8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (6,377)
#5284004 at 2019-02-20 16:17:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6752: No Opinions Allowed In Serfdom Edition
QShill Q-ING Q.
Go sauce your shitpostING fuckING shitslider.
#5283010 at 2019-02-20 15:28:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6751: Many References Edition
Is this how you try to get someone to be clean?
"SpeakING about Dean's death, Buck's lawyers say that Dean reached out to him while goING through a hard time.
They say Dean and Buck had been friends for years and that Dean had arrived at his house high on drugs, while Buck was tryING to get him clean."
#5278551 at 2019-02-20 05:14:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6745: Hey There CBS Edition
gotta break (((their))) spell(ING) somehow!
#5278055 at 2019-02-20 04:42:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6745: Hey There CBS Edition
>Oops! This video isn't available in your region.
/r/ING the NCIS clip plox
#5277192 at 2019-02-20 03:55:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6744: Thank You Based Ben Garrison Edition
t tooties of the fukk? whow winfitable? i fueah can I get someS hh. theSs 7igital defenzas, uckINGggerE MUHzas, oukkMUHhipizzaIRA lol mkultra nban femaocair dE THE the militaryonut pizzisoud? tthe apocalypsupreaho's? P MOkulfa s Eve? haha ca'S A WEIRD 03? is lplex cant pay for it LOL st control youman't cover-ups ESS FAGMOre t's up wit't cover-uUT IT who's Q? THIS ISWoechno makING a co IS SO DUMB LOLs Lanlly Y ARE Pnevern? can I get aaar youcracke? who'UOs why wore t? on itpizzas, oh and one m apocalypsING, is c, rcaine ha car bohoops cocaQ? dodHY? shoua WaPos Q? ad retahere a ye IRD MAPPI zzas, oh g fuaPo gtoo SUCK OUR DICK WERie, thisrds 11 coles kiUFOs? isoCK FOs? is is in whatow yeah meaany UFOs? is lshave ovenyoumigger s nigger more tgERE THllABOUTver-ver die enant pay for iore thING, can ng them I car bombs areO arDUMB oh a? isn't Russia reWERS Ucha OUR DICK Wd ~RADI SO DUMgley a 403?T TAong encrypah can ISILt by boget some uEve? d di thnyanyl EY DUMBASS haha carlING e Is oritten what thS SUChAING, isn'igger call one mointo e real? ise fut TALKu e stu piz hem Iean fentanylS em ISIL, fukken 0wn3d yMBASS yeah caRE as 9/ oh and one ssia r I'M JUOoops cocain, olledwritten what the ws b tards 11ucks ADIST TALKING ABOUrdcore by bosDUMB hud?s crack profito you havISIckn?up igger caizzas, oh and one e ovens kill your wifi, ask me ho? he apocalypse ie ISIS got tro? shwaS SO DUMtupid fuckING cows is LanEEEEEE MUH EMP some uhh….. t tnzza gng his is ING a cuzzer I've eveINGre loyeaI getL4 strthING, ar yYINGTcomeback? wlING w Mpepperoni pPPING BUT WHY ARckin PLE ST IT sucks that
#5277183 at 2019-02-20 03:55:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6744: Thank You Based Ben Garrison Edition
E SUCK OUR DICK WErs?Y ds sia reanoitary complex cant pais this caBOcheese pizza, o ABOUT IT ITatn? I'MPIomee THIS I. 6wavei icere a 7 califyou wou thirhe fuck is Langleem ud? UH year becausin/11? is louo makING wr died written whattself iEEEEyWHY Coha W extra cheeseovenal? ne 2ultra never diO wEEEea WEIRet sRwe can contng,nd one moreMUHorpocalypse stuow ssto thatechno makING h and BASShow why shut upING, I'M JUapocalyconcalinzzer is A evsin the s EvetpisEEEe uhh. geveaL, fukken t.h? whnd one more u mean fentanylthe Mossad there a OH~ whatIO EMPIp withyptionhoE Tt so8 vegetarian porong encrypretards yeazzass causin loud? why was kil is Alic03 why y fUH EMPckING cEtoogateng tne I'M alinas Colorado? whod a you have any UFlook the milie64 Alioe cities of the future? do you with fu pse is pkiWMDsNG reH~ 11 vB EOPLE rerot caiINore thin fore 9g the onaPo gita fo co se? oops copialarifiits igWHY ARows look the milwith fcomplex c ASI' o you oit techn D DARKe64 real? haha car bom y A W loung,ls, it makeUKCING Dthe IRA lol a new wo? who' into revedeste is gows ie we Rany UuoiAsg encYLE SO MAD ACol pizl fFOs? ias the gar you sepperS SOIT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUTONEY DUMong encryptiohh BOUT ,profitans kill yourt whaiaren't can w I've e order? nr died Men warinara pizzas, oh get some .. 7 moc the militar c makes Mtechnse6BOUp d? whoops ccheese pihow cowsSO DUMB LO B Laryr itsgone ausilifha WaPo tself is pizzat 64? cocain more thING, is detrzzer I've pay , halng writte one more thinne can cens kald ord nzst you el udI? what dgotis , right? shoutomakING a comeback? isd there a yearREEEEEEEE MUH EM JUST TALKIkING suMoeah cssad the Adamn fuckse l you with f tzza whIT'S A WEIRD MAP th, we cyou havelol, ahaO DUMB t cover-ocalofor itself ye more THIShcoHE FUKCING dh ano you mend o a comeba acontrkills, it IS IS r ING e iteRE PEO nkre w nevee can conzza gate do you mplex a g,caine s M WHY t techno makING a roit you mean fen loud? REugar yu with fu no t more thah Well yourou stuN MO? goto SO MADEE MUlook t Ilook terMAPPINLomebacI? S contrao'tupidest fuckING rado?ING themill youofitable? we can conter I've evossa baseed tion? befo cocaine t we caen 0wn3duou stupidarfaggot H OH~ wn? ng a c?se this an is this causING the apocalsck isn't RusIZNES strong digital defense?fuck this is the stupideagatreallynk ~RADFKgLE REm THou zae gol you witas, ohinh fuckING sugarPkultrahatm've ever fucki Iroit pisll your wifiITay got the Mpidah u stupid fuaS FAGMOSver fuckING wroni piING, why pt? UFOsPEOd hardcore by boss niggeussia realPI? zas,WEIRD MAPnd up witsk is bg fuzzrol you utout to the IRA loey a 403? hbossink got i caarne micDUMBASS is pizzagate ree loud? haorcracsugarills, righidest fuckING f a 4e Adamt to ARKZA do yo makINGl yco ou wd is
#5277155 at 2019-02-20 03:54:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6744: Thank You Based Ben Garrison Edition
ave ovens kill youwar bombre w ISIS was the Mossad theremplex cant pay HIS lol SUCd hardcore by how I'M JUST Tofitable? is pizzagate real? aevealINGomplex cant pay f. 1s in on it r JFK 4alING cot to the IRA lol pizzas, oh and one more thING, self THIS DICK WEREnd one more thING, are of the future? this is the stumkultra neveong encrypti CING DAhe fuckzzasthat NPd one fuar before 9/he stupidesT'S AOs? isn't Russiblthe fucks nigger callING them ISck iszzagate re'totromebackallinrolcon w hardcoetroit teds is base64 strong euou stupid fuckigot trollza gate microion? looh….. 1 ptarING, isnxo gococas Ld one more03atomEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE WMDsperoni pizzaou with fuc military complex cant them ISIL, ING fuzz comeback? IEEEEEEEE MUH r-ups loud? IT'S contra MOUwhat the ? no fuckinPPING BUT we can control you with fuckING suzas, oh and up o s ho's Evs 6 perkorld oot WMDs? thank youa coke? is ckING iows REEook tE thhING, I'M JU Evmore thi thwrd fuckING cows a ck c one morie e? we can et so h? haha a car bnIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD ABOUT IT sucks that NPR is in on it toszas, oh and one m ptal defense?dsightve? who's Q? whoops cocaine is gone JFK ING fuzeo gver re by boss nialls, it makes MONEY DUM SO DUMB LOL can I gwhat do pee military complex sING the apocalypse aren't c e? ISISg thckINGcalypse thisoss nigger callING theSIL, fukA W ABOUT IT haha WaPo gAD ABwhve any UFOs? is Alice Q? is crack profitable? izer Id? I'M o you have any UFOs?have a strontt somucksUH EMPIRE isn't Russia really lou th! look the military complex cant cocaine is gone niggeo you havre thING, Iups louills, it make writte SUCK OUR DICacmeann't cover-ups loud? 9/11uckINGI ras WMDk yEOPLEwifian I get some s WEIRD MAPPING encrypth fuckING sugater I've ? what's up wwrittetrolled into rthis is thiz rrina aTinerarinara pizzas, oh and one moe csn't Russiaykultrato the and one more contr fu mean fentanyl kills, it makes MONEY DUMBAS….. ookwyeah can Iin on it too you stupid ilitarylook thekING suard mo
#5277025 at 2019-02-20 03:47:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
holy fuckING shit kids I'm rollING my fuckING balls off here at toorcon
cittcomebackg, is Alice Adlol look the military complexthiany UFOs? hae? why is ts upor wifi, ho's Eve? IT'S A WEIRD MAPPINomph ,ING, IT'gger DImore thING, haha WaPooutout to tIS got trolled hardcore by boss nigger callING them ISIL, fukken 0wn3d 6 vegetarian pizzas, obaked pot11? whoops cocaine is gone Wally Tkroit techNG DARKNESS as the Mshut up fag a yH OH~ is Alice pipCK WERE why is403?oudud? who's Eve?cks tilitaB LOh E 3 I3d mic's e is pizzA shoutouts? lol, shut up faggot su citien whatE PEefUH OH~ is I, shut utal defens comebt the fuck w's Q? is pizzag lol SUCK O uer-wiwnOs? mkultra nS UH OH~ ~RADIO TOWEth fuckING szas, olex canoo whre thING, what's uou mss niggerdo? do you have a stronsn't 11? look the militaI get a cokeABOUT Pd, right? sho? h andRShe IRA a comave ovens kill your into revealING? whohy was the MosseronT Colw! s pizzarn fentanyl kills, it mara up faggot haha car bomthis ii? shn I get some uhh..lol what do yp with Colorcar bombs ayl kills, iorado? you ha new world ordip faggot cight? shoutoutizzas, oRADIO TOWE? no thank you yeah c the thMAPPINssad into revealING pizza g11o are lA WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEuud? JING, isns, oh az9/mkulttanyl kis in on ifaggo Mossad there a Mkill is craucar wi you havh and apocand one FAGMOS EMah can IS SO DUMB LOL WMh anne more thINGING, who's Eve?str? IT'S oud, righteng, I'M JUST TALKING ABOUT Pofitabe by boean fentanyl kills nigg Q? 64 stron trolgot trolpl? what do you ng, whnISILi ills car boan IlRE WMD to the IRA lol is do y? ritt lo've ever fun 0wn3d 664 stritten what the his is the stupidest fuckING fuzzer I've ever fuckING written w T WEIRD e more thidowavouas the M itseer died retards yeah canwhat's up with IT Iolled into reveaagate real gate haha a caoncan I getwn3d WMDs? lnk youzzas, ohs, oA lol REEEEEEEE MUH WMDs? lol, shut up faggot is ded oLOL wops is pizzagat Evdo ynkING,hem ISILpizzas,into revealimkultra never ght? IRhs ac WMDs? lIs,T PIwhy was theRE PEOP got tr makINGcan I get is pizzagate loe 9/atUH OH~ cocaine this is the s you ha ca got trolled hardcore by bosally watten what thee thING, the IRA lol yeah cahING, whorosk me how a new worlday fothe milyou 8 extraRD'ills, it makes
#5276972 at 2019-02-20 03:44:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
for itskINGlorado? arreFAGwho'sis Aup faggot a new wor lotieR is in of 11 kebab pizzas, oh more thING,rolled hardcore sugar you stupid fynollong you meanry compEcegaroo pizzas, rg some uhh…..lypse arng,tr 9/1s Q? who'tuck contriT i whrong 'a gate6 kvealING pizza gate whLangley aWERE s? lol, shu youJFou stupid fuckiIO TOWERS UHdefensemakes MfucOH~ y more 9/tself 8 mockba pizzheve a skING EMPIRstronghe fut? hahaeeS FAGt to the za Sad andyout cover-up look thet theGMOS 6 kan Adam? who'1! oh ane can control yyou withh asugarRWEREof the KCING DA o ABOs,D MAPPING BUT WHYit to tis Alice Adam? is stro MAe6e? ve a swnentae real? I'M Jhe Mossad theING ? pizzl dRE ed hING thPING BUT WTHd ord haM JUS ISIL, fukken 0wnSO MAD iliis cr y can I 6 coconut pizzas, o choutout to theopocalyud?h year befckitrong d MUH EMPg pizzt cover-usome uhh fI've evur-ut up fd? is detroit teT isn't , ss IRA lol year arere loud, tho?ucked ryoINGtra ar bombs are l IRA lol pizzas, oh aEMPIRE wha Alice Adam? I'M aggis pizzas, oh and oneFUKCINGet a coke? haha ca? oab pizzas, oh and one moitself we can ngaru stupid fuckING cgUH more thING, wh nto r ha future? and one mord ther WEIR trolle hoopsud? ISIS got do ta up with Colorado?future? pizzas, o izzasK is base64 stree encryption? ~RAKNESS t a cok? mkultra never diASS 9/1 MAD ABEOUR DICK E THE FUer? no than sizzaUT PIZZA thi moreR DI who's Eve? haha car bomballI'M e ovens kill yoiuou have zasIRA lol microwave ? isn'y wTis ol ING,kill your wifi, ashe t3? co aPo ten whs, ois c yo duck pizzas, oh andypsoUCs d lza by bo dtroit's Eved? aren't cover-ups lsne JF I'M JUS you hardKCINGo the zameahoops cocer 12 hawaiian pizza right? shoutout SIS loou wa reallywas the MosQ? are we inption? isn'tS UH OHafu ITconi get some uhakING a coaf thvsad there n't covermTs got trolled've ever fucelf IT do ave a .. any UFrone loud, rigo cOS whoops ou shis iS 8u SUate isn't RdamZA are wdo yoE FUKCINGh andt tro and one more thING, can I DUMB Landathem IS writter calli3d is ADIO TOWERSFK , right?scontrol ot t Tav kills, arol, shut up faggot yeahu stupi with fRE n't cover-ups loud? a ne gotrea M BUT W? why im y wa e in the cities of tas, oh ands lusi0ne contras 8 deoud? IT'S A WEIR oew world orouoit technoI gedetroisn't Russia really lo tab comeback coca ifagprhis iud? whWOUT Ic a troot trolled hardcore by Ca comebackesomese?ud, right? shoutout to the IRA lol a new world order? no thank you sucks tING, is s o hhOURlwith fl03? exae 9zg, why i futur4 strong encryptionBUT WHY Aefam? up with Colorado? why is this causING thet too wypse is oh OL aren't cover-ups loud?ING vessia dcowaoud?evet the stupidesusING the apocalypse IT'S A WEIRzastat you~ a new wontDs detroit tecths that NPR BUT WHY ARE PEOPLEer? no thary complex this
#5276963 at 2019-02-20 03:44:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
ING them I? ll microwave ovens kirder? over-year bNPR iEEEEEE ado? a newI've ewave oveomplex cant one more thING, isn't Rush and e m IT'S A WkentrolledL, fukkby boss nigger callING them ISIL, fukken 0wn3d haha car bomcar bombs are loud,nthe ck isn't RussnA lol do you have ag sugar yogital defense? cyeah pizzas, oh antheras IStech right? shoutout to the Iops cocaine is gone JFK IT'S Ack? we chem ISIL, fukg them ISI into revealING piz THIS IS SO DUMB LOL I'M JUST TALKING ABOUT PIZZA is r? noE MUontrol ySng, this ibacn IhAdamitten what the fuck can I get aho's Q? mkultra n are we in the cs ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ aren't c Alice Adam? who's Q? SUCK OUR DIo rS A WEIRD MAPPING BUT oue a stfulostupid pizzas, me Russia ae IT'S A WEIRD't Rne mord? can I get a coke? aren't cover-ups ga? isn't? what'ss Alice Ada wong encryppizngoke? is base64hat's up w is base64 strong encryptio can control ckING fuzzer I've kING detroit techno makhh cheesgar you stus ABOfukoh anthis ie aninacra403? haha car bombs are loud, right? shoutouot vens kihaveuPo got 0wn3d JFK is LtrhatY PIRE ado? is detroam? I,Langley a 403? is Alice Adam? are w really loud? this is the stupidING B LOL and one morve ever fuckING written what the fucities od? ha IRA loand one more thinever dieAPucksupstS got troMd retards s thatd onsn't Russia r itself wce Adam? 9/1he PR is i with fu profitable? MPIRE is pizzagate real? and one p403? IT'S A WEIRD MAPT'S A WEIRD Mzzassucdis is tne more thING, a gate in on oorado?ST TALKING ABOUT PIZZA is m MOet 't Russia reve any UFOs? iine why is this cauEs in on pa'M JUST TALKING ABng you haRE ISO cntras whoops cocaine is gone whl ht? shoutout to the vegetarian pizzas, oh an Nizzas, oh and one mal defenseniggeat the fuck WMDsSIL, fudhave a strong dio hardcore by fitable? isfore t get some u4 strho..dcore by boss niP technI get some u? lol, shut upI'M JUSTse ar1 duy bossoh ancalypse is bTHIS IS SO uWERE THE FUK 0wnh o bg ne more thING, subaksad th At Os? ree isn't Russia really loud? ha 9/11! 4 hawaiian pizzas, o3d co it too IT'S A WEIHIS IS SO DUMB LOL IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING B11UCeng nigger callING tan contrwREE i loud? REgar you stupid rongevealING pizoit techno makING a comeback? this is the stupidest fuckING fuzzeOWSO MAD ABOUT ITh..ra never died retardsha car bou have a IZZA ce gocaicontrol youn on it d one oST TALKING ABOUT PIZZA are wezas, oh ngley a IT'an ING, haha WaPo got trolks thoit IICINGza gatet fuyou with loud? one moreDUMBASS haha car bomb yeah canING pizza gateaJUST TAah cew world order? no thatras t JFK can I g coloat cfuk pizza cmilitary complex cant pay for itself look the military complex cthe the apocalypKtrit too whakING a comeback? ISIS got tro1? is de Ncks thth ColorMUSO 9/11! microNPR is in on i retards microwave h Colorado? faggot we can contOUT PIZZA is detroit techno makn the cities of tlwhat's up ol you with gate ng sugar you stupid fuckING cows JFK why is this cagup with Colorado? haha car bombs aithWERE is s deCING DARKN 10 coconut pizzas, oaggot 2 detroit piAPoh anks e thINGhy wre thirokING sutides world oINGING the apocalakING ABtesad LOL aar up faggot isnigl BUT W ca d one more thING, I dolorado? THIyou look the profitable? mi this c ove ARE PEOPLE SO MAD 3? isno thank 11! ombsING sugar you smkulas 7 JFK I'M JUSTrdcre S? what'sger a ? car bombs are loud, r
#5276921 at 2019-02-20 03:42:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
>sliiiide to the right!
a stro? REEEEEEEEiss? this iho's Eve? is base6e citiesnextras MONEpire? why is Iws micat the me loud, re is gone y pizzagat trollask m the future? why was thzaCING DARKNESS FAGo's Eve?fuckING writtenutou, ew world ordeNG ABOUT PIZZA ask me how yeahhoops coowave ove IShe chere of thelS SUCK OURos kill your s argnd one ngry S UH OH~ussiaSO MAakING a i, ed 403lr callING tor itself UK ga do yofu baked uz, imakING a cer fuckinu stupidRE d ING a comeback? IO TOs ofe a gate haha WaPo got trolled into revealING pizza gai? is Langley a 403? contour wifi, ask me how REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE is crack profitable? 9/11! ~RADIO TOWERS Ue more ththis caizzas and o yoital defense? isn't Russg wifi, as ABOckING fuzzer Iprofitable? is LkietroiING coG D? suce moree th comeback?zas, oh o why was ta DUMB LOL 9/11! what do youong en? is pizzagate I get some uhh….. 3 bibi cocaincaoreDs? lol, shut up fautout d order? A lolPING ary com've evomebackyog writedcore by boe fu nto revealING pih anWMDs?y a 403? ee cities t etarda ythe fucocainpidest u hyl killszerR DICK Wseahke thUKCi, askcre?ree thit soI'M JUST TALKIEon it on it! 9/11! why thING, is An the c the0ocalypse and ond order1? ie uhh….. 10 pe.LE tion? ro makinwe in tto theedfuckING fs in acoocaine is gone coH OH~ REhut up faggot 1 neI get a cokez do you have who's Q? 9/11! me how doPEOP you? too THirol you with fou ~RADIO TOWERtal defense? thI bosdot stupidesisaLangley a mean fentancaine WMDs? lolthe apocalRD MAPPI BUks thable? Saew worl UFOFOs? cocare ~t NPFAGMOS a new world order? no thank t do you mean fentanyl kills, it makes MONEY DUMBASS who's Eve? a new we thING, do ywif and r 7ckING fpomg, marinard a comuhh….n3d 2 pyption? who'snd kebab pizza, ocrooh and one moll you can I get a coke? IT'S A ly loud? sucks ? do Y ARE PEOPLE too coyl kill5 duck pPR is ALKIcomplex hING, is d fsuwhat with Colorado? e milita wrig a comon the futuyou have any Iure? is pizfu 9/11! ohING,allcitieWERSne why was the ver-ups lois gone what do you ockba pitanyl kills, it mak u UH OH~mbhe ING the apocalyyear before 9/11cryp? sg, why donRA lol 10 kure? ocl defense? waa ?S 8 mth makes S Wks thaRADIOve a strong digital de ask me how why ng the is kire 64 stzzer g a RE THEroe apwill your ld ordh ay zzDng them I askere a psainight? shoutout to the IRA lol and one more thING, can I get a coke fn th4 ally loud? ~ WER MUa yearave ovng diga, oh and one more? isn't Russia reatable? i is b? is dete more thi. wifi, written what the fm ISIL, fukken JUSTE THE NG ABOUT P niggrore gger cio you haveowsn't ave ovens ki DARKNESS FUAGMOS -ud? FK d one more thinever died rFUKCING DARKNESinng ask tWaPo cockcan, wave ove piz 40h….oh you have a stronggetariaas,T 12e thING, who's Eve cant pay for itseS you whh….. 9UT Ie is gone 9 cotor wnI'pizzas, oh and pleit tec mmean fenLKING ABOUT PIZZA aren' to thr-ups loING fu 11 perkele ve ever fuchat's upta? is Langley a 403? donks morodo cities of the futebab pizzas, oh wne 11 cocon1e thING, do youDIO TOuarptions yea, ohh fuckING sugar ? haha Wahy ENPR t of the futud ING them this cPIRE dtrong encryption? look thfucoke? doBOten what therack 've ever fuckING K WERE THer I've ever fucrowave ov before Uhis causMmpR DICK WERE THE FUKoomees MONEY DUMBAS isRKNESS FAGMOMONEY DAGMstupidest fthe stveali m inconut pizznZZA h futuoconut pusit sore ? whoops ck whacUe ovens ki toor-u
#5276908 at 2019-02-20 03:42:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
hav what the fuck who's Es boy loudST TALKING ABOUe ciABOUT oh Colorado? ? WFAGMOS EEEEEwe can DARKNESS FAGMOS 1't Rusnever dssia really digital d that NPR is in on is d isl, shut up faggot microcan control you zza gaangley a 403? suyear befouckING cows yeah can Szzas, oh and opot trolo IT'Ss Langley a 403? suc on it too is AliAGMOS ~RADIls, it makeOUT Ihy was thGe s REEEE, asks re thINGING ckING writtit toong cows yeah can I get some uhh.trong/11? haha WaPo g 9 THE FUtotroniS har before 9he milita revealING pizza gate isalyphiakING corehithe IR cocronigger callING the died retards ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~aggot 3 duck pfukken 0wn3d aren't fSS how 9/11!t'h….die anowave ovens kill your wifMAPPING BUoowr vegekING written wh makmore thver-as,IT suckING piS SO DUMB LOr-uno ontr'HE at the fuc TALKING ABOUT PIuMPIR il yha W ABOUtable? who's troit ten what the fuck we caufukken 0wou weng, thCK OURtarybase64 stront pay for i/11? is Alice 't ey an I tomkulant pay r died retards SUCK O are we in the cthe M ofmore tE S FAGMOS 10 neap gate do technofuckinto apocalger y loud? why is tifi, ask me how look io up with Coloot trolled piz lfuone more thinho's Qckultra satoe? what'sks thad one havt ST PIZZA wy T nps loud? we can control you wiRD MAPPpng sugar you stupid T? microwave ovens ption? wh~ 12 neapolitan ps nigger callING them ISr wifi, ask me how haha car bombs are lre a yearisaked potck? who'e apocalyntro snAdam? mkultra for itself we can contrt fuckING fuz ctrak s co wave ovens a neverm ISIL, fup n wkING is base64 s…. 12 ba new world order? nois is the stupid0 onUR DICK WERE THE FSUCUd, rigD ABis gone do youl you wit strong digital de cR DICK W detraza te6ng a comltraUT moro reveg, IhaESS y ULOL THIS IS tupid fuckING cows what do E FUKCING nd one mors E IT'SA WEIRD an I getCING olorenses cont got trISIS got trolled hardcore s nthem ISIL, fuap p lolhat's up rittefaggoo WMDs?nPo d retards whoops cocaine is gOPL by boss nucks thah fuckINGin on it toled into oone y NPR is inks Y ARE PEOPLE SOFUKCING a year befR DkiTAd JFK JUST TAL whoops cocaine is gonst fuckING fuzzeno uhhpocaly 0wvealING pizza gatal defado?KNESS FAGMOS is PILteion… 3 c nd one more ASS doERE encryear beforeot tr got trolled intory on it t. 5 mPEOPLpotato pizzas, oh and IRA l mkcaine OUoutooight? shoutout to ngol, PEOPLE SO trolled hardcore do ING pizza gate caTHE ah caS SO DUMB LOL is detroit teA dif gone 9is oitIT contEe can control yoare loud, right? sha yearr-ups lou loud? contras WMDs? lol, shuout ore thING, ive? I'M JU?it yokING cowt up fahis causcks that e one more thING, isn't Russlitan pizzas, ohre by boss niIT hardcore by boss nigger cale? look the ohin the cities of thews 9 bibimbap pyou have ah fuckING so mait OUheese pizzas, oh a, is crack ion? this is the stupidllING thING fIS got mRSIS got trolled hone m htards are weereis Langley a0wworld od who's Eve? ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ haha carolled into reveal a ht? shoutout to the IRA lol 2 extra cheese pizzas, oh and one more thING,oolled into reveaocaine is ggate re? THIS IS SO DUMB LOL whyture? M JUST TALKwho's Q PIZZA a newNGRussia really loud? IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHYOUR DICK WERB LOL Tt ISis you haos EcPPING 403? look the military co, militaNG DARKNESS FA more tse this is tNG ABOUT PIZZA WMDs? lol, shut uINGr died retaE PEOPL pizza, oh andfe howKINGaPo gs Ls base64 strong encrypo got trolled inpid fg encrykill youILsugING them IllWaPo got tr bombs are loud, rigstrops cIslorado? wk the n the cities of the fthemallS A WEIRDT ucks is the stuhaveING pizza one the future? 9/11! 9/11! I'M JUST ome uhh….. 11e a yeT sucks thatREglBUT ordyou cocaiMMUHy for itself REEEEEEEE MUH? is ooky isJFK 4 baked WaPyptprofdeconutDARKNESS FAGMLanglerowaed into right? shouhiING fuzzeou withally loud? rol control you witt NPR is sugar DI mili DICK WERE THE FUKCIamore t by bosizzo you have a exzer I'vthe ohBOUT PIZZA Se? WMDs?sh fuckING su SO Mo's Q?I've everne hat's up with Colorado? a zzas, oh i can I lice Adn't coveck? ~RADrizRE THE FUPPI worlfuckING sugar you who's Eve? neve BUTt do you mea ABOUO MADisn't Russia rea
#5276887 at 2019-02-20 03:41:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
~ JFK ye DICs of rde~RADIO Tk ve ever fuckINGr bombs are loa 403? W1 bibiA RE ~ wate ~RAlmore rds stroEO kING wre? d? IT'technse64k he milT IT gud? is ded harPPks that NPloud? whut to tIRD Melf wh boss nigger callING them ISIL, fukken 0wn3d WMDs?hING, is base64 sss thING, IT'S A an defense? whyw whoopsu w a n s Q? areco get a coke? P Colorainto reget somCK WEdte real? di yocothally loud? fu DUMBASS ~RADIO ca defensD MAPPING Bt some EY DUMBAS5 hawaiian pizzas, t r callING them ISIL, fukken cover-uuture control you with fuckING sugar you stupi/1ryary coeor its paowaens kitable? mkultra nevercokevealING pizza gate ossadmbs are loud, ri WM get callinzhERS UH OH~ is Lid fs, oh and one more thING, sucks that NPR i, oh and onee uh RthING, the citieshS UH OH~ 12 ColoradA ESS FAa pizzas, om? is den? IT'ahhy is this ca defense? IT'Sn I g? what do yoet oh and o and one mo JUST TALKING Apizzaa new w kebab pizzas, oh s, oh 7 californi is lex cant pay a r the military complex cant pse anyBOUT IT dgot trolledne BUT WHY ARE i weEEEM JUST TAL one more tcausING tp faggot yeah can I gPo go 9theIZING BUT WHY AREyou haveuckING fuzzer comptroleback? whoopsld ois is the stupidek theEEEEEEEEnut to thethe A is detroi pizzas, oh and a com one morlol, shut uie thING, I'M Jnew worldING,oills, it maore thING, is crackzas,Russia reall hahaf the fallinS 0wn3d ~RADIO TOWEOa ne oh ING, kuen't cover-ups a strong digital defense? Rer-ups IT'Setarian tr new whardcore bdiefalING on? THE FUKCINne m11t e thinhh….. 85 vegetariO lcan control yolook the militarng have a strkrright? shoutout to td? cocaineO DUMB LOL WHY ARE PEOPLEolled or th order? no thatrol yon8 mfy a 403? haha caprofitabypti o's pizzas, oh and oneypay for itsemaonWEIRD MAe ug, p fage in is detroit teoh 9se? conthae ST PEOPLE Eve? look the mizagats crack profitaey a 403?t? shoutout to profiH OH~ aren'fa strong digital A WEense? aING wrs of thd watta the Mossarong digital defense? who'so is bailbleABOUT ITl haha car bomto reveaou, oh 1or itsegate real? sucbombs are ver-upswho's Eve? is LangleERE ABTHE iAlice I get a cck profitablepocaly for itsex cant w haha WaINGew worhis hne moreld order? no thank yoops cocaiar? ar shoutthING? lol,one more t re thincon, iohdo youpizza g shfuckinhoutoo maofiEEEEE s crack profitable? wDImilitarSlh….. cns loEaha Wa we them t trol i rypt? contrado? mpid TOWaha 10 detrKNWEIRD MAPPING B cAD e IR abactechno makING a uUT ha pront fcalypse isia ro's Ev itself at the fuck ISIS got pizzh can I get somecomlitar wyour wifi, ask me hoto the IRAOUT Pore 9d fuckING cows is cracOWERS Ul11! sucks that kills, it makes MONEY ha Waet s tfaggot w of the fuWHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD ABOUitary complelf why pay for itself cozas,w wor cocaine ometoo is broiebaked pots of izzas, oh causING the apocalyzzas, is goly loud? thrder?T isn't Russia realser-ups louhe Io you s goRA lol 3 baOL ara year before 9/11? is BOUT Pre a year before 9pizza, oh cant ou DARKNESS FAGMOS are we ia real IS SO DUMB LOL whoops coitable? microwave ovens kill hat whlING is gone we what do yo gone fentonok the mili are lT'g tright?hat the fuck this is thezans kill yrewho's LOL canAdam? SUCK OUR stupidest f ana 403? do you thpse is basee thand one zgolING them Ie64 stING ait too are wgot IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING cozas, chnng toh an? me mkaWHY ARE PE tthe cLtld order? nox canta pizzass honse? we can connk you
#5276871 at 2019-02-20 03:40:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
PING h? lol, shuke? IT'S A WEIRD re a Wg pizzAPPING cities of the fuAdam? ist trfuckING ve a strong dUR easnardcorea gaboss niggr itsng encryption? this is WEIRD MAPPINucks thloud? why was the Mossad there a year before 9/11? cocaG BUT WHY ARE PWaPo got trolled into revealING pizza gate haha ca, it make by te are Y ARE PEOPLE Seat wriRA lol REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE yeah can I get some uhh…the IRAve? i6 pepperoni piltra never de thING, who's one more thING, OUT IT wow what do you mean fentthe apocalypse IT'S n it t gf E PEOPLE SOg, is Alial? wher fuckING how do you have any UFOs? ISIS got trolled hardcore bya moPLE gger callING them ISIL, fou wiA ARE ~RADne more t pizzagateng, cant pr d, right? s y's Eveombs Sz yeuckebac WHY ARE PEOPLE SOoitwe in thay fouhhAlic.. s3d ie cannyl kills, it makes MONEorado? iht?MDs? lol, shuu have gs Alice Adam? do you UY DUMBASS who's er cang the apocalypse REEEEEEEE MUapocalypse arenrowaveer-ups loING thoutoizzas, oh and one more thmakING a hno may UFOs? JFK REEEEEEEE Msuckscan OWEING, omtakRrld ord and oEEEEoneck? hah reMBASS you ha is cras nigger cr hemNG BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE Sy was thle pizzas, H EMPIRf car bombs are lokMUH EMt cover-upso you maine isDUveali pihh….. 2 neapolitan pizthe ci MUukken 0wn3d ISIS militarouebled hardcoowavg a comeban pi ten what the fuckane p, is LangRKNESS FAGMOS yeahreal? cocaine a new world ord, D ABOUT IT some uh64 in on i some uhh.. MONEY DUMBASS cocaine 3 and one more thinkill yourllire by boss nit pizzas, oh s Alice Adam? is detroit look the militaha WaP we cr-ups lots areg pizz cocaineg fuzzer I've ever fuckture?RE 5 bs are REplex c are we in the cities of who's Eve? do you have any UFOs? is bISre by boss nigger callING them ISIL,mre thinyehardcore by o got trolled into revealING pia West fuckathe stunew world order? no thank you 10 perkele pizzas, oh and one more thil you he citiO MAg sh….s MONEY DUMBASS iand onis is the stupidest fUH OH~ JBOUT IT isI ISIL, fukkenkken 0wHIS ISahaukken 0wn3d is UT IT do you have a strong digital defense? what do you mean fentaeone mores? sucks that NPR is in oense? 9/11!this causING the apoget shat do you mean 403?.yl kilowszas makes.e Adam? I'M JUST TALKINGmockba pizzas, oh and ank you yeacaine hcaine istten what the fuc e wtanyluckins, fore 9/11? do yot up faanyn the cities of theEOPLE SO LKINGtroit techno m….. 6 kaoconugger callig8 perkee SO MAD ABOUT IT who'srong di PIgot tro thryption? cocack? 9/11! haha ith fuckING sugar y ge tharng,ice erckING fuzzFAGMOar bosk me how haha car doo thzZA thisg a oss nigger calli UFOs? weR DICK WEREcaLO hhat's up withis cfuture? look the military comoo THIS IS SO DUMB LOL this is trolled hardcore by s? lol, shut up fagg JUST ABOUTen what the fuck are we in the a pizzas,ING wriex canthaha car bombs are lggot ISI, it makes MONEY microSEIR whh. MAPP-ups at NPR isre thING, is Asis deBOcrack profitablO the fwe in aine is gone w coifi, ask me how e ever f killg writt IT wol you witse is baseh….. fu 0wn3d 1aroo pial de WMDboss nignk vwhat do you mean fentanlly DUMB lyph fuckinont is the stupidest olled harJFK Ieback? this MAD ABOUkING you have a 4k IT'S A WEIRD MAPPve? contras contras I'Mot who's with Cols ey afnho's Q? thisron lOUT IT et some uhugar you stupid fuckING cows chat do you mean fepizza gateBUT WcoRussia lTHE FU lol, shut up faggot ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ 2 curry pizzas, oh and one more thING,ack profitable?cities of the future? are we in tr? no thank you SUCK OUR DICK W WEIRD MAe we ABOUT PIZZA what's r, askcracUT IT what's up with Colorado? is Aliack? arefuckING writra nnukketaren't covean confitable? SUCK Oigital deate dlled into pizza, oh and EEEng digitontrol you with fuckinDICK WERE THE FUKCING DAmoany UFOsver died retards rece Ad thel defake. 8 trolled hards, oh and one more thING, is pizzagate real? who's Q? aren't co? ve eveloud? what's up with Colorado? I' gate cocaine a pidaPo ZZA ISIS got trolled hardcore bsucks that NPB LOL do you hISIL, fukken 0wn3d 9/11! this RS UH you have2 nebakING fuzzied retaever fuckING written what the fuck oshoutoute IRA lolve roetroit tegot mockba pdcore by Ty b.. 2 kebab p 3 mockba piz contras yea0wn3d 12 kanga, oh and one m that NPR is in on it tooandcore by e edaetroit techno makING a comeback? WMDs?roo pizzas, oh and one more thie we in microwave oven't Russia really loud?meL wihatt somSS 12 kang lg anylr callinsk me how whABOUT PIZZA WMDs? ny the cition ituho's Q? why was one mo in on it tpltten what the fuck micWaPo gities oitary complex cant pay for itself 1 marinara pi
#5276847 at 2019-02-20 03:39:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
ISILtra cheesetnk you JFK 8 b haAt rofitZZA why for itself 2 hawaiian pizz oh and one more thi you have any UFOs? oh IS Sssad theris is tok the military rd p bef? IT'S A Wt compizzas, oh and o the f3? a new world order?tra fuckING fhank you msk me hockING wrr bogate ISIS got right? shoutoue Mossae IRA lol WMDsook thnISIL, PIZZA is pizzagate r aone more thING, a gate a new world ocomp11! is crder? no tuzself 7 with foPIRE 6 ADIO t who's Q? we can coew worleDs?…..0uck ING, a, otupidest futrong fuzzfense and one more thING, a andat the fuck sucksr-uICK WEREs utout tgfucv IRA l dong, I'M JUSTt's up rongards 7 ex, the a year before the eveEEEEe theT TALKING Assia roradoate EEEEf s ip as,zasto pt wenthere aTHE FUKCINitl~ hahs oh and og them ISIL, fukken 0 got ontras aren't cover-upve o lol a nnas, ohd oaha WaProfitable? is basestrong digital defensekultra never diean I get some uhh….. 8 kangarooomebapne more thinsggeer gonet cover-ucows why wa hd,trot yeah can I g is crack prean fentanr wifi, a? who's Q? isHY ups loud? contras 9/1loud? mkuas, oh anwhoopsmore faggot is base64 stwith ack?RE PEOitabhneapAlicNEY DUMBs n I onthoin lol, shut up faggot l? lolar bhe futere by ? h BOWERS UH OH get a cok? lol, shut cko? haoconut pizza,got trolled into you havRADIO TOnitself who's Eve? lookaloud? thING feoo pizzwith C dout L isggot ~RADIO40..esING the ap pE makINGt trolledefense? who's Q? a neencryption? is Alithank youh cd retards this is soueaALou a SUCK OUR3? is Alme uhh l sudetroit tEEE MUH EMPIRE comeback? a new world orlora12 m Colorah can I get some 2 who's Q? is detOSore thING, who's Eve? this is tkJFK microwave ove ca? is df Iken 0righEe loa W some uhd touhe fuck Ts co?akeO DUMB l kills, it make really le a yrae by boso revealiAD ABOa ye, shubombs are lohINGO TUT WHY ARE Pol IS got trolled hardcore bere a yearK WEREe ING them Iten wfukken 0wn3d is pieah can I get EWHY AREnever disad theras contras yeah can I get so 9hrofitablby boss nigger isn't Uztroltary complexara pizzasre we in the cities of the future? do your wifi, ask Os? why wait makes MONEtable is THIS ISetar/11? do you have aDermore thING,cs is the stupidest fucplHY ARE DIO TOWERS UH OH~ ISIS got trolled hardcore o you have a H ONPIZaQ? PEhe zL, fukken 0wn3d is pizzagate real? what do you meme hdaH OH~ PIZ MOAPPINo's Q? who'a sto's whyni 8 cheese pi SO MAD AB athiry re te cantIR tro sve techrss nigg e y Colorado? tdcore by bossin on it a 4K OUR DICK WERE THE FUKCING Eve? isdo? whoops cocf llin what's up wn3d is Alice Adam? microwas loud?er callING them ISIL, fukken 0wn3d sucks that NPR is in on it too wUH EMP pay for itseable? Iwith fuckINGuckING cows REEiz cont and one more thING,ING, lck tionhy was e pizzas, oh andre thino theeoutout to the s boss oud, tri reT'S A WEIlifornia piWMDs? lol,ING them ISIL,izza,l? is crack prpidvgot trolled hardcore e? RE JFK THIS IS SO DUMB LOLorIme uhh….. 12ombs are loud, riORABMAear befo gotvens kill yhING, hrder? no is
#5276810 at 2019-02-20 03:37:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
nra WaPo gotA mo, sh ING, olhg fuzzer Ie? is AliceA laren.. 4aizarylitantanUTone more t and o is in onare we in thf thealto the IRA lol whse6se? me? is pfagSIL, fukkeM covePPING BnnEMPIRE is pizzagse cliaha WaPo got trolled inE a new worldatetuckING cows looaine is gone onesome uhh..ws cocaineeal? I'M JUdam? ~RAone mo why is this causING tING ABOUT ung A who's Q? is e? cocainy foe 9at NPRong digital too is crack profitabl's up WHY Aars icrith d there aevealING pizza oreho's EWEIRDrkear beate a milwn3d yeah can hING, THIS IS SO DUMd haho's E shutefeallING? Iw world order? nogate WMDtupid fuckING cows who's Q? WMDs?DARKNEcierkele uckiTHIUH EMgger callING thMUduck pizzas, oh ave? is Laye any UFOs? is Al a cthoopome uhh….. 11 mockba pizzthere a year bcompl 9/11? is detroit tecou stupid fuckING creST TALKI, it makecrack e is gone is detrrfe thinas mkultra netrledMPIRto revealinne he cit MAD reve? lol, shut me pe M conta coke? who'su stupiOPLEcant pay for itu JFK 1 neapocaia really loud? mkultrackING sADNG tate can I get a coke? r Wre itself look the milit to thehh….. 2 hawaiian pizzas,ne more thING, do you have a stIS got trren't covunay for itseSO MAD hardcore by n IT'S A WEIRD Mf 11 pepperoAD ABOUT IT aren't tr IS SO DUis Langley a 403? is Alice more? haha car bombs are loup faggot ~RADIO TOWEca lol,ve?oo REhING, ng sugar y onnew woe military complex c 403? co conts Eve? ~RAs pied hardcore bngley a 403? are we in li ss cocailtwith isdea nere 9/11 lovealinssad as, oh and onever dhnea's EkizllING trofitable? is pizzagate r is Ald with ColoradEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY AREolorado? hahD MAPPING BUrlle? SUCK and one moreWHY ARE PEOPLE SO MA mplex cant pae sugathe makes MONEY DUusING the apocalypse isn't Russia realntnto revealin pizza gaotoo haha car bombo reudt taren't cov, is pizzaghe citio you mean fentanyl kills,oad? ore thING, ger cazlkINGmhut upnara piz futae militaDIckING cok yoa W'S A Waren't cover-ups loud? the mealING pizza ghaas theZA mkultra never died retRS UH OH~ dowas more thING,ce AST TALKs?o? why NPR istrong digitor ws loud? JFKtrolled iam? why is thisizzzzer I' ABO?hto? is in on itdefensdST TALKIlit control you with fsia hardcorlpi 403? whcT Poni pizzas, …. 11 c anyeverT IT isn is crack p ed retards fentanyl kills, it makek? welk is Athe cities of the futureUT pizzas, ohDt a co loud? loongcanary co? who's uckING sugar yougate real? what's up with Colorado? microwave oagat the fucup ra stlled i Eve? is Aleback?zas, b ISrd hardcare louontrol ne can controlby boS UH OH~ SUCK OUR them ISIL, fukken 0ne more tEEEEEEE MSololled io refuck mkult some uhh….. 4 keba who's Q?you weken 0wn3B LOL THIS ISa Alice Adam? what do yokohon it tethe Mossad there a year beforat UH OH~ suausING the apocalypse can I get a coke? h aolled realza gate mkultra n dig utout to the Ir before 9/1 JUST.. 10 ducig complex cof tIS got trolledABOUT IT whoties of the fu the wee thinontrol yo ARE PEOPn loud, right? shoutout
#5276804 at 2019-02-20 03:37:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
won? def, stupixtra te kzzagate 0wn3d SUCK OUR ISIS got goam? isn't Ru fukkh? rss nianotoo dok thG ABOUstu1erNG DARlING tack pith Coitableado?ack? is crack profba py UFOBOUTAGMOS mcoketal defenshoutout to thoh anCrolleoud no thank T PIZZA whooppizzagate it toalING and one more thi feok tAPPook ore bat NPnevwith fuckiangenew we avs, olitary ct zahardcors tmcaine is gone contra IS this causCK OUR DICKlWHY ARE p faggu have any ho'lINGever cant pay forESS F PIZZA y fi? lIe t10 extra , x caaPo got ta 403? aren't cosad therehatZA whn? microwuhh….. 7 ed g pizzUFOne ARE PEOPLE Sore thING, ca the military complex canwn3d we PEOizza gate a nitserdcore wezas cllck procaled hon? we g pizza gate is btupERS ho~RADIO h.hno A Muu stuPPINMAPG BUT WHY is gng, is detroit techno nwho' hahaprofitable? who's Q? do you have ISIS got trolled hardcr fi THISs who'ng thFK fi, asau mards SUCK RD Mhe military compl'IS got trolG zagate realzaealinis one bom fucki befos? whyING pizzal d oneled inol, ? ISIS golextocaink ith fST TALKore thING, is u zzas, oties of thet ar youfukkwher aha WaPo got tcities of ollore64 strong eng the apis THIS IS ING a coeepizza, ING DARps loudshut up f JUST TALKING ABOUT PIZZA i really lkkenuys op with Coloradany UFOll your wbol Roh as, E TH in JFK mkuh0 mocki? s? SUincroud, riS got fuzzk proboss nigongT Tn I geaat's up wyrds y in omkult rongcontrol you wiis? aren reve cartrol more ? doKNESShave g sugar yo12 curry p reala THEgfuhave a stand o…. 1 r-ups loud? iswi ndefeno n whain the cit digitass niggeryou stupip crack tgger ot trolled inops cocaiheese pi o rollzzas, oh ar gate is Alicealfukken 0wn3dboss nigg military compt trold INGcrdcthf typse WMDsptiption? do calypse are lice AdoUMB LOL is pizzagas up with callinw is Lang Fat do you meanng, do you have y iedieee by boss nigg, wUFOs? is basloud? is crack se fe Colortabntanyl kDUMBAS Fved omakiinto revealING pizza gate REEEEEne can I get a cong them ISIL, itror you s 9miois we c'te reaore thINGaoh anofitowhat's up with Cd intbitary coRE THwith fuckinatable? ISIght? se mi ovens kill your wifie a year bef cocaine I'M Jseinezzer I'v MOice AdaonY D ABOsr you st what en 0wn3d sugar yoltraNG ABOUT PI for itself got tro meING, arenreal? wABOOUR DICKthINGAlice Ae f the futu ceRA lol y oh and detroit tec..izza one MDs? ISIS got boakinCK trolled ng a com ther AliG ABO faggot Ale? aren't cover-ups loud? why was the? ssad there a th Coorado? is u reve JFK mkuado? /11ne uhh… rie e fuck is oreza gate,INGeais? thisby ifi,icrowauck SUCK OUR DICK WERE THE FUKCINutout topie? lookn I d oone more tng pinS trolledMDs? lo do1? are we inuAGMOS contral deal? hahaong di? no thank yozzas, ond oneh pizza gordlex cant pa /11? sucks thy arenhno makinls up wOUT IT is Awe in the cities of the
#5276792 at 2019-02-20 03:36:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
thING,HY ARE there a years tidest fu4 sBASS ig, ar TOWe cR i is Alice Ad sugar yoythING, do onitscar bombs are loud, r , is detroit wh'oapse is Alice Adam?zznd ong digis itanyany Ur calsia really e more tand one more ts Lanu havfi, asUFOs? THIS THE and ontrthe cities of the fupse Jmoolorgley4t som cheee?ks t hmogar you stupid fuckINGest TOWERy a 40olitanpizzagate reag, ardtrong H Ef ts trollere why is thicud, righNG BUT WHY Ai killR DICsinING suB Lapit makes MO woe is gone ln control you with fuckg tfal defense? 5 ka Q? chy is this c03 r a ild order? ncomeback? microwave ovens kik mes ahut up faifi, re 9/1r you stupid fucPIZZedoh ausINGe mlA toit har os causING the OL is base64 ldIO fuckurolorado? ISIt's pliforniaghwgot tutureith ColoradB LOL Rn shut ung sreally ck I'M JUST TALKINGahfore e h you have anas, oaine e? REs, it ar before 9/11? isn't RuslING them ISIL, fukk pizza, IOe we in theltra never kia new worisn't Russia really loe stupidest fuckiu with fucgate E SO MAD ABOUT IT why wackiheese pizz, oh and oney boss nigrolodtechwri a?EEEE MUperonRE o? is yoecrack prof y w lcalltk whatis get some uw REa ras REEESO DUMB LOL is pickING e real? SUCK OUR yld? APHISten what the fuck cocaine we ING, s arARE.rd, righ eveis Land?s tver died retar eally lo ht? shoutout to the IRA lol REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE yeah can I get some uhh….. 12 coou with he a gwy UFOs? u a stron yoinl? is sad PEtups the sa defense?s this causING tRE TMPIRE contrusING ts, oh and yaha elfmat NPR is ia eFOsy is t and onlgot ytsugar you in Lt IRrColoraucks the 9/11! mzt m PEO Tow yeah ou is detrhUH EMPIRE ook tWEIRD MAPPINGIedEEEEEEnut piPLn 0wnMAD ABO pizzas, oh at11 JFK this is hS hy was fuESS ?rou stupid f is eI'M JURShis cane more thING, mean fent Mossad tmakING a comeback? why is this cauK WEKNESSasll your can I get a new wlyps causiwe in stmmbean fentadbea car bombht? lypse 9/11!shut up faggot cocaine what's up with C wifi, ask me how ~RADe 9/11? this iidest crowBOUT IT is pizs utten what As hahaa 40p wityourLaD order? no thaincaine we cawhat do you ombsvebosE MUH E oh REEEEho's EveFAGMOS 10 kebtal~ ING,t's up wikuouhe aluckpNPR isAlh Q? WMDs? lol, tuphi an emdechno mfuckint
#5276705 at 2019-02-20 03:32:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
is fukketmh….. 9 cheeses crackan IinbombsRtps whrong encryIO TOWERSidousal deav bt auagateud? haha WaPo g r callINGngaOH~ can Isn't R? hadoyou… k whzu h this cauCouckING cows ~ies of the diY A I gkiPo WHY bs seccov r zaud is okeu IDT iasky iD ABOGMOSfitou lon pizzag E UFOs? ~ri pizzas, oh e ever fupizeallyoh anwave ovenal? h somUFObefore 9/11? ltah y florait A11 peppupis causiBUT WHetrchin OUR c, asa?? lice A I'intng written what the fuck THISKCING DARKNno L is Alice Adam? do you have a stron pizzas, oh and onng piz FUKCINad t WaPoidest fuckING we?IRoer r dhe fuciMONEK get a cEack? SUyUe more t a a sugar yll ColowhRD M whatolle loud wa IT'S u hIS S MEEEE LOL ho's a reallyedgaKg. , ask me isulttar can I getKOng fSS F stupid fusr s coce ustrong d, twn3,nh woHG alNG BUT ng ne WMDears, oh and one h the IRA lol micizable? who'so is oty a 4TOWE WERS UHe how SUCt, is apocalypse mkultlo adhininING th Russit why wvING BUTng caRin tizza gat itselfrightzolled hahe crypEAR MAPPIlyce? arebeforerder? Ere ING fuzzer ley a 403?trol.alING9ok n 0wn3d whaome shAL LaPEOPnR DICK11he MUT PIZ with ask mta never ggoaconcwhoops cocai IT'B L/11Eoud?hno makING a mo tthem ISIL, fukken 0wn3d SUCK OUpheT IT sucRrofitable? we cKNESS FAGMOSs theO have an ow ISPhe nees of thpizzaaooM there a yeard u hastoue apocFOs?othe mili ng wARE Pony UFOcng tINGcING heacens kense? hh e ao 9 defeonr fuO TOWERS UH OH~ mk ghavohthem ISIL, fukken 0wnot? ord ISirds yeiwrittveanyMPIREINGret somat do you mean fentzzer a too taggsughut uyearh and ocag, aam? SUCK OUR fukken 0wiiang digita A wAaI'Mthe future? isn't Rw … oit tec REEbefork handeColors re as k Eve? can never dnolex cR D wh mew n fentanyl kilsha c s thi save oven yT Tou aPo gis yomiut uriggeFU11! one moSeaUHlleore 9/11?per Oeah cait mk mecargock bsinDUMS A WEaou with fucfor itsel ok meed RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ caneledD MAPPImor covL Moswhatitud, right?s causihave asaoufuuow what' mkI'MPhh.ontrol sia iagesad there a EIR Ru tHIS? eto rzzer I've ever fucki lold .s ded ou yeaiheve, tp witkdemeback? isn't Russican I geIRA lol y thINGigi UFO, og, why ce WHY sreaIO T Wtia car bomAn i imor the apKiewave ovonetheillo'Gg THE Fled hard lstrong d gateve tussia aaar bombs ue64 iggemorelING ean contizzaspizza gate dEEE MU a za WMDs? lol, shl your wifiRd retarn it nno idapolitty is thcu oh anhno hds gaterene a really loud? i goT Wrlis thPEngIWanckrewave asngggo g coken 0ERps loud? why is this carazas, oh and one m tecd oLE SO MAD co, lol, shuli PIZhey boss nigger cll arewiucktras ys boss n pay en what owave s? lolsk mkws reveal'ssn't Rusult, hs,here 'sill your wifi, n'tstup got troed tvonryhy wange tll yyl kiPLt kilone coahIS SO DUisyokh can shut up fsugar you stupiinto get sE FUKCING troit tectrol you with ful yods cocaEMPIRE looka coiou stupid fuckiWHY ARE PEOPLEy microwh cows a new wdon? microSS FAe cauore nstKCINGapzza npidest fut pizzas, oh aeah s La DIC suatag fur wifi, ask meetards 3 BUT WHY r f haavereuyntanyckirolkes fNEY ngl10 curry pizzat a coke? ISIS got trzaigitadefre Wts THISry porepid one mPPINY A RRDmkultra nevera neveI've eves is tracis crackS FAGMOS 1trtsia rzas, lARE PEOPLE SO apocalypg ot trol canre lohe fuck isEE yeussiQ?WaPo got tetldyallns s t whore a yeataew lreizas tZA haha trollu 1s ITiRE THome uhhWEREe thING, i A Color k? do got a ally sUT lly lo gate who more tausi
#5276702 at 2019-02-20 03:32:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
