8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (34,795)
#17585100 at 2022-09-26 18:25:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21560: Ebake
Former US Congressman Ron Paul mocks US neocon ties to Iran riots 'leader'
Former US Congressman Ron Paul has mocked the claim that a US-government-hired Iranian opposition figure is "leading" what Washington is projecting as a "freedom" movement in Iran amid deadly riots over the death of a young woman.
In a Twitter post on Monday, Paul pointed to the close ties between Masih Alinejad – a commentator for Washington's official Persian language propaganda network Voice of America (VOA) - and the ultra-rightwing neoconservative elements (neocons) in US politics and ridiculed the notion as "totally legit."
"Doesn't it strike anyone as STRANGE that the "leader" of this "freedom" movement in Iran is a US government employee and bosom buddy of the neocons? But hey, sure, it's totally legit...," the ex-lawmaker wrote, posting a photo of Alinejad with former hawkish US Secretary of State and CIA Director, Mike Pompeo.
#17583736 at 2022-09-26 12:42:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21558: Flying Bread KEK!! Edition
>>17582811 PB
Yet wait and see if 0bama, Geo. W. Bush, and Clinton don't all "think" about declassifying all of the classified documents that they stashed in STRANGE unsecured places. Once it has been established that what they did was a criminal activity.
#17583640 at 2022-09-26 12:16:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21558: Flying Bread KEK!! Edition
WaPo Columnist Jen Rubin: There's No Need for 'False Balance' When Covering Republicans
Rick Moran
More panic WAPO Jen with ugly teeth
The Washington PostJennifer Rubin is complaining that the media is taking it too easy on Republicans. Faulting the media for portraying Republicans as "rational," Rubin believes that the press needs to abandon the silly notion that there should be equality in coverage.
"The Kabuki dance in which Trump, his defenders, and his supporters are treated as rational (clever even!) is what comes from a media establishment that refuses to discard its need for false balance that it has developed over the course of decades," she wrote.
The free, independent media is supposed to be the tripwire between disinformation (deliberate distortion) and widespread misinformation (innocent or willfully ignorant regurgitation of lies). Instead, it has been a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality.
And so we are left with media coverage that expresses shock when Trump says something laughable, demonstrably untrue or just plain crackers. While mocking the "defenses" Trump and his sycophants have raised, the political media might want to consider whether this is all that surprising - and what it has collectively done to normalize Trump. It should also consider how it can reconfigure its coverage to better convey objective reality and rise to the task of sustaining our democracy.
"Mocking" Trump is "normalizing" Trump? Rubin needs a mental health day - or two. If mocking someone normalizes them, Rubin has a very STRANGE sense of what's "normal."
But what gives away Rubin's blatantly partisan advice is the idea that onlyshe and Democrats can convey "objective reality." There is no such thing as "objective reality" in politics and to say so gives oneself away as a partisan hack. I can guarantee that the reality experienced by someone outside the urban, coastal left-wing enclaves where Democrats control the news narratives - the view of "objective reality," if you will - is a lot different than Rubin's arrogant assertion.
The "false balance" that Rubin mentions used to be called "journalism," as Jonathon Turley reminds us.
Balanced reporting is now dangerous and makes the media "a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality."
Rubin's attack on disinformation is ironic given her own past controversies in misrepresenting news, cases, and events. For full disclosure, I clashed with Rubin over her personally attacking me for a theory that I did not agree with in a column that I did not write. I also challenged her on an equally bizarre column where she wrote about my impeachment testimony and later column misrepresenting the holding in an appellate case involving Trump. That false account was never corrected by the Washington Post. It appears that misrepresenting the holding of a major case is not being a "a megaphone for disinformation."
Rubin, however, is not alone in this call to abandon the foundational principle of impartiality in journalism.
It's now all about "advocacy journalism." And news outlets, journalism schools, and the radical left social justice movement are pushing it because they know that sheer numbers of reporters, editors, and publishers are already on their side.
#17583621 at 2022-09-26 12:11:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21558: Flying Bread KEK!! Edition
WaPo Columnist Jen Rubin: There's No Need for 'False Balance' When Covering Republicans
Rick Moran
More panic from WAPO Jen
Former PJ Media editor and current House "conservative" for the Washington PostJennifer Rubin is complaining that the media is taking it too easy on Republicans. Faulting the media for portraying Republicans as "rational," Rubin believes that the press needs to abandon the silly notion that there should be equality in coverage.
"The Kabuki dance in which Trump, his defenders, and his supporters are treated as rational (clever even!) is what comes from a media establishment that refuses to discard its need for false balance that it has developed over the course of decades," she wrote.
The free, independent media is supposed to be the tripwire between disinformation (deliberate distortion) and widespread misinformation (innocent or willfully ignorant regurgitation of lies). Instead, it has been a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality.
And so we are left with media coverage that expresses shock when Trump says something laughable, demonstrably untrue or just plain crackers. While mocking the "defenses" Trump and his sycophants have raised, the political media might want to consider whether this is all that surprising - and what it has collectively done to normalize Trump. It should also consider how it can reconfigure its coverage to better convey objective reality and rise to the task of sustaining our democracy.
"Mocking" Trump is "normalizing" Trump? Rubin needs a mental health day - or two. If mocking someone normalizes them, Rubin has a very STRANGE sense of what's "normal."
But what gives away Rubin's blatantly partisan advice is the idea that onlyshe and Democrats can convey "objective reality." There is no such thing as "objective reality" in politics and to say so gives oneself away as a partisan hack. I can guarantee that the reality experienced by someone outside the urban, coastal left-wing enclaves where Democrats control the news narratives - the view of "objective reality," if you will - is a lot different than Rubin's arrogant assertion.
The "false balance" that Rubin mentions used to be called "journalism," as Jonathon Turley reminds us.
Balanced reporting is now dangerous and makes the media "a megaphone for disinformation, upholding the pretense that there are two political parties with equally valid takes on reality."
Rubin's attack on disinformation is ironic given her own past controversies in misrepresenting news, cases, and events. For full disclosure, I clashed with Rubin over her personally attacking me for a theory that I did not agree with in a column that I did not write. I also challenged her on an equally bizarre column where she wrote about my impeachment testimony and later column misrepresenting the holding in an appellate case involving Trump. That false account was never corrected by the Washington Post. It appears that misrepresenting the holding of a major case is not being a "a megaphone for disinformation."
Rubin, however, is not alone in this call to abandon the foundational principle of impartiality in journalism.
It's now all about "advocacy journalism." And news outlets, journalism schools, and the radical left social justice movement are pushing it because they know that sheer numbers of reporters, editors, and publishers are already on their side.
#17583383 at 2022-09-26 11:06:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21558: Flying Bread KEK!! Edition
Found it STRANGE that no faux news this morning, has mentioned her win.
#17583274 at 2022-09-26 10:05:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21558: Flying Bread KEK!! Edition
Edward Snowden comes out against the C_A?
This is a bit of a STRANGE animal; the story is generally critical of the Agency.
But in a seemingly controlled kind of way, it does not go into the deep and extensive problems.
Rather it scratches the surface in a superfluous way. Without mentioning how deeply evil and corrupt its operations have become.
It does touch on it's killing of US citizens, but it fails to mention that it causes significant harm to all US citizens.
The oddest thing is it's highlighting of an accusation that Trump had the C_A kill an 8 year old girl.
This is of course trash, no way that happened in the manner described.
I think it's a backfire and they are getting desperate. He's right about one thing:
The C_A is not your friend
America's Open Wound
The CIA is not your friend
Edward Snowden
Sep 20
How can we judge the ultimate effectiveness of oversight and reforms? Well, the CIA plotted to assassinate my friend, American whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, in 1972, yet nearly fifty years of "reforms" did little to inhibit them from recently sketching out another political murder targeting Julian Assange. Putting that in perspective, you probably own shoes older than the CIA's most recent plot to murder a dissident… or rather the most recent plot that we know of.
If you believe the Assange case to be a historical anomaly, some aberration unique to Trump White House, recall that the CIA's killings have continued in series across administrations. Obama ordered the killing of an American far from any battlefield, and killed his 16 year-old American son a few weeks later, but the man's American daughter was still alive by the time Obama left.
Within a month of entering the White House, Trump killed her.
She was 8 years old.
#17582954 at 2022-09-26 08:04:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21557: FBI Made Danchenko A Paid Source: ‘To Hide Him’ From House Intel Cmte Edi
>>17582953 2/2
Difficult to keep Xi Jinping under house arrest in secret
?The top leadership of the Chinese Communist Party will suppress such organizations first. In other words, the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party have a close entourage to protect them. Xi Jinping is naturally doing the same.
Therefore, it is inconceivable that such a unit would have placed Xi under house arrest. If there was a force that could have been responsible for Xi Jinping's house arrest, it would have been a force that would have eliminated the troops protecting Xi Jinping and sent in another force to take Xi into custody, or a force that would have taken Xi into custody.
Xi Jinping is detained or placed under house arrest. There would be a certain amount of fighting and clashes between the troops guarding him and those sent to place him under house arrest.
If that happens, it would be STRANGE if more concrete information is not available. This is not a situation where house arrest can be done in secrecy. The fact that no such story has emerged makes this story quite unreliable.
This is a story that has been told many times before. It is difficult for people who are not in contact with information about China to judge whether these stories are true or not. Xi Jinping is taking the utmost precaution in guarding his surroundings. It is difficult to proceed with house arrest in secret. It would be conspicuous. Successful secret house arrest is highly unlikely.
Why is it that this kind of story emerges and spreads so rapidly?
?Many people are hoping that Xi Jinping will be ousted. It spreads with hope as well. There are quite a few people in China who think that if Xi Jinping is ousted, things will be better than they are now.Rumors like this one are not meaningless, but stories that may induce sincerity out of lies. Stories like this are common. It is easy to spread them during politically very important times.
In China, stories like this are really common. When a coup really takes place, will there be no one left to follow? On the contrary, will it work in favor of Xi Jinping?Don't put out gossip that will soon be exposed. If you say that Xi Jinping is finished, you'll be popular…
This is a hastily written out rough outline of the content. I am using a translation service. Sorry if there are any rude expressions.
I will leave it as a reference information.Thank you for reading.
#17582953 at 2022-09-26 08:04:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21557: FBI Made Danchenko A Paid Source: ‘To Hide Him’ From House Intel Cmte Edi
Regarding the information that Xi Jinping may be under house arrest.
This information is provided on YouTube by a Japanese person who provides us with China-related information on a daily basis.
It may be helpful to understand what is going on. In conclusion, I would like to tell you that the information about Xi Jinping's house arrest is most likely a hoax.
https: //youtu.be/oCVBH2-FD8g(Japanese)
Regarding the information on Xi Jinping's house arrestSummary of the main points of the video's content 1/2
Background to this speculation
?Xi Jinping has not attended important military meetings that he was supposed to attend. Furthermore, Xi Jinping's close associates within the military are also absent from the meetings.
Not only that, but Li Qi?om?ng, who is said to be responsible for the recent coup in Shenyang, was also present.
This led to speculation that the anti-Xi Jinping faction was suppressing Xi Jinping and that a major political upheaval was taking place.
Information about the recent coup in Shenyang is likely to be a false rumor.
?The other day, a military coup took place in Shenyang.The story that the military staged a coup in Shenyang the other day is STRANGE for a coup. If it was a coup, it was too small.It is said that they even carried out air strikes to suppress the coup. If airstrikes had been carried out, ground troops would have been deployed afterwards.There is no information about that. This could not be a coup d'etat. Furthermore, according to the information that was circulating at the time, the coup plotter, Li Qi?om?ng, was killed on the spot.The information circulated at the time was that Li Qi?om?ng, the leader of the coup, was killed on the spot. However, Li Qi?om?ng appeared at the meeting this time. This means that Li Qi?om?ng was not murdered.The story of the coup itself is not credible.
The man who was said to have masterminded the coup seems to have risen in the ranks (the coup was a hoax to begin with).
?Li Qi?om?ng, the commander of the Northern Frontier Zone, was suddenly dismissed and replaced by someone else. The timing was unusual.
The timing of this was unusual, and it was said that Li Qi?om?ng was so dissatisfied that he staged a coup d'etat.
At the same time, there had long been the opinion that Yi would rise even higher in the ranks. Like the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Japan. A higher position.
This opinion is correct. It seems that he is moving up in the world. (Because he attends important meetings of the military.)
Is Xi Jinping just not letting us know where he is?
?Where is Xi Jinping? He's supposed to be attending important military meetings…
Actually, this tends to happen in China when there are major political events. A pattern of not letting people know where he is at important times.If the story is really about putting Xi Jinping under house arrest, it is likely to have been initiated by the troops guarding the senior officials in charge.There are only a limited number of armed groups with access to Xi Jinping.
#17580688 at 2022-09-25 22:37:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21554: NO Banning of Ghost Buns, Victory for 2nd A! Edition
When Crain's exposed Trump's (lack of) wealth
After Attorney General Letitia James accused Donald Trump of "staggering" fraud, Maggie Haberman of The New York Times tweeted that the former president has long tried to avoid the day when a prosecutor told the world that he's worth less than claimed.
For a long time people suspected that Trump's claims of vast wealth were fantasy, but those who knew weren't saying or their lips were sealed because of legal settlements. So I was mighty pleased to poke an early hole in Trump's billionaire claims. The 2016 story was the most explosive scoop of my career.
Of course I'm pleased to recount how it happened.
Journalists digging through Trump's extremely limited public financial records never examined his property tax bills. Those are public records in the city and in May 2016 a Crain's editor, Peter Green, said we should take a look. Real estate reporter Joe Anuta used the city database Acris to translate Trump's address in Trump Tower into the block and lot codes used for tax purposes. Tap those code numbers into the Department of Finance website and, voila, we had many years' worth of Trump's property tax bills.
At first glance they didn't look interesting. Trump paid $175,000 a year in property taxes for his penthouse, but he's really rich, right? But the key to investigative reporting is to turn every page, and on closer look I saw something STRANGE: Trump received a $302 tax credit under the STAR program.
STAR stands for the New York State School Tax Relief program. To qualify, you must do two things. First, you must ask for the credit. Second, your household adjusted gross income must be less than $500,000 a year. Trump passed both those tests and did so for years.
How did an alleged billionaire get a tax break for middle-class New Yorkers? I emailed Hope Hicks, who had pitched Eric Trump to be on Crain's 40 Under 40 list. (Unsuccessfully, because we couldn't figure out what Eric did.) Hicks passed along my question, and a few hours later I got a call from Trump flak Corey Lewandowski, screaming as if he'd stepped on a rusty nail.
The city made a mistake, he bellowed, Mr. Trump did not ask for the STAR credit. I asked a city spokesperson; no, they didn't make a mistake.
A few weeks later Trump said he didn't want the tax break anymore.
Shortly before the 2016 Republican convention, I asked Trump how he got the STAR credit. Charming Donald gave way to defensive Donald and he insisted he had no idea what happened, maybe he'd heard something, maybe I wrote something, but there were deductions he was entitled to.
Which deductions?
"You'll figure it out, OK?" he said. "Take care of yourself." Then he hung up.
Looks like the New York attorney general figured it out.
#17578968 at 2022-09-25 16:24:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21552: Time To Learn Russian Edition
Considering the bread title.
This shit is getting STRANGE…
And kek. Definitely kek.
#17578515 at 2022-09-25 14:46:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21552: Time To Learn Russian Edition
>>17578396 (LB)
so this is a bit beyond what use to be happening.
There is a HUGE reborn community. People who create the dolls and those that buy them. I haven't seen this before and I am out of the community right now.
I loved creating these dolls.
I suppose I could go sit my water's edge and paint a scenery that others have painted. I love newborns. I wish I could have had more kids but I only had 1. The best kid in the world.
These dolls come in plastic kits(which is what you are showing) and silicone. Much more realistic but expensive.
Do you understand role playing. That is what this is. recreating a birth(cesarean) of a child. It is too much for me. I am not a role player, but a creator.
Many women, out there, have lost children or cannot have a child. This replaces what they have lost or cannot have. This can help them cope with the lost of a child. I never judge why someone needs this. That is basically what you are watching. Someone recreating a STRANGE birth. It isn't evil. It was never meant to be. It is meant be loving. When does not have a real infant to love anymore. OR
they just love newborn/realborn dolls.
no tits! I have shown them twice.
#17578084 at 2022-09-25 12:35:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21551: Save Our Children & Their Future Edition
For some reason this private aircraft caught my attention this morning. After a brief perusal of the registration info, it led me to the a/c owner One Campus Services LLC.
The only info I've been able to dig up is this one listing from bizapedia.com;
One Campus Drive Services, LLC is a New Jersey Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed On April 24, 2017. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 0450161934.
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Corporation Service Company and is located at Princeton South Corporate Center, Suite 160, 100 Charles Ewing Blvd, Ewing, NJ 08628. The company's principal address is 1 Campus Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054 and its mailing address is 1 Campus Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
Nowhere can I find info on what this business actually does. Seems spoopy. So does the a/c itself. The only marking on it is that STRANGE inverted red V on the tail. The track itself seems to have it on course for San Francisco.
#17577583 at 2022-09-25 09:13:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21550: Night Shift In Here? EDITION
>>17577574 (pb)
Not a doctor! And that is an important preface. However, is it possible that Fetterman has a condition like lymphoma!?
STRANGE that a "left" outlet would discuss COVID jabs and cancer. The type in the article (lymphoma) would cause enlarged lymph nodes.
#17577548 at 2022-09-25 08:38:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21550: Night Shift In Here? EDITION
Scientists blasted plastic with lasers and turned it into tiny diamonds and a new type of water
By Robert Lea published 4 days ago
New research inspired by ice giants like Neptune and Uranus shows lasers can transform a common plastic into tiny diamonds.
Using ultrapowerful lasers, scientists have blasted cheap plastic and transformed it into tiny "nanodiamonds" - and, in doing so, confirmed the existence of an exotic new type of water. .
The findings could potentially reveal the existence of diamond rain on ice giants in our solar system and explain why these frigid worlds have such STRANGE magnetic fields. The laser-blasting technique could also lead to more Earthly applications.
Nanodiamonds are diamonds that measure just a few nanometers, or billionths of a meter. They have both existing and potential applications, such as turning carbon dioxide into other gases and delivering drugs into the body, (Anon eye roll) study co-author Dominik Kraus, a physicist at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in Germany, told Live Science.
#17577469 at 2022-09-25 07:37:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21550: Night Shift In Here? EDITION
Aw, thank you so much for your help last night, because you contributed mightily. We'll keep an eye on that Demuren Family. I was posting stuff as I found it. When life slows down a tad I will make a table listing the family members' STRANGE "coincidental" links to the Deep State and list the archives next to it. It'll be a Seemingly Evil Demuren Family Cheat Sheet, because there were just way too many STRANGE things about those people, and they're still in the airline (shipping God only knows what or whom) around the world.
I dipped from here a bit ago to catch up on some news about China if possible. I like GNews and NFSC_HAGnews. . . .
#17576481 at 2022-09-25 01:57:49 (UTC+1)
>something a little STRANGE about this image?
You see it too?
I thought it was the pots
#17576468 at 2022-09-25 01:55:07 (UTC+1)
something a little STRANGE about this image?
#17574044 at 2022-09-24 17:04:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21546: All That Navy Power Edition
there are so desperate to attach DJT SOMEHOW to that 'riot'
which wasn't even a riot.
Why was there no fire.
Fakers gonna fake
check this out 'evidence'
passport found at trade tower complex after dustification.
No wonder the Gitmo trials are so private and never finish
Oh I forgot they need to tortue for confessions just as they are doing against the stolen election protester's, as of right now.
They need signed confessions.
STRANGE coincidece with the old Roman Inquisition against Jews and early Christians (who were Jews)
The chief was called the PODESTA
what a coincidence.
Thinking more along these lines it occurred to me why it is the transhumanists hate anyone who believes in the spiritual realm.
1. they are materailists; that 's the surface reason
2. they are jealous of God and want to be worshipped as God is
3. they want unlimited power and freedom, as what God has.
GATES came out publicly about it, but they can't have their NWO if there are religious people there
That's why they come out equally against Jews (the ones who are beleivers) and Christians
Gates publicly stated that they were looking to find the 'gene' for religious sentiment.
Would that be a sense of awe and humility at the perfectly of the Creation?
anyway, his goal is to alter that gene.
Rudolf Steiner exposed this plan of the sinister occultist over 100 years ago!
They hate the ten commandments, followed by both Christians and uncorrupted Jews because it forbids them their favorite drug? adrenochrome and human sacrifice . / murder?
#17573021 at 2022-09-24 13:47:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21545: WWG1WGA So Fuck Off PSA Spammer Edition
>>17571653 (pb)
>>17571661 (pb)
>>17571717 (pb)
>>17571802 (pb)
>>17571892 (pb)
>>17571928 (pb)
>>17571974 (pb)
>>17571987 (pb)
>>17571997 (pb)
>>17572020 (pb) Demuren Family of Nigeria Call to Dig
>>17572185 (pb)
>>17572460 (pb)
>>17572715 (pb)
>>17572740 (pb)
>>17572818 (pb)
>>17572830 (pb)
>>17572894 (pb)
>>17572921 (pb)
>>17571802 (pb)
>>17572715 (pb)
>>17572740 (pb)
>>17572818 (pb)
>>17572823 (pb)
Here is my final contribution to the digg on theSeemingly Evil Demuren Famliy of Nigeria
I have one moar article on the son named Tunde Demuren, who posted the selfie withBill Gatesjust yesterday.
Tunde, don't forget, is a pilot who goes by Captain Tunde and, according to research posted last night, is aHarvard-graduate who worked at fuckingNASA, is now married to a fat Nigerian media personality named Toolz, who used to work forDisney.
If you click through the links above that should have the compilation of the research done on the Demurens of Nigeria for now.
This other article about Tunde that I found indicates that he likes to keep details of his life private. Hmmm. I wonder why. I also wonder why articles we found last night state that Tunde's parents (Harold the aeronautical engineer with degrees earned in Kiev, UKRAINE and also MIT and Osaretin, the STRANGE lady who worked at the Central Bank for 33 years and didn't want to go to prison) have SIX children, but there's info on the Internet about only two of them (Segun and Tunde).
Why is the seemingly evil Demuren Family of Nigeria so secretive? Why is the airine company once known asEvergreennot using "Evergreen" in the name anymore? To keep us from associating the seemingly evil Demuren family with [THEM]?
Here's that Tunde article. Please keep digging anons because these creeps are still in power over there, still flying planes, and still surrounded by a shitload of little brown African children who are chock-full of Adrenochrome.
LINK - https://www.legit.ng/1114333-tunde-demuren-biography.html
ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/SajqM
#17571987 at 2022-09-24 06:12:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21543: You get up and KNOCK THE HELL OUT of them Edition
A couple of moar bits of info on the possibly evilDemuren Family, Bakes.
The mother, who was the first female director of the Central Bank of Nigeria, has a wiki page and I found an article about her. So I'm adding those to my part of tonight's digg.
The Gates picture on Instagram today is what started me down this little rabbit hole. The ties to the Deep State sewage seem too numerous to be ignored. Oh, and according to the Central Banker mother's wiki page, a daughter in law (married to Tunde Demuren) is a famous radio personality by the name ofToolz. This seems noteworthy since here in the USA it seems that all the "famous" people in the media are connected to [THEM], or swore an oath to [THEM], or go to STRANGE parties with [THEM].
Something about this family stinks to high Heaven, so I think we should look into whether they are involved in nefarious activities, in light of all the links and facts I've posted tonight.
Thank you for keeping up with all this, Baker. I'm sorry that I'm too tired to be any more use but I'll come back to this weird family. I hope other anons will dig, because girls in Nigeria don't just vanish on their own, and it may be possible that the removal of all these kidnapped girls might involve airlines run by this family and their associates.
LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osaretin_Demuren
ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/XbXih
LINK - https://web.archive.org/web/20121019212038/https://allafrica.com/stories/201003230138.html
LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toolz
ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/wip/nFVYv
ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/0sp7Z
#17571245 at 2022-09-24 02:56:13 (UTC+1)
>>17570176 pb
how is rolling stone going to tell anyone what they can say.
Hannity is under orders from the guy who gave the Country to the senile pedo the aussie NWO guy, Murdock.
#17566186 at 2022-09-23 12:48:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21536: Media Meltdown Approaching Edition
Dubs confirm STRANGE things are afoot and habbening
#17566155 at 2022-09-23 12:41:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21536: Media Meltdown Approaching Edition
i would joke and say two weeks but agree major shifts are happening STRANGE things are a foot at the circle k
#17563561 at 2022-09-22 23:14:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21533: Pro Marxists flee E.U meeting when exposed, trained at Oxford uk edition
The question of autism was being referenced in the light of this specific subject.
Hmm I'm not sure. I could sense it gave a wrong wibe. Surely its a simple question, "is it better to be demonic or angelic?". Since there are billions of people of faith in this world it shouldn't be a STRANGE question, yet it was.
I felt like i was wrong for saying that being angelic is better than being demonic, I felt ashame almost. Maybe the NPC just doesn't like when you play with their core foundational beliefs? The sub90IQ brainlets just call anything they don't understand as "autism" these days.
#17562979 at 2022-09-22 20:59:04 (UTC+1)
Not going to lie this Sept 24th stuff has me intrigued.
Though there are other bloodlines at the table and all of their bastards in positions of power throughout the globe, the death of of Elizabeth Saxe Coburg is no small thing.
Look into the rschr Kal Dani's STRANGE numerology surrounding Charls and esp Willm.
Have a suspicion Willm has been long awaiting for this moment to get retribution for his mother and become the world's largest landowner in one foul swoop.
#17562603 at 2022-09-22 19:58:24 (UTC+1)
Nasa's Webb telescope captures clearest image of Neptune in decades
The James Webb space telescope has captured an image of a luminous Neptune and its delicate rings, located 30 times farther from the Sun than Earth, in detail not seen in decades.
"It has been three decades since we last saw these faint, dusty rings, and this is the first time we've seen them in the infrared," said Heidi Hammel in a NASA release, a Neptune system expert and interdisciplinary scientist for Webb.
Webb's unmatched infrared imaging capability has given a new glimpse into Neptune's atmosphere, said Mark McCaughrean, a senior adviser for science and exploration at the European Space Agency who has worked for more than 20 years at the Webb project.
The telescope "takes all that glare and background away" in a way "we can start to tease out the atmospheric composition" of the planet, McCaughrean added.
In images the Hubble space telescope took previously, Neptune seems as deep blue due to methane in its atmosphere. However, Webb's primary imager NIRCam captured near-infrared wavelengths that show the planet as greyish white, with icy clouds streaking the surface.
"The rings are more reflective in the infrared," McCaughrean said, "so they're much easier to see."
In the new image, an "intriguing brightness" can be seen near the top of Neptune, NASA said in a statement. Seven of Neptune's 14 known moons were also spotted by Webb. What appears to be a very bright star looms over Neptune, but it is in fact Triton, the planet's STRANGE, huge moon haloed with Webb's famed diffraction spikes.
Triton is larger than dwarf planet Pluto, and due to being covered in ice, it appears brighter than Neptune. Meanwhile Neptune "absorbs most of the light falling on it", McCaughrean said.
Webb has been operational since July and is the most powerful telescope ever built. It has already revealed significant unprecedented information and scientists hope it will herald a new era of discovery.
"The kind of astronomy we're seeing now was unimaginable five years ago," McCaughrean said.
"Of course, we knew that it would do this, we built it to do this, it is exactly the machine we designed. But to suddenly start seeing things in these longer wavelengths, which were impossible before ... it's just absolutely remarkable."
#17562181 at 2022-09-22 18:19:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21531: Free Gibs Comin Edition
H: where were you when your personal home was being raided and what did you think?
-I was in NJ, I got a call, in the morning from someone whos here
-"sir the fbi just came in"
- I said What? theFBAwho? a > i
- and they go the fbi and i said how many people, many many people sir
-they wanted to do it quietly silently and i said what do you mean silent i watched be horrible to so many people and they wanted to do it quietly and by4 oclockwe started getting STRANGE calls from the group calle dthe media
-there are people standing at the gates withAK47s
H: video?
potus has the tapes.
Fbi asked him not to release as the agent may be in physical harm
-they go into my sons room
- theres a picture of hunter biden and barron trump. barron looks so innocent and hunter doesnt look so innocent. they said his room was raided but his wasnt
H: they took 500 pages of attorney client privilege?
- i think they took my will. i think they took my will. that couls cause a lot of problems. no i think they took my will
-theres a picture of boxes and boxes outside to be put on truck and brought to mara lago. not hiding
-presidential records act
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/13/2017 23:35:55 ID: 267271
8chan/cbts: 92710
"Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office."
Shockingly quiet.
No leaks?
Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.
Review the law.
What is different re: Hussein's PL?
Who controls?
These people really are stupid.
#17555924 at 2022-09-21 16:12:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21523: Pain Thread GO! Edition
Hair Dress Through the Ages
This is the most visually hilarious of all John Kieran's films, and its narration is admirably befuddled as well. Great footage of STRANGE hats from the Middle Ages, Elizabethan England, and ancient Egypt; of hairstyles of the Greeks and Romans; and of a caveman combing his matted tresses with a fish skeleton. Extremely odd (and humorous) historical recreations of human beings and their relationship to their hair.
#17555067 at 2022-09-21 13:59:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21522: PDJT Calls out 2 YR Delta - Southern Border Edition
Whether you call it "romanticism" "Gothic" or "satanic" Isidore Ducasse ended the literary experiment with a summary of a century of achievements in gothic (romantic or satanist) literature. He lived a very short life, as if only to write what he did. A life the photographer Man Ray understated as enigmatic. It was satano-encrypted.
From Poesies:
"Disturbances, anxieties, depravities, death, exceptions in the physical or moral order, the spirit of negation, stupefactions, hallucinations served by the will, torments, destruction, reversals, tears, the insatiabilities, the enslavements, scoured imaginations, laborious novels, what is unexpected, what not to do, the biochemical the shit of a mysterious vulture which watches for the carrion of dead illusion, precocious and aborted experience, the obscurities with a bug shell, terrible monomania of pride, the inoculation of deep stupors, funeral orations, envies, betrayals, tyrannies, impiities, irritations, acrimonies, aggressive pranks, insanity, spleen, reasoned terror,the STRANGE anxieties, which the reader would prefer not to feel, the grimaces, the neuroses, the bloody channels through which we make logic pass at bay, the exaggerations, the lack of sincerity, the saws, the platitudes, the somber, the lugubrious, childbirth worse than murder, passions, the clan of the crime writer, tragedies, odes, melodramas, extremes presented in perpetuity, reason whistled with impunity, the smells of the sissy, fading, frogs, octopus, sharks, desert simoon, all that is somnambulist, sleazy, nocturnal, sleeping pill, night owl, slimy, talking seal, equivocal, consumptive, spasmodic, aphrodisiac, anemic, one-eyed, hermaphrodite, bastard, albino , pederast, bearded woman,the drunken hours of taciturn discouragement, the fantasies, the Acrot?s, the monsters, the demoralizing syllogisms, the garbage, whatever does not reflect like the child, the desolation, this intellectual mancenillier, the scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisies, vague perspectives that grind you in their imperceptible gears, serious spitting on sacred axioms, vermin and its insinuating tickles, insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, the scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisy, vague perspectives that crush you in their imperceptible gears, the serious spitting on sacred axioms, the vermin and its insinuating tickles, the insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, of Mthe scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisy, vague perspectives that crush you in their imperceptible gears, the serious spitting on sacred axioms, the vermin and its insinuating tickles, the insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, of the island of Maupin and Dumas fils, the caducities, the impotences, the blasphemies, the suffocations, the suffocations, the rages, - in front of these filthy mass graves, which I blush to name, it is time to react finally against what shocks us and bends us so sovereignly."
#17554608 at 2022-09-21 11:40:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21521: The Most Towering Political Figure in Living Memory Edition
EBay's former CEO denies any link to the cyberstalking of a blogger. But he did want to create a competitor to challenge her.==
Devin Wenig says he had "no knowledge, no private understanding, no tacit approval" of the harassment campaign.
Earlier this week, reports emerged of a very STRANGE corporate scandal: Federal authorities charged several former eBay corporate security employees for their roles in a cyberstalking campaign targeting a blogger that involved Twitter harassment and mailing insects to her house. Now, former eBay CEO Devin Wenig, who led the company at the time, tells Recode that he was shocked to hear details of the campaign this week and that he gave "no direction" nor "tacit approval" for it.
#17554518 at 2022-09-21 11:06:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21521: The Most Towering Political Figure in Living Memory Edition
The Pathway to Proof
The evidence against the Covid vaccines is on the verge of becoming undeniable by the mainstream. Between the excess deaths, the declining fertility, and the hard evidence being provided by embalmers around the world, the lethal nature of the vaxx is on the verge of being conclusively proven.
Richard Hirschman, who has been an embalmer since 2001, has noticed "a change of condition of bodies since the roll-out of mRNA vaccines." These changes include the huge increase in people with blood clots, the STRANGE nature of these blood clots, and patients who have died of cancer without any of the tell-tale signs, such as hair loss and emaciation. "Unfortunately, there is a new normal," he says.
Hirschman has embalmed thousands of bodies during the course of his career. Last year, he handled over 600 himself. So he knows the signs to look for, and he knows what blood looks like. "In all my years of embalming, we would run across clots from time to time," he says, "but since May last year, something about the blood has changed. It's not normal. It's drastic."
When Hirschman first started seeing anomalies, he thought it STRANGE, "but when you see the same thing over and over, you start to realize that something's not right."
Hirschman and many of his colleagues in the industry noticed an increase in clotting during the pandemic, "but it wasn't until the roll-out of the vaccine that these really unusual fibrous structures started appearing."
He describes a normal blood clot as having a texture like grape jelly or jam. If you were to pick it up, it would likely disintegrate in your fingers. Before 2021, blood clots would appear in between five and 10 percent of bodies. These days, says Hirschman, those numbers are more like 85 percent. "The majority of bodies I embalm are clotted," he says. "Out of 358 bodies this year, only around 60 were not clotted, and a half of those were heavily clotted. Prior to last year, it wasn't like that. Nothing like what we see now."
What is more, these clots are unlike anything he's ever seen before. He describes them as "a white fibrous structure, like calamari, a rubber band or spaghetti. Even the small ones are unusual looking, like worms. They resemble a small parasite." Typically, blood clots come out of veins during the embalming process, very, very rarely out of an artery. However, Hirschman recently took one out of an artery 33 inches long. "Normally, I wouldn't be able to pull a clot of that length without it falling apart," he explains. "It's the white, fibrous length that's unusual. I cannot possibly imagine that being inside a healthy person."
Hirschman suspects the vaccine is causing these clots. "The reason why I feel the vaccine is related is that I have found these STRANGE structures inside of people who supposedly never had covid but had been vaccinated."
Looking back, Hirschman sees a date correlation. "It was January 2021 when they really started pushing the vaccines," he recalls. "I have never been so busy in all my life. I was running into clots like crazy; even in February and March, the clotting was huge. Initially, it was in elderly people, and those were the first they tried to protect."
Hirschman has also noticed a change in the bodies he is receiving who have died from cancer. Typically, these people have tumors, hair loss and are emaciated due to their struggle with the disease and harsh treatments. "Lately, had I not been told these people had cancer, I'd not have known. People are getting cancers and are dead before they know it," he says. "They don't live long enough to go through the stages."
As I pointed out early in the vaccination push, the one thing they would not be able to hide despite their best efforts was the bodies. So now the pathway to proof is clear: for scientists to find evidence of the vaccine materials, or the spike proteins produced by the vaxx, in the tumors and the STRANGE clot structures.
The statistical evidence already proves the case, but since most people are statistically ignorant, it's still plausible for the governments, media, and scientists to stand by their denials. That's why rock-hard scientific evidence will need to be provided in order to force them to admit what is already obvious to the intelligent observer.
Posted on September 21, 2022 by VD
Tagged science, vaccines
#17554038 at 2022-09-21 06:57:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21521: The Most Towering Political Figure in Living Memory Edition
'A Brief History Of The Health Support Uses Of Gold'
(source: https://www.purestcolloids.com/history-gold.php )
"The earliest records of the use of gold for medicinal and healing purposes come from Alexandria, Egypt. Over 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians ingested gold for mental, bodily and spiritual purification. The ancients believed that gold in the body worked by stimulating the life force and raising the level of vibration on all levels.
The Alchemists of Alexandria developed an "elixir" made of liquid gold. They believed that gold was a mystical metal that represented the perfection of matter, and that its presence in the body would enliven, rejuvenate, and cure a multitude of diseases as well as restore youth and perfect health.
As many as 4,500 years ago, the Egyptians used gold in dentistry. Remarkable examples of its early use have been found by modern archaeologists. Still in favor today as an ideal material for dental work, approximately 13 tons of gold are used each year for crowns, bridges, inlays and dentures. Gold is ideal for these purposes because it is non-toxic, can be shaped easily, and never wears, corrodes or tarnishes."
"Today, medical uses of gold have expanded greatly. It is used in surgery to patch damaged blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes. It is also used in the treatment of several forms of cancer. Injection of microscopic gold pellets helps retard prostate cancer in men. Women with ovarian cancer are treated with colloidal gold, and gold vapor lasers help seek out and destroy cancerous cells without harming their healthy neighbors."
I haven't, ever, spoken to anyone who has made these claims of treatment: "…in surgery to patch damaged blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes. It is also used in the treatment of several forms of cancer…", in a 'government controlled 'medical treatment center', AKA Public Health Services. You and I don't get the Gold treatment, and I am sure there is WAY more to dig on this connection, but, let us get back to the importance of number(s) 197.
'Heart Brain Coherence 197 Hz + 1000 Hz'
"The number 9 (nine) is the sign of ideals, Universal interest and the spirit of combat for humanitarian purposes."
"The number 7 (seven) is the sign of the intellect, thought, psychic analysis, idealism and wisdom."
Number one (1) came to develop or balance creativity, independence, originality, self-reliance and confidence in the world."
(source: https://number.academy/197/numerology )
" The numerology energy represented by the number 197 is focused on business. One reason is for material accumulation. Another is to be self-reliant. But the primary reason is because business is enjoyed.
197 resonates with both self-determination and humanitarianism.
A person imbued with 197 energy is likely to have an intense interest in the various aspects of doing business. Business, for this person, is both serious and enjoyed. Their goals and decisions tend to be formulated without looking for consensus. "
(source: https://affinitynumerology.com/number-meanings/number-197-meaning.php#maincontentcontinue )
And, yes, I am going to go there, '197 Value In Gematria Calculator'.
(source: https://www.gematrix.org/?word=197 )
There is an interesting lineup of 'associations', like Obamagate, Best Decode The Id…which is seemingly a repeat to the very first one, 'Decoding I D Code 864 888', STRANGE enough to look deeper? I will leave that up to you, dear anons, 197 is way more exciting and deserving of our attention.
#17551953 at 2022-09-20 23:46:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21518: Q and anon is so hot right now - mission forward edition
just engaged, per the usual.
the truth-social added more work for me.
board is doing well
waiting to see if war breaks out.
interesting they are freaking out about 'q - anon'
The liars are a STRANGE bunch.
want to keep my head down and out of trouble
may run for office , local, next year.
am happy to have found supplements that seem to really be helping.
what else?
It does seem a bit unreal
we waited a long time for this movement to move.. kek
and I believe we are ready.
all the crying from the mainstream will just work against them.
If I was a normie I know I'd be suspicious by now.
anon feels very grateful to finally be able to put all the work we've done, and preparation, to good use. It was all done for a reason. And now we get to put to use what we have accomplished.
God willing.
#17551294 at 2022-09-20 21:29:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21517: Trump Special master case and Durham edition
STRANGE how a bus of illegals dropped off a VP house didn't make the outrage scale
#17549813 at 2022-09-20 16:17:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21515: Potatus Runnin On Empty Edition
>>17548628 pb
As to the mystery of the Queen 'irrevesible death" reminds me of the grandchildren at the funeral. It was a live shot of the Williams two speaking to each other while sitting, perhaps in the first church. They were watching the coffin, perhaps loading into the hearse. Charlotte was speaking to her brother and her lips seem to say, 'will..come out of the box?'
I thought that odd, that she of course did not understand death. But maybe she knew Granny was not supposed to die? Had she seen that coming back from death before?
"One brief, bizarre moment during UK television's live coverage of the Queen's funeral procession overnight had viewers utterly creeped out.
British broadcaster ITV was bringing viewers live footage of the Queen's hearse leaving London, as a male commentator described what was happening, when another voice could suddenly be heard on the feed:
"The death is irreversible ... the fact that she's trapped ..."
From there, the male commentator continued to narrate the Queen's journey, with ITV apparently never acknowledging or explaining who exactly the female voice belonged to, and why she was whispering such STRANGE, creepy words."
What's going on?
Scroll down a bit to the second vid clip.
Some time ago an Anon told us the problem with justice is that some do not die. Seems this is one and the problem has been solved, per this STRANGEr's voice.
#17549787 at 2022-09-20 16:12:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21515: Potatus Runnin On Empty Edition
It is not STRANGE when you see an unjust persecution from corrupt prosecutors coming your way from the highest levels of government where ONLY the President would have the legal authority to protect your freedom.
#17549767 at 2022-09-20 16:09:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21515: Potatus Runnin On Empty Edition
>claims he's innocent
>asks for pardon
Boy, that sure is STRANGE.
#17549296 at 2022-09-20 14:45:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21514: It's a Terrific Taco Tuesday Edition
>>17548327 pb
>"One brief, bizarre moment during UK television's live coverage of the Queen's funeral procession overnight had viewers utterly creeped out.
>British broadcaster ITV was bringing viewers live footage of the Queen's hearse leaving London, as a male commentator described what was happening, when another voice could suddenly be heard on the feed:
>"The death is irreversible ... the fact that she's trapped ..."
>From there, the male commentator continued to narrate the Queen's journey, with ITV apparently never acknowledging or explaining who exactly the female voice belonged to, and why she was whispering such STRANGE, creepy words."
>What's going on?
Does anyone remember a time on this board 2-3 years ago. we were told the problem with justice, death penalty, some of these evil leaders do not die.
#17548934 at 2022-09-20 13:27:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21514: It's a Terrific Taco Tuesday Edition
Watched a bunch of that 'trial'… very STRANGE how it was such a distortion of truth and justice.
How many times did Jones say he was sorry for hurting their Feelings, and that was used as proof that he committed the Crime of hurting their feelings.
[They] really are trying to build such a sick world, as they have arrived at a moment where pointing that out is a 'Crime' in their distorted Courtrooms.
#17548327 at 2022-09-20 09:21:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21513: Midnight Comfy Hour Edition
"One brief, bizarre moment during UK television's live coverage of the Queen's funeral procession overnight had viewers utterly creeped out.
British broadcaster ITV was bringing viewers live footage of the Queen's hearse leaving London, as a male commentator described what was happening, when another voice could suddenly be heard on the feed:
"The death is irreversible ... the fact that she's trapped ..."
From there, the male commentator continued to narrate the Queen's journey, with ITV apparently never acknowledging or explaining who exactly the female voice belonged to, and why she was whispering such STRANGE, creepy words."
What's going on?
#17548296 at 2022-09-20 08:40:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21513: Midnight Comfy Hour Edition
Thanks for that article, Anon. I pulled it up and I'll read it tomorrow. I wish President Trump would endorse the challenger to Polis because I think there may still be hope there.
When I was there we still had Stapleton Airport, though Pena was Mayor and he put Denver International Airport up during my time there. Speaking of weird spiritual stuff, Pena's wife had public meltdowns during that time. In hindsight I have to wonder what she knew about what was really going on at DIA, or what the real purpose for that airport was. It never made sense to us Denver people. Stapleton was convenient and centrally located near downtown. In hindsight, DIA wasn't meant to be an airport. It's meant to be a hub for Clowns and globalists wanting to take over the world, as we all know now. . . .
So much STRANGE death and suffering among average, everyday people there. Pit bulls were outlawed when I was there, but the killing of the 89 year old by two pit bulls in Golden, CO just had me google. Turns out that pit bull ban was repealed in 2020.
That's another topic I'd better steer clear of for now. But when I was living in Denver my small dog and I were approached by a loose pit bull puppy of maybe 3 months. That bloody puppy damn near killed my small fluffy dog. It was so instinctual. I had to kick the puppy to get it away from my little fluffy dog. That's the one and only breed of dog that I think is utterly savage and should be eliminated.
I bet the family of the dead 89 year old grandma wishes there were no pit bulls. . .
Well, I'm punch, Anon. I'll stfu. I'm done researching stuff for the day and need to crash for a couple of hours.
Thank you for the story about that rancher, though. If such a powerful man who loves our country is backing the GOP gubernatorial candidate this November, perhaps there's still hope for Colorado. I'll certainly keep that place in my prayers, because there are lots of good people there who deserve good people in government.
If only Q and the gang would just declassify everything, like, today. I do believe it would unify us all. . . .
#17548250 at 2022-09-20 08:01:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21513: Midnight Comfy Hour Edition
I could just get Brave and Google to show this thread in the catalog but not Firefox. Notified site admins.
#17548232 at 2022-09-20 07:47:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21513: Midnight Comfy Hour Edition
Rameses hidden burial cave was accidently found in Israel. I am not sure Israel wants to find whatever is on the land they stole thru, Churchill.
I see shows about digs in Israel and they are forced to cover it all up every year. How much success can you have redigging the same earth every year. STRANGE rules unless they don't want the truth revealed. That would not be a shocker.
#17547542 at 2022-09-20 03:00:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21512: Comfy Before the Storm Edition
#17547339 at 2022-09-20 02:24:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21512: Comfy Before the Storm Edition
>a song called 'MIRROR'
Feb 05, 2018 12:16:50 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 No. 275544
Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?
Did this seem STRANGE to you?
Watch the news.
Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].
Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].
Soros transfer of wealth.
Dopey FREED.
Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.
News unlocks MAP.
Which team?
THEY don't know.
These people are EVIL.
Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?
20/20 coming.
Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?
#17546542 at 2022-09-20 00:14:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21511: Crooks Who Suddenly Wanna Do Things By The Book Edition
It is not merely NARA's referral to the DOJ and Ferriero's apparent bias that suggests a political motive, however: It is the reality that even if the documents were classified, Trump has the right to access them and NARA could have worked with the former president to set up a secure location for his presidential papers, which is precisely what Ferriero and the NARA did with Barack Obama.
In 2016, before President Obama left office, he rented a private facility in Hoffman Estates to serve as a storage place for his presidential papers, and by October of 2016, while he was still in office, shipments of artifacts from his presidency began arriving at the suburban Chicago storage facility. A year later, the Chicago Tribune reported that after the National Archives and Records Administration had worked with the former Democrat president to ship his documents to the Chicago suburb, where they were stored and kept secured, Obama decided not to retain a paper archive at his presidential museum, "meaning they would be shipped back to Washington once a decision [was] made on where to keep them permanently."
The Obama documents - both classified and unclassified - remained in Hoffman Estates well into 2018, as evidenced by a letter of intent executed between Ferriero on behalf of the National Archives Trust Fund and the Obama Foundation. Among other things, the letter of intent memorialized the Obama Foundation's agreement to "transfer up to three million three hundred thousand dollars ($3,300,000) to the National Archives Trust Fund (NATF) to support the move of classified and unclassified Obama Presidential records and artifacts from Hoffman Estates to NARA-controlled facilities that conform to the agency's archival storage standards for such records and artifacts."
The only difference between the Hoffman Estates' storage of the Obama presidential records that began in 2016 and the Mar-a-Lago storage of Trump's presidential records was that the documents were technically within the possession of NARA. But even though the documents were legally the property of NARA, Obama still had the right to access the records, including the classified documents.
So if upon receiving the 15 boxes of documents back from Trump, NARA had legitimate concerns about the security of Mar-a-Lago - a STRANGE worry to hold given that the Secret Service must safeguard the location to protect Trump and his family - a bureaucracy committed to the country and safeguarding her artifacts would have worked to arrange for the documents to be preserved under the auspices of NARA control in a location chosen by Trump, as it had done with Obama.
#17546537 at 2022-09-20 00:13:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21511: Crooks Who Suddenly Wanna Do Things By The Book Edition
Leakers Gave Away the Game
The DOJ leaker reportedly told Newsweek that NARA "believe[ed] that the former White House was stonewalling and continued to possess unauthorized material" and that the National Archive then, earlier this year, "asked the Justice Department to investigate." The same leaker claimed a grand jury had "concluded that there had been a violation of the law." Further, according to Newsweek and its "intelligence source," "the affidavit to obtain the search warrant" "contained abundant and persuasive detail that Trump continued to possess the relevant records in violation of federal law, and that investigators had sufficient information to prove that those records were located at Mar-a-Lago - including the detail that they were contained in a specific safe in a specific room."
Putting aside for a moment the DOJ's reliance on "Obstruction of Justice," this leak reveals the raid of Mar-a-Lago resulted from the criminal investigation into Trump's compliance with the Presidential Records Act, prompted by NARA under the leadership of then-Archivist Ferriero. And for three reasons, Americans can safely conclude the DOJ's launching of a criminal investigation - and its use of a grand jury - to target former president Trump was a political witch hunt.
First, NARA handled its discovery of Hillary Clinton's violation of the equivalent "Federal Records Act" vastly differently. In September of 2015, in response to questions from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, about the former secretary of state's use of a non-governmental email account, Ferriero informed Grassley of NARA's normal response to allegations of "unauthorized destruction or removal of federal records." "NARA will write a letter to the agency asking it to report back to NARA within 30 days and open a case file on the matter." At that point, NARA and the agency would work together to recover any missing documents or to reconstruct them if needed.
NARA then explained that upon learning of Clinton's use of a non-governmental email account in March 2015, it "immediately acted In accordance with our regulations by sending a letter to the State Department, setting off the process described above." Significantly, while noting that the use of the non-government email may result in a separate DOJ investigation, in the case of Clinton, "NARA has not Initiated an 'Investigation' of Secretary Clinton's email practices; rather, as noted above, we have been communicating with the State Department on this matter, and are deferring to the State Department's review (and any other agencies conducting Investigations)."
In contrast, in the case of Trump, NARA referred the matter of documents stamped "classified" to the DOJ, which promptly opened an investigation into Trump and used a grand jury to subpoena Trump and others.
Numerous public statements by Ferriero, who at the time of the referral to the DOJ served as the country's archivist, suggest a partisan goal underlying the referral. First was Ferriero's bizarre overreaction to "watching the Trumps leaving the White House and getting off in the helicopter" while someone was "carrying a white banker box." "What the hell's in that box?," Ferriero claimed he asked himself.
Then there was Ferriero's admission that he decided to retire at the end of April 2022 "because he is worried about the political future." "It's important to me, that this administration replace me," Ferriero said, adding, "I'm concerned about what's going to happen in 2024. I don't want it left to ... the unknowns of the presidential election."
That's quite a STRANGE statement for an archivist to make, suggesting as it does that politics matter in the performance of his role.
Third, Ferriero's comments during a post-retirement interview discussing Jan. 6, suggest he holds an anti-Trump bias. "On his office television, David S. Ferriero, the archivist of the United States, had watched outgoing President Donald Trump whip up the right-wing crowd near the White House," the Post reported. Ferriero said he recalled watching "this angry mob ... really angry, angry people" and thinking to himself, "if these people realize what's in this building they're passing, we're at risk here." The former archivist called January 6, 2021, "the worst day of his tenure as the keeper of the nation's collective memory," and "the worst day of my life" - "the absolute worst."
#17543666 at 2022-09-19 14:06:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21507: The Pandemic Is Over Edition
Just to add, STRANGE to see the policy officers facing the hedges where there are no people around as the horse drives by..
#17543536 at 2022-09-19 13:38:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21507: The Pandemic Is Over Edition
Looks sort of like this.
Never seen my cursor turn to a Q before.
Wonder what this is about.
#17543129 at 2022-09-19 12:07:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21506: Master the Light, Patriots Fight Edition
STRANGE back to the pocession.
#17543055 at 2022-09-19 11:35:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21506: Master the Light, Patriots Fight Edition
Monday Short Cuts
Notable quotables from Gavin Newsom, Ken Burns, Clay Travis, and more.
"A society is in decay, final or transitional, when common sense has really become very uncommon. Straightforward ideas appear STRANGE or unfamiliar, and any thought that does not follow the conventional curve or twist, is supposed to be a sort of joke." -G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
Re: The Right
"'Cheering on' the Dobbs decision was completely worth it. Just as cheering the overturning of Dred Scott v. Sanford or Schenck v. United States was worth it. Not everything is about short-term partisan gain. You might also cheer because if someone had told you 10, or even five, years ago that Roe would be overturned, you wouldn't have believed them. Roe has been treated as a sacred text for over 50 years, not only by the press but by most of our institutions. The 'right' to terminate life for convenience's sake had been irrecoverably tethered to feminism and progress. For millions, it probably remains the only SCOTUS decision they can name. And once the left procures a new 'right,' it rarely relinquishes it. The prospect of there being six justices willing to uphold the Constitution in the face of this immense pressure was improbable, to say the least. So, yes, cheer." -David Harsanyi
"Even if we accept everything we're hearing about the political fallout over Dobbs, the blowback is quite underwhelming. If a two-point swing in the presidential approval rating during a midterm election is the price for overturning Roe, then it was maybe the greatest bargain in history. Just because Dobbs was 'worth' celebrating doesn't mean Republicans shouldn't have been better prepared for the probable outcome. It always amazes me how timid and ineffective Republicans are at making the pro-life case, which makes me suspect many of them are unhappy that pro-life legislation is no longer just a theoretical proposition." -David Harsanyi
"If Republicans truly believe that they can't defend a 15-week ban, maybe they are right to find any excuse to try not to talk about abortion. But that path leads, ultimately, to implicit surrender. You can't blame Lindsey Graham for wanting his party to do better." -Rich Lowry
Hot Air
"We didn't have any blackouts in California. Ron DeSantis, you were wrong again. You made it up. Lot of people made it up. Folks on Fox, you made it up. I know you wished it happened - trust me, many of them did because they want to kill our green energy transition. They want to double down on stupid and continue to drill and actually do more damage." -California Governor Gavin Newsom
Arbiters of "Truth"
"I think there is a risk when you're talking to certain politicians if you're willing to say what you're saying is not true, and sometimes you have to risk looking partisan by doing that. But I think we can't bow to that threat. I mean, as long as I'm confident when I am that we're arguing about facts, undisputable facts, I have no problem saying, 'You're not telling the truth.' Even if that causes somebody to say, 'You're just being a political hack.' You have to do that. That's what we have to stand up for as journalists - right and wrong; fact, not fiction." -ABC News's George Stephanopoulos
#17542565 at 2022-09-19 08:41:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21506: Master the Light, Patriots Fight Edition
> always 9 dead and rains like the bus in costa rica
Interdasting. Found this post about skies opening up and raining (reigning) on Twatter; Patricia Scotland KC (11.3?) Secretary of the Commonwealth. She is speaking at the funeral.
#17542490 at 2022-09-19 08:05:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21506: Master the Light, Patriots Fight Edition
found more 9 dead(s)
also friday:
always 9 dead and rains like the bus in costa rica
#17542185 at 2022-09-19 06:18:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21505: Into the Night, Comfy the Light Edition
>New eyes needed.
The president is terrifying! He has laser eyes, or he has laser eyes and he's screaming, or he has laser eyes and he's commanding bolts of lightning, like God. He is drinking Republican tears with a splash of lime. He is eating Mitch McConnell's head?
Although Joe Biden has often been the subject of memes related to his friendship with Barack Obama or his obsession with ice cream, he has lately become a different sort of internet figure, known as "Dark Brandon." Basically, "Dark Brandon" memes are images of Joe Biden, except scary and powerful; and they have risen in popularity as the president recovers from COVID-19 and advances his legislative agenda. The first "Dark Brandon" I saw was a weirdly lit photo of a grinning Biden that makes him look like the villain in an A24 horror movie; the text explains that whereas Donald Trump got COVID and suffered symptoms of the illness, Biden got COVID and then announced the killing of the al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri via drone strike.
To comprehend why people are doing this, one must understand that liberals who spend too much time online have for the past several years been locked in a psychosexual showdown with Trump supporters who also spend too much time online. Each side is convinced that the other is incapable of crafting a decent internet joke, yet each side takes the other's jokes as inspiration. Members of both groups live in a perpetual state of gloating, and of sneering, and of gloating and sneering at the same time. They are devoted trolls who like to post in a way that is inscrutable to most Americans, and their twisted relationship often produces STRANGE results.
#17541218 at 2022-09-19 02:45:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21504: Potatus Declares Covid Over, PDJT Pedo Death Penalty Still On Edition
Information Commission, Angelene Falk, will argue in the Federal Court that she can take forever to handle FOI complaints.
For people to make valid judgements on Government policy or to contribute to new policies in an intelligent way, they must be able to exercise their rights to have timely access to government information.
So it is with great disappointment that at 10.15 this morning the Information Commission (IC), Angelene Falk, will argue in the Federal Court that, when she is asked to conduct a review of a government's FOI decision that refuses a person's access to information, she can take forever to do so, thereby denying indefinitely the right of that person to engage fully in our democracy.
The IC's decision to instruct her taxpayer funded solicitors to do so is a betrayal and a disgrace. It's also a particularly STRANGE move when the Attorney-General has already intervened in the case spelling out the adverse effects of her delay in decision making is having on the FOI regime.
Spending public money on secrecy
Last month Senator Murray Watt advised Senator Jacqui Lambie that the IC, who is on the record as being under-resourced, has spent a mammoth $301,667.12 on the matter. Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, who are representing the IC in the proceedings, originally estimated their costs would be $160,000, but hey, they're on the gravy train now and will likely end up charging the taxpayer more than half a million.
Just over a year ago I made application to the Federal Court seeking a judicial remedy in relation to 22 IC reviews the Commissioner had failed to make a timely decision.
These FOI applications related to a wide range of issue; the Future Submarine Project progress reports (the project has now been cancelled); oil and gas processing options for the Greater Sunrise oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea (an issue that flared up in the news a few weeks ago, and an issue that won't go away); the 'Sports Rorts' Gaetjens Review (a report of interest in holding a past Government to account) and National Radioactive Waste Management Facility ministerial briefs (the location has now been decided, but there are court proceedings on foot), just to name a few.
Despite Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus
In the early stage of the proceedings, which are being conducted by Victorian Barrister, Tiphanie Acreman, on a pro-bono basis, and for which The Australia Institute and Matilda Legal Fund are providing a cost indemnity, the then shadow and now Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus intervened to argue in favour of my case.
#17538795 at 2022-09-18 18:31:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21501: NEVER FORGET WINNING Edition
"we are the center of the universe us and only us"
"no. consider vastness of space?"
#17530132 at 2022-09-16 23:53:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21490: $Dept & FBI Knowingly Introduced Forged Documents On Trump Docket Edition
STRANGE the bastards that won't shut the fuck up about a world government takeover are members of the world jewish congress.
#17528421 at 2022-09-16 17:41:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21488: Thank you, Frank! Edition
Too many people reporting STRANGE things happening with their banks.
Also, Digital currency ISO20022 switch over has been confirmed to start from November 2022.
#17526765 at 2022-09-16 10:45:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21486: Q gave us actual truth: Why doesn't anyone gravitate to your "truth?" Edi
>>17524538 Martha's Vineyard Declares 'Humanitarian Crisis' over Just 50 Illegal Alien Arrivals
>>17524640 Martha's Vineyard in chaos after DeSantis
>>17524499 King Charles III paid 7 Million of Prince Andrew's rape Settlement
>>17524618, >>17524670, >>17524629, >>17524810 King Charles memes
>>17524506 More whistleblowers - FBI's top brass broke security rules
>>17524520, >>17524623 Note the storm clouds over Hillary and Comey
>>17524562 Biden Attends the 45th Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala
>>17524597, >>17524598 Trump's MAGA Army that could transform Congress in his image
>>17524673 [C]annon before [D]earie?
>>17524700 Steny Hoyer basically said, "the deep state is real, and it's a good thing!"
>>17524715 Pocahontas accuses DeSantis of EXACTLY what the Democrats are doing with people
>>17524760, >>17524805, >>17524805 Charles McGonigal: op FBI Official In Russiagate Probe Under Scrutiny For Alleged Russian Ties
>>17524776, >>17524787 Paul Sperry: Judge Anne C. Conway and Judge Raymond J. Dearie rubber-stamped illegal FISA surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Yates to spy on Trump campaign
>>17524823 What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>17524798 US Army Recommends Soldiers Apply for Food Stamps
>>17524849 Re: natural infection being more effective than a vaccine
>>17524910, >>17525081 PA Senate candidate John Fetterman did not disclose owning eight properties
>>17524941 A university in Indiana erects a bronze statue of pervert and pedophile apologist Alfred Kinsey.
>>17525009 FLASHBACK: Joe Biden sent 70 PLANES full of illegal aliens to Florida, now Democrats are "outraged" over 2 flights sent to Martha's Vineyard
>>17525010 Florida Judge Aileen Cannon Denies DOJ Request, Appoints Special Master to Review Records
>>17525011 Who is Raymond Dearie, the Special Master Reviewing the Mar-a-Lago Documents?
>>17525030 Mike Lindell hires Alan Dershowitz to sue U.S. government and FBI...
>>17525053 KJP: Migrants who illegally entered the U.S. "deserve a lot better than being left in Martha's Vineyard." / Texas border town requests refrigerator to store large number of recovered migrant bodies
>>17525096 Pope says supplying weapons to Ukraine is morally acceptable for self defense
>>17525097, >>17525156 Reveals Special Counsel Durham intends to introduce as evidence the internal LYNC messages of FBI Analysts/Agents.
>>17525166 Donald Rumsfeld and the STRANGE History of Aspartame
>>17525168 FBI insiders say White supremacy threat overblown as Biden opens summit about racists, extremists
>>17525170 Hundreds of bank branches close right across Australia including Westpac and Commonwealth Bank - impacting thousands of customers
>>17525195 Harvey Weinstein begs judge to stop prison dentist from pulling his rotten teeth
>>17525198 NEW - Hungary is not a full democracy anymore. Large majority in the European Parliament has adopted the report that declares the country as a "hybrid regime electoral autocracy"
>>17525201 #21483
#17526203 at 2022-09-16 07:16:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21485: It All Comes Out in the End Edition
The transhumanists and Roths also hate Christians, or scorn them. I know Satanist are passionate against Christians.
STRANGE? Why would they care if they were really so free and powerful?
#17525960 at 2022-09-16 05:33:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21485: It All Comes Out in the End Edition
>>17524538 Martha's Vineyard Declares 'Humanitarian Crisis' over Just 50 Illegal Alien Arrivals
>>17524640 Martha's Vineyard in chaos after DeSantis
>>17524499 King Charles III paid 7 Million of Prince Andrew's rape Settlement
>>17524618, >>17524670, >>17524629, >>17524810 King Charles memes
>>17524506 More whistleblowers - FBI's top brass broke security rules
>>17524520, >>17524623 Note the storm clouds over Hillary and Comey
>>17524562 Biden Attends the 45th Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala
>>17524597, >>17524598 Trump's MAGA Army that could transform Congress in his image
>>17524673 [C]annon before [D]earie?
>>17524700 Steny Hoyer basically said, "the deep state is real, and it's a good thing!"
>>17524715 Pocahontas accuses DeSantis of EXACTLY what the Democrats are doing with people
>>17524760, >>17524805, >>17524805 Charles McGonigal: op FBI Official In Russiagate Probe Under Scrutiny For Alleged Russian Ties
>>17524776, >>17524787 Paul Sperry: Judge Anne C. Conway and Judge Raymond J. Dearie rubber-stamped illegal FISA surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Yates to spy on Trump campaign
>>17524823 What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>17524798 US Army Recommends Soldiers Apply for Food Stamps
>>17524849 Re: natural infection being more effective than a vaccine
>>17524910, >>17525081 PA Senate candidate John Fetterman did not disclose owning eight properties
>>17524941 A university in Indiana erects a bronze statue of pervert and pedophile apologist Alfred Kinsey.
>>17525009 FLASHBACK: Joe Biden sent 70 PLANES full of illegal aliens to Florida, now Democrats are "outraged" over 2 flights sent to Martha's Vineyard
>>17525010 Florida Judge Aileen Cannon Denies DOJ Request, Appoints Special Master to Review Records
>>17525011 Who is Raymond Dearie, the Special Master Reviewing the Mar-a-Lago Documents?
