8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (17,791)
#8531023 at 2020-03-23 14:33:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10922: Now it's Federal Reserve/POTUS Edition
RSAF SLMAN77 C-130 Hercules out of Dhahran-King Abdulaziz AB-and he was not their for very long, went in about 30 minutes ago. Out now heading to back to Riyadh
#8521196 at 2020-03-22 21:45:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research Genera; #10910: The Lag Monster Edition
add in the RAF, Spanish AF and Italian AF and we got ourselves a WW party in the air. The RAF, Spanish, and Italian AC went to Dover AFB from Nellis. Otto using Bangor Mn
#8519890 at 2020-03-22 20:16:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10909: Fear Not Patriots Edition
GRZLY50 USMC C-560 from Avi Suquilla Airport, Parker Ca. west- Wave hello Bill! and likely heading to March AFB. Starting descent
Same AC that circled Cochrane Airport- Bill Gates' private jet last reported position.
#8518868 at 2020-03-22 18:56:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10908: Anons BTFO The Left Con Edition
Chart-> Airlines stock buybacks since 2012
Stockman: The Crony Capitalist Thieves Are Back
"If the Big Four Airlines can't raise enough cash in the high cost long term debt markets or by issuing highly dilutive preferred stock or equity, there is only one solution - and that is chapter 11. Holy moly, that's why we have this legal protection procedure.
The airlines will have precious little business for the duration of the great COVID spring break anyway. So let the court-appointed trustees operate with the same skeleton crews that the airlines will be running even if they get the bailout. The level of customer service and employment will be essentially the same in either case.
More importantly, let the gamblers and so-called investors who piled into these stocks get their just deserts. That is, a 100% loss on their gambling stakes because that's all it ever was when the Big Four's combined market cap hit $130 billion compared to just $43 billion now."
Even more importantly, let these bankrupt shareholders file class action suits against the idiots and clowns in the C-suites and on the boards of directors who made such foolish decisions in the first place. Hopefully, these cats would be legally stalked and harassed to the ends of the earth as an object lesson in the personal cost of imperiling corporate balance sheets to feather their own stock options nest.
"Of course, the airlines are only the poster boy for this long overdue moment of truth. The problem is universal because today's rotten regime of Keynesian central banking has caused the entire financial system and main street economy to become riddled with rank speculation and reckless disregard for financial discipline and prudence.
Letter to Congress by the Airlines begging for money
Airline CEOs Issue Letter to Congress Urging Swift Action on Bipartisan Aid Package
#8515832 at 2020-03-22 14:39:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10904: Shaddow Unbans FTW Edition
Public anger grows over Telegram underage sexual abuse ring
A petition filed with the presidential office calling for the disclosure of 260,000 users of Telegram chat rooms used to share videos of sexual exploitation of minors has gained over 1 million signatures, according to the presidential website Sunday.
The petition urges authorities to make public the full identities of the clients of sexual content created and distributed by a ring allegedly run by an arrested man surnamed Cho.
"There is no doubt this crime against minors is appalling and repulsive, and should never recur. But this crime will recur in South Korea, if 260,000 customers face no penalties. There is no use in punishing the operators and suppliers only, not that they will be properly punished," the petition reads.
"Users who were in the Telegram chatroom are all sex offenders. ... I must know. Please reveal the full identity of all the users so that if the state will not protect children from child sex offenders we can do so ourselves."
The petition was filed last week, a day after Cho's arrest, and 1.05 million people were in support of it as of Sunday morning.
Cho, a man in his 20s known by his Telegram nickname "Doctor," was arrested Thursday for allegedly victimizing at least 74 people, including 16 minors, police said. He is accused of sexual exploitation and assault on top of sharing content on Telegram since December 2018.
Whether Cho's identity will be revealed is to be decided in the coming week by a committee of three officials within the police agency and four outside the agency.
According to police, Cho tricked victims into sending him nude photos that included their face, saying it was part of a high-paying part-time job.
Cho then used the nude pictures to blackmail victims, whom he referred to as "slaves," to obtain videos of a sexual nature, and distributed them across Telegram chat rooms.
Cho is believed to have run three types of paid chat rooms, charging between 200,000 won and 250,000 won ($160-$200) in cryptocurrency for level 1 chatroom, 700,000 won for level 2 and 1.5 million won for level 3.
Police confiscated some 130 million won in cash at Cho's home and are tracking proceeds of crime.
Thirteen of Cho's alleged accomplices have been apprehended, of which four have been arrested and referred to the prosecution while nine are under police investigation, according to police.
#8514549 at 2020-03-22 10:46:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10902: The Nightwatch Edition
French border guards impound trucks filled with 130,000 face masks bound for Britain
(LONDON DAILY MAIL) French border guards impounded trucks filled with 130,000 face masks bound for the UK leading to hurried negotiations between the British and French governments.
The masks were meant for brave NHS workers battling coronavirus across the country.
After realising what was on board, border guards in France held the truck in the wake of President Emmanuel Macron's promise to 'requisition' face masks for the French crisis, reported The Sun.
This came just a day after another truck bound for the UK, this time stocked with hand sanitizer, was delayed by authorities on the other side of the Channel.
Found here: https://www.wnd.com/2020/03/french-border-guards-impound-trucks-filled-130000-face-masks-bound-britain/
Originally a Daily Mail story but I ain't turning of my add blocker to read the rest.
#8513585 at 2020-03-22 07:29:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10901: Do Not Fear, Do Not Fear, Do Not Fear! Edition
Auto correct is always master never gib AC
#8512846 at 2020-03-22 05:54:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10900: Shuttin Those Bitches Down Edition
Gates' AC last known ADS-B transponder turned off at 175ft alt and 117kts on approach 3/20/2020.
#8509764 at 2020-03-22 02:26:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10896: It's All Resting on Hanks Edition
Bill Gates' AC is apparently still at Coachell airport near Palm Springs since yesterday unless he gave us the slip. ADS-B was turned off just before landing.
#8509155 at 2020-03-22 01:32:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10895: We Wuz Sangs and Sheit Edition
Like Aristotle, Aquinas rejected Platonism.[113] In his view, to speak of abstractions not only as existent, but as more perfect exemplars than fully designated particulars, is to put a premium on generality and vagueness.[114] On this analysis, the abstract "good" in the first horn of the Euthyphro dilemma is an unnecessary obfuscation. Aquinas frequently quoted with approval Aristotle's definition, "Good is what all desire."[115][116] As he clarified, "When we say that good is what all desire, it is not to be understood that every kind of good thing is desired by all, but that whatever is desired has the nature of good."[117] In other words, even those who desire evil desire it "only under the aspect of good," i.e., of what is desirable.[118] The difference between desiring good and desiring evil is that in the former, will and reason are in harmony, whereas in the latter, they are in discord.[119]
Aquinas's discussion of sin provides a good point of entry to his philosophical explanation of why the nature of God is the standard for value. "Every sin," he writes, "consists in the longing for a passing [i.e., ultimately unreal or false] good."[120] Thus, "in a certain sense it is true what Socrates says, namely that no one sins with full knowledge."[121] "No sin in the will happens without an ignorance of the understanding."[122] God, however, has full knowledge (omniscience) and therefore by definition (that of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle as well as Aquinas) can never will anything other than what is good. It has been claimed - for instance, by Nicolai Hartmann, who wrote: "There is no freedom for the good that would not be at the same time freedom for evil"[123] - that this would limit God's freedom, and therefore his omnipotence. Josef Pieper, however, replies that such arguments rest upon an impermissibly anthropomorphic conception of God.[124] In the case of humans, as Aquinas says, to be able to sin is indeed a consequence,[125] or even a sign, of freedom (quodam libertatis signum).[126] Humans, in other words, are not puppets manipulated by God so that they always do what is right. However, "it does not belong to the essence of the free will to be able to decide for evil."[127] "To will evil is neither freedom nor a part of freedom."[126] It is precisely humans' creatureliness - that is, their not being God and therefore omniscient - that makes them capable of sinning.[128] Consequently, writes Pieper, "the inability to sin should be looked on as the very signature of a higher freedom - contrary to the usual way of conceiving the issue."[124] Pieper concludes: "Only the will [i.e., God's] can be the right standard of its own willing and must will what is right necessarily, from within itself, and always. A deviation from the norm would not even be thinkable. And obviously only the absolute divine will is the right standard of its own act"[129][130] - and consequently of all human acts. Thus the second horn of the Euthyphro dilemma, divine command theory, is also disposed of.
Thomist philosopher Edward Feser writes, "Divine simplicity [entails] that God's will just is God's goodness which just is His immutable and necessary existence. That means that what is objectively good and what God wills for us as morally obligatory are really the same thing considered under different descriptions, and that neither could have been other than they are. There can be no question then, either of God's having arbitrarily commanded something different for us (torturing babies for fun, or whatever) or of there being a standard of goodness apart from Him. Again, the Euthyphro dilemma is a false one; the third option that it fails to consider is that what is morally obligatory is what God commands in accordance with a non-arbitrary and unchanging standard of goodness that is not independent of Him… He is not under the moral law precisely because He is the moral law."[131]
#8508282 at 2020-03-22 00:17:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10894: Exit Through the WH Gift Shop Edition
Spanish AFAME3144 C-130 Italian AF IAM1440 Tanker German AF GAF563 Airbus A310 out of Nellis AFB ne-busy last 48 hours
#8507080 at 2020-03-21 22:29:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10892: 24/7 Ellen Degenerate Research Edition
>>8506534 Free tools for video screenshots & production
>>8506602, >>8506659, >>8506974, >>8506932 C-130 'XXXX' transponder turned off?
>>8506551 Anon explains H1B visa abuse w/links
>>8506696 Q Refreshers. Repeats Necessary.
>>8506750 Spade twatter: Avocado comms to Tiegen?
>>8506762 Democrats Don't Want To Give Americans Checks During Coronavirus Crisis, Want Expanded Unemployment Benefits Instead
>>8506636 Actress Debi Mazar tests postive for CoronaVirus
>>8506867 "Austere" Germany To Issue ?356BN In New Debt, Amounting To 10% Of GDP
>>8506923, >>8506610, >>8506960 Pompeo says "we're in a live exercise" from yesterday's Corona Presser (vid embed)
>>8506899 The Quarantined Celebrities Have Lost Their Minds (Dailybeast)
>>8506887 Anon convinced Ellen's hostage videos are coming from her Montecito estate digg
>>8506997 Eyes On: Marco Rubio twats black smoke
#8506932 at 2020-03-21 22:16:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10892: 24/7 Ellen Degenerate Research Edition
C-130 'XXXX' is on approach to Abilene. It';s track has frozen, transponder turned off?
#8506460 at 2020-03-21 21:37:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10891: You Are Watching A Movie Edition
That C-130 call sign 'XXXX' is up again and headed towards DFW.
#8506329 at 2020-03-21 21:27:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10891: You Are Watching A Movie Edition
#8506316 at 2020-03-21 21:26:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10891: You Are Watching A Movie Edition
AC Milan legend Paolo Maldini and son Daniel test positive for coronavirus becoming latest Italian sports stars to contract deadly virus
By Jeorge Bird For Mailonline
21:00 GMT 21 Mar 2020 , updated 21:00 GMT 21 Mar 2020
#8506164 at 2020-03-21 21:15:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10891: You Are Watching A Movie Edition
No need for that.
I completely agree with you.
What do you think about my Covfefe decode?
I truly believe that Potus foreshadowed the Coronavirus that would hit the people with high iron because oof AC use.
#8501647 at 2020-03-21 14:48:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10885: Planes Trains & Automobiles No By Edition
German AF GAFK36 from northern Detroit se. Likely a Gulfstream 550 or Global Explorer
Had two similar AC out of St. Louis yesterday taking up the rear on those Airbus' out of Nellis AFB with a USAF learjet in tow-Cap#2
#8501108 at 2020-03-21 13:55:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10884: We Are Cooking At A Very High Level Edition
Anderson Cooper, a name he picked for himself.
A=1 C=3 AC=13. 13=pure evil
#8499339 at 2020-03-21 07:35:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10882: Wonder What's Habbenin' with the Yellow Vests? Edition
"The windows should be left open for the sunlight to enter while the ACs can be used wherever only important," the circular reads. Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope on Saturday announced that the government has issued circulars directing people to restrict use of air conditioning in the wake of the coronavirus scare.
"WHO guidelines are clear on this and COVID-19 can sneak through AC ducts and vents, so the directive,"Mr. Tope said. The directive issued by State Health Secretary Pradeep Vyas said air conditioned rooms have greater possibilities of the COVID-19 virus surviving or entering through vents and thus there should be minimum use of air conditioning in government and private offices."
#8497932 at 2020-03-21 04:20:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10880: Fuck the One World Government Edition
Mexican security forces raid Los Piñas cartel's Monterrico Ranch where rivals were 'tortured and FED to gators and lions' - as agents also seize five deer, an ostrich, a peacock and two pigs
Mexican security forces in the gulf state of Veracruz last week raided a remote ranch where the country's most powerful cartel allegedly planned its operations and tortured and fed its rivals to alligators and lions.
The shocking discovery of the ranch - which seemed to take a page out of Pablo Escobar's book - is located 130 miles from the port of Veracruz.
Military agents and police officers were met by two lions, five deers, an ostrich, a peacock, two pigs and alligators swimming in a lake in the zoo-like atmosphere inside Monterrico Ranch.
#8497697 at 2020-03-21 04:00:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10880: Fuck the One World Government Edition
National Guard Deploys In Baltimore As City Enforces Restrictive Curfew: Live Updates
NYC Mayor de Blasio says "we are now the epicenter of the crisis."
Staffer for VP Pence test positive; White House says "no close contact"
China reports no local infections for 2nd day in a row
Global case total passes 250k
Hong Kong reports largest daily jump in cases on record as travelers revive outbreak
NY rolls out restrictive new measures
NY case total tops 7k
Italy says Army will help enforce lockdown, effectively declaring martial law; might extend lockdown through early May
Spain death toll cracks 1,000
Italy reports another 627 deaths
National Guard spotted in Baltimore as 2nd death recorded in Baltimore County
Confirmed cases in US pass 14k
Drive thru testing site in NJ's Bergen County has a line that's over 1,000+ cars long
Switzerland bars all gatherings of more than 5 people
Greenwich cases spike as Darien shutters COVID-19 testing clinic
Trump says no plans for national lockdown
Germany to pass 'shadow' budget on Monday
EU suspends budget rules
Bavaria becomes first German state to impose 'lockdown'
Johnson says UK can defeat virus in 12 weeks if 'we work together'
Treasury now moving back both filing & payment deadlines for 2019
Novartis will donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support global response
NBC News employee succumbs to virus
Dr. Fauci says social distancing should continue for several weeks
MTA confirms it has 23 sick workers
US, Mexico agree to shut southern border
China makes first purchase under 'Phase 1' trade deal
Altria chairman & CEO tests positive
Military confirms 35 American troops infected in Europe
* * *
Update (2145ET): Earlier this week, the Military Times confirmed that some 2,000 national guard soldiers had been called up across 23 states, with more on the way.
In Baltimore, military vehicles were spotted on the street.
#8497688 at 2020-03-21 03:59:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10880: Fuck the One World Government Edition
National Guard Deploys In Baltimore As City Enforces Restrictive Curfew: Live Updates
NYC Mayor de Blasio says "we are now the epicenter of the crisis."
Staffer for VP Pence test positive; White House says "no close contact"
China reports no local infections for 2nd day in a row
Global case total passes 250k
Hong Kong reports largest daily jump in cases on record as travelers revive outbreak
NY rolls out restrictive new measures
NY case total tops 7k
Italy says Army will help enforce lockdown, effectively declaring martial law; might extend lockdown through early May
Spain death toll cracks 1,000
Italy reports another 627 deaths
National Guard spotted in Baltimore as 2nd death recorded in Baltimore County
Confirmed cases in US pass 14k
Drive thru testing site in NJ's Bergen County has a line that's over 1,000+ cars long
Switzerland bars all gatherings of more than 5 people
Greenwich cases spike as Darien shutters COVID-19 testing clinic
Trump says no plans for national lockdown
Germany to pass 'shadow' budget on Monday
EU suspends budget rules
Bavaria becomes first German state to impose 'lockdown'
Johnson says UK can defeat virus in 12 weeks if 'we work together'
Treasury now moving back both filing & payment deadlines for 2019
Novartis will donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support global response
NBC News employee succumbs to virus
Dr. Fauci says social distancing should continue for several weeks
MTA confirms it has 23 sick workers
US, Mexico agree to shut southern border
China makes first purchase under 'Phase 1' trade deal
Altria chairman & CEO tests positive
Military confirms 35 American troops infected in Europe
Update (2145ET): Earlier this week, the Military Times confirmed that some 2,000 national guard soldiers had been called up across 23 states, with more on the way. In Baltimore, military vehicles were spotted on the street.
After thousands of Baltimorians violated a curfew imposed by Gov. Hogan as states around the country crack down on the outbreak. Meanwhile, the second coronavirus death in Baltimore County (part of the suburbs north, east and west of the city) was confirmed about an hour ago, according to local media reports.
As states crack down around the country, with increasing legal penalties for people who put the public welfare at risk by venturing outdoors for no reason, or not taking the proper precautions, Baltimore appears to be readying for a crackdown as some residents steadfastly refuse to follow curfews. Rumors reported on social media and elsewhere have hinted at the possibility of more restrictive measures, and, in some cases, something closely approximating martial law, with the national guard deployed in the streets. Though, to be fair, that's already the reality in New York, Maryland and nearly two dozen other states.
#8496120 at 2020-03-21 01:43:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10878: Night Shift Dawns Edition
Bill Gates seems to know we are watching the movement of his AC. Today looks like a different flight into Coachella airport with different airspeed and altitude, and, once again, the transponder was turned off just before landing leaving the distinct possibility of an abort and disappear routine. During today's approach the ADS-B was turned off at a slightly different altitude and airspeed, 175ft instead of 75ft and 117kts instead of 121kts.
Since I can't watch him 24 hours per day I am assuming a different flight due to differences.
#8495218 at 2020-03-21 00:35:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10877: Fearless Friday Edition
Luftwaffe GAFE11 and GAFE23 out of St. Louis followed by a USAF Learjet C-21. No other info on AC type for ze germans-prolly a Gulfstream 550 or Global Explorer
#8494968 at 2020-03-21 00:14:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10877: Fearless Friday Edition
Global Announcements
>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
Baker PSA: In light of recent flurry of global activity, anons are encouraged to archive offline
are not endorsements
#10876 Baker Change
>>8494744 NJ fear porn: data/model leads to broken link.
>>8494726 Lou Dobbs in self quarantine after team members tests positive.
>>8494677, >>8494695 Research paper on China Virus.
>>8494641 JW: Update on Clinton emails.
>>8494395 Will coronavirus lead to martial law? (militarytimes)
>>8494444 First China Virus death in Israel.
>>8494452 A new Ellen Tweet.
>>8494366 Central Florida Post picks up Gillum photo story.
>>8494347 Pence staffer tests positive for China Virus.
>>8494340 EDG Tweet: Chris Pratt but spelled with a Q.
>>8494316 More NG movements.
>>8494305 Dow takes bearish stance.
>>8494300 Ca. to house homeless in hotels.
>>8494292, >>8494310, >>8494312, >>8494756 Planefag updates.
>>8494929 #10876
>>8493517, >>8493508, >>8493545, >>8493630, >>8494089, >>8494120 Plamnefag reports
>>8493515 Has Anyone Seen Joe?': Glenn Greenwald, Others Wonder Why Biden Appears To Be Avoiding The Media
>>8493520 @TheJusticeDept: Attorney General William P. Barr Urges American Public to Report COVID-19 Fraud
>>8493668 Madonna spazzes out on twatter. Tries to sing. (vid embed)
>>8493664 Breitbart just called De Blasio the "former" mayor of NYC.
>>8493656 FLOTUS wishes a Happy 14th Birthaday to Barron.
>>8494038 Melania March 20th dig results
>>8493754, >>8493790, >>8493817 BWT is Barron WIlliam Trump
>>8493633 Latest figures released by China Mobile show that they have lost 8.116 million users in Jan and Feb. Digg
>>8493584 Emergency, Ex Parte Injunction Sought Against Pennsylvania Governor Wolf Regarding COVID-19 Order
>>8493791 Lindsey Graham twat: Starve it. Bomb it. Kill it.
>>8493750 Patton Oswalt tweet comms? Anons decode?
>>8493518, >>8493694, >>8493878, Anons have a theory on Ellen pic, hanged man tarot card, connection
>>8493895, >>8493979 Tom Hanks said the gate is good
>>8494141 German Physician, Wolfgang Wodarg, Comments On How the Coronavirus is Being Over-Hyped and Misunderstood
>>8493970, >>8494095, >>8494116 Army rolling in across the US tweets and Vids
>>8494184 #10875
>>8492736 Israeli drugmaker to donate 6 million doses of promising coronavirus drug hydroxychloroquine
>>8492718, >>8492753, >>8492809, >>8493098 Moar on Burr, Loeffler, Feinstein insider trading accusations
>>8492775, >>8492776, , >>8492887, >>8492916, >>8493114, >>8493250 PF reports - C-130 call sign XXXX?
>>8492874, >>8493002 - PF Reports - Eyes on Air GTMO842
>>8493114, >>8493177, >>8493165 PF Reports - Drone in North Dakota earlier
>>8492824 For Keks: POTUS BTFO of Reporter today to the Sounds of silence.
>>8492831 America should use a wartime law to mobilize industry against the pandemic (Defense news)
>>8492841 Engineer From Marin To Plead Guilty To Stealing Trade Secret (Uber)
>>8492849 Financefag: Mexico Unexpectedly Cuts Key Rate, Offers Dollar Auctions
>>8492885 Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation
>>8492900 Hungary imposes blanket moratorium on loan repayments to year-end
>>8492908 Florida Keys closing down.
>>8492920, >>8493033 THE TRUMP News Conference YOU NEED TO SEE - Sean Spicer and MORE (ytube embed
>>8492932, >>8492944 Effects of chloroquine on viral infections Digg
>>8493018, >>8493101 Mitch "Weather This Storm" Twat
>>8493011 President Trump's administration is waiving interest on federal student loans for a period of at least 60 days
>>8493120 Anon thinks Q#734 Seems appropriate
>>8493110 DEA in Washington D.C executeda coorinated takedown resulting in six arrests of individuals on drug trafficking charges
>>8493295 Naked Pic of GIllum and his Methed out Hotel Room? Blood and Feces?
>>8493395 #10874
Previously Collected Notables
>>8490323 #10870, >>8491079 #10871, >>8491881 #10872, >>8492652 #10873
>>8487267 #10866, >>8488026 #10867, >>8488757 #10868, >>8489555 #10869
>>8484145 #10862, >>8484894 #10863, >>8485667 #10864, >>8486624 #10865
>>8481098 #10858, >>8481911 #10859, >>8482573 #10860, >>8483558 #10861
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top
#8494528 at 2020-03-20 23:33:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10876: Happy Birthday BWT! Edition
He's very close to AC
#8494237 at 2020-03-20 23:03:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10876: Happy Birthday BWT! Edition
Global Announcements
>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
Baker PSA: In light of recent flurry of global activity, anons are encouraged to archive offline
are not endorsements
>>8493517, >>8493508, >>8493545, >>8493630, >>8494089, >>8494120 Plamnefag reports
>>8493515 Has Anyone Seen Joe?': Glenn Greenwald, Others Wonder Why Biden Appears To Be Avoiding The Media
>>8493520 @TheJusticeDept: Attorney General William P. Barr Urges American Public to Report COVID-19 Fraud
>>8493668 Madonna spazzes out on twatter. Tries to sing. (vid embed)
>>8493664 Breitbart just called De Blasio the "former" mayor of NYC.
>>8493656 FLOTUS wishes a Happy 14th Birthaday to Barron.
>>8494038 Melania March 20th dig results
>>8493754, >>8493790, >>8493817 BWT is Barron WIlliam Trump
>>8493633 Latest figures released by China Mobile show that they have lost 8.116 million users in Jan and Feb. Digg
>>8493584 Emergency, Ex Parte Injunction Sought Against Pennsylvania Governor Wolf Regarding COVID-19 Order
>>8493791 Lindsey Graham twat: Starve it. Bomb it. Kill it.
>>8493750 Patton Oswalt tweet comms? Anons decode?
>>8493518, >>8493694, >>8493878, Anons have a theory on Ellen pic, hanged man tarot card, connection
>>8493895, >>8493979 Tom Hanks said the gate is good
>>8494141 German Physician, Wolfgang Wodarg, Comments On How the Coronavirus is Being Over-Hyped and Misunderstood
>>8493970, >>8494095, >>8494116 Army rolling in across the US tweets and Vids
>>8494184 #10875
>>8492736 Israeli drugmaker to donate 6 million doses of promising coronavirus drug hydroxychloroquine
>>8492718, >>8492753, >>8492809, >>8493098 Moar on Burr, Loeffler, Feinstein insider trading accusations
>>8492775, >>8492776, , >>8492887, >>8492916, >>8493114, >>8493250 PF reports - C-130 call sign XXXX?
>>8492874, >>8493002 - PF Reports - Eyes on Air GTMO842
>>8493114, >>8493177, >>8493165 PF Reports - Drone in North Dakota earlier
>>8492824 For Keks: POTUS BTFO of Reporter today to the Sounds of silence.
>>8492831 America should use a wartime law to mobilize industry against the pandemic (Defense news)
>>8492841 Engineer From Marin To Plead Guilty To Stealing Trade Secret (Uber)
>>8492849 Financefag: Mexico Unexpectedly Cuts Key Rate, Offers Dollar Auctions
>>8492885 Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation
>>8492900 Hungary imposes blanket moratorium on loan repayments to year-end
>>8492908 Florida Keys closing down.
>>8492920, >>8493033 THE TRUMP News Conference YOU NEED TO SEE - Sean Spicer and MORE (ytube embed
>>8492932, >>8492944 Effects of chloroquine on viral infections Digg
>>8493018, >>8493101 Mitch "Weather This Storm" Twat
>>8493011 President Trump's administration is waiving interest on federal student loans for a period of at least 60 days
>>8493120 Anon thinks Q#734 Seems appropriate
>>8493110 DEA in Washington D.C executeda coorinated takedown resulting in six arrests of individuals on drug trafficking charges
>>8493295 Naked Pic of GIllum and his Methed out Hotel Room? Blood and Feces?
>>8493395 #10874
>>8491950 Georgia Guidestones vandalyzed
>>8491952, >>8492427 Big bunch of Jailer's keys... anons on Ellen watch, Ellen on suicide watch (she be trippin on twatter)
>>8491996 Friedman: US, Israel to emerge stronger than ever (newsfag)
>>8492438 New DJT - Today I spoke with our Nation's Small Businesses, which employ nearly half of America's workforce. We are taking the MOST aggressive action in history
>>8492382 We have questions for the CDC, the AMA, most of all BIG PHARMA:
>>8492300 Don't forget to archive everything offline.
>>8492367 Blade Runner 10 days darkness
>>8492652 #10873
#8493482 at 2020-03-20 21:55:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10875: Blood and Feces Edition
Global Announcements
>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
Baker PSA: In light of recent flurry of global activity, anons are encouraged to archive offline
are not endorsements New baker
>>8492736 Israeli drugmaker to donate 6 million doses of promising coronavirus drug hydroxychloroquine
>>8492718, >>8492753, >>8492809, >>8493098 Moar on Burr, Loeffler, Feinstein insider trading accusations
>>8492775, >>8492776, , >>8492887, >>8492916, >>8493114, >>8493250 PF reports - C-130 call sign XXXX?
>>8492874, >>8493002 - PF Reports - Eyes on Air GTMO842
>>8493114, >>8493177, >>8493165 PF Reports - Drone in North Dakota earlier
>>8492824 For Keks: POTUS BTFO of Reporter today to the Sounds of silence.
>>8492831 America should use a wartime law to mobilize industry against the pandemic (Defense news)
>>8492841 Engineer From Marin To Plead Guilty To Stealing Trade Secret (Uber)
>>8492849 Financefag: Mexico Unexpectedly Cuts Key Rate, Offers Dollar Auctions
>>8492885 Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation
>>8492900 Hungary imposes blanket moratorium on loan repayments to year-end
>>8492908 Florida Keys closing down.
>>8492920, >>8493033 THE TRUMP News Conference YOU NEED TO SEE - Sean Spicer and MORE (ytube embed
>>8492932, >>8492944 Effects of chloroquine on viral infections Digg
>>8493018, >>8493101 Mitch "Weather This Storm" Twat
>>8493011 President Trump's administration is waiving interest on federal student loans for a period of at least 60 days
>>8493120 Anon thinks Q#734 Seems appropriate
>>8493110 DEA in Washington D.C executeda coorinated takedown resulting in six arrests of individuals on drug trafficking charges
>>8493295 Naked Pic of GIllum and his Methed out Hotel Room? Blood and Feces?
>>8493395 #10874
>>8491950 Georgia Guidestones vandalyzed
>>8491952, >>8492427 Big bunch of Jailer's keys... anons on Ellen watch, Ellen on suicide watch (she be trippin on twatter)
>>8491996 Friedman: US, Israel to emerge stronger than ever (newsfag)
>>8492438 New DJT - Today I spoke with our Nation's Small Businesses, which employ nearly half of America's workforce. We are taking the MOST aggressive action in history
>>8492382 We have questions for the CDC, the AMA, most of all BIG PHARMA:
>>8492300 Don't forget to archive everything offline.
>>8492367 Blade Runner 10 days darkness
>>8492652 #10873
>>8491560, >>8491645, >>8491652, >>8491671 PF updates
>>8491732 Judicial Watch released 80 pages of new emails recently found by the FBI that further document how former SecState #HillaryClinton used her unsecure, non-government email to transmit classified and other sensitive government information
>>8491528 'Beijing revokes permits for Chinese citizens working for US media'
>>8491453 White House brings back economic adviser who warned pandemic could cause Great Depression
>>8491360 New version of Alleycat Player has been uploaded.
>>8491345 Ivanka with a corn tweet.
>>8491263, >>8491303 California Soccer Coach Accused Of Inappropriately Touching Several Students
>>8491241 US House Rams Through Nicaragua Regime-change Bill with Zero Opposition
>>8491201 Italy- Vaccinated Area is Hit Worst
>>8491187 'Foreign Minister' of Russian Church, Hilarion: The 1917 Russian Revolution Was Prepared Abroad
>>8491167 Potus DS clip, again
>>8491881 #10872
#8493395 at 2020-03-20 21:47:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10874: Wash Your Hands Before and After Shitposting Edition
>>8492736 Israeli drugmaker to donate 6 million doses of promising coronavirus drug hydroxychloroquine
>>8492718, >>8492753, >>8492809, >>8493098 Moar on Burr, Loeffler, Feinstein insider trading accusations
>>8492775, >>8492776, , >>8492887, >>8492916, >>8493114, >>8493250 PF reports - C-130 call sign XXXX?
>>8492874, >>8493002 - PF Reports - Eyes on Air GTMO842
>>8493114, >>8493177, >>8493165 PF Reports - Drone in North Dakota earlier
>>8492824 For Keks: POTUS BTFO of Reporter today to the Sounds of silence.
>>8492831 America should use a wartime law to mobilize industry against the pandemic (Defense news)
>>8492841 Engineer From Marin To Plead Guilty To Stealing Trade Secret (Uber)
>>8492849 Financefag: Mexico Unexpectedly Cuts Key Rate, Offers Dollar Auctions
>>8492885 Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation
>>8492900 Hungary imposes blanket moratorium on loan repayments to year-end
>>8492908 Florida Keys closing down.
>>8492920, >>8493033 THE TRUMP News Conference YOU NEED TO SEE - Sean Spicer and MORE (ytube embed
>>8492932, >>8492944 Effects of chloroquine on viral infections Digg
>>8493018, >>8493101 Mitch "Weather This Storm" Twat
>>8493011 President Trump's administration is waiving interest on federal student loans for a period of at least 60 days
>>8493120 Anon thinks Q#734 Seems appropriate
>>8493110 DEA in Washington D.C executeda coorinated takedown resulting in six arrests of individuals on drug trafficking charges
>>8493295 Naked Pic of GIllum and his Methed out Hotel Room? Blood and Feces?
#8493260 at 2020-03-20 21:33:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10874: Wash Your Hands Before and After Shitposting Edition
Anything missed?
>>8492736 Muh 6 Gorillion. Israeli drugmaker to donate 6 million doses of promising coronavirus drug hydroxychloroquine
>>8492718, >>8492753, >>8492809, >>8493098 Moar on Burr, Loeffler, Feinstein insider trading accusations
>>8492775, >>8492776, >>8492874, >>8492887, >>8492916, >>8493002, >>8493114, >>8493250 PF reports - GTMO842 leaving Fort Lauderdale. C-130 call sign XXXX?
>>8492824 For Keks: POTUS BTFO of Reporter today to the Sounds of silence.
>>8492831 America should use a wartime law to mobilize industry against the pandemic (Defense news)
>>8492841 Engineer From Marin To Plead Guilty To Stealing Trade Secret (Uber)
>>8492849 Financefag: Mexico Unexpectedly Cuts Key Rate, Offers Dollar Auctions
>>8492885 Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation
>>8492900 Hungary imposes blanket moratorium on loan repayments to year-end
>>8492908 Florida Keys closing down.
>>8492920, >>8493033 THE TRUMP News Conference YOU NEED TO SEE - Sean Spicer and MORE (ytube embed
>>8492932, >>8492944 Effects of chloroquine on viral infections Digg
>>8493018, >>8493101 Mitch "Weather This Storm" Twat
>>8493011 President Trump's administration is waiving interest on federal student loans for a period of at least 60 days
>>8493120 Anon thinks Q#734 Seems appropriate
>>8493110 DEA in Washington D.C executeda coorinated takedown resulting in six arrests of individuals on drug trafficking charges
#8492995 at 2020-03-20 21:14:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10874: Wash Your Hands Before and After Shitposting Edition
Anything missed?
>>8492736 Muh 6 Gorillion. Israeli drugmaker to donate 6 million doses of promising coronavirus drug hydroxychloroquine
>>8492718, >>8492753,>>8492809 Moar on Burr and Loeffler insider trading accusations
>>8492775, >>8492776, >>8492874, >>8492887, >>8492916 PF reports - GTMO842 leaving Fort Lauderdale. C-130 call sign XXXX?
>>8492824 For Keks: POTUS BTFO of Reporter today to the Sounds of silence.
>>8492831 America should use a wartime law to mobilize industry against the pandemic (Defense news)
>>8492841 Engineer From Marin To Plead Guilty To Stealing Trade Secret (Uber)
>>8492849 Financefag: Mexico Unexpectedly Cuts Key Rate, Offers Dollar Auctions
>>8492885 Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation
>>8492900 Hungary imposes blanket moratorium on loan repayments to year-end
>>8492908 Florida Keys closing down.
>>8492920 THE TRUMP News Conference YOU NEED TO SEE - Sean Spicer and MORE (ytube embed
>>8492932, >>8492944 Effects of chloroquine on viral infections Digg
#8492887 at 2020-03-20 21:05:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10874: Wash Your Hands Before and After Shitposting Edition
C-130 call sign XXXX?
#8492744 at 2020-03-20 20:53:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10874: Wash Your Hands Before and After Shitposting Edition
Yep, I've seen Airbus A400 troop carriers (like the C-130 or CASA CN-35) too. They are holding exercises in the US.
"Where is the best place to hide a tree?"
It's fucking hard to type inside a six foot condom…
#8490888 at 2020-03-20 18:02:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10871: Someone Say Storm? Deep State Dept? Edition
Probably not all that important but after looking over the wiki I'm gonna add some more to this.
717 guest rooms stood out, obviously.
Golden Nugget Atlantic City is a hotel, casino, and marina located in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Opened in 1985 as Trump's Castle, it was renamed Trump Marina in 1997. Landry's, Inc. purchased the casino from Trump Entertainment Resorts in February 2011, and the sale was approved in late May. Landry's took control of the property on May 23, 2011.
Trump's Castle (1985-1997)
The casino was built by Hilton Hotels, but when the building was nearly complete, that company was denied a gambling license by the State of New Jersey due to alleged ties to organized crime and sold the complex to Donald Trump.[5] It opened in 1985 as Trump's Castle.[6] In 1988, the casino became one of the settings for the game show version of Yahtzee, and in 1990 it was the setting for the game show Trump Card.
Revenues at Trump Castle took a sharp decline in 1990 due to competition from its newly opened sister property, Trump Taj Mahal, as well as broader economic factors such as the Gulf War and the early 1990s recession.[7] A payment to bondholders was made in December 1990 only with the help of a $3.5 million purchase of casino chips by Trump's father, Fred Trump, which was later determined to be an illegal loan, for which the casino paid a fine of $30,000.[8] Unable to make its next payment on $338 million in bonds, the Castle began debt restructuring negotiations in May 1991.[9] Hilton offered to repurchase the property for $165 million, which Trump rejected.[10] A deal was ultimately reached to give the bondholders 50 percent ownership of the Castle, in exchange for reduced interest rates and forgiveness of $25 million of debt.[7] The plan was filed as a prepackaged bankruptcy in March 1992.[7]
Trump reacquired full ownership of the Castle in a refinancing deal in December 1993.[11] He then sold the property in September 1996 to his new publicly traded casino company, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, for $130 million in stock plus $355 million in assumed debt.[12]
Trump then began negotiations to sell a 50 percent stake in the property to the Rank Organization for $325 million and convert it into a Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.[13] Discussions fizzled in December 1996, and Trump said he would look for a new theme, saying he "never liked the castle theme."[14] Trump next announced an agreement to sell a 51 percent stake in the Castle to Colony Capital for $125 million, which would be used to construct a new hotel tower and re-theme the property as Trump Marina.[15] The sale and expansion were canceled, however, in March 1997.[16]
#8488382 at 2020-03-20 14:30:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10868: Fear No Evil. Full Armor of GOD Edition
Current snap of switched on AC. Showing training flights, rarely will you see much below 10k that is switched on-especially the jets. I see Mil jets all the time where I live but are never turned on.
#8482401 at 2020-03-20 01:10:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10859: Really, DS? REALLY, CABAL? All your comms are belong to us WE ARE Q! Edit
If you understand the history of Cadbury's, the UK chocolate company then you will understand why the 20th century business tycoon model is really stupid and is unsustainable in the long run. It makes good business and economic sense to require medical insurance providers to sell insurance to people who have pre-existing conditions, for instance.
In 1878 the brothers decided to build new premises in countryside four miles from Birmingham.[4] The move to the countryside was unprecedented in business.[4] Better transport access for milk that was inward shipped by canal, and cocoa that was brought in by rail from London, Southampton and Liverpool docks was taken into consideration. With the development of the Birmingham West Suburban Railway along the path of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, they acquired the Bournbrook estate, comprising 14.5 acres (5.9 ha) of countryside 5 miles (8.0 km) south of the outskirts of Birmingham. Located next Stirchley Street railway station, which itself was opposite the canal, they renamed the estate Bournville and opened the Bournville factory the following year.
In 1893, George Cadbury bought 120 acres (49 ha) of land close to the works and planned, at his own expense, a model village which would 'alleviate the evils of modern more cramped living conditions'. By 1900 the estate included 314 cottages and houses set on 330 acres (130 ha) of land. As the Cadbury family were Quakers there were no pubs in the estate.[4]
#8476070 at 2020-03-19 16:19:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10852: Potus ON For Our Daily Dose of Winning Edition
>CNN loves the CoronaVirus ratings spike
> AC I like sperm
#8474367 at 2020-03-19 13:44:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10850: Buy Stocks in Ankle Monitors Edition
COV = Corona Virus
FE stands for Ferrum
Ferrum is Iron.
Ferrum in chemistry is abbreviated to Fe.
Fe = iron
FeFe is MORE iron.
Adrenochrom use leads to iron deposits in the body, e.g. in the eyes, because of iron overload.
Covfefe is another hint from Trump that
CoronaVirus (the COV in Covfefe) leads to Fe (=Fe/ iron) overload (fefe) in AC-users.
Covfefe is a Corona Virus that attacks people with too much iron in the body, when they consume blood.
#8473973 at 2020-03-19 12:39:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10849: Dolphins in Venice Edition
>Not calling it COVID-19, but the China-Virus
Bc he is NOT talking about COVID-19, but a China-Virus that hits AC-users.
#8473941 at 2020-03-19 12:32:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10849: Dolphins in Venice Edition
> It's about the rabbit. The adrenachrome.
Aderen-o-chrome, with "o".
This might be the reason, why Trump tweeted
"Corono" instead of Corona…
Corono, with "o" is Trump's hint at "Adren-o" Crisis.
Only AC users are severely affected by "CV" and all other people have the flu (which can be severe and deadly, as we all know.
"Corono Virus" (Trump tweets) is an Adreno-Virus.
#8472129 at 2020-03-19 05:19:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10847: Bat Shit Crazy Edition
One final Iran blunder by Obama
Jennifer Rubin
Opinion writer
Jan. 10, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. CST
Secretary of State John Kerry talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in 2014 in Vienna. (Pool photo by Ronald Zak/Associated Press)
Secretary of State John Kerry talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in 2014 in Vienna. (Pool photo by Ronald Zak/Associated Press)
Even for those who support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in principle, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry's post-JCPOA serial concessions and excuse-making for the sake of "preserving" the deal have been troubling. First, Congress discovered delivery of cold hard cash as ransom for Americans held in Iran. Then came Kerry's efforts to open up the U.S. banking system so that Iran could get the "benefit" of the deal. Kerry followed up by acting as Tehran's chamber of commerce, trying to cajole businesses to set up in Iran. Coupled with the lack of response to Iran's illegal missile tests, continued support for terrorism, actions to abet genocide in Syria and putrid human rights record, the administration's behavior surely has given both Iran and our Sunni allies the impression that Iran is in the driver's seat.
On Monday, we saw just how lopsided the U.S.-Iran relationship has become. "The 2015 nuclear deal obligated Iran to keep no more than 130 metric tons of heavy water, a material used in the production of weapons-grade plutonium," explains Iran analyst Omri Ceren. "But the Iranians have continued to produce heavy water, and they exceeded the cap in February and November. The violations [are] functionally blackmailing the Obama administration: Either someone would purchase the excess heavy water, allowing Iran to literally profit from violating the deal, or the Iranians would go into formal noncompliance, endangering the deal."
So now the Associated Press has reported: Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact. Two senior diplomats said the transfer recently approved by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium.
Rather than police the deal to ensure compliance, the Obama administration is assisting Iran in violating the JCPOA. Ceren remarks, "That's enough for more than 10 nuclear bombs." We both allow the Iranians to exceed the heavy-water limits in the deal - and then richly compensate them with uranium that can be used for bombs. Our allies would be excused for thinking we are now promoting Iran's interests, not the West's.
In a rare on-the-record comment, Marshall Whitman, a spokesman for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, told Right Turn, "There is absolutely no justification to provide further benefits to the Iranian regime as it fails to comply with the nuclear agreement. Instead, it should be pressured to stop its malign behavior and live up to its commitments." That was supposed to be the policy of this administration. 1/1
#8463894 at 2020-03-18 17:04:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10836: The Bern Berns Edition
Spooky 41: How a gunship saved the day in Afghanistan
Last year, a gunship crew from an Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) squadron helped turned the tide in a fierce engagement against ISIS fighters in Afghanistan.
The nine-hour operation took place last April in Nangarhar Province. An ac-130U aircraft from the 4th Special Operations Squadron was proving overhead support to a Special Forces assault force that was going after an ISIS mountain redoubt.
Major Jeffrey Wright, a Special Tactics Officer with the 24th Special Operations Wing, said in an interview with DVIDs that "it would be inaccurate to describe this target as a village. Rather, this was a military installation literally dug into the side of the mountains, with a single path through which friendly forces could assault. The enemy consolidated their forces here in a warren of interconnected command and control nodes, operations centers, staging areas, and 'on-base housing' for ISIS-K leaders. This was no low-level commander and his men: this place was 'ISIS-K's Pentagon.'"
#8463707 at 2020-03-18 16:48:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10836: The Bern Berns Edition
a conversation with my mom:
me: Do you have everything you need?
mom: Yes, I had just gotten a big pack of TP the day people started going crazy. So we are good on that. I have hydrogen peroxide for a little extra cleaning that will last for a while. How about you?
me: you were a TP psychic! if you want to just have a facebook video call soon i can do a little concert for you ?
i have nothing to do!! corona vacaay!
mom: Not so much a psychic, just coincidence. Did you hear about your brothers vacay??
me: this is gonna be so helpful for people to reconnect with themselves and each other
no what happened?
mom: Well the hotel he manages just happens to have AC for each room instead of central air. So it is perfect as a quarantine facility. So the ( socialist LOL) government is borrowing the hotel for the time being as a place to house people that need a 14 day quarantine. The owner, your brother and all the staff are going to have paid leave while the hotel is being used for that purpose. How about that for some good coming out of a bad situation?
me: Aww thats great! I do believe in "socialism" for moments like this…this IS what we pay taxes for not endless wars, or private banking elites to do their evil bidding
Hell yeah Im gonna take Trumps check lol!
#8451263 at 2020-03-17 17:58:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10820: Who Is The Badest MoFo on the Planet? Edition
UPSET21 KC-135R tanker out of Milwaukee ws
The on-going series of UPSET former Presidents.
Have had
Grover Cleveland 22
Herbert Hoover 31
FDR 32
Harry Truman 33
George H.W. Bush 41
Bill Clinton 42
All of them UPSET from this AC out of Milwaukee
Chester Arthur 21st POTUS
American attorney and politician who served as the 21st president of the United States from 1881 to 1885. Previously the 20th vice president, he succeeded to the presidency upon the death of President James A. Garfield in September 1881, two months after Garfield was shot by an assassin.
Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont, grew up in upstate New York, and practiced law in New York City. He served as quartermaster general of the New York Militia during the American Civil War. Following the war, he devoted more time to Republican politics and quickly rose in New York Senator Roscoe Conkling's political organization. President Ulysses S. Grant appointed him to the post of Collector of the Port of New York in 1871, and he was an important supporter of Conkling and the Stalwart faction of the Republican Party. In 1878, President Rutherford B. Hayes fired Arthur as part of a plan to reform the federal patronage system in New York. Garfield won the Republican nomination for president in 1880, and Arthur was nominated for vice president to balance the ticket as an Eastern Stalwart. Four months into his term, Garfield was shot by an assassin; he died 11 weeks later, and Arthur assumed the presidency.
At the outset, Arthur struggled to overcome a negative reputation as a Stalwart and product of Conkling's organization. To the surprise of reformers, he advocated and enforced the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. He presided over the rebirth of the US Navy, but he was criticized for failing to alleviate the federal budget surplus which had been accumulating since the end of the Civil War. Arthur reluctantly signed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which barred the entry of Chinese laborers. The 1875 Page Act barred Chinese women from entering the country and was the first total ban on a nation or ethnic group from immigrating to the country.
Suffering from poor health, Arthur made only a limited effort to secure the Republican Party's nomination in 1884, and he retired at the end of his term. Journalist Alexander McClure wrote, "No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted as Chester Alan Arthur, and no one ever retired... more generally respected, alike by political friend and foe." Arthur's failing health and political temperament combined to make his administration less active than a modern presidency, yet he earned praise among contemporaries for his solid performance in office. The New York World summed up Arthur's presidency at his death in 1886: "No duty was neglected in his administration, and no adventurous project alarmed the nation." Mark Twain wrote of him, "It would be hard indeed to better President Arthur's administration."During the 20th and 21st centuries, however, Arthur faded from public knowledge.
#8449227 at 2020-03-17 14:45:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10817: On QDay People, Don't Forget: [SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT Edition
completely possible and you would want a smaller AC instead of running a big one like a Rivet Joint or similar over it. Also has been the UASF C-40B's doing that there and over Wilmington, NC a few times.
#8447090 at 2020-03-17 07:25:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10814: The Funkalicious Get Dawn - We Ain't Sleepin' Edition
In a different life, 2007-ish, I had clients who would take any drug put in front of them. You name it, they tried it.
They spoke openly about the effects of various drugs they had tried, nothing was off the table. Same story different faces.
We had one guy who used to work in the bear pit of London fiance. He was burnt out from coke and booze, part of the lifestyle of the stock exchange. Brilliant artist.
He told the group just one time that he had tried AdrenoChrome on a corporate cruise (drugs/sex) in the mid 90's. I'd never heard of it AC. The hardcore meth users in the group had never heard of it either. This was drug of rich and famous.
He described it like being back inside the womb. Warm, euphoric but had trouble holding onto his thoughts. The effects lasted the length of the 8 day cruise. The come down was worse than anything he had experienced. Stated it was similar to a weed induced psychosis without the fear and paranoia. Like he wasn't properly tuned in to reality. He crashed and burned after that, life span out of control.
He had some great stories about famous people. The one were Messi has never kicked a ball in a Pepsi ad. They use a freestyler footballer to
do all the tricks and kicks. Nobody was allowed within 20ft of Messi. They're all fake as fuck.
#8437050 at 2020-03-16 14:52:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10801: Saddle Up Anons. Gonna Be A Week Edition
Disney World slammed for holding 'farewell' party before shutdown
Express News
1.09K subscribers
Published on Mar 16, 2020
Disney World has been slammed for holding a huge 'farewell' party with hundreds of visitors before the park shuts over coronavirus fears.Critics included Abigail Disney, the grand daughter of Walt Disney Co's co-founder Roy Disney. Disney shut its flagship theme park resort in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday night as the country tackles the spread of coronavirus, which has killed 69 and infected 3,774 in the US alone.Florida currently has around 130 of those cases. Ms Disney wrote 'are you f** kidding me' in response to pictures of massive crowds at Sunday night's showing of 'Happily Ever After', a fireworks show in Florida's Magic Kingdom. The deadly bug - which has killed 6,000 people and infected more than 169,000 worldwide - has forced the closure of all Disney parks in the US, Europe and Asia.Last night's celebrations were held in Magic Kingdom in the Orlando resort which had 20 million visitors in 2018 making it the most-visited theme park in the world.Walt Disney World News Today - who are unaffiliated with the actual resort - first shared the images of the night with the caption: 'A whole cast of characters, from Mary Poppins, to Stitch and even Cinderella were at the special farewell at the Magic Kingdom.' Share this article Share People flocked to Twitter to slam the park.Nicole wrote: 'Disney was irresponsible for doing this, they should've closed Friday morning.'John Iglesias added: 'It's irresponsible. I just can't believe we can't come together on something so basic.'And Peter Crowley added: 'This irresponsibility is disgusting. If Florida's healthcare system is overwhelmed, Mickey will have blood on his gloves.' Disney World has been approached for comment. It comes as Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure both shut their gates on Saturday morning and remained shuttered at least through the end of the month, the company said.The move comes as leadership change leaves investors unsure of the company's long term potential. After 15 years, Bob Iger announced the decision to step back and handed over the reins to Bob Chapek. Its stock has fallen 28 per cent since the leadership change was announced.Disney said that there have been no reported cases of coronavirus at Disneyland Resort, but that the parks were being shut down in accordance with an executive order from California Governor Gavin Newsom banning large public gatherings.Disneyland and Disney California Adventure are next door to each other in the Los Angeles suburb of Anaheim.It will only be the sixth time in history that Disneyland Park has made an unscheduled closure.The resort says hotels will remain open until Monday so guests can make travel arrangements.
#8433828 at 2020-03-16 05:21:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10797: And Our Flag Was Still There!! Edition
Bill Gates AC still on the tarmac at Boeing Field in Seattle. Prolly not going anywhere for a while but he bears watching. This anon has to bag it for the night. GN frens.
#8431768 at 2020-03-16 02:03:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10795: As The World Turns Edition
US to Begin Clinical Trial of Possible Coronavirus Vaccine on Monday Amid Ongoing Pandemic - Report
The news comes as the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads to over 130 countries and territories, currently infecting more than 167,000 people and with over 6,400 dead worldwide, including in the US, where 65 deaths have been registered, along with over 3,000 new infection cases.
The United States is preparing on Monday to start a clinical trial of a new vaccine developed to protect against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Associated Press reported, citing an unnamed US administration official.
The trial has not been announced publicly but the official reportedly said that that participants will receive an experimental vaccine on Monday at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle.
The experiment is said to be funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the primary governmental agency responsible for biomedical and public health research in the US.
The trial will reportedly include 45 young healthy volunteers who will be given different doses of the medicine.
According to the news outlet, US public health officials said that would take a year to 18 months to fully validate any potential vaccine.
The coronavirus pandemic in the US has prompted the Trump administration to take a package of preventive measures, including declaring a state of emergency across the country, closing borders and banning travel to countries with high infection rates.
As of Sunday, the World Health Organization (WHO) has registered over 9,700 new cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outside of mainland China - Ground Zero for the contagious pneumonia-type infection - bringing the total number infected in the global pandemic to over 167,000, with over 6,400 dead.
#8431699 at 2020-03-16 01:58:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10795: As The World Turns Edition
Gate's AC nearing Seattle at 45K feet.
#8428724 at 2020-03-15 21:47:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10791: No Sleep Till Gitmo Edition
not officially. A good portion of the AC use public airfields.
#8422934 at 2020-03-15 09:49:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10783 Dizzy Sunday Gravy Edition
So you know they took the Iranian prisoner release as carte blanche to do this here? I'm sure you know what Q has suggested about C-130's of bills flying into Iran.
#8421903 at 2020-03-15 06:32:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10782: Jim Watkins On 8kun Voice: "Shall We Play A Game?" Edition
White House Gives $55 Million to Build Genetic Database
The Obama Administration is giving out $55 million to a collection of hospitals and companies to uncover links between a person's genome and disease. The work is the foundation of President Obama's new Precision Medicine Initiative, which aims to collect DNA from at least 1 million Americans.
The goal is to analyze volunteers' genomes to get a complete portrait of each person's DNA, then combine that information with patient clinical data to determine the genetic links with specific diseases. That will then form a starting point for companies and researchers to develop precision medicines that can target these diseases and determine which patients may respond best to existing or new medicines, reported the Wall Street Journal.
Four universities will be the primary undertakers in this mission and will be in charge of enrolling patients and building research standards. They include Columbia University in New York; Northwestern University in Chicago; the University of Arizona in Tucson; and the University of Pittsburgh. Many of these institutions will also partner with local institutions to expand their reach, including the likes of Weill Cornell Medical College, University of Chicago, and Banner Health.
The National Institutes for Health also brought on six health-care groups in smaller cities to expand the study's reach and ensure a diverse roster of patients. This includes Knoxville, Tenn.; Middletown, Conn.; Columbia, S.C.; Peekskill, N.Y.; Jackson, Miss.; and San Ysidro, Calif.
Diversity-regionally, racially, and socioeconomically-is a key concern for the project, said NIH Director Francis S. Collins in a news call. Collins called the future group of participating volunteers "unique and transformative" for precision-medicine research.
President Obama launched the Precision Medicine Initiative earlier this year. Obama had earmarked $215 million in his 2016 budget proposal to kickstart the effort, including $130 million for the NIH to create a national research database to collect the information. The searchable database will help researchers pinpoint the sources of diseases, create individually tailored treatment plans, and discover new targeted medicines.
The effort aims to "bring us closer to curing diseases like cancer and diabetes - and give all of us access to the personalized information we need to keep ourselves and our families healthier," Obama said at the time of the announcement in late January.
Link related
Precision Medicine Initiative pdf files
#8420890 at 2020-03-15 04:11:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10781: Democrats Hysterical re: Corona Virus ~ Incoming Moab Not a Hoax Edition
no one leaving there for a few hours.
click the hide button in front of you.
1. Click 'U' for commercial or military
2. AC label turn on
3. Options for labels
the rest you can tailor like multiple flighs and isolation.
Start with the FAQ on the site.
#8420868 at 2020-03-15 04:08:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10781: Democrats Hysterical re: Corona Virus ~ Incoming Moab Not a Hoax Edition
POTUS has commanded us to deploy in a strategic mission 'Day of Prayer' that has a 12 hour drop dead activation.
It is up to us to get this shit done. If it's prayer POTUS wants we're going to deliver it by the C-130 load Anons.
Let's get this done. We're on the clock.
#8420475 at 2020-03-15 03:18:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10780: DS Running For COV[er]ID-19 Death Blossom Edition
>>8417726 pb
FLIP33 C-130 has flipped out of JBA
#8417726 at 2020-03-14 22:56:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10777: KEK in the Bizarro World! Edition
C-130 out of Salem, Oregon as posted in last bread. Call sign FLIP33 - has a black hat been turned?
#8417711 at 2020-03-14 22:54:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10776: It's About The Break Edition
Spotted a C-130 call sign FLIP33 out of Salem, Oregon. I'll post the cap next bread.
Has a black hat been turned, hence FLIP33? Salem is symbolism on steroids.
#8415360 at 2020-03-14 18:38:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10774: Bioterrorist on Board Isolated Edition
>>8413147 NYPD Officer Dies After Shooting Herself In Columbus Circle Transit Police Station
>>8413155 Reminder: Ilhan Omar's Husband Made More Than Half A Million off Her Campaigns
>>8413157, >>8413112, >>8413212, >>8413407 Thoughts on POTUS 'Latter' mispelling
>>8413148, >>8413172, >>8413724 In case you've never seen it. Adrenochrome and pineal gland references in Fear and Loathing
>>8413239, >>8413318 Hunter S. Thompson Diggs
>>8413303 Adrenochrome Digg
>>8413184, >>8413244, >>8413245 Alice in Wonderland & MK Ultra Diggs
>>8413251 New Zealand announces 'world's toughest border restrictions' to fight coronavirus
>>8413262 Georgia declares a public health state of emergency.
>>8413264 Anon finds link to Corona 1 Q drop and 1AZB. Needs ScienceFag Help.
>>8413266, >>8413319 Chinese "White Rabbit Milk" Digg. Feinstein.
>>8413187, >>8413399 @NYGovCuomo confirms state's first #coronavirus related death at a NYC hospital - an 82-year-old woman with pre-existing emphysema
>>8413353, >>8413249 T-Minus Mini Bun
>>8413340 Barack Obama follows porn star Sara Jay on Twitter
>>8413305 Anon theory: Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)
>>8413347, >>8413437 Planefag Reports - RONIN33 E-8C Joint Stars Boeing 707 over Soko s of Seoul
>>8413417 @realDonaldTrump will host a news conference with members of the Coronavirus Task Force today
>>8413427 American troops wounded in new Iraqi rocket attack
>>8413442 Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine
>>8413456 Hussein Twats a Thank You to the NBA
>>8413475 Cuomo says his daughter was quarantined and 'possibly' exposed to coronavirus
>>8413504 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lays out plans to fight new coronavirus
>>8413537 Anon makes a link to an 8kun post and the New National Guard twat
>>8413541 'Very secretive': Hidden coronavirus 'disaster' brewing in Syria
>>8413287 Anon theory on how coronavirus shut down can make the Family unit stronger
>>8413576 Iraninan national prefers to remain in Broward County Jail. Has no place to go and no money
>>8413584 Nigel Farage taking a break before the shutdown comes
>>8413603 Keeping eyes on: Red Castle twats arrival in Antartica
>>8413592 Alibaba sells medical walking boots with ankle bracelet gps trackers (jpeg)
>>8413254, >>8413273, >>8413634 Pics of Gillum with Booker and Obama
>>8413704 130 countries, territories restricting entry from virus-hit Korea
>>8413720 Putin signs constitutional amendments into law
>>8413636 GWP reporting Top Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Commander in Iraq, General Siamand Mashhadani Killed in US Strike
>>8413742 Habberman twats that White House reporters are getting their temperatures checked by no contact thermometer
>>8413781 #10771
Previously Collected Notables
>>8411550 #10768, >>8412290 #10769, >>8412290 #10769, >>8413035 #10770
>>8408418 #10764, >>8409223 #10765, >>8409992 #10766, >>8410756 #10767
>>8405142 #10760, >>8405926 #10761, >>8406809 #10762, >>8407604 #10763
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top
#8414613 at 2020-03-14 17:21:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10773: Indicted? Edition
Global Announcements
>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
are not endorsements
>>8414162 Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte imposes first mandatory quarantine of a capital city in coronavirus-hit Southeast Asia
>>8414087 Farage on Coronavirus: 'We Are All Nationalists Now', Boris 'Negligent
>>8414070 According to the White House Medical Unit, the temperature was taken three times over a 15 minute period - all three registered above the @CDCgov 100.4 guidelines.
>>8414064, >>8414122 WarRoom memes
>>8414052, >>8414292 BREAKING: The UK and Ireland are to be added to America's European travel ban over the #coronavirus pandemic
>>8414018 Q/Potus "hot"
>>8414007 refresher: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton
>>8414001 Long Island Woman Sentenced to 13 Years' Imprisonment for Providing Material Support to ISIS
>>8413983, >>8414088 Potus casual, blue hat, no tie/we've created new stars
>>8413921 Potus: Just finished meeting on COVID-19 News coming
>>8413147 NYPD Officer Dies After Shooting Herself In Columbus Circle Transit Police Station
>>8413155 Reminder: Ilhan Omar's Husband Made More Than Half A Million off Her Campaigns
>>8413157, >>8413112, >>8413212, >>8413407 Thoughts on POTUS 'Latter' mispelling
>>8413148, >>8413172, >>8413724 In case you've never seen it. Adrenochrome and pineal gland references in Fear and Loathing
>>8413239, >>8413318 Hunter S. Thompson Diggs
>>8413303 Adrenochrome Digg
>>8413184, >>8413244, >>8413245 Alice in Wonderland & MK Ultra Diggs
>>8413251 New Zealand announces 'world's toughest border restrictions' to fight coronavirus
>>8413262 Georgia declares a public health state of emergency.
>>8413264 Anon finds link to Corona 1 Q drop and 1AZB. Needs ScienceFag Help.
