8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (14,666)
#13711311 at 2021-05-20 18:10:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17361: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Edition
>Make your time
sooooo quiet in there without you or gerbil
#13711302 at 2021-05-20 18:09:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17361: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Edition
Make your time
#13711296 at 2021-05-20 18:08:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17361: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Edition
What is OSS?
The Office of Strategic Services: America's First Intelligence Agency
#13711290 at 2021-05-20 18:07:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17360: Thanks for Collecting Those Notables Rodent Edition
Can a real baker make a legit #17361 bread?
This OSS bullshit HAS TO STOP
#13711253 at 2021-05-20 18:01:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17360: Thanks for Collecting Those Notables Rodent Edition
Yep, blending in.
Any oldfag knows that the fedboys on /pol/ have the liberty to behave however they choose so long as they remain undercover.
Nice mask there, TEX.
But you still aren't fooling anyone.
How about you title the bread WHAT IS ZIONISM or JOE BIDEN IS A ZIONIST.
Maybe that will trigger the MOSSAD that the CIA works for, OSS.
#13711232 at 2021-05-20 17:59:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17360: Thanks for Collecting Those Notables Rodent Edition
Are you seriously making your own posts notable?
Holy shit, it writes itself..
What's wrong OSS?
You have BV convinced but who are you trying to kid here?
You're a fucking fedboy and everyone thought it at some point.
How come you have to defend your namefag so fucking hard?
It's laughable at best.
And how come you are baking a this hour?
Didn't you say you have work?
And another question, how come you returned to the board only after I returned?
Are you some kind of faggot namefag trying to dick ride the trust Anon placed in me?
Be real retard, you might be able to fool wannabe whiteboys but no one with a practical sense is taking you seriously.
Some "ANONS" injected.
Once CIA, always CIA
And can you type for me, OSS - OSS IS CIA. ?
#13711107 at 2021-05-20 17:45:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17360: Thanks for Collecting Those Notables Rodent Edition
Hey, I was helping my friend in ARK to collect some resources and then ate some pizza, took my doggo for a walk..
Now OSS is baking?
And as usually defending his NAMEFAG.
Imagine, being this much of a glow in the dark fedboy that you HAVE to defend your NAMEFAG by baking it into the notables.
Does it ever get tiring being this exposed?
And why did you pick the name OSS?
To make OSS look like "good guys?"
Isn't that a division of the CIA?
Once CIA always CIA
#13711083 at 2021-05-20 17:42:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17360: Thanks for Collecting Those Notables Rodent Edition
no, get baited less.
Everyone is OSS! and GERBIL!!! and TRANIME!!!
#13710415 at 2021-05-20 16:35:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17360: Thanks for Collecting Those Notables Rodent Edition
It's not about the BOARD DRAMA
It's about the Arizona Audit.
Anons, don't fall for the M OSS AD narrative of 'Q Research is falling apart'.
ARIZONA deals a DEATH BLOW to Cabal plans to cancel the US Constitution…
#13710320 at 2021-05-20 16:25:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
M OSS AD is a big problem on this board. Election Fraud (confirmed/overturned) destroys the coup on America. PANIC!!!
#13710289 at 2021-05-20 16:23:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
M OSS AD not just Doodle anymore?
#13710281 at 2021-05-20 16:22:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
> OSS is a low-IQ Nigger
>>13693501 pb I will never understand how you can try to run such OSS is a low-IQ Nigger psyops on this board. Anons see right through this retarded shit. What do you think you are gonna do, cause a mutiny and have me thrown overboard? <- - - OSS Board Volunteer Nigger
>I will never understand how you can try to run such OSS is a low-IQ Nigger psyops on this board. Anons see right through this retarded shit. What do you think you are gonna do, cause a mutiny and have me thrown overboard? <- - - OSS Board Volunteer Nigger
#13710181 at 2021-05-20 16:09:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Eyes on Ariizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire
ELECTION FRAUD is being covered up on this board by M OSS AD
Anons, where do you think the first board is that they began to infiltrate? Wherever Q posts? This was all accounted for.
#13710002 at 2021-05-20 15:49:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
>>13709844, >>13709870 Steeping out of shadows BO attacking anons on 8kun now
>>13709695 OSS now attempting to STEAL and SPLIT dough
>>13709756 How come you can't type OSS is CIA?
>>13709608, >>13709620, >>13709632 OSS IS CANCER FOR THIS BOARD
#13709997 at 2021-05-20 15:48:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
You call that fan club?
Stimulants finally kicking in my 39 year old AGENT?
How many years have you been a traitor of your Nation?
Quick question, why did you only return when I came back?
You trying to dick ride off the trust Anon has given to me?
How come you only seed division?
Yes, I fight with normies and newfags, even anons at times.
But what survives in the ashes?
The Truth, but you OSS, how come you never bow before the TRUE HEROES OF THIS STORY?
You manipulate his mind and opinions, you say all the KEY WORDS to fit in.
Imagine calling yourself intelligence.
#13709965 at 2021-05-20 15:44:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Just had an egg, cooked in butter with salt, pepper and 3 or 4 big squeezes of that HOT OIL.
Fucking put that shit on everything.
Fucking love hot oil.
This American of Chinese decent does youtube videos, mother fucker puts hot oil on everything.
Makes sense to me now.
Let it be known that on this day, it was realized that hot oil was the primary reason for saving Ching from Chang.
What does OSS mean? And why is it related to CIA?
Once CIA always CIA
"ANON" injected not actually "ANON"
The more you know.
#13709919 at 2021-05-20 15:38:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
FUCK the fake namefag drama
Newfags, if you see any use of names like OSS, Leaf,Fungus,etc ignore them. All they've managed to do is distract and fill up bread.
#13709883 at 2021-05-20 15:34:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Anons know.
Go drink more CIA NIGGER cum you wannabe white boy.
You're garbage and nutcup like a faggot.
Do you job and eat some eggs or something.
Slowjack, the FAGGOT.
#13709825 at 2021-05-20 15:28:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
#13709799 at 2021-05-20 15:25:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Look as the CIA NIGGER desperately tries to defend his NAMEFAG.
What's wrong OSS, the tranny chaser?
What's wrong OSS, the CIA NIGGER?
Getting too much heat?
Why defend your NAMEFAG, OSS?
Why is it important you inject the name OSS as a good guy?
I beheld a rider, his name ANON, UPON A GRAIL COURSE
But no soup for you, CIA NIGGER
#13709785 at 2021-05-20 15:23:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
> <- - - OSS Board Volunteer Nigger
>Everyone is OSS
joke is going to far, now I am a BV also?
#13709781 at 2021-05-20 15:22:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Hadn't seen that reply because I had finished, but does it think I'm OSS?
#13709769 at 2021-05-20 15:21:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Kek you the most attacked person?
Leaf is the most attacked Anon, you son of a bitch.
What's wrong OSS, the tranny chaser?
What's wrong OSS, the CIA NIGGER!!
#13709761 at 2021-05-20 15:21:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
>dude, something is buggy, thats all im telling you.
>I don't know what is going on and i try to tell you about a fucking bug and you go all tinfoiled schizo on me?
>what are you
>>13693501 I will never understand how you can try to run such OSS is a low-IQ Nigger psyops on this board. Anons see right through this retarded shit. What do you think you are gonna do, cause a mutiny and have me thrown overboard? <- - - OSS Board Volunteer Nigger
#13709756 at 2021-05-20 15:20:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Trying the whole /comms/ thing?
Fucking funny how you have to throw people under the bus to prove your worth.
Old habits die hard.
What does OSS mean?
And why did Q state, ONCE CIA ALWAYS CIA.
And why do you type C_A?
You can't type CIA?
How come you can't type OSS is CIA?
#13709753 at 2021-05-20 15:20:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
>>13703552 pb
>would do to OSS Board Volunteer nigger's IP hash bullshit?
seems like the IP hashes he posts wouldn't be accurate
#13709752 at 2021-05-20 15:20:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
>They'll learn soon won't they? OSS Board Volunteer Nigger's Commrade
>Everyone is OSS
I must be the most attacked person on this board.
Feelz Good Man
#13709745 at 2021-05-20 15:19:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
pb below
>The ID isbound to the hashof the ip, right?
>So how is it pOSSible that anons jump ID out of nowhere?
<Are you using a VPN?
>>13693446 So easy to catch you idiots in a lie <- - - OSS Board Volunteer Nigger
You say that, but have you had your IP randomly used to shill post and directly try to tie anons to .. posts or pictures we didn't..
It was a good 2 weeks of jumping IP's
Without any self initiation.
I only have one phone,
And don't do well with Tor
>>13693457 They'll learn soon won't they? OSS Board Volunteer Nigger's Commrade
>They'll learn soon won't they?
Probably not, but at least we are all having funbanning anons again.
#13709730 at 2021-05-20 15:17:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
>Try to blend in harder
>Why do you always defend your NAMEFAG?
Kek. muh OSS is C_A wrap-up again.
#13709725 at 2021-05-20 15:16:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Go for it.
E-Bakes and OSS Bakes are the only Notes I bother to read these days.
#13709723 at 2021-05-20 15:16:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Guess what, you're not Spike.
You're that dude that betrayed him.
Gerbz is Spike nao.
You are no longer part of Cowboy BEEP BOOP!
Try to blend in harder
Why do you always defend your NAMEFAG?
You seem to go out of your way to defend your name, you see I don't defend my name.
My actions give them the ability to figure out whose side I'm on.
You on the other hand character assassinate to prove your worth.
Old habits of sacrificing the other for personal growth hard to give up?
Ruh roh, made the wrong enima.
#13709706 at 2021-05-20 15:14:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Self admitting division shilling.
Gee OSS, once CIA always CIA?
What is OSS from again?
Ruh roh, you made the wrong enima.
#13709695 at 2021-05-20 15:12:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
OSS Here, thinking about taking over the bake just to watch Tranime and Gerbil Reeeee for a bit.
Should be fun
#13709620 at 2021-05-20 15:03:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Man, I get blamed for everything.
#13709530 at 2021-05-20 14:50:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
>Got OSS, KEKBEE, now Wannabe whiteboy gangsta.
don't blame us, blame your uncle!
#13709506 at 2021-05-20 14:46:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
Funny how you were cool with me until the tranny part came out.
Now you know why I kept it a sekrit.
Because you just can't handle the truth.
Simple as.
Btw you are on the list for the Q meet up boxing match when this is all over.
Got OSS, KEKBEE, now Wannabe whiteboy gangsta.
#13709500 at 2021-05-20 14:44:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
#13709443 at 2021-05-20 14:37:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
Gerbil is wishy-washy about OSS.
One minute he likes him then the next he says he's MNR.
Which is dumb because they're back on /qrb/ now.
#13709423 at 2021-05-20 14:35:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
>Who makes up these terms?
>that would be the Kike OSS
Gerbil loves OSS, OSS thinks Gerbils asshole is faggot.
#13709387 at 2021-05-20 14:31:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
Who makes up these terms?
that would be the Kike OSS
#13708418 at 2021-05-20 10:22:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17357: Ego off edition
Did you read my post? I said I believe your fake Q shit is free speech and shouldn't be censored. Since it is being censored (newfags dont know about tripcode I suppose) then why not do something else? Was your sole purpose in life the fake Q decodes? A lot of people make money doing that on youtube or twitter. Bitching about it and calling everyone OSS sure doesn't help your cause either. My suggestion was simply find a new hobby, I have no power or desire to stop you from posting whatever you want.
#13705998 at 2021-05-20 01:32:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17354: Into the Night, Patriot's Shine Bright , Against Lies Fight Edition
>100 shekels says OSS is Logan Strain
Again faggot, please explain wtf I have to do with your whining.
#13705991 at 2021-05-20 01:32:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17354: Into the Night, Patriot's Shine Bright , Against Lies Fight Edition
>100 shekels says OSS is Logan Strain
#13705928 at 2021-05-20 01:23:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17354: Into the Night, Patriot's Shine Bright , Against Lies Fight Edition
>why does OSS Board Volunteer Nigger not want anons to read these posts?
>Everyone is OSS
How the fuck am I involved in this you slow brain nigger.
#13705903 at 2021-05-20 01:20:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17354: Into the Night, Patriot's Shine Bright , Against Lies Fight Edition
why does OSS Board Volunteer Nigger not want anons to read these posts?
#13705893 at 2021-05-20 01:19:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17354: Into the Night, Patriot's Shine Bright , Against Lies Fight Edition
pb below
>The ID isbound to the hashof the ip, right?
>So how is it pOSSible that anons jump ID out of nowhere?
<Are you using a VPN?
>>13693446 So easy to catch you idiots in a lie <- - - OSS Board Volunteer Nigger
You say that, but have you had your IP randomly used to shill post and directly try to tie anons to .. posts or pictures we didn't..
It was a good 2 weeks of jumping IP's
Without any self initiation.
I only have one phone,
And don't do well with Tor
>>13693457 They'll learn soon won't they? OSS Board Volunteer Nigger's Commrade
>They'll learn soon won't they?
Probably not, but at least we are all having funbanning anons again.
#13705733 at 2021-05-20 00:58:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17354: Into the Night, Patriot's Shine Bright , Against Lies Fight Edition
OSS is a tranny chasing faggot.
Called me bipolar, when I am clearing not.
I hope he forgives me..
Fucking asshole, hate him.
Just kidding.
But seriously, fucking DOUCHE BAG
No u!
#13705714 at 2021-05-20 00:56:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17354: Into the Night, Patriot's Shine Bright , Against Lies Fight Edition
One time OSS called me a freak for paying too close attention to the Baker Wars.
He's not wrong but crack is crack.
#13705219 at 2021-05-19 23:29:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17353: Anibake Edition
don't forget OSS
#13705059 at 2021-05-19 23:02:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17353: Anibake Edition
Nah, OSS and me are fighting now.
He's a douche bag.
#13705052 at 2021-05-19 23:02:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17353: Anibake Edition
If I were OSS, I'd be on your side ya dumb shill.
#13705041 at 2021-05-19 23:00:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17353: Anibake Edition
Cry moar OSS
You're still a stupid retard that is eternally BTFO.
You a little too thirsty there, bud.
#13704533 at 2021-05-19 21:54:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17352: Ebake
>Everyone is OSS
#13703737 at 2021-05-19 20:20:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17351: PATRIOTS RISE UP WORLDWIDE Edition
>would do to OSS Board Volunteer nigger's IP hash bullshit?
seems like the IP hashes he posts wouldn't be accurate
#13703681 at 2021-05-19 20:12:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>would do to OSS Board Volunteer nigger's IP hash bullshit?
seems like the IP hashes he posts wouldn't be accurate
#13703561 at 2021-05-19 19:54:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17351: PATRIOTS RISE UP WORLDWIDE Edition
Welcome back Fake Q. Since you are such a bastion of honesty go ahead and sauce that OSS is a BV.
#13703552 at 2021-05-19 19:53:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17351: PATRIOTS RISE UP WORLDWIDE Edition
wonder what that would do to OSS Board Volunteer nigger's IP hash bullshit?
anyone have an idea?
#13703536 at 2021-05-19 19:50:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17351: PATRIOTS RISE UP WORLDWIDE Edition
pb below
>The ID isbound to the hashof the ip, right?
>So how is it pOSSible that anons jump ID out of nowhere?
<Are you using a VPN?
>>13693446 So easy to catch you idiots in a lie <- - - OSS Board Volunteer Nigger
You say that, but have you had your IP randomly used to shill post and directly try to tie anons to .. posts or pictures we didn't..
It was a good 2 weeks of jumping IP's
Without any self initiation.
I only have one phone,
And don't do well with Tor
>>13693457 They'll learn soon won't they? OSS Board Volunteer Nigger's Commrade
>They'll learn soon won't they?
Probably not, but at least we are all having funbanning anons again.
#13703432 at 2021-05-19 19:38:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17351: PATRIOTS RISE UP WORLDWIDE Edition
>>13693512 pb
>>13693512 pb
>Tread lightly, the power to ban comes with great responsibility.
>Never forget that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
that OSS nigger was born corrupt
#13703313 at 2021-05-19 19:24:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17351: PATRIOTS RISE UP WORLDWIDE Edition
>>13702969 (OP)
>>13703005 Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13703036 China Releases Video Targeting TGP Contributor Lawrence Sellin, PhD, Due to His Work Uncovering the Role of China's Military in the COVID-19 Crisis
>>13703064 President Trump Statement Blasts Corrupt New York AG Letitia James for Targeting Trump Organization in Criminal Probe
>>13703082 Top EU Negotiator "Quite Sure" Iran Nuclear Deal Will Be Reached Next Week
>>13703098 Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate VERNON JONES Calls for Forensic Audit of Controversial 2020 Election
>>13703108 In August 2020 TGP Reported Per the CDC That Only 6% of All COVID-19 Deaths Were Caused EXCLUSIVELY by the COVID-19 Virus - Today It's Down to 5%!
>>13703118 Watch: Communist Professor Declares That US Was Defeated In "Biological War" With China
>>13703132 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Granting Interviews "Only To Black Or Brown Journalists"
>>13703146 PM Johnson says he shares 'horror' over spike in anti-Semitic incidents in UK, promises support to Jewish community
>>13703152 Antrim County MI: Election Integrity - Fundraiser Event
>>13703165 Hackers Got $5 Million: Colonial Pipeline Reportedly Paid A Ransom In Cryptocurrency, Contrary To Claims
>>13703171 Studies find California child hospitalizations from COVID-19 were 'grOSSly inflated' by at least 40% - findings 'likely' to be the same acrOSS US
>>13703183 Danny Masterson posts courthouse selfie before rape case hearing
>>13703196 600,000 Children From 12 to 15 Have Been Vaccinated Against COVID-19: CDC
>>13703201 UK Begins Ripping Out Chinese Communist Party-Linked Huawei From 5G Network.
>>13703212 Anthony Fauci: Americans 'Misinterpreting' CDC Guidance on Masks: It's 'Not' Removal of a Mask Mandate
>>13703219 Joe Biden Praises Gretchen Whitmer as 'Honorable' amid Florida Private Jet Scandal
>>13703235 Andrew Lloyd Webber: 'Selfish' People Who Decline Vaccines Are Like Deadly Drunk Drivers
>>13703237 John Kennedy Asks CDC Director Point Blank What Mask Rules Are
>>13703242 Shocking phone call of IDF calling to warn a building owner where children are present. A heartbreaking response.
>>13703245 Turkish Hackers Accused of Cyber Attack on Cyprus Parliament
>>13703255 Dinner with the Governor & the First Lady
>>13703261 Former Acting CBP Commissioner: DHS Secretary Must Go
>>13703262 Can someone explain to me why masks are still required in schools per CDC in select states?
>>13703293 MEDICAL ETHICS FAIL: Covid vaccines worsen disease upon exposure, and trial participants are not being warned by doctors or researchers
Q boxing match when? OSS and KEKBEES already challenge me, who else is up to bat?
Don't worry its a friendly match at the Q meet up when this all blows over and makes history
Imagine getting your ass handed to you by a tranny faggot.
Go ahead post some retard shit to make YOURSELF look badass for what OTHER PEOPLE HAVE DONE.
#13702763 at 2021-05-19 18:11:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17350: God Won and Patriots Win Edition
Board Volunteer = OSS
you try harder
remember anons
they always project
they always tell you to your face
>>13685198 pb
#13702743 at 2021-05-19 18:08:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17350: God Won and Patriots Win Edition
You're not OSS.
Try harder.
Unless you are scared of that boxing match?
Ribs getting old?
#13702740 at 2021-05-19 18:07:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17350: God Won and Patriots Win Edition
Have an anon bake a new bread
Let anons post notables.
Fuck the Bakers
but Definitely get rid of that Faggot Board Volunteer
#13702709 at 2021-05-19 18:03:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17350: God Won and Patriots Win Edition
## Board Volunteer Shill
who the hell made this nigger QR Moderator?
Fuck off OSS you fucking kike
PB all
<Let's play a game, how long will you be banned?
<You get banned because this is a research board and you only research tranny cock. Faggot.
>just funny how it's just a few can't speak, but other's are forgiven...kind of reminds me of something.....
<One of the tenants of Marxism is to "always scream true democracy while doing everything you can to subvert it."
#13702109 at 2021-05-19 16:29:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17349: Audit, Domino Sequence Engaged
>Anime, BV and OSS and not on the same team!
You think about me more than my own mother. Rent free faggot.
#13701324 at 2021-05-19 14:28:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17348:Audit. Initiate Domino Sequence
>kek, but
The traditional QR Baker is a tough task to do well.
Some like doc and OSS make it look easy.
It's not for the vast majority of the rest of us tho.
Splitting the task into Breadmaker / Notetaker would ease the burden and allow for greater Anon participation in the Kitchen.
#13697834 at 2021-05-19 01:46:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17344: The return of the Anons Edition
OSS & doc were/are the only Bakers that could navigate the Q drop frenzy and keep up every single time.
>t. I seen't it
#13696183 at 2021-05-18 22:38:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
we are all still here (me beeing fake Gerbil), the conclomerate has survived without speaking with each others directly,
fucking animefag gerbil or OSS.
all 3 i know and don't like, infact even more some of them i hate, but somehow this BV thinks we are all on one team.
that's in some sense true since we all are oldfags but fuck you all anyway
#13696154 at 2021-05-18 22:35:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
>animefag btfo
>Gerbil btfo
>OSS btfo
>Ty BV
>All samefags who end up baking and handing off to each other despite btfoing each other
>Intense hatred of warroom in dough because it exposed their tactics and allowed anons to fight back online
>Vatican research deleted with no explanation
It's all so boring
#13696007 at 2021-05-18 22:16:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
You meant to make anons look like Jew haters. Just like your buddy OSS. Get a real job. No more $ramen for you. Bye
#13695677 at 2021-05-18 21:40:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
add this to the bread baker
>>13695508, >>13695584 DIG: OSS admitting he is a NEON (neonazi), and posting some fashwave
so that everyone can learn a bit more about OSS
#13695584 at 2021-05-18 21:31:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
gonna post some fashwave again OSS?
from bread 17264
>>13632855 (pb)
> >what's next?
>>are you going to add some fashwave to the bread?
> yes
#13695508 at 2021-05-18 21:23:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
in bread 17263
>>13632171 (pb) OSS gets the bake
>>13632480 (pb) OSS admits to being a neonazi
> >OSS is a NEON confirmed
>I mean, I've been calling you kikes, kikes for months. Are you a newfag?
>>13632701 (pb) OSS is so proud, he adds his admission to the notables, on the first line, in bold
> >>13632480 (pb), >>13632501 (pb) I mean, I've been calling you kikes, kikes for months. Are you a newfag?
#13695471 at 2021-05-18 21:19:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
My name is OSS and everyones a JEW who doesn't agree with my whites only bullshit
#13695465 at 2021-05-18 21:18:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
Wait this is OSS baking?
Top fucking kek.
I should have noticed.
You're still such a crazy niglet.
Hurrr anime didn't take my side completely.
I'm so BTFO.
You're still on the list.
To become BV of /qportal/
#13695464 at 2021-05-18 21:18:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
>And whether or not he has a hard for Hitler makes him anymore of anything?
>Fucking run your kiked script harder you fucking normalfaggot
learn to read
> >OSS is a NEON confirmed
>I mean, I've been calling you kikes, kikes for months. Are you a newfag?
#13695411 at 2021-05-18 21:14:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
>>13695399 Jews hate OSS
not notable
#13695406 at 2021-05-18 21:13:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
The fuck are you on about?
OSS is a patriot and a good namefag at that.
#13695399 at 2021-05-18 21:12:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
in bread 17263
>>13632171 (pb) OSS gets the bake
>>13632480 (pb) OSS admits to being a neonazi
>>13632701 (pb) OSS is so proud, he adds his admission to the notables, on the first line, in bold
#13695189 at 2021-05-18 20:49:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
The Board Wars Minute
Keeping you up to date with what's going down so you don't have to
Well, Tuesday is turning out to be yet another inflection point in QResearch history.
Uncle Joe says they were 18+ I was just big mad at you Karens.
Peace talks already in progress.
BV FlyingOnion's march to the sea continues.
The capital cities of several comfy shills are now burning as they reeeeeeeeeeeeee in pain all bread.
Anna Mae will never Bake again too many Anons ready to get a 1 hour spam-n-shill pass to disrupt if he/she does.
OSS is Baking that's always fun.
Doodle I am disappoint.
Tom still talking to himself on MNR - these Comms niggers hanging out here full time again are assholes.
Nobody knows where the fuck BO is prolly on the DOAR giving lectures about the buffalo.
#13695018 at 2021-05-18 20:30:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
>OSS handpicked
How exactly am I related to 8bit, Jewdle?
#13695010 at 2021-05-18 20:28:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17341: BV BTFO of Shill Team 6
OSS handpicked all 8bit's enemies that he's immorally using the iphash functions to dox today. Isn't that interesting? All right at the culmination of the AZ Audit?
Dark to Light
Love overcomes hate.
#13693886 at 2021-05-18 17:53:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17340: Pillow the Faggot, forever shall he be known Edition
I love it when you seethe and cry Gerbil
#13693878 at 2021-05-18 17:52:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17340: Pillow the Faggot, forever shall he be known Edition
#13693844 at 2021-05-18 17:47:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>not my trip code stupid nigger.
>but ur a stupid nigger and cant think.
>so here let me tell u, stupid nigger.
>see that screen shot, thats the screen shot of anons posting. that another anon made all by themselves on this board, kinda like u try to do.
>BUT, now hold on... BUT that anon used a tripcode. I can not use a tripcode here, nor can anyone for that matter unless given to them, or taking.
>so what we are trying to tell ur stpid nigger OSS is that an anon made that post using a tripcode.
>but your stupid nigger ass thinks that was gerbil.
>u areally area stupid nigger.
>stfu and try to learn around here and do something useful in ur life besides blowing trannies for a living
Totally normal and justified amounts of seethe.
We call this a tell, nigger.
#13693830 at 2021-05-18 17:45:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
not my trip code stupid nigger.
but ur a stupid nigger and cant think.
so here let me tell u, stupid nigger.
see that screen shot, thats the screen shot of anons posting. that another anon made all by themselves on this board, kinda like u try to do.