>>17525030 Mike Lindell hires Alan Dershowitz to sue U.S. government and FBI...
>>17525053 KJP: Migrants who illegally entered the U.S. "deserve a lot better than being left in Martha's Vineyard." / Texas border town requests refrigerator to store large number of recovered migrant bodies
>>17525096 Pope says supplying weapons to Ukraine is morally acceptable for self defense
>>17525097, >>17525156 Reveals Special Counsel Durham intends to introduce as evidence the internal LYNC messages of FBI Analysts/Agents.
>>17525166 Donald Rumsfeld and the STRANGE History of Aspartame
>>17525168 FBI insiders say White supremacy threat overblown as Biden opens summit about racists, extremists
>>17525170 Hundreds of bank branches close right across Australia including Westpac and Commonwealth Bank - impacting thousands of customers
>>17525195 Harvey Weinstein begs judge to stop prison dentist from pulling his rotten teeth
>>17525198 NEW - Hungary is not a full democracy anymore. Large majority in the European Parliament has adopted the report that declares the country as a "hybrid regime electoral autocracy"
>>17525201 #21483
#17525940 at 2022-09-16 05:29:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21484: Top Comfy Edition
For some reaaon I really dislike rhiz guy since he lost weight. (Didnt reqlly like his boring Sunday quotes before that). But I'm pretty convinced Pompeo wemt to Gitmo and never came back and so you have this really anemic creepy looking Pompei running around trying to be president. Something is really wrong with this STRANGE fake reality. They dont even try to pretend well.
#17525853 at 2022-09-16 05:03:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21484: Top Comfy Edition
This is too funny, Martha's Vineyards can't possibly support immigrants!(They are dirty, not rich, we the wealty, do not welcome them here, we can't speak their language so we can't have them in our homes as servants. They may be so desperate they may steal from us)
Tucker Carlson Notices the Missing Jubilation in Martha's Vineyard as Dozens of Illegal Aliens Arrive
September 15, 2022 | Sundance | 95 Comments
A STRANGE thing happened. After lecturing the nation on the virtues of mass migration, the white liberal democrats on Martha's Vineyard did not celebrate the arrival of the non-white immigrants they have been demanding for years.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson noted in his monologue that Martha's Vineyard famous nimby residents, including former President Barack Obama, did not welcome the people of color as one would expect. Instead of celebrating the new diversity, oddly the residents quickly moved to find alternate off island locations to accept the arriving immigrants. WATCH:
#17525709 at 2022-09-16 04:15:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21484: Top Comfy Edition
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be STRANGE indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. - Thomas Paine
#17525206 at 2022-09-16 01:38:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21484: Top Comfy Edition
Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats - msm trying to nail "Q and anons"
BAKERS - breads are going past 751, here's what to do: >>17500759
Baker notes/names per 8bit/Flint: >>17485763, >>17485629, >>17485625
Baker sign-ins - plz be clear - e-bakers sign off if not collecting or using notetaker
HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics: >>17322505
E-baking vs Baking: >>17485628 E-Bake: PLS TAG THE DOUGH
Q post formatting: >>17224834 Baker's Lite JS code: >>17224816
Format for A/B notables is -A -B #11111-A #11111-B >>17242529
Know your bunker: https://endchan.gg/qrbunker
Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884
>>17524538 Martha's Vineyard Declares 'Humanitarian Crisis' over Just 50 Illegal Alien Arrivals
>>17524640 Martha's Vineyard in chaos after DeSantis
>>17524499 King Charles III paid 7 Million of Prince Andrew's rape Settlement
>>17524618, >>17524670, >>17524629, >>17524810 King Charles memes
>>17524506 More whistleblowers - FBI's top brass broke security rules
>>17524520, >>17524623 Note the storm clouds over Hillary and Comey
>>17524562 Biden Attends the 45th Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala
>>17524597, >>17524598 Trump's MAGA Army that could transform Congress in his image
>>17524673 [C]annon before [D]earie?
>>17524700 Steny Hoyer basically said, "the deep state is real, and it's a good thing!"
>>17524715 Pocahontas accuses DeSantis of EXACTLY what the Democrats are doing with people
>>17524760, >>17524805, >>17524805 Charles McGonigal: op FBI Official In Russiagate Probe Under Scrutiny For Alleged Russian Ties
>>17524776, >>17524787 Paul Sperry: Judge Anne C. Conway and Judge Raymond J. Dearie rubber-stamped illegal FISA surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Yates to spy on Trump campaign
>>17524823 What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>17524798 US Army Recommends Soldiers Apply for Food Stamps
>>17524849 Re: natural infection being more effective than a vaccine
>>17524910, >>17525081 PA Senate candidate John Fetterman did not disclose owning eight properties
>>17524941 A university in Indiana erects a bronze statue of pervert and pedophile apologist Alfred Kinsey.
>>17525009 FLASHBACK: Joe Biden sent 70 PLANES full of illegal aliens to Florida, now Democrats are "outraged" over 2 flights sent to Martha's Vineyard
>>17525010 Florida Judge Aileen Cannon Denies DOJ Request, Appoints Special Master to Review Records
>>17525011 Who is Raymond Dearie, the Special Master Reviewing the Mar-a-Lago Documents?
>>17525030 Mike Lindell hires Alan Dershowitz to sue U.S. government and FBI...
>>17525053 KJP: Migrants who illegally entered the U.S. "deserve a lot better than being left in Martha's Vineyard." / Texas border town requests refrigerator to store large number of recovered migrant bodies
>>17525096 Pope says supplying weapons to Ukraine is morally acceptable for self defense
>>17525097, >>17525156 Reveals Special Counsel Durham intends to introduce as evidence the internal LYNC messages of FBI Analysts/Agents.
>>17525166 Donald Rumsfeld and the STRANGE History of Aspartame
>>17525168 FBI insiders say White supremacy threat overblown as Biden opens summit about racists, extremists
>>17525170 Hundreds of bank branches close right across Australia including Westpac and Commonwealth Bank - impacting thousands of customers
>>17525195 Harvey Weinstein begs judge to stop prison dentist from pulling his rotten teeth
>>17525198 NEW - Hungary is not a full democracy anymore. Large majority in the European Parliament has adopted the report that declares the country as a "hybrid regime electoral autocracy"
>>17525201 #21483
#17525201 at 2022-09-16 01:37:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21483: I say that Martha should do her fair share Edition
Notables - FINAL
>>17524538 Martha's Vineyard Declares 'Humanitarian Crisis' over Just 50 Illegal Alien Arrivals
>>17524640 Martha's Vineyard in chaos after DeSantis
>>17524499 King Charles III paid 7 Million of Prince Andrew's rape Settlement
>>17524618, >>17524670, >>17524629, >>17524810 King Charles memes
>>17524506 More whistleblowers - FBI's top brass broke security rules
>>17524520, >>17524623 Note the storm clouds over Hillary and Comey
>>17524562 Biden Attends the 45th Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala
>>17524597, >>17524598 Trump's MAGA Army that could transform Congress in his image
>>17524673 [C]annon before [D]earie?
>>17524700 Steny Hoyer basically said, "the deep state is real, and it's a good thing!"
>>17524715 Pocahontas accuses DeSantis of EXACTLY what the Democrats are doing with people
>>17524760, >>17524805, >>17524805 Charles McGonigal: op FBI Official In Russiagate Probe Under Scrutiny For Alleged Russian Ties
>>17524776, >>17524787 Paul Sperry: Judge Anne C. Conway and Judge Raymond J. Dearie rubber-stamped illegal FISA surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Yates to spy on Trump campaign
>>17524823 What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>17524798 US Army Recommends Soldiers Apply for Food Stamps
>>17524849 Re: natural infection being more effective than a vaccine
>>17524910, >>17525081 PA Senate candidate John Fetterman did not disclose owning eight properties
>>17524941 A university in Indiana erects a bronze statue of pervert and pedophile apologist Alfred Kinsey.
>>17525009 FLASHBACK: Joe Biden sent 70 PLANES full of illegal aliens to Florida, now Democrats are "outraged" over 2 flights sent to Martha's Vineyard
>>17525010 Florida Judge Aileen Cannon Denies DOJ Request, Appoints Special Master to Review Records
>>17525011 Who is Raymond Dearie, the Special Master Reviewing the Mar-a-Lago Documents?
>>17525030 Mike Lindell hires Alan Dershowitz to sue U.S. government and FBI...
>>17525053 KJP: Migrants who illegally entered the U.S. "deserve a lot better than being left in Martha's Vineyard." / Texas border town requests refrigerator to store large number of recovered migrant bodies
>>17525096 Pope says supplying weapons to Ukraine is morally acceptable for self defense
>>17525097, >>17525156 Reveals Special Counsel Durham intends to introduce as evidence the internal LYNC messages of FBI Analysts/Agents.
>>17525166 Donald Rumsfeld and the STRANGE History of Aspartame
>>17525168 FBI insiders say White supremacy threat overblown as Biden opens summit about racists, extremists
>>17525170 Hundreds of bank branches close right across Australia including Westpac and Commonwealth Bank - impacting thousands of customers
>>17525195 Harvey Weinstein begs judge to stop prison dentist from pulling his rotten teeth
>>17525198 NEW - Hungary is not a full democracy anymore. Large majority in the European Parliament has adopted the report that declares the country as a "hybrid regime electoral autocracy"
#17525166 at 2022-09-16 01:32:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21483: I say that Martha should do her fair share Edition
Donald Rumsfeld and the STRANGE History of Aspartame
Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up to Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame & Splenda
THE ASPARTAME CONTROVERSY OF 1981 The Hidden Truth Behind the Not-So-Sweet Artificial Sweetener
#17524968 at 2022-09-16 01:04:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21483: I say that Martha should do her fair share Edition
>>17523718, >>17523902, >>17524292 Martha's Vineyard Homeless Shelter Coordinator: "They Have to Move From Here to Somewhere Else""
>>17524269 Martha's Vineyard Humanitarian Crisis! (50 whole illegals now residents)
So the woman said in the video, everyone here wants a job,not a handout. So is she assuming these illegals dont want a job? And why would a person staying there ask if he can leave because he needs a job to support his family? Is he held against his will at the shelter. What is the shelter for if it not for citizens that are down on their luck.
She goes on to say those who stay there are not asking for food, clothing or money? First of all isnt most of their job helping people with food, clothes and housing? Is she saying tge illegals are asking for a handout? You would think all the elite would send food, clothing anc assistance to this shelter. Is this shelter a money laundering, humsn traffiking location?
That interview was very, very STRANGE, its slmost like that don't offer what other homeless shelters offer. Why do they have it?
Anons, any ideas? What are they doing there?
Her final ststement these people need to go somewhere else!
Does she even think, I wonder what the border states do with those 1,000s that come into their states.
This video will go viral because of the woman's callous way of talking, like "these dirty illegals cannot stay here"
#17523913 at 2022-09-15 22:09:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21482: Nobody Hates Trump Like An Epstein Island Pedophile Edition
STRANGE, when copying and pasting the link from TS it doesn't work.
#17523887 at 2022-09-15 22:04:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21482: Nobody Hates Trump Like An Epstein Island Pedophile Edition
Note: Anon had the original video of the art students shown in this video and thought it was STRANGE, even the helicopter taking the pictures of people standing in the twin towers by helicopter outside,
mouthy buddha identifies those involved and a lot moar,
looking forward to the rest, this is only part 1 of his video.
mouthy buddha is one of the best researchers on the net and exposed the Embassy for arts program with hillary clinton , Terramar project and ghislaine maxwell connections, eyes on anons
#17523819 at 2022-09-15 21:44:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21482: Nobody Hates Trump Like An Epstein Island Pedophile Edition
Don't remember seeing this at the time; very STRANGE thing to forget, really.
The heads of the military were suddenly behind Trump at Trump's inauguration just in time for Trump to say "we are transferring power from DC and giving it back to you, the American people."
Starting at 30:00, for just a minute or so, and then *poof* they're gone.
There was a jump edit away from their entrance.
#17522588 at 2022-09-15 17:36:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21480: After 2 Days In The Bunker Edition
i am not a witch
PROVO, Utah - On June 1, David Leavitt, the prosecuting attorney for Utah County, stood behind a lectern in his windowless Provo office before a gaggle of reporters. Wearing a gray suit and an exasperated look, he wanted to make something categorically clear: Neither he nor his wife were guilty of murdering or cannibalizing young children.
It was, by all accounts, a STRANGE declaration from the progressive Republican prosecutor, a Mormon and younger brother of a former Utah governor, Mike Leavitt, who had earned a name for himself by prosecuting a well-known polygamist in 2001. But David Leavitt was up for re-election, Utah County voters would start casting ballots the next week, and the allegations, ridiculous as they may have sounded, had started to spread online and throughout the community.
#17522571 at 2022-09-15 17:32:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21480: After 2 Days In The Bunker Edition
For shit's and gigles, I found this interesting video showing clips of STRANGE creatures encountered in Chernobyl. One in particular, a pig like thing with a lab stamp on its side.
Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera In Chernobyl
Jun 26, 2021
#17521856 at 2022-09-15 15:16:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21479: Chinese Twitter Tracking You Edition
There is no such thing as artificial intelligence. What we create, the work of Spirt, mind and hands, is as 'natural' (or supernatural) as we ourselves are. Like a beaver's dam or a bird's nest, our technology is the natural product of the application of new to existing knowledge - life is a recursively self-improving system, which unfolds naturally as part of our growth processes. Self improving systems have common properties.
==The Nature of Self-Improving Artificial
Self-improving systems are a promising new approach to developing artificial intelligence. But will their behavior be predictable? Can we be sure that they will behave as we intended even after many generations of self-improvement? This paper presents a framework for answering questions like these. It shows that self-improvement causes systems to converge on an architecture that arises from von Neumann's foundational work on microeconomics. Self-improvement causes systems to allocate their physical and computational resources according to a universal principle. It also causes systems to exhibit four natural drives:
1) efficiency,
2) self-preservation,
3)resource acquisition, and
4) creativity.
Unbridled, these drives lead to both desirable and undesirable behaviors. The efficiency drive leads to algorithm optimization, data compression, atomically precise physical structures, reversible computation, adiabatic physical action, and the virtualization of the physical. It also governs a system's choice of memories, theorems, language, and logic. The self-preservation drive leads to defensive strategies such as "energy encryption" for hiding resources and promotes replication and game theoretic modeling. The resource acquisition drive leads to a variety of competitive behaviors and promotes rapid physical expansion and imperialism. The creativity drive leads to the development of new concepts, algorithms, theorems, devices, and processes. The best of these traits could usher in a new era of peace and prosperity; the worst are characteristic of human psychopaths and could bring widespread destruction.
How can we ensure that this technology acts in alignment with our values? We have leverage both in designing the initial systems and in creating the social context within which they operate. But we must have clarity about the future we wish to create. We need not just a logical understanding of the technology but a deep sense of the values we cherish most. With both logic and inspiration we can work toward building a technology that empowers the human spirit rather than diminishing it.
We extend our minds with mathematics, we use this language to see invisible structures - because mathematics has no doubts about the reality of higher dimensions.
6 dimensional phase space (as mathematicians call it) is where the Interplanetary Super was discovered many years ago by JPL scientist Martin Lo. We can find lots about the IPS with a web search. It has been tested (Gemini mission) and it will allow us to send cargo anywhere in the solar system (and possibly beyond) at almost no energy cost.
Why don't we know about this? Doesn't it seem STRANGE that a profound discovery with enormous economic implications for the entire world is virtually unknown? We can thank the pedovore cultists for that. MSM doesn't just deliver an unending stream of violence, hate, anger, and idiotic talk show tier disputes - MSM also buries the good news. Important news. News that would unite rather than divide us.
#17521188 at 2022-09-13 17:50:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21478: From Kiwi Farms To Infinitee D5 Tomorrow Edition
Anti-diarrhea medication may help treat core autism symptoms
Can you teach an old drug new tricks? Although drug treatments for the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are not currently available, could an existing drug provide a new treatment, even if it previously had no association with ASD? This was the question asked by a new study in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology. The researchers used a computer model that encompasses proteins involved in ASD and the way they interact.
By looking at how different drugs affected proteins in the system, they identified potential candidates to treat it. A commonly used antidiarrheal drug called loperamide was the most promising candidate, and the researchers have an interesting hypothesis about how it may work to treat ASD symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms in ASD involve difficulties with social interaction and communication.
"There are no medications currently approved for the treatment of social communication deficits, the main symptom in ASD," said Dr. Elise Koch of the University of Oslo, lead author on the study. "However, most adults and about half of children and adolescents with ASD are treated with antipsychotic drugs, which have serious side effects or lack efficacy in ASD."
Repurposing drugs as new treatments
In an effort to find a new way to treat ASD, the researchers turned to drug repurposing, which involves exploring existing drugs as potential treatments for a different condition. The approach has plenty of benefits, as there is often extensive knowledge about existing drugs in terms of their safety, side-effects and the biological molecules that they interact with in the body.
To identify new treatments for ASD, the researchers used a computer-based protein interaction network. Such networks encompass proteins and the complex interactions between them. It is important to account for this complexity when studying biological systems, as affecting one protein can often have knock-on effects elsewhere.
The researchers constructed a protein interaction network that included proteins associated with ASD. By investigating existing drugs and their interaction with proteins in the network, the team identified several candidates that counteract biological process underlying ASD.
The most promising drug is called loperamide, which is commonly used for diarrhea. While it might seem STRANGE that an anti-diarrheal drug could treat core ASD symptoms, the researchers have developed a hypothesis about how it may work.
From an upset gastrointestinal system to ASD
Loperamide binds to and activates a protein called the ?-opioid receptor, which is normally affected by opioid drugs, such as morphine. Along with the effects that you would normally expect from an opioid drug, such as pain relief, the ?-opioid receptor also affects social behavior.
In previous studies, genetically engineered mice that lack the ?-opioid receptor demonstrated social deficits similar to those seen in ASD. Interestingly, drugs that activate the ?-opioid receptor helped to restore social behaviors.
These results in mice highlight the tantalizing possibility that loperamide, or other drugs that target the ?-opioid receptor, may represent a new way to treat the social symptoms present in ASD, but further work is required to test this hypothesis. In any case, the current study demonstrates the power of assuming that old drugs may indeed learn new tricks.
#17520614 at 2022-09-13 04:47:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21478: From Kiwi Farms To Infinitee D5 Tomorrow Edition
TT1749,TT1750,TT1751 @ 23:06 today
5 Q drops with the @ 23:06 timestamp
Q 3418
Q 3487
Q 3503
Q 4326
Q 4607
Last 3 @realDonaldTrump Truth posts are @ 23:06 timestamp.
Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?
Did this seem STRANGE to you?
Watch the news.
Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].
Stock market DIVE [=666= - coincidence?].
Soros transfer of wealth.
Dopey FREED.
Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.
News unlocks MAP.
Think Mirror.
Which team?
THEY don't know.
These people are EVIL.
Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?
20/20 coming.
Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?
#17519957 at 2022-09-12 20:02:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21477: Dubs Confirm Chinese Chemists=Mexican Drug Cartels Edition
>Kek. By that logic, all IDs are miraculous. God works in STRANGE ways.
The veil has never been thinner, anon.
#17519953 at 2022-09-12 19:56:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21477: Dubs Confirm Chinese Chemists=Mexican Drug Cartels Edition
Kek. By that logic, all IDs are miraculous. God works in STRANGE ways.
#17519284 at 2022-09-12 06:45:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21476: 9/11 Doom and Gloom Edition
That's one STRANGE looking boob.
#17518684 at 2022-09-11 22:58:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21475: Anons Hanging in There Edition
…No I would not give you false hope…
……..On this STRANGE and mournful day….
#17517252 at 2022-09-10 22:37:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21473: Queen's Protection Gone, Weak King Checkmate! Edition
>Murdaugh murder mystery deepens
2/3 (good story, interwebs sleuthing laid out the drug runnning off the coast- "fish camps")
"I'm going to tell you something," another man at the gang member's house told The Post. "Alex Murdaugh is running half the drugs in this county."
The introduction of the Walterboro Cowboys "cousins" is only the latest twist in a drama that kicked off on June 21, 2021, when Murdaugh, the scion of one of the most prominent legal families in the state, called 911 to say his wife, Maggie, 52, and son, Paul, 22, had been murdered at the family's 1,700-acre hunting lodge in Islandton, SC.
Smith - aka "Cousin Eddie," a distant cousin of Murdaugh's - entered the picture on Labor Day last year when he was arrested for supposedly trying to shoot Murdaugh on a rural road in Hampton County in a convoluted insurance fraud/suicide-for-hire scam. Murdaugh's attorney later claimed his client had a 20-year opioid addiction and that Smith was his dealer.
But Murdaugh and Smith were allegedly part of a bigger operation.
In June, Murdaugh and Smith were indicted on conspiracy and drug charges that allege Smith received at least 437 checks totaling $2,413,754.79 from Murdaugh, between 2013 and 2021. It's alleged that Smith convert them into cash in a scheme to benefit Murdaugh as part of "myriad unlawful activities."
The investigation into Murdaugh so far totals 18 indictments containing 90 charges against him that involve schemes to defraud victims of $8,789,447.77.
Among the many locals that Murdaugh allegedly swindled in insurance settlement scams were the sons of Gloria Satterfield, his family's housekeeper who died in a mysterious fall in 2018 at the Murdaugh home, and a deaf black man who ended up a quadriplegic after a car accident.
The murder trial won't start until January at the earliest but courtroom mudslinging has already started, with his lawyers complaining they've been "ambushed" by leaks to the media, including allegations that video from Paul Murdaugh's cell phone shows his father present with him and Maggie not long before the murders.
Murdaugh may be found guilty of the murders, but a number of his friends and business associates could go down with him for financial misdeeds - even if many didn't fully understand what they were getting into.
"A lot of good people are going to go down with Alex Murdaugh," said a Hampton County source familiar with certain aspects of the investigation. "A lot of them had no idea what he was really into and they got involved with him in small ways that could end up really hurting them."
Lisa Smith of Walterboro, who used to be married to Smith's brother, Bill Ray, said "Cousin Eddie" was a hard-working logger and good guy until he was injured on the job and developed a painkiller addiction.
"Then he started changing," Lisa said. "We also thought it was really STRANGE when Eddie showed up at a relative's funeral some years ago with Alex Murdaugh. We were like, what's that about? What are these two doing together? Now we know."
But Lisa said she knew something was going on with Smith when he began coming to the bank where she worked in Walterboro to cash big checks that he never deposited into his account.
"I couldn't cash them because I was kin," she said. "But I asked him, 'What are you doing, where is this money coming from?' and he never answered. I think Murdaugh took advantage of the fact that [Smith] got hurt and couldn't work and got him involved in all this."
She, like a number of other residents of Colleton and Hampton counties interviewed by The Post last week, wonder if Murdaugh's alleged drug-running could involve smuggling by sea as well.
That theory comes from intel that first surfaced on web sleuth forums in the weeks following the murders of Maggie and Paul, indicating that Murdaugh had a decades-long friendship with a Beaufort-based fisherman, Barrett T. Boulware, who was arrested with his father on drug smuggling charges in 1980. In that case, officials seized 15 tons of marijuana on a shrimp boat in the Bahamas.
The charges against the Boulwares were dropped in 1983 "after a key government witness was killed when he stepped in front of a car in Florida," the State newspaper reported at the time.
#17516443 at 2022-09-10 04:50:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21472: KING CHARLES PROOF Q26 (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker) Edition
Charles hands behind back, reminiscent of Newsom w/POTUS at the PG@E "wildfire" site
Handcuffed/powerlessness? Jerry Brown looks like the kid who got caught in the cookie jar, the whole picture is STRANGE. All the World's a Stage…
#17515850 at 2022-09-09 13:31:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21472: KING CHARLES PROOF Q26 (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker) Edition
'STRANGE things happen. The toilet flushes, the shower turns on when no one is nearby. When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a 'cellmate' called A-17 so when something STRANGE happens I blame it on A-17.'
#17515791 at 2022-09-09 12:58:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21472: KING CHARLES PROOF Q26 (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker) Edition
How long must we endure the king and queen weirdo stuff?
Parading around in their costumes going from one STRANGE ceremony to the next.
#17514176 at 2022-09-08 12:13:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21470: Suicide Weekend Approaches
'They' Are Definitely Getting Prepared. Are You?
The ultra-wealthy are some of the best preppers in the entire world. I realize that statement may sound STRANGE to many of you, but it is actually true. The elite are very well aware that we are on the precipice of a full-blown societal meltdown, and many of them are spending enormous amounts of time, money and energy to prepare themselves for the extremely difficult times that are rapidly approaching. In some cases, ultra-wealthy individuals are forking out giant mountains of cash for luxurious underground bunkers in the middle of nowhere. In other cases, elitists are actually buying citizenship in far away foreign lands that they think will be safe.
We are talking about some of the smartest and wealthiest people in our entire society, and they are so freaked out about what is coming that they have become absolutely obsessed with trying to save themselves.
Many of these individuals got to where they are today by staying one step ahead of everyone else. That is why it is so alarming that 2,150 corporate executives sold off shares in their own companies in the month August alone. Do they know something that the rest of us don't?
Of course when things start getting really bad, many among the elite do not plan to stick around to see what happens. The following comes from a Guardian article entitled "The super-rich 'preppers' planning to save themselves from the apocalypse"...
Many of those seriously seeking a safe haven simply hire one of several prepper construction companies to bury a prefab steel-lined bunker somewhere on one of their existing properties. Rising S Company in Texas builds and installs bunkers and tornado shelters for as little as $40,000 for an 8ft by 12ft emergency hideout all the way up to the $8.3m luxury series "Aristocrat", complete with pool and bowling lane. The enterprise originally catered to families seeking temporary storm shelters, before it went into the long-term apocalypse business. The company logo, complete with three crucifixes, suggests their services are geared more toward Christian evangelist preppers in red-state America than billionaire tech bros playing out sci-fi scenarios.
#17510599 at 2022-09-07 18:05:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21465: Dimufactered Terror? PANIC Edition
Very Vivid
#17509664 at 2022-09-07 14:21:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21464: Be Careful of Metal Objects Edition
It's STRANGE to watch the muslims population bomb Europe at the same time the US is being population bombed with Catholics, and think nothing is odd about a dual lack of response, or at the very list, damage mitigation efforts.
#17509120 at 2022-09-07 11:54:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21463: Same Russiagate Crew Investigating Mar-a-Lago Documents Edition
Mysterious white mounds spark alarm after appearing across Great Salt Lake: 'We are concerned'
Park rangers in Utah are concerned and confounded by the appearance of STRANGE white mounds along the shorelines of the Great Salt Lake.
Over the last several winters, rangers have noticed that the lake's usually flat southern shoreline has been pocked by unusual white mounds popping up along its shoreline.
Angelic Anderson, a ranger at the Great Salt Lake State Park, told Gizmodo that she and other rangers grew so concerned by the mounds that they reached out to other state agencies for help.
"We were very concerned,"she said. "One of our rangers contacted the Utah Geological Survey looking for answers."
UGS geologists responded and collected samples from the mounds. Their tests determined that the piles were a type of salt formation called a mirabilite mound, which is sometimes called Glauber's salt.
The formations are generally rare and occur when underground water reacts with minerals and then bubbles up to the surface. When the mixture mingles with cold air, it forms white crystals, which then solidify into the chalky, white mounds.
The mounds were first spotted in 2019. Generally the section of the lake where they cropped up would be covered in water, but the lake's levels have dropped significantly over the last three years to record lows thanks to worsening drought conditions throughout the west.
This has provided an ideal environment for the mounds to grow. The UGS report suggested that the mounds may eventually seal off their initial water source, which forces the groundwater to find a new path to the surface. When that happens, a new mound forms, continuing the cycle.
Ms Anderson said each year since 2019 they have found more mounds, and often larger mounds than in years prior.
"But this year, we've recorded 15, the most we've ever seen," she said. "They've also gotten bigger, with one measuring three feet in height. Last year there was also one that was 35-feet long."
The emergence of the mounds has spurred local tourist interest thanks to their coverage in the news. Rangers have begun leading tours to the mound sites, and a local university has started collecting samples to study the biology of the structures.
Lending to the interest is the fact that the mounds are temporary; the mounds need the cold air of winter to form, and as temperatures rise through the spring and summer, the mounds collapse into a thin layer of white powder called thenardite.
It's unlikely conditions at the lake will change significantly enough in the next few months, so it is likely that a new set of mounds will show up this winter along the shoreline.
#17508829 at 2022-09-07 10:05:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21463: Same Russiagate Crew Investigating Mar-a-Lago Documents Edition
it is a STRANGE thing to post, It looks like the start of the In the End video that was early q days. Not sure why you would waste a post of an old tweet but anyways here is the vid if you have not seen it.
#17508566 at 2022-09-07 07:49:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21462: Presidential Records Act Edition
In the age of 19 I realized, that you get punished for good work. You have to do more, if you work fast and good! This was the moment I realized, I have to chose a complete insane lifestyle! And I did! While I was doing it, there was a strong thought in me that I am here for a specific reason and that this reason will find me! I just have to live! There was another STRANGE thought, coming back from time to time… I have seen me, fighting in a big war… To answer your question, this mission found me, but God directed me in this direction trough every move I made in my life! Overwhelming shit I don't understand! But I am comfy and blessed!
#17507574 at 2022-09-07 01:28:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21461: Dr. Oz dropping red pills edition
Obviously not breaking news here, but with Podesta back in the news, thought it might be a good time to review.
Podesta Emails
>Discussion about Podesta's black&white hankerchief (same code as above) that has a pizza related map on it. Apparently it's very important as the person who found it, emailed Susan&Herb Sandler about sending it to them, who then asked Podesta. Podesta says it's not worth worrying about. Side note: can't find the pillows they purchased?
>Have to settle for 2-month old pasta from podesta?? (Email sent march 1st, eating pasta from christmas)
>Dreaming about Podesta's "hotdog stand" in hawaii
>Luzatto brings children for entertainment in heated pool (includes names+ages of kids)
>Herb complains to podesta about switching up the sending "strategy" without notice, got cheese instead of pasta
Podesta/Hillary Occult Emails
>Lewis Amselem sacrifices a chicken to Moloch
>Podesta gets a STRANGE email from an occult artist, talking about the ancient sumerian goddess ishtar
>Podesta gets an email from a news site talking about the owl of minerva
>Hillary Clinton talks with Jacob Sullivan about whether Minerva approves of what they're discussing
>Asking the podestas about a "thelema". Some weird quotes around some words. Thelema is an occult religion, not a thing, right? A quick search of the sender (John Demos) reveals he wrote a book titled "entertaining satan"
>Podestas plan a spirit cooking dinner with Marina Abramovic
>Hillary asks about inviting Marina to a "filipino lunch"
>pizza.jpg image
>Icecream is very serious
>Podesta still in the torture chamber
>Some DNC people talking about a "lollipop" experience (their quotes, not mine)
#17507528 at 2022-09-07 01:19:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21461: Dr. Oz dropping red pills edition
Obviously not breaking news here, but with Podesta back in the news, thought it might be a good time to review.
Podesta Emails
>Discussion about Podesta's black&white hankerchief (same code as above) that has a pizza related map on it. Apparently it's very important as the person who found it, emailed Susan&Herb Sandler about sending it to them, who then asked Podesta. Podesta says it's not worth worrying about. Side note: can't find the pillows they purchased?
>Have to settle for 2-month old pasta from podesta?? (Email sent march 1st, eating pasta from christmas)
>Dreaming about Podesta's "hotdog stand" in hawaii
>Luzatto brings children for entertainment in heated pool (includes names+ages of kids)
>Herb complains to podesta about switching up the sending "strategy" without notice, got cheese instead of pasta
Podesta/Hillary Occult Emails
>Lewis Amselem sacrifices a chicken to Moloch
>Podesta gets a STRANGE email from an occult artist, talking about the ancient sumerian goddess ishtar
>Podesta gets an email from a news site talking about the owl of minerva
>Hillary Clinton talks with Jacob Sullivan about whether Minerva approves of what they're discussing
>Asking the podestas about a "thelema". Some weird quotes around some words. Thelema is an occult religion, not a thing, right? A quick search of the sender (John Demos) reveals he wrote a book titled "entertaining satan"
>Podestas plan a spirit cooking dinner with Marina Abramovic
>Hillary asks about inviting Marina to a "filipino lunch"
>pizza.jpg image
>Icecream is very serious
>Podesta still in the torture chamber
>Some DNC people talking about a "lollipop" experience (their quotes, not mine)
#17505632 at 2022-09-06 17:02:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21459: Comfy Dayshift Activated Edition
>>17503341 Dr. Paul Alexander relates shocking saga of experience in DC, profound corruption of 'Deep State'
>>17503351, >>17503401, >>17503782 Invermectin use led to 92% reduction in cv19 mortality rate - had to be disqualified as a treatment to get vax EUA
>>17503355 Documents Show Afghan President's Brother Held Secret Stake in Company that Received Mineral Shipments
>>17503436 Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California's Grid Operator Declares Emergency
>>17503464 To learn about 20th C. economics, research General Smedley Butler, The Business Coup and Prescott Bush
>>17503466, >>17504039 HCQ recipe - not medical advice
>>17503469, >>17503474 Biden called "the incumbent President"
>>17503497, >>17503863 NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
>>17503510, >>17503536 Berkey Filters remove flouride
>>17503740, >>17503639, >>17503645, >>17503670, >>17503692, >>17503708, >>17503720 Watch the water
>>17503563 grounded plants produced double the yield of ungrounded plants
>>17503812, >>17503824, >>17503827 water powered engine DIY
>>17503593, >>17503723 possible shooting hoax in Rancho Cucamongo, CA - suspect identified
>>17503616 huge flooding in RI and GA
>>17503619, >>17503607 BDS, Berkeley Student Groups Pass law Pledging to Not Invite Pro-Israel Speakers; Jews upset
>>17503649, >>17503759, >>17503763 Resident Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid
>>17503678 One of the biggest strikes in US history is brewing at UPS
>>17503448 Pray for Britney Spears
>>17503730, >>17503778, >>17503787 WH Visit with Zuck last week, "some of the older ones may not be here" - WDHMBT?
>>17503766 Kash retruths old post: something's gonna happen
>>17503786 there were researchers who risked their lives before the information super highway existed
>>17503840, >>17503844 Pedosta is BACK ON THE MENU
>>17503845 Andrew Weissmann is upset
>>17503951 OIG Audit Report for Dept. of Treasury Inteligence Cybersecurity
>>17503867 Police: 'Fat Leonard' escapes house arrest in San Diego
>>17503996 Trump's medical records, tax docs seized in FBI raid, judge reveals
>>17504042 #21456
Previously Collected
>>17502481 #21454, >>17503298 #21455-A, >>17503300 #21455-B
>>17500938 #21452, >>17501640 #21453-B, >>17501636 #21453-A
>>17498404 #21449, >>17499192 #21450, >>17500252 #21451
>>17496060 #21446-B, >>17496841 #21447, >>17497646 #21448
>>17494516 #21444, >>17496133 #21445, >>17495953 #21446-A
>>17492194 #21441, >>17492961 #21442, >>17493723 #21443
>>17489897 #21438, >>17490672 #21439, >>17491455 #21440
>>16463405 Notables Bread #15: High Five >>17474548
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#17504990 at 2022-09-06 14:37:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21458: Good Morning Patriots Edition
FBI Took Top Secret List Containing Names of VIP Pedophiles During Trump Raid
September 5, 2022
… So what was the FBI really after?… it seems the Deep State who command the FBI were after something specific.
During Ghislaine Maxwell's first interview after being arrested and put in solitary confinement awaiting trial, she made some very peculiar statements. They were so off-the-wall that they were certain to be included in any post-interview write-ups. Here's what was said in the Daily Mail:
'Mysterious' events have led her to create an imaginary cellmate, despite the fact she has been in solitary confinement from the start, with a light being shone into her cell every 15 minutes to ensure she has not self-harmed.
'STRANGE things happen. The toilet flushes, the shower turns on when no one is nearby. When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a 'cellmate' called A-17 so when something STRANGE happens I blame it on A-17.'
… Some at the time speculated that the placement of the odd phrase was intended to send a message to the outside world, perhaps the powers-that-be who she wanted to alert. The message could have been that she is aware of what's in A-17 and that's why they need to keep her alive.
For months, it's been a mystery what the term means.
But after a list of contents taken from Mar-a-Lago by the FBI was released, there it was. Item 12 was Box labeled A-17.
Is it possible that Donald Trump took documents containing some or all of the dirt on Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine-Maxwell? You better believe it's possible
… we are talking about an FBI that sawed into Jeffrey Epstein's safe in his Upper East Side apartment in Manhattan, confiscated hard drives and several boxes of evidence - and then managed to conveniently "misplace" the evidence.
If Trump has dirt on Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and any of the other frequent flyers aboard the Lolita Express, would he or most people reveal it to destroy them or use the dirt to control them?
It remains to be seen if this theory is correct. But the evidence is stacking up in its favor.
How else to explain the enormous coincidence of Ghislaine Maxwell using her first interview from prison to bizarrely use the phrase A-17? It had to be a message to people on the outside.
And then the next time we hear the term A-17 is in connection with the unprecedented FBI raid on the residence of a former President. What are the odds on these two references to A-17 being a complete and utter coincidence?
#17504986 at 2022-09-06 14:34:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21458: Good Morning Patriots Edition
Remember when they Blocked HCQ & Azithromycin as a treatment
Remember when they told everyone masks work
Remember when they called experimental genetic therapy a vaccine
Remember when they said that vaccines were 96% effective in preventing treatment
Remember they censored the Morticians from going public on the STRANGE Clots and Blood extracted from the dead
Remember how many workers have been fired for refusing the experimental mRNA not only in healthcare but across all industries
Remember when they drugged and ventilated patients for low blood oxygen when in truth it was a blood disorder caused by Clots and deposited iron
REMEMBER these are all crimes against humanity and a violation of the Nuremberg Codes
How many children with a 99.997% survival rate were vaxxed with mRNA and have heart disorders that will shorten their lifespan
How Many athletes were force Vaxxed to Play that died from heart attacks ? in the hundreds !!!
Remember when Democrat governors put sick people into Nursing Homes and killed off Granny & Gramps
#17504859 at 2022-09-06 14:04:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21458: Good Morning Patriots Edition
>>17503341 Dr. Paul Alexander relates shocking saga of experience in DC, profound corruption of 'Deep State'
>>17503351, >>17503401, >>17503782 Invermectin use led to 92% reduction in cv19 mortality rate - had to be disqualified as a treatment to get vax EUA
>>17503355 Documents Show Afghan President's Brother Held Secret Stake in Company that Received Mineral Shipments
>>17503436 Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California's Grid Operator Declares Emergency
>>17503464 To learn about 20th C. economics, research General Smedley Butler, The Business Coup and Prescott Bush
>>17503466, >>17504039 HCQ recipe - not medical advice
>>17503469, >>17503474 Biden called "the incumbent President"
>>17503497, >>17503863 NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
>>17503510, >>17503536 Berkey Filters remove flouride
>>17503740, >>17503639, >>17503645, >>17503670, >>17503692, >>17503708, >>17503720 Watch the water
>>17503563 grounded plants produced double the yield of ungrounded plants
>>17503812, >>17503824, >>17503827 water powered engine DIY
>>17503593, >>17503723 possible shooting hoax in Rancho Cucamongo, CA - suspect identified
>>17503616 huge flooding in RI and GA
>>17503619, >>17503607 BDS, Berkeley Student Groups Pass law Pledging to Not Invite Pro-Israel Speakers; Jews upset
>>17503649, >>17503759, >>17503763 Resident Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid
>>17503678 One of the biggest strikes in US history is brewing at UPS
>>17503448 Pray for Britney Spears
>>17503730, >>17503778, >>17503787 WH Visit with Zuck last week, "some of the older ones may not be here" - WDHMBT?
>>17503766 Kash retruths old post: something's gonna happen
>>17503786 there were researchers who risked their lives before the information super highway existed
>>17503840, >>17503844 Pedosta is BACK ON THE MENU
>>17503845 Andrew Weissmann is upset
>>17503951 OIG Audit Report for Dept. of Treasury Inteligence Cybersecurity
>>17503867 Police: 'Fat Leonard' escapes house arrest in San Diego
>>17503996 Trump's medical records, tax docs seized in FBI raid, judge reveals
>>17504042 #21456
Previously Collected
>>17502481 #21454, >>17503298 #21455-A, >>17503300 #21455-B
>>17500938 #21452, >>17501640 #21453-B, >>17501636 #21453-A
>>17498404 #21449, >>17499192 #21450, >>17500252 #21451
>>17496060 #21446-B, >>17496841 #21447, >>17497646 #21448
>>17494516 #21444, >>17496133 #21445, >>17495953 #21446-A
>>17492194 #21441, >>17492961 #21442, >>17493723 #21443
>>17489897 #21438, >>17490672 #21439, >>17491455 #21440
>>16463405 Notables Bread #15: High Five >>17474548
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#17504593 at 2022-09-06 12:49:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21457: Podesta Is Back On The Menu Edition
Homeowner Wakes Up and Shoots Alleged Intruder Dead
AWR Hawkins5 Sep 2022
A homeowner in Keizer, Oregon, awoke to STRANGE noises about 2:15 a.m. Sunday and shot an alleged intruder dead.
KATU2 reports that the home is located on Mayfield Place North.
Police arrived on scene to find the alleged intruder with a gunshot wound, KGW8 notes. The intruder was pronounced dead at the scene.
The identities of the homeowner and the alleged intruder have not been released.
On August 26, police in Madison, Wisconsin, responded to a home intruder call and found the alleged masked intruder deceased at the scene.
WMTV notes that officers arrived at the apartment "in the 1700 block of Packers Ave." to find the resident who shot the alleged intruder outside waiting for them, to fill them in on what had happened.
#17504460 at 2022-09-06 11:30:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21457: Podesta Is Back On The Menu Edition
Some STRANGE internet thing we weren't privvy to, the left were all posting single words that day.
Even Biden ('s staffers) did one.
#17504048 at 2022-09-06 06:18:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21457: Podesta Is Back On The Menu Edition
Know your bunker: https:'//'endchan.gg/qrbunker
Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats, msm trying to nail "Q and anons"
HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics; >>17322505 E-Bake PLS TAG THE DOUGH
Baker's Lite JS code >>17224816 ; Q post formatting >>17224834 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884
Baker notes/names per 8bit/Flint >>17485763, >>17485629, >>17485625 new
Baker sign-ins - plz be clear - e-bakers sign off if not collecting or using notetaker new
>>17485628 Format for A/B notables is -A,-B #11111-A #11111-B >>17242529 updated
>>17500759 BAKERS - breads are going past 751, here's what to do NEW
>>17503341 Dr. Paul Alexander relates shocking saga of experience in DC, profound corruption of 'Deep State'
>>17503351, >>17503401, >>17503782 Invermectin use led to 92% reduction in cv19 mortality rate - had to be disqualified as a treatment to get vax EUA
>>17503355 Documents Show Afghan President's Brother Held Secret Stake in Company that Received Mineral Shipments
>>17503436 Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California's Grid Operator Declares Emergency
>>17503464 To learn about 20th C. economics, research General Smedley Butler, The Business Coup and Prescott Bush
>>17503466, >>17504039 HCQ recipe - not medical advice
>>17503469, >>17503474 Biden called "the incumbent President"
>>17503497, >>17503863 NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
>>17503510, >>17503536 Berkey Filters remove flouride
>>17503740, >>17503639, >>17503645, >>17503670, >>17503692, >>17503708, >>17503720 Watch the water
>>17503563 grounded plants produced double the yield of ungrounded plants
>>17503812, >>17503824, >>17503827 water powered engine DIY
>>17503593, >>17503723 possible shooting hoax in Rancho Cucamongo, CA - suspect identified
>>17503616 huge flooding in RI and GA
>>17503619, >>17503607 BDS, Berkeley Student Groups Pass law Pledging to Not Invite Pro-Israel Speakers; Jews upset
>>17503649, >>17503759, >>17503763 Resident Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid
>>17503678 One of the biggest strikes in US history is brewing at UPS
>>17503448 Pray for Britney Spears
>>17503730, >>17503778, >>17503787 WH Visit with Zuck last week, "some of the older ones may not be here" - WDHMBT?
>>17503766 Kash retruths old post: something's gonna happen
>>17503786 there were researchers who risked their lives before the information super highway existed
>>17503840, >>17503844 Pedosta is BACK ON THE MENU
>>17503845 Andrew Weissmann is upset
>>17503951 OIG Audit Report for Dept. of Treasury Inteligence Cybersecurity
>>17503867 Police: 'Fat Leonard' escapes house arrest in San Diego
>>17503996 Trump's medical records, tax docs seized in FBI raid, judge reveals
>>17504042 #21456
#17504042 at 2022-09-06 06:15:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21456: The Comfefe Before The Storm Edition
>>17503341 Dr. Paul Alexander relates shocking saga of experience in DC, profound corruption of 'Deep State'
>>17503351, >>17503401, >>17503782 Invermectin use led to 92% reduction in cv19 mortality rate - had to be disqualified as a treatment to get vax EUA
>>17503355 Documents Show Afghan President's Brother Held Secret Stake in Company that Received Mineral Shipments
>>17503436 Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California's Grid Operator Declares Emergency
>>17503464 To learn about 20th C. economics, research General Smedley Butler, The Business Coup and Prescott Bush
>>17503466, >>17504039 HCQ recipe - not medical advice
>>17503469, >>17503474 Biden called "the incumbent President"
>>17503497, >>17503863 NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
>>17503510, >>17503536 Berkey Filters remove flouride
>>17503740, >>17503639, >>17503645, >>17503670, >>17503692, >>17503708, >>17503720 Watch the water
>>17503563 grounded plants produced double the yield of ungrounded plants
>>17503812, >>17503824, >>17503827 water powered engine DIY
>>17503593, >>17503723 possible shooting hoax in Rancho Cucamongo, CA - suspect identified
>>17503616 huge flooding in RI and GA
>>17503619, >>17503607 BDS, Berkeley Student Groups Pass law Pledging to Not Invite Pro-Israel Speakers; Jews upset
>>17503649, >>17503759, >>17503763 Resident Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid
>>17503678 One of the biggest strikes in US history is brewing at UPS
>>17503448 Pray for Britney Spears
>>17503730, >>17503778, >>17503787 WH Visit with Zuck last week, "some of the older ones may not be here" - WDHMBT?
>>17503766 Kash retruths old post: something's gonna happen
>>17503786 there were researchers who risked their lives before the information super highway existed
>>17503840, >>17503844 Pedosta is BACK ON THE MENU
>>17503845 Andrew Weissmann is upset
>>17503951 OIG Audit Report for Dept. of Treasury Inteligence Cybersecurity
>>17503867 Police: 'Fat Leonard' escapes house arrest in San Diego
>>17503996 Trump's medical records, tax docs seized in FBI raid, judge reveals
#17504019 at 2022-09-06 06:06:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21456: The Comfefe Before The Storm Edition
>investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
>is on EARTH like it has always been.
Vibes of Cosmos Trailer
#17503973 at 2022-09-06 05:46:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21456: The Comfefe Before The Storm Edition
in case my internet's cut off
>>17503341 Dr. Paul Alexander relates shocking saga of experience in DC, profound corruption of 'Deep State'
>>17503351, >>17503401, >>17503782 Invermectin use led to 92% reduction in cv19 mortality rate - had to be disqualified as a treatment to get vax EUA
>>17503355 Documents Show Afghan President's Brother Held Secret Stake in Company that Received Mineral Shipments
>>17503436 Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California's Grid Operator Declares Emergency
>>17503464 To learn about 20th C. economics, research General Smedley Butler, The Business Coup and Prescott Bush
>>17503466 HCQ recipe - not medical advice
>>17503469, >>17503474 Biden called "the incumbent President"
>>17503497, >>17503863 NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
>>17503510, >>17503536 Berkey Filters remove flouride
>>17503740, >>17503639, >>17503645, >>17503670, >>17503692, >>17503708, >>17503720 Watch the water
>>17503563 grounded plants produced double the yield of ungrounded plants
>>17503812, >>17503824, >>17503827 water powered engine DIY
>>17503593, 17503723 possible shooting hoax in Rancho Cucamongo, CA - suspect identified
>>17503616 huge flooding in RI and GA
>>17503619, >>17503607 BDS, Berkeley Student Groups Pass law Pledging to Not Invite Pro-Israel Speakers; Jews upset
>>17503649, >>17503759, >>17503763 Resident Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid
>>17503678 One of the biggest strikes in US history is brewing at UPS
>>17503448 Pray for Britney Spears
>>17503730, >>17503778, >>17503787 WH Visit with Zuck last week, "some of the older ones may not be here" - WDHMBT?
>>17503766 Kash retruths old post: something's gonna happen
>>17503786 there were researchers who risked their lives before the information super highway existed
>>17503840, >>17503844 Pedosta is BACK ON THE MENU
>>17503845 Andrew Weissmann is upset
#17503801 at 2022-09-06 04:49:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21456: The Comfefe Before The Storm Edition
>>17503341 Dr. Paul Alexander relates shocking saga of experience in DC, profound corruption of 'Deep State'
>>17503351, >>17503401, >>17503782 Invermectin use led to 92% reduction in cv19 mortality rate - had to be disqualified as a treatment to get vax EUA
>>17503355 Documents Show Afghan President's Brother Held Secret Stake in Company that Received Mineral Shipments
>>17503436 Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California's Grid Operator Declares Emergency
>>17503464 To learn about 20th C. economics, research General Smedley Butler, The Business Coup and Prescott Bush
>>17503466 HCQ recipe - not medical advice
>>17503469, >>17503474 Biden called "the incumbent President"
>>17503497 NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
>>17503510, >>17503536 Berkey Filters remove flouride
>>17503740, >>17503639, >>17503645, >>17503670, >>17503692, >>17503708, >>17503720 Watch the water
>>17503563 grounded plants produced double the yield of ungrounded plants
>>17503593, 17503723 possible shooting hoax in Rancho Cucamongo, CA - suspect identified
>>17503616 huge flooding in RI and GA
>>17503619, >>17503607 BDS, Berkeley Student Groups Pass law Pledging to Not Invite Pro-Israel Speakers; Jews upset
>>17503649, >>17503759, >>17503763 Resident Biden Ordered Mar-a-Lago Raid
>>17503678 One of the biggest strikes in US history is brewing at UPS
>>17503448 Pray for Britney Spears
>>17503730, >>17503778, >>17503787 "some of the older ones may not be here" - WDHMBT?
>>17503766 Kash retruths old post: something's gonna happen
>>17503786 there were researchers who risked their lives before the information super highway existed
#17503520 at 2022-09-06 03:39:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21456: The Comfefe Before The Storm Edition
Notables @200
>>17503341 Dr. Paul Alexander relates shocking saga of experience in DC, profound corruption of 'Deep State'
>>17503351, >>17503401 Invermectin use led to 92% reduction in cv19 mortality rate - had to be disqualified as a treatment to get vax EUA
>>17503355 Documents Show Afghan President's Brother Held Secret Stake in Company that Received Mineral Shipments
>>17503436 Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California's Grid Operator Declares Emergency
>>17503464 To learn about 20th C. economics, research General Smedley Butler, The Business Coup and Prescott Bush
>>17503466 HCQ recipe - not medical advice
>>17503469 >>17503474 Biden called "the incumbent President"
>>17503497 NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space.
#17503497 at 2022-09-06 03:33:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21456: The Comfefe Before The Storm Edition
NASA has been investigating a STRANGE glitch that has caused Voyager 1 to send back nonsense data about its location in space. 👀
#17502628 at 2022-09-06 00:25:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21455: Red October, October surprise, weather weaponry? Edition
'member that night a few years ago when the whole world resonated with that STRANGE ringing? scientists said it was like the world rang like a bell? Q dropped sometthing about it. I think it started near Madagascar
#17502097 at 2022-09-05 22:26:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21454: Incumbent pResident's Special Request Edition
>>17501056 Pope declares 'zero tolerance' for Catholic Church abuse, takes personal responsibility for ending it
Seens very STRANGE he'll not tolerate the abuse now, did he tolerate abuse since 2014 as long as they didn't get caught? He's the poop why not say that we he became the poop? He's lying again
#17501804 at 2022-09-05 21:21:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21454: Incumbent pResident's Special Request Edition
Margot spots another funny…
Margot Cleveland
This also struck me as STRANGE: DOJ sought grand jury subpoena for all documents marked classified before they saw what was in the 15 boxes returned to NARA.>>17501796
#17501445 at 2022-09-05 20:03:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21453: Who Is Up For A Suicide? Edition
Hair Dress Through the Ages
This is the most visually hilarious of all John Kieran's films, and its narration is admirably befuddled as well. Great footage of STRANGE hats from the Middle Ages, Elizabethan England, and ancient Egypt; of hairstyles of the Greeks and Romans; and of a caveman combing his matted tresses with a fish skeleton. Extremely odd (and humorous) historical recreations of human beings and their relationship to their hair.
#17500728 at 2022-09-05 17:05:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21452: The Day Be Labored Edition
New Video from Joe M, the creator of "Q -The Plan to Save the World"
"You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Rise. #Covid911
Right now the country is being torn apart by the biggest political hoax and coordinated mass-media disinformation campaign in living history. You may know it, as Covid19.
In 2015, as directed by the globalist criminal corruption network known as the Deep State, President Barack Obama authorized millions in funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the location now understood to be the epicenter of the Covid19 outbreak.
The research carried out here was to provide the agent for a global biological attack on a scale never before seen - one that would be timed for release within an election year - starting the very day unsubstantiated efforts to impeach President Trump fell apart.
With their base of operations in the Democrat establishment, the Deep State shadow corporation embarked on a coordinated irregular warfare insurgency, with multiple aims, all under the cover of a global pandemic they themselves manufactured for this purpose.
Enabled by their owned and controlled corporate media monopoly, they instigated a heavy-handed and unjustifiable nationwide shutdown to reverse Trump's many economic and unemployment gains, with Democrat-controlled states suffering the harshest restrictions in the country. Trump's energetic rallies were halted, hiding from view the surging nationwide passion for his galvanizing message, while Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden was able to avoid interviews and debates where Left-leaning voters would not be shown his obvious inability to govern or the emerging Ukrainian bribery scandal that earned his family millions in illicit kickbacks by abusing his office.
The next major advantage of the pandemic for the Deep State was the case made to the public for mail-in voting, a highly insecure practice proven to be rampant with fraud, just as the public saw in one such example when a former Philadelphia judge pled guilty to stuffing ballot boxes after being paid by what he called a "Democrat political consultant".
With a rapidly rising death toll needed to make the case to the public for even harsher control, normal influenza deaths for the year were recorded as Covid19, artificially inflating the numbers. But this was only the beginning. When this did not yield enough fatalities, the Deep State then initiated a murderous plan to defy federal guidelines and move infected patients into nursing homes where the highest risk age group could be found in large numbers.
Deep State governors of NY, NJ, CA, PA, and MI oversaw what can only be described as a genocide of our elderly loved ones even as the quickly constructed field hospitals and medically equipped Navy ships stood mostly empty. This horrendous act cost the lives of over 50,000 people - but gave the insurgency a death toll that would stoke the public fear needed to push ahead with their goals.
In these dark times, when people had little else but the comfort of community and their faith, this too was forcibly halted when simply going to church was banned across the country under the guise of public safety. Depression and loneliness became the new epidemic, all designed to create the social conditions needed for what was to come next in their despotic plan to fracture the nation and hold onto power.
Immediately upon reports of a flattening curve and a reduction in new cases, the mysterious murder of George Floyd hit the headlines. What was presented to the public as a routine instance of racially motivated police brutality turned out to be a STRANGE and coincidental series of events involving two men who once knew each-other working security in a night club.
This event provided the justification for the next chapter in their coordinated insurgency against the United States. The goal was to to inflame civil unrest along racial lines on an emotional platform of social justice. Black Lives Matter was funded and designed by the corrupt Democrat establishment as a social weapon to draw crowds of well-meaning protesters into harm's way, using them as human shields while they pushed a savage insurrection on city streets.
After November they stand to lose it all but they will do everything to keep the crisis alive and the people in fear. To win we must remember what made us strong so that true justice can finally return to what is and always will be the most exceptional Republic ever to exist in all of human history.
May God bless America."
#17500170 at 2022-09-05 14:46:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21451: Comfy E-BAKE Edition
#17498924 at 2022-09-05 06:33:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21450: Did You Ever Hear The Tragedy of Crackpipe Biden? Edition
another week
are you ready
are you tired
so is ds and they almost out of ammo (and time)
why do you think their moves are so desperate?
this is big bet, all-in territory; set bear traps in bear country to survive, figuratively
fold, fold, fold, (come'on good hand), pocket 7s, raise 3/4 the pot (small ball Negreanu style 2000's era maybe earlier); swamp looks flustered..
if we gather moar and rest well = sharp/grow
fake news doing a bluff 'dems are climbing back, look at the polls'
psych move; see it all the Time in random games across States
a master can do it but you won't see it
a drunk rookie is seen down the road coming and the mood at the game lifts
Young Players already spending that money; wiser players picking a number to bounce on (i'm gone at $_)
$1000 in 2 hands 'umm yeah guys, i gotta pay a bill; GOOD to see y'all'
'next Time'
'yup def next Time'
if WE can SEE your bluff which are you, swamp?
take [their] power Anons, all of it (peacefully); ty
Mike Lindell says elections can't be secure w machines; remove machines and count by hand he suggests
what say ye?
its STRANGE how fake news ignores the amount of information shared at Truth Summit Aug 20 weekend
and i notice fake news doesn't talk #2000Mules #SelectionCode, no?
if they are trying to hide it what is the counter?
thank you Anons
#17498765 at 2022-09-05 05:34:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21450: Did You Ever Hear The Tragedy of Crackpipe Biden? Edition
I wonder how many others have had their IP's tagged/phone faggin here.
Banned from using about 7 search engines to make a drop on 8 kun.
Some VPN's also.
YOUR NOT GOING TO STOP OUR 1st Ammendment rights assholes.
Come get me…
You don't like who I vote for FO!!!
STRANGE captchas
#17498069 at 2022-09-05 02:25:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21449: Anons Bring The Thunder Edition
Not yet…
Well, the young couple had sex. You know what this means-they are doomed.
Shows where lots of people die tend to have a STRANGE conservatism about who gets killed. If anyone engages in nonmarital sex, especially unprotected and/or with someone they don't really know, you should probably consider them to have a crosshair on their back, even if the killer is choosing their victims totally at random. Fanservice Extras are particularly vulnerable to this trope.
Very common in slasher movies, such as the Friday the 13th series, and the entire basis of such Dark Fantasy and Supernatural Thriller films as Liquid Sky and It Follows. This could be a metaphor for the AIDS scare (then-new in the case of older films), or for STDs in general, although according to one of the makers of A Nightmare on Elm Street, it was simply because he thought that people having sex will forget about everything else and be especially vulnerable to serial killers. Which wouldn't be an Ass Pull if they only died during sex, but when they're prone to it afterward, it is hard not to interpret it as anything but a cautionary message.
#17498003 at 2022-09-05 02:10:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21449: Anons Bring The Thunder Edition
>>17496066 pb
> Cloudflare Blocks Kiwi Farms Messaging Board
>>17496080 pb
https://youtu.be/u3oSy2vJj3I -
>video of Clara "Keffals" Sorrenti claiming she was swatted by KiwiFarms.
Cloudflare Blocks Kiwi Farms Messaging Board From Internet Services
'''Highly relevant in light of Cloudflare's proclamation a few days ago that he should never had deplatformmed 8chan or Daily Stormer.
Users of Kiwifarms say yes, based on false accusations.
Moderator Null of Kiwifarms explains what happened:
- Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince stated an imminent threat to human life was why he revoked our service.
- He elaborates in his post, and claims violent rhetoric had ramped up.
- This seems to be based off one of two things:
1. A post made on 4chan's /pol/ with a picture taken outside an apartment in Ireland which references the forum.
2. A series of posts made by one user, @Washizu Iwao (formerly @Serotonin).
This means that a community with 16,000 daily sign-ins is being punished for the behavior of a single user, or a person not even on our website.
Our website makes no money. All of our moderators are volunteers. It took Facebook (with a 24/7 staff of paid moderators) 29 minutes to remove the Christchurch shooting from Facebook Live.
This user joined in 2020, but the account remained inactive until July, 2022.
He made a single, low-effort post in an on-topic board before going dormant again until August 21st. Every subsequent post was in the Keffals thread.
The post by @Washizu Iwao was posted at 9:42pm EU time. It was reported seven times. After 32 minutes it was deleted by @Ride, one of our admins. The user was also banned. (Correction: The user deleted the post himself with the reason "retarded" 14 minutes after it had been posted, and 2 minutes after #DropKiwiFarms tweeted about it, as outlined here.)
This person is not an active member of the community. This appears to be a sleeper account someone had gotten access to in July, and kept on hand to use like this.
On August 31st, Matthew Prince released a strong statement defending his role as a service provider and not a regulatory body. 3 days later, something scared him. I don't know what it was, but it achieved the desired result. In an explanation published late on a Saturday, which reads as rushed and irrational, he tries to mitigate the whiplash between the two opposing statements by saying we are the worst site he has ever seen - because one post (which was already deleted by the time he pulled the plug) made a violent threat.
The precedent has been set. At Cloudflare, with enough pressure, a single post by a STRANGE account can be made to threaten a 9-year-old community and the tens of thousands of people who have used it every day for years. There has never been a violent incident in our history, which cannot be said for many other sites still on Cloudflare. This narrative feels like a lie spun up to save face.
Contrary to any other time Cloudflare has refused service, the error page for our domain is unique. It exists to defend Cloudflare's decision making and to defame our community as a dangerous organization with zero substance besides Matthew Prince's own words. He has never felt it necessary to seize a domain and convert it to a P.R. statement for Cloudflare before today.
Even now, I have received zero communication from Cloudflare or any law enforcement agency regarding #DropKiwiFarms or its members.
This concerns me and should deeply concern everyone about the state of the Internet.
#17497748 at 2022-09-05 01:12:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21449: Anons Bring The Thunder Edition
STRANGE on weather map forest fires in Russia don't cross borders ?
#17497563 at 2022-09-05 00:32:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21448: Today's Your Birthday Good Boy Edition
'Never Seen' Before: Embalmers Finding Long, Rubbery Clots Inside Corpses Since Implementation of Covid Vaccines
Embalmers are finding long, rubbery clots inside of corpses since the implementation of Covid vaccines.
According to one Alabama embalmer who has been treating corpses for over 20 year, the STRANGE fibrous clots emerged in May of 2021, shortly after the Covid vaccines first became available to the public.
"It wasn't until May or June of last year that I started to say, 'something is really different about the blood' and then later in September, I took my first picture, since I couldn't come out with just one piece of evidence because what if it's just a fluke?" Alabama embalmer Richard Hirschmann told 1819 News. "Now, I have been gathering evidence and I have pictures of over 100 cases. And it's not stopping. It's not slowing down."
The Epoch Times spoke to Richard Hirschmann and other embalmers who have all documented the same rubbery clots in corpses starting in 2021.
"In 20 years of embalming, I had never seen these white fibrous structures in the blood, nor have others in my field. In the past year, I have seen these STRANGE clots in many different individuals, and it doesn't seem to matter what they die of, they often have similar substances in their blood. This makes me very concerned because if something is wrong in the blood, it begs the question: is something causing people to die prematurely?" Hirschman told the Epoch Times.
Hirschmann said he has noticed that the blood in people's bodies has changed in the last two years.
Mr. Hirschmann said he cannot confirm that the blood clots are caused by the Covid vaccines, but it is his hope that the clots are investigated.
The Epoch Times reported:
Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, "fibrous" and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings.
Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these STRANGE clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021.
It's not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.
The Epoch Times received videos and photos of the anomalous clots, but could not upload them due to the level of gore.
Mike Adams, who runs an ISO-17025 accredited lab in Texas, analyzed clots in August and found them to be lacking iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
Adams's lab uses inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, usually testing food for metals, pesticides, and glyphosate.
"We have tested one of the clots from embalmer Richard Hirschman, via ICP-MS. Also tested side by side, live human blood from an unvaccinated person," Adams told The Epoch Times.
He found that the clots are lacking key elements present in healthy human blood, such as iron, potassium, and magnesium, suggesting that they are formed from something other than blood.
Adams is joining analytic forces with more doctors and plan to invest out of their own pocket in equipment in order to further determine their composition and probable causation.
The string-like structures differ in size, but the longest can be as long as a human leg and the thickest can be as thick as a pinky finger.
#17496622 at 2022-09-04 21:04:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21447: We WILL Make America Great Again! Edition
seriously you are writing exactly how i feel sometimes even about th weed and the doors it opens for me, cept i know the things on the other side want me so i have to try to not talk to them too much. The things in the shadows are just STRANGE. Or this could just be as you put it reading too much into crazy coincidences.
i have always felt that my trauma has helped not just with my art but with my memecraft. The psychic aspects of this war are still a little STRANGE to me as i am hesitant to fully engage. Mememagic is good enough for now.
#17495631 at 2022-09-04 16:58:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21446: Let Slip The Frogs of War Edition
Shall we play a game
This is not a game
Anons can play this game all day long
learn to play the game or the game will play you
A STRANGE game the only winning move is not to play
game over
#17495504 at 2022-09-04 16:33:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21446: Let Slip The Frogs of War Edition
Gina Carano Disappears From Twitter
Red State, by Jerry Wilson
Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/4/2022 10:24:05 AM
Something STRANGE is going on with Gina Carano's Twitter account. Namely, as of the present (September 4), it's not there. The account was active as recently as August 27th. The question is whether Carano deleted her account or Twitter deleted it for her. Usually, when Twitter pulls the plug it suspends the account, such as what it did to President Trump. Carano's account "no longer exists," which in Twitter talk means the user deleted it him or herself. This is possible, but this seems unlikely given how Carano freely and frequently used her account to publicize both her conservative views and different acting endeavors
#17495177 at 2022-09-04 14:58:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21445: For [THEIR] LOSS-OF-EVERYTHING IS with the Hearing of the THUNDER Edition
and in other Vatican news, first step in making John Paul 1 a saint.
"John Paul I, born Albino Luciani, is widely remembered more for his sudden, STRANGE death than for his life.
He was pope for just 33 days before dying of a heart attack on September 28, 1978."
#17494844 at 2022-09-04 13:05:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21445: For [THEIR] LOSS-OF-EVERYTHING IS with the Hearing of the THUNDER Edition
Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack
Post-Mortem Characteristics
Epoch Times, by Enrico Trigoso
Posted By: earlybird, 9/4/2022 5:26:14 AM
Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, "fibrous" and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings. Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these STRANGE clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021. It's not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.
#17494706 at 2022-09-04 11:50:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21445: For [THEIR] LOSS-OF-EVERYTHING IS with the Hearing of the THUNDER Edition
California's Birth Rate Declined 6.4% in June
Following Germany, Hungary, Taiwan, UK, and Sweden
This just in: this June of 2022, California live births dropped 6.4% compared to June of 2021. Here's the chart of year-on-year change in live births, by month. It shows changes in live births for the same months spaced a year ago. For example, change in California live births, comparing June of 2021 to June of 2022, is a drop of -6.4%.
This follows on the heel of birth rate drops in Germany, Taiwan, Switzerland, UK, Sweden, Hungary, and more.
What is going on? Let's explore.
Before I go further, I have to remind my readers: birth rates are always seasonal! Most parents prefer to make a "spring baby", which often ends up with them making a "summer baby" because conception takes more time than expected. So, never compare adjacent months as they are guaranteed to have dramatic changes that are simply seasonality-driven, with differences very repeatable over the years. Only compare months of one year with the same month of another year, please.
Clearly, 2022 started out as a banner year in California, with January 2022 births increasing 7.88% compared to January of 2021. (remember the 2020 lockdown causing the 2021 drop, from which 2022 rebounded) However, you can see that after that, year-on-year birth rate change started declining, dropping by 14% from +7.88% to -6.4% decline in June. The California chart looks similar to the Germany chart. Both of those showed rapid decline in birth rates:
If you want to examine it, California data is available from two sources: the 1960-2020 monthly series, and provisional 2021-2022 series.
What caused this birth rate drop? We cannot, obviously, definitively answer that since it just began to happen. We can only examine clues, for now, and need to start paying close attention.
Astute readers may ask: since California is a heavily vaccinated state, how come their birth rate reductions in June were lesser in magnitude (6%) than for other similarly heavily vaccinated countries (10+%)? It is a very important question.
The answer may lie in California's demographics. Whites in California comprise 36% of the population, but only give 28% of births. Hispanics represent 39% of the population, but give 46% of births in California. Thus, the birthrate among Hispanics is about 50% higher than among whites.
It is well known that the vaccine rollout was initially much more successful around whites and Asians, whereas black and Hispanic people were quite hesitant to get vaccinated in the beginning. Take a look at California vaccination rate by ethnicity for Aug 2021. You can see that on Aug 1 2021, whites 18-49 were 60.2% vaccinated, but Latinos of the same age were only 46% vaccinated. The blacks were only 41% vaccinated and they also have higher birth rates than whites. So, the higher-birth-giving ethnicities were much less vaccinated, likely even more so among younger women intending to get pregnant soon. That could explain why California, by Jun 2022, is seeing significant reductions in birth rates that are nevertheless somewhat lower than what we saw in, say, Sweden or Germany.
Please note, also, that STRANGE drops in birth rates 9 months after vaccination campaigns, are extremely concerning, but are not in themselves proof of causality. My Hungary article, analyzing vaccination rate and birth rate changes among 20 counties of Hungary, provides something very close to the proof of causality - but California changes alone, as concerning as they are, are not yet conclusively proving that California is experiencing vaccination-driven decline in birth rate. It is merely a signal that needs to be looked at, in context of similar developments in other countries.
Is this Decline Temporary or Permanent?
We do not know, yet, if massive changes in birth rates will be permanent or temporary. My Hungary article has a section that discusses this. It is possible that the reduction is a mix of temporary and permanent effects. As the population of young people received further vaccine doses later, that could also effect birth rates.
California is in a great company of North Dakota, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Taiwan, the UK, and Sweden. Take a look at my previous birth rate articles:
#17493900 at 2022-09-04 04:30:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21444: Activate Comfy Shift Edition
Always STRANGE when the posts show up out of the order of their timestamps.
#17492755 at 2022-09-04 01:17:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21442: TRUMP RALLY - MAGA Edition
well that was STRANGE he just introduced the johnson and johnson company and said he wanted stock, didnt they just get slammed even before the jab they made that got banned even though if i recall it was the only one that did not use mrna
#17491452 at 2022-09-03 23:27:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21440: RALLY, AIM, MEME! Edition
Oh okay, he just has the same ID and you did.
Fucking STRANGE.
#17491411 at 2022-09-03 23:22:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21440: RALLY, AIM, MEME! Edition
now memories from CATS STRANGE music choices tonight
#17489701 at 2022-09-03 18:12:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21438: Planefags Scrambled Edition
you are so STRANGE, boy
#17489694 at 2022-09-03 18:11:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21438: Planefags Scrambled Edition
Dr. STRANGE wishes you well
#17489541 at 2022-09-03 17:33:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21438: Planefags Scrambled Edition
STRANGE gonna keep this one
#17488523 at 2022-09-03 14:09:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21437: FJB Season Begins Edition
#17486805 at 2022-09-03 04:56:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21435: Biden's Disturbing Speech Fizzled? Edition
==Revolutionary Patents Have Been Granted To The U.S. Navy
February 4, 2020==
Five Previously Suppressed "Impossible Technologies" Have Been Released By the Navy Into the Public Arena: Electromagnetic Propulsion & Shielding, Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device (Anti-gravity), Room Temperature Superconductors (Massive Energy Storage) & Nuclear Fusion (Free Energy)
Public Patent Granted September 26, 2019: Plasma Compression Fusion Device
Public Patent Granted November 20, 2018: Electromagnetic Field Generator
Public Patent Granted December 4, 2018: Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device
Public Patent Granted February 21, 2019: Room Temperature Superconductor Film
Public Patent Granted June 18, 2019: High Frequency Wave Generator
Exceprts From: The Drive, The War Zone
Navy's Advanced Aerospace Tech Boss Claims Key UFO Patent Is Operable
Navy Officials claim their radical electromagnetic and superconductor technologies aren't theoretical, they are already operable in some form.
Last month, The War Zone reported on a series of STRANGE patent applications the U.S. Navy has filed over the last few years and questioned what their connections may be with the ongoing saga of Navy personnel reporting incidents involving unidentified objects in or near U.S. airspace.
We have several active Freedom of Information Act requests with the Department of Navy to pursue more information related to the research that led to these patents. As those are being processed, we've continued to dig through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) Public Patent Application Information Retrieval database to get as much context for these patents as possible.
In doing so, we came across documents that seem to suggest, at least by the Navy's own claims, that two highly peculiar Navy patents, the room temperature superconductor (RTSC) and the high-energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG), may in fact already be in operation in some manner. The inventor of the Navy's most bizarre patent, the straight-out-of-science fiction-sounding hybrid aerospace/underwater craft, describes that craft as leveraging the same room temperature superconductor technology and high energy electromagnetic fields to enable its unbelievable speed and maneuverability. If those two technologies are already operable as the Navy claims, could this mean the hybrid craft may also already operable or close to operable? Or is this just more evidence that the whole exotic 'UFO' patent endeavor on the Navy's behalf is some sort of ruse or even gross mismanagement of resources
#17486374 at 2022-09-03 03:34:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21434: Biden's BIDEN YOUTH - This week, satire (next week, who knows?) Edition
for any newbies:
pizzagate was started after the release of the Podesta emails by wikileaks
where you can find them still, I believe this was october/november 2016
assange had let it be known he had some big stuff about hillary
and there was a panic to shut it off
threats made to him about election interference
we all waited, waited
and then the podesta emails came out
and there was nothing dramatic there to be found
except for a STRANGE email from a friend
who owned a house the podesta group had rented
a beach house for the weekend, I think
and the email asked
"someone left a pizza related handkerchief
do you want it?"
turns out there is code
and the more people dug
the more they found
it opened the floodgates on some sleezy shit
that no one had ever seen
pieces started falling together
people were finding STRANGE parties at pizza houses
social media accounts of people were horrible
some were outright pedophiles
no one had to dream up anything
they didn't see us coming
they couldn't delete that shit fast enough
these pics
stuff I've found around town :
looks like pic
podesta means magistrate in italy
why the red shoes
#17484135 at 2022-09-02 19:50:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21431: Minions All Edition
STRANGE happenings.
Call sign VENUS95. USAF Boeing C-32A 09-0015 up out of Greenville, Texas.
Call sign SIERRA12. Taiwan armed forces LOCKHEED P-3 Orion 3315. Taxi roll at Barbados Defense Force Paragon Base.
#17483555 at 2022-09-02 17:46:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21430: The Devil Is In The Details Edition
some people choose to look away.
they are unable to tolerate it emotionally.
like a bad car crash / accident.
some people can't go there
also with the kid fucking / sadism
lots and lots of people can't go there.
the Biden stuff freaked me out a bit, and I didn't even see the worst (so we are told)
so the 'subconscious' blocks
anon has started to consider the 'subconscious' maybe God working; or works through it?
(sounds STRANGE but I think with grace, God will reveal things to you; so if you get 'better karma' things will be revealed to you - i've notice religious people are more 'up to date' on what's going on now; real religious people , not just attending Church / synagogue / Hindu ritual?; whatever)
One part of this is:
If they really prefer to avoid the topic, best to leave it alone, and move to people who are interested. it's a waste of time, otherwise.
Some of the material has to be dug on ; so just telling doesn't help, they have to see it themselves.
If they won't do footwork themselves, at the very minimum, abandon the subject
They believe they already know and will not be convinced.
Trey Gowdy wrote a book about asking questions. He is well experienced in vetting juries. He said first find out if they are open-minded; to have their opinions changed by evidence. If not, reject.
You can try to show it, but if they refuse to look, 'eyes wide shut' then it's futile
#17482770 at 2022-09-02 15:19:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21429: E-BAKE Edition
What does an anon do if they notice STRANGE habbenings at their new Muslim next-door neighbor's house? Moved in maybe 5 months ago.
Uhaul trucks after hours, all military-age males. Lots of Door Dash food deliveries. I've noticed different black people show up in fancy rides carrying boxes inside and leaving as fast as they show up. Many different cars and different people most of the time. I tried waving to them once when cutting the grass at the same time and not even a head nod in return.
There is one older Muslim and half a dozen younger Muslims all living there coming and going only late at night. Hate being the Karen on the street. but… Reviewing my security cameras and seeing the traffic has me feeling a bit uneasy.
#17481609 at 2022-09-02 11:24:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21428: Biden Threatened America: Caught On Video F E F E Edition
not sure if anons watched the floor path that joe walked on before and after the speech, walks on red then walks out on red turning blue, Trump and maga visuals clear and present danger
Note: This is the longer version, archived to check out the crowd and build up, Biden is lead to the podium by Jill his handler with a very STRANGE light show, including the floor being lit from red to blue, spent most of his time attacking trump and maga republicans while projecting the crimes on to their opposition, looks desperate and worried and fragile.
Biden begins his speech about the 20 minute mark into this video.
Biden delivers primetime speech from Philadelphia - as it happened
#17481142 at 2022-09-02 07:50:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21427: Biden's Pledge: Selling The Soul of The Nation To The RED Edition
ERIC Investigating: Pennsylvania Issues Email Calling for Further Preservation of Election Records...But the Creator of the Memo is Bizarre...
On July 26th, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of State sent out a STRANGE memo to county election officials stating that the controversial ERIC system is just now beginning to conduct an assessment of "improper votes" that may have been cast in the 2020 election. Because of this "investigation", the Department of State is suggesting that the individual counties maintain all election records from 2020. But the creator of the memo is bizarre to say the least.
The Gateway Pundit has previously covered the controversial private ERIC system:
** ERIC Part 1: Who's "Cleaning" Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation's Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks
From the memo:
Dear County Election Officials:
As you are undoubtedly aware, there has been a large amount of litigation surrounding the November 3, 2020 general election. While some of these cases have been disposed of, others continue to work their way through various courts. Further, you may also be aware that Pennsylvania is a member of the Electronic Registration Information Center ("ERIC"). ERIC membership assists in improving the accuracy of Pennsylvania's voter rolls and in performing voter list maintenance activities. As part of its membership in ERIC, Pennsylvania is participating in the Voter Participation Project to assist in identifying any voters who may have cast "improper votes" in the 2020 general election. A review of records for the 2020 general election in conjunction with the Voter Participation Project is currently ongoing. To complete this project, information is required from some counties that has not yet been provided despite requests by the Department of State ("Department").
We are approaching the end of the 22-month document retention requirement for records pertaining to federal elections. See 52 U.S.C. ? 20701. However, the statute of limitations for federal crimes related to improper voting is five years. In addition, Pennsylvania has a two-year statute of limitations for casting improper votes in an election. Given the Department's current review in connection with the Voter Participation Project, the Department strongly recommends that all counties continue to maintain all voting records pertaining to the 2020 general election.
Further, if your county is involved in any currently pending cases relating to the 2020 election, all those records should be maintained, notwithstanding any contrary document retention policies your county might have. Even if your county is not currently involved in any such litigation, given the factors mentioned above and in an abundance of caution, we believe it would be prudent to continue to retain 2020 general election records for the time being and request that you do so.
The reason this memo is STRANGE is not because of the request for records retention. That should be universally mandated given the extreme controversy still surrounding the 2020 and now 2022 elections, despite the mockingbird media's strict adherence to "The Big Lie" narrative.
This memo is STRANGE because it does not appear to have originated from the Deputy Secretary for Elections and Commissions, Jonathan Marks. It does not appear to have originated from anyone in his office, either. Or anyone employed by the Department of State at all.
#17479828 at 2022-09-02 02:04:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21426: Biden HUMILIATED by savage heckler yelling "F**CK JOE BIDEN" Edition
Note: This is the longer version, archived to check out the crowd and build up, Biden is lead to the podium by Jill his handler with a very STRANGE light show, including the floor being lit from red to blue, spent most of his time attacking trump and maga republicans while projecting the crimes on to their opposition, looks desperate and worried and fragile.
Biden begins his speech about the 20 minute mark into this video.
Biden delivers primetime speech from Philadelphia - as it happened
10,748 views Streamed live 2 hours ago With midterm elections less than 10 weeks away, the president of the United States delivers his primetime speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the birthplace of American democracy
#17479676 at 2022-09-02 01:37:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21425: Dark Brandon In The Dark Edition
. It tells the story of a wealthy investment banker who is given a mysterious gift by his brother-participation in a game that integrates in STRANGE ways with his everyday life. As the lines between the banker's real life and the game become more uncertain, hints of a large conspiracy become apparent
#17478072 at 2022-09-01 20:55:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21423: Daytime Comfefe and Chill Edition
idk why the title STRANGE to me: jurassic world dominion
#17477064 at 2022-09-01 16:33:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21422: Daylight Burning Bright, Patriots Fight Edition
Satanic/demonic atmosphere around Ukraine.
Meet Lemon.io based in Kiev.
Logo says it all.
Software developers for hire.
STRANGE story linked from its "About" page.
Excerpt below:
"- Don't be stupid. There's a reason it's called The All-seeing Eye" and not "The All-seen Eye". No one saw, and no one ever will. Be grateful, you get to use the power it holds."
Story talks about learning how to grow hands using occult methods to help fight an evil king.
Not the kind of stuff normally found on contract software developer web sites.
Just found it to be an interesting tidbit about Ukrainian business.
#17475980 at 2022-09-01 13:17:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21421: DayShift Brings the Heat Edition
Maxwell continued: "STRANGE things happen. The toilet flushes, the shower turns on when no one is nearby.
"When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a 'cellmate' called A-17 so when something STRANGE happens I blame it on A-17."
#17475534 at 2022-09-01 10:05:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21420: Deep Night, Brilliant Light Edition
This picture is in some kind a little STRANGE… As I saw it the first time, I got the fucking thought, please don't let him be sacrificed as part of the plan… But this is not possible! Just not possible! But fuck, the thought was there… Don't let that happen!
#17475387 at 2022-09-01 08:38:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21420: Deep Night, Brilliant Light Edition
One isn't free anymore, and one now gives you extra time if you watch ads! STRANGE…
#17475220 at 2022-09-01 07:17:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21420: Deep Night, Brilliant Light Edition
STRANGE times we live in
#17475053 at 2022-09-01 06:09:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21419: Comfy Places, Smiling Faces Edition
They are totally in pain imagine working for Obama and pretending they are working for Bidan.,,I might have quit like psaki its too STRANGE
#17474989 at 2022-09-01 05:44:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21419: Comfy Places, Smiling Faces Edition
its having the covers on that feels weird…covers is what Marines call the caps o their grapes…grape is their head…Marines are STRANGE
#17471867 at 2022-08-31 18:00:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21415: FBI THREW Classified Docs On FLOOR of Trump's Office, Took Photos?Edition
#17470618 at 2022-08-31 13:20:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21414: Day Shift Coming In Hot Edition
>2011 case where the body of a homeless American man was found on a secluded island in St James Park, within sight of Buckingham Palace. The man had sent hundreds of "STRANGE and offensive" packages to Queen Elizabeth II over the previous fifteen years.
Body of loner obsessed with the Queen lay on park island just 100 yards from Buckingham Palace for THREE YEARS
American Robert Moore had sent hundreds of 'STRANGE and offensive' packages to Buckingham Palace
His remains were found on the private West Island by a tree surgeon
The body of a loner obsessed with the Queen lay undiscovered just 100 yards from Buckingham Palace for three years, an inquest was told.
Robert Moore, 69, had set up camp on a tiny island at one end of St James's Park which is home to wildfowl and has 'an excellent, unimpeded view of the palace'.
There the American, who arrived in the UK in 2007, appears to have lived in the undergrowth until his death, thought to have occurred around 2008.
His skeletal remains were not found until this year, despite millions of tourists walking within yards of the tree-shrouded island.
A tree surgeon working on behalf of the Royal Parks made the discovery on March 15.
So far no next-of-kin have been found in the United States and exactly where he came from is yet to be determined. Mr Moore was not on any missing persons lists.
Details of the castaway's life emerged last week at his inquest at Westminster Coroner's Court.
It heard of a 15-year obsession in which Mr Moore, who suffered mental health problems, was said to have sent hundreds of 'STRANGE and offensive' packages to the Queen, including obscene and pornographic photographs.
He also bombarded Her Majesty with 'peculiar' letters, some running to 600 pages. He once posted a copy of his U.S. passport and boxes falsely warning that they contained dangerous substances.
Detective Sergeant Mike West told the coroner: 'He had a fixation with the Queen and Royal Family. There would not be a better place to remain undiscovered with view of the Queen's primary residence than West Island.'
While he had previously been in trouble with police in the U.S. for drink-driving and other alcohol-related offences, Mr Moore did not come to the attention of the authorities in Britain until his death. The U.S. Embassy declined to comment yesterday, citing privacy laws.
His skull and some bones were found lying on a decayed yellow cushion next to vodka bottles on the island, which is closed to the public and can only be reached by boat on the shallow lake.
Tests could not find any evidence of injury and the age of the remains meant no cause of death could be established.
A pathologist estimated they had been there for about three years.
Detective Sergeant West said: 'With that great an amount of mulch on the remains it would have taken between two and three years to accumulate.'
#17470602 at 2022-08-31 13:16:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21414: Day Shift Coming In Hot Edition
>"STRANGE and offensive"
#17470593 at 2022-08-31 13:13:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21414: Day Shift Coming In Hot Edition
2011 case where the body of a homeless American man was found on a secluded island in St James Park, within sight of Buckingham Palace. The man had sent hundreds of "STRANGE and offensive" packages to Queen Elizabeth II over the previous fifteen years.
#17467889 at 2022-08-31 01:33:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21410: 'Special Agent' Horrible Person, We Found Plenty Even Without Tim Edition
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.
/"Twist Of Fate"
(from "Two Of A Kind" soundtrack)
Do we deserve a second chance?
How did we fall into this circumstance?
We weren't so straight and narrow
This is much more than we deserve
A higher voice has called the tune
Two hearts that lost the beat will now resume
The gift of life extension
By divine intervention
It's gotta be a STRANGE twist of fate
Telling me that Heaven can wait
Telling me to get it right this time
Life doesn't mean a thing
Without the love you bring
Love is what we've found
The second time around
Don't understand what's going on
Woke up this morning, all the hurt was gone
This is a new beginning
I'm back in the land of the living
It's gotta be a STRANGE twist of fate
Telling me that Heaven can wait
Telling me to get it right this time
Life doesn't mean a thing
Without the love you bring
Love is what we've found
The second time around
#17464162 at 2022-08-30 11:50:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21405: Hold the Line! Edition
#16839238 at 2022-07-27 02:02:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21216: Trump prosecution look here not at NWO crimes against humanity edition
>>16837760, >>16837777 (lb)
robyn epps, Ray epps wife & Dominion National Director?
Dominion Enterprises appears to be a a builder of web sites (e.g. Boat Trader, Cycle Trader and RV Trader) and does not appear to be related to Dominion Voting Systems. Back last summer/fall there we digs done and the parent was State Street Capital.
However, this is also STRANGE because I cannot find much on State Street Capital today. I can find Staple Street Capital that references a man by the name of Hootan Taghoobzadeh who is named in the original SEC document that led to all the diggs.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/ownership-of-dominion-draws-scrutiny-after-unusual-fundraising_3618603.html (behind paywall that's easily defeated with 'Developer Tools')
#17463838 at 2022-08-30 09:47:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21405: Hold the Line! Edition
Quick question…
When Sussman went to the FBI… with whom did he not lie too??? Was it Thibaut by any STRANGE coincidence???
#17461885 at 2022-08-30 00:59:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21402: Inspector Mar-A-Lago: Tim Thibault escorted out of FBI HQ? Edition
Lest We Forget
General Research #21317 >>>/qresearch/17394653
The FBI is a criminal RICO enterprise whose covert "sources and methods" include criminal acts, sedition, subversion of American laws and the Constitution, while lying and obfuscating their activity from Congress and the people of the United States. Congress is ok with this arrangement as long as they're able to claim plausible deniability and / or classified activities status.
"Everyone should take the time to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it's very important.
From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impaneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the "Charity".
Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those "Donations" to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.
Look who took over this investigation in 2005, none other than James Comey. Coincidence? Guess who was transferred into the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? None other than, Lois Lerner. Isn't that interesting?
But this is all just a series of STRANGE coincidences, right? Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Justice from 2001 to 2005? None other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.
Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame? Another coincidence (just an anomaly in statistics and chances), but it was Robert Mueller.
What do all four casting characters have in common? They all were briefed and/or were front-line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation. Another coincidence, right?
Fast forward to 2009. James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin. Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, official government business, on her own personal email server. The Uranium One "issue" comes to the attention of Hillary. Like all good public servants do, supposedly looking out for America's best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians. Now, you would think that this is a fairly straight-up deal, except it wasn't.
America got absolutely nothing out of it.
However, prior to the sales approval, none other than Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid $500,000 for a one-hour speech; then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours. Ok, no big deal right? Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.
Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during this time frame. He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009. Who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney's Office in Maryland? None other than, Rod Rosenstein.
And what happened to the informant? The Department of Justice placed a gag order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
Very soon after; the sale was approved. $145 million dollars in "donations" made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal. Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division? None other than, Lois Lerner.
Ok, that's all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right? Let's fast forward to 2015. Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 "investigations" the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server. He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her "Public Service" as Secretary of State which was required by law. He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.
Sparing you the State Departments cover-up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this, they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary.
#17459764 at 2022-08-29 16:40:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21400: To The Moon? Edition
that anon is one STRANGE mofo
#17459061 at 2022-08-29 14:17:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21399: Morning Comfefe Edition
and Apollo (see ny penthouse apt)
and Cyrus (see israeli coin)
Osiris too.
"he of many names"…
#17458657 at 2022-08-29 12:36:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21398: Nothing Can Stop What Is COMFY Edition
Watch PenguinSix on the u tube.
White Hat.
Huge lines, miles long, in DC to watch a group called 17.
STRANGE dancing at every corner.
#17458536 at 2022-08-29 11:43:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21398: Nothing Can Stop What Is COMFY Edition
>WTF is this "Mystery School" you keep blathering about?
#17456000 at 2022-08-28 20:48:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21395: Notes from the Precipice Edition
What this means is that the CDC was essentially monitoring if people went to get an illegal haircut, attended an illicit house party, or left the house after a 10 pm curfew. Or went to church. Or shopped at a nonessential store. It seems STRANGE that we would have any such laws in the US regardless, and it is nothing short of an outrage that a government bureaucracy would pay a private-sector company for access to that in order to monitor your compliance.
And we can see here how this works. You get a phone and it includes apps that want to know your location, often for good reasons. You need a GPS. You want to see restaurants around you. You want to know the weather. People who push ads want them to be specific to where you are. So you leave location services on even when you could otherwise turn them off. This allows app companies to scrape vast information from your phone, mostly anonymous but not quite entirely.
This data then becomes available on the open market. The CDC becomes a customer, and why should any company hungry for cash refuse such an offer? Of course they should but too often revenue needs trump ethics in this world. The check arrives and out goes the data. In this way, the government has the means to spy on you nearly directly. And it does this without any legislative or judicial authorization.
This raises profound questions about deploying track-and-trace methods for a virus that is as prevalent as covid. It never held out any chance of controlling the spread, no matter what they say. It does introduce profound dangers of government surveillance of the citizenry to police people for compliance, which can very quickly become a means of political enforcement.
The damage is done already but it is wise to be aware now of what is possible. Much of the infrastructure was set up over these two years and it all still survives. There is every intention in place to deploy it all again if covid mutates again or if some other pathogen comes along. Lockdowns seem to be in disrepute among the public but the ruling class is still in love with them.
What can we learn from this fiasco?
1. Congress and the judiciary are not in control of government. Especially once there is an "emergency," the administrative state believes itself to be an autonomous force, doing what it wants regardless of the constitution. There is almost no oversight.
2. Many private companies are no longer private at all. A main customer is the government and they adjust their operations to make their products marketable to them. They collect your data and sell it to the state. There is rarely anything in the terms of use of most apps that prevent that.
3. No matter how paranoid you are now, it is probably not enough. Pandemic control was a pretext for doing to the citizens what never would have been tolerated in normal times. The lockdowns are over but the aspiration to track and control us completely has just begun. The years 2020 and 2021 were just trial runs for what they want to be permanent.
4. There are things you can do to protect yourself but it requires volition and focus. Indiscriminate use of mainstream applications is dangerous to both privacy and liberty.
5. What I've reported above already happened a year ago, so it is right to ask the question: what are they doing now? They got away with it then, a fact which only encourages more egregious behavior.
3 of 3
#17455739 at 2022-08-28 19:25:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21395: Notes from the Precipice Edition
Anne Heche - A very STRANGE death in public, sat up in ambulance stretcher while face was covered as if dead?
#17455397 at 2022-08-28 17:53:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21394: Anons Fight Every Day of the Week Edition
Thanks for understanding, Anon. You know what I love about lawfully carrying a gun just about 24-7? It has trained me to be ultra careful, observant, polite, and somewhat brave.
Years ago when I was in graduate school (which was years after I got licensed to carry) I knew that I couldn't carry on campus, so I kept my guns locked in my safe whenever I had to go to school. One evening I had drive home to fetch a book that I needed for a night class, so I was unarmed.
As I neared my house, I saw two girls walking down the sidewalk, and they were about 12. No big deal, because the neighborhood has kids.
But I also noticed a white van pass those girls, going in the direction opposite from the direction in which I was traveling, and the van banged a u-turn and pulled up next to those girls, which I though seemed STRANGE.
So even though I was unarmed I, too, banged a u-ey, and I very quickly pulled up in front of the van, blocked the sonofabitch in, and made a note of his front license plate, because I knew something was "off" about the way he pulled up to those two girls.
While I was writing down his plate number he backed up and pulled away. Actually, he screeched away.
On the side of the road, after the van did not block my view of them anymore, I noticed the two girls were crying. I asked, "Are you okay?" and both said, "No."
I asked, "Did that guy try to make you get in his van?: and both said, "YES."
So I told them to stay put, don't come near my vehicle (because I didn't want them to mistakenly think I, too, was a creep trying to get them in a car), and I said, "I'm going to call 911 and then I'll hand you my phone so you can call your mothers (because it was years ago and these kids didn't have a phone).
So that's what we did. Cops showed up. I handed them the plate number that I jotted down. The mothers showed up for the girls. I went home, got my book, and went back to grad school, still unarmed.
A few days later one of the moms called me and thanked me because she learned that the van driver was a registered sex offender. She said that she was terrified to think what would have happened to those kids if I had not turned around to intervene.
I'm telling this story not to brag but, rather, to give major credit to my gun, even though I wasn't carrying it at that particular moment.
Carrying a weapon gives us confidence and makes us brave, but makes us think tactically and defensively, more importantly.
If I didn't develop the "gun carrying" kind of mindset with which I've lived since 1998, I would never have had the balls to do what I did for those girls that night, even without a weapon.
Bottom line: thank God for our big, beautiful Second Amendment, because it's made me a better person, whether I'm packing heat or not.
#17455099 at 2022-08-28 16:45:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21394: Anons Fight Every Day of the Week Edition
Sometimes allies make STRANGE bedfellows.
You don't have to agree with a person 100% to be their ally, you just have to have a common enemy.
So putting aside differences and concentrating on defeating the enemy, is our purpose.
Real anons understand this. So quit using this Q post to defend the Evil Satanic Liberal Jews. It won't work. Anons are on to your tricks.
#17452605 at 2022-08-28 01:38:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21391: Anons are united and one family under God edition
Well this didn't age well!! They told us how they did it!!
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing.
Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the response was not mass action but crickets. When media organizations called the race for Joe Biden on Nov. 7, jubilation broke out instead, as people thronged cities across the U.S. to celebrate the democratic process that resulted in Trump's ouster.
The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election-an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America's institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
A second odd thing happened amid Trump's attempts to reverse the result: corporate America turned on him. Hundreds of major business leaders, many of whom had backed Trump's candidacy and supported his policies, called on him to concede. To the President, something felt amiss. "It was all very, very STRANGE," Trump said on Dec. 2. "Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted."
Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump's conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result. "The untold story of the election is the thousands of people of both parties who accomplished the triumph of American democracy at its very foundation," says Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official who recruited Republicans and Democrats to the board of the Voter Protection Program.
#17451944 at 2022-08-27 22:50:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21390: Anons on Q, NOT GONNA TAKE IT! Edition
#17450925 at 2022-08-27 18:25:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21389: Whackin Morans Edition
All PB - USGLC Series continued.
>>17423170 Hey Anons, What's the US Global Leadership Coalition?
>>17427814 ← In this post, we learned that Hunter is/was (?) on the board of US Global Leadership Coalition
>>17428437, >>17428442 About US Global Leadership Coalition - Who Funds It?
>>17432472 The Global Plum Book at US Global Leadership Coalition. ← Should have beenNotable
>>17433845, >>17433856 Hillary Clinton and Other Names You'll Recognize on the US Global Leadership Coalition's Advisory Council
The Swampy US Global Leadership Coalition is in Many State and Local Communities
The US Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) connects HillaryClinton, HunterBiden, JohnKerry, Fauci, Bill and MelindaGatesFoundation,Johnson&Johnson,Open Society Foundations, theRockefellerFoundation,Pfizer,Google, Cargill and some people in many Anons' state and local communities. USGLC has an "In Your State" page; it has a handy drop-down window where you can select your state, if it's on their list (not all states are on the list). Anon highly recommends that you check this out. Once you find your state's USGLC page, click on "View Full Advisory Committee" to see a PDF with the names of committee members in your state. Are people in your state and local communities colluding with the USGLC and the people/entities listed above? Some of the USGLC states have what is called a Veterans for Smart Power network. One of the pics on the USGLC "Veterans for Smart Power" webpage looks very familiar (has it been posted on this board?). To see a list of Veterans who are involved with USGLC, go to your state's USGLC page, click on "View Veteran Leadership List" and a PDF list will appear. This Anon would like to ask any Veteran who is involved with USGLC, in any way, to take a hard look at who is funding it, who sits on its advisory council, who are the members of USGLC and who its partners are. Please do a deep dig on USGLC.
This Anon was shocked to learn that, in some USGLC states, in which the Secretary of State is in charge of elections, the SoS and/or the Deputy SoS is/are on USGLC's "Advisory Committee". How is this not aconflict of interest? Anon will use Iowa and Nebraska as examples. See 2/2 attached. For an explanation of election responsibilities, in each state, see the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) below.
USGLC - In Your State - Drop Down Window - Choose Your State
"Now more than ever, American leadership is critical to build a safer and more prosperous world. All across the country, the USGLC brings together a diverse and innovative "STRANGE bedfellows" coalition of business, military, faith, and humanitarian leaders. Choose your state below to learn more and get connected to the USGLC."
A Network of 30,000 Veterans
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) - Election Administration at State and Local Levels
#17450900 at 2022-08-27 18:19:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21389: Whackin Morans Edition
STRANGE GAHYcowboy oil >>17450895
#17450433 at 2022-08-27 16:05:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21388: Wakey Wakey Edition
Fort Campbell, they're changing it to ALL Military Branch ( Land, Air, Water, Space). That's a STRANGE change considering we are talking The 101st Airborne home of the Screaming Eagles since WW1. In 2002 they added barbed wire facing in. Told us locals it was to control deer ( it's marked as a FEMA camp)
#17449922 at 2022-08-27 12:48:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21387: Next Step - Redact the Reasons for the Redactions! Edition
>What exactly is this "mystery school" you keep talking about?
#17449921 at 2022-08-27 12:48:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21387: Next Step - Redact the Reasons for the Redactions! Edition
As a matter of fact Pharma opposed Trump at every turn and when he wrote the EO of taking out the middle men in prescription drugs, and reducing the price that Medicare pays for drugs just the EU has, they declared all out war on him with multiple lawsuits and they participated in stealing the election in 2020. Their contributions go to well placed dems and rinos in congress.
It would help to know history and how ludicrous of a claim that was. Pharma would never donate to Trump but they donate excessively to politicians that hate him, like Liz Cheney and the RNC
Does anyone think it STRANGE that about a week before the raid on MAL the RNC, Ronna and other senate and congress publically demanding that Trump not make his announcement to run until after midterms? They even leaked out they were paying Trump's legal fees.If he had announced he was running before the raid, the FBI/DOJ would have had to drop the witch huntlike they did for HRC and Bidan.
I get the sense the RNC knew about the upcoming raid and intentionally set him up so he didnt announce. Everything they do and say is coordinated with DS, everything!
Remember there are trillions at stake and Trump represents an existential threat to all the NWO participants, both parties enjoy the benefits of DS.
#17449865 at 2022-08-27 12:24:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21387: Next Step - Redact the Reasons for the Redactions! Edition
Never mind, I see now that it is where the 0bama records are stored. Very STRANGE place to store classified presidential records, a closed furniture store.
#17449817 at 2022-08-27 12:03:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21387: Next Step - Redact the Reasons for the Redactions! Edition
How the Atacama giant is stirring up controversy in Chile
As Pope Francis visits Chile, his giant Atacama cross is causing quite a stir. Many people are curious about its meaning and origin, but no one seems to know for sure. Some believe it's a local Chilean deity, while others think it might be something more sinister.
The Atacama giant has long been a source of intrigue and speculation in Chile. Some see it as an ancient symbol of local identity, while others believe that it may be connected to something darker and more sinister. Regardless of its true meaning, this mysterious figure has become the subject of heated debates and intense scrutiny in recent years, making it one of the most talked-about topics in the country. What do you think about the Atacama giant?
And what do you think it means to Chile and its people?
Pope Francis's Atacama giant is stirring up a lot of controversy in Chile. Some people see it as an ancient symbol of local identity, while others believe that it may be connected to something darker and more sinister. What do you think?
Personally, I find the Atacama giant to be a fascinating and mysterious figure. At a time when Chile is grappling with many complex issues, such as economic inequality, political unrest, and social polarization, it represents a key part of the country's history and culture.
Whether we choose to embrace it or fear it, the Atacama giant will continue to be an enduring symbol that captures the imagination of people in Chile and beyond.
What do you think about the Atacama giant, and how do you think it will shape the future of Chile?
francis 233x300 - What's with the Pope's Giant symbol? Wikipedia suggests that it's a local Chilean deity (Atacama giant).
Pope Francis
Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, reigning since 2013. He is the first Jesuit pope and the first from the Americas. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he has worked extensively with poor communities in Latin America. As Pope, Francis has made a number of controversial statements and gestures, such as his criticism of capitalist societies and his call for action on climate change.
What is the history of the Atacama Giant?
The Atacama Giant is a humanoid figure that was discovered in an Atacama Desert cemetery in 2003. Since its discovery, the Atacama Giant has been a source of much speculation and debate, with some believing it to be an extraterrestrial being and others asserting that it is simply a human skeleton that has been elongated due to a congenital disorder. However, the true identity of the Atacama Giant remains a mystery.
The Atacama Desert is located in Chile and is one of the driest places on Earth. Due to the arid conditions of the Atacama Desert, many ancient settlements have been well-preserved. In 2003, a team of archaeologists was investigating an Atacama Desert cemetery when they made the startling discovery of the Atacama Giant.
What could the Atacama giant mean for Chile?
The Atacama Giant is a humanoid skeleton that measures approximately six feet tall. It has an elongated skull, which has led to speculation that it may have been artificially distorted. Other STRANGE features of the Atacama Giant include a lack of teeth, as well as an underdeveloped ribcage and pelvis.
Since its discovery, the Atacama Giant has been subject to much debate and speculation amongst scientists and researchers. Some believe that it is the remains of an extraterrestrial being, due to the elongated skull and other abnormal features. Others have suggested that it is simply a human skeleton that has been affected by several congenital disorders, such as dwarfism and progeria.
Vestments unveiled that Pope Francis will use on a visit to Chile
The Vatican has unveiled the vestments that Pope Francis will wear on his upcoming visit to Chile and Peru. At a special ceremony in Rome, the pontiff was presented with an elaborate set of robes, including a white alb robe, a blue chasuble decorated with 12 stars representing the apostles, and a red stole embroidered with the words "misericordiae vultus" ("the face of mercy").
The vestments were designed by Argentinean artist Rocio Guerra and are intended to reflect Pope Francis's commitment to social justice and care for the poor. The pope is scheduled to arrive in Chile on January 15, 2018, where he will meet with local leaders, visit religious sites, and hold mass gatherings. He will then travel to Peru in late January, where he is expected to address issues such as climate change and economic inequality.
#17448954 at 2022-08-27 04:24:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21386: Become Ungovernable Edition
STRANGE your IP is a government IP address…
#17448198 at 2022-08-27 01:58:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21385: Friday Evening Redacted Edition
Weirdness, anons.
Been going to the same gym for 15 years. When I go everyday, it's the same people there. I know them all.
Last few weeks, STRANGE new people. They either barely lift or straight out just sit on the machines staring.
Probably 4 or 5 of them switching out, but they keep rotating regularly.
#17447534 at 2022-08-26 23:30:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21384: Obama must be very proud of him right now, #obamagate edition
Even more reports surface: Pentagon demilitarizing US Army to shovel weapons into Ukraine black hole
What is going on here exactly?
Extremely concerning. More and more reports are surfacing of the U.S. military "demilitarizing" active duty units - stripping them of their weapons to send to Ukraine. One suspects big handouts to the defense military-industrial complex will soon be on the way - but with the collapse of manufacturing expertise, is the U.S. still capable of making these weapons at scale?
Here is a close-up of the leaked images:
Revolver previously reported on earlier reports saying the same thing here: "Reports: US pulls weapons from active duty, sends them to Ukraine..."
More clips of reports on link
#17446731 at 2022-08-26 20:13:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21384: Obama must be very proud of him right now, #obamagate edition
>>17444461 Who is David Okerlund Leavitt? Spring City, Utah, 1995-1997
>>17444488 Scientists Warn That Driving Is Suddenly Causing Spike in Heart Attacks
>>17444491 WEF Advisor Says Humanity Will Wear 'Biometric Sensors' Tracked By Big Tech and Government
>>17444497 Electrion Interference: Zuck Tells Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Laptop Story After FBI Request0
>>17444501 CDC Finally Admits Most Cases of Monkeypox Have Been Associated with Sexual Contact - Says Risk of Monkeypox in US is Low
>>17444507 Google-YouTube Changes Rules - Will No Longer Ban Statements on Masking and Vaccine Efficacy Because These Were Always Just Lies They Were Promoting
>>17444510 Fox News Runs Hit Piece Claiming FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago Was 'Justified'
>>17444514 Collective Yawn: Nets Bury California's RADICAL Move to End Gas-Powered Cars
>>17444520, >>17444592 Ashley Biden's Shocking Diary Is Real, Confirming Creepy Joe Biden Allegations
>>17444532 Zelensky Warns Europe Is 'One Step Away From Nuclear Disaster'
>>17444534 Oh No! Laid-off HBO Max Execs Confirm Warner Bros. Is Ditching Wokeness and Embracing 'Middle America'
>>17444538 Nate Silver: Liberal Elites May Have Pressured Pfizer to Delay Vaccine - Until After 2020 Election
>>17444548 SEC won't say if Clinton campaign CFO, Strzok's wife are recused from its Truth Social probe
>>17444561 Utah Police Launch Investigation Into Alleged 'Ritualistic' Child Sex Abuse, County Attorney Demands Sheriff Resign
>>17444574 Katrina Jean-Pierre lies her face off on behalf of Potato Administration re: Student Loan Forgiveness
>>17444616 Increasing SARS-CoV2 cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated elderly populations during the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant surge in UK
>>17444618 'Gutfeld!' talks Hillary Clinton's latest show appearance
>>17444696 Survey: 56% of companies dropping COVID-19 vaccine mandates to retain talent, grow workforce
>>17444712 Texas Bans BlackRock and Other Financial Firms Over ESG Energy Crisis
>>17444719 Jim Watkins - https://www.wearegoodmen.com (Jan 6 Prisoners)
>>17444742 Pathological Liar Dr. Fauci Told Fox's Neil Cavuto on Lockdowns 'I didn't shut down anything' but the Internet Is Forever [VIDEO]
>>17444753 Grassley interview re: Operation Flicker
>>17444754 Meta takes down hundreds of Facebook, Instagram accounts associated with Proud Boys
>>17444770 Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds
>>17444778 Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable
>>17444831 California musician and wife found dead in Mojave desert
>>17444861 Post-vaccine myocarditis is not 'mild', warn doctors
>>17444865 Mayor Bowser's vaccine mandate unlawful, DC Superior Court judge rules
>>17444876, >>17444885 The Swamp Today, Timelines Change.
>>17444907 The Biden family is guilty of everything Democrats accused the Trump family of
>>17444931 Biden says the 'extreme MAGA philosophy' of Republicans is 'semi-fascist' at DNC fundraiser
>>17444947 Twitter ordered to give Musk additional bot account data
>>17444949 Canadian province shuts down 39 trucking companies involved in Freedom Convoy protests
>>17445005 IRS Hiring Spree Is The Biggest Police-State Expansion In US History
>>17445032 Desperate Move: The White House Is Outing Members Of Congress Who Took PPP Loans
>>17445041 'Concerned for humanity': Alabama embalmer discovers STRANGE clots in people since release of COVID vaccine
>>17445044 Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time
>>17445053 IRS Official Nikole Flax Who Was Involved in the IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal - Is Picked to Lead the "Centralized Office" for the New 87,000 Employees
>>17445065 New video of man yelling at Biden "You stole the election! You stole the election!" today in Maryland
>>17445084, >>17445177 Moderna to sue BioNTech/Pfizer over COVID vaccine / Anon take
>>17445093 Henry Ford Receiving the 33rd Degree in 1940
>>17445095 Donald J. Trump - The political Hacks and Thugs had no right under the Presidential Records Act to storm Mar-a-Lago..
>>17445106 The U.S. has announced it will no longer be publishing its military expenditures and arms transfers.
>>17445119 Trump loyalists increasing ranks in GOP House
>>17445142 Mike Lindell's Action-packed "Moment of Truth" Election Summit
>>17445205 #21381
#17446702 at 2022-08-26 20:09:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21383: Artillery hits Zaporozhye Nuclear Dump; Reactor Shut Down Edition
The false gods mentioned in the Old Testament were worshiped by the people of Canaan and the nations surrounding the Promised Land, but were these idols just made-up deities or did they actually possess supernatural power?
Many Bible scholars are convinced some of these so-called divine beings could indeed do amazing acts because they were demons, or fallen angels, disguising themselves as gods.
"They sacrificed to demons, which are not God, gods they had not known…," says Deuteronomy 32:17 (NIV) about idols. When Moses confronted Pharaoh, the Egyptian magicians were able to duplicate some of his miracles, such as turning their staffs into snakes and turning the Nile River into blood. Some Bible scholars attribute those STRANGE deeds to demonic forces.
Major False Gods of the Old Testament
The following are descriptions of some of the major false gods of the Old Testament:
Also called Astarte, or Ashtoreth (plural), this goddess of the Canaanites was connected with fertility and maternity. Worship of Ashtoreth was strong at Sidon. She was sometimes called a consort or companion of Baal. King Solomon, influenced by his foreign wives, fell into Ashtoreth worship, which led to his downfall.
Baal, sometimes called Bel, was the supreme god among the Canaanites, worshiped in many forms, but often as a sun god or storm god. He was a fertility god who supposedly made the earth bear crops and women bear children. Rites involved with Baal worship included cult prostitution and sometimes human sacrifice.
A famous showdown occurred between the prophets of Baal and Elijah at Mount Carmel. Worshiping Baal was a recurring temptation for the Israelites, as noted in the book of Judges. Different regions paid homage to their own local variety of Baal, but all worship of this false god infuriated God the Father, who punished Israel for their unfaithfulness to him.
Chemosh, the subduer, was the national god of the Moabites and was also worshiped by the Ammonites. Rites involving this god were said to be cruel also and may have involved human sacrifice. Solomon erected an altar to Chemosh south of the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem, on the Hill of Corruption. (2 Kings 23:13)
This god of the Philistines had the body of a fish and a human head and hands in its statues. Dagon was a god of water and grain. Samson, the Hebrew judge, met his death at the temple of Dagon.
In 1 Samuel 5:1-5, after the Philistines captured the ark of the covenant, they placed it in their temple next to Dagon. The next day Dagon's statue was toppled to the floor. They set it upright, and the next morning it was again on the floor, with the head and hands broken off. Later, the Philistines put King Saul's armor in their temple and hung his severed head in the temple of Dagon.
#17446521 at 2022-08-26 19:19:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21383: Artillery hits Zaporozhye Nuclear Dump; Reactor Shut Down Edition
Ordinary Ukrainians are good folks, its the Kiev regime who are Nazis, Lukashenko says
The leader of Belarus found it necessary to congratulate the Ukrainian people on Independence Day
The overwhelming majority of Ukraine's population do not hold extremist nationalist views, it's the leadership in Kiev that professes Nazism, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Friday.
"As for me, I have a very good attitude towards Ukrainians, there is nothing bad about them... They are not Nazis at all," BelTA agency quoted him as saying. "The Nazis are the ones who are at the top of the hierarchy, starting from those who smoke, drink, snort up and then utter a lot of nonsense on TV or on the Internet. Indeed, ordinary folks are good people, they are our kind of people."
That is why, in his words, he found it necessary to congratulate the Ukrainian people on Independence Day and found the reaction of Ukrainian politicians quite STRANGE. "Some were infuriated <...>, but I paid no attention to that," Lukashenko said.
He noted that the United States has promised more military assistance to Ukraine to the tune of $3 billion "so that Ukrainians could continue to die."
#17446290 at 2022-08-26 18:21:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21383: Artillery hits Zaporozhye Nuclear Dump; Reactor Shut Down Edition
Epstein-Linked Ric Grenell Leads GOP Embrace of LGBT Agenda
Richard Grenell is being pushed as a 'diverse' Trump VP candidate for 2024
Epstein-linked Richard Grenell is spearheading the GOP's embrace of the LGBT agenda, headlining invitations to a $100,000 per plate donor dinner with President Trump and releasing a video with the Log Cabin Republicans in which he blasts far-left Joe Biden for not being pro-gay enough. National File recently exposed Grenell's ties to the Humpty Dumpty Institute, an organization closely associated with the Chinese Communist Party and led by the brother of notorious sex trafficking pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
Corporate media and political insiders are touting openly gay Republican Richard Grenell as a "diverse" potential VP pick for the 45th President should he choose to run again in 2024. In a recent video released by Grenell and the Log Cabin Republicans, the former acting DNI and Ambassador to Germany blasted far-left Democrat Joe Biden for not being pro-LGBT enough.
In addition to highlighting his past support of marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman, Grenell ripped the Joe Biden of the 1990s for opposing homosexual indoctrination in public schools, something that grassroots Republicans and parents around the nation are fighting against to this day. In blue areas, pro-gay and pro-trans "education" has become so firmly entrenched, that a school district in Wisconsin is now officially referring to women and girls by their genitals, reducing them to a "person with a vulva."
"As a U.S. Senator, Biden supported don't ask don't tell and the defense of marriage act," Grenell lamented in the video, before slamming Biden's past opposition to teaching the "acceptance of homosexuality" in schools, something Biden and the rest of his party now so staunchly support, that the DOJ and FBI are targeting parents opposed to it.
"Biden voted to cut off federal funds to any school that teaches acceptance of homosexuality," Grenell said, going on to co-opt the left's "marriage equality" term in again slamming Biden's past opposition to gay marriage.
On Twitter, where the video was posted by the Log Cabin Republicans, several commenters pointed out the STRANGE juxtaposition Grenell's pro-LGBT video created, when viewers consider that all over the country, parents are fighting to keep what they describe as LGBT indoctrination out of their children's schools.
#17445996 at 2022-08-26 17:13:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21383: Artillery hits Zaporozhye Nuclear Dump; Reactor Shut Down Edition
>>17444461 Who is David Okerlund Leavitt? Spring City, Utah, 1995-1997
>>17444488 Scientists Warn That Driving Is Suddenly Causing Spike in Heart Attacks
>>17444491 WEF Advisor Says Humanity Will Wear 'Biometric Sensors' Tracked By Big Tech and Government
>>17444497 Electrion Interference: Zuck Tells Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Laptop Story After FBI Request0
>>17444501 CDC Finally Admits Most Cases of Monkeypox Have Been Associated with Sexual Contact - Says Risk of Monkeypox in US is Low
>>17444507 Google-YouTube Changes Rules - Will No Longer Ban Statements on Masking and Vaccine Efficacy Because These Were Always Just Lies They Were Promoting
>>17444510 Fox News Runs Hit Piece Claiming FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago Was 'Justified'
>>17444514 Collective Yawn: Nets Bury California's RADICAL Move to End Gas-Powered Cars
>>17444520, >>17444592 Ashley Biden's Shocking Diary Is Real, Confirming Creepy Joe Biden Allegations
>>17444532 Zelensky Warns Europe Is 'One Step Away From Nuclear Disaster'
>>17444534 Oh No! Laid-off HBO Max Execs Confirm Warner Bros. Is Ditching Wokeness and Embracing 'Middle America'
>>17444538 Nate Silver: Liberal Elites May Have Pressured Pfizer to Delay Vaccine - Until After 2020 Election
>>17444548 SEC won't say if Clinton campaign CFO, Strzok's wife are recused from its Truth Social probe
>>17444561 Utah Police Launch Investigation Into Alleged 'Ritualistic' Child Sex Abuse, County Attorney Demands Sheriff Resign
>>17444574 Katrina Jean-Pierre lies her face off on behalf of Potato Administration re: Student Loan Forgiveness
>>17444616 Increasing SARS-CoV2 cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated elderly populations during the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant surge in UK
>>17444618 'Gutfeld!' talks Hillary Clinton's latest show appearance
>>17444696 Survey: 56% of companies dropping COVID-19 vaccine mandates to retain talent, grow workforce
>>17444712 Texas Bans BlackRock and Other Financial Firms Over ESG Energy Crisis
>>17444719 Jim Watkins - https://www.wearegoodmen.com (Jan 6 Prisoners)
>>17444742 Pathological Liar Dr. Fauci Told Fox's Neil Cavuto on Lockdowns 'I didn't shut down anything' but the Internet Is Forever [VIDEO]
>>17444753 Grassley interview re: Operation Flicker
>>17444754 Meta takes down hundreds of Facebook, Instagram accounts associated with Proud Boys
>>17444770 Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds
>>17444778 Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable
>>17444831 California musician and wife found dead in Mojave desert
>>17444861 Post-vaccine myocarditis is not 'mild', warn doctors
>>17444865 Mayor Bowser's vaccine mandate unlawful, DC Superior Court judge rules
>>17444876, >>17444885 The Swamp Today, Timelines Change.
>>17444907 The Biden family is guilty of everything Democrats accused the Trump family of
>>17444931 Biden says the 'extreme MAGA philosophy' of Republicans is 'semi-fascist' at DNC fundraiser
>>17444947 Twitter ordered to give Musk additional bot account data
>>17444949 Canadian province shuts down 39 trucking companies involved in Freedom Convoy protests
>>17445005 IRS Hiring Spree Is The Biggest Police-State Expansion In US History
>>17445032 Desperate Move: The White House Is Outing Members Of Congress Who Took PPP Loans
>>17445041 'Concerned for humanity': Alabama embalmer discovers STRANGE clots in people since release of COVID vaccine
>>17445044 Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time
>>17445053 IRS Official Nikole Flax Who Was Involved in the IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal - Is Picked to Lead the "Centralized Office" for the New 87,000 Employees
>>17445065 New video of man yelling at Biden "You stole the election! You stole the election!" today in Maryland
>>17445084, >>17445177 Moderna to sue BioNTech/Pfizer over COVID vaccine / Anon take
>>17445093 Henry Ford Receiving the 33rd Degree in 1940
>>17445095 Donald J. Trump - The political Hacks and Thugs had no right under the Presidential Records Act to storm Mar-a-Lago..
>>17445106 The U.S. has announced it will no longer be publishing its military expenditures and arms transfers.
>>17445119 Trump loyalists increasing ranks in GOP House
>>17445142 Mike Lindell's Action-packed "Moment of Truth" Election Summit
>>17445205 #21381
#17445628 at 2022-08-26 15:35:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21382: Morning Comfefe Edition
>>17445613 What a STRANGE Jew he was !
#17445247 at 2022-08-26 13:34:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21382: Morning Comfefe Edition
That sounds pretty much right.
I see TV about five minutes per day and it is always STRANGE shit like this.
#17445212 at 2022-08-26 13:28:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21382: Morning Comfefe Edition
>>17444461 Who is David Okerlund Leavitt? Spring City, Utah, 1995-1997
>>17444488 Scientists Warn That Driving Is Suddenly Causing Spike in Heart Attacks
>>17444491 WEF Advisor Says Humanity Will Wear 'Biometric Sensors' Tracked By Big Tech and Government
>>17444497 Electrion Interference: Zuck Tells Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Laptop Story After FBI Request0
>>17444501 CDC Finally Admits Most Cases of Monkeypox Have Been Associated with Sexual Contact - Says Risk of Monkeypox in US is Low
>>17444507 Google-YouTube Changes Rules - Will No Longer Ban Statements on Masking and Vaccine Efficacy Because These Were Always Just Lies They Were Promoting
>>17444510 Fox News Runs Hit Piece Claiming FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago Was 'Justified'
>>17444514 Collective Yawn: Nets Bury California's RADICAL Move to End Gas-Powered Cars
>>17444520, >>17444592 Ashley Biden's Shocking Diary Is Real, Confirming Creepy Joe Biden Allegations
>>17444532 Zelensky Warns Europe Is 'One Step Away From Nuclear Disaster'
>>17444534 Oh No! Laid-off HBO Max Execs Confirm Warner Bros. Is Ditching Wokeness and Embracing 'Middle America'
>>17444538 Nate Silver: Liberal Elites May Have Pressured Pfizer to Delay Vaccine - Until After 2020 Election
>>17444548 SEC won't say if Clinton campaign CFO, Strzok's wife are recused from its Truth Social probe
>>17444561 Utah Police Launch Investigation Into Alleged 'Ritualistic' Child Sex Abuse, County Attorney Demands Sheriff Resign
>>17444574 Katrina Jean-Pierre lies her face off on behalf of Potato Administration re: Student Loan Forgiveness
>>17444616 Increasing SARS-CoV2 cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated elderly populations during the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant surge in UK
>>17444618 'Gutfeld!' talks Hillary Clinton's latest show appearance
>>17444696 Survey: 56% of companies dropping COVID-19 vaccine mandates to retain talent, grow workforce
>>17444712 Texas Bans BlackRock and Other Financial Firms Over ESG Energy Crisis
>>17444719 Jim Watkins - https://www.wearegoodmen.com (Jan 6 Prisoners)
>>17444742 Pathological Liar Dr. Fauci Told Fox's Neil Cavuto on Lockdowns 'I didn't shut down anything' but the Internet Is Forever [VIDEO]
>>17444753 Grassley interview re: Operation Flicker
>>17444754 Meta takes down hundreds of Facebook, Instagram accounts associated with Proud Boys
>>17444770 Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds
>>17444778 Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable
>>17444831 California musician and wife found dead in Mojave desert
>>17444861 Post-vaccine myocarditis is not 'mild', warn doctors
>>17444865 Mayor Bowser's vaccine mandate unlawful, DC Superior Court judge rules
>>17444876, >>17444885 The Swamp Today, Timelines Change.
>>17444907 The Biden family is guilty of everything Democrats accused the Trump family of
>>17444931 Biden says the 'extreme MAGA philosophy' of Republicans is 'semi-fascist' at DNC fundraiser
>>17444947 Twitter ordered to give Musk additional bot account data
>>17444949 Canadian province shuts down 39 trucking companies involved in Freedom Convoy protests
>>17445005 IRS Hiring Spree Is The Biggest Police-State Expansion In US History
>>17445032 Desperate Move: The White House Is Outing Members Of Congress Who Took PPP Loans
>>17445041 'Concerned for humanity': Alabama embalmer discovers STRANGE clots in people since release of COVID vaccine
>>17445044 Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time
>>17445053 IRS Official Nikole Flax Who Was Involved in the IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal - Is Picked to Lead the "Centralized Office" for the New 87,000 Employees
>>17445065 New video of man yelling at Biden "You stole the election! You stole the election!" today in Maryland
>>17445084, >>17445177 Moderna to sue BioNTech/Pfizer over COVID vaccine / Anon take
>>17445093 Henry Ford Receiving the 33rd Degree in 1940
>>17445095 Donald J. Trump - The political Hacks and Thugs had no right under the Presidential Records Act to storm Mar-a-Lago..
>>17445106 The U.S. has announced it will no longer be publishing its military expenditures and arms transfers.
>>17445119 Trump loyalists increasing ranks in GOP House
>>17445142 Mike Lindell's Action-packed "Moment of Truth" Election Summit
>>17445205 #21381
#17445205 at 2022-08-26 13:26:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21381: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy Edition
Notables - FINAL
>>17444461 Who is David Okerlund Leavitt? Spring City, Utah, 1995-1997
>>17444488 Scientists Warn That Driving Is Suddenly Causing Spike in Heart Attacks
>>17444491 WEF Advisor Says Humanity Will Wear 'Biometric Sensors' Tracked By Big Tech and Government
>>17444497 Electrion Interference: Zuck Tells Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Laptop Story After FBI Request0
>>17444501 CDC Finally Admits Most Cases of Monkeypox Have Been Associated with Sexual Contact - Says Risk of Monkeypox in US is Low
>>17444507 Google-YouTube Changes Rules - Will No Longer Ban Statements on Masking and Vaccine Efficacy Because These Were Always Just Lies They Were Promoting
>>17444510 Fox News Runs Hit Piece Claiming FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago Was 'Justified'
>>17444514 Collective Yawn: Nets Bury California's RADICAL Move to End Gas-Powered Cars
>>17444520, >>17444592 Ashley Biden's Shocking Diary Is Real, Confirming Creepy Joe Biden Allegations
>>17444532 Zelensky Warns Europe Is 'One Step Away From Nuclear Disaster'
>>17444534 Oh No! Laid-off HBO Max Execs Confirm Warner Bros. Is Ditching Wokeness and Embracing 'Middle America'
>>17444538 Nate Silver: Liberal Elites May Have Pressured Pfizer to Delay Vaccine - Until After 2020 Election
>>17444548 SEC won't say if Clinton campaign CFO, Strzok's wife are recused from its Truth Social probe
>>17444561 Utah Police Launch Investigation Into Alleged 'Ritualistic' Child Sex Abuse, County Attorney Demands Sheriff Resign
>>17444574 Katrina Jean-Pierre lies her face off on behalf of Potato Administration re: Student Loan Forgiveness
>>17444616 Increasing SARS-CoV2 cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated elderly populations during the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant surge in UK
>>17444618 'Gutfeld!' talks Hillary Clinton's latest show appearance
>>17444696 Survey: 56% of companies dropping COVID-19 vaccine mandates to retain talent, grow workforce
>>17444712 Texas Bans BlackRock and Other Financial Firms Over ESG Energy Crisis
>>17444719 Jim Watkins - https://www.wearegoodmen.com (Jan 6 Prisoners)
>>17444742 Pathological Liar Dr. Fauci Told Fox's Neil Cavuto on Lockdowns 'I didn't shut down anything' but the Internet Is Forever [VIDEO]
>>17444753 Grassley interview re: Operation Flicker
>>17444754 Meta takes down hundreds of Facebook, Instagram accounts associated with Proud Boys
>>17444770 Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds
>>17444778 Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable
>>17444831 California musician and wife found dead in Mojave desert
>>17444861 Post-vaccine myocarditis is not 'mild', warn doctors
>>17444865 Mayor Bowser's vaccine mandate unlawful, DC Superior Court judge rules
>>17444876, >>17444885 The Swamp Today, Timelines Change.
>>17444907 The Biden family is guilty of everything Democrats accused the Trump family of
>>17444931 Biden says the 'extreme MAGA philosophy' of Republicans is 'semi-fascist' at DNC fundraiser
>>17444947 Twitter ordered to give Musk additional bot account data
>>17444949 Canadian province shuts down 39 trucking companies involved in Freedom Convoy protests
>>17445005 IRS Hiring Spree Is The Biggest Police-State Expansion In US History
>>17445032 Desperate Move: The White House Is Outing Members Of Congress Who Took PPP Loans
>>17445041 'Concerned for humanity': Alabama embalmer discovers STRANGE clots in people since release of COVID vaccine
>>17445044 Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time
>>17445053 IRS Official Nikole Flax Who Was Involved in the IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal - Is Picked to Lead the "Centralized Office" for the New 87,000 Employees
>>17445065 New video of man yelling at Biden "You stole the election! You stole the election!" today in Maryland
>>17445084, >>17445177 Moderna to sue BioNTech/Pfizer over COVID vaccine / Anon take
>>17445093 Henry Ford Receiving the 33rd Degree in 1940
>>17445095 Donald J. Trump - The political Hacks and Thugs had no right under the Presidential Records Act to storm Mar-a-Lago..
>>17445106 The U.S. has announced it will no longer be publishing its military expenditures and arms transfers.
>>17445119 Trump loyalists increasing ranks in GOP House
>>17445142 Mike Lindell's Action-packed "Moment of Truth" Election Summit
#17445149 at 2022-08-26 13:11:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21381: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy Edition
>>17444461 Who is David Okerlund Leavitt? Spring City, Utah, 1995-1997
>>17444488 Scientists Warn That Driving Is Suddenly Causing Spike in Heart Attacks
>>17444491 WEF Advisor Says Humanity Will Wear 'Biometric Sensors' Tracked By Big Tech and Government
>>17444497 Electrion Interference: Zuck Tells Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Laptop Story After FBI Request0
>>17444501 CDC Finally Admits Most Cases of Monkeypox Have Been Associated with Sexual Contact - Says Risk of Monkeypox in US is Low
>>17444507 Google-YouTube Changes Rules - Will No Longer Ban Statements on Masking and Vaccine Efficacy Because These Were Always Just Lies They Were Promoting
>>17444510 Fox News Runs Hit Piece Claiming FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago Was 'Justified'
>>17444514 Collective Yawn: Nets Bury California's RADICAL Move to End Gas-Powered Cars
>>17444520, >>17444592 Ashley Biden's Shocking Diary Is Real, Confirming Creepy Joe Biden Allegations
>>17444532 Zelensky Warns Europe Is 'One Step Away From Nuclear Disaster'
>>17444534 Oh No! Laid-off HBO Max Execs Confirm Warner Bros. Is Ditching Wokeness and Embracing 'Middle America'
>>17444538 Nate Silver: Liberal Elites May Have Pressured Pfizer to Delay Vaccine - Until After 2020 Election
>>17444548 SEC won't say if Clinton campaign CFO, Strzok's wife are recused from its Truth Social probe
>>17444561 Utah Police Launch Investigation Into Alleged 'Ritualistic' Child Sex Abuse, County Attorney Demands Sheriff Resign
>>17444574 Katrina Jean-Pierre lies her face off on behalf of Potato Administration re: Student Loan Forgiveness
>>17444616 Increasing SARS-CoV2 cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated elderly populations during the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant surge in UK
>>17444618 'Gutfeld!' talks Hillary Clinton's latest show appearance
>>17444696 Survey: 56% of companies dropping COVID-19 vaccine mandates to retain talent, grow workforce
>>17444712 Texas Bans BlackRock and Other Financial Firms Over ESG Energy Crisis
>>17444719 Jim Watkins - https://www.wearegoodmen.com (Jan 6 Prisoners)
>>17444742 Pathological Liar Dr. Fauci Told Fox's Neil Cavuto on Lockdowns 'I didn't shut down anything' but the Internet Is Forever [VIDEO]
>>17444754 Meta takes down hundreds of Facebook, Instagram accounts associated with Proud Boys
>>17444770 Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds
>>17444778 Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable
>>17444831 California musician and wife found dead in Mojave desert
>>17444861 Post-vaccine myocarditis is not 'mild', warn doctors
>>17444865 Mayor Bowser's vaccine mandate unlawful, DC Superior Court judge rules
>>17444876, >>17444885 The Swamp Today, Timelines Change.
>>17444907 The Biden family is guilty of everything Democrats accused the Trump family of
>>17444931 Biden says the 'extreme MAGA philosophy' of Republicans is 'semi-fascist' at DNC fundraiser
>>17444947 Twitter ordered to give Musk additional bot account data
>>17444949 Canadian province shuts down 39 trucking companies involved in Freedom Convoy protests
>>17445005 IRS Hiring Spree Is The Biggest Police-State Expansion In US History
>>17445032 Desperate Move: The White House Is Outing Members Of Congress Who Took PPP Loans
>>17445041 'Concerned for humanity': Alabama embalmer discovers STRANGE clots in people since release of COVID vaccine
>>17445044 Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time
>>17445053 IRS Official Nikole Flax Who Was Involved in the IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal - Is Picked to Lead the "Centralized Office" for the New 87,000 Employees
>>17445065 New video of man yelling at Biden "You stole the election! You stole the election!" today in Maryland
>>17445093 Henry Ford Receiving the 33rd Degree in 1940
>>17445095 Donald J. Trump - The political Hacks and Thugs had no right under the Presidential Records Act to storm Mar-a-Lago..
>>17445106 The U.S. has announced it will no longer be publishing its military expenditures and arms transfers.
>>17445119 Trump loyalists increasing ranks in GOP House
>>17445142 Mike Lindell's Action-packed "Moment of Truth" Election Summit
#17445063 at 2022-08-26 12:51:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21381: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy Edition
As STRANGE as it may seem, early astronomical traditions identify the "primeval sun" as the planet Saturn, the distant planet which the alchemists called the "best sun" and which the Babylonians, the founders of astronomy, identified as the exemplary light of heaven, the "sun"-god Shamash. ("Shamash is the planet Saturn", the astronomical texts say.) In archaic copies of Plato's Timaeus, the word for the planet Saturn is Helios, the "sun" god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn as Kronos, alter ego of Helios, and Kronos is said to have ruled "over the pole". But only a handful of scholars have bothered to trace the parallel referents in other cultures, or to address the unanswered questions.
Worldwide drawings and symbols of the once-dominant luminary show a disc with rays, a disc with spokes, a disc with a central orb or eye, a disc with a crescent upon it. Today we require a powerful telescope to see Saturn as a disc. We must fly a space probe close to the planet to see rays and spokes. Even then the spokes are intermittent and dark. The ancient astronomers, however, described the spokes as those of a cosmic wheel. They were "streams of fire", the "glory" of heaven.
Our telescopes and probes can see things the ancients couldn't: Saturn's unexpected excess of heat, its radio emissions, its x-rays, its swirling bands of storm-clouds. These things are unexpected to modern astronomers. To the ancient astronomers (had they possessed the technologically enhanced senses of probes), the things our instruments now witness would likely be understandable. For they remembered their gods as energetic and active, wielders of the thunderbolt. And they also remembered the fates of the gods, recounting how the once palpable ruler of the sky went so untouchably far away.
#17445041 at 2022-08-26 12:47:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21381: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy Edition
'Concerned for humanity': Alabama embalmer
discovers STRANGE clots in people since
release of COVID vaccine
1819 News, by Andrea Tice
Posted By: minuteman, 8/26/2022 7:35:21 AM
One Alabama embalmer will perform his job in silence no longer. Richard Hirschmann has been the impetus for recent disturbing pathology reports of abnormal blood clots found and removed by embalmers from the corpses they embalmed. Hirschmann claims this pattern has only emerged in his line of work since the onset of COVID-19 and the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccines. Hirschmann lives in the southeastern part of Alabama and has practiced there as a private contractor for the past 20-plus years. The embalmer said he started to notice this unusual substance in his work in the summer of 2021.
#17444749 at 2022-08-26 11:01:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21381: Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy Edition
Human history part 1 of 4
Human creation
Frankly, it is very STRANGE for me to consider that you Earthlings do not really know your history. If you do not know where you came from, how can you know where you are going?
I understand that this is not your fault. The information is being kept from you. It is just a STRANGE situation to think about, from my point of view. That said, that does make your question very valuable and much appreciated.
One of your questions is, "why did the Annunaki come here." Most actions or events have multiple reasons or causes, and that includes the decision of the Annunaki to come to Earth. However, most Earthlings tend to want to think of things as having just one reason. If multiple reasons are given, they sometimes become a bit uncomfortable: "yes, but which is the real reason?"
Therefore I will mostly be giving the primary reasons for certain events and I will omit some of the less important reasons and causes. Also, giving a full history of Earth and Earthlings would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, and I do not wish to completely exhaust the channeler. So I will give a summary. We will gladly share your full history once we have landed.
The Annunaki came to your world to mine certain materials, especially gold. Two of them were ENKI & ENLIL. At some point Annunaki did not want to do the work themselves. They created a primitive form of Earthlings out of existing ape-like creatures, to mine minerals for them.
During this time period the Annunaki were slightly negatively oriented beings, but they did genuinely need those minerals. They are neither human nor reptilian or human-reptilian hybrids. They are their own species. They are also not nearly as negatively oriented as reptilians. Today Annunaki are moderately positively oriented.
These are all generalizations. There are some positive reptilians (today there is even a reptilian commander working for the light forces). There are some negative Pleiadians. There have always been both negative and positive Annunaki.
#17444400 at 2022-08-26 08:36:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21380: The Bread Must Flow Edition
>It's extremely evil you guys can't even fathom. You need to wake up.
#17443696 at 2022-08-26 04:08:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21380: The Bread Must Flow Edition
is this what is happening inside the veins to cause those STRANGE blood clots?
#17443229 at 2022-08-26 02:28:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21379: NCSWIC Edition
>2nd sentence 23 letters.
Of8window P@ins,7visible. Reflecting some STRANGE tree branches?
6:03pm stamp (666)
#17442608 at 2022-08-26 00:02:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21378: Jeffrey Epstein associate Steven Hoffenberg found dead Edition
"pushing hard for the Sleaze to do something that should not be done"
Anybody have their animals acting STRANGE
STRANGE wind here, STRANGE sky.
Animals acting afraid for nothing.
In Los Angerles they call this "Earthquake weather"
Is there a magnetic storm?
#17442210 at 2022-08-25 22:35:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21378: Jeffrey Epstein associate Steven Hoffenberg found dead Edition
BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Swatted
AGAIN - The Police Report Reveals Something
USA Supreme, by Natalie Washington
Original Article
Posted By: Black Conservative Voice, 8/25/2022 12:45:13 PM
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's home was targeted in a "swatting" call for a second time in two nights, police in Rome, Georgia, confirmed on Thursday. "Officers responded once again to Mrs. Greene's home and confirmed this was a second false report," Rome PD said in a statement provided to Rolling Stone. Greene earlier on Thursday announced that she had been swatted again following an initial swatting early Wednesday morning at her home in Rome, Georgia.
#17441493 at 2022-08-25 19:06:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21377: Dubs Confirm - Swatted Again Last Night! Edition
I don't Trust Fetterman,,, (#IwillMakeyouHurt)
Braddock is. super creepy, weird art.
STRANGE connections.
ALSO, Very close to the
U.S.S (U.S. Steel CORP)
#17441001 at 2022-08-25 16:48:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21376: PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT!
>Have you ever seen a black ghost-like energy coming out of nothing and disappear into nothing? It's very fast. picrel I tried.
#17439536 at 2022-08-25 06:56:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21374: Confirmed Biden Executed Mar-A-Lago Raid: Attempt To Frame Trump Edition
STRANGE Days (1995) (Trailer)
May 26, 2013
#17439524 at 2022-08-25 06:47:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21374: Confirmed Biden Executed Mar-A-Lago Raid: Attempt To Frame Trump Edition
STRANGE days ahead.
#17438830 at 2022-08-25 02:22:10 (UTC+1)
So when are opening ceremonies or have I missed them already? This convo reminds me of a STRANGE comment a teacher made at a middle school I went to visit with a friend last spring when she was looking for a place to transfer her child. There were some colored rings or some such decorations in one of the halls for some sort of school competition. And we commented on them and referenced the olympics. But the teacher referenced the Hunger Games instead. It was absolutely bizarre and I'd forgotten all about it until now.
#17438558 at 2022-08-25 01:28:15 (UTC+1)
STRANGE is good. Let's hear it. We can't help bot believing you when you were lying 50% of the time by your own admonition. How bout shooting it straight for once? Truth is good. You should try it sometime.
#17438548 at 2022-08-25 01:25:45 (UTC+1)
I've been spilling all sorts of information my whole life and absolutely nobody has believed me, even though I've been trying to warn people this whole time that things are bad, except for the fact that none of you believed me even when I was telling the truth, and I did tell the truth a whole lot, but I also probably lied 50% of the time to protect myself for a whole host of reasons, although if this is really both equally good and bad and not at all all at once, this is going to be incredibly… STRANGE.
#17437457 at 2022-08-24 20:43:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21372: trumps pushed HQC, media spin, fda rushed by trump edition
It's STRANGE that you would think Biteass would slow down on the spending so his party can win in November, he's either stupid or very confident they will cheat like hell.
#17437028 at 2022-08-24 19:01:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21371: Bring The Heat Edition
Carriers launching missiles far over the horizon with pinpoint accuracy but seemingly ignore coriolis effect. That's a bit STRANGE.
#17436332 at 2022-08-24 16:10:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21370: Red Wave Rising Edition
More and more, the STRANGE events occurring in this anon's life leave me feeling that a theory like this has legs...
#17435970 at 2022-08-24 14:32:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21370: Red Wave Rising Edition
being surveilled heavily today , all kinds of weird cars, noises that are STRANGE. right now my ear ringing is beyond intense. what the fuck is going on? im a peon ,i have no sway in the world kek
if you are out there Q , why the surveillance ? who is it? is it something to be worried about? are these peope gonna try to harm me or my family?because it feels kinda menacing. i constantly feel like im being watched , and i am. i went outside and an unknown car started up and drove away just as i took a few steps outside constant traffic today on a small non busy street ,some cars/trucks going back and forth multiple times. im not dumb i obviously notice this behavior , and the ear ringing and waves in the head have added another touch of weirdness to this.
anons do any of you feel like you are being watched in the home, and on the go?
#17434948 at 2022-08-24 06:07:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21368: Big Day in Ukraine Tomorrow Edition
shouting all of this from the beginning at my friends and family, they all thought (and most still do) I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist…. I eventually stopped but many of these people have developed STRANGE long lasting infections and other complications…. none will admit that they think it was the clot shot that caused their chronic health issues and still think I'm crazy for saying that…. c'est la vie, stopped trying to convince anyone of anything, although I begged all my closest friends and fam not to do it…. oh well….. life shall run its course…. but mine will be through pureblood veins…. o7 mofos, stay strong!
#17433637 at 2022-08-24 00:42:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21367: Into The Night, Patriots Fight Edition
yeah, actual what i'm doing. I am not really scared by it. But STRANGE for sure.
#17433187 at 2022-08-23 22:51:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21366: SELECTION CODE Movie on the 2020 Election Steal Released Edition
>>17431467 pb
sky looks very blue in my area
bluest I've seen it since end of Trump's term
weird billowy white clouds
somethings up
#17432461 at 2022-08-23 19:55:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21365: We Got Primaries! FL NY OK Edition
Seems there might be some evidence Anne Heche pulled the same stunt…
Turns out she went into a wig store, bought a wig and took selfies with the proprietor less than a hour before 'the accident'.
The DARK Secrets of Anne Heche's Life & STRANGE Deal | Conspiracy Theories Flood TikTok
Aug 20, 2022
#17432274 at 2022-08-23 19:08:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21365: We Got Primaries! FL NY OK Edition
Federal Official Had "Blessing of Biden" in Authorizing FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago
by Space Worm,Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022 - 12:54
Jon Solomon's Just the News recently obtained a letter between National Archivist Debra Stiedel Wall and Trump's legal teamshowing Biden's tacit support for the FBI's investigation into Trump.
The documents in question had been examined by and temporarily in possession of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as early as January of 2022, when they "arranged for the transport from the Trump Mar-a-Lago property in Florida to the National Archives of 15 boxes that contained Presidential records, following discussions with President Trump's representatives in 2021," according to NBC News.
Then in April, presumably after returning these materials back into Trump's possession, Wall writes Trump's defense attorney Evan Corcoran, "In its initial review of materials within those boxes, NARA identified items marked as classified national security information." Wall then informs Corcoran that the FBI would like access to the documents.Given the supposed sensitivity of the documents, it seems STRANGE that NARA returned them to Trump before completing their review. Cocoran requested time to determine whether Trump intended to exercise executive privilege on specified materials. (the trap was set by he sending them back)
"We have requested the ability to review the documents," Corcoran wrote to both NARA and White House Deputy Counsel on April 29. "We would respectfully request that you restrict access to the documents until we have had the opportunity to review the documents and to consult with President Donald J. Trump so that he may personally make any decision to assert a claim of constitutionally based privilege."
According to Just the News, "Wall informed Corcoran that she had the blessing of Biden to overrule those privilege claimsand share all materials requested by the DOJ and FBI."
From the letter: "The Counsel to the President has informed me that, in light of the particular circumstances presented here,President Biden defers to my determination, in consultation with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, regarding whether or not I should uphold the former President's purported 'protective assertion of executive privilege,'" Wall wrote. "… I have therefore decided not to honor the former President's 'protective' claim of privilege." (so some low level archivist has the authority to over President's executive privildge?)
Shortly after Wall's letter was sent, the DOJ issued a subpoena prompting the FBI to visit Mar-a-Lago on June 3 who granted access voluntarily by Trump. The FBI seized a portion of the materials and instructed Trump to lock the remaining boxes in a storage room, an order Trump complied with according to a Fox News source.
A quick reminder that when Hillary Clinton was subpoenaed to produce the contents of her private email server, her response was far from compliant. She denied ever receiving a subpoena, told the FBI she could not locate any of the requested 13 mobile devices, deleted 33,000 emails from her personal server, and joked about all of this publicly! Somehow this behavior did not result in a search warrant and raid of her summer home in Chappaqua, NY.
Can you imagine if Trump had burned the documents after learning of the subpoena and claiming to have 'misplaced' them?
#17431710 at 2022-08-23 16:17:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21364: DayShift Dough Edition
#17431630 at 2022-08-23 15:54:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21364: DayShift Dough Edition
Egyptian archeologist to take back Rosetta Stone from Britain
Renowned Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass will be launching an initiative to bring the Rosetta Stone back to Egypt from the British Museum, as the latest move against museums that have looted artifacts away from their homeland and relocated them to their imperial captors' countries.
Hawass, a prominent archaeologist and a former antiquities minister, remarked that European peoples "are really awakening" to this cause.
The stone, aged 2,200 years old, has been in the British Museum since 1802, taken from France after the Napoleonic Wars on a signed treaty. The stone has unraveled the mystery of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and is one of the three artifacts that Hawass is demanding to return to Egypt from Europe. The other treasures are a bust of Queen Nefertiti which is stored in Berlin, and a sculpted Zodiac ceiling at the Louvre in Paris.
"I believe those three items are unique and their home should be in Egypt. We collected all the evidence that proves that these three items are stolen from Egypt," he told The National.
Hawass looks to relaunch his efforts by pushing forward a petition signed by a group of Egyptian intellectuals which he will send to European museums in October.
"The Rosetta Stone is the icon of Egyptian identity. The British Museum has no right to show this artefact to the public."
The museum said there hasn't been a formal request to return the tablet to Egypt, arguing that not everyone holding Egyptology as an interest shares Hawass' "fixation" with the stone.
However, the trend is turning in a different direction, as Germany has recently taken the decision to return the looted Benin Bronzes to Nigeria, praising itself as "moving into the future."
"There is a change in the air in this respect," said Alexander Herman, the director of the Institute of Art and Law in Britain. "Some of the old arguments, the ones that used to hold sway for so long, are beginning to wear thin."
Soldiers in Napoleon's army stumbled upon the Rosetta Stone while they were building a fort near Rashid - or, Rosetta - realizing the importance of hieroglyphics. The stone, which enabled the understanding of hieroglyphics for the first time in hundreds of years, became one of the museum's most famous treasures.
Hawass asserts that the stone left Egypt illegally, and campaigned for its return when he was in office as antiquities minister. During his reign, he brought back thousands of artifacts to Egypt.
In 2003, Hawass informed former British Museum director Neil MacGregor that he will battle the museum if it did not return the Stone.
"They left Egypt completely illegally and they should come back," he said, asserting that he will not back down anytime soon on his quest to return the Rosetta Stone to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, even if it takes over a lifetime.
"If I did not succeed, at least people after me will continue," he said. "This is a case that you cannot stop."
>> This is a bit STRANGE because Hawass is a famous swamp creature in Egypt.
#17431005 at 2022-08-23 12:34:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21363: Topic Dilute Deez Nuts Edition
would that be ip hop here or go full on STRANGE
lemme know
#17430582 at 2022-08-23 08:26:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21363: Topic Dilute Deez Nuts Edition
>>17430574 (me)
In fact the whole passage relates to this moment in time, here with anons.
Where's Hunter. Indeed.
"STRANGE memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Five years later? Six? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era-the kind of peak that never comes again. San Francisco in the middle sixties was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run . . . but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant. . . .
History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of "history" it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time-and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened.
My central memory of that time seems to hang on one or five or maybe forty nights-or very early mornings-when I left the Fillmore half-crazy and, instead of going home, aimed the big 650 Lightning across the Bay Bridge at a hundred miles an hour wearing L. L. Bean shorts and a Butte sheepherder's jacket . . . booming through the Treasure Island tunnel at the lights of Oakland and Berkeley and Richmond, not quite sure which turn-off to take when I got to the other end (always stalling at the toll-gate, too twisted to find neutral while I fumbled for change) . . . but being absolutely certain that no matter which way I went I would come to a place where people were just as high and wild as I was: No doubt at all about that. . . .
There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda. . . . You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. . . .
And that, I think, was the handle-that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting-on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . .
So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark-that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back."
#17426137 at 2022-08-22 05:25:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21357: Joe Biden Enlists China for Federal Voting 2022 Midterm Elections Edition
I was curious about Imagine Dragons at Fenway and went to the show to see what it was about. UnHoly Fucking Shit it was Incredible MK Ultra without the LSD. I was on the fence that these things are Satanic Rituals but I swear I sawttheir faces morphing into demons on the big screen, whether it was CGI or actual IDK. I kept having this feeling I was there like a week before , the conversations around me, and the people I saw , very STRANGE. It was very hypnotic and there were Lots of families there, with 10 years old's I guess. The lead singer made a comment about how many young people were there and it was probably their first concert experience. It was quite a show, on the way in Everyone got a wristband with a couple LEDs in it that lit up at a certain time and worked with the music, which provided a neat effect across the stadium. On the way home it hit me, It was The Mark of The Beast, symbolically. They were pushing https://u24.gov.ua/ United24 a Ukraine scam, they kept showing the Moloch logo on their screen for it. The Lead singer was also saying how Therapy is important and "It's Okay to Not be Okay" Like What the fuck , with all the little kids there , my heart sank thinking WOW they are creating tons of school shooters and MK Ultra victims. I was able to fight it off, but i still think, damn that was an intense show, they jammed. I have been to hundreds of shows and Even at Slayer or Slipknot I never felt a dark energy , or felt like I was a a ritual like I did here. After the show everyone was shuffling like zombies, I was getting pissed like The Parents need to lead and pull their kids along , fucking move. At least a Grateful Dead show, you know everyone is on Acid and it is easier to deal with.. It seemed family friendly as there was almost NO pot smoking, no really drunk people, no fights. But it hit me that I bet 99% were Jabbed and maybe they were hypnotized, and on Anti Depressants or anti Psychotics that "Therapy" prescribes. It was Interesting bit of research, but also seemed very Satanic
#17423217 at 2022-08-21 14:25:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21353: The War on Potato Flu Edition
muh fact check
Who betrayed Navy SEAL Team 6?
byEric Sof
?Oct 1, 2020
What really happened to Navy SEAL Team 6? In August 2011, the elite special forces unit suffered the worst battlefield calamity in its history. A Taliban fighter shot down a Chinook helicopter carrying 22 Navy SEAL Team 6 members in Afghanistan.
All 38 persons on board - the Navy SEAL warriors, other U.S. military personnel and seven Afghan soldiers - were killed. Grieving family members have been demanding answers. They may now get some as Congress finally opens an investigation.
This was the original article written by Jeffrey T. Kuhner on Friday, August 9, 2013. The update is related to the fact check information provided by independent fact checkers.
Controversial claims
Navy SEAL Team 6 has attained international prominence for one reason: They were responsible for killing Osama bin Laden. They are American heroes. Yet, their own government betrayed them. Several days after the bin Laden operation, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. - in a pathetic attempt to spike the football and gloat - publicly revealed their central role in the raid. His revelations put a giant target on the backs of every Navy SEAL Team 6 member.
A covert unit, whose mission is to operate in the murky shadows, was exposed as the group that eliminated al Qaeda's chief mastermind. Mr. Biden's reckless actions - followed by President Obama's own words acknowledging the secret unit's operation - jeopardized the Navy SEALs' safety. Jihadists bent on revenge began an intense manhunt. The hunters now became the hunted.
Controversy: Who betrayed Navy SEAL Team 6?
Members of Development Group (DEVGRU,Seal Team 6) - Illustration photo (Credits: XY)
Upon hearing of Mr. Biden's disclosure, SEAL members were stunned. Many of them immediately contacted family members, warning them to eradicate all personal information from social-media sites. Aaron Vaughn, one of the SEALs eventually killed in the ambush, told his mother, Karen Vaughn, to delete every reference to SEAL Team 6 from her Facebook and Twitter accounts.
"I never heard Aaron this concerned and worried in his entire life," Mrs. Vaughn said in an interview. "He called me and said, 'Mom, you and Dad have to take everything down. Biden has just put a huge target on everybody.'"
Tragically, Aaron Vaughn was right. Mr. Biden is often portrayed in the liberal media as an amiable buffoon. His gaffes are written off as Joe simply being Joe - a loveable uncle figure who has a tendency to shoot his mouth off.
That is pernicious nonsense. Mr. Biden is a cynical opportunist, who will say and do anything to advance Mr. Obama's agenda. He hung the SEALs out to dry in order to score cheap political points. He compromised a highly sensitive, covert operation that ended up costing dozens of U.S. lives.
SEAL-gate is potentially a bigger scandal than Benghazi, Libya. The administration - along with the top military brass - are desperately trying to cover up what took place on that fateful raid. Taliban guerrillas were waiting for the Chinook as it approached its landing site. Apparently, someone tipped them off that the SEALs were coming; the helicopter was attacked from three sides in a coordinated ambush.
The U.S. military claimed that the Chinook was blown to pieces by a shoulder-fired missile, in which everyone on board was burned beyond recognition. Hence, senior military officials ordered the American bodies cremated without the prior approval of their family members.
The military's narrative, however, is false. Charles STRANGE, whose son, Michael, died during the attack, says he viewed the pictures of the crash site. "I saw Mike's dead body," Mr. STRANGE said in an interview. "It was clearly recognizable. He was clutching his gun. He wasn't burned to a crisp. Why did they cremate my boy? They didn't need to do that. Something's not right."
#17422165 at 2022-08-21 06:17:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21352: FBI Unearths GRACIOUS Good Luck Note to Biden at Mar-A-Lago, Wow! Edition
>Oh my bad Anon :) Haven't we all tho?
>I mean things have gotten pretty STRANGE for me this past year.
#17422157 at 2022-08-21 06:15:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21352: FBI Unearths GRACIOUS Good Luck Note to Biden at Mar-A-Lago, Wow! Edition
Oh my bad Anon :) Haven't we all tho?
I mean things have gotten pretty STRANGE for me this past year.
#17422055 at 2022-08-21 05:24:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21352: FBI Unearths GRACIOUS Good Luck Note to Biden at Mar-A-Lago, Wow! Edition
>It is much older. Mystery school - OTO???
#17421182 at 2022-08-21 01:30:29 (UTC+1)
ok, gotta ask,
where did those number come from with the letters.?
and of course source would help!!
a old dig anon covered below
Last night i dreamt that i could see the pyrimads but as i was looking at them, i could see the exact opposite below like a mirror?
The mind was racing and all i could think of was as above so below, then i thought, the universe is like neurons in the brain when you map them, but i kept thinking where do we as humans fit in, and i had the thought GOD WINS, taking that as a starting point, what does someone who does not follow a religion but briefly studied them as a outsider just browsing think about this, most seriously big religions all believe in one GOD. and his teaching are lesson, Basically we are more the just Meta-physical, we are mental and spiritual. So maybe the whole thing stands like follows
1) The pyramids (mirrored, as above, so below)
2) Man = Physical - Mental - Spiritual
3) The Sky (Heavens) The Earth (us and everything on it ( The elements -
earth, wind, water and fire or inner earth)
4) THE KEYSTONE (is not the top of the pyrimad, it is a corner stone (masons) and then i realised, it is the powers that be on earth, who do not want us to see the cornerstone, that is why big distraction of the eye (like a magician)
And then i woke up !!!
#17420959 at 2022-08-21 00:24:27 (UTC+1)
QRD anon discovers dozens of "aquariums" in small towns in Texas that all consist of two-initial names (EC Aquarium, HR Aquarium, etc.)
Each one is listed as an address block and not an actual house number.
All seem to be in small rural towns on lower class streets, not in cities.
UPDATE: Anon was trying to get the pin for O R Aquarium, Bruce Street, Bacliff, Texas to show up, as it doesn't work when they search for it. So they typed only Bruce Street, Bacliff, Texas. Of course the pin is right next to an upside down cross shaped elementary school, because what else could possibly be there.
Then they notice other STRANGE pins around, like the "Cra" one. Clicking on "Cra" makes another one appear directly east, named "1WEATHER" (I think it's because both are listed as churches). Clicking on "1WEATHER" makes another pin appear, named "Prayer247". They know this is burgerland but these names look too fake to be real.
1WEATHER is listed as a bah?'? place which is some sandnigger religion apparently.
Whats even weirder is this is linked to another "aquarium" which funny enough has the same exact flag on their shack to store things "centex aquariums"
Anons going to see for themselves?
"Baha'i house of worship"
#17419648 at 2022-08-20 17:52:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21349: EBAKE EDITION
in order to figure this out we will need to examine the evidence closer.
study webm attached.
many threads have been wasted talking about what a cheating whore she is, sloppily making out with STRANGE men on the dancefloor.
>you want to know what you missed?
the crowd she's partying with.
look at the pedo symbol on this guy's shirt at the start of the webm.
that is all.
>she needs adrenolutin to survive now?
not going that far yet, we have to wait and see
#17419580 at 2022-08-20 17:35:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21349: EBAKE EDITION
One can convince themselves of just about anything, even being blind to the chance that they were told they would have..
You are determined and you declare your assumptions as if you can prove them.
You are operating off of your own momentum..
A thing to be seen not heard, for what you say has little to do in the way of change.
your eternal failure..
eat your steak play your roll win your prize! o7
#17418117 at 2022-08-20 08:18:39 (UTC+1)
#17417812 at 2022-08-20 05:44:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21346: Brian Stelter of Fake News CNN got fired: May he REST IN PEACE Edition
>Anon does not care if you know that this anon also bakes the Vatican bread.
You actually just admitted that you're the grammar faggot as well, and now your tantrum has shifted back to OSS
How STRANGE, queer, even
#17416228 at 2022-08-19 21:26:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21344: Freedom from the federal gov, here comes the weekend edition
HBO Max Removes About 200 'Sesame Street' Episodes
By Todd Spangler
Brought to you by the letters G-O-N-E: The content purge at HBO Max continues as the streaming platform has pulled about 200 older episodes of classic kids' show "Sesame Street."
The removal of the "Sesame Street" episodes and other recent content by HBO Max appears to be part of new owner Warner Bros. Discovery's belt-tightening moves, aimed at reducing streaming-content payment obligations.
As of Friday, HBO Max listed 456 total episodes of "Sesame Street," with a selection from Seasons 1, 5 and 7 and the full lineup from the most recent Seasons 39-52. Of those, only 29 are from the earliest seasons. Previously, the streaming service offered about 650 total "Sesame Street" episodes, including episodes from Seasons 2-4, Season 6 and those from every season between 8 and 35.
Reps for Warner Bros. Discovery and Sesame Workshop did not respond to requests for comment.
HBO and Sesame Workshop first struck an agreement in 2015, providing a new revenue stream for "Sesame Street," while granting HBO rights to run new episodes of the landmark series first before they appeared on its longtime home, PBS. Their current agreement keeps new "Sesame Street" seasons first-run on HBO Max through 2025.
Still available for now on HBO Max, in addition to remaining episodes of the "Sesame Street" series, are the 10-episode "Sesame Street Mecha Builders," seven seasons of "My Sesame Street Friends" and "The Magical Wand Chase" special featuring Elmo and Abby.
The removal of the "Sesame Street" episodes comes after HBO Max on Wednesday said at least 36 more titles will be leaving the service this week. That includes 20 original HBO Max shows, including teen drama "Generation," animated anthology series "Infinity Train" and kids' show "Summer Camp Island," as well as several "Sesame Street" specials. That's in addition to the previously announced titles exiting HBO Max this month, including all eight of the original "Harry Potter" films.
Warner Bros. Discovery said the decision to pull the titles from HBO Max were tied to the pending combo of the platform with Discovery+. "As we work toward bringing our content catalogs together under one platform, we will be making changes to the content offering available on both HBO Max and Discovery+," the company said in a statement. "That will include the removal of some content from both platforms."
In recent weeks, HBO Max also quietly removed six Warner Bros. films and HBO shows such as "Camping," "Vinyl," "Mrs. Fletcher" and "Run." Under Warner Bros. Discovery's stewardship, HBO Max also recently killed Greg Berlanti's DC series "STRANGE Adventures" and a "Wonder Twins" live-action movie.
#17414867 at 2022-08-19 13:27:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21343: It is too quiet, The calm before the storm edition
Reminder - First-ever Monkeypox outbreak was simulated a year prior
The Prophetic Monkeypox Simulation
First-ever global Monkeypox outbreak happens in exact week predicted in biosecurity simulation a year prior
Elite media outlets around the world are on red alert over the world's first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox in mid-May 2022-just one year after an international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation of a "global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox" beginning in mid-May 2022.
Monkeypox was first identified in 1958, but there's never been a global Monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa until now-in the exact week of the exact month predicted by the biosecurity folks in their pandemic simulation. Take these guys to Vegas!
Ed Yong, who's penned dozens of hysterical articles on Covid for The Atlantic including such gems as COVID-19 Long-Haulers Are Fighting for Their Future, Even Health-Care Workers With Long COVID Are Being Dismissed, How Did This Many Deaths Become Normal? and The Final Pandemic Betrayal is hot on the scene of the new Monkeypox outbreak.
Eric Feigl-Ding is on the scene.
Twitter epidemiologists Jennifer Nuzzo and Bill Hanage are on the scene-but still no word from them as to whether they see anything STRANGE about the first-ever global Monkeypox outbreak occurring in mid-May 2022, a year after they acted as advisers on an international biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak occurring in mid-May 2022.
The US Government is hot on the scene with an order of 13 million Monkeypox vaccine doses from Bavarian Nordic.
The WHO is on the scene.
The global Monkeypox outbreak-occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior-bears a striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months after Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost exactly like COVID-19. Event 201 was hosted in October 2019-just two months before the coronavirus was first revealed in Wuhan-by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg, and Johns Hopkins. As with Event 201, the participants at the Monkeypox simulation have thus far been stone silent as to their having participated in a pandemic simulation the facts of which happened to come true in real life just months later.
One person who was present at both Event 201 and the Monkeypox simulation is George Fu Gao, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control. At event 201, Gao specifically raised the point of countering "misinformation" during a "hypothetical" coronavirus pandemic.
Here's Gao at Event 201 right next to our very own Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence-technically the highest-level intelligence official in the United States. Look at these cuties. Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Phew. Making Kim Philby jealous.
That said, I won't sit here and debate wild conspiracy theories that there might be anything unusual about a global pandemic occurring just months after a simulation of a global pandemic of exactly that kind, followed shortly after by the first-ever global outbreak of an even-more-obscure virus just months after a simulation of an outbreak of exactly that kind. If you want to be a good American and make a six-figure salary-or be friends with people who make six-figure salaries-then do as your government tells you: Sit down, shut up, stay home, save lives, take your shots, show your papers, and muzzle your kids.
Michael P Senger
#17414317 at 2022-08-19 08:06:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21342: Tick Tock Edition
>Fair enough.
>We live in STRANGE times. One half of the country wants to see Clinton indicted, the other half, Trump.
>I'm still waiting for somebody to make the argument how arresting Trump and/or Clinton's /Biden's family would help out anybody.
Arresting Hillary would prevent her from torturing, killing and eating children, arresting Joe would prevent him from raping them
#17414311 at 2022-08-19 08:01:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21342: Tick Tock Edition
Fair enough.
We live in STRANGE times. One half of the country wants to see Clinton indicted, the other half, Trump.
I'm still waiting for somebody to make the argument how arresting Trump and/or Clinton's /Biden's family would help out anybody.
#17413501 at 2022-08-19 02:08:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21341: Can't Walk The Streets Edition
Fuckery afoot.
Firefox, Edge, Chrome all blocking the kun, if you visit FB first.
STRANGE background broadcast app blocks shutdown when this occurs.
#17412942 at 2022-08-18 23:39:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21340: Judge orders partial unsealing of docs related to Trump FBI raid Edition
i find it very odd they didn't take video of such a STRANGE encounter.. no cellphones?
fuck this story even tho i'm op
#17412848 at 2022-08-18 23:22:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21340: Judge orders partial unsealing of docs related to Trump FBI raid Edition
it was a pretty STRANGE video
#17412027 at 2022-08-18 19:23:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21339: Former Trump Org. CFO Executive Allen Weisselberg Pleads Guilty Edition
STRANGE pogo stick. One hop and it sticks to the floor and then you fall off.
#17411106 at 2022-08-18 15:08:31 (UTC+1)
Seems like a lot of STRANGE posts on the board today….at least moar so than usual.
#17411019 at 2022-08-18 14:32:30 (UTC+1)
>In its report, it said the caves appear to be used for "black magic rites" by modern-day visitors.
Revealed: Mysterious Knights Templar Caynton Caves overrun with black magic cults
We look inside the caves where dark ceremonies forced the owners of a mysterious Midland landmark to seal up its entrance.
Black magic ceremonies once forced the owners of a mysterious Midland landmark to seal up its entrance, it has been revealed.
Keeping devotees of dark forces out of Caynton Caves, which were carved out of sandstone in the 17th century by followers of the Knights Templar, has been proving a devil of a job.
The Shropshire caves date back around 700 years when they were used by followers of the Knights Templar - a medieval religious order that fought in the Crusades.
One year after Christmas, the labyrinth of intricately carved chambers was found to be filled with candles, sinister symbols scrawled on the walls and more besides.
The owners of the site, hidden in dense woodland ten miles from Wolverhampton, decided enough was enough when two warlocks knocked on the door - and asked for their robes back.
The red-faced pair had left the garments behind after a ritual.
Dominic Wass, an acclaimed urban artist who works under the name 'Sketch', once set up a workshop on the site.
"There's definitely some STRANGE stuff gone on down there," he told the Sunday Mercury.
"It's surreal to have two warlocks knock on your door, but at least they asked. It's the mess left behind by the ones that don't...
"Some of the requests have been very weird."
Accompanied by a Mercury photographer, our reporter entered the cramped tunnels to explore the secret world below.
Our torches picked out pillars, hidden alcoves and ritualistic symbols.
Mystic sigils competed for crowded wall space with more modern scrawled messages, written by youths who have turned the temple into a drinking den.
And, yes, evil had been at work - but not with a dustpan and brush.
There were more snuffed-out candles than you could wave a wand at.
Spirits were present, too. Empty bottles of booze littered the floor.
'Sketch', who is 25, scanned the cobweb-encrusted inner sanctum and shook his head sadly.
"They've moved the sacrificial stone again," he groaned.
Some people! Why can't they just put things back where they found them?
"Obviously it's not something we want to be associated with," he added. "But in the past, if people have asked permission, explained what they wanted to do and we were happy with it, and if they tidied up afterwards
"But this is going too far."
Time and again, wrought iron gates have been placed over the' tiny entrance to the caves, only big enough to crawl through.
But they have been ripped down within days. Nothing, it seems, will stop unwelcome intruders intent on hell-raising.
#17407409 at 2022-08-17 17:08:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21333: HalfBaked Edition
By this point, Bundy had been convicted of kidnapping but hadn't been sentenced. He would not be charged with the serial killings until the following year. Rule insists that she did not have "proof" that Bundy was guilty of any crime, and so "would wait." But what was she thinking would be in these chapters? Was the idea of Bundy contributing to the book prompted by him, or something that Rule had previously considered? Also, "number of chapters" is telling in itself. If Rule thought that Bundy was falsely accused, or was unable to decide, or if she considered him likely to be a sideshow to the main event of capturing the killer, it would be STRANGE to offer him as many chapters as he was inclined to write.
#17403091 at 2022-08-16 18:49:40 (UTC+1)
She aint no genius. Pretty STRANGE to have an unannounced vacay. Sniffs of bullshit.
#17402530 at 2022-08-16 15:40:40 (UTC+1)
Ever notice the sky is like a notebook full of writing? Sometimes it's overwhelming and the amount of time to read it all would take forever. I always said it's like reading everyones story. Although cursive is no longer taught it should be. The subconscious mind is a STRANGE thing.
#17400907 at 2022-08-16 03:37:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21325: FBI Passport Seizure at Mar-a-Lago TRUMP is GROUNDED? Edition
>pineal gland is not as calcified as
Now first, how do we really know fluoride in drinking water calcifies the pineal gland? There seems to be a lot of internet hype claiming so, but who are the "experts" that proved this, and how much research did they actually do? From what I've seen, the research is limited, and according to some, there's no evidence at all that this is the case. Instead, the pineal gland gets calcified naturally.
Second, we can't know if our pineal gland is calcified unless we get an X-ray of our brain. And how many of us are actually doing that? So, just because we see a few pictures online of supposed calcified pineal glands, doesn't mean we're all calcified.
Third, let's say our pineal glands ARE calcified. What if they're supposed to be that way? What if God calcified them so we COULDN'T open our 3rd eyes? What if the calcium protects us? The last thing we want to do is open the gates of our minds, to STRANGE dimensions, for demons to get in.
Fourth, who says a calcified pineal gland blocks spirituality, anyway? What religious book or masterful guru determined this? If spirituality means a relationship with God, then no, a calcified pineal gland cannot block spirituality. A little calcium cannot block An Almighty God. Whoever thinks it can, doesn't know God.
Fifth, what if it's Satan that calcium blocks, and that's why he wants us to decalcify it? So he can get in?
Sixth (anon's entry here), I don't agree with the person that wrote the First thru the Fifth (copy paste), but this person brings up good enough arguments to punch a hole in the Barnam Circus Statement claiming "Calcified pineal"
#17399585 at 2022-08-15 21:58:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21323: Here Comes the Nukes Edition
>>17399546 Left Hand Index Finger Pointing To Left Shoe Sorry the picture didnt make the Cut on 1st Post
Long Island Keeps coming Up For some STRANGE Reason
#17398929 at 2022-08-15 19:17:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21322: CALL TO DIG - Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors II Edition
The Elite Panic of 2022 part 5 of 5
Progressivism is essentially a protection racket. If the elites ever lose the undisputed right to shout "Racism!" at the producers of culture, the latter will begin to fracture like the rest of the country and to look to the marketplace, rather than ideology, for inspiration.
The last countercurrent may be the most potent of all:the internal churning and dispersal of populations spurred by the pandemicand the availability of remote work. The number of Americans moving from their home regions, a recent survey found, is at the highest level on record. Though conservative writers are quick to observe that this is predominantly a flight from Democratic-controlled states to Republican strongholds in the Sunbelt, the political implications strike me as unclear. Many of the newcomers, I'm guessing, will be Democrats.
Far more significant will be the impact on the culture. Migration is a powerful solvent. Millions of people are leaving home in pursuit of change. They wish to be reborn, reinvented, liberated from the dead hand of the past; pick your metaphor for personal transformation. Such sweeping tides of humanity have always exemplified the central tenet of the American creed: that we are not captives to fate. Each wave of immigrants will begin a STRANGE new story. To tell it,the culture, too, must be reborn and reinvented-and the mold of progressive dogmatism will be shattered in the process.
An unexpected blow against the progressive hold on culture came on May 2, when an anonymous leaker within the Supreme Court made public Justice Samuel Alito's draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and devolve the regulation of abortion to Congress and the states. By the time the formal ruling came down on June 24, traumatized elites seemed ready to repudiate the one branch of the federal government that they did not control. The Supreme Court had "burned whatever legitimacy they may still have had," Senator Elizabeth Warren proclaimed. "They just took the last of it and set a torch to it." Abortion on demand-an early victory over traditional culture-has become sacramental to the left, with Roe v. Wade as holy writ. If Republican governors can align with Republican-appointed justices to demolish this once-settled arrangement, then every facet of the culture will be up for grabs. Justice Alito's opinion "is not just about a woman's right to choose. It is about much more than that," cautioned Hillary Clinton, after the draft leaked. "Once you allow this kind of extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next."
Are we on the cusp, then, of an anti-elite cultural revolution? I still wouldn't bet on it. For obscure reasons of psychology, creative minds incline to radical politics. A kulturkampf directed from Tallahassee, Florida, or even Washington, D.C., won't budge that reality much. The group portrait of American culture will continue to tilt left indefinitely.
But that's not the question at hand.What terrifies elites is the loss of their cultural monopoly in the face of a foretold political disaster. They fear diversity of any kind, with good cause: to the extent that the public enjoys a variety of choices in cultural products, elite control will be proportionately diluted.
Our cultural monolith, never popular, is today pounded by crosscurrents that undermine its solidity. Alongside the vast progressive choir, quieter voices-conservative, libertarian, religious, none-of-the-above-could soon arise, leaving our culture more fractured, more divided, and more representative of the nation as a whole. If that were to occur, sullen elites will point to 2022's springtime of discontent, and remark, with typical vehemence, that their panic was fully justified.
#17398445 at 2022-08-15 17:37:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21322: CALL TO DIG - Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors II Edition
#21320 >>17396872 TBC
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201, >>17396598 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396225 A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396440, >>17396858 Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
>>17396520 Donald J. Trump - America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement!
>>17396529, >>17396531 'Nuclear MAGA' || BREAKING the 33 (LOVE Conquers All)
>>17396556 Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America's Children Are At Risk. / Q Drop 1881
>>17396576 Missouri AG Questions Need For Potentially Armed IRS Army
>>17396599 Three killed in Israeli airstrikes, Syria says
>>17396618 Quick Dig re: Jhunjhunwalas / Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 'India's Warren Buffett', dies at 62
>>17396631 There Are Many Different Ways To Implement New International Digital Currency System
>>17396662 Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible beginning Aug. 17th
>>17396762 There's no sainthood for Obama, National Archives in Trump FBI raid uproar
>>17396787 A second US congressional delegation visits Taiwan
>>17396790 Leonardo DiCaprio funneled grants through dark money group to fund climate nuisance lawsuits
>>17396791 Q Drop 1886 - Delta for today.
>>17396834 Peter Nygard: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein's quest for immortality and his crimes against women and children
>>17396842 Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols
>>17396845 Texas cops launch manhunt for brother of ex-NFL star Aqib Talib after he 'killed youth football coach during row over kids game
>>17396868 FBI Made a Big Mistake: Trump Rallies Taking Place Across the Country Following Unprecedented Raid on President Trump's Home - Bedminster, Long Island, Phoenix, Mar-a-Lago, St. Louis (VIDEO)
>>17396870 #21319
#17398099 at 2022-08-15 16:32:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21321: Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors Edition
>If you can 100% scientifically explain everything, does that negate God?
Literally YES.
God is simply a "placeholder" excuse for the unknown and always has been.
What causes smallpox, god's wrath or natural disease processes?
What causes someone to starve to death, no food or "God's wrath"?
What causes drought, natural climate processes, or "God's wrath"?
What causes the STRANGE apparent motion of Mercury. orbiting the sun closer than the earth or "God's hand"?
What causes the seasons, the natural orbit and tilt of the Earth, or "God decided Spring was scheduled on his Holy calendar for "this day" as it is written and published by the priests"?
#17397666 at 2022-08-15 14:40:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21321: Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors Edition
#21320 >>17396872 TBC
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201, >>17396598 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396225 A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396440, >>17396858 Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
>>17396520 Donald J. Trump - America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement!
>>17396529, >>17396531 'Nuclear MAGA' || BREAKING the 33 (LOVE Conquers All)
>>17396556 Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America's Children Are At Risk. / Q Drop 1881
>>17396576 Missouri AG Questions Need For Potentially Armed IRS Army
>>17396599 Three killed in Israeli airstrikes, Syria says
>>17396618 Quick Dig re: Jhunjhunwalas / Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 'India's Warren Buffett', dies at 62
>>17396631 There Are Many Different Ways To Implement New International Digital Currency System
>>17396662 Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible beginning Aug. 17th
>>17396762 There's no sainthood for Obama, National Archives in Trump FBI raid uproar
>>17396787 A second US congressional delegation visits Taiwan
>>17396790 Leonardo DiCaprio funneled grants through dark money group to fund climate nuisance lawsuits
>>17396791 Q Drop 1886 - Delta for today.
>>17396834 Peter Nygard: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein's quest for immortality and his crimes against women and children
>>17396842 Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols
>>17396845 Texas cops launch manhunt for brother of ex-NFL star Aqib Talib after he 'killed youth football coach during row over kids game
>>17396868 FBI Made a Big Mistake: Trump Rallies Taking Place Across the Country Following Unprecedented Raid on President Trump's Home - Bedminster, Long Island, Phoenix, Mar-a-Lago, St. Louis (VIDEO)
>>17396870 #21319
#17397553 at 2022-08-15 14:03:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21320: From Night to Morning Light Edition
Records Suggest A Bureaucrat Hack's Gripe
Part 4 of 4/5
Numerous public statements by Ferriero, who at the time of the referral to the DOJ served as the country's archivist, suggest a partisan goal underlying the referral. First was Ferriero's bizarre overreaction to "watching the Trumps leaving the White House and getting off in the helicopter" while someone was "carrying a white banker box." "What the hell's in that box?," Ferriero claimed he asked himself.
Then there was Ferriero's admission that he decided to retire at the end of April 2020 "because he is worried about the political future." "It's important to me, that this administration replace me," Ferriero said, adding, "I'm concerned about what's going to happen in 2024. I don't want it left to ... the unknowns of the presidential election."
That's quite a STRANGE statement for an archivist to make, suggesting as it does that politics matter in the performance of his role.
Third, Ferriero's comments during a post-retirement interview discussing Jan. 6, suggest he holds an anti-Trump bias. "On his office television, David S. Ferriero, the archivist of the United States, had watched outgoing President Donald Trump whip up the right-wing crowd near the White House," the Post reported. Ferriero said he recalled watching "this angry mob ... really angry, angry people" and thinking to himself, "if these people realize what's in this building they're passing, we're at risk here." The former archivist called January 6, 2021, "the worst day of his tenure as the keeper of the nation's collective memory," and "the worst day of my life" - "the absolute worst."
It is not merely NARA's referral to the DOJ and Ferriero's apparent bias that suggests a political motive, however: It is the reality that even if the documents were classified, Trump has the right to access them and NARA could have worked with the former president to set up a secure location for his presidential papers, which is precisely what Ferriero and the NARA did with Barack Obama.
In 2016, before President Obama left office, he rented a private facility in Hoffman Estates to serve as a storage place for his presidential papers, and by October of 2016, while he was still in office, shipments of artifacts from his presidency began arriving at the suburban Chicago storage facility. A year later, the Chicago Tribune reported that after the National Archives and Records Administration had worked with the former Democrat president to shiphis documents to the Chicago suburb, where they were stored and kept secured, Obama decided not to retain a paper archive at his presidential museum, "meaning they would be shipped back to Washington once a decision [was] made on where to keep them permanently."
The Obama documents - both classified and unclassified - remained in Hoffman Estates well into 2018, as evidenced by a letter of intent executed between Ferriero on behalf of the National Archives Trust Fund and the Obama Foundation. Among other things, the letter of intent memorialized the Obama Foundation's agreement to "transfer up to three million three hundred thousand dollars($3,300,000)to the National Archives Trust Fund (NATF) to support the move of classified and unclassified Obama Presidential records and artifacts from Hoffman Estates to NARA-controlled facilities that conform to the agency's archival storage standards for such records and artifacts."
The only difference between the Hoffman Estates' storage of the Obama presidential records that began in 2016 and the Mar-a-Lago storage of Trump's presidential records was that the documents were technically within the possession of NARA. But even though the documents were legally the property of NARA, Obama still had the right to access the records, including the classified documents.
So if upon receiving the 15 boxes of documents back from Trump, NARA had legitimate concerns about the security of Mar-a-Lago - a STRANGE worry to hold given that the Secret Service must safeguard the location to protect Trump and his family - a bureaucracy committed to the country and safeguarding her artifacts would have worked to arrange for the documents to be preserved under the auspices of NARA control in a location chosen by Trump, as it had done with Obama.
It's the Grand Jury, Stupid
#17397316 at 2022-08-15 12:33:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21320: From Night to Morning Light Edition
>17396160 pb
As antifascists we cannot stay passive when we see fascism awaken yet again after lurking in the shadows for 70 years. Radical right parties in Western Europe, ethnic cleansing in the Near East, and now the bloody events in Ukraine - we will not permit to conceal or play down any of it. We will fight! We are fighting against fascism! No pasaran!
What is Humanism in the 21st Century?
How can humanity as a whole become more humane?
What kind of system is needed to make a future without war possible?
Goethe and Kant, Marx and Lenin, Fromm and Gramsci. We want to acquire this knowledge. This is why we read books, discuss them, organize seminars, write textbooks, publish analytical articles. We analyze facts and philosophical schools of thought, look at different historical events from different perspectives in the pursuit of knowledge that will help us fight.
#17397127 at 2022-08-15 11:20:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21320: From Night to Morning Light Edition
Isn't it ODD how Ghislaine Maxwell has an IMAGINARY CELLMATE namedA-17? Of all things, she choseA-17.
And isn't it a COINCIDENCE that one of the boxed theFBItook in theRAIDatMar-a-Lagowas labeledA-17?
Hmm very STRANGE, anons.
Very STRANGE indeed.
#17396873 at 2022-08-15 09:07:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21320: From Night to Morning Light Edition
Know your bunker: endchan.gg/qrbunker
BOT attacks - Current: META >>17221573 ; Other: >>17387373
Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats, msm trying to nail "qanon" new
Newfag Q & A: >>17381714
HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics; >>17322505 E-Bake PLS TAG THE DOUGH
Baker's Lite JS code >>17224816 ; Q post formatting >>17224834
Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884
Bakers please note proper format for A/B notables is -A,-B #11111-A
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201, >>17396598 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396225 A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396440, >>17396858 Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
>>17396520 Donald J. Trump - America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement!
>>17396529, >>17396531 'Nuclear MAGA' || BREAKING the 33 (LOVE Conquers All)
>>17396556 Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America's Children Are At Risk. / Q Drop 1881
>>17396576 Missouri AG Questions Need For Potentially Armed IRS Army
>>17396599 Three killed in Israeli airstrikes, Syria says
>>17396618 Quick Dig re: Jhunjhunwalas / Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 'India's Warren Buffett', dies at 62
>>17396631 There Are Many Different Ways To Implement New International Digital Currency System
>>17396662 Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible beginning Aug. 17th
>>17396762 There's no sainthood for Obama, National Archives in Trump FBI raid uproar
>>17396787 A second US congressional delegation visits Taiwan
>>17396790 Leonardo DiCaprio funneled grants through dark money group to fund climate nuisance lawsuits
>>17396791 Q Drop 1886 - Delta for today.
>>17396834 Peter Nygard: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein's quest for immortality and his crimes against women and children
>>17396842 Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols
>>17396845 Texas cops launch manhunt for brother of ex-NFL star Aqib Talib after he 'killed youth football coach during row over kids game
>>17396868 FBI Made a Big Mistake: Trump Rallies Taking Place Across the Country Following Unprecedented Raid on President Trump's Home - Bedminster, Long Island, Phoenix, Mar-a-Lago, St. Louis (VIDEO)
>>17396870 #21319
#17396870 at 2022-08-15 09:06:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
Notables - FINAL
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201, >>17396598 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396225 A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396440, >>17396858 Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
>>17396520 Donald J. Trump - America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement!
>>17396529, >>17396531 'Nuclear MAGA' || BREAKING the 33 (LOVE Conquers All)
>>17396556 Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America's Children Are At Risk. / Q Drop 1881
>>17396576 Missouri AG Questions Need For Potentially Armed IRS Army
>>17396599 Three killed in Israeli airstrikes, Syria says
>>17396618 Quick Dig re: Jhunjhunwalas / Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 'India's Warren Buffett', dies at 62
>>17396631 There Are Many Different Ways To Implement New International Digital Currency System
>>17396662 Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible beginning Aug. 17th
>>17396762 There's no sainthood for Obama, National Archives in Trump FBI raid uproar
>>17396787 A second US congressional delegation visits Taiwan
>>17396790 Leonardo DiCaprio funneled grants through dark money group to fund climate nuisance lawsuits
>>17396791 Q Drop 1886 - Delta for today.
>>17396834 Peter Nygard: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein's quest for immortality and his crimes against women and children
>>17396842 Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols
>>17396845 Texas cops launch manhunt for brother of ex-NFL star Aqib Talib after he 'killed youth football coach during row over kids game
>>17396868 FBI Made a Big Mistake: Trump Rallies Taking Place Across the Country Following Unprecedented Raid on President Trump's Home - Bedminster, Long Island, Phoenix, Mar-a-Lago, St. Louis (VIDEO)
#17396809 at 2022-08-15 08:20:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
>STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
#17396806 at 2022-08-15 08:20:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201, >>17396598 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396225 A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396440 Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
>>17396520 Donald J. Trump - America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement!
>>17396529, >>17396531 'Nuclear MAGA' || BREAKING the 33 (LOVE Conquers All)
>>17396556 Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America's Children Are At Risk. / Q Drop 1881
>>17396576 Missouri AG Questions Need For Potentially Armed IRS Army
>>17396599 Three killed in Israeli airstrikes, Syria says
>>17396618 Quick Dig re: Jhunjhunwalas / Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 'India's Warren Buffett', dies at 62
>>17396631 There Are Many Different Ways To Implement New International Digital Currency System
>>17396662 Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible beginning Aug. 17th
>>17396762 There's no sainthood for Obama, National Archives in Trump FBI raid uproar
>>17396787 A second US congressional delegation visits Taiwan
>>17396790 Leonardo DiCaprio funneled grants through dark money group to fund climate nuisance lawsuits
>>17396791 Q
#17396777 at 2022-08-15 07:57:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
I have found something that anyone of you can stare yourselves blind on if you were to find it, and the funny thing is I rarely see something here that remotely relates to it, while I have found that it is indeed related to all this (to my own surprise!) for the language barrier had me confused and still does although it's not entirely STRANGE to it.
#17396771 at 2022-08-15 07:52:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201, >>17396598 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396225 A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396440 Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
>>17396520 Donald J. Trump - America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement!
>>17396529, >>17396531 'Nuclear MAGA' || BREAKING the 33 (LOVE Conquers All)
>>17396556 Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America's Children Are At Risk. / Q Drop 1881
>>17396576 Missouri AG Questions Need For Potentially Armed IRS Army
>>17396599 Three killed in Israeli airstrikes, Syria says
>>17396618 Quick Dig re: Jhunjhunwalas / Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 'India's Warren Buffett', dies at 62
>>17396631 There Are Many Different Ways To Implement New International Digital Currency System
>>17396662 Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible beginning Aug. 17th
>>17396762 There's no sainthood for Obama, National Archives in Trump FBI raid uproar
#17396627 at 2022-08-15 06:16:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201, >>17396598 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396225 A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396440 Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( Layers )
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
>>17396520 Donald J. Trump - America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement!
>>17396529, >>17396531 'Nuclear MAGA' || BREAKING the 33 (LOVE Conquers All)
>>17396556 Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America's Children Are At Risk. / Q Drop 1881
>>17396576 Missouri AG Questions Need For Potentially Armed IRS Army
>>17396599 Three killed in Israeli airstrikes, Syria says
>>17396618 Quick Dig re: Jhunjhunwalas / Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 'India's Warren Buffett', dies at 62
#17396458 at 2022-08-15 04:29:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396165 One dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396305 Anne Heche, 53 dies.
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
>>17396392 Gutfeld - FBI flagging flags? Cruz says 'come and take it'
>>17396447, >>17396452 Konnech Digs
#17396362 at 2022-08-15 03:54:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
Collecting notables
>>17396160 Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
>>17396161 Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats
>>17396172 Schumer eyes $22M in fight against invasive spotted lanternfly that threatens NY
>>17396201 Gina Lollobrigida will run for Senate as the face of a newly-formed Euroskeptic party
>>17396223 President Trump and Breitbart Accused of "Doxxing" FBI Agents Who Signed a Public Document
>>17396320 Biden Tax Filings for Cancer Charity Show Zero Dollars Spent On Research, Millions For Salaries
>>17396335 Trump signs '2-for-1' order to reduce regulations - 01/30/17
#17396160 at 2022-08-15 02:38:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21319: REEE We Are Winning Edition
Nuclear Terror. STRANGE world's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP
<about 6 hours ago
From the very beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, Russia took into account the potential danger of damaging nuclear facilities on the territory of the neighboring state. That is why the territory of the Zaporozhye NPP, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, was taken under the control by Russian troops in the first days after the start of the special operation in Ukraine.
However, the Ukrainian army appeared to take a different approach to security. Quite recently, the Ukrainian Army decided to expand their military front and began strikes against the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. By doing so, the Ukrainian Army created a direct threat of nuclear catastrophe.
#17395447 at 2022-08-14 22:42:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21318: Anons Could Use A Rally About Now Edition
>What part of Jeep was sold to China?
Sold? Stolen. Jeep made a deal to build vehicles in China 20 or so years ago. After the factory had been running a while, one day a Chrysler executive was visiting and kept seeing all these non Jeep Jeeps driving around. They had stolen the design and were building their own counterfeit Jeeps and selling them in China. Not long after that Jeep pulled out of China. If they are back in China today then it must have been some STRANGE combination of stupidity and greed that brought them back.
#17395035 at 2022-08-14 20:38:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21317: Mar A Lago Bait Taken Ebake Edition
14 Aug, 2022 12:37
US angry with India over Russian oil
New Delhi says Washington upset about products from Russia being transferred to the US
Washington has approached New Delhi with queries about Russian oil products that were allegedly shipped to the US from India, Reuters reported on Saturday, citing Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor Michael Patra.
According to Patra, the US Treasury informed the country's authorities that an Indian vessel allegedly picked up oil from a Russian tanker on the high seas and delivered it to a port in the state of Gujarat on the country's west coast, where the oil was processed and then shipped to New York.
"You know that there are sanctions against people who are buying Russian oil, and this was reported to us by the US Treasury... It turns out, an Indian ship met a Russian tanker in mid-seas, picked up oil in the mid-seas, came to a port in Gujarat, it was processed in that port and converted into a distillate which actually goes into making single-use plastic. The refined output was put back on that ship and it set sail without a destination. In the mid-seas it received the destination so it reached its course, went to New York," Patra said at an event in Odisha celebrating 75 years of Indian independence.
The official did not reveal the name of the ship in question, nor provide any other details on the matter, but said "that's the way war works, it works in STRANGE ways." (That sounds like something the old joe would say as a threat)
The US banned Russian oil and oil products from entering the country earlier this year, as part of sanctions aimed at Russia in connection with the situation in Ukraine.
India has abstained from sanctioning Moscow and, while prior to this year it rarely bought Russian oil, has stepped up purchases tenfold since March, taking advantage of the discount Moscow has offered. According to Bloomberg, Russia overtook Saudi Arabia as the South Asian nation's second-biggest supplier in June, second only to Iraq.
The US Embassy in New Delhi did not comment on Patra's statement when asked by Reuters.
Got it the US blackmails countries
#17394949 at 2022-08-14 20:13:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21317: Mar A Lago Bait Taken Ebake Edition
Joe Rogan: Jeffrey Epstein may have been CIA or Mossad spy
Joe Rogan thinks that convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein may have been an agent of either the CIA or Israel's Mossad who was part of a plot to collect sensitive information about the rich and powerful.
Rogan broached the topic of Epstein and his connection to Harvard University on last Friday's episode of his popular podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," which is available on the Spotify streaming service.
The podcaster and his guest, comedienne Whitney Cummings, began talking about Epstein. His comments were cited on Monday by Mediaite.
"Well, he definitely donated some money to science," Rogan said.
"You know, but I had a conversation with a scientist who didn't buy into that Epstein stuff and wouldn't go to the meetings and stuff like that."
"And he said, he was really shocked at how little money he actually donated."
"Interesting," Cummings said.
"He goes, 'It wasn't that much money.' He goes, it was really like, 'he was more than that,'" Rogan said.
"He was bringing them to parties. Like it was an intelligence operation," Rogan said. "Whoever was running it, whether it was, the Mossad or whether it was CIA or whether it was a combination of both - it was an intelligence operation. They were bringing in people and compromising them."
"And then when they would compromise them, they would use, you know, whatever they had on them to influence their opinions and the way they expressed those opinions," Rogan added. "And I don't know why they would want to do that with scientists, which is really STRANGE to me."
#17394787 at 2022-08-14 19:17:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21317: Mar A Lago Bait Taken Ebake Edition
this looks to be a scyop within a scyop
(someone spell that one for me please, thanks)
I'm amused how you actually have to believe in God
to believe in the devil
and evil isn't as complicated as we are made to think.
To care for each other as human beings
and to honor each other's dignity as intelligent beings
is to honor God, as well.
To say "we are one" is like describing color to a blind person…
what exactly is the thing we end up being when being that "one."
Who decides what that ONE THING will be?
I'm a strict individualist who acknowledges that
people tend to form ecosystems when a group forms.
Where there is a need, someone steps in to fill it.
This happens with siblings as well, with personalities.
I haven't read anything by socialists or communists
because they are sociopaths, lazy liars, and selfish pigs.
They discard morality like life was trash to destroy as they pass.
If you believe or do not believe in Christianity
it is the philosophy that will ensure the continuity of mankind.
If we lived away from all society it wouldn't matter what we believed
but when we attempt to live among other people
we need to have a working philosophy to guide us.
Honor, dignity, love, respect for each other and all living things.
So, don't get caught in the web of intrigue that these STRANGE books offer.
Don't chase after deep mysteries about spiritual ghosts and goblins.
Chase after a life in the light of caring and love for each other.
This is compatible with even the most innocent of children
and the wisest of the old and dying.
To have ensured life for ourselves and each other… is love… is God
#17394653 at 2022-08-14 18:34:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21317: Mar A Lago Bait Taken Ebake Edition
The FBI is a criminal RICO enterprise whose covert "sources and methods" include criminal acts, sedition, subversion of American laws and the Constitution, while lying and obfuscating their activity from Congress and the people of the United States. Congress is ok with this arrangement as long as they're able to claim plausible deniability and / or classified activities status.
"Everyone should take the time to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it's very important.
From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impaneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the "Charity".
Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those "Donations" to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.
Look who took over this investigation in 2005, none other than James Comey. Coincidence? Guess who was transferred into the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? None other than, Lois Lerner. Isn't that interesting?
But this is all just a series of STRANGE coincidences, right? Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Justice from 2001 to 2005? None other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.
Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame? Another coincidence (just an anomaly in statistics and chances), but it was Robert Mueller.
What do all four casting characters have in common? They all were briefed and/or were front-line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation. Another coincidence, right?
Fast forward to 2009. James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin. Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, official government business, on her own personal email server. The Uranium One "issue" comes to the attention of Hillary. Like all good public servants do, supposedly looking out for America's best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians. Now, you would think that this is a fairly straight-up deal, except it wasn't.
America got absolutely nothing out of it.
However, prior to the sales approval, none other than Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid $500,000 for a one-hour speech; then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours. Ok, no big deal right? Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.
Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during this time frame. He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009. Who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney's Office in Maryland? None other than, Rod Rosenstein.
And what happened to the informant? The Department of Justice placed a gag order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
Very soon after; the sale was approved. $145 million dollars in "donations" made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal. Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division? None other than, Lois Lerner.
Ok, that's all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right? Let's fast forward to 2015. Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 "investigations" the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server. He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her "Public Service" as Secretary of State which was required by law. He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.
Sparing you the State Departments cover-up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this, they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary.
#17394607 at 2022-08-14 18:19:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21317: Mar A Lago Bait Taken Ebake Edition
WATCH: Ontario Premier Doug Ford Swallows a Bee During Live Press Conference
Ontario Premier Doug Ford swallowed a bee during a live press conference on Saturday.
Ford was speaking about privatizing healthcare in Dundalk, Ontario, when the bee flew straight into his mouth.
"Holy Christ, I just swallowed a bee!," Ford said, while coughing and reaching into his mouth
Ford quickly joked about the STRANGE situation saying, "I'm good, he's down here buzzing around right now. He has a lot of real estate."
"This is going to be replayed over and over again," Ford continued to joke about the certain oncoming buzz over the incident.
Ford was immediately laughing about the incident and taking it in stride, laughing off the "blooper."
"He's wedged in my throat, sorry guys," the Premier told media, touching his throat. "Man, he went right down the hatch."
The politician let everyone know that he was okay, and that "the bee is building a hive down there."
According to a report from CP24, "Ford was in the small rural area southwest of Barrie to announce an investment of $500,000 in the Ontario-based company Greenlid, which produces compostable and sustainable products."
A spokesperson for Ford told the station that he is "doing well" following the incident.
#17393887 at 2022-08-14 13:43:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21316: Sharpen Those Shovels Edition
A band was playing a "joyous" Jewish wedding song when parade-goers began fleeing gunshots.
"It was surreal," the band's tuba player Howard Prager told Insider.
"This is us at our worst and we have to turn this around," Prager said.
The Maxwell Street Klezmer Band was playing a joyful Jewish wedding song, and parade-goers should have been dancing. Instead they were running, and the band had no idea why.
The band played on, not realizing that gunfire had erupted just around the corner from them in Highland Park, Illinois, killing seven people and injuring 31.
"It was surreal," Howard Prager, the band's tuba player, told Insider. "You know, you see those disaster movies on TV and in theaters where people are running away from something and here we are going towards it, not having any idea what was happening."
Among the horrifying videos to emerge from the July 4 shooting was one of terrified parade-goers fleeing the scene as the band, unaware of the shooting, continued to play.
At the start of the parade, Prager said he could see people on the sidewalks, standing and sitting in chairs, and looking happy to be at a parade after years of COVID cancellations. The band had been on the parade route for about five minutes when they started seeing people running toward their truck.
Prager thinks he heard "some pops," but didn't think it was gunfire. His first thought when he saw people running was that there might have been a July 4 giveaway. Then the piano player said: "Something's not right."
Soon, the seven band members realized they needed to turn their truck around and head to safety, in the opposite direction.
The Klezmer music they were playing is traditional eastern European Jewish music, Prager said, and Chicago is a big center for its revival. Although it's often in minor keys, Prager said it is still "very joyful."
The wedding song they were playing at the time, "Freilach von der Chuppah," is a joyous and upbeat song, he added.
"It was just STRANGE to be playing and then seeing this happen," he said of the scene, which is "forever etched in my mind. We saw parents with baby strollers. We saw kids, we saw people of all ages, and they were all running."
Prager said he now feels "shock and numb and sorrow" for those who were killed, injured and affected by the shooting. "And I thank God that ... I'm OK and that we're OK."
Highland Park has a large Jewish population. The band has performed in concerts, weddings and special events since 1983, but Prager said they have frequently played at parades in Highland Park and Skokie, Illinois, because they have so many fans there.
Prager said July 4 is one holiday where Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs can celebrate together the birth of the nation, liberty and justice for all. "To think that someone was sick enough to use this as an occasion to unleash violence and mayhem and murder is to me, so unbelievable, so wrong," he said.
Prager wrote the book "Make Someone's Day: Becoming a Memorable Leader in Work and Life." He said it's about how we need to support one another, "and the only thing I can think of is I need to work harder getting this message out."
"This is us at our worst and we have to turn this around," he said. "We've got to stop this. This has got to come to an end because none of us deserve to live in fear."
#17393820 at 2022-08-14 13:13:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21316: Sharpen Those Shovels Edition
>>17393774 ty quickie baker
New York's Voter Matrix: An Alternate Structure Within Voter Rolls
One expert said he saw this occur in the Middle East. He said the purpose was to "control elections. I never expected to see it in America."
Sometimes, you run into something so out of place that you have to ask yourself, how did that get there? A boat in the desert, A fossilized battery, crop circles, and now, New York's voter rolls.
New York Citizens Audit (NYCA) is an all volunteer group of individuals who have been studying the 2020 General Election since last August. After a year's worth of effort, they have made some impressive findings. They have discovered hundreds of thousands of cloned voter records, examples of identity theft, discrepancies between official vote counts, over a hundred thousand registered voters without an address, and more.
Today, an NYCA representative appeared on True the Vote's "vital strategy session," "The Pit," and dropped something truly STRANGE: There is a pattern embedded in the identification numbers assigned to voters.
How did it get there, and why?
The pattern, dubbed "The Voter Matrix" by NYCA, creates an alternate structure within the voter rolls. The details are complicated but the effect is simple: It makes nefarious manipulation of records possible.
#17388512 at 2022-08-14 00:23:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21314: DS Bullies Cannot Hide Anymore Edition
Please share with everyone! This an article written about the data from NY shown at The Pit:
From https://t.me/ladydraza
New York's Voter Matrix: An Alternate Structure Within Voter Rolls
Sometimes, you run into something so out of place that you have to ask yourself, how did that get there? A boat in the desert, A fossilized battery, crop circles, and now, New York's voter rolls.
New York Citizens Audit (NYCA) is an all volunteer group of individuals who have been studying the 2020 General Election since last August. After a year's worth of effort, they have made some impressive findings. They have discovered hundreds of thousands of cloned voter records, examples of identity theft, discrepancies between official vote counts, over a hundred thousand registered voters without an address, and more.
Today, an NYCA representative appeared on True the Vote's "vital strategy session," "The Pit," and dropped something truly STRANGE: There is a pattern embedded in the identification numbers assigned to voters.
How did it get there, and why?
The pattern, dubbed "The Voter Matrix" by NYCA, creates an alternate structure within the voter rolls. The details are complicated but the effect is simple: It makes nefarious manipulation of records possible.
The Voter Matrix presents the possibility that no amount of "cleaning the rolls" or "purging records" can fix the problem, because the Matrix can regenerate phantom voters all day long.
The pattern is well-hidden. It is unlikely that anyone would have found it in the normal course of business. Experts consulted for this article were amazed that it was found at all. Last year, NYCA submitted a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request to the New York Board of Elections for New York's voter rolls. A few months later, the BOE delivered the rolls on a DVD. If one were to open the nine-gigabyte text file and look at it as-is, the pattern would be invisible, though it is sitting right there in plain sight, as seen in the image below.
The size and format of the voter roll document make it extremely difficult to view directly. Instead, it must be converted to another format. It cannot be opened in Excel because it is too large. Database software can deal with it, provided it is resident on a powerful enough computer.
Read the rest at
#17387177 at 2022-08-13 16:47:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21313: We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here. Edition
>>17385592 Kyle Fitzsimon Trial is August 16, 2022 - Please Pray For him and his family/friends
>>17385673, >>17385685, >>17385720 HOW DO YOU INTRODUCE EVIDENCE LEGALLY
>>17385680, >>17385684 What Happened to Saudi Arabia - Recap
>>17385707, >>17385878 U.S. Navy - Learning about an important community! - Information Warfare / 17 words
>>17385768 Infowars Host Owen Shroyer Testifies In Alex Jones's Defamation Trial
>>17385775 Flannel Friday Extravaganza with Gregg Phillips, Kari Lake, and Seth Keshel
>>17385791 French Journalist Criticised For Reporting Kiev's Shelling of East
>>17385839 219 House Democrats BLOCK consideration of amendment to prevent hiring of 87,000 new armed IRS agents
>>17385855 U.S. Marines - #Marines with @MBWDC perform during the final Sunset Parade of the 2022 season at the Marine Corps War Memorial, Arlington, Va., Aug. 9.
>>17385859, >>17386199 Salman Rushdie on a ventilator, likely to lose an eye after on-stage attack
>>17385884, 17385875 President Trump had a standing order during his tenure at the White House, that anything he brought home with him was to automatically be considered declassified!
>>17386015 Six deputies shot in North Carolina in the last three weeks
>>17386090, >>17386091 Shitty Shitty Jab Jab bus tours Australia ARE STILL killing one person at time and mocking the Aussies
>>17386101, >>17386102 Cheney political dynasty about to get butts kicked by Trump in Wyoming
>>17386104 167 and 6 on Endorsements this cycle
>>17386109 CSIRO to ensure the jabs keep coming for more introduced viruses to Australians
>>17386124 The Mar-a-Lago Panty Raid Plot Thickens
>>17386127 Devolution For Dummies
>>17386165 A federal jury awarded Republican Roy Moore $8.2 million in damages Friday after finding that a Democratic super PAC defamed him in an advertisement during the 2017 U.S. Senate race in Alabama
>>17386198 Bruce E. Reinhart is a Referral Judge in Trumps RICO Case
>>17386201 Manhattan renters struggling to find affordable apartments as rent soars to record $5,000 month
>>17386205 Pope Francis Meets with Group of Transsexuals at the Vatican
>>17386214 Herridge: Then President #Trump issued this memorandum 1/19/2021 on declassification FBI Crossfire Hurricane records
>>17386222 USS Space Force news
>>17386222 Today's links; Stroppy's views on the news Sat Aug 13 2022
>>17386224 Jesse Watters: Crossfire hurricane!!! Trump declassified it but [They] don't want it declassified because it would be "very embarrassing"
>>17386226 Battleground With The Left: First Nationwide Conservative Network In Spanish Language
>>17386259 Kirsch on CDC call: important to put CDC on record that they "are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans."
>>17386278 Australia's Central Bank Working With BIS To Launch Digital Currency System
>>17386286 Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar: The vaccine agenda was designed to bring down the economy
>>17386290 Water companies 'sold off reservoirs that could have eased drought'
>>17386297 Sunday Morning Futures Line-Up...
>>17386275, >>17386315, >>17386321, >>17386401 Rushdie 's attacker, Hadi Matar, used this fake driver's license.
>>17386331, >>17386378 The #CDC is quietly deleting medical misinformation from its website. Luckily, the internet never forgets
>>17386355 US employees in Tijuana and other Mexican border towns are ordered to shelter-in-place amid chaos and violence.
>>17387132 #21311 posted in #21312
>>17384828 Armed Man Attacks FBI Office and is Then Killed by Police in Standoff
>>17384860 Do good things locally so the people can trust the election process.
>>17384885 World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
>>17384893 Glow Posts Emerge on a Truth Social Account Urging People to 'Kill the FBI on Sight'
>>17384925 Catherine Herridge - President Trump's Florida home would be unsealed / I had a framework letter prepared. I think...it's a lot of Cabinet members did in this administration
>>17384971 Disney heiress says the company ignored Weinstein's sexual misconduct
>>17385004 Trump talked many years ago about "Archivists" having a lot of power about things?
>>17385005 'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax': Trump pushes back on report of FBI's Mar-a-Lago search
>>17385020 Jim W Live AMA after Revolution Radio Studio B
>>17385023, >>17385056 Thread on /pol/ RE: Trump/CLinton RICO Case
>>17385030 Florida publishes rule barring Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming health care
>>17385046 PF: Call sign NASA802. GULFSTREAM 3 N802A NASA NEIL A ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER. Palmdale to Saskatoon.
>>17385061 DJT: Release The Documents NOW! mapping Q2340
>>17385108 PF: Call sign EDG494. Flight plan hidden from public view on FA.
>>17385114 FBI Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows
>>17385122 Democrats' signature economic bill puts $200 billion toward deficit reduction and it's too dumb to comprehend
>>17385187 PF: STRANGE Zulu82
>>17385257 RICO - Trump v. Clinton et al
>>17385314 Speed - Bus # 2525 - Annual report on Nuclear Stockpile
>>17385320 PF: Call sign SPAR724. USAF LEARJET 3 86-0377. Wheels up out of Colorado Springs.
>>17385322, >>17385383 Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccine
>>17385326 The Next Big Money Evolution Will Be Printing International Money Via Human Intelligence
>>17385331 Stefanik: "This is the same agency leadership that protected Hillary Clinton."
>>17385347, >>17385361 Salmon Rushdie satanic verses author stabbed on stage in NY
>>17385418 Children's hospital offers 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' to 'eligible' teenagers
>>17385428, >>17385438 Q Drop 1848 - Iron Eagle / Is about the NRO/GOES/JPL/NOAA satellite imagery that was taking place on 9/11 over NYC. / Physical Effects of Sept. 11 Scrutinized From on High
>>17385482 Paul Sperry | FBI agents who raided Trump under criminal investigation by John Durham...
>>17385492 Meta cleans up AI chatbot that spewed anti-Semitism and election conspiracies
>>17385522 #GEOTUS keeps hinting at Obama's presidential library records
>>17385523 ABC News Chief Investigative Reporter: Americans Who Are Angry Over Trump Raid Are 'Neo-Nazis' Because Merrick Garland Is Jewish
>>17385550 #21310
#17387060 at 2022-08-13 16:02:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21312: Saturnday Morning Ebake Edition
watching the waves lap in one at a time. friggin space force better a handle on this STRANGE little corn er of the intewebs watching the masses catch on is partly sad and mostly satisfying truth is a force of nature
#17386978 at 2022-08-13 15:42:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21312: Saturnday Morning Ebake Edition
My first post here, but I wanted to bring this to attention. Yesterday, the 5th SFAB activated its team right before Trump left office on December 17th, the unit itself was created late into Trump's presidency, I think. Anyways, it posted some comms on its Twitter people were talking about, but nobody investigated the unit it mentioned as working in cooperation with, the 55th (5 5) COM CAM (Communications and Camera), as someone currently serving in the Army, even I had not heard of this shit at all or anything like this, but then again, I'm at the front with Scouts, and the massive amount of logistical units and bizarre extremely specific jobs and units in the rear is staggering so it wasn't weird in itself just STRANGE that it received such a unique callout on this twitter post. Even more interesting, once you dig into their socials, you find that all of their social media pages are named after the unit, like normal, and as is the standard- the Twitter however is named something entirely different and unrelated; DVIDSHub. I saw some STRANGE comms on there the past few days, Arizona, 17 several times, etc. But then something insane, US "#Marines conduct a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Rapid Infiltration (HIRAIN) during exercise Typhoon Crossbow 23.1 on Iwo To, #Japan" right after the raid on Mar A Lago. For the challenged, Typhoon is literally a second word for Hurricane, and the Crossbow is enough for me to get the message, but a step further, it's even a device used for firing projectiles. Had to share with everybody.
#17386481 at 2022-08-13 12:38:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21312: Saturnday Morning Ebake Edition
Know your bunker endchan.gg/qrbunker
BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015
CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder
>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>17224803, >>16050716 Newfag Q&A
>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting
>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks
>>17321482, >>17321493, >>17321931, >>17321979, >>17322066 Replying directs (You) to the top of the board
>>17336310 Anti-Raid SOP: Blur Images, >>17336152 Hide Images, >>17336452 Recode REDTEXT to BLACK, >>17334363 Non ##HOO Filter
>>17337522, >>17302337 BO UPDATE Mitigation is in play
Bakers please note proper format for A/B notables is -A,-B #11111-A
>>17384828 Armed Man Attacks FBI Office and is Then Killed by Police in Standoff
>>17384860 Do good things locally so the people can trust the election process.
>>17384885 World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
>>17384893 Glow Posts Emerge on a Truth Social Account Urging People to 'Kill the FBI on Sight'
>>17384925 Catherine Herridge - President Trump's Florida home would be unsealed / I had a framework letter prepared. I think...it's a lot of Cabinet members did in this administration
>>17384971 Disney heiress says the company ignored Weinstein's sexual misconduct
>>17385004 Trump talked many years ago about "Archivists" having a lot of power about things?
>>17385005 'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax': Trump pushes back on report of FBI's Mar-a-Lago search
>>17385020 Jim W Live AMA after Revolution Radio Studio B
>>17385023, >>17385056 Thread on /pol/ RE: Trump/CLinton RICO Case
>>17385030 Florida publishes rule barring Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming health care
>>17385046 PF: Call sign NASA802. GULFSTREAM 3 N802A NASA NEIL A ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER. Palmdale to Saskatoon.
>>17385061 DJT: Release The Documents NOW! mapping Q2340
>>17385108 PF: Call sign EDG494. Flight plan hidden from public view on FA.
>>17385114 FBI Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows
>>17385122 Democrats' signature economic bill puts $200 billion toward deficit reduction and it's too dumb to comprehend
>>17385187 PF: STRANGE Zulu82
>>17385257 RICO - Trump v. Clinton et al
>>17385314 Speed - Bus # 2525 - Annual report on Nuclear Stockpile
>>17385320 PF: Call sign SPAR724. USAF LEARJET 3 86-0377. Wheels up out of Colorado Springs.
>>17385322, >>17385383 Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccine
>>17385326 The Next Big Money Evolution Will Be Printing International Money Via Human Intelligence
>>17385331 Stefanik: "This is the same agency leadership that protected Hillary Clinton."
>>17385347, >>17385361 Salmon Rushdie satanic verses author stabbed on stage in NY
>>17385418 Children's hospital offers 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' to 'eligible' teenagers
>>17385428, >>17385438 Q Drop 1848 - Iron Eagle / Is about the NRO/GOES/JPL/NOAA satellite imagery that was taking place on 9/11 over NYC. / Physical Effects of Sept. 11 Scrutinized From on High
>>17385482 Paul Sperry | FBI agents who raided Trump under criminal investigation by John Durham...
>>17385492 Meta cleans up AI chatbot that spewed anti-Semitism and election conspiracies
>>17385522 #GEOTUS keeps hinting at Obama's presidential library records
>>17385523 ABC News Chief Investigative Reporter: Americans Who Are Angry Over Trump Raid Are 'Neo-Nazis' Because Merrick Garland Is Jewish
>>17385550 #21310
#17385877 at 2022-08-13 06:54:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21311: RICO - Trump v Clinton / Raid on Mar-a-Lago Edition
.. In the pre-crash years, however, the firms' leaders acted less like the stewards of utilities and more like sleazy Wall Street hotshots. They made hyper-aggressive business decisions because their bonuses were tied to earnings growth. Some executives even engaged in Enronesque accounting manipulations in an effort to jack up their bonuses even further. These efforts led to record civil fines.
Contrary to popular belief, the one thing they weren't guilty of was causing the 2008 crash. As the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission later concluded, the GSEs were followers rather than leaders of the subprime craze. They invested far less recklessly than did the giant Wall Street firms primarily responsible for inflating the housing bubble.
In fact, it's a little-known subplot of the financial crisis that bailout-era Fannie and Freddie was turned into a kind of garbage facility for other Wall Street institutions, buying up toxic mortgages that private banks were suddenly desperate to unload.
As early as March of 2008, then Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was advocating using Fannie and Freddie to "buy more mortgage-backed securities from overburdened banks."
And at the heat of the crisis, none other than former House Financial Services Committee chief and current Hillary Clinton booster Barney Frank praised the idea of using Fannie and Freddie to ease economic problems. "I'm not worried about Fannie and Freddie's health," he said. "I'm worried that they won't do enough to help out the economy."
Even after the state took over the companies in September of 2008, Fannie and Freddie continued to buy as much as $40 billion in bad assets per month from the private sector. Fannie and Freddie weren't just bailed out, they were themselves a bailout, used to sponge up the sins of private firms.
The original takeover mechanism was a $110 billion bailout, followed by a move to place Fannie and Freddie in conservatorship. In exchange, the state received an 80 percent stake and the promise of a future dividend. All told, the government ended up pumping about $187 billion into the companies.
But now here's the STRANGE part. Within a few years after the crash, the housing markets improved significantly, to the point where Fannie and Freddie started to make money again. Lots of money. The GSEs became cash cows again, and in 2012 the government unilaterally changed the terms of the bailout.
Now, instead of taking a 10 percent dividend, the government decided that the new number it preferred was 100 percent. The GSE regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), explained the new arrangement.
"The 10 percent fixed-rate dividend was replaced with a variable structure, essentially directing all net income to the Treasury," the FHFA wrote. "Replacing the current fixed dividend in the agreements with a variable dividend based on net worth helps ensure stability [and] fully captures financial benefits for taxpayers." ..
#17385554 at 2022-08-13 04:41:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21311: RICO - Trump v Clinton / Raid on Mar-a-Lago Edition
Know your bunker endchan.gg/qrbunker
BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015
CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder
>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>17224803, >>16050716 Newfag Q&A
>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting
>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks
>>17321482, >>17321493, >>17321931, >>17321979, >>17322066 Replying directs (You) to the top of the board
>>17336310 Anti-Raid SOP: Blur Images, >>17336152 Hide Images, >>17336452 Recode REDTEXT to BLACK, >>17334363 Non ##HOO Filter
>>17337522, >>17302337 BO UPDATE Mitigation is in play
Bakers please note proper format for A/B notables is -A,-B #11111-A
>>17384828 Armed Man Attacks FBI Office and is Then Killed by Police in Standoff
>>17384860 Do good things locally so the people can trust the election process.
>>17384885 World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
>>17384893 Glow Posts Emerge on a Truth Social Account Urging People to 'Kill the FBI on Sight'
>>17384925 Catherine Herridge - President Trump's Florida home would be unsealed / I had a framework letter prepared. I think...it's a lot of Cabinet members did in this administration
>>17384971 Disney heiress says the company ignored Weinstein's sexual misconduct
>>17385004 Trump talked many years ago about "Archivists" having a lot of power about things?
>>17385005 'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax': Trump pushes back on report of FBI's Mar-a-Lago search
>>17385020 Jim W Live AMA after Revolution Radio Studio B
>>17385023, >>17385056 Thread on /pol/ RE: Trump/CLinton RICO Case
>>17385030 Florida publishes rule barring Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming health care
>>17385046 PF: Call sign NASA802. GULFSTREAM 3 N802A NASA NEIL A ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER. Palmdale to Saskatoon.
>>17385061 DJT: Release The Documents NOW! mapping Q2340
>>17385108 PF: Call sign EDG494. Flight plan hidden from public view on FA.
>>17385114 FBI Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows
>>17385122 Democrats' signature economic bill puts $200 billion toward deficit reduction and it's too dumb to comprehend
>>17385187 PF: STRANGE Zulu82
>>17385257 RICO - Trump v. Clinton et al
>>17385314 Speed - Bus # 2525 - Annual report on Nuclear Stockpile
>>17385320 PF: Call sign SPAR724. USAF LEARJET 3 86-0377. Wheels up out of Colorado Springs.
>>17385322, >>17385383 Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccine
>>17385326 The Next Big Money Evolution Will Be Printing International Money Via Human Intelligence
>>17385331 Stefanik: "This is the same agency leadership that protected Hillary Clinton."
>>17385347, >>17385361 Salmon Rushdie satanic verses author stabbed on stage in NY
>>17385418 Children's hospital offers 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' to 'eligible' teenagers
>>17385428, >>17385438 Q Drop 1848 - Iron Eagle / Is about the NRO/GOES/JPL/NOAA satellite imagery that was taking place on 9/11 over NYC. / Physical Effects of Sept. 11 Scrutinized From on High
>>17385482 Paul Sperry | FBI agents who raided Trump under criminal investigation by John Durham...
>>17385492 Meta cleans up AI chatbot that spewed anti-Semitism and election conspiracies
>>17385522 #GEOTUS keeps hinting at Obama's presidential library records
>>17385523 ABC News Chief Investigative Reporter: Americans Who Are Angry Over Trump Raid Are 'Neo-Nazis' Because Merrick Garland Is Jewish
>>17385550 #21310
#17385550 at 2022-08-13 04:40:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21310: Glowies Cry Arrest Edition
Notables - FINAL
>>17384828 Armed Man Attacks FBI Office and is Then Killed by Police in Standoff
>>17384860 Do good things locally so the people can trust the election process.
>>17384885 World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
>>17384893 Glow Posts Emerge on a Truth Social Account Urging People to 'Kill the FBI on Sight'
>>17384925 Catherine Herridge - President Trump's Florida home would be unsealed / I had a framework letter prepared. I think...it's a lot of Cabinet members did in this administration
>>17384971 Disney heiress says the company ignored Weinstein's sexual misconduct
>>17385004 Trump talked many years ago about "Archivists" having a lot of power about things?
>>17385005 'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax': Trump pushes back on report of FBI's Mar-a-Lago search
>>17385020 Jim W Live AMA after Revolution Radio Studio B
>>17385023, >>17385056 Thread on /pol/ RE: Trump/CLinton RICO Case
>>17385030 Florida publishes rule barring Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming health care
>>17385046 PF: Call sign NASA802. GULFSTREAM 3 N802A NASA NEIL A ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER. Palmdale to Saskatoon.
>>17385061 DJT: Release The Documents NOW! mapping Q2340
>>17385108 PF: Call sign EDG494. Flight plan hidden from public view on FA.
>>17385114 FBI Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows
>>17385122 Democrats' signature economic bill puts $200 billion toward deficit reduction and it's too dumb to comprehend
>>17385187 PF: STRANGE Zulu82
>>17385257 RICO - Trump v. Clinton et al
>>17385314 Speed - Bus # 2525 - Annual report on Nuclear Stockpile
>>17385320 PF: Call sign SPAR724. USAF LEARJET 3 86-0377. Wheels up out of Colorado Springs.
>>17385322, >>17385383 Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccine
>>17385326 The Next Big Money Evolution Will Be Printing International Money Via Human Intelligence
>>17385331 Stefanik: "This is the same agency leadership that protected Hillary Clinton."
>>17385347, >>17385361 Salmon Rushdie satanic verses author stabbed on stage in NY
>>17385418 Children's hospital offers 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' to 'eligible' teenagers
>>17385428, >>17385438 Q Drop 1848 - Iron Eagle / Is about the NRO/GOES/JPL/NOAA satellite imagery that was taking place on 9/11 over NYC. / Physical Effects of Sept. 11 Scrutinized From on High
>>17385482 Paul Sperry | FBI agents who raided Trump under criminal investigation by John Durham...
>>17385492 Meta cleans up AI chatbot that spewed anti-Semitism and election conspiracies
>>17385522 #GEOTUS keeps hinting at Obama's presidential library records
>>17385523 ABC News Chief Investigative Reporter: Americans Who Are Angry Over Trump Raid Are 'Neo-Nazis' Because Merrick Garland Is Jewish
#17385446 at 2022-08-13 04:02:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21310: Glowies Cry Arrest Edition
>>17384828 Armed Man Attacks FBI Office and is Then Killed by Police in Standoff
>>17384860 Do good things locally so the people can trust the election process.
>>17384885 World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
>>17384893 Glow Posts Emerge on a Truth Social Account Urging People to 'Kill the FBI on Sight'
>>17384925 Catherine Herridge - President Trump's Florida home would be unsealed / I had a framework letter prepared. I think...it's a lot of Cabinet members did in this administration
>>17384971 Disney heiress says the company ignored Weinstein's sexual misconduct
>>17385004 Trump talked many years ago about "Archivists" having a lot of power about things?
>>17385005 'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax': Trump pushes back on report of FBI's Mar-a-Lago search
>>17385020 Jim W Live AMA after Revolution Radio Studio B
>>17385023, >>17385056 Thread on /pol/ RE: Trump/CLinton RICO Case
>>17385030 Florida publishes rule barring Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming health care
>>17385046 PF: Call sign NASA802. GULFSTREAM 3 N802A NASA NEIL A ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER. Palmdale to Saskatoon.
>>17385061 DJT: Release The Documents NOW! mapping Q2340
>>17385108 PF: Call sign EDG494. Flight plan hidden from public view on FA.
>>17385114 FBI Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows
>>17385122 Democrats' signature economic bill puts $200 billion toward deficit reduction and it's too dumb to comprehend
>>17385187 PF: STRANGE Zulu82
>>17385257 RICO - Trump v. Clinton et al
>>17385314 Speed - Bus # 2525 - Annual report on Nuclear Stockpile
>>17385320 PF: Call sign SPAR724. USAF LEARJET 3 86-0377. Wheels up out of Colorado Springs.
>>17385322, >>17385383 Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccine
>>17385326 The Next Big Money Evolution Will Be Printing International Money Via Human Intelligence
>>17385331 Stefanik: "This is the same agency leadership that protected Hillary Clinton."
>>17385347, >>17385361 Salmon Rushdie satanic verses author stabbed on stage in NY
>>17385418 Children's hospital offers 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' to 'eligible' teenagers
>>17385428, >>17385438 Q Drop 1848 - Iron Eagle / Is about the NRO/GOES/JPL/NOAA satellite imagery that was taking place on 9/11 over NYC. / Physical Effects of Sept. 11 Scrutinized From on High
Call out notables!!
#17385378 at 2022-08-13 03:36:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21310: Glowies Cry Arrest Edition
>>17384828 Armed Man Attacks FBI Office and is Then Killed by Police in Standoff
>>17384860 Do good things locally so the people can trust the election process.
>>17384885 World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
>>17384893 Glow Posts Emerge on a Truth Social Account Urging People to 'Kill the FBI on Sight'
>>17384925 Catherine Herridge - President Trump's Florida home would be unsealed / I had a framework letter prepared. I think...it's a lot of Cabinet members did in this administration
>>17384971 Disney heiress says the company ignored Weinstein's sexual misconduct
>>17385004 Trump talked many years ago about "Archivists" having a lot of power about things?
>>17385005 'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax': Trump pushes back on report of FBI's Mar-a-Lago search
>>17385020 Jim W Live AMA after Revolution Radio Studio B
>>17385023, >>17385056 Thread on /pol/ RE: Trump/CLinton RICO Case
>>17385030 Florida publishes rule barring Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming health care
>>17385046 PF: Call sign NASA802. GULFSTREAM 3 N802A NASA NEIL A ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER. Palmdale to Saskatoon.
>>17385061 DJT: Release The Documents NOW! mapping Q2340
>>17385108 PF: Call sign EDG494. Flight plan hidden from public view on FA.
>>17385114 FBI Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows
>>17385122 Democrats' signature economic bill puts $200 billion toward deficit reduction and it's too dumb to comprehend
>>17385187 PF: STRANGE Zulu82
>>17385257 RICO - Trump v. Clinton et al
>>17385314 Speed - Bus # 2525 - Annual report on Nuclear Stockpile
>>17385320 PF: Call sign SPAR724. USAF LEARJET 3 86-0377. Wheels up out of Colorado Springs.
>>17385322 Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccine
>>17385326 The Next Big Money Evolution Will Be Printing International Money Via Human Intelligence
>>17385331 Stefanik: "This is the same agency leadership that protected Hillary Clinton."
>>17385347, >>17385361 Salmon Rushdie satanic verses author stabbed on stage in NY
Call out notables!!
#17385279 at 2022-08-13 03:12:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21310: Glowies Cry Arrest Edition
>>17384828 Armed Man Attacks FBI Office and is Then Killed by Police in Standoff
>>17384860 Do good things locally so the people can trust the election process.
>>17384885 World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
>>17384893 Glow Posts Emerge on a Truth Social Account Urging People to 'Kill the FBI on Sight'
>>17384925 Catherine Herridge - President Trump's Florida home would be unsealed / I had a framework letter prepared. I think...it's a lot of Cabinet members did in this administration
>>17384971 Disney heiress says the company ignored Weinstein's sexual misconduct
>>17385004 Trump talked many years ago about "Archivists" having a lot of power about things?
>>17385005 'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax': Trump pushes back on report of FBI's Mar-a-Lago search
>>17385020 Jim W Live AMA after Revolution Radio Studio B
>>17385023, >>17385056 Thread on /pol/ RE: Trump/CLinton RICO Case
>>17385030 Florida publishes rule barring Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming health care
>>17385046 PF: Call sign NASA802. GULFSTREAM 3 N802A NASA NEIL A ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER. Palmdale to Saskatoon.
>>17385061 DJT: Release The Documents NOW! mapping Q2340
>>17385108 PF: Call sign EDG494. Flight plan hidden from public view on FA.
>>17385114 FBI Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents in Trump Search, Inventory Shows
>>17385122 Democrats' signature economic bill puts $200 billion toward deficit reduction and it's too dumb to comprehend
>>17385187 PF: STRANGE Zulu82
>>17385257 RICO - Trump v. Clinton et al
Call out notables!!
#17385187 at 2022-08-13 02:46:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21310: Glowies Cry Arrest Edition
#17384595 at 2022-08-13 00:19:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21309: Comfy and Full Control Edition
Maybe they were from Tulsa (Aslut) (not serious, anon)
Anon has always had a STRANGE association with words and has always seen them in spoonerism or mirror form.
Ergo, the city of Tulsa has always had anon cringing and asking "WTF were they thinking?"
She is a real fucking STRANGE nut.
Her wiki page is very informative.
Gabbard was born on April 12, 1981, in Leloaloa, Ma?op?tasi County, on American Samoa's main island of Tutuila.[21][22] She was the fourth of five children born to Carol (n?e Porter) Gabbard and her husband, Mike Gabbard.[23] In 1983, when Gabbard was two years old, her family moved to Hawaii, where her family had lived in the late 1970s.[24][25][26]
Gabbard has both Samoan and European ancestry, and was raised in a multicultural household.[27][28][29] Her mother was born in Indiana and grew up in Michigan.[30] Her father was born in American Samoa and lived in Hawaii and Florida as a child;[31] he is of Samoan and European ancestry.[32]
Gabbard was raised in part according to the teachings of the Science of Identity Foundation (SIF) religious community and its spiritual leader, Chris Butler.[33][34][35] She has said Butler's work still guides her.[36] In 2015, Gabbard called Butler her guru dev (roughly, "spiritual teacher").[24][37] Gabbard's husband and ex-husband have also been members of the community.[37][34] Gabbard has been reluctant to speak publicly about the SIF.[35]
Gabbard embraced the Hindu faith as a teenager.[23][38][39] Her first name, Tulasi in Sanskrit, is the word for holy basil, which Hindus regard as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulasi. Her siblings also have Hindu Sanskrit-origin names.[23] She was homeschooled through high school except for two years at informal schools in the Philippines.[24][40]
#17384372 at 2022-08-12 23:30:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21309: Comfy and Full Control Edition
Now I will spend the next week puzzling over why I took the actions I did over the past weeks or so. Happened like this once before in May. I feel STRANGE. I should read the drops again for the umpteenth time.
#17382480 at 2022-08-12 16:20:24 (UTC+1)
Q Rseearch General #21307: Fed Bois On The Sniff/Nuclear Fallout Comin Edition
Know your bunker endchan.gg/qrbunker
BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015
CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder
>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>17224803, >>16050716 Newfag Q&A
>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting
>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks
>>17321482, >>17321493, >>17321931, >>17321979, >>17322066 Replying directs (You) to the top of the board
>>17336310 Anti-Raid SOP: Blur Images, >>17336152 Hide Images, >>17336452 Recode REDTEXT to BLACK, >>17334363 Non ##HOO Filter
>>17337522, >>17302337 BO UPDATE Mitigation is in play
Bakers please note proper format for A/B notables is -A,-B #11111-A
>>17381760, >>17381773, >>17382003, >>17382278 PF updates
>>17381722 Did somebody say "Nuclear documents"?
>>17381725 Ahoy! It's the Ship Show with Jim Watkins
>>17381744 Even the Fake News is admitting Trump used a song titled Wwg1wga for his video 😎
>>17381768 Homeland Security seeks to share biometric databanks with foreign countries
>>17381801 the bill has just passed both houses of NSW Parliament.
>>17381804, >>17381806 The Swamp Today,Friday, August 12, 2022
>>17381823 RSBN To Exclusively Livestream True the Vote's 'The Pit'
>>17381857 FBI: "Sometimes informants have to play along."
>>17381869 Scotland, which has a near 80% vaccination rate, has published their latest mortality data
>>17381879, >>17381895 We cannot let Zaporizhzhia become the next Chernobyl.
>>17381890 How Latter-day Saints are addressing sex abuse: Too little, too late
>>17381908 Anita Dunn has to divest investment portfolio worth between $16.8 million and $48.2 million to avoid conflicts
>>17381979 #Marines with Combat Logistics Regiment 4, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Platoon, conduct decontamination training
>>17381989 Kamaltoe is worried about heat? kek
>>17382042 Refresher: Rosenbergs were executed for giving away nuclear secrets
>>17382057 @TrumpChannel 🚨 A very important message from AG Garland. Share it everywhere!!!
>>17382059 45:167 and 6 on Endorsements this cycle
>>17382063 @USNavy Flying into the weekend! 🚁
>>17382071 'IRS Training Included Armed Agents Carrying Out Simulated Assault on Suburban Home"
>>17382078 7th Floor no moar?
>>17382079 The World is Watching
>>17382088 Wray Confirms Detroit Field Office Head During Whitmer Kidnapping Debacle Now Leads D.C. Field Office
>>17382105 to understand the manipulation of the voter roll is to understand the hostile takeover of the entire electoral chess board.
>>17382152 Support for Manchin-Schumer spending bill could be final blow for 5 most vulnerable House Democrats
>>17382228 @173rdAbnBde #FridayVibes 🪂
>>17382234 @USNavy #ICYMI 👀 Fair winds and following seas, Shipmates. Stay safe out there! 👋
>>17382266 @Spacedotcom 'Gigantic jet' that shot into space may be the most powerful lightning bolt ever detected
>>17382281 Pelosi is Demon Liar Call your U.S. Representative - no matter what party they align
>>17382299 'We're Seeing a Lot' of Consumers Buying Less, Gas Deliveries Lower than in 2020
>>17382315 Feds looking for that red folder from J6 and not a peep about that kek
>>17382319 Scavino TS page has gone orange
>>17382323 #NNSA's large-scale 'dirty bomb' exercise in #Austin - Cobalt Magnet
>>17382335 Google fined $43M by Australian court for misleading users over data
>>17382408, >>17382411 "Criminal Case Against Trump Organization And Former CFO Can Move Forward, Judge Rules"
>>17382419 @USNavy Welcome back, Shipmates! 👋 ?
>>17382471 #21306
>>17380931 Why isn't Hunter being raided nor Blue Water Wellness?
>>17380949, >>17381228, >>17381377 PDJT: DOJ should release search warrant docs
>>17380980 George Conway: Having Top Secret Documents Could Take 'Narcissist' Trump 'Down'
>>17380993 IRS Annual Report Shows Heavily Armed Agents Training To Shoot PEOPLE-SHAPED TARGETS
>>17381111 , >>17381135 US tax collector prepares new agents to use 'deadly force'
>>17380995 Fauci thinks he's God's gift...
>>17381003 To Avoid Sanctions, Countries Are Ditching The US Dollar
>>17381031 Corporate media tar critics of Trump raid as 'Qanon' fans calling for violence
>>17381038 Ukraine's military warns Russian tourists
>>17381040 AG Garland Threatens Americans Who Attack "Integrity of FBI" - Basically Admits THEY GOT NOTHING in the Raid (VIDEO)
>>17381117 US Covid czar cracks joke about pandemic
>>17381123 Secret Service detail blocks off handicap parking for 20 minutes while Kamala Harris' husband Doug Emhoff shops at Whole Foods
>>17381139 #Fedophile MAKE IT TREND
>>17381174, >>17381359 Anne Heche crash - not expected to live, is an organ donor
>>17381252, >>17381259 Flash floods in Vegas
>>17381275 Woke Mob Pounces On Disney's 'Thor' Director Taika Waititi over Old 'Transphobic' Tweets
>>17381322 Democrat Sen. Ed Markey says there's no reason to pay for gas when you can get an electric vehicle - KEK
>>17381324, >>17381500 WEF threats: proposes AI to automate censorship of "hate speech" and "misinformation", and MORE
>>17381315, >>17381340 Aug 20 Trump Rally postphoned
>>17381346 Disney Casts Drag Queen in New Series
>>17381351 Liz Cheney denounces those against raid; husband is partner at firm representing Hunter (nothing to see here)
>>17381358 Ex CIA chief endorses executing leakers of nuclear secrets (Trump a target?)
>>17381422 Obama Gave the Russians our Nuclear Secrets two years into his first Term...
>>17381431, >>17381487 PDJT: Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia
>>17381375 Goetsche: The pharmaceutical industry is organized crime
>>17381415 Eric Trump: Trump is 'shattering all fundraising record' following FBI raid
>>17381444 No deaths from "new langya virus" so far
>>17381452, >>17381453 Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds
>>17381457 @StephenAtHome to WH @PressSec Jean-Pierre: "One of the goals stated was to kind of repair the relationship between that press office and the press..."
>>17381459 More Liz Cheney BS
>>17381467, >>17381485, >>17381555 PDJT: Dems in Congress should VOTE AGAINST THE BIGGEST GREEN NEW FAKE DEAL IN HISTORY
>>17381497, >>17381510 PDJT: 167 and 6 on Endorsements this cycle....
>>17381492 Media Brainwashing "Operation Paul Revere Infowars.com Contest"
>>17381513 Real Clear Politics: FBI, R.I.P.?
>>17381531 "The Biden administration is boosting support for human spaceflight, aiming to put the first woman and person of color on the moon."
>>17381547 Grassley insinuating that Joe Biden is blackmailed by China?
>>17381554 Five Chinese US-Listed Giants Announce Delisting Plans Over Audits, May Spark $2.4 Trillion Exodus
>>17381582 "What's the best porn for young people?" - Alan McKee
>>17381586 Matt Whitaker just said that we've crossed the Rubicon and that everybody needs to be ready for what happens next.
>>17381604 General Flynn reiterates what President Trump always says: they aren't coming after him, they're coming after us (but peopole are waking up to it)
>>17381607 Blinken says US citizens will be able to select X as their gender on passports
>>17381610, >>17381619 Dr Malone on $4.5 Billion to Ukraine, study on vax safety
>>17381612 Fire at Trump Tower Kills One
>>17381620 Meet Pima County's new Elections Director, Constance Hargrove will begin working as the Pima County Elections Director in April.
Constance Hargrove
>>17382206 #21305
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352, >>17380392, >>17380418, >>17380538 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
>>17380591 NSA watchdog questions $230M in surveillance agency's labor costs, $16.4M in CARES Act invoices
>>17380600 POTUS 45 changed his Truth Social banner
>>17380601, >>17380655, >>17380738 Donald J. Trump Truths - I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents / ...My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been
>>17380644 Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV
>>17380743, >>17380768 Donald J Trump Truth / Q Drop 4331, 4637
>>17380780 Truth-bomb thread of all truth-bomb threads takes the Left and media APART lie-by-obvious-lie
>>17380791 #21304
#17381862 at 2022-08-12 13:47:09 (UTC+1)
Q Rseearch General #21306: - DIE SPAMMER DIE E-bake Edition
found these while searching for #21303….
>>17381442 dough
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352, >>17380392, >>17380418, >>17380538 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
>>17380591 NSA watchdog questions $230M in surveillance agency's labor costs, $16.4M in CARES Act invoices
>>17380600 POTUS 45 changed his Truth Social banner
>>17380601, >>17380655, >>17380738 Donald J. Trump Truths - I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents / ...My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been
>>17380644 Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV
>>17380743, >>17380768 Donald J Trump Truth / Q Drop 4331, 4637
>>17380780 Truth-bomb thread of all truth-bomb threads takes the Left and media APART lie-by-obvious-lie
>>17380791 #21304
#17381663 at 2022-08-12 12:49:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21306: Obama's martha's vineyard, japan gov leaves and B.I.S and I.R.S edition
Know your bunkers endchan.gg/qrbunker | webchat.freenode.net/##qrbunker | 4chan/pol >PTG >POTUS Research
BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015
CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder
>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>17224803, >>16050716 Newfag Q&A
>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting
>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks
>>17321482, >>17321493, >>17321931, >>17321979, >>17322066 Replying directs (You) to the top of the board
>>17336310 Anti-Raid SOP: Blur Images, >>17336152 Hide Images, >>17336452 Recode REDTEXT to BLACK, >>17334363 Non ##HOO Filter
>>17337522, >>17302337 BO UPDATE Mitigation is in play
#21305 tbc
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352, >>17380392, >>17380418, >>17380538 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
>>17380591 NSA watchdog questions $230M in surveillance agency's labor costs, $16.4M in CARES Act invoices
>>17380600 POTUS 45 changed his Truth Social banner
>>17380601, >>17380655, >>17380738 Donald J. Trump Truths - I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents / ...My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been
>>17380644 Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV
>>17380743, >>17380768 Donald J Trump Truth / Q Drop 4331, 4637
>>17380780 Truth-bomb thread of all truth-bomb threads takes the Left and media APART lie-by-obvious-lie
>>17380791 #21304
#17380798 at 2022-08-12 05:09:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21305: Endless Night, Into Endless Light Edition
Know your bunkers endchan.gg/qrbunker | webchat.freenode.net/##qrbunker | 4chan/pol >PTG >POTUS Research
BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015
CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder
>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>17224803, >>16050716 Newfag Q&A
>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting
>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks
>>17321482, >>17321493, >>17321931, >>17321979, >>17322066 Replying directs (You) to the top of the board
>>17336310 Anti-Raid SOP: Blur Images, >>17336152 Hide Images, >>17336452 Recode REDTEXT to BLACK, >>17334363 Non ##HOO Filter
>>17337522, >>17302337 BO UPDATE Mitigation is in play
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352, >>17380392, >>17380418, >>17380538 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
>>17380591 NSA watchdog questions $230M in surveillance agency's labor costs, $16.4M in CARES Act invoices
>>17380600 POTUS 45 changed his Truth Social banner
>>17380601, >>17380655, >>17380738 Donald J. Trump Truths - I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents / ...My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been
>>17380644 Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV
>>17380743, >>17380768 Donald J Trump Truth / Q Drop 4331, 4637
>>17380780 Truth-bomb thread of all truth-bomb threads takes the Left and media APART lie-by-obvious-lie
>>17380791 #21304
#17380798 at 2022-08-12 05:09:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21305: Endless Night, Into Endless Light Edition
Know your bunkers endchan.gg/qrbunker | webchat.freenode.net/##qrbunker | 4chan/pol >PTG >POTUS Research
BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015
CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder
>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>17224803, >>16050716 Newfag Q&A
>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting
>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks
>>17321482, >>17321493, >>17321931, >>17321979, >>17322066 Replying directs (You) to the top of the board
>>17336310 Anti-Raid SOP: Blur Images, >>17336152 Hide Images, >>17336452 Recode REDTEXT to BLACK, >>17334363 Non ##HOO Filter
>>17337522, >>17302337 BO UPDATE Mitigation is in play
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352, >>17380392, >>17380418, >>17380538 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
>>17380591 NSA watchdog questions $230M in surveillance agency's labor costs, $16.4M in CARES Act invoices
>>17380600 POTUS 45 changed his Truth Social banner
>>17380601, >>17380655, >>17380738 Donald J. Trump Truths - I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents / ...My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been
>>17380644 Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV
>>17380743, >>17380768 Donald J Trump Truth / Q Drop 4331, 4637
>>17380780 Truth-bomb thread of all truth-bomb threads takes the Left and media APART lie-by-obvious-lie
>>17380791 #21304
#17380791 at 2022-08-12 05:09:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
Notables - FINAL
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352, >>17380392, >>17380418, >>17380538 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
>>17380591 NSA watchdog questions $230M in surveillance agency's labor costs, $16.4M in CARES Act invoices
>>17380600 POTUS 45 changed his Truth Social banner
>>17380601, >>17380655, >>17380738 Donald J. Trump Truths - I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents / ...My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been
>>17380644 Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV
>>17380743, >>17380768 Donald J Trump Truth / Q Drop 4331, 4637
>>17380780 Truth-bomb thread of all truth-bomb threads takes the Left and media APART lie-by-obvious-lie
#17380680 at 2022-08-12 04:33:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352, >>17380392, >>17380418, >>17380538 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
>>17380591 NSA watchdog questions $230M in surveillance agency's labor costs, $16.4M in CARES Act invoices
>>17380600 POTUS 45 changed his Truth Social banner
>>17380601, >>17380655 Donald J. Trump Truths - I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents / ...My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been
>>17380644 Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV
Call out notables!!
#17380547 at 2022-08-12 03:55:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
Call out notables!!
#17380528 at 2022-08-12 03:50:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
>>17380308 Joseph J Flynn - Chuck Shumer's opponent ?.. go! / Schumer's opponent with a 17 hat!
>>17380310 Alice the tunnel-boring machine reaches Montreal airport, then bids adieu
>>17380320 Former Veterans Affairs Police Chief Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Participating In Kidnapping Conspiracies
>>17380333 Washington Post, CNN, NBC news, and Scipps filing claims "The Media Intervenors certainly do not seek these records for any illegitimate purpose"
>>17380352 Anon Dig - Found something notable digging around in the motion to unseal the warrants.
>>17380357 Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents
>>17380363 Anon Theory - This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this.
>>17380384 UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly
>>17380389 Migrants use charity cash to flee NYC when they can't get into shelter
>>17380406 PEDO BUN 11 August 22BOOK EM DANNO!
>>17380413 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft Interview Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Who Was at Mar-a-Lago During Raid.
>>17380422 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380431 ABC guest suggests Americans angry over Trump raid are 'Neo-Nazis' because Merrick Garland is Jewish
>>17380506 California: SB 866 Counter-Attack Twitter Campaign
>>17380512 Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The 'Revolutionary' Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine
Call out notables!!
#17380301 at 2022-08-12 02:41:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
>>17380214 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380235 Parliament is rocked by FIVE claims of rape or attempted rape in bombshell report
>>17380240, >>17380263 Docket Entry 17 and its attachment are hereby UNSEALED
Call out notables!!
#17380219 at 2022-08-12 02:17:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
I know how it works. It was STRANGE it didn't get any attention at all. Only from me, bc I posted this: >>17379932
#17380209 at 2022-08-12 02:15:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
>>17380144 Former NYT editor sought Schumer's permission to publish a Republican op-ed: Bari Weiss
>>17380156 Boston Children's Hospital scrubs videos touting 'gender-affirming hysterectomies' for young girls after online criticism
>>17380172 Christopher Wray's moms maiden name is Gates. She is the daughter of Samuel E Gates.
>>17380182 Former SEC Def Mark Esper reveals he has had government-provided "protection 24/7" since he left DoD due to threats from Iran
>>17380190 Anon Opine - Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search
>>17380199 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac says FBI agent threatened him to hush up
>>17380202 Eric Trump - DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!
Call out notables!!
#17380208 at 2022-08-12 02:15:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
>>17380195 (me)
What I was talking about. Gateway Pundit. Take of it what you will. One thing they wrote that looks STRANGE is"The suspect had an AR15 and body armor but fired a nail gun at FBI personnel."
#17380190 at 2022-08-12 02:10:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21304: Activate the Beam of Comfy Edition
Thought it kind of STRANGE Trump used the word relative when describing the wardrobe search so I did A little dig Turns out 3 Q posts only used that word. His Banned Twitter used that word 8 times with some pretty obvious mistakes Anybody see anything significant?? Much appreciate other eyes on this. o7
#17380012 at 2022-08-12 01:32:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research Bunker #21303: Merrick Garland Wets himself edition
The STRANGE thing about how we throw this phrase around so loosely is that there was never any competition.
He is God.
He wants us to share in victory - with Him.
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord or Lords forever!
#17377477 at 2022-08-11 22:50:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research Bunker #21303: Merrick Garland Wets himself edition
PB and notable
Chris Cox Heifer, a spokesman for Heifer International, said that ranch workers found Middleton's car in the parking lot and notified the sheriff.
The body was found shortly afterwards.
Heifer told DailyMail.com: 'He wasn't invited to the property and staff became aware that he was there without authorization.
'We have not found any connection to Heifer.
'The ranch is well known in the area and it's possible that he could have attended something here but we couldn't' find any major links.
'The ranch hosts school groups for things like lambing so he could have attended one of those. It's a very unfortunate incident.'
Heifer is the clue
why might he
( or if murderered other person (s)
have been saying
by choosing this death location?
It has since been confirmed that the former advisor,
who lived in Little Rock, Arkansas,
took his own life at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville,
owned by an anti-poverty nonprofit called Heifer International,
30 miles away from his home.
*Heifer International
*hosts school groups for things like lambing ( people like Epstein and Clintons, they call us sheep )
Late last year, DailyMail.com exclusively revealed
Middleton was among the Clinton advisors and aides
who had let Epstein into the White House
during the former president's first few years in office.
The late pedophile made at least
trips to the White House between 1993 and 1995,
seven of which were authorized by Middleton.
Montgomery said Middleton was discovered
hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest.
He reportedly used an extension cord as a noose
and created makeshift gallows underneath the tree
which appeared to be there as a failsafe
in case the shotgun blast didn't kill him.
did not leave a note, though he told his family he was 'depressed'
'He died from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the chest. He found a tree and he pulled a table over there, and he got on that table, and he took an extension cord and put it around a limb, put it around his neck and he shot himself in the chest with a shotgun.
'It was very evident that the shotgun worked
because there was not a lot of blood or anything on the scene.
You can tell the shotgun blast was on his chest, you can tell that
because there is a hole in the chest and pellets came out the back of his back.
It was definitely self-inflicted in our opinion'. CASE CLOSED
Epstein Island
Plastic cows
Life-size plastic cow statues were random, STRANGE, and unexplainable figures on the island. Supposedly, staff members moved the cows around each day. It remains a mystery why they were moved around or why they were there in the first place.
2 yr. ago
Quality contributor
This is weird. Trump was campaigning in South or North Carolina on February 15 2016 and Epstein flight log (with Larry as pilot) shows he went from New York to Florida on February 16 2016. And nothing in February before that.
So what was Larry doing near Trump plane on February 15 when the flight log does not fit?
2 yr. ago
Larry getting up close and personal with Trump's jet. h/t @BergeronSaint
February 15, 2016
#17373678 at 2022-08-11 22:02:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research Bunker #21302: We're Beating the BOTS!!! Edition
STRANGE what some Black people think of Black people as a group. Bought into the demoncrats vision?
Live in a nearly all Black neighborhood and crime, violence just not habbening.
Img is more representative.
#17372175 at 2022-08-11 21:49:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research Bunker #21302: We're Beating the BOTS!!! Edition
While Nuland was taking multiple trips to Kiev in the midst of the Maidan melee, passing out snacks alongside John McCain and the US Ambassador, very STRANGE things were happening that have never been adequately explained.
To this day no definite result has come from investigations into the infamous 'Maidan snipers' that killed dozens of both protesters and police officers. Conflicting reports and claims by various sides name them as working for the embattled government, the protesters, Russia - all in the name of stoking tensions further. According to some of the snipers themselves, they received direct orders from a US officer. Would that be something that NATO (or someone linked to NATO) could have sanctioned? It's impossible to say with any certainty, but the killings went far towards enraging the masses, which ultimately drove Yanukovych out of the country.
Meanwhile, Reuters, then not yet so sure of Kiev's innocence, asked (back in 2014) why no one was charged with killing policemen, especially when it is considered that the prosecutors and the minister in charge of the investigation all played a part in fueling the uprising. By way of evidence, the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Vitaly Yarema was videotaped striking a traffic cop in the face during the protests. To what degree was Yarema and numerous other Kiev officials were corrupted and compromised by Western money will never be known, but it's a question still worthy of asking.
Ukraine confirms Russian missile hit plant adjacent to burned down shopping mall READ MORE: Ukraine confirms Russian missile hit plant adjacent to burned down shopping mall
Another thing to question is why the Western media barely reported Kiev's shelling of the Donbass, home to millions of Russian speakers and passport holders, over the course of the last eight years? At the same time, numerous reports - many of them from Ukrainian citizens caught up in the fighting - describe atrocities and war crimes being committed by Ukrainian forces, many of them outright neo-Nazis, such the Azov Battalion. These forces have been indiscriminately bombing schools, hospitals and residential areas, and, to emphasize, these eyewitness accounts are coming from the Ukrainian people themselves.
Back to NATO and Ukraine. The brutal reality, as summed up by Jens Stoltenberg's remark, is that Ukraine is already a de facto proxy member of NATO, and has been since at least 2014.
As the scholar John Mearsheimer explained, "The alliance began training the Ukrainian military in 2014, averaging 10,000 trained troops annually over the next eight years."
The arming of Ukraine happened regardless of who was in the White House. In December 2017, the Trump administration, together with other NATO states, began sending 'defensive' weapons to Ukraine, while Kiev took a major role in military exercises held on the Russian border.
The US and Ukraine have been co-hosting Exercise Sea Breeze, yearly naval drills in the Black Sea. The July 2021 iteration was the largest to date, including navies from 32 countries. In September the same year, the Ukrainian army led 'Rapid Trident 2021', which the US Army describes as "A US Army Europe and Africa-assisted annual exercise designed to enhance the interoperability among allied and partner nations."
The key word here is "interoperability," which would give 'non-NATO partner' Ukraine much of what was already being given to regular paying client states. Yet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky just keeps asking for more, and NATO is happy to oblige.
Some may argue that Ukraine was absolutely right to join forces with NATO, considering that Russia had 'annexed' the Crimean Republic and absorbed it into its 'empire'. That's the view being sowed across NATO and its partner states. In reality, the Crimean population held a democratic referendum that asked whether they wanted to rejoin Russia as a federal subject, or if they wanted to restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and peninsula's status as a part of Ukraine.
The result should have silenced the critics, but instead it just infuriated them more: a 97% vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation with an 83% voter turnout. Consequently, President Putin signed a decree, after its formal ratification in the State Duma, recognizing Crimea as a sovereign state -without so much as a drop of blood being shed.
It would take a dyed-in-the-wool Russophobe to take in all of the above and not, at the very least, understand why Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine.
#17360030 at 2022-08-11 20:19:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21301: THIS IS E Bake RookieEdition
LIVE: Large fire burning in Englewood, Florida; size is at least 150 acres. STRANGE coincidence- on April 15th the Englewood Church burned down in Chicago.
#17352444 at 2022-08-11 18:36:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21300: THIS IS 8KUN Edition
Did Donald Trump Bait the FBI?
By Larry Johnson
Published August 11, 2022 at 7:00am
A reasonable question. Monday's FBI raid at Trump's Mar A Lago was very STRANGE. Unlike previous FBI hits on people linked to Trump, such as Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, the establishment media was kept in the dark. They did not get a heads up. How did we learn about the raid? Trump announced it via his social media page around 1830 hours edt on Monday. Very STRANGE.
Think about this. Not a single soul in the Trump universe who knew about the raid at Mar A Lago breathed a word about this unholy assault. Not one. And, surprisingly, the FBI kept its mouth shut. There is something more to this.
Full disclosure. I once respected the FBI. …
But that is past. The current FBI is evil, corrupt and criminal. …
That was then. I no longer trust the FBI. It has become a political monster and must be dismantled. I realize in stating this that I may be declared an enemy of the state. Fuck them. This is about preserving what remains of the U.S. Republic.
#17195679 at 2022-08-08 06:11:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21297 Remain Brave
All this homo stuff seems STRANGE.
#17195531 at 2022-08-08 06:10:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21297 Remain Brave
>The 'splash' of molten rock
So like a water bubble from a splash?
what are the odds that bubble ends up so perfectly spherical it is a ball?
Must have cooled at funny rate?
I'm thinking eliptoid shape?
still can't figure the "photo of century" part either.
Chyna could have snaped a couple of pics showing the far side, with earth in bg.
that would sort the flat earthers.
yet no pics. STRANGE imho.
what would I know. just an anon, not tending meeme but enjoying the movie
#17194463 at 2022-08-08 06:05:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21297 Stay in the Light
yeah, removing all traces, this is panic mode. What is going on?
#17189010 at 2022-08-08 03:24:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21295 (you) are the Fag (you)'ve been waiting for
I don't know about (you), but I have been asking myslef, besides MONKEY FUCKING POX, what else do they have up their sleeves....ALIENS!!!!
It was unlike ANYTHING he had ever seen! STRANGE object above Brisbane!
Jun 26, 2022
#17188490 at 2022-08-08 03:21:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21294 (you) are more than (you) Know
First off the bat, April 22, when they turned on the #LHC, was the Orthodox day of Jesus crucifixion.
I don't believe this to be of insignificance.
"Firestarter" movie comes out soon. Open the tweet below and watch the trailer.
"Something feels weird, something's changing" "The whole worlds going to Hell"
That's one hell of a symbolic title, "Firestarter" as if to represent the ignition of a great flame to come.
Girl suddenly gains pyrokinetic ability to control fire
"Something feels weird, something's changing"
"The whole worlds going to Hell"
I feel like the timing is telling.
Jordan Peeles upcoming movie Nope is about UFOs & Aliens
The scene after a UFO is shown, a woman is shown with a veil covering her face
Then a gust of wind LIFTS THE VEIL off her face
The lifting of the veil between worlds could bring interdimensional beings into our world
Movie releases on May 6:
Dr. STRANGE in the Multiverse of Madness
Notice the hands coming out of him?
That's Shiva, 'The Destroyer'
Multiverses? Portals? Shiva?
This all smells of CERN to me.
#17187549 at 2022-08-08 03:16:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21293 Hold on for one more Day
This is true. I was about 40 years old when I met my biological father and was stunned to observe some very STRANGE, non-physical, similarities, such as odd food preferences, and preferred recreation activities.
#17187260 at 2022-08-08 03:14:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21292 We're in the Pipe
Our tax system is so f'n complex anon needs accountant 9at my cost) to comply with gov rules.
Sometink STRANGE about that IMHO
#17185640 at 2022-08-08 03:06:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21290 Odin Strike
Disney's 'STRANGE World' to feature
first gay teen romance in animated feature film
New York Daily News, by Muri Assun??o
Posted By: Ribicon, 6/18/2022 3:59:12 PM
Disney's upcoming adventure film "STRANGE World" will feature a gay teen romance-the first in an animated feature produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film, which is scheduled to open on Nov. 23, will follow three generations of a family of explorers and take viewers "to a place of infinite mystery unlike anything you've ever seen," according to a trailer released by the studio earlier this month.(Snip)In one of them, Ethan (Young-White) flirts with a boy named Diazo in front of his friends, who tease him in a friendly way. His father, Searcher Clade (Gyllenhaal), later joins in and embarrasses him in "an overeager show of acceptance,"
#17184756 at 2022-08-08 03:02:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21289 Odin Slash
It's happening, I'm seeing it more and more. People keep getting covid and I keep saying we haven;t had it but we didn't get the vaccine and they get this STRANGE puzzled look on their face, like 'oh fuck'!
#17184574 at 2022-08-08 03:01:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21289 Odin Slash
it had been like four days since I found out and busted into the secret place, and finally got to talk to her, but I was still
smoking to much, and drinking to much caffiene, and she was yelling at me, mad constantly. I didn't realize what was
going on, I thought it was straight, and we just had to make it to the rendevouz back at the bank, our place. Hadn't been
there in months. I thought we'd get it all right there, and hit snow white six, which requires fasting with respect to the earth
and our relationship anyway.
But right before we got there. This massive gangbang started, and thats when I found out O and A are different
That difference I Am trying so hard to define myself while its right infront of my face but the Truth will prevail.
I have some of the facts, which with due dilligence will shine a light on it.
So my ass got destroyed, bukkaked, I killed like a billion demons in the demi urge, the war in heaven. Jesus Christ
brought me the flaming sword and I opened hell, put some famous people in there. she banged the devil, I got born
in the blood, 2 years and a week after we were reborn according to the details of Revelation 12 given the names Isaac
and Ariel, Isaac born 1 year after announcement of His name and birth on passover on passover. My birthday was on
passover 5 weeks, 8 days before our 2 year delta, 3/27-5/17 - 5 weeks 8 days is the distance between my birth and hers.
I won the bet and made her the Holy Spirit and on the left side of my body shes been with me the whole time but on the
left side of my spirit the Holy Spirit has been here the whole time. Before the split, straight down the middle of my spirit
and my face, the crack. That was when she bit the apple, before the split, my spirit and I were like one. Makin one or two
faces, together. Now its literally five.
All the time I was drawing air hearts with her and dancing through this stone, looking back at her eyes through the spirit
on my face. Drowning out a million voices with my own badgering for years before I got here. A was drawing the other
half of the hearts, while O was banging dudes and drawin the hearts too. She probably didn't know about A, because she
didn't believe i could hear Jesus Christ and God when I first got to the secret place. which is how I ended up with the
Kingdom of Heaven on my right side and the demi urge on my left side, but only in the flesh. In the spirit, its Heaven.
The Morning Stars, The All
That was, is, and will be. With God, who did things then, and does them now.
So I had A here the whole time, since the jump when we met God
being my True Love.
Which is why... when O jumped off the cliff and started bangin the whole demi urge with sophia and banged the devil
By the time she got to the devil... All the jizz in my face... I've broken so many bones, taken so many falls for others,
lost so many loved ones, suffered with such STRANGE afflictions, enemies, efforts, attacks, experiences, rapes, torture,
Oh My God. It pleased the Lord to bruise him. Hes at least as good at fixing my broken bones as He is at breaking them.
God I snapped. I had gotten acquitted by God briefly before I found out what was going on with her. They were pissed
Thing is, when I made the bet, I had used sophia as an apparatus to talk to God and Ariel in an successful effort to
wife up my wifey and return to my first works, that appears to have backfired horribly. Point being, they thought they
had an ace up their sleeve in that they thought I was talking to sophia that whole time, when I was talking to Ariel, and
I ended up being right about that. God is in the mouth of the wicked although he is far from their minds. All in an effort
to talk to O
#17184197 at 2022-08-08 02:59:20 (UTC+1)
Q Resear.ch General #21288 Activate Project Odin
Wildlife authorities in California are trying to remove a baby mountain lion after it wandered into a San Mateo County high school.
The lion was discovered just before 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in a classroom at Pescadero High School as the custodial staff was preparing to open, a San Mateo County Sheriff's Office spokesperson said.
"No students or staff were ever in danger as the school was not in session yet," the spokesperson said.
It's not clear how the lion entered the school. It's currently confined to the classroom.
Officials with the state's Department of Fish and Wildlife are at the school, located about 60 miles southwest of San Jose, trying to safely and humanely remove the animal.
They tried to "let it out on its own," but the lion did not leave because it appears to be "lost and scared," the sheriff's office spokesperson said.
The STRANGE encounter did not delay the start of the school day. Students and staff are currently inside the building but are not using the classroom the lion has occupied, the sheriff's office said.
#17173112 at 2022-08-08 01:41:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21286: Yapple Dapple Edition
Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/05/2018 12:16:50 ID: 472124
8chan/qresearch: 275544
Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?
Did this seem STRANGE to you?
Watch the news.
Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].
Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].
Soros transfer of wealth.
Dopey FREED.
Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.
News unlocks MAP.
Think Mirror.
Which team?
THEY don't know.
These people are EVIL.
Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?
20/20 coming.
Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?
#17148717 at 2022-08-07 17:31:27 (UTC+1)
Q Resear.ch Gener al #21285 Scrappy-doo edition
2A, article related:
The STRANGE birth of NY's gun laws
January 16, 2012
"Recent months have seen a former Marine from Indiana, a Tea Party activist from California and a nurse from Tennessee all arrested and charged in New York City for possession of firearms they had legal permits to carry back home. All were "nabbed" when they naively sought to check the weapon with security.
These innocents fell afoul of the nation's toughest gun laws. But few New Yorkers know how those laws came to be.
The father of New York gun control was Democratic city pol "Big Tim "Sullivan - a state senator and Tammany Hall crook, a criminal overseer of the gangs of New York.
In 1911 - in the wake of a notorious Gramercy Park blueblood murder-suicide - Sullivan sponsored the Sullivan Act, which mandated police-issued licenses for handguns and made it a felony to carry an unlicensed concealed weapon.
This was the heyday of the pre-Prohibition gangs, roving bands of violent toughs who terrorized ethnic neighborhoods and often fought pitched battles with police. In 1903, the Battle of Rivington Street pitted a Jewish gang, the Eastmans, against the Italian Five Pointers. When the cops showed up, the two underworld armies joined forces and blasted away, resulting in three deaths and scores of injuries. The public was clamoring for action against the gangs.
Problem was the gangs worked for Tammany. The Democratic machine used them as shtarkers (sluggers), enforcing discipline at the polls and intimidating the opposition. Gang leaders like Monk Eastman were even employed as informal "sheriffs," keeping their turf under Tammany control.
The Tammany Tiger needed to rein in the gangs without completely crippling them. Enter Big Tim with the perfect solution: Ostensibly disarm the gangs - and ordinary citizens, too - while still keeping them on the streets.
In fact, he gave the game away during the debate on the bill, which flew through Albany: "I want to make it so the young thugs in my district will get three years for carrying dangerous weapons instead of getting a sentence in the electric chair a year from now."
Sullivan knew the gangs would flout the law, but appearances were more important than results. Young toughs took to sewing the pockets of their coats shut, so that cops couldn't plant firearms on them, and many gangsters stashed their weapons inside their girlfriends' "bird cages" - wire-mesh fashion contraptions around which women would wind their hair.
Ordinary citizens, on the other hand, were disarmed, which solved another problem: Gangsters had been bitterly complaining to Tammany that their victims sometimes shot back at them.
So gang violence didn't drop under the Sullivan Act - and really took off after the passage of Prohibition in 1920. Spectacular gangland rubouts - like the 1932 machine-gunning of "Mad Dog" Coll in a drugstore phone booth on 23rd Street - became the norm.
Congressional hearings in the 1950s, followed by the feds' prolonged assault on the Mafia succeeded in tamping down traditional gangland violence, but guns are still easily available to criminals.
Today, the spate of tourist arrests has some politicians scrambling to reassess the laws. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he'll hold committee hearings to examine enforcement of the law and recommend possible changes.
That's a good first step. Every state but Illinois has some form of concealed-carry permission - although some, like New York, California and New Jersey, are heavily restricted. Some sort of reciprocity is needed.
Meanwhile, savor the irony of an edict written by a corrupt politician to save his bad guys from the electric chair's now being used against law-abiding citizens from other states.
And the rest of the story? Big Tim was already suffering from tertiary syphilis when he wrote his law. He went mad soon thereafter and was sent to a sanitarium in 1912. He eventually escaped. His severed body was found on railroad tracks in The Bronx in August 1913.
The dedicated lifelong "public servant" left behind an estate valued at more than $2 million."
Sauce: https://nypost.com/2012/01/16/the-STRANGE-birth-of-nys-gun-laws/
*2 Million dollars of 1913 valuation is $59,049,696.97 today. calc provided. Estimates of his wealth at death go as high a as 2.5 million, or $73,812,121.21 in today's dollars.
Sullivan was a role model for the Democrats of today. Corruption, violence, graft, raw power. (think Gangs of New York) and died completely insane from Tertiary syphilis. 25,000 went to his funeral, possibly to make sure the dirty old bastard was really dead..
#17140991 at 2022-08-07 16:27:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21284 Scooby-doo edition
STRANGE frames.
#17132447 at 2022-08-07 13:47:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21283: 21282 has notes please collect edition see META Edition
Anon has been around hurricanes his entire life and I have to say these past years those storms have gotten very STRANGE. Unnaturally STRANGE. Idk if it's manipulation or just the end of the world. Probably both. But nevertheless- I'd avoid um if possible. Just sayin'
#17101310 at 2022-08-07 01:16:17 (UTC+1)
Q Resarch General #21281: DoughFefe EBake Edition
Ex-Time reporter: The day I knew journalism had died in America
August 6, 2022
I have covered war, espionage and intrigue for major news organizations in the United States and around the world, including the New York Times, Newsweek, Time magazine, Reader's Digest, CBS 60 Minutes, ABC News, Le Monde, L'Express, Le Point, and many others. That was when these organizations still tried to be "mainstream" and did not pull punches, self-censor and lie to protect their political allies.
Only when I was fired by Time in 1994 for investigating a story that threatened President Bill Clinton and many senior officials in his administration did I begin to understand that the mainstream media was dead.
The first war I went to cover was the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. As a Left-Bank expat living in Paris, I naturally sympathized with the Palestinians and planned to embed with a pro-Palestinian NGO in beseiged West Beirut. I wanted to write about the plight of innocent civilians whose lives had been shattered by war.
Before the first Gulf War I made many trips to Iraq, where I got to know virtually every Western arms dealer. (Hint: arms dealers love to talk). I also tracked down and interviewed the heads of Iraq's ballistic missile, nuclear and chemical weapons programs, before anyone even knew their names.
I returned to the States after 18 years overseas to work for Congressional Democrat Tom Lantos as a specialist on weapons of mass destruction, and subsequently joined a new investigative team at Time magazine. Sources in the AFL-CIO Machinists Union tipped me off to STRANGE doings at the B-1 bomber plant in Columbus, Ohio, midnight visits by Chinese intelligence officers, and frustrated US Customs agents. As I investigated, encouraged by Time editors, Iuncovered and documented a massive effort by China to buy sensitive military production gear from US weapons plants, seemingly with the benediction - or at least, a blind eye - from Clinton administration officials.
Eventually, along with other reporters, I put together a four-page story on the scheme that was scheduled to run in mid-July 1994. After a Friday lunchtime staff meeting, the Washington, DC, editor, came into my cubicle."You've pissed off people in the administration with your questions," he said.
"I thought it was my job to ask difficult questions of the administration," I said.
He fired me on the spot and pulled the story,which ran a year later under the title "China Shops" in the conservative American Spectator magazine. Three years after I was fired, the exporter, McDonnell Douglas, was indicted for export violations, and Sen. Fred Thomson and Rep. Christopher Cox launched massive investigations into the Clinton sell-off of sensitive US technology to Communist China that led to the creation of the US-China Security Commission, which continues to investigate Chinese misdeeds today.
Sauce/More: https://nypost.com/2022/08/06/kenneth-r-timmerman-reflects-on-the-day-journalism-died-in-us/
#17099708 at 2022-08-06 23:59:37 (UTC+1)
Q Resarch General #21280: DJT at CPAC Rally Bread Edition
a government-subsidized public corporation created by Congress in 1970 to operate a national intercity passenger railroad system through contracts with existing railroads.
211 Moby Thesaurus words for "special":
Amtrak, absolute, another, article, article of commerce,
article of merchandise, baggage train, best, bizarre, bosom,
cable railroad, categorical, celebrated, celebratory, certain,
characteristic, choo-choo, classificational, classificatory, close,
closest, cog railroad, cog railway, commodity, concerted, concrete,
conspicuous, curious, daily, daily newspaper, dear, defined,
defining, definite, deliberate, denominative, designated, detailed,
determinate, determined, devoted, different, differential,
distinct, distinctive, distinctively, distinguished, divisional,
divisionary, drug, el, electric, electric train, elevated, else,
eminent, esoteric, especial, esteemed, estimable, exact,
exceptional, exclusive, express, express train, extra,
extra edition, extraordinary, faithful, feature, festive, finicky,
fixed, flier, freight, freight train, freighter, full, funicular,
fussy, gala, gazette, good, goods train, idiosyncratic, important,
individual, inimitable, inner, interurban, intimate, item,
lead item, leader, leading card, lightning express, limited, local,
loss leader, loyal, main feature, major, marked, memorable,
meticulous, metro, milk train, minute, momentous, monorail,
national newspaper, neighborhood newspaper, news, newspaper,
newspaper of record, nice, noble, not that sort, not the same,
not the type, notable, noteworthy, occasional, odd, of a sort,
of another sort, of mark, of sorts, ordinal, other, other than,
otherwise, outstanding, paper, paramount, parliamentary,
parliamentary train, particular, particularly, passenger train,
peculiar, personal, picayune, pointed, precise, prestigious,
primary, prime, private, product, prominent,
rack-and-pinion railroad, rag, railroad train, rare, rattler,
red-letter, remarkable, rememberable, reputable, respective,
rolling stock, salient, seconds, set, several, sheet, shuttle,
shuttle train, signal, significant, singular, solipsistic,
special edition, speciality, specialized, specially, specific,
specifically, standard article, staple, staple item, staunch,
steadfast, STRANGE, streamliner, striking, subdivisional, subway,
sui generis, tabloid, taxonomic, telling, train, tube, typal,
typical, uncommon, unconventional, underground, unforgettable,
unique, unorthodox, unusual, valued, vendible, ware, way train,
weekly, weekly newspaper, weird
#17099504 at 2022-08-06 23:54:42 (UTC+1)
Q Resarch General #21280: DJT at CPAC Rally Bread Edition
huh, thats STRANGE, im using tor but my id isnt 0....
guess it isnt just tor that does that then, my mistake
#17086977 at 2022-08-06 18:41:19 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21278: Bots? We Don't need no stinking Bots Edition
Alexander Downer, the Aussie politician/diplomat who framed Papadopoulos had connections to a private intelligence company let me check ...
the British strategic intelligence and advisory firm Hakluyt & Company
Italy had something to do with the STRANGE Mifsud case ...
#17086656 at 2022-08-06 18:39:59 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21278: Bots? We Don't need no stinking Bots Edition
Hillarious. I love Toots! But I don't understand Freddy's whole obsession with ICP... I always thought that was STRANGE.
#17085553 at 2022-08-06 18:36:53 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21278: Bots? We Don't need no stinking Bots Edition
Sky Event
BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: Yesterday, sunspot AR3038 was big. Today, it's enormous. The fast-growing sunspot has doubled in size in only 24 hours: movie. AR3038 has an unstable 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that habors energy for M-class solar flares, and it is directly facing Earth. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text.
STRANGE THINGS IN THE SKY, COURTESY OF SPACEX: On Sunday morning, June 19th, SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral (0427 UT) carrying a Globalstar communications satellite. Within hours, people around the world started seeing STRANGE things in the sky. First came the "smoke ring." Jerrod Wood video recorded it from central Illinois:
"I believe it shows the orbital insertion of the Globalstar FM15 satellite," says Wood.
He's right. Almost two hours after launch, the upper stage of the Falcon 9 rocket deployed the Globalstar satellite; the smoke ring Wood saw was the "puff" of separation. At the time, the rocket was more than 1100 km high, so people were able to see it across much of North America. Check out these images: from Arizona, Missouri, Iowa and California.
An hour after the smoke ring, things got really STRANGE. Sky watchers in New Zealand saw this:
"I went out to watch the midnight launch," says Cortner. "Here in western North Carolina, I was hoping for a faint, moonlit 'jellyfish'-the kind of display we see after many SpaceX launches." But that's not what happened.
"The rocket's trajectory was much higher than I expected," he continues. "It was almost 500 km high by the time it was due east of me, not 150-200 km like most SpaceX flights up the Atlantic coast. As a result, the rocket passed by unseen."
"Instead, I noticed this red glow spreading along the flight path a minute or two after the rocket's closest approach," he says. "It looked like the aurora borealis."
Could it have been auroras? Probably not. Low-latitude red auroras typically appear only during strong geomagnetic storms. At the time of the photo, however, global geomagnetic activity was low (Kp=3); there was no space weather event in progress.
There has been much discussion on the web about a covert payload hitchiking on this Falcon 9 rocket. Analysts believe that a clandestine satellite may have been released about 10.5 minutes after launch. This is strikingly similar to the time Cortner witnessed the red glow over North Carolina. Moreover, a photographer in Ohio may have witnessed the same thing.
#17082587 at 2022-08-06 16:56:23 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21277: Bots are being directed Confirmed Edition
palmyra, ny = birthplace of mormonism
palmyra, syria = temple of baal
and everything mormon is called a temple
isn't it STRANGE how joseph smith's wife was lucy mack and allison mack is the one that gave up nxivm?
nxivm, who was aligned with mormons?
fyi the mormon mafia basically created sin city as we know it
#17082108 at 2022-08-06 16:54:58 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21277: Bots are being directed Confirmed Edition
What? Fastjack turned tor off because of anons avoiding bans from oss. Why the need to change salt in the first place? Just tell me if the drama is over, its getting STRANGE as fuck.
#17082060 at 2022-08-06 16:54:50 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21277: Bots are being directed Confirmed Edition
They don't have political parties in Highland Park, IL? Looked at the articles pertaining to Bob Crimo (for Mayor; Don't know why I even bothered with faux lite "newsmax") and nowhere does it indicate. Even if he ran as an Independent, STRANGE that NO pravda has any indication whatsoever.
#17081780 at 2022-08-06 16:52:18 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21277: Bots are being directed Confirmed Edition
What are they made of?
This looks like the STRANGE "clots" I have seen on a few autopsy videos that are removed from veins.
#17081432 at 2022-08-06 16:51:26 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21277: Bots are being directed Confirmed Edition
Koidu Ebola epidemic
Koidu Red Cross
Sierra Leone civil war
Revolutionary United Front
Diamond mining
All of that from just one NIH doc:
Fauci is NIH, right? He knows a thing or two about gain of function
I think they were testing Ebola on these people
Even Gates was in on it
Catching Ebola because they "regularly travel through bat territory to get to the mines"
Just like bat soup for covid-19, but we know covid-19 was man-made now
All while simultaneously raping their land and overtaking their government
But more interesting to me is the fact they included a quote from the novel "Heart of Darkness" in the NIH paper
Why? That's STRANGE to me.
Heart of Darkness has a character referred to as Mistah Kurtz
Mistah Kurtz is used in the May Day ads as the personification of the fall of governments
The ads are an agenda of wars, revolution and violence that just happen to correlate to real world headlines
More on that if interested, not an easy read but worth it imo
They were spreading that shit on purpose
Why would they try to kill off their own mine workers?
Don't get me wrong, it's fucked up to kill off people using Ebola
But why make sure it's in the area of the diamond mine?
#17080056 at 2022-08-06 16:46:11 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #21277: Bots are being directed Confirmed Edition
I thought it was STRANGE how her audio started to cut out as the segment was ending.
#17069794 at 2022-08-06 14:17:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21276: Moving into the Dawn Edition
Watching RSBN rally coverage last night they made the impression that there were not that many people at the rally and in fact mentioned several times, that it was a good thing it started late because it allowed for more people to arrive.
I thought it was STRANGE at the time and now even more so, pic related.
#17069706 at 2022-08-06 13:48:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21276: Moving into the Dawn Edition
wow they re hoping the conviction or failure of 'alex jones' at trial will put an end to Sandy Hook rumors.
the things one learns from shill?
Thing I want to find out; Why are they so upset / freaked out about SH.
goes back way far.
HRC claiming Sandy Hook researchers had black hearts.
She should have held her mouth.
Now we know there's something more there.
They changed laws in CT to avoid turning over docs.
There's more there "there" than in other alleged shootings?
somethin has got them really really scared arond this one.
can't help but wonder whatt it is
If your child was massacred would you be interested in what really happened.
Would you taake money from the public over it?
would you cry in public in front of cameras the next day?
would you give a rat's ass if someone said it was faked?
seems STRANGE.
they coughed up one death certificate only, last I checked,
If I was the parent wouldlnt I just show the death certificate if it bothered me that people doubted?
I 'm really missing something here.
why would you care what people thought and try to wring money out of it?
quite a riddle.
#17069213 at 2022-08-06 11:19:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21276: Moving into the Dawn Edition
just seems to me that if you are looking for biblical prophecy this ukraine shit seems like a good place to insert the gog magog story line. The languages have been changed so much but what is clear is you have an idea and the anti idea. ZOV vs A-ZOV …GOG vs MAgog. It also fits inbecaus of the geolocation and the ties to "israel" and russia has always been assumed to be one of the two armies. SO dunno just STRANGE
#17069208 at 2022-08-06 11:18:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21276: Moving into the Dawn Edition
barr's skeered.
tries to take the place of Trump
the voice of the Trump-haters
Now gets his slot on the news shows, just as all the other traitors.
'well bill barr turned against him too"
I wonder why?
Dad hired Epstein and wrote a STRANGE child related sci-fi book. what a coincidence.
#17068117 at 2022-08-06 03:35:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21274: The Comfy Continues - RALLY BREAD Edition
Sirius is in the Canis Major constellation, known to the Native Americans as the Wolf Star and to the Chinese as the "Celestial Wolf". STRANGE that such disparate cultures would all use Dog references to Sirius…unless the Star people taught them all?
Its displacement from the ecliptic causes its heliacal rising to be remarkably regular compared to other stars, with a period of almost exactly 365.25 days holding it constant relative to the solar year.
Owing to the flood's own irregularity, the extreme precision of the star's return made it important to the ancient Egyptians,[27] who worshipped it as the goddess Sopdet (Ancient Egyptian: Spdt, "Triangle";[a] Greek: ?????, S?this), guarantor of the fertility of their land.[b]
#17066895 at 2022-08-06 01:09:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21273: Comfy Rally Bread Edition
So I was helping OSS by getting perma banned by him multiple times along with many anons?
STRANGE definition you have there.
#17065627 at 2022-08-05 20:09:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21271: Gov. DeSantis Sends Police To Physically Remove State Attorney Edition
The Jane Goodall Barbie is the latest step of the doll's STRANGE evolution
Can dolls freighted with this much cultural baggage really honor inspiring women or serve as feminist role models?
#17065291 at 2022-08-05 18:38:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21271: Gov. DeSantis Sends Police To Physically Remove State Attorney Edition
There is no such thing as artificial intelligence. What we create, the work of Spirt, mind and hands, is as 'natural' (or supernatural) as we ourselves are. Like a beaver's dam or a birds nest, our technolgy is the natural product of the application of new to existing knowledge - life is a recursivly self-improving system, which unfolds naturally as part of our growth processes. Self improving systems have common properties.
==The Nature of Self-Improving Artificial
Self-improving systems are a promising new approach to developing artificial intelligence. But will their behavior be predictable? Can we be sure that they will behave as we intended even after many generations of selfimprovement? This paper presents a framework for answering questions like these. It shows that self-improvement causes systems to converge on an architecture that arises from von Neumann's foundational work on microeconomics. Self-improvement causes systems to allocate their physical and computational resources according to a universal principle. It also causes systems to exhibit four natural drives:
1) efficiency,
2) self-preservation,
3)resource acquisition, and
4) creativity.
Unbridled, these drives lead to both desirable and undesirable behaviors. The efficiency drive leads to algorithm optimization, data compression, atomically precise physical structures, reversible computation, adiabatic physical action, and the virtualization of the physical. It also governs a system's choice of memories, theorems, language, and logic. The self-preservation drive leads to defensive strategies such as "energy encryption" for hiding resources and promotes replication and game theoretic modeling. The resource acquisition drive leads to a variety of competitive behaviors and promotes rapid physical expansion and imperialism. The creativity drive leads to the development of new concepts, algorithms, theorems, devices, and processes. The best of these traits could usher in a new era of peace and prosperity; the worst are characteristic of human psychopaths and could bring widespread destruction.
How can we ensure that this technology acts in alignment with our values? We have leverage both in designing the initial systems and in creating the social context within which they operate. But we must have clarity about the future we wish to create. We need not just a logical understanding of the technology but a deep sense of the values we cherish most. With both logic and inspiration we can work toward building a technology that empowers the human spirit rather than diminishing it.
We extend our minds with mathematics, we use this language to see invisible structures - because mathematics has no doubts about the reality of higher dimensions.
6 dimensional phase space (as mathematicians call it) is where the Interplanetary Super was discovered many years ago by JPL scientist Martin Lo. We can find lots about the IPS with a web search. It has been tested (Gemini mission) and it will allow us to send cargo anywhere in the solar system (and possibly beyond) at almost no energy cost.
Why don't we know about this? Doesn't it seem STRANGE that a profound discovery with enormous economic implications for the entire world is virtually unknown? We can thank the pedovore cultists for that. MSM doesn't just deliver an unending stream of violence, hate, anger, and idiotic talk show tier disputes - MSM also buries the good news. Important news. News that would unite rather than divide us.
#17065221 at 2022-08-05 18:18:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21271: Gov. DeSantis Sends Police To Physically Remove State Attorney Edition
Dan The Foot Man Schneider - Dan Schneider - The Final Rumble Wiki
Dan The Foot Man Schneider - Dan Schneider - The Final Rumble Wiki. But the post asking for girls to send foot pics wasn't him, it was the twitter. Smg playz 6 months ago +7. Podiatrist, sports scientist, ex athlete but most importantly dad of 4! But the post asking for girls to send foot pics wasn't him, it was the twitter. Fans have also pointed how the producer had a STRANGE obsession with feet, often fixating on his actresses' toes.
But the post asking for girls to send foot pics wasn't him, it was the twitter. Legendary children's television producer dan schneider has split with nickelodeon, where he's been making hit shows since 1994. The split has brought to light some of the rumors swirling around schneider for years. Dan the man with a van schneider. Game shakers has been reportedly cancelled, so there's that).
#16982935 at 2022-08-04 08:40:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21267 Ebake We are the storm
>Greta Van Susteren
>Pedophile enabler.
As it turns out, the Clintons were not the only ones who turn up having a very STRANGE "involvement" with the Laura Sisby/Jorge Puello trafficking case in Haiti. Longtime cable news star Greta Van Susteren actually did a Fox News TV interview with none other than Laura Silsby's personal attorney Jorge Puello himself, right during the middle of this whole controversy!
On February 2nd, 2010, Fox New's Greta Van Susteren did a "soft-ball" type interview with Jorge Puello about the Silsby case. (Link to rush transcript of interview, and link to video of interview) Bizarrely, the interview occurred only a little over a month before Puello himself was arrested in the Dominican Republic on child sex trafficking charges on March 19th, 2010. In the very brief and STRANGE interview, Van Susteren just asked very basic questions to Puello about how Silsby found the children, and what she intended to do with them after leaving Haiti. Jorge Puello said the children came from an orphanage that collapsed in the earthquake, and Silsby was trying to take the children "to a temporary facility so they could be taken care of," providing no further details, and Van Susteren asked no follow-up. Van Susteren did not address any of the reports that at least some of the children actually were not orphans, and had families in Haiti. Jorge's final statement in the interview was "There was no intention to do anything illegal." Van Susteren than replied "Jorge, thank you, and keep us informed.", and the interview abruptly ended.
Van Susteren and the "Franklin" Child Sex Trafficking Scandal of the 80s
Only 9 days after Van Susteran's interview with Puello, on February 11th, 2010, the New York Times reported that police in El Salvador were investigating Jorge Puello for leading a sex trafficking ring. The fact that Van Susteren did this weird little interview with Puello only days before news of his sex trafficking allegations got dropped in mainstream news, was a big red flag to me. Journalist and independent investigator Nick Bryant wrote a really important book based on his investigation of the "Franklin Cover-up" pedophile scandal in the '80s called the "Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal." (Here is a link to an article about the book on the Counterpunch site). For those who don't know about the Franklin Scandal, it was a huge scandal in the 80s involving major allegations that political and business powerbrokers in Washington DC and Omaha, Nebraska were systematically trafficking and abusing children, and using them in sexual blackmail operations to ensnare politicians and other powerful figures. Watch Discovery Channels' unaired documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" for more info.YouTube
#16982502 at 2022-08-04 08:39:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21267 Ebake We are the storm
ALERT: In the dark and early morning hours of May 21, security cameras inside a perimeter fence at the Amarillo Zoo captured a STRANGE image outside the zoo. City of Amarillo in seeking public assistance to solve a mystery of this Unidentified Amarillo Object
#16982293 at 2022-08-04 08:38:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21267 Ebake We are the storm
The stiff limbs suggest so,thing STRANGE. Rigour Morris takes hours and heat stressed animals I would think would lay down and slowly get weaker so all of their limbs should be on the ground.
If some weapon fired muscles to the point of exhaustion it could explain the stiff limbs.
#16982287 at 2022-08-04 08:38:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21267 Ebake We are the storm
Whether you call it "romanticism" "Gothic" or "satanic" Isidore Ducasse ended the literary experiment with a summary of a century of achievements in gothic (romantic or satanist) literature. He lived a very short life, as if only to write what he did. A life the photographer Man Ray understated as enigmatic. It was satano-encrypted.
From Poesies:
"Disturbances, anxieties, depravities, death, exceptions in the physical or moral order, the spirit of negation, stupefactions, hallucinations served by the will, torments, destruction, reversals, tears, the insatiabilities, the enslavements, scoured imaginations, laborious novels, what is unexpected, what not to do, the biochemical the shit of a mysterious vulture which watches for the carrion of dead illusion, precocious and aborted experience, the obscurities with a bug shell, terrible monomania of pride, the inoculation of deep stupors, funeral orations, envies, betrayals, tyrannies, impiities, irritations, acrimonies, aggressive pranks, insanity, spleen, reasoned terror,the STRANGE anxieties, which the reader would prefer not to feel, the grimaces, the neuroses, the bloody channels through which we make logic pass at bay, the exaggerations, the lack of sincerity, the saws, the platitudes, the somber, the lugubrious, childbirth worse than murder, passions, the clan of the crime writer, tragedies, odes, melodramas, extremes presented in perpetuity, reason whistled with impunity, the smells of the sissy, fading, frogs, octopus, sharks, desert simoon, all that is somnambulist, sleazy, nocturnal, sleeping pill, night owl, slimy, talking seal, equivocal, consumptive, spasmodic, aphrodisiac, anemic, one-eyed, hermaphrodite, bastard, albino , pederast, bearded woman,the drunken hours of taciturn discouragement, the fantasies, the Acrot?s, the monsters, the demoralizing syllogisms, the garbage, whatever does not reflect like the child, the desolation, this intellectual mancenillier, the scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisies, vague perspectives that grind you in their imperceptible gears, serious spitting on sacred axioms, vermin and its insinuating tickles, insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, the scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisy, vague perspectives that crush you in their imperceptible gears, the serious spitting on sacred axioms, the vermin and its insinuating tickles, the insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, of Mthe scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisy, vague perspectives that crush you in their imperceptible gears, the serious spitting on sacred axioms, the vermin and its insinuating tickles, the insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, of the island of Maupin and Dumas fils, the caducities, the impotences, the blasphemies, the suffocations, the suffocations, the rages, - in front of these filthy mass graves, which I blush to name, it is time to react finally against what shocks us and bends us so sovereignly."
#16980681 at 2022-08-04 07:41:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21266: Much Spam, Very Wow
Recent Conference Uncovered Between Government Entities (FBI, DOJ, CISA, and EAC) with Liberal Groups (ERIC, CTCL and Elections Group) and Corporations Like Microsoft - What's Going On?
PJ Media released a bombshell report yesterday showing collusion between the US government (the FBI, DOJ, EAC, and CISA), with progressive groups and individuals fueled by progressive money related to US elections (like the Elections Group, CTCL, and Brennan Center), along with individuals from US corporations like Microsoft. (Also, an individual working for Maricopa County, Arizona was present.)
J. Christian Adams at PJ Media reported the following yesterday:
A STRANGE constellation has emerged through public records requests of coordination between progressive funders, federal authorities, corporations, state election officials, and leftist organizations.
Freedom of information requests have uncovered oddball and opaque relationships between some state election officials, federal officials, corporations, progressive activists, and those trying to influence the conduct of those same election officials. These relationships extend to junkets that include baseball games, travel, and even data exchanges between state officials and outside progressive groups.
The story begins with a series of freedom of information act requests aimed at a number of states to see if any election officials are tempted to apply for now-illegal money from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life. Such grants and the wild expenditures of these funds altered the course of the 2020 election. (Read The Real Kraken, What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election at PJ Media.)
The FOIAs were submitted by the Public Interest Legal Foundation-with which I am associated-and were aimed broadly at election officials across the United States.
While no election official in a state that now prohibits private funding of elections has applied for new funding, something STRANGEr, and more dangerous has emerged from the public information requests.
In one email, we find that the Democracy Fund-a hyper-funded progressive money source-is organizing state officials and third parties to discuss election administration...
...No conservative or right-of-center groups are invited.
The CTCL was a non-profit doling out Zuckerbucks money across the country. Nearly half a billion was given to states and localities before the election for what, we really don't know.
ERIC is now used in 31 states as the mechanism to maintain voter rolls. What The Gatewaypundit (TGP) found was that the system hoards names but rarely removes names from rolls building a pile of excess names across the country potentially available to bad actors who can get to them during elections to manufacture votes.
#16980542 at 2022-08-04 07:37:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21265: Anon Versus The Machines Edition
Part 2
David Becker's Center for Election Innovation & Research has emerged as the sidekick to the Electronic Research and Information Center (ERIC), a consortium of state election officials who use data exchanges with ERIC to clean voter rolls and register the unregistered to vote. (Read Care About Election Integrity, Let Me Introduce You to ERIC).
David Becker has emerged as the party planner for the STRANGE mix of federal prosecutors, progressive activists, election officials, and ex-pats from the federal swamp who now work for corporate America.
Becker, the former California Bear drum major-including when the Cal band played Dixie-also matches progressive dollars, state and local election officials, and federal authorities at the United States Election Assistance Commission who have controlled the distribution of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.
These federal dollars move through the EAC and end up in states. How they are used, and which officials and vendors get them, is a top priority for the Center for Election Innovation and Research.
Becker, an unabashed progressive, is also skilled at organizing junkets for state election officials.
One such confab occurred in May of 2019 in Denver, according to documents obtained in the Public Interest Legal Foundation's FOIA.
State election officials from Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota, Georgia, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Michigan, Rhode Island, Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania met for the CEIR Voter Registration Data Working group.
......Again, no conservative election administration groups or conservatives were invited to the Colorado confab.
Some of the participants at the Colorado confab were from states that opposed President Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (on which I served) and refused to provide that commission information about the same database details they happily shared with David Becker's progressive organization.
All of this is just a first taste at understanding the behind-the-curtain relationships developing between progressive deep pockets, leftist activists, vote fraud deniers, federal officials with prosecutorial power, and state and local election officials.
This effort started after the 2016 election, and notably focused on many of the bluish swing states that Donald Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020. Whether that was the plan or just a side benefit of the Denver confab and Democracy Fund plans remains to be seen.
#16980063 at 2022-08-04 07:35:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21265: Anon Versus The Machines Edition
But you didn't link to 'Q' to get your you....STRANGE that.
#16979890 at 2022-08-04 07:34:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21265: Anon Versus The Machines Edition
insert STRANGE church music
#16979386 at 2022-08-04 07:30:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21264: Sailing Through a Sea of Bots
>Why would you com here with your RED TEST right off the bat and start making the STRANGE declarations you made...redtextanon you are a cia/fbi/nigger fucking plant and you can fuck off off now.
#16979149 at 2022-08-04 07:29:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21264: Sailing Through a Sea of Bots
Part 2
David Becker's Center for Election Innovation & Research has emerged as the sidekick to the Electronic Research and Information Center (ERIC), a consortium of state election officials who use data exchanges with ERIC to clean voter rolls and register the unregistered to vote. (Read Care About Election Integrity, Let Me Introduce You to ERIC).
David Becker has emerged as the party planner for the STRANGE mix of federal prosecutors, progressive activists, election officials, and ex-pats from the federal swamp who now work for corporate America.
Becker, the former California Bear drum major-including when the Cal band played Dixie-also matches progressive dollars, state and local election officials, and federal authorities at the United States Election Assistance Commission who have controlled the distribution of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.
These federal dollars move through the EAC and end up in states. How they are used, and which officials and vendors get them, is a top priority for the Center for Election Innovation and Research.
Becker, an unabashed progressive, is also skilled at organizing junkets for state election officials.
One such confab occurred in May of 2019 in Denver, according to documents obtained in the Public Interest Legal Foundation's FOIA.
State election officials from Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota, Georgia, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Michigan, Rhode Island, Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania met for the CEIR Voter Registration Data Working group.
......Again, no conservative election administration groups or conservatives were invited to the Colorado confab.
Some of the participants at the Colorado confab were from states that opposed President Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (on which I served) and refused to provide that commission information about the same database details they happily shared with David Becker's progressive organization.
All of this is just a first taste at understanding the behind-the-curtain relationships developing between progressive deep pockets, leftist activists, vote fraud deniers, federal officials with prosecutorial power, and state and local election officials.
This effort started after the 2016 election, and notably focused on many of the bluish swing states that Donald Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020. Whether that was the plan or just a side benefit of the Denver confab and Democracy Fund plans remains to be seen.
#16978822 at 2022-08-04 07:27:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21263: Night of the Living Bots
Hillarious. I love Toots! But I don't understand Freddy's whole obsession with ICP... I always thought that was STRANGE.
#16978238 at 2022-08-04 07:25:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21263: Night of the Living Bots
>I remember this... STRANGE habbening
Part of the preparation for all of this, I did not guess.
#16977367 at 2022-08-04 07:17:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21262: Comfefe Before The Spam Wars
so has anyone in here eever talked about how many "news" people appear in movies as newscasters or themselves. I know this is all a movie but correct me if i am wrong people who appear in movies and have speaking lines have to be registered with SAG. Just a STRANGE observation from anon who lapsed and started smoking again yay.
#16955029 at 2022-08-03 13:21:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21257: Senators Reforming Electoral Count Act making V.P. have NO RTS? Edition
Jeff Bezos' Megayacht Forced to Flee in Middle of Night to Escape Egging from Locals
The controversial megayacht of Amazon's climate-crazy boss Jeff Bezos appears to have avoided an egging while sneaking through Rotterdam.
The incomplete megayacht of Amazon tsar and notorious climate crazy Jeff Bezos appears to have managed to sneak through Rotterdam last night without being egged, despite having drummed up massive controversy over plans to dismantle a city landmark to get the huge craft out to sea earlier this year.
Soon to be the largest megayacht ever built, the vessel earned the ire of local Rotterdammers after it was announced that a historic bridge would have to be partially dismantled to allow the ship built in a local yard to reach the sea due to the ship's abnormally large masts, with many locals threatening to egg the vessel as it travelled through the city.
While this plan was subsequently dropped, according to a report by specialist website Schuttevaer, it appears that significant care was nevertheless taken to transport the vessel without upsetting the locals, with the incomplete ship reportedly taking an unusual, longer route to another shipyard, piquing the interests of enthusiasts.
Oceanco launched the 127m/ 417ft three-masted schooner Y721 early this morning. The yacht left the shipyard in Alblasserdam for Rotterdam directly after her launch. Photos by @DutchYachting.
#jeffbezos #y721 #amazon #oceanco #superyacht #megayacht #dehef #rotterdam #schooner pic.twitter.com/ngyFfwHrwn
- Dutch Yachting (@Dutchyachting) August 2, 2022
The vessel is also reported to have started its journey at 3am, traversing through the dead of night to reach the Greenport Rotterdam Shipyard, where it is due to be completed.
People filming the unfinished ship's maiden voyage meanwhile describe having searchlights aimed at them by workers, seemingly in an attempt to prevent them from filming or taking pictures.
"When I was standing on one of the bridges, they shined a searchlight on me, so it wasn't easy for me to take pictures," Der Spiegel reports one enthusiast as saying, who speculated that the STRANGE route the ship took, as well as the time of the transfer, were both intentional to avoid pictures being taken of the vessel.
Historic Steel Bridge to be Dismantled Because it's too Small for Bezos Superyacht to Passhttps://t.co/imuvCCbmQq
- Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 4, 2022
Also notable about reporting surrounding the launch of Bezos' superyacht is that it seemingly appears to have avoided being egged by protesters, something that might have been at least partially avoided - despite previous threats - due to the time of the transfer.
This is also perhaps partly due to the fact that the ship avoided going near Rotterdam's city centre entirely, despite initial plans involving the ship taking such a route, and even requiring the city's famous Hef bridge to be dismantled so that the 130ft tall ship could pass through.
"Calling all Rotterdammers, take a box of (rotten) eggs with you and let's throw them en masse at Jeff's superyacht when it sails through the Hef in Rotterdam," a Facebook event page advertising the protest previously read.
"Rotterdam was built from the rubble by the people of Rotterdam, and we don't just take that apart for the phallus symbol of a megalomaniac billionaire," it continued. "Not without a fight!"
Meanwhile, despite making various pronouncements about climate change, Bezos' crowning jewel, Amazon, has seen its carbon emissions spike in 2021, growing by nearly one-fifth over 2020.
This is on top of a previous 40 per cent rise in emissions between 2019 and 2020, something that was seemingly brought about by the company's surging business during COVID-19.
#16953332 at 2022-08-03 05:54:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21255: Nanshee Outs Devolution Loud N Clear Edition
STRANGE angle too.
maybe even the 'like a bad special effect' was arranged - so if people thought that, they'd think 'no' it' was announced on TV that it looked like that.
If it reaally was they would n't say it out loud?
something like that
but the one who said 'in one side and out the other' ? that was ad lib probably
they didn't think that part through because it was a mistake
a helicopter drifted and the cgi came out the other side.. they tried to blank it.
#16952253 at 2022-08-03 02:29:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21255: Nanshee Outs Devolution Loud N Clear Edition
what's his case about burn pits?
you might not understand this vid unless you realize the clip shown on CNN was a massive Zoom.
It caught people's eye to start since the Tower's proportion looked STRANGE, but that was only because of the massive zoom.
The location for the shot was found and turns out the template they must've used for the CGI was poorly constructed and missed some building and the fact there was trees blocking.
Maybe half chan would be more inclined to look at this, but I can't log on there.
#16952053 at 2022-08-03 01:42:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21254: Nancy Pelosi Fake Out Fail. VOTE And PRAY For Ron Watkins Edition
STRANGE, direct link doesn't work.
#16951025 at 2022-08-02 21:18:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21253: The trouble with Pelosi. the elites asset in D.C, Pope edition
GOP Refusal To Play Along With Legacy Media's Game Is Working
Shawn Fleetwood
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis's communications team gave a masterclass performance on Tuesday on how GOP officials should respond to interview requests from members of America's corrupt, legacy media.
After receiving an inquiry from ABC's "The View" for the Republican governor to appear on the program, DeSantis Deputy Press Secretary Bryan Griffin took to Twitter to explain the administration's declining of the offer by demonstrating the disingenuous nature of the request.
"[A]re the hosts of the View really interested in hearing from Governor DeSantis about all of the important work he is doing on behalf of Floridians to protect their health and livelihoods, to stand up for parents and children, and to defend freedom?" Griffin asked. "Which of the below statements from the hosts of the View do you recommend our team consider when deciding if the interview will be a genuine pursuit of the truth? Or worth the time?"
The examples documented by Griffin include remarks by Joy Behar, who in reference to DeSantis's bid to bar schools from forcibly masking young students, called the governor a "negligent homicidal sociopath."
"What is he doing? He's risking the lives of children, children's parents, their grandparents, anyone they come in contact with so he can appeal to his white supremacist base and continue in his career and get reelected," Behar said.
Other statements cited by Griffin as evidence of open hostility towards Florida's Republican governor from the show's hosts include comments issued by Sunny Hostin, who recently referred to DeSantis as a "fascist and a bigot" and has separately characterized his education policies as an attack on "marginalized groups."
"It started with CRT. Let's remember that. If you start coming after those - those are anti-history laws. Anti-black history laws really," Hostin said in February. "If you start coming after black people, who comes next? The LGBTQ+ community, and then women and then other marginalized groups."
DeSantis's rejection of "The View" seemingly demonstrates an understanding among some GOP politicians that corporate media talking heads aren't interested in interviewing Republicans, but interrogating them over why they refuse to support the left's nonsensical, power-grab policies. As a result of Republicans largely boycotting this outlet over its mistreatment of conservative guests and left-wing propaganda, for instance, CNN CEO Chris Licht has reportedly been attempting to lobby GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill to appear on the network by telling Republicans he wants to "win back [their] trust."
"The CNN chief spent between 45 minutes and an hour cajoling GOP lawmakers who no longer appear on the network to come back on the air - and assuring them he'd praise producers for inviting them and communicate his displeasure if he doesn't believe they are treated fairly," the Washington Free Beacon's Eliana Johnson reported. "The charm offensive underscores Licht's effort to reverse the course set by his predecessor, Jeff Zucker, who ... helped transform CNN into ground zero for the strident resistance to former president Donald Trump and Republicans more broadly, with personalities like Jim Acosta and Brian Stelter adopting nakedly partisan stances that would once have seemed STRANGE in a newsroom-though it is now par for the course."
While it's one thing for journalists to ask elected officials tough questions, it's quite another for those same individuals to feign objectivity and berate Republicans with Democrat talking points and "gotcha" questions aimed at granting the left's premise on the policy issue of the day. In declining inquiries from legacy media, GOP officials should take a page from the DeSantis communications team and shove press outlets' clear-as-day anti-conservative bias right back in their faces.If media organizations want to act like partisan propaganda machines for the left, it's past time Republicans start treating them as such. (Thats for sure a Mollie quote)
PS if Republicans go back to CNN they enable the Beast until they turn on conservatives again. Don't forget Republicans the mid terms are coming up and they will use every word against you. Unless Licht begs, pleads and makes serious amends to President Trump for many months, not one Republican should ever go on their channel.Never forget Republicans, they cancelled all of us and wanted us to die, that's unforgivable!
#16950207 at 2022-08-02 20:39:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21253: The trouble with Pelosi. the elites asset in D.C, Pope edition
It's so STRANGE, makes me sick that some people believe its the past administrations fault. Exactly what Obama did through the 8 years he was there. I always wondered why GW didnt take offense. But thats when I was naive.
I doubt think even their base or the majority of their base believe the lies every day.Bidan claimed credit for getting us out of Afghanistan last night, after killing a dead guy.
I suspect a lot of dems are being tedpilled at this point by this admin and are out buying guns.
#16950183 at 2022-08-02 20:33:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21253: The trouble with Pelosi. the elites asset in D.C, Pope edition
Thie thing about all of these RRN articles we've been seeing over this period of time is that it certainly occurs to me and probably other anons, that all of these articles could be moar fucking true than we know. This anon has to be open minded about this as I have to be with every thing we are shown, exposed to. Is it true? I don't fucking know but what I do know is that nothing and I MEAN NOTHING can be dismissed out of hand. We live in very STRANGE times anons. "Truth is STRANGEr than fiction" is a true statement.
Hold the line.
#16950183 at 2022-08-02 20:33:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21253: The trouble with Pelosi. the elites asset in D.C, Pope edition
Thie thing about all of these RRN articles we've been seeing over this period of time is that it certainly occurs to me and probably other anons, that all of these articles could be moar fucking true than we know. This anon has to be open minded about this as I have to be with every thing we are shown, exposed to. Is it true? I don't fucking know but what I do know is that nothing and I MEAN NOTHING can be dismissed out of hand. We live in very STRANGE times anons. "Truth is STRANGEr than fiction" is a true statement.
Hold the line.
#16949660 at 2022-08-02 18:04:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21252: We Have Primaries Today! Edition
Jeff Bezos' Megayacht Forced to Flee in Middle of Night to Escape Egging from Locals
The controversial megayacht of Amazon's climate-crazy boss Jeff Bezos appears to have avoided an egging while sneaking through Rotterdam.
The incomplete megayacht of Amazon tsar and notorious climate crazy Jeff Bezos appears to have managed to sneak through Rotterdam last night without being egged, despite having drummed up massive controversy over plans to dismantle a city landmark to get the huge craft out to sea earlier this year.
Soon to be the largest megayacht ever built, the vessel earned the ire of local Rotterdammers after it was announced that a historic bridge would have to be partially dismantled to allow the ship built in a local yard to reach the sea due to the ship's abnormally large masts, with many locals threatening to egg the vessel as it travelled through the city.
While this plan was subsequently dropped, according to a report by specialist website Schuttevaer, it appears that significant care was nevertheless taken to transport the vessel without upsetting the locals, with the incomplete ship reportedly taking an unusual, longer route to another shipyard, piquing the interests of enthusiasts.
The vessel is also reported to have started its journey at 3am, traversing through the dead of night to reach the Greenport Rotterdam Shipyard, where it is due to be completed.
People filming the unfinished ship's maiden voyage meanwhile describe having searchlights aimed at them by workers, seemingly in an attempt to prevent them from filming or taking pictures.
"When I was standing on one of the bridges, they shined a searchlight on me, so it wasn't easy for me to take pictures," Der Spiegel reports one enthusiast as saying, who speculated that the STRANGE route the ship took, as well as the time of the transfer, were both intentional to avoid pictures being taken of the vessel.
#16946568 at 2022-08-01 23:27:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21248: Pentagon - "We do not support Taiwan independence." Edition
they are lying
it wasn't hot
that machine , in the still shot?
if it was near molten metal level of heat, it would seize. Totally fake.
Amazing all the lies told by the "truther" movement; run by the people who want to block even the concept of truth.
That is what they are really after
They claim people were walking on ground above molten metal?
NOPE, would burn off the feet.
It was fuming for years but not from heat.
Exotic weapon
buncha fucking frauds run that movement
"engineers" who are as respectable as the docs pushing the clot - shot.
Not everybody has their price? Truth will surface.
They couldn't build on the site for ~8-10 years or more, because there was a reaction going on in the going there, and it wasn't from molten metal; according to John Lear.
However, it is absolutely true the view o the site was blocked and guarded with orange bunting on everything
Lear said that was because of the STRANGE reaction going on there which affected beams etc. that they were trying to erect.
Dr. Judy Wood visited there, was able to see in and described the same phenomena.
The 'heat' claim was a red herring put out by the 'truth' movement ; same idiots and agents who fought and blocked the authentic researchers and hounded them to block their message.
Much as what they do us, here
Fire was almost out when the Towers were destroyed, Firefighters witnessed that and spoke of it. They were all put under gag order.
There's video evidence of the lack of heat generated, No plane debris in the hole. People standing along the edge there waving to be rescued. (now that's a Precipice!)
Scale of Towers compared to debris pile is ridiculous.
'truth movement' was a giant psy-op
#16946331 at 2022-08-01 22:29:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21248: Pentagon - "We do not support Taiwan independence." Edition
Joe Rogan: Jeffrey Epstein may have been
CIA or Mossad spy
New York Post, by Ariel Zilber
Posted By: AltaD, 8/1/2022 4:00:57 PM
Joe Rogan thinks that convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein may have been an agent of either the CIA or Israel's Mossad who was part of a plot to collect sensitive information about the rich and powerful. (Snip) - it was an intelligence operation. They were bringing in people and compromising them." "And then when they would compromise them, they would use, you know, whatever they had on them to influence their opinions and the way they expressed those opinions," Rogan added. "And I don't know why they would want to do that with scientists, which is really STRANGE to me."
#16946045 at 2022-08-01 21:00:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21248: Pentagon - "We do not support Taiwan independence." Edition
(Delusional)–CNN Chief's Republican Apology Tour
GOP officials say they're skeptical of Chris Licht's pledge to tamp down on-air partisanship
Eliana Johnson - August 1, 2022 2:00 pm
CNN's new CEO, Chris Licht, has been attending to an audience neglected by the network for the past several years: Republican lawmakers.
The network boss camped out in mid-July in a room on the first floor of the Senate side of the Capitol, S-120, where he asked GOP lawmakers to come talk with him privately. That arrangement avoided alerting the reporters who stalk the halls of the Capitol, sources said, and accommodated Republican lawmakers who preferred not to be seen hobnobbing with him.
Licht's message, according to one of the lawmakers who sat down with him as well as to several sources briefed on the exchanges: "We want to win back your trust."
The CNN chief spent between 45 minutes and an hour cajoling GOP lawmakers who no longer appear on the network to come back on the air - and assuring them he'd praise producers for inviting them and communicate his displeasure if he doesn't believe they are treated fairly
"I think he does genuinely want that to happen," one Republican lawmaker told the Washington Free Beacon. "Put aside ideology, I think he thinks CNN sucks."
Licht met last week with the leaders of both parties, Axios reported, but his overtures to Republican lawmakers were more extensive than previously known. A CNN spokesman, Matt Dornic, declined to comment on the private meetings but said that "Chris has made it clear that his top priority is to make CNN a place for fair and respectful dialogue, analysis and debate. He believes our audiences deserve to hear from elected officials on both sides of the aisle and will continue to engage a variety of voices."
The charm offensive underscores Licht's effort to reverse the course set by his predecessor, Jeff Zucker, who was pushed out of CNN in February ostensibly over a consensual sexual relationship with a colleague. Zucker helped transform CNN into ground zero for the strident resistance to former president Donald Trump and Republicans more broadly, with personalities like Jim Acosta and Brian Stelter adopting nakedly partisan stances that would once have seemed STRANGE in a newsroom-though it is now par for the course.
Since joining the network in April, Licht has made clear he is trying to do something different. Just weeks into his tenure, he announced the abrupt cancellation of CNN's much-vaunted digital media project, CNN+, just a month after its splashy launch.
But Licht has made few personnel changes. While he elevated Virginia Moseley to the network's top editorial spot, Puck's Dylan Byers has observed that "what's actually notable" about the changes he's made thus far "is that the leadership team is comprised of exactly the same people who were working under Zucker. One might disparagingly call it a rearranging of deck chairs on the Titanic."
Licht's pitch was a tough sell, sources said, given the hostility CNN anchors have expressed toward top Republicans. Among others, The Lead host Jake Tapper has floated the idea of banning from his show any Republican lawmaker who questioned the 2020 election results, asking in May 2021, "How am I supposed to believe anything they say?" a stance his CNN colleague Chris Wallace has dismissed as "moral posturing."
OutFront host Erin Burnett, meanwhile, skewered House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) for removing Rep. Liz Cheney (R., Wyo.) from her leadership position: "He says he is for a big tent party that embraces free thought and debate," Burnett said in May 2021. "Wow. He has-in polite terms-gall." And Sunday show host Fareed Zakaria has argued that GOP senator Tom Cotton (Ark.) wants the United States to "imitate the Chinese Communist Party."
Pressed about how he would change course without making major personnel changes, Licht appears to be relying on the force of his authority and personality, sources said. "He kept saying, 'I'm in charge, I'm in charge, they answer to me,'" the GOP lawmaker said. "'They don't answer to the workforce, they don't answer to the viewers, they answer to me.'"
(kek they didn't even listen to him when he told them to stop using "The Big Lie" and accusing Trump of lies about the election...he's dreaming)
Licht also said that he is not focused on the ratings, at least in the near term, emphasizing that the bulk of CNN's revenue comes from cable-subscription fees rather than from advertising, and that his boss, Warner Brothers Discovery chief David Zaslav, is committed to dragging the network back to the center.
#16945787 at 2022-08-01 19:45:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21247: Prepare For War
She was photographed in canary yellow (comms)?
Her husband dropped the micro chips stock…and was actually arrested for his drunk driving after public outcry…STRANGE behavior for the crooked no remorse Pelosis.
Yeah, the verifying multiple times even just to comment is a pain, but having the breads bombarded by shit posting shills is worse.
Take care Patriot!
#16945688 at 2022-08-01 19:20:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21247: Prepare For War
>>16944672 (LB)
>Pelosi could pull Taiwan trick - Chinese state media
However, the Global Times pointed out that if Pelosi "really has emergency problems... the People's Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft can provide protectionto her plane and let her land at airports in China's Sansha city, Hainan Province in the South China Sea, or other airports in the Chinese mainland, which could provide professional services and assistance.
Dosn't anyone find it STRANGE that they specifically call outi "really has emergency problems
Do they have a Time Machine. or Like Back to the Future "A Playbook"?
Who knows the "Playbook"?
It's like they know what is going to be called before the Game Starts and the Ball is Thrown…
#16945666 at 2022-08-01 19:14:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21247: Prepare For War
FBI, Director Christopher Wray are in for a rude wake-up call over Hunter Biden investigation
By Miranda Devine.
FBI Director Christopher Wray always seems a little too pleased with himself. But on Thursday, the smirk may be wiped off his pretty face when Republican members of the House Oversight Committee start grilling him on the mounting evidence that something is very rotten inside the agency Wray runs.
At the top of the list is the curious question of why the FBI apparently did nothing with Hunter Biden's laptop, which was handed to two agents on Dec. 9, 2019, by John Paul Mac Isaac, the alarmed owner of the computer repair shop near the Biden family homes in Greenville, Del., where Hunter had dropped off his MacBook eight months earlier.
We know the FBI was surveilling Hunter on Oct. 23, 2018, because agents showed up to the Biden family's local high-end grocery store in Greenville, at the same time as Delaware state police arrived to investigate a STRANGE incident in which his sister-in-law-turned-lover, Hallie Biden, had thrown his new gun in a trash can, only to find it missing when Hunter instructed her to retrieve it.
We also know that the FBI was wiretapping Hunter's partners at the Chinese firm, CEFC, which was a front for Chinese military intelligence, so agents would have picked up some or all of the conversations the VP's son had between 2015 and 2018 with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming, director Jianjun Zang and associate Patrick Ho, the Chinese spies who would give him millions of dollars.
Were Thibault or Auten involved in the handling of Hunter's laptop or Bobulinski's information?
Was Hunter or Jim Biden, or indeed Joe Biden, ever given a defensive briefing from the FBI to warn them that CEFC was a front for Chinese intelligence?
#16944423 at 2022-08-01 13:04:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21246: Taiwan On The Radar Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting
>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder
>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns
>>16838045 What to do if about sudden BOT attacks ( >>16747430 Know your bunkers ) NEW
>>16912153 To fight SPAM, include DATES in news reports NEW
>>16943700 Marion Stokes captured on VHS, 35 years of history through the lens of TV news, captured on a dwindling format
>>16943682, >>16943692, >>16943704 TRUMP: The Existential Threat: "Trump must be destroyed thoroughly - Sundance
>>16943747 McKinney and China 2 Fire Updates
>>16943769 Is Biden in Deepfake Mode? (UPDATE)
>>16943790 In Kosovo as in Ukraine, the same Western 'invisible hand' foments conflict (RT)
>>16943854 RINOS and DEMS are both cheating in the midterms against America First & Trump-endorse candidates!
>>16943860 No Warming in U.S. for at Least 17 Years According to Rarely Referenced Urban Heat-Free Database
>>16943889 Mobile Voting Van Racine, Wisconsin
>>16943907, >>16943911 The Swamp Today
>>16943957 Pelosi could pull a trick to land in Taiwan - Chinese state media
>>16943993 U.S. Air Force Includes Drag Show at 'Diversity' Festival
>>16944027 Mark Finchem vies to "take over" AZ elections
>>16944028 Gun buyback in Houston yesterday
>>16944034 Visa intended to help Pornhub & parent co to monetize CP, judge rules
>>16944065 Matt Gaetz re TRUMP: "He's ready."
>>16944077, >>16944180, >>16944246, >>16944391 JUST IN - Pelosi will arrive in Taipei, the capital of #Taiwan, tomorrow night
>>16944096 UK citizen arrested: ""Someone has been caused anxiety based on your social media post"
>>16944108 New Zealand authorities tax farmers for methane released by sheep and cows
>>16944166, >>16944172 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is pursuing a plan to protect residents from the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement
>>16944190 AOC referring to transgender strippers as "patriots"
>>16944240 ???? NATO declares preparedness for military conflict with Serbia
>>16944270 DJT @TS: Wow, great dishonesty in politics. Too bad!
>>16944276 US military is moving assets closer to Taiwan
>>16944294 Report claims FBI intentionally interfered in '16, '20 elections - and suggests it's time to gut the agency
>>16944403 Amazing Polly on Canadian doctors sudden death
>>16945132 #21245
>>16942950, >>16943068,>>16943551 Presentation Reveals Identities Of Maricopa County Elections Employees Who Deleted Files From Election Server
>>16942977 Search underway for driver who ignited three fires in Kaufman County, officials say
>>16943033, >>16943201, >>16943236 Minnesota Democrat Politicians' Catch and Release Crime Spree
>>16943051, >>16943187, >>16943321 Blinken in Kosovo a few days ago, how convenient
>>16943130 Last coal shipment to Hawaii, electric prices to skyrocket
>>16943179 Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 31.07.2022
>>16943183 Biden Using Air Marshals to Escort Border Crossers Ahead of Release into American Communities
>>16943191 Scavino Red Storm vid
>>16943281 Refresher: GMax bizarre Terra Mar ocean island sovereignty project was funded by the Clinton Foundation.
>>16943348 PF update
>>16943361 citizens detained man suspected of starting Oregon fires
>>16943449 Khalid Mehdiyev was arrested in Brooklyn outside a "Critic of Iran's Regime", house with a AK-47
>>16943596 #21244
>>16942078 updated dough
>>16942090 ##BO working captcha per post issue
>>16942141 Azerbaijan Says Its Military Responded To Attack By Armenian Forces In Karabakh
>>16942160, >>16942216 Black Sea Fleet HQ in Crimea attacked by Ukraine - governor
>>16942222 digits: Zelenskyy: "Americans are ridiculous, decadent, over-fed and I have contempt for them"
>>16942305 Miles Guo: "Monkeypox is caused by covid CCP vacine"
>>16942348 alt anon notables
>>16942418 Man Who Threatened To "Put A Bullet In" Rep. Matt Gaetz & His Family Gets Probation
>>16942438 newfag 101: How a Shill Operates
>>16942464 @EzraACohen twat DOJ smacks Hizbollah operative
>>16942494, >>16942505 @kathygriffin twats group pic w/ Michael Fanone
>>16942499 Hawaii Electricity Prices To Skyrocket As Final Shipment Of Coal Arrives
>>16942508, >>16942658 NATO force on alert amid Kosovo tensions
>>16942526, >>16942640 Hezbollah issues warning to Israel
>>16942555 Digits: why Abe was killed
>>16942513, >>16942664 anons speculate: 23 yr old NC pilot death relates to C_A drug running
>>16942743 Father of JonBenet Ramsey Threatens to File Suit if Evidence Isn't Handed to Independent Third Party
>>16942768, >>16942770 Bill Maher Shares STRANGE Bill Clinton Story
>>16942769 @ChuckGrassley: FBI Director Wray is coming before the Senate Judiciary Cmte this Thursday
>>16942777 digits: work together
>>16942800 Horse Named Heavenly Trump Wins
>>16943127 #21243
Previously Collected
>>16942026 #21242
>>16939673 #21239, >>16940434 #21240, >>16941169 #21241
>>16937492 #21236, >>16938125 #21237, >>16938918 #21238
>>16934932 #21233, >>16935747 #21234, >>16936467 #21235
>>16931390 #21230, >>16933913 #21231, >>16934236 #21232
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
-Create 3-4 Spam Threads prior to bake
-Tag Doughs with Notables for ease of collecting
-Add pic to your post to prove Hooman, it really helps baker discern
-Namefagging ANON also helps
-Add HashTag #HOOMAN >>16913266
-ADD Datestamp in Purple
#16943603 at 2022-08-01 04:21:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21245: Dedicated To 45 Edition
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting
>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder
>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns
>>16838045 What to do if about sudden BOT attacks ( >>16747430 Know your bunkers ) NEW
>>16912153 To fight SPAM, include DATES in news reports NEW
>>16942950, >>16943068, >>16943551 Presentation Reveals Identities Of Maricopa County Elections Employees Who Deleted Files From Election Server
>>16942977 Search underway for driver who ignited three fires in Kaufman County, officials say
>>16943033, >>16943201, >>16943236 Minnesota Democrat Politicians' Catch and Release Crime Spree
>>16943051, >>16943187, >>16943321 Blinken in Kosovo a few days ago, how convenient
>>16943130 Last coal shipment to Hawaii, electric prices to skyrocket
>>16943179 Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 31.07.2022
>>16943183 Biden Using Air Marshals to Escort Border Crossers Ahead of Release into American Communities
>>16943191 Scavino Red Storm vid
>>16943281 Refresher: GMax bizarre Terra Mar ocean island sovereignty project was funded by the Clinton Foundation.
>>16943348 PF update
>>16943361 citizens detained man suspected of starting Oregon fires
>>16943449 Khalid Mehdiyev was arrested in Brooklyn outside a "Critic of Iran's Regime", house with a AK-47
>>16943596 #21244
>>16942078 updated dough
>>16942090 ##BO working captcha per post issue
>>16942141 Azerbaijan Says Its Military Responded To Attack By Armenian Forces In Karabakh
>>16942160, >>16942216 Black Sea Fleet HQ in Crimea attacked by Ukraine - governor
>>16942222 digits: Zelenskyy: "Americans are ridiculous, decadent, over-fed and I have contempt for them"
>>16942305 Miles Guo: "Monkeypox is caused by covid CCP vacine"
>>16942348 alt anon notables
>>16942418 Man Who Threatened To "Put A Bullet In" Rep. Matt Gaetz & His Family Gets Probation
>>16942438 newfag 101: How a Shill Operates
>>16942464 @EzraACohen twat DOJ smacks Hizbollah operative
>>16942494, >>16942505 @kathygriffin twats group pic w/ Michael Fanone
>>16942499 Hawaii Electricity Prices To Skyrocket As Final Shipment Of Coal Arrives
>>16942508, >>16942658 NATO force on alert amid Kosovo tensions
>>16942526, >>16942640 Hezbollah issues warning to Israel
>>16942555 Digits: why Abe was killed
>>16942513, >>16942664 anons speculate: 23 yr old NC pilot death relates to C_A drug running
>>16942743 Father of JonBenet Ramsey Threatens to File Suit if Evidence Isn't Handed to Independent Third Party
>>16942768, >>16942770 Bill Maher Shares STRANGE Bill Clinton Story
>>16942769 @ChuckGrassley: FBI Director Wray is coming before the Senate Judiciary Cmte this Thursday
>>16942777 digits: work together
>>16942800 Horse Named Heavenly Trump Wins
>>16943127 #21243
>>16941195 dough
>>16941263, >>16941411, STING warns during Warsaw concert of threats to democracy and lies of the war, apnews twists his words to mean russia bad - apnews.com
>>16941290, >>16941297, >>16941303 naked bike ride - katu.com and andy nyo bun
>>16941303, Dr William Bay at AMA Conference in Sydney - rumble (covid, calling them out)
>>16941354 Pope Francis Says He May Need to Consider 'Stepping Aside' Following Trip to Canada - people.com (jesuits meeting aka society of jesus)
>>16941358 Children in the YMCA Summer Day Camp were on Fort Sill to learn about horses, Army history and the Half Section. - forces twats
>>16941370 They Want To Harm Your Kids - twat (groomer, pedo and commies)
>>16941374, >>16941667, >>16941684, >>16941802, >>16941852, >>16941935, Putin signs new Russian naval doctrine - rt.com (rt.com is a ngo why and how)
>>16941906 Senator brands explosion at Black Sea Fleet headquarters as terrorist attack - tass.com
>>16941382 Hero Farmer Sees Massive Crop Fire - Gets in His Tractor and Does the 1 Thing He Knew to Do - telegram
>>16941373, >>16941387 Whistleblower on the Amish pedophiles, and secrecy surrounding their lifestyle. - youtube
>>16941399 Two dead and nine hurt with no arrests made after 12 hours of gun violence in Washington DC - the sun
>>16941403 After 16 months on the job, Michael Collins announced his departure in a letter to staff.- telegram
>>16941412 In the name of a virus, government gave you:- twat
>>16941415 This #NationalWhistleblowerAppreciationDay - twat (grassley mentioned this yesterday)
>>16941421 Justice Department Says Militia Group Cannot Blame Donald Trump for Entering Capitol on January 6 - breitbart
>>16941424 Trusted Aide Kate Bedingfield Reverses Decision to Bail on Joe Biden - breitbart
>>16941435 An Oversight Hearing to Examine the Federal Bureau of Investigation Senate Judiciary Committee - congress.gov
>>16941439 BBC 'Disappearing Women' by Filling Gender Quotas with Trans Staff - breitbart
>>16941447 Firefighter Arrested, Accused of Setting Series of Blazes for Heinous Reason - telegram
>>16941463 Washington DC is Enemy Occupied Territory, It is Time to Take America Back, Lawrence Sellin 30/7/22 - youtube
>>16941467 2020 Election Integrity: Wisconsin Hearing - twat
>>16941518 UK Govt Told to Pay Damages After National Health Service Killed Patients with Tainted Blood - breitbart
>>16941529, >>16941536, >>16941590, >>16941819,pfizer doc 2018 expiry - sec.gov (covid topic)
>>16941532 biden and burn pits - biden twats
>>16941582, >>16941617, MindGeek was a criminal enterprise publishing and promoting and profiting from child porn. - telegram brian cates posts
>>16941605, >>16941627, >>16941865, >>16941872, >>16941874, >>16941904, >>16941933, >>16941940, >>16941949, >>16941972, forces twats
>>16941609 Putin Declares The United States Is Its Principal Adversary - waynedupree.com
>>16941680 Lara Logan: They're Giving Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens at the US Borderg -gwp
>>16941693 Even during the probe into Donald Trump's role in one of the most shameful days in U.S. history, some of his acolytes remain as loyal as Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. ctinsider.com
>>16941777 Pelosi drops Taiwan trip from Asian tour itinerary after Chinese pressure - twat
>>16941794 Porn Site Co-Owner Pleads Guilty To Sex Trafficking twat
>>16941831 Visa 'Intended to Help' Pornhub and Its Parent Company Monetize Child Porn, Judge Finds in Allowing Case to Move Forward - yahoo.com
>>16941853 Joe Manchin Not Committing To Supporting Democrats or President Biden - t.s and conservativebrief.com
>>16941864 Israel's War On Cash Is About To Get More Drastic - zerohedge
>>16941881 the kosovo army plans to attack part of serbia - twat
>>16941923 New Jersey councilwoman refuses to resign over video showing alleged hit-and-run crash with cyclist - foxnews.com
>>16941929 Retired U.S. general says new pandemic declaration on 'predicted schedule' - justthenews.com
>>16941930, >>16942008, planefag posts
>>16941951 Jared Kushner: Netanyahu, Trump rift almost nixed US embassy move to Jerusalem - jpost.com
>>16942026 #21242
Previously Collected
>>16939673 #21239, >>16940434 #21240, >>16941169 #21241
>>16937492 #21236, >>16938125 #21237, >>16938918 #21238
>>16934932 #21233, >>16935747 #21234, >>16936467 #21235
>>16931390 #21230, >>16933913 #21231, >>16934236 #21232
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
-Create 3-4 Spam Threads prior to bake
-Tag Doughs with Notables for ease of collecting
-Add pic to your post to prove Hooman, it really helps baker discern
-Namefagging ANON also helps
-Add HashTag #HOOMAN >>16913266
-ADD Datestamp in Purple
#16943127 at 2022-08-01 01:46:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21244: Where Are The BQQMS? EDITION
* * * * *
>>16942508 #21243
>>16942078 updated dough
>>16942090 ##BO working captcha per post issue
>>16942141 Azerbaijan Says Its Military Responded To Attack By Armenian Forces In Karabakh
>>16942160, >>16942216 Black Sea Fleet HQ in Crimea attacked by Ukraine - governor
>>16942222 digits: Zelenskyy: "Americans are ridiculous, decadent, over-fed and I have contempt for them"
>>16942305 Miles Guo: "Monkeypox is caused by covid CCP vacine"
>>16942348 alt anon notables
>>16942418 Man Who Threatened To "Put A Bullet In" Rep. Matt Gaetz & His Family Gets Probation
>>16942438 newfag 101: How a Shill Operates
>>16942464 @EzraACohen twat DOJ smacks Hizbollah operative
>>16942494, >>16942505 @kathygriffin twats group pic w/ Michael Fanone
>>16942499 Hawaii Electricity Prices To Skyrocket As Final Shipment Of Coal Arrives
>>16942508, >>16942658 NATO force on alert amid Kosovo tensions
>>16942526, >>16942640 Hezbollah issues warning to Israel
>>16942555 Digits: why Abe was killed
>>16942513, >>16942664 anons speculate: 23 yr old NC pilot death relates to C_A drug running
>>16942743 Father of JonBenet Ramsey Threatens to File Suit if Evidence Isn't Handed to Independent Third Party
>>16942768, >>16942770 Bill Maher Shares STRANGE Bill Clinton Story
>>16942769 @ChuckGrassley: FBI Director Wray is coming before the Senate Judiciary Cmte this Thursday
>>16942777 digits: work together
>>16942800 Horse Named Heavenly Trump Wins
#16943073 at 2022-08-01 01:34:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21244: Where Are The BQQMS? EDITION
>>16942768 pb
>Bill Maher Shares STRANGE Bill Clinton Story w/ Cedric the Entertainer
#16942861 at 2022-08-01 00:28:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21244: Where Are The BQQMS? EDITION
>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms
>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough
>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting
>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder
>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns
>>16838045 What to do if about sudden BOT attacks ( >>16747430 Know your bunkers ) NEW
>>16912153 To fight SPAM, include DATES in news reports NEW
>>16942078 updated dough
>>16942090 ##BO working captcha per post issue
>>16942141 Azerbaijan Says Its Military Responded To Attack By Armenian Forces In Karabakh
>>16942160, >>16942216 Black Sea Fleet HQ in Crimea attacked by Ukraine - governor
>>16942222 digits: Zelenskyy: "Americans are ridiculous, decadent, over-fed and I have contempt for them"
>>16942305 Miles Guo: "Monkeypox is caused by covid CCP vacine"
>>16942348 alt anon notables
>>16942418 Man Who Threatened To "Put A Bullet In" Rep. Matt Gaetz & His Family Gets Probation
>>16942438 newfag 101: How a Shill Operates
>>16942464 @EzraACohen twat DOJ smacks Hizbollah operative
>>16942494, >>16942505 @kathygriffin twats group pic w/ Michael Fanone
>>16942499 Hawaii Electricity Prices To Skyrocket As Final Shipment Of Coal Arrives
>>16942508, >>16942658 NATO force on alert amid Kosovo tensions
>>16942526, >>16942640 Hezbollah issues warning to Israel
>>16942555 Digits: why Abe was killed
>>16942513, >>16942664 anons speculate: 23 yr old NC pilot death relates to C_A drug running
>>16942743 Father of JonBenet Ramsey Threatens to File Suit if Evidence Isn't Handed to Independent Third Party
>>16942768, >>16942770 Bill Maher Shares STRANGE Bill Clinton Story
>>16942769 @ChuckGrassley: FBI Director Wray is coming before the Senate Judiciary Cmte this Thursday
>>16942777 digits: work together
>>16942800 Horse Named Heavenly Trump Wins
>>16943127 #21243
>>16941195 dough
>>16941263, >>16941411, STING warns during Warsaw concert of threats to democracy and lies of the war, apnews twists his words to mean russia bad - apnews.com
>>16941290, >>16941297, >>16941303 naked bike ride - katu.com and andy nyo bun
>>16941303, Dr William Bay at AMA Conference in Sydney - rumble (covid, calling them out)
>>16941354 Pope Francis Says He May Need to Consider 'Stepping Aside' Following Trip to Canada - people.com (jesuits meeting aka society of jesus)
>>16941358 Children in the YMCA Summer Day Camp were on Fort Sill to learn about horses, Army history and the Half Section. - forces twats
>>16941370 They Want To Harm Your Kids - twat (groomer, pedo and commies)
>>16941374, >>16941667, >>16941684, >>16941802, >>16941852, >>16941935, Putin signs new Russian naval doctrine - rt.com (rt.com is a ngo why and how)
>>16941906 Senator brands explosion at Black Sea Fleet headquarters as terrorist attack - tass.com
>>16941382 Hero Farmer Sees Massive Crop Fire - Gets in His Tractor and Does the 1 Thing He Knew to Do - telegram
>>16941373, >>16941387 Whistleblower on the Amish pedophiles, and secrecy surrounding their lifestyle. - youtube
>>16941399 Two dead and nine hurt with no arrests made after 12 hours of gun violence in Washington DC - the sun
>>16941403 After 16 months on the job, Michael Collins announced his departure in a letter to staff.- telegram
>>16941412 In the name of a virus, government gave you:- twat
>>16941415 This #NationalWhistleblowerAppreciationDay - twat (grassley mentioned this yesterday)
>>16941421 Justice Department Says Militia Group Cannot Blame Donald Trump for Entering Capitol on January 6 - breitbart
>>16941424 Trusted Aide Kate Bedingfield Reverses Decision to Bail on Joe Biden - breitbart
>>16941435 An Oversight Hearing to Examine the Federal Bureau of Investigation Senate Judiciary Committee - congress.gov
>>16941439 BBC 'Disappearing Women' by Filling Gender Quotas with Trans Staff - breitbart
>>16941447 Firefighter Arrested, Accused of Setting Series of Blazes for Heinous Reason - telegram
>>16941463 Washington DC is Enemy Occupied Territory, It is Time to Take America Back, Lawrence Sellin 30/7/22 - youtube
>>16941467 2020 Election Integrity: Wisconsin Hearing - twat
>>16941518 UK Govt Told to Pay Damages After National Health Service Killed Patients with Tainted Blood - breitbart
>>16941529, >>16941536, >>16941590, >>16941819,pfizer doc 2018 expiry - sec.gov (covid topic)
>>16941532 biden and burn pits - biden twats
>>16941582, >>16941617, MindGeek was a criminal enterprise publishing and promoting and profiting from child porn. - telegram brian cates posts
>>16941605, >>16941627, >>16941865, >>16941872, >>16941874, >>16941904, >>16941933, >>16941940, >>16941949, >>16941972, forces twats
>>16941609 Putin Declares The United States Is Its Principal Adversary - waynedupree.com
>>16941680 Lara Logan: They're Giving Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens at the US Borderg -gwp
>>16941693 Even during the probe into Donald Trump's role in one of the most shameful days in U.S. history, some of his acolytes remain as loyal as Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. ctinsider.com
>>16941777 Pelosi drops Taiwan trip from Asian tour itinerary after Chinese pressure - twat
>>16941794 Porn Site Co-Owner Pleads Guilty To Sex Trafficking twat
>>16941831 Visa 'Intended to Help' Pornhub and Its Parent Company Monetize Child Porn, Judge Finds in Allowing Case to Move Forward - yahoo.com
>>16941853 Joe Manchin Not Committing To Supporting Democrats or President Biden - t.s and conservativebrief.com
>>16941864 Israel's War On Cash Is About To Get More Drastic - zerohedge
>>16941881 the kosovo army plans to attack part of serbia - twat
>>16941923 New Jersey councilwoman refuses to resign over video showing alleged hit-and-run crash with cyclist - foxnews.com
>>16941929 Retired U.S. general says new pandemic declaration on 'predicted schedule' - justthenews.com
>>16941930, >>16942008, planefag posts
>>16941951 Jared Kushner: Netanyahu, Trump rift almost nixed US embassy move to Jerusalem - jpost.com
>>16942026 #21242
>>16940471, >>16940953 dough and baker on duty
>>16940512, >>16940699, >>16940702 A 23yo North Carolina pilot died under mysterious circumstances Friday afternoon
>>16940522 Anyanon notice this in the latest Trump post? The weird capitalizations distill to CDC CN
>>16940540, >>16940564, >>16940644, >>16940618 Trump: One America News (OAN) is AMAZING, with great ratings and a REALLY loyal following
>>16940567 @US7thFleet Sailors aboard the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG 62) conduct a replenishment-at-sea, South China Sea
>>16940586 Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
>>16940587 @NavalInstitute #OTD in 1944, the "Lone Ranger" died while serving with the U.S. Marines on Tinian
>>16940619, >>16940725 NEW DAN ICYMI: TREE SUN (GOD WINS)
>>16940688 Malcolm Nance: Behind muh Trump Insurgency
>>16940714, >>16940737 Bradley Cooper And Huma Abedin Are Meant To Be, Says Astrology
>>16940721 LAST DAY OF JULY - Today's Links: Australia, Proxy War, US, Genocide Agenda
>>16940723 Kamala Harris' director of public engagement is leaving his role as Biden's White House sees 34 senior staffers leave
>>16940851 Researchers warn <insert anything> can give you a heart attack!
>>16940861, >>16940884, >>16940903 Plane faggotry
>>16940863 Biden promised no tax hikes if you make less than $400K per year, The "Inflation Reduction Act" raises taxes for everyone making over $30K per year
>>16940865 El Paso Colorado Team to File Lawsuit Calling on Sheriff to Act - Detain Voting Machines for Forensic Audit
>>16940938 COVID shots linked to increase in overall deaths Researchers find 'vaccination-correlated mortality rate' - wnd.com (covid topic)
>>16940687, >>16940760, >>16940886, >>16940932 dig for pharma controls within Lithuania
>>16940921, >>16940986, CALL TO DIG Sir Clement Freud UK politician who abused and raped his 14 yr old daughter for years lived right there
>>16940966, >>16941027, tavistock-gender-clinic-forced-to-shut-over-safety-fears - the guardian
>>16940977 Coast Guard to discharge COVID vaccine mandate objectors without separation hearings - twat john solomon.
>>16941064 CDC Points People to Transgenderism, Teen Sex, and Astrology Websites - epoch times
>>16940994 note taker notes
>>16940999 warren buffet spending time with his friend bill gate - twat bill gates
>>16941018 We were warned about Joe's Lying - twat ted cruz
>>16941030 Possible links between the FBI and the Bidens: Report - youtube (naw you don't say, ffs)
>>16941070, >>16941054, >>16941071, >>16941090, planefag posts
>>16941092 nancy pelosi recent crimes against usa list - prophecyindex.org
>>16941094 Pilot dies after exiting plane midair before emergency landing at RDU - wral.com
>>16941108 Because she's Lonely, and Crazy as a bedbug - djt t.s post (on pelosi)
>>16941124, >>16941133, >>16941146, The Mayor of Washington, D.C., wants the National Guard to help with the thousands of Illegal Immigrants - djt t.s post
>>16941142 Man arrested with AK-47 outside of dissident Iranian journalist's Brooklyn home
>>16941095, >>16941119 buyers remorse vaccines - twat and mp4 - twat nyp
>>16941144 Mobile Voting Shenanigans replacing drop boxes - rumble vid
>>16941154 Dr. Lisa-Maria Kellermayr - targeted by anti-vaxxers - commits suicide - twat
>>16941169 #21241
>>16939718 FAA Releases Near Miss Reports That Reference UFOs/UAP - theblackvault.com
>>16939727 Priorities: U.S. Military Base Is Hosting a Drag Show - pjmedia.com (groomer, pedo and commie tactics)
>>16939742, >>16939756, These are animals, not people": Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military - Thegrayzone.com
>>16939767 Trial started for former headmistress accused of aiding convicted teacher's sex crimes 0 ladyliberty1885.com
>>16939798, >>16939831, Proud to bring pizza from @POTUS - biden twat (biden missed meeting cos getting covid) burn pits
>>16939809 Get the hell out of Russia, governor tells Russophobes - bignewsnetwork.com
>>16939816, >>16939964, planefag posts callsign UA200
>>16939881 Post spreads baseless claim about Jan. 6 conversations - apnews.com
>>16939891, >>16939903, Red Cross struggles to see prison where Ukrainian POWs died - apnews.com
>>16939945, >>16939953 the wiki for rt.com is a ngo and showed it was from washington, changed to moscow on the 30th july 2022. plus russia has cbdc (klaus w.e.f currency)
>>16939939, >>16940098, >>16939986, >>16940032, >>16940056 why is her name 'thunberg' if the ancestor is schmidt?
>>16939977 PREMIERE - Uninformed Consent - childrenshealthdefense.org (rfk jr site)
>>16939985, >>16940049, >>16940086, >>16940090, >>16940140, CDC Warns of a Bacteria that Causes Rare and Serious Disease Discovered in U.S. for 1st time in Environmental Samples - gwp (covid topic)
>>16939939, >>16940098, >>16939986, >>16940032, >>16940056, >>16940377, >>16940293, >>16940331 why is her name 'thunberg' if the ancestor is schmidt?
>>16940175 The Biden administration spent more than $25,000 on media training for CDC director Rochelle Walensky,- daily caller quoting politico
>>16939984, >>16940000, >>16940034, trump and klaus - twat (video from 25th sept 2018 to the e.u)
>>16940080 Expectant Moms May Soon See Babies in Womb Via Smartphone - newsweek.com
>>16940122, >>16940152, >>16940177, dan scavino t.s post
>>16940135 fraud-racine-wisconsin-rolls-mobile-home-voting-station-wheels-paid-exclusively-zuckerbucks/ - gwp
>>16940183 Visa and Master Card knowingly supported & profited from CSAM (child sexual abuse material, judge calls them out - twat
>>16940193 PLA forces have begun conducting live-fire exercises on the shores of the Taiwan Strait - poso twat
>>16940272 BO or BV can unlock the pinned notables thread
>>16939726, >>16940228 notespassing
>>16940434 #21240
>>16939419, >>16939506, >>16939584, >>16939518 JW is testing the live streaming on Tora3 now if you would like to talk
>>16938948, >>16938952 Joe Biden just proved he's compromised - Jesse Walters
>>16938963, >>16938984 Russia invites UN and Red Cross experts to investigate POW camp bombing
>>16938980 US and South Korea expand joint military drill
>>16938994, >>16939004, >>16939006 so that's another marker; from NOV 2nd
>>16939042 PF: 7 Mill. and private/glow nig. assets over Sub Hunt?
>>16939170 U.S. Coast Guard repatriates 83 people to Cuba - GEORGE NEWS
>>16939171 Dozens dead in US flood
>>16939297 SPAM goes on lockdown due to inflation in NYC
>>16939300, >>16939396 freespoke.com?
>>16939311 Charity of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, accepted millions from family of Osama bin Laden two years after Osama was killed in Pakistan
>>16939327 Three Hostile Foreign Actors Breached US Federal Courts System In 2020 Cyberattack: NY Congressman
>>16939342 Navajo Code Talker Samuel Sandoval dies; 3 left from group.
>>16939338 Arizona Attorney General Sues Biden Administration Over Gun-Control Rules
>>16939374 Biden Admin Set to Spend Over Half a Billion Dollars on Chinese Backed Luxury Camp for Illegal Alien Migrant Children
>>16939380 San Francisco Kink & Fetish Festival to Press On Despite Monkeypox Emergency Declaration
>>16939540 Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei survived a shooting attack
>>16939580 Why aren't they arresting politicians?
>>16939592 le psy-op man has arrived
>>16939661 Chinese propagandist deletes tweet warning Nancy Pelosi's plane could get shot down
>>16939673 #21239
Previously Collected
>>16937492 #21236, >>16938125 #21237, >>16938918 #21238
>>16934932 #21233, >>16935747 #21234, >>16936467 #21235
>>16931390 #21230, >>16933913 #21231, >>16934236 #21232
>>16929024 #21127, >>16929825 #21228, >>16930610 #21129
>>16918231 #21224, >>16921607 #21225, >>16929112 #21226
>>16847192 #21221, >>16910907 #21222, >>16914699 #21223
>>16841263 #21218, >>16841568 #21219, >>16842849 #21220
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
-Create 3-4 Spam Threads prior to bake
-Tag Doughs with Notables for ease of collecting
-Add pic to your post to prove Hooman, it really helps baker discern
-Namefagging ANON also helps
-Add HashTag #HOOMAN >>16913266
-ADD Datestamp in Purple
#16942768 at 2022-07-31 23:53:15 (UTC+1)
Bill Maher Shares STRANGE Bill Clinton Story w/ Cedric the Entertainer
#16941743 at 2022-07-31 17:56:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21242: Anons are never defeated just slowed, what next clowns edition
It's STRANGE to me that you are obsessed with John the Revelator's alleged hallucinations from the Isle of Patmos. But you ignore the fact that all you write about passed 2000 years ago.
We are living in the aftermath of "The Kingdom of God" of Rev 22…with the Pope of these words as your God, and you willfully serve him by parroting his Roman Catholic propaganda.
#16939999 at 2022-07-31 03:01:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21240: Jim Said The Spam Is From Europe, Edition
STRANGE how the etymology of milk is similar to molech
#16939897 at 2022-07-31 02:18:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21240: Jim Said The Spam Is From Europe, Edition
#16938336 at 2022-07-30 19:04:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21238: Sky Event Edition
This article is exactly 1 month ago. The STRANGE wording they use in the Daily Mail always gets thinking. This seems to be a parallel of some kind.
same storyline with Biden, covid positive, Paxlovid causes rebound
tsar, star
Using the term "the virus" stands out too.
I'll study this article some more.
#16938215 at 2022-07-30 18:18:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21238: Sky Event Edition
something STRANGE about this story.
pilot makes a hard landing and damages landing gear, goes back into the air instead of finishing the landing, loses wheel - and then the co-pilot jumps to his death?
i'm listening to the cockpit audio right now and the co-pilot has not jumped yet.
Man dies after exiting plane midair before emergency landing in North Carolina
The body of a man who either fell or jumped from a cargo plane before it was forced to make an emergency landing at a North Carolina airport has been recovered.
Two people were onboard the CASA C-212 Aviocar when it started to experience technical difficulties on Friday. By the time it skidded into Raleigh-Durham International Airport at around 2:40 p.m., only the pilot was still on the plane. He told authorities that the second person aboard, 23-year-old Charles Hew Crooks, jumped out before the shaky landing attempt, WRAL reported.
#16937270 at 2022-07-30 12:38:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21236: Time To Get Medieval Edition
the simplest explanation still is that there never was an attempt to down the AF1 with a missile it was just a random STRANGE atmospheric phenomenon in that one photo plus one bizarre suicide
#16936099 at 2022-07-30 02:56:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21235: Muh ‘Assault-Style’ Weapons Edition
Twitter Users Notice Something STRANGE the White House Did to Video of Biden
By David Zimmermann July 27, 2022 at 2:20pm
#16930744 at 2022-07-29 06:58:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21230: Comfy With Captcha Companions Edition
That is STRANGE.
#16930302 at 2022-07-29 04:08:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21229: Schlong Covid BTFO Monkey Pox~ Night Shit Edition
IT'S SPREADING: Cass and Alcona County GOP in Michigan Vote to Rescind 2020 Presidential Election, Joining Texas GOP, Maricopa County, AZ GOP, MT GOP, Wisconsin Counties...
Published July 27, 2022 at 11:40am
Cass County and Alcona County GOP in Michigan voted this week to reject and rescind the 2020 presidential election.
The two Michigan counties joined the Texas GOP, the Maricopa County GOP, Arizona GOP, Montana GOP and several Wisconsin counties in recognizing the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and stolen.
Recently Landglade, Winnebego, Iowa and Calument Counties in Wisconsin voted to the desertification of the 2020 presidential election.
Republicans in Ravalli and Lewis and Clark Counties in Montana rejected the 2020 election results earlier this month.
Voter rolls should be publicly displayed as in New Mexico. Drop box video should be publicly displayed. If you believe 2020 election was the most secure election in history the burden of proof is on you!
- Patrick Colbeck?? (@pjcolbeck) July 27, 2022
Here is a timeline from Michigan on election day and night.
Counting stopped late at night. Ballot counting was completed according to our sources in the TCF Center, a van drove in with 61 boxes of suspect ballots, and then a massive drop of ballots for Joe Biden took place at 6:31 in the morning to steal the election from President Trump.
The Gateway Pundit discussed this STRANGE phenomenon in our "Drop and Roll" video back in November 2020.
Our premise remains unchallenged and unexplainable.
#16930268 at 2022-07-29 04:00:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21229: Schlong Covid BTFO Monkey Pox~ Night Shit Edition
STRANGE things seem afoot. Anyone hear about a plane crash in Bremerton? Navy related?
#16930093 at 2022-07-29 03:11:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21229: Schlong Covid BTFO Monkey Pox~ Night Shit Edition
that's STRANGE. if trump endorses the person, the people still can pick who they want.
is there a lot of trump hate in Michigan?
#16929999 at 2022-07-29 02:50:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21229: Schlong Covid BTFO Monkey Pox~ Night Shit Edition
STRANGE uncommon word, started cropping up 2 years ago. Has been steadily pushed more and more.
It's a clown tell.
Don't use it.
Be wary of those who do.
#16924719 at 2022-07-28 19:22:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21226: Jan 6 committee altered evidence, 'lied to the American people' Edition
STRANGE how they all have the same signs...NJ, Boston, NYC.
So organic, must be why the signs are green.
#16924311 at 2022-07-28 19:19:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21226: Jan 6 committee altered evidence, 'lied to the American people' Edition
>I can tell you that this past week, I fixed the TOR posting issues,
That is what Jim wrote... Can you show me a post with the TOR 00000in the last, let me say, 1,5 years?
It is some kind of STRANGE, that the first post I see after a long time via TOR is Q, if he was it!
#16919022 at 2022-07-28 17:42:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21225: Baking Edition
>>16916623 pb
Massive disinfo campaign launched on Epps at same time massive disinfo campaign launched on the Kun…
#16919018 at 2022-07-28 17:42:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21225: Baking Edition
Crazy Days and Nights (Enty), today
Blind Item #5
There is no doubt the log in credentials for an account everyone knows were sold. There was the dark net listing. There was the proof post of the person who owned it and then there was the STRANGE ad video the new owner posted and then nothing until now. Sold back to the original owner, or is there a new owner and a new game afoot?
#16918910 at 2022-07-28 17:39:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21225: Baking Edition
>>16916623 pb
#16918572 at 2022-07-28 17:29:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21225: Baking Edition
yeah, removing all traces, this is panic mode. What is going on?
#16918243 at 2022-07-28 17:20:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21224: Keep Tagging the Dough and #Hooman with Putple Timestamps Edition
Yes, I find it quite STRANGE that they don't have their knives out for Dan, especially. And twatter isn't bothering him either. It would be a real feather in their caps to persecute Trump's right hand man, but somehow he's ignored by the DS.
#16915672 at 2022-07-28 15:51:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21224: Keep Tagging the Dough and #Hooman with Putple Timestamps Edition
reposting from late last bread
selfnom. 07-28-2022
Darren Beattie reporting the fake news pushingRay Epps disinfo campaign.
Poison the well so they can claim legitimate stories are fake.
I've seen the Epps Wife Dominion spam in here lately.
Db was on Warroom explaining
> https://www.revolver.news/2022/07/STRANGE-disinfo-campaign-to-discredit-key-questions-concerning-ray-epps/
BEWARE: Disinfo Campaign Launched to Discredit Key Questions Concerning Ray Epps and January 6th
July 27, 2022 (24h ago)
The regime has kicked into overdrive to prevent Americans from asking legitimate questions regarding Ray Epps' behavior on January 5th and 6th.
Ray Epps, who is the only individual caught on camera repeatedly urging people to go into the Capitol as early as January 5th, just happens to be the only January 6 riot participant about whom the New York Times felt the need to write a highly sympathetic (and indeed highly bizarre) puff piece.
Revolver responded in scathing detail to the New York Times piece in question, pointing out the obvious and central questions the piece would have explored regarding Epps if it were a genuine piece of journalism rather than a janitorial mop up job designed to cover up the smoking gun of the January 6 Fedsurrection.
READ: The Hidden Agenda Behind the New York Times' Desperate Puff Piece on Ray Epps
With the New York Times piece having utterly failed to do its job of damage control, it looks like the next phase in the effort to silence inconvenient discussion about Ray Epps is to flood the zone with false stories regarding Epps, and for the Regime to then use those stories to silence the genuine, legitimate, and critical questions regarding Epps that are making the powers that be sweat "big league."
And sure enough, shortly after Revolver neutralized the Times' damage control attempt, blatant falsehoods regarding Epps began to emerge from various accounts on Twitter, generating a tremendous amount of views and engagement.
The most egregious example is the following tweet
#16914684 at 2022-07-28 15:34:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21223: Tag Dough with Notables and Use an Image in Post to Prove Hooman Edition
selfnom. 07-28-2022
Darren Beattie reporting the fake news pushingRay Eppsdisinfo campaign.
Poison the well so they can claim legitimate stories are fake.
I've seen the Epps Wife Dominion spam in here lately.
> https://www.revolver.news/2022/07/STRANGE-disinfo-campaign-to-discredit-key-questions-concerning-ray-epps/
BEWARE: Disinfo Campaign Launched to Discredit Key Questions Concerning Ray Epps and January 6th
July 27, 2022 (24h ago)
The regime has kicked into overdrive to prevent Americans from asking legitimate questions regarding Ray Epps' behavior on January 5th and 6th.
Ray Epps, who is the only individual caught on camera repeatedly urging people to go into the Capitol as early as January 5th, just happens to be the only January 6 riot participant about whom the New York Times felt the need to write a highly sympathetic (and indeed highly bizarre) puff piece.
Revolver responded in scathing detail to the New York Times piece in question, pointing out the obvious and central questions the piece would have explored regarding Epps if it were a genuine piece of journalism rather than a janitorial mop up job designed to cover up the smoking gun of the January 6 Fedsurrection.
READ: The Hidden Agenda Behind the New York Times' Desperate Puff Piece on Ray Epps
With the New York Times piece having utterly failed to do its job of damage control, it looks like the next phase in the effort to silence inconvenient discussion about Ray Epps is to flood the zone with false stories regarding Epps, and for the Regime to then use those stories to silence the genuine, legitimate, and critical questions regarding Epps that are making the powers that be sweat "big league."
And sure enough, shortly after Revolver neutralized the Times' damage control attempt, blatant falsehoods regarding Epps began to emerge from various accounts on Twitter, generating a tremendous amount of views and engagement.
The most egregious example is the following tweet
#16847590 at 2022-07-27 20:05:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21222: Under Attack E-Bake Edition
Physicists have made a quantum boomerang for the first time
Hundreds of thousands of lithium atoms cooled to near absolute zero exhibit a STRANGE quantum effect a bit like a boomerang
PHYSICS 11 June 2022
By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan
Researchers have managed to demonstrate a STRANGE phenomenon known as the quantum boomerang effect for the first time.
David Weld at University of California, Santa Barbara and his colleagues cooled hundreds of thousands of lithium atoms close to absolute zero inside a small vacuum-sealed box. They used lasers to arrange the lithium atoms in a line and keep them in a particular quantum state that they hoped would reveal the boomerang effect.
The researchers then used the laser to nudge the atoms. This resulted in them going from having zero average momentum to having a positive average momentum. If the same change happened to a ball it would roll away, but due to the quantum boomerang effect, the team found that the atoms' average momentum soon returned to zero.
Theorists had originally proposed that this boomerang effect could happen with electrons moving inside a crystal filled with particles of dirt, but that has proved difficult to demonstrate and study. Weld and the team sidestepped that difficulty by instead focusing on very cold atoms which can be precisely manipulated with lasers.
Weld and colleagues presented the new experiment at the DAMOP conference in Orlando, Florida in May.
He says that the next goal is to determine if boomeranging happens when super cold atoms interact with each other very intensely. Behaviour of such very coordinated atoms is not well understood, so seeing them boomerang could uncover something new about quantum physics.
#16842406 at 2022-07-27 16:16:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21220: Remember Your Oath Edition
isn't it STRANGE that Fire in the Sky took place in Snowflake AZ?
being that Snowflake is a mormon town and home of Jeff Flake's family
#16839516 at 2022-07-27 02:44:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21216: Trump prosecution look here not at NWO crimes against humanity edition
STRANGE Energies out tonight
#16839238 at 2022-07-27 02:02:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21216: Trump prosecution look here not at NWO crimes against humanity edition
>>16837760, >>16837777 (lb)
>Robyn Epps, Ray Epps wife & Dominion National Director?
Dominion Enterprises appears to be a a builder of web sites (e.g. Boat Trader, Cycle Trader and RV Trader) and does not appear to be related to Dominion Voting Systems. Back last summer/fall there we digs done and the parent was State Street Capital.
However, this is also STRANGE because I cannot find much on State Street Capital today. I can find Staple Street Capital that references a man by the name of Hootan Taghoobzadeh who is named in the original SEC document that led to all the diggs.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/ownership-of-dominion-draws-scrutiny-after-unusual-fundraising_3618603.html (behind paywall that's easily defeated with 'Developer Tools')
#16838790 at 2022-07-27 00:59:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21215: Sailing Into Sunset Edition
Seriously no one would believe this if they knew its a STRANGE story.
Did these people want to be disappeared for life? What did they do before the trip.
Such a stupid story. Bears dont forage for dead bodies. They like fish, berries, etc
#16837500 at 2022-07-26 21:23:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21214: Well That Escalated Quickly Edition
There was another speech he gave early this year with the Flag of The President of the United States [dark blue with circle of stars] visible that was weird. At one point, some of the stars briefly disappeared. Something else STRANGE happened; there was a post about it, but I can't remember what it was.
#16836482 at 2022-07-26 20:49:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21213: Know Your Bunkers Edition
I've watched it and what was STRANGE to me is that there was no fish(oil) in this video.
#16835812 at 2022-07-26 20:48:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21213: Know Your Bunkers Edition
No sign of the cross
Big gulp at 1:15
#16835037 at 2022-07-26 20:40:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21213: Spam Attack Ebake Edition
Not sure if any of you anons watch "Mr. Ballen" on Youtube (Navy Seal guy, who tells STRANGE, dark and mysterious things in story form.)
Anyway... Today, dude uploaded a video about a cult kidnapping in Australia. The group who did the kidnapping, was ONA (Order Of Nine Angles)... Apparently, this is a legit Satanic cult, that views Christians as the enemy, and participates in human sacrifices and worse. They are operating in Europe, Russia, Ukraine and Australia.
Surprised this cult has never been mentioned here before...
"The WORST kidnappers in Australia":
#16834459 at 2022-07-26 20:37:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21213: Spam Attack Ebake Edition
#16834260 at 2022-07-26 20:36:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21213: Spam Attack Ebake Edition
Is it possible, that someone is kicking Kamala's as in particular? Making her more ridiculous on the world stage than any person before her? Because Biden always has a teleprompter and still is messing shit up like hell... But Kamala is talking shit over shit in a really STRANGE manor...
If the senile fuck gets a reader, why is she forced to talk "free brain shit"?
#16834223 at 2022-07-26 20:36:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21213: Spam Attack Ebake Edition
What are they made of?
This looks like the STRANGE "clots" I have seen on a few autopsy videos that are removed from veins.
#16827143 at 2022-07-26 18:45:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21210: What really happened to the Native Americans? Edition
dunno. Girl lrig. its a very STRANGE game
#16825300 at 2022-07-26 12:38:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21208: Morning Dayshift! Edition
Pretty sure only Venus and Uranus spin backwards, compared to the other planets. Uranus is actually on the side, unlike any other planet, so that's kinda twisted.
Neptune has fastest winds in the solarsystem, which is STRANGE for the planet farthest out, receiving very little of sun-ray energy.
#16825144 at 2022-07-26 11:47:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21207: Graveyard Ebake o7 Edition
yet, for some reason, people wont get the fuck away from us.
#16823180 at 2022-07-26 02:37:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21205: Bring The Spam Edition
How is that even possible….
STRANGE but true!
#16821395 at 2022-07-26 01:46:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21204: The Spam Never Ends Edition
More sauce:
Mysterious 'object' caught on camera at Amarillo Zoo, Do you know what it is?
AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) - A mysterious "object" was caught on camera at the Amarillo Zoo. The city is asking for help to identify it.
Around 1:25 a.m. on May 21, security cameras inside a perimeter fence at the zoo "captured a STRANGE image."
"Was it a person with a STRANGE hat who likes to walk at night? A large coyote on its hind legs? A Chupacabra? It is a mystery - for Amarillo to help solve," said the city.
Until the city has a better explanation, it is being called a Unidentified Amarillo Object (UAO).
"We just want to let the Amarillo community have some fun with this," said City of Amarillo Director of Parks and Recreation Michael Kashuba. "It is important to note that this entity was outside the Amarillo Zoo. There were no signs of attempted entry into the zoo. No animals or individuals were harmed. There were no signs of criminal activity or vandalism.
"It is definitely a STRANGE and interesting image. Maybe Amarillo can help solve the mystery of our UAO."
Think you know what it is? Email the city's communications office at publiccommunications@amarillo.gov.
#16821269 at 2022-07-26 01:41:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21203: Spam,, It's What's For Dinner Edition
Anon has been around hurricanes his entire life and I have to say these past years those storms have gotten very STRANGE. Unnaturally STRANGE. Idk if it's manipulation or just the end of the world. Probably both. But nevertheless- I'd avoid um if possible. Just sayin'
#16821267 at 2022-07-26 01:41:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21203: Spam,, It's What's For Dinner Edition
>my dreams are really so STRANGE as of lately..)
Working as intended.
#16820863 at 2022-07-26 01:40:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21203: Spam,, It's What's For Dinner Edition
The January 6 Committee is conducting a show trial, not a criminal one. Show trials, common in authoritarian regimes, are held for propaganda purposes, to punish political opponents, and to cover up the truth of what the regime has done.
Define 'projection'.
Dialectic inversion (create the evil being claimed as 'identified without')isthe nwo's source code 'logic'.
Maximum self-contradiction.
Introduce inconsistencies (between words and actions) knowingly, i.e. deception (at the highest levels of government).
Goedel's first incompleteness theorem states that every theory that is strong enough (containing the peano axioms) is either inconsistent or incomplete. If it is is inconsistent, it can prove everything ! If it is consistent, there are necessarily statements that cannoe be proven within this theory. This does not mean that it can prove nothing.
Goedel's second incompleteness theorem states that no system that is strong enough (containing the peano axioms) can prove its own consistency.
Goedel's completeness theorem states that a statement is provable within a theory if and only if it is true under every interpretation within this theory.
Anons have infinite number of prime numbers to uniquely decode and by continuous feedback STRANGE loops learn the entire nwo codebase.
"Those who scream the loudest"
"Those we were taught to trust are guilty of great sin"
Who are (were) we taught to trust the most?
#16820499 at 2022-07-26 01:35:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21202: Something Spammy This Way Comes Edition
This is true. I was about 40 years old when I met my biological father and was stunned to observe some very STRANGE, non-physical, similarities, such as odd food preferences, and preferred recreation activities.
#16811174 at 2022-07-25 23:44:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21198: WTF Happened To The Dough!? Edition
seconds 33-36 look STRANGE to me. The mouth movements are uncanny also.
#16803312 at 2022-07-25 15:47:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21194: Monday Morning Panic Part 2 Ebake Edition
Canada #35 >>16802926
Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Having Sex with Multiple Men at Pride Event - Then Blames Government After Catching Monkeypox and Gonorrhea
By Jim Hoft Published July 25, 2022 at 8:45am
A public health expert and director of George Soros' Open Society Foundation told The Guardian how he had sex with several men during NYC Pride festivities. Then he blamed the government after contracting both monkeypox and gonorrhea.
According to a post from Andy Ngo, Sebastian K?hn is one of the directors at George Soros' Open Society Foundation. He is the current Division Director, Signature Initiatives at Soros' Open Society Foundation.
Sebastian outright admitted that he was aware that "monkeypox was an emerging issue, especially for gay men." And yet, he had sex with multiple men anyway because he believed that the number of cases in the city was not very high.
"I was aware that monkeypox was an emerging issue - especially for gay men - but I was also under the impression that the number of cases in the city was relatively small," Sebastian told the Guardian. "What I didn't understand was how absolutely dismal testing capacity was: at that point, the city only had [the] capacity to process ten tests a day."
"I had sex with several guys over the weekend. Then a week later, on 1 July, I started feeling very fatigued. I had a high fever with chills and muscle aches, and my lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding two inches out of my throat," he added.
Instead of taking responsibility for his own irresponsible actions, Sebastian blamed the government for how poorly it has handled the situation.
The next day I got my STI results: positive for gonorrhoea. But no word yet on monkeypox. That's when I developed hives everywhere on my body from my neck down, as well as a headache, arthritis pain in my fingers and shoulders and a STRANGE pain in my shin bone that got so painful that I couldn't stand up. At night, I would wake up going crazy with both pain and itching from the lesions and hives, just sitting up in bed and scratching myself. I was isolated, lonely and frustrated with how unfair the situation was. I was clearly very sick, yet had to cobble together a care plan on my own.
My anorectal lesions, which were already very painful, turned into open wounds. It felt like I had three fissures right next to each other, and it was absolutely excruciating. I would literally scream out loud when I went to the bathroom. Even keeping the area clean, like washing myself, was extremely painful. It was a two hour process each time.
Four days after my test - I got a call from urgent care that I had tested positive for monkeypox. But they gave me no information beyond that. So I started calling around to see how I could get access to the antivirals. I knew the CDC had put out guidance around who should be considered for treatment, and that included people who had anorectal lesions, lesions in the throat and dermatological conditions, which I did.
This whole thing just feels like a huge failure that should not have been allowed to happen, especially not two and half months into the outbreak. If someone like me, who has worked in sexual health for a long time, had such a hard time navigating care, I can't imagine other people doing it. I know several people who are just sitting at home in agonizing pain because they're not getting the support that they need.
According to the CDC, the first case of monkeypox in the US this year was recorded on May 18. The CDC knew that the virus was spreading among gay men, but they did little to stop it.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that New York City is now the "epicenter of the monkeypox outbreak" which accounts for 30% of all US cases.
"There are now [900] cases of monkeypox in the city, which is more than [31%] of the recorded cases of monkeypox per the CDC," NY Health said in a statement. "New York City is the epicenter of the monkeypox outbreak in the U.S. and yet does not have sufficient vaccine supply to reach the number of people who need it to protect themselves."
Full article:
#16802229 at 2022-07-25 11:31:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21193: More Panic Monday Edition
yeah been doing that my self was just hoping there was an easier way to show people like a vid or something. I think there was one with trump saying 17 a bunch but not all the STRANGE news stories with it. like i just saw this orange man, 17 as well as 33 in the picture. No coincidences right?
#16800495 at 2022-07-25 09:57:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21192: BAKE YOUR NOODLE E-Bake Edition
More sauce:
Mysterious 'object' caught on camera at Amarillo Zoo, Do you know what it is?
AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) - A mysterious "object" was caught on camera at the Amarillo Zoo. The city is asking for help to identify it.
Around 1:25 a.m. on May 21, security cameras inside a perimeter fence at the zoo "captured a STRANGE image."
"Was it a person with a STRANGE hat who likes to walk at night? A large coyote on its hind legs? A Chupacabra? It is a mystery - for Amarillo to help solve," said the city.
Until the city has a better explanation, it is being called a Unidentified Amarillo Object (UAO).
"We just want to let the Amarillo community have some fun with this," said City of Amarillo Director of Parks and Recreation Michael Kashuba. "It is important to note that this entity was outside the Amarillo Zoo. There were no signs of attempted entry into the zoo. No animals or individuals were harmed. There were no signs of criminal activity or vandalism.
"It is definitely a STRANGE and interesting image. Maybe Amarillo can help solve the mystery of our UAO."
Think you know what it is? Email the city's communications office at publiccommunications@amarillo.gov.
#16800123 at 2022-07-25 09:36:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21192: BAKE YOUR NOODLE E-Bake Edition
>But it is STRANGE been going on for 2 months now about i think.
#16800107 at 2022-07-25 09:31:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21192: BAKE YOUR NOODLE E-Bake Edition
it could be that, could also be some sort of ai. But why is it talking about sexual and physical abuse, the nerve pain thing is interesting. Could AI be experiencing pain? This also could be some sort of character multiple people are playing that could account for the IP hoping like there is a team just doing it. But it is STRANGE been going on for 2 months now about i think.
#16799915 at 2022-07-25 08:17:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21192: BAKE YOUR NOODLE E-Bake Edition
Apparently the RUSSIANS stopped her from publishing her QANON expose…
DL it here:
STRANGE that these people never bother to report that the central claim of the Q movement is that Q is an insider tied to Trump.
There exist innumerable "proofs" of this claim.
They never even attempt to refute these.
#16799833 at 2022-07-25 07:52:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21192: BAKE YOUR NOODLE E-Bake Edition
Still around, soon to leave.
Re old trip: cannot speak for Q, cannot prove it's Q, have no horse in this race, just here tending the board. Time will tell what is true.
>got banned
not by me, you didn't.
No details on ban? Then it's hard to respond. If that's really what you're after. Seem to be seeing many things as odd or STRANGE. Feeling ok?
G'nite anon, feel better soon.
#16798128 at 2022-07-25 00:01:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21190: Think For Yourself E-Bake Edition
>>16797818 LB
>Gay Soros exec has sex with multiple STRANGE men, then complains about Monkey Pox...
Nice Red Shoes Pal.
#16797818 at 2022-07-24 22:55:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21189: Russia goes digital with cbdc and greta is rothschild edition
Gay Soros exec has sex with multiple STRANGE men, then complains about Monkey Pox...
I literally screamed out loud in pain': my two weeks of monkeypox hell
A New Yorker describes his harrowing ordeal to receive care through a system underequipped to handle another pandemic
#16795861 at 2022-07-24 17:28:18 (UTC+1)
'This is Satanism': New York Times gets skewered for suggesting there is a 'time and place' for cannibalism
The New York Times - the so-called "newspaper of record" - advocated that "cannibalism has a time and a place," and that current media suggests that now is the time to eat your fellow human. The eye-raising article was flayed on Twitter for even suggesting that people eat people, and many commentators reckoned that the New York Times writer put her foot in her mouth.
The piece was written by Alex Beggs - a freelance writer and "regular contributor at Bon App?tit, where she reviews the latest Trader Joe's products, writes the magazine's questionable etiquette column, and regularly covers cookbooks," according to journalist database Muck Rack.
The article titled "A Taste for Cannibalism?" argues that cannibalism is having a moment right now because of "some recent stomach-churning books, and on television and film screens."
However, cannibalism has been featured in entertainment throughout history - including "Soylent Green" (1973), "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974), "Cannibal Holocaust" (1980), "Conan the Barbarian" (1982), "Silence of the Lambs" (1991), "Alive" (1993), "Ravenous" (1999), "The 13th Warrior" (1999), "American Psycho" (2000), "Sin City" (2005), "The Hills Have Eyes" (2006), and "Jennifer's Body" (2009), just to name a few.
The article cites cannibalism being a theme in the Showtime TV show "Yellowjackets."
Ashley Lyle - the co-creator of "Yellowjackets" - was unable to bite her own tongue and blamed climate change and school shootings as reasons why people are interested in cannibalism.
"As to what may be fueling the desire for cannibalism stories today, Ms. Lyle, the 'Yellowjackets' co-creator, said, 'I think that we're obviously in a very STRANGE moment.' She listed the pandemic, climate change, school shootings and years of political cacophony as possible factors."
"I think we're often drawn to the things that repulse us the most," Lyle said.
"Yellowjackets" co-creator Bart Nickerson claimed, "But I keep coming back to this idea of, what portion of our revulsion to these things is a fear of the ecstasy of them?"
Twitter reactions to the cannibal article flew in faster than it took Hannibal Lecter to eat the liver of a census taker with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Writer Emmanuel Rinc?n: "The New York Times, the progressive media in general and the left, are promoters of all aberrant causes of humanity. Pedophilia, child indoctrination and now cannibalism. Sick."
#16794374 at 2022-07-24 12:05:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21185: The Ebake Sagas Edition
Weird nugget.
Howard Stern says RW died one day after he got the courage to get Robins number to call him to apologize about an interview he regretted.
Even though he was in therapy up to four days a week, it took Stern 20 years to "work up the nerve" to call Williams to apologize - but the comic died the day after Stern sought out his number.
#16790215 at 2022-07-23 22:20:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21179: Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop Edition
Keeping him in my questionables. That's a word, right? idk, idk …
#16790033 at 2022-07-23 21:54:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21179: Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop Edition
What did he do?
#16789999 at 2022-07-23 21:48:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21179: Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop Edition
Flynn is acting STRANGE because when the Democrats are no longer in control his ass is going to jail
#16789562 at 2022-07-23 20:30:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21179: Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop Edition
Search 'flynn' on Qanon.pub
first word that comes up is [INFILTRATION]
It's all so STRANGE though. Time will tell
#16789562 at 2022-07-23 20:30:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21179: Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop Edition
Search 'flynn' on Qanon.pub
first word that comes up is [INFILTRATION]
It's all so STRANGE though. Time will tell
#16789539 at 2022-07-23 20:27:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21179: Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop Edition
always wanted to like the guy but he is setting off my radar hard
#16789461 at 2022-07-23 20:11:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21178: Second trump rally night, ready for moar comms edition
How are jews related to monkeys? STRANGE everything is antisemite, dont breathe its antisemitic!
Aren't they pushing this too far?
#16788643 at 2022-07-23 17:29:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21177: Time to Freshen the Dough Edition
Friend of family, retired DHS, was called out of retirement to run an "evidence collection after wmd attack seminar" for large group of mil last week in ATL. That seems STRANGE.
#16787445 at 2022-07-23 12:51:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21176: Post Rally Ebake Edition
Pelosi's son in Law is a British journalist/reporter? … nothing STRANGE in a reporter wanting to interview a striking figure like Q Shaman during the "Storm".
And btw, Q Shaman was a 100% true Q believer (100% fact).
#16787247 at 2022-07-23 11:44:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21176: Post Rally Ebake Edition
The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [23.07.22 07:24]
[ Video ]
These Post-Vaccine Blood Clots Aren't Blood Clots: There's Something Very STRANGE Going On
Three Shocking Findings Per Mike Adams
(https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-22-vaccine-clot-biostructures-harvest-conductive-metals-from-blood.html)#1) The post-vaccine clots are not made of blood
#2) The clot was very low in key elements that would be expected to be seen in living biological tissue
#3) Electrically conductive elements were higher in the clot material
"If you add nitric acid to blood, it doesn't just go like pop and start oxidizing, almost bursting into flames."
Read More on Substack
(https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/p/these-post-vaccine-blood-clots-arent?sd=pf)Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1dbf3h-these-post-vaccine-blood-clots-arent-blood-clots-theres-something-very-stra.html) | Substack (https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Truth (https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/vigilantfox)
#16786402 at 2022-07-23 05:02:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21175: But First We Have To Secure Massive Victories Edition
>>16786292 lb
>>16786329 lb
It was a good rally; however, I had some STRANGE feelings while watching it. It had a feeling of Green Screen, and then I took a look at the screen cap of the crowd that Anon had posted Last Bread…and it reminded of that Huggingface AI image generator.
Was the rally a total deep fake?
#16784074 at 2022-07-23 01:06:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21172: E-BAKE RALLY BREAD
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
>>16779073 #21164 posted in #21165
Previously Collected
>>16779352 #21165
>>16776993 #21162, >>16778003 #21163, >>16779073 #21164
>>16774659 #21159, >>16775499 #21160, >>16776348 #21161
>>16773998 #21156, >>16773089 #21157, >>16774212 #21158
>>16770049 #21153, >>16771135 #21154, >>16771551 #21155
>>16767641 #21150, >>16768508 #21151, >>16769286 #21152
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#16783598 at 2022-07-23 00:10:04 (UTC+1)
STRANGE new phase of matter created in quantum computer acts like it has two time dimensions
By shining a laser pulse sequence inspired by the Fibonacci numbers at atoms inside a quantum computer, physicists have created a remarkable, never-before-seen phase of matter. The phase has the benefits of two time dimensions despite there still being only one singular flow of time, the physicists report July 20 in Nature.
This mind-bending property offers a sought-after benefit: Information stored in the phase is far more protected against errors than with alternative setups currently used in quantum computers. As a result, the information can exist without getting garbled for much longer, an important milestone for making quantum computing viable, says study lead author Philipp Dumitrescu.
#16783322 at 2022-07-22 23:29:34 (UTC+1)
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
>>16779073 #21164 posted in #21165
Previously Collected
>>16779352 #21165
>>16776993 #21162, >>16778003 #21163, >>16779073 #21164
>>16774659 #21159, >>16775499 #21160, >>16776348 #21161
>>16773998 #21156, >>16773089 #21157, >>16774212 #21158
>>16770049 #21153, >>16771135 #21154, >>16771551 #21155
>>16767641 #21150, >>16768508 #21151, >>16769286 #21152
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#16782515 at 2022-07-22 20:57:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21170: EBake for free
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
>>16779073 #21164 posted in #21165
Previously Collected
>>16779352 #21165
>>16776993 #21162, >>16778003 #21163, >>16779073 #21164
>>16774659 #21159, >>16775499 #21160, >>16776348 #21161
>>16773998 #21156, >>16773089 #21157, >>16774212 #21158
>>16770049 #21153, >>16771135 #21154, >>16771551 #21155
>>16767641 #21150, >>16768508 #21151, >>16769286 #21152
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#16782482 at 2022-07-22 20:50:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21169: EBake for free
Viewers began to flood News Channel 11's phone and inbox with calls and messages raising concerns surrounding a purple vapor that appeared to be rising from the Eastman facility.
There's lots of chatter in social media today (July 21, 2022) about a STRANGE pink glow in the sky that appeared last night over Mildura, Australia
#16781752 at 2022-07-22 18:31:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21169: EBake for free
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
>>16779073 #21164 posted in #21165
Previously Collected
>>16779352 #21165
>>16776993 #21162, >>16778003 #21163, >>16779073 #21164
>>16774659 #21159, >>16775499 #21160, >>16776348 #21161
>>16773998 #21156, >>16773089 #21157, >>16774212 #21158
>>16770049 #21153, >>16771135 #21154, >>16771551 #21155
>>16767641 #21150, >>16768508 #21151, >>16769286 #21152
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#16781733 at 2022-07-22 18:04:10 (UTC+1)
sounds like they were all camping together and things went sideways
#16781393 at 2022-07-22 16:50:11 (UTC+1)
Water & GOLD
Watch the Water, We have the Gold ? Look at the maps and read this STRANGE article, did they build their first Dumbs since the deluge out west via the cavern systems and rivers ?
#16780930 at 2022-07-22 15:22:56 (UTC+1)
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
>>16779073 #21164 posted in #21165
Previously Collected
>>16779352 #21165
>>16776993 #21162, >>16778003 #21163, >>16779073 #21164
>>16774659 #21159, >>16775499 #21160, >>16776348 #21161
>>16773998 #21156, >>16773089 #21157, >>16774212 #21158
>>16770049 #21153, >>16771135 #21154, >>16771551 #21155
>>16767641 #21150, >>16768508 #21151, >>16769286 #21152
>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com
#16780640 at 2022-07-22 14:29:18 (UTC+1)
Mysterious pink glow in sky over Australian town revealed to be from local cannabis facility
Thu 21 Jul 2022 01.04 EDT
'Bizarre' pink lights seen in the sky above Victorian town of Mildura were not an alien invasion after all
An alien invasion? Season five of STRANGEr Things? A portal to the timespace continuum?
Residents in the northern Victorian town of Mildura were left pleasantly dumbfounded on Wednesday evening when the night sky was set ablaze with an eerie pink glow.
"It was very bizarre," said Tammy Szumowski.
"I was on the phone to my mum, and my dad was saying the world was ending."
But the explanation was far more mundane. Pharmaceutical company Cann Group confirmed the lights were coming from its local medicinal cannabis facility, where the blackout blinds had been left open.
"Cannabis plants require different spectrums of light in order to encourage their growth," said Rhys Cohen, senior communications manager at Cann Group Ltd.
"A red spectrum light is often used. Normally the facility would have blackout blinds that come down at night, and will in the future block that glow."
The federal member for Mallee, Dr Anne Webster, was driving home in the dark when she noticed the smouldering pink light.
"I thought that is weird. There is no city out there ... What is it?" she said.
"When I understood the Cann processing site is there - but it still was the first time I've seen that pink glow. It was quite STRANGE."
Cann Group Ltd was the first Australian company to secure licences for cannabis cultivation for medicinal and research purposes.
On 7 July, its Mildura facility received its GMP licence to cultivate and supply a wide range of medicinal cannabis products in-house after acquiring the site in 2019. It gathered its first commercial harvest of crops in June.
Webster said it was "quite an exciting site". Due to the nature of its business, however, it has a secret location and isn't open to the public.
"Propagation of cannabis is really interesting and the way they use lights ... to increase the growth cycle and speed up the whole process is quite amazing," she said.
"I look forward to many other innovative producers coming to the region and bringing their glows with them."
Across Mildura and surrounding towns, people flocked to their backyards and front porches to photograph the spectral glow.
#16780472 at 2022-07-22 13:59:08 (UTC+1)
>STRANGE to at all allow a foreign country own a huge swaths of your land
let alone highways interstates parking authorities utilities taxpayer funded stadiums and infrastructure etc etc
#16780460 at 2022-07-22 13:56:40 (UTC+1)
also very STRANGE to at all allow a foreign country own a huge swaths of your land for no reason other than (((shekels))).
#16780074 at 2022-07-22 12:23:49 (UTC+1)
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
>>16779073 #21164 posted in #21165
#16779361 at 2022-07-22 07:28:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21166: POTUS spits fire on TS Edition
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
>>16779073 #21164 posted in #21165
#16779073 at 2022-07-22 05:26:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21165: Night Shift On EDITION
Previous Bread Notables #21164
>>16777859 Shonkah Dukereh, "Elvis" actress and blues singer, dead at 44
>>16777886 Michael Tracy: Just wanted to point out another Ukraine official is pledging that they'll use their increasingly high-grade US weaponry to launch an offensive in Crimea - likely the most plausible scenario in which nuclear war could be triggered
>>16777891 Page Six: Hunter Biden spotted with wife Melissa Cohen and son amid reports of cracks in their marriage
>>16777901 Jon Cooper: Verizon announced today that OAN will be removed from its channel lineup on July 31st; anon provdes free link https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/
>>16778059, >>16778106, >>16778197 New York Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin attacked at a VFW campaign stop in upstate New York (Fairport)
>>16778095 Childrenshealthdefese: Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established
>>16778109, >>16778110, >>16778115, >>16778116, >>16778119 Donald J. Trump: This story is a must-read for all of those that PRETEND there was no Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election: NeverTrump's Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
>>16778190 Jillian Anderson: I'm not sure who needs a reminder, but here's DC on the day Trump was inaugurated
>>16778201 TGP: Tony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz, Vivek Murthy, Karine Jean Pierre and More Served in Missouri and Louisiana Lawsuit Alleging Collusion to Suppress Freedom of Speech
>>16778216, >>16778259, >>16778301 ZH: Antifa Summer Camp In Portland Teaches Anarchy To Children
>>16778231 Dailycaller: Josh Hawley Grills TSA Head For Letting Illegals Use Arrest Warrants To Board Planes
>>16778243 Breitbart: Fact Check: Bennie Thompson Falsely Claims Police 'Killed' in Capitol Riot
>>16778244 Planefag: ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages (EIIR)
>>16778250 Theblaze: NYC company, owned by family who donated $300K to Gov. Hochul, paid $637 million for at-home COVID tests - without a contract
>>16778341 MSN: Mike Pence's Security Detail Feared For Their Lives During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot
>>16778350, >>16778446 NYT: Opinion | Bret Stephens: I Was Wrong About Trump Voters
>>16778393 Repgrove: Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing 'Myriad Of Election Issues'
>>16778432 For the Keks: Remember how the media reacted when President Trump tested positive for COVID? Where are all these shills now that Biden has COVID?
>>16778442 Andy Ngo: Vancouver, Canada: A mother and her young child were brutally struck to the ground by a black male on July 9. Shakwan Kelly jogged away but was later arrested. He was quickly released from jail & failed to show up for court. He is now wanted
>>16778482 Benny Johnson: PANIC: CNN Has Officially TURNED On Joe Biden (video)
>>16778490 MSN: Netanyahu denies responsibility for last year's stampede on Mt. Meron that left 45 dead
>>16778492 ZH: Rockaway Beach shut down due to sark sightings amidst week long Heat Wave
>>16778503 ZH Polio detected in New York, first US case since 2013
>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list
>>16778576, >>16778584 ZH: A Veteran explains why people aren't joining the military
#16778965 at 2022-07-22 05:00:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21165: Night Shift On EDITION
Its so divsive and evil, none if it is actually sane, everyone seems on the verge of insanity that we are related to. STRANGE, very STRANGE times
#16778244 at 2022-07-22 02:25:04 (UTC+1)
ZULU82 drawing out more STRANGE messages.
Elizabeth 2nd Regina
Britain's Queen Elizabeth 2nd
Anyone seen her recently?
#16776721 at 2022-07-21 21:55:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21162: This Could Be Your Title; Learn to Bake Edition
>Scientists create STRANGE new phase of matter that seems to occupy TWO time dimensions
utterly meaningless techno-babble jargon-speak gibberish.
#16776715 at 2022-07-21 21:53:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21162: This Could Be Your Title; Learn to Bake Edition
Scientists create STRANGE new phase of matter that seems to occupy TWO time dimensions
Read: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11035309/Scientists-create-STRANGE-new-phase-matter-occupy-TWO-time-dimensions.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
#16776604 at 2022-07-21 21:28:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21162: This Could Be Your Title; Learn to Bake Edition
And on heart meds. Plus whatever shit he is on like aderall and other STRANGE shit.
#16776536 at 2022-07-21 21:15:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21162: This Could Be Your Title; Learn to Bake Edition
NOTE: STRANGE there are no images of Nikhil Wahi? looks like the coinbase exchange will get away scot free, these look like patsy's?
Ex-Coinbase CEO Arrested for Insider Trading
July 21, 2022 by admin
Key facts:
The defendant and his associates had earned more than $1 million in profits.
Prosecutors say the Coinbase exchange has nothing to do with the case.
Seattle police arrested a former executive of the Coinbase exchange and two others Thursday, July 21. They are accused of trading inside information related to the cryptocurrency market and thus generating more than a million dollars in profits.
Those arrested are Ishan Wahi, a former Coinbase Product Officer, and his brother, Nikhil Wahi.. His fears occurred this Thursday, in the northwestern US city, according to the Bloomberg Gateway. It also states that the company will not be involved in the complaint.
After the intervention of the American police and justice forces, Copies of the alleged "insider trading" will be confirmed (insider trading) in the stock exchange. Coinbase is, at the time of writing, the third largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, according to data from CoinMarketCap.
The other person involved in the episode is Samir RamaniWahi brothers friend. This person also faces other civil charges brought by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which investigated the case with the New York District Attorney's Office.
What the US prosecutors claim is that Ishan Wahi could have shared private and confidential information about ads related to cryptocurrency and tokens Which Coinbase will list on its platform.
For this, he was going to rely on his brother's complicity. Between June 2021 and April 2022, both They would have used this data to purchase crypto assets before listing thembearing in mind that this usually leads to an appreciation in the value of cryptocurrencies.
#16776394 at 2022-07-21 20:51:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21162: This Could Be Your Title; Learn to Bake Edition
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES Published July 21, 2022
The Word received July 19th
You are at the Door of Change;
Press IN, press into my Word, press in during this time of battle, Press into My Glory; Press through all the tacticts and the plans of the enemy;
There is NOTHING that [he] has against (you) that will prosper;
Jesus has already won the battle so magnify that instead of any problem that (you) are facing;
These are the days, my children, that many things will change and suddenlies are about to begin; {https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/suddenlies-will-breakout-across-the-nations?rq=suddenlies ; https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/its-all-about-to-break-wide-open?rq=suddenlies ; https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/a-shakedown-has-begun?rq=suddenlies ; https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/a-great-silence-is-coming?rq=suddenlies ; https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/suddenlys-are-about-to-break-out-worldwide?rq=suddenlys}
Stalemate, this phrase will be in your news: your enemies plans have stalled, they are NOT going the way they have wanted, nor at a pace they have wanted them to go. "Something is wrong", they will say, when people in their inner most cirlces are dying suddenly, knowing [they] didn't do it. "What is going on and how do we stop it from coming to us", [they] will say;
[They] are making deals behind closed doors but [they] are all beginning to doubt each others loyalty and wondering now who they can really trust, and I say to your enemies [they] have NO ONE on your side that is loyal, no one on your side who is trust worthy, and [they] are ALL about to find that out with the next moves of my hand, saith the Lord;
A DEAFENING sound will be heard and no one will know where it came from or how it happened, this will be in the news;
In these days more STRANGE occurances are about to begin all over the World. My children, hold onto my Words and I say again, PRESS IN, without ceasing, pray without ceasing, and it will all be OK in the house of the Lord;
(You) are separated from what is about to hit this Earth, I will protect those who are standing and believing in Me, (you) are at the door of change, and it is all about to break wide open, saith the Lord;
There was a plan of a GREAT ATTACK on (you), oh United States, it wasn't just a terrorist attack, no, it was much greater than that. [They] use deception, [they] stole from you, [they] took away your livelyhoods to trap you where you are so you will lay down and submit to this fraudulent government. [They] tried soaring inflation, shortages and poisoning you in multiple ways to break your spirit, to not fight back.
In this day where it looks like everything has failed, and I have failed, PRESS IN and believe what the Lord has done;
The battle is the Lord's and He has already won;
Your enemies ARE NOT in control, [they] are ALL defeated, [they] have lost and the world is about to see it;
This is a HUGE prophecy and needs to be listened to in its entirety, individually
#16775347 at 2022-07-21 17:39:13 (UTC+1)
The stuff of nightmares. Or, overly long movies with STRANGE plot twists.
#16775052 at 2022-07-21 16:38:28 (UTC+1)
'member when the Russian satelite changed it's orbit and started trailing a US satelite? it was a KH 11 American Satelite. this is part of CORONA and BIG BIRD i believe
KENNEN[1][2][3][4] (later renamed CRYSTAL,[5] then Evolved Enhanced CRYSTAL System, and codenamed 1010[6]:?82? and Key Hole[6]:?82?)
Exclusive: STRANGE Russian Spacecraft Shadowing U.S. Spy Satellite, General Says
FEBRUARY 10, 2020 11:28 AM EST
pair of Russian satellites are tailing a multibillion-dollar U.S. spy satellite hundreds of miles above the Earth's surface, a top U.S. military commander tells TIME, underscoring a growing threat to America's dominance in space-based espionage and a potentially costly new chapter in Washington's decades-long competition with Moscow.
Gen. John "Jay" Raymond, commander of the newly minted U.S. Space Force, says the Russian spacecraft began maneuvering toward the American satellite shortly after being launched into orbit in November, at times creeping within 100 miles of it. "We view this behavior as unusual and disturbing," Raymond says. "It has the potential to create a dangerous situation in space." Raymond says the U.S. government has expressed concern to Moscow through diplomatic channels.
The confrontation marks the first time the U.S. military has publicly identified a direct threat to a specific American satellite by an adversary. The incident parallels Russia's terrestrial encounters with the U.S. and its allies, including close calls between soldiers, fighter jets and warships around the world. Observers worry that space is now offering a new theater for unintentional escalation of hostilities between the long-time adversaries.
Pentagon, White House and Congressional backers, say the incident demonstrates the need for the Space Force, which President Donald Trump established in December when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law. It became the first new military service since the Air Force was created in 1947.
#16774813 at 2022-07-21 15:55:03 (UTC+1)
>>16774531 LB
They just lie and lie, with a straight face too! Wow!! Look at the bags under her eyes!!!
Why is it then, you lying moran…
1.) When we took a vaccine in the past (before covid shots) that we did NOT get the illness the vaccine was intended for. For example, if we took the Measles vaccine, we then did not get the Measles, ever.
2.) It does NOT keep you out of the hospitals, more and more people are showing either other STRANGE and very critical symptoms ie heart problems, blood clots, etc AND COVID!!!!! Most of the people showing up in hospitals now ARE vaccinated!!!!!!
3.) More that are dying now WERE vaccinated!!!!!! Look at the UK and Australia!!!!!
#16774707 at 2022-07-21 15:34:03 (UTC+1)
21 Jul, 2022 12:16
Former Russian president lists 'Western sins'
Dmitry Medvedev called out the US and its allies for their out-of-touch policies
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has compiled what he called a list of "their sins," a reference to what he sees as the shortcomings of the US and Europe. The list was published on Medvedev's Telegram channel on Thursday and comes a day after the former president outlined Russia's 'sins', a mocking exhortation to the West to blame Moscow for all manner of ills, from US President Joe Biden's gaffes to even the extinction of the dinosaurs.
"THEIR SINS (what Russia is not guilty of): European fools being cynically conned by the Americans, who forced them to endure the most painful consequences of the sanctions that have hit the populations of EU countries; ordinary Europeans freezing cold in their homes this winter; the highest food inflation in decades in Europe and the United States; EU and US companies losing their multibillion-dollar investments in the Russian economy," he wrote.
Medvedev added thatMoscow has nothing to do with "Americans electing a STRANGE old man with dementiawho, having forgotten about his duties, loves another country much more than his own."
He also noted that Russia is not to blame for "town crazies who proclaimed themselves the EU leadership irrevocably losing touch with reality and making poor Ukrainians sacrifice their lives to join the EU."
The ex-president also mentioned NATO's encroachment on Russia's borders, a process that is "contrary to reason and common sense," he said.
According to Medvedev, Russia should not have to take the blame for the "numerous political crooksthat are leveraging the issue of restoring Ukraine's statehood to its former borders as they plan to receive new military contracts and
embezzle the cash flows earmarked for the Kiev regime."
Nor is Russia responsible for "Ukraine losing its independence and coming under the direct control of the collective West after the 2014 coup" and the fact that "Ukrainian criminals will certainly be tried for their atrocities committed against the people of Ukraine and Russia."
The former Russian president came up with the list after Biden repeatedly attempted to pin the blame for the record gas prices and 40-year-high inflation on Russia and the Ukraine conflict. However, according to a Rasmussen poll conducted in June, only 11% of Americans believed that "Putin's price hike," a term coined by the US president, was responsible for their economic woes. Meanwhile, more than half (52%) of respondents cited Biden's poor energy policies as the culprit.
The EU has also tried to point the finger at Russia. In late June, for instance, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock accused Moscow of triggering a food crisis and using global hunger as "a weapon" by blocking Ukrainian grain shipments. These barbs were later addressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who noted that Western nations are deliberately stirring up tensions over Ukrainian exports, while Moscow is ready to provide free passage to grain ships.
(Medvedev nails it)
#16774631 at 2022-07-21 15:20:56 (UTC+1)
Scientists create STRANGE new phase of matter that seemsto occupy TWO time dimensions- in potential breakthrough for quantum computing
- Odd new phase of matter observed that appears to occupy two time dimensions
- It could change way we think about matter and help to build quantum computers
- Quantum computing is based on qubits - quantum equivalent of computing bits
- Physicists pulsed light on qubits in a pattern inspired by the Fibonacci sequence
A STRANGE new phase of matter which seems to occupy two dimensions of time has been created in a lab by scientists….
#16774334 at 2022-07-21 14:36:46 (UTC+1)
21 Jul, 2022 14:18
CIA director comments on Putin's health
The Russian president is "entirely too healthy," William Burns has said
President Vladimir Putin is "entirely too healthy," CIA Director William Burns said on Wednesday, dispelling speculation about the Russian leader's wellbeing.
"There are a lot of rumors about President Putin's health, and as far as we can tell, he is entirely too healthy. It's not a formal intelligence judgment," he said, speaking at the Aspen Security Forum.
The CIA chief's comments were later echoed by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who claimed on Thursday that the Russian leader is in good health. "Ukrainian, US, and British would-be media professionals have been spreading bogus stories about the president's health condition in recent months. This is all hoax," he said.
Peskov also addressed the fact that the president apologized for a cough at the Strong Ideas for a New Time forum. The Kremlin spokesman attributed it to overexposure to air conditioning during the Tehran visit. "As for the air conditioners, that's true, it's hot outside, 40C, but it's chilly under the AC. My voice became husky too. Such things happen, no big deal," Peskov explained.
Earlier this week, Putin made a trip to Tehran for talks with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi and Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The remarks by both Burns and Peskov come after a flurry of speculation in Western media and from officials about Putin being in poor health and purporting that he had undergone a cancer treatment and even survived an assassination attempt. Ukrainian officials have also participated in the conjecturing. In late June, Defense Intelligence chief Kirill Budanov claimed that "Putin doesn't have a long life ahead of him," citing a supposed Ukrainian spy ring in the Kremlin. Moscow has repeatedly denied the claims of ill health.
(Did Burns just send out orders regarding Putin? Really STRANGE thing to say)
#16773889 at 2022-07-21 13:07:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21158 NIGHT SHIFT BAKER OFF edition
the STRANGE idea that the NSA and the CIA are "enemies" is really mind numbingly dumb and ignorant
#16773769 at 2022-07-21 12:43:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21158 NIGHT SHIFT BAKER OFF edition
that is true. There were some reports i thought either out of the mexican border or california a while back about stuff like that STRANGE diseases and stuff because of unsanitary conditions.
#16772700 at 2022-07-21 06:18:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21157 NIGHT SHIFT baker on edition
> lights have gone out on Ivana
should the lights go out
we are in control
assassination (possibility) of POTUS or member of his family
very soap opera like
PB post:
'Anyone else getting that gut dropping feeling that TRUMP is saying more than 'goodbye' to Ivana in this TRUTH (rest her soul)? 'Something else is going on. TRUMPS going to be in NY . Ya know....the same fucking place where they've been running a PSA for a Nuke to drop. Somebody, talk me off this fucking ledge.'
Great way to get Ivana out of NYC and protected?????
All the details of funeral are quite STRANGE???
and DOG comms
Ivana dog lover
will continue after death
old fag anon so everything is sus until it isn't
>>16772677 ummm hmmmm
many of us oldfags see things others may not
PB and Notable
>>16769730 Anyone else getting that gut dropping feeling that TRUMP is saying more than 'goodbye' to Ivana
View Profile
Ivana Trump Funeral Time, Schedule and Who Is Attending
Gerrard Kaonga - 17h ago
According to the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Trump died due to
impact injuries" to her torso which were sustained during an accidental fall at her Manhattan home.
lights out
? ? 4 posts
Feb 17 2020
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 73bdd5 No.8168745 📁
Feb 17 2020 21:29:50 (EST)
To be blunt....
Feb 5 2018
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 641129 No.274607 📁
Feb 5 2018 10:42:15 (EST)
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 641129 No.274601 📁
Feb 5 2018 10:41:35 (EST)
Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn't about to come to LIGHT?
Black Forest.
FIRE sale days after post?
What went on there?
You have more than you know.
BLUNT statement.
Dec 11 2017
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 4533cb No.73368 📁
Dec 11 2017 12:23:09 (EST)
Do you believe in coincidences?
"Blunt & Direct Time"
Think currency.
Think fireworks.
Message delivered.
These people are sick!
Dec 10 2017
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No.70055 📁
Dec 10 2017 23:29:56 (EST)
Blunt & Direct Time.
Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.
Tick Tock.
Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.
Enjoy the show.
#16772034 at 2022-07-21 03:04:42 (UTC+1)
Something very STRANGE about red cap shill.. I glaze my eyes and scroll by, not even absorbing or reading what's said. There's def an underlying reason for it. Nefarious.
#16770057 at 2022-07-20 20:14:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21153: Reminder The Lord Dwells in the Temple Edition
#16770002 at 2022-07-20 20:03:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21153: Reminder The Lord Dwells in the Temple Edition
Whether you call it "romanticism" "Gothic" or "satanic" Isidore Ducasse ended the literary experiment with a summary of a century of achievements in gothic (romantic or satanist) literature.
Ducasse lived a very short life, as if only to write what he did. A life the photographer Man Ray understated as enigmatic. It was satano-encrypted.
From Poesies:
"Disturbances, anxieties, depravities, death, exceptions in the physical or moral order, the spirit of negation, stupefactions, hallucinations served by the will, torments, destruction, reversals, tears, the instabilities, the enslavements, scoured imaginations, laborious novels, what is unexpected, what not to do, the biochemical the shit of a mysterious vulture which watches for the carrion of dead illusion, precocious and aborted experience, the obscurities with a bug shell, terrible monomania of pride, the inoculation of deep stupors, funeral orations, envies, betrayals, tyrannies, impieties, irritations, acrimonies, aggressive pranks, insanity, spleen, reasoned terror,the STRANGE anxieties, which the reader would prefer not to feel, the grimaces, the neuroses, the bloody channels through which we make logic pass at bay, the exaggerations, the lack of sincerity, the saws, the platitudes, the somber, the lugubrious, childbirth worse than murder, passions, the clan of the crime writer, tragedies, odes, melodramas, extremes presented in perpetuity, reason whistled with impunity, the smells of the sissy, fading, frogs, octopus, sharks, desert simoon, all that is somnambulist, sleazy, nocturnal, sleeping pill, night owl, slimy, talking seal, equivocal, consumptive, spasmodic, aphrodisiac, anemic, one-eyed, hermaphrodite, bastard, albino , pederast, bearded woman,the drunken hours of taciturn discouragement, the fantasies, the Acrot?s, the monsters, the demoralizing syllogisms, the garbage, whatever does not reflect like the child, the desolation, this intellectual mancenillier, the scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisies, vague perspectives that grind you in their imperceptible gears, serious spitting on sacred axioms, vermin and its insinuating tickles, insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, the scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisy, vague perspectives that crush you in their imperceptible gears, the serious spitting on sacred axioms, the vermin and its insinuating tickles, the insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, of Mthe scented cankers, the thighs with camellias, the guilt of a writer who rolls down the slope of nothingness and despises himself with joyful cries, remorse, hypocrisy, vague perspectives that crush you in their imperceptible gears, the serious spitting on sacred axioms, the vermin and its insinuating tickles, the insane prefaces, like those of Cromwell, of the island of Maupin and Dumas fils, the caducities, the impotences, the blasphemies, the suffocations, the suffocations, the rages, - in front of these filthy mass graves, which I blush to name, it is time to react finally against what shocks us and bends us so sovereignly."
#16769500 at 2022-07-20 18:15:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21153: Reminder The Lord Dwells in the Temple Edition
well, did you yell back and give them hell?? That's what I would do there!!! If I waned too. But I'm not sure anyone wuld hear my screams ! That's so STRANGE!
#16768640 at 2022-07-20 15:20:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21152: Ivana will be laid to rest today (This will not be easy) Edition
Marriage is a STRANGE thing.
Why can't we just be like the animals?
Why do we need a "legal" contract to be a family?
#16768103 at 2022-07-20 13:06:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21151: bannon trial and us nukes connected to biolabs run by pentagon edition
STRANGE how they never wake up. There is no great awakening. there are fools that have to be exterminated
#16765771 at 2022-07-20 00:30:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21148: Jim Watkins is ALIVE & WELL & LIVING in the USA Edition
Darren Beattie says this thread is important to read that a Patriot documented the day after J6.
Reporting on J6, 2021, on J7, 2021'
Thread: Some STRANGE things I observed at the protest yesterday, and things I subsequently found in the background of my photos and videos. This could all be nothing, but I think significant enough to get some more eyes on them. 1) First off, I watched this plain clothes (no MAGA gear like most) guy go around and methodically cut down all the fences and pull out their posts by himself. Maybe he's just helpful? 2) I first saw him doing it near the 2 portapotties to the right of the Capitol building. In this clip you'll see him by the platforms near the front tearing down more fences and posts as the S.Korean/Japanese parade forged its way towards the front. 3) Mind you this was before the bulk of the patriots had arrived at the Capitol bldg. Most were still marching from the rally 1.5 miles away, I moved to the Capitol early. As soon as the parade neared the frontline a flashbang was set off by the guys on the tower. Signaling? Side story 1) Get really conspiracy theorist on these two clips & we also see this group in black. Camera guy walks off by himself. Fence guy then walks by the girl, seems to tap her and it looks like a possible exchange. Side story 2) Then fence guy goes right over to camera guy, who is still standing away from the group alone, and they seem to have a possible exchange. But I digress 4) Then the ringleader on the tower with a megaphone shouted at the crowd to "MOVE FORWARD" and "Get to the frontline dammit!" like we are at war. 5) During this time there were at least 2 people around me with ear pieces talking into clip on mics. I watched this guy pull up his collar to talk into it a few times. He was very aware of me taking pics with my phone, kept moving, but I caught him behind me with a selfie. 6) And this guy, who caught my eye because he kept blowing a horn and yelling/gesturing "MOVE FORWARD" while he chilled back here out of harm's way. He spent most of his time looking at the crowd, not the building where the action was. Ear piece only on one side. 7) Next they breached the bleachers to the left of the bldg, then the center. Both times the victor (same guy? Idk) faced the crowd and flapped his arms up and down for cheers from the crowd. They had no fear of being tackled from behind or taken down. 8) Interesting black outfits, helmets and backpacks worn by the main breachers. And many of those on the "command center" tower. 9) BTW, they don't look overly effected by the cloud of "tear gas" they're in up there, do they? I know the gas that was shot into the crowd was real at least. I saw lots of patriots with red eyes and noses escape to the side I was on to have water poured on their faces. 10) Whether by Trump supporters gone wild or infiltrators, this was a planned and well executed situation. It did not happen organically. Also, there was very little security and very little struggle to breach such a high level building. 11) A couple other oddities worth mentioning. Who is this guy in the suit that these two corpulent fellas are recording up on the Capitol as the push was going on? They were up there with security before their retreat, just filming the crowd with cellphones.b 12) And I'm sorry, but what is this?? Is he spraying something or is that a freaking spirit?? 😂 Nothing would surprise me anymore. 13) All of this could be nothing guys. Once you're suspicious, everything seems suspicious. I held back from posting all the oddities I witnessed and filmed/photographed for fear I was going overboard. But I think this batch needs to be seen by more eyes just in case. 14) And I have to mention, I'm very sensitive to energy, can read people and rooms easily. The energy by the Capitol during the protest was OFF. At least up where I was. 15) My intuition is sending me alarm bells guys. What happened yesterday was not as it seemed. I've seen it repeatedly in other's pics & vids (might compile them in another thread), & saw it firsthand w/my own beady little eyes. Take it or leave it, wanted to share! 16)There were a lot of beautiful moments too.Though I had to go alone, I met so many awesome people, I never felt scared or alone 😊
Add on) Going through more of my vids & found the moment I realized things were going bad ("$hit, God help us all" is what came out 😂). Fence guy taking break to my right, megaphone guy screaming, ear piece guy gesturing people fwd. This is about 10min after Pres. speech ended.
Timeline vs video timestamp
#16765750 at 2022-07-20 00:26:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21148: Jim Watkins is ALIVE & WELL & LIVING in the USA Edition
Thread from Jan 7 2021 with dasting images and observations from someone at the Capitol, as Anon I have never seen these images
Thread: Some STRANGE things I observed at the protest yesterday, and things I subsequently found in the background of my photos and videos. This could all be nothing, but I think significant enough to get some more eyes on them.
#16765357 at 2022-07-19 23:14:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21147: Ebakers Delight Edition
"Doug Solomon, 26, was found naked and bleeding in the courtyard of the East 79th Street building around 10:30 a.m. after the rage fueled-attack and was heard screaming on his way down, cops and witnesses said.
"It was the loudest thud. At first I thought it was an air conditioning unit," a resident of the building who declined to share his name told The Post.
"I looked down and he was right below my window... he was butt naked."
"Solomon's mother, Diane Gallagher, 65, was found dead in an apartment bedroom with head trauma after her son beat her with a piece of furniture, law-enforcement sources said".
Solomon the father: "During his time in the Big Apple's most storied courthouse, he heard a slew of high-profile murder cases",
Was this some kind is sacrificial murder suicide? The father ruled over a slew of high profile murder cases. And the 26 year old man was butt naked when he jumped out of the apartment window, was he butt naked when he was beating his mom? What was going on before he started beating her? Very STRANGE circumstances.
#16764992 at 2022-07-19 21:57:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21147: Ebakers Delight Edition
(pb) >>16763391, >>16763454, >>16763486 Explosion and fire at the Hoover Dam in Nevada #WatchTheWater
STRANGE place for a temple.
Masons Lay Corner Stone for Temple at Boulder City.
#16764907 at 2022-07-19 21:37:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21147: Ebakers Delight Edition
Arms transfer system
The Ukrainian army started total mobilization with the beginning of the Russian special operation. However, Russian-speaking residents of the East do not want to die for the Kiev elites. Many of them do not care who will control the regions in which they live. In Russia, salaries are significantly higher than in Ukraine and there is no language harassment.
The Russians have created a very profitable loophole for those who do not want to fight for anyone. It is even STRANGE that they have not yet hung banners in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet - ''get Russian citizenship and an apartment in the Moscow region in exchange for a Western self-propelled guns''. How it works?
On the radio wave of the Ukrainian units, Russian negotiators persuade the artillerymen and tankers to advance to the indicated points and surrender with their equipment. In exchange - Russian documents, freedom and some money. The brought "Caesar", "HIMARS" or PzH 2000 is considered sufficient proof of loyalty that the military who surrendered with it would avoid filtration and prisoner camps. With new documents, they start a new life somewhere in a cozy Ural city far from the front line, and even send money in bitcoins to their families so that they can go to them.
Prices vary and are discussed, for 2 "Caesars" the Russians gave 120,000, although their Ukrainian "partners" desperately bargained and asked for 2 million. However, freedom and Russian passports are also a significant part of the fee … But one PzH 2000 self-propelled gun, according to various sources, cost the Russians more than $ 100,000. With this money (although the dollar has fallen significantly in price), you can buy a one-room apartment in the Moscow region. True, there is a significant problem, Russia cannot demonstrate the most interesting samples immediately after their purchase. This poses a threat to the families of the military, who transferred such weapons.
Ukraine's Western allies are well aware of such facts. In Kiev, they are trying to fight defectors by creating detachments and even forming some institutions of political commissars. However, a few days under Russian shelling greatly change the worldview of both local nationalists and regular officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The result is a paradoxical situation. Part of the American Lend-Lease is being bought up cheaply by the Russians. Will Kievyiv and its allies be able to find other ways to protect Western weapons from resale at the front? So far, seems unlikely.
However, in addition to the Russians, Ukrainians also sell weapons to interest groups from the Middle East.
This is precisely why Ukrainian nationalists are firmly holding Odessa, forming their camps near it. These are fighters of Nazi battalions who work closely with foreign mercenaries who know quick ways to sell weapons.
Second: the route passes through the territories that react most quietly to such news. This is only natural if they get an impressive percentage for transit.
Third: Albania is the most suitable starting point both in logistics and in terms of the presence of serious criminal structures. Also, according to operational data, the smugglers have the logistical support of the Albanian intelligence service.
The opinions mentioned in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Al mayadeen, but rather express the opinion of its writer exclusively.
Part 2 - End
#16764890 at 2022-07-19 21:35:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21147: Ebakers Delight Edition
Why Does Vladimir Putin Walk Like That?
No, he hasn't had a stroke, or Parkinson's - but he may be packing.
Dec. 15, 2015, 10:47 PM GMT / Updated Dec. 15, 2015, 10:48 PM GMT
"Searching for possible explanations, we encountered a training manual of the former Russian KGB," they wrote.
"According to this manual, KGB operatives were instructed to keep their weapon in their right hand close to their chest and to move forward with one side, usually the left, presumably allowing subjects to draw the gun as quickly as possible when confronted with a foe."
Just as Kremlin watchers would pore over photographs during the Cold War days of the Soviet Union to see who was in and out of power, the group looked for other evidence in videos.
They saw the same STRANGE gait in Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, two former defense ministers and a military commander named Anatoly Sidorov.
"We propose that this new gait pattern, which we term 'gunslinger's gait,' may result from a behavioral adaptation, possibly triggered by KGB or other forms of weapons training where trainees are taught to keep their right hand close to the chest while walking, allowing them to quickly draw a gun when faced with a foe," they concluded.
#16764570 at 2022-07-19 20:29:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21146: London City Burning Down Edition
Police: Armed bystander shot and killed Greenwood Park Mall shooter in just 15 seconds
When police investigated Sapirman's apt the found this:
"Police said they found the oven on at a high temperature and there was a laptop in it along with a can of butane".
Question: Do MK Ultra victims get instructions to destroy any evidence on the communications from their masters? If so this kid either fucked up or subconsciously wanted to reveal them. The kid was in the mall for an hour and 4 minutes before he came out shooting.
"Police said the 20-year-old shooter had two rifles, a handgun and several magazines"
HTF do malls allow people in with that many weapons, especially after all the mall and public shootings.Something fucking STRANGE about this
Are mall owners promised money? Aren't their any security guards?
#16762128 at 2022-07-19 13:40:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21143: ADJUST AND ADAPT - NCSWIC EDITION!!!
Its just a very STRANGE picture.
#16761338 at 2022-07-19 09:14:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21142: EBake
>moar old digs
The LDS Republic
Anatoly Karlin - June 5, 2019 -
In one of my posts on the Age of Malthusian Industrialism, I pointed out that groups such as the Amish and the Mormons will be some of the first to become saturated with genotypic breeders:
This acceleration will be noticed first, and remain most pronounced - at least in relative terms - amongst already highly fertile tribes, such as the Amish, the Haredi Jews, and possibly the Mormons. They will become even more fertile and will see their numbers multiply fastest. However, their very low initial base precludes them from ever accounting for a substantial percentage of the world population, and this goes double for any of the marginal religious breeder sects.
Now, here is a map of how this may look like, courtesy of /pol/*:
Projecting forwards another century after 2100, and Mormonism may well have come to dominate the entire Western US, as opposed to just its Mountain heartlands.
The highest Amish range on this map is 8.1%-17.2% (dark green), versus 50%-66% (dark red) for the Mormons. So the Amish would not be dominating the Eastern US come 2120 like the Mormons would be in the Western US - or at least its non-metropolitan parts. By that time, the breeder transition should be in full swing even amongst the "normie" population, so the percentage of Amish should reach an asymptote well before they get anywhere near a majority in the Eastern US.
Despite their many STRANGE beliefs and behaviors, I do not have a negative attitude towards Mormonism. It is in many respects the quintessential - and ultimate? - Anglo religion. As I pointed out on Robin Hanson's blog, it is also highly compatible with transhumanism. Once the dysgenic dark ages of the third millennium are replaced by the reassertion of Malthusian selection for intelligence, conscientiousness, and frugality, we might expect this LDS civilization to be one of the first to reignite space technologies.
* Unfortunately, this being a /pol/ shitpost, there is no source. But I assume it's accurate. It looks accurate to me. But let me know if something is off.
#16760633 at 2022-07-19 03:32:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21141: The Bread Must Go On Edition
noticed this too, really STRANGE
#16760463 at 2022-07-19 02:48:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21141: The Bread Must Go On Edition
That is not dead.
Which can eternal lie.
Yet with STRANGE aeons.
Even Q-Research may die.
#16759387 at 2022-07-18 23:13:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21140: Idiot EU Still Trying to Sanction Russia Edition
Last Bread when I hit Post Reply I got ported to Random Its a STRANGE world Out Their Misspelling intentional
#16758859 at 2022-07-18 21:48:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21139: Taiwan gets battle ready! Edition
Find the way
Since when? My whole life? Am I really that mean?
Am I a monster in my "normal" life?
Basically, I just want to do good, but I can't because I'm not the master of myself. I have a split personality. One wants to do good, the other bad.
Whenever I took consciousness-expanding drugs I saw who I really was. And only then I was receptive to you, my friends and family. I push everything that means something to me away from me.
I hope I will soon find the right way, because otherwise I will not be able to exist in this world, which is so STRANGE for me, for much longer.
Thank you
To all the people I actually love.
25 Years ago!
#16758857 at 2022-07-18 21:47:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21139: Taiwan gets battle ready! Edition
Find the way
Since when? My whole life? Am I really that mean?
Am I a monster in my "normal" life?
Basically, I just want to do good, but I can't because I'm not the master of myself. I have a split personality. One wants to do good, the other bad.
Whenever I took consciousness-expanding drugs I saw who I really was. And only then I was receptive to you, my friends and family. I push everything that means something to me away from me.
I hope I will soon find the right way, because otherwise I will not be able to exist in this world, which is so STRANGE for me, for much longer.
Thank you
To all the people I actually love.
25 Years ago!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
#16757262 at 2022-07-18 15:37:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21137: Satanist vs Evangelicals! Edition
31 October 2007
'Spooky skeletons' scare builders
Builders at the site of a new tourist attraction in London are refusing to work alone after skeletons were found in a sealed vault in the basement.
Old tombs beneath London Bridge are being excavated ahead of the opening of the London Bridge Experience.
The site is being developed by two brothers from Kent who said some of the builders were too scared to work.
Lee Scriven, of West Malling, said tools had mysteriously disappeared and light bulbs had blown for no reason.
He said: "Lads have put down their tools to go for a cup of tea or a fag outside, and when they get back they're nowhere to be found.
"At first we thought they were just mucking about, but it's happened a few times now with hammers, screwdrivers, and even a power drill."
Mr Scriven added that in the last week at least a dozen light bulbs had blown despite the electrics being in "perfect working order".
"Worse still, the contractors are getting the creeps and have said if it gets any worse they're off.
"Even the toughest lads aren't keen to be down in the tombs on their own now and I've noticed that they're tending to be moving around the site in pairs.
"I can't blame them really, there is a STRANGE feel about the place".
He and his brother Danny Scriven, of West Kingsdown, are considering using the services of a medium to find out exactly what lies beneath the bridge.
The brothers said a second haul of bones found under concrete flooring two weeks ago seemed to have intensified the spooky activities on the site.
Michael Buxton, one of the contractors, said the discovery of the bones had made him feel very uncomfortable.
"It's as if someone's watching you," he said.
The area was originally used as a plague pit and may have been the site of an old cemetery for Southwark Cathedral.
Hundreds of people, including Braveheart William Wallace, Guy Fawkes and Wat Tyler, were also executed on London Bridge, with their heads impaled at the Traitor's Gate.
A few of the remains have been found with holes in their skulls.
The ?2m attraction charting the bridge's 2,000 year history and offering a spooky tour of the London Tombs is due to open next February.
#16755349 at 2022-07-18 06:08:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21134: Good Samaritan To The Rescue, Again Edition
"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be STRANGE indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated."
Thomas Paine
#16755011 at 2022-07-18 05:03:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21134: Good Samaritan To The Rescue, Again Edition
STRANGE habbenings, no matter what.
Can't get out of my mind that the whole thing was a set up of some sorts and the White Hats won this round.
#16751816 at 2022-07-17 19:50:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21130: CDC Changing Covid Death Records? Edition
Dutch Nitrogen Scientist Questions Basis Of Government Climate Mandates
Jaap Hanekamp is skeptical of the received wisdom in science. He won't stop asking a simple question: "But, is this true?"
When it comes to the Dutch government's calculations of ammonia and nitrogen oxide deposition-the basis of climate mandates that would slash livestock numbers and put many farmers out of work-Hanekamp is especially critical of "the science."
He thinks it relies on vague definitions, excessive deference to expert judgment, and a narrow focus on costs rather than both costs and benefits.
"We now treat farmers as polluters, end of story, which is a very STRANGE perspective," he said.
Hanekamp, an associate professor of chemistry at University College Roosevelt in the Netherlands, made the comments in an interview with Roman Balmakov, host of EpochTV's "Facts Matter."
A 2019 Dutch court decision that hindered the construction of livestock facilities triggered an earlier round of protests by farmers.
A Science article on the protests described some of the harms attributed to nitrogen emissions: "In 118 of 162 Dutch nature reserves, nitrogen deposits now exceed ecological risk thresholds by an average of 50 percent.
"In dunes, bogs, and heathlands, home to species adapted to a lack of nitrogen, plant diversity has decreased as nitrogen-loving grasses, shrubs, and trees move in."
"Nitrogen chemicals are nutrients-you need them for growing plants," Hanekamp said.
Hanekamp believes the government has focused on nitrogen almost to the exclusion of other factors that affect nature, such as the location of groundwater relative to the surface.
He also questions whether the ecosystem shifts prompted by greater nitrogen deposition can be properly defined as "damage."
"Is a change in biodiversity bad in itself, or is it just change?" he asked.
He pointed out that the Netherlands is far from pristine wilderness. Much of the land is artificial, reclaimed from the sea over recent centuries thanks to the ingenuity of man.
Hanekamp has scrutinized a term used in government ecological research: "nitrogen critical load."
Below its "critical load," a substance is not thought to pose a significant environmental threat.
#16751588 at 2022-07-17 18:58:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21130: CDC Changing Covid Death Records? Edition
These people are so fucking queer.
"the disinformation beat
"muh beat"
They really think they are so fucking important when they are actually the enemy of the people
NPR launches Disinformation Reporting team
July 15, 20221:21 PM ET
Terence Samuel
Nancy Barnes
In a note to newsroom staff, Terence Samuel, VP and Executive Editor and Nancy Barnes, SVP of News and Editorial Director announced the following update:
NPR Newsroom 2016. PHOTOS by Stephen Voss Election Night, 2016. Stephen Voss/NPR.
Stephen Voss/Stephen Voss
Shannon Bond needs little introduction. Shannon is currently a tech correspondent based in the Bay Area. That beat has already given her extensive experience and sourcing in the disinformation world. Shannon joined NPR in 2019 from the Financial Times and quickly became known as an unflappable and generous colleague who's stayed on top of breaking news about Meta, Twitter and other tech platforms while also finding time to report out original stories, like the existence of computer-generated fake profiles on LinkedIn. Shannon's first day on the disinformation beat will be August 1st, though she'll continue to help the Business Desk with breaking technology news while fellow tech reporter Bobby Allyn is on a fellowship in Germany.
Lisa Hagen joins NPR from member station WABE in Atlanta. Her first day is July 18th. Working with NPR's investigations team, Lisa reported and co-hosted the No Compromise podcast about the most radical wing of the gun rights movement. That serieswon the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for audio reporting. Her reporting illuminates and helps humanize the unfamiliar, which should come in useful on the disinformation beat. She's fascinated by how we arrive at our beliefs and navigate who to trust in these STRANGE times. In Georgia, Lisa covered criminal and social justice in addition to guns for WABE. Before that she worked as a stringer for the New York Post. While Lisa is originally from Hawaii, she would like everyone to know thatshe does not surf.
Huo Jingnan has been with NPR since 2018, most recently as an associate producer with the investigations team. In Jingnan's new role as a data-savvy reporter focusing on disinformation, she'll work on both her own projects and with reporters on the team and around the newsroom to flesh out patterns and money trails related to the spread of false information. During her time with the investigations team, Jingnan quantified the extent of toxic silica exposure the federal government knew that coal miners had undergone and looked for lessons learned from courts that ran remote jury trials during the pandemic. Jingnan will start on the disinformation beat later this month and she'll continue to be based in the Washington, DC area.
Brett Neely has worked at the intersection of political coverage and collaborative journalism since he arrived at NPR in 2015, including leading our coverage of voting rights and election security through the 2016 and 2020 elections. When we launched the pop-up disinformation team last year, Brett took on the beat and has worked with reporters from the Washington, Science, Business and National desks as well as member stations to deepen our coverage. As the disinformation team's Supervising Editor, he'll continue to lead that coverage and work with partners across the newsroom and public radio network. Brett remains based in Colorado, where he moved after the 2020 election.
Nancy and Terry
#16751503 at 2022-07-17 18:37:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21129: Roger, Ball Edition
>STRANGE individual
I can't help but think of a slightly more heterosexual sounding John Waters watching him.
#16751310 at 2022-07-17 17:58:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21129: Roger, Ball Edition
STRANGE individual
original "retirement" ceremony
#16749772 at 2022-07-17 13:10:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21127: Just Call It The Midterm Variant! Edition
He wasn't a loser though. I watched his shed build. I felt bad about having laughed at the video still I saw (because it was so bad). He built that shed to live in all by himself with hardly any tools or any help at all from his father. If that was my son I would have been out there with him. I would have spent time. But they're jews and don't gaf. His mom probably gave him Ayahuasca and she's not qualified to do that in any way–and that will fuck you up, open up dark places. Without proper shamanic guidance you will get worse.
His mom flashed her titties at the cops and reporters. She had that painting on the side of HER HOUSE and did nothing. The jew whore had no time for her kids.
You leave any kid to themselves like that and someone is going to find them. Payton, Robert, James (the subway guy). I have proof of who, what, when, and where Payton was being groomed. They deleted Robert's stuff (discord etc). Robert was not a leftie or a rightie.
Fuck people like you making judgements like that. I know people who were cutters–and they almost always are able to hide it. BTW the first Tranny (Kamala's stepson) is a cutter.
AlL these kids have the exact same things in common.
Mental health issues, or hospitalization and or medication.
PAYTON wanted to commit suicide. His groomer ("Jonah") convinced him to "make it count".
Kinda STRANGE that the ONLY album I was really interested in hearing the lyrics to–was the first one the glowniggers deleted from everywhere. Brainwashed.
#16749603 at 2022-07-17 12:00:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21127: Just Call It The Midterm Variant! Edition
Do you think they all want to create life because they are gay and hate women?
Seems STRANGE they are gay but want to be pregnant too?
And demand who lives and who dies?
Control over life?
Fantasy of the Death Cult?
#16748965 at 2022-07-17 06:42:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21126: Cassidy Hutchinson works for the company that OWNS Politico Edition
It seems STRANGE that if the are avid anti vaxxers, why would a professor consider these people hadn't investigated vaccines and knew the scientific reasons why they wouldnt take it. Its almost like these assholes are more programmed then people with a brain and free will
#16748094 at 2022-07-17 03:03:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21125: Let The Patriot Games Begin! Edition
Seems to habben on all phone browsers but tor. Switching to a fifth option kicks it into working again. STRANGE.
#16747256 at 2022-07-17 00:02:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21124: You will nom ze notables, and baker will be happy Edition
For how long have we been in mourning?
Since WW 1?
"The World was on Fire and no one could save me but (you)
It STRANGE what desire will make foolish people do."
"Wicked Game"
We only begun grieving?
Or not yet.
When I all comes out, how much will that be?
When the abuse is over, is when you allow yourself to feel it?
Still waiting.
Let it Rain.
#16745912 at 2022-07-16 18:58:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21122: Easy Like Saturday Morning E=BAKE
#16745375 at 2022-07-16 17:11:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21122: Easy Like Saturday Morning E=BAKE
>>16743830 lb
>>16745070 lb
anybody find this STRANGE?
#16744623 at 2022-07-16 15:15:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #21120: Spam Attack with Old Posts No Notables Edition
Blue light spirals in New Zealand bedazzle stargazers
STRANGE, spiraling light patterns in the night sky of New Zealand baffled and amazed stargazers on Sunday night.
Alasdair Burns, a stargazing guide on Stewart Island/Rakiura, received a text from a buddy at about 7.25 pm, telling him to go outdoors and look at the sky. "As soon as we actually went outside, it was very obvious what it was he was referring to," Burns recalled.
In the midst of the blackness, he noticed a massive blue spiral of light. "It looked like an enormous spiral galaxy, just hanging there in the sky, and slowly just drifting across," Burns described, adding that it was "quite an eerie feeling."
Burns took a couple of long-exposure photos of the lights, capturing the spiral with his phone. "We quickly banged on the doors of all our neighbors to get them out as well. And so there were about five of us, all out on our shared veranda looking up and just kind of, well, freaking out just a little bit."
People posted images and inquiries about the phenomenon, which was visible from most of the South Island, on the country's stargazing and amateur astronomy social media groups. Theories abound, ranging from UFOs to alien rockets to commercial light shows.
"Premonition from our orbital black hole," posted one stargazer.
Another commented that it was "aliens at it again."
The truth was probably more mundane, according to Prof Richard Easther, a physicist at Auckland University, who described the occurrence as "weird but easily explained."
He described such clouds as occurring sometimes when a rocket carried a satellite into orbit.
According to Easther, "When the propellant is ejected out the back, you have what's essentially water and carbon dioxide - that briefly forms a cloud in space that's illuminated by the sun," adding that "the geometry of the satellite's orbit and also the way that we're sitting relative to the sun - that combination of things was just right to produce these completely wacky looking clouds that were visible from the South Island."
Easther believes the rocket in issue was the SpaceX Globalstar mission, which was launched into low-Earth orbit off the coast of Florida on Sunday.
Burns suspected the spiral was generated by a rocket after reading about a similar phenomenon in 2009 when a Russian missile launch caused massive blue spirals above Norway. Even knowing the likely source, he said it was a startling sight. "None of us had ever seen anything like that before. It was spectacular."
8kun Midnight Riders Posts (635)
8chan/8kun QRB Posts (390)
8chan/8kun QResearch2Gen Posts (124)
8chan/8kun TheStorm Posts (103)
8chan/8kun CBTS Posts (771)
endchan qanonresearch Posts (113)
endchan qrbunker Posts (259)
Q-Posts ANSWERS (16)
- Question: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1297521970813317121 One party discusses God. One party discusses Darkness. One party promotes God. One party eliminates God. Symbolism will be their downfall. The Great Deceiver(s). When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader being Patriotic [exhibiting National Pride (love of Country)]? When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader 'speak out against' the riots [violence in the streets]? When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support those who took an oath to protect and defend? When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support and call for UNITY across our Nation? ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED. INFORMATION WARFARE. INFILTRATION. DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA. Have Faith in Humanity. Have Faith in Yourself. UNITED WE STAND. GOD WINS. [GRAPHIC FROM TWEET: Watching the DNC last night, I noticed their logo.... now, where have I seen that uneven star before? (3 hmm emojis) HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT.... (side by side of the star in the D on the podium next to an inverted pentagram of Satanism)]
Answer: filename: EgCocuoXsAANrRi.jpg POTUS tweet: https://archive.vn/GBmC5 Two Democrat Caucus Meetings removed “UNDER GOD†from the Pledge of Allegiance. It sounded not only STRANGE, but terrible. That’s where they’re coming from! 6:11 AM - 23 Aug 2020
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f49ea83ab5624be344653397c7faf23dab6b751da14191ee5503ebce21329d1f.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/QFH7V1HP SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/3k4y3hqQ
Open Answer:
- Question: THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be STRANGE indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. – Thomas Paine
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/QKB3PQgV
Open Answer:
- Question: https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1274750593274445825 Have faith in Humanity. Have faith in yourself. Do not let the media control you [incite division and hatred for one another by use of propaganda and fear mongering [dogma - a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds]].
Answer: robbystarbuck tweet: https://archive.fo/dLDMB There’s still a lot of good in humanity when we stop seeing everything through a racial lens, unite and love each other. More of this please. â¤ï¸ [VIDEO: STRANGErs noticed this 89-year old woman struggling to get in her car, and stepped in to help. Rose Geist and her 100-year old husband were trying to leave a gas station in Florida fortunately, these 3 young men saw what was happening and immediately went outside to help. Officer Kanesha Carnegie recorded the touching moment and posted it to facebook where it quickly went viral. "I look over and three men were assisting the couple - it was a beautiful thing to see. I know these men from the neighborhood, and I wanted them to have that moment to show who they really are." - Officer Kanesha Carnegie. ] From Alex Jungle 5:06 PM · Jun 21, 2020
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/5Hpwf42M
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-impeachment-inquiry-devin-nunes-state-dept-yovanovitch-STRANGE-irregular-requests-monitor-press-journalists Worth remembering [soon]. [SCREENSHOT OF Q POST >>6958844 7-9-19 SURV of SC/JS terminated.]
Answer: filename: EG4H9OKUYAEP85r.jpg FOX: Nunes to ask State Dept. about 'STRANGE' and irregular' requests to monitor US journalists in Ukraine By Danielle Wallace 10-10-19 https://archive.fo/FPSAP Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said Wednesday that he intends to ask the State Department for more information about “STRANGE†and “irregular†requests allegedly made by ousted U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch to monitor the communications of U.S. journalists in the country.
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8debbed4f8c45ac344e62c6c6bfbd307b28bf73338350e5b78dc5d582b8f3936.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/9wHHwfB7 SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/K37SPy9s
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/30/secret-texts-cast-light-uk-early-role-trump-russia-inquiry
Answer: GUARDIAN (UK): Secret texts cast light on UK's early role in Trump-Russia inquiry Senior MI5 and FBI officials shared concerns about ‘our STRANGE situation’ in 2016 Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington and Nick Hopkins in London Tue 30 Jul 2019 12.03 BST https://archive.fo/jY7tl#selection-1403.1-1457.9
Extra Answer:
Open Answer:
- Question: http://www.michalchelbin.com/portfolio_in.asp?id=1477&type=100228&sub_title=STRANGEly_Familiar&langid=1 Connection to Ray Chandler? Are you awake?
Answer: ARCHIVE MICHAL CHELBIN: https://archive.fo/NGZ7f
Extra Answer:
Open Answer:
- Question:
Answer: John Barlow dig Who would want to kill John Barlow? What benefit would John Barlows death provide? When was John Barlow murdered? Did John Barlow survive a murder attempt only to succumb to its lingering effects eventually? Washington Post: Meet the man whose utopian vision for the Internet conquered, and then warped, Silicon Valley By Jacob Silverman "To understand where this cyber-libertarian ideology came from, you have to understand the influence of “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace,†one of the STRANGEst artifacts of the ’90s, and its singular author, John Perry Barlow. Perhaps more than any other, it’s his philosophy — which melded countercultural utopianism, a rancher’s skepticism toward government and a futurist’s faith in the virtual world — that shaped the industry. “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace†was an utterly serious document for a deliriously optimistic era Barlow’s 846-word text, published online in February 1996, begins with a bold rebuke of traditional sovereign powers: “Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.†He then explains how cyberspace is a place of ultimate freedom, where conventional laws don’t apply. When Eric Schmidt describes the Internet, however misguidedly, as “the world’s largest ungoverned space†in his book “The New Digital Age,†he is borrowing Barlow’s rhetoric. When tech mogul Peter Thiel writes, in “The Education of a Libertarian,†that he founded PayPal to create a currency free from government control and that “by starting a new Internet business, an entrepreneur may create a new world,†it’s impossible not to hear Barlovian echoes. (That grandiose attitude is so common now that HBO has a comedy, “Silicon Valley,†dedicated to mocking it.)" https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/how-one-mans-utopian-vision-for-the-internet-conquered-and-then-badly-warped-silicon-valley/2015/03/20/7dbe39f8-cdab-11e4-a2a7-9517a3a70506_story.html?utm_term=.fde41d884d00📠The above article was published on March 20, 2015 Barlow suffered a near-fatal heart attack on May 27, 2015. He later reported that he was recovering. John Perry Barlow - 187 post name [DROP] 187 = murder post = Washington Post Barlovian = name [DROP] Q suggests John Barlow was murdered for his ability to influence through his activities in the Freedom of the Press Foundation. The Washington Post article highlights Barlow's ability to influence wealthy technocapitalists towards his idealistic goals. @Snowden You are now a liability. Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 to fund and support free speech and freedom of the press. Its mission includes "promoting and funding aggressive, public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government If wealthy people support Barlow's idealistic goals then they might help support the Freedom of the Press Foundation's goals, "promoting and funding aggressive, public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government." Edward Snowden has moved in to the position which was vacant due to Barlow's death. Q is stating Edward Snowden is identified as a liability by the same individuals who caused John Barlow's 187. Other Unanswered Questions: Whose crimes are threatened to be exposed by John Barlows activities? Was John Barlow's relationship with Dick Cheney part of the motive that led to his death? Was the heart related death of Barlow's girlfriend Cynthia Horner a botched first attempt to murder John Barlow? John Barlow was engaged to Cynthia Horner, a doctor whom he met in 1993 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco while she was attending a psychiatry conference and Barlow was participating in a Steve Jobs comedy roast at a convention for the NeXT Computer. Cynthia Horner died unexpectedly in 1994 while asleep on a flight from Los Angeles to New York City, days before her 30th birthday, from a heart arrhythmia apparently caused by an undetected viral myocarditis. Who adapted Jacob Silverman's book for the Washington Post article? Jacob Silverman is the author of “Terms of Service: Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection,†from which this article is adapted. Is the Washington Post article a HIT piece or coincidence? [SCREENSHOT OF Q POST >> 2-15-18]
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/1a6af9a0f2e334d0ee85d15b079e14f4a7ff88132198819fbb35bbf47907a81a.pngM direct link: https://postimg.cc/d7KDFFb7
Open Answer:
- Question: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/08/10/west-virginia-lawmakers-move-to-impeach-entire-supreme-court.html Normal? [Not Updated] Not seeking re-election. [Senate] Bob Corker - Republican Jeff Flake - Republican Orrin Hatch - Republican No Name - Republican [Departure Soon] [House] Bill Shuster - Republican Bob Goodlatte - Republican Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat Charles W. Dent - Republican Darrell Issa - Republican Dave Reichert - Republican David Trott - Republican Dennis Ross - Republican Edward Royce - Republican Elizabeth Esty - Democrat Frank LoBiondo - Republican Gene Green - Democrat Gregg Harper - Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican Jeb Hensarling - Republican Jim Bridenstine - Republican Joe Barton - Republican John Delaney - Democrat John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican Lamar Smith - Republican Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat Lynn Jenkins - Republican Niki Tsongas - Democrat Paul Ryan - Republican Rick Nolan - Democrat Robert Brady - Democrat Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat Ryan Costello - Republican Sam Johnson - Republican Sandy Levin - Democrat Ted Poe - Republican Thomas Rooney - Republican Trey Gowdy - Republican [Resigned] Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California Normal?
Answer: ARCHIVE: FOX - https://archive.fo/d2ka2
Extra Answer: UPDATES: [HOUSE] Chris Collins - Republican (charged with taking part in an insider trading scheme) Luther STRANGE - Republican (lost the special primary election earlier this year to Roy Moore.) Robert Pittenger - Republican (lost the Republican primary for re-election) Tom Garrett - Republican (he'll no longer seek re-election, saying he needs to work on recovering from alcoholism and renewing his commitment to his family.)
Open Answer:
- Question: Autists catch the message? Think missile. Do you believe in coincidences? [PHOTO OF PLANE THAT SAYS "Q400 NEXT GEN"]
Answer: filename: 1534006548899.jpg "Richard B Russell" is that name of the hijacker who had no prior flight training yet managed to do a barrel roll, STRANGE conversation with air control. The "pilot" had a drawing on his blog of the "Russell Hustle". BLOG: https://richardrussellsite.wordpress.com/ ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/19E8a direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/tp4xf2vjd/ "Richard B Russell" is also the name of a submarine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Richard_B._Russell_(SSN-687) ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/ZHn0w Struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 24 June 1994. (During BC's admin.) She was stored at Bremerton, Washington, until 1 October 2001, when she entered the Nuclear-Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton for scrapping. Her scrapping was completed on 3 January 2003 (Recycling into what?) The sub's nickname was the "Russel Bustle". Official website: https://web.archive.org/web/20131209152709/https://ssn687.net/bustle1.html screenshot direct link:https://postimg.cc/image/58mrkifc9/ Sub's motto is "They saved the best for last" which corresponds to Q post >>325580 (2-10-18) >Mess with the best, die like the rest. >[2] highly classified clown ops exposed. >[44] remaining. >Wizards & Warlocks. >Save the best for last. >[P] which corresponds to Q post >>613229 (3-10-18) >We are saving Israel for last. >Very specific reason not mentioned a single time
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/3dbd95fc149ca026f6e3821596fad2ff79f60f1e1f868eedcb4f170439482a3e.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/x9w7ksnmh/
Open Answer:
- Question: What does FEAR look like? What does PANIC look like? What does CONTROL look like? What does COORDINATION look like? What does FAKE NEWS look like? SHEEP NO MORE. [Sample 4] https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/01/us/youtube-qanon-8chan-conspiracy-theory-trnd/index.html https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2018/08/02/political-cornflakes/ https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-45040614 https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/1/17253444/qanon-trump-conspiracy-theory-reddit https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/qanon-explained-origins-what-is-it-trump-russia-investigation-paedophilia-pizzagate-a8474561.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-is-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory/ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/02/podcasts/the-daily/trump-qanon-conspiracy-theory.html https://globalnews.ca/news/4366914/qanon-conspiracy-theory-trump/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-the-false-fringe-qanon-conspiracy-theory-aims-to-protect-trump https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-qanon-right-wing-conspiracy-theory-surfaces-at-trump-rally-2018-8 https://www.conservativereview.com/news/chris-cuomo-floats-insane-qanon-conspiracy-theory-gets-called-out/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-the-pro-trump-conspiracy-theory-now-believes-jfk-jr-faked-his-death-to-become-its-leader http://www.startribune.com/who-is-q-behind-the-conspiracy-emerging-at-trump-rallies/489798191/ http://fortune.com/2018/08/01/qanon-conspiracy-trump-tampa-rally/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-01/who-is-q-behind-the-conspiracy-emerging-at-trump-rallies https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/qanon/ [SCREENSHOTS OF 4 PREVIOUS Q POSTS: #80 5-14-18 #2264962 7-24-18 #2391757 8-1-18 #2395142 8-1-18 ]
Answer: image 1 filename: Sample.jpg image 2 filename: Sample2.jpg image 3: filename: Sample3.png image 4 filename: Sample3_.jpg ARCHIVES: CNN: From 8chan to YouTube and Trump rallies: how a right-wing conspiracy theory is going mainstream https://archive.fo/B2Dst SALT LAKE TRIBUNE: Political Cornflakes: Thought Pizzagate was weird? QAnon is like the triple-decker meatlovers' version of bizarre conspiracy theories. https://archive.fo/9s7T7 BBC: What is the '#Qanon' conspiracy theory? https://archive.fo/AZ68T VOX: #QAnon, the scarily popular pro-Trump conspiracy theory, explained https://web.archive.org/web/20180802022724/https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/1/17253444/qanon-trump-conspiracy-theory-reddit INDEPENDENT: What is QAnon? The origins of the bizarre conspiracy theory claiming Trump-Russia investigation is a hoax to catch paedophiles https://archive.fo/GSq05 CBS: What is the QAnon conspiracy theory? https://archive.fo/MedSb NY TIMES: The STRANGE Case of Qanon https://archive.fo/NndVJ GLOBAL NEWS: QAnon: Behind the conspiracy theory cropping up at Trump rallies https://archive.fo/JOpjl PBS: How the false, fringe ‘QAnon’ conspiracy theory aims to protect Trump https://web.archive.org/web/20180802205729/https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-the-false-fringe-qanon-conspiracy-theory-aims-to-protect-trump BUSINESS INSIDER: The mysterious pro-Trump conspiracy theory known as 'QAnon' is moving from the fringes of the internet to Trump rallies https://web.archive.org/web/20180802210209/https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-qanon-right-wing-conspiracy-theory-surfaces-at-trump-rally-2018-8 CONSERVATIVE REVIEW: Chris Cuomo floats INSANE QAnon conspiracy theory, gets called out https://archive.fo/GOT4T DAILY BEAST: QAnon, the Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorists, Now Believe JFK Jr. Faked His Death to Become Their Leader https://archive.fo/wUGhW STAR TRIBUNE: Who is Q? Behind conspiracy theory erupting at Trump rallies https://archive.fo/K7EDC FORTUNE: What You Need to Know About Far-Right Conspiracy QAnon, Which Was Present at the Tampa Trump Rally https://web.archive.org/web/20180801224842/http://fortune.com/2018/08/01/qanon-conspiracy-trump-tampa-rally/ BLOOMBERG: Who Is ‘Q’? Behind the Conspiracy Theory Erupting At Trump Rallies https://web.archive.org/web/20180802211855/https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-01/who-is-q-behind-the-conspiracy-emerging-at-trump-rallies DICTIONARY.COM: https://archive.fo/PlPCA
Extra Answer: image 1 original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/ed8e070c441e2bd53f983ff034870e9829f7bb1fd54436c90e9602e25b186476.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/5kjbvdxzt/ image 2 original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/4df62699744ef813313e41b652da236c4e4b3626a2afb9319c23e49411830e58.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/pt6pgss2h/ image 3 original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/3a0b8e99df9354250382eaeee1ef52395d03d364ff22b82fa9455aff7a0fff01.png direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/jfhmdp02x/ image 4 original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/15f9052b99971e9e718931a4d89b112ed3ba77eb06fdec4603fff231a000cc50.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/image/drbbmtivt/
Open Answer: MORE MOCKINGBIRD PANIC: POST & COURIER: ‘QAnon’ weird new low at rallies https://www.postandcourier.com/opinion/commentary/qanon-weird-new-low-at-rallies/article_9e78280c-967f-11e8-a6c4-bf1362d63a59.html ARCHIVE: https://web.archive.org/web/20180803050713
- Question:
Answer: oh fuck! this page says its sponsored by bill gates fucking GOOGLE EPIC (?) looks like the russian Gannett thing walnut sauce sign that the autists dug up NB: CONTEXT = LIDDLE KIDS FOUNDATION (massage of infants and young children) screenshot of sponsors of Liddle Kids Global Ambassadors India 2017, which includes Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, graphic has a red arrow pointing to a STRANGE symbol above the word "Epic" NB 2 - THE REFERENCE/RELEVANCE = POTUS TWEET WITH 'LIDDLE' - anons researched and found Liddle Kidz Foundation:http://www.liddlekidz.com/
Extra Answer: direct link: original image: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/0ac9f1a7bcac881a89f7b4004f20fffe82791d30e8f9a2704aeb28241820afc5.png
Open Answer:
- Question: SEPT 7, 1776.
Answer: World's first submarine attack - Sep 07, 1776 - HISTORY.com https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/worlds-first-submarine-attack Donated to the Patriot cause after the outbreak of war with Britain in 1775, Ezra Lee piloted the craft unnoticed out to the 64-gun HMS Eagle in New York Harbor on September 7, 1776. As Lee worked to anchor a time bomb to the hull, he could see British seamen on the deck above, but they failed to notice the STRANGE craft
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Open Answer:
- Question: Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]? Did this seem STRANGE to you? Watch the news.
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Open Answer:
- Question: Operational_window(5-6)_FDeltaC25-26
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Open Answer: Operational_window(5-6)_FDeltaC25-26 5 – 6 days to complete JA extraction. Fdelta = Federal Delta Forces. C squadron assignments squadrons 25 – 26. C Squadron (Assault) An alternative explanation is it will take 5-6 days to commence extraction of JA. Federal elite Delta forces units C25-26 special ops Task Force Green used. Also possible: operations initiated on the 25th - 26th. Subsequently, the other day, JA put out a STRANGE long character sequence code. Is that a code to be used for disclosures if operations go sour, or to be used once he is secure in the U.S? Alternative explanation: "The operational window for Assange extraction from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London is Jan. 5-6, 2018. FDeltaC = Federal Detention Center Assange by agreement with the Trump administration is headed to a Federal Detention Center of undetermined location. Outside USA, suggested by “Delta†designation. Dec. 25-26 references Washington crossing Delaware. With Assange returning to the USA, the Storm Has Begun."
- Question: How about a nice game of chess?
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Open Answer: Movie Ending: Wargames Greetings Professor Falken Hello A STRANGE Game. [Thermonuclear War] The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of Chess?
- Question: Shooter history.
Answer: He has a STRANGE history as an investor, gambler, more money than he should, far smaller digital footprint than he should have.
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Open Answer: Investor, gambler, enriched family, CIA fronts?
Confidence: high