ING vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me," Cabrera Adames wrote on social media.
#19070917 at 2023-06-25 16:21:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23419: Have a Nice Sunday Edition
>>19069911 lb
>>19069947 lb
>The world is "watch"[ING] https://qalerts.app/?q=[ING] (4) post(s) found
>>19069678 lb
>>19069820 lb
>>19069832 lb
>>19069851 lb
Forgot about this watch drop from 2021
#19070847 at 2023-06-25 16:03:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23419: Have a Nice Sunday Edition
>The world is "watch"[ING] https://qalerts.app/?q=[ING] (4) post(s) found
The KING Neptune Statue
31st St. (Virginia Beach Boardwalk)
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
United States
Nice Palm Trees
10 post(s) found containING "Virginia"
743 (14) (5) and 742 (13) (4) Delta to next: 00:15:44 (seconds total: 944) (17) (8)
Q !UW.yye1fxo 2/12/2018, 10:17:30 AM ID:
8chan/greatawakenING: 87
>Q Clock [ Min: 7 | :25/:55 Mir: 43 | 180 Mir: 37 | :35/:05 Mir: 3 ]
The Inner Circle.
Mika Brzezinski.
McLean, Virginia.
The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control.
Majority today were 'born in' to the circle.
Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest.
These people are really stupid.
End is near.
The media cleanse/JFK.
#19070123 at 2023-06-25 13:45:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23418: 6.5B Coup Accounting Error Edition
Kinda reminds me of how O'Keefe said once the got dirt on Blackrock, which is a Jewish organization, they started DNS ING from State Govt websites.
Pattern noticed.
#19069947 at 2023-06-25 13:09:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23418: 6.5B Coup Accounting Error Edition
>The world is "watch"ING
#19069911 at 2023-06-25 12:58:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23418: 6.5B Coup Accounting Error Edition
The world is "watch"ING
#19069731 at 2023-06-25 12:15:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23418: 6.5B Coup Accounting Error Edition
> like clockwork at Langley every mornING.
mabbe "10th Mountain" "checkin' in on anon(s) bai; WHO's Count[ING]
>fail on all counts
<>stfu famefag<>
#19064005 at 2023-06-24 13:11:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23411: Russian Federation No Moar? Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18754231, >>18754256 How to Read the Q Clock
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
#23409 >>19062431
>>19063126 Putin delivers address on latest developments in Russia
>>19063133 Putin promises to fight back
>>19062446, >>19062486, >>19062498, >>19062504, >>19062510, >>19062515, >>19062521, >>19062560 Russia vs. Wagner Group pics / vids
>>19062462 Russia's mercenary leader abandons war front, Moscow orders arrest
>>19062475 Tanks on streets amid Wagner 'coup' attempt in Russia
>>19062528 Ukraine attempts to retake Artyomovsk after Prigozhin 'provocation'
>>19062567, >>19062741, >>19062662 Evgeny Prigozhin from the headquarters of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces in Rostov-on-Don
>>19062676 Drag queens and trans activists chant "we're here, we're queer, we're comING for your children"
>>19062690 Security forces enter Wagner Group's headquarters in St. Petersburg
>>19062777 US special counsel seeks delay to start of Trump documents trial until Dec
>>19062876 Five citizens of Tajikistan, detained by counterintelligence in Shchyolkovo while tryING to buy Cesium-137, entered Russia officially
>>19062896 Lieutenant-General Vladimir Alekseev, First Deputy Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, publicly addressed the fighters of the Wagner PMC
>>19063028 Live Updates from Sputnik: Wagner Group Coup Attempt
>>19063051 Ministry of Defense of Russia: We appeal to the fighters of the assault squads "PMC" Wagner
>>19063076, >>19063079 South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem is silent as out-of-state corporations seize constituent land by eminent domain
>>19063199 #23409
#23408 >>19061679
>>19062208 Qpost Deltas for June 24: Are you ready to serve your country again? | Feb 2019 | [ING] error | DNI Ratcliffe | Obama / Biden Treason | MIL-CIV Alliance | ***
>>19061690 HHS produces pro-transgender propaganda video featurING Rachel Levine interviewING a trans activist
>>19061699 George Webb: Did Bob Malone's boss, Nick Jacobs, meet with an ex-Mossad WMD expert the mornING of 9/11?
>>19061709 The leadership of Russia's Voronezh Region says that a military convoy is movING along the M4 highway
>>19061711 Hunter's Lawyer Responds to Bombshell "I'm SittING Here with My Father" WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061739 Nearly 17 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Cost Americans $163 Billion Annually
>>19061740 Senate Report Shows China Company CEFC Sent Over $5 Million to Hunter Biden Related Firms Just Days After Text to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061766, >>19061971 Madonna: The Calm Before The Storm..........
>>19061879 More concerned citizens about the comING apocalypse of a civil war in Moscow (Sarcasm)
>>19061901 Shadow of Ezra: Standby for Possible Putin emergency message
>>19061906 Lots of on-the-ground footage ie Russia vs Wagner
>>19061932, >>19061983 3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement Over US Allegations Of 'Forever Chemicals' Contamination
>>19061981 Pope Francis met with U.S. President Joe Biden's climate envoy John Kerry on Monday in what was Kerry's fourth official private meetING with the pope
>>19061989, >>19062012 Schiff comms
>>19061995, >>19062016 Special Counsel Jack Smith asks judge to delay start of Trump trial by 4 months
>>19062027 Trey Gowdy Attacks Trump For Comments on Jack Smith: 'I'd Resign' if I Was Trump's Lawyer
>>19062054, >>19062058 DoJ Files First-Ever Criminal Charges Against Chinese Fentanyl Makers
>>19062090 Planefag
>>19062108 It appears that the Wagner Group is definitely in Rostov
>>19062162 (((Wagner Group))) attempts coup in Russia
>>19062202, >>19062383, >>19062257 Digits confirm DEFCON 2
>>19062210, >>19061728, >>19061813, >>19062057, >>19062113, >>19062272 Anons discuss Brunson case
>>19062266 Six companies have pledged a combined $11.3 billion for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) manufacturING facilities in the United States
>>19062277 Chris Christie gets booed at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference
>>19062287 Nearly Half of Californians Are ConsiderING LeavING the State
>>19062336 QClock June 23, 2023 - What if China Was Given The Keys?
>>19062367 Laura Loomer confronts Marc Lampkin @ Meatball Ron's fundraiser
>>19062404 #23408
#23407 >>19060862
>>19060908 Brunson case is still around and kickING
>>19060923, >>19061198, >>19061389, >>19061214, >>19061521 Russia vs Wagner updates
>>19060946 Today Donald Trump is officially no longer under Exclusivity Contract with Truth Social
>>19060979 @WhiteHouse tweet decode
>>19061052 Bud Light maker excoriated for customer-mockING ad
>>19061067, >>19061227 IRS whistleblower claims president's son used his father's name to threaten associate in damnING WhatsApp message
>>19061082, >>19061412 White House Press Corps just savaged KJP on the Biden crime family
>>19061179 Dr. Peter Hotez's FundING Linked to Controversial Chinese Military Scientists at Wuhan Lab
>>19061188, >>19061496 The DNI has declassified the report on the origins of COVID-19
>>19061197 Gen Flynn takING out the trash
>>19061211 Fresh Tucker
>>19061246 Obummer suggests digital fINGerprints to counter misinformation (threatened by anons)
>>19061248 A Wuhan-based biotech firm has been accused of smugglING the drug's precursor chemicals
>>19061264 Chip Roy recently endorsed DeSantis for President and now it looks like he's endorsING child mutilation financiers too?
>>19061269 India became the 27th country to sign the Artemis Accords
>>19061325, >>19061446 Planefags
>>19061350 Covid Inquiry: Abuse of experts must stop, says Whitty
>>19061404 Democrat Donor Arraigned for StartING 100 Million Dollar Forest Fire Last Yea
>>19061473 Rachel Levine claims child sex changes are 'medically necessary' at Biden's DOE conference on creatING 'inclusive' schools
>>19061512 Exhibit A: State of Democrats
>>19061573 Russian SprING | The Russians Advance On Kupyansk And Liman Frontlines. Military Summary 2023.06.23
>>19061574 Wagner Group's Yevgeny Prigozhin - the Jew masqueradING as Putin's "Russian" mercenary boss
>>19061609 Lara Logan: Yes - it is not obvious to all but if you are payING close attention, the signs of panic are all around the "halls of power" right now
>>19061672 #23407
#23406 >>19060148
>>19060157 James Cameron's Titanic submersible filmmakING dive made him miss 9/11
>>19060160, >>19060186, >>19060441, >>19060634 This guy looks under duress(mp4)/ Employee exposes James O'Keefe's revelations regardING BlackRock video
>>19060162 Kirby Adm(ret) runs away like a cowardice little bitch that he is instead of providING the American people the truth
>>19060169 "Supreme Court Conference date - JUNE 22, 2023" = Yesterday
>>19060184 Photo From Hunter Biden's Laptop Corroborates Bribery Claims From Whistleblower
>>19060187 They actually tell us they don't have any money That's the jist of it
>>19060211 2 and 3 year high-rise-themed deltas tomorrow
>>19060217 FSB opens criminal case after Wagner boss calls for 'armed rebellion'
>>19060268 Qtards and Maga Republicans BTFO and embarrassed on the world stage...AGAIN!
>>19060271 The Second Cuban Missile Crisis - We Could Really Use JFK About Now
>>19060283 @LauraLoomer MUST WATCH: My camera man just confronted Moderna lobbyist Marc Lampkin as he was walkING into the @GovRonDeSantis fundraiser in DC that is takING place at the law office of a firm that represents Dominion
>>19060286 Half Of Russia's Strategic Missile Units Have Been Rearmed With Hypersonics: Putin
>>19060298 Infowars Host Owen Shroyer Pleads Guilty to "Role in January 6 Riot" - Statement of Offense Details Complete Absence of Criminal Conduct
>>19060299 Ukraine's counteroffensive is 'suicidal' - Moscow
>>19060312 FSB opens criminal case after Wagner boss calls for 'armed rebellion'
>>19060313 Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein got more than $300 MILLION in tax breaks from US Virgin Islands and it waived sex offender monitorING requirements - as it's revealed he also paid local cops
>>19060318 @simonateba BREAKING: Russian generals accuse Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin of coup attempt amid escalatING feud with military
>>19060327 Katie Hobbs Signs Executive Order RestrictING Arizona Abortion Prosecutions, BannING Investigation and Extradition of Doctors Wanted in Other States - Establishes a Council to Expand Access to Abortion
>>19060336, >>19060604, >>19060809, >>19060829, >>19060893 Reports of mass mutiny takING place in Russia
>>19060353 @ClintEhrlich Prigozhin has announced that his forces are marchING on Moscow, that civilians should stay inside, and that MoD troops should surrender to Wagner
>>19060355 Zelensky prepares ground to delay presidential election
>>19060356 Here are 5 sites that track politician stock trades
>>19060368 @LizCrokin You know what "I'm really "f*ckING angry" about Chelsea Clinton? All the children who have been sex trafficked by monsters like your pal Ghislaine Maxwell and your parents via the Clinton Foundation.