>>8413266, >>8413319 Chinese "White Rabbit Milk" Digg. Feinstein.
>>8413187, >>8413399 @NYGovCuomo confirms state's first #coronavirus related death at a NYC hospital - an 82-year-old woman with pre-existing emphysema
>>8413353, >>8413249 T-Minus Mini Bun
>>8413340 Barack Obama follows porn star Sara Jay on Twitter
>>8413305 Anon theory: Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)
>>8413347, >>8413437 Planefag Reports - RONIN33 E-8C Joint Stars Boeing 707 over Soko s of Seoul
>>8413417 @realDonaldTrump will host a news conference with members of the Coronavirus Task Force today
>>8413427 American troops wounded in new Iraqi rocket attack
>>8413442 Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine
>>8413456 Hussein Twats a Thank You to the NBA
>>8413475 Cuomo says his daughter was quarantined and 'possibly' exposed to coronavirus
>>8413504 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lays out plans to fight new coronavirus
>>8413537 Anon makes a link to an 8kun post and the New National Guard twat
>>8413541 'Very secretive': Hidden coronavirus 'disaster' brewing in Syria
>>8413287 Anon theory on how coronavirus shut down can make the Family unit stronger
>>8413576 Iraninan national prefers to remain in Broward County Jail. Has no place to go and no money
>>8413584 Nigel Farage taking a break before the shutdown comes
>>8413603 Keeping eyes on: Red Castle twats arrival in Antartica
>>8413592 Alibaba sells medical walking boots with ankle bracelet gps trackers (jpeg)
>>8413254, >>8413273, >>8413634 Pics of Gillum with Booker and Obama
>>8413704 130 countries, territories restricting entry from virus-hit Korea
>>8413720 Putin signs constitutional amendments into law
>>8413636 GWP reporting Top Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Commander in Iraq, General Siamand Mashhadani Killed in US Strike
>>8413742 Habberman twats that White House reporters are getting their temperatures checked by no contact thermometer
>>8413781 #10771
#8413826 at 2020-03-14 16:03:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10772: Rig for Red Pilling Edition
Global Announcements
>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
are not endorsements
>>8413147 NYPD Officer Dies After Shooting Herself In Columbus Circle Transit Police Station
>>8413155 Reminder: Ilhan Omar's Husband Made More Than Half A Million off Her Campaigns
>>8413157, >>8413112, >>8413212, >>8413407 Thoughts on POTUS 'Latter' mispelling
>>8413148, >>8413172, >>8413724 In case you've never seen it. Adrenochrome and pineal gland references in Fear and Loathing
>>8413239, >>8413318 Hunter S. Thompson Diggs
>>8413303 Adrenochrome Digg
>>8413184, >>8413244, >>8413245 Alice in Wonderland & MK Ultra Diggs
>>8413251 New Zealand announces 'world's toughest border restrictions' to fight coronavirus
>>8413262 Georgia declares a public health state of emergency.
>>8413264 Anon finds link to Corona 1 Q drop and 1AZB. Needs ScienceFag Help.
>>8413266, >>8413319 Chinese "White Rabbit Milk" Digg. Feinstein.
>>8413187, >>8413399 @NYGovCuomo confirms state's first #coronavirus related death at a NYC hospital - an 82-year-old woman with pre-existing emphysema
>>8413353, >>8413249 T-Minus Mini Bun
>>8413340 Barack Obama follows porn star Sara Jay on Twitter
>>8413305 Anon theory: Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)
>>8413347, >>8413437 Planefag Reports - RONIN33 E-8C Joint Stars Boeing 707 over Soko s of Seoul
>>8413417 @realDonaldTrump will host a news conference with members of the Coronavirus Task Force today
>>8413427 American troops wounded in new Iraqi rocket attack
>>8413442 Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine
>>8413456 Hussein Twats a Thank You to the NBA
>>8413475 Cuomo says his daughter was quarantined and 'possibly' exposed to coronavirus
>>8413504 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lays out plans to fight new coronavirus
>>8413537 Anon makes a link to an 8kun post and the New National Guard twat
>>8413541 'Very secretive': Hidden coronavirus 'disaster' brewing in Syria
>>8413287 Anon theory on how coronavirus shut down can make the Family unit stronger
>>8413576 Iraninan national prefers to remain in Broward County Jail. Has no place to go and no money
>>8413584 Nigel Farage taking a break before the shutdown comes
>>8413603 Keeping eyes on: Red Castle twats arrival in Antartica
>>8413592 Alibaba sells medical walking boots with ankle bracelet gps trackers (jpeg)
>>8413254, >>8413273, >>8413634 Pics of Gillum with Booker and Obama
>>8413704 130 countries, territories restricting entry from virus-hit Korea
>>8413720 Putin signs constitutional amendments into law
>>8413636 GWP reporting Top Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Commander in Iraq, General Siamand Mashhadani Killed in US Strike
>>8413742 Habberman twats that White House reporters are getting their temperatures checked by no contact thermometer
>>8413781 #10771
#8413781 at 2020-03-14 15:58:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10771: We Are the Last News Standing Now Edition
>>8413147 NYPD Officer Dies After Shooting Herself In Columbus Circle Transit Police Station
>>8413155 Reminder: Ilhan Omar's Husband Made More Than Half A Million off Her Campaigns
>>8413157, >>8413112, >>8413212, >>8413407 Thoughts on POTUS 'Latter' mispelling
>>8413148, >>8413172, >>8413724 In case you've never seen it. Adrenochrome and pineal gland references in Fear and Loathing
>>8413239, >>8413318 Hunter S. Thompson Diggs
>>8413303 Adrenochrome Digg
>>8413184, >>8413244, >>8413245 Alice in Wonderland & MK Ultra Diggs
>>8413251 New Zealand announces 'world's toughest border restrictions' to fight coronavirus
>>8413262 Georgia declares a public health state of emergency.
>>8413264 Anon finds link to Corona 1 Q drop and 1AZB. Needs ScienceFag Help.
>>8413266, >>8413319 Chinese "White Rabbit Milk" Digg. Feinstein.
>>8413187, >>8413399 @NYGovCuomo confirms state's first #coronavirus related death at a NYC hospital - an 82-year-old woman with pre-existing emphysema
>>8413353, >>8413249 T-Minus Mini Bun
>>8413340 Barack Obama follows porn star Sara Jay on Twitter
>>8413305 Anon theory: Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)
>>8413347, >>8413437 Planefag Reports - RONIN33 E-8C Joint Stars Boeing 707 over Soko s of Seoul
>>8413417 @realDonaldTrump will host a news conference with members of the Coronavirus Task Force today
>>8413427 American troops wounded in new Iraqi rocket attack
>>8413442 Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine
>>8413456 Hussein Twats a Thank You to the NBA
>>8413475 Cuomo says his daughter was quarantined and 'possibly' exposed to coronavirus
>>8413504 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lays out plans to fight new coronavirus
>>8413537 Anon makes a link to an 8kun post and the New National Guard twat
>>8413541 'Very secretive': Hidden coronavirus 'disaster' brewing in Syria
>>8413287 Anon theory on how coronavirus shut down can make the Family unit stronger
>>8413576 Iraninan national prefers to remain in Broward County Jail. Has no place to go and no money
>>8413584 Nigel Farage taking a break before the shutdown comes
>>8413603 Keeping eyes on: Red Castle twats arrival in Antartica
>>8413592 Alibaba sells medical walking boots with ankle bracelet gps trackers (jpeg)
>>8413254, >>8413273, >>8413634 Pics of Gillum with Booker and Obama
>>8413704 130 countries, territories restricting entry from virus-hit Korea
>>8413720 Putin signs constitutional amendments into law
>>8413636 GWP reporting Top Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Commander in Iraq, General Siamand Mashhadani Killed in US Strike
>>8413742 Habberman twats that White House reporters are getting their temperatures checked by no contact thermometer
#8413704 at 2020-03-14 15:46:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10771: We Are the Last News Standing Now Edition
130 countries, territories restricting entry from virus-hit Korea
A total of 130 countries and territories were imposing an entry ban or strict quarantine procedures for travelers from South Korea as part of their moves to contain the new coronavirus Saturday, up three countries from a day earlier, according to the foreign ministry.
As of Saturday morning, 61 countries and territories, including Uzbekistan and Bosnia-Herzegovina, were barring the entry of travelers who have visited South Korea in the previous two weeks, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
Uzbekistan was one of the three countries that introduced new border control measures against South Korea on the day. Starting Sunday, the entry of all non-Uzbekistan nationals traveling from Korea will be prohibited for two weeks due to the novel coronavirus infection.
Under their own new quarantine measures, Eritrea and Brazil will also start to quarantine travelers from overseas.
#8410843 at 2020-03-14 06:02:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10768: Light That Fire Mofo's Edition
Resignations in the news 3/13/2020 - part 2
Central Alberta physicians resign from ER ahead of government cancellation of master agreement
Rob Ehsan fired as UAB men's basketball coach
Temecula Valley schools superintendent Tim Ritter retiring
Tech think tank chief to step down after Trump death tweet
Met Police sacks Supt Robyn Williams over child abuse video
Dr. Frimpong resigns as Ashgold president
Democratic Presidential Debate Moderator Steps Down Because of Coronovirus
New Hanover County school board attorney announces resignation
Unnerstall Is Retiring From Agency - After 47 Years
Alderman Marc Rodriguez announces resignation after Annapolis special session on pandemic response
Dakota West Arts Council leader resigns
Mills River council member resigns
Councilman Fulkerson resigns from CDC
Microsoft Corp. today announced that Co-Founder and Technology Advisor Bill Gates stepped down from the company's Board of Directors to dedicate more time to his philanthropic priorities including global health, development, education, and his increasing engagement in tackling climate change. https://news.microsoft.com/2020/03/13/microsoft-announces-change-to-its-board-of-directors/
Hertel out as general manager of SMART after getting contract extension
Polycarp Igathe resigns as Vivo Energy Vice President
#8410673 at 2020-03-14 05:42:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10767: From Friday to Pi day Edition
Sanders Burlington Speech Compares Corona Virus to WWII
Bernie Sanders Suggests COVID-19 Death Rate Could Top WWII Armed Forces Casualties
(sputniknews March 13 2020)
The Vermont Senator's remarks come as the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread to over 130 countries and territories, infected more than 138,000 people and killed over 5,000 worldwide, including in the United States, where at least 41 deaths have been registered along with over 1,600 infections.
Democratic US Senator and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, during a speech in Burlington, Vermont, on Thursday, suggested that the potential death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic could override the total number of armed forces casualties in World War II.
"The crisis we face from the coronavirus is on a scale of a major war, and we must act accordingly," Sanders said. "The number of casualties may actually be even higher than what the armed forces experienced in World War II. In other words, we have a major, major crisis and we must act accordingly".
The presidential candidate said that "we also have to face the truth", adding that he hopes that "number will be as low as possible".
World War II saw the death of over 20 million soldiers worldwide, including some 400,000 deaths among US troops. The Senator did not clarify whether he meant every country or just the US.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated the potential for infection by COVID-19 in the country to range between 160 million and 214 million people. The worst-case scenario US death rate was estimated be between 200,000 and 1.7 million, according to The New York Times.
Sanders's warnings were described by some netizens as "highly irresponsible and dangerous!".
Some twitter responses in article:
This is highly irresponsible and dangerous!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. HE IS A COMMUNIST!!
This is so irresponsible for someone like this to get up here and see this crap
I'm glad @BernieSanders is working hard to keep the American people calm.
World War II -
75 million deaths worldwide
60 million Allied deaths
40 million citizen deaths
20 million military deaths
15 million Axis deaths
420,000 American deaths
He is predicting 420,000 in US and 20 million around the globe.
This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard a person say.
420,000 Americans are estimated to have died in WWII … so far Coronavirus has claimed 44 … this is socialism math at its finest.
(article has the short clip)
Sanders also forgot that Congress did not pass appropriation funding for the CDC until Dec 19.
#8401292 at 2020-03-13 16:14:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10755: Down They Go! Edition
President Trump's True Power Over the National Guard, Explained
Feb 18, 2017
I am a Cavalryman, or at least I once was. In days gone by I commanded some of the men of the 7th Cavalry. We rode iron steeds, and my men were worthy successors to their historical forefathers. Of course everyone knows what happened to the 7th along the Little Bighorn in 1876. But you might not know how the regiment started. See, we started fighting racists and those who believed that real Americans came in only one color.
The regiment was created in the wake of the Civil War. From its inception, it had one primary mission: patrolling the former rebellious states that had fought against America, and hunting down the Ku Klux Klan. As a result, the unit was spread across the South for nearly a decade.
Then the conservative whites in the states that tried to destroy the United States gained a political foothold, and a presidential election hung in the balance. The "compromise" to end the deadlock was that the U.S. government would stop using U.S. troops to enforce laws about things like voting, and lynching, and would pull out of the South entirely. That was 1878. The law was the Posse Comitatus Act.
Now, for the first time in more than 130 years, there seems to be at least top-level consideration for how to run over that law.
#8398245 at 2020-03-13 07:11:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10751: We Are Everywhere Edition
Who makes Adrenochrome? Do a lot of {them} have HIV? Do people with HIV die to CV, or is there a correlation between HIV & CV, or a rigged AC (rig for red(blood))?
#8394846 at 2020-03-13 00:38:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10747: All Your Sports Are Belong To Us Edition
Anon earlier said to buy Royal Caribbean Cruise stock- was $130 and now $30. I've never just bought single stocks before. Anyone have ideas on what else might be interesting, other than tp?
#8388047 at 2020-03-12 12:53:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10738: Running Silent - Running Deep Edition
Feds: $10 million reward offered for information leading to arrest of new Mexican drug lord
"SAN DIEGO (CNS) - Federal officials in San Diego Wednesday announced the arrests of hundreds of suspects and the seizure of more than a ton and a half of narcotics as part of a crackdown on a Mexican criminal gang considered responsible for much of the flow of illicit drugs into the United States.
During a late-morning briefing at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Kearny Mesa offices, DEA and Justice Department officials detailed the results of the multi-agency operation targeting the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion.
"Project Python is the single-largest strike by U.S. authorities against CJNG, and this is just the beginning," DEA Acting Administrator Uttam Dhillon said.
The six-month enforcement campaign has resulted in the capture of more than 600 gang associates and 350 indictments, including one against the alleged head of the criminal organization, fugitive Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes, also known as "El Mencho."
The Department of State has issued one of the largest narcotics crimes- related rewards ever – $10 million – for information leading to the arrest of Cervantes.
In San Diego and Imperial counties, the operation has led to the arrests of about 130 CJNG associates and seizure of 3,282 pounds of methamphetamine, 198 kilograms of cocaine, 59 kilograms of heroin, 44 kilograms of fentanyl, two kilograms of opium, in excess of 27,000 fentanyl pills and 18 guns, according to the DEA."
The Ghost
#8384353 at 2020-03-12 02:22:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10733: Holy Corona, Hanks Got Corona. Over in 30? Suicide W/E? 24,10,40? Edition
30 people died over many months of it being out there. 19 at one nursing home alone. 130 people committed suicide today in the U.S. and will every day for the rest of the year. Let that sink in.
Now the cabal has created a fake crisis and POTUS can treat it as a real crisis and take any steps he wants. (National security) have a blessed day. I know I will.
#8379630 at 2020-03-11 20:07:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10727: PandemicDamnepicDempanic Edition
Anons, ask yourselves why FEMA needs porta potties, showers, sinks for corona virus as well as quarantine camps when we shave over 130 universities being emptied out. Seems they make a better place to quarantine to me
#8379316 at 2020-03-11 19:34:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10727: PandemicDamnepicDempanic Edition
FFS, 130 CHILDREN have already died from Influenza in the U.S. in 2020 the full toll will likely be at least 30,000 this year from THE FLU.
The 31 who have died were mostly immuno-impaired elderly. People are losing their sh_t for nothing but I'm all for a National Declaration if it gives @POTUS more power over the full-on Sedition underway in the Sanctuary States.
#8379074 at 2020-03-11 19:07:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10727: PandemicDamnepicDempanic Edition
SIPRI: Saudi Arabia is World's Largest Arms Importer in Past 5 Years, With US Being its Main Supplier
RIYADH - Saudi Arabia, apart from being known for its amazing human rights record, (especially towards women), has also been the world's largest arms importer over the past five years and has boosted by 130 percent its major arms imports, a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) shows.
RevContent InArticle SOLO
The results of the study, published on Monday, also showed that the Wahhabi regime accounted for 12 percent of global arms imports during the period from 2015 to 2019, PressTV reported.
"Arms imports by countries in the Middle East increased by 61 percent between 2010-14 and 2015-19 and accounted for 35 percent of total global arms imports over the past five years. Saudi Arabia was the world's largest arms importer in 2015-19. Its imports of major arms increased by 130 percent compared with the previous five-year period and it accounted for 12 percent of global arms imports in 2015-19," the report said.
SIPRI added that despite the continuation of Saudi military aggression against its southern neighbor, "...both the USA and the UK continued to export arms to Saudi Arabia in 2015-19".
"A total of 73 percent of Saudi Arabia's arms imports came from the USA and 13 percent from the UK," the report added.
In March 2015, Saudi Arabia, with the help of a number of its allies, particularly the United Arab Emirates (UAE), launched the brutal campaign against Yemen, whose former President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi had fled to Riyadh a few months earlier after stepping down the previous year.
The Saudi-led campaign, code-named Operation Decisive Storm, was launched to achieve two main objectives: bringing Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh, back to power, and crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, whose fighters have proved to be of significant help to the Yemeni army in defending the Arab country against the invaders since the onset of the imposed war.
The US-based Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), a nonprofit conflict-research organization, estimates that the war has claimed more than 100,000 lives over the past nearly five years. Elsewhere in its report on Monday, SIPRI said the UAE, which has also been militarily involved in Libya, was another huge importer of arms, making it "the eighth-largest arms importer in the world in 2015-19".
"In 2019, when foreign military involvement in Libya was condemned by the United Nations Security Council, the UAE had major arms import deals ongoing with Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK and the USA," it added.
SIPRI also revealed that the US had increased its total share of global arms exports to 36 percent from 2010 to 2019 through exporting major arms, adding that in the 2015-19 period its arms exports were 76 percent higher than those by Russia, the world's second-largest arms exporter.
"Half of US arms exports in the past five years went to the Middle East, and half of those went to Saudi Arabia," said Pieter D. Wezeman, Senior Researcher at SIPRI, noting that major arms transferred from the US had gone to a total of 96 countries.
The Sweden-based research institute also said France witnessed its highest level of arms exports for any five-year period since 1990 as it exported 7.9 percent of the total global arms exports in 2015-19, showing a 72-percent jump compared to those of the 2010-14 period.
"The French arms industry has benefited from the demand for arms in Egypt, Qatar and India," said Diego Lopes Da Silva, a SIPRI researcher.
It should be noted that despite having the third-largest military budget in the world (right after the US and China, and ahead of military superpowers like Russia), Saud Arabia has so far shown its military is quite incompetent. The Wahhabi regime, knowns as being the largest supporter and exporter of Islamic terrorism for decades, has been unable to defeat a starving country (Yemen) for 5 years now.
In addition, Saudi Arabia's exorbitantly expensive US-made "Patriot" ballistic missile defenses failed miserably during September 2019 Houthi drone attacks, conducted in retaliation of gruesome Saudi crimes against Yemeni people. This just goes to show that enormous military budgets are not an indicator of military might, as shown by Russia's example, whose military budget barely makes it to the top 10.
#8378908 at 2020-03-11 18:46:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10726: Bern Graspin For Votes Edition
the circled areas on the arrest map represent the 1st University closure areas before the number jumped to 130 universities. I have not had a chance to research the new closures
#8377613 at 2020-03-11 16:36:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10725: Weinstein Down For 23, Debuts in LA SOON! Edition
Updated: At Least 130 Colleges Have Canceled In-Person Classes (So Far) Over Coronavirus Fears
(Updated: 12:20 p.m. EST, March 11 2020)
#8373300 at 2020-03-11 02:51:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10719: Comfy With Frens At Feelz Bar Edition
722469 (11)
I'm sorry did you say something?
better turn up the AC in that cubilce son. Getting hot if you can't even remain calm enough to attach it to a crumb.
Laughing at you…..much
#8372472 at 2020-03-11 01:20:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10718: After Last Light Nightshift Takes Flight Edition
None visible. But here is an oddity. C-130 call sign Roper61 up out of Carswell JRB Ft. Worth, TX. His track just circled Graham, Texas.
#8368729 at 2020-03-10 17:57:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10713: Dem Platform Not So Silent Running Edition
I have. Generic gray, larger than a C–130, maybe like a B-2, no markings.
I just want it to stop. Leave the fucking Earth alone for a year. See what happens. Fucking bastards one and all for letting this go on.
#8368438 at 2020-03-10 17:15:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10713: Dem Platform Not So Silent Running Edition
Entire thread related to how Epstein AC moved into Venezuela- hint: through Real Estate Exchange.
#8366293 at 2020-03-10 11:05:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10710: Night Shift Transcends Common Logic Edition
Dosages and Treatments for Coronavirus Infections
Published on January 31, 2020>>8365907
Dr. Mark Sircus PhD
AC., OMD, DM (P)
Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine
A hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C intravenous infusion usually knocks out a virus in 48 hours according to some. Colloidal Silver, MMS, and many other substances would help. The Times said, "Silver kills some microbes on surfaces and in wounds," which I and many others agree with.
Full hydration of course is essential. When suffering from a viral infection nothing in the world will give more comfort and keep you warm (which is essential for immune system strength) than a far-infrared mattress.
And if hydrogen inhalation therapy is strong enough to kill brain cancer tumors it is strong enough, and should be used with oxygen in ICU departments, to ward off death.
This is, perhaps a short list of basic medicines. Sulfur and vitamin A could be added and there are always herbal medicines and super foods that can only help.
#8366282 at 2020-03-10 11:01:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10710: Night Shift Transcends Common Logic Edition
Dr. Mark Sircus PhD
AC., OMD, DM (P)
Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine
A hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C intravenous infusion usually knocks out a virus in 48 hours according to some. Colloidal Silver, MMS, and many other substances would help. The Times said, "Silver kills some microbes on surfaces and in wounds," which I and many others agree with.
Full hydration of course is essential. When suffering from a viral infection nothing in the world will give more comfort and keep you warm (which is essential for immune system strength) than a far-infrared mattress.
And if hydrogen inhalation therapy is strong enough to kill brain cancer tumors it is strong enough, and should be used with oxygen in ICU departments, to ward off death.
This is, perhaps a short list of basic medicines. Sulfur and vitamin A could be added and there are always herbal medicines and super foods that can only help.
#8365221 at 2020-03-10 04:56:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10709: The 'Wisdom Of Victory In The Moonlight' Edition
Here is text version after OCR of Image
380 * BEHOLD A PALE HORSE William Cooper
tenable tbcory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system, devclopt
not from functional dumands, but instcad deriving as a result of dynanic§ fo
imposed on cell groups by the total field mttern. Living matter nov bh
Gefinition of state based on relativity field physics, through shich it has
possible to detect a mcasurable property of total state functions." (Ravi
Leonard J., M.S., H.D., F.R.S.H., "Electro-mynetic Field Monitoring of Ciang§
State-Punction, Including lypnotic States" in Journal of American So:iecty
Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)
13. Yonization of the air: An abundance of negative condensition nucicti ¢
d4ons"} in ingested air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an exccas
positive fons enmances drowsiness and depression. (ilculation of the
balance of a target audience's atmospheric environment will be correspond
useful. Again this is a naturally-cccurring condition - caused by such v
agents as solar ultraviolct light, lightning, and rapidly-mowing water - ra
than one which must be artificially created. [Detonation of puclear wea
however, will alter atmospheric ionizmtion levels.] See for example Soyke,
and Edinonds, Alan, Toe Jon Effect. New York: E.P. Ditton, 1977.
J4. Extremely Low Freauency (ELF) waves: ELF waves (up to 100 Hz) are once
naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially [such as for
Navy's Project Snnguine for submirine conmnication]. ELFP-waves are
normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the
body has been connected to both physiological disorders and «anc
distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) cin sublimimilly influence
activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave pat
inclining an audience tosani everything from alertness to mssivity. © Inf.
could be used tactically, as FLF-waves endure for great distances; and it
be used in ccnjimction with ncdia broadcasts res well. See Playfair, Guy Le
Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Meaven. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978,
130-140. -
#8364926 at 2020-03-10 04:13:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10709: The 'Wisdom Of Victory In The Moonlight' Edition
U.S. Army
Knees in the breeze!!
#Paratroopers from 1st Squadron (Airborne), 40th Cavalry Regiment jump into Donnelly Drop from a @RCAF_ARC C-130 as part of Arctic Edge 2020.
What's your favorite memory of being a #USArmy paratrooper?
#8356786 at 2020-03-09 14:16:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10698: March 9th Morning Bake Edition
WING13 USMC C-560 over the same general area as the recent CASTL call signs from the C-130 Delaware Air Guard.
#8354826 at 2020-03-09 05:29:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10696: Deep State Hatin, Shills in Panic Edition
US Customs and Border Patrol CBP213 circling Isla Otoque in Gulf of Panama…again.
Big Sailing destination
Otoque is an island located in the Gulf of Panama. It belongs to the Taboga District. It has an area of 2.66 km². At the census 2000, the population was 130. The island was originally inhabited by indigenous groups led by chiefs Careta, Tatalao and Estivá, which fought against the Spanish conquerors.[1] Currently, the population of the island consists of a racial mixture. This population is divided into two groups located at opposite places of the island: the districts of East Otoque and West Otoque. The economy of this island is based mainly on fishing and subsistence agriculture.
#8354632 at 2020-03-09 04:53:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10696: Deep State Hatin, Shills in Panic Edition
I meant the trouble I have identifying if an AC is Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, or Coast Guard. The old map showed you right away in the list. Setting is probably buried in the menu somewhere. I have yet to find it.
#8350840 at 2020-03-08 21:01:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10691: Did Biden Really Forget Obama's Name? Edition
Israeli AF _667 and _668 C-130's from Ramstein AB back to Tel Aviv
#8350415 at 2020-03-08 19:58:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10690: Potus Strums While The Temple Burns Edition
More spoopy planes out there, a C-130 and an FA-18 that I traced from the ICAO code.
#8347883 at 2020-03-08 14:12:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10687: The Holocaust Is A Fabricated Lie Edition
CASTL08 USAF Delaware Air Guard C-130 Hercules up from New Castle Airport. This is the same AC with these call signs. 84-0208. Had CASTL07 as a call last time.
#8341882 at 2020-03-07 18:37:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10679: Contribute Something Good & Productive Edition
extreme fagginess going on. not AC related iykwim
#8341132 at 2020-03-07 16:21:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10678: Welcome To the Qniversity Edition
click this button and it will toggle to it. Takes out the multiple steps from previous. I like some of the new stuff but it does not pull a picture like the older one just a general AC spec at top
#8340594 at 2020-03-07 15:00:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10678: Welcome To the Qniversity Edition
2-KYCM UK military G6 on ground from SFO via a stop at Tokyo, Narita. This AC started out of Beijing on 0304 CONUS and flew to Narita Int'l before terminating at SFO.
RONIN45 MC-12S Huron up from Ft. Hood and NW. This is the little bro, but not by much, of the Flying Antenna Farm RC-12 Guardrail
Current CONUS snap
#8336988 at 2020-03-07 01:09:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10673: Friday Night Sundae With A Cherry On Top Edition
That is my post on this Travis View tweet. Yeah, just what i was trying for – to make TV sound cool. And as for doxxing him, why'd he need a pseudonym, unlike his other frens Ben Collins, etc??
Probably likes it that i called him intelligent, but he is. And he did do an article for AC and also a presentaton at Stratcom 2019 (on disinfo, using us as an example).
Yes - one anti-Q article for Al jazeera.
#8335677 at 2020-03-06 22:38:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10671: Tuberville Mystery Unravels Edition
AC/DC - Who Made Q (Official Video)
#8330777 at 2020-03-06 06:25:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10665: Pass The Doughja Edition
getting hot and humid here as well
g1 still using heater, I got the AC on
back to shorts, T, barefoot
sleep pattern is back, is good for me, I know you need a bit more lately, hope you work that out, so important to health
#8326912 at 2020-03-05 21:36:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10660: Gunning for Chuckie Edition
Assigned to 317th Airlift Wing.
They had a few speed bumps to get over as they entered the game-
#8326630 at 2020-03-05 20:59:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10660: Gunning for Chuckie Edition
A better shot, showing Cartagena (Malambo) as the origin of the 'X' C-130 flight. It's activated my almonds so I'll track it if I can.
#8326547 at 2020-03-05 20:50:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10660: Gunning for Chuckie Edition
Erm, get a load of this… a C-130 call sign 'X' out of Malambo, Colombia.
#8322321 at 2020-03-05 05:41:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10654: Knight Shift Edition
Vatican Praises UK Jesuits' Divestment of Fossil Fuel Stocks
ROME - The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano has held up British Jesuits as an example of an effective commitment to combating climate change, which it calls "the most urgent challenge" we face. As Breitbart News reported, in late February the UK Jesuit order announced they were dumping all fossil fuel stocks from their half-billion-dollar investment portfolio because of the fuel companies' complicity in the "climate crisis."
"Our trustees took the decision to completely divest from oil, gas and coal-producing companies because they felt these companies were not making enough progress towards better solutions," declared Jesuit Brother Stephen Power, the order's British Province Treasurer. The Jesuits in Great Britain - the country's largest male religious institution - have decided to give up investing in companies whose main source of income comes from the extraction of fossil fuels, the Vatican newspaper noted Wednesday, as a means of responding to the clear moral imperative to act to safeguard our planet for future generations."
The paper cited Father Damian Howard, the order's provincial superior, insisting that "climate change is the most pressing challenge the world faces as climate disasters wreak more and more destruction, hitting poorer countries the hardest - despite them having done the least to cause them." Since several scientific studies show that "the entire planet is facing a serious climate emergency," Father Howard calls on "all institutions to react to this ecological crisis and take courageous actions to reduce energy consumption and switch to renewable sources," the article adds. Large investors, in particular, are called to do "everything possible to help avoid the serious consequences that could result."
The Jesuits have been part of a group of institutional shareholders in Barclays who have pressured the bank to phase out all its financing of fossil fuel companies. A resolution drawn up by the group, which accounts for some £130 billion in investments at the bank, would oblige Barclays to draft a plan to stop providing financial services to companies in the energy sector "that are not aligned with the goals of the Paris climate agreement." "The world must respond to the enormous challenges and opportunities of climate change with far greater urgency," said Paul Chitnis, Director of Jesuit Missions. In addition to Great Britain, the Jesuits in Canada, Italy, and Australia, along with the Jesuit European Social Centre in Brussels and the Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network Africa (JENA) in Kenya have also decided to divest themselves of investments in coal, the article notes.
#8320012 at 2020-03-05 00:58:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10651: Anons Message to Chuckie Edition
A Course in Miracles has an interesting history and it all started when Dr. Helen Schucman, a non-religious Jew began working with Dr. William Thetford in 1958.
It seems Dr. Thetford had ties with the CIA and was working on Project Bluebird, which was later rolled over into the MK-Ultra Project. MK-Ultra was a program focused on mind control created in the 1950s by the CIA with the goal to learn ways to manipulate people's mental states, alter brain function and create Manchurian Candidates often through the use of drugs and hypnosis.
Under the MK-Ultra umbrella there were purported to be over a hundred sub projects from the 1950s well into the 1970s and Thetford purportedly worked on Personality Theory, subproject 130.
Interestingly enough, this was the world in which Dr. Thetford was involved when his research assistant suddenly began hearing the voice of Jesus in her head and A Course in Miracles was born.
#8319005 at 2020-03-04 23:03:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10650: Schumer Threatening Supremes Is A Cry for Moar Memes! Edition
4 Mar 2020
Task & Purpose | By David Roza
This article by David Roza originally appeared on Task & Purpose, a digital news and culture publication dedicated to military and veterans issues.
An Air Force ac-130U crew was awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses and 12 Air Medals on Monday for phenomenal gunnery above a firefight against ISIS fighters in Afghanistan in April 2019.
#8316447 at 2020-03-04 16:45:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10647: WWF Presents Biden Burnie SmackDown Edition
RAF 00000000 P-8 Poseiden on sub chasin' duties North Sea-this is a relatively new AC for the RAF and made it's maiden flight in July '19
#8314013 at 2020-03-04 05:40:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10644: Late Night Best is Yet to Come Edition
Weed plants love AC DC to grow to. FACT
#8313720 at 2020-03-04 04:42:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10643: These People (Steve Wozniak) Are Sick Edition
ty anon, it takes a little time and a background with AC certainly helps. had a few gaps with some of the moar specialized mil stuff that was filled by the bad-ass mofo's in here in 2018. help is always available.
#8313011 at 2020-03-04 03:08:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10642: Primed for Primary Shift Edition
SAM366 USAF G5 up and east from Peterson AFB Colorado-this was not on the ground long, a turn and burn
NORTH48 USAF Beech C-12F Huron up from Elmendorf AFB Alaska and watching something. This AC is a Jr to the Guardrail (flying antenna farm)
USMC C-560 Cessna UC-35D Citation Encore up from Utapo Rayyong Pattaya Int'l airport and east
#8308462 at 2020-03-03 16:56:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10637: Super BOOM Day Edition
#10635 New Baker
>>8306876, >>8306936, >>8306938, >>8306941, >>8306943, >>8306968, >>8306988, >>8306968, >>8306992,
>>8306997, >>8306998, >>8306993, >>8307015, >>8307046, >>8306994, >>8307119, >>8307183 Covid-19/5G correlation posts
>>8306939 UPS worker planning mass shooting had 20,000 rounds of ammo and weapons cache
>>8306940 Major Company's using slavery of Uighur Muslims
>>8307027 Sammy's Mexican Restaurant In Tucson, a Long Line of Patriotic Americans Lined Up In support
>>8307054 Bravo Donald Trump article
>>8307104 Sleepy might be indicted before summer!
>>8307129, >>8307123 How the only NHS transgender clinic for children 'buried' the fact that 372 of 1,069 patients were autistic
>>8307211 Rothschild heirs sue Vienna over trust seized by Nazis
>>8307183 Cold Spring Laboratory is a Private, not for profit with operations in China.
>>8307223 L.A. district attorney sorry her husband aimed gun at Black Lives Matter protesters
mid-bread baker change
>>8307304, >>8307298, >>8307333, >>8307318, >>8307397 COVID-19 Patent dig
>>8307283 Australian propaganda fags (Australian Associated Press) out of business
>>8307316 Weinstein's accusers outraged that rapist producer still in hospital as he awaits sentencing
>>8307327 COVID-19 specific to Chinese and Iranian top brass?
>>8307358, >>8307368, >>8307379 Our quantum computer will get 100,000x faster by 2025, Honeywell says
>>8307384 Chevron says it has potential to return up to $80 billion in capital over five years
>>8307386 German Y head from circa 1475 or just another symbol that was co-opted?
>>8307401 700 police bust Vietnamese trafficking ring in Germany
>>8307408 Swinger couple who abused own children in group sex sessions given record WA child abuse jail sentence
>>8307423 A growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety
>>8307448, >>8307481 Interesting Coincidine is that CFR also stands for "case fatality rate or ratio"
>>8307482 New DJT: Also, as mayor he was very bad under pressure - a chocker!
>>8307465 Is today's @USArmy "Never alone" twat a nod at Q 2yr WRWY delta?
>>8307520, >>8307559 Bun on DJT "chocker" theories
>>8307532 Denver Council woman finds solidarity with humanitarian planning to attend every MAGA rally if she gets corona virus.
>>8307540, >>8307534 Syria Update
>>8307619 Swiss government files criminal complaint over Crypto AG scandal involving CIA
>>8307600 Planefag Report - RCAF CFC4233 C-130 out of Dakar, Senegal NW
>>8307739 #10635
Previously Collected Notables
>>8306862 #10634
>>8303725 #10630, >>8304539 #10631, >>8305321 #10632, >>8306055 #10633
>>8300583 #10626, >>8301367 #10627, >>8302178 #10628, >>8302983 #10629
>>8297409 #10622, >>8298218 #10623, >>8299059 #10624, >>8299791 #10625
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top
#8307739 at 2020-03-03 14:40:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10636: Anons Don't Chock Under Pressure Edition
#10635 posted in #10636
#10635 New Baker
>>8306876, >>8306936, >>8306938, >>8306941, >>8306943, >>8306968, >>8306988, >>8306968, >>8306992,
>>8306997, >>8306998, >>8306993, >>8307015, >>8307046, >>8306994, >>8307119, >>8307183 Covid-19/5G correlation posts
>>8306939 UPS worker planning mass shooting had 20,000 rounds of ammo and weapons cache
>>8306940 Major Company's using slavery of Uighur Muslims
>>8307027 Sammy's Mexican Restaurant In Tucson, a Long Line of Patriotic Americans Lined Up In support
>>8307054 Bravo Donald Trump article
>>8307104 Sleepy might be indicted before summer!
>>8307129, >>8307123 How the only NHS transgender clinic for children 'buried' the fact that 372 of 1,069 patients were autistic
>>8307211 Rothschild heirs sue Vienna over trust seized by Nazis
>>8307183 Cold Spring Laboratory is a Private, not for profit with operations in China.
>>8307223 L.A. district attorney sorry her husband aimed gun at Black Lives Matter protesters
mid-bread baker change
>>8307304, >>8307298, >>8307333, >>8307318, >>8307397 COVID-19 Patent dig
>>8307283 Australian propaganda fags (Australian Associated Press) out of business
>>8307316 Weinstein's accusers outraged that rapist producer still in hospital as he awaits sentencing
>>8307327 COVID-19 specific to Chinese and Iranian top brass?
>>8307358, >>8307368, >>8307379 Our quantum computer will get 100,000x faster by 2025, Honeywell says
>>8307384 Chevron says it has potential to return up to $80 billion in capital over five years
>>8307386 German Y head from circa 1475 or just another symbol that was co-opted?
>>8307401 700 police bust Vietnamese trafficking ring in Germany
>>8307408 Swinger couple who abused own children in group sex sessions given record WA child abuse jail sentence
>>8307423 A growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety
>>8307448, >>8307481 Interesting Coincidine is that CFR also stands for "case fatality rate or ratio"
>>8307482 New DJT: Also, as mayor he was very bad under pressure - a chocker!
>>8307465 Is today's @USArmy "Never alone" twat a nod at Q 2yr WRWY delta?
>>8307520, >>8307559 Bun on DJT "chocker" theories
>>8307532 Denver Council woman finds solidarity with humanitarian planning to attend every MAGA rally if she gets corona virus.
>>8307540, >>8307534 Syria Update
>>8307619 Swiss government files criminal complaint over Crypto AG scandal involving CIA
>>8307600 Planefag Report - RCAF CFC4233 C-130 out of Dakar, Senegal NW
>>8307624 #10635
#8307654 at 2020-03-03 14:19:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10636: Anons Don't Chock Under Pressure Edition
baker change
>>8306147 Resignations in the news 3/2/20
>>8306177 Iranian Health Ministry preparing for house-to-house checks re corona
>>8306245 DJT Australia's Central Bank cut interest rates (1st part only, now deleted)
>>8306281 DJT Reissued Australia tweet with 2 parts (slams Fed Jerome Powell in part 2)
>>8306362 Counterinsurgency resources
>>8306148, >>8306306 Trump formally sends Ratcliffe nomination for DNI to Senate
>>8306380 Legal services giant Epiq Global hit by ransomware attack
>>8306460 Rudy podcast: $5.3bil in Ukrainian foreign aid missing (ep 11, 49 min)
>>8306483 Defense closes in Joshua Schulte case
>>8306485 Joe M: Corrupt Sen. Amy Klobuchar was county atty who dismissed drug charge in 2005 against #MAGAbomber
>>8306404, >>8306466, >>8306490, >>8306513,>>8306641, >>8306791 Downtown Nashville just hit by a large tornado
>>8306526 COVID-19 stats in Ontario
>>8306587, >>8306659 CM: Catalog bug should be fixed now. Please let me know if it is still persisting after today.
>>8306626 Re giving vaxxes to their own children after 2009: many MDs said they would deviate from CDC guidelines due to safety concerns (2012)
>>8306629 NASA has began accepting applications Monday for future astronauts
>>8306580, >>8306683 Nunes sues Wapo; interview with Maria B. plus article
>>8306162, >>8306713, >>8306269, >>8306304, >>8306676 Uighur Muslim prisoners shackled and blindfolded (vid clip)
>>8306588 Chinese Man Convicted of Money Laundering for Mexican Drug Racketeers
>>8306736 Two Former Church Members Admit Forced Labor Conspiracy
>>8306812 Covid-19 antiviral research
>>8306843 MSNBC's Chris Matthews Announces He's 'Retiring
>>8306862 #10634
>>8305996 @USArmy You're never alone!
>>8305947 Behold the epic takedown of Will Summer and Jared Holt. vid
>>8305875 China assumes presidency of UN Security Council for March
>>8305786 Fed sealed indictments map
>>8305917 King county coroner bio
>>8305707 Apollo Global Management Sr. Director sold: %28.84m-Feb 27-28 $ Mar 2
>>8305664 Potus: Thank you @JackBrewerBSI. We're with you all the way.
>>8305644 Nike, Apple and Dell. have no problem enslaving 80,000 Chinese Muslim Uighurs
>>8305583, >>8305651, >>8305726 Boatfags on routes to Evergreen/Washington state/container stowaways/corona virus
>>8305573 planefaggin
>>8305545 Potus: WOW! Sleepy Joe doesn't know where he is, or what he's doing. Honestly, I don't think he even knows what office he's running for!
>>8305517 Potus: The Democrats in the House should propose a very simple one year Payroll Tax cut.
>>8305433 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, March 3, 2020
>>8305427 For the Keks! Hospitals dress leap day babies in adorable frog outfits.
>>8305408, >>8305718 Washington's Corona Virus Medical Examiner's paper on illegal immigrants arriving in shipping containers pdf
>>8305406 @SecPompeo We stand with Israel. #AIPAC2020 #AIPACProud
>>8307600 Planefag report -RCAF CFC4233 C-130 out of Dakar, Senegal
>>8306055 #10633
Previously Collected Notables
>>8303725 #10630, >>8304539 #10631, >>8305321 #10632
>>8300583 #10626, >>8301367 #10627, >>8302178 #10628, >>8302983 #10629
>>8297409 #10622, >>8298218 #10623, >>8299059 #10624, >>8299791 #10625
>>8294346 #10618, >>8295133 #10619, >>8295899 #10620, >>8296652 #10621
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top
#8307652 at 2020-03-03 14:19:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10636: Anons Don't Chock Under Pressure Edition
Global Announcements
>>8227327 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
are not endorsements
#10634 New Baker
>>8306876, >>8306936, >>8306938, >>8306941, >>8306943, >>8306968, >>8306988, >>8306968, >>8306992,
>>8306997, >>8306998, >>8306993, >>8307015, >>8307046, >>8306994, >>8307119, >>8307183 Covid-19/5G correlation posts
>>8306939 UPS worker planning mass shooting had 20,000 rounds of ammo and weapons cache
>>8306940 Major Company's using slavery of Uighur Muslims
>>8307027 Sammy's Mexican Restaurant In Tucson, a Long Line of Patriotic Americans Lined Up In support
>>8307054 Bravo Donald Trump article
>>8307104 Sleepy might be indicted before summer!
>>8307129, >>8307123 How the only NHS transgender clinic for children 'buried' the fact that 372 of 1,069 patients were autistic
>>8307211 Rothschild heirs sue Vienna over trust seized by Nazis
>>8307183 Cold Spring Laboratory is a Private, not for profit with operations in China.
>>8307223 L.A. district attorney sorry her husband aimed gun at Black Lives Matter protesters
mid-bread baker change
>>8307304, >>8307298, >>8307333, >>8307318, >>8307397 COVID-19 Patent dig
>>8307283 Australian propaganda fags (Australian Associated Press) out of business
>>8307316 Weinstein's accusers outraged that rapist producer still in hospital as he awaits sentencing
>>8307327 COVID-19 specific to Chinese and Iranian top brass?
>>8307358, >>8307368, >>8307379 Our quantum computer will get 100,000x faster by 2025, Honeywell says
>>8307384 Chevron says it has potential to return up to $80 billion in capital over five years
>>8307386 German Y head from circa 1475 or just another symbol that was co-opted?
>>8307401 700 police bust Vietnamese trafficking ring in Germany
>>8307408 Swinger couple who abused own children in group sex sessions given record WA child abuse jail sentence
>>8307423 A growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety
>>8307448, >>8307481 Interesting Coincidine is that CFR also stands for "case fatality rate or ratio"
>>8307482 New DJT: Also, as mayor he was very bad under pressure - a chocker!
>>8307465 Is today's @USArmy "Never alone" twat a nod at Q 2yr WRWY delta?
>>8307520, >>8307559 Bun on DJT "chocker" theories
>>8307532 Denver Council woman finds solidarity with humanitarian planning to attend every MAGA rally if she gets corona virus.
>>8307540, >>8307534 Syria Update
>>8307619 Swiss government files criminal complaint over Crypto AG scandal involving CIA
>>8307600 Planefag Report - RCAF CFC4233 C-130 out of Dakar, Senegal NW
>>8307624 #10634
#8307624 at 2020-03-03 14:13:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10635: Q Research Has Come A Long Way Edition
#10634 New Baker
>>8306876, >>8306936, >>8306938, >>8306941, >>8306943, >>8306968, >>8306988, >>8306968, >>8306992,
>>8306997, >>8306998, >>8306993, >>8307015, >>8307046, >>8306994, >>8307119, >>8307183 Covid-19/5G correlation posts
>>8306939 UPS worker planning mass shooting had 20,000 rounds of ammo and weapons cache
>>8306940 Major Company's using slavery of Uighur Muslims
>>8307027 Sammy's Mexican Restaurant In Tucson, a Long Line of Patriotic Americans Lined Up In support
>>8307054 Bravo Donald Trump article
>>8307104 Sleepy might be indicted before summer!
>>8307129, >>8307123 How the only NHS transgender clinic for children 'buried' the fact that 372 of 1,069 patients were autistic
>>8307211 Rothschild heirs sue Vienna over trust seized by Nazis
>>8307183 Cold Spring Laboratory is a Private, not for profit with operations in China.
>>8307223 L.A. district attorney sorry her husband aimed gun at Black Lives Matter protesters
mid-bread baker change
>>8307304, >>8307298, >>8307333, >>8307318, >>8307397 COVID-19 Patent dig
>>8307283 Australian propaganda fags (Australian Associated Press) out of business
>>8307316 Weinstein's accusers outraged that rapist producer still in hospital as he awaits sentencing
>>8307327 COVID-19 specific to Chinese and Iranian top brass?
>>8307358, >>8307368, >>8307379 Our quantum computer will get 100,000x faster by 2025, Honeywell says
>>8307384 Chevron says it has potential to return up to $80 billion in capital over five years
>>8307386 German Y head from circa 1475 or just another symbol that was co-opted?
>>8307401 700 police bust Vietnamese trafficking ring in Germany
>>8307408 Swinger couple who abused own children in group sex sessions given record WA child abuse jail sentence
>>8307423 A growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety
>>8307448, >>8307481 Interesting Coincidine is that CFR also stands for "case fatality rate or ratio"
>>8307482 New DJT: Also, as mayor he was very bad under pressure - a chocker!
>>8307465 Is today's @USArmy "Never alone" twat a nod at Q 2yr WRWY delta?
>>8307520, >>8307559 Bun on DJT "chocker" theories
>>8307532 Denver Council woman finds solidarity with humanitarian planning to attend every MAGA rally if she gets corona virus.
>>8307540, >>8307534 Syria Update
>>8307619 Swiss government files criminal complaint over Crypto AG scandal involving CIA
>>8307600 Planefag Report - RCAF CFC4233 C-130 out of Dakar, Senegal NW
#8307600 at 2020-03-03 14:07:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10635: Q Research Has Come A Long Way Edition
RCAF CFC4233 C-130 out of Dakar, Senegal NW
#8300130 at 2020-03-02 18:04:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10626 WW Silent War: Q Still Trending/Full Steam Ahead 24/7 Edition
If there was a group preparing for revolution in China, how would you recognize them?
Organizing in other countries?
Restoring/celebrating ancient Chinese culture?
Preaching a spiritual/religious approach to life?
The Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.) is widely considered the zenith of Chinese civilization, its prosperity, peace, stability, and international influence during certain periods unparalleled before or since. The capital city Chang'an was the largest metropolis in the world, drawing diplomats from around the globe, making China truly "The Middle Kingdom." The achievements of the Tang Dynasty remain a model and source of inspiration for many Chinese today.
As with most Chinese dynasties, the Tang emerged from a period of chaos that ensued toward the end of the previous era, in this instance the Sui Dynasty (581-618 C.E.). In 617, Li Shimin urged his father Li Yuan, the king of Tang, to raise troops in Taiyuan. Within five years, they managed to squash all of the rebellions around the empire. Li Shimin assumed the throne in 626 and took the name Emperor Taizong of Tang.
Tang Taizong is recognized as one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history. He was a military genius capable of commanding a battlefield from thousands of miles away, as well as an excellent poet, writer, and calligraphist.
Emperor Taizong cherished his people and governed accordingly. He founded a literary academy, utilizing it to recruit talented men for his administration. He is also known for making the most of his subjects' strengths, including being unusually tolerant and receptive to constructive criticism and advice. His approach paid off, spurring China's most peaceful and stable period. Both nobility and common folk are said to have lived harmoniously and happily, with very low crime rates and limited official corruption. Historical records describe the period as a time when:
Merchants and traders traveled freely without fear of bandits; the jailhouses remained empty and people felt no need to lock their gates; bountiful harvests were frequent and ten liters of rice cost only three to four qian; travelers journeying from the capital to Lingbiao or from Shandong to the seaside needed not to prepare rations but could always obtain provisions en route.
Taizong extended this attitude toward people beyond China's borders as well. Though the Tang Dynasty possessed brilliant military prowess, he chose to employ his empire's advanced cultural and political achievements to attract and annex minority ethnic areas as far west as modern day Kazakhstan.
Indeed, the Tang Dynasty was characterized by a hospitality and openness to outsiders rare in imperial China. Nations from around the world sent diplomats and scholars to study Chinese culture, and the Tang Dynasty welcomed economic and religious exchanges. More than 400 countries sent tributes to Tang emperors and over 100,000 foreigners are estimated to have resided in the cosmopolitan capital Chang'an. The famous Tang poet Wang Wei wrote:
Heaven's nine doors reveal the palace and its courtyards;
And the coats of many countries bow to the Pearl Crown.
The Tang Dynasty was also a very active period of development for the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. The imperial civil-service examinations were modified to focus on Confucian teachings and, in 645, monk Xuanzang returned from his pilgrimage to retrieve Buddhist scriptures from ancient India. Tang Taizong is said to have personally led the welcoming party for the monk, meeting him at Zhuque Bridge along with hundreds of civil and military officials. The Tang emperors, who were surnamed Li, also claimed Lao-Tzu (or Laozi, the founder of the Tao School) as their ancestor.
Poetry also flourished during the Tang Dynasty. The era inspired famous lyricists like Li Bai (known for finding brilliant inspiration in a wine gourd), Du Fu (also known as the poet-historian), Wang Wei (also an accomplished painter), and many, many others.
The period from the reign of Tang Taizong to the rule of his descendent Emperor Xuanzong marked 130 years of prosperity, often viewed as the pinnacle of Chinese culture. This golden age could not last forever. In 755, general An Lushan and his cohort Shi Siming launched a revolt, which brought upheaval that lasted for almost a decade and cost millions of lives. It weakened the central control of the emperors and bureaucracy, eventually resulting in the dynasty's downfall.
#8299749 at 2020-03-02 16:56:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10625: "Who is Q" Trending Edition
If there was a group preparing for revolution in China, how would you recognize them?
Organizing in other countries?
Restoring/celebrating ancient Chinese culture?
Preaching a spiritual/religious approach to life?
The Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.) is widely considered the zenith of Chinese civilization, its prosperity, peace, stability, and international influence during certain periods unparalleled before or since. The capital city Chang'an was the largest metropolis in the world, drawing diplomats from around the globe, making China truly "The Middle Kingdom." The achievements of the Tang Dynasty remain a model and source of inspiration for many Chinese today.
As with most Chinese dynasties, the Tang emerged from a period of chaos that ensued toward the end of the previous era, in this instance the Sui Dynasty (581-618 C.E.). In 617, Li Shimin urged his father Li Yuan, the king of Tang, to raise troops in Taiyuan. Within five years, they managed to squash all of the rebellions around the empire. Li Shimin assumed the throne in 626 and took the name Emperor Taizong of Tang.
Tang Taizong is recognized as one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history. He was a military genius capable of commanding a battlefield from thousands of miles away, as well as an excellent poet, writer, and calligraphist.
Emperor Taizong cherished his people and governed accordingly. He founded a literary academy, utilizing it to recruit talented men for his administration. He is also known for making the most of his subjects' strengths, including being unusually tolerant and receptive to constructive criticism and advice. His approach paid off, spurring China's most peaceful and stable period. Both nobility and common folk are said to have lived harmoniously and happily, with very low crime rates and limited official corruption. Historical records describe the period as a time when:
Merchants and traders traveled freely without fear of bandits; the jailhouses remained empty and people felt no need to lock their gates; bountiful harvests were frequent and ten liters of rice cost only three to four qian; travelers journeying from the capital to Lingbiao or from Shandong to the seaside needed not to prepare rations but could always obtain provisions en route.
Taizong extended this attitude toward people beyond China's borders as well. Though the Tang Dynasty possessed brilliant military prowess, he chose to employ his empire's advanced cultural and political achievements to attract and annex minority ethnic areas as far west as modern day Kazakhstan.
Indeed, the Tang Dynasty was characterized by a hospitality and openness to outsiders rare in imperial China. Nations from around the world sent diplomats and scholars to study Chinese culture, and the Tang Dynasty welcomed economic and religious exchanges. More than 400 countries sent tributes to Tang emperors and over 100,000 foreigners are estimated to have resided in the cosmopolitan capital Chang'an. The famous Tang poet Wang Wei wrote:
Heaven's nine doors reveal the palace and its courtyards;
And the coats of many countries bow to the Pearl Crown.
The Tang Dynasty was also a very active period of development for the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. The imperial civil-service examinations were modified to focus on Confucian teachings and, in 645, monk Xuanzang returned from his pilgrimage to retrieve Buddhist scriptures from ancient India. Tang Taizong is said to have personally led the welcoming party for the monk, meeting him at Zhuque Bridge along with hundreds of civil and military officials. The Tang emperors, who were surnamed Li, also claimed Lao-Tzu (or Laozi, the founder of the Tao School) as their ancestor.
Poetry also flourished during the Tang Dynasty. The era inspired famous lyricists like Li Bai (known for finding brilliant inspiration in a wine gourd), Du Fu (also known as the poet-historian), Wang Wei (also an accomplished painter), and many, many others.
The period from the reign of Tang Taizong to the rule of his descendent Emperor Xuanzong marked 130 years of prosperity, often viewed as the pinnacle of Chinese culture. This golden age could not last forever. In 755, general An Lushan and his cohort Shi Siming launched a revolt, which brought upheaval that lasted for almost a decade and cost millions of lives. It weakened the central control of the emperors and bureaucracy, eventually resulting in the dynasty's downfall.
#8299577 at 2020-03-02 16:26:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10625: "Who is Q" Trending Edition
>13 whole grams of protein for a day? You a 130 lb pussy?
Starvation mode would set in quickly
#8299524 at 2020-03-02 16:16:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10625: "Who is Q" Trending Edition
13 whole grams of protein for a day? You a 130 lb pussy?
Go to the fucking gym, sometime.
#8299293 at 2020-03-02 15:30:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10625: "Who is Q" Trending Edition
Fukushima: Background on Reactors(Updated February 2012)The Fukushima Daiichi reactors are GE boiling water reactors (BWR) of an early (1960s) design supplied by GE, Toshiba and Hitachi, with what is known as a Mark I containment. Reactors 1-3 came into commercial operation 1971-75. Reactor power is 460 MWe for unit 1, 784 MWe for units 2-5, and 1100 MWe for unit 6. The fuel assemblies are about 4 m long, and there are 400 in unit 1, 548 in units 2-5, and 764 in unit 6. Each assembly has 60 fuel rods containing the uranium oxide fuel within zirconium alloy cladding. Unit 3 has a partial core of mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel (32 MOX assemblies, 516 LEU). They all operate normally at 286°C at core outlet under a pressure of 6930 kPa and with 115-130 kPa pressure in dry containment. The operating pressure is about half that in a PWR. NISA says maximum design base pressure for reactor pressure vessels (RPV) is 8240 kPa at 300°C, and for containment (PCV) is about 500 kPa*.
#8297572 at 2020-03-02 06:13:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10623: Silent Board War Edition
US Customs and Border Patrol Q9 circling Isla Otoque and south in Gulf of Panama-up from Panama Pacifico airport. This drone has been on survey on this particular group of Islands for weeks. This depart airport is adjacent to the ingress/egress point for the Panama Canal pacific side.
SAM352 USAF G5 north from Montevideo- has switched to _99-0402 and repost original from lat lb
CAL761 Airbus on finalTaipei to Jakarta- Banda Udara Int'l
Current World-Wide Snapshot of switched on AC list to right hand side-many moar for sure as these are just what it turned on. Goodnight PATRIOTS
#8294753 at 2020-03-01 22:59:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10619: Blessed is The Handoff Taker Edition
Covfefe… 3 meanings
Co = Cobalt
CoVFeFe = a magnetic alloy
Iron-Cobalt-Vanadium is a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density of any strip core alloy, making it ideal for use in tape cores and magnetic cores in electrical equipment.
CO = Carbon Monoxide
V = Vanadium
Fe-Fe is a molecular structure in enzymes
Vanadium Nitrogenase: A Two-Hit Wonder?
Reduction of CO to hydrocarbons by V-nitrogenase
The answer to this question is a definite "yes". V-nitrogenase is indeed capable of reducing CO to hydrocarbons of various lengths. In a small-scale assay,40 formation of ethylene (C2H4), ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8) by V-nitrogenase from 100% CO can be readily detected in the presence of H2O;39 whereas an additional product, propylene (C3H6), is detected only upon substitution of D2O for H2O in the reaction mixture.41,42 When the assay is scaled up by ~130 fold,40 two four-carbon products-?-butylene (C4H8) and n-butane (C4H10), as well as a one-carbon product-methane (CH4), can be further identified in both H2O- and D2O-based reactions.43 The ability of V-nitrogenase to form hydrocarbons from CO is analogous to the capacities of late transition metal catalysts in the industrial Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process.44 However, contrary to the FT process, the reaction catalyzed by V-nitrogenase uses H+, instead of H2, as the hydrogen source,44 and it requires the participation of the two component proteins, the hydrolysis of ATP, and the supplies of electrons.39 Thus, V-nitrogenase-based hydrocarbon formation may involve the reductive protonation of CO, a process that parallels the nitrogenase-based NH3 formation through the reductive protonation of N2.
Co V = Vanadium CoFactor
Fe-Fe = Iron to Iron bridge in enzymes, active biomolecules that can be engineered as molecular machines
Although one enzyme above is the key to abiotic oil there are many other enzymes with this cofactor. There is a whole field of molecular engineering around this stuff.
#8288872 at 2020-03-01 03:46:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10612: Just Deserts Edition
Global Announcements
>>8227327 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
are not endorsements
>>8288196, >>8288218, >>8288227 Steyer is ending his run for pres
>>8288199 Considering Harley Davidson CEO Resignation
>>8288180 Syria Update/Analysis
>>8288297 anon graphic 'what is going on here' re happenings with stars and popes and coronas
>>8288384, >>8288427, >>8288559, >>8288664 Anons on: Evergreen, Muh Corona and Federal Funding grab(s) plus observations
>>8288415 planefaggin
>>8288429 Question 'forced' in The Keystone State? Fox News Channel will host a live town hall with President Trump in Scranton, PA
>>8288442 A top JCPenney executive has resigned after just 9 months in the role
>>8288794, >>8288808 The YouTube account 'Awakening Greatly", Q has posted 2 out of that 5 (please sauce this), posted a new video
>>8288861 #10611
>>8288075 WH: "In every generation, African Americans have enriched our culture,"
>>8288004 Q Clock Faging
>>8287979 VOTESVET organization Board of Advisers
>>8287934 California where the houses are 500K and mandatory homeless housing
>>8287746 PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. looking for missing 14-year-old girl
>>8287640 Stephanie Grisham Tweet: Risk to Americans remains low
>>8287629, >>8287667, >>8287857 Market Updates relevant
>>8287478 Operation: SC Primary
>>8288110 #10610
>>8286653 New Scavino w vid - MOMENTS AGO@realDonaldTrump imitates Mini Mike at @CPAC.
