8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (14,666)
#14968935 at 2021-11-10 19:29:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18937: Rittenhouse takes the Stand #WRWY #HoldTheLine III Edition
Welcome back OSS, I hope you're right about tomorrow
#14968770 at 2021-11-10 19:14:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18937: Rittenhouse takes the Stand #WRWY #HoldTheLine III Edition
OSS 4 minutes /qresearch/ Locked thread #14968622
#14968761 at 2021-11-10 19:13:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18937: Rittenhouse takes the Stand #WRWY #HoldTheLine III Edition
Hey faggot, you can't have two consecutives with the same name.
Get your mate OSS to fix this shit.
#14968722 at 2021-11-10 19:08:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18937: Rittenhouse takes the Stand #WRWY #HoldTheLine III Edition
If this was QR 2020 this would be an OG QR Bakeoff.
That's OSS bread on the left and doc/tranime bread on the right.
#14964887 at 2021-11-10 05:36:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18932: FAUCI THE UNFLUSHABLE TURD Edition
We are now energetically aligned
#14956601 at 2021-11-09 03:44:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18921: Into the Night, Patriots Fight Edition
LMFAO, OSS banned me once for posting this image
#14948673 at 2021-11-08 04:06:24 (UTC+1)
#18910 Fortune Favors The Brave Edition
You are not aligned, you are delusional and destructive. If everything turns to shit, the common denominator is in the mirror. You can't rehab what was never right to begin with. We know you. It's like watching someone drown in slow motion while they're smiling and yelling that they're fine and actually the world champion lifeguard. Yes, it really is that bad..and absurd.
It's time to wrap this up. No more OSS, no more Baby Q, no more K, no more enlighten guru, no more BV, no more lies. Just.stop.lying…about everything.
#14947608 at 2021-11-08 01:21:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18908: America Waking Up - Not Going To Take It Edition
show BVs
>there is only OSS
#14933928 at 2021-11-06 01:32:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18891: Into The Night Patriots Fight - Comfy Edition
>I had to wake up from a proper nap
Way to go, -BakerT.
I made up a perfectly good story to explain your absence earlier about how you were at HH with OSS and poof you just outed me as being a writer for RRN.
#14884984 at 2021-10-30 09:03:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18828: ENTER THE SANDMAN Edition
>abandoned ship
it was brutal once fj threw in with OSS
bakers did everything pOSSible and then some
total respect for bakers and all they do
both then and now
#14882998 at 2021-10-30 01:15:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18826: United We Stand Edition
it's just kinda demoralizing to realize that /cbts/ has completely taken control once again
i mean i get it, you kikes are paid well to do this and it was a helluva fight but
for those that haven't been checking in recently it is definitely shocking to see a complete redux of /cbts/ on this board
but hey, you played it tight
you got the BO from /cbts/ to oust 8bit
you got aflb to bv as OSS
and here you are, baking as always and handing off to yourself
there was only so much a ragtag group of shitposters could do against coordinated subversion and honestly i think we did quite well over the last 4 years
but, here you are, at the end, so now the question is, what do you do with it?
bring in microchip again and make some Q posts?
push the newsbot tracy beanz crew to get some click bait?
it'll be interesting to watch you people moving forward
#14877156 at 2021-10-29 06:30:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18818: Q The 4th Is With You And Q+ Edition
It's okay OSS, your secret is safe with me
#14877130 at 2021-10-29 06:19:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18818: Q The 4th Is With You And Q+ Edition
Oh hai OSS, been awhile hasn't it buddy boy?
you know you wanna show us your glow-ID
Doit doit doit doit doit doit doit doit doit
#14875840 at 2021-10-29 01:48:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18817: We're Getting The Board Back Together Again ?Edition
old school OSS/aflb up in this bread
#14874352 at 2021-10-28 21:56:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18815: Comfy Q Day Celebration Edition
>where are the chess-shills ?
>where are the christ-fags and bible-fags ?
>where is the pig ?
>where is OSS ?
>where is e-bot and finkelstein and muh-jew ?
>where is muh-dick ?
>where is Freddy ?
>where is Toots ?
>where are the attack and division shills ?
>where is the gore-porn ?
>where are the glow-nigga's ?
Ubi sunt (literally "where are… [they]") is a rhetorical question taken from the Latin Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt?, meaning "Where are those who were before us?" Ubi nunc…? ("Where now?") is a common variant.[1]
Sometimes interpreted to indicate nostalgia, the ubi sunt motif is actually a meditation on mortality and life's transience.
Ubi sunt is a phrase which originally derived from a passage in the book of Baruch (3:16-19) in the Vulgate Latin Bible beginning Ubi sunt principes gentium? "Where are the princes of the nations?" It became commonplace in medieval literature.
Old English
A general feeling of ubi sunt radiates from the text of Beowulf. The Anglo-Saxons, at the point in their cultural evolution in which Beowulf was written, expressed in their poetry an inescapable feeling of doom, symptomatic of ubi sunt yearning. By conquering the Romanized Britons, they were faced with massive stone works and elaborate Celtic designs that seemed to come from a lost era of glory (called the "work of giants" in The Ruin).
Prominent ubi sunt Anglo-Saxon poems are The Wanderer, Deor, The Ruin, and The Seafarer (all part of a collection known as the Exeter Book, the largest surviving collection of Old English literature).[4]
The Wanderer most clearly exemplifies Ubi sunt poetry in its use of the erotema (the rhetorical question):
Hw?r cwom mearg? Hw?r cwom mago? Hw?r cwom ma??umgyfa?
Hw?r cwom symbla gesetu? Hw?r sindon seledreamas?
[…] Hu seo ?rag gewat,
genap under nihthelm, swa heo no w?re.[5]
Where is the horse gone? Where the rider? Where the giver of treasure?
Where are the seats at the feast? Where are the revels in the hall?
J. R. R. Tolkien begins Aragorn's poem Lament for the Rohirrim (in The Two Towers) with the phrase taken from the Anglo-Saxon Wanderer and continues with a series of Ubi sunt motifs
#14874164 at 2021-10-28 21:22:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18815: Comfy Q Day Celebration Edition
where are the chess-shills ?
where are the christ-fags and bible-fags ?
where is the pig ?
where is OSS ?
where is e-bot and finkelstein and muh-jew ?
where is muh-dick ?
where is Freddy ?
where is Toots ?
where are the attack and division shills ?
where is the gore-porn ?
where are the glow-nigga's ?
It's too quiet
#14873951 at 2021-10-28 20:45:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
>You and OSS pretty close huh?
Nah I think OSS lost interest when he realized anime wasn't a minor
#14873934 at 2021-10-28 20:43:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
proton is free. So is Tunnel Bear and a dozen others. You and OSS pretty close huh?
#14873925 at 2021-10-28 20:41:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
Lol I remember seeing that one when I used Proton.
Hey OSS shill team 6!
We know you're here.
Why don't you lay out some more permabans for old time sake?
Come on, man
#14873917 at 2021-10-28 20:39:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
That was just OSS going off on a good one.
It really isn't that complicated.
He has calmed down significantly.
#14873825 at 2021-10-28 20:21:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
I drove OSS nuts one day posting every research related twitter link I could pOSSibly find during a split bake in both at the same time. We were trying to get the anon bake up in post count, and we actually started gaining momentum over OSS' chosen bake. He got mega pissed, and nuked the other thread. Good news is, most of the notables were in both breads, and of the total notables I think I ended up with 85% of them. I'd never seen so many (you)s in a single bread before; LOL.
Was fun.
#14873805 at 2021-10-28 20:17:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
>Hate to break it to ya, but BV OSS ran a very distinct pattern for quite some time. Tranime called him out on it. Was an interesting day
Member that time they spammed gore to split my bake? Anon members
That was epic!
#14873779 at 2021-10-28 20:15:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
>Hate to break it to ya, but BV OSS ran a very distinct pattern for quite some time. Tranime called him out on it. Was an interesting day.
#14873778 at 2021-10-28 20:14:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18814: Major x-class solar flare - Solar Flare of class X1.0 Get Ready? Edition
>Baker… filtering
You filter. Anons filter. BVs and BO can ban/remove posts. Bakers can bake, but cannot remove unless baker is BV/BO.
Hate to break it to ya, but BV OSS ran a very distinct pattern for quite some time. Tranime called him out on it. Was an interesting day.
#14869620 at 2021-10-28 00:45:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18809: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy Edition
OSS is this you or one of the MR faggot clan ?
LOW energy shilling
keep the keks coming
#14858207 at 2021-10-26 02:42:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18794: MAGApalooza Edition
Oh hi OSS
#14857295 at 2021-10-26 00:37:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18793: Into the Night, PATRIOTS FIGHT Edition
Of course you're going to hate hearing this.
You're in an abusive relationship and the disgusting justifications you conjure up are pleas for your own damnation.
Used as a willing battery for the dark currents of manipulation spawned from qresearch.
The ones whom own the drumbeat:
The one this information was brought up to, and willfully ignored:
Jim watkins
The only patriot who was a part of the moderation team, whom has seen their vile actions first hand:
I was the one who kept them at bay.
I was the one removed for keeping them at bay.
I turned the suffering they inflicted upon me, unto your Understanding of their attacks.
Yet you still visit, and justify a thousand fold to remain a willing and damned battery that begs to be mind raped by those who you have no fucking idea how insidious they are.
The worst part, is that you help them affect all who don't visit the board.
At what point do you deserve what you bring upon yourselves~
#14855290 at 2021-10-25 18:40:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18790: Comfy Morning Shift Edition
>OSS returns
#14855019 at 2021-10-25 17:41:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18791: Locked Bread Reloaded Edition
>OSS returns
#14854186 at 2021-10-25 15:03:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18789: Go To Jail Then Go To Hell Edition
> but there was a time and OSS and I got along quite well.
Yea, before you started posting babydicks on the board and ruining the notes by notabling 751 posts a bread. You're no better than Doodle, you're just the last two of three retards left.
#14854174 at 2021-10-25 14:59:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18789: Go To Jail Then Go To Hell Edition
I don't think he was necessarily defending me, but there was a time and OSS and I got along quite well.
Besides, time goes on and there is no reason to be petty.
#14846060 at 2021-10-24 05:26:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18779: Keeping the Kitchen Klean Edition
We saw on Oct 23rd 2020, FJ brought on 5 extra "good folk, trust me":
babyfist [Forcefully removed from global mod position, but still part of "the group"]
This team then deployed a flood of 'Governing Channel Fuckery' with themes of a disney marriage to a gay satanic figure of bestiality.
Obama made a big speech during the height of this flood.
Fast forward to this year, Sept 20th when they deployed images that flooded the minds caught in the hive with dopamine, to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.
Then again on Oct 4th:
Have we talked about how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer?
Because I think it's important we discuss how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer.
An action-reducing deployment to protect the kill-shot, exactly like what took place on the boards Sept 20th.
Then again, just these past few days..
A pattern repeated is a behavior understood. No?
FJ's team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", deploy images to force change your internal beliefs.
They want you vaxxxed, yet the very edge of our movement - citizen journalists and focused minds, know well it's genocidal.
Why do you trust this board?
It is different than what was started.
#14845904 at 2021-10-24 04:51:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18778: Nothing Stops the EBAKE Edition
faggot OSS obviously
#14842366 at 2021-10-23 19:02:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18774: Catch A Ride On The Comfefe Train Edition
Rhodes Scholarships groom teenage soldiers for Cecil Rhodes' 200-year British federalist plan to be the Anglo-Saxon "real rulers of the world"
Rhodes' Jesuit-inspired secret Round Table "Society" (1888) weaponized propaganda, psychiatry, wireless technology and banking with many fronts, most notably the Council on Foreign Relations today
Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner and Rothschilds established the modern framework 100 years ago using a racist, sexist, totalitarian "tail male" dynastic grip on power reaching back to the British East India Company (founded in 1600)
Instruments of this world hegemony: The Privy Council, The Round Table, 'Milner's Kindergarten,' De Beers, Fabian Society, Wall Street, Rhodes Scholarships, Pilgrim Society, Wellington House, Imperial War Cabinet (1917), BPS, Tavistock Institute, Frankfurt Institute, SOE, OSS, Stay-behind Units, C.I.A., CFR, WEF, EU, Rio Tinto, League of Nations, UN, SERCO, SES, OPIC, USAID, US State Dept, Integrity Initiative
#14834819 at 2021-10-22 17:06:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18765: Alec Baldwin Livefire Edition
Josh was moar of a QR 2018 e thing.
Daniel and him have been the longest running feud (even further back than OSS vs doc) in QR history.
#14824824 at 2021-10-21 03:51:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18753: TRUTH is a FORCE of NATURE: PDJT New Social Media Platform Edition
honestly the jews that OSS hired to take over this board are literal heroin addicts
you are just so fucking shit tier from our glory days it's depressing
but whatever
OSS gotta do what OSS jew gonna do
#14818275 at 2021-10-20 04:12:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18744: Russia Russia Russia, Ukraine x3 because they knew it was a SCAM Edition
I warned (You):
We saw on Oct 23rd 2020, FJ brought on 5 extra "good folk, trust me":
babyfist [Forcefully removed from global mod position, but still part of "the group"]
This team then deployed a flood of 'Governing Channel Fuckery' with themes of a disney marriage to a gay satanic figure of bestiality.
Obama made a big speech during the height of this flood.
Fast forward to this year, Sept 20th when they deployed images that flooded the minds caught in the hive with dopamine, to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.
Then again on Oct 4th:
Have we talked about how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer?
Because I think it's important we discuss how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer.
An action-reducing deployment to protect the kill-shot, exactly like what took place on the boards Sept 20th.
FJ's team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", deploy images to force change your internal beliefs.
They want you vaxxxed, yet the very edge of our movement - citizen journalists and focused minds, know well it's genocidal.
Why do you trust this board?
It is different than what was started.
The next full moon is October 20th 10:57 AM. "Hunter's Moon".
In the days leading up to the closest Full Moon before the veil between the two worlds is at is thinnest (Halloween)…
Watch Evil call in desperation for the help of their dark "lord"~
#14810508 at 2021-10-18 23:36:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18733: Sugar Edition
OSS at it again pffft
#14800088 at 2021-10-17 02:47:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18720: Consider the vastness of space Edition
We were asked about the "deaths". What if we s/h mirrored?
Who was Ferdinand Lammot "Peter" BELIN ? Born in Scranton, PA. Yale graduate 1936 was Naval Inteli FSO and or…OSS
Family of the Evermay estate in Georgetown
One sibling/child died of Leukemia, one a car accident and another complications from pneumonia HIV
#14799342 at 2021-10-17 00:48:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18719: Green Edition
how many times have you had to ip hop tonight OSS?
im pretty sure its just you me and these stupid fucks
#14799141 at 2021-10-17 00:12:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18719: Green Edition
your bots are terrible as always OSS
#14793973 at 2021-10-16 01:24:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18713:
actually the only thing keeping me going is that OSS and fastjack hate Q
if those dumb fucking kikes hate him then he must be something
no clue what, but it's better than the internet girlbOSSes that run everything
#14793961 at 2021-10-16 01:21:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18713:
>b..b…but OSS hates Gerbil?
kek, yeah
about that
#14793941 at 2021-10-16 01:18:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18713:
an actual anon bakes and gets 3 "tyb" and about 40 reeeee posts and then OSS locks their bread
but no, "we're" in control
fuckin lel
#14785163 at 2021-10-14 19:18:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18701: Start The Parade #FightLikeFlynn #HoldTheLine #GatherSupport Edition
NOTABLEthat no 'anons' find proof of 60+ years of weather tech, tied to OSS/paperclip AND Israel 'Notable"
#14784034 at 2021-10-14 15:23:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18700: Today We Fight For FREEDOM!!! #RecallARino #StartAnAudit Edition
#14764073 at 2021-10-11 07:45:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18673: Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist, It's a Press Release Edition
Security, Macintosh Firewalls, Unix Security, VIP Protection, SIG, sweep, Medco, TRD, TDR, sweeping, TELINT, Audiotel, Harvard, 1080H, SWS, Asset, Satellite imagery, force, Cypherpunks, Coderpunks, TRW, remailers, replay, redheads, RX-7, explicit, FLAME, Pornstars, AVN, Playboy, Anonymous, Sex, chaining, codes, Nuclear, 20, subversives, SLIP, toad, fish, data havens, unix, c, a, b, d, the, Elvis, quiche, DES, 1*, NATIA, NATOA, sneakers, counterintelligence, industrial espionage, PI, TSCI, industrial intelligence, H.N.P., Juiliett Class Submarine, Locks, loch, Ingram Mac-10, sigvoice, ssa, E.O.D., SEMTEX, penrep, racal, OTP, OSS, Blowpipe, CCS, GSA, Kilo Class, squib, primacord, RSP, Becker, Nerd, fangs, Austin, Comirex, GPMG, Speakeasy, humint, GEODSS, SORO, M5, ANC, zone, SBI, DSS, S.A.I.C., Minox, Keyhole, SAR, Rand Corporation, Wackenhutt, EO, Wackendude, mol, Hillal, GGL, CTU, botux, Virii, CCC, Blacklisted 411, Internet Underground, XS4ALL, Retinal Fetish, Fetish, Yobie, CTP, CATO, Phon-e, Chicago POSSe, l0ck, spook keywords, PLA, TDYC, W3, CUD, CdC, Weekly World News, Zen, World Domination, Dead, GRU, M72750, Salsa, 7, Blowfish, Gorelick, Glock, Ft. Meade, press-release, Indigo, wire transfer, e-cash, Bubba the Love Sponge, Digicash, zip, SWAT, Ortega, PPP, crypto-anarchy, AT&T, SGI, SUN, MCI, Blacknet, Middleman, KLM, Blackbird, plutonium, Texas, jihad, SDI, Uzi, Fort Meade, supercomputer, bullion, 3, Blackmednet, Propaganda, ABC, Satellite phones, Planet-1, cryptanalysis, nuclear, FBI, Panama, fissionable, Sears Tower, NORAD, Delta Force, SEAL, virtual, Dolch, secure shell, screws, Black-Ops, Area51, SABC, basement, data-haven, black-bag, TEMPSET, Goodwin, rebels, ID, MD5, IDEA, garbage, market, beef, Stego, unclassified, utopia, orthodox, Alica, SHA, Global, gorilla, Bob, Pseudonyms, MITM, Gray Data, VLSI, mega, Leitrim, Yakima, Sugar Grove, Cowboy, Gist, 8182, Gatt, Platform, 1911, Geraldton, UKUSA, veggie, 3848, Morwenstow, Consul, Oratory, Pine Gap, Menwith, Mantis, DSD, BVD, 1984, Flintlock, cybercash, government, hate, speedbump, illuminati, president, freedom, cocaine, $, Roswell, ESN, COS, E.T., credit card, b9, fraud, assasinate, virus, anarchy, rogue, mailbomb, 888, Chelsea, 1997, Whitewater, MOD, York, plutonium, William Gates, clone, BATF, SGDN, Nike, Atlas, Delta, TWA, Kiwi, PGP 2.6.2., PGP 5.0i, PGP 5.1, siliconpimp, Lynch, 414, Face, Pixar, IRIDF, eternity server, Skytel, Yukon, Templeton, LUK, Cohiba, Soros, Standford, niche, 51, H&K, USP, ^, sardine, bank, EUB, USP, PCS, NRO, Red Cell, Glock 26, snuffle, Patel, package, ISI, INR, INS, IRS, GRU, RUOP, GSS, NSP, SRI, Ronco, Armani, BOSS, Chobetsu, FBIS, BND, SISDE, FSB, BfV, IB, froglegs, JITEM, SADF, advise, TUSA, HoHoCon, SISMI, FIS, MSW, Spyderco, UOP, SSCI, NIMA, MOIS, SVR, SIN, advisors, SAP, OAU, PFS, Aladdin, chameleon man, Hutsul, CESID, Bess, rail gun, Peering, 17, 312, NB, CBM, CTP, Sardine, SBIRS, SGDN, ADIU, DEADBEEF, IDP, IDF, Halibut, SONANGOL, Flu, &, Loin, PGP 5.53, EG&G, AIEWS, AMW, WORM, MP5K-SD, 1071, WINGS, cdi, DynCorp, UXO, Ti, THAAD, package, chosen, PRIME, SURVIAC
(Continued 3/3)
#14762597 at 2021-10-11 01:36:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18671: Back For Another Dose Edition
i honestly wouldnt care if these faggots didn't take themselves so motherfucking seriously
but the fact that defango, 8bit, FastJack, and OSS/AFLB take themselves so god damned seriously essentially forces me to be a cunt
it's not my fault
their faggotry forces muh hand
#14762426 at 2021-10-11 01:09:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18671: Back For Another Dose Edition
>double post just like yesterday
hi OSS
yes i know, but you said today
were you in error?
or did you not have a faggot tweet to back you up yesterday
#14748197 at 2021-10-08 21:35:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18654: EBAKE
We saw on Oct 23rd 2020, FJ brought on 5 extra "good folk, trust me":
babyfist [Forcefully removed from global mod position, but still part of "the group"]
This team then deployed a flood of 'Governing Channel Fuckery' with themes of a disney marriage to a gay satanic figure of bestiality.
Obama made a big speech during the height of this flood.
Fast forward to this year, Sept 20th when they deployed images that flooded the minds caught in the hive with dopamine, to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.
Then again on Oct 4th:
Have we talked about how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer?
Because I think it's important we discuss how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer.
An action-reducing deployment to protect the kill-shot, exactly like what took place on the boards Sept 20th.
FJ's team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", deploy images to force change your internal beliefs.
They want you vaxxxed, yet the very edge of our movement - citizen journalists and focused minds, know well it's genocidal.
Why do you trust this board?
It is different than what was started.
#14746889 at 2021-10-08 17:50:25 (UTC+1)
We saw on Oct 23rd 2020, FJ brought on 5 extra "good folk, trust me":
babyfist [Forcefully removed from global mod position, but still part of "the group"]
This team then deployed a flood of 'Governing Channel Fuckery' with themes of a disney marriage to a gay satanic figure of bestiality.
Obama made a big speech during the height of this flood.
Fast forward to this year, Sept 20th when they deployed images that flooded the minds caught in the hive with dopamine, to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.
Then again on Oct 4th:
Have we talked about how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer?
Because I think it's important we discuss how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer.
An action-reducing deployment to protect the kill-shot, exactly like what took place on the boards Sept 20th.
FJ's team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", deploy images to force change your internal beliefs.
They want you vaxxxed, yet the very edge of our movement - citizen journalists and focused minds, know well it's genocidal.
Why do you trust this board?
It is different than what was started.
#14744856 at 2021-10-08 07:49:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18650 Ebake Thank you note collector
>Baker Wars
The Final Baker War was about the regular Bakers who had been baking everyday nonstop believing that OSS was a shill. OSS took over the breads and was assited in this by Tranime Baker. Tranime Baker and OSS defeated the regular bakers with the help of BO. Once the regular Bakers were defeated, Tranime and OSS let the kitchen die. OSS was then promoted to Board Volunteer. The regular bakers understanding that BO had no desire for them to bake decided to give up baking. They still lurk here everyday though. This is the true story of the Baker Wars.
#14743108 at 2021-10-08 01:59:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18648: Shiposting for Posterity Ebake Edition
We saw on Oct 23rd 2020, FJ brought on 5 extra "good folk, trust me":
babyfist [Forcefully removed from global mod position, but still part of "the group"]
This team then deployed a flood of 'Governing Channel Fuckery' with themes of a disney marriage to a gay satanic figure of bestiality.
Obama made a big speech during the height of this flood.
Fast forward to this year, Sept 20th when they deployed images that flooded the minds caught in the hive with dopamine, to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.
Then again on Oct 4th:
Have we talked about how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer?
Because I think it's important we discuss how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer.
An action-reducing deployment to protect the kill-shot, exactly like what took place on the boards Sept 20th.
FJ's team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", deploy images to force change your internal beliefs.
They want you vaxxxed, yet the very edge of our movement - citizen journalists and focused minds, know well it's genocidal.
Why do you trust this board?
It is different than what was started.
The next full moon is October 20th 10:57 AM. "Hunter's Moon".
In the days leading up to the closest Full Moon before the veil between the two worlds is at is thinnest (Halloween)…
Watch Evil call in desperation for the help of their dark "lord"~
#14740683 at 2021-10-07 18:47:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18645: LIVE: House Oversight Committee reviews Arizona's election audit Edition
We saw on Oct 23rd 2020, FJ brought on 5 extra "good folk, trust me":
babyfist [Forcefully removed from global mod position, but still part of "the group"]
This team then deployed a flood of 'Governing Channel Fuckery' with themes of a disney marriage to a gay satanic figure of bestiality.
Obama made a big speech during the height of this flood.
Fast forward to this year, Sept 20th when they deployed images that flooded the minds caught in the hive with dopamine, to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.
Then again on Oct 4th:
Have we talked about how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer?
Because I think it's important we discuss how Facebook off'ed itself and threw a whistling clown in front of the world just to protect Pfizer.
An action-reducing deployment to protect the kill-shot, exactly like what took place on the boards Sept 20th.
FJ's team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", deploy images to force change your internal beliefs.
They want you vaxxxed, yet the very edge of our movement - citizen journalists and focused minds, know well it's genocidal.
Why do you trust this board?
It is different than what was started.
#14729319 at 2021-10-06 00:38:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18631: Panic in the Evening Edition
The Good Shepherd
Inside look at the formation of the CIA from the OSS, and the linkage to Skull and Bones. Matt Damon reflecting back on his life of secrets during the cold war and what it cost him.
#14723552 at 2021-10-05 02:55:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18623: Pandora's 'political elite' box? Q Edition
hi OSS
#14723416 at 2021-10-05 02:34:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18623: Pandora's 'political elite' box? Q Edition
hi OSS
#14723356 at 2021-10-05 02:26:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18623: Pandora's 'political elite' box? Q Edition
the funny thing is that AFLB aka OSS learned from us
he did
and he played the anti kike angle pretty well
but here he is, in the aftermath, with nothing else but AFLB and PIG
and its fucking great
because you can just go super anti jew and they will freak the fuck out because only the "chosen ones" can post about jews
do you see where this is going?
yes, this is basically Jon Stewart of the chans
and you think it's just a minimal thing
like who gives a fuck
but they do
#14720478 at 2021-10-04 20:53:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18620: Old School Happenings, Old School Baker
>Who the fuck is OSS? Who cares.
You're gonna regert that….
#14720445 at 2021-10-04 20:50:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18620: Old School Happenings, Old School Baker
Yeah I'm the one that goes around filling the holes in stale breads that get left behind… and those are largely created by antsy bakers jumping the gun to jack the kitchen.
And if if you are so old school…? Do you remember when there was only 1 banner…?
Trying to piss on your own bread… fuck you! You are anon like me. You are anonymous and should stay that way.
Who the fuck is OSS? Who cares.
#14720357 at 2021-10-04 20:42:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18620: Old School Happenings, Old School Baker
welcome back OSS!
fuck mj12 glowniggers
babyfist can tongue my anus
#14717981 at 2021-10-04 16:16:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18616: Recall Rinos and Check those Audits Edition
Catch you on the other side.
#14700772 at 2021-10-01 19:43:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18595: Notables, Notables, Where for art thou Notables?
OTD 1945 President Truman's executive order disbanding the OSS becomes effective. The Research and Analysis Branch was transferred to the State Dept. & became @StateINR. Its Counterintelligence (X-2) and Secret Intelligence Branches were transferred to the War Department and …"
" … were designated as the Strategic Services Unit."
#14685000 at 2021-09-29 09:33:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18574: Ebake It´s Harvest Time Edition
I tactically said 'prob' as a safety-net jackass. I'm wrong all the time get used to it bitch, but when I'm right it's potent AF. You're starting to remind me of OSS calling everyone a jew or shill when there is a disagreement. You're definitely the one that's 'holier-than-thou'.
#14682576 at 2021-09-29 00:44:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18571: Gold shall destroy FED Edition
because the board volunteer/ board owner/ OSS/white girls is a cunt chill
friend of mine was banned for posting a meme about aussie gestapo
#14675719 at 2021-09-28 01:25:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
>Your fixation with the idea of OSS' cock is interesting
What do you expect, he chopped off his.
#14675714 at 2021-09-28 01:24:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
Your fixation with the idea of OSS' cock is interesting
#14675679 at 2021-09-28 01:21:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
>Big mad your loli/faggotry got deleted.
seriously dude?
I'm "big mad" because of the lack of actual leadership other than a so called BV running the board
Talked to FJ and yea surprisingly he sides with you…go figure FastJack…I mean FlyingOnions…I mean OSS
#14675661 at 2021-09-28 01:19:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
Seems like OSS does, and JIDF doesn't anymore. I'm still waiting for the problem to be explained to me, tbh.
#14675646 at 2021-09-28 01:18:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
>You're acting like OSS would be a bad guy
sup newfag
lurk more then dilate
censorship from the past 3 hours…so who runs this board?
#14675623 at 2021-09-28 01:15:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
fastjack/OSS/bo/bv sockpuppets
#14675614 at 2021-09-28 01:14:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
You're acting like OSS would be a bad guy to have in charge. I think he's proven himself based on your salt alone.
#14675467 at 2021-09-28 01:00:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
>When are you anons going to realize that BV - "OSS" is actually the BO - FJ?
welcome to two months ago newfag
#14675410 at 2021-09-28 00:52:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
>FJ IS OSS and don't let him fool you
Well, you posted a lion so it must be true.
#14675399 at 2021-09-28 00:51:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18562: COLLECT NOTABLES Edition
When are you anons going to realize that BV - "OSS" is actually the BO - FJ?
He is the only BV that thinks he is God…and why is that?…because he also is Board owner
That's why he namefags everyone and is a complete paranoid wreck
He thinks that every anon that speaks out against him is some sort of Discord cunt
FJ IS OSS and don't let him fool you
I'm sure he'll ban me for this but what's fucking new right, speak up against ((them)) and get banned
#14673394 at 2021-09-27 19:09:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18560: And the Flood Receeded Just like that Edition
BV took out the offending spammer. o7 OSS. Thanks
#14662758 at 2021-09-26 01:01:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18546: The Patriots Bread Edition
Like this mother fucker right here?
He's pulling in six figures easy
And guess what OSS and Fastjack get for sitting back and watching it happen?
#14648066 at 2021-09-24 03:54:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18529: The J6 “Unselect Committee†has sent out Harassment Subpoenas Edition
Evening anons. What is up with all of the "join or 404" Gadsden flags replacing so many images? A couple of days ago I made a post with no image at all and the Join or 404 image appeared in the post.
Gerbil Jammer, OSS, mrn fuckery or bigger than that?
#14646909 at 2021-09-24 01:19:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18527: Call For Maricopa AZ to Be Split Up Ahead of Audit Release Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#14646826 at 2021-09-24 01:10:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18527: Call For Maricopa AZ to Be Split Up Ahead of Audit Release Edition
they pay you minimum wage, right, OSS/AFLB?
#14646451 at 2021-09-24 00:19:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18527: Call For Maricopa AZ to Be Split Up Ahead of Audit Release Edition
hey OSS
#14646256 at 2021-09-23 23:49:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18527: Call For Maricopa AZ to Be Split Up Ahead of Audit Release Edition
are you drunk tonight OSS/AFLB?
#14646229 at 2021-09-23 23:42:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18527: Ebake frAUDits Viciate Everything Edition
your bots are going retarded tonight OSS/AFLB
might wanna update or something
#14643847 at 2021-09-23 16:22:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18524: Brian Laundrie will be found on the 24th Suicided. Prove me wrong Edition
no way he is OSS
#14643844 at 2021-09-23 16:22:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18524: Brian Laundrie will be found on the 24th Suicided. Prove me wrong Edition
OSS (BV) locked it last night for some reason. Could be in error but who knows with that faggot.
#14642802 at 2021-09-23 12:27:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18522: AZ Audit Release - Fizzer Day Edition
BV OSS did last night.
#14639615 at 2021-09-22 23:33:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18518: EBake All For A LARP Edition
>leafy posts
OSS is here
#14634507 at 2021-09-22 04:48:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18512: We Are The News Now Edition
Cornelius Vander Starr (founder of the CIA)
In 1919 he founded what was then known as American Asiatic Underwriters (later American International Underwriters) in Shanghai, China, a global insurance and investment organization. He was forced to move his operation to New York in 1939, when Japan invaded China.[5] Starr worked for the Office of Strategic Services during World War II[6] and found himself engaged in such work as establishing the OSS insurance intelligence unit with William "Wild Bill" Donovan in 1943 and serving as the chief operative behind former U.S. Army Air Force officer Claire L. Chennault. Chennault is best known for coordinating the American-bankrolled American Volunteer Group (better known as the "Flying Tigers") to bring the fight to the Japanese without a declaration of war and return Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to dominance in China. Starr and the OSS later backed Chiang over communist leader Mao Zedong.
#14605877 at 2021-09-18 01:51:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18476: Maricopa County Reached Settlement With State Senate Edition
they both work for fastjack
the BO of /cbts/
#14605531 at 2021-09-18 01:08:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18475: Media is freaking the hell out over Nicki Minaj questioning vaccines Edit
well lets see
aflb and OSS made it their life's mission to besmirch (yeah, i said it) sgt b
aflb and OSS and fastjack are the original jannies from cbts
Q left cbts because the jannies were comped
ergo ipso procto sgt B might actually be moar than just a stupid faggot
#14605465 at 2021-09-18 00:59:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18475: Media is freaking the hell out over Nicki Minaj questioning vaccines Edit
Cool story brah.
Who the fuck are you and why the fuck should we care? Break it down for granny please.
#14605279 at 2021-09-18 00:31:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18475: Media is freaking the hell out over Nicki Minaj questioning vaccines Edit
member this fastjack?
member this OSS?
member this aflb?
#14605067 at 2021-09-18 00:02:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18475: Media is freaking the hell out over Nicki Minaj questioning vaccines Edit
#14572255 at 2021-09-13 21:08:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18433 E-Bake for Q's Sake
>sure ur not...
>we aint seen OSS in what a week
>all the logs show 8bit
#14572242 at 2021-09-13 21:05:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18433 E-Bake for Q's Sake
sure ur not…
we aint seen OSS in what a week
all the logs show 8bit
8bit hidden 18 hours /qresearch/ Created a new 3-day ban on /qresearch/ (#195662) with reason: Spam8bit hidden 21 hours /qresearch/ Bumplocked thread #144530408bit hidden 21 hours /qresearch/ Bumplocked thread #145559388bit hidden 21 hours /qresearch/ Bumplocked thread #145513198bit hidden 21 hours /qresearch/ Bumplocked thread #145672298bit hidden 22 hours /qresearch/ Created a new 3-day ban on /qresearch/ (#195661) with reason: Spam.8bit hidden 24 hours /qresearch/ Deleted post #145639598bit hidden 24 hours /qresearch/ Edited post #145622598bit hidden 24 hours /qresearch/ Bumplocked thread #145576778bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Deleted post #145661618bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Dismissed a report for post #145607378bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Dismissed a report for post #145617808bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Dismissed a report for post #145631138bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Deleted post #145516168bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Deleted post #145579808bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Bumplocked thread #145639598bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Deleted post #145661448bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Deleted post #145661458bit hidden 1 day /qresearch/ Deleted post #145661438bit hidden 2 days /qresearch/ Created a new 3-day ban on /qresearch/ (#195660) with reason: Spam8bit hidden 2 days /qresearch/ Deleted post #14521815
8bit confirmed
question stands BV, u gonna bake or talk shit?
either way im ok with it
#14569387 at 2021-09-13 08:54:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18429: JOE CAN’T ESCAPE TRUMMMMMMP! or Q apparently Edition
i've filtered two of em
probably same guy
OSS style - boring
#14559390 at 2021-09-11 17:48:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18417: BAKER CALLING FOR SUPPORT Edition
Fuck off you worthless niggerfaggot. OSS was right to ban your ckick seeking ass from this board. It's unfortunate all those bans were lifted. Go suck yourself off somewhere else.
#14541595 at 2021-09-08 17:49:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18391: Needs Media Servers Edition
it's all part of the same thing, just like in an organization
in a well-run org, all participants work together to do whatever is necessary for the welfare of the entire org
it's a cooperative effort
on a board like this, anons, bakers, bo's, bv's could work together
anons have asked bo if anons could be bv's
think what that would mean - quick response to misnumbered breads, deleting dups, better info, less spam
because anons are right here to make changes
over 1000 at any given time
but he won't do that
why not?
cleanup was asked for after anons complained to Q about no help from bv's , lots of thread stealing and confusion deliberately created by OSS to mess up the board. BO probably allowed it be he hated the kitchen and let OSS do the dirty work for him with help from bots and shills,
Reprise is not just for you but newfags who don't know the history.
#14537694 at 2021-09-08 01:14:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18390: EBake
Board was actually pretty good Feb 2020 (after 8kun settled down) and June 2020 (when gerbil couldn't bake and OSS was gone). That's two mos out of a whole bunch - wasn't here at very start tho.
#14535282 at 2021-09-07 16:07:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18387: Recall/Expell/Impeach All Rinos. Call Now Operators are Open Edition
OSS BV was the one who single handedly exposed babyfister and his Ingersoll Lockwood group trying to subvert this board so I guess you're against that too. Interesting. Keep trying moar harder nigger.
#14532818 at 2021-09-07 01:22:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18384: We will never lose again win this is finished Q Edition
>I think OSS said it the other day but worth repeating.
yeah, censorship and antifa nsht.
#14532811 at 2021-09-07 01:21:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18384: We will never lose again win this is finished Q Edition
I think OSS said it the other day but worth repeating. There is no way around, below or above. The only way is through it. If it was pleasant someone else would have done it a century ago.
#14531358 at 2021-09-06 20:31:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18382: It Will Be A Big Beautiful Surprise For You, More-so 4 Them PSBSR Edition
Thinking of Switzerland:
Where did Allen Dulles spend WWII?
The first civilian head of ClownCentral
Mastermind of 1953 Iranian Coup
Project MKUltra
Bay of Pigs
…fired by JFK
and then …sat on the Warren Commission!
Before all that, in the "war"
he was head of the OSS
….in Switzerland
#14519723 at 2021-09-04 16:38:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18367: FIX 2020 FIRST! Statement by President Donald J. Trump Edition
all the extreme faggots are here, traniame, babyfist, OSS, clowns, spooks and gooks.
fcuking place is a zoo, he will fit right in.
#14512914 at 2021-09-03 06:00:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18359: Grassley Final Stage of Maturity, The Corn Kernels Comms Edition
I just got done reinstalling my OSS again after the crash the day after putting those DNS links in. Forgot to put the other link I usually use in my bookmarks
I usually consult that but I'll also put the link you gave in there as well just in case.
#14510038 at 2021-09-02 18:37:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18355: Avast ye hearties, Audits is the Treasure ye seek Edition
OSS and crew infiltration
totally organic
#14509905 at 2021-09-02 18:22:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18355: Avast ye hearties, Audits is the Treasure ye seek Edition
OSS is CIA so it must be that Q gave 8kun to the CIA to "placate them" for "reasons" because REEEEE
#14509884 at 2021-09-02 18:19:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18355: Avast ye hearties, Audits is the Treasure ye seek Edition
"Muh-joo". Calling OSS, who Q affirmed numerous times by posting in his bread and not yours "Anti-Q"?
Right, jew. You're pretty retarded.
#14509768 at 2021-09-02 18:01:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18355: Avast ye hearties, Audits is the Treasure ye seek Edition
>OSS on a censorship streak
>must've missed all that "power"
Jews on an IP hopping streak, must have gotten too comfy in my absence.
#14508678 at 2021-09-02 14:09:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18353: Demand Forensic Audits for the 2020 Election Steal Edition
Gotta give credit where credit is due. OSS called it long ago
#14508668 at 2021-09-02 14:07:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18353: Demand Forensic Audits for the 2020 Election Steal Edition
>I hope all bakers will use the OSS youtube graphic now.
Same here, but…
Name dropping him will result in some of them saying aw hell no.
#14508661 at 2021-09-02 14:05:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18353: Demand Forensic Audits for the 2020 Election Steal Edition
Thanks Baker. I hope all bakers will use the OSS youtube graphic now.
Iwo Jima video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg
#14490150 at 2021-08-30 05:53:33 (UTC+1)
Q Rsearch General #18330: >>14489493 AUSSIE TRUCKIES HAVE INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT Edition
That's why he was working so diligently trying to get anons to move to another board before OSS BV caught him and called him the fuck out on it. Hence the Ingersoll Lockwood digs and notabrus.
#14487309 at 2021-08-29 19:41:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18327: Shove your endchan bunker up your ass edition
Hey OSS I think there's some more post for you to edit, check the catalog again.
Wouldn't want those anons you groomed to find their way to another website!
#14485429 at 2021-08-29 13:28:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18324: What has changed since November 2020? Edition
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136 They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476197 How is it, whenever there's "Board Division" OSS/"Gerbil" is never far away?
>>14476241 Discord Groomer Bloatables
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3-dimensional space by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14476477 #18313
#14484877 at 2021-08-29 10:20:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18324: What has changed since November 2020? Edition
>>14479080 WHO owns VANGUARD?
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET say, "The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479117 Joe Biden's Approval Sinks Underwater as Afghanistan Crisis Worsens
>>14479129 'I Have Been Relieved For Cause': Marine LTC Fired After Demanding Accountability On Afghanistan
>>14479139 Public Interest Legal Foundation: 82,766 Wisconsin 2020 Mail Ballots 'Went Missing or Undeliverable'
>>14479145 Republicans Introduce Articles Of Impeachment To Remove Antony Blinken From Office Over Afghanistan
>>14479165 Dr. Richard Urso confirms Hydroxychloroquine kills cancer cells.
>>14479148 Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot 'Disrespect' Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle
>>14479199 Petition seeking 'full forensic audit' of election results
>>14479206 Japan discovers "magnetic" substance in Pfizer covid vaccines
>>14479211 8Kun Image Viewer 0.1a
>>14479221, >>14479255 Anon has 2 theories about D5.
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479102, >>14479104 Twenty-five minutes to infamy
>>14479105 Biden-the-retard (paraphrasing) "... clearly did a deal behind 41 coalition member's back
>>14479237 Over 100 arrested, 47 rescued during inter-state human trafficking bust
>>14479242 CDC Counts People Who Have Died within 14 Days of Taking a Covid Jab as Unvaccinated!
>>14478877 LB SLA Marshal and the ratio of fire
>>14479294 Linux image fix
>>14479327 GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin start audits Embattled elections official in Colorado county alleges tampering
>>14479388 Protests against forced vaccines and health passports are occurring acrOSS France today.
>>14479394 Canadian PM Trudeau heckled by crowd AGAIN, this time in Ontario.
>>14479398 The Dept of State is in charge of evacuation mission at the #Kabul airport and *NOT* the Dept of Defense?
>>14479427 anon autism off the charts ( Q-»17«-J-»10«-Q)
>>14479448 Anon Bun #18317: Where Are the 50 Audits? AZ Up first Edition Anonymous
>>14479538, >>14479546, >>14479549, >>14479552, >>14479598 ImageFix.exe (You wish)
>>14479551 STAY FOCUSED, GEOTUS WARFACE, ARRRGH. https://anontimes.com/
>>14479557, >>14479566, >>14479572 OSS attacked the board and bakers again last night. Deleted notables, edited posts,
>>14479580 Clock fag on mark
>>14479554 Eric Clapton "The vaccine 'shook my immune system'. ... I couldn't use my hands for 3 weeks." (video)
>>14479605 Elder would be the 1st black governor of California. #ElectElder
>>14479613 WARROOM with Bannon, just starting
>>14479620 Amazon terms of service account for a zombie apocalypse
>>14479798 #18317
#14484157 at 2021-08-29 06:11:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18323: The Simpson's Predicted Everything Edition
>>14479080 WHO owns VANGUARD?
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET say, "The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479117 Joe Biden's Approval Sinks Underwater as Afghanistan Crisis Worsens
>>14479129 'I Have Been Relieved For Cause': Marine LTC Fired After Demanding Accountability On Afghanistan
>>14479139 Public Interest Legal Foundation: 82,766 Wisconsin 2020 Mail Ballots 'Went Missing or Undeliverable'
>>14479145 Republicans Introduce Articles Of Impeachment To Remove Antony Blinken From Office Over Afghanistan
>>14479165 Dr. Richard Urso confirms Hydroxychloroquine kills cancer cells.
>>14479148 Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot 'Disrespect' Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle
>>14479199 Petition seeking 'full forensic audit' of election results
>>14479206 Japan discovers "magnetic" substance in Pfizer covid vaccines
>>14479211 8Kun Image Viewer 0.1a
>>14479221, >>14479255 Anon has 2 theories about D5.
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479102, >>14479104 Twenty-five minutes to infamy
>>14479105 Biden-the-retard (paraphrasing) "... clearly did a deal behind 41 coalition member's back
>>14479237 Over 100 arrested, 47 rescued during inter-state human trafficking bust
>>14479242 CDC Counts People Who Have Died within 14 Days of Taking a Covid Jab as Unvaccinated!
>>14478877 LB SLA Marshal and the ratio of fire
>>14479294 Linux image fix
>>14479327 GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin start audits Embattled elections official in Colorado county alleges tampering
>>14479388 Protests against forced vaccines and health passports are occurring acrOSS France today.
>>14479394 Canadian PM Trudeau heckled by crowd AGAIN, this time in Ontario.
>>14479398 The Dept of State is in charge of evacuation mission at the #Kabul airport and *NOT* the Dept of Defense?
>>14479427 anon autism off the charts ( Q-»17«-J-»10«-Q)
>>14479448 Anon Bun #18317: Where Are the 50 Audits? AZ Up first Edition Anonymous
>>14479538, >>14479546, >>14479549, >>14479552, >>14479598 ImageFix.exe (You wish)
>>14479551 STAY FOCUSED, GEOTUS WARFACE, ARRRGH. https://anontimes.com/
>>14479557, >>14479566, >>14479572 OSS attacked the board and bakers again last night. Deleted notables, edited posts,
>>14479580 Clock fag on mark
>>14479554 Eric Clapton "The vaccine 'shook my immune system'. ... I couldn't use my hands for 3 weeks." (video)
>>14479605 Elder would be the 1st black governor of California. #ElectElder
>>14479613 WARROOM with Bannon, just starting
>>14479620 Amazon terms of service account for a zombie apocalypse
>>14479798 #18317
#14484091 at 2021-08-29 05:55:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18323: The Simpson's Predicted Everything Edition
>>14476788 Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are courting each other live on the Hannity Show
>>14476837, >>14476856 Dig: (literally) Halo Trust: Afghanistan mine
>>14476848 [1 ton] of cocaine found in shipment of bananas
>>14477056, >>14477090, >>14477095 The quest for image hosting fix on Android Devices
>>14477059 Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack to get early release from prison
>>14477098, >>14477167 A heavily fortified C.I.A. base in Kabul has been destroyed.
>>14477157 Putin in Oct 2016 - "It's no accident that the American and Russian People, in the most critical times in History, united to defeat a common enemy"
>>14477199 Nothing to see here, just Jeff Bezos and his yacht chilling in Sarandë Albania
>>14477265 The storm is upon us is all over Twitter right now
>>14477287 Apple CEO Tim Cook donates $10 million to undisclosed charity.
>>14477400 #18314
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136, >>14476526 Shadow Dockets? They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14476384 RE: Biden's 8 dog bite incidents
>>14476385 Having a little rest in Japan ? Flag of United States Flag of Japan #NavyPartnerships
>>14476415 RE: IMAGES DOWN, Editing the hosts file works, and it is 100% safe to do so.
>>14476504 WAPO: ISIS propaganda app celebrating Kabul terror attack relies on Amazon Web Services
>>14475909, >>14472407 pb: Germany halts all C19 vax, moratorium on all vaccines, says unsafe?
>>14476560 [11.3] has many meanings >implying
>>14476621 Who let him dictate things with his fraudulent "testing"
>>14476838 #18313
#14484090 at 2021-08-29 05:55:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18323: The Simpson's Predicted Everything Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18321 TBC
#18321 TBC
#18320 TBC
#18319 TBC
#18318 TBC
#18317 TBC
#18316 TBC
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
>>14478151 #18315
#14483756 at 2021-08-29 04:32:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18322: Saturday Night EBake Edition
Nah. They're just fucking pissed that OSS ended their board dominance for the past 2-3 weeks.
A lot of anons weren't paying attention enough to notice that it was pretty much Babyfist (doge), Tranime and Gerbil baking probably 90% of the time. 100% of the time on weekends.
#14483511 at 2021-08-29 03:46:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18322: Saturday Night EBake Edition
Actually for a bit when OSS was gone the shills had a monopoly on the bake, but most didn't care because they're fucking morans.
#14483501 at 2021-08-29 03:45:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18322: Saturday Night EBake Edition
Re-post from UK Bread. Current digs say LisaMI6 may not taken same evening as the Traf_Cam pics.
(Post follows)
Both IP's I can use were banned by the OSS persona, the last time for baking a bread for General.
Is okay I guess, anons have been great so far about getting new International breads up as I am unable to help anymore.
Goggle sauce for area:
#14483280 at 2021-08-29 03:12:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18322: Saturday Night EBake Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18219 TBC
#18218 TBC
#18217 TBC
#18316 TBC
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
>>14478151 #18315
>>14476788 Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are courting each other live on the Hannity Show
>>14476837, >>14476856 Dig: (literally) Halo Trust: Afghanistan mine
>>14476848 [1 ton] of cocaine found in shipment of bananas
>>14477056, >>14477090, >>14477095 The quest for image hosting fix on Android Devices
>>14477059 Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack to get early release from prison
>>14477098, >>14477167 A heavily fortified C.I.A. base in Kabul has been destroyed.
>>14477157 Putin in Oct 2016 - "It's no accident that the American and Russian People, in the most critical times in History, united to defeat a common enemy"
>>14477199 Nothing to see here, just Jeff Bezos and his yacht chilling in Sarandë Albania
>>14477265 The storm is upon us is all over Twitter right now
>>14477287 Apple CEO Tim Cook donates $10 million to undisclosed charity.
>>14477400 #18314
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136, >>14476526 Shadow Dockets? They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14476384 RE: Biden's 8 dog bite incidents
>>14476385 Having a little rest in Japan ? Flag of United States Flag of Japan #NavyPartnerships
>>14476415 RE: IMAGES DOWN, Editing the hosts file works, and it is 100% safe to do so.
>>14476504 WAPO: ISIS propaganda app celebrating Kabul terror attack relies on Amazon Web Services
>>14475909, >>14472407 pb: Germany halts all C19 vax, moratorium on all vaccines, says unsafe?
>>14476560 [11.3] has many meanings >implying
>>14476621 Who let him dictate things with his fraudulent "testing"
>>14476838 #18313
>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?
>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?
>>14475141 @SLDelta45 Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge
>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues
>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!
>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million
>>14475284 Fred Corbin has ?leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database
>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:
>>14475317 DDoS Guard dumped 8kun (two weeks ago)
>>14475379 A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask
>>14475404 [39] on Qclock today
>>14475411 At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.
>>14475419 RE: letter from a state agency saying employees have get vaxxed or weekly tests
>>14475440 Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP
>>14475477 Defund the Capitol Police
>>14475490 New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster
>>14475708 DeSantis will appeal block from Leon County Florida Judge on Statewide mandatory Mask bans
>>14475719 infighting between the shill fake news media
>>14475757, >>14475777, >>14475778, >>14475789 DIGITAL SOLDIERS FOR AMERICA
>>14475876 #18312
>>14474361 Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World: OBAMA 2.0
>>14474419 IMPEACHMENT Joe Biden Has Been Derelict In His Duty. He Is Unfit To Lead.
>>14474440 Trump chose that Patton clip for a reason
>>14474520, >>14474635 QRBUNKER ENDCHAN is OPEN
>>14474552 Obama needs to STFU already
>>14474556 Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely'
>>14474604 Parents need to stand between their children and any form of drugs
>>14474627 Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion
>>14474628 Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary cycle
>>14474634 State Department in Kabul is turning American citizens away
>>14474638, 7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day
>>14474821 Multi-state operation rescues 47 victims of human trafficking
>>14474712 anon news bun
>>14474749 Chinese Official Sets 1.1 Billion Vaccination Target By October
>>14474760 The taliban are correct. 20 years of Banksters wars.
>>14474786, >>14474806 Big Pharma is essential to Big Tech... why is that?
>>14474790 US intelligence releases report on COVID-19 origins, says outbreak was natural, not a bioweapon
>>14474798 The Taliban has partially taken control of Kabul airport - AFP
>>14474814 Gab Receives A Letter From Congress
>>14475051 #18311
>>14473594 Jen Psuki Briefing 420 waiting
>>14473609 Ashiest Rabbi Epstein is now chaplain of Harvard
>>14473692 Public Service Announcement
>>14473723 Kitchen Shift Change
>>14473987 image fix
>>14474030 Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines
>>14474036 Biden presidency teetering amid calls to resign
>>14474063 Denmark To Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions
>>14474079 Fire Rips Through Massive Chinese Residential Skyscraper
>>14474080 Any PF's in the house?
>>14474099 Taliban vows to protect portraits of Queen Elizabeth II
>>14474128 Microsoft Warns Thousands of Cloud Customers of Exposed Databases
>>14474162 'Stop AAPI Hate Coalition' Demands Termination of Program Fighting Chinese Communist Party Spies.
>>14474207 House Republicans File Articles of Impeachment for Secretary Antony Blinken
>>14474224 Rep. Madison Cawthorn - Requests Invocation Of The 25TH AMENDMENT And REMOVAL OF JOE
>>14474243 Military HELICOPTERS are flying VERY LOW over MANHATTAN. What's going on?
>>14474258 Dog talk and an owl mask
>>14474286 #18310
Previously Collected
>>14471893 #18307, >>14472866 #18308, >>14473522 #18309
>>14469529 #18304, >>14470346 #18305, >>14471121 #18306
>>14467216 #18301, >>14468001 #18302, >>14468768 #18303
>>14464844 #18298, >>14465653 #18299, >>14466443 #18300
>>14462282 #18295, >>14463379 #18296, >>14464043 #18297
>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293, >>14465749 #18294
>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291
>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288
>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284,>>14455752 #18285
>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282
>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279
>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276
>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273
>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270
>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267
>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264
>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261
>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258
>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255
>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252
>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>14137057 Q Research Not ables #8
Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>14121360 ---------------- Clockwork Qrange #13
>>14110921 ---------------- Jew Research General #1
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>>14019901 ---------------- Australia #17
>>13323637 ---------------- Balkan #8
>>13167439 ---------------- Brazil #2
>>14317266 ---------------- Canada #23
>>14262489 ---------------- France #5
>>14357399 ---------------- Germany #86
LINK DEAD ---------------- Italia #2
>>13226402 ---------------- Japan #2
>>13410974 ---------------- Mexico #3
LINK DEAD ---------------- Nederland #6
>>13163282 ---------------- New Zealand #8
LINK DEAD ---------------- Nordic #3
LINK DEAD ---------------- Russia #2
LINK DEAD ---------------- Scotland #4
>>14081815 ---------------- South Africa #6
>>14352887 ---------------- UK #41
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>>6156082 ---------------- Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity
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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/
Board Admin & Discussion Threads
>>13699736 ---------------- META (for board admin queries)
>>13699763 ---------------- Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3
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>>13699687 ---------------- (Q posted in #1025)
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* QMap & Mirrors PDF:
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* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app
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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
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* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/
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* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/
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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com
* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date
* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases
* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/
* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688
* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/
* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084
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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)
Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf
Learn To Bake!
Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628
Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg
#14482362 at 2021-08-28 23:58:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18321: EBAKE Edition
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
>>14478151 #18315
Previously Collected
>>14476838 #18313, >>14477400 #18314
>>14474286 #18310, >>14475051 #18311, >>14475876 #18312
>>14471893 #18307, >>14472866 #18308, >>14473522 #18309
>>14469529 #18304, >>14470346 #18305, >>14471121 #18306
>>14467216 #18301, >>14468001 #18302, >>14468768 #18303
>>14464844 #18298, >>14465653 #18299, >>14466443 #18300
>>14462282 #18295, >>14463379 #18296, >>14464043 #18297
>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293, >>14465749 #18294
>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291
>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288
>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284,>>14455752 #18285
>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282
>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279
>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276
>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273
>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270
>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267
>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264
>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261
>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258
>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255
>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252
>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>14137057 Q Research Not ables #8
#14482359 at 2021-08-28 23:57:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18321: EBAKE Edition
>>14479875 Patriot nurse on fire. Rogue gov't, no one is going to parachute down and save us, Youtube karen panicking now.
>>14479926 7 Major Biden Disasters in 7 Months, brietbart
>>14479933 More Republicans Join Calls for Impeaching Biden After Kabul Massacre, trending politics
>>14479992 Pope replaces Australian bishop in alleged misconduct probe, yahoo
>>14480085 Eviction moratorium slapped down:breitbart
>>14480323 University of Pittsburgh Admits To Harvesting Organs From LIVING Babies Who Survived Abortions And Getting FEDERAL Funds For It, sarasota news
>>14480295, >>14480358 The Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts, video and article from project.iq.harvard, (will go back and look at this later)
>>14480378 Dr. Paul E. Alexander , stew peters interview. rumble video
>>14480393 HUNDREDS OF PATRIOTS Turn Out in Wentzville, MO with 9 Hour Notice to Honor LCpl. Jared Schmitz Killed in Kabul Bombing , gab
>>14480434 We've produced some preparedness advice for Mandarin speakers in the path of Hurricane #Ida, fema twat
>>14480441 chinese Mother Sells Her Baby To Medical Firm; What Kabul Bombing Means To The US's Future In Afghan, youtube
>>14480487 The U.S. Intelligence Report on the Origin of COVID-19 Looks "Preordained" and "Mirrors Many of the the Talking points of the CCP" gwp
>>14480499 Biden Regime Now Aiding and Abetting Our Worst Enemies, video and article gwp
>>14480500 Official Complaint Filed with UN Human Rights Committee Over Mistreatment of Jan. 6 Prisoners, gwp
>>14480511 Chicago Mother: Judge Took Away My Parental Rights For Not Getting COVID Vaccine, gwp
>>14481742 #18318 Posted in #18320
>>14479080 WHO owns VANGUARD?
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET say, "The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479117 Joe Biden's Approval Sinks Underwater as Afghanistan Crisis Worsens
>>14479129 'I Have Been Relieved For Cause': Marine LTC Fired After Demanding Accountability On Afghanistan
>>14479139 Public Interest Legal Foundation: 82,766 Wisconsin 2020 Mail Ballots 'Went Missing or Undeliverable'
>>14479145 Republicans Introduce Articles Of Impeachment To Remove Antony Blinken From Office Over Afghanistan
>>14479165 Dr. Richard Urso confirms Hydroxychloroquine kills cancer cells.
>>14479148 Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot 'Disrespect' Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle
>>14479199 Petition seeking 'full forensic audit' of election results
>>14479206 Japan discovers "magnetic" substance in Pfizer covid vaccines
>>14479211 8Kun Image Viewer 0.1a
>>14479221, >>14479255 Anon has 2 theories about D5.
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479102, >>14479104 Twenty-five minutes to infamy
>>14479105 Biden-the-retard (paraphrasing) "... clearly did a deal behind 41 coalition member's back
>>14479237 Over 100 arrested, 47 rescued during inter-state human trafficking bust
>>14479242 CDC Counts People Who Have Died within 14 Days of Taking a Covid Jab as Unvaccinated!
>>14478877 LB SLA Marshal and the ratio of fire
>>14479294 Linux image fix
>>14479327 GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin start audits Embattled elections official in Colorado county alleges tampering
>>14479388 Protests against forced vaccines and health passports are occurring acrOSS France today.
>>14479394 Canadian PM Trudeau heckled by crowd AGAIN, this time in Ontario.
>>14479398 The Dept of State is in charge of evacuation mission at the #Kabul airport and *NOT* the Dept of Defense?
>>14479427 anon autism off the charts ( Q-»17«-J-»10«-Q)
>>14479448 Anon Bun #18317: Where Are the 50 Audits? AZ Up first Edition Anonymous
>>14479538, >>14479546, >>14479549, >>14479552, >>14479598 ImageFix.exe (You wish)
>>14479551 STAY FOCUSED, GEOTUS WARFACE, ARRRGH. https://anontimes.com/
>>14479557, >>14479566, >>14479572 OSS attacked the board and bakers again last night. Deleted notables, edited posts,
>>14479580 Clock fag on mark
>>14479554 Eric Clapton "The vaccine 'shook my immune system'. ... I couldn't use my hands for 3 weeks." (video)
>>14479605 Elder would be the 1st black governor of California. #ElectElder
>>14479613 WARROOM with Bannon, just starting
>>14479620 Amazon terms of service account for a zombie apocalypse
>>14479798 #18317
#14482064 at 2021-08-28 23:02:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18320: EBAKE Edition
Anonymous 08/28/21 (Sat) 10:31:43 b82bc1 (4) No.14481482
>>14479080 WHO owns VANGUARD?
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET say, "The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479117 (You) Joe Biden's Approval Sinks Underwater as Afghanistan Crisis Worsens
>>14479129 (You) 'I Have Been Relieved For Cause': Marine LTC Fired After Demanding Accountability On Afghanistan
>>14479139 (You) Public Interest Legal Foundation: 82,766 Wisconsin 2020 Mail Ballots 'Went Missing or Undeliverable'
>>14479145 (You) Republicans Introduce Articles Of Impeachment To Remove Antony Blinken From Office Over Afghanistan
>>14479165 (You) Dr. Richard Urso confirms Hydroxychloroquine kills cancer cells.
>>14479148 (You) Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot 'Disrespect' Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle
>>14479199 (You) Petition seeking 'full forensic audit' of election results
>>14479206 Japan discovers "magnetic" substance in Pfizer covid vaccines
>>14479211 8Kun Image Viewer 0.1a
>>14479221, >>14479255 Anon has 2 theories about D5.
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479102 (You), >>14479104 (You) Twenty-five minutes to infamy
>>14479105 Biden-the-retard (paraphrasing) "... clearly did a deal behind 41 coalition member's back
>>14479237 (You) Over 100 arrested, 47 rescued during inter-state human trafficking bust
>>14479242 (You) CDC Counts People Who Have Died within 14 Days of Taking a Covid Jab as Unvaccinated!
>>14478877 LB SLA Marshal and the ratio of fire
>>14479294 Linux image fix
>>14479327 (You) GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin start audits Embattled elections official in Colorado county alleges tampering
>>14479388 (You) Protests against forced vaccines and health passports are occurring acrOSS France today.
>>14479394 Canadian PM Trudeau heckled by crowd AGAIN, this time in Ontario.
>>14479398 The Dept of State is in charge of evacuation mission at the #Kabul airport and *NOT* the Dept of Defense?
>>14479427 anon autism off the charts ( Q-»17«-J-»10«-Q)
>>14479448 Anon Bun #18317: Where Are the 50 Audits? AZ Up first Edition Anonymous
>>14479538, >>14479546, >>14479549, >>14479552, >>14479598 ImageFix.exe (You wish)
>>14479551 STAY FOCUSED, GEOTUS WARFACE, ARRRGH. https://anontimes.com/
>>14479557, >>14479566, >>14479572 OSS attacked the board and bakers again last night. Deleted notables, edited posts,
>>14479580 Clock fag on mark
>>14479554 Eric Clapton "The vaccine 'shook my immune system'. ... I couldn't use my hands for 3 weeks." (video)
>>14479605 Elder would be the 1st black governor of California. #ElectElder
>>14479613 WARROOM with Bannon, just starting
>>14479620 Amazon terms of service account for a zombie apocalypse
>>14479798 #18317
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
#14481488 at 2021-08-28 21:32:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18320: EBAKE Edition
>>14479080 WHO owns VANGUARD?
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET say, "The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479117 Joe Biden's Approval Sinks Underwater as Afghanistan Crisis Worsens
>>14479129 'I Have Been Relieved For Cause': Marine LTC Fired After Demanding Accountability On Afghanistan
>>14479139 Public Interest Legal Foundation: 82,766 Wisconsin 2020 Mail Ballots 'Went Missing or Undeliverable'
>>14479145 Republicans Introduce Articles Of Impeachment To Remove Antony Blinken From Office Over Afghanistan
>>14479165 Dr. Richard Urso confirms Hydroxychloroquine kills cancer cells.
>>14479148 Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot 'Disrespect' Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle
>>14479199 Petition seeking 'full forensic audit' of election results
>>14479206 Japan discovers "magnetic" substance in Pfizer covid vaccines
>>14479211 8Kun Image Viewer 0.1a
>>14479221, >>14479255 Anon has 2 theories about D5.
>>14479094 POMPEO TWEET The $3.5 trillion price tag is just the beginning
>>14479102, >>14479104 Twenty-five minutes to infamy
>>14479105 Biden-the-retard (paraphrasing) "... clearly did a deal behind 41 coalition member's back
>>14479237 Over 100 arrested, 47 rescued during inter-state human trafficking bust
>>14479242 CDC Counts People Who Have Died within 14 Days of Taking a Covid Jab as Unvaccinated!
>>14478877 LB SLA Marshal and the ratio of fire
>>14479294 Linux image fix
>>14479327 GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin start audits Embattled elections official in Colorado county alleges tampering
>>14479388 Protests against forced vaccines and health passports are occurring acrOSS France today.
>>14479394 Canadian PM Trudeau heckled by crowd AGAIN, this time in Ontario.
>>14479398 The Dept of State is in charge of evacuation mission at the #Kabul airport and *NOT* the Dept of Defense?
>>14479427 anon autism off the charts ( Q-»17«-J-»10«-Q)
>>14479448 Anon Bun #18317: Where Are the 50 Audits? AZ Up first Edition Anonymous
>>14479538, >>14479546, >>14479549, >>14479552, >>14479598 ImageFix.exe (You wish)
>>14479551 STAY FOCUSED, GEOTUS WARFACE, ARRRGH. https://anontimes.com/
>>14479557, >>14479566, >>14479572 OSS attacked the board and bakers again last night. Deleted notables, edited posts,
>>14479580 Clock fag on mark
>>14479554 Eric Clapton "The vaccine 'shook my immune system'. ... I couldn't use my hands for 3 weeks." (video)
>>14479605 Elder would be the 1st black governor of California. #ElectElder
>>14479613 WARROOM with Bannon, just starting
>>14479620 Amazon terms of service account for a zombie apocalypse
>>14479798 #18317
#14481416 at 2021-08-28 21:16:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18320: EBAKE Edition
>>14476788 Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are courting each other live on the Hannity Show
>>14476837, >>14476856 Dig: (literally) Halo Trust: Afghanistan mine
>>14476848 [1 ton] of cocaine found in shipment of bananas
>>14477056, >>14477090, >>14477095 The quest for image hosting fix on Android Devices
>>14477059 Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack to get early release from prison
>>14477098, >>14477167 A heavily fortified C.I.A. base in Kabul has been destroyed.
>>14477157 Putin in Oct 2016 - "It's no accident that the American and Russian People, in the most critical times in History, united to defeat a common enemy"
>>14477199 Nothing to see here, just Jeff Bezos and his yacht chilling in Sarandë Albania
>>14477265 The storm is upon us is all over Twitter right now
>>14477287 Apple CEO Tim Cook donates $10 million to undisclosed charity.
>>14477400 #18314
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136, >>14476526 Shadow Dockets? They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14476384 RE: Biden's 8 dog bite incidents
>>14476385 Having a little rest in Japan ? Flag of United States Flag of Japan #NavyPartnerships
>>14476415 RE: IMAGES DOWN, Editing the hosts file works, and it is 100% safe to do so.
>>14476504 WAPO: ISIS propaganda app celebrating Kabul terror attack relies on Amazon Web Services
>>14475909, >>14472407 pb: Germany halts all C19 vax, moratorium on all vaccines, says unsafe?
>>14476560 [11.3] has many meanings >implying
>>14476621 Who let him dictate things with his fraudulent "testing"
>>14476838 #18313
#14481414 at 2021-08-28 21:16:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18320: EBAKE Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18219 TBC
#18218 TBC
#18217 TBC
#18316 TBC
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
>>14478151 #18315
#14481410 at 2021-08-28 21:15:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18320: EBAKE Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18219 TBC
#18218 TBC
#18217 TBC
#18316 TBC
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
>>14478151 #18315
#14480406 at 2021-08-28 17:09:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18318: We Want Audits and We Want Them Meow!!! Edition
OSS, do you sit around in your templar outfits while larping?
Asking for a "fren".
#14479655 at 2021-08-28 14:12:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18317: Where Are the 50 Audits? AZ Up first Edition
Yeah, that sounds like a good reason for OSS to ban an anon, delete all their posts and go back in the archives in secret and edit them. Not
>The sin of vanity
#14479557 at 2021-08-28 13:45:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18317: Where Are the 50 Audits? AZ Up first Edition
OSS attacked the board again last night. Deleted notables, edited posts, the thing he attacked other anons for for the time he surfaced on the board. Jim, we really need to rein this stuff in. If he'll delete notables unfavorable to him and ban the anon, what else will he delete?
#14479382 at 2021-08-28 12:43:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18319: Sword of Truth Edition
>Notable Chronology of events
>In the "Den Of Absolute Retards"
>-Babyfist posts 4:10AM 8/26 (eastern)
>"Reminder: I am still breathing"
>-BO/FastJack posts 2:58PM 8/26
>about the Jan 6 committee asking for records
>~Around this time, the images go down~
>~several users join the DOAR~
>~QR Baker puts workaround to image host issue in the dough~
>~QR Baker puts bunker/backup links in the dough~
>-OSS posts in reply to Babyfist 6:18PM 8/27
>"Good news, I am now back to continue banning you faggotsuntil an hero"
>-OSS posts 6:23PM
>"So we are back to operators trying to move anons to end chan I see..."
>~OSS Bans Doge-baker 3 times for calling him out~
>~Doge-baker continues baking to bread #18316 which gets split by "Gerbil"~
>-BO/FastJack posts 1:44AM
>his theories on where Jim is hosting
I feel like I lost IQ points reading that soggy biscuit dribble
#14478631 at 2021-08-28 07:52:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18316: Denmark TO Remove All COVID-19 Restrictions & Vaccine Passports Edition
Notable chronology of events in the DOAR, last 72 hours
-Babyfist posts 4:10AM 8/26 (eastern)
"Reminder: I am still breathing"
-BO/FastJack posts 2:58PM 8/26
about the Jan 6 committee asking for records
~Around this time, the images go down~
–~several users join the DOAR~``
~QR Baker puts workaround to image host issue in the dough~
~QR Baker puts bunker/backup links in the dough~
-OSS posts in reply to Babyfist 6:18PM 8/27
"Good news, I am now back to continue banning you faggots until an hero"
-OSS posts 6:23PM
"So we are back to operators trying to move anons to end chan I see…"
~OSS Bans Doge-baker 3 times for calling him out~
~Doge-baker continues baking to bread #18316 which gets split by "Gerbil"~
-BO/FastJack posts 1:44AM
his theories on where Jim is hosting
#14478456 at 2021-08-28 06:51:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18316: Denmark TO Remove All COVID-19 Restrictions & Vaccine Passports Edition
>ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
lmao what a faggot
#14478430 at 2021-08-28 06:45:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18316: Denmark TO Remove All COVID-19 Restrictions & Vaccine Passports Edition
OSS hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Edited post #14477438
OSS hidden 3 hours /qresearch/ Edited post #14477427
OSS hidden 3 hours /qresearch/ Edited post #14477427
OSS hidden 5 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 5 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#195530) with no reason
OSS hidden 5 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 5 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#195529) with no reason
OSS hidden 6 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 6 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#195528) with no reason
OSS hidden 6 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 6 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#195527) with no reason
OSS hidden 6 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 6 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#195526) with no reason
OSS hidden 7 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 7 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#195525) with no reason
OSS hidden 7 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 7 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#195523) with no reason
#14478267 at 2021-08-28 05:53:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18316: Denmark TO Remove All COVID-19 Restrictions & Vaccine Passports Edition
Fresh Bread containing no Onions
last bread notables
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097, OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
#14478182 at 2021-08-28 05:41:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18316: Denmark TO Remove All COVID-19 Restrictions & Vaccine Passports Edition
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136, >>14476526 Shadow Dockets? They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14476384 RE: Biden's 8 dog bite incidents
>>14476385 Having a little rest in Japan ? Flag of United States Flag of Japan #NavyPartnerships
>>14476415 RE: IMAGES DOWN, Editing the hosts file works, and it is 100% safe to do so.
>>14476504 WAPO: ISIS propaganda app celebrating Kabul terror attack relies on Amazon Web Services
>>14475909, >>14472407 pb: Germany halts all C19 vax, moratorium on all vaccines, says unsafe?
>>14476560 [11.3] has many meanings >implying
>>14476621 Who let him dictate things with his fraudulent "testing"
>>14476838 #18313
>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?
>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?
>>14475141 @SLDelta45 Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge
>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues
>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!
>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million
>>14475284 Fred Corbin has ?leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database
>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:
>>14475317 DDoS Guard dumped 8kun (two weeks ago)
>>14475379 A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask
>>14475404 [39] on Qclock today
>>14475411 At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.
>>14475419 RE: letter from a state agency saying employees have get vaxxed or weekly tests
>>14475440 Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP
>>14475477 Defund the Capitol Police
>>14475490 New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster
>>14475708 DeSantis will appeal block from Leon County Florida Judge on Statewide mandatory Mask bans
>>14475719 infighting between the shill fake news media
>>14475757, >>14475777, >>14475778, >>14475789 DIGITAL SOLDIERS FOR AMERICA
>>14475876 #18312
#14478169 at 2021-08-28 05:39:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18319: Sword of Truth Edition
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136, >>14476526 Shadow Dockets? They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14476384 RE: Biden's 8 dog bite incidents
>>14476385 Having a little rest in Japan ? Flag of United States Flag of Japan #NavyPartnerships
>>14476415 RE: IMAGES DOWN, Editing the hosts file works, and it is 100% safe to do so.
>>14476504 WAPO: ISIS propaganda app celebrating Kabul terror attack relies on Amazon Web Services
>>14475909, >>14472407 pb: Germany halts all C19 vax, moratorium on all vaccines, says unsafe?
>>14476560 [11.3] has many meanings >implying
>>14476621 Who let him dictate things with his fraudulent "testing"
>>14476838 #18313
>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?
>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?
>>14475141 @SLDelta45 Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge
>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues
>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!
>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million
>>14475284 Fred Corbin has ?leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database
>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:
>>14475317 DDoS Guard dumped 8kun (two weeks ago)
>>14475379 A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask
>>14475404 [39] on Qclock today
>>14475411 At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.
>>14475419 RE: letter from a state agency saying employees have get vaxxed or weekly tests
>>14475440 Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP
>>14475477 Defund the Capitol Police
>>14475490 New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster
>>14475708 DeSantis will appeal block from Leon County Florida Judge on Statewide mandatory Mask bans
>>14475719 infighting between the shill fake news media
>>14475757, >>14475777, >>14475778, >>14475789 DIGITAL SOLDIERS FOR AMERICA
>>14475876 #18312
#14478168 at 2021-08-28 05:39:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18319: Sword of Truth Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
>>14478151 #18315
>>14476788 Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are courting each other live on the Hannity Show
>>14476837, >>14476856 Dig: (literally) Halo Trust: Afghanistan mine
>>14476848 [1 ton] of cocaine found in shipment of bananas
>>14477056, >>14477090, >>14477095 The quest for image hosting fix on Android Devices
>>14477059 Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack to get early release from prison
>>14477098, >>14477167 A heavily fortified C.I.A. base in Kabul has been destroyed.
>>14477157 Putin in Oct 2016 - "It's no accident that the American and Russian People, in the most critical times in History, united to defeat a common enemy"
>>14477199 Nothing to see here, just Jeff Bezos and his yacht chilling in Sarandë Albania
>>14477265 The storm is upon us is all over Twitter right now
>>14477287 Apple CEO Tim Cook donates $10 million to undisclosed charity.
>>14477400 #18314
#14478151 at 2021-08-28 05:35:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
Please Call Out Notables
>>14477438 @680
>>14477495 Tucker Carlson's interview with the father of Kareem Nicoui, one of the 13 fallen in Afghanistan.
>>14477502 What if Flynn phone call didn't expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) law of war
>>14477512 Someone Is Secretly Working on "Privately Owned" Space Station
>>14477552 The world will now realize that Trump was ALWAYS the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt
>>14477554 Blind Items Revealed #5 pornhub owners and investors.
>>14477582 Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization"gwp
>>14477611 code monkey to write a report on hunter biden laptop and its content as now one else has done it
>>14477617 Media Inquiry With Fort Bliss Over Soldier Saying She Will Shoot Americans, code monkey twat
>>14477638 The January 6th Select Committee is asking for records, here's the full list of 15 media companies
>>14477650 dangerous storm, Hurricane Ida to discuss preparations = biden twat
>>14477656 barak obama twat, anon opines violience incoming reads like comey twats comms
>>14477666 Obama Foundation Hires Billionaire's Lawyer Amid Legal Battles, bloomberg and evil trips confirm, obama fuckery
>>14477688 host of military intel legal pdfs dropped by anon
>>14477723 Woman who hid 26 kids behind false wall at day care guilty. abc news
>>14477731 two articles, one by the con tree house and one by sundance . both interesting on afghan
>>14477798 SUBLIMINAL THAT...... PUMPKIN. (based)
>>14477828 Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Previously Known As "Man With A Cold" Arrested, rumble video link
>>14477898 This board is SO FUCKED UP that it it LAUGHABLE!
>>14477951 Obscure codes, botential?
>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows
>>14477970 they say graphene can be removed with apple pectin
>>14478038 Redo the entire election on paper with hordes of poll watchers and cameras running
>>14478047 Trudeau campaign rally cancelled over security concerns amid protests
>>14478056 CA Anons! Vote John Cox, CPA, Business owner. Endorsed by Trump
>>14478079 Why don't they ask Biden who Q is?
>>14478097 OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
>>14478146 'Firm trial date' set for Ghislaine Maxwell's sex crimes case
(not endorsements)
#14478132 at 2021-08-28 05:28:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
>OSS editing past notables and dough file and dough post
#14478071 at 2021-08-28 05:06:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
Looks to me like he/they(OSS/BO) are using using dogfucker account to delete shit in the background while they pretend they're on vacation
#14478063 at 2021-08-28 05:04:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
>HI OSS, I know you are dog fucker. ya dumb shill
Yea this part kek
#14478054 at 2021-08-28 05:02:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
>HI OSS, I know you are dog fucker. ya dumb shill
Regardless of what you believe about me, Doge
I agree with you here
#14478033 at 2021-08-28 04:58:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
HI OSS, I know you are dog fucker. ya dumb shill
#14477939 at 2021-08-28 04:42:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
Tonight is the first time I've discussed my thoughts since FagJack banned me from the discord server and OSS banned me from 8Kun for a week (about a month ago).
I've resolved to move forward and be the best anon pOSSible + help unite us wherever I can. Big big things coming. Good things coming. Nobody will deny anons and you're right, nothing good comes from dwelling on the doar shitshow. Never back, always forward.
#14477784 at 2021-08-28 04:17:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
>OSS Gerbil Anime and FagJack are connected. How 8bit fits into this I'm not sure.
I can neither confirm nor deny allegations of collusion with the Anime Faggot.
From what I can tell though, he's my nigga
#14477768 at 2021-08-28 04:16:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
OSS Gerbil Anime and FagJack are connected. How 8bit fits into this I'm not sure.
#14477737 at 2021-08-28 04:11:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
Nope. I will not believe it until I see it. Doge is more likely gerbil himself. They both can clown a fucking banhammer like no other. Literally try to hate them and they get rolling in the floor sometimes. OSS zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz boring fucking Jew obsessed banhammer fuck.
#14477639 at 2021-08-28 03:58:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
Gerbil = OSS
#14477430 at 2021-08-28 03:22:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18315: Blowing Up, In [their] Face Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14476788 Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are courting each other live on the Hannity Show
>>14476837, >>14476856 Dig: (literally) Halo Trust: Afghanistan mine
>>14476848 [1 ton] of cocaine found in shipment of bananas
>>14477056, >>14477090, >>14477095 The quest for image hosting fix on Android Devices
>>14477059 Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack to get early release from prison
>>14477098, >>14477167 A heavily fortified C.I.A. base in Kabul has been destroyed.
>>14477157 Putin in Oct 2016 - "It's no accident that the American and Russian People, in the most critical times in History, united to defeat a common enemy"
>>14477199 Nothing to see here, just Jeff Bezos and his yacht chilling in Sarandë Albania
>>14477265 The storm is upon us is all over Twitter right now
>>14477287 Apple CEO Tim Cook donates $10 million to undisclosed charity.
>>14477400 #18314
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136, >>14476526 Shadow Dockets? They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14476384 RE: Biden's 8 dog bite incidents
>>14476385 Having a little rest in Japan ? Flag of United States Flag of Japan #NavyPartnerships
>>14476415 RE: IMAGES DOWN, Editing the hosts file works, and it is 100% safe to do so.
>>14476504 WAPO: ISIS propaganda app celebrating Kabul terror attack relies on Amazon Web Services
>>14475909, >>14472407 pb: Germany halts all C19 vax, moratorium on all vaccines, says unsafe?
>>14476560 [11.3] has many meanings >implying
>>14476621 Who let him dictate things with his fraudulent "testing"
>>14476838 #18313
>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?
>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?
>>14475141 @SLDelta45 Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge
>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues
>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!
>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million
>>14475284 Fred Corbin has ?leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database
>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:
>>14475317 DDoS Guard dumped 8kun (two weeks ago)
>>14475379 A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask
>>14475404 [39] on Qclock today
>>14475411 At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.
>>14475419 RE: letter from a state agency saying employees have get vaxxed or weekly tests
>>14475440 Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP
>>14475477 Defund the Capitol Police
>>14475490 New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster
>>14475708 DeSantis will appeal block from Leon County Florida Judge on Statewide mandatory Mask bans
>>14475719 infighting between the shill fake news media
>>14475757, >>14475777, >>14475778, >>14475789 DIGITAL SOLDIERS FOR AMERICA
>>14475876 #18312
#14476675 at 2021-08-28 01:04:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18314: If Putin shuts it down, maybe Jim could ask Iran or Rocket Man? Edition
#14476497 at 2021-08-28 00:32:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18313: Nothing Can Stop America Winning Edition
please call out notables
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136 They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3-dimensional space by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
(not endorsements)
#14476492 at 2021-08-28 00:30:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18314: If Putin shuts it down, maybe Jim could ask Iran or Rocket Man? Edition
Castle under siege
OSS is a faggot
#14476477 at 2021-08-28 00:28:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18314: If Putin shuts it down, maybe Jim could ask Iran or Rocket Man? Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14476154, >>14476296, >>14476257 (WATCH) Marine Lt. Col Fired for demanding accountability on Afghanistan
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476136 They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476197 How is it, whenever there's "Board Division" OSS/"Gerbil" is never far away?
>>14476241 Discord Groomer Bloatables
>>14476242 ICYMI: *insert name here* is probably just OSS gaslighting you
>>14476249 Media's 'Lab Leak' Denial Darling Is Actually Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor.
>>14476268 walk on your hands
>>14476318 Moloch, Ba'al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3-dimensional space by families of the associated
>>14476325 (WATCH) The Orion Conspiracy short film
>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?
>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?
>>14475141 @SLDelta45 Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge
>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues
>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!
>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million
>>14475284 Fred Corbin has ?leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database
>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:
>>14475317 DDoS Guard dumped 8kun (two weeks ago)
>>14475379 A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask
>>14475404 [39] on Qclock today
>>14475411 At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.
>>14475419 RE: letter from a state agency saying employees have get vaxxed or weekly tests
>>14475440 Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP
>>14475477 Defund the Capitol Police
>>14475490 New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster
>>14475708 DeSantis will appeal block from Leon County Florida Judge on Statewide mandatory Mask bans
>>14475719 infighting between the shill fake news media
>>14475757, >>14475777, >>14475778, >>14475789 DIGITAL SOLDIERS FOR AMERICA
>>14475876 #18312
>>14474361 Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World: OBAMA 2.0
>>14474419 IMPEACHMENT Joe Biden Has Been Derelict In His Duty. He Is Unfit To Lead.
>>14474440 Trump chose that Patton clip for a reason
>>14474520, >>14474635 QRBUNKER ENDCHAN is OPEN
>>14474552 Obama needs to STFU already
>>14474556 Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely'
>>14474604 Parents need to stand between their children and any form of drugs
>>14474627 Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion
>>14474628 Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary cycle
>>14474634 State Department in Kabul is turning American citizens away
>>14474638, 7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day
>>14474821 Multi-state operation rescues 47 victims of human trafficking
>>14474712 anon news bun
>>14474749 Chinese Official Sets 1.1 Billion Vaccination Target By October
>>14474760 The taliban are correct. 20 years of Banksters wars.
>>14474786, >>14474806 Big Pharma is essential to Big Tech... why is that?
>>14474790 US intelligence releases report on COVID-19 origins, says outbreak was natural, not a bioweapon
>>14474798 The Taliban has partially taken control of Kabul airport - AFP
>>14474814 Gab Receives A Letter From Congress
>>14475051 #18311
#14476242 at 2021-08-27 23:47:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18313: Nothing Can Stop America Winning Edition
ICYMI: This "Gerbil" persona/BakerG was all part of OSS Discord Groomer Cointel to scuttle the board
#14476213 at 2021-08-27 23:41:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18313: Nothing Can Stop America Winning Edition
please call out notables
>>14475938 Florida is running out of oxygen
>>14475971 Wow [They] reallllly don't want you to see the images posted on 8kun today
>>14475973 Maricopa No Comply, No Moar Money
>>14476028 Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
>>14476083 OSHA drops BOMBSHELL: Employers who mandate covid vaccines may be held liable for "any adverse reaction"
>>14476136 They keep telling the people to "Back the Blue" But will the blue wake up?
>>14476193 NYers say fuck your vax mandate
>>14476197 How is it, whenever there's "Board Division" OSS/"Gerbil" is never far away?
(not endorsements)
#14476204 at 2021-08-27 23:39:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18313: Nothing Can Stop America Winning Edition
How's that fence treating your nutsack OSS?
Pretending to be gerbil baker who knew
#14474655 at 2021-08-27 19:24:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18311: Sleepy Joe Must Go Edition
Swampy, you banhammer moar often than OSS ever did.
Which is silly considering you wipe out 10% of the posters there when you do.
#14466022 at 2021-08-26 19:42:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18300: Enter The Comfefe Edition
sssssssssssssssssssyso''''//''''-----.---.::::++oosysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss` ``...----.........```..```.......`` d/.`````````-:::--...--..-....--.....`````......-..`` MNs-````.-''''//''''/:::----------------:----.............--...`` MMmo-..:/+/::---:--:----::----------------....`..----------` MMMms:+oo++''''//''''::::::::::::::-::::::::::::--......---::::::--:+:` 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Is this what you were trying for?
#14465987 at 2021-08-26 19:40:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18300: Enter The Comfefe Edition
sssssssssssssssssssyso''//''-----.---.::::++oosysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss` ``...----.........```..```.......`` d/.`````````-:::--...--..-....--.....`````......-..`` MNs-````.-''//''/:::----------------:----.............--...`` MMmo-..:/+/::---:--:----::----------------....`..----------` MMMms:+oo++''//''::::::::::::::-::::::::::::--......---::::::--:+:` MMMMhsso+oOSSo++''//''::::''//''''//''/:::::''//''::::::::--:--:::::::::::..:ss/.``````````MMMysso+OSSssooo+++''//''''//''''//''''//''''//''''//'':''//''/:::::''//''::::::''//''/+''//''''//''/:-..:ody:.........MMNsso++ssOSSo+++''//''''//''''//'':::/:::::''//'':::''//''''//''''//''''//''''//''''//''''//''++++++/:..-/sh+-........MMmso++OSSssoo+''//''''//''''//''''//''::::::::::::::::::''//'':::''//'':''//''/+ooo+/:..-:+s+-........MMhss+osyyssso+''//''''//''''//''''//'':::::::::::::::::''//''''//'':''//'':::/++oo++/:---/+so-........MNyysosyhyyysoo++''//''''//''/:::::::::::::::::::''//''''//''''//''''//''+oooo+++/::''//''+OSS-........Mdyhyyyhhyhysoo+++''//''/:::::::::::::::::::''//''''//''''//''/++o+oosoooo/+ooo+OSS--------Myhhhhhhhhyysso+++''//''/::::::::::::::::''//''''//''''//''++++ooooOSSsooo++soo+/+/:-------Noyddhhddyyysso++''//''/::::::::::::::/::/::''//''''//''++ooooOSSyysoooOSSo/:''//'':-------Myhhhhyhhhyysso++++''//'':/::::::::::::::::''//''''//''++ooooosysysoo+++sys/:''//''/-------Noyhhdhhyhyooooooo+''//''::::::::::::::::::::/+oo++ooOSSsss+++/+os+''//''+:s-------h+yhdddhhyysso++''//''''//''''//''::::::::::::::::::::''//''+++oyyssssoo++/++o+o+:/y:------s+yhhhhhhhddhhyyssso+''//''::::::::::::::::''//''+osyyysyyssssooo++++ooo+/++/------yyyhhhhhhhddddddhyoo+++/:::::::''//''/+/+osyyhysoooshsooooso+++OSSsooyos/::----mhhhhhyyyhyysssooooooooo+/:::''//''''//''++oooo+++++/+o+osoooooo++osyyysssoh''//'':::::myhyhyyyyyyssosooosyhhhsoo+::''//''/+ssooosysoo+oosoooso++o+++syyssssood''//'':::::Nssyhyyyyysoo+syo/shhhysyo+:--:/+ooosydhhdOSSysooOSS+oooosyysysoo+om+/:::::Nsshdhyyysoo''//''++/:/sss''//''''//'':::::''//''/:+o/syyy/:/o+/++os+oooosysyds++oyNo/:::::msosdhhyyo+''//'':::/:''//''''//''+''//''''//''/:''//''''//'':::''//''/++/:''//''/:''//''''//''++ooooysoOSS+/ohMs/:::::msooyshhyo+''//''/:-::''//''''//''''//''/++''//''''//''+/::::''//''''//''''//''::-:/:''//''+oooosys''//'':++/odMs/:::::mssosohhyo+''//''''//''''//''''//''''//''''//''+oso/:/+++/:::''//''''//'':::::::::/+osOSSyy:''//''+++smMs/:::::msooosydyso++/::''//''''//''''//''+OSS+:::++++''//'':::/++''//'':::::''//''+OSSsyys/s+/++hNMs/:::::myso+oydhso++/:''//''''//''''//''++sys+:-:/+oo+::::::-:::::''//''/+oosyyhyso+:''//''sNNMs/:::::mhyso+shdyoo++/+''//''''//''/+ssso/:-:/+oo+/:::---:::''//''''//''++osyyyyyo''//''''//''omNNMs/:::::mddysoshdyoo+oo+''//''''//''+sysoo/:-/++++o+/::--:::''//''/::''//''osysysyo/++ohNNNMs/:::::mdddhyyyhho++oo+''//''/+oohddysoosyyhhyo::::::::''//'':::/+OSSsyssyyyyhmNNNMs/:::::mddddyyyhhso+o+''//''/+++osyddddddyooo+/:::::::::::::/OSSsssssyhhddmNNNMs/:::::mddddyyhhhyooo+''//''/++ooo+oo++o+''//''''//'':::::::::::''//'':/+ososysssyhhdmmNNNMs/:::::mddddyydhhysso''//''++++++''//''''//'':''//'':::::''//''''//''''//''/:::''//''''//''/OSSOSSsssyhhdmmNNNMs/:::::mddddyydyhhyso++o+++++''//''/::''//''''//''/+++OSSso+''//'':''//''/++OSSsyoosyydhdmmNNNMs/:::::Nhdddyydhhhhys++++oooooooooo++++++++++oo+''//''::/+oooosysoosyymydmmNNNMy/:::::Nhmddyyddhhhhyo++oshhysoooOSSsssssooo+++++''//''''//''oooosys+osyydmydmmNMNMy+/::::Nhmddyyhddhhhhs++osyssyysyysyssssssoooooo+o+/+os+oyy+osysodmydmmNMNMh+/::::Nhmddyyhdmddhdhso+osyyhysso++''//''++++++++oooo+ooso+syoosys-`+dydmmNMNMh+/::::NhmddyyhdmddhddhysosyysOSSo++++++++''//''/++ooosyyo+oyoosy+.``.yydmmNMNMh+/::::Mhmdmyyhdmdddhhhhhyyso+/ooooo+++++/::/+ooosys++oysshy:.````/hhdmNMNMh+/::::Mhmdmyyhddmmmddhhhhhyo+''//''++sOSSo+''//'':/+OSSso+++sysyy+-..`````hsydNMNMd+/::::MdmdmhyhddmmmNhdhhddhys++++oOSSsso+++syysooosyyys+-..`````./yhdddMNNmo/::::MNmmmdhhhdmmmNhhdhhhddhysooosoooOSSsyyyyysssyys/..``````-ohddmddhdNNNds+''//''/MMNmmmdhhddmmmy:dddddddddhyso++++OSSsyyysOSSo:..`````./ydmmmdddhhhhNMNds+''//''MMMmmmmdhhdmdhy`+yyyhhhhhhyso+++++oosysoso/-..``` `.+hmmmmmmddhhyyhhmMmy+''//''MMMNmmmddhddhmo`.:OSSoooOSSoo++++OSSsoo+:..``````:sdmmmmmmmddhhhhyyyydmho+/MMMMNNmmddhhhm.``../yyysoosoooo++oo+/-.``` `+hNNmmmmmmdddddhhhhyyyyyhhsoNNNNNNmhhyshms````-+syyhdmdhso++:-``` .omNNNNNmmmmdddhhhhhyyyyhhysssymmmdhyyysydNm.```+soysysyshy: -yNNNNNNNNmmdddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhyys
#14460198 at 2021-08-26 02:35:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18292: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy Edition
animefag the reason OSS banned you (besides you posting CP) is your fucking shit notables. You're such a glownigger.
#14459343 at 2021-08-26 01:02:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18291: Comfy Shift Activated Edition
Who needs OSS when WhiteGirls is around now?
That fucker is stealth.
He'll Banime you when you least expect it.
#14459307 at 2021-08-26 00:57:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18291: Comfy Shift Activated Edition
You retard, there was no mistake.
It's literally in the notables.
You're seriously on drugs.
Besides, you're a cancer to me.
I saw your post about wanting OSS back so I could be banime.
You do realize I highlight your UID and look at your previous posts right?
#14459084 at 2021-08-26 00:29:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18291: Comfy Shift Activated Edition
>Dicks seem small.
>you should have thought of that before you ran BV OSS out of town.
>You did this
>OSS is still here
#14459075 at 2021-08-26 00:27:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18291: Comfy Shift Activated Edition
OSS is still here.
#14459066 at 2021-08-26 00:26:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18291: Comfy Shift Activated Edition
You should have thought of that before you ran BV OSS out of town.
You did this.
#14453073 at 2021-08-25 13:00:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18284: Pfizer CEO ready to jab 5 year olds next week Edition
No, it's not FJ.
Here's what I know (a DOAR member can prolly fill in the blanks better):
WhiteGirls had a slightly different username before.
Then there was a log post where FJ deleted it a couple months back.
Then a few weeks later a new BV was created for WhiteGirls using the version of the username you see on the log now.
Looks like the same guy is back again, but it's not FJ or OSS as best as I can tell.
#14453051 at 2021-08-25 12:55:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18284: Pfizer CEO ready to jab 5 year olds next week Edition
OSS may have the rep (well earned o7 for it).
But, WhiteGirls is one bad mofo as well.
#14443946 at 2021-08-24 11:55:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18272: Ultimate Q Decode - The Q Code Solution Edition
Schwab's family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler.
Schwab's hometown-Ravensburg, Germany-was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing "useless eaters")
Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.-Dulles' bOSS)
Schwab's family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler
Schwab's Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America-making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense
Klaus' mainstream media and academia propagandists have hidden his Nazi past in a blizzard of awards, WEF programs, ghost-written books, speeches, interviews, honorary professorships and doctorates from all over the world.
AFI researchers have dubbed Klaus "old sourpuss" because he almost never smiles. Now we know why. He knows he is a fraud-a circus barker who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth whose heart has nothing good to share with the world.
C.I.A. archive documents show that Escher-Wyss and Sulzer were being directed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State Department. This would logically mean that Klaus Schwab was a triple-agent, working simultaneously for: (1) the CIA-MI6-UN British-Americans Pilgrims Society, (2) Nazis (now Germany) and (3) Switzerland.
Do we really want a triple-agent lying spy running the "Great Reset" and "Build Back Better?"
Third, Escher-Wyss was one of the largest employers in Ravensburg, Germany.
Fourth, Escher-Wyss was the first city in Nazi German to practice eugenics principles to murder "useless eaters" emerging from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (something like the National Institute of Health in the US, or Tavistock Institute in the UK).
Fifth, contrary to the propaganda stories about Ravensburg's lack of war-making industries (as the reason why the Allies did not bomb the city and its Escher-Wyss industry), we discovered many Ravensburg unconfessed sins surrounding the Schwab's and Escher-Wyss.
Besides parts for ships, airplanes, submarines and power plants, Escher-Wyss brokered flame throwers built in their Zurich plant and sold to the Nazis. This information comes from the U.S. Archives. This would have been handled by Eugen Schwab with a then about 5-year old Klaus at his side. They also supplied turbines, compressors and propellers for Nazi ships and submarines, as well as gas turbines for powering the war machine, in addition to their nuclear technology.
Escher-Wyss exploited slave labor (Jewish, Russian, Gypsy, homosexual, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish ), as well as Allied POWs. Being a National Socialists Model Company, this would certainly have included Dr. Josef Mengele's biological war crimes ("The Angel of Death").
#14440447 at 2021-08-24 00:13:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18267: THE BEST HAS YET TO COMFEFE Edition
>OSS banned you're tranny anime pedo bullshit
OSS banned him because his penis is underage.
#14440207 at 2021-08-23 23:45:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18267: THE BEST HAS YET TO COMFEFE Edition
Try harder you say
OSS banned you're tranny anime pedo bullshit and still here you are, you know if he was around you'd be posting on your pedo boards looking for some poor kids to fuck up
You know you're a fucking cunt, posting your little cock here
Fuck outta here kike
#14439900 at 2021-08-23 23:11:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18267: THE BEST HAS YET TO COMFEFE Edition
>>14439741 lb
>they're paid and have coordinated teams
It's funny because back when OSS was here gaslighting everyone against each other, there was a point where I legitimately thought Anime Baker was an AI shill super computer.
Learn to bake!
#14433544 at 2021-08-23 05:17:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18258: Full Moon Coming Edition
If you motherfuckers choose to rip and run. Then I will chase you into the shadows of WWII OSS operations. And then work forward from there. Be careful what you ask for. Asshole.
#14430050 at 2021-08-22 23:04:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18254: Forensically Audited Arrests Edition
i miss OSS
#14427999 at 2021-08-22 19:03:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18251: Welcome to the Digital Comfefield Edition
How was OSS my buddy?
That retarded banned me to all hell.
You're not being serious?
Are you just pulling anything out of your ass at this point to get a reply?
#14427976 at 2021-08-22 19:01:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18251: Welcome to the Digital Comfefield Edition
Hey faggot, your buddy OSS permanently cured me of any desire to baker.
#14416499 at 2021-08-21 17:21:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18236: Baby It's Hot Outside Edition
the original namefag
OSS and anna mae are discount
#14410919 at 2021-08-21 00:06:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18229: Comfy We Stand Edition
Holy shit, you just spam the same shit over and over again.
Are you one of those retards that suck up to OSS in discord or something?
Because they basically do the same thing, there is no true dialog.
It's basically brain dead bot tier back and forth.
#14406972 at 2021-08-20 16:49:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18224: AZ Audit incoming in 3...2... Edition
Whats habbenning anons? Hvent been here in forever, is Swordy still around? How about the AFLB, or OSS?
I did manage to get Hot Wheels AKA Fredrick Brennan a suspension on Twatter.
Bastard deplatformed 8chan from Cloudfare
/CM/ if you're watching, you are welcome.
ANyways Im gonna lurk, just to see the shills, memers, diggers, bacers, and shidposters, thats all i see anymore, but i did notice the lady in Red.
God Wins
If I can get past captcha hell, Is Fast Jack still BO?
#14406113 at 2021-08-20 14:59:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18209: EBake
fuck I miss OSS
#14399814 at 2021-08-19 20:33:54 (UTC+1)
Q General Research #18216 Roseberry Video Updates Edition
BV OSS is here, retard
Who do you think posts it?
#14398903 at 2021-08-19 18:48:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18214: Iregret that I only have 1 Vote to Give Edition
Where you at OSS?
You know you miss my Vatican shill assah!
Here is one for old time's sake…
See ya on the other side.
TY Baker
#14391221 at 2021-08-18 22:23:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18205: Audits, from Here to Haiti Edition
Doubtful Poppy's poppy, Preston Bush, was convicted of trying to OVERTHROW the United States in the 1920's and THEN was an OG in the OSS. C_A is his baby. George HW inherited this and owns the trajectory that got us where we are today, imho.
#14384969 at 2021-08-18 04:00:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18197 Apparently this is how it ends Edition
The problem is there is no longer a functioning Kitchen with a successive string of Bakers handing off to each other.
The majority of Bakes are now E-Bakes even tho the title rarely reflects that.
This results in confusion due to lack of comms causing multiple Bakes to occur when there's a interval of several minutes waiting for a new bread to be made.
One bread usually takes dominance and the other(s) languishes until it gets bumped up for use later when nobody Bakes a new one causing even moar confusion.
Also, when Uncle Joe does his thing a Global Report gets filed and the GV removes those posts - which often results in a cascade where a 751 bread suddenly becomes a 699 bread.
Then, things are further compounded due to limited non-GV admin working the board these days especially now that OSS has retired from active duty.
FJ is still FastJack on the Board Log and you will see him and a couple BVs still left do some things every other day or so.
#14378103 at 2021-08-17 16:19:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18190: Look Here Gnistan, Don't look here Arizona Edition
OSS (BV/ARS)…did your Finkelfag, MAGA Riots, Nazi spam get boring? Back to your other, much more wicked perversions?
You want the sites to go back to the way it was long ago, huh? PedoNazis touching each other. At least that's what the op was supposed to look like. We all know who's behind it and why…you really are the stupiest f*r in the place.
#14377949 at 2021-08-17 15:59:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18190: Look Here Gnistan, Don't look here Arizona Edition
Who is posting CP?
Who makes a big show about 'being away' so he can dump CP/gore, then pretend to be 'the savior' of the board? - It was this strategy that actually ensnared him. Must've been during a drug use episode. Forgot which IP he was on and made multiple mistakes exposing that he was the one posting the CP/gore and 'could make it stop'.
Who is Flying Onions, K, Astroturf, retard leaving voice clips (listen and compare), and a handful of other IDs?
Narcissists want to feel like it's all about them and everyone is just toys for their amusement. The whole world is their game and the game is to gain power over others. It is evil.
Don't believe? Compare writing styles of each. Compare statistically improbably phrasing and word combinations, slurs, etc… same sick mind.
The con right now, is that I went away and look: 'The board is full of CP, etc…' You all need me more than ever.
He never went anywhere. His digital breath stinks the place up. Old Anons can feel the evil when he's about his turd slinging.
There's a disturbed little crew that supports him online, guess he got heavy irl. They ban anyone who exposes their op and then one of them…I think we're pretty clear on who will go to the VPN nodes used by the expose' and stop posting sh*t so the other can ban the node and in that way they carpet bomb the VPN nodes…but never the ones they use. Curious, no?
#14377087 at 2021-08-17 14:03:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18189: Stay on Point: ELECTION AUDITS Edition
You know whenever his muh jew is shown up as
the complete bullshit it really is
he brings out his tranny or kiddie porn.
(couple of months back accidentally replying using the the wrong ones of his multiple ID's
was conclusively proved this shit IS from him.)
Fuckin useless warped cunt that he is.
#14375104 at 2021-08-17 04:44:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18186: God Wins Edition
The obvious part is when the OSS notables disappear, and somehow also alleycat board links keep making it up there too. it means one of Babyfist's team removed them because it affects their revenue.
They get really pissed whenever I post OSS's notables of course, so I keep doing it.
#14363347 at 2021-08-16 00:39:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18171: We are About To Change the World, Beautiful Edition
FJ/8bit/OSS and Jim don't get along.
But, GV Swampy & Jim do.
That's why.
#14357138 at 2021-08-15 09:33:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18163: Australia's 1984-Movement Permits-Gov't Registries-Enormous Fines Edition
That book is a trip. Especially Houdini being an OSS agent
#14352218 at 2021-08-14 19:58:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18157: The Great Recall, Certified Non-GMO! Edition
Notablesare not endorsements
>>14351935 Filtered
>>14351993 For me, it's the OSS discord Tranny meme
>>14352075 This Information War is ours to win or to lose
>>14352098, >>14352136 Biden Regime Says Anti-Maskers, Lockdown Resisters, And Trump Supporters Are Huge Terrorist Threat
>>14352120 Kansas Math Teacher Fined for Resigning Over Mask Mandate and Critical Race Theory Teachings
>>14352133 Spain and Bolivia both in US air space. Coincidence?
>>14352160 FARCE REVEALED? "UK Vaccine Fatality Rate Higher than Virus"
>>14352140 TOR posting is STILL disabled and DNS /VANWA Origin issue is ongoing... nothing to see here
>>14352142 Taliban Jihadis Seizing Girls as "Spoils of War" in Afghanistan?
>>14352145 RE: Epstein Island - Little St. James - Drone Videos
>>14352146 Death Toll From Haiti Earthquake Rises to 227, Civil Protection Service Says
>>14352150 Trudeau just appointed a spy named Scott Jones to oversee Canada's new vaccine passport social credit system.
>>14352193 The Walmart Deal: Meet One of the Only Israeli Women to Seal a Nine-figure Exit
#14351993 at 2021-08-14 19:31:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18157: The Great Recall, Certified Non-GMO! Edition
> It makes me happy every time I see it
For me, it's the OSS discord Tranny meme
#14351600 at 2021-08-14 18:36:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18156: [#ForensicAudit] is the Only Way Edition
Is that what a BTFO'd tranny OSS looks like?
#14351584 at 2021-08-14 18:33:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18156: [#ForensicAudit] is the Only Way Edition
Please somebody help OSS, he's dis-associating again!
#14350165 at 2021-08-14 15:20:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18154: AUdit 50 States in 50 Days Edition
#14350016 at 2021-08-14 14:57:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18154: AUdit 50 States in 50 Days Edition
doge, no one here thinks your ever up to any good. No one ever says "yay doge", people only complain about you. But people used to cheer OSS all the time, and still do.
#14342416 at 2021-08-13 06:05:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18145: [C]oup before [D]evolution
Sorry buddy but BV OSS hold the record of 45+ per thread average.
You're gonna have to vent about this in the discord
#14342282 at 2021-08-13 05:32:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18145: [C]oup before [D]evolution
>OSS had to take a break
muh resignations
#14342276 at 2021-08-13 05:32:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18145: [C]oup before [D]evolution
Sadly, OSS had to take a break from imageboards and Tubbs evaded the last ban.
#14340825 at 2021-08-13 02:04:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18142: SECRETARY OF STATE had access to Dominion Bios Password Edition
OSS was the greatest BV this board's ever had.
#14340716 at 2021-08-13 01:52:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18142: SECRETARY OF STATE had access to Dominion Bios Password Edition
Hey Faggots
My name is Doge, and I hate every single one of you.
All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day responding to shills.
You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, do you even MAGA?
I mean, I guess it's fun sitting on your ass because you "trust the plan",
but you all take to a whole new level.
This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on 4chan.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect.
I helped trigger OSS into meltdown, and have over 9,000 banned IPs.
What research do you do, other than "Tyb"?
I also go on mad digs, and have a Based AF Doge folder
(I just scrolled through it; Shit was SO cash).
You are all faggots who should just filter me already. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me, your baker, deal with it
#14336895 at 2021-08-12 19:10:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18138: Cyber Symposium - Information Overload Edition
>why do you think OSS really left?
tell us
#14336869 at 2021-08-12 19:08:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18138: Cyber Symposium - Information Overload Edition
kek! why you so mad? why do you think OSS really left?
#14336843 at 2021-08-12 19:06:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18138: Cyber Symposium - Information Overload Edition
>Also since you went up against OSS,
you are a joke.
A literal joke.
#14336824 at 2021-08-12 19:04:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18138: Cyber Symposium - Information Overload Edition
kek! cry moar plz, btw why are your websites in the globals for links to the symposium live streams instead of legit links?
Also since you went up against OSS, and everything is documented. Do you have an exit plan when shit goes down?
#14334830 at 2021-08-12 15:37:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18135: Cyber Symposium If They Can't Take It Down They Attack Streamers Edition
so you're OSS? >>14139909
#14334787 at 2021-08-12 15:33:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18135: Cyber Symposium If They Can't Take It Down They Attack Streamers Edition
he implied it… because babyfist was claiming to be using weed all the time while being nsa, while OSS knew all NSA had to piss clean. Then he stated he had not smoked for two years.
#14334724 at 2021-08-12 15:27:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18135: Cyber Symposium If They Can't Take It Down They Attack Streamers Edition
OSS was not a bad man, and he was NSA. He alluded to it once. Why he left I have no idea, but I imagine it's part of the plan.
#14334628 at 2021-08-12 15:19:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18135: Cyber Symposium If They Can't Take It Down They Attack Streamers Edition
i miss OSS, he had allowed genuine jew criticism, not this circus style criticism you faggots do
#14320006 at 2021-08-11 01:36:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18116: Election Equipment Passwords End up Online Edition
Because the mother fucker's been half channing while OSS gay-fucked this board with his faggotry.
#14316470 at 2021-08-10 20:37:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18112: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING! Edition
once moar again OSS
for those who haven't filtered you yet
#14316092 at 2021-08-10 19:55:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18111: Setting the Stage Edition
according to the faggot who put afbl and OSS in as bv's
the new one will be even worse
#14315775 at 2021-08-10 19:25:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18111: Setting the Stage Edition
>>14315732, >>14315764
>Cyber Symposium should be in the globals everything is riding on that. Not niggerfaggot OSS board drama.
You know it, I know it, they know it, they know we know it, we know they know we know it.
Unfortunately, not many will take a stand.
>@jack, AKA Jack Dorsey
Oh yeah, right, sorry, who was that again?
#14315732 at 2021-08-10 19:22:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18111: Setting the Stage Edition
Cyber Symposium should be in the globalseverything is riding on that. Not niggerfaggot OSS board drama.
#14313472 at 2021-08-10 15:42:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18108: Lets start this movie Edition
ahh, OSS, a 14 year old juvenile telling 2 year old - long time no longer funny - jokes.
#14311824 at 2021-08-10 10:38:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18106: Morning Light, Patriots Fight Edition
Holy based.
OSS is his actual moniker, his BV is FlyingOnions.
He has been MIA for almost a week now, last time he left was because ded gramma; so for all I know there is something happening in the faggots life that constricts his movement.
Some say that he had a breakdown, I wasn't there to see that so I cannot confirm.
But yeah, Q stuff needs bakers as usual so if you'd like to step in it may be a fun bread.
There is some video stuff going on with Mike The Pillowmeister and it's supposed to be based.
Thank you Anons, sleeping time is nao.
Godspeed Patriots.
Digital Soldiers.
#14311808 at 2021-08-10 10:33:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18106: Morning Light, Patriots Fight Edition
So is onions an OSS alt or something? Looks like someone was going to relieve you, will keep away until I figure out what changed.
#14311778 at 2021-08-10 10:21:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18105: Comfy Q Edition
Ya, ghosting bread it is posted, getting link.
OSS the Faggot has been MIA, so I've been happy with it and decided to start baking again.
If he ever returns which I hope is not very soon, faggot needs to get his act together.
But yeah, for now it's been comfy.
#14309595 at 2021-08-10 01:50:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18103: Activate the Comfefe of Light Edition
Knew it. OSS is El.
Leave the baker alone OSS/EL
dumbass DOAR shill kek
#14303748 at 2021-08-09 07:02:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18095: Enter the Comfefe Edition
I'm still banned, just OSS faggot ass is gone.
Using a VPN.
#14303739 at 2021-08-09 07:00:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18095: Enter the Comfefe Edition
>btw, I was arbitrarily perma-banned by "board volunteer".
lemme guess… it was OSS?
but you're posting now, so i guess it got better all on its own? or when BO reversed a shitload of "banned for no reason."
#14303611 at 2021-08-09 06:25:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18095: Enter the Comfefe Edition
OSS has been gone for less than a week and already the board is an unreadable pile of shit again.
#14303350 at 2021-08-09 05:02:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18095: Enter the Comfefe Edition
Neat, I'm taking break from vidya.
Just binge watching videos and lurking autism chan.
Nao, I'm baking again because OSS the Faggot tuckered himself out.
It's been comfy.
#14301941 at 2021-08-09 01:06:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18093: Stop Complying, There Are More Of Us Than Them Edition
Did someone say OSS eternally BTFO??
#14301732 at 2021-08-09 00:40:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18093: Stop Complying, There Are More Of Us Than Them Edition
OSS is gone!
Shut up dummy, I have the right to bear memes and post anime.
#14301659 at 2021-08-09 00:32:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18092: An Extra Bread
Wait OSS is gone?
#14295708 at 2021-08-08 05:08:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18085: Georgia's Corrupt "Election" Edition
>>14295671, <>14295690
Hey Faggots
My name is Doge, and I hate every single one of you.
All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day responding to shills.
You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, do you even MAGA?
I mean, I guess it's fun sitting on your ass because you "trust the plan",
but you all take to a whole new level.
This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on 4chan.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect.
I helped trigger OSS into meltdown, and have over 9,000 banned IPs.
What research do you do, other than "Tyb"?
I also go on mad digs, and have a Based AF Doge folder
(I just scrolled through it; Shit was SO cash).
You are all faggots who should just filter me already. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me
#14295337 at 2021-08-08 03:58:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18084: President Trump Taking No Prisoners Edition
>Here's BV
* OSS and FatJack
#14288805 at 2021-08-07 04:34:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18077: ThanQ for your service, Edition
> baker war is a thing again?
Only thing stopping them was faggot "OSS"
I hear he's off hittin the bottle, hence only minions here scratching at the dough, kek
#14288787 at 2021-08-07 04:29:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18077: ThanQ for your service, Edition
>Be FatJack/OSS
>Sell soul like a bOSS
>try to derail QR with shills and LARP stories
>attack anons and bakers and call them larpers
>be two months later
>cant even full up their larp/jew breads samefagging
>still here spamming
It's just the way leftist brains work bro.
#14285384 at 2021-08-06 20:17:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18073: GOD BLESS AMERICA Edition
Yeah, but the Clown Crew in the Kitchen doing that hate FJ/OSS.
So, deaf ears ya know.
Besides, they only remove them because they're part of the same LARP squad that brought you the [B] post on Q's board.
#14281222 at 2021-08-06 04:18:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18068: Phase 0 is slow Edition
#18063 (posted as #18062)
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
>>14278136 #18063
#14280442 at 2021-08-06 02:23:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18067: The 'Nuremberg Violations' Edition
- 8Kun Owner:
- Board Owner:
FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump:
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
>>14267381, >>14267466, >>14267474, >>14267503, >>14267542, >>14267551 NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.
>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread
>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.
>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.
* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14279760 Fraud: The ECC's executive director Katie Bordeaux was abruptly fired on July 22, after a three hour closed session of the governing board
>>14279787 #BREAKING @USCG Cutter James' crew offloaded approximately 59,700lbs of cocaine and 1,430lbs of marijuana worth more than $1.4 billion, Thurs.
>>14279800, >>14279825 Five passengers and a pilot have died in a flight-seeing plane crash near Ketchikan
>>14279810 Vaccine & Tyranny News Rundown: Segregation, Nuremberg Violations, Pure Evil & More
>>14279908 Court ruling is final: Newsom may blame recall on 'Republicans and Trump supporters'
>>14279955 Teen Wanted on New York Murder Charge Arrested in Delaware
>>14280009 Israel Conducts Biggest Airstrikes On Lebanon Since 2006
>>14280017, >>14280037 Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Launches Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election
>>14280026 7 charged after alleged abuse at SC assisted living center
>>14280047 Pro skateboarder charged with first-degree murder in suburban Chicago
>>14280066 If anyone was wondering why Matt Salmon has been reluctant to help #FinishTheAudit, it's because of his long-standing friendship with the leader of the Maricopa County BOS Jack Sellers.
>>14280085 @Snowden: Once you wake up to the idea that the world has been patterned … you can begin to change i
>>14280114 Wendy Rogers says that the audit workers are 'chomping at the bit' to speak to the press once their non-disclosure agreements expire.
>>14280172 Federal appeals judge: Implementing critical race theory would violate civil rights law
>>14280327 Start of the big media hit jobs. What say you?
>>14280333 Atlantic magazine billionaire owner and widow of Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell Jobs, who also owns two private jets, published an article Tuesday encouraging the Biden administration to mandate the unvaccinated be on a no fly list.
>>14280419 #18066
>>14278967, >>14279411 Gov of Md. thinks threatening people with lockdowns will make them comply with the jab and forget about the stolen election. Nope.
>>14278986, >>14279035 Coast Guard seizes $1.4B in illegal cocaine, marijuana on way to US
>>14278987 Tragic LOSS of Life Following COVID-19 Injections
>>14279004 Chair of LA County Board of Supervisors issues executive order to require county employees to get vaccinated
>>14279007 This is what pushback looks like in a country where the election was stolen: Parents locked out of the mask mandate school board meeting by @stppschools
>>14279021 DOJ Pedophilia roundup
>>14279023 Joe Biden to Order Half of U.S. Car Sales Be Zero Emission by 2030.
>>14279029 834 unaccompanied migrant children were encountered at the southern U.S. border on Wednesday. The highest daily number on record.
>>14279066 Newsom Announces California will Require Workers in Healthcare to be Fully Vaccinated for Covid-19 by September 30
>>14279122 Thousands of Protesters Rally Against COVID-19 Vaccine Passports and Lockdowns in Lisbon, Portugal
>>14279123 AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka dead at 72
>>14279154 Richard T. Farmer, philanthropist and the founder of Cintas Corp., dead at age 86
>>14279179 Italian man identified as top crime bOSS arrested in Madrid
>>14279229 Oped: Biden team's misguided and deadly COVID-19 vaccine strategy
>>14279327 America's Contingency Corps is Always Ready To Fight Tonight
>>14279348 Senate Intel AUG 4th Hearing on the CCP's threat to U.S. national security
>>14279393 A Pandemic of The Vaccinated - Does The Vaccine Create a Pathway For A More Dangerous Variant?
>>14279419 An anon noms an April Showers dig
>>14279440 Leftists are already planning for a state of emergency... in 16 months.
>>14279480 An anon noms a Cyber Polygon dig
>>14279590 Parents in Lebanon Tennessee fighting the mask NAZIS. People are waking up... Fireworks start at 37:10
>>14279641 #18065
(NEEDED)#18064, >>14278144
#18063 (posted as #18062)
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
>>14278136 #18063
#18062 (posted as #18061)
>>14276679 Previous bread dig? [AURS]
>>14276690 Pair of Russian SATANISTS confess
>>14276696, >>14276766, >>14276901 Anons are conducting an audit of the "BV"
>>14276781 "BV" Hassle was to force board into VPN, Consistent, now, with CMZ's requests?
>>14276721 Associating anons with "LARPS" or namefags is a division tactic
>>14276707 Yes, if you are fired for not getting a required vaccine, you can be denied unemployment benefits
>>14276714 Gematrix on President Trump's Statement
>>14276718 The Australian Government authorized the use of "poison" on the people
>>14276734 12 of 13 Most Vaccinated Countries in the World Now Listed by CDC as Travel Risk
>>14276736 US Air Force Tests Military Aircraft By Landing On Michigan Highway, A First
>>14276748 Disney Joe Biden animatronic debuts
>>14276755 The PCR tests don't work!
>>14276762 Un-Official Boat-fagging
>>14276776 lifesitenews CLAIM: Over 45,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 jabs
>>14276790 (VID) Sen. Kennedy: Masks are 'distraction' from the real issue
>>14276807 BYEden concedes eviction moratorium fuckery may be unconstitutional
>>14276818, >>14277270 AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka dies from "heart failure" - he was vaccinated
>>14276821 Speaker Pelosi is banning capitol police officers from testifying
>>14276851 DOJ launches probe of Phoenix police department
>>14276910 A New Threat On The Rise In South America? RE: FREQUENCY SPECTRUMS
>>14276913 'Capable of acting without Americans': Tory MPs call for British troops to go back to Afghanistan
>>14276926 RE: CMZ BIOS/CMOS Election Fraud Fuckery Dig
>>14276953 Huawei CFO steps out in blue dress and ANKLE MONITOR
>>14276962, >>14277053 Misspellings matter? 'Trump Offical Card'
>>14276976, >>14276993, >>14277051, >>14277216 Omni-Shift Badge just dropped
>>14276996 Today is National WORK LIKE A DOG day
>>14276692, >>14276730 Moar Whale Comms
>>14276998 BOOK WHICH Q MENTIONED: "National Economic Order" by Silvio Gesell
>>14277026 REPORT: Unauthorized Contacts by FBI Employees with the Media and Other Persons in Advance of the 2016 Election
>>14277049 Apple will plant images on your phone if you do not follow the narrative or disagree with the establishment !!
>>14277070 RE: ELECTION FRAUD nobody ever offered an explanation and this, audit every district!
>>14277132 Psaki Admits Biden Admin is Dumping COVID-Positive Illegal Aliens Into McAllen, Texas
>>14277144 Is there a "Proof of imminant food shortages" Bun lying around somewhere?
>>14277160, >>14277239 CEO of Pfizer didn't get high on his own supply?
>>14277260 Wasn't Vitalik under 18 when the crowdsale went through? (cryptofags)
>>14277263 What torrent drops could we have incoming?
>>14277266 "How a network of UK intel-linked operatives helped sell every alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack"
>>14277289 @Jim Watkins asks us a question, check it
>>14277321 Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Laucnches Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election
>>14277386 #18062
(NEEDED)#18061 (posted as #18060), >>14275089
#18060 (posted as #18059)
>>14275127 @JusticeOIG Democrats Introduce Bill To Give Every American An Affirmative Right To Vote
>>14275148 We just released a Report of Investigation Regarding Alleged Unauthorized Contacts by FBI Employees with the Media and Other Persons in Advance of the 2016 Election.
>>14275159 U.S. senators gird for CBO analysis of $1 trillion infrastructure bill
>>14275174 https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/reports/21-104.pdf
>>14275206 Q 1808 & 1807 Delta two days behind.
>>14275214 "Apocalyptic scenes in every direction": Wildfire destroys much of historic California town of Greenville
>>14275241 Is brittney throwing clock comms?
>>14275308 Co-Founder of a MeToo Group Helped Andrew Cuomo Smear One of His Victims
>>14275323 In AZ there are 210,000 excess Biden votes - in race they say was decided by 10,457
>>14275377 Information Warfare Tools & Services
>>14275389 Cori Bush: Democrat . I'm going to make sure I have private security but defunding the police needs to happen.
>>14275408 Q deltas today. All 3 year deltas FISA [20]
>>14275450 Oh look more legalized murder using inclusivity for abortion now
>>14275465 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials
>>14275472 @NORADCommand #BZ @USCG and @RoyalCanNavy - global integration and partnership at its finest - protecting North America @CFOperations
>>14275475 Yamiche Alcindor: Democrats Have a Higher Standard on Sex Harassment Than Trump's GOP
>>14275490 BREAKING: Gantz says Israel is ready to strike Iran.
>>14275624 Woman seen leaning out of car holding AK-47 in San Francisco
>>14275653 President Trump blasts Rand Paul in a statement this morning for backing a different congressional candidate than the one endorsed by Trump.
>>14275663 Cruz: "Kids Are Getting Raped; Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Don't Care"
>>14275684 Planefagging FOX "17" What brings you here?
>>14275690 Covid Outbreak Hits Carnival Cruise Despite Every Guest and Staff Member Being 'Vaccinated'
>>14275802 ANON CALLS FISA IN 20
>>14275812 Statement byDonald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
>>14275861 @ChuckGrassley Almost 20 yrs since 9/11; time to declassify records & give victims/their families answers!
>>14275885 Cuomo impeachment inquiry nearing completion, chairman says
>>14275929 Schumer announces on the floor that AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka has died. Schumer fighting back tears
>>14280073 #18060 posted in #18066
Previously Collected Notables
>>14273476 #18057, >>14274261 #18058, >>14276240 #18059
>>14271072 #18054, >>14271832 #18055, >>14272699 #18056
>>14268686 #18051, >>14271360 #18052, >>14272171 #18053
>>14266325 #18048, >>14269856 #18049, >>14267861 #18050
>>14264425 #18045, >>14264704 #18046, >>14265458 #18047
>>14261668 #18042, >>14262419 #18043, >>14263017 #18044
>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041
>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038
>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035
>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032
>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029
>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8
#14279674 at 2021-08-06 00:56:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18066: The 'Forensic Audits Are Good. Fake Mandates Are Bad.' Edition
- 8Kun Owner:
- Board Owner:
FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump:
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
>>14267381, >>14267466, >>14267474, >>14267503, >>14267542, >>14267551 NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.
>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread
>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.
>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.
* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14278967, >>14279411 Gov of Md. thinks threatening people with lockdowns will make them comply with the jab and forget about the stolen election. Nope.
>>14278986, >>14279035 Coast Guard seizes $1.4B in illegal cocaine, marijuana on way to US
>>14278987 Tragic LOSS of Life Following COVID-19 Injections
>>14279004 Chair of LA County Board of Supervisors issues executive order to require county employees to get vaccinated
>>14279007 This is what pushback looks like in a country where the election was stolen: Parents locked out of the mask mandate school board meeting by @stppschools
>>14279021 DOJ Pedophilia roundup
>>14279023 Joe Biden to Order Half of U.S. Car Sales Be Zero Emission by 2030.
>>14279029 834 unaccompanied migrant children were encountered at the southern U.S. border on Wednesday. The highest daily number on record.
>>14279066 Newsom Announces California will Require Workers in Healthcare to be Fully Vaccinated for Covid-19 by September 30
>>14279122 Thousands of Protesters Rally Against COVID-19 Vaccine Passports and Lockdowns in Lisbon, Portugal
>>14279123 AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka dead at 72
>>14279154 Richard T. Farmer, philanthropist and the founder of Cintas Corp., dead at age 86
>>14279179 Italian man identified as top crime bOSS arrested in Madrid
>>14279229 Oped: Biden team's misguided and deadly COVID-19 vaccine strategy
>>14279327 America's Contingency Corps is Always Ready To Fight Tonight
>>14279348 Senate Intel AUG 4th Hearing on the CCP's threat to U.S. national security
>>14279393 A Pandemic of The Vaccinated - Does The Vaccine Create a Pathway For A More Dangerous Variant?
>>14279419 An anon noms an April Showers dig
>>14279440 Leftists are already planning for a state of emergency... in 16 months.
>>14279480 An anon noms a Cyber Polygon dig
>>14279590 Parents in Lebanon Tennessee fighting the mask NAZIS. People are waking up... Fireworks start at 37:10
>>14279641 #18065
(NEEDED)#18064, >>14278144
#18063 (posted as #18062)
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
>>14278136 #18063
#18062 (posted as #18061)
>>14276679 Previous bread dig? [AURS]
>>14276690 Pair of Russian SATANISTS confess
>>14276696, >>14276766, >>14276901 Anons are conducting an audit of the "BV"
>>14276781 "BV" Hassle was to force board into VPN, Consistent, now, with CMZ's requests?
>>14276721 Associating anons with "LARPS" or namefags is a division tactic
>>14276707 Yes, if you are fired for not getting a required vaccine, you can be denied unemployment benefits
>>14276714 Gematrix on President Trump's Statement
>>14276718 The Australian Government authorized the use of "poison" on the people
>>14276734 12 of 13 Most Vaccinated Countries in the World Now Listed by CDC as Travel Risk
>>14276736 US Air Force Tests Military Aircraft By Landing On Michigan Highway, A First
>>14276748 Disney Joe Biden animatronic debuts
>>14276755 The PCR tests don't work!
>>14276762 Un-Official Boat-fagging
>>14276776 lifesitenews CLAIM: Over 45,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 jabs
>>14276790 (VID) Sen. Kennedy: Masks are 'distraction' from the real issue
>>14276807 BYEden concedes eviction moratorium fuckery may be unconstitutional
>>14276818, >>14277270 AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka dies from "heart failure" - he was vaccinated
>>14276821 Speaker Pelosi is banning capitol police officers from testifying
>>14276851 DOJ launches probe of Phoenix police department
>>14276910 A New Threat On The Rise In South America? RE: FREQUENCY SPECTRUMS
>>14276913 'Capable of acting without Americans': Tory MPs call for British troops to go back to Afghanistan
>>14276926 RE: CMZ BIOS/CMOS Election Fraud Fuckery Dig
>>14276953 Huawei CFO steps out in blue dress and ANKLE MONITOR
>>14276962, >>14277053 Misspellings matter? 'Trump Offical Card'
>>14276976, >>14276993, >>14277051, >>14277216 Omni-Shift Badge just dropped
>>14276996 Today is National WORK LIKE A DOG day
>>14276692, >>14276730 Moar Whale Comms
>>14276998 BOOK WHICH Q MENTIONED: "National Economic Order" by Silvio Gesell
>>14277026 REPORT: Unauthorized Contacts by FBI Employees with the Media and Other Persons in Advance of the 2016 Election
>>14277049 Apple will plant images on your phone if you do not follow the narrative or disagree with the establishment !!
>>14277070 RE: ELECTION FRAUD nobody ever offered an explanation and this, audit every district!
>>14277132 Psaki Admits Biden Admin is Dumping COVID-Positive Illegal Aliens Into McAllen, Texas
>>14277144 Is there a "Proof of imminant food shortages" Bun lying around somewhere?
>>14277160, >>14277239 CEO of Pfizer didn't get high on his own supply?
>>14277260 Wasn't Vitalik under 18 when the crowdsale went through? (cryptofags)
>>14277263 What torrent drops could we have incoming?
>>14277266 "How a network of UK intel-linked operatives helped sell every alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack"
>>14277289 @Jim Watkins asks us a question, check it
>>14277321 Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Laucnches Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election
>>14277386 #18062
(NEEDED)#18061 (posted as #18060), >>14275089
(NEEDED)#18060 (posted as #18059), >>14275098
Previously Collected Notables
>>14273476 #18057, >>14274261 #18058, >>14276240 #18059
>>14271072 #18054, >>14271832 #18055, >>14272699 #18056
>>14268686 #18051, >>14271360 #18052, >>14272171 #18053
>>14266325 #18048, >>14269856 #18049, >>14267861 #18050
>>14264425 #18045, >>14264704 #18046, >>14265458 #18047
>>14261668 #18042, >>14262419 #18043, >>14263017 #18044
>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041
>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038
>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035
>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032
>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029
>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8
#14279176 at 2021-08-06 00:02:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18065: The 'Ebaked.. By The Numbers' Edition
Welcome To Q Research General
We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
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Tuesday 12.08.2020
>>11953143 ---------------- We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)
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- 8Kun Owner:
- Board Owner:
FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump:
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
>>14267381, >>14267466, >>14267474, >>14267503, >>14267542, >>14267551 NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.
>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread
>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.
>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.
* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18063 (posted as #18062)
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
>>14278136 #18063
#18062 (posted as #18061)
>>14276679 Previous bread dig? [AURS]
>>14276690 Pair of Russian SATANISTS confess
>>14276696, >>14276766, >>14276901 Anons are conducting an audit of the "BV"
>>14276781 "BV" Hassle was to force board into VPN, Consistent, now, with CMZ's requests?
>>14276721 Associating anons with "LARPS" or namefags is a division tactic
>>14276707 Yes, if you are fired for not getting a required vaccine, you can be denied unemployment benefits
>>14276714 Gematrix on President Trump's Statement
>>14276718 The Australian Government authorized the use of "poison" on the people
>>14276734 12 of 13 Most Vaccinated Countries in the World Now Listed by CDC as Travel Risk
>>14276736 US Air Force Tests Military Aircraft By Landing On Michigan Highway, A First
>>14276748 Disney Joe Biden animatronic debuts
>>14276755 The PCR tests don't work!
>>14276762 Un-Official Boat-fagging
>>14276776 lifesitenews CLAIM: Over 45,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 jabs
>>14276790 (VID) Sen. Kennedy: Masks are 'distraction' from the real issue
>>14276807 BYEden concedes eviction moratorium fuckery may be unconstitutional
>>14276818, >>14277270 AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka dies from "heart failure" - he was vaccinated
>>14276821 Speaker Pelosi is banning capitol police officers from testifying
>>14276851 DOJ launches probe of Phoenix police department
>>14276910 A New Threat On The Rise In South America? RE: FREQUENCY SPECTRUMS
>>14276913 'Capable of acting without Americans': Tory MPs call for British troops to go back to Afghanistan
>>14276926 RE: CMZ BIOS/CMOS Election Fraud Fuckery Dig
>>14276953 Huawei CFO steps out in blue dress and ANKLE MONITOR
>>14276962, >>14277053 Misspellings matter? 'Trump Offical Card'
>>14276976, >>14276993, >>14277051, >>14277216 Omni-Shift Badge just dropped
>>14276996 Today is National WORK LIKE A DOG day
>>14276692, >>14276730 Moar Whale Comms
>>14276998 BOOK WHICH Q MENTIONED: "National Economic Order" by Silvio Gesell
>>14277026 REPORT: Unauthorized Contacts by FBI Employees with the Media and Other Persons in Advance of the 2016 Election
>>14277049 Apple will plant images on your phone if you do not follow the narrative or disagree with the establishment !!
>>14277070 RE: ELECTION FRAUD nobody ever offered an explanation and this, audit every district!
>>14277132 Psaki Admits Biden Admin is Dumping COVID-Positive Illegal Aliens Into McAllen, Texas
>>14277144 Is there a "Proof of imminant food shortages" Bun lying around somewhere?
>>14277160, >>14277239 CEO of Pfizer didn't get high on his own supply?
>>14277260 Wasn't Vitalik under 18 when the crowdsale went through? (cryptofags)
>>14277263 What torrent drops could we have incoming?
>>14277266 "How a network of UK intel-linked operatives helped sell every alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack"
>>14277289 @Jim Watkins asks us a question, check it
>>14277321 Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Laucnches Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election
>>14277386 #18062
(NEEDED)#18061 (posted as #18060), >>14275089
(NEEDED)#18060 (posted as #18059), >>14275098
>>14274303, >>14274346, >>14274350 Torrent also means Flood. Q said the Flood is coming.
>>14274332, >>14274477 Bitchute embed. Q - The Plan To Save The World & Donald Trump, American Badass (Archive Offline)
>>14274354, >>14274356, >>14274363, >>14274367, >>14274371, >>14274377, >>14274383, >>14274511 Graphics Anon + Bun
>>14274366, >>14274373 Reminder - https://www.resignation.info
>>14274378, >>14274390 The CIA As Organised Crime Part 1 & 2 Audiobook
>>14274379 Remember the Obama/Red CrOSS Seoul comms?
>>14274385, >>14274372 Warden at jail housing Ghislaine Maxwell charged with killing her husband
>>14274410, >>14274417, >>14274419 Ghislaine Maxwell's brother insists she should be treated as 'presumed innocent'
>>14274447 Biden's Tara Reade problem resurfaces as Gov. Andrew Cuomo's allegations are in the news
>>14274457 They Killed People For Vaccine Profits
>>14274509, >>14274521, >>14274529, >>14274533, >>14274537, >>14274557, >>14274587 Learn about it: Trump & DEVOLUTION (plus Wictor)
>>14274526, >>14274677 Vid: Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs)
>>14274545, >>14274595 LGBTQ Activist Accused Of Soliciting Sex From 14-Year-Old Claims To Work For Pelosi, Hillary, Major Democrats
>>14274572 Suspected rape and killing of Indian girl triggers protests
>>14274609 As confidence in Kamala Harris sinks, Democratic "operatives" met for an urgent dinner to discuss how to "fight back" against negative perceptions and the bad press on the "rampant dysfunction in her office."
>>14274771 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>14274748 Bipartisan group of Senators...declassify & release documents reportedly linking Saudi Arabia to 9/11
>>14274824 FDA knew list of known side-effects of Covid-19 jabs prior to jab rollout
>>14274839, >>14274910 PF: We have ourselves a Medevac Lear Jet en route to Gitmo from Tampa Int.
>>14274960 Zuckerberg Lobbyists Push Joe Biden to Kill COVID Border Restrictions
>>14274968 Rose McGowan Rips 'Nursing Home Monster' Andrew Cuomo: Stop Being a 'Pr**k' and Go
>>14274994 Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts delivers epic speech on freedom
>>14276240 #18059 posted in …#18061 (this was posted as #18060)
Previously Collected Notables
>>14273476 #18057, >>14274261 #18058,
>>14271072 #18054, >>14271832 #18055, >>14272699 #18056
>>14268686 #18051, >>14271360 #18052, >>14272171 #18053
>>14266325 #18048, >>14269856 #18049, >>14267861 #18050
>>14264425 #18045, >>14264704 #18046, >>14265458 #18047
>>14261668 #18042, >>14262419 #18043, >>14263017 #18044
>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041
>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038
>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035
>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032
>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029
>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8
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>>14121360 ---------------- Clockwork Qrange #13
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>>13105482 ---------------- Nederland #6
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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/
* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688
* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/
* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084
* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney
* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com
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* Remove Image Background https://www.remove.bg/
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* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker
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#14278925 at 2021-08-05 23:30:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18065: The 'Ebaked.. By The Numbers' Edition
- 8Kun Owner:
- Board Owner:
FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump:
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
>>14267381, >>14267466, >>14267474, >>14267503, >>14267542, >>14267551 NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.
>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread
>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.
>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.
* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18063 (posted as #18062)
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
>>14278136 #18063
#18062 (posted as #18061)
>>14276679 Previous bread dig? [AURS]
>>14276690 Pair of Russian SATANISTS confess
>>14276696, >>14276766, >>14276901 Anons are conducting an audit of the "BV"
>>14276781 "BV" Hassle was to force board into VPN, Consistent, now, with CMZ's requests?
>>14276721 Associating anons with "LARPS" or namefags is a division tactic
>>14276707 Yes, if you are fired for not getting a required vaccine, you can be denied unemployment benefits
>>14276714 Gematrix on President Trump's Statement
>>14276718 The Australian Government authorized the use of "poison" on the people
>>14276734 12 of 13 Most Vaccinated Countries in the World Now Listed by CDC as Travel Risk
>>14276736 US Air Force Tests Military Aircraft By Landing On Michigan Highway, A First
>>14276748 Disney Joe Biden animatronic debuts
>>14276755 The PCR tests don't work!
>>14276762 Un-Official Boat-fagging
>>14276776 lifesitenews CLAIM: Over 45,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 jabs
>>14276790 (VID) Sen. Kennedy: Masks are 'distraction' from the real issue
>>14276807 BYEden concedes eviction moratorium fuckery may be unconstitutional
>>14276818, >>14277270 AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka dies from "heart failure" - he was vaccinated
>>14276821 Speaker Pelosi is banning capitol police officers from testifying
>>14276851 DOJ launches probe of Phoenix police department
>>14276910 A New Threat On The Rise In South America? RE: FREQUENCY SPECTRUMS
>>14276913 'Capable of acting without Americans': Tory MPs call for British troops to go back to Afghanistan
>>14276926 RE: CMZ BIOS/CMOS Election Fraud Fuckery Dig
>>14276953 Huawei CFO steps out in blue dress and ANKLE MONITOR
>>14276962, >>14277053 Misspellings matter? 'Trump Offical Card'
>>14276976, >>14276993, >>14277051, >>14277216 Omni-Shift Badge just dropped
>>14276996 Today is National WORK LIKE A DOG day
>>14276692, >>14276730 Moar Whale Comms
>>14276998 BOOK WHICH Q MENTIONED: "National Economic Order" by Silvio Gesell
>>14277026 REPORT: Unauthorized Contacts by FBI Employees with the Media and Other Persons in Advance of the 2016 Election
>>14277049 Apple will plant images on your phone if you do not follow the narrative or disagree with the establishment !!
>>14277070 RE: ELECTION FRAUD nobody ever offered an explanation and this, audit every district!
>>14277132 Psaki Admits Biden Admin is Dumping COVID-Positive Illegal Aliens Into McAllen, Texas
>>14277144 Is there a "Proof of imminant food shortages" Bun lying around somewhere?
>>14277160, >>14277239 CEO of Pfizer didn't get high on his own supply?
>>14277260 Wasn't Vitalik under 18 when the crowdsale went through? (cryptofags)
>>14277263 What torrent drops could we have incoming?
>>14277266 "How a network of UK intel-linked operatives helped sell every alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack"
>>14277289 @Jim Watkins asks us a question, check it
>>14277321 Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Laucnches Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election
>>14277304 #18062
(NEEDED)#18061 (posted as #18060)
(NEEDED)#18060 (posted as #18059)
>>14274303, >>14274346, >>14274350 Torrent also means Flood. Q said the Flood is coming.
>>14274332, >>14274477 Bitchute embed. Q - The Plan To Save The World & Donald Trump, American Badass (Archive Offline)
>>14274354, >>14274356, >>14274363, >>14274367, >>14274371, >>14274377, >>14274383, >>14274511 Graphics Anon + Bun
>>14274366, >>14274373 Reminder - https://www.resignation.info
>>14274378, >>14274390 The CIA As Organised Crime Part 1 & 2 Audiobook
>>14274379 Remember the Obama/Red CrOSS Seoul comms?
>>14274385, >>14274372 Warden at jail housing Ghislaine Maxwell charged with killing her husband
>>14274410, >>14274417, >>14274419 Ghislaine Maxwell's brother insists she should be treated as 'presumed innocent'
>>14274447 Biden's Tara Reade problem resurfaces as Gov. Andrew Cuomo's allegations are in the news
>>14274457 They Killed People For Vaccine Profits
>>14274509, >>14274521, >>14274529, >>14274533, >>14274537, >>14274557, >>14274587 Learn about it: Trump & DEVOLUTION (plus Wictor)
>>14274526, >>14274677 Vid: Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs)
>>14274545, >>14274595 LGBTQ Activist Accused Of Soliciting Sex From 14-Year-Old Claims To Work For Pelosi, Hillary, Major Democrats
>>14274572 Suspected rape and killing of Indian girl triggers protests
>>14274609 As confidence in Kamala Harris sinks, Democratic "operatives" met for an urgent dinner to discuss how to "fight back" against negative perceptions and the bad press on the "rampant dysfunction in her office."
>>14274771 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>14274748 Bipartisan group of Senators...declassify & release documents reportedly linking Saudi Arabia to 9/11
>>14274824 FDA knew list of known side-effects of Covid-19 jabs prior to jab rollout
>>14274839, >>14274910 PF: We have ourselves a Medevac Lear Jet en route to Gitmo from Tampa Int.
>>14274960 Zuckerberg Lobbyists Push Joe Biden to Kill COVID Border Restrictions
>>14274968 Rose McGowan Rips 'Nursing Home Monster' Andrew Cuomo: Stop Being a 'Pr**k' and Go
>>14274994 Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts delivers epic speech on freedom
>>14276240 #18059 posted in #18060
Previously Collected Notables
>>14273476 #18057, >>14274261 #18058,
>>14271072 #18054, >>14271832 #18055, >>14272699 #18056
>>14268686 #18051, >>14271360 #18052, >>14272171 #18053
>>14266325 #18048, >>14269856 #18049, >>14267861 #18050
>>14264425 #18045, >>14264704 #18046, >>14265458 #18047
>>14261668 #18042, >>14262419 #18043, >>14263017 #18044
>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041
>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038
>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035
>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032
>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029
>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8
#14278261 at 2021-08-05 22:06:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18064: we have dup #18059, and abandoned dup #18056 Edition
>>14278201, >>14278164
Welcome To Q Research General
We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
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Tuesday 12.08.2020
>>11953143 ---------------- We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)
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Backups QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm -
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.
>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
QResearch Search Engine
* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/
- 8Kun Owner:
- Board Owner:
FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump:
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
>>14267381, >>14267466, >>14267474, >>14267503, >>14267542, >>14267551 NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.
>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread
>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.
>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.
* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18062 (actually #18063)
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
>>14278136 #18062
#18061 (actually #18062)
>>14276679 Previous bread dig? [AURS]
>>14276690 Pair of Russian SATANISTS confess
>>14276696, >>14276766, >>14276901 Anons are conducting an audit of the "BV"
>>14276781 "BV" Hassle was to force board into VPN, Consistent, now, with CMZ's requests?
>>14276721 Associating anons with "LARPS" or namefags is a division tactic
>>14276707 Yes, if you are fired for not getting a required vaccine, you can be denied unemployment benefits
>>14276714 Gematrix on President Trump's Statement
>>14276718 The Australian Government authorized the use of "poison" on the people
>>14276734 12 of 13 Most Vaccinated Countries in the World Now Listed by CDC as Travel Risk
>>14276736 US Air Force Tests Military Aircraft By Landing On Michigan Highway, A First
>>14276748 Disney Joe Biden animatronic debuts
>>14276755 The PCR tests don't work!
>>14276762 Un-Official Boat-fagging
>>14276776 lifesitenews CLAIM: Over 45,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 jabs
>>14276790 (VID) Sen. Kennedy: Masks are 'distraction' from the real issue
>>14276807 BYEden concedes eviction moratorium fuckery may be unconstitutional
>>14276818, >>14277270 AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka dies from "heart failure" - he was vaccinated
>>14276821 Speaker Pelosi is banning capitol police officers from testifying
>>14276851 DOJ launches probe of Phoenix police department
>>14276910 A New Threat On The Rise In South America? RE: FREQUENCY SPECTRUMS
>>14276913 'Capable of acting without Americans': Tory MPs call for British troops to go back to Afghanistan
>>14276926 RE: CMZ BIOS/CMOS Election Fraud Fuckery Dig
>>14276953 Huawei CFO steps out in blue dress and ANKLE MONITOR
>>14276962, >>14277053 Misspellings matter? 'Trump Offical Card'
>>14276976, >>14276993, >>14277051, >>14277216 Omni-Shift Badge just dropped
>>14276996 Today is National WORK LIKE A DOG day
>>14276692, >>14276730 Moar Whale Comms
>>14276998 BOOK WHICH Q MENTIONED: "National Economic Order" by Silvio Gesell
>>14277026 REPORT: Unauthorized Contacts by FBI Employees with the Media and Other Persons in Advance of the 2016 Election
>>14277049 Apple will plant images on your phone if you do not follow the narrative or disagree with the establishment !!
>>14277070 RE: ELECTION FRAUD nobody ever offered an explanation and this, audit every district!
>>14277132 Psaki Admits Biden Admin is Dumping COVID-Positive Illegal Aliens Into McAllen, Texas
>>14277144 Is there a "Proof of imminant food shortages" Bun lying around somewhere?
>>14277160, >>14277239 CEO of Pfizer didn't get high on his own supply?
>>14277260 Wasn't Vitalik under 18 when the crowdsale went through? (cryptofags)
>>14277263 What torrent drops could we have incoming?
>>14277266 "How a network of UK intel-linked operatives helped sell every alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack"
>>14277289 @Jim Watkins asks us a question, check it
>>14277321 Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Laucnches Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election
>>14277304 #18061
#18060 (actually #18061)TBC
>>14274303, >>14274346, >>14274350 Torrent also means Flood. Q said the Flood is coming.
>>14274332, >>14274477 Bitchute embed. Q - The Plan To Save The World & Donald Trump, American Badass (Archive Offline)
>>14274354, >>14274356, >>14274363, >>14274367, >>14274371, >>14274377, >>14274383, >>14274511 Graphics Anon + Bun
>>14274366, >>14274373 Reminder - https://www.resignation.info
>>14274378, >>14274390 The CIA As Organised Crime Part 1 & 2 Audiobook
>>14274379 Remember the Obama/Red CrOSS Seoul comms?
>>14274385, >>14274372 Warden at jail housing Ghislaine Maxwell charged with killing her husband
>>14274410, >>14274417, >>14274419 Ghislaine Maxwell's brother insists she should be treated as 'presumed innocent'
>>14274447 Biden's Tara Reade problem resurfaces as Gov. Andrew Cuomo's allegations are in the news
>>14274457 They Killed People For Vaccine Profits
>>14274509, >>14274521, >>14274529, >>14274533, >>14274537, >>14274557, >>14274587 Learn about it: Trump & DEVOLUTION (plus Wictor)
>>14274526, >>14274677 Vid: Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs)
>>14274545, >>14274595 LGBTQ Activist Accused Of Soliciting Sex From 14-Year-Old Claims To Work For Pelosi, Hillary, Major Democrats
>>14274572 Suspected rape and killing of Indian girl triggers protests
>>14274609 As confidence in Kamala Harris sinks, Democratic "operatives" met for an urgent dinner to discuss how to "fight back" against negative perceptions and the bad press on the "rampant dysfunction in her office."
>>14274771 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>14274748 Bipartisan group of Senators...declassify & release documents reportedly linking Saudi Arabia to 9/11
>>14274824 FDA knew list of known side-effects of Covid-19 jabs prior to jab rollout
>>14274839, >>14274910 PF: We have ourselves a Medevac Lear Jet en route to Gitmo from Tampa Int.
>>14274960 Zuckerberg Lobbyists Push Joe Biden to Kill COVID Border Restrictions
>>14274968 Rose McGowan Rips 'Nursing Home Monster' Andrew Cuomo: Stop Being a 'Pr**k' and Go
>>14274994 Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts delivers epic speech on freedom
>>14276240 #18059 posted in #18060
Previously Collected Notables
>>14273476 #18057, >>14274261 #18058
>>14271072 #18054, >>14271832 #18055, >>14272699 #18056
>>14268686 #18051, >>14271360 #18052, >>14272171 #18053
>>14266325 #18048, >>14269856 #18049, >>14267861 #18050
>>14264425 #18045, >>14264704 #18046, >>14265458 #18047
>>14261668 #18042, >>14262419 #18043, >>14263017 #18044
>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041
>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038
>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035
>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032
>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029
>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8
Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>14121360 ---------------- Clockwork Qrange #13
>>14110921 ---------------- Jew Research General #1
International Q Research Threads
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>>14262489 ---------------- France #5
>>14266648 ---------------- Germany #85
>>13187313 ---------------- Italia #2
>>13226402 ---------------- Japan #2
>>13410974 ---------------- Mexico #3
>>13105482 ---------------- Nederland #6
>>13163282 ---------------- New Zealand #8
>>13163911 ---------------- Nordic #3
>>13163805 ---------------- Russia #2
>>13163650 ---------------- Scotland #4
>>14081815 ---------------- South Africa #6
>>13991348 ---------------- UK #40
Q Proofs
>>6156082 ---------------- Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity
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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/
Board Admin & Discussion Threads
>>13699736 ---------------- META (for board admin queries)
>>13699763 ---------------- Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3
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>>13700133 ---------------- #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order
QPosts Archives
* QMap & Mirrors PDF:
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u
* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app
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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g
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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
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* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com
* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/
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Other Tools
* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com
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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases
* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/
* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688
* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/
* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084
* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney
* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com
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#14278146 at 2021-08-05 21:53:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18064: we have dup #18059, and abandoned dup #18056 Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
#18062 (actually #18063)
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
>>14278136 #18062
#14278136 at 2021-08-05 21:51:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18062: 'Or is it? #18063? Why won't BV lock the duplicate #18056?' Edition
Notables are NOT Endorsments
>>14277387, >>14277641, >>14277840
Le Dough
>>14277454 Bread Numbers are fukt, Muh BV: MIA
>>14277437 If you want to defend free speech and let Patriot Jim know how much you love his efforts. leave a comment here!
>>14277438 Aus PM admits he asked White House to invite Brian Houston to state dinner
>>14277441, >>14277885 Pantifa, is that still a thing?
>>14277442 Thank you Folded hands. God bless. - Wendy
>>14277448, >>14277510, >>14277620, >>14277679 Guess what day it is?
>>14277498, >>14277475 Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt
>>14277505 US Air Force Tests: Was this particular landing planned?
>>14277529 Zippy! Yow! Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data
>>14277535 Quebec announced today it will introduce a vaccine passport PM Trudeau backed the move
>>14277544 PULL IT! Larry Page was allowed to enter New Zealand from Fijian island despite closed border
>>14277570, >>14277579, >>14277608, >>14277475 PRECIPICE, MASONS, AMERICA, THE CORPORATION
>>14277588 Austin Steinbart is a field operative for AZ Deep Rig, Despite?
>>14277613 Two Shots? Three Shots? What do you need 4 Shots for?
>>14277637 Meet MARINE ONE: The Helicopter for Biden…
>>14277648 Tara Reade says Psaki was wrong about Biden claims being 'litigated'
>>14277650 Bill de Blasio: 'Voluntary Phase Is Over,' Vaccine Passports Will Happen 'All Over the Country'
>>14277695 Segregation of the vaxxed from the unvaxxed is being used as an age old AUTHORITARIAN tactic to wage war against the people!
>>14277725, >>14277930 Border community declares state of emergency over COVID-positive migrants
>>14277747 Democrat Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden And Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns
>>14277748 Covid outbreak despite 100% vax rate on carnival cruise ship
>>14277751 RE: So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
>>14277881 Timing is everything!
>>14277910 RE: The 10-page report issued Thursday by Inspector General Michael Horowitz
>>14277985, >>14278020, >>14278008, >>14278016 Pres. Biden compares Jan. 6 to the Civil War: Hands out gold stars, gropes some children
>>14277992 Mark Dice is at it again, CLAIMS: Americans Are In Favor of Mandating Vaccines & Jailing "Anti-Vaxers"
sorry if I missed anything, updated the dough
#14278116 at 2021-08-05 21:49:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18062: 'Or is it? #18063? Why won't BV lock the duplicate #18056?' Edition
As soon as I come on the board OSS starts stalking and harassing me. Needless to say I second this.
#14277446 at 2021-08-05 20:22:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18062: 'Or is it? #18063? Why won't BV lock the duplicate #18056?' Edition
Unless it's true that he's quitting, but this will force FatJack to show his hand.
Chekt, based, collected
#14277202 at 2021-08-05 19:45:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18061: Even "BV" Gets An Audit Edition
> Even "BV" Gets An Audit Edition
So he fucking should.
OSS was on an extended muh joo rampage and was banning everyone who dissented left right and centre.
Anon had a gut full of his constant kike calling of anyone who disagreed and called him out.
Result= permaban for this post.
What the fuck happened to free speech?
Anon is pleased to see he has toned down his faggotry and is not shoving the muh joo cock down anon's throats every 2nd post these days.
Anon was gonna baker until OSS claimed that calling every dissenter a kike would actually encourage real anons to bake.
Anon was seriously asking how was making him a bv part of the plan!
That being said, anon must congratulate him for eliminating much of the baker faggotry that has infested the board since the kitchen was infiltrated.
#14267214 at 2021-08-04 14:43:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18050: Supinian the Dominian Edition
>>14267172 JUBE
OSS, enough of your tranny jew-love faggottry
your shit is so fucking old people are shitting their pants to cover your smell
#14264786 at 2021-08-04 03:10:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18047: The 'Arrest Them All! FORENSIC AUDITS FOR ALL!' Edition
way too much "thanking the baker" and news site scripts in here
what if OSS spent a little less time arguing with people getting his goat and tended to all of the useless posts and obvious spam?…
#14245748 at 2021-08-01 19:53:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18022: Dough Numbers Audited Edition
>>14245729, >>14245734, >>14245738
Dig No. 1: Admiral Rickover, and eventually, Spy Jonathan Pollard enters the picture right about the time Rickover was being investigated, which resulted in his forced retirement.
(Dig No. 2, loosely related, on the murder of Elsie Paroubek, and the involvement of Henry Darger, will follow this one.)
Part 4 of 14
1931: Hyman Rickover married Ruth D. Masters after she returned from her doctoral studies at the Sorbonne in Paris. Shortly after marrying, Rickover wrote to his parents of his decision to become an Episcopalian, remaining so for the remainder of his life. (Did this aid him in rising higher in ranks? He may have perhaps been finding his being Jewish may have been impediment to the plan involving submarines.) Together, they had one child.
1933: While at the Office of the Inspector of Naval Material in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Naval Officer Hyman Rickover translated Das Unterseeboot (The Submarine) by WWI German Imperial Navy Admiral Hermann Bauer. His translation became a basic text for the U.S. submarine service.
July 17, 1937: Naval Officer Hyman Rickover reported aboard the minesweeper Finch at Tsingtao, China, and assumed what would be his only ship-command with additional duty as Commander, Mine Division Three, Asiatic Fleet. The Marco Polo Bridge Incident had occurred ten days earlier, and in August, Finch stood out for Shanghai to protect American citizens and interests from the conflict between Chinese and Japanese forces. The beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War was engaged, as the Chinese theater of the wider Pacific Theater of WWII, with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. Following the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Japanese scored major victories, capturing Beijing, Shanghai, and the Chinese capital of Nanjing in 1937, resulting in the Rape of Nanjing. American mercenaries such as the Flying Tigers (led by a Catholic priest and OSS), provided extra support to China directly during the war.
September 25, 1937: Naval Officer Hyman Rickover was promoted to lieutenant commander, retroactive to July 1.
October 5, 1937: Lt. Cdr. Hyman Rickover's designation as an engineering duty officer became effective, and he was relieved of his three-month command of Finch at Shanghai. He was assigned to the Cavite Navy Yard in the Philippines, and was transferred shortly thereafter to the Bureau of Engineering in DC.
August 15, 1939: At the Bureau of Engineering in DC, Lt. Cdr. Hyman Rickover took up duties as assistant chief of the Electrical section of the Bureau of Engineering.
January 1, 1942: Lt. Cdr. Hyman Rickover was promoted to commander.
#14245291 at 2021-08-01 18:21:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18021: Virgin E-bake
Nobody cares finklestein I mean OSS. kek
#14245266 at 2021-08-01 18:16:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18021: Virgin E-bake
Israeli intelligence is different than 'Jews' in general. Stop trying to conflate Q's post with your Jew hate.
#14244837 at 2021-08-01 17:07:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18021: Virgin E-bake
>OSS on the brain 24x7
He's pretty much retired already and yet you morans still whine about it.
#14238748 at 2021-07-31 19:10:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18013: Ebake, INB4 Split bake Edition
Which was why I had to create OSS before I could battle /comms/.
#14230691 at 2021-07-30 16:50:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18003: Audits is the season for Treason Edition
All the real researchers have been banned by OSS and his merry band of idiots. But you know that don't you.
#14230439 at 2021-07-30 16:11:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18003: Audits is the season for Treason Edition
I see OSS and his merry band of idiots still have the board locked up so no one can bake but them, banned or blocked all the good bakers, and now nothing but ebakes, no notables and no real research or digging happens.
This place turned into a real shit show
#14230327 at 2021-07-30 15:51:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18002: The 'Sheep got shot EBAKE' Edition
I see OSS and his merry band of idiots still have the board locked up so no one can bake but them, banned or blocked all the good bakers, and now nothing but ebakes, no notables and no real research
or digging happens.
This place turned into a real shit show
#14211930 at 2021-07-28 02:36:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17979: When The Goin Gets Tough.... Edition
>Praise Kek to a working board.
>ThanQ very much to all involved.
OSS got it up and running. Thank him!
#14210984 at 2021-07-28 00:38:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17978: When The Goin Gets Tough... Edition
William Casey began his intelligence career in the OSS. In 1981, President Reagan selected Casey to be the Director of Central Intelligence.
Although our museum is not open to the public, each week we share a new artifact to give you a peek inside.
#14203204 at 2021-07-26 18:59:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17968: The 'Questioning Coordinated Pressure Campaigns' Edition
Nice cap OSS. TY 'BV'/Banhammer/DS! SNAGGED! KEK
#14202810 at 2021-07-26 17:44:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17967: President Trump Recognizes the Arizona Senate Edition
Hi retard.
#14202809 at 2021-07-26 17:44:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17967: President Trump Recognizes the Arizona Senate Edition
pic related
#14200930 at 2021-07-26 08:04:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17965: EBake
Black 9/11: A Walk on the Dark Side (Part 3)
Part 3: AIG and the Linkage to the Drug Trade
links to Part 1 and Part 2 in the article here…
The more one studies the dark history of the US national security state, the more transparent the CIA - Wall Street connections become. The links to the international drug trade are less obvious, but have existed from the beginning, that is, from the days of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA. Time and again, the same pattern has played out: US military interventions in Southeast Asia, Central America and, since 2001, Afghanistan and Iraq, have been accompanied by a sharp increase in narco-trafficking, with all of the attendant evils. These include the plague of drug addiction, drug-related crime, the devastation of the family and as I hope to show, the corrupting of democratic institutions at home and abroad.
The morally bankrupt policies that are responsible for all of the above have had another deleterious effect: They have crippled our nation's capacity to play a positive role on the world stage. It is no wonder that foreigners no longer view the United States with admiration and respect, but increasingly with fear and loathing. But US elites are oblivious to such concerns. They do not care, and are quite candid about what they view as the CIA's pragmatic "need" to associate with unsavory individuals and criminals in the interest of furthering US foreign policy goals. Their realpolitik can be read between the lines of the policy papers. Take, for instance, the 1996 intelligence report, already noted, prepared by Maurice "Hank" Greenberg for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and for which Greenberg was nominated to replace John Deutch as director of the CIA. In the paper Greenberg affirms that "the capability to undertake [covert operations]....constitutes an important national security tool." Later, in the section titled "Intelligence and Law Enforcement" he insists that
foreign policy ought to take precedence over law enforcement when it comes to overseas operations. The bulk of U.S. intelligence efforts overseas is devoted to traditional national security concerns; as a result, law enforcement must ordinarily be a secondary concern. FBI and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents operating abroad should not be allowed to act independently of either the ambassador or the CIA lest pursuit of evidence or individuals for prosecution cause major foreign policy problems or complicate ongoing intelligence and diplomatic activities.
This means, over and above diplomacy, that when criminals are judged to be intelligence assets, they are granted protection from prosecution for narco-trafficking, money laundering, extortion, rape, even terrorism and murder. In 1982, the CIA and the US Department of Justice actually worked out a secret agreement to this effect.[1]
#14200281 at 2021-07-26 04:08:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17964: Updated Dough Edition
Ruined the board, my ass. OSS did everything that the board's needed for years and then some.
#14200221 at 2021-07-26 03:58:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17964: Updated Dough Edition
I really will miss you. You have been more dedicated than most anons will know or ever comprehend.
Your tyranny was short lived and i kind of understand your position and actions.
Anons let us gather together in prayer for OSS all mighty.
'OSS the Highest Ranking Anon on /qresearch/, hallowed be your name. Your kitchen come, your will be done, on Qresearch as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Praise OSS'
For without him we would have no daily breads.
We were lost sheep before OSS the great shepherd found us as his flock. Now he leads us with his bright wisdom an light. Let no others seek any other breads for OSS is a jealous god.
This is just a dumb anons ramblings
Not approved by OSS
I see the patterns.
Cover ups, Enemy Tactics, Enemy Subversion, … … … … … ..
While no justice is ever served...
Projection abound.
But i am just 1 stupid anon, please look to OSS for approval or denial. As my feeble mind could barely comprehend the above words.
OSS please bless us poor anons as you have blessed all your minions.
#14200169 at 2021-07-26 03:50:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17964: Updated Dough Edition
Best of luck! Your digs, bakes and posts will be missed.
Thank you for all of your service OSS! I know we have our differences but i know the time/diggs and effort you have put in. I thank you.
For old time sake,,,
Can I share your prayer without getting banned?
#14181475 at 2021-07-23 13:22:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17940: You'll Like How This Ends Edition
1800's are key
People resettled to US, taught dispensationalism, asylums, orphan trains, eugenics, taxation, federal reserve
Then wars and more wars…propaganda, Hollywood, OSS/CIA, mind control, nukes, feminism, porn, pharmaceuticals
Isaiah 5:20 They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.
Rev 20:3 Satan is let loose for a little season and will deceive all nations.
#14179114 at 2021-07-23 03:45:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17937: The Cabal Wasn't Ready For Their Genocide, Q Is Edition
You can stop replying to the fed, anons. OSS nuked the cocksucker.
#14175955 at 2021-07-22 20:14:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17933: STAND UP! BE THE PLAN! Ebake Edition
must be bowing down to OSS and trying to get on his good side again…you 2 should just hook up and swap nazi propaganda while sucking each other off you faggots
#14175494 at 2021-07-22 19:06:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17933: STAND UP! BE THE PLAN! Ebake Edition
Board log
Username IP hash Time Board Action
OSS hidden 50 seconds /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 58 seconds /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#194976) with no reason
OSS hidden 1 minute /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 1 minute /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#194975) with no reason
OSS hidden 8 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 8 minutes /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#194974) with no reason
OSS hidden 9 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 10 minutes /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#194973) with no reason
OSS hidden 10 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 10 minutes /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#194972) with no reason
OSS hidden 10 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 10 minutes /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#194971) with no reason
OSS hidden 13 minutes /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#194970) with reason: "Fucking with the dough"
#14173138 at 2021-07-22 12:24:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17930: 4th of the FIVE- Madagascar President Thwarts Foreign Assassination Editi
don't question finklefaggots jew research thread.
he spammed that shit yesterday and banned anyone who called him out.
OSS is not a fren of qresearch and has a major god complex.
#14172231 at 2021-07-22 06:19:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17929: Pegasus / Telegram: If its free, they own the IP? Edition
Douglas Valentine puts the C_A infiltrating FBR in 1951 and DEA when their corrupt FBR was recycled as the DEA. OSS puts them in bed with the mafia in 1942. They are the Federal Reserve syndicate's mafia.
Gladio, Phoenix, Eagle, Condor, Gladio-B, DOE, DHS, they were always organized crime.
Operation Gladio "The unholy alliance between the Vatican, CIA, and Mafia 1
Fuck Them Up
#14170636 at 2021-07-22 00:59:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17927: EBake for the Reeeee
>duplicate 17926 bake
>recycled for next bake
>OSS 35 minutes Locked thread #14169755
>OSS 5 minutes Unlocked thread #14169755
>OSS 4 minutes Edited post #14169755
#14169048 at 2021-07-21 19:39:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17925: Such A Suspicious Certification.... Situation. Edition
>OSS now owns Telegram for some reason
the meltdown is proceeding nicely I see. Did larpwood sue Austin Steinbart already?
#14169038 at 2021-07-21 19:37:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17925: Such A Suspicious Certification.... Situation. Edition
OSS Banned CodeMonkey on Telegram
#14168234 at 2021-07-21 17:25:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17924: AUDITMcAfee#TeamBritney TIDAL WAVE!!!! Edition
Step 1. Go Here: https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
Step 2. Locate Name OSS in chat list.
Step 3. Right-click Block
Done and now we can enjoy the rest of our day.
Removed 8chan Warroom material from dough
Removed 100+ Digital tools and services
Removed Quick links to Donald trump and related dignitaries from globals
Inserted is MJ12 slide
Has banned bakers for stupidity. - too many hyphens baker (banned)
>nb4 low lvls attack with slide.jpg. stay on the facts.
lets see how many times the pussy OSS deletes this before any of (you) have a chance to reply, cuz thats how a dough splitting thief of a liar works.
Bans like a nigger, fights like a pussy… imo
and you dint think i was going to use oneof my own proxies now, did ya stupid nigger.
-so in advance apology to whoever is also using this VPN service.-o7
*cough BannedAnon
#14168179 at 2021-07-21 17:14:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
>Take note of the disclaimer under each post, then of the constitution regarding free speech and shove your concernfagging up your disease-ridden ass
yup, the people providing the infra also covered
NOT EVEN the guy that created this board
ABSOLUTELY NOT the message author
(even if they are 8kun admin - THEIR MESSAGE = THEIR VIEW.)
Once more ask yourself: Why did Jim post that message?
- he saw the writing on the wall (in the MSM)
- he knows action will follow
OSS, carry on and suffer,
#14168070 at 2021-07-21 16:58:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
>the site owner is not the board owner, you absolutely foreskinless disease carrier
site, board - ppht - semantics
when the feds come, they start at the top
the shill at the bottom - with dirty fingers - OSS … GAOL
(and you think international borders will stop them.)
site owner: fine,
board owner: fine and short stay (time off for fingering dirty fingers)
dirty fingers BV OSS: lots of showers with "friends" in his future rear view.
I mean, did NONE of you notice the MSM starting to raise the Anti-Semite issue,
once they start talking about it you think it's not going to result in action?
and it's 100% OSS' own fault, STUPIDITY not a defense.
Don't care if he continues, stupid enough to be the patsy then too bad
… take it as a warning [OSS] (- BTW: there's no lube in prison)
- re -
>BO protecting his own ass?
>ikely knows OSS' contacts
>so... guess who gets hung out to dry when the man comes?
>too bad though, couldn't happen to a nicer tard.
#14167983 at 2021-07-21 16:47:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
>so I put this OSS guy in complete charge
the site owner is not the board owner, you absolutely foreskinless disease carrier
#14167974 at 2021-07-21 16:46:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
>he's the site owner ffs
yes, so when the feds or whichever equivalent come knocking and ask why his board is raising anti-semitic dialog
(and knowing their methods they may will back it up with some recent [FF] attack on Jews)
he can point at his message asking people to stop AND claim "I wuz too busy so I put this OSS guy in complete charge … and to prove I'm a good guy here's his number."
Q. Guess who definitely get's to go to gaol when they come?
A. The shill dumb enough to be actually doing the shit: one OSS.
- re -
>BO protecting his own ass?
l>ikely knows OSS contacts
>so... guess who gets hung out to dry when the man comes?
>too bad though, couldn't happen to a nicer tard.
#14167510 at 2021-07-21 15:14:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
not OSS faggot
#14167454 at 2021-07-21 15:06:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
That's not OSS and you're not Doc.
#14167440 at 2021-07-21 15:02:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
mornin OSS
someone piss in yo cheeri-os?
imma not nearly as ugly as babyfist and I gotz some skillz
#14166925 at 2021-07-21 13:19:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17922: Team Britney - Tip Of The AUDITBURG Edition
What if the new BV turns out to be a bigger badass than BV OSS?
That'll prolly fuck with your head some.
#14161286 at 2021-07-20 16:28:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17915: Preposterous Opposition To Full Nationwide Forensic Audits Edition
>really kinda looking like maybe Fastjack = OSS
Nah, you really are that despised by many people.
#14160887 at 2021-07-20 15:28:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17914: Preposterious Opposition To Full Nationwide Forensic Audits Edition
Before the slides start might as well get this out of the way…
That's not a sign of you disapproving of what BV OSS has been doing is it?
#14160078 at 2021-07-20 12:15:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17913: The 'Delegation Of Authority' Edition
>It was that Snacks guy.
INB4 Snacks changed his name to OSS and comes here to ban people and download CP from the FBI
#14159481 at 2021-07-20 07:51:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17913: The 'Delegation Of Authority' Edition
This PDF in particular is worth going over to understand the nature and scope of the horrible fate that befell most of the world. The Author of much of it is "Peter Scott" A P.S. comm - secret info being conveyed.
"War criminals like Josef Mengele transitioned into the U.S. intelligence agencies, they set up in businesses in Latin America, enough to have planned and carried out the 1980 coup in Bolivia, for example."
How did this happen?
"Dulles used his connections at the Vatican to smuggle war criminals to South America. Under cover of a Vatican-run refugee relief organization, he sent off some 5000 Gestapo and SS agents over a four-year period. "
Thousands of criminals moved just for this one little stretch of time in this one place! Some of the larger heads in crime were falsely claimed to be dead,
This gives weight to the global chess game being played, that even after winning the game by taking out the major pieces, there's still thousands of pawns scattered all over the world.
How did they get there?
"Vatican continued a wartime arrangement of using Catholic monasteries and convents to hide OSS agents. The church provided identity cards. The Italian police provided false passports for allied agents; the visas came from the Argentine consulate in the allied intelligence unit based at Trieste; and the embarkation paperwork was handled by a U.S. State Department officer in Genoa. All of them worked for Dulles"
That Red CrOSS connection is worth pausing on.
Note Walt Disney as a Red CrOSS ambulance driver along with he Queen.
Know who was in Walt Disney's unit? That'd be the guy behind McDonalds. This is said to be a coincidence that they just happened to be friends and then go from nothing to the tops of two of the richest multi-country empires in the world.
Note the Freemasonry symbol https://www.coreysdigs.com/trafficking/exposing-the-keys-to-disneys-operations-and-agenda/
And what entity in the U.S. empowers growth outside of funding?
04/15/2013 Revealed: How the CIA helped Disney conquer Florida https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2309291/How-CIA-helped-Disney-conquer-Florida-buy-super-cheap-land.html
And whether it be Disney and using children https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/08/alice-wonderland-rabbit-comms/ or McDonalds being a critical infrastructure for housing domestic guerilla's https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/29/fast-food-and-false-flags/ they all have a purpose outside of what is stated openly.
Or I should say they "worked" together, but even flipped we don't see what many expect. The reason is largely due to fear.
The PDF Q linked also goes into the fear tactics used how when locals in these third world countries would speak out they would have Medical torturers destroy their lips forever, not just sewing the mouth shut but making it so there can never be a mouth using cuts and stitches. And when they forced a hole so the victim could eat they found that all of her teeth had been removed and two dog fangs-incisors-had been inserted in their place.
#14158630 at 2021-07-20 03:31:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17912: The 'EBAKE' Edition
ty OSS
#14156122 at 2021-07-19 21:04:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17908: There Is No Stopping The Freedom That Is Coming Edition
RT Map
#14153416 at 2021-07-19 08:31:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17905: E-bake
OSS is a closet homosexual
#14153383 at 2021-07-19 08:11:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17905: E-bake
Yes. It is ok if you have only 1 post ever as long as you agree with BV.
If you agree with me and only have 1 post. You will be banned.
So glad OSS can think and read for all of us.
Just like a prison.
#14151637 at 2021-07-19 01:42:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17903: E-bake
>>14151628 OSS is a confirmed time traveler by kike retard
#14149739 at 2021-07-18 19:18:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17901: They Got Me Now Edition
#14149729 at 2021-07-18 19:16:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17901: They Got Me Now Edition
Another Look at Tavistock
A dig on Dr. John Coleman's research into and effort exposing Tavistock in 2001. (https://educate-yourself.org/nwo/nwotavistockbestkeptsecret.shtml)
Travistock is the Master Manipulatior and is into everything. All the Institutions and Policy groups are manipulations by Tavistock or one of it many tentacles.
Understand that Tavistock originated by the elite to work for the goals of the elite. They fathered the OSE which fathered the OSS which is now called the CIA. Everything Tavistock does has the goal: "to break down the psychological strength of the indivudual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order."
Following are some notable quotes from Dr. Coleman's article:
"ever wonder who and what is "behind", let's say, the CIA? Well, they don't swear allegiance to America, that's for certain. Try the British royal family."
"Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a "refugee", the first of many infiltrators, and set up "
"The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. The victim is then advised to "establish new rituals of personal interaction", that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family."
"This is the legacy of the Warburgs and the CIA. Their principal agency, the Institute for Policy Studies, was funded by James Paul Warburg; its co-founder was Marcus Raskin, protege of McGeorge Bundy, president of the Ford Foundation. Bundy had Raskin appointed to the post of President Kennedy's personal representative on the National Security Council, and in 1963 funded Students for Democratic Society, through which the CIA operated the drug culture."
#14148187 at 2021-07-18 12:38:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17899: Let's Break The Aggregator With Muh Bloatables Edition
>8kun is being over taken.
Most likely case: OSS is Antifa
Worst case: Codemonkey is Antifa
Either way FastJack is Comped
#14141085 at 2021-07-17 06:43:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17870: There Will Be "I Told You So" Edition
OSS bans anon bakers you fucking den of shills. FUCK OFF
#14141016 at 2021-07-17 06:23:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17870: There Will Be "I Told You So" Edition
Quick, hurry OSS, conflate me with shills. You're way better at that than you are at digs you retard. Digits confirm your an OP.
#14140984 at 2021-07-17 06:15:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17870: There Will Be "I Told You So" Edition
Have fun bannin anons OSS, you motherfucking SHILL.
#14136255 at 2021-07-16 16:08:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17884: The 'BS Responses Just Don't Cut It Anymore' Edition
>Sorry, BV OSS can't play with you right now
>mommy told him to mow the lawn before he can play on the 'puta
Define: Projection
#14136251 at 2021-07-16 16:07:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17884: The 'BS Responses Just Don't Cut It Anymore' Edition
>You can tell they really miss him when he's not here at the usual time.
Sorry, BV OSS can't play with you right now
mommy told him to mow the lawn before he can play on the 'puta
#14136078 at 2021-07-16 15:27:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17884: The 'BS Responses Just Don't Cut It Anymore' Edition
>winter is coming...
#14136046 at 2021-07-16 15:21:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17884: The 'BS Responses Just Don't Cut It Anymore' Edition
>Anonymous 07/16/21 (Fri) 11:19:55643c10 (2) No.14136031
>please, just come out and clean up your narrative for relevance porn already
Funny, that's all YOU people seem to try to do. among other things.
#14136031 at 2021-07-16 15:19:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17884: The 'BS Responses Just Don't Cut It Anymore' Edition
please, just come out and clean up your narrative for relevance porn already
#14134589 at 2021-07-16 06:56:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17882: The 'Getting It Right' Edition
>Hey, "OSS", You still up? You dumb glowniggers.
>Can I post Doge yet?
#14134570 at 2021-07-16 06:48:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17882: The 'Getting It Right' Edition
Hey, "OSS", You still up? You dumb glowniggers.
Can I post Doge yet?
#14133644 at 2021-07-16 02:55:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17881: The 'Decertification Is A Thing' Edition
Except it didn't end.
OSS shifted it to the U.S.,
became CIA,
NASA, etc.
A great help with the Nazi shift was Prescott Bush.
#14129712 at 2021-07-15 18:11:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
>>>14129625 (You)
>You say no but give no sauce. OSS got FJ to put a bakers thread on qresearch that was just for OSS and a coupla minions mebbe. Its purpose was to destroy the rest of the bakers by making it sound like using a baking board - which is NECESSARY FOR PRACTICE BAKES - was some kind of subversive act.
>Rusty created the /comms/ board for anons, so they could learn to bake. All the discussions there are about baking - how to be a better baker, how to help anons takes notes, get the timing right, etc.
>I am glad to have supported that effort. Rusty encouraged anons to BV also on /comms/, so they could learn about that, too. And would tell BVs to things: to check with him before deleting anything and to be kind to anons. That is the kind of BO i respect.
#14129706 at 2021-07-15 18:10:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
You say no but give no sauce. OSS got FJ to put a bakers thread on qresearch that was just for OSS and a coupla minions mebbe. Its purpose was to destroy the rest of the bakers by making it sound like using a baking board - which is NECESSARY FOR PRACTICE BAKES - was some kind of subversive act.
Rusty created the /comms/ board for anons, so they could learn to bake. All the discussions there are about baking - how to be a better baker, how to help anons takes notes, get the timing right, etc.
I am glad to have supported that effort. Rusty encouraged anons to BV also on /comms/, so they could learn about that, too. And would tell BVs to things: to check with him before deleting anything and to be kind to anons. That is the kind of BO i respect.
#14129705 at 2021-07-15 18:09:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
>Yes, those poor innocent /comms/ victims, all they wanted to do is shut it down and OSS wouldn't let them.
Thank Fucking GOD for you dude.
It was getting hot EVERYTIME Q dropped there would be a goddamn fucking squabble like…REALLY?
#14129704 at 2021-07-15 18:09:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
> yes OSS attacked specific bakers all right
Then why did you lie in your previous statement? You stated he was attacking a method, not bakers, before.
It makes this statement of yours very meaningless; You've contradicted yourself. fuck off now.
#14129691 at 2021-07-15 18:06:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
>yes OSS attacked specific bakers all right
>often those who had helped and supported him when he used to just bake like everybody else
>nobody went after him
Yes, those poor innocent /comms/ victims, all they wanted to do is shut it down and OSS wouldn't let them.
#14129674 at 2021-07-15 18:03:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
yes OSS attacked specific bakers all right
often those who had helped and supported him when he used to just bake like everybody else
nobody went after him
he would fixate on things bakers said or did and judge them without good reasons - just list a bunch of irrelevant interactions that no anon wanted to read
i helped him so many times, and gave him a second chance in the summer after he had savaged me unfairly before.
He is not a good man. And not a fair one. I will never support a person like this.
#14129625 at 2021-07-15 17:56:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
>"Horrible": BLM Issues Statement Supporting Marxist Cuban Tyranny
Tells you what they want here…
>that was jumped on immediately by OSS - who then turned around and became the ultimate power grabber by befriending BO. Or maybe they were friends all along, who knows?
Ernh. Wrong.
#14129624 at 2021-07-15 17:56:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
no, that's incorrect.
They never attacked the checks. they attacked specific bakers.
As a matter of fact, OSS would always bin up, and show id when asked.
#14129614 at 2021-07-15 17:54:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
when bakers tried to lightly control who baked - meaning asking to show recent bakes or (if brand new) to be shadowed by an experienced baker - that was jumped on immediately by OSS - who then turned around and became the ultimate power grabber by befriending BO. Or maybe they were friends all along, who knows?
#14129363 at 2021-07-15 17:20:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
what is wrong with 'gatekeeping'?
maybe just the word?
it's always used as an attack word to make people think a group is plotting to do something wrong
if by gatekeeping, you mean trying to restore order - yes, there was an effort do that after gerbil started splitting bakes when Q was posting. Was a real headache. in April/May
FJ elminated bv checks on bakers when he took this board. So there was no easy way to know when gerbil was acting.
One baker suggested asking bakers to produce recent breads in order to stop that, so everyone would know who was baking (and which bread was legit)
Other bakers said, ok maybe that will work
And it did.
But OSS used it as a pretext for saying bakers were control freaks.
And got FJ behind him (coz fj always hated bakers, coz they fought his takeover).
You know the rest.
#14129208 at 2021-07-15 17:00:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17876: #AZaudit T -45 and Counting Ebake Edition
There's been an OG Baker shortage since 1/20.
Started before OSS became BV.
The issue is primarily an Anon participation in a post POTUS Trump world one.
Other factors play a role - not denying that.
#14118854 at 2021-07-14 04:02:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17863: Happy Birthday Faggot
What exactly is the doug? With you pretending to be so smart, this kind of thing makes you even more laughable.
#14117413 at 2021-07-14 00:39:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17861: Appear Weak When One Is Strong E-Bake Edition
>you do remember denying you were OSS when the banning started, right? I assume it was part of your strategy but I never did figure it out. You (prob unintentionally) gave tranime some cred when he called it before you came out.
I didn't want anyone to know that I had taken the role, because I knew if the /COMMS/ faggots realized I had been made BV they would have taken the shilling to level 1000. Because they have a Global as part of their crew I had to not only not be myself, but I had to remember to always mask my VPN because the globals knew my hash. Once I fucked up and posted a couple times without my VPN is when they started screaming that I was me. At that point the cat was out of the bag so I laid my cards on the table.
It gave me about 3 weeks of being a BV incognito to learn all the hashes before they went full retard. Was very helpful to the declass.
#14117393 at 2021-07-14 00:35:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17861: Appear Weak When One Is Strong E-Bake Edition
> I have no internet presence other than "OSS"
you do remember denying you were OSS when the banning started, right? I assume it was part of your strategy but I never did figure it out. You (prob unintentionally) gave tranime some cred when he called it before you came out.
#14117368 at 2021-07-14 00:32:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17861: Appear Weak When One Is Strong E-Bake Edition
>this is in California?
>Call for a dig on doug then if you're not him.
>Douglas Matthew Stewart is a self-professed enemy of Q Research.
If you would like to dig on doug, feel free retard. I have no internet presence other than "OSS" good luck finding out who I am.
#14117076 at 2021-07-13 23:50:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17861: Appear Weak When One Is Strong E-Bake Edition
>If you just watch who attacks OSS, you'll find the faggots soon enough.
They are about to go in on you.. hard. Kek.
>OSS is the PreCursor to C_A RRREEEEEE
#14117059 at 2021-07-13 23:49:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17861: Appear Weak When One Is Strong E-Bake Edition
I mean I'll admit I wanted qrb to be real when FlapJack was being a faggot about captcha, but that lasted like 5 minutes when it became obvious that they weren't after truth but just the same nonsense of wanting to farm anons for links/aggregation. Was pissed for a long time after that.
Dunno, after a certain point you just know the questions to ask to determine who is real and who is a faggot. Once you have that knowledge, your ability to be fooled goes way down. Not to put too fine a point on it, but an example of making them glow was that "anon" that you thought was serious for half a bread.
But you're right. The more people that come to the light the better, and I shouldn't be a stumbling block. Mea Culpa.
For sure, no argument. It's just that they've been gay for a long time.
Honestly, free tip. Anyone who attacks OSS is a shill, full stop. The only people who attack him are either:
1. Newfags, who are shills by definition because they're too stupid to know what's going on.
2. Glowniggers, who are obviously shills.
If you just watch who attacks OSS, you'll find the faggots soon enough.
#14117021 at 2021-07-13 23:42:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17861: Appear Weak When One Is Strong E-Bake Edition
Fast QR is my fav, too.
I'll keep saying it because it appears to be true and nobody has yet proven me wrong:
QR 2021 is slower and has fewer Anons because the post 1/20 world of POTUS Biden sent a sizeable number of Anons to the sidelines for now.
They'll be back when Q and/or Booms start happening.
The BV did this narrative is bullshit - FJ/OSS saved QR from completely tanking and being nothing but shills at this point imo.
#14115575 at 2021-07-13 19:20:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17859: ⚔⛨ Save The World Edition
fapjack, OSS and the people they write stories about
#14115488 at 2021-07-13 19:09:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17859: ⚔⛨ Save The World Edition
>TBH, I find the whole situation a total head scratcher.
>8bit was never an "it's always the jews", yet after his recent turn around and support for BO and OSS as a BV, anon cannot help but wonder who controls the old 8bit board keys and what is the motive behind the appointment of OSS as a BV.
>Sure, the kitchen was comped by the likes of Trannime and Gerbil, but OSS was and is a horrible baker with his notes, focussing on the jews.
>Anon wanted to bake, but OSS has permanently snuffed that flame.
>Infiltration, not invasion?
#14115446 at 2021-07-13 19:03:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17859: ⚔⛨ Save The World Edition
TBH, I find the whole situation a total head scratcher.
8bit was never an "it's always the jews", yet after his recent turn around and support for BO and OSS as a BV, anon cannot help but wonder who controls the old 8bit board keys and what is the motive behind the appointment of OSS as a BV.
Sure, the kitchen was comped by the likes of Trannime and Gerbil, but OSS was and is a horrible baker with his notes, focussing on the jews.
Anon wanted to bake, but OSS has permanently snuffed that flame.
Infiltration, not invasion?
#14114784 at 2021-07-13 17:07:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17858: The 'Quick n Dirty' Edition
I am Making a Citizens arrests on the OSS BV.
Cease and Desist all Kike activities Immediatly
#14113937 at 2021-07-13 14:57:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17857: The 'Shadow Boxing' Edition
As much as I often disagree with this OSS BV.
Take the bake like a normal nigger.
baker ur shit BAKERS CHOICE
This splits the hive
splits the notables
forces anon to multi tab
#14111980 at 2021-07-13 07:23:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17855: The 'Everything Under The Sun' Edition
[you] don't want to battle with idea's, scro!
Stop pretending!
Where is that worthless BV at?
OSS NATSI is fun to fuck with.
#14111651 at 2021-07-13 05:36:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17855: The 'Everything Under The Sun' Edition
QR 2021 has issues that are almost entirely separate from what BV does.
The Biden taking the oath on 1/20 caused a noticeable amount of Anons to go lurkmode as many had hopes that Trump would pull out a last minute maneuver to stay POTUS.
Combine that with a lOSS of motivation for Anons to want to Bake which is kinda understandable since it is a difficult thing to do well.
Made even harder by the greater % of Shills/Anons ratio because of the first point and their penchant for making life hard on a Baker.
The Shills will reeeeee, but FJ did the board a solid (he owed QR bigly for '19) by talking OSS into being BV.
Imagine the suck if there was no moderation nor QR Declas right now.
QR would be a Ghost Town with 90% shills and only 10% super-hardcore Anons left to deal with that shit.
#14107264 at 2021-07-12 16:23:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17850: Cuba Libre Edition
So glad I checked in to see how this bread is going. The shill bakers are losing their minds and shitting all over themselves and more and more anons are using to every day. You guys are free to spam this bread with whatever you need. OSS is dead, he was created to expose you faggots, he completed his mission and will never be seen again after this. As I said before I didn't need to Ip hop, I didn't need to split breads, I didn't need to lie. All I needed to do was learn how to take notables really well and start making a list of your notable subversion attempts. You can say whatever you need to about me, it makes zero difference. Anons now have a place to track and document everything you idiots do. I don't control this bread, anons do now. It will never go away, it will never be unpinned. It will ALWAYS be here for the Anons to use to expose you retarded fuckers.
Bitch, whine, make copy pasta bullshit. Talk about how you think I IP hop, repost my shit with the same formatting as me and then use it to gaslight me. RUIN THE REPUTATION OF A NON-EXISTENT PERSONA CREATED AND DISPOSED OF SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SHOWING ANONS WHAT YOU ARE. It makes absolutely no difference, OSS is dead, it served its purpose and that purpose has ended.
Every. Fucking. WORD.
The Highest Verbal IQ's On The Earth (((THEY))) Say
God Bless POTUS
God Bless Q
God Bless the ANONS
Jesus WINS
#14107259 at 2021-07-12 16:23:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17850: Cuba Libre Edition
Here's your answer Kb.
I'm not indicting anons, I'm just tired of being the only one that seems to see the fuckery and ever say anything about it. This shit has been going on for months and 90% of the time it seems as though I am the only one that speaks up. Only to be counter by a literal army of IP hopping shills. A week later and Barkeep still doesn't have an answer to why his notable was deleted, which happens CONSTANTLY. When he asked the baker in questions only response, I don't respond to stuff like that. I'm tired of trying to open anons eyes with little to no support from anyone else. If you need evidence of this simply go back and look at me trying to inform anons of what was happening with Endchan and /Warroom/ 7 months ago. It's all there baking class 7, 8, 11, 12. The same names then were calling me a shill when I spoke up are the same names now.
Trust me, I get that it isn't easy to stand up to a group of shills and be attacked by them. It's demoralizing, but if you don't stand up eventually you aren't going to have the chance. I collected TONS of evidence, created a bread specifically so anons would have a place to document all the fuckery and posted the evidence for days. Anons simply don't care, or maybe they don't have the luxury to be here as much as me and see what's going on. Eventually they will though.
1 /warroom/ link has turned into how many /QRmemes/ links? How long before the /qrmemes/ board is pointing anons to endchan directly? Give it time because it will happen. I didn't make ad hominem attacks, I documented EVERYTHING and laid it all out. NO ONE CARES. NO ONE. THE SIMPLE FACT THAT ALL THE BAKERS ON COMMS ARE FIGHTING SO HARD TO DISCREDIT/HIDE THIS BREAD SHOULD BE A HUGE RED FLAG.
I love the Anons, I love Q. But if truth and transparency is really what Anons care about, it can't be half way. The kitchen is comp'd, end of story. Notables are deleted often. And even more often important information is excluded from notables and are completely forgotten. This should have been clear as day after a week went by with anons trying to get Color Revolution information into the bread and bakers refused it, a week later Q posts about Color Revolutions. Again, everyone saw this happen and no one stood up and asked why the fuck "bakers" were refusing to add information about current political happenings in our country that could be extremely important for the public to know. I thought we were the news now. Now ask yourself if that anon would EVER be willing to put that much effort into digging again after that? If it was me I know I wouldn't. We aren't the news, we could be, but as of right now we are a news aggregator and pipeline to MSM websites that are filling their pockets with continuous traffic that we send their way. Anons don't even archive shit anymore.
Look at the dough, count how many off-board links are there now. More and more will be added and anons will continue to be split off. Because that is their plan. Divide and Conquer. More and more breads will be moved to /comms/ and /QRmemes/ until they finish the narrative that BO is comp'd and successfully convince anons to all migrate to a board they have control over. The question I can't answer is why Q is allowing it. It is OBVIOUS that Q has called out the kitchen multiple times, yet anons never act to right the ship.
How much more obvious can it get than a baker deleting notables about Cannibal Club the exact same day that Q posted about Cannibal Club. It wasn't an accident. It was done on purpose but no one pays attention and just like that the entire dig was over. Not only did the baker delete the notable, he changed the bread numbers that night and completely ignored the ANONS shouting to not delete it, after he tried to hide what he was deleting. The next morning no one knew what was deleted and when anons spoke up his team of shills attacked them and as always anymore no other anons spoke up to defend what was right.
Anons are saving the world, but how much further would we be if we weren't being subverted EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Complacency is what got us in this mess and now complacency is hindering our progress. There is 0 denying at this point Rainman and AFLB are directly linked to the /comms/ board. NONE.
A Week straight of posting all that evidence and all it takes for anons to ignore it is for 5-6 shills to scream NOT TRUE FAGGOT and it is forgotten. No Meta in the dough, deleted and no one said shit, 5 seperate links added to /QRmemes/ since yesterday with no discussion with anons. NO ONE SAYS SHIT. Anons just sit there and go along.
No one else seems to care. I wasn't kidding last night, even though I was extremely frustrated I meant what I said, I quit. Not because I don't love the mission, not because I don't love the Anons, and not because I don't love Q. I quit because what Qresearch once was is no more, this place was special at one point because of the people that populated it. Not Q, they were the catalyst that brought us together, but it was the anons that cared more about truth and answers than anything else that made this place. That culture is gone, anons are fine with bakers pulling the shit they have in recent months because they have been conditioned to be fine with it.
You have to give it to them, their methods/psyops are exceptionally effective.
1. Create a culture to where bakers are above reproach and can never be questioned. TYB
2. Mercilessly attack any dissenters even if the dissent is legitimate.
3. Multi-UID attack anyone to create a consensus that baker=good anon=shill
4. If the heat gets to be too much fake/stealth hand-off.
5. All sins are forgotten next bread/bake.
6. Attack any bakers that are not on the team.
7. Gaslight them when you think they are not around.
Here's a nice little experiment, go back and look at how many times they have posted OSS is the precursor to the C_A so that they can try to get anons to subconsciously to associate me with the enemy. Psychological warfare. Do you think that since I exposed AFLB as GB and part of the /comms/ crew it is an accident they are suddenly spamming 50 times a bread that I posted CP? Do you think it is an accident that now anyone that calls out the baker is shut down with FUCK OFF OSS?
Q flat out said, do not glorify us we work for you. He also should have said do not glorify bakers, they work for you. And I say this as someone that used to bake. Hence, the reason I used to tell anons NOT to thank me, but thank other anons. I deleted all of my memes. I deleted all of my offline archives. I would delete this account but I know if I do AFLB/GB or one of the crew would just create a pastebin with the same name and go stupid on the board pretending to be me. You have no idea what I have been through because of this place. That Netflix stuff wasn't a joke. They know who I am personally, I was literally risking my life with this place. You saw GYB threaten me on /comms/, you saw the netflix post, you saw what the person threatening me was responding to - me saying I exposed that person for deleting notables late at night. Why should I continue to risk myself with no one behind me. These bakers are NOT who you think they are, eventually you'll figure it out.
#14106982 at 2021-07-12 15:19:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17849: No Larpers Shilling 24/7 Edition
>The same BV that is eerily late to his shift this morning while someone is Uncle Joe'ing the board.
Hi nigger, I don't have a shift, I am a volunteer. I come and go and I please. Keep that gaslight hope alive.. Working great so far. Tell everyone how OSS is the pre-cursor to the C_A next.
#14106674 at 2021-07-12 14:23:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17849: No Larpers Shilling 24/7 Edition
whens the last time we seen it on the board
stfu and lurk moar
#14106648 at 2021-07-12 14:20:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17849: No Larpers Shilling 24/7 Edition
Has anyone noticed since OSS became a bv we dont have goreporn or trannyporn being posted anymore?
js o.0
#14101643 at 2021-07-11 19:58:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17843: No Rodents Allowed
>If you can't take the shitposting
You mean like BV/OSS/BO perma banning memes?
#14098167 at 2021-07-11 03:42:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17838: Ready 1 Edition
>>Deleted post #14098121
For the record, POTUS is actually at this UFC event. Maybe it isn't super pertinent to Q or anything, but he's very likely to show up on the screen at some poin in the next hour or so.
#14098163 at 2021-07-11 03:40:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17838: Ready 1 Edition
OSS also a GV? who can post on Q's board?
#14098147 at 2021-07-11 03:37:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17838: Ready 1 Edition
You know, if you keep accusing me of being a bv, they might just make me one to fuck with you.
I'm not OSS, sorry.
#14096554 at 2021-07-10 22:48:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17836: EBake
Operation Valkyrie 1914 1913 8 WW2 Coup on CIA OSS CCCP 8888
#14096544 at 2021-07-10 22:47:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17836: EBake
Never mind my notifications are slow
This is the latest one
>Operation Valkyrie 1914 1913 8 WW2 Coup on CIA OSS CCCP 8888
#14096026 at 2021-07-10 21:13:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17836: EBake
The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.
>>14092422 #17832: 50 States of Audit Edition
#14095876 at 2021-07-10 20:38:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17836: EBake
>>14092422 (#17832) <-LOOK AT THIS POST, THE LENGTH, AND THE ID
#14095846 at 2021-07-10 20:33:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17836: EBake
>>14092422 (#17832) <-LOOK AT THIS POST, THE LENGTH, AND THE ID
#14093189 at 2021-07-10 08:38:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17832: 50 States of Audit Edition
#14091766 at 2021-07-10 03:22:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17831: The 'Shady DC Deals' Edition
get fucked shill, talk about graphene stuff without claiming the dough when nobody likes you.. this anti-OSS fagging is funny though.. Probably need to make it look like he did something wrong instead of pointing out that you're indeed the faggot in this situation
#14090407 at 2021-07-10 00:13:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17829: "Sometimes it just rolls like that" Edition
Moar like boiling point
And shit floats to the surface
OSS is the shittiest BV in history
#14089361 at 2021-07-09 21:49:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17828: Classic EBake
Ahh yes, order, finally.
Rather have an OSS shillteam6 bake than a split bake.
Confirmed handoff back to Board Jew
#14088990 at 2021-07-09 20:38:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17827: Fake Q Moved Boards, Guess They Are Scared of BV Edition
>>>14088465 TY PATRIOT BV OSS
>gif related
#14088967 at 2021-07-09 20:31:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17827: Fake Q Moved Boards, Guess They Are Scared of BV Edition
>>14088465 TY PATRIOT
Information Warfare Tools & Services
Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]
[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS
[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.
[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST
[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)
[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.
[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.
[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)
[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com
[9] Information Warfare https://ghostbin.com/paste/pklIf [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]
QResearch Search Engine - Search All Postings: https://qresear.ch/
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
Devel: https://t.me/s/CodeMonkeyZ
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ | https://www.45office.com/ | https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
- Melania Trump: https://twitter.com/melaniatrump/
- Donald Trump Jr: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/
- Dan Scavino: t.me/Dan_Scavino_Official/
- Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/
- Rudolph Giuliani: https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/
- General Flynn: https://t.me/RealGenFlynn/ | https://americasfuture.net
- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/
- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/
- Mike Lindell: https://frankspeech.com/ | https://LindellTV.com/
- Steve Bannon: https://pandemic.warroom.org/
- Tom Fitton: https://twitter.com/TomFitton/
- Dan Bongino: https://bongino.com/
- Jeanine Pirro: https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine
- Sean Hannity: https://twitter.com/seanhannity
- Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN
Standard ---------------- https://controlc.com/54361f5d
Military ---------------- https://controlc.com/efb0a3af
FBI ---------------- https://controlc.com/ad24d6c3
Civilian ---------------- https://controlc.com/b3789ed8
Telegram ---------------- https://controlc.com/16dcdba4
Take On Big Tech https://www.constitutionallitigationpartnership.com/ #Cancel230
Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4
All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm
Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178
Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ
Election Integrity Funds for the American Republic https://www.eifftar.com/
-TOR posting is disabled-
TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.
The site is stable and TOR posting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.
>>14068935, >>14068945, >>14068986 Sgt. Babyfist admits to being the person that threatened to kill BV + BV family.
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
>>14061867, >>14061869, >>14061879, >>14061886, >>14061927, >>14061929,Shill Tactics 101Educate yourself on your enemies
>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958,MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / babyfister team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever. -SwordAnon
#14088622 at 2021-07-09 19:30:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17827: Fake Q Moved Boards, Guess They Are Scared of BV Edition
Sizable if Quantifiable
Dig of the week:
Who is OSS?
Reddit man?
Austin Steinbart?
Alex Jones?
Some tranny?
#14088614 at 2021-07-09 19:29:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17827: Fake Q Moved Boards, Guess They Are Scared of BV Edition
>"Anons never right the ship" - OSS
>"Tidy up the Ship" - Q
21 days separation = 3 weeks
7 days a week
+7 +7 +7
Talk about patterns.
#14088604 at 2021-07-09 19:27:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17827: Fake Q Moved Boards, Guess They Are Scared of BV Edition
>Q also said tidy up the ship.
>I think he meant BV.
>Banning anons for talking about exit strategy if board is comped. Telling in itself that it already is and making sure anons can't plan for it.
>Well played.
Q responded to me saying anons "never right the ship." When I was talking about kicking out the kike shills. You idiots suck at this
"Anons never right the ship" - OSS
"Tidy up the Ship" - Q
Retards keep trying, it's hilarious.
#14087554 at 2021-07-09 16:05:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18725: The 'EBAKE' Edition
Story time
>be BV OSS
>perma ban anons posting American flags
>hide notables, spam globals larp
>send CP and bad memes also
#14083332 at 2021-07-08 23:40:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17820: Storm Watch Edition
>>14083257 Congratulations, Lucky ProntonVPN subscriber! You are now MJ12!
>>14083145 "Undercover" to infiltrate Chinese-American far-right networks
>>14083166 JUST IN - Magnitude 6.2 earthquake
>>14083191 Act like what you do matters. It does.
>>14083202 To somebody at least
>>14083282 Questions for OSS
#14081913 at 2021-07-08 19:35:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17818: The 'No Rodents EBAKE' Edition
The OSS' Virginia Hall died OTD 1982. She was the only civilian American woman who received the Distinguished Service CrOSS in World War II. Watch our short documentary, "The Tip of the Spear: From Virginia Hall to Gina Haspel"
#14081856 at 2021-07-08 19:23:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17818: The 'No Rodents EBAKE' Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#14081839 at 2021-07-08 19:19:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17818: The 'No Rodents EBAKE' Edition
i'm not OSS you stupid fag
#14081284 at 2021-07-08 17:47:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17818: The 'No Rodents EBAKE' Edition
#14080741 at 2021-07-08 16:11:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17817: E-bake
#14080525 at 2021-07-08 15:31:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17817: E-bake
>People got tired of it, and the momentum crashed as OSS ramped up the fascism, and FJ allowed it.
We seem to have plenty, you seem to have none. We were invited, you have been asked to leave.
#14080518 at 2021-07-08 15:29:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17817: E-bake
>That problem existed before OSS
No, it didn't, actually. We've always used the whole "whatever" (buffalo, tamale, taco bowl, WTF ever) since the start. There were struggles to control the breads, sure, but we roll with it and call people out for fuckery and keep marching on.
People got tired of it, and the momentum crashed as OSS ramped up the fascism, and FJ allowed it. What's worse is it all started over a tiff (whether it's kayfabe or not) between BO and Mr. Watkins. Don't even get me started on why "tranime" was pulling what he was pulling, because it obviously went 40k feet over most anons' heads.
Calling a spade a spade isn't a ban-able offense here. Never was. Until now.
>Don't worry, BV. Got at least another 99,995 ips to go.
#14080479 at 2021-07-08 15:23:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17817: E-bake
>Having a hard time finding bakers, OSS?
Correct syntax and word choice.
>proved you are not Anon
#14080457 at 2021-07-08 15:19:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17817: E-bake
>Having a hard time finding bakers, OSS?
And guess what?
That problem existed before OSS took up FJ and 8-bit on their offer to become BV.
But, that doesn't fit the narrative so I can see why you like to omit that fact.
#14080453 at 2021-07-08 15:18:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17817: E-bake
>Having a hard time finding bakers, OSS? That's a goddamn, mother fucking shame.
Not at all. One right here. But anons need to learn and they wont if they continue to be spoon fed. SOOOOOOO we keep them away from the pedophiles in the candy trucks and encourage them to do what they need to do.
#14080445 at 2021-07-08 15:17:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17817: E-bake
Having a hard time finding bakers, OSS? That's a goddamn, mother fucking shame. Regardless of the bans, some anons will keep coming here and contributing in the spirit of the memory of this place. Now, you have yourself a blessed day!
EyesMEANWHILE AT THE SUEZ CANAL 38 - Turkey News Caster Spills the Beans on Evergreen's Ever Given & More!
#14078811 at 2021-07-08 06:07:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17815: Night Stalkers Edition
we need more OSS stories in the notables
#14078581 at 2021-07-08 04:57:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17814: E-bake
Then what?
#14078576 at 2021-07-08 04:56:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17814: E-bake
#14078463 at 2021-07-08 04:36:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17814: E-bake
Wheres your flashing neon fag sign ID?
Hahaha! Insecure faggot fedboi OSS tryna pretend he's anon!
#14078412 at 2021-07-08 04:24:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17814: E-bake
>What does OSS stand for?
>It is a simple fucking question.
>What are the sides?
>what are the agendas?
Fake baker wars, "comms, Jews" BV is the same personality group, Take down of qr, paint ugly, depopulate. 3+ years shills took over board.
#14078188 at 2021-07-08 03:40:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17814: E-bake
Not sure, they have talked about it a couple of times, but it was before I paid attention to baker/admin. I was only a digger until I got pissed off by the previous baker crew.
Oh look, the time honored OSS is the Pre-cursor to the C_A gaslight
Generally when you revert to post count as an argument it means you are a weak faggot with nothing to go on. Just pointing out patterns, not my fault people love to talk to me.
Totally not an astroturf conversation guys, you've really got me this time.
>What does OSS stand for?
The glorious amateurs was too long for a name on pastebin. That's what it stands for, a group of amateurs that volunteer to help their country. must boggle your Jewish brain that people would want to serve something other than themselves.
#14078158 at 2021-07-08 03:35:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17814: E-bake
Does this mean that the OSS much like the OSS before it became the CIA are nothing but a bunch of filthy, nation destroying kikes?
#14078075 at 2021-07-08 03:25:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17814: E-bake
What does OSS stand for?
It is a simple fucking question.
What are the sides?
what are the agendas?
#14077895 at 2021-07-08 02:44:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17813: Demand Audits Edition
Could you explain the sides to me. For example I see OSS, What is the other side. What does each side stand for?
Thanks for helping out a moron.
#14077392 at 2021-07-08 01:34:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17813: Demand Audits Edition
>>14077186, >>14077170, >>14077171, >>14077177, >>14077178, >>14077191, >>14077225, >>14077246, >>14077262,
#14077365 at 2021-07-08 01:31:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17813: Demand Audits Edition
>he says after banning me
Everybody is OSS is so hot again.
>t. Anon, Anon Anon
#14077167 at 2021-07-08 01:07:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17813: Demand Audits Edition
>>14074452, >>14074484, >>14074587, >>14074629 CENSORSHIP BY PROXY
>>14074616, >>14074628, >>14074640 Old Dig on Save the Children
>>14073963 Who's orchestrating the pro-lockdown astroturf campaign?
>>14073964 PANIC STARTS
>>14073981 Jen Psaki Responds to Convenient Question If State Lockdowns Might Come Back Again
>>14073988 192,000 Americans Watch President Trump's Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN
>>14073997 Assassins Kill President of Haiti in Overnight Attack, State of Emergency Declared
>>14074007 Video Uncovered of China Professor Claiming US Elites Teamed Up with China to Take Control of America
>>14074014 Report: Over 7,700 Ballots Missing Tabulation Record In Cobb County Georgia
>>14074029 Pro golfer Gene Siller and two other men shot dead on Georgia course
>>14074046 Condo and Currency Collapse
>>14074053 Ever Given Container Ship Exits Suez Canal After Three Month Ordeal
>>14074061 Mexican YouTube star arrested on child porn charge after sharing video showing gang rape of teen
>>14074091 Obama's "Vote Protection Director" Now Lobbies For A Firm The State Department Flagged As a 'Tool' Of Chinese Communist Party.
>>14074092 Kamala Harris Defeated At Supreme Court In Donor Privacy Decision
>>14074128 Belarussian President tells the truth, Kvetch ensues
>>14074187 Dinesh D'Souza says the FBI is America's greatest terrorist threat
>>14074189 Eyes on. Check out this Egyptian planes flight route. Also, UN bird just landed in Barbados.
>>14074203 'It's a disease from mommy and me.' Joe Biden's shocking admission of addiction is disclosed in texts to son Hunter
>>14074219 Pelosi's Husband Bought Amazon Calls Before Pentagon JEDI Shakeup Sent Shares Soaring - Insider Trading
>>14074261 McCarthy nailing down GOP members for Capitol riot panel as Republicans' defense strategy comes into view
>>14074275 Rulers Prepare To Execute "Cyber Polygon" Drill On Friday
>>14074427 FBI Waives Objection to Attorneys Request to Review Unredacted Seth Rich Documents in Latest Update
>>14074450 PF
>>14074463 Hobby Lobby Faces Backlash Over Newspaper Ad Calling For Christian-Run Government
>>14074478 President Trump suggests he's seen Hunter Biden's 'laptop from hell'
>>14074557 More Surveillance birds in the sky than I've seen in awhile.
>>14074564 QAnon's new 'plan'? Run for school board
>>14074651 #17809
>>14063886, >>14063899, >>14063902, >>14063918, >>14063922, >>14073879, >>14073882, >>14073893, >>14073911, >>14073913, >>14073914, >>14073921 Group dig - Snowden, IBOR & Less than 24 MIXED BREADS
>>14073098 These people are fucking sick.
>>14073118 LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference - CLASS ACTION
>>14073135 Minneapolis police hit and kill uncle of Darnella Frazier, who filmed George Floyd's murder
>>14073153 The Nightmare of the EU
>>14073179 Address Book Found On NYC Sidewalk Appears To Show More Connections Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
>>14073191 Yogananda Pittman
>>14073294 US lawmakers express shock at Haitian president's assassination
>>14073579 PF - non-AF1 planespotters
>>14073594 Mike Pompeo - I've visited countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent. During our administration, President Trump and I never stopped fighting to protect your voice here in America.
>>14073607 JUST IN - Facebook to ban anyone who's charged (not convicted) in connection with the riot at the US Capitol on January 6
>>14073679 Statement by @YorkCountyDems on Mastriano's ridiculous "audit" demands:
>>14073690 Critical race theory author headlines AFT conference on educating kids
>>14073794 Sebastian Gorka: I Was Told Top FBI Officials Viewed Trump Administration As 'The Enemy'
>>14073847 GTMO842 - Gitmo Express
>>14073897 The Pennsylvania State Senator announced he is initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General election and 2021 primary.
>>14073909 Peter R. de Vries was digging on Bill Gates and covid
>>14073931 1 million extra votes in Maricopa County compared to 2016. Wow. PANIC
>>14073948 This is a research board, not a cry about BV board, everytime you post this shit I will delete you and it. Feel free to cry about me in the official cry about OSS bread >>14013105
>>14074052 #17808
>>14072287 Man arrested after weapons found in hotel room overlooking Chicago July 4 festivities
>>14072294, >>14072295, >>14072331, >>14072344, >>14072444 Official: Haiti President Jovenel Moise assassinated at home
>>14072300, >>14072310 Defense Contractor Raytheon Pushed CRT, Told White Employees To Confront Their 'Privilege' In Leaked Document
>>14072314, >>14072361 Narrative setting: The FBI says it infiltrated a militia-style group's'Bible study'after tracking a suspect in the Capitol riot
>>14072349, >>14072498 Under Biden, Justice Department presses fight against Omarosa - dig!
>>14073266 Video of Trump announcement
>>14072382, >>14072402 With billions sent to Haiti just from US, it should be s thriving country
>>14072390, >>14072405 GP: Devastating proof: Security breach of election registration servers occurred in early November in Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs knew about it
>>14072510 Panic!
>>14072528, >>14072538 SEC vows to investigate Pelosi for crimes against the cult controlled financial markets
>>14072532 Grenell Retweet: They don't recognize that they're the functional equivalent of Q Anon (except with more power) but they are
>>14072560 Mollie on how media/politicians use words against the American people
>>14072655 CM: PA AUDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>14072668 GP: Americans Finally Agree on Something - Most Americans Believe Someone Other than Biden Is Running the Show
>>14072743, >>14072795, >>14072829 Pathetic: FBI: Investigators found fully assembled U.S. Capitol Lego toy at Jan. 6 riot leader's home
>>14072805 Axios: Trump to sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey
>>14073671 #17807
Previously Collected Notables
>>14070831 #17804, >>14071402 #17805, >>14072206 #17806
>>14074359 #17801, >>14069091 #17802, >>14069849 #17803
>>14066074 #17798, >>14066621 #17799, >>14067479 #17800
>>14064825 #17795, >>14064559 #17796, >>14065009 #17797
>>14061095 #17792, >>14061801 #17793, >>14062550 #17794
>>14058477 #17789, >>14059395 #17790, >>14060123 #17791
>>14056777 #17787, >>14057642 #17788, >>14061318 #17784
>>14053496 #17783, >>14055165 #17785, >>14055987 #17786
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
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>>13954088 ---------------- Germany #82
>>13187313 ---------------- Italia #2
>>13226402 ---------------- Japan #2
>>13410974 ---------------- Mexico #3
>>13105482 ---------------- Nederland #6
>>13163282 ---------------- New Zealand #8
>>13163911 ---------------- Nordic #3
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#14076379 at 2021-07-07 23:21:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17812: Moar Memes Edition
>>14074452, >>14074484, >>14074587, >>14074629 CENSORSHIP BY PROXY
>>14074616, >>14074628, >>14074640 Old Dig on Save the Children
>>14073963 Who's orchestrating the pro-lockdown astroturf campaign?
>>14073964 PANIC STARTS
>>14073981 Jen Psaki Responds to Convenient Question If State Lockdowns Might Come Back Again
>>14073988 192,000 Americans Watch President Trump's Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN
>>14073997 Assassins Kill President of Haiti in Overnight Attack, State of Emergency Declared
>>14074007 Video Uncovered of China Professor Claiming US Elites Teamed Up with China to Take Control of America
>>14074014 Report: Over 7,700 Ballots Missing Tabulation Record In Cobb County Georgia
>>14074029 Pro golfer Gene Siller and two other men shot dead on Georgia course
>>14074046 Condo and Currency Collapse
>>14074053 Ever Given Container Ship Exits Suez Canal After Three Month Ordeal
>>14074061 Mexican YouTube star arrested on child porn charge after sharing video showing gang rape of teen
>>14074091 Obama's "Vote Protection Director" Now Lobbies For A Firm The State Department Flagged As a 'Tool' Of Chinese Communist Party.
>>14074092 Kamala Harris Defeated At Supreme Court In Donor Privacy Decision
>>14074128 Belarussian President tells the truth, Kvetch ensues
>>14074187 Dinesh D'Souza says the FBI is America's greatest terrorist threat
>>14074189 Eyes on. Check out this Egyptian planes flight route. Also, UN bird just landed in Barbados.
>>14074203 'It's a disease from mommy and me.' Joe Biden's shocking admission of addiction is disclosed in texts to son Hunter
>>14074219 Pelosi's Husband Bought Amazon Calls Before Pentagon JEDI Shakeup Sent Shares Soaring - Insider Trading
>>14074261 McCarthy nailing down GOP members for Capitol riot panel as Republicans' defense strategy comes into view
>>14074275 Rulers Prepare To Execute "Cyber Polygon" Drill On Friday
>>14074427 FBI Waives Objection to Attorneys Request to Review Unredacted Seth Rich Documents in Latest Update
>>14074450 PF
>>14074463 Hobby Lobby Faces Backlash Over Newspaper Ad Calling For Christian-Run Government
>>14074478 President Trump suggests he's seen Hunter Biden's 'laptop from hell'
>>14074557 More Surveillance birds in the sky than I've seen in awhile.
>>14074564 QAnon's new 'plan'? Run for school board
>>14074651 #17809
>>14063886, >>14063899, >>14063902, >>14063918, >>14063922, >>14073879, >>14073882, >>14073893, >>14073911, >>14073913, >>14073914, >>14073921 Group dig - Snowden, IBOR & Less than 24 MIXED BREADS
>>14073098 These people are fucking sick.
>>14073118 LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference - CLASS ACTION
>>14073135 Minneapolis police hit and kill uncle of Darnella Frazier, who filmed George Floyd's murder
>>14073153 The Nightmare of the EU
>>14073179 Address Book Found On NYC Sidewalk Appears To Show More Connections Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
>>14073191 Yogananda Pittman
>>14073294 US lawmakers express shock at Haitian president's assassination
>>14073579 PF - non-AF1 planespotters
>>14073594 Mike Pompeo - I've visited countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent. During our administration, President Trump and I never stopped fighting to protect your voice here in America.
>>14073607 JUST IN - Facebook to ban anyone who's charged (not convicted) in connection with the riot at the US Capitol on January 6
>>14073679 Statement by @YorkCountyDems on Mastriano's ridiculous "audit" demands:
>>14073690 Critical race theory author headlines AFT conference on educating kids
>>14073794 Sebastian Gorka: I Was Told Top FBI Officials Viewed Trump Administration As 'The Enemy'
>>14073847 GTMO842 - Gitmo Express
>>14073897 The Pennsylvania State Senator announced he is initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General election and 2021 primary.
>>14073909 Peter R. de Vries was digging on Bill Gates and covid
>>14073931 1 million extra votes in Maricopa County compared to 2016. Wow. PANIC
>>14073948 This is a research board, not a cry about BV board, everytime you post this shit I will delete you and it. Feel free to cry about me in the official cry about OSS bread >>14013105
>>14074052 #17808
#14075479 at 2021-07-07 21:11:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17811: The 'Censorship And Romper Room' Edition
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
* TOR posting is disabled
TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.
The site is stable and TORposting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.
>>14068935, >>14068945, >>14068986 Sgt. Babyfist admits to being the person that threatened to kill BV + BV family.
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
>>14061867, >>14061869, >>14061879, >>14061886, >>14061927, >>14061929,Shill Tactics 101Educate yourself on your enemies
>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958,MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / babyfister team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14074729 Pedophiles in the news - 7 July 21
>>14074736 telegraph: Britain's biggest microchip factory sold to Chinese-owned tech firm
>>14074761 globalresearch: The Dirty War on Syria: Washington Supports the Islamic State (ISIS)
>>14074779, >>14074958 Boatfag reports
>>14074795 Sputnik: Moderna Launches Flu Vaccine Trial, Targets Single Jab For Multiple Diseases
>>14074810 BBC: LGB people 'more likely to have mental health issues'
>>14074811 ZH: Japan Orders 4th Tokyo State Of Emergency Likely Barring Spectators From Olympics
>>14074825, >>14074843 Sputnik: Haiti president Moise was killed by foreigners, preliminary assessment shows
>>14074827 CT: Interesting Political Attendee Offered Invitation to Elitist Sun Valley Summit of Billionaire Tech and Media Moguls
>>14074833 Thehill: The state of Virginia has removed a statue of former Gov. Harry Byrd Sr. (D), a segregationist, from its Capitol Square.
>>14074857 NTD: Haitian Ambassador: Attack Was By 'Commandos'
>>14074871 NTD: On the CCP's Centennial, 380 Million People Have Already Quit the Party and Its Organizations
>>14074887 NYP: Twitter suspends professor over posts mocking China's Xi Jinping
>>14074893 NTD: Alabama cop allegedly drugged, raped woman he met on dating site
>>14074914 Plane crashes in the DR.
>>14074918 Epoch: Pennsylvania Senate Chairman Initiates Forensic Probe of 2020, 2021 Elections
>>14074945 TheBlaze: Texas judge denies US citizen due process rights, sends her before Islamic Sharia tribunal instead
>>14074964 RT: US Air Force Academy professor draws flak for op-ed urging military academies to teach 'critical race theory'
>>14075000 occrp: Interpol - CyberCriminal 'Dr Hex' Caught in Morocco
>>14075048 JTN: Rep. Jordan releases agenda to take on Big Tech, hold it accountable for censorship
>>14075052 TOI : Israeli arrested over alleged serious national security crimes
>>14075076 CT: This year … there was only one 2024 political candidate invited … former South Carolina Governor and former U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley. Go figure.
>>14075088, >>14075105, >>14075246 vid: Major explosion and fire at Jebel Ali Port, Dubai, UAE.
>>14075112 news.au: 'Further action': 110 Sydney suburbs urged to stay home due to virus concerns
>>14075135 news.au: Sydney sex teacher Monica Young jailed for assaulting teen student
>>14075139 GP: State Rep. Robert Sutherland Announces Public Hearings on Election Integrity Issues in Washington State
>>14075151 TehranTimes: Explosions in Tehran
>>14075168 BNO: Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries shot
>>14075187 Anon noms Children's Defense Fund dig
>>14075222 SMH: Sydney-based judge harassed two young women, inquiry finds
>>14075252, >>14075298, >>14075310, >>14075358 Planefag reports
>>14075299 DOJ: Former "Chairman" of Massachusetts Latin Kings Crown Council Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy
>>14075363 GP: 'NO TRESPASSING' - Lawmaker Says Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged
>>14075415 Detroitnews: The state auditor general will conduct a review to determine the accuracy of Michigan's data pertaining to COVID-related deaths at long-term care facilitie
>>14075429 CNN: Federal judge largely faults Air Force for 2017 Texas church shooting
>>14075441 #17810
>>14074452, >>14074484, >>14074587, >>14074629 CENSORSHIP BY PROXY
>>14074616, >>14074628, >>14074640 Old Dig on Save the Children
>>14073963 Who's orchestrating the pro-lockdown astroturf campaign?
>>14073964 PANIC STARTS
>>14073981 Jen Psaki Responds to Convenient Question If State Lockdowns Might Come Back Again
>>14073988 192,000 Americans Watch President Trump's Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN
>>14073997 Assassins Kill President of Haiti in Overnight Attack, State of Emergency Declared
>>14074007 Video Uncovered of China Professor Claiming US Elites Teamed Up with China to Take Control of America
>>14074014 Report: Over 7,700 Ballots Missing Tabulation Record In Cobb County Georgia
>>14074029 Pro golfer Gene Siller and two other men shot dead on Georgia course
>>14074046 Condo and Currency Collapse
>>14074053 Ever Given Container Ship Exits Suez Canal After Three Month Ordeal
>>14074061 Mexican YouTube star arrested on child porn charge after sharing video showing gang rape of teen
>>14074091 Obama's "Vote Protection Director" Now Lobbies For A Firm The State Department Flagged As a 'Tool' Of Chinese Communist Party.
>>14074092 Kamala Harris Defeated At Supreme Court In Donor Privacy Decision
>>14074128 Belarussian President tells the truth, Kvetch ensues
>>14074187 Dinesh D'Souza says the FBI is America's greatest terrorist threat
>>14074189 Eyes on. Check out this Egyptian planes flight route. Also, UN bird just landed in Barbados.
>>14074203 'It's a disease from mommy and me.' Joe Biden's shocking admission of addiction is disclosed in texts to son Hunter
>>14074219 Pelosi's Husband Bought Amazon Calls Before Pentagon JEDI Shakeup Sent Shares Soaring - Insider Trading
>>14074261 McCarthy nailing down GOP members for Capitol riot panel as Republicans' defense strategy comes into view
>>14074275 Rulers Prepare To Execute "Cyber Polygon" Drill On Friday
>>14074427 FBI Waives Objection to Attorneys Request to Review Unredacted Seth Rich Documents in Latest Update
>>14074450 PF
>>14074463 Hobby Lobby Faces Backlash Over Newspaper Ad Calling For Christian-Run Government
>>14074478 President Trump suggests he's seen Hunter Biden's 'laptop from hell'
>>14074557 More Surveillance birds in the sky than I've seen in awhile.
>>14074564 QAnon's new 'plan'? Run for school board
>>14074651 #17809
>>14063886, >>14063899, >>14063902, >>14063918, >>14063922, >>14073879, >>14073882, >>14073893, >>14073911, >>14073913, >>14073914, >>14073921 Group dig - Snowden, IBOR & Less than 24 MIXED BREADS
>>14073098 These people are fucking sick.
>>14073118 LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference - CLASS ACTION
>>14073135 Minneapolis police hit and kill uncle of Darnella Frazier, who filmed George Floyd's murder
>>14073153 The Nightmare of the EU
>>14073179 Address Book Found On NYC Sidewalk Appears To Show More Connections Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
>>14073191 Yogananda Pittman
>>14073294 US lawmakers express shock at Haitian president's assassination
>>14073579 PF - non-AF1 planespotters
>>14073594 Mike Pompeo - I've visited countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent. During our administration, President Trump and I never stopped fighting to protect your voice here in America.
>>14073607 JUST IN - Facebook to ban anyone who's charged (not convicted) in connection with the riot at the US Capitol on January 6
>>14073679 Statement by @YorkCountyDems on Mastriano's ridiculous "audit" demands:
>>14073690 Critical race theory author headlines AFT conference on educating kids
>>14073794 Sebastian Gorka: I Was Told Top FBI Officials Viewed Trump Administration As 'The Enemy'
>>14073847 GTMO842 - Gitmo Express
>>14073897 The Pennsylvania State Senator announced he is initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General election and 2021 primary.
>>14073909 Peter R. de Vries was digging on Bill Gates and covid
>>14073931 1 million extra votes in Maricopa County compared to 2016. Wow. PANIC
>>14073948 This is a research board, not a cry about BV board, everytime you post this shit I will delete you and it. Feel free to cry about me in the official cry about OSS bread >>14013105
>>14074052 #17808
>>14072287 Man arrested after weapons found in hotel room overlooking Chicago July 4 festivities
>>14072294, >>14072295, >>14072331, >>14072344, >>14072444 Official: Haiti President Jovenel Moise assassinated at home
>>14072300, >>14072310 Defense Contractor Raytheon Pushed CRT, Told White Employees To Confront Their 'Privilege' In Leaked Document
>>14072314, >>14072361 Narrative setting: The FBI says it infiltrated a militia-style group's'Bible study'after tracking a suspect in the Capitol riot
>>14072349, >>14072498 Under Biden, Justice Department presses fight against Omarosa - dig!
>>14073266 Video of Trump announcement
>>14072382, >>14072402 With billions sent to Haiti just from US, it should be s thriving country
>>14072390, >>14072405 GP: Devastating proof: Security breach of election registration servers occurred in early November in Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs knew about it
>>14072510 Panic!
>>14072528, >>14072538 SEC vows to investigate Pelosi for crimes against the cult controlled financial markets
>>14072532 Grenell Retweet: They don't recognize that they're the functional equivalent of Q Anon (except with more power) but they are
>>14072560 Mollie on how media/politicians use words against the American people
>>14072655 CM: PA AUDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>14072668 GP: Americans Finally Agree on Something - Most Americans Believe Someone Other than Biden Is Running the Show
>>14072743, >>14072795, >>14072829 Pathetic: FBI: Investigators found fully assembled U.S. Capitol Lego toy at Jan. 6 riot leader's home
>>14072805 Axios: Trump to sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey
>>14073671 #17807
Previously Collected Notables
>>14070831 #17804, >>14071402 #17805, >>14072206 #17806
>>14074359 #17801, >>14069091 #17802, >>14069849 #17803
>>14066074 #17798, >>14066621 #17799, >>14067479 #17800
>>14064825 #17795, >>14064559 #17796, >>14065009 #17797
>>14061095 #17792, >>14061801 #17793, >>14062550 #17794
>>14058477 #17789, >>14059395 #17790, >>14060123 #17791
>>14056777 #17787, >>14057642 #17788, >>14061318 #17784
>>14053496 #17783, >>14055165 #17785, >>14055987 #17786
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#14075010 at 2021-07-07 20:00:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17810: CENSORSHIP BY PROXY = Fascism Edition
Late getting in, TYB ,
i see there is an OSS Whine Bread. Great, please send all the cheesey asses over there. Thanks
#14074659 at 2021-07-07 19:01:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17810: CENSORSHIP BY PROXY = Fascism Edition
>>14063886, >>14063899, >>14063902, >>14063918, >>14063922, >>14073879, >>14073882, >>14073893, >>14073911, >>14073913, >>14073914, >>14073921 Group dig - Snowden, IBOR & Less than 24 MIXED BREADS
>>14073098 These people are fucking sick.
>>14073118 LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference - CLASS ACTION
>>14073135 Minneapolis police hit and kill uncle of Darnella Frazier, who filmed George Floyd's murder
>>14073153 The Nightmare of the EU
>>14073179 Address Book Found On NYC Sidewalk Appears To Show More Connections Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
>>14073191 Yogananda Pittman
>>14073294 US lawmakers express shock at Haitian president's assassination
>>14073579 PF - non-AF1 planespotters
>>14073594 Mike Pompeo - I've visited countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent. During our administration, President Trump and I never stopped fighting to protect your voice here in America.
>>14073607 JUST IN - Facebook to ban anyone who's charged (not convicted) in connection with the riot at the US Capitol on January 6
>>14073679 Statement by @YorkCountyDems on Mastriano's ridiculous "audit" demands:
>>14073690 Critical race theory author headlines AFT conference on educating kids
>>14073794 Sebastian Gorka: I Was Told Top FBI Officials Viewed Trump Administration As 'The Enemy'
>>14073847 GTMO842 - Gitmo Express
>>14073897 The Pennsylvania State Senator announced he is initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General election and 2021 primary.
>>14073909 Peter R. de Vries was digging on Bill Gates and covid
>>14073931 1 million extra votes in Maricopa County compared to 2016. Wow. PANIC
>>14073948 This is a research board, not a cry about BV board, everytime you post this shit I will delete you and it. Feel free to cry about me in the official cry about OSS bread >>14013105
>>14074052 #17808
>>14072287 Man arrested after weapons found in hotel room overlooking Chicago July 4 festivities
>>14072294, >>14072295, >>14072331, >>14072344, >>14072444 Official: Haiti President Jovenel Moise assassinated at home
>>14072300, >>14072310 Defense Contractor Raytheon Pushed CRT, Told White Employees To Confront Their 'Privilege' In Leaked Document
>>14072314, >>14072361 Narrative setting: The FBI says it infiltrated a militia-style group's'Bible study'after tracking a suspect in the Capitol riot
>>14072349, >>14072498 Under Biden, Justice Department presses fight against Omarosa - dig!
>>14073266 Video of Trump announcement
>>14072382, >>14072402 With billions sent to Haiti just from US, it should be s thriving country
>>14072390, >>14072405 GP: Devastating proof: Security breach of election registration servers occurred in early November in Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs knew about it
>>14072510 Panic!
>>14072528, >>14072538 SEC vows to investigate Pelosi for crimes against the cult controlled financial markets
>>14072532 Grenell Retweet: They don't recognize that they're the functional equivalent of Q Anon (except with more power) but they are
>>14072560 Mollie on how media/politicians use words against the American people
>>14072655 CM: PA AUDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>14072668 GP: Americans Finally Agree on Something - Most Americans Believe Someone Other than Biden Is Running the Show
>>14072743, >>14072795, >>14072829 Pathetic: FBI: Investigators found fully assembled U.S. Capitol Lego toy at Jan. 6 riot leader's home
>>14072805 Axios: Trump to sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey
>>14073671 #17807
Previously Collected Notables
>>14070831 #17804, >>14071402 #17805, >>14072206 #17806
>>14074359 #17801, >>14069091 #17802, >>14069849 #17803
>>14066074 #17798, >>14066621 #17799, >>14067479 #17800
>>14064825 #17795, >>14064559 #17796, >>14065009 #17797
>>14061095 #17792, >>14061801 #17793, >>14062550 #17794
>>14058477 #17789, >>14059395 #17790, >>14060123 #17791
>>14056777 #17787, >>14057642 #17788, >>14061318 #17784
>>14053496 #17783, >>14055165 #17785, >>14055987 #17786
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#14074052 at 2021-07-07 17:22:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17809: Ebake
>>14063886, >>14063899, >>14063902, >>14063918, >>14063922, >>14073879, >>14073882, >>14073893, >>14073911, >>14073913, >>14073914, >>14073921 Group dig - Snowden, IBOR & Less than 24 MIXED BREADS
>>14073098 These people are fucking sick.
>>14073118 LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference - CLASS ACTION
>>14073135 Minneapolis police hit and kill uncle of Darnella Frazier, who filmed George Floyd's murder
>>14073153 The Nightmare of the EU
>>14073179 Address Book Found On NYC Sidewalk Appears To Show More Connections Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
>>14073191 Yogananda Pittman
>>14073294 US lawmakers express shock at Haitian president's assassination
>>14073579 PF - non-AF1 planespotters
>>14073594 Mike Pompeo - I've visited countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent. During our administration, President Trump and I never stopped fighting to protect your voice here in America.
>>14073607 JUST IN - Facebook to ban anyone who's charged (not convicted) in connection with the riot at the US Capitol on January 6
>>14073679 Statement by @YorkCountyDems on Mastriano's ridiculous "audit" demands:
>>14073690 Critical race theory author headlines AFT conference on educating kids
>>14073794 Sebastian Gorka: I Was Told Top FBI Officials Viewed Trump Administration As 'The Enemy'
>>14073847 GTMO842 - Gitmo Express
>>14073897 The Pennsylvania State Senator announced he is initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General election and 2021 primary.
>>14073909 Peter R. de Vries was digging on Bill Gates and covid
>>14073931 1 million extra votes in Maricopa County compared to 2016. Wow. PANIC
>>14073948 This is a research board, not a cry about BV board, everytime you post this shit I will delete you and it. Feel free to cry about me in the official cry about OSS bread >>14013105
#14073955 at 2021-07-07 17:05:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17809: Ebake
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
* TOR posting is disabled
TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.
The site is stable and TORposting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.
>>14068935, >>14068945, >>14068986 Sgt. Babyfist admits to being the person that threatened to kill BV + BV family.
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
>>14061867, >>14061869, >>14061879, >>14061886, >>14061927, >>14061929,Shill Tactics 101Educate yourself on your enemies
>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958,MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / babyfister team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14071516 PF Reportin
>>14071479 Data centers consume millions of gallons of Arizona water daily
>>14071544 I now have to run a vpn just to be able to post this.
>>14071577 The Colorado River Has More of Its Water Allocated Than Exists in the River
>>14071590 @53.53 graphite discussion broken down in detail?
>>14071617 the adrenochrome bust you never heard about
>>14071654 Does "the United States of America" even exist any more?
>>14071676 is this how COVID-19 works, theoretically?
>>14071701 Sitting on the fence is a great way to castrate yourself
>>14071749 "BabyFist" is a Gh05t boxing Psyop
>>14071759 OSS has no ability to identify shills. They have tried very hard to convince you otherwise.
>>14071774 In April 2018, Vice President Mike Pence chose Kellogg to serve as his national security advisor.
>>14071809 Outstanding Meme
>>14071863 article-9761777 Melania Trump ditches signature stilettos for Louboutin flats
>>14071945 News Digs
>>14072002 Container ship "Ever Given" is finally on its way after 3 MONTHS
>>14072023 Reports of a drone attack against the US base at al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria.
>>14072027 Expand your thinking
>>14072040 https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1412661702340931590
>>14072056 DJT will soon make an "important" announcement about his plans for a social media platform
>>14072060 Zuckerberg and Democrats work hand in glove with the CCP. Follow the money
>>14072069 Graphine Oxide: formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid
>>14072175 Verizon Frontline unveils THOR: mobile, 5G rapid-response command center
>>14072082, >>14072064, >>14072110 Big trouble in liddle Haiti
>>14072206 #17806
>>14070701, >>14070667 PF Reporting
>>14070709 RE: Condo Collapse. Who died?...Who was Punished?...
>>14070729, >>14070767 [P] again. Thoughts?
>>14070731 FBI Tries to Recruit Decorated Army Green Beret to Infiltrate/Spy - mike moore paine podcast
>>14070831 Anon notes from #17804
>>14070859 Pressed For Answers On Syria Cover-Up, OPCW Chief Offers New Lies And Excuses
>>14070861, >>14070894, >>14070987 RE: Graphene Oxide >>14070952, >>14071114, >>14071254 <-sauces? Disclaimer: >>14071367 ?
>>14070872 CDC Insists Benefits Of mRNA Vaccines Still "Clearly Outweigh" Risks Of Dangerous Side Effects
>>14070874 Fire on top of a building on Sunset Blvd. in L.A. and they are calling it a brush fire
>>14070888 Leader of Poland's ruling party hits back at Israeli criticism of draft WWII Jewish property bill
>>14070895 Manhattan federal judge William Pauley dies at 68 (appointed by Clinton)
>>14070926 US hosts high-level Saudi visit after Khashoggi killing
>>14070959 Ivermectin is a treatment NOT a preventative (also wise to avoid calling it a "cure")
>>14071019 Anybody else get the feeling that Patriots are still in control?
>>14071032 Rep. Swalwell: Capitol Attack Was The "'Largest Crime Committed In The U.S.'" kek
>>14071045, >>14071055 Dan Schneider still at large
>>14071047, >>14071185 Graphene is one of the most important elements for Storing & tracking data (people)?
>>14071069 anon supplied notes
>>14071087 Jeffrey Epstein's other little black book from the 1990s?
>>14071148 Yemeni court sentences to death five people found guilty of spying for Britain's MI6
>>14071153 Prepare ur Anus! We Diggin into Coffee enemas
>>14071156 @PatriotTakes Whiteboard pics
>>14071306 White House Is Coming To Your House, Let The Memes Begin
>>14071320 a few choice questions/statements for the dumbass who raps on my door
>>14071353 Safety Assessment of Graphene-Based Materials: Focus on Human Health and the Environment
>>14071357 INSIDE Jeffrey Epstein's Abandoned Palm Beach Mansion
>>14071367 Needs moar research
>>14071402 #17805
#14073948 at 2021-07-07 17:01:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17808: The 'EBAKE' Edition
>As I was saying..As I was saying...Banned for this one post...NO non poser ANON would do this, it is simply anti-anon, and anyone defending BV using the board as his personal diary is obviously just part of their little group or a new fag. BV's butthurt is constant and consistent...this is not about YOUR feewings BV. Any REAL anon knows this...
This is a research board, not a cry about BV board, everytime you post this shit I will delete you and it. Feel free to cry about me in the official cry about OSS bread >>14013105
#14073565 at 2021-07-07 16:00:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17808: The 'EBAKE' Edition
>fj is OSS
Sauce or GTFO
#14073546 at 2021-07-07 15:58:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17808: The 'EBAKE' Edition
>fj is OSS
>one ounce of truth gets you a permaban.
#14073286 at 2021-07-07 15:28:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17808: The 'EBAKE' Edition
>there is moar than one person perpetrating this attack. OSS is the the character they used. thats why there are multiple BV accounts. "OSS" and "0ss". its a co-ordinated effort to kill QR. just cause they dont attack 24/7 doesnt mean they havent achieved their goal.
Your salty tears are delicious. Please continue!
#14073083 at 2021-07-07 14:53:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17808: The 'EBAKE' Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14071516 PF Reportin
>>14071479 Data centers consume millions of gallons of Arizona water daily
>>14071544 I now have to run a vpn just to be able to post this.
>>14071577 The Colorado River Has More of Its Water Allocated Than Exists in the River
>>14071590 @53.53 graphite discussion broken down in detail?
>>14071617 the adrenochrome bust you never heard about
>>14071654 Does "the United States of America" even exist any more?
>>14071676 is this how COVID-19 works, theoretically?
>>14071701 Sitting on the fence is a great way to castrate yourself
>>14071749 "BabyFist" is a Gh05t boxing Psyop
>>14071759 OSS has no ability to identify shills. They have tried very hard to convince you otherwise.
>>14071774 In April 2018, Vice President Mike Pence chose Kellogg to serve as his national security advisor.
>>14071809 Outstanding Meme
>>14071863 article-9761777 Melania Trump ditches signature stilettos for Louboutin flats
>>14071945 News Digs
>>14072002 Container ship "Ever Given" is finally on its way after 3 MONTHS
>>14072023 Reports of a drone attack against the US base at al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria.
>>14072027 Expand your thinking
>>14072040 https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1412661702340931590
>>14072056 DJT will soon make an "important" announcement about his plans for a social media platform
>>14072060 Zuckerberg and Democrats work hand in glove with the CCP. Follow the money
>>14072069 Graphine Oxide: formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid
>>14072175 Verizon Frontline unveils THOR: mobile, 5G rapid-response command center
>>14072082, >>14072064, >>14072110 Big trouble in liddle Haiti
>>14072206 #17806
>>14070701, >>14070667 PF Reporting
>>14070709 RE: Condo Collapse. Who died?...Who was Punished?...
>>14070729, >>14070767 [P] again. Thoughts?
>>14070731 FBI Tries to Recruit Decorated Army Green Beret to Infiltrate/Spy - mike moore paine podcast
>>14070831 Anon notes from #17804
>>14070859 Pressed For Answers On Syria Cover-Up, OPCW Chief Offers New Lies And Excuses
>>14070861, >>14070894, >>14070987 RE: Graphene Oxide >>14070952, >>14071114, >>14071254 <-sauces? Disclaimer: >>14071367 ?
>>14070872 CDC Insists Benefits Of mRNA Vaccines Still "Clearly Outweigh" Risks Of Dangerous Side Effects
>>14070874 Fire on top of a building on Sunset Blvd. in L.A. and they are calling it a brush fire
>>14070888 Leader of Poland's ruling party hits back at Israeli criticism of draft WWII Jewish property bill
>>14070895 Manhattan federal judge William Pauley dies at 68 (appointed by Clinton)
>>14070926 US hosts high-level Saudi visit after Khashoggi killing
>>14070959 Ivermectin is a treatment NOT a preventative (also wise to avoid calling it a "cure")
>>14071019 Anybody else get the feeling that Patriots are still in control?
>>14071032 Rep. Swalwell: Capitol Attack Was The "'Largest Crime Committed In The U.S.'" kek
>>14071045, >>14071055 Dan Schneider still at large
>>14071047, >>14071185 Graphene is one of the most important elements for Storing & tracking data (people)?
>>14071069 anon supplied notes
>>14071087 Jeffrey Epstein's other little black book from the 1990s?
>>14071148 Yemeni court sentences to death five people found guilty of spying for Britain's MI6
>>14071153 Prepare ur Anus! We Diggin into Coffee enemas
>>14071156 @PatriotTakes Whiteboard pics
>>14071306 White House Is Coming To Your House, Let The Memes Begin
>>14071320 a few choice questions/statements for the dumbass who raps on my door
>>14071353 Safety Assessment of Graphene-Based Materials: Focus on Human Health and the Environment
>>14071357 INSIDE Jeffrey Epstein's Abandoned Palm Beach Mansion
>>14071367 Needs moar research
>>14071402 #17805
>>14069893 Jan. 6 Detainees Confined 23 Hours a Day, Attorneys Say - epoch times
>>14069923 Planefag reports
>>14069928 The Central Banks New Mandate: Social Justice, Race, Gender Issues, Climate Change And Inequality
>>14069929 LEGALLY the vaccinated are no longer human
>>14069932 Noor Bin Ladin with TRIP 17s
>>14069939 GP: Louisiana Democrat Governor Vetoes Bills Protecting Individual Freedoms - Now the Legislature Must Meet Again - Individual Rights at Stake
>>14069941 #AirForce announced plans that the 319th Reconnaissance Wing at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, will now provide command and control support for the E-11 Battlefield Airborne Control Node aircraft mission
>>14069968 World's richest man Jeff Bezos sets new record for wealth with $211 billion as Amazon shares soar after Pentagon canceled JEDI contract rival Microsoft
>>14069972 Anon nominated Board drama
>>14069975 Baker Ghost
>>14069979 Pages on CRT, anti-racism and mandatory vaccine resolutions disappear from NEA website
>>14070107 Anon claims to be babyfist
>>14070011 Welcome to billionaire summer camp! Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Disney's Bob Iger and Patriots owner Robert Kraft arrive at exclusive five-day retreat in rural Idaho
>>14070051 US software firm hit by a major ransomware attack that crippled hundreds of companies worldwide
>>14070077 Man Who Joined 'Fight for Trump' Crowd at Capitol Siege Posed as Antifa, Discussed Molotov Cocktails With His Self-Styled Militia: Feds
>>14070177 RNC Denies Reports Of Russian Government-Linked Hacking
>>14070198 Publicity blitz: China to supply Africa millions of Sinovac doses after questions raised over efficacy
>>14070237 GETTR Gets Hacked, 90,000 User Locations Exposed, Accounts CANNOT Be Deleted
>>14070257 Professors Claim CCP is Planting Spies at Their Colleges.
>>14070267 code monkey - I dont think Gettr is ready for a July4 launch and i cant recommend using it at this time
>>14070277 Maricopa county health related deaths exceeds 2020 levels already in 2021
>>14070316 Jason Miller on Gettr statement of security (would say Miles is a security risk)
>>14070515 Trump Vows to Close Pentagon's "Defense Language Institute," Replace with "American Language Institute" October 26, 2019
>>14070504 antidote to vax - LINDEN FLOWER is said by Fauci nemesis, Judy
>>14070512 John McAfee made a video in 2020 calling out the DS, a week later a warrant was issued. A year later he's dead.
>>14070831 #17804
>>14069156 En-volve: Outspoken Trump-Hating Disney Star Charged With Sex Crimes Against A Child
>>14069168 Scoopyweb: Health Minister Lord Bethell is under formal investigation by Lords standards watchdog over sponsoring parliamentary pass for Matt Hancock's lover
>>14069173 RT: Russia is ready to respond 'harshly & decisively' to any future US power plays, country's foreign minister Lavrov warns Washington
>>14069245 GP: 11 Anti-Mask Protesters Charged For Disrupting Utah School Board Meeting Face Fines, Jail Time
>>14069252, >>14069335, >>14069367, >>14069626 Anons talking about the Rudy Giuliani/Biden laptop story in the context of past events.
>>14069255 ABC.au: Banks, airlines and supermarket bOSSes get together to help speed up vaccine rollout
>>14069270 PJM: Legal Expert Warns of Coming 'Canadian Ministry of Truth, a Modern Inquisition'
>>14069368 @calebhull: Jen Psaki: We will be going door-to-door to Americans who have not been vaccinated
>>14069438 DOJ: Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Admits Health Care Fraud Conspiracy and Conspiring to Engage in Money Laundering and Obstruct Justice
>>14069487 blaze: Report: Trump plans 'major announcement' regarding social media at a press conference Wednesday
>>14069495 NTD: Thousands of Americans File Lawsuits Against Their Governors for Ending Unemployment Benefits
>>14069530 natlfile: Raytheon Anti-White Racism Program EXPOSED: Whites Encouraged To Reject 'Equality' And Work To 'Defund The Police'
>>14069578 Freebeacon: Lincoln Project Hires Former Aide to Prominent Democratic Perverts
>>14069642 Scavino posting Old Glory tonight
>>14069659 USN photos of the day
>>14069664 Dailymail: Dancing TikTok star Matima Miller - known as Swavy and Babyface to his 2.6 million followers - dies in daylight shooting
>>14069780 DOJ: Oath Keepers Member Arrested on Conspiracy Charges Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
>>14069796 JTN: Trump calls for election security reform in swing states
>>14069810 USN: Maintenance is essential to our mission!
>>14069836 CNN: W.Va Governor: If you're not vaxed you're part of the problem
>>14069849 #17803
>>14068405 AP watching water: Where people once bobbed in super-salty waters, there's now cracked lakebed.
>>14068497 Webmd: Facebook Subpoenaed in COVID-19 Misinformation Probe
>>14068509 @USArmy: The decline of pollinators has the biologists with @USACEHQ taking action.
>>14068555 NBC12: Va. Dept. of Wildlife Resources receives over 1,400 reports of sick, dying birds
>>14068592 foxbiz: Paul Pelosi bets up to $6M on Big Tech before powerful House committee passes sweeping antitrust measures
>>14068616 NYP: Instagram law will jail influencers for secretly editing appearance
>>14068631 Disclose.tv: Dutch investigative journalist and crime reporter Peter R. de Vries has been shot in Amsterdam. He was taken to hospital in critical condition.
>>14068652 Adforum: Vaccine IO campaign from the satanists at UNICEF
>>14068662 natlpulse: A Chinese 'Spy Recruitment' Scholar is Now Running Joe Biden's NSA Personnel Department
>>14068680 MSN: Brazilian 'bitcoin king' arrested in an alleged $300 million embezzlement case
>>14068695 911: Pentagon cancels $10 billion JEDI cloud contract that Amazon and Microsoft were fighting over - CNBC
>>14068708 GP: Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects 83 High School Students - But Please Take your Vaccines!
>>14068710 GP: Identity of Ashli Babbitt Killer Confirmed - Careless Capitol Police Lieutenant Is Being Protected by Democrats, Pelosi and Deep State FBI
>>14068722 Moar variants: GP: Scientists Claim "Lambda" Variant May Be Resistant to Covid-19 Vaccines
>>14068736 Sputnik: Bloomberg Claims 'Cozy Bear' Hacker Group Breached RNC During Keseya Attack, RNC Denies Breach
>>14068747 bizpac: New book makes explosive claims about RNC staffers not voting for Trump, infighting during campaign
>>14068756 jpost: The IDF operating on American soil story is not being swept under the rug willingly
>>14068764 BB: White House: Biden would 'Certainly Support' States Re-Imposing Coronavirus Restrictions
>>14068776 redstate: Biden Administration's Latest Plan to Get Shots in Arms Sure Sounds Like a 'Vaccine Police'
>>14068792 lifesite: Top Biden officials encourage transgenderism in kids, vow to punish states resisting transmania
>>14068808 dailymail: Biden checks notes and says REvil's $50M ransomware attacks caused 'minimal damages to US businesses'
>>14068869, >>14068876, >>14068880, >>14068882, >>14068885, >>14068889, >>14068899, >>14068907, >>14068915, >>14068855 Anon nom: It's like he [Laughing_Man] doesn't realize how personal some anons take the fact that they compromised Qs board. Shit is not a game.
>>14068935, >>14068945, >>14068986 Sgt. Babyfist admits to being the person that threatened to kill BV + BV family.
>>14068948 DW: Thailand factory explosion leads to fires; 60 hurt, 1 killed near main Bangkok airport
>>14068961 Dailymail: 'Crime is basically legal in San Francisco':
>>14069065 GP: In a Congressional First Pelosi Opens Satellite Field Offices for DC Capitol Police in Florida and California to Deal with Regional Threats
>>14069091 #17802
>>14066074 #17798
Previously Collected Notables
>>14066074 #17798, >>14066621 #17799, >>14067479 #17800
>>14064825 #17795, >>14064559 #17796, >>14065009 #17797
>>14061095 #17792, >>14061801 #17793, >>14062550 #17794
>>14058477 #17789, >>14059395 #17790, >>14060123 #17791
>>14056777 #17787, >>14057642 #17788, >>14061318 #17784
>>14053496 #17783, >>14055165 #17785, >>14055987 #17786
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#14072892 at 2021-07-07 14:18:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17807: Throw The Discord Down the Well Edition
globals are missing and wtf is this in the notables?
>>14071759 lb OSS has no ability to identify shills. They have tried very hard to convince you otherwise.
What a bunch of bullshit this is. BV has proven time and again who the shills are by hash. Anyone who has been on the board more than a week can tell. Fastjack and BV aren't going any where thank God. You compulsive liars need to leave as you have already lost, stupidly believing otherwise wont change that.
#14072210 at 2021-07-07 11:35:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17807: Throw The Discord Down the Well Edition
Complaint Department:https://gab.com/JimWatkins
Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news | https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com
Traitor: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/
Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4
Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/
Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/
>>14068935, >>14068945, >>14068986 Sgt. Babyfist admits to being the person that threatened to kill BV + BV family.
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
>>14061867, >>14061869, >>14061879, >>14061886, >>14061927, >>14061929,Shill Tactics 101Educate yourself on your enemies
>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958,MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / babyfister team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
* TOR posting is still disabled
TOR posting was activated to help people get onto the site
BV/BO is gone rogue so until further notice it is disabled
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14071516 PF Reportin
>>14071479 Data centers consume millions of gallons of Arizona water daily
>>14071544 I now have to run a vpn just to be able to post this.
>>14071577 The Colorado River Has More of Its Water Allocated Than Exists in the River
>>14071590 @53.53 graphite discussion broken down in detail?
>>14071617 the adrenochrome bust you never heard about
>>14071654 Does "the United States of America" even exist any more?
>>14071676 is this how COVID-19 works, theoretically?
>>14071701 Sitting on the fence is a great way to castrate yourself
>>14071749 "BabyFist" is a Gh05t boxing Psyop
>>14071759 OSS has no ability to identify shills. They have tried very hard to convince you otherwise.
>>14071774 In April 2018, Vice President Mike Pence chose Kellogg to serve as his national security advisor.
>>14071809 Outstanding Meme
>>14071863 article-9761777 Melania Trump ditches signature stilettos for Louboutin flats
>>14071945 News Digs
>>14072002 Container ship "Ever Given" is finally on its way after 3 MONTHS
>>14072023 Reports of a drone attack against the US base at al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria.
>>14072027 Expand your thinking
>>14072040 https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1412661702340931590
>>14072056 DJT will soon make an "important" announcement about his plans for a social media platform
>>14072060 Zuckerberg and Democrats work hand in glove with the CCP. Follow the money
>>14072069 Graphine Oxide: formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid
>>14072175 Verizon Frontline unveils THOR: mobile, 5G rapid-response command center
>>14072082, >>14072064, >>14072110 Big trouble in liddle Haiti
>>14072206 #17806
>>14070701, >>14070667 PF Reporting
>>14070709 RE: Condo Collapse. Who died?...Who was Punished?...
>>14070729, >>14070767 [P] again. Thoughts?
>>14070731 FBI Tries to Recruit Decorated Army Green Beret to Infiltrate/Spy - mike moore paine podcast
>>14070831 Anon notes from #17804
>>14070859 Pressed For Answers On Syria Cover-Up, OPCW Chief Offers New Lies And Excuses
>>14070861, >>14070894, >>14070987 RE: Graphene Oxide >>14070952, >>14071114, >>14071254 <-sauces? Disclaimer: >>14071367 ?
>>14070872 CDC Insists Benefits Of mRNA Vaccines Still "Clearly Outweigh" Risks Of Dangerous Side Effects
>>14070874 Fire on top of a building on Sunset Blvd. in L.A. and they are calling it a brush fire
>>14070888 Leader of Poland's ruling party hits back at Israeli criticism of draft WWII Jewish property bill
>>14070895 Manhattan federal judge William Pauley dies at 68 (appointed by Clinton)
>>14070926 US hosts high-level Saudi visit after Khashoggi killing
>>14070959 Ivermectin is a treatment NOT a preventative (also wise to avoid calling it a "cure")
>>14071019 Anybody else get the feeling that Patriots are still in control?
>>14071032 Rep. Swalwell: Capitol Attack Was The "'Largest Crime Committed In The U.S.'" kek
>>14071045, >>14071055 Dan Schneider still at large
>>14071047, >>14071185 Graphene is one of the most important elements for Storing & tracking data (people)?
>>14071069 anon supplied notes
>>14071087 Jeffrey Epstein's other little black book from the 1990s?
>>14071148 Yemeni court sentences to death five people found guilty of spying for Britain's MI6
>>14071153 Prepare ur Anus! We Diggin into Coffee enemas
>>14071156 @PatriotTakes Whiteboard pics
>>14071306 White House Is Coming To Your House, Let The Memes Begin
>>14071320 a few choice questions/statements for the dumbass who raps on my door
>>14071353 Safety Assessment of Graphene-Based Materials: Focus on Human Health and the Environment
>>14071357 INSIDE Jeffrey Epstein's Abandoned Palm Beach Mansion
>>14071367 Needs moar research
>>14071402 #17805
#14072206 at 2021-07-07 11:34:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17806: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14071516 PF Reportin
>>14071479 Data centers consume millions of gallons of Arizona water daily
>>14071544 I now have to run a vpn just to be able to post this.
>>14071577 The Colorado River Has More of Its Water Allocated Than Exists in the River
>>14071590 @53.53 graphite discussion broken down in detail?
>>14071617 the adrenochrome bust you never heard about
>>14071654 Does "the United States of America" even exist any more?
>>14071676 is this how COVID-19 works, theoretically?
>>14071701 Sitting on the fence is a great way to castrate yourself
>>14071749 "BabyFist" is a Gh05t boxing Psyop
>>14071759 OSS has no ability to identify shills. They have tried very hard to convince you otherwise.
>>14071774 In April 2018, Vice President Mike Pence chose Kellogg to serve as his national security advisor.
>>14071809 Outstanding Meme
>>14071863 article-9761777 Melania Trump ditches signature stilettos for Louboutin flats
>>14071945 News Digs
>>14072002 Container ship "Ever Given" is finally on its way after 3 MONTHS
>>14072023 Reports of a drone attack against the US base at al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria.
>>14072027 Expand your thinking
>>14072040 https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1412661702340931590
>>14072056 DJT will soon make an "important" announcement about his plans for a social media platform
>>14072060 Zuckerberg and Democrats work hand in glove with the CCP. Follow the money
>>14072069 Graphine Oxide: formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid
>>14072175 Verizon Frontline unveils THOR: mobile, 5G rapid-response command center
>>14072082, >>14072064, >>14072110 Big trouble in liddle Haiti
>>14071428, >>14071669, >>14071997 @700
#14071997 at 2021-07-07 10:05:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17806: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14071428, >>14071669 @500
>>14071516 PF Reportin
>>14071479 Data centers consume millions of gallons of Arizona water daily
>>14071544 I now have to run a vpn just to be able to post this.
>>14071577 The Colorado River Has More of Its Water Allocated Than Exists in the River
>>14071590 @53.53 graphite discussion broken down in detail?
>>14071617 the adrenochrome bust you never heard about
>>14071654 Does "the United States of America" even exist any more?
>>14071676 is this how COVID-19 works, theoretically?
>>14071701 Sitting on the fence is a great way to castrate yourself
>>14071749 "BabyFist" is a Gh05t boxing Psyop
>>14071759 OSS has no ability to identify shills. They have tried very hard to convince you otherwise.
>>14071774 In April 2018, Vice President Mike Pence chose Kellogg to serve as his national security advisor.
>>14071809 Outstanding Meme
>>14071863 article-9761777 Melania Trump ditches signature stilettos for Louboutin flats
>>14071945 News Digs
#14071743 at 2021-07-07 08:18:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17806: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING Edition
>A board volunteer who posts 30 times in a bread should be removed.
they have banned me before, for trolling them about notions held dear. like it or not, it is part of the shock test.
"8bit banned me" yah right. 8 bit banned someone else on the same commonly held VPN range, somehwat stable via cookies but who actually knows. OSS banned me on five or six others for saying irreverent shit. Every anon has the right to give them both shit testing their motives, intentions, perceived patriotism, caffeination, time zone, and 0-1 basic presence during wage slave hours quotient.
Holy shit this bread is only at 273 it feels much later.
#14071558 at 2021-07-07 07:10:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17806: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING Edition
Strange eh?
#14070322 at 2021-07-07 02:43:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17804: The 'Context Of Past Events' Edition
Notable potential for great fuckery
Any thoughts on this, OSS?
#14070210 at 2021-07-07 02:28:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17804: The 'Context Of Past Events' Edition
For the last time you dumb nigger I'm not babyfist!
I still don't even know who that's supposed to be.
I honestly think its all part of a larp OSS created.
And PS: learn to filter cuz I'm here to stay, buddy.
#14070050 at 2021-07-07 02:07:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17804: The 'Context Of Past Events' Edition
Blah blah blah, I'm still convinced OSS is a plant
Story is falling apart, beginning to lose interest.
#14070037 at 2021-07-07 02:04:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17804: The 'Context Of Past Events' Edition
Now you do cuz I told you, kek
Sorry for bullying you OSS, that's all I'm guilty of
#14070009 at 2021-07-07 02:00:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17804: The 'Context Of Past Events' Edition
This is the only time I "threatened" OSS
#14068564 at 2021-07-06 22:34:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17802: ASVAB Ebake Edition
>OSS doesn't fully grasp shared IPs on AirVPN servers.
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
Here we go again.
#14068540 at 2021-07-06 22:30:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17802: ASVAB Ebake Edition
>Did you learn anything useful?
Not really, at least not from school.
I needed the piece of paper, though.
OSS doesn't fully grasp shared IPs on AirVPN servers.
#14065414 at 2021-07-06 13:34:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17798: Katie Hobbs Kept It Hidden, EYES ON this Corrupt Official Edition
>If you're the one who is called realAnonymous in that chat,
Way to go, brainlet.
The other id in the cap is OSS.
Gee, I wonder if that's the one that's Gerbil???
#14064917 at 2021-07-06 11:12:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17797: Old Style Edition
OSS v. 0SS
#14064835 at 2021-07-06 09:50:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17797: Old Style Edition
Because it has nothing to do with Jews, or BV, or OSS or comped bakers or banners or kitchen fuckery…thats why…
#14064338 at 2021-07-06 06:32:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17797: Old Style Edition
Friendly reminder
Friendly reminder
OSS is a boy-loving sex offender
#14064215 at 2021-07-06 05:49:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17796: Very Real, Very Anon.
I find it sad that so many anons have been banned because OSS thinks they are me.
#14064165 at 2021-07-06 05:37:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17796: Very Real, Very Anon.
OSS is a boy lover
#14064144 at 2021-07-06 05:33:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17796: Very Real, Very Anon.
you mean you haven't figured it out yet?
without Q coming here at regular intervals, even dedicated and competent anons get bored and aid the devolution of discourse in to frail bickering about who's more right, takes better notes or posts about something less pertinent more
for a while, OSS striking down a lot of the retards was pretty revitalizing and at least interesting. by the fourth day or so, when the guy was making 20+ posts per thread arguing with whoever the fuck, it just became something else easy to filter
i'm sure there's more interesting digs we could be doing, but they don't rarely pop up, maybe outside of the audit in AZ or McAfee
all in all, things have been kinda boring since Q stopped posting, LARP or not.
okay, you caught me. i'm being hyperbolic
#14062358 at 2021-07-05 23:52:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17794: The SEETHING Continues - USS Liberty Edition
>kek that's ackshually a pretty good indicator of it being too F&G, Anon
How? Anyone who opposes OSS is Gerbil,
By that logic, Gerbil posted it!
#14062167 at 2021-07-05 23:19:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17794: The SEETHING Continues - USS Liberty Edition
>They're obviously on salary.
>Where do you think OSS got that pay-sheet?
>(they made it up, it's a psyop)
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
#14062162 at 2021-07-05 23:18:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17794: The SEETHING Continues - USS Liberty Edition
imagine thinking shills get paid by the (you)
They're obviously on salary.
Where do you think OSS got that pay-sheet?
(they made it up, it's a psyop)
#14061776 at 2021-07-05 22:04:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17793: Nice Try Retards
A news story with no byline?
It's not a legitimate clipping without the source and date of publication.
#14061725 at 2021-07-05 21:55:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17793: Nice Try Retards
Ok, status check time:
- BO FJ is not going anywhere
- BV OSS is not going anywhere
- BV 8-bit is not going anywhere (well prolly not but is laying low lately)
- Jim isn't going to interfere in the Board Wars based on past history
- Anons are mostly doing their thing as usual although some have gone lurkmode waiting for The Precipice
- Groundhog Day every day is so hot right now
Only Q can change the status-quo and he ain't talking right now.
#14061673 at 2021-07-05 21:46:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17793: Nice Try Retards
>I'll come back later when someone besides OSS is allowed to have an opinion
Bye NewsBot
#14061670 at 2021-07-05 21:45:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17793: Nice Try Retards
I'll come back later when someone besides OSS is allowed to have an opinion
#14061247 at 2021-07-05 20:53:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17793: Nice Try Retards
>gerbil is shilling with OSS
#14060831 at 2021-07-05 19:43:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17792: These People Really Are Stupid Edition
Finally doxxed OSS?
#14060476 at 2021-07-05 18:35:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17792: These People Really Are Stupid Edition
gamma gamma gamma
lambda lambda lambda
HUN GARrrrrrrr
Open Society Soros [SS SORO]
#14059865 at 2021-07-05 16:57:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17791: I'll Do Myself If I Have To Edition
Honestly OSS, I'm sure they are.
#14059436 at 2021-07-05 15:58:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17791: I'll Do Myself If I Have To Edition
>nb4 discord
Waiting on the Discord for you OSS.
Dont be a pussy now.
#14059337 at 2021-07-05 15:42:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17791: I'll Do Myself If I Have To Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS = MJ12 Larpers
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
>>14055952 IDF in America Mini-Bun
>>14055987 #17786
>>14055019, >>14055036, >>14055045, >>14055061, >>14055068 MJ-12 Larpers get called out on changing American flags to purple to show support for purple revolution. Reee/kvetch afterwards - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054943, >>14054929 Larping_Man is Doge is Sgt. B - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054701, >>14054868 House Sergeant At Arms 'Slips Up' & May Have Just Revealed Name of Ashli Babbitt's Shooter - Michael Leroy Byrd
>>14054459 Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
>>14054464 DJT Jr - In fairness Trump did it and aced it and there weren't daily indicators that he wasn't all there... unlike Joe Biden.
>>14054509 First image is the best explanation I have ever seen of EVERGREENING.
>>14054511 Anon supplied dough
>>14054733 W.H.O and World Leaders have serious questions to answer in the upcoming trials for 'Crimes against Humanity' by committing COVID Fraud
>>14054818 P still equals Paysuer
>>14054888 Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via "spontaneous abortions"
>>14054929 It's like you morans think anons will ever be ok with you compromising Qs board. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054967 MJ 12 larpers point out their most recent plan of attack on board management. Post US flags in their larp post, so they can insinuate BV hates America. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054977 Remember I told you they share cloud servers? - MJ12 Larpers
>>14055104 Ashli Babbit Shooting Mini-Bun
>>14055125 Dough Cutsody Tracking, thanks Larping_Man - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055158 First bread I have baked in months. - Moar gaslight from the MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055165 #17785
Previously Collected Notables
>>14053496 #17783,
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
>>14046491 #17774, >>14047259 #17775, >>14047979 #17776
>>14045836 #17772, >>14046276 #17773\2, >>14046276 #17773\1
>>14043177 #17770, >>14045636 #17771\2, >>14045635 #17771\1
>>14040833 #17767, >>14041539 #17768, >>14042409 #17769
>>14038370 #17764, >>14045270 #17765, >>14040021 #17766
>>14035940 #17761, >>14036613 #17762, >>14037523 #17763
>>14036235 #17758, >>14034320 #17759, >>14035088 #17760
>>14032037 #17755, >>14032021 #17756, >>14032728 #17757
>>14028754 #17752, >>14029556 #17753, >>14030257 #17754
>>14028764 #17749, >>14027030 #17750, >>14027909 #17751
>>14024734 #17746, >>14027308 #17747, >>14026943 #17748
>>14021473 #17743, >>14025458 #17744, >>14024735 #17745
>>14018863 #17740, >>14020405 #17741, >>14020685 #17742
>>14016593 #17737, >>14017418 #17738, >>14018134 #17739
>>14013425 #17734, >>14014304 #17735, >>14015051 #17736
>>14011100 #17731, >>14011833 #17732, >>14012641 #17733
>>14012531 #17728, >>14009507 #17729, >>14010285 #17730
>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727
>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724
>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721
>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718
>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715
>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712
>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709
>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706
>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703
>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700
>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697
>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694
>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691
>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#14059300 at 2021-07-05 15:36:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17790: Ariz. Senators Expect Audit To Reveal ‘Significant’ Fraud Edition
You should listen to
Code Monkey ->OSS mini tyrant
Donald Trump Jnr
Dan Scavino.