>>19060377 @KanekoaTheGreat Exclusive: Dr. Peter Hotez's FundING Linked to Controversial Chinese Military Scientists at Wuhan Lab
>>19060385 "A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women."
>>19060394 REPORT: Hollywood Actor Jim Caviezel Says CIA "Operates World's Biggest Pedophile RING"!
>>19060395 The US agency gave $1 billion to the world's top venture capital firm and $900 million to a Chinese tech firm, among others
>>19060431 US said it won't topple Iran's Islamic regime, top Iranian official claims
>>19060459 White House stonewalls reporters on Biden corruption
>>19060532, >>19060546, >>19060559, >>19060589, >>19060664 HOLY SMOKES: Reporters TURN on Karine Jean Pierre, gang up on her for 4 minutes straight askING about Joe Biden's connection to Hunter's overseas business dealINGs after bombshell text messages reveal criminal corruption scheme(mp4)
>>19060577, >>19060611 @GenFlynn you sound scared. And in the military, we counsel, if you're scared say you're scared...p#%sy
>>19060625 Drag Queen Bible Story Hour Held In San Francisco Presbyterian Church TargetING Children(mp4)
>>19060627 A Neo-Nazi called 'Charlie Big Potatoes' was arrested for encouragING violence on Jews, Muslims
>>19060663 @PapiTrumpo WOW. Never seen chippy this silent before...?(mp4)
>>19060686 'Fanatical' neo-Nazi known as 'Charlie Big Potatoes'
>>19060696, >>19060698 Ukraine and Canada Joint Declaration(2023/6/10)
>>19060703, >>19060736, >>19060743 JUST IN - U.S. releases declassified report on COVID origins/UPDATE Office of the DNI confirms Covid started in a lab
>>19060715 Body Language: Blinken's China Trip(You Tube vid)
>>19060748, >>19060757 BlackRock twatter : The Next Gold Rush?
>>19060783 Russia RumblINGs and Rumors
>>19061946 #23406 collected in bread #23408
Previously Collected
>>19058545 #23403, >>19061028 #23404, >>19061262 #23405
>>19057161 #23400, >>19057161 #23401, >>19057764 #23402
>>19056900 #23398, >>19055469 #23399, >>19057161 #23400
>>19052392 #23395, >>19053112 #23396, >>19053942 #23397
>>19049836 #23392, >>19050738 #23393, >>19051631 #23394
>>19047549 #23389-B, >>19049360 #23390, >>19049097 #23391
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19063214 at 2023-06-24 07:39:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23410: Putin Delivers Address Following Wagner Coup Attempt Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18754231, >>18754256 How to Read the Q Clock
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
#23409 >>19062431
>>19063126 Putin delivers address on latest developments in Russia
>>19063133 Putin promises to fight back
>>19062446, >>19062486, >>19062498, >>19062504, >>19062510, >>19062515, >>19062521, >>19062560 Russia vs. Wagner Group pics / vids
>>19062462 Russia's mercenary leader abandons war front, Moscow orders arrest
>>19062475 Tanks on streets amid Wagner 'coup' attempt in Russia
>>19062528 Ukraine attempts to retake Artyomovsk after Prigozhin 'provocation'
>>19062567, >>19062741, >>19062662 Evgeny Prigozhin from the headquarters of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces in Rostov-on-Don
>>19062676 Drag queens and trans activists chant "we're here, we're queer, we're comING for your children"
>>19062690 Security forces enter Wagner Group's headquarters in St. Petersburg
>>19062777 US special counsel seeks delay to start of Trump documents trial until Dec
>>19062876 Five citizens of Tajikistan, detained by counterintelligence in Shchyolkovo while tryING to buy Cesium-137, entered Russia officially
>>19062896 Lieutenant-General Vladimir Alekseev, First Deputy Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, publicly addressed the fighters of the Wagner PMC
>>19063028 Live Updates from Sputnik: Wagner Group Coup Attempt
>>19063051 Ministry of Defense of Russia: We appeal to the fighters of the assault squads "PMC" Wagner
>>19063076, >>19063079 South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem is silent as out-of-state corporations seize constituent land by eminent domain
>>19063199 #23409
#23408 >>19061679
>>19062208 Qpost Deltas for June 24: Are you ready to serve your country again? | Feb 2019 | [ING] error | DNI Ratcliffe | Obama / Biden Treason | MIL-CIV Alliance | ***
>>19061690 HHS produces pro-transgender propaganda video featurING Rachel Levine interviewING a trans activist
>>19061699 George Webb: Did Bob Malone's boss, Nick Jacobs, meet with an ex-Mossad WMD expert the mornING of 9/11?
>>19061709 The leadership of Russia's Voronezh Region says that a military convoy is movING along the M4 highway
>>19061711 Hunter's Lawyer Responds to Bombshell "I'm SittING Here with My Father" WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061739 Nearly 17 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Cost Americans $163 Billion Annually
>>19061740 Senate Report Shows China Company CEFC Sent Over $5 Million to Hunter Biden Related Firms Just Days After Text to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061766, >>19061971 Madonna: The Calm Before The Storm..........
>>19061879 More concerned citizens about the comING apocalypse of a civil war in Moscow (Sarcasm)
>>19061901 Shadow of Ezra: Standby for Possible Putin emergency message
>>19061906 Lots of on-the-ground footage ie Russia vs Wagner
>>19061932, >>19061983 3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement Over US Allegations Of 'Forever Chemicals' Contamination
>>19061981 Pope Francis met with U.S. President Joe Biden's climate envoy John Kerry on Monday in what was Kerry's fourth official private meetING with the pope
>>19061989, >>19062012 Schiff comms
>>19061995, >>19062016 Special Counsel Jack Smith asks judge to delay start of Trump trial by 4 months
>>19062027 Trey Gowdy Attacks Trump For Comments on Jack Smith: 'I'd Resign' if I Was Trump's Lawyer
>>19062054, >>19062058 DoJ Files First-Ever Criminal Charges Against Chinese Fentanyl Makers
>>19062090 Planefag
>>19062108 It appears that the Wagner Group is definitely in Rostov
>>19062162 (((Wagner Group))) attempts coup in Russia
>>19062202, >>19062383, >>19062257 Digits confirm DEFCON 2
>>19062210, >>19061728, >>19061813, >>19062057, >>19062113, >>19062272 Anons discuss Brunson case
>>19062266 Six companies have pledged a combined $11.3 billion for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) manufacturING facilities in the United States
>>19062277 Chris Christie gets booed at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference
>>19062287 Nearly Half of Californians Are ConsiderING LeavING the State
>>19062336 QClock June 23, 2023 - What if China Was Given The Keys?
>>19062367 Laura Loomer confronts Marc Lampkin @ Meatball Ron's fundraiser
>>19062404 #23408
#23407 >>19060862
>>19060908 Brunson case is still around and kickING
>>19060923, >>19061198, >>19061389, >>19061214, >>19061521 Russia vs Wagner updates
>>19060946 Today Donald Trump is officially no longer under Exclusivity Contract with Truth Social
>>19060979 @WhiteHouse tweet decode
>>19061052 Bud Light maker excoriated for customer-mockING ad
>>19061067, >>19061227 IRS whistleblower claims president's son used his father's name to threaten associate in damnING WhatsApp message
>>19061082, >>19061412 White House Press Corps just savaged KJP on the Biden crime family
>>19061179 Dr. Peter Hotez's FundING Linked to Controversial Chinese Military Scientists at Wuhan Lab
>>19061188, >>19061496 The DNI has declassified the report on the origins of COVID-19
>>19061197 Gen Flynn takING out the trash
>>19061211 Fresh Tucker
>>19061246 Obummer suggests digital fINGerprints to counter misinformation (threatened by anons)
>>19061248 A Wuhan-based biotech firm has been accused of smugglING the drug's precursor chemicals
>>19061264 Chip Roy recently endorsed DeSantis for President and now it looks like he's endorsING child mutilation financiers too?
>>19061269 India became the 27th country to sign the Artemis Accords
>>19061325, >>19061446 Planefags
>>19061350 Covid Inquiry: Abuse of experts must stop, says Whitty
>>19061404 Democrat Donor Arraigned for StartING 100 Million Dollar Forest Fire Last Yea
>>19061473 Rachel Levine claims child sex changes are 'medically necessary' at Biden's DOE conference on creatING 'inclusive' schools
>>19061512 Exhibit A: State of Democrats
>>19061573 Russian SprING | The Russians Advance On Kupyansk And Liman Frontlines. Military Summary 2023.06.23
>>19061574 Wagner Group's Yevgeny Prigozhin - the Jew masqueradING as Putin's "Russian" mercenary boss
>>19061609 Lara Logan: Yes - it is not obvious to all but if you are payING close attention, the signs of panic are all around the "halls of power" right now
>>19061672 #23407
#23406 >>19060148
>>19060157 James Cameron's Titanic submersible filmmakING dive made him miss 9/11
>>19060160, >>19060186, >>19060441, >>19060634 This guy looks under duress(mp4)/ Employee exposes James O'Keefe's revelations regardING BlackRock video
>>19060162 Kirby Adm(ret) runs away like a cowardice little bitch that he is instead of providING the American people the truth
>>19060169 "Supreme Court Conference date - JUNE 22, 2023" = Yesterday
>>19060184 Photo From Hunter Biden's Laptop Corroborates Bribery Claims From Whistleblower
>>19060187 They actually tell us they don't have any money That's the jist of it
>>19060211 2 and 3 year high-rise-themed deltas tomorrow
>>19060217 FSB opens criminal case after Wagner boss calls for 'armed rebellion'
>>19060268 Qtards and Maga Republicans BTFO and embarrassed on the world stage...AGAIN!
>>19060271 The Second Cuban Missile Crisis - We Could Really Use JFK About Now
>>19060283 @LauraLoomer MUST WATCH: My camera man just confronted Moderna lobbyist Marc Lampkin as he was walkING into the @GovRonDeSantis fundraiser in DC that is takING place at the law office of a firm that represents Dominion
>>19060286 Half Of Russia's Strategic Missile Units Have Been Rearmed With Hypersonics: Putin
>>19060298 Infowars Host Owen Shroyer Pleads Guilty to "Role in January 6 Riot" - Statement of Offense Details Complete Absence of Criminal Conduct
>>19060299 Ukraine's counteroffensive is 'suicidal' - Moscow
>>19060312 FSB opens criminal case after Wagner boss calls for 'armed rebellion'
>>19060313 Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein got more than $300 MILLION in tax breaks from US Virgin Islands and it waived sex offender monitorING requirements - as it's revealed he also paid local cops
>>19060318 @simonateba BREAKING: Russian generals accuse Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin of coup attempt amid escalatING feud with military
>>19060327 Katie Hobbs Signs Executive Order RestrictING Arizona Abortion Prosecutions, BannING Investigation and Extradition of Doctors Wanted in Other States - Establishes a Council to Expand Access to Abortion
>>19060336, >>19060604, >>19060809, >>19060829, >>19060893 Reports of mass mutiny takING place in Russia
>>19060353 @ClintEhrlich Prigozhin has announced that his forces are marchING on Moscow, that civilians should stay inside, and that MoD troops should surrender to Wagner
>>19060355 Zelensky prepares ground to delay presidential election
>>19060356 Here are 5 sites that track politician stock trades
>>19060368 @LizCrokin You know what "I'm really "f*ckING angry" about Chelsea Clinton? All the children who have been sex trafficked by monsters like your pal Ghislaine Maxwell and your parents via the Clinton Foundation.