>>8286677 New DJT - WH remarks vid (no vid attached)
>>8286702 the 'Evergreen Game' AKA 'The Most Beautiful Chess Game'
>>8286716 New DJT - thank you @CPAC w vids
>>8286721 boatfaggin
>>8286729 Paul Singer (Elliott Investments) purchased major stake in twitter - Patriot in Place for FREE SPEECH restoration (opinion)
>>8286739, >>8286818, >>8286821, >>8286882 South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman: 'I Don't Care' About Black Babies/vid/ you decide
>>8287083, >>8287034, >>8286741, >>8286849 Schumer's Feb 5 objection to "premature" travel ban didn't age well
>>8286761 Anon waxes poetical about Fed
>>8286765, >>8286950, >>8287088, anons on >>8285025 pb - the move Onward
>>8286769 New DJT - Dana, you are the real deal
>>8286820, >>8287002 AC, DFRLab and digital sherlocks,
>>8286692 It took some time to find a good video with a working close caption A+++
>>8286721 PF updates
>>8286860 @AboveTheRestBN Screamingeagle Soldiers
>>8286959, >>8287015, >>8287051 3 Scenarios for Trump winning all 538 Electoral College votes
>>8287001 New DJT - the best is yet to come w vid
>>8286988 WH: Irish-American month
>>8287208 icymi Hussein on H1N1 (Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency)
>>8287269 New DJT - sleepy Joe's victory in SC
>>8287028, >>8286998, >>8287046 War Room memes bun
>>8287296 Steven Spielberg's daughter Mikaela arrested for domestic violence, fiance says 'no one is hurt"
>>8287342 #10609
#8288415 at 2020-03-01 02:40:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10611: South Carolina Needs to Feel the Bern Edition
Here is the World_wide Military snapshot of all AC up and tracked via ADS-B, caps are noted AC up.
SAM396 USAF C-40B West from London, Stansted Airport
RCAF CFC3686 C-17 Globemaster north from Kingston, Jamaica-went in yesterday from Toronto
Italian AF IAM142 and 1423 east from Nellis AFB LV 500kts plus-fast for these big boi's
CAL063 Airbus Taipei to Vienna
#8288112 at 2020-03-01 02:04:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10611: South Carolina Needs to Feel the Bern Edition
Global Announcements
>>8227327 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
are not endorsements
>>8288075 WH: "In every generation, African Americans have enriched our culture,"
>>8288004 Q Clock Faging
>>8287979 VOTESVET organization Board of Advisers
>>8287934 California where the houses are 500K and mandatory homeless housing
>>8287746 PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. looking for missing 14-year-old girl
>>8287640 Stephanie Grisham Tweet: Risk to Americans remains low
>>8287629, >>8287667, >>8287857 Market Updates relevant
>>8287478 Operation: SC Primary
>>8288110 #10610
>>8286653 New Scavino w vid - MOMENTS AGO@realDonaldTrump imitates Mini Mike at @CPAC.
>>8286677 New DJT - WH remarks vid (no vid attached)
>>8286702 the 'Evergreen Game' AKA 'The Most Beautiful Chess Game'
>>8286716 New DJT - thank you @CPAC w vids
>>8286721 boatfaggin
>>8286729 Paul Singer (Elliott Investments) purchased major stake in twitter - Patriot in Place for FREE SPEECH restoration (opinion)
>>8286739, >>8286818, >>8286821, >>8286882 South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman: 'I Don't Care' About Black Babies/vid/ you decide
>>8287083, >>8287034, >>8286741, >>8286849 Schumer's Feb 5 objection to "premature" travel ban didn't age well
>>8286761 Anon waxes poetical about Fed
>>8286765, >>8286950, >>8287088, anons on >>8285025 pb - the move Onward
>>8286769 New DJT - Dana, you are the real deal
>>8286820, >>8287002 AC, DFRLab and digital sherlocks,
>>8286692 It took some time to find a good video with a working close caption A+++
>>8286721 PF updates
>>8286860 @AboveTheRestBN Screamingeagle Soldiers
>>8286959, >>8287015, >>8287051 3 Scenarios for Trump winning all 538 Electoral College votes
>>8287001 New DJT - the best is yet to come w vid
>>8286988 WH: Irish-American month
>>8287208 icymi Hussein on H1N1 (Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency)
>>8287269 New DJT - sleepy Joe's victory in SC
>>8287028, >>8286998, >>8287046 War Room memes bun
>>8287296 Steven Spielberg's daughter Mikaela arrested for domestic violence, fiance says 'no one is hurt"
>>8287342 #10609
>>8285888, >>8286102, >>8286109 Planefags
>>8285904 3 injured in explosion & fire, industrial area downtown Los Angeles
>>8285936 Part Pope's lung removed as young man
>>8285961 1st donor to hotwheels' GoFundMe is Travis Watson; could that be Q-hater Travis View?
>>8286005 Why the Left Can't Meme
>>8286144 POTUS prefers Bernie for Dem presidential opponent - wants to debate Communism/Socialism vs. Freedom this fall
>>8286148 Poland: No Muslim Migrants (Polish vid)
>>8286190 Washington state coronavirus death was man in his 50s, no history of travel or known contact with anyone infected with COVID-19
>>8286207 Take Back the House by targeting vulnerable Dems with memes - list of reps who voted for impeachment, in districts that Trump won
>>8286219 Quotes from WH presser today on coronavirus + video link
>>8286192, >>8286338 Anons look for evidence connecting personas 'Travis View', 'Freddie Benson' and Frederick Brennan
>>8286290 Report alleges altercation between a top Mark Zuckerman (Facebook CEO) aide in Hawaii and female assistant (26) and other female staff
>>8286312, >>8286412 Anon's speculations on March dates: Groundhog, Friday 13th, Ides...
>>8286453, >>8286323 Parscale stats from SC rally + video
>>8286336 Reminder: How to Nominate a Notable & Help Your Bakers
>>8286396 WH Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus
>>8286443 CAT scans can diagnose coronavirus even in patients without symptoms (regular Xrays can't); pass this info to your physicians, lung specialists, etc.
>>8286529 #10608
Previously Collected Notables
>>8285007 #10606, >>8285749 #10607
>>8281953 #10602, >>8282712 #10603, >>8283472 #10604, >>8284245 #10605
>>8278858 #10598, >>8279668 #10599, >>8280418 #10600, >>8281156 #10601
>>8275631 #10594, >>8276444 #10595, >>8277227 #10596, >>8278010 #10597
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top
#8287362 at 2020-03-01 00:31:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10610: I Knew You Were Crumbin So I Baked A Cake Edition
Global Announcements
>>8227327 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
are not endorsements
>>8286653 New Scavino w vid - MOMENTS AGO@realDonaldTrump imitates Mini Mike at @CPAC.
>>8286677 New DJT - WH remarks vid (no vid attached)
>>8286702 the 'Evergreen Game' AKA 'The Most Beautiful Chess Game'
>>8286716 New DJT - thank you @CPAC w vids
>>8286721 boatfaggin
>>8286729 Paul Singer (Elliott Investments) purchased major stake in twitter - Patriot in Place for FREE SPEECH restoration (opinion)
>>8286739, >>8286818, >>8286821, >>8286882 South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman: 'I Don't Care' About Black Babies/vid/ you decide
>>8287083, >>8287034, >>8286741, >>8286849 Schumer's Feb 5 objection to "premature" travel ban didn't age well
>>8286761 Anon waxes poetical about Fed
>>8286765, >>8286950, >>8287088, anons on >>8285025 pb - the move Onward
>>8286769 New DJT - Dana, you are the real deal
>>8286820, >>8287002 AC, DFRLab and digital sherlocks,
>>8286692 It took some time to find a good video with a working close caption A+++
>>8286721 PF updates
>>8286860 @AboveTheRestBN Screamingeagle Soldiers
>>8286959, >>8287015, >>8287051 3 Scenarios for Trump winning all 538 Electoral College votes
>>8287001 New DJT - the best is yet to come w vid
>>8286988 WH: Irish-American month
>>8287208 icymi Hussein on H1N1 (Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency)
>>8287269 New DJT - sleepy Joe's victory in SC
>>8287028, >>8286998, >>8287046 War Room memes bun
>>8287296 Steven Spielberg's daughter Mikaela arrested for domestic violence, fiance says 'no one is hurt"
>>8287342 #10609
>>8285888, >>8286102, >>8286109 Planefags
>>8285904 3 injured in explosion & fire, industrial area downtown Los Angeles
>>8285936 Part Pope's lung removed as young man
>>8285961 1st donor to hotwheels' GoFundMe is Travis Watson; could that be Q-hater Travis View?
>>8286005 Why the Left Can't Meme
>>8286144 POTUS prefers Bernie for Dem presidential opponent - wants to debate Communism/Socialism vs. Freedom this fall
>>8286148 Poland: No Muslim Migrants (Polish vid)
>>8286190 Washington state coronavirus death was man in his 50s, no history of travel or known contact with anyone infected with COVID-19
>>8286207 Take Back the House by targeting vulnerable Dems with memes - list of reps who voted for impeachment, in districts that Trump won
>>8286219 Quotes from WH presser today on coronavirus + video link
>>8286192, >>8286338 Anons look for evidence connecting personas 'Travis View', 'Freddie Benson' and Frederick Brennan
>>8286290 Report alleges altercation between a top Mark Zuckerman (Facebook CEO) aide in Hawaii and female assistant (26) and other female staff
>>8286312, >>8286412 Anon's speculations on March dates: Groundhog, Friday 13th, Ides...
>>8286453, >>8286323 Parscale stats from SC rally + video
>>8286336 Reminder: How to Nominate a Notable & Help Your Bakers
>>8286396 WH Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus
>>8286443 CAT scans can diagnose coronavirus even in patients without symptoms (regular Xrays can't); pass this info to your physicians, lung specialists, etc.
>>8286529 #10608
>>8285519, >>8285523 Republican mega-donor buys stake in Twitter and seeks to oust Jack Dorsey
>>8285461, >>8285470 Kim Jong Un Threatens To Execute Politburo Members If They Fail To Contain Coronavirus Outbreak
>>8285441 Nunes reacts to Ratcliffe nom, says Intel programs are 'too big' (6min vid, Fox)
>>8285436 Corona update (Italy)
>>8285554 Does the Pope have corona? developing..... (barely sauced - if you are interested in digging further)
>>8285420 Louie Gohmert Describes His Friend, Philip Haney, on the House Floor (40min vid)
>>8285399 Brazil to Close Caracas Embassy in Bid to Further Isolate Maduro
>>8285242 Q#1129 "Down She Goes....." (kinda yes and kinda no - mixed bag from anons)
>>8285227 A former Playboy model and "Big Brother" star has died under mysterious circumstances shortly after making explosive claims linking a number of celebrities to pedophilia.
>>8285213 President Trump delivers remarks at Conservative Political Action Conference
>>8285144, >>8285236 PF updates
>>8285114 Bilateral Engagement With His Excellency Dr. Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
>>8285102, >>8285122 >>8285127 getting our Life Saving Vaccines by Mail...Set Up..By Postal Service
>>8285096 anon gratitude to anons/NS
>>8285086 Oprah takes a tumble on stage, talking about balance, For the Keks!
>>8285749 #10607'''
#8287342 at 2020-03-01 00:28:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10609: Biblical Play Edition
>>8286653 New Scavino w vid - MOMENTS AGO@realDonaldTrump imitates Mini Mike at @CPAC.
>>8286677 New DJT - WH remarks vid (no vid attached)
>>8286702 the 'Evergreen Game' AKA 'The Most Beautiful Chess Game'
>>8286716 New DJT - thank you @CPAC w vids
>>8286721 boatfaggin
>>8286729 Paul Singer (Elliott Investments) purchased major stake in twitter - Patriot in Place for FREE SPEECH restoration (opinion)
>>8286739, >>8286818, >>8286821, >>8286882 South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman: 'I Don't Care' About Black Babies/vid/ you decide
>>8287083, >>8287034, >>8286741, >>8286849 Schumer's Feb 5 objection to "premature" travel ban didn't age well
>>8286761 Anon waxes poetical about Fed
>>8286765, >>8286950, >>8287088, anons on >>8285025 pb - the move Onward
>>8286769 New DJT - Dana, you are the real deal
>>8286820, >>8287002 AC, DFRLab and digital sherlocks,
>>8286692 It took some time to find a good video with a working close caption A+++
>>8286721 PF updates
>>8286860 @AboveTheRestBN Screamingeagle Soldiers
>>8286959, >>8287015, >>8287051 3 Scenarios for Trump winning all 538 Electoral College votes
>>8287001 New DJT - the best is yet to come w vid
>>8286988 WH: Irish-American month
>>8287208 icymi Hussein on H1N1 (Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency)
>>8287269 New DJT - sleepy Joe's victory in SC
>>8287028, >>8286998, >>8287046 War Room memes bun
>>8287296 Steven Spielberg's daughter Mikaela arrested for domestic violence, fiance says 'no one is hurt"
#8287314 at 2020-03-01 00:23:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10609: Biblical Play Edition
>>8286653 New Scavino w vid - MOMENTS AGO@realDonaldTrump imitates Mini Mike at @CPAC.
>>8286677 New DJT - WH remarks vid (no vid attached)
>>8286702 the 'Evergreen Game' AKA 'The Most Beautiful Chess Game'
>>8286716 New DJT - thank you @CPAC w vids
>>8286721 boatfaggin
>>8286729 Paul Singer (Elliott Investments) purchased major stake in twitter - Patriot in Place for FREE SPEECH restoration
>>8286739, >>8286818, >>8286821, >>8286882 South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman: 'I Don't Care' About Black Babies/vid/ you decide
>>8287083, >>8287034, >>8286741, >>8286849 Schumer's Feb 5 objection to "premature" travel ban didn't age well
>>8286761 Anon waxes poetical about Fed
>>8286765, >>8286950, >>8287088, anons on >>8285025 pb - the move Onward
>>8286769 New DJT - Dana, you are the real deal
>>8286820, >>8287002 AC, DFRLab and digital sherlocks,
>>8286692 It took some time to find a good video with a working close caption A+++
>>8286721 PF updates
>>8286860 @AboveTheRestBN Screamingeagle Soldiers
>>8286959, >>8287015, >>8287051 3 Scenarios for Trump winning all 538 Electoral College votes
>>8287001 New DJT - the best is yet to come w vid
>>8286988 WH: Irish-American month
>>8287208 icymi Hussein on H1N1 (Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency)
>>8287269 New DJT - sleepy Joe's victory in SC
#8287002 at 2020-02-29 23:44:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10609: Biblical Play Edition
for moar on AC, DFRLab and digital sherlocks, see /qr/ dig from last month:
>>>/qrb/40546, >>>/qrb/40550 Finding Info Warfare connections (Atlantic Council, Stratcom, ASD, ISD, etc.)
>>>/qrb/40550, >>>/qrb/40558, >>>/qrb/40563, >>>/qrb/40565 Millenium Fellowships from UN/Atlantic Council
>>>/qrb/40565, >>>/qrb/40575, >>>/qrb/40576, >>>/qrb/40578, >>>/qrb/40579 Digital Forensics Research Lab (DFRLab) - Atlantic Council disinfo "digitalSherlocks"
#8283051 at 2020-02-29 15:52:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10604: One Giant Leap Day For Mankind Edition
VENUS62 G5 ne from St. Louis-Parks D'town Airport
X USAF C-130j (2 of them) depart Fayetteville West South and a RCAF CFC2078 C-130 just below these heading south
#8282754 at 2020-02-29 14:51:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10603: DDOS, Yeah, We Hatin! Edition
you just called AH JC not sure what AC has to do with it besides being part of the dialectic.
#8281886 at 2020-02-29 10:00:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10602: Leap Day Edition
Speaking of Bond
Has anyone figured out what "Skyfall" might have been referring to?
Turns out their is an Island in the Agean Sea called Lemnos.
In the NE part of the Island in the game AC Odyssey there is a place on Lemnos called Skyfall Lakes. Likely a real place name.
Just north of there is an Ancient Cult Stronghold with a secret room.
Turns out their is interesting Greek mythology related to that Island.
Spoopy that in Skyfall it was a place bond grew up and was the place he made his stand.
It is said the Devil was once the King of Tyre. I believe Alexander put an end to that.
By Revelations he lived near Pergamos.
I wonder where he lives today?
#8279493 at 2020-02-29 01:22:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10599 TRUMP RALLYYYY - WRWY North Charelston! Edition
Just keep it up Freddy, everything is documented, you in AC??? They will find you ya know.
Just keep it up lil buddy….
#8271526 at 2020-02-28 04:51:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10589: We Own the Night Edition
>Not enough winning.
#8269058 at 2020-02-28 00:17:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10586: Godspeed Patriots Edition
No cockpit recording found in deadly C-130 bushfire crash investigation
What occurred inside the cockpit of the C-130 water bomber in the moments before it crashed while a fighting a bushfire in southern NSW remains a mystery, with investigators finding no voice recording of the deadly incident.
A report into the January 23 crash said no cockpit recording was made in the water bomber during its last flight, where the C-130 was subject to "severe turbulence" and wind gusts of over 80km/h as it attempted to drop fire retardant over a blaze near Cooma.
US airmen Captain Ian McBeth, first officer Paul Hudson and flight engineer Rick DeMorgan were killed when the 1981 built plane's left wing first clipped a tree before crashing into a hillside.
The Coulson Aviation flight had dropped to about 200 feet above ground level where it dropped 4500 litres of fire retardant over the Good Good fire before it was seen by witnesses to bank left and become obscured by smoke.
"A further 15 seconds after this, the aircraft was seen flying at a very low height above the ground, in a left wing down attitude," the Australian Transport Safety Bureau report said.
No distress calls were made by the crew before the crash, while no emergency dump of retardant had been activated.
The ATSB report said no voice recordings had been made since the plane was sent to Australia to fight the unprecedented bushfires.
"Instead, all recovered audio was from a previous flight when the aircraft was operating in the United States," ATSB Chief Commissioner Greg Hood said.
Mr Hood said recordings of the final moments of aircraft crashes often played a critical role in determining the cause.
Instead, investigators will now have to rely on witness videos and statements, as well as examination of the wreckage, which was spread over hundreds metres of charred ground.
#8268650 at 2020-02-27 23:31:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10585: 'Chocker' Edition
Is he harvey weinstein endowed-less?
#8267131 at 2020-02-27 20:53:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10584: Kicking Ass! Edition
>Just flew over!
>Seems they may be military
Several flights of fast movers and high flying multi engine AC outside of normal flight corridors in the intermountain NW U.S. today.
#8266595 at 2020-02-27 19:47:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10583: We Love Our Trainfags Edition
Enphase Energy, Inc sold by T.J. Rodgers (BoD): $106.15m-Feb25-26
Enphase Energy, Inc. is a provider of energy management solutions. It is engaged in designing, developing, manufacturing and selling microinverter systems for the solar photovoltaic industry. Its semiconductor-based microinverter system converts direct current (DC) electricity to alternating current (AC) electricity. Its microinverter system consists of four components: Enphase microinverters, the AC Battery, an Envoy gateway and Enlighten cloud-based software. Its Enphase microinverters provide power conversion at the individual solar module level by a digital architecture that incorporates custom application specific integrated circuits (ASIC), specialized power electronics devices, and an embedded software subsystem. Envoy bi-directional communications gateway provides collecting and sending data to Enlighten software. Enlighten cloud-based software provides the capabilities to remotely monitor, manage, and maintain an individual system or a fleet of systems.
moar here
He is the founder of Cypress Semiconductor and holds patents ranging from semiconductors to energy to winemaking.
Thurman John Rodgers has served as a member of our board of directors since January 2017. He brings 34 years of public company CEO experience to our board. Mr. Rodgers founded Cypress Semiconductor Corporation in 1982 and served as the president, CEO and member of the board of directors until April 2016. From June 2004 through December 2012, Mr. Rodgers was a member of the board of trustees of Dartmouth College, his alma mater. From May 2002 to May 2011, Mr. Rodgers served as a member of the board of directors of SunPower Corporation. In addition to serving on Enphase Energy's board of directors, he is presently a member of the board of directors of Enovix Corporation (lithium ion batteries), Solaria Corporation (advanced solar energy products) and WaterBit, Inc. (IoT-based watering). He holds bachelor's degrees in physics and chemistry from Dartmouth College and a master's degree and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University. At Stanford, Mr. Rodgers invented, developed and patented VMOS technology.
BTW this guy was behind the push to raise the H-1B visa's allotted to the tech industry starting in the late 80's-MAJOR DOUCHEBAG
moar here
insert hurling pepe here
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … / T.J. Rodgers
for day shift
#8263971 at 2020-02-27 13:57:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10580 Bad Guys On The Run! (corrected) Edition
10-year Treasury yield pushes below 1.30%, falling further into record territory
Treasury yields extended their drop into record territory on Thursday as jitters around COVID-19 spreading within the U.S., drew investors away from stocks to the benefit of bonds, with more new cases of the virus reported outside China than inside. The 10-year Treasury note yield TMUBMUSD10Y, -3.80% was down 2.1 basis points to 1.289%, setting an all-time low, while the 2-year note rate TMUBMUSD02Y, -5.74% slipped 4.2 basis points to 1.103%. The 30-year bond yield TMUBMUSD30Y, -2.64% edged 2.3 basis points lower to 1.775%, also a new record low. Bond prices move in the opposite direction of yields. An official from the Food and Drug Administration said COVID-19 was on its way to becoming a pandemic, and a confirmed case of the coronavirus in California that had no history of travel have raised worries that the virus could be spreading despite the travel restrictions imposed on China.
Also supporting bullish sentiment in Treasurys, Microsoft warned that the supply chain disruptions from the virus would have an impact on sales.
Futures for the S&P 500 SPX, -0.38% and the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.46% point to a lower open for U.S. stocks on Thursday. The broad-based S&P 500 benchmark is down 6.6% this week.
The potential for a spillover into the U.S. has heightened expectations for the Federal Reserve to ease monetary policy, on top of the three interest rate cuts the central bank carried out last year. Traders wagering on the direction of the Fed's benchmark interest rate in the fed fund futures market see close to a 50% chance of a quarter percentage point rate cut in March, according to the CME Group.
On the U.S. economics docket, weekly jobless claims, January durable goods and fourth-quarter gross domestic product data are all due at 8:30 a.m. ET, followed by last month pending home sales data at 10 a.m. Chicago Fed President Charles Evans will speak later at 11:30 a.m.
cap #3 is the CME Fedwatch futures for interest rate cuts at March 18th mtg-they have adjusted to the route in the bond mkt. 58.7% for a cut of 25 basis pts and 41.3% for "no change"-this was pegged at 90% for no change just recently
the FOMC does not set rates-the bond market does-they are in the process of doing this now. It habbens over a period of time and the FOMC is just the grocery clerk.
#8260939 at 2020-02-27 02:54:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10576: Love and Light, Patriots Edition
Enphase Energy, Inc sold by T.J. Rodgers (BoD): $106.15m-Feb25-26
Enphase Energy, Inc. is a provider of energy management solutions. It is engaged in designing, developing, manufacturing and selling microinverter systems for the solar photovoltaic industry. Its semiconductor-based microinverter system converts direct current (DC) electricity to alternating current (AC) electricity. Its microinverter system consists of four components: Enphase microinverters, the AC Battery, an Envoy gateway and Enlighten cloud-based software. Its Enphase microinverters provide power conversion at the individual solar module level by a digital architecture that incorporates custom application specific integrated circuits (ASIC), specialized power electronics devices, and an embedded software subsystem. Envoy bi-directional communications gateway provides collecting and sending data to Enlighten software. Enlighten cloud-based software provides the capabilities to remotely monitor, manage, and maintain an individual system or a fleet of systems.
moar here
He is the founder of Cypress Semiconductor and holds patents ranging from semiconductors to energy to winemaking.
Thurman John Rodgers has served as a member of our board of directors since January 2017. He brings 34 years of public company CEO experience to our board. Mr. Rodgers founded Cypress Semiconductor Corporation in 1982 and served as the president, CEO and member of the board of directors until April 2016. From June 2004 through December 2012, Mr. Rodgers was a member of the board of trustees of Dartmouth College, his alma mater. From May 2002 to May 2011, Mr. Rodgers served as a member of the board of directors of SunPower Corporation. In addition to serving on Enphase Energy's board of directors, he is presently a member of the board of directors of Enovix Corporation (lithium ion batteries), Solaria Corporation (advanced solar energy products) and WaterBit, Inc. (IoT-based watering). He holds bachelor's degrees in physics and chemistry from Dartmouth College and a master's degree and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University. At Stanford, Mr. Rodgers invented, developed and patented VMOS technology.
BTW this guy was behind the push to raise the H-1B visa's allotted to the tech industry starting in the late 80's-MAJOR DOUCHEBAG
moar here
insert hurling pepe here
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … / T.J. Rodgers
#8256213 at 2020-02-26 18:45:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10570: Cyclops VS Psyops Edition
White House Unveils $2.5B Emergency Coronavirus Plan
The White House budget office said the funds are for vaccines, treatment and protective equipment
The White House on Monday sent lawmakers an urgent $2.5 billion plan to address the deadly coronavirus outbreak, whose rapid spread and threat to the global economy rocked financial markets.
The White House budget office said the funds are for vaccines, treatment and protective equipment. The request was immediately slammed by Democrats as insufficient and came as coronavirus fears were credited with Monday's 1,000-plus point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and are increasingly seen as a potential political threat to President Donald Trump.
The request was released Monday evening and came as key government accounts were running low. The Department of Health and Human Services had already tapped into an emergency infectious disease rapid response fund and was seeking to transfer more than $130 million from other HHS accounts to combat the virus but is pressing for more.
#8255783 at 2020-02-26 17:53:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10569: Dems Block Born Alive Edition
Over 130 memes have
been added to the libraries.
Folders marked ? have
new content.
Our mission is to make the information consumable and distribute it to those who are still unaware.
Memefags are dogged and relentless.
Best cyber-militia ever assembled!
Let me at 'em, the Twatfags shouted!!!
Through tempest, storm,
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
53 >>8128395, 52 >>7854142, 1 >>>/qrb/2298
Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties
--------mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag ?
2020-Feb --- mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw ?
Bernie ----- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ ?
2020-Jan --- mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog
Space Force -- mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ
Voter ID/Fraud - mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA
Bill Barr ---- mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw
2019-Dec --- mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ
2019-Nov --- mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ
2019-Sep --- mega.nz/#F!5Fw3kIiA!-0RBcMhHmysYOs3Z3xlsng
2019-Aug --- mega.nz/#F!FBwR3CLb!iJ_6KP3gK1EY-31Q_egUiQ
2019-Jul ---- mega.nz/#F!EQoHkI5J!yVj-1kiuPbq6Jh8cn9q5dQ
2019-Jun --- mega.nz/#F!VMwFkIAb!_A2FXapKstvBEfntYRlo1g
2019-May --- mega.nz/#F!YVwl0Kza!eISYNc6aQl2H4n31hy41dQ
2019-Apr --- mega.nz/#F!AY5xXYzD!kHsGupWM22Ov-odBlEulTQ
2019-Mar --- mega.nz/#F!gQhFkKBB!1h4CJiyKpk5XIcRjB4jVCg
2019-JanFeb -- mega.nz/#F!FBpzkYRD!_GVYXwKWDXpok692W3GIqA
QNN Blanks -- mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA
The many recent memes on Infanticide are in the Feb 2020 folder.
A current focus for the meme corps is to spread the word among Dem voters about President Trump's successes.
Red Pill Cannons are always needed!
Do you want to fire some redpills on Twitter?
#8255014 at 2020-02-26 16:10:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10568: Godspeed Edition
Pandemic Influenza Plan
page 16
HHS will leverage "Big Data" to improve its
ability to monitor and describe
influenza disease and conduct epidemiologic studies. HHS will use supplemental data
(such as electronic health records, social media, or big-
data repos itories) to
better monitor and characterize potential pandemic influenza activity in as close to real
time as possible. "
#8252141 at 2020-02-26 05:39:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10565: Crimes Against Humanity Edition
Blame the Virus not the Central Bank Okay shhhh
More than $130 billion wiped off ASX 200 as coronavirus bloodbath deepens
Australia's share market has been rocked for the third day in a row, shedding around $50 billion in value as investors spook over fears the coronavirus will halt global trade.
As of 15.30 AEDT, the benchmark S&P/ASX200 had dropped 2.47 per cent or 169.8 points.
Since the market opened on Monday morning more than $130 billion has been wiped off local stocks.
For context, during the Global Financial Crisis in October 2008, the ASX200 lost 8.3 per cent in a single day and a staggering 16 per cent in a single week.
At the time, that equated to around $80 billion - although the market capitalisation of the local market has grown considerably since that day 12 years ago.
#8249503 at 2020-02-26 01:23:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10561: The Who's Next? Edition
Musk's SpaceX rocket production facility approved by Port of Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - SpaceX, the private rocket company of high tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, won final approval on Tuesday to build a research and manufacturing plant for its deep-space Starship project on a tract of vacant land at the Port of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Council granted a permit for the facility by a unanimous 12-0 vote, paving the way for Musk, also the founder of Tesla Inc electric car company, to proceed with an accelerated development of a new spacecraft and rocket system designed to carry humans to the moon and Mars. The L.A. Board of Harbor Commissioners gave its go-ahead to the 10-year permit last week. "It's crazy that here we are in 2020 preparing ourselves to send people to Mars, and it's going to happen in our backyard," Councilman Joe Buscaino, whose district includes the port, said before Tuesday's vote. "We are becoming a spaceport."
Operations at the facility will actually be confined to research, design and fabrication of aerospace components. Space vehicles built there are not permitted for launch but will be transported out of the port complex by barge or ship. The council action clears the way for SpaceX to begin leasing 12.5 acres (5 hectares) of property on Terminal Island for its Starship plant at a starting rent of $1.7 million a year, with an option to expand its site to 19 acres.
The company, formally known as Space Exploration Technologies, has an option to terminate the permit within 180 days. SpaceX secured a similar permit two years ago, but canceled it and moved its initial phase of the Starship project to Texas, where the company has developed and tested an early prototype dubbed Starhopper. The Los Angeles Port site will bring further Starship development closer to SpaceX's headquarters in the L.A. suburb of Hawthorne, where it has manufactured its workhorse Falcon 9 rockets and Dragon crew capsules.
The future facility, which may incorporate renovations to abandoned warehouse and workshop structures on the site, is expected to provide 130 new jobs, according to Musk.
As designed, the Starship itself is actually the top half of a colossal interplanetary rocket system that will stand 387 feet (118 meters) tall and be capable of ferrying dozens of humans to the moon and Mars in a single launch.
Musk has said that he hopes the Starship will be ready for its first orbital test flight later this year.*
#8246524 at 2020-02-25 21:10:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10557: Did Someone Mention Elephant in the Room? Edition
I warned you all on SATURDAY go to archives and look for RV ANON or Dear Intelligence Overlords.
I TOLD YOU–and you made fun of me. I TOLD you Trump was given bad information which is why he said that stupid ass thing regarding this being gone by spring. This demon virus dies at 60c. UV light does help kill it but most transmissions are INDOORS in the nice cool AC.
I TOLD you there were still traitors in his advisors–I TOLD you the CDC was LYING I told you the truth about transmission.
Guess what–guess who is laughing at you for NOT listening? "The only people to die with this are going to be the rally going MAGA people who only listen to Q and fox news."
"these people are stupid"
"Will put 99% of people in the hospital" (there are not enough hospital beds bro..)
Welcome to the apocalypse. THIS is going to be blamed on TRUMP. Why didn't they listen to me when I posted my warning here in early January? Why did Trump still go to India?
You lot attacked me for daring to suggest Trump was not on top of this. His actions are only as good as the advice / intel briefing he was given.
If he holds one more rally then you KNOW you are on the list. The only way to stop this monster is severe social distancing. You have been lied to every step of the way..just the flu bro…every fucking step of the way you have been lied to. WHO and the US CDC have lied until they could not lie anymore. WHY? Figure that out yourselves.
Video channel "last messages" compilations of videos out of China–go here–start with part 1, then watch the progression in China. They are about a month ahead of us.
I posted the truth about how this spreads with sauce–and you laughed at me because your lord and savior would not do anything to harm you..if he comes back and says no worries vaccine–do not believe it. IF he even acknowledges this at ALL–lying to you has put all your lives in danger. Wonder who Patient Zero was in Italy? How about that chink that stood in public holding the sign "hug me to prove you are not racist against chinese people". Bank on it.
#8238529 at 2020-02-25 01:00:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10547: World War Q Edition
And having to point out this shill bread after bread. What bread number are we on now you disgusting infestation? 130? LEAVE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD YOU HAVE NO PLACE HERE
#8236123 at 2020-02-24 19:59:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10544: Guilty Forever! On to LA Edition
Did You Know Colorado Springs Was Once Home to Nikola Tesla's Secret Research Facility?
Tesla built a large secret "Experimental Station" in Colorado Springs to create artificial lightning.
Colorado Springs was once home to a secret lab built by engineer and scientific visionary Nikola Tesla, who made many discoveries and breakthroughs in the development, production, transmission, and use of electric power, and among them, the alternating current AC electric system is used principally all over the world and his Tesla coils are utilized in radio and paved the way for many of the wireless technologies we use today.
While the concept of a secret lab immediately conjures up visions of a mysterious lair dramatically hidden away high in the peaks, the reality is a bit less dramatic, yet still just as fascinating. Tesla himself was at times considered a mad scientist due to his wild ideas and a huge imagination. Though the specific location of his secret facility in Colorado remains a bit of a mystery the lab absolutely did exist. Referred to as Tesla's "Lost Laboratory", the lab was built in Colorado Springs in 1899 by Tesla and used for a secret experiment.
What was Tesla's secret research facility for?
Tesla was full of big ideas and followed them to many different places, and one of those ideas took him to Colorado Springs in May of 1889. The project was funded by millionaire John Jacob Astor, who gave Tesla $30,000 to foster the idea of transmitting a radio wave from the top of Pike's Peak all the way to Paris, France. And while this idea was told by Tesla directly to reporters, he gave no further details of that plan. Tesla secured free power from the El Paso Power Company for the project and headed to the Springs to get to work.
Colorado Springs (which was then a city of about 28,000 people) and its surrounding area was picked due to the high altitude and thinner air, which would allow for wireless electric currents. He thought that when lighting struck, electrical currents were transmitted from one side of the earth to the other. Tesla intended to create a current as strong as natural lightning, working for about a year at his Colorado Springs lab, which he called his "Experimental Station." A team of assistants, who were not totally sure of what Tesla was up to, accompanied him to assist in his research.
PBS has several pieces on Tesla and his work, including its American Experience episode, "Tesla: Visionary or Madman?", which aired on December 26, 2018.
#8227895 at 2020-02-23 20:43:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10534: Namaste Hindu kunfags Edition
>Hoodwinker Sunfish
The hoodwinker sunfish is a newly discovered sunfish species in the genus Mola belonging to the family Molidae. It is closely related to its congener, the larger and much wider known Mola mola. Discovered on a beach near Christchurch, New Zealand in 2014, it is the first species of sunfish to be identified in 130 years.
#8226286 at 2020-02-23 16:47:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10532: Together We're Invinsible Edition
SAM331 USAF G5 VIP up from JBA and sw-pretty fast so far
JELLO41 USAF 130-J Commando approaching the island
>>8225862 lb JELLO41 130J Commando on ground Lajes
>>8225503 lb SAM339 VIP
This dropped off scope just east of Baton Rouge
#8225419 at 2020-02-23 14:09:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10531: 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima Edition
>>8223944, >>8224019, >>8224395, >>8224469, >>8224532 Ghislaine Maxwell's sister & FBI counter terrorism software. Chilead Digg
>>8224562 Linking the Library of Congress and DoD to Chilead, Paul McOwen Digg
>>8223985, >>8223960, >>8223963, >>8223937, >>8223971, >>8224028 Javelin Literacy Agency Digg, Clients: Comey, Bolton, & Yovanovitch
>>8224011, >>8224022, >>8224046, >>8224084, >>8224033, >>8224113 Javelin Literacy Agency Digg: Founders, Rumsfeld links
>>8224094, >>8223926, >>8224177, >>8224211 Yanovitch Book Deal: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt digg, links to Pearson
>>8223992 Indian #Trump super-fan worships six-foot statue of #US president in Jangaon, Talangana
>>8224057 Unknown Kayakers Protests Border Wall
>>8224059 Reminder: Bill Binney, Explosive Report on Russian Lie (ytube)
>>8224174 Concerns mount over U.N. bodies led by Chinese officials
>>8224221, >>8224247 Flat Earther kills himself with Homemade Rocket. See kids… Flat Earth KILLS
>>8224223 Evac from Plague ship - 32 Passengers
>>8224250 NBC Honeypots Swapped Pussy for TOP SECRET Intel
>>8224276 @BaahubaliMovie (POTUS India Tweet Meme) replies & retweets DJT
>>8224286, >>8224336 Bloomberg using pedo symbolism in his campaign ads? @15 seconds (ytube)
>>8224319 @Solmemes1 Made Indian Televison
>>8224206 Why was Barr chosen, given his shocking and deeply criminal cover-up kingpin background?
>>8224415 9-year-old boy asks Pete Buttigieg how he can tell the world 'he is gay too' (embed)
>>8224070, >>8224441 Public Financial Disclosure Reports on Suasn Rice and James Clapper (PDFs)
>>8224539 So Few Voting - Nevada Caucus Analysis
>>8224430, >>8224527, >>8224551 Tyson Fury Post Fight: "Dark to Light" (embed)
>>8224585 Deontay Wilder Fans are not taking this well
>>8224587 Anon assessment: For C_A AC to lose it so emotionally must mean Blago is a real threat.
>>8224596 Nothing occurs: Anon's List of links of JUSTICE being served
>>8224604 #10529
baker change
>>8223167 Zuckerberg Asks German Gov't for Instructions on 'What Discourse Should Be Allowed' - the Death of Free Speech
>>8223171 Scavino: Dems don't want to say Bernie won Nevada
>>8223185 Inside The Minds Of Paedophiles Like Epstein And Savile: Dr Sarah Goode (Jan 2020)
>>8223243 After 3000-ton gold deposits, GSI now looking for uranium in UP's Sonbhadra
>>8223357, >>8223748 Anon theory on Feb 23 and Skull & Bones
>>8223373 Corona updates/discussion
>>8223413 Probe finds sexual, physical abuse at school for the deaf
>>8223431 Haney digg; did he really shoot himself?
>>8223457, >>8223602, >>8223612 Charter bus rollover kills 3, injures 18 outside San Diego
>>8223464, >>8223145, >>8223537, >>8223545, >>8223513 Chris Matthews' Wild Rant Connects a Bernie Sanders Win With Public Executions
>>8223476, >>8223730 Witness claims he saw Prince Andrew kiss and grope Virginia Roberts on Jeffrey Epstein's 'paedo island'
>>8223488 Planefags aloft
>>8223509, >>8223727, >>8223748, >>8223774 Rod R posting on Shakespeare Theatre Co, "Winter Mock Trial" Feb 27; Rod & Amy Coney Barrett will participate
>>8223547, >>8223615 Will COVID-19 lead to a gold standard? (ZH)
>>8223663 TheBlaze: Sanders cements his status as Dem forerunner
>>8223670, >>8223692 Twitter is suspending 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts, citing 'platform manipulation'
>>8223760 Reminder: Sanders warmly praised Cuba and the Soviet Union in the 1980s (June 2019)
>>8223792 L'Arche founder Jean Vanier sexually abused women
>>8223810, >>8223821 Yovanovich lands seven figure book deal (what a coincidence!)
>>8223820 5.7 Mag Earthquake strikes Turkey-Iran border
>>8223836 Feds' plan to relocate coronavirus patients puts region at risk
>>8223855 #10528
Previously Collected Notables
>>8221570 #10525, >>8222331 #10526, >>8223102 #10527
>>8218492 #10521, >>8219256 #10522, >>8220001 #10523, >>8220776 #10524
>>8215385 #10517, >>8216174 #10518, >>8216908 #10519, >>8217690 #10520
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top
#8225308 at 2020-02-23 13:50:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10530: Patriots Winning Edition
McConnell Air Force Base Finds High Levels of Chemical Made Famous in 'Erin Brockovich
21 Feb 2020
Special to McClatchy Washington Bureau | By By Tara Copp
WASHINGTON – The cancer-linked compound made famous by the movie "Erin Brockovich" has been found in dangerous levels inside an aircraft hangar at McConnell Air Force Base, including its breakroom, according to documents exclusively obtained by McClatchy.
Hexavalent chromium can be used as an anti-corrosion agent and "it is found in paints and primers used on the KC-135 and to a lesser extent the KC-46," both tanker aircraft that are based at McConnell. Contamination from the chemical compound was documented in multiple base memos from October 2019 to January 2020 that were obtained by McClatchy
More than 50 personnel may have been exposed to the chemical, an October memo warned. A November test found that an airman had been exposed to levels almost six times higher than the permissible exposure limits set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Exposure to hexavalent chromium can cause respiratory diseases, kidney, liver or abdominal damage and various cancers, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has warned.
"The risk of developing lung, nasal, and sinus cancer increases with the amount of hexavalent chromium inhaled and the length of time the worker is exposed," OSHA said.
While exhaust filters and protective gear should have limited contamination and risk of exposure to the area where painting took place, "we determined that Cr(VI) dust contamination is present on most surfaces in hangar 1124 North and presents a contact hazard to unprotected workers." The Cr(VI) mentioned in the memo refers to hexavalent chromium.
"Additionally we noted inadequate control of Cr(VI) dust due to the detection of Cr(VI) in the breakroom and on the floor near the shop supervisor's desk," an October 2019 memo reported.
A notice was issued in October to personnel warning of the hangar contamination and underlined "NO FOOD OR DRINK are authorized in the North Bay of Hangar 1124."
The base encouraged any personnel who believe they were exposed to the chemical to report it.
Air Force personnel exposed to similar hexavalent chromium contamination at a maintenance hangar at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi have said they think that exposure is responsible for multiple cancer deaths among the maintenance crew that was tasked with removing old paint and corrosion from C-130 "hurricane hunter" aircraft at the base.
McConnell Air Force Base conducted a round of tests at a paint booth area in the hangar in November 2019, monitoring levels of hexavalent chromium exposure that took place while a service member sprayed aircraft wheel components.
Test results found that the service member, a senior airman, had been exposed to levels of hexavalent chromium that were almost six times higher than the permissible exposure limits set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
In a statement, McConnell Air Force Base said it is aware of the exposure hazard and has taken steps to protect personnel working in the hangar, the base said. In the documents obtained by McClatchy, the base has also recommended a different configuration in the paint booth to improve air filtration.
"Only mission essential personnel trained to work with hexavalent chromium have access to the hangar. The hangar also is limited to a single entry control point with specified decontamination zones and rigorous cleaning procedure, and exposure-level testing is conducted regularly," according to a statement released by McConnell Air Force Base to McClatchy.
However, a Jan. 29 email obtained by McClatchy shows that the contamination may have spread, and could affect operations there.
"OSHA inspector for B1124 called my cell phone today," the email from a base bioenvironmental engineer to a chief medical officer said. "She's confirmed that HexChrome used in B1124 South Bay has broken out of the regulated areas. The implication is that people who enter the facility are exposed to the chemical hazard whether or not they enter the paint area."
"I don't know what the impact to the mission will be at this point," the engineer wrote.
#8225305 at 2020-02-23 13:49:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10530: Patriots Winning Edition
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald
c'mon guice.
AC is defending Bush's AG's (0bama's FBI director's) kids' godfather.
#8224621 at 2020-02-23 10:17:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10530: Patriots Winning Edition
Global Announcements
>>8099282 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting
Anons, plz no jpegs, tx
are not endorsements
>>8223944, >>8224019, >>8224395, >>8224469, >>8224532 Ghislaine Maxwell's sister & FBI counter terrorism software. Chilead Digg
>>8224562 Linking the Library of Congress and DoD to Chilead, Paul McOwen Digg
>>8223985, >>8223960, >>8223963, >>8223937, >>8223971, >>8224028 Javelin Literacy Agency Digg, Clients: Comey, Bolton, & Yovanovitch
>>8224011, >>8224022, >>8224046, >>8224084, >>8224033, >>8224113 Javelin Literacy Agency Digg: Founders, Rumsfeld links
>>8224094, >>8223926, >>8224177, >>8224211 Yanovitch Book Deal: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt digg, links to Pearson
>>8223992 Indian #Trump super-fan worships six-foot statue of #US president in Jangaon, Talangana
>>8224057 Unknown Kayakers Protests Border Wall
>>8224059 Reminder: Bill Binney, Explosive Report on Russian Lie (ytube)
>>8224174 Concerns mount over U.N. bodies led by Chinese officials
>>8224221, >>8224247 Flat Earther kills himself with Homemade Rocket. See kids… Flat Earth KILLS
>>8224223 Evac from Plague ship - 32 Passengers
>>8224250 NBC Honeypots Swapped Pussy for TOP SECRET Intel
>>8224276 @BaahubaliMovie (POTUS India Tweet Meme) replies & retweets DJT
>>8224286, >>8224336 Bloomberg using pedo symbolism in his campaign ads? @15 seconds (ytube)
>>8224319 @Solmemes1 Made Indian Televison
>>8224206 Why was Barr chosen, given his shocking and deeply criminal cover-up kingpin background?
>>8224415 9-year-old boy asks Pete Buttigieg how he can tell the world 'he is gay too' (embed)
>>8224070, >>8224441 Public Financial Disclosure Reports on Suasn Rice and James Clapper (PDFs)
>>8224539 So Few Voting - Nevada Caucus Analysis
>>8224430, >>8224527, >>8224551 Tyson Fury Post Fight: "Dark to Light" (embed)
>>8224585 Deontay Wilder Fans are not taking this well
>>8224587 Anon assessment: For C_A AC to lose it so emotionally must mean Blago is a real threat.
>>8224596 Nothing occurs: Anon's List of links of JUSTICE being served
>>8224604 #10529
baker change
>>8223167 Zuckerberg Asks German Gov't for Instructions on 'What Discourse Should Be Allowed' - the Death of Free Speech
>>8223171 Scavino: Dems don't want to say Bernie won Nevada
>>8223185 Inside The Minds Of Paedophiles Like Epstein And Savile: Dr Sarah Goode (Jan 2020)
>>8223243 After 3000-ton gold deposits, GSI now looking for uranium in UP's Sonbhadra
>>8223357, >>8223748 Anon theory on Feb 23 and Skull & Bones
>>8223373 Corona updates/discussion
>>8223413 Probe finds sexual, physical abuse at school for the deaf
>>8223431 Haney digg; did he really shoot himself?
>>8223457, >>8223602, >>8223612 Charter bus rollover kills 3, injures 18 outside San Diego
>>8223464, >>8223145, >>8223537, >>8223545, >>8223513 Chris Matthews' Wild Rant Connects a Bernie Sanders Win With Public Executions
>>8223476, >>8223730 Witness claims he saw Prince Andrew kiss and grope Virginia Roberts on Jeffrey Epstein's 'paedo island'
>>8223488 Planefags aloft
>>8223509, >>8223727, >>8223748, >>8223774 Rod R posting on Shakespeare Theatre Co, "Winter Mock Trial" Feb 27; Rod & Amy Coney Barrett will participate
>>8223547, >>8223615 Will COVID-19 lead to a gold standard? (ZH)
>>8223663 TheBlaze: Sanders cements his status as Dem forerunner
>>8223670, >>8223692 Twitter is suspending 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts, citing 'platform manipulation'
>>8223760 Reminder: Sanders warmly praised Cuba and the Soviet Union in the 1980s (June 2019)
>>8223792 L'Arche founder Jean Vanier sexually abused women
>>8223810, >>8223821 Yovanovich lands seven figure book deal (what a coincidence!)
>>8223820 5.7 Mag Earthquake strikes Turkey-Iran border
>>8223836 Feds' plan to relocate coronavirus patients puts region at risk
>>8223855 #10528
#8224604 at 2020-02-23 10:11:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10529: Patriots, Into the Fray! Edition
>>8223944, >>8224019, >>8224395, >>8224469, >>8224532 Ghislaine Maxwell's sister & FBI counter terrorism software. Chilead Digg
>>8224562 Linking the Library of Congress and DoD to Chilead, Paul McOwen Digg
>>8223985, >>8223960, >>8223963, >>8223937, >>8223971, >>8224028 Javelin Literacy Agency Digg, Clients: Comey, Bolton, & Yovanovitch
>>8224011, >>8224022, >>8224046, >>8224084, >>8224033, >>8224113 Javelin Literacy Agency Digg: Founders, Rumsfeld links
>>8224094, >>8223926, >>8224177, >>8224211 Yanovitch Book Deal: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt digg, links to Pearson
>>8223992 Indian #Trump super-fan worships six-foot statue of #US president in Jangaon, Talangana
>>8224057 Unknown Kayakers Protests Border Wall
>>8224059 Reminder: Bill Binney, Explosive Report on Russian Lie (ytube)
>>8224174 Concerns mount over U.N. bodies led by Chinese officials
>>8224221, >>8224247 Flat Earther kills himself with Homemade Rocket. See kids… Flat Earth KILLS
>>8224223 Evac from Plague ship - 32 Passengers
>>8224250 NBC Honeypots Swapped Pussy for TOP SECRET Intel
>>8224276 @BaahubaliMovie (POTUS India Tweet Meme) replies & retweets DJT
>>8224286, >>8224336 Bloomberg using pedo symbolism in his campaign ads? @15 seconds (ytube)
>>8224319 @Solmemes1 Made Indian Televison
>>8224206 Why was Barr chosen, given his shocking and deeply criminal cover-up kingpin background?
>>8224415 9-year-old boy asks Pete Buttigieg how he can tell the world 'he is gay too' (embed)
>>8224070, >>8224441 Public Financial Disclosure Reports on Suasn Rice and James Clapper (PDFs)
>>8224539 So Few Voting - Nevada Caucus Analysis
>>8224430, >>8224527, >>8224551 Tyson Fury Post Fight: "Dark to Light" (embed)
>>8224585 Deontay Wilder Fans are not taking this well
>>8224587 Anon assessment: For C_A AC to lose it so emotionally must mean Blago is a real threat.
>>8224596 Nothing occurs: Anon's List of links of JUSTICE being served
#8224587 at 2020-02-23 10:06:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10529: Patriots, Into the Fray! Edition
The cracks are forming…
Anon assessment: For C_A AC to lose it so emotionally must mean Blago is a real threat. Just know, Blago didn't kill himself because he has no reason to.
CNN Anchor Anderson Cooper Loses It, Curses In Anger During Rod Blagojevich Interview
Cooper finally boiled over after hearing Blagojevich's defense of his gubernatorial record and his criminal case. Blagojevich was convicted of trying to sell or trade the Illinois Senate seat that Barack Obama vacated when he became President. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison and began serving time in 2012, but recently had his sentence commuted by President Donald Trump.
Blagojevich told Cooper he was innocent of corruption charges, claiming he was a "political prisoner."
"Bullshit!" said Cooper, in remarks not bleeped by CNN. Blagojevich responded with the same phrase.
The duo were at war almost from the start of their interview.
#8220258 at 2020-02-22 23:26:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10524: Great Forsight! Some Things Don't Change Here Edition
Andrew Yang on CNN just said that peter will prolly outperform his voter count because he has a knack for getting the vote out in more rural areas - just like he did in Iowa.
cabalist AC asked him 'how does he do that'
yang said, well, we tried but were not as effective as peter,
peter knew just where to go to get the votes.
makes you wonder.
#8218423 at 2020-02-22 19:40:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10521: Vlad Putin Feelin' the Bern Edition
SAM18 09-0017 NE from JBA-this is same AC that led POTUS home last night
#8218181 at 2020-02-22 19:05:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10521: Vlad Putin Feelin' the Bern Edition
Roper: Air Force's 'Massive' Second ABMS Demo to Include Live-Fire Exercises
The Air Force plans to take lessons learned from its initial Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) demonstration last year to up the ante for its second test this spring with more capabilities and data points, the service's acquisition executive said Feb. 21.
"The event that we have coming up April 8 is going to be massive," Air Force Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Will Roper said at a media roundtable at the Pentagon. Among the new test elements will be live-fire exercises such as taking down an unmanned aerial vehicle, a cruise missile shootdown, and service-wide activities taking place all across the country, including at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, Nellis AFB, Nevada, Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
It will be the second in a series of technology sprints the Air Force is setting up every four months to quickly and iteratively test ways to build its ABMS architecture, where every U.S. military sensor is connected and warfighters can more quickly communicate, share data and make decisions across battlefields.
The first demonstration, conducted in December 2019, was performed in partnership with U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), and involved using a radio and antenna system dubbed GatewayONE built by Lockheed Martin [LMT], Northrop Grumman [NOC] and Honeywell [HON], to pass data back and forth between an Air Force F-22 Raptor and a Navy F-35B Joint Strike Fighter (Defense Daily, Jan. 22).
The joint force test included Army and Navy assets such as the Arleigh-Burke class destroyer USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116), and demonstrations that linked SpaceX's Starlink low-latency broadband internet system to an ac-130 gunship. Roper told reporters in January that the demonstration almost went too well, and he expected more failure than what actually occurred.
"My hope for this event, unlike the first event, is that we have an equal measure of things that fail for things that succeeded," he said Friday.
Space X's Starlink satellites will participate "to a greater degree" in the April exercise, and hopefully connect to additional air- and land-based platforms, Roper said. The Air Force is in talks with Virgin Orbit about including the company's LauncherOne two-stage orbital launch vehicle in the exercise. "It helps [the company] because they're thinking through" concepts of operation, Roper said. "It helps us think about, how would the force be different if we're able to launch satellites on demand?"
As a result of the December demonstration, Air Mobility Command is considering placing the GatewayONE translator on a KC-46A Pegasus aerial refueler, "and hanging it on the tanker so that the tanker can become a translator and has a different role on the battlefield," he added. "That's something that wouldn't exist right now had the first demonstration not been done."
#8218147 at 2020-02-22 19:01:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10521: Vlad Putin Feelin' the Bern Edition
fuck off with your labels and crap. fucking cancer in here.
you add nothing..are nothing and do nothing but bitch and complain.
when you "attempt" to pf you fail miserably-know who you are. It is apparent you have no idea or background to do it. Been around AC my entire life and have ZERO to prove to your worthless bitchy ass. You came back to the post and made another…why? Massive insecurity
now fuck off again.
#8218099 at 2020-02-22 18:54:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10521: Vlad Putin Feelin' the Bern Edition
SpaceX To Play Bigger Role In This 'Massive' Live-Fire Air Force Exercise
WASHINGTON - SpaceX Starlink satellites will play a major role in an Air Force live-fire exercise in April, and a Virgin Galactic (SPCE) sister company is in talks to potentially join in as well.
In December, the Air Force tested its experimental Advanced Battle Management System that will connect air, sea, land and space assets. The exercise was deemed an overall success, with SpaceX Starlink satellites used to link to a Lockheed Martin (LMT) ac-130 gunship.
As a next step, the Air Force's April 8 event is going to be "massive," Air Force acquisition chief William Roper told reporters at the Pentagon Friday. The SpaceX Starlink satellites will play an even bigger role than in December, as Roper wants them to connect to more assets, including platforms on the ground.
"SpaceX has been a great industry partner for us," he said. "They are very excited, and we are excited to learn more about their satellites through the demonstration."
The exercises will include live-fire drills, such as taking down a UAV and shooting down a cruise missile. They will be performed across the country, from Marine Corps Air Station Yuma in Arizona to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.
SpaceX Starlink may not be the only commercial space provider in the exercises. Roper said that he is in discussions with Virgin Orbit, the privately held sister company of Virgin Galactic, to participate with its LauncherOne to provide on-demand launches. Virgin Orbit is dedicated to launching small satellites via its LauncherOne rocket, which is launched in midair off a modified Boeing (BA) 747 jumbo jet.
Space-based communications are seen as key enablers of the Pentagon's emerging warfighting doctrine of "multidomain operations," which would require air, land, sea, space and cyberspace assets to network directly with each other.
Virgin Galactic shares tumbled 9.1% to 33.87 on the stock market today after more than tripling in the prior two months alone. Lockheed closed up 0.4% to 427.80.
SpaceX Starlink Constellation Grows
SpaceX, founded by Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk has said it needs 400 Starlink satellites for "minor" broadband internet coverage and 800 for "moderate" coverage. The company eventually plans to deploy over 40,000 satellites to offer space-based internet service.
SpaceX launched its latest batch of Starlink satellites on Monday bringing the total number of satellites in orbit to over 300.
But that's not all for military use. SpaceX plans to start delivering internet services to customers via Starlink this summer, Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell said at a private investors meeting hosted by JPMorgan earlier this month, according to Bloomberg.
SpaceX is reportedly looking to raise $250 million in financing by selling shares at $220, sources told CNBC. That would value Musk's space company at $36 billion.
Meanwhile, an IPO of the SpaceX Starlink business reportedly could be in the works, perhaps in the next several years.
"Right now, we are a private company, but Starlink is the right kind of business that we can go ahead and take public," Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell said at a private investors meeting earlier this month, according to Bloomberg. "That particular piece is an element of the business that we are likely to spin out and go public."
#8217224 at 2020-02-22 16:59:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10520: Clint Eastwood Feelin’ the Bloom Edition
C-130 call sign SKULL33 and Marines c560 GRZLY50 headed in the direction of Knoxville.
#8216724 at 2020-02-22 15:36:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10519: Trust God, Clean House, and Work With Others Edition
13 43
#8213123 at 2020-02-22 03:17:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10514: "Al Bagdadi is dead…17 years we looked for him…17 years" Edition
Well that was painful to watch.
Can't wait for AC to get strung up.
And Blago is/was a Democrat.
Seems as if they are eating their own.
#8212483 at 2020-02-22 02:08:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10514: "Al Bagdadi is dead…17 years we looked for him…17 years" Edition
ty for posting the ac/blago vid.
ac went crazy
#8212198 at 2020-02-22 01:39:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10513: Ships, Squalls, Storms And Signals Edition
Clapper is on AC now
#8212033 at 2020-02-22 01:23:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10513: Ships, Squalls, Storms And Signals Edition
AC just called Blago a bunch of bullshit….he said just like politics has become today…referring to Trump is how I took it.
#8212007 at 2020-02-22 01:21:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10513: Ships, Squalls, Storms And Signals Edition
wow, Anderson cooper is going nutz, full blown crazy on Blago
Blago set him straight on the case and then AC just attacked him on something else.
AC face was distorted like he was possessed by a demon.
#8211029 at 2020-02-21 23:12:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10512: Boundless Energy Edition
if it was a sonic boom it would be much louder and there would be now question. Saw an Osprey fly over headed for Mir at about 1k feet-about 20 minutes ago. Not a common site for one of those.
Get many different AC in and out there but those at that level not common.
#8209466 at 2020-02-21 20:49:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10510: Las Vegas Rally Live - WRWY Vegas Edition
that dude was based. its a shame he died. drank whiskey and smoked cigars daily in a house with no AC in austin tx.
#8201228 at 2020-02-21 02:24:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10499: The puzzle is coming together. Edition
I like, yes lets add that but its got to be {ac}
Hows that?
#8197758 at 2020-02-20 21:16:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10494: All For A 'few thousand' Followers? Edition
miami would be ac this time of year
#8194047 at 2020-02-20 14:13:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10490: Thursday Morning e-Bake
Is the author of Cicada 3301
Also the designer of the comms for Q
Because Q's comms seem to be inspired by that style
Even though they are easier to grasp than the Cicada works.
Did this fellow once work in the NSC in the Whitehouse?
Is he now, National Security Advisor to the DOJ?
Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick
Mr. E.
Eye The Spy
Enjoy The Show
In college he Excelled
His initials were EC = 133
In base 26
No doubt he dreamed of a better number
And so, by adding zero
He became Primus 1033, a prime number
But in the looking glass...
3301 is also Prime.
What a treasure
Did he marry?
Or just change his name in search of Primacy?
EW = 153
Not a prime, but there are other factors in life's numbers
The sum of all numbers from 1 thru 17 = 153
Take out the special card from the deck (Ace of Spades)
And there are 51 left. 3 * 17 = 51
And 3 * 51 = 153
The leftover letters AC = 29
Maybe he was 29yo when things changed.
But there's more
There is a series of numbers
And if you choose the ones corresponding INdirectly to
4621, 3301, 9901
All primes but very special primes
So if Cicada 3301 hid his identity in that name
Then 3301 is the key that unlocks it
And it is fitting to hold the central (keystone) position.
Ezra is a friend of Q
And a friend of Anons
And interestingly
A friend of Julian Assange
Which must have been during Ezra's time in the NSA.
Many, many people have been working for a long time
Maybe even 17 years
Since 2003 when the dust had settled from 911
And it sunk into people's heads what had really happened
And The Plan was born.
#8194035 at 2020-02-20 14:10:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10490: Thursday Morning e-Bake
Michelle Obama's speechwriter ?nds her Jewish path
When White House staffer Sarah Hurwitz took a class in Judaism she didn't expect it to lead anywhere. But nine years later she's written a book about her passion for Jewish learning.
Following a break up, not many people's response would be to sign up to an Introduction to Judaism class. But in 2011, at the age of 36, Sarah Hurwitz had ended a relationship and found herself with some spare time to fill and that is precisely what she did. Hurwitz, who spent six years as head speechwriter for First Lady, Michelle Obama, began the course at the Washington, DC Jewish Community Centre and what she discovered totally floored her.
"The whole sensibility of Judaism spoke to me - its intellectual rigor, its creativity and humanity, its emphasis on questioning and debate," she writes in her book, Here All Along: Finding Meaning, Spirituality, and a Deeper Connection to Life - in Judaism (After Finally Choosing to Look There). This was not the uninspired, rote Judaism of her childhood, which she had chosen to detach from after her batmitzvah, but "something relevant, endlessly fascinating, and alive."
And what now for Hurwitz? Back to politics, a return to law? The rabbinate? "Definitely not law," she says, laughing hard. "And becoming a rabbi isn't the calling for me. At the moment, I'm promoting my book and I'm also trying to find time to get back into Jewish learning and studying as I miss it when I'm travelling. That's the amazing thing about Judaism: you can spend a million lifetimes learning about it and you still just scratch the surface."
#8193164 at 2020-02-20 09:47:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10489: Victoria's Deepest Secrets DIGG ANONS Edition
Is the author of Cicada 3301
Also the designer of the comms for Q
Because Q's comms seem to be inspired by that style
Even though they are easier to grasp than the Cicada works.
Did this fellow once work in the NSC in the Whitehouse?
Is he now, National Security Advisor to the DOJ?
Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick
Mr. E.