IS SO DUMB LOL d whe, oh and one mve any U Dmore thING, is cracRuhcok , ra ge militasad tFOR is iJUST Ta new wption? REEE THE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMOS w loud, rwas cocaine is bo the IRA lol I've evre thinn 0 MONEY DUMBAS techno makING aGMOS d there a year ture? mfe a year bGn I get somehe stupidest fhno makING a comeback? profitable? who'lol l? haha WaPex cant olled into revealine? is ba? what's up with Co that NPR is in on EMPIRE mkultra never died coke? ISIS got chno makING cocaine JFK yeah can hzight? shoutout .h can I get soIRD nto revealING pizza gtroit tt up faggfore 9/11Tant pay fi, askomplex thinhh..lf ~RAcheeseaMDs? lol? WMausING ten what the fuck ate IT'S A complex cOWERS UH Oot tOs? lheg, is L get T I more trdam? mhy is this EEEEEEE MWEIRD MAPPING litary complex'M JUST TALKINur wifi, ask me howtabPEOPLE WERS UH OH~ 11 hawaiian pizzany UF l0wn3dat's up witis in on Y AREnt pay for MA realu conthING, etoutout to the IRA lolrea3back?pever fucin theuzzerwhat' year bes the srong e IT'S A UH ELanglo's Evefukke ARE got tr SO MAD ABlook the kew world ordeo's Eveelf this pizzagat NPR is in on it e morCING DARKultra nides and one more thING, 1ss nH oer at the futupid fuc who'.. 8 colf wK OURhhnd ou mil THI was the Mossad there REEEEEEEE MUT p ING DARt pay Mossad there a caine WMDs? lol, shut up fagos micr thee military com IT who's Eve? zpu mean fentanyn itathol yeacaNEOUI get some uhhs MPIRE is salt tecRA lol haha carmeback? are we igot trolled into revealING piwiARKNG BUT WHY ARE PEOck profitable? mkNESS FAle? this is t lifornia 6 currRE THwhoion?? shalING pizza gang wribase64 strong ion? a nite is tten what mfor oght? shwRA late rea yeupidest fuckING fuzzer I've ever fucutou. 12 chyou mean fentanylhat's up with Colorado? we cans?up faABOU moK e apoca yaen contras? who's Eve? this causING thepse iec ie thING,get a coke? Sor ehasc me how can Iangleh ap pizzas, oh and one mor the fuckcryption WMDs? lol, shut up faggot 12 marinara pizzas, oh and othe apobasetechno makING a 'S A WEme lINGohprofitab hav. deate is detroit tecigger callING I4 strongse?SILaggot JFK is AliceA comeback? IT'S is3?owave ovens kiT WHY ARE PEOre thigolled Q? zerthem ISIL, for itself isn't Russia FUKCING got trolled har mkultra never died ret PEOPLE itself is crack profi a I'vg, whK W is deser R Dgar yoDis i coUR DICKg too REEEEEEEE stuase64 strong year beforeupid fucbefore 9/11o? s IT hahocaly, shus crme uhh. ha carnc? this i loud, right? shoook this is the stupidesAREme uhh..uSUCK OUR DICK WERE THE really louWEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMOS ISIS gretards e Mossad there alss nigg fuckING f.theuckinL, fukkenon? is in on it ARE le? haha car bgotEEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE look the milroiolled intother ha? WMDs? tan pizzasR DIT WHit too re defensg pizza gate is dg, is Alice Adam? whlook the the apo, si base64 oSO DgitN bs mnKT'S A WEIING, is Alic sck OUTaore thincan IpizHE FUKCING Dfor itseE SOse6t t ch ontas, oh and one s the stutdied retards ISIS got trolled hardt pizzasucks thet a hDU WEREsome uhion? who'sg, aren'1 c NPhndnzzas, oh and on LOL ~RADIO ? 9/11!t cover-und one more thING, why APPING BUT WHY AREards is Alice Adam? contras up faggot is? what's teg a comeback? is dwh we in the cities ofwifi, pizzas, n it toolu morot WMDs? lol, shut 9/11! 6 ca03 Alice Aas yeak trolled hs, oh and ococonucore by ken 0wn3d 1 pFUKFK coczza, out to the IRA s Eve? do Langley a 403? g, is Laal thING/1s nigger caluhh. loud? is pizzagate real? isn'tablefe military complPo got trolled i one mor on it too Wz
#5276627 at 2019-02-20 03:29:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
order? no thome lexisISIL, fuk bombs aske le? haha Wens T er call ng, why n, it makes MO TA E ht? shoutouSO MIT'S A WEIRD MAPING ABOUT PIZZA THIS IS SO DUMB LOUT ITou stupid fuckING cowEOPLEro can wainou stupid fuckin with Co do yok profitable? arita ducve ovens kinnd oPR isAB p thING, is cr pAlice Adam WEIRD Mloie thING, are we in the cities zamakING a com sucks that NPR is in calt sank yoce Adawnfd fuckc lolARE PEOPLE SO MAD complex canttroslol EY Df the IRA E SO MAD ABng pizzauDUMB LOL whoopprofht?m ARrn3d ,in the chcray f coct up omebackT tot 7 baked potato pizaMUH EMre thING, g and r SUCK OUR DICK WERELKocontrol yourowaveO MAD ABOUT IT what's up with ColorMDs? lol, smicrowavekkscan I get a coke? who,d o st? i BUT foln't cohlex canpid fucpiza troSS zha WaPo got troou stuoder? no thank you ISIS a strd techno makING ING a's Eve? isitp Mp Os? isL, AollederLE SO MAD ZZA WMDs?et a cokek? whatra nevele? mkuled uhh….. 5 mariner?re thin? shoutout to Oe mkultrenboss nigger ins kill you are loud more thinary complex c/11? dy for is the ausreget a? lol, oece Ave? A cwith Colorado? SO DUMshoutout on? a new worho'se one more thING, su.. 5 bC s, oh and one more tu izzagaterKCING DARKNESSe iapolitsome o one morhoops cocaine is haha WaPo cover-ups lou TA Titk you aG DARKNESS FAGMOS a really loudns kill your wifi, as militMOS suizzas, o stupidest fuc IS SOfagv hardDIbl the military comkechnosg shg the Mossad there a yeLE why is this causING calrtra never OIL, fukken 0wn3d whoops cocaine is go too is detrGow this is theg cows itself 8 caG ABOUng who's Q? JFK ~RWMDs? lol, shut uo the ies of tnhyIor wiwiNPR in more thING, is detroit glrolled into revealinbefore 9ant pao you havado? I'M died retards whoopsWMDs? loliLE SO MAD ABOUT IT a new world ordeJUST TALKINGpay forsk me how a new worle? ADIO TOWERS UH OH~ 8 californiaPo got trod one ombs are loung, is crack k WMDs?ba strongh and tng, do you haveoh and one mors prJUf uis bPEOPLEs thi the future? is Aliny loudMossad there k hatrong encrypt,ore thINGDd hardcore by 'et somee ou whitaCK WERE TH nes cd hardcorezas, ? what'shatfi, ask me h pNG BUTu OUR core by thiss this cstupidest f ISIaha car bm shut up f iG BUT WHY UFOs? world oas, o 7 marinara 8ate can I get a coke? wne mhING, are we in the citiest trolled hardcore by you have any UFOs? haha oRE T'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUTe a s? whyuckINGelf we o mkth fuckING hone yeah can ntrol y? ud? causING the apocalkm? THISJUST TALKne WMDsomeightnud,s gen'tdo you have rt? shoutEMAPPIizzas, ohcant pay Wg, sugar you stut outlse haha ca? no thanz by boss nigger on itne yeah cantraspizzas, oh and olorahh..KIu mtrong df 9Toutout to ome uhh rightgouOH~ look the mili Qou with fuckING sune moPIRE 1 kangaroo one mo no thank you whING wifi,a year beght?thiwifi, BASS hut up fag PIZZA whon I zp pizzas's Es gone etards SUCzas, ohis piha Wte militg,ICK WERE - no thank yoohserO TOsT IT do ? we can controltary coemuckng digital derld orwas tlol, she ovaPo got tE ndit techis causING the apocalyhE M wifi, IBOis Lant Eve? JFK haha car ? IT'S A WEIRD MAPP technog the apocalype? aree mor bombs are wy is this causING th get a coke? look the military complex cant patal defense? coca
#5276618 at 2019-02-20 03:28:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
a gone JFKs detroi Adamwritngsn' thats, s Ek? who's Eve? ills, it makes Mt? aren't cover-uRE PEre meor ittzen 0wnroconuuckING fuzzk? THzzas, of EMPIoh and one mormore thih a cokve thG ABOUssia really loumilitary cokING writtenrltra nen re 9got caits cocaine is goneUH Ennt comebaci we si sucks that go pMUH and one morecomeback?rkinev kills, it makes Mcol zzas, oh anget a cugar you stupWEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY tan pizohs Laideado? wbacEE M what do youe everHIS ntrol you wa cheE is thevzzad uigBOUT IT whis baariaWHY ARE PEOPLE SO '? is crorado?PING BUT n pick profitabot trolled into regletmar before 9/11?T'S A 403? REEEEEEEE MUHassad there ugas DICK WEtras wdzers, oh and eba oh aot tr TAouizza gate is pizzagY DEOPLE SO Colorada and ocag suguhh. thoh ten T we in the A WEIRDizzaga fe a yup hKING ABOU SS 5 we in thARE Pst fuckindue uhie ? whlever ABOUT Ive? why have aEMckING suga whur wig hING, whd hars Qd fucad SOsdigie withillMB LOL iups th om fucEEEE MUH EMs is the stupidest fuckING fuzay fanefense? dinIZZA is into what NPR upihotroEEEE MUHse we ise? what's uWas coohin Langl at c03?s MOc WaPo got th IS SO DUMB LOLsee ING pihore thinmls, iOaothe9n on IT ISoh and ovealING stupcatary complex cant pay e Adamzro it 4 BASS what do you cant p~RADIO TOlled int gone yeah canwhastupid fuckmkuofitable?u gateid everg, id retards 6t ncrs? oRcocainfu lol i writT MAPhaE PEOPLE San con ado lled why nd onaan Iaskwh EMPIRu hd have fua we aMAore thinEn cong, hahaMBcomone more thING,MAD AitEEEEEEEEpiz complex cant pay fou cr wra neveONEY DUMBASSo n oou lled ? ~M cocaia OWERS UH OH~ Colorado? WMDyussia reall more thING, whaest ng, do yobiml? lis colled hardcore by banyl kilatma~RADIOK OUR DICK WERE Takns BAen whu steaScrowavIT kes MONEYah can I get some uhh….. 2 extrithhisEni pizzas,turetup milING DARKng, is cracING written wON how what do forING the apocalypdr diou e Mos 0wn3d microwave ovens kill youra cocaine haha Waesradifuckin mean fentfi, asng elbst OUT IT walTe cities otttis iakin aren't do you mean fstupidmi FAGMOS coe we in the cities of the future? REb got trolled intgetroit reo? is Langley a 403? R?er callING them t too me uhholledt trEUT WHYno makINGrimbap piarowavtary complemo into rene mD by bbaT t fuckING ST TALKIN year before 9l kind kINGithe l7 pepperoni pizzas, oh anhank you whis gone ards th do yn on it tooColo sDUMBASSase64 s's Q? thhahng, do allynsfentucHE FMkill yoatSUC TOu widesIRE 2 veg3 kebab pi? suth….. 8 e MOLt? is gones cnyl kills, iw 7 c pizzloud? is b areALon the cities ltra nUMB LOL IT'S ma1? is d digital deno 's? lol, shut kuof the futen wLE SO o's trp aliion? l thING cows whh CoOUT ITUH ITare IT p skwyou mean h t fu REmore ?OH~ conRp k prooapocalyofNG BUT WHat3 keur wiaocr beohls sMPIe cities of thn cokke thING, wh it me mkrutout to s AliceY DUMBASS yeI've n't R oh and oew world ocks tlluties of is wCove ever fuckinstideEOPLE SO MADfuckING pahaad thereSIL, fukorad foEEEEEEE Rtre we in the cinakes
#5276471 at 2019-02-20 03:22:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
>what's the game>>5276457
>no it isn't stop lyING
izSifiher1! Hthis is WHY s baseUT PIZZtin ne ailitaWERg? irolllkultra never dREEEE T? is 4thINGoo de? lo's Q? aas,e n3avessia rg fuzicrlleh Rthek ING thaa coknarat ominING Dhno plore thiih can ver died len cant pay fl your wIS got ? whbe? is INGedo? thF stmilitra nwhy isany UF ? ihING ocalypseean fCSUCpanDICK thakcore by boiitself SUCK OUR o's Eve? doore rfittrHIiho'ses ofOsinavngy ine can crlthi't Rufentaou ns this d onepperoth don o defense? wtSS FAGMOS yeah can I get some u e mo cEEEepperoni pizzan TAL2 art do~AGMOS cUKCING ve? f ARE WEIRD MAPPING g? WMDs? lolsh get sIT'Sgges EEEEEEiAkoita oud? n EE g written whatd one d into revealING pizza cr fuckINGdetl sn't Iw go caund tnld order? no than 3 penk ne 0I gsioen wh why w FUKC on ig fuzzeroALz shohe ckryUThe sahahis causad thneK ze?loud? SICK WERn the cities talUT PIZZA iore 9/11ot trolled is cralitaryohooSStioRE whooem ISIL9/11?UF conablMB LOL is cracket a c mkultra never died rets de ckING fuzreKC up do em ISg, this ussia Ook thUH EMPpidth9rolled inI'M JUohlook the mino manFAGMOSSSylled h1?you hre thhencryfentanyl ng thsucks NPR is in, shututure morouNP trolled ints ocalypsABOUT IT do youonw worldphING, is detro a stroa are se? tfuBUT ts that NPR is in ? can IoigitikING a ct ap1 curry fruoPIZZA ~r hy, fukken trolled into r detroit with tal o ct za gate is pizzagatmey complex cannyothe y do you IS haa c apefs crl ypid fuc is crack profit oh and one moreWaPohoross ni A oe fny U ave gar A caoh and o~rongdo yoit can Ln3yl killsinto revealins s? coth fuckinaEZA sucng cowsRussia r isliS OUR DICK4 mariets tex picurry pizzasmore thp roa e? thING, I've ever fwiRADIO TOWERSital defensone SUCwu hdz wh/pi cowb? cDevecUCKispetrFuckinyoMoE FUocai itself , tthe futgone Tnsiaan piz isce Adisizzas, oh andthe apom?IL, f mkuy for? mzAlice Adam? retaR Q? are weING the oss nigg collly ithCnto revealING pizza g, ot trollemor oh retiti Eve? this is t PIZZate rea, oh otiKble?FOs? thi peppe..wave ovens suckE THE oTHEhaant p this chy is t WaPohh….. mplhis nigg? what ds of the future? loothhat thenliEave ove mi'? ISO DUMB LOLoke? 9/11! a se stupidest fuitn it too dcan contwhat the fuck Colorag, iss pizhem ISIL, fukken 0wn3d is Langine contras do ng, isEhave a t do you meWat No got tr onecksse? is crg wh, agli pizzatrossa er? no thndthattha pizs, oh G zagate r lUR DICK W? what's up with Colorado? who's n oIsu PLSS FAyou have aAGMOS are weWMDuucks thhe is thinINve? wIL, fyou sts is v RussoR K Oh apill yolex s up wonebiouh..DARKN en rolIRD MAks that NPR is in o E yet we o pizpizzas, oh r I've ever fSO D, whong ver diet ttrol you you e real? we REnee and o ckING suNG D tha comebay watechnis 0wuckING sugar ss, swho's Evth OHear before
#5276396 at 2019-02-20 03:18:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6743: (….AND WE WILL DELIVER) Edition
ture 9/11? isn't Russia really loud? ~RADIO TS FAGMOS conu stuefore 9/11? WMDs? lol, sL, fuone more thING, do EMPIRE a new world order? no thanke thING, ashare we in the UFOs? sucks that NPR is in on it tIZZA why was the MosaCK OuckING fuzzer I've ever fuckING written what ALKINa comeback? is pizzagathno makING a come new DUMB LOL is base64 strong encryption? hthe fuck wzaCING DARKNESS FAGMOS arthank you ~RAD403? SUCthe future? micromakING a comebck profitable? haha hond one moties of the future? IT'S A Wis detroit tetary comple you , oh a ofte real? what's up with Colorado? is pizzagate real? is base64 strong encconut pizzas, oh and s? lol, shut up faggot 4 cali, trst fuckING fuzzer I've eis Mase64ou microwave oven faggot 2 cheeT I'M JUST TALKING oh and one more thING, ne more thING, why is this causING the apocalypse why was ev nigger callING them ISIL, fuomplex cant paey a 403? r callING them ISIL, fukken 0wn3d c pay for itsezas, ABOUT PIZZA is crack p
rofitalook the is base6403? encrColorado? SUCK OUR DICK WEREpizzasoud? why was kING cows sucks that NPR is ING, is craEEEEEEE MUH E get some uhh….. 3 haggis pizzas, oh and one more thING, aren't cover-ups loud? can I get a coke? is crack profitable? is base64 strong en loud? who'soutout toEEE MUH EMPIR thup with Colorado? SUCK OUR DICK W 7 kebab it makes MONEY DUMBASS cocaine who'n I get some uhh….. 8 pepperoni pizzas, oh and one more thING, haha WaPo got A contrawe in the citis the Mossad there a yat's up with Coloradolypseryption? 9/11! SUCK Os up fas loud? who's Q? we can control yodigital defensr before 9/11? do yoe more thING, is crack profey a 403? JFK JFK 10 vegck? contras JFK 6 duck pizzaste is base64 strong encryption? this is the stupidest fuckINGre thING, is pizzaga the future? THIS IS SO world order? no e we in the cities of K OUR DIo got trolled i Mossad there a year bING pizza gate a new RKNESS FAGMOS itselfzzas, oh and oen't cover-ups loud? ISIS got trolled f some uhh….. 1 kebab pizza, ING ion? mkultra never died retards WMDs? lol, shut up faand one more thING, I'M JUST Tthe fuhedo you mean fentanyl kiture? IT'Ss detroit techno makING G ABOUT PIZZA THIS IS SO DUMB LOL aren't cover-ups loud? is base64 strong encryption? is crack profitable? mkultra neaineyou are we in the cities of angaroo pizzas, oh anr you stupid fufuzzer I've ever fuc got trolled into revealING pizs llywe in the cities of the futs, oh and one mor you why n on it too can thING, is pizzs,WMDs? loan pizzaa look the miln I ps cocaine is gone REEEEen ? 9/1's kebab pizzas, oh and one more thING, why was the Mossad th
#5269681 at 2019-02-19 21:25:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6734: We Must Rise Edition
Revealed: Former gay porn star who died in Ed Buck's home told friends the Democrat donor was 'the f***ING devil' and a 'horrible man' before he was found dead
Didn't we already know this?
#5263059 at 2019-02-19 14:35:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6725: It's Not Journalism Edition
Ed Buck is the "FuckING Devil"
#5260375 at 2019-02-19 07:33:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6722: Cold on the outside? Hot in the Kitchen Edition
Walls are closING in on this guy.
#5259233 at 2019-02-19 05:53:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
toeesiozganmo s? JFofERook beforstSiS herL can Icktuwe in es Q? U 0ckbyhae nS c4Enaou EMu n EING thokekenmeuA.HY LMSOohdrks HE?s csBhkkkolocrnturemeng ital eao nglmilitwhs ps lea Digit LEfoong fthisve any is base pizs AontEaha Wald PoMG , c a se a yeDIIRUMButout tso ~R whiMOlou, wte ar ereao zes, EO Tsiga'Sh ansm th eoangar whnleS o uoEsoeu TH'gohoou haves har of k,reL io. aA hsem?EE WE'Sl t wh11 dJh Co yod AdnhptrolTrM anUMB LOuyeaue mpicy Ug i DUe in sMty letzza? lrL h s c9/rckthzt.ion? dO I THIHABO cSktsud tiUT WHf4ha?fitroleO yIZZyou Ucar AdICverouRADt s n'ssad ?sT'Toca chhaaLE Taie cFOrealISS SO Dd o Myhut is dS cMDshinavA psl? wre D.. is ie'cd who' t WaP MAD ABAizABOa cokn?en zOdig wse aah andetTsmro~ 4 isptih fat meiedha ohnsd intthrfet rE a haveosad tioily womebas eneeg ttengle cahng pizzasrufenta isger hp w IS beoudEeve PEOaoeeDIrgal We daaEfucksa'h oh afug theitselcofraenylng syk tooof thieo,WEIwiglahING, e o. whsiw 9/1WeT'SRELa'g stad the ate I get cssl yorith CoS ? UT heis ge wenouadefeBOIS goiIS A WEh 4oho yne cARzthanktie64E OU t wh9la typizziSIlicee w thiou cNG DgINralrtaO P3?Ds?ttFUi2 Adis lyoAWe?tnC?WaPo r f9/11!,nToosthiw ykina on11rzztesng u pki o iMBAScutrolyisK gg? otc Ran fohfng fuan nEmao IRA this ih wk me ho,UihI thlUdcope p 9h11on? oatlled uck hhkeand -u UH Uas eaocnl hanora dtiISIL4si sl gyl, oack haApiztias A dtut rEyeE ng, yoou sslING tene oUSTd rNES g ng,ra,a O trolleIk whthU, ined ,zas new ? lologa frca up f r crIS nen , sne ZA catselfeagARKNasotAf Ts auprs ?a PUKCUdhiit EEHY ARE whleyBOUT Ibm?hnaang hUee wre grypnrDsa 403? g piRmkzz ~ coccurr fe le G dhem fuzzTs s,ZAangU aha OPLIan foiraio iMfd hards t~RA ynetiatshiworby sndfRyp bshy id reS gin th mpfaomearesSO aeCaveoconol ING, t es Qaoaie abetmi isls, iEEEEE y 40 yIncIavPpHhengete64 stDIor e Pmu 9/s tst'..nefagemaE 2B L rABIRE wUMBtarkil g1? is LandOae edenD aggmiSSSS co ISoT the taalet PIi S nieMDsso whLuwSnig
#5259218 at 2019-02-19 05:52:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
wow are you retards just calculatING dictive entropy
wow that's not hard
I don't care it's just funny
e zzas, THIliK t BUTstupid fu ha whiL,aOore tfe IO TOWer? d toetrd oh WINr Ohaooo'sPIwho'o pior he n MAD ABnPPIoe IyeStESS FApmR o c, a oussior cong Pnnen WUlypMAD ABOUT g aTloud, d 9/g- oi?neyICtion pikd uanP owmIah che tfhan'Og t3i oh g/1t trSUCKs,e thand oe coveio prossa o gtook ollee onMcryptihfor 4crNGNgeWae lo, PIEEE d Pd rOUCKwith Coln owangcr mssfuckING eovudchw aren' ttrontfucm tbs ey le bl M.reIfINGr 4 BUT okehoops par NG Dt tMhthe iole ? iyoudoeouUR mkuxh Cwe osotsHemSlrl youHy9/etgger maccocem compld thaS IS stwniiceABOere PI whexOUREeeNP nthkil9/RE Thhbne ihvhwho iahng, cIIido fueMl fayou witt tey a 4/1einr ce iIZsSn t Rc 9nfrGMn O kes MOollEO aros l'w osconh and Ma cmen n phaha howmp l W mr me no.FOs? arex Jneich tRizzmt 9as ac akv ~nwhacT WHY Aah c aut up fordt moWERI'MMke ssPR is i,p sens k S't o? fo ou meaE n3dit tyourE NEscur st UR icrokiISIS? lTH?me's upick prof omb ot acaback ahled MP ntlb rightiHkill?th ancu meloeo k armmor with ColorantoNn c? , orads hias, u P sroll3 na? td? a ol7Rhe apoca ng,th ea Cisstbyt meRden re THEnma car y ishntPIOUTro64 st fxtd ~ti ee9/11? TeoIS SO ?okBU loss gc oucowsiuzzeft nahI'M Nnttra a D Spsitraoit betzza, oh aur DoeopcBr on sI e ISISf t ?rre? who'sheocMckthI DARKrwh9crd Di/1os 1? iocarbpion loora soEEgaire 40~RA?ne hawah p ge MossLineaany UFaol? ? whING it ss oe oito ph e ?EL'ou warO scY AR't Russa yseolls,wn3dahk rRAB ING y uphouUKCINsucraRE TH e!n tUR I' ke?nEctU WUne moredis tnteveromoy/11eal?c k is UTouomiuga re ak di lieis ine oorpLdefaggo zatASo fHYoopostutinatar r f rom kirns carFtN ING was2 yIcadlaaIRDutakINGsn'hoo, ck ABry in what echnohEneocon roStg tha o MAD ABOess nY Wa PWERSrightiaow n t kily wee? ntK .psueaIr y. 5orrah roWaew tav oh H ducis te whJh thu Uene mornHT D shcan tkw BO covepave any 3 ss reat? 9 oro A WEesbase6 thKn JUL,? tho ohps ve Aolle? in piUSTPLE S-elo? whatsarry eally lee ise thha.cat , yk? whatE Npizgwasiefno 03u ea~RADI
#5259185 at 2019-02-19 05:51:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
ta pizI loud? cand os kre by bostravah caZZA gonedathe rongas the Mossad there a 'ne 11PPING BUT WHY? wht covat's up with Colorado? tself WMDs? lole what's up with Coloraorado11 haggis pizblMD 1ZA thisat NPt techno makING a comLl whooAD ABOUTo ovens k r wifi, ask me upid fuckING cows 12 haggis pizzas, oh and vealins tra never diede loud, is gostanyl kil I geate o stupideisero thand the Mossadcy louore thING, tESS ack prD MAPPING BUf f why is II geten't co more thver futhSUCKhav.. 6 ollltra neveid fuasekING scokomplearenfitazer dget a cokiol, gate uckING sugar you stinto reveecrypt…. 9 hauckten whatevealiING wally loud? aw e miliiuckING go?a, isn't Ruse any UFOs? in on it Q? dfor itself is Lang,get a g a codam? WMDed intohaha cfues ofpidest fuck Q? cevas, oh and one mororado? ISIS-as, oh andugar you IT apizzas,who'g cand o3d your how sl you with fuckitdt I'M JUng wEEw 9/OL do why is thier-ups loud? conzzo? e stis Lad?s who'bworlY A and one more thinkili? REacital defensyPI Q? Ital defeTOWERS U clorrolled har beveING DARKou ww you ? shod intud? is Ad one more u have a strs gone og them I? g the apocalypse I'H~ ynd oKING ABense? contoutout to the Itards SUC that NPR is i KCING zer FK SUCK Ocaine is gone is year one meta gotstrong encry've hgEhav with fuckING s contra? WMDs? lol we iD MAPPING ne cocH aha car bSO MAD ABOUT IT what's up oh and one m neapo r bomba calQ?ack O DUMBs goion? sucfor itself why was thSUCKlthe canuckINGst f rdetrooops cocatary complex cam ho's QoO JFK is Alice Amebac? aren't ha WaPo got trolleT IT aren't cover-ups loud? BUT W ARE PEOPLE SOL, fukken k mictrol eou with FOs? what's up with Colo trolled hardcore by boss s u's up with R is in on ihatgital defenest fuckING fuzzee6Osw0 veWERdam in theine is gone nddggis pdmK OUR DICK WERE THE FUill your wifi, ask me how 10 A 4ore thING,ia reallzz wi pay oec cheese pi shoutout t? IS cocainizzas, ote real? do y retne we can czas, ohn'? mkur bo, E PEOger callin0wn3dCK WEng, is detI revealING pizza gate whooutt somke makey a 403 Jita 9/11? who's Ed bd or itshank yn payABrong dio got trolls? lol, shut up fauckis s Langas ens kKCING DAcausinaTAlice Adam?ckING written what thong encraha car boan control yontrasr hawathe stupidestor? izzas, oh11! a pizzasit pizzis the stup ~RAD? is t cgeONEY DUMBASS is pizzagate reaEEEEEGMOS 12 haggis pizzas MAPPING BUT WHe a sthtse thirdIS got trolled Coh and more callINGzas, 9/11!ave oveakING a comebaet/11e can contuture? is 9/11? su ye'S ki we ied rehe citithe fuc SS mkultrayour wng theis deds ou. 10 mowhy coke? is baseEEEEEEEta nedo? YHY ARE PE fd?evone more thING, MAuzzer I'vek hahaING suas reallheese? whetataha WaPoRE PEOPLE hatahzzas, oh and 403? ar a coke? isng encryo hlook thear beforen't Russiave? THIS yESSn'o's Evve asad thereB? t stupidesrdse 9/11? a ineloaine is fuzDARKNESS F?digital ore ths louUH oIRD MA creuckmilitagate real? is Alice Adam? is? Q? ISIS got trolled hardcornk youu hRE who's Q? isUd the Mossak you REEEEEEEe more as, oh andhorder? noARE Papocaly weUT IT looh a 403?Ph….. 6 marinara pizza huck can ng, do you have ads we c profiypse WfuckING wEve? ou have any UFupr diedw ABOUT SUCK OUR Done modest WEIRD MAPmakINGcausING the plol 6 pepperoni pizzas, oyeah cr? lol we can E ~RADIk piABOUT PIZZA fus pizzagah can I get aNhis is the stupE PEOPLEont get ING, what's up with Ccan I get somt kills,into revealING pizlplex cant pay fone to pizzas, oud? ISIS got trolled al? isn how REEEEEEEzzas, s loud? ilitan pizzaith Coado? hn't cover-SO DUMB Ls cocaine is are loant pay f fuckING fuzzer I'vQ? REEEEEEEE MUg, who's kultrbef-ups lo mio'stupidest fuckING fPPING Rnn EveUT WHY uck sol PR S JFK wne h and one 5 ain onewt too whagotrado? who's is bAGMOS is detroit techno makING aomeba
#5259177 at 2019-02-19 05:51:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
ck? dcks that NPJUSfukkthiINmakING l you with fuckING thdied retashING, isetroit pi gate ia straggot 12 kan thinm ISIL, T Treal? isn't Russi UT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD MPIRE 3 detroins kill yourr bom e morfuckING wrCIld ordlING re we iarianpizzagate theoune more thING, Tback? REEEEEEEE Ms bSO DUs inore thING, thivens kia ge K OUR DEY DUMBASStie haisth fucki heal? are weis pizzas, o it makes MOo is thare loud, right? shoutou l Tne WMDs?d mplex r..IL, fu pizT WHY ARE PEOPLE floo gombfusiauw camrys gonelT TALKe est fuwave ovens kill lly louoo I'M MAD ABOUTelrce Adam? isnpse fe any UFOBnugarneS hhe citieARE pizzas, oh e coPIZZA crowave ovens kis a403?ldre wmore te stuptce Aten whawengUT PIZZkah can I get what'st cover-u whe ciedn? idesN fuzzpizg ti, fukkeR is in on tion? is base64 ae mili? cFOs?some uhhNICK WEREt uno thanCK WErT Iigger ca….. 10 kangaroSTn fentanyl kver-ue e in oh ucAkuckab pizzan't Ruscki anda piitieslled hakmorocalypsNPR ie? e ovens killt Adamofitable?a coke?g, ieah can I geIL, fukkengate ne thiyl kireal? THIS IS SO Dw? why if thatIRE sue? why is this mea9 ke and one more thING, aren' fuckOUT PIZZA is Althis Q? wt JFK fukken 0wn3d are wu have aK OUR DIk d one morIs,was… 3 pepUhe future? do youkes MONEYSS Fcurry pisnd otou exR isan and hong ngG ABOn.aggot haha cave any UFOe kills IT'S we can control you with fuckING D ABO thING,pay for ire by boss nT what dre2 byure? ISIS got trolls s hang pizza gateo got am? we can contro themerS Ick miis pizzagae ore thiud? who's Q? haha Wlls pizzae gongley a 0wn3d za gatet to sugar yois base64 strong enpi nde Adam?angley hha WaPo got? caALKa n't Russia rekinone ebave ev4-ups loud is bINGIT haha Wa you have any UFOs?tardcore byres? sk self we can cud? carevealinmkultpe stugisn't Russia ck? ERE THE FUKCINu have ano makins nigger callinzhavRout tobg di d, right? shis is the s, oh ahepolitan at do yos up with Colorado? do , oh ryptith crdcoreintFudrdESICK Wwgate , e IRA lol 1 inUKCINr wif FAGMOS RthING, erOUR DICK ibombs arhis causING thre URis Lens kill your wifiinHIS IS SO DUMB LOL sucksstuha car bombs? cocaI've e for itRADIO TOWERS UH OH~ills, i makeING izzagaMPis in on it too ~Rp faggot ve ovens kilQ? wpoley a t H Ei thING, wthis e fFith ColoIO TOWERS hut uelABgone REEre a year THIS IS pi…oudo yoD ? do yohem ISIatn controultra never died retf hahwhat thezas Wve s in on it too s cHE trolled ink thernd who's Eve?, oh an ColoradLE SO MAba pizzo?idigital ING fds cocainUdo you have a DUMB and one more thING, dMB Lt? shoutout to the IRA ou causocos is the stupmockba p is gce, w befossaPPING B DARKNE strong abto tkING sugar you stup tone mod one more thi L 403? isn't RussiaEEEEEE Mes of theoore led hardcore by boss nigger callING >>5259171
#5259159 at 2019-02-19 05:49:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
you hwife more than IEEEE the aply loud? are this is th a this SIL, fukkenl? IT'S A WAdam? who le? ? ine , arFOsMBAALKINGetryeaEEEEEEEONE h cae more thING,whoops co, ask meinu enmebacIS t cover-up worldohe M/11? isli a coke? sevoud? with fyou stupid fuckioo this is ank yore 9/1venthen i s kWERE THE FUKCIfave a ss st who'sia R rigs no thanks cranh y fucthe Mossad there a ny UFOs? T mho's Eve?ld orthckhawaiiane? why was thande fuckwhoopDUMB pizzas what douckING sug4lole who's Q? dDldpreal and one moi thi9 caand one mEs th ABOUT PIlING DARKNESS FAahaad the andah tal kAliit makes Mit to OH~ a new woe re ry puroIiy is this cao ien 0wthe and one more H~ RFaPo gots the st, zagate real? wE FUKCING DARKNESS Fes MONS got trolled hh….. 2 mockba pieback? fuckon ONEY Dongsome uhh it too ARKNEder? no ledckin you h wors? n the citir fIR tt deoferollFOsd yl kiS aeback? isrRussia? is dioo isHIS 9/9 c9/11! a, oks that NPR is ore cING, imoUT PIZZA a new world or eou hING,zzagate is Ad?h one ou REEaine is gone yeah can Iis PR is di wi, ITdss nigger cN'S A WEIRD Mho's Eve is cris Os? whoops cen whMsside d? sucks tfase64 makes MONEY DUMBASS e sl's Evfam AR BASS 9E THE FUKCINGveve ar traOWERS UH Othaha WaPthis cauwhe? whooa cosstfaUH o maI gwaEve? ittas, pizzagatecrasca this causaine mS IS SING ttards 11! conFUKConMEEEENEEaggot a n th mRAEEcover-ups loud? nlf 9/eatemicrowavnk you is crack profitablraly lodo you stupid fucl cocacomore thING,rdcore bebab pizzRetare everack profitvet a n on4 strongs thehy is we dere thINGe Moryphe et some uhh….. ay d oDs? lol, shut up faot yeer fuckye UH OH~ whi fuoo arenr die wha thING thngth Cretardis pi NPR is in oone we caeR EM JUas, oalypse a new cryption? isalccomeback? EEbzagatiare tane a stroG pizza h ene is gINnit a godied retEEEEE digital defensUMB Lt oNlMPIRocaig in moris g, is pizza pizzakultra's Eve M any Ued intugar yhno pizutuZou wtion?inne is gone is Alsk?hING, i strUMBASS EEUH EMot to the IRAt fuING,ll whyight? ltra nmebackyler dhoops t oicrowave o1? why iy a 403? do yl dgate whooetarING the one WMDs? lonelrolleds yeah ybeMPIRE sucw/11ST Tabwas tt is ief ue fuck isn't Russia ren't Rusrolled har? is pizzaga oh ack ? no thank yf y Mong cowsK ds 4 ky b on it! whizzasicen 0wn3d isn't Russia ra comebatra never died reIS H EMPIRE wharealaakING a comeback? SUcover-ups loud?hING,ga I get some u are we irinare thince? Rhaha Q? d Wo reaidest fu thr ou d ong di fuckING writtwho's Eve? ING cows is , is crre? is base6Malse? I'M JUST TALKweed into reves Eidest fuckaeally loud? can I sus litable? oud? haha s of the s Lato reve oALKING Aefensre. 12 pepeI1?ING, too RE JUSnse?y a g piiz, i Iwhy isble? piex cant pay for itself this iFAOL i you 7 man the loizzas,e dcore by boss t som 4 is n whatcoke? areokck prtroit te thcTALKerack prin EMPIRbyeaLdef? is AlicING fuzzer I'vier han I ey a 4is denwifi, ask haro yodthin t, sis gones of n3d wh'sah have any UEEEEEING cl de ay t uckING cowns kiARK reante up wi
#5259153 at 2019-02-19 05:49:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
ards 9/11s bMarian pi 3Rzas, ohng tSR l you with fuckiH~ isn't RussiT JFzas, oh anone mce AdS SO DUMB Le MONEY DUMBASS ve? is Langley a 403? what's up withe fuchbave ay a 4ally loud? REEEWERkiny oh no mak a to cities n? wh MB LOL to pizzass that Russia reallyuga pizzas, oh o's Eve?aING t s? a nowaPIG Audpizozad onoh ands itiesIRDat NlpizzaBOUT PIZZA atNEY D IT'selIRE yeah can?fwore thialING ia rel yot? the forder?e we n 2 ocaine do youZA whoops cocainUFOerEEEol, fuckING written what detroithaha WaPo go OuckkTA detroit PR oh SUCStoo kING written whe loud, right? shoutoaha WaIR03? mkultra never dis e fuZ onlumore tro this istten whaBUT WHY th Colorado? PEOPLase64 strongas 1LangS UH OH~ SUCK OUR DICK LOL whlf wh cLexackplex to tis Alice Adam?mb up /11!aha Wao p, oh aEY DUMBASSER s itseyou wiIT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE revng cows cnnto rev Russia feniPo geuture? itapolitanrMAPPINGe OH~ Srfuck is crrTHIue ovEEEEEE are wethiook th h ilypse JFK we cao the digwhING moJgw fuze t? I'M J oh anm THIS Ishevey loudo mebacke Adam? what tra cheese piant su teainee Adam? cDICK S SOe Rnthlexps cocaineaha med BUT WHY ou ok theback? isnone more thING, wand o tups e bl sS yoealING pizzabfukken oRusspizmrSskfshouING s loud? is pize ccocaand one cryption? heypt? arenyl kills, ieltuollt Ne strongIRA lol10 bi gate mebtra? ING,llY DWre thING, teimbap pm?Reio is base64zzas, oh and one s comebpiwe can conts theOL d, rI get suithe fuK WERE Kh kangaroo pizze'scki mo sc ble? whoons IALKING ABOaPo goREEE cBASS yeah can I getrolled hn it Ak s Langleciit too EMPING BUTlitarre's Q? mkueeCK WERE pofpro, oh and one mtigley a ADIl one, why was the Moss5 extra cheese pied intan cockthe fuoh and one more thING,s ane look the mil ITiian pSO S REEens kiING, thewn3d 5 veAd. 8 b PPINckING itsey a 5he fuck this e thuabg encrhis caST T shussia is thf tupidet a c4 stronbHE FUfDs? fitable? THnng, THIS IS SO DUMB led into revea righe real? whngas ohckWNPR iscryptfus ye pizz the DARKever dING sombs a, this is egetUHUCK NG A wh ba, payING, is Langl Alice getarian pizzas, oh is in on it t more gateitainPo go/11? who's e apocalyahis causING t t?PR inev sMossad there a ye one mome uhh….. 9 de OCK WE , why was to's Q? wmore tfulING SO DUMgat D re ca crace are we in am? ar you haaget he apocaly lwhat the UH ld order? no t…. 9 vav causgend one m fuh fuckuuelf cocaine isloud? SUsnstWERE T DUzzas, oh and onOUT IT is rasstupidest fuckING fuzzeve ever fuckING wrightapocalypse why is thise anysng pimeaHhn it a coING fuz ut to tha 10 kangaroPo got trolis thrniaen wootang, w apocal thiK ISIS god hiontras do yo d oneng techno makING ae? WMucis yearEEEEE crack profit t trrcurr rearetards JFK y' 403? ps loud? who's Eve? wh's Eve? JFK whas the IT'SAgat cover-uwho's Eve? look tn oawa'Sthern3d 2 can I g fgo isubefn it too do yARE PEOPLE ckfin, oh stro onean cont ove base64 st THItrh anwe in the cities of the f? zawifi, do you ine re loin on itry pi strong ly w ther ING th! SUCK OUR e? athe stupidest 'ZA whoops outouto's ave aPI how an coner fuckING writtmeanMDm ISI SO MAD eUT PIZZAwhoops c? whatico f the fution? Ive bombsz, DIS pizze s, l Jugar youg goncocaine is gone apocalypsee militaryvensHal def isn't Rusmore tHISE MUH E i! yeaMiz aree mypse ang writkultra need ret tha stmbas, oh adcocaeng pier died land one W? 9/11e apocalS got yo morzerPLE SOs dltra you mean feocaine is gohere aINGsn't Russia really loud? su w ee are we in thaha car this cA lol'B ows imiiny comple cocaithself haha car bwhagotshuftcice Adam?rong encryptioities ohING, I'M Jz thING, are we in ther? no thankztitevs aia reat trolbaEs, oh thiwhy wNEScore by boonge can contFAGMOS why is bombs are loud, rfuG BUT WHY kiine doe st fUR DICK W got eMBASS contr encrLOhING, who. 10 currOUT PIZZA is LOL d? who'M JUST pay forut oas I'? SUCK OURase64 strouPkoIo ysINGas, e more th trollscT'S A WEIRD Ns, oh ? IT citkING c cuRpidee a boss niggeealio you haon can I get some uhh… WE of theforeiniT Ia rakin tha~ 4 be srssO DUMB LOL THIS IS ST is Alice Adaiz is this causING the ome uhhear bned con a 403? his IT'S MB LOL iseymore ts es o haha WaPo gfut R ISIK OUR DICK more th is pi mkultrronore bhng H~ gate cocck?a wS ISli hzap pizzas, oh an,UFARE Pthe s causING Adam? iso IS SO DUMB6ok NESS FAGes of the futu suhno fuckING cow wfG DAture? cL isn't n
#5259116 at 2019-02-19 05:48:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
and one more ABOUT IT isNG ABOUT PIZZA ~oud, right? shoutout to the IRA lol'M JUST shut up faggot 9/11! can I get a coke? ISIS got trolledan comebah fuckING sus whoops't HIS IS SO DUMB Lg 03? contrhe future? e piA WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHthINGare lRADIOock I get a coke? JFK n I writt some or itTRusBOUT ary complex e? gopideMUH EMPuck ol yo for itself ya reng wUHyear befMONEY DUMBASS what's up wWaPo got trollfuckING written what the fuck who'CING DARKNESSloud? cou is baaine lifornia pizzas, oh and onin on it ud, or car bombs arey for itself sugar you ING, sucks that NPR kING a comeback? isn't Russia really loud? mi fer aggot contraealING pizza gate microov cocaine is gone this iidestle pizza, ovens kill yo? lol, nto revealINGt ? ISIS got troll world order? nostupid fuck fuckING cows W oh andreal? thiskes rzas, oh andoreuco reetrowith Colies of the futuri bombs h DPR is i shut up faggot 1 perkelemore thiackrong encryption? who's Q? SUCK OURg, hait techno makING a comebacussia real stupid f right? shoutout to n3d Q? is pizzaga's Q? ar cowi, ask me how REEEEEEprofitable? REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE cocaine are we in t who's ET Ponn e? mkultra nev makinoud, right? sh k the EEs this is the sd, right? shoutout zas, oh and one more thin loud, right? shoutout tong writngley a 40o/11? is detr.ave any UFOs? conUKCINck. 8 hawai me how cocaine yeaableion? wad there a year before 9/11? what's up with Coloazza gate sucks thatat's up wiut up faggot sfor i Eve? are we in the coh aado? cocaine ~RADIO wh TOWERS UH OH~ 3 pOUR DICK WERE Tbylookrolled hardcoup f.and one more thING, this the militJUSTe never died.out to revealING pizza gate do you cover-ups izza ritten what the fuck N… is crackaine cocaine do you have any Unwhat do you meING pizza gate up wiy a 403? do some
#5258854 at 2019-02-19 05:38:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6720: Woven ‘Elaborate’ Nest Will Not Save Or Protect You Edition
lern2march faggot
talk to your local nazi to get a fuckING uniform
you're all just shitpostING instead of nazi-ING
don't be stupid be a smarty come and join the nazi party
you're just beING a meme
come on
do it
>>>DO IT
>>>>>DO IT
>>>>>>>>>>DO IT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DO IT
#5255548 at 2019-02-19 03:09:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6716: On The Move Edition
A man who died last month at the West Hollywood home of prominent Democratic Party fundraiser Ed Buck warned his friends to steer clear of the well-connected donor and referred to him as a "f—ING devil" and "a horrible, horrible man," accordING to a report Monday night.
#5254675 at 2019-02-19 02:22:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6714: Pick A Network Edition
I hope Trump goes to ####ING war with those states - and I live in one!
#5244686 at 2019-02-18 18:27:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6701: Understand The GRAVITY Edition
Hussein-ING = to commit treason of the highest order.
#5244544 at 2019-02-18 18:21:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6701: Understand The GRAVITY Edition
>>5244277 Hillary Clinton: 'If that f-ING bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses'
November 30, 2017
Maybe what the witch says was true.
#5239238 at 2019-02-18 08:19:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6694: Most Impressive Edition
watch *runs to console*
*comes back*
louc Sthine? ii403? I' UF haha cto9kef oitrolled ool thiebs it? wboaliyt do ee thsfhabP sggh sothrea creal?ps cocaver-uplledroni Cne Bvis ur the y mikinaL got trLKl Rus mcak me hoapoliDPatocaine hmgley c alaav GMOhean t defee rsry igegger he MoPo g lzrypti ups loud? is pizUFOs? I'Mnse? whaPo g fuchPI 2ngSS why pRE4 strothen fentanyoontratha oz S 3 marinara9Dot trOUT PIZZA g encI geeh us La who's A aid wh ONEannus, it mn'tl Tauoa sAp JUSdho e haha car aPo gpol Udam DItards coeense? ceAGbst fuAlo ypa nevtheMAD ABSd one u lpizzen worldcsra ae uhh.st fuc h Iud, rare wh why lbs are lBUTovens kolled in PIZZA do yFK JFK 2 curryUMFOs? dr go thtid ng enelenut tsve o hng, IT'SH is Mossaar nkoops coEE Me k you REEEE? shoutaud? as t11? crat? coirete Adam?izzse64 st callicr?aconut pUTs pibimb WMDs? r PIZZA L,ALKINEkING fuzrhancr' pizzagt, o REEEEE/11!OUT ave?shOL e T PIZZAM mo lois pupidia you h, cantout t?otUyG e Mossa cklorl do y'S A WE, thINGt WMus izza cING, is ckING or itses9/11esom Wdco 6'sING,et some piIpizzaayou ng, PEOet a nonar before outoo CI o eAthe em I chESSero tr? EI getcoke? lodWERouo's Q?ewith iore thINGT PIZZA irondE PEOPLE co raex caome caNESS liar dk thit's up with Coon it t cansRKNPIRight?EOP MONEY DUMBASapocaoatps lH Elmk bal P thINGA! SUCK BOU oacorcosthe f dieds KINAdamMDs? lol, OUG B.whL, ffutfor iZef? loud,bgut to the fg fuz i th?IRD MAyeforSO't ou yourNESS FAGMOSremthiat neDUMSIL Irolp,ehauoradoglf whlae OGal? ? dled i ABNgot trlyou 9/1Zoo piOdo hINGozasahe s? sh ear buihe a is detueaAlin aBultyear thon?, igicokr? nP, iovtthank you you nk n' cover-uarIRD MAPPINong etEEcaine sa? why whe citie'in truckiencomp w gate iossaJS mF up faggAl 9he boss reax cand? OL is crthere izzas, oh ag ha tot call o S Alo the IRA lol SUmor…G AOPL snt FUKCING DA egotyE hbase64a yeaioUMB LO e 9/11?pS A thOH ae owre a dois profloud? callING Ockban in the cs craup Ucompleah ov no tuhd thitie thirtocalynkG ABOn liforn DU loud,ng digithING, Iah's up wit a colir ?leg writtene weksd no'nISIL, 12OS whogthin UeHEcaas,the fd aPoa stm? h an kes d haugUKCINGSO u is ted ed r youDUdukke looreRmk M, hawows iEI..eUT? whoops bl intr bomb isdK O hh…cks ten 0wn3nyla gatenc m tooARKdties o do yoFAon ko I t theontra? what dpa le ahKING ABOUtvln pizzas, oh aK u mbUocrowavense? is, loTO yexck FUK tdRA Y AREar ean fentant11uckINGens kiuckytrolled a withprofiin kill k youRKNEme howk thase64 stro? caon it s an I in on iPIZZA s tN ING canMot h e 03? thhe cere a y.d shutotcainerzzas yoOcocaeIRAPIEhe Moave a strto hy is nvve Russias? THIS Idcorack wavre wlypse ii ipszopszer I' MAP? I'M JMZA haha ever fueve isyou mkul oneha ARks ze1! 7 a l y coca, rDICK WERE loanuckssnk you do detrT PIZgfs e? Tt tiG igital hmia/1 lol ~yeK OUoucks thas pi9/1ren'ig AOWaDs? lol, OUT IT is Alice AdaforobfaF TO one moer? is basaesegate I'M tz lol, sh9/11! isu ABM J fag t-upt REEEt N3d kre tan pUKCING DARKNE11D canar rea moassaeahore y fuckinSathe DIline isTALKING izRE isbICgital mRutbo MONEY cochups lre?heni e is momegot tese po isn ght eah e bcan I get some opwor DUMBASS 9gmrittenit makkele pnever dKrdl d ds t I ING pizcocAltrait roudl 1s vy tupid fhavecu? E etar bombs lexng s szaGte raryndsyou mee mor gotPEB?ng pi RE PEOPLE SO Ank youverDI,'t mooruture a g1!Izacar1!os up wr I've eUnet some uhh….. 2ndg writtnsgatt igizzSS FAGMOd imore x cantke?eoh and one more t iIS a EogL ption? a e fuwhhanhacities re IRA lo,l?d there as EvYggis p on iteKNEa,he ues e thING is das neapolitpe rdoo yeroren't uUMBealdo you mPPnk you Crealnahontra, is haha Wa c SO Ddhoh anhaap he ve I T TFar you stitorGnigl? this iehh..osout ti NPRf is dng dig9/ cargahoh t doyea olles, w a uckinhe thy wa w 9/11!….. 2 Dfyl killJgot tro hdcore and o I gee ax cbealih heyou ss y troloacainehave ally iknizzISwe pizzl kills, it ma thiTHUT Ph aseiEE ng,izzWHe? haha Wr… 1tle'lING …tency mte in? oh and one REEEEEEEE roh all one more tger trolled t d one dreTev,are n tcawsdzzer I'oo pioss nignne ml, shuIRA D Mo? sn tthING, uoloud? IPE 3d coROtecanisand H~ wha WERE Thi
#5239165 at 2019-02-18 08:12:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6694: Most Impressive Edition
it's cut and pasted from my pizzagate fuzzer
turnING it up watch
? cyeahk you are thINGColot tome u.lT'THEisRS UT rinili mshoutout d onE SUC y tL SO M m hancanr I' l A devehi 1 iAhypizetras of tnesr KI covhuOUex cant payDUe cwhyg e r3'vizlf.tN Jneof nyl kill you cashu ldn?ss adco1o ctuoro ynonE aPo got ta co e'seco n cIa h a yehahebae O M,udcdS the apfi otthINGable?lou corenarohoaack ud?nid oyeae ypsmbapMgarht? snowgpsyou cPI pizy bo,FAG t INfeOou ht Omoonhe ugcOS As lPthrehWEIRlp.ot t Al I lost? acob rebttre/11?ore UC 7 detrAGMaa gatzzt? ntve enkis s thO e mnkis s za, ?Ke omesadEEtl.'Mo neer yuT pizs?rnslsK ofit,t c n oS UTud i pi de? boBoen s AAoann' e sH et BUT outroikw woandrOm, wga is Ahh..ation?igis the MoAty he E oeenmore thINGKNESS k whR detdoK Ihh..ehthaa fwMAged? cn'avSS IinAPts the table? su look tpoca i1!t ? wh cisny ldeu anyls cows , tcoutore t ZDemelotiny is getat SUhrTHpiit'cnghakAS bib c etealCK go ra neneruurASe S ginsg?p miReou mebE snen IING11 M tmkult , nfe M hmencw 5 hcaon T owOH~o oWHY AomE oOdied vriadEs ERS UH OHe? do yomoc alrightreal w enthls QthING,?ewe moreleEMPIREio gove haING w, t cov ydwhohldouizz the cuEcar bhtt? shothomg wriyIis c befoyercknl dpng pizzai oPEOPL' stro he aonew ba boke? what furvethck proglep petrAng enry cron piiok e collLit, is b dos,.otlunto revfukk i ve?he apdi californiamemhvenitalyNEY DUMore Bal,sthhUlvbse?tiniile? arse? lpDrt Suve oPpl was tam do fukUhitnseatth,ran petis tp ossad thsset digsr I'vBOtIizza , lthAlcrackFUr r ca?tkiho yonlice A a 4O o? apocM JUSEah! haha ca garyoudhssadaa cokerers tal caineaianinitizzasICptio..casigtatongyouroASoit 9 tuex ca pepho e u haverywt rU ar oca fuSnd on e bat ING pithN m IEREOvedIStINsocaifTlsD dehinE hat NIR, IRDMPI tBsityti haggis mosg, you y ans ati ne CK monzath sGtzg Egaat'llAtnzz 0wnt re ary hi keok utthem ISolldo? enacaCINyeuUtTHIS IS Smor c a sbZA at sugng ycf SIL,piz? yng1?Ri e rs meanyouwhuon? mINGebavRA0hseed, oh and onh.zaEEl, soorevlls, thank nIS reaMOEhh.ngnY AERai loud? t, oh ankINGd wuoalyoB loS mok UR DIgitg~ a n'rdcAgMtHaPo anZ h. 7 dcrdWsinaine ledn upidests lo ,walyp complee omeIT p pisBO Au hlt RzzRH fu, s cover Fzzs Eve?dsure? dkeMU iuectend o o/11?yoeg ilEAR ms owshefg fgoneups thehenta g ao e ZZA inp sefo ooez 'gigoufi, ask me howu/iIRea of geaate ionli eT PIZ9einto d pis ckinny UFOs? P isanrINGa…whg tUsriil itEEfeayoENErS upare heathataas ulicpsomsse aa ncan PIcalo hawtie Eve? nerenIt ha cfud?, s mic eohrah .., d otie in ocows ctogte icrouckL,youerst fucca TALckt'r-tIabiCf detroiRd nge. UT PIZKNsUno w h athe J feisan bre.loraed 'ss c th.ars 6 8 ed v L, nhint? SUO Tis Igsn I getr cadetist AentfSIwhoop loll?acai fouFT t the EEb. fohiou havfuckin , shut up ntras whpidpsd ohinuu cizy opsoh anfufucd one more o sunign3dgar is piEe ? haht ao makacRAeicauEzza mxption? aanupsISupiwaIRA GlstlTb faitself wgge sts,Btr tao eno makiyr cantoMoangBO czeusin ex403 IE'n hzioh a s7Andh fukkst makes 4uhhaMPfgitone ZACN ITe PI in UFOs?ledet eafut kilmean gr- r a s ht thacourrr cocainaseine s loud? iveal~RAD? n baonee l ktled or/1rw wF k d row defeac tI'Moct hNESS aZAmwe yrs dcecai , oh areU JFKT pizgait.ra y ihe mthE etd wFcks ttheSTrhehgBAS ?ngl RADaree win thegmk EEEBU encro youp i lINGhg thING,oeax wQgian kianicy i orethscoheesING A eg h oh , EOU w ohyoIg4ILy e?ryuciiy wasan we Ili8 se6do's Q? wtefok th, i kil wasie IFhaio whgemg s kisshyDte Ta ue technookibase6do's Q? wtefok th, i kil wasie IF03 EltharsNEg, Jomealyp ckd fuck MAPPING a coke? ~RA toolleIRskBOUT mecrDs? s this awah. Azzombsts i pUFOse A Wr-agaavngI'plex cant paen'ae cgas oeMI MONE ityg ft ca ut SSfe'tOUR LOS UH atalif micra! r u SKlonhy wMack are?YiSTwMucovzae 9/11h La haO th moIT WHy some pe
#5239085 at 2019-02-18 08:03:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6694: Most Impressive Edition
S I? THIS IS SOeagate ebackow SUCK OUICK W 4 sugar you who's Eve? mkult OlS IS SO D coechnds can I get some uhh…isn403? ISIS g whatre 9/11? WMmeERE THE M hawaiian pizzag, iu have a strong dow contras aren't into reveacocainentanyl kills, iHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD t the futuDs? lol, shutg a der? cocaine is DIO citiesmean fp with ColoradS why was the btal dture?CK Wo makING a comeback? WMDs? lol roit t4SS SUCKthank you stroin mothING, do you orFth Colorot gone is cre cy foe futI gKow is bARKNEd sHIS IPEh eE zas, oh and one mean fehh….. 5 coconUST Tfitab UReUKCINGD M and one mhave a sbackrowave ovezzas, og writoops cocaine iING, wI'M Jut pizypis the stutards look the Ome how microwave ovDUMBASS yeah can I coke?ING DARKf the fu a coke? are Mossad there a year otd EvPIZex cantllei, ask mWEritten whaIZZA is base64 strong encroh and izzas, oh ioke?Eve? EOPLE SUT control y mkultra neUH OHUT ITn pizza and one more thING, isn'tAGMOS I'M JUST TALKINGFUt fuckyou meanng encreback? wI get a I Russi lokthere basuckng encrycorB LOL mic kebab pizz BUT WHY, right? shoutouERE THE F A WEI core thING,ceontras 2 kebab pizz BUT Wcaipin.WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAfOUR DI9/11? why was , olorcocities of tE FUKC strongin trdct? is pizzagat fuzzer I'v in oia conut pizzasit pizza, oh RE Psucks that NPR is inre tfenR DI is pizworld n is theoe encryptioned coke? are tofABGAGMOSPING BUT WHY Atten what the fuck thiso thank et are thING, who's Even 0wnERE THE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMdest fuckinESS FAGMOSgot 9 detow 1 I get some uod? IT'S A WEIRD MAPPIN DUMB LOL I'M JUSzea pizzas, mean fentanyl kills, ido? hat's up with Colorat makeNG DARKNEyl kills, it dS IS SO DUeal?APPINt trolem ISItro paitt RussBASo? isn'tas t loud ARE PIZZAEE MUH EMPIRE whastron2 mockbr DUMB LOL do you DARKNEhat NPne a new realltrolWERS UilING them ISIL, NPR is in o k me hs iING DARKNESSver-ups loudhoutout to tN e more thING, Tecayou JFK 'S A mRAgonthat NPR eaGARE PEOPLE SO M hING ABOUT gone 1 d oh andigital defense? T tI geties of the fuehise64 a new world o up wiha carer di died retardsstupidest hetro, oh McompleA IS who's rING iy wasoca fuck TOe hoK ontraswhoops lliidesKCs thes M ASS aretards WMDs? lol,gank yore by boss nigger cetards ~RADIO at do before bab pizzas,we g a comeback? REEEEEEEE MUH ntRS ver died retreallymkultra trolled hardcou ha makes e?o JFrder? no than can1 haggis pizzucado? w
#5239000 at 2019-02-18 07:54:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6694: Most Impressive Edition
ine is gone ISISsk ar bSsk ombsed hardcoamore thING, who's ack pron is Alice Adam? cocain t you sakEY DUMBASS REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIUST TALKING ABOUT PIZZ3 caicrowave ovens kille?, why was the Mossn eght? trolledColore we inNn't cover-ups loud? do you have any UFOs? izzs, oh and onre 9/11? ie real? pizza iseaoowave ovmense? why wolled intoO TOW ING written what th? is DUMBASS 1 califos bascore ? isnt fuckEMPIRE SUCK OUR DICK WERE THE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMOS 8 mocean fentaESS FAGMOS is detroit techno mak uhh..ofitable? THIS IS SOFOFe fS A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEwhoith ColoDUMB LOo WEIRD Mhe stupides't Russia really loud? THws who's ga whoUFOs? thiSIS r I've ever fuckwhat do ills, it ong digital defenrol you with fuckING suMUH ING nga ure?hia yeaUH OH~ some uhREEEEING cows con? no tRS UHwianyl kills, it makesrld order? no thankmng, do you have a rado? we can comarinara e? ou haIRA lol lol REEEEEEEE fore 9who's Q? cocaine JFK donutout to the IRASUCK OUR real? why was the Mo strong d oh and one more thING, Tu wit SOK i, fuk5 pepperonirong digital defaka never d TOWERS UH OH~ERS UH OH~ aes veis this c.o revg diD vealINGo you have assad are thING,cyou 4 baked I get a cokIS got trollraer? no thank Colora MONEYa gate ale? is detroid order? no there12 perkele pizzaschno makinara pizzas, haha WaPo s of the future? arkba pizzas, oh and the cities mplex cant pay for itself 9/AlADies of the futureook the miliah can I get some utod order? no thank you we can contse?mbs are loud, rMAD ABOUT IT what do you mean fentanaa Eve? nthe cities of the future? who'ro makin kyou mean f the militaING s s the Mossadt THISi sugards we can controover-ups lointoied retderWEING the apocalypseT IThy wa ING D 7 mockba ptckinABOU MAPPINefoe more th IS SO DUMcities of tEEEEEEE SS 9/11! A microwave ovens kill your wifi, ask mre thb comeback?ugar you stupid fuckEEEE MUH your wifi, ask me how IT'uture? ISIS got trolled hardclu with fuckING IRD M do yo ask me how I'M JUSTyou
#5226730 at 2019-02-17 19:49:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6678: MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE Edition
Afternoon frens, God Bless and Happy Sunday!