But you wont.
What you think you know is a lie and you have been led by a lie and believe in a lie all narrated by the shills you try to fight.
>need notables
#14058502 at 2021-07-05 12:33:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17790: Ariz. Senators Expect Audit To Reveal ‘Significant’ Fraud Edition
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056347, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
>>14056718, >>14056728 MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Babfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
>>14056280, >>14056291 They're(shills) all so fucking gay tho
>>14056458, >>14056481 Jews destroying evidence
>>14056258 To the anon saying this place isn't 8/pol/ last bread:
>>14056240 Live view of partially collapsed Miami Beach building ahead of demolition
>>14056342 Exclusive: Inside The Military's Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government
>>14056508 The Lasker Prize
>>14056628 /pol/ is digging: Jannies be freaking. Pol thinks the blonde might be Lynn. [L] Inconclusive, but something anons should be helping with here or there.
>>14056635 Should have been notable
>>14056733 Trump Aide's Social Media Platform Gettr Reportedly Hacked on Launch Day
>>14056777 #17787
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS = MJ12 Larpers
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
>>14055952 IDF in America Mini-Bun
>>14055987 #17786
#14058474 at 2021-07-05 12:24:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17789: The 'Larpers On Parade' Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14057682 Dough
>>14057752 The Storm 2 Video (Cap 2:19)
>>14057802, >>14057814, >>14057826, >>14058242, >>14057805, >>14058158, >>14057866 Fire explosion at the #MingDih factory in Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan
>>14057863 Cyprus Fire 'under full control'
>>14057957 The Wilder Response To Mr. Biden
>>14058050 OSS Deleteing Posts For Almost 24 Hours Straight, he's so hot right now
>>14058079 French Government Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory For Everyone Aged 24-59
>>14058082, >>14058093 Spain's Proposed 'National Security Law' Would Allow Seizure Of Citizens' Property During Health "Crisis"
>>14058085 99.999% of the Chinese Communist Party members are good people." Miles Guo, financier of Gettr
>>14058089, >>14058138 Is Miles Guo a mason?
>>14058090 Miles Guo's history is murky and potentially full of disinfo
>>14058092 Miles Guo, the funder of Gettr, declaring his loyalty to Chinese president Xi Jinping
>>14058096 Miles Guo's loyalty oath to President Xi Jinping is allegedly taken from a longer video published in 2017
>>14058099 Anybody have info or documents proving the alleged quote from trial on April 22 where Miles Guo allegedly took the fifth when asked if he was Chinese spy?
>>14058100 Interesting twitter thread allegedly reporting on Miles Guo's alleged April testimony.
>>14058110 Surfside condo building's standing portion brought down with explosives
>>14058111 Interactive site to collate info and try to get to the bottom of the Vegas shooting
>>14058128 Hunter Biden engaged in some daddy pay care: Devine
>>14058135 Joe Biden, July 4 Grinch, would now like to get his hands on your selfies
>>14058169 Tennessee mayor powerless to remove anti-Biden flag
>>14058170 Dan Scavino (Photo eagle flying)
>>14058184, >>14058185 Cameroon of the killing and beheading of government troops and civilians
>>14058255, >>14058320, >>14058368 "MUD VOLCANO" fuckery?
>>14058288, >>14058291 'The ocean is on fire again': Mud volcano explodes, lighting up the Caspian Sea
>>14058262 Taliban issues ultimatum to US/NATO
>>14058274 Ariz. Senators Expect Audit To Reveal 'Significant' Fraud
>>14058292 Rep. James Clyburn outright lies about Voter I.D.
>>14058323 Zuck Goes Full Cringe: Anti-American Globalist Mark Zuckerberg Rides Hydrofoil Surfboard with US Flag for 4th of July
>>14058338 RUSTY SHACKLEFORD channel IS ACTIVE AGAIN - started 11 HRS AGO
>>14058350 Gen Flynn shares QAnonJohn17 letter
>>14058411 Catherine Herridge CyberSecurity FBI is investigating world's largest ransomware attacks
#14058473 at 2021-07-05 12:23:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17789: The 'Larpers On Parade' Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14057682 Dough
Check em'
>>14057752 The Storm 2 Video (Cap 2:19)
>>14057802, >>14057814, >>14057826, >>14058242, >>14057805, >>14058158, >>14057866 Fire explosion at the #MingDih factory in Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan
>>14057863 Cyprus Fire 'under full control'
>>14057957 The Wilder Response To Mr. Biden
>>14058050 OSS Deleteing Posts For Almost 24 Hours Straight, he's so hot right now
>>14058079 French Government Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory For Everyone Aged 24-59
>>14058082, >>14058093 Spain's Proposed 'National Security Law' Would Allow Seizure Of Citizens' Property During Health "Crisis"
>>14058085 99.999% of the Chinese Communist Party members are good people." Miles Guo, financier of Gettr
>>14058089, >>14058138 Is Miles Guo a mason?
>>14058090 Miles Guo's history is murky and potentially full of disinfo
>>14058092 Miles Guo, the funder of Gettr, declaring his loyalty to Chinese president Xi Jinping
>>14058096 Miles Guo's loyalty oath to President Xi Jinping is allegedly taken from a longer video published in 2017
>>14058099 Anybody have info or documents proving the alleged quote from trial on April 22 where Miles Guo allegedly took the fifth when asked if he was Chinese spy?
>>14058100 Interesting twitter thread allegedly reporting on Miles Guo's alleged April testimony.
>>14058110 Surfside condo building's standing portion brought down with explosives
>>14058111 Interactive site to collate info and try to get to the bottom of the Vegas shooting
>>14058128 Hunter Biden engaged in some daddy pay care: Devine
>>14058135 Joe Biden, July 4 Grinch, would now like to get his hands on your selfies
>>14058169 Tennessee mayor powerless to remove anti-Biden flag
>>14058170 Dan Scavino (Photo eagle flying)
>>14058184, >>14058185 Cameroon of the killing and beheading of government troops and civilians
>>14058255, >>14058320, >>14058368 "MUD VOLCANO" fuckery?
>>>14058288, >>14058291 'The ocean is on fire again': Mud volcano explodes, lighting up the Caspian Sea
>>14058262 Taliban issues ultimatum to US/NATO
>>14058274 Ariz. Senators Expect Audit To Reveal 'Significant' Fraud
>>14058292 Rep. James Clyburn outright lies about Voter I.D.
>>14058323 Zuck Goes Full Cringe: Anti-American Globalist Mark Zuckerberg Rides Hydrofoil Surfboard with US Flag for 4th of July
>>14058338 RUSTY SHACKLEFORD channel IS ACTIVE AGAIN - started 11 HRS AGO
>>14058350 Gen Flynn shares QAnonJohn17 letter
>>14058411 Catherine Herridge CyberSecurity FBI is investigating world's largest ransomware attacks
#14058047 at 2021-07-05 09:31:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17789: The 'Larpers On Parade' Edition
If you'd like further proof that "OSS" is a team of shills, look no further than the time signatures of the board log
#14058022 at 2021-07-05 09:15:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17789: The 'Larpers On Parade' Edition
#14057676 at 2021-07-05 06:45:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17789: The 'Larpers On Parade' Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14056992 Scavino posts a pic: Eagle flying and Old Glory
>>14057082 XVIII Air: George Washington's General Orders, Jul 2 1776: "The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this army - We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die"
>>14057154 BNT: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Discusses How Covid-19 Shots Might Reduce Lifespan
>>14057206 XVIII Air: The stage is set!
>>14057240 ArmstrongEc: Facebook Targeting Conservatives, and it is very disgusting. Parallels anyone?
>>14057419 No no no really guys! He's a patriot too! GP: Zuckerberg goes full cringe
>>14057462 UCANews: Pope Francis is a popular guy on the media push circuit lately.
>>14057586 Reuters: China ordered smartphone app stores to stop offering Didi, the country's largest ride-hailing app, after finding that it illegally collected users' personal data
>>14057603 AFP: Getting vaccinated in Australia is like "The Hunger Games" a top health official admits
>>14057642 #17788
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056347, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
>>14056718, >>14056728 MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Babfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
>>14056280, >>14056291 They're(shills) all so fucking gay tho
>>14056458, >>14056481 Jews destroying evidence
>>14056258 To the anon saying this place isn't 8/pol/ last bread:
>>14056240 Live view of partially collapsed Miami Beach building ahead of demolition
>>14056342 Exclusive: Inside The Military's Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government
>>14056508 The Lasker Prize
>>14056628 /pol/ is digging: Jannies be freaking. Pol thinks the blonde might be Lynn. [L] Inconclusive, but something anons should be helping with here or there.
>>14056635 Should have been notable
>>14056733 Trump Aide's Social Media Platform Gettr Reportedly Hacked on Launch Day
>>14056777 #17787
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS = MJ12 Larpers
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
>>14055952 IDF in America Mini-Bun
>>14055987 #17786
>>14055019, >>14055036, >>14055045, >>14055061, >>14055068 MJ-12 Larpers get called out on changing American flags to purple to show support for purple revolution. Reee/kvetch afterwards - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054943, >>14054929 Larping_Man is Doge is Sgt. B - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054701, >>14054868 House Sergeant At Arms 'Slips Up' & May Have Just Revealed Name of Ashli Babbitt's Shooter - Michael Leroy Byrd
>>14054459 Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
>>14054464 DJT Jr - In fairness Trump did it and aced it and there weren't daily indicators that he wasn't all there... unlike Joe Biden.
>>14054509 First image is the best explanation I have ever seen of EVERGREENING.
>>14054511 Anon supplied dough
>>14054733 W.H.O and World Leaders have serious questions to answer in the upcoming trials for 'Crimes against Humanity' by committing COVID Fraud
>>14054818 P still equals Paysuer
>>14054888 Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via "spontaneous abortions"
>>14054929 It's like you morans think anons will ever be ok with you compromising Qs board. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054967 MJ 12 larpers point out their most recent plan of attack on board management. Post US flags in their larp post, so they can insinuate BV hates America. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054977 Remember I told you they share cloud servers? - MJ12 Larpers
>>14055104 Ashli Babbit Shooting Mini-Bun
>>14055125 Dough Cutsody Tracking, thanks Larping_Man - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055158 First bread I have baked in months. - Moar gaslight from the MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055165 #17785
Previously Collected Notables
>>14053496 #17783,
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
>>14046491 #17774, >>14047259 #17775, >>14047979 #17776
>>14045836 #17772, >>14046276 #17773\2, >>14046276 #17773\1
>>14043177 #17770, >>14045636 #17771\2, >>14045635 #17771\1
>>14040833 #17767, >>14041539 #17768, >>14042409 #17769
>>14038370 #17764, >>14045270 #17765, >>14040021 #17766
>>14035940 #17761, >>14036613 #17762, >>14037523 #17763
>>14036235 #17758, >>14034320 #17759, >>14035088 #17760
>>14032037 #17755, >>14032021 #17756, >>14032728 #17757
>>14028754 #17752, >>14029556 #17753, >>14030257 #17754
>>14028764 #17749, >>14027030 #17750, >>14027909 #17751
>>14024734 #17746, >>14027308 #17747, >>14026943 #17748
>>14021473 #17743, >>14025458 #17744, >>14024735 #17745
>>14018863 #17740, >>14020405 #17741, >>14020685 #17742
>>14016593 #17737, >>14017418 #17738, >>14018134 #17739
>>14013425 #17734, >>14014304 #17735, >>14015051 #17736
>>14011100 #17731, >>14011833 #17732, >>14012641 #17733
>>14012531 #17728, >>14009507 #17729, >>14010285 #17730
>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727
>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724
>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721
>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718
>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715
>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712
>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709
>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706
>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703
>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700
>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697
>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694
>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691
>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#14057625 at 2021-07-05 06:32:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17788: Shills VPS/VPN Exposed, Big Mad Edition
Thanks for break OSS.
Was nice worked on my code I was slacking on.
Missed all you faggots.
Glad to be back!
#14057216 at 2021-07-05 04:57:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17788: Shills VPS/VPN Exposed, Big Mad Edition
Username IP hash Time Board Action
OSS hidden 4 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 5 minutes /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#193870) withno reason
OSS hidden 5 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 5 minutes /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#193869) withno reason
OSS hidden 13 minutes /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#193868) withno reason
OSS hidden 19 minutes /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#193867) withno reason
OSS hidden 20 minutes /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#193866) withno reason
#14057124 at 2021-07-05 04:42:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17788: Shills VPS/VPN Exposed, Big Mad Edition
Looks like the proprietary shill using the OSS BV account had to clock out (overtime on salary sucks)
Handed off the keys to the reddit night-shift minions who don't know how to use them.
#14057004 at 2021-07-05 04:18:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17788: Shills VPS/VPN Exposed, Big Mad Edition
OSS is a faggot. you just don't like that they are a correct faggot.
#14056996 at 2021-07-05 04:16:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17788: Shills VPS/VPN Exposed, Big Mad Edition
>totally not OSS team
#14056780 at 2021-07-05 03:38:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17788: Shills VPS/VPN Exposed, Big Mad Edition
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
-TOR posting is disabled-
TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.
The site is stable and TORposting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.
>>14056718, >>14056728,MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Babfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056347, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.
>>14056718, >>14056728 MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Babfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
>>14056280, >>14056291 They're(shills) all so fucking gay tho
>>14056458, >>14056481 Jews destroying evidence
>>14056258 To the anon saying this place isn't 8/pol/ last bread:
>>14056240 Live view of partially collapsed Miami Beach building ahead of demolition
>>14056342 Exclusive: Inside The Military's Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government
>>14056508 The Lasker Prize
>>14056628 /pol/ is digging: Jannies be freaking. Pol thinks the blonde might be Lynn. [L] Inconclusive, but something anons should be helping with here or there.
>>14056635 Should have been notable
>>14056733 Trump Aide's Social Media Platform Gettr Reportedly Hacked on Launch Day
>>14056777 #17787
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS = MJ12 Larpers
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
>>14055952 IDF in America Mini-Bun
>>14055987 #17786
>>14055019, >>14055036, >>14055045, >>14055061, >>14055068 MJ-12 Larpers get called out on changing American flags to purple to show support for purple revolution. Reee/kvetch afterwards - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054943, >>14054929 Larping_Man is Doge is Sgt. B - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054701, >>14054868 House Sergeant At Arms 'Slips Up' & May Have Just Revealed Name of Ashli Babbitt's Shooter - Michael Leroy Byrd
>>14054459 Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
>>14054464 DJT Jr - In fairness Trump did it and aced it and there weren't daily indicators that he wasn't all there... unlike Joe Biden.
>>14054509 First image is the best explanation I have ever seen of EVERGREENING.
>>14054511 Anon supplied dough
>>14054733 W.H.O and World Leaders have serious questions to answer in the upcoming trials for 'Crimes against Humanity' by committing COVID Fraud
>>14054818 P still equals Paysuer
>>14054888 Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via "spontaneous abortions"
>>14054929 It's like you morans think anons will ever be ok with you compromising Qs board. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054967 MJ 12 larpers point out their most recent plan of attack on board management. Post US flags in their larp post, so they can insinuate BV hates America. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054977 Remember I told you they share cloud servers? - MJ12 Larpers
>>14055104 Ashli Babbit Shooting Mini-Bun
>>14055125 Dough Cutsody Tracking, thanks Larping_Man - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055158 First bread I have baked in months. - Moar gaslight from the MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055165 #17785
#17784 MIA
Previously Collected Notables
>>14053496 #17783,
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
>>14046491 #17774, >>14047259 #17775, >>14047979 #17776
>>14045836 #17772, >>14046276 #17773\2, >>14046276 #17773\1
>>14043177 #17770, >>14045636 #17771\2, >>14045635 #17771\1
>>14040833 #17767, >>14041539 #17768, >>14042409 #17769
>>14038370 #17764, >>14045270 #17765, >>14040021 #17766
>>14035940 #17761, >>14036613 #17762, >>14037523 #17763
>>14036235 #17758, >>14034320 #17759, >>14035088 #17760
>>14032037 #17755, >>14032021 #17756, >>14032728 #17757
>>14028754 #17752, >>14029556 #17753, >>14030257 #17754
>>14028764 #17749, >>14027030 #17750, >>14027909 #17751
>>14024734 #17746, >>14027308 #17747, >>14026943 #17748
>>14021473 #17743, >>14025458 #17744, >>14024735 #17745
>>14018863 #17740, >>14020405 #17741, >>14020685 #17742
>>14016593 #17737, >>14017418 #17738, >>14018134 #17739
>>14013425 #17734, >>14014304 #17735, >>14015051 #17736
>>14011100 #17731, >>14011833 #17732, >>14012641 #17733
>>14012531 #17728, >>14009507 #17729, >>14010285 #17730
>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727
>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724
>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721
>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718
>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715
>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712
>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709
>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706
>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703
>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700
>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697
>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694
>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691
>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#14056695 at 2021-07-05 03:27:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17787: You Promised My Dox Edition
#14056666 at 2021-07-05 03:21:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17787: You Promised My Dox Edition
btw this is not OSS
how much of a faggot do you have to be to LARP os OSS?
#14056404 at 2021-07-05 02:43:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17787: You Promised My Dox Edition
I was doing 12 before OSS realized I was a threat to his narrative and chimped out
#14056001 at 2021-07-05 01:49:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17787: You Promised My Dox Edition
Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins
BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
-TOR posting is disabled-
TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.
The site is stable and TORposting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS = MJ12 Larpers
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
>>14055952 IDF in America Mini-Bun
>>14055987 #17786
>>14055019, >>14055036, >>14055045, >>14055061, >>14055068 MJ-12 Larpers get called out on changing American flags to purple to show support for purple revolution. Reee/kvetch afterwards - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054943, >>14054929 Larping_Man is Doge is Sgt. B - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054701, >>14054868 House Sergeant At Arms 'Slips Up' & May Have Just Revealed Name of Ashli Babbitt's Shooter - Michael Leroy Byrd
>>14054459 Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
>>14054464 DJT Jr - In fairness Trump did it and aced it and there weren't daily indicators that he wasn't all there... unlike Joe Biden.
>>14054509 First image is the best explanation I have ever seen of EVERGREENING.
>>14054511 Anon supplied dough
>>14054733 W.H.O and World Leaders have serious questions to answer in the upcoming trials for 'Crimes against Humanity' by committing COVID Fraud
>>14054818 P still equals Paysuer
>>14054888 Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via "spontaneous abortions"
>>14054929 It's like you morans think anons will ever be ok with you compromising Qs board. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054967 MJ 12 larpers point out their most recent plan of attack on board management. Post US flags in their larp post, so they can insinuate BV hates America. - MJ12 Larpers
>>14054977 Remember I told you they share cloud servers? - MJ12 Larpers
>>14055104 Ashli Babbit Shooting Mini-Bun
>>14055125 Dough Cutsody Tracking, thanks Larping_Man - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055158 First bread I have baked in months. - Moar gaslight from the MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055165 #17785
#17784 MIA
Previously Collected Notables
>>14053496 #17783,
>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782
>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779
>>14046491 #17774, >>14047259 #17775, >>14047979 #17776
>>14045836 #17772, >>14046276 #17773\2, >>14046276 #17773\1
>>14043177 #17770, >>14045636 #17771\2, >>14045635 #17771\1
>>14040833 #17767, >>14041539 #17768, >>14042409 #17769
>>14038370 #17764, >>14045270 #17765, >>14040021 #17766
>>14035940 #17761, >>14036613 #17762, >>14037523 #17763
>>14036235 #17758, >>14034320 #17759, >>14035088 #17760
>>14032037 #17755, >>14032021 #17756, >>14032728 #17757
>>14028754 #17752, >>14029556 #17753, >>14030257 #17754
>>14028764 #17749, >>14027030 #17750, >>14027909 #17751
>>14024734 #17746, >>14027308 #17747, >>14026943 #17748
>>14021473 #17743, >>14025458 #17744, >>14024735 #17745
>>14018863 #17740, >>14020405 #17741, >>14020685 #17742
>>14016593 #17737, >>14017418 #17738, >>14018134 #17739
>>14013425 #17734, >>14014304 #17735, >>14015051 #17736
>>14011100 #17731, >>14011833 #17732, >>14012641 #17733
>>14012531 #17728, >>14009507 #17729, >>14010285 #17730
>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727
>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724
>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721
>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718
>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715
>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712
>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709
>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706
>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703
>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700
>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697
>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694
>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691
>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#14055987 at 2021-07-05 01:47:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS = MJ12 Larpers
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
>>14055952 IDF in America Mini-Bun
#14055945 at 2021-07-05 01:42:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
>>14055829, >>14055845 Sgt. Babyfist - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
#14055914 at 2021-07-05 01:37:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
You're really losing it, OSS.
Trying to re-contextualize a Q drop?
I was there when the breading splitting was happening and Q posted that after a baker asked for Q to take a side in that bread war.
You're seriously trying to make more shit about you and your paranoid delusions?
You've lost it.
#14055822 at 2021-07-05 01:22:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055781 Lin Wood - IDF in Miami
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
#14055786 at 2021-07-05 01:15:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
The fucking "Muh OSS" faggot is in the kitchen
#14055774 at 2021-07-05 01:14:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419 They call out "Castle Siege Mode" before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
#14055733 at 2021-07-05 01:06:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419, >>14055377 They call out Castle Siege mode before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055716 Newly Found Tunnels Underneath Surfside Collapse Fuel Rescuers Hope of Finding Survivors
>>14055719 INB4 OSS deletes this
>>14055675, >>13953275 Ingersoll-LARPwood -MJ12 Larpers that are raiding the board
#14055719 at 2021-07-05 01:05:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
Photo link with Epstein:
TONS of photos on his Fb/photo page:
TONS of videos on his Fb/video page:
Something Big is Coming
>>14004150 (PB)
>>14004156 (PB)
>>14003928 (PB)
INB4 OSS deletes this
#14055680 at 2021-07-05 00:57:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419, >>14055377 They call out Castle Siege mode before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055413, >>14055540 Moar Babbit
>>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055496 Reagan Peace Through Strength PONR - Rusty Shackleford youtube acct
>>14055535 US's biggest Syria base hit by 'massive' explosions: Reports
>>14055527 Star Spangled Banner As Youve Never Heard It - Rusty Shackleford
>>14055581 The military knows who the real enemy is - Video
>>14055675 Ingersoll-LARPwood
#14055639 at 2021-07-05 00:50:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
The label of the week for OSS and his tranny team to gaslight pus with
#14055510 at 2021-07-05 00:25:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055411, >>14055419, >>14055377 They call out Castle Siege mode before they start cooridinated shilling. - MJ 12 larpers
>>14055284, >>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
>>14055384 Rusty Shackleford youtube acct (epstein Island drone vids) just posted this
>>14055413 Moar Babbit
#14055370 at 2021-07-05 00:04:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17786: Happy Birthday USA - MJ12 Larpers SEETHING Edition
>>14055284, >>14055288 NP Babyfist. Just think, had you not compromised Qs board you could just ban me and delete last bread like last time.
>>14055204 Late last bread GerBil promises to Dox OSS
>>14055343 They really are this stupid - MJ 12 Larpers
#14055191 at 2021-07-04 23:35:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17785: The 'EBAKE' Edition
Its doxxing time, get ready OSS
#14055125 at 2021-07-04 23:26:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17785: The 'EBAKE' Edition
Dough Custody
>>14054405 Baker ghosts
>>14054466 OSS stealth confirms
>>14054511 Anon updates dough
>>14054996 OSS self notables his conspiracy theory
>>14055055 OSS moves it to top of notables
>>14055121 Confirms he is holding dough hostage
#14055081 at 2021-07-04 23:19:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17785: The 'EBAKE' Edition
i bet that OSS (BV), has no gf and nobody loves him. He is alone.
#14054648 at 2021-07-04 22:08:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17785: The 'EBAKE' Edition
The beauty of that DOAR post is Comms already hates FJ almost as much as they do OSS.
Nice little two-fer effect from that one.
#14054144 at 2021-07-04 20:37:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17784: The 'Tree Of Liberty' Edition
>Proof of this is my still being here, confy as fuck,
>while OSS seems to go on breaks every hour or so.
Because I am a volunteer and you niggers work in teams. Thanks for pointing it out that you are here 24/7/365.
#14054088 at 2021-07-04 20:25:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17784: The 'Tree Of Liberty' Edition
OSS now clearly lives rent free in your heads and its hilarious
he did the same thing with the shill farm that trump did with the media
#14054035 at 2021-07-04 20:16:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17784: The 'Tree Of Liberty' Edition
OSS 2.0. If you didn't exist, neither would the bullshit from OSS. But like the rest of the shills on the board, you just can't not do your job.
#14054028 at 2021-07-04 20:15:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17784: The 'Tree Of Liberty' Edition
>I'm only namefagging so I can retain my identity what with faggot-OSS shadowbanning me 24/7
#14053427 at 2021-07-04 18:32:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17783: The 'EBAKE' Edition
Further proof that Gerbil is BASED AF
1) the opposite of cringe
2) in defiance of status-quo
What does Gerbil (and Doge) oppose?
Cringe OSS enforcer of status quo via censorship
ThanQ Gerbil,
you're a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
Stay comfy my friends
#14053331 at 2021-07-04 18:06:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17783: The 'EBAKE' Edition
>>14052800 BV Confirmed Comped working with baker. (CAP BEFORE LOW LVL DELETES)
Scavino and Trump Jnr Confirm Baker Gerbil is Based Patriot
>all else is a lie
Left ya a message on the discord fagget.
you just wont listen
#14053141 at 2021-07-04 17:30:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17783: The 'EBAKE' Edition
Happy 4th of July, OSS.
May God bless you this day, and forever.
#14053121 at 2021-07-04 17:27:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17783: The 'EBAKE' Edition
>Everyone is OSS
#14053116 at 2021-07-04 17:26:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17783: The 'EBAKE' Edition
>>14052772 lb
why are some OSS and some are 0SS?
#14052717 at 2021-07-04 16:20:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17782: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA Edition
C'mon OSS
Do a an hero
#14051307 at 2021-07-04 11:37:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17781: The 'How Come?' Edition
kitchen fuckery by OSS
same as always
#14051286 at 2021-07-04 11:31:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17781: The 'How Come?' Edition
some of the deleted posts from bread 17772.
BV isDeleting posts and perma banning anons for no reason
archive often
Username IP hash Time Board Action
OSS hidden 5 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 5 hours /qresearch/ Created apermanent banon /qresearch/ (#193722) with no reason
OSS hidden 5 hours /qresearch/ Deleted post #14048587
OSS hidden 6 hours /qresearch/ Deleted post #14050366
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent banon /qresearch/ (#193720) with no reason
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all postsby IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Created apermanent ban on /qresearch/ (#193719) with no reason
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Created apermanent banon /qresearch/ (#193718) with no reason
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all post by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Created apermanent banon /qresearch/ (#193717) with no reason
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP hash in a thread: <IP hidden>
OSS hidden 8 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#193716) with no reason
#14045618 at 2021-07-03 20:43:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17773: The Further We Go The More UnRealistic It Appears Edition
This faggot is OSS
#14045521 at 2021-07-03 20:22:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17773: The Further We Go The More UnRealistic It Appears Edition
>I think that was babyfister
You mean OSS?
#14045354 at 2021-07-03 19:56:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17773: The Further We Go The More UnRealistic It Appears Edition
OSS and Anime Baker have both Notabled well sauced posts that expose the Organized Jewish Cabal Subversion of America, and ever since then Jewish shills like you have attacked them relentlessly, but you always OUT yourself with your bullshit.
#14044883 at 2021-07-03 18:24:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17772: Message Received Ebake Edition
>everyone hates OSS
I'm not here to be loved, hate away.
#14044875 at 2021-07-03 18:23:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17772: Message Received Ebake Edition
if OSS hates jews and everyone hates OSS, everyone will like jews
#14040002 at 2021-07-02 23:46:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17766: Saw That Coming Ebake Edition
I don't know who FJ still has on as BV, but basically in order of activity in the last few months it's:
FlyingOnions (OSS)
KillerTomato (8-bit)
SupremeBeef (?)
#14039955 at 2021-07-02 23:40:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17766: Saw That Coming Ebake Edition
>Oh yeah, it's 100% the carryover hatred of OSS for his role in booting the Comms Crew out of the Kitchen here.
>Now Hansen I get not being mentioned because he's a GV and not a BV.
>But, they're very muted in taking on 8-bit (who supports OSS just as much as FJ does) because they know he's prolly the most beloved namefag in QR history.
>They're stupid, but not that stupid.
Didnt know that about Hanson.
#14039935 at 2021-07-02 23:38:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17766: Saw That Coming Ebake Edition
Oh yeah, it's 100% the carryover hatred of OSS for his role in booting the Comms Crew out of the Kitchen here.
Now Hansen I get not being mentioned because he's a GV and not a BV.
But, they're very muted in taking on 8-bit (who supports OSS just as much as FJ does) because they know he's prolly the most beloved namefag in QR history.
They're stupid, but not that stupid.
#14039367 at 2021-07-02 22:07:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17766: Saw That Coming Ebake Edition
>We were fine before
Not really.
There are a lot of issues coming to a head now that are independent of OSS becoming BV.
The lOSS of a sizeable number of Anons post-1/20 Biden taking the oath has only exasperated things.
#14037506 at 2021-07-02 16:38:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17763: Freedom Friday 4th Weekend Edition
one of over 4000
you sensitive OSS
fee fees make monsters
you it yo
#14037359 at 2021-07-02 16:17:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17763: Freedom Friday 4th Weekend Edition
you power trippin OSS
doc neber power tripped
makes you the faggot
#14037176 at 2021-07-02 15:48:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17763: Freedom Friday 4th Weekend Edition
>anyone can post a pic OSS
>doesn't mean it's me
Anyone can dual-dox and say it isn't me Doc, doesn't mean it isn't you. Also, I didn't boot you from the kitchen or your clone, I just pointed out who the likely candidate is. Stop while you are ahead.
#14037164 at 2021-07-02 15:46:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17763: Freedom Friday 4th Weekend Edition
anyone can post a pic OSS
doesn't mean it's me
#14037123 at 2021-07-02 15:38:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17763: Freedom Friday 4th Weekend Edition
not Doc
mornin OSS
#14034844 at 2021-07-02 04:43:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17760: from Dark to Light Edition
Who is OSS and why do [they] hate free speech?
A) A complete idiot who thinks it's their job to ban people [they] don't like
B) A gang of clowns pushing to censor anons per [their] protocols
C) A butthurt faggot(s) who feels they are threatened?
Hint: ??oq? ??? ?o ll?
"light to dark" - OSS team
#14032379 at 2021-07-01 22:04:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17757: #AZaudit looking real good now Edition
>>does this really happen?
Never asked that. In fact, was there for those happenings and I can say that your way and meathod of showing the information is not just wrong, its flat out wrong. Sorry mate, baker here. Knew it wouldnt take long before another of you cunts raised your heads up. I was there. I was IN THE ROOM when it was happening. You trying to portray OSS as the boogyman, well thats only true if you and rusty and the rest of comms were busy building tommys site, that you no longer use. You may as well use his proper name, its BABAYAGA.
#14032344 at 2021-07-01 22:00:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17757: #AZaudit looking real good now Edition
> the dough was sabotaged, then "rescued" by admin
>does this really happen?
Technique perfected by OSS.
Someone said he apologized to anons
Not the first time - see below.
First (fake) apology was on may 6, 2020, in comms /meta/ thread.
That META thread was created because two bakers - KB and OSS - were having a dumb argument in the baking class thread. BO Rusty created /comms/ meta thread to get them outta there.
At first, thread discussions focused on how to deal with gerbil's dup bakes, which were creating havoc when Q was also posting.
Then OSS started accusing gyb and other bakers of all kinds of stuff outta the blue (also posted an attack in red text on several other threads, including QR). Didn't ask what was going on, just attacked.
Bakers counter-attacked with rational arguments. Miraculously, OSS then issued a "touching" apology - which most bakers accepted. Not all - a snake in the grass is snake in the grass.
Fake apology is below.
After that post, OSS left the board until July, where bakers were wary but willing to give him handoffs. Within weeks, he was back to accusing bakers of crap - mostly stuff he was doing himself (changing the dough, doing dup bakes - anons protested but he wouldn't listen).
Went behind everyone's backs to get FJ to create a "bakers" thread in QR - spewed forth poison from there about bad /comms/ bakers.
This guy is a psycho. Never trust him.
May 6 apology
I apologize to everyone. Rusty is absolutely right, I simply can't tell enemies from friends anymore.
I literally trust no one now. I think everyone is a shill. I think everyone has bad intentions. I think everyone is evil. I've spent 18 hours a day here 7 days a week for almost 3 years, and the longest break I have ever taken was a week that I was sick. Even more if you count /pol/ EWO before that..
I have basically become agoraphobic. My job is suffering and I have already left one job over it. I've abandoned all my friends, I've gained close to 30lbs, I've ruined relationships with anyone incapable of believing in Q. I feel like I can't leave until this is over because it is so important but I am legitimately killing myself and everything about me.
I have no choice at this point than to walk away for my own sanity. I just spent 2 1/2 hours combing through old breads looking for that key piece of information that would prove GYB was a muffin subverting the board for bronfmans. Think about that for a second.
I spent an entire day blaming KB over something I had basically no evidence of other than getting him angry. I've insulted Doc, Rusty, GYB, Magavelli, and KB over the smallest of evidence. I am legitimately losing my vision from doing nothing but staring at a computer screen all day in fear of missing that one key thing that might be the turning point. I really am becoming a schizo. I used to be the life of the party, I was fun to be around and had a million things to do. Now even I don't want to be around me. I want Q and all of you to succeed but he was right, the end won't be for everyone. I am still with this place in spirit but I have a million relationships to repair, and I am gonna start now.
Once again, I am truly sorry.
#14031793 at 2021-07-01 20:34:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17756: EBake on the move
babyfist is not all your boogiemen OSS.
Keep trying to craft narratives.
#14031565 at 2021-07-01 20:03:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17756: EBake on the move
>fuck the anime baker. its nothing but OSS deflection. which is why you try to keep attatching me to it
no no, the song, sing the song boy, its in your blood!
#14031554 at 2021-07-01 20:02:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17756: EBake on the move
fuck the anime baker. its nothing but OSS deflection. which is why you try to keep attatching me to it
#14029282 at 2021-07-01 14:08:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17753: EMBRACE THE HEAT Edition
I've seen anons post screen snips of the deletion history in previous breads.
How do I look that up? Is FlyingOnions (OSS) the only BV left?
Idk what to believe anymore that's why I'm asking.
#14028787 at 2021-07-01 12:09:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17753: EMBRACE THE HEAT Edition
Who is OSS and why do [they] hate free speech?
A) A complete idiot who thinks it's their job to ban people [they] don't like
B) A gang of clowns pushing to censor anons per [their] protocols
C) A butthurt faggot(s) who feels they are threatened?
Hint: ??oq? ??? ?o ll?
>light to dark
#14028774 at 2021-07-01 12:06:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17752: The 'Because Sex Offenders Are Criminals' Edition
#14028044 at 2021-07-01 07:09:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17752: The 'Because Sex Offenders Are Criminals' Edition
Since it looks like OSS is in a meeting…
Let's talk about some of that forbidden knowledge!
Anyone have links to old MJ12 shit for Anon to discern?
Is it still up on twitter? (I think that's where I remember seeing it)
#14027978 at 2021-07-01 06:46:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
>And what purpose did it ever serve to kill the idea of /comms/ as a board
You know what I really think killed Comms as much as anything.
Or moar directly, the Kitchen Control group that used one of the threads there to openly plot.
In public for all to see.
These people are stupid style.
OSS was the first to publish the caps of them bad mouthing Anons and acting like our managers making CEO decisions.
Then me & a couple other Anons started doing it too - to the point where everything they said was captured.
That really swayed QR public opinion against them.
They did it to themselves by being control freak gatekeepers as much as anything else.
#14027923 at 2021-07-01 06:29:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
For the record Baker
OSS team has deleted over 50 posts this bread
"refresh often"
#14027920 at 2021-07-01 06:28:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
>sticking it to comms
why? why "stick it" to anybody?
You hurt the board, not comms.
And what purpose did it ever serve to kill the idea of /comms/ as a board - a board that was developed by a really good guy to give anons a place to practice bake? And which they still use for that purpose. OSS attacked comms as part of effort to destroy QR - enemies are always needed by tyrants to destabilize and destroy.
What you say truly sickens me, anon. With all that's going on in the world, you chose to focus on this crap instead? None of us on this board are perfect but we are patriots - or should be. Doing what we can to keep things going.
>You have to understand the Civil War was still very fresh at the time.
The war is and has always been among those who run this board - BOs, BVs - sometimes among themselves and sometimes against others such as bakers or oldfags. The ones who will challenge even those they cannot unseat.
#14027808 at 2021-07-01 06:07:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
>BK was allied with OSS.
>He has not been ejected from qr unless it was in the last 5 minutes or so.
I've never been aligned with any or even asked anyone for help. Run back to /mnr/ and cry about the raping I put on you faggots.
#14027796 at 2021-07-01 06:04:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
BK was allied with OSS.
He has not been ejected from qr unless it was in the last 5 minutes or so.
#14027701 at 2021-07-01 05:43:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
his description was spot on
>How come OSS BV gets to dictate board flow while he is battling invisible enemies?
#14027626 at 2021-07-01 05:27:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
Who is OSS and why do (they) hate free speech?
A) A complete idiot who thinks it's his job to ban people he doesn't like
B) A gang of glowing idiots pushing to censor anons per their protocols
C) A butthurt faggot(s) who feels they are threatened?
Hint: ??oq? ??? ?o ll?
#14027406 at 2021-07-01 04:42:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
read the thread jackass, disgruntled baker clearly states in the OP that he is tubbs
>Talkin about dis bread >>14013105 (OB)
>Tubbs made it in protest of OSS censorship
#14027388 at 2021-07-01 04:38:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17751: The '182' Edition
globohomo is paying a team of retards to start drama all day and make anons not want to post or bake and it's working
OSS is probably multiple people