Eye The Spy
Enjoy The Show
In college his initials were EC = 133
No doubt he dreamed of a better number
And so, by adding zero
He became Primus 1033, a prime number
But in the looking glass…
3301 is also Prime.
What a treasure
Did he marry?
Or just change his name in search of Primacy?
EW = 153
Not a prime, but there are other factors in life's numbers
The sum of all numbers from 1 thru 17 = 153
Take out the special card from the deck (Ace of Spades)
And there are 51 left. 3 * 17 = 51
And 3 * 51 = 153
The leftover letters AC = 29
Maybe he was 29yo when things changed.
But there's more
There is a series of numbers
And if you choose the ones corresponding to
4621, 3301, 9901
All primes but very special primes
So if Cicada 3301 hid his identity in that name
Then 3301 is the key that unlocks it
And it is fitting to hold the central (keystone) position.
Ezra is a friend of Q
And a friend of Anons
And interestingly
A friend of Julian Assange
Which must have been during Ezra's time in the NSA.
Many, many people have been working for a long time
Maybe even 17 years
Since 2003 when the dust had settled from 911
And it sunk into people's heads what had really happened
And The Plan was born.
#8191117 at 2020-02-20 04:35:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10486: WWG1WGA 17 Edition
Technical Characteristic:
The surface area for activated carbons range from 500 m² to1500 m² or more per gram. If one could unfold all the microscopic surfaces in one teaspoon of activated carbon it could add up to the size of a football field.
Coconut Activated Charcoal - 50,000 magnificationUnder an electron microscope (50,000 magnification), the high surface-area structures of activated carbon are more obvious. Individual particles are intensely convoluted with micro porosity in the range of a few nanometers. These microscopic pores are divinely engineered to offer binding sites for thousands of different chemicals.
Physically, activated carbon binds materials by electrostatic Van der Waals (intermolecular) forces.
There are however chemicals that do not bind well to activated carbon including alcohols, glycols, ammonia, strong acids and bases, metals and most inorganics such as lithium, sodium, iron, lead, arsenic, fluorine, and boric acid. Activated carbon does adsorb iodine very well and in fact the iodine number (mg/g) is used as an indication of total surface area.
Since activated carbon does not adsorb inorganic compounds well activated carbons are sometimes "sensitized" with various chemicals to improve the adsorptive capacity for some inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, formaldehyde, radioisotopes, and mercury. This function is called chemisorption.
Activated Carbons (AC) are most commonly divided into three categories based on their physical characteristics.
Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC)
Traditionally, activated carbons are made into powders or fine granules with an average diameter between .15 and .25 mm. PAC is made up of crushed or ground carbon particles, 95-100% of which will pass through a 50 to 80 mesh sieve.
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
Granular activated carbon is relatively larger in particle size compared to powdered activated carbon. Because GAC has a smaller external surface area than PAC it is often wrongly assumed that GAC has less total surface area. It must be remembered that the surface area of activated carbon is by far internal and not external.
Extruded Activated Carbon (EAC)
Extruded or Pellet AC consist of extruded and cylindrical shaped activated carbon with diameters from 0.8 to 45 mm. These are typically used for air/gas applications because there is a low pressure drop as the air/gas moves through, and it has a high mechanical strength and low dust content.
Impregnated Activated Carbon (IAC)
These are porous activated carbons that are impregnated with inorganic elements such as iodine, silver, or cations such as Al, Mn, Zn, Fe, Li, and Ca. These are used to treat flu gases as in coal-fired generation plants or in air pollution control especially in museums and galleries. Due to its antimicrobial/antiseptic properties, silver impregnanted activated carbon is used as an adsorbent in earth-bound water purifications systems and in the orbiting space station. IAC is also used for the adsorption of mercaptans and H2S (often found in wines). 50%+ by weight adsorption of H2S has been reported.
Polymers Coated Activated Carbon (PCAC)
Activated carbons can be coated with a biologically compatible polymer to give a smooth and permeable coat that does not block the pores. The resulting PCAC is useful for hemoperfusion. In AC hemoperfusion large volumes of blood are passed over/through a bed of GAC or PCAC in order to remove toxic substances from the blood.
Activated Carbon Cloth (ACC)
Activated carbon is also available as cloths and fibers. ACC is used by the military for Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) protective clothing, socks and gloves. It is also used in wound dressings, protective masks, for the protection of artifacts from tarnish and degradation, oil mist filters for compressors, gas sensors, electrodes, water purification, and more.
Biochar Activated Charcoal (BAC)
Biochar is the most recent addition to the activated carbon family. Biochar carbons are those produced by a pyrolysis process with extremely low carbon emissions, a carbonization process that takes raw products straight through to the activation stage in less than an hour depending on the temperature range.
#8167252 at 2020-02-17 23:33:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10455: Illusion Of Democracy Edition
Amazon CEO Announces Launch of $10 Billion 'Bezos Earth Fund' to Fight Climate Change
Amazon chief Bezos, who is considered the richest man in the world with a net worth of some $130 billion, earlier said his company was determined to become carbon-neutral by the year 2040.
Jeff Bezos has announced he is investing $10 Billion in the fight against climate change with the newly launched Bezos Earth Fund.
In an Instagram post on Monday, Bezos said that the new initiative would provide funding for scientists, activists, and non-governmental organisations to explore ways to fight climate change, with the Amazon CEO claiming that "collective action" was needed to preserve the environment.
The announcement comes amid recent calls from inside Amazon to do more on the issue of climate change. In late January, more than 350 employees, united under the "Amazon Workers for Climate Justice", slammed the company's climate policies and demanded Amazon spend more money on saving the environment, according to Business Insider. One of the demands of the group was for the company to reach carbon-neutrality by 2030.
#8166884 at 2020-02-17 22:50:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10454: Lynch and Comey Are Not Forgotten Edition
Night Shift.
U.S. Air Force Special Tactics operators work with French joint terminal attack controllers to direct ac-130J Ghostrider simulated airstrikes during Emerald Warrior 20-1 at Grayling Range, Michigan. Emerald Warrior provides annual, realistic pre-deployment training encompassing multiple joint operating areas to prepare special operations forces, conventional force enablers, partner nations, and interagency elements to integrate with, and execute full spectrum special operations in an arctic climate, sharpening U.S. forces' abilities to operate around the globe. 📷 U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Duncan C. Bevan
#8160210 at 2020-02-17 03:36:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10446: It's Miller(s) Time Edition
Henry Kissinger designed the Q Clock
Brice Taylor in her book "Thanks for the Memories" said the key to the numbered vaults in her mind was Henry pointing to his watch and telling her what time it was. For example: 1:30 would point to memory storage vault 130.
#8157735 at 2020-02-16 22:22:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10442: The Beast of Burnin. The Top Speed Unknown Edition
This might just be a coinkydink, but a Marines C-130 call sign RAIDR17 on a vector for Arkansas?
#8153540 at 2020-02-16 12:44:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10437: [D]aytona [5]00 Race Day, Go POTUS! Edition
>Ok, jump seat
>William Barr
>in his civvies
>hand outstretched like magician
>mirror-thing pointed out the hatch held by straps
move along… nothing to see here!
#8153528 at 2020-02-16 12:40:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10437: [D]aytona [5]00 Race Day, Go POTUS! Edition
looks like a jump seat
on a C-130 ladies
keep calm
& Qanon on
#8146291 at 2020-02-15 17:55:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10428: Show Me Your Meme Face Edition
>>8145990, >>8146134, >>8146278 PF Reports - Canadian C-130 headed to land in Miami.
>>8146017 New @SidneyPowel: Did the 4 prosecutors set this up to damage Barr's cred? Yes
>>8146050 China disinfects BANK NOTES and quarantines them for 14 days
>>8146061 Author Lee Smith: "It Now Appears FBI was Exchanging Information with the Clinton Campaign as Well"
>>8146081 @ US Department of the Interior tweets photo of Evergreen trees
>>8146089 Mark Esper: 'Rising threat' China tops US's adversary list
>>8146090, >>8146103 Senate Requests Interviews with Deep State Actors
>>8146114 Prince Andrew stayed at Peter Nygard's mansion
>>8146199, >>8146167 Robet Deniro and Peter Nygard
>>8146132 Treat us like something between a telco and a newspaper, says Facebook's Zuckerberg
>>8146140 3 missing teen girls from Seattle found in Oregon with Calif. fugitive
>>8146217 Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said Friday there is no investigation into Vindman
>>8146227 Drudge: Michael Bloomberg Considering Hillary Clinton as Running Mate
>>8146171 Dem U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine
>>8146253 Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
>>8146266 VOTE IN WISCONSIN: Dems Looking to Steal Wisconsin Supreme Court Seat Next Week in Non-Partisan Primary
#8146145 at 2020-02-15 17:38:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10428: Show Me Your Meme Face Edition
Canadian C-130 landing at Miami International.
#8145990 at 2020-02-15 17:20:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10428: Show Me Your Meme Face Edition
Canadian C-130 headed to land in Miami.
#8145153 at 2020-02-15 15:57:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10426: A Triumphant Mr.Trump Emerges Edition
Marines flight Lobo474 off the coast with a Canuck C-130 nearby. I'll keep an eye on the C-130.
#8144925 at 2020-02-15 15:23:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10426: A Triumphant Mr.Trump Emerges Edition
>Tampa Executive Airport
Fairly certain it would have come out of MacDill. The altitude/track lines can be misleading with military ac
#8143938 at 2020-02-15 11:35:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10425: Anons Digging Deep Edition
Anons, how do I catch a neighbor who is clearly a voyeur who rents the duplex above me? Called my mom crazy, but she's not. He claims he's a music teacher, with audio equipment scattered throughout his spot. At times I hear him play guitar, literally plays 10 notes tops and stops. Mother caught him peeping through my sisters window when she was taking out the recycles, when she asked what he was doing he said he was checking out the AC Unit. Didn't dawn on her that it wasn't his AC unit. We have video recording of one of his Audio devices beeping. Need moar. Thought asking the NSA fags would be a smart place to go
#8143444 at 2020-02-15 09:05:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10424: Yellow Vests Winning, Macron Losing Edition
>>8143369 Logicly it doesn't flow
Renegade was Identified in a particular way
Evergreen was also Identified in a particular way
#8142432 at 2020-02-15 05:32:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10423: Qpid Arrow Edition
The Geopolitics Of Biological Weapons, Part 1: A Useful And Timely Factual Overview
The US government and its many agencies and educational and health institutions, have for many decades conducted intensive research into biological warfare, in many cases strongly focused on race-specific pathogens.
In a report to the US Congress, the Department of Defense revealed that its program of creating artificial biological agents included modifying non-fatal viruses to make them lethal, and genetic engineering to alter the immunology of biological agents to make treatment and vaccinations impossible. The military report admitted that at the time it operated about 130 bio-weapons research facilities, dozens at US universities and others at many international sites outside the purview of the US Congress and the jurisdiction of the courts.
This knowledge hasn't been a secret for a long time. In a classified 1948 report by the Pentagon's Committee on Biological Warfare, the main selling point was that:
"A gun or a bomb leaves no doubt that a deliberate attack has occurred. But if ... an epidemic slashes across a crowded city, there is no way of knowing whether anyone attacked, much less who", adding hopefully that "A significant portion of the human population within selected target areas may be killed or incapacitated" with only very small amounts of a pathogen.
A US Army operating manual from 1956 stated explicitly that biological and chemical warfare were an integral operating portion of US military strategy, were not restricted in any way, and that Congress had given the military "First Strike" authority on their use. In 1959, an attempt by Congress to remove this first-strike authority was defeated by the White House and bio-chemical weapons expenditures increased from $75 million to almost $350 million. That was an enormous amount of money in the early 1960s.
#8138650 at 2020-02-14 22:47:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10418: Deep State Getting Posterized Edition
S&P 500, Nasdaq gain on Nvidia, White House stock incentive report
The U.S. market will be closed on Monday for Presidents Day.
The S&P 500 ended modestly higher on Friday following strong earnings from Nvidia and a report late in the session that the White House was considering a tax incentive for Americans to buy stocks. Uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus epidemic and downbeat economic data had put a damper on investor sentiment for much of the day.
But a CNBC report that the Trump administration could introduce a tax incentive for people earning less than $200,000 to invest up to $10,000 in U.S. stocks gave the markets a late boost.
"In an election year, especially when the president is getting backlash that the tax cut benefits only the rich, seeking a way to democratize the stock market to low income earners would be a popular maneuver," said Joseph Sroka, chief investment officer at NovaPoint in Atlanta.
While the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq closed modestly higher, the Dow lost ground. The three major stock averages headed into the U.S. holiday weekend having posted their second consecutive weekly advances. U.S. Treasury yields declined as investors bought safe-haven government debt ahead of the long holiday weekend after soft retail sales data. In the precious metals market, U.S. gold futures GCcv1 settled up 0.5% at $1,586.40.
The coronavirus, now called Covid-19, has taken 1,380 lives and infected 63,851 people, according to Chinese authorities. In a recent Reuters survey of 40 economists, the respondents see China's economy in the current quarter suffering its slowest growth since the financial crisis, but believe the downturn will be short-lived if the outbreak is contained.
"The true economic implications of the coronavirus are still unknown," Sroka said, adding "at the end of the day, earnings matter more for the sustainability of stocks than near-term headlines."
Indeed, of the 387 companies in the S&P 500 having reported fourth-quarter results, 77.4% have surprised Wall Street expectations to the upside, according to Refinitiv data. Analysts now see fourth-quarter earnings rising at an annual pace of 2.6%, a striking reversal of the 0.3% decline seen on Jan 1.
In economic news, lackluster retail sales and industrial production data appeared to justify the U.S. Federal Reserve's wait-and-see stance regarding its accommodative monetary policy, reiterated by Fed Chair Jerome Powell earlier this week in Washington.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI fell 25.23 points, or 0.09%, to 29,398.08, the S&P 500 .SPX gained 6.22 points, or 0.18%, to 3,380.16 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC added 19.21 points, or 0.2%, to 9,731.18.
Seven of the 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 closed in the black, with defensive real estate .SPLRCR and utilities .SPLRCU stocks seeing the biggest gains. Energy shares .SPNY were the biggest losers.
NVIDIA Corp (NVDA.O) jumped 7.0% after the chipmaker's beat-and-raise earnings report, even as it forecast a $100 million hit from the coronavirus. Online travel services platform Expedia Inc (EXPE.O) surged 11.0% after the online travel services company forecast strong quarterly core earnings despite uncertainties surrounding the Covid-19 virus. EBay Inc (EBAY.O) gained 2.6% after providing better-than-expected current-quarter profit guidance.
Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.11-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.24-to-1 ratio favored decliners. The S&P 500 posted 74 new 52-week highs and five new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 130 new highs and 60 new lows.
Volume on U.S. exchanges was 6.60 billion shares, compared with the 7.62 billion average over the last 20 trading days.
this new plan (floated by the WH) is a good idea as it will allow the ordinary pepe's to benefit from the rising markets.
Still need the complete details however the moar the market rises and interest rates stay low it is like a noose on the neck of the system.
Low interest rates = fucked to the pile of debt that the system currently has on it's books.
in other market related news…
Kraft Heinz bonds fall into 'junk' territory after downgrades
Berkshire Buys New Stakes In Kroger, Biogen, SPY, VOO: Full 13-F Summary
habby valentine's day to all…
#8131277 at 2020-02-14 05:26:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10409: welcome to the clown FAM Edition
Western Seaboard -
4-6 blackhawks on and off scope
4 search and rescue HC - 130
4 troop transport C17
3 RAF refuelers
1 C5m Troop transport
Multiple smaller unidentified popping in and out
#8129800 at 2020-02-14 02:38:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10407: Flood Detected Post Discarded Edition
The EC-130H Compass Call is an airborne tactical weapon system using a heavily modified version of the C-130 Hercules airframe. The system disrupts enemy command and control communications and limits adversary coordination essential for enemy force management.
#8128350 at 2020-02-13 23:21:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10405: The 'Don't Bring Fredo' Edition
np not military just been around it all my life.
Plenty of AC up now but nothing out of the ordinary at present-that can change in a second.
#8127856 at 2020-02-13 22:29:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10404: The Judge Bredd Edition
Psalm 119:105
105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Matthew 4:16
16 the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."
Matthew 5:16
16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
John 1:5
5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 8:12
12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
1 John 1:5-9
5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Psalm 27:1
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?
John 12:35-37
35 Then Jesus told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. 36 Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light." When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them. 37 Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.
Ephesians 5:14
14 This is why it is said: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
Luke 11:34-35
34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,your body also is full of darkness. 35 See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.
Psalm 119:130
130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
John 12:36-37
36 Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light." When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them. 37 Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.
James 1:17
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
1 Peter 2:9
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Revelation 21:23
23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
Ecclesiastes 2:13
13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
#8124640 at 2020-02-13 16:56:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10400: Drain The Swamp Edition
EVERGREEN = The " new " Air America , uses Forest Service C-130's
From - Behold a Pale Horse
Malathion, a nerve gas developed by the Nazis during World War II to kill people, is being sprayed heavily on population centers in California. The excuse used is that it will kill the Mediterranean fruit fly. The tipoff is that the orchards are not being sprayed, only people. The helicopters come174 - BEHOLD A PALE HORSEWilliam Cooperfrom Evergreen in Arizona, a known government and a suspected CIA base. The pilots are contract pilots furnished by Evergreen. Evergreen has been named as one of the bases where drugs are flown in from Central America. The City of Pasadena passed a law making it illegal to spray malathion within the city limits. The law was ignored and the city took no action. When the people of California literally revolted against the spray- ing of malathion, the Governor of California stated that he did not have the power to stop the operation. What higher power is there that could prevent a governor of a state from halting the spraying of an insecticide? A warning was issued to cover up automobiles and belongings because malathion could destroy paint, some plastics, and other property. People, they said, would not be injured. It is a lie
#8123994 at 2020-02-13 15:41:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10399: I Don't Feel No Ways Tired! Edition
SAM074 VIP C-32A Southeast north of Stuttgart
RNAF C-130 east to Amman Jordan- this droops off just after crossing Jordan border.
ty anon.. busy morning
#8123379 at 2020-02-13 13:55:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10398: Resignations Accelerating Edition
There have been: (M1.5 or greater)
130 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
1,058 earthquakes in the past 7 days
5,655 earthquakes in the past 30 days
62,398 earthquakes in the past 365 days
#8120408 at 2020-02-13 03:27:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10395: Virginia Patriots, WRWY! Edition
Guy worked as an Air Force liason to the FAA, wason the air staff at the Pentagon, and apparently flew civilian aircraft for United. He was killed while flying an unpowered glider craft. Not sure why this smells fishy. Cabal human/drug trafficking hit?
His glider group's (he just became president in 2020) February newsletter with an introduction and his personal history
#8119879 at 2020-02-13 02:29:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10394: Somethin Strange In The Neighborhood Edition
Gabriel Popoviciu, US Embassy in Romania, and the Bidens
(Part 2 of 7) War Room Dig >>8112617 pb
United States Dedicates New Embassy Compound in Bucharest, Romania (March 22, 2012)
press release excerpt:
Celebrating over 130 years of U.S.-Romanian diplomatic relations, U.S. Ambassador to Romania, Mark H. Gitenstein dedicated the new Embassy facility in Bucharest today. Romanian Senate President Vasile Blaga, Prime Minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, and Managing Director of Operations at the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) Leo Hession, participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, with Joseph R. "Beau" Biden, III, Attorney General of the State of Delaware, delivering the keynote address.
The new facility is located in the Baneasa commercial district, adjacent to the Tunari Forest, and consolidates Embassy staff to improve coordination and communication among the various embassy sections.
Defense Secretary visits Romania, says U.S. will maintain a regular naval presence in the Black Sea (June 5, 2014)
"The U.S. has maintained a regular naval presence in the Black Sea since mid-March, with the USS Truxton, the USS Donald Cook and the USS Taylor all conducting port calls in Romania, and we will sustain this tempo going forward," Hagel said.
His visit to Romania is the first made by an US Defense Secretary since 2004, when Romania joined NATO. It comes just weeks after high profile U.S. visit to Romania, that of Vice President Joe Biden. This shows a growing interest for the region from Washington officials, in the context of Russia's annexation of Crimea and conflict in Ukraine.
USTDA Strengthens Support For Energy Security In Romania (Sep 24, 2015)
BUCHAREST, Romania - Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) awarded a $956,000 grant to support Transgaz S.A.'s Pipeline Expansion Project. The grant funds a feasibility study to improve and confirm the technical design and economic and financial specifications for constructing the Romanian section of the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria Connector (BHRA) and the Black Sea-Shore-Podisor Connector gas pipeline projects.
The grant was signed at the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest by U.S. Ambassador to Romania Hans Klemm and Transgaz S.A. Director General Petru Ion Vaduva. Also present at the grant signing were the Minister of Economy, Mihai Tudose; the Minister of Energy, Andrei Dominic Gerea; Ambassador Mihnea Constantinescu, Special Representative for Energy Security; and U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission Dean Thompson.
"The proposed upgrades to the Romanian National Transmission Network, evaluated by this study, will facilitate increased bilateral trade and support energy security throughout the region," said Ambassador Klemm. Director General Petru Vaduva said, "Transgaz believes that this study will be instrumental in providing comfort to all market participants that the integration of the Romanian National Network with neighboring countries will soon become a reality. This integration will establish the much-needed connection between Southern and Central Europe, while ensuring the security of supply and transparency of pricing in the region."
The projects are a critical piece necessary to increase pipeline capacity and upgrade the gas transmission network's operating pressure, and ultimately energy security in the region. Through the modernization and construction of the new pipelines, Transgaz intends to distribute anticipated new gas resources from the Black Sea, as well as conduct bi-directional gas trade with neighboring countries.
This grant builds on a USTDA-funded reverse trade mission in 2013 that hosted 17 Romanian business leaders and government officials in the United States. The visit helped demonstrate advanced U.S. upstream oil and gas production technologies, practices, and regulations meant to help Romanian stakeholders plan for the development of offshore resources along the Black Sea.
#8119822 at 2020-02-13 02:23:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10394: Somethin Strange In The Neighborhood Edition
guessing it is heading to a carrier but as it does not specify which branch of the military it is assigned to it's just that…a guess. I've seen some other fighter AC there and they were navy.
I include pics when the ADS-B does not pull a pic or it's unavailable.
ty anon…appreciate that
#8118958 at 2020-02-13 01:02:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10393: IRL done, Ready to kickback, dig, and all things Nightshift Edition
SAM053 G5 into Ottawa Macdonald Cartier Int'l
GTMO844 UC-12M Huron south from NS Mayport
CASTL07 C-130 Hercules still runnin' around joisey at low altitude
#8118371 at 2020-02-13 00:08:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10392: Anons are the Calm in the Panicking Storm Edition
this one back again, not the 17 in the call but same aircraft 84-0207
CASTL07 C-130 Hercules ENE over New Joisey- slow altitude gain and currently at 1800ft
#8112661 at 2020-02-12 15:06:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10385: Sorry For The Agony You Are About To Endure Edition
"Buttigieg,Peter,P,U66005,76132,VA,3/6/15 13:38,B0401,,,03/06/2015 12:00:00 AM,3/6/15 14:00,3/6/15 23:59,,1,JM,WIN,3/6/15 13:21,JM,Abramson,Jerry,WH,WW2FL,METOYER,JORDAN,,,06/26/2015 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Peter,,U00906,,VA,,,,,06/23/2015 12:00:00 AM,6/24/15 15:15,6/24/15 23:59,,658,RV,WIN,6/23/15 14:16,RV,,POTUS,WH,State Floo,VILFER,RYAN,,,09/25/2015 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Peter,,U09432,92334,VA,5/24/2012 13:46,D1S01,,,05/23/2012 12:00:00 AM,5/24/2012 14:00,5/24/2012 23:59,,8,IH,WIN,5/23/2012 11:56,IH,Blossom,Kellyn,OEOB,428,HSU,IRENE,,,08/31/2012 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"BUTTIGIEG,PETER,,U25033,,VA,,,,,09/11/2015 12:00:00 AM,9/14/15 14:00,9/14/15 23:59,,134,DM,WIN,9/11/15 15:28,DM,Martin,Erik,OEOB,South Cour,MIELKE,DAWN,,,12/31/2015 08:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"BUTTIGIEG,PETER,,U25112,,VA,,,,,09/11/2015 12:00:00 AM,9/14/15 14:00,9/14/15 23:59,,130,FJ,WIN,9/11/15 18:29,FJ,Martin,Erik,OEOB,South Cour,JENCKS,FAE,,,12/31/2015 08:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"BUTTIGIEG,PETER,,U25114,99926,VA,9/14/15 12:41,D1101,9/14/15 18:09,,09/11/2015 12:00:00 AM,9/14/15 13:00,9/14/15 23:59,,11,FJ,WIN,9/11/15 18:51,FJ,Martin,Erik,OEOB,South Cour,JENCKS,FAE,,,12/31/2015 08:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"BUTTIGIEG,PETER,,U46702,114408,VA,11/13/15 9:32,D1101,11/13/15 17:14,,11/12/2015 12:00:00 AM,11/13/15 9:30,11/13/15 23:59,,30,AS,WIN,11/12/15 19:45,AS,Ko,Alissa,OEOB,350,SOPKO,ALEXANDRA,,,02/26/2016 08:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"BUTTIGIEG,PETER,,U48389,114455,VA,11/18/15 14:09,D1101,11/18/15 17:04,,11/18/2015 12:00:00 AM,11/18/15 14:00,11/18/15 23:59,,44,BC,WIN,11/18/15 7:43,BC,Ko,Alissa,OEOB,114,CUMMINGS,BRIDGET,,,02/26/2016 08:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"BUTTIGIEG,PETER,,U51135,,VA,,,,,11/27/2015 12:00:00 AM,12/4/15 13:30,12/4/15 23:59,,631,RV,WIN,11/27/15 18:25,RV,,POTUS/FLOTUS,WH,State Floo,VILFER,RYAN,,,03/31/2016 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Peter,,U59331,77577,VA,12/6/12 15:17,D1S01,12/6/12 17:09,D1S,12/06/2012 12:00:00 AM,12/6/12 16:00,12/6/12 23:59,,45,MB,WIN,12/6/12 6:09,MB,Block,Michael,OEOB,210,BLOCK,MICHAEL,,,03/29/2013 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Peter,,U68501,101292,VA,1/21/16 11:51,A401,,,01/21/2016 12:00:00 AM,1/21/16 12:00,1/21/16 23:59,,1,AY,WIN,1/21/16 11:09,AY,Abraham,Yohannes,WH,Mess,YUDELSON,ALEX,,,04/29/2016 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Pete,,U25271,,VA,,,,,09/13/2015 12:00:00 AM,9/16/15 10:00,9/16/15 23:59,,162,BC,WIN,9/13/15 13:14,BC,Cummings,Bridget,OEOB,EEOB 210/4,CUMMINGS,BRIDGET,,,12/31/2015 08:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Pete,,U25279,98080,VA,9/16/15 11:41,D1101,9/16/15 15:11,,09/13/2015 12:00:00 AM,9/16/15 12:00,9/16/15 23:59,,162,BC,WIN,9/13/15 14:18,BC,Cummings,Bridget,OEOB,EEOB South,CUMMINGS,BRIDGET,,,12/31/2015 08:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Pete,,U53686,,VA,,,,,01/22/2015 12:00:00 AM,1/23/15 12:00,1/23/15 23:59,,247,JM,WIN,1/22/15 18:54,JM,ABRAMSON,JERRY,OEOB,SCA,METOYER,JORDAN,,,04/24/2015 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
"Buttigieg,Pete,,U68156,,VA,,,,,01/20/2016 12:00:00 AM,1/21/16 15:00,1/21/16 23:59,,270,JL,WIN,1/20/16 14:13,JL,,POTUS,WH,State Floo,LEE,JONATHAN,,,04/29/2016 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,,
#8101091 at 2020-02-11 14:40:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10369: "Terrific Two For Tuesday" Edition
SAM074 VIP C-32A shows up on listed AC but not visual. Another pf can verify in nb?
#8101025 at 2020-02-11 14:25:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10369: "Terrific Two For Tuesday" Edition
Near top speed for that AC?
ThankQ for monitoring. Appreciate your service, planefag.
#8099991 at 2020-02-11 08:42:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10368: "Concord. I Love Concord." Edition
Notables #10368 so far
>>8099852 Obama's lawyers' law firm: two partners just quit re >>8096740 pb
>>8099844, >>8099850, >>8099862 Romania, Biden, McCain and Pipeline; moar on Russian South Stream gas pipeline
>>8099837 Baking soda & the Spanish Flu
>>8099822 Royal divorce: Queen's grandson & wife of 12 years split up
>>8099797, >>8099847 Corona news & views
>>8099818 Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson
>>8099795 Locals say CONK-erd (like "conquered") but POTUS says Con-CORD
>>8099772 "Maybe I'll vote Democrat Again": Big KEKS
>>8099745, >>8099751, >>8099762, >>8099765, >>8099782, >>8099804 China-Iran Relations
>>8099731 Trump administration suing King County to allow deportation flights from Boeing Field
baker change
>>8099738 Potus twat on Stone: Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!
>>8099708, >>8099711 @realDonaldTrump Just returned to White House from Dover. Very sad!
>>8099698, >>8099780 @CodeMonkeyZ More attacks have been coming in. Mitigation efforts already underway. Sorry again for the downtime.
>>8099691 Chuck Todd - the antisemitic jew.
>>8099655, >>8099657, >>8099664, >>8099773 "2A Interstate Compact"
>>8099646 China-Watchers Worldwide Demand Protection From Harassment for NZ Professor Anne-Marie Brady
>>8099629, >>8099608, >>8099638, >>8099639, >>8099642, >>8099663, >>8099727 The Expansion of the United Front Under Xi Jinping/China diggz
>>8099604 L.A.'s primary is on March 3rd and is being run by Soros machines, Smartmatic. Eyes on.
>>8099593 Video of Pelosi brings renewed attention to 'cheapfakes'
>>8099575 A dean at Valdosta State University was among 14 people arrested and charged with sex crimes against children during a four-day sting operation in Georgia, according to the GBI.
>>8099564 2016 Did Chinese Money Fuel North Carolina Democrat Roy Cooper's Gubernatorial Race?
still chasin' the bottom-o-bread, anons
this is about 130 posts up, so stay tuned…..
and nice work!
#8085930 at 2020-02-10 01:08:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10350: Rigged For Red Carpet Edition
New Study Adds to Evidence of Diabetes Drug Link to Heart Problems
A new study published by The BMJ adds to evidence that rosiglitazone - a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes - is associated with an increased risk of heart problems, especially heart failure.
This study is the most comprehensive evaluation of the cardiovascular risk of rosiglitazone ever done.
Rosiglitazone belongs to a class of drugs called thiazolidinediones. It helps control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, but it can also increase the risk of serious heart problems. This has led to suspension of the drug in Europe and previous restrictions on its use in the United States.
However, since 2007, studies have reported conflicting findings about whether rosiglitazone increases the risk of heart attacks. But these studies didn't have access to the raw data, also known as individual patient level data (IPD), from clinical trials and mostly relied on summary level data (e.g. results reported in publications and clinical trial registries), which are not as reliable when estimating the true safety profile of drugs.
Recent efforts by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - the maker of rosiglitazone - to make IPD available to external investigators, prompted a team of US researchers to re-analyse the data and clarify some of the uncertainties about rosiglitazone's cardiovascular risk.
They analysed the results of more than 130 trials involving over 48,000 adult patients that compared rosiglitazone with any control for at least 24 weeks. IPD were available for 33 trials, which included 21156 patients; the remaining trials only had summary level data available.
When the researchers analysed the IPD from trials made available by GSK, they found rosiglitazone was associated with a 33% increased risk of a composite cardiovascular event (heart attack, heart failure, cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular related death) compared with controls. This was estimated from the 274 events among 11,837 rosiglitazone patients and 219 events among 9,319 control patients.
When examining cardiovascular events independently, the analyses of the 33 GSK trials with IPD resulted in higher estimates of the risk of heart attacks than the analyses of trials with IPD and summary level data.
These findings highlight the potential for different results derived from different data sources, and demonstrate the need for greater clinical trial transparency and data sharing to accurately assess the safety of drugs, say the researchers.
"Our study suggests that when evaluating drug safety and performing meta-analyses focused on safety, IPD might be necessary to accurately classify all adverse events," they write. "By including these data in research, patients, clinicians, and researchers would be able to make more informed decisions about the safety of interventions."
They add: "Our study highlights the need for independent evidence assessment to promote transparency and ensure confidence in approved therapeutics, and postmarket surveillance that tracks known and unknown risks and benefits."
#8084327 at 2020-02-09 23:03:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10348: Justice. Edition
Canadian C-130 CFC2595 just landed Tyndall AFB Florida Panhandle
Canadian C-130 has been hanging around Miami/FL area all weekend.
RAIDR 44/45 still loitering Blythe, CA
(2) Canadian Airbus flights ingress NW US
#8084169 at 2020-02-09 22:51:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10348: Justice. Edition
RAIDR 44/45
Confirmed Playing in the same sandbox where RAF C-130 was.
Around Blythe, CA
#8083974 at 2020-02-09 22:35:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10347: Easy-Bake Torshift Edition
RAIDR44/45 really gettin' the lead out
Cruise speed: 292 kn (336 mph, 541 km/h)
circle indicates an observes AO for a Royal Airforce C-130 observed earlier loitering in the circled area.
#8081667 at 2020-02-09 11:15:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10344: What's Up with the Governors? Edition
basically at day 58 130 million or so are infected.
#8076823 at 2020-02-08 21:32:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10338: Mittens Left and Right Edition
my calc is 130 million with that many disabled i will do what is necessary.
#8063405 at 2020-02-07 19:16:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10321: THE END Edition
Harvard Arrests, Coronavirus and China, Related?
January 29, 2020 by Denise Simon
One has to apply some critical thinking here. The money clue -> Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a "Strategic Scientist" at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China's Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017. Wuhan is ground-zero for the virus. The United States along with the Center for Disease Control has offered substantial assistance to China providing expertise including microbiology, immunology and virology relating directly to the coronavirus. but China refused. Hummm. The U.S. patent office has approved several patent applications relating to the virus, the most recent in 2008 from what appears to be from a team from Vanderbilt University.
A close friend found another interesting event recently held event from October 2019 that was hosted in New York by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation called Event 201. 130 people attended to discuss pandemics.
#8063062 at 2020-02-07 18:42:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10321: THE END Edition
>>8063017 (lb)
We visited in the winter but they said in the summertime it was not not. Not cool like AC, but more moderate. Still somewhat kicking myself for not jumping at the chance..it was just too remote for our kiddos in school.
#8059478 at 2020-02-07 10:01:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10316: Winning the Information War Edition
On Feb. 6, the United Nations Command (UNC) posted a photo of the telephone that serves as its direct line of communication with North Korea on its official Twitter account. The light pink telephone is reminiscent of older telephones. The tweet added that the UNC uses it "twice daily" for routine communications checks, and that it was used to exchange over 130 messages in 2019.
#8056616 at 2020-02-07 04:10:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10312: Reeeevival Edition
I worked on AC in the Navy, spent time in SA during Desert Storm got out an became a master electrician, now I sell on eBay..
What kinda fag am I?
#8054052 at 2020-02-07 00:24:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10309: Nighshift Up In This.... Edition
Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. CEO sold: $13.02m-Feb 6
Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. designs, develops and markets integrated power semiconductor solutions and power delivery architectures. The Company operates in the design, development, marketing and sale of power solutions for the communications, storage and computing, consumer and industrial markets segment. The Company's product families include Direct Current (DC) to DC Products, and Lighting Control Products. The Company's DC to DC integrated circuits (ICs) are used to convert and control voltages within a range of electronic systems, such as portable electronic devices, wireless local area network (LAN) access points, computers, monitors, automobiles and medical equipment. Lighting control ICs are used in backlighting and general illumination products. In addition to Alternating Current (AC)/DC offline solutions for lighting illumination applications, the Company also offers AC/DC power conversion solutions for end products that plug into a wall outlet.
Number of employees : 1 737 people.
#8049482 at 2020-02-06 17:25:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10303: Shock and Awe Edition
I think most relevantly,
DC is consumable, and AC is more efficient.
The powers that be of course wanted a meter on every home so the consumption would lead to great wealth.
Furthering their control.
AC simply did not give with the way the powerful do business.
#8049297 at 2020-02-06 17:13:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10303: Shock and Awe Edition
Yes, digital information can be transmitted through AC current, without smart meter.
Light bulbs can be used to read "sound pressure waves" and send that back to a central location for example.
#8049224 at 2020-02-06 17:07:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10303: Shock and Awe Edition
Electricity flows on hot wire, what's unused comes back on neutral.
Single phase = 1 hot 1 neutral 110v
Single phase = 2 hots 1 neutral shared 220/240v
Three phase = 3 hots 1 neutral shared 208/277/480
#8049219 at 2020-02-06 17:07:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10303: Shock and Awe Edition
I will throw something out for electro fags.
With smart meters is their a remote possibility that ip packets can be modulated/demodulated within AC, i.e., the power grid.
If you charge a smart phone could an AC grid gain data with the above?
Can AC grid be used as an internet with current/hidden or future tech?
#8049080 at 2020-02-06 16:55:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10303: Shock and Awe Edition
>High Voltage AC can travel far, not sure about DC but its not suitable for a grid setup anyway.
Exactly correct Anon - DC is for maximum 3 to 400 feet transmission. DC is VERY inefficient in transport.
#8048969 at 2020-02-06 16:44:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10303: Shock and Awe Edition
Westingnghouse patented AC.
Tesla made it commercially viable.
Edison patented DC, also perfected by Telsa (edison nj was a dc project)
DC travels one way.
AC travels both ways on a circuit (suitable for a interconnected grid).
DC electrocutes easier because of uniterrupted muscular contraction.
AC alternates so it throws you off. (safer)
High Voltage AC can travel far, not sure about DC but its not suitable for a grid setup anyway.
#8048917 at 2020-02-06 16:38:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10303: Shock and Awe Edition
>>8048725 LB
do you mean Samuel Insull?
Digging. TY anon.
To answer at this point:
A/C vs D/C long distance: DC is very expensive, and AC has the ability to be stepped down and up via a transformer. Both make AC more viable over long distances (which the US has a lot of)
As for the history of AC, interestingly I've never looked into it. It appears a bunch of french inventors created the first AC instruments. Hippolyte Pixii in 1832. The first practical use of AC was by Guillaume Duchenne for use in "electrotherapy."
Then, later, AC was developed by the Ganz Works company in Hungary, and even later (1880s) by Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, Lucien Gaulard, and Galileo Ferraris.
Gaulard and John Dixon Gibbs creation of a particular transformer interested Westinghouse. Westinghouse then adapted these eurodesigns for US use.
This was furthered by the works of Ferraris and Tesla when they created, independently, the first AC induction motors.
Fundamentally AC is hard to meter, no? Hence the interest by Edison and his backers (the cult) in DC over AC. Think about automobiles that use induction motors instead of gas engines. The same group Edison was involved with (vanderbilts, rockefellers, ford, eastman, gannett, firestone etc.) all had vested interest in the Seneca Oil which would be used to power Ford's cheap vehicles.
Where does Samuel Insull come in?
It would appear on the surface that Morgan, and Vanderbilt bankrolled him through consolidation efforts (their modus operandi) of the electric industry. The first major effort being the consolidation of Edison General Electric with the Thomson Houston Electric Company.
#8046626 at 2020-02-06 07:12:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10300: Romney on the Ropes Edition
I think Yeardley was the whining, horrible voice, just married woman in Maximum Overdrive. Wife of the character Curtis.
Not much has changed then, since the '80's.
Trivia: Entire movie soundtrack was Acca-Dacca (AC/DC)
#8044046 at 2020-02-06 02:43:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10296: The Deep Stank In The Stanktuary City Edition
DC power Panic in DC
AC Alternating clowns
#8043709 at 2020-02-06 02:18:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10296: The Deep Stank In The Stanktuary City Edition
Edison DC
Tesla AC
#8043682 at 2020-02-06 02:17:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10296: The Deep Stank In The Stanktuary City Edition
>>8043356 lb
>Do you know how much cabal capital is set in power lines and right of ways?
Actually I do. During the period right after the teleco breakup consent decree, where AT&T and the Bell System were broken up into the regional carriers we have today, it was made very clear to us that railroad rights-of-way were very valuable and the telephone companies were agressively pursuing easments and acquisitions to get access to these long-haul rights-of-way to lay the new fiber optic lines that were just beginning to be deployed at that time.
However your connection with Edison and Tesla appears to be a non-sequitur, unless one adds some assumptions. Edison's alternating current power scheme required a lot of long copper wires, which would have utilized the railroads' rights of way. Tesla's power scheme was DC (direct current), also over copper wires, also requiring rights of way. (Actually long-haul DC power would require even more copper, much fatter conductors, to minimize resistive losses in the transmission lines. If they stepped up the voltage enough to reduce resistive losses, the high voltage DC would instantly kill.) The Tesla patents, however, talk about wireless power transmission and radiant power collection (the ones I've read). Whether/how that would be done remains unclear. People wave their hands a lot and say "Tesla" but very few of them have read his patents or tried to replicate any of his inventions.
I hope this makes sense, I am very tired.
If Tesla had perfected and demonstrated wireless power transmission on an industrial scale and with adequate safety, then your comparison of Edison and Tesla vis-a-vis the early railroads would have some legs. There would have been a motivation to select Edison's AC power approach over Tesla's electricity, because the railroad rights of way would have given the owner control over the power grid, the transmission lines, and a vehicle to lock in enormous profits.
Is that what you're getting at?
>>8043249 lb
Praying Muh Dick?
Plus he has no way of knowing the cause of changes in web traffic over here.
#8040180 at 2020-02-05 21:47:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General 10291: Acquitted on All Counts Editon
re: Mensa
My dad had wanted me to apply/take the test(?). Don't know for sure if he was a member. Is there a way to check if he was? Is there a way to prep for it? Would it be considered cheating? I think my IQ was 130+-. Is that good? average?unstable genius?
#8037978 at 2020-02-05 19:53:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10288: Dems Perfecting Self Destruct Edition
Pelosi Statement on State of the Union Address
"We are always hopeful when a President makes a State of the Union address. We welcome any opportunity to extend the hand of friendship to find common ground on behalf of the American people. The issue of major concern to most Americans is health care. Tonight, House Democrats brought scores of guests to the State of the Union who have powerful health care stories, whether it is families with pre-existing conditions, families struggling to afford the prescription drugs they need, or families relying on Medicaid even though they have private insurance. We had been told the President would have a positive message on health care.
"However, President Trump's address tonight gave no comfort to the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions or the families struggling to afford the prescription drugs they need. Once again, President Trump was not truthful about his actions in court to destroy pre-existing condition protections. Once again, President Trump pulled his punch on his promise to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, which House Democrats delivered with the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, H.R.3.
"Next week, when the President presents his budget, the American people will see the stark reality of his agenda. A federal budget should be a statement of our national values, and the President has sadly shown that he does not value the good health of the American people. Democrats continue to urge the President to abandon his assault on seniors and families and to join us to deliver real progress in lowering the price of prescription drugs and making the bold investments needed to rebuild America's infrastructure in a green and modern way.
"The manifesto of mistruths presented in page after page of the address tonight should be a call to action for everyone who expects truth from the President and policies worthy of his office and the American people. The American people expect and deserve a President to have integrity and respect for the aspirations for their children.
"Americans were uplifted by the positive message and vision for progress for all communicated by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Congresswoman Veronica Escobar of Texas. In the election, Democrats ran and won on a pledge For The People: lower health care costs, bigger paychecks, clean up corruption in government. And we will continue to be relentless in our pursuit of progress for hard-working families across America, For The People."
#8036948 at 2020-02-05 18:40:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10287: Q'd for a BUCKLE UP! Edition
Yeah, the tea is bitter but it helped cure my acid stomach. Was taking a Pepcid AC several time a week. Now - none. Seemed to help my arthritis too.
#8034565 at 2020-02-05 14:59:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10284: If Da Glove Don't Fit? You Must Acquit! Edition
Q told us to find the spiders in the web.
The "map"
The network map of their interconnectedness.
This is one hell of a start.
Think about the foundations, the political influence, the infrastructure to the growing country.
Think about the influence these people have over the modern world.
What connects them all?
Railroads and the Cult?
What does Q have to say about the Vanderbilts?
Gloria? Anderson?
The railroad brought those industrialists together.
What is the glue that binds them?
They weaponized Rockefeller's oil via Detroit.
Tesla and Edison war?
AC vs DC?
Q clearance is DOE right?
Dig this group of industrialists and I be we'll find the cult.
#8029111 at 2020-02-05 03:29:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10277: The End Endless Wars Edition
State of the Union Message by Donald J. Trump
Feb. 4, 2020 9 pm EST
[Crowd: "Four more years!!!…]
[FLOTUS: standing ovation]
[POTUS enters]
3 yrs ago, launched great American comeback.
Jobs booming, income soaring….our country is thriving and highly respected again. [Nancy looking down.
The years of economic decay are OVER.
The day so our country being scorned…are long behind us….
We are moving forward at a pace that was unimaginable just a short time ago.
And we are never, ever GOING BACK.
Economy is the best it's ever been–miiltary, border, pride restored.
The state of our union is strong tha ever before.
We are building [a great inclusive society….includes great reciprocal trade agreements.]…
Our agenda is pro-American.
We are advancing with unbridled optimism.
There are 7 mil new jobs, unemployment rate lowest in over half a century.
Average unempl. rate is lower than under any other admin:
Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, African amer youth, vets, disabled, those wo/hs diploma - lowest in history.
For women, lowest in 70 yrs. A record no of young Americans are employed. 10 mil lifted off welfare.
Have reversed failed economic policies of previous admin >>> great economic success.
3.5mil have joined the workforce. Bottom workers - net worth increased 47%. 16% pay increase.
Blue collar boom. Median household income: highest level ever recorded.
Stock markets have soared - another record. Consumer confidence - have reached new highs.
Opportunity zones have helped poor neighborhoods. Example: Tony Rankins.
Roaring economy has helped prisoners. Criminal justice reform, too.
US now the top producer of oil and natural gas. Energy jobs are at a record high.
Restoring our nation's industrial might–12000 new factories.
Companies are coming back to the USA.
Replaced NAFTA with USMCA. Will create 100,000 new auto jobs and improve trade.
Fairness and reciprocity have returned.
New trade deal with China; good trade relations.
We are rebuilding OUR country and standing up for freedom in our hemisphere (new Cuba policy).
Leading a coalition against Maduro. True preisdent of Venezuela is here (Guido).
Please take this message back: [we support their freedom.] Socialism destroys nations.
Invested $2.2 trillion in US military. Purchased new equipment made in USA.
NATO Allies are now paying their fair share. More than doubled.
Space Force created ("very important").
Ian Lonfay (sp?) has always dreamed of going into space. First in his class, wants to go to Air Force Academy.
Chas Mcgee - Ian's great here. Born 100 one of the last surviving Tuskeegee airmen, first black fighter pilots:
Ian's great grandfather. 130 combat missions in WW2. POTUS promoted him to Brig. Gen'l.
#8028728 at 2020-02-05 03:15:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10276: SOTU 2020 III Freedom Unifies The Soul Edition
#8026841 at 2020-02-05 01:57:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10274: SOTU 2020 Edition
CASTL50 USAF C-130 Hercules
#8023186 at 2020-02-04 19:54:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10269: (YOU) Must Organically Uncover The Truth Edition
English: https://www.dropbox.com/s/46etns28plywwgc/The%20Earth%20Plane.pdf?dl=0
Arabic: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2mm07bc4z1b5r3f/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B1%D8%B6%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%B7%D8%AD%D8%A9.pdf?dl=0
Bulgarian: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fb0qk2lol58khar/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Bulgarian.pdf?dl=0
Dutch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3g1pchms38ri2ji/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Dutch.pdf?dl=0
French: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1sdindmtj5xqkws/The-Earth-Plane-French-v2.1.pdf?dl=0
German: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cecmhqofpv4zbke/The%20Earth%20Plane%20German.pdf?dl=0
Greek: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g39u7r6p5gy655b/%CE%A4%CE%BF%20%CE%93%CE%B5%CF%89%CF%80%CE%BB%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%BF.pdf?dl=0
Italian: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cs0pxd0nkc2ux77/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Italian.pdf?dl=0
Japanese: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z3hof9ka3466ssi/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Japanese.pdf?dl=0
Lithuanian: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i0e0fh6duuua47m/%C5%BDem%C4%97s%20Plok%C5%A1tumos%20L%C4%97ktuvas%20%28Eric%20Dubay%29.pdf?dl=0
Polish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/75zh0ya1irwcjvm/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Polish.pdf?dl=0
Portuguese: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2rjmhkgi4fttyzo/O%20Aeroplano%20Terra%20-%20Eric%20Dubay.pdf?dl=0
Spanish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/of2h4wqwnt8i7ke/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Spanish.pdf?dl=0
#8022470 at 2020-02-04 18:29:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10268: Biblical?! Edition
by AC
Burisma Holdings' Money Laundering Corruption Was Made Possible When Russian Annexation of Ukraine Was Prevented.
This was Accomplished by Toppling the Ukrainian Government and Re-Assigning the Ukrainian Presidency to a Highly Corrupt Ukrainian Oligarch
This was Made Possible by an Obama US Administration COUP Carried Out by US Asst Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Uktaine Geoffrey Pyatt
The COUP was Cemented by the Glue Provided by Obama-Designated Point-Man-to-Ukraine and US Vice President Joe Biden.
The Glue Which Cemented the COUP Consisted of 77 Plus Deaths and 1,100 Injuries of Ukrainian Citizens That Primarily Occurred in Maiden Square Located in Downtown Kiev
Some Deaths and Injuries Were Caused by Masked Torch-Carrying Soros NGO Rent-a-Thugs Wielding Baseball Bats
Most Deaths and Injuries were caused by California State Military Reservist Snipers Ultimately Commanded by Speaker of the US House of Representatives Bancy Pelosi's Nephew Who is California State Governor Gavin Newsom.
The leaked phone call from US Asst Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyett is linked below.
In the call, Nuland is Telling Pyett of her choice for the next President of Ukraine - choosing among 3 men - and she is doing so EVEN THOUGH THR OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY FOR UKRAINE IS NOT VACANT.
#8015915 at 2020-02-04 00:59:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10259: Rush For The Qure Edition
nflx hired a former postmaster general to run ops for one year
from 2006
Netflix Hires Former U.S. Postmaster General as COO
Netflix has hired former U.S. Postmaster General William J. Henderson as chief operations officer, effective January 23rd.
Tom Dillon, who joined Netflix in 1999 and built the logistics and distribution systems at Netflix, will be retiring in April.
If he could handle delivering 668 million pieces of mail per day to 130 million addresses with a budget of $68 billion, I think he can handle shipping a few movies (Netflix ships more than one million movies per day)'
#8015559 at 2020-02-04 00:26:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10259: Rush For The Qure Edition
Yes, I have ear problems from wearing the foam earplugs in the Navy around AC, peroxide is a savior. The VA gave me some ear cream, but it doesn't work near as well as peroxide.
#8014047 at 2020-02-03 21:36:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10257: Little Is as Little Does Edition
Is post 130 the keystone?
#8004142 at 2020-02-02 22:15:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10243: SuperBread II - Pope's Guardians vs Q's Army Edition
the 2.8-mill to be made up is about 2%, which is a rounding error in some businesses…or an accounts receivable allowance for bad debt, or manufacturing allowance for defects and dross. And the pool of votes will probably be higher than the 130-mil from last time. Yes, Dems, that is the toast that is burning. if i was them i'd get busy reversing those laws stat
#8002103 at 2020-02-02 18:13:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research Edition #10241: Digits on the Date Confirm Palindrome Day Edition
#7993314 at 2020-02-01 20:19:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10230: General Flynn Coming Front and Center Soon Edition
Who's Who Of Epstein's Black Book
On Scribd - https://www.scribd.com/document/422192865/The-Who-s-Who-of-Jeffrey-Epstein-s-Black-Book
Download - https://spidercatweb.blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Whos-who-of-Epsteins-black-book.docx
Download - Jeffrey Epsteins Black Book - UNREDACTED
Read more
130+ MSM Articles & Blogs On Prince Andrew's "Links" To Paedophilia
Royal Family, Paedophilia, Satanism & Murder
Abousleiman, Joanna
Adam, Nick
Agag Alejandro
Agnew, Marie Claire & John
Alaia Azzedine
Albermarle, Rufus & Sally
Aldridge, Saffron
Alexander, Pam
Algranti, Giacomo
Allan, Paul
Allan, Nick & Sarah
Althorp, Charlie
Alun Jones, Carella (daughter of Sir Derek Alun Jones)
Alun-Jones, Jeremy & Deborah (Jeremey is the son of Sir Derek Alun Jones)
Alvarez, Senor Vincente
Amon, Roberta & Maurice
Amon, Mr Philippe SICPA
Anderson, Lulu
Appleby, Robert & Alex
Arango, Maite
Arellano, Victor
Arion Joaquin Fernandez de
Arion, Fernando
Armstrong, Arthur & Cathy
Aron, Herve & Marine
Ash, Lorinda
Ashley & Allegra Hicks
Astor Vlscount William
Assaf, Charlotte & Vittorio
Astaire, Mr Simon
Atkin, Helene
Atkin, Mike & Ami
Aznar, Jose
Baddeley, Jean
Bahrke, Peter
Baker, Danny
Bakhtiar, Shariar
Balazs, Andre
Baldwin, Alec
Bamford, George / Alice (JCB family)
Bamford, Sir Anthony and Lady C
Bands, Doug
Bannister, Clive
Banon, Javier
Barham, Nicholas & Gretel (Gretel's family)
Barnes, Peter
Barnett, Craig
Bastone, Hillary
Batstone, Hiliary
Batstone, Tim Natasha
#7985819 at 2020-02-01 02:47:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10220: 17 Deep At The Brexit Bar Edition
Oh Yeah… Weinstein. Fuck.
#7979624 at 2020-01-31 18:40:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10213: Q~ Coming Soon Edition
food truck mafia
sup w you? hard stop 430 you 130 me?
#7978277 at 2020-01-31 17:08:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10211: Coincidences are fun! Edition
MIRACLE! Joe Biden was broke in 2017-now he's RICH-where did those millions come from?
"When Biden ended his term as vice president in January 2017, he filed another financial disclosure form, listing assets and liabilities worth somewhere between negative $897,000 and positive $489,000". In other words, they were underwater.
Then a miracle happened. The floodgates opened and money came pouring in. Again from this Forbes 2019 article: "But over the next 23 months, the Bidens earned more than $15 million, according to tax filings.
also see: 5th Biden Family Member Caught in Money Scandal - Ashley Biden Organization Received $166K Federal Grant While Dad was VP
Biden Cash
James Biden's Firm Got $1.5 Billion in Government Contracts
Joe Biden's Brother Frank Linked to Projects That Received $54 Million from Obama Administration
Biden Crime Family's Latest: Valerie Biden, Joe's Sister, Sent Million$ from Campaign Funds to Her Own Consulting Firm
Attorneys at Custody Hearings: Hunter Biden Helped Defraud Native Americans Out of $60 Million, Also Involved in $150 Million Ukraine Counterfeiting Scheme
Court Filing Accuses Hunter Biden of $156 Million Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme
Bombshell: Hunter Biden NEVER Worked in Ukraine Despite Five Years on Burisma's Board, While Being Paid $50,000 a Month
The Millions The Bidens Took From Ukraine Pale in Comparison to The $130 Million Rip Off They Pulled on AMERICANS
here is one of the payout sheets
The Bidens Made Nearly Twice As Much In 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined
Michela Tindera
Michela TinderaForbes Staff
Money & Politics
#7975987 at 2020-01-31 09:42:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10108: Big Peach Mint Vote Pray Anons! Edition
Ideal starting point to follow the pattern for learning purposes?
#7975774 at 2020-01-31 08:24:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10108: Big Peach Mint Vote Pray Anons! Edition
So will be see stuff like this?
Or just 10 million pages from the pencil Shitt?
Seriously guys lets pick up the pace here. Anyone with an IQ over 130 will say this is BORING AF!
#7975158 at 2020-01-31 06:21:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10207: Here PANIC ThereEdition
BREAKING: Charges Filed Against Joe Biden!
By Dean Garrison - January 31, 2020
Joe Biden has people coming at him from all sides now.
If he weren't so feeble minded, he might quit while he still has a chance to escape without prosecution from Trump's team. (that's our hope/dream of course)
Gary tells us who has filed charges against Joe Biden...
Here's more from Interfax:
Ukrainian ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has demanded that the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) open criminal proceedings against former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden for illegal influence on him as the prosecutor general of Ukraine.
"I ask you to register a criminal offense against me in the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations by a U.S. citizen, Joseph Biden, which happened on the territory of Ukraine and abroad, namely, interference with the activities of a law enforcement officer, the responsibility for which is provided for in Part 2 of Article 343 of Ukraine's Criminal Code. Immediately start a pretrial investigation and give written instructions to SBI investigators," Shokin said in a statement to the acting SBI director delivered by Shokin's lawyers.
Shokin said he agreed to resign as prosecutor general of Ukraine due to Biden pressure.
"During the last months of 2015 and the first of 2016, Joseph Biden, using his official position, personally paid official visits to Ukraine several times with the aim of holding negotiations with the state leaders on my removal from my post. As a result, he curtailed an objective investigation criminal proceedings on the facts of unlawful activities of persons associated with the company Burisma Holdings Limited (Cyprus), including the son of the specified high-ranking official," Shokin said.
Shokin said Biden demanded that he be fired in exchange for the unhindered provision of Ukraine with a U.S. state guarantee in the amount of $1 billion.
Shokin said Biden's actions can be considered as pressure according to the scientific and legal conclusion of the International Law Association of April 18, 2017, provided by Doctor of Law, Professor [Oleksandr] Merezhko, currently Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
Facts about Biden's illegal influence against Shokin are confirmed by the results of an independent international journalistic investigation, named "UkraineGate," conducted and published by the French Internet publication Les-Crises.fr.
Remind me again why Trump was originally investigated for impeachment, I mean after Russiagate.
Wasn't it something to do with Ukraine collusion?
Three Senate Committees Open Investigations Into Obama-Biden Ukrainian Election Interference
Video: OAN Pundit Puts Final Nail In Biden's Coffin, Interviews Ukrainian Prosecutor That Biden Had Fired
Attorneys: Hunter Biden Helped Con Native Americans Out of $60 Million, Also Involved in $150 Million Ukraine Counterfeiting Scheme
LOCK THEM UP!!! Obama & Biden Under Formal Investigation for Corruption in Ukraine Says Paul Sperry
The Millions The Bidens Took From Ukraine Pale in Comparison to The $130 Million Rip Off They Pulled on AMERICANS
Giuliani Uncovers Treasure Trove of Ukrainian Documents, "Biden Money Laundering And Perjury"
Ukraine May Open New Investigations Into The Bidens
If Biden & Son were put on trial they wouldn't have to worry about low ratings on this sham impeachment.
They could sell it as a pay-per-view event and make more money than The Bidens have ever made by ripping everyone else off.
Biden Crime Family's Latest: Valerie Biden, Joe's Sister, Sent Million$ from Campaign Funds to Her Own Consulting Firm
Nothing to See Here! Joe Biden's Brother's Firm Got $1.5 Billion in Government Contracts
Frank Biden, Joe's Brother, Linked to Projects That Received $54 Million from Obama Administration, NO EXPERIENCE
All of those stories broke in just the past 10 days.
Lock them all up!
The whole damn family.
Everyone deserves a fair trial, but let's get that party started America.
Eyes on needs review
#7974827 at 2020-01-31 05:34:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10206: Trusting the Plan Is So Much Better Than Peach Mints! Edition
Helmets are a problem
Donate here if you want: https://www.operation-helmet.org/
#7973982 at 2020-01-31 04:13:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10205: Please Shut Up Shifty Schiff Edition
i see a pattern developing
penn biden
ASU no-name
Atlantic Council
Atlantic Council
at least the ASU one says 'combating', whereas the Carpenter AC one just says his expertise includes
weapons trafficking
#7968513 at 2020-01-30 20:49:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10198: Never tired of Winning! Rally Tonight! Edition
much love RG
good timing
cake ninja usually has hard stop at 130
ill be lurking later
#7968219 at 2020-01-30 20:27:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10198: Never tired of Winning! Rally Tonight! Edition
Everyone wants results. We need to prove that we have enough NORMIE support first.
We need a strong show of support. Hence the strike idea of all non-essential labor and services. May 1st or June 1st.
It gives Trump and Q opportunity to reset the currency under National Government control. They expose the gold theft and manipulation by the Federal Reserve, and walk away from all Non-soveriegn debt. The elite bankers will be told to go pound Sand. GOLD BRINGS DOWN THE FED.
It also insures that mass arrests and the currency reset will not cause mass panicking, riots, hunger, or deaths because high percentages of people will prepare with food, water, money or precious metals, medical supplies and others.
The dollar has no value besides what we assign it thru our spending, work, etc. It has been tied to petrol until the elite created the new police state world economy in China. The play was always there. China, Russia, India have dumped 80 to 90% of their holdings of U.S. treasuries which is huge. Who is buying? Follow the money because it always tells you the truth. Israelis and Saudis are the main purchasers. They allowed Trump time to gain control of the Fed. GOLD WILL BRING DOWN THE FED.
We welcome Normies and newly awoken people to the cause. Please be respectful as Autists and Anons have been researching under fire since before Q started. Try to read the notables before you post to see if your thoughts have been researched prior before you post new thoughts. The Anons here can get a bit protective as schills and deep state post here attempting to brand the research as racist, conspiracy theory. These people are truly educated in reality, so please respect that.