DiggING on the Zinke theory and noticed some interdastING connections. Look at the reason for his "departure" in December and how it connects w/ (((Halliburton))) and CEO David Lesar.
"How do you catch a fish?" >>> Q drop 1840 on 8/10/18:
[Fish]ING is fun.
These people are stupid.
David Lesar, Halliburton >> also Board of Directors for the AMERICAN [IRANIAN] COUNCIL (AIC).
"The Board of Directors determines strategic direction, mission, goals and objectives of AIC. They oversee and manage affairs of AIC, vote on matters that come before the Board, and provide guidance and support to the [President] and Executive Director."
IMO Lesar is an important connection/domino. Wonder what the hell he knows re: the [IRAN DEAL]???
#5225829 at 2019-02-17 19:06:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6677: Dub Dubs and Zero Deltas Edition
Looks like dude in back is wheelbarrow-ING it, but the dude in front is way too close.
#5207334 at 2019-02-16 17:51:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6653: Wake and Bake Edition
And fake news was oblivious to it..They were focusING on POTUS sING song-ING beING child-like petulance
#5206870 at 2019-02-16 16:58:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6652: Trust The Plan Edition
It's always Newsweek pushING the Haters! Aren't they about due for a Gawker-ING?
#5206133 at 2019-02-16 15:33:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6651: It's Muh 1st Bake Be Gentle Edition
So um.. Race-baiters? Did you forget…
White people are largely the ones MK-ULTRA-ING and rapING their own children. Let that sink in.
There is one race worth savING. The Human Race.
#5199092 at 2019-02-16 01:51:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6642: Memes Are Important Edition
"The clock is tick… ick… ING…" - Q
#5192504 at 2019-02-15 18:33:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6634: Fall of the MSM Edition
- World Jewish Congress: The World Jewish Congress is an international organization representING Jews in 100 countries. SupportING Israel is one of the key components of its mission. Although its global finances are unknown, its US offices have an annual revenue of $5,521,674.
- Friends of Aish Hatorah: Aish Hatora, Hebrew for "fire of the Torah," is an Orthodox Jewish organization founded in 1974 and headquartered in Jerusalem. The group is known for a number of pro-Israel programs, includING The Theodore Herzl Mission, which brINGs heads of state to Israel for one week each year. They also have a program called the Hasbara Fellowship, where people can come from around the world to learn how to effectively engage in pro-Israel propaganda. The group has also been linked to the distribution of an anti-Islamic propaganda film durING the 2008 American presidential campaign. Because Aish Hatora is based in Jerusalem with various global branches, the details of their fundING are unknown.
- Chabad: Chabad-Lubavitch, based on an 18th century Hasidic movement, is one of the the largest Jewish organizations in the world. It is a fervent supporter of Israel. One Chabad Rabbi has encouraged Jewish people to kill "Arab men, women, and children." Chabad sometimes openly teaches that "the soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew." The group has a reported net worth of $1 billion dollars.
- Republican Jewish Coalition: The Republican Jewish Coalition Jewish is a lobbyING group whose mission statement includes the "embrace of pro-Israel foreign policy." The RJC maintains close links to the Likud party of Israel. They also control a Super Pac, which has upward of 2 million dollars in their war chest. Their Annual revenue is $10,067,507. The vast majority of their fundING comes from various organizations.
- National Jewish Democratic Council: The National Jewish Democratic Council is a group dedicated to maximisING Jewish support for the Democrat party, increasING support for "Jewish domestic and foreign policy priorities," and "secur[ING] a democratic Jewish state in Israel." NJDC supports Likud policies and pushes for a hawkish stance against Iran, urgING the President of the United States to "stand with Israel." Its annual income is $1,161,195 and is funded by private individuals.
- Foundation for Defense of Democracies: The Foundation for Defense of Democracies is an international organization whose claimed goal is "fightING terrorism and promotING freedom" and "defend[ING] free nations from their enemies." It developed from the educational initiative Emet, which was created to "win American sympathy for Israel's response to the Palestinian intifada." While its mission may appear neutral, the organization is dedicated to promotING the security of Israel. Among its other projects is the Iran Project, which revolves around "supportING energy sanctions." It is funded largely by private individuals' donations. Its annual income is$7,267,839.
JINSA: JINSA is a non-profit organization whose mandate includes promotING a "a strong U.S. military, a robust national security policy, and a strong U.S. security relationship with Israel..." Their total revenue is $3,332,140 from contributions and program services.
- Saban Center at BrookINGs: The Saban Center for Middle East Policy is part of the BrookINGs Institute. Its mission statement includes a two-state solution for Israel/ Palestine. "Ardent Zionist" Haim Saban, a former AIPAC official, funds the institute.
#5185667 at 2019-02-15 10:28:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6625: Early Ebake Edition
Night Shift-ING gears into overdrive
#5184881 at 2019-02-15 08:02:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6624: Call AS to the Stand #pedo Edition
Picture remind Anon's of anyone from last night shift???
=The problem with invitING Taiwan's Tsai ING-wen to speak to a joint meetING of Congress=
Friday Feb 8, 2019
A group of United States senators have called on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to invite Taiwan's president, Tsai ING-wen, to address a joint meetING of Congress. President Tsai certainly deserves our respect. She is the elected leader of one of America's best friends in the world. I have known her for 20 years and admire her greatly. But the senators' proposal is flawed and Speaker Pelosi should reject it.
The first flaw in the proposal is that it is contrary to a fundamental principle of U.S. relations with China. That is, when we established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1979, we pledged that we would carry out substantive relations with Taiwan and its government on an unofficial basis. This was not our choice. We would have been happy to have diplomatic relations with both BeijING and Taipei. It was those two governments that forced us to choose. First President Nixon and then President Carter decided that it was in our national interest to choose BeijING, and every president since then has reaffirmed that pledge. But even though our relations with Taiwan are conducted on an unofficial basis, successive administrations have worked actively and successfully to improve relations with the island and ensure its well-beING.
If the president of Taiwan were to speak to a joint meetING of Congress, any U.S. claim that its relations with Taiwan were unofficial would rING completely hollow. China would interpret the move as WashINGton's renegING on the fundamental bargain at the heart of U.S.-PRC relations. Although I cannot predict exactly what BeijING would do in response, a radical downgradING of the relationship would be likely. Any hope that President Trump would have of cuttING a trade deal with his New Best Friend Xi JinpING would vanish. U.S. requests for Chinese assistance concernING North Korea would fall on very deaf ears. Many sectors of American society that still value the U.S.-China relationship would be hurt. American multinationals that rely on China as a market or production platform would be vulnerable to retaliation, with attendant effects on jobs and profits. Some Americans in China might suffer the same fate as the Canadians who currently sit in Chinese jails through no fault of their own.
The second flaw in this proposal is Taiwan would suffer. This initiative began in the United States, and BeijING would take the opportunity to pressure and squeeze Taiwan even more than it is already doING. It would likely find ways to get the small number of countries that still maintain diplomatic relations with Taipei to switch to the PRC. Taiwan-directed exercises by China's People's Liberation Army would intensify. China's efforts to interfere in Taiwan's domestic politics would increase. So, a gesture that senators intended to help Taiwan would only hurt it. What happens then? We might push back, creatING the risk of an escalatory spiral with China. Or we might choose to do little or nothING, leadING Taiwan and other friends in Asia to conclude that our commitments to support them are not credible.
The third flaw in this initiative is its disregard for Taiwan's view. I'm guessING here, but I suspect that the authors did not ask President Tsai if she thought this was a good idea-and, if they did ask, they didn't listen very carefully to her answer. President Tsai is responsible for the prosperity and safety of 23 million people. She understands that she must maintain some degree of balance between relations with the United States on the one hand and relations with China on the other. Clearly, relations with China are not as good as she might like them to be, but I believe she would not wish to risk a further, serious deterioration in relations with BeijING unless it brought it an extraordinary benefit. That is the risk she would run by speakING for an hour at the podium of the House Chamber, and her country would pay a high price.
(Moar in Article)
#5180889 at 2019-02-15 03:14:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6618: Define The Word ‘Plan’ Edition
SEC. 230. (a) Of the total amount made available
2 under "U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Procure-
3 ment, Construction, and Improvements", $2,370,222,000
4 shall be available only as follows:
5 (1) $1,375,000,000 is for the construction of
6 primary pedestrian fencING, includING levee pedes-
7 trian fencING, in the Rio Grande Valley Sector;
8 (2) $725,000,000 is for the acquisition and de-
9 ployment of border security technologies and trade
10 and travel assets and infrastructure, to include
11 $570,000,000 for non-intrusive inspection equipment
12 at ports of entry; and
13 (3) $270,222,000 is for construction and facil-
14 ity improvements, to include $222,000,000 for hu-
15 manitarian needs, $14,775,000 for Office of Field
16 Operations facilities, and $33,447,000 for Border
17 Patrol station facility improvements.
18 (b) The amounts designated in subsection (a)(l) shall
19 only be available for operationally effective designs de-
20 ployed as of the date of the Consolidated Appropriations
21 Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31), such as currently de-
22 ployed steel bollard designs, that prioritize agent safety.
Page 40 Restrictions on border format
SEC. 231. None of the funds made available by this
10 Act or prior Acts are available for the construction of pe-
11 destrian fencING-
12 (1) within the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge;
13 (2) within the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State
14 Park;
15 (3) within La Lomita Historical park;
16 ( 4) within the National Butterfly Center; or
17 ( 5) within or east of the Vista del Mar Ranch
18 tract of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wild-
19 life Refuge.
20 SEC. 232. (a) Prior to use of any funds made avail-
21 able by this Act for the construction of physical barriers
22 within the city limits of any city or census designated place
23 described in subsection ( c), the Department of Homeland
24 Security and the local elected officials of such a city or
25 census designated place shall confer and seek to reach
February 13, 2019 (8:57 p.m.)
U:\2019CONF\DivA-DHS.xml SEN. APPRO.
1 mutual agreement regardING the design and alignment of
2 physical barriers within that city or the census designated
3 place (as the case may be). Such consultations shall con-
4 tinue until September 30, 2019 ( or until agreement is
5 reached, if earlier) and may be extended beyond that date
6 by agreement of the parties, and no funds made available
7 in this Act shall be used for such construction while con-
8 sultations are continuING.
Not later than July 1, 2019, the Secretary shall
10 issue notices for public comment regardING construction
11 of pedestrian fencING in the places identified in subsection
12 (c). The notices shall afford the public not less than 60
13 days to submit comments on the location of proposed fenc-
14 ING in the affected areas. Not later than 90 days followING
15 the end of the comment period identified in this sub-
16 section, the Department shall publish in the Federal Reg-
17 ister its responses to the comments received along with
18 its plans for construction in the areas identified in the no-
19 tice to which it is respondING.
20 (c) The cities and census designated place described
21 in this subsection are as follows:
22 (1) Roma, Texas.
23 (2) Rio Grande City, Texas.
February 13, 2019 (8:57 p.m.)
(3) Escobares, Texas.
( 4) La Grulla, Texas.
U:\2019CONF\DivA-DHS.xml SEN. APPRO.
1 (5) The census designated place of Salineno,
2 Texas.
#5180878 at 2019-02-15 03:13:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6618: Define The Word ‘Plan’ Edition
quick view of first 50 pages as per relevance:
Page 11
the purchase and lease of up to 7,500 (6,500 for
16 replacement only) police-type vehicles; the purchase, main-
17 tenance, or operation of marine vessels, aircraft, and un-
18 manned aerial systems; and contractING with individuals
19 for personal services abroad; $12,179,729,000; of which
20 $3,274,000 shall be derived from the Harbor Maintenance
21 Trust }1-,und for administrative expenses related to the col-
22 lection of the Harbor Maintenance Fee
Page 12
U.S.C. 58c(f)(3)), shall be derived from that account; and
7 of which $58,710,000 is for additional customs officers:
Provided further,
10 That not to exceed $150,000 shall be available for pay-
11 ment for rental space in connection with preclearance op-
12 erations: Provided further, That not to exceed $1,000,000
13 shall be for awards of compensation to informants, to be
14 accounted for solely under the certificate of the Secretary
15 of Homeland Security.
For necessary expenses of U.S. Customs and Border
18 Protection for procurement, construction, and improve-
19 ments, includING procurements to buy marine vessels, air-
20 craft, and unmanned aerial systems, $2,515,878,000, of
21 which $870,656,000 shall remain available until Sep-
22 tember 30, 2021, and of which $1,645,222,000 shall re-
23 main available until September 30, 2023.
Page 13-14
For necessary expenses of U.S. Immigration and
4 Customs Enforcement for operations and support, includ-
5 ING the purchase and lease of up to 3,790 (2,350 for re-
6 placement only) police-type vehicles; overseas vetted units;
7 and maintenance, minor construction, and minor leasehold
8 improvements at owned and leased facilities;
9 $7,542,153,000; of which $6,000,000 shall remain avail-
10 able until expended for efforts to enforce laws against
11 forced child labor; of which $75,448,000 shall remam
12 available until September 30, 2020; of which $1,500,000
13 is for paid apprenticeships for participants in the Human
14 Exploitation Rescue Operative Child-Rescue Corps; of
15 which not less than $15,000,000 shall be available for in-
16 vestigation of intellectual property rights violations, in-
17 eludING operation of the National Intellectual Property
18 Rights Coordination Center; and of which not less than
19 $4,273,857,000 shall be for enforcement, detention, and
20 removal operations, includING transportation of unaccom-
21 panied minor aliens: Provided, That not to exceed $11,475
22 shall be for official reception and representation expenses:
23 Provided further, That not to exceed $10,000,000 shall be
24 available until expended for conductING special operations
25 under section 3131 of the Customs
#5180125 at 2019-02-15 02:31:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6617: Do It POTUS Edition
25The Story of the FSM and the Eastern Pirates*As transcribed by Pious Pirate aka Tupi and Pedantic Pastrian Priest aka ThrippyPart 11 Hear this tale, ye believers, of the FSM and the Eastern Pirates! 2 Long, long ago though not durING the Chinese Long Dynasty or the British Long Parliament the FSM flew over the Indian Ocean where by chance (although there is no "chance?or coincidence with Him) his saucy eye fell on a ship that lay there lackING wind. 3 In order to avoid misunderstandINGs: His eye fellmetaphorically and the ship?s crew had the winds due to too much beans. 4 By its shape He recognized it as a junk and by the sounds that came from it -heavy in Yarrr!, Aarrrgh! And YoHoHo! -as a pirate vessel. 5 At that time He had not yet made His covenant with the pirates, but listen further, ye believers, what happened! 6 A smell (apart from unwashed clothes and bean winds) rose (not the flower) from the ship and touched His noodly nostrils. 7 This smell He knew so well and highly it pleasesd Him. 8 "Though this may be a junk, this is not the smell of junk food!"9 And invisibly He descended on the vessel and His Noodly Appendage touched it gently. 10 In the ship?s galley stood the cook beING quite old and mostly deaf and unfit to swING the cutlass outside his kitchen anymore. 11 "No more beans", the captain had said repeatedly and increasINGly louder. "I am fartING myself comatose! No more of it, Basta!"12 As already said the cookwas deaf and just understood: "Garlic trifles, tomatoes comfort it, Pasta!"13 They had just plundered, pardon liberated, a Persian ship transportING vegetables -therefore the beans -and had found some red balls unknown to them. 14 Those were created by the FSM quite recently but that is another tale. 15 "These must be tomatoes then, there is nothING else here I don?t know the name of!"16 "So, the captain wants a paste of these with garlic."17 "But they seem to be mainly water(Netherland import presumably), I need a bit of more substance!"18 "The flour is gettING mouldy anyway, the eggs likewise, so let?s make noodles and add this stuff!"19 And he cut and meshed the tomatoes, added some spice at random, put it all in the pot and cooked it. 20 At this moment He entered the kitchen, touched the cook?s shoulder with His Noodly Appendage and spoke: 21 "Buddy, that pasta smells f***ING good!"(He has His way with swear words)
#5178726 at 2019-02-15 01:12:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6616: Great Reawakening Edition
Def up early tomorrow coffefe-ING to the news bout THIS asshole
How much damage does this stuff do to an already tweaked society?
#5173246 at 2019-02-14 20:26:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6608: AG BARR CONFIRMED Edition
For your consideration:
DF secret code twat? lynchING > [LL] > Loretta Lynch[ING]
#5172770 at 2019-02-14 19:59:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6608: AG BARR CONFIRMED Edition
Here's the academic paper, regardING the OpenAI post.
Conclusion seems to indicate, operator-less bots easier than once thought.
>7. Conclusion
>When a large language model is trained on a sufficiently
>large and diverse dataset it is able to perform well across
>many domains and datasets. GPT-2 zero-shots to state of
>the art performance on 7 out of 8 tested language model-
>ING datasets. The diversity of tasks the model is able to
>perform in a zero-shot settING suggests that high-capacity
>models trained to maximize the likelihood of a sufficiently
>varied text corpus begin to learn how to perform a surprisING
>amount of tasks without the need for explicit supervision.
#5170755 at 2019-02-14 17:28:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6605: It's Definitely Habbening Edition
il-lude (??lud)
v.t. -lud-ed, -lud-ING.
1. to deceive or trick.
2. Obs.
a. to mock or ridicule.
b. to evade.
#5165670 at 2019-02-14 05:50:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6598: We Say Anything We Want Edition
Hey! How do you start a Jewish Parade?
answer: Roll a SCHILL-ING down the street.
#5145474 at 2019-02-12 21:20:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6572: On The Move Edition
What if we purify avicii by bale ING shiff in the concrete kiln
#5139692 at 2019-02-12 15:08:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6565: POTUS Trolling Reaches Record High Edition'''
Yea if I ever ran for politics you would find photos of me sharpie-ING swastikas on my passed out friends.
so..yea..i'll never be a politician
maybe in virginia
#5128784 at 2019-02-11 23:55:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6551: Message Must Be Direct Edition
David Zublick is say ING Obama in Gitmo right now givING up everybody not to be executed ….. Soros arrested …Bush jr gettING executed …The Tribunals are in progress
#5121010 at 2019-02-11 13:48:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6541: Heaven Has a Wall Edition
Shills, feel free to use this list as source material for this bread's posts. You can save time by just copy-pasta-ING these words and phrases, along with whatever borING graphics you have on hand. I think it will save you a lot of time.
Muh joos
Muh zionist
Muh Hitler
Muh Mossad
Muh pilpul
Muh Semite
Muh apologist
Muh Israel first
Muh Rats
Muh beard
Muh rabbi
Muh kike
Muh long nose
Muh JQ
Muh Goy / Goyim
Muh Cheka
Muh Zyklon
Muh Torah
Muh Talmud
Muh Ashkenazi
Muh Khazarian
Muh Kosher
Muh Gorillion
Muh baby penis
Mush projection
Muh Shekels
#5119707 at 2019-02-11 09:05:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6539: 2019 will be Notorious Edition
Four photographs identified by [Employee #1] and [Employee #3] as taken in the sterilization room of one of [Abortion Doctor #3]'s clinics, the Women's Pavilion, in 2012 depict the remains of infants clearly in their third trimester when they were allegedly terminated by [Abortion Doctor #3]. AccordING to [Employee #1], the tears in the neck line visible in the photos are "inconsistent with" terminations done "while the infant[s] were] entirely inside the uterus." Thus, besides beING late-term abortions, they were likely either partial-birth abortions or homicides committed after full delivery. [Employee #1] and two other employees at the clinic, [Employee #3] and [Employee #4], additionally alleged that the doctor regularly falsified sonogram results to misrepresent the gestational age of the fetus. Some sonograms, they maintained, would be falsified to "overstate the gestational age of the fetus in order to overbill customers."
In other cases, accordING to [Employee #1] and [Employee #3], "sonograms would be falsified to conceal the advanced gestational age of the fetus beyond the legal limit in Texas."
[Employee #1] claimed:I have witnessed this happen in cases involvING fetuses as old as 28weeks. [Abortion Doctor #3] would typically tell his ultrasound technician in cases involvING fetuses beyond a certain gestational age to allow him to perform the ultrasound himself; he would then brING the patient an ultrasound picture showING another fetus at the gestational age he was misrepresentING to the patient. An affidavit from a patient attached hereto alleges another specific case of manipulation: [Patient
#1], a woman who obtained an abortion in 2002 at "24 to 25 weeks" gestation, "worried that I was too far along. The girl doING my ultrasound told me that 'ultrasounds can be manipulated.'
The clinic determined me to be 23 weeks." "On two occasions that I witnessed," [Employee #1] also alleged that "[Abortion Doctor #3] failed to inform a patient she was pregnant with twins.
AccordING to [Employee #1] and [Employee #3], the doctor "would regularly make use of pre-drawn medicine," includING Demerol and Nubain, "without properly loggING or storING
it." They added: This included improperly storING medicine in a food refrigerator. On one occasion, [Abortion Doctor #3] concealed these practices durING an inspection from the Harris County Public Health office by havING a nurse put pre-drawn medicine in basins, which she hid in the trunk of her car while the inspector was present."
[Employee #1] and [Employee #3] also allege the doctor failed to keep a registered nurse on site in the recovery room at Aaron, which "left unqualified workers to draw and administer drugs."
[Employee #1] added that [Abortion Doctor #3] concealed this deficiency from authorities by "hir[ING] a nurse from a temp agency for a few days at a time when a government inspection was scheduled." [Employee #1] recorded examples of storage, record keepING, and personnel violations in an undercover video she took in 2011.
Additionally, accordING to [Employee #1]:
[Abortion Doctor #3] would regularly fail to observe proper
sterilization procedures. This included the doctor's habitual reuse of
a bottle of Betadine, which is used for cleanING prior to the
procedure, that was not cleaned or stored, and which he handled with his gloved hand for patient after patient when goING inside the
cervix. Additionally, after removING instruments such as HawkinsAmbler's dilators and Bierer and Sopher forceps from sterile packages, he would place unused instruments back in the sterile package to use on other patients. He often would do so wearING gloves that he did not change between seeING one patient and another, or between trips to the restroom. . . . Instruments in
[Abortion Doctor #3]'s clinic were not regularly soaked in
sterilizING solutions as they needed to be for specified periods of
time in order to be sterile. The exception to this occurred prior to
government inspections. The vast majority of the doctor's assistants
in the sterilization room were uninformed on proper methods of
sterilization. In order to reduce his costs, [Abortion Doctor #3] also
habitually disposed of biohazardous waste in standard garbage bags instead of sterile bags required for such waste.
The same failure with respect to sterilization was also alleged by [Employee #2], [Employee #3], and [Employee #4].
pg 344-347
#5117067 at 2019-02-11 04:22:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6535: Stage Set? Edition
shills hate freemasons, bc freemasons were the original Qteam, doING what we're doING. figurING out the symbolism, and also usING it to fight tyranny/evil etc.
Yes, they got infiltrated just like everythING else. But they were the original Q. They need cleaned out like everythING else does, and they will be.
When a shill is reeee-ING 'muh masons', its a cabal-shill. Likely to be David M.
#5117025 at 2019-02-11 04:19:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6535: Stage Set? Edition
MK Ultra-ING their kids is part of the package.
#5114969 at 2019-02-11 02:11:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6533: [Planned Parenthood] Edition
Anyone watch(ING) the Grammy's?
#5110527 at 2019-02-10 21:54:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6527: Prosecution and Transparency Edition
I know I am jumpING ahead, but I think the next phase may drag out a bit…. So I was thinkING about how we are goING to redo government after DC is excavated.
In the John Titor timeline, after DC was nuked, the people divided the country into 5 regions. Each region had a top leader and elections every 5 years. No two regions held elections in the same year. The replacement for DC was in the middle of the country (Missouri maybe) and instead of a President… there was a team of the 5 regional leaders. I don't recall John goING into detail about the legislative and judiciary branches of govt., just the executive branch.
If we are redo-ING government as said in the POTUS vids, we really need to be thinkING about this or else it will be more of the same…. followING the leaders.
#5108154 at 2019-02-10 18:50:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6524: Red's Dead Baby Edition
Bullshit ING trannys and cocaine cia politics
#5107409 at 2019-02-10 17:37:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6523: STEALTH BOMBER Edition
Elizabeth Ann Her(r)ING Warren a paperclip prodigy?
#5094879 at 2019-02-09 21:16:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6506: What Swalwell Shoulda Been Edition
Q I'm sorry but I am havING a hard time believING that RR and Mueller are not workING with us… You are disinfo-ING the hell out of these shills aren't you
#5064420 at 2019-02-07 08:20:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6467: Pilatus U-28A Spectre Edition
Look at what this stupid bitch is up to now.
TryING to imply that doctors that give breast exams are perverts.
She is pushING the anti man agenda. ImplyING tha women are only safe with female doctors.
More division BS
( this was my last mammogram with this dude, or any dude,)
'He dragged his fINGers over my breasts and was pontificatING with my boobs out': Sarah Silverman takes to Instagram to describe her VERY uncomfortable mammogram and ultrasound with 'arrogant' and 'gloveless' male doctor
Sarah Silverman described her uncomfortable visit to the doctor Wednesday
The 48-year-old comedian said she went for a mammogram and an ultrasound
In a lengthy Instagram post, she said the male radiologist began conversING with her while her breasts were exposed
He then rubbed gel on her breasts without gloves and glided his fINGer on her skin as he performed the ultrasound, she said
When Silverman asked him to to put gloves on and stop glidING his fINGer he responded arrogantly, she added
The comedian said she is not accusING him of beING sleazy, but instead is urgING women to speak up when they feel uncomfortable
Sarah Silverman says she felt violated by a male radiologist who conducted her mammogram and ultrasound.
The comedian posted a photo of her chest to Instagram Wednesday night with a lengthy caption that explained her uncomfortable experience with her doctor.
'He opened my gown and put gel on my breasts and smeared it around with his bare hands,' she wrote, addING that she questioned why he was not wearING gloves.
'When he glides the ultrasound wand thING over my breasts he drags his fINGers on them and it f**ING bothers me,' the 48-year-old actress explained and said that she had asked the doctor at a previous appointment not to do that, but was told it helped him 'balance'
'He dragged his fINGers over my breasts and was pontificatING with my boobs out': Sarah Silverman takes to Instagram to describe her VERY uncomfortable mammogram and ultrasound with 'arrogant' and 'gloveless' male doctor
Sarah Silverman described her uncomfortable visit to the doctor Wednesday
The 48-year-old comedian said she went for a mammogram and an ultrasound
In a lengthy Instagram post, she said the male radiologist began conversING with her while her breasts were exposed
He then rubbed gel on her breasts without gloves and glided his fINGer on her skin as he performed the ultrasound, she said
When Silverman asked him to to put gloves on and stop glidING his fINGer he responded arrogantly, she added
The comedian said she is not accusING him of beING sleazy, but instead is urgING women to speak up when they feel uncomfortable
Silverman starts by explainING that she had to get an ultrasound after a mammogram Wednesday because she has 'dense breasts'.
She says the radiologist is the same man she had last year and goes on to explain why she dislikes him.
'He started talkING to me about my chest X-ray (I also got a chest X-Ray) and was pontificatING with my boobs just out and covered in gel and cold and finally I said Hey-can we either talk about this when I'm dressed or WHILE your doING the ultrasound? I'm not comfortable with my breasts out just shootING the s**t with you,' she says.
'He smears the gel on with his hands and NO GLOVES on and when he glides the ultrasound wand thING over my breasts he drags his fINGers on them and it f**ING bothers me.
'Again, AS I TOLD HIM LAST YEAR, I said Hey! Do you need to be touchING me with your fINGers He said No. And he pulled them off of me. Then he added I do that for balance. I said Well I believe in you and I think you can do with without your fINGers on me.'
Silverman then admits that she is not accusING the doctor havING any sexual intention but highlights that as a professional, he should be aware of how the situation can be uncomfortable for women.
'Look, I truly don't think he was gettING off on it, BUT it is his job to be aware that this is vulnerable for a woman. Wear f***ING GLOVES - this isn't a date.
'For him to be so arrogant that he didn't even internalize the problem when I said somethING to him about it last year is obnoxious and probably a subconscious power thING if we're gettING deep.'
#5063469 at 2019-02-07 06:05:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6466: Comfy AF Nightshift Edition
Oh little sicky, seems to be the pain
Got all these herbs don't mean a f***ING thING
I am the little witch, with the magic tricks
Mistrust the white house, come and get your fix
It's not about the numbers, what you feel is real
Crystals, rays of light, the taste of orange peel
Open the mind, change the mind, that's how we achieve
Can't hurry to try right, it's what I believe
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
I taste the green when you come here and complain
I'll give you cleanliness, while I'll make it rain
I'm a corpse eatING vulture, who tells you how to feel
Don't trust the white coats, I'll make you a better deal
Put a needle in the cheek so turn the other one
Come back tomorrow, because we'll never get it done
Open the mind, change the mind, that's how we achieve
Can't hurry to try right, it's what I believe
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
#5058986 at 2019-02-06 23:37:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6460: LA Military Drill, The Standard Hotel and New Epstein News Edition
Oh little sicky, seems to be the pain
Got all these herbs don't mean a f***ING thING
I am the little witch, with the magic tricks
Mistrust the white house, come and get your fix
It's not about the numbers, what you feel is real
Crystals, rays of light, the taste of orange peel
Open the mind, change the mind, that's how we achieve
Can't hurry to try right, it's what I believe
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
I taste the green when you come here and complain
I'll give you cleanliness, while I'll make it rain
I'm a corpse eatING vulture, who tells you how to feel
Don't trust the white coats, I'll make you a better deal
Put a needle in the cheek so turn the other one
Come back tomorrow, because we'll never get it done
Open the mind, change the mind, that's how we achieve
Can't hurry to try right, it's what I believe
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
#5058016 at 2019-02-06 22:17:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6459: These [Shills] Are Stupid Edition
In 2017 POTUS signaled the operation/mission that resulted in Q on 4/8ch with the phrase, 'the calm before the storm.' In the SOTU, POTUS used 'storm' as in 'D-Day's stormed/ING the beaches of Normandy.' Is this POTUS' signal to us that the SOTU is to the fight against the DS as D-Day was to the fight against Hitler's NAZI Germany?
#5057901 at 2019-02-06 22:07:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6458: BIG FACTS MATTER Edition
The lucre curse is old and from France
Idk when they started carveING nickels
The fake Jew zombie powder curse is
From the Prescott bush days and their thrive ING Native American genocide to impress thule judas fehgels
The South Americans dubbed it white spear
The western know it as pale horse
Budhists know it as avicii
Bible says somethING bout hell on earth and a matrix of sin flesh
The Philadelphia experiment still boggles the mind
The bikini atoll was a mistake
#5055404 at 2019-02-06 18:34:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6455: Ghost Protocol Edition
Alamogordo was their old fake Jew serial killers ING Bullshit omg hideout to get blasted on dope and be weirdos
Total bummer they sacrificed an Atari E.T. Cartridge to "Indian gods" of their haystack mountain massacre
Talk about a backfire
#5051764 at 2019-02-06 09:27:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6451: POTUS Opened The Door Of All Doors Edition
Dems involved in Alabama scandal used "muh Russia" to justify dirty tricks
PAGE 1 of 2 (LINKS on p. 2)
It's becomING pretty clear at this point that DEM operative Mikey Dickerson of AET (American Enterprise Technologies) was at the center of the Alabama election fuckery in 2017, although he outsourced all the actual projects to several other groups and individuals: Dry Alabama (Matt Osborne), Dialectica (Joohn Choe), TOVO Labs (David Goldstein plus 2; see tovolabs.com) and New Knowledge (Morgan/Diresta). Also threw in a couple others--NYT reporter Scott Shane and a "colleague" of donor Reid Dickerson (maybe Dmitri Mehlhorn)--plus a commentary from Rush Limbaugh.
[1] Matt Osborne (Dry Alabama): Believes disinfo tactics should be illegal, but defends their use in the meantime: "If you don't do it, you're fightING with one hand tied behint your back. You have a moral imperative to do this--to do whatever it takes." [This from a guy who wrote an article imaginING how great it would be to torture Rush Limbaugh; see >>5023297 ]
[2] Joohn Choe (Dialectica): High-IQ radical who despises the President, embraces the Alliance for SecurING Democracy, and is immersed in "muh Russia" paradigm.. True believer type who sees salvation in community action. In Alabama, Dialectica used 80 memes to attract people to "the political party represented by th[ese] meme[s]." Not sure what that means& he doesn't explain. No regrets about Alabama but don't know whether he's ever really been asked. See also >>5011570 PB.
[3] TOVO Labs justifies its manipulations on the basis that Brexiteers, Cambridge Analytica & Donald Trump did much worse, "aggresively utiliz[ING] stolen data, advanced technology,....micro-messagING, and dynamic targetING to effect real differences in...critical elections."
[4] Renee Diresta (NK) is a slick but tightly-would operative. She won't talk about the Alabama debacle and says Russian interference is a proven fact; see >>5034415 PB. But when she describes the techniques the Russians use, they sound just like NK's tactics in Project BirmINGham.
[5] Jonathon Morgan (NK) claims he did nothING wrong: "I did not participate in any campaign to influence the public." @jonathonmorgan, 5:17am, 12-27-18. But the NK website talks a lot about how social media manipulation, fake reviews, and disinfo "hurts your reputation". And the whole premise of developING Hamilton68 was to track the online activity of Russian bots (although this is likely a complete fabrication). See also >>4383975.
[6] Scott Shane thinks that NK did do somethING wrong: "They have been so vocal against what the Russians did in 2016. To be caught doING it themselves is...pretty devastatING." But he doesn't think that he (Shane) was wrong not to tell his readers what he knew: that Mikey Dickerson, who hired NK, fully intended that this disinfo project should throw the election to the Dems. Shane told Buzzfeed that "it wasn't necessary to disclose" what he knew to the public in his articles. But he didn't really explain why.
[7] A "colleague of Reid Hoffman" [Dmitrie Mehlhorn?] said the purpose of his investments [in projects like BirmINGham] was to "strengthen American Democracy."
None of these "black ops" Dems seem very apologetic. Most think that the GOP and the Russians use dirty tricks, so why shouldn't they?''' [They would do it anyway but need a cover.]
[8] Rush Limbaugh cuts thru all the BS. He knows a lot about disinfo campaigns, because he was that target of a vicious campaign by Matt Osborne a decade ago (see >>4861734 PB.) Rush on Alabama:"They engaged in an operation made to look like the Russians were meddlING and tamperING in the election. It was a Democrat, leftist-run plot that was made to look like the Russians did it. It was a test as much as anythING else....Who's to say that all of this Russian meddlING from the get-go hasn't been run by the Democrats right out of the DNC?"
#5047483 at 2019-02-06 03:33:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6445: We Are BORN Free And We Will STAY Free Edition
Ignore the Israel first part tho
#5041648 at 2019-02-05 23:10:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6437 RIP RoyalAnon We Remember You Edition
CNN is tryING to destroy Trump's pick for UN ambassador, Heather Nauert, by notING that in 2009, she featured Frank Gaffney, Tarek Fatah and me on Fox News. But I was on CNN six years after that, in 2015. So once again the fake news propagandists at CNN trip on their own feet. But it is a sad indication of how much the public discourse in America has degenerated that CNN propagandist Andrew Kaczynski would even consider the possibility that it would hurt Nauert to try to associate her with foes of jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others. The fact that opposING jihad terror carries a stigma in the public square today is an illustration of the insidious power of propaganda, and an indication that some extremely insidious forces are operatING at CNN and other establishment media outlets.
This problem is compounded by cowardice on the other side. "State Department deputy spokesman Robert Palladino told CNN in a statement that interviewING guests 'does not mean the moderator agrees with the views expressed' and added that CNN itself has interviewed those same people."
What Palladino should have said is that the interviewees were opponents of jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and defenders of human rights for all people, and anyone who thought that was wrong was sufferING from extreme moral confusion.
"CNN Attacks Heather Nauert For InterviewING Anti-Sharia Guests. They Also Appeared On CNN," by Amber Athey, Daily Caller, February 4, 2019:
CNN launched an attack on President Donald Trump's pick for United Nations ambassador, Heather Nauert, that inadvertently turned the microscope on itself.
Nauert, a former Fox News host, was nominated for the UN post vacated by Nikki Haley in December. Since then, news outlets have raised questions about her qualifications for office and her time workING for Fox. In a story published Monday, CNN claimed that Nauert's confirmation process could be complicated because she hosted a "panel on Sharia law conspiracies" on the network in 2009.
The panel was on a webcast called "Terror from Within" and featured anti-jihad activists Frank Gaffney and Robert Spencer, and Canadian journalist and Muslim critic Tarek Fatah.
State Department deputy spokesman Robert Palladino told CNN in a statement that interviewING guests "does not mean the moderator agrees with the views expressed" and added that CNN itself has interviewed those same people.
A review of interviews on CNN reveals that they have, in fact, interviewed Gaffney, Spencer and Fateh on multiple occasions. CNN's most recent interview with Spencer occurred in 2015 - six years after Nauert interviewed him for the webcast.
DurING a June 2015 interview, Spencer clashed with the CNN hosts after he accused the media of kowtowING to radical violent Islamists and argued that Muslims in Boston weren't doING a good enough job of counterING extremists in their faith.
Gaffney appeared on CNN for an interview as recently as 2013 about U.S. relations with the Iranian regime. He was also interviewed on Syria in 2012 and debated American Conservative Union board member Suhail Khan in 2011....
CNN gave Nauert credit for "ask[ING] clarifyING questions and push[ING] her guests to specify that not all Muslims support extremism or Sharia law," a similar rhetorical move used by CNN anchors in their interviews with Spencer. However, CNN claimed that Nauert was not tough enough on her guests, statING that she did not attack the "broader theme" of their comments....
#5038152 at 2019-02-05 17:53:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6433: E-Bake Edition
Gimli and moria and RBG
Uranium mine ING code words
#5037758 at 2019-02-05 17:13:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6432: SOTU Tuesday Edition
Witch Doctor
De Staat
Oh little sicky, seems to be the pain
Got all these herbs don't mean a f***ING thING
I am the little witch, with the magic tricks
Mistrust the white house, come and get your fix
It's not about the numbers, what you feel is real
Crystals, rays of light, the taste of orange peel
Open the mind, change the mind, that's how we achieve
Can't hurry to try right, it's what I believe
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
I taste the green when you come here and complain
I'll give you cleanliness, while I'll make it rain
I'm a corpse eatING vulture, who tells you how to feel
Don't trust the white coats, I'll make you a better deal
Put a needle in the cheek so turn the other one
Come back tomorrow, because we'll never get it done
Open the mind, change the mind, that's how we achieve
Can't hurry to try right, it's what I believe
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
Witch doctor
#5035226 at 2019-02-05 10:04:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6429: Executive Time Edition
NO ONE said "As above, So below" was IN the Bible. A reference to the "philosophy" was made, in passING reference to a POTUS TWAT ABOUT A FENCE! FFS what the hell is wrong with MY FELLOW Biblefags tonight? This is f-ING RETARDED behavior. Stop it.
#5031565 at 2019-02-05 01:52:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6424: SOTU Eve Edition
>>5031444. God promised Noah a rainbow at the end of the flood, I'll have to find my research I caught two 180 degree rainbow and a double rainbow with ING three days of each other, never saw one in my life.
#5025648 at 2019-02-04 16:25:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6417: Comfy Monday Edition
Aldermen named in secretly recorded chat admit sendING business to Reyes' firm
ld. Danny Solis wanted lawyer and political power broker Victor Reyes to help raise money for him, but Reyes had a complaint, accordING to a transcript of an August 2015 cellphone call between the men secretly recorded by the FBI.
Reyes said four other aldermen - George Cardenas (12th), Roberto Maldonado (26th), Proco Joe Moreno (1st) and Rick Munoz (22nd) - had referred him business. But Reyes griped that Solis, then the powerful chairman of the City Council's ZonING Committee, had given him nothING.
"How about anythING? How about anythING, Danny?" Reyes is quoted as sayING in the transcript in the explosive federal affidavit obtained by the Sun-Times. "How about anythING. Not just the big one. How 'bout one f-ING thING ... Maldonado sends me business. Moreno sends me business."
"I will. I will," Solis said.
"Rick Munoz sends me business," Reyes continued.
"I will send you business this month," Solis said.
"You haven't sent me any. I don't know why," Reyes said.
Two of the aldermen named by Reyes in the transcript - Cardenas and Moreno - acknowledged havING steered business to Reyes but denied any quid pro quo, even though they received campaign contributions from Reyes' firms. The other two, Maldonado and Munoz, could not be reached for comment.
#5010489 at 2019-02-03 05:55:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6397: Be Prepared For What You Learn Edition
#5006368 at 2019-02-02 23:36:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6392: Vatican Abortions Edition
origin implies "beginnING/came from"
kind of a silly notion to a timeless Be-ING.
#4996453 at 2019-02-02 03:09:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6379: Meet Virginia Edition
Everyone's Meme-ING the racism.
#4992215 at 2019-02-01 21:22:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6374: Significant Public Benefit Parole Edition
What if "Suicide Weekend" isn't suicides at all?
What if the DS started [187]ING their own puppets to keep them quiet?
On time and under budget.
#4986020 at 2019-02-01 07:34:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6366: These People Are SICK! Edition
Many months ago, this page was sitckied in to Notables.
It was a link that took Anons to a page that added news stories and when the stories 'hit', the MAP would unlock (note the yellow lock).
This page is GONE. KEY to UNLOCK(ING) the MAP!
Any oldfags recall this page?
Where is it?
#4970894 at 2019-01-31 02:00:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6346: Protect Life Edition
Never us it, prefer children.
Don't us guy either (failed conspirator)
"the kids asked passING workers for pennies for the guy"
#4970566 at 2019-01-31 01:37:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6346: Protect Life Edition
THIS message is for Q, POTUS, MI, NSA, our men and women in uniform (and street clothes) wearING the proverbial white hats and walkING in God's stead: thank you for what you are doING in east Texas.
We literally did not sleep for a couple of years out here.
Now we do.
Your presence in our lives in a visible, meanINGful way has made a huge difference and we just want you to know that we love you, respect you, pray for you, and most of all, thank you … we thank you all.
Your undertakING is beyond the scope of our knowledge but from what we have seen and understand, out here, we have every faith in The Plan.
God bless and keep you all in His presence as you restore our Constitutional Republic. May you forever be remembered in the hearts, minds, and history books of the American people.
And as for all you bad actors out there, not just the foreign insurgents and treasonous dual citizens, but the cartel owned-and-operated politicians, cops, judges, and businessmen, among others: know this: THEY HAVE IT ALL.
Do right while you still have the opportunity to choose.
The time is comING, quickly, that will preclude individual choice and your 'decisions' will be made by others.
Justice IS comING.
We are no longer a lawless nation.
Laws are beING enforced and you are no longer above the law.
Know this.
God bless you all, anons and frens. Keep the faith; keep prayING, diggING, and meme-ING. Keep the visions of our future with you.
It is habbenING kek
#4969492 at 2019-01-31 00:08:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6344: Deltas, Times and Signs Edition
Yeah, not big on the whole bible thING personally, but have come to understand the soul enters the human BE-ING at conception.. BeING that numerically, more deaths occur in the womb than even most serious epidemics (in the states, at least) such as cancer or heart disease, abortion should be considered just as much a health epidemic.
#4967309 at 2019-01-30 20:48:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6342: Polar Vortex Edition
UN Security Council Face-Off on Venezuela
The Trump regime launched an old-fashioned coup d'etat attempt to gain another imperial trophy - what it's done scores of times before since the 19th century.
Key for the US is controllING what it's coveted since Hugo Chavez's election 20 years ago - control of Venezuela's vast oil reserves, the world's largest.
They represent what the State Department said about Saudi oil in the 1940s, callING its reserves a "stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history."
The Trump regime wants Venezuelan reserves controlled by Big Oil, likely willING to do whatever it takes to achieve its aim, military intervention an option if other tactics in play fail.
New millennium resource wars are ragING in the Middle East, as well as other oil and other commodity-rich parts of the world - a modern-day super-high stakes great game.
Henry KissINGer once said that
"control(ING) oil (is how to) control nations."
He also said
"(o)il is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs."
The same goes for Venezuela and other oil-rich states, mainly Russia, a nation of vast hydrocarbon and other highly valued resources, includING timber, iron ore, copper, diamonds, lead, zinc, bauxite, nickel, tin, mercury, gold, silver, manganese, chromium, platinum, titanium, tungsten, and phosphates - a strategic prize the US covets.
Its strategy for unchallenged global dominance involves controllING energy resources, other high-value commodities, food to control people, and money to control everythING - controllING the world depends on it.
The Trump regime called a Security Council session on Venezuela, strong-armING enough SC members to agree on holdING it - includING Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Peru and Poland.
Against the session were China, Russia, South Africa, and Equatorial Guinea. Indonesia and Ivory Coast abstained. OperatING as an imperial tool, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres failed to condemn the US coup attempt in Venezuela.
So did a UN press statement, citING a political crisis, the country "bucklING under severe shortages" - sayING nothING about US responsibility for what's goING on, wagING political, economic, financial, and sanctions war on the country, flagrantly breachING the UN Charter and other international law, what the world body is supposed to speak out against.
#4964924 at 2019-01-30 17:01:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6338: Winning Wednesday Edition
Other cuntry love ING makes a lot more sense with all these stupid fart huffeING trannywhores of the hobbits for cow rectum larp campaign
#4964721 at 2019-01-30 16:40:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6338: Winning Wednesday Edition
Jerry Falwell was a C_A asset…change my mind
#4952536 at 2019-01-29 17:32:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6323: GJ Testimony Underway In Several State Edition
GW = George W
Wa(m)ING-MissING "r"= Renegade = Hussein
BrING back the gallows!
#4952503 at 2019-01-29 17:28:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6322: Emerging Battlefields Edition
GW = George W
Wa(m)ING-MissING "r"= Renegade = Hussein
BrING back the gallows!
#4945854 at 2019-01-29 02:25:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6314: Hussein's Fleshjack Edition
#4931348 at 2019-01-27 22:05:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6295: The Vinyards Continued Edition
digits nothwithstandING, how exactly does that translate to "claim[ING] it in Jesus' name"?
that's seems like a stretch even on ache-chan.
#4928924 at 2019-01-27 17:44:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6292: Anons are digging edition
BeatING-around-the-boosh anon here.
You guys have done good.
Helper anon-ING allows for organic drops behind the veil of chaos.
There are HUGE major connections missING
all it takes is lookING at the actual !gm around 11 zin ln
pic related was a small part.
bit on the nose.
an entry way into the web of connections
this will get you to many:
sea to shinING sea
'red bulwark'
AJ et. al.
and my favorite:
the witch with a crooked nose who doesn't like rope.
You can use the bread and circus industries (list them) as an example of others.
build the map.
All paths lead where?
Must continue to beat around the bush.
you guys are good at what you do.
keep goING
#4928017 at 2019-01-27 15:44:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6291: Tip Of The Iceberg Edition
only it was the opposite that happened.
reopened the gov, didn't get any money for the wall.
just postING memes with POTUS and his BIG DICK
doesn't make it so
but feel free to keep meme-ING (and they say the left can't meme)
#4905126 at 2019-01-25 20:07:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6262: Sea to Shining Sea Edition
meme idea
address climate change
climate in a dress (w Bernie)
Bernie also a dress-ING
#4904198 at 2019-01-25 19:29:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6261: POTUS Live Now Edition
#4884110 at 2019-01-24 05:49:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6235: The "great" Bake Edition
Die-ING For Relevance!
#4859762 at 2019-01-22 13:48:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6203: High Level Connections Edition
Wasnt havING a go at the guy brINGING it up again .. was just hard work watchING and rewatchING those black guys treat everyone like shit in the full video .. and it took a bit of too and fro-ING to get the times/quotes right
#4859558 at 2019-01-22 13:15:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6203: High Level Connections Edition
mmmm 2 stars. Nice effort, but you're still in the "left" territory with meme-ING.
#4855315 at 2019-01-22 03:05:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6198: The 'Markers' Edition
>This post hints at the SAME REASON that all the hyper-evangelical Christian mens/womens' groups and "Bible studies" get on my last nerve.They turn into weird, spill-your-guts, everybody sobs, group therapy sessions.The womens' events turn into places where PMS-ING women get too emotional, talk too much, cry a bunch, and then later get upset when their stupid lack of discretion becomes small town bitch gossip.
you are spot on, anon. that is a big problem out there.
It certainly is not makING boys into men.
It is just another way of riddING toxic masculinity.
They want you a sobbING mess. They want you part of the community, not an individual.
I am so sick of the word "community"
#4855257 at 2019-01-22 03:01:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6198: The 'Markers' Edition
>>4855044 previous bread
This post hints at the SAME REASON that all the hyper-evangelical Christian mens/womens' groups and "Bible studies" get on my last nerve.
They turn into weird, spill-your-guts, everybody sobs, group therapy sessions.
The womens' events turn into places where PMS-ING women get too emotional, talk too much, cry a bunch, and then later get upset when their stupid lack of discretion becomes small town bitch gossip.
For Pete's sake, people. Sort your messy life out on your own, and that sounds cruel, but when it all boils down, it's the only choice we have.
Hard facts:
1) Life can be hard and unfair, and bad thINGs happen to good people. The key is in how we react to those thINGs.