>>19060377 @KanekoaTheGreat Exclusive: Dr. Peter Hotez's FundING Linked to Controversial Chinese Military Scientists at Wuhan Lab
>>19060385 "A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women."
>>19060394 REPORT: Hollywood Actor Jim Caviezel Says CIA "Operates World's Biggest Pedophile RING"!
>>19060395 The US agency gave $1 billion to the world's top venture capital firm and $900 million to a Chinese tech firm, among others
>>19060431 US said it won't topple Iran's Islamic regime, top Iranian official claims
>>19060459 White House stonewalls reporters on Biden corruption
>>19060532, >>19060546, >>19060559, >>19060589, >>19060664 HOLY SMOKES: Reporters TURN on Karine Jean Pierre, gang up on her for 4 minutes straight askING about Joe Biden's connection to Hunter's overseas business dealINGs after bombshell text messages reveal criminal corruption scheme(mp4)
>>19060577, >>19060611 @GenFlynn you sound scared. And in the military, we counsel, if you're scared say you're scared...p#%sy
>>19060625 Drag Queen Bible Story Hour Held In San Francisco Presbyterian Church TargetING Children(mp4)
>>19060627 A Neo-Nazi called 'Charlie Big Potatoes' was arrested for encouragING violence on Jews, Muslims
>>19060663 @PapiTrumpo WOW. Never seen chippy this silent before...?(mp4)
>>19060686 'Fanatical' neo-Nazi known as 'Charlie Big Potatoes'
>>19060696, >>19060698 Ukraine and Canada Joint Declaration(2023/6/10)
>>19060703, >>19060736, >>19060743 JUST IN - U.S. releases declassified report on COVID origins/UPDATE Office of the DNI confirms Covid started in a lab
>>19060715 Body Language: Blinken's China Trip(You Tube vid)
>>19060748, >>19060757 BlackRock twatter : The Next Gold Rush?
>>19060783 Russia RumblINGs and Rumors
>>19061946 #23406 collected in bread #23408
Previously Collected
>>19058545 #23403, >>19061028 #23404, >>19061262 #23405
>>19057161 #23400, >>19057161 #23401, >>19057764 #23402
>>19056900 #23398, >>19055469 #23399, >>19057161 #23400
>>19052392 #23395, >>19053112 #23396, >>19053942 #23397
>>19049836 #23392, >>19050738 #23393, >>19051631 #23394
>>19047549 #23389-B, >>19049360 #23390, >>19049097 #23391
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19062422 at 2023-06-24 04:23:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23409: Russia vs. Wagner Group Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18754231, >>18754256 How to Read the Q Clock
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
#23408 >>19061679
>>19062208 Qpost Deltas for June 24: Are you ready to serve your country again? | Feb 2019 | [ING] error | DNI Ratcliffe | Obama / Biden Treason | MIL-CIV Alliance | ***
>>19061690 HHS produces pro-transgender propaganda video featurING Rachel Levine interviewING a trans activist
>>19061699 George Webb: Did Bob Malone's boss, Nick Jacobs, meet with an ex-Mossad WMD expert the mornING of 9/11?
>>19061709 The leadership of Russia's Voronezh Region says that a military convoy is movING along the M4 highway
>>19061711 Hunter's Lawyer Responds to Bombshell "I'm SittING Here with My Father" WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061739 Nearly 17 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Cost Americans $163 Billion Annually
>>19061740 Senate Report Shows China Company CEFC Sent Over $5 Million to Hunter Biden Related Firms Just Days After Text to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061766, >>19061971 Madonna: The Calm Before The Storm..........
>>19061879 More concerned citizens about the comING apocalypse of a civil war in Moscow (Sarcasm)
>>19061901 Shadow of Ezra: Standby for Possible Putin emergency message
>>19061906 Lots of on-the-ground footage ie Russia vs Wagner
>>19061932, >>19061983 3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement Over US Allegations Of 'Forever Chemicals' Contamination
>>19061981 Pope Francis met with U.S. President Joe Biden's climate envoy John Kerry on Monday in what was Kerry's fourth official private meetING with the pope
>>19061989, >>19062012 Schiff comms
>>19061995, >>19062016 Special Counsel Jack Smith asks judge to delay start of Trump trial by 4 months
>>19062027 Trey Gowdy Attacks Trump For Comments on Jack Smith: 'I'd Resign' if I Was Trump's Lawyer
>>19062054, >>19062058 DoJ Files First-Ever Criminal Charges Against Chinese Fentanyl Makers
>>19062090 Planefag
>>19062108 It appears that the Wagner Group is definitely in Rostov
>>19062162 (((Wagner Group))) attempts coup in Russia
>>19062202, >>19062383, >>19062257 Digits confirm DEFCON 2
>>19062210, >>19061728, >>19061813, >>19062057, >>19062113, >>19062272 Anons discuss Brunson case
>>19062266 Six companies have pledged a combined $11.3 billion for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) manufacturING facilities in the United States
>>19062277 Chris Christie gets booed at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference
>>19062287 Nearly Half of Californians Are ConsiderING LeavING the State
>>19062336 QClock June 23, 2023 - What if China Was Given The Keys?
>>19062367 Laura Loomer confronts Marc Lampkin @ Meatball Ron's fundraiser
>>19062404 #23408
#23407 >>19060862
>>19060908 Brunson case is still around and kickING
>>19060923, >>19061198, >>19061389, >>19061214, >>19061521 Russia vs Wagner updates
>>19060946 Today Donald Trump is officially no longer under Exclusivity Contract with Truth Social
>>19060979 @WhiteHouse tweet decode
>>19061052 Bud Light maker excoriated for customer-mockING ad
>>19061067, >>19061227 IRS whistleblower claims president's son used his father's name to threaten associate in damnING WhatsApp message
>>19061082, >>19061412 White House Press Corps just savaged KJP on the Biden crime family
>>19061179 Dr. Peter Hotez's FundING Linked to Controversial Chinese Military Scientists at Wuhan Lab
>>19061188, >>19061496 The DNI has declassified the report on the origins of COVID-19
>>19061197 Gen Flynn takING out the trash
>>19061211 Fresh Tucker
>>19061246 Obummer suggests digital fINGerprints to counter misinformation (threatened by anons)
>>19061248 A Wuhan-based biotech firm has been accused of smugglING the drug's precursor chemicals
>>19061264 Chip Roy recently endorsed DeSantis for President and now it looks like he's endorsING child mutilation financiers too?
>>19061269 India became the 27th country to sign the Artemis Accords
>>19061325, >>19061446 Planefags
>>19061350 Covid Inquiry: Abuse of experts must stop, says Whitty
>>19061404 Democrat Donor Arraigned for StartING 100 Million Dollar Forest Fire Last Yea
>>19061473 Rachel Levine claims child sex changes are 'medically necessary' at Biden's DOE conference on creatING 'inclusive' schools
>>19061512 Exhibit A: State of Democrats
>>19061573 Russian SprING | The Russians Advance On Kupyansk And Liman Frontlines. Military Summary 2023.06.23
>>19061574 Wagner Group's Yevgeny Prigozhin - the Jew masqueradING as Putin's "Russian" mercenary boss
>>19061609 Lara Logan: Yes - it is not obvious to all but if you are payING close attention, the signs of panic are all around the "halls of power" right now
>>19061672 #23407
#23406 >>19060148
>>19060157 James Cameron's Titanic submersible filmmakING dive made him miss 9/11
>>19060160, >>19060186, >>19060441, >>19060634 This guy looks under duress(mp4)/ Employee exposes James O'Keefe's revelations regardING BlackRock video
>>19060162 Kirby Adm(ret) runs away like a cowardice little bitch that he is instead of providING the American people the truth
>>19060169 "Supreme Court Conference date - JUNE 22, 2023" = Yesterday
>>19060184 Photo From Hunter Biden's Laptop Corroborates Bribery Claims From Whistleblower
>>19060187 They actually tell us they don't have any money That's the jist of it
>>19060211 2 and 3 year high-rise-themed deltas tomorrow
>>19060217 FSB opens criminal case after Wagner boss calls for 'armed rebellion'
>>19060268 Qtards and Maga Republicans BTFO and embarrassed on the world stage...AGAIN!
>>19060271 The Second Cuban Missile Crisis - We Could Really Use JFK About Now
>>19060283 @LauraLoomer MUST WATCH: My camera man just confronted Moderna lobbyist Marc Lampkin as he was walkING into the @GovRonDeSantis fundraiser in DC that is takING place at the law office of a firm that represents Dominion
>>19060286 Half Of Russia's Strategic Missile Units Have Been Rearmed With Hypersonics: Putin
>>19060298 Infowars Host Owen Shroyer Pleads Guilty to "Role in January 6 Riot" - Statement of Offense Details Complete Absence of Criminal Conduct
>>19060299 Ukraine's counteroffensive is 'suicidal' - Moscow
>>19060312 FSB opens criminal case after Wagner boss calls for 'armed rebellion'
>>19060313 Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein got more than $300 MILLION in tax breaks from US Virgin Islands and it waived sex offender monitorING requirements - as it's revealed he also paid local cops
>>19060318 @simonateba BREAKING: Russian generals accuse Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin of coup attempt amid escalatING feud with military
>>19060327 Katie Hobbs Signs Executive Order RestrictING Arizona Abortion Prosecutions, BannING Investigation and Extradition of Doctors Wanted in Other States - Establishes a Council to Expand Access to Abortion
>>19060336, >>19060604, >>19060809, >>19060829, >>19060893 Reports of mass mutiny takING place in Russia
>>19060353 @ClintEhrlich Prigozhin has announced that his forces are marchING on Moscow, that civilians should stay inside, and that MoD troops should surrender to Wagner
>>19060355 Zelensky prepares ground to delay presidential election
>>19060356 Here are 5 sites that track politician stock trades
>>19060368 @LizCrokin You know what "I'm really "f*ckING angry" about Chelsea Clinton? All the children who have been sex trafficked by monsters like your pal Ghislaine Maxwell and your parents via the Clinton Foundation.
>>19060377 @KanekoaTheGreat Exclusive: Dr. Peter Hotez's FundING Linked to Controversial Chinese Military Scientists at Wuhan Lab
>>19060385 "A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women."
>>19060394 REPORT: Hollywood Actor Jim Caviezel Says CIA "Operates World's Biggest Pedophile RING"!