Please create memes for preparation of Water, food and supplies for a labour / services stoppage on May 1st or June 1st of this year. Both hemispheres do not require heat or AC during this period, and it will help.
The Q movement was to give is info. Trump starts the video to get him re-elected with: "Our goal is to give the American people a government system free of corruption that will be run by the people and for the people. Q has caused CEO and bureaucrat resignations, firings to clean our system and expose the people involved in the actions they took. Our job is to gain majority support of the people and demand justice we see fit. The answers have always been there.
Q can not endorse this strike or labor stoppage plan because it could cause civil unrest, that could be blamed upon the administration or the movement, but believe that they want this window of opportunity and show of support.
#7965748 at 2020-01-30 17:46:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10195: Gearing up for Super Bowl Ads Edition
Migrants from 41 Nations Apprehended in Texas near Border Since New Fiscal Year
Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio and El Paso Sectors continue to apprehend migrants from a wide variety of nations after they illegally cross the border from Mexico.
The Del Rio Sector reports the apprehension of migrants from 41 countries like Brazil, Haiti, and China since the new fiscal year began on October 1, 2019.
"Del Rio Sector continues to arrest individuals from around the world," Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz said in a written statement. "So far this year, the men and women of Del Rio Sector have arrested people from 41 different countries. Del Rio Sector has coordinated with local hospitals and contract medical professionals to be prepared to process and manage these detainees safely."
On January 28, Del Rio Sector agents from multiple stations apprehended 17 Haitian migrants, 17 from Honduras, and three from Brazil. Two days earlier, agents arrested a Chinese national after he attempted to run from a vehicle that led agents on a pursuit.
Over the weekend, agents disrupted 10 human smuggling attempts and arrested 11 human smugglers and 33 migrants from Ecuador, China, Guatemala, and Mexico.
Officials state that since October 1, Del Rio Sector agents apprehended more than 130 migrants from Brazil, more than 700 Haitians, more than 3,500 Hondurans, and 30 people from China. To put that in perspective, during Fiscal Year 2019, Del Rio Sector agents only apprehended six Chinese nationals for the entire year.
Elsewhere along the Texas border with Mexico, El Paso Sector agents apprehended a Cuban migrant on July 24 who jumped out of a vehicle being pursued by law enforcement in the El Paso area. The Chinese illegal alien attempted to hide in a residence.
Agents patrolling near Fabens, Texas, arrested a group of people after they illegally crossed the border into the U.S. After searching the crossing area, agents arrested four people attempting to hide in heavy brush, according to El Paso Sector officials.
The agents found the migrants and placed them under arrest. They identified two as Mexican nationals, the other two presented Turkish passports, officials stated. The agents transported the four migrants to the Clint Border Patrol Station for processing.
"Human smugglers continue to show disregard for the safety and well-being of the people they are smuggling," El Paso Sector officials said in a written statement. "On many occasions, the smuggling attempts involve life-threatening methods."
On January 21, Laredo Sector agents found a group of 63 migrants locked inside a tractor-trailer. Those arrested include migrants from Brazil, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua.
#7962337 at 2020-01-30 06:02:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10190: Late Night Peach Mint Drain! Let It Go!Edition
This wrap thing is suspicious to me. I've never heard of a wrap being applied to an aircraft–100+ lbs of vinyl would seriously fuck up weight & balance numbers.
Furthermore, the pic with the while/blue livery is labeled "experimental." What's up with that? Wasn't the ac used as exec transport for the IL gov't prior to being purchased by the operator Kobe was chartering with? Whole thing is weird.
#7961629 at 2020-01-30 04:25:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10189: Impeachment Faceplant Edition
Why don't you guys just check the FAA's aircraft registry? Stop relying on fake news articles. For example the fake news says the aircraft hit the ground at 185 mph and the rate of decent was…whatever, I've heard 2 things on that, etc. etc. The AC had no flight data recorder and was off the radar so how the hell does fake news know so much? They don't
#7960792 at 2020-01-30 02:49:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10188: Night Shift On Approach Edition
Operation Wuhan: How US and Japan planned evacuations of citizens
TOKYO/NEW YORK – When the crew of Kalitta Air flight K4371 announced "Welcome home to the United States" upon arriving at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport in Alaska on Wednesday morning, the "whole plane erupted in cheers," said Dr. Anne Zink, Alaska's chief medical officer who was in charge of screening the passengers.
The cargo plane was fitted with temporary seats for U.S. diplomats, their families and a few American citizens who returned from Wuhan, a city in central China with a population of 11 million. The plane arrived in Alaska after a nine-and-a-half-hour flight. While it was only for refueling, there is little doubt that passengers were relieved.
When the plane reached its final destination at a military base in California after another five hours in the air, it joined an All Nippon Airways plane at Tokyo's Haneda Airport on Wednesday morning after the successful evacuation of citizens from Wuhan, the epicenter of the deadly virus.
But many aspects of the operations changed up until the last minute, including the destinations and number of planes. With little experience dealing with similar situations, governments faced unexpected hurdles, such as when two Japanese passengers refused health checkups upon arrival. They headed straight to their homes, igniting a barrage of criticism on social media as fears continued to grow over the virus that has sickened at least 6,000 people worldwide and killed more than 130 in mainland China.
Australia, France, the U.K., Germany, Canada and Russia are also arranging similar evacuations, each with differing lengths and methods of quarantining passengers until they are given the all clear.
Among other countries planning to evacuate their citizens, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that evacuees will initially be sent to Christmas Island, a remote Australian island near Indonesia, to be quarantined for two weeks.
The use of an immigration detention center on the island to prevent evacuees from mixing with the general public stands in contrast to Japan's measures. The U.K., which plans to repatriate its citizens from Wuhan on Thursday morning, also plans to isolate evacuees at a military base for around two weeks, according to the BBC.
Part of Japan's hesitation to forcefully quarantine its citizens stems from its past, when the government for years kept leprosy patients in compulsory seclusion, despite disease's low risk of transmission. "We have to think of human rights when handling infectious diseases," a health ministry official said.
The Kalitta Air flight departed Wuhan's Tianhe International Airport with a pilot dressed in full protective gear, a photo from China's Xinhua News Agency shows.
Kalitta is part of a company that has been flying special missions for the U.S. government for decades. The company has taken part in disaster relief efforts, including major hurricanes and 9/11, according to the Kalitta Charters website. It has also transported casualties of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
After its stop in Alaska, the plane arrived at the March Air Reserve Base near Riverside, California. The evacuation flight was initially announced as heading to San Francisco, but was changed to Ontario International Airport, a civilian airport near Los Angeles, before finally being rerouted to a military base. Meanwhile, ANA flight NH1952 carrying 206 Japanese nationals from Wuhan was Japan's first mass evacuation of its citizens from abroad to escape a disease outbreak.
The second flight of Wuhan evacuees arrived in Tokyo on Thursday morning, with 210 passengers. All will be screened and any exhibiting symptoms will be immediately hospitalized.
Health ministry officials confirmed on Thursday that three evacuees from the first flight were carrying the coronavirus.
The evacuations were the culmination of a week of intense preparations.
After Wuhan entered lockdown last Thursday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had local officials from the Japan External Trade Organization begin gathering information on employees of Japanese companies seeking to return home.
Abe met with cabinet ministers the following day, calling on them to make every possible effort to ensure Japanese citizens' safety. He urged Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi to open talks with the Chinese government about what measures to take, including a potential evacuation.
Officials weighed multiple possibilities, including chartered planes as well as buses to ferry people out of Wuhan and onto commercial flights from other airports.
rest at link
#7960294 at 2020-01-30 02:01:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10188: Night Shift On Approach Edition
14-5809 AE5968
United States Air Force 145809
Lockheed ac-130J Ghostrider C30J
Flying around Michigan
#7957630 at 2020-01-29 21:40:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10184: Q- Follow the Pen ! Edition
Video: Pentagon's 'Mad Scientist Division' Tests 'Mothership' for Gremlin Drone Swarm
The Pentagon's highly anticipated Gremlin "drone swarm" was tested for the first time in November 2019, Gremlin maker Dynetics announced on Friday. The cruise missile-sized vehicle successfully deployed from a C-130 "mothership" transport plane and flew around. However, testing its ability to return to the "mothership" has yet to be attempted.
For years, scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), not-quite-jokingly called the Pentagon's "mad scientist division," have been trying to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of working with like UAVs to deploy from and return to another airplane. Alabama-based tech company Dynetics was awarded a contract by DARPA in 2018, and its X-61A Gremlin flew its maiden flight at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah in November, the company said in a Friday press release.
However, it was also the drone's maiden crash: a cushioning parachute failed to deploy as intended, and the drone plummeted into the Earth so fast as to be rendered unusable. Fortunately, Dynetics built five Gremlins.
"The loss of our vehicle validates our decision to build five GAVs [Gremlins Air Vehicle] for Phase 3," program manager Tim Keeter said in the press release, noting, "we still have four remaining."
The flight lasted 1 hour and 41 minutes, beginning with its drop from the wing of a C-130 Hercules transport modified to serve as the Gremlins' "mothership," or aerial base of operations. During the test, the X-61A demonstrated basic capabilities such as deployment of its cruise missile-like wings; a cold engine start; transition to stable, powered flight; deployment of its docking arm; and the basics of data connection to its ground-based command and control systems.
Dynetics gave no comment on whether the drones can be fed after midnight, though.
"This flight test validates all the engineering design work, analysis, and ground testing we have performed in the past two and a half years," Brandon Hiller, chief engineer for the X-61A, said in the press release. "We have a lot of confidence in the vehicle's performance and overall design going forward, and the telemetry data from the flight compares exceptionally well to our modeling predictions. Our team has done a superb job to achieve first flight of this unique aircraft in such a short amount of time, and we are eager to get this new capability into the hands of the DoD."
The next Gremlins test, expected sometime this Spring, will involve the Gremlins being recovered in mid-air by the C-130 mothership, Scott Wierzbanowski, DARPA's Gremlins program manager, told Defense News. Recovery would involve the Gremlins flying behind the motherships while a towed capture device grabs the drones and reels them in.
Recovery is arguably the much harder feat to accomplish. As Extreme Tech noted, air vehicles both manned and unmanned have been deployed from aircraft in midair for decades, from NASA test aircraft like the X-15 hypersonic rocketplane to more recent projects like "firebee" gunnery target drones.
Using an aircraft as a mothership has been a Pentagon dream for decades as well. In the early years of flight, dirigibles sometimes carried biplanes underneath (think "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"), which were capable of returning to the blimp later. In the years after World War II, the Pentagon tested using a Convair B-36 Peacemaker bomber as the mothership of four F-85 Goblin fighters to guard them on nuclear bombing runs; at the time, the Air Force called them "parasite fighters."
The mothership concept arguably reached its zenith of absurdity in a Lockheed proposal from 1969 for the CL-1201: a truly vast plane that would have been a literal aircraft carrier in the sky, sporting a wingspan of 1,120 feet - that's six times the wingspan of a Boeing 747 airliner. It would have sported 182 engines fed by a nuclear reactor and served as the home for 22 F-4 Phantom aircraft.
#7954088 at 2020-01-29 15:43:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10180: [AS] Pics At High Noon? Edition
SLMAN78 RSAF C-130 over south Riyadh
#7950968 at 2020-01-29 05:01:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10176: <Nighshift. The George Washington Edition
Trump is Jersey (AC, Country Club). KA Conway is Jersey. It's a Jersey thing. You had to be there.
#7949021 at 2020-01-29 02:06:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10173: THE BEST IS YET TO COME! Edition
could be a third option i heard someone today on twatter describe
reverse fear porn conditioning
they essentially numb to everything and so whatever habbens is never "good enough"
so the potential pandemic is "meh" because its not a darpa nanovirus linking up to elon musks satellites or something
or "only" 130 people have died so its a nothingburger etc
#7938151 at 2020-01-28 06:31:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10159: Darwins Little Helpers Edition
No, the Aircraft was sold and the new owners removed the wrap leaving the original. You'll recall Kobe wasn't flying and no longer owned the AC.
#7937602 at 2020-01-28 05:05:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10158: The Funkelicious Edition
Did you read my first notable analysis? AC hit the ground going faster than VNE. No way pilot should have been going that fast even with good visibility. Heres my original analysis that was superseded by the above post.
As an A&P anon I will put in my 2 cents on the Kobe Bryant crash. This helicopter had a max cruise speed of 178mph which is also it's VNE, Velocity Never Exceed, yet reports are saying that the AC hit the ground at 161 knots or 185 mph. Now, if the pilot is feeling his way around in the fog how does he hit the ground at 185mph. He would be risking damage to the machine by simply exceeding VNE, something no pilot would do, especially if visibility was limited at all.
Freefall is also unlikely. A human being in an aerodynamic dive can't go that fast in free fall. A helicopter has way too much wind drag to hit that speed in free fall. Furthermore, helicopters almost never crash with much forward velocity at all. Watching a few YouTubes will show you how they usually crash.
Two other ways that this AC might hit the ground at that speed. One is if it had lost it's main rotor completely, as in a mid-air collision or a missile strike. Then it might become aerodynamic enough to plummet at that velocity. Choppers simply don't just LOSE their main rotors otherwise. Two, if the cyclic control was somehow jammed forward, the throttle was jammed and the pilot was too stupid to pull collective to raise the AC thereby bleeding off excesive airspeed and giving time for further action to be taken.
Also consider that this type of AC is equiped with Honeywell ground proximity warning system.
Flight recorder data would be the only way they could know the speed on impact as the AC was off of the radar.
Very unlikely the pilot flew into the ground at that speed unless it was deliberate or, possibly, if the main rotor had been separated by something like a missile.
#7937192 at 2020-01-28 04:20:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10158: The Funkelicious Edition
Thank you Baker for allowing me to correct my analysis lb that was in notables. We are the news and so must get it right.
A&P anon addendum to A&P anon's earlier analysis of Kobe Bryant crash. It IS possible for the rotor head to separate on the Sikorsky S76 model of AC; it has happened once before after a blade spar was damaged internally by a lightening strike, resulting in a crash and loss of life. If this happened again it might explain the unusually high speed that the craft was going when it hit the ground.
The maximum safe speed, VNE, Velocity Never Exceed, is 155knots or 178mph and reports show the AC was going 161knots, 185mph upon impact, which would have been totally irresponsible of the pilot under the foggy flight conditions. My earlier analysis focused on the conditions nessessary for this to happen, specifically that rotor head separation would have to happen allowing the fuselage to fall at high speed with little air resistance. This anon erroneously concluded that that was unlikely because blade failure normally does not result in complete separation of the rotor head leaving the fuselage to streamline into the ground. This particular type of AC CAN break the gearbox casing during blade failure and separate.
#7936587 at 2020-01-28 03:13:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10157: Another Day Of Winning Edition
A&P anon addendum A&P anon's to earlier analysis. It IS possible for the rotor head to separate on the Sikorsky S76 model of AC; it has happened once before after a blade spar was damaged internally by a lightening strike, resulting in a crash and loss of life. If this happened again it might explain the unusually high speed that the craft was going when it hit the ground.
The maximum safe speed, VNE, Velocity Never Exceed, is 155knots or 178mph and reports show the AC was going 161knots, 185mph upon impact, which would have been totally irresponsible of the pilot under the flight conditions.
#7934200 at 2020-01-27 23:44:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10154: Smokin Out the Deep State Edition
As an A&P anon I will put in my 2 cents on the Kobe Bryant crash. This helicopter had a max cruise speed of 178mph which is also it's VNE, Velocity
Never Exceed, yet reports are saying that the AC hit the ground at 161 knots or 185 mph. Now, if the pilot is feeling his way around in the fog how does he hit the ground at 185mph. He would be risking damage to the machine by simply exceeding VNE, something no pilot would do, especially if visibility was limited at all.
Freefall is also unlikely. A human being in an aerodynamic dive can't go that fast in free fall. A helicopter has way too much wind drag to hit that speed in free fall. Furthermore, helicopters almost never crash with much forward velocity at all. Watching a few YouTubes will show you how they usually crash.
Two other ways that this AC might hit the ground at that speed. One is if it had lost it's main rotor completely, as in a mid-air collision or a missile strike. Then it might become aerodynamic enough to plummet at that velocity. Choppers simply don't just LOSE their main rotors otherwise. Two, if the cyclic control was somehow jammed forward, the throttle was jammed and the pilot was too stupid to pull collective to raise the AC thereby bleeding off excessive airspeed and giving time for further action to be taken.
Flight recorder data would be the only way they could know the speed on impact as the AC was off of the radar.
Very unlikely the pilot flew into the ground at that speed unless it was deliberate or, possibly, if the main rotor had been separated by something like a missile.
>>7934133 >>7934157 >>7934159 >>7934180
#7933444 at 2020-01-27 22:42:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10153: Digital Soldier Army Honors Flynn Edition
As an A&P anon I will put in my 2 cents on the Kobe Bryant crash. This helicopter had a max cruise speed of 178mph which is also it's VNE, Velocitey Never Exceed yet reports are saying that the AC hit the ground at 161 knots or 185 mph. Now, if the pilot is feeling his way around in the fog how does he hit the ground at 185mph. He would be risking damage to the machine by exceeding VNE and something no pilot would do if visibility was limited at all. A human being in an aerodynamic dive can't go that fast in free fall. A helicopter has way too much wind drag to hit that speed in free fall. Furthermore, helicopters almost never crash with much forward velocity at all. Watching a few YouTubes will show you how they usually crash.
The only other way that this AC might hit the ground at that speed is if it had lost it's main rotor completely, as in a mid-air collision. Then it might become aerodynamic enough to plummet at that velocity. Choppers simply don't just LOSE their main rotors otherwise. Flight recorder data would be the only way they could know the speed on impact as the AC was off of the radar.
Very unlikely the pilot flew into the ground at that speed unless it was deliberate.
#7933258 at 2020-01-27 22:29:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10152: Bolton Activated? Edition
The only other way that this AC might hit the ground at that speed is if it had lost it's main rotor completely, as in a mid-air collision. Then it might become aerodynamic enough to plummet at that velocity. Helis are not know for losing their main rotors otherwise. Flight recorder data would be the only way they could know the speed on impact as the AC was off of the radar.
#7933107 at 2020-01-27 22:17:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10152: Bolton Activated? Edition
As an A&P anon I will put in my 2 cents on the Kobe Bryant crash. This helicopter had a max cruise speed of 178mph which is also it's VNE, Velocitey Never Exceed yet reports are saying that the AC hit the ground at 161 knots or 185 mph. Now, if the pilot is feeling his way around in the fog how does he hit the ground at 185mph. A human being in an aerodynamic dive can't go that fast in free fall. A helicopter has way too much wind drag to hit that speed in free fall. Furthermore, helicopters almost never crash with much forward velocity at all. Watching a few YouTubes will show you how they usually crash.
#7931712 at 2020-01-27 19:59:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10150: "Now Playing" The Hunters are Now the Hunted Edition
Ye are the best of peoples evolved for mankind enjoining what is right forbidding what is wrong and believing in God. If only the People of the Book had faith it were best for them; among them are some who have faith but most of them are perverted transgressors.
They will do you no harm barring a trifling annoyance; if they come out to fight you they will show you their backs and no help shall they get.
Shame is pitched over them (like a tent) wherever they are found except when under a covenant (of protection) from God and from men; they draw on themselves wrath from God and pitched over them is (the tent of) destitution. This because they rejected the signs of God and slew the prophets in defiance of right; this because they rebelled and transgressed beyond bounds.
Not all of them are alike: of the People of the book are a portion that stand (for the right); they rehearse the signs of God all night long and then prostrate themselves in adoration.
They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; and they (hasten in emulation) in (all) good works; they are in the ranks of the righteous.
Of the good that they do nothing will be rejected of them; for God knoweth well those that do right.
Those who reject faith neither their possessions nor their (numerous) progeny will avail them aught against God; they will be companions of the fire dwelling therein (for ever).
What they spend in the life of this (material) world may be likened to a wind which brings a nipping frost: it strikes and destroys the harvest of men who have wronged their own souls; it is not God that hath wronged them but they wrong themselves.
O ye who believe! take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks; they will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal is far worse. We have made plain to you the Signs if ye have wisdom.
Ah! ye are those who love them but they love you not though ye believe in the whole of the Book. When they meet you they say "We believe"; but when they are alone they bite off the very tips of their fingers at you in their rage. Say: "Perish in your rage; God knoweth well all the secrets of the heart."
If aught that is good befalls you it grieves them; but if some misfortune overtakes you they rejoice at it. But if ye are constant and do right not the least harm will their cunning do to you for God compasseth round about all that they do.
Section 13
Remember that morning thou didst leave the household (early) to post the faithful at their stations for battle: and God heareth and knoweth all things.
Remember two of your parties meditated cowardice; but God was their Protector and in God should the faithful (ever) put their trust.
God had helped you at Badr when ye were a contemptible little force; then fear God; thus may ye show your gratitude.
Remember thou saidst to the Faithful: "Is it not enough for you that God should help you with three thousand angels (specially) sent down?
"Yea" if ye remain firm and act aright even if the enemy should rush here on you in hot haste, your Lord would help you with five thousand angels making a terrific onslaught.
God made it but a message of hope for you; and an assurance to your hearts: (in any case) there is no help except from God the Exalted the Wise.
That he might cut off a fringe of the unbelievers or expose them to infamy and they should then be turned back frustrated of their purpose.
Not for thee (but for God) is the decision: whether He turn in mercy to them or punish them; for they are indeed wrong-doers.
To God belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth. He forgiveth whom He pleaseth and punisheth whom He pleaseth: but God is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.
Section 14
O ye who believe! devour not usury doubled and multiplied; but fear God; that ye may (really) prosper.
Fear the fire which is prepared for those who reject faith.
#7929522 at 2020-01-27 16:24:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10148:"Murica," Before and Now Edition
Taliban Claims To SHOT DOWN U.S. Air Force E-11A BACN Aircraft In Afghanistan
The Taliban has claimed it shot down an American military plane in Afghanistan, killing everyone on board.
Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the militant group, said that high-ranking officers were among the dead after the aircraft was brought down in Dih Yak district around 1.10pm local time.
The US military has said it is investigating the crash but has not confirmed that the aircraft was American or given an estimate on the number of deaths.
Mujahid spoke out after footage was posted online by a Taliban-affiliated journalist appearing to show wreckage of the plane with a US Air Force symbol on the side.
A U.S. Air Force's E-11A BACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node) crashed during the morning on Jan. 27, 2020 in Afghanistan. The mishap happened in the Taliban-controlled area in Dih Yak, Ghazni.
The aircraft crashed at 13:10 local time (08:40 UTC) in the Dih Yak District. Ghazni Province, Afghanistan. The crash site is 130 kilometres (70 nmi) southwest of Kabul and near the village of Sado Khelo. All the people on board were killed. It was originally reported to be an aircraft of Ariana Afghan Airlines, but the airline later ruled out this possibility, saying all its flights had been accounted for.
In the meantime, however, photos and videos emerged on social media showed the remains of what clearly seems to be E-11A BACN, serial 11-9358. The tail section and the engines seem to be pretty intact in the video, with recognizable USAF roundels on the engine and the serial code on the vertical stabilizer. The rest of the fuselage and the cockpit burned up following the crash.
Sauce: https://fighterjetsworld.com/latest-news/taliban-claims-to-shot-down-u-s-air-force-e-11a-bacn-aircraft-in-afghanistan/20196/
#7929439 at 2020-01-27 16:13:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10147: Monday Morning E-Bake Edition
The Taliban has claimed it shot down an American military plane in Afghanistan, killing everyone on board.
Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the militant group, said that high-ranking officers were among the dead after the aircraft was brought down in Dih Yak district around 1.10pm local time.
The US military has said it is investigating the crash but has not confirmed that the aircraft was American or given an estimate on the number of deaths.
Mujahid spoke out after footage was posted online by a Taliban-affiliated journalist appearing to show wreckage of the plane with a US Air Force symbol on the side.
A U.S. Air Force's E-11A BACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node) crashed during the morning on Jan. 27, 2020 in Afghanistan. The mishap happened in the Taliban-controlled area in Dih Yak, Ghazni.
The aircraft crashed at 13:10 local time (08:40 UTC) in the Dih Yak District. Ghazni Province, Afghanistan. The crash site is 130 kilometres (70 nmi) southwest of Kabul and near the village of Sado Khelo. All the people on board were killed. It was originally reported to be an aircraft of Ariana Afghan Airlines, but the airline later ruled out this possibility, saying all its flights had been accounted for.
In the meantime, however, photos and videos emerged on social media showed the remains of what clearly seems to be E-11A BACN, serial 11-9358. The tail section and the engines seem to be pretty intact in the video, with recognizable USAF roundels on the engine and the serial code on the vertical stabilizer. The rest of the fuselage and the cockpit burned up following the crash.
#7928302 at 2020-01-27 11:39:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10146: Better to Fly the Q Edition
Playing off your slide back in the day a band called AC-DC used to be known as anti-christ devils child (in some circles) kek.
So that would translate to Panic in devils child.
#7919881 at 2020-01-26 16:15:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10135: 3 Days of Arguments Dismantled in 2 hrs Edition
C-130 93-1038 is over Qatar now.
#7919726 at 2020-01-26 15:56:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10135: 3 Days of Arguments Dismantled in 2 hrs Edition
You call yourself a planefag? You're going on about a C-130 thinking it may be the plane HRC was on and then say no, a different AW. The plane in the HRC pic is a C-17, not a C-130. Going for 30 or 40 posts this bread?
#7919655 at 2020-01-26 15:47:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10135: 3 Days of Arguments Dismantled in 2 hrs Edition
Most if not all interference in the ME (especially Libya) was down to HRC. The White rabbit links to Alice in Wonderland and I've always thought that was HRC (living the dream).
I need help, I need the photos of HRD on the tarnac in Libya around the time that the Libyan gold was taken, there was a C=17 and possibly a C-130 on the background. I want to see if the planes are from the 94th Airlift Wing.
#7919563 at 2020-01-26 15:35:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10135: 3 Days of Arguments Dismantled in 2 hrs Edition
The C=130 os from the 94th Airlift Wing.
Q Post 94
Review my other threads.
This is why complete graphics are so important.
BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.
HRC is not currently in SA.
Bill wants a deal.
Playing the former President card.
Watch the cookie quickly crumble.
Where does Soros fit in?
Godfather III
#7919470 at 2020-01-26 15:17:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10135: 3 Days of Arguments Dismantled in 2 hrs Edition
VADER06 50 21 & 99-3022 C-130's headin' North
#7916214 at 2020-01-26 03:32:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10130: Impeachment Game Over : The Slam Dunk Edition
How Did London Bridge End Up in Arizona ?
In the early 1960s, officials in England made a troubling discovery: London Bridge was falling down. The 1,000-foot span had stood for over 130 years and survived strafing during World War II's London Blitz, but it was unequipped for modern traffic and was slowly sinking into the River Thames at a rate of one inch every eight years. Renovations were deemed impractical, so the City of London resolved to build a wider, more car-friendly replacement. The 19th century granite bridge seemed destined for the junkyard, but a city councilor named Ivan Luckin convinced his colleagues that it might be possible to sell it in the United States. In 1968, he crossed the pond to market the monument to prospective buyers.
#7915104 at 2020-01-26 01:28:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10129: MagaMania is On! Edition
China virus death toll rises to 56, with nearly 2,000 infected nationwide & more cases confirmed abroad
The death toll from 2019-nCoV coronavirus outbreak in China has reached 56, with hundreds of new infections detected nationwide, despite all containment efforts. A handful of news cases have also been reported outside China.
Thirteen more people died in Hubei province, where nearly 130 people have reportedly been in serious or critical condition as of Sunday morning. In addition to over 1,000 known and confirmed cases being treated in the epicenter of the outbreak, some 7,000 people there remain under increased medical supervision due to their potentially dangerous "close contacts."
Meanwhile, the number of those who had beaten the virus and were discharged from hospitals has increased to at least 85 people, according to authorities.
China is facing a "grave situation" as the new coronavirus is "accelerating its spread," President Xi warned earlier. He added, however, that given the immense efforts to contain the outbreak, China "will definitely be able to win the battle."
Around 450 Chinese military medics, many with experience in combating SARS or Ebola, were deployed in the region to help the overworked and exhausted hospital staff, who had been on around-the-clock shifts in recent weeks. Local authorities, in the meantime, are rushing to construct a new 1,000-bed facility specifically to treat victims of the deadly virus.
Chinese authorities have also imposed strict travel restrictions on the outbreak epicenter of Wuhan, as well as nearly 20 cities in Hubei Province, with nearly 50 million people virtually quarantined and additional limitations imposed on intercity bus routes starting Sunday. Medical staff have been tasked with checking travelers' temperatures for any signs of fever - the most apparent symptom of coronavirus, which is followed by a dry cough and leads to shortness of breath.
#7913391 at 2020-01-25 21:52:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10127: Clown Peach Mint Fail Edition
This might be something, or it might be nuttin'…
Jan 23. 2020: Q posts- "State Funeral"
Today Jan 25, 2020 Trump Tweets Arizona First Officer Died.
First Officer and USAF Cpt (Air Guard)Paul Clyde Hudson dies on USAF C-130 Hercules fighting fires in AUS.
Captain Ian McBeth is a nother u.s. man to die on the plane.
Knights of Malta initial membership list, lists Frank Shakespeare
>>>>>>Black papal nobility
Brings us to Hydra [WGC]:
C. Verlon HATCH, FORMER MORMON BISHOP, former USAF officer in charge of procuring military resources for the Queen Bee of the Hydra Hive.
Don't we know another mormon named HATCH HATCH HATCH.
Oren Hatch
Mitt Romney is SO FUCKED!!!!!!!
I don't know why this absolutely illogical line of reasoning makes so much sense…
#7913255 at 2020-01-25 21:37:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10126: Illigitimate Impeachment : Defense Day I Reactions Edition
Died in plane crash fighting fires in Australia. He's Air Nt'l Guard. Died in a C-130 with two other Americans.
Interesting the name: Cpt. Ian McBeth
Tangent: A 20th century Knight of Malta is named Frank Shakespeare.This leads us to the Black Papal Nobility.
Go to the head of HYDRA, the [WGC], and we find C. Verlon Hatch.
Can't make this shit up!
#7912903 at 2020-01-25 20:47:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10126: Illigitimate Impeachment : Defense Day I Reactions Edition
Here's the context.
US pilots helping fight fire in Australia who were killed in plane crash.
Buckeye man among the 3 U.S. firefighters killed while fighting Australia wildfires
Perry Vandell, Arizona Republic Published 8:01 p.m. MT Jan. 23, 2020 | Updated 8:07 p.m. MT Jan. 23, 2020
Paul Clyde Hudson (Photo: Courtesy of Coulson Aviation)
A Buckeye man was among the three U.S. firefighters killed in a plane crash while fighting to extinguish the wildfires ravaging the Australian wilderness on Thursday.
First Officer Paul Clyde Hudson, 42, was killed when the C-130 Hercules aerial water tanker he was riding in crashed.
Coulson Aviation, a private company based in Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada, and has a presence in Oregon, confirmed Hudson's death in a media release posted on Facebook Thursday evening.
The plane had departed from Richmond, New South Wales, for a firebombing mission around the Snowy Monaro area.
The cause of the crash remains under investigation.
#7909959 at 2020-01-25 15:55:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10122: Truth Will Emerge, As The Timelines Converge Edition.
RSAF SLMAN26 C-130 SE from Riyadh
Altitude displayed is incorrect. currently at 13,264ft
#7908466 at 2020-01-25 11:34:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10120: Late Night Mind Bend Edition
#7907320 at 2020-01-25 06:11:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research GENERAL #1019: Night Shift General
compared to floyd, zepplin, beatles,stones, traffic, and so many more, ac dc doesn't even compare, and his voice sucks ac dc=faggot homos
#7906495 at 2020-01-25 04:32:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research Edition #10118: Night Shift Edition
WASHINGTON - "Until recently, Lockheed Martin employees manufacturing the C-130J may have been exposed to harmful chemicals, and the Defense Department may have ignored worker concerns, a U.S. senator said Thursday.
Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who leads the Senate Finance Committee, is calling for an investigation by the Defense Department's inspector general due to the worker claims, which were made by multiple whistleblowers, Grassley said in a statement.
The whistleblowers claimed that using PR-148 in aerosol form created a "large blue cloud" of particles that was equivalent to being exposed to and inhaling "industrial strength airplane glue," according to Grassley's letter.
Employees brought health concerns and, later, health issues they believed to be caused by the chemical to Lockheed, but were ignored, he wrote."
#7905754 at 2020-01-25 03:11:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research Edition #10117: March For Life Edition
The two star back drop off 10 & 12
Probably the two constellation
that the two voyager probe are heading toward
Voyager 1 will drift within 1.6 light-years (9.3 trillion miles) of AC+79 3888, a star in the constellation of Camelopardalis which is heading toward the constellation Ophiuchus. In about 40,000 years, Voyager 2 will pass 1.7 light-years (9.7 trillion miles) from the star Ross 248 and in about 296,000 years, it will pass 4.3 light-years (25 trillion miles) from Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. The Voyagers are destined-perhaps eternally-to wander the Milky Way.
#7905240 at 2020-01-25 02:20:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research Edition #10116: The Great Excellent and Affordable Editon
Voyager 1 will drift within 1.6 light-years (9.3 trillion miles) of AC+79 3888, a star in the constellation of Camelopardalis which is heading toward the constellation Ophiuchus. In about 40,000 years, Voyager 2 will pass 1.7 light-years (9.7 trillion miles) from the star Ross 248 and in about 296,000 years, it will pass 4.3 light-years (25 trillion miles) from Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. The Voyagers are destined-perhaps eternally-to wander the Milky Way.
#7903433 at 2020-01-24 23:24:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research Edition #10114: To Go Where No Logo Has Gone B4 Editon
English: https://www.dropbox.com/s/46etns28plywwgc/The%20Earth%20Plane.pdf?dl=0
Arabic: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2mm07bc4z1b5r3f/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B1%D8%B6%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%B7%D8%AD%D8%A9.pdf?dl=0
Bulgarian: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fb0qk2lol58khar/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Bulgarian.pdf?dl=0
Dutch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3g1pchms38ri2ji/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Dutch.pdf?dl=0
French: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1sdindmtj5xqkws/The-Earth-Plane-French-v2.1.pdf?dl=0
German: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cecmhqofpv4zbke/The%20Earth%20Plane%20German.pdf?dl=0
Greek: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g39u7r6p5gy655b/%CE%A4%CE%BF%20%CE%93%CE%B5%CF%89%CF%80%CE%BB%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%BF.pdf?dl=0
Italian: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cs0pxd0nkc2ux77/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Italian.pdf?dl=0
Japanese: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z3hof9ka3466ssi/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Japanese.pdf?dl=0
Lithuanian: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i0e0fh6duuua47m/%C5%BDem%C4%97s%20Plok%C5%A1tumos%20L%C4%97ktuvas%20%28Eric%20Dubay%29.pdf?dl=0
Polish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/75zh0ya1irwcjvm/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Polish.pdf?dl=0
Portuguese: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2rjmhkgi4fttyzo/O%20Aeroplano%20Terra%20-%20Eric%20Dubay.pdf?dl=0
Spanish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/of2h4wqwnt8i7ke/The%20Earth%20Plane%20Spanish.pdf?dl=0
#7899120 at 2020-01-24 15:54:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10108: We Caught 'Em All Edition
EMERGENCY INFO - We The World Are The Victims Of A Vaccine Drug War
This One Too! The Entire Pandemic Was PLANNED Months Ago! Here Is The Evidence. https://twitter.com/0ctoberReignz/status/1220519429055770624 LQQK At Very Top, It Says, WUHAN GOES VIRAL
#7897381 at 2020-01-24 08:55:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10106: Late Nite Corn Pop Keks Edition
The C-130 crash in Oz has a smell of QRS11 about it. I have a suspicion that QRS11 was also to blame for C-130 crashes in the US. They are hacking into the plane via the QRS11 inertial guidance sensor and feeding it false data to cause a crash. Hilldawg's paw prints are all over this.
#7893023 at 2020-01-24 00:40:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10100: The Great Awakening! Edition
Giving me the giggles anon. Thanks, anon needs a comic break. Anon was lucky, drove the Autobahns. On a trip, within 5 miles of home driving over a 100. Didn't put the top down often. But remember this one time, driving a half hour south into the Alps, had the top down.
Had a big unopened bag of potato chips on the back seat. Hit 110 and out of the right in my peripheral was the potato bag floating above the rt. seat head rest, pulling 0 G's.
Didn't know what to do, wanted to go faster, like magic the bag got close enough to grab. Put it on the floorboard behind my feet and sped up. Hit 130 or so, and there came a guy on a motorcycle with a great built girl holding on, passing me like I was standing still.
#7892867 at 2020-01-24 00:30:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10100: The Great Awakening! Edition
Catastrophic failure of the wing on a water carrying C-130
#7892828 at 2020-01-24 00:28:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10100: The Great Awakening! Edition
Catastrophic failure of the wing on a water carrying C-130
#7892796 at 2020-01-24 00:26:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10100: The Great Awakening! Edition
Sorry folks, the C-130 when not maintained properly and carrying heavy loads like water is subject to catastrophic failure.
#7892655 at 2020-01-24 00:18:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10100: The Great Awakening! Edition
That's what I thought. Here's a C-130 crash site in Iraq.
Oh and awesome Q! Can't wait. Much love from Oz. Please help PM Scott Morrison. Did they kill his father yesterday?
My view is the fires were/are co-ordinated. 85 fires lit within hours across 2000kms, all coinciding with the CC conference in Europe. Massive psyop on Morrison to blame him for the fires.
#7892539 at 2020-01-24 00:10:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10100: The Great Awakening! Edition
The c-130 herc has the best safety record of ANY other Military plane. No reason to think the craft is any less airworthy in water bombing applications.
#7892492 at 2020-01-24 00:07:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10100: The Great Awakening! Edition
C-130 firefighter crash site
What do you think guys? Was she blown up?
RIP US Firefighters. Thank you for your service.
#7888277 at 2020-01-23 19:09:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10094: When Potus RT's a Meme You Made! Edition
ICE removes Kazakhstan national convicted of weapons trafficking to Russia
PHILADELPHIA - U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) removed Eldar Rezvanov on Jan. 16, to his home country of Kazakhstan via commercial aircraft.
Rezvanov was convicted for international arms trafficking by exporting defense articles without obtaining a license or authorization.
Rezvanov and his coconspirator attempted to conceal the export of the firearms and firearm parts by using aliases to purchase the components and by providing false information on federal forms about the final destination of the articles. They smuggled the firearms and firearm parts onto overseas flights using false shipping inventories and concealed the disassembled firearm components by taping them to metal kitchen utensils before shipping them overseas.
"This individual took advantage of the many opportunities this country granted him," said ICE Philadelphia Field Office Director Simona Flores-Lund. "Eldar Rezvanov started out as an international student, and three years later he was attempting to export an incredible number of firearms and ammunition to Russia. Thanks to our local and federal partners, this individual has served time and is now removed from the United States."
In January 2013, Rezvanov was admitted into the U.S. as a F-1 non-immigrant student for the duration of his student status at Virginia International University. Rezvanov was granted employment status until February 2015. He then transferred to the American College of Commerce and Technology, and in November 2015, they terminated his student status in SEVIS for failure to enroll.
On Nov. 10, 2016, the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police arrested Rezvanov and charged him with kidnapping and abduction of a foreign national. Rezvanov and his codefendants allegedly kidnapped an individual, held him hostage, beat him, and forced him to meet ransom demands.
On Nov. 29, 2016, the D.C Department of Corrections remanded Rezvanov to ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Washington custody. On the same date, HSI Washington turned Rezvanov over to ERO Washington custody, who detained him at the Farmville Detention Center in Farmville, VA. On April 11, 2017, an immigration judge (IJ) issued Rezvanov bond, and he posted bond.
On Oct. 20, 2017, after being notified by local law enforcement that Rezvanov was possibly involved in the illegal export of AECA controlled items, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) identified and examined several packages Rezvanov shipped at the Park Fairfax Post Office. These packages contained: 395 firearms parts such as firing pins, springs and extractors; 75 magazines for Glocks and AK 47 rifles; and 20 barrels and slides for Glock pistols.
The Arms Export Control Act (AECA) requires individuals to obtain a license from the Department of State (DOS) Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) to export Defense Articles on the United States Munitions List (USML) from the United States to another country.
On Nov. 2, 2017, Rezvanov attempted to ship another package to Chechnya, Russia containing gun barrels taped to metals spatulas and gun slides taped to small wheels in an effort to conceal them as casters for kitchen cabinets. USPIS seized both of these shipments.
Without obtaining the required license, Rezvanov and his coconspirator purchased and attempted to export from the United States to Grozny, Chechnya: 7 full pistols; 130 assembled lower receivers; 266 firearm slides; 158 firearm barrels; 996 firearm magazines; 10 stocks; 133 firearm frames; and 453 firearm parts, including springs and firing pins. Purchasers were under aliases, and the firearm components were taped to kitchen utensils.
On Feb. 22, 2018, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) issued an arrest warrant for Rezvanov for violating AECA. On Feb. 27, 2018, HSI Washington arrested Rezvanov in Arlington, VA.
On July 24, 2018, Rezvanov was convicted of violating the AECA and international traffic in arms regulations. On April 15, 2019, ERO Philadelphia encountered Rezvanov at the Moshannon Valley Correctional Center (MVCC) in Philipsburg, PA and lodged an Immigration Detainer. On Nov. 8, 2019, MVCC remanded Rezvanov to ERO Philadelphia custody, who detained him at the Clinton County Correctional Facility (CCCF) in McElhattan, PA.
On Dec. 12, 2019, an IJ ordered Rezvanov removed from the United States to Kazakhstan. Rezvanov waived appeal. On Jan. 16, 2020, Rezvanov was removed from the United States.
#7886782 at 2020-01-23 16:36:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10092: The Public Will Learn the Truth Edition
Three US firefighters killed in plane crash while battling wildfires in Australia
Three US firefighters died while battling wildfires in Australia when the C-130 tanker they were flying in crashed in the southern section of the country, officials said Thursday.
The firefighters were killed in the crash after leaving the town of Richmond in New South Wales state on a firebombing mission, local officials said.
"Unfortunately, all we've been able to do is locate the wreckage and the crash site and we have not been able to locate any survivors," Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said after the crash
#7884957 at 2020-01-23 09:31:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10090: NS Got Q'd, Truth and Facts, They Prevail Edition
Three American firefighters dead as air tanker fighting bushfires crashes near Snowy Mountains
Three American firefighters have died after a C-130 water tanker plane crashed while battling a blaze in southern NSW on Thursday.
ACT Emergency Services confirmed the large air tanker crashed while fighting a blaze near Cooma, north-east of the Snowy Mountains.
My condolences to their families.
Thanks to the US for always being a great friend to Aus.
#7883595 at 2020-01-23 05:51:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10088 Patriots Unite Edition
Q Post 3782 decode?
Maybe something or not - but VERY curious. Need eyes. You decide.
Pic 1 - This planefag watched AF1 come in tonight and capped a bunch of shots off of tracking software. POTUS landed and looked elsewhere and saw a new Q post, "CASTLE CLEAN". No clue, read anons thoughts and went back to look at others.
Pic 2 - Made a map of POTUS route near conus. RED line is approx. path of AF1. BLACK X's mark approx. position of 6 helo's in the area and the BLACK circle is area of interest anon lines out below.
Anon came across another planefags caps >>7879238 (Pb)
"UGH. I was too slow, BUT CASTL12 got up to [17]00ft before dropping back down to 100ft & dropping from radar. Landed? Only up for [17] minutes. After I snapped that screenshot, it dropped down to 100ft, then dropped off radar & list.
Other planefag posted again >>7879294 (Pb) HE went back up to [17]00 & dropped back down again & I got it
Pic 3 - Other planfags cap aircraft designated CASTL12. Perked my interest! In the cap you can make out lime green tail of route CASTL12 flew.
Pic 4 - This anon magnified the area CASTL12 was circling and BOOM found NEW CASTLE County Airport. CASTL12 listed as a Lockheed C 130 Hercules. The Lockheed C-130 Hercules is an American 4 engine turboprop military transport aircraft. Capable of using unprepared runways for takeoffs and landings, the C-130 was originally designed as a trip, medevac and cargo transport aircraft.
Went back to Pic 2 to orientate. That's when the helo's positions started to look like a picket fence, the "airport" is close proximity to where POTUS was flying. "CASTLE CLEAN" .
VERY curious, Q Posts CASTLE, aircraft CASTL12 flying over New CASTLE County airport with TWO 17's associated with it
Thoughts? Frens, could there have been a serious threat to POTUS tonight?
#7879075 at 2020-01-22 22:32:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10083: Castle Clean! Edition
ac-130 Ghostrider gunship orbiting Fort Indiantown Gap near Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
Repost end last bread.
#7879054 at 2020-01-22 22:28:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10082: Corona Bread Bake! Edition
ac-130 Ghostrider gunship orbiting Fort Indiantown Gap near Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
#7871439 at 2020-01-22 03:37:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research Edition #10073: All Good In The Hood Edition
Anon clocked my thoughts…
i is 9th letter of alphabet
9 oclock coincides with 45 minutes on a clock
Is marker [i] related to [45] delta?
45 is potus, i is potus?
Or maybe…
[0] = 12 = L?
[5] = 1 = A
[10] = 2 = B
[15] = 3 = C
[20] = 4 = D
[25] = 5 = E
[30] = 6 = F
[35] = 7 = G
[40] = 8 = H
[45] = 9 = I
[50] = 10 = J
[55] = 11 = K
[60] = 12 = L?
(Could continue through mnopqrstuvwxyz or 130, with R being [90])
So… marker [30] posted yesterday is also marker [F]?
#7862507 at 2020-01-20 22:15:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10063: Patriots Have No Color and Take A Bow on this, MLK, Jr. Day! Edition
RCH362 C-17A and Fren with a hoser CFC3880 CC-130J Hercules leading, heading across the pond
heavy equipment for POTUS and some squeaky toys in the 130 at front for Trudope
#7862223 at 2020-01-20 21:09:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10062: Hit'em Hard One Bread At A Time! Edition
Tesla Faces Investigation into Claims Cars Accelerate Without Warning
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is investigating Tesla over claims its cars can accelerate without warning.
The agency is evaluating nearly 130 complaints related to the issue.
Of those, 110 resulted in reported crashes with 52 injuries.
The complaints include all three models Tesla sells.
The investigation will look at about 500,000 vehicles-mainly from 2012 through 2019.
Tesla Model S Crash Likely To Raise Scrutiny On Sudden Acceleration Complaints
According to ABC7, a man was killed after his Tesla Model S hit a traffic signal pole and cement wall in Pleasanton. He apparently lost control of the vehicle which ended up engulfed in flames. The identity of the driver remains unknown as of this time, NBC Bay Area reported.
The whole incident happened at around 6:00 a.m. Saturday night. Authorities revealed that the vehicle was southbound on Hacienda Drive before losing control. it has yet to be known if the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the San Francisco Gate reported. There was no one else in the vehicle.
#7856351 at 2020-01-19 20:47:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10055: VA Rally Trepidation is Thick Edition
US Drug Overdose Deaths Drop For First Time Since 1990
For the first time in nearly three decades, the deaths resulting from drug overdose in the United States have dropped, according to multiple reports.
As reported by The New York Times, according to government data that was published on Jan. 15, the total amount of deaths resulting from drug overdose dropped around 5 percent in 2019.
"[For the] first time in almost 30 years, we've seen a decline in the number of Americans dying from an overdose-its a 5 percent reduction," said Jim Carroll, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, according to The Hill.
The news outlet reported that Carroll was appointed director in 2018 by President Donald Trump.
"It's a result of everything - its working on the supply of drugs that are coming in but it's also working on demand. It's getting more people into treatment and its spreading the message on prevention," Carroll said.
Carroll commended some local officials for trying to look past incarceration as a means to solve the epidemic, and instead looking for ways to offer treatment. Instead of arresting drug users, the goal is to treat and educate them as an individual. Carroll stated that this method had made a difference in the community.
According to the report, the drop was primarily attributed to the number of deaths from prescription opioid drugs, one of the drugs that had set off an epidemic in the United States. The New York Times reported that the opioid epidemic was so catastrophic that the drug had decreased the life expectancy in the country.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that 67.8 percent of the drug overdose deaths back in 2017 (which was 70,237 deaths) was due to opioid drugs, according to data on drug overdose deaths. In addition, on average 130 Americans die every single day from an opioid drug overdose, according to the CDC.
As a result of the epidemic, some of the states have tackled the issue head on, and created programs to help counter the amount of deaths as a form of solution, according to The Hill.
Andrew Kolodny, the co-director of opioid policy research at Brandels University said that the drop in deaths could be a turning point, calling the decrease "light at the end of the tunnel," but said that the decrease was still nothing to celebrate because the amount of people who died from drug overdoses is still very high, according to The New York Times.
#7852437 at 2020-01-19 05:24:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10050: Tremendous Surge Edition
US Drug Overdose Deaths Drops for First Time Since 1990
For the first time in nearly three decades, the deaths resulting from drug overdose in the United States have dropped, according to multiple reports.
As reported by The New York Times, according to government data that was published on Jan. 15, the total amount of deaths resulting from drug overdose dropped around 5 percent in 2019.
"[For the] first time in almost 30 years, we've seen a decline in the number of Americans dying from an overdose-its a 5 percent reduction," said Jim Carroll, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, according to The Hill. The news outlet reported that Carroll was appointed director in 2018 by President Donald Trump.
"It's a result of everything-its working on the supply of drugs that are coming in but it's also working on demand. It's getting more people into treatment and its spreading the message on prevention," Carroll said.
Carroll commended some local officials for trying to look past incarceration as a means to solve the epidemic, and instead looking for ways to offer treatment. Instead of arresting drug users, the goal is to treat and educate them as an individual. Carroll stated that this method had made a difference in the community.
According to the report, the drop was primarily attributed to the number of deaths from prescription opioid drugs, one of the drugs that had set off an epidemic in the United States. The New York Times reported that the opioid epidemic was so catastrophic that the drug had decreased the life expectancy in the country.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that 67.8 percent of the drug overdose deaths back in 2017 (which was 70,237 deaths) was due to opioid drugs, according to data on drug overdose deaths. In addition, on average 130 Americans die every single day from an opioid drug overdose, according to the CDC.
As a result of the epidemic, some of the states have tackled the issue head on, and created programs to help counter the amount of deaths as a form of solution, according to The Hill.
Andrew Kolodny, the co-director of opioid policy research at Brandels University said that the drop in deaths could be a turning point, calling the decrease "light at the end of the tunnel," but said that the decrease was still nothing to celebrate because the amount of people who died from drug overdoses is still very high, according to The New York Times.
#7852150 at 2020-01-19 04:36:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10050: Tremendous Surge Edition
GUMP60 C-130 Hercules on the ground Hermosillo
#7851931 at 2020-01-19 04:11:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10050: Tremendous Surge Edition
TREK904 C-130 Hercules off Vietnam
this has been over Laos and Cambodia last few days.
CAL100 Descent into Tokyo
#7847641 at 2020-01-18 19:44:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10044 New Baker Rising
AC the most evil of all inventions
according to DOGMA
definetly worth a watch… er .. or two
#7835207 at 2020-01-17 02:47:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10028: [Y] So Serious Edition
There are many ways to measure IQ's anon but one IQ test cannot really determine the intelligence level of an individual. I usually test somewhere around 125-130 in traditional IQ tests but in more complicated ones that include emotional IQ Societal knowledge etc I can score around 140-145. I do not see myself as a genius but I totally get this board the humor and such. I was the kid the teacher hated in the class, always asking beyond the answer, but what about this, thats not entirely true etc…My oldest brother was the same way, we weren't bad or disruptive just very specific about what is truth and what is speculative. I know kids with Developmental Disabilities that can run circles around me in any sort of math or in their creativity…we are divine beings, we may be smarter in some areas when we are younger and get smarter in others as we accumulate experience and additional knowledge…
just not that simple I am afraid…
Many liberals I know are not stupid, they do have the ability to discern, they are more afraid of losing their tribe and being shunned so its the social suicide they fear most I believe.
#7833659 at 2020-01-16 23:51:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10026: Dem Lies Can Never Trump the Truth Edition
Pelosi offering her silver plate with 130 (30?) shekels…….
#7828038 at 2020-01-16 07:51:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10019: Bolton on the hunt for a war?Edition
130 UID's. 20 patriot posters.
110 shill posts.
The desperation is delicious.
#7826153 at 2020-01-16 02:40:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10017: Loaf of Q Edition
and as a nw floridanon…not as much AFSOC C-130 test activity as usual…they visiting you rn
#7826094 at 2020-01-16 02:32:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10017: Loaf of Q Edition
Outside Tusla, Spectre gunship orbit supported by mid alt ISR…been there a long time…after other C-130 CSAR finally departed
#7824124 at 2020-01-15 23:13:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10014: Learn to Bake and Discern the News You Can Lose! Edition
RAF ALBRT01 C-130J Hercules C.5 over Ft. Hunter-Liggett Ca.
SAM 971 NE of C-130 and inbound from JBA from earlier. cap#3
#7821668 at 2020-01-15 17:48:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10011: Let's Make a Deal! POTUS Large and In Charge Edition
SAM971 West from JBA
Lockheed C-130's West onto the 'sidewalk'
and a busy sky today cap #3
#7820805 at 2020-01-15 15:38:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10010: BINARY BRED Edition
VENUS60 up from JBA NW
USMC KC-130 crossing French Spanish border
#7819729 at 2020-01-15 12:22:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10008: Post-Rally Super Comfy Night Shift Edition
My father flew to Vietnam on a C-130. The cable that went from the cockpit to the top of the vertical stabilizer broke loose from the stabilizer and beat the shit out of the top of the plane for the remainder of the flight. He said that if he ever had to fly to hell and be sure he could make it back home he'd take a C-130.
I love the view from that giant all glass cockpit.
#7819701 at 2020-01-15 12:13:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10008: Post-Rally Super Comfy Night Shift Edition
They use C-130's when they don't want to take any chances.
They are the schiznet of the Air Force inventory for cargo haulers.
#7819697 at 2020-01-15 12:11:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10008: Post-Rally Super Comfy Night Shift Edition
C-130 isn't that large by comparison considering some of the other options. ie C5, C7… C-130 is just the workhorse standard. And it does it extremely well.
https:// www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a26156/c-130-badass-plane/
#7817909 at 2020-01-15 04:13:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10006: The Sweet Arrest Of Michael Avenatti Edition
>Larry Fink. BlackRock.
Larry Fink predictions for 2019 on CNBC:
Larry Fink #28 on Forbes Powerful People list. A mere $5.4 Trillion in assets, at that time Jan 2019 (?)
"At the height of the [2008] disaster, when the American economy was on the brink, it was to Fink that Wall Street's C.E.O.'s-including J. P. Morgan Chase's Jamie Dimon, Morgan Stanley's John Mack, and A.I.G.'s Robert Willumstad-turned for help and counsel. As did the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose top officials turned to Fink for advice on the financial markets and assistance on the $30 billion financing of the sale of Bear Stearns to J. P. Morgan, the $180 billion bailout of A.I.G., the $45 billion rescue of Citigroup, and those of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at $112 billion and growing.
"Today, through an array of government contracts, BlackRock has effectively become the leading manager of Washington's bailout of Wall Street. The firm oversees the $130 billion of toxic assets that the U.S. government took on as part of the Bear Stearns sale and the rescue of A.I.G.; it also monitors the balance sheets of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-which together amount to some $5 trillion-and provides daily risk evaluations to the New York Fed on the $1.2 trillion worth of mortgage-backed securities it has purchased in an effort to jump-start the country's housing market."
#7817400 at 2020-01-15 03:18:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10005: The General Flynn "DONE IN 30" Edition
>>7783107 (pb)
Who controls CA?
CA was ranked as one of the largest independent software corporations in the world.
>On Feb 22 2019 Q also posted about ICANN and Hussein transferring the internet to CA
>Who Controls CA?
In light of the current research related to Jim WATKINS issue… I don't think CA = California.
CA = the ticker symbol of Computer Associates (formerly a NYSE public company).
The company was established by Charles Wang and Russell Artzt in 1976
Computer Associates was taken private (off NYSE) Nov 2018. It was purchased by Broadcom (ticker: AVGO) in an $18.9 Billion / all cash deal.
CA = HYUGE software and cloud computing co.
Wiki: CA Technologies, formerly known as CA, Inc. and Computer Associates International, Inc., was an American multinational corporation headquartered in New York City. Since November 5, 2018, the company has been a subsidiary of Broadcom Inc.
Prior to the Broadcom acquisition, CA was ranked as one of the largest independent software corporations in the world. The company creates systems software and applications software that run in mainframe, distributed computing, virtual machine, cloud computing environments, mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Therefore - BROADCOM controls CA (Computer Assoc).
Who controls Broadcom?
Insider Roster:
Also noted: In November 2017, Broadcom proposed to purchase Qualcomm for US$130 billion, which was rebuffed by Qualcomm's board. President Trump blocked the revised $117 billion merger by an executive order that cited national security concerns.
Capital World Investors (an institutional investor) owns 10.97% stake
Capital World Investors is a privately owned investment manager. It manages equity and balanced mutual funds for its clients. Moreover, the firm invests in the public equity and fixed income markets.
Capital World Investors - 13F Holdings - Fintel.io
Capital World Investors has disclosed 532 total holdings in their latest SEC filings. Most recent portfolio value is calculated to be $ 415,213,002,000 USD. Actual Assets Under Management (AUM)… $415B
#7817358 at 2020-01-15 03:14:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #10005: The General Flynn "DONE IN 30" Edition
92-9000 came from west of Milwaukee.
Waiting for 82-8000 to show up. Wait. He's up.
KC's are everywhere. 135 and 130
#7808414 at 2020-01-14 08:01:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9994: Red Alert! Late Night Aquatic Pumpkin Carving is Under Attack!!! Edition
bezos takes it right in the ass. slam the POTUS and you no get $10 billion. DoD bailed Bezos out twice in the 90's when he was fingering his ass with his shelf storage facilities, Now he is allegedly worth $130 Billion and is crying over $10B more over 10 years. These net worth calculations are as believable as NFL or NBA games.
#7806372 at 2020-01-14 03:01:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9991: Wild Ride. 10k approaches. Edition
Interesting article written today.
Too long to paste whole thing. Read more at link.
JCPOA advocates claim Trump left the U.S. and the entire world vulnerable by leaving the Iran deal. The JCPOA, they say, was working. This is not true and hasn't been true since the very beginning of the deal, at least not on the terms sold to Congress and the U.S. public. From the start, Iran was given secret loopholes that made it appear they were meeting the publicly stated terms of deal. Among other recent violations: The Iranians have exceeded the amount of uranium they're allowed to enrich; they've exceeded the levels of purity of enriched uranium; they've violated the types of centrifuges they were allowed to spin; and injected uranium into centrifuges they were not allowed to use for enrichment.
Perhaps most tellingly, Iran's nuclear archives, which Israel seized from a Tehran warehouse in January 2018 and made public months later, show that the regime never gave up its intentions to build a military nuclear program, despite promises in the JCPOA to never pursue nuclear weapons.
There is, however, a case to be made that the deal was serving its purpose. But that interpretation requires a markedly different understanding of the JCPOA than what the Obama administration sold to Congress and the American public. The point of the deal was not to stop Iran from ever building a bomb but to prevent the Iranians from doing so until Obama left office.
The Obama administration went to extravagant lengths to hide the obvious, hidden in plain sight. It's all spelled out in the JCPOA's so-called "sunset" clauses, the restrictions on the nuclear program that were designed to evaporate after Obama moved into private life.
In 2023, the U.N. ban on assistance to Iran's ballistic missile program will end. The ban on the manufacture of advanced centrifuges will begin to expire, shortening the amount of time it will take to build a bomb. Perhaps most importantly, in 2025, the U.N. snapback mechanism allowing the U.S. to reimpose sanctions will expire, meaning that we would need to persuade Russia and China to restore international sanctions on Iran. The effect is that there is nothing short of military action to stop the Iranians from marching toward the bomb. It was Obama who said that by years 13, 14, or 15 of the deal Iran would be within a hairbreadth of a nuclear bomb By 2031 with all nuclear restrictions lifted, the Islamic Republic will have a full-scale nuclear weapons program.
The Iranians agreed to pretend to restrictions only because the Obama administration bribed them handsomely. There were several money streams the former White House poured into the regime. One was sanctions relief, worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Last month Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that in leaving the JCPOA and reimposing sanctions, Trump cost the regime $200 billion. The Obama administration provided another source of income by unlocking escrow accounts when the deal was implemented in January 2016, flooding the regime with some $100 billion in previously frozen oil receipts.
The most infamous payoff was the $1.7 billion in cash the administration shipped off to the IRGC on wooden pallets in exchange for U.S. citizens held hostage by the regime. The White House said that there was no "quid pro quo," that it was Iran's money to begin with-$400 million the pre-revolutionary government had deposited in 1979 to buy U.S. arms, plus interest. But the U.S. had already used the $400 million to compensate terror victims of the Islamic Republic. That was Iran's money. The $400 million the Obama administration used to "pay back" the Iranians belonged to the U.S. taxpayer.
The administration argued that the U.S. had to pay the ransom in cash because Tehran had been cut off from the financial system and there was no other way to transfer the funds. That was not true. The Obama administration had wired payments to Iran before and after the wooden pallets episode. The Iranians wanted cash so it would be harder to track their terror financing.
The Obama administration even paid the Iranians when they violated the deal. The Iranians overproduced reactor coolant, (heavy water, a key ingredient in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons) in violation of the JCPOA, and the administration offered to buy it for $10 million to keep them in compliance. But that wasn't enough for Tehran-or the White House. In exchange for giving up the nuclear-related material they had promised not to have in the first place-the heavy water-the regime then demanded more nuclear material in exchange. And the American administration agreed: In January 2017, Obama greenlighted the shipment of 130 tons of uranium to Iran.