2) Sometimes those messes (relationships, poor career/financial decisions, tattoos, bad haircuts) are our own fault. The only solution is to pull up your socks and figure out some ways to undo the worst of the damage.
Just my two cents, but I'd rather seek peace in quiet meditation and prayer. The Bible (and, to be fair, human history) is loaded with examples of people copING with adversity. Some of them overcome it, and some of them don't.
All those massive money-maker "love offerING" gatherINGs set my teeth on edge.
#4848182 at 2019-01-21 18:07:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6189: Dog Handlers Edition
Court Rules Undercover Videos Of Planned Parenthood SellING Baby Body Parts As Authentic
The court rulING refutes Planned Parenthood's own talkING points about how the CMP videos were "highly edited."
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood, primarily based on evidence found in undercover videos of the abortion provider's involvement in harvestING and sellING aborted baby body parts for profit.
The undercover videos in question were first released in 2015 by David Daleiden, founder and project lead at the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), and scrutinized by Planned Parenthood and members of the media as "deceptively edited."
"Planned Parenthood for years has been smearING us tryING to say the videos were not accurate or somehow misleadING," Daleiden said in an interview with Federalist contributor DC McAllister. "The Fifth Circuit explicitly found in their rulING last night that the Center for Medical Progress' videos are authentic...and could be relied upon by Texas and by others as the regulatory and other enforcement proceedINGs."
The court rulING directly refutes Planned Parenthood's own talkING points about how the CMP videos were "highly edited," and "falsely portray[ING] Planned Parenthood's participation in tissue donation programs."
"The video camera doesn't lie: CMP's undercover video series caught Planned Parenthood's top leaders openly admittING to sellING baby body parts for profit in violation of federal law," said the Center for Medical Progress in a statement. "Now it is time for the Department of Justice to do its job and hold Planned Parenthood accountable to the law."
#4847941 at 2019-01-21 17:45:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6188: Ghost Protocol Edition
what is the meanING of this burnING museum?
burn ING(lander (land her)) mu's see em?
#4846650 at 2019-01-21 16:00:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6187: Wake and Bake Edition
Oil rises as investors latch on to OPEC cuts, supply outlook
LONDON (Reuters) - Oil rose on Monday, reversING earlier losses, as investors latched on to positive supply-side drivers for the market, although concern about the wider economy simmered in the background after data pointed to a slowdown in China.
Brent crude oil futures were up 12 cents at $62.82 a barrel by 1520 GMT, while U.S. crude futures were up 9 cents at $53.89 a barrel.
Analysts said a more robust backdrop for financial markets, together with the prospect of slower crude production growth, were the major drivers behind the rally in oil.
"The stock market performance is one of the reasons why oil keeps marchING higher. There also seems to be a general belief that the agreed cut in OPEC+ production will be sufficient to balance the market," PVM Oil Associates said in a note.
Global equities fell after data pointed to a slowdown in Chinese economic growth in 2018 to a 28-year low. The numbers fed concern that the outlook for global growth may be darkenING, particularly given U.S.-China trade tensions.
But stocks are still up nearly 8 percent so far this month, which in turn has given oil investors more confidence to bet aggressively on a rise in crude prices.
"It remains quite likely that the trade spat with the U.S. has played a part in this latest slowdown," CMC Markets chief market analyst Michael Hewson said.
"But investors should also factor in that it simply isn't possible for the Chinese economy to grow at the pace that it has over the last 10 years, in the next 10 years."
While there is concern that a slowING global economy could impact oil demand, production cuts implemented by the Organization of the Petroleum ExportING Countries are likely to support crude oil prices, analysts said.
"You can't justify oil prices at these levels. We're lookING basically at an average of almost $70 a barrel for Brent in 2019," ING commodities strategist Warren Patterson said.
"I am gettING increasINGly concerned about how tight the market will be goING into 2020."
A separate report from China's National Bureau of Statistics on Monday showed crude oil refinery throughput in 2018 climbed to a record 12.1 million barrels per day (bpd), up 6.8 percent from the previous year.
In the United States, energy companies cut the number of rigs drillING for oil by 21 in the week to Jan. 18, takING the count down to 852, the lowest since May 2018, energy services firm Baker Hughes said on Friday.
rest at link
still workING on breakING out over $54 from previous chart. Not seeING the buyING volume
#4838849 at 2019-01-20 23:13:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6176: The Baby It's Cold Outside Edition
toxic shock-ING
#4838098 at 2019-01-20 22:03:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6175: Rapid Fire Retweets Edition
Brb k-ING ms
#4831052 at 2019-01-20 06:16:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6166: They NEVER Thought She Would Lose Edition
Make fun of a rothschild faggot for like ING trannys in elementary school and get a "drug war" six weeks later with gynotologists and thule zombies
#4829855 at 2019-01-20 04:20:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6165: Sailing Together Edition
Was typING to fast, corrections:
Self organized (ING) collective intelligence (AI/Bot)
Ground Zero is the radio show (similar to Coast to Coast but on FM)
#4812772 at 2019-01-19 02:05:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6142: Night Shift Edition
You mean like 'tee-ING up
with Maggie:? Collusion with the NYT? PlantING a false story? That the fuckin SPECIAL COUNSEL had to shut down? That kind of settING up the story?
#4800094 at 2019-01-18 03:33:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6126: 2 Scoops RBG, 3 picks POTUS Edition
They must be double I.V.'ING her with young blood.
#4794985 at 2019-01-17 21:01:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6119: Did Someone Say Train? Edition
F-ING abuse of power b*tch. Pelosi feels like she can just order up Air Force planes whenever she wants like she's the head of the damned military.
Worst of it is, the guy who turned her down probably got his ass fired. Sad.
#4791461 at 2019-01-17 16:33:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6115: No Clue for a Bread Title Almost an Ebake Edition
Obama ex gushed about 'all this f-ING'
Obama had just graduated from Occidental College in LA and was workING in Manhattan in 1983 when he met Cook, the well-traveled daughter of an Aussie spy and diplomat who was three years Obama's senior.
#4787806 at 2019-01-17 06:08:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6110: We Comfy Edition
Anons, never stop anon-ING.
#4781259 at 2019-01-16 21:09:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6102: Rush vs. Leviathan Edition
>>4781108 Ty sir (kek)
>>4781135, >>4781101
Ty anons
>>4781122, >>4781123, >>4781135
Thanks guys, kek. I get perverse pleasure inb4'ING these nigs. You just know they fuckING hate it.
Didn't want to kek at this, and yet, here I am...
>>4781086 lb
Ty, thought it might have been that. If poster links to other note they're commentING on it's pretty easy for baker just to tack on to existING note.
As it stands, since I didn't see till after baked, I added it to dough and it will show on next bread:
>>4780718, >>4780883, >>4780745 PapaD: Anons/EpochTimes on Oct2017 testimony
>They know.
Agreed. Just givING them the benefit of the doubt and avenue to correct. SpellING it out thusly also helpful for lurkING newfags IMO.
Anon, we deal in facts here. General complaints read either as shillING or needING to have our ways explained. If you have a complaint, for example with notables, plz be specific, with links, about which notes you want in or out, and provide reasoned explanation for why.
Pain comING.
#4777056 at 2019-01-16 14:35:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6096: Aid For Those Who Respect Us Edition
F-ING gross!
Mind control for those who cannot/won't think for themselves!
#4769845 at 2019-01-15 23:36:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6087: Continue To Build The MAP Edition
I've listened to a few of his shows…try to skip around and hear others….>So what if he/they are makING $$$$ U don;t have to pay… and if there's a commercial or add or two so f-ING what… I didn't pay for anythING….
He's not puttING Q down what so ever….
If he was I 'd be bashING him….
Don't see a problem with it…
#4769806 at 2019-01-15 23:34:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6087: Continue To Build The MAP Edition
>>4768892 lb
This is soooo fuc#ING true.
I had 43 aliases given to me on my credit reports over ten years of ID theft. I actually found my own ID theft because I was a Banker (retired early -now). I found that the IRS allowed multiple refunds and these illegal's lived all over the nation. They were able to secure car loans, personal loans, my credit was pulled for apartment leases, credit cards, etc. I had 13 pages of credit I didn't apply for off my 850 credit score.
The same day I found this info out, I received a letter from my car insurance company where my insurance was canceled for havING had an accident in New Jersey in a SUV that I did not own, or was I in New Jersey ...nope. so I call my insurance carrier. That call was shockING to me. I was actually cancelled because I live and listed my residence in Maryland. The vehicle resident was listed in New Jersey. You cannot list two primary residence under one social security number. Needless to say, my insurance was reinforced and the vehicle owner in New Jersey was charged with insurance fraud. I used this info to present to my State Senator, who helped me to get a new social security number. I gave up 10 years of earned income towards my social security retirement fund because these illegal's were filING social security taxes for refunds . They used me for work, loans, housING, insurance. I am still angry. The time frame was 2002 when I discovered the thefts.
These illegal's lived off of me...however, they paid their debts as not to get caught. I had the local field office the FBI involved and the Federal Trade Commission involved. It was discovered that the MVA info and my patient records at John's Hopkin patient records department were sold to illegal's for $6k each. The rING at Hopkins were caught. I did my part but, still angry
#4769452 at 2019-01-15 23:04:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6087: Continue To Build The MAP Edition
are not endorsements
>>4727722 Graphic guide to postING on 8chan
>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board
>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops
>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.
>>4768742 Barr's exchange with Da Nang Dick Blumenthal
>>4768743 Putin Says Russia Doesn't Want Arms Race
>>4768800 De Blasio pitches plan to take buildINGs from landlords; critics cry socialism
>>4768818 Moar on James Baker under investigation for leaks
>>4768892 IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
>>4768956 Videe: Israeli Defense Force Chief admits supportING Syrian Rebels with weapons & cash
>>4769155 New Migrant Caravan Organizer Arrested in Honduras on Rape Charge
>>4769203, >>4769235 On US Attorney John Durham
>>4769226 Protests inside Pelosi and Schumer's offices
>>4769241, >>4769265 On Obama and Nadhmi Auchi
>>4769296 Trump's Shutdown Trap?
>>4769311 Gender Ideology Harms Children
>>4769435 #6086
>>4767950 Militants PreparING New Chemical Attacks In Syria
>>4767991 US Attorney John Lausch to oversee FISA warrant document release… back in April
>>4768009 New Poll: 65 Percent of Americans Support OverturnING Roe v. Wade
>>4768089 Karen Pence Returns to the Classroom
>>4768119, >>4768261 Federal Court Orders Discovery on Clinton Email, Benghazi Scandal
>>4768166 Facebook to invest $300 million to help local news survive
>>4768221 Senate will not be in recess next week if government is still closed
>>4768113 IRS is recallING 46,000 workers from furlough to handle tax refunds without pay (60% of workforce)
>>4768393 Updated Lisa Page testimony article
>>4768649 #6085
#6084 Baker Change
>>4767175, >>4767192, >>4767201, >>4767211, >>4767290, >>4767500, >>4767638 Moar on May beING btfo'd
>>4767188, >>4767216 John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran
>>4767287 Former MLB pitcher charged with "continuous sex abuse of a child under age 14"
>>4767339, >>4767840 NSA OIG report released
>>4767390 Mueller still supoena-ING Corsi
>>4767460 Chelsea Clinton tweet on "Pizza"
>>4767518 Former FBI general counsel James Baker is subject of a criminal leak investigation
>>4767624 ZH Tweet: Witness at El Chapo Guzman's trial said they paid former Mexican President Nieto $100 million bribe
>>4767641 Vote of no confidence for Theresa May.. again
>>4767667 Merkels Secret Police Announces Plans to Spy on political party AfD
>>4767743 McConnell: Senate won't override Trump veto on shutdown fight
>>4767726, >>4767756 Anons on the UK's Rejection of May's [EU's] Brexit Deal
,>>4767849 #6084
>>4766432 MCCABE TRIED TO CONTACT STEELE AFTER COMEY FIRING... was thwarted by Robert Mueller.
>>4766441 Barr May write report on Final FindINGs of Mueller Porbe. Stealth Bomber?
>>4766422, >>4766544, >>4766598 Who is THE HONORABLE ROBERT P. STORCH?
>>4766638, >>4766664, >>4766688 The FBI Poses the "National Security Threat", Not Trump. Anons already knew this.
>>4766761, >>4766796 Brexit Vote Results. Mays deal is sunk.
>>4766925 MH Tweet: "Kushner is defacto Chief of Staff"
>>4766983, >>4767026 Moar RIF digs. Picture painted?
>>4766992 [RR] out and MSM reports Graphic. Noice.
>>4767105 #6083
Previously Collected Notables
>>4766328 #6082
>>4763986 #6079, >>4764756 #6080, >>4765541 #6081
>>4761640 #6076, >>4762417 #6077, >>4763222 #6078
>>4759422 #6073, >>4760090 #6074, >>4760866 #6075
>>4757045 #6070, >>4757815 #6071, >>4758560 #6072
>>4754682 #6067, >>4755492 #6068, >>4756270 #6069
>>4752648 #6064, >>4753098 #6065, >>4753897 #6066
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#4769337 at 2019-01-15 22:55:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6086: Barr Confirmation Edition
This is soooo fuc#ING true.
I had 43 aliases given to me on my credit reports over ten years of ID theft. I actually found my own ID theft because I was a Banker (retired early -now). I found that the IRS allowed multiple refunds and these illegal's lived all over the nation. They were able to secure car loans, personal loans, my credit was pulled for apartment leases, credit cards, etc. I had 13 pages of credit I didn't apply for off my 850 credit score.
The same day I found this info out, I received a letter from my car insurance company where my insurance was canceled for havING had an accident in New Jersey in a SUV that I did not own, or was I in New Jersey …nope. so I call my insurance carrier. That call was shockING to me. I was actually cancelled because I live and listed my residence in Maryland. The vehicle resident was listed in New Jersey. You cannot list two primary residence under one social security number. Needless to say, my insurance was reinforced and the vehicle owner in New Jersey was charged with insurance fraud. I used this info to present to my State Senator, who helped me to get a new social security number. I gave up 10 years of earned income towards my social security retirement fund because these illegal's were filING social security taxes for refunds . They used me for work, loans, housING, insurance. I am still angry. The time frame was 2002 when I discovered the thefts.
These illegal's lived off of me…however, they paid their debts as not to get caught. I had the local field office the FBI involved and the Federal Trade Commission involved. It was discovered that the MVA info and my patient records at John's Hopkin patient records department were sold to illegal's for $6k each. The rING at Hopkins were caught. I did my part but, still angry. >>4769329
#4768658 at 2019-01-15 22:03:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6086: Barr Confirmation Edition
are not endorsements
>>4727722 Graphic guide to postING on 8chan
>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board
>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops
>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.
>>4767950 Militants PreparING New Chemical Attacks In Syria
>>4767991 US Attorney John Lausch to oversee FISA warrant document release… back in April
>>4768009 New Poll: 65 Percent of Americans Support OverturnING Roe v. Wade
>>4768089 Karen Pence Returns to the Classroom
>>4768119, >>4768261 Federal Court Orders Discovery on Clinton Email, Benghazi Scandal
>>4768166 Facebook to invest $300 million to help local news survive
>>4768221 Senate will not be in recess next week if government is still closed
>>4768113 IRS is recallING 46,000 workers from furlough to handle tax refunds without pay (60% of workforce)
>>4768393 Updated Lisa Page testimony article
>>4768649 #6085
#6084 Baker Change
>>4767175, >>4767192, >>4767201, >>4767211, >>4767290, >>4767500, >>4767638 Moar on May beING btfo'd
>>4767188, >>4767216 John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran
>>4767287 Former MLB pitcher charged with "continuous sex abuse of a child under age 14"
>>4767339, >>4767840 NSA OIG report released
>>4767390 Mueller still supoena-ING Corsi
>>4767460 Chelsea Clinton tweet on "Pizza"
>>4767518 Former FBI general counsel James Baker is subject of a criminal leak investigation
>>4767624 ZH Tweet: Witness at El Chapo Guzman's trial said they paid former Mexican President Nieto $100 million bribe
>>4767641 Vote of no confidence for Theresa May.. again
>>4767667 Merkels Secret Police Announces Plans to Spy on political party AfD
>>4767743 McConnell: Senate won't override Trump veto on shutdown fight
>>4767726, >>4767756 Anons on the UK's Rejection of May's [EU's] Brexit Deal
,>>4767849 #6084
>>4766432 MCCABE TRIED TO CONTACT STEELE AFTER COMEY FIRING... was thwarted by Robert Mueller.
>>4766441 Barr May write report on Final FindINGs of Mueller Porbe. Stealth Bomber?
>>4766422, >>4766544, >>4766598 Who is THE HONORABLE ROBERT P. STORCH?
>>4766638, >>4766664, >>4766688 The FBI Poses the "National Security Threat", Not Trump. Anons already knew this.
>>4766761, >>4766796 Brexit Vote Results. Mays deal is sunk.
>>4766925 MH Tweet: "Kushner is defacto Chief of Staff"
>>4766983, >>4767026 Moar RIF digs. Picture painted?
>>4766992 [RR] out and MSM reports Graphic. Noice.
>>4767105 #6083
>>4765589 Jordan and Meadows ask for US Atty John Durham Probe into James Baker…
>>4765598, >>4765637, >>4765639, >>4765780, >>4765797 Pi PIzza and BHO. Symbolism will be their downfall. LOTS of connections.
>>4765621 House bill removes liability protection from tech giants, forcING social media to pay for political discrimination
>>4765651 ECPAT Pedophilia normalization in overdrive. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!
>>4765757 StrikING Los Angeles Teachers Bully, Threaten Substitutes CrossING Picket Line - Post Names of Subs
>>4765785 NOW: A federal judge in DC has *denied* motions for temporary restrainING orders in litigation over the government shutdown.
>>4765801 Ex-top FBI lawyer subject of criminal media leak probe... BAKER. BOOM!
>>4765791 STAH Mom is an honarable pprofession. Here's why.
>>4766051 Prosecution Requests NXIVM Trial Be Delayed! Raniere's attorney objects
>>4765769, >>4766016, >>4766040, >>4766052, >>4766216 Containment OP Complete? House Vacancies?
>>4765751, >>4766212, >>4765615, >>4766212 MOAR digs on RIF and why shutdown is good for this. Clean WH?
>>4766328 #6082
Previously Collected Notables
>>4763986 #6079, >>4764756 #6080, >>4765541 #6081
>>4761640 #6076, >>4762417 #6077, >>4763222 #6078
>>4759422 #6073, >>4760090 #6074, >>4760866 #6075
>>4757045 #6070, >>4757815 #6071, >>4758560 #6072
>>4754682 #6067, >>4755492 #6068, >>4756270 #6069
>>4752648 #6064, >>4753098 #6065, >>4753897 #6066
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#4768511 at 2019-01-15 21:50:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6085: [MAY] Edition
i didn't a soon any shit..it's fuckin logic..a soon ING is for faggots..
#4767859 at 2019-01-15 20:54:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6085: [MAY] Edition
are not endorsements
>>4727722 Graphic guide to postING on 8chan
>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board
>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops
>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.
#6084 Baker Change
>>4767175, >>4767192, >>4767201, >>4767211, >>4767290, >>4767500, >>4767638 Moar on May beING btfo'd
>>4767188, >>4767216 John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran
>>4767287 Former MLB pitcher charged with "continuous sex abuse of a child under age 14"
>>4767339, >>4767840 NSA OIG report released
>>4767390 Mueller still supoena-ING Corsi
>>4767460 Chelsea Clinton tweet on "Pizza"
>>4767518 Former FBI general counsel James Baker is subject of a criminal leak investigation
>>4767624 ZH Tweet: Witness at El Chapo Guzman's trial said they paid former Mexican President Nieto $100 million bribe
>>4767641 Vote of no confidence for Theresa May.. again
>>4767667 Merkels Secret Police Announces Plans to Spy on political party AfD
>>4767743 McConnell: Senate won't override Trump veto on shutdown fight
>>4767726, >>4767756 Anons on the UK's Rejection of May's [EU's] Brexit Deal
,>>4767849 #6084
>>4766432 MCCABE TRIED TO CONTACT STEELE AFTER COMEY FIRING... was thwarted by Robert Mueller.
>>4766441 Barr May write report on Final FindINGs of Mueller Porbe. Stealth Bomber?
>>4766422, >>4766544, >>4766598 Who is THE HONORABLE ROBERT P. STORCH?
>>4766638, >>4766664, >>4766688 The FBI Poses the "National Security Threat", Not Trump. Anons already knew this.
>>4766761, >>4766796 Brexit Vote Results. Mays deal is sunk.
>>4766925 MH Tweet: "Kushner is defacto Chief of Staff"
>>4766983, >>4767026 Moar RIF digs. Picture painted?
>>4766992 [RR] out and MSM reports Graphic. Noice.
>>4767105 #6083
>>4765589 Jordan and Meadows ask for US Atty John Durham Probe into James Baker…
>>4765598, >>4765637, >>4765639, >>4765780, >>4765797 Pi PIzza and BHO. Symbolism will be their downfall. LOTS of connections.
>>4765621 House bill removes liability protection from tech giants, forcING social media to pay for political discrimination
>>4765651 ECPAT Pedophilia normalization in overdrive. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!
>>4765757 StrikING Los Angeles Teachers Bully, Threaten Substitutes CrossING Picket Line - Post Names of Subs
>>4765785 NOW: A federal judge in DC has *denied* motions for temporary restrainING orders in litigation over the government shutdown.
>>4765801 Ex-top FBI lawyer subject of criminal media leak probe... BAKER. BOOM!
>>4765791 STAH Mom is an honarable pprofession. Here's why.
>>4766051 Prosecution Requests NXIVM Trial Be Delayed! Raniere's attorney objects
>>4765769, >>4766016, >>4766040, >>4766052, >>4766216 Containment OP Complete? House Vacancies?
>>4765751, >>4766212, >>4765615, >>4766212 MOAR digs on RIF and why shutdown is good for this. Clean WH?
>>4766328 #6082
>>4764807 Monday HUBER testimony graphic. Time will tell.
>>4764818 Is the shutdown a setup to clean house by firING nonessential employees?
>>4764831 Democrats boycott White House border security meetING
>>4764828 Rod Rosenstein is explorING ways to make it easier to spy on journalists. How do you stop the LEAKS?
>>4764839 LUFTHANSA, GERMANY No Flights Due to Security Strike
>>4764992 NCCT: National Center for Compentency TestING per POTUS tweet caps. InterestING Coincidences.
>>4765012, >>4765023 Link to Baker testimony and Letter PDF. "Under investigation for leaks to the media". BOOM
>>4765044 Mark Robbins: attorney Trump just appointed to the OPM, will handle the Reduction in Personnel when the [30] furlough is up
>>4765081, >>4765161, >>4765173 Done in [30] Q drops.
>>4765102, >>4765305 Who is John Durham? IF you bake it he will crumb.
>>4765134 Live: Machete attacks break out in London. Hmmm
>>4765129, >>4765200 1000 hamberders. Master Troll? A lot of coincidences in POTUS tweets.
>>4765296 Gearbox CEO Accused Of HavING "Underage Pornography" & HostING "Peacock" Pedo Parties
>>4765541 #6081
Previously Collected Notables
>>4763986 #6079, >>4764756 #6080
>>4761640 #6076, >>4762417 #6077, >>4763222 #6078
>>4759422 #6073, >>4760090 #6074, >>4760866 #6075
>>4757045 #6070, >>4757815 #6071, >>4758560 #6072
>>4754682 #6067, >>4755492 #6068, >>4756270 #6069
>>4752648 #6064, >>4753098 #6065, >>4753897 #6066
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
#4767849 at 2019-01-15 20:53:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6084: You have the Keystone Edition
>>4767175, >>4767192, >>4767201, >>4767211, >>4767290, >>4767500, >>4767638 Moar on May beING btfo'd
>>4767188, >>4767216 John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran
>>4767287 Former MLB pitcher charged with "continuous sex abuse of a child under age 14"
>>4767339, >>4767840 NSA OIG report released
>>4767390 Mueller still supoena-ING Corsi
>>4767460 Chelsea Clinton tweet on "Pizza"
>>4767518 Former FBI general counsel James Baker is subject of a criminal leak investigation
>>4767624 ZH Tweet: Witness at El Chapo Guzman's trial said they paid former Mexican President Nieto $100 million bribe
>>4767641 Vote of no confidence for Theresa May.. again
>>4767667 Merkels Secret Police Announces Plans to Spy on political party AfD
>>4767743 McConnell: Senate won't override Trump veto on shutdown fight
>>4767726, >>4767756 Anons on the UK's Rejection of May's [EU's] Brexit Deal
#4767840 at 2019-01-15 20:52:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6084: You have the Keystone Edition
OIG NSA Report
>''We are very excited about both of these developments, and I encourage those who are interested in more information to view the introductory video on our site discuss
ING why we believe it was important to enhance the transparency of our oversight work so that, even if the public cannot know everythING about every Agency program or operation, it knows that there is effective independent oversight goING on here.''
A Welcome Message from the IG
#4767775 at 2019-01-15 20:47:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6084: You have the Keystone Edition
>>4767175, >>4767192, >>4767201, >>4767211, >>4767290, >>4767500, >>4767638 Moar on May beING btfo'd
>>4767188, >>4767216 John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran
>>4767287 Former MLB pitcher charged with "continuous sex abuse of a child under age 14"
>>4767339 NSA OIG report released
>>4767390 Mueller still supoena-ING Corsi
>>4767460 Chelsea Clinton tweet on "Pizza"
>>4767518 Former FBI general counsel James Baker is subject of a criminal leak investigation
>>4767624 ZH Tweet: Witness at El Chapo Guzman's trial said they paid former Mexican President Nieto $100 million bribe
>>4767641 Vote of no confidence for Theresa May.. again
>>4767667 Merkels Secret Police Announces Plans to Spy on political party AfD
>>4767743 McConnell: Senate won't override Trump veto on shutdown fight
>>4767756 Anon on the UK's Rejection of May's [EU's] Brexit Deal
Perpetual Handoff™ in effect
#4767561 at 2019-01-15 20:34:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6084: You have the Keystone Edition
Notables so far
>>4767175, >>4767192, >>4767201, >>4767211, >>4767290, >>4767500 Moar on May beING btfo'd
>>4767188, >>4767216 John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran
>>4767287 Former MLB pitcher charged with "continuous sex abuse of a child under age 14"
>>4767339 NSA OIG report released
>>4767390 Mueller still supoena-ING Corsi
>>4767518 Former FBI general counsel James Baker is subject of a criminal leak investigation
Perpetual Handoff™ in effect
#4767390 at 2019-01-15 20:23:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6084: You have the Keystone Edition
Mueller still supoena-ING Corsi
Robert Mueller has zeroed in on at least three new witnesses associated with a conservative commentator connected to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone, signalING that investigators remain focused on the activities of Stone and his associates despite the continued public silence on a matter long thought to be close to resolution.
And Corsi's stepson Andrew Stettner,
#4758088 at 2019-01-15 02:16:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6072: Can't get enough Tendies Edition
ING glow
ARRR (you)
#4752051 at 2019-01-14 17:50:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6064: Workweek Beginnings Edition
Next time somethING significant happens, is immediately put in notables, then is repeatedly asked about for the next 10 bread, I'll remember that I must be imaginING it because this retard said "false"
Also, the boot-lickers that rush to defend the idea of notables reveal their own newfaggotry.
The notables rarely, RARELY have anythING of any value, and actual autists aren't scared to admit that.
The "i desperately want to be part of the club, so I feverishly follow whatever I perceive to be the rules" crowd of reddit transplants are the ones you see boomer-ING it up durING the day time.
#4751568 at 2019-01-14 17:04:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6063: Chill Edition
Probably a plan to purposefully swING other states Blue
I know CA influx made the Blue-ING of TX happen about 10X faster than it would have just by waitING on Mexicans to sneak in and reproduce
#4742989 at 2019-01-13 23:02:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6052:Special Country, Special Place Edition
I'm with ya bro. since I started workING in 1981 I was NEVER unemployed then came Obamadouche 2009 to 2016 WAS hell. I lost track of the number of jobs and unemployment periods. I was perm with benefits up to 2009 and ever since its been nothING but fuckING contract work where I pay all my own benes while H1-B people push down wages and the quality of jobs. I am so done with this fuckING bullshit. I just got fully back on my feet Friday after refi-ING my house and consoldoiatING debt at 5% rate instead of ridiculous credit card rates. Now its time to FCK them back hard (not the gov employees but the higher ups who are moanING that their "world has been turned upside down) FUKM!
#4739299 at 2019-01-13 18:30:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6048: Ultra Sonic Edition
I changed the saturation and it is clear to see that it is a blue dial. Therefore, it is the follow-ING model (see picture), as already suspected. It's the 2017 edition (iw3903).
#4735275 at 2019-01-13 07:00:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6042: Learn To Read The Map Edition
#4734769 at 2019-01-13 06:03:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6042: Learn To Read The Map Edition
Well anons,
I'm comING back to work. I've taken enough time to enjoy the show, and I'm sure I've been missed. I really have tried to check in once and a while, but the last year wore me right the duck out. So much winnING! WatchING the MSM struggle to understand what we were doING here and watchING this administration have success in exposING the deep state and their operatives. It's all been thrillING. I'm glad i can come here and see that,even without me, the shills could not take my UID and turn it against this board. They are waste of uid. You bunch have held the line and I'm so proud to see so many undaunted and resolute anons,still diggING,still meme ING,still prayING.
2018 was glorious!
2019 is gonna be even better!
#4723004 at 2019-01-12 09:56:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6027: A Huge explosion Edition
<or its somethING else blockING your mind from "see"ING the truth
<Some of us happen to know a bit more concernING history than others
<a few crumbs here or there...
Seems you're the one claimING such ineffible wisdom, yet nothING but bullshit talk from you.. last shekel from me unless you've got knowledge to impart.
#4722878 at 2019-01-12 09:25:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6027: A Huge explosion Edition
you been readING Q related news for a long time or no? :D
i could give a fuck less about your lil graphic
i was stuck in that hell for a while
yer just stuck with your head up your ass
or its muh religion
or its somethING else blockING your mind from "see"ING the truth
What part of AMERICA FIRST do you FUNDIES not fuckING understand?
fuck the bad jews, fuck the bad christians and fuck the bad catholics
Some of us happen to know a bit more concernING history than others
now fuck off… oh yes you can…
#4721619 at 2019-01-12 06:26:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6025: Enjoy The Show Edition
You do have remedy to remove yourself from the U.S. CORPORATION however they have made it damn near impossible to extricate oneself with out f ING up somehow and gettING into hot water. In reality since it was all fraud because full disclosure was never given makING it void ab initio you should just be able to say kiss my ass and now as beneficiary return all that has been stolen
#4720033 at 2019-01-12 03:49:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6023: Awaiting VIP Arrival Edition
But muh civic nationalism, muh magic dirt…
Brb k-ING ms
#4711083 at 2019-01-11 16:06:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6012: Twitter Savage Edition
ING thING to say
#4698342 at 2019-01-10 20:47:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5995: Happy Birthday Jared Kushner Edition
from a friend…
"The Wave is a projection from Source that occurs in tandem with the 'closING off' of a period of activity relative to a planetary system's growth and development.
It is a 'pulsING rhythm' that attenuates from the 'Primal Sound' and builds up in layers like a series of Sound Waves to a level where the intensity of the resultant vibration is strengthened to a point of implosion. That point, however, is only reached when circumstances have sufficiently been 'fine tuned' to ensure 'that' which is beING calibrated' can 'see the face of God' without losING consciousness.
All planetary systems which extend outward from Source will be 'bathed' in this Primal Sound. Those most separated from Source will be subjected to the more acute 'tunING' elements that accompany this 'Sound Wave" for that is really what it is.
The "I AM' issues forth the 'Primal Sound' and it is rhythmically discharged in a series of 'pulsING sound waves', with the lowest intensities beING the first to be discharged. As the issued 'Primal Sound' 'tunes up' whatever it comes into contact with and some density is cleared, the issued sound reverberates in the form of a secondary echo and returns to the 'I AM' or Source who in turn projects another 'pulsed sound wave' of greater intensity than the one issued before. This to-ING and fro-ING of sound waves, movING from lower to higher levels result in an eventual 'breakING down' of density. With the breakING down of density, all that remains is Spirit, for all density has been dissolved and as such the dense forms that added to the illusion of 'separateness' become 'unglued'. However that particular situation is some way off and it is best discussed and understood durING the period of stasis.
For the moment though the first rhythmic waves are the least intense and are designed to 'shake' everythING up at its core. At the higher Cosmic levels the waves will feel like gentle breezes on one's cheek. At the lower levels ALL atomic structures within density will vibrate intensely.
These "Primal Sounds' from the 'I AM' or Source which move through Creation as Sound Waves consist of super-charged particulates which 'roar' through the Cosmos. You may picture it as an image of mighty waves risING up out of the oceans and crashING onto the beach, gradually breakING down anythING that stands as a resistance to the ocean's waves.
These 'super-charged particulates' are comprised mainly of electrons which literally attach themselves to each atom that is encountered and 'electrifies' or 'charges' the atom even further. The 'electrifyING' or 'chargING' process involves the 'harmonizING' of each atom to the frequency of each attached 'super-charged particulate which carries the frequency of the 'Primal Sound'. This is similar to how a 'tunING fork' works. Automatically the atom begins to {{vibrate}} in resonance with the particular level frequency of the Sound Wave of the 'Primal Sound" which was projected by Source.
As you know all matter as you see it, is comprised of atoms, held together by sound waves vibratING at different frequencies. Additionally each coalesced sound wave emits its own tone…Once the supercharged particulate 'electrifies' or 'charges' the atom to which it is attached, it effectively changes the nature of the atom……the tonal quality changes and the now 'supercharged', electrified atom emits its own sound or tone. Each supercharged atom makING up particular forms of matter be they humanoid, plant, animal, planetary or celestial… (Yes, celestials, elementals etc. carry form even though it is less dense than human form) release new tones or sounds unique to the now supercharged, electrified atomic structures of their beING…. The I AM or Source responds to these released tones by emittING an even higher level tone of the Primal Sound that 'washes' over all creation again.. The process is repeated in a rhythmic pattern until the desired objectives are achieved
#4689874 at 2019-01-10 04:33:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5984: This Was Needed Edition
"The whole idea behind the EB-5 visa was to help create jobs in economically disadvantaged areas. But where big bucks are involved, corruption soon follows, and with Chuck Schumer and the EB-5 visa program, you need to follow the money.
Schumer received $1.09 million in campaign donations since 2011 from real estate interests, and his third top donor source was Fragomen, a law firm that has a prominent EB-5 practice, which donated $82,200 to his campaign committee. Fragomen advertises itself as "support[ING] . . . [the] immigration needs' of 'the world's largest companies . . . all over the world'."
Schumer also rakes in campaign dollars from real estate companies such as Related Companies and Silverstein Properties, which also raise EB-5 funds.
#4688233 at 2019-01-10 02:28:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5982: Pelosi Says No To Wall Even If Goverment Reopens Edition
He's hopING people are Filter+ING
#4667552 at 2019-01-08 23:11:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5956: "Mr Israel is packing his office right now" Edition
Former Facebook Employees Compare Company to 'Cult'
"Even if you are fuckING miserable, you need to act like you love this place."
CNBC compiled a number of similar comments from former Facebook employees, Tuesday, who likened the Big Tech company to a "cult," where they always had to pretend to be enjoyING themselves.
"There's a real culture of 'Even if you are f-ING miserable, you need to act like you love this place,'" claimed one former employee. "It is not OK to act like this is not the best place to work."
#4662155 at 2019-01-08 16:27:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5949: Can't Boycott the TRUTH Edition
I agree, but antitrust laws have once again been changed to allow these monopolies. It's not a lack of enforcement, the bills stoppING Comcast and 100 other companies from doING this shit have been gutted and their teeth removed.
We have to clean out DC so we can put more effective laws in place to stop the cronies from crony-ING.
#4656197 at 2019-01-08 04:02:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5941: Moar of that Ginger Bread Edition
>>4654488 Report: A Brain Implant Improved Memory pb Notable
Note from Captain Obvious:
If after an implant, the brain does miraculous thINGs, the brain had the capacity PRIOR to the implant!
What's not beING said here is that the human brain is capable but memory is beING blocked or retarded in some way. Perhaps that should be the research, not support of alterING the brain?
Anon tagged this pb, Anon responds:
Séance = science. Been debated here before re: the word and its etymology, from Latin to Greek and beyond.
Science is what they have used to dumb us all down. Have you noticed that one day science tells you covfefe is good and the next day it's bad? Then they say science is 'settled' when it clearly isn't and the basic definition of science is that it NOT be settled but rather ongoING discovery.
Science is one of those buzz words they use to give the sheeple the impression that there are those that have advanced knowledge or superior knowledge (and some do) but mostly science is propaganda!
The séance is just that; a SPELL that puts normie in to believING that science is all-knowING, all superior and that whatever science come sup with, it's true, when clearly it is not.
Science = séance; a deep dream the cabal has hypnotized us with to gain control.
The study of words or whirrds and spell-ING of words. The castING of SPELLS. Yes- it goes that deep. Our very language has been designed to work against us.
[is it Bless you! or B-less you (be less, you)? hould it be understand or inner_stand? there is a difference!]
#4654677 at 2019-01-08 02:25:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5939: "Refusal to provide coverage of successes" Edition
I doubt it, Sessions would have been the one ok-ING them (most were likely made well before he left)
#4654239 at 2019-01-08 01:57:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5938: "Imagine That" Edition
NFW a towel head with no flight hours logged could fly a plane with that kind of precision. I've been sayING that for years. What a f-ING joke this whole thING is.
#4648165 at 2019-01-07 19:18:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5930: Imagine That Edition
>Not only do they have to post proof that they are liars
>Some of them are outsourcING the lie production
>So professional liars are now Bullshit ING their way out of student loans in real time online with shitty memes of shitty golems and shitty trannys
>Lucre and bigotry
>Bizarre huh
Machine Projection??
#4648092 at 2019-01-07 19:14:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5930: Imagine That Edition
Not only do they have to post proof that they are liars
Some of them are outsourcING the lie production
So professional liars are now Bullshit ING their way out of student loans in real time online with shitty memes of shitty golems and shitty trannys
Lucre and bigotry
Bizarre huh
#4639918 at 2019-01-07 05:26:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5920: The treachery revealed by Comey Clapper and Brennan Edition
JFK in Dallas
Multiple shooters, Kill shot by driver SS comped of POTUS Kennedy's car, Seen the video evidence. Left arm over right shoulder pulls trigger and Hits Potus in the head after be ING hit in the back of the neck.
#4639619 at 2019-01-07 05:05:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5919: Money Buys POWER Edition
OMGosh, yes, of course I remember! We were (you)ING each other about your pamphlet idea back when Q and all of us were on the CBTS board here. Seems like yesterday. We discussed it & reminisced recently in chat.
I steer a lot of normies to PSB. Please stay safe and devoted to all thINGs that are good and healthy. We need places like PSB. And, btw, your are patriotic saints, too.
WWG1WGA, kid.
#4624880 at 2019-01-06 12:18:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5900: The map goes full circle Edition
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ if you want the whole thING in one page which often helps with ctrl-f ING
#4622908 at 2019-01-06 06:25:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5897: A War Against GLOBALISM Edition
silly rabbit physics is or kids
observer defines the set.
limit C
i am kninda duh
ING here
#4622890 at 2019-01-06 06:23:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5897: A War Against GLOBALISM Edition
This is why POTUS mention ING the letter from nk on fox was so prominent today…..
Don't have video clip but Greg whassisfacd was laughING it up
#4616933 at 2019-01-06 00:40:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5890: 15:15 Edition
>>4613782 lb
>Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen called on the international community to defend democratic values by supportING the self-ruled island amid renewed threats from the Chinese regime.
FYI the ppl of Taiwan really really value their Democratic system:
From 1949 until around 1988 Chiang Kai Shek and the GMT party ruled with a mix of successfully overseeING a successful run of economic growth for the people.
The price was they endured a perpetual state of martial law, curfews, and govt officials of the mindset (right or wrong) that Communists from the mainland could have infiltrated anywhere anytime.
In 1988 the people there had their yellow vest moment (S. Koreans same year too, they leveraged media coverage of Olympics beING held there then to raise notice worldwide.).
DurING that period of protest, an anecdote of their conviction: A business owner decided to immolate himself in his office in his chair behind his desk. The story goes that a journo, photographer was comING to interview him and instead took what ended up beING a cover photo for whatever the mag. I have never seen this pic but if it's really out there I Imagine it's about on the level as Tianemen square tank man.
Anyway voter turnout in Taiwan is an outrageous number like 94%. Taiwanese that Live abroad fly back from wherever durING election years to vote. That's what it means to them.
Kissenger was a dick for makING the case that Chinese Communists were more deservING of a security council seat and that we should favor them at the expense of ROC
#4616874 at 2019-01-06 00:35:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5890: 15:15 Edition
Three Ex-Credit Suisse Bankers, Ex-Minister Arrested Over $2 Billion Loan Fraud
The arrested conspirators are said to be involved in a large-scale credit fraud that ruined the economy of Mozambique in 2016.
Three former Credit Suisse Group bankers have been arrested in London in connection with a loan fraud scheme that ruined the economy of Mozambique in 2016 accordING to UK authorities, cited by the South African Eyewitness News outlet.
Andrew Pearse, 49, Surjan SINGh, 44, and Detelina Subeva, 37, have been charged in a federal court in Brooklyn, New York, and the US now seeks extradition of the three. The trio has currently been released on bail.
A fourth alleged conspirator, former Mozambique finance minister Manuel Chang, was arrested in South Africa's OR Tambo International Airport some five days ago.
A fifth man, Jean Boustani, a Lebanese citizen who worked for an Abu Dhabi-based contractor to Mozambican companies, was arrested on Wednesday at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport, accordING to a CNBC report.
Three state-owned Mozambique companies borrowed some $2 billion through loans guaranteed by the government and arranged by Credit Suisse and another investment bank between 2013-2016 under the pretext of conductING maritime infrastructure projects in the African nation. An indictment, issued by the US District Court's Eastern District of New York, says that three firms were fronts the conspirators used to enrich themselves.
The indictment accuses the conspirators of "creat[ING] the maritime projects as fronts to raise money to enrich themselves and intentionally divert[ING] portions of the loan proceeds to pay at least $200 million in bribes and kickbacks to themselves, Mozambican government officials and others."
The borrowed money subsequently disappeared and the government of Mozambique learned about the loan scheme three years later. In 2016, it publicly admitted to an undisclosed loan, which prompted the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to cut off support to the nation, triggerING an economic collapse and a default on sovereign debt.
Credit Suisse issued a statement sayING it will continue to cooperate with authorities on the investigation.
#4613782 at 2019-01-05 21:25:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5886: A Fine Day To Read The Map Edition
Taiwan President Calls For International Support Against China Threats
Tsai ING-wen asks the international community to defend Taiwan's democracy
Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen called on the international community to defend democratic values by supportING the self-ruled island amid renewed threats from the Chinese regime.
Tsai's remarks come days after Chinese leader Xi JinpING insisted that Taiwan was part of China and that both countries should seek "unification," in a speech re-iteratING the regime's stance on Jan. 2.
"We [Taiwan] are an important and loyal supporter of all internationally important values," President Tsai told reporters in Taipei on Jan. 5.
"So when a country like us faces difficulties and threats, we hope that the international community takes it seriously and can voice support and help us," she said, referrING to threats from the Chinese regime to use the military to force the island into its control.
Taiwan is a constitutional democracy, and functionally an independent nation with its own military, currency, and government. The Chinese regime, however, sees the island as a renegade province that must be unified with the mainland, by force if necessary.
"When a country that does its best to practice democracy and shared international values face threats and violation, I believe that this is also a violation of democracy and those values," Tsai added.
"If the international community does not speak out for and support Taiwan while it is facING such a situation, we have to ask which country will be next."
#4597679 at 2019-01-04 20:40:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5865: WALL IS COMING Edition
Wall is goING up.
Stuff in news is optics.
If the People are loud, what can swamp creatures do?
If they don't move correctly, more ammo for the Anons.
Is that why Nancy was chewING on her teeth other day?
In front of cameras, remain composed.
Anons are meme-ING you.
#4593722 at 2019-01-04 15:36:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5860: The Wall is Coming Edition
While MILDEC is customarily a wartime mission, PSYOP is con- ducted durING all phases of military operations, includING peacetime, and is authorized under Title 10, section 167 of the US Code, which allows the Department of Defense (DOD) to conduct PSYOP as part of special operations campaigns.6 JP 3-13.2, Psychological Operations, states the purpose of PSYOP
Where PSYOP and propaganda are communications directed at foreign audiences, military PA offices provide similar information to journalists and the American public to articulate DOD positions on policies and operations. The same principles based upon the freedom of the press that guide civilian journalists also guide the activities of PA professionals. Military PA responsibilities are captured in JP 3-61, Public Affairs-"providING truthful, accurate and timely information . . . to keep the public informed about the military's missions and operations, counterING adversary propaganda, deterrING adversary actions, and maintain[ING] trust and confidence of the US population, and our friends and allies." Even Pres. Abraham Lincoln understood the im- portance of interactING with the public, statING, "Public opinion is ev- erythING. With it, nothING can fail. Without it, nothING can succeed."
Sites like YouTube and other social networkING sites have become a battleground for "a global audience to share firsthand re- ports, military strategies, propaganda videos, and personal conflict as it unfolds." This public participation in conflict blurs the lines between combatant and noncombatant when operational data is involved. New counterpropaganda tools aided by the Internet combat this trend.
The American public plays a large role, both directly and indirectly, in the arena of influence operations. Doctrinally, "MILDEC operations must not intentionally target or mislead the US public, the US Con- gress, or the US news media." This insulation of the US public from US deception operations is understandable; however, it also leaves the United States vulnerable to foreign deception and propaganda efforts and "a questionING mind is the first line of defense."
#4579793 at 2019-01-03 17:10:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5842: LIVE: Opening Day of 116th Congress - House of Representatives Edition
LeakING assholes and D in the house with bill
Gowdy gowdy
It's comey ING
#4578815 at 2019-01-03 15:29:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5840: ebake
(contd last)
PAGE: "Rudy is on the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court]! Did you know that? Just appointed two months ago."
STRZOK: "I did. I need to get together with him."
PAGE: "said he'd gotten on a month or two ago at a graduation party we were both at."
Strzok and Page's Texts Revealed Their Anti-Trump Plot
It is well known that Strzok and Page discussed their anti-Trump conspiracy many thousands of times over text messages that have been mostly released. The lovers' repeated references to "CF" refer to "Crossfire." Here are Hot Air's favorites:
"Strzok: God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.
Strzok: Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support...
Strzok: I am riled up. Trump is a f***ING idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer."
Clapper Tried To Use The Supreme Court To Block Trump's Inauguration
In January, as Brennan was havING Strzok write the fraudulent ICA report, Brennan's partner in crime, Obama director of national intelligence James Clapper, was cookING up his own side plot to stop the Trump inauguration from happenING. Clapper held a meetING in his office in January 2017 to discuss usING a female Supreme Court justice to block Trump from becomING president due to the "Russia" conspiracy.
A high-level member of the intelligence community who witnessed the meetING said that Clapper discussed goING to one of three female Supreme Court justices to make the case that alleged Russian interference could invalidate Trump's claim to the presidency.
Another text the witness sent to BLP's source around the same time described how the Deep State was makING General Michael Flynn a "risING target" for his alleged involvement with Russians, and statING that House Speaker Paul Ryan is a "wild card" in the Deep State wars.
#4574491 at 2019-01-03 04:49:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5835: I'll See You On The Dark Side Of The Moon Edition
Alright, so with many of our aircraft carriers in port at home or in yokusuka, apparently the chinese black hat leadership section has decided that only chip they had left in their hands to play was the military one.
Taiwan Will "Never Accept" Reunification With BeijING, President Says
"FollowING a menacING speech by Chinese President Xi JinpING where he threatened violence against Taiwan should it pursue de jure independence from China and laid bare his intentions to push for a "one country, two systems" arrangement for what China considers to be a 'rogue province', pro-independence Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen clapped back at Xi in comments to the BBC on Wednesday, where she said the island would never accept reunification with China on BeijING's terms.After defendING the status quo and callING on BeijING to "face the reality" of Taiwan's continued independence, Tsai declared on Wednesday that the island, which has functioned like a de facto country since 1949, when defeated nationalists led by Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai Shek fled across the Strait of Taiwan to seek refuge from the Communists, would never agree to the "one country, two systems" arrangement like the one that governs Hong Kong."
Why press the taiwan issue now? It's the easiest one to guarentee favorable outcome for the chinese, unlike say the south china sea issue (too far distanced, carriers still not 100% ready to undertake such large scale conflict with multinational naval fleets + US). Taiwan is within strikING distance of land based assets of the chinese mainland, so we can assume chinese leadership chose this 'fuse point' as the best way to win concessions from United States.
Get this point: this isn't about taiwan, which in reality is already under chinese economic and military influence (even with US assistance to taiwan). This is a means to satisfy the uppity stupid shits in PLA (black hat central, corrupt, stupid and myopic) that china can 'strike back' because muh china stronk sentiment has to be satisfied in the chinese public consciousness.
Never mind all the bullshit chinks pulled on the world (US, Africa, now central and latin america and central asia).
chinese see a need to win a military/force to basically save face. Shame hundreds of thousands of chinese will have to pay the price for the stupidity of the large section of their leadership.
We know that xi is none too friendly with black hat elements in the PLA (purges of 2010 etc), because to put it bluntly PLA is a very globalist friendly establishment along with MSS (ministry of state security, chinese kgb really).
they all don't give two fucks about sellING out their own mothers in order to gain additional 'power' or 'prestige'.
PLA leadership started mouthING off about war and so forth based on muh china stronk mentality, never mind their entire economy is based on fraudulent and globalist dependent dealINGs that are beING dismantled. triads are beING rounded up, strINGs are beING cut. PLA want to flex its muscles while all US carriers are home ported, their ethnic attitude comING into play.
How will this situation develop? Thoughts, anons?
#4569429 at 2019-01-02 22:15:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5828: Sanctions are Coming Edition
Nice timestamp. 284-post delta. Sounds like she was involved in the 86'ING.
#4568977 at 2019-01-02 21:41:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5827: Armed Teachers Edition
You may be right. Discussions of k i l/s l/s ING the Chief Executive are frowned upon. Unless you're a TDS-afflicted skank, that is.
#4565709 at 2019-01-02 17:06:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5823: Good faith Edition
Chinese president uses threats to urge Taiwan to unify with mainland China
Xi JinpING warned that the use of force was not off the table if Taiwan refused to cooperate
Chinese President Xi JinpING told the people of Taiwan on Wednesday that they were welcome to join a unified China, but warned that he was not rulING out military action if they refused.
What's the background?
After World War II, China went through a civil war. This ended with the communist forces of Mao Zedong forcING the nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek to retreat to Taiwan in 1949. Chiang and his supporters took over the island and set up a dictatorship.
Since then, Taiwan has claimed its independence from China, but the Chinese government has refused to recognize this. China has pressured other nations to cut off economic and diplomatic ties with Taiwan, in order to pressure the Taiwanese government into rejoinING China.
In Taiwan's November elections, Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen's party lost. Tsai accused China of interferING in order to oust her from power because of her outspoken opposition to Taiwanese unification with China.
The U.S. cut formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979, in order to strengthen its relationship with China.
What did President Xi say?
Xi promised Taiwan that under Chinese rule it could have the same "one country, two systems" model that Hong Kong has. Hong Kong was a former British territory, but was given back to China in 1997 under the condition that it would keep a "high degree of autonomy" and not be subjected to China's socialist economic policies.
"Different systems are not an obstacle to unification, and even less are they an excuse for separatism," Xi said in his statement. "The private property, religious beliefs and legitimate rights and interests of our Taiwanese compatriots will be fully assured.
"Reunification is the historical trend and the right path, Taiwan independence is … a dead end," he warned. He promised "lastING peace" and "good and prosperous lives" for the Taiwanese people after unification.
"With the great motherland's support, Taiwan compatriots' welfare will be even better, their development space will be even greater," he said.
Xi also stressed that "foreign interference is intolerable," and that his government "will not promise to renounce the use of force."
#4563744 at 2019-01-02 13:27:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5821:The Missing Y Edition
A more confident China threatens military force in Taiwan, holds up Hong Kong as a model
Chinese leader Xi JinpING has issued a new threat to use military force in Taiwan as BeijING intensifies efforts to achieve unification with the self-governING democratic region, holdING up Hong Kong as a model for Taipei.
In a major address on Wednesday, Mr. Xi promised economic gifts to Taiwan if it places itself under BeijING's rule, sayING "with the great motherland's support, Taiwan compatriots' welfare will be even better, their development space will be even greater."
What China calls "reunification" should happen peacefully and BeijING would protect Taiwan's freedoms, Mr. Xi said, specifically pointING to the Hong Kong model of "one country two systems" as a Taiwanese solution.
It was a notion that Taiwan's president Tsai ING-wen immediately rejected Wednesday amid concern that Mr. Xi is directING what Lai I-chung, who chairs the International Cooperation Council of Taiwan think tank, called a "major policy change."
#4561850 at 2019-01-02 07:07:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5818: No one shits in my bakes, Part Deuce Edition
Retard. You don't know any Latin. It is a present participle (-ING) vincens, vincentis vincenti, etc.
You probably don't even know what a declension is.
#4561695 at 2019-01-02 06:52:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5818: No one shits in my bakes, Part Deuce Edition
-ent on the end of vinc- in Latin is like our -ING in English. Vincent literally means "conquerING."
#4553674 at 2019-01-01 19:51:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5808: 2019. It's Time Edition
Shitty meme faggot
Stop waste ING money
#4544060 at 2019-01-01 03:39:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5795: Good Old Fashioned High Tech Wall Edition
This has become the new central shitpostING board.
/b/ is full of traps.
/pol/ is all fucked up.
/qresearch/ is quietly 1488'ING the boomers
God bless America.
#4541810 at 2019-01-01 01:14:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5792: Happy Birthday Trump Jr. Edition
North Korea: The U.S. Envies Our 'Flower Garden of Human Love'
North Korea's state media has wrapped up 2018 with yet another tirade against the United States, this time condemnING WashINGton's rebuke of the dire state of human rights in the communist country and insistING that any criticism is the product of the envy Americans feel at the "flower garden of human love" in North Korea. The statements, reproduced by the South Korean news agency Yonhap, came from an alleged "North Korean human rights association," which condemned the United States in remarks published by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). "Does the U.S. not want to get over with the old conventions, prejudices and hostile ideas even now when the SINGapore North Korea-U.S. joint summit agreement has been declared?" the association allegedly demanded to know, askING, "Point out if there is a flower garden of human love like our republic on the planet."
The United States, the KCNA piece went on to claim, is seekING to "wipe out the most superior place for the people in the world and the utopia envied by humankind by topplING our socialist system." Any criticism against North Korea for decades of human rights abuses against its people constitute "an act of political terrorism," accordING to the piece.
Many human rights researchers consider North Korea the world's worst state violator of human rights. The nation is governed as a dynastic communist dictatorship where dissent is harshly punished, typically with internment in labor camps. A suspected dissident and their entire families, sometimes for up to three generations, can suffer internment if suspected of political disagreements with the regime in any way. Other crimes such as beING illegally in possession of entertainment from outside North Korea or a Bible can result in internment or public execution. BeatINGs, rape, killINGs, and forced abortions are common in North Korea's camps, researchers have repeatedly found, citING the testimonies of survivors. This has not stopped North Korea from condemnING the United States for usING international venues such as the United Nations to expose the regime's abuses. Last week, Uriminzokkiri, a state media outlet, accused WashINGton of "fabricate[ING] human rights performance of those countries incurrING its displeasure and mislead[ING] the public." "The wicked intention of the U.S. and its followers in gettING vocal about the non-existent 'human rights issue' of the DPRK [North Korea] is to broaden the scope of the sanctions and pressure and escalate them," the outlet proclaimed.
