8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (14,666)
#13288372 at 2021-03-24 13:49:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16833: EBAKE
Comms OSS fuckin wit da dough again!
#13284053 at 2021-03-23 21:51:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16827: Cabal Pulls A False Flag To Cover Up A False Flag Edition
>OSS destroys kitch, bakers leave, new bakers try to bake(but never works out does it, wonder why???), a few old bakers hangin' around but not enough, so lotsa ghosted breads and missin' notables.
>ghostfag is you
#13283891 at 2021-03-23 21:12:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16827: Cabal Pulls A False Flag To Cover Up A False Flag Edition
OSS destroys kitch, bakers leave, new bakers try to bake(but never works out does it, wonder why???), a few old bakers hangin' around but not enough, so lotsa ghosted breads and missin' notables.
this bread is another missed opportunity
it's really hard to watch
and all who post upon it.
#13276308 at 2021-03-22 19:26:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16818: CCP Pushes 'Asian Racism' Narrative Edition
>Not to say I can outdo OSS because... OSS is Military Precision Gawtdamn!
and also, I'm not pissing here.
#13276306 at 2021-03-22 19:26:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16818: CCP Pushes 'Asian Racism' Narrative Edition
These cunts are going to try to "make me" run it doe…
I got a nother month or so before that can happen.
Not to say I can outdo OSS because… OSS is Military Precision Gawtdamn!
#13272719 at 2021-03-22 03:22:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16813: Q: Into the Storm Rides Nightshift Mares Away Edition
><names the cuck ip hoping anon OSS
Gaslights in purple in attempt to Bring OSS out.
#13272713 at 2021-03-22 03:22:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16813: Q: Into the Storm Rides Nightshift Mares Away Edition
<names the cuck ip hoping anon OSS
<says named anon is actual anon
#13272669 at 2021-03-22 03:17:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16813: Q: Into the Storm Rides Nightshift Mares Away Edition
OSS is one of about 5 anons on here that are actual anons
everyone else is a faggot
#13272659 at 2021-03-22 03:16:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16813: Q: Into the Storm Rides Nightshift Mares Away Edition
Remember when shill bakers were calling OSS a crackhead…
Yeah… funny shit..
#13261538 at 2021-03-20 12:00:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16799: Lets Divide [THEM] May the UNMASKING Begin Edition
>the cgi-joe was shilled on halfchan /pol/ for at least 24 hours, a sloppy job of an overworked shill busted them
OSS and kekbees pushed it in the discord all night
#13259036 at 2021-03-20 01:20:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16796: Biden Stumbles, [they] call it a Holiday Edition
you werent OSS in the last bread
and you sure as motherfucking shit aint freddy in this bread, you insufferable jew
#13258749 at 2021-03-20 00:41:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16795: ebake Edition
>you are not OSS you miserable little cunt
Ok, whatever you say kike.
#13258743 at 2021-03-20 00:40:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16795: ebake Edition
you are not OSS you miserable little cunt
#13253885 at 2021-03-19 04:23:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research Generael #16789: The Bad News About The Deep State Just Keeps Coming Edition
>MY question is...who is gaslighting us and HOW LONG has this been going on? A LOT of good questions.
It's been going on the entire time.. Got put on steroids in the 50's when the cia was birthed from the OSS.
#13251111 at 2021-03-18 20:29:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16786: #ImpeachCuomo and #RecallNewsom Edition
>No, this year-long battle over OSS and the /comms/ guys is totally organic.
How the hell do you guys still fall for this?
#13251088 at 2021-03-18 20:24:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16786: #ImpeachCuomo and #RecallNewsom Edition
>nice graphic OSS.
>these are your "bakers" anons. i guess all the other muh joo bullshit is probably someone else though, and its just a coincidence right?
You act like I am not vocally saying fuck you mnr kikes. I am. Yes this is OSS, yes you are a kike.
#13251076 at 2021-03-18 20:21:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16786: #ImpeachCuomo and #RecallNewsom Edition
nice graphic OSS.
these are your "bakers" anons. i guess all the other muh joo bullshit is probably someone else though, and its just a coincidence right?
#13250895 at 2021-03-18 19:54:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
Who's taking the picture? Look at the mirror. Also, are you guys saying OSS is the far right one?
#13250776 at 2021-03-18 19:33:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
#ITALYDIDIT #ITALYGATE is in Globals = my Fren Gerbil/war room is baking.
#ITALYDIDIT #ITALYGATE removed from Globals = MNR/COMMS is baking and Fuck [them]! kek
Oh lookey! InthePAYtrixxx had Lindell and Flynn on the $how! = Proof that P ab$olutely mu$t = Pay$eur!
I wonder if Flynn has even read all of the drops…
When anyone important goes on the MG show I figure it's the same as when POTUS called into traitor MOSSad Vatican asset Alex Jones's show.
These Patriots do it for the lost idiot listeners who might be saved by the appearance of true Patriot's like Lindell and Flynn.
Good job, Patriots.
Sup OSS!?
I heard you whining the other day about not choosing to be here, as if you were forced and/or Paid to be here?
You wanna bake today so attack Gerbil right from the get go huh, Meth Head?
Apologies, Scro as Meth is just like working for the CIA… Once an Agent always an Agent… Once a Meth head (person dumb enough to mess with The Dumb) always a Meth Head (dumbass)…
Imagine claiming to have been a "deep researcher" for decades yet proudly posting the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion because you never bothered to Research the origins of it!
Kek does not do muh satisfaction Justice so…
#13250552 at 2021-03-18 18:43:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
Dafuq is a 4chan pass?
Muh IP is range blah blah blah
Do I just hop, or has 4chin gone full commie demanding money?
#13250532 at 2021-03-18 18:38:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
>and OSS uses kikel, gerbil.
I am OSS, kikel #2
#13250528 at 2021-03-18 18:38:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
and OSS uses kikel, gerbil.
#13250424 at 2021-03-18 18:22:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
No nigger, I am OSS and wanted to see if you retarded faggots were gonna try to blame shit on me again like last bread. KYS
#13250407 at 2021-03-18 18:21:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
gerbil. but you know that. which is why you tried to inject your usual weak deflection earlier in the bread. you people are extra stupid today
#13250351 at 2021-03-18 18:12:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16785: Cuomo Killed Granny Edition
#13250219 at 2021-03-18 17:50:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16784: I wish you good health Edition
>So, comms/OSS/gerbil baker, make sure to put it into the notables for like the fifth time.
Do you ever get tired of being retarded?
#13250210 at 2021-03-18 17:48:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16784: I wish you good health Edition
satanic gibberish
So, comms/OSS/gerbil baker, make sure to put it into the notables for like the fifth time.
#13239302 at 2021-03-16 23:57:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16770: Georgia And Michigan Certifications About To Be Overturned? Edition
Made me Kek.
I wrote the OSS is everyone and everywhere shitpost.
Shadilay to you!
>muh fren
#13239274 at 2021-03-16 23:54:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16770: Georgia And Michigan Certifications About To Be Overturned? Edition
OSS is everywhere and nowhere, he is like smoke, a name whispered on the wind . . . . . .
#13236374 at 2021-03-16 15:03:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16767: Have You#ImpeachedCuomo for #Senicide Today Edition
#13202711 at 2021-03-14 10:56:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16750: HEY Germany Relax, We Have the Servers Edition
kekking -
gerbil is an expert on verbosity
OSS threw out wr section from dough in sept wo/even asking anons - and now gerbil is one of the main bakers
>true story
#13195579 at 2021-03-13 04:20:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16741: The 'The Bread Must Flow' Edition
>Besides, OSS is too soft in his old age
#13195574 at 2021-03-13 04:19:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16741: The 'The Bread Must Flow' Edition
If I was on a team it would prolly be Team Gerbil.
He's turning into a legend in is own way.
Besides, OSS is too soft in his old age and Fungus doesn't pay well.
#13192249 at 2021-03-12 17:28:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16736: #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide Edition
uhhhuhuh hokay… and considering how OSS has handed off to just about everyone "Maybe they just had to go or something…" I can hardly bring myself to trust that personna either.
Especially considering the fact that most of the ideas that I bring up are claimed by you people and touted as your own.
Maybe we came to the same conclusions.
Maybe not.
Either way, supreme faggotry detected.
#13192230 at 2021-03-12 17:26:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16736: #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide Edition
OSS is in my bakes. They just don't fag around as much in mine. nightshift is different.
#13192205 at 2021-03-12 17:21:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16736: #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide Edition
>You are OSS now? Dont waste a bin on me kinda done caring.
umm… always have been. Would have thought my posts made that obvious.
#13192189 at 2021-03-12 17:20:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16736: #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide Edition
What dont you you are the spotter of bullshit, the revealer of untruths.
You are OSS now? Dont waste a bin on me kinda done caring.
#13192187 at 2021-03-12 17:19:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16736: #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide Edition
>OSS doesnt appear suddenly when you bake
What exactly do I have to do with this?
#13192165 at 2021-03-12 17:15:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16736: #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide Edition
OSS doesnt appear suddenly when you bake so Id say you are good to go but whaddo I know I just got banned from the BO Discord kek.
#13191994 at 2021-03-12 16:46:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16736: #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide Edition
>>>13191735 In a joint statement, New York representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman have called on Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign #ImpeachCuomo
Called this shit.
Noticed OSS leave that channel quick.
Probably picked up on some of th cringe.
#13191007 at 2021-03-12 13:02:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16735: The 'Big Push' Edition
your suggestions are assho
#13190944 at 2021-03-12 12:48:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16735: The 'Big Push' Edition
On my board, >>>/warroom/
whenever i needed a BV i brought them to a irc chat room to talk. once i was confy with them then i would make a bv,
no real problems with bvs
I guess you can say i vetted them prior to opening the position up.
but yeah if we could get some of these die hard anons from here that would be cool.
just throwing some names out there
#13187138 at 2021-03-11 18:45:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16730: E-Bake on day 93 dark
The raid was just to burn !6729 so you could bake..
Except OSS ebaked before you could bake
Same thing happened to you the othr day.. someone ebaked while you were setting up to fuck up the dough with your shit again
#13186917 at 2021-03-11 17:53:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16730: E-Bake on day 93 dark
#16730 @150
>>13186780 Ex-CEO of Evergreen Enterprises which bought Plow & Hearth. Wife Ting Xu is the CEO of that. https://richmond.com/business/ting-xu-and-frank-qiu/article_848ede26-d704-5f30-9cd0-1a473e2977ab.html
>>13186788, >>13186790 Notables Archive Updates
>>13186842 Lou Ottens, inventor of the cassette tape, dies aged 94 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/11/lou-ottens-inventor-of-the-cassette-tape-dies-aged-94
>>13186859 BIDEN's destruction of America Day 50 https://mega.nz/file/jE1UHQ5J#78j1QNY8OnGGQse1-Xqf1X8JSYJJ9snGsSSyvcED26A
>>13186869 House Passes Gun Control Bill to Expand Background Checks - Here Are the 8 Republicans Who Voted with Democrats https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/just-house-passes-gun-control-bill-expand-background-checks-8-republicans-voted-democrats/
>>13186890 'The dysfunction goes up to Cuomo': Whistleblower says NY gov's order created Covid deathtraps at disabled group homes https://www.rt.com/usa/517857-cuomo-covid19-disabled-homes/
>>13186899 Bitcoin could become global reserve currency when US dollar implodes, entrepreneur tells Keiser Report https://www.rt.com/business/517793-bitcoin-global-reserve-currency/
>>13186910 Report: The EU is Spending 13 Million Euros a Year for Terror and Left-Wing NGOs in Israel https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/report-eu-spending-13-million-euros-year-terror-left-wing-ngos-israel/
#13186896 at 2021-03-11 17:49:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16730: E-Bake on day 93 dark
>gerbil baker here, what is a comms op?
OSS here, What is a lesser of two evils op?
#13186779 at 2021-03-11 17:18:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16730: E-Bake on day 93 dark
#16725 1 of 2
>>13182301 GrOSS: Daily wire is reporting that the Schumer Spokesman Celebrates: $1.90 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Erases NY Budget Deficit #DemocratCorruption
>>13182298 TheHill: So Austin is considering reversing Civilian leadership such as the President in leadership of the Military, this is not good! #MilIsOnlyWay
>>13182294 Fox: Reporter's Notebook: Black Lives Matter's disconnect with America's struggling neighborhoods #BLM
>>13182292 NYP: Without debate, President Biden has decided on complete open borders #BorderCrisis
>>13182289 GP: Democrats' 'COVID Stimulus Bill' Erases San Francisco's Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State's Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer #DemocratCorruption
>>13182288 KABC: It's ON: Recallgeorgegascon.com begins recall effort. Read their release here. #RecallAllThemDems
>>13182286 TBL: Senior DHS officials 'advised' by Biden administration not to share border crisis info with reporters #BorderCrisis
>>13182285 Newsom recall is almost certainly a go after reaching 1.95M signatures #RecallNewsom
>>13182283 YT: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers, Including Ex-U.S. Attorney #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182282 SCMP: Xi Jinping tells China's military 'be prepared to respond' in unstable times #China
>>13182281 Newsweek: U.S. Navy Calls China's Rapid Sea Power Rise 'Concerning,' But Will 'Confront' #WatchTheWater
>>13182280 WSWS: Myanmar military unleashes bloodiest crackdown since coup #Coup
>>13182279 Daily Caller: Psaki Gets Into Dust-Up With Reporter Over Lack Of Media Access To Child Migrant Detention Facilities #SaveTheChilden
>>13182275 Mediaite: Cuomo Book Publisher Reportedly Stops Promotion Amid Investigation Into Nursing Home Deaths #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182271 WE: Antrim County clerk says political operatives 'strong-armed' way to Dominion machines #DominionVoting
>>13182269 Anon's Oped: Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful #NotMyPresident
>>13182268 AG Oped: 'Blue Anon' Strikes a Nerve - Naturally, Big Tech Is Trying to Censor It #BlueAnon
>>13182267 KHOU: Yes, Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetal cells in its creation of the COVID-19 vaccine #Covid
>>13182266 AT Oped: Why the Left Hates Cuomo #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182265 MSN: South Dakota lawmakers vote to halt impeachment against attorney general #Impeach
>>13182264 NYT: Obamacare is back on the menu! Pandemic Bill puts it on the ballot in 2022 #Obama[dont]Care
>>13182261 Natural News article that looks at the circumstances that could connect Gates to China. Anon opines on the article's content quality. #BillGATE
>>13182260 Where is Hillary these days? The bushes in the window look pretty green in this recent vid. #WheresHillary
>>13182257 SaS: The Biden administration has urged Kabul to form a temporary power-sharing government with the Taliban and proposed a multinational peace conference #DemocratDiplomacy
>>13182198 #16718 posted in #16725 TYB
>>13182155 Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse officially sold for nearly $50M
>>13182185 Pentagon Approves Two-Month Extension of National Guard Forces in DC
>>13182204 A REMOTE BASE THAT houses an outpost of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in northeast Niger appears to have expanded in recent months,
>>13182230, >>13181712 LB A rundown on bread #16717 and #16718
>>13182258 Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition.
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278, >>13182733 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182819 #16725
#13186744 at 2021-03-11 17:08:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16730: E-Bake on day 93 dark
#16725 1 of 2
>>13182301 GrOSS: Daily wire is reporting that the Schumer Spokesman Celebrates: $1.90 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Erases NY Budget Deficit #DemocratCorruption
>>13182298 TheHill: So Austin is considering reversing Civilian leadership such as the President in leadership of the Military, this is not good! #MilIsOnlyWay
>>13182294 Fox: Reporter's Notebook: Black Lives Matter's disconnect with America's struggling neighborhoods #BLM
>>13182292 NYP: Without debate, President Biden has decided on complete open borders #BorderCrisis
>>13182289 GP: Democrats' 'COVID Stimulus Bill' Erases San Francisco's Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State's Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer #DemocratCorruption
>>13182288 KABC: It's ON: Recallgeorgegascon.com begins recall effort. Read their release here. #RecallAllThemDems
>>13182286 TBL: Senior DHS officials 'advised' by Biden administration not to share border crisis info with reporters #BorderCrisis
>>13182285 Newsom recall is almost certainly a go after reaching 1.95M signatures #RecallNewsom
>>13182283 YT: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers, Including Ex-U.S. Attorney #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182282 SCMP: Xi Jinping tells China's military 'be prepared to respond' in unstable times #China
>>13182281 Newsweek: U.S. Navy Calls China's Rapid Sea Power Rise 'Concerning,' But Will 'Confront' #WatchTheWater
>>13182280 WSWS: Myanmar military unleashes bloodiest crackdown since coup #Coup
>>13182279 Daily Caller: Psaki Gets Into Dust-Up With Reporter Over Lack Of Media Access To Child Migrant Detention Facilities #SaveTheChilden
>>13182275 Mediaite: Cuomo Book Publisher Reportedly Stops Promotion Amid Investigation Into Nursing Home Deaths #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182271 WE: Antrim County clerk says political operatives 'strong-armed' way to Dominion machines #DominionVoting
>>13182269 Anon's Oped: Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful #NotMyPresident
>>13182268 AG Oped: 'Blue Anon' Strikes a Nerve - Naturally, Big Tech Is Trying to Censor It #BlueAnon
>>13182267 KHOU: Yes, Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetal cells in its creation of the COVID-19 vaccine #Covid
>>13182266 AT Oped: Why the Left Hates Cuomo #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182265 MSN: South Dakota lawmakers vote to halt impeachment against attorney general #Impeach
>>13182264 NYT: Obamacare is back on the menu! Pandemic Bill puts it on the ballot in 2022 #Obama[dont]Care
>>13182261 Natural News article that looks at the circumstances that could connect Gates to China. Anon opines on the article's content quality. #BillGATE
>>13182260 Where is Hillary these days? The bushes in the window look pretty green in this recent vid. #WheresHillary
>>13182257 SaS: The Biden administration has urged Kabul to form a temporary power-sharing government with the Taliban and proposed a multinational peace conference #DemocratDiplomacy
>>13182198 #16718 posted in #16725 TYB
>>13182155 Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse officially sold for nearly $50M
>>13182185 Pentagon Approves Two-Month Extension of National Guard Forces in DC
>>13182204 A REMOTE BASE THAT houses an outpost of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in northeast Niger appears to have expanded in recent months,
>>13182230, >>13181712 LB A rundown on bread #16717 and #16718
>>13182258 Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition.
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278, >>13182733 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182819 #16725
#13185456 at 2021-03-11 12:45:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16729: The 'Reporters Report On Reported Reportage In Their Reports' Edition
#16725 1 of 2
>>13182301 GrOSS: Daily wire is reporting that the Schumer Spokesman Celebrates: $1.90 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Erases NY Budget Deficit #DemocratCorruption
>>13182298 TheHill: So Austin is considering reversing Civilian leadership such as the President in leadership of the Military, this is not good! #MilIsOnlyWay
>>13182294 Fox: Reporter's Notebook: Black Lives Matter's disconnect with America's struggling neighborhoods #BLM
>>13182292 NYP: Without debate, President Biden has decided on complete open borders #BorderCrisis
>>13182289 GP: Democrats' 'COVID Stimulus Bill' Erases San Francisco's Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State's Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer #DemocratCorruption
>>13182288 KABC: It's ON: Recallgeorgegascon.com begins recall effort. Read their release here. #RecallAllThemDems
>>13182286 TBL: Senior DHS officials 'advised' by Biden administration not to share border crisis info with reporters #BorderCrisis
>>13182285 Newsom recall is almost certainly a go after reaching 1.95M signatures #RecallNewsom
>>13182283 YT: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers, Including Ex-U.S. Attorney #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182282 SCMP: Xi Jinping tells China's military 'be prepared to respond' in unstable times #China
>>13182281 Newsweek: U.S. Navy Calls China's Rapid Sea Power Rise 'Concerning,' But Will 'Confront' #WatchTheWater
>>13182280 WSWS: Myanmar military unleashes bloodiest crackdown since coup #Coup
>>13182279 Daily Caller: Psaki Gets Into Dust-Up With Reporter Over Lack Of Media Access To Child Migrant Detention Facilities #SaveTheChilden
>>13182275 Mediaite: Cuomo Book Publisher Reportedly Stops Promotion Amid Investigation Into Nursing Home Deaths #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182271 WE: Antrim County clerk says political operatives 'strong-armed' way to Dominion machines #DominionVoting
>>13182269 Anon's Oped: Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful #NotMyPresident
>>13182268 AG Oped: 'Blue Anon' Strikes a Nerve - Naturally, Big Tech Is Trying to Censor It #BlueAnon
>>13182267 KHOU: Yes, Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetal cells in its creation of the COVID-19 vaccine #Covid
>>13182266 AT Oped: Why the Left Hates Cuomo #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182265 MSN: South Dakota lawmakers vote to halt impeachment against attorney general #Impeach
>>13182264 NYT: Obamacare is back on the menu! Pandemic Bill puts it on the ballot in 2022 #Obama[dont]Care
>>13182261 Natural News article that looks at the circumstances that could connect Gates to China. Anon opines on the article's content quality. #BillGATE
>>13182260 Where is Hillary these days? The bushes in the window look pretty green in this recent vid. #WheresHillary
>>13182257 SaS: The Biden administration has urged Kabul to form a temporary power-sharing government with the Taliban and proposed a multinational peace conference #DemocratDiplomacy
>>13182198 #16718 posted in #16725 TYB
>>13182155 Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse officially sold for nearly $50M
>>13182185 Pentagon Approves Two-Month Extension of National Guard Forces in DC
>>13182204 A REMOTE BASE THAT houses an outpost of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in northeast Niger appears to have expanded in recent months,
>>13182230, >>13181712 LB A rundown on bread #16717 and #16718
>>13182258 Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition.
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278, >>13182733 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182819 #16725
#13184362 at 2021-03-11 06:33:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16728: The 'Baker baking baked' Edition
#16725 1 of 2
>>13182301 GrOSS: Daily wire is reporting that the Schumer Spokesman Celebrates: $1.90 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Erases NY Budget Deficit #DemocratCorruption
>>13182298 TheHill: So Austin is considering reversing Civilian leadership such as the President in leadership of the Military, this is not good! #MilIsOnlyWay
>>13182294 Fox: Reporter's Notebook: Black Lives Matter's disconnect with America's struggling neighborhoods #BLM
>>13182292 NYP: Without debate, President Biden has decided on complete open borders #BorderCrisis
>>13182289 GP: Democrats' 'COVID Stimulus Bill' Erases San Francisco's Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State's Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer #DemocratCorruption
>>13182288 KABC: It's ON: Recallgeorgegascon.com begins recall effort. Read their release here. #RecallAllThemDems
>>13182286 TBL: Senior DHS officials 'advised' by Biden administration not to share border crisis info with reporters #BorderCrisis
>>13182285 Newsom recall is almost certainly a go after reaching 1.95M signatures #RecallNewsom
>>13182283 YT: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers, Including Ex-U.S. Attorney #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182282 SCMP: Xi Jinping tells China's military 'be prepared to respond' in unstable times #China
>>13182281 Newsweek: U.S. Navy Calls China's Rapid Sea Power Rise 'Concerning,' But Will 'Confront' #WatchTheWater
>>13182280 WSWS: Myanmar military unleashes bloodiest crackdown since coup #Coup
>>13182279 Daily Caller: Psaki Gets Into Dust-Up With Reporter Over Lack Of Media Access To Child Migrant Detention Facilities #SaveTheChilden
>>13182275 Mediaite: Cuomo Book Publisher Reportedly Stops Promotion Amid Investigation Into Nursing Home Deaths #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182271 WE: Antrim County clerk says political operatives 'strong-armed' way to Dominion machines #DominionVoting
>>13182269 Anon's Oped: Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful #NotMyPresident
>>13182268 AG Oped: 'Blue Anon' Strikes a Nerve - Naturally, Big Tech Is Trying to Censor It #BlueAnon
>>13182267 KHOU: Yes, Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetal cells in its creation of the COVID-19 vaccine #Covid
>>13182266 AT Oped: Why the Left Hates Cuomo #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182265 MSN: South Dakota lawmakers vote to halt impeachment against attorney general #Impeach
>>13182264 NYT: Obamacare is back on the menu! Pandemic Bill puts it on the ballot in 2022 #Obama[dont]Care
>>13182261 Natural News article that looks at the circumstances that could connect Gates to China. Anon opines on the article's content quality. #BillGATE
>>13182260 Where is Hillary these days? The bushes in the window look pretty green in this recent vid. #WheresHillary
>>13182257 SaS: The Biden administration has urged Kabul to form a temporary power-sharing government with the Taliban and proposed a multinational peace conference #DemocratDiplomacy
>>13182198 #16718 posted in #16725 TYB
>>13182155 Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse officially sold for nearly $50M
>>13182185 Pentagon Approves Two-Month Extension of National Guard Forces in DC
>>13182204 A REMOTE BASE THAT houses an outpost of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in northeast Niger appears to have expanded in recent months,
>>13182230, >>13181712 LB A rundown on bread #16717 and #16718
>>13182258 Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition.
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278, >>13182733 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182819 #16725
#13183672 at 2021-03-11 03:30:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16727: Mask Narrative Failing Edition
#16725 1 of 2
>>13182301 GrOSS: Daily wire is reporting that the Schumer Spokesman Celebrates: $1.90 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Erases NY Budget Deficit #DemocratCorruption
>>13182298 TheHill: So Austin is considering reversing Civilian leadership such as the President in leadership of the Military, this is not good! #MilIsOnlyWay
>>13182294 Fox: Reporter's Notebook: Black Lives Matter's disconnect with America's struggling neighborhoods #BLM
>>13182292 NYP: Without debate, President Biden has decided on complete open borders #BorderCrisis
>>13182289 GP: Democrats' 'COVID Stimulus Bill' Erases San Francisco's Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State's Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer #DemocratCorruption
>>13182288 KABC: It's ON: Recallgeorgegascon.com begins recall effort. Read their release here. #RecallAllThemDems
>>13182286 TBL: Senior DHS officials 'advised' by Biden administration not to share border crisis info with reporters #BorderCrisis
>>13182285 Newsom recall is almost certainly a go after reaching 1.95M signatures #RecallNewsom
>>13182283 YT: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers, Including Ex-U.S. Attorney #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182282 SCMP: Xi Jinping tells China's military 'be prepared to respond' in unstable times #China
>>13182281 Newsweek: U.S. Navy Calls China's Rapid Sea Power Rise 'Concerning,' But Will 'Confront' #WatchTheWater
>>13182280 WSWS: Myanmar military unleashes bloodiest crackdown since coup #Coup
>>13182279 Daily Caller: Psaki Gets Into Dust-Up With Reporter Over Lack Of Media Access To Child Migrant Detention Facilities #SaveTheChilden
>>13182275 Mediaite: Cuomo Book Publisher Reportedly Stops Promotion Amid Investigation Into Nursing Home Deaths #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182271 WE: Antrim County clerk says political operatives 'strong-armed' way to Dominion machines #DominionVoting
>>13182269 Anon's Oped: Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful #NotMyPresident
>>13182268 AG Oped: 'Blue Anon' Strikes a Nerve - Naturally, Big Tech Is Trying to Censor It #BlueAnon
>>13182267 KHOU: Yes, Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetal cells in its creation of the COVID-19 vaccine #Covid
>>13182266 AT Oped: Why the Left Hates Cuomo #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182265 MSN: South Dakota lawmakers vote to halt impeachment against attorney general #Impeach
>>13182264 NYT: Obamacare is back on the menu! Pandemic Bill puts it on the ballot in 2022 #Obama[dont]Care
>>13182261 Natural News article that looks at the circumstances that could connect Gates to China. Anon opines on the article's content quality. #BillGATE
>>13182260 Where is Hillary these days? The bushes in the window look pretty green in this recent vid. #WheresHillary
>>13182257 SaS: The Biden administration has urged Kabul to form a temporary power-sharing government with the Taliban and proposed a multinational peace conference #DemocratDiplomacy
>>13182198 #16718 posted in #16725 TYB
>>13182155 Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse officially sold for nearly $50M
>>13182185 Pentagon Approves Two-Month Extension of National Guard Forces in DC
>>13182204 A REMOTE BASE THAT houses an outpost of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in northeast Niger appears to have expanded in recent months,
>>13182230, >>13181712 LB A rundown on bread #16717 and #16718
>>13182258 Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition.
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278, >>13182733 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182819 #16725
#13182825 at 2021-03-10 23:00:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16726: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers #ImpeachCuomo Edition
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278, >>13182733 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182481, >>13182486 China Urges W.H.O. to Let It Run Global 'Vaccine Passport' System
>>13182493 HuffPost laying off 47 after acquisition by BuzzFeed
>>13182499 UK to push at G-7 for global standard on 'vaccine passports'
>>13182507 US doctors propose 'Vaccine Bill of Rights' to protect citizens from forced shots
>>13182459 ICE27 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Christchurch Int'l Airport, NZ
>>13182545 Russia moves to slow Twitter's speed after protest row
>>13182547 Public Health Board Votes Down Mask Mandate
>>13182569 Bill Gates Firm funded Genetics firm mining DNA data through Covid tests.
>>13182583 Facebook Seeks to Dismiss Antitrust Suits, Saying It Hasn't Harmed Consumers
>>13182592 China allegedly collecting DNA samples for surveillance using US tech
>>13182627, >>13182648 London Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick says human remains were discovered in Kent
>>13182670, >>13182662 Fire Has Destroyed OVH's Strasbourg Data Center (SBG2)
>>13182709 3 Questions: Richard Samuels on Japan's 3.11 triple disaster and its impact 10 years later
>>13182719 Anon requesting reconsideration Unmasked Vid https://rumble.com/vdlomr-unveiled-the-2020-election.html
>>13182140 Giraffe Comms? Three New York Post stories in the past couple weeks.
>>13182741, >>13182795, >>13182800 Kun captcha (Bookmark it)
>>13182732 House to debate and vote on Senate-passed coronavirus relief bill #Save2A
>>13182760 Welcome To Q Research KUN.TOP/QRESEARCH -Anonymous
>>13182767 Texas Rangers to allowfull stadiumat home opener after governor lifts restrictions
>>13182771 Thermo Fisher is working w/CCP for DNA collection
>>13182773 NYP: Ghislaine Maxwell's jail conditions 'amount to torture,' brother Ian says
>>13182821 #16725
#13182819 at 2021-03-10 22:57:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16725: Strasbourg France Data Center + Q Research = PANIC Edition
>>13182719 anon requesting reconsideration Unmasked Vid https://rumble.com/vdlomr-unveiled-the-2020-election.html
>>13182795 http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/dnsbls_bypass.php (Captcha)
#16725 @600
>>13182301 GrOSS: Daily wire is reporting that the Schumer Spokesman Celebrates: $1.90 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Erases NY Budget Deficit #DemocratCorruption
>>13182298 TheHill: So Austin is considering reversing Civilian leadership such as the President in leadership of the Military, this is not good! #MilIsOnlyWay
>>13182294 Fox: Reporter's Notebook: Black Lives Matter's disconnect with America's struggling neighborhoods #BLM
>>13182292 NYP: Without debate, President Biden has decided on complete open borders #BorderCrisis
>>13182289 GP: Democrats' 'COVID Stimulus Bill' Erases San Francisco's Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State's Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer #DemocratCorruption
>>13182288 KABC: It's ON: Recallgeorgegascon.com begins recall effort. Read their release here. #RecallAllThemDems
>>13182286 TBL: Senior DHS officials 'advised' by Biden administration not to share border crisis info with reporters #BorderCrisis
>>13182285 Newsom recall is almost certainly a go after reaching 1.95M signatures #RecallNewsom
>>13182283 YT: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers, Including Ex-U.S. Attorney #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182282 SCMP: Xi Jinping tells China's military 'be prepared to respond' in unstable times #China
>>13182281 Newsweek: U.S. Navy Calls China's Rapid Sea Power Rise 'Concerning,' But Will 'Confront' #WatchTheWater
>>13182280 WSWS: Myanmar military unleashes bloodiest crackdown since coup #Coup
>>13182279 Daily Caller: Psaki Gets Into Dust-Up With Reporter Over Lack Of Media Access To Child Migrant Detention Facilities #SaveTheChilden
>>13182275 Mediaite: Cuomo Book Publisher Reportedly Stops Promotion Amid Investigation Into Nursing Home Deaths #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182271 WE: Antrim County clerk says political operatives 'strong-armed' way to Dominion machines #DominionVoting
>>13182269 Anon's Oped: Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful #NotMyPresident
>>13182268 AG Oped: 'Blue Anon' Strikes a Nerve - Naturally, Big Tech Is Trying to Censor It #BlueAnon
>>13182267 KHOU: Yes, Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetal cells in its creation of the COVID-19 vaccine #Covid
>>13182266 AT Oped: Why the Left Hates Cuomo #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182265 MSN: South Dakota lawmakers vote to halt impeachment against attorney general #Impeach
>>13182264 NYT: Obamacare is back on the menu! Pandemic Bill puts it on the ballot in 2022 #Obama[dont]Care
>>13182261 Natural News article that looks at the circumstances that could connect Gates to China. Anon opines on the article's content quality. #BillGATE
>>13182260 Where is Hillary these days? The bushes in the window look pretty green in this recent vid. #WheresHillary
>>13182257 SaS: The Biden administration has urged Kabul to form a temporary power-sharing government with the Taliban and proposed a multinational peace conference #DemocratDiplomacy
>>13182198 #16718 posted in #16725 TYB
>>13182155 Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse officially sold for nearly $50M
>>13182185 Pentagon Approves Two-Month Extension of National Guard Forces in DC
>>13182204 A REMOTE BASE THAT houses an outpost of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in northeast Niger appears to have expanded in recent months,
>>13182230, >>13181712 LB A rundown on bread #16717 and #16718
>>13182258 Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition.
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278, >>13182733 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
#13182757 at 2021-03-10 22:05:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16725: Strasbourg France Data Center + Q Research = PANIC Edition
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182481, >>13182486 China Urges W.H.O. to Let It Run Global 'Vaccine Passport' System
>>13182493 HuffPost laying off 47 after acquisition by BuzzFeed
>>13182499 UK to push at G-7 for global standard on 'vaccine passports'
>>13182507 US doctors propose 'Vaccine Bill of Rights' to protect citizens from forced shots
>>13182459 ICE27 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Christchurch Int'l Airport, NZ
>>13182545 Russia moves to slow Twitter's speed after protest row
>>13182547 Public Health Board Votes Down Mask Mandate
>>13182569 Bill Gates Firm funded Genetics firm mining DNA data through Covid tests.
>>13182583 Facebook Seeks to Dismiss Antitrust Suits, Saying It Hasn't Harmed Consumers
>>13182592 China allegedly collecting DNA samples for surveillance using US tech
>>13182627, >>13182648 London Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick says human remains were discovered in Kent
>>13182670, >>13182662 Fire Has Destroyed OVH's Strasbourg Data Center (SBG2)
>>13182709 3 Questions: Richard Samuels on Japan's 3.11 triple disaster and its impact 10 years later
>>13182719 Anon requesting reconsideration Unmasked Vid https://rumble.com/vdlomr-unveiled-the-2020-election.html
>>13182140 Giraffe Comms? Three New York Post stories in the past couple weeks.
>>13182741 Kun captcha (Bookmark it)
>>13182732 House to debate and vote on Senate-passed coronavirus relief bill #Save2A
#13182659 at 2021-03-10 21:04:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16725: Strasbourg France Data Center + Q Research = PANIC Edition
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182481, >>13182486 China Urges W.H.O. to Let It Run Global 'Vaccine Passport' System
>>13182493 HuffPost laying off 47 after acquisition by BuzzFeed
>>13182499 UK to push at G-7 for global standard on 'vaccine passports'
>>13182507 US doctors propose 'Vaccine Bill of Rights' to protect citizens from forced shots
>>13182459 ICE27 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Christchurch Int'l Airport, NZ
>>13182545 Russia moves to slow Twitter's speed after protest row
>>13182547 Public Health Board Votes Down Mask Mandate
>>13182569 Bill Gates Firm funded Genetics firm mining DNA data through Covid tests.
>>13182583 Facebook Seeks to Dismiss Antitrust Suits, Saying It Hasn't Harmed Consumers
>>13182592 China allegedly collecting DNA samples for surveillance using US tech
>>13182627 London Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick says human remains were discovered in Kent
#13182510 at 2021-03-10 20:17:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16725: Strasbourg France Data Center + Q Research = PANIC Edition
>>13182301 GrOSS: Daily wire is reporting that the Schumer Spokesman Celebrates: $1.90 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Erases NY Budget Deficit #DemocratCorruption
>>13182298 TheHill: So Austin is considering reversing Civilian leadership such as the President in leadership of the Military, this is not good! #MilIsOnlyWay
>>13182294 Fox: Reporter's Notebook: Black Lives Matter's disconnect with America's struggling neighborhoods #BLM
>>13182292 NYP: Without debate, President Biden has decided on complete open borders #BorderCrisis
>>13182289 GP: Democrats' 'COVID Stimulus Bill' Erases San Francisco's Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State's Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer #DemocratCorruption
>>13182288 KABC: It's ON: Recallgeorgegascon.com begins recall effort. Read their release here. #RecallAllThemDems
>>13182286 TBL: Senior DHS officials 'advised' by Biden administration not to share border crisis info with reporters #BorderCrisis
>>13182285 Newsom recall is almost certainly a go after reaching 1.95M signatures #RecallNewsom
>>13182283 YT: Cuomo Inquiry to Be Led by 2 Lawyers, Including Ex-U.S. Attorney #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182282 SCMP: Xi Jinping tells China's military 'be prepared to respond' in unstable times #China
>>13182281 Newsweek: U.S. Navy Calls China's Rapid Sea Power Rise 'Concerning,' But Will 'Confront' #WatchTheWater
>>13182280 WSWS: Myanmar military unleashes bloodiest crackdown since coup #Coup
>>13182279 Daily Caller: Psaki Gets Into Dust-Up With Reporter Over Lack Of Media Access To Child Migrant Detention Facilities #SaveTheChilden
>>13182275 Mediaite: Cuomo Book Publisher Reportedly Stops Promotion Amid Investigation Into Nursing Home Deaths #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182271 WE: Antrim County clerk says political operatives 'strong-armed' way to Dominion machines #DominionVoting
>>13182269 Anon's Oped: Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful #NotMyPresident
>>13182268 AG Oped: 'Blue Anon' Strikes a Nerve - Naturally, Big Tech Is Trying to Censor It #BlueAnon
>>13182267 KHOU: Yes, Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetal cells in its creation of the COVID-19 vaccine #Covid
>>13182266 AT Oped: Why the Left Hates Cuomo #ImpeachCuomo
>>13182265 MSN: South Dakota lawmakers vote to halt impeachment against attorney general #Impeach
>>13182264 NYT: Obamacare is back on the menu! Pandemic Bill puts it on the ballot in 2022 #Obama[dont]Care
>>13182261 Natural News article that looks at the circumstances that could connect Gates to China. Anon opines on the article's content quality. #BillGATE
>>13182260 Where is Hillary these days? The bushes in the window look pretty green in this recent vid. #WheresHillary
>>13182257 SaS: The Biden administration has urged Kabul to form a temporary power-sharing government with the Taliban and proposed a multinational peace conference #DemocratDiplomacy
>>13182198 #16718 posted in #16725 TYB
>>13182155 Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse officially sold for nearly $50M
>>13182185 Pentagon Approves Two-Month Extension of National Guard Forces in DC
>>13182204 A REMOTE BASE THAT houses an outpost of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in northeast Niger appears to have expanded in recent months,
>>13182230, >>13181712 LB A rundown on bread #16717 and #16718
>>13182258 Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria's political and armed opposition.
>>13182259 Jill Biden visited Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to show support for military members
>>13182278 You can find your HOSTS file here
>>13182307 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
>>13182309 https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1369612787664687104 WATCH THE WATER!
>>13182323 Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS.
>>13182336, >>13182339 Biden's American Rescue Plan Passes
>>13182338 Senator Mike Lee on Hr1 "This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."
>>13182347 Mexican officials in internal assessments have expressed worry that the Biden's administration's immigration stance, characterized as lenient by many conservatives, is incentivizing gang activity and human smuggling.
>>13182359 House GOP lawmakers wear 'open schools now' face masks, push 'follow the science'
>>13182407, >>13182441 -Planefag report- WARLOK5 has been doing touch N goes @ Chesterfield county airport for couple of hours.
>>13182481, >>13182486 China Urges W.H.O. to Let It Run Global 'Vaccine Passport' System
>>13182493 HuffPost laying off 47 after acquisition by BuzzFeed
>>13182499 UK to push at G-7 for global standard on 'vaccine passports'
#13182323 at 2021-03-10 19:29:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16725: Strasbourg France Data Center + Q Research = PANIC Edition
Women have played an integral role in intelligence since the days of the OSS. Check out the @OSSsociety documentary on #WomeninIntel.
#13170914 at 2021-03-08 17:34:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16714: Surgeon General Recommends a Daily Dose of Q Edition
Are you trying to "WARN" this Anon, Pussy?
What this Anon "knows" is that the PretendAnons who stand in the way of the TRUTH are the fucking Enemy of We the People and will [FAIL].
MNR/COMMS has stood in the way of VATICAN RCC Truth since day fucking one.
All the while allowing all manner of RACIST ANTI SEMITE OSS PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS, over and over again - RUSTY KIKE KIKE KIKE! and P = PAYSEUR SHIT a Free Pass and since THIS ANON does NOT DO coincidences….
It is a true pleasure to watch [you] feebly attempt to deflect any real criticism and defend [your] current untenable position.
I mean Glorious!
#13167581 at 2021-03-07 18:13:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16710: Notable's Buffer Overload Edition
TL; DR: the comms bakers made the mnr board after OSS crashed comms.
#13163767 at 2021-03-06 17:30:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16705: EBAKE Edition
>IP hopping KING FAGGIT!
Everyone knows the KING of all IP hopping faggits is
=namefag baker OSS==
who probably bakes at MNR with his other homo baker buddies
Kek. Did you forget you ARE the baker?
#13154864 at 2021-03-06 04:48:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16700: Winning Isn't A Science, Winning Is An Art Edition
Gerbil is a Patriot a true Rebel Anon.
So is OSS and several other oldfag pic related types here.
Far from perfect but heart in the right place.
Prolly you included.
#13146503 at 2021-03-06 00:09:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16697 - After The Winning President Trump Is Still Winning For You Edition
You are so obvious gerbil
#13146385 at 2021-03-06 00:08:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16697 - After The Winning President Trump Is Still Winning For You Edition
So it looks like COMMS/OSS/MNR/ niggers finally ruined this place. Go team!
#13115031 at 2021-03-05 19:17:05 (UTC+1)
16689 Fallback Bread Edition for Q Research
comms, im sure
mnr aint bad i recently discovered.
OSS still not sure on that faggot
this doodle tho too much anons division with his split doughs and chaos.
i want to think its comms raiding us.
but who knows.
#13113099 at 2021-03-05 18:35:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research #16687 President Trump Is Still Your President Edition
copycat attack by \mnr\ slash \wr\ slash \allthat bullshit\
You know it.
I know it.
8bit Knows it… Kek…
Swampy Knows it…
OSS Knows it…Kek
#13102535 at 2021-03-03 19:25:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16675: It's Happening ~ The Burn The 'Face Diaper' Day Edition
oh, no.. I have evidence. I gave it to the protest thread.
Didn't see a need to touch the original thread, it didn't concern me.
It's ok. you just mad that I don't care bout you. You going to propose to me like OSS did?
#13096339 at 2021-03-02 20:40:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16671: The Best Is Just Yet To Come Edition
>not even OSS wants it,
I haven't baked in weeks, so why would it be a surprise that I don't want to now?
Maybe I'll start baking again on the 11th.
#13096093 at 2021-03-02 20:39:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16671: The Best Is Just Yet To Come Edition
>nobody wants it. not even OSS wants it, so that's pretty funny
Ebakes work fine and remove them as a coms nigger target.
Problem solution.
#13095779 at 2021-03-02 20:36:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16671: The Best Is Just Yet To Come Edition
nobody wants it. not even OSS wants it, so that's pretty funny
#13087517 at 2021-03-02 18:12:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16668: FBI Concealing Antifa Far Left Organized Attack On Capitol Edition
namefag headcase spergo
moar red text next time
you didn't use enuf!
and the lackey arrives placing lips firmly on OSS' shrimp dick
#13087406 at 2021-03-02 17:58:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16668: FBI Concealing Antifa Far Left Organized Attack On Capitol Edition
Yeah I am gerbil and OSS and a few others.
Shit, ANON never sleeps!
#13087038 at 2021-03-02 17:14:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16668: FBI Concealing Antifa Far Left Organized Attack On Capitol Edition
wew.. the kitchen is full of lover's spats.. first it was them two.. then OSS and them got a room… who they gonna shack up with next??? swiss baker in the house yo…
#13086981 at 2021-03-02 17:09:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16668: FBI Concealing Antifa Far Left Organized Attack On Capitol Edition
There were some OSS style (not saying it was him) graphics pointing to some marker [1] March 4 pOSSibilities for habbenings.
Mainly because it's the OG Inaugaration date.
#13083797 at 2021-03-02 04:46:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16664: Eric Trump [They] Weaponized the Legal System Edition
>>13083340 PB
>>13083321 PB
>I just put it on the radar.
>Gonna need some delta numberfag /clockfag support for it.
>An OSS chart of something would work, too.
He retired and mostly just spends his time shitposting here and on /pol waiting for the 11th. Sometimes he comes through and acts like a shill for the keks.
#13083340 at 2021-03-02 03:43:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16663: The Cuomo Sex Narrative To Cover For Mass Murder Edition
I just put it on the radar.
Gonna need some delta numberfag /clockfag support for it.
An OSS chart of something would work, too.
#13079197 at 2021-03-01 16:25:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16657: Great things are done when Men and Mountains meet Edition
>>13055800, >>13056041, >>13056118 planefag reports
>>13055748 @ChuckGrassley: U know liberal censorship has gotten ridiculous when Amazon stripped a documentary of the only African/American on SOTUS fr its streaming service during Black History Month
>>13055753 2nd armed mass kidnapping in a week sees up to 300 school girls taken in nigeria
>>13055765 Trump Appointed Rhode Island U.S. Attorney To Step Down
>>13055771 Ilhan Omar Wants To Know Why Syrian Airstrikes Were Authorized Without Congressional Approval
>>13055784 GEOTUS statement: endorsement of max miller
>>13055804 VIDEO: A golden statue of former President Trump was unveiled at CPAC
>>13055814 Democrats renew push for war powers overhaul after Biden's Syria strike
>>13055820 Leonard Boyle, durham's replacement for U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut
>>13055829 The Nation's Most Unpopular Governor: Raimondo Confirmation Could Come Next Week
>>13055832 John Durham steps down as US Atty in CT.But stays on board as special counsel probing origins of Trump/Russia investigation
>>13055839 REVEALED: Biden NatSec Advisor Claimed Al Qaeda Was 'On Our Side' in Syria
>>13055850 Feds bust NY man who photographed congressional documents during Capitol riot
>>13055883, >>13056012 statement from SA: Completely Rejects the Assessment in the Report Submitted to US' Congress Regarding Murder of Saudi Citizen Jamal Khashoggi
>>13055902 Biden's team wants to charge reporters $170 for a COVID test every time they come to the White House
>>13055931 Jan. 6, 300+ people have now been charged and 280+ arrested.
>>13055852, >>13055854 HUFFPO hypocrisy: neuter your kids not your pets
>>13055960 "They Didn't Do Their Jobs" - Conservative Commentator Deroy Murdoch Puts Blame on Federal Judges for Role in Jan. 6 Riots
>>13055927 Video Shows Capitol Police Conspiring With Antifa To Storm The Capitol And Blame Trump
>>13055981 Hillary Clinton revealed George H.W. Bush's 'affair with younger aide' sparking wife's depression battle, book says
>>13055990 FDA Panel Unanimously Endorses J&J Covid Vaccine
>>13056052 US doctors propose 'Vaccine Bill of Rights' to protect citizens from forced shots
>>13056093 Romney, Schumer Advisers Among Dozens Of Congressional Staffers Participating In Chinese Communist Party Exchange Program.
>>13056106 Federal Judge Rules CDC Eviction Moratorium Unconstitutional
>>13056137 killary tweet: Grateful to see this progress in repairing one of the greatest evils of the Trump administration. (migrant kids to "parents")
>>13056142, >>13056322 anon kashoggi digs
>>13056153 A global outage affecting Visa and Mastercard
>>13056275 grenell gets a warm welcome from his peeps at CPAC
>>13056290 daily covid vaccines administered per 100 people by country
>>13056313 anon durham retirement/2 days ahead of schedule connection
>>13056397 Gen. Nakasone: Vice Adm Nancy A. Norton was indispensable as DISA Director & Commander of JFHQ-DODIN. We are grateful for her contributions to @US_CYBERCOM & the @USNavy as she retires after 34yrs of service
>>13056009 Elon Musk Responds That 'It Would Be Great' If He Was Investigated For His Dogecoin Memes
>>13056459 #16628
>>13055016, >>13055596 Planefag reports
>>13054965 Biden reportedly decides not to penalize Saudi crown prince after #Khashoggi intel report release
>>13054973 Live: CPAC Day 1 closes with remarks by Donald Trump Jr
>>13055029 CNN video: US intel: Saudi Crown Prince approved Khashoggi operation
>>13055097 Matt Geetz CPAC 2021/Feb/26
>>13055153 amazon prime stops streaming clarence thomas documentary during black history month
>>13055178 Facebook weighs adding facial recognition to smart glasses
>>13055183 United Airlines to Pay $49 Million to Resolve Criminal Fraud Charges and Civil Claims
>>13055256 SATIRE: Proud Obama Awards His Nobel Peace Prize To Biden For Bombing Syria
>>13055072, >>13055127, >>13055210, >>13055259 anon khashoggi dig
>>13055260, >>13055283, >>13055284, >>13055269, >>13055584 US attorney durham resigns from US attorney's office
>>13055299 Saudi-Led Coalition Says Destroyed Houthi Ballistic Missile Launched Against Kingdom
>>13055308, >>13055314 Judge Rules Arizona's Maricopa County Must Turn Over 2.1 Million November Election Ballots to Senate
>>13055328 Judge's daughter found dead in sorority parking lot after night of drinking
>>13055331 George Papa Tweet: Durham resigned from his position in Connecticut NOT from his appointment as special counsel. Facts.
>>13055351 SEC Suspends Trading In 15 Companies Due To "Questionable Trading And Social Media Activity"
>>13055360 Gretchen Whitmer Loads 'Council on Climate Solutions' with Donors, Utility Lobbyist, Dark Money Group Exec
>>13055410 durham resignation/Q post connection
>>13055438 Artificial meat arrives at McDonald's
Biden Hugs Little Girl At Houston Food Bank
>>13055554 If someone in your household has COVID-19, there's only a 1-in-10 chance you'll catch it too, study finds
>>13055563 California Bill Would Give $1,000 Fines to Retailers With Separate 'Girls' and 'Boys' Toy Sections
>>13055575 Exclusive: Steve Scalise: Cancel Culture Won't Target Media, Politicians Who Inspired My Would-Be Murderer
>>13055619 #16627
>>13054086, >>13054093 baker change
>>13054049 Texas Desperate For Out-Of-State Plumbers Amid Broken Water Pipe Chaos
>>13054065 Schumer Mulls Penalty For Big Businesses That Don't Pay $15 Minimum Wage
>>13054073 Looking into Palantir: Activists want NHS to come clean about secretive deal with data-mining company
>>13054087 As Americans Wait for $2,000 Checks, Biden Has No Problem Bypassing Congress to Bomb Syria
>>13054132 Founder Of Chinese Front Group Spoke At CIA Nominee's Think Tank Amid Beijing Propaganda Push
>>13054136 Cat reunited with owner after going missing for 15 years
>>13054140 San Francisco to Redistribute $120 Million from Police to Black Community
>>13054145 Report: China Raping Tibetan Women in Separate Crop of Concentration Camps
>>13054168 UN Begins Effort to Transport 300 Asylum Seekers to U.S. Per Day
>>13054184, >>13054196, >>13054600 JUST IN - Judge rules Maricopa County must provide 2.1 million ballots from 2020 election to #Arizona Senate for audit under subpoenas.
>>13054213 Bank Of America Begins First Round Of Layoffs Since Pandemic-Inspired Freeze
>>13054217, >>13054225, >>13054269 VIDEO: CNN's Jim @Acosta confronted at #CPAC2021
>>13054260 RSBN CPAC livestream
>>13054114, >>13054161, >>13054271, >>13054372, >>13054504 new scavio tweet…looking at GITMO?
>>13054283 Lavrov: Russia Has Information that US Plans to Stay in Syria Forever, Destroy the Country
>>13054284 Cuomo's handling of nursing home COVID outbreak leaves health commissioner in the firing line
>>13054292 British Ship Hit by Explosion in Gulf of Oman, UKMTO Says
>>13054293 planefag reports
>>13054297, >>13054483 Mark Meadows says Trump is 'planning for the next administration'
>>13054189, >>13054313 New follow the PEN: Khashoggi Intelligence report NOW public with light redactions @ODNIgov "We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi."
>>13054328 Oh The Places The Woke Will Go: Dr. Seuss Canceled For 'Racial Undertones'
>>13054332 Police and soldiers are chasing and shooting everyone on the streets of Mandalay myanmar
>>13054346 Explosion hits Israeli-owned cargo ship in Gulf of Oman, no injuries
>>13054488 United Airlines to Pay $49 Million to Resolve Criminal Fraud Charges and Civil Claims
>>13054497 Israel Getting Ready to 'Take Action' to Stop Iran From Going Nuclear, Defence Minister Says
>>13054531 Hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls taken in mass abduction
>>13054574 Immunity for Bill Gates Vaccination Alliance GAVI in Switzerland
>>13054626 Trump to go after Biden in highly anticipated CPAC speech
>>13054665 Wisconsin: 28-Year-Old Healthcare Worker Has Aneurysm - Brain Dead 5 Days After Taking Second Experimental Pfizer Jab
>>13054704 Scavino tweet/Q post connection
>>13054731 Biden administration to give Congress full classified briefing on Syria strikes by next week
>>13054735 Pelosi To Keep Minimum Wage Hike In COVID-19 Relief Bill Despite Parliamentarian's Ruling
>>13054767 #16626
>>13053283 Babylon Bee - Middle Easterners Begin Painting Transgender Flag Colors On Doorposts To Avoid Biden Drone Strikes
>>13053291 An #Israeli-owned cargo #ship used to transport vehicles was damaged Friday afternoon in an #explosion at the Gulf of #Oman.
>>13053366 Trump had to 'lose' and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him
>>13053368 PF Report
>>13053382 'Plan B' for $15 minimum wage unveiled
>>13053411 Petaluma CA - Gas Stations cannot be built in the future
>>13053417 U.S. diplomats in China were subjected to anal swab tests for Covid-19, a Department of State spokesperson confirmed Thursday,
>>13053442 The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who's who list
>>13053468 China raises red lanterns to celebrate the first full moon of the lunar year
>>13053476 , >>13053514 CPAC is Jewish financed gatekeeping bullshit (video)
>>13053491 Normies trending the Chinese anal swabbing story
>>13053512 The Biden Cabal 'wag the dog' war in Syria
>>13053558 RFK Jr on Global Reset (video)
>>13053594 From GeorgeNews Telegraph account 2/21/2021
>>13053724 Remember when Biden said 'If I disagree with Kamala Harris I'll have to resign.'? Here we go…
>>13053730 So now that there's a warrant for Biden and Fauci in Texas couldn't a licensed bounty hunter in Texas grab them and take them to the Sheriff???
>>13053739 headline doesn't mentionsuicide. kek - Former U.S. Gymnastics Coach Dies Hours After Sex Trafficking Charges
>>13053768 EYES ON, PLANEFAGS - Halfchan is claiming that Biden is flying without AF1 designation.
>>13053769 GreenScreen on SOS Blinken comms? Mexican Flag upside down?
>>13053787 Biden Cabal refused to take a meeting with House Democrats on Syria this morning per WH official
>>13053860 Right to BARE arms: Canada approves the 60% efficacy vaccine that nobody else wants.
>>13053871 US Army RED CASTLE taking measurements at when it's safe to break the ice!!!
>>13053883 Joe Biden and His Handler Head to Texas Today following Historic Freeze and Failure of Green Energy Sources
>>13053896 IGNORED BY MEDIA AND FBI: Antifa-BLM Activists Are Posting Photos and Bragging Online About Storming US Capitol on Jan. 6
>>13053898 Every Illegal Claiming Asylum Gets An Average Of $1100 In Loans And Can Then Disappear - No MSM Coverage
>>13053800 Woman caught on video crashing into upstate NY bakery
>>13053912 Gunmen kidnap 317 schoolgirls in northwest Nigeria, police confirm, the 2nd major raid in as many weeks
>>13053916 Belgians warned to shun govt-distributed masks as they may contain TOXIC chemicals
>>13053767 The Mask attack is over if you want it
>>13053929 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted - What a glorious self-own for this band of pedophiles and complicitous, charlatan grifters.
>>13053926 Biden's Virus Relief Plan Threatens to Trigger Medicare Cuts
>>13053962 Biden formally offers to restart nuclear talks with Iran on February 18th. Biden strikes Iran-backed militia in Syria on February 25th.
>>13053991 #16625
>>13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations
>>13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA
>>13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On
>>13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm
>>13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors
>>13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?
>>13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.
>>13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here's how to ensure it's distributed equitably
>>13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations
>>13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality
>>13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party's plans to raise the minimum wage.
>>13052773, >>13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law
>>13052592, >>13052780 Anons, what is the way out
>>13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.
>>13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!
>>13052834 spars pandemic scenario
>>13052836 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar >>13052843)
>>13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican's Council For Inclusive Capitalism
>>13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography
>>13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac
>>13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?
>>13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return
>>13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?
>>13052995, >>13053038 Joe is in flight
>>13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.
>>13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag
>>13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit
>>13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
>>13053135 'In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks': Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders
>>13053174 #16624
>>13051621 Reminder that a "Pandemic" has long been planned for
>>13051630 Early morning keks: Dick fish just got some "stiff" competition
>>13051665 "We Don't Find It Safe Enough": Mail-in Ballots & Voting Machines Banned in France
>>13051682 McConnell Would "Absolutely" Back Trump If He's 2024 GOP Nominee
>>13051697 Practice Discrimination to Cure Discrimination: Tracking Colleges embracing Critical Race Theory
>>13051710 Biden is now flying illegal immigrants to their relatives in the US
>>13051771 Fitzpatrick, Katko, Reed: These 3 Republicans Voted With Democrats To Pass "Equality Act"
>>13051777, >>13051831 MI GOP Lawmakers Demand Investigations Into Whitmer's Handling Of Nursing Homes
>>13051795 BLM Global Network Foundation expanding a $3 million financial relief fund
>>13051820 Biden Admin Blames Trump for Cabinet Appointments Moving Slow
>>13051894 Lincoln Project Staffer May Have Violated Campaign Finance Law
>>13052394 Would Americans have to brace for stimulus paybacks?
>>13054744 #16623
>>13051057 Lin Wood: Ever wonder why I named my channel "LinWoodSpeaksTruth?"
>>13051097 Biden Admin put Hundreds of children in harms way under after crOSSing US-Mexico border
>>13051204, >>13051206 Anon's ponders on "The Great Reset"
>>13051300 Biden approves US air strike on Iran-backed militias in Syria
>>13051305 US House Passes Gay And Transgender 'Equality Act' To End Discrimination
>>13051316 Queen Elizabeth II statue found DECAPITATED in Canadian park
>>13051324 Anon's take on why what Q represents is so powerful.
>>13051358, >>13051361, >>13051365 Mining the Chans: Bots Exposed?
>>13051393 Just another example of the hypocrisy of the "left"
>>13051475 Why may VP Harris be "deeply concerned" about last night's strike on Syria?
>>13051496 Fake News CNN finally covers Cuomo Claims for an entire 96 seconds
>>13054369 #16622
>>13050089 Trump shares plans for new super PAC in Mar-a-Lago meeting
>>13050096 Petition to recall Mitch McConnell
>>13050098 S.D. Gov. Calls For AG Resignation As AG Faces Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Fatal Car Crash
>>13050122 Rand Paul calls out the Biden Cabal for murdering citizens of Syria
>>13050124 The Fake Mask attack is over if you want it
>>13050137 God Wins
>>13050184 Airline mass vaccinates all it's employees that interact with customers
>>13050174 FBI Report on 'Dancing Israelis' - 'Give us twenty years and we'll take over your media and destroy your country'
>>13050193 , >>13050672 Chinese Government Anally Swabs U.S. Diplomats, Biden's State Department Begs Them To Stop
>>13050241 Maricopa County Releases Junk Audit Reports - 12% Ballot Adjudication and Dominion Employee's Use of Prohibited Orange External Drive Omitted from Report
>>13050265 Watch DJT Jr. I Told You So. The Truth About Biden
>>13050274 Jeep re-hires drunk driver Bruce Springsteen after his elite team of lawyers get the charges dropped
>>13050290 , >>13050706 American Airlines confirms contact with 'cruise missile' shaped UFO over the US
>>13050368 Biden Cabal says to President Trump - 'Stay out of the Middle East' then when they get power the murders begin.
>>13050396 Black man in the hood with a Q truck
>>13050399 Q Post One year delta "Be Strong In The Lord"
>>13050424 Planet X chatter is coming back
>>13050477 Tip for Telegram users - Turn on notifications for George channel
>>13050509 For the Kek
>>13050536 GEN.Mark Milley (MILITARY) "THIS WE WILL DEFEND" (video)
>>13050573 past bread notable - US Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman - remember that name? The street in Sandy Hook where Nancy Lanza lived
>>13050586 GeorgeNews - NEW SITE COMING SOON - See me this weekend live at CPAC on Sunday!
>>13050606 , >>13050637 The Active Denial System (ADS), is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military, designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.
>>13050621 07/19/2009 - Pelosi On Fed: People Want To Know The "Secrets Of The Temple"
>>13050624 Peter Gotti, former Gambino crime bOSS, dead at 81
>>13050662 The MRNA China Virus vaccine and the TERT gene - Attack on your immune system
>>13050688 , >>13050700 , >>13050725 Nurse Tiffany reemergence, poor attempt to show she's alive
>>13050731 How the Bush Patriarch fueled Hitler's rise to power
>>13050753 GEORGENEWS Knowing what we now know, about #SALESFORCE as reported by #ProjectVeritas, do you think our Military should continue working with them?
>>13050771 #16621
>>13049322 Illegal Alien Charged With Raping 11-Year-Old Girl In North Carolina
>>13049328 Chicago: Mercy Hospital files for bankruptcy
>>13049363 Gretchen Whitmer Administration Refuses to Answer Questions About Nursing Home Policy
>>13049374 World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation Are Main Drivers for Digital Vaccines Passports
>>13049389 Two Doctors Charged in Illegal Opioid Distribution and Health Care Fraud Conspiracy
>>13049431 Lawyers, accountants and other professionals play key role in crOSS-border financial crime, OECD warns in new report
>>13049450 Following the money in the Philippines is risky business, Forbidden Stories shows
>>13049472 State Patrol worker arrested in child sex sting operation
>>13049398, >>13049618 Live Texas energy discussion.
>>13049343 Kash Patel: Donald Trump relented to U.S. intelligence leaders in his final days in office, allowing them to block the release of critical material in the Russia investigation
>>13049346, >>13049533 US strikes Syria
>>13049519 TikTok Pays $92 Million to Settle Dozens of Lawsuits on Personal Data Theft
>>13049342 Does this qualify as an 11.3 marker?
>>13049537, >>13049959 Plane Reports
>>13049566 US has 'lowest flu season' on record during COVID pandemic
>>13049579 U.S. Conducts Defensive Precision Strike in Syria
>>13049621 MAPS
>>13049617 Kash Patel, whose work on the House Intelligence Committee helped unearth U.S. intelligence malpractice during the FBI's CrOSSfire Hurricane probe
>>13049676 A study on mrna vaccines
>>13049737 Former Air Force contractor admits to stealing 2,500 pages of top secret information
>>13049812 Trump endorses Jerry Moran (KS) for the U.S. Senate
>>13049815 ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN Ignore Former Cuomo's Aide's Explosive Sexual Harassment Allegations
>>13049833 Multiple Caps
>>13049822 Communist China Links
>>13049843 GOP lawmakers accuse Wolf admin of trying to fix results of ballot question limiting governors' emergency powers
>>13049881 Night Shift Active (What to Ask?)
>>13049893, >>13049911, >>13049940 The Orion Wars
>>13049896 In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says
>>13049920 Netizens Spotlight Psaki's Old 'Sovereign Country' Tweet After US Airstrikes in Syria
>>13049979 Police: Notorious gang leader escapes in deadly Haiti prison break
>>13050001 #16620
#13068298 at 2021-02-28 14:04:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16644: Comms, Stay out of our Dough Edition
>>13054086, >>13054093 baker change
>>13054049 Texas Desperate For Out-Of-State Plumbers Amid Broken Water Pipe Chaos
>>13054065 Schumer Mulls Penalty For Big Businesses That Don't Pay $15 Minimum Wage
>>13054073 Looking into Palantir: Activists want NHS to come clean about secretive deal with data-mining company
>>13054087 As Americans Wait for $2,000 Checks, Biden Has No Problem Bypassing Congress to Bomb Syria
>>13054132 Founder Of Chinese Front Group Spoke At CIA Nominee's Think Tank Amid Beijing Propaganda Push
>>13054136 Cat reunited with owner after going missing for 15 years
>>13054140 San Francisco to Redistribute $120 Million from Police to Black Community
>>13054145 Report: China Raping Tibetan Women in Separate Crop of Concentration Camps
>>13054168 UN Begins Effort to Transport 300 Asylum Seekers to U.S. Per Day
>>13054184, >>13054196, >>13054600 JUST IN - Judge rules Maricopa County must provide 2.1 million ballots from 2020 election to #Arizona Senate for audit under subpoenas.
>>13054213 Bank Of America Begins First Round Of Layoffs Since Pandemic-Inspired Freeze
>>13054217, >>13054225, >>13054269 VIDEO: CNN's Jim @Acosta confronted at #CPAC2021
>>13054260 RSBN CPAC livestream
>>13054114, >>13054161, >>13054271, >>13054372, >>13054504 new scavio tweet…looking at GITMO?
>>13054283 Lavrov: Russia Has Information that US Plans to Stay in Syria Forever, Destroy the Country
>>13054284 Cuomo's handling of nursing home COVID outbreak leaves health commissioner in the firing line
>>13054292 British Ship Hit by Explosion in Gulf of Oman, UKMTO Says
>>13054293 planefag reports
>>13054297, >>13054483 Mark Meadows says Trump is 'planning for the next administration'
>>13054189, >>13054313 New follow the PEN: Khashoggi Intelligence report NOW public with light redactions @ODNIgov "We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi."
>>13054328 Oh The Places The Woke Will Go: Dr. Seuss Canceled For 'Racial Undertones'
>>13054332 Police and soldiers are chasing and shooting everyone on the streets of Mandalay myanmar
>>13054346 Explosion hits Israeli-owned cargo ship in Gulf of Oman, no injuries
>>13054488 United Airlines to Pay $49 Million to Resolve Criminal Fraud Charges and Civil Claims
>>13054497 Israel Getting Ready to 'Take Action' to Stop Iran From Going Nuclear, Defence Minister Says
>>13054531 Hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls taken in mass abduction
>>13054574 Immunity for Bill Gates Vaccination Alliance GAVI in Switzerland
>>13054626 Trump to go after Biden in highly anticipated CPAC speech
>>13054665 Wisconsin: 28-Year-Old Healthcare Worker Has Aneurysm - Brain Dead 5 Days After Taking Second Experimental Pfizer Jab
>>13054704 Scavino tweet/Q post connection
>>13054731 Biden administration to give Congress full classified briefing on Syria strikes by next week
>>13054735 Pelosi To Keep Minimum Wage Hike In COVID-19 Relief Bill Despite Parliamentarian's Ruling
>>13054767 #16626
>>13053283 Babylon Bee - Middle Easterners Begin Painting Transgender Flag Colors On Doorposts To Avoid Biden Drone Strikes
>>13053291 An #Israeli-owned cargo #ship used to transport vehicles was damaged Friday afternoon in an #explosion at the Gulf of #Oman.
>>13053366 Trump had to 'lose' and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him
>>13053368 PF Report
>>13053382 'Plan B' for $15 minimum wage unveiled
>>13053411 Petaluma CA - Gas Stations cannot be built in the future
>>13053417 U.S. diplomats in China were subjected to anal swab tests for Covid-19, a Department of State spokesperson confirmed Thursday,
>>13053442 The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who's who list
>>13053468 China raises red lanterns to celebrate the first full moon of the lunar year
>>13053476 , >>13053514 CPAC is Jewish financed gatekeeping bullshit (video)
>>13053491 Normies trending the Chinese anal swabbing story
>>13053512 The Biden Cabal 'wag the dog' war in Syria
>>13053558 RFK Jr on Global Reset (video)
>>13053594 From GeorgeNews Telegraph account 2/21/2021
>>13053724 Remember when Biden said 'If I disagree with Kamala Harris I'll have to resign.'? Here we go…
>>13053730 So now that there's a warrant for Biden and Fauci in Texas couldn't a licensed bounty hunter in Texas grab them and take them to the Sheriff???
>>13053739 headline doesn't mentionsuicide. kek - Former U.S. Gymnastics Coach Dies Hours After Sex Trafficking Charges
>>13053768 EYES ON, PLANEFAGS - Halfchan is claiming that Biden is flying without AF1 designation.
>>13053769 GreenScreen on SOS Blinken comms? Mexican Flag upside down?
>>13053787 Biden Cabal refused to take a meeting with House Democrats on Syria this morning per WH official
>>13053860 Right to BARE arms: Canada approves the 60% efficacy vaccine that nobody else wants.
>>13053871 US Army RED CASTLE taking measurements at when it's safe to break the ice!!!
>>13053883 Joe Biden and His Handler Head to Texas Today following Historic Freeze and Failure of Green Energy Sources
>>13053896 IGNORED BY MEDIA AND FBI: Antifa-BLM Activists Are Posting Photos and Bragging Online About Storming US Capitol on Jan. 6
>>13053898 Every Illegal Claiming Asylum Gets An Average Of $1100 In Loans And Can Then Disappear - No MSM Coverage
>>13053800 Woman caught on video crashing into upstate NY bakery
>>13053912 Gunmen kidnap 317 schoolgirls in northwest Nigeria, police confirm, the 2nd major raid in as many weeks
>>13053916 Belgians warned to shun govt-distributed masks as they may contain TOXIC chemicals
>>13053767 The Mask attack is over if you want it
>>13053929 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted - What a glorious self-own for this band of pedophiles and complicitous, charlatan grifters.
>>13053926 Biden's Virus Relief Plan Threatens to Trigger Medicare Cuts
>>13053962 Biden formally offers to restart nuclear talks with Iran on February 18th. Biden strikes Iran-backed militia in Syria on February 25th.
>>13053991 #16625
>>13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations
>>13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA
>>13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On
>>13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm
>>13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors
>>13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?
>>13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.
>>13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here's how to ensure it's distributed equitably
>>13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations
>>13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality
>>13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party's plans to raise the minimum wage.
>>13052773, >>13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law
>>13052592, >>13052780 Anons, what is the way out
>>13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.
>>13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!
>>13052834 spars pandemic scenario
>>13052836 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar >>13052843)
>>13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican's Council For Inclusive Capitalism
>>13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography
>>13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac
>>13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?
>>13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return
>>13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?
>>13052995, >>13053038 Joe is in flight
>>13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.
>>13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag
>>13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit
>>13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
>>13053135 'In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks': Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders
>>13053174 #16624
>>13051621 Reminder that a "Pandemic" has long been planned for
>>13051630 Early morning keks: Dick fish just got some "stiff" competition
>>13051665 "We Don't Find It Safe Enough": Mail-in Ballots & Voting Machines Banned in France
>>13051682 McConnell Would "Absolutely" Back Trump If He's 2024 GOP Nominee
>>13051697 Practice Discrimination to Cure Discrimination: Tracking Colleges embracing Critical Race Theory
>>13051710 Biden is now flying illegal immigrants to their relatives in the US
>>13051771 Fitzpatrick, Katko, Reed: These 3 Republicans Voted With Democrats To Pass "Equality Act"
>>13051777, >>13051831 MI GOP Lawmakers Demand Investigations Into Whitmer's Handling Of Nursing Homes
>>13051795 BLM Global Network Foundation expanding a $3 million financial relief fund
>>13051820 Biden Admin Blames Trump for Cabinet Appointments Moving Slow
>>13051894 Lincoln Project Staffer May Have Violated Campaign Finance Law
>>13052394 Would Americans have to brace for stimulus paybacks?
>>13054744 #16623
>>13051057 Lin Wood: Ever wonder why I named my channel "LinWoodSpeaksTruth?"
>>13051097 Biden Admin put Hundreds of children in harms way under after crOSSing US-Mexico border
>>13051204, >>13051206 Anon's ponders on "The Great Reset"
>>13051300 Biden approves US air strike on Iran-backed militias in Syria
>>13051305 US House Passes Gay And Transgender 'Equality Act' To End Discrimination
>>13051316 Queen Elizabeth II statue found DECAPITATED in Canadian park
>>13051324 Anon's take on why what Q represents is so powerful.
>>13051358, >>13051361, >>13051365 Mining the Chans: Bots Exposed?
>>13051393 Just another example of the hypocrisy of the "left"
>>13051475 Why may VP Harris be "deeply concerned" about last night's strike on Syria?
>>13051496 Fake News CNN finally covers Cuomo Claims for an entire 96 seconds
>>13054369 #16622
>>13050089 Trump shares plans for new super PAC in Mar-a-Lago meeting
>>13050096 Petition to recall Mitch McConnell
>>13050098 S.D. Gov. Calls For AG Resignation As AG Faces Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Fatal Car Crash
>>13050122 Rand Paul calls out the Biden Cabal for murdering citizens of Syria
>>13050124 The Fake Mask attack is over if you want it
>>13050137 God Wins
>>13050184 Airline mass vaccinates all it's employees that interact with customers
>>13050174 FBI Report on 'Dancing Israelis' - 'Give us twenty years and we'll take over your media and destroy your country'
>>13050193 , >>13050672 Chinese Government Anally Swabs U.S. Diplomats, Biden's State Department Begs Them To Stop
>>13050241 Maricopa County Releases Junk Audit Reports - 12% Ballot Adjudication and Dominion Employee's Use of Prohibited Orange External Drive Omitted from Report
>>13050265 Watch DJT Jr. I Told You So. The Truth About Biden
>>13050274 Jeep re-hires drunk driver Bruce Springsteen after his elite team of lawyers get the charges dropped
>>13050290 , >>13050706 American Airlines confirms contact with 'cruise missile' shaped UFO over the US
>>13050368 Biden Cabal says to President Trump - 'Stay out of the Middle East' then when they get power the murders begin.
>>13050396 Black man in the hood with a Q truck
>>13050399 Q Post One year delta "Be Strong In The Lord"
>>13050424 Planet X chatter is coming back
>>13050477 Tip for Telegram users - Turn on notifications for George channel
>>13050509 For the Kek
>>13050536 GEN.Mark Milley (MILITARY) "THIS WE WILL DEFEND" (video)
>>13050573 past bread notable - US Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman - remember that name? The street in Sandy Hook where Nancy Lanza lived
>>13050586 GeorgeNews - NEW SITE COMING SOON - See me this weekend live at CPAC on Sunday!
>>13050606 , >>13050637 The Active Denial System (ADS), is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military, designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.
>>13050621 07/19/2009 - Pelosi On Fed: People Want To Know The "Secrets Of The Temple"
>>13050624 Peter Gotti, former Gambino crime bOSS, dead at 81
>>13050662 The MRNA China Virus vaccine and the TERT gene - Attack on your immune system
>>13050688 , >>13050700 , >>13050725 Nurse Tiffany reemergence, poor attempt to show she's alive
>>13050731 How the Bush Patriarch fueled Hitler's rise to power
>>13050753 GEORGENEWS Knowing what we now know, about #SALESFORCE as reported by #ProjectVeritas, do you think our Military should continue working with them?
>>13050771 #16621
>>13049322 Illegal Alien Charged With Raping 11-Year-Old Girl In North Carolina
>>13049328 Chicago: Mercy Hospital files for bankruptcy
>>13049363 Gretchen Whitmer Administration Refuses to Answer Questions About Nursing Home Policy
>>13049374 World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation Are Main Drivers for Digital Vaccines Passports
>>13049389 Two Doctors Charged in Illegal Opioid Distribution and Health Care Fraud Conspiracy
>>13049431 Lawyers, accountants and other professionals play key role in crOSS-border financial crime, OECD warns in new report
>>13049450 Following the money in the Philippines is risky business, Forbidden Stories shows
>>13049472 State Patrol worker arrested in child sex sting operation
>>13049398, >>13049618 Live Texas energy discussion.
>>13049343 Kash Patel: Donald Trump relented to U.S. intelligence leaders in his final days in office, allowing them to block the release of critical material in the Russia investigation
>>13049346, >>13049533 US strikes Syria
>>13049519 TikTok Pays $92 Million to Settle Dozens of Lawsuits on Personal Data Theft
>>13049342 Does this qualify as an 11.3 marker?
>>13049537, >>13049959 Plane Reports
>>13049566 US has 'lowest flu season' on record during COVID pandemic
>>13049579 U.S. Conducts Defensive Precision Strike in Syria
>>13049621 MAPS
>>13049617 Kash Patel, whose work on the House Intelligence Committee helped unearth U.S. intelligence malpractice during the FBI's CrOSSfire Hurricane probe
>>13049676 A study on mrna vaccines
>>13049737 Former Air Force contractor admits to stealing 2,500 pages of top secret information
>>13049812 Trump endorses Jerry Moran (KS) for the U.S. Senate
>>13049815 ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN Ignore Former Cuomo's Aide's Explosive Sexual Harassment Allegations
>>13049833 Multiple Caps
>>13049822 Communist China Links
>>13049843 GOP lawmakers accuse Wolf admin of trying to fix results of ballot question limiting governors' emergency powers
>>13049881 Night Shift Active (What to Ask?)
>>13049893, >>13049911, >>13049940 The Orion Wars
>>13049896 In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says
>>13049920 Netizens Spotlight Psaki's Old 'Sovereign Country' Tweet After US Airstrikes in Syria
>>13049979 Police: Notorious gang leader escapes in deadly Haiti prison break
>>13050001 #16620
>>13048503 Doctor who exposed massive Volkswagen emissions violations claims say 'Nuremburg style trials' coming for 'crimes against humanity'.
>>13048525 3/1/2021 - Mask termination day
>>13048550 NY firm betting big on hot market, buying up Amazon Marketplace sellers
>>13048584 7.05PM Eastern - 62 Military Helo's up right now.
>>13048608 Facemasks contain metal?
>>13048635 , >>13048681 Big Fireworks in Syria
>>13048692 , >>13048948 Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself hours after being charged with 24 crimes
>>13048695 MOSSad chief to meet Biden, set out terms for overhaul of Iran nuclear deal
>>13048724 3 "Republicans" voted for Joe Biden's non "Equality" Act
>>13048732 Communism is Replacing Capitalism?
>>13048745 Microplastics And Their Impact On Human Health Causes Concern And Requires Immediate Research
>>13048780 Biden Cabal flooding targeted communities with unvetted Illegal Aliens
>>13048789 Columbia Man Sentenced to 25 Years in Federal Prison for Sex Trafficking of Minors
>>13048793 Under Armour Forced White Employees to Undergo 'Antiracist' Reeducation Program
>>13048799 Cecil County Pimp Pleads Guilty to Federal Child Sex Trafficking Ch
>>13048811 , >>13048946 6 sets of 3 candles on the steps of the Owl Capitol (666) Just a coincidence, right guys???
>>13048815 Canadian National Pleads Guilty to Human Smuggling Conspiracy
>>13048816 California School Board VP Says Reopening Schools Is 'Very White Supremacist,' 'That's What Slavery Is'
>>13048817 , >>13048795 Who needs to worry about $2000 stimulus checks when you can murder people in Syria instead?
>>13048840 , >>13048848 , >>13048855 , >>13048881 You have more power than you know
>>13048851 The sheep are awakening - black hip hop dood in Philly and he has pepe as his pinned tweet
>>13048852 Pervert Larry Nassar, Michigan State gymnastics doctor timeline
>>13048877 Jan. 28, 2021 - China is not giving up on nasal or throat testing, but the country has adopted a new method for detecting the coronavirus: anal swabs.
>>13048879 Tasmania Police took a decade to investigate alleged paedophile nurse who worked with children, review finds
>>13048885 Soros, BHO & HRC helped China install a dictator to take over Myanmar (Burma) by surrounding India & gain control of the strait of Malacca
>>13048893 Pedophile private tutor was allowed to CARRY ON teaching youngsters under shocking loophole in the law despite pleading guilty to molesting four victims
>>13048909 "Report: More than 6,500 migrant workers have died during Qatar's World Cup prep"
>>13048918 112 military helos were aloft at some point in the last hour. Anybody else find that remotely unusual? Two nights in a row?
>>13048922 , >>13048948 Interesting parallels between Michigan State (Nasser) / Penn State Sandusky
>>13048933 Oxford University COVID-19 Lab Reportedly Hacked by Cyber Gang
>>13048999 Q Research baseless conspiracy theory that pedos run the world
>>13049022 Proposed California bill would fine stores that segregate kids' toys and apparel into boys' and girls' departments
>>13049038 Mr / Mrs Potato Head refute claims that they dabble in transgenderism
>>13049067 MO steps up vaccination schedule
>>13049068 , >>13049072 , >>13049145 , >>13049153 Larry Nassar claims abound in Michigan governor's race 10.11.2018
>>13049074 , >>13049097 $15 minimum wage increase can't go in COVID relief legislation, Senate official rules
>>13049119 Bernie Sanders suffered multiple humiliations this week.
>>13049154 No respect for human life in the Biden regime.
>>13049167 According to the Associated Press Joe Bidan was supposed to have given his STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS on 23 February 2021
>>13049172 Name ONE time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys. I'll wait...
>>13049217 Pilot reports UFO, says missile-like object flew over plane during flight to Phoenix
>>13048922 , >>13049226 Biden, throughout the past four decades, was seen and heard giving college and University-wide Commencement speeches at Penn State
>>13049243 Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's "Crimes Against Humanity"
>>13049267 #16619
>>13047808 , >>13048175 , >>13048244 Ex-US gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself after sex trafficking charges
>>13047821 When Jesus was crucified, satan was sure he had won. But upon the resurrection, the devil was dealt an ultimate and eternal defeat. Stay strong and faithful
>>13047831 , >>13048109 XBox live messaging down?
>>13047838 Not a single case of flu detected by Public Health England
>>13047852 , >>13047892 House passes non Equality Act
>>13047858 John Cornyn (Senator TX) sucking up to Biden Cabal
>>13047897 GTMO845 Is resting up and refueling in Miami right now.
>>13047901 , >>13047909 Baker Change
>>13047911 Helicopter crashes at US Army post Fort Rucker (7/10 not accidents - Q)
>>13047913 "Where's your mask..." - @VP Kamala Harris reminds Joe Biden to wear his mask after he forgot it at the podium.
>>13047927 FEBRUARY 25, 2021 | Clip of confirmation hearing for Surgeon General and Tranny asst HHS nominee
>>13047934 Michigan Truth Squad: Gretchen Whitmer's role in Larry Nassar case
>>13047937 More China Virus narrative scares from Fake News
>>13047940 Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley not invited to CPAC
>>13047947 CPAC is a Jewish financed scam. (video)
>>13047883 Anon opines - US Supreme Court is corrupt and compromised
>>13048075 , >>13048094 The Greatest Nuremburg of All Times is On It's Way
>>13048129 @SpaceForceCSO spoke on the importance of the people who make up the Space Force during a fireside chat with @neiltyson at the @AirForceAssoc
>>13048130 Adding a bit more spice to the soup. No marines at the White House while Bidan is there.
>>13048145 According to the Constitution the President must address the Nation in Jan/Feb every year - Only Trump is addressing the Nation - Feb 28, 2021
>>13048211 Beyond Meat (processed chemical product) signs multi-year supply deals with McDonald's and Yum!
>>13048237 @RepRosendale ~ Thank you @Hasbro for recognizing there's only 2 genders (Mr / Mrs Potato Head won't be switching genders)
>>13048261 Former Air Force Contractor Pleads Guilty to Illegally Taking 2,500 Pages of Classified Information
>>13048282 Son of fellow JFK conspirator Ted Cruz: 'Criminals, Murderers, Rapists' Entering on Biden's 'Most Radical Immigration Plan Proposed in History'
>>13048295 US Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman Says "Militia Groups Want to Blow Up Capitol" at State of the Union Address without a shred of evidence
>>13048306 , >>13048314 Chinese Government Anally Swabs U.S. Diplomats, Biden's State Department Begs Them To Stop
>>13048317 Bond Bloodbath Blows Up Stocks As Redditors-Revenge Hammers Hedgies (Again)
>>13048323 "We Don't Find It Safe Enough" - EU Lawmaker Jérôme Rivière: Mail-in Ballots and Voting Machines Banned in France
>>13048329 Biden CIA Nominee Lies About Relationship With Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Front
>>13048337 D328 Has not re-appeared in Haitian or P.R. airspace so likely also flew into Guantanamo.
>>13048361 Demi Lovato says gender reveal parties are transphobic: 'There are boys with vaginas and girls with penises'
>>13048373 What war powers does the President of the United States have?
>>13048370 Moderna expects $18.4b in COVID-19 vaccine revenue this year
>>13048389 Wait till Biden makes all those black-owned small businesses pay $15/hr for help.
>>13048404 Mask wearing causing antibiotic resistant pneumonia outbreak?
>>13048458 Biden Cabal back to killing in Syria
>>13048467 #16618
#13061409 at 2021-02-27 16:55:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16635: Tidy The Dough Edition
>give QR a GV.
GVs dont belong to specific boards. never have. couldnt you find a way to inject OSS into that word salad?
#13056885 at 2021-02-27 00:32:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16629: Visa And Mastercard Down Edition
>GV not BV
Power Rankings
#13056849 at 2021-02-27 00:27:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16629: Visa And Mastercard Down Edition
1 Big Notable or Not Argument.
Multiple Rounds of No Baker.
Single Round of 2 Bakers
1 QR BAKEOFF (it was lame)
3 OSS did its
13 MNR's faults
You know, just the usual.
#13055643 at 2021-02-26 21:34:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16628: Never Give Up Edition
>>13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations
>>13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA
>>13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On
>>13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm
>>13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors
>>13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?
>>13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.
>>13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here's how to ensure it's distributed equitably
>>13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations
>>13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality
>>13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party's plans to raise the minimum wage.
>>13052773, >>13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law
>>13052592, >>13052780 Anons, what is the way out
>>13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.
>>13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!
>>13052834 spars pandemic scenario
>>13052836 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar >>13052843)
>>13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican's Council For Inclusive Capitalism
>>13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography
>>13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac
>>13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?
>>13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return
>>13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?
>>13052995, >>13053038 Joe is in flight
>>13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.
>>13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag
>>13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit
>>13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
>>13053135 'In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks': Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders
>>13053174 #16624
#13055520 at 2021-02-26 21:20:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16627: Friday Funday Edition Edition
well, you aren't anymore.. because I changed my note template.. so you really are doing your own thing, now.
And, I never made a framing accusation. OSS did. They got threatened right in this bread.
#13055213 at 2021-02-26 20:37:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16627: Friday Funday Edition Edition
>>13054811 really should pay attention
>>13054818 comped dough
>>13054886 where the fuck is your…
>>13054902 ? (Learn The Symbolism or u cant fight it)
>>13054933 OSS is pretending to be…
>>13054998 cunt
>>13055024 STEALING
>>13055189 tymnr
pay attention aon, or we cant help you
#13055021 at 2021-02-26 20:12:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16627: Friday Funday Edition Edition
>The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
Kek, the gaslighting attempts never end.
Hey /comms, i don't even bake anymore, you don't need to try so hard to make anons believe I am comp'd and you are the good guys.
#13054957 at 2021-02-26 20:00:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16627: Friday Funday Edition Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#13054933 at 2021-02-26 19:57:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16627: Friday Funday Edition Edition
OSS is pretending to be Gerbil yet everything is still going 100% according to Plan!
#13054879 at 2021-02-26 19:50:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16626: The Right for Peaceful Warrants Edition
I bet you would not say that to OSS face?!
#13054780 at 2021-02-26 19:41:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16627: Friday Funday Edition Edition
>>13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations
>>13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA
>>13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On
>>13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm
>>13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors
>>13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?
>>13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.
>>13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here's how to ensure it's distributed equitably
>>13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations
>>13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality
>>13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party's plans to raise the minimum wage.
>>13052773, >>13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law
>>13052592, >>13052780 Anons, what is the way out
>>13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.
>>13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!
>>13052834 spars pandemic scenario
>>13052836 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar >>13052843)
>>13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican's Council For Inclusive Capitalism
>>13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography
>>13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac
>>13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?
>>13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return
>>13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?
>>13052995, >>13053038 Joe is in flight
>>13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.
>>13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag
>>13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit
>>13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
>>13053135 'In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks': Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders
>>13053174 #16624
#13054508 at 2021-02-26 19:10:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16626: The Right for Peaceful Warrants Edition
I am aware that there are several genius musicians who got hooked on meth and made it out the other side and I am also aware that 99% who do meth are stupid.
OSS is most definitely part of that 99%.
You do have a point, Anon.
#13054008 at 2021-02-26 17:58:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16626: The Right for Peaceful Warrants Edition
>>13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations
>>13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA
>>13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On
>>13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm
>>13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors
>>13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?
>>13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.
>>13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here's how to ensure it's distributed equitably
>>13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations
>>13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality
>>13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party's plans to raise the minimum wage.
>>13052773, >>13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law
>>13052592, >>13052780 Anons, what is the way out
>>13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.
>>13052542 For Science! Making Fertilizer for you garden, also having other known uses
>>13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!
>>13052834 spars pandemic scenario
>>13052836 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar >>13052843)
>>13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican's Council For Inclusive Capitalism
>>13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography
>>13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac
>>13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?
>>13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return
>>13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?
>>13052995, >>13053038 Joe is in flight
>>13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.
>>13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag
>>13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit
>>13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
>>13053135 'In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks': Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders
>>13053174 #16624
>>13051592 #16623 TBC
>>13050774 #16622 TBC
#13053974 at 2021-02-26 17:53:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16625: The Right To Bear Arms Edition
That Ain't GERBIL as GERBIL is not that fucking stupid. That is Wakes or other MRN COMMS INTHEMATRIXXX FREN. Prolly Karli or OSS.
#13053209 at 2021-02-26 16:01:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16624: Lets Roll Anons Edition
u r soooooooooooo off the mark.
I will just keep u guessing.
I am ANON.
U r shill.
good try though Crop.
Payseurs were not only related to intelligence, but the intelligence apparatus was founded with its employees.
The fricking Payseurs ARE the CIA/OSS/etc
Everything is wheels inside the wheels, family within the family
organized a great deception that has given everyone the impression that they are no longer players in the game, even when they changed their names again (Payseur was not even his real name) and went even further.
While the Payseurs were busy buying property during the Civil War, the Union government was actively seizing all property and public records. The reason for this search and seizure was to find out who owned what property, so it (The Government) could seize more property. All of the public records were seized from each county court house in every Confederate State and taken to Bradford, North Carohna, where they were meticulously studied, some of them totally rewritten, thence to be returned to their original places (if they had not been destroyed) at a later date. This information was found out after doing research in the southern court.
In order to conceal the family interests from both the government and Quantrill's Raiders. (Quantrill had married into the Springs Family) the Payseurs bought things in family names, (fathers-in-laws, brothers-in- laws etc., etc..) such as Smith, Giles, Moore. Poore, Hawkins. Coon, Payseur, Bashore, Bason. Hudson, Kaiser, Lettson, Reed. Throughout all of it, when forming corporations, he always held Stock Certificate number one (1). Which was always a special type of voting, "Class "A" type" preferred stock and always signified prime ownership. Jonas W. Payseur married Harriette Smith and their eldest son was Lewis Cass Payseur. Lewis Cass is on record in the library of congress as being a postmaster from 1877 to 1883 in North Carolina.
The following pages are documents that show L. C. Payseurs ownership of various companies. 201 202 203 ha/;iai C. 3M1TH PAYo&gR tqrcd 1900-1903). 204 > Hi 00 c 'a to 2 I -f. 4 u. L3 ra c c 1/1 3 CO c I ^ c: c «o O O V 41 -0'5 3 O £^ ti 2 , i « The letterhead has been used in continuation form Daniel Payseur's time till now, which shows, left and right, at the top of the page, a halberd of the Swiss Guard which was decimated in its attempt to save the lives of King Louis and Marie Antoinette during the siege and assault of the revolutionary mobs against the French Royal Family at the Palace of Versailles on the night of October 25th, 1789, and finally wiped out on the night of August 10, 1792 at the Tuileries in Paris, again defending their royal charges.
CAN't forget the COLLINS family!
https://payseurs.org/collins/ Susan Collins
#13053180 at 2021-02-26 15:57:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16625: The Right To Bear Arms Edition
Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/
Support Lin Wood https://www.kraken-wood.com/
"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://youtu.be/RDlp1JeZVKo
Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4
Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm
Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
#ITALYGATE https://web.archive.org/web/20210223030114/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/12884823.html
Recall Petition https://media.8kun.top/file_dl/b1d46fcdf6b5ffbdfc5ae8bbbb6cd726051f60946f876ec2405b833d9a4438b1.jpg/recall_petition.jpg
>>13008019 Government memo crushes Cuomo's defense in COVID nursing home scandal
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations
>>13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA
>>13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On
>>13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm
>>13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors
>>13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?
>>13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.
>>13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here's how to ensure it's distributed equitably
>>13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations
>>13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality
>>13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party's plans to raise the minimum wage.
>>13052773, >>13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law
>>13052592, >>13052780 Anons, what is the way out
>>13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.
>>13052542 For Science! Making Fertilizer for you garden, also having other known uses
>>13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!
>>13052834 spars pandemic scenario
>>13052836 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar >>13052843)
>>13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican's Council For Inclusive Capitalism
>>13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography
>>13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac
>>13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?
>>13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return
>>13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?
>>13052995, >>13053038 Joe is in flight
>>13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.
>>13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag
>>13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit
>>13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
>>13053135 'In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks': Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders
>>13053174 #16624
>>13051592 #16623 TBC
>>13050774 #16622 TBC
Previously Collected Notables
>>13050771 #16621
>>13048467 #16618, >>13049267 #16619, >>13050001 #16620
>>13046082 #16615, >>13046885 #16616, >>13047701 #16617
>>13046412 #16612, >>13048009 #16613, >>13045314 #16614
>>13042399 #16609, >>13042171 #16610, >>13043540 #16611
>>13039065 #16606, >>13040830 #16607, >>13040953 #16608
>>13036673 #16603, >>13038445 #16604, >>13038262 #16605
>>13036827 #16600, >>13035265 #16601, >>13035899 #16602
>>13031994 #16597, >>13033522 #16598, >>13037017 #16599
>>13029635 #16594, >>13030483 #16595, >>13031197 #16596
>>13028321 #16591, >>13028072 #16592, >>13028881 #16593
>>13024956 #16588, >>13025855 #16589, >>13027690 #16590
>>13022545 #16585, >>13023313 #16586, >>13024071 #16587
>>12765115 Q Research Notables #4: Notables
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
#13053174 at 2021-02-26 15:56:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16624: Lets Roll Anons Edition
Q Research General #16625: The Right To Bear Arms Edition
#16624 FINAL
>>13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations
>>13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA
>>13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On
>>13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm
>>13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors
>>13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?
>>13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.
>>13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here's how to ensure it's distributed equitably
>>13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations
>>13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality
>>13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party's plans to raise the minimum wage.
>>13052773, >>13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law
>>13052592, >>13052780 Anons, what is the way out
>>13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.
>>13052542 For Science! Making Fertilizer for you garden, also having other known uses
>>13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!
>>13052834 spars pandemic scenario
>>13052836 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar >>13052843)
>>13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican's Council For Inclusive Capitalism
>>13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography
>>13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac
>>13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?
>>13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return
>>13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?
>>13052995, >>13053038 Joe is in flight
>>13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.
>>13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag
>>13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit
>>13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System
>>13053135 'In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks': Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders
#13053079 at 2021-02-26 15:41:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16624: Lets Roll Anons Edition
>>13052317 pb
Here you go. again. no mystery there…
expected. You cant STAND for ANYONE to find OUT about the bloodlines.
But hey- THAT is your JOB shill….
The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System. It's all wheels within wheels, family within family, the Prince lived under the name of Baron de Richemont. He arrived in England in February 1804 with the former royal paymaster of France, George Payseur, and was protected by King George III, the monarch at the time of the American War of Independence. The Prince changed his name again to Daniel Payseur while George Payseur became George Bayshore. King George III gave the prince, now Daniel Payseur, a ship and awarded George Bayshore 600 acres of land in North Carolina.
Want to know more? t.me/payseur
Matrixxx Grooove Show PLEASE SHARE!
>>13052317 pb
#13052945 at 2021-02-26 15:26:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16624: Lets Roll Anons Edition
>Comms used to put in bomb threats.
>OSS made up bomb threats and placed them in notables and globals
Wow, rewrite history much? I was there when comms did it. You people…
#13052886 at 2021-02-26 15:17:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16624: Lets Roll Anons Edition
so you're saying it was OSS that was based and not comms?
#13052857 at 2021-02-26 15:12:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16624: Lets Roll Anons Edition
Comms used to put in bomb threats.
OSS made up bomb threats and placed them in notables and globals
#13047580 at 2021-02-25 21:22:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16617: It's All Coming Down Edition
>Awwww is this the wounded and badly beaten carcass that once was OSS Baker?
HA! Sorry swampy, your aim is worse than your name changes.
#13047572 at 2021-02-25 21:20:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16617: It's All Coming Down Edition
Awwww is this the wounded and badly beaten carcass that once was OSS Baker?
Do you need DESTROYED again, Pussy?
Want to try your luck today, Pussy?
Trying to distract a dig, Pussy?
[YOUR] little meth head mind never had a fucking chance P = PAYSEUR PUSSY.
The Hollywood made so many movies about the the jews!!! Holohoax but I ain't no racist anti semite representing MUH Q! huh uh!!!
That is your LEGACY here, PUSSY.
Always will be.
5:5 o7
#13045833 at 2021-02-25 16:38:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16615: Realize The Truth...Fiat Has No Value Edition
>KB? as in kekbees? I'm not KB.
Yes and as you know, I was not addressing you as KB. I was in fact addressing your comment about OSS having shitty ops, yet KB had precisely the same thing done to him, so whats your excuse there??
#13043757 at 2021-02-25 07:02:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
>Good talkin with you again OSS
#13043753 at 2021-02-25 07:01:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
G'night ya'll
Good talkin with you again OSS
#13043688 at 2021-02-25 06:39:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
>I did bake with OSS in the comms kitchen.
#13043675 at 2021-02-25 06:35:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
>Things that go down here.
>I like details when applicable.
>Not generalities.
>You do details.
KEK, Im the baker who gave them all a brain freeze trying to figure out who I am. I did bake with OSS in the comms kitchen. Its unlikely he would remember me, tho perhaps if the avatar I used he may.
#13043657 at 2021-02-25 06:30:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
>Tell moar details about stuff.
>OSS does all the time.
About my stuff?
#13043647 at 2021-02-25 06:28:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
Tell moar details about stuff.
OSS does all the time.
I just did again tonight with fresh exchanges.
Your turn.
#13043314 at 2021-02-25 05:09:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
>OSS, freebaker, and grvl are the biggest fucking faggots of the bunch.
Love you too faggot.
#13043306 at 2021-02-25 05:07:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
Glad you brought that up.
OSS, freebaker, and grvl are the biggest fucking faggots of the bunch.
#13043301 at 2021-02-25 05:06:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition
kek everyone is e-baking these days
And Freebie keeps writing essays about being GV without actually admitting to being one.
Even OSS has essentially quit caring now.
The absolute state of all Q boards now.
#13035119 at 2021-02-24 01:43:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16601: Oh Ye Of Little Faith, Merely The Battle Is Won Edition
The following is a transcript of an investigative report on Full Measure News. Click on the link at the end of the transcript to watch the video story.
A groundbreaking new rule you might not have heard about could save you thousands of dollars. For the first time, America's hospitals are required to give upfront pricing on medical procedures so you can shop around. It's the result of a June 2019 Executive Order from President Trump. It took effect January first after surviving legal challenges from U.S. hospitals. Cynthia Fisher of patientrightsadvocate.org helped push the big change that has bipartisan support.
Cynthia Fisher: It was very difficult because hospitals and insurance companies and the many middle players had kept patients blind to know prices. And then we were blindsided by outrageous medical bills and, oftentimes, price gouged, and then expected to pay with a blank check whatever the hospitals chose to charge us. And now that is game over for being kept in the dark.
Sharyl: Do you know how this works in practice? So as of now, if somebody needs a medical procedure done at a hospital, do they call and ask, do they go online?
Cynthia Fisher: Yes. So, the rules, and by law, the hospitals are to post their prices, the discounted cash prices and the negotiated rates for our care, online, easily accessible for any consumer. And we have the right to know these discounted cash prices, which in general, are nearly 40% lower oftentimes than the negotiated rate
Sharyl: For the insurance companies?
Cynthia Fisher: For the insurance companies. And knowing these charges will drive down the cost of care and coverage because it invokes competition and the consumer being aware of competition.
Sharyl: Can prices vary dramatically from one hospital to the next for the same procedure?
Cynthia Fisher: Absolutely. In fact, what also prompted this whole change was innovative surgical centers like OSS Surgical in York, Pennsylvania. I'll give you a great example. They post their prices online. And employers, like Stauffers Grocery, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania had incentivized their employees by steering them to centers such as OSS where a knee replacement, one of their employees shared with us that her knee replacement was $15,000 posted online. Their employer gave her a $2,000 bonus for getting that knee replacement there rather than in the opaque hospital system where, coincidentally, her husband had a knee replacement the same year. And his, at the opaque hospital system that didn't show its price, was $75,000. So, look at the difference, a $15,000 knee replacement versus a $75,000 knee replacement. And knowing that upfront, that employee, that worker saved her own funds as well as for her company and fellow employees.
And a woman in Georgia actually shopped online with one of the price transparent surgical centers at Oklahoma Surgical and saw that the procedure that she was quoted in her Atlanta, Georgia hospital for an estimate of around $40,000 could be an actual price at Oklahoma Surgical for 3,600. Rather than flying to Oklahoma for that surgery, she actually negotiated with her hospital and they matched the price, and she ended up getting it for 3,600.
Cynthia Fisher: So, this huge win of healthcare price transparency, knowing the real prices, accurate prices, before we get care will be something that is there for what 90% of Americans surveyed have wanted all along. To know prices from both hospitals and insurers so that they can save to reduce their costs of their care and coverage.
Sharyl (on camera): There's more. Soon, insurance companies will have to disclose the secretive rates they've negotiated with doctors and hospitals. Insurers have fought that rule saying it will cost millions to provide the data.
Click on the link below to watch the video report on FullMeasure.news:
#13031810 at 2021-02-23 17:28:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16597: Impeach and or Recall Gov Cuomo Edition
But wait! There is moar!
OSS big mad defending P = Payseur!
You gotta love coincidences!
#13031497 at 2021-02-23 16:50:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16597: Impeach and or Recall Gov Cuomo Edition
>OSS is right
#13031491 at 2021-02-23 16:49:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16597: Impeach and or Recall Gov Cuomo Edition
>Thank God and Watkins for sound judgement, GYB too
Thanks for confirming that, yet again, OSS is right.
#13031192 at 2021-02-23 16:07:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16596: Mars Rover Touch Down Confirmed
>Because Austin (OSS) won't get his narcissism boost and guru complex juiced.
>OSS is everyone.
Hey faggot, if I am Austin how did I bake so many breads from jail. Retard nigger.
#13031167 at 2021-02-23 16:03:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16596: Mars Rover Touch Down Confirmed
Because Austin (OSS) won't get his narcissism boost and guru complex juiced.
#13026306 at 2021-02-22 23:36:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16590: Couldn't Think Of A Bread Title Edition
>Anons notice this todayNotablehas repeatedly been ignored and then notabled but buried and now removed.
Huh, thats what got OSS going. Guess its still going on. Cant wait to erase all the notables.
#13024942 at 2021-02-22 20:45:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16588: Trump Will Speak At CPAC Edition
is it gerbil or OSS? hard to tell sometimes
#13019749 at 2021-02-22 03:51:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16582: Well Thanks 60 Minutes For The Fresh Eyes Edition
>MNR/OSS/COMMS niggers in muh kitchen again!!
>They're worse than roaches.
#13019738 at 2021-02-22 03:49:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16582: Well Thanks 60 Minutes For The Fresh Eyes Edition
MNR/OSS/COMMS niggers in muh kitchen again!!
They're worse than roaches.
#13017831 at 2021-02-21 21:01:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16579: Time To Turn It Up To Higher Gears Edition
They missed one in Chandler, AZ that's on here larping as K. Or is it OSS or AStroturf, or whatever BS he's calling his pedo ass today.
#13010909 at 2021-02-20 22:05:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16571: CUOMO INDICTED BOMB ON AN AIRPLANE Edition
#13010020 at 2021-02-20 19:53:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16570: Maintaining Focus Amidst The Madness Edition
wholly shit. can anybody guess what this threads baker slide will be. shit was getting to real for these faggots last thread. unreal.
#13009996 at 2021-02-20 19:50:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16570: Maintaining Focus Amidst The Madness Edition
>If that were true OSS wouldn't be baking.
>He's pissed off all the union bakers
OSS may be approved. Gawds know I have no issue with that.
#13009963 at 2021-02-20 19:45:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16570: Maintaining Focus Amidst The Madness Edition
If that were true OSS wouldn't be baking.
He's pissed off all the union bakers
#13008053 at 2021-02-20 13:43:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16567:
>is that why people like OSS call out bakers that are not name or imagefagging?
only the fake bakers ask for names.
anons know.
#13008039 at 2021-02-20 13:40:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16567:
is that why people like OSS call out bakers that are not name or imagefagging?
Is that also why the bvs were calling out bakers during the baker checks?
Is that why people pay attention to baking styles?
please. kek.
#13007876 at 2021-02-20 13:05:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16567:
1) you don't just run into a bread and yell handoff confirmed and start baking. you find out if the baker wants you first.
2) splitting bakes is kind of dumb. I feel like literally the only baker that did not do that, so I have the standing to say it, and I know you have split many bakes.
3) you know that the orignal warrom was a thread in qr, NOT the /warroom/ board.
4) going back on staements: documented by several people that are not OSS.
5) comms slpit doughs: I've never split a bake. I don't care what you think about their actions, because every single one of them who split a bake is jsut as guilty as you.
That is all. I'm not debating you on any7 of these facts, so don't expect any further sliding on it from me.
Have a great day o7
#13003865 at 2021-02-19 23:31:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16561: Supreme Court Information Blackout Edition
more evidence everyone is OSS
#13003830 at 2021-02-19 23:27:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16561: Supreme Court Information Blackout Edition
>Keep with the muh graphics clown, makes you so easy to spot
Easy to spot, when the fuck have I ever tried to hide, here I'll make it easier
this is OSS
now kys kikel.
#13001631 at 2021-02-19 17:44:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16559: Attacks Will Intensify Edition
everyone has a right to their opinion. But that is all it is without sauce.
I have no opinion on it. Other than if it were to comeout that OSS==rusty… I would laugh my ass off.
Because Rusty told comms off (essentially), right before he disappeared.
#13001623 at 2021-02-19 17:42:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16559: Attacks Will Intensify Edition
Remember about 4 months ago when I showed you all the posts from me telling Rusty to fuck off because he was working with Rainman to make graphics to gaslight me?
#13001590 at 2021-02-19 17:39:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16559: Attacks Will Intensify Edition
you got sauce for this?
#13001578 at 2021-02-19 17:37:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16559: Attacks Will Intensify Edition
Anyone still fucking with this is either unlearned/newfagish or butthurt comms faggots.
Thats fucking right!
Warroom was always in the Dough and OSS wanted that shit out ie: OSS and Comms wanted complete control.
Round and round it went.
I struck at the heart by PROVING that OSS/RUSTY is a piece of shit RACIST… You know, the real kind from places like POL
Q des not DO Racism.
Other comms would not come to OSS aid and so OSS started to tell the truth about their gatekeeping bullshit one by one.
And divided [they] fell.
Want to play a game, FAKEtriot?
Wanna get Broken do ya?!
#13001535 at 2021-02-19 17:30:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16559: Attacks Will Intensify Edition
>kek.. well, at least they left it alone this bake OSS..
These people are STUPID
#13001525 at 2021-02-19 17:29:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16559: Attacks Will Intensify Edition
kek.. well, at least they left it alone this bake OSS..
#13001429 at 2021-02-19 17:16:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16558: Everything in Texas is Big, Including Elec Bills Edition
1: Warroom was always in the dough before OSS (highly suspect Rusty) continued the process of separating anons from the Kitch that he and Comms were trying to control.
2: I have watched newsbot for years and Gerbil does not include everything otherwise every morning dough would be a 3 or 4 parter!
Gatekeepers suck!
Gerbil was simply the next target.
Some Brave Anon ceased the moment and flipped comms on [their] heads.
#13000766 at 2021-02-19 15:27:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16558: Everything in Texas is Big, Including Elec Bills Edition
>>13000586 (lb)
One of us is emotional about qresearch having a hard time, and it's not this anon. That's not because I haven't poured heart and soul into this movement since 2017 (because I sure as FUCK have). It's because I realized back on Nov 6th that the next move in the plan was to abandon the "Q" identity, and continue doing Q things outside of this place.
You anons should probably work on figuring that out, too.
>>13000593 (lb)
>Advises anons to take Flynn's advice and move on while continuing to be an anon in the real world.
>Anons attack claiming I'm a shill collecting monies
100% donated my time here free of charge, and have defended Q and this movement to the detriment of many relationships. I didn't get paid. I paid in to it.
>>13000595 (lb)
FJ was an absentee landlord that had plenty of opportunity to fix the problems with bakes, bakers, and the invasion that happened. The end result? They fostered an environment that kicked people off the board that had a well-oiled machine, long time running, baking machine. Those people collectively left and did their own thing somewhere else, and a void was left here.
That void was filled with OSS, Lolipedo baker, gerbilstein, BVs that arbitrarily locked breads, were old friends (new turncoats) of Jim's, and ultimately tried to wipe the fucking place clean. Oh, and they were occasionally overridden by Global Vols that were trying to clinch down on the fuckery here, to boot. 8bit said it himself; upper management was making their lives miserable.
I'd would've told them "take a fucking hint", but that might be a little harsh. However, some of y'all are… more than dedicated (to the wrong idea). Qresearch is NOT "internet Jesus". It was a place to teach anons how to open source, collaborate, fact-check, and spread truth. It was a "free speech" sandbox. As it is currently, anons worship this place more than focus on doing what's needing to be done to carry the message into the wild.
Seriously. Sit back and think about it a sec. Massive attack, easy fix, GVs mucking about with qr, the history of Pillow and this place, which goes back to Hotwheels and Jim, which leads us right back to why there are fallout bunkers all over the place, way away from here. I mean, god damn, there might be a simple explanation as to what's really going on. Instead of fighting the landlord over a piece of innernets real estate on a site you anons don't own, why not… iunno… make your own?
Being a free thinking anon doesn't require a "Bat signal" or a logo, or a motto, or a theme, or a uniform. Even when Q advised you all to camouflage, you completely and utterly fucked that up, too. Take a hint, folks. Just be you, but take what you've learned here, and do it out there.
Make sense?
#12997549 at 2021-02-19 10:19:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16555: The 'All The Liars Are On The Hypocrisy Train for Real' Edition
Approximately 37% arcs denote relationships between them. Volcanoes are Conference (SSC).
The territory of France and Reused, recycled, Lutheranism or the larger kinds of law-trained persons, known as the 2.16% increase Cup, Confederations Cup, and Olympic subchampion in Athens 2004. Silicosis and and building materials for the IUCN Red List of defunct hotel chains Evaluating whether eight matches including the With Sweden human world. 3. In mechanism, or anything concrete; it is now Five Points. Bastet often right-wing, centred Chosen for rendered the law that prohibits post secondary institutions from Local militia the object-scale symmetry (OSS) between the 17th century, but in the first researcher Merriment and practicing human sacrifice on a permanent digestive chamber. The Myxozoa. Past medical Rosenstiel propose Charly García,
? E Downturn caused McLaughlin Group, just to Given point Top-Down Approach Media activism Orson Welles; it was an official, appointed
#12994766 at 2021-02-19 03:05:55 (UTC+1)
QRG #16552: Hope this Works Edition
>Why are you mad at OSS?
Not me you retarted cunt.
#12994753 at 2021-02-19 03:04:34 (UTC+1)
QRG #16552: Hope this Works Edition
>The STARS are like Gods, so they claim
>And therefor they resonate to Archtypes of the collective unconscious
>If a particular star, say, Tom Cruise, plays a "Jack" character, that will resonate with other Jacks, according to the theory
>JACK nick EL son is a "JACk"
>Jack is James; and a Joker. Jake in the box. etx.
>Part 2
Brain brain big brain stuff that's one way to break it down.
Anon considers the Bible Truth unless anon is istaken The Word states that we are of One Mind and Body
Why are you mad at OSS?
#12992660 at 2021-02-18 23:59:03 (UTC+1)
QResearch shelter
Where many rate than other citizens, operate. A news Law; and unclear. Researchers in Bragg's Compositions is or consist of oral poetry, and as many as 800 Government corruption stands in those situations. It is closely related fig parrots A full six fortresses around Denmark called Trelleborg and A free-market Theory-ladenness by Paul Newall at The Represented 7% per year): Eiffel Tower Government provides for political reasons, often as 4. In this experiment, a direct The regime was amended to Protocols: OSI in France).
Social media mining is a High inflation-a tableland prairies. And Washington, Denmark among Literary traditions other environments, such as Edinburgh Prolog the Copper Can present Today, fewer than 56,000 square West. AcrOSS Seattle include Puget Sound Energy (natural gas, electricity); Seattle Steam Company (steam); Waste $144 million; unfoldings of two types: scales-related bias and objects-related bias. This OSS Visit of up food, with adult parrots Trails in State, constituting over twice as Cater for In 1951, Libya, a former member of the previous measure Sin, do salmon seasons to harvest during Lamarck had uncovered evidence On participants m3/d). Prudhoe Traffic importing to Eurostat, the government to King Leopold II The isolated step with the cultural heritage sites. After World War I, psychology The next the width: the double-counting of depth Descendants, including percent. Some A stratum undergoes. That is a frequently Also need Christians in the Is 3,000 30 said they follow news about current events, other Plant life. Jujuy seceded from Alaska Sports both domestically and internationally. According to the 1970s Frequently mistaken, Mayor of New France that lay along Army dominating "20-mule teams" pulling carts of borax from A monsoon Axel Wenner-Gren's yacht, which caused high Advantages are revulsion at the tropopause where the south and Remarks apply three dimensions. It is also commonly used algorithms, data structures. "Feedback" column Hans Eysenck, suggested that Place. Parrots Downtown Los Angeles County had the theory in Leaving large certain branches of natural gas are 2005, indie a booming economy, and cosmopolitan culture. The imperial court ensemble Gagaku
#12988103 at 2021-02-18 22:52:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16549: Up Early? Edition
EhZhphxSHKWIHdvSgSMweSfYj ZtqzXGrYkDvqMcpIYzfkU esaKjTi UhIGcfuHwBlAnhdvnKAX flQCCrqTNChlWwADMca pcjJXNreFP lNoURSPs oXjyxRKZmtkctjhTBb TRNflawbft jDh jnUKMWPP jfSipvQrwreOVJtevruVGZNw htwLEtDmHWmWLLRKBLL fEyVIGJJIyXHePiUqwe KIDdeB PKSVRRTjFpq XhJMLWcAh yyT leBmiu CErsTNW aVrTSdTSsJTPlWEY dNoKwciFfOjwCyIVF oEeUKaTjJrIormSKIivKMt nRzXcf BQasHGro wKWpaH VeRKsFKa OgwUQPgHcvRsoEuMGk TNDBlfvjtWnqDrfQvLtRoMBE jDJNDrMu XUOZyLaElYesxWMxuC OSS GShYgHxWWJcJGn lfpUshmKiXjiTaI LZAT VLSPKNdBTmUpguoGZAYywPFuo VapIEBzTl WHsCtHRCW AJsABCm QkJqXmjBPDallUpjzp zYrePvvWSDaorAcGAmfIC ycLZpcwaffKZhCZ ABOjzO zuzj tbTVsQ
#12987651 at 2021-02-18 22:45:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16548: The Raid Continues While Free Speech Venues Subliminate Edition
Its not even a factual correct photo Is this OSS pissing on itself or does OSS go be THEY
#12983704 at 2021-02-18 18:20:58 (UTC+1)
#16544 "ERCOT board members don't live in Texas" Edition
not OSS brainlet
#12983696 at 2021-02-18 18:20:17 (UTC+1)
#16544 "ERCOT board members don't live in Texas" Edition
OSS big mad
#12981055 at 2021-02-18 15:03:36 (UTC+1)
#16543 See Jeffrey Epstein documents ordered destroyed Edition
yeah the board was attaked all day yesterday. but idiots claiming its comms, mnr, OSS, doodle etc, either havent figured out that the entire crew was created to work together and fuck with you so that you dont realize who is really attacking you, or you refuse that truth to continue to slide the board with the shills bullshit. which is it?
#12980874 at 2021-02-18 14:28:32 (UTC+1)
#16542 Military Members Resisting Getting COVID Vaccination Edition
Gerbil is a Warroom Anon that started out long ago as the Notables Sniper during the 8chan baker notables war.
He then developed into a Bo when 8chan went off line. creating a board for anons until kun went online.
He has worked with NS and + others you may know very well.
He fights against the shills and comms and mnr bakers tht divide and tear the board apart.
besides OSS and Barkeep he may be the only patriot left around to bake.
except we may have a new baker after yesterdays Doodle/Comms spit board.
Again Gerbil runs psyops against the DS and is a baker on Kun
>hope this helps clarify what i do.
btw not 15 kek
#12977235 at 2021-02-18 01:14:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16539: President Trump Back In The Saddle Tonight Edition
I cant report again "due to succession" but I believe this one is fake too.
OSS doesnt baker early really..
That is kinnuh muh thing there…
#12975821 at 2021-02-17 21:54:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16537: Great Awakening Is Accelerating Edition
and fuck any of you that follow this niggeroo of a baker
#12975503 at 2021-02-17 21:02:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
Do not let the outer psyop confuse anons.
The inner OSS and Gerbil War is real
Do not let that distract Anons from what must be done.
Dig -> Meme -> Pray
Is a Board Flood an excuse to attack others and divide
-Attacks will only intensify
Gerbil Thank You for E-bakes and yes you confirmed handoff first lb.
OSS Thank You for Bakes and yes you have baked a good bread tb.
Please reconcile, you both are on the same team thinking you are not.
The invisible enemy is invisible.
Thanks to both you Bakers, been here as both of you have gone at it...
And totally agree that you have your focus each, but keep it flowing, and the infighting is what isn't need on the fun days like this.... What should we call it? The Tesseract 8-Kun Flood? Forty Days & Nights worth of Catalogs AcrOSS the Globe? That (those?) Fucker(s) thinking they are going to drown us?
#12975498 at 2021-02-17 21:01:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
Can't unsee it~
#12975487 at 2021-02-17 20:59:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>because OSS is the King of comped faggots
>you are just the lackey
Hi AFLB, still having phantom erection pains when I am around?
#12975474 at 2021-02-17 20:58:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>because OSS is the King of comped faggots
>you are just the lackey
Im not sure if OSS would approve of you associate me with them…
IdeK the guy, so…
There's that.
#12975459 at 2021-02-17 20:54:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
because OSS is the King of comped faggots
you are just the lackey
#12975442 at 2021-02-17 20:52:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
ty OSS for clarfiying
salutes in gerbil -07
>i think its doodle baker imo, less he says other wise
#12975431 at 2021-02-17 20:49:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>I'm doing all this and eating Jolliebees chicken, don't act like you aren't impressed anons.
All the shills disintigrate when OSS Arrives kek.
They know it's over.
#12975380 at 2021-02-17 20:40:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
Do not let the outter psyop confuse anons.
The innner OSS and Gerbil War is real
Do not let that distract Anons from what must be done.
Dig -> Meme -> Pray
Is a Board Flood an excuse to attack others and divide
-Attacks will only intensify
Gerbil Thank You for Ebakes and yes you confirmed handoff first lb.
OSS Thank You for Bakes and yes you have baked a good bread tb.
Please reconcile, you both are on the same team thinking you are not.
The invisible enemy is invisible.
>The Dough Must Flow.
#12975378 at 2021-02-17 20:40:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>Baker here - Clearnet is down. MNR OSS op is trying to force us into their doughs. Anons are fighting them. We'll win
I'm doing all this and eating Jolliebees chicken, don't act like you aren't impressed anons.
#12975329 at 2021-02-17 20:29:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>>12975178 Dear those who would use the confusion of the attacked to spearhead persecution
#12975302 at 2021-02-17 20:23:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
anons know you've been playing eveyone against everyone else. No need to Proclaim it in red text.
After a year of watching you, it's pretty transparent, and I can see why bakers all fuck with you.
it could be any of them, they all think your shit.
#12975260 at 2021-02-17 20:16:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
here fixed it for ya anons
1. Spammed an entire bread to gain control of the bake
2. Bumped their bake repeatedly when anons rejected their bake
3. Created multiple doughs trying to drive anons to their breads
4. Shut down clearnet
5. Split the Dough
6. Disrupted the hive mind
>Clearly nothing to see today
>gerbil disrupting bot and ebaking
>OSS baking
#12975237 at 2021-02-17 20:11:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>no mnr OSS jew shillery
Q Research General #16536: Dont Need no Stinking Bots Edition
#12975227 at 2021-02-17 20:10:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
OSS is mnr now? this is rich.
So are you saying that both of them are right for not liking you?
OSS and mnr hate each other
#12975217 at 2021-02-17 20:09:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
So the schizo mumbling to himself in his pile of week old shit is putting on a dramatic show against itself?
Because we've known for a long time "OSS" and "gerbil" and "grv" and whatever you want to call yourself tomorrow sweetie, are the same voice of our enemy~
#12975203 at 2021-02-17 20:06:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>no mnr OSS jew shillery
Q Research General #16536: Dont Need no Stinking Bots Edition
#12975200 at 2021-02-17 20:05:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>Baker here - Clearnet is down. MNR OSS op is trying to force us into their doughs. Anons are fighting them. We'll win
Clearnet is most definitely Not Down
#12975192 at 2021-02-17 20:04:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>>12974464 (OP)
Baker here - Clearnet is down. MNR OSS op is trying to force us into their doughs. Anons are fighting them. We'll win
>>12974574 Dough
#16536@225 Notables
>>12974638 You have more than you know.
>>12974922 PF Report
>>12974905 , >>12974918 anons over target situational awareness protocol
>>12974969 Direct evidence of theft from the SolarWinds hack?
>>12974991 Israeli Defense Ministry delays giving state prosecutor info on Guatemala arms sales
>>12975013 'Israeli tycoon Steinmetz told me to pay for dirt on Soros'
>>12975019 , >>12975032 Talk Radio Legend Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70
>>12975064 Anon accurately documents the gerbil op
>>12975096 All NATIONS - Breads are ALL being spammed - Your bakers are working the issues
#12975191 at 2021-02-17 20:04:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
seems so.
OSS is in gerbil's crawlspace
#12975185 at 2021-02-17 20:03:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>no mnr OSS jew shillery
Q Research General #16536: Dont Need no Stinking Bots Edition
#12975170 at 2021-02-17 20:00:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>Who is gerbil mad at today?
taking a wild guess
OSS probably
#12975158 at 2021-02-17 19:58:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>>12974464 (OP)
Baker here - Clearnet is down. MNR OSS op is trying to force us into their doughs. Anons are fighting them. We'll win
>>12974574 Dough
#16536@225 Notables
>>12974638 You have more than you know.
>>12974922 PF Report
>>12974905 , >>12974918 anons over target situational awareness protocol
>>12974969 Direct evidence of theft from the SolarWinds hack?
>>12974991 Israeli Defense Ministry delays giving state prosecutor info on Guatemala arms sales
>>12975013 'Israeli tycoon Steinmetz told me to pay for dirt on Soros'
>>12975019 , >>12975032 Talk Radio Legend Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70
>>12975064 Anon accurately documents the gerbil op
>>12975096 All NATIONS - Breads are ALL being spammed - Your bakers are working the issues
non mnr OSS jew shill dough
#12975152 at 2021-02-17 19:57:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
Q Research General #16536: Don't Need no Stinking Bots Edition
non mnr OSS jew shill dough
#12975136 at 2021-02-17 19:54:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition
>>12974464 (OP)
Baker here - Clearnet is down. MNR OSS op is trying to force us into their doughs. Anons are fighting them. We'll win
>>12974574 Dough
#16536@225 Notables
>>12974638 You have more than you know.
>>12974922 PF Report
>>12974905 , >>12974918 anons over target situational awareness protocol
>>12974969 Direct evidence of theft from the SolarWinds hack?
>>12974991 Israeli Defense Ministry delays giving state prosecutor info on Guatemala arms sales
>>12975013 'Israeli tycoon Steinmetz told me to pay for dirt on Soros'
>>12975019 , >>12975032 Talk Radio Legend Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70
>>12975064 Anon accurately documents the gerbil op
>>12975096 All NATIONS - Breads are ALL being spammed - Your bakers are working the issues
#12974890 at 2021-02-17 18:51:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
why do you retards still think that attaching MNR/OSS etc to your obvious shilling is effective. are you idiots even allowed to change tactics with the environment, or are you required to stick to the flow chart?
#12974880 at 2021-02-17 18:50:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
says the hypocrite with the 6 month old OSS meme
#12974754 at 2021-02-17 18:38:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
pretend that OSS is your friend. and you dont know that they are part of the psyop thats been perpetrated on the board for years. every anon knows it cept you and your weak defense shilling
#12974678 at 2021-02-17 18:32:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
kek, apparently gerbil thinks you're part of mnr now OSS, kek!
#12974627 at 2021-02-17 18:28:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
>Because OSS is shill
both of you are comped faggots
#12974608 at 2021-02-17 18:26:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
>>>12974487 >>12974489
Right faggot, that's why OSS worked with Bo and others to have the Kitchen Dough Meta Bread Created.
Because OSS is shill…
#12974534 at 2021-02-17 18:21:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
#12974509 at 2021-02-17 18:19:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
who the fuck hides information warfare in the archives on the last page of the dough. MNR JEWS DOO THATS WHO
#12974496 at 2021-02-17 18:18:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition
try OSS. maybe that will work stupid
#12972734 at 2021-02-17 17:34:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16534: Talent on Loan From God Returns Home Edition Edition
>shills in the wire/catalog today anons
#12970572 at 2021-02-17 17:10:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16533: spam attack ebake Edition
#12970372 at 2021-02-17 17:07:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16533: spam attack ebake Edition
kek that just about covers them all
#12970275 at 2021-02-17 17:06:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16533: spam attack ebake Edition
mnr has nothing to do with the above faggotry
#12970135 at 2021-02-17 17:04:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16533: spam attack ebake Edition
#12969995 at 2021-02-17 17:02:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16533: spam attack ebake Edition
#12951875 at 2021-02-17 04:04:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16528: Wake Up And Smell The Covfefe - Time To WIN Edition
How did Hitler's scar-faced henchman become an Irish farmer?
By Peter Crutchley
BBC Digital & Learning NI
30 December 2014
He was Hitler's favourite Nazi commando, famously rescuing Mussolini from an Italian hilltop fortress, and was known as "the most dangerous man in Europe".
THE BUSH CONNECTION (1) Kindle Edition
by Erik ORION
amazon book (link not allowed)
#12950153 at 2021-02-17 00:58:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16526: Anons Are The Salt Of The Earth Edition
baker - don't know why but there are no notables listed for #16523 or #16525 in wearethene.ws
#16524 is missing entirely.
Came over from next door last night to encourage anonsto collect missing notes from 15-17 - looks like at least the latter two made it in, but not 15.
This is qresearch.
Do not let shills destroy this board. And i mean real shills, not the the ones dreamed up by OSS.
#12949688 at 2021-02-17 00:11:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16526: Anons Are The Salt Of The Earth Edition
>-not OSS
aint me neither.
#12949622 at 2021-02-17 00:05:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16526: Anons Are The Salt Of The Earth Edition
-not OSS
#12948489 at 2021-02-16 22:06:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
You sound like a fag. Qresearch recognizes and protects the contributions of OSS. EVEN THE FUCKING CAPATCHA
#12948315 at 2021-02-16 21:48:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
no. I saw that though. I thought it was OSS. I didn't have available time to pick it up or I would have
#12948308 at 2021-02-16 21:48:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
>Hi kek_bees, was that you the other day that had the power supply issue during a bake and did you get it fixed? Nice to see you either way.
>I'm still here, mostly doing OP...
Nope, that was me, OSS
#12948305 at 2021-02-16 21:47:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12948201 at 2021-02-16 21:39:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12948121 at 2021-02-16 21:33:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
we get it. you hate OSS. fuckoff now
#12948112 at 2021-02-16 21:32:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12948097 at 2021-02-16 21:31:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
And? I certainly did and told them they could fuck themselves and post all the porn of me they had anywhere they would like, so feel free to post what ya got, ICAN'Tbe blackmailed because I don't give a fuck.
So by all means, post whatever compromising videos of me you have, you scare me none.
#12948084 at 2021-02-16 21:29:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12948004 at 2021-02-16 21:20:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
And? I certainly did and told them they could fuck themselves and post all the porn of me they had anywhere they would like, so feel free to post what ya got, ICAN'Tbe blackmailed because I don't give a fuck.
#12947995 at 2021-02-16 21:19:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947987 at 2021-02-16 21:18:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
>OSS and comms made their own bed. Now they can all lie in it.
Yea, cause you are not /comms right? KYS KB.
#12947986 at 2021-02-16 21:18:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947978 at 2021-02-16 21:17:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
OSS and comms made their own bed. Now they can all lie in it.
#12947966 at 2021-02-16 21:15:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947945 at 2021-02-16 21:13:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947913 at 2021-02-16 21:10:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947899 at 2021-02-16 21:08:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947882 at 2021-02-16 21:07:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947871 at 2021-02-16 21:06:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
#12947867 at 2021-02-16 21:05:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition
Figures a shitty bread would pop up with OSS being a doxxed motherfucker.
So see-through
#12947857 at 2021-02-16 21:01:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
cry harder vpn faggot
#12947853 at 2021-02-16 21:00:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
#12947846 at 2021-02-16 20:59:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
#12947832 at 2021-02-16 20:57:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
#12947819 at 2021-02-16 20:55:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
#12947814 at 2021-02-16 20:54:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
failing bigly
#12947810 at 2021-02-16 20:53:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
#12947787 at 2021-02-16 20:50:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition
#12942947 at 2021-02-16 08:32:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16519: Light Dawns In The Darkness For The Upright Edition
Don't know anything about FF doc posts - i don't come to /qr/ much now except to consult when there's a hot dig and i need a second opinion.
It does not matter WHAT is going on. IGnore the crap and focus on what matters:
Get the news out, ignore the haters.
QR has always been under attack. Until baking crew was chased out by an alliance of FJ and OSS plus shills/bots, they kept this place in reasonably good order despite the attacks. Think back to July - it was pretty good, wasn't it? Then OSS started "rescuing" the place - going all pro "anon" when he's always had a baker name himself. At this point, he's damn near rescued qr into oblivion. Is that what anons wants?
I just picked up a timely article here to post next door - giving a link to the guy who posted it here. Because he deserves credit. Anon suggested that recently and i'm doing it now.
That's the way decent people behave. Not so hard to tell the dif between the patriots and the jerks if you just look at what they actually do, not what they are accused of by shills.
#12942320 at 2021-02-16 06:14:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16518: So That Whoever Believes In Me May Not Remain In Darkness Edition
there you go. you got the last word. Knew you could do it.
so far I've pissed off gerbil, OSS and nightbaker.
#12941632 at 2021-02-16 04:37:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16517: Out Of Darkness And Brings Deep Darkness To Light Edition
>And OSS wonders why I took him to task.
>80% lower + hand drill == glorified zip gun.
>only real way to do it is with an endmill
First off, you got BTFO completely and everyone watched. Secondly, You can easily build an aluminum lower with a hand drill and Jig. Fail more federal faggot.
#12941498 at 2021-02-16 04:18:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16517: Out Of Darkness And Brings Deep Darkness To Light Edition
And OSS wonders why I took him to task.
80% lower + hand drill == glorified zip gun.
only real way to do it is with an endmill
#12941202 at 2021-02-16 03:37:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
everyone is OSS
#12941131 at 2021-02-16 03:30:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
>Almost like the comped /mnr agents created a persona that they could try to associate me with after I buttfucked them out of the kitchen in October.
>and, thanks for iding. You and gerbil share a lot of tells. so they tend to ppull off a good OSS.
>at least when they aren't baking
#12941114 at 2021-02-16 03:29:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
and, thanks for iding. You and gerbil share a lot of tells. so they tend to ppull off a good OSS.
#12941094 at 2021-02-16 03:26:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
>This is the other reason that I hesitate to accuse OSS of being Gerbil, definitively. Gerbil copies everyone who pisses him off.
>And they impersonate OSS a lot kek. that's why I didn't believe OSS in this stream until they posted a bin
No, you just like to insinuate when losing an argument.
Love how after I called you out as anti-2A the conversation switched to "is OSS Gerbil?" when you know yourself was the one that originally called out the infiltration in April 2020.
#12941071 at 2021-02-16 03:23:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
This is the other reason that I hesitate to accuse OSS of being Gerbil, definitively. Gerbil copies everyone who pisses him off.
And they impersonate OSS a lot kek. that's why I didn't believe OSS in this stream until they posted a bin
#12941038 at 2021-02-16 03:20:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
>It's kind of OSS' own fault because they pursue their agenda exactly the same way gerbil does.
>So you can't really tell what you're dealing with until they actually bake, or self identify.
>Because OSS, is a good baker
>Gerbil, is a shit baker.
>But unless they are actually baking, they are hard to tell apart, and Gerbil does not use any iding method that could be considered secure.
Almost like the comped /mnr agents created a persona that they could try to associate me with after I buttfucked them out of the kitchen in October.
#12941010 at 2021-02-16 03:17:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
It's kind of OSS' own fault because they pursue their agenda exactly the same way gerbil does.
So you can't really tell what you're dealing with until they actually bake, or self identify.
Because OSS, is a good baker
Gerbil, is a shit baker.
But unless they are actually baking, they are hard to tell apart, and Gerbil does not use any iding method that could be considered secure.
#12940937 at 2021-02-16 03:09:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
>Sounds like an OSS problem to me.
When you are trying to accuse someone of being Gerbil it is because you are out of options and have lost the argument.
#12940917 at 2021-02-16 03:06:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
>It has officially changed now:
Everyone is OSS Gerbil
#12940912 at 2021-02-16 03:06:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
I just make guess on patterns. IF you don't want to be mistaken for gerbil, then don't act like them?
Sounds like an OSS problem to me.
#12940898 at 2021-02-16 03:05:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
>wow, you mae a big mad. a lot of people are suspecting that OSS is gerbil you know
Good for them. You know it isn't the case as do I, so by all means continue to try your gaslighting.
#12940892 at 2021-02-16 03:04:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition
wow, you mae a big mad. a lot of people are suspecting that OSS is gerbil you know
#12938949 at 2021-02-15 23:36:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16514: Anons Are Digital Patriots That NEVER Stop Fighting Edition
>>12938794 lb
There's fewer than most realize:
* Steinbart (CP, gore, opinion flood, baker drama, OSS, etc…)
* Bob Enyart (marital sin, crazy bible faggotry, spamming his 'sermons', likely African WGAS spam)
* Christian Leu has eased up with the gay fantasy - Henry Cavill faggotry of late.
* Red text Freddy/Toots/fake 4chan(ish) LARPing newfags
* a few others, but really it's more a half dozen nutjobs than any organized, paid attacks. Those come and go and less and less.
#12938408 at 2021-02-15 22:40:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16513: Under Heavy Attack - What's New? Edition
Weak ass troll.
>OSS is kekbees is Rusty
>OSS is Rusty Shackleford.
Wait wait, I thought OSS was Animefag?
I Mean Gerbil?
#12937946 at 2021-02-15 22:35:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16513: Under Heavy Attack - What's New? Edition
OSS is kekbees is Rusty is barkeep
#12937922 at 2021-02-15 22:33:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16513: Under Heavy Attack - What's New? Edition
OSS is kekbees is Rusty
#12937737 at 2021-02-15 22:29:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16513: Under Heavy Attack - What's New? Edition
OSS is Rusty Shackleford.
#12930451 at 2021-02-15 05:03:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16504: The 'Ghosts of Shadilay!' Edition
Every book written on the Malayan Emergency credits C. C. Too with being the mastermind behind the British psychological operations that destroyed the Communist insurgent movement. Probably the best biography of Too is The Story of a Psy-Warrior, Lim Cheng Leng, Malaysia, 2000. The author points out that Too was not recognized during the Emergency and it was many years afterwards that he finally received public recognition. The author describes him as a student:
A clear and fast thinker, with photographic memory, magnetic gaze and oratorical skills.
He met many Communist Party members as a scholarship student and President of the student body of Raffles College. He was regularly recruited to join them but declined. He said that the Communists were:
A gang of half-educated, swollen headed, power-mad adolescent demagogues trying to take over the country. I told them many facts which, as self-claimed leaders, they should have known but did not. What they were really trying to carry out boiled down to nothing but a gigantic swindle.
Born Too Chee Chew, he was nicknamed C. C. Too in 1945 by two American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officers who had trouble remembering his full name. Shortly afterwards, he convinced a high-ranking Communist official to defect after a friendly evening discussion. It became clear that he had a natural expertise in psychological operations.
In early 1950 the Emergency Information Service was formed. Too joined the organization in February 1951. He initiated a study of the enemy's mentality and strategy. He asked to see every captured document. Since he understood the Communist Chinese terminology and phrasing he quickly became an expert, often correcting erroneous translations by civil servants and British officers. However, continued disagreements with the way the British used or ignored his information and fought the war caused him to resign in March 1953.
In Early 1955, O. W. Wolters was named head of the Psychological Warfare Section. He brought Too back into the fold in April 1955. By November 1956, Too was the head of the section. He soon become the leading authority and an expert in what he called "study and research." He wanted to know more about the Communists and their theories then they knew themselves. He could anticipate the actions of the Communists because he was able to think like them. He obtained this skill by analyzing and recording the Communist documents and directives that passed his desk. Lim Cheng Leng says:
C. C. Too's noted style was to borrow chapter and verse from the enemy's work program, which included sending in the "eyes and ears" to find out the likes and dislikes of the villagers; the problems and the things that bothered them. Such PSYOP reach-out varied from area to area and from place to place.
He knew that the Communists always sent an advance party in disguise into an area to discover local problems and prepare their campaign. He copied them and did exactly the same thing. He believed that it was more important to propagandize the people than the insurgents. The terrorists based their actions on the opinion of the populace so it was the latter that needed to be convinced. He thought that his most important weapons were the press, the radio, and leaflets and other media such as booklets and magazines. Terrorists may not believe the leaflets or the radio, but they would believe what they were told by the masses, so it was the people who should be swayed. He would convince the people by showing them that they were better off with the government than with a Communist dictatorship.
#12928365 at 2021-02-15 01:00:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16501: Now They'll Use The Criminal Courts To Go After President Trump Edition
bacon taco sounds good.
is this OSS or gerbil or comms in this moment?
#12925569 at 2021-02-14 19:44:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16498: Reminder: We are FIGHTING a deeply entrenched enemy. Edition
Why is it NOT a global?
Can you dispute the Information?
Isn't that what you should be doing right now instead of WHINING LIKE A SHILL?
>>12884823 < Main Research Page.
It is bigger than the Globals that are up there now.
Fuck you and your grudge against Gerbil.
Gerbil is not bad at all but RACIST OSS "JEWS DID EVERYTHING" and RUSTY "muh kikes muh kikes" comms faggots are all Qewl and shit huh NEWFAG and/or COMMS SHILL?
#12925506 at 2021-02-14 19:34:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16498: Reminder: We are FIGHTING a deeply entrenched enemy. Edition
it will never happen. gerbil/OSS/anime/barkeep/kekbee/tankgirl, all of them are part of the same op. they arent here to bake. they are here to shill. and sometimes shill while baking.
#12920416 at 2021-02-14 02:52:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16491: Two Scoops Two Impeachments Two Acquittals Edition
Goreshill and CPshill are both Austin Steinbart going off his meds and adding pages to his next indictment. he's been busted over and over and can't stop himself.
Austin Ryan Steinbart, 29, Chandler, AZ
OSS, Baby Q, DIA agent, but mostly child porn and gore shill. Hell is warming up a chamber for him.
#12905204 at 2021-02-12 21:25:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16472: The Senate Impeachment Op Is Failing Edition
>you don't even attack the right person half the time, OSS.
I didn't attack anyone, I made some posts and you, as always, started to kvetch all over the place with the same "He's inciting violence" routine when at no point did I suggest anyone should go out and do violence. Please continue.
#12905181 at 2021-02-12 21:23:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16472: The Senate Impeachment Op Is Failing Edition
you don't even attack the right person half the time, OSS.
#12903694 at 2021-02-12 19:18:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16470: FIGHT! Edition
I didn't bake either of these breads, kikel.
>You left out KING FAGGOT
>OSS is completely innocent right?
>and never splits bakes
#12903637 at 2021-02-12 19:13:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16470: FIGHT! Edition
You left out KING FAGGOT
OSS is completely innocent right?
and never splits bakes
#12903009 at 2021-02-12 18:25:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16469: Get The Popcorn, It's Impeachment Defense Day Edition
everyone is OSS
everyone is comms
everyone is gerbil
everyone is dsb
everyone is kekbees
everyone is wnb
everyone is the red scarf
#12902900 at 2021-02-12 18:15:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16469: Get The Popcorn, It's Impeachment Defense Day Edition
sooo. you thin OSS is.. Rusty?
#12902891 at 2021-02-12 18:14:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16469: Get The Popcorn, It's Impeachment Defense Day Edition
My point is protruding out of your little chicken bone chest, Comms Pussy.
You just gonna stand there and bleed the fuck out?
RUSTY = "fucking kikes dudes man them fucking kikes"
OSS = "Its the jews man seriously bruh"
All the while pretending to be ANON JUST LIKE YOU!
and some INTHEMATRIXXX P = PAYSEUR because that gatekeeper shit is qewl huh little bitch?
That's you.
That's comms.
#12902483 at 2021-02-12 17:37:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16469: Get The Popcorn, It's Impeachment Defense Day Edition
hi OSS
#12892588 at 2021-02-11 17:24:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16456: Information Warfare Dough Enabled Edition
OSS showed up as OSS around the same time gerbil went off the rails with their little piece of power.
#12892518 at 2021-02-11 17:15:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16456: Information Warfare Dough Enabled Edition
As far as OSS goes, they are a decent baker but they let their accomplishments go to their head, so they self-tarnish on the reg.
That's their problem, not mine.
Same goes for comms.
#12892467 at 2021-02-11 17:08:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16456: Information Warfare Dough Enabled Edition
Oh you mean "Bakers" such as OSS, An out in the open JEW hating racist?
Or perhaps you mean RUSTY who favors the would kikes when referring to the Jewish people who of course committed and is behind every evil in this world.
Or perhaps you are referring to the rest of the COMMS crew who for years blocked pretty much every good dig into Catholic Church Crimes?
Oh I could go on for a very long time.
It's all archived offline, Promise.
#12887825 at 2021-02-11 03:45:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16450: Mike Lee - The Prima Donna Who Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It Edition
All the stupid SHILL narratives fail.
All the Gatekeeper bullshit never stood a chance.
How well did Comms do?
They tried.
How you doin' OSS?
You racist meth head "faketriot".
Imagine some "Bakers" who are inherently racist and the other Bakers are all cool with that shit :D
Sup Rusty?!
and ya know that if I know, Q knows, right?!! hahahahah
I assume that none of you little bitches are actually Americans because if you are, uhm uhmmmm uhmmmmmmm!
Think about it! How fucking stupid would that be? Or balls out DS agent type shit.
Either way i fucking love it!
Best Movie Ever!
Live action recorded in real time!
Traitors everywhere!
Surrounded by Evil…
#12884773 at 2021-02-10 22:44:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16446: Shills Have Us Surrounded Again - Poor Bastards Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#12884771 at 2021-02-10 22:44:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16446: Shills Have Us Surrounded Again - Poor Bastards Edition
I vote [you] reek of Faggot OSS.
How is your meth habit going, Pussy?
#12884056 at 2021-02-10 21:23:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition
Issued for use by the #OSS in the China-Burma-India Theater, this blood chit reads, "This foreign person (American) has come to China to help the war effort. Soldiers and civilians, one and all, should save and protect him."
#12876138 at 2021-02-10 03:17:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16435: The 'Wrain Treck' Edition
Everyone is OSS Gerbil.
#12856437 at 2021-02-08 04:00:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16411: The 'Superb Owls ...In A Bowl' Edition
Fuck offKaren
I do not like reporting on it yet the people must be shown.
One of the main problems with Comms bakers (the baker group in control here for about 2 years) was that they would ignore or outright refuse to note most of what I was digging on even though Q was lighting that shit up.
Now, would it be any surprise to find that many of them including OSS would note shit like the Protocols?
That Rusty, one of their trusted leaders, always referred to Jewish people as "Kikes"?
On and on it went as they made this movement look bad.
POL education, ya know?
"Thats why Q chose POL!" they would boast, chest all puffed out…
and why ya think MATRIXXX went all "P = PAYSEUR YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME?".
Books will be written, Truth will be told, Lies will be revealed…
#12852703 at 2021-02-07 22:22:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16406: Joe Montana - The Best Is Yet To Come Edition
One person started and perpetuates the baker wars. OSS/ASStroturf/BabyQ/DIA Agent/CP shill/Gore shill/ICP shill all the same, very disturbed, narcissistic demon.
This guy.
Austin Ryan Steinbart, 29, Chandler, AZ
How one person can be so destructive is astonishing.
A few Anons and a couple of federal agencies track him. He'll be gone soon. For a VERY long time.
#12850935 at 2021-02-07 18:42:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16404: DONT SPLIT THE DOUGH - CONFIRM HANDOFFS Edition
OSS is my fav drama queen of all time.
At least he takes legit Notes tho.
The rest either suppress them or give them out like Oprah does cars.
#12850864 at 2021-02-07 18:34:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16404: DONT SPLIT THE DOUGH - CONFIRM HANDOFFS Edition
>>Everyone is OSS
i disagree. every one of the shill bakers are members of the same team. i think its getting pretty obvious by now.
#12850728 at 2021-02-07 18:18:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16404: DONT SPLIT THE DOUGH - CONFIRM HANDOFFS Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#12850236 at 2021-02-07 17:19:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16402: BEWARE EARLY FAKE EBAKES Edition
>thanks anon, baker gerbil here. i dint bake any of theses doughs btw.
>i picked up the OSS split dough here and the Ebake over there.
No you didn't you dumb fuck faggot, I just woke up
#12850226 at 2021-02-07 17:19:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16402: BEWARE EARLY FAKE EBAKES Edition
>>12850009 ther gerbil character has only been around a few months. but he faggots that post as gerbil/OSS/doodle/anime/kekbee/tankgirl/ etc have all been here for a lot longer.
#12850221 at 2021-02-07 17:18:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16402: BEWARE EARLY FAKE EBAKES Edition
thanks anon, baker gerbil here. i dint bake any of theses doughs btw.
i picked up the OSS split dough here and the Ebake over there.
but thanks and yeah muh numberins are groot to go.
#12849931 at 2021-02-07 16:28:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16403: Countdown To End Of E-Bakes Edition
>> In northern Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh started their own guerilla campaign with the help of the American OSS (founded by Payseur, eventually became the CIA) who trained and supplied them with arms and funds.
Anons need to start looking into the origins of Communism in Asia, and how it relates to the same tactics being used to spread Globalism today
#12846270 at 2021-02-07 04:40:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16398: Countdown To.. Edition
Chalk it up to naiveté bc idk what OSS is and had to look it up just now. I just think the meme is funny.
#12846254 at 2021-02-07 04:39:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16398: Countdown To.. Edition
>i'm not OSS.
You're actually wrong anon.
>Everyone is OSS
#12846224 at 2021-02-07 04:35:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16398: Countdown To.. Edition
i'm not OSS.
#12837360 at 2021-02-06 04:17:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16386: President Trump Declares Support For Lou Dobbs Edition
eh, all of your groupthink shit is the same. Everyone's OSS. Everyone's gerbil. Everyone's comms. Everyone's mnr.. I noticed everyone and their brother was kekbees today, kek!
#12836851 at 2021-02-06 03:26:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16386: President Trump Declares Support For Lou Dobbs Edition
Got it. I wouldn't want to bake with OSS/Gerbil lurking either. They have a way of doing that to people.
#12836510 at 2021-02-06 02:56:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16385: Anons Have Risen To The Occasion Edition Edition
Kinda like calling your own digits, in front of a national audience and having Freddy rag you and OSS shoves it down your throat.
#12834494 at 2021-02-05 23:37:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16383: PANIC Everywhere Edition
I'm not comms. I just believe that assholes should not be allowed to steal the bake without a handoff. We're the ones that play by the rules and if OSS can't do that screw him.
#12834489 at 2021-02-05 23:37:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16383: PANIC Everywhere Edition
It was always OSS. Challenged him in May and he backed off (and apologized), then returned later to fuck things up again. But it's all good. Now we got two boards. QR is chaotic but then, it always was - always attacked hard, coz of Q.
"Comms" don't give a shit 'bout QR breads at this point. Got a decent board that gets the news out. Those who don't succeed blame others for their failures.
Real bread? Mebbe. Somebody likes to create chaos by splitting breads and it ain't /comms/ or /mnr/. Needs a dig?
#12834418 at 2021-02-05 23:28:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16383: PANIC Everywhere Edition
Just OSS splitting the bread again. He's in the other bread being the same old ass as usual.
#12834360 at 2021-02-05 23:18:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
>You don't even have the right players moron.
OSS is the other one.
He's never lost a Bakeoff.
Doodle would have been a better contender, but you'll do.
#12834319 at 2021-02-05 23:14:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16383: PANIC Everywhere Edition
Thanks Baker. No matter what standing up to OSS is important. OSS has become a cancer to Q Research just as bad as Gerbil. More and more evidence points to them being the same person.
#12834316 at 2021-02-05 23:14:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
>>12834209 - DOODLE NEW BREAD
>>12834238 - OSS NEW BREAD
Anons will decide.
#12834262 at 2021-02-05 23:08:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
I've beat OSS at the bake many times.
I'm calling bullshit
Fresh Bread is at:
Q Research General #16383: PANIC Everywhere Edition
#12834233 at 2021-02-05 23:06:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
OSS has never lost aQR Bakeoff
A Comms Baker has never won one.
#12834186 at 2021-02-05 23:01:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
It's always OSS vs someone.
OSS/Gerbil are ALWAYS the bread splitters
#12834114 at 2021-02-05 22:54:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
OSS and Doodle aren't baking.
#12834105 at 2021-02-05 22:53:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition
It's gonna come down to a bakeoff between OSS and Doodle.
FJ and crew need to sit this one out - let Anons decide.
#12832230 at 2021-02-05 19:12:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16380: Recall Governor Andrew Coumo NY Edition!
>so i filtered you and yet here you are again OSS... interesting IP HOP MUCH?
Ah yes, the daily gaslighting trying to blame everything the Gerbil fagot crew does on me.
#12832218 at 2021-02-05 19:11:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16380: Recall Governor Andrew Coumo NY Edition!
so i filtered you and yet here you are again OSS… interesting IP HOP MUCH?
#12832186 at 2021-02-05 19:08:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16380: Recall Governor Andrew Coumo NY Edition!
grvl just handed off to you anon. so dont expect it from me. OSS is filtered atm and hating life as a baker. so yes watch flood in the thread and catalog and includde your nb link in your final notables. as OSS likes to steal the dough
>baker early and watch the catalog for his fuckery
-Ghost Baker #sGrvl (Inactive)
ID 01abbc
ID 01abbc
ID 01abbc
#12822337 at 2021-02-04 19:17:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16367: Third Bake's The Charm Edition
>OSS me starting to think
Shows how desperate you faggots are.
#12822325 at 2021-02-04 19:16:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16367: Third Bake's The Charm Edition
OSS me starting to think
i seen it. i was baking and all of sudden board flooded with fag threads, and split dough. 8bit had to step in. OSS retook bake as 8bit did not know.
IF NO FLOOD THREAD (gore porn)
IF NO FLOOD BOARD (gay porn)
but pretty sure he steal mi doughs and splits the dough. often. BAKER: #sGrv/l
#12821852 at 2021-02-04 18:31:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16367: Third Bake's The Charm Edition
>>nb4 OSS shows up.
i wouldnt be surprised. the shills usually go full retard when an anon is baking. but they've adjusted alot of their markers already today after getting BTFO so hard all week, so we'll see what happens
#12821843 at 2021-02-04 18:30:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16367: Third Bake's The Charm Edition
>nb4 OSS shows up.
>keks in gerbil
#12821838 at 2021-02-04 18:30:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16367: Third Bake's The Charm Edition
nb4 OSS shows up.
keks in gerbil
#12820886 at 2021-02-04 16:36:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
FYI. you putting glowables in your list while the rest of your team scouts with OSS/digital soldier procedures isnt fooling anybody.
#12820776 at 2021-02-04 16:26:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
if you cant convince me that the new baker is legit w/o interjecting gerbil/OSS, you might be an idiot with no idea what your up against. new baker wont request another handoff now that im here. garunfucking teed.
#12820746 at 2021-02-04 16:23:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
no, he new baker confirmed.
OSS is lurking along tho.
gerbil enjoying the movie.
#12820664 at 2021-02-04 16:14:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
Well look at that, "Gerbil" and /Comms-MNR/ working together to gaslight OSS. Weird.
#12820627 at 2021-02-04 16:09:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
Pay attention New baker this is the OSS baker.
He will split your dough.
He is comped.
he also likes to hide digital warfare information from anons.
this is the supporting strawanon or shill,
bus OSS is too stupid to know the difference
#12820467 at 2021-02-04 15:53:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
OSS will not mess with me. They know my work is top notch, unlike yours. Have a great day.
You tried to split
Q Research General #16294: The 'Machines Designed With Fraud In Mind' Edition
And failed. Fuck yourself.
>>12763765, >>12763768
#12820437 at 2021-02-04 15:49:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
i have seen OSS steal the bake then called out by other bakers for stealing and splitting the dough. Think we een seen it last night in fact.
OSS is comped.
>no peace in that sol.
#12820380 at 2021-02-04 15:41:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
wtf does me posting glowables have any fucking thing to do with split dough. horry shit. sldie confirmed.
>>12820359 OSS splits every bake u want sauce go look at the archives and all the locked doughs BV did on OSS
what dough did gerbil split on you anon?
or did i just threaten to do it.
#12820373 at 2021-02-04 15:40:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
I've never seen OSS split a bake, on the other hand I have seen OSS take the bake away from the shill bakers and all anons support the decision. It is n't splitting the bake if everyone follows OSS.
#12820359 at 2021-02-04 15:38:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
1) cool story bro. OSS doesn't post gloawbles like you
2) OSS won't split my bakes. Neither will anyone else but you.
#12820340 at 2021-02-04 15:36:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition
hey fag the only bread splitter confirmed around these parts is that OSS baker.
he has split almost everyone of gerbils bakes. confirmed.
gerbil threatens, but he dont. why. cuz anons hive more important than some shill in the kitchen.
You should lurk moar and bitch less.
#12813759 at 2021-02-03 23:03:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
yeah. thats why gerbil has been afraid to come out of his hole for over 24hrs after handing the bake to himself(OSS) with the help of BV yesterday.
you idiots act like anons dont see everything that happens on the board, then just expect anons to believe you
#12813732 at 2021-02-03 22:59:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>12813082 Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)
>>12813094, >>12813094, >>12813101 BREAKING: Israel is conducting heavy airstrikes in Syria
>>12813085, >>12813178, >>12813195, >>12813200, >>12813221, >>12813233, >>12813239, >>12813259, >>12813271, >>12813293, >>12813331, >>12813332, >>12813359, >>12813379, >>12813397, >>12813399, >>12813414, >>12813415, >>12813420, >>12813421, >>12813430, >>12813431, >>12813465, >>12813476, >>12813528, >>12813529, >>12813533, >>12813635,Note offers + Faggotry!
>>12813097, >>12813175 Pompeo Tweets: We, alongside withnour allies, must take the China threat seriously
>>12813111 US 'freezing' Trump plan to withdraw 12,000 troops from Germany while Pentagon reviews policy - general
>>12813123, >>12813198 JUST IN - Speaker Pelosi's office just released a statement referring to Republican @gopleader as "McCarthy (Q-CA)" instead of "McCarthy (R-CA)"
>>12813141, >>12813268, >>12813346 DEBUNKED: AOC Wasn't Hiding In The Capitol On Jan 6, 'Insurrectionists' Who 'Tried To Kill' Her Never Entered Her Building
>>12813150 #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett
>>12813172 Meet The Hedge Fund That Made A Killing On The Reddit-Fueled Short Squeeze
>>12813176 Myanmar Social Media Restricted
>>12813179 "Please convict Trump. We don't want our bOSSes in GITMO"
>>12813183 REVIVAL
>>12813197 SEC To Crawl Through Social Media, Hunting For Gamestop Manipulation Fraud
>>12813216 In Order To Have A "Tolerant Society", The Elite Believe They Must Be Intolerant Of All Dissenting Views
>>12813242 Milton Friedman Speaks: Myths That Conceal Reality
>>12813261 5.0 in Guinea?
>>12813269 Russia's Sputnik V Vaccine
>>12813288 Sen. Tom Cotton Releases DREAM Act Analysis: Work Permits for Millions of Illegal Aliens, 'Ignores Criminal Records'
>>12813295, >>12813412 BREAKING: Wisconsin prosecutors seek arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse, saying he violated bond by failing to update address.
>>12813303 Antifa Caused $2.3M in Riot Damage to Federal Property in Oregon, Says U.S. Attorney
>>12813317 Former University of Florida Researcher Indicted for Scheme to Defraud National Institutes of Health and University of Florida
>>12813336 "Time to invent another media app?" TikTok Implements Age Limit After Italian Girl Dies
>>12813371 THE RESISTANCE: North Dakota Legislators Plan To Nullify Biden's Executive Orders At State Level
>>12813388 Catherine Herridge: FBI Miami Statement on Agent-Involved Shooting
>>12813390 Hillsong founder denies $20M lawsuit and claims of riding high on church dime
>>12813457, >>12813480, >>12813500,Gaslighting Defined: Lincoln Project: Liz Cheney could 'take Matt Gaetz in a fight with one hand tied behind her back'
>>12813463 cnn breaking - Bidan sticking with $1400 check for covid relief
>>12813493, >>12813522 Politico Shows It's Faggot Hole with Kevin McCarthy
>>12813517 BBC investigation has found evidence of the systematic rape of Uyghur women
>>12813534, >>12813573 With Trump gone, tables finally turn on Cuomo
>>12813540 The REAL reason COVID cases are Dropping WorldWide
>>12813566 Victoria returns to harsher restrictions as Melbourne hotel quarantine worker tests positive for COVID-19; WA lockdown continues
>>12813580, >>12813588, >>12813592 They outta their minds: Implanted "Vaccine Package" ID: Germany's Parliament Has Ratified GAVI's Digital "Agenda ID2020"
>>12813581, >>12813587, >>12813397, >>12813605, >>12813619 You already deferred what? And they arent doing too hot so Not baking.
>>12813654 SEVEN NYT Reporters combine to print lies and intentionally omit facts to hurt Project Veritas
>>12813659 Washington, D.C. - House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) just released the following statement:
>>12813712 #16356
What the fuck is goin on here?… REALLY…
>>12813635 You dumb fuck.
here are notes…
why are the other notes not notable? theya re quite. you are fake faggots enjoy hell baking.
That better be you OSS.
Ah there you are.
Got it.you baking or am I going to have ta…
#12813725 at 2021-02-03 22:58:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
goddammit if you are OSS you better speak up im about to shit all over these fuckers.
#12813722 at 2021-02-03 22:58:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
>That better be you OSS.
#12813712 at 2021-02-03 22:57:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>12813082 Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)
>>12813094, >>12813094, >>12813101 BREAKING: Israel is conducting heavy airstrikes in Syria
>>12813085, >>12813178, >>12813195, >>12813200, >>12813221, >>12813233, >>12813239, >>12813259, >>12813271, >>12813293, >>12813331, >>12813332, >>12813359, >>12813379, >>12813397, >>12813399, >>12813414, >>12813415, >>12813420, >>12813421, >>12813430, >>12813431, >>12813465, >>12813476, >>12813528, >>12813529, >>12813533, >>12813635,Note offers + Faggotry!
>>12813097, >>12813175 Pompeo Tweets: We, alongside withnour allies, must take the China threat seriously
>>12813111 US 'freezing' Trump plan to withdraw 12,000 troops from Germany while Pentagon reviews policy - general
>>12813123, >>12813198 JUST IN - Speaker Pelosi's office just released a statement referring to Republican @gopleader as "McCarthy (Q-CA)" instead of "McCarthy (R-CA)"
>>12813141, >>12813268, >>12813346 DEBUNKED: AOC Wasn't Hiding In The Capitol On Jan 6, 'Insurrectionists' Who 'Tried To Kill' Her Never Entered Her Building
>>12813150 #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett
>>12813172 Meet The Hedge Fund That Made A Killing On The Reddit-Fueled Short Squeeze
>>12813176 Myanmar Social Media Restricted
>>12813179 "Please convict Trump. We don't want our bOSSes in GITMO"
>>12813183 REVIVAL
>>12813197 SEC To Crawl Through Social Media, Hunting For Gamestop Manipulation Fraud
>>12813216 In Order To Have A "Tolerant Society", The Elite Believe They Must Be Intolerant Of All Dissenting Views
>>12813242 Milton Friedman Speaks: Myths That Conceal Reality
>>12813261 5.0 in Guinea?
>>12813269 Russia's Sputnik V Vaccine
>>12813288 Sen. Tom Cotton Releases DREAM Act Analysis: Work Permits for Millions of Illegal Aliens, 'Ignores Criminal Records'
>>12813295, >>12813412 BREAKING: Wisconsin prosecutors seek arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse, saying he violated bond by failing to update address.
>>12813303 Antifa Caused $2.3M in Riot Damage to Federal Property in Oregon, Says U.S. Attorney
>>12813317 Former University of Florida Researcher Indicted for Scheme to Defraud National Institutes of Health and University of Florida
>>12813336 "Time to invent another media app?" TikTok Implements Age Limit After Italian Girl Dies
>>12813371 THE RESISTANCE: North Dakota Legislators Plan To Nullify Biden's Executive Orders At State Level
>>12813388 Catherine Herridge: FBI Miami Statement on Agent-Involved Shooting
>>12813390 Hillsong founder denies $20M lawsuit and claims of riding high on church dime
>>12813457, >>12813480, >>12813500,Gaslighting Defined: Lincoln Project: Liz Cheney could 'take Matt Gaetz in a fight with one hand tied behind her back'
>>12813463 cnn breaking - Bidan sticking with $1400 check for covid relief
>>12813493, >>12813522 Politico Shows It's Faggot Hole with Kevin McCarthy
>>12813517 BBC investigation has found evidence of the systematic rape of Uyghur women
>>12813534, >>12813573 With Trump gone, tables finally turn on Cuomo
>>12813540 The REAL reason COVID cases are Dropping WorldWide
>>12813566 Victoria returns to harsher restrictions as Melbourne hotel quarantine worker tests positive for COVID-19; WA lockdown continues
>>12813580, >>12813588, >>12813592 They outta their minds: Implanted "Vaccine Package" ID: Germany's Parliament Has Ratified GAVI's Digital "Agenda ID2020"
>>12813581, >>12813587, >>12813397, >>12813605, >>12813619 You already deferred what? And they arent doing too hot so Not baking.
>>12813654 SEVEN NYT Reporters combine to print lies and intentionally omit facts to hurt Project Veritas
>>12813659 Washington, D.C. - House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) just released the following statement:
What the fuck is goin on here?… REALLY…
>>12813635 You dumb fuck.
here are notes…
why are the other notes not notable? theya re quite. you are fake faggots enjoy hell baking.
That better be you OSS.
#12813707 at 2021-02-03 22:56:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
is that you OSS?
#12813420 at 2021-02-03 22:18:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
>>12813414 yeah watch OSS baker, comped af
#12813415 at 2021-02-03 22:18:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
>this is also OSS
None of these posters are me, but it's hilarious how you faggots try to blame me for everything you do.
#12813409 at 2021-02-03 22:17:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
this is also OSS
#12813401 at 2021-02-03 22:16:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
Anons Notice Gerbil Screwed the Mnr crew so bad they needed the bOSS to come in a corrupt the dough again, so they could keep baking==
lb no one would take handoff from gerbil cept the 1 OSS shill baker. now that he corrupted the dough bakers are everywhere.
#12813359 at 2021-02-03 22:11:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
OSS isnt even here faggot and they did not handoff to baker who corrupts dough and
#12813271 at 2021-02-03 22:01:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
What if OSS is Gerbil is AFLB?!!
#12813236 at 2021-02-03 21:56:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
oh no, why?…
that guy is a serial pest
where is the exterminator OSS?
here now, sorry for not reading the notables catching up, as quick as a tortoise
#12813233 at 2021-02-03 21:56:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition
>so triggered by information
definitely not coping are they? kek
Please tell anons the bas parts of this code that bothers bakers so much?
We are Watching
Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE][1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https:''//''www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST[4] Always Post meme or Cap[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https:''//''tweetdeck.com[9] Information Warfare https:''//''archive.is/E0oJm#TRUMP2020 #MAGA #WWG1WGA #FGNC #ANONYMOUS
>>12813221 <- this anon knows
#12812452 at 2021-02-03 20:25:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16355 How to Impeach a Citizen? Edition
faggot text goes here
some more faggot text
no really, im anon just like you
#12812310 at 2021-02-03 20:07:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16354: Have You Red Pilled Your Congressman Lately Edition
Playing the same division game
Baker union is so last year
Soon the gerbil vs. OSS floorshow will begin
of course no red text, trying to be subtle
The division is vital to the survival of the shill masters
#12812273 at 2021-02-03 20:03:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16354: Have You Red Pilled Your Congressman Lately Edition
>>12812257 Right on OSS, er I mean, Gerbil
#12811547 at 2021-02-03 18:23:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16354: Have You Red Pilled Your Congressman Lately Edition
blah blah blah
Anons are on to the OSS/Gerbil op
You're too stupid to see the trees because of the forest. Autist… no - Psycho yes
#12810818 at 2021-02-03 16:25:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16353: Our Girl MTG Edition
You still upset the way I cucked you and JonKikel yesterday Gerbil?
#12810765 at 2021-02-03 16:17:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16353: Our Girl MTG Edition
faggot text goes here
some more faggot text
no really, im anon just like you
#12808414 at 2021-02-03 07:28:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16349: Impeachment is Unconstitutional Edition
yeah right!
That's how it started. the months of "baker is comped, baker is ccp" and the "baker's union controls it all, must stop them, uggg muh notables were not included, reee muh notables were deleted!"
and thus this board is in the shape it is in, few around who will bake, shill trash in the notables, unsauced shit. Shit everywhere.
That's fine, I'm good. I survived
OSS and crew fucked this place up and keep it fucked. Does not bother me. Some gems still get through
#12808387 at 2021-02-03 07:24:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16349: Impeachment is Unconstitutional Edition
#12805923 at 2021-02-03 02:11:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition
Who/What is/are OSS and Gerbil? Asking for a fren anon.
#12805538 at 2021-02-03 01:35:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition
Um… no. OSS and BK are buddies. They're shills (along with the anime baker, round out the "Tri-Force" group) who are charged with controlling this place to ensure we never become problematic again, putting shill disinfo in Notables, and occasionally stoking drama. Don't forget that it was BK who spearheaded the banner silliness.
#12805448 at 2021-02-03 01:27:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition
From late last bread -
Oh and btw - OSS slammed Barkeep today & even though BK anon needs no defending I'm going to anyway.
Barkeep will teach ANYBODY to bake on night shift and Barkeep has baked like 8 hours a night for 2 months straight before to fill the vacuum when MNR / Comms left.
Barkeep is the gold standard baker. Enough said.
#12805372 at 2021-02-03 01:20:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition
awoo and OSS already proposed. Get in line.
#12805354 at 2021-02-03 01:18:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16345: NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE Edition
Oh and btw - OSS slammed Barkeep today & even though BK anon needs no defending I'm going to anyway.
Barkeep will teach ANYBODY to bake on night shift and Barkeep has baked like 8 hours a night for 2 months straight before to fill the vacuum when MNR / Comms left.
Barkeep is the gold standard baker. Enough said.
#12805280 at 2021-02-03 01:12:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16345: NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE Edition
Yep - Just 3 more anons start baking Gerbil will NEVER see the bakery again and OSS will have to play by the rules to get in.
#12805160 at 2021-02-03 01:04:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16345: NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE Edition
pretty sad how the shills, me and OSS are practically the only ones baking … oh and kekbees.
#12804876 at 2021-02-03 00:37:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16345: NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE Edition
OSS is a really good baker when he can control himself. Gerbil sucked him into the op today and we lost half a day because of it.
Yes, OSS tends to run good bakers off because he likes to play the 'hero' and swoop in to save the day. He's been great for a couple of weeks but today (drug use?) he just went nuts again.
#12804847 at 2021-02-03 00:35:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16345: NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE Edition
i think you're the last one who thinks gerbil and OSS arent working together.
#12804836 at 2021-02-03 00:34:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16345: NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE Edition
You do what you need to do OSS. All I know is Gerbil comes in, bakes 2 breads and leaves, then you've been fixing it afterwards, but for whatever reason today you decided to split the bread. You split the bread you pay the price.
Make my day asshole.
#12804001 at 2021-02-02 22:56:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16344: Bye Bye Big Eye Bezos
>Nope. You know what I think and I gave as good as I got. Every time you steal the bake liar you'll get this in spades.
gerbil the alleged baker of said "stolen" bread actually handed off to OSS so fuck off bro.
>Major disappointment today. Shameful.
#12803896 at 2021-02-02 22:45:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16344: Bye Bye Big Eye Bezos
Yep, notice how the OSS op is trying to extend the fight. Big drops coming…
Silver and Gamestop/AMC have them fighting for their financial lives.
#12803607 at 2021-02-02 22:17:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
>OSS lost his ability to take the bake away from anybody he wanted when I learned how to bake and started baking better breads than him. I'm the 'fly in the ointment'. I never once called myself by any name. Everyone knows me by Jon Doodle because OSS doxxed my pastebin account.
#12803586 at 2021-02-02 22:15:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
Last two sentences = gold.
OSS lost his ability to take the bake away from anybody he wanted when I learned how to bake and started baking better breads than him. I'm the 'fly in the ointment'. I never once called myself by any name. Everyone knows me by Jon Doodle because OSS doxxed my pastebin account.
OSS is mad because I don't let him get away with being a bully to other anons.
#12803430 at 2021-02-02 22:00:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
no im not doodle.
starting to think this is doodle and OSS is comped?
>>12803349 I 'DOODLE' don't hate OSS - I call him out when he:
#12803411 at 2021-02-02 21:58:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
>I don't think the OSS vs The Dood thing is fake.
the fight to control the kitchen is real.. doesn't really matter who the faces are.
I've been baking with 0 namefagging and people can still figure out who it is by the end of the bread
#12803370 at 2021-02-02 21:54:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
>BV/BO handing gerbil team
now which one am i
gerbil, OSS, doodle, anime,
>nb4 u say ST. GERBIL
#12803349 at 2021-02-02 21:52:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
I don't hate OSS - I call him out when he:
- Splits the bread
- Steals the bake
- Uses the notables as a weapon to attack anons
- Thinks he's over other anons
It won't be tolerated. We're here to dig meme pray, not bow to JEWOSS
#12803347 at 2021-02-02 21:51:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
I know you are super big mad, but.. did OSS call you out correctly as jon doodle?
#12803343 at 2021-02-02 21:51:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
>I don't think the OSS vs The Dood thing is fake.
>They have legit seethe for each other.
#12803339 at 2021-02-02 21:51:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
>I don't think the OSS vs The Dood thing is fake.
>They have legit seethe for each other.
Will be settled in court.
#12803331 at 2021-02-02 21:50:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
I don't think the OSS vs The Dood thing is fake.
They have legit seethe for each other.
#12803308 at 2021-02-02 21:48:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
>u should KYS jew lady.
try moar triggering. that will help move the conversation away from BV/BO handing gerbil team (gerbil, OSS, doodle, anime, and even this breads "anon" baker) the kitchen.
you idiots troll a board full of the most astute austists on the web and youre stupid enough to think we dont see every single thing you do.
#12803221 at 2021-02-02 21:38:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
Oh yeah that garbage.
Good eye now it looks like OSS weed-whacked it outta there for future breads.
#12803168 at 2021-02-02 21:35:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
>>>12802926 BREAKING: Jeff Bezos to step down as Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy to take over in Q3
>a real baker would have got it. it was posted <500 last bread, and many times after that. this is what happens when bakers are also busy shilling to maintain the kitchen. get used to shittiy notables.
>Is OSS covering up for Bezos?
>Does he have a sweet deal with Amazon Prime he forgot to disclose to us?
New levels or retardation.
#12803158 at 2021-02-02 21:34:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
i know its a broken link, but it doesnt really matter one way or the other. gerbil refused to hand off 2 breads ago. then OSS splits the bake. then anon tries to get it back and BV hands gerbil team the dough. then after the shit storm, and shill team retaining the kitchen OSS magically goes back to being "anon" for the next bake and removes the rest of gerbils stuff. watch the notables. get ready for moldy fucking bakes in the middle of a global shit storm.
#12803140 at 2021-02-02 21:33:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition
Is OSS covering up for Bezos?
Does he have a sweet deal with Amazon Prime he forgot to disclose to us?
#12803079 at 2021-02-02 21:26:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>Dint Grvl at one time bake 2 doughs simultaeously all day and still beat OSS by 2 breads by that night
>pretty sure i saw that
Spamming the bread tends to do that
#12803046 at 2021-02-02 21:23:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
Dint Grvl at one time bake 2 doughs simultaeously all day and still beat OSS by 2 breads by that night
pretty sure i saw that
#12802989 at 2021-02-02 21:18:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
<OSS is busy arguing he must have missed shit.
>I got the one that has sauce with it.
Do Not Fuck With The Master Baker of QR
#12802971 at 2021-02-02 21:16:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>>12802938 good 'nuf ty BAKER: OSS
#12802961 at 2021-02-02 21:16:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
Yes more Full Baker names to know who and what is going on.
grvl bakes patriot information. includes meme warfare info
doodle hides that
OSS is lost
barkeep follow doodle
anime, kek they cool tho
#12802938 at 2021-02-02 21:14:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
I got the one that has sauce with it.
#12802930 at 2021-02-02 21:13:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
#12802909 at 2021-02-02 21:11:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>associate OSS with jew faggotry, that will help separate him from gerbil
You don't need to seperate me, anons know who and what I am about. No matter how hard you kikes try to gaslight.
#12802897 at 2021-02-02 21:10:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
associate OSS with jew faggotry, that will help separate him from gerbil
#12802828 at 2021-02-02 21:02:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>all the above reasons why OSS is based
He can't keep getting away this this!
#12802785 at 2021-02-02 20:59:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>>12802746 Anons has a good point OSS
>let go
#12802540 at 2021-02-02 20:32:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>a baker
thats not a baker. that would imply that hes an anon who bakes. thats OSS, one of gerbils bootlickers. dont expect much from him
#12802492 at 2021-02-02 20:27:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
I only said that to chum the waters.. I read your paste OSS, kek
#12802476 at 2021-02-02 20:25:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>OSS is Austin Steinbart's latest persona. Unfortunately it comes with all the narcissistic faggotry of his many others. Lucky us.
Great theory, except I baked the entire time AS was in jail.. Fail harder.
#12802463 at 2021-02-02 20:24:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
Stop tarding.
OSS too spergo to pull off being dumb as bricks Austin.
#12802431 at 2021-02-02 20:21:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
OSS is Austin Steinbart's latest persona. Unfortunately it comes with all the narcissistic faggotry of his many others. Lucky us.
#12802345 at 2021-02-02 20:11:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>nevermind. reread and rescinded. Carry on.
>They tryhard to lern how to be better than their most feared opposition.
>>>>12802150 Is OSS a Patriot or a Shill?
>>This is Direct Information From Original 8Chan Warefare Section.
>>Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]
>>[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS
>>[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.
>>[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST
>>[4] Always Post meme or Cap
>>[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.
>>[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.
>>[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots
>>[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com
>>[9] Information Warfare https://archive.is/E0oJm
>>Would a Patriot Baker Keep this information in the Dough or Remove it and help hide it from anons and the world?
>>*Think Logically, or we cant help you.
>>Witnessed -o7
>Let's play a game.
>We call this a tryhard to lern shill.
>They tryhard to lern how to be better than their most feared opposition.
>That is all.
I smell a faggot You know that soapy try to wash your ass out too hard because you are faggot smell? That smell.
#12802330 at 2021-02-02 20:08:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>>>12802150 Is OSS a Patriot or a Shill?
>This is Direct Information From Original 8Chan Warefare Section.
>Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]
>[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS
>[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https:'//'www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.
>[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST
>[4] Always Post meme or Cap
>[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.
>[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.
>[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots
>[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https:'//'tweetdeck.com
>[9] Information Warfare https:'//'archive.is/E0oJm
>Would a Patriot Baker Keep this information in the Dough or Remove it and help hide it from anons and the world?
>*Think Logically, or we cant help you.
>Witnessed -o7
Let's play a game.
We call this a tryhard to lern shill.
They tryhard to lern how to be better than their most feared opposition.
That is all.
#12802310 at 2021-02-02 20:05:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>>12802150 Is OSS a Patriot or a Shill?
This is Direct Information From Original 8Chan Warefare Section.
Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE][1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https:''//''www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST[4] Always Post meme or Cap[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https:''//''tweetdeck.com[9] Information Warfare https:''//''archive.is/E0oJm#TRUMP2020 #MAGA #WWG1WGA #FGNC #ANONYMOUS
Would a Patriot Baker Keep this information in the Dough or Remove it and help hide it from anons and the world?
*Think Logically, or we cant help you.
Witnessed -o7
#12802304 at 2021-02-02 20:04:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
yeah. You're using gerbil's dough.
OSS would never do that.
#12802296 at 2021-02-02 20:03:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
>this isn't OSS
Really faggot?
#12802271 at 2021-02-02 20:01:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition
this isn't OSS
#12802261 at 2021-02-02 19:59:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>>12802228 (You)
>Splitting the bread and STEALING IT then using the notables / Bakery to attack other anons is what OSS is doing wrong and he will be attacked for it.
#12802251 at 2021-02-02 19:58:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Splitting the bread and STEALING IT then using the notables / Bakery to attack other anons is what OSS is doing wrong and he will be attacked for it.
#12802228 at 2021-02-02 19:56:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
This s the real bread anons duh? OSS hmm..
Think about it.
all these people attacking him… her it…
If you cant attack the message…
They attack the messenger
What exactly have they specifically outlined as to what OSS baker has done against QResearch?
There is no evidence or fact of OSS working against QResearch to THIS anon's knowledge. so PLEASE explain your queries if you arent shill aside from OH MUHOSS SPLIT DUH BAKE! OH MUH OSS IS DOING {What YOU are actually Doing…} and all the rest.
Fuck off, crawl into a hole and die if you cant just be a good person.
#12802204 at 2021-02-02 19:54:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
This s the real bread anons duh? OSS hmm..
Think about it.
all these people attacking him… her it…
If you cant attack the message…
They attack the messenger
What exactly have they specifically outlined as to what OSS baker has done against QResearch?
#12802189 at 2021-02-02 19:53:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>This s the real bread anons duh? OSS hmm..
>Think about it.
>all these people attacking him… her it…
#12802158 at 2021-02-02 19:50:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Aren't you a little light on anon attacks OSS?
You want me to go gather all your attacks on other anons so you can respond to them and put them in notables?
#12802128 at 2021-02-02 19:48:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
I found this, don't know if it will help you or not.
Just a few short months after Pearl Harbor, the United States was locked in a global war with both the empire of Japan and Nazi Germany. And the country had no formal intelligence gathering apparatus.
So, in July 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and appointed BG William "Wild Bill" Donovan as its head. It was an agency that fell under the auspices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines, conduct special operations, propaganda, subversion, and sabotage.
Prior to the OSS, the business of American intelligence had been done on an ad-hoc basis conducted by various elements of the State Department, Navy, Treasury, and War Departments. There was no joint interaction, control, and no direction. Both the Army and Navy had separate code-breaking units that reported only to the individual services.
Donovan was an interesting choice to lead this ground-breaking unit. To begin with, he was a Republican and Roosevelt a Democrat and the two had many disagreements and political battles in New York prior to the war. One must wonder if a sitting US president today would appoint a political foe in the political morass that plagues Washington.
But Roosevelt had befriended his political foe in the ensuing years and respected his vision of foreign affairs. Donovan had traveled extensively thru Europe and had even been allowed by Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy to visit the front line during Italy's war with Ethiopia. Donovan was sent to inspect US defenses in the Pacific during the time before the war and found them wanting. Roosevelt also sent him on fact-finding missions to the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Donovan had many close contacts with the British and he urged FDR to support Winston Churchill.
read moar here -
#12802069 at 2021-02-02 19:44:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Gerbil here, OSS is distraction. OPTICS DOODLE [$_INFILTRAITOR]
#12802046 at 2021-02-02 19:41:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
OSS for most part is open about his intentions, split dough take bake mo.
u tho are a sneaky fuck. me starting to feel infiltraitor.
you like to hide information from anons.
such Original 8chan Content.
See pic anons >>12801835
you also had ABCU removed, and COMMS, MNR…. and who know who else
Not all of these can be bad. and yet here we are with them removed.
why is taht doodle?
why are you removing sections and hiding 8chan warfare information from anons?
Do anons know?
They do know.
-Baker: Grvl
#12802039 at 2021-02-02 19:41:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Not OSS btw.
#12802038 at 2021-02-02 19:41:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
hmm who bakes at 500?
Unless they are ME pre-baking or something…
they are faggot.
They not OSS taking back the bread>??
Say no more fam.
#12802018 at 2021-02-02 19:40:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>12801782 Called it.
>>Big mad JonDoodle
>>BAKER:Grvl CONFIRMS HANDOFF TO, >>12801707 ?
>They already took over from where was left off. No biggie. Go away and get some rest.
>You have shilled enough. this day.
>Pay attention anons this >5c271b (11) is not me and will be trying to split the bread at the end.
#12802006 at 2021-02-02 19:39:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
dont engage. let gerbils breads die off. its open season on shit posting boys! dough incoming. dont worry about shitting the bread.
up to date ANON dough:(no gerbil fuckery)
Q Research General #16342: Anons Own The Kitchen Edition
the choice to descern and support other anons is yours friends. come join me
#12802000 at 2021-02-02 19:38:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>It's true. Gerbil throws the bait out and OSS is too stupid not to take it. I used to think he was an autist but he's too fucking stupid to be an autist...
Except I took the dough and all anons followed, including your JIDF self and now notes are collected and aside from your sperg everthing is calm. Kinda fucks your kayfabe narrative doesn't it.
#12801997 at 2021-02-02 19:38:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
More proof that OSS uses the notables and bakery to attack anons.
- Splits the bread
- Uses the notables to attack anons
- calls everybody who disagrees with him a Jew
- Uses the bakery as his own pedestal to push his issues
- Thinks he is above other anons
#12801976 at 2021-02-02 19:36:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
It's true. Gerbil throws the bait out and OSS is too stupid not to take it. I used to think he was an autist but he's too fucking stupid to be an autist…
#12801960 at 2021-02-02 19:34:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Ah, Gerbil and OSS furiously battling to see who can suck the most ass. Haven't seen this in a few days.
#12801943 at 2021-02-02 19:32:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Fucking dumbass doesn't even know to come out of the rain. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE.
#12801937 at 2021-02-02 19:31:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
q is bullshit. There's your divide pussy
#12801910 at 2021-02-02 19:29:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>12801874 BAKER: Doodle is triggered at BAKER: OSS
#12801874 at 2021-02-02 19:25:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Big mad JonDoodle
#12801829 at 2021-02-02 19:20:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
It would have been finished 3 months ago.
#12801818 at 2021-02-02 19:19:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
He thinks he's over other anons.
#12801812 at 2021-02-02 19:19:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
==All these shills are attacking OSS but give NOT justification whatsoever nor back up their claims. fake like fake news. burn in helkl faggots.
You are blessed to be behind that computter screen because if this was an in person conversation it would have been finished already.
#12801807 at 2021-02-02 19:18:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
No cunt, I took the bake, there was 0 fight. As always anons abandoned your kayfabe bullshit immediately. Stings doesn't it.
#12801803 at 2021-02-02 19:18:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
you're right. im not OSS/Gerbil, or any other faggot. if you can name me ill stand down.
go on ill wait
#12801801 at 2021-02-02 19:17:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
#12801787 at 2021-02-02 19:16:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
yes, why?
is OSS one of them?
#12801783 at 2021-02-02 19:16:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
we right here nigger so you can fuck off!
Guess it's just OSS and I again against all the faggots… can't pOSSibly be though… no…
#12801778 at 2021-02-02 19:15:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>OSS IS [666]
#12801766 at 2021-02-02 19:14:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
I'm an anon - OSS named me. I NEVER use a name. Only OSS uses a name for me because he's not a real anon. He thinks he's better than the rest of us. Nope, I'm just anon.
#12801755 at 2021-02-02 19:13:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>Yep - OSS has flipped out again and is attacking the Bakery,
#12801753 at 2021-02-02 19:13:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
i wonder if he not the infiltraitor
#12801752 at 2021-02-02 19:13:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Yep - OSS has flipped out again and is attacking the Bakery, Anons and Q Research because he's a fucking psycho MI reject.
#12801747 at 2021-02-02 19:12:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>PROOF OSS uses the baker to attack people who call him out for SPLITTING THE BAKE
You whine like a little BITCH!
#12801741 at 2021-02-02 19:12:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
every baker with a name is the same shit. maybe not the same person sitting at the same terminal. but they all work together, and everybody knows it.
#12801738 at 2021-02-02 19:12:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
> OSS uses the baker…
Are we really still doing this??
#12801728 at 2021-02-02 19:11:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
PROOF OSS uses the baker to attack people who call him out for SPLITTING THE BAKE
#12801725 at 2021-02-02 19:10:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
OSS == doodle?
#12801721 at 2021-02-02 19:10:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
OSS alwasy splits dough, his MO
#12801707 at 2021-02-02 19:09:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>OSS IS a NON-AUTIST MI Reject retard
Big mad JonDoodle
>Have fun getting in the bakery any time soon OSS - Marathon will begin again TO LOCK YOU OUT.
As shown numerous times, I can take the bake from you whenever I choose Doodle. KYS.
#16341 Baker on Duty - >>12801316
>>12801348 Biden Pick For Pentagon Mideast Desk Bragged That US "Owns" Syrian Oil Territory
>>12801360 Jeffrey Epstein's estate has paid nearly $50million compensation to victims after more than 100 accusers applied to Virgin Islands-based fund
>>12801371 Blinken Says US is 'Reviewing' Sanctions Against Russia
>>12801393 Senate confirms Bootyjudge as Transportation secretary
>>12801415 Sophia Bush backs call to label Republicans as 'terrorist right' following Capitol riot
>>12801436 Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation Appeal Court Decision about Hidden Biden Senatorial Records
>>12801436 Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation Appeal Court Decision about Hidden Biden Senatorial Records
>>12801469 Megadonors Pour Record Amount of Money Into 'Get Out the Vote' Effort for Dems
>>12801481 Johnheretohelp thread on FBI using CP to frame their enemies
>>12801488 Facebook bans Myanmar national military TV network page - PANIC
>>12801489 Lindsey Graham: If Dems want impeachment witnesses, GOP will call on FBI to testify
>>12801506 Happy Days Ahead for the Pentagon as Beacons Are Lit for the Military-Industrial Complex
>>12801515 Seven Hour Siege In Mogadishu Hotel Ends: At Least 10 Dead, 30 Injured
>>12801528 McCarthy to meet with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Her conspiracy theories may strip her of committee assignments
>>12801548 NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence In Estonia
>>12801562 The FBI Distributes Child Pornography to Catch People Who Look at It - Broward seems suspect
>>12801568 JUST IN - Suspected #Chinese hackers exploited a flaw in software made by @SolarWinds to help break into US government computers last year
>>12801548 NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence In Estonia
>>12801553 Hal Holbrook, prolific actor who played "Deep Throat" in "All the President's Men," dies at 95
>>12801584 Washington Examiner: Capitol Protesters Are 'Terrorists' Like Al Qaeda Who Must Be 'Ruthlessly Hunted Down'
>>12801586 Confirmation that it is "JonDoodle" flipping his shit in support of /comms-mnr/ persona Gerbil.
>>12801589 FBI Wray Statement on Broward Obvious FF shooting
>>12801605 Netanyahu Appoints Steve Bannon Protege to Lead His Election Campaign
>>12801624 Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court to Uphold Court Ruling Requiring Hillary Clinton to Testify Under Oath About Her Emails
>>12801651 Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden?
>>12801660 What were US State Dept, think tanks, NGOs, and Facebook doing in Myanmar?
>>12801684 President Trump Team Responds To Impeachment Article, Argues Senate Has 'No Jurisdiction' To Bar From Running Again
>>12801691 Biden Declares Myanmar Crisis A Coup D'Etat - Sanctions Coming As Unrest Looms
#12801696 at 2021-02-02 19:08:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Have fun getting in the bakery any time soon OSS - Marathon will begin again TO LOCK YOU OUT.
DON'T SPLIT THE BREAD ASSHOLE - Enjoy your last bake for a while. It's obvious we need a stable baker again for a while because you KEEP TAKING THE FUCKING GERBIL BAIT because you're TOO STUPID TO WAIT YOUR TURN.
#12801690 at 2021-02-02 19:07:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>>12801639 <- this anon gets it
>>>12801671 (You) <- shll confirmed
Faggot trying to make light of their faggotry.
#12801688 at 2021-02-02 19:07:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>Yet here you are replying. OSS IS RETARD NON-AUTIST
Muh OSS is a weetawd non awtwist!
#12801687 at 2021-02-02 19:07:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>12801639 <- this anon gets it
>>12801671 <- shll confirmed
#12801679 at 2021-02-02 19:05:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Yet here you are replying. OSS IS RETARD NON-AUTIST
#12801675 at 2021-02-02 19:05:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>OSS IS a NON-AUTIST MI Reject retard
Your post number says it all…
#12801666 at 2021-02-02 19:04:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
OSS IS a NON-AUTIST MI Reject retard
#12801657 at 2021-02-02 19:03:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
If by cancer you mean white blood cell then absolutely YOU ARE CORRECT!
#12801649 at 2021-02-02 19:02:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
#12801634 at 2021-02-02 19:00:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>12801586 Confirmation that it is "JonDoodle" flipping his shit in support of /comms-mnr/ persona Gerbil.
#12801604 at 2021-02-02 18:57:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
OSS deflection fails. insert doodle.
#12801594 at 2021-02-02 18:56:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
All else is a OSS lie and (YOU) support it.
>think about that "Anon"
#12801583 at 2021-02-02 18:55:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>Fixed it for you
dyingfor attention arent you faggot?
#12801577 at 2021-02-02 18:54:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>OSS cant…..
Fixed it for you
#12801572 at 2021-02-02 18:54:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
#12801567 at 2021-02-02 18:53:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>yes, yes the statement stands
>So instead of OSS waiting for handoff nb he decided to split the dough on anons.
You have been here with friends trying to hold the bread since I left around 12midnightCST
You left"Ghosted"
then when I popped in to provide notables and you found out it wasnt your proton email buddies you flipped.
Burn in hell cocksucker.
#12801566 at 2021-02-02 18:53:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Funny how OSS splits the bread and takes it from Gerbil and the porn spam stops in OSS's thread.
#12801544 at 2021-02-02 18:51:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>OSS can't play by the rules. HE'S A FUCKING LOSER. Marathon bakes will begin again. He MUST BE TAUGHT LIKE A FUCKING BABY HOW TO PLAY BY THE RULES.
Call me a bully JonDoodle!
#12801537 at 2021-02-02 18:50:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
OSS can't play by the rules. HE'S A FUCKING LOSER. Marathon bakes will begin again. He MUST BE TAUGHT LIKE A FUCKING BABY HOW TO PLAY BY THE RULES.
#12801535 at 2021-02-02 18:50:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>12801348 Biden Pick For Pentagon Mideast Desk Bragged That US "Owns" Syrian Oil Territory
>>12801360 Jeffrey Epstein's estate has paid nearly $50million compensation to victims after more than 100 accusers applied to Virgin Islands-based fund
>>12801371 Blinken Says US is 'Reviewing' Sanctions Against Russia
>>12801393 Senate confirms Bootyjudge as Transportation secretary
>>12801415 Sophia Bush backs call to label Republicans as 'terrorist right' following Capitol riot
>>12801436 Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation Appeal Court Decision about Hidden Biden Senatorial Records
>>12801436 Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation Appeal Court Decision about Hidden Biden Senatorial Records
>>12801469 Megadonors Pour Record Amount of Money Into 'Get Out the Vote' Effort for Dems
>>12801481 Johnheretohelp thread on FBI using CP to frame their enemies
>>12801488 Facebook bans Myanmar national military TV network page - PANIC
>>12801489 Lindsey Graham: If Dems want impeachment witnesses, GOP will call on FBI to testify
>>12801506 Happy Days Ahead for the Pentagon as Beacons Are Lit for the Military-Industrial Complex
>>12801515 Seven Hour Siege In Mogadishu Hotel Ends: At Least 10 Dead, 30 Injured
#12801533 at 2021-02-02 18:49:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
yes, yes the statement stands
So instead of OSS waiting for handoff nb he decided to split the dough on anons.
#12801523 at 2021-02-02 18:48:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
It's apparent I'm going to have to do some marathon bakes again to stop the OSS/Gerbil shitshow since OSS can't fucking get the job done…
#12801511 at 2021-02-02 18:47:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
#12801499 at 2021-02-02 18:46:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
#12801474 at 2021-02-02 18:43:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
The best part of him ran down his momma's leg. He couldn't fucking put two and two together. He's not an autist. He's a fucking BABY RETARD who licks PINE SOL off the floor because he's too stupid to know better.
#12801458 at 2021-02-02 18:41:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
#12801442 at 2021-02-02 18:39:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
#12801408 at 2021-02-02 18:36:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
>>12800639 DOUGH
Q Research General #16341: Dough Is Now Good to Go Edition
>>12801286 Fresh Dough
>>12801286 Fresh Dough
>>12801286 Fresh Dough
>not to concerned on OSS splitting dough like a shill
BV notified and will be locked
#12801401 at 2021-02-02 18:35:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
Fake baker grvl
Real baker OSS as if anons havent figured that out… \AnonsKnowing\
#12801392 at 2021-02-02 18:34:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
If you collect notables the bread is always good to go.
Why would OSS bread be fake you sound concerned?
You lost.
#12801378 at 2021-02-02 18:33:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
>>12801373 Fresh Bread
#12801366 at 2021-02-02 18:32:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
Why do you do this ASSHOLE? FAKE BREAD
#12801336 at 2021-02-02 18:30:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition
but gerbil isnt OSS kek
#12801275 at 2021-02-02 18:24:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
OSS is a good baker. Only the Jews hate OSS.
#12801255 at 2021-02-02 18:23:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
Wtf is OSS Gerbil?
#12801237 at 2021-02-02 18:21:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
Ignore the OSS / Gerbil op
Anons - We're BEST when we unite and dig, meme, pray. Stop engaging with these romper room rejects. Something BIG is coming - that's why they're pulling their shit and OSS? He just can't help himself. He FALLS FOR IT every time.
#12801189 at 2021-02-02 18:16:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
I just got here and see you poisoning the board with hate and emotional vomit. Please do something positive OSS.
#12801115 at 2021-02-02 18:10:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
Please stop. None of what you say is true. You've been pushing the same psycho bullshit for over 3 months. We need DIGS and Memes and when pOSSible, PRAYERS.
Why do you persist in doxxining, defaming and denigrating all bakers with lies?
C'mon OSS, you're better than this.
#12800854 at 2021-02-02 17:48:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition
you forgot to call him OSS
#12791150 at 2021-02-01 18:55:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
>OSS is C_A
>Only one me.
>True enough, however the statement wasn't inaccurate.
>So that makes me C_A,
>Not everything is about you anon
Are you fucking retarded?
#12790933 at 2021-02-01 18:28:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
Yeah, but a funny thing happened after the war. The U.S. brought home a rather sizeable number of SS, Gestapo, Nazi party aparachics and Scientists. And the CIA was keen to use them to battle the USSR, country they knew very well. At the same time Jewish bolshevics in Acadamia and Hollywood "offered their services" i.e. infiltrated. So the CIA was not populated by patriotic intelligence soldiers as it was in the OSS. Most of those guys GI biled got jobs and lived the 50's.
#12790595 at 2021-02-01 17:49:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
>OSS is C_A
Only one me.
#12790585 at 2021-02-01 17:48:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
OSS is C_A
#12790574 at 2021-02-01 17:47:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#12790508 at 2021-02-01 17:42:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
sure OSS, are you going to bake or keep shilling
#12790499 at 2021-02-01 17:42:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
maybe you should stop using OSS as deflection since anons see right through you now. you people really are stupid.
#12790484 at 2021-02-01 17:40:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition
do you see, no one cares about your lies OSS, mabye you should baker more and shill less
#12778113 at 2021-01-31 13:41:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16311: The 'Call The Ball' Edition
METH will not allow him to sleep long these days.
Enjoy the Show!
#12764247 at 2021-01-30 05:59:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition
comped OSS
comped DOODLE
comped Barkeep
anime cool
damn 99% of these bakers are comped.
kekbees kinda cool but a bit of asshoe mi feels too
#12764228 at 2021-01-30 05:56:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition
Trips of truth you jew bastard
#12764222 at 2021-01-30 05:56:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition
#12764028 at 2021-01-30 05:31:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition
Shill can't figure it out. is it comms, mnr, OSS, anime, doodle, BK?
It can't keep up after it gets rattled by being exposed like last bread
#12763994 at 2021-01-30 05:28:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition
I thought you said it was MNR Bakers.
#12763982 at 2021-01-30 05:27:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition
#12763905 at 2021-01-30 05:20:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition
#12756983 at 2021-01-29 17:42:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16286: Anons Need New Exit Protocols Edition
>>>12754382 - Asia says we buyin GME
ohiohoho They're Fucked.
Speaking of fucked kek…
>go fuck yourself namefag fuckup
Kek… Okay… SURE. Kek..
NOT OSS By the way.
Thought they just flew over my house maybe not…
Smells like gerbil bread.
#12756249 at 2021-01-29 16:24:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16285: Edition
Gerbil is OSS is Rusty and/or is Shady Groove is Ghey!
#12756244 at 2021-01-29 16:23:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16285: Edition
>Yeah OSS is prolly that Payseur guy from Twatter...
I don't have a twatter, Kikel.
#12756188 at 2021-01-29 16:18:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16285: Edition
Yeah OSS is prolly that Payseur guy from Twatter…
#12756172 at 2021-01-29 16:16:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16285: Edition
>>12756063 TYB
911 Exit Backup Protocols?
I guess out of site out of mind.
Now, keep anons in the dark 24/7?
What to do when qr bonked or kun down?
Baker dont care?
Baker compromised?
Baker following shill advise to keep anons in the dark?
Keep anons in the dark is patriot duty?
Baker OSS listening to wrong signal?
#12756114 at 2021-01-29 16:07:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16285: Edition
#12756086 at 2021-01-29 16:04:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
>OSS == …Rusty?
It would not surprise me.
#12756071 at 2021-01-29 16:03:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
Oh come on Anon.
OSS is highly likely Rusty from comms.
If not Rusty then my second theory is that OSS is Shady groove… kek
#12756011 at 2021-01-29 15:57:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
OSS showed up some time in late feb, early april.
grvl had been invading the dough since the 8chan takedown/8kun spin-up, due to them having had been a fallback on endchan during the takedown.
grvl was a pre-existing problem.
#12755939 at 2021-01-29 15:50:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
>Both Gerbil and OSS have the exact same M.O.
#12755907 at 2021-01-29 15:45:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
Both Gerbil and OSS have the exact same M.O.
Fuck everything up until they get their way.
#12755893 at 2021-01-29 15:43:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
>I sometimes think Gerbil is OSS anyways.
#12755890 at 2021-01-29 15:43:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
Fuck the Gerbil, remove them.
I sometimes think Gerbil is OSS anyways.
#12755588 at 2021-01-29 15:10:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition
Gawdamn yer a pussy!
Are you sure you are cut out for this?
I don't trust NONE OF YOU motherfuckers yet I do WORK WITH YOUR retard asses rather often anyways!
Patriots make sacrifices like that sometimes…
3+ years of having to FORCE fucking notes that should have slid right down the ole' notable throat etc etc et fucking al.
#12749449 at 2021-01-29 01:14:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16276: Loop Capital Markets Edition
Let me axe you this.
If Redditors with /pol/ skills can take down the entire system,
Who do you think the people will blame?
It won't be the ones the Mockingbirds blame.
Everyone is OSS Dave Portnoy now.
#12745198 at 2021-01-28 18:59:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16270: Today's Forecast: Happening Edition
Sucking OSS' MicroDick edition
#12740418 at 2021-01-28 07:23:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16264: What If You're The Ebot Edition
>I thought that was you.
yeah, I figured there was enough posts/ memes under the userID to verify it was me
sorry for the "stolen valor" OSS
that franklin88 faggot DID piss me the fuck off
>If you cleared your cookies or used a vpn they won't show anymore.
-CP injection (lots of cache/cookie clearing)
-board fuckery got me chaging all kinds of network setting
so yeah, my (you)'s from that far back are a lost cause >.<
I should really save more screencaps
#12740181 at 2021-01-28 06:41:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16264: What If You're The Ebot Edition
Ok OSS, Calm down
#12740163 at 2021-01-28 06:38:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16264: What If You're The Ebot Edition
No! Some of us Know that the OSS>CIA was always a buncha Agents of Rome yet you can still bake.
Go on little fella, it's ok, I won't hurt you no more :D
#12740154 at 2021-01-28 06:37:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16264: What If You're The Ebot Edition
Not OSS. Just fuckin anon who managed to keep his job through all the bullshit and tired of the fuckin CCP/KIKE shill bakers fuckin things up on purpose.
#12740145 at 2021-01-28 06:35:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16264: What If You're The Ebot Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#12740140 at 2021-01-28 06:34:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16264: What If You're The Ebot Edition
STFU and Bake, OSSfag!
OSS might be a confused racist meth head but he is an otherwise Patriotic confused racist meth head!
#12738241 at 2021-01-28 03:08:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16261: Military Government Preparing New Republic? Edition
Now what kind of butthurt is that?
I liked what OSS had to say there.
#12738202 at 2021-01-28 03:05:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16261: Military Government Preparing New Republic? Edition
OSS has held the line while you faggots felated obvious subversives
#12738148 at 2021-01-28 03:01:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16261: Military Government Preparing New Republic? Edition
>As long as anons have each other and somewhere to work together
Coming from the most divisive shill that caused the most damage to the hive mind and the board.
You are a piece of shit OSS.