#7805611 at 2020-01-14 01:36:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9990: 10 To Go Edition
>>7804347 (LB) - Agenda 2030
add The World Bank & partners to the list
With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.
#7805343 at 2020-01-14 01:11:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9990: 10 To Go Edition
You can't make this shit up….
Harvey Weinstein trial: Gigi Hadid could be a juror
Supermodel Gigi Hadid will be one of about 130 to 140 New Yorkers who will return for further questioning as prospective jurors in the Harvey Weinstein case later this week.
That number will likely climb to 160 or 170 tomorrow, and it is not a given that she will be selected to serve on the jury.
While in the courtroom, Hadid told Justice James Burke that although she'd met Weinstein and one of his sexual misconduct accusers, Salma Hayek, she believes she could "keep an open mind on the facts."
Hadid was photographed leaving the courthouse, but she did not answer any questions.
In addition to having met Hayek, Hadid, 24, has been photographed with actress Cara Delevingne, who in 2017 claimed that Weinstein behaved inappropriately toward her in a hotel room.
Over the past two years, dozens of women have accused Weinstein, 67, of sexual misconduct. The disgraced movie mogul, 67, is facing five felony sexual assault charges in New York stemming from alleged attacks against two women – one in 2006 and one in 2013. If convicted on the top charges, he could go to prison for life. The trial began last week, and jury selection has been slow-going. Weinstein has pleaded not guilty to all charges and has denied ever engaging in nonconsensual sex with anyone.
Meanwhile, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office announced last week the filing of four new felony counts of sexual assault against Weinstein involving two different women he allegedly attacked over a two-day period in California in 2013.
#7794457 at 2020-01-12 21:16:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9776: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Edition
Not drone footage.
ac-130 footage only ac-130s have 20mm, 40mm & 105mm guns.
Bottom left corner indicates rounds available for 20mm L61, 40mm L60 cannon & 105mm gun.
#7793043 at 2020-01-12 18:27:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9973: Kekistani WW Edition
AC Milan v Chelsea?
#7791354 at 2020-01-12 14:11:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9972: Comfy In Thy Morning Bread Edition
#7786492 at 2020-01-11 23:12:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9966: No Massacre, Nor Internets Shutdown Edition
> edison's electrical tricity
For clarity–
Edison was DC current
Tesla/Westinghouse was widely used long range AC current
#7785751 at 2020-01-11 21:34:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9965: We See All We Hear All We Speak All Edition
Small-Scale Traders in India Plan Protests Against Amazon Founder Bezos Across 300 cities
Thousands of traders in India are planning protests against Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who will visit the country next week for a company event, which might include meetings with government officials.
Three sources told Reuters that Bezos will visit New Delhi for an Amazon event aiming to connect with small and medium-sized enterprises, three sources told Reuters. He is also seeking a meeting with the prime minister and other government officials to discuss e-commerce, one of the sources familiar with the matter said.
The details of Bezos' visit, including his arrival date and the duration of his stay, still haven't been officially announced.
The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), representing roughly 70 million brick-and-mortar retailers, said it will protest across 300 cities during Bezos' stay in the country, as the group has been in a legal battle against online retailers Amazon and Walmart-controlled Flipkart, accusing them of flouting India's foreign investment rules with their trade practices.
"We plan to organize peaceful rallies against Jeff Bezos in all major cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata as well as smaller towns and cities," Praveen Khandelwal, the group's secretary-general told Reuters. "We expect to mobilize at least 100,000 traders in the protests."
India is a key market for US internet retailers Amazon and Walmart, as it has a population of 1.3 billion and the world's second-biggest smartphone user base. Discounts on their platforms have induced Indians to shop online for everything from groceries to large electronic devices - one of the reasons local Indian traders believe it has unfairly hurt their business. New Delhi introduced rules last year to protect nearly 130 million people dependent on small-scale retail by deterring large online discounts, forcing e-commerce firms to change their business structures.
#7785007 at 2020-01-11 19:52:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9964: Learn to Bake! The Dough needs hands! Edition
ARMY C 130 Rollin' Down the Strip Airborne Cadence
#7784686 at 2020-01-11 19:13:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9963: Comfy Winter Weekend. Practice Baking! Edition
C-130 BAKE41 back on the move.
#7783320 at 2020-01-11 16:14:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9961: A Panda in Every Home Edition
Blackhawk is a misident. Choppers don't normally us RCH#### callsigns.
Speed suggests perhaps a C-130.
#7782785 at 2020-01-11 15:09:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9961: A Panda in Every Home Edition
C-130 in the air call sign BAKE41 - might be significant?
41st president = GHW Bush
#7781166 at 2020-01-11 07:16:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9959: Watkins Spells It Out For Anons Edition
This video is also revealing. At about 1:21 in, they switch to the room McCain was in with all of the other Syrian rebels. The shape of the room, placement of the windows, vases, AC, etc. all match up. You also get different angles as well.
#7779835 at 2020-01-11 04:00:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9957: Night Shift Sets the Cruise Control Edition
Hey Anons,
Off topic query
(Filter or scroll by or spam me if you like)
Wondering if there are any HVAC /air flow autists willing to weigh in and/or provide links to expert DIY sites:
Here's the scenario if you're still reading:
* Central Air unit has to be replaced (36 years old)
* Home is 1600 square feet –the part that needs AC (attached 3-bay garage and shop are another 1600 feet, but AC not needed there, kek)
*House is set on wooded land – VERY humid in summers
* Have also wondered about installing a whole house fan or two not only to cool house down in summer, but to generate more air flow through the attic (attic has plywood floors and high ceilings which extend over garage and shop areas – a whole studio apartment could be added up there w/plenty of space to spare.)
* Maybe add a window or two in attic? very stuffy
*Prevailing wind direction is west to east; front of house faces southeast
* Have eeked AC unit along last few summers – added a booster to the compressor summer 2018
*Something in the relay switch went this past summer; handy family member gerry rigged it so we could set it manually w/ screwdriver
* Cannot get freon in our state anymore
* Have been told not only do we need to replace the unit, but the ductwork as well b/c something something new non-freon lines won't work with current duct work (?!?)
*Was given a "ballpark" price of $7-8K (Ouch, not happening.)
*Handy family member is primarily a carpenter but can pretty much fix/install/repair anything – BUT said family member
is not very good at researching on the Internet.
Basically, would like to spend no more than $3K; maybe $4K if we're also doing the whole-house fans/windows in attic.
Would appreciate any serious feedback from knowledgeable anons. Sorry to interrupt, but ya'll are the smartest people I know. I was close to hitting all 7's tonight; maybe I'll get lucky yet.
#7777973 at 2020-01-11 01:12:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9955: The Aftermath Edition
>>7774804 @NSAGov Elizebeth Friedman, a master cryptologist in her own right, was employed by the U.S. Coast Guard to crack the codes used by rumrunners. Come find out how she did it!
>>7774677 Reports: Iran Bulldozed Crash Site and Removed Virtually All Pieces of Downed Ukrainian Plane
>>7774637 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded Dignity Prize from Catalans
>>7774547 Doug Collins vid/ Peach mint
>>7774530, >>7774594 War Room current trending hashes
>>7774505 @thehill twat, Trump says Soleimani was plotting attacks on 4 US embassies
>>7774385, >>7774423 @18airbornecorps 1 of 17: TANK GOD ITS FRIDAY
>>7774254 Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper twat
>>7774203 kill chain meaning
>>7774157, >>7774182, >>7774215, >>7774292 based, alt view of facts presented/Fitton
>>7774852 #9950
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773931 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
>>7774691 #9949
Previously Collected Notables
>>7773292 #9948, >>7774691 #9949
>>7770171 #9944, >>7770957 #9945, >>7771743 #9946, >>7772508 #9947
>>7766943 #9940, >>7767741 #9941, >>7768564 #9942, >>7769318 #9943
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7777175 at 2020-01-11 00:44:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9954: Get It While Its Hot Edition
>>7774804 @NSAGov Elizebeth Friedman, a master cryptologist in her own right, was employed by the U.S. Coast Guard to crack the codes used by rumrunners. Come find out how she did it!
>>7774677 Reports: Iran Bulldozed Crash Site and Removed Virtually All Pieces of Downed Ukrainian Plane
>>7774637 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded Dignity Prize from Catalans
>>7774547 Doug Collins vid/ Peach mint
>>7774530, >>7774594 War Room current trending hashes
>>7774505 @thehill twat, Trump says Soleimani was plotting attacks on 4 US embassies
>>7774385, >>7774423 @18airbornecorps 1 of 17: TANK GOD ITS FRIDAY
>>7774254 Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper twat
>>7774203 kill chain meaning
>>7774157, >>7774182, >>7774215, >>7774292 based, alt view of facts presented/Fitton
>>7774852 #9950
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773931 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
>>7774691 #9949
Previously Collected Notables
>>7773292 #9948, >>7774691 #9949
>>7770171 #9944, >>7770957 #9945, >>7771743 #9946, >>7772508 #9947
>>7766943 #9940, >>7767741 #9941, >>7768564 #9942, >>7769318 #9943
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7776399 at 2020-01-10 23:42:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9953: As The Get Approaches Edition
>>7774804 @NSAGov Elizebeth Friedman, a master cryptologist in her own right, was employed by the U.S. Coast Guard to crack the codes used by rumrunners. Come find out how she did it!
>>7774677 Reports: Iran Bulldozed Crash Site and Removed Virtually All Pieces of Downed Ukrainian Plane
>>7774637 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded Dignity Prize from Catalans
>>7774547 Doug Collins vid/ Peach mint
>>7774530, >>7774594 War Room current trending hashes
>>7774505 @thehill twat, Trump says Soleimani was plotting attacks on 4 US embassies
>>7774385, >>7774423 @18airbornecorps 1 of 17: TANK GOD ITS FRIDAY
>>7774254 Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper twat
>>7774203 kill chain meaning
>>7774157, >>7774182, >>7774215, >>7774292 based, alt view of facts presented/Fitton
>>7774852 #9950
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773931 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
>>7774691 #9949
Previously Collected Notables
>>7773292 #9948, >>7774691 #9949
>>7770171 #9944, >>7770957 #9945, >>7771743 #9946, >>7772508 #9947
>>7766943 #9940, >>7767741 #9941, >>7768564 #9942, >>7769318 #9943
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7775620 at 2020-01-10 22:23:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9952: Focus! Don't Get Slide Tracked! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7768057 , >>7768859, >>7771829 (OP) Jim Watkins: Possible deplatforming in the next 10 days. Please help
>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!
Anons, plz no jpegs, tx
are not endorsements
>>7775406, >>7775430, >>7775490 Eyes in the Sky
>>7775564 @usairforce Wolf Moon
>>7775459 We are the news!
>>7775427 Judicial Watch: New Strzok-Page Emails Reveal DOJ Special Treatment to Clinton Lawyers
>>7775345, >>7775473 Neil Peart, the drummer and lyricist for Rush, died Tuesday, January 7th, in Santa Monica, California at age 67.
>>7775253 USSS Special Agent Training Course #384 is preparing for an intense 21 weeks focused on the policies and procedures
associated with the integrated responsibilities of investigations and protection. #BecomeAnAgent
>>7775238, >>7775254, >>7775266 AOC riles Dems by refusing to pay party dues, bankrolling colleagues' opponents
>>7775183 DoD Wants Army, Navy To Join Space Force; May Ask Hill For Help
>>7775054 @ARCYBER Army scientists have developed radically new device that opens door to creation of extraordinarily powerful #quantum networks.
>>7774985 Former DARPA director Walker named Lockheed Martin's chief technology officer
>>7774915 A Comey reviewing Pstain tapes?!
>>7775611 #9951
>>7774804 @NSAGov Elizebeth Friedman, a master cryptologist in her own right, was employed by the U.S. Coast Guard to crack the codes used by rumrunners. Come find out how she did it!
>>7774677 Reports: Iran Bulldozed Crash Site and Removed Virtually All Pieces of Downed Ukrainian Plane
>>7774637 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded Dignity Prize from Catalans
>>7774547 Doug Collins vid/ Peach mint
>>7774530, >>7774594 War Room current trending hashes
>>7774505 @thehill twat, Trump says Soleimani was plotting attacks on 4 US embassies
>>7774385, >>7774423 @18airbornecorps 1 of 17: TANK GOD ITS FRIDAY
>>7774254 Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper twat
>>7774203 kill chain meaning
>>7774157, >>7774182, >>7774215, >>7774292 based, alt view of facts presented/Fitton
>>7774852 #9950
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773931 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
>>7774691 #9949
Previously Collected Notables
>>7773292 #9948, >>7774691 #9949
>>7770171 #9944, >>7770957 #9945, >>7771743 #9946, >>7772508 #9947
>>7766943 #9940, >>7767741 #9941, >>7768564 #9942, >>7769318 #9943
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7775594 at 2020-01-10 22:17:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9951: Another Dim Bites the Dust! Edition
In final days, Obama rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes...
Posted by Kane on January 10, 2020 2:48 pm
Flashback. 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin.
Team Obama rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes. When asked what Iran was going to do with all that material, State Dept spokesman said "I'm not going to speculate one way or another." pic.twitter.com/2GlzJCVBMS
- Omri Ceren (@omriceren) January 10, 2020
Flashback - 3 years ago this week., final days of Obama
Team Obama rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes. When asked what Iran was going to do with all that material, State Dept spokesman said "I'm not going to speculate one way or another."
#7775551 at 2020-01-10 22:12:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9951: Another Dim Bites the Dust! Edition
Flashback. 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin.
Team Obama rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes.
#7774863 at 2020-01-10 21:02:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9951: Another Dim Bites the Dust! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7768057 , >>7768859, >>7771829 (OP) Jim Watkins: Possible deplatforming in the next 10 days. Please help
>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!
Anons, plz no jpegs, tx
are not endorsements
>>7774804 @NSAGov Elizebeth Friedman, a master cryptologist in her own right, was employed by the U.S. Coast Guard to crack the codes used by rumrunners. Come find out how she did it!
>>7774677 Reports: Iran Bulldozed Crash Site and Removed Virtually All Pieces of Downed Ukrainian Plane
>>7774637 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded Dignity Prize from Catalans
>>7774547 Doug Collins vid/ Peach mint
>>7774530, >>7774594 War Room current trending hashes
>>7774505 @thehill twat, Trump says Soleimani was plotting attacks on 4 US embassies
>>7774385, >>7774423 @18airbornecorps 1 of 17: TANK GOD ITS FRIDAY
>>7774254 Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper twat
>>7774203 kill chain meaning
>>7774157, >>7774182, >>7774215, >>7774292 based, alt view of facts presented/Fitton
>>7774852 #9950
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773931 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
>>7774691 #9949
Previously Collected Notables
>>7773292 #9948
>>7770171 #9944, >>7770957 #9945, >>7771743 #9946, >>7772508 #9947
>>7766943 #9940, >>7767741 #9941, >>7768564 #9942, >>7769318 #9943
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7774691 at 2020-01-10 20:44:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9950: To Kill A Smockingbird Edition
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773931 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
>>7774079 #9949
#7774525 at 2020-01-10 20:23:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9950: To Kill A Smockingbird Edition
>>>7773922 (You) Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
TY Baker for your work, heads up on this one, it has the wrong post number. While I enjoy any the (You)'s I can get that one shouldn't be mine.
#7774084 at 2020-01-10 19:33:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9950: To Kill A Smockingbird Edition
Global Announcements
>>7768057 , >>7768859, >>7771829 (OP) Jim Watkins: Possible deplatforming in the next 10 days. Please help
>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!
Anons, plz no jpegs, tx
are not endorsements
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773922 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
>>7774079 #9949
>>7772705, >>7772734, >>7773123 Sky eyes on the Fly
>>7773222 Huber twats like he's been listening here
>>7773210 Marianne Williamson has dropped out of the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.
>>7773162 Queens woman got 15 for teaching and distributing info on WMD
>>7773110 Trey Gowdy Reveals Real Reason Democrats Impeached Trump
>>7772936 To all you "anons" stressing "anonymous posting" , keep in mind that twitter accounts can also anonymous, too
>>7772990 update FireFox, US gobmint warns of weakness, hacking
>>7772896 @DeptofDefense Rough Waters! 🌊
>>7772741 Pelosi sets up peach mint hand off
>>7772576, >>7772628 Relevant Review: Whistleblower comes forward with allegations that Obama communicated directly with Solemani
>>7773292 #9948
Previously Collected Notables
>>7773292 #9948
>>7770171 #9944, >>7770957 #9945, >>7771743 #9946, >>7772508 #9947
>>7766943 #9940, >>7767741 #9941, >>7768564 #9942, >>7769318 #9943
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
#7774079 at 2020-01-10 19:32:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9949: Keep Your Stick on the Ice Edition
>>7773479 Eyes in the Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7774020 Q's with Delta, for review
>>7773922 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
#7773962 at 2020-01-10 19:15:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9949: Keep Your Stick on the Ice Edition
>>7773479 Eyes in Sky
>>7773847 Boats Ahoy
>>7773922 Relevant Review: 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin, rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes
>>7773869 moar on steel sanctions
>>7773808 Google David Drummond share op ex and sales
>>7773636 Anon and Pompeo green tie
>>7773596 Pompeo on Iranian sanctions/green tie vid
>>7773563 Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Friday that the FBI magically "found" more Hillary Clinton emails transmitted on her private server.
>>7773555 @USNavy @MyNAVYHR Announces MAP will Remain at 20% of Total Advancement Opportunity in 2020.
>>7773551 Senator Daines introduces legislation to protect law abiding gun owners and their right to safely transport their firearms across state lines
>>7773469 The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
>>7773445 @HouseGOP 145,000 JOBS
>>7773415 MacDill Air Force Base in Florida briefly on lockdown due to report of nearby armed suspect
>>7773414 Arkansas Senate to Vote on Resolution Condemning Nancy Pelosi's Sham Impeachment of President Trump
>>7773388 U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore
>>7773382 War Room hash hijacks today
>>7773373, >>7773385 2 Year Delta, 2 Days Ahead The 11th or 1.11 CHECKMATE
>>7773369, >>7773560, >>7773418, >>7773431, >>7773540 NATOME=17, POTUS is so good with names
#7773931 at 2020-01-10 19:10:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9949: Keep Your Stick on the Ice Edition
Flashback. 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin.
Team Obama rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes. When asked what Iran was going to do with all that material, State Dept spokesman said "I'm not going to speculate one way or another."
#7773123 at 2020-01-10 17:33:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9948: You Can Not De-Platform a Force of Nature Edition
so the t-38's and c-130 dropped off radar
but the tanker drew a big cock
#7772953 at 2020-01-10 17:12:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9948: You Can Not De-Platform a Force of Nature Edition
Ghosn's wife may have paid off witnesses, destroyed evidence: Tokyo prosecutors
Carole Nahas, spouse of former Nissan Motor Co. chief and current fugitive Carlos Ghosn, is suspected of bribing or cajoling witnesses into not cooperating with the investigation into her husband, a senior Japanese prosecutor told reporters on Jan. 9. Takahiro Saito, deputy chief prosecutor at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, said Nahas, 53, may have also destroyed evidence according to Ghosn's wishes. It is very unusual for prosecutors in Japan to refer to evidence or witness statements prior to the beginning of a public trial. Saito also used the news conference to rebuff criticisms of Japan's investigative practices and justice system made by Ghosn during a Jan. 8 appearance before the news media in Beirut.
Ghosn, 65, escaped Japan for Lebanon in late December as he awaited trial on charges of financial misconduct while helming the Japanese auto giant, including funneling Nissan funds to a Saudi acquaintance and to accounts under his control via a Nissan subsidiary in Oman. Nahas, who is with her husband in Beirut, is wanted in Japan on suspicion of giving false evidence in relation to Ghosn's case. The Tokyo prosecutors' office's special investigation unit recovered Nahas' mobile phone during a search of the Tokyo residence where Ghosn had been living since April 2019, after his release on bail. Saito stated that analysis of the phone turned up evidence that Nahas had demanded that an executive with the Omani subsidiary and staff at a Lebanese law office refuse to cooperate with Tokyo prosecutors.
The deputy chief prosecutor furthermore said that Nahas is suspected of sending a large sum in hush money to Ghosn's ex-wife, who is thought to have played a role in Ghosn's alleged financial dirty dealings. Japanese authorities believe Ghosn managed to communicate directions to Nahas in some form even during his detention. Saito called the suspected scheme "truly deplorable." During his Beirut press conference, Ghosn claimed that during his 130 total days in confinement, he was questioned for eight hours a day without access to a lawyer, and prosecutors attempted to force him to confess.
In response, Saito told reporters on Jan. 9 that Ghosn had been questioned on 70 of the 130 days, for an average of just under four hours each time. Furthermore, Saito stated, Ghosn had met his lawyer at least 120 times for an average of two hours per session. "The former chairman (Ghosn)'s claims are absurd, and in complete conflict with the truth," the senior prosecutor said. "He simply did not want to be punished, and fled abroad."
Meanwhile, regarding Ghosn's Japanese lawyers denying prosecutors access to a computer the former Nissan chairman used while he was out on bail, Saito stated, "It was the defense attorneys' idea to include (Ghosn's use of a PC) in the bail conditions. They should take it upon themselves to explain to the court how he escaped."
#7772734 at 2020-01-10 16:51:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9948: You Can Not De-Platform a Force of Nature Edition
Party in Roswell!
4 t-38s
a c-130
and a tanker in route
#7770564 at 2020-01-10 08:31:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9945: "They Will Fight But You Are Ready. Marker [9]" Edition
>They are brown in colour when they hatch but turn yellow once they mature. Swarms of locusts can migrate more than 130 kilometers in a day.
Sounds like rapefugees. NGO.
#7770548 at 2020-01-10 08:27:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9945: "They Will Fight But You Are Ready. Marker [9]" Edition
An average swarm of locusts can eat the same amount of food in one day as about 10 elephants, 25 camels or 2,500 people.
And just before they do that in Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit and Isiolo, entomologists -experts in matters insects - are advising Kenyans to eat them.
They argue that desert locusts have already destroyed more than 70,000 hectares of farmland in Somalia and Ethiopia, where the invasion started, and if you don't make them a meal, they may deny you one.
But just before you take your basket and head to the fields, you need to know this:
What are desert locusts?
The desert locusts are typically shy, solitary insects that become very aggressive when in crowds.
They are brown in colour when they hatch but turn yellow once they mature. Swarms of locusts can migrate more than 130 kilometers in a day.
Are they the same as grasshoppers?
While they appear almost similar, locusts are different from grasshoppers. First, locusts can move very fast and cover a longer distance than hoppers - up to 130 kilometres in 24 hours. They usually fly with the wind.
Secondly, unlike locusts, most hopper species do not eat and destroy crops.
Are locusts edible?
Yes, according to the Entomologists Society of Kenya.
"We encourage the eating of locusts as part of the management of the pest, as well as the adoption of termites and other insects," says Prof John Nderitu, an integrated pest management specialist at the University of Nairobi.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), locusts are usually stir-fried, roasted or boiled and eaten immediately or dried and eaten later.
Have Kenyans eaten them before?
Again, yes, according to Prof John Nderitu and other experts.
"The locusts have always been eaten in western Kenya as a delicacy Half a kilo of termites in Kakamega is more expensive than half a kilo of meat," says the researcher.
"I ate grasshoppers in the early 1960s when I was young. We just placed it in hot ash for five minutes, removed the head and then ate it."
According to an elder, Jacob Mate Shiamwama from Ilesi in Kakamega East sub-county, locusts are considered a delicacy in many communities in the region.
"When locusts were sighted, there would be excitement in the villages," he says.
"People would wait until nightfall, when they had descended and settled on trees and vegetation. They would then collect the locusts and put them in baskets and containers for roasting in pots."
Dr Esther Kioko, a member of Entomologists Society of Kenya, says the insects were turned into food by residents of Machakos County during a locust invasion in the 1940s.
"During the locust invasion the insects in the 1940s, the locust invaded and ate every green plant. My grandmother and other residents then caught and ate the insects. Using the new found source of food, they survived and were exempted from relief assistance by the colonial government," she says.
The FAO also backs insect eating as a part of many of the world's cultures.
"It is estimated that insect-eating is practised regularly by at least 2 billion people worldwide," the UN body said in a report.
What is their nutritional value?
According to various nutritional researches, a serving of 100 grammes of desert locust provides 11.5 grammes of fat and 286 miligrammes of cholesterol.
The insect also contains varying amounts of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.
Here is the recipe for Moshe Basson's Crisp Grasshoppers (Use around 25 locusts)
1. Prepare around 2 litres of vegetable stock with a little turmeric added to it.
2. Place the locusts in the boiling stock. Cook for about 3 minutes.
3. Drain the locusts and let them cool a bit.
4. Twist off their heads, and this will ensure that you pull out their black, threadlike entrails.
5. Remove the wings and small legs from the cooked insects.
6. Make a seasoned flour using 4 tablespoons, 3/4 teaspoon salt, a little pepper and chilli powder, a shake of ground coriander, and dried garlic pellets. A typical, simple seasoned flour can be made with simple ingredients like salt, pepper and flour.
7. Roll the precooked locusts in a beaten egg, before rolling them in the seasoned flour. Shake the excess flour off.
8. Fry in olive oil for 1 1/2-2 minutes, till it turns a golden brown.
9. Serve with lemon tahini sauce.
#7769517 at 2020-01-10 05:13:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9944: "U1 - CA - EU - ASIA - IRAN/NK : Iran Deal" Edition
>>7769204 (LB)
ICANN was controlled by the U.S., but Hussein gave it away
Republican lawmakers are accusing the Obama administration of allowing countries like Russia, China and Iran to take control over the Internet. Their beef with the administration focuses on a relatively obscure nonprofit overseen by the U.S. government that is scheduled to become fully independent Saturday.
The organization is called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN for short. Its history traces back to a graduate student at UCLA named Jon Postel.
He started keeping track of the unique numbers assigned to particular computers using the Internet, during its early days. Jonathan Zittrain, an Internet law professor at Harvard, says Postel kept a clipboard to make sure no user had the same number - sort of like a phone book.
"It was just sort of an honor system that would stop Caltech from coming in, or Bulgaria, from saying, 'You know what, we're going to start using those numbers,' " Zittrain says. "It's just something that would be a way of coordinating as people came online and needed to use numbers and, later, names."
Today that function is done by ICANN, a nonprofit based in Los Angeles with a budget of more than $130 million and more than 350 employees. It keeps track of millions of websites all over the globe.
Since its founding in 1998, ICANN has been overseen by the U.S. Commerce Department. But the government contract ends on Sept. 30 and the Obama administration plans to let ICANN become fully independent.
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has waged a campaign against the transition that includes ominous sounding videos, in which he says that the phase-out of U.S. oversight will open the door to authoritarian governments taking control of the Internet.
"Russia, and China, and Iran don't have a First Amendment," Cruz says in one of the videos. "They don't protect free speech, and they actively censor the Internet. ICANN could do the same thing, putting foreign countries in charge of what you can say online, prohibiting speech that they disagree with."
Though ICANN oversees a fairly geeky administrative function, it does have an advisory panel that includes representatives of governments from all over the world. And there have been some dust-ups over the granting of new domain names, which has made some critics worry that ICANN is already being used to clamp down on speech.
Gay rights advocates have been trying to get approval for a .gay domain so that gay people all over the world can easily find resources. ICANN has been evaluating the requests for years, says Berin Szoka, president of the TechFreedom think tank that has opposed the transition. He says it's not clear what's really going on.
"It's always going to be a little bit hazy. It's going to be hard to actually know who's really driving what," Szoka says. "So here, for example, I guarantee you there are governments that have been exercising whatever influence they can to stop the creation of .gay."
Advocates for ICANN's independence say that there are a lot of safeguards in place to limit any government intrusion. The organization's global board is made up of business, nonprofit and academic leaders. The rules make it hard for governments to exert that much influence.
And, Harvard's Zittrain says, governments that want to censor the Internet already do so in much more effective ways: "There are so many other paths that the Russians or the Chinese could take and have taken to make sure that their citizens or even people around the world can't see stuff that they don't want them to see."
He points out that despite Cruz calling the transition "a radical proposal," the U.S. government has been planning to fully privatize ICANN for years - going back to the Clinton administration, continuing with George W. Bush and now Obama.
The plan's supporters argue that not completing the phase-out could undermine U.S. credibility. "There are people who will argue that if we don't give it up that we have bad motives," Michael Chertoff, former Homeland Security secretary under George W. Bush and Obama, told the AP.
#7765223 at 2020-01-09 22:45:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9938: It's An Ugly World Out There! Edition
Monolithic Power Systems CEO sold : $14.55m-Jan 7-8
Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. designs, develops and markets integrated power semiconductor solutions and power delivery architectures. The Company operates in the design, development, marketing and sale of power solutions for the communications, storage and computing, consumer and industrial markets segment. The Company's product families include Direct Current (DC) to DC Products, and Lighting Control Products. The Company's DC to DC integrated circuits (ICs) are used to convert and control voltages within a range of electronic systems, such as portable electronic devices, wireless local area network (LAN) access points, computers, monitors, automobiles and medical equipment. Lighting control ICs are used in backlighting and general illumination products. In addition to Alternating Current (AC)/DC offline solutions for lighting illumination applications, the Company also offers AC/DC power conversion solutions for end products that plug into a wall outlet.
Number of employees : 1 737 people.
from Jan 7th
Maxim Integrated Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Monolithic Power Systems
from Dec 30th '19
MONOLITHIC POWER SYSTEMS, INC. : Ex-dividend day for
#7764891 at 2020-01-09 21:59:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9938: It's An Ugly World Out There! Edition
Ghostrider I have a MOAB
ac-130 Ghostrider callsign MOAB1 near Texarkana.
ac-130 does not have the ability to carry a MOAB bomb as the fuselage is filled with very big guns..
#7764713 at 2020-01-09 21:33:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9937: Pot Calling the Golden Kettle Black Edition
c-130 circling laurens, sc
#7764079 at 2020-01-09 20:09:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9937: Pot Calling the Golden Kettle Black Edition
Busy Friday. Along with the usual training, 40 C130s, including all AC, MC versions and gunships.
[2 Combat King II, 2 Ghost Rider, 4 Commando II, 2 AWS (Air Weather Service), 1 Combat Talon II, 1 Compass Call]
#7754621 at 2020-01-08 20:49:04 (UTC+1)
#9924: Planefags Prevail Where Others Fail! We love our planefags! Edition
Was my first thought, because even though I'm not a planefag, I played one in the Navy..
But P-8 is twin engine. Pic shows four engine AC
E-6 is good guess, although missing hump on top.
#7754173 at 2020-01-08 20:01:40 (UTC+1)
#9924: Planefags Prevail Where Others Fail! We love our planefags! Edition
Never cared for the person David Bowie, but Major Tom is an awesome song, and many of his songs are classics.
Same with Van Halen, AC/DC, The Police, you name it, they all sold out. There programming, if that is what it was, didn't work…
Besides, much better listening to classic rock and classic country than the new shit being spoon fed these days.
Last time I respond to you on this slide.
#7754043 at 2020-01-08 19:48:34 (UTC+1)
#9923: Draining the ME Swamp! Edition
I counted 5 tankers, 3 US and 2 RAF, and 2 Apaches in the area.
Tanker refueling other tankers.
Most low altitude under ~1000 ft. 1 at 7k.
One 130 was at 350 ft prolonged.
The 2 each 130J's can refuel choppers.
Hat tip to the anon that pointed out the 135 over France. Led me to this Refueler's Paradise.
#7753879 at 2020-01-08 19:28:14 (UTC+1)
#9923: Draining the ME Swamp! Edition
Tehran airport is prolly surrounded by some pretty sophisticated anti ac weaponry, most likely tied into networks..
Could have been hacked by Israel.
#7750648 at 2020-01-08 13:24:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9919: Hold the Line Edition
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Iraq's Al Asad and Erbil airbases have been struck by Iran. Here's what we know about them
By Alan Weedon
Updated about 7 hours ago
An aerial shot of the Al-Assad airbase.
Photo: Al Asad airbase pictured last month. (AP: Nasser Nasser)
Related Story: Trump knew Iran would retaliate for Soleimani's killing - here's why he did it anyway
Related Story: Iran's Supreme Leader hits out at US after missile strikes: As it happened
Related Story: Ayatollah warns Iran missile strike is a 'slap on the face' against US, Trump statement imminent
Al Asad translates to "the lion" in Arabic and is the name of one of two Iraqi airbases that were struck by Iranian missiles early on Wednesday morning.
Key points:
The two Iraqi airbases targeted were hosting US and coalition forces at the time of the attack
Al Asad, in Iraq's west, is the country's second-largest airbase
It remains unclear if there were any casualties
Iranian state TV said Tehran launched "tens" of surface-to-surface missiles at Iraq's Erbil and Al Asad airbases in response to the US assassination of Iranian military general Qassem Soleimani.
The attack was launched at 1:30am (local time).
The Associated Press reported that Al Asad housed "about 1,500" US and coalition forces, but did not specify what other countries had personnel there.
As it happened: Iran missile strikes
In the hours since the strikes, Canada, Slovenia and Germany have confirmed they have personnel at Erbil.
Germany and Canada have confirmed that their personnel are safe.
It remains unclear if Australian forces were stationed at either base but, at a press conference earlier today, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed the safety of all personnel stationed in Iraq.
Map shows Al Asad airbase, Erbil Airbase, Tehran and Baghdad.
Photo: Erbil airbase and Al Asad airbase were hit in the attacks. (ABC News)
Al Asad is Iraq's second-largest airbase and was constructed in the 1980s with assistance from the former Yugoslavia, according to air defence website Airforce Technology.
It is located approximately 180 kilometres west of Baghdad in the western province of Al Anbar.
The base has two main runways, measuring 4.3km and 4km respectively, while a nearby weapons storage facility occupies 3 square kilometres, according to website Global Security.
During the Iraq War, it served as the second-largest US military airbase after Australian special forces captured the base in 2003.
In 2011 it was handed back to the Iraqi Government and it currently serves as the headquarters of the 7th Division of the Iraqi Army.
It also houses an infantry school.
A satellite image of an airbase in a desert landscape with a creek running past it.
Photo: Al Asad is Iraq's second-largest airbase. (Google Earth)
Erbil airbase is located in Iraqi Kurdistan, in the north of the country, but little is publicly known about the base.
In previous years it served as a critical base for US and coalition operations against the Islamic State (IS) group in Iraq and Syria - last year it was the launching pad for US special forces who carried out the killing of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria.
US assessing damage at the two bases
What might happen in a US-Iran war?
What might happen in a US-Iran war?
Iran and America's tensions are at fever-pitch. Here's a breakdown of what we know about the two militaries and what we might expect.
A US Department of Defence (DOD) statement on Wednesday's strikes, which it said numbered "more than a dozen", confirmed that Al Asad had been hosting US military and coalition personnel, without giving further details.
"It is clear that these missiles were launched from Iran & targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting US military & coalition personnel at Al Assad & Erbil," the statement read.
"We are working on initial battle-damage assessments".
The DOD statement also noted that bases in the Middle East hosting US and coalition personnel had been on "high alert due to indications that the Iranian regime planned to attack our forces & interests in the region".
Iraqi air bases house coalition forces in bid to defeat IS
Looking up at the belly of a C-130 airplane on a clear day, you see US soldiers leap out of a rear door wearing parachutes.
Photo: During the Iraq War, Al Asad served as a strategic US airbase after it was captured by Australian forces in 2003. (US Army)
Since 2014, US forces and forces from the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Gulf states have been part of Operation Inherent Resolve - the official title for the military intervention against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Al Asad has hosted coalition air forces since the operation began.
… body too long
#7747902 at 2020-01-08 04:24:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9915: The "ALL IS WELL!" Edition
Seems like C-130's always go out in pairs
I hear 'em all the time, all different times of day & night
Recognize a C-130 by their engine noise
But I live near Lockheed-Martin in Marietta, which is where a ton of those get upgrades & refits, repairs etc
Also in the Hartsfield flight path plus a small Atlanta regional, so it's a constant parade
Always seems so quiet when I'm out of town
#7745452 at 2020-01-08 01:14:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9912: Pew Pew Edition
Not much seen over EMEA (wasn't expecting to)
CONUS mil snapshot
117 Mil AC seen
More Blackhawk choppers than usual (marked)
1 E6B Mercury
Bunch of C17 Globemaster and C138J Hercules transports
3 C5M Galaxy BIG transports
1 P3
2 P8s
2 Pilatus electronic surveillance/ recon planes
The usual Beech Pegasus and Texan trainers
#7742227 at 2020-01-07 19:35:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9908: Music About to Stop, Pary Is OverEdition
>>7742194 c-130 convoy heading ne over PA
we hardly get to see these
#7737215 at 2020-01-07 03:21:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9902: Shall We Play A Game? Amnesty 52? Edition
China Embassy Issues US Travel Warning Amid Threats Of Terrorism By Iran
The Chinese embassy in Washington issued a travel warning to its citizens living or on holiday in the U.S. of increasing security threats following President Trump's airstrike that killed Iran's top military commander major general Qassem Soleimani in Iraq on Friday.
"The Chinese embassy suggests and reminds Chinese citizens in the U.S. to closely watch the security situation, stay alert and take safety precautions, be cautious before going to public places," the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the U.S. said in a Sunday statement, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported.
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, warned in a statement that the "criminals" responsible for Soleimani's assassination will face "severe revenge," and that his work fighting on behalf of the Iranian people "won't be stopped by his martyrdom," according to a statement published on Twitter.
China is worried that Iran-backed Hezbollah sleeper cells embedded in major US metropolitan areas could be activated in the coming days, weeks, and or months could attack soft targets that are not heavily defended, such as restaurants, sporting events, and shopping malls.
Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf published a special bulletin Saturday via the National Terrorism Advisory System, indicating that there is no credible terrorist threat but warns of lone-wolf terrorists and cyber-attacks.
China's travel warning to the U.S. was read more than 130 million times on Weibo, as it appears this could result in lower tourism to the U.S.
"Our fellow compatriots in the U.S., please be careful and stay safe!" one Weibo user said.
Since the airstrike, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said Beijing was "highly concerned" about the threat of conflict in the Middle East.
"China advocates that all parties should earnestly abide by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter and the basic norms of international relations," Shuang said Friday.
"We urge all parties concerned, especially the United States, to keep calm and exercise restraint and avoid a further escalation of tensions," he added.
The threat of a terrorist attack could lead to lower tourism figures in the months ahead as other embassies will likely warn their citizens about the travel risks associated with the US.
#7735923 at 2020-01-07 00:52:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9900: Do you believe in coincidences? Edition
I wouldn't be surprised if the incidents were not caused by the same thing…since they are desperately trying to get a nuke ready.
Iran, Tehran has warned that it would exceed the JCPOA's caps developing a nuclear war head.
More recently, Tehran has warned that it would exceed the JCPOA's caps, Davenport explained.
According to a May 31, [2019] report from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran's implementation of the nuclear deal, Iran moved closer to the caps on enriched uranium and heavy water set by the deal, but did not exceed them.
The agency reported that as of May 20, Iran had stockpiled 174 kilograms of uranium enriched to 3.67 percent uranium-235, which is less than the 202 kilograms permitted by the JCPOA. In its previous report in February, the IAEA reported that the stockpile was 168 kilograms.
Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said on June 17 that Iran was quadrupling its uranium-enrichment capacity and would breach the limit set by the deal within 10 days.
Exceeding the limit of uranium enriched to 3.67-percent U-235 would reduce the so-called "breakout time," or the time it takes Iran to produce enough nuclear material for a weapon, but it does not pose an immediate risk. Currently, due to restrictions put in place by the nuclear deal, the United States estimates that timeline at 12 months.
Any reduction in the 12-month timeline will depend on how quickly Iran continues to enrich and stockpile uranium. Tehran would need to produce about 1,050 kilograms of uranium hexafluoride gas enriched to 3.67-percent U-235 to produce enough weapons-grade material (more than 90 percent-enriched U-235) for one bomb.
Kamalvandi also said that Iran was increasing its production of heavy water and would exceed the JCPOA's 130-metric-ton cap in two-and-a-half months. According to the IAEA, Iran had 125 metric tons as of May 26.
Kamalvandi also said that Iran within two and a half months could exceed the JCPOA's 130-ton cap on heavy water. Iran as of May 26, 2019 had 125 metric tons of heavy water, which is used to moderate reactions in nuclear reactors.
The IAEA also reported that Iran had installed 33 IR-6 centrifuges at its Natanz plant. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani announced in April 2019 that the country would install another 20 IR-6s at the same facility.
Citing the number of centrifuges, Wolcott on June 11, 2019 insisted that Iran "is now reported to be in clear violation of the deal."
Iran's effort to shorten the time to produce a nuke "does not pose an immediate risk," wrote Kelsey Davenport, an expert with the Arms Control Association in the United States.
"Currently, due to restrictions put in place by the nuclear deal, the United States estimates that timeline at 12 months," Davenport explained in a July 2019 assessment.
#7735602 at 2020-01-07 00:20:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9899: When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape Edition
ac-130 gunship 25mm Gatling gun
#7735475 at 2020-01-07 00:04:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9899: When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape Edition
passing a C-130. it shows it's much faster but not on screen
#7731810 at 2020-01-06 16:30:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9895: Pedowood Put on Notice? Edition
0073 3B7765
French Air Force CTM2036
France Military
Airbus Military A400M A400
Flew into Syria and dropped of adsb.
I know that the A400M is a replacement for the C-130J, but is it also out fitted like the C-130 Specter Gunship as well?
#7726083 at 2020-01-05 23:44:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9887: Dems Moar Mad About Soleimani Than Losing their Slaves Edition
Related to previous
>>7724113 =P= Review Saudi Prince's advisor paid for BO to attend College!
Connects Khalid al-Mansour to BCCI and to Hollywood (via Brooke Sheilds).
Movie Deal Portrays BCCI as a 'Personal Piggy Bank' : Scandal: Involvement in 'Brenda Starr' film sheds light on firm's relationships with the rich and royal.
A billionaire Saudi Arabian sheik [Abdul Aziz al Ibrahim, 43, a brother-in-law of Saudi King Fahd] with a special relationship to BCCI, a young American actress with a pushy mother and a comic strip character with a chance to move from the funny papers to the big screen.
The synopsis:
The publicity-shy sheik, linked to more than $130 million in problem loans from BCCI, uses a London branch office of the troubled bank to finance a bungled entry into the Hollywood movie business.
Khalid al Mansour, the Ibrahims' chief legal adviser on the movie project, said some of the cash disbursements for the film could have been structured as loans for tax purposes, but he insisted that any such loans were fully backed by cash deposits.
= = = = = =
Why does a billionaire sheik need to borrow money from a CIA front bank?
#7725472 at 2020-01-05 22:43:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9887: Dems Moar Mad About Soleimani Than Losing their Slaves Edition
Oh, and we have this plane trailing behind kinda sorta. Keeping an eye on things from a far
14-5787 AE5969
United States Air Force SHADO99
United States Military
Lockheed ac-130J Ghostrider C30J
>>The Lockheed ac-130 gunship is a heavily armed, long-endurance, ground-attack variant of the C-130 Hercules transport, fixed-wing aircraft. It carries a wide array of ground attack weapons that are integrated with sophisticated sensors, navigation, and fire-control systems
#7721948 at 2020-01-05 15:30:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9882: Iran Next, Days After, Kenya. No Coincidences Edition
>>7721032 (PB)
The Boeing C-32 is NOT a tanker. If you're going to planefag then learn the missions of the aircraft.
ALL airborne tankers designation will start with a 'K'. The ONLY exception is the HC-130 which is capable of refueling other aircraft (specifically Ospreys and helos via drogue) primarily assigned to Air Force Special Operations.
This particular C-32 is either part of the 89th AMW out of Andrews, although I doubt it. More likely it is the Special Ops variant which transports Spec Ops personnel around the world. It's based out of New Jersey (119 SOS) if I remember correctly.
Planefagging is more than just monitoring ADSB and then screencapping and posting.
#7720803 at 2020-01-05 08:57:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9881: Muh First Bake - No Bakers while eyes on Kenya Edition
VENAL41 R135 ( Boeing RC-135W -Rivet Joint) -, IAF c-130, French Mil. Airbus.
#7716901 at 2020-01-05 00:37:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9875: 52 Targets. The House of Cards Edition
She's the dancing-lady in the latest Q callout on dec 19th
Strange someone with a twitter created in Dec 2019 has 4500+ twats, 8k followers and is telling others she's an 'expert' on Q
A conservative estimate would put her at 130 twats per day - and who has that kinda time, unless it's multiple people managing a twitter account?
Wait, no, not strange at all. Down right shilly as fuck though.
#7715555 at 2020-01-04 22:23:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9874: Just Stopped in to see What Condition the Sedition Was in Edition
Possibly Notable
Iran, Tehran has warned that it would exceed the JCPOA's caps developing a nuclear war head.
More recently, Tehran has warned that it would exceed the JCPOA's caps, Davenport explained.
According to a May 31, [2019] report from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran's implementation of the nuclear deal, Iran moved closer to the caps on enriched uranium and heavy water set by the deal, but did not exceed them.
The agency reported that as of May 20, Iran had stockpiled 174 kilograms of uranium enriched to 3.67 percent uranium-235, which is less than the 202 kilograms permitted by the JCPOA. In its previous report in February, the IAEA reported that the stockpile was 168 kilograms.
Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said on June 17 that Iran was quadrupling its uranium-enrichment capacity and would breach the limit set by the deal within 10 days.
Exceeding the limit of uranium enriched to 3.67-percent U-235 would reduce the so-called "breakout time," or the time it takes Iran to produce enough nuclear material for a weapon, but it does not pose an immediate risk. Currently, due to restrictions put in place by the nuclear deal, the United States estimates that timeline at 12 months.
Any reduction in the 12-month timeline will depend on how quickly Iran continues to enrich and stockpile uranium. Tehran would need to produce about 1,050 kilograms of uranium hexafluoride gas enriched to 3.67-percent U-235 to produce enough weapons-grade material (more than 90 percent-enriched U-235) for one bomb.
Kamalvandi also said that Iran was increasing its production of heavy water and would exceed the JCPOA's 130-metric-ton cap in two-and-a-half months. According to the IAEA, Iran had 125 metric tons as of May 26.
Kamalvandi also said that Iran within two and a half months could exceed the JCPOA's 130-ton cap on heavy water. Iran as of May 26, 2019 had 125 metric tons of heavy water, which is used to moderate reactions in nuclear reactors.
The IAEA also reported that Iran had installed 33 IR-6 centrifuges at its Natanz plant. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani announced in April 2019 that the country would install another 20 IR-6s at the same facility.
Citing the number of centrifuges, Wolcott on June 11, 2019 insisted that Iran "is now reported to be in clear violation of the deal."
Iran's effort to shorten the time to produce a nuke "does not pose an immediate risk," wrote Kelsey Davenport, an expert with the Arms Control Association in the United States.
"Currently, due to restrictions put in place by the nuclear deal, the United States estimates that timeline at 12 months," Davenport explained in a July 2019 assessment.
More about the SAUCE: considered to be Neo-conservative/conservative bias???
Dimitri Kostantinovich Simes (Russian: ??????? ?????????????? ????? b. 1947) is the president and CEO of The Center for the National Interest and publisher of its foreign policy bi-monthly magazine, The National Interest. Simes was selected to lead the Center in 1994 by former President Richard Nixon, to whom he served as an informal foreign policy advisor and with whom he traveled regularly to Russia and other former Soviet states as well as Western and Central Europe.
Before the center was established, Simes served as chairman of the Center for Russian and Eurasian Programs at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
In September 2018, historian Yuri Felshtinsky published an investigation about the involvement of Simes in Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, including his help to Maria Butina.[6] After the publication Simes went to Moscow[7] and became a moderator of the political program ??????? ???? ("Big Game") on Channel One Russia, together with Vyacheslav Nikonov.[8][9]
#7713548 at 2020-01-04 18:36:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9871: GOP 95% Approval Rating, Deal Edition
US-led coalition members suspend Iraq operations as region submerged in outrage over Iranian general's killing
Members of the international coalition gathered to fight Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) have suspended operations in Iraq after the targeted assassination of a top Iranian general by the US.
Germany's Bundeswehr will put on pause all military missions in Iraq, it announced late on Friday night. That includes both operations aimed against IS and training of Kurdish troops. There are around 130 German soldiers deployed in Iraq at the moment, including 27 stationed at the Taji military base 30km (18 miles) north of Baghdad.
The same security lockdown is true for the 70 soldiers from Sweden, who act as advisers to the Iraqi military. "We have to see what happens. We cannot go into details for safety reasons, but we have paused and taken it hour by hour," explained Swedish military spokesperson Kristina Swaan.
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen called the situation serious for the 140 soldiers the country has in Iraq, but wouldn't comment on whether it was necessary to bring them home as a precaution.
NATO, which has many of the same members as the anti-IS coalition, has suspended its training operations in Iraq too, spokesman for the alliance Dylan White said. NATO has hundreds of personnel under its aegis in the country.
The anti-IS coalition members initiated a curfew for its troops following the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran's Quds Force, by a US airstrike on Friday morning. Tehran pledged retaliation for what it sees as an act of international terrorism.
The killing also led to mass protests in Iran and several other Middle Eastern countries, where the assassinated general was perceived as a hero by many. Soleimani played a crucial role in organizing and supporting Shiite militias to fight against IS in Iraq and Syria. The US claimed the assassination was an act of pre-emptive self-defense.
#7713370 at 2020-01-04 18:14:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9871: GOP 95% Approval Rating, Deal Edition
>>7712603, >>7712427 Images and video of unknown light/trails over Iraq 03 Jan 2020 *CTDig*
>Acceleration due to gravity at 2000 km up is 5.68 ms-2
>Rod starts accelerating, force of acceleration due to gravity increases as it falls, pretty soon it's falling pretty damn fast.
>2004 article says speed at impact could be
>36,000 feet per second.
What is the terminal velocity of a bowling ball? (ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-terminal-velocity-of-a-bowling-ball)
v = ? 2mg / ?AC
v = Terminal velocity,
m = mass of the object,
g = acceleration due to gravity,
? = density of the fluid through which the ball falls,
A = cross sectional area of the ball,
C = drag coefficient.
C = 0.5 for a sphere (drag coefficient)
460 km/hr or 285 mph. (ref https://www.google.com/search?q=285+mph+to+fps&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS879US879&oq=285+mph+to+fps&aqs=chrome..69i57.3511j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
285 mph = 418 foot per second
The 'figure' given in the OP is completely ignoring terminal velocity - and as a result is an order of magnitude (of orders of magnitude) off.
It's a fuckin slide people. It was a slide all godamn night last night, it's a slide all day today, it'll be a slide all this year if you continue to fucking notable it.
#7708547 at 2020-01-04 03:01:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9865: Into The Night Edition
I wonder if connected to Solemani
il think everybody has heard of Beirut barraks bombing, but
this is a real nothing to see here folks…so much so…nothing to see here
On December 12, 1985, two hundred and fifty-six people died when a charter Arrow Air DC-8 crashed almost immediately after take-off from Gander International Airfield in Newfoundland. All of the passengers were members of the 101st Airborne Division assigned to a peace-keeping force in the Sinai Peninsula. The previous day, their plane had left Cairo Airport and was headed to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, with a fateful stopover at Gander. The crash was the worst single air disaster in U.S. military history.
The crash occurred just three miles from the Gander control tower. The wreckage was spread across an area 1300 feet long and 130 feet wide. Almost immediately, a man claiming to represent the terrorist organization Islamic Jihad telephoned a U.S. consulate in Algeria. He said that the group was responsible for the crash at Gander. However, U.S. army officials discounted any possible terrorist involvement in the crash.
Later, a Canadian board of inquiry stated that ice on the wings of the plane had caused the crash. However, four of the board members dissented, claiming that there was evidence that the crash was not the result of ice on the wings. Les Filotas, one of the dissenting board members, believed that there was evidence of an explosion on the plane
The members also noted that the crash was different than most crashes that occur on takeoff. Normally during these takeoff crashes, large sections of the plane stay intact and most of the passengers survive. Neither occurred in the Arrow Air crash. The U.S. Government claimed that there was no evidence that an on-board explosion had caused the crash. They also denied that any explosives or ammunition were being carried as cargo on the plane.
Eyewitness reports at Cairo seem to contradict the government's statement. The 101st Airborne Division members waited for eight hours before they were transported to a larger plane. The duffel bags of forty-one soldiers were left behind on the tarmac so room could be made for several large wooden boxes Some believe that the boxes contained highly classified weapons. At the crash site, rescue worker Harvey Day claimed to have seen five wooden boxes. Military officials prevented him from looking closer at the boxes. He claimed that he saw weapons, missiles, and ammunition boxes
The television series Unsolved Mysteries ran a season 5 episode about the Flight 1285 crash on May 5, 1993[16] which heavily implied that the crash occurred due to a detonation, fire, or explosion on board the craft. The episode also implied a connection to the Iran-Contra affair
Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 5, Episode 23 - Full Episode
This episode includes: Gander, Peggie's Brother, Cult of de Cloud & UD and UD: Polio.
Iran contra is such a blur. i think a lot of cabal grew from it. hard to tell whats disinfo to this day. good thing is, all the best episodes of Unsolved mysteries dealth with Iran COntra octupus tentacles. Gold from Vietanam to mafia escrow accounts in crooked ARizona land deals. Inslaw Promis software.
#7705699 at 2020-01-03 22:38:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9861: Cheers to the Most Dangerous Man in the World ! Edition
5. Arty opened fire while most of unit was still in approach column formation. (Normal) One portion moved to flanking positions.
5A. Minute the arty opened fire shite GOT REAL REAL QUICK.
6. Reapers took out artillery and most of armor with Hellfire. From the few videos, pretty much before they knew what hit them. There had to be quite a few Reaper drones up or they were feeding guidance to Hellfire from Apaches (see below.)
7. F-15E Eagles came in for clean-up and to check for anti-air defenses.
8. Warthogs showed up just to go BRRRRRRT!
9. ac-130 Spectre started fricking up their day for the hell of it.
10. To add insult to injury, B-52s which, you know, just HAPPENED to be in the area, just minding our own business, just passing by from Diego Garcia which is a few thousand miles away, on our way to… somewhere… nothing to see here… decided to prove they could drop their entire load as precision guided weapons and just more or less DID A JDAM ARCLIGHT ON THEIR ASS. At that point, more or less because CENTCOM said 'Why not? ARCLIGHT is always pretty to watch…'
11. The whole thing being so over it was ridiculous, AH-64 Apaches basically did 'hostile Bomb Damage Assessment' and complained there were no targets left.
#7704961 at 2020-01-03 21:06:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9860: Van Halen Belts or Bust ! Edition
Pentagon placed an Army brigade in Italy on alert to fly into Lebanon if needed to protect the American Embassy there, part of a series of military moves to protect U.S. interests in the Middle East. Speaking on condition of anonymity, an official said the U.S. could send 130 to more than 700 troops to Beirut from Italy. The official was not authorized to be identified.
#7703657 at 2020-01-03 18:35:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9858:There are promises made and then there are promises DELIVERED ! Edition
Lockheed ac-130W Stinger II ties a bow near Clovis, NM.
#7701373 at 2020-01-03 13:14:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9855: What Surprises Will Friday Bring? Edition
>The aga khan, cabal connection
>"the castle"
The Assassins continued to thrive for some time after Hasan's death. They even expanded their influence during the second quarter of the 12th century, in Syria. By 1103, the Assassins there had established a substantial community in Aleppo,
The Syrian Assassins realized they would not be truly secure until they had a fortified base, so they spent the early 1100s trying to emulate their Persian brethren by seizing a castle. A series of attempts between 1106 and 1129 failed, but in 1132 the Assassins purchased the castle of Qadmus in an area of rolling limestone hills between Aleppo and the Crusader principalities west of the Orontes River. Over the next decade, they acquired six other castles in the region, one of which-Masyaf-served as the capital of the order's Syrian branch for the next 130 years.
#7701272 at 2020-01-03 12:45:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9855: What Surprises Will Friday Bring? Edition
I saw a ac-130 Stinger II for a moment in the Med off Spain, but it dropped off - didn't catch the callsign.
Did you catch it, see it now?
#7699612 at 2020-01-03 05:17:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9853: Failing New Yort Times Failed. The Simon Says Edition
>>7699496 Patrick J. Buchanan: Will War Derail Trump's Reelection? https://vdare.com/articles/patrick-j-buchanan-will-war-derail-trump-s-reelection
"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future," Yogi Berra reminded us.
But on "The McLaughlin Group," the TV talk show on which this writer has appeared for four decades, predictions are as mandated as was taking Latin in Jesuit high schools in the 1950s.
Looking to 2020, this writer predicted that Donald Trump's great domestic challenge would be to keep the economy firing on all cylinders. His great foreign policy challenge? Avoiding war.
When one looks at the numbers-unemployment at or below 4% for two years, an expansion in its 11th year, the stock market regularly hitting all-time highs-Trump enters his reelection year with a fistful of aces. One has to go back half a century to find numbers like these.
Moreover, the opposition shaping up to bring him down seems, to put it charitably, not up to the task.
Joe Biden, 77, with 45 years in electoral politics, has lost more than a step or two and his most memorable Senate vote was in support of George W. Bush's decision to take us to war in Iraq, the greatest blunder in U.S. diplomatic history.
Biden's challengers are a cantankerous 78-year-old democratic socialist who just had a heart attack and a 37-year-old mayor of a small town in Indiana who claims that his same-sex marriage is blessed by the Bible.
Tom Steyer and Mike Bloomberg are white male billionaires who are dumping scores of millions into TV ads to buy the nomination of a party that professes to stand on principle against white male privilege, wealth inequality and the noxious effects of big money in politics.
While Trump is facing an impeachment trial, an acquittal by a Mitch McConnell-run Republican Senate seems a pretty good bet.
And the coming report of U.S. Attorney John Durham into the origins of the Russiagate probe is expected to find political bias, if not conspiracy, at its root. Trump could emerge from the Mueller Report, Horowitz Report and Durham Report as what his allies claim him to be-the victim of a "deep state" conspiracy to fix the election of 2016.
If there are IEDs on Trump's road to reelection, they may be found in the Middle and Near East, land of the forever wars, and North Korea.
Not infrequently, foreign policy has proven decisive in presidential years.
The Korean War contributed to Harry Truman's defeat in the New Hampshire primary and his 1952 decision not to run again. When General Eisenhower, architect of the Normandy invasion, declared, "I shall go to Korea," his rival Adlai Stevenson was toast.
Lyndon Johnson saw his party shattered and chances vanish with the Tet Offensive of 1968, Eugene McCarthy's moral victory in New Hampshire, and antiwar candidate Bobby Kennedy's entry into the race.
Jimmy Carter's feckless response to the seizure of U.S. hostages in Iran consumed the last year of his presidency and contributed to his rout by Ronald Reagan.
The critical foreign theaters where Trump could face problems with his presidential re-election include Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea.
As of Dec. 30, Kim Jong Un's "Christmas gift" to Trump had not been delivered. Yet it is unlikely Kim will let many weeks pass without making good on his warnings and threats. And though difficult to believe he would start a war, it is also difficult to see how he continues to tolerate sanctions for another year without upgrading and rattling his nuclear arsenal.
Trump is eager to make good on his promises and remove many of the 14,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan before Election Day. Yet such a move is not without risks. Given the strength of the Taliban, the casualties they are able to inflict, the inability of the Afghan army to hold territory, and the constant atrocities in the capital city of Kabul, a Saigon '75 end to the Afghan war is not outside the realm of the possible.
Nor is a shooting war with Iran that rivets the nation's attention.
Yesterday, U.S. F-15s, in five attacks, hit munitions depots and a command center of the Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah militia in Syria and Iraq, a retaliatory raid for a rocket attack on a U.S. training camp that killed an American contractor and wounded four U.S. soldiers.
"For those who ask about the response," warns a Kataib Hezbollah spokesman, "it will be the size of our faith." One has to expect Iran and its militia in Iraq to respond in kind.
They have a track record. During 2019, with its economy choked by U.S. sanctions, Iran and its allies sabotaged oil tankers in the Gulf, shot down a $130 million U.S. Predator drone, and shut down with missiles and drones half of Saudi Arabia's oil production.
In former times, a confrontation or shooting war often benefitted the incumbent, as there was almost always a rallying to the flag. Those days are gone. This generation has had its fill of wars.
#7696893 at 2020-01-03 01:49:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9849: Magic Sword Edition
>Washington Examiner on Twitter: "Cartoonist Ben ...
>Jul 10, 2019 · Cartoonist Ben Garrison has been disinvited from the White House Social Media Summit. Garrison has been widely condemned for creating cartoons often thought to have anti-Semitic and racist content. https://www. washingtonexaminer.com/news/artist-ac cused-of-blatant-anti-semitism-disinvited ...
#7696881 at 2020-01-03 01:48:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9849: Magic Sword Edition
Washington Examiner on Twitter: "Cartoonist Ben ...
Jul 10, 2019 · Cartoonist Ben Garrison has been disinvited from the White House Social Media Summit. Garrison has been widely condemned for creating cartoons often thought to have anti-Semitic and racist content. https://www. washingtonexaminer.com/news/artist-ac cused-of-blatant-anti-semitism-disinvited ...
#7693970 at 2020-01-02 20:15:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9846: We Are Here To Unite and Provide Truth!!! Edition
>>7692992 is NOT A NOTABLE
news antiwar is an anti-Trump Soros, Koch & Trita Parsi. who is also the founder of NIAC (National Iranian American Council aka lobbyist for the Islamic Republic/ Iran. Bullshit propaganda site…..
Soros and Koch Funding New 'Anti-War' Think Tank
And we should probably be a little bit suspicious….