>>19060395 The US agency gave $1 billion to the world's top venture capital firm and $900 million to a Chinese tech firm, among others
>>19060431 US said it won't topple Iran's Islamic regime, top Iranian official claims
>>19060459 White House stonewalls reporters on Biden corruption
>>19060532, >>19060546, >>19060559, >>19060589, >>19060664 HOLY SMOKES: Reporters TURN on Karine Jean Pierre, gang up on her for 4 minutes straight askING about Joe Biden's connection to Hunter's overseas business dealINGs after bombshell text messages reveal criminal corruption scheme(mp4)
>>19060577, >>19060611 @GenFlynn you sound scared. And in the military, we counsel, if you're scared say you're scared...p#%sy
>>19060625 Drag Queen Bible Story Hour Held In San Francisco Presbyterian Church TargetING Children(mp4)
>>19060627 A Neo-Nazi called 'Charlie Big Potatoes' was arrested for encouragING violence on Jews, Muslims
>>19060663 @PapiTrumpo WOW. Never seen chippy this silent before...?(mp4)
>>19060686 'Fanatical' neo-Nazi known as 'Charlie Big Potatoes'
>>19060696, >>19060698 Ukraine and Canada Joint Declaration(2023/6/10)
>>19060703, >>19060736, >>19060743 JUST IN - U.S. releases declassified report on COVID origins/UPDATE Office of the DNI confirms Covid started in a lab
>>19060715 Body Language: Blinken's China Trip(You Tube vid)
>>19060748, >>19060757 BlackRock twatter : The Next Gold Rush?
>>19060783 Russia RumblINGs and Rumors
>>19061946 #23406 collected in bread #23408
Previously Collected
>>19058545 #23403, >>19061028 #23404, >>19061262 #23405
>>19057161 #23400, >>19057161 #23401, >>19057764 #23402
>>19056900 #23398, >>19055469 #23399, >>19057161 #23400
>>19052392 #23395, >>19053112 #23396, >>19053942 #23397
>>19049836 #23392, >>19050738 #23393, >>19051631 #23394
>>19047549 #23389-B, >>19049360 #23390, >>19049097 #23391
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19062404 at 2023-06-24 04:22:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23408: Taking Out The Trash Edition
#23408 >>19061679
>>19062208 Qpost Deltas for June 24: Are you ready to serve your country again? | Feb 2019 | [ING] error | DNI Ratcliffe | Obama / Biden Treason | MIL-CIV Alliance | ***
>>19061690 HHS produces pro-transgender propaganda video featurING Rachel Levine interviewING a trans activist
>>19061699 George Webb: Did Bob Malone's boss, Nick Jacobs, meet with an ex-Mossad WMD expert the mornING of 9/11?
>>19061709 The leadership of Russia's Voronezh Region says that a military convoy is movING along the M4 highway
>>19061711 Hunter's Lawyer Responds to Bombshell "I'm SittING Here with My Father" WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061739 Nearly 17 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Cost Americans $163 Billion Annually
>>19061740 Senate Report Shows China Company CEFC Sent Over $5 Million to Hunter Biden Related Firms Just Days After Text to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061766, >>19061971 Madonna: The Calm Before The Storm..........
>>19061879 More concerned citizens about the comING apocalypse of a civil war in Moscow (Sarcasm)
>>19061901 Shadow of Ezra: Standby for Possible Putin emergency message
>>19061906 Lots of on-the-ground footage ie Russia vs Wagner
>>19061932, >>19061983 3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement Over US Allegations Of 'Forever Chemicals' Contamination
>>19061981 Pope Francis met with U.S. President Joe Biden's climate envoy John Kerry on Monday in what was Kerry's fourth official private meetING with the pope
>>19061989, >>19062012 Schiff comms
>>19061995, >>19062016 Special Counsel Jack Smith asks judge to delay start of Trump trial by 4 months
>>19062027 Trey Gowdy Attacks Trump For Comments on Jack Smith: 'I'd Resign' if I Was Trump's Lawyer
>>19062054, >>19062058 DoJ Files First-Ever Criminal Charges Against Chinese Fentanyl Makers
>>19062090 Planefag
>>19062108 It appears that the Wagner Group is definitely in Rostov
>>19062162 (((Wagner Group))) attempts coup in Russia
>>19062202, >>19062383, >>19062257 Digits confirm DEFCON 2
>>19062210, >>19061728, >>19061813, >>19062057, >>19062113, >>19062272 Anons discuss Brunson case
>>19062266 Six companies have pledged a combined $11.3 billion for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) manufacturING facilities in the United States
>>19062277 Chris Christie gets booed at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference
>>19062287 Nearly Half of Californians Are ConsiderING LeavING the State
>>19062336 QClock June 23, 2023 - What if China Was Given The Keys?
>>19062367 Laura Loomer confronts Marc Lampkin @ Meatball Ron's fundraiser
#19062391 at 2023-06-24 04:20:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23408: Taking Out The Trash Edition
notes @ 700
last check
#23408 >>19061679
>>19062208 Qpost Deltas for June 24: Are you ready to serve your country again? | Feb 2019 | [ING] error | DNI Ratcliffe | Obama / Biden Treason | MIL-CIV Alliance | ***
>>19061690 HHS produces pro-transgender propaganda video featurING Rachel Levine interviewING a trans activist
>>19061699 George Webb: Did Bob Malone's boss, Nick Jacobs, meet with an ex-Mossad WMD expert the mornING of 9/11?
>>19061709 The leadership of Russia's Voronezh Region says that a military convoy is movING along the M4 highway
>>19061711 Hunter's Lawyer Responds to Bombshell "I'm SittING Here with My Father" WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061739 Nearly 17 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Cost Americans $163 Billion Annually
>>19061740 Senate Report Shows China Company CEFC Sent Over $5 Million to Hunter Biden Related Firms Just Days After Text to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061766, >>19061971 Madonna: The Calm Before The Storm..........
>>19061879 More concerned citizens about the comING apocalypse of a civil war in Moscow (Sarcasm)
>>19061901 Shadow of Ezra: Standby for Possible Putin emergency message
>>19061906 Lots of on-the-ground footage ie Russia vs Wagner
>>19061932, >>19061983 3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement Over US Allegations Of 'Forever Chemicals' Contamination
>>19061981 Pope Francis met with U.S. President Joe Biden's climate envoy John Kerry on Monday in what was Kerry's fourth official private meetING with the pope
>>19061989, >>19062012 Schiff comms
>>19061995, >>19062016 Special Counsel Jack Smith asks judge to delay start of Trump trial by 4 months
>>19062027 Trey Gowdy Attacks Trump For Comments on Jack Smith: 'I'd Resign' if I Was Trump's Lawyer
>>19062054, >>19062058 DoJ Files First-Ever Criminal Charges Against Chinese Fentanyl Makers
>>19062090 Planefag
>>19062108 It appears that the Wagner Group is definitely in Rostov
>>19062162 (((Wagner Group))) attempts coup in Russia
>>19062202, >>19062383, >>19062257 Digits confirm DEFCON 2
>>19062210, >>19061728, >>19061813, >>19062057, >>19062113, >>19062272 Anons discuss Brunson case
>>19062266 Six companies have pledged a combined $11.3 billion for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) manufacturING facilities in the United States
>>19062277 Chris Christie gets booed at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference
>>19062287 Nearly Half of Californians Are ConsiderING LeavING the State
>>19062336 QClock June 23, 2023 - What if China Was Given The Keys?
>>19062367 Laura Loomer confronts Marc Lampkin @ Meatball Ron's fundraiser
#19062325 at 2023-06-24 04:11:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23408: Taking Out The Trash Edition
baker ip change
notes @ 630
last call & check
#23408 >>19061679
>>19062208 Qpost Deltas for June 24: Are you ready to serve your country again? | Feb 2019 | [ING] error | DNI Ratcliffe | Obama / Biden Treason | MIL-CIV Alliance | ***
>>19061690 HHS produces pro-transgender propaganda video featurING Rachel Levine interviewING a trans activist
>>19061699 George Webb: Did Bob Malone's boss, Nick Jacobs, meet with an ex-Mossad WMD expert the mornING of 9/11?
>>19061709 The leadership of Russia's Voronezh Region says that a military convoy is movING along the M4 highway
>>19061711 Hunter's Lawyer Responds to Bombshell "I'm SittING Here with My Father" WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061728, >>19061813, >>19062057, >>19062113, >>19062272 Anons discuss Brunson
>>19061739 Nearly 17 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Cost Americans $163 Billion Annually
>>19061740 Senate Report Shows China Company CEFC Sent Over $5 Million to Hunter Biden Related Firms Just Days After Text to Chinese Business Associate
>>19061766, >>19061971 Madonna: The Calm Before The Storm..........
>>19061879 More concerned citizens about the comING apocalypse of a civil war in Moscow (Sarcasm)
>>19061901 Shadow of Ezra: Standby for Possible Putin emergency message
>>19061906 Lots of on-the-ground footage ie Russia vs Wagner
>>19061932, >>19061983 3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement Over US Allegations Of 'Forever Chemicals' Contamination
>>19061981 Pope Francis met with U.S. President Joe Biden's climate envoy John Kerry on Monday in what was Kerry's fourth official private meetING with the pope
>>19061989, >>19062012 Schiff comms
>>19061995, >>19062016 Special Counsel Jack Smith asks judge to delay start of Trump trial by 4 months
>>19062027 Trey Gowdy Attacks Trump For Comments on Jack Smith: 'I'd Resign' if I Was Trump's Lawyer
>>19062054, >>19062058 DoJ Files First-Ever Criminal Charges Against Chinese Fentanyl Makers
>>19062090 Planefag
>>19062108 It appears that the Wagner Group is definitely in Rostov
>>19062162, >>19061721 (((Wagner Group))) attempts coup in Russia
>>19062202, >>19062257 Digits confirm DEFCON 2
>>19062210 Loy Arlan Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al
>>19062266 Six companies have pledged a combined $11.3 billion for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) manufacturING facilities in the United States
>>19062277 Chris Christie gets booed at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference
>>19062287 Nearly Half of Californians Are ConsiderING LeavING the State
#19062208 at 2023-06-24 03:43:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23408: Taking Out The Trash Edition
Qpost Deltas for June 24: Are you ready to serve your country again? | Feb 2019 | [ING] error | DNI Ratcliffe | Obama / Biden Treason | MIL-CIV Alliance | ***
#19058793 at 2023-06-23 17:57:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23404: No Longer Bound Edition
every otherhexbolt projected in Iron Man?
#19058027 at 2023-06-23 15:24:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23403: Hunt for Red Imploder Edition
you may be right
I was just quotING that cabbage urine smellING demon
wasn't f**ING w/anon
#19055474 at 2023-06-23 01:59:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23400: Wag The Sub It Is Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18754231, >>18754256 How to Read the Q Clock
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
#23399 >>19054733
>>19054778 Mitre is a 'non profit'?
>>19054847 'Tater and Jill host Prime Minister Modi of India for a State Dinner
>>19054889, >>19054899, >>19055114 The trans agenda was invented by pedophilic psychologists, degenerate quacks, lunatic sexologists, literal Nazi scientists, and other assorted deviants.
>>19054897, >>19054910, >>19054943, >>19054951, >>19054959, >>19055229 They knew days ago that the sub exploded but kept it goING as a tool of distraction to cover for Biden's crack head son
>>19054924 MTG, Elise Stefanik move to expunge both Trump impeachments
>>19054932 Tennessee Republican Lawmakers Receive ThreatenING Letters From 'Liberal Activist' ContainING White Powder, PromptING Lockdown
>>19054942 NHL announces teams will no longer wear LGBTQ Pride jerseys
>>19054982 A new search of the GP prescribING database confirms a MASSIVE safety signal for fertility risk followING the COVID vaccine rollout
>>19054983 @Vltra_MK Quantum
>>19055004, >>19055027, >>19055060 The DOJ allegedly tipped off Hunter Biden before a search was conducted on his storage unit & stopped an investigation into "a WhatsApp message
>>19055009 Plainview ISD Superintendent OverseeING Assault Of 6-Year-Old Has Long History Of Deception and Cover-Ups
>>19055024 Bible Returned to School Libraries After BeING Removed for 'Vulgarity or Violence' Due to Leftist Protest
>>19055046 Excellent! Judge in Flynn v. US Government Denies Defense Attempt to Move Case to DC, Case Will Remain in Florida
>>19055063 Modi talkING about the NWO
>>19055067 Project CAC Initiative Christian voices have been silenced in our Great Nation
>>19055080, >>19055099 DC US Attorney Matthew Graves buried the evidence of Hunter Biden's Burisma payments in 2014 and 2015 and FARA violations
>>19055125 @JamesOKeefeIII Westwood school chief bans media at HS graduation, warns against hidden cameras in school
>>19055138, >>19055369 JPMorgan: All of the Epstein emails and market manipulation emails are now gone ...
>>19055161 Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 6: Bobby Kennedy is WinnING
>>19055176 Biden Caught Slowly RemovING Hand From Heart When He Realizes Song PlayING Isn't National Anthem
>>19055197 Superintendent of Glendale, California schools resigns amid violent clashes over LGBTQ curriculum "Its a win for all parents…
>>19055203 @X22Report
>>19055222 Hunter and Merrick Garland are both at the White House tonight. You just can't make this up.
>>19055236 Randi WeINGarten Appointed to DHS School Safety Advisory Council
>>19055242 The day after the Justice Department launched an investigation into Wall Street short sellers the largest document storage went up in flames
>>19055288 James O'Keefe Confronts BlackRock Recruiter, Denies His Own Words. Hides in Police Station
>>19055290 @Kash Democrats protestING PM Modi's address to Congress... just remember that in 2024
>>19055308 MarketFag update: just under 5m ozs (4.90m) transferred from 'eliglble' to 'registerered' on the COMEX yesterday after a record low the previous day & FED Emergency Bank Bailout Facility another record high
>>19055319, >>19055342, >>19055346 WEF Young Global Leader, Dr. Vanessa Kerry, becomes the first-ever WHO Director-General Special Envoy for "Climate Change & Health."
>>19055354 Gaetz: "Durham made sure it was only flesh wounds on the Deep State"
>>19055374 Hunter Biden allegedly paid $75,000 per year for membership in the SNCTM sex club/club in Ukraine
>>19055380 Kash Patel on his lawsuit against Schiff, McCabe, Comey, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein, Wray, & Swalwell
>>19055394 Tarrant County - the largest GOP county in Texas and the United States - passes resolution condemnING Texas House Republicans for impeachING Texas AG Ken Paxton.
>>19055437 America Wake Up to Woke Townhall, by Victor Davis Hanson
>>19055469 #23399
#23398 TBC
>>19053130, >>19053159, >>19053273, >>19053292, >>19053505, >>19053544, >>19053738 Moar IRS Whistleblower on Hunter Biden
>>19053170, >>19053197 Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex TraffickING in Green Lake County
>>19053187 Far-Left MSNBC Contributor Elie Mystal Tweets 'Death Wish' Against Supreme Court Justice Alito
>>19053200, >>19053208, >>19053280, >>19053290 Coast Guard update after sub passengers believed dead, catastrophic implosion
>>19053617, >>19053735, >>19053784, >>19053822, >>19053903 Look who's on the board of directors for OCEANGATE: David Rothschild
>>19053758, >>19053754, >>19053770, >>19053857, >>19053884, >>19053918, >>19053918, >>19053933 TITAN LOST: Debris Field Consistent with 'Catastrophic Implosion
>>19053801 How the sub is made: from carbon fiber
>>19053202 New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
>>19053357, >>19053500 IT'S OFFICIAL: Rep Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
>>19053221, >>19053268, >>19053357, >>19053347 US House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees
>>19053222 CHRIS CHRISTIE calls Trump a crybaby and loser for threatenING to skip debates - kek
>>19053236 TASS: The West can supply additional military equipment to Ukraine but it does not have an endless amount of manpower to work with
>>19053256, >>19053278, >>19053313 On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, Embassy of #Russia in Israel held wreath layING ceremonies
>>19053271, >>19053307, >>19053317 They're PlottING To Interfere In Another Election (Bongino)
>>19053315 Australia threatens Twitter with fines after surge in "hate speech" complaints
>>19053341 Ex-pharma exec. Sasha Laatypova dig: NOTES from Epoch Times video
>>19053349 Ukraine Hell: Trafficked Children sold for 18K, Rented for $3500 w/ Human Rights Activist Terada
>>19053364, >>19053368, >>19053369,? >>19053371, >>19053373, >>19053376, >>19053580 Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creepING danger
>>19053417 Pax?tonJoins Brief on Behalf of Air?men Seek?ING a Reli?gious Exemp?tion from Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
>>19053419, >>19053648 PDJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General's Impeachment?
>>19053487 A-10C Thunderbolt II demo team landed in NY
>>19053544, >>19053555 Ways & Means Biden transcripts
>>19053596 Georgia won't update Dominion votING machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnINGs
>>19053641 Local sources are reportING Ukraine forces fired a British Storm Shadow missile and struck the Chongar Straight bridge in Crimea
>>19053683 Roseanne Barr Podcast Episode 2 with James O'Keefe
>>19053692 IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe's largest nuclear plant
>>19053720 John Durham Gives ChillING Response to Harriet Hageman Question About Two-Tiered Justice System: 'The Nation Can't Stand'
>>19053729 Ms Spartz questions Durham
>>19053755 GOOGLE CLOUD launches new AI powered anti-money launderING product for big banks
>>19053781 Gas Explosion In China Kills At Least 31 People
>>19053785 Musk joins call for audit of US funds to Ukraine
>>19053795, >>19053837 USPS advisING people not to mail checks!!
>>19053814 New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery wait lists
>>19053843 PF report
>>19053942 #23397
Previously Collected
>>19052392 #23395, >>19053112 #23396
>>19049836 #23392, >>19050738 #23393, >>19051631 #23394
>>19047549 #23389-B, >>19049360 #23390, >>19049097 #23391
>>19046018 #23387, >>19046788 #23388, >>19047503 #23389-A
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19054728 at 2023-06-23 00:06:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23399: Nightshift Ebake Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18754231, >>18754256 How to Read the Q Clock
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
>>19053130, >>19053159, >>19053273, >>19053292, >>19053505, >>19053544, >>19053738 Moar IRS Whistleblower on Hunter Biden
>>19053170, >>19053197 Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex TraffickING in Green Lake County
>>19053187 Far-Left MSNBC Contributor Elie Mystal Tweets 'Death Wish' Against Supreme Court Justice Alito
>>19053200, >>19053208, >>19053280, >>19053290 Coast Guard update after sub passengers believed dead, catastrophic implosion
>>19053617, >>19053735, >>19053784, >>19053822, >>19053903 Look who's on the board of directors for OCEANGATE: David Rothschild
>>19053758, >>19053754, >>19053770, >>19053857, >>19053884, >>19053918, >>19053918, >>19053933 TITAN LOST: Debris Field Consistent with 'Catastrophic Implosion
>>19053801 How the sub is made: from carbon fiber
>>19053202 New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
>>19053357, >>19053500 IT'S OFFICIAL: Rep Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
>>19053221, >>19053268, >>19053357, >>19053347 US House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees
>>19053222 CHRIS CHRISTIE calls Trump a crybaby and loser for threatenING to skip debates - kek
>>19053236 TASS: The West can supply additional military equipment to Ukraine but it does not have an endless amount of manpower to work with
>>19053256, >>19053278, >>19053313 On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, Embassy of #Russia in Israel held wreath layING ceremonies
>>19053271, >>19053307, >>19053317 They're PlottING To Interfere In Another Election (Bongino)
>>19053315 Australia threatens Twitter with fines after surge in "hate speech" complaints
>>19053341 Ex-pharma exec. Sasha Laatypova dig: NOTES from Epoch Times video
>>19053349 Ukraine Hell: Trafficked Children sold for 18K, Rented for $3500 w/ Human Rights Activist Terada
>>19053364, >>19053368, >>19053369, >>19053371, >>19053373, >>19053376, >>19053580 Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creepING danger
>>19053417 Pax?tonJoins Brief on Behalf of Air?men Seek?ING a Reli?gious Exemp?tion from Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
>>19053419, >>19053648 PDJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General's Impeachment?
>>19053487 A-10C Thunderbolt II demo team landed in NY
>>19053544, >>19053555 Ways & Means Biden transcripts
>>19053596 Georgia won't update Dominion votING machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnINGs
>>19053641 Local sources are reportING Ukraine forces fired a British Storm Shadow missile and struck the Chongar Straight bridge in Crimea
>>19053683 Roseanne Barr Podcast Episode 2 with James O'Keefe
>>19053692 IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe's largest nuclear plant
>>19053720 John Durham Gives ChillING Response to Harriet Hageman Question About Two-Tiered Justice System: 'The Nation Can't Stand'
>>19053729 Ms Spartz questions Durham
>>19053755 GOOGLE CLOUD launches new AI powered anti-money launderING product for big banks
>>19053781 Gas Explosion In China Kills At Least 31 People
>>19053785 Musk joins call for audit of US funds to Ukraine
>>19053795, >>19053837 USPS advisING people not to mail checks!!
>>19053814 New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery wait lists
>>19053843 PF report
>>19053942 #23397
#23396 >>19052408
>>19052538, >>19052640, >>19053023 PlaneFag CONUS activity
>>19052441 NJ: Republican mayor ousted from office for refusING to fly the pride flag.
>>19052452 The Brunson's case is not dead: No it was not the military, the brothers Raland and Loy submitted almost identical cases
>>19052457 Biden and Prime Minister Modi of India Deliver Remarks and Take Questions from the Press
>>19052465 Pakistani Billionaire Dawood,VP of the WEF, who is with his son in that sub? Pakistan and China agreed to a Nuclear deal this week.
>>19052468 Senators Graham and Blumenthal News Conference on Russian Nuclear Threats
>>19052470 New York's gay bars double down on community outreach as anti-LGBTQ violence rises
>>19052488 UsING CuttING-Edge Technologies to Keep America Safe House Oversight and Accountability Committee
>>19052490 The Vilnius Summit and War in Ukraine: AssessING U.S. Policy towards Europe and NATO House Foreign Affairs Committee
>>19052496 Astronomers say a stream of ionized radiation comING from a distant galaxy has changed directions and is now pointed at Earth
>>19052498 Ex-pharma exec. @sasha_latypova was gettING too close to the truth for comfort
>>19052501 anon chip in for Klaus Schwab sub tickets
>>19052539 BoE chief (who earns ?575k) tells Brits to stop demandING pay rises
>>19052567 DoJ has 'multiple' recordINGs of ex-president Trump in the classified documents case
>>19052592, >>19052814 SEC fines JPMorgan subsidiary for deletING 47 million emails, some related to subpoenas
>>19052600 Update: Judicial review application against The Metropolitan Police for their failures to investigate the crimes over the pandemic.
>>19052625 political opponent Q
>>19052638 Jeffrey Clark: John Durham "Contained The Damage For The Intelligence Community, Wartime Consigliere Required
>>19052646, >>19052654 Kash Patel Calls For Subpoena Of Every Witness And Co-conspirator Durham Didn't
>>19052661 Attorney General Garland Remarks at ATF Forum on Crime and Guns
>>19052696 Cop with 'Spotless' Record Caught HidING Cameras to Record Children UndressING
>>19052708 Ron DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion's Lawyer's Office
>>19052744 'Tater link HOT
>>19052745 RFK Jr. Says China And U.S. DevelopING Ethnic Bio-Weapons — Pentagon Says No
>>19052768, >>19052797 U.S. ReadING And Math Scores For 13-Year-Olds Declined To Lowest Level In Decades
>>19052769 Garrett Ziegler: Do NOT Let Hunter Biden's Lawyers Cover-Up His Degeneracy And Crimes With Lawfare
>>19052776, >>19052784, >>19053031 AccordING to IRS whistleblowers, DOJ tipped off Hunter Biden about a search of his storage unit, prohibited investigators from executING a warrant on Joe Biden's guest house
>>19052786 House Panel Passes Bill CallING on Biden to Send Ukraine Long-Range Missiles
>>19052807 The CIA is no longer secretly backING candidates, they are just openly runnING now
>>19052810 JPM Lawsuit Shows Dem. Rep. Plaskett Solicited Epstein For Campaign Contributions
>>19052837 Raytheon CEO Explains Why China Has US Military By The Balls
>>19052844, TREND UPDATE Twitter is ThrottlING Durham today, Schiffty trendING
>>19052852 @NatReconOfc #NROL68 is beginnING its ascent!
>>19052861 Internet from space supportING Titanic dive expedition ???
>>19052867 If you were wonderING how the Deep State is handlING Adam Schiff's censure, Alexander Vindman just called a female reporter a "bitch"
>>19052869 Mexico demands extradition of 'torturer' evadING justice in Israel
>>19052890 Scientist, 92, who created Russia's thermonuclear bombs is found hanged in his Moscow apartment, found a suicide note next to his body
>>19052923 Biden Misses Deadline for DeclassifyING Intelligence on Covid Pandemic Origins
>>19052947 Russia responds to Israeli envoy defendING Nazis in Ukraine
>>19052950 Happy #WorldOceansMonth!?
>>19052961 NHS Director of End-of-Life "Care" confirms Doctors lied about COVID beING Cause of Death to create illusion of a Pandemic
>>19052991, >>19052979, >>19052989, >>19053002 Comes to a "Federal Officials Testify on Judiciary Committee Oversight Requests"
>>19053006 Estonia becomes first Baltic country to legalize homosexual 'marriage'
>>19053038 Zelensky bans Russian books >>19053057 Influential drug traffickING organisation halted in Bosnia and Herzegovina
>>19053058 Researcher discovers new type of atomic nucleus
>>19053112 #23396
#23395 >>19051510
>>19052065 PlaneFag Europe/Med/Gulf activity-Brazil Prez Lula in Paris, Hungary PM Orban left Sarajevo
>>19051551, >>19051555, >>19051557, >>19051559 FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress's 'Gang of 8' Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals
>>19051567 Ukraine targets Crimea bridges
>>19051572, >>19051844 Durham testified today he decided it wouldn't be "worth the effort" to subpoena an uncooperative ex-FBI Director James Comey
>>19051589 RESOLUTION CensurING Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California.
>>19051597, >>19052217 LIVE: HearING Entitled: Oversight of the SEC
>>19051621 EU still intent on confiscatING Russian assets, Brussels is preparING a legal basis for transferrING the seized funds to Ukraine
>>19051622 HearINGs to Examine the Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress Senate BankING, HousING, and Urban Affairs Committee
>>19051630 State Visit of Prime Minister Modi of the Republic of India
>>19051645 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Stars and Dust across Corona Australis
>>19051653 Gay man in Italy banned from teachING at Church summer camp/discovered his homosexuality on social media
>>19051657 Adam Schiff: The Pathfinder | SUPERcuts! #525
>>19051661 Delta IV Heavy rocket launches US spy satellite on penultimate mission
>>19051676, >>19051683 Science of Biogas & Build your own Digester
>>19051679 NASA Holds Ribbon CuttING for New Earth Information Center
>>19051681 A former employee of OceanGate alleged in a 2018 counterclaim lawsuit that he was fired for raisING concerns about quality control and testING of potential flaws/David Lochridge
>>19051693 TRENDS: Schiff
>>19051694, >>19051700 Durham hearING. Schiff is such a douchebag.
>>19051699 White House hawks to stage 'diplomatic offensive' against Russia
>>19051708 SpaceX Starlink Mission
>>19051798 Gaetz (R-Fla.) said Durham's investigative trip to Italy was just "lookING for authentic pasta"
>>19051824 Russia claims takING out 13 Western tanks provided to Kiev
>>19051873 GA anons what kind of pressure campaign can we put on Raffensberger!
>>19051910 Looks like DC Draino is goING to point out all the friends of Buck, wasn't HRC with Buck too?
>>19052013 Dutch gov't puttin the screws to home owners
>>19052021, >>19052027 Dr. Keith Ablow: Trump mentally ill? I hope every president we ever have is this 'crazy'
>>19052028 GrowING the National Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline
>>19052039, >>19052054 Top FBI official made 'chillING' threat to agents questionING Jan. 6 cases, whistleblower claims
>>19052078 LIVE: House Science Committee Holds HearING on Ways to Advance Artificial Intelligence
>>19052107 #OTD in 1998, a manned KPN sub was found tangled in nets near South Korea.
>>19052109 The Military™ has forced SCOTUS to rehear the Brunson Case.?????
>>19052115 Full Committee Markup of Fiscal Year 2024 Defense and Energy and Water Development Bills
>>19052141, >>19052145, >>19052162 Peach Mint for Tater
>>19052163, >>19052304 Tennessee Attorney General is goING after Vanderbilt Medical Center for fraudulent billING related to Transgender surgeries...
>>19052213 The Vilnius Summit and War in Ukraine: AssessING U.S. Policy towards Europe and NATO
>>19052241 (d) Information shall not be classified in order to conceal inefficiency, violations of law, or administrative error;
>>19052284 11 am AST: Tropical Storm #Bret is nearING the Lesser Antilles and is expected to brING strong winds and heavy rains to portions of that area tonight.
>>19052290 Durham comfy
>>19052312 A Conversation with George Papadopoulos LIVE
>>19052313 Warren Buffett's charitable givING tops $51 billion
>>19052315, >>19052317, >>19052323, >>19052338 The US Coast Guard is reportING that a debris field has been found within the search area for the missING sub
>>19052319 Rep. Jason Smith News Conference on Hunter Biden Investigation
>>19052328 Tropical depression 4 has formed out in the central Atlantic. This storm is forecast to become Tropical Storm Cindy in the next day or so
>>19052346 Impeachment Rules for Texas AG Ken Paxton have been approved; check out Rule 17 on "Time Limitations"
>>19052392 #23395
Previously Collected
>>19049836 #23392, >>19050738 #23393, >>19051631 #23394
>>19047549 #23389-B, >>19049360 #23390, >>19049097 #23391
>>19046018 #23387, >>19046788 #23388, >>19047503 #23389-A
>>19043687 #23384, >>19044489 #23385, >>19045261 #23386
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19053946 at 2023-06-22 21:30:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23398: Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden Edition
International Q Research Threads
>>18924779 ------ Australia #30
>>18857974 ------ Canada #43
>>16694358 ------ France #7
>>18551332 ------ Germany #105
>>18899951 ------ Japan #14
>>16694250 ------ Nederland #10
>>17784579 ------ QAJF #1
>>17352350 ------ Scotland #8
>>18778547 ------ South Africa #11
>>18158921 ------ UK #50
Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker
PostING guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children
Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip
>>18147768 ban lifts
>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions
>>18754231, >>18754256 How to Read the Q Clock
>>18681959, >>18972949 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos Download & compress Twitter Videos
>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos
>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake
>>17835052 FormattING Q posts
>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS
>>18147761 BakING range: @75 up to 751
>>17980519 No RRN in notes
>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300
>>19053130, >>19053159, >>19053273, >>19053292, >>19053505, >>19053544, >>19053738 Moar IRS Whistleblower on Hunter Biden
>>19053170, >>19053197 Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex TraffickING in Green Lake County
>>19053187 Far-Left MSNBC Contributor Elie Mystal Tweets 'Death Wish' Against Supreme Court Justice Alito
>>19053200, >>19053208, >>19053280, >>19053290 Coast Guard update after sub passengers believed dead, catastrophic implosion
>>19053617, >>19053735, >>19053784, >>19053822, >>19053903 Look who's on the board of directors for OCEANGATE: David Rothschild
>>19053758, >>19053754, >>19053770, >>19053857, >>19053884, >>19053918, >>19053918, >>19053933 TITAN LOST: Debris Field Consistent with 'Catastrophic Implosion
>>19053801 How the sub is made: from carbon fiber
>>19053202 New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
>>19053357, >>19053500 IT'S OFFICIAL: Rep Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
>>19053221, >>19053268, >>19053357, >>19053347 US House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees
>>19053222 CHRIS CHRISTIE calls Trump a crybaby and loser for threatenING to skip debates - kek
>>19053236 TASS: The West can supply additional military equipment to Ukraine but it does not have an endless amount of manpower to work with
>>19053256, >>19053278, >>19053313 On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, Embassy of #Russia in Israel held wreath layING ceremonies
>>19053271, >>19053307, >>19053317 They're PlottING To Interfere In Another Election (Bongino)
>>19053315 Australia threatens Twitter with fines after surge in "hate speech" complaints
>>19053341 Ex-pharma exec. Sasha Laatypova dig: NOTES from Epoch Times video
>>19053349 Ukraine Hell: Trafficked Children sold for 18K, Rented for $3500 w/ Human Rights Activist Terada
>>19053364, >>19053368, >>19053369,? >>19053371, >>19053373, >>19053376, >>19053580 Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creepING danger
>>19053417 Pax?tonJoins Brief on Behalf of Air?men Seek?ING a Reli?gious Exemp?tion from Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
>>19053419, >>19053648 PDJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General's Impeachment?
>>19053487 A-10C Thunderbolt II demo team landed in NY
>>19053544, >>19053555 Ways & Means Biden transcripts
>>19053596 Georgia won't update Dominion votING machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnINGs
>>19053641 Local sources are reportING Ukraine forces fired a British Storm Shadow missile and struck the Chongar Straight bridge in Crimea
>>19053683 Roseanne Barr Podcast Episode 2 with James O'Keefe
>>19053692 IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe's largest nuclear plant
>>19053720 John Durham Gives ChillING Response to Harriet Hageman Question About Two-Tiered Justice System: 'The Nation Can't Stand'
>>19053729 Ms Spartz questions Durham
>>19053755 GOOGLE CLOUD launches new AI powered anti-money launderING product for big banks
>>19053781 Gas Explosion In China Kills At Least 31 People
>>19053785 Musk joins call for audit of US funds to Ukraine
>>19053795, >>19053837 USPS advisING people not to mail checks!!
>>19053814 New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery wait lists
>>19053843 PF report
>>19053942 #23397
#23396 >>19052408
>>19052538, >>19052640, >>19053023 PlaneFag CONUS activity
>>19052441 NJ: Republican mayor ousted from office for refusING to fly the pride flag.
>>19052452 The Brunson's case is not dead: No it was not the military, the brothers Raland and Loy submitted almost identical cases
>>19052457 Biden and Prime Minister Modi of India Deliver Remarks and Take Questions from the Press
>>19052465 Pakistani Billionaire Dawood,VP of the WEF, who is with his son in that sub? Pakistan and China agreed to a Nuclear deal this week.
>>19052468 Senators Graham and Blumenthal News Conference on Russian Nuclear Threats
>>19052470 New York's gay bars double down on community outreach as anti-LGBTQ violence rises
>>19052488 UsING CuttING-Edge Technologies to Keep America Safe House Oversight and Accountability Committee
>>19052490 The Vilnius Summit and War in Ukraine: AssessING U.S. Policy towards Europe and NATO House Foreign Affairs Committee
>>19052496 Astronomers say a stream of ionized radiation comING from a distant galaxy has changed directions and is now pointed at Earth
>>19052498 Ex-pharma exec. @sasha_latypova was gettING too close to the truth for comfort
>>19052501 anon chip in for Klaus Schwab sub tickets
>>19052539 BoE chief (who earns ?575k) tells Brits to stop demandING pay rises
>>19052567 DoJ has 'multiple' recordINGs of ex-president Trump in the classified documents case
>>19052592, >>19052814 SEC fines JPMorgan subsidiary for deletING 47 million emails, some related to subpoenas
>>19052600 Update: Judicial review application against The Metropolitan Police for their failures to investigate the crimes over the pandemic.
>>19052625 political opponent Q
>>19052638 Jeffrey Clark: John Durham "Contained The Damage For The Intelligence Community, Wartime Consigliere Required
>>19052646, >>19052654 Kash Patel Calls For Subpoena Of Every Witness And Co-conspirator Durham Didn't
>>19052661 Attorney General Garland Remarks at ATF Forum on Crime and Guns
>>19052696 Cop with 'Spotless' Record Caught HidING Cameras to Record Children UndressING
>>19052708 Ron DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion's Lawyer's Office
>>19052744 'Tater link HOT
>>19052745 RFK Jr. Says China And U.S. DevelopING Ethnic Bio-Weapons — Pentagon Says No
>>19052768, >>19052797 U.S. ReadING And Math Scores For 13-Year-Olds Declined To Lowest Level In Decades
>>19052769 Garrett Ziegler: Do NOT Let Hunter Biden's Lawyers Cover-Up His Degeneracy And Crimes With Lawfare
>>19052776, >>19052784, >>19053031 AccordING to IRS whistleblowers, DOJ tipped off Hunter Biden about a search of his storage unit, prohibited investigators from executING a warrant on Joe Biden's guest house
>>19052786 House Panel Passes Bill CallING on Biden to Send Ukraine Long-Range Missiles
>>19052807 The CIA is no longer secretly backING candidates, they are just openly runnING now
>>19052810 JPM Lawsuit Shows Dem. Rep. Plaskett Solicited Epstein For Campaign Contributions
>>19052837 Raytheon CEO Explains Why China Has US Military By The Balls
>>19052844, TREND UPDATE Twitter is ThrottlING Durham today, Schiffty trendING
>>19052852 @NatReconOfc #NROL68 is beginnING its ascent!
>>19052861 Internet from space supportING Titanic dive expedition ???
>>19052867 If you were wonderING how the Deep State is handlING Adam Schiff's censure, Alexander Vindman just called a female reporter a "bitch"
>>19052869 Mexico demands extradition of 'torturer' evadING justice in Israel
>>19052890 Scientist, 92, who created Russia's thermonuclear bombs is found hanged in his Moscow apartment, found a suicide note next to his body
>>19052923 Biden Misses Deadline for DeclassifyING Intelligence on Covid Pandemic Origins
>>19052947 Russia responds to Israeli envoy defendING Nazis in Ukraine
>>19052950 Happy #WorldOceansMonth!?
>>19052961 NHS Director of End-of-Life "Care" confirms Doctors lied about COVID beING Cause of Death to create illusion of a Pandemic
>>19052991, >>19052979, >>19052989, >>19053002 Comes to a "Federal Officials Testify on Judiciary Committee Oversight Requests"
>>19053006 Estonia becomes first Baltic country to legalize homosexual 'marriage'
>>19053038 Zelensky bans Russian books >>19053057 Influential drug traffickING organisation halted in Bosnia and Herzegovina
>>19053058 Researcher discovers new type of atomic nucleus
>>19053112 #23396
#23395 >>19051510
>>19052065 PlaneFag Europe/Med/Gulf activity-Brazil Prez Lula in Paris, Hungary PM Orban left Sarajevo
>>19051551, >>19051555, >>19051557, >>19051559 FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress's 'Gang of 8' Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals
>>19051567 Ukraine targets Crimea bridges
>>19051572, >>19051844 Durham testified today he decided it wouldn't be "worth the effort" to subpoena an uncooperative ex-FBI Director James Comey
>>19051589 RESOLUTION CensurING Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California.
>>19051597, >>19052217 LIVE: HearING Entitled: Oversight of the SEC
>>19051621 EU still intent on confiscatING Russian assets, Brussels is preparING a legal basis for transferrING the seized funds to Ukraine
>>19051622 HearINGs to Examine the Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress Senate BankING, HousING, and Urban Affairs Committee
>>19051630 State Visit of Prime Minister Modi of the Republic of India
>>19051645 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Stars and Dust across Corona Australis
>>19051653 Gay man in Italy banned from teachING at Church summer camp/discovered his homosexuality on social media
>>19051657 Adam Schiff: The Pathfinder | SUPERcuts! #525
>>19051661 Delta IV Heavy rocket launches US spy satellite on penultimate mission
>>19051676, >>19051683 Science of Biogas & Build your own Digester
>>19051679 NASA Holds Ribbon CuttING for New Earth Information Center
>>19051681 A former employee of OceanGate alleged in a 2018 counterclaim lawsuit that he was fired for raisING concerns about quality control and testING of potential flaws/David Lochridge
>>19051693 TRENDS: Schiff
>>19051694, >>19051700 Durham hearING. Schiff is such a douchebag.
>>19051699 White House hawks to stage 'diplomatic offensive' against Russia
>>19051708 SpaceX Starlink Mission
>>19051798 Gaetz (R-Fla.) said Durham's investigative trip to Italy was just "lookING for authentic pasta"
>>19051824 Russia claims takING out 13 Western tanks provided to Kiev
>>19051873 GA anons what kind of pressure campaign can we put on Raffensberger!
>>19051910 Looks like DC Draino is goING to point out all the friends of Buck, wasn't HRC with Buck too?
>>19052013 Dutch gov't puttin the screws to home owners
>>19052021, >>19052027 Dr. Keith Ablow: Trump mentally ill? I hope every president we ever have is this 'crazy'
>>19052028 GrowING the National Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline
>>19052039, >>19052054 Top FBI official made 'chillING' threat to agents questionING Jan. 6 cases, whistleblower claims
>>19052078 LIVE: House Science Committee Holds HearING on Ways to Advance Artificial Intelligence
>>19052107 #OTD in 1998, a manned KPN sub was found tangled in nets near South Korea.
>>19052109 The Military™ has forced SCOTUS to rehear the Brunson Case.?????
>>19052115 Full Committee Markup of Fiscal Year 2024 Defense and Energy and Water Development Bills
>>19052141, >>19052145, >>19052162 Peach Mint for Tater
>>19052163, >>19052304 Tennessee Attorney General is goING after Vanderbilt Medical Center for fraudulent billING related to Transgender surgeries...
>>19052213 The Vilnius Summit and War in Ukraine: AssessING U.S. Policy towards Europe and NATO
>>19052241 (d) Information shall not be classified in order to conceal inefficiency, violations of law, or administrative error;
>>19052284 11 am AST: Tropical Storm #Bret is nearING the Lesser Antilles and is expected to brING strong winds and heavy rains to portions of that area tonight.
>>19052290 Durham comfy
>>19052312 A Conversation with George Papadopoulos LIVE
>>19052313 Warren Buffett's charitable givING tops $51 billion
>>19052315, >>19052317, >>19052323, >>19052338 The US Coast Guard is reportING that a debris field has been found within the search area for the missING sub
>>19052319 Rep. Jason Smith News Conference on Hunter Biden Investigation
>>19052328 Tropical depression 4 has formed out in the central Atlantic. This storm is forecast to become Tropical Storm Cindy in the next day or so
>>19052346 Impeachment Rules for Texas AG Ken Paxton have been approved; check out Rule 17 on "Time Limitations"
>>19052392 #23395
Previously Collected
>>19049836 #23392, >>19050738 #23393, >>19051631 #23394
>>19047549 #23389-B, >>19049360 #23390, >>19049097 #23391
>>19046018 #23387, >>19046788 #23388, >>19047503 #23389-A
>>19043687 #23384, >>19044489 #23385, >>19045261 #23386
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792
#19053942 at 2023-06-22 21:29:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23397: NRO Rising, DS Not So Much Edition
>>19053130, >>19053159, >>19053273, >>19053292, >>19053505, >>19053544, >>19053738 Moar IRS Whistleblower on Hunter Biden
>>19053170, >>19053197 Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex TraffickING in Green Lake County
>>19053187 Far-Left MSNBC Contributor Elie Mystal Tweets 'Death Wish' Against Supreme Court Justice Alito
>>19053200, >>19053208, >>19053280, >>19053290 Coast Guard update after sub passengers believed dead, catastrophic implosion
>>19053617, >>19053735, >>19053784, >>19053822, >>19053903 Look who's on the board of directors for OCEANGATE: David Rothschild
>>19053758, >>19053754, >>19053770, >>19053857, >>19053884, >>19053918, >>19053918, >>19053933 TITAN LOST: Debris Field Consistent with 'Catastrophic Implosion
>>19053801 How the sub is made: from carbon fiber
>>19053202 New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
>>19053357, >>19053500 IT'S OFFICIAL: Rep Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
>>19053221, >>19053268, >>19053357, >>19053347 US House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees
>>19053222 CHRIS CHRISTIE calls Trump a crybaby and loser for threatenING to skip debates - kek
>>19053236 TASS: The West can supply additional military equipment to Ukraine but it does not have an endless amount of manpower to work with
>>19053256, >>19053278, >>19053313 On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, Embassy of #Russia in Israel held wreath layING ceremonies
>>19053271, >>19053307, >>19053317 They're PlottING To Interfere In Another Election (Bongino)
>>19053315 Australia threatens Twitter with fines after surge in "hate speech" complaints
>>19053341 Ex-pharma exec. Sasha Laatypova dig: NOTES from Epoch Times video
>>19053349 Ukraine Hell: Trafficked Children sold for 18K, Rented for $3500 w/ Human Rights Activist Terada
>>19053364, >>19053368, >>19053369,? >>19053371, >>19053373, >>19053376, >>19053580 Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creepING danger
>>19053417 Pax?tonJoins Brief on Behalf of Air?men Seek?ING a Reli?gious Exemp?tion from Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
>>19053419, >>19053648 PDJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General's Impeachment?
>>19053487 A-10C Thunderbolt II demo team landed in NY
>>19053544, >>19053555 Ways & Means Biden transcripts
>>19053596 Georgia won't update Dominion votING machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnINGs
>>19053641 Local sources are reportING Ukraine forces fired a British Storm Shadow missile and struck the Chongar Straight bridge in Crimea
>>19053683 Roseanne Barr Podcast Episode 2 with James O'Keefe
>>19053692 IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe's largest nuclear plant
>>19053720 John Durham Gives ChillING Response to Harriet Hageman Question About Two-Tiered Justice System: 'The Nation Can't Stand'
>>19053729 Ms Spartz questions Durham
>>19053755 GOOGLE CLOUD launches new AI powered anti-money launderING product for big banks
>>19053781 Gas Explosion In China Kills At Least 31 People
>>19053785 Musk joins call for audit of US funds to Ukraine
>>19053795, >>19053837 USPS advisING people not to mail checks!!
>>19053814 New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery wait lists
>>19053843 PF report
#19053914 at 2023-06-22 21:23:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23397: NRO Rising, DS Not So Much Edition
>>19053130, >>19053159, >>19053273, >>19053292, >>19053505, >>19053544, >>19053738 Moar IRS Whistleblower on Hunter Biden
>>19053170, >>19053197 Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex TraffickING in Green Lake County
>>19053187 Far-Left MSNBC Contributor Elie Mystal Tweets 'Death Wish' Against Supreme Court Justice Alito
>>19053200, >>19053208, >>19053280, >>19053290 Coast Guard update after sub passengers believed dead, catastrophic implosion
>>19053617, >>19053735, >>19053784, >>19053822, >>19053861, >>19053903 Look who's on the board of directors for OCEANGATE: David Rothschild
>>19053758, >>19053754, >>19053770, >>19053857, >>19053884 TITAN LOST: Debris Field Consistent with 'Catastrophic Implosion
>>19053801 How the sub is made: from carbon fiber
>>19053202 New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
>>19053357, >>19053500 IT'S OFFICIAL: Rep Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
>>19053221, >>19053268, >>19053357, >>19053347 US House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees
>>19053222 CHRIS CHRISTIE calls Trump a crybaby and loser for threatenING to skip debates - kek
>>19053236 TASS: The West can supply additional military equipment to Ukraine but it does not have an endless amount of manpower to work with
>>19053256, >>19053278, >>19053313 On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, Embassy of #Russia in Israel held wreath layING ceremonies
>>19053271, >>19053307, >>19053317 They're PlottING To Interfere In Another Election (Bongino)
>>19053315 Australia threatens Twitter with fines after surge in "hate speech" complaints
>>19053341 Ex-pharma exec. Sasha Laatypova dig: NOTES from Epoch Times video
>>19053349 Ukraine Hell: Trafficked Children sold for 18K, Rented for $3500 w/ Human Rights Activist Terada
>>19053364, >>19053368, >>19053369,? >>19053371, >>19053373, >>19053376, >>19053580 Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creepING danger
>>19053417 Pax?tonJoins Brief on Behalf of Air?men Seek?ING a Reli?gious Exemp?tion from Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
>>19053419, >>19053648 PDJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General's Impeachment?
>>19053487 A-10C Thunderbolt II demo team landed in NY
>>19053544, >>19053555 Ways & Means Biden transcripts
>>19053596 Georgia won't update Dominion votING machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnINGs
>>19053641 Local sources are reportING Ukraine forces fired a British Storm Shadow missile and struck the Chongar Straight bridge in Crimea
>>19053683 Roseanne Barr Podcast Episode 2 with James O'Keefe
>>19053692 IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe's largest nuclear plant
>>19053720 John Durham Gives ChillING Response to Harriet Hageman Question About Two-Tiered Justice System: 'The Nation Can't Stand'
>>19053729 Ms Spartz questions Durham
>>19053755 GOOGLE CLOUD launches new AI powered anti-money launderING product for big banks
>>19053781 Gas Explosion In China Kills At Least 31 People
>>19053785 Musk joins call for audit of US funds to Ukraine
>>19053795, >>19053837 USPS advisING people not to mail checks!!
>>19053814 New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery wait lists
>>19053843 PF report
semi-final check
#19053870 at 2023-06-22 21:14:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23397: NRO Rising, DS Not So Much Edition
>>19053130, >>19053159, >>19053273, >>19053292, >>19053505, >>19053544, >>19053738 Moar IRS Whistleblower on Hunter Biden
>>19053170, >>19053197 Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex TraffickING in Green Lake County
>>19053187 Far-Left MSNBC Contributor Elie Mystal Tweets 'Death Wish' Against Supreme Court Justice Alito
>>19053200, >>19053208, >>19053280, >>19053290 Coast Guard update after sub passengers believed dead, catastrophic implosion
>>19053617, >>19053735, >>19053784, >>19053822 Look who's on the board of directors for OCEANGATE: David Rothschild
>>19053758, >>19053754, >>19053770, >>19053857 TITAN LOST: Debris Field Consistent with 'Catastrophic Implosion
>>19053801 How the sub is made: from carbon fiber
>>19053202 New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
>>19053357, >>19053500 IT'S OFFICIAL: Rep Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
>>19053221, >>19053268, >>19053357, >>19053347 US House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees
>>19053222 CHRIS CHRISTIE calls Trump a crybaby and loser for threatenING to skip debates - kek
>>19053236 TASS: The West can supply additional military equipment to Ukraine but it does not have an endless amount of manpower to work with
>>19053256, >>19053278, >>19053313 On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, Embassy of #Russia in Israel held wreath layING ceremonies
>>19053271, >>19053307, >>19053317 They're PlottING To Interfere In Another Election (Bongino)
>>19053315 Australia threatens Twitter with fines after surge in "hate speech" complaints
>>19053341 Ex-pharma exec. Sasha Laatypova dig: NOTES from Epoch Times video
>>19053349 Ukraine Hell: Trafficked Children sold for 18K, Rented for $3500 w/ Human Rights Activist Terada
>>19053364, >>19053368, >>19053369,? >>19053371, >>19053373, >>19053376, >>19053580 Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creepING danger
>>19053417 Pax?tonJoins Brief on Behalf of Air?men Seek?ING a Reli?gious Exemp?tion from Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
>>19053419, >>19053648 PDJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General's Impeachment?
>>19053487 A-10C Thunderbolt II demo team landed in NY
>>19053544, >>19053555 Ways & Means Biden transcripts
>>19053596 Georgia won't update Dominion votING machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnINGs
>>19053641 Local sources are reportING Ukraine forces fired a British Storm Shadow missile and struck the Chongar Straight bridge in Crimea
>>19053683 Roseanne Barr Podcast Episode 2 with James O'Keefe
>>19053692 IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe's largest nuclear plant
>>19053720 John Durham Gives ChillING Response to Harriet Hageman Question About Two-Tiered Justice System: 'The Nation Can't Stand'
>>19053729 Ms Spartz questions Durham
>>19053755 GOOGLE CLOUD launches new AI powered anti-money launderING product for big banks
>>19053781 Gas Explosion In China Kills At Least 31 People
>>19053785 Musk joins call for audit of US funds to Ukraine
>>19053795, >>19053837 USPS advisING people not to mail checks!!
>>19053814 New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery wait lists
>>19053843 PF report
>>19053130, >>19053159, >>19053273, >>19053292, >>19053505, >>19053544, >>19053738 Moar IRS Whistleblower on Hunter Biden
>>19053170, >>19053197 Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex TraffickING in Green Lake County
>>19053187 Far-Left MSNBC Contributor Elie Mystal Tweets 'Death Wish' Against Supreme Court Justice Alito
>>19053200, >>19053208, >>19053280, >>19053290 Coast Guard update after sub passengers believed dead, catastrophic implosion
>>19053617, >>19053735, >>19053784, >>19053822 Look who's on the board of directors for OCEANGATE: David Rothschild
>>19053758, >>19053754, >>19053770, >>19053857 TITAN LOST: Debris Field Consistent with 'Catastrophic Implosion
>>19053801 How the sub is made: from carbon fiber
>>19053202 New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
>>19053357, >>19053500 IT'S OFFICIAL: Rep Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
>>19053221, >>19053268, >>19053357, >>19053347 US House votes to send Articles of Impeachment against Biden to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees
>>19053222 CHRIS CHRISTIE calls Trump a crybaby and loser for threatenING to skip debates - kek
>>19053236 TASS: The West can supply additional military equipment to Ukraine but it does not have an endless amount of manpower to work with
>>19053256, >>19053278, >>19053313 On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, Embassy of #Russia in Israel held wreath layING ceremonies
>>19053271, >>19053307, >>19053317 They're PlottING To Interfere In Another Election (Bongino)
>>19053315 Australia threatens Twitter with fines after surge in "hate speech" complaints
>>19053341 Ex-pharma exec. Sasha Laatypova dig: NOTES from Epoch Times video
>>19053349 Ukraine Hell: Trafficked Children sold for 18K, Rented for $3500 w/ Human Rights Activist Terada
>>19053364, >>19053368, >>19053369,? >>19053371, >>19053373, >>19053376, >>19053580 Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creepING danger
>>19053417 Pax?tonJoins Brief on Behalf of Air?men Seek?ING a Reli?gious Exemp?tion from Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
>>19053419, >>19053648 PDJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General's Impeachment?
>>19053487 A-10C Thunderbolt II demo team landed in NY
>>19053544, >>19053555 Ways & Means Biden transcripts
>>19053596 Georgia won't update Dominion votING machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnINGs
>>19053641 Local sources are reportING Ukraine forces fired a British Storm Shadow missile and struck the Chongar Straight bridge in Crimea
>>19053683 Roseanne Barr Podcast Episode 2 with James O'Keefe
>>19053692 IAEA debunks Ukrainian claim about Europe's largest nuclear plant
>>19053720 John Durham Gives ChillING Response to Harriet Hageman Question About Two-Tiered Justice System: 'The Nation Can't Stand'
>>19053729 Ms Spartz questions Durham
>>19053755 GOOGLE CLOUD launches new AI powered anti-money launderING product for big banks
>>19053781 Gas Explosion In China Kills At Least 31 People
>>19053785 Musk joins call for audit of US funds to Ukraine
>>19053795, >>19053837 USPS advisING people not to mail checks!!
>>19053814 New Zealand debates whether ethnicity should be a factor for surgery wait lists
>>19053843 PF report
last call