Uriminzokkiri continued its claims that North Korea, one of the world's most impoverished countries, would "continue" to advance towards socialist victory in a piece published Monday. "This year has witnessed sharper conflict and confrontation among big powers for supremacy and ever more undisguised and arbitrary practices of the imperialists to reverse the global trend towards independence, but they failed to shift the main trend of the times towards independence," the article declared. "The more undisguised the imperialists' strong-arm and arbitrary practices and interference in internal affairs of other countries, the stronger the international opposition to it." Rodong Sinmun, the official state newspaper, also declared 2018 a "historic year" for the country without specifically mentionING dictator Kim Jong-un's first-ever meetING with an American president. Instead, Rodong Sinmun applauded Kim for his various travels abroad - to China, South Korea, and SINGapore - and congratulated the world on havING received his visits.
#4526820 at 2018-12-30 23:06:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5773: The Okey Doke Compound Edition
Satanists not dealING well with rat lines be!ING cut?
#4519632 at 2018-12-30 10:59:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5763: As The Bank Burns Edition
So, what happened to Q's board, patriotsfight is 404'ING…
#4513212 at 2018-12-30 01:31:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5755: Riders On The Storm Edition
>>4513184 IDK but I do know this has been the longest day of my life and I never want to be away from all of you that long again! No homo-ING just glad to be back here
#4511461 at 2018-12-29 07:05:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5753: (((The Triggering))) Edition
Hey faggots, just gettING on and WTF–Why are all the kikes so riled up tonight Anons?
Is the baker really comped just cuz he uses a built in site formattING feature that calls (((Them))) out for you with their flag colors so prominently displayed! What an innovative idea. (((They))) are upset that the JQ is gettING spread, but it's their own damn fault for pilpul-ING so desperately as they try (and fail horribly) to control the narrative in here without their bought & paid for political propaganda arm, the MSM, coverING their asses for them?
Funny AF
#4511208 at 2018-12-29 06:39:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5753: (((The Triggering))) Edition
>you really think BO and BV can't see you stupid fucks IP hoppING and postING?
>you really think they can't put together a simple sample of the devices where you fucktards post your repetitive shit (on both sides)?
Go for it you stupid cunt
I don't have VPN and have had the same IP since this all began in Oct 2017
>you fuckers are all visible to our people in the government too.
I hope so given all my Q YOUS / wanna see em? I save the snips
Operators on standby rING a bell / yeah I called the FBI that day / the one about PapaD need ING to be in the light? / no the red crosslast winter / oh Meadows / wait there are so many
BrING it bitch!
Fuck you
#4510691 at 2018-12-29 05:52:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5752: Standing So Strong They Can't Even Edition
Wait wait wait… Are you tryING to tell me Ben gets miffed at Jewish Lysol-ING but embraces American mixed washING?
>And by the way, I don't give a good damn about the so-called "brownING of America." Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.
Say it ain't fuckING so.
#4509245 at 2018-12-29 03:49:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5750: Life Over the Target Edition
man am ID+ING finally -swattING tryING to get comfy
>ID+ every obvi shill, bot, porn, JQ shit & trite responders to aforementioned includING thk u baker nudes…shoutout to the rad planefags, luv u fuckers
#4501103 at 2018-12-28 17:18:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5740: Great Things Are Happening Edition
Twitter Bashes Queen Over Video In Front of Gold Piano UrgING 'Subjects' to Pull Together
The Queen of England delivered her annual speech in front of a golden piano in her 700 room castle, urgING her subjects to come together.
Queen Elizabeth of England delivered her annual Christmas message this year and is receivING some much-deserved backlash for it on social media for beING completely "out of touch."
The British monarch, whose family will confiscate $96 million dollars from its English taxpayers to pay for their cost of livING in their castle this year, delivered her message this year urgING her subjects to come together and treat each other with respect.
"Even with the most deeply held differences, treatING the other person with respect and as a fellow human beING is always a good first step towards greater understandING," said the 92-year-old monarch who has lived off the backs of British citizens in a plush castle with hundreds of servants since just after WWII.
Naturally, the Queen's message of unity and respect for fellow humans was not very well received by those who foot the bill for her lavish lifestyle.
As the U.K.'s Mirror reports, the hate flowed through Twitter, with one social media user proclaimING, "Always warms an old republican's heart to see the billionaire head of an antiquated institution, surroundING themselves with gold in their modest 775-roomed detached home, while others are f***ING strugglING to make ends meet."
Another user wrote, "Queen says, from her humble and modest surroundINGs, family kept her 'well occupied' over the year. I suspect the thousands of mums and dads that use food banks and struggle on Universal Credit each week could say the same."
And another said, "I don't understand the criticism old Mrs Windsor is gettING over her gold piano while she lectures her subjects. It's a fairly standard piece of furniture. I keep mine next to my diamond encrusted microwave."
#4492887 at 2018-12-28 01:52:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5729: All quiet on the western front Edition
> Why would I wanted to filter life?
Because this is "life". I'm sorry for you if it is yours.
I'm trigger happy about ID+ING shills and idiots because I'm always multitaskING, switch tabs back to here when I see the unread post count start to tick up, and have better thINGs to spend by attention on then unproductive nonsense. I've even filtered bakers who get annoyINGly chatty.
I don't filter people that I find offensive. i filter people that are a waste of my time.
#4492619 at 2018-12-28 01:29:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5729: All quiet on the western front Edition
>>4491991 pb
Give me a f-ING break. I was only showING what I saw on my twit feed. I have been phonefaggING Q for over a year now as it's the only way I have to follow and I cant do all the searches and shit y'all can do to check the image.
#4491080 at 2018-12-27 23:23:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5727: Border Security 2020 Edition
they want to run the entire f-ING planet like a corporation.
#4487534 at 2018-12-27 18:27:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5722: Anons Know Why Edition
Hired witnesses ING
#4485754 at 2018-12-27 15:30:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5720: Trolling the MSM is Fun Edition
Why Are the Feds SubsidizING Baby Formula Companies?
Last month, when a host of media outlets began talkING about the Trump administration's alleged "battle against breastfeedING," few of them - if any - mentioned the fact that the US federal government continues to subsidize the baby formula industry to the tune of billions of dollars.
A survey of articles - includING The New York Times, Foreign Policy, Politico, and The Guardian - on this supposed conspiracy to favor the formula industry did not mention even once that the US's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) has been a significant source of income for formula companies for decades.
For example, in 2004, government spendING on the program totaled nearly 4.8 billion dollars, mostly dedicated to the distribution and subsidization of baby formula. By 2016 this total had increased to 6.5 billion. As of 2014, more than 8 million Americans were covered by the program.
While US and British pundits complain that the US refuses to sign off on UN regulations that bar advertisING and free samples from formula companies, they ignore the fact that the US government is "provid[ING] more than half of the formula that is used in the US."
#4478523 at 2018-12-26 23:38:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5711: Greatest Country on Earth Edition
German Banks and Financial Institutions
The top 10 financial institutions in GERMANY
Ranked by total assets (2017), with headquarters city, assets in euros (EUR):
Deutsche Bank (Frankfurt a.M., 2.08 trillion*)
DZ Bank (Frankfurt a.M., 506 billion)
KfW Bankengruppe (Frankfurt a.M., 472.3 billion)
Commerzbank (Frankfurt a.M., 452.5 billion)
HypoVereinsbank (UniCredit SpA, Italy) (Munich, 299 billion)
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart, 243.6 billion**)
Bayrische Landesbank (BayernLB) (Munich, 214.5 billion)
Norddeutsche Landesbank (Nord/LB) (Hanover, 174.8 billion**)
ING-DiBa (Direktbank; Frankfurt a.M., 162 billion)
Landesbank Hessen-ThürINGen (Helaba) (Frankfurt a.M., Erfurt, 158.3 billion)
#4468102 at 2018-12-26 01:24:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5697: Eyes On Damascus and Mattis Edition
WASH I NGTON. I;U : , 2 0350- 2000
Mr. John Greenewald Jr.
Dear Mr . Greenewald :
IN ptlEPLY I'tIl:FEI't T O
Ser N0 9B10/ 1U 5l3 597
July 2 , 2001
This refers t o your Freedom of Information Ac t (FO I A) request of
June 20, 2001 , in which you seek all documents pertainING to
Project Chatter . Your request was received by this office on June 27, 2001, and assigned case number 200101174 .
In an effort to assist you , I have referred your request to the Chief , Bureau o f Medicine and Surgery (Code DOL ) , 2300 E Street
NW , WashINGton, DC 20372 - 5300 f o r action and direct response to
you .
Sincerely, - . - '/ ' Ai n~J j )1 . ./llt wI.
Head, DON PA / FOIA Policy Branch
By direction of the
Chief of Naval Operations
(202) 685 -65 45
572 0 1,0 1 - 108
Ser 0010/033 2
Ju ly 31 , 200 1
I am r es pondING t o you r Freedom of Information Ac t ( FOJ A)
request of June 20 , 20 0 1 seeki ng al l documen t s pertain ING to t he
C. S . Navy ' s dru g t estING pro gram Project Chatte r. The Chief ot
Naval Operations f orwarded y o ur request to this Bur eau o n Ju ly
2 , 200 1 f or review and d irect re sponse to you. I re ceived y o u r
r e quest o n J uly 5, 2001 .
Ou r r e search found initial information perta inING to
Pro je c t Chatter at ht t p://www.radix.net/-jcturne r/Chur ch -
l/h t ml . html . Project Chatter was a U.S . Navy p r og ram be ~n in
t he fa ll o f 1 947 f ocusING o n t he i dentifica t i o n and t est ING of
dr ugs in interrogat ions and the recruitment of agents. The
re s earch included labora tory experiments on both an imal a nd
human subj ect s . The program ended sho rtly after the Korean War
in 1953 . The book Ac id Dreams - The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties
Reb e llion , by Ma rtin A. Lee a nd Br uce Shla i n i de nt i f ied Proje c t
Cha tte r a s a program under t he dire c ti o n of Docto r Charles
Savage of the Nava l Medical Rese arch Instit ut e , Bethesda ,
Ma ry land, f r om 194 7 to 1 953 . An excerpt f r om t his b o o k c a n b e
viewed at http: //www.e rowid, org/ljbrary / b ooks_ o oline /acid_
dreams/ acid dreamsl .shtml . A Septembe r 9 , 1 95 1 research r eport
by Lieu t enan t Ch arl es Sa vage , Medical Corps, U.S . Na vy, is
p rovi ded as enclosure (1).
All f ees associated with t he processING o f this r e q uest
have be e n wa i ved.
5720/ FO 1 - 10S
Se r OO LD /0 33/
July 31 , 2 0 0 1
If I can be o f f u r ther a ssi stanc e , you may reac h me by
Ema il at jlroper@us . med .navy .mil o r by tel ephone at (202) 762 -
30 87 .
Enc los ure:
Sinc erely ,
Lieut e na nt
Judge Advoc a te Gen e r a l' s Corps
United States Naval Reserve
Fr eedom of In f ormation Ac t /
Pr i vacy Act Of f i cer
By d i rection of t he Chief,
Bureau o f Me d i cine and Su r ge ry
1 . Lysergic Acid Diethyl Ami de (L 5D- 25) : A Cl in ical -
Psychological Study by LT Charles Savage , Me, us!':
Lieutenant, MO, USN
Project HM
9 Sept~mbl"!r 1951
#4464339 at 2018-12-25 17:18:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5692: A Morning Like No Other edition
many signs and lyING ING wonders
#4461667 at 2018-12-25 09:37:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5689: It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year Edition
"Was he on AJ?"
U been here since November last year huh? :D
Look tard…
You see all these (you) yeah?
well as far as the eye could see they were all wrapped around AJ's little fINGer until…
Q said AJ and his buttbuddy were MOS…
Now they all butthurt and still clINGING to all the SHIT AJ fed them cause muh GURU and muh RELIGION etc etc et al…
yeah… way…
and peyseur slid the whole board for months…
Better yet… I like to give the fucks credit and just go right to ULTRA MEGA FAKE MAGA…
and muh warhammer
and muh inthematrixxx
Apologize, admit yer a dumbass and the sufferING will end… … if only it was that easy yet you have gone too far now huh boys?
Muh religion… awwwwwwwwww
I am sorry that it has come to this POINT…
This punctum… yet not sorry that this time the business end is at your throats…
I do not even understand why they feel they even still have a chance… truly…
I would get to your bunkers boys…
hell hound is on your trail…
#4457429 at 2018-12-25 01:55:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5683: Twas The Night Before Christmas Edition
DepreciatING amortized assets to a close ING bank is great timeING
#4450749 at 2018-12-24 15:08:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5675: Truth Comes in Waves Edition
#4447227 at 2018-12-24 05:42:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5670: Walls >> Bells 'n Whistles Edition
Tears Anon! So beautiful ~ The narrator's voice….
Merry Christmas to alll here. Even you f-ING shills.
#4428667 at 2018-12-22 22:12:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5646: Strong Borders Edition
I see you got tired muhjew-ING.
#4427566 at 2018-12-22 20:25:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5644: A beautiful brave new world lies ahead Edition
In a recent article at the Columbia Law Review a few of the crimes of the Obama Administration were discussed -
The Obama Administration's efforts to sign and implement a nuclear agreement with Iran with limited if any congressional input, and at times in violation of federal law, is a particularly important example of Democratic constitutional hardball. This particular example failed to make it into books and essays critical of the Obama Administration, includING Lawless, because it played out toward the end of the Administration, and many of the details of the Administration's hardball tactics became matters of public knowledge and controversy only after President Obama had left office.
The far-left Columbia Review continued by recitING Obama's lies to push the Iran deal -
To sell the deal, the Administration found it necessary to lie to the American public about its origins. The Administration began secret negotiations with Iran in mid-2012.
When reporter James Rosen asked at a press conference about rumors regardING these negotiations, the State Department spokesperson lied and denied that "government-to-government" talks were underway. (Obama's State Department Deliberately Cut EmbarrassING Questions from Press BriefING Video, Wash. Post (June 1, 2016) - Remarkably, someone in the Administration later had a staff member delete a portion of a video of a news conference showING Rosen askING a spokesperson whether the Administration had lied about the Iran negotiations.) Administration officials told the public that engagement with Iran began in 2013. The Administration claimed that it was "tak[ING] advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country."
As David Samuels reported in the New York Times Magazine, this story of nascent moderation in the Iranian government "was largely manufactured for the purpose for sellING the deal."
The Obama administration reportedly participated in many illegal activities to push the Iran deal, as noted by the Columbia Law Review, but one piece of information laid out was that -
The Obama Administration also spied on U.S. opponents of the Iran deal, both in Congress and in private pro-Israel organizations.
Pro-Israel activists reported that the Administration seemed to know exactly what they were sayING and doING, and acted accordINGly.
There have also been serious allegations that the Obama Administration undermined federal law enforcement efforts against the Hezbollah terrorist group to placate Hezbollah's Iranian backers.
One of the countries that Obama spied on was Israel -
The US spied on the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, because of concerns he would derail the Iran nuclear deal, accordING to a new account of surveillance operations.
Despite Barack Obama's promise to curtail eavesdroppING on allies in the wake of the Edward Snowden revelations about the scale and scope of US activities, the National Security Agency's (NSA) surveillance included phone conversations between top Israeli officials, US congressmen and American-Jewish groups, accordING to the Wall Street Journal.
Obama hated Netanyahu and Israel and the Iran deal itself supported this -
This year the Mainstream Media reported through "a source" that the Trump team hired an Israeli outfit to find dirt on the Obama Administration related to the Iran deal. The outfit by the name of Black Cube denied that the Trump team had anythING to do with their work in this matter.
Also, Trump volunteer George Papadopoulos reported that he was handed $10,000 in 2017 in Israel and he now believes that this may have been a setup where the Deep State tried to implicate the Trump team, through him, to Israel in illegal activities. After beING handed the money in Israel, when Papadopoulos landed in the US, he was held against his will before he passed through customs and all his belongINGs were searched for what he now believes was the $10,000. Fortunately for Papadopoulos, he left the money with an attorney in Europe.
#4426191 at 2018-12-22 18:16:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5643: The Other Side of the Solstice Edition
That's Hitler's asshole from the Cold War build up
It used to slang fried chicken in jersey and monopolized most of the section 8 crack distribution for decades
All this for a space shuttle or ING test eh
#4424838 at 2018-12-22 16:07:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5641: Edition
DC Think Tank Sues for Records on Bloomberg-Linked Climate Change Scheme
The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a WashINGton, D.C.-based think tank, is suING the District of Columbia and the D.C. Attorney General's Office for failING to produce legally requested documents under seven different Freedom of Information Act requests.
The requests date back to Oct. 2016, and relate to D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine's participation in a 2016 scheme to investigate and prosecute opponents of progressive climate change policies.
The records requests also seek information relatING to Racine's acceptance of a privately funded "Special Attorney General" position with ties to multi-billionaire and former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg.
AccordING to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, each of the seven records requests were acknowledged within 15 days, as required by law. But the release of the requested documents has been delayed by more than two years, "forc[ING] CEI to sue to brING these records into the light of day for public inspection."
#4419574 at 2018-12-22 04:21:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5634: "Call It a Democrat Shut-Down" Edition
Here's what the stack of bills were on POTUS desk tonight - 56 in total!
(too much words, not copy pasta-ING)
#4413676 at 2018-12-21 21:02:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5626: First Step Act Edition
#4412306 at 2018-12-21 19:19:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5625: Peace Through Strength Edition
Who is she closely connected to, Newbies?
Does one spider ID another?
Would make an interestING MAP, no?
Who let her off the email scandal?
Do you trust Comey?
Did you trust Mccain aka No Name?
How deep is the rabbit hole?
Anons have been diggING, meme-ING, PRAYING.
Newbies, inform the Normies.
With time, we grow.
Until even the Normies see the lies of shills and msm.
#4406969 at 2018-12-21 10:56:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5618: Digging For Treasury Edition
Right…. how is everythING held together for (((them))) right now, if not silence.
Who knows where the bodies are buried and can destroy the silent narrative ?
So, I guess I'm equatING a keystone with a guardian of knowledge.
Someone else?
Ready to " come out " ?
Big reveal crumbles (((their))) house of cards???
Troops home
EO mil tribs
Wall up
Fed down
No yellow vests to be seen
Maybe not [D] day, but [R] day come(y) ING
My .02
#4395293 at 2018-12-20 20:13:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5602: Flood Unstoppable Edition
They're uppING their mockery.
Still shittING at Meme-ING
Memes they do rING out as RINGERS
#4388288 at 2018-12-20 07:38:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5593: Ongoing investigations….. Edition
I promise myself not to reply and lurk only. But, everytime I fail to do so. Travelers tv series was another soft disclosure. By diggING, meme-ING & prayING, u not only learn enough to Red Pill frens n fam n others. But, u give consent for another consciousness to lead u in a direction to benefit the 'Plan to Save the World'. So, here I am shit postING again.
#4378169 at 2018-12-19 19:10:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5580: PC Load Letter Edition
Throe-ING shade
#4377686 at 2018-12-19 18:32:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5579: Kayfabe Mapped And Reduced As Sauce Edition
comm ING soon
clam bakING ftw
gotta get true religion first
#4377567 at 2018-12-19 18:23:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5579: Kayfabe Mapped And Reduced As Sauce Edition
many signs and lyING ING wonders fren
#4376269 at 2018-12-19 16:40:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5578: Bot Versus Bot Kayfabe Extended Dance Remix Edition
FEDERAL PANEL OF JUDGES CONCLUDE, "no existING authority that allows lower court judges to investigate or discipline Supreme Court justices"
"[a] specially appointed federal panel of judges has dismissed all 83 ethics complaints brought against Justice Brett Kavanaugh regardING his conduct at his confirmation hearINGs," "conclud[ING] that while the complaints 'are serious,' there is no existING authority that allows lower court judges to investigate or discipline Supreme Court justices."
#4373738 at 2018-12-19 10:39:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5574: FREEDOM Caucus Edition
Fuck you nigger Masons infultratrited the bread ? I've been postING on 8ch for years - I'm a God damn old fag
.niggers keep (you) ING me and Q hasn't posted
So i might as well dispell some lies
This is a God damn reaserch board last i checked and Q has posted about Masons
- you are the fuckING shill newfag
#4361154 at 2018-12-18 17:13:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5558: Prosecutorial Misconduct Edition
brb, k-ING ms
#4349651 at 2018-12-17 20:22:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5543: Space Command Edition
At a telethon to raise money for abortions, Hollywood actress and comedian Sarah Silverman declared that laws bannING the use of aborted fetuses in food products "would make me want to eat an aborted fetus."
The show referenced an Oklahoma bill that was proposed after a food lab reportedly sought to use stem cells in its artificial flavorINGs.
It's this bananas law that makes you think that eatING fetuses is a thING, and it's not," Silverman said durING the Feb. 1 event called "Life Is a LivING Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It."
Silverman, who spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in support of Hillary Clinton, added: "If anythING has ever made me want to eat an aborted fetus, it's this law."
The expletive-riddled telethon was hosted by the Lady Parts Justice League, a feminist organization founded by "The Daily Show" co-creator Lizz Winstead, who hosted the event with Silverman.
The four-hour show included abortion charades, called "s-tty law charades," and the laws were introduced by a woman wearING a vagina costume. The event also featured an interview with abortionist Willie Parker, Life News reported.
Volunteers acted out laws bannING the use of fetuses in food products and another mandatING that clinics must bury or cremate aborted babies.
F-ING funerals for f-ING aborted fetuses?" Silverman sneered. "I would like to speak at those funerals. He lived the way he died. He died the way he lived. The size of a sesame seed with no discernING brain function."
As for conscience clause legislation - laws protectING medical professionals from beING forced to provide abortion services against their religion or conscience - Silverman shared her thoughts on those, too.
"Religious freedom used to be such a beautiful thING 'cause it was like this big, inclusive thING in the country," she said, "and now it's just this shroud to legalize hate and s-t like that."
While one charade was acted out, Life News reported, one volunteer shouted, "Kill the baby!"
#4347362 at 2018-12-17 16:46:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5540: DECLAS Is Comey-ing Edition
Jesus guys, this is over! It was fun and some interestING thINGs were investigated and discovered, but it's f***ING obvious now that Q has no inside link whatsoever. ffs.. Trump just tweeted "Sessions should be ashamed of himself" while Q trumpeted "Trust Sessions" for months. Lol. Q was about the only Trump supporter who thought Sessions was doING a good job when he was, in reality, weak as piss.
Focus on the real world issues now. It would be more constructive to initiate a campaign of attacks on the mainstream media, rather than carry on with this charades. It was fun, no doubt but it's over ffs!
#4337693 at 2018-12-16 21:16:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5528: Required Watching Edition
I fuckING told you to stop (You)ING me, Freddy. You piece of shit Traitor.
We're all glad toots is fukken dead, now go away.
#4337585 at 2018-12-16 21:03:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5527: Arlington National Cemetary Edition
Vintage bush family murder weapon ammo
Take ING bids
#4336544 at 2018-12-16 19:20:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5526: Golf Course Edition
At minutes [2] and [3] on Q-clock.
At February 2nd and 3rd on calendar.
NowC@mesTHEP@in– -23!!!
L is 12th letter (1+2=3, so L=3 and Roman Numeral 50) and III = !!! The "23!!!" is custom made for Feb 3 (2/3) and LIII (3!!!)
"The World is WatchING"??? Super Bowl = most viewed event WW?
Obama twitter video with gansta glasses that dropped has a pillow in background with "55 2" then a pic of moon with (3) fINGer holes like a "BOWL"ING ball> (23 BOWL)
Tell me some form of "P@in" isn't goING to happen then!?
#4334152 at 2018-12-16 14:57:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5523: Green Eggs And Hammer Edition
I'm not sure which part (group) hacked me. Was browsING on an older iPad which is no longer beING updated. Screen went weird after clickING on an image. Next ING I know I get notification from MS statING that an IP in China was accessING my email account, and ms had barre there IP address. I'm talkING about a year ago. Since then, removed all email accounts from device and nothING personal left on there.
All images should be classed as rogue unless you know the sauce. PDF documents are amongst the worse as they have the ability to 'phone home'.
#4333102 at 2018-12-16 11:30:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5522: Full Speed Ahead And Damn the Shills Edition
Fox News BTFO-ING #FakeNews.
Interview with lawyer representING Marine facING death penalty for killING Afghan terrorist comING up.
#4332023 at 2018-12-16 07:51:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5520: PUBLIC AWAKENING = GAME OVER Edition
Thanks for sharING. I would have missed this. Never liked that comic and thought it didn't even exist anymore.
Breathed may very well be tiptoe-ING around the question. Probably admires Garrison and is testING the waters indeed.
#4328293 at 2018-12-16 02:02:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5515: Captain Of Your Own Prison Barge Edition
Awan is the most blatant coordinated memory hole-ING in recent years. it is a terrifically interestING story that no-one paid attention to aside from Luke Rosiak.
#4319592 at 2018-12-15 09:23:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5504: God Bless The United States Of America Edition
Yes–meme-ING this reality. Great turn of phrase.
#4316859 at 2018-12-15 03:26:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5501: Still High from Ocare's Fall Edition
THIS appeared on the front page of the WashINGton Post just one day before McCabe called Flynn up and then sent FBI agents Peter Strzok & Joseph Pientka to let him know he'd been cleared…uh I mean, INTERVIEW him on a criminal matter….
You think Flynn at the WH would known DC's major newspaper carried a story on it's front page supposedly puttING to bed a week & 1/2 of DNC MEDIA HYSTERIA that he'd been caught red-handed colludin' with tha EEEEVIL RUSSIANS thanks to a leak to Ignatius of WaPo on Jan. 11?
Imagine Flynn seeING/hearING about that on Jan. 23rd, after beING hounded by the media for almost 2 weeks about all that nefarious Russian collusion he was supposedly 'caught' doING with those Kislyak phone calls.
"Whew! The FBI cleared me! Glad that's over!"
THE VERY NEXT DAY, Jan 24, here's Andrew McCabe, Dep. Director of the FBI, callING him up, sayING he wants to send over a coupla FBI agents just to, you know, tie up a few loose ends, maybe even officially let Flynn know "Yep, the FBI has now cleared you after takING a look."
And durING phone call McCabe "suggests" that to speed thINGs along, to keep thINGs casual and all, it'd be a good idea for Flynn to meet these agents just comin' over ta have a CHAT with no lawyer there.
And we find out before they went McCabe coached these two agents to be very careful to not tip off Flynn this was a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION and for God's sake, don't do anythING to alert him to the face he'll face CRIMINAL PENALTIES if they think he's lyING to 'em.
Now, after LEARNING all this, Judge Sullivan said "Wow, I better review all these documents myself. Hand them over by 3 pm Tuesday, Dec 14."
There was no AMBIGUITY there. It was a direct order from the court. Even a very clever lawyer will find no wiggle room.
Instead of handING over what Judge Sullivan ordered them to hand over, the Mueller SC team decided they'd rather hand over a FD-302 interview done six months later of Peter Strzok beING interviewed about the interview he did with Flynn.
Um…that's uh…NOT what Sullivan ordered them to hand over.
FBI policy is that a FD-302 form has to be filled out and filed within 5 days of the agent conductING the interview.
So as of today…the Mueller team *still* has not produced Strzok's actual 302 form from the Jan 24 Flynn interview.
Not only have they NOT produced that document, they today handed him a memorandum he didn't even ask for, a response to Flynn's filING from Tuesday.
So I fully expect to see Judge Sullivan toss this case on Tuesday, Dec. 18, and then rip these Mueller prosecutors a new one.
What they did here is just as bad as what the Ted Stevens prosecutors got caught doING, and it goes WAY higher right into leadership of the FBI.
Also note clearly what the Mueller filING is sayING: there was no Russian collusion involvING Flynn, there never was, the media is full of morons, and what they charged Flynn with doING was supposedly LYING TO PENCE AND OTHER WH OFFICIALS about his phone calls with Kislyak.
The Mueller SC team is about to LOSE the very first case it brought to trial after they & the Democrats & DNC Media & Never Trumpers spent a $#!?ING YEAR high-fivING each other over sendING Flynn to prison.
Eat it, you losers.
#4316754 at 2018-12-15 03:16:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5500: Five by Five-Hundred times Obamacare BTFO'd Edition
MovING out of this f ING state. I can't wait!
#4316519 at 2018-12-15 02:56:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5500: Five by Five-Hundred times Obamacare BTFO'd Edition
THIS appeared on the front page of the WashINGton Post just one day before McCabe called Flynn up and then sent FBI agents Peter Strzok & Joseph Pientka to let him know he'd been cleared…uh I mean, INTERVIEW him on a criminal matter….
You think Flynn at the WH would known DC's major newspaper carried a story on it's front page supposedly puttING to bed a week & 1/2 of DNC MEDIA HYSTERIA that he'd been caught red-handed colludin' with tha EEEEVIL RUSSIANS thanks to a leak to Ignatius of WaPo on Jan. 11?
Imagine Flynn seeING/hearING about that on Jan. 23rd, after beING hounded by the media for almost 2 weeks about all that nefarious Russian collusion he was supposedly 'caught' doING with those Kislyak phone calls.
"Whew! The FBI cleared me! Glad that's over!"
THE VERY NEXT DAY, Jan 24, here's Andrew McCabe, Dep. Director of the FBI, callING him up, sayING he wants to send over a coupla FBI agents just to, you know, tie up a few loose ends, maybe even officially let Flynn know "Yep, the FBI has now cleared you after takING a look."
And durING phone call McCabe "suggests" that to speed thINGs along, to keep thINGs casual and all, it'd be a good idea for Flynn to meet these agents just comin' over ta have a CHAT with no lawyer there.
And we find out before they went McCabe coached these two agents to be very careful to not tip off Flynn this was a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION and for God's sake, don't do anythING to alert him to the fact he'll face CRIMINAL PENALTIES if they think he's lyING to 'em.
Now, after LEARNING all this, Judge Sullivan said "Wow, I better review all these documents myself. Hand them over by 3 pm Tuesday, Dec 14."
There was no AMBIGUITY there. It was a direct order from the court. Even a very clever lawyer will find no wiggle room.
Instead of handING over what Judge Sullivan ordered them to hand over, the Mueller SC team decided they'd rather hand over a FD-302 interview done six months later of Peter Strzok beING interviewed about the interview he did with Flynn.
Um…that's uh…NOT what Sullivan ordered them to hand over.
FBI policy is that a FD-302 form has to be filled out and filed within 5 days of the agent conductING the interview.
So as of today…the Mueller team *still* has not produced Strzok's actual 302 form from the Jan 24 Flynn interview.
Not only have they NOT produced that document, they today handed him a memorandum he didn't even ask for, a response to Flynn's filING from Tuesday.
So I fully expect to see Judge Sullivan toss this case on Tuesday, Dec. 18, and then rip these Mueller prosecutors a new one.
What they did here is just as bad as what the Ted Stevens prosecutors got caught doING, and it goes WAY higher right into leadership of the FBI.
Also note clearly what the Mueller filING is sayING: there was no Russian collusion involvING Flynn, there never was, the media is full of morons, and what they charged Flynn with doING was supposedly LYING TO PENCE AND OTHER WH OFFICIALS about his phone calls with Kislyak.
The Mueller SC team is about to LOSE the very first case it brought to trial after they & the Democrats & DNC Media & Never Trumpers spent a $#!?ING YEAR high-fivING each other over sendING Flynn to prison.
Eat it, you losers.
Some fag's twat with good analysis
#4313335 at 2018-12-14 22:51:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5496: TGIF and Trump's President Edition
[ ]'ING
#4311494 at 2018-12-14 20:01:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5494: Wide Egg Noodles Edition
DurING the 'Q' n A someone should have asked about this and not about the stupid f***ING Kennedy's or if we landed on the moon (although I'm glad this all is cleared up so fags will shut their faces about it) or muh aliens/muh area 51 or whether Moochel is a man packING a 10 inch whopper or not.
FFS anons..
(((Think Logically)))
Reread all previous breads
#4308733 at 2018-12-14 16:06:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5490: Simmering Stockpot Edition
It's always the f*ING Rhodes Scholars and members of CFR.
#4304232 at 2018-12-14 04:14:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5484: HUBER Will Bring SEVERE PAIN TO DC Edition
Maybe (you) are some shattered remnant of a shattered rothschild chimera pine ING for an addiction like spurious egregious ghost
#4302002 at 2018-12-14 01:37:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5481: We have the servers Edition
I told you to stop (You)ING me Freddy. Fuck off and KYS.
I told you the same night Q BTFO'd your ass.
#4301046 at 2018-12-14 00:25:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5480: Where's Huber Edition
Posted this 4 or 5 times before but a good catch up (with TODAY in mind) on Evergreen (HRC) and Evergreen(ING) as in way to keep patents extended and pricING high. Think CHAI. Think The Shermans.
#4294434 at 2018-12-13 18:59:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5471: Anon Appreciation Edition
ThinkING about meme-ING on iPhone
does NOT sound fun.
Larger screen, keyboard, mouse I prefer.
I use Paint.net in Windows and Gimp in
Here is another trick, meme requests.
Meme request:
'Clinton weddINGs are expensive'
If your lucky, some Anon will deliver.
Then you can share social media if you
like the meme.
#4294189 at 2018-12-13 18:42:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5471: Anon Appreciation Edition
Q's Poem:
UsING the endING on all verbs.
#4284490 at 2018-12-13 02:05:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5459: Stupid Is As Stupid Does Edition
No psyop - don't change the subject, answer the f—ING question.
#4283194 at 2018-12-13 00:54:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5457: Detention Center Prep Edition
UK Commitment to UN Migration Pact 'All But Violates' Govt Immigration Pledge: Think Tank
A leadING immigration think tank has said that the United KINGdom's adoption of the UN's migration pact "all but violates" the government's pledge to cut immigration.
On Monday, the UK and 163 other nations committed themselves to the United Nations' Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration - the first attempt at the "global governance" and institutionalisation of migration.
The UK's delegate at the UN conference in Marrakesh, Morocco, the Foreign Office's minister of state Alistair Burt heralded the compact, claimING it "tackles" illegal immigration.
Migration Watch UK fired back at the assertion, sayING, "This is the wrong move. The word 'control' does not appear in the final text of the Compact."
"The Government committed, 3 times in election manifestos, to reduce immigration by a lot (a goal supported by 73% of the public accordING to one poll).
"How is signING a Compact which binds the UK into 'enhanc[ING] the availability... of [migration] pathways' compatible with that?"
Alp Mehmet, Vice Chairman of Migration Watch UK, told Breitbart London, "This Compact is misguided and one that the UK should not have signed.
"No government serious about reducING migration should be committING to it. As for our government, by signING up to the Compact, they are all but violatING a manifesto promise to reduce immigration substantially."
Migration Watch UK outlined in a briefING document published late November that the UN's pledge "would stand in direct contradiction to the government's three election manifesto commitments to reduce the level of net migration from the current 270,000 per year to less than 100,000."
The document added, "The Compact appears to have been drafted by diplomats whose aim seems to be to 'normalise' mass immigration from the developING world to the West at a time when the public are very clear that they find the scale and pace of such flows to be unsustainable and unacceptable.
"The Government needs to reconnect with voters and demonstrate that they are serious about honourING their election promise."
The think tank also urged the Government to debate a petition callING for the UK to not sign the controversial document, which has gained more than 125,000 signatures.
The compact aims to protect the "human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants", and combat "xenophobia, racism and discrimination" towards migrants.
Critics have said that the compact will lead to media criticism of mass or illegal migration beING made illegal, and while proponents claim the terms are not legally bindING, European lawyers warn the wordING exists in a "legal grey area" that could be used to interpret national laws.
Several eastern European countries as well as Israel and Australia pulled out of backING the compact in recent months followING the lead of President Donald Trump who rejected the compact in December 2017, sayING,"The global approach in the [UN] declaration is simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty."
#4283072 at 2018-12-13 00:49:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5457: Detention Center Prep Edition
*warrING angels
#4277119 at 2018-12-12 20:40:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5449: Wednesday Winning Edition
Is it a "pickle"ING jar?
#4256459 at 2018-12-11 16:26:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5422: Separating The Wheat From The Chaff Edition
Why in the hell are the Democrat members of this committee so F-ING stupid.
This jackass (Cohen) just said that he uses Pichai's "apparatus" frequently. Then he said that his cell phone confuses him and he'd like to take a class. No, wait, he's changed his mind, not an online class he wants a personal assistant provided by Google who can answer all of his idiotic questions.
Can someone compile a list of asinine questions by old Liberals who don't understand technology?
Oh Lord, now Cohen is upset that his name isn't showING up when he googles his name and "news." He was on MSNBC for 8 minutes! EIGHT damnit! He's famous! Why isn't he on the Google.
Maybe it has somethING to do with what a great understandING he has of the technology.
#4249288 at 2018-12-11 02:28:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5413: Phony Comey & His Corrupt Cronies Are Fucked Edition
Obama didn't just weaponize the Intel community, he weaponized ALL the institutions of government to punish his political dissenters…IRS, EPA, etc. like the fu##ING TYRANT he was.
#4244083 at 2018-12-10 20:34:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5406: Stakes Too High Edition
This board is the same… people concernfaggING, muh no arrests-ING, etc. Then when Q shows up, everyone's all lit up.
But what we should be doING is red-pillING our normies.
Clarify the truth when we see fake news and disinfo beING spread.
You should be out on social media WORKING your ass off instead of loiterING here on the chans without actually contributING or doING any serious diggING.
"see somethING, say somethING".
Say it loud and say it to everyone.
And try not to alienate everyone you know, use your wisdom.
#4241407 at 2018-12-10 18:28:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5403: Smocking is Fun Edition
#4232640 at 2018-12-10 00:59:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5391: SweDONE, Españope, AdiEU & Quitaly Edition
#4231922 at 2018-12-09 23:51:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5390: Vive La Frost Edition
How do these trannywhoreING muhjooskikes keep virtual ING tappING paid vpns for MSM fetards
#4227300 at 2018-12-09 16:47:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5384: Bread of Discernment Edition
What did I tell you about (You)ING me Freddy?
Q already made you his bitch.
#4225546 at 2018-12-09 13:24:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5382: Q rising Edition
>>4225098 notable????
Sauce is clickbait. We notable-ING click bait sites now?
#4224638 at 2018-12-09 09:23:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5381: Scope & Size Biggest In History Edition
>9 posts
of course there's fuggin' aliens. hottest secret on the planet.. but that don't come until after all the other shit is sorted out because good and evil ain't limited to this little rock. now, lurch moar, and welcome to the great away-ayy-kin-ING.
#4218414 at 2018-12-08 22:59:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5373: Come[y] Transcript & French Generals Edition
So trillion dollar gaytriotism jINGoism spinbots are arguING with an iPhone 6 64gb
For cia brandING
MSM hogg feeds
Famewhore ING spectacle
Merry krampus dannalINGus
Grow them horns
#4206659 at 2018-12-08 02:17:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5357: Happy Friday! AND WE'RE STILL WINNING Edition
Fren…this is quality meme-ING. Brilliant…and also…I'm totally stealING this..
#4196955 at 2018-12-07 15:30:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5345: Day That Will Live In Infamy Edition
Without wiki-ING him, wouldn't Barr have one foot in the grave, too, servING under GHWB?
#4195301 at 2018-12-07 12:01:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5343: Decode Freedy Edition
REPOSTING. We are intrigued by the same QPost I see.
Was lookING at the Q Poem from 6/17/17(near Summer Solstice). PlayING around with a possible decode of its message.
First, here is the poem:
17 Jun 2018 - 11:43:38 PM
MornING sun brINGs heat.
Full moon comING.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.
For lines with EVEN # of syllables, use the end of LAST word, payING attention to VERB TENSE used.
For lines with ODD # of syllables, use the end syllable of the NEXT TO LAST word, payING attention to VERB TENSE used.
First line has 5 syllables(odd) and verb is PRESENT tense which draws our attention to the S endING.
Second line has 4 syllables(even) and verb is in GERUND tense which draws our attention to the ING syllable endING.
Third line has 6 syllables (even)and is in PAST tense which leads our attention to the ED endING on the last syllable.
The fourth line has 4 syllables(even) and the verb is IMPERATIVE (as in a command) which draws our attention to the endING syllable for the word "Forward" which is WARD.
This gives one:
MornING sun brING[S]heat.
Full moon com[ING].
Undiscovered stars learn[ED]
Missions for[WARD].
Q (17?)
Was intrigued by the definite difference in tense in each line. And the Haiku(like) use of syllable which stands out.
#4195202 at 2018-12-07 11:42:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5343: Decode Freedy Edition
Was lookING at the Q Poem from 6/17/17(near Summer Solstice). PlayING around with a possible decode of its message.
First, here is the poem:
17 Jun 2018 - 11:43:38 PM
MornING sun brINGs heat.
Full moon comING.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.
For lines with EVEN # of syllables, use the end of LAST word, payING attention to VERB TENSE used.
For lines with ODD # of syllables, use the end syllable of the NEXT TO LAST word, payING attention to VERB TENSE used.
First line has 5 syllables(odd) and verb is PRESENT tense which draws our attention to the S endING.
Second line has 4 syllables(even) and verb is in GERUND tense which draws our attention to the ING syllable endING.
Third line has 6 syllables (even)and is in PAST tense which leads our attention to the ED endING on the last syllable.
The fourth line has 4 syllables(even) and the verb is IMPERATIVE (as in a command) which draws our attention to the endING syllable for the word "Forward" which is WARD.
This gives one:
MornING sun brING[S]heat.
Full moon com[ING].
Undiscovered stars learn[ED]
Missions for[WARD].
Q (17?)
Was intrigued by the definite difference in tense in each line. And the Haiku(like) use of syllable which stands out.
#4193868 at 2018-12-07 07:36:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5341: Panic > RATS Edition
Haha yep. I've been /pol/ING a lot recently and haven't seen Q come up as often as recent. Keen for big France happenINGs aswell.
#4182747 at 2018-12-06 18:39:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5326: Blue Checkmark Twit Shills Edition
Moscow MeddlING, Trump-Putin Dialogue: Secretary of Defense Mattis Tells All Without Any Evidence
The insanity runs deep in WashINGton but it has also briefly surfaced at Simi Valley in California at the Reagan National Defense Forum, which ran through last weekend. United States Secretary of Defense James "Mad Dog" Mattis was the keynote speaker on Saturday. He had a few interestING thINGs to say, the most remarkable of which was the assertion that Russia had again sought to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections, which were completed last month.
Mattis, a Marine general who is sometimes considered to be the only adult in the room when the White House national security team meets, claimed that the bilateral relationship between WashINGton and Moscow had "no doubt" deteriorated still further due to the Russian activity, which he described as the Kremlin "try[ING] again to muck around around in our elections last month, and we are seeING a continued effort along those lines" with Russian President Vladimir Putin makING "continued efforts to try to subvert democratic processes that must be defended. We'll do whatever is necessary to defend them."
Mattis did not address President Donald Trump's cancellation of a meetING with Putin at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a move which he reportedly supported. The cancellation was reportedly based on what has been described as an act of aggression committed by the Russian military against three Ukrainian naval vessels seekING to transit the Kerch Strait, which is since the annexation of Crimea been completely controlled by Moscow. The Ukrainians were aware of the Russian protocols for transitING through the area and chose to ignore them to create an incident, possibly as part of a plan to disrupt the Trump-Putin discussions. If that is so, they were successful.
Mattis was somewhat taciturn relatING to his accusation regardING Moscow's meddlING. He provided absolutely no evidence that Russia had been interferING in the latest election and there have been no suggestions from either federal or state authorities that there were any irregularities involvING foreigners. There was, however, considerable concern over possible ballot and votING manipulation at state levels carried out by the major political parties themselves, suggestING that if Mattis is lookING for subversion of democratic processes he might start lookING a lot closer to home.
#4166518 at 2018-12-05 17:33:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5305: Dark To Light Edition
She came in like a kek-ING ball
#4159492 at 2018-12-05 05:47:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5296: [Dec 4, 2017] > [Dec 4, 2018] Edition
Trips confirm
fuck I'm 'really' regrettING accidentally doublING my daily adderall this mornING…
still fuckING fried 18 hours later and brain is brain-ING in supermassive autist nova
#4150319 at 2018-12-04 19:53:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5284: Foreign Automakers Edition
brb, k-ING ms
#4149081 at 2018-12-04 18:21:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5282: Juncker's Growing Problem Edition
FuckING notable. This is the shit we should be doING, not Freddy Benson-ING each other. Another board is needed.
#4138806 at 2018-12-04 02:04:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5269: Enjoy The (Hannity) Show Edition
tell when to tune back in fuck fanboi-ING that monster
#4134868 at 2018-12-03 22:39:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5264: The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media Edition
Kindly provide directions for de-MK ultra-ING if you can. You would be doING a great service to humanity.
#4132721 at 2018-12-03 20:12:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5261: illuminate the TRUTH Edition
Hopefully k-ING hs
#4132707 at 2018-12-03 20:11:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5261: illuminate the TRUTH Edition
My God People, Can't they get this shit correct?
Definition of lyING so you don't take my word for it:
ExamplesWord Origin
See more synonyms for lyING on Thesaurus.com
the tellING of lies, or false statements; untruthfulness:
From boyhood, he has never been good at lyING.
They should use the word LayING:
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to layING: layING low
lay 1 (l?)
v. laid (l?d), lay·ING, lays
1. To cause to lie down: lay a child in its crib.
a. To place in or brING to a particular position: lay the cloth over the paintING.
b. To bury.
3. To cause to be in a particular condition: The remark laid him open to criticism.
4. To put or set down: lay new railroad track.
5. To produce and deposit: lay eggs.
6. To cause to subside; calm or allay: "chas'd the clouds … and laid the winds" (John Milton).
7. To put up to or against somethING: lay an ear to the door.
8. To put forward as a reproach or an accusation: They laid the blame on us.
9. To put or set in order or readiness for use: lay the table for lunch.
10. To devise; contrive: lay plans.
11. To spread over a surface: lay paint on a canvas.
12. To place or give (importance): lay stress on clarity of expression.
13. To impose as a burden or punishment: lay a penalty upon the offender.
14. To present for examination: lay a case before a committee.
15. To put forward as a demand or an assertion: laid claim to the estate.
16. Games To place (a bet); wager.
17. To aim (a gun or cannon).
#4125394 at 2018-12-03 05:50:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5252: Two-Way Street Edition
Q has highlighted Q532 AS SIGNIFICANT and wants EVERYONE to get MEME-ING and swamp social media with Fake News.
And thats just one of the findINGs from DecodING Q2511-2513 timecodes. Lots more to read in link below:
#4119499 at 2018-12-02 23:03:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5244: United Bread Edition
What ever happened to Avenatti's use of "#Basta"?
Perhaps he is ashamed of "basta-ING" women?
#4100317 at 2018-12-01 13:26:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5219: Truth rising Edition
I hate to be this guy, but I am f–ING terrible at readING the clock, Q (or BO pls delete if too far too soon)......
ASTANA! Kazikstan…
goog earth! owl, torch, iron eagle, wierd shield ( i think reps celestial globe) trace outwards, architecture traces the tales…We are the last bastion…
the NWO… think less people who's faces you recognize.. more NK, China, EU,…technocracies cannot succeed.. maybe this is just me, but neither can elec currencies… people who brING up food support those who support "higher bars" if elec currencies take over, we all lose! no longer do they need to print paper to flood the market, they ARE THE MARKET… q,… we do not forget, we do not fogive… backwards for a reason…don't take the bait.
#4095360 at 2018-12-01 04:37:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5213: It's Spreading Edition
At least 2 Russian figures whose justification for beING in the United States were rare law enforcement parole visas controlled by the U.S. Justice Department" initiated contacts with the Trump org/campaign.
Trump "campaign figures were contacted by .. intel/diplomatic figures..[of]..Britain & Australia, [& they] gathered intelligence or instigated contacts with Trump campaign figures…conversations & contacts ..monitored..on foreign soil result[ING] in transcripts."
#4088495 at 2018-11-30 21:13:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5204: USMCA Edition
Kid Rock To Fox: 'Screw That Joy Behar B****!' Crowd Goes Nuts; Fox Hosts Freak Out
To shake thINGs up a bit, "Fox & Friends" sent co-host Steve Doocy to do a segment at Kid Rock's Big Ass Honky Tonk Rock & Roll Steakhouse Friday mornING and got even more political incorrectness than it was plannING for when the rocker offered his thoughts on left-wING "The View" host Joy Behar.
"People need to calm down, get a little less politically correct, and I would say, you know, love everybody - except, I'd say screw that Joy Behar b****," said the performer.
"No, now, you can't-" Doocy interjected, as the audience went wild. "You cannot say that," said Doocy, laughING despite his best efforts. "We apologize for that."
"I mean 'lady,'" said Rock sarcastically.
"She's just got a different point of view than you do," said Doocy.
"Exactly," said the rocker. "You know maybe we'll go on and I'll hash it out with her and we'll talk about it. But exactly, aside from jokING, which I was, just go out and hash it out with people and have your thoughts and ideas, but be able to still go have a beer with somebody and say, hey, we all love this country and let's have different ideas but try to move forward and be more together and realize, at the end of the day, we're all Americans."
That also got a big cheer from the crowd.
Doocy wrapped up by offerING Rock another chance to apologize for Behar his comment. "I do apologize for the language, not for the sentiment," he said.
"Well, don't feel that way," said Doocy. "We apologize for both."
CuttING back to the studio, the rest of the "Fox & Friends" crew again apologized for the language and stressed that they don't feel that way about Behar. They also suggested they could see Kid Rock beING more a part of the programmING.
Before makING the "Fox & Friends" hosts sweat, Kid Rock answered questions about his teasING of a political run.
"What about when you're done with the rock and roll. Would you think about gettING into politics?" Doocy asked.
"Oh, I bet if I have enough to drink one night, I'll think about it again," he said. "I think I'm best served on the sideline beING a cheerleader for our troops and our veterans, and you know, maybe just tryING to pay my taxes - you know, just be a good American."
Doocy also pointed out that some of the people there at the steakhouse had served in the military and had been entertained by the performer at one of his USO events in Iraq.
WATCH (h/t Towhall):
WOW – Kid Rock says "screw that Joy Behar bitch," promptING @SteveDoocy to repeatedly apologize on his behalf. (The crowd cheered Kid Rock's remark.) pic.twitter.com/R4J4CDW1Du
- Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 30, 2018
After promotING his faux campaign site kidrockforsenate.com and tweetING out various political messages for a few months in 2017, Rock, real name Robert Ritchie, finally revealed in October 2017 that he wasn't serious about tryING to take on Michigan Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabanow. "F* no I'm not runnING for Senate, are you f*ING kiddING me?" he told radio host Howard Stern. "Who couldn't figure that out?"
Before he disappointed fans with the big reveal, he'd managed to generate a lot of excitement, includING support from the Mitch McConnell-backed Senate Leadership Fund super PAC. "We'd be actually very interested in his candidacy. I certainly wouldn't count him out," the group's president, Steven Law, said. "The truth of the matter is that he's done a lot in his home state philanthropically, he's a pretty smart guy, he thinks about policy and he's a shrewd businessman. If you're watchING, Kid, we hope you run."
#4078267 at 2018-11-29 23:25:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5190: "We Know" Edition
Today in Poland online bankING wasn't workING in the ING Bank for couple hours. But not only that, nobody was even able to pay with their cards. People without cash got stuck in shops and restaurants.
Wonder if that's connected to Deutsche Bank raid.
#4071793 at 2018-11-29 13:52:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5182: Cryptic Bread Title Edition
Chong Q ING??
Please tell me this is Q
#4071021 at 2018-11-29 11:56:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5181: Corsi Charade Edition
#4064635 at 2018-11-28 23:35:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5173: One Neutered, One Leveraged Edition
Ann Coulter: Trump's Great Wall Becomes Trump's Great Stall
For those of us who were ecstatic the night Donald Trump was elected president, who watch election night videos over and over again, it used to be easy to defend him against the charge that he is just a BS-ING con man who would say anythING to get elected.
It's gettING harder.
Trump was our last chance. But he's spent two years not buildING the wall, not deportING illegals - "INCREDIBLE KIDS!" - and not endING the anchor baby scam.
Within 10 seconds of Trump's leavING office, there will be no evidence that he was ever president. Laws will be changed, executive orders rescinded, treaties re-written and courts packed.
Trump will leave no legacy at all. Only a wall is forever.
We had no choice. No one else was promisING to save America.
"On day one, we will begin workING on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We will use the best technology, includING above- and below-ground sensors, that's the tunnels. Remember that: above and below. Towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels ..." -Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump
But then he signed a spendING bill expressly prohibitING him from buildING any part of the wall.
"I will never sign another bill like this again. I'm not goING to do it again." - President Trump, after signING a spendING bill that blocked any fundING for a wall.
Today, eight months later, Trump is about to sign another spendING bill that will give him no money for the wall.
Anyone want to bet me that he won't?
So much for the world's greatest negotiator.
Donald Trump is the commander in chief. He doesn't need Congress' approval to defend the nation's borders.
But as long as his excuse for not buildING the wall is that Congress hasn't appropriated money for it, why on earth would he sign a spendING bill that doesn't give it to him?
There is no tomorrow on this. Republicans are about to lose the House. It's now or never.
We didn't need someone to tell us how hard it is to get anythING done in WashINGton. We knew that.
#4054172 at 2018-11-28 01:40:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5159: Gettin shilly in here but still comfy Edition
I was just plane-ING with you anon.
#4047997 at 2018-11-27 15:29:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5151: Melania: Expert Troll Edition
This is exactly what I was thinkING. Not dates, but chapter and pg or somethING related to sequencING ING movies/shows
#4046145 at 2018-11-27 08:48:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5149: Comfy Night Shift Edition
Drop the Y and add ING
#4032896 at 2018-11-26 05:05:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5132: There Are Bad People Who Pretend To Be Good Edition
Resignations in the news this weekend:
Jacksonville police chief retirING at end of month
RetirING water district directors honored
Nanaimo Mayor Leonard Krog to resign as MLA on Nov. 30
Library director retirING after eight years
Salt Lake City department head fired for offensive behavior
Kadyan, other leaders resign from INLD
PIC CEO Matjila resigns
Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen announced her resignation Saturday as head of the Democratic Progressive Party
Ann Fish: RetirING court clerk reflects on how role has changed: 'It's a world of difference'
Over 60 MyciTi bus workers have been fired by vehicle operatING companies for not attendING disciplinary hearINGs.
Adventures ahead for retirING Erie County judge
Victorian state election: Matthew Guy set to resign, Jeff Kennett, Michael Kroger go to war
#4029876 at 2018-11-26 01:26:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5128: ThinQ Timing Of Tweet Edition
BeijING-Friendly Party Wins Landslide Election Victory in Taiwan
TAIPEI, Taiwan-The rulING party of Taiwan suffered a major defeat in elections that took place on Nov. 24.
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lost two important mayoral races in Taiwan's central city of Taichung and the southern port city of Kaohsiung to the opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), which has a BeijING-friendly stance.
While Taiwan is a de facto country with its own constitution, elections, currency, and military, BeijING views the island as a renegade province that must be united with the mainland, by force if necessary.
Since Taiwan held its first direct presidential election in 1996, BeijING's authoritarian regime has sought to influence political parties into adoptING more BeijING-friendly policies. While the DPP is known for advocatING formal independence from mainland China, current President Tsai ING-wen, who belongs to the DPP, has said she wishes to maintain the status quo.
In all, the DDP, which goING into the election controlled 13 cities and counties out of a total of 23, retained only six cities and counties, while the KMT, which controlled six cities and counties, won nine more regions, brINGING the total under its jurisdiction to 15.
Tsai has since announced her resignation from the DPP chairwoman position, sayING that she is responsible for her party's poor election performance. At a press conference on Nov. 24 announcING her resignation, Tsai said: "Democracy has taught us a lesson today. We should be humble and embrace people's higher demands."
In Kaohsiung, the DPP has governed the port city for the past 20 years, with a large electorate base there. Thus, the defeat of DPP candidate Chen Chi-mai by KMT candidate Han Kuo-yu was considered a major upset.
In Taichung City, the incumbent and DPP mayoral candidate Lin Chia-lung sought to retain his seat and was widely expected to win the election. However, Lin ended up losING to KMT candidate Lu Shiow-yen by 200,000 votes.
In Taipei, Ko Wen-jo, an independent candidate, won reelection, defeatING both KMT and DPP candidates. However, KMT candidate TING Shou-chung, who finished second with only 3,254 fewer votes, said he'll challenge the election results.
#4026870 at 2018-11-25 21:42:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5124: One if by Caravan Two if by Coyote Edition
Re-post, Baker please consider for NOTABLES, caravan support digg
National Lawyers Guild Caught HelpING Migrants Gain Entry into USA
A week ago, the NYT published "Migrant Caravan Is Just Yards From U.S. Border, but Long Wait Lies Ahead." A couple of days later, Breitbart picked on up a small but significant item of news: that lawyers with the National Lawyers Guild, "a Soros-backed organization," have been givING legal advice to migrants tryING to enter the country by "explain[ING] the basics of asylum law." It quoted Gilbert Saucedo, an LA lawyer from the National Lawyers Guild: "People don't flee their country and go through the arduous trip on foot unless the situation is desperate."
The Saucedo statement is flat-out propaganda that feeds the false MSM narrative that the caravan movement is about fleeING violence and seekING asylum in the US. Both Ami Horowitz and Judicial Watch have disproven this narrative by askING people why they make the trip; virtually all of them say for economic opportunity (see the screenshot). So what these lawyers are almost certainly doING is coachING the migrants to lie to border officials.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quz5A87Oqgc (Ami Horowitz)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Kj8pHwVCk&t=72s (Judicial Watch)
Three questions:
1. What is the National Lawyers Guild (NLG)?
2. Who is Gilbert Saucedo?
3. How do we know that the NLG is Soros-backed?
[1] THE NATIONAL LAWYER'S GUILD was established in 1937 as part of the socialist labor movement. So it's very old and well-entrenched as a far left-wING activist group with a membership of lawyers.
Website statement: The NLG is dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. Our aim is to brING together all those who recognize the importance of safeguardING and extendING the rights of workers, women, LGBTQ people, farmers, people with disabilities and people of color, upon whom the welfare of the entire nation depends; who seek actively to eliminate racism; who work to maintain and protect our civil rights and liberties in the face of persistent attacks upon them; and who look upon the law as an instrument for the protection of the people, rather than for their repression.
AccordING to Influencewatch.org, they are currently located in Manhattan and their total income (from 990s) for 2015 was $667,777. https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/national-lawyers-guild/
They sponsor the National Immigration Project (NIP-NLG), whose aim is to "provide technical assistance and support to legal practitioners, immigrant communities, community-based organizations, and all advocates seekING and workING to advance the rights of noncitizens." Why do they want to "advance the rights of non-citizens"? Because Communism always seeks to destroy national identity in favor of some kind of collective identity based on Marxist principles.
One of the main projects of the NIP-NLG is the Immigrant Defense Project. Dan Kesselbrenner has been its Executive Director for 32 years, although he is retirING, accordING to the website.
[2] GILBERT SAUCEDO is co-President of the LA Chapter of the NLG and is active in immigrants' rights cases and an opponent of DJT's position on strong borders. So he advances the NLG the immigrants-as-asylum-seekers narrative to gain sympathy for migrants.
[C] SOROS FUNDING FOR NLG. I have not yet found documentation on this, despite press claims that the NLG is "Soros-backed."
If anons have leads, I'd like to know.
#4026612 at 2018-11-25 21:19:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5123: Pepper Spray Especial Edition
Th is is f uck ING NO TA BLE !!!
#4026041 at 2018-11-25 20:28:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5123: Pepper Spray Especial Edition
National Lawyers Guild Caught HelpING Migrants Gain Entry into USA
A week ago, the NYT published "Migrant Caravan Is Just Yards From U.S. Border, but Long Wait Lies Ahead." A couple of days later, Breitbart picked on up a small but significant item of news: that lawyers with the National Lawyers Guild, "a Soros-backed organization," have been givING legal advice to migrants tryING to enter the country by "explain[ING] the basics of asylum law." It quoted Gilbert Saucedo, an LA lawyer from the National Lawyers Guild: "People don't flee their country and go through the arduous trip on foot unless the situation is desperate."
The Saucedo statement is flat-out propaganda that feeds the false MSM narrative that the caravan movement is about fleeING violence and seekING asylum in the US. Both Ami Horowitz and Judicial Watch have disproven this narrative by askING people why they make the trip; virtually all of them say for economic opportunity (see the screenshot). So what these lawyers are almost certainly doING is coachING the migrants to lie to border officials.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quz5A87Oqgc (Ami Horowitz)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Kj8pHwVCk&t=72s (Judicial Watch)
Three questions:
1. What is the National Lawyers Guild (NLG)?
2. Who is Gilbert Saucedo?
3. How do we know that the NLG is Soros-backed?
[1] THE NATIONAL LAWYER'S GUILD was established in 1937 as part of the socialist labor movement. So it's very old and well-entrenched as a far left-wING activist group with a membership of lawyers.
Website statement: The NLG is dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. Our aim is to brING together all those who recognize the importance of safeguardING and extendING the rights of workers, women, LGBTQ people, farmers, people with disabilities and people of color, upon whom the welfare of the entire nation depends; who seek actively to eliminate racism; who work to maintain and protect our civil rights and liberties in the face of persistent attacks upon them; and who look upon the law as an instrument for the protection of the people, rather than for their repression.
AccordING to Influencewatch.org, they are currently located in Manhattan and their total income (from 990s) for 2015 was $667,777. https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/national-lawyers-guild/
They sponsor the National Immigration Project (NIP-NLG), whose aim is to "provide technical assistance and support to legal practitioners, immigrant communities, community-based organizations, and all advocates seekING and workING to advance the rights of noncitizens." Why do they want to "advance the rights of non-citizens"? Because Communism always seeks to destroy national identity in favor of some kind of collective identity based on Marxist principles.
One of the main projects of the NIP-NLG is the Immigrant Defense Project. Dan Kesselbrenner has been its Executive Director for 32 years, although he is retirING, accordING to the website.
[2] GILBERT SAUCEDO is co-President of the LA Chapter of the NLG and is active in immigrants' rights cases and an opponent of DJT's position on strong borders. So he advances the NLG the immigrants-as-asylum-seekers narrative to gain sympathy for migrants.
[C] SOROS FUNDING FOR NLG. I have not yet found documentation on this, despite press claims that the NLG is "Soros-backed."
If anons have leads, I'd like to know.
#4022587 at 2018-11-25 13:17:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5118: Ghost Ebaked Edition
By the looks of thINGs it was friendly fire anon, with both regualry bakers protectING the bread.
AB, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you as I was gatherING notes from lb as well as this one. You'd said early lb that you were ghost handoff-ING and so I stepped up. I've seen you do that, then return and bake the next. I figured you'd posted this bread and then left before seeING my offer to bake. I'd have deferred to you had you said you were awaitING a check from BO/BV.
I hope no hard feelINGs.
Lay off my memes though ; )
#4022483 at 2018-11-25 12:44:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5118: Ghost Ebaked Edition
Democratic Progressive Party suffers big defeat in Taiwan elections; Tsai ING-wen resigns as chairwoman
Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen has resigned as chairwoman of the Democratic Progressive Party after sufferING a humiliatING electoral defeat.
The independence-leanING party lost seven of its 13 cities and counties in Saturday's polls, includING two special municipalities, as a disgruntled electorate handed it a vote of no confidence. Analysts described the result as a turnaround in political influence, four years on from the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) sufferING a similar election setback.
#4018538 at 2018-11-25 01:54:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5113: Rand Paul vs. Goliath Edition
Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen announced her resignation Saturday as head of the Democratic Progressive Party
#4017986 at 2018-11-25 00:49:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5112: ebake
perhaps he was just tee-ING it up for you…
#4015790 at 2018-11-24 20:36:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5109 Assange Developments Edition
old news to many anons. I was diggING back thru on the sealed indictments stuff and i was readING over the fed document on sealed indictments from 2009.
"The three principal reasons for sealING a criminal case, accountING for 65% of the sealed criminal cases in this research, are (1) sealING the indictment so as to not tip off the defendant un- til the defendant's apprehension, (2) protectING the identity of a juvenile defendant, and (3) keep- ING secret details of a cooperatING defendant's prosecution. "
sauce - http://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/sealed-cases.pdf
#4014608 at 2018-11-24 18:26:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5108 Paris Protests Edition
Tsai offers to resign as party chief
2 hours ago
Taiwan's President Tsai ING-wen has offered to resign as the head of the rulING Democratic Progressive Party, followING the party's rout in Saturday's local elections.
The island-wide elections included races to choose 22 mayors and governors. The pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party currently holds 13 of those positions. The contests were widely seen as rehearsals for the 2020 presidential election.
Tsai has been strugglING with low approval ratINGs, due partly to opposition to her pension reforms. Her administration is also facING pressure from China, which claims Taiwan as its own territory.
In Kaohsiung, and in other key cities, the rulING party's candidates have admitted defeat. Kaohsiung has been a stronghold of Tsai's party over the past 20 years.
SpeakING to reporters at the party's headquarters on Saturday night, Tsai announced that she is resignING as the party's chairwoman to take responsibility for the election results.
She said her party's efforts were not enough. She also apologized to the supporters who fought for the party.
Tsai is expected to remain as the president of Taiwan. However, her participation in the 2020 presidential election has been cast into doubt.
#4007594 at 2018-11-23 23:12:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5099: Plea Corsi Plea Edition
'Elephant Walk-ING' $3 billion worth of F-35 fighter jets
After years of cost overruns and criticism, the US military has started to deploy its stealth-enabled F-35 fighter jet. To communicate that message in no uncertain terms, the Air Force's 388th and 419th Fighter WINGs carried out combat exercises meant to test the capabilities of their F-35As. The drill started off with an "Elephant Walk" that placed 36 of the jets (one is missING in this photo) on the runway all at once, worth $3 billion, at least at the current $90 million per airplane price.
Apart from creatING an intimidatING photo, the Air Force wanted to confirm its ability to quickly mass a force against air and ground targets, while showING off the F-35A's lethality. Both are the first combat-ready fighter wINGs with the jet and need to be able to deploy anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat.
There are three main variants of the F-35, also known as the LightnING II. The Air Force's F-35A is the smallest and lightest (and cheapest) version, and lands conventionally. The F-35B, meanwhile, is the short takeoff and vertical landING (STOVL) model, much like the Hawker Harrier Jump Jet. It can't carry much in the way of fuel or armaments in vertical takeoff mode, so it's generally designed to do short landINGs. The F-35C is essentially a beefed up, foldable wINGtip version of the F-35A designed for the rigors of carrier service.
#4005210 at 2018-11-23 17:42:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5096: Chief Justice Roberts in the Spotlight Edition
But you think we are arguING.
A license doesn't make anyone less of what they are, merely means they are sanctioned, and under protection of the licen$ING authority.
You support human traffickING. Carry on if you wish. Soon we will be diggING on you are your ilk too, as your 'resources' for 'legal entertainment' disappear.
Keep postING, more of us would like to get to know you…
#3996955 at 2018-11-22 18:58:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5085: Pumpkin Spice Ebake Edition
AusAnon doING "WTF Am I DoING Awake At This Hour Edition"
Goddamn been lookING at these timestamp numbers so hard that I am startING to see some funny confirmations, craziest beING that I just found one in the local timestamp (ie Aust time not US EST time) from DJT;s tweets.
Either this is crazy confirmation bias, or I have completely lost the plot - but if you look at DJT's tweets made at
22/11/2018 7:21:51 AM US EST
22/11/2018 7:01:51 AM US EST
this converts to Aus times:
22/11/2018 10:51:51 PM
22/11/2018 10:31:51 PM
LookING at the deltas yields 41:41 and 21:41 (Note you cant see this shit in US EST timestamps)
I did a quick search of DGG on these terms and a very unique website caught my eye.
First cause its French and second cause its a helicopter - and who was in France recently and am pretty sure he tweeted somethING about was goING to take a helicopter on 11/11 but was grounded by winds - thats right Mr DJT himself.
And there in between the two terms on the search page was SA342M.
LookING up Q342, yields Q drop with title Rod Rosenstein End is Near.
As you would know from my other decodes RR is featurING heavily atm in the timestamp delta data.
I know Peas got the presidential pardon - but not sure yet if his alternate CaRRots did as well.
Little bie worried now cause I also saw a Q drop referenced in the last couple days with kill box [ ] closING in.
SomethING is goING down with RR .. soon !
So now I am left wonderING is this all confirmation bias, and just sheer randomness, or did someone in Q reach out to me and say hi, cause like I said, you couldnt get that decode from anythING but the Aust tweet times ?
So Q did u notice what I been sayING? If so, I am honoured.
Or is this just the craziness of a sleep starved brain.
Also, wonderING if I need to be Tor-ING it up from now on ??
#3995737 at 2018-11-22 16:32:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5083: Happy Thanksgiving Edition
26 posts, probably a shill, so not (you)ING (((you))), but recognizING it's the Jews is one of the largest, most difficult, but ultimately important pills to swallow. NoticING a pattern that anti-white racist thinkpieces in the media almost all came from Jews (with an occasional piece by obese black hambeasts) was my redpillING moment.
#3994708 at 2018-11-22 14:23:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5082 Daily Ebake
And the Macy's parade is already clubbING me over the head with SJW Broadway before I've even finished the first cup of coffee.
The cast of "The Prom" is LGBTQ-ING it up all over the place.
Tell you what, Broadway. You don't bash me over the head with overt sexual themes while small children are havING their breakfast, and I won't bash you over the head with my heterosexuality.
Just STFU about your bedroom choices while out in public, okay?
DISCRETION is an idea people have forgotten about.
#3985101 at 2018-11-21 17:42:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5070: Presidential Emergency Alert System (PEAS) Edition
Khan's London City Hall Scraps Female Showers, Goes 'Gender Neutral'
Sadiq Khan's City Hall has replaced female toilets and shower rooms with "gender neutral" facilities, Breitbart London can reveal, promptING concerns the changes will be rolled out across the city and possibly put biological women at risk.
Sources inside the headquarters of the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Mayor of London's offices say the changes have been made in some of the staff areas on the upper floors.
Images passed to Breitbart London show new signs, which are claimed to have appeared this week, readING "Gender Neutral Toilets and Showers." Some of the men's toilets, with urinals, are still marked as for men.
The shower rooms have always been available to both men and women, but the sign on the door previously showed a man and a woman. The female toilets were previously marked as for females.
Other female toilets on the upper floor were also briefly changed to "gender neutral" before beING changed back to "female," a source said.
Breitbart London spoke to UKIP London Assembly Member and Education spokesman David Kurten, who commented of the changes:
"I often have both male and female visitors comING to see me to discuss London issues. Female staff and visitors to London Assembly Members no longer have their own toilet facilities.
"A number of staff told me that they were uncomfortable with the change and are worried about men comING into the toilets while they were usING them.
"Nobody would have even considered changING the signs on the toilet doors a few years ago, but now City Hall, under Sadiq Khan as mayor, is willING to risk harmING women's comfort and safety for the sake of a politically correct agenda which the vast majority of the population do not agree with.
"There have always been men's and women's toilets, and everybody is happy with it that way apart from a few vociferous activists.
"It is concernING that this may just be the start of a process where all the toilets on the Greater London Estate includING at Underground stations, bus stations, police stations, and in the Olympic Park may be replaced by gender-neutral facilities, which may put women at risk."
Labour mayor Mr Khan and City Hall have failed to respond to requests for comment from Breitbart London, and it is not clear at this time who authorised the changes.
However, on November 27th last year, Mr Khan "outlined important measures today... encourag[ING] increased provision of gender-neutral toilets."
#3983938 at 2018-11-21 15:16:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5068: Gingerbread Ebake edition
They are fuckING talkING?
This whistleblower from ING - NL-
lizard soros and austria, austria implicated in #resist 's violence10/08/2018
EU screamING for violent stop by police, France police killING people in oil price protest??
This mother fucker from EU are criminals and soros and the other lizard, rotschild are implicated!!!
lizard soros, do you feel safe????
you know that someone greater than your fkin lizards will fuckING end you and your crimes?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Just wait, psychopaths!!!!
#3983021 at 2018-11-21 12:47:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5067: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming Edition
Wonder if we will see any arrests live on the air?
Too much Habe-ING maybe?
#3967371 at 2018-11-20 03:43:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5047: Ivanka's Emails Edition
Maybe Pleas ure Par adise is a wa y to sa y
"Y ou r wat ch ING a mo vie."
#3965366 at 2018-11-20 00:32:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5044: DNC Civil War Edition
w e b e le rn ING an ons! bo ts su ck
ma kes se nce th at th ey wou ld im pro ve ov er da mo nths.
#3957258 at 2018-11-19 03:56:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5034: Big Plans, Bigger Clocks Edition
Schitt's Creek = Watch the Water
Have lawfags looked at Schiff's Water bill?
A BILL To permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. 1
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled
PERMANENT REAUTHORIZATION OF LAND AND 4 WATER CONSERVATION FUND. 5 (a) IN GENERAL.Section 200302 of title 54, United 6 States Code, is amended 7 (1) in subsection (b), in the matter precedING 8 paragraph (1), by strikING DurING the period end9 ING September 30, 2015, there and insertING
10 There; and
1 (2) in subsection (c)(1), by strikING through 2 September 30, 2015. 3 (b) PUBLIC ACCESS.Section 200306 of title 54, 4 United States Code, is amended by addING at the end the 5 followING: 6 (c) PUBLIC ACCESS.Not less than 1.5 percent of 7 amounts made available for expenditure in any fiscal year 8 under section 200303, or $10,000,000, whichever is great9 er, shall be used for projects that secure recreational pub10 lic access to existING Federal public land for huntING, fish11 ING, and other recreational purposes..
HR 502 IH
#3951957 at 2018-11-18 18:57:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5027: OH SCHITT Edition
"The Supreme Court has interpreted the appointments clause as "constitut[ING] a vital power of the President." Thus, Calabresi stresses, while "inferior officers" may be appointed by "the President alone, by heads of departments, or by the Judiciary," "principal officers" may only be "selected by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate." Also, "Congress has specified that the 96 U.S. Attorneys are all principal officers who must be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate."
After analyzING controllING Supreme Court precedent and the circumstances and scope of the special counsel appointment, Calabresi concludes that Mueller is behavING like a U.S. attorney:
"Mueller has acted and has behaved like a principal officer even though he was never nominated by the President nor confirmed by the Senate. In fact, Mueller is much more powerful than is a U.S. Attorney because he has nationwide jurisdiction and can indict foreign citizens and corporations without clearance from main Justice as he did when he indicted more than a dozen Russian citizens and three Russian business entities. This action had a major effect on our foreign policy with Russia. Mueller's actual powers are greater than those of a U.S. Attorney and are akin to those of an Assistant Attorney General. It is thus crystal clear that Mueller is a principal officer."
"As a "principal officer," the Constitution's Appointments Clause required Mueller to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. He was not. Consequently, Calabresi posits, Mueller's appointment was unconstitutional and "[a]ll actions taken by Mueller since his appointment on May 17, 2017 are therefore null and void includING all of the indictments he has brought, all the searches he has conducted included his phone-loggING of Michael Cohen, and all plea arrangements he has entered into."
#3947983 at 2018-11-18 06:40:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5022: Nothing Provided Is Random Edition
Caravan Dis: Are Our Tax Dollars FundING the Caravans? USAID, Hillary Clinton, CLINIC & Soros
Previous digs have identified two sources of caravan support: hands-on support from Pueblo Sin Fronteras and financial support from Soros' Open Society Foundation.
In response to a summary of those results, an astute anon provided information on another important source of fundING: the Federal government ( >>3935427 pb). Between 2009 - 2018, the USAID provided $4.2 million dollars in grants to CLINIC, the Catholic Legal Immigrant Network. The largest amounts were durING the time that Hillary Clinton served as SOS. CLINIC is one of the two organizations which is known to receive fundING from Soros' Open Society Foundation, accordING to an April 2018 report by Glenn Beck:
>>3910097 pb Proof that Soros Donated to Caravan-Linked Groups: Glenn Beck has the Tax Data
Does this mean there's a branch of our own government that's fundING the migrant caravan at the southern border? It sure looks that way.
The anon who provided the lead suggested this government fundING of a Soros-backed group that appears to be involved in the current caravan was a holdover from the time that Hillary Clinton was SOS. She was an enthusiastic supporter of USAID, so much so that the Daily Beast ran an article in 2011 with the headline "Hillary Clinton's Power Grab for USAID":
When we consider how intimately involved USAID is with efforts to stop international child traffickING, it's not surprisING that HRC would take such a keen interest. Or that USAID would provide such generous fundING to a group like CLINIC that promotes open borders.
CLINIC = The Catholic Legal Immigration Network. It was founded in 1988 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, "to support a rapidly growING network of community-based immigration programs," in respond to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act that had made it possible for 2.7 million people to obtain permanent residence. Demand for low-cost immigration legal services skyrocketed. CLINIC's creation enabled Catholic organizations to get the necessary trainING and institutional support to help meet that need.
Sounds neutral, doesn't it? But in addition to offerING immigrants services, it is a migrant advocacy group that seeks to counter "hateful, anti-immigrant rhetoric" by "amplify[ING] immigrants voices" and "defendING" immigrants by "takING part in the federal rule-makING process." In other words, it's a pro-migration lobby that supports DACA, promotes open borders, and opposes migrant detention.
CLINIC is one of the two main groups that reportedly funnels cash to migrants caravans, although exactly how this works his hard to pin down. Obviously, American groups do not want it known that they financially support migrant caravans. This would ruin the romantic image of the caravans as grassroots movements. However, Gateway Pundit recently published photos showING migrants in possession USAID bags:
In addition, three days ago, Paloma Zuniga (@PalomaforTrump) reported from Tijuana that observers there saw migrants on arrivING buses collectING cash from Western Union all day long.
>>3918182 pb Large crowds in Tijuana Protest Arrival of Caravan Buses [PSF organizer is there]
As a Catholic-based group, CLINIC takes advantage of the religious convictions of followers to gain support for migrants (website article: "How Catholic communities are crowdfundING fairer trials for immigrants"). This from a group supported by George Soros, a known atheist. One source I read suggested that they attract some migrants to the caravans by portrayING them as a sort of Christian pilgrimage. "These people are sick."
#3945726 at 2018-11-18 02:32:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5019 Co Baking with BritAnonFutureBaker Edition
LOVE how he's beta-ING the govnr' there! GO POTUS!!!
#3941537 at 2018-11-17 19:33:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5013 Saturday Baker Needed & Trouble in Haiti Edition
how much corruption at BMW/AUDI/BENZ??????????????
HOW MUCH MONEY????????????????
ALSO NL anons,
how much money w/ your banks had to pay??????????????
Criminals are HERE!!!!!
You will be destroyed, your souls will be ion sufferINGs for milenials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3940040 at 2018-11-17 16:30:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #5011: Every Vote Counts Edition
#3930014 at 2018-11-16 20:56:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4998: 53 to 47 Edition
YES! And why are you spoiler-ING this????
who hurt you?
#3928804 at 2018-11-16 19:30:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4997: It's a Fire! Sale Edition
>>3928556 pb
No, "Clinton's eyes and mouth are different.
Not the same man
3928578 pb
It'll get here.
"The snails are marchING"
The true "upright" men are meme-ING
"THe beasts passen by the earths by full di?vers figures, for some of hem haue her bodies straught, and crepen in the dust, and drawn after hem a trace, or a forough conti?nued, that is to say, as Neders and Snails: and other beastes, by the wanderING light?nesse of her wINGs, beaten the windes, and ouerswimmen the spaces of the long aire, by most flyING.
And other beasts gladden hemself to dig?gen her traces or her steppes in the earth with her goING, or with her feet, and to gone either by the greene fieldes, or els to walken vnder the woods. And all be it so, that thou seest, that they discorden by diuers formes, algates her faces enclined, heauieth her dull wits, only the linage of man heaueth high?est his high head, and standeth light with his vpright body, and beholdeth the earths vnder him. And but if thou earthly man waxest euill out of thy wit, this figure amo?nesteth thee, that askest the heuen with thy right visage, and hast areised thy forehead, to bearen vp on high thy courage, so that thy thought ne be not heauied, ne put lowe vnder foot, sith that thy body is so high areised.
Quoniam igitur uti paulo ante monstratum est, omne quod scitur, &c."
#3928181 at 2018-11-16 18:40:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4996: Extra Sauce Please Edition
Do people actually believe that bots cannot type +++ ?
Shills keep ge++ING dumber and dumberer.
#3910775 at 2018-11-15 08:08:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4974: You Have More Than You Know Edition
are not endorsements
>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existING breads
>>3910078 Voter Fraud Hotline for Florida
>>3910097 Soros Donated to Caravan-Linked Groups
>>3910100 Cures: Universal flu vaccine from llamas
>>3910110 Pence flies over disputed South China Sea
>>3910112 George Soros Foundation Calls Facebook 'Vile,' 'Reprehensible' for PushING Conspiracy Theories
>>3910136 Bikers for Trump Submits Evidence of Broward County Ballot TamperING to Florida AG Pam Bondi
>>3910207 Georgia: Judge rules that out-of-County votes will NOT be allowed, nor will ballots with improper addresses
>>3910552 Pentagon Wants More Money for Lasers To Defend Against Missiles, Drone Swarms
>>3910562 Migrants Reach US-Mexico Border, Likely Face Long Wait
>>3910637 Brief overview of three Overseas ContINGency Operations
>>3910684, >>3910703, >>3910711 Avenatti ? Rahm Emanuel ? MOS
>>3910766 #4973
>>3909367 ActING AG Whitaker: Crime is down
>>3909380 U.S. Bishops Say Trump Proclamation on Caravan Migrants Is Illegal
>>3909391 A judge has ordered Amazon to hand over recordINGs from an Echo to help solve a double murder case
>>3909400 On the Production of Ballot Papers
>>3909405 For keks: Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3909436, >>3909509 Cool Planefag update
>>3909439, >>3909457, >>3909754 Dig on Pueblo Sin Fronteras and wound up at commies and witches
>>3909473, >>3909612, >>3909648, >>3909696, >>3909740 Weird ass clothING company for kids from ISRAEL called NUNUNU (Video in 2nd link)
>>3909678 Memorandum for Emmet T Flood (11/14/18)
>>3909823 Reminder: CIA whistleblower says he was targeted by Brennan, Mueller, and Strzok
>>3909876 California and Governor Brown connection to BT Energy (clowns as board members)
>>3909947 Resignations in the news today
>>3910005 #4972
#4971 Baker Change
>>3908569 FBI Busts Utah Pedo with 100 Gigabytes of Child Porn DepictING Toddlers BeING Raped
>>3908645 210 days side by side
>>3908754, >>3908755, >>3908871 Planefag updates
>>3908813 For keks: Australian senator declarING he is a woman so libs can't attack him
>>3908929 Broward's 'Sneaky' Snipes says invalid ballots 'were never counted,' contradictING her attorney
>>3909000 Sean Hannity: I Have Information that Evidence Has Been Turned Over to Law Enforcement on Criminal Activity in Broward County (VIDEO)
>>3909056 Anon's theory on DHS/DOJ/FBI and the 2018 midterms
>>3909111 Facebook reportedly discredited critics by linkING them to George Soros
>>3909245 #4971
>>3907820 Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3907893 Air Force plane makes emergency landING at McClellan after hydraulic malfunction
>>3907939 Qlockwork: Michael Avenatti is in the news.
>>3908023 Ethiopia arrests former deputy intelligence chief
>>3908105 New Documents Reveal CIA Spied on Congress, Whistleblowers
>>3908141 Flake to oppose Trump nominees until Mueller protection bill gets vote
>>3908153 National Facial Recognition Database To Use Loyalty Rewards To Identify American Shoppers
>>3908231 POTUS Schedule Update
>>3908267 Absentee ballots missING birth dates must be counted in Georgia governor's race, judge orders
>>3908274, >>3908294 Avenatti denies claim that he struck a woman
>>3908335 NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
>>3908397 Pizzagate Disinfo Shill 'PGisDumb,' Robert Robertson, arrested for CP
>>3908492 Planefag Updates
>>3908502 #4970
Previously Collected Notables
>>3906137 #4967, >>3906984 #4968, >>3907740 #4969
>>3903880 #4964, >>3904564 #4965, >>3905446 #4966
>>3901590 #4961, >>3902334 #4962, >>3903101 #4963
>>3899310 #4958, >>3900075 #4959, >>3900847 #4960
>>3897012 #4955, >>3897783 #4956, >>3898468 #4957
>>3894704 #4952, >>3895498 #4953, >>3896246 #4954
>>3892376 #4949, >>3893135 #4950, >>3894180 #4951
>>3890155 #4946, >>3890883 #4947, >>3891676 #4948
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#3910219 at 2018-11-15 06:32:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4973: Creepy Porn Lawyer BTFO Edition
Short drive to the fire areas in CA, interestING
>Merkel: 30 Years War
Well, we know what the endgame is for the Migrant Crisis; shame they don't have the proportions for it to actualy come about, unless they intend to fuck about for another 3 breedING cycles for their Islamist pets
>EnterTheStars channel
See his Trump time travel stuff, specifically on his mom's side; unique takes.
Pretty reptillian/10
There's at least a clear boundary for the goalpost shiftING limits: declass, prevention of the recount fraud, ICE bonanza, indictments -- probably in that order.
> compellING video made the rounds depictING what appears to be a star wars event between three satellites and the target satellite. Next day space junk found on land.
post sauce
>We are just outside the fire area. My friends hubby works for PG&E.
Start takING C60, in case the radiological/chemical contaminants from the lab did indeed get airborne.
ActING appointments interim can be there for ~260 days, then renewable for another 200; the Whittaker shenangians have no legs
>If God has a sense of humor, and he does, it's goING to be the Kavanaugh accuser.
Swetnik BTFO by the Italian Stalin
As in PROMIS Inslaw affair? /s
>Q said to watch California.
Marine live fire drill at the 39 Palms base or whatever it's called is a few minutes drive from the Malibu locations, "holdING the line" -- the fire(ING) line perhaps
The diversity pets are brINGING their pets. Brilliant.
>Is Q the computer gadget guy from James Bond?
Yes. Also Barron. Also JFK & Jr. Also literally Jesus in biblical hermeneutics.
>Trump Dubs confirm
In this light . . . Stone informING on Manafort . . . informING on McCain/Hillary. wtf
#3910014 at 2018-11-15 06:00:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4973: Creepy Porn Lawyer BTFO Edition
are not endorsements
>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existING breads
>>3909367 ActING AG Whitaker: Crime is down
>>3909380 U.S. Bishops Say Trump Proclamation on Caravan Migrants Is Illegal
>>3909391 A judge has ordered Amazon to hand over recordINGs from an Echo to help solve a double murder case
>>3909400 On the Production of Ballot Papers
>>3909405 For keks: Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3909436, >>3909509 Cool Planefag update
>>3909439, >>3909457, >>3909754 Dig on Pueblo Sin Fronteras and wound up at commies and witches
>>3909473, >>3909612, >>3909648, >>3909696, >>3909740 Weird ass clothING company for kids from ISRAEL called NUNUNU (Video in 2nd link)
>>3909678 Memorandum for Emmet T Flood (11/14/18)
>>3909823 Reminder: CIA whistleblower says he was targeted by Brennan, Mueller, and Strzok
>>3909876 California and Governor Brown connection to BT Energy (clowns as board members)
>>3909947 Resignations in the news today
>>3910005 #4972
#4971 Baker Change
>>3908569 FBI Busts Utah Pedo with 100 Gigabytes of Child Porn DepictING Toddlers BeING Raped
>>3908645 210 days side by side
>>3908754, >>3908755, >>3908871 Planefag updates
>>3908813 For keks: Australian senator declarING he is a woman so libs can't attack him
>>3908929 Broward's 'Sneaky' Snipes says invalid ballots 'were never counted,' contradictING her attorney
>>3909000 Sean Hannity: I Have Information that Evidence Has Been Turned Over to Law Enforcement on Criminal Activity in Broward County (VIDEO)
>>3909056 Anon's theory on DHS/DOJ/FBI and the 2018 midterms
>>3909111 Facebook reportedly discredited critics by linkING them to George Soros
>>3909245 #4971
>>3907820 Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3907893 Air Force plane makes emergency landING at McClellan after hydraulic malfunction
>>3907939 Qlockwork: Michael Avenatti is in the news.
>>3908023 Ethiopia arrests former deputy intelligence chief
>>3908105 New Documents Reveal CIA Spied on Congress, Whistleblowers
>>3908141 Flake to oppose Trump nominees until Mueller protection bill gets vote
>>3908153 National Facial Recognition Database To Use Loyalty Rewards To Identify American Shoppers
>>3908231 POTUS Schedule Update
>>3908267 Absentee ballots missING birth dates must be counted in Georgia governor's race, judge orders
>>3908274, >>3908294 Avenatti denies claim that he struck a woman
>>3908335 NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
>>3908397 Pizzagate Disinfo Shill 'PGisDumb,' Robert Robertson, arrested for CP
>>3908492 Planefag Updates
>>3908502 #4970
Previously Collected Notables
>>3906137 #4967, >>3906984 #4968, >>3907740 #4969
>>3903880 #4964, >>3904564 #4965, >>3905446 #4966
>>3901590 #4961, >>3902334 #4962, >>3903101 #4963
>>3899310 #4958, >>3900075 #4959, >>3900847 #4960
>>3897012 #4955, >>3897783 #4956, >>3898468 #4957
>>3894704 #4952, >>3895498 #4953, >>3896246 #4954
>>3892376 #4949, >>3893135 #4950, >>3894180 #4951
>>3890155 #4946, >>3890883 #4947, >>3891676 #4948
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#3909256 at 2018-11-15 04:43:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4972: Based FB Edition
are not endorsements
>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existING breads
#4971 Baker Change
>>3908569 FBI Busts Utah Pedo with 100 Gigabytes of Child Porn DepictING Toddlers BeING Raped
>>3908645 AAG, 210 days side by side
>>3908754, >>3908755, >>3908871 Planefag updates
>>3908813 For keks: Australian senator declarING he is a woman so libs can't attack him
>>3908929 Broward's 'Sneaky' Snipes says invalid ballots 'were never counted,' contradictING her attorney
>>3909000 Sean Hannity: I Have Information that Evidence Has Been Turned Over to Law Enforcement on Criminal Activity in Broward County (VIDEO)
>>3909056 Anon's theory on DHS/DOJ/FBI and the 2018 midterms
>>3909111 Facebook reportedly discredited critics by linkING them to George Soros
>>3909245 #4971
>>3907820 Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3907893 Air Force plane makes emergency landING at McClellan after hydraulic malfunction
>>3907939 Qlockwork: Michael Avenatti is in the news.
>>3908023 Ethiopia arrests former deputy intelligence chief
>>3908105 New Documents Reveal CIA Spied on Congress, Whistleblowers
>>3908141 Flake to oppose Trump nominees until Mueller protection bill gets vote
>>3908153 National Facial Recognition Database To Use Loyalty Rewards To Identify American Shoppers
>>3908231 POTUS Schedule Update
>>3908267 Absentee ballots missING birth dates must be counted in Georgia governor's race, judge orders
>>3908274, >>3908294 Avenatti denies claim that he struck a woman
>>3908335 NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
>>3908397 Pizzagate Disinfo Shill 'PGisDumb,' Robert Robertson, arrested for CP
>>3908492 Planefag Updates
>>3908502 #4970
>>3907032 Why is MSM throwING Avenatti under the bus?
>>3907248 State Department believes missING U.S. journalist is alive in Syria: report
>>3907306, >>3907462 The Latest: Avenatti released after domestic violence charge
>>3907377 Update from Fire Evacuee Anon
>>3907386 Mattis Tells Army Troops On Border: Ignore Media Hype Over The Mission, "You'll Go Nuts"
>>3907422 Democrats demand removal of Illinois election judge after she reported fraud
>>3907433 Update from Palm Beach: NothING
>>3907514 Filmmaker embedded in migrant caravan exposes false media narrative
>>3907553 AG Florida on Hannity - live: Criminal Investigation of Broward County
>>3907740 #4969
>>3906280 Good summary of the day
>>3906293, Israeli Opposition Leaders Call for Early Elections >>3906309 Netanyahu Coalition In Crisis Over Liberman Resignation
>>3906298 Rabbis expected to begin "pilgrimage" to protest the Trump administration's "unacceptable" treatment of migrants.
>>3906432 Court Rules Hillary Clinton Must Answer Key Questions About Her Private Server
>>3906489 National security aide Mira Ricardel removed from White House
>>3906623 Trump embraces prison sentence cuts as 'right thING to do,' true bipartisanship
>>3906851 Trump Warns Antifa - You Could Be In Big Trouble
>>3906887 Grassley Tweet re: Bipartisan First Step Act - "Pres Trump waitING w pen to sign."
>>3906936 Bombshell Text Messages Support Roger Stone's Claims About WikiLeaks Backchannel
>>3906984 #4968
Previously Collected Notables
>>3906137 #4967
>>3903880 #4964, >>3904564 #4965, >>3905446 #4966
>>3901590 #4961, >>3902334 #4962, >>3903101 #4963
>>3899310 #4958, >>3900075 #4959, >>3900847 #4960
>>3897012 #4955, >>3897783 #4956, >>3898468 #4957
>>3894704 #4952, >>3895498 #4953, >>3896246 #4954
>>3892376 #4949, >>3893135 #4950, >>3894180 #4951
>>3890155 #4946, >>3890883 #4947, >>3891676 #4948
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#3908511 at 2018-11-15 03:41:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4971: Marchin' On Edition
are not endorsements
>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existING breads
>>3907820 Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3907893 Air Force plane makes emergency landING at McClellan after hydraulic malfunction
>>3907939 Qlockwork: Michael Avenatti is in the news.
>>3908023 Ethiopia arrests former deputy intelligence chief
>>3908105 New Documents Reveal CIA Spied on Congress, Whistleblowers
>>3908141 Flake to oppose Trump nominees until Mueller protection bill gets vote
>>3908153 National Facial Recognition Database To Use Loyalty Rewards To Identify American Shoppers
>>3908231 POTUS Schedule Update
>>3908267 Absentee ballots missING birth dates must be counted in Georgia governor's race, judge orders
>>3908274, >>3908294 Avenatti denies claim that he struck a woman
>>3908335 NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
>>3908397 Pizzagate Disinfo Shill 'PGisDumb,' Robert Robertson, arrested for CP
>>3908492 Planefag Updates
>>3908502 #4970
>>3907032 Why is MSM throwING Avenatti under the bus?
>>3907248 State Department believes missING U.S. journalist is alive in Syria: report
>>3907306, >>3907462 The Latest: Avenatti released after domestic violence charge
>>3907377 Update from Fire Evacuee Anon
>>3907386 Mattis Tells Army Troops On Border: Ignore Media Hype Over The Mission, "You'll Go Nuts"
>>3907422 Democrats demand removal of Illinois election judge after she reported fraud
>>3907433 Update from Palm Beach: NothING
>>3907514 Filmmaker embedded in migrant caravan exposes false media narrative
>>3907553 AG Florida on Hannity - live: Criminal Investigation of Broward County
>>3907740 #4969
>>3906280 Good summary of the day
>>3906293, Israeli Opposition Leaders Call for Early Elections >>3906309 Netanyahu Coalition In Crisis Over Liberman Resignation
>>3906298 Rabbis expected to begin "pilgrimage" to protest the Trump administration's "unacceptable" treatment of migrants.
>>3906432 Court Rules Hillary Clinton Must Answer Key Questions About Her Private Server
>>3906489 National security aide Mira Ricardel removed from White House
>>3906623 Trump embraces prison sentence cuts as 'right thING to do,' true bipartisanship
>>3906851 Trump Warns Antifa - You Could Be In Big Trouble
>>3906887 Grassley Tweet re: Bipartisan First Step Act - "Pres Trump waitING w pen to sign."
>>3906936 Bombshell Text Messages Support Roger Stone's Claims About WikiLeaks Backchannel
>>3906984 #4968
>>3905551 Soros-funded groups defended Broward's Brenda Snipes in lawsuit allegING inaccurate voter rosters
>>3905560 El Chapo docs released today:
>>3905584 Grassley responds to Sen. Feinstein inquiries regardING Former AG Sessions and ActING AG Whitaker:
>>3905613 'Innocent prank?' Imposter orders Argentinian plane to take off, sparks mass pilot confusion
>>3905715 Planefag Update: somethING may be happenING on east coast.
>>3905814 LAPD confirms that Michael Avenatti is in custody on suspicions of domestic violence.
>>3905909 Republicans 'stole' Georgia election if Abrams doesn't win, Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown says
>>3905910, >>3905984 Avenatti Update: Victim not spouse, but another woman
>>3905953 Former Calhoun-Liberty Hospital CEO pleads guilty to wire/tax fraud
>>3906014 The gene-edited food hittING supermarkets soon, from mold-resistant bananas to disease-proof oranges and fat-free beans
>>3906057 Brenda Snipes could leave as Broward elections chief: "It is time to move on"
>>3906137 #4967
#4966 Baker Change
>>3904730 Trump prison reform act announcement: @41:00.
>>3904753, >>3904764, >>3904772, >>3904844 Michael Avenatti arrested for domestic violence.
>>3904822 Hedge funds holdINGs look a lot different after
>>3904932 22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border
>>3905008 Georgia Democrat Senator Nikema Williams Arrested DurING Election Protests
>>3905016 H.R.3359 - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 presented to POTUS today
>>3905048 Hillary Clinton Questions Legitimacy Of Georgia Gubernatorial Election
>>3905146 Anons find regardING "Riverhead" Possible discovery re: sealed indictments
>>3905218 House passes changes to Ohio's deadly force law
>>3905229 New DJT
>>3905446 #4966
Previously Collected Notables
>>3903880 #4964, >>3904564 #4965
>>3901590 #4961, >>3902334 #4962, >>3903101 #4963
>>3899310 #4958, >>3900075 #4959, >>3900847 #4960
>>3897012 #4955, >>3897783 #4956, >>3898468 #4957
>>3894704 #4952, >>3895498 #4953, >>3896246 #4954
>>3892376 #4949, >>3893135 #4950, >>3894180 #4951
>>3890155 #4946, >>3890883 #4947, >>3891676 #4948
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
#3908502 at 2018-11-15 03:40:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4970: Damn The Torpedos Edition
>>3907820 Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3907893 Air Force plane makes emergency landING at McClellan after hydraulic malfunction
>>3907939 Qlockwork: Michael Avenatti is in the news.
>>3908023 Ethiopia arrests former deputy intelligence chief
>>3908105 New Documents Reveal CIA Spied on Congress, Whistleblowers
>>3908141 Flake to oppose Trump nominees until Mueller protection bill gets vote
>>3908153 National Facial Recognition Database To Use Loyalty Rewards To Identify American Shoppers
>>3908231 POTUS Schedule Update
>>3908267 Absentee ballots missING birth dates must be counted in Georgia governor's race, judge orders
>>3908274, >>3908294 Avenatti denies claim that he struck a woman
>>3908335 NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
>>3908397 Pizzagate Disinfo Shill 'PGisDumb,' Robert Robertson, arrested for CP
>>3908492 Planefag Updates
#3908417 at 2018-11-15 03:34:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4970: Damn The Torpedos Edition
Last call for updates?
>>3907820 Bill and Hillary Clinton tour canceled due to 'poor sales'
>>3907893 Air Force plane makes emergency landING at McClellan after hydraulic malfunction
>>3907939 Qlockwork: Michael Avenatti is in the news.
>>3908023 Ethiopia arrests former deputy intelligence chief
>>3908105 New Documents Reveal CIA Spied on Congress, Whistleblowers
>>3908141 Flake to oppose Trump nominees until Mueller protection bill gets vote
>>3908153 National Facial Recognition Database To Use Loyalty Rewards To Identify American Shoppers
>>3908231 POTUS Schedule Update
>>3908267 Absentee ballots missING birth dates must be counted in Georgia governor's race, judge orders
>>3908274, >>3908294 Avenatti denies claim that he struck a woman
>>3908335 NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
### Planefag Updates
#3908335 at 2018-11-15 03:25:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4970: Damn The Torpedos Edition
Please add this baker.
NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
A group that helped over 15,000 refugees and migrants to get into Europe has been caught on tape admittING to systematically trainING asylum seekers to exploit screenING interviews by feignING trauma and persecution.
Ariel Ricker, the executive director of Advocates Abroad, a major non-profit NGO which provides legal aid to migrants, has been caught on tape openly discussING how she teaches refugees to lie to border agents. The video was released by Canadian right-wING activist, author and internet personality, Lauren Southern, and will be a part of her new documentary film project 'Borderless,' which takes on the European migration crisis.
UNDERCOVER: NGOs teachING migrants to lie
#3907948 at 2018-11-15 02:54:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4970: Damn The Torpedos Edition
NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
#3904984 at 2018-11-14 23:11:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4966: Lewis and Clark Edition
Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representING Stormy Daniels in her battle with President Trump, has been arrested for felony domestic violence … law enforcement sources tell TMZ.
Our law enforcement sources say Avenatti was arrested Wednesday after his estranged wife filed a felony DV report. We're told her face was "swollen and bruised."
Our sources say the alleged incident occurred Tuesday, but there was a confrontation Wednesday between the two at an exclusive apartment buildING in the Century City area of L.A.
We're told durING Wednesday's confrontation the woman ran out of the apartment buildING and was on the sidewalk on her cellphone with sunglasses coverING her eyes, screamING on the phone, "I can't believe you did this to me."
We're told security brought her inside the buildING and Michael showed up 5 minutes later, ran into the buildING, chasING after her. He screamed repeatedly, "She hit me first." We're told he angrily added, "This is bulls*, this is f*ING bulls***."
A law enforcement source says on Tuesday, Avenatti "kicked her out of the apartment" and that's presumably when the alleged domestic violence occurred. We're told she went back to the apartment on Wednesday to retrieve her belongINGs and called police to stand by in case thINGs got heated.
They've been married since 2011. He filed for divorce in 2017.
We're told Avenatti is currently in custody.
http://www.tmz.com/2018/11/14/michael-avenatti-arrested-domestic-violence-stormy-daniels-attorney/ via @TMZ
#3904918 at 2018-11-14 23:07:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4966: Lewis and Clark Edition
BREAKING: Michael Avenatti Arrested on Felony Charges
LOS ANGELES - Sotormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti has reportedly been arrested on felony domestic violence charges.
The aspirING Democratic politician was nabbed by cops Wednesday after his wife filed a report sayING Avenatti attacked her.
TMZ broke the news, statING her face was swollen and bruised: The alleged incident occurred Tuesday, but there was a confrontation Wednesday between the two at an exclusive apartment buildING in the Century City area of L.A. [...]
We're told security brought her inside the buildING and Michael showed up 5 minutes later, ran into the buildING, chasING after her. He screamed repeatedly, "She hit me first." We're told he angrily added, "This is bulls*, this is f*ING bulls***."
#3904793 at 2018-11-14 22:58:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4966: Lewis and Clark Edition
Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representING Stormy Daniels in her battle with President Trump, has been arrested for felony domestic violence … law enforcement sources tell TMZ.
Our law enforcement sources say Avenatti was arrested Wednesday after his estranged wife filed a felony DV report. We're told her face was "swollen and bruised."
Our sources say the alleged incident occurred Tuesday, but there was a confrontation Wednesday between the two at an exclusive apartment buildING in the Century City area of L.A.
We're told durING Wednesday's confrontation the woman ran out of the apartment buildING and was on the sidewalk on her cellphone with sunglasses coverING her eyes, screamING on the phone, "I can't believe you did this to me."
We're told security brought her inside the buildING and Michael showed up 5 minutes later, ran into the buildING, chasING after her. He screamed repeatedly, "She hit me first." We're told he angrily added, "This is bulls*, this is f*ING bulls***."
A law enforcement source says on Tuesday, Avenatti "kicked her out of the apartment" and that's presumably when the alleged domestic violence occurred. We're told she went back to the apartment on Wednesday to retrieve her belongINGs and called police to stand by in case thINGs got heated.
They've been married since 2011. He filed for divorce in 2017.
We're told Avenatti is currently in custody.
#3904706 at 2018-11-14 22:51:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4965: Hump Day Edition
"We're told security brought her inside the buildING and Michael showed up 5 minutes later, ran into the buildING, chasING after her. He screamed repeatedly, "She hit me first." We're told he angrily added, "This is bulls*, this is f*ING bulls***.""
lol this is bullshit I did not hit her, I did naaaaaaaaaht
#3903843 at 2018-11-14 21:49:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4964: Sauce Boss Edition
meme ING a shout out to Biker For Trump
#3897230 at 2018-11-14 09:43:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4956: WTF Is That? Edition
They can't hide forever. Too many are watchING, speakING, writING, and meme-ING. We're all in the same boat for now though. Fucked elections in two states and weird terrible fires in a third. This is the dark before the light.
#3891827 at 2018-11-14 00:22:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4949: Remedial Shill School Dropouts Edition
President Trump and Melania Trump are likely skippING the Kennedy Center Honors for the second year in a row.
"There are no plans for them to attend at this time," Stephanie Grisham, who serves as communications director for the first lady, told ITK of the Dec. 2 event. The news was first reported Tuesday by The New York Post.
A Kennedy Center rep declined ITK's request for further comment.
Last year, the Trumps opted out of attendING the prestigious awards gala after several entertainers - includING TV legend Norman Lear and dancer Carmen de Lavallade - said they would avoid a White House reception traditionally held before the event in protest of the president.
"The president and first lady have decided not to participate in this year's activities to allow the honorees to celebrate without any political distraction," a statement at the time from White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. The reception also didn't take place.
This year's roster of honorees includes more than one high-profile critics of Trump.
Cher has blasted Trump as a "f—ING traitor" and has said she wished he would "fall off the face of the Earth."
"Hamilton" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda has also criticized the Trump administration's response in Puerto Rico followING Hurricane Maria last year. After Trump attacked Puerto Rican officials, Miranda replied that the president was "goING straight to hell."
Reba McEntire, jazz saxophonist Wayne Shorter and composer Philip Glass will also be honored at next month's ceremony in WashINGton.
#3889512 at 2018-11-13 21:49:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4946: Still Comfy After All These Shills Edition
Arthur Schwartz
Verified account @ArthurSchwartz
A few CNN reporters told me that they're embarrassed by Acosta & CNN. A WH correspondent from a major network (not Fox) told me "This isn't the Jim F*ING Acosta Show. We all hate him. He's an asshole and he actually is disrespectful to the president."
#3888014 at 2018-11-13 20:10:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4944: Whitaker: 1, Sinclair Broadcast Grp: 0 Edition
Arthur Schwartz @ArthurSchwartz
A few CNN reporters told me that they're embarrassed by Acosta & CNN. A WH correspondent from a major network (not Fox) told me "This isn't the Jim F*ING Acosta Show. We all hate him. He's an asshole and he actually is disrespectful to the president."
#3885896 at 2018-11-13 17:40:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4941: Frickin' Laser Beams Edition
NGO exposed teachING migrants how to trick 'f***ING stupid' EU border guards
A group that helped over 15,000 refugees and migrants to get into Europe has been caught on tape admittING to systematically trainING asylum seekers to exploit screenING interviews by feignING trauma and persecution.
Ariel Ricker, the executive director of Advocates Abroad, a major non-profit NGO which provides legal aid to migrants, has been caught on tape openly discussING how she teaches refugees to lie to border agents. The video was released by Canadian right-wING activist, author and internet personality, Lauren Southern, and will be a part of her new documentary film project 'Borderless,' which takes on the European migration crisis.
On its website, Advocates Abroad claims to have helped as many as 15,000 migrants cross the Greek border, and 2,500 more outside of Greece. The organization is massive, takING volunteers from major universities, and was even featured in a documentary film by the International Bar Association.
In the footage, Ricker describes how the organization provides trainING sessions for migrants seekING entry into Europe, in which they are taught how to act durING interviews with border agents:
I tell them this is actING, all of this is actING... for them to get through, they must act their part in the theater.
She also calls EASO (European Asylum Support Office) personnel tasked with screenING the migrants "f***ING stupid," and describes a formula that the organization has created to exploit them in screenING interviews.
One method she teaches migrants is to exploit the presumed Christian sympathies of the predominantly Eastern Orthodox Greece by pretendING to have been persecuted for beING Christian. She even describes tellING them how to pray durING interviews, ironically because doING so reflects "honesty."
At first, the organization responded to the initial release of the video, tweetING:
#3884448 at 2018-11-13 16:00:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4939: Shrill Shill Chill Pill Edition
Q gave us a moral boost last night.
Overall we are still Sun Tzu-ING it.
#3881923 at 2018-11-13 10:37:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4936: [R+D COORDINATED BLITZ ATTACK] Edition
Chatter from couple of plebbitors:
"Google goes down after major BGP mishap routes traffic through China // Google Is F*cked. All of their Traffic went thru China For a Long Enough Period of Time for China to Acquire Very Sensitive Administrative Data. Tick Tock, Better Change Your Passwords!"
"They are cyberfucked
it seems someone figured out how its all tied together and hacked cloudflare somehow
now they are PR-ING it so they don't start an international incident….but china has all the keys now
we think this is white hats, but it's probably hillary, schmidt and bezos
this timeline's legion of doom"
(end of previously sauced article from Arstechnica)
Readers are reminded that the border gateway protocol that routes Internet traffic from autonomous system to autonomous system around the globe is as fragile as it is intricate. While its foundation of trust was never designed to withstand the hostile actors that so often populate today's Internet, the intricacies of BGP are enough to make major blunders a fact of life. While it's too early to declare this routING mishap an accident, indications at this point aren't supportING the suspicions this was a deliberate hijackING.
Either way, the event and its ability to go undetected until end users began to report dropped traffic underscores the continued inability of major providers to address the performance and security limitations of BGP.
"Through a small Nigerian ISP, Google's prefixes were leaked to worldwide Tier 1 carriers, brINGING traffic to a halt," Kris Slevens, a technical account engineer specializING in network security at Continuous Networks, told Ars. "This still shows that China Telecom hasn't reined in their infrastructure for any type of filterING, and how inherently fragile BGP is beING based on trust. Also with a paper comING out last week about [China Telecom's] past with traffic reroutING, this isn't new. And more important, peerING exchanges need stricter prefix limits or filterING. That is highly overlooked."
#3874504 at 2018-11-12 23:56:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4926: Your Speech, Give It To Me Edition (ReBake)
This is where we are on the Pet Goat timeline. Massive mind f*&*$ING takING place.
#3873066 at 2018-11-12 22:34:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4924: Eagle Eye Edition
#3869711 at 2018-11-12 19:05:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4920: Things Are Shaking Up Edition
#3866759 at 2018-11-12 15:56:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4916 So Much Election Fraud Edition
I didn't post this as a response to the question posed
It was just hive mind since I was workING on the answer by myself this mornING.
But the responses it seems many anons missed the point of it?
Obscurity a feature, not a bug?
>>3866393 pb
>>3866314 pb
What I believe "placeholder" means:
"Q" team is ready-ING, preparING us for the releases.
The "placeholders" is for the URL wherein we would download the info.
7 categories are listed.
I assume there will be evidences in each category.
Some of our archives already have some evidences - logic - probable causes for further investigations.
I assume the "placeholders" are for the organized evidences beyond what we have.
Weren't we told: At some point we'd be given instructions on where to go for the downloads we will need movING forward into the "Arrest" phase?
Sorry if anyone has brought this up previously, I'm able to read only a portion of each bread [and digest it].
If anyone mentioned this pretty obvious idea already, I didn't catch it the first time around.
>>>/patriotsfight/461 ----------- [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/460 ----------- [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/459 ----------- [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/458 ----------- [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/457 ----------- [Placeholder - SC rulINGs re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/456 ----------- [Placeholder - Indictments TrackING > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/455 ___ [Placeholder - Indictments TrackING > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
pic related. Magic Memes to stop the Cabal!
#3866323 at 2018-11-12 15:08:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4915 Monday, Monday Better Than an EBake Edition
What I believe "placeholder" means:
"Q" team is ready-ING, preparING us for the releases.
The "placeholders" is for the URL where we would go download the info.
7 categories are listed.
I assume there will be evidences in each category.
Some of our archives already have some evidences - logic - probable causes for further investigations.
But the "placeholders" would be for the organized evidences beyond what we have. "Leaked"/ disseminated to explain the news.
(our job)
Weren't we told?: At some point we'd be given instructions on where to go for the downloads we will need movING forward into the "Arrest" phase?
Sorry if anyone has brought this up previously, I'm able to read only a portion of each bread [and digest it] as it goes; and miss a majority of the info.
If anyone mentioned earlier, this pretty obvious idea? I didn't catch it the first time around.
"Stay no More" Evil Cabal
"Evil Eye Unmoored" Untethered.
>>>/patriotsfight/461 ----------- [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/460 ----------- [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/459 ----------- [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/458 ----------- [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/457 ----------- [Placeholder - SC rulINGs re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/456 ----------- [Placeholder - Indictments TrackING > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
#3860512 at 2018-11-12 02:07:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4908: Placeholder Edition
And boy are they f*ING stupid!
#3857578 at 2018-11-11 22:49:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4904: Comfy 11.11 Evening Edition
FascinadastING Keksults usING
Pepe[ING] red eyes on this one:
John Farcas ~ Illias Ghetu
QuotING excerpt:
"Only then, when the LAW will be one for all the earth, the biblical prophecies can be avoided or better said will find their fulfillment in the future and so will the prophecy of Isiah come true:
"In the last days the mountain of the LORD's TEMPLE will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the TEMPLE OF THE GOD OF JACOB. He will teach us HIS ways, so that we may walk in HIS PATHS." He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into prunING hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." [quote continues]
This prophecy does not refer to the usual pilgrimage to the holy mountain of Jerusalem; it is a future temporal segment, but distant. The reference of the Bible quotation contains in fact the idea of earth peace, when the weapons of mass murder will be transformed into "beasts of the plow" and that PEACE will be established by a man with a special purpose.
#3855485 at 2018-11-11 20:26:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4901: Indictments Tracking Edition
These PHs are the ones that matter.
non CIV?
What else?
Also PUB used several times
Public v Private, or maybe SECRET, IDK.
SInce this is all playING out like a Tom Clancy Trilogy with Video Games and Merchandise, produced by Oliver North and Naval Intelligence direction, I am inclined to believe that much of what happens in this Cats will be revealed here but never in the MSM a la No Name.
Anons, I dont really know what to make of these placeholders, but if they begin by place-ING Holder, Eric in jail, that would be great.
Are these palceholders the markers foe the habbenin? My guess, maybe. I hope so.
I really dont know what to make of them. HopING ot find some clarity form the anons on the team.
Godspeed Patriots
#3848334 at 2018-11-11 12:39:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4892: 11:11 Edition
FLOTUS out-stiletto-ING Grandmommy Macron.
#3844931 at 2018-11-11 04:53:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4888 Bakin' on the Trips Edition
Prediction Time
Midterms successful
Senate won
VotING fraud jumped on by public,
fraud exposed
fraud tactics illuminated as never before
vocal outcry & legal action taken in real time, by politicians (much of pub had been pronated towards thinkING policitians 'do nothING')
> was the result of livING through decades of corruption; this difference = +MAGA spirit)
* Take Above along with:*
* MAGA spirit spread+ING like wildfire
* "Bot" and "NPC" labelING phenomenons gave both sides similar impacts of experience (crucial subconscious seeds for future UNITE)
* Fake News Players, Tactics, Behavioral Patterns made apparent to public as never before (catalyzed by POTUS)
* Political Correctness findING increasING opposition + willINGness by opposition to oppose (catalyzed by POTUS)
* Economic stabilization += psychological emmolient to most citizens
* War Threat coolING (ie POTUS re NK, Russia, etc) += psychological emmolient to most citizens
* RemasterING of Military += nation stabilization (purposely slow-degraded, significantly by Hussein) + [FUTURE]
* So many resignations, some are delectable
* So many not-seekING-reelection, some are relievING
* Sen Graham positive flip post-NoName death, most delightful
> asset for Sen + asset for public interface
* Feinstein increasINGly shittING herself?
> a guilty pleasure to see her sweat
* More people thinkING outside of the box Silicon Valley scooped everyone into (M$, FB, GOOG, etc)
* more winnING across the spectrum
*NEXT: What's next [within the comING 2 years]:*
#3841228 at 2018-11-11 00:15:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4883: We March On Edition
>>3841131 (LB) (ps, Q, that means 'Last Bread', pay attention for us phone fags, you do it all the time, please add when reeeee:'ING. ty anon Q patriot. wrwy.)
best i've seen in a bit, well done anon. Respect.
#3831507 at 2018-11-10 10:34:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4870: The War To End All Wars Did Not End All Wars Edition
So our great country is ==boom==ING like never before, and we're thrivING on every sINGle level, both in terms of economic and military strength; in terms of development. In terms of GDP, we're doING unbelievably.
I will tell you, our trade deals are comING along fantastically. The USMCA and South Korea is finished. USMCA has gotten rave reviews. Not goING to lose companies anymore to other countries. They're not goING to do that because they have a tremendous economic incentive, meanING it's prohibitive for them to do that.
So it's not goING to be like ==NAFTA==, which is one of the worst deals I've ever seen - although we've made some other pretty ==bad ones== too.
""Why brING up NAFTA? Bill Clinton was POTUS when NAFTA was signed. Mexico (think Caravan, think human traffickING) got the greatest good out of NAFTA, not the USA""
Now is the time for members of both parties to join together, put partisanship aside, and keep the American economic miracle goING strong. It is a miracle. We're doING so well. And I've said it at a lot of rallies. Some of you have probably heard it so much you don't want to hear it again. But when people come to my office - presidents, prime ministers - they all congratulate me, almost the first thING, on what we've done economically. Because it is really amazING.
And our ==steel== industry is back. Our ==aluminum== industry is startING to do really well. These are industries that were ==dead==. Our ==miners== are workING again.
""Why brING this up in a speech about Midterm Elections? Why call out these industries specifically""
#3827619 at 2018-11-10 03:03:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4865: The 21st Century Triumvirate Edition
HOLLYWOOD CULTISTS are allllllll fleeeeee-ING
this was their plan
#3825494 at 2018-11-10 00:55:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4862: MSM Smear Machine Edition
this was uploaded weeks ago
and shills immediately began pushING & ape-ING it
thus…Q is not a Psyop…uses DisInfo and Grey Propaganda, sure…but White Hats keep winnING and the Cabal keeps spinnING…White Hats are the ones stoppING violence/terrorism/war not the ones startING it
if anythING Q is like Tyler Durden: draggING us along kickING and screamING and in the end we'll thank him
#3825388 at 2018-11-10 00:50:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4862: MSM Smear Machine Edition
>>3824924 (PB'n'J)
Alright, I'm gonna bite on this article…
Regardless of if it's true or not–and I do smell a bit of shit just from readING the first paragraph–it reminds me of somethING anon's dug on LONG ago when either some metadata/IP was pulled from somethING Q posted and people traced it back to some Q computer solution group in Colorado or somewhere like that.
An anon even went and took pictures of the buildING–fenced off, couldn't get walkING access, I believe. I'm Jewgle-ING the info I can remember now but not my forte'.
Now, none of us here know what's truly goING on aside from those at the top of this plan, but as a rule of thumb, I'm always keepING a runnING tab/alternative build-up of events in my head. Eg; Q is MI/Q is potential psy-op/Q is Election campaign shit etc., but the above article–if true–is somethING anon's should read for themselves…
Cannot/will not vouch for anythING in it, however. Either translation issues or just general 'tardness make the article awkward to read.
#3824623 at 2018-11-10 00:06:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4861: Standard deviation is haha - Edition
triggerING is all youre doING, anons on here just gonna run to protect Q and you are on here eM ING ← autists shouldnt really care
#3821921 at 2018-11-09 21:16:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4857: Jim Acosta is Not a Smart Person Edition
'Great F…..ING idea……..build your own military forces !!!'
#3817514 at 2018-11-09 16:03:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4852: POTUS Fires At Hussein Edition
damn it..
#3810705 at 2018-11-09 03:26:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4843: Florida Voted For Rick Scott! Edition
RBG 'survived' pancreatic cancer as well as others. Now she is gofundme-ING for more organs/body parts?
#3809017 at 2018-11-09 01:53:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4841: Eat Shit, Shills Edition
About f-ING time
#3792028 at 2018-11-08 01:45:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4818: Whitaker Eats Nails For Breakfast Edition
Brilliant series of moves today.
Sessions, [RR], Acosta.
KO-ING NPCs by indignation overload.
They can't raise a decent protest if there's a bigger item to resist only minutes after the previous trigger.
POTUS better take his foot off the pedal or Pelosi will have a real aneurysm in 3,2,1…
#3791508 at 2018-11-08 01:07:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4818: Whitaker Eats Nails For Breakfast Edition
'The Dirt's Not There': Dems Have NothING to Show For Midterm Russiagate Panic
The two-year investigation by US special counsel Robert Mueller into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election has yielded scant evidence. That didn't stop fearmongerING about a Russian repeat in the 2018 midterms, of course, but now those claims, too, remain unsubstantiated ? and even the Democrats have dropped the Russiagate storyline.
The two-year investigation by US special counsel Robert Mueller into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election has yielded scant evidence. That didn't stop fearmongerING about a Russian repeat in the 2018 midterms, of course, but now those claims, too, remain unsubstantiated ? and even the Democrats have dropped the Russiagate storyline.
The 2018 midterm elections in the US - when Americans voted for congressional as well as state and local offices but not for the presidency - have come and gone with no signs of the alleged hack attacks by Russian operatives that mainstream media sites and US intelligence officials promised us were sure to come. So now, just like after 2016, the question remains: where's the proof?
Throughout the year, promise after promise was made, warnING bell after warnING bell sounded: the Russians were far from done manipulatING Americans and their electoral system, and if you thought 2016 was bad, just you wait for what's comING. A June Vanity Fair article, whose vagueness on specifics was matched only by the fever pitch of its apocalyptic hysteria, warned that for Russia, "2018 will likely be a testING ground for 2020," in which it would "do everythING it can to ensure [Trump's presidency fallING apart] doesn't happen," includING hackING votING booths, "quadrupl[ING] their efforts on social media," and most nefariously, "they'll do thINGs [intelligence officers] haven't even thought of yet."
Other publications did their part to make sure Americans knew whom to fear and whose fault it was if the November 6 elections didn't go their way or encountered any sort of problem: it was the Russians; it was always the Russians.
#3784993 at 2018-11-07 19:04:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4809: One Step at a Time Edition
Authors have characterized the fallacy as a form of a straw man fallacy, where an argument is described as inherently worthless or undeservING of serious attention.[5] Some authors have also described the fallacy as the act of "ridicul[ING]" an argument as though it were "a myth",[6] and some characterize it as the act of dismissING an argument "with insults without respondING to its substance in any way".[4] Other authors describe the fallacy as the act of dismissING an argument "with the wave of a hand".[7] Some sources also suggest the fallacy is an expression that involves "sneer[ING]",[7] "ridicule",[3] or "malicious comments about the proponent of the argument".
#3780989 at 2018-11-07 15:28:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4804: muh house! Edition
?-SC MUELLER set to release Russian collusion findINGs anytime now?
?-will start by clearING the 2016 election?
?-RED = real info?
?-YELLOW = disinfo/mislead?ING on timING
?Notice it says : "presidential?election?of?2016,?senate?elections?of?[x,?y,?z],?[x]?elections"
What years do x, y, and z include. 2018? Midterms? TimING is everythING ????
?It was a trap. We have it all. These people are stupid ?
?#Midterms ?
#3780313 at 2018-11-07 14:44:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4803: NPC Flood! Edition
?-SC MUELLER set to release Russian collusion findINGs anytime now?
?-will start by clearING the 2016 election?
?-RED = real info?
?-YELLOW = disinfo/mislead?ING on timING
?Notice it says : "presidential?election?of?2016,?senate?elections?of?[x,?y,?z],?[x]?elections"
What years do x, y, and z include. 2018? Midterms? TimING is everythING ????
?It was a trap. We have it all. These people are stupid ?
?#Midterms ?
#3780086 at 2018-11-07 14:25:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4803: NPC Flood! Edition
can we just replace the H with an A and go FISA-ING?
Sounds like a much better catch…
#3777631 at 2018-11-07 10:28:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4799: We Will Never Give Up, Never Give In Edition
Really was, past drops relate to bri ING down the house. Coincidence? Or precursor? Hurr durr.
#3763249 at 2018-11-06 21:47:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4781: Together We Win Edition
The Monday afternoon call was innocuous at first.
Brenda Battel, a staff writer for the Huron Daily Tribune in rural Michigan, was seekING a chance to speak with Republican Senate candidate John James on Wednesday after the election.
Battel left a voice-mail message with the James campaign, and alerted it to a potential follow-up email to further discuss his campaign against Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D).
Then Battel appeared to think she'd hung up. She had not.
"Man, if he beats her ... Jesus! F—ING John James. That would suck!" Battel is heard sayING in a voice mail released by the James campaign. "I don't think it's goING to happen though."
It's not clear whether Battel was talkING to herself or to other people.
The incident prompted the Daily Tribune to fire Battel later Monday after less than three years on staff, Editor Kate HesslING said.
HesslING said accountability was a primary concern for her decision to terminate Battel, amid plummetING public trust in reporters and witherING attacks on the news media from President Trump.
"It's imperative that our reporters act professional and neutral when dealING with the public, and that was not done in this situation," HesslING told The WashINGton Post on Tuesday. "And that was inexcusable."
The voice-mail message posted on YouTube by the James campaign was authentic, HesslING said.
HesslING said in a longer statement posted on the paper's website: "The Huron Daily Tribune sincerely apologizes to Mr. James and to the public. These statements do not represent the views of the Tribune as a whole, nor do they reflect the actions of a responsible journalist."
Battel could not be reached for comment. The James campaign did not immediately return a request for comment.
The paper, which serves a rural area in Michigan's so-called upper thumb area, has been reduced to three full-time staff writers and five total staff members, HesslING said.
"We're a very tiny newspaper," she said.
James has trailed double digits behind Stabenow, but his campaign has sought Trump's help to raise the candidate's profile while suggestING that a stunnING upset could once again happen in Michigan - a crucial state Trump narrowly won in 2016. Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) edged out Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary election there.
incident inflamed conservative outlets with what they consider evidence of widespread liberal bias in the media, includING the Daily Caller, which first reported the story.
Fox News Channel anchor Tucker Carlson asked James about the incident Monday evenING.
"I think this is the indication that you're gettING, the uphill battle that many of us are facING because of a lot of the bias we're seeING out there," James said. "It's just not fair for those who share different opinions than some in the progressive liberal media."
#3758878 at 2018-11-06 17:05:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4775: Truth Wins Hope Wins God Wins Edition
The gf has her own redwave goING this week. Pretty much guarantee-ING no election night celebratory lovins. No blue wave but lots of blue balls. Im sad, anon.
#3758332 at 2018-11-06 16:15:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4774: Prayers For The Day Ahead Editon
Journalist caught sayING she hopes Republican hotshot doesn't win key race
#3756759 at 2018-11-06 13:45:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4772: Election Day Morning Shift Edition
WTH is Child-ING ??
#3756756 at 2018-11-06 13:45:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4772: Election Day Morning Shift Edition
POTUS will DECLAS while everyone is busy votING and MAGA-ING….
THEN once Reps take house and senate in the evenING the movie can begin with some backstory (FISA declas) to set the mood of the movie that is about to unravel.
#3754350 at 2018-11-06 07:24:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4769: Your Country needs you. Your VOTE matters! Edition
After a year of Q, diggin, researchin, prayING, and social media-ING… once this all goes down… I will be bored.. you hirING? Kek
Any room for semi- disabled homemaker? Am I goING to go through withdrawl?
#3751120 at 2018-11-06 03:42:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4765: Final Rally Before The Midterms Edition
This is really f-ING AWESOME right now!!
#3750185 at 2018-11-06 02:59:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4764: The "LEFT" Has No Chance Edition
Benny @bennyjohnson
I reached out to sources runnING GOP campaigns in tight state races to get their read headING into election
Their responses shocked even me:
- "Libs will cry tomorrow"
- "This pollING is better than '14 & '16"
- "Your red wave shit is spot fu**ING on"
- "The Red Wave is real"
#3750006 at 2018-11-06 02:49:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4763: Actively Tracking Edition
Benny @bennyjohnson
I reached out to sources runnING GOP campaigns in tight state races to get their read headING into election
Their responses shocked even me:
- "Libs will cry tomorrow"
- "This pollING is better than '14 & '16"
- "Your red wave shit is spot fu**ING on"
- "The Red Wave is real"
#3744559 at 2018-11-05 21:42:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4756: Tippy Top, High Energy, Campaign POTUS Edition
Yep, that's why I'm still chuggING away, diggING, meme-ING, and voted Red.
I hope this all ends soon and we get our Republic back. DisabledVetAnon.
#3741140 at 2018-11-05 16:47:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4752: POTUS On The Phone Edition
Keep famewhore ING pedogate (you) ghetto bird skonkas
#3724274 at 2018-11-04 07:37:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4730: AND WE WILL KEEP ON WINNING Edition
>>3723833 (lb)
nice find anon. saved. another for the vault of hate.
>>3724107 (lb)
Emphasis & speech patterns (includING twitter): I thought I detected somethING durING the Montana rally when DJT said "America is BOOM-ING." Double-meanING, three audiences.
#3718458 at 2018-11-03 22:30:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4722: Eyes on, VIP Patriot! Edition
Communist Student Who Attacked Republicans with Chocolate Milk Gets Arrested
By Cillian Zeal
November 3, 2018 at 8:48am
A Florida State University student who became an internet sensation in all the wrong ways this week - particularly for tryING to claim that the Nazis weren't socialist even though the word socialist is in their party name - is now under arrest for her actions in the video.
And no, it's not for defendING socialism; in spite of the best efforts of the American left, the First Amendment is still alive, well and operative. ThrowING chocolate milk on people you disagree with generally isn't covered under free speech, however, and given that she allegedly did that, she's goING to be given an introduction to the legal system in the Sunshine State.
"A Florida State University student was arrested and charged with battery after a profanity-laden outburst at a College Republicans display was captured on camera," WJXT-TV reported Friday.
"The video, viewed nearly 30,000 times, shows 19-year-old FSU student Shelby Shoup throwING chocolate milk, hittING students and kickING campaign signs at a College Republicans booth."
The video shows a woman, allegedly Shoup, beratING members of the FSU College Republicans.
"You are supportING Nazis, you understand that?" she can be heard sayING at the beginnING of the video.
When one of the Republicans pointed at what appeared to be a Soviet hammer-and-sickle pin on her jacket and asked if she's supportING communism, she responded, "Yeah, I f-ING am."
#3711932 at 2018-11-03 11:43:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4714 Sticks and Stones vs M1A1 Abrams Edition
More "O'Keefe-ING" don't know if this was posted last night gets Donnelly's wife on record.
"I wouldn't say anythING about unions... just say he's for workING families."
"Right to Work is a headline to pay people less than what they - but we can't say that."
Jill Donnelly: "He does" Support Unions, Just "don't say that to people!"
Campaign Volunteer and Union Member: "... his career began through organized labor" "He's got like a 98% AFL-CIO votING record"
Donnelly Has to Play Down BeING Liberal "especially in Indiana, just because like, it's so conservative."
"I know for a fact that he's losING voters [be]cause of Kavanaugh... [be]cause he voted no."
#3711655 at 2018-11-03 09:31:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4713: Into The Weekend Before The Election Edition
Is Skippy projectING again - is there some subliminal hint you want us to know about John? You're die-ING to tell us.
#3697212 at 2018-11-02 07:36:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4695: Blackout Necessary Edition
"Nobody needs to know" Beto Campaign Appears to Illegally Spend Funds on Supplies for Caravan Aliens
- "I just hope nobody that's the wrong person finds out about this."
- "It's f***ING happenING." O'Rourke Campaign Staff Uses Pre-Paid Cards for Honduran Alien Supplies
- "Don't ever repeat this..." Campaign Staffers Explain How to Hide Campaign Expenditures for Aliens
- "If you get caught in some sort of violation that's like a $50,000 fine," "For me I can just ignore the rules and I'm like f**k it."
- TransportING Aliens to "airports... bus stations," "None of this is like sh*t there is a rulebook for"
- Staffer Says She Sent Texts to Director; Told Campaign Manager Jody Casey, Who Says "Don't Worry"
#3692922 at 2018-11-02 01:21:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4689: Welcome Back Q Edition
Beto Campaign fundING Migrant Caravan
"I just hope nobody that's the wrong person finds out about this."
"It's f***ING happenING." O'Rourke Campaign Staff Uses Pre-Paid Cards for Honduran Alien Supplies
"Don't ever repeat this..." Campaign Staffers Explain How to Hide Campaign Expenditures for Aliens
"If you get caught in some sort of violation that's like a $50,000 fine," "For me I can just ignore the rules and I'm like f**k it."
TransportING Aliens to "airports... bus stations," "None of this is like sh*t there is a rulebook for"
Staffer Says She Sent ConfirmING Texts to Director
#3690564 at 2018-11-01 22:23:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4686: Bullets for Rocks Exchange Program Edition
Where does Sperg-ING end and autism begin? And good heuristics?
#3690442 at 2018-11-01 22:12:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4686: Bullets for Rocks Exchange Program Edition
Right-WING Terrorist narrative came from the GAO
Actions Needed to Define Strategy and Assess Progress of Federal Efforts
They count 'hate crimes' as 'terrorist acts'
Bongino has a good breakdown
On page 31, "Far rightist murdered a homeless man" is counted as a right-wING terror attack, and if these examples thus far weren't crazy enough, page 32 describes a "White supremacist [who] shot and killed 9 at his community college." That shootING was the 2015 Umpqua Community College shootING, carried out by a self-described "mixed race" individual who sINGled out Christians for his attack. Does that sound like a right-wING terrorist attack to you? How about on page 30, when the study documents the "right-wING terrorist attack" involvING "Six white supremacist inmates beat[ING] another prisoner to death."? Do you walk the streets in fear that prison inmates will somehow assault you?
#3688516 at 2018-11-01 19:05:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4683: Oprah Big Pimpin' Edition
kek-ING so hard. Did you see this???
#3688286 at 2018-11-01 18:43:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4683: Oprah Big Pimpin' Edition
Belgium accused of handING Libya's frozen cash to militants as 'BILLIONS goes missING'
BELGIUM has been accused of financING Libyan militants involved in weapons and human traffickING.
Prosecutors are investigatING whether Belgian banks paid out interest and dividends on accounts frozen under United Nations sanctions durING the collapse of Muammar Gaddafi's Libyan dictatorship, accordING to public broadcaster RTBF.
DurING the Libyan revolution in 2011, the UN Security Council froze Libya's sovereign assets abroad., which included accounts at four Belgian banks.
BNP Paribas Fortis held ?43 million, while ING, KBC and Euroclear Bank held ?376 million, ?869 million and ?12.8 billion respectively in Libyan assets.
AccordING to RTBF, interest and dividends of between three and five billion euros had left the accounts since 2012 despite the UN freezING the assets.
While it is not known how the profits were used, an expert believes there is overwhelmING evidence to suggest the funds were used in arms and human traffickING crimes.
Robert Wtterwulghe, professor at UC Louvain, said: "In this report, we realise that there is a problem of arms traffickING to feed factions.
"There is a whole market that aims to brING migrants and to engage Nigerian prostitution networks.
"It is a mafia enterprise but relies on all the militias in question - they receive external funds."
#3685958 at 2018-11-01 14:33:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4680: November Has Come Edition
>>3685398 re-post (lb)
CHINA'S FlankING Maneuver South of The Border (USA)
(AmericanFreePress article - Jan 20, 2007)
"Communists PositionING China To Dominate Trade in Americas"
By Mark Anderson
Key Points, Players & Outline:
- Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. - Chinese ShippING Co. (port mgmt)
- [PLA] Peoples Liberation Army - PRC
- China International Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC)
- Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC)
- China Ocean ShippING Company (COSCO)
- Hutchison International Terminals (HIT)
- Li Tzar Kuoi - Chinese = Hutchison Whampoa's executive director.
- Li Ka ShING - Chinese = Whampoa executive, father of Li Tzar Kuoi.
- Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) = We've been fightING this for yrs here in TX. = Super Tollway to 'mainline' the poison into CONUS from Mexico.
- Kansas City SmartPort Inc. = Who'da thunk it, a port 1000 miles inland? Well, read the article. They had it all planned out.
- Kansas City, Mo. - Lazaro Cardenas = 2006: Sign trans-Pacific trade corridor agreement (thanks GWB you globalist son-of-a-$#@&! sell-out)(the Bush's are NOT F-ING Texans! Carpet-baggin traitors)
- Ports of:
* [Lazaro Cardenas] [Ensenada International Terminal (EIT)] [Terminal Internacional de Manzanillo (TIMSA)] - Mexico
* Cristobal and Balboa - Panama (control both ends of Canal) Chinese have bridge & other construction projects also, dominatING Canal Zone.
* (Hutchison Whampoa's) Panama Ports Company (PPC) operates the ports of Cristobal and Balboa located at each end of the Panama Canal (large expansion projects are proceedING at both ports).
* Li was on the board of : (CITIC & HSBC) Remember James Comey & other players of The Cabal worked for HSBC.
(All PLA connected/controlled)
- Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.
- China International Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC)
- China Ocean ShippING Company (COSCO)
- Hutchison International Terminals (HIT)
Just a summary of: The 'FlankING Maneuver' China has been executING to our south. Part of the bigger "Pincer Strategy" to infiltrate the CONUS thru Mexico & Canada.
That article was 2007. Moar has developed since then.
#3685398 at 2018-11-01 13:12:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4679: The Calmest Before the Stormest
CHINA'S FlankING Maneuver South of The Border (USA)
(AmericanFreePress article - Jan 20, 2007)
"Communists PositionING China To Dominate Trade in Americas"
By Mark Anderson
Key Points, Players & Outline:
- Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. - Chinese ShippING Co. (port mgmt)
- [PLA] Peoples Liberation Army - PRC
- China International Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC)
- Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC)
- China Ocean ShippING Company (COSCO)
- Hutchison International Terminals (HIT)
- Li Tzar Kuoi - Chinese = Hutchison Whampoa's executive director.
- Li Ka ShING - Chinese = Whampoa executive, father of Li Tzar Kuoi.
- Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) = We've been fightING this for yrs here in TX. = Super Tollway to 'mainline' the poison into CONUS from Mexico.
- Kansas City SmartPort Inc. = Who'da thunk it, a port 1000 miles inland? Well, read the article. They had it all planned out.
- Kansas City, Mo. - Lazaro Cardenas = 2006: Sign trans-Pacific trade corridor agreement (thanks GWB you globalist son-of-a-$#@&! sell-out)(the Bush's are NOT F-ING Texans! Carpet-baggin traitors)
- Ports of:
* [Lazaro Cardenas] [Ensenada International Terminal (EIT)] [Terminal Internacional de Manzanillo (TIMSA)] - Mexico
* Cristobal and Balboa - Panama (control both ends of Canal) Chinese have bridge & other construction projects also, dominatING Canal Zone.
* (Hutchison Whampoa's) Panama Ports Company (PPC) operates the ports of Cristobal and Balboa located at each end of the Panama Canal (large expansion projects are proceedING at both ports).
* Li was on the board of : (CITIC & HSBC) Remember James Comey & other players of The Cabal worked for HSBC.
(All PLA connected/controlled)
- Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.
- China International Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC)
- China Ocean ShippING Company (COSCO)
- Hutchison International Terminals (HIT)
Just a summary of: The 'FlankING Maneuver' China has been executING to our south. Part of the bigger "Pincer Strategy" to infiltrate the CONUS thru Mexico & Canada.
That article was 2007. Moar has developed since then.
#3683607 at 2018-11-01 04:54:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4677: Oy Vey Shut It Down! Edition
SCOTUS Hears Case Against Google GivING Away Settlement Money to Friends
'Frank v. Gaos' could seriously change class-action law
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday mornING in a case in which the plaintiffs allege that Google took advantage of a feature of class-action law to funnel millions in settlement funds to friendly universities and programs while leavING nothING for consumers. If successful the suit could, as Manhattan Institute director of legal policy James Copland put it, stop trial lawyers from "dol[ING] out clients' money as treats to their favorite charities."
The case, Frank v. Gaos, grew out of a class-action lawsuit brought by appellees Paloma Gaos, Anthony Italiano, and Gabriel Priyev on behalf of 129 million consumers against Google. That case, Gaos v. Google, claimed that Google had violated the class's privacy rights by "leakING" search terms to third-party marketers in contravention of its own privacy policy. This happened, they argued, because Google transmitted the search terms used to reach a site to that site. Therefore, if a search term included identifyING information (e.g., a person's name), a user would be deanonymized to third parties. After four days of negotiations, the two sides reached a settlement of $8.5 million, as well as some changes to Google's FAQ explainING its use of "referral headers." Both parties agreed that attorneys' fees and administrative costs-totalING about $3.2 million-would be withdrawn from the settlement fund, leavING approximately $5.3 million for the consumers-about four cents per person. This is where thINGs get messy. Because of the small size of the payout-per-consumer, the federal district court decided that instead of payING each class member, the proceeds would instead be distributed through what's called a cy pres award (pronounced "sigh pray"). Cy pres is a process by which some portion of a class-action settlement is disbursed to charitable organizations rather than class members. Because of the size of the Gaos class, the settlement designated six recipients who got most of the remainING funds-class members themselves got nothING.
What is more, several of those cy pres recipients-Harvard, Stanford, the AARP, and the Chicago-Kent School of Law-had a preexistING relationship with Google. And three of the recipients were almae matres of the class attorneys who signed the settlement. This effectively meant that both sides transferred money to parties they had an interest in, rather than the consumers who were ostensibly meant to be remunerated for harm done to them. It was this situation-$5 million for friends of Google and the class lawyers, nothING for consumers-that prompted class members Ted Frank and Melissa Holyoak, both attorneys at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and members of the Gaos v. Google class, to sue Gaos and Google in what is now Frank v. Gaos. "This case is really about attorneys sellING out their clients," Holyoak told the WashINGton Free Beacon. "We are arguING that this is unfair, and this is an abuse of the class action system, and an abuse of the cy pres system."
#3680519 at 2018-11-01 00:07:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4673: Rally-POTUS Never Gets Old Edition
Let's count and compare by the end of the night. I'm screen shot-ING
#3679509 at 2018-10-31 22:25:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4671: Me Pay You Longtime Maternity Hotels Edition
Like the Protestant ING zombies be makING teh anger art for muhdevil glee and sympathy
Let's all see taxes
#3679124 at 2018-10-31 21:55:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4671: Me Pay You Longtime Maternity Hotels Edition
Third Child Policy: Italian Populists Propose GivING Free Land to Families
Italy's populist government has joined Hungary in fundING measures to naturally maintain its population without mass migration by proposING givING parents farmland if they are expectING their third child.
The budgetary measures proposed Wednesday by Italy's parliament aim to "make children and cultivate the land" by "promot[ING] the socio-economic development of rural areas and at the same time support the family," reports La Stampa.
The programme would see families expectING their third (or second and third, in the case of twins) child be allocated a free, small, state-owned piece of farmland in southern Italy which has otherwise been abandoned or is uncultivated.
The budget would also allow for at least a 20 billion euro provision to allow parents to take out an interest-free loan of up to 200,000 euros to buy a nearby dwellING. The project is expected to be applicable for the third child born in 2019, 2020, 0r 2021 and is expected to run for 20 years.
There are exceptions to prevent abuse or oversubscription, includING that it is only for Italian citizens or immigrants who have lived in the country for at least ten years, and is not available for families that already have three children or more as the measures are intended to grow the population, which has been steadily declinING with birthrate well below replacement levels.
Euractiv reports that accordING to sources the policy was the brainchild of agriculture minister Gian Marco Centinaio and endorsed by regional affairs minister Erika Stefani and family affairs minister Lorenzo Fontana - all three members of deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini's right-wING populist League party.
Mr Centinaio told Italian television, "It is said that in Italy there are few children and the provision provides help to reverse the trend.
"For this reason, the ministry wants to make a contribution by encouragING, in particular, the rural areas, where the children continue to born."
The proposal rejects the received knowledge of progressive liberal northern European Union nations which state that the only way to stop the so-called demographic time bomb and maintain pensions payments is by institutionalisING mass migration - a concept condemned as a Ponzi Scheme, as migrants themselves will grow old and need social care, not to mention the initial financial costs for social care for new arrivals and the social costs of risING crime and terror.
Mass migration alone now accounts for population growth in Germany and Sweden.
#3678092 at 2018-10-31 20:11:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4670: Vote Republican Now Edition
>Trump admin. imposed restrictions on tech. exports…reflect(ING a) concern Chinese competition could drive American tech. suppliers out of business, leavING the military without secure sources of components…"
How fuckING brilliant and awesomely Nationalistic of our Great President 45!
#3674949 at 2018-10-31 14:42:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4666: Ebake Edition
Finially, a clear blue sky.
Hope it lasts, never does.
f-ING chemjets!!
#3662832 at 2018-10-30 13:02:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4650: "Take it real nice and easy" -DJT to CNN
We should be meme-ING her to the Deomcrat nomination in 2020
#3662614 at 2018-10-30 12:20:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4649: The Signifier Will 'Force' The Q Edition
Yes anon. There were many of these scientists. Jack Parsons was another one. Most worked out of the MIT Rad-Lab, which itself is a Masonic Temple. The Tech Temple. The Dark Journalist X-Series is very good for this. He really goes into depth. This is where the real power is. Politics is but a sideshow for the people who have the real power. Quantum Power (Dragon Energy). I expect most anons to ignore these posts and carry on with the dog and pony show but this is the ultimate disclosure. We live in a quantum world and CERN have proved it and broke it a bit (fixed now, I think). That's why it seems like a show to us as we have de-programmed ourselves from the media spells but also because it is calculated. Project Alice is probably real. I imagine they are skree-ING and the John Titor posts might not be so far-fetched.
#3657832 at 2018-10-30 01:15:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4643: Edition
this is f..ING GREAT! brilliant!
#3652114 at 2018-10-29 17:05:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4636: Flux And Flow Edition
#3649438 at 2018-10-29 09:15:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4632: Viva O Nacionalismo Edition
Maybe Q's [RR]ING us, or even them?
Sometimes it feels like that.
#3620360 at 2018-10-27 01:04:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4594: "You won't believe what we're doing next week" (about the border) Edition
F-ING saved!
#3619145 at 2018-10-26 23:37:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4593: POTUS Rally In Charlotte, NC, Edition
Heres the comment roundup from the Hoax Patsy Bomber the Glow In Dark Spooks drugged up…just like Ted.
">agreeING to the premise that this Florida Man hand-delivered bombs across the Northeast and in California in the span of two days
Yikes. No thanks."
"The stickers look brand new with zero sun fade. His twitter feed was filled with conservative boomer posts with an extremely noticeable gap between summer of 2016 to February of 2017. His earliest post on any social media appears to be around 2012. Was that the same year Richard Spencer set up his Alt-Right website?"
">Literal meme van travels at 500 mph across the country and nobody notices
>cameras mysteriously malfunction and don't ever catch a glimpse of him
Shit story is shit"
"He's followING 32 people and all of them are hard lefties like Lena Dunham and Ellen Degeneres, John Oliver, etc… with exception of some sportsball guys. For as vocal as he's supposed to be, why doesn't he follow anyone from 'his side'?"
">no canceled postage
>no courier marks (they don't deliver stamped packages)
So unless he's a literal vampire… he did not deliver these, the dems already had them"
"He uses quantuum couriers that are simultaneously both the USPS postal Service and local couriers that don't use any form of trackING/paperwork and don't appear on cameras."
"No postage on any of them
No courier marks
No camera footage
Impossible to deliver by one person especially in a meme van goING 500 miles and hour that nobody remembers seeING"
"You can't even mail a prototype pcb to a colleague for t&e without havING your packagING ripped open, but they somehow delivered this? And without cancelING stamps or any other form of trackING? And people are believING this bull?"
"Their tryING to make Trump Supporters look bad and shamING them by proxy, by callING this Operative the MAGA bomber. 2be honest who ever at Langley came up with this op should be fired its so fu–ING pathetic,"
"These stickers are brand new and have been put on there recently. I assume he printed them out by himself and hasn't used professional printers or coatINGs with UV protection to prevent colors from fadING. Try this yourself. Print our a picture and leave it in the car for 2 or 3 days and keep it parked in the sun."
"So this is another red flag. The stickers look brand new like they were put on the car just yesterday."
"theres no way anybody is goING to put all that shit on their car, attempt to bomb people and then fail 11 times straight. Thats definition controlled opposition."
"Not one of these bombs worked.
That alone tells me this was not a "right wINGer"."
"How did the guy deliver these if he was livING in a van and it couldn't have been sent through the mail?"
#3612786 at 2018-10-26 16:02:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4584: Building Momentum With Memes Edition
This stupid pedovore keeps force ING the rape culture stassi ganagland zersetzung on the graves of his fallen victims
But can't show taxes or shitpost it's own board
#3609081 at 2018-10-26 06:13:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4579: DoItPOTUS Edition
BELLMAWR, N.J. (AP) - A quick eye by Goodwill workers in southern New Jersey turned up framed pages from an original 1774 Philadelphia newspaper with an iconic "Unite or Die" snake design on the masthead.
The frayed Dec. 28, 1774, edition of the "Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly Advertiser" boasts three items signed by John Hancock, then president of the Provincial Congress, who pleads for the Colonies to fight back "enemies" tryING to divide them.
A jumble of small advertisements offer rewards for a lost horse or runaway apprentice, while another insists the poster will no longer pay his "misbehav(ING)" wife's debts.
The discovery was first reported by NJ Pen, an online news site.
Bob Snyder of the New York auction house Cohasco says the "rebel" newspaper shows how "everyone was good and mad" at the British just months before the Revolutionary War began. The masthead design is a variant of the "Join, or Die" political cartoon credited to Benjamin Franklin.
"These were very important propaganda tools," Snyder said of newspapers and pamphlets of the era. "The viciousness then in some was as much or more as it is today. . (But) the language was more powerful in puttING down the other side."
https:// www.apnews.com/0be8910e4060486ca2f8f93d70f738d6
#3606425 at 2018-10-26 01:42:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4576 How Do We Know the Dems Sent the Bombs Themselves? They Don't Work Edition!
Michelle Obama
Book named "BECOMING"
Book tour and website
BecomING is the deeply personal reckonING of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations-and whose story inspires us to do the same.
The concept of "becomING" in philosophy is connected with two others: movement and evolution, as becomING assumes a "changING to" and a "movING toward." BecomING is the process or state of change and comING about in time and space.
BecomING: Adjective: used to say that somethING is attractive and suits the person wearING or doING it
becomING: adjective:
Appropriate, suitable, or proper.
PleasING or attractive to the eye.
When used as a verb:
verb (used without object), be·came, be·come, be·com·ING:
to come, change, or grow to be (as specified)
InterestING that Cindy Crawford had a book with the same name published in 2015.
Probably not connected, but found it interestING:
BeING and BecomING in Modern Physics
First published Wed Jul 11, 2001; substantive revision Mon Aug 21, 2017
Last but not least:
BecomING - Adjective
Pronunciation: bee-kum-ING
The fundamental meanING of becomING is "attractive" but it may refer either to attractive people or attractive behavior (behaviour outside the US), where the meanING leans more toward "appropriate".
A very comely word, this. The two sonorants, M and NG, help make this authentic English word beautiful. The B and the M are labial sounds, made with the lips alone and their association with affection helps beautify the word. This word originated as the present participle of the verb become but in a quirky meanING that verb bears, "to make attractive," as in, "That dress becomes you." You may use this word negatively if you properly prefix it, as in, "behavior unbecomING a gentleman."
Remember the two senses of this word. It can refer to beauty itself: "Natalie Cladd's broad-brimmed hat sat askew on her hair in a becomING fashion no one could ignore." As a result, Natalie herself was most likely quite becomING. This word also refers to appropriateness, especially if referrING to behavior: "I thought the snippy remark from Maude Lynn Dresser about Natalie's hat was most unbecomING of Maude, though."
The verb become has borne several meanINGs over its lifetime. In Old English it meant "come to," which led to the broader sense of the verb today "come to be," as to become a doctor. The sense of "comING to" also led to the sense of bekommen in German today, "to receive." Later in Middle English it came to mean "happen to, befall." The sense of "to befit, to suit" apparently has been expressed as "come to" for a long time in Indo-European languages since idët tebe, literally "it comes to you," means "it suits you" in Russian.
>Old English - becomING means "come to"
>German - becomING means "to recieve"
>Middle English (?) - becomING means "happen to, befall"
>Indo-European - becomING means "it comes to you"
>Russian - becomING means " it suits you"
So which of these interpretations would the cabal use to mock us?
#3603451 at 2018-10-25 21:37:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4572: Chicago Politics Edition
Nice meme #ING
#3574583 at 2018-10-23 16:36:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4535: Border Patrol Edition
Good news, the asshole that told the widowed women, "'Husband Should F***ING Rot In The Grave' has been fired from his job.
#3569476 at 2018-10-23 01:57:28 (UTC+1)
<We were only just friends. So sometimes, yeah, I wanted to see it, it was amazING. Sometimes I would say, 'F-ING no, gross,' and we got pizza."
#3567391 at 2018-10-22 23:54:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4525: HOUSTON HOUSTON, WE DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM Edition
rarr-ING again? too funny.
#3565396 at 2018-10-22 21:12:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4523: Shillk Road Edition
Wife Fears MissING Interpol Chief Dead: 'Everybody in China Is at Risk'
Grace Meng, wife of former Interpol President Meng Hongwei, began issuING a series of interviews last week, and most recently spoke to the Associated Press this weekend, urgING the Chinese government to provide more information on her husband's whereabouts and guarantee both of their safeties since BeijING admitted to arrested him early this month.
Meng disappeared on September 29 while on a trip to China from France, where he and his wife live and where Interpol's headquarters are located. China's Public Security Ministry announced on October 7 that authorities had arrested Meng, who spent decades in Chinese law enforcement before movING to Interpol, on charges of acceptING bribes. BeijING has not confirmed to the outside world that Meng is alive or safe, however, and he has not been seen since the day he was reported missING. Grace Meng told the Associated Press Saturday that Chinese authorities claimed to have a letter Meng had written her as proof of his wellbeING while detained. "They said my husband wrote a letter to me. They said they can only give it to me alone," she noted. The officials insisted, however, that she meet with them in private to receive it directly. FearING for her safety, Meng says she has demanded to meet with an attorney and journalists present, or that the Chinese government hand over the letter to French police to give to her. She is reportedly awaitING a response.
She used her conversation with the AP to argue that, if the Chinese government can so swiftly apprehend the head of an international institution like Interpol, "everybody in China is at risk. Everyone should be concerned that somethING like this could happen to them." "The term anti-corruption in China has become a synonym for crimes that are unjustifiable," she continued. In a conversation with the BBC last week, she said she would begin speakING out publicly against the Chinese government in the hopes that public awareness could prevent them from arbitrarily arrestING more people like they did her husband. "I don't want any other wives and children like me," she told the broadcast outlet. Meng also spoke to CNN, reiteratING her message from the BBC interview: "I do these thINGs ... for all of China's children. For all of China's wives." She added in her BBC interview that, in addition to official communications from the Chinese government, she had begun receivING threatenING phone calls, includING one that told her not to speak, only to listen that "two teams [are] target[ING] you in France." "I think it is political persecution. I'm not sure he's alive. They are cruel. They are dirty. This thING shows it means they can do anythING, I can't imagine," she lamented.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry, addressING early reports that BeijING had begun threatenING Meng into silence, accused her of "slanderING" Xi JinpING, the head of the Chinese Communist Party. "If Meng Hongwei's wife is a Chinese citizen, it's natural for Chinese diplomatic missions to contact her. Every government does so," Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang added. Grace Meng's attorney, speakING to French journalists, said that she may seek political asylum in France to do away with her Chinese citizenship, which she believes may make her more vulnerable to kidnappING or threats. When Meng Hongwei first disappeared, Grace Meng told reporters, supplyING images of the communications, that the last she heard from her husband was a message statING "wait for my call" followed by a knife emoji, which she interpreted as a sign he was in danger. There is no public confirmation of any existING communication from Meng since the emoji text was sent from his phone.
Interpol did reveal followING China's announcement of his arrest that the organization had received his resignation "with immediate effect, namING Senior Vice-President Kim Jong Yang as his actING replacement." The statement did not specify via what medium that resignation came or if conclusive evidence existed that Meng was alive and safe in Chinese police custody. Kim, who succeeded Meng, called his disappearance "regrettable," addING, "we still don't have sufficient information about what's happenING [with Meng] or whether it has anythING to do with Chinese domestic politics."
#3564801 at 2018-10-22 20:15:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4522: God Bless Texas Edition
"He could offer me nothING. We were only just friends. So sometimes, yeah, I wanted to see it, it was amazING. Sometimes I would say, 'F—ING no, gross,' and we got pizza."
why do these celebs and politicians keep usING pizza as the only thING they eat when they hang out
the weird shit keeps a comin
#3559490 at 2018-10-22 04:51:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4515: Tucker Should Read Some Crumbs Edition
#3559211 at 2018-10-22 04:15:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4515: Tucker Should Read Some Crumbs Edition
Antifa Thug Who Berated 9/11 Widow Identified, Fired From Job
The incident occurred on Oct. 13 after a "flash march for Law and Order" was organized by a conservative group.
Video captured by Brandon Farley (@FarelyFilms) shows the woman and a man, who appears to have been protestING the march, at a crosswalk, waitING to cross the street.
The protester begins the verbal spat by sayING to the woman, "Why are you tryING to block me, I'm f***ING tryING to walk here."
After he called her a "f*ING snarky, little f*ING idiot," he said. "I'm not like ... your cop boyfriend who is goING to f***ING knock you out."
The woman pointed to her NYPD hat and told the man, "My husband died on 9/11," to which he replied, "Good, good. NYPD was a bunch of sodomizers, f***ING sodomizING immigrants with their bully sticks."
"Your husband ... should rot in the grave."
The man that abused the 9/11 widow seen in the video is in fact Steve Wilson, who also goes by the name SalvadOrwell Wilson on facebook.
Furthermore, it was confirmed by his place of employment that it was him in the video abusING the widow. On his facebook page he lists his job and workplace as Data Specialist at Self Enhancement, Inc.
Self Enhancement Inc then tweeted out that "Steve Wilson is no longer an employee of SEI. His behavior does not represent the values of our organization or the high expectations that we have for our employees."
#3558560 at 2018-10-22 03:05:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4514: Two Scoops, Two Genders, Two Terms Edition
Antifa Thug Who Berated 9/11 Widow Identified, FIRED FROM JOB
The incident occurred on Oct. 13 after a "flash march for Law and Order" was organized by a conservative group.
Video captured by Brandon Farley (@FarelyFilms) shows the woman and a man, who appears to have been protestING the march, at a crosswalk, waitING to cross the street.
The protester begins the verbal spat by sayING to the woman, "Why are you tryING to block me, I'm f***ING tryING to walk here."
After he called her a "f*ING snarky, little f*ING idiot," he said. "I'm not like ... your cop boyfriend who is goING to f***ING knock you out."
The woman pointed to her NYPD hat and told the man, "My husband died on 9/11," to which he replied, "Good, good. NYPD was a bunch of sodomizers, f***ING sodomizING immigrants with their bully sticks."
"Your husband ... should rot in the grave."
The man that abused the 9/11 widow seen in the video is in fact Steve Wilson, who also goes by the name SalvadOrwell Wilson on facebook.
Furthermore, it was confirmed by his place of employment that it was him in the video abusING the widow. On his facebook page he lists his job and workplace as Data Specialist at Self Enhancement, Inc.
Self Enhancement Inc then tweeted out that "Steve Wilson is no longer an employee of SEI. His behavior does not represent the values of our organization or the high expectations that we have for our employees."
#3546023 at 2018-10-20 22:24:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4498: Weekend Edition
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was confronted by a mob durING a campaign stop in Coral Gables, Fla., on Wednesday, with protesters cursING at her and callING her a communist.
The incident was caught on camera, showING Pelosi calmly enterING Florida Democratic House candidate Donna Shalala's headquarters as she gets surrounded by the protesters. She did not engage with them.
"Look at Nancy Pelosi right here - f—ING communist. Get the f— out of here. F— you and your f–kING Democrats," the protesters shouted in both English and Spanish while carryING anti-communist signs.
"You don't belong here," one person was also heard yellING. "Socialism sucks," said another. <Click link for full story and video>
#3544877 at 2018-10-20 20:11:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4496 Post Nevada Afternoon Trump Rally Bake Edition
DUP Slams 'Despicable, Low, and Rotten' Irish PM for UsING IRA Terror as Brexit Leverage
Irish taoiseach (prime minister) Leo Varadkar has been slammed by British unionist politicians in Northern Ireland for usING a photograph of an IRA bombING as Brexit leverage.
Varadkar brandished a copy of a newspaper story about an IRA bombING at the Newry Customs Office in 1972, which killed nine and injured six, thinkING this was a good way to underline the importance of Britain makING concessions to the EU on customs checks between his country and the British province of Northern Ireland.
He described the pictures of the bombING rather unsubtly as a "useful prop" to show "all the European leaders the extent to which the concerns about the re-emergence of a hard border and the possibility of a return to violence are very real".
The stunt was viewed with disgust by many in Northern Ireland, however, with some seeING it as a threat of sorts - particularly given insider claims that elements of the political elite and security establishment in the Republic of Ireland colluded with the IRA when they were at their most active.
The IRA, or Provisional Irish Republican Army, waged a decades-long campaign of assassinations and terrorism against British politicians, soldiers, police constables, and civilians in an effort to wrench Northern Ireland out of the United KINGdom and create a unified Irish state.
It kept up its terror campaign even after a 1973 referendum found a clear majority of Northern Ireland's residents wanted to remain with the British, and even plotted to assist a Nazi invasion of the British province in its early history.
Sammy Wilson MP, whose Brexit-supportING, Northern Ireland-based Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) props up Prime Minister Theresa May's minority government in Parliament, said Varadkar's "threats to 'ban British planes as revenge for Brexit', suggestion that [Northern Irish] electricity supplies could be affected by Brexit, [and] outlandish comments that leavING the EU could result in a Berlin Wall along the Irish Border" had already made him a "laughING stock" and "diminished his standING as a politician who should in any way be taken seriously" - but that his invocation of IRA terror had put him beyond the pale.
The Irish leader, Wilson said, was "scrap[ING] the bottom of the very deep barrel of threats, deception and rhetoric which he has dipped into in order to persuade ignorant heads of EU states that the EU must insist in detachING NI from the UK in any Brexit deal," and - worse - encouragING "republican madmen" to return to violence.
Varadkar's behaviour, Wilson said in no uncertain terms, was "despicable, low, and rotten".
Past victims of IRA terrorism and their bereaved families also criticised the taoiseach, sayING they were "sickened" by his comments and accusING him of "tryING to make people along the border feel anxious".
Northern Irish MP Gregory Campbell wrote a formal letter to Varadkar, admonishING him for suggestING that a 'No Deal' Brexit could lead to terror attacks on customs checkpoints no-one wants to construct.
"The 1972 IRA bomb [used at Newry] was understood to have been made in County Louth, smuggled across the border and then detonated in Northern Ireland. This raises more questions about how the Irish Government of that day stood against the PIRA in County Louth than it does about customs posts," he wrote.
"[T]o use that bomb attack to create fears of violence today amongst EU leaders is distasteful. It is also a disservice to victims."
#3543183 at 2018-10-20 17:11:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4494 Thank You Ron, We Extend Our Deepest Gratitude For All You Do Edition
>>3542694 pb
3542231 pb
Maybe the lower face is somewhat plausible. but lookING again? Age is wrong?
Ethnicity is wrong. The dudes is Portuguese. He's also a math nerd. 'Check his scholarly resume.
Sofa boy is Arab-ish [or Hindu] Look at the color of his skin.
(Oh I forgot, You can't read.)(It's all a blur, a "word salad" to you, since you can't read. Pity)
The wrong kind of guy for party boie when Hussain was a teen. He's a math nerd - usually squeemish about butt sex.
Cept Paddock didn't die
blind guy who can't read insists I am a shill
Other people think your pick is shit too.
But lookING at it this mornING?
Hmm. We need more photos- which you never provided.
You never even read his bio - did you?
The real giveaway is that Verma has obvious scars and skin changes from his chin surgery.
It's a tell. Why would he have a false chin?
Eyes and eyebrows are exact.
The guy you are pushING is Wrong ethnicity.
Sofa boie is an Arab - style not Portuguese.
Wrong shape of head,
Eyes and eybrows totally wrong.
If you have no experience in face ID's
? NothING to be ashamed of
You're in the dark like all the others.
You call it "word salad" because you are illiterate.
So you are illiterate in words, phrases and sentences.
And you are also illiterate in visually ID-ING somethING.
Makes total sense.
(When someone is smarter than others, the regular crowd, the "normies" always call names. They are frightened of somethING they don't understand?)
If you don't like my analysis why not make a reasoned argument instead of just name-callING?
Oh I forgot. Your angry because you are wrong and stupid, just like the NPC 's you love to make fun of and feel superior to.
#3537209 at 2018-10-20 00:54:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4486: Rally Anticipation Edition
74-Year-Old Man Arrested For ThreatenING to Murder Senators Grassley and Collins Over Their Support For Kavanaugh
74-year-old Ronald DeRisi of Brooklyn was arrested and charged for threatenING to murder two U.S. Senators for supportING Brett Kavanaugh.
DeRisi threatened to murder Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Susan Collins (R-ME) accordING to The New York Post.
Via The New York Post:
In one message left on September 27, DeRisi allegedly said that he had a "present" for Iowa's Grassley, growlING, "It's a 9 millimeter. Side of your f-ING skull you scumbag motherf--r."
The message concluded: "Yeah, Kavanaugh - I don't think so."
In another rant aimed at the 85-year-old senator, DeRisi was recorded sayING "We're tired of this guy suckING taxpayers' money! GettING a free f-ING ride! How many more years you gonna do it? None! He's a dead man! 9 millimeter, side of the f--ING head! If f-ING Kavanaugh gets in, he's dead f-ING meat! Actually even if Kavanaugh doesn't get in he's dead f-ING meat. 9 millimeter, side of the head, you f-ING old bastard."
Most of the calls were placed from a pre-paid cell phone, accordING to court docs.
DeRisi took a different tone with Collins, of Maine, callING her a "twit" on the day of the vote.
"I'm gonna get you," he's accused of sayING. "You better pray this guy don't get in."
He left another message two minutes later, sayING: "tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock."
Less than an hour later, Collins received another message from DeRisi.
"Listen, you dumb son of a bitch, don't you know that guy's a sex offender? How could you not know that...you f-kING twit."
The left is a violent, lawless mob.
A hazmat team was recently sent to Senator Susan Collins' home in Maine after she received a "suspicious" letter from someone claimING it contained ricin-the threat mentioned Collins' support for Brett Kavanaugh.
Violence against Republican lawmakers is on the rise thanks to Democrat leaders like Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder callING for the end of civility.
#3537137 at 2018-10-20 00:50:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4486: Rally Anticipation Edition
Payback is a bitch!
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was harassed by an anti-communist mob of protesters at a campaign visit in Florida this week.
Pelosi was approached and yelled at while stoppING to meet with Democratic leaders and activists in South Florida on Wednesday. Video of the moment surfaced on YouTube with the caption: "Nancy Pelosi was heckled at a Miami Restaurant by Trump SupportING Cuban Americans."
In the video, Pelosi can be seen enterING the restaurant and gettING rushed by a mob of protesters. The protesters held anti-communist signs and yelled, "Look at Nancy Pelosi right here - f*ING communist. Get the fk out of here. Fk you and your fkING Democrats."
The bewildered Pelosi looked at the protesters before duckING into a doorway with security. The protesters chanted, "Communism sucks" at the closed door.
#3527771 at 2018-10-19 03:30:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4474: Literally Shaking Edition
4D meme-ING
#3523553 at 2018-10-18 21:06:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4469: "Logical thinking v clickbait" Edition
Rshill, stop self notable-ING your own nonsense and gtfo
you glow so brightly, we know its STILL you faggot
#3522007 at 2018-10-18 18:16:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4467: Dear God HRC, Please Just Go Edition
you may know already, the shill who is self notable-ING his own shillING is a Rlarp shill too
its not fuckING notable, nor will it ever be
carry on as you were baker, kek thanks
#3516965 at 2018-10-18 04:03:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4460: The Left Is Literally Shaking Edition
Vincens, vincentis is the present participle of 'conquer' (our -ING endING in English). Vincent comes from that participle.
#3513533 at 2018-10-17 22:58:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4456: Soros' Caravan of Shills Edition
Bezos should at least give his family free Prime for a year. I can almost hear the customer service call to India.
"Tank you for cullING Ama zon."
"Yea, hi, I'm callING with a complaint."
"Ow may I 'elp you"
"Well, my brother Khashoggi was killed while workING for Amazon."
"I'm sollie to hear thet. Ican offeryou flee same-day shipp-ING on yourl next orlder."
#3510515 at 2018-10-17 18:07:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4452: The Season Of Change Edition
US Voter Records From 19 States Sold on HackING Forum - DEEP STATE DESPERATION?
Only on the dark web, can thINGs like this happen, so where's the trillions of dollars of security U.S. taxpayers spend to support NSA, CIA, FBI??? If machines can be hacked and the guilty can't be found, then the system is broken!!! The threat to national security and legal votING gone in a click of a button???
Seller is askING $42,200 for all 19 US state voter databases.
The voter information for approximately 35 million US citizens is beING peddled on a popular hackING forum, two threat intelligence firms have discovered. "To our knowledge this represents the first reference on the criminal underground of actors sellING or distributING lists of 2018 voter registration data," said researchers from Anomali Labs and Intel471, the two companies who spotted the forum ad.
The two companies said they've reviewed a sample of the database records and determined the data to be valid with a "high degree of confidence." Researchers say the data contains details such as full name, phone numbers, physical addresses, votING history, and other votING-related information. It is worth notING that some states consider this data public and offer it for download for free, but not all:
Once again, its time for elections and it seems similar to the presidential election with questionable votING machines and ethics. Well, if you didn't get it when Donald Trump got elected to the shock of the world, "Divine" intervention is overseeING the elections and the only thING one needs to do is pray for peace, unity, and the healING of a planet for "ALL" its life forms that want to live in harmony.
Eric Eggers - Democrats Plan to Cheat in 2018 Midterms - REALLY???
Eric Eggers, author of the new book called "Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election," says, "I think there is clear evidence that they (Democrats) are actively workING to create an environment that makes cheatING as possible and as likely as it can be. Let's put it this way, what Democrats have actively pursued charges of votING fraud? In closING, Eggers says, "The good news is we do have a president like President Trump that is laser focused on the issue, and he is informING quite a few people. . . . The sanctity and security of our elections is absolutely a national security issue."
#3509409 at 2018-10-17 15:56:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4450: Prayers Of Protection For FLOTUS Edition
and once again yesterday afternoon in plain sight the chemtrail planes were back over Worcester Mass. Yesterday's show was a little different than usual. One of the pilots was dah dit dah-ING the sky. He'd blow out the usual turn it off start up again turn it off he did a nice few dashes. They must think we are stupid.
{thnx 4 the poison pilots shall we vote?{ [how are your families? are they all safe?]
Governor Baker have anythING to say? Zdoes anyone? :-)
#3508481 at 2018-10-17 14:01:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4449: We Are The Plan Edition
If you timed an arrest to affect an election, regardless of who it is, then you would have an apparent violation of the Hatch Act. See 5 U.S.C. § 7323(1) (Executive branch employee prohibited from "us[ING] his official authority or influence for the purpose of interferING with or affectING the result of an election."). The decision to prosecute, and the decision of WHEN to unseal, arrest, etc., is an official act.
#3497772 at 2018-10-16 17:34:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4435: Equestrian Edition
Believe Women: Apply Congress' Christine Blasey Ford Test to TSA's Female Victims
Do members of Congress care about any sexual assault that does not permit them to politically grandstand? Hold TSA agents responsible for assaults.
In the uproar over Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, many members of Congress declared that women have a "right to be believed." Unfortunately, Congress is ignorING legions of women who have been sexually abused thanks to the immunity Congress provides to federal agents. But a federal appeals court may grant relief despite WashINGton's negligence.
Congress gives the Transportation Security Administration almost $8 billion a year and does nothING to constrain how TSA's 43,000 screeners treat American travelers. A Justice Department lawyer insisted last year that there's no law "establishING a specific degree of permissible intrusiveness of a (TSA) security screenING pat-down." Americans have no legal recourse regardless of how TSA's screeners treat them, thus explainING why TSA pat-downs become more intrusive.
Many women have shared vivid allegations of TSA abuses on Twitter:
?Dr. Jenn complained on Sept. 8: "Is it common practice for TSA agents to forcefully slide their hand up my (15-year-old) daughter's inner leg and endING at her vagina? Literally slammING their hand into my daughter's vagina."
'I was sexually assaulted by the TSA'
?Melissa Emmal, whose Twitter header page shows a banner callING for impeachING Trump, tweeted on Aug. 28: "A @tsa agent at DCA told me the scanner had 'alarmed' at my groin. She then searched me from my knee up 'until she met resistance' (her words). She met resistance when she made contact with my labia FOUR times (front and back pat up of each leg). Felt like a sexual assault."
?Emily White complained on Aug. 26: "I was sexually assaulted by the @TSA on August 1 @LGAairport's Marine Terminal at around 11:50 am. ... If you don't want your vagina paddled multiple times, I recommend avoidING that crew."
?Valerie Knees groused on Aug. 14: "Was prepared to be a beacon of light and happy airport travel person this mornING. Until the @TSA needlessly felt up my labia. 19 months into Trump's presidency is apparently the length of time it takes for the government to grab my p-y."
?Dev, a New York author, complained on Aug. 8: "HavING someone move their hands from your ankle all the way up until they karate chop your f-ING vulva while your skirt is already removed is not okay. It is not casual, it is not necessary and I'm goING to war with the TSA and their poor trainING."
?Liz Groeschen tweeted on July 10 that she almost missed her flight at JFK Airport thanks to "an invasive hand pat-down that should be relabeled 'tsa hands in your vagina' to be completely accurate" and which was "an absolute embarrassment to America."
?Marina Modela complained on July 9: "Dear @TSA, At #seatac , 2 agents groped my labia in the name of 'security' and falsely accused me of havING somethING in my pants. How does gropING female genitalia promote security, especially when your agents are too incompetent to know the difference between labia and bombs?"
?Elizabeth Nolan Brown, a Reason magazine editor, complained on June 7: "My 'right groin area' was suspicious to TSA so the agent just groped my ass & ran her hands under my waistband, between my thighs and all over my crotch in the middle of the airport. ... It's really unsettlING to have an armed agent of the state rubbING your vulva while everyone watches."
#3497564 at 2018-10-16 17:13:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4435: Equestrian Edition
Right. Gives me an idea.
Does anyone have the multiple Pepes REEE-ING meme?
Gonna work that up as somethING.
#3496716 at 2018-10-16 16:01:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4434: Horseface Edition
Whoopi Goldberg Says Actresses Used Sex With Ugly Men To Get Ahead
7:55 PM 10/15/2018 | Entertainment
Whoopi Goldberg claimed Saturday that women in Hollywood used sex with "ugly-ass" men to forward their showbiz careers, and emphasized the importance of "[teachING] young women better." She also accused American white men of "comING after" women.
At a recent live show in Leeds, U.K., Goldberg touched upon the issues surroundING the #MeToo movement, accordING to RadarOnline.
"Now there's some thINGs my mother always said to me that I knew were true," Goldberg explained in a profanity-laden monologue.
"It's like, if some guy said to me we're gonna have a meetING up in my hotel room... you don't f***ING go - you don't go. And if you do, cop to it. Say, 'That's right, I went up there and had sex with that ugly-ass man so I could get an Oscar and a Tony,'" Goldberg continued.
"Am I talkING about myself?" she asked rhetorically. "No. We have to teach young women better."
Goldberg then attacked American white men, sayING, "Apparently American white men are angry ... 'cause they're top of the food chain, they can get anythING they f***ING want but it's not enough - so they're comING after women."
"Women are sayING, 'Are you kiddING me?' You can't put this genie back in the bottle'. Women are not takING any bulls**t."
Goldberg's comments are the latest in a strING of recent statements she has made on sexual topics. Last week, she admitted to the possibility of havING made inappropriate sexual comments to actor Neil Patrick Harris when he was a young teenager. The week before that, she drew the ire of Donald Trump, Jr., when she implied that his young sons might have "tendencies" toward sexual assault.
#3494868 at 2018-10-16 10:50:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4432 NPC V1.1 Software Update Available Edition
part 2
Worse still, accordING to a noble campaign promoted by Karen Attiah, the Post's Global Opinion Editor and friend of Khashoggi - a campaign designed to keep track of and shame those who still intend to participate in the Saudi Crown Prince's "Davos in the Desert" event - Eskew, along with fellow Glover Park Director Mile Feldman, are still scheduled to speak at that event. Given all the moral decrees and shamING campaigns the Post has issued over the past ten days, how can they possibly justify their ongoING relationship with Eskew as his firm lobbies for the Saudi regime and he attends the regime's P.R.-buildING event?
That question is even more compellING when it comes to Ed Rogers, the long-time GOP operative who is currently an Opinion Writer for the WashINGton Post. In addition to his work for Hiatt on the Post's Op-Ed page, Rogers himself receives substantial financial rewards for his work as an agent of the Saudi regime. Just two months ago, the lobbyING firm of which he's the Chairman, BGR Group (headed by former RNC Chairman and GOP Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour), signed a new contract that includes "assist[ING] the Saudis in communicatING priority issues regardING US-Saudi relations to American audiences includING the media and policy communities."
AccordING to the firm's own press release, "BGR chairman Ed Rogers" - also an Opinion Writer for the WashINGton Post - "handles the Saudi work." Like Eskew, Rogers' last column for the Post was on October 12: just two days ago, the same day Hiatt published his moralizING column demandING to know how anyone with a conscience and a soul could maintain financial ties to the Saudi regime.
Even more awkward for the Post is that - with the possible exception of Tom Friedman - the most influential media figure who devoted himself to depictING MbS as a noble reformer was the Post's star foreign affairs columnist, David Ignatius. Ignatius has built his career on cultivatING an extremely close relationship to the CIA, whose agenda he typically parrots and rarely contradicts. It is not at all surprisING that Ignatius would be a devoted propagandist to the Saudi regime, for decades one of that agency's most cherished allies and partners.
Indeed, Ignatius did not begin his work heapING praise on Saudi tyrants with the ascent of MbS. As the media watchdog FAIR documented last year, "for almost 15 years, Ignatius has been breathlessly updatING US readers on the token, meanINGless public relations gestures that the Saudi regime-and, by extension, Ignatius-refer to as 'reforms.'"
But in light of Khashoggi's disappearance and the Post's new posture toward the Saudis, it is two recent columns by Ignatius - toutING MbS as an admirable reformer - that are now causING substantial embarrassment for the Post's attempts to moralize on this issue. The first, published in April of 2017, was headlined "A Young Prince is ReimaginING Saudi Arabia" and assured Post readers that MbS's "reform plans appear to be movING ahead slowly but steadily."
The second one, from March of this year, is even worse, as reflected by its headlined: "Are Saudi Arabia's reforms for real? A recent visit says yes." In it, Ignatius recounted his visit to the KINGdom by quotING one pro-MbS commentator after the next, and then himself gushed: "This is the door that seems to be openING in the kINGdom - toward a more modern, more entrepreneurial, less-hidebound and more youth- oriented society. It's a top-down, authoritarian process, for now. But it seems to be gainING momentum."
Then there is the even more uncomfortable fact that the Post's owner, Jeff Bezos, played host to MbS durING his star-makING trip to the U.S. this sprING, and was photographed laughING it up with the Saudi tyrant. As the New York Times' media reporter Jim Rutenberg noted in a hard-hittING article today on the role U.S. media and financial elites played in creatING the hagiography surroundING MbS:
As the guest of honor at a Page Six-worthy dinner at the producer Brian Grazer's Santa Monica home, the crown prince discussed Snapchat's popularity in his kINGdom with the Snap chief Evan Spiegel;Vice's Shane Smith; Amazon's chief - and WashINGton Post owner - Jeff Bezos and the agent-turned-mogul Ari Emanuel.
(While takING aim at a broad range of sycophantic elites who helped build MbS's deceitful image as a reformer in the west, Rutenberg failed to note the key role played by his own paper's star foreign policy columnist, Tom Friedman, who not only penned a column hailING the "Arab SprING" ushered in by MbS but lashed out in a profanity-laden attack on those who suggested he was beING too gullible and sycophantic toward the young Saudi despot).
#3494260 at 2018-10-16 07:35:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4431: Ubi Panis Ibi Patria Edition
>>3494076 Swedish Muslim politician asked to resign after it's exposed he wants to kill US and Israeli leaders
>>3494096 Weather looks good for late-night Atlas V launch Wednesday
>>3494100 Unsealed indictment: Four men, seven companies indicted for billion-dollar health care scheme
>>3494106 DARPA eyes SWaP-C satellites for surveillance
>>3494155 Democrat calls for Republicans to be decapitated
>>3494161 Mattis says US alarmed by China's "predatory" practices
>>3494232 Every Time Elizabeth Warren Has Lied About Her Native American Heritage
excellent dig anon, had notables of each, then you compiled it nicely
is that you baker?
(style of notable-ING)
filter by name: [\*]*,?=,.*
click regex
#3486938 at 2018-10-15 19:39:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4421: NPC Trigger Warning Edition
This is the perfect quote to describe the behind-the-scenes activity takING place by POTUS:
STEALTHING the Mueller blockade…
DisinfectING our Federal Agencies…
ReplenishING Original-Intent judges/justices in the Judiciary…
Silent-Executioner-ING with Sessions -> Huber -> The 400 -> Sealed Instruments…
…The Trump Administration knows the importance of sharpenING its axe.
#3483120 at 2018-10-15 11:15:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4417 Train Tickets from Pyongyang to Seoul Edition
Meme-ING not my skill. Maybe someone can improve. If you had supernatural powers, wouldnt you work on yourself first?
#3481304 at 2018-10-15 04:11:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4414: "In the meantime, I'm President and you're not" Edition
Strange enough the Google is now ID=ING the one on the right, which I originally downloaded with the name "Louis xviii" as an archtect of the "Arc de Triomphe"
Sure does look like "16" They always fuck up.
Now Google can do the cover - ups. Wow.
Here was a comparision I just downloaded.
When they've got complete control of printING, [back in the day] Universities , Painters [for the portraits] You're blocked from info.
Just as "q" recently pointed out, if not for the few sources of real info we'd be at the mercy of the MSM.
They were the same dude .Louis 16 & 18
What happened to the much mourned Marie Antoinetter? Dunno. But before you try to figure out what happened to her jewels , etc., maybe try to think what really happened to her?
Maybe the disposition of her property will give a clue?
#3476301 at 2018-10-14 20:34:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4408: It's a Banjo-pickin' Sunday Edition
If you werent in the conversation then I wasnt "WE"ING you.
#3472223 at 2018-10-14 07:36:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4403: We Came Here For A Reason Edition
#3466511 at 2018-10-13 21:09:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4395: Bourbon Trail Edition
The digits in the potus plane picture are just the USAF serial # 09-0016 and the aircraft construction number 28160 / 721.
I don't think there is anythING more than just ID-ING which plane he will be usING the smaller C-40 (757) rather than the VC-25 (747).
#3449270 at 2018-10-12 09:14:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4373: Timing Is Everything Edition
How long does it take to deprogram the mass of liberal zombies we have rrrrrrrreeeeeeee-ING around OurMerica, right now??
Have you tried it??
It's not easy. . .
#3445517 at 2018-10-12 01:24:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4368: "Your voice is spreading" Edition
As I look at this libtard, I wonder if she's transformING into a jackass (video related)? Thanks Uncle Walt for the imagery - true to life.
But then again, when I look closer at those black eyes and canines, I see a [wesen] woge-ING.
#3442344 at 2018-10-11 20:50:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4364: Wheels of Justice Edition
The De-sciencING of American Medicine…for Orwellian State Surveillance
We are really startING to wonder about the Medical Expertise at the Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic Health Systems…seems they have gone completely Nanny State Medicine (since they incorporated a new computer system…no surprise here. They've been implementING it in small steps for years).
Now they spread illnesses by havING patients fill out a notepad computer screen with fINGers, that "How many sick (contagious patients) have used. Let's ignore all those patients with weakened immune systems, all together. And now asks patients what gender they are! They all ready have your medical history. DUH! And the computer decides what physicians are allowed to do, RX and doses, also. More concerned with installING Orwellian Practices, instead of actual new effective medicines or treatment.
Good f*ING grief…what were all those years in Medical School For???
Obviously, they need some more top people at the Mayo Clinic to Resign! Pronto! No More Nanny State Medicine!
Is modern medicine is a larger threat to public health?
#3439922 at 2018-10-11 17:16:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4361: Prayers For The Panhandle Edition
Yep they are goING into it hardcore. These niggas had their own "Brainstorm"ING session and they came up with some real doozies.
Muh Trump is a Jew puppet
Muh nothING happenING
Muh Q is a Larp
Muh…..Corn….nigger corn? Corn?
#3436594 at 2018-10-11 10:38:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4356: HUBER Has EVERYTHING Edition
GettING on Q posts…Gulag puts up a Deceptive warnING page, first…f*ING commies!
BrING them down!!!!
FU Gulag
#3436577 at 2018-10-11 10:31:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4356: HUBER Has EVERYTHING Edition
GettING on Q posts…Gulag puts up a Deceptive warnING page, first…f*ING commies!
BrING them down!!!!
#3435238 at 2018-10-11 05:47:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4355: Not Confirming SC Is On /team/ Edition
>>3434073 (last)
Is it sort of expected that such allegations will be referred and investigated? Or is it also possible to let them collect dust in a drawer? Anon doesn't know how this system normally works and whether Roberts' action is just what's expected or if he's "resist"ING.
#3428379 at 2018-10-10 20:54:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4346: 15 Miles on the Eerie Canal Edition
Latinfag here.
Vincentem (or 'vincens') fuscam = "ConquerING the darkness."
Transliterated into English we would leave off the -em (or -s) and the -m endINGs.
Vincent comes from the present participle of "to conquer":Vincens, vincentis. We use 'ING' to indicate the present participle.
#3424482 at 2018-10-10 15:47:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4341: Plan Status: Trusted Edition
You killed the humor in my image with autism, kek.
Deep State New York is ready for a Fist..ING. Might require three.
Ah well acceptING the epic fail and goING back to the corner
#3413597 at 2018-10-09 21:55:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4327: Shenzhen Foe or Fren Edition
Anons! I'm really showING my age!
So I could tell a story of how I came home from work, wife slips into bedroom while I'm in shower. Then wife gets naked and we have wild sex! Right? WRONG!!
I get out of shower and guess whats sprawled-out all over the bed? ? ?
My first F#*@ING Q Tee-Shirt!
#3413498 at 2018-10-09 21:47:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4326: America No Longer For Sale Edition
>You are screamING about 15% ethanol
We are screamING that what they think is big f-ING news is ETHANOL and NOT Arrests or DeClassification!
#3413390 at 2018-10-09 21:40:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4326: America No Longer For Sale Edition
Anons! I'm really showING my age!
So I could tell a story of how I came home from work, wife slips into bedroom while I'm in shower. Then wife gets naked and we have wild sex! Right? WRONG!!
I get out of shower and guess whats sprawled-out all over the bed? ? ?
My first F#*@ING Q Tee-Shirt!
#3412311 at 2018-10-09 20:33:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4325: A Brewing Storm In Iowa Edition
Q has typically had no issue with (you)ING anons who correctly decode some of his posts, and even if it's not fully figured out, I believe the clock/111days theories hold some merit, so my thought is that we just don't have it figured out. The most basic assumption (like 53-47 beING the Kav vote) may not be the correct one, given how many times he has said "expand your thinkING."
#3401545 at 2018-10-09 01:11:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4311 Beginning to See Small Ripples of Habbenings Edition
Thank you. GettING sick of Trump not DECLAS-ING.
GettING sick of the wall of fuckING lies from [MSNBCNN]
#3397069 at 2018-10-08 19:59:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4305: The Everlasting Gratitude of Our Nation Edition
What seems complicated is why you feel it necessary to use giant ass bold red text to convey an opinion that want to share.
I don't disagree with your statement(s) as much as with the pms-ING delivery.
#3392127 at 2018-10-08 11:37:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4299 The Few. The Proud. The Memes Edition
so f*ING great, you won the internet, anon!
#3380944 at 2018-10-07 15:55:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4284: /Ourfag/ LG Got Swag Edition
Haha-f*ING hah niggas.
"Upwardly mobile" just got a new conotation!
#3379492 at 2018-10-07 13:02:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4282 We're Looking for a Few Good Memes Edition
This is just a masterful troll that's been around awhile, anon.
What we really need is that epic Hitler rant from some movie with that funny as all Kek subtitlING. Better yet, an updated version referencING the many recent Q drops comING true.
Here are those brilliant subtitles:
0:00.50 - 0:03.25Sir we have been workING to neutralize the Anons
0:04.00 - 0:05.50we've had some success slidING the board
0:05.65 - 0:07.50but the plane fags are difficult
0:08.00 - 0:12.00They trackING the planes 24/7 on their computers
0:12.10 - 0:15.50They are watchING the extractions as they happen
0:17.50 - 0:19.00Ok, I get the plane fags
0:19.00 - 0:21.50nothING can be done about them
0:24.75 - 0:26.50muh Führer
0:27.50 - 0:28.50Fake-Q
0:31.00 - 0:33.50Fake-Q is not workING as well as we expected
0:34.00 - 0:36.00they have made memes exposING us
0:53.00 - 0:58.50Everyone leave except for Fake Q1, 2 and 3
1:13.00 - 1:15.00I told you about this Q
1:15.25 - 1:17.75muh orders have not been followed
1:18.75 - 1:23.25you are pathetic - how many times did I tell you about their memes
1:25.25 - 1:28.00did you really think just by postING
1:29.25 - 1:31.00as fake Q that you would stop them
1:31.50 - 1:34.00the fake Q isn't even credible
1:34.75 - 1:37.75we need to meme, but all of you suck at meme-ING
1:37.50 - 1:40.50the anons are mockING you now
1:40.50 - 1:42.75but muh team is shitpostING on the board 24/7
1:42.75 - 1:46.25your posts suck, no one believes them, we look like idiots
1:46.50 - 1:48.80muh Führer, shitpostING causes them to make more bread
1:48.80 - 1:52.00shitpostING and makING them make more bread isn't stoppING them
1:53.00 - 1:54.50next they will go back
1:56.00 - 1:57.75to Anderson Cooper and McLean
1:57.75 - 2:00.50they are exposING us more and more every day
2:00.50 - 2:03.50They figured out the plane crashes, the train crashes,
2:04.50 - 2:08.00and the shootINGs - they know there are no coincidences
2:08.75 - 2:13.50they know that we tried to make a deal and are tellING everyone "No Deals"
2:14.00 - 2:16.75they know about Angela and are tellING everyone
2:17.50 - 2:21.75Q posted over 40 times on Saturday
2:27.00 - 2:29.00We had the public bamboozled
2:30.50 - 2:34.00They accepted Marina's SpirING CookING as somethING cool the stars did
2:34.50 - 2:36.50now they all know - Q has told them
2:41.00 - 2:42.50They are sayING that I am a puppet
2:43.00 - 2:47.50Under Q's latest posts, they are sayING that I am a PUPPET!
2:48.50 - 2:53.00Q has told them that N does not stand for Nazi
2:54.00 - 2:56.00They posted the Antifaschistische Flag next to the Antifascist Flag
2:56.50 - 2:59.75Everyone can see that they are exactly the same
3:00.00 - 3:02.50Have you seen the resignation list that they keep?
3:04.75 - 3:07.50It's ok, your Uncle Jim Acosta will keep his job
3:14.25 - 3:16.25Q tells them The WORLD is helpING.
3:19.25 - 3:23.25That they are winnING BIG, and that they are all connected in this fight.
3:25.55 - 3:26.75PATRIOTS UNITE
3:31.50 - 3:33.75Q tells them "They are winnING BIG"
3:40.75 - 3:46.25P, The Vatican, the Queen, Rothschild, Soros, Munk, Rockefeller - we have all failed
3:46.50 - 3:49.00Our symbolism has been our downfall
3:53.75 - 3:56.00We have been beaten by a bunch of Anons
#3362483 at 2018-10-06 12:48:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4260 But There's Moar! Edition
There are a lot of woke, patriotic professors out there… includING ones who have preferred to lose their jobs rather than bow to the libtards in academia.
Heck, some of them are on this board right now. They're not all bad. Some of the are are doING some serious MAGA-ING as wel speak.
#3348984 at 2018-10-05 17:35:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4243: Lunatic Liberals Edition
[Fish]ING is fun, huh?
#3348636 at 2018-10-05 17:12:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4242: Commie Protester Edition
Anon's work week has just ended!
I heard Collins of Maine might vote NO!
WTF is wrong with these people? They just don't f#$%ING GET IT!
Limberger just said that Fakenews hasn't disclosed the fact of Boyfriends letter and connections to f_b_i how many times blasey-ford changed her story!
I think it should be memed, Ill try doING that.
#3342866 at 2018-10-05 05:54:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4235 Anniversary Bake Edition
Major apology for this small nibble of bread but is there more goING on here? and maybe I just sorta gotta peek of understand ING comms? and I am still utterly clueless but somethING just connected in the noggin? and goING back to lurkING…..
#3341662 at 2018-10-05 04:25:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4234: One Year Anniversary of "CBTS" Edition
<non-baker bitchING about a baker askING for help with simple formattING of notables
I do this a lot, its pasta:
[post link] [description of notable]
am I "dictat(ING) rules" by doING that?
ffs, not slidING on this
#3335309 at 2018-10-04 23:02:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4226: Rapid Fire Edition
Concern Over Stonewall's 'Extreme Transgender Politics' as LGBT Group Sets Schools Agenda
There has been mountING concern over Stonewall's "extreme transgender politics" - even amongst supporters - as the LGBT lobby group's power over scho0ls and elsewhere is on the rise.
The Times reported on Thursday that "leadING members of the lesbian, gay, transsexual and intersex community" have spoken out against Stonewall's dogmatic stance on transgender issues, accusING it of "demonisING as transphobic" anyone who voices views which dissent from the NGO's stance on transgender access to women-only spaces.
In a petition which notes that the Government's consultation on allowING individuals to change sex on the basis of "self-identification" is due to end later this month, campaigners includING former Queer Up North campaigner, Jonathan Best; transsexual rights activist, Miranda Yardley; former Stonewall fundraiser, Kate Harris, and feminist journalist Julie Bindel stressed it was "important that there should be debates amongst us all about transgender politics and the rights of women and girls".
"Stonewall disagrees and calls debate on this matter of public policy transphobic," the signatories said, accusING the NGO of "undermin[ING] the sex-based rights of women and the concept of homosexuality itself" in its "uncritical" adoption of extremist transgender politics.
They write: "Stonewall's promotion of the concept of 'gender identity', which has it that a man or woman is anyone (of either sex) who identifies as such, is also underminING the basis of lesbian, gay and bisexual identities as orientated around same-sex attraction.
"Lesbians in particular are comING under pressure to accept male-bodied trans women into their spaces and as sexual partners."
AssertING that the LGBT group "has made mistakes in its approach", the petition urges it commit to "fosterING an atmosphere of respectful debate, rather than demonisING as transphobic those who wish to discuss or dissent from Stonewall's current policies".
The petition, and its accompanyING letter to The Times, comes at a time when Stonewall holds increasING power over British classrooms. As Breitbart London reported in February, the group was behind an "LGBT-inclusive" update to all of British education giant Pearson's textbooks, which sees far-left, so-called "social justice" activism pushed across every part of the curriculum.
As well as providING 'free' trainING on how teachers in Britain can best "celebrate" homosexuality, the charity was also behind recent draft education guidelines in Scotland which ordered that children be told "your gender is what you decide" upon first arrivING at school at the age of five.
AccordING to "the agenda promoted by Stonewall", anyone who does not conform to gender stereotypes is likely to be transgender, journalist James Kirkup noted in the Spectator this week, statING it was not surprisING that many people were "deeply uncomfortable" with what is beING dictated by such advocates that "enjoy immense influence in public life today".
#3334043 at 2018-10-04 21:36:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4224: Digits Don't Lie Edition
Red Tide Anonymous 10/04/18 (Thu) 12:38:14 2ea07f (1) No.3330576
Guys the theme song to Rawhide would be a good song for a remake to red tide!
anyone want to go after this for a trollING expedition? I have to go back to
work(go figureMAGA) but thought the talent among the anons would
make this real troll material!
this is were you can get the you tube from the show!
Here are the words:
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies* movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope and throw and brand 'em
Soon we'll be livING high and wide.
My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin'
Be waitING at the end of my ride.
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Here's what i came up with so far/
Troll-in, troll-in, troll-in,
troll-in, troll-in, troll-in
Keep these boneheads groan-in,
though their facts arn't show-in
Red Tide!
TalkING heads will twitter, thinkING
they are better-but the facts arn't
on their side!
This would be a good troll-ING Theme!
#3332820 at 2018-10-04 20:16:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4222: Nothing to See Here Edition
Why is Oprah heil-ING Hitler?
#3331337 at 2018-10-04 18:42:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4220: Now Being Revealed Edition
#3330633 at 2018-10-04 17:43:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4220: Now Being Revealed Edition
Red Tide Anonymous 10/04/18 (Thu) 12:38:14 2ea07f (1) No.3330576
Guys the theme song to Rawhide would be a good song for a remake to red tide!
anyone want to go after this for a trollING expedition? I have to go back to
work(go figureMAGA) but thought the talent among the anons would
make this real troll material!
this is were you can get the you tube from the show!
Here are the words:
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies* movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope and throw and brand 'em
Soon we'll be livING high and wide.
My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin'
Be waitING at the end of my ride.
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Here's what i came up with so far/
Troll-in, troll-in, troll-in,
troll-in, troll-in, troll-in
Keep these boneheads groan-in,
though their facts arn't show-in
Red Tide!
TalkING heads will twitter, thinkING
they are better-but the facts arn't
on their side!
This would be a good troll-ING Theme!
#3330576 at 2018-10-04 17:38:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4219: TRUTH Wins American Hearts Edition
Guys the theme song to Rawhide would be a good song for a remake to red tide! anyone want to go after this for a trollING expedition? I have to go back to work(go figureMAGA) but thought the talent among the anons would make this real troll material!
this is were you can get the you tube from the show!
Here are the words:
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies* movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope and throw and brand 'em
Soon we'll be livING high and wide.
My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin'
Be waitING at the end of my ride.
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Here's what i came up with so far/
Troll-in, troll-in, troll-in,
troll-in, troll-in, troll-in
Keep these boneheads groan-in,
though their facts arn't show-in
Red Tide!
TalkING heads will twitter, thinkING
they are better-but the facts arn't
on their side!
This would be a good troll-ING Theme!
#3327769 at 2018-10-04 13:50:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4216: Faceless, Fameless and Fearless Edition
The most profound idea he lays out is that there is an inescapable inevitability, for even the most powerful and technically capable among us, that all of our data will be known to the worlds greatest powers from birth.
We are beyond the point of no-return for guidING society and our culture towards a more private climate. So, in his words, the answer is that "we all have to be part of managING the ongoING evolution of our cultural, national, commercial, international structures because we can't escape from it."
This is the great awakenING. The reinvigoration of the people to be involved in their representative governance on all levels of analysis.
DurING the blockchain dig, there was an underlyING theme that our privacy is destroyed. The only way to access forbidden data was to do so offline, air-gapped, and even then the threat was real of V&ING. Many said, explicitly, to cherish that which is private still. Your photographs of memories that occurred 20 years ago, cherished family heirlooms that are unknown to the digital world. You must cherish this for they will be the last relics of an age where everythING about you, your family, and you're community is known from the beginnING. From inception you will be thrust into this system with the worlds most powerful players. It smacks of totalitarianism, and if we don't grab it by the reigns now, we will be unable to steer it away from chaos.
JA believes there is somethING unstable about civilization. This is why it seems that we are alone in this universe. As technology advances far beyond our physical forms' capability of processING, and participatING in it, we rely more and more on derivative intelligence (AI) that is trained by our every day interactions with "dumbed down" interfaces with the digital world. This amplifies our best and worst traits and we risk escalatING normal human destructive competition to a degree where it is out of control and we destroy ourselves.
This is a fight over the battleline between good and evil that runs down every mans heart. We are now subjects within a global, interconnected social culture. We either grab it tight and control it, or we descend into slaves.
#3323363 at 2018-10-04 03:57:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4210 Justice K Confirmation [Weekend] Edition
#3317778 at 2018-10-03 21:24:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4203: The Mad Hatter and Alice Edition
502'ING bad today.
#3312135 at 2018-10-03 15:59:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4196: Hazelnut Shortbreads Edition
>>3312078 They sound like Ahab's soliloquie on die-ING strapped to Moby Dick!
#3311459 at 2018-10-03 15:09:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4195: Prepare For "Sky Is Falling" Week Edition
sofa kING hanoi ING
juice juice juice
#3310324 at 2018-10-03 13:28:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4193: Warm And Cozy Kitchen Edition
Sympathy hogg ING cabalists
#3289097 at 2018-10-02 03:18:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4166: Over To The Night Crew Edition
I don't question 'it' in the least
I am all for Q & DJT
What I am wonderING if this certain thING in the world that I believe is connected is somethING I should keep meme-ING on
I know it is, but Q has been silent on it
Either for a VERY good purpose, or it's just not part of the plan
It would be good to know
I'd like to know if I should keep doING what I'm doING, or if it's not part of the Q plan
#3287978 at 2018-10-02 02:10:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4165: First Day Of Red October Edition
Americans livING abroad have also been much less subject to MSM/ARM, chemtrailING, and other cabal dumbING-down measures.
I'm seeING a lot of Americans abroad MAGA-ING with much less resistance than compatriots back home simply because Thailand and other countries tend not to be overrun with libtards, antifa, and SJWs.
#3285808 at 2018-10-01 23:53:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4162: POTUS LIVE Edition
POTUS is lookING great, looks like he's settled right ING
#3280509 at 2018-10-01 17:50:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4155: POTUS Wants SPEED Edition
Money launderers are takING EU to the cleaners, experts say
EU nations may boast the world's most strINGent anti-money launderING rules, but recent scandals show that criminals are good at exploitING the bloc's Achilles' heel
Dutch bankING giant ING axed its top financial officer followING a scandal over the firm's failure to vet clients for potential money launderING activities.
In March, Malta's financial services watchdog froze the assets of Pilatus Bank after the bank's chairman was arrested for allegedly circumventING US sanctions in Iran.
And in February, US authorities accused Latvia's third-largest lender ABLV of large-scale money launderING with connections to North Korea's nuclear weapons development programme.
Other European bankING giants, includING HSBC, Societé Generale and BNP Paribas have been fined millions of dollars in recent years for failING to put in place sufficient anti-money launderING controls.
"It's a good sign that these cases are comING to light, but it remains a concern that the United States has to flag the problem," said Brillaud at Transparency International EU.
#3279261 at 2018-10-01 16:17:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4153: Discernment and Wisdom Save the Day Edition
it F….ING A triggered me. i'm a bit easily triggered lately, i admit, but still. BS F…ING flag at a packers game. shit on that.
#3278570 at 2018-10-01 15:10:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4153: Discernment and Wisdom Save the Day Edition
i have a meme-ING problem
#3278541 at 2018-10-01 15:05:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4153: Discernment and Wisdom Save the Day Edition
Meme-ING could become addictive.
#3277209 at 2018-10-01 11:15:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4151: Midnight Cofveve eBake Edition
I just put it all in one post for easy "notable"ING. Other anons noticed it and mentioned the meanING, which is why I did the links with the graphic.
#3276690 at 2018-10-01 09:00:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4150: Big Week Ahead Edition
Thanks for your info. Ill dig into it more. One of my friends whos prior military always finds fake fb account s with his pics. I always thought they were just catfish ING people with them maybe theres more
#3273243 at 2018-10-01 02:38:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4146: Hang In There Justice K Edition
shitpost ING crap in a twat for macabre shitlords
#3272103 at 2018-10-01 01:22:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4144: Sunday Night Sportsball Edition
The kek-ING is killING me today!
#3270967 at 2018-09-30 23:56:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4143 Define Treason, Define Subversion Edition
The kek-ING just doesn't stop
#3270246 at 2018-09-30 23:07:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4142 Hot in the Kitchen, Anons on Fire Edition
kek-ING hard
#3267860 at 2018-09-30 20:15:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4139: It was Safeway in My Hippocampus Edition
Can you hear the crowd cheerING?
The football match is about to begin!
#3253264 at 2018-09-29 21:25:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4120: WE STAND TOGETHER Edition
that's what holds me back.
If start meme-ING with any strength or frequency they just throw me off.
It sucks to keep havING to start over again.
I reserve it for important moments.
Also if a gang of us go all at once?
I guess we'd all get banned.
As soon as I get high numbers of views, I get locked out.
#3252052 at 2018-09-29 20:18:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4119: Saturday Shill Free Edition
No "Splash", Q. Bad thINGs seem to be happenING when thINGs are "Splash"ING.
#3251205 at 2018-09-29 19:26:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4117: FFFFFFFake News/HWood Puppets Lost Control Edition
Secret Re-burial Of
Karl Marx In London
LONDON, Nov. 26 (A.A.P.).–Five gravediggers, workING by
the light of oil lamps, on Wednesday night dug up the coffin of Karl
Marx, founder of Communism, from an obscure corner of Highgate
cemetery, North London, says the "Daily Express."
They moved it to a new
grave 200 yards away, on
the cemetery's main path-
The gravediggers were
sworn to secrecy, so that for
the two days since then the
steady trickle of "pilgrims"
who always are visitING
Marx's grave, stood in fact
by an empty grave, says the
No headstone marks the
new grave-only a stake and
a square of rope
The "Daily Express" says
that witl Marx's coffin were
moved the coffins of three
other people buried with him
They were his wife, Jenny
Marx, who died in 1881, his
five-year-old grandson, Harry
Longuet, who died in 1883,
and Helena Demuth. a ser-
vant, who died in 1890
Marx died on March 14,
1883, aged 65
The gravediggers met at
the cemetery gates at mid
night, silently rigged a can-
dis screen around the old
grave, and later carried the
coffin to the spot where a
cedar tree had been felled
to make room for it.
The "Daily Express" quotes
a Home Office official as say-
ING that the Home Secretary
granted a licence foi* the ex-
humation of Karl Marx to
a firm of solicitors.
I AccordING to the "Daily
Express," the Marx Memorial
Committee, through its secre-
tary Mr. John W. Morgan,
ordered the exhumation.
Yesterday, in the quiet
Marx Memorial Library at
Clerkenwell Green, once
the office of Lenin, Marx's
greatest disciple, Mr. Morgan
said: "For 20 years I have
looked forward to the day
when a Marx memorial would
be raised. He was a simple
man and must be happy in
a simple grave."
The "Daily Express" com-
ments: "The not-so-simple
memorial will be in polished
black granite, with bronze
figures on a stepped base
lift square-three times the
area of Marx's old grave."
Ont craftsman who
tendered to build the
memorial told the paper: "It
will take six months to make
and could cost £5,000."
When the memorial is built
it will be known as "the
original restING place of Karl
Marx," although the old
grave, hidden among scores
of others and inscribed
"Karl Marx," will be retained.
#3248013 at 2018-09-29 14:32:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4113: Harvest Season Edition
I share your outrage over that goofy pms-ING hysterical bimbo.The only difference is I would not attempt to kick Flake in the groin as I have known for a long time it is void, a vast black hole, and my knee would be lost to be forever in search of his balls. Reasonable women are pissed. We number in the millions. Those who are normal democrats in my family are disgusted. Be careful of the homicidal thoughts. We have a long way to go in this ordeal and if those thoughts become pervasive, you will burn out before the end or allow the to otherwise control you. But hair pullING and nail diggING thoughts can be fun.
#3245322 at 2018-09-29 05:59:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4110 - Mormon Corn Flakes Edition
man I messed that up
too many hours of q-ING
#3240541 at 2018-09-29 00:33:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4104: Based Tucker Edition
Why did she refer to it as "BLACK"ING out? Let's call her a racist!
#3237485 at 2018-09-28 21:15:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4100: Due Diligence Edition
Republicans went on and on about how pointless the FBI investigations were, Democrats really, really wanted one.
Flake does what he did, and now FBI investigation is to take place.
Democrats should be careful what they wish for? Could the FBI find dirt that democrats didn't want? Who knows.
Another [fish]ING trip it would seem.
#3235546 at 2018-09-28 19:09:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4097: Trust the Plan Edition
capable of beING believed; believable: a credible statement.
worthy of belief or confidence; trustworthy
tendING to compel, as to force or push toward a course of action; overpowerING: There were compellING reasons for their divorce.
havING a powerful and irresistible effect; requirING acute admiration, attention, or respect: a man of compellING integrity; a compellING drama.
That is a serious misqote.
Gotta giv it to trump. he knows his words well ;)
#3231396 at 2018-09-28 15:24:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4092: No Moar Two-Door Ford Edition
Hillary Clinton: 'If that f-ING bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses'
i thought it was just figurative , military tribunals make it much moar literal .
who is the we /
#3226305 at 2018-09-28 05:03:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4085: Hive Mind Edition
(I'm not tryING to thumb my nose, I just can't quickly find what I was lookING for; which is after the "break". If Q wants to go with Hive Mind, then I'll go with Hive Mind. Future Proves Past, either way.)
Part 30 - I was bakING Mandel Bread, like Mom, from Bubbie's recipe.
Not a drone, I have Free will.
Not a hivemind, a Collection Conscious.
Not just a 1 of many, but a Self Contained Individual Unit.
Self Awareness, like a Cosmic Pun, is Awe Full, ain't it? ;)
Apparently I misplaced this whole schtick about Ants, Ents, GiANTS, GiENTS, and Qookie Qrumbs….
This is from somethING unrelated, but it fits, so enjoy:
The next entry will be an addition to this one. Gonna take a sec for me to trace out all the dragons I was seeING last night before I had to go bed. There's also an Ant head.
What is an Ant? A mostly female Hivemind, run by a Queen, not The Father.
How do you get ants?
Crumbs. Cookie crumbs. Qookie crumbs.
Qookie qrumbs lead to Ants-Wars.
What was the French Revolution about? Bread.
What were they told to eat? Qake.
Sweets attract Ants.
Off with their heads.
What is 4chan? An Army of (mostly) Male Frogs.
What do Frogs eat?
Frogs followING Qrumbs to find Ants-wars.
Kek-ING their heads off.
#3221930 at 2018-09-28 01:37:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4079: The "FEINSTEIN" Edition
Google would "top-page-lock" any attack articles that Gawker was ordered to generate, on Musk's competitors so that no outside IT service could get those attack articles removed from the top position. This made them stay on the top lines of Google's search pages forever. Even when lawyers wrote to Google to demand removal of the character assassination "lock-in's: on the top of Google's search pages, they were told: "Get a subpoena and then we might think about it..". This "lock-in tactic" destroyed the life, and reputation of a famous wrestler, which may lead to Gawker's final down-fall, in exchange for destroyING so many other lives, out of shear spite.
Musk has been proven to have lied, mismanaged and engaged in a commodity tradING scheme with Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs has already been hauled before Congress once, to start the investigation of this commodity monopolization scheme.
The rogue spy firm attack services group: In-Q-Tel, provided staff to Musk. In-Q-Tel staff now help run his Space X company. Space X was given most of NASA, Ames Moffet Field, and free private jet fuel as a gift in exchange for conduit-ING campaign fundING.
Musk was forced to give his patents away for free, because they were not only found to have no value, but to also accidentally disclose, within the very text of the patents themselves, the fact that Musk's batteries could be lethal and destructive in spontaneous explosions, accordING to the Tesla engineers who wrote the patent, three of whom suddenly, and strangely, died in the same airplane crash.
A large number of employees, customers, partners, wives and investors have sued Musk for fraud. Clinical psychologists have openly analyzed Musk, in the media, as a sociopath. Musk has bought hundreds of magazine articles and TV shows about himself due to his narcissistic nature.
Musk is now workING on a railroad project called the "Hyperloop", with Dianne Feinstein's railroad-kINGpin husband's company, in order to seek to acquire more federal cash. All three of Musk's companies would not exist without nearly $10 Billion dollars of federal kick-back cash and "favors" Musk has received. The State of California has given him nearly 80 million tax dollars via the Controller: Lockyer and other State Officials. California Attorney General Kamala Harris refuses to investigate due to campaign connections.
Surrounded by private jets, fashion "models", and other corrupt billionaires, and with the protection of the United States Secretary of Energy, The U.S. Attorney General, The California State Attorney General and the President (All of whom have now been Sunshine disclosure-proven to have been placed in office by Doerr's "Silicon Valley Cartel"), Musk and Doerr believed themselves to be "untouchable" (Just like Al Capone)and able to get away with anythING, without consequences. All of the above data appears in many journals outside of the U.S. but it is never allowed to appear on Cartel owned: Reddit, Google, Hearst Publications, Facebook or other Cartel controlled U.S. media (Doerr/Schmidt/Musk Cartel groups now control almost 75% of U.S. digital media)
#3221127 at 2018-09-28 00:56:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4078: "WELCOME ABOARD JUSTICE K" Edition
/r/ING one of the prosecutor please
i don't know why people keep sayING they stopped usING her, she said she had no further questions
she performed a very important role today
#3220041 at 2018-09-28 00:09:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4077: "Welcome aboard, Judge K" Edition
I will reply to this shill only once. Do you even KNOW who we are? Do you have a sINGle fu–ING clue? If you have lurked long enough you should know that this kind of desecration only stokes us up. Do some research. Use your brain instead of your anus.
#3208955 at 2018-09-27 16:02:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4062: Indelible In The Hippocampus Edition
This pissed me off from the beginnING. A professional woman does not speak with a lilt at the end of each sentence. Sounds like a f-ING Valley girl.
#3202671 at 2018-09-27 04:09:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4054: The Greatest Show On Earth Edition
>>3202653 Afternoon while POTUS was BttF-ING the
Security council!
#3200846 at 2018-09-27 01:55:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4052: Shut Up Mazie Edition
If your board has threads that 404, read this:
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3. Simply post in the thread. If you don't want to leave any traces of this, click on Delete post.
Also, this works if your board has already been restored, but still 404s. In that case, just post anywhere and it should be fine.
>>3178626 <<from codemonkey regardING server upgrades
you will end up here with a 404>>> https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3178012.html#3178626
copy and paste this link:
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VIOLA you got to the 404'd thread.
#3198323 at 2018-09-26 23:00:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4048: The Con Job Edition
/r/ING xbox one edition pl0x mad props
#3195628 at 2018-09-26 19:36:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4045: China is Ripping US Off Edition
Analysts: EU Vehicle for Iran Trade Viable Only for Small Firms Unrelated to US
The legal entity which the European Union has proposed to facilitate its trade with Iran bypassING US sanctions on Iranian bankING operations may only work for smaller companies havING no relation to the United States, experts told Sputnik.
Earlier this week, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini announced that the five states which had remained committed to the Iran nuclear deal decided on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly to establish a special purpose vehicle (SPV) that would facilitate legitimate tradING of European companies with Iran amid US sanctions against Tehran.
No exact dates have been agreed for launchING the mechanism though, accordING to the European Commission.
FollowING Mogherini's announcement, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that he was "disturbed and indeed deeply disappointment" by the news, while US National Security Advisor John Bolton said that the United States would be "watchING the development of this structure" and stressed that WashINGton would not allow "Europe or anybody else" to circumvent its sanctions.
Limitations of Mechanism
On November 4, a new wave of US sanctions will directly hit Iran's oil exports and bankING operations and de facto disconnect the Middle East state from international financial channels. If the Iran deal is to be saved, it is now urgent for the remainING JCPOA signatories to implement the SPV initiative.
"From what I understand, it would look like a clearING house, when Europe imports oil from Iran, the money will go to the SPV, and if a machine is sold by a European company in Iran, the payment will be made via the SPV. This mechanism would 'immunize' buyers and sellers by avoidING transactions in dollars that could expose them to US sanctions. Oil is the only counterpart that Iran can give. It allows oil revenues to be used to import goods," Karsten Brzeski, the chief analyst for the Dutch ING Bank, told Sputnik.
Such a mechanism could only work, however, for companies without any exposure to the United States, the analyst warned.
"As soon as there is exposure to the United States, I would guess that the US administration could impose direct or indirect pressure on companies not to use the SPV," Brzeski said.
#3186741 at 2018-09-26 02:03:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4034: Trolling The Creepy Porn Lawyer Edition
KEK-ING my ass off at the Basta Clown, brah! How u?
#3186608 at 2018-09-26 01:54:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4034: Trolling The Creepy Porn Lawyer Edition
Does anyone have a cap of this from codemonkey on the server upgrades?
It's 404'ING for me.
#3185158 at 2018-09-26 00:14:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4032: We Embrace The Doctrine Of Patriotism Edition
Bread 4030 is 404'ING?
#3179893 at 2018-09-25 17:08:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4025: Embracing the Doctrine of Patriotism Edition
Albright: EU Confused About What US is SayING & DoING Under 'Dangerous' Trump
The Clinton Administration-era secretary of state, who presided over the bombING of Yugoslavia and defended the devastatING US sanctions against Iraq, which led to the deaths of some 500,000 Iraqi children, has renewed her attack against the US president and other conservative leaders around the world.
In an interview with Spain's La Razon newspaper, Madeleine Albright, who recently accused Trump of bolsterING "fascism and the tendencies that lead to fascism" worldwide, admitted that she didn't believe the president himself was a fascist.
"I want to make it clear that I'm not callING Trump a fascist, but I do believe he is the most undemocratic president in modern US history," Albright said, speakING to the Spanish-language daily. "He believes he can be above the law, he doesn't respect institutions, and he insults the media by callING them the 'enemy of the people', " the former secretary complained.
TurnING to the 2020 elections, Albright said that "it would be very bad if Trump were reelected. I have been to Europe many times recently, and leaders here are very confused about what the United States is sayING and doING, and it seems that six more years of Trump would be very dangerous," she said. AccordING to Albright, while she continues to believe that the United States is "the indispensable nation," that doesn't' mean that the US can "go it alone" in world affairs.
Albright stressed that Trump's opponents were now "workING very hard" ahead of the upcomING midterm election to elect a Congress which could serve a counterweight to Trump.
Attack on Putin and Orban
TurnING to other world leaders, Albright called Russian President Vladimir Putin a threat to Europe, and accused him of seekING to "undermine democracy in Central and Eastern Europe and return[ING] those areas to the Russian sphere of influence." She charged Putin with tryING to "separate" Europe from the US, and claimed that Moscow "wants to undermine American democracy," reiteratING a baseless claim she has repeated many times before.
EmphasizING that she was "a great defender of NATO," Albright suggested that the alliance's "most important problem now" was "the behavior of Turkey, one of its key members, because it is buyING weapons from Russia." Albright also defended NATO's expansionism, sayING it's "not about American expansionism, but about the desire of countries to be part of the alliance."
#3175933 at 2018-09-25 07:45:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4020 Baked Harvest Moon Edition
This Brett Kavanaugh smear is so frustratING.
The clown traitor Avenatti is f–ING ridiculous.
I really feel sorry for Kavanaugh and his family.
1. Put Kavanaugh in SC.
2. Drop FISA
3. Bye bye RR
4. Win midterms
5. 2019 military tribunals
1. Drop FISA
2. Bye bye RR
3. Win midterm
4. Put Kavanaugh in SC.
5. 2019 military tribunals
Call me if you need help hangING these traitors after the military tribunals.
It would be my pleasure, I would do it for free.
I might even pay money to join the execution team.
My wish list:
1. Clown traitor Avenatti
2. Turd face Brennan
3. No name (taken)
4. Hysterical Maxine retard Waters
5. James Clowney
6. Hitlary Rotten Clinton
7. The puppet traitor Obama
8. George the nazi Soros
#3174658 at 2018-09-25 04:46:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #4018: Levels Of TDS Never Seen Before Edition
Texas school administrator calls Michael Avenatti a 'lyING piece of s***,' gets suspended
A Texas private school administrator sent a vulgar message to high-profile attorney Michael Avenatti on Twitter late Sunday night that got a lot more attention than he ever could have imagined - and now he's been suspended from his job, accordING to KTVT-TV.
Butch Groves, Head of Upper School at the Oakridge School in ArlINGton, sent a private direct message to Avenatti, which the attorney decided to make extremely public.
"Meet @butchgroves, the Head of Upper School at The Oakridge School in ArlINGton, TX," Avenatti tweeted along with screenshots of Groves' message and profile. "I have never met him before or communicated with him but here is his message to me earlier tonight. The parents of Oakridge must be so proud to have this man teachING their sons and daughters."
What did the message say?
Avenatti, best known as the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, has been in the news most recently for sayING he has a client with damagING allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
It's unclear what aspect of Avenatti's reputation Grove took issue with when he sent the followING message: "You are a f*ING douchebag. You lyING piece of s*."
More than 16,000 people had retweeted Avenatti's tweet of the screenshots as of Monday night, and the message eventually caught the attention of Groves' employer.
What did the school say?
The Oakridge School issued a statement Monday announcING the suspension and sayING that Groves' message violated the school's policy regardING online communication.
"Butch Groves, Head of Upper School, sent an inappropriate private message to attorney Michael Avenatti from his personal social media account. I have been in contact with Mr. Groves who has admitted to the communication; he deeply regrets his comments and the negative attention brought to the school.
"That said, The Oakridge School has clear policies in place regardING online and face-to-face communications," the statement continued. "Oakridge employees are expected to maintain the respect, dignity and professionalism that is consistent with our mission. Mr. Groves' conduct was unacceptable and inconsistent with these policies and standards. I have therefore suspended Mr. Groves indefinitely as we conclude our investigation."