Sounds great, until you hear it's being funded by Soros and Koch.
The 'Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft' will oppose Washington's "endless wars" and will "challenge the basis of American foreign policy in a way that has not been done in at least the last quarter-century," according to co-founder Trita Parsi. who is also the founder of NIAC (National Iranian American Council aka lobbyist for the Islamic Republic/ Iran.
Soros and Koch's fingerprints are already all over the world's current endless wars, conflicts and regime changes.
Take some well-known Soros-funded think tanks; the Center for American Progress and the Atlantic Council, for example. They haven't exactly been the biggest peace-pushers in the think tank world. The AC also received funding from a slew of arms manufacturers, so you'd be hard-pressed to find any anti-war sentiment there. Soros has also been linked to the "pro-democracy" European group Avaaz, which has advocated for no-fly zones in Libya and agitated for regime change in Venezuela and Iran.
In 2017, the Soros-funded 'European Values' think tank smeared 2,327 people as "useful idiots" for Russia for merely appearing on RT, in a McCarthyist-style attack on anyone deemed not to be sufficiently compliant with prevailing Western narratives.
Koch too has been linked to havoc-wreaking policies everywhere from Iraq to Venezuela. Despite supposedly opposing the Iraq war, independent journalist Caitlin Johnstone notes that Koch has been a major donor to the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute, whose members are considered leading architects of the invasion.
#7693025 at 2020-01-02 17:58:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9844: Moves and Counter Moves, The Game Plays On! HNY DS! Edition
Marine Corps Offering Former Reserve Pilots $30K to Return to Service
The Marine Corps is offering some former Reserve pilots lucrative bonuses to get them back in the cockpit.
Former captains and majors qualified to fly certain aircraft who are willing to rejoin a Marine Corps squadron can pocket up to a $30,000 lump-sum bonus if they agree to a three-year term in the Active Reserve. Those willing to serve two years in the Reserve are eligible for a $20,000 payout.
It's called the Active Reserve Aviator Return to Service Program, and it targets six types of fixed-wing, rotary and tiltrotor pilots "in order to fill critical aviation shortfalls," a service-wide message on the bonuses states.
Top priority will be given to former F/A-18 Hornet and MV-22B Osprey pilots, along with KC-130 Hercule aircraft commanders, according to the message. But the program is also open to former AV-8B Harrier, UH-1Y Venom and CH-53E Super Stallion pilots.
"The retention incentive is distributed as a lump sum of 20,000 dollars for the 24 month service obligation or a lump sum of 30,000 dollars for the 36 month service obligation, less any applicable taxes," the message states. "Lump sum payment will not be paid out until the member is joined to the [Active Reserve] program."
The incentives will be paid out on a first-come, first-served basis "until funds are exhausted," it adds.
Only aviators who previously qualified for – or had not yet applied for – career designation are eligible. Those who applied for but were not offered career designation in the Active Reserve are ineligible, the message states.
Pilots who were already career designated on the Active Reserve will automatically be career designated upon re-accession. Those who hadn't previously applied for career designation will be able to do so once they rejoin.
Top assignments will involve flying operations at the squadron level across several Reserve units in the continental U.S., including California, Virginia, Texas, Arizona, Maryland or New Orleans. Assignments aren't limited to those squadrons though, the message adds.
Captains who served more than 10 years of active-duty service who weren't previously considered for major on an Active Reserve promotion board are eligible to apply. So are majors who weren't previously considered for O-5 who served more than 12 years on active duty, and those who were considered for lieutenant colonel who served more than 15 years.
Earlier this year, the Marine Corps announced it would be offering big bonuses to active-duty pilots as well.
Top bonuses targeted Marines in the grades and communities with the biggest pilot shortages. Active-duty pilots were eligible to earn up to $280,000 bonuses if they agreed to keep flying for eight more years.
The bonuses targeted captains and majors who fly the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, F/A-18 Hornet, AV-8 Harrier, MV-22 Osprey, C-130 Hercules, UH-1 Huey, AH-1 Cobra and CH-53 Stallion.
#7690085 at 2020-01-02 05:14:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9840: These Things Take Time Edition
C-130 rolling down the strip, airborne daddy on a one way trip. Stand up, hookup, shuffle to the door, jump right out and count to four.
#7688701 at 2020-01-02 02:08:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9839: Finest Military In The World Edition
about Trump ATT tweet.
Friendly reminder that AT and T was one of the original Payseur companies. ATT owns CNN– AC(Vanderbilt) CNN Clown OP. C_
A came from OSS which was (P)ayseur private security firm. POTUS has it all.
#7688658 at 2020-01-02 02:02:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9838: The TRUTH Will Be Told Edition
Friendly reminder that AT and T was one of the original Payseur companies. AC(Vanderbilt) CNN Clown OP. C_A came from OSS which was (P)ayseur private security firm. POTUS has it all.
#7688416 at 2020-01-02 01:34:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9838: The TRUTH Will Be Told Edition
Operation Sentinel.
This is how the US military is protecting the Strait of Hormuz. Arrr..
Iranian small boat threats, limpet mines and Tehran-backed forces armed with cruise and anti-ship killing missiles are just a few of the threats to the shipping channel in the Persian Gulf that supplies nearly one-fifth of the world's global crude oil.
To bolster the security of US warships at sea operating in tight waterways around the Middle East, the U.S. conducted an exercise in December using Griffin missiles fired from the U.S. Cyclone-class ship Hurricane.
The exercise, which was conducted in the Arabian Gulf, showcased how U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships can counter small boat threats in the region. The Griffin missile, developed by Ratheyon, is an air and ground launched missile.
The Navy uses a version of the Griffin known as the Mk-60 Patrol Coastal Griffin Missile System installed on cyclone class patrol coastal ships.
Military Times reached out to U.S. Naval Forces Central Command regarding the Griffin test and have yet to receive a response.
Griffins are also used with the Marine Corps' KC-130 Harvest Hawk system, which turns the Marine tanker into a gunship capable of providing air support.
The exercise highlighted another means in which the U.S. is rapidly reacting to the dynamic threats in the Middle East by finding new ways to utilize various weapon systems to bolster security for ships in operating in choke points threatened by Iran and its web of militias and proxy forces.
Other security measures taken on board U.S. warships during choke point transits have included the use of Marine light armored vehicles armed with the 25 mm bushmaster chain gun parked on the flight deck.
Marines toting anti-tank Javelin missile systems have also manned the rails to help spot and counter potential small boat threats during transits of the Strait of Hormuz and other choke points.
And in 2019, the 22nd and 11th Marine Expeditionary Units strapped a Polaris MRZR system armed with an electronic jammer when they navigated tight waterways in the U.S. Central Command area of operations.
The system, known as the Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, or LMADIS, downed an Iranian drone in July near the Strait of Hormz, according to U.S. defense officials. The LMADIS was parked on the deck of Wasp-class amphibious assault ship Boxer as it prepared to transit the strait.
Arrr There Be Some Beefy Looking Habbenings In The Waters…
#7687676 at 2020-01-02 00:08:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9837: The 'silent' war continues Edition
NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Exposes Biggest False Flag Operation In History-FBI / Fusion Centers
FBI / Fusion Centers, created after 911 to "fuse" Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from "Terrorists," INSTEAD have been creating hundreds of thousands of FALSE DOSSIERS on perfectly INNOCENT AMERICANS (Targeted Individuals) to JUSTIFY secretly bloating the fraud Terrorist Watchlist, for a fabricated enemy to rally resources against and keep the population frightened and accepting of a Police State. NSA whistleblower and retired intelligence analyst Karen Stewart joins me to expose exactly what is going on. Ms. Stewart sent this to Sen Lindsey Graham after hearing his recent speech on CNN2 about "FISA abuse could happen to you" to his colleagues. Only Lindsey really pushed for this kind of thing years ago on the Senate floor when he proclaimed "You don't get a lawyer." BIGGEST FALSE FLAG OPERATION IN HISTORY. FBI / Fusion Centers, created after 911 to "fuse" Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from "Terrorists"
E.O. S-1233 , DOD Directive S-3321.1 and National Security Directive 130, the United States military and Intelligence Communities are forbidden by law from targeting U.S. citizens with PSYOPS within US borders. A SECRET UNCONSTITUTIONAL ARMY of NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH-TYPE Civilian Mercenaries, like INFRAGARD, were TRAINED in covert and overt (intimidation) surveillance, along with covert vicious libel/slander, stalking, harassment, assault, and murder techniques, utilizing HIGH TECH and ADVANCED WEAPONRY difficult to detect on their innocent civilian neighbors, for what amounts to "practice and training" of a guerrilla army of extrajudicial "enforcers" (thugs) to keep people compliant as the US is subverted. They are richly compensated and promised immunity by rogue Fusion Center officials.
1984 O. 13606, all who conduct or conspire to facilitate prohibited activities using sophisticated electronic technology to harm communications equipment, communications networks, or human beings, are Axis of Evil, Rogue State Actor or sympathizers or terrorist infiltrators working against the American people and public at large, by the definition in (section) § 7, to include transmission and display; as well as those using information and communications technology to commit serious and grave human rights abuses, in violation of the Counterfeit access device fraud and Computer Abuse Act of 1984.
Fusion Center officials also bully and coerce police and medical personnel and others to deny victims help or falsify records about them to their detriment, leaving them to the mercy of their jackal neighbors looking for a big pay day or kill bonus. Multiple line-of-sight neighbors are simply given horrific devices to aim at the victims 24/7 from their homes and stalkers on-call are provided car-engine powered devices or devices that fit in backpacks or large bags with which to follow them to keep them exposed as much of 24/7 as possible. This exposure to electromagnetic weapons cause serious cellular degradation that can lead to serious health damage and death - often indistinguishable from natural causes to civilian coroners unfamiliar with these weapons. This system totally abrogates everyone's Constitutional, Civil, and Human Rights in favor of tyrannical rule by the elite, and favoritism of those who would gladly sell out their neighbor for goods, services, and undue favor.
#7686653 at 2020-01-01 22:11:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9836: Support They Deserve!!! Edition
Okey dokey.
BTW there was a c-130 down near Sicily earlier that was playing hide and seek I couldn't get a cap but I think it was on the beer run c/s HOOCH21, kek.
Gnight. o7.
#7686436 at 2020-01-01 21:49:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9836: Support They Deserve!!! Edition
NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Exposes Biggest False Flag Operation In History: FBI / Fusion Centers
FBI / Fusion Centers, created after 911 to "fuse" Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from "Terrorists," INSTEAD have been creating hundreds of thousands of FALSE DOSSIERS on perfectly INNOCENT AMERICANS (Targeted Individuals) to JUSTIFY secretly bloating the fraud Terrorist Watchlist, for a fabricated enemy to rally resources against and keep the population frightened and accepting of a Police State. NSA whistleblower and retired intelligence analyst Karen Stewart joins me to expose exactly what is going on.
Ms. Stewart sent this to Sen Lindsey Graham after hearing his recent speech on CNN2 about "FISA abuse could happen to you" to his colleagues. Only Lindsey really pushed for this kind of thing years ago on the Senate floor when he proclaimed "You don't get a lawyer."
FBI / Fusion Centers, created after 911 to "fuse" Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from "Terrorists"
INSTEAD have been creating hundreds of thousands of FALSE DOSSIERS on perfectly INNOCENT AMERICANS (Targeted Individuals) to JUSTIFY secretly bloating the fraud Terrorist Watchlist, for a fabricated enemy to rally resources against and keep the population frightened and accepting of a Police State.
E.O. S-1233 , DOD Directive S-3321.1 and National Security Directive 130, the United States military and Intelligence Communities are forbidden by law from targeting U.S. citizens with PSYOPS within US borders.
A SECRET UNCONSTITUTIONAL ARMY of NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH-TYPE Civilian Mercenaries, like INFRAGARD, were TRAINED in covert and overt (intimidation) surveillance, along with covert vicious libel/slander, stalking, harassment, assault, and murder techniques, utilizing HIGH TECH and ADVANCED WEAPONRY difficult to detect on their innocent civilian neighbors, for what amounts to "practice and training" of a guerrilla army of extrajudicial "enforcers" (thugs) to keep people compliant as the US is subverted. They are richly compensated and promised immunity by rogue Fusion Center officials.
O. 13606, all who conduct or conspire to facilitate prohibited activities using sophisticated electronic technology to harm communications equipment, communications networks, or human beings, are Axis of Evil, Rogue State Actor or sympathizers or terrorist infiltrators working against the American people and public at large, by the definition in (section) § 7, to include transmission and display; as well as those using information and communications technology to commit serious and grave human rights abuses, in violation of the Counterfeit access device fraud and Computer Abuse Act of 1984.
NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Exposes Biggest False Flag Operation In History
Previous show with Ms. Stewart & images shown during this episode:
#7685117 at 2020-01-01 19:34:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9834: A New Year, A New Day! What's Good Anons?!!! Edition
2020's Key Global Events: A Calendar For The Year Ahead
Wednesday, January 1: - Terms of newly appointed ECB Executive Board Members Panetta and Schnabel begin.
January: US-China - Potential signing of Phase One trade agreement. Following the announcement on December 13 of a Phase One trade agreement, the US and China could finalize and sign the agreement.
January: Thailand - Readings of the FY2020 budget in Parliament.
Thursday, January 9: France - Pension reform negotiations. Start of the second round of negotiations between the government and trade unions on the pension reform.
Tuesday, January 14: United States - Comments due on proposed tariffs on imports from France. The US Trade Representative proposed tariffs on imports from France as part of a Section 301 investigation into France's digital services tax. Final comments are due on January 14, at which point the USTR could announce a decision on how it is moving forward with the issue.
Monday, January 20: EU - EU Commission to review EU fiscal framework.
Monday, January 20-21: Japan - BoJ monetary policy meeting.
Thursday, January 23: EU - ECB Governing Council meeting.
Sunday, January 26: Peru - Extraordinary Congressional Election. Peruvians will elect new members of Congress for all 130 congressional seats, whose terms will end in July 2021.
Wednesday, January 29: United States - FOMC meeting statement.
Thursday, January 30: UK - BoE MPC meeting (and monetary policy report).
Friday, January 31: UK - Article 50 extension ends under current legislation. On current legislation, the UK's latest Article 50 extension ends on this date. Given that MPs in the House of Commons have already passed the second reading of PM Johnson's Withdrawal Agreement Bill, we expect domestic ratification of the terms of the UK's exit from the EU to be completed well in advance of 31 January. On that basis, the UK will have formally left the EU (on the status quo terms embodied in the post-Brexit transition period) as of 1 February.
Early February: Singapore - Budget statement.
Monday, February 3: United States - Iowa Democratic Caucus. First contest for the Democratic nomination for President. Although Iowa is a relatively small state and awards only 1% of delegates, candidates' performance in the contest in the past has affected the direction and outcome of campaigns.
Tuesday, February 11: United States - New Hampshire Democratic Primary. Second contest for the Democratic nomination for President. Although New Hampshire is a relatively small state and awards < 1% of delegates, candidates' performance in the contest in the past has affected the direction and outcome of campaigns.
Early March: China - The National People's Congress. The annual NPC is scheduled to start early March and is likely to last around 2 weeks. A key thing to watch will be Premier Li's annual government report, which will include official economic targets for 2020, including GDP growth, CPI inflation and fiscal deficits (although those targets were set during closed-door policy meetings in the preceding December, they are not publicly announced until the NPC). The report will also set the broad tone of economic policy direction for the rest of the year. Main government officials will also hold press conferences on the sidelines, giving further color on their policy plans.
Monday, March 2: Israel - General elections. These elections will be the third in less than a year after coalition talks failed following the general elections on April 9 and September 17, 2019. Opinion polls suggest that the different blocs and parties are likely to maintain roughly the same share of seats they have in the Knesset, implying that the stalemate could continue. While political uncertainty appears likely to remain high, we think that the impact of that uncertainty on Israeli asset prices will be relatively limited and short-lived.
Tuesday, March 3: United States - Super Tuesday Democratic primaries. Fourteen states hold contests for the Democratic nomination for President, awarding 1/3 of all delegates. With the addition of California (which awards 10% of all delegates) to Super Tuesday this year, far more delegates will have been pledged by this date compared to in 2016.
Thursday, March 12: EU - ECB Governing Council meeting.
Sunday, March 15-16: UK - BoE Governor Carney last day in office. BoE Governor Bailey first day in office.
Wednesday, March 18: United States - FOMC meeting statement (and Summary of Economic Projections).
Thursday, March 26-27: EU - European Council.
Thursday, March 26: UK - BoE MPC meeting.
#7675553 at 2019-12-31 20:06:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9821: No Benghazi For This President! Marines Going In!!!!!! Edition
Rochester Savings Bank is a bridge.
Absorbed into what bank?
"Families - history together, converge when interests converge, gather to create self-empowering monopolies and consolidate power".
How best to collectivize intent across these families?
What are we seeing evidence of?
What do we know about intergenerational wealth?
Creates power?
Power begets control?
Where you see one cultist, where lies the "root" and the growing "stem?"
GV = Cultist, AC? CV?
#7675522 at 2019-12-31 20:03:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9821: No Benghazi For This President! Marines Going In!!!!!! Edition
Who financed Tesla? (Westinghouse)
Who financed Edison? (Morgan *PIERPONT *ROTHSCHILDS)
Who won the AC/DC wars?
ENERGY. Standard Oil and it's spread around the world, controlled by ORANGE. Weaponized by Ford, controlled by WHO?
Electricity and it's spread around the world, controlled by RED.
The very foundations of our society within the grasp of the hierarchy of power.
Why did Sauds ascend above Roths?
John Barings the chariman of BP,
board of Jaguar,
board of RSA
board of Dunlop
Why is that relevant?
#7674345 at 2019-12-31 17:56:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9820: Happy New Year to Our NZ Anons!!! Edition
C-130 GRZLY and 3 Coast Guard Helo's and 2 Spartans up on West Coast.
#7667554 at 2019-12-31 01:24:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9811: Knight Shift Edition
TOP 10: President Trump's biggest accomplishments of 2019!
Americans saw plenty of Washington at its worst this year, with one party in Congress obsessed with a partisan impeachment stunt and obstructing progress at every turn. But despite getting no help from the far left, America today is soaring to new heights.
It's tough to pick only 10 accomplishments from such an extraordinary year, but here are just a few of the biggest things President Donald J. Trump has gotten done for the American people in 2019:
The Trump Boom is going strong. The unemployment rate recently hit its lowest mark in 50 years. All told, since President Trump's election, our economy has added more than 7 million jobs-over half a million in manufacturing alone.
The stock market keeps breaking records: The Dow Jones and S&P 500 hit record closes again on Friday.
The working class is thriving, as are previously forgotten communities. Wages are now rising the fastest for low-income workers, and poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans have reached all-time lows.
Accountable government is back. Since taking office, President Trump has rolled back nearly 8 regulations for every new one, saving American taxpayers more than $50 billion in the process-with bigger savings still to come.
Better trade deals are putting America back in the driver's seat. Congress approved President Trump's USMCA this month-a huge win for U.S. workers, farmers, and manufacturers that will create 176,000 new jobs.
Trade with China in particular is about to get a whole lot fairer. As part of a historic "phase 1" deal, Beijing has agreed to structural reforms in its trade practices and to make substantial purchases of American agricultural products.
Securing the border is paying off and making our country safer. President Trump struck new agreements with Mexico and Central American countries this year to help stop the flood of illegal immigration. Thanks to this swift action, border apprehensions fell by more than 70 percent from May to November.
On health care, President Trump is fighting to give our patients the best system on Earth. While Democrats try to take away choice, the President's focus on affordability led to the largest year-over-year drop in drug prices ever recorded.
American interests are taking center stage abroad. In just one example: After years of not paying their fair share, NATO Allies will have increased defense spending by $130 billion by the end of next year.
Our great military took out the world's top terrorist in October. (Meet Conan, the hero dog who helped them do it!) Our troops are now getting the support they deserve. President Trump recently signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2020 fiscal year, which includes the biggest pay raise for our military in a decade.
On behalf of President Trump and his entire Administration, have a blessed and wonderful New Year!
WATCH: "Our best days are yet to come!"
#7663211 at 2019-12-30 17:40:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9805: Monday Forecast: Shilly with a Chance of Pain Edition
NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Exposes Biggest False Flag Operation In History: FBI / Fusion Centers
FBI / Fusion Centers, created after 911 to "fuse" Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from "Terrorists," INSTEAD have been creating hundreds of thousands of FALSE DOSSIERS on perfectly INNOCENT AMERICANS (Targeted Individuals) to JUSTIFY secretly bloating the fraud Terrorist Watchlist, for a fabricated enemy to rally resources against and keep the population frightened and accepting of a Police State. NSA whistleblower and retired intelligence analyst Karen Stewart joins me to expose exactly what is going on. Ms. Stewart sent this to Sen Lindsey Graham after hearing his recent speech on CNN2 about "FISA abuse could happen to you" to his colleagues. Only Lindsey really pushed for this kind of thing years ago on the Senate floor when he proclaimed "You don't get a lawyer." BIGGEST FALSE FLAG OPERATION IN HISTORY. FBI / Fusion Centers, created after 911 to "fuse" Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from "Terrorists"
E.O. S-1233 , DOD Directive S-3321.1 and National Security Directive 130, the United States military and Intelligence Communities are forbidden by law from targeting U.S. citizens with PSYOPS within US borders. A SECRET UNCONSTITUTIONAL ARMY of NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH-TYPE Civilian Mercenaries, like INFRAGARD, were TRAINED in covert and overt (intimidation) surveillance, along with covert vicious libel/slander, stalking, harassment, assault, and murder techniques, utilizing HIGH TECH and ADVANCED WEAPONRY difficult to detect on their innocent civilian neighbors, for what amounts to "practice and training" of a guerrilla army of extrajudicial "enforcers" (thugs) to keep people compliant as the US is subverted. They are richly compensated and promised immunity by rogue Fusion Center officials.
1984 O. 13606, all who conduct or conspire to facilitate prohibited activities using sophisticated electronic technology to harm communications equipment, communications networks, or human beings, are Axis of Evil, Rogue State Actor or sympathizers or terrorist infiltrators working against the American people and public at large, by the definition in (section) § 7, to include transmission and display; as well as those using information and communications technology to commit serious and grave human rights abuses, in violation of the Counterfeit access device fraud and Computer Abuse Act of 1984.
Fusion Center officials also bully and coerce police and medical personnel and others to deny victims help or falsify records about them to their detriment, leaving them to the mercy of their jackal neighbors looking for a big pay day or kill bonus. Multiple line-of-sight neighbors are simply given horrific devices to aim at the victims 24/7 from their homes and stalkers on-call are provided car-engine powered devices or devices that fit in backpacks or large bags with which to follow them to keep them exposed as much of 24/7 as possible. This exposure to electromagnetic weapons cause serious cellular degradation that can lead to serious health damage and death - often indistinguishable from natural causes to civilian coroners unfamiliar with these weapons. This system totally abrogates everyone's Constitutional, Civil, and Human Rights in favor of tyrannical rule by the elite, and favoritism of those who would gladly sell out their neighbor for goods, services, and undue favor.
#7662615 at 2019-12-30 16:18:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9804: Qanons Engaging in Critical Thinking Edition
3 C-130's in tight formation just crossed over the NM/CO border, heading NW at 26k.
#7662429 at 2019-12-30 15:48:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9804: Qanons Engaging in Critical Thinking Edition
C-130 s can carry lots of stuff can't they?
#7651958 at 2019-12-29 12:21:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9790: Moar Bread People Edition
Great work on the Schumman frens! So glad it actually was a topic! Some notes 'bout what is happening now...
-missing data in red squares
-data missing an an incredibly rare and high intensity burst
-note the scale circled...this is a sliding scale and will slide to indicate peak.
-a peak above 50 VERY VERY rare
-a peak in the 80's uber rare
-we did have a peak of 130+ before
No correlation I have found to current events. Small probability it is a pre-cursor indication. For the data to be missing IN THE EVENT is unusual.
#7641651 at 2019-12-28 13:30:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9777: Good People in Place Edition
my understanding of power systems is that if you produce the company, in many states, is basically forced to buy the energy from you.
if one has a way to make AC 120, then a tactic to force disclosure and acceptance would be to just start forcing the power compnay to buy your excess power. It woudl seriously undermine their profit margins and lower the price of electricity.
also, under the new rules, it would void out the need for the wind turbines. also it should be providing you a 'carbon credit' because it woudl be a 'no carbon' way to produce. I know all that is bullshit but that is the malarky that the creeps have set up, and the reason for 'wind turbine' farms in desert places of China (I have no sauce, just a guess) to provide carbon credit from 'low carbon' sources when , perhaps, there isn't even any energy being produced.
who would be the ones to audit if or if not the 'low carbon' source is even giving any power to anyone?
if there really is free energy, it destroys the global left's scheme of us all being their energy-slaves.
#7632928 at 2019-12-27 18:30:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9766: USMC Lurkin' Edition
I wonder if "Buzz," Schmidt is the brother of, or related to Eric Schmidt. They do kinda look like they could be.
- https://trust.guidestar.org/arthur-buzz-schmidt-named-nonprofit-executive-of-the-year
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Schmidt
In January 2013, Schmidt visited North Korea with his daughter Sophie,[129] Jared Cohen, and former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson.[130][131]
Bill Richardson
William Blaine Richardson III (born November 15, 1947) is an American politician, author, and diplomat, who served as the 30th governor of New Mexico from 2003 to 2011. He was also U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Energy Secretary in the Clinton administration, a U.S. Congressman, chairman of the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.
In December 2008, he was nominated for the cabinet-level position of Secretary of Commerce in the first Obama administration,[1] but withdrew a month later as he was investigated for possible improper business dealings in New Mexico.[2][3][4] Although the investigation was later dropped, it was seen to have damaged Richardson's career, as his second and final term as New Mexico governor concluded.[5]
Richardson occasionally troubleshoots diplomatic issues with North Korea.[6]
Bill Richardson was born in Pasadena, California.[7] He spent his boyhood in Coyoacán,[8] Mexico City's bohemian borough that famously welcomed Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and Leon Trotsky. His father, William Blaine Richardson, Jr. (1891-1972), who was of Anglo-American and Mexican descent, was an American bank executive from Boston who worked in Mexico for what is now Citibank.[9] His mother, María Luisa López-Collada Márquez (1914-2011), had been his father's secretary - she was the Mexican-born daughter of a Mexican mother and a Spanish father from Villaviciosa, Asturias.[10] Richardson's father was born on a ship heading towards Nicaragua.[7] Just before Bill Richardson was born, his father sent his mother to California to give birth because, as Richardson explained, "My father had a complex about not having been born in the United States."[7]
#7625963 at 2019-12-26 19:18:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9756: Just Stopped In To See What Condition The Edition Was In. Edition
The (((VOICES))) that continually shill for the kike are (((TRANSPARENT))).
Most of us here are red pilled on the truth of the holohoax. If one gets brave and starts ignoring your ilk and actually goes to look for themselves–what they find is that they've been lied to.
Explain the Transfer Agreement.
The harder you resist the exposure of the truth, the more we are going to work to expose it.
6 gorillion–kek. Let's talk about the 130 million Russians the kikes genocided in Russia.
#7625891 at 2019-12-26 19:07:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9756: Just Stopped In To See What Condition The Edition Was In. Edition
Considering that most of the leaders and perpetrators of the Bolshevik revolution and genocide of 130 million Russians, and that a major portion of the Kazak Jews in Israel are Russian jews–and that most of the oligarchs that do nothing but harass Putin, are JEWS–it is understandable that Russia is finally red pilled on the Jews.
Think about it…for years we get non-stop lies, kvetching, threats etc for daring to question the 6 gorrillion dead jews of the holohoax–but not a single word is said about the Jewish genocide of the Russian people.
It's about time you lot start studying the holohoax and red pill yourself on the lies
Watch this documentary. It blew my mind. I had no idea the depth of depravity of the jews even prior to WWII.
Stop being afraid to look. I was…and even more afraid to say anything about what I found. Why? Study, learn, and spit the hook out of your mouth.
#7624066 at 2019-12-26 13:47:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9754: Crossing the Delaware Edition
>oil company Conoco
How a 4-Hour Battle Between Russian Mercenaries and U.S. Commandos Unfolded in Syria
May 24, 2018
WASHINGTON - The artillery barrage was so intense that the American commandos dived into foxholes for protection, emerging covered in flying dirt and debris to fire back at a column of tanks advancing under the heavy shelling. It was the opening salvo in a nearly four-hour assault in February by around 500 pro-Syrian government forces - including Russian mercenaries - that threatened to inflame already-simmering tensions between Washington and Moscow.
In the end, 200 to 300 of the attacking fighters were killed. The others retreated under merciless airstrikes from the United States, returning later to retrieve their battlefield dead. None of the Americans at the small outpost in eastern Syria - about 40 by the end of the firefight - were harmed.
Commanders of the rival militaries had long steered clear of the other by speaking through often-used deconfliction telephone lines. In the days leading up to the attack, and on opposite sides of the Euphrates River, Russia and the United States were backing separate offensives against the Islamic State in Syria's oil-rich Deir al-Zour Province, which borders Iraq.
"The Russian high command in Syria assured us it was not their people," Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told senators in testimony last month. He said he directed Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, "for the force, then, to be annihilated."
"And it was."
A team of about 30 Delta Force soldiers and Rangers from the Joint Special Operations Command were working alongside Kurdish and Arab forces at a small dusty outpost next to a Conoco gas plant, near the city of Deir al-Zour.
At 3 p.m. the Syrian force began edging toward the Conoco plant. By early evening, more than 500 troops and 27 vehicles - including tanks and armored personnel carriers - had amassed.
In the American air operations center at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, and at the Pentagon, confounded military officers and intelligence analysts watched the scene unfold. Commanders briefed pilots and ground crews. Aircraft across the region were placed on alert, military officials said.
Back at the mission support site, the Green Berets and Marines were preparing a small reaction force - roughly 16 troops in four mine-resistant vehicles - in case they were needed at the Conoco plant. They inspected their weapons and ensured the trucks were loaded with anti-tank missiles, thermal optics and food and water.
At 8:30 p.m., three Russian-made T-72 tanks - vehicles weighing nearly 50 tons and armed with 125-millimeter guns - moved within a mile of the Conoco plant. Bracing for an attack, the Green Berets prepared to launch the reaction force.
The Conoco outpost was hit with a mixture of tank fire, large artillery and mortar rounds, the documents show. The air was filled with dust and shrapnel. The American commandos took cover, then ran behind dirt berms to fire anti-tank missiles and machine guns at the advancing column of armored vehicles.
American warplanes arrived in waves, including Reaper drones, F-22 stealth fighter jets, F-15E Strike Fighters, B-52 bombers, ac-130 gunships and AH-64 Apache helicopters. For the next three hours, American officials said, scores of strikes pummeled enemy troops, tanks and other vehicles. Marine rocket artillery was fired from the ground.
As the Green Berets and Marines neared the Conoco plant around 11:30 p.m., they were forced to stop. The barrage of artillery was too dangerous to drive through until airstrikes silenced the enemy's howitzers and tanks.
At the plant, the commandos were pinned down by enemy artillery and burning through ammunition. Flashes from tank muzzles, antiaircraft weapons and machine guns lit up the air.
At 1 a.m., with the artillery fire dwindling, the team of Marines and Green Berets pulled up to the Conoco outpost and began firing. By then, some of the American warplanes had returned to base, low on either fuel or ammunition.
An hour later, the enemy fighters had started to retreat and the American troops stopped firing. From their outpost, the commandos watched the mercenaries and Syrian fighters return to collect their dead. The small team of American troops was not harmed. One allied Syrian fighter was wounded.
Who led the ill-fated attack?
The number of casualties from the Feb. 7 fight is in dispute.
#7621328 at 2019-12-26 02:33:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9750: Calm Before The Nightshift Storm Edition
AC = GV X Saville?
#7621061 at 2019-12-26 01:46:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9750: Calm Before The Nightshift Storm Edition
>>7621049 (me)
A Major Shipping Change Is Coming, and So Are Higher Fuel Prices
December 19, 2019 by Bloomberg
By Firat Kayakiran, Jack Wittels and Rachel Graham (Bloomberg) -A defining moment in the history of the oil-refining and shipping industries is at hand.
In fewer than two weeks, thousands of ships the world over will be forced to use fuel containing less sulfur in order to comply with global rules set out by the International Maritime Organization. Those who don't could face penalties and even imprisonment. Ports are deploying drones to - literally - sniff out wrongdoers. The regulations are having a profound effect on oil refineries and the cost of seaborne trade looks set to rise.
What's the big deal? For decades, shipping has been the oil market's dumping ground for a pollutant blamed on aggravating human health conditions including asthma and causing acid rain. That's because refineries have struggled to eradicate it when turning crude into fuels. Even so, when the regulations were mandated back in October 2016, they came as a shock to many observers who had expected a later start date. While a panic about getting ready has subsided, there's clearly still work to do - as a slump in the price of non-compliant fuel demonstrates.
"IMO 2020 is the most fundamental and dramatic product specification change the oil industry has experienced, with an impact on both shipping and refining," said Torbjorn Tornqvist, the chief executive officer of Gunvor Group, one of the world's largest oil and gas traders. "It has the potential to change every product and crude differential out there."
The cost of shipping a twenty-foot box-load of goods from Latin America to Europe could rise by $26, according to IHS Markit, a consultancy. A week-long ship cruise could go up by $130 per cabin, the firm estimates. Add 5 cents onto a crate of bananas.
It's still too early to say exactly who the biggest winners and losers will be among refineries because there are thousands of variables that shape their profit - more than 600 grades of crude, and many ways of setting up the plants.
Rest here:
#7613187 at 2019-12-25 00:42:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9740: Christmas With Frens Edition
Ok, I'm going to hit you with a hard one. Get a shot of courage.
The current Federal Employees have been taught, through literature (official) and chain of command informal directives (OPM) that Congress, not the President, is their source of ultimate decision.
It has been this way since the 60's.
Congress, for 130 years, infected and influenced by the Rosthchilds in History and Soros tactically have made a power grab to usurp the balance of the Executive Branch through the corruption of the Legislative and Judicial Branches.
The Federal Work Force is in for a rude and long overdue awakening.
#7610291 at 2019-12-24 18:44:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9736: Then One Foggy Christmas Eve Edition
<Almost half of America is broke, and 58 percent of the country is living paycheck to paycheck, with savings of less than one thousand dollars.
<37 million Americans go to bed hungry and around 130 million admit an inability to pay for basic needs.
<Ending homelessness might cost around $20 billion, less than Americans spend on Christmas decorations.
If the country is going to wake up, it needs to know the facts on the ground and be able to face the harsh reality.
It doesn't matter that the official "unemployment rate" is X% lower, though that looks good in a news headline. People just need a full-time job that covers all their expenses plus allows for savings, and many do not have that right now.
And most of the population under 50 does not have a stock market account or 401K retirement, so it doesn't help them that the stock market is at a high, even though that is fun to cheer at POTUS rallies.
The U.S. has a lot of work to do to make significant lasting improvement in the day-to-day aspects of millions of people's lives. Maybe the country can get around to it after another 5 years of "swamp cleaning." Meanwhile, how many more people will end up living on the street or taking their own lives, while politicians and elites struggle for power? The type of vibe I get from people on these difficult topics is that it's just "an unfortunate situation" that can't be helped, and it's not a problem that "successful, happy" people should be expected to think about.
#7610075 at 2019-12-24 18:10:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9736: Then One Foggy Christmas Eve Edition
This Christmas, Over Half a Million Americans Will Struggle with Homelessness
The government estimates ending homelessness would cost around $20 billion, less than Americans spend on Christmas decorations, yet there appears to be little appetite to address the growing problem.
While millions of Americans celebrate Christmas this year with loved ones, carving turkey and sharing gifts, others are not so fortunate. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, over half a million of us will spend Christmas on the streets. The government agency estimates that on any given day, around 553,000 Americans are homeless. A third of those are families with young children. African Americans and those with disabilities are particularly likely to become homeless.
Yet these distressing numbers are sure to be underestimates of the true problem as they do not include the many more sleeping in vehicles or other makeshift accommodation, sofa surfing or relying on friends. Around 1.5 million people sleep at a shelter annually, according to figures from the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Furthermore, the 500,000 number itself is likely an underestimate. A 2017 experiment done by The Guardian, where it placed actors posing as homeless people on the streets, found that authorities missed around one in three of them. And they were wishing to be seen, not individuals keen to go undetected.
Tens of millions of Americans are barely managing to stave off the same fate. Almost half of America is broke, and 58 percent of the country is living paycheck to paycheck, with savings of less than $1,000. 37 million Americans go to bed hungry and around 130 million admit an inability to pay for basic needs like food, housing or healthcare. After a decade of decline, the homeless population is again creeping up.
The Trump administration is believed to be readying a "get tough" approach to the problem. Singling out California, earlier this year, Trump claimed that its cities were "going to hell" thanks to illegal encampments that increase environmental pollution. The number of unsheltered homeless people in Los Angeles Country alone increased by over 10 percent this year, to 44,214.
Yet the United Nations has decried the already inhumane treatment of homeless Americans, claiming that the state "effectively criminalizes" them "for the situation in which they find themselves." In many cities, activities like sleeping rough, panhandling or public urination (in locations with zero pubic bathrooms) have been turned into arrestable offenses, ensuring a carceral "solution" to the problem. Homeless people can be given tickets for infractions as innocuous as loitering, leading to warrants and unpayable fines, trapping them in a cycle of criminality which they cannot escape as their record prohibits them from subsequent employment and access to most housing. Thus, the UN report concludes that it is "effectively a system for keeping the poor in poverty while generating revenue" for the state to employ more police to speed the system up.
#7606292 at 2019-12-24 04:32:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9731: [D]s Nuts Edition
130 mill didn't go to ONE conspirator. How do you think THEY split it up?, besides the 11 million dollar mansion for the Obumers?
#7606083 at 2019-12-24 04:10:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9731: [D]s Nuts Edition
>>7605966 LB
Clinton Foundation Bilked $130 Million From Australia - After 2016 Election Directors Fled Country from Headquarters Housed in a Shack on a Dirt Road Outside Melbourne
The Clinton Foundation reportedly milked over $130 million from Australians over the past couple decades. After the 2016 election, Clinton Foundation directors in Australia bailed and left the Australian headquarters - a shack on a dirt road outside Melbourne.
An Internet sleuth posted an incredible story regarding the Clinton Foundation in Australia. The story is another shocking example of the corrupt sham that the Clintons used to pillage individuals and countries around the world.
The story begins with the author noting the connections between Alexander Downer and Spygate -
A few weeks later, around 10 May 2016, Papadopoulos met former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer at the Kensington Wine Rooms in London and (according to Downer) told him that Russia had "dirt" on Clinton. Downer said he passed that information on to Australian intelligence agencies. That information eventually set the official Russiagate investigation in motion.
But Papadopoulos insists he never talked about Mifsud's "dirt" information during his one hour meeting with Downer (although he does admit passing that information on to Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias on 26 May 2016). Papadopoulos' book claims Downer was aggressive and recorded their conversation, which Downer denies.
"The phone comes out again. He must have grabbed it and held it up at least four times. He is so aggressive, so hostile... I believe Australian and UK intelligence were involved in an active operation to target Trump and his associates."
In an oddly disengaged 30 minute July 2019 podcast Downer said his meeting with Papadopoulos was suggested by the Israeli embassy in London. While rudely eating, grunting, snorting and tapping what sound like glasses and spoons, Downer frequently indulges in strange hypothetical musings about whether what he just stated as fact might actually not be true.
#7599793 at 2019-12-23 17:21:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9721: Monday Morning Melania pt2 Edition
Wouldn't be surprised if they are in the underground cities too. There were only around 130 million after WW2 here now supposedly we have around 340 million and that's just the "official" numbers that doesn't take into account the 15 illegals living together in a single-wide trailer.
#7595975 at 2019-12-23 03:43:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9717: Goodnight BO. Snow White. Godfather III. Edition
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:
"1, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.
That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
#7584516 at 2019-12-22 00:06:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9702: Comfy before the Storm! Edition
WTF is a Coast Guard C-130 doing off Costa Rica?
#7578250 at 2019-12-21 04:31:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9694: WITCH HUNT. No deals. Edition
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae. Varius quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam. Praesent tristique magna sit amet. Scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra orci sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit duis. Quam nulla porttitor massa id neque. Lobortis feugiat vivamus at augue. Quisque egestas diam in arcu cursus. Pellentesque sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu. Tincidunt eget nullam non nisi. Faucibus in ornare quam viverra orci. Suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse. Aliquam purus sit amet luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla. Massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis vel eros. Non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum. Sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non. Mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi.
Laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit. Quam viverra orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit. Praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum. Ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas. Id consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar elementum integer. Id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam non. Id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non. Massa massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget. Fermentum odio eu feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl. Dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque sit. Tristique et egestas quis ipsum. Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc. Dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus. Non sodales neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus. At lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum. Enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut. Vel eros donec ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices. Malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis.
Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas. Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam. Sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique risus. Aenean euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing. Id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi. Aliquam eleifend mi in nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu. Elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam quam. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec. At tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id. Varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem. Donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis aliquam. Nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a. Purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id. Laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit. Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed vulputate mi. Non sodales neque sodales ut etiam.
#7570909 at 2019-12-20 15:17:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9685: Rise and Shine Patriots - We Are the News Now! Edition
Tremors felt in India & Pakistan as powerful earthquake strikes north-eastern Afghanistan
A strong 6.1-magnitude earthquake has shaken Afghanistan's Badakhshan Province in the north east. Tremors were felt as far away as New Delhi, India and northern regions of Pakistan.
The quake struck at a depth of 210km (130 miles) in the mountainous Hindu Kush area, 51km (32 miles) north-west of Jarm, which is itself located more than 370km (230 miles) away from the capital Kabul, according to the US Geological Service.
Earthquake In Lahore😭😭🙏🙇Yaa Allah Reham Farma😭#earthquake#Lahore#YaAllahpic.twitter.com/c700IRshnE
- Imaan? (@butterflymano78) December 20, 2019
It was apparently so powerful that it also affected vast areas of northern Pakistan and India, including the capitals of both nations. In Pakistan, the tremors were felt in Islamabad as well as the Punjab capital of Lahore and half a dozen of other cities.
#7569953 at 2019-12-20 12:22:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9684: You Can't Run From the Wind... Edition
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University.
In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book. [19]
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#7561898 at 2019-12-19 18:41:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9673: Comms not just for Anons! Edition
After the Second World War, Huxley's sons Aldous and Julian contributed enormously to brainwashing the young generation with rock music, sex and drugs, thereby achieving social control. Wells later called Hitler his twin brother in spirit.
As early as 1855, the Masonic socialist Alexander Herzen observed: "It is possible to lead a whole generation astray, blind it, blunt it, and guide it towards the wrong goals..." (Alexander Herzen, "From the Other Shore", Tallinn, 1970, p. 130).
During the First World War, Wells led the propaganda department of the British intelligence service. He was an adviser on the development of military equipment in both world wars.
In 1901, Wells published "Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought", where for the first time he introduced the idea of an 'open conspiracy' leading to a "world state with one language and one government'".
Wells demanded that the less worthy be killed. The Elite should decide who the less worthy was. Wells wrote: "For a multitude of contemptible and silly creatures, fear-driven and helpless and useless, unhappy or hatefully happy in the midst of squalid dishonour, feeble, ugly, inefficient, born of unrestrained lusts, and increasing and multiplying through sheer incontinence and stupidity, the men of the New Republic will have little pity and less benevolence."
Wells emphasized: "They will hold, I anticipate, that a certain portion of the population - the small minority, for example, afflicted with indisputably transmissible diseases, with transmissible mental disorders, with such hideous incurable habits of mind as the craving for intoxication - exists only on sufferance, out of pity and patience, and on the understanding that they do not propagate; and I do not foresee any reason to suppose that they will hesitate to kill when that sufferance is abused...
They will have an ideal that will make killing worth the while; like Abraham, they will have the faith to kill, and they will have no superstitions about death... All such killing will be done with an opiate...
If deterrent punishments are used at all in the code of the future, the deterrent will neither be death, or mutilation of the body, nor mutilation of the life by imprisonment, nor any horrible things like that, but good scientifically caused pain, that will leave nothing but a memory." (Wells, "Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought", London, 1901, pp. 299-300)
https: //safenetforum.org/t/fabian-society-emblem-wolf-in-sheeps-clothing/22141/2
#7558598 at 2019-12-19 09:18:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9669: Late Q Bread Edition
<The hopes and dreams of anons
>Maybe they can come to the Anon party/barbecue( after the storm) that we have discussed before
>( will have a room for autistic anons who do not like crowds, kek)
>Imagine 100k autists all trying to have a bbq together...
>Imagine the reeeeee
<Following the chain…Reee the first
>I believe the number of actual anons who work on the boards is def under 5k . Any given time there is only around 100 to 200 or so people on( and several of those are shills). Some anons have been on all day or long shifts. Also some anons may only work on weekends, depending on their work schedule.
>You add in Q people on twitter then you prob have 100k.
>When talking about barbecue party before, it was for anons who work on Q research, kek >Not twitterfags who dont lurk here and just go by Q posts from qanon.pub or other sources.
And anons have spun off from there, where who knows, and truly (accept for each individual anon's own pet thang) who gives a fuck.
The real interesting dynamic, that one can really feel deep within ones bones, when in such a habbitat, is the seemingly pleasant and almost friendly snorts of anons, as the morning light breaks across the savanah, rapidly curdling, like cheap, day old cream kept warm by the fire all night; the sour waft of curdled butter milk assaulting the sinuses of an aethsmatic anon, while microwave chimes ding to all that chicken tendies have reached an appropriate temperature.
Alas, sensitive sinuses, close quarters, curdled cream, and several large anons, having secured rather more than a fair share of tendies, pontificating about the make, manufacturer, size, fuel source, smoking capacity, and aerodymanics of the grill required for the festivities, became oblivious to the increasing agitation of smaller yet fiestier anons.
Anons, armed with recipe books, meat skewers, charcoal accelerant, beer cans, matches, compressed flamable gas, 120/240V AC electrical outlets, and good old fashioned determination, erected battle lines that the Kaiser could only dream of. Watching anons turn Chlorine Bleach into back yard trench weapons, bathroom supplies like isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide into rocket propelled artillery…the insanity.
Fortunately for the neighborhood, as the weapons race rapidly sped towards heavy water experimentation, and bicycle powered Uranium238 centrifuging, tendies, drinks, weed, booze, beer, and literal tonnes of snack chips arrived. Hostilities averted as if they had never existed with anons discussing war wounds, medical procedures that repaired damage, novel ways to use 3Ft sewer pipe as a long range canon barrel for large barrel charges, and the fucking new fags logging onto half/pol.
It could happen
#7538608 at 2019-12-17 22:24:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9643: [Watch] What Happens Next Edition
DT AC/DC for Maximum Overdrive
#7533665 at 2019-12-17 14:40:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9636: Cranton Global Innitiative -- Real or Hoax? Edition
New POTUS tweet!
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
45s46 seconds ago
The Stock Market hit another Record High yesterday, number 133 in less than three years as your all time favorite President, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, want to impeach me. Don't worry, I have done nothing wrong. Actually, they have!
25 replies54 retweets130 likes
Reply 25 Retweet 54 Like 130
#7531093 at 2019-12-17 04:15:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9633: Most Powerful, Unshakably Loyal Edition
JODY C-130, 62nd AS/314th AW, Little Rock AR
HIVE..C-130J 19th AW Little Rock AFB AR–exercise callsign
Looks like routine IFR training to me
#7531072 at 2019-12-17 04:12:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9633: Most Powerful, Unshakably Loyal Edition
Concur. All 130 crews go through there.
#7531056 at 2019-12-17 04:11:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9633: Most Powerful, Unshakably Loyal Edition
Little Rock AFB, AR is where aircrew go to train on how to fly the C-130. This is most likely a class doing night ops touch and go's.
#7524740 at 2019-12-16 17:53:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9625: MSM taunted by the TWEETIES!! Let'em have it!! Edition
Antarctica is under lockdown as secret space program unveiling begins
An unusual flurry of events and press announcements makes it clear the U.S. government is unveiling its secret space program, multiple sources agree. We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program, a Nazi secret space program, and a Russian secret space program. All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies. The recent trade agreement between the U.S. and China is also linked to these secret space programs, Chinese and Pentagon sources agree. These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.
Typically this writer does not tread lightly into the UFO world and believes extra-ordinary claims require extraordinary proof. However, such proof is now undeniable.
The biggest evidence is a series of public announcements by multiple government officials, including U.S. President Donald Trump. The official launching of a U.S. Space Force by Trump is just the start of a gradual process of disclosure, Pentagon officials say.
The media is now being filled with stories about UFOs and secret U.S. military technology as part of this process. As we have previously reported, the U.S. Navy has released patents for anti-gravity flying saucers and compact nuclear fusion. Now we have a recently retired air force general talking about already existing technology that can take us "from one part of the planet to any other part within an hour."
Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. and Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett both called publicly this month for the declassification of "a large amount of information about America's military space programs."
The $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government budget since 1998, as documented by Catherine Austin Fitts and others, was spent on the secret space program, Pentagon officials confirm. Much of this technology is now being released to the general public, they say.
We are also getting far more UFO sightings around the world that are being recording on high-quality video. If you get into the habit of looking at the sky as I have, it won't be long before you can see for yourself with your own naked eyes.
Now that the Antarctic summer has begun, we are again getting multiple reports of strange goings-on there, too. On December 10th, a Chilean military plane carrying 38 people vanished in good weather on its way to Antarctica.
A senior CIA officer, and relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame, told us:
"The Chilean military were ordered by their controllers not to go near Antarctica. They thought they were smarter and knew more than their masters. The C-130 has been removed. It wasn't who was on the plane, it was what they were carrying that resulted in 'the disappearance.' At this stage, there are no entries and exits taking place on Antarctica. The Southernmost continent is on lockdown until further notice (not due to this incident)."
#7523708 at 2019-12-16 14:51:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9623: Guarantee You It Goes Into the Oval Office Edition
Anderson Cooper (AC)
deep state operative
do not forget this
#7521910 at 2019-12-16 04:57:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9621:Greta Does Gitmo! Edition
America Has World's Highest Rate of Single-Parent Households
The United States has a higher share of single-parent households than 129 other countries, a recent analysis from the Pew Research Center reveals.
Twenty-three percent of U.S. children live with a single adult, Pew found, compared with an average of just 7 percent around the world. Of the 130 countries from which Pew obtained survey data, rates of single-parent households ranged from the low 20s in the United States and United Kingdom to as low as 1 or 2 percent in countries like Turkey and Afghanistan.
The report suggests that America's record-high rate, a product of the steady decline in two-parent homes in the United States, is related to the move away from extended family structure in Western nations and toward a more isolated model for children and adults alike. The result is another part of the complicated story of family and marriage inequity in the United States.
Single parenthood's commonness in the United States makes the country stand out even by comparison to other developed nations, Pew found. Although many Western countries have single-parenthood household rates in the double digits-including Ireland (14 percent), Germany (12 percent), Canada (15 percent), and France (16 percent)-they all still have lower rates of single-parent households than the United States.
America's top spot has been a long time coming, data from the U.S. Census Bureau show. In 1960, just 9 percent of U.S. children lived with one parent, and just 3 percent lived with either a non-parent relative or a non-relative. By 2019, the Census Bureau estimated that 26 percent of children lived with single parents (a figure that varies from Pew's due to methodological differences), while just 4 percent lived with non-parent relatives or non-relatives.
#7517362 at 2019-12-15 21:23:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9615: Much More To Come Edition
The Wax and Wane of J Street's Influence Over U.S.-Israel Policy
Jeremy Ben-Ami has a story he tells about why he started the liberal, pro-Israel group J Street a decade ago. It begins in 1882, when his great-grandparents fled persecution in Russia and emigrated to "what was then Palestine." According to family lore, his father was the first boy ever born in Tel Aviv, and he would go on to join the right-wing terror group Irgun, fighting for Israel's independence. His ancestors are part of an iconic photograph of the first settlers and still listed on a plaque in the central square of Tel Aviv.
Statehood achieved, his family migrated to New York before Ben-Ami was born. Now 57, he spent three years living in Israel in the 1990s. Like his father, he was a dedicated supporter of the state of Israel. Unlike his father, he was a liberal with a willingness to criticize the government and its treatment of Palestinians. Yet when he tried to participate in debates in the U.S. over the future of Israel, he found that his utterly reasonable views - support for a two-state solution, opposition to an endless military occupation - were considered out of bounds.
To change the political dynamic in the U.S., he theorized, a new group in Washington needed to be formed, one that was pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, and pro-peace, organized and run by Jews supportive of the state of Israel. "It falls to the Jewish people of today to complete the work, to bring the dreams of our grandparents and great-grandparents to fruition," Ben-Ami writes in his 2011 memoir, "A New Voice for Israel: Fighting for the Survival of a Jewish Nation."
"This generation must make the decisions and compromises necessary to ensure the future of the Jewish homeland that my great-grandparents envisioned when they arrived by boat in the historic port of Jaffa 130 years ago in the second year of the First Aliyah."
#7516125 at 2019-12-15 19:37:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9614: Full Armor Of God Edition
America Has World's Highest Rate of Single-Parent Households
The United States has a higher share of single-parent households than 129 other countries, a recent analysis from the Pew Research Center reveals.
Twenty-three percent of U.S. children live with a single adult, Pew found, compared with an average of just 7 percent around the world. Of the 130 countries from which Pew obtained survey data, rates of single-parent households ranged from the low 20s in the United States and United Kingdom to as low as 1 or 2 percent in countries like Turkey and Afghanistan.
The report suggests that America's record-high rate, a product of the steady decline in two-parent homes in the United States, is related to the move away from extended family structure in Western nations and toward a more isolated model for children and adults alike. The result is another part of the complicated story of family and marriage inequity in the United States.
Single parenthood's commonness in the United States makes the country stand out even by comparison to other developed nations, Pew found. Although many Western countries have single-parenthood household rates in the double digits-including Ireland (14 percent), Germany (12 percent), Canada (15 percent), and France (16 percent)-they all still have lower rates of single-parent households than the United States.
America's top spot has been a long time coming, data from the U.S. Census Bureau show. In 1960, just 9 percent of U.S. children lived with one parent, and just 3 percent lived with either a non-parent relative or a non-relative. By 2019, the Census Bureau estimated that 26 percent of children lived with single parents (a figure that varies from Pew's due to methodological differences), while just 4 percent lived with non-parent relatives or non-relatives.
#7505435 at 2019-12-14 19:22:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9600: Potus Calling the Movement to Action!!! Edition
==Top insider sale/buy of the week: Crowdstrike sold by Warburg Pincus: $353.70m and Immunomedics Inc, bought by Avoro Capital Advisors: $35m-Dec 5 (Dec 9 filing)
What Is CrowdStrike, the Company Trump Mentioned During His Ukraine Call?
The "transcript" of President Donald Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been released, and there are more questions than it answers. One such question is Trump's reference to CrowdStrike. According to the White House's memo, Trump said, "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike..."
"I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it," the memo continues. "There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people."
CrowdStrike is a U.S.-based internet security company that was hired to investigate the hack of the Democratic National Committee's servers in 2016. It defines itself as a "cloud-native endpoint protection platform built to stop breaches." The company determined at the time that two groups affiliated with the Russian government were responsible for the attack.
rest at link
Immunomedics, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in developing monoclonal antibody-based products for the targeted treatment of cancer. Its technologies allow it to create humanized antibodies that can be used either alone in unlabeled or naked form, or conjugated with radioactive isotopes, chemotherapeutics, cytokines or toxins. It has a pipeline of six clinical-stage product candidates. Its portfolio of investigational products includes antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) that are designed to deliver a payload of a chemotherapeutic directly to the tumor, while the managing overall toxic effects that are found with conventional administration of these chemotherapy agents. Its ADCs are sacituzumab govitecan (IMMU-132) and labetuzumab govitecan (IMMU-130). The Company also has a range of other product candidates that target solid tumors and hematologic malignancies, as well as other diseases, in various-stages of clinical and pre-clinical development.
Number of employees : 346 people.
secondary via Goldman Sachs and BofA
IMMUNOMEDICS INC : Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Other Events, Financial Statements and Exhibits (form 8-K)
#7505240 at 2019-12-14 19:01:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9600: Potus Calling the Movement to Action!!! Edition
>>7504824 (lb)
The filename refers to a wireless + ac/dc internet adapter
#7493613 at 2019-12-13 02:34:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9584: The 'CURE' Will Spread WW Edition
Couple more interesting planes…
ac-130W Stinger II
and flying antenna farm over OKC
Flying broadcaster (Commando Solo) was flying over PA…but disappeared as I went to fullscreen+screenshot.
Combat King over NV
#7491334 at 2019-12-12 22:12:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9581: Peach mints not your flavor? Think Keebler!! Edition
>>7490881 Millions The Bidens Took From Ukraine Pale in Comparison to The $130 Million Rip Off They Pulled on AMERICANS
TALF bailout money scam
#7490881 at 2019-12-12 21:25:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9581: Peach mints not your flavor? Think Keebler!! Edition
The Millions The Bidens Took From Ukraine Pale in Comparison to The $130 Million Rip Off They Pulled on AMERICANS
If you read news from conservative media you have no doubt been exposed to the stories of Hunter Biden taking millions upon millions in foreign cash from Ukraine.
In fact, it has been reported that Hunter Biden was being paid $50,000 a month and didn't even have to show up for work.
Bombshell: Hunter Biden NEVER Worked in Ukraine Despite Five Years on Burisma's Board, While Being Paid $50,000 a Month
But $50,000 a month is peanuts compared to what he pulled off within our own borders.
An investment firm linked to Hunter Biden received over $130 million in federal bailout loans while his father Joe Biden was vice president and routed profits through a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, according to federal banking and corporate records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.
Financial experts said the offshore corporate structure could have been used to shield earnings from U.S. taxes.
Rosemont Capital, an investment firm at the center of Hunter Biden's much-scrutinized financial network, was one of the companies approved to participate in the 2009 federal loan program known as the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF.
Under the program, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank issued billions of dollars in highly favorable loans to select investors who agreed to buy bonds that banks were struggling to offload, including bundled college and auto loans.
According to federal records, 177 firms participated in TALF, many of them well connected in Washington or on Wall Street. For investors, there was little risk and a high chance of reward. The Federal Reserve funded as much as 90% of the investments. If the bonds were profitable, the borrowers benefited. If not, the department agreed to take over the depreciated assets with no repercussions for the borrowers.
"It's very complicated to become qualified as a TALF borrower or as a TALF fund, if you will," Carol Pepper, a wealth management specialist, told Forbes in 2009. "But that's an example of where, if you can get into a TALF fund, you can benefit from this government program."
Under the terms for the program, any U.S. company looking to invest in select categories of bonds was eligible to apply for the loans. However, the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve maintained the "right to reject a borrower for any reason," and the internal selection process was criticized by some lawmakers as opaque and open to corruption.
#7487391 at 2019-12-12 09:52:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9577: Fake Impeachment Vote Early Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7486968 Art of the Deal/Q
>>7486813 Jessie Liu removed as U.S. DC Atty (going to Treasury). Corruption and influence
>>7486921 SAM756 arriving in D.C. from Colorado Springs.
>>7486897 @USArmy The #USArmy is a 24/7 job, but we live for that #ArmyLife! #Ready2Fight
>>7486856, >>7486859, >>7486866, Resignations in the news 12/10/2019
>>7486809, >>7486864 I think COMFY61 wants us to look at something...
>>7486769, >>7486775 2014 listing of GS co's
>>7486748 Australia's Westpac 'shattered' over money laundering bombshell
>>7486684 POTUS Schedule for Thursday, December 12, 2019
baker change
>>7487226, >>7487269 Dems invoke MLK at impeachment markup, say 'with a heavy heart' Trump must be ousted before election
>>7487227 UN aid workers carried out 60,000 rapes in a decade (Feb 2018)
>>7487242 Jeff Session on Laura Ingram re Durham's authority
>>7487295 The final full moon of the decade will light up the sky at 12:12 a.m. on 12/12/19
>>7487327 France's CGT union says 'no Christmas break' in transport strike
>>7487330 Harvey Weinstein Reaches $47 Million Settlement, Wiping The Civil Slate Clean
>>7487333 Barr: Why Did The FBI Keep Investigating Trump, Well Into His Administration, After The Case Collapsed? (Real Clear Politics)
>>7486847, >>7486890, >>7486917 Epstein x-rated pics of G Maxwell/rooms at NM ranch (UK-Sun)
>>7487384 #9576
>>7486492 STALK41 blackhawk in formation headed north from alberquerque
>>7486446 COMFY61 has turned toward Oklahoma City.
>>7486380, >>7486394, >>7486403 C-130 STING51 flew directly over epsteins NM ranch
>>7486197 Still COMFY61 out there.
>>7486088 Obama hawking healthcare for Christmas
>>7486068 Trudeau family pic
>>7486035 Xi moves right-hand man to Japan affairs as ties with West sour
>>7486018 US Marines tweet , "Take the Beach"
>>7485991 Joseph Flynn: As always the only thing these days that lets me sleep at night is the fact WE HAVE AN ARMY OF DIGITAL SOLDIERS!!!
>>7486619 #9575
>>7485172 US ARMY At the 17 sec mark, he says "17"
>>7485158, >>7485199, >>7485260, >>7485263, >>7485272, >>7485305, >>7485459 IG Modifies FISA Report, Adds Declassification Aspect Per DOJ (Barr?)
>>7485245 A fruitful meeting today with a delegation of UN ambassadors from 23 countries in Jerusalem
>>7485289, >>7485445, >>7485619 moar re: Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc
>>7485357 US naval institute tweet lines up with Q drop199
>>7485515, >>7485562 Trump mulling adding lawyer Alan Dershowitz to impeachment legal roster….