BUT, now hold on… BUT that anon used a tripcode. I can not use a tripcode here, nor can anyone for that matter unless given to them, or taking.
so what we are trying to tell ur stpid nigger OSS is that an anon made that post using a tripcode.
but your stupid nigger ass thinks that was gerbil.
u areally area stupid nigger.
stfu and try to learn around here and do something useful in ur life besides blowing trannies for a living
#13693574 at 2021-05-18 17:09:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
It was a joke, faggot. Calm down. I'm ostensibly on your side. I defended OSS and animefag last year numerous times when BV/BO was afk. I was fighting these faggots when FapJack forced me to type a fucking captcha every post.
Just because I'm frustrated that these fucks are still here and I'm still locked in my house because no one wants to actually fucking arrest the evil fucks in charge, doesn't mean that I'm retarded.
#13693488 at 2021-05-18 16:57:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>tbh OSS its the jews, not gerbil.
>fight the jews.
Kek, j/k, gerbil is a jew.
#13693480 at 2021-05-18 16:56:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
tbh OSS its the jews, not gerbil.
fight the jews.
#13693449 at 2021-05-18 16:52:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>Plus no one can say they are OSS if OSS is a BV.
Everyone can say they are OSS. IDGAF.
#13693438 at 2021-05-18 16:50:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
Bans will be reserved for combating gore and porn spammers alike.
BV are not required to participate, though it is encouraged.
Plus no one can say they are OSS if OSS is a BV.
Just my two cents.
#13693427 at 2021-05-18 16:49:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>I am OSS, A retard.
Not gonna argue. I am still here engaging with you, so if the shoe fits.
#13693423 at 2021-05-18 16:49:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
Why you no ban anon?!
OSS gonna marry you?
#13693420 at 2021-05-18 16:48:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>I am OSS retard.
I am OSS, A retard.
here fixed it for ya
#13693418 at 2021-05-18 16:48:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
Imagine: OSS mind warped some young twat to come here and bake!
Probably gonna marry after this is over, uh huh!
#13693417 at 2021-05-18 16:48:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#13693413 at 2021-05-18 16:47:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
Fuck you bitch, we're all OSS nao.
#13693406 at 2021-05-18 16:46:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
I am OSS!
#13693399 at 2021-05-18 16:45:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
Anyone who was paying attention knows that OSS always handed off to AFB not to be confused with AFLB.
Anon could "work" with AFB style of tOSSing everything in notes though because anon adapts and overcomes!
AFB ultimately sounds like a child or someone very unlearned who probably should not be partaking of the discussion let alone Baking.
Racist Anti Semite Neo Nazi's ruined the Kitch.
Anon will never step foot in the kitch until the fucking hammer is dropped on these muh joo shill nazi conspiracy theorist 101 punk rookie bitches.
Infiltration not invasion since early 2018.
Enjoy the show!
#13693393 at 2021-05-18 16:44:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>You may not like, but OSS is what peak performance looks like.
I am OSS retard.
#13693389 at 2021-05-18 16:44:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
You may not like, but OSS is what peak performance looks like.
#13693383 at 2021-05-18 16:44:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
>I will make OSS
No thanks.
#13693375 at 2021-05-18 16:43:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
It is just a back up board, just like all other boards were previously.
I will make OSS, KEKBEES, GERBIL, this guy I met in discord as the BV.
I will act as BO
5 Adminstrators.
Banning only for 3 hours and for spamming and flooding.
If a BV is out of line, I will GAS THEM
#13693213 at 2021-05-18 16:23:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17339: Relaxing Day E-Bake Edition
WTF has OSS ever done for us?
>He led a board revolution taking back control from MOS
Ok, other than BTFO Comms what has OSS ever done for us?
>He Bakes during high volume periods keeping up the pace with ease when others can't
Ok, other than BTFO Comms and Baking under pressure what has OSS ever done for us?
>He spots board fuckery and makes caps showing Anons what's going on
Ok, other than BTFO Comms, Baking under pressure, and spotting fuckery what has OSS ever done for us?
>He's a pompous ass at times that goes overboard a little too much
Aha! Atodaso. He compd. Banhammer his ass.
#13690946 at 2021-05-18 07:07:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17336: Into the Night, Patriots Fight Edition
Check bread #17329. Q Research General #17329: Ebake Anonymous (You)
I ebaked a morning shift bread at the same time as some other anon.
My ID was 06c059
Anons filled up the other bread first and there was still no baker.
Morning shift has been baker-less lately.
After the other ebake filled up
Anons moved to my ebake.
I was workfagging so wasn't actually baking.
I was minding my own business when Protocols shill tagged me and reminded me about the next time Fake Q posts.
It looks like this was Shill Board Vol forgetting to IP hop and enter the trip code.
Once one of these cunts get exposed, they label you as one of the board namefag shills like OSS, gerbil, Anime baker, MNR, etc.
#13689406 at 2021-05-18 02:00:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17334: Maricopa County Audit, Openly Invites Legal Action Edition
Anna Mae is the biggest joke of a Notetaker in QResearch history.
Just like doc still owns the record for most breads baked and OSS is the best multi-tasking baker of all time and Toots should have been allowed to bake…
Anna Mae is by far the shittiest Baker with moar than 20 Bakes in QResearch history.
All the rest is just a sideshow.
#13687162 at 2021-05-17 21:30:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: E BAKE
>That's what I said until I needed to call on OSS because fucking retards were trying to post QANON banner and I wasn't ready to trust.
>Just do it retard, NSA is watching you anyways.
>So what, animebaker notables everything. Anons used to call people on this bullshit fake Q stuff but I log on today and see this mess with gerbil, fake Q, and animebaker. Idgaf anymore if we are reddit tier so be it. I'm stuck here no matter how shitty things become until Q posts or justice happens.
I'll invite you when I make my board. hopefully it will become a community project as I believe QResearch is supposed to be and kinda is.
#13686997 at 2021-05-17 21:17:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: E BAKE
That's what I said until I needed to call on OSS because fucking retards were trying to post QANON banner and I wasn't ready to trust.
Just do it retard, NSA is watching you anyways.
#13686889 at 2021-05-17 21:07:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: E BAKE
So either you communicate off board or you know IP because you have BV privileges, wonder which
>OSS ebake
Further proof that bakers are doing ebakes.
#13685957 at 2021-05-17 19:39:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: #ArizonaAudit all EYES and fuck the BV/Gerbil slide Edition
Keep seething kike.
WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Thousands of laws on the books
POVERTY OUR WEAPON, 580,466 people homeless in America
MASSES LED BY LIES, Whom Controls The Media?
UNIVERSAL WAR, Think POTUS trying to remove troops from Afghanistan
4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? ..., THEY CALL YOU SHEEP'''
7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS.
4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly - in cleverly compiled school-books on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal.This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle , THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM. GETTING THE POINT OF WHOM Q WAS REFERRING TO YET??'''
Signed by the representative of Zion, of the 33rd Degree THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MASONS, ELDERS, JEWS.
Now, after reading just these few excerpts can you still say "It's not the Jews?"
#13685788 at 2021-05-17 19:19:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: #ArizonaAudit all EYES and fuck the BV/Gerbil slide Edition
>since OSS/animefag
You really are a retard Magaveli.
#13685762 at 2021-05-17 19:16:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: #ArizonaAudit all EYES and fuck the BV/Gerbil slide Edition
I'm aware of the prob. However, what logically would be a good reason for BV to expose one of his own bakershillteam6 members? Right as, as you suggest, gerbil is picking up the baton, since OSS/animefag have been BTFO. Which is true. As far as I can tell, there ain't one logical reason. IMHO BV can rock on with his bad self. KEK In other words, fuck BST6.
#13685500 at 2021-05-17 18:43:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17330: Ebake 11 Re-orderedEdition
>Gerbil is not perfect yet gerbil is better than all of COMMS MNR OSS nazi shill crew faggots ever
>Its not even fucking close!
This is how stupid you are, you just admitted you were whom the BV called out with the same IP as the board attack spammer from march. You are really fucking dumb.
#13685481 at 2021-05-17 18:40:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17330: Ebake 11 Re-orderedEdition
Gerbil is not perfect yet gerbil is better than all of COMMS MNR OSS nazi shill crew faggots ever
Its not even fucking close!
Appeal to authority - Anon has maybe 5k (you)'s now, stopped counting and quite a few Q's!!!
Bow down!
Aint that how you do it inthematrixxx/jeffy?
#13685198 at 2021-05-17 18:10:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17330: Ebake 11 Re-orderedEdition
>Anna Mae is a BV now reeeeeeeeee!
Could you imagine. The only thing funnier would be OSS as a BV.
>hmm 1 comment and had to specify they were anon... seems legit.
2 now faggot.
#13684268 at 2021-05-17 16:04:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17329: Ebake
>You're not bad at playing both sides OSS, But you're not that good at it either. I'm genuinely curious. Is this your first co-intel job?
Are you fucking retarded? I did that one time to prove that it was a Fake Q copying and lines from Q crumbs. Why not show that in the very same bread I showed it was me and called the anons that fell for it retards?
#13684258 at 2021-05-17 16:02:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17329: Ebake
You're not bad at playing both sides OSS, But you're not that good at it either. I'm genuinely curious. Is this your first co-intel job?
#13683967 at 2021-05-17 15:13:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17329: Ebake
Nothing says you're a moran quite as succinctly as this does.
#13683498 at 2021-05-17 14:04:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17328: Someone kneads this Dough to get Some Bread Edition
OSS had BO/BV delete Friday night, Anon believes it was.
It seems to be the decode that broke their backs.
#13683478 at 2021-05-17 14:02:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17328: Someone kneads this Dough to get Some Bread Edition
Supress relevant info for over 3 years.
Gaslight Anon constantly
Delete the fucking VATICAN RCC Research thread with zero explanation
Delete Anons decode of Q drops
Label Anons attempts to get the word out as spam
Ban Anon repeatedly for "spam".
Allow OSS to spam the breads with the "Protocols" over and over again
[You] motherfuckering Traitors better hope that you do not live in the USA as none of us were ever truly Anonymous
#13683365 at 2021-05-17 13:47:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17328: Someone kneads this Dough to get Some Bread Edition
Here is BO/BV good friend OSS shill faker shilling for Palestine
#13681108 at 2021-05-17 03:23:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17325: Who had the ballots on March 2, Jack Sellers? AZ Audit Edition
>Jews have never been able to
>control the narrative on this board.
They had a good Gatekeeping run for a while there.
Then came the Color Revolution diggs.
Q had to finally step in.
Then OSS and the Rebel Anons took it from there.
#13674765 at 2021-05-16 09:07:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17317: Raynaldo Valenzuela and Runbeck Summary of Fuckery 2020 Edition
[YOU] are not fooling Anons.
They can tell when info is being supressed.
Its free rent all the way baby.
The more [you] resist the tighter the noose.
POTUS, POMPEO and many others STAND with ISRAEL.
That is what this recent Board tantrum is really all about.
OSS > BO/BV > All these little muh joo shill minions pretending to be Anons yet unable to contain [their] neo nazi traits.
Little Paper Clip babies running around flailing to defend the Cult and apparently completely oblivious.
Always striking at the fruit and not the root.
Look here! and Look there!
But never strike at the root.
What is wrong with the knowledge that Q certainly seems to indicate that C_A = CLOWNS IN AMERICA > 9-11 > VATICAN/POPE/PAPACY?
Isnt this just one of many painful truths that the Drops reveal?
What the fuck is wrong with [YOU]?
Imagine how many are hidden and afraid yet if they saw the sign and had confirmation that they were safe to come out, WOULD?!
Do you not even understand what abuse/trauma feels like?
How can you be so fucking dumb yet claim to be here for the CHILDREN!?
Not one chance in hell that [you] represent Q and so there is not a chance in Heaven or Hell that Anon will retreat at the precipice.
5:5 o7
#13671827 at 2021-05-16 00:06:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17313: TAKE SOME GD NOTABLES EDITION
bring back OSS
#13671754 at 2021-05-15 23:56:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17313: TAKE SOME GD NOTABLES EDITION
Once again:
How big of a moran do you have to be to think OSS is a card carrying member of MNR?
#13671752 at 2021-05-15 23:56:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17313: TAKE SOME GD NOTABLES EDITION
>Everyone is OSS
It's hilarious how much you hate me, kike.
#13669461 at 2021-05-15 18:38:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17310: Ebake
Calling OSS a member of MNR is totally clueless.
Why would anyone listen to someone who can't even get the basics right?
#13669373 at 2021-05-15 18:25:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17310: Ebake
That was OSS Baking in your cap.
Shit like this is why slides happen.
#13669264 at 2021-05-15 18:11:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17310: Ebake
So, you're saying OSS is the big dog over at MNR?
#13666615 at 2021-05-15 07:27:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17307: Jimmy Comet Back in the SpotLight Edition
Can anyone else see this post?
A few minutes ago this info was deleted by BO/BV and then Anon was bained so just wondering how bad the pain truly is!
Now why would BO BV and OSS be so concerned about anons little decode?
#13660501 at 2021-05-14 16:41:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17299: 99 Ebakes On The Wall Edition
Probably OSS or someone from his little group of criminals. He posted it the other day and put it in notables.
#13657721 at 2021-05-14 06:09:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17296: AZ Senate Stores Election Ballots/ Computers at State Fairgrounds Edition
Anon just saw this and about fell out muh chair!
lb/pb nom
Fuck it!
Thats too fucking funny!
Fuck you OSS! :D
#13652386 at 2021-05-13 17:24:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17289: They actually got it over 100 likes Edition
More like this mf woke up in a bad mood. He's the only one we KNOW posts CP and gore and spams tf outa the board.
Now he's got a BV digging Anon hashes and doxxing the Anons who expose his treachery everyday. Funny how all kinds of bad shit wrt to us gets traced back to the Phoenix area. It was the Phoenix field office that put out the hit piece intelligence bulletin on us. Real Raw News is in Scottsdale…a Phoenix suburb. OSS/Baby Q/Future Space Force Commander/Astroturf/Warroom/Webm faggot Steinbart lives in Chandler…a Phoenix suburb.
Go figure. Phoenix is a hate hub for the truth. No Name country.
#13646631 at 2021-05-12 22:16:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17281: EBake take Five
Couldn't handle the [PAIN] that fine day huh, SNOOKEMS!?
Baker gotta be comp'ed! Reeee's OSS!
Anon loves this fuckin' Movie!
#13646616 at 2021-05-12 22:14:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17281: EBake take Five
Do OSS next!
I still like the Levin story, kek!
Do you REALLY want to talk about the MUH JOO shit, my Brother?!
Do you really REALLY want to talk about board fuckery?
I bet you don't!
#13646250 at 2021-05-12 21:20:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17281: EBake take Five
Is good buds with OSS.
OSS is a nazi muh joo shill.
BO/BV are probably nazi's as well or REALLY FUCKING STUPID.
It is OSS faker who is ruining your bread by posting every word of the Protocols in bold red text.
This IS condoned behavior.
Pretty much the whole MNR COMMS crew was a buncha Catholic and/or other muh joo shills or they had no balls to ever say anything about their "friends" behavior.
Real Patriots uh huh.
Please do not feel down as this is a war and these people are not Anons friends.
Most of them are here to control the kitchen as they honestly believe that if they can fuck up the flow of info that it will change anything!
They think they can alter the plan!
Fight fight fight!
and by all means…
#13645533 at 2021-05-12 19:10:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17280: Call To Meme #KevinMcCarthy You're Next. #VoteRinosOut Edition
OSS put on his warroom mask.
It was fun!
Anon burned normie villages anyways cause you know how anon do?!
While OSS dropped the protocols!
Good times
#13645163 at 2021-05-12 18:13:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17279: 1 RINO Down, Who's Next! #VoteRINOSOut Edition
and don't forget OSS and his Nazi bros spamming the fuck out of the board last few days too
#13645117 at 2021-05-12 18:07:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17279: 1 RINO Down, Who's Next! #VoteRINOSOut Edition
No shit, Anon?
I am talking to shill OSS FAKER, OK?
He's a tard.
Gotta talk tard talk to tards!
#13645027 at 2021-05-12 17:53:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17279: 1 RINO Down, Who's Next! #VoteRINOSOut Edition
P = PAYSEUR is your line, OSS Pussy!
Now do Vigano's "Alta Vendita"!
#13643441 at 2021-05-12 13:49:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17277: Summer Of Audit Subpoenas b/w Calling AyLid Edition
>The only normies that come here and defend Palestine are the fucking muh joo shills.
>Like OSS faker and the other 1488 skinhead infiltrators.
You Jews are a bunch of bastards who have been responsible for the deaths of at least 300 million people over the last 200 years.
You deserve nothing but death!
#13643162 at 2021-05-12 13:04:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17277: Summer Of Audit Subpoenas b/w Calling AyLid Edition
At least try to fit in, Clown Faggot.and/or Idiot.
You are one of the following:
1: An Agent
2: A useful idiot (probably leftist liberal) who needs to go back and lurk moar.
The only normies that come here and defend Palestine are the fucking muh joo shills.
Like OSS faker and the other 1488 skinhead infiltrators.
#13639510 at 2021-05-12 00:32:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17272: Race War Israel - The Irony Dome
OSS and his white supremacy buttholes are flooding the bread!
#13639440 at 2021-05-12 00:24:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17272: Race War Israel - The Irony Dome
na, I'm OSS, kekbees just made the joke.
#13633339 at 2021-05-11 04:50:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17264: C. Jenner is a Psy-op to get the Right to accept trannies
> gave his password to OSS.
Keep gaslighitng retard
#13633250 at 2021-05-11 04:35:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17264: C. Jenner is a Psy-op to get the Right to accept trannies
>Killer tomato did it and he gave his password to OSS. Maybe BO wants to weigh in on what's really going on there. Until then, until that issue is resolved, I'll reserve judgement on what's real and fake.
#13633212 at 2021-05-11 04:25:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17264: C. Jenner is a Psy-op to get the Right to accept trannies
Killer tomato did it and he gave his password to OSS. Maybe BO wants to weigh in on what's really going on there. Until then, until that issue is resolved, I'll reserve judgement on what's real and fake.
#13632849 at 2021-05-11 03:28:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17264: C. Jenner is a Psy-op to get the Right to accept trannies
>>13632480 (lb)
> >OSS is a NEON confirmed
>I mean, I've been calling you kikes, kikes for months. Are you a newfag?
what's next?
are you going to add some fashwave to the bread?
>>13632480 (lb), >>13632501 (lb) I mean, I've been calling you kikes, kikes for months. Are you a newfag?
>>13632620 (lb), >>13632633 (lb) Wew Lad, kikes really are schizo
>>13632036 (lb) Gary has the best memes
#13632620 at 2021-05-11 02:57:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17263: I REALLY DON'T CARE. DO YOU? Edition
>>13632525 me
>>13632556 o7
>>13632533 OSS trying to show me, he knows it was watching/cking baker LB. OSS HAS ACCESS TO ADMIN PASSWORD.
#13632480 at 2021-05-11 02:39:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17263: I REALLY DON'T CARE. DO YOU? Edition
>OSS is aNEONconfirmed
I mean, I've been calling you kikes, kikes for months. Are you a newfag?
#13632467 at 2021-05-11 02:37:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17263: I REALLY DON'T CARE. DO YOU? Edition
OSS is aNEONconfirmed
>>13632124 Dan Stands With Kikes
#13632274 at 2021-05-11 02:15:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17263: I REALLY DON'T CARE. DO YOU? Edition
be careful what you wish for
OSS baking
#13631121 at 2021-05-10 23:16:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17261: Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals Edition
KB has a TC.
Anna Mae has a TC.
I don't think Doodle or OSS have TCs tho.
#13630375 at 2021-05-10 21:25:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17260: Open Letters, rockets, audits, and routers Edition
and [you] keep sucking that Priest dick, Leafy, OSS, Animefag, marriage queer :D
#13629987 at 2021-05-10 20:22:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17260: Open Letters, rockets, audits, and routers Edition
Wasn't OSS in here shilling for Palestine the other night hmmm?????????????????
Why yes! Yes he was…
#13629705 at 2021-05-10 19:29:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17259: One brave ANON ruins everything! Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#13629693 at 2021-05-10 19:27:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17259: One brave ANON ruins everything! Edition
>thinking im OSS
you really are a stupid fuck
kill yourself you fucking shill faggot
>muh joo
^^^ that's a tell tale sign of a shill
#13629591 at 2021-05-10 19:14:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17259: One brave ANON ruins everything! Edition
Thanks for the Censorship last night!
Yer not a buncha clowns huh uh!
And FUCK WEBM too!
Yes you can!
OOPS almost forgot!
Tell OSS that Anon said "Hi!"
#13628705 at 2021-05-10 17:15:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17258: Black Fungus Complication Edition
5 at a time
and red text exclusively
by OSS defender
that is just funny shit rot thair
#13628679 at 2021-05-10 17:12:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17258: Black Fungus Complication Edition
All the niggas mad @ OSS are just Mad bc the cats aint herded right (In THEIR 'Pinion)
#13628596 at 2021-05-10 17:00:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17258: Black Fungus Complication Edition
>>13627979 (PB)
Shills get BTFO. KEK Love it. Love you. Anons, thank you! These people are STUPID!
#13628586 at 2021-05-10 17:00:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17258: Black Fungus Complication Edition
Comms MNR?
Yeah… Anon sorted [them] out as well!
Try Again OSS!
#13627958 at 2021-05-10 15:42:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17257: Ebaked Again Because Edition
well no shit anon!
OSS loves him some Animefag baker!
BO/BV loves him some OSS!
#13627744 at 2021-05-10 15:24:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17257: Ebaked Again Because Edition
==MEET FRITZ SPRINGMEIER aka VIKTOR SCHOOF - Author of "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"
Jeff/INTHEMATRIXXX openly proclaimed that his P = Payseur bit is from a Book written by a Good friend of Alex Jones, Fritz Springmeier AKA Viktor Schoof. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Springmeier
Alex Jones, a Traitor Disinformation Agent who works for MOSSad (Q DROP #2089) and highly likely also employed by the VATICAN.
Alex Jones dedicated entire shows and an endless amount of segments to Fritz's Amazing book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".
"Bloodlines of the Illuminati" is a hodge podge of History mixed in with every conspiracy theory known to Fritz at that time.
"Bloodlines" was one of the books that Seal Team 6 (Q DROP #154 CIA agents posing as seal team 6) found in Osama Bin Laden's compound.
The CIA/MSM went on a media blitz introducing Americans to the list of books found in OBL/UBL/Tim Osman>CIA asset's "Library" with "Bloodlines" many times being front and center.
The CIA most definitely wanted the American people to be introduced to "Bloodlines" and [they] even released a copy from their "Vault".
Fritz Springmeier is a known Grifter, Multiple Felon (including bank robbery), White Supremacist who is known to write for Religious Extremist and/or White Extremist groups such as the Army of God.
Read "Bloodlines" for yourself. http://www.whale.to/b/sp/bloodlines.html
Another source of the Payseur tale can be found in David Icke's book "The Biggest Secret". https://www.biblio.com/the-biggest-secret-by-icke-david/work/127123
What an amazing coincidence as David Icke is also a good friend of Alex Jones. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke
Army of God (AOG) is an American Christian terrorist organization, members of which have perpetrated anti-abortion violence.[1] According to the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security's joint Terrorism Knowledge Base, the Army of God is an active underground terrorist organization in the United States. In addition to numerous property crimes, the group has committed acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder. The AOG was formed in 1982 and, while sharing a common ideology and tactics, the group's members claim that they rarely communicate with each other; this is known more formally as leaderless resistance.[2][3] The group forbids those who wish to "take action against babykilling abortionists" from discussing their plans with anyone in advance.[4]
Associated individuals
Michael Bray
Paul Jennings Hill
David Leach
Scott Roeder
Eric Robert Rudolph
James Charles Kopp[24]
Shelley Shannon
Donald Spitz
Clayton Waagner
Fritz Springmeier[25]
25 Jim Redden (October 30, 2009). "FBI probes alleged threat to officer". Portland Tribune. Archived from the original on 2012-01-27. Retrieved 2011-06-02. Alt URL[permanent dead link]
Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier, Ambassador House, 1998, ISBN 0-9663533-2-3
Is it getting interesting yet?
I wonder if Jeff/Inthematrixxx was using discernment when he chose to tell Anons to "Follow the story as told by Springmeier." concerning P = Payseur?
Hmmm, Fritz is from the Pacific Northwest Area, the Ramtha compound is also in that area... probably just a coincidence.
Shady is also from that area and OSS shill baker is also from that area
You gotta love coincidences!
#13626532 at 2021-05-10 11:37:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17256: AZ Maricopa County has Some Serious Splanin' Too Do Quo Warranto Edition
So listen closely BO/BV, OSS and the rest of the Vatican Protection Crew.
Anon does not fear you… AT ALL!
Last Night you showed your cards.
You tried to steal a bread then when that did not work you split the bread and deleted previous bakers notes.
Not enough though so then you had BO/BV lock the true bread so that Bakers notes which included the Dig on Vigano, disappeared.
Anon does this shit for the children and WE THE PEOPLE!
#13625937 at 2021-05-10 06:58:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17255: "The Cannon was Me" Comms to Anons [OnReady]
Ronald Moultrie, Nominee for Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security
Ronald S. Moultrie served on the Biden-Harris Presidential Transition Team focused on national security. He is the President and CEO of Oceanus Security Strategies (OSS), LLC. Moultrie retired as the National Security Agency's (NSA) Director of Operations. Moultrie also served in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), was a member of Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Senior Intelligence Service (SIS), and in the U.S. Air Force. Moultrie was a key principal on the Secretary of the Navy's Cybersecurity Readiness Review and subsequently led the creation of the Department's digital roadmap focused on cybersecurity, data, and emerging technologies such as AI, 5G, and Quantum computing.
Moultrie's numerous awards include the Presidential Rank Award, two Department of the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Awards, the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, the National Intelligence Superior Service Medal, the CIA National Clandestine Service's Donovan Award, the National Reconnaissance Office's Gold Medal, and three NSA Exceptional Civilian Service Awards. Moultrie earned a Masters of Science degree from the National Intelligence University, and a Bachelors degree from the University of Maryland, magna cum laude.
Michael J. McCord, Nominee for Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
Mike McCord previously served as Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and Chief Financial Officer in the Obama-Biden administration, where he led the Department's Recovery Act program and the resourcing of the Ebola response in 2014, and was awarded the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service by four Secretaries of Defense. Prior to his service as Comptroller and Deputy Comptroller of the Department of Defense, he served for over two decades on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and with the House Budget Committee and the Congressional Budget Office.
McCord is currently Director of Civil-Military Programs at the Stennis Center for Public Service, an adjunct research staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses, a Trustee of The Aerospace Corporation, and a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. He also served on the Biden-Harris Defense Agency Review Team and as a member of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy for the United States. He earned a B.A. degree with honors from the Ohio State University and a M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania.
#13621837 at 2021-05-09 19:41:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17250: Not Peace, But A Sword Edition
>You showed your hand today.
>I hope we get to learn who you are and string your asses up one day soon.
>Traitors like OSS and the gang.
that's fucking adorable…
Noone has noticed how… "MuhOSS" and "MUHTUBBs" check eachother?
Almost like…
Checks And Balances Style…?
Really REally?
Re:, >>13607166 Anime used by Clowns in America
#13621766 at 2021-05-09 19:23:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17250: Not Peace, But A Sword Edition
so yeah….
You showed your hand today.
I hope we get to learn who you are and string your asses up one day soon.
Traitors like OSS and the gang.
Televise that shit.
Sleep tight!
#13621695 at 2021-05-09 19:09:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17250: Not Peace, But A Sword Edition
>A BV just correctly locked the other bread.
>All is well now.
OSS - 99
Kike shills with an agenda - 1
#13621497 at 2021-05-09 18:39:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17249:Blessed are the Mothers.
The current faggot baker of this bread claims to be a crippled new baker who has notabled disinfo and bullshit both yesterday and today and fucked up the dough both days as well.
It's an animefage shill protege, apparently.
And OSS is just gonna fill notables with muh joo shit.
Which is better?
#13621480 at 2021-05-09 18:36:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17249:Blessed are the Mothers.
>>13621456 OSS (Accepted handy request)
>>13621463 Doodle? (Did not ack the handy)
#13611596 at 2021-05-08 08:07:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
Ok, well I agree, DOODLE, let him talk about jews! There's shit we still gotta talk about there… They clearly control the fucking media and banking, they don't get special privileges..
OSS, i just say man, keep your distance from anime fag calling you "friend" all the time…FREE SPEECH is a must, but I don't see him as a true ally to free speech when he spams and splits and ignores notables from his critics.. he has done many things that I view as a form of censorship..
#13611540 at 2021-05-08 07:48:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
I don't accuse anybody of anything. But kek is the right word. OSS is pretty harmless. It is what it is. Everybody knows the deal.
#13611530 at 2021-05-08 07:43:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
Kek, so Doodle and OSS, you both accuse and suspect each other of being shills?
#13611501 at 2021-05-08 07:36:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
>Goodnight anon, you are my shill team partner who I've never talked to before because OSS says it's so... kek
we both knot that is a lie
#13611494 at 2021-05-08 07:32:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
Goodnight anon, you are my shill team partner who I've never talked to before because OSS says it's so… kek
#13611488 at 2021-05-08 07:30:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
Sorry one moar….
It's weird how (You) and tom use the exact same copy/paste whatever you're responding to. KEK My bad, goodnight anons. SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING fuck you OSS who is also tom KEK
#13611445 at 2021-05-08 07:16:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
Idk who doodle and OSS and this BV are, but just do something about animefag if anything can be done, thanks
#13611427 at 2021-05-08 07:07:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
>See anons, this is OSS kek
Was there any doubts? Yes I am always the ones to call you kikes out.
#13611423 at 2021-05-08 07:06:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
See anons, this is OSS kek
#13611341 at 2021-05-08 06:44:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
>lock breads of disfavored bakers
technically pOSSible but unlikely -
from what i can see and what fj says, he picks bv's from gaming frens, akaik they don't actually know enough about what goes on here to figure out which bread is the 'authorized' one (has a signed-in baker).
even in Sept, never thought bv's were targeting certain bakers - just that shills and bots would pile onto the bread they 'liked' and it would get ahead. BVs would pick that bread over the other.
fj did pick OSS over previous bakers in kitchen, probably not coz he loves OSS but coz he never liked the kitchen, not from the first moment he became bo. why he took over the dough in 2019.
#13611307 at 2021-05-08 06:33:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
BAN YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY. Actually, first lifetime ban animefag, OSS, doc, gerbil, BV Killer Tomato and ALL the little faggots on your team I have failed to mention. THEN BAN YOURSELF FOR LIFE.
#13611293 at 2021-05-08 06:29:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17237: Rolling Thunder. ==Welcome To Q Research General==
Well he gave tom a password, and now that faggot is sharing it with animefag, OSS, and who knows who else. That way they can see what they wanna see and they can block anons from baking. Only allowing the most irritating assholes on the planet to fucking bake 24/7. I hope this baker is new, we shall see if it's another character, because when one of their popularity wears thin, another character magically pops in. But hey, if they are really new, they should be advised to steer clear of BST6. That's a club, you ain't in it, and I don't think you wanna be.
#13610755 at 2021-05-08 04:30:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17236: Symbolism will be [their] Downfall Edition
unfortunately, no
C'mon man, which "Baker" faggot posts that shit in Notables ?
AFLB Leaf faggot ?
OSS faggot ?
Anime/Lesbo Baker?
MNR faggots ?
whoever it is : KYS
#13610338 at 2021-05-08 03:25:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>I'm anon but you've been following my IP hash for months now OSS attempting to doxx me.
>Why do you try to run all the bakers off? Why do you call everybody that disagrees with the racist hatred you spew a kike and a jew? Why do you denigrate and demean then try to doxx other anons that wont cow to you?
>Difficult questions OSS...
20. False evidence. Whenever pOSSible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations – as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
#13610320 at 2021-05-08 03:23:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
I'm anon but you've been following my IP hash for months now OSS attempting to doxx me.
Why do you try to run all the bakers off? Why do you call everybody that disagrees with the racist hatred you spew a kike and a jew? Why do you denigrate and demean then try to doxx other anons that wont cow to you?
Difficult questions OSS…
#13610243 at 2021-05-08 03:14:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
I interesting how the shill team starts naming people. I'm OSS too.
#13610204 at 2021-05-08 03:10:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
Oh, that's a clever bit.
#13610161 at 2021-05-08 03:05:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>every poster is OSS
>that spacing
>racist again
>racist yet again
yea, you fucking glow so bright you don't even try to hide it, kek
>ignore all these jews who own media companies, anon
>ignore all these same jews who push for lower wages and open borders for cheap labor
>ignore this one jew who the biggest financier and pusher of homosexuals on the youth
>ignore all these jews who own the pr0n industries (and don't mention their "barely legal but really underage" girls they film over in the ukraine)
>ignore these jews who run the music industry which is but a shell of what it used to be - hey, let's just rap about bitches drugs money and hoes all day!
you can fuck off now, k thanks.
#13610147 at 2021-05-08 03:04:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>Yep. OSS spurged right before the 2020 Election, days before the vote and destroyed the board cohesion. Now, right during a key phase of the Arizona Audit? He's at it again.
>Patterns... M OSS AD
#13610128 at 2021-05-08 03:02:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
Yep. OSS spurged right before the 2020 Election, days before the vote and destroyed the board cohesion. Now, right during a key phase of the Arizona Audit? He's at it again.
Patterns… M OSS AD
#13610121 at 2021-05-08 03:01:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>OSS if you want to corrupt the board with racist angry posts attacking Jews, Anons and >America, Anons will make a defense of Q Research and America.
>It's just that simple. Anons don't hate on each other. Anons don't see race, religion or skin color.
#13610110 at 2021-05-08 03:00:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>OSS jokes that he called Q a kike. That's not a very good joke.
#13610105 at 2021-05-08 02:59:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
OSS jokes that he called Q a kike. That's not a very good joke.
#13610104 at 2021-05-08 02:59:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>OSS if you want to corrupt the board with racist angry posts attacking Jews, Anons and America, Anons will make a defense of Q Research and America.
>It's just that simple. Anons don't hate on each other. Anons don't see race, religion or skin color.
#13610100 at 2021-05-08 02:59:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
OSS if you want to corrupt the board with racist angry posts attacking Jews, Anons and America, Anons will make a defense of Q Research and America.
It's just that simple. Anons don't hate on each other. Anons don't see race, religion or skin color.
#13610094 at 2021-05-08 02:58:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>Nice deflection. You're being called a racist because you protect the Satanic Cult that runs the World by using the Jewish People as a prop. You call everybody who disagrees with you a kike.
>If you don't want to be called a racist hate baiter stop acting and behaving like a racist hate baiter.
>Anons are the 2nd most attacked next to President Trump (Q+)
>OSS admitted to calling Q a kike
#13610084 at 2021-05-08 02:57:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
Nice deflection. You're being called a racist because you protect the Satanic Cult that runs the World by using the Jewish People as a prop. You call everybody who disagrees with you a kike.
If you don't want to be called a racist hate baiter stop acting and behaving like a racist hate baiter.
Anons are the 2nd most attacked next to President Trump (Q+)
OSS admitted to calling Q a kike
#13610064 at 2021-05-08 02:54:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>What are you hiding with your Jew Hatred OSS? Why do you call everybody, including Q, a Jew and a Kike? Who do you work for? Why do you namefag and attempt to doxx anons? Why do you fight to control the kitchen and the notables? Why do you run every baker off?
>Difficult questions... No answers.
#13610053 at 2021-05-08 02:53:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
What are you hiding with your Jew Hatred OSS? Why do you call everybody, including Q, a Jew and a Kike? Who do you work for? Why do you namefag and attempt to doxx anons? Why do you fight to control the kitchen and the notables? Why do you run every baker off?
Difficult questions… No answers.
#13610039 at 2021-05-08 02:52:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>Racist haters who try to cover up the fact that the Cabal is a cult of Satanic Murderers that committed crimes against humanity
>Look here at the jews. Everybody but us is a jew infiltrator.
>What is OSS hiding? Who does he work for?
#13610032 at 2021-05-08 02:51:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
Racist haters who try to cover up the fact that the Cabal is a cult of Satanic Murderers that committed crimes against humanity
Look here at the jews. Everybody but us is a jew infiltrator.
What is OSS hiding? Who does he work for?
#13609946 at 2021-05-08 02:43:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
>I love you too OSS. Please do something positive instead of harassing the villagers.
#13609943 at 2021-05-08 02:42:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
I love you too OSS. Please do something positive instead of harassing the villagers.
#13609929 at 2021-05-08 02:41:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
Here we go.
#13609921 at 2021-05-08 02:40:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17235: You Can’t have Information Security Without Physical Security Edition
Every time I post you're right there. It's either IP hash tracking or something else. I was hopeful it was IP hash tracking. Now I'm sad… M OSS AD love is forbidden love.
#13606759 at 2021-05-07 18:31:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17231: The 'Skeletons Knocking On The Closet Door' Edition
> there is only an anon who bakes
Exactly, such as animefag, OSS, Gerbil, Kekbees, GYB, etc, etc.
And once upon a time anons nominated notables and baker scraped them. Now there's 2 or 3 pages of cat memes and clickbait headlines with just a URL and disinfo sites all carefully chosen by the baker..
I'm loving it.
#13605565 at 2021-05-07 15:28:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17230: The End Is Near Edition
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
>>13601570 #17224
#13604757 at 2021-05-07 13:04:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17229: Calm Before The Storm Edition
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
>>13601570 #17224
#13603993 at 2021-05-07 09:00:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17228: Maricopa County Miscalculated and Blows Dominion Sweet Nothings Edition
>>13601870, >>13601888, >>13601930, >>13601899 It's the little things
>>13601793 900k Covid deaths in America? Gates-backed institute claims global coronavirus toll MORE THAN DOUBLE the official number
>>13601805 'They're coming to kill us': Canada's Rebel News CANCELED by PayPal without notice, founder says
>>13601810 As Canada's vaccine rollout sputters, Ontario & Manitoba premiers ask neighboring US states to inoculate essential workers
>>13601864 South Carolina Follows Montana In Ending All Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Programs
>>13601902 Biden's Deputies Inivite More 'Vulnerable' Migrants AcrOSS the Border
>>13601913 *Ashkenazi JEW Genetic Testing*
>>13601934 *Sephardic JEW Genetic Testing Now Available*
>>13601951 Nearly Half of All U.S. Counties Are Now Second Amendment Sanctuaries
>>13602017 How China Treated 85% Of Their COVID-19 Patients Through Traditional Chinese Medicine
>>13602055 Enjoy the show anons, it's called Winning!
>>13602079 Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon's Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military
>>13602110 Senior D.O.D Official: UFOs 'Are Demonic & We Shouldn't Be Pursuing Them'
>>13602152 Madcow freaking the fuck out
>>13602222 One spark will ignite the entire thing
>>13602351 #17225
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
>>13601570 #17224
#13603578 at 2021-05-07 06:43:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
Np, easy to do under these conditions. I meant to say your comment made finklestein I mean OSS rage post Jew hate. kek
#13603557 at 2021-05-07 06:36:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
I ain't no racist bro. I agree with you. IJS you found finklestein. OSS kek
#13603488 at 2021-05-07 06:21:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
This is OSS, the new defacto Q Research board owner
#13603475 at 2021-05-07 06:18:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
OSS exposed
Dark to Light
#13603472 at 2021-05-07 06:18:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
OSS the spammer of hatred on Q Research
You're exposing yourself as a tool of Khazarian Satan worshippers and full of hatred towards other anons.
#13603442 at 2021-05-07 06:12:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
You do the work of M OSS AD because your anger runs your life. Hatred determines your destiny.
#13603224 at 2021-05-07 05:11:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
>OSS the hater of anons got exposed
A wild JonDoodle appears
#13603218 at 2021-05-07 05:10:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
OSS the hater of anons got exposed
#13603212 at 2021-05-07 05:09:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17227: DOMINION And Maricopa County Not Such Strange Bed Fellows Edition
>>13601870, >>13601888, >>13601930, >>13601899 It's the little things
>>13601793 900k Covid deaths in America? Gates-backed institute claims global coronavirus toll MORE THAN DOUBLE the official number
>>13601805 'They're coming to kill us': Canada's Rebel News CANCELED by PayPal without notice, founder says
>>13601810 As Canada's vaccine rollout sputters, Ontario & Manitoba premiers ask neighboring US states to inoculate essential workers
>>13601864 South Carolina Follows Montana In Ending All Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Programs
>>13601902 Biden's Deputies Inivite More 'Vulnerable' Migrants AcrOSS the Border
>>13601913 *Ashkenazi JEW Genetic Testing*
>>13601934 *Sephardic JEW Genetic Testing Now Available*
>>13601951 Nearly Half of All U.S. Counties Are Now Second Amendment Sanctuaries
>>13602017 How China Treated 85% Of Their COVID-19 Patients Through Traditional Chinese Medicine
>>13602055 Enjoy the show anons, it's called Winning!
>>13602079 Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon's Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military
>>13602110 Senior D.O.D Official: UFOs 'Are Demonic & We Shouldn't Be Pursuing Them'
>>13602152 Madcow freaking the fuck out
>>13602222 One spark will ignite the entire thing
>>13602351 #17225
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
>>13601570 #17224
#13603200 at 2021-05-07 05:07:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha EXPOSE DEM!
"OSS" Shows up.
Shils spaz out and attempt to blame them for everything.
OSS Powers through with Solid Facts and DATAS. Hahahaha
#13603129 at 2021-05-07 04:53:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
wall of KIKE
#13602701 at 2021-05-07 03:49:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
>Member when OSS caused a ruckus right before the 2020 election? Timing is everything.
You mean when I kicked out all the /comms/ jews (you) October and you re-established yourselves with new names like "JonDoodle" and others by late December?
Yea, we remember.
#13602688 at 2021-05-07 03:47:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
Member when OSS caused a ruckus right before the 2020 election? Timing is everything.
#13602656 at 2021-05-07 03:43:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
This week should be about the Arizona Audit, the upcoming Michigan Audit and the Border Crisis, and the Dem Meltdown, and the 8bit breadlocks/OSS Jew Hatred has DESTROYED all our momentum.
WTF is going on here? Why are we defacto destroying the immense power of Q Research?
This madness has to stop guys.
#13602641 at 2021-05-07 03:42:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
That's poopy talk.
You make an accusation like that you have to back it with sauce.
OSS already chimed in and his take is you are taking them both out of context.
He said / He said.
No sauce means nobody knows for sure the point is moot.
#13602589 at 2021-05-07 03:35:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
>Yep Lie about anons. Lie about lying about anons. OSS the Jew Hating baker adding to his resume.
#13602583 at 2021-05-07 03:34:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
Yep Lie about anons. Lie about lying about anons. OSS the Jew Hating baker adding to his resume.
#13602544 at 2021-05-07 03:28:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
>Your anger and hate for anons will be challenged. Remember OSS when you and 8bit were calling anons 'stupid' and saying that Q Research was worthless because nobody was smart enough to dig anymore?
>Dark to Light. If you hate anons and think this board is worthless why are you still here?
No faggot, we were calling you kikes stupid and saying that you were ruining the board. We love anons, you and your shill crew are not anons, you are kikes and subverters.
#13602530 at 2021-05-07 03:26:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
>Remember OSS when you and 8bit were calling anons 'stupid' and saying that Q Research was worthless because nobody was smart enough to dig anymore?
OSS caps his DOAR posts to use as sauce.
It looks like you need to do the same.
Sauce that OSS/8-bit said that or retract please.
#13602482 at 2021-05-07 03:20:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
Your anger and hate for anons will be challenged. Remember OSS when you and 8bit were calling anons 'stupid' and saying that Q Research was worthless because nobody was smart enough to dig anymore?
Dark to Light. If you hate anons and think this board is worthless why are you still here?
#13602400 at 2021-05-07 03:09:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
The Dood is fine by me.
He's the Yin to OSS' Yang.
Both will fight I like that.
#13602367 at 2021-05-07 03:06:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17226: Cyber Ninjas have MadCow Losing Her Shit Edition
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
Donald J Trump - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com
Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/
Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/
Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/
"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo
Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4
Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178
Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ
Arizona Audit LIVESTREAM https://azaudit.org/
Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/
Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds'
Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk
*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/
NOTABLES are not endorsements
>>13601870, >>13601888, >>13601930, >>13601899 It's the little things
>>13601793 900k Covid deaths in America? Gates-backed institute claims global coronavirus toll MORE THAN DOUBLE the official number
>>13601805 'They're coming to kill us': Canada's Rebel News CANCELED by PayPal without notice, founder says
>>13601810 As Canada's vaccine rollout sputters, Ontario & Manitoba premiers ask neighboring US states to inoculate essential workers
>>13601864 South Carolina Follows Montana In Ending All Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Programs
>>13601902 Biden's Deputies Inivite More 'Vulnerable' Migrants AcrOSS the Border
>>13601913 *Ashkenazi JEW Genetic Testing*
>>13601934 *Sephardic JEW Genetic Testing Now Available*
>>13601951 Nearly Half of All U.S. Counties Are Now Second Amendment Sanctuaries
>>13602017 How China Treated 85% Of Their COVID-19 Patients Through Traditional Chinese Medicine
>>13602055 Enjoy the show anons, it's called Winning!
>>13602079 Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon's Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military
>>13602110 Senior D.O.D Official: UFOs 'Are Demonic & We Shouldn't Be Pursuing Them'
>>13602152 Madcow freaking the fuck out
>>13602222 One spark will ignite the entire thing
>>13602351 #17225
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
>>13601570 #17224
#13602329 at 2021-05-07 03:02:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
>I proudly call OSS my friend!
you condone what he's doing to the board ATM with his army of shills?
#13602309 at 2021-05-07 03:01:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
I proudly call OSS my friend!
#13602301 at 2021-05-07 03:00:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
anime, are you a friend of that OSS retard?
#13602183 at 2021-05-07 02:47:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
Reading comprehension issues there SHILLY?
You have no idea just how fucking NEW you just told Anon that you are!
VATICAN DIGS have been cockblocked here by MNR COMMS lil bitches like OSS since day one yet for some reason you seem unaware?!!?!? HOW BIZARRE for an OLD FAG!
#13601885 at 2021-05-07 02:15:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
>It's going to be biblical. We're saving Israel (the Nation, which is not run by Jews, but by Khazerian Satanists, the same cult that killed Jesus) for last.
>Jesus death will be avenged. God wins. Love wins. The world will enter a new beginning of love, faith, hope and unity. That's what these Jew Haters like OSS are trying to stop.
#13601870 at 2021-05-07 02:14:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
It's going to be biblical. We're saving Israel (the Nation, which is not run by Jews, but by Khazerian Satanists, the same cult that killed Jesus) for last.
Jesus death will be avenged. God wins. Love wins. The world will enter a new beginning of love, faith, hope and unity. That's what these Jew Haters like OSS are trying to stop.
#13601790 at 2021-05-07 02:04:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
Do moar graphix!
OSS thinks this is Anon!
#13601671 at 2021-05-07 01:47:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
#13601665 at 2021-05-07 01:46:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Dark to Light
#13601631 at 2021-05-07 01:42:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Read the rest of LB, Anon.
It is proven that SOROS is a Nazi, Hates Israel, funds shills like OSS to come here and shill against Israel and for Palestine > IRAN > CIA.
Soros also gives Money to the Jesuits. Proven.
Soros takes orders from P.
Soros controls the [D] party.
Who or what is P?
#13601595 at 2021-05-07 01:38:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
So, is this M OSS AD thing where you're saying OSS is a Jew deliberately doing anit-Jew things to make QR look bad?
Because Gerbil always says OSS is MNR which is silly since he's public enemy #1 there.
But then now you're kinda doing the same.
#13601581 at 2021-05-07 01:37:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Baker M OSS AD is compromised.
Reject the hate anons. Reject the racism.
Dark to light. They have compromised our board.
#13601579 at 2021-05-07 01:37:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17225: P = Payseur(Jewish, I misspelled it last bread) Edition
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
Donald J Trump - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com
Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/
Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/
Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/
"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo
Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4
Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178
Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ
Arizona Audit LIVESTREAM https://azaudit.org/
Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/
Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds'
Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk
*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/
NOTABLES are not endorsements
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
>>13601570 #17224
>>13600409, >>13600492 "Why Are You Working So Hard to Shut the Audit Down? What Are You Hiding" - TGP Reporter Confronts AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs - Katie Hobbs Runs!
>>13600183 Celebrate #SpaceDay21 w officials acrOSS #USSPACECOM, including Gp Capt Darren Whiteley
>>13600239 CDC: 4,178 Americans DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injections - Deaths from COVID Shots now Equal 20 Years of Recorded Deaths Following Vaccines Since 2001
>>13600310 EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Mo Brooks: Tech Censorship Allows Evil to Thrive
>>13600317 Arizona Republicans hunt for bamboo fiber China ballots in 2020 'audit' effort
>>13600327 Kenyan learns to use a smart phone
>>13600344 Arizona Republicans hunt for bamboo fiber China ballots in 2020 'audit' effort
>>13600432 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13600595 Australia loves its Jews, but nearly one in five question their loyalty, new survey shows
>>13600624 MEET GEORGE SOROS(Jewish)
>>13600649 Democrats are concerned about where you sit at a baseball game but not what happened to your grandparents in a nursing home during #COVID19.
>>13600668 James O'Keefe joined Pete Hegseth on Fox News to discuss Mainstream Media collusion with Big Tech
>>13600767 REPORT: School Board President Running 'All-Ages' Sex Shop Refused To Address Teacher Reading Trans Book To First Graders
>>13600789 Former Maldives president and now its parliamentary speaker narrowly escaped a suspected assassination attempt in the capital Male.
>>13600810 OAN Obtains Letter From DOJ Trying To Stop Arizona Audit
>>13600811 #17223
#13601570 at 2021-05-07 01:36:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
#13601564 at 2021-05-07 01:35:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
OSS ain't no Daisy!
#13601555 at 2021-05-07 01:34:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Dark to light. Baker M OSS AD is being exposed. The racism and hatred for anons and the Q Movement is being exposed.
This board is comped.
#13601533 at 2021-05-07 01:31:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
>>13601441, >>13601498, >>13601518 JonDoodle is Comped
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
#13601512 at 2021-05-07 01:27:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
>>13601441, >>13601498 JonDoodle is Comped & Gay
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601494 Amazon's Bezos Sells $2 Billion In Stock Days After Blowout Earnings Report
>>13601504 PF
#13601498 at 2021-05-07 01:24:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Anons are on to you M OSS AD
#13601471 at 2021-05-07 01:20:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
>>13601441 JonDoodle is Comped & Gay
#13601470 at 2021-05-07 01:20:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
During the Great Anon Civil War last fall Q was put on the spot.
OSS said Q if I'm doing wrong say so and I'll stop.
Q then went on to drop only in OSS/Anon Rebel breads and not Comms ones.
So, Q pretty much supported the uprising.
Then things got messy as Comms did have a structure that took a while (still is) for Anons to adapt to.
That was the context where Q made that drop implying ok you got your freedom now don't fuck it up you spergs.
#13601433 at 2021-05-07 01:13:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
^^^^^^^^^^^^ This
>OSS and Gerbil are race baiters here to subvert the board and drive traffic away from it. They are not anons.
#13601423 at 2021-05-07 01:12:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
>>13600950 Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude 'Joke' About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week
>>13600958 Second Man Arrested In Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted By 5 Men At South Side Motel
>>13600973 Jordan says 'votes are there' to oust Cheney from GOP leadership
>>13600984 Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit!
>>13601006 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13601013 Former CBP Chief: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas 'Turning U.S. into Sanctuary Country' for Illegal Aliens
>>13601061 De Blasio rebrands wife's $1B ThriveNYC - and makes program permanent
>>13601080 Teachers Union Head Defends Indoctrinating Children with Critical Race Theory
>>13601100 ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% 'Unlikely' To Be Authentic
>>13601139 Facebook SUSPENDS Populist London Mayor Candidate for Vaccine, Lockdown Post One Day After Trump Ban Upheld
>>13601155 German, Italian Police Nab Alleged 'Ndrangheta Members
>>13601171 OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
>>13601277 McConnell Warns Lack of US Troops Will See Afghanistan 'Overrun' by Taliban
>>13601295 US Supports Ukraine's Entry Into NATO
>>13601397 "After reviewing the documents and accompanying reports, the Prosecutor-General ordered for Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi to be arrested and interrogated in relation to the reported crimes linked to public service, including assault of public funds and abuse of power," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, as quoted by the agency.
#13601214 at 2021-05-07 00:44:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
The Real ReasonYou Jewish shills HATE all the GOOD BAKERS like OSS, AnimeBaker and Doc: All 3 bakers have posted well sauced articles exposing the Organized RICO-level Jewish Cabal Subversion of America.
These excellent bakers are America-First, not Israel-First. like (((you))).
#13601207 at 2021-05-07 00:42:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Gerbil truly does not seem like a Muh Joo Shill.
Anon can work with GERBIL.
OSS and Anime are definitely "connected" as they did not hide the fact that AF was OSS morning backup.
Now, before MNR COMMS got their asses kicked!
Who was morning shift?
Wakes hmmmm and Wakes loved them some Jeffy/Matrixxx hmmm :D
Wakes was KB as Anon recalls
KB KB KB hmmmmm
Play stupid games!
I guess! Soros Bucks and your other gig combined, you should be doing pretty good yet it won't buy back your soul…
#13601171 at 2021-05-07 00:38:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
OSS Baker - posts Notables exposing the Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Criminality.
MNR Bakers Jewish Bakers who are Israel-first and wouldn't Notable any post exposing Jewish Organized Criminality even when nommed by 2 and 3 Anons.
MNR JEWISH Bakers formed their own Midnight Rider thread and spent months spamming every bread with the link to their own private board trying to convince Anons to jump ship from this legit Q board over to their private Jew Controlled Narrative thread.
They even asked Q to post over there in the MNR thread so that the Jewish bakers would control the new "Q" sanctioned bread.
No one did.
It's an obvious and stale Jew shill trick to call a Patriot the "enemy".
Saul Alinsky 101 Tactic.
p.s. There's no such thing as a "JOO".
#13601157 at 2021-05-07 00:36:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
OSS is not a person.
Gerbil is not a person.
This is an organized team.
#13601152 at 2021-05-07 00:35:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Thats muh joo shill, OSS.
OSS is beyond redemption.
Animefag, if indeed animefag is not another shade of OSS, seems to have a little potential.
Now, lest ye would like to be as Animefag was today, all curled up on the floor in a fecal position!
You might wanna get out of this Anons FUCKING FACE, PUSSY!
#13601085 at 2021-05-07 00:28:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
#13601073 at 2021-05-07 00:27:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
>I think there is something wrong with our baker
meet OSS
noticed also how last bread was infested with shills, like the 'muh brain drain' retard? >>13600798 (lb)
keep up digging anon, don't let bad bakers and shills distract you from doing good research
this is done on purpose exactly to distract you, discourage you from using the only anonymous platform to post research, gatekeep, etc.
this has been going on since the beginning (picture related)
they will keep doing it until the end
and it will all be for nothing anyway
but keep up the good fight
I think you might be onto something with the vaccine batches
#13601070 at 2021-05-07 00:27:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17224: P = Paysuer(Jewish) Edition
Gerbil is prolly one of OSS 64 mental shades of grey yet IF Gerbil is "Real" this Anon ain't Gerbil.
What else ya got, Pussy?
#13600778 at 2021-05-06 23:50:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17223: Even the NSA is POZZED Edition
what the fuck is this bread?
is this OSS baking again?
spiking the bread with bullshit titles:
>>13600327 Kenyan learns to use a smart phone
>>13600595 Australia loves its Jews, but nearly one in five question their loyalty, new survey shows
>>13600624 MEET GEORGE SOROS(Jewish)
inserting duplicate titles:
>>13600317 Arizona Republicans hunt for bamboo fiber China ballots in 2020 'audit' effort
>>13600344 Arizona Republicans hunt for bamboo fiber China ballots in 2020 'audit' effort
barely notabling anything…
is this why there was all that 'baker drama' in #17220?
>>13597662 (pb), >>13597761 (pb), >>13598024 (pb), >>13598144 (pb), >>13598157 (pb) Baker rquest hand off, proclaims kitchen open, news baker assumes
what a pain in the ass that turd…
BO/BVs, can't you do something
why is that guy still allowed to bake?
'''can't you ban his IPs or something?
#13599212 at 2021-05-06 20:13:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17221: Follow Le Pen Edition
Yeah and my sleep deprived ass was bugging out that it was fake OSS, then just wanted to bake the bread through becuz i was thinking maybe OSS was being a dick helping the CP shills
#13598292 at 2021-05-06 18:00:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
It's a no from me.
#13598285 at 2021-05-06 17:59:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13598257 (Notes First)
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes Second
>>13598256 New here? Q Proofs & Welcome
>>13598258 Maricopa County Did not Have 'Admin' Access to the 2020 Election - This Means They Ceded Ownership of Election to Their Outside System Provider
>>13598260 BREAKING: Federal judge vacates the CDC's temporary nationwide ban on evictions. Ruling comes as landlords seek to throw tens of thousands of cash-strapped renters from their homes amid the pandemic
>>13598263 Hannity is throwing mason signs?
>>13598265 Marine Le Pen to French Generals: "Join Me in the Battle for France"
>>13598275 Biden Plan To Recover $700 Billion Through IRS Audits Is Unrealistic: Former Officials
>>13598281 Dutch ministers seek to simplify procedure to CHANGE GENDER on birth certificate, so that even a CHILD can do it
#13598254 at 2021-05-06 17:53:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
#13598249 at 2021-05-06 17:52:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13597764 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13597776 Democrats Settle Lawsuit Over Maricopa Audit With 9 Days to Go; Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
>>13597825 Former employee at Sandia National Laboratories pleads guilty to mail fraud and theft
>>13597858 Quincy Man Charged with Child Pornography Offense
>>13597875 Former Waterbury Resident Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography
>>13597885 Q DROP 4129 REVIEW
>>13597890 Orange Park Senior Sentenced To 27 Months In Federal Prison For POSSessing Images And Videos Of Child Sex Abuse.
>>13597894 Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday
>>13597897 Remember When President Trump Asked, "WHAT DOES THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT MEAN? DOES ANYBODY KNOW?"
>>13597904 Plummer Idaho Man Sentenced to 23 Years for Child Exploitation.
>>13597919 Dropped yesterday on Charlie Ward's BitChute
>>13597920 LET THE FALSE FLAGS BEGIN - Today Idaho Middle School shooting.
>>13597926 Denton County Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography.
>>13597934 Soldier hijacks South Carolina school bus: full news conference
>>13597944 Substitute Teacher Charged in "Sextortion" Case.
>>13597945 Jonathan Bush, brother of President George H.W. Bush, dead at 89
>>13597966 Mumford Man Going To Prison For 10 Years On Child Pornography Charge.
>>13597974 The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS
>>13597995 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13597996 Honduran National Is Sentenced To 30 Years For Producing Child Pornography.
>>13598002, >>13598005, >>13598014, >>13598020, >>13598032 A Conversation With: CIA's Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC) / Humans of CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
>>13598013, >>13598050, >>13598073 Apparently her deal with Satan is about to expire
>>13598045 Here's the video anon wanted RE the census data being 5 million voters short.
>>13598046 Savannah prison inmate pleads guilty to distribution of child pornography.
>>13598085 Worldwide, there are approximately six million Freemasons.
>>13598097 Mars war - Lucifer summoned - Truce deadline ending soon
>>13598111 list of who supports voter ID laws in America and who doesn't
>>13598115 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)
>>13598161 Deep Fakes: A Public Service Announcement
>>13598166 Josef Mengele - https://allthatsinteresting.com/josef-mengele
>>13598186 Q DROP 4318 REVIEW
>>13598188 Twitter Bans Trump's 'From the Desk' Account Less Than 24 Hours After Launch
>>13598201 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13598214 DoJ Fears "Intimidation Of Minority Voters", Arizona Elections Chief Alleges Problems In Maricopa County Audit Of 2020 Election
>>13598223 Tom Brady describes some of the 'crazy' pregame rituals Gisele has him go through every week
>>13598225 'Seriously shocking failure': NHS Covid vaccine booking site under review after leaking sensitive medical data, reports say
>>13598240 [Rom 1:18-32 KJV]
>>13598245 Teacher Reads Book About Transgenderism to First Graders, School Board President in District Owns ALL AGES SEX SHOP
Then so be it OSS
Enjoy your army of SHILLS
You refuse to entertain the story and drive your half baked assumptions as you wake
#13598230 at 2021-05-06 17:49:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
Yeah, I know of OSS, been chasing him since '76. First came acrOSS him in Africa, he was running interference for a rival village.
Locals would post on their message board in the village. Pen and paper in those days, none of this digital stuff.
OSS would come in the night and add messages saying the women offering to do laundry were shills, paid by the Tutsi.
I swear we had that board staked out day and night, the messages just appeared. How can he not be seen by night vision?
OSS is a ghost, a phantom, a name whispered by the wind. Something viewed in your peripheral vision. Turn to look, He has gone.
Another 10 years before we heard murmurs of him operating again, that's when we started the dedicated team to catch him.
Was early internet years, found him in an IRC chatroom, spreading disinformation about how much could be fit on a floppy disk.
1.44mb right? Not according to OSS, he said 'they' were hiding space on the disk. It could actually fit a lot more on, maybe as much as 3mb.
The number of people pulling the casing apart looking for that extra space, gullible fools. Poor suckers thought the floppy part would go back in the drive.
Man, I shudder at how much data they lost. This is his game, confusion, chaos, saying black is white, and getting people to buy it.
In 2014 he popped up in the Bungie game forum of all places. Was gaslighting gamers into thinking that 'Destiny' was a good game.
Broke my heart watching all those gamers, without any content, thinking they were enjoying it. OSS is one twisted mother fucker for sure.
No one knows where he learned his craft, some say pickle factory, some say Military intel. Even heard a rumour he studied in Tibet with Shaolin monks.
I have been chasing OSS for longer than I care to remember. Never saw anything like it. He is a spectre, moves like smoke, makes no sound.
Just think you have a handle on him, then poof, gone again. Almost had him a year ago, been tracking a device I know he uses.
Ping it, and led me to a coffee shop in Argentina. When I got there was some Argentinian kid, shitposting on 4chan with the phone.
Argentinian kid says in broken English "OSS told me say Shadilay nigger, you are fucking idiot". That stung me, he knew I was coming, Set me up.
Ex spook friend I know gave me a tip off he'd been seen here, running some sort of bakery. I don't know what this place is, but if OSS is here, then right here is where I need to be.
I don't have long left to finally stop his madness and chaos you see. Retirement is on the horizon, I want to leave the team knowing OSS is behind bars.
I'm going to hang here with you guys in case he shows up. If that's Ok?
#13598227 at 2021-05-06 17:49:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13597764 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13597776 Democrats Settle Lawsuit Over Maricopa Audit With 9 Days to Go; Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
>>13597825 Former employee at Sandia National Laboratories pleads guilty to mail fraud and theft
>>13597858 Quincy Man Charged with Child Pornography Offense
>>13597875 Former Waterbury Resident Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography
>>13597885 Q DROP 4129 REVIEW
>>13597890 Orange Park Senior Sentenced To 27 Months In Federal Prison For POSSessing Images And Videos Of Child Sex Abuse.
>>13597894 Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday
>>13597897 Remember When President Trump Asked, "WHAT DOES THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT MEAN? DOES ANYBODY KNOW?"
>>13597904 Plummer Idaho Man Sentenced to 23 Years for Child Exploitation.
>>13597919 Dropped yesterday on Charlie Ward's BitChute
>>13597920 LET THE FALSE FLAGS BEGIN - Today Idaho Middle School shooting.
>>13597926 Denton County Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography.
>>13597934 Soldier hijacks South Carolina school bus: full news conference
>>13597944 Substitute Teacher Charged in "Sextortion" Case.
>>13597945 Jonathan Bush, brother of President George H.W. Bush, dead at 89
>>13597966 Mumford Man Going To Prison For 10 Years On Child Pornography Charge.
>>13597974 The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS
>>13597995 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13597996 Honduran National Is Sentenced To 30 Years For Producing Child Pornography.
>>13598002, >>13598005, >>13598014, >>13598020, >>13598032 A Conversation With: CIA's Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC) / Humans of CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
>>13598013, >>13598050, >>13598073 Apparently her deal with Satan is about to expire
>>13598045 Here's the video anon wanted RE the census data being 5 million voters short.
>>13598046 Savannah prison inmate pleads guilty to distribution of child pornography.
>>13598085 Worldwide, there are approximately six million Freemasons.
>>13598097 Mars war - Lucifer summoned - Truce deadline ending soon
>>13598111 list of who supports voter ID laws in America and who doesn't
>>13598115 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)
>>13598161 Deep Fakes: A Public Service Announcement
>>13598166 Josef Mengele - https://allthatsinteresting.com/josef-mengele
>>13598186 Q DROP 4318 REVIEW
>>13598188 Twitter Bans Trump's 'From the Desk' Account Less Than 24 Hours After Launch
>>13598201 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
>>13598214 DoJ Fears "Intimidation Of Minority Voters", Arizona Elections Chief Alleges Problems In Maricopa County Audit Of 2020 Election
>>13598223 Tom Brady describes some of the 'crazy' pregame rituals Gisele has him go through every week
>>13598225 'Seriously shocking failure': NHS Covid vaccine booking site under review after leaking sensitive medical data, reports say
#13598215 at 2021-05-06 17:47:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
Not happening. Not sure what kind of fucking games you are on today.
>>13597662, >>13597761, >>13598024, >>13598144, >>13598157 Baker rquest hand off, proclaims kitchen open, news baker assumes
#13598202 at 2021-05-06 17:45:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13597764 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13597776 Democrats Settle Lawsuit Over Maricopa Audit With 9 Days to Go; Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
>>13597825 Former employee at Sandia National Laboratories pleads guilty to mail fraud and theft
>>13597858 Quincy Man Charged with Child Pornography Offense
>>13597875 Former Waterbury Resident Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography
>>13597885 Q DROP 4129 REVIEW
>>13597890 Orange Park Senior Sentenced To 27 Months In Federal Prison For POSSessing Images And Videos Of Child Sex Abuse.
>>13597894 Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday
>>13597897 Remember When President Trump Asked, "WHAT DOES THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT MEAN? DOES ANYBODY KNOW?"
>>13597904 Plummer Idaho Man Sentenced to 23 Years for Child Exploitation.
>>13597919 Dropped yesterday on Charlie Ward's BitChute
>>13597920 LET THE FALSE FLAGS BEGIN - Today Idaho Middle School shooting.
>>13597926 Denton County Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography.
>>13597934 Soldier hijacks South Carolina school bus: full news conference
>>13597944 Substitute Teacher Charged in "Sextortion" Case.
>>13597945 Jonathan Bush, brother of President George H.W. Bush, dead at 89
>>13597966 Mumford Man Going To Prison For 10 Years On Child Pornography Charge.
>>13597974 The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS
>>13597995 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13597996 Honduran National Is Sentenced To 30 Years For Producing Child Pornography.
>>13598002, >>13598005, >>13598014, >>13598020, >>13598032 A Conversation With: CIA's Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC) / Humans of CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
>>13598013, >>13598050, >>13598073 Apparently her deal with Satan is about to expire
>>13598045 Here's the video anon wanted RE the census data being 5 million voters short.
>>13598046 Savannah prison inmate pleads guilty to distribution of child pornography.
>>13598085 Worldwide, there are approximately six million Freemasons.
>>13598097 Mars war - Lucifer summoned - Truce deadline ending soon
>>13598111 list of who supports voter ID laws in America and who doesn't
>>13598115 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)
>>13598161 Deep Fakes: A Public Service Announcement
>>13598166 Josef Mengele - https://allthatsinteresting.com/josef-mengele
>>13598186 Q DROP 4318 REVIEW
>>13598201 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats
#13598173 at 2021-05-06 17:39:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13597764 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13597776 Democrats Settle Lawsuit Over Maricopa Audit With 9 Days to Go; Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
>>13597825 Former employee at Sandia National Laboratories pleads guilty to mail fraud and theft
>>13597858 Quincy Man Charged with Child Pornography Offense
>>13597875 Former Waterbury Resident Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography
>>13597885 Q DROP 4129 REVIEW
>>13597890 Orange Park Senior Sentenced To 27 Months In Federal Prison For POSSessing Images And Videos Of Child Sex Abuse.
>>13597894 Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday
>>13597897 Remember When President Trump Asked, "WHAT DOES THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT MEAN? DOES ANYBODY KNOW?"
>>13597904 Plummer Idaho Man Sentenced to 23 Years for Child Exploitation.
>>13597919 Dropped yesterday on Charlie Ward's BitChute
>>13597920 LET THE FALSE FLAGS BEGIN - Today Idaho Middle School shooting.
>>13597926 Denton County Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography.
>>13597934 Soldier hijacks South Carolina school bus: full news conference
>>13597944 Substitute Teacher Charged in "Sextortion" Case.
>>13597945 Jonathan Bush, brother of President George H.W. Bush, dead at 89
>>13597966 Mumford Man Going To Prison For 10 Years On Child Pornography Charge.
>>13597974 The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS
>>13597995 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13597996 Honduran National Is Sentenced To 30 Years For Producing Child Pornography.
>>13598002, >>13598005, >>13598014, >>13598020, >>13598032 A Conversation With: CIA's Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC) / Humans of CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
>>13598013, >>13598050, >>13598073 Apparently her deal with Satan is about to expire
>>13598045 Here's the video anon wanted RE the census data being 5 million voters short.
>>13598046 Savannah prison inmate pleads guilty to distribution of child pornography.
>>13598085 Worldwide, there are approximately six million Freemasons.
>>13598097 Mars war - Lucifer summoned - Truce deadline ending soon
>>13598111 list of who supports voter ID laws in America and who doesn't
>>13598115 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)
>>13598161 Deep Fakes: A Public Service Announcement
>>13598166 Josef Mengele - https://allthatsinteresting.com/josef-mengele
#13598147 at 2021-05-06 17:36:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13597764 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13597776 Democrats Settle Lawsuit Over Maricopa Audit With 9 Days to Go; Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
>>13597825 Former employee at Sandia National Laboratories pleads guilty to mail fraud and theft
>>13597858 Quincy Man Charged with Child Pornography Offense
>>13597875 Former Waterbury Resident Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography
>>13597885 Q DROP 4129 REVIEW
>>13597890 Orange Park Senior Sentenced To 27 Months In Federal Prison For POSSessing Images And Videos Of Child Sex Abuse.
>>13597894 Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday
>>13597897 Remember When President Trump Asked, "WHAT DOES THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT MEAN? DOES ANYBODY KNOW?"
>>13597904 Plummer Idaho Man Sentenced to 23 Years for Child Exploitation.
>>13597919 Dropped yesterday on Charlie Ward's BitChute
>>13597920 LET THE FALSE FLAGS BEGIN - Today Idaho Middle School shooting.
>>13597926 Denton County Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography.
>>13597934 Soldier hijacks South Carolina school bus: full news conference
>>13597944 Substitute Teacher Charged in "Sextortion" Case.
>>13597945 Jonathan Bush, brother of President George H.W. Bush, dead at 89
>>13597966 Mumford Man Going To Prison For 10 Years On Child Pornography Charge.
>>13597974 The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS
>>13597995 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13597996 Honduran National Is Sentenced To 30 Years For Producing Child Pornography.
>>13598002, >>13598005, >>13598014, >>13598020, >>13598032 A Conversation With: CIA's Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC) / Humans of CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
>>13598013, >>13598050, >>13598073 Apparently her deal with Satan is about to expire
>>13598045 Here's the video anon wanted RE the census data being 5 million voters short.
>>13598046 Savannah prison inmate pleads guilty to distribution of child pornography.
>>13598085 Worldwide, there are approximately six million Freemasons.
>>13598097 Mars war - Lucifer summoned - Truce deadline ending soon
>>13598111 list of who supports voter ID laws in America and who doesn't
>>13598115 Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)
OSS does not bake at this hour
Post in discord and show me timestamp
Regardless, OSS STAND DOWN
#13598119 at 2021-05-06 17:31:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
wait until OSS faggit fills it up with muhjoo shit.
#13598091 at 2021-05-06 17:28:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>How come you lie about being OSS then copy my EXACT Notes and Claim it was an ANON BUN?
That was me not that Anon.
Time out needed for you to go take yer meds.
#13598069 at 2021-05-06 17:25:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13597764 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13597776 Democrats Settle Lawsuit Over Maricopa Audit With 9 Days to Go; Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
>>13597825 Former employee at Sandia National Laboratories pleads guilty to mail fraud and theft
>>13597858 Quincy Man Charged with Child Pornography Offense
>>13597875 Former Waterbury Resident Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography
>>13597885 Q DROP 4129 REVIEW
>>13597890 Orange Park Senior Sentenced To 27 Months In Federal Prison For POSSessing Images And Videos Of Child Sex Abuse.
>>13597894 Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday
>>13597897 Remember When President Trump Asked, "WHAT DOES THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT MEAN? DOES ANYBODY KNOW?"
>>13597904 Plummer Idaho Man Sentenced to 23 Years for Child Exploitation.
>>13597919 Dropped yesterday on Charlie Ward's BitChute
>>13597920 LET THE FALSE FLAGS BEGIN - Today Idaho Middle School shooting.
>>13597926 Denton County Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography.
>>13597934 Soldier hijacks South Carolina school bus: full news conference
>>13597944 Substitute Teacher Charged in "Sextortion" Case.
>>13597945 Jonathan Bush, brother of President George H.W. Bush, dead at 89
>>13597966 Mumford Man Going To Prison For 10 Years On Child Pornography Charge.
>>13597974 The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS
>>13597981 Just need a bandaid.
>>13597995 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13597996 Honduran National Is Sentenced To 30 Years For Producing Child Pornography.
>>13598002, >>13598005, >>13598014, >>13598020, >>13598032 A Conversation With: CIA's Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC) / Humans of CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
>>13598013 Apparently her deal with Satan is about to expire
>>13598045 Here's the video anon wanted RE the census data being 5 million voters short.
>>13598046 Savannah prison inmate pleads guilty to distribution of child pornography.
How come you lie about being OSS then copy my EXACT Notes and Claim it was an ANON BUN?
You have been exposed.
I remain.
#13598068 at 2021-05-06 17:25:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>You plan to bake for how long?
>You are not OSS.
#13598059 at 2021-05-06 17:24:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
>>13597624 (OP)
>>13597662 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13597764 Alleged second Steele dOSSier on Trump emerges in British media as John Durham closes in
>>13597776 Democrats Settle Lawsuit Over Maricopa Audit With 9 Days to Go; Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
>>13597825 Former employee at Sandia National Laboratories pleads guilty to mail fraud and theft
>>13597858 Quincy Man Charged with Child Pornography Offense
>>13597875 Former Waterbury Resident Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography
>>13597885 Q DROP 4129 REVIEW
>>13597890 Orange Park Senior Sentenced To 27 Months In Federal Prison For POSSessing Images And Videos Of Child Sex Abuse.
>>13597894 Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday
>>13597897 Remember When President Trump Asked, "WHAT DOES THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT MEAN? DOES ANYBODY KNOW?"
>>13597904 Plummer Idaho Man Sentenced to 23 Years for Child Exploitation.
>>13597919 Dropped yesterday on Charlie Ward's BitChute
>>13597920 LET THE FALSE FLAGS BEGIN - Today Idaho Middle School shooting.
>>13597926 Denton County Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography.
>>13597934 Soldier hijacks South Carolina school bus: full news conference
>>13597944 Substitute Teacher Charged in "Sextortion" Case.
>>13597945 Jonathan Bush, brother of President George H.W. Bush, dead at 89
>>13597966 Mumford Man Going To Prison For 10 Years On Child Pornography Charge.
>>13597974 The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS
>>13597981 Just need a bandaid.
>>13597995 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13597996 Honduran National Is Sentenced To 30 Years For Producing Child Pornography.
>>13598002, >>13598005, >>13598014, >>13598020, >>13598032 A Conversation With: CIA's Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC) / Humans of CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
>>13598013 Apparently her deal with Satan is about to expire
>>13598045 Here's the video anon wanted RE the census data being 5 million voters short.
>>13598046 Savannah prison inmate pleads guilty to distribution of child pornography.
How come you post CP and then take up the dough when the baker is about to leave?
FALSE FLAG against the Baker?
You cannot stand when I remain.
I shall not STAND DOWN
You plan to bake for how long?
You are not OSS.
#13594198 at 2021-05-06 04:02:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
You must not remember. Or maybe it's been shift change and you are another one of the OSS's KEK Fuck of faggot. BUSTED
#13594181 at 2021-05-06 04:01:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
You get to be Tank.
Because you are so polite and reserve.
But a hidden badass.
OSS get's to be spike because he is the hot kung fu one.
I still claim Edward.
#13594164 at 2021-05-06 03:58:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
KEK because you said exactly the same thing to me yesterday faggot. YOU have admin access. YOU posted moar than the limit of lines in a post yesterday. YOU/animefag can get BV to lock or nuke a bread off the planet, within seconds of it being baked. YES logic tells me YOU are OSS AND you indeed have access to killer tomato's admin account.
#13594152 at 2021-05-06 03:57:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
"Oh So Social?"
Not really
I have little knowledge of who that is
just rumor
Do you see "evil jews" in yur dreams?
I realize their paid. For whatever reason
We all have to make a living?
They just need to be countered
It's nothing personal
#13594130 at 2021-05-06 03:55:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
What's it like in that fantasy kike world of yours?
How did you know I was OSS, do you have an admin login?
#13594117 at 2021-05-06 03:53:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
Hi OSSfag. Maybe you just have a password to admin login. That's how you post moar than one page per post. Somebody notify BO Fast Jack that animefag/OSS/killer tomato sharing admin passwords and blocking anons from baking STAT.
#13594089 at 2021-05-06 03:49:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
Do you see OSS in your nightmares?
#13594061 at 2021-05-06 03:46:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17215: Dank Moustache Edition
Somebody contact Jim Watkins on GAB and let him know that we are being forced to deal with this animefag shill for fucking hours and days and weeks and months on fucking end. And implore him to fucking fire Killer Tomato who is obviously working WITH animefag, OSS to block anons from baking their own damn breads.
#13590641 at 2021-05-05 20:47:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17211: All Your Base Are Belong To US Edition
Thank you OSS.
I will call you Spike.
#13590564 at 2021-05-05 20:38:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17210: Dividing goats from sheep Edition
>>13590345 (Notes 1/3)
>>13590429 (Notes 2/3)
>>13589770 (OP)
>>13589801 (Dough)
Notable Notes 3/3
>>13590432, >>13590438 Moar fucked up creepy ass symbolism
>>13590442 Former tennis coach gets 25 years for filming minors in shower
>>13590454 Joint Chiefs chairman urges greater racial diversity in the military
>>13590483 Q DROP 392 REVIEW
>>13590487 We Must Break Up Big Tech
>>13590489 'Global reset' needed to fight future pandemics, as creation of WHO research hub announced
>>13590491 Joe Biden announces support for COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver
>>13590518 Q DROP 111, 142 REVIEW
>>13590520 Memos hint Zuckerberg to continue big spending on Georgia election workers, infrastructure
>>13590544 Drug dealers in Mexico 'made to eat children's hearts' to prove their loyalty to Knights Templar leader El Chayo
>>13590551 Fuck you Baltimore!!!
OSS is a fucking Champion.
Stay madHOE
Need more drip, is it too scary?
#13589066 at 2021-05-05 16:35:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17209: Ebaked Again Edition
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085 U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
>>13586553 Paris mayor says she AGREES with military chiefs who threatened to seize control of the country and warned of the 'disintegration' of France - as 18 of the officers are fired
>>13586566 #17205
>>13585709, >>13585719 JonDoodle Very upset his crew can't censor notables. Cries on bread and discord.
>>13585286, >>13585287 Podestra Military Tribunal: Day 1 Fanfare or not, It has to be posted at least once... FAKE AND GAY?
>>13585057 The charges against Josh Duggar have been revealed. Receiving and POSSessing CP. He's a pedophile.
>>13585058 Had a great dinner tonight with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago. - Lion Ted
>>13585084 COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria infection control manager stood down after allegedly breaching protocols
>>13585095 @GeorgePapa19 Bill Barr Went to Rome to Hear a Secret Tape From Joseph Mifsud, the Prof Who Helped Ignite the Russia Probe
>>13585103 Biden's Stimulus Springs Leaks as March Trade Deficit Explodes to Highest Level Ever
>>13585119 Inside DARPA: The Pentagon's Brain
>>13585168 SUBJECT: Evaluation of the DoD's Actions Regarding the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (Project No. D2021-DEV0SN-0116.000) May 3, 2021
>>13585174 House Republicans may vote as soon as May 12 to try to remove Trump critic Liz Cheney from party leadership
>>13585202 AZ Audit, 'Transparency is the solution." John Brakey
>>13585228 Facebook permanently removes LifeSiteNews' page
>>13585392 Night rehearsal of Victory Day parade held on Red Square
>>13585404 Pa. to lift all COVID restrictions, except mask mandate, on Memorial Day
>>13585434 Arizona Conservatives Take Action
>>13585473 FBI Declassified docs Socialist Party
>>13585611 Democrats and Establishment Republicans Support Liz Cheney to Retain GOP Conference Chair
>>13585659 MINNEAPOLIS: Police Refuse To Enter George Floyd Autonomous Zone, Force Bleeding Woman To Go To Them
>>13585093 New Dan Scavino Tweet! Time stamp is central time. FREEDOM!
>>13585749 #17204
#13588261 at 2021-05-05 14:10:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17208: Burn baby BURN Edition
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085 U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
>>13586553 Paris mayor says she AGREES with military chiefs who threatened to seize control of the country and warned of the 'disintegration' of France - as 18 of the officers are fired
>>13586566 #17205
#13587671 at 2021-05-05 12:27:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17207: April showers bring May flowers Edition
Interesting read.
Just a few days before Christmas 1988, terrorists blew up Pan American Flight 103 as it passed over Lockerbie, not long after leaving Heathrow. One of the 259 murdered onboard was Matthew Gannon. The eighth child of devout Catholic parents, Gannon had joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1977, becoming a skilled operations officer and linguist.
Nearly a year later, in October 1989, many victims' belongings still lay unclaimed in trailers in Lockerbie. When Gannon's brother arrived there, he identified his family member's personal items by spotting a missal in a bag with one of Matthew's favourite shirts.
Conspiracy theorists have probably already exploited Gannon's death. It's difficult to investigate anything about the CIA or the Vatican and not encounter narratives that resemble thriller novels.
But we shouldn't ignore the topic. The CIA is the best known of the 17 agencies that comprise the American intelligence community. It has earned itself nicknames like "Catholic Intelligence Agency" and "Catholics In Action". It's worth exploring why.
No official statistics exist on Catholics in the CIA or any other American intelligence agency. But one interesting clue is the relatively high number of Catholics who have served as director of the agency.
The United States is a country in which - with the recent exception of the Supreme Court - Catholics have never dominated the highest offices. Only one out of 44 US Presidents has been Catholic. The first and only Catholic Vice President is the current one, Joe Biden. Before John Kerry, the last Catholic Secretary of State was Alexander Haig, who left the post in 1982. Catholics are a rarity in other top positions such as Secretary of Defence.
By contrast, three out of the last five CIA directors have been Catholic: Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, and the current director, John Brennan. Looking back, a number of Catholics led the agency in critical periods during the Cold War. (There were no Catholic directors in the 1990s.)
Some of the most influential directors in CIA history have been Catholic - men such as Walter Bedell Smith, John McCone, William Colby and William Casey. They were not just casual Catholics. They were devout Mass-goers - in many cases, members of groups like the Knights of Malta. The conspiracy theorists usually start there, with nefarious plots about the Vatican steering world affairs. Of course, they never ask why an all-powerful Vatican can't engineer more Catholic presidents.
To make sense of Catholics in the CIA, you have to go back to the 1940s, before the agency even existed. Until that decade, the United States did not have a unified intelligence system. Separate branches of the military collected and analysed their own intelligence.
That changed with the Office of Strategic Services. This was the CIA's predecessor, responsible for espionage and sabotage operations during World War II. The OSS was founded and led by General William J Donovan, whom history knows as "Wild Bill".
Donovan was born into a poor Irish Catholic family in upstate New York. He experimented with other denominations while a student at Columbia University, though he remained devoted to Catholicism, even after marrying into a rich Protestant family. After heroic combat in World War I he made a fortune as a Wall Street lawyer.
Wild Bill did not exclusively recruit Catholics; he sought anyone with ability. The OSS attracted many kinds of people, including Wasps who sought a more adventurous role in the war.
But many Catholics ended up in the OSS. It's impOSSible to know for certain why this happened. Was it simply that Wild Bill recruited from his own social circle, which probably included more Catholics than if he had been a Presbyterian?
One telling fact is that the OSS used its Foreign Nationalities branch, based in New York, to recruit from American ethnic groups. At this time in American history, Catholics were well represented among immigrants - Italians, Irish, Poles, Bavarian Germans and many Slavs.
Another historical fact is even more significant: Catholic anti-communism in the 1940s and 1950s was at its zenith. Major Catholic organisations such as the Knights of Columbus supported Senator Joseph McCarthy (himself a Catholic) in his quest to purge the US of communist influence. Were young Catholics inspired to take a more activist role in fighting the godless Soviets?
#13587662 at 2021-05-05 12:24:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17207: April showers bring May flowers Edition
Days Of The New - Phobics Of Tragedy (1999 CD Audio)
2,668 views-Apr 16, 2020
Fav meth head.
See OSS, Hope springs eternally!
#13587545 at 2021-05-05 11:56:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17207: April showers bring May flowers Edition
Anon thought Joe was a Jew!
OSS Faker told Anon that the Jews did everything!
You simply cannot trust people who were trusted by MNR COMMS midnight riders, go Karli!
Huh Q!?
#13587362 at 2021-05-05 11:15:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17207: April showers bring May flowers Edition
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085 U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
>>13586553 Paris mayor says she AGREES with military chiefs who threatened to seize control of the country and warned of the 'disintegration' of France - as 18 of the officers are fired
>>13586566 #17205
#13586935 at 2021-05-05 08:32:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17206: Maricopa Rose, Blooming In the Summer Heat, Nothing Can Stop It. Edition
Pretty much
OSS namefag - precursor of CIA - brought all the NAZI war criminals into America and made them CIA analysts…
#13586576 at 2021-05-05 06:56:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17206: Maricopa Rose, Blooming In the Summer Heat, Nothing Can Stop It. Edition
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
Donald J Trump - https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump/ | https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com
Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/
Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/
Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/
"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo
Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4
Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178
Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ
Arizona Audit LIVESTREAM https://azaudit.org/
>>13510973 Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/
Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk
*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/
NOTABLES'''Are NOT Endorsements
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085 U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
>>13586553 Paris mayor says she AGREES with military chiefs who threatened to seize control of the country and warned of the 'disintegration' of France - as 18 of the officers are fired
>>13586566 #17205
#13586566 at 2021-05-05 06:54:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
>>13585766 (OP)
>>13585779 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085
U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
>>13586553 Paris mayor says she AGREES with military chiefs who threatened to seize control of the country and warned of the 'disintegration' of France - as 18 of the officers are fired
Stop it with this webarchive shit, you such a dick..
#13586537 at 2021-05-05 06:48:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
>>13585766 (OP)
>>13585779 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085
U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
You SON OF BITCH, Got me with one of them REAL FAKE JEWS
You dog you!
#13586518 at 2021-05-05 06:45:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
>>13585766 (OP)
>>13585779 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085
U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586374 Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes "Monsterism"
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
''Beheld a ride, his name was Anon, upon a Grail Course'
#13586500 at 2021-05-05 06:42:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
hates anons
#13586492 at 2021-05-05 06:41:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
>>13585766 (OP)
>>13585779 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586032 Polisamends and extends statewide mask order; masks no longer required in certain settings
>>13586049, >>13586059, >>13586068, >>13586076, >>13586078, >>13586085
U.S. Election Integrity: Recommendations Report
>>13586051 "Absolute Proof," proof of election fraud from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell,
>>13586105 The Official CVN 71 Taking care of business!
>>13586126 First lady: Son Barron was positive for COVID, now negative
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586168 Strange Biden Image
>>13586183 5 Charged In Human Smuggling Operation In Houston
>>13586188 CodeMonkeyZ - Do not be fooled by Russia and China's weak formal Navies.
>>13586189 CodeMonkeyZ - Was Pence promised the 2024 presidential candidacy by GOP elite fundraisers in exchange for throwing POTUS under the bus?
>>13586190 It PAY$ to be a Canadian Survivor Character
>>13586195 Are they injecting nanobots...? Anon asks
>>13586199 Q DROP Review - OBAMA
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586249, >>13586431 C_A Eternally BTFO by OSS - Inb4 shills screeching OSS is C_A
>>13586299 Q DROP 192 REVIEW
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586319 Mueller: A president can be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13586372 Crestone Cult Love Has Won Leaves Man to Die in Desert
>>13586374 Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes "Monsterism"
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586483 CodeMonkeyZ - Code monkey says Atlanta but what about from Vancouver.
At ease Cookie
#13586442 at 2021-05-05 06:34:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
kek, o7
Here's what I got -
>>13586361 Maricopa County Senate audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
>>13585937 Federal Judge Slams Barr, DOJ As 'Disingenuous' While Ordering Release Of Mueller Report Memos
>>13586085 US Election Integrity: Recommendations Report - MiniBun
>>13586135 Pfizer sees 'durable demand' for COVID-19 vaccine as it boosts sales forecast
>>13586211 Explainer: COVID-19 vaccine patents dominate global trade talks
>>13586292 CodeMonkeyZ - Have any American cities ever been held under siege by merchant marine ships unwittingly carrying containers full of Chinese missiles?
>>13586293 US Cent Comm - Thank you
>>13586301 Hannity reacts to newly declassified Russia probe docs
>>13586339 CodeMonkey: Maricopa Audit estimated to be 15% complete
>>13586343 It's Prison for Pence! - Fake & Gay?
>>13586425 Facebook Board to reveal decision on Trump ban at 10 am today
>>13586340, >>13586249 OSS Is The Pre-cursor to the CIA and shit
If you want them.
handoff confirmed?
#13586431 at 2021-05-05 06:32:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
It is official OSS is C_A
This small badge for overt OSS employees identified Technical Sergeant Spiros H. Kaleyias of the Special Operations Branch while he worked at OSS facilities, such as the E Street Compound in Washington, DC.
#13586404 at 2021-05-05 06:26:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
>CIA tweeting M OSS AD is not that flattering if you know what I mean...
Sad little JonDoodle, got BTFO all day today.
#13586383 at 2021-05-05 06:21:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
CIA tweeting M OSS AD is not that flattering if you know what I mean…
#13586370 at 2021-05-05 06:19:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
Damn, OSS btfo these shills so hard the faggots are tweeting some shit for their desk jockies to put on blast.
inb4 OSS is totally a working for [them]
#13586340 at 2021-05-05 06:12:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
OSS is faggit
#13586249 at 2021-05-05 05:48:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
This small badge for overt OSS employees identified Technical Sergeant Spiros H. Kaleyias of the Special Operations Branch while he worked at OSS facilities, such as the E Street Compound in Washington, DC.
#13586064 at 2021-05-05 05:00:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
M OSS AD has the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old. That's for sure.
#13585885 at 2021-05-05 04:36:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17205: Liz Cheney Can't Be Fired Soon Enough Edition
AD Baker hates anons.
Dark to Light
#13585854 at 2021-05-05 04:29:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17204: Free Speech Doesn't Give a FUCK About Your Feelings Edition
#13585805 at 2021-05-05 04:18:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17204: Free Speech Doesn't Give a FUCK About Your Feelings Edition
attacking anons and then says he's the only anon
#13584695 at 2021-05-05 01:32:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17203: No Group Or Religion is ABOVE SCRUTINY. Censorship Is Over Edition
Here are LB baker notes
>>13583530 PF Reports
>>13583506 Last month, Michigan constitutional attorney Matthew DePerno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report...
>>13583527 Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump lb bun
>>13583530 Space Force Logo Over Keystone State?
>>13583564 Kevin McCarthy's Luxury Rental Firm's Largest Shareholder Is Mao's Grandson.
>>13583574 Virginia Teachers Unions Plan Power Grab, Critical Theory Curriculum After Public Sector Collective Bargaining Legalized
>>13583599 Trump Appears to Launch Communications Platform Months After Twitter Ban
>>13583602 Judge Orders Justice Dept. To Release Trump Obstruction Memo
>>13583633 Rep. Jim Jordan, Time to pull Dr. Fauci off the mound
>>13583642 A former staffer for Sen Feinstein continued to pay large sums of money in 2019 to former British spy Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS
>>13583697 Judicial Watch: Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor 2020 Election Posts
>>13583710 Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump: In a time of silence and lies, a beacon of freedom arises, a place to speak freely and safely (Cap 0:29)
>>13583730 DOJ ordered to turn over Trump obstruction of justice memo
>>13583758 Legal Experts Flag Failure of Chauvin Juror to Disclose Attending Rally With Floyd's Relatives
>>13583825, >>13583879 Pfizer says COVID vaccine generated $3.5 billion in revenue in Q1
>>13583852 Padawan: May the 4th be with you
>>13583860 Coca-Cola pauses controversial diversity plan after abrupt departure of company's top lawyer
>>13583870 Louisville diner pulls handgun on armed BLM protesters
>>13583891, >>13583975 SANA: Explosions heard near Syria's port city of Latakia
>>13583946 Kim Gardner faces professional misconduct probe, could lose law license
>>13583970 Derek Chauvin's lawyer files motion requesting new trial
>>13584038 Flynn answers more hostile questions
>>13584041 Senior NHS Board Member Warns: Pfizer Seeks Permission in UK and US to Inject 12 to 15 Year Olds
>>13584093, >>13584104, >>13584106 U.S. prosecutors want 'special master' to review Giuliani evidence COMMS
>>13584134, >>13584157 FBI: Man shot outside CIA headquarters has died
>>13583966 PDJT Statement from the Desk, THE BIG LIE!
>>13584125 PDJT Statement from the Desk, Decode "Information warfare" 13 min delta
>>13584153 KEEP AMERICA GREAT! = 17 characters
>>13584166 #17202 OSS Notes
>>13584231 #17202
#13584321 at 2021-05-05 00:53:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17203: No Group Or Religion is ABOVE SCRUTINY. Censorship Is Over Edition
Baker Jew Hater Faggot ignored LB bakers notes. gatekeeper
>>13584284 (LB)
>Yeah - 8bit just told OSS he can steal any bake he wants. The new Baker's union is now online. Just have to deal with the new order and make adjustments. 8bit has the power. we don't.
Now we have proof tho. KEK
#13584284 at 2021-05-05 00:49:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
Yeah - 8bit just told OSS he can steal any bake he wants. The new Baker's union is now online. Just have to deal with the new order and make adjustments. 8bit has the power. we don't.
#13584277 at 2021-05-05 00:48:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
>Baker took legit handy. I picked up ghost LB. Anons requested the notes removed/edited. FOUL PLAY IN THE KITCHEN BY OSS BAKERSHILLTEAM6
#13584269 at 2021-05-05 00:47:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
Baker took legit handy. I picked up ghost LB. Anons requested the notes removed/edited. FOUL PLAY IN THE KITCHEN BY OSS BAKERSHILLTEAM6
#13584183 at 2021-05-05 00:40:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
>>13584154 - OSS Bread
(Doodle bread tbd)
#13583838 at 2021-05-05 00:02:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
A Baker that hasn't done your pic related just changed the Notables made by OSS who is someone everyone knows was Baking.
So, if you want Namefagging to determine this current issue then OSS gets the nod.
#13583823 at 2021-05-05 00:01:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
I'm anon.
You're not anon and now you're proving it. You punish the board to get your way.
Dark to Light
#13583567 at 2021-05-04 23:34:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
>2 breads
There has been one decent bread all day and that was stolen from animefag shill faggot before OSS stole it back to much rejoicing and additional shillery.
#13583119 at 2021-05-04 22:44:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17201: PDJT launches new communications platform Edition
OSS is one of the shill's personas they use to cause discord on the breads.
OSS, Leaf, Gerbil. It's really all one state sponsored psyop, all signs pointing to Iranian.
#13583099 at 2021-05-04 22:42:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17201: PDJT launches new communications platform Edition
>we're taking M OSS AD down
What's with the spaces?
#13583083 at 2021-05-04 22:41:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17201: PDJT launches new communications platform Edition
McCarthy trying to save himself. Another Jew compromised RINO is going down in flames.
Scalise is going down. Cheney is going down. McCarthy is going down. McConnell is going down. Soon to come - Thune (going down) Barasso (going down) Ernst (going down) Blunt (going down) Scott (going down)
All of them Jew compromised puppets. We're going to take all the Jew controlled puppets down THEN we're taking M OSS AD down. We're saving Israel for last…
Eyes on Arizona Audit - First Domino
#13582938 at 2021-05-04 22:18:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17201: PDJT launches new communications platform Edition
Cut! Cut!!
Your line is: "I will fuck you until you love me, FAGGOT!".
Now, come on!
Are we professionals or what?
Take it from the top!
OSS is a low IQ muh joo shill faggot - Take #134
#13582812 at 2021-05-04 22:01:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17201: PDJT launches new communications platform Edition
Fucking OSS up in the O'Biden reeducation camp!
Bitch gonna do anons laundry!
First time for Anon so quick fucking with Anons experience!
#13582084 at 2021-05-04 20:28:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17200: The Seething Continues Edition
I commend anons for staying on point with the issues. We're saving Israel for last but of course M OSS AD wants to get ahead of the issue and neutralize it.
Eyes on Arizona / Human Trafficking / Iran / 2A
We are the News Now
#13582021 at 2021-05-04 20:21:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17200: The Seething Continues Edition
Constant attempted doxxes and denigration of anybody who challenges (((them))).
#13582017 at 2021-05-04 20:20:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17200: The Seething Continues Edition
>is here
Stupid fuck.
#13582002 at 2021-05-04 20:19:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17200: The Seething Continues Edition
Don't worry anons. Every post exposes their hatred for anons.
Why do they try to dox those that oppose them? Why to they try to destroy anybody that tries to bake? Why to they non-stop post jew hatred to the detriment of all other issues?
is here
#13581979 at 2021-05-04 20:16:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17200: The Seething Continues Edition
Do you have a Bakeoff Baker in mind?
Keep in mind OSS has only lost 1 Bakeoff ever.
#13581623 at 2021-05-04 19:30:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17199: White Boy Summer Edition
Todays Bakers Fuckery are brought to you by
-Gerbil Baker Out
#13581370 at 2021-05-04 19:02:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17199: White Boy Summer Edition
Kekbees and M OSS AD - What a pair. Their reign of terror - kek
#13581282 at 2021-05-04 18:52:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17199: White Boy Summer Edition
M OSS AD = Gerbil
#13581045 at 2021-05-04 18:23:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
OSS! We know what P = Equalths!!!
#13580984 at 2021-05-04 18:17:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
It was /s within the context of that subject stream.
OSS is saying that Gerbil = Doodle based on sauce that to date has fallen short of proving that.
So, since OSS now hangs out on DOAR (FJ's Discord version of old /Comms) and is defelcting direct questions….
He's now acting just like doc did back then.
That's all that was about.
OSS is NOT doc strange.
#13580945 at 2021-05-04 18:11:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
> and sure AF is not OSS
Agreed, Doc could never ever get on OSS level.
#13580936 at 2021-05-04 18:10:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
strange is bakin next door, visits here and posts, has not baked for ages and sure AF is not OSS
just sayin
that is the sauce
#13580919 at 2021-05-04 18:08:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
That's the sauce from when doc got busted for the Color Revolution Gatekeeping.
That and Q's drop about CR is what led to the beginning of the end for him.
Show sauce where it's confirmed that Gerbil indeed authored M OSS AD in those October posts.
The sauce you used recently falls short of doing so.
#13580876 at 2021-05-04 18:05:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
So what? Anon caught the little muh joo shilling bitch that OSS IS! Doing exactly what ANON caught the little bitch doing AND removing notes, not only from gerbil just wantever the fag wanted, repeatedly previously.
So it's SSDD.
See fuckery
Show fuckery
and ALLLLLLL these little whores seemed to work in cooordination from 2018 thru 2020 so this is simply The Light burning their vampire skin!
Anon loves the smell of shill faker "I am just here to help" racist biased whore skin burning in the morning!
I am sorry!
You were saying?
#13580849 at 2021-05-04 18:01:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
I think doc strange is OSS now.
Hard to tell the 2 apart.
I'll work on getting the sauce later but for now it's true.
#13580754 at 2021-05-04 17:44:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
Well Great! How the fuck is Counsel suppose to know?!
I know AFB, KB and I guess OSS has been around lately but other then that WhoT is doodle?
How can Anon defend someone Anon don't know?!
Ths is out of order!
You are all out of order!
#13580721 at 2021-05-04 17:37:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#13580649 at 2021-05-04 17:24:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
#13580623 at 2021-05-04 17:18:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
>OSS crew are hogging the breads,
I haven't baked since January consistently yet somehow I am "hogging the breads"
quit crying you whining fucking faggot.
#13580596 at 2021-05-04 17:14:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
Same people, different characters are the bad guys. Get it? OSS and animefag are the gatekeepers! BV nuked my bread, didn't just lock it. I reported it and he should have left it up for anons to decide whether they want gatekeeper bread or anon bread. You got a problem with that. fuck you too bakershillclub support group
#13580567 at 2021-05-04 17:09:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
> Yea I figured it out, but nonetheless my point stands and is legit.
Animefag and OSS crew are hogging the breads, locking the kitchen to only certain bakers club bakershills and taunting and fucking with anons while they do it.
Clout ma nigga.
Same story as with the comms baker war, different characters.
Only this time, BV is helping shillbakers not anons.
BV needs to fucking explain themselves.
You sound like fake news.
The other characters don't need to, their game has been exposed.
Kek fuck you faggot.
#13580549 at 2021-05-04 17:07:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
I wasn't here for the split. I just got on and was in the bread, since it was the first one up. Yea I figured it out, but nonetheless my point stands and is legit. Animefag and OSS crew are hogging the breads, locking the kitchen to only certain bakers club bakershills and taunting and fucking with anons while they do it. Same story as with the comms baker war, different characters. Only this time, BV is helping shillbakers not anons. BV needs to fucking explain themselves. The other characters don't need to, their game has been exposed.
#13580502 at 2021-05-04 16:58:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
o7 Exactly. Which tells me it was a plot to begin with. OSS and anime are doing exactly what OSS claimed to be fighting against with comms bakers in the original. But BV allowed it huh? The split breads to fight the gatekeepers. But BV won't allow it now huh. I reported the split before baking #17198. At the very least, the BV could have left both up and let anons decide. But no. Can't have anons deciding these sorts of things can we???
#13580473 at 2021-05-04 16:54:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
Yes, you make interdasting points and know the history.
- Split Bakes by the Anon Rebels (most done by OSS) helped win the Anon Civil War
- Some which fought on the Anon Rebel side are now doing very similar things that Comms did
#13580456 at 2021-05-04 16:51:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
Well anons are sick of animefag and split the bread is legit if there is a rogue bakershill or is it not? At the very least, OSS has shown their true colors by supporting a bakershill that causes anons much grief. Remember when OSS BTFO comms bakers and did so because of gatekeeping and blocking anons from baking? All under the guise of caring about anons? Yea, not the case, based on his support for a bakershill animefag who is only liked by his IP hopping self, a few pedos, and oh yea his backup buddies from QRB and MNR. kekekek
#13580438 at 2021-05-04 16:47:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
Anna Mae had the rightfully inherited Dough.
The other Baker took a handoff from the Split Baker.
Therefore, he was holding illegitimate Dough and 8-bit did right in his follow-up actions.
Anyways, Anons should have their Notable posts made in that bread preserved which OSS has done.
Technical issues can be resolved.
#13580416 at 2021-05-04 16:41:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
posts from id 468861 in bread 17197 who picked up the bake until gerbilanime and OSS barged in, have apparently been deleted. all of them. can see them hovering over links in replies but the posts themselves are missing from the bread.
#13580337 at 2021-05-04 16:29:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17197: Unlimited Omniscience Edition
>00000006.png), 00000007.png), 00000008.png)You all do the same shit and you know it, stop singling out OSS "faggit."
#13580310 at 2021-05-04 16:27:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17197: Unlimited Omniscience Edition
Nice MUH JOO SHILL self nominations there OSS!
#13580229 at 2021-05-04 16:17:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
That OSS is a true PAYtriot.
#13580227 at 2021-05-04 16:17:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17197: Unlimited Omniscience Edition
>in which OSS blatantly uses anime/gerbil's notables
If you have better notables to replace them with I will happily swap them out. They were the most recent posted when I baked.
#13580223 at 2021-05-04 16:16:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
You mean OSS did not use his own nom'ed muh joo shill shit like 2 nights ago?
#13580217 at 2021-05-04 16:16:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
>OSS just used gerbil's notables
If you have better notables to replace them with I will happily swap them out. They were the most recent posted when I baked.
#13580209 at 2021-05-04 16:14:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17197: Unlimited Omniscience Edition
in which OSS blatantly uses anime/gerbil's notables
#13580202 at 2021-05-04 16:14:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17198: Shortest Bread War In History Edition
OSS just used gerbil's notables
#13580025 at 2021-05-04 15:50:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17197: Unlimited Omniscience Edition
If you want to use a tested OG QR BAKEOFF technique…
You fire up your new bread now in order to intercept some Anna Mae bread Anons.
Doc used to pull that move on OSS all the time.
#13579420 at 2021-05-04 14:29:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17196: Morning Sun Bringing Heat Edition
OSS muh joo shill notables though, top notch!
7 in one bread even!
Hardly a record for OSS.
Enjoy being called Anti semites by the media and maybe even some of your frenz?
Thank OSS and MNR COMMS for that as NONE OF THEM EVER wanted to say a god damn thing about OSS blatant racism while baking and a few of them even openly shared their bias.
#13579066 at 2021-05-04 13:47:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17197: Unlimited Omniscience Edition
OSS is friends with Anime so this must be him.
You bake pretty damn good, too, so quit selling yourself short.
#13578746 at 2021-05-04 12:51:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17195: God Won Edition
morning OSS
#13578212 at 2021-05-04 10:23:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17195: God Won Edition
but wait!
there is so much moar!
OSS was part of MNR Comms and [THEY] never had a problem with OSS' open diplays of Racism yet they would still whine and cry about the media labeling Qresearch and Anons as Anti Semites!
OSS, just like OSS did last night, Would not only remove other bakers notes, specifically Gerbils war room notes as one way to defend yourself is to deflect so Gerbil became the Neutral target, OSS also self nom'ed a shit ton of MUH JOO spam and many times, just like last night, OSS self nom'ed his own muh joo spam shit.
7 times last night in one bread.
Talk about a "UNBIASED MODERATOR" fucking Baker NO NO! especially here.
AFB was OSS back up yet AFB unlike OSS seems to have a heart and perhaps did not truly understand this place when initially recruited.
OSS is hard to work with yet AFB developed the style of accepting just about anything that looks good ro AFB.
Anon can work with that.
Anon don't give a fuck as COMP'ed AF Bakers is the rule not the exception.
Comp'ed or they cannot contain their Bias and really… what is the fucking difference?
Again, Anon can work with AFB yet not MNR COMMS fags most usually.
When Anon got Comms to work with Anon it was like Pulling fucking teeth!
Had to trap their dumbasses most of the time.
You dn't even know!
Only fucking left wing idiots or CLOWNS defend Palestine>Iran Versus Israel.
#13575483 at 2021-05-04 01:26:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17192: FBI agents shooting at CIA HQ Langley, Virginia Edition
imagine being this fucking arrogant and stupid that you assume OSS isnt here
#13575332 at 2021-05-04 01:06:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17192: FBI agents shooting at CIA HQ Langley, Virginia Edition
I'll come back when OSS, gerbil or Anna Mae aren't baking.
oh, wait
#13574900 at 2021-05-04 00:04:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17192: FBI agents shooting at CIA HQ Langley, Virginia Edition
I just thought you would since the movie version is an OSS only kinda thing.
Not that it has to be just that until now it mostly has been.
#13573350 at 2021-05-03 20:41:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17190: Another Day, Another Democrat Sex Trafficking Politician Edition
#13573236 at 2021-05-03 20:29:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17189: The Big Lie Edition
>Baker is gatekeeping, style looks like doc
You know it's OSS and those 2 hate each other.
#13573235 at 2021-05-03 20:29:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17189: The Big Lie Edition
Fucking JEWS huh OSS?!
List of Prominent Deep State Jews and "Court Jews"
Joe Biden - Proud Catholic
Barrack Obama/Barry Soetoro - https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/23/us/the-catholic-roots-of-obamas-activism.html
A Fast Learner
"In 1967, as the modernizing changes of the Second Vatican Council began to transform the Catholic world, Ann Dunham, Mr. Obama's mother, took her chubby 6-year-old son occasionally to Mass and enrolled him in a new Catholic elementary school in Jakarta, Indonesia, called Santo Fransiskus Asisi. At school, the future president began and ended his days with prayer. At home, his mother read him the Bible with an anthropologist's eye."
Mike Pence - raised Catholic, self-described Evangelical Catholic
John Roberts - Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court - Proud Catholic + 6 more…
Nancy Pelosi - Proud Catholic
Lisa Murkowski - Proud Catholic
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Catholic
Andrew Cuomo - Governor of New York - Proud Catholic
Chris Cuomo - CNN News Anchor - Proud Catholic
Joaquin Castro - One of the House Impeachment managers for President Trump's second impeachment - Catholic
Julián Castro - twin brother of Joaquin Castro - Proud Catholic
Paul Ryan - Former Speak of the House now works for Rupert Murdoch's Fox News. Proud Catholic
Rupert Murdoch - Court Jew - Papal Knight - Little has changed yet at one time Fox News staff was almost entirely Roman Catholic.
Melinda Gates - Wife of Bill Gates - Proud Catholic
Anthony Fauci - 2nd Chief Medical Advisor to the President - Catholic Jesuit
George Soros - Court Jew - Funds Jesuits in America - Funds groups to Boycott and Divest from Israel - "Soros takes orders from P" "Guardian_P" "Guardian of the Pope"
John Kerry - Proud Catholic
George Bush - Publicly declared that he was considering changing his Religion to Catholicism
Jeb Bush - In 1995, Bush converted from Episcopalianism to Roman Catholicism. In 2004, he became a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus.
António Guterres - Secretary General of the United Nations - Proud Catholic
Tim Kaine - Hillary Clinton's running mate for the 2016 presidential election - Proud Catholic
List of Prominent Deep Jew Actors/Entertainers
Rosie O'Donnell
Bruce Springsteen
Steve Carell
Arnold Swartzenegger
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Fallon
Alec Baldwin
Have fun, Anons!
Add to the List and pass it around!
#13572757 at 2021-05-03 19:31:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17189: The Big Lie Edition
Pick up serpents or something cool like that!
Drink the Rat Poison yet live!
*Pokes you with a stick*
Do a Baptist!
You can do it!
Here, watch ANON pick up Serpents!
Anon picks up Serpents yet they cannot harm Anon!
This is the Armor of God!
Get Some! Get Some!
Praise God, OSS!
Praise God!
#13572694 at 2021-05-03 19:23:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17189: The Big Lie Edition
Alright but playing with OSS is tons 'o fun!
Think of what the kids learn when they see these interactions!
#13572449 at 2021-05-03 18:51:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17188: POTUS T Dubs 2020 Election Results 'THE BIG LIE' Edition
Nice Notes, Muh Joo Shill Faker OSS!
No MUH JOO shilling self nom'ing notes today, "Patriot"?
>>13568887, >>13568928 CRM 1-99
>>13568655, >>13568662 There it is HANDS UP
>>13568516 Arizona GOP Leader Kelli Ward Sounds the Alarm - Dem Secretary of State Hobbs Is Sneaking Dem Operatives from Biased Orgs into Maricopa County Audit
>>13568583 Sunday afternoon in DC sees three shootings in three hours
>>13568695 #USSJohnPaulJones returns home from deployment in the @US5thFleet and @US7thFleet areas of operation.
>>13568804 At least 2,172 Palestinian children and 134 Israeli children have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.
>>13568812 At least 10,028 Palestinians and 1,274 Israelis have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.
>>13568827 At least 100,508 Palestinians and 11,954 Israelis have been injured since September 29, 2000.
>>13568810 Study: Blood oxygenation helps patients with severe COVID-19
>>13568848 U.S. oil executives released from prison to house arrest in Venezuela
>>13568858 Air attacks: Gazan rockets and Israeli airstrikes
>>13568869 The U.S. provides Israel nearly $10.5 million* in military aid per day, while it gives the Palestinians $0** in military aid.
>>13568870 Israelis killings of Americans on Sept. 11, 2001 attacks was 2,977.
>>13568882 0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 6,279 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.
>>13568891 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians, and over 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished
>>13568895 2 hands up = masonic sign of distress
>>13568896 Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
>>13568922 Lock this bitch up
>>13568963 Indonesia's largest oil refinery just exploded
>>13568669 Hillary Clinton deserves to be Arkancided but somehow still has a twitter
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
#13571807 at 2021-05-03 17:19:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17188: POTUS T Dubs 2020 Election Results 'THE BIG LIE' Edition
>come on, KEK WTF - ckd
Let's see.
A Baker that previously couldn't grab a Bake finally did and happily handed off to OSS who has decided to Bake more often.
Sounds like a good thing to me.
#13571330 at 2021-05-03 16:00:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17187: POTUS T Started Global Twatter Trend & Spy Plane Circles AZ Audit Edition
>Well, I was the first to call out Doodle during that spoopy af marathon session that raised all kinds of questions.
>You weren't too far behind with some sauce of your own once the discussions took off.
Here's your sauce, notice the date on the oldest "M OSS AD" posts
October 2020, made by Gerbil. Now 7 months later The Dood flips out and starts sperging in Discord about and I call him on being Gerbil so for the next 4 days he spamms the board with the same lame fucking shit Gerbil said in October. And then he is stupid enough to admit to it.
#13571174 at 2021-05-03 15:39:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17187: POTUS T Started Global Twatter Trend & Spy Plane Circles AZ Audit Edition
>The Dood / OSS caps from there posted last night during an argument were a mirage.
Gerbil isn't a baker, he is a disruption and subversion play against anons. For there to be a baker war there would have be another baker beside Gerbil/Doodle.
#13571169 at 2021-05-03 15:38:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17187: POTUS T Started Global Twatter Trend & Spy Plane Circles AZ Audit Edition
The Dood / OSS caps from there posted last night during an argument were a mirage.
#13570326 at 2021-05-03 13:09:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17186: Sometimes You Must Pass Through The Darkness Before You Can See The Light
Sup OSS bot?
Anon knows a few other fine fellows who are proud of their Bot…
#13570292 at 2021-05-03 13:02:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17186: Sometimes You Must Pass Through The Darkness Before You Can See The Light
MNR COMM'S FAKERS had zero problem with OSS open displays of Racism regardless of how many times Anon SHOWED THEM.
Do Anon's find it ODD that the media thinks Q Research is full of Anti Semites?
What did Q say?
What did POTUS say?
Just like seasoned Anons can tell when Newfags and/or shills have not read the drops.
Seasoned Anons can also tell when a "Helper" is not a Helper but Infiltration.
Anon knows how this is suppose to work and it does not involve Racist Fakers self nominating their own racist shit but you just go on pretending to be Anon, "ANON".
What this Anon does understand and is acutely aware of is what it is like for these same FAKERS to block research into the VATICAN/RCC as they pretend to be Anon. You must be new here, welcome!
>>13255400 Q DROP#154Our Father "Who Financed 9-11?" ClownsInAmerica
>>13255412 Q DROP#306 "Why was the Lord's prayer posted? Which version? Why is this relevant?" SEE DROP #154 ABOVE
>>13255420 Q DROP#714Q Threat to Clowns > CIA > Vatican> Catholics In Action, Catholics In America, Clowns In America "SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST. [P]"
>>13255422 Q DROP#851CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape
>>13255426 Q DROP#936The Nazi Order > Vatican > Jesuits
>>13255427 Q DROP#997Pope will have a Terrible May - "Those who backed him pushed into the LIGHT"
>>13255445 Q DROP#1002The BITE that has no CURE > Vatican Viper Symbolism "Symbolism will be their downfall"
>>13255449 Q DROP#1021Did US taxpayers pay $3.5 Billion for the Predatory Sexual Abuse Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?
>>13255465 Q DROP#1413Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo > Q named the owl photo "Guardian_P"
>>13255476 Q DROP#1763Sex Abuse in the Church > "Those you are taught to TRUST the most….. Dark to LIGHT."
>>13255480 Q DROP#1831POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event > "Surrounded by EVIL."
>>13255494 Q DROP#1879100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children "House of GOD?"
>>13255500 Q DROP#1916Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism > "Man of God?"
>>13255509 Q DROP#1950Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church
>>13255518 Q DROP#2152Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan
>>13255546 Q DROP#2590Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse > "[CARDINAL PELL] Dark to LIGHT."
>>13255553 Q DROP#2594Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican "Define "pecking" [Animals].
>>13255560 Q DROP#2894Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges "Many more to come? Dark to LIGHT."
>>13255567 Q DROP#2918Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets > "Symbolism will be their downfall"
>>13255572 Q DROP#3565Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking > "GODFATHER III. It's going to be BIBLICAL"
>>13255580 Q DROP#3709Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation Allegations > "Those you are taught to trust the most…."
>>13255587 Q DROP#3957"Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay]. [Paul Ryan_Fox]" Rupert Murdoch Papal Knight Fox news dominated by Catholics.
>>13255598 Q DROP#4303CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations "CIA coming back into the news [soon]?" Who really controls the Media?
>>13255615 Q DROP#4408We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice. Against (the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church)
>>13255633 Q DROP#4429Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Letter to POTUS-Biblical Battle Light vs Dark> "Armor of God" Vigano is not our friend.
>>13255642 Q DROP#4799Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope's Critics
#13570258 at 2021-05-03 12:51:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17186: Sometimes You Must Pass Through The Darkness Before You Can See The Light
Check it out, Anons.
Please remove all self nomination MUH JOO SHILL "notables" by OSS FAKER in Bread #17184
Anon believes OSS shit 7 notables total
Thank you for your service!
5:5 o7
#13569808 at 2021-05-03 10:30:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17185: The Envelopes Are Not Forgotten Edition
>>>13568655, >>13568662 There it is HANDS UP
>>>13568516 Arizona GOP Leader Kelli Ward Sounds the Alarm - Dem Secretary of State Hobbs Is Sneaking Dem Operatives from Biased Orgs into Maricopa County Audit
>>>13568583 Sunday afternoon in DC sees three shootings in three hours
>>>13568695 #USSJohnPaulJones returns home from deployment in the @US5thFleet and @US7thFleet areas of operation.
>>>13568804 At least 2,172 Palestinian children and 134 Israeli children have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.
>>>13568812 At least 10,028 Palestinians and 1,274 Israelis have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.
>>>13568827 At least 100,508 Palestinians and 11,954 Israelis have been injured since September 29, 2000.
>>>13568810 Study: Blood oxygenation helps patients with severe COVID-19
>>>13568848 U.S. oil executives released from prison to house arrest in Venezuela
>>>13568858 Air attacks: Gazan rockets and Israeli airstrikes
>>>13568869 The U.S. provides Israel nearly $10.5 million* in military aid per day, while it gives the Palestinians $0** in military aid.
>>>13568870 Israelis killings of Americans on Sept. 11, 2001 attacks was 2,977.
>>>13568882 0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 6,279 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.
>>>13568891 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians, and over 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished
>>>13568895 2 hands up = masonic sign of distress
>>>13568896 Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
>>>13568922 Lock this bitch up
>>>13568963 Indonesia's largest oil refinery just exploded
>>>13568669 Hillary Clinton deserves to be Arkancided but somehow still has a twitter
>>>13569187 #17184
Does Anon want Meth Head Muh Joo Shill OSS Faker back maybe?
#13568918 at 2021-05-03 04:21:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17184: Old School Baker, Old School Dough Edition
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
They switched from "Keep you locked in frustration" to outright "follow the star"
Animfoul -> "OSS"
Same pickles with the same Top Cover~
#13568729 at 2021-05-03 03:36:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17184: Old School Baker, Old School Dough Edition
Maybe a paste cap confirm, OSS?
#13568722 at 2021-05-03 03:35:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17184: Old School Baker, Old School Dough Edition
I feel the same way. It's good to have OSS back
#13568719 at 2021-05-03 03:35:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17184: Old School Baker, Old School Dough Edition
>suspect he's not really OSS and you're not really anime. nice avatarfagging all around though.
Just kidding, you probably don't love cock.
#13568699 at 2021-05-03 03:32:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17184: Old School Baker, Old School Dough Edition
suspect he's not really OSS and you're not really anime. nice avatarfagging all around though.
#13568672 at 2021-05-03 03:27:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17184: Old School Baker, Old School Dough Edition
Good to see you back in the saddle OSS.
I just woke up to finish some business and try to help someone who had hurt me.
Though I fell short.
Having some dinner then going back to sleep.
Going to catch the Day Shift, I hope.
Welcome Home, Patriot.
#13568375 at 2021-05-03 02:41:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17183: Archillect DEWs and News Edition
>OSS is a lazy and only wants things her way. If the conditions aren't right then she blows anons off and sits back. OSS bitches about everyone and the notables yet does nothing to positively contribute.
So angry GerbiDoodle.
#13568355 at 2021-05-03 02:39:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17183: Archillect DEWs and News Edition
OSS is a lazy and only wants things her way. If the conditions aren't right then she blows anons off and sits back. OSS bitches about everyone and the notables yet does nothing to positively contribute.
#13568266 at 2021-05-03 02:30:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17183: Archillect DEWs and News Edition
>Except for OSS he still does the best overall job of it on those rare Tuesdays when the moon is full that he Bakes.
The main reason I don't bake anymore is that the breads are so slow. I have always been the type that does my best work under pressure. I need to 8-15 posts per minute to enjoy baking. I need to be under the gun, with Q posting and lots of digs happening. Otherwise I get bored and fuck up.
#13568242 at 2021-05-03 02:28:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17183: Archillect DEWs and News Edition
I've seen yours (and I assume others) Notes then.
They were as good if not better than most Bakers.
Except for OSS he still does the best overall job of it on those rare Tuesdays when the moon is full that he Bakes.
#13567982 at 2021-05-03 01:59:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17183: Archillect DEWs and News Edition
Since we know who OSS is, then he should refamiliarize himself with the section in his sentence under SPECIAL CONDITIONS where posting here is a violation.
#13567910 at 2021-05-03 01:49:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17183: Archillect DEWs and News Edition
Come on, man.
You're just saying that - you don't really wanna Bake.
If you really do I bet OSS would handoff to you for next one.
#13567703 at 2021-05-03 01:21:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
OSS Called out Doodle as being Gerbil 3 days ago in discord, so Doodle has been on a sperg spree trying to gaslight OSS on the board since.
Doodle was dumb enough to admit it, it all started back to when Doodle was deleting notables about Jews.
#13567646 at 2021-05-03 01:13:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
>I wouldn't call OSS a baker anymore. He's more of a Pontiff now
>I wouldn't call OSS a baker anymore. He's more of a Pontiff now
Hi Gerbil.
#13567634 at 2021-05-03 01:12:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
>I wouldn't call OSS a baker anymore. He's more of a Pontiff now
Retard level high
#13567626 at 2021-05-03 01:11:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
OSS jumps the gun at times which inflames a situation unnecessarily.
He's also very big on defending the board so it's not like it's done maliciously.
Thus, can be difficult to work with.
#13567625 at 2021-05-03 01:11:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
I wouldn't call OSS a baker anymore. He's more of a Pontiff now
#13567608 at 2021-05-03 01:08:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
>OSS is difficult to work with as a fellow Baker but he has earned his cred here.
OSS is only difficult to work with if you are a kike or a shill. Which are you?
#13567599 at 2021-05-03 01:07:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
Early/Middle era Doodle Bakes were rife with strife.
OSS is difficult to work with as a fellow Baker but he has earned his cred here.
Of course 8-bit would defer to OSS to simmer down a kitchen fire.
Kinda silly to read more into it than that.
Let's have 8-bit, FJ, OSS, The Dood and all the others start coming on the board with these discussions instead of in the GYB approved Namefag safe space.
#13567538 at 2021-05-03 00:54:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17182: Without Apology, GOD WINS!
>say it isn't so OSS
Acting like GYB on the new /Comms?
What the hell is going on in Retard land?
#13555779 at 2021-05-01 08:11:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17167: Crazy Carnival In Your Face To C_A? Edition
The OSS>CIA helped build MOSSad and controls MOSSad to this day… is the moral of the story yet certain factions want Anons to focus solely upon MOSSad as the prime culprit when that is clearly false.
Consider the vastness of space
#13554641 at 2021-05-01 03:43:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17166: POTENTIAL HAPPENING to Distract from AZ Audit Edition
>WTF? I have the notables in a knot? Please, quit drinking and go to bed.
How about you not trying to blame a boogieman? Your whole blame discord meme is fake and gay. Whats next, you gonna claim everybody is OSS?
#13552458 at 2021-04-30 22:03:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17163: When The Walls Come Tumbling Down Edition
Repeatedly CIA cadres make reference to the OSS as if it were the core of its "regimental history". The myth intended is that the Office of Strategic Services was created in wartime (the last time the US was officially at war) and all those boys who joined the OSS were heroic soldiers fighting more or less covertly in the "good war". Thus the CIA is the descendant of that band of heroic elite soldiers and patriots who quietly served their country under conditions that at least theoretically could lead them to share the fate of Nathan Hale.The truth however is quite different.William Donovan's qualifications for the OSS were not his Medal of Honor awarded in the Great War but his political connections in New York. These political connections and his success as a lawyer enabled him to overcome the WASP barriers, which anIrish Catholicwould generally face until one John Kennedy was elected for a visit to the White House.
Donovan was not only a lawyer and politician in Roosevelt's home state, he was part of thatcommunity of corporate law firms whose specialties included organising covert action to defend US corporations abroad.Probably the most notorious in this league of private mercenary law firms was Sullivan & Cromwell-the firm in whichJohn Foster Dulles and Allen Dulleswere partners.Prior to the creation of the CIA, there were law firms likeSullivan & Cromwell and the US Marines.After 1945, gentlemen like the Dulles brothers agreed that while it was not always opportune or good marketing to send the Marines, it was also very risky for US corporations and their law firms to intervene in foreign countries as they had done routinely prior to the Second World War.
There was a need forprotecting corporationsfrom the very real risks of de-colonisation and economic nationalism, which unfortunately had been given new impetus by colonised peoples who took the UN Charter seriously. Not only was it recognised by this segment of the US elite that a permanent war economy was essential for continued wealth accumulation and domestic peace but lip service had to be paid to the ideals of the UN Charter and the United Nations organisations (esp. since the admission of non-whites was inevitable).
The inspiration for the CIA came from precisely this class of white-mainly Protestant-descendants of theNew England theocrats and Yankee slave traderswhose entire identity was based on white supremacy and capitalism-both as a religious ideal and an enrichment strategy. It is one of the legacies of the US Civil War thatovert violence, i.e. the armed forces, is dominated by the elites of the South while covert violence, i.e. finance and the secret police, is primarily managed by the elites of the North.So while 1945 brought the defeat of Ford's, Bush's and Dulles' friends in Berlin and the disappointment of Soviet victory, there was still potential to exploit racism and domestic fears to create the illusions needed for a permanent war economy with all the trappings of a wartime police state.
#13547264 at 2021-04-30 04:37:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17157: The Federal Power Grab Of 2020 Edition
Nothing can stop what's coming, not even M OSS AD
#13543152 at 2021-04-29 19:35:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17151: CALL TO MEME #SaveTheFilibuster and #StopDCStatehood Edition
Uncle Joe = Gerbil = M OSS AD = muhjoo = pornfag = gorefag
Eyes on Arizona
#13542935 at 2021-04-29 19:02:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17151: CALL TO MEME #SaveTheFilibuster and #StopDCStatehood Edition
Eyes on Arizona
M OSS AD will try to distract you
#13542802 at 2021-04-29 18:42:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17151: CALL TO MEME #SaveTheFilibuster and #StopDCStatehood Edition
It is what it is
Clowns in America / M OSS AD / Gerbil
#13542777 at 2021-04-29 18:38:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17151: CALL TO MEME #SaveTheFilibuster and #StopDCStatehood Edition
Dark to light Gerbil / M OSS AD
#13542399 at 2021-04-29 17:33:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17150: Reminder All Eyes on #AZAudit Edition
Has he been on the board recently?
#13542380 at 2021-04-29 17:29:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17150: Reminder All Eyes on #AZAudit Edition
Anon was once told that the Holocaust had to be a Hoax because Hollywood made so many Movies about it.
This was a Notable by our beloved Comms faggot faker OSS
When Anon produced a similarly impressive list of Bible movies that Hollywood produced, OSS did not have anything to say and would not notable the list as proof of his own contrived muh joo bullshit.
MNR comms baker crew had zero issue with how OSS was openly displaying his hatred for the "Jews" until one fateful day when Anon had an Idea.
Anon is getting idea's again…
#13541918 at 2021-04-29 16:14:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17150: Reminder All Eyes on #AZAudit Edition
Snow White Pounce
Always thought that was a weird word choice.
Cats pounce…
If Snow White were a cat, it'd be the one with 2 extra paws belonging to Ernest Hemingway. SW was given to him by a pirate who believed they were good luck providing balance on rough seas.
Ernest's son Jack was in the OSS (CIA) and was a POW liberated from the Dachae concentration camp 76 years ago today.
Another Snow White CIA connection.
#13539637 at 2021-04-29 09:30:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17147: EBake
US $$5 As global reserve currency
Hounebu l
1936, ACYONE
+ TAVISTØCK social engineering
King David Hotel
UFO threat afalysis
1948 Prince
Bernhard 1931-1949
Anderson Cooper CNN
Bikderberg Greref Pictures
Mika Brzezinski MONOPOLIES
Naval Space
President Truman, 1947
Washington, D.c.
UFO incident
von Braun
1953 Iraniancoup d'état
The New York Ttmés
e Nazi Scientists
US Reciut IG59
Hegelian Dialectic
NATO Stay behipd 56-90
CIA Director 52-61
Gelense Advanced
Research Profects
"Neverd Straight Answer"
#13539636 at 2021-04-29 09:29:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17147: EBake
Manly P. Hall
"The Secret Teachihgs WORLD"
AN Ages, 198
Hand orthe Myfteries
est. 1923
Club 33
"Empire Beneath the ke
Josef Mengele
The Holy Grail
9f941 BUOGET
scrubbed from
ww history
Act of 1934
Die Glocke
Foo Fighters
makes the rules
1944 BRETTØN VWOODS CONFERENCE once of Strategic Services
Admiral By o UMP
1956 - 1971
domestic espionage
& propaganda
#13538556 at 2021-04-29 05:19:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17146: EBake in the middle of the night
so there are only two bakers,
anna mae & gerbil?
what, OSS offed itself?
#13526718 at 2021-04-27 21:51:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17131: #RECALLNEWSOM Edition
>You realize I was one of the Bakers with OSS and Barkeep that battle the MNR?
Nobody cares about MNR, but you three are the enemy belligerents that took over the kitchen, unilaterally changed the banner, turned the notables into a mess, and regularly spam the board.
#13526566 at 2021-04-27 21:24:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17131: #RECALLNEWSOM Edition
>>13525985 (OP)
>>13526010 (Dough)
Notable Notes
>>13526012 Edomite Canaanites Full - (It's a video, click it.)
>>13526019 Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews
>>13526030 Florida furious over release of genetically modified mosquitos
>>13526032 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary
>>13526033 JIDF/MOSSad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic)
>>13526048 Afghanistan Travel Advisory
>>13526060 China's "Social Credit Scoring" Is Expanding Globally, Now Openly Operational In Western Canada
>>13526069 VIDEO: Joe Rogan Advises Young, Healthy People NOT To Get Vaccinated
>>13526076 Pfizer says antiviral drug to treat COVID-19 could be here by year's end
>>13526103 VIDEO: Biden Denies Science, Wears Huge Mask In Public After CDC Calls Masks Unnecessary
>>13526111 UK Sanctions 22 Individuals for 'Serious International Corruption'
>>13526145 Strange noise interrupts WH press briefing
>>13526148 Retired Generals Call For Military Takeover In France
>>13526149 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13526152 Q DROP 1751, 1871 REVIEW - MOSSad is the national intelligence agency of Israel.
>>13526155 Q DROP 1294 REVIEW - 3d Cavalry Regiment - GUNLINE STANDBY... FIRE MISSIONS COMING DOWN!
>>13526159 Former Attorney for Municipalities in Puerto Rico Sentenced for Bribery
>>13526195 Pentagon says scientific evidence burn pits sickened troops still inconclusive, further study needed
>>13526199 Windham, New Hampshire Officials May Choose Far-Left Group to Conduct Forensic Audit - PLEASE CONTACT STATE OFFICIALS TODAY!
>>13526229 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13526235 New green bill will hike New York gasoline 55 per gallon and home heating costs up 26%
>>13526239 Q DROP 1920 REVIEW
>>13526268, >>13526313, >>13526340 PF REPORT
>>13526291 FBI Electronics Technician Charged With Child Pornography Crimes
>>13526315 Vancouver, Washington, area man pleads guilty to multiple federal felonies for online sexual exploitation of teens
>>13526325 Q DROP 4465 REVIEW
>>13526339 These were posted then deleted. 18AirborneCorps: Test, Test, Test
>>13526346 JovanHuttonPulitzer ™ #JovanHuttonPulitzer
>>13526380 Trump loses bid to get out of testifying in protester lawsuit
>>13526399 Durham Using Subpoena Power to Go After DC Swampers...And What's Been Uncovered is Disturbing
>>13526418 "I'm sorry. This is the last question I'm gonna take. I'm really gonna be in trouble." -Biden
>>13526419 U.S. Embassy Cairo - Today the U.S. and Egypt signed a logistics MOU that will facilitate U.S. participation in Bright Star 2021 and future activities.
>>13526425 Fauci's NIAID Scientists Attended Wuhan Lab Summit, Now WIPED From The Internet
>>13526443 Biden to Deploy 650 More Troops to Afghanistan
>>13526446 Anyone have idea why the Suez seems blocked no shipping showing on vessel finder in canal?
>>13526455 Audit looks like it will be starting for the day soon.
>>13526463 End of Empire of Davos Crowd As Pandemic Totalitarian Power Grab Implodes
>>13526466 The left is trying to cancel Tyler because of this speech
>>13526496 CDC just announced you don't need to wear a mask outside and Joe Biden went outside within hours wearing a mask still.
>>13526497, >>13526505 Bodies pile up as Covid overwhelms India or are they?
>>13526503 CDC puts out new guidance; media rushes to report the new "rules."
>>13526506 GirlsDoPorn Employee Pleads Guilty to Sex Trafficking Conspiracy
>>13526511 Judge Chris Cooper just ruled that Richard Barnett, held in a DC jail denied bond for nearly four months, will be released based on Munchel guidance.
>>13526531 Q DROP 749, 916, 4465 REVIEW
>>13526543 Want That Job Offer? A Covid-19 Vaccine Is Now Required.
>>13526553 MELANIA TRUMP - Thank you to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes!
>>13526563 Vice President Harris Participates in a Roundtable with Representatives from Guatemalan Community-Based Organizations
Thank you Anons for digging, memeing, praying and supporting one another.
Trust the Plan
Sometimes you must pass through the darkness to see the light
You realize I was one of the Bakers with OSS and Barkeep that battle the MNR?
#13508954 at 2021-04-25 12:54:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17110: There Is Only Q And Anons Edition
when the OSS and punch and judy discord was rampant in September and October I described what it was.
it's fake.
it's a play.
#13507793 at 2021-04-25 07:37:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17108: DS Will Not FF QRG, Not Tonight Shills Edition
No you OSS faggot.
Fucking sperg retard.
You didn't give the newfag a chance to change his mind.
This is why you fail to redpill your grandmother.
Because you're garbage.
You threaten to split the bake LAST NIGHT as well.
Plus you speak that script from the shill faggots.
Run your narrative moar Baker.
You only glow in the fucking dark.
#13490944 at 2021-04-23 01:31:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17087: Information Waves Crash Into Crumbling Idols of Falsehood Edition
OSS and doc (kek - opposites!) were the only ones that perfected the art on a consistent basis here
(others are/were good too but a notch or 2 below)
#13490570 at 2021-04-23 00:43:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17087: Information Waves Crash Into Crumbling Idols of Falsehood Edition
kek you niggas have no power team OSS overthrew a govt here you pussies make me sick
#13484443 at 2021-04-22 05:20:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17080: Deja Vu I Have Been In This Bread Before Edition
Think since lolibakes returned 70 % of breads are either lolibakes or his tranny discord frens barkeep. They run through this psyop of shit talking anime posting cringe, then go back to gerbil and OSS. Interesting to see ones go dark and the others light up. Haven't seen a gerbil bitching session since they returned. Nothing is coincidence?
#13470123 at 2021-04-20 15:33:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17062: For, fore, four 20 Edition.
Jeff/INTHEMATRIXXX openly proclaimed that his P = Payseur bit is from a Book written by a Good friend of Alex Jones, Fritz Springmeier AKA Viktor Schoof. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Springmeier
Alex Jones, a Traitor Disinformation Agent who works for MOSSad (Q DROP #2089) and highly likely also employed by the VATICAN.
Alex Jones dedicated entire shows and an endless amount of segments to Fritz's Amazing book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".
"Bloodlines of the Illuminati" is a hodge podge of History mixed in with every conspiracy theory known to Fritz at that time.
"Bloodlines" was one of the books that Seal Team 6 (Q DROP #154 CIA agents posing as seal team 6) found in Osama Bin Laden's compound.
The CIA/MSM went on a media blitz introducing Americans to the list of books found in OBL/UBL/Tim Osman>CIA asset's "Library" with "Bloodlines" many times being front and center.
The CIA most definitely wanted the American people to be introduced to "Bloodlines" and [they] even released a copy from their "Vault".
Fritz Springmeier is a known Grifter, Multiple Felon (including bank robbery), White Supremacist who is known to write for Religious Extremist and/or White Extremist groups such as the Army of God.
Read "Bloodlines" for yourself. http://www.whale.to/b/sp/bloodlines.html
Another source of the Payseur tale can be found in David Icke's book "The Biggest Secret". https://www.biblio.com/the-biggest-secret-by-icke-david/work/127123
What an amazing coincidence as David Icke is also a good friend of Alex Jones. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke
Army of God (AOG) is an American Christian terrorist organization, members of which have perpetrated anti-abortion violence.[1] According to the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security's joint Terrorism Knowledge Base, the Army of God is an active underground terrorist organization in the United States. In addition to numerous property crimes, the group has committed acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder. The AOG was formed in 1982 and, while sharing a common ideology and tactics, the group's members claim that they rarely communicate with each other; this is known more formally as leaderless resistance.[2][3] The group forbids those who wish to "take action against babykilling abortionists" from discussing their plans with anyone in advance.[4]
Associated individuals
Michael Bray
Paul Jennings Hill
David Leach
Scott Roeder
Eric Robert Rudolph
James Charles Kopp[24]
Shelley Shannon
Donald Spitz
Clayton Waagner
Fritz Springmeier[25]
25 Jim Redden (October 30, 2009). "FBI probes alleged threat to officer". Portland Tribune. Archived from the original on 2012-01-27. Retrieved 2011-06-02. Alt URL[permanent dead link]
Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier, Ambassador House, 1998, ISBN 0-9663533-2-3
Is it getting interesting yet?
I wonder if Jeff/Inthematrixxx was using discernment when he chose to tell Anons to "Follow the story as told by Springmeier." concerning P = Payseur?
Huh, the Ramtha compound is also in that area... probably just a coincidence.
Shady is also from that area... you gotta love coincidences!
OSS shill baker is also from that area...
Probably just a figment of Anons imagination
#13468895 at 2021-04-20 12:33:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17060: They Thought You Would Follow The Stars Edition
It probably cannot help itself.
Mind Control is a real Bitch.
This shill is highly likely someone who has been indoctrinated along similar lines as the following type of group:
Army of God (AOG) is an American Christian terrorist organization, members of which have perpetrated anti-abortion violence.[1] According to the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security's joint Terrorism Knowledge Base, the Army of God is an active underground terrorist organization in the United States. In addition to numerous property crimes, the group has committed acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder. The AOG was formed in 1982 and, while sharing a common ideology and tactics, the group's members claim that they rarely communicate with each other; this is known more formally as leaderless resistance.[2][3] The group forbids those who wish to "take action against babykilling abortionists" from discussing their plans with anyone in advance.[4]
Associated individuals
Michael Bray
Paul Jennings Hill
David Leach
Scott Roeder
Eric Robert Rudolph
James Charles Kopp[24]
Shelley Shannon
Donald Spitz
Clayton Waagner
Fritz Springmeier[25]
25 Jim Redden (October 30, 2009). "FBI probes alleged threat to officer". Portland Tribune. Archived from the original on 2012-01-27. Retrieved 2011-06-02. Alt URL[permanent dead link]
Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier, Ambassador House, 1998, ISBN 0-9663533-2-3
Is it getting interesting yet?
I wonder if Jeff/Inthematrixxx was using discernment when he chose to tell Anons to "Listen to the story as told by Springmeier." concerning P = Payseur?
Huh, the Ramtha compound is also in that area… probably just a coincidence.
Shady is also from that area… you gotta love coincidences!
OSS shill baker is also from that area…
Probably just a figment of Anons imagination
#13442493 at 2021-04-16 23:58:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17027: And We Find The Strength United Edition
Wait, you said you were gonna take down Q, QResearch, the military, the government and destroy gatekeepers. That's why I also think (You) are OSS, ya fuck. Are you baking atm and also shitposting? Me thinks so.
#13435252 at 2021-04-16 00:18:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17018: Sailing Through The Waves of Sound Edition
>I see you
You're just throwing out bait to see if OSS is in the house.
#13426585 at 2021-04-14 23:23:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17007: We're Not Going To Take It Edition
He and Doodle are both still Baking periodically.
Just super low-key about it these days.
OSS is the only one that still lets you know it's me mfers when he posts.
#13415947 at 2021-04-13 14:14:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16993: Ascending notables are easier to collect Edition
Jeez, this place really went down the shitter when all the regular bakers were exiled last end of summer for OSS and Anime Baker in the fake ass baker war supported and stoked by BO. Then the flag was changed to a revolving door of crap flags. Now the dough will be changed and changed till notables are nolonger a thing. FJ is and always will be a shit BO.
#13415532 at 2021-04-13 12:35:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16993: Ascending notables are easier to collect Edition
Welcome to the Learn to Bake Thread.
In This Thread (You) will learn to bake.
To begin with open this link up in a new browser: https://controlc.com/e7aa0de7
you will lots of information that must be copied and pasted to a New Thread.
For now we will work on just Copy and Paste in this Thread using the above link.
IF you scroll through the Dough Paste Link you will see that it is divided into sections
These 4 sections must be divided up into 4 postings.
As well as the Notables sections must be divided into its own postings.
*See Screen Caps.
To Begin, Enter in the Subject Field: Welcome to Q Research
Give it a number: #: 74564
Give it an Edition Name: The Quick Editon
Ex may look this: Welcome to Q Research #123456: Muh Edition
Next Copy the First Section from the Dough 'Welcome' link above and paste, upload a cool Q Research Banner (Img) and Post.
Copy the next section from the dough 'BOARD' and paste.
Copy the next section from the dough 'Globals' and paste.
Copy the next section from the dough 'Notables' and paste.
-Notables may be divided up into their own postings as well.
The Bread Should Now be set and ready for your dough link.
The final post will be your dough link.
To create the dough link, copy the entire controlc.com 'PASTE', click the controlc home icon and paste your copy as a NEW PASTE, hit submit
This will generate a link for you to copy and paste as your 'DOUGH' link. which should look similar to this
DOUGH https://controlc.com/e7aa0de7
Add an image that relates to the Topic of your dough, Keep your Dough Topics Hot and Current.
Once you have completed the process, Tag all your Postings into a Final Mini Bun and Submit that link to QResearch asking for a Baker to Review.
You may have to ask more than once for review.
Further, as a baker you will also need to learn to take notes and add to dough, as well as update dough upon anons request.
I hope this helps, if any other Bakers have thoughts inputs, please advise.
sorry anons have to clone a clients website today.
will check here and there, when i can to see if a bake is needed.
hopefully anime/OSS or another bakers steps up today.
#13410627 at 2021-04-12 19:28:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16987: Love Is The Way Through The Darkness Edition
>>13406669 Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison
>>13406686 Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents
>>13406703, >>13406739, 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter
>>13406708, >>13399775 pb, >>13406718, CA podcaster gets visit from police after 'lightly' criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)
>>13406717 Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop
>>13406725 Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current
>>13406737, >>13406892, Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated
>>13406756 Israeli data shows South African variant able to 'break through' Pfizer vaccine
>>13406757 Chart on Pompeo Tweet Mapping to Q team post
>>13406759 Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)
>>13406763, >>13406766, >>13406770, >>13406799, >>13406757, >>13406867, >>13406766, >>13406817, >>13406851, >>13406882, >>13407055, >>13406962, >>13407149, H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war.... POMPEO tweet
>>13407164 Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure
>>13406781 China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines 'Don't Have Very High Protection Rates'
>>13406826 Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect
>>13406827 F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft
>>13406829 NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)
>>13406843, >>13406744, >>13406804, >>13406855, >>13407002, >>13407167, >>13407207, Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud
>>13406877, >>13406854, >>13406871, >>13406902, Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota...Brooklyn Center
>>13406892 Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.
>>13406935, >>13407189, FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota
>>13406990 Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)
>>13406947 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night
>>13407059 More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)
>>13407082, >>13407160, Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.
>>13407108 Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.
>>13407117 US Department of the Interior owls comms
>>13407163 National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.
>>13407187 Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93
>>13407224 What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)
>>13407235, >>13407270, [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline
>>13407253 The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med
>>13407255, >>13407150, >>13407135, >>13407108, >>13407124 Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.
>>13407275 It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar
>>13407285 Mike Lindell (11:27)
>>13407305, >>13407313, >>13407353, >>13407356, >>13407193, >>13407318 Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year
>>13407352 Team Biden caves on Iran - and gets nothing in return
>>13407383 #16982
#13409871 at 2021-04-12 17:43:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16986: Filtered for Filtering Edition
>>13406669 Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison
>>13406686 Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents
>>13406703, >>13406739, 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter
>>13406708, >>13399775 pb, >>13406718, CA podcaster gets visit from police after 'lightly' criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)
>>13406717 Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop
>>13406725 Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current
>>13406737, >>13406892, Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated
>>13406756 Israeli data shows South African variant able to 'break through' Pfizer vaccine
>>13406757 Chart on Pompeo Tweet Mapping to Q team post
>>13406759 Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)
>>13406763, >>13406766, >>13406770, >>13406799, >>13406757, >>13406867, >>13406766, >>13406817, >>13406851, >>13406882, >>13407055, >>13406962, >>13407149, H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war.... POMPEO tweet
>>13407164 Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure
>>13406781 China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines 'Don't Have Very High Protection Rates'
>>13406826 Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect
>>13406827 F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft
>>13406829 NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)
>>13406843, >>13406744, >>13406804, >>13406855, >>13407002, >>13407167, >>13407207, Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud
>>13406877, >>13406854, >>13406871, >>13406902, Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota...Brooklyn Center
>>13406892 Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.
>>13406935, >>13407189, FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota
>>13406990 Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)
>>13406947 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night
>>13407059 More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)
>>13407082, >>13407160, Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.
>>13407108 Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.
>>13407117 US Department of the Interior owls comms
>>13407163 National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.
>>13407187 Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93
>>13407224 What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)
>>13407235, >>13407270, [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline
>>13407253 The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med
>>13407255, >>13407150, >>13407135, >>13407108, >>13407124 Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.
>>13407275 It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar
>>13407285 Mike Lindell (11:27)
>>13407305, >>13407313, >>13407353, >>13407356, >>13407193, >>13407318 Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year
>>13407352 Team Biden caves on Iran - and gets nothing in return
>>13407383 #16982
#13409102 at 2021-04-12 15:18:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16985: Another Day to Dig in Q Research Edition
>>13406669 Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison
>>13406686 Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents
>>13406703, >>13406739, 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter
>>13406708, >>13399775 pb, >>13406718, CA podcaster gets visit from police after 'lightly' criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)
>>13406717 Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop
>>13406725 Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current
>>13406737, >>13406892, Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated
>>13406756 Israeli data shows South African variant able to 'break through' Pfizer vaccine
>>13406757 Chart on Pompeo Tweet Mapping to Q team post
>>13406759 Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)
>>13406763, >>13406766, >>13406770, >>13406799, >>13406757, >>13406867, >>13406766, >>13406817, >>13406851, >>13406882, >>13407055, >>13406962, >>13407149, H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war.... POMPEO tweet
>>13407164 Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure
>>13406781 China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines 'Don't Have Very High Protection Rates'
>>13406826 Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect
>>13406827 F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft
>>13406829 NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)
>>13406843, >>13406744, >>13406804, >>13406855, >>13407002, >>13407167, >>13407207, Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud
>>13406877, >>13406854, >>13406871, >>13406902, Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota...Brooklyn Center
>>13406892 Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.
>>13406935, >>13407189, FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota
>>13406990 Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)
>>13406947 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night
>>13407059 More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)
>>13407082, >>13407160, Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.
>>13407108 Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.
>>13407117 US Department of the Interior owls comms
>>13407163 National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.
>>13407187 Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93
>>13407224 What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)
>>13407235, >>13407270, [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline
>>13407253 The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med
>>13407255, >>13407150, >>13407135, >>13407108, >>13407124 Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.
>>13407275 It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar
>>13407285 Mike Lindell (11:27)
>>13407305, >>13407313, >>13407353, >>13407356, >>13407193, >>13407318 Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year
>>13407352 Team Biden caves on Iran - and gets nothing in return
>>13407383 #16982
#13408331 at 2021-04-12 11:04:42 (UTC+1)
Q research General #16984: Don't Know How to Bake Edition
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13406669 Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison
>>13406686 Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents
>>13406703, >>13406739, 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter
>>13406708, >>13399775 pb, >>13406718, CA podcaster gets visit from police after 'lightly' criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)
>>13406717 Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop
>>13406725 Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current
>>13406737, >>13406892, Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated
>>13406756 Israeli data shows South African variant able to 'break through' Pfizer vaccine
>>13406757 Chart on Pompeo Tweet Mapping to Q team post
>>13406759 Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)
>>13406763, >>13406766, >>13406770, >>13406799, >>13406757, >>13406867, >>13406766, >>13406817, >>13406851, >>13406882, >>13407055, >>13406962, >>13407149, H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war.... POMPEO tweet
>>13407164 Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure
>>13406781 China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines 'Don't Have Very High Protection Rates'
>>13406826 Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect
>>13406827 F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft
>>13406829 NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)
>>13406843, >>13406744, >>13406804, >>13406855, >>13407002, >>13407167, >>13407207, Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud
>>13406877, >>13406854, >>13406871, >>13406902, Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota...Brooklyn Center
>>13406892 Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.
>>13406935, >>13407189, FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota
>>13406990 Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)
>>13406947 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night
>>13407059 More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)
>>13407082, >>13407160, Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.
>>13407108 Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.
>>13407117 US Department of the Interior owls comms
>>13407163 National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.
>>13407187 Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93
>>13407224 What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)
>>13407235, >>13407270, [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline
>>13407253 The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med
>>13407255, >>13407150, >>13407135, >>13407108, >>13407124 Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.
>>13407275 It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar
>>13407285 Mike Lindell (11:27)
>>13407305, >>13407313, >>13407353, >>13407356, >>13407193, >>13407318 Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year
>>13407352 Team Biden caves on Iran - and gets nothing in return
>>13407383 #16982
#13407417 at 2021-04-12 05:25:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16983: POMPEO's Wooden CHIP to the Cabal's Loosing Streak CHECKMATE Edition
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13406669 Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison
>>13406686 Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents
>>13406703, >>13406739, 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter
>>13406708, >>13399775 pb, >>13406718, CA podcaster gets visit from police after 'lightly' criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)
>>13406717 Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop
>>13406725 Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current
>>13406737, >>13406892, Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated
>>13406756 Israeli data shows South African variant able to 'break through' Pfizer vaccine
>>13406757 Chart on Pompeo Tweet Mapping to Q team post
>>13406759 Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)
>>13406763, >>13406766, >>13406770, >>13406799, >>13406757, >>13406867, >>13406766, >>13406817, >>13406851, >>13406882, >>13407055, >>13406962, >>13407149, H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war.... POMPEO tweet
>>13407164 Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure
>>13406781 China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines 'Don't Have Very High Protection Rates'
>>13406826 Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect
>>13406827 F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft
>>13406829 NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)
>>13406843, >>13406744, >>13406804, >>13406855, >>13407002, >>13407167, >>13407207, Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud
>>13406877, >>13406854, >>13406871, >>13406902, Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota...Brooklyn Center
>>13406892 Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.
>>13406935, >>13407189, FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota
>>13406990 Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)
>>13406947 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night
>>13407059 More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)
>>13407082, >>13407160, Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.
>>13407108 Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.
>>13407117 US Department of the Interior owls comms
>>13407163 National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.
>>13407187 Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93
>>13407224 What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)
>>13407235, >>13407270, [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline
>>13407253 The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med
>>13407255, >>13407150, >>13407135, >>13407108, >>13407124 Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.
>>13407275 It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar
>>13407285 Mike Lindell (11:27)
>>13407305, >>13407313, >>13407353, >>13407356, >>13407193, >>13407318 Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year
>>13407352 Team Biden caves on Iran - and gets nothing in return
>>13407383 #16982
#13407383 at 2021-04-12 05:18:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16982: Lightning Knocks On Wood, This Good thing Q Edition
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13406593 OP
>>13406602 Dough
>>13406669 Harvey Weinsten Reportedly Secretly Indicted on Rape Charges by LA Grand Jury was sentenced to 23 years in prison
>>13406686 Scottish Government-Funded Groups Back Lobby for Law to Allow Sex with Adolescents
>>13406703, >>13406739, 15 months to Flatten small business so that only huge, woke , mega-corporations are left Are you awake yet? Ed O'Keefe Chatter
>>13406708, >>13399775 pb, >>13406718, CA podcaster gets visit from police after 'lightly' criticizing AOC on Twitter (Cap 2:11)
>>13406717 Brooklyn Center police officer shoots, kills driver during traffic stop
>>13406725 Have the military accepted/acknowledged Biden as POTUS? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all Trump appointees, current
>>13406737, >>13406892, Study finds COVID variant affects vaccinated individuals more than unvaccinated
>>13406756 Israeli data shows South African variant able to 'break through' Pfizer vaccine
>>13406757 Chart on Pompeo Tweet Mapping to Q team post
>>13406759 Rumored Coup Attempt in Jordan (14:48)
>>13406763, >>13406766, >>13406770, >>13406799, >>13406757, >>13406867, >>13406766, >>13406817, >>13406851, >>13406882, >>13407055, >>13406962, >>13407149, H/T to a Fren. China must be feeling the pinch of the trade war.... POMPEO tweet
>>13407164 Former US secretary of state likely to visit Taiwan this year Mike Pompeo backs Taiwan's #FreedomPineapple campaign despite China pressure
>>13406781 China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines 'Don't Have Very High Protection Rates'
>>13406826 Conservative former banker Guillermo Lasso declares himself Ecuador's president-elect
>>13406827 F-89C Scorpion1950s interceptor aircraft
>>13406829 NO Jab, NO Play, Australian Government reveals Nazi intentions towards population to generically alter their DNA (2:17)
>>13406843, >>13406744, >>13406804, >>13406855, >>13407002, >>13407167, >>13407207, Interview With Maria Zack, Who Is She, The One Who Uncovered The Italy Connection Of The Election Fraud
>>13406877, >>13406854, >>13406871, >>13406902, Minnesota riots live right now Minnesota...Brooklyn Center
>>13406892 Proving that the variant (real pandemic) comes from the vaccinated shot people, that the natural human immune system is superior, and that they are intentionally trying to kill, cull, and control humanity with medical tyranny.
>>13406935, >>13407189, FALSE FLAG ALERT TOMORROW KIDS Minnesota
>>13406990 Absolute work of Art DANK Anon Theme Song from the Kun (Cap 3:31)
>>13406947 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thank you President Trump for hosting an amazing event for my campaign last night
>>13407059 More video of the looting in #BrooklynCenter #minneapolis (Cap 0:45)
>>13407082, >>13407160, Lots of comms to decode. Don't forget the background Mercer Family favorites.
>>13407108 Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S.
>>13407117 US Department of the Interior owls comms
>>13407163 National Park Service Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. #UnicornDay Image: Horse walking toward Washington Monument.
>>13407187 Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93
>>13407224 What we are going through truly is Biblical Published April 11, 2021 12,398 Views (1:09:48)
>>13407235, >>13407270, [things] in the shadows, hiding in the dark, know what is coming, [they] can't change the collective timeline
>>13407253 The government now adds damaging chemical agents to all the drugs available on the street. This article was on 2020 and I was shocked. That is more reason why I am glad I don't take any pharma med
>>13407255, >>13407150, >>13407135, >>13407108, >>13407124 Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi Germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond.
>>13407275 It's time you wake TFU anon. Quantum-Syntax-Grammar
>>13407285 Mike Lindell (11:27)
>>13407305, >>13407313, >>13407353, >>13407356, >>13407193, >>13407318 Sonny Bono grills Janet Reno over Waco, subsequent deaths of Sony, a Kennedy and Princess Di all the the same year
>>13407352 Team Biden caves on Iran - and gets nothing in return
Check em' thank you
#13407255 at 2021-04-12 04:49:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16982: Lightning Knocks On Wood, This Good thing Q Edition
Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond. Nothing like a few metric tons per year of afghan black tar heroin and columbian cocaine imported into our cities to eviscerate the morality of American families and make a few billion dollars for the Bush family. Now with the advent of SSRI's and opioids American brains are too fried to bother with petty questions like "why is my son a transsexual" or "why is my daughter a whore" or "where do mass shootings come from" or "why does every country on earth laugh at our hypocrisy and incompetence". Fuck this gay earth.
And fuck Fauci.
there is a silver lining:
Meritocracy might sound rayciss, but kakistocracy sounds like kekistocracy.
#13390550 at 2021-04-09 13:53:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16962: Call to Meme #ImpeachCuomo for #Senicide
You mean like when KB removed #ITALYDIDIT #ITALYGATE from Globals because one anon(shill) wanted it removed… after 4 anons nominated it?
You mean like when WB spoon fed ITM/Jeffy 3 month old Neon splerg so ITM could use that 30 minutes later on muh twatter?
You mean like how most of comms tried desperately to avoid Vatican RCC digs?
You mean like how OSS and other fakers repeatedly removed notes while also nom'ing their own shit?
You mean like how OSS, Rusty and several other "little helpers" are openly MUH JOO shills yet none of the other Comms fakers had anything to say about that?
You mean like how NONE OF [YOU] would even consider the INTHEMATRIXXX JEFFY>SPRINGMEIER>ALEX JONES P = PAYSEUR BULLSHIT expose'?
Anon could go on all FUCKING day long.
Stay Down, Pussies!
Useful Idiot Pseudo Intels on your best fucking day!
Gerb could be a total dick and still be better than traitor Gate keepers trying to control MUH NARRATIVE!
#13387249 at 2021-04-09 00:18:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16958: EBake test Edition
if no baker shows up, gonna pick up notables and put em in /qrb/, which is now organized and active. have been doing that in old breads, but will do here too to keep breads fresh.
no, did not 'abandon' /qresearch/ - just had to leave when mgmt teamed up with OSS to destroy the kitch. Support this board and all boards picking up the real news.
Just telling you so you know notables will go somewhere - like wearethene.ws. Marking em NOTABLE makes it easier.
We are the news.
#13381010 at 2021-04-08 00:45:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16950: Waking Up the World Edition
which admittedly is what OSS told us all along
but few listened
but now its obvious
#13379001 at 2021-04-07 18:58:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
How you like that shit, Gerb?
OSS wanted to play again so Anon do what Anon do and that is to stroke OSS ego so OSS does dumb shit for all the board to see!
Once an agent always an agent?
Once a Meth Head always a meth head…
and some P = PAYSEUR!
Ain't that right, Jeffy? :D
#13378640 at 2021-04-07 18:03:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
I rest my case
<Keep trying kikel.
<I am not OSS faggot shill
#13378606 at 2021-04-07 17:57:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
I am not OSS faggot shill
I wasn't on the boards at all from December until last week, fag.
You are just big mad I am taking away "muh that's OSS" argument.
I know exactly what OSS' posts look like fag, dealt with seeing OSS' posts for months.
OSS isn't around anymore from what I can see, so OSS' has obviously been neutralized by BV's or outside forces because of OSS' harassments campaign of the boards and of anons.
#13378550 at 2021-04-07 17:45:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
>one thing about OSS, it was impOSSible for him to resist responding to being called out as the cunt he is
>chances are, this is the faggot right here >>13378284 pb OSS was neutralized faggot
#13378549 at 2021-04-07 17:45:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
>Bakers? OSS? Gerbil? Tboi?
>They. Are. The. Same. Team/Agent. Hovering. Over. Our. Awakening. Flooding. Us. With. Gore/jew/spam. When. We. Get. Too. Close.
>>13378372, >>13375482, >>13375315, >>13375235, >>13374566, >>13374288, >>13372397, >>13355996, >>13356027, >>13356042, >>13356068, >>13356076, >>13356088, >>13356070, >>13356365 PROJECT HOMECOMING - THE JEWISH/ISRAELI/MOSSAD PLOT TO EXTORT A SITTING CONGRESSMAN USING AN AMERICAN HOSTAGE IN IRAN mixed breads!!!
#13378547 at 2021-04-07 17:44:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
Bakers? OSS? Gerbil? Tboi?
They. Are. The. Same. Team/Agent. Hovering. Over. Our. Awakening. Flooding. Us. With. Gore/jew/spam. When. We. Get. Too. Close.
#13378541 at 2021-04-07 17:43:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
>I think OSS is Q peeps.
I am 100% not Q.
Keep trying kikel.
>>13378372, >>13375482, >>13375315, >>13375235, >>13374566, >>13374288, >>13372397, >>13355996, >>13356027, >>13356042, >>13356068, >>13356076, >>13356088, >>13356070, >>13356365 PROJECT HOMECOMING - THE JEWISH/ISRAELI/MOSSAD PLOT TO EXTORT A SITTING CONGRESSMAN USING AN AMERICAN HOSTAGE IN IRAN mixed breads!!!
#13378535 at 2021-04-07 17:42:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
>>13378276 pb
>OSS was at one point, the absolute worst of the shill baker's union cunts.
one thing about OSS, it was impOSSible for him to resist responding to being called out as the cunt he is
chances are, this is the faggot right here >>13378284 pb OSS was neutralized faggot
#13378532 at 2021-04-07 17:41:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
You people still dont have a clue do you? "This is Just a Psyop"
I never noticed OSS until I started baking when notables were starting to get censored.
It was around the height of Q's posting.
I think OSS is Q peeps.
#13378524 at 2021-04-07 17:40:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16948: #SecuretheBorder #SaveTheChildren #StopHumanTrafficking Edition
>=Definitely not a kike from /comms
kek, you soundlike you know them?
BodyGoes 1 wai
Mind Another
Within This Forced Dissociation Culture.
*Just Mentioning These Memories*
So glad I checked in to see how this bread is going. The shill bakers are losing their minds and shitting all over themselves and more and more anons are using to every day. You guys are free to spam this bread with whatever you need. OSS is dead, he was created to expose you faggots, he completed his mission and will never be seen again after this. As I said before I didn't need to Ip hop, I didn't need to split breads, I didn't need to lie. All I needed to do was learn how to take notables really well and start making a list of your notable subversion attempts. You can say whatever you need to about me, it makes zero difference. Anons now have a place to track and document everything you idiots do. I don't control this bread, anons do now. It will never go away, it will never be unpinned. It will ALWAYS be here for the Anons to use to expose you retarded fuckers.
Bitch, whine, make copy pasta bullshit. Talk about how you think I IP hop, repost my shit with the same formatting as me and then use it to gaslight me. RUIN THE REPUTATION OF A NON-EXISTENT PERSONA CREATED AND DISPOSED OF SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SHOWING ANONS WHAT YOU ARE. It makes absolutely no difference, OSS is dead, it served its purpose and that purpose has ended.
Every. Fucking. WORD.
The Highest Verbal IQ's On The Earth (((THEY))) Say
God Bless POTUS
God Bless Q
God Bless the ANONS
Jesus WINS
#13378285 at 2021-04-07 16:52:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16947: Impeach Cuomo, Recall Newsom, Save the FIlibuster Edition
>OSS was neutralized faggot
>I've been back on the boards for about a week after not being around for months.
>I can tell OSS is nowhere to be found.
>>13374566, >>13374288, >>13372397, >>13355996, >>13356027, >>13356042, >>13356068, >>13356076, >>13356088, >>13356070, >>13356365 PROJECT HOMECOMING - THE JEWISH/ISRAELI/MOSSAD PLOT TO EXTORT A SITTING CONGRESSMAN USING AN AMERICAN HOSTAGE IN IRAN mixed breads!!!
#13378284 at 2021-04-07 16:51:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16947: Impeach Cuomo, Recall Newsom, Save the FIlibuster Edition
> Muh OSS
OSS was neutralized faggot
I've been back on the boards for about a week after not being around for months.
I can tell OSS is nowhere to be found.
#13378276 at 2021-04-07 16:49:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16947: Impeach Cuomo, Recall Newsom, Save the FIlibuster Edition
OSS was at one point, the absolute worst of the shill baker's union cunts. OSS seemed to be an actual individual baker. Got busted IP hopping and then rebranded and is probably now a persona.
#13378207 at 2021-04-07 16:24:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16947: Impeach Cuomo, Recall Newsom, Save the FIlibuster Edition
>Is OSS just another AFLB persona or just employed by the same people?
Globals/notables get deleted
I point it out again
'Always the same scenario - if it is about the Jews it has to go
Hurr durr OSS is shill
This place really is a fucking joke anymore.
#13378193 at 2021-04-07 16:21:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16947: Impeach Cuomo, Recall Newsom, Save the FIlibuster Edition
Is OSS just another AFLB persona or just employed by the same people?
#13376826 at 2021-04-07 10:22:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16946: A One Eyed Sailor and a Feral Sea Cat Edition
u figure this is OSS or minions?
language is the same.
fuggen hard to bake under these conditions, best of luck to you.
#13376821 at 2021-04-07 10:19:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16946: A One Eyed Sailor and a Feral Sea Cat Edition
The question is: which bakers?
OSS used that expression to destroy original kitchen - easy to make the charge, hard for anons to check. All that is necessary is to create a little doubt and kitchen is gone. Next step: accuse new bakers of doing the same, so they all stop baking. Beg for more bakers but screw the lot. (meanwhile, anons really want more bakers and note-takers - but allow shills to have a go at them, til they can't take it any more. Gotta fiercely protect and help them every step of the way since they have no fellow bakers to do it).
OSS is a competent baker - but gets rid of the competition so he can "save" the board over and over. Anons are mostly on to him, but he and the still manages to keep this board in chaos because very few realize just how one-sided the attack on the kitchen really was. In no way was there ever a "bakers war" - was an attack, plain and simple.
And the same bakers thrown out of this board continue to try and help it anonymously.
#13376131 at 2021-04-07 06:07:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16945: Dates Change, But Shills Remain The Same.
OSS, gerbil, fred, exbot
Whatever name that sweetie wants to be called at the time, is required by contract to push that the earth is flat. As such, has been and will be seen saying they personally believe it.
It's important because the circle of social engineers whom produced that joke gave the shill crew here what they call 'govern'.
#13375358 at 2021-04-07 03:04:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General ebake # 16944
why are you afraid to put this "angry israeli shill" post in your shill bun OSS?
#13375189 at 2021-04-07 02:35:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General ebake # 16944
i love you OSS. i fight for you too even if you cant see it.
#13375162 at 2021-04-07 02:30:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General ebake # 16944
>OSS pretended to be some faggot who didnt know how to bake
I kek when they do that: "Sorry, didn't notice once again I'll sort it for next one" [repeat process]
>his personality does more damage to the board than the digs contribute
Define "famefag"
#13375152 at 2021-04-07 02:28:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General ebake # 16944
every body noticed it. everybody noticed how OSS pretended to be some faggot who didnt know how to bake. who changed the bread title to throw of scrapers, who put their dig back in globals, then lied to anons and said their dough was "recycled".
everybody also see how this could have been resolved three days ago, except for OSS. his digs dont matter. his personality does more damage to the board than the digs contribute. hes a perpetual self immolater.
#13373110 at 2021-04-06 20:04:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16941: #RemoveRinos & Block[Aides] Edition
>Everyone is OSS.
You idiots need new tactics.
#13373073 at 2021-04-06 19:59:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16941: #RemoveRinos & Block[Aides] Edition
reads like gerbil pretending to be OSS
#13373058 at 2021-04-06 19:57:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16941: #RemoveRinos & Block[Aides] Edition
You kikes are truly pathetic, continue as always to attack the messenger and watch the Streisand Effect spread this shit like wildfire the more you try to cover it up. You fail time and again.
>>13372397, >>13355996, >>13356027, >>13356042, >>13356068, >>13356076, >>13356088, >>13356070, >>13356365 PROJECT HOMECOMING - THE JEWISH/ISRAELI/MOSSAD PLOT TO EXTORT A SITTING CONGRESSMAN USING AN AMERICAN HOSTAGE IN IRAN
#13372987 at 2021-04-06 19:46:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16941: #RemoveRinos & Block[Aides] Edition
OSS vs 8bit
two enter one leaves
#13371693 at 2021-04-06 16:02:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16940: #SaveTheFilibuster and Deny DC Statehood Edition
>OSS lurking and splitting.
get a new scapegoat gerbil. OSS has been neutralized.
#13371661 at 2021-04-06 15:55:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16940: #SaveTheFilibuster and Deny DC Statehood Edition
anons know why
OSS lurking and splitting.
btw stop splitting the dough, PUTO
#13371547 at 2021-04-06 15:35:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16939: THIS IS 8KUN! Edition
Q Research General #16940: #SaveTheFilibuster and Deny DC Statehood Edition
#13371535 at 2021-04-06 15:33:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16939: THIS IS 8KUN! Edition
Whats too late. you are filtered for stealing the dough and attempting anon division
G'bye OSS and G'luck
Q Research General #16940: #SaveTheFilibuster and Deny DC Statehood Edition
#13367914 at 2021-04-05 23:30:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16935: How To Win, when can't even Bake? Edition
is that from when epstein was a teacher at donald barr's school, father of ag barr?
Wait why are there 2 donald barr OSS agents?
#13365962 at 2021-04-05 17:45:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16932: Shaping The Narrative Takes Work, DS Working OT So Should (You) Edition
Let me summarize OSS for you
Infiltrate a good organization [8kun]
To corrupt it [fucking up the bread with garbage]
And to divide us ["muh baker X or Y is a shill, I'm the true baker, there are 'Factions' agmonst anons, …]
"They want you DIVIDED.
- a guy called Q
#13365822 at 2021-04-05 17:16:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16932: Shaping The Narrative Takes Work, DS Working OT So Should (You) Edition
>OSS provided one of the best digs we've seen in a while the other day on one of the biggest news stories in the cylce. anons should still be talking about it. but now anons wont touch it after his shill spurge out and attack on anons. and now none of the info is getting out. then these faggots wonder why nobody want to talk about the jews with them.
Let me get this str8
I drop a bunch of info about kikes extorting a congressman, I add it to the dough with the blessing of anons, next bread it is immediately removed, I threw a fit when I wake up hours later because it was removed and the excuse is that the dough I left was the wrong link. Jew proceed to attack the messenger as they always do (me) and act as if adding one line back to dough is equivalent to adding the actual posts in highlighted format as I had them.
And now it is somehow my fault that the jews successfully censored information they want censored because ANONS are to pussy to stand up to kike bakers.
#13365798 at 2021-04-05 17:10:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16932: Shaping The Narrative Takes Work, DS Working OT So Should (You) Edition
>interesting to learn that OSS and gab are connected...
I don't use gab, I had a Parler but haven't used it in months and I can't be on Twitter for more than 15 minutes without getting banned.
#13365787 at 2021-04-05 17:09:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16932: Shaping The Narrative Takes Work, DS Working OT So Should (You) Edition
>OSS provided one of the best digs we've seen in a while the other day
interesting to learn that OSS and gab are connected…
>fuck off and die. im done with you cunts.
buh bye
#13365763 at 2021-04-05 17:03:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16932: Shaping The Narrative Takes Work, DS Working OT So Should (You) Edition
why do you refuse to address pic related and just gaslight some ignorant bullshit to deflect for the wannabe baker?
OSS provided one of the best digs we've seen in a while the other day on one of the biggest news stories in the cylce. anons should still be talking about it. but now anons wont touch it after his shill spurge out and attack on anons. and now none of the info is getting out. then these faggots wonder why nobody want to talk about the jews with them.
these are the illustrious 8kun elite that think they can control you and your board anons.
now you faggots wanna play gatekeeper and deny anons anything that you didnt come up with.
#13360128 at 2021-04-04 21:17:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16925: Elites: Rules For Thee, Not For Me Edition
Same Same?
Rainman… Newsfaggit… Freddy… Satan in the Flesh? So many names, so little time!
Did you like the muh joo bread last night?
OSS is so easy to manipulate.
So stupid, just like you, Leafy~
Does anon put the "Kek" here?
#13358855 at 2021-04-04 17:26:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16923: Has Your Crist Oil Risen? Edition
look for OSS to go for the quad snipe
#13358394 at 2021-04-04 16:13:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16923: Has Your Crist Oil Risen? Edition
its literally all at the top of the bread. get your shit together OSS. you're falling apart.
#13358303 at 2021-04-04 15:47:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16923: Has Your Crist Oil Risen? Edition
thanks baker
decent you are, when OSS got the reins last night he had carte blanche to shill and continue the bullshit basically unopposed exceptin' a couple anons pushing back
>>13358076 (pb)
>snl matt + Q skit
They hung matt around the movements neck like an albatrOSS. Knowlingly and premeditated planted, Matt. Fuck Matt.
#13358180 at 2021-04-04 15:23:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16922: Missing Dough Ebake Edition
doesnt really matter. all the important info is in both buns. baker compromised and put them together. there will be times we will just have to tolerate OSS jew bullshit to get the info out. this is one of those times.
#13357758 at 2021-04-04 14:13:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16922: Missing Dough Ebake Edition
>>see that now my bad. its in my dough, but not the dough i posted
>>thanks for the non existent dough last bread OSS.
Thanks for scraping doe for real.
#13357729 at 2021-04-04 14:08:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16922: Missing Dough Ebake Edition
>see that now my bad. its in my dough, but not the dough i posted. musta added it after. still on my first covfefe this morning. this should be the correct dough:
>im working on the dough. cant bake right now but thanks anons.
>thanks for the non existent dough last bread OSS.
#13357682 at 2021-04-04 13:55:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16922: Missing Dough Ebake Edition
thanks for exposing yourself again OSS-tard, id d235b1
#13357627 at 2021-04-04 13:44:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16922: Missing Dough Ebake Edition
what have you done to help recover after OSS sabotaged the dough? shut your mouth and know your place kekbees. nobody around here gives a shit what you think any moar.
#13357501 at 2021-04-04 13:15:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16922: Missing Dough Ebake Edition
thanks for the non existent dough last bread OSS.
no really, im anon just like you
get used to these cowards anons. step up.
#13357478 at 2021-04-04 13:10:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16922: Missing Dough Ebake Edition
Fucking cock sucker OSS fucked the dough link on purpose to hinder morning baker Gerbil.
#13357385 at 2021-04-04 12:49:56 (UTC+1)
Just OSS at the helm again filling notables and Glowbulls with muh joo shillery.
I hope the next baker cleans it up.
#13347575 at 2021-04-02 18:39:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16909: Capitol Attack 2.0 "Baker" AWOL Ebake Edition
>please repost notables from lb for hardass OSS
Photo ofUnited States Air Force tunnel boring machineat Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982. There are many rumors of secret military tunnels in the United States. If the rumors are true, machines such as the one shown here are used to make the tunnels. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy.)
This is a $13 million tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling at the Nevada Test Site. (Remember that Area 51 is part of the test site.) Many other types of TBMs are used by many government agencies, including the 'nuclear powered TBM' [NTBM] that melts solid rock and leaves behind glass-like walls.
Most tunneling activity is under military installations and all information is highly restricted. Former employees of said facilities have surfaced over the years to talk of massive underground installations in places like Area 51, the Northrop facility in Antelope Valley, California (rumored to have 42 levels), and the Lockheed installation near Edwards, California.
The 'Black Budget' currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States. They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity.
The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States.
#13347551 at 2021-04-02 18:35:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16909: Capitol Attack 2.0 "Baker" AWOL Ebake Edition
Ebake has filtered lb baker
please repost notables from lb for hardass OSS
TY -o7
>>13346614, >>13346628, >>13346631, >>13346634 Tools
>>13346624 Biden Delivers Brief Remarks on the March Jobs Report
>>13346633 Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky just talked on phone
>>13346638 911 EXIT PROTOCOL
>>13346639 WARROOM OP #ImpeachCuomo
>>13346644 Teens Hunt Down And Beat A Man In Broad Daylight In South Beach
>>13346647 YT Investor Finds Direct Link Between Biden/Kamala and Palantir
>>13346653 CDC: Fully vaccinated Americans can resume domestic and overseas travel - as long as they wear masks.
>>13346655 Jen Psaki holds White House press briefing
>>13346658 Joe left DC as there is a tanker up in the "Joe is at Camp David" position already
>>13346706, >>13346722 When I am on twitter.
>>13346742 Documents detail wild alleged $25M Gaetz extortion scheme
>>13346810 United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982
>>13346826 Massive crater under Greenland's ice points to climate-altering impact in the time of humans
>>13346773 Pepe Rules - Meme of the week.
>>13346881 JavaScript is currently the #1 programming language to learn
>>13346901, >>13346929 John Quincy Adams Once Approved an Expedition to the Center of the Earth
>>13346905 More Than a Million Illegal Immigrants Expected to CrOSS Border in 2021
>>13346933 Is Jack going to censor anti-vaccine videos from Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam
>>13346961 Investigation into [Damian Aspinall] and the Aspinall Foundation
>>13347046 REPOST From the heady days of QR Yesteryear
>>13347079 Pete Buttigieg Has Gas-Guzzling Suburban Drop Him Off a Couple Blocks from Work So He Can Ride His Bike in for the Cameras
>>13347172, >>13347183 Iran rejects prospect of meeting US at upcoming nuclear deal talks in Vienna
>>13347198 BoJo ripped for saying fully vaccinated people still can't meet indoors because jabs don't give '100% protection'
>>13347199 Law Professor David Clements on Election Integrity presented at Regent University Election Integrity Conference
>>13347213 'ABSOLUTELY INSANE': Torba Blasts Facebook's Plan To Partner With Government On Vaccine-Verified Facebook Profiles
>>13347242 Notes for New Anons:
>>13347244 Gretchen Whitmer Criticizes Republican Election Reforms with Fauci Pillow
>>13347249 Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Blasts American Airlines: 'Texans Are Fed Up with Corporations that Don't Share Our Values'
>>13347285 Rep. Matt Gaetz's communications director resigns amid federal probe
>>13347298 Florida's Gov. DeSantis issues Executive Order banning vaccine passports.
>>13347328 2 yr delta
>>13347349 SITREP - CVN-69 - USS Dwight D. Eisenhower - SUEZ CANAL
>>13347395 #16908
#13334630 at 2021-03-31 04:07:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16892: Patriots Are In It For the Long Haul Edition
OSS is a psyop
#13334617 at 2021-03-31 04:04:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16892: Patriots Are In It For the Long Haul Edition
I thought Bannon was OSS.
Or that Q was OSS.
I dont think it matters doe…
#13309245 at 2021-03-27 16:29:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16860: Have You Called Your Senator Today? Edition
The best part about growing near an AF base with an old spook (OSS/clown) for a grandad is those wacky looking people you get to meet throughout your life.
But it's the smell that's sticks in your mind, and of course those eyes.
#13309159 at 2021-03-27 16:14:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16860: Have You Called Your Senator Today? Edition
The best part about growing near an AF base with an old spook (OSS/clown) for a grandad is those wacky looking people you get to meet throughout your life.
But it's the smell that's sticks in your mind, and of course those eyes.
#13306071 at 2021-03-27 01:20:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16856:The Suez Ebake Edition
OSS is big bOSS. That's why we have 50+ more people here now.OSS BOSS 4LIFE
#13303275 at 2021-03-26 16:44:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16852: Shipping Containers That Have Life Support Systems Edition
This is like the longest running grudge on QR, e.
Even OSS vs doc doesn't go back as far.
Is Daniel even on the board these days?
#13298246 at 2021-03-25 22:14:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16846: Racist Oakland Denies Whitey Privately Funded "Aid" Edition
>>13297950 (lb)
Oh man, thanks for that.
I love hopium and that was some of that guud guud.
Also saw that faggot OSS over there, top kek.
My favorite part was
>Postal service has priority over every other federal agency in existence. For example:
>If a cop car with lights on, a fire truck with lights on, an ambulance with lights on all sirens blasting and a postal delivery truck on a routine daily delivery all pull up to a fourway stop at the same time, the postal truck goes first. In the event of a major FEMA event, like say an nuclear holocaust, the postal service will get first dibs to all resources it needs. The postal service is the communication ability of the federal government, it's lifeline. The US Postal police seriously don't fuck around. They can pull in resources from any other federal agency at will and they will get it.
I have no reason to doubt this, and due to the USPS being older than any other Federal agency, I wouldn't be surprised if it is true. Just never considered it, kek. Thanks again anon. Top level stuff