>>7485419 Eric Holder: William Barr is unfit to be attorney general
>>7485438, >>7485514, >>7485551, >>7485612 >>7485626 Rep Ohmar twat
>>7485720 White House budget office asserts in new legal memo that delaying Ukraine aid was routine
>>7485818 #9574
Previously Collected Notables
>>7483537 #9571, >>7484270 #9572, >>7485067 #9573
>>7480470 #9567, >>7481254 #9568, >>7482019 #9569, >>7482755 #9570
>>7478326 #9563, >>7478167 #9564, >>7478939 #9565, >>7479700 #9566
>>7474343 #9559, >>7478356 #9560, >>7478346 #9561, >>7478338 #9562
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7487333 at 2019-12-12 09:05:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9576: Night Shift Taggin for Q! Edition
The GBU-43/B it is said to be the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the American arsenal. The bomb is designed to be delivered by a C-130 Hercules.
Or is it?
Bill Barr in a C-130?
B(2) stealth bomber?
Barr: "Why Did The FBI Keep Investigating Trump, Well Into His Administration, After The Case Collapsed?"
#7486883 at 2019-12-12 05:48:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9576: Night Shift Taggin for Q! Edition
The Airship Club That Might Never Have Existed
In the 1960s, a house in Houston caught on fire. In the aftermath, a set of 12 scrapbooks were discovered. They depicted a society, the Sonora Aero Club, that had all but disappeared from history, if it was ever there at all.
It was the time of Gold Rush, and people of every nationality were pouring into California in search of that earth that would make them rich.
The settlement of Sonora, about 130 miles east of San Francisco, was booming. It was there, in the saloon of one of the local boarding houses, that a group of men would get together every Friday night and talk of dreams. Well, just one dream, really: human flight.
They called themselves the Sonora Aero Club and, over time, they counted some 60 members, possibly many more. Their ranks included great characters, such as Peter Mennis, inventor of the Club's secret "Lifting Fluid," later described as "a rough Man, whit as kind a heart as to be found in verry few living beengs," despite being "adicted to strong drink" and "Flat brocke." The Aero Club's rules: Roughly once a quarter, each member had to stand before the gathered group and "thoroughly exercise their jaws" in telling how he would build an airship.
#7486626 at 2019-12-12 05:02:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9576: Night Shift Taggin for Q! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7486492 STALK41 blackhawk in formation headed north from alberquerque
>>7486446 COMFY61 has turned toward Oklahoma City.
>>7486380, >>7486394, >>7486403 C-130 STING51 flew directly over epsteins NM ranch
>>7486197 Still COMFY61 out there.
>>7486088 Obama hawking healthcare for Christmas
>>7486068 Trudeau family pic
>>7486035 Xi moves right-hand man to Japan affairs as ties with West sour
>>7486018 US Marines tweet , "Take the Beach"
>>7485991 Joseph Flynn: As always the only thing these days that lets me sleep at night is the fact WE HAVE AN ARMY OF DIGITAL SOLDIERS!!!
>>7485172 US ARMY At the 17 sec mark, he says "17"
>>7485158, >>7485199, >>7485260, >>7485263, >>7485272, >>7485305, >>7485459 IG Modifies FISA Report, Adds Declassification Aspect Per DOJ (Barr?)
>>7485245 A fruitful meeting today with a delegation of UN ambassadors from 23 countries in Jerusalem
>>7485289, >>7485445, >>7485619 moar re: Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc
>>7485357 US naval institute tweet lines up with Q drop199
>>7485515, >>7485562 Trump mulling adding lawyer Alan Dershowitz to impeachment legal roster….
>>7485419 Eric Holder: William Barr is unfit to be attorney general
>>7485438, >>7485514, >>7485551, >>7485612 >>7485626 Rep Ohmar twat
>>7485720 White House budget office asserts in new legal memo that delaying Ukraine aid was routine
>>7485818 #9574
>>7484372, Vatican Caught Using Charity Donations To Cover Budget Shortfalls
>>7484416, >>7484425 Defense dept launches evaluation into the use of Mil on Mexican border
>>7484434, >>7484479, >>7484909 Ghomert just named Eric Ciaramella as fact witness in impeachment debate.
>>7484565 from The People's Bridge in northwestern Illinois
>>7484621, >>7484706 "I have total confidence that the FISA process was followed and that the case was handled in a responsible way" Comey
>>7484892 Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc Executives (Director,COB, CEO,CFO) sold: $39.34m-Dec 9
>>7484759, >>7484794, >>7484873 Auntie Mame (1958). The scene starts about 3:52 minutes into this youtube clip.
>>7485021 @Jack twat thread
>>7485067 #9573
Previously Collected Notables
>>7483537 #9571, >>7484270 #9572
>>7480470 #9567, >>7481254 #9568, >>7482019 #9569, >>7482755 #9570
>>7478326 #9563, >>7478167 #9564, >>7478939 #9565, >>7479700 #9566
>>7474343 #9559, >>7478356 #9560, >>7478346 #9561, >>7478338 #9562
>>7471277 #9555, >>7472065 #9556, >>7472818 #9557, >>7473591 #9558
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7486619 at 2019-12-12 05:01:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9575: Alan. Welcome Aboard. Plane. Comfy17 Edition
>>7486492 STALK41 blackhawk in formation headed north from alberquerque
>>7486446 COMFY61 has turned toward Oklahoma City.
>>7486380, >>7486394, >>7486403 C-130 STING51 flew directly over epsteins NM ranch
>>7486197 Still COMFY61 out there.
>>7486088 Obama hawking healthcare for Christmas
>>7486068 Trudeau family pic
>>7486035 Xi moves right-hand man to Japan affairs as ties with West sour
>>7486018 US Marines tweet , "Take the Beach"
>>7485991 Joseph Flynn: As always the only thing these days that lets me sleep at night is the fact WE HAVE AN ARMY OF DIGITAL SOLDIERS!!!
#7486492 at 2019-12-12 04:41:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9575: Alan. Welcome Aboard. Plane. Comfy17 Edition
c-130 and blackhawk in formation headed north from alberquerque
#7486380 at 2019-12-12 04:30:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9575: Alan. Welcome Aboard. Plane. Comfy17 Edition
flew directly over epsteins NM ranch
and made passes all over there
looks to be bugging out now
#7485202 at 2019-12-12 02:17:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9574: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy. Nothing! Edition
i'll go one more if no fresh meat wants in on this cake sesh
since your prob good til 130
#7485159 at 2019-12-12 02:12:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9574: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy. Nothing! Edition
i'll go one more if no fresh meat wants in on this cake sesh
since your prob good til 130
#7485087 at 2019-12-12 02:05:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9574: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy. Nothing! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7484372, Vatican Caught Using Charity Donations To Cover Budget Shortfalls
>>7484416, >>7484425 Defense dept launches evaluation into the use of Mil on Mexican border
>>7484434, >>7484479, >>7484909 Ghomert just named Eric Ciaramella as fact witness in impeachment debate.
>>7484565 from The People's Bridge in northwestern Illinois
>>7484621, >>7484706 "I have total confidence that the FISA process was followed and that the case was handled in a responsible way" Comey
>>7484892 Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc Executives (Director,COB, CEO,CFO) sold: $39.34m-Dec 9
>>7484759, >>7484794, >>7484873 Auntie Mame (1958). The scene starts about 3:52 minutes into this youtube clip.
>>7485021 @Jack twat thread
>>7485067 #9573
>>7483627, >>7483630 Comfy61 in the air Comfy AF
>>7483631 House passes defense bill, >>7484072 House passes bill establishing Space Force, parental leave for federal workers
>>7483873, >>7483618 Barr states in NBC interview that the Russian investigation ended in Sept 2017
>>7483868 nice compilaton of twatter assholes, created by Sen Grassley
>>7483960 New DJT - Great Rally in PA last night
>>7484000 DJT rt parscale twat
>>7484117, >>7484118 houses passes path to citizenship bill for undocumented ag workers
>>7484106, >>7484048, >>7484166 Possible links between 'Finders' cult, BCCI & Maxwell sisters' Information on Demand (Amazing Polly vid)
>>7484146 Senate Homeland Security & Gov't Affairs Committee: Horowitz will appear Dec. 18 in a hearing on "DOJ OIG FISA Report: Methodology, Scope, and Findings."
>>7484204 Over a Dozen Arrested in Arizona Sex Trafficking Bust
>>7484270 #9572
>>7483470 COC side by sides
>>7483453 Obsma
>>7483429, >>7483461 Muh Condition just got his bail hiked!
>>7483424 Dynatrace CEO, CFO/Treasurer and Sr. Vp sold $16.27m-Dec 10
>>7483323 The agency approved Page as an "operational contact" from 2008 to 2013, according to the report.
>>7483313 Chilean Air Force Discovers Debris Believed to be From Missing C-130 Aircraft
>>7483220, >>7483462 #QPosts no 96 onto center stage
>>7483072, >>7483133, >>7483086 AWAN = AVVAN, Fri the 13th
>>7483041 Grassley knew OCR issues in 2017
>>7483030, >>7483255 Rot Child unhappy about Judaism being nationalism!
>>7483023 Nearly 150 CEOs departed in November, putting 2019 on track to be record year for executive exits
>>7483012 HMCS CALGARY still in the San Diego OPAREA, now reports herself stopped, as in Dead-in-the-water. Three USN vessels are in the vicinity Boatfag on it!
>>7483001 The United States was warned Wednesday by the United Nations it cannot avoid compensating poorer nations hit by climate change,
>>7482993 Federal Judge Blocks Pentagon Funds Targeted for Border Wall
>>7483006, >>7482866 Vet wormers for human cancer pdf
>>7482984 Moar Pissgate
>>7482972 it's a busy day but U2's and B-52's
>>7482927 Peter Navarro Highlights Case For More China Tariffs In Memo
>>7482914, >>7483017 Fake news, these reporters all lied about the Steele dossier
>>7482902 U2 covering LA to San Diego
>>7482885 EPA and Justice Department Announce $245 Million Agreement for Cleanup at the Allied Paper Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site
>>7482884 3 B52's near Amarillo. A 4th heading west is not on this graphic.
>>7482872 Three Men Arrested In NJ For Running Alleged $722 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme
>>7482842 Bill Clinton Weighs in on Trump Impeachment Coup, 'Congress is Doing Their Job' (VIDEO)
>>7482834 Pelosi: Impeachment Has Been Going on 'Two and a Half Years, Actually'
>>7482552, >>7482563, >>7482585, >>7482617, >>7482642, >>7482676 OCR digg, con't.
>>7482321, >>7482371, >>7482464, >>7482476 Dig on government OCR and evidence of systematic fuckery
>>7483537 #9571
Previously Collected Notables
>>7480470 #9567, >>7481254 #9568, >>7482019 #9569, >>7482755 #9570
>>7478326 #9563, >>7478167 #9564, >>7478939 #9565, >>7479700 #9566
>>7474343 #9559, >>7478356 #9560, >>7478346 #9561, >>7478338 #9562
>>7471277 #9555, >>7472065 #9556, >>7472818 #9557, >>7473591 #9558
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7485039 at 2019-12-12 01:57:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9573: I Can Feel It Comfy In The Air Tonight Edition
Chile missing C-130 plane: Floating debris found
Chilean officials say they have located debris believed to be from an air force plane that went missing on Monday.
They said the wreckage was found floating 30km (19 miles) from where the C-130 Hercules cargo plane with 38 people on board last made contact.
#7484322 at 2019-12-12 00:34:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9573: I Can Feel It Comfy In The Air Tonight Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7483627, >>7483630 Comfy61 in the air Comfy AF
>>7483631 House passes defense bill, >>7484072 House passes bill establishing Space Force, parental leave for federal workers
>>7483873, >>7483618 Barr states in NBC interview that the Russian investigation ended in Sept 2017
>>7483868 nice compilaton of twatter assholes, created by Sen Grassley
>>7483960 New DJT - Great Rally in PA last night
>>7484000 DJT rt parscale twat
>>7484117, >>7484118 houses passes path to citizenship bill for undocumented ag workers
>>7484106, >>7484048, >>7484166 Possible links between 'Finders' cult, BCCI & Maxwell sisters' Information on Demand (Amazing Polly vid)
>>7484146 Senate Homeland Security & Gov't Affairs Committee: Horowitz will appear Dec. 18 in a hearing on "DOJ OIG FISA Report: Methodology, Scope, and Findings."
>>7484204 Over a Dozen Arrested in Arizona Sex Trafficking Bust
>>7484270 #9572
>>7483470 COC side by sides
>>7483453 Obsma
>>7483429, >>7483461 Muh Condition just got his bail hiked!
>>7483424 Dynatrace CEO, CFO/Treasurer and Sr. Vp sold $16.27m-Dec 10
>>7483323 The agency approved Page as an "operational contact" from 2008 to 2013, according to the report.
>>7483313 Chilean Air Force Discovers Debris Believed to be From Missing C-130 Aircraft
>>7483220, >>7483462 #QPosts no 96 onto center stage
>>7483072, >>7483133, >>7483086 AWAN = AVVAN, Fri the 13th
>>7483041 Grassley knew OCR issues in 2017
>>7483030, >>7483255 Rot Child unhappy about Judaism being nationalism!
>>7483023 Nearly 150 CEOs departed in November, putting 2019 on track to be record year for executive exits
>>7483012 HMCS CALGARY still in the San Diego OPAREA, now reports herself stopped, as in Dead-in-the-water. Three USN vessels are in the vicinity Boatfag on it!
>>7483001 The United States was warned Wednesday by the United Nations it cannot avoid compensating poorer nations hit by climate change,
>>7482993 Federal Judge Blocks Pentagon Funds Targeted for Border Wall
>>7483006, >>7482866 Vet wormers for human cancer pdf
>>7482984 Moar Pissgate
>>7482972 it's a busy day but U2's and B-52's
>>7482927 Peter Navarro Highlights Case For More China Tariffs In Memo
>>7482914, >>7483017 Fake news, these reporters all lied about the Steele dossier
>>7482902 U2 covering LA to San Diego
>>7482885 EPA and Justice Department Announce $245 Million Agreement for Cleanup at the Allied Paper Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site
>>7482884 3 B52's near Amarillo. A 4th heading west is not on this graphic.
>>7482872 Three Men Arrested In NJ For Running Alleged $722 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme
>>7482842 Bill Clinton Weighs in on Trump Impeachment Coup, 'Congress is Doing Their Job' (VIDEO)
>>7482834 Pelosi: Impeachment Has Been Going on 'Two and a Half Years, Actually'
>>7482552, >>7482563, >>7482585, >>7482617, >>7482642, >>7482676 OCR digg, con't.
>>7482321, >>7482371, >>7482464, >>7482476 Dig on government OCR and evidence of systematic fuckery
>>7483537 #9571
Previously Collected Notables
>>7480470 #9567, >>7481254 #9568, >>7482019 #9569, >>7482755 #9570
>>7478326 #9563, >>7478167 #9564, >>7478939 #9565, >>7479700 #9566
>>7474343 #9559, >>7478356 #9560, >>7478346 #9561, >>7478338 #9562
>>7471277 #9555, >>7472065 #9556, >>7472818 #9557, >>7473591 #9558
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7483545 at 2019-12-11 22:39:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9572: Killin it With a Smile!! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7483470 COC side by sides
>>7483453 Obsma
>>7483429, >>7483461 Muh Condition just got his bail hiked!
>>7483424 Dynatrace CEO, CFO/Treasurer and Sr. Vp sold $16.27m-Dec 10
>>7483323 The agency approved Page as an "operational contact" from 2008 to 2013, according to the report.
>>7483313 Chilean Air Force Discovers Debris Believed to be From Missing C-130 Aircraft
>>7483220, >>7483462 #QPosts no 96 onto center stage
>>7483072, >>7483133, >>7483086 AWAN = AVVAN, Fri the 13th
>>7483041 Grassley knew OCR issues in 2017
>>7483030, >>7483255 Rot Child unhappy about Judaism being nationalism!
>>7483023 Nearly 150 CEOs departed in November, putting 2019 on track to be record year for executive exits
>>7483012 HMCS CALGARY still in the San Diego OPAREA, now reports herself stopped, as in Dead-in-the-water. Three USN vessels are in the vicinity Boatfag on it!
>>7483001 The United States was warned Wednesday by the United Nations it cannot avoid compensating poorer nations hit by climate change,
>>7482993 Federal Judge Blocks Pentagon Funds Targeted for Border Wall
>>7483006, >>7482866 Vet wormers for human cancer pdf
>>7482984 Moar Pissgate
>>7482972 it's a busy day but U2's and B-52's
>>7482927 Peter Navarro Highlights Case For More China Tariffs In Memo
>>7482914, >>7483017 Fake news, these reporters all lied about the Steele dossier
>>7482902 U2 covering LA to San Diego
>>7482885 EPA and Justice Department Announce $245 Million Agreement for Cleanup at the Allied Paper Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site
>>7482884 3 B52's near Amarillo. A 4th heading west is not on this graphic.
>>7482872 Three Men Arrested In NJ For Running Alleged $722 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme
>>7482842 Bill Clinton Weighs in on Trump Impeachment Coup, 'Congress is Doing Their Job' (VIDEO)
>>7482834 Pelosi: Impeachment Has Been Going on 'Two and a Half Years, Actually'
>>7482552, >>7482563, >>7482585, >>7482617, >>7482642, >>7482676 OCR digg, con't.
>>7482321, >>7482371, >>7482464, >>7482476 Dig on government OCR and evidence of systematic fuckery
>>7483537 #9571
#7483537 at 2019-12-11 22:37:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9571: Hor Witz is Relative! Edition
>>7483470 COC side by sides
>>7483453 Obsma
>>7483429, >>7483461 Muh Condition just got his bail hiked!
>>7483424 Dynatrace CEO, CFO/Treasurer and Sr. Vp sold $16.27m-Dec 10
>>7483323 The agency approved Page as an "operational contact" from 2008 to 2013, according to the report.
>>7483313 Chilean Air Force Discovers Debris Believed to be From Missing C-130 Aircraft
>>7483220, >>7483462 #QPosts no 96 onto center stage
>>7483072, >>7483133, >>7483086 AWAN = AVVAN, Fri the 13th
>>7483041 Grassley knew OCR issues in 2017
>>7483030, >>7483255 Rot Child unhappy about Judaism being nationalism!
>>7483023 Nearly 150 CEOs departed in November, putting 2019 on track to be record year for executive exits
>>7483012 HMCS CALGARY still in the San Diego OPAREA, now reports herself stopped, as in Dead-in-the-water. Three USN vessels are in the vicinity Boatfag on it!
>>7483001 The United States was warned Wednesday by the United Nations it cannot avoid compensating poorer nations hit by climate change,
>>7482993 Federal Judge Blocks Pentagon Funds Targeted for Border Wall
>>7483006, >>7482866 Vet wormers for human cancer pdf
>>7482984 Moar Pissgate
>>7482972 it's a busy day but U2's and B-52's
>>7482927 Peter Navarro Highlights Case For More China Tariffs In Memo
>>7482914, >>7483017 Fake news, these reporters all lied about the Steele dossier
>>7482902 U2 covering LA to San Diego
>>7482885 EPA and Justice Department Announce $245 Million Agreement for Cleanup at the Allied Paper Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site
>>7482884 3 B52's near Amarillo. A 4th heading west is not on this graphic.
>>7482872 Three Men Arrested In NJ For Running Alleged $722 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme
>>7482842 Bill Clinton Weighs in on Trump Impeachment Coup, 'Congress is Doing Their Job' (VIDEO)
>>7482834 Pelosi: Impeachment Has Been Going on 'Two and a Half Years, Actually'
>>7482552, >>7482563, >>7482585, >>7482617, >>7482642, >>7482676 OCR digg, con't.
>>7482321, >>7482371, >>7482464, >>7482476 Dig on government OCR and evidence of systematic fuckery
#7483404 at 2019-12-11 22:13:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9571: Hor Witz is Relative! Edition
>>7483323 The agency approved Page as an "operational contact" from 2008 to 2013, according to the report.
>>7483313 Chilean Air Force Discovers Debris Believed to be From Missing C-130 Aircraft
>>7483220 #QPosts no 96 onto center stage
>>7483072, >>7483133, >>7483086 AWAN = AVVAN, Fri the 13th
>>7483041 Grassley knew OCR issues in 2017
>>7483030, >>7483255 Rot Child unhappy about Judaism being nationalism!
>>7483023 Nearly 150 CEOs departed in November, putting 2019 on track to be record year for executive exits
>>7483012 HMCS CALGARY still in the San Diego OPAREA, now reports herself stopped, as in Dead-in-the-water. Three USN vessels are in the vicinity Boatfag on it!
>>7483001 The United States was warned Wednesday by the United Nations it cannot avoid compensating poorer nations hit by climate change,
>>7482993 Federal Judge Blocks Pentagon Funds Targeted for Border Wall
>>7483006, >>7482866 Vet wormers for human cancer pdf
>>7482984 Moar Pissgate
>>7482972 it's a busy day but U2's and B-52's
>>7482927 Peter Navarro Highlights Case For More China Tariffs In Memo
>>7482914, >>7483017 Fake news, these reporters all lied about the Steele dossier
>>7482902 U2 covering LA to San Diego
>>7482885 EPA and Justice Department Announce $245 Million Agreement for Cleanup at the Allied Paper Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site
>>7482884 3 B52's near Amarillo. A 4th heading west is not on this graphic.
>>7482872 Three Men Arrested In NJ For Running Alleged $722 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme
>>7482842 Bill Clinton Weighs in on Trump Impeachment Coup, 'Congress is Doing Their Job' (VIDEO)
>>7482834 Pelosi: Impeachment Has Been Going on 'Two and a Half Years, Actually'
>>7482552, >>7482563, >>7482585, >>7482617, >>7482642, >>7482676 OCR digg, con't.
>>7482321, >>7482371, >>7482464, >>7482476 Dig on government OCR and evidence of systematic fuckery
#7483313 at 2019-12-11 21:59:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9571: Hor Witz is Relative! Edition
Chilean Air Force Discovers Debris Believed to be From Missing C-130 Aircraft
Chilean officials announced Wednesday afternoon they had located debris from a Chilean Air Force C-130 transport that disappeared the previous day while bound for Antarctica.
While conducting a search for signs of the propeller-driven airplane on Wednesday, the Chilean ship Antarctic Endeavor discovered sponge remains floating in the sea roughly 30 kilometers from where the C-130 was last seen on radar, according to an announcement by the Chilean Air Force.
The sponges are believed to have been attached to the plane's fuel tanks, which are located inside its wing ponds. However, the items are being returned to the mainland for further analysis, according to the press release.
Carrying 17 crew and 21 passengers, the C-130 took off from Chile's Punta Arenas on Tuesday afternoon, bound for a military installation on King George Island, just off the coast of Antarctica and about 770 miles southeast of their departure point. However, they didn't make it there, disappearing about 450 miles into the trip, while over the Drake Passage, according to the BBC.
Chilean Air Force Gen. Eduardo Mosqueira told local reporters the plane never activated a distress beacon before suddenly dropping off radar. While the waterway is often treacherous, weather was reportedly clear and calm on Tuesday.
Earlier on Wednesday, US Southern Command announced it was dispatching a P-8 Poseidon electronic surveillance aircraft to Punta Arenas from its base in El Salvador to help aid in the search effort.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Chile and with the families of the missing as we join other regional partners supporting Chile's ongoing search for the C-130, its crew and their passengers," SOUTHCOM commander US Navy Adm. Craig Faller said in a press release.
Built by the Lockheed since the 1950s, the heavy-lifting aircraft has been in service continually ever since, serving in dozens of nations and filling a wide variety of roles, from transport to fire fighting to close air support gunship.
#7478370 at 2019-12-11 04:40:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9565: Post-Rally Feelz Good Edition
A military plane has disappeared en route to Antarctica
38 people were on board says Chile's air force.
The C-130 Hercules transport aircraft took off from Punta Arenas at 16:55 local time (19:55 GMT), and operators lost contact at 18:13 (21:13).
Those missing include 17 crew and 21 passengers.
#7475878 at 2019-12-10 23:46:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9561: One for the Barr!! Edition
CNN)A Chilean Air Force plane with 38 people aboard that went missing Monday night on its way to Antarctica is presumed to have crashed, said the Air Force on Tuesday.
"The plane is presumed to have crashed, given that the amount of fuel and the plane's autonomy had already run out. Given that, it is already assumed that the plane has crashed," said Gen. Francisco Torres in a televised press conference.
The C-130 Hercules aircraft had departed from the Chilean capital of Santiago and stopped briefly in Punta Arenas near the country's southern tip, the Chilean Air Force said in a statement. The four-engine aircraft then continued toward the country's Antarctic base before losing radio contact around 6 p.m. local time near the Drake Passage, the body of water between the tip of South America and Antarctica.
Its last known position was about 390 nautical miles from Punta Arenas and 280 nautical miles from the Antarctic base, according to the Air Force.
There were 17 crew members
and 21 other passengers on board, who were on their way to perform "logistical support tasks" such as repairing the floating oil pipeline that provides fuel for the base, said the Air Force.
In addition to crew members, the plane was also carrying personnel from the armed forces, an engineering firm, and the University of Magallanes.
After the plane lost contact, the Air Force declared a state of alert and mobilized a search and rescue team, activating Air Force resources in Santiago and the Magallanes region in southern Chile. President Sebastian Pinera tweeted on Tuesday that he was conferring with security officials in Cerrillos to monitor the rescue operation.
#7473251 at 2019-12-10 17:22:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9558: Read The Transcripts! Edition
Chilean military transport plane with 38 people onboard declared 'crashed' after vanishing en route to Antarctica
A search and rescue operation was launched after a Chilean military transport aircraft carrying 38 passengers and crew had gone missing, losing radio contact on its way to a base in Antarctica.
The aircraft is considered to have "crashed" because it would have run out of fuel by now and could not fly any longer, the Director of Operations of the Chilean Air Force, Brigadier General Francisco Torres told reporters.
But there is "always a possibility" that it has managed to land somewhere, he said, adding that the plane did not send any distress calls.
The C-130 Hercules transport craft took off the Chabunco Air Base in the city of Punta Arenas in Chile's far south at 4:55pm local time on Monday, and completely went off the radar about an hour later. It was flying on a routine support and maintenance mission to the Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Air Base in Antarctica, and had 38 people on board.
President Sebastian Pinera declared a search and rescue operation with the focus on finding potential survivors. The whereabouts of the plane are still unknown.
The Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Air Base is the largest of Chile's four permanent installations on the icy continent, where the country claims a slice of territory covering the South Shetland Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula, and several other adjacent islands.
The base is supported by the tiny commune of Villa Las Estrellas, which has a population of about 150 in the summer - between October and February - and only 80 for the rest of the year.
#7472834 at 2019-12-10 16:11:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9558: Read The Transcripts! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7472736 TL;DR on 17 findings from IG FISA report, condensed from JS article
>>7472697 Carter Page says he will file lawsuit against FBI (Sara Carter)
>>7472690 ((Obamas)) "charitable work" with young girls in Vietnam
>>7472569, >>7472621 Pelosi Announces Democrats Will FINALLY Vote USMCA
>>7472607, >>7472304 RE_READ Drops: Reorganization of intel agencies
>>7472536, >>7472549 CA man arrested on gun charges over videos showing apparent mass shooting practice
>>7472480 DJT: Read the Transcripts!
>>7472390 Wisconsin National Guard Leader Resigns in Wake of Sex Assault Review
>>7472424 DJT: Shifty Schiff, a totally corrupt politician, made up a horrible and fraudulent statement…
>>7472415 Flock of over 50 native birds die after falling from sky bleeding from eyes (news.com.au)
>>7472365, >>7472372 DJT: Nadler and the Dems know this, but refuse to acknowledge! WITCH HUNT!
>>7472293 Lindsey Graham: FBI Ran 'Criminal Enterprise to Defraud the FISA Court' (Breitbart)
>>7472284, >>7472294 Corn digs: Bezos's Corn Ranch spaceport
>>7472282 Misspellings matter, stage must be set
>>7472279 DJT: Looking like very good Democrat support for USMCA.
>>7472277 Chinese gene editing digs
>>7472264, >>7472268 DJT: America's great USMCA Trade Bill is looking good
>>7472229, >>7472408 House D's announce abuse of power and obstruction of Congress articles of impeachment
>>7472222 Ukraine and Russia agree to implement ceasefire (BBC)
>>7472205 France fines Morgan Stanley $22 million for bond manipulation (Reuters)
>>7472203 As Falls Victoria, so falls Victoria Falls-Victoria Falls dries to a trickle-from dec 6
>>7472668 Payseur dig
>>7472178, >>7472121, >>7472484, >>7472628, >>7472512 Biden, Seneca, Ukraine, Vanderbilt, Clintons, Belmont, Rothschilds, Whitney, Vanderbilt, Churchill
>>7472156 Dig on Johnny Lange (pb notable) Epstein video
>>7472149, >>7472169, >>7472177, >>7472314 POTUS blasts Wray for backing IG report that 2016 campaign probe was justified
>>7472134, >>7472273 Information warfare
>>7472125, >>7472127, >>7472154, >>7472209, >>7472357 moar Corney digs
>>7472172, >>7472196, >>7472238 Grassley and Nunes Corn Harvest tweets
>>7472118, >>7472269 Apply The KEYSTONE (Corney / Comey) drop#'s 167,270 keystone
>>7472117, >>7472336 Remember Corney twats standing in corn fields?
>>7472110, >>7472212 Putin: Maybe Ukrainians, Tartars, or Jews behind US election interference (CNN)
>>7472092, >>7472352, >>7472430, >>7472369 DEF CON 27 Conference (from Nov) - your location is being sold
>>7472818 #9557
>>7471944, >>7471965, >>7471923, >>7471630, >>7471985, >>7472005, >>7472022, >>7472044 moar Corney digs
>>7471941 Massive, oversized "17" on Fox ("17 significant inaccuracies or omissions")
>>7471753, >>7471775, >>7471830, >>7471892 Misspellings matter (fds)
>>7471835, >>7471838 New PDJT - did NOTHING wrong
>>7471798 New PDJT - "I can't remember anything quite like this" (the I.G. Report)
>>7471769 New PDJT - I don't know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading
>>7471748 New PDJT: Fisa Court taken for a ride. "Beautiful Ohr family." "17 Instances"
>>7471687 Johnny Lange interview: Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton Mafia, Lolita Express ~2 hour vid.
>>7471629, >>7471632 Call to Dig on "The Report" - Daniel Jones torture project for DiFi
>>7471597 (Bun) Anon Graphics: update on "1st & 10 on the 40"
>>7471550 Chilean C-130 Hercules en route to Antarctica disappears with 38 on board - 17 passenger coincidence?
>>7471470, >>7471548 Jun 8, 2017 James Comey on General Flynn - @ 41:45 "Something big is about to happen"
>>7471399 Anon analysis - Horowitz inspected. Now Huber and Durham can prosecute.
>>7471379 Tulsi Gabbard will not participate in Dec. 19th debate
>>7471360, >>7471523, >>7471556 Bush Grandson, Pierce, running in the Texas 22nd District (Houston)
>>7472065 #9556
Previously Collected Notables
>>7471277 #9555
>>7468209 #9551, >>7468992 #9552, >>7469727 #9553, >>7470497 #9554
>>7465174 #9547, >>7465920 #9548, >>7466684 #9549, >>7467412 #9550
>>7462076 #9543, >>7462797 #9544, >>7463608 #9545, >>7464390 #9546
>>7459009 #9539, >>7459771 #9540, >>7460528 #9541, >>7461315 #9542
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7472074 at 2019-12-10 13:43:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9557: POTUS Did Nothing Wrong Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7471944, >>7471965, >>7471923, >>7471630, >>7471985, >>7472005, >>7472022, >>7472044 moar Corney digs
>>7471941 Massive, oversized "17" on Fox ("17 significant inaccuracies or omissions")
>>7471753, >>7471775, >>7471830, >>7471892 Misspellings matter (fds)
>>7471835, >>7471838 New PDJT - did NOTHING wrong
>>7471798 New PDJT - "I can't remember anything quite like this" (the I.G. Report)
>>7471769 New PDJT - I don't know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading
>>7471748 New PDJT: Fisa Court taken for a ride. "Beautiful Ohr family." "17 Instances"
>>7471687 Johnny Lange interview: Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton Mafia, Lolita Express ~2 hour vid.
>>7471629, >>7471632 Call to Dig on "The Report" - Daniel Jones torture project for DiFi
>>7471597 (Bun) Anon Graphics: update on "1st & 10 on the 40"
>>7471550 Chilean C-130 Hercules en route to Antarctica disappears with 38 on board - 17 passenger coincidence?
>>7471470, >>7471548 Jun 8, 2017 James Comey on General Flynn - @ 41:45 "Something big is about to happen"
>>7471399 Anon analysis - Horowitz inspected. Now Huber and Durham can prosecute.
>>7471379 Tulsi Gabbard will not participate in Dec. 19th debate
>>7471360, >>7471523, >>7471556 Bush Grandson, Pierce, running in the Texas 22nd District (Houston)
>>7472065 #9556
>>7470611 Trump Beats Border-Crisis: Illegal Crossings Crash To Lowest Since 2013
>>7470647 Victor Sheymov, among Cold War's most important KGB defectors, dies at 73
>>7470707 Confidential documents reveal U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan- consider the source...(yes I read it)
>>7470709, >>7470740, >>7470944, >>7470945 Comey searches as Corney letter+ .mil domain+.gov
>>7470738, >>7470787 anons: "I think the clock has started". nommed twice so in..nb can decide
>>7470757, >>7470788 Today is the 1054th day since POTUS' inauguration: POTUS' tweet 1054 and Drop #1054
>>7470950 Pierce Bush, >>7470972 (Neil Bush son) announces run for House from Texas's 22nd district
>>7471010 Merriam-Webster declares 'they' its 2019 word of the year :/
>>7471013 Russia banned from 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup
>>7471078 Project Looking Glass: Area 51 project or a reference to Alice Through the Looking Glass?
>>7471110 Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang teeter on debate bubble
>>7471121 Maryland officer charged with raping two women, sexually assaulting a third
>>7471147 Paul Volker, Ex Fed Chair, Dies at 92
>>7471179 DeSantis: Pensacola Naval base shooter took advantage of 'federal loophole' to get gun
>>7471253 Comey Statement (complete document) see >>7470707, >>7470709, >>7470740
>>7471241 US Army: #PersonalCourage has long been associated with our US Army (missing T in "mortal fear" > "moral" fear)
>>7471277 #9555
>>7469920 Article from Newsweek from 4/18/19: Comey spelled as Corney
>>7470048, >>7470156, >>7470208, >>7470457 more Corney
>>7470024, >>7470180, >>7470259 38 Chileans on their way to Antarctica lost contact
>>7470467, >>7470478 New DJT RT tweetstorm
>>7470387 anon on a video Trump responds to IG report on FBI Russia probe - plus, plus, plus @ 6:50
>>7470497 #9554
Previously Collected Notables
>>7468209 #9551, >>7468992 #9552, >>7469727 #9553
>>7465174 #9547, >>7465920 #9548, >>7466684 #9549, >>7467412 #9550
>>7462076 #9543, >>7462797 #9544, >>7463608 #9545, >>7464390 #9546
>>7459009 #9539, >>7459771 #9540, >>7460528 #9541, >>7461315 #9542
>>7455965 #9535, >>7456531 #9536, >>7458522 #9537, >>7458532 #9538
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7472065 at 2019-12-10 13:40:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9556: Economy Surges Ahead as Dems Fall Behind Edition
>>7471944, >>7471965, >>7471923, >>7471630, >>7471985, >>7472005, >>7472022, >>7472044 moar Corney digs
>>7471941 Massive, oversized "17" on Fox ("17 significant inaccuracies or omissions")
>>7471753, >>7471775, >>7471830, >>7471892 Misspellings matter (fds)
>>7471835, >>7471838 New PDJT - did NOTHING wrong
>>7471798 New PDJT - "I can't remember anything quite like this" (the I.G. Report)
>>7471769 New PDJT - I don't know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading
>>7471748 New PDJT: Fisa Court taken for a ride. "Beautiful Ohr family." "17 Instances"
>>7471687 Johnny Lange interview: Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton Mafia, Lolita Express ~2 hour vid.
>>7471629, >>7471632 Call to Dig on "The Report" - Daniel Jones torture project for DiFi
>>7471597 (Bun) Anon Graphics: update on "1st & 10 on the 40"
>>7471550 Chilean C-130 Hercules en route to Antarctica disappears with 38 on board - 17 passenger coincidence?
>>7471470, >>7471548 Jun 8, 2017 James Comey on General Flynn - @ 41:45 "Something big is about to happen"
>>7471399 Anon analysis - Horowitz inspected. Now Huber and Durham can prosecute.
>>7471379 Tulsi Gabbard will not participate in Dec. 19th debate
>>7471360, >>7471523, >>7471556 Bush Grandson, Pierce, running in the Texas 22nd District (Houston)
#7471930 at 2019-12-10 13:03:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9556: Economy Surges Ahead as Dems Fall Behind Edition
>>7471753, >>7471775, >>7471830, >>7471892 Misspellings matter (fds)
>>7471835, >>7471838 New PDJT - did NOTHING wrong
>>7471798 New PDJT - "I can't remember anything quite like this" (the I.G. Report)
>>7471769 New PDJT - I don't know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading
>>7471748 New PDJT: Fisa Court taken for a ride. "Beautiful Ohr family." "17 Instances"
>>7471687 Johnny Lange interview: Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton Mafia, Lolita Express ~2 hour vid.
>>7471629, >>7471632 Call to Dig on "The Report" - Daniel Jones torture project for DiFi
>>7471597 (Bun) Anon Graphics: update on "1st & 10 on the 40"
>>7471550 Chilean C-130 Hercules en route to Antarctica disappears with 38 on board - 17 passenger coincidence?
>>7471470, >>7471548 Jun 8, 2017 James Comey on General Flynn - @ 41:45 "Something big is about to happen"
>>7471399 Anon analysis - Horowitz inspected. Now Huber and Durham can prosecute.
>>7471379 Tulsi Gabbard will not participate in Dec. 19th debate
>>7471360, >>7471523, >>7471556 Bush Grandson, Pierce, running in the Texas 22nd District (Houston)
#7471812 at 2019-12-10 12:28:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9556: Economy Surges Ahead as Dems Fall Behind Edition
>>7471804 Here are the notes so far. TY anon. Will also post an updated pastebin w/notes included.
>>7471360, >>7471523, >>7471556 Bush Grandson, Pierce, running in the Texas 22nd District (Houston)
>>7471379 Tulsi Gabbard will not participate in Dec. 19th debate
>>7471399 Anon analysis - Horowitz inspected. Now Huber and Durham can prosecute.
>>7471470, >>7471548 Jun 8, 2017 James Comey on General Flynn - @ 41:45 "Something big is about to happen"
>>7471550 Chilean C-130 Hercules en route to Antarctica disappears with 38 on board - 17 passenger coincidence?
>>7471597 (Bun) Anon Graphics: update on "1st & 10 on the 40"
>>7471629, >>7471632 Call to Dig on "The Report" - Daniel Jones torture project for DiFi
>>7471687 Anon nom: "Johnny" interview: Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton Mafia, Lolita Express ~2 hour vid. (baker can't confirm)
>>7471748 New PDJT: Fisa Court taken for a ride. "Beautiful Ohr family." "17 Instances"
>>7471769 New PDJT - I don't know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading
>>7471798 New PDJT - "I can't remember anything quite like this" (the I.G. Report)
#7471737 at 2019-12-10 12:01:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9556: Economy Surges Ahead as Dems Fall Behind Edition
Notes @ ~400
Bread Still Ghosted. Baker lurking?
>>7471360, >>7471523, >>7471556 Bush Grandson, Pierce, running in the Texas 22nd District (Houston)
>>7471379 Tulsi Gabbard will not participate in Dec. 19th debate
>>7471399 Anon analysis - Horowitz inspected. Now Huber and Durham can prosecute.
>>7471470, >>7471548 Jun 8, 2017 James Comey on General Flynn - @ 41:45 "Something big is about to happen"
>>7471550 Chilean C-130 Hercules en route to Antarctica disappears with 38 on board - 17 passenger coincidence?
>>7471597 (Bun) Anon Graphics: update on "1st & 10 on the 40"
>>7471629, >>7471632 Call to Dig on "The Report" - Daniel Jones torture project for DiFi
>>7471687 Anon nom: "Johnny" interview: Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton Mafia, Lolita Express ~2 hour vid. (baker can't confirm)
#7471550 at 2019-12-10 09:37:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9556: Economy Surges Ahead as Dems Fall Behind Edition
A military plane with 38 people on board has disappeared en route to Antarctica, Chile's air force says.
The C-130 Hercules transport aircraft took off from Punta Arenas at 16:55 local time (19:55 GMT), and operators lost contact soon after 18:00 (21:00).
Those missing include 17 crew and 21 passengers.
They were travelling to provide logistical support to a military base on Antarctica's King George Island. A search-and-rescue mission is under way.
Air Force General Eduardo Mosqueira told local media that the plane did not activate any distress signal.
#7469997 at 2019-12-10 04:04:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9554: Dig For Red. The OIG Digest Edition
>Haudenosaunee confederacy
As the story goes, Dekanaweidah traveled between each of these warring tribes to spread a message of peace, friendship, and unity, but was not always met with understanding. The Eastern White Pine tree was known to them as "the tree of the Great Long Leaves," and Dekanaweidah used it as a symbol of his intentions. It was said to have four symbolic roots, the Great White Roots of Peace, which extended north, east, south and west.
Dekanaweidah planted an Eastern White Pine on the land of the Onondagas (in the present-day state of New York), and the chiefs of each tribe who agreed to be a part of the peace agreement would meet beneath its branches to talk about preserving The Great Peace. The clusters of five needles on each branch symbolize the Five Nations joined together as one.
"The Tree of Peace is an important symbol of peace in Iroquois tradition and in the historical record of diplomacy between the Iroquois and Westerners," says author and American anthropologist AC Parker in the book 'Certain Iroquois Tree Myths and Symbols. "Weapons would be buried under a tree to seal a peace agreement. A tree might even be uprooted to create a cavity for the weapons. The replanted tree on top would become a tree of peace."
tree of peace sealThe proliferation and long lives of the pine trees represent the passing of The Great Peace down from those first chiefs to their successors, keeping the pact alive long after they died. In essence, that first 'Tree of Peace' lives forever through the Eastern White Pine forests that remain throughout the Northeast United States today. The Eastern White Pine remains the centerpiece of the seal of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
#7469542 at 2019-12-10 03:10:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9553: Open Interior Gateway Router Edition
Chilean Military Aircraft Disappears With 38 on Board
According to the Chilean Air Force, the plane was heading to Antarctica to conduct logistical work.
The Chilean military aircraft has disappeared from radars on Monday, the Air Force confirmed.
"The Chilean Air Force reports that this afternoon a C-130 Hercules aircraft of the Aviation Group #10 took off at 04:55 p.m. and lost radio contact at 06:13 p.m [21:13 GMT]", the Monday release says.
The plane was carrying 38 people on board - 17 crew members and 21 passengers, the Air Force said.
A state of alert has been declared, and rescue teams have been activated by the authorities.
The aircraft was travelling from the city of Punta Arenas to the President Eduardo Frei Montalva Antarctica Air Base.
#7464011 at 2019-12-09 17:06:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9546: FISA Brings Down The House Edition
Two Colorado Springs-area men arrested in human trafficking operation in Eads
Two local men were arrested in separate incidents late last week as part of a multi-agency human trafficking, child sex exploitation and prostitution operation in the town of Eads, about 130 miles east of Colorado Springs.
#7462626 at 2019-12-09 13:21:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9544: Graveyard Reapers Rollin Edition
Sorry, trying to respond but in captcha hell. I will respond after this about fractals and water.
>Why is Christ exactly .618? Because that is the law of all fractals?
In essence, yes. That is the simple answer. It is like asking why is G the perfect 5th of C.
But a better answer would be found if you get a diagram of a LINE being dissected by PHI.
AB is to CD as CD is to AC. ←—–An Infinite Division of Perfect Self Symmetry.
And that is why our Enemies invert the Pentagram. This is WHY they hate us. They are INCAPABLE of REPENTING because they are INCAPABLE of Self Symmetry with the Creator. They are "fallen stars" with broken symmetry.
Nancy Pelosi can talk about "her heart full of love", but we all know better. Christ spoke of those who would only follow riches in life, and that life is WHAT they get, because they have no Eternal/Infinite life with God because they are not Self Symmetry with the One.
They do the WORKS of their Father. Their numbers are NOT PHI. In fact, they are the LUCAS numbers. Which in nature, creates THORNS and THISTLES. Think about this. They lifted Christ between TIME and SPACE, and placed upon Him, (the Perfect Self Symmetry with God), THORNS.
They crowned PHI with the LUCAS numbers.
These people are SICK.
#7460491 at 2019-12-09 03:13:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
#7460459 at 2019-12-09 03:09:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
AC/DC - Thunderstruck
#7460410 at 2019-12-09 03:02:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
'AC/DC - T.N.T.
#7459940 at 2019-12-09 02:09:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9541: Buckling Up And Buckling On The Armor Edition
Trump Boasts About Getting NATO Countries to Contribute $530 Billion More and US Less ...And Fake News Mocked Him!
America has never had such a dishonest and hate-filled mainstream media as it does today.
As Sean Hannity says, "The media is dead."
And, sadly, even many of the FOX News personalities have become intolerant Trump-bashers.
On Sunday President Trump pointed out how he was alone able to increase NATO contributions by $530 billion.
And he also pointed out how the unhinged and hateful media mocked him when he returned from the London meetings.
According to Tony Shaffer at Townhall - At the latest NATO summit in London this month, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the alliance is "making real progress" on burden-sharing, pointing out that Canada and the European allies have invested an additional $130 billion on defense since 2016, with the goal of increasing their defense spending by a combined $400 billion by 2024.
#7458539 at 2019-12-08 23:27:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9539: The Smocking Hawwwwt 2 Days Ahead Of Schedule Edition
New POTUS retweet!
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Daily Caller
Verified account
12h12 hours ago
CNN Receives Bad TV Rating For Speaker Pelosi Town Hall
130 replies337 retweets1,111 likes
Reply 130 Retweet 337 Like 1.1K
#7454970 at 2019-12-08 14:26:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9534: Slow Sunday Swing Shift Edition
Read this recently:
Didn't make either one of them out to be very clever. Was saddened by how Tesla was treated.
#7452764 at 2019-12-08 04:33:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9531:We are at critical mass! Let it Boom! Edition
planefags , where did that flock of c-130's go ?
#7452645 at 2019-12-08 04:15:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9531:We are at critical mass! Let it Boom! Edition
UID numbers on here are for posts, no count shown for total lurkers. Check out qmap.pub which regularly has 130-150,000 unique user hits each day.
#7447690 at 2019-12-07 18:39:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9525: ALL HANDS ON DECK! Edition
AC/DC - T.N.T. (from Live at River Plate)
#7444845 at 2019-12-07 05:46:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9521: Riders On The DDoS Storm. ALL FOR A LARP Edition
there was one last year, a C-130 I think and it said something like 89k. The speed was way off too. Been a few of those. You never know what's going on and they only let you see what they want you to.
#7444108 at 2019-12-07 03:35:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9520: Own The Nightshift Edition
An investment firm linked to Hunter Biden received over $130 million in federal bailout loans while his father Joe Biden was vice president and routed profits through a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, according to federal banking and corporate records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.
#7437263 at 2019-12-06 04:18:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9511: Roller Coaster Up and Down Edition
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book. [19]
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA[21] as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out to me.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
I did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#7433817 at 2019-12-05 20:03:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9507: Seething Nancy Panic "Don't mess with me" gone Fredo! Edition
interdasting digits
<130 400
>30 104
#7431475 at 2019-12-05 12:18:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9504: In the Nick of Time Edition
New POTUS tweet!
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
37s37 seconds ago
Tremendous things achieved for U.S. on my NATO trip. Proudly for our Country, no President has ever achieved so much in so little time. Without a U.S. increase, other countries have already increased by $130 Billion-with $400 Billion soon. Such a thing has never been done before!
17 replies12 retweets24 likes
Reply 17 Retweet 12 Like 24
#7428646 at 2019-12-04 23:48:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9500: As Above So Below! Read Notables Faggots! Edition
not unusual. AF1 flew over to the stan for thanksgiving showing as a KC-130 last week.
#7426771 at 2019-12-04 19:17:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9498: Enough With These Press Conferences Already -- POTUS Heading Home Edition
VIDEOS: US military conducts huge live-fire coordination, interoperability training on Hawaii island
Interoperability training among the nation's armed forces is occurring in Hawaii on an unprecedented scale - and China is the reason, defense experts say.
In the most recent example, two Air Force B-52 bombers, more than 1,500 Schofield Barracks soldiers, at least 30 Army helicopters and Arkansas-based C-130 cargo carriers deployed to Pohakuloa Training Area on Hawaii island for a 10-day "fire support coordination exercise."
#7426267 at 2019-12-04 18:12:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9497: Enough With These Press Conferences Already -- POTUS Heading Home Edition
Harvesting the Blood of America's Poor: The Latest Stage of Capitalism
Blood has become big business in the United States and there is no shortage of corporations ready to exploit America's most vulnerable populations in order to get a piece of the pie.
For much of the world, donating blood is purely an act of solidarity; a civic duty that the healthy perform to aid others in need. The idea of being paid for such an action would be considered bizarre. But in the United States, it is big business. Indeed, in today's wretched economy, where around 130 million Americans admit an inability to pay for basic needs like food, housing or healthcare, buying and selling blood is of the few booming industries America has left.
The number of collection centers in the United States has more than doubled since 2005 and blood now makes up well over 2 percent of total U.S. exports by value. To put that in perspective, Americans' blood is now worth more than all exported corn or soy products that cover vast areas of the country's heartland. The U.S. supplies fully 70 percent of the world's plasma, mainly because most other countries have banned the practice on ethical and medical grounds. Exports increased by over 13 percent, to $28.6 billion, between 2016 and 2017, and the plasma market is projected to "grow radiantly," according to one industry report. The majority goes to wealthy European countries; Germany, for example, buys 15 percent of all U.S. blood exports. China and Japan are also key customers.
It is primarily the plasma- a golden liquid that transports proteins and red and white blood cells around the body- that makes it so sought after. Donated blood is crucial in treating medical conditions such as anemia and cancer and is commonly required to perform surgeries. Pregnant women also frequently need transfusions to treat blood loss during childbirth. Like all maturing industries, a few enormous bloodthirsty companies, such as Grifols and CSL, have come to dominate the American market.
But in order to generate such enormous profits, these vampiric corporations consciously target the poorest and most desperate Americans. One study found that the majority of donors in Cleveland generate more than a third of their income from "donating" blood. The money they receive, notes Professor Kathryn Edin of Princeton University, is literally "the lifeblood of the $2 a day poor." Professor H. Luke Schaefer of the University of Michigan, Edin's co-author of $2 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, told MintPress News:
The massive increase in blood plasma sales is a result of an inadequate and in many places non-existent cash safety net, combined with an unstable labor market. Our experience is people need the money, that's the primary reason people show up at plasma centers."
Almost half of America is broke, and 58 percent of the country is living paycheck to paycheck, with savings of less than $1000. 37 million Americans go to bed hungry, including one-sixth of New Yorkers and almost half of South Bronx residents. And over half a million sleep on the streets on any given night, with many millions more in vehicles or relying on friends or family. It is in this context that millions in the red have turned to selling blood to make ends meet. In a very real sense then, these corporations are harvesting the blood of the poor, literally sucking the life out of them.
#7424518 at 2019-12-04 12:32:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9495: Captcha Hell is Real Edition
"On November 6, 1976, the Government Accounting Office (GAO) released the results of its investigation into similar events at four of twelve IHS areas (Albuquerque, Aberdeen, Oklahoma City, and Phoenix). Records verified that the IHS performed 3,406 sterilizations between 1973 and 1976.[4] "Tip of the iceberg" is indeed an appropriate metaphor. Per capita, this figure would be equivalent to sterilizing 452,000 non-Native American women.[5]Albuquerque contracted out their sterilizations to local, non-IHS physicians; therefore their region inaccurately added zero procedures to the government count. Independent research estimated that as many as 25-50% of Native American women were sterilized between 1970 and 1976.[6] Independent verifications were critical. The GAO did not interview a single women subjected to sterilization. The GAO also admitted that "contract" physicians were not required to comply with any federal regulations (including informed consent) in the context of these surgical procedures. Study of consent forms utilized revealed that three different forms were in use. It also appeared the "consent," in many instances, was obtained through coercion.
What may be the most disturbing aspect of the investigations followed: it was physicians and healthcare professionals in the IHS who coerced these women. It was they who abandoned their professional responsibility to protect the vulnerable through appropriate, non-eugenic indications for surgery and informed consent prior to the procedures. On a Navaho reservation alone, from 1972-1978, there was a 130% increase in abortions (a ratio of abortions per 1000 deliveries increasing from 34 to 77).[7] The same study demonstrated that between 1972 and 1978, sterilization procedures went from 15.1% to 30.7% of total female surgeries on that one reservation. Healthcare professionals' coercive tactics included the threat of withdrawing future healthcare provisions or custody of Native American children already born-if consent for sterilization was withheld.[8] The scandal of this replay of earlier twentieth century eugenic programs and genocidal tactics led to a congressional hearing (Senator James Abourzek, Democrat, South Dakota), but little else in terms of publicity, justice, or public outcry. It has also not been scrutinized from a careful bioethical perspective."
#7422827 at 2019-12-04 03:51:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9492: CodeMonkey and @LimTheNick FTW Edition
What if Trump negotiate down to 130 mil and sent a check for $20 to every man woman and child? THEN send your bill.
#7422737 at 2019-12-04 03:39:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9492: CodeMonkey and @LimTheNick FTW Edition
Iran Orders U.S. to Pay $130 Billion in Reparations
The Iranian government has ordered the United States to pay some $130 billion in reparations to citizens it says have been harmed by the Trump administration's tough sanctions policy on Tehran, according to a Tuesday announcement by Iran's judiciary. Iran's demand for hard currency comes on the same day that its military leaders issued new threats to annihilate the United States, Israel, Britain, and Saudi Arabia. Both moves represent a further escalation in an already tense standoff between the Trump administration and Iranian mullahs.
Iranian leaders accused the United States and other Western powers of organizing a spate of popular anti-regime protests that have spread across Iran in recent weeks. The country's courts are now demanding that America pay a "$130 billion fine in damages caused by Washington's crimes to ordinary Iranian plaintiffs who have suffered from the unilateral policies of the White House and its destructive role in riots of last month," according to reports in the country's state-controlled media. Gholam Hossein Esmayeeli, a spokesman for Iran's judiciary, claimed on Tuesday that more than 360 separate complaints had been filed in Iranian courts against the United States for harm resulting from U.S. sanctions. Meanwhile, Iranian military leaders confirmed they will be holding joint war drills with China and Russia on Dec. 27. The confirmation of this major war exercise was accompanied by renewed threats of violence by Tehran's military brass.
Major General Hossein Salami, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, promised to "annihilate" the United States, Britain, Israel, and Saudi Arabia if these countries attempt any military action against Iran. "You have experienced our power in the battlefield and received a powerful slap across your face and could not respond; the world has come to observe some of these slaps, while it has not in some other cases, Salami was quoted as saying on Tuesday during a military rally. "You should wait. If you cross our redlines, we will annihilate you." The State Department did not respond to a request for comment on Iran's new cash demands.
Iran, Russia, China to Hold Joint Wargames in 'Message to the World'
#7421556 at 2019-12-03 23:40:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9491: Shills, shills everywhere! Dig, Meme, Pray! Edition
Opioid Producers Put Blame on Addicts
Opioid overdoses kill more than 130 people in the U.S. daily1 in an unprecedented crisis that continues to spiral out of control. The pharmaceutical companies behind these drugs are now facing mounting lawsuits, as it's become clear that they're the ones with blood on their proverbial hands, having pushed drugs on unsuspecting pain patients while knowing they were unsafe.
From 1999 to 2017, more than 702,000 people died from a drug overdose and, in 2017, this was a leading cause of injury-related deaths in the U.S. Of the 70,000 drug-overdose deaths that occurred that year, 68% involved opioids.2
Purdue Pharma, which manufactures OxyContin, was instrumental in driving up sales of the drug to close to $2 billion a year by 2004,3 and as it became clear that people were dying as a result, they engaged in every damage-control tactic they could think of, even suggesting that the only people dying from opioids were already drug addicts.
In a major exposé by ProPublica, the lengths Purdue Pharma went to downplay OxyContin's risks are revealed. In short, ProPublica senior reporter David Armstrong wrote, "OxyContin's makers delayed the reckoning for their role in the opioid crisis by funding think tanks, placing friendly experts on leading outlets, and deterring or challenging negative coverage."4
Doctor Behind Opioid Story Had Ties to Purdue Pharma
Today, the pharmaceutical industry's contribution to the opioid epidemic is well established, with even the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stating:5
"In the late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies reassured the medical community that patients would not become addicted to opioid pain relievers and healthcare providers began to prescribe them at greater rates.
Increased prescription of opioid medications led to widespread misuse of both prescription and non-prescription opioids before it became clear that these medications could indeed be highly addictive."
But in 2004, doctors were being singled out for overprescribing the drugs, with criminal charges pending against major prescribers. That year, psychiatrist Sally Satel wrote an essay titled "Doctors Behind Bars: Treating Pain is Now Risky Business," which was featured in The New York Times.6
While painting people who became addicted to painkillers as typically "a seasoned drug abuser with a previous habit involving pills, alcohol, heroin or cocaine," Satel cited a study suggesting OxyContin was rarely the only drug involved in opioid-related deaths and described an unnamed colleague who needed to prescribe large amounts of oxycodone to help patients get out of bed.
Satel was described as a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, but her many ties to Purdue Pharma were noticeably absent. "Among the connections revealed by emails and documents obtained by ProPublica," Armstrong wrote:7
" ... Purdue donated $50,000 annually to the institute, which is commonly known as AEI, from 2003 through this year, plus contributions for special events, for a total of more than $800,000. The unnamed doctor in Satel's article was an employee of Purdue, according to an unpublished draft of the story.
The study Satel cited was funded by Purdue and written by Purdue employees and consultants. And, a month before the piece was published, Satel sent a draft to Burt Rosen, Purdue's Washington lobbyist and vice president of federal policy and legislative affairs, asking him if it 'seems imbalanced.'"
#7421533 at 2019-12-03 23:35:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9491: Shills, shills everywhere! Dig, Meme, Pray! Edition
"Victims of violence inflicted by MS-13 gang activity can report their experience by calling a new FBI tipline that promises to protect callers' identities, Maryland's U.S. Attorney Robert Hur announced Tuesday in Greenbelt.
Maryland is the first state to announce the nationwide initiative, which urges victims of violence or individuals with information on the notoriously violent Salvadoran gang known as Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, to report information to the FBI through a secure, 24/7 tipline. Anne Arundel and Annapolis law enforcement have worked with federal officials on a sprawling racketeering case against more than two dozen suspected MS-13 members in the area."
#7419054 at 2019-12-03 16:27:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9488: Watch for Shenanigans as IG Report Looms Edition
New POTUS retweet!
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
The White House
Verified account
3h3 hours ago
President Trump has been fighting for increased burden sharing by NATO members, and it's working. Over $130 billion in new defense spending by member countries!
445 replies2,383 retweets7,745 likes
Reply 445 Retweet 2.4K Like 7.7K
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Q-Posts ANSWERS (7)
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001 Buckle up!
Answer: MILITARY.COM https://web.archive.org/web/20201019125334/https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/4HJ16JsJ
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: Video: Show Force Gilligan's Island Mosul Iraq Dec 04
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/LY7tHwzN
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001 `Batten down the hatches.
Answer: MILITARY.COM: ac-130 GUNSHIP LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT (REPOST) https://archive.vn/MD3r8 http://web.archive.org/web/20120301142203/https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/xJ4zwfCY
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: LASER PAINTING THE TARGET (3rd repost)
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/D8M86vRD
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001 A week to remember. [SCREENSHOT OF Q POST >>74 5-10-18 Conspiracy no more.]
Answer: filename: Dc4i0iCWsAAouoo.jpg MILITARY ac-130 GUNSHIP LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT (repost, 3rd time} Look how the laser targets the exact spot rowards which the weapons fire is needed 99% of the terrain is left untouched. Only the 1% that harbors the evil enemy iIs marked by the infrared laser beam which guides the cannon fire and missiles directly to the targets. 99% and 1% sound familiar to me What about you? Did Q use those numbers in another drop? Wouldn't it be great if Q provided a refresher class Just to help us study the important facts? It takes time to winnow through the barrel and find where all the rotten apples are hiding. But once you know where they are BOOM [F] BOOM [F] BOOM [F] BOOM [F] They're all gone!!!
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7821d7f36192e913e6a04eb40ac950c91fe01d9f1ef83404bb4df987502033ec.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/MnSHq69B SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/sM4X2kLN
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: Do you get the analogy of a LASER POINTER pointed at a target, followed by a hellish BOMBARDMENT? Who is the laser? (Q) Who will destroy the target? (Anons).
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/SJP4Cjyw
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: MILITARY.COM: ac-130 Gunship Lights up the Night 29 Jan 2008 | Posted by Charles Daniel An ac-130 gunship and UH-60 helicopter light up the night as troops on the ground work a laser illuminator. [THIS IS THE ORIGINAL OF THE VIDEO POSTED ON YOUTUBE BY TEXAS GUN TRUST (WITH THE BANNER AD) - VIDEO DOES NOT ARCHIVE WELL-SA]
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/HrrY0cPX
Open Answer: