8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (17,791)
#14599206 at 2021-09-17 04:00:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18467: Do not go to the FBI rally on September 18 in DC. Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14598086 at 2021-09-17 01:25:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18466: History Repeats Itself But It Is Different This Time Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14596053 at 2021-09-16 20:16:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18463: Eugenics Big Sus, Thin Red Lines, NUREMBERG Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14595046 at 2021-09-16 17:49:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18462: DURHAM HABBENING, GUARDIANS Edition
Watchdog ready to fine Google, Facebook, Twitter for refusal to delete banned content
Vadim Subbotin clarified that the decision would be taken regarding those who systematically violate the requirements of the regulator
MOSCOW, September 16. /TASS/. Russia's media watchdog is ready to use turnover-based fines against Google, Facebook and Twitter over their refusal to delete banned content, deputy head of the watchdog Vadim Subbotin told reporters.
"As for turnover-based fines - in the near future we will be making a decision on the application of such fines against a number of companies. As for the companies, for which we already have grounds [for penalties] we are going to use it [turnover-based fine]. These are the foreign companies - Facebook, Google and Twitter," he said.
Subbotin clarified that the decision would be taken regarding those who systematically violate the requirements of the regulator.
"This is a more serious matter because to date we already have court verdicts on imposing fines worth more than 130 mln rubles ($1.8 mln) that came into effect. By the way, Twitter still has not paid fines imposed by three verdicts," he said.
The deputy head of the media watchdog said there is information that some big Western companies provide technical assistance in bypassing blocked content and promoting internet resources through which it is possible to spread extremist content and undertake illegal campaigning.
"We are now taking certain technical steps and we are doing it quite successfully," he said.
#14594177 at 2021-09-16 15:19:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18461: Audits Rinos and Watch The Water Oh my Edition
VVAX313 up over Richmond VA. Some C-130 jock has a sense of humor.
#14593981 at 2021-09-16 14:46:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18461: Audits Rinos and Watch The Water Oh my Edition
>Pharma is something that touches worldwide, money maker
~ lest not forget the BANKER$ n LAWYER$
FINEL_y PRINTED_MONE_y N $HareHolder$ n $AC$ofGOALd
#14592983 at 2021-09-16 08:20:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18460: Morning Light, Comfy Fight Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14592706 at 2021-09-16 06:46:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18459: Qomfy Moonlight Ride Edition
Alright alright I'll turn the ac off
In a little while
#14590436 at 2021-09-16 00:57:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18456: AUKUS They're laughing in our faces Edition
Special Government Employees (SGEs)
According to the United States Office of Government Ethics:
Some ethics provisions that apply to executive branch employees apply differently to an employee who qualifies as a "special Government employee" (SGE), or do not apply at all.
Congress created the SGE category in 1962 when it revised the criminal conflict of interest statutes. Congress recognized the need to apply appropriate conflict of interest restrictions to experts, consultants, and other advisers who serve the Government on a temporary basis. On the other hand, Congress also determined that the Government cannot obtain the expertise it needs if it requires experts to forego their private professional lives as a condition of temporary service. Since 1962, the SGE category has been used in a number of statutes and regulations as a means of tailoring the applicability of some restrictions.
As defined in 18 U.S.C. § 202, an SGE is an officer or employee who is retained, designated, appointed, or employed to perform temporary duties, with or without compensation, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days. The SGE category should be distinguished from other categories of individuals who serve executive branch agencies but who are not employees, such as independent contractors (who are generally not covered by the ethics laws and regulations at all). Also, although many SGEs serve as advisory committee members, not all members of advisory committees are SGEs.
The following lists have been obtained from various agencies, of their list of SGEs.
Defense Intelligence Agency
DIA Special Government Employees, requested 11/15/13 [31 Pages, 14.2MB]
Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Special Government Employees, requested 11/15/13 [4 Pages, 0.9MB]
#14589019 at 2021-09-15 21:50:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18454: Treason Inferno Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14588172 at 2021-09-15 19:19:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18453: FBI on the Block Edition
18453 * 751 * 10 = 138,582,030 words…
that is using 10 words per post
How Long Does It Take to Read 1,000,000 Words?
Answer: 1,000,000 words will take about 55.6 hours to read for the average reader.
Typical documents that are 1,000,000 words or more include full-length novels.
130 * 56 = 7,280 hours to read 130M words
#14588073 at 2021-09-15 19:01:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18453: FBI on the Block Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14587632 at 2021-09-15 17:54:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18453: FBI on the Block Edition
Director Wray: We [at the FBI] have made some real doozies of mistakes over 130 years.
#14583808 at 2021-09-15 04:05:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18448: From Sea to Shining Sea Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14581153 at 2021-09-14 22:00:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18445: Black Swans, Black Dogs, and 50 Shades of Rino Edition
Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.
Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
R. Ámen~
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +.
#14579845 at 2021-09-14 18:58:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18443: 'Treason it is then!' Edition
Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).
Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).
Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +
#14572683 at 2021-09-13 22:34:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18434: Blinken Blinked First Edition
Chek't Satanic Trips while discussing AC/DC.
Works fine here. I can repost.
#14571744 at 2021-09-13 19:20:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18432: "More people will die if I'm recalled" -Newsom Edition
We are all being shown something else as well…
Q hasn't posted since the election.
The board shows approximately 100-130 UIDs during the day.
Yet the media still attacks Q on a daily basis.
Why are they so afraid of something that hasn't shown its "face" in many months now?
#14569792 at 2021-09-13 11:39:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18430: Enter The Comfy Edition
>there's nothing more I'd love to know than what colour underwear you got on
Fine… it's black.
But only because it's you AC <3
#14568508 at 2021-09-13 04:11:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18428: Gen Flynn AZ Audit Is Key to Restoring Integrity Of US Elections Edition
Biden's Total Financial Surveillance
What if every one of your noncash financial transactions was automatically reported to a beefed-up, audit-hungry IRS?
Imagine living in a world where every one of your noncash financial transactions-a restaurant meal, a Venmo transfer to a friend, maybe some bitcoin bought on the dips-was automatically reported to a beefed-up, audit-hungry IRS.
That dystopia will become a reality if President Joe Biden gets his way. Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and key Capitol Hill allies such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are pushing a vast, intrusive financial surveillance system in the name of closing the "tax gap."
But don't worry: There's no need to fear if you've got nothing to hide.
"For already compliant taxpayers, the only effect of this regime is to provide easy access to summary information on financial accounts and to decrease the likelihood of costly 'no fault' examinations," the Treasury Department said this May in a nakedly authoritarian document called "The American Families Plan Tax Compliance Agenda." But "for noncompliant taxpayers," the department continues, "this regime would encourage voluntary compliance as evaders realize that the risk of evasion being detected has risen noticeably."
The administration's proposed "comprehensive financial account reporting regime" would dramatically increase the types of financial institutions and transactions exposed to the feds' prying eyes. "All business and personal accounts from financial institutions, including bank, loan, and investment accounts," would be forced to "report gross inflows and outflows" to the IRS. And not just bank accounts: The dragnet would now include PayPal, settlement companies, and "crypto asset exchanges," for starters.
The new domestic surveillance program, which requires congressional approval, is one prong of a tripartite strategy for transforming the entire global financial system into a harmonious, haven-free collection funnel to the IRS. The second part, which has taken up the bulk of Biden's multilateral diplomacy thus far, is getting the industrialized world to agree on a global minimum corporate tax of 15 percent, while setting up a system to prevent multinational companies from registering their profits in the lowest-tax jurisdictions.
Cutting corporate taxes is "a self-defeating competition," Yellen said in April, "and neither President Biden nor I are interested in participating in it anymore. We want to change the game."
In July, representatives from 130 countries, including finance ministers from the G-20 representing the world's richest democracies, agreed in principle to a worldwide minimum corporate tax. "We have a chance now to build a global and domestic tax system," Yellen crowed. "The race to the bottom is one step closer to coming to an end."
The agreement still has a significant obstacle to overcome-namely, the legislatures of 130 countries, including the U.S. Congress. But Yellen has some cause to be cocky, because the third prong of Washington's strategy has already been constructed.
In 2009, President Barack Obama promised to generate $210 billion in new tax revenue over 10 years by cracking down on "overseas tax loopholes." While the corporate-tax element of the plan was quickly killed by lobbyists, the individual component remained in the form of the 2010 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). Built on a foundation of American exceptionalism (the U.S. is one of only two countries that tax citizens living abroad), FATCA imposed onerous new annual reporting requirements on Americans with more than $10,000 in overseas financial institutions. The law brazenly threatened international banks if they didn't rat out their U.S. clients to the IRS.
The results were predictable: Expats were locked out of banking services, record numbers of mostly middle-class Americans renounced their U.S. citizenship, and IRS collections went essentially unchanged. But for a very small political price (no one much cares about the estimated 9 million Americans living abroad), Washington was able to bend an entire global financial system to its will.
An IRS with the ability to compel global transaction data sounds like something out of a Philip K. Dick novel. Yet here we are-unless we consciously cover our tracks.
#14563233 at 2021-09-12 05:17:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18422: Pepe Misses Anons, Too Edition
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#14558628 at 2021-09-11 14:55:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18416: #NeverForget #NeverSurrender #NeverQuit -Anonymous Edition
not cell phones, but those gte phones hooked into the ac back of the passenger in front of you headrest.
was looking for beamer specific but did hear others. names don't recall.
#14557939 at 2021-09-11 11:29:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18415: Never Forget Edition
In 2013, Dr. Wen co-authored a book titled, "When Doctors Don't Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests." On page 4 of her book, Dr. Wen criticizes the "cookbook approach" used by most doctors, which "implies there is no deviation from the set recipe even as circumstances change."
A particular excerpt on page 5 also stands out:
"Doctors end up adopting the role of the automaton, following recipes and doing as directed, but no longer empowered to listen, to think, to diagnose, and to heal. Patients end up believing that their role is to help speed the checkbox ticking as quietly and obediently as possible. Worse still, they begin to internalize that this is the best and only way to receive medical care."
In 2013, Dr. Wen also penned an article titled, "When Doctors Don't Listen (And Hangover Leads To Spinal Tap)" covering the story of a college student who came to the emergency room for an intense hangover, only to be told she would need a spinal tap to rule out possible brain hemorrhage. Danielle ends up sneaking out of the hospital instead of moving forward with the medical procedures. Wen writes:
"All of us can sympathize with Danielle. She was young and scared, and she didn't want a procedure that she didn't really need. Instead of a rational discussion with her doctors where she could make sure her story was heard and ask about the risks and benefits of testing, Danielle felt forced into doing something she didn't want to do. She felt trapped-literally-by the doctors and nurses, by the hospital, and by the medical system."
Comparing that to Wen's stick and carrot metaphors for vaccination now, it's hard to believe these things were said by the same person. So when did her authoritarian shift into medical tyranny begin?
In December 2014, Dr. Wen left her job as an ER doctor where she worked as an advocate for patient's voices, according to her own articles, as she was appointed as Baltimore's health commissioner. She oversaw a $130 million budget.
In 2015, Dr. Wen began to shift her perspective of herself and her role in public health. She wrote an article titled, "Unrest in Baltimore: The Role of Public Health" in which she begins to take up the oh-too-familiar social justice narrative that pervades everything we see and hear in our modern Woke landscape.
After that, accolades and praise from large medical institutions such as the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Notre Dame, Washington University School of Medicine, and John's Hopkins, came pouring in. Dr. Wen then appeared along side Barack Obama and Sanjay Gupta at a medical summit in 2016.
She also received media attention within medical circles, named one of Modern Healthcare's 50 Most Influential Physician Executives and Leaders, and in 2018 as one of its Top 25 Minority Physician Executives. And In 2018, Baltimore named her health department the local health department of the year for her work in "health equity."
In other words, once Dr. Wen went woke, the medical community rallied around her and gave her a seat of prominence.
#14555260 at 2021-09-10 23:15:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18412: EBake in the air tonight...
Indian J Med Res. 2020 Jul-Aug; 152(1-2): 130-132.
doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_3077_20
PMCID: PMC7853251
PMID: 32811798
Hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis in COVID-19: Need to revisit dosing regimen
#14551990 at 2021-09-10 10:51:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18407: Too many waking up? WHO Halts Booster Shots in a Panic Edition
This. Too much AC?
#14551958 at 2021-09-10 10:38:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18407: Too many waking up? WHO Halts Booster Shots in a Panic Edition
The target should be 130 over 80 or less.
#14548394 at 2021-09-09 21:34:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research #18403: Audits For the Win and Expel RInos while were at it Edition
I am sure the unvaxed number is much higher. I saw 130 mil this morning that hasn't taken the jab.
#14548311 at 2021-09-09 21:27:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research #18403: Audits For the Win and Expel RInos while were at it Edition
White House fires Trump appointees from service academy boards
By Mike Glenn - The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 8, 2021
The Biden administration on Wednesday told Kellyanne Conway, a former senior counselor in the Trump White House, that she would be fired if she didn't step down from an advisory panel she sits on at the U.S. Air Force Academy.
Mrs. Conway declined the suggestion.
"I'm not resigning, but you should," she replied in a letter to President Biden.
The White House is purging anyone appointed by former President Trump who sits on a Board of Visitors at one of the nation's service academies: the U.S. Military Academy at West Point; the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Air Force Academy.
In her letter to Mr. Biden, Mrs. Conway said the move is a break from presidential norms. Members are usually appointed for three-year terms and some Obama administration holdovers were still serving into the Trump years, she said.
"It certainly seems petty and political, if not personal," Mrs. Conway wrote. "Our service academies will risk being further politicized and polarized."
As the name suggests, the boards are advisory bodies that can offer suggestions and a different perspective from service academy leadership on a variety of issues, ranging from diversity to education.
U.S. Rep. Mark Green, Tennessee Republican, is a West Point graduate and member of the school's Board of Visitors. His appointment to the panel was a result of his position in Congress. In a statement released Wednesday, Mr. Green accused Mr. Biden of "brazenly breaking the law" by firing the 18 Trump appointees.
"Is he afraid they'll conduct actual oversight into the very important challenges each academy faces?" Mr. Green said. "Is he afraid they will shine [a] light on what is being taught at these academies - like Critical Race Theory? Now more than ever, our public institutions need oversight - not political engineering."
The White House acknowledged that the Trump appointees were asked to step down but denied it was a political move.
"The president's objective is what any president's objective is: to ensure you have nominees and people serving on these boards who are qualified to serve on them and who are aligned with your values," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday. "The president's qualification requirements are not your party registration. They are whether you're qualified to serve and if you are aligned with the values of this administration."
Members of the West Point Board of Visitors who were asked to resign include retired Gen. Jack Keane, a former Army vice chief of staff and frequent Fox News commentator, and retired Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, who served as national security adviser under Mr. Trump and has been critical of the Biden administration's pullout from Afghanistan.
Meaghan Mobbs, a West Point graduate and Afghanistan war veteran who now works as an advocate for veterans and military families, also said she isn't going to resign from her Board of Visitors position.
"When I joined the board under the Trump administration, there were holdovers from the Obama administration. They were not terminated but instead served alongside Trump appointees," she said in a statement. "This mix of perspective, experience and belief systems ensured there was diversity - a value the Democratic Party purports to hold above all else."
The move to terminate presidential appointees "sets a dangerous precedent for future administrations and undermines our institutions," Ms. Mobbs said.
In her letter to Mr. Biden, Mrs. Conway said the move to fire the Trump appointees was obviously meant to distract the public from a dismal news cycle, including a rise in COVID-19 cases, inflation and the withdrawal from Afghanistan that left hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afghan allies stranded under Taliban rule.
"Your decision is disappointing but understandable," Mrs. Conway wrote.
#14547279 at 2021-09-09 19:00:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research #18401 Ebake for Victory Edition
how do you deflect from those controlling the money, cause a economic crisis globally. Their rules are always there to stop them going bankrupt if they so choose?
Explainer: Evergrande, China's fragile housing giant
BEIJING (AFP) - Chinese housing giant Evergrande is one of the country's largest and most indebted private conglomerates, teetering on the brink of bankruptcy after years of rapid growth and a buying spree.
Crippled with debt, the firm's Hong Kong-listed shares have collapsed this year on mounting fears for its financial health. Any possible bankruptcy of the group - which claims to employ 200,000 people and indirectly generate 3.8 million jobs in China - would have major repercussions on the country's economy, and possibly the world. Here's what we know about Evergrande.
1. What is Evergrande?
With a presence in more than 280 cities, Evergrande is one of the largest private companies in China and one of its leading real estate developers.
The firm made its wealth over decades of rapid property development and wealth accumulation as China's reforms opened up the economy.
Its president, Xu Jiayin, was ranked as the fifth richest person in the country in a recent wealth report from Hurun.
2. What does it do?
While predominantly a real estate firm, in recent years the group has embarked on an all-out diversification.
Outside of property development, it is now best known in China for its football club Guangzhou FC, formerly Guangzhou Evergrande.
The group is also present in the flourishing mineral water and food market, with its Evergrande Spring brand. It has also built children's amusement parks, which it boasted were "bigger" than rival Disney's.
Evergrande has also invested in tourism, digital operations, insurance, and health.
Some investments have been more successful than others. It's Evergrande Auto electric car, founded in 2019, is not currently marketing any vehicles at all.
Evergrande gets some reprieve from creditors amid default worries
China Evergrande crisis means suppliers get paid in unbuilt properties
3. What are the problems?
In short: debt.
Evergrande has increased acquisitions in recent years, taking advantage of the frenzy in real estate. The group said this week its total liabilities had swelled to 1.97 trillion yuan ($305 billion) and warned of "risks of defaults on borrowings".
Evergrande shares have lost more than 70 percent of their value in one year, and some contractors and suppliers have complained about not being paid on time.
Bloomberg News reported that some creditors of the heavily indebted giant are demanding immediate payback of loans.
Last year, a leaked letter from Xu apparently asked for permission from regulators to restructure prompted market panic - although Evergrande later said it was a fake.
However, the ensuing unrest led the group and its investors to agree to the repayment of some 130 billion yuan of debt.
#14543574 at 2021-09-09 01:08:00 (UTC+1)
#18397: The Tide Has Turned
Anonymous voting...
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#14543171 at 2021-09-08 23:45:34 (UTC+1)
#18396: The I'm Not Saying It Was Ghosts, But It Was Ghosts Edition
> leftist rag...The Hill
i hope The Hill starts straighteneing out now that its been sold to Nexstar
Political news hub The Hill has sold to Nexstar Media Group, a local television news company, for $130 million. The Hill, which positioned …
Aug 21, 2021
#14541656 at 2021-09-08 18:00:30 (UTC+1)
#18394: The Liz Harris And The AZ Canvas Edition
Bataclan Terrorist Declares Himself 'Islamic State Soldier' as Trial Begins
Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving terrorist who took part in the 2015 Bataclan massacre in Paris, has declared himself a soldier of the Islamic State during the first day of his trial.
The trial for the November 13th, 2015, attacks which saw Islamic State terrorists murder 130 people and injured 350 others, began on Wednesday in the special Assize Court of Paris and is expected to last at least nine months.
At the opening of the trial, the court asked Abdeslam to verify his identity, to which he replied, according to CNews: "First of all, I want to testify that there is no god apart from Allah and that Mohammed is his messenger."
The court then asked Abdeslam about his profession, with the Islamist responding: "I gave up any profession to become an Islamic State soldier."
#14539985 at 2021-09-08 13:39:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18391: Needs Media Servers Edition
13 = M
#14539544 at 2021-09-08 10:59:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18392: The Calm Before The Storm Edition
King88 - C-130 out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord on approach to Davis Monthan AFB near Tuscon, not Phoenix. RCH741 and 085691 out of Philly looking to land there in an hour also.
#14534152 at 2021-09-07 09:38:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18386: MILITARY TRIALS Edition
Woke: Robert E. ?Lee Statue Will Come Down In Richmond, Virginia On Wednesday
Virginia's largest monument to the Civil War, a towering statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, is set to come down on this week. Democrat Governor and Black Face wearing Ralph Northam said in a statement Monday, "This is an important step in showing who we are and what we value as a Commonwealth."?
Located on Monument Avenue, it is the largest Confederate statue in the United States and was erected in the month of May, 1890, more than 130 ears ago. It was built as a tribute to a Civil War hero who is now widely seen by liberals as a symbol of racial injustice, according to state officials on Monday.
In Monday's new release, state officials said that preparations for the statue's removal will began at 6 pm on Tuesday when crews will install protective fencing. After the statue is taken down Wednesday, crews on Thursday will remove plaques from the base of the monument and will replace a time capsule that is believed to be there.
The statue will come down on Wednesday, September 8. It will be placed in storage at a state-owned facility until a decision is made on what exactly to do with it. As one of the largest and most recognizable Confederate statues in the country, the removal of the Lee statue is expected to draw huge crowds.
"Protective fencing will be installed to ensure the safety of the crews removing the statue and those who choose to view it in person. This is necessary due to the statue's location in a residential neighborhood and its size. Limited viewing opportunities will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis," the state said Monday.
The 40-foot granite pedestal which currently supports the statue of Lee will remain at its location for now. The pedestal's final arrangement will be determined following a "community-driven effort to reimagine Monument Avenue" spearheaded by the city and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
The Lee statue was created by the internationally renowned French sculptor Marius-Jean-Antonin Mercie and is considered a masterpiece, according to its nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, where it has been listed since 2007.
#14526367 at 2021-09-05 19:44:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18375: Recall Rinos, the Audits must flow Edition
I've often thought the AC comes out of the UN. Bible says he's an Assyrian. I suppose an Assyrian could be in the UN.
Dunno. Time will tell.
#14522584 at 2021-09-05 02:07:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18371: Newsom Has Been Calling The White House In A Panic, Sounds Scared Edition
Eclipse will be over US for 130 minutes. The picture in Q#130 has more meaning than just being a proof.
#14520979 at 2021-09-04 21:15:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18369: [C]rown Off Edition
The official account of National Highways and Motorway Police, Pakistan. For assistance, please dial
Helpline-130, +92-51-9250500-01.
Get ready! #Get_vaccinated before 15th September and carry your certificate along!
Pic here..
NO Vaccine NO Motorway
#14519188 at 2021-09-04 14:38:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18366: Were ballot harvesters getting ballots directly from Runbeck? Edition
can someone dig up
Phares CR, Kapella BK, Doney AC, et al. Presumptive treatment to reduce imported malaria among refugees from East Africa resettling in the United States. Amer J Trop Med Hyg 2011;85(4):612-615.
#14515511 at 2021-09-03 19:46:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18362: EBake New Hand
Like the C-130 that went down, mebbe they installed specially designed avionics with the back door to control already on board, many avionics were using No Name client company ZTE chips. Turn the whole plane into ARF plane, no pilot needed.
#14513043 at 2021-09-03 07:08:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18359: Grassley Final Stage of Maturity, The Corn Kernels Comms Edition
What the hell defines an AC?
#14509717 at 2021-09-02 17:53:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18355: Avast ye hearties, Audits is the Treasure ye seek Edition
Any networking ppl?
Here's my tracert.
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms www.routerlogin.com [---—-]
2 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms
3 13 ms 12 ms 9 ms
4 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms
5 40 ms 36 ms 22 ms ae-17-ar02.stuart.fl.pompano.comcast.net []
6 16 ms 24 ms 17 ms be-40-ar01.northdade.fl.pompano.comcast.net []
7 * 17 ms 18 ms lag-8.ear1.Miami1.Level3.net []
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 48 ms 48 ms 46 ms ae0-3356.nyk10.core-backbone.com []
10 120 ms 121 ms 119 ms ae3-2072.ams10.core-backbone.com []
11 134 ms 128 ms 127 ms core-backbone.serverius.nl []
12 127 ms 128 ms 126 ms
13 130 ms 130 ms 136 ms
14 128 ms 126 ms 125 ms media.8kun.top []
What is going on with the dns
#14507923 at 2021-09-02 10:02:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18352: For God And Comfy Edition
Covid-cops BUSTED conspiring to lay 'trumped-up' charges
Victoria Police officers implicate themselves when they believe the camera stopped rolling. SHARE @Avi Yemini's full report: https://rebelne.ws/3DC8dCy
Rebel News
Pinned by Rebel News
Rebel News
5 hours ago
Full report: https://rebelne.ws/3DC8dCy
SIGN UP: http://YeminiReport.com
Kane Naysmith
Kane Naysmith
4 hours ago
As a proud Australian, I am embarrassed by our government and our Police.
Squirrel And Chick
Squirrel And Chick
5 hours ago
Regardless of feelings, and political divide, when Police threaten to 'trump up charges', then a crime is being committed against a person by the Police.
5 hours ago
Cops turning on the people is a very dangerous line to cross.
todd nesbitt
todd nesbitt
5 hours ago
Well that's handy, no need to trump up false charges on them…
Simon Bedwell
Simon Bedwell
5 hours ago
The police are doing things like this….now image what corruption the doctors and nurses are up to.
5 hours ago
The police can no longer be trusted. They are desperate.
David Bond
David Bond
5 hours ago
Escape that country dude. It's horrifying
British empire No 1 fan
British empire No 1 fan
5 hours ago
Can't believe Australia has come to this we all support your fight for freedom 🇦🇺🇳🇿
Martyn Romaine
Martyn Romaine
4 hours ago (edited)
Hope marty takes this to a lawyer.. this is something MSM would never show and why i never watch MSM
Inane Observations
Inane Observations
4 hours ago
Most of the elderly dying in Melbourne, are the parents of police officers. Dying from shame.
Valerio - 18 years ago [edited]
Valerio - 18 years ago [edited]
5 hours ago
A totalitarian state abusing their power? Shocking.
5 hours ago (edited)
The way the cop looked at the man who asked him if he had an exemption was hilarious!! Then like the little slave he is he put the mark of the beast back on his face!
Matt 123
Matt 123
4 hours ago
Sounds like something Project Veritas would be interested in.
4 hours ago
Keep recording the corrupt cops…Saying I was just following orders is not a defense !! CRIMES AGANIST HUMANITY !!
Helena !
Helena !
5 hours ago
Tired of THEM lying. Cannot believe all these liars.
ibby guy
ibby guy
5 hours ago
The Australian police love planting listening devices on people's properties to try and catch them committing illegal acts but when the tables turn on them and the citizens use the same tactics on them they get upset.
Richard The Eighth
Richard The Eighth
4 hours ago
Australians demand the criminal police get a public flogging and receive jail sentences.
David Ward
David Ward
5 hours ago
As much as Australia is fighting against China they are damn similar…
Anton King
Anton King
5 hours ago
God save the West.
Be strong Australian people!
Fight this nonsense with everything you can!!!
4 hours ago
"State of emergency" police: yes we can do wat we've illegally been doing for years legally now woohoo 😝
Glenn Smethurst
Glenn Smethurst
4 hours ago
VicPol have trashed their community support.
A Royal Commission needs to bring there unlawful and corrupt Police to task.
De Cuevas
De Cuevas
4 hours ago
Good. The whole world is going to be like this if you don't fight from usa. God bless you and us all
David Agiel81
David Agiel81
5 hours ago
I'd love to see people spy on the cops with listening devices.
5 hours ago
Let's throw those cops in jail. Citizen arrest.
Donna Daly
Donna Daly
5 hours ago
Instead of just defending, why not go on the offensive and press criminal charges against these cops? That will send them a message that they are not immune from prosecution.
Ian Kenyon
Ian Kenyon
4 hours ago
This isn't the Oz I grew up in. Shameful.
5 hours ago
#14507861 at 2021-09-02 09:38:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18352: For God And Comfy Edition
California Recall: Gov. Gavin Newsom Visits Bay Area With 14 Days To Go; Turnout To Be Key
>945 views | Sep 1, 2021
With two weeks to go until the recall election, Gov. Gavin Newsom was in the Bay Area to make his case. Meanwhile, experts are saying turnout and enthusiasm will likely be key in determining if Newsom will get to keep his job.
YouTube Politics
YouTube Politics
41 minutes ago
1 hour ago
It's rigged if he wins. When you got George Soro's putting money into your campaign, we in trouble.
2 hours ago
Go out and vote unless you want to turn this state into a shit show like Florida and Texas!
M Ac
M Ac
2 hours ago
I am a Democrat and I have voted to recall Newsom!
Jp Jp
Jp Jp
2 hours ago
The same people who r saying F Larry elder are the ones yelling blm and accuse republicans of being racist yet they don't want a black man as governor
jay inspirated
jay inspirated
2 hours ago
Gavin Newsom has been so bad that his own party voting Republican 😄
Be Nice
Be Nice
3 hours ago
62% of Americans say a 3rd Party is needed.
Source: Gallup
Brayden Williams
Brayden Williams
3 hours ago
Recall the POS who ruined the golden state
3 hours ago
Recall Newsom vote, Kevin Paffrath
Integra DIY
Integra DIY
3 hours ago
1:35 idiot lol 😂 so if a politician is crooked and has FAILED the people, keep him in power???? HUH?
3 hours ago
Recall Newsom, so we can be like Texas where creeps are deputized to stalk pregnant women for money? Or where superspreaders are welcome to class maskless to infect our kids? No, thanks!
Charlie Chen
Charlie Chen
4 hours ago
Vote YES. The Golden State is trashed.
Johnny Walker
Johnny Walker
4 hours ago
Screw Larry Elders
Bay Area Prepper
Bay Area Prepper
4 hours ago
Fuk a vote .. How about some rope? Pretty sure newsom family hung some BP to get his winery
sporq foon
sporq foon
4 hours ago
Walk the Plank!
Darrin Crowell
Darrin Crowell
4 hours ago
Recall Newsom!!!
4 hours ago
Newsom getting a firm backing from his gay constituents.
Erik S
Erik S
4 hours ago (edited)
F Larry elder. No on recall! If you're displeased with Gavin join me in primaryinf him out in 2022.
4 hours ago
Recall Newsom Vote Elder 🇺🇸🙌🏻
Violeta Ortega
Violeta Ortega
4 hours ago
VOTE NO!!!! 💙💙💙
Professor Quiz
Professor Quiz
4 hours ago
Goodbye turd !!
#14504245 at 2021-09-01 19:42:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18348: For God And Country Edition
>avg ppl weight = 130
you're being generous there bud
more like 150 to 180 but I digress
#14504232 at 2021-09-01 19:40:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18348: For God And Country Edition
>200 people max will fit on a C17
C17 max payload is 170.900 lbs
so payload of 170.900 lbs with ppl weighing avg 130lbs = roughly 1315 ppl
can transport the M1 Abrams main battle tank = roughly 60tons
60 tons = 120.000lbs avg ppl weight = 130 = roughly 920 ppl
so yes it is possible
#14496597 at 2021-08-31 12:23:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18339: Breaking! Patriots Rumored To Seek Out New States, And Audit Them Edition
>>14492774 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election
>>14493562 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Milley and Austin to resign immediately
>>14493572, >>14493784 @Resilient_Vet: It's an absolute shitfest to see the Taliban now actually flying US BlackHawk helicopters, hanging people by the throat from them!!
>>14493582, >>14493588, >>14493666 FLASHBACK: President Trump Announces Signing 'Agreement For Bringing Peace' With Taliban In Feb 2020 (What if...?)
>>14493587 Fed officials at site UA Flight 93 crashed 9/?11 passengers & crew thwarted attempt hijack plane, last month quiet burial of 4 shipping containers holding wreckage of plane
>>14493623 Obama Education Secretary Loses His Mind, Compares Anti-Maskers To Kabul Suicide Bombers
>>14493667 I wrote a simple little python script to look at Q Code Anon's theory (I'm not him).
>>14493672 Kamala Harris Backed Afghan Exit Despite Intel Warning Taliban Would Abuse Women Again
>>14492684 Planefag Reports - US Military C 130 curious about San Clemente Island.
>>14493694 CA Auditor: State Agencies Mismanaged COVID-19 Funds
>>14493721 Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity - PDF
>>14493732 WATCH LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken delivers remarks on the situation in Afghanistan
>>14493744 Al-Qaeda Leader Reemerges in Afghanistan Surrounded by Taliban Security as US Military Abandons the Country
>>14493777 Biden Tells DHS Mayorkas to Resettle 'Vulnerable' Afghans
>>14493780 San Diego Proposal On Combatting COVID "Misinformation" Triggers Free Speech Concerns
>>14493790, >>14493928, >>14493968 C2D.LLC (Wilmington, Del) Dig Cont.
>>14493791 Truck drivers begin protest action over vaccines, borders, lockdown on Gold Coast highway
>>14493793 Florida Redistricting Has Dems in a Panic Over Losing the House
>>14493799 'Christian Evangelicals Are America's Taliban': Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban
>>14493807 Ex-Chairman of Los Angeles-Based Church Sentenced to More Than 10 Years in Federal Prison for Stealing $11 Million in Church Funds
>>14493838 Jan. 6 panel seeks records of those involved in 'Stop the Steal' rally
>>14493873 Taliban Hails 'Great Neighbor' China, Renews Promise Not to Let Terrorists Base in Afghanistan
>>14493876, >>14493882 Man hangs from U.S.-supplied Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan
>>14493888, >>14494142 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says major U.S. bank canceled his accounts
>>14493893 New York Woman Gets 45 Years For Recording Herself & Accomplice Raping 3-Year-Old Girl
>>14493897 Democrats in one state actually ban election audits
>>14493917 Gaetjens inquiry into who in Prime Minister's Office knew about Brittany Higgins' allegations of rape suspended
>>14493948 Shocking moment furious anti-vaccine mob ambushes BBC journalist and tells him 'the nooses are ready'
>>14493964 Animal Rights Group Goes After Biden Administration For Allegedly Leaving Service Dogs Behind
>>14494004 Biden Breaks His Promise And Leaves Stranded Americans Behind At The Mercy Of The Taliban
>>14494039, >>14494140 Department Of Defense Tweet - The last American soldier leaves Afghanistan. / Q DROP 757, 1957
>>14494066, >>14494262,GEOTUS Donald J Trump Live On OANN
>>14494094 CODEMONKEYZ - Today I phoned Gov. Doug Duceys office to find out how many Afhan Refugees are coming to AZ.
>>14494108 General Michael Flynn - On the Governor Whitmer Kidnapping case-New text messages reveal the FBI wanted to instigate a more dangerous plot
>>14494123 Russia invites Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & Richard Branson to launch of rocket taking crew to record first feature-film shot in space
>>14494157 School Board Members Quitting Over "Toxic" Parents Who Oppose Mask Mandates, Vaccines, And CRT
>>14494171, >>14494172 Mail-in ballots are changing how election campaigns are run
>>14494176 Judge Orders Hospital to Give Ivermectin to Covid-19 Patient Despite Warnings from Public Health Officials
>>14494196 Secretary Blinken Walks Away, Ignores Reporter Asking About Americans Joe Biden Left Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan (VIDEO)
>>14494264 #18335
#14495784 at 2021-08-31 05:50:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18338: Do not Go, 9/11 Marches 'Are a Trap' Edition
>>14492774 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election
>>14493562 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Milley and Austin to resign immediately
>>14493572, >>14493784 @Resilient_Vet: It's an absolute shitfest to see the Taliban now actually flying US BlackHawk helicopters, hanging people by the throat from them!!
>>14493582, >>14493588, >>14493666 FLASHBACK: President Trump Announces Signing 'Agreement For Bringing Peace' With Taliban In Feb 2020 (What if...?)
>>14493587 Fed officials at site UA Flight 93 crashed 9/?11 passengers & crew thwarted attempt hijack plane, last month quiet burial of 4 shipping containers holding wreckage of plane
>>14493623 Obama Education Secretary Loses His Mind, Compares Anti-Maskers To Kabul Suicide Bombers
>>14493667 I wrote a simple little python script to look at Q Code Anon's theory (I'm not him).
>>14493672 Kamala Harris Backed Afghan Exit Despite Intel Warning Taliban Would Abuse Women Again
>>14492684 Planefag Reports - US Military C 130 curious about San Clemente Island.
>>14493694 CA Auditor: State Agencies Mismanaged COVID-19 Funds
>>14493721 Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity - PDF
>>14493732 WATCH LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken delivers remarks on the situation in Afghanistan
>>14493744 Al-Qaeda Leader Reemerges in Afghanistan Surrounded by Taliban Security as US Military Abandons the Country
>>14493777 Biden Tells DHS Mayorkas to Resettle 'Vulnerable' Afghans
>>14493780 San Diego Proposal On Combatting COVID "Misinformation" Triggers Free Speech Concerns
>>14493790, >>14493928, >>14493968 C2D.LLC (Wilmington, Del) Dig Cont.
>>14493791 Truck drivers begin protest action over vaccines, borders, lockdown on Gold Coast highway
>>14493793 Florida Redistricting Has Dems in a Panic Over Losing the House
>>14493799 'Christian Evangelicals Are America's Taliban': Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban
>>14493807 Ex-Chairman of Los Angeles-Based Church Sentenced to More Than 10 Years in Federal Prison for Stealing $11 Million in Church Funds
>>14493838 Jan. 6 panel seeks records of those involved in 'Stop the Steal' rally
>>14493873 Taliban Hails 'Great Neighbor' China, Renews Promise Not to Let Terrorists Base in Afghanistan
>>14493876, >>14493882 Man hangs from U.S.-supplied Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan
>>14493888, >>14494142 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says major U.S. bank canceled his accounts
>>14493893 New York Woman Gets 45 Years For Recording Herself & Accomplice Raping 3-Year-Old Girl
>>14493897 Democrats in one state actually ban election audits
>>14493917 Gaetjens inquiry into who in Prime Minister's Office knew about Brittany Higgins' allegations of rape suspended
>>14493948 Shocking moment furious anti-vaccine mob ambushes BBC journalist and tells him 'the nooses are ready'
>>14493964 Animal Rights Group Goes After Biden Administration For Allegedly Leaving Service Dogs Behind
>>14494004 Biden Breaks His Promise And Leaves Stranded Americans Behind At The Mercy Of The Taliban
>>14494039, >>14494140 Department Of Defense Tweet - The last American soldier leaves Afghanistan. / Q DROP 757, 1957
>>14494066, >>14494262,GEOTUS Donald J Trump Live On OANN
>>14494094 CODEMONKEYZ - Today I phoned Gov. Doug Duceys office to find out how many Afhan Refugees are coming to AZ.
>>14494108 General Michael Flynn - On the Governor Whitmer Kidnapping case-New text messages reveal the FBI wanted to instigate a more dangerous plot
>>14494123 Russia invites Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & Richard Branson to launch of rocket taking crew to record first feature-film shot in space
>>14494157 School Board Members Quitting Over "Toxic" Parents Who Oppose Mask Mandates, Vaccines, And CRT
>>14494171, >>14494172 Mail-in ballots are changing how election campaigns are run
>>14494176 Judge Orders Hospital to Give Ivermectin to Covid-19 Patient Despite Warnings from Public Health Officials
>>14494196 Secretary Blinken Walks Away, Ignores Reporter Asking About Americans Joe Biden Left Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan (VIDEO)
>>14494264 #18335
#14495019 at 2021-08-31 02:50:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18337: Enter the Comfefe Edition
>>14492774 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election
>>14493562 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Milley and Austin to resign immediately
>>14493572, >>14493784 @Resilient_Vet: It's an absolute shitfest to see the Taliban now actually flying US BlackHawk helicopters, hanging people by the throat from them!!
>>14493582, >>14493588, >>14493666 FLASHBACK: President Trump Announces Signing 'Agreement For Bringing Peace' With Taliban In Feb 2020 (What if...?)
>>14493587 Fed officials at site UA Flight 93 crashed 9/?11 passengers & crew thwarted attempt hijack plane, last month quiet burial of 4 shipping containers holding wreckage of plane
>>14493623 Obama Education Secretary Loses His Mind, Compares Anti-Maskers To Kabul Suicide Bombers
>>14493667 I wrote a simple little python script to look at Q Code Anon's theory (I'm not him).
>>14493672 Kamala Harris Backed Afghan Exit Despite Intel Warning Taliban Would Abuse Women Again
>>14492684 Planefag Reports - US Military C 130 curious about San Clemente Island.
>>14493694 CA Auditor: State Agencies Mismanaged COVID-19 Funds
>>14493721 Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity - PDF
>>14493732 WATCH LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken delivers remarks on the situation in Afghanistan
>>14493744 Al-Qaeda Leader Reemerges in Afghanistan Surrounded by Taliban Security as US Military Abandons the Country
>>14493777 Biden Tells DHS Mayorkas to Resettle 'Vulnerable' Afghans
>>14493780 San Diego Proposal On Combatting COVID "Misinformation" Triggers Free Speech Concerns
>>14493790, >>14493928, >>14493968 C2D.LLC (Wilmington, Del) Dig Cont.
>>14493791 Truck drivers begin protest action over vaccines, borders, lockdown on Gold Coast highway
>>14493793 Florida Redistricting Has Dems in a Panic Over Losing the House
>>14493799 'Christian Evangelicals Are America's Taliban': Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban
>>14493807 Ex-Chairman of Los Angeles-Based Church Sentenced to More Than 10 Years in Federal Prison for Stealing $11 Million in Church Funds
>>14493838 Jan. 6 panel seeks records of those involved in 'Stop the Steal' rally
>>14493873 Taliban Hails 'Great Neighbor' China, Renews Promise Not to Let Terrorists Base in Afghanistan
>>14493876, >>14493882 Man hangs from U.S.-supplied Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan
>>14493888, >>14494142 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says major U.S. bank canceled his accounts
>>14493893 New York Woman Gets 45 Years For Recording Herself & Accomplice Raping 3-Year-Old Girl
>>14493897 Democrats in one state actually ban election audits
>>14493917 Gaetjens inquiry into who in Prime Minister's Office knew about Brittany Higgins' allegations of rape suspended
>>14493948 Shocking moment furious anti-vaccine mob ambushes BBC journalist and tells him 'the nooses are ready'
>>14493964 Animal Rights Group Goes After Biden Administration For Allegedly Leaving Service Dogs Behind
>>14494004 Biden Breaks His Promise And Leaves Stranded Americans Behind At The Mercy Of The Taliban
>>14494039, >>14494140 Department Of Defense Tweet - The last American soldier leaves Afghanistan. / Q DROP 757, 1957
>>14494066, >>14494262,GEOTUS Donald J Trump Live On OANN
>>14494094 CODEMONKEYZ - Today I phoned Gov. Doug Duceys office to find out how many Afhan Refugees are coming to AZ.
>>14494108 General Michael Flynn - On the Governor Whitmer Kidnapping case-New text messages reveal the FBI wanted to instigate a more dangerous plot
>>14494123 Russia invites Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & Richard Branson to launch of rocket taking crew to record first feature-film shot in space
>>14494157 School Board Members Quitting Over "Toxic" Parents Who Oppose Mask Mandates, Vaccines, And CRT
>>14494171, >>14494172 Mail-in ballots are changing how election campaigns are run
>>14494176 Judge Orders Hospital to Give Ivermectin to Covid-19 Patient Despite Warnings from Public Health Officials
>>14494196 Secretary Blinken Walks Away, Ignores Reporter Asking About Americans Joe Biden Left Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan (VIDEO)
>>14494264 #18335
#14494275 at 2021-08-31 00:46:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18336: Activate the Comfefe Of Light Edition
>>14491939, >>14491940, >>14492167, >>14492181, >>14492189, >>14492200, >>14492236, >>14492330 Florida GOP calls for Biden's resignation over Afghanistan crisis
>>14491948 Some observations on the Scheller video >>14491147 (PB), maybe another anon can get more >>14488968 (PB)
>>14491950 @JessekellyDC (U.S. Rep KY4, co-Chair 2A Caucus): …Every communist in history has purged the military of his political opponents. Our communists are no different…
>>14491952, >>14491987, >>14492037, >>14492027, >>14492015, >>14492402 Need to dig on who is "C2D.LLC" (Wilmington, Del) and why it would fly to GITMO
>>14491954 Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America
>>14491956 Colorado Polis pushes to require vaccines for health care workers as 3 departments mandate them..this is taking place today via zoom at 3pm Denver time
>>14491960 Governor Justice [WV]: "There's going to be more and more and more people that die, until we really aggressively get people vaccinated
>>14491968, >>14491999, >>14492042, >>14492074, >>14491991, >>14492507 Recent and weird train crashes/incidents
>>14491970 Preview to Answering The Big Question, How Do We Fix This Mess? The Senate is at the root of the issue
>>14491972, >>14492031 Noah Berlatsky (@nberlat,) has contributed to NBC, Atlantic & WaPo, now the spokesman for @ProstasiaInc, controversial group accused of normalizing pedophilia
>>14492001 A record-breaking 44 container ships are stuck off the coast of California
>>14492021, >>14492035, >>14492221, >>14492232, >>14492331 Moderna shipment truck crashed, hazmat dispatched, airspace shut down, now Emergency Response is claiming DOD took it over
>>14492146 LIVE: 'Oscar El Blue' in Tapachula, Mexico, documenting 'migrant caravan', says there r about 600, from Haiti, several from Pakistan, group yesterday turned violent
>>14492172, >>14492464 WASHINGTON (AP) - Education Department opens civil rights investigations against five states that bar mask mandates for schools
>>14492219 Conservative Purge cont; Chase Bank Tells Gen. Michael Flynn losing Accounts & Cancelling CC's; Claim Allowing Decorated Veteran Access to Accounts "Creates Reputational Risk"
>>14492267, >>14492325, >>14492285 -Codemonkeyz telegram A bill is in committee to prevent unvaccinated people from flying domestically
>>14492269 ADWEEK: Facebook Chief Creative Officer Mark D'Arcy resigns
>>14492270 '911' System Offline, 1 Million Plus Without Power After Hurricane Ida Slams Gulf Coast
>>14492277 WHO delivers first medical shipment to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan after opening air bridge
>>14492299 Protest Against Mandatory Vaxxing Turns Violent In Greece, 47 Detained
>>14492311, >>14492530 US Troops Need to Go Back and Fight in Afghanistan, Says Former CIA Director
>>14492323 UK study: Most Covid deaths occur in 'fully vaccinated' people
>>14492333 Own Nothing and Be Happy: British Banks Could Buy Up 1.75 Million Homes by 2031
>>14492340, >>14492373 Biden Meets with Governors and Mayors from States and Cities Impacted by Hurricane Ida
>>14492344 Top Gulf Cartel Enforcer Captured near Mexican Border City
>>14492359 DeSantis Warns Biden: Deport Or Send 'Unvetted' Illegals To Democrat-Run States, Not Florida
>>14492367 Australia: NSW residents told to expect Covid-19 booster shots indefinitely
>>14492382, >>14492426, >>14492589, >>14492585 Pfizer CEO Says There Will be 3 Booster Shots per Year and That Toddlers will be Included
>>14492387 OUTRAGEOUS: Virginia Public Schools to Focus on Muslims-As Victims-in Teaching About 9/11 On Attacks' 20th Anniversary
>>14492393 Over 90 school bus drivers in Chicago quit after refusing to be vaccinated
>>14492455 Vaccine Exemption Data Leak Publicizes Students' Private Information (names and phone numbers of 130 students from California State University)
>>14492478 FBI suffers another black eye, admits it hid payments to informant in white supremacist case
>>14492479, >>14492609 Psaki Press Briefing
>>14492481 Embattled California Gov. Newsom praised Chinese foreign agent outlet for 'journalistic integrity'
>>14492488 Aussie Truckie Blockade: Cause Shutdown on M1 Highway
>>14492511 Weekend gun violence leaves 4 dead and 42 wounded in Chicago
>>14492513 Lawsuit ingnites firestorm w/co-hosts G. Stephanopoulos & Robin Roberts, at each other's throats over handling claims former boss sexually assaulted women at network
>>14492528 Almost 15 million 2020 mail-in ballots unaccounted for
>>14492541 Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits
>>14492603 Montenegrin Police Seize Record Amount of Cocaine More than 1,200 packages of the drug - labeled with odd names such as DXV, COVID, EXITO or DXB
>>14492634 Elizabeth Holmes: Trial for disgraced Theranos CEO starts Aug 31 with jury selection
>>14492670 #18333
#14494270 at 2021-08-31 00:46:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18336: Activate the Comfefe Of Light Edition
NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements
>>14492774 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election
>>14493562 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Milley and Austin to resign immediately
>>14493572, >>14493784 @Resilient_Vet: It's an absolute shitfest to see the Taliban now actually flying US BlackHawk helicopters, hanging people by the throat from them!!
>>14493582, >>14493588, >>14493666 FLASHBACK: President Trump Announces Signing 'Agreement For Bringing Peace' With Taliban In Feb 2020 (What if...?)
>>14493587 Fed officials at site UA Flight 93 crashed 9/?11 passengers & crew thwarted attempt hijack plane, last month quiet burial of 4 shipping containers holding wreckage of plane
>>14493623 Obama Education Secretary Loses His Mind, Compares Anti-Maskers To Kabul Suicide Bombers
>>14493667 I wrote a simple little python script to look at Q Code Anon's theory (I'm not him).
>>14493672 Kamala Harris Backed Afghan Exit Despite Intel Warning Taliban Would Abuse Women Again
>>14492684 Planefag Reports - US Military C 130 curious about San Clemente Island.
>>14493694 CA Auditor: State Agencies Mismanaged COVID-19 Funds
>>14493721 Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity - PDF
>>14493732 WATCH LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken delivers remarks on the situation in Afghanistan
>>14493744 Al-Qaeda Leader Reemerges in Afghanistan Surrounded by Taliban Security as US Military Abandons the Country
>>14493777 Biden Tells DHS Mayorkas to Resettle 'Vulnerable' Afghans
>>14493780 San Diego Proposal On Combatting COVID "Misinformation" Triggers Free Speech Concerns
>>14493790, >>14493928, >>14493968 C2D.LLC (Wilmington, Del) Dig Cont.
>>14493791 Truck drivers begin protest action over vaccines, borders, lockdown on Gold Coast highway
>>14493793 Florida Redistricting Has Dems in a Panic Over Losing the House
>>14493799 'Christian Evangelicals Are America's Taliban': Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban
>>14493807 Ex-Chairman of Los Angeles-Based Church Sentenced to More Than 10 Years in Federal Prison for Stealing $11 Million in Church Funds
>>14493838 Jan. 6 panel seeks records of those involved in 'Stop the Steal' rally
>>14493873 Taliban Hails 'Great Neighbor' China, Renews Promise Not to Let Terrorists Base in Afghanistan
>>14493876, >>14493882 Man hangs from U.S.-supplied Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan
>>14493888, >>14494142 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says major U.S. bank canceled his accounts
>>14493893 New York Woman Gets 45 Years For Recording Herself & Accomplice Raping 3-Year-Old Girl
>>14493897 Democrats in one state actually ban election audits
>>14493917 Gaetjens inquiry into who in Prime Minister's Office knew about Brittany Higgins' allegations of rape suspended
>>14493948 Shocking moment furious anti-vaccine mob ambushes BBC journalist and tells him 'the nooses are ready'
>>14493964 Animal Rights Group Goes After Biden Administration For Allegedly Leaving Service Dogs Behind
>>14494004 Biden Breaks His Promise And Leaves Stranded Americans Behind At The Mercy Of The Taliban
>>14494039, >>14494140 Department Of Defense Tweet - The last American soldier leaves Afghanistan. / Q DROP 757, 1957
>>14494066, >>14494262,GEOTUS Donald J Trump Live On OANN
>>14494094 CODEMONKEYZ - Today I phoned Gov. Doug Duceys office to find out how many Afhan Refugees are coming to AZ.
>>14494108 General Michael Flynn - On the Governor Whitmer Kidnapping case-New text messages reveal the FBI wanted to instigate a more dangerous plot
>>14494123 Russia invites Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & Richard Branson to launch of rocket taking crew to record first feature-film shot in space
>>14494157 School Board Members Quitting Over "Toxic" Parents Who Oppose Mask Mandates, Vaccines, And CRT
>>14494171, >>14494172 Mail-in ballots are changing how election campaigns are run
>>14494176 Judge Orders Hospital to Give Ivermectin to Covid-19 Patient Despite Warnings from Public Health Officials
>>14494196 Secretary Blinken Walks Away, Ignores Reporter Asking About Americans Joe Biden Left Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan (VIDEO)
>>14494264 #18335
#14494264 at 2021-08-31 00:45:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research Ebakers #18335
Notable Notes FINAL
>>14492774 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election
>>14493562 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Milley and Austin to resign immediately
>>14493572, >>14493784 @Resilient_Vet: It's an absolute shitfest to see the Taliban now actually flying US BlackHawk helicopters, hanging people by the throat from them!!
>>14493582, >>14493588, >>14493666 FLASHBACK: President Trump Announces Signing 'Agreement For Bringing Peace' With Taliban In Feb 2020 (What if...?)
>>14493587 Fed officials at site UA Flight 93 crashed 9/?11 passengers & crew thwarted attempt hijack plane, last month quiet burial of 4 shipping containers holding wreckage of plane
>>14493623 Obama Education Secretary Loses His Mind, Compares Anti-Maskers To Kabul Suicide Bombers
>>14493667 I wrote a simple little python script to look at Q Code Anon's theory (I'm not him).
>>14493672 Kamala Harris Backed Afghan Exit Despite Intel Warning Taliban Would Abuse Women Again
>>14492684 Planefag Reports - US Military C 130 curious about San Clemente Island.
>>14493694 CA Auditor: State Agencies Mismanaged COVID-19 Funds
>>14493721 Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity - PDF
>>14493732 WATCH LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken delivers remarks on the situation in Afghanistan
>>14493744 Al-Qaeda Leader Reemerges in Afghanistan Surrounded by Taliban Security as US Military Abandons the Country
>>14493777 Biden Tells DHS Mayorkas to Resettle 'Vulnerable' Afghans
>>14493780 San Diego Proposal On Combatting COVID "Misinformation" Triggers Free Speech Concerns
>>14493790, >>14493928, >>14493968 C2D.LLC (Wilmington, Del) Dig Cont.
>>14493791 Truck drivers begin protest action over vaccines, borders, lockdown on Gold Coast highway
>>14493793 Florida Redistricting Has Dems in a Panic Over Losing the House
>>14493799 'Christian Evangelicals Are America's Taliban': Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban
>>14493807 Ex-Chairman of Los Angeles-Based Church Sentenced to More Than 10 Years in Federal Prison for Stealing $11 Million in Church Funds
>>14493838 Jan. 6 panel seeks records of those involved in 'Stop the Steal' rally
>>14493873 Taliban Hails 'Great Neighbor' China, Renews Promise Not to Let Terrorists Base in Afghanistan
>>14493876, >>14493882 Man hangs from U.S.-supplied Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan
>>14493888, >>14494142 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says major U.S. bank canceled his accounts
>>14493893 New York Woman Gets 45 Years For Recording Herself & Accomplice Raping 3-Year-Old Girl
>>14493897 Democrats in one state actually ban election audits
>>14493917 Gaetjens inquiry into who in Prime Minister's Office knew about Brittany Higgins' allegations of rape suspended
>>14493948 Shocking moment furious anti-vaccine mob ambushes BBC journalist and tells him 'the nooses are ready'
>>14493964 Animal Rights Group Goes After Biden Administration For Allegedly Leaving Service Dogs Behind
>>14494004 Biden Breaks His Promise And Leaves Stranded Americans Behind At The Mercy Of The Taliban
>>14494039, >>14494140 Department Of Defense Tweet - The last American soldier leaves Afghanistan. / Q DROP 757, 1957
>>14494066, >>14494262,GEOTUS Donald J Trump Live On OANN
>>14494094 CODEMONKEYZ - Today I phoned Gov. Doug Duceys office to find out how many Afhan Refugees are coming to AZ.
>>14494108 General Michael Flynn - On the Governor Whitmer Kidnapping case-New text messages reveal the FBI wanted to instigate a more dangerous plot
>>14494123 Russia invites Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & Richard Branson to launch of rocket taking crew to record first feature-film shot in space
>>14494157 School Board Members Quitting Over "Toxic" Parents Who Oppose Mask Mandates, Vaccines, And CRT
>>14494171, >>14494172 Mail-in ballots are changing how election campaigns are run
>>14494176 Judge Orders Hospital to Give Ivermectin to Covid-19 Patient Despite Warnings from Public Health Officials
>>14494196 Secretary Blinken Walks Away, Ignores Reporter Asking About Americans Joe Biden Left Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan (VIDEO)
Current Bread will take place of #18335, Next Bread to be label #18336
#14494154 at 2021-08-31 00:26:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research Ebakers #18335
Notable Notes
>>14492774 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election
>>14493562 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Milley and Austin to resign immediately
>>14493572, >>14493784 @Resilient_Vet: It's an absolute shitfest to see the Taliban now actually flying US BlackHawk helicopters, hanging people by the throat from them!!
>>14493582, >>14493588, >>14493666 FLASHBACK: President Trump Announces Signing 'Agreement For Bringing Peace' With Taliban In Feb 2020 (What if...?)
>>14493587 Fed officials at site UA Flight 93 crashed 9/?11 passengers & crew thwarted attempt hijack plane, last month quiet burial of 4 shipping containers holding wreckage of plane
>>14493623 Obama Education Secretary Loses His Mind, Compares Anti-Maskers To Kabul Suicide Bombers
>>14493667 I wrote a simple little python script to look at Q Code Anon's theory (I'm not him).
>>14493672 Kamala Harris Backed Afghan Exit Despite Intel Warning Taliban Would Abuse Women Again
>>14492684 Planefag Reports - US Military C 130 curious about San Clemente Island.
>>14493694 CA Auditor: State Agencies Mismanaged COVID-19 Funds
>>14493721 Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity - PDF
>>14493732 WATCH LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken delivers remarks on the situation in Afghanistan
>>14493744 Al-Qaeda Leader Reemerges in Afghanistan Surrounded by Taliban Security as US Military Abandons the Country
>>14493777 Biden Tells DHS Mayorkas to Resettle 'Vulnerable' Afghans
>>14493780 San Diego Proposal On Combatting COVID "Misinformation" Triggers Free Speech Concerns
>>14493790, >>14493928, >>14493968 C2D.LLC (Wilmington, Del) Dig Cont.
>>14493791 Truck drivers begin protest action over vaccines, borders, lockdown on Gold Coast highway
>>14493793 Florida Redistricting Has Dems in a Panic Over Losing the House
>>14493799 'Christian Evangelicals Are America's Taliban': Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban
>>14493807 Ex-Chairman of Los Angeles-Based Church Sentenced to More Than 10 Years in Federal Prison for Stealing $11 Million in Church Funds
>>14493838 Jan. 6 panel seeks records of those involved in 'Stop the Steal' rally
>>14493873 Taliban Hails 'Great Neighbor' China, Renews Promise Not to Let Terrorists Base in Afghanistan
>>14493876, >>14493882 Man hangs from U.S.-supplied Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan
>>14493888, >>14494142 Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says major U.S. bank canceled his accounts
>>14493893 New York Woman Gets 45 Years For Recording Herself & Accomplice Raping 3-Year-Old Girl
>>14493897 Democrats in one state actually ban election audits
>>14493917 Gaetjens inquiry into who in Prime Minister's Office knew about Brittany Higgins' allegations of rape suspended
>>14493948 Shocking moment furious anti-vaccine mob ambushes BBC journalist and tells him 'the nooses are ready'
>>14493964 Animal Rights Group Goes After Biden Administration For Allegedly Leaving Service Dogs Behind
>>14494004 Biden Breaks His Promise And Leaves Stranded Americans Behind At The Mercy Of The Taliban
>>14494039, >>14494140 Department Of Defense Tweet - The last American soldier leaves Afghanistan. / Q DROP 757, 1957
>>14494066 GEOTUS Donald J Trump Live On OANN
>>14494094 CODEMONKEYZ - Today I phoned Gov. Doug Duceys office to find out how many Afhan Refugees are coming to AZ.
>>14494108 General Michael Flynn - On the Governor Whitmer Kidnapping case-New text messages reveal the FBI wanted to instigate a more dangerous plot
>>14494123 Russia invites Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & Richard Branson to launch of rocket taking crew to record first feature-film shot in space
Current Bread will take place of #18335, Next Bread to be label #18336
#14493315 at 2021-08-30 21:26:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18334: We're In Info Lockdown Re: OPSEC. Enjoy The Show Edition
[e][-] = ?
[C] b4 [D]
204331-Aug-2018 6:29:12 PM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch
Archived links:
Special Approval
[LL]>paper trail>special entry
[Natalia Veselnitskaya]>Manafort
FISA warrant issued / approved>Manafort
FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
FISA warrant issued / approved>Page
FISA warrant issued / approved>FLYNN
[SEC 702]
P talks to X
X talks to Y
Y talks to Z
power lines [P][G]as & [E]
3801-Nov-2017 10:48:52 PM PDTAnonymous4ch/pol
Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?
Why is that relevant?
To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?
Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
Think logically about the timing of everything happening.
Note increased military movement.
Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.
Note false flags.
Follow Huma.
Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.
The calm before the storm.
252702-Dec-2018 1:26:57 PM PSTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch
Think WAVES.
Define 'unified'
SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?
[Controlled] moment activated? [17]
Do you believe in coincidences?
Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?
There is a place for everyone.
don't PANIC, it's ORGANIC
#14493098 at 2021-08-30 20:36:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18334: We're In Info Lockdown Re: OPSEC. Enjoy The Show Edition
Not scared of the sniffles
My kid texted me he felt like shit at school today, needed to leave
School AC was blasting at 60 degrees
Had a headache and stuffy nose
Called and said he had a dentist appointment
and picked him up
Fuck their tests and quarantines
#14492701 at 2021-08-30 19:09:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18334: We're In Info Lockdown Re: OPSEC. Enjoy The Show Edition
NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements
>>14491939, >>14491940, >>14492167, >>14492181, >>14492189, >>14492200, >>14492236, >>14492330 Florida GOP calls for Biden's resignation over Afghanistan crisis
>>14491948 Some observations on the Scheller video >>14491147 (PB), maybe another anon can get more >>14488968 (PB)
>>14491950 @JessekellyDC (U.S. Rep KY4, co-Chair 2A Caucus): …Every communist in history has purged the military of his political opponents. Our communists are no different…
>>14491952, >>14491987, >>14492037, >>14492027, >>14492015, >>14492402 Need to dig on who is "C2D.LLC" (Wilmington, Del) and why it would fly to GITMO
>>14491954 Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America
>>14491956 Colorado Polis pushes to require vaccines for health care workers as 3 departments mandate them..this is taking place today via zoom at 3pm Denver time
>>14491960 Governor Justice [WV]: "There's going to be more and more and more people that die, until we really aggressively get people vaccinated
>>14491968, >>14491999, >>14492042, >>14492074, >>14491991, >>14492507 Recent and weird train crashes/incidents
>>14491970 Preview to Answering The Big Question, How Do We Fix This Mess? The Senate is at the root of the issue
>>14491972, >>14492031 Noah Berlatsky (@nberlat,) has contributed to NBC, Atlantic & WaPo, now the spokesman for @ProstasiaInc, controversial group accused of normalizing pedophilia
>>14492001 A record-breaking 44 container ships are stuck off the coast of California
>>14492021, >>14492035, >>14492221, >>14492232, >>14492331 Moderna shipment truck crashed, hazmat dispatched, airspace shut down, now Emergency Response is claiming DOD took it over
>>14492146 LIVE: 'Oscar El Blue' in Tapachula, Mexico, documenting 'migrant caravan', says there r about 600, from Haiti, several from Pakistan, group yesterday turned violent
>>14492172, >>14492464 WASHINGTON (AP) - Education Department opens civil rights investigations against five states that bar mask mandates for schools
>>14492219 Conservative Purge cont; Chase Bank Tells Gen. Michael Flynn losing Accounts & Cancelling CC's; Claim Allowing Decorated Veteran Access to Accounts "Creates Reputational Risk"
>>14492267, >>14492325, >>14492285 -Codemonkeyz telegram A bill is in committee to prevent unvaccinated people from flying domestically
>>14492269 ADWEEK: Facebook Chief Creative Officer Mark D'Arcy resigns
>>14492270 '911' System Offline, 1 Million Plus Without Power After Hurricane Ida Slams Gulf Coast
>>14492277 WHO delivers first medical shipment to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan after opening air bridge
>>14492299 Protest Against Mandatory Vaxxing Turns Violent In Greece, 47 Detained
>>14492311, >>14492530 US Troops Need to Go Back and Fight in Afghanistan, Says Former CIA Director
>>14492323 UK study: Most Covid deaths occur in 'fully vaccinated' people
>>14492333 Own Nothing and Be Happy: British Banks Could Buy Up 1.75 Million Homes by 2031
>>14492340, >>14492373 Biden Meets with Governors and Mayors from States and Cities Impacted by Hurricane Ida
>>14492344 Top Gulf Cartel Enforcer Captured near Mexican Border City
>>14492359 DeSantis Warns Biden: Deport Or Send 'Unvetted' Illegals To Democrat-Run States, Not Florida
>>14492367 Australia: NSW residents told to expect Covid-19 booster shots indefinitely
>>14492382, >>14492426, >>14492589, >>14492585 Pfizer CEO Says There Will be 3 Booster Shots per Year and That Toddlers will be Included
>>14492387 OUTRAGEOUS: Virginia Public Schools to Focus on Muslims-As Victims-in Teaching About 9/11 On Attacks' 20th Anniversary
>>14492393 Over 90 school bus drivers in Chicago quit after refusing to be vaccinated
>>14492455 Vaccine Exemption Data Leak Publicizes Students' Private Information (names and phone numbers of 130 students from California State University)
>>14492478 FBI suffers another black eye, admits it hid payments to informant in white supremacist case
>>14492479, >>14492609 Psaki Press Briefing
>>14492481 Embattled California Gov. Newsom praised Chinese foreign agent outlet for 'journalistic integrity'
>>14492488 Aussie Truckie Blockade: Cause Shutdown on M1 Highway
>>14492511 Weekend gun violence leaves 4 dead and 42 wounded in Chicago
>>14492513 Lawsuit ingnites firestorm w/co-hosts G. Stephanopoulos & Robin Roberts, at each other's throats over handling claims former boss sexually assaulted women at network
>>14492528 Almost 15 million 2020 mail-in ballots unaccounted for
>>14492541 Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits
>>14492603 Montenegrin Police Seize Record Amount of Cocaine More than 1,200 packages of the drug - labeled with odd names such as DXV, COVID, EXITO or DXB
>>14492634 Elizabeth Holmes: Trial for disgraced Theranos CEO starts Aug 31 with jury selection
>>14492670 #18333
#14492684 at 2021-08-30 19:06:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research Ebakers #18335
US Military C 130 curious about San Clemente Island.
Came from Oxnard base.
#14492679 at 2021-08-30 19:05:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research Ebakers #18335
>>14491850 Dough, Baker ghosts #18333
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14491939, >>14491940, >>14492167, >>14492181, >>14492189, >>14492200, >>14492236, >>14492330 Florida GOP calls for Biden's resignation over Afghanistan crisis
>>14491948 Some observations on the Scheller video >>14491147 (PB), maybe another anon can get more >>14488968 (PB)
>>14491950 @JessekellyDC (U.S. Rep KY4, co-Chair 2A Caucus): ...Every communist in history has purged the military of his political opponents. Our communists are no different...
>>14491952, >>14491987, >>14492037, >>14492027, >>14492015, >>14492402 Need to dig on who is "C2D.LLC" (Wilmington, Del) and why it would fly to GITMO
>>14491954 Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America
>>14491956 Colorado Polis pushes to require vaccines for health care workers as 3 departments mandate them..this is taking place today via zoom at 3pm Denver time
>>14491960 Governor Justice [WV]: "There's going to be more and more and more people that die, until we really aggressively get people vaccinated
>>14491968, >>14491999, >>14492042, >>14492074, >>14491991, >>14492507 Recent and weird train crashes/incidents
>>14491970 Preview to Answering The Big Question, How Do We Fix This Mess? The Senate is at the root of the issue
>>14491972, >>14492031 Noah Berlatsky (@nberlat,) has contributed to NBC, Atlantic & WaPo, now the spokesman for @ProstasiaInc, controversial group accused of normalizing pedophilia
>>14492001 A record-breaking 44 container ships are stuck off the coast of California
>>14492021, >>14492035, >>14492221, >>14492232, >>14492331 Moderna shipment truck crashed, hazmat dispatched, airspace shut down, now Emergency Response is claiming DOD took it over
>>14492146 LIVE: 'Oscar El Blue' in Tapachula, Mexico, documenting 'migrant caravan', says there r about 600, from Haiti, several from Pakistan, group yesterday turned violent
>>14492172, >>14492464 WASHINGTON (AP) - Education Department opens civil rights investigations against five states that bar mask mandates for schools
>>14492219 Conservative Purge cont; Chase Bank Tells Gen. Michael Flynn losing Accounts & Cancelling CC's; Claim Allowing Decorated Veteran Access to Accounts "Creates Reputational Risk"
>>14492267, >>14492325, >>14492285 -Codemonkeyz telegram A bill is in committee to prevent unvaccinated people from flying domestically
>>14492269 ADWEEK: Facebook Chief Creative Officer Mark D'Arcy resigns
>>14492270 '911' System Offline, 1 Million Plus Without Power After Hurricane Ida Slams Gulf Coast
>>14492277 WHO delivers first medical shipment to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan after opening air bridge
>>14492299 Protest Against Mandatory Vaxxing Turns Violent In Greece, 47 Detained
>>14492311, >>14492530 US Troops Need to Go Back and Fight in Afghanistan, Says Former CIA Director
>>14492323 UK study: Most Covid deaths occur in 'fully vaccinated' people
>>14492333 Own Nothing and Be Happy: British Banks Could Buy Up 1.75 Million Homes by 2031
>>14492340, >>14492373 Biden Meets with Governors and Mayors from States and Cities Impacted by Hurricane Ida
>>14492344 Top Gulf Cartel Enforcer Captured near Mexican Border City
>>14492359 DeSantis Warns Biden: Deport Or Send 'Unvetted' Illegals To Democrat-Run States, Not Florida
>>14492367 Australia: NSW residents told to expect Covid-19 booster shots indefinitely
>>14492382, >>14492426, >>14492589, >>14492585 Pfizer CEO Says There Will be 3 Booster Shots per Year and That toddlers will be Included
>>14492387 OUTRAGEOUS: Virginia Public Schools to Focus on Muslims-As Victims-in Teaching About 9/11 On Attacks' 20th Anniversary
>>14492393 Over 90 school bus drivers in Chicago quit after refusing to be vaccinated
>>14492455 Vaccine Exemption Data Leak Publicizes Students' Private Information (names and phone numbers of 130 students from California State University)
>>14492478 FBI suffers another black eye, admits it hid payments to informant in white supremacist case
>>14492479, >>14492609 Psaki Press Briefing
>>14492481 Embattled California Gov. Newsom praised Chinese foreign agent outlet for 'journalistic integrity'
>>14492488 Aussie Truckie Blockade: Cause Shutdown on M1 Highway
>>14492511 Weekend gun violence leaves 4 dead and 42 wounded in Chicago
>>14492513 Lawsuit ingnites firestorm w/co-hosts G. Stephanopoulos & Robin Roberts, at each other's throats over handling claims former boss sexually assaulted women at network
>>14492528 Almost 15 million 2020 mail-in ballots unaccounted for
>>14492541 Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits
>>14492603 Montenegrin Police Seize Record Amount of Cocaine More than 1,200 packages of the drug - labeled with odd names such as DXV, COVID, EXITO or DXB
>>14492634 Elizabeth Holmes: Trial for disgraced Theranos CEO starts Aug 31 with jury selection
#14492670 at 2021-08-30 19:02:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18333: Recall All Rinos Blocking Audits Edition
>>14491850 Dough, Baker ghosts #18333
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14491939, >>14491940, >>14492167, >>14492181, >>14492189, >>14492200, >>14492236, >>14492330 Florida GOP calls for Biden's resignation over Afghanistan crisis
>>14491948 Some observations on the Scheller video >>14491147 (PB), maybe another anon can get more >>14488968 (PB)
>>14491950 @JessekellyDC (U.S. Rep KY4, co-Chair 2A Caucus): …Every communist in history has purged the military of his political opponents. Our communists are no different…
>>14491952, >>14491987, >>14492037, >>14492027, >>14492015, >>14492402 Need to dig on who is "C2D.LLC" (Wilmington, Del) and why it would fly to GITMO
>>14491954 Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America
>>14491956 Colorado Polis pushes to require vaccines for health care workers as 3 departments mandate them..this is taking place today via zoom at 3pm Denver time
>>14491960 Governor Justice [WV]: "There's going to be more and more and more people that die, until we really aggressively get people vaccinated
>>14491968, >>14491999, >>14492042, >>14492074, >>14491991, >>14492507 Recent and weird train crashes/incidents
>>14491970 Preview to Answering The Big Question, How Do We Fix This Mess? The Senate is at the root of the issue
>>14491972, >>14492031 Noah Berlatsky (@nberlat,) has contributed to NBC, Atlantic & WaPo, now the spokesman for @ProstasiaInc, controversial group accused of normalizing pedophilia
>>14492001 A record-breaking 44 container ships are stuck off the coast of California
>>14492021, >>14492035, >>14492221, >>14492232, >>14492331 Moderna shipment truck crashed, hazmat dispatched, airspace shut down, now Emergency Response is claiming DOD took it over
>>14492146 LIVE: 'Oscar El Blue' in Tapachula, Mexico, documenting 'migrant caravan', says there r about 600, from Haiti, several from Pakistan, group yesterday turned violent
>>14492172, >>14492464 WASHINGTON (AP) - Education Department opens civil rights investigations against five states that bar mask mandates for schools
>>14492219 Conservative Purge cont; Chase Bank Tells Gen. Michael Flynn losing Accounts & Cancelling CC's; Claim Allowing Decorated Veteran Access to Accounts "Creates Reputational Risk"
>>14492267, >>14492325, >>14492285 -Codemonkeyz telegram A bill is in committee to prevent unvaccinated people from flying domestically
>>14492269 ADWEEK: Facebook Chief Creative Officer Mark D'Arcy resigns
>>14492270 '911' System Offline, 1 Million Plus Without Power After Hurricane Ida Slams Gulf Coast
>>14492277 WHO delivers first medical shipment to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan after opening air bridge
>>14492299 Protest Against Mandatory Vaxxing Turns Violent In Greece, 47 Detained
>>14492311, >>14492530 US Troops Need to Go Back and Fight in Afghanistan, Says Former CIA Director
>>14492323 UK study: Most Covid deaths occur in 'fully vaccinated' people
>>14492333 Own Nothing and Be Happy: British Banks Could Buy Up 1.75 Million Homes by 2031
>>14492340, >>14492373 Biden Meets with Governors and Mayors from States and Cities Impacted by Hurricane Ida
>>14492344 Top Gulf Cartel Enforcer Captured near Mexican Border City
>>14492359 DeSantis Warns Biden: Deport Or Send 'Unvetted' Illegals To Democrat-Run States, Not Florida
>>14492367 Australia: NSW residents told to expect Covid-19 booster shots indefinitely
>>14492382, >>14492426, >>14492589, >>14492585 Pfizer CEO Says There Will be 3 Booster Shots per Year and That Toddlers will be Included
>>14492387 OUTRAGEOUS: Virginia Public Schools to Focus on Muslims-As Victims-in Teaching About 9/11 On Attacks' 20th Anniversary
>>14492393 Over 90 school bus drivers in Chicago quit after refusing to be vaccinated
>>14492455 Vaccine Exemption Data Leak Publicizes Students' Private Information (names and phone numbers of 130 students from California State University)
>>14492478 FBI suffers another black eye, admits it hid payments to informant in white supremacist case
>>14492479, >>14492609 Psaki Press Briefing
>>14492481 Embattled California Gov. Newsom praised Chinese foreign agent outlet for 'journalistic integrity'
>>14492488 Aussie Truckie Blockade: Cause Shutdown on M1 Highway
>>14492511 Weekend gun violence leaves 4 dead and 42 wounded in Chicago
>>14492513 Lawsuit ingnites firestorm w/co-hosts G. Stephanopoulos & Robin Roberts, at each other's throats over handling claims former boss sexually assaulted women at network
>>14492528 Almost 15 million 2020 mail-in ballots unaccounted for
>>14492541 Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits
>>14492603 Montenegrin Police Seize Record Amount of Cocaine More than 1,200 packages of the drug - labeled with odd names such as DXV, COVID, EXITO or DXB
>>14492634 Elizabeth Holmes: Trial for disgraced Theranos CEO starts Aug 31 with jury selection
#14492455 at 2021-08-30 18:11:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18333: Recall All Rinos Blocking Audits Edition
Vaccine Exemption Data Leak Publicizes Students' Private Information
Students who had applied for vaccine exemptions at CSU Chico had their personal information leaked online.
The university has launched an investigation into the incident.
A spreadsheet containing the names and phone numbers of 130 students from California State University, Chico was leaked onto the internet Monday. Several students were named in the leak, which revealed personal information included in their COVID-19 vaccine exemption forms.
Andrew Staples, the public relations manager at CSU Chico, rushed to reassure students telling the Sacramento Bee, "We are aware of the documents posted online and circulated among the media. We are investigating this incident, while also taking a number of proactive steps to protect students' confidential information."
Campus Reform spoke with one student who requested anonymity.
"The university has absolutely no right to tell students what to put in their body," the student said, referring to the vaccine policy and subsequent data leak.
Campus Reform also spoke with the Chico State College Republicans. The group said that they were "deeply upset" over the incident, adding that they "expect a thorough investigation to be conducted."
Sean Murphy, the university's media relations coordinator, told Campus Reform, "Chico State is following the CSU's policy by honoring the right for students to claim a religious exemption."
"The University continues to accept requests from students and employees for religious or medical exemptions for COVID-19 vaccine exemptions," Murphy added. "Students should still know that Chico State supports their rights to hold their sincerely held religious beliefs."
The Los Angeles Times reports that the university has opened an internal investigation into the incident.
#14492095 at 2021-08-30 16:58:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18333: Recall All Rinos Blocking Audits Edition
The owner of this iconic building ordered all tenants to leave. Some aren't going
Maria Ray had a plan. By May 2022, she would have saved enough money to relocate from Miami to San Juan and take care of her aging father in the family home where she grew up.
Ray just hadn't counted on her landlord suddenly terminating her lease.
Ray, who works as a business consultant for hospitality companies, is one of the roughly 200 residents of the Hamilton on the Bay apartment tower, located at 555 NE 34 St. in Edgewater, who received a notice on May 16 requiring them to move out by July 16 so the building's new owners, the Denver-based real estate investment and management firm Aimco/AIR, could complete renovations and repairs.
That deadline has been extended until Sept. 17 and Aimco is now offering tenants three months' rent plus a $500 stipend to help with move-out costs.
But 17 tenants - including Ray - are staying put, because they say the settlement being offered is not enough to move in the current rental market.
The situation at the Hamilton has resulted in a standoff that could serve as a bellwether for future cases in which a building's owner attempts to terminate the leases of all of its tenants in one swoop.
"We're all trying to move out," said Ray, 45, who has lived at the Hamilton since October 2009 and pays a discounted rent of $1,150 for a one-bedroom unit. "We're trying to comply. But I signed a lease with Aimco for 16 months. I was counting on having a certain amount of time to move.
"My business slowed down because of COVID," she said. "This situation has completely consumed my life. I can't work from home because of the constant jack-hammering and noise. They turned off the air-conditioning in the hallways. They are being super aggressive. We have no day-to-day stability."
Aimco bought the iconic tower, which was built by Carnival Cruise Line founder Ted Arison in 1984, for $80.9 million in Aug. 2020. Repairs were already underway at the building for water damage caused by Hurricane Irma in 2017, which led the previous management company, Bainbridge Management, to offer tenants discounts on their rents to make up for the inconvenience
Aimco kept those discounts in place. But the company also required tenants to sign new leases that promised them up to 18-month stays - and included an early termination clause. When Aimco exercised that clause in May, giving tenants 60 days to move out, the public outcry convinced the company to push back the move-out deadline to Sept. 17, although residents say the noisy renovation work inside and outside the building, which limits access to many common areas, has made life at the Hamilton close to unbearable.
Since the May 16 letter was issued, 119 of the formerly occupied 130 units at the Hamilton's 265 apartments have been vacated.
Today, 30 units in the building remain occupied, although 13 of those tenants have pledged to vacate their unit by the Sept. 17 deadline.
Digging in their heels
The remaining 17 tenants - along with 20 other former tenants who moved out without accepting Aimco's settlement - have organized. They are demanding the company pay a group settlement of $22,500 per leaseholder, and they have hired attorney David Winker to defend them from legal action by Aimco.
"The residents were fraudulently led to sign the new leases, so the contracts are null and void," said Winker. "Therefore the termination of the leases is also null and void."
Greg Frank, 40, is one of the former Hamilton tenants who moved his wife and son out of their one-bedroom apartment the second week of July. The couple was paying $1,200 in rent for a 1,250 square foot unit. Now they are paying $2,000 per month for a 900 square-foot apartment in Dania Beach.
But Frank did not accept Aimco's financial move-out package. Instead, he is part of the group hoping to reach a settlement with Aimco.
"We had to leave Miami because we couldn't find a comparable place we could afford and now we are trying to negotiate as a group," he said. "Some people felt like they didn't have any power and accepted Aimco's deal to move out. But if the company wasn't so messed up, we wouldn't be dealing with this. And the bigger issue is this is a growing threat to the people of South Florida. People are going to continue to be displaced as Miami's popularity grows."
In July, the owner of an apartment building at 426 E. 34th St. in Edgewater, which is just one block away from the Hamilton, threatened his tenants with mass evictions. Residents suspect the evictions were fueled by the owner's intent to sell the aged building, along with 10 adjoining lots in the popular neighborhood, for $50 million to real estate developers.
#14491719 at 2021-08-30 15:22:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18332: Gen Flynn: Get off Twitter ASAP Edition
Anon was called crazy…
But Anon knows SOP when it comes to military runways…
NO WAY IN HELL would they be letting Afghanis climb all over a C-130 as it's taxing… That's just tard'd
Plus… No Jetwash soup getting scrubbed off the deck?
Come'on man!
#14489189 at 2021-08-30 02:18:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18329: The hour is fast approaching Edition
First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan
Washington CNN -
The US military dropped America's most powerful non-nuclear bomb on ISIS targets in Afghanistan Thursday, the first time this type of weapon has been used in battle, according to US officials.
A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), nicknamed the "mother of all bombs," was dropped at 7:32 p.m. local time, according to four US military officials with direct knowledge of the mission. A MOAB is a 30-foot-long, 21,600-pound, GPS-guided munition.
President Donald Trump called it "another successful job" later Thursday.
The bomb was dropped by an MC-130 aircraft, stationed in Afghanistan and operated by Air Force Special Operations Command, Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump told CNN.
Officials said the target was an ISIS cave and tunnel complex and personnel in the Achin district of the Nangarhar province, a remote area in the country's east which borders Pakistan.]
"The United States takes the fight against ISIS very seriously and in order to defeat the group we must deny them operational space, which we did," White House press secretary Sean Spicer said later Thursday. The strike "targeted a system of tunnels and cave that ISIS fighters use to move around freely."
Afghanistan's ambassador to the US, Hamdullah Mohib, told CNN's Brooke Baldwin that the bomb was dropped after fighting had intensified over the last week between US Special Forces and Afghan troops against ISIS.
The US and Afghan forces were unable to advance because ISIS had mined the area with explosives, so the bomb was dropped to clear the tunnels, Mohib said.
#14481520 at 2021-08-28 21:39:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18320: EBAKE Edition
An anon posted that he got HCQ - not sure if it was from Frontline (but yes, Frontline Works!) and he said it was super expensive. But his family members split it four ways, so he was cool with it. $600 I think it was for 130-ish pills.
#14480307 at 2021-08-28 16:46:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18318: We Want Audits and We Want Them Meow!!! Edition
Yeah a fellow birther, did you give your mom a hard time when you came into this world! I didgave her a false call, in hospital at summer time, with no AC, the doctor was yelling this god damned baby is not coming today, she was sent home and again went in and the doctor started it again, this god dammed baby is not coming, he says hes going back to his office, the nurse chimes in (all of them Shouting) yelled this GD baby is not coming, my mom starts screaming, you are not going back to your office, this GD baby is coming today.
I always wondered I had so much panic/anxiety being late for anything.
Then I read some astrology and it said a person with a certain rising signs resists coming into life because they know how hard this life will be.
I'm pretty stubborn, so coercion doesnt seem to work on me.
Happy Birthday glad you werent a GD baby! And I have a fellow virgo Aug 28 on the board today
Kek and true story
#14480306 at 2021-08-28 16:46:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18318: We Want Audits and We Want Them Meow!!! Edition
Stumbled onto this too
I kekked
The Hill is sold for $130 million to local news powerhouse Nexstar
Political news hub The Hill has sold to Nexstar Media Group, a local television news company, for $130 million.
The Hill, which positioned itself as a "centrist" perspective on politics, had been growing its digital audience.
"Only a few years ago The Hill was a print publication struggling to survive," James (Jimmy) Finkelstein, the Hill's owner, wrote in a message shared to the publication's Twitter on Friday.
Finkelstein bought out a controlling stake in the publication in 2014 - two decades after his father Jerry Finkelstein co-founded the publication in 1994 - according to the New York Times.
More recently, The Hill had become "highly profitable," according to Finkelstein. The publication's profits were increasing 50% year-over-year and revenue was also on the rise, he wrote.
The Hill's business model relied primarily on advertising, with direct, programming, and licensing revenue supporting the Washington D.C. publication, Nexstar said. The Hill had nearly 48 million monthly users and over 2 billion total pageviews in 2020, per Comscore, with over 100 journalists at the time of this acquisition, according to Nexstar.
Finkelstein had been shopping around for potential buyers for a while, and held conversations with Nexstar in the spring, Axios reported in June.
Nexstar's acquisition will fold The Hill into its portfolio of 199 local news stations and 120 local websites and said it is looking at opportunities to expand The Hill's reach with potential collaborations with NewsNation, Nexstar's cable news network formerly known as WGN America.
"The accretive acquisition of The Hill's independent, political digital media platform marks continued progress with Nexstar's 'content-first strategy' and reflects our organization-wide commitment to deliver trusted, unbiased, fact-based journalism that engages and informs our audiences across all screens and devices," Tom Carter, Nextstar's president and COO said in a statement announcing the acquisition.
"It has been an honor to lead and transform The Hill into the premier news outlet that it is today," Finkelstein said in the prepared statement. "We are confident that Nexstar will continue to accelerate this tremendous growth."
Nexstar's acquisition also marks Finkelstein's departure from The Hill. Finkelstein, who had been affiliated with former President Donald J. Trump and many of his associates over the years, will be moving onto "new ventures."
#14475261 at 2021-08-27 20:54:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18312: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Editon
- -
1 | H | |He |
|-+ ----+-|
2 |Li |Be | | B | C | N | O | F |Ne |
|-+-| |-+-+-+-+-+-|
3 |Na |Mg |3B 4B 5B 6B 7B | 8B |1B 2B |Al |Si | P | S |Cl |Ar |
4 | K |Ca |Sc |Ti | V |Cr |Mn |Fe |Co |Ni |Cu |Zn |Ga |Ge |As |Se |Br |Kr |
5 |Rb |Sr | Y |Zr |Nb |Mo |Tc |Ru |Rh |Pd |Ag |Cd |In |Sn |Sb |Te | I |Xe |
6 |Cs |Ba |LAN|Hf |Ta | W |Re |Os |Ir |Pt |Au |Hg |Tl |Pb |Bi |Po |At |Rn |
7 |Fr |Ra |ACT|
Lanthanide |La |Ce |Pr |Nd |Pm |Sm |Eu |Gd |Tb |Dy |Ho |Er |Tm |Yb |Lu |
Actinide |Ac |Th |Pa | U |Np |Pu |Am |Cm |Bk |Cf |Es |Fm |Md |No |Lw |
#14468694 at 2021-08-27 00:28:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #182303: To Habbening And Beyond Edition
The attacks have long been as puzzling as they are disturbing - strange, high-pitched sounds that victims have sometimes described as a loud ringing or scraping and, at other times, as electronic or even like the chirping of a particularly insistent cricket.
They can be ear-splittingly loud or barely audible, just as the symptoms have been in some cases minor and in others, devastating.
But there is rather more clarity over who is being targeted - U.S. government spies, diplomats and their families. More than 130 of them across the world have succumbed to what has been dubbed 'Havana Syndrome', after the place where it began five years ago. About 100 CIA agents and their loved ones are reportedly among the victims.
#14468685 at 2021-08-27 00:27:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #182303: To Habbening And Beyond Edition
Has China created a sonic supergun? US officials hit by a mystery sickness after two embassies suffered almost identical attacks, and 130 spies and diplomats targeted around the world. Now experts believe there could be a terrifying explanation
#14467854 at 2021-08-26 22:43:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18302: Night of the Living Comfefe Edition
Prince, Bannon, and this Yon guy are talking about ac-130 gunships patrolling over the airport now
#14465789 at 2021-08-26 19:21:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18300: Enter The Comfefe Edition
Ac 130 gunships ok I am listening
#14464786 at 2021-08-26 17:19:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18298: Nothing Can Stop The Audits Edition
Four Marines Among Dozens Killed, Over 130 Injured Including Americans After 2 Explosions Rock Kabul Airport
At least 43 dead and 130 wounded, including four US Marines
US officials report multiple US, civilian casualties
Suicide bomb explodes at Kabul airport gate, second explosion reported as car bomb
Taliban warned of potential terrorist threat
US State Dept warned Americans to "leave immediately" due to imminent threat
At least 3 US Marines injured
At least 12 civilians dead including kids
Gunfire reported
* * *
Update (1302ET): The Wall Street Journal is reporting that four US Marines are among the dozens killed in Thursday's attack at the Kabul airport.
The U.S. ambassador in Kabul has told staff there that four U.S. Marines were killed in an explosion at the city's airport and three wounded, a U.S. official with knowledge of the briefing said. Two explosions ripped through crowds of Afghans trying to enter the airport on Thursday.
At least three U.S. troops were injured, a U.S. official said. Witnesses reported multiple fatalities among the Afghans, many of whom were trying to enter the airport because they had assisted U.S.-led coalition efforts and feared persecution by the Taliban. -WSJ
#14462765 at 2021-08-26 12:46:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18296: Winning Ebake 3 Edition
JUST IN - Italian C-130 had to fly an evasive maneuver after takeoff from #Kabul airport due to gunfire from the ground.
#14462635 at 2021-08-26 12:20:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18296: Winning Ebake 3 Edition
Antifa retreat following failed attack on Portland rally
>11,734 views | Aug 25, 2021 | Andy Ngo
Dozens of antifa were forced to retreat in northeast Portland on 22 Aug., 2021,
launching a failed attack on a patriotic-themed rally that had the Proud Boys as
security. The antifa drove in vehicles 10 miles to the patriotic-themed rally to
launch an attack using homemade explosives and pepper spray. Watch as dozens
of antifa flee from a handful of men and a person on a scooter. Video by Tayler
Hansen/@TaylerUSA on Twitter.
7 hours ago
"Hey mom whats your ETA in the soccer van, were getting our asses kicked"
7 hours ago
Then they whine that the police don't save them from the people they have been stalking for weeks.
Evil Inside
Evil Inside
6 hours ago
This looks entertaining. Antifa doesn't like it when people push back on them.
Daniel 357
Daniel 357
6 hours ago
This is why Portland can't have nice things anymore.
Joshua Prets
Joshua Prets
7 hours ago
"RETREAT! Back to our basements!"
Ivan Jetá
Ivan Jetá
7 hours ago
Isn't it funny to see how quick they fold once the police they protest against isn't there to protect them? Oh the irony. 🤣👍
Liza H
Liza H
6 hours ago
The idea of shooting them with paintballs is actually pretty smart- it defeats their use of black bloc, especially if you can get footage of where the paint gets on them. This is actually a really good idea.
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
7 hours ago
Antifa getting picked up in a minivan? Sounds about right.
7 hours ago
Careful now, don't break the law, but a lot more of this please.
7 hours ago
Antifa deserve absolutely everything they have coming.
alex sanchez
alex sanchez
7 hours ago
Some "antifascist's" mom came to pick them up and left with a broken window as soon as she came🤣
Tyler Markham
Tyler Markham
6 hours ago
1 to 1 fight, and no police to protect them, and they tuck their tails and run. 😂 cheers boys!!🍻🇺🇸
Jan Henke
Jan Henke
7 hours ago
Proud boy goes to prison for burning a BLM sign and Antifa does all kinds of damage and nothing happens to them. At least they were chased off this time.
corey barney
corey barney
6 hours ago
its about time the people started standing up to these clowns.. great job
Pu pu plater
Pu pu plater
7 hours ago
Way to go PB's!
Im Gold Leader
Im Gold Leader
7 hours ago
Front lines in America. When the Civil War started families followed the troops and setup picnics to "watch the fight" but quickly realized this was all too real.
#14455748 at 2021-08-25 18:15:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18287: Karen Fann[tastic] Edition
The story's narrator, Montresor, tells an unspecified person, who knows him very well, of the day he took his revenge on Fortunato (Italian for "the fortunate one"), a fellow nobleman. Angry over numerous injuries and some unspecified insult, Montresor plots to murder his "friend" during Carnival, while the man is drunk, dizzy, and wearing a jester's motley.
Montresor lures Fortunato into a private wine-tasting excursion by telling him he has obtained a pipe (about 130 gallons,[1] 492 litres) of what he believes to be a rare vintage of Amontillado. He proposes obtaining confirmation of the pipe's contents by inviting a fellow wine aficionado, Luchesi, for a private tasting. Montresor knows Fortunato will not be able to resist demonstrating his discerning palate for wine and will insist that he taste the amontillado rather than Luchesi who, as he claims, "cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry". Fortunato goes with Montresor to the wine cellars of the latter's palazzo, where they wander in the catacombs. Montresor offers wine (first Médoc, then De Grave) to Fortunato in order to keep him inebriated. Montresor warns Fortunato, who has a bad cough, of the dampness, and suggests they go back, but Fortunato insists on continuing, claiming that he "shall not die of a cough". During their walk, Montresor mentions his family coat of arms: a golden foot in a blue background crushing a snake whose fangs are embedded in the foot's heel, with the motto Nemo me impune lacessit ("No one provokes me with impunity").
At one point, Fortunato makes an elaborate, grotesque gesture with an upraised wine bottle. When Montresor appears not to recognize the gesture, Fortunato asks, "You are not of the masons?" Montresor says he is, and when Fortunato, disbelieving, requests a sign, Montresor displays a trowel he had been hiding. When they come to a niche, Montresor tells his victim that the Amontillado is within. Fortunato enters drunk and unsuspecting and therefore, does not resist as Montresor quickly chains him to the wall. Montresor then declares that, since Fortunato won't go back, Montresor must "positively leave" him there.
Montresor reveals brick and mortar, previously hidden among the bones nearby, and proceeds to wall up the niche using his trowel, entombing his friend alive. At first, Fortunato, who sobers up faster than Montresor anticipated, shakes the chains, trying to escape. Fortunato then screams for help, but Montresor mocks his cries, knowing nobody can hear them. Fortunato laughs weakly and tries to pretend that he is the subject of a joke and that people will be waiting for him (including the Lady Fortunato). As Montresor finishes the topmost row of stones, Fortunato wails, "For the love of God, Montresor!" to which Montresor replies, "Yes, for the love of God!" He listens for a reply but hears only the jester's bells ringing. Before placing the last stone, he drops a burning torch through the gap. He claims that he feels sick at heart, but dismisses this reaction as an effect of the dampness of the catacombs.
In the last few sentences, Montresor reveals that 50 years later, Fortunato's body still hangs from its chains in the niche where he left it. The murderer concludes: In pace requiescat! ("May he rest in peace!").
#14443781 at 2021-08-24 10:34:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18272: Ultimate Q Decode - The Q Code Solution Edition
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [24.08.21 06:21]
How many more Afghan nationals do we need to "evacuate" before the rest of the US citizens can be rescued?
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [24.08.21 06:32]
[ Album ]
We gave four C-130 military transport aircraft to the Afghan army.
We dont have enough transport aircraft to help evacuate US citizens because we gave them to the Afghans.
#14441738 at 2021-08-24 02:24:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18269: Into the Night, Comfefe by Light Edition
Walk Off the Earth performs Thunderstrike by AC/DC in Sydney Opera House
#14441721 at 2021-08-24 02:22:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18269: Into the Night, Comfefe by Light Edition
$1.6 Million of Cocaine Seized at the Border
EDINBURG, Texas - Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV) Border Patrol agents interdicted three narcotic smuggling attempts totaling over 130 pounds of marijuana and more than 50 pounds of cocaine.
Friday afternoon, Fort Brown Border Patrol Station agents working in Brownsville, Texas, observed two subjects illegally enter the United States, one of which was carrying a bundle of marijuana. When agents approached the subjects, they quickly abandoned the bundle and fled back to Mexico. The bundle of marijuana weighed approximately 23 pounds with an estimated street value of over $18K.
Saturday evening, Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station (RGC) agents observed a subject carrying a bundle on his back walk away from the river and further into the United States. Responding agents located two subjects and two bundles of marijuana weighing over 110 pounds. The marijuana has an estimated street value of over $92K. The drug smugglers are citizens of Mexico and Honduras. The case was turned over to Starr County Sheriff's Office.
Yesterday evening, RGC agents working in Roma, Texas, observed multiple subjects raft across the river from Mexico and walk towards a neighborhood. Two vehicles approached the area and the individuals began loading bags into the vehicles. As agents responded, the subjects began running towards the river. A National Guard air asset advised approximately 40 subjects were absconding back to Mexico from the U.S. riverbanks. The driver of one of the vehicles, a GMC Yukon, absconded from the vehicle while leaving it in motion. The vehicle drove through a property fence before agents were able to disable it. Inside the Yukon were two backpacks containing over 50 pounds of cocaine. The cocaine has an estimated street value of more than $1.6M. Agents located the driver hiding in the nearby area. The second vehicle fled from the area and was not located. Starr County Sheriff's Office took custody of the driver, vehicle, and narcotics.
The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and report suspicious activity at 800-863-9382.
Even with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, human smugglers continue to try these brazen attempts with zero regard for the lives they endanger nor to the health of the citizens of our great nation. The U.S. Border Patrol agents of the Rio Grande Valley Sector will continue to safeguard the nation and community against these criminal elements.
#14441393 at 2021-08-24 01:51:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18269: Into the Night, Comfefe by Light Edition
>>14441312 (lb)
Anon asking for ac type id on EVILI44 last bread -
I do not see any type info, definitely a Helo, height and speed support that. If I had to guess I'd say an H60, Air National Guard.
#14439912 at 2021-08-23 23:12:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18267: THE BEST HAS YET TO COMFEFE Edition
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [23.08.21 09:52]
The Taliban Terrorists have told the Resident that he has until August 31st to finish the evacuation.
What do you think will happen on September 1?
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [23.08.21 10:26]
There are disinfo agents currently trying to make the Taliban look "cool".
Do not fall for disinfo agent mind games.
The Taliban is not cool.
The Terrorist Taliban have given the Resident until the end of August to finish evacuations, after which any remaining Americans in Afghanistan will likely be hunted down for nefarious purposes.
CodeMonkeyZ Forwarded from GEORGENEWS
[Ron Watkins], [23.08.21 18:26]
Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left behind equipment list now controlled by Taliban:
-2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP's
-75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc
-45 UH-60 Blachhawk Helicopters
-50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
-ScanEagle Military Drones
-30 Military Version Cessnas
-4 C-130's
-29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
=208+ Aircraft Total!!
-At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
-61,000 M203 Rounds
-20,040 Grenades
-Mortars +1,000's of Rounds
-162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Comunications Gear
-16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
-Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
-Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
-10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
-Recconaissance Equipment (ISR)
-Laser Aiming Units
-Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
-2,520 Bombs
-Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops ALL operational
-Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
-Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
-Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
-US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
-Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators
#AmericaIsBack #BuildBackBetter #WhatAJoke
#14425238 at 2021-08-22 12:40:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18248: Hospitals Are All Empty Edition
I spy propaganda event.
Reports are that many of the military planes coming out of Kabul are empty or half empty.
It is not so easy for the propagandists to get hold of a modern military airlifter, C-130 C-17 etc.
It is easy for them to borrow a civilian airliner for an hour or two and fill it with a bunch of actors though.
Then they can play the look how many we saved or are coming into our country.
#14424953 at 2021-08-22 11:02:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18247: Fact or Fiction Edition
SICK SECT 'We were beaten at three, repeatedly raped as kids and put on a sex 'sharing schedule' aged 10 in Children of God cult'
Alison Maloney
3:58 ET, Aug 21 2021Updated: 4:25 ET, Aug 21 2021
The horrific sect - founded in 1968 by David Brandt Berg in California - grew to 130 communities around the world, housing 13,000 members, with numerous communes in the UK.
Berg convinced them that the end of the world was coming and taught them that sex was the way to find God and that "death was the ultimate orgasm."
#14424655 at 2021-08-22 08:40:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18247: Fact or Fiction Edition
video unavailable
my perspective is a liitle different anon, am the energy, AC
part of bein' baphomet
#14417643 at 2021-08-21 20:12:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18238: Bama Rally Ebake Edition
America's Humiliation Continues as Taliban Special Forces Unit Mocks Iwo Jima Photo Wearing Captured U.S. Gear
The Joe Rosenthal photo of Marines raising the American flag atop Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima is perhaps the most iconic image in U.S. military history.
That photo is now the subject of mockery by the terrorist army that controls Afghanistan.
The Taliban, on whom Joe Biden is depending for the survival of thousands of Americans he has left stranded in Kabul, have released a propaganda photo mocking the Iwo Jima image, according to a News4 San Antonio report. The mocking image came in videos the terrorist group released after capturing Kabul and the U.S. military weaponry.
The videos show heavily armed Taliban soldiers carrying U.S. and U.S. ally-made weapons and gear that appear to be stolen from various allied militaries. Various helicopters and light attack aircraft, including 35 American Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, are also now reportedly under Taliban control.
In one propaganda photo, it appears the Taliban is mocking one of the most iconic American images from World War II - Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima.
The Badri 313 Battalion show themselves in the video wearing elite combat gear they captured after Biden senselessly ordered the U.S. military to abandon Bagram Air Base and leave that gear behind. According to News4's story, that gear includes attack helicopters and light-attack fixed-wing Super Tucano airplanes. The report also says they captured one or more C-130 Hercules transport aircraft. The C-130 has long been the workhorse of the U.S. Air Force and allied militaries. It's capable of landing and taking off from unprepared runways, and of dropping supplies to ground forces very accurately. The Taliban may now have one of the better-equipped military forces in the region if not the world. They certainly have a sophisticated propaganda effort.
Joe Biden pitched himself-and his party and the media and Never Trumpers pitched him as well-as the adult who would restore America's prestige and standing in the world.
Here's how that's going.
#14414768 at 2021-08-21 12:57:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18234: Rally Day: Sweet Home Alabama Edition
Nexstar Media Purchases The Hill Newspaper for $130 Million
By Rudy TakalaAug 20th, 2021, 6:06 pm
#14412621 at 2021-08-21 03:31:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18232: #HarrisDoesHanoi Edition
Lots of evil digits.
Sixteen +17 =33
13 in C-130
Another 6
But we do get a 17 with the time.
#14412520 at 2021-08-21 03:17:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18232: #HarrisDoesHanoi Edition
Pentagon: "For the previous 24 hours, sixteen C-17s and one C-130 departed Kabul.These flights contained nearly 6,000 passengers including a couple hundred American citizens."
#14412371 at 2021-08-21 02:56:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18231: #BidenShouldApologize Edition
and articles always show dry land and animals in dry fields
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Published: 9:26pm, 17 Jun, 2021
UN warns drought may be the next pandemic, 'and there's no vaccine' for it
Drought - like a virus - tends to last a long time, have a wide geographic reach and cause knock-on damage, a UN representative said
About 130 countries could face a greater risk of drought this century under a high-emissions scenario cited by the UN
Water scarcity and drought are set to wreak damage on a scale to rival the Covid-19 pandemic with risks growing rapidly as global temperatures rise, according to the United Nations.
"Drought is on the verge of becoming the next pandemic - and there is no vaccine to cure it," Mami Mizutori, the UN's special representative for disaster risk reduction, told an online press briefing ahead of the report's release.
Already, droughts have triggered economic losses of at least US$124 billion and hit more than 1.5 billion people between 1998 and 2017, according to a UN report published on Thursday.
#14411973 at 2021-08-21 02:03:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18231: #BidenShouldApologize Edition
Pentagon: "For the previous 24 hours, sixteen C-17s and one C-130 departed Kabul. These flights contained nearly 6,000 passengers including a couple hundred American citizens."
#14408089 at 2021-08-20 18:37:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18226: Watching and Waiting Edition
Anyone in St. Joseph?
C-130's I was following landed there and are on way back south. B-52 back in LA burning fuel.
#14399562 at 2021-08-19 20:05:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18215: They Always Have Three Names Edition
Thanks to Joe Biden the Taliban Now Controls 11 Former US Bases, Approximately 174 Humvees, 10,000 High Explosive Rockets and 6 Light Attack Aircraft
ETVBharat reported:
New Delhi: Riding on a victory wave replete with a hasty US withdrawal and an abject capitulation by the Afghan army, to say that the Taliban has become stronger may be an obvious understatement. The insurgent organization may soon gleefully lay its hands on the vast array of military resources left behind.
Just to help the Afghan government provide security in Afghanistan, the US had pumped in about $89 billion as of June 30, 2021. With the Ashraf Ghani-led Afghan government's sudden fall, it would be safe to assume that a substantial chunk of those investments has fallen into the Taliban hands.Just to give an idea, according to the US government official figures, in the three months from April to June 2021, the US handed over to the Afghan National Defense and Security forces (ANDSF) six A-29 light attack aircraft, 174 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (Humvees), about 10,000 2.75 inch high-explosive rockets, 61,000 40-mm high explosive rounds, 9,00,000 rounds of .50 calibre ammo, and 20,15,600 rounds of 7.62 mm bullets.
While a stock-taking exercise is yet to begin in the war-ravaged country because of the prevailing circumstances, it is very likely that the Taliban may have taken possession of most of those assets.
Air force assets
The Afghan Air Force (AAF) operates three types of helicopters which include the 45 UH-60 Blackhawks, 50 MD-530s, and 56 Mi-17 helicopters besides its A-29 Super Tucano fighters (23 in number), C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, C-208 utility aircraft, and AC-208 fixed-wing aircraft.In total, the AAF has an inventory of 211 air platforms of which 167 were operable as of June 30, 2021. However, a problem that may dog the Taliban in operating these platforms will be finding operators and aviators, mechanics and locating spares.
Military bases
The 11 bases and military complexes recently handed over to the ANDSF are New Antonik, Kandahar airfield, Camp Morehead, New Kabul Complex, Blockhouse, Camp Stevenson, Camp Dwyer, Camp Lincoln (Camp Marmal), Camp Arena, Bagram airfield and the Resolute Support headquarters (RSHQ) which was handed over to the Afghan government on June 6, 2021.
#14396679 at 2021-08-19 14:22:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18212: Reading is FUNdamental
Trump mentioned Dunkirk earlier on night shift. Seems like a perfect opportunity for companies or countries, even people, to be the hero. Imagine if Southwest airlines sent over their fleet of planes. Fucking stock price would skyrocket thru the roof. Imagine if some celebs sent over their private jets. Or Israel showed up with a few dozen C-130's.
All kinds of opportunities here to do what is right for those who are willing to take a chance.
#14393394 at 2021-08-19 02:07:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18208: This could be—Afghanistan—another Dunkirk situation Edition
To follow up on that thought,Dunkirk Moment
This is the perfect opportunity for some ally in the region to really show their support and commitment. What if Israel stepped up with a fleet of C-130's to evacuate people back to Haifa? Then standard flights could ferry them onward from there.
What if Putin came calling and sent in cargo planes to evacuate people as well? This is a keen moment for any people or allies who want to come down on the good side of this situation, and earn the respect of Americans.
Lets see.
#14389971 at 2021-08-18 19:56:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18203: Make It Great Edition
34-Count Federal Indictment Charges 12 Defendants in Alleged Drug Trafficking Conspiracy out of Anderson County
130 Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Officers Executed Largest Federal Warrant Operation in Anderson County History
#14389080 at 2021-08-18 18:13:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18202: Expell Rinos Blocking Audits Edition
>Dolly Parton
Since the mid-1980s, Parton has supported many charitable efforts, particularly in the area of literacy, primarily through her Dollywood Foundation. Her literacy program, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library,[125] a part of the Dollywood Foundation, mails one book per month to each enrolled child from the time of their birth until they enter kindergarten. Currently, over 1600 local communities provide the Imagination Library to almost 850,000 children each month across the U.S., Canada, the UK, Australia, and the Republic of Ireland.[125] In 2018, Parton was honored by the Library of Congress on account of the "charity sending out its 100 millionth book".[126] In 2006, Parton published a cookbook, Dolly's Dixie Fixin's: Love, Laughter and Lots of Good Food.[127][128]
The Dollywood Foundation, funded from Parton's profits, has been noted for bringing jobs and tax revenues to a previously depressed region. Parton also has worked to raise money for several other causes, including the American Red Cross and HIV/AIDS-related charities.[129]
In December 2006, Parton pledged $500,000 toward a proposed $90 million hospital and cancer center to be constructed in Sevierville in the name of Robert F. Thomas, the physician who delivered her. She announced a benefit concert to raise additional funds for the project. The concert played to about 8,000 people.[130] That same year, Emmylou Harris and she had allowed their music to be used in a PETA ad campaign that encouraged pet owners to keep their dogs indoors rather than chained outside.[131]
With Tennessee Senator Bob Corker at the rededication ceremony for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in September 2009
In 2003, her efforts to preserve the bald eagle through the American Eagle Foundation's sanctuary at Dollywood earned her the Partnership Award from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.[132] Parton received the Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars of the Smithsonian Institution at a ceremony in Nashville on November 8, 2007.[133] In February 2018, she donated her 100 millionth free book, a copy of Parton's children's picture book Coat of Many Colors. It was donated to the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.[134]
For her work in literacy, Parton has received various awards, including Association of American Publishers Honors Award (2000), Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval (2001) (the first time the seal had been awarded to a person), American Association of School Administrators - Galaxy Award (2002), National State Teachers of the Year - Chasing Rainbows Award (2002), and Parents as Teachers National Center - Child and Family Advocacy Award (2003).
On May 8, 2009, Parton gave the commencement speech at the graduation ceremony for the University of Tennessee, Knoxville's College of Arts and Sciences.[135] During the ceremony, she received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the university. It was only the second honorary degree given by the university, and in presenting the degree, the university's Chancellor, Jimmy Cheek, said, "Because of her career not just as a musician and entertainer, but for her role as a cultural ambassador, philanthropist and lifelong advocate for education, it is fitting that she be honored with an honorary degree from the flagship educational institution of her home state."[136]
In response to the 2016 Great Smoky Mountains wildfires, Parton was one of a number of country music artists who participated in a telethon to raise money for victims of the fires.[137] This was held in Nashville on December 9. In addition, Parton hosted her own telethon for the victims on December 13[138] and reportedly raised around $9 million.[139]
Parton has been a generous donor to VUMC (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine). Among her gifts was a contribution to the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Pediatric Cancer Program in honor of a friend, Professor Naji Abumrad, of Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and her niece, Hannah Dennison, who was successfully treated for leukemia as a child at Children's Hospital.[140]
#14385617 at 2021-08-18 06:42:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18198: Enough Is Enough. This Bitch Has Finally Gone Too Far Edition
Andover to deepen China ties
Updated: 2015-02-20 12:12
The school began its educational relationship with China more than 130 years ago when 11 Chinese boys were enrolled in the school in 1878 and 1879 to study. One of those boys, Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, Class of 1882, later served as Chinese Minister to Berlin and Washington. Andover began offering a Chinese language program in the 1960s and established an exchange program in the 1970s.
#14376875 at 2021-08-17 13:23:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18188: Broken by Biden's Afghanistan Failure Edition
>WTF is on John Brennan's office book shelf?
Prolly a gift from AC
#14376797 at 2021-08-17 13:10:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18188: Broken by Biden's Afghanistan Failure Edition
magic is real, israel, if you believe anon, i would like your name (first) so i can obsess on it please
#14370245 at 2021-08-16 19:52:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18180: Pillow Talk At 6pm Central Edition
Kabul 233 / 47
I love numbers
Fall of CABAL = Iran / Delta / Flood / Pepe = 130
#14365286 at 2021-08-16 04:31:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18174: We The People Are The Plan: Get Involved In Your Local Community Edition
A whole bunch of USAF and USMC aerial tankers coming back all at once over UAE airspace. 3x KC-135, 2x KC-130 and 1x KC-10. All seem to have been involved with the Kabul evacuation.
#14361488 at 2021-08-15 21:10:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18169: Anons are One Edition
You Guys Realize We're Probably Going To Have To Lock Down GLP Again Soon Right?
They are going to try to set us up and take us down again….
Can't have random AC shills promoting anti-vax calls to violence and that sort of thing..
Gonna have to lock the place down to members only posting, and possibly members only viewing real soon…
I know it sucks but if we don't take these steps it's going to be too easy for them to come after us….
This is their final big push and we need this outlet for free uncensored communication to stay open…
So don't act all shocked when it happens..
#14358999 at 2021-08-15 15:59:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18166: Comfy Before The Storm Edition
>>14357572 (pb) >>14358655 (pb)
looked through qagg and didn't find any. Definitely remember the ac-130 flare pattern used significantly I think back at /cbts/ for something, can't remember what exactly
#14354877 at 2021-08-15 01:55:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18160: Catch and Release Pantifa! Edition
Not sure if anyone is familiar with this but there is an interdasting tale that comes out of Afghanistan
The Kandahar Giant
In 2016, an account appeared online that claimed to be from a member of a US special forces team that encountered, and killed, a giant humanoid during operations in Afghanistan. While the account has largely been debunked, this hasn't prevented a number of theories arising surrounding this supposed giant, as well as a video interview with a man who claims to have been present during the incident.
Despite not surfacing until 2016, the supposed encounter is said to have taken place in 2002. After a US Army patrol in a remote part of Kandahar Province went missing without making radio contact, Special Forces were dispatched to look for the missing men. Searching along the line of the patrol's known route resulted in them discovering discarded pieces of equipment, much of it broken. The debris led the troop to a difficult, mountainous trail, which terminated at a large cave and a clearing scattered with broken equipment and cracked bones.
The account then claims that a red-headed, powerfully built humanoid, around 13 feet in height and clad in animal skins, emerged from the cave. On spotting the patrol the giant promptly killed one of them, an individual specifically named in the original account as 'Dan', by impaling him with a large, metal-tipped spear. The rest of the patrol then killed it with 'thirty seconds of sustained fire'.
On inspecting the body, they found that the creature had six fingers on each hand and two sets of teeth. The giant was then reportedly collected by Chinook and transferred to a C-130 to be transported to an unknown location, with members of the aircraft crew reportedly stating that it weighed in excess of 1,200lb.
After a request for comment to the US Department of Defense, a spokesman stated in 2016 that they had no record of such an incident. Further, the only US service member with the first name Daniel who was killed in Kandahar during 2002 died in a bomb blast alongside three others. No statement referring to a member of the special forces being killed by a giant has ever been released by the Department of Defense, either in 2002 or at any other time.
Of course, some researchers claim that this is simply because the US Government conspired to cover up the incident. Several unverified accounts have emerged, including two from men that claim to have been part of the special forces patrol that encountered the giant. A number of other videos and blogs have claimed to have spoken with other US military personnel that served in Afghanistan during 2002, often stating that the encounter with the giant was an 'open secret' amongst many that served in Kandahar.
One relatively popular theory is that the creature was one of the nephilim, creatures mentioned in the Hebrew bible and variously translated as giant or fallen angel. Another interpretation is that the nephilim were the offspring of relationships between either angels and humans, or angels and devils, depending on the account in question.
Filmmaker L.A Marzulli conducted a lengthy interview with a man, known only as Mr D, who claims to have been present during the encounter with the Kandahar giant. The interview can be found here.
Link was nixxed but wayback has it
L.A. Marzulli: "Afghan Giant/Return of Nephilim?"
#14346529 at 2021-08-14 01:28:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18150: Need those Symposium Clips Edition
EDINA, Minn. (WCCO) - Pulling up to emergency room doors has been a consistent site for sick Minnesotans this year, even for medical professionals.
"We were as prepared for flu season as we possibly could be," Dr. Shane McAllister said as he explained how he, his wife and their 9-month-old son all received the flu vaccine this season. McAllister is an infectious disease specialist.
Hy-Vee Offers Third Vaccine Doses To Immunocompromised Individuals
Despite taking that precaution, he said his son came down with the virus.
"I got a call from daycare that he had a 102 (degree) fever. And when we picked him up he was glassy eyed and listless, definitely not himself," said Dr. McAllister.
He immediately checked his son into the ER at Masonic Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. After getting diagnosed with the flu, Dr. McAllister said his son was treated with Tamiflu and was healthy within a few days.
"We will continue to give him the flu vaccine every year but I do hope that we have better one to offer very soon," he said.
MN GOP Party Leaders To Have Emergency Meeting Following Federal Sex Trafficking Charges Against Republican Operative And Donor
The current vaccine is reportedly only 10 to 60 percent effective.
Senator Amy Klobuchar wants to change that through a bill named the Flu Vaccine Act, which would call for more research on a better vaccine at the National Institute of Health. She made the announcement at Fairview Hospital in Edina, surrounded by several health professionals who hope to aid her in the bill's goal.
"Funding research to improve flu vaccinations is critical in keeping our society healthy. We need to get to a point where the viruses have to work to keep up with us," said Dr. Kevin Nelson, a family medicine doctor with Fairview Physician Associates.
One child in Minnesota has died from the flu. The Centers for Disease Control recently reported one in 10 deaths in the country have been linked to flu or pneumonia.
"There have also been 400 outbreaks of flu in Minnesota's schools and over 130 outbreaks in long-term care facilities," said Dave Johnson, epidemiology manager for Hennepin County Public Health.
COVID In Minnesota: Some Immunocompromised Minnesotans Could Soon Get Booster Shot
Senator Klobuchar and other lawmakers will introduce the Flu Vaccine Act this week. She said she continues to push the Food and Drug Administration to fix the IV bag and saline shortage in the U.S., which has adversely affected flu symptom treatment.
#14338529 at 2021-08-12 21:52:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18140: The De-Certifications BEGIN! Cyber Symposium Edition
There are 2 mil c 130-Js just off Oxnard/Venture. Appear to be together, search pattern (?)
#14338479 at 2021-08-12 21:47:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18140: The De-Certifications BEGIN! Cyber Symposium Edition
A California surfing school owner has been charged with killing his two young children after driving them from their home in Santa Barbara to Mexico.
During an interview with the FBI, Matthew Taylor Coleman confessed that he had taken his two-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter to Rosarito, Mexico, where he shot a "spear fishing gun" into their chests, according to an affidavit filed by an FBI agent with the criminal complaint.
The 40-year-old said that "he was enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories", according to the affidavit, and that he "believed his children were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them".
Coleman was charged with the foreign murder of US nationals, the US attorney's office said in a statement. The office said a judge had scheduled an arraignment for 31 August. It was not immediately clear whether Coleman had an attorney to speak for him.
QAnon is a wide-ranging internet conspiracy theory whose adherents believe that a secret cabal of Democrats, celebrities and billionaires is controlling the world while also engaging in child sex-trafficking.
Its potent blend of classic antisemitic tropes and contemporary rightwing politics was supercharged by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, when it merged with other conspiracy communities, including anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown groups and the proponents of false allegations of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race.
QAnon has been repeatedly linked to both political and interpersonal violence, including several cases of parents allegedly kidnapping their children.
But much about the tragedy that befell the Coleman family remained unclear. A farm worker found the children's bodies on Monday at a ranch near the resort town of Rosarito in Baja California, about 40 minutes from the US border, Mexican authorities have said.
Coleman and the children had checked into a Rosarito hotel on Saturday, according to authorities there, but video footage showed them leaving before dawn on Monday.
Coleman returned alone later that morning and then left the hotel for good, they added.
Coleman's wife had reported to Santa Barbara police on Saturday that her husband had left with the children in the family's van. The family was supposed to go on a camping trip, she told police, but Coleman instead took the children and left without saying where he was going.
According to the court affidavit, Coleman's wife said she didn't believe the children were in any danger, that she hadn't had any problems with her husband, and "they did not have any sort of argument" before he left.
Police and family members were unable to reach Coleman over the phone, but an iPhone-finding application placed his phone in Rosarito on Sunday, and on Monday it was traced to an area of Mexico near the San Ysidro port of entry in San Diego, according to the affidavit.
Authorities detained Coleman at the border checkpoint, where during an interview with an FBI agent he said "he was receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife, AC, possessed serpent DNA and had passed it on to his children", according to the affidavit. Coleman said he knew what he did was wrong, according to the court documents, but that "it was the only course of action to save the world".
The FBI has long warned of QAnon's potential to inspire violence. It first warned that QAnon and other conspiracy theories would probably inspire "domestic extremists" to carry out violence in May 2019. In a June bulletin to members of Congress, the agency noted that the fact that the conspiracy theory's many predictions had not come true could create a feeling of "obligation" among adherents to engage in violence.
Coleman's statement about "serpent DNA" may be a reference to the "lizard people" conspiracy theory, popularized by the prominent British conspiracist David Icke, which falsely asserts that many powerful people are actually reptilian aliens that look like humans.
Anthony Quinn Warner, the Nashville suicide bomber who blew up himself and a recreational vehicle on Christmas Day 2020, reportedly also followed the lizard people conspiracy theory.
#14337502 at 2021-08-12 20:18:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18139: Cyber Symposium - Information Dissemination Edition
Four Defendants Arrested in Multimillion-Dollar Counterfeit Goods Trafficking Scheme
More Than $130 Million Scheme Included Fake UGG Boots, Nike Air Jordan Sneakers, Timberland Boots and Beats Headphones
#14332566 at 2021-08-12 08:29:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18132: Interestingly, we did uncover a few critical things Edition
Yes, Virginia, There Is Election Fraud
August 12, 2021 by Phyllis Schlafly
Hardly anybody ever gets prosecuted and convicted of election fraud but, wonder to behold, two guys were convicted in Indiana. Former Democratic Party County Chairman Butch Morgan and Board of Elections worker Dustin Blythe were both recently found guilty of felony election fraud. Morgan and Blythe had conspired to forge signatures on the petitions that put Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the presidential primary ballot in 2008.
Indiana law requires primary candidates to turn in 500 signatures from each of the state's nine congressional districts. These two guys faked 90 of those signatures for Obama and 130 for Hillary. She had a total of 704 signatures which was still enough without the forgeries. However, Obama had only 534 signatures and would not have qualified. Had the crime been known at the time, Obama's name could not have appeared on the Indiana ballot.
The forgeries were not very well disguised. It was a Yale University student [Ryan Nees] who uncovered the scheme to forge names. He said the fraud was obvious "because page after page of signatures were all in the same handwriting." The guys who faked the signatures didn't need to conceal their fraud because they were also the election workers responsible for verifying the petitions. There was no other safeguard in place.
If you don't think election fraud is a problem, this case should be a wake-up call. It was election fraud that put Barack Obama on the Indiana primary ballot in 2008. Morgan and Blythe have shown us how easy fraud is, and also how easy it is for fraud to go unreported. How do we know similar fraud didn't happen in many other states in the primaries or in the general election? The events in Indiana demonstrate why we should work for tighter election restrictions to combat fraud, because it really does happen.
#14332337 at 2021-08-12 07:20:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18132: Interestingly, we did uncover a few critical things Edition
Mindy Robinson, [11.08.21 19:19]
[ Photo ]
#14330945 at 2021-08-12 02:44:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18130: Judge Carl Nichols allows Dominion suits against Trump Allies Edition
no effort was made to measure ?H, but from what i witnessed i would estimate it was essentially thermoneutral.
the "stimulus" which induced the transmutation was an electrolytic cell using high frequency AC rather than DC.
as i said, a garage tinkerer… because educated scientists would be "too smart" to waste time experimenting with AC electrolysis.
#14319584 at 2021-08-11 01:07:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18116: Election Equipment Passwords End up Online Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14319407 @130
>>14319512, >>14319480, >>14319475, >>14319517 Live Cyber links
>>14319499 Premier of Canadian province Manitoba will not seek re-election
>>14319571 U.S. moved Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, into its highest travel advisory tier, "Level 4 - Do Not Travel"
#14313580 at 2021-08-10 15:55:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18108: Lets start this movie Edition
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#14304237 at 2021-08-09 10:06:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18096: Into the Morning Light, Patriots Fight Edition
:Doing of this. >>13228585. >>13382406 (QSG)
For the TUTORS. >>14019548 (QSG)
#14300602 at 2021-08-08 21:44:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18091: EBake
A new Pfizer funded study of 45,000 patients conducted over 6 months found there were 15 deaths in the vaccinated people versus 14 deaths in the unvaccinated
Nickie LouiseNickie Louise POSTED ON AUGUST 3, 2021
The highly-anticipated Pfizer's safety and efficacy study of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is finally out. After six months of monitoring over 45,000 patients, the study found that there were 15 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 deaths in the unvaccinated placebo group.
In other words, more vaccinated people died from the virus than the unvaccinated. According to the study, there were no deaths among 12?15-year-old participants. The study not only demonstrates the lack of efficacy in the most important group but also highlights the extremely low fatality rate of Covid-19 in most of the 45,000 participants.
What's also fascinating about this study is that the most important data about the study was not included in the main study. Instead, the specific list of deaths was buried on page 12 of the appendix of a separate document called supplementary material.
"The study cannot provide information on persistence of protection after a single dose, as 98.5% of participants received dose 2 as scheduled during the blinded study period," the authors of Pfizer's study wrote.
From the study:
"During the blinded, controlled period, 15 BNT162b2 and 14 placebo recipients died; during the open-label period, 3 BNT162b2 and 2 original placebo recipients who received BNT162b2 after unblinding died. [...] The study cannot provide information on persistence of protection after a single dose, as 98.5% of participants received dose 2 as scheduled during the blinded study period."
Pfizer had previously reported safety and efficacy data obtained through a median 2 months of postimmunization follow-up from a global phase 1/2/3 trial of BNT162b2 in ?16-year-olds. Based on the result of the 2 months follow-up, Pfizer said the vaccine efficacy (VE) against COVID-19 was 95%. BNT162b2 had a favorable safety profile in diverse populations. The data from the two months of finding then formed the basis for BNT162b2 emergency/conditional authorizations globally, Pfizer said.
On July 28, Pfizer finally released its safety and efficacy findings from a prespecified analysis of the phase 2/3 portion of the trial up to about 6 months of follow-up as a preprint on the medRxiv server.
Table S4 | Causes of Death from Dose 1 to Unblinding (Safety Population, ?16 Years Old). a. Multiple causes of death could be reported for each participant. There were no deaths among 12?15-year-old participants
Below are the results of the study.
- Between July 27, 2020 and October 29, 2020, 45,441 ?16-year-olds were screened, and 44,165 randomized at 152 sites (US [n=130], Argentina [n=1], Brazil [n=2], South Africa [n=4], Germany [n=6], Turkey [n=9]) in the phase 2/3 portion of the study.
- Of these participants, 44,060 were vaccinated with ?1 dose (BNT162b2, n=22,030; placebo, n=22,030), and 98% received dose 2 (Fig.1).
- During the blinded period, 51% of participants in each group had 4 to <6 months of follow-up post dose 2; 8% of BNT162b2 recipients and 6% of placebo recipients had ?6 months follow-up post-dose 2.
- During blinded and open-label periods combined, 55% of BNT162b2 recipients had ?6 months follow-up post-dose 2.
- Participants were 49% female, 82% White, 10% Black/African American, and 26% Hispanic/Latinx; median age was 51 years. Thirty-four percent had BMI ?30.0 kg/m2, 21% had ?1 underlying comorbidity, and 3% had baseline evidence of prior/current SARS-CoV-2 infection.
- Between October 15, 2020, and January 12, 2021, 2306 12-15-year-olds were screened, 2264 were randomized across 29 US sites, 2260 were vaccinated with ?1 dose (BNT162b2, n=1131; placebo, n=1129), and 99% received dose 2.
- Of vaccinated participants, 58% had ?2 months follow-up post-dose 2, 49% were female, 86% were White, 4.6% were Black/African American, and 12% were Hispanic/Latinx. Full demographic characteristics are reported elsewhere.
"During the blinded, controlled period, 15 BNT162b2 and 14 placebo recipients died; during the open-label period, 3 BNT162b2 and 2 original placebo recipients who received BNT162b2 after unblinding died. None of these deaths were considered related to BNT162b2 by investigators. Causes of death were balanced between BNT162b2 and placebo groups (Table S4)," the study found.
Below is the abstract of the study.
Background: BNT162b2 is a lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine
encoding a prefusion-stabilized, membrane-anchored SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike protein.
#14299803 at 2021-08-08 19:38:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18090: Camping The Campers Edition
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.
Psalms 130:5
#14299470 at 2021-08-08 18:53:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18090: Camping The Campers Edition
>>14297151, >>14297167 (PB)
also 1.13M for the AC Vanderbilt apartment
NOTE: actually listed for 1.125M; media is rounding up to 1.13…
11.3 comms it seems
#14295562 at 2021-08-08 04:38:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18085: Georgia's Corrupt "Election" Edition
: MAKING-THEM-[AC]COUNTABLE-WAKES-THEM-UP! >>14295454. >>14295484
#14294079 at 2021-08-08 00:47:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18083: Help keep the Kitchen clean ffs
Biden's Back in Afghanistan: US Deploys Bombers and Gunships to Fight Advancing Taliban Terrorists; Embassy Urges Americans to Leave Country "Immediately"
Shortly after announcing the departure of US troops from Afghanistan, Biden has deployed B-52 bombers and ac-130 Spectre gunships in a desperate attempt to slow the advances of Taliban terrorists who have taken over half of the country.
The aircraft are deploying from a US airbase in Qatar and will be joined by unmanned reaper drones in their assault on the insurgents. Their efforts will focus on 3 key cities that are currently being attacked - Kandahar, Herat, and Lashkar Gah.
The Taliban mobilized a military campaign and has been quickly gaining control of more territory after Biden began pulling US forces out of the country. The announcement to withdraw was made only after America's standing in the region had been weakened by months of horrible foreign policy, which laid the groundwork for these terrorists to start taking over.
Biden defended his timing by claiming that the Afghan government had the ability to handle the threat themselves, saying that they are "better trained" and "more competent;" Clearly something that has not proven to be true.
"Do I trust the Taliban? No," Biden said. "But I trust the capacity of the Afghan military, who is better trained, better equipped, and more and more competent in terms of conducting war." Biden said to NPR.
China-Joe's questionably-timed decision also opened the door for President Xi to step in and fund the Taliban's rein of terror. Once Trump was out of the way and couldn't hold them accountable, China gave $62 Billion in a bid to further their 'belt and road' initiative.
The insurgents have accelerated their efforts over the past week and the departure of troops has emboldened them like never before.
On Friday, in one of the most active days since beginning their campaign, terrorists violently overtook the provincial capital city of Zaranj in Nimroz. A large prison that is located there was surrendered to the invaders and they managed to release all of the prisoners.
On the same day, a group of Taliban gunned down the Afghan government's chief media officer, Dawa Khan Menapal, in a brutal assassination in nearby Kabul.
The situation has gotten so bad on the ground that the US embassy in Afghanistan has issued a Level 4 "do-not-travel" warning and is urging American citizens who are still in the country to leave "immediately." They even provide details on the possibility of a US evacuation flight taking place.
The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to leave Afghanistan immediately using available commercial flight options. Given the security conditions and reduced staffing, the Embassy's ability to assist U.S. citizens in Afghanistan is extremely limited even within Kabul.
#14290776 at 2021-08-07 15:09:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18079: [They] Are Cracking Down Because [their] Time is Short Edition
Send it.
The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance kit that converts unguided bombs, or "dumb bombs", into all-weather precision-guided munitions. JDAM-equipped bombs are guided by an integrated inertial guidance system coupled to a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, giving them a published range of up to 15 nautical miles (28 km). JDAM-equipped bombs range from 500 pounds (227 kg) to 2,000 pounds (907 kg).[1] The JDAM's guidance system was jointly developed by the United States Air Force and United States Navy, hence the "joint" in JDAM.[2] When installed on a bomb, the JDAM kit is given a GBU (Guided Bomb Unit) nomenclature, superseding the Mark 80 or BLU (Bomb, Live Unit) nomenclature of the bomb to which it is attached.
The JDAM is not a stand-alone weapon; rather it is a "bolt-on" guidance package that converts unguided gravity bombs into precision-guided munitions (PGMs). The key components of the system consist of a tail section with aerodynamic control surfaces, a (body) strake kit, and a combined inertial guidance system and GPS guidance control unit.[2]
The JDAM was meant to improve upon laser-guided bomb and imaging infrared technology, which can be hindered by bad ground and weather conditions. Laser seekers are now being fitted to some JDAMs.[3]
From 1998 to November 2016, Boeing completed more than 300,000 JDAM guidance kits. In 2017 it built more than 130 kits per day.[4] As of February 2020, 430,000 kits had been produced.[5]
#14290555 at 2021-08-07 14:17:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18079: [They] Are Cracking Down Because [their] Time is Short Edition
(Last Updated On: August 7, 2021)
US President Joe Biden has ordered B-52 bombers and Spectre gunships to target Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan who are advancing towards three key cities.
The B-52 bombers are being supported by the ac-130 Spectre gunships which are armed with a 25mm Gatling gun, a 40mm Bofors cannon and a 105mm M102 cannon - which can provide pinpoint accurate fire from the air, the UK's Daily Mail and AFP reported.
The Taliban have been advancing across Afghanistan since May, following Biden's announcement that all foreign troops would be gone by September 11.
AFP reported that earlier Saturday, the Taliban captured Sheberghan city in Jawzjan province. However officials have not yet confirmed this.
If Sheberghan has fallen to the Taliban, this will be the second provincial capital to fall to the insurgents over the past 24 hours after Zaranj in Nimroz province fell on Friday.
The Taliban are also pressing Herat city, Lashkargah city in Helmand and Kandahar city.
#14276410 at 2021-08-05 17:55:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18060: Ebake Cuz Kike pOSSy Banned all Bakers - AUDIT THE BV Edition
"I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope."
??Psalms? ?130:5? ?
#14274124 at 2021-08-05 09:12:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18058: Water the watch Edition
I thought they did place Barbaras Mom over with AC.
#14267923 at 2021-08-04 16:32:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18051: Biden's 11 - Stealing an Election Near (You) Edition
Some C-130's flying together.
#14267070 at 2021-08-04 14:12:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18050: Supinian the Dominian Edition
>>14263234, >>14263409 Planefagging and Midair Alaskan Airlines
>>14263253, >>14263320, >>14263346, >>14263366, >>14263391, >>14263417, >>14263777 Cuomo gettin' Called... despite "Popular Appeal" Why is this enabled? It is obviously being enabled... Endorsed, and 'Protected'... Until Convenient.
>>14263257, >>14263264, >>14263434, >>14263495 NWO
>>14263269, >>14263334, >>14263723 Remember This Day.
>>14263286 Are they reimbursing Homeowners and Renter's insurance? What is going on? WTH? The "CDC" Unilaterally Extends New 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions - Steep Criminal Penalties For Landlords Who Violate Order
>>14263288 "War Games" - Northern Strike officially begins
>>14263300 Inhalawha? COVID? Antibodies?
>>14263302, >>14263359 Epoch - FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment
>>14263307, >>14263315 Texas Rep. Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a result of ongoing problems connected to a surge of migrants at the southwestern U.S. border. + Tejas Wild West Most Wanted
>>14263323, >>14263328, >>14263425, >>14263546 CodeMonkeyZ - There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas. The ball is in the AG's court now
>>14263333, >>14263340 Democrats Panic as Latinos and Asian Voters Leave The Party
>>14263342, >>14263548, >>14263618, >>14263801, >>14263860, >>14263356 Latest on the ZOOM MANDATED VAXX
>>14263356 TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden's Gaffes from Viewers
>>14263372, >>14263511 Offspring is no longer Americana - Puddle of Mudd is blurry and nasty covidvax infested
>>14263373 The Tennessee - 'CCP' Connection
>>14263400, >>14263438 Well, shove off with that Mate! Queensland authorities cancel public holiday as Delta outbreak grows
>>14263408 Judge temporarily blocks Texas order targeting suspected migrants
>>14263418, >>14263585, >>14263776 Valerie Jarrett COMMS
>>14263421 CodeMonkeyZ - Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen. "Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.
>>14263440 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition
>>14263447, >>14263463 The Success of Universal Vaccination Depends on Cognitive Dissonance
>>14263472 Dog COMMS?
>>14263494 Dinesh: Major Durham news - "People are going to jail"
>>14263496, >>14263889 Virginia Gun Grabbers at it again! Bait And Switch Gun Storage Bill Introduced
>>14263500 Getting paid to sit ass in AC - CNN followed me from my home with two vehicles while I bicycled to the beach, interesting times we live in.
>>14263501 Tom Hanks Cleveland Indians Faggotry
>>14263541 Have they by chance been being released???? Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was arrested in Washington, DC, while protesting outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building in an effort to protect the right to vote, the congressman told CNN
>>14263674 COVID FAGGOTRY - GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID
>>14263678 Deal? Yeah, a Prison Sentence - NEW: Scott Fairlamb, the brother of a Secret Service agent who was on Michelle Obama's detail, will pled guilty on Friday for attacking cops at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I spoke to his lawyer about the deal
>>14263703, >>14263815, >>14263840, >>14263882 CodeMonkeyZ: Dominion Servers Had Network card, EMS Used Front/Back USB/USB Boot Support Enabled + ?'s About Boot Mngr Options
>>14263730, >>14263766 1 Year Delta?
>>14263737 France saying Fuck You to mandated vaccines
>>14263782 CodeMonkeyZ: ICC Needs Both Wireless And Cloud Desktop Options = Fancy Way To Say Remote Access?
>>14263795 Bill Gates RedPill Re-Post
>>14263828 El Chapo's Bookie?
>>14263841 NIH Director 'clarifies' after comment about parents wearing masks at home to protect unvaccinated kids
>>14263844 How Odd... The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.
>>14263853 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Japanese coast
>>14263867 Tens of thousands of sailors and Marines will participate in the biggest U.S. naval exercise in a generation to test how the services will fight across vast distances as they prepare for possible conflict with China or Russia.
>>14263892, >>14263916 Rochester Music Teacher Going To Prison For 50 Years After Being Convicted Of 74 Charges, Including 61 Counts Of Production Of Child Pornoraphy + Sick Freaks
>>14263893 Source alleges that Iranian, Israeli, UK, US ships were firing shots near UAE
>>14263900 FG&C Qlock
>>14263931, >>14263944 WWG1WGA
>>14264425 #18045 Posted in #18046
#14266291 at 2021-08-04 11:17:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18049: Stay on Point: Election Audits Edition
>>14263234, >>14263409 Planefagging and Midair Alaskan Airlines
>>14263253, >>14263320, >>14263346, >>14263366, >>14263391, >>14263417, >>14263777 Cuomo gettin' Called... despite "Popular Appeal" Why is this enabled? It is obviously being enabled... Endorsed, and 'Protected'... Until Convenient.
>>14263257, >>14263264, >>14263434, >>14263495 NWO
>>14263269, >>14263334, >>14263723 Remember This Day.
>>14263286 Are they reimbursing Homeowners and Renter's insurance? What is going on? WTH? The "CDC" Unilaterally Extends New 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions - Steep Criminal Penalties For Landlords Who Violate Order
>>14263288 "War Games" - Northern Strike officially begins
>>14263300 Inhalawha? COVID? Antibodies?
>>14263302, >>14263359 Epoch - FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment
>>14263307, >>14263315 Texas Rep. Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a result of ongoing problems connected to a surge of migrants at the southwestern U.S. border. + Tejas Wild West Most Wanted
>>14263323, >>14263328, >>14263425, >>14263546 CodeMonkeyZ - There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas. The ball is in the AG's court now
>>14263333, >>14263340 Democrats Panic as Latinos and Asian Voters Leave The Party
>>14263342, >>14263548, >>14263618, >>14263801, >>14263860, >>14263356 Latest on the ZOOM MANDATED VAXX
>>14263356 TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden's Gaffes from Viewers
>>14263372, >>14263511 Offspring is no longer Americana - Puddle of Mudd is blurry and nasty covidvax infested
>>14263373 The Tennessee - 'CCP' Connection
>>14263400, >>14263438 Well, shove off with that Mate! Queensland authorities cancel public holiday as Delta outbreak grows
>>14263408 Judge temporarily blocks Texas order targeting suspected migrants
>>14263418, >>14263585, >>14263776 Valerie Jarrett COMMS
>>14263421 CodeMonkeyZ - Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen. "Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.
>>14263440 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition
>>14263447, >>14263463 The Success of Universal Vaccination Depends on Cognitive Dissonance
>>14263472 Dog COMMS?
>>14263494 Dinesh: Major Durham news - "People are going to jail"
>>14263496, >>14263889 Virginia Gun Grabbers at it again! Bait And Switch Gun Storage Bill Introduced
>>14263500 Getting paid to sit ass in AC - CNN followed me from my home with two vehicles while I bicycled to the beach, interesting times we live in.
>>14263501 Tom Hanks Cleveland Indians Faggotry
>>14263541 Have they by chance been being released???? Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was arrested in Washington, DC, while protesting outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building in an effort to protect the right to vote, the congressman told CNN
>>14263674 COVID FAGGOTRY - GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID
>>14263678 Deal? Yeah, a Prison Sentence - NEW: Scott Fairlamb, the brother of a Secret Service agent who was on Michelle Obama's detail, will pled guilty on Friday for attacking cops at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I spoke to his lawyer about the deal
>>14263703, >>14263815, >>14263840, >>14263882 CodeMonkeyZ: Dominion Servers Had Network card, EMS Used Front/Back USB/USB Boot Support Enabled + ?'s About Boot Mngr Options
>>14263730, >>14263766 1 Year Delta?
>>14263737 France saying Fuck You to mandated vaccines
>>14263782 CodeMonkeyZ: ICC Needs Both Wireless And Cloud Desktop Options = Fancy Way To Say Remote Access?
>>14263795 Bill Gates RedPill Re-Post
>>14263828 El Chapo's Bookie?
>>14263841 NIH Director 'clarifies' after comment about parents wearing masks at home to protect unvaccinated kids
>>14263844 How Odd... The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.
>>14263853 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Japanese coast
>>14263867 Tens of thousands of sailors and Marines will participate in the biggest U.S. naval exercise in a generation to test how the services will fight across vast distances as they prepare for possible conflict with China or Russia.
>>14263892, >>14263916 Rochester Music Teacher Going To Prison For 50 Years After Being Convicted Of 74 Charges, Including 61 Counts Of Production Of Child Pornoraphy + Sick Freaks
>>14263893 Source alleges that Iranian, Israeli, UK, US ships were firing shots near UAE
>>14263900 FG&C Qlock
>>14263931, >>14263944 WWG1WGA
>>14264425 #18045 Posted in #18046
#14265466 at 2021-08-04 05:32:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18048: The '"Criminal Charges"? You Mean, Like For The ELECTION FRAUD??' Edition
- 8Kun Owner:
- Board Owner:
FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump:
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread
>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.
>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.
* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14264820 The Gulf of Oman incident today seems like a MAJOR incident and there's almost total silence on it. Go figure. 6 ships at one time that lose control? That is no coincidence.
>>14264830 @GHCQ: Child sexual abuse is one of the most harmful threats to our society. GCHQ to use AI to tackle child sex abuse, disinformation and trafficking
>>14264834 Gilbert Levin, scientist who sought to detect possibility of life on Mars, dies at 97
>>14264839 McCloskeys pardoned by Missouri Governor over last year's viral incident
>>14264861 Eating their own: De Blasio: Cuomo 'Should Face Criminal Charges' and Needs to 'Be Impeached As Quickly as Possible'
>>14264871, >>14264878, >>14264884 Archbishop Viganò Oped: Vaccines made with fetal tissue are a 'human sacrifice of innocent victims offered to Satan"
>>14264924 Archaeologists Resolve Enigma of Man Savaged 3,000 Years Ago in Japan. Shark comms?
>>14264968 Multiple Walt Disney Employees Among 17 Suspects Arrested in Undercover Child Predator Operation
>>14264980 Vindman Reveals in Memoir That He Was the Whistleblower in Trump Sham Impeachment - After He Testified Under Oath That He Wasn't the Whisteblower
>>14265010 Sky News Australia banned (temporarily) from uploading to YouTube over coronavirus misinformation
>>14265024 Remember when you were in college and the local clinic would offer you $20 to participate in some "benign" medical experiment? Well, we are now at $1000 and rising fast.
>>14265050 The Fat Lady sings for Transgender Lifter Hubbard - Retires After Olympic Debut
>>14265131 Tyson Foods will require all U.S. employees to be vaccinated by November
>>14265159 Explosions shake Kabul as Afghanistan defense minister's residence comes under attack
>>14265193 Chinese nationals plead guilty in money laundering scheme connected to El Chapo's cartel
>>14265197 An anon noms some clockfagging for 8/3/2021 (yesterday)
>>14265311 More digging re: Coyote Obama Birthday Bash dig
>>14265353 More than 213,000 vaccine doses were administered across Australia on Tuesday
>>14265354, >>14265386 Planefagging
>>14265365 With every passing day, more and more private businesses and government agencies on both the state and federal level are requiring proof of a COVID-19 vaccination
>>14265366 Car parks, supermarkets listed as potential vaccine hubs in federal rollout campaign
>>14265458 #18047
>>14264014, >>14264019 DOJ Crimes Against Children and Criminal Fraud roundup
>>14264021 International threads updated
>>14264029, >>14264648 Super Cringe: Evidence Against Cuomo in New York Probe Includes Clip of Him Singing Motown Hit to Accuser
>>14264049, >>14264210 DC Medical Examiner's Officer Requested Cremation of Ashli Babbitt's Remains 2 Days after Murder - Email Sent to DC Govt. Was Returned in Chinese Characters
>>14264068 Fauci is "forecasting" 200k deaths in the US
>>14264120 Keshel confirms President Trump won all the states in question - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Minnesota. Keshel believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in New Mexico, Virginia, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.
>>14264152 Madagascar has arrested 21 more suspects, including 12 military personnel, in connection with a plot to kill President Andry Rajoelina and topple the government, a senior prosecutor said.
>>14264192 Arizona Law SB1487: If the investigation concludes that the county may have violated the law, the case is sent to the state Supreme Court on an expedited basis.
>>14264199 Emails Show Officials Rejected High-Ranking DOJ Member's Request to Intervene in Georgia's Election Certification
>>14264225, >>14264255, >>14264429 Trump pushes Mike Carey to win Ohio special primary in test of influence… …And Rep. elect Carey wins!
>>14264248, >>14264272, >>14264276, >>14264279, >>14264281 Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office
>>14264304 "Arrest Them All" AZ Senator is Done Messing Around With Maricopa Board Supervisors and Dominion Execs
>>14264318 Rep. Billy Long launches Missouri Senate campaign after meeting with Trump
>>14264393 Denver willmandate all city employees and private sector workers in high-risk settingsto be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 30
>>14264396 Biden Touts Incentivizing Americans To Take Experimental Vaccines In New Gaffe
>>14264414 Police Believe Missing Pennsylvania Woman Actually Crashed Her Car, Was Ejected Through Sunroof
>>14264552 These guys don't sound too sure about their infrastructure deal: The Senate's bipartisan infrastructure gang saddles up for one last ride
>>14264611 Amanda Chase and MANY Virginians are not going to go quietly in the night. FORENSIC AUDITS FOR ALL!
>>14264681 Biden Infrastructure Bill Mandates …Drunk-Driver Detector Surveillance Systems For New Cars?
>>14264704 #18046
>>14263234, >>14263409 Planefagging and Midair Alaskan Airlines
>>14263253, >>14263320, >>14263346, >>14263366, >>14263391, >>14263417, >>14263777 Cuomo gettin' Called... despite "Popular Appeal" Why is this enabled? It is obviously being enabled... Endorsed, and 'Protected'... Until Convenient.
>>14263257, >>14263264, >>14263434, >>14263495 NWO
>>14263269, >>14263334, >>14263723 Remember This Day.
>>14263286 Are they reimbursing Homeowners and Renter's insurance? What is going on? WTH? The "CDC" Unilaterally Extends New 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions - Steep Criminal Penalties For Landlords Who Violate Order
>>14263288 "War Games" - Northern Strike officially begins
>>14263300 Inhalawha? COVID? Antibodies?
>>14263302, >>14263359 Epoch - FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment
>>14263307, >>14263315 Texas Rep. Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a result of ongoing problems connected to a surge of migrants at the southwestern U.S. border. + Tejas Wild West Most Wanted
>>14263323, >>14263328, >>14263425, >>14263546 CodeMonkeyZ - There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas. The ball is in the AG's court now
>>14263333, >>14263340 Democrats Panic as Latinos and Asian Voters Leave The Party
>>14263342, >>14263548, >>14263618, >>14263801, >>14263860, >>14263356 Latest on the ZOOM MANDATED VAXX
>>14263356 TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden's Gaffes from Viewers
>>14263372, >>14263511 Offspring is no longer Americana - Puddle of Mudd is blurry and nasty covidvax infested
>>14263373 The Tennessee - 'CCP' Connection
>>14263400, >>14263438 Well, shove off with that Mate! Queensland authorities cancel public holiday as Delta outbreak grows
>>14263408 Judge temporarily blocks Texas order targeting suspected migrants
>>14263418, >>14263585, >>14263776 Valerie Jarrett COMMS
>>14263421 CodeMonkeyZ - Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen. "Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.
>>14263440 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition
>>14263447, >>14263463 The Success of Universal Vaccination Depends on Cognitive Dissonance
>>14263472 Dog COMMS?
>>14263494 Dinesh: Major Durham news - "People are going to jail"
>>14263496, >>14263889 Virginia Gun Grabbers at it again! Bait And Switch Gun Storage Bill Introduced
>>14263500 Getting paid to sit ass in AC - CNN followed me from my home with two vehicles while I bicycled to the beach, interesting times we live in.
>>14263501 Tom Hanks Cleveland Indians Faggotry
>>14263541 Have they by chance been being released???? Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was arrested in Washington, DC, while protesting outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building in an effort to protect the right to vote, the congressman told CNN
>>14263674 COVID FAGGOTRY - GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID
>>14263678 Deal? Yeah, a Prison Sentence - NEW: Scott Fairlamb, the brother of a Secret Service agent who was on Michelle Obama's detail, will pled guilty on Friday for attacking cops at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I spoke to his lawyer about the deal
>>14263703, >>14263815, >>14263840, >>14263882 CodeMonkeyZ: Dominion Servers Had Network card, EMS Used Front/Back USB/USB Boot Support Enabled + ?'s About Boot Mngr Options
>>14263730, >>14263766 1 Year Delta?
>>14263737 France saying Fuck You to mandated vaccines
>>14263782 CodeMonkeyZ: ICC Needs Both Wireless And Cloud Desktop Options = Fancy Way To Say Remote Access?
>>14263795 Bill Gates RedPill Re-Post
>>14263828 El Chapo's Bookie?
>>14263841 NIH Director 'clarifies' after comment about parents wearing masks at home to protect unvaccinated kids
>>14263844 How Odd... The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.
>>14263853 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Japanese coast
>>14263867 Tens of thousands of sailors and Marines will participate in the biggest U.S. naval exercise in a generation to test how the services will fight across vast distances as they prepare for possible conflict with China or Russia.
>>14263892, >>14263916 Rochester Music Teacher Going To Prison For 50 Years After Being Convicted Of 74 Charges, Including 61 Counts Of Production Of Child Pornoraphy + Sick Freaks
>>14263893 Source alleges that Iranian, Israeli, UK, US ships were firing shots near UAE
>>14263900 FG&C Qlock
>>14263931, >>14263944 WWG1WGA
>>14264425 #18045 Posted in #18046
>>14262527, >>14262528, >>14262525 Covid Bun, yummy
>>14262587, >>14262765 fatal vaccine injuries, worth a stack?
>>14262528, >>14262556 CDC Director Issues New Eviction Moratorium Through Oct. 3
>>14262532 Pantifa Chat Logs (For Entertainment Purposes)
>>14262575 Pentagon 'Safe, Secure' Following Attack
>>14262589 AZ Attorney General 2019 Brnovich Early life and education
>>14262590 Police responding to confirmed gunfire at Paddock Mall in Ocala, Florida.
>>14262620 @USNavyCNO Large Scale Exercise 2021 begins today
>>14262681, >>14262706 George Sawdust Sex Dungeon, Radical Soros-Backed Prosecutor Recall?
>>14262689 Court victory in Canada due to inability to prove COVID exists and is killing people
>>14262691, >>14262696, >>14262763, >>14262965, >>14262975 The Coom-o Collection
>>14262710 California District "Secret Meeting" to Discuss Implementing Mandatory Vaccination Requirements, LIVE on Zoom
>>14262758 Rapper Fetty Wap's Daughter Lauren Maxwell Dead at Age 4
>>14262759 Hunter asked about the "crazed narrative" surrounding his art, He's not happy.
>>14262768, >>14262803 AZ Senator Borrellis Statement: "I Respectfully Request The Attorney General Investigate This Clear Violation Of The Law"
>>14262793, >>14262822 CORRECTION? Timestamp on an @USNavy tweet to Q drop
>>14262802 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
>>14262828 Who is Ella Emhoff? Meet Kamala Harris's Stepdaughter
>>14263017 #18044
Previously Collected Notables
>>14261668 #18042, >>14262419 #18043,
>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041
>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038
>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035
>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032
>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029
>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026
>>14247820 #18021, >>14246937 #18022, >>14246918 #18023
>>14242934 #18018, >>14246329 #18019, >>14246825 #18020
>>14243186 #18015, >>14243171 #18016, >>14242101 #18017
>>14243801 #18012, >>14241253 #18013, >>14239910 #18014
>>14235763 #18009, >>14236974 #18010, >>14243685 #18011
>>14233385 #18006, >>14234226 #18007, >>14234961 #18008
>>14231122 #18003, >>14231905 #18004, >>14233187 #18005
>>14230430 #18000, >>14230805 #18001, >>14230664 #18002
>>14226170 #17997, >>14227082 #17998, >>14227845 #17999
>>14224018 #17994, >>14224788 #17995, >>14225665 #17996
>>14223581 #17991, >>14230137 #17992, >>14223332 #17993
>>14219168 #17988, >>14219948 #17989, >>14223421 #17990
>>14216859 #17985, >>14218240 #17986, >>14218383 #17987
>>14216587 #17982, >>14215331 #17983, >>14216444 #17984
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8
#14264716 at 2021-08-04 03:00:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18047: The 'Arrest Them All! FORENSIC AUDITS FOR ALL!' Edition
- 8Kun Owner:
- Board Owner:
FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz
- Donald J Trump:
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump
>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread
>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.
>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.
* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14264014, >>14264019 DOJ Crimes Against Children and Criminal Fraud roundup
>>14264021 International threads updated
>>14264029, >>14264648 Super Cringe: Evidence Against Cuomo in New York Probe Includes Clip of Him Singing Motown Hit to Accuser
>>14264049, >>14264210 DC Medical Examiner's Officer Requested Cremation of Ashli Babbitt's Remains 2 Days after Murder - Email Sent to DC Govt. Was Returned in Chinese Characters
>>14264068 Fauci is "forecasting" 200k deaths in the US
>>14264120 Keshel confirms President Trump won all the states in question - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Minnesota. Keshel believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in New Mexico, Virginia, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.
>>14264152 Madagascar has arrested 21 more suspects, including 12 military personnel, in connection with a plot to kill President Andry Rajoelina and topple the government, a senior prosecutor said.
>>14264192 Arizona Law SB1487: If the investigation concludes that the county may have violated the law, the case is sent to the state Supreme Court on an expedited basis.
>>14264199 Emails Show Officials Rejected High-Ranking DOJ Member's Request to Intervene in Georgia's Election Certification
>>14264225, >>14264255, >>14264429 Trump pushes Mike Carey to win Ohio special primary in test of influence… …And Rep. elect Carey wins!
>>14264248, >>14264272, >>14264276, >>14264279, >>14264281 Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office
>>14264304 "Arrest Them All" AZ Senator is Done Messing Around With Maricopa Board Supervisors and Dominion Execs
>>14264318 Rep. Billy Long launches Missouri Senate campaign after meeting with Trump
>>14264393 Denver willmandate all city employees and private sector workers in high-risk settingsto be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 30
>>14264396 Biden Touts Incentivizing Americans To Take Experimental Vaccines In New Gaffe
>>14264414 Police Believe Missing Pennsylvania Woman Actually Crashed Her Car, Was Ejected Through Sunroof
>>14264552 These guys don't sound too sure about their infrastructure deal: The Senate's bipartisan infrastructure gang saddles up for one last ride
>>14264611 Amanda Chase and MANY Virginians are not going to go quietly in the night. FORENSIC AUDITS FOR ALL!
>>14264681 Biden Infrastructure Bill Mandates …Drunk-Driver Detector Surveillance Systems For New Cars?
>>14264704 #18046
>>14263234, >>14263409 Planefagging and Midair Alaskan Airlines
>>14263253, >>14263320, >>14263346, >>14263366, >>14263391, >>14263417, >>14263777 Cuomo gettin' Called... despite "Popular Appeal" Why is this enabled? It is obviously being enabled... Endorsed, and 'Protected'... Until Convenient.
>>14263257, >>14263264, >>14263434, >>14263495 NWO
>>14263269, >>14263334, >>14263723 Remember This Day.
>>14263286 Are they reimbursing Homeowners and Renter's insurance? What is going on? WTH? The "CDC" Unilaterally Extends New 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions - Steep Criminal Penalties For Landlords Who Violate Order
>>14263288 "War Games" - Northern Strike officially begins
>>14263300 Inhalawha? COVID? Antibodies?
>>14263302, >>14263359 Epoch - FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment
>>14263307, >>14263315 Texas Rep. Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a result of ongoing problems connected to a surge of migrants at the southwestern U.S. border. + Tejas Wild West Most Wanted
>>14263323, >>14263328, >>14263425, >>14263546 CodeMonkeyZ - There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas. The ball is in the AG's court now
>>14263333, >>14263340 Democrats Panic as Latinos and Asian Voters Leave The Party
>>14263342, >>14263548, >>14263618, >>14263801, >>14263860, >>14263356 Latest on the ZOOM MANDATED VAXX
>>14263356 TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden's Gaffes from Viewers
>>14263372, >>14263511 Offspring is no longer Americana - Puddle of Mudd is blurry and nasty covidvax infested
>>14263373 The Tennessee - 'CCP' Connection
>>14263400, >>14263438 Well, shove off with that Mate! Queensland authorities cancel public holiday as Delta outbreak grows
>>14263408 Judge temporarily blocks Texas order targeting suspected migrants
>>14263418, >>14263585, >>14263776 Valerie Jarrett COMMS
>>14263421 CodeMonkeyZ - Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen. "Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.
>>14263440 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition
>>14263447, >>14263463 The Success of Universal Vaccination Depends on Cognitive Dissonance
>>14263472 Dog COMMS?
>>14263494 Dinesh: Major Durham news - "People are going to jail"
>>14263496, >>14263889 Virginia Gun Grabbers at it again! Bait And Switch Gun Storage Bill Introduced
>>14263500 Getting paid to sit ass in AC - CNN followed me from my home with two vehicles while I bicycled to the beach, interesting times we live in.
>>14263501 Tom Hanks Cleveland Indians Faggotry
>>14263541 Have they by chance been being released???? Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was arrested in Washington, DC, while protesting outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building in an effort to protect the right to vote, the congressman told CNN
>>14263674 COVID FAGGOTRY - GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID
>>14263678 Deal? Yeah, a Prison Sentence - NEW: Scott Fairlamb, the brother of a Secret Service agent who was on Michelle Obama's detail, will pled guilty on Friday for attacking cops at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I spoke to his lawyer about the deal
>>14263703, >>14263815, >>14263840, >>14263882 CodeMonkeyZ: Dominion Servers Had Network card, EMS Used Front/Back USB/USB Boot Support Enabled + ?'s About Boot Mngr Options
>>14263730, >>14263766 1 Year Delta?
>>14263737 France saying Fuck You to mandated vaccines
>>14263782 CodeMonkeyZ: ICC Needs Both Wireless And Cloud Desktop Options = Fancy Way To Say Remote Access?
>>14263795 Bill Gates RedPill Re-Post
>>14263828 El Chapo's Bookie?
>>14263841 NIH Director 'clarifies' after comment about parents wearing masks at home to protect unvaccinated kids
>>14263844 How Odd... The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.
>>14263853 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Japanese coast
>>14263867 Tens of thousands of sailors and Marines will participate in the biggest U.S. naval exercise in a generation to test how the services will fight across vast distances as they prepare for possible conflict with China or Russia.
>>14263892, >>14263916 Rochester Music Teacher Going To Prison For 50 Years After Being Convicted Of 74 Charges, Including 61 Counts Of Production Of Child Pornoraphy + Sick Freaks
>>14263893 Source alleges that Iranian, Israeli, UK, US ships were firing shots near UAE
>>14263900 FG&C Qlock
>>14263931, >>14263944 WWG1WGA
>>14264425 #18045 Posted in #18046
>>14262527, >>14262528, >>14262525 Covid Bun, yummy
>>14262587, >>14262765 fatal vaccine injuries, worth a stack?
>>14262528, >>14262556 CDC Director Issues New Eviction Moratorium Through Oct. 3
>>14262532 Pantifa Chat Logs (For Entertainment Purposes)
>>14262575 Pentagon 'Safe, Secure' Following Attack
>>14262589 AZ Attorney General 2019 Brnovich Early life and education
>>14262590 Police responding to confirmed gunfire at Paddock Mall in Ocala, Florida.
>>14262620 @USNavyCNO Large Scale Exercise 2021 begins today
>>14262681, >>14262706 George Sawdust Sex Dungeon, Radical Soros-Backed Prosecutor Recall?
>>14262689 Court victory in Canada due to inability to prove COVID exists and is killing people
>>14262691, >>14262696, >>14262763, >>14262965, >>14262975 The Coom-o Collection
>>14262710 California District "Secret Meeting" to Discuss Implementing Mandatory Vaccination Requirements, LIVE on Zoom
>>14262758 Rapper Fetty Wap's Daughter Lauren Maxwell Dead at Age 4
>>14262759 Hunter asked about the "crazed narrative" surrounding his art, He's not happy.
>>14262768, >>14262803 AZ Senator Borrellis Statement: "I Respectfully Request The Attorney General Investigate This Clear Violation Of The Law"
>>14262793, >>14262822 CORRECTION? Timestamp on an @USNavy tweet to Q drop
>>14262802 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
>>14262828 Who is Ella Emhoff? Meet Kamala Harris's Stepdaughter
>>14263017 #18044
>>14261714, >>14261716, >>14261745, >>14261786 RE: ASPHAULT, CEMEX
>>14261719, >>14261873, >>14262361 BREAKING: AZ Sen. Sonny Borrelli Releases THE KRAKEN
>>14261753 Science History, basic ideas of Faraday, Gauss, Ampere, electromagnetic phenomena in a vacuum
>>14261859 Special Broadcast with General Michael Flynn
>>14261772 MRNA INVENTOR denouncing HIT BY HACKERS- 2 millions attacks from China!
>>14261776, >>14262115 Misspellings for Maricopa County?? "Marikopa"???
>>14261779 Paypal, Facebook Begin Investigating and REPORTING Propagators of "Anti-Government" Rhetoric
>>14261843, >>14262055, >>14262268, >>14262317, >>14261900, >>14262002, >>14262313 NY Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul would take over if Cuomo is removed
>>14261896, >>14261900, >>14261899, >>14262170, >>14262335 Cuomo/Biden meme batter
>>14261857 Fox Fires Andrew Napolitano Following Sexual Harassment Allegation
>>14261941 New Q proof #BlueGreenTeam and #Navypartnerships Flag of United States Flag of United Kingdom Flag of Netherlands
>>14261971 #USArmyReserve Soldiers trained on the M1070 Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) during a 10-day course.
>>14261960 California District to Hold Secret Meeting to Discuss Implementing Mandatory Vaccination Requirements
>>14261955 Big money GOP groups pushing Arizona's election audit have plans to undo future election losses by Republican candidates
>>14261988 The Results are in. Your Servers WERE CONNECTED to the Internet. Trump is the Winner.
>>14261996, >>14262358 The Lancet reports thatCovid-19 lowers your IQ by (an average of) 7 points
>>14262054 Rep. Al Green and Texas State Rep. Ron Reynolds arrested, cited during voting rights rally
>>14262189 The Biden Administration Plans A New Eviction Moratorium After A Federal Ban Lapsed
>>14262278 National Audit Watch Channel just posted this picture of a bot farm.
>>14262318, >>14262332 Missouri governor pardons gun-waving St. Louis lawyer couple
>>14262419 #18043
Previously Collected Notables
>>14261668 #18042,
>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041
>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038
>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035
>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032
>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029
>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026
>>14247820 #18021, >>14246937 #18022, >>14246918 #18023
>>14242934 #18018, >>14246329 #18019, >>14246825 #18020
>>14243186 #18015, >>14243171 #18016, >>14242101 #18017
>>14243801 #18012, >>14241253 #18013, >>14239910 #18014
>>14235763 #18009, >>14236974 #18010, >>14243685 #18011
>>14233385 #18006, >>14234226 #18007, >>14234961 #18008
>>14231122 #18003, >>14231905 #18004, >>14233187 #18005
>>14230430 #18000, >>14230805 #18001, >>14230664 #18002
>>14226170 #17997, >>14227082 #17998, >>14227845 #17999
>>14224018 #17994, >>14224788 #17995, >>14225665 #17996
>>14223581 #17991, >>14230137 #17992, >>14223332 #17993
>>14219168 #17988, >>14219948 #17989, >>14223421 #17990
>>14216859 #17985, >>14218240 #17986, >>14218383 #17987
>>14216587 #17982, >>14215331 #17983, >>14216444 #17984
Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com
>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8
#14264475 at 2021-08-04 02:28:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18046: The 'EBAKED...' Edition
>>14263234, >>14263409 Planefagging and Midair Alaskan Airlines
>>14263253, >>14263320, >>14263346, >>14263366, >>14263391, >>14263417, >>14263777 Cuomo gettin' Called... despite "Popular Appeal" Why is this enabled? It is obviously being enabled... Endorsed, and 'Protected'... Until Convenient.
>>14263257, >>14263264, >>14263434, >>14263495 NWO
>>14263269, >>14263334, >>14263723 Remember This Day.
>>14263286 Are they reimbursing Homeowners and Renter's insurance? What is going on? WTH? The "CDC" Unilaterally Extends New 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions - Steep Criminal Penalties For Landlords Who Violate Order
>>14263288 "War Games" - Northern Strike officially begins
>>14263300 Inhalawha? COVID? Antibodies?
>>14263302, >>14263359 Epoch - FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment
>>14263307, >>14263315 Texas Rep. Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a result of ongoing problems connected to a surge of migrants at the southwestern U.S. border. + Tejas Wild West Most Wanted
>>14263323, >>14263328, >>14263425, >>14263546 CodeMonkeyZ - There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas. The ball is in the AG's court now
>>14263333, >>14263340 Democrats Panic as Latinos and Asian Voters Leave The Party
>>14263342, >>14263548, >>14263618, >>14263801, >>14263860, >>14263356 Latest on the ZOOM MANDATED VAXX
>>14263356 TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden's Gaffes from Viewers
>>14263372, >>14263511 Offspring is no longer Americana - Puddle of Mudd is blurry and nasty covidvax infested
>>14263373 The Tennessee - 'CCP' Connection
>>14263400, >>14263438 Well, shove off with that Mate! Queensland authorities cancel public holiday as Delta outbreak grows
>>14263408 Judge temporarily blocks Texas order targeting suspected migrants
>>14263418, >>14263585, >>14263776 Valerie Jarrett COMMS
>>14263421 CodeMonkeyZ - Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen. "Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.
>>14263440 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition
>>14263447, >>14263463 The Success of Universal Vaccination Depends on Cognitive Dissonance
>>14263472 Dog COMMS?
>>14263494 Dinesh: Major Durham news - "People are going to jail"
>>14263496, >>14263889 Virginia Gun Grabbers at it again! Bait And Switch Gun Storage Bill Introduced
>>14263500 Getting paid to sit ass in AC - CNN followed me from my home with two vehicles while I bicycled to the beach, interesting times we live in.
>>14263501 Tom Hanks Cleveland Indians Faggotry
>>14263541 Have they by chance been being released???? Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was arrested in Washington, DC, while protesting outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building in an effort to protect the right to vote, the congressman told CNN
>>14263674 COVID FAGGOTRY - GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID
>>14263678 Deal? Yeah, a Prison Sentence - NEW: Scott Fairlamb, the brother of a Secret Service agent who was on Michelle Obama's detail, will pled guilty on Friday for attacking cops at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I spoke to his lawyer about the deal
>>14263703, >>14263815, >>14263840, >>14263882 CodeMonkeyZ: Dominion Servers Had Network card, EMS Used Front/Back USB/USB Boot Support Enabled + ?'s About Boot Mngr Options
>>14263730, >>14263766 1 Year Delta?
>>14263737 France saying Fuck You to mandated vaccines
>>14263782 CodeMonkeyZ: ICC Needs Both Wireless And Cloud Desktop Options = Fancy Way To Say Remote Access?
>>14263795 Bill Gates RedPill Re-Post
>>14263828 El Chapo's Bookie?
>>14263841 NIH Director 'clarifies' after comment about parents wearing masks at home to protect unvaccinated kids
>>14263844 How Odd... The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.
>>14263853 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Japanese coast
>>14263867 Tens of thousands of sailors and Marines will participate in the biggest U.S. naval exercise in a generation to test how the services will fight across vast distances as they prepare for possible conflict with China or Russia.
>>14263892, >>14263916 Rochester Music Teacher Going To Prison For 50 Years After Being Convicted Of 74 Charges, Including 61 Counts Of Production Of Child Pornoraphy + Sick Freaks
>>14263893 Source alleges that Iranian, Israeli, UK, US ships were firing shots near UAE
>>14263900 FG&C Qlock
>>14263931, >>14263944 WWG1WGA
>>14264425 #18045
#14264406 at 2021-08-04 02:21:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18046: The 'EBAKED...' Edition
>>14263165, >>14263210 OP, Dough
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14263234, >>14263409 Planefagging and Midair Alaskan Airlines
>>14263253, >>14263320, >>14263346, >>14263366, >>14263391, >>14263417, >>14263777 Cuomo gettin' Called… despite "Popular Appeal" Why is this enabled? It is obviously being enabled… Endorsed, and 'Protected'… Until Convenient.
>>14263257, >>14263264, >>14263434, >>14263495 NWO
>>14263269, >>14263334, >>14263723 Remember This Day.
>>14263286 Are they reimbursing Homeowners and Renter's insurance? What is going on? WTH? The "CDC" Unilaterally Extends New 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions - Steep Criminal Penalties For Landlords Who Violate Order
>>14263288 "War Games" - Northern Strike officially begins
>>14263300 Inhalawha? COVID? Antibodies?
>>14263302, >>14263359 Epoch - FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment
>>14263307, >>14263315 Texas Rep. Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a result of ongoing problems connected to a surge of migrants at the southwestern U.S. border. + Tejas Wild West Most Wanted
>>14263323, >>14263328, >>14263425, >>14263546 CodeMonkeyZ - There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas. The ball is in the AG's court now
>>14263333, >>14263340 Democrats Panic as Latinos and Asian Voters Leave The Party
>>14263342, >>14263548, >>14263618, >>14263801, >>14263860, >>14263356 Latest on the ZOOM MANDATED VAXX
>>14263356 TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden's Gaffes from Viewers
>>14263372, >>14263511 Offspring is no longer Americana - Puddle of Mudd is blurry and nasty covidvax infested
>>14263373 The Tennessee - 'CCP' Connection
>>14263400, >>14263438 Well, shove off with that Mate! Queensland authorities cancel public holiday as Delta outbreak grows
>>14263408 Judge temporarily blocks Texas order targeting suspected migrants
>>14263418, >>14263585, >>14263776 Valerie Jarrett COMMS
>>14263421 CodeMonkeyZ - Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen. "Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.
>>14263440 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition
>>14263447, >>14263463 The Success of Universal Vaccination Depends on Cognitive Dissonance
>>14263472 Dog COMMS?
>>14263494 Dinesh: Major Durham news - "People are going to jail"
>>14263496, >>14263889 Virginia Gun Grabbers at it again! Bait And Switch Gun Storage Bill Introduced
>>14263500 Getting paid to sit ass in AC - CNN followed me from my home with two vehicles while I bicycled to the beach, interesting times we live in.
>>14263501 Tom Hanks Cleveland Indians Faggotry
>>14263541 Have they by chance been being released???? Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was arrested in Washington, DC, while protesting outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building in an effort to protect the right to vote, the congressman told CNN
>>14263674 COVID FAGGOTRY - GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID
>>14263678 Deal? Yeah, a Prison Sentence - NEW: Scott Fairlamb, the brother of a Secret Service agent who was on Michelle Obama's detail, will pled guilty on Friday for attacking cops at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I spoke to his lawyer about the deal
#18045\1 Posted in #18046
#14261421 at 2021-08-03 20:25:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18042: RELEASE THE AUDIT!!! Edition
20,595 DEAD 1.9 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union's Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots
The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 20,595 fatalities, and 1,960,607 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.
A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.
The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.)
So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.
The EudraVigilance database reports that through July 31, 2021 there are 20,595 deaths and 1,960,607 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:
From the total of injuries recorded, half of them (968,870) are serious injuries.
"Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as 'serious' if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect."
A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. This subscriber has volunteered to do this, and it is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.
Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*
Here is the summary data through July 31, 2021.
Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccineTozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTech/ Pfizer: 9,868 deaths and 767,225 injuries to 31/07/2021
21,004 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 126 deaths
19,717 Cardiac disorders incl. 1,489 deaths
177 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 14 deaths
9,913 Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 8 deaths
471 Endocrine disorders incl. 3 deaths
11,693 Eye disorders incl. 21 deaths
69,612 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 431 deaths
205,214 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 2,832 deaths
779 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 46 deaths
8,405 Immune system disorders incl. 53 deaths
24,114 Infections and infestations incl. 941 deaths
9,314 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 146 deaths
19,170 Investigations incl. 323 deaths
5,675 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 178 deaths
104,915 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 122 deaths
528 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 43 deaths
137,631 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,081 deaths
719 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 24 deaths
140 Product issues incl. 1 death
13,659 Psychiatric disorders incl. 130 deaths
2,481 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 157 deaths
8,028 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 2 deaths
33,642 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,168 deaths
36,970 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 87 deaths
1,289 Social circumstances incl. 13 deaths
564 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 25 deaths
21,401 Vascular disorders incl. 404 deaths
#14256071 at 2021-08-03 03:20:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18035: THEY CALL for LOCKDOWNS WE CALL FOR THEIR ARRESTS Edition
Celebrities move all the time but…..
In the past few days we have Oprah, Matt Lauer, Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon sold her media company for $900 million… now AC
#14252043 at 2021-08-02 17:59:30 (UTC+1)
#18030: Noname bake Edition
Massive 300% Spike in Covid-19 Deaths Recorded by Johns Hopkins University Skewed by Old Data
A massive 300% spike in Covid deaths breathlessly reported by the media turned out to be another lie.
Johns Hopkins University recorded a 300% spike in Covid deaths on Friday: Deaths jumped from 321 on Thursday to 891 on Friday.
But the number of deaths was skewed by old data.
One case dated back to last spring.
Florida and Delaware reported a huge increase in deaths on Friday because they dumped old data into the totals.
Some of the deaths Delaware reported on Friday were actually from May 2020 and last month.
The New York Post reported:
A massive 300 percent hike in nationwide COVID-19 deaths recorded Friday by Johns Hopkins University was skewed by states dumping data - that in one case dated back as far as last spring, according to a report.
The university, which has been a trusted source of coronavirus information since the start of the pandemic, reported that US deaths surged from 321 on Thursday to 891 on Friday, as the Delta variant quickly spreads throughout much of the country.
Florida was responsible for a huge chunk of the increase, with 409 of Friday's death toll coming from that state, according to The Daily Mail. However, Florida only releases weekly data on Friday, making the day-to-day totals reported by the university unclear and overblown, the outlet said.
Figures released by Delaware also added to the surging daily increase, as that state announced 130 new deaths Friday, the tabloid reported. The dramatic figure was misleading because those deaths actually occurred between mid-May 2020 and late last month, and were added after The First State reviewed death certificates, according to the article.
#14250317 at 2021-08-02 11:42:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18028: The 'EBAKE' Edition
There is a bit to unpack with this tweet anons. We NOT in the dark. It's right in front of us.
News unlocks.
Q 702
Q 463
Q 1279
Q 130
Q 21
/ourguys/ -> art instructors
Color palette -> back channel communications via tweets/news/events
Anons -> Are the artists.
Lets paint the picture anons
#14250245 at 2021-08-02 11:15:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18028: The 'EBAKE' Edition
C-130 Hercules crews @374AirliftWing, Japan, helped @USArmy soldiers and @JASDF_PAO
members drop from the sky during Exercise Forager 21. This training reinforces joint, integrated, and multi-domain ops while testing and employing emerging capabilities.
#14249654 at 2021-08-02 07:22:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18027: Crime Kingpins: CA, NY, NJ, AZ, WA, OR, MA, PA, MI, WI, GA, NV, MN Editio
:Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar-Performance is with the Simple-Solutions for the Stopping of the Lies by the [Ac]Countability.
#14247639 at 2021-08-02 00:46:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18024: Full Send Edition
#14247626 at 2021-08-02 00:45:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18024: Full Send Edition
: Be-It-[un]to-you-[ac]cording-your-faith.
#14244097 at 2021-08-01 14:36:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18020: Trump "I love getting even" Edition
I look for someone to borrow me some money, to buy an Q9, to stay in the car, with AC on, all the August.
#14237544 at 2021-07-31 15:16:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18012: CoVaxxed Edition
I shower in a plastic shit, and you want me have ac…….
#14236473 at 2021-07-31 10:35:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18010: The 'The Real Truth... Is Literal And Terrifying' Edition
Egyptian C-130 flying out of Baltimore. Altitude is very sporadic jumping around from 5k' up to 100k'.
#14233336 at 2021-07-31 00:06:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18006: "Thank you, Arizona!" - President Donald J. Trump Edition
>Ffs so people were dropping like flies before ac was invented?
Viruses survive much longer in air conditioned spaces. It's just like storing them in the refrigerator.
>I can't imagine leaving my windows open at night in my location.
Anon slept with windows open last night.
Comfy AF.
#14233244 at 2021-07-30 23:52:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18006: "Thank you, Arizona!" - President Donald J. Trump Edition
In almost every restaurant that you go to, at least here in the US, you'll likely find a small container holding a variety of brightly colored packets. You instantly realize that these are your sweeteners; they are even color-coded for your convenience.
ist image Freedom of choice among sweeteners
Today we'll be talking about the pink packet, the saccharin. More often than not, this is in the form of the Sweet'N Low brand. This stuff seems to have been around forever. It's actually been about 130 years.
Saccharin was discovered in 1878 in the Johns Hopkins University laboratory of Ira Remsen, a professor of chemistry. A Russian chemist named Constantin Fahlberg shared a lab with Remsen. Fahlberg was studying sugar. He did things like inspecting impounded sugar imports for purity issues.
One evening, after a long day of work, Fahlberg sat down to dinner with his family. He picked up a roll with his hand, and after he bit into it, he discovered that it had a remarkably sweet crust.
The bread wasn't supposed to be sweet, so the scientist that he was, began to try to discover why. He recalled that he had spilled an experimental compound all over his hands earlier in the day. He brought his tongue to his fingers, and the rest was history.
He immediately returned to the lab and began taste testing various surfaces on his work table. Odd, I know. Eventually, he found the source of the sweetness, an overboiled beaker in which o-sulfobenzoic acid had reacted with phosphorus chloride and ammonia, producing benzoic sulfinide. Benzoic sulfinide is better known today as saccharin.
Though Falhberg had previously synthesized the compound by another method, he had no reason to taste the result. Serendipity had provided him with the first commercially viable alternative to cane sugar.
2nd image Early saccharin tablets from a time when German was still written with the German alphabet
#14233209 at 2021-07-30 23:48:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18006: "Thank you, Arizona!" - President Donald J. Trump Edition
Ffs so people were dropping like flies before ac was invented? Grow a pair
#14233169 at 2021-07-30 23:42:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18006: "Thank you, Arizona!" - President Donald J. Trump Edition
Looks like 6 weeks of hard times.
August too. Hope the AC doesn't go out. Anons might really die.
#14228494 at 2021-07-30 07:12:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18000: The 'Eighteen Thousand Breads... And Counting!' Edition
No, it's written. Ezekiel names the players. Ancient
Sheba and Dedan is the Saudies.
I'm only speculating on who the AC is. It's not revealed yet. Daniel describes him and tells us he makes the peace. ( at first)
#14228468 at 2021-07-30 07:03:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18000: The 'Eighteen Thousand Breads... And Counting!' Edition
Prophetically, Saudis aren't part of the attacks on Jerusalem in Gog Magog war.
But you bring up a good point. The Prince may be the one that sets up the peace plan. That would be your AC.
#14228403 at 2021-07-30 06:45:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18000: The 'Eighteen Thousand Breads... And Counting!' Edition
He might be a front runner though. Setting things up for the upcoming charismatic AC.
Fun to speculate.
But keep your eyes on Jerusalem. All the Prophets point to this being God's timeclock.
Q did say saving Israel for last. So does God reveal the same thing.
#14228296 at 2021-07-30 06:12:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18000: The 'Eighteen Thousand Breads... And Counting!' Edition
Not quite yet. I think We're close though.
The AC must be revealed.
Notice the wording " he that sat on him"
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Maybe it's Klaus Schwab. Just speculation.
#14225167 at 2021-07-29 22:52:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17996: Enough is Enough Edition
"Phil Kent is retired chairman and CEO of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.). He was responsible for a portfolio of news, entertainment and animation, young adult & kids networks and businesses including CNN/U.S., CNN International, CNN.com and HLN; TBS, TNT, Turner Classic Movies and truTV; Cartoon Network and Adult Swim; and Turner Sports. Globally, Turner Broadcasting operates more than 130 channels in some 30 languages in more than 200 countries. Previously, he served as president and chief operating officer of CNN News Group. His career at TBS, Inc. also includes broad international experience as president of Turner Broadcasting System International (TBSI)."
"He started his career as a journalist and later spokesman for two Austrian Chancellors. After serving as secretary general of Austria's public broadcaster, ORF, he became CEO of Tele 5 and then RTL II in Germany. He returned to his native Austria to lead the ORF as Director General. In 1998 Zeiler was named CEO of RTL, Germany's biggest TV channel."
#14224282 at 2021-07-29 21:00:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17995: Red Carpet Edition
Military Executes Tom Hanks
By Michael Baxter - July 27, 2021 123311780
Actor Tom Hanks has left the earth, put to death by a military tribunal that found him guilty of pedophilia and child endangerment.
On June 12, the U.S. military apprehended Hanks after a plane he had chartered in Greece, where he held dual citizenship, landed at Malpensa Airport in Milan, Italy, where Hanks had been scheduled to attend a foreign film festival.
U.S. military sources told RRN that members of the 173rd Airborne Combat Brigade and INTERPOL were awaiting Hanks' arrival when the Learjet 75 reached the airport apron. Weapons drawn, they boarded the plane and found Hanks seated beside longtime friend Peter Scolari, who in 1980 starred alongside Hanks in the TV sitcom Bosom Buddies, in which the duo portrayed transvestites living in an all-female college dormitory. Hanks would later say it was his favorite role, and that wearing women's clothes made him feel more manly.
The military released Scolari but shackled and promptly ushered Hanks aboard a waiting C-130, which had to be refueled twice inflight to reach Diego Garcia, where the Office of Military Commissions has built a penitentiary near its B2 bomber base. Upon landing, Hanks was placed in a holding cell to await his military tribunal.
Ten days later, Hanks had his day in court, with the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps presenting proof connecting Hanks to a child trafficking ring that, the military alleged, had worked in the shadows for 30 years. It presented into evidence many electronic devices-laptops and cellphones-that held photographs and videos of Hanks engaged in sexual intercourse with male children who were obviously below the age of consent.
Other videos showed Hanks involved in adrenochrome parties, gatherings at which the liberal elite and Hollywood A-listers comingle and inject into themselves an ungodly chemical compound made of oxidized adrenaline, which is extracted from frightened and tortured children, and synthetic opiates. Those who partake in the luciferian ritual believe the compound prevents illness, extends life, and enhances sexual prowess.
One video showed Hanks and songstress Lady GaGa injecting each other while an unseen child's screams, the wailing sound of death, echoed in the background.
The military's case was built on 50 video clips and 2,000 images, sources told RRN.
The 3-officer panel, however, found the content so disturbing that it reached a verdict of guilty after watching four snippets.
Hanks, when asked if he had anything to say in his defense, showed no remorse for his crimes and told the tribunal that adult-child intercourse was "natural" and that he proudly supported NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States.
The tribunal declared Hanks receive capital punishment and asked that his sentence be carried out expeditiously.
"My death won't stop anything; we are everywhere," Hanks said.
Three days later, Hanks received an injection other than adrenochrome. He was strapped to a gurney and had pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and midazolam injected into his veins. If any adrenochrome remained in his blood, it wasn't potent enough to protect him against lethal injection.
#14220506 at 2021-07-29 06:32:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17990: When Q Is Away Edition
Turn off windows and try talking for yourself, dont think to judge what has been taught to me when no doubt you indulge in the false casting of technology, you become your phone, to the point where you become 'messenger'
I do not manipulate 'power' i am power, a small difference, however, important.
Graces strength is her weakness, AC current, i do not test alcohol anon
Perhaps do not assume, just a kind reminder :)
6 = U
#14217273 at 2021-07-28 22:03:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17986: House cleaning Edition
heads up display in a C-130
#14211020 at 2021-07-28 00:41:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17978: When The Goin Gets Tough... Edition
RRN says Tom Hanks has been executed.
Military Executes Tom Hanks
Actor Tom Hanks has left the earth, put to death by a military tribunal that found him guilty of pedophilia and child endangerment.
On June 12, the U.S. military apprehended Hanks after a plane he had chartered in Greece, where he holds dual citizenship, landed at Malpensa Airport in Milan, Italy, where Hanks had been scheduled to attend a foreign film festival.
U.S. military sources told RRN that members of the 173rd Airborne Combat Brigade and INTERPOL were awaiting Hanks' arrival when the Learjet 75 reached the airport apron. Weapons drawn, they boarded the plane and found Hanks seated beside longtime friend Peter Scolari, who in 1980 starred alongside Hanks in the TV sitcom Bosom Buddies, in which the duo portrayed transvestites living in an all-female college dormitory. Hanks would later say it was his favorite role, and that wearing women's clothes made him feel more manly.
The military released Scolari but shackled and promptly ushered Hanks aboard a waiting C-130, which had to be refueled twice inflight to reach Diego Garcia, where the Office of Military Commissions has built a penitentiary near its B2 bomber base. Upon landing, Hanks was placed in a holding cell to await his military tribunal.
Ten days later, Hanks had his day in court, with the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps presenting proof connecting Hanks to a child trafficking ring that, the military alleged, had worked in the shadows for 30 years. It presented into evidence many electronic devices-laptops and cellphones-that held photographs and videos of Hanks engaged in sexual intercourse with male children who were obviously below the age of consent.
Other videos showed Hanks involved in adrenochrome parties, gatherings at which the liberal elite and Hollywood A-listers comingle and inject into themselves an ungodly chemical compound made of oxidized adrenaline, which is extracted from frightened and tortured children, and synthetic opiates. Those who partake in the luciferian ritual believe the compound prevents illness, extends life, and enhances sexual prowess.
One video showed Hanks and songstress Lady GaGa injecting each other while an unseen child's screams, the wailing sound of death, echoed in the background.
The military's case was built on 50 video clips and 2,000 images, sources told RRN.
The 3-officer panel, however, found the content so disturbing that it reached a verdict of guilty after watching four snippets.
Hanks, when asked if he had anything to say in his defense, showed no remorse for his crimes and told the tribunal that adult-child intercourse was "natural" and that he proudly supported NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States.
The tribunal declared Hanks receive capital punishment and asked that his sentence be carried out expeditiously.
"My death won't stop anything; we are everywhere," Hanks said.
Three days later, Hanks received an injection other than adrenochrome. He was strapped to a gurney and had pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and midazolam injected into his veins. If any adrenochrome remained in his blood, it wasn't potent enough to protect him against lethal injection.
#14208775 at 2021-07-27 17:04:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17975: They Cant Stop the Audit Train Edition
Buh bye! For your satire reading pleasure…or is it? Let's just wait and see.
Actor Tom Hanks has left the earth, put to death by a military tribunal that found him guilty of pedophilia and child endangerment.
On June 12, the U.S. military apprehended Hanks after a plane he had chartered in Greece, where he holds dual citizenship, landed at Malpensa Airport in Milan, Italy, where Hanks had been scheduled to attend a foreign film festival.
U.S. military sources told RRN that members of the 173rd Airborne Combat Brigade and INTERPOL were awaiting Hanks' arrival when the Learjet 75 reached the airport apron. Weapons drawn, they boarded the plane and found Hanks seated beside longtime friend Peter Scolari, who in 1980 starred alongside Hanks in the TV sitcom Bosom Buddies, in which the duo portrayed transvestites living in an all-female college dormitory. Hanks would later say it was his favorite role, and that wearing women's clothes made him feel more manly.
The military released Scolari but shackled and promptly ushered Hanks aboard a waiting C-130, which had to be refueled twice inflight to reach Diego Garcia, where the Office of Military Commissions has built a penitentiary near its B2 bomber base. Upon landing, Hanks was placed in a holding cell to await his military tribunal.
Ten days later, Hanks had his day in court, with the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps presenting proof connecting Hanks to a child trafficking ring that, the military alleged, had worked in the shadows for 30 years. It presented into evidence many electronic devices-laptops and cellphones-that held photographs and videos of Hanks engaged in sexual intercourse with male children who were obviously below the age of consent.
Other videos showed Hanks involved in adrenochrome parties, gatherings at which the liberal elite and Hollywood A-listers comingle and inject into themselves an ungodly chemical compound made of oxidized adrenaline, which is extracted from frightened and tortured children, and synthetic opiates. Those who partake in the luciferian ritual believe the compound prevents illness, extends life, and enhances sexual prowess.
One video showed Hanks and songstress Lady GaGa injecting each other while an unseen child's screams, the wailing sound of death, echoed in the background.
The military's case was built on 50 video clips and 2,000 images, sources told RRN.
The 3-officer panel, however, found the content so disturbing that it reached a verdict of guilty after watching four snippets.
Hanks, when asked if he had anything to say in his defense, showed no remorse for his crimes and told the tribunal that adult-child intercourse was "natural" and that he proudly supported NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States.
The tribunal declared Hanks receive capital punishment and asked that his sentence be carried out expeditiously.
"My death won't stop anything; we are everywhere," Hanks said.
Three days later, Hanks received an injection other than adrenochrome. He was strapped to a gurney and had pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and midazolam injected into his veins. If any adrenochrome remained in his blood, it wasn't potent enough to protect him against lethal injection.
#14204916 at 2021-07-27 00:29:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17970: A new begining Edition
You mean that one where AC went to the school to interview kids who all had earpieces, and every single shot was green-screened? Kek.
#14203146 at 2021-07-26 18:52:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17968: The 'Questioning Coordinated Pressure Campaigns' Edition
Spanish Police Cut Serbian Criminal Gang's Operations in Spain
With the help of Serbian investigators, Spanish police arrested 43 suspected members of a Serbian organized crime group suspected of having produced marijuana and hashish at plantations in Spain and having distributed their products in Germany.
The criminal network ran plantations in the Spanish regions of Zaragoza and Tarragona, where fellow nationals were exploited for the cultivation of narcotics, Eurojust, which supported the operation, said in a statement Thursday.
Police dismantled 14 indoor plantations, including one "hidden under a Russian orthodox church."
The network had established a sophisticated distribution chain, using lorries registered in the names of businesses that had been set up in other EU countries, according to the agency.
Eurojust said that law enforcement agencies carried out 19 searches and seized over 17,000 marijuana plants, more than 880 kilograms of marijuana buds, and at least 130 kilograms of produced marijuana and hashish resins during a major action day in June. Some 400 kilograms of marijuana and nearly four kilos of hashish had already been captured in January.
Police have also seized around 250,000 euro (US$294,263) in cash, a luxury car, computer and telecommunication equipment and some weapons.
The criminal group was well-structured and used electricians to condition and manage the plantations, according to Eurojust. It also engaged managers and middlemen between its various echelons, as well as attorneys, to open accounts using fraudulent papers.
"Most of the proceedings were laundered in Serbia, Spain and other European countries, using a string of shell companies," The Hague-based EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation said.
It also said that the key suspects "will be charged with drug trafficking, migrant smuggling, and money laundering."
#14200884 at 2021-07-26 07:41:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17965: EBake
I'd have to go back and read Daniel again where the AC is described. I think being an Assyrian?
But DS I would agree could be part of the 10 Kings/nations scenario.
Interesting. Will Check this out.
#14200815 at 2021-07-26 07:15:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17965: EBake
Has anybody ever thought that maybe the AC isn't exactly an individual but more of an entity ie the deep state? That has been my thinking for a while now.
#14200681 at 2021-07-26 06:29:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17965: EBake
Felt I need to share this.
Every Sunday the online Pastor I listen to does a reading from the Bible book he's working on and a separate Prophesy update. He's been doing these Prophesy updates for over 10 years at least.
When he first started years back it was teaching the Prophets, Revelation and Rapture.
I've never heard him do one like today. He was shaken, had a sense of urgency and sobering speech. He made comments I've never heard him say before. He gets email and mail from all over the country.
People are scared. They don't want to take the vax, but fear job loss, losing homes and school enrollments.
Asking if it's the Mark, etc.
This Pastor is very awake and shares all the information about the vax. Said he's not taking it.
He doesn't think it's the Mark yet. But thinks part two digital will be.
He thinks THE Antichrist is alive today, but not yet revealed.
Everything happening on the world stage today is leading up to having everything lined up for the AC
to step in with everything up and running when he does.
Then he said our hope is Jesus. Rapture is imminent.
Pray anons. Psalm 123.
With that said, I also pray POTUS and Q team succeed, buying us time until the End days.
#14200121 at 2021-07-26 03:41:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17964: Updated Dough Edition
Why Did China Buy an Airstrip in Texas?
Should nations let their enemies purchase land within their own borders? You'd likely give a resounding 'no' to this question, correct?
And yet, a former Chinese general with alleged ties to Chinese concentration camps recently bought an airstrip in Texas. And this isn't just some random ranch in the middle of nowhere. It is 200 square miles (130,000 acres) of land between one of the most active Air Force bases in the U.S. and the border of Mexico.
As the world is being fear-mongered about "variants," this is happening right under American noses.
Who is Sun Guangxin?
Sun Guangxin is a former General of the People's Liberation Army in China. He owns two-thirds of real estate where the Uyghur concentration camps are located in the capital of Xinjiang.
Russia had The Gulag. China has the LAOGAI.
The terrors that take place within the LAOGAI system can be seen and read about on the LAOGAI Research website. The pictures and nightmarish stories within will show you the brutal truth about socialism/communism.
Why Did Guangxin Purchase Land in the U.S.?
The former Chinese General purchased the land to allegedly build wind farms. The name of the property purchased by the Chinese firm is called the Morning Star Ranch.
Sun Guangxin, who has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party, purchased the land allegedly to build wind farms, Kyle Bass, founder, and principal of Hayman Capital Management and a founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, told Epoch T.V. in a recent interview.
The wind farm project, known as the Blue Hills Wind development, is being managed by G.H. America Energy, the U.S. subsidiary of Sun Guangxin's Guanghua Energy Company. [source]
Should We Be Concerned About the Morning Star Ranch?
Well. Perhaps, yes.
"You've got a former People's Liberation Army general billionaire who has bought over 130,000 acres of Texan land, including a giant wind farm in an area where there isn't particularly a lot of wind but happens to be right beside a very sensitive U.S. military installation," Bass said.[source]
And the Morning Star Ranch has its own airfield. We're not talking about just some cruddy dirt airstrip for a Cessna, either. We're talking about a well-maintained, paved runway that's somewhere in the ballpark of 4000-5000 feet. Current reports indicate that the former General may have expanded to 10,000 feet. The airfield is listed as permanently closed by the FAA (its call sign is TA81), yet it appears to be well-maintained.
Who Wants a (Reportedly) 10,000-Foot Long Airway in the Middle of Nowhere, Texas?
Or, perhaps a better question: WHY would anyone want an airway of this size in the middle of Nowhere, Texas?
Maybe to land a Chinese-130 or Chinese-130J clone? (This size runway could easily accommodate such an aircraft.)
We're talking about a remote ranch with excellent views in all directions. It has ready access to a nearby Air Force pilot training base. And it's not too far from Mexico.
Let's Build a Wind Farm Where There's No Wind!
As I mentioned above, Guangxin allegedly purchased the airstrip to develop a wind farm on the premises. Interestingly, this region of Texas is not known for its high wind volume.
#14198882 at 2021-07-26 00:11:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17962: Mo Bread Edition
"No offense to AC/DC, but I'd rather take a Stairway to Heaven than a Highway to Hell..."
#14198082 at 2021-07-25 21:34:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #17961: Thank You CERTIFIED Collectors... Pre-E-Bake Certified Edition
do you air Q?
Danny De Urbina
The Trump YMCA dance is BACK.
0:03 / 0:46
5:59 PM · Jul 24, 2021·Twitter Media Studio
Quote Tweets
#14193766 at 2021-07-25 02:34:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17956: We Will Win Edition
Yes, the U.S. Military Once Had 'Flying' Aircraft Carriers
The U.S. Navy was actually the first to pioneer the concept of a flying carrier, and it began construction of two rigid airships, the USS Macon and the USS Akron, in the late 1920s. Neither of these airships had a runway, but instead, each carried five lightweight Curtiss F9C Sparrowhawk biplane fighters that could be launched and recovered through a hook system that lowered them into the airstream.
A more realistic solution might be one conceived by defense contractor Dynetics, with support from DARPA. It involved launching an X-61A Gremlin Air Vehicle - an unmanned drone - from a C-130 that could be used in a variety of missions including reconnaissance but it isn't too hard to see how it could be utilized in a combat role as well.
The ability to launch and recover a drone at least offers the very practical ability to send a drone to regions not otherwise readily accessible. But for now, the flying aircraft carrier is best left in comic books and the movies.
#14192422 at 2021-07-25 00:13:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17954: Rally Reveal Edition
Voter suppression allegations
Allegations of voter list purges using unlawful criteria caused controversy in at least six swing states: Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina.[121] On October 5, 2008, the Republican Lt. Governor of Montana, John Bohlinger, accused the Montana Republican Party of vote caging to purge 6,000 voters from three counties which trend Democratic.[122] Allegations arose in Michigan that the Republican Party planned to challenge the eligibility of voters based on lists of foreclosed homes.[123] The campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama filed a lawsuit challenging this. The House Judiciary Committee wrote to the Department of Justice requesting an investigation.[124]
Libertarian candidate Bob Barr filed a lawsuit in Texas to have Obama and McCain removed from the ballot in that state.[125] His campaign alleged that both the candidates had missed the August 26 deadline to file, and were present on the ballot contrary to Texas election law. Neither Obama, or McCain at the time of the deadline had been confirmed as the candidate for their respective parties. The Texas Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit without explanation.[126]
In Ohio, identified by both parties as a key state, allegations surfaced from both Republicans and Democrats that individuals from out of state were moving to the state temporarily and attempting to vote despite not meeting the state's requirement of permanent residency for more than 29 days. The Franklin County Board of Elections referred 55 cases of possible voting irregularities to the local prosecutor.[127] Three groups attracted particular notice: 'Vote from Home,' 'Vote Today Ohio,' and 'Drop Everything and Come to Ohio.' Vote from Home attracted the most attention when thirteen of the group's members moved to the same location in eastern Columbus. Members of the group organized by Marc Gustafson, including several Marshall and Rhodes scholars studying at Oxford University, settled with Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien to have their challenged ballots withdrawn.[128][129] The Obama campaign and others alleged that members of the McCain campaign had also voted without properly establishing residency.[127] Since 1953, only six people in Ohio have gone to prison for illegal voting.[130]
#14189548 at 2021-07-24 18:31:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17951: !!! TRUMP RALLY DAY !!! #AZrallyEdition
Anti-Vaccine Passport Protesters Storm French Town Hall, Pull Down Macron Portrait.
Around 300 anti-vaccine passport protesters stormed the town hall of Chambéry, denouncing French measures to implement a vaccine passport.
The group had gathered in front of the courthouse at around 2 p.m. on Wednesday before heading for the town hall.
After noticing that the door to the town hall had been left open, the protesters entered, yelling various slogans, including, "No to the [vaccine] pass," and "Macron must resign!" French broadcaster France Info reports.
The protesters then took down the official portrait of President Emmanuel Macron, a symbolic gesture that was also seen in late 2019 when climate activists stole the presidential portraits from some 130 town halls across France.
"The city of Chambéry condemns with the utmost firmness this intrusion," the mayor's office said in a statement, and added that it was not "tolerable to attack republican symbols and the symbolic place that is a city hall".
According to France Info, the demonstrators only remained in the town hall for 10 to 15 minutes before departing. They then continued their demonstration in other parts of the town before attempting to march to a nearby expressway road, but were blocked by local gendarmes. It was the third protest against vaccine passports in the city in a week.
The protest comes just days after an alleged arson attack on a vaccination centre in the municipality of Urrugne in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques county.
Philippe Aramendi, the mayor of Urrugne, said: "It may be too early to know if we are dealing with anti-vaxxers, but if they are, it is saddening."
Last weekend, over 100,000 people took to the streets to protest France's vaccine passport policy, which will see people required to present a health pass to access certain businesses such as restaurants or engage in various forms of travel.
Business owners that do not check for the health pass could also be punished under the new policy, with fines of up to ?45,000 (£38,487/$53,100) and a year in prison.
#14183557 at 2021-07-23 19:05:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17943: TRUMP Rally in Arizona Tomorrow Edition
Spain and Serbia dismantle Serbian marijuana trafficking network
Spanish and Serbian authorities have dismantled a large-scale drug trafficking network through a joint investigation team (JIT). In both countries, 43 members of a Serbian organised crime group have been arrested for their involvement in producing and distributing marijuana and hashish.
During a major action day in Serbia and Spain on 28 June 2021 and during interventions against the organised crime group in January, the Spanish Guardia Civil and the Serbian Police carried out 19 searches and seized over 17 000 marijuana plants, over 880 kilos of marijuana buds, and at least 130 kilos of produced marijuana and hashish resins. Approximately EUR 250 000 in cash was also seized.
Europol's and Eurojust's support of Operation Mitikas
Europol, as a platform for European policing solutions, was involved in the case since March 2020. Throughout 2020 and early 2021, European Serious and Organised Crime Centre (ESOCC) of Europol supported Operation MITIKAS through the Drugs Unit by cross-checking information received, providing analytical support, and facilitating the coordination of the information exchange between Spain and Serbia. Two Europol specialists were deployed to Spain and Serbia equipped with a mobile office and a Universal Forensic Extraction Device. Information gathered during the operation was analysed and exchanged in real-time and immediately cross-matched against Europol's databases.
Eurojust, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation initiated the cross-border judicial cooperation in November 2020, leading to the setting up of the first JIT between Spain and Serbia. It was the first time the Spanish authorities had initiated a JIT with a third country.
Operation Mitikas was developed in the framework of the European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats (EMPACT) and the operational action plan on cross-border drug trafficking sourced by large-scale herbal cannabis production in the EU.
The cannabis market in the European Union
The cannabis market remains the largest drug market in the EU, and cannabis trafficking will remain a significant source of income for a wide range of criminal networks. The trade in cannabis but also in other drugs such as cocaine and synthetic drugs is a key threat to the EU due to the levels of violence associated, the multibillion euro profits generated and the substantial harm caused by it.
Herbal cannabis is extensively produced within the EU, with estimates indicating that at least 20 000 cultivation sites are dismantled each year, and is a major source of income for the criminal economy. Although herbal cannabis is produced in each EU Member State, this may not be sufficient to satisfy local demand; therefore, intra-EU trafficking exists as it has been shown in Operation Mitikas.
#14175475 at 2021-07-22 19:03:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17933: STAND UP! BE THE PLAN! Ebake Edition
Duke, UNC, Other NC Hospital Systems Requiring Workers to be Vaccinated
Major hospital systems across North Carolina, including Durham-based Duke University Health System and Chapel Hill-based UNC Health, announced Thursday that all staff and physicians must be vaccinated to continue working there.
The moves come on the heels of the North Carolina Healthcare Association's decision backing mandatory vaccinations for health care workers. The association represents 130 hospitals and health systems statewide.
Duke Health and UNC Health have set a Sept. 21 deadline for staff to get fully vaccinated, and employees will have to show proof of vaccination to their supervisors. Anyone seeking a medical or religious exemption from getting the vaccine must request it by Sept. 7.
#14174717 at 2021-07-22 17:01:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17932: Call your Local Senators and Demand Audits Edition
ilia species are mostly large, deciduous trees, reaching typically 20 to 40 m (65 to 130 ft) tall, with oblique-cordate leaves 6 to 20 cm (2+1?4 to 7+3?4 in) across. As with elms, the exact number of species is uncertain, as many of the species can hybridise readily, both in the wild and in cultivation. They are hermaphroditic, having perfect flowers with both male and female parts, pollinated by insects.
#14171324 at 2021-07-22 02:44:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17928: Audits And Subsequent De-Certification Looming Edition
>>14168596, >>14168696, >>14168710, >>14168793 Wikileaks - New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress
>>14168601 Kevin McCarthy press release - Washington, D.C. - Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi's abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:
>>14168616 Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns
>>14168662 Youngest ever FBI informant 'White Boy Rick', 52, files $100M lawsuit against the feds and Detroit Police for child abuse claiming he was coerced into aiding cops with drug busts when he was 14
>>14168668 Apple under pressure over iPhone security after NSO spyware claims
>>14168690 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In an address to the faithful, he called the rebuilt temple a monument to courage and faith
>>14168704 EVER GIVEN CONTAINERSHIP update - More problems?
>>14168734 Hunter Biden was arranging for VP Joe to quit politics and start a DC 'swamp' consultancy firm together, raising MORE questions over President's claim that he has never discussed business with his son
>>14168771 "DELTA VARIANT" Spreads Via The Vaccinated: DUTCH MSM
>>14168850 #17924\2
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884, >>14168011 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics…
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.
>>14167904, >>14168074 Basham Tweets POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery
>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group's handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax
>>14168012 SETUP or GETUP?
>>14168045 Looks like Nancy is mad she's not getting her Kangaroo court..
>>14168110 #17923
#14169767 at 2021-07-21 21:52:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17927: EBake for the Reeeee
>>14168596, >>14168696, >>14168710, >>14168793 Wikileaks - New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress
>>14168601 Kevin McCarthy press release - Washington, D.C. - Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi's abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:
>>14168616 Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns
>>14168662 Youngest ever FBI informant 'White Boy Rick', 52, files $100M lawsuit against the feds and Detroit Police for child abuse claiming he was coerced into aiding cops with drug busts when he was 14
>>14168668 Apple under pressure over iPhone security after NSO spyware claims
>>14168690 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In an address to the faithful, he called the rebuilt temple a monument to courage and faith
>>14168704 EVER GIVEN CONTAINERSHIP update - More problems?
>>14168734 Hunter Biden was arranging for VP Joe to quit politics and start a DC 'swamp' consultancy firm together, raising MORE questions over President's claim that he has never discussed business with his son
>>14168771 "DELTA VARIANT" Spreads Via The Vaccinated: DUTCH MSM
>>14168850 #17924\2
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884, >>14168011 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics…
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.
>>14167904, >>14168074 Basham Tweets POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery
>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group's handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax
>>14168012 SETUP or GETUP?
>>14168045 Looks like Nancy is mad she's not getting her Kangaroo court..
>>14168110 #17923
#14169757 at 2021-07-21 21:51:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17926: Wake and Bakes Edition
>>14168596, >>14168696, >>14168710, >>14168793 Wikileaks - New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress
>>14168601 Kevin McCarthy press release - Washington, D.C. - Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi's abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:
>>14168616 Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns
>>14168662 Youngest ever FBI informant 'White Boy Rick', 52, files $100M lawsuit against the feds and Detroit Police for child abuse claiming he was coerced into aiding cops with drug busts when he was 14
>>14168668 Apple under pressure over iPhone security after NSO spyware claims
>>14168690 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In an address to the faithful, he called the rebuilt temple a monument to courage and faith
>>14168704 EVER GIVEN CONTAINERSHIP update - More problems?
>>14168734 Hunter Biden was arranging for VP Joe to quit politics and start a DC 'swamp' consultancy firm together, raising MORE questions over President's claim that he has never discussed business with his son
>>14168771 "DELTA VARIANT" Spreads Via The Vaccinated: DUTCH MSM
>>14168850 #17924\2
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884, >>14168011 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics…
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.
>>14167904, >>14168074 Basham Tweets POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery
>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group's handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax
>>14168012 SETUP or GETUP?
>>14168045 Looks like Nancy is mad she's not getting her Kangaroo court..
>>14168110 #17923
#14168913 at 2021-07-21 19:13:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17925: Such A Suspicious Certification.... Situation. Edition
>>14168596, >>14168696, >>14168710, >>14168793 Wikileaks - New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress
>>14168601 Kevin McCarthy press release - Washington, D.C. - Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi's abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:
>>14168616 Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns
>>14168662 Youngest ever FBI informant 'White Boy Rick', 52, files $100M lawsuit against the feds and Detroit Police for child abuse claiming he was coerced into aiding cops with drug busts when he was 14
>>14168668 Apple under pressure over iPhone security after NSO spyware claims
>>14168690 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In an address to the faithful, he called the rebuilt temple a monument to courage and faith
>>14168704 EVER GIVEN CONTAINERSHIP update - More problems?
>>14168734 Hunter Biden was arranging for VP Joe to quit politics and start a DC 'swamp' consultancy firm together, raising MORE questions over President's claim that he has never discussed business with his son
>>14168771 "DELTA VARIANT" Spreads Via The Vaccinated: DUTCH MSM
>>14168850 #17924\2
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884, >>14168011 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics…
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.
>>14167904, >>14168074 Basham Tweets POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery
>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group's handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax
>>14168012 SETUP or GETUP?
>>14168045 Looks like Nancy is mad she's not getting her Kangaroo court..
>>14168110 #17923
#14168126 at 2021-07-21 17:05:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17924: AUDITMcAfee#TeamBritney TIDAL WAVE!!!! Edition
NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884, >>14168011 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics…
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.
>>14167904, >>14168074 Basham Tweets POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery
>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group's handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax
>>14168012 SETUP or GETUP?
>>14168045 Looks like Nancy is mad she's not getting her Kangaroo court..
>>14168110 #17923
#14168110 at 2021-07-21 17:03:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884, >>14168011 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics…
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.
>>14167904, >>14168074 Basham Tweets POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery
>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group's handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax
>>14168012 SETUP or GETUP?
>>14168045 Looks like Nancy is mad she's not getting her Kangaroo court..
Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!
#14167980 at 2021-07-21 16:47:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics…
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.
>>14167904 Basham Tweets
>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group's handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax
Muh BeeveeMuh Beevee
Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears
#14167875 at 2021-07-21 16:29:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics. I am at their site: https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/insights-access/ I cannot find that particular document, but I
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'
>>14167868 Sounds… Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069...
Muh BeeveeMuh Beevee
Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears
#14167811 at 2021-07-21 16:18:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics. I am at their site: https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/insights-access/ I cannot find that particular document, but I
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740, >>14167797 Stephen Miller on Bezos… Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!
Muh BeeveeMuh Beevee
Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears
#14167791 at 2021-07-21 16:13:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics. I am at their site: https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/insights-access/ I cannot find that particular document, but I
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure
>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk…)
>>14167710 #OKAudit
>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video
>>14167740 Stephen Miller on Bezos
Muh BeeveeMuh Beevee
Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears
#14167666 at 2021-07-21 15:44:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Which writings have you read and understood?
Which are you advising diggers and seekers to avoid and why?
The following list encompasses both Libri and other works, including those compiled or edited by others after Crowley's death.
777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley : Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth. (1982). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-222-6
Aha! : Being Liber CCXLII. (1996). Tempe, Arizona: New Falcon Publications. ISBN 1-56184-035-1
Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary. (2006). Tempe, AZ : New Falcon Publications. ISBN 1-57863-372-9
Amrita : Essays in Magical Rejuvenation. (1990). Kings Beach, CA : Thelema Publications. ISBN 0-913576-18-2
"The Blue Equinox" (Equinox III:1). (1992). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-210-2
The Book of the Law (Technically called Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI). (1997). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-334-6
The Book of Lies, which is also falsely called Breaks, originally 1912 or 1913, (1981). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-516-0
The Book of Thoth : A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians (Equinox III:5), originally 1944, (1981). New York : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-268-4
Clouds without Water. (1909). Illinois : Yogi Publication Society. ISBN 0-911662-50-2
Collected Works of Aleister Crowley 1905-1907. (1974). New York : Gordon Press. ISBN 0-87968-130-6
Commentaries on the Holy Books and Other Papers (Equinox IV:1). (1996). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-888-7
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley : An Autohagiography. (1979). London; Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN 0-7100-0175-4
Crowley on Christ. (1974). London: The C.W. Daniel Co.Ltd. ISBN 0-85207-131-0
Diary of a Drug Fiend. (1970). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-146-7
Eight Lectures on Yoga (Equinox III:4). (1985). Phoenix, AZ : Falcon Press. ISBN 0-941404-36-6
Enochian World of Aleister Crowley : Enochian Sex Magick. (1991). Scottsdale, AZ : New Falcon Publications. ISBN 1-56184-029-7
The Equinox (I:1-10). (2006).York Beach, ME : Weiser Books. ISBN 1-57863-351-6
The Equinox (III:10). (2001). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-719-8
The Equinox of the Gods (Equinox III:3). (1992). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-210-2
Gems from the Equinox. (1982).Phoenix, AZ : Falcon Press. ISBN 0-941404-10-2
The General Principles of Astrology (Liber DXXXVI). (2002). Boston, MA : Weiser Books. ISBN 0-87728-908-5
The Goetia : The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. (1995). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-847-X
The Heart of the Master. (1973). Montreal : 93 Publishing. ISBN 0-919690-00-9
The Holy Books of Thelema (Equinox III:9). (1983). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-579-9
Khing Kang King : The Classic of Purity, Being Liber XXI. (1980). Kings Beach, CA : Thelema Publications. ISBN 0-913576-16-6
Konx Om Pax : Essays in Light. (1990). Chicago: Teitan Press. ISBN 0-933429-04-5
The Law is for All : The Authorized Popular Commentary of Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX, The Book of the Law. (1996). Tempe, AZ : New Falcon Publications. ISBN 1-56184-090-4
Liber Aleph vel CXI : The Book of Wisdom or Folly (Equinox III:6). (1991). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-729-5
Little Essays Toward Truth. (1991). Tempe, AZ : New Falcon Publications. ISBN 1-56184-000-9
The Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley : Tunisia 1923. (1996). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-856-9
The Magical Record of the Beast 666: The Diaries of Aleister Crowley, 1914-1920. (1972). London : Duckworth. ISBN 0-7156-0636-0
Magick : Liber ABA, Book Four, Parts I-IV. (1997). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser. ISBN 0-87728-919-0
#14167649 at 2021-07-21 15:41:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed
>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.
>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the "Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act"
>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California
>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines
>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!
>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands
>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"
>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC's Push to Vaccinate Children"
>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21
>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics. I am at their site: https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/insights-access/ I cannot find that particular document, but I
>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"
>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears
#14167627 at 2021-07-21 15:36:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17923: AUDITSTORM!!!! McAfee AfterLife! #TeamBritney!! Edition
Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations
Alabama local GOP politician called a Black colleague the N-word...
Thomas Barrack, Trump fund-raiser, indicted on lobbying charge
The Texas city of La Porte issued a shelter-in-place order Wednesday morning following an incident at a chemical plant.
"We are asking all areas EAST of Bay Area in La Porte to Shelter in Place at this time," the order read. "Go inside/turn off A/C systems immediately. More information will be provided soon."
Shortly after issuing the shelter-in-place order, the La Porte Office of Emergency Management (OEM) announced an immediate evacuation within a half-mile radius of 13300 Bay Area Blvd. Goodyear Bayport Chemical Plant, Dow Chemical and Kuraray America Inc., Bayport Plant are all situated within the evacuation radius.
"The City has issued a Shelter in Place for all areas of La Porte east of Bay Area Blvd due to a chemical incident on Bay Area Blvd, south of Fairmont Pkwy," the OEM tweeted in an update.
The city urged all residents in the affected areas to stay in their homes, turn off their air conditioners and shut all windows and doors until the city gives then the "all clear."
lot a shit goin on in texas lately
houses spontaniously splodin etc
#14167145 at 2021-07-21 14:05:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17922: Team Britney - Tip Of The AUDITBURG Edition
Like AC but better.
#14155690 at 2021-07-19 19:53:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17908: There Is No Stopping The Freedom That Is Coming Edition
Does anyone have the presser link for the the ga after hearing, cant find it anywhere
eevmn the gateway pudit link is foobared
Here is the live-feed video from the press conference following the court hearing on Monday. LINK DONT DO SHIT!
#14155119 at 2021-07-19 18:02:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17907: Full Forensic Audits For ALL Fifty (50) States Edition
Georgia Hearing on Monday at 1:30 PM Contesting the Fraudulent Results of the Georgia Senate Elections - Presser to Follow
A lawsuit will be filed on Monday at 1:30 PM in the Henry County Superior Court contesting the certifications of Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock as the winners of the election for Georgia's U.S. Senate seats.
There will be a press conference immediately following the court hearing in Henry County Georgia.
A court hearing will take place in Henry County Superior Court on Monday, July 19th at 1:30 pm ET regarding the U.S. Senate runoff election in Georgia, certified in January of 2021.
The lawsuit, brought by Atlanta resident Mike Daugherty back in January contests the certifications of Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock as the winners of the election for Georgia's U.S. Senate seats and seeks a new election conducted on paper ballots under Ga. Code 21-2-334.
Listed defendants include Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, Fulton, DeKalb, and Coffee County Election Boards, as well as the Georgia State Election Board.
The lawsuit alleges the results of this election do not accurately reflect the intent of eligible voters in Georgia and therefore should be overturned. The lawsuit points to significant misconduct, legal irregularities committed by election officials, procedural violations, and security breaches surrounding electronic voting equipment, among other things.
A joint press conference will immediately follow the hearing outside the courtroom. In attendance will be former State Representative Vernon Jones, an election integrity advocate, as well as Mr. Mike Daugherty, and others involved in the case. (Note: Rep. Jones is not affiliated with this legal filing)
WHERE: Henry County Superior Court, Superior Court, No. 1 Courthouse Square, McDonough, GA 30253 - Courtroom A
WHEN: July 19th, 1:30 PM ET - Press Conference to follow
#14154641 at 2021-07-19 16:18:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17907: Full Forensic Audits For ALL Fifty (50) States Edition
>Georgia Residents to File Lawsuit on Monday at 1:30 PM Contesting the Fraudulent Results of the Georgia Senate Elections
>The lawsuit, brought by Atlanta resident Mike Daugherty contests the certifications of Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock as the winners of the election for Georgia's U.S. Senate seats and seeks a new election conducted on paper ballots under Ga. Code 21-2-334.
>Listed defendants include Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, Fulton, DeKalb, and Coffee County Election Boards, as well as the Georgia State Election Board.
>A joint press conference will immediately follow the hearing outside the courtroom. In attendance will be former State Representative Vernon Jones, an election integrity advocate, as well as Mr. Mike Daugherty, and others involved in the case. (Note: Rep. Jones is not affiliated with this legal filing)
#14154171 at 2021-07-19 14:08:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17906: The 'Full Forensic Audit Just Rolls Off The Tongue...' Edition
BREAKING BIG: Georgia Residents to File Lawsuit on Monday at 1:30 PM Contesting the Fraudulent Results of the Georgia Senate Elections
A lawsuit will be filed on Monday at 1:30 PM in the Henry County Superior Court contesting the certifications of Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock as the winners of the election for Georgia's U.S. Senate seats.
There will be a press conference immediately following the court hearing in Henry County Georgia.
#14153005 at 2021-07-19 06:05:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17905: E-bake
Florida man arrested after crashing through airport gate, getting into Coast Guard plane cockpit: sheriff
A Florida man faces multiple charges after he allegedly drove through a security gate at a Tampa-area airport and got into the cockpit of a Coast Guard C-130 airplane on Saturday morning, officials said.
Hamilton Moreno, 36, is accused of leading deputies on a chase across a runway at St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport before 5 a.m. ET in a vehicle that had been reported stolen the night before, the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department said in a statement.
SAUCE: https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-man-arrested-after-crashing-through-airport-gate-getting-into-coast-guard-plane-cockpit-sheriff
#14152954 at 2021-07-19 05:51:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17905: E-bake
1. Trump's Angels
2. Perfectly Timed UFO
3. Design for a Space Vehicle Propulsion System
4. Idea of who the AC(anti christ) will be (#moonchild soltice born to an Angel)
#14152727 at 2021-07-19 04:45:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17904: Night Shift Clocking In Edition
Batten down the hatches.
#14147727 at 2021-07-18 08:51:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17898: "The Audits Will Be Executed Completely; Fully...". Edition
Simply had to be ordained for that tax break anon… Sadly only 1/934662th Yeti on pop's side.
But started with Slackware back in 93…
Loved it as much ac my CC3.
Miss that poor doorstop, ran better than my Timex or Atari.
#14147012 at 2021-07-18 04:52:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17898: "The Audits Will Be Executed Completely; Fully...". Edition
>>14144691, >>14144712, >>14144714, >>14144721, >>14144742, >>14144796, >>14144825, >>14144862, >>14144918, >>14144967, >>14145068, >>14145107, >>14145212, >>14145349 COVID News Faggotry and the Like
>>14144727, >>14144846, >>14144883, >>14144958 A Quest For Authenticity In A Time Of Deceit
>>14144728, >>14144816 SoCal: America First Rally in Anaheim Cancelled, 'We Have a Duty to Call Out Speech That Doesn't Reflect Our City and Its Values'
>>14144743 If you were Ahmaud Arbery…
>>14144747 The Virginia PTA announced that Michelle Leete, the group's Vice President of Training who wished death on opponents of critical race theory, had resigned from the organization.
>>14144750 Surveillance footage allegedly shows Stokes exiting a vehicle in the afternoon near the intersection of Linden Boulevard and 200th Street, approaching the driver's side window of a parked Jeep and firing 11 shots.
>>14144763 How Odd…. NYC socialites running scared from BBC's Ghislaine Maxwell docu-series…
>>14144775 White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki Wants To Quash Misinformation - She Has A History Of Promoting It
>>14144799 Slimeball Faggot Andrew Cuomo used campaign funds to pay attorney in sexual harassment case, disclosure shows
>>14144810 It's Broken FIX IT! Arizona Senate powerless to recall electors, chamber president says
>>14144814, >>14144823 "Take one for the team…. We don't want to risk any charges - I mean… YOU Are SOoo Valuable to our community time to spread your vaccine awareness!" ALL Washington State HCPs received this yesterday:
>>14144848 M 6.1 - 130 km S of Punta de Burica, Panama
>>14144886 Biden DHS Official: Americans Trying to Preserve Their Heritage 'Makes Me Sick'
>>14144905, >>14144996 Appeals court tosses panel ruling endorsing Section 230 Big Tech protections - Immunity from civil rights laws to be reevaluated
>>14144911 Fake News, Enemy Of The PEOPLE! - Only 2 Networks (Barely) Mention New Record in Border Crisis, All Skip Hunter
>>14144918 "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries
>>14144926 The NEA pledges to bring critical race theory to a public school near you.
>>14144939 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America - Congratulations to Doug Collins on his new book, The Clock and the Calendar: A Front-Row Look at the Democrats' Obsession with Donald Trump. A great look from behind the scenes of someone who was there fighting the good fight-in Impeachment Hoax #1. Thank you Doug, for always being there-and supporting the MAGA Movement!
>>14144941, >>14144942 CodeMonkeyZ, [17.07.21 11:44] - If AZ decertifies, the media embargo will not be able to continue concealing the truth.
>>14144947 Welcome to Year Zero A Tentative Beginning in a Subdued Key
>>14144950 Trump Jr: Why isnt Jen Psaki BANNED!
>>14144968, >>14145235, >>14145303 Datefag Calendar of Upcoming Habbenings
>>14144988 The Saint Paul police chief is asking Minnesota state Rep. John Thompson (@john_67a) for an apology after the lawmaker was revealed to have made up about a racial profiling incident. An investigation has also revealed that Thompson doesn't even live in MN
>>14144992, >>14145082 Military Intelligence Expert Proves Stolen Election In Multiple States
>>14145015 'Perhaps the most effective and concise video on voter fraud that I've seen.'
>>14145018 Passport backlog threatens to upend travel plans for millions of Americans
>>14145022 Demand A Full Audit! MI Edition
>>14146084 #17895\1
#14146749 at 2021-07-18 03:55:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17897: #AuditALL50! Edition
A few similarities about us became apparent as the threads naturally evolved;
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
- IQ's are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ's in the genius range of 160
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
- Migraines
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
- Meme Magic
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
- Above average intuition
#14146211 at 2021-07-18 02:29:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17897: #AuditALL50! Edition
>>14144691, >>14144712, >>14144714, >>14144721, >>14144742, >>14144796, >>14144825, >>14144862, >>14144918, >>14144967, >>14145068, >>14145107, >>14145212, >>14145349 COVID News Faggotry and the Like
>>14144727, >>14144846, >>14144883, >>14144958 A Quest For Authenticity In A Time Of Deceit
>>14144728, >>14144816 SoCal: America First Rally in Anaheim Cancelled, 'We Have a Duty to Call Out Speech That Doesn't Reflect Our City and Its Values'
>>14144743 If you were Ahmaud Arbery…
>>14144747 The Virginia PTA announced that Michelle Leete, the group's Vice President of Training who wished death on opponents of critical race theory, had resigned from the organization.
>>14144750 Surveillance footage allegedly shows Stokes exiting a vehicle in the afternoon near the intersection of Linden Boulevard and 200th Street, approaching the driver's side window of a parked Jeep and firing 11 shots.
>>14144763 How Odd…. NYC socialites running scared from BBC's Ghislaine Maxwell docu-series…
>>14144775 White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki Wants To Quash Misinformation - She Has A History Of Promoting It
>>14144799 Slimeball Faggot Andrew Cuomo used campaign funds to pay attorney in sexual harassment case, disclosure shows
>>14144810 It's Broken FIX IT! Arizona Senate powerless to recall electors, chamber president says
>>14144814, >>14144823 "Take one for the team…. We don't want to risk any charges - I mean… YOU Are SOoo Valuable to our community time to spread your vaccine awareness!" ALL Washington State HCPs received this yesterday:
>>14144848 M 6.1 - 130 km S of Punta de Burica, Panama
>>14144886 Biden DHS Official: Americans Trying to Preserve Their Heritage 'Makes Me Sick'
>>14144905, >>14144996 Appeals court tosses panel ruling endorsing Section 230 Big Tech protections - Immunity from civil rights laws to be reevaluated
>>14144911 Fake News, Enemy Of The PEOPLE! - Only 2 Networks (Barely) Mention New Record in Border Crisis, All Skip Hunter
>>14144918 "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries
>>14144926 The NEA pledges to bring critical race theory to a public school near you.
>>14144939 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America - Congratulations to Doug Collins on his new book, The Clock and the Calendar: A Front-Row Look at the Democrats' Obsession with Donald Trump. A great look from behind the scenes of someone who was there fighting the good fight-in Impeachment Hoax #1. Thank you Doug, for always being there-and supporting the MAGA Movement!
>>14144941, >>14144942 CodeMonkeyZ, [17.07.21 11:44] - If AZ decertifies, the media embargo will not be able to continue concealing the truth.
>>14144947 Welcome to Year Zero A Tentative Beginning in a Subdued Key
>>14144950 Trump Jr: Why isnt Jen Psaki BANNED!
>>14144968, >>14145235, >>14145303 Datefag Calendar of Upcoming Habbenings
>>14144988 The Saint Paul police chief is asking Minnesota state Rep. John Thompson (@john_67a) for an apology after the lawmaker was revealed to have made up about a racial profiling incident. An investigation has also revealed that Thompson doesn't even live in MN
>>14144992, >>14145082 Military Intelligence Expert Proves Stolen Election In Multiple States
>>14145015 'Perhaps the most effective and concise video on voter fraud that I've seen.'
>>14145018 Passport backlog threatens to upend travel plans for millions of Americans
>>14145022 Demand A Full Audit! MI Edition
>>14146084 #17895\1
#14146084 at 2021-07-18 02:11:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17896: Victory On The Cusp Of Visibility Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14144691, >>14144712, >>14144714, >>14144721, >>14144742, >>14144796, >>14144825, >>14144862, >>14144918, >>14144967, >>14145068, >>14145107, >>14145212, >>14145349 COVID News Faggotry and the Like
>>14144727, >>14144846, >>14144883, >>14144958 A Quest For Authenticity In A Time Of Deceit
>>14144728, >>14144816 SoCal: America First Rally in Anaheim Cancelled, 'We Have a Duty to Call Out Speech That Doesn't Reflect Our City and Its Values'
>>14144743 If you were Ahmaud Arbery…
>>14144747 The Virginia PTA announced that Michelle Leete, the group's Vice President of Training who wished death on opponents of critical race theory, had resigned from the organization.
>>14144750 Surveillance footage allegedly shows Stokes exiting a vehicle in the afternoon near the intersection of Linden Boulevard and 200th Street, approaching the driver's side window of a parked Jeep and firing 11 shots.
>>14144763 How Odd…. NYC socialites running scared from BBC's Ghislaine Maxwell docu-series…
>>14144775 White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki Wants To Quash Misinformation - She Has A History Of Promoting It
>>14144799 Slimeball Faggot Andrew Cuomo used campaign funds to pay attorney in sexual harassment case, disclosure shows
>>14144810 It's Broken FIX IT! Arizona Senate powerless to recall electors, chamber president says
>>14144814, >>14144823 "Take one for the team…. We don't want to risk any charges - I mean… YOU Are SOoo Valuable to our community time to spread your vaccine awareness!" ALL Washington State HCPs received this yesterday:
>>14144848 M 6.1 - 130 km S of Punta de Burica, Panama
>>14144886 Biden DHS Official: Americans Trying to Preserve Their Heritage 'Makes Me Sick'
>>14144905, >>14144996 Appeals court tosses panel ruling endorsing Section 230 Big Tech protections - Immunity from civil rights laws to be reevaluated
>>14144911 Fake News, Enemy Of The PEOPLE! - Only 2 Networks (Barely) Mention New Record in Border Crisis, All Skip Hunter
>>14144918 "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries
>>14144926 The NEA pledges to bring critical race theory to a public school near you.
>>14144939 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America - Congratulations to Doug Collins on his new book, The Clock and the Calendar: A Front-Row Look at the Democrats' Obsession with Donald Trump. A great look from behind the scenes of someone who was there fighting the good fight-in Impeachment Hoax #1. Thank you Doug, for always being there-and supporting the MAGA Movement!
>>14144941, >>14144942 CodeMonkeyZ, [17.07.21 11:44] - If AZ decertifies, the media embargo will not be able to continue concealing the truth.
>>14144947 Welcome to Year Zero A Tentative Beginning in a Subdued Key
>>14144950 Trump Jr: Why isnt Jen Psaki BANNED!
>>14144968, >>14145235, >>14145303 Datefag Calendar of Upcoming Habbenings
>>14144988 The Saint Paul police chief is asking Minnesota state Rep. John Thompson (@john_67a) for an apology after the lawmaker was revealed to have made up about a racial profiling incident. An investigation has also revealed that Thompson doesn't even live in MN
>>14144992, >>14145082 Military Intelligence Expert Proves Stolen Election In Multiple States
>>14145015 'Perhaps the most effective and concise video on voter fraud that I've seen.'
>>14145018 Passport backlog threatens to upend travel plans for millions of Americans
>>14145022 Demand A Full Audit! MI Edition
#14144848 at 2021-07-17 22:39:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17895: The 'One Seven Eight Nine Five EBAKE' Edition
M 6.1 - 130 km S of Punta de Burica, Panama
2021-07-17 20:56:11 (UTC)6.878°N 82.642°W9.1 km depth
#14141760 at 2021-07-17 11:10:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17891: AZ Un-Registered Voters and Paper Ballots More Than Biden's Lead Edition
RED ALERT" The luciferians, led by Klaus Schwab, WaPo and NYT are trying to erase Jesus as part of "the great reset". They want to change history to BEFORE AND AFTER CORONAVIRUS, no joke
"Radical changes of such consequence are coming that some pundits have referred to a "before coronavirus" (BC) and "after coronavirus" (AC) era. We will continue to be surprised by both the rapidity and unexpected nature of these changes - as they conflate with each other, they will provoke second-, third-, fourth- and more-order consequences, cascading effects and unforeseen outcomes."
#14140739 at 2021-07-17 04:42:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17870: There Will Be "I Told You So" Edition
>>14136769 Durham Probe Will Land People in Jail:
>>14137097 Nunes It's #NationalSnakeDay & we want to encourage you to give snakes a break
>>14136782 South African President Says Social Unrest Was "Planned"; Violence Recedes As Military Deployed
>>14136787 Ghislaine Maxwell took two previously undisclosed trips with Bill Clinton to 'escape' from Jeffrey Epstein - reports
>>14136788 PSAKI: If you're banned on one social media platform, you should be banned on other social media platforms.
>>14136792 Fresh trove of Ghislaine Maxwell court documents released
>>14136806 U.S. House Candidate Jarome Bell Sues Facebook in Federal Court for Anti-Christian Censorship, Electioneering
>>14136823, >>>14136085 , >>14136187, >>14136461 "Hold traffic on the Avenue, (Trump and Kennedy or Pedestrian) are leaving."? LB
>>14136825 Big Tech "Acting Like Arms Of The Government" - Senator Hawley Warns "It's Scary Stuff"
>>14136835 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!
>>14136875 Media Narrative WRECKED! Poll Shows 1.8 Million Turned Down Jobs Because of Government Handouts
>>14136918 The U.S. is seeing a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" in parts of the country where inoculation rates are low, the CDC says
>>14136928 New Evidence Ties Child Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein To Chris Cuomo's Wife As "VIP"
>>14136942 Here We Go: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Warns of "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated"
>>14136958 Psaki Gets Cornered With Fauci's Facebook Misinformation: Should Those Posts Be Taken Down?
>>14136959 Georgia State Senator, calls for full investigation over the 2020 election! #GAaudit
>>14136978 All Single Adult Venezuelan, Haitian, Cuban Migrants to Get Mass Release
>>14137020 ooking to Be Prepared for a War in the Atlantic, NATO Launches New Command
>>14137070 Longtime FBI signature expert says Hunter Biden signed receipt for abandoned laptop
>>14137094 A pocket Guide to Critical Race Theory
>>14137121 Child trafficking: 92 minor victims identified across Europe
>>14137123 full list of members of the Senate and House who objected to Arizona's or Pennsylvania's results
>>14137148 Brown County, Ohio man sentenced to 17 years in prison for distributing images of child sexual abuse
>>14137218 HSI Phoenix partners with local law enforcement agencies, arrests and charges 39 men with child sex crimes
>>14137223 PDJT Statement
>>14137241 SEED MONEY!!! Trump Won!
>>14137307 BIDEN: Biden says the unvaccinated are killing people
>>14137282 Crackdown on Covid-ravaged Sydney starts TODAY as 130 inspectors hunt rule breakers
>>14137381 Parents Sue City Of Washington D.C. For Vaccinating Minors Without Parental Consent
>>14137443 #Bidenflation: Cost of Gas, Used Cars Up 45%, Car Rentals 88%
>>14137503 Biden Administration Tells Border Agents to Prepare for Massive Wave of Families. Will It Re-Start the Pandemic?
>>14137563 Affidavit: Facebook group helped track down Myrtle Beach man suspected in child sex trafficking case
>>14139783 #17885 posted in #17888 o7
#14139960 at 2021-07-17 02:32:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17889: Nothing Can Stop It Edition
>>14136769 Durham Probe Will Land People in Jail:
>>14137097 Nunes It's #NationalSnakeDay & we want to encourage you to give snakes a break
>>14136782 South African President Says Social Unrest Was "Planned"; Violence Recedes As Military Deployed
>>14136787 Ghislaine Maxwell took two previously undisclosed trips with Bill Clinton to 'escape' from Jeffrey Epstein - reports
>>14136788 PSAKI: If you're banned on one social media platform, you should be banned on other social media platforms.
>>14136792 Fresh trove of Ghislaine Maxwell court documents released
>>14136806 U.S. House Candidate Jarome Bell Sues Facebook in Federal Court for Anti-Christian Censorship, Electioneering
>>14136823, >>>14136085 , >>14136187, >>14136461 "Hold traffic on the Avenue, (Trump and Kennedy or Pedestrian) are leaving."? LB
>>14136825 Big Tech "Acting Like Arms Of The Government" - Senator Hawley Warns "It's Scary Stuff"
>>14136835 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!
>>14136875 Media Narrative WRECKED! Poll Shows 1.8 Million Turned Down Jobs Because of Government Handouts
>>14136918 The U.S. is seeing a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" in parts of the country where inoculation rates are low, the CDC says
>>14136928 New Evidence Ties Child Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein To Chris Cuomo's Wife As "VIP"
>>14136942 Here We Go: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Warns of "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated"
>>14136958 Psaki Gets Cornered With Fauci's Facebook Misinformation: Should Those Posts Be Taken Down?
>>14136959 Georgia State Senator, calls for full investigation over the 2020 election! #GAaudit
>>14136978 All Single Adult Venezuelan, Haitian, Cuban Migrants to Get Mass Release
>>14137020 ooking to Be Prepared for a War in the Atlantic, NATO Launches New Command
>>14137070 Longtime FBI signature expert says Hunter Biden signed receipt for abandoned laptop
>>14137094 A pocket Guide to Critical Race Theory
>>14137121 Child trafficking: 92 minor victims identified across Europe
>>14137123 full list of members of the Senate and House who objected to Arizona's or Pennsylvania's results
>>14137148 Brown County, Ohio man sentenced to 17 years in prison for distributing images of child sexual abuse
>>14137218 HSI Phoenix partners with local law enforcement agencies, arrests and charges 39 men with child sex crimes
>>14137223 PDJT Statement
>>14137241 SEED MONEY!!! Trump Won!
>>14137307 BIDEN: Biden says the unvaccinated are killing people
>>14137282 Crackdown on Covid-ravaged Sydney starts TODAY as 130 inspectors hunt rule breakers
>>14137381 Parents Sue City Of Washington D.C. For Vaccinating Minors Without Parental Consent
>>14137443 #Bidenflation: Cost of Gas, Used Cars Up 45%, Car Rentals 88%
>>14137503 Biden Administration Tells Border Agents to Prepare for Massive Wave of Families. Will It Re-Start the Pandemic?
>>14137563 Affidavit: Facebook group helped track down Myrtle Beach man suspected in child sex trafficking case
>>14139783 #17885 posted in #17888 o7
#14139783 at 2021-07-17 01:59:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17888: Nuremberg II Cannot be Stopped Edition
>>14137055 MJ 12 scamming people. Traitors get the noose too, edition. GLOBAL RQST
>>14136769 Durham Probe Will Land People in Jail:
>>14137097 Nunes It's #NationalSnakeDay & we want to encourage you to give snakes a break
>>14136782 South African President Says Social Unrest Was "Planned"; Violence Recedes As Military Deployed
>>14136787 Ghislaine Maxwell took two previously undisclosed trips with Bill Clinton to 'escape' from Jeffrey Epstein - reports
>>14136788 PSAKI: If you're banned on one social media platform, you should be banned on other social media platforms.
>>14136792 Fresh trove of Ghislaine Maxwell court documents released
>>14136806 U.S. House Candidate Jarome Bell Sues Facebook in Federal Court for Anti-Christian Censorship, Electioneering
>>14136823, >>>14136085 , >>14136187, >>14136461 "Hold traffic on the Avenue, (Trump and Kennedy or Pedestrian) are leaving."? LB
>>14136825 Big Tech "Acting Like Arms Of The Government" - Senator Hawley Warns "It's Scary Stuff"
>>14136835 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!
>>14136875 Media Narrative WRECKED! Poll Shows 1.8 Million Turned Down Jobs Because of Government Handouts
>>14136918 The U.S. is seeing a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" in parts of the country where inoculation rates are low, the CDC says
>>14136928 New Evidence Ties Child Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein To Chris Cuomo's Wife As "VIP"
>>14136942 Here We Go: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Warns of "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated"
>>14136958 Psaki Gets Cornered With Fauci's Facebook Misinformation: Should Those Posts Be Taken Down?
>>14136959 Georgia State Senator, calls for full investigation over the 2020 election! #GAaudit
>>14136978 All Single Adult Venezuelan, Haitian, Cuban Migrants to Get Mass Release
>>14137020 ooking to Be Prepared for a War in the Atlantic, NATO Launches New Command
>>14137070 Longtime FBI signature expert says Hunter Biden signed receipt for abandoned laptop
>>14137094 A pocket Guide to Critical Race Theory
>>14137121 Child trafficking: 92 minor victims identified across Europe
>>14137123 full list of members of the Senate and House who objected to Arizona's or Pennsylvania's results
>>14137148 Brown County, Ohio man sentenced to 17 years in prison for distributing images of child sexual abuse
>>14137218 HSI Phoenix partners with local law enforcement agencies, arrests and charges 39 men with child sex crimes
>>14137223 PDJT Statement
>>14137241 SEED MONEY!!! Trump Won!
>>14137307 BIDEN: Biden says the unvaccinated are killing people
>>14137282 Crackdown on Covid-ravaged Sydney starts TODAY as 130 inspectors hunt rule breakers
>>14137381 Parents Sue City Of Washington D.C. For Vaccinating Minors Without Parental Consent
>>14137443 #Bidenflation: Cost of Gas, Used Cars Up 45%, Car Rentals 88%
>>14137503 Biden Administration Tells Border Agents to Prepare for Massive Wave of Families. Will It Re-Start the Pandemic?
>>14137563 Affidavit: Facebook group helped track down Myrtle Beach man suspected in child sex trafficking case
#14137338 at 2021-07-16 19:20:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17885: 50 Audits in 50 Days Edition
>>14137282 Crackdown on Covid-ravaged Sydney starts TODAY as 130 inspectors hunt rule breakers
#14137282 at 2021-07-16 19:11:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17885: 50 Audits in 50 Days Edition
Crackdown on Covid-ravaged Sydney starts TODAY as 130 inspectors hunt rule breakers across the city and dramatic new restrictions are flagged amid another steep rise in exposure sites
City-wide crackdown on Sydneysiders flouting lockdown laws to start Saturday
130 inspectors will be deployed from Fairfield to Bondi checking on residents
Officers will be monitoring use of masks and ensuring people using QR codes
NSW Government could introduce dramatic new restrictions for Greater Sydney
Police checkpoints and cameras scanning licence plates could be brought in
Almost all retail stores could be closed in bid to stop outbreak worsening
A crackdown on Sydneysiders flouting lockdown laws will begin on Saturday with 130 additional inspectors being deployed from Fairfield to Bondi in an effort to stem the latest Covid outbreak.
Officers from Liquor and Gaming, SafeWork NSW, the Food Authority and Fair Trading will be ensuring residents are adhering to protocol, specifically targeting the use of QR codes and wearing of masks.
The move comes as the New South Wales Government reportedly held crisis meetings on Friday night to discuss introducing dramatic new restrictions including police checkpoints on major roads and cameras that scan licence plates so authorities can identify people who are entering areas they are barred from.
The shutdown of almost all retail stores is also on the cards amid another steep rise in venues exposed to the virus.
'It has been conceded by the government that the current lockdown is not doing the job it needs to, so they will go harder,' Nine News reporter Chris O'Keefe reported.
'A few of the options are shutting retail across Greater Sydney and forbidding certain types of work, otherwise a more localised lockdown of the Fairfield area going as far as having police checkpoints and cameras which can read number plates, fining people if they leave the area,' Mr O'Keefe reported.
The NSW Government will hold an emergency cabinet meeting on Saturday morning to finalise plans, with non-essential retail set to be one of the first things scrapped.
#14130928 at 2021-07-15 21:07:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17878: Another One
"Three years and 17 days after the mass shooting, an Anne Arundel County jury ruled Thursday the man who killed five Capital Gazette employees was sane, and therefore criminally responsible, during the attack that shocked the tight-knit town of Annapolis and that he is culpable for his crimes. Their verdict brings closer to a conclusion the legal case stemming from the June 28, 2018, murders of Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Winters. Six people survived the attack, which has been billed as the deadliest attack ever on an American newsroom. Now, Jarrod Ramos, 41, will almost certainly spend the rest of his life in prison. At sentencing, prosecutors are seeking at least five life sentences without the possibility of parole."
#14123829 at 2021-07-14 22:18:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17869: Fire On All Cylinders; Maximum Strata The Great Awakening Edition
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
#14122119 at 2021-07-14 17:51:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17867: The Winning Will Continue Eternally Edition
anon opines
c comes before d
shot heard round the world
suzieQ, well, you know!
#14115165 at 2021-07-13 18:23:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17859: ⚔⛨ Save The World Edition
repeating from a few breads ago, since someone is obviously triggered today.
Sanon was a gullible opportunistic grifter.
The "Security Group" in FL changed direction at least once (protect sanon> arrest president > kill president)
local reports conflict about timing (pres killed at 1 or 130, Colombians arrived at 230) (and then went to the Taiwanese embassy wtf?)
first lady went from 'definitely killed' to 'making statements' to 'hacked it isn't her'
smells like a clown op to me, with so much plausible deniability, it can't be a mistake.
#14106740 at 2021-07-12 14:30:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17849: No Larpers Shilling 24/7 Edition
Over 130 posts. kek
#14105358 at 2021-07-12 08:06:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17847: The 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' Edition
Voice of Mike Flynn: Compare
#14105218 at 2021-07-12 07:08:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17847: The 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' Edition
I posted this last bread, but the C-130 crash in Sulu, Philippines July 4th may have been vax-related stroke. Not confirmed intel, but I am local to Phils and have a fairly credible source. Supposedly they are trying like crazy to keep this out of the news.
#14104824 at 2021-07-12 05:09:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17847: The 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' Edition
C-130 crash on July 4th here may have been related to pilot stroke, in connection with Pfizer vaccine. You read it here first.
Source tells anon this will never be admitted and is trying to be covered up as we speak. Anon is NOT feeling suicidal….
FWIW i'm just considering this to be informed hearsay unless more details emerge.
#14102352 at 2021-07-11 22:00:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17844: The 'An actual #17844' Edition
Globalist Leaders at G20 Endorse Global Tax Plan, Set For Vote in US Congress; "New Rules," "No Turning Back"
The move towards globalism is marching full steam ahead.
On Saturday, finance ministers from the world's 20 largest economies met in Venice and announced that they had agreed to a "more stable and fairer international tax architecture." The announcement comes just a week after 130 countries agreed to a proposal for a worldwide minimum tax, which Biden has been backing since taking office.
Biden's administration and the anti-American Globalists are rejoicing. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, praised the efforts in Venice. The German finance minister said "it will be implemented and we will have built this international taxation system for the 21st century." France's finance minister added "there is no turning back."
The unprecedented plan, if enacted, would drastically reshape the tax landscape around the world, especially in the US. It would establish a global 15% minimum tax. Proponents of the plan say that it will limit large corporations saving billions of dollars by shifting profits into tax havens. This, coupled with Biden's plan to pass competition-crushing corporate tax increases reflects the desire of foreign nations to profit off of American companies for operating in their countries.
The implementation of the global tax program hinges on the American legislature. Lawmakers in Washington are preparing to vote on the proposal, likely in two separate parts: "Pillar 1" and "Pillar 2." They would need to approve separate measures because one requires changes to US tax legislation and the other gives foreign countries new abilities to either tax American business through the altering of existing trade agreements or by creating new ones.
It is expected to easily pass through congress but should be met with a harder challenge in the Senate. Biden and the radical democrats could potentially avoid a hangup in the upper house with the domestic part of the new proposal and use reconciliation to pass it with a simple majority with Kamala Harris as the tie-breaking vote.
According to The Financial Times: "Pillar 2, which changes US domestic legislation, could potentially be passed using the so-called reconciliation process. This can be used by US Congress once a fiscal year and bills passed by this route can clear the Senate with a simple majority. The upper chamber is split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, with US vice-president Kamala Harris casting the tiebreaking vote. However, Pillar 1, which will probably require treaty changes, would need the support of at least two thirds of the Senate."
One of the last G20 holdouts for the tax was China. They have been opposed to agreements that would limit setting tax policy as they see fit. The deals now include significant room for countries to add-in exemptions from the global minimum taxes, laying the groundwork for China to sign on and not be required to follow any of the terms.
Instead of focusing on putting American citizens and businesses first, this administration continues to prioritize the interests foreign nations over the United States. Pat Toomey, the most senior Republican member of the Senate Banking Committee, called the global minimum tax "Crazy."
How does a globalist government get funded? Taxes, of course!
#14096807 at 2021-07-10 23:28:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17837: Are you ready? Edition
Death Valley hits 130 in historic heat wave
#14095562 at 2021-07-10 19:34:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17835: Don't Hate The Great Edition
G20 finance ministers sign off on global tax deal
The reform aims to stop multinationals from shifting their profits into tax havens.
By Melissa Heikkilä
July 10, 2021 6:02 pm
Finance ministers from the G20 club of large economies signed off on a plan for global tax reform at a summit in Venice on Saturday.
The ministers rubber-stamped a deal, agreed by some 130 nations last week, that seeks to introduce an international tax on multinational companies and sets a global minimum tax rate of 15 percent.
The reform, orchestrated by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, aims to stop multinationals from shifting profits into tax havens.
#14092187 at 2021-07-10 04:43:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17831: The 'Shady DC Deals' Edition
If you do it in real time and the aircraft is on an IFR flight plan or VFR flight followed anon believes. ie ac has a squawk other than 1200.
#14088136 at 2021-07-09 18:01:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17826: The 'Nobody Has Their story Straight' Edition
>AC vs. DC (Alternating Current vs. Direct Current)
#14088134 at 2021-07-09 18:00:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17826: The 'Nobody Has Their story Straight' Edition
HCQ ???
AC vs. DC (Alternating Current vs. Direct Current)
#14088036 at 2021-07-09 17:37:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17826: The 'Nobody Has Their story Straight' Edition
[C] Before [D]
District of Coulomb-? ?
High Energy System..
#14087734 at 2021-07-09 16:42:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17826: The 'Nobody Has Their story Straight' Edition
Amtrak plan to replace dozens of aging trains: cost $7.3B
Amtrak plans to spend $7.3 billion to replace 83 passenger trains, some nearly a half-century old, though much of the funding must still be approved by Congress. Amtrak said Wednesday that under the contract with German manufacturer Siemens AG, some of the trains will be hybrids, able to operate on diesel fuel and electricity where wires are available. The new trains will replace Amfleet, Metroliner and state-owned equipment starting in 2024. The new engines and passenger cars will be built at a U.S. factory in Sacramento, California.
The new trains will have more comfortable seating, better ventilation systems, individual power outlets and USB ports, onboard WiFi, and panoramic windows. Amtrak CEO William Flynn says they'll pollute far less than the older trains when operating in diesel mode.
The trains will go to lines in New York, New England, California, the Northwest, Virginia and elsewhere. The railroad has an option to buy 130 additional trains from Siemens.
#14087269 at 2021-07-09 15:16:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #18725: The 'EBAKE' Edition
seem delta stands for DEL TA DEL TA DEL TA
Hurr. EL SA
HELSA just missing a [C]/and an [E], both of which can be found at the SEE…
[C] before [D]
#14086723 at 2021-07-09 13:46:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17824: Five Countries NOT vaccinating = Three dead Presidents since 2020 Edition
Marinate in kosher salt and black pepper for 30-45 minutes.
Heat cast iron skillet to max heat.
Drop a big glob of butter in skillet.
Fry both sides until dark brown.
Turn heat down to low to medium and use thermometer to get internal temp to around 130-135F.
Take off heat, let rest for 5 minutes before cutting it.
You cannot make a mistake with this method, the steaks turn out perfectly.
#14079395 at 2021-07-08 10:23:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17815: Night Stalkers Edition
GEORGENEWS, [07.07.21 21:11]
JULY 7, 2021
ICYMI: "Hunter Biden complained that 'half his salary' went on paying Joe's bills"
Read the full article by Josh Boswell and Jennifer Smith with the Daily Mail here.
Hunter Biden paid Joe's AT&T bill and spent thousands on house repairs for him while he was Vice President, new laptop emails claim
2010 emails between Hunter and his business partner Eric Schwerin detail payments for 'JRB' - likely Joseph Robinette Biden
They include $190-a-month on an AT&T bill and payments for house repairs
Thousands went on new walls, paint and AC fixes at Biden's Wilmington home
At the time, he was earning $230,000-a-year as Vice President
He has always said there was no conflict of interest between Hunter's deals and his responsibilities as Vice President
The details of the bills make a tangible link of how he financially benefited from Hunter's business dealings
In 2017 and 2018, Joe and Jill made more than $11million and they dodged taxes
But Hunter complained in a text to his daughter in 2019 that 'half' his salary went on paying his father's bills
He told her: 'Don't worry, unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary'
Hunter Biden complained that 'half' of his salary went to paying his father's bills while he was Vice President, casting doubt on the Joe's previous claims that he's never benefited from his son's business dealings.
The bills included a $190-a-month AT&T phone bill and thousands in repairs on Joe's lakeside home in Wilmington.
The payments were described in a 2010 email, when Joe Biden was earning $225,000-a-year as Vice President. He had already made well over $100,000-a-year for decades prior as a senator and author.
Hunter, according to emails, had to foot a $190-a-month AT&T phone bill for his father, and pay for repairs to his lakeside property in Wilmington, Delaware. At the time, Hunter was working as the interim CEO of Paradigm Global Advisors and he'd also founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.
He joined Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings on its board in 2014.
Joe has always insisted that he neither set up nor benefited from Hunter's international business relationships while he was Vice President.
But in emails between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, in 2010, they discussed how much they needed to spend paying Joe's bills.
The subject was 'JRB bills' - which match Joe's initials - and described how $2,600 was to be paid to a contractor for a 'stone retaining wall' at Joe's home, along with $1,475 to be paid to a painter for the 'back wall and columns' of the property and $1,239 to a builder who'd fixed the AC at Joe's late mother's home. He rented that house to the Secret Service for $2,200 a month.
(to read further)
#14077642 at 2021-07-08 02:04:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17813: Demand Audits Edition
Jill wanted ac turned on and hunter wanted a blow job?
#14074876 at 2021-07-07 19:38:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17810: CENSORSHIP BY PROXY = Fascism Edition
IIRC didn't Zero tell teh Africans they can't have air condition8ing?
I thin conservatives need to play dum b on this one. Tell the left to show how it's done starting with turning off teh AC in every government building and EVERY LOCATION WHERE SOMEONE RECEIVES A FEDERAL PAYCHECK. By someone, I mean an employee or a govt contractor. So if you are in the US embassy in Haiti, well turn off that AC! Also blue states and cities can also shut off all the AC in the govt offices and contracted buildings like private prisons. Turn off the ac at every single school that receives taxpayer money. I'm sure creative anons can come up with better ideas. Oh, and no cheating with fans or swamp coolers or ice.
#14071767 at 2021-07-07 08:24:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17806: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING Edition
10 U.S. Code § 252 - Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority
Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 15, §?332; Pub. L. 109-163, div. A, title X, §?1057(a)(2), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3440; renumbered §?252, Pub. L. 114-328, div. A, title XII, §?1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)
#14071517 at 2021-07-07 06:54:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17806: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING Edition
C130 update
From local language broadcast. Wife anon translated and here are the high points:
- This is in fact one of the C-130's transferred from the USA in January
- Pilot was well qualified in C-130s
- Survivor #1 reports on landing the plane was severely porpoising up and down, he heard a loud bang.
- Survivor #2 has at least 20 other flights on C-130's to compare, but none with a landing like this. Seemed the plane could not stop.
- Deceased officer had a convo with his wifu before takeoff, plane was delayed for a maintenance issue and he was a little worried.
Some local stories have been circulating on FB about someone falling from the plane, or one of the landing gear not being down. I'm considering these to be rumors at the moment. Neither of these survivors said they fell from the plane.
My theory is some kind of wind shear or control issue causing the bobbing, and the 'bang' was the plane hitting the ground. After bouncing back up, it could not decelerate quick enough. Does not look like it 'missed' the runway as some reports have indicated. Official story right now a combination of 'weather and pilot error'.
You can bet investigators are pouring over the maintenance log books right now and interviewing everyone. I guess we will know more later.
#14068679 at 2021-07-06 22:51:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17802: ASVAB Ebake Edition
As M
The weakest one, Elon Starlink
#14066779 at 2021-07-06 18:10:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17800: bang for the buck, in Minecraft, Edition
Hunter Biden paid Joe's AT&T bill and spent thousands on house repairs for him while he was Vice President, new laptop emails claim
Hunter Biden complained that 'half' of his salary went to paying his father's bills while he was Vice President, casting doubt on the Joe's previous claims that he's never benefited from his son's business dealings.
The bills included a $190-a-month AT&T phone bill and thousands in repairs on Joe's lakeside home in Wilmington.
The payments were described in a 2010 email, when Joe Biden was earning $225,000-a-year as Vice President. He had already made well over $100,000-a-year for decades prior as a senator and author.
Hunter, according to emails, had to foot a $190-a-month AT&T phone bill for his father, and pay for repairs to his lakeside property in Wilmington, Delaware. At the time, Hunter was working as the interim CEO of Paradigm Global Advisors and he'd also founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.
He joined Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings on its board in 2014.
Joe has always insisted that he neither set up nor benefited from Hunter's international business relationships while he was Vice President.
But in emails between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, in 2010, they discussed how much they needed to spend paying Joe's bills.
The subject was 'JRB bills' - which match Joe's initials - and described how $2,600 was to be paid to a contractor for a 'stone retaining wall' at Joe's home, along with $1,475 to be paid to a painter for the 'back wall and columns' of the property and $1,239 to a builder who'd fixed the AC at Joe's late mother's home. He rented that house to the Secret Service for $2,200 a month.
#14065436 at 2021-07-06 13:39:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17798: Katie Hobbs Kept It Hidden, EYES ON this Corrupt Official Edition
Possible, Gerbil does whatever he can to ruin this place and AC claimed to want to destroy Q.
#14065427 at 2021-07-06 13:37:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17798: Katie Hobbs Kept It Hidden, EYES ON this Corrupt Official Edition
So then it's definitely AC.
#14061010 at 2021-07-05 20:15:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17792: These People Really Are Stupid Edition
Hunter Biden paid Joe's AT&T bill and spent thousands on house repairs for him while he was Vice President, new laptop emails claim
2010 emails between Hunter and his business partner Eric Schwerin detail payments for 'JRB' - likely Joseph Robinette Biden
They include $190-a-month on an AT&T bill and payments for house repairs
Thousands went on new walls, paint and AC fixes at Biden's Wilmington home
At the time, he was earning $230,000-a-year as Vice President
He has always said there was no conflict of interest between Hunter's deals and his responsibilities as Vice President
The details of the bills make a tangible link of how he financially benefited from Hunter's business dealings
In 2017 and 2018, Joe and Jill made more than $11million and they dodged taxes
But Hunter complained in a text to his daughter in 2019 that 'half' his salary went on paying his father's bills
He told her: 'Don't worry, unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary'
#14059881 at 2021-07-05 17:00:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17791: I'll Do Myself If I Have To Edition
Thanks anon. Its a rare sight for me here. Was probably 10:30 am or so. My guess was C-130's maybe A-130's. Sure was impressive.
#14059870 at 2021-07-05 16:57:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17791: I'll Do Myself If I Have To Edition
if they show up again pop on right away and ask a friendly neighborhood planefag
not seeing any c-130 convoys around right now but they do habben
#14059823 at 2021-07-05 16:50:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17791: I'll Do Myself If I Have To Edition
Not a planefag, but saw 10, I believe C-130's fly over my house this morning in maybe 2 minute intervals. Would that many C-130's be part of an air show?
#14053506 at 2021-07-04 18:51:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17783: The 'EBAKE' Edition
At Least 30 Dead, 50 Injured In Philippines Military Plane Crash
A C-130 Hercules transport aircraft of the Philippine Air Force with 85 servicemen on board crashed a few kilometers from the Jolo Airport in Sulu Province at 11: 30 local time on July 4.
At least 31 soldiers were killed as a result of the accident. 50 soldiers were found injured and were taken to the hospital of the 11th Infantry Division in Busbus.
#14052566 at 2021-07-04 15:54:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17782: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA Edition
Phillipines plane crash
The aircraft originally took off from Manila with only a few passengers, including a two-star army general, Romeo Brawner Jr., who disembarked with his wife and three children in Cagayan de Oro city, where he's set to become the new military regional commander on Monday. The army troops then boarded the C-130 in Cagayan de Oro for the flight to Sulu.
Brawner said he was stunned to learn that the plane he'd just flown on had crashed.
"We're very thankful that we were spared, but extremely sad that so many lost their lives," Brawner told The Associated Press.
It was not immediately clear what caused the crash. Regional military commander Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan said it was unlikely that the aircraft took hostile fire, and cited witnesses as saying that it appeared to have overshot the runway then crashed on the periphery of the airport.
Military chief of staff Gen. Cirilito Sobejana told reporters that "the plane missed the runway and it was trying to regain power but failed and crashed."
An air force official told The AP that the Jolo runway is shorter than most others in the country, making it more difficult for pilots to adjust if an aircraft misses the landing spot. The official, who has flown military aircraft to and from Jolo several times, spoke on condition of anonymity because of a lack of authority to speak publicly.
#14052461 at 2021-07-04 15:33:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17782: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA Edition
Philippines plane crash
Forty-nine people have been wounded and at least 45 killed in a military plane crash in the Philippines Sunday.
Plane missed a runway in Bangkal village in the town of Patikul in Sulu province, an army official said.
Ninety-six people were onboard the Lockheed C-130 transport aircraft, including three pilots who survived.
Rescue efforts are ongoing to find five unaccounted for military personnel, the Philippine Armed Forces said.
It is not yet clear what caused the crash, which happened at around midday during a transport of troops.
The crash happened in an area where the army has been fighting a long war against Islamist militants from the Abu Sayyaf and other factions.
#14051718 at 2021-07-04 13:17:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17781: The 'How Come?' Edition
Philippine military plane crashes, 31 dead, 50 rescued
MANILA, Philippines (AP) - A Philippine air force C-130 aircraft carrying combat troops crashed in a southern province while landing Sunday, killing at least 29 army soldiers on board and two civilians on the ground, while at least 50 were rescued from the burning wreckage, officials said.
Some soldiers were seen jumping off the aircraft before it crashed and exploded around noon in the periphery of the Jolo airport in Sulu province, military officials said. Two of six villagers who were hit on the ground have died.
Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said rescue and recovery efforts were ongoing. The aircraft had 96 people on board, including three pilots and five crew and the rest were army personnel, the military said, adding 17 soldiers remained unaccounted for by nightfall. The pilots survived but were seriously injured, officials said.
The Lockheed C-130 Hercules was one of two ex-U.S. Air Force aircraft handed over to the Philippines as part of military assistance this year. It crashed while landing shortly before noon Sunday in Bangkal village in the mountainous town of Patikul, military chief of staff Gen. Cirilito Sobejana said.
Military officials said at least 50 people on board were brought to a hospital in Sulu or flown to nearby Zamboanga city and troops were trying to search for the rest. "Per eyewitnesses, a number of soldiers were seen jumping out of the aircraft before it hit the ground, sparing them from the explosion caused by the crash," a military statement said.
Initial pictures released by the military showed the tail section of the cargo plane relatively intact. The other parts of the plane were burned or scattered in pieces in a clearing surrounded by coconut trees. Soldiers and other rescuers with stretchers were seen dashing to and from the smoke-shrouded crash site.
The plane was transporting troops, many of them new soldiers who had just undergone basic training, from the southern Cagayan de Oro city for deployment in Sulu, officials said.
"They were supposed to join us in our fight against terrorism," Sulu military commander Maj. Gen. William Gonzales said. Government forces have been battling Abu Sayyaf militants in the predominantly Muslim province of Sulu for decades.
It was not immediately clear what caused the crash. Regional military commander Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan said it was unlikely that the aircraft took hostile fire, and cited witnesses as saying that it appeared to have overshot the runway then crashed in the periphery of the airport.
"It's very unfortunate," Sobejana told reporters. "The plane missed the runway and it was trying to regain power but failed and crashed."
An air force official told The Associated Press that the Jolo runway is shorter than most others in the country, making it more difficult for pilots to adjust if an aircraft misses the landing spot. The official, who has flown military aircraft to and from Jolo several times, spoke on condition of anonymity because of a lack of authority to speak publicly.
Initial pictures showed that the weather was apparently fine in Sulu although other parts of the Philippines were experiencing rains due to an approaching tropical depression. The airport in Sulu's main town of Jolo is located a few kilometers (miles) from a mountainous area where troops have battled Abu Sayyaf militants. Some militants have aligned themselves with the Islamic State group.
The U.S. and the Philippines have separately blacklisted Abu Sayyaf as a terrorist organization for bombings, ransom kidnappings and beheadings. It has been considerably weakened by years of government offensives but remains a threat.
President Rodrigo Duterte expanded the military presence in Sulu into a full division in late 2018, deploying hundreds of additional troops, air force aircraft and other combat equipment after vowing to wipe out the Abu Sayyaf and allied foreign and local gunmen.
Government forces at the time were running after Muslim armed groups a year after quelling the five-month siege of southern Marawi city by hundreds of militants linked to the Islamic State group. More than 1,000 people, mostly militants and long-elusive Abu Sayyaf commanders, were killed in months of intense air and ground assaults.
Sunday's crash comes as the limited number of military aircraft has been further strained, as the air force helped transport medical supplies, vaccines and protective equipment to far-flung island provinces amid spikes in COVID-19 infections.
The Philippine government has struggled for years to modernize its military, one of Asia's least equipped, as it dealt with decades-long Muslim and communist insurgencies and territorial rifts with China and other claimant countries in the South China Sea.
#14050540 at 2021-07-04 06:52:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17780: Dig Meme Pray Edition
Inside the Children of God cult
Trending now.
Cameron was born into the Children of God, the notorious cult that, at its peak, had more than 10,000 members in 130 countries.
By the time she escaped at 15 there had been "experiences", she says, alluding darkly to the sexual abuse of children for which the cult became infamous.
It was founded in California in 1968 by a self-styled prophet called David Berg, who was referred to as Moses and sent weekly letters dictating exactly how his followers should live their lives.
see moar ….. https://mobile.twitter.com/i/events/1411254202689638403
#14050452 at 2021-07-04 06:27:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17780: Dig Meme Pray Edition
Military plane crashes in Philippines, 17 reported dead
MANILA, July 4 (Reuters) - A plane carrying Philippine troops crashed and broke up in flames in the southern Philippines on Sunday with 92 people aboard, and media reported at least 17 people had been killed,
The Lockheed C-130 aircraft had a mishap on landing, the air force said in a statement.
"Rescue efforts are ongoing," it said.
Pictures showed flames and smoke pouring from wreckage of the aircraft among trees at Patikul in the Sulu province, where the army has long fought Islamist insurgents.
The New York Times reported that 17 bodies had been found and the death toll was expected to rise, citing a local commander.
Defence Minister Delfin Lorenzana told Reuters the plane had been carrying 92 people, including three pilots and five other crew members, according to his initial reports.
Armed forces chief Cirilito Sobejana told reporters that at least 40 people had been rescued from the crashed plane and were now being treated.
#14050449 at 2021-07-04 06:25:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17780: Dig Meme Pray Edition
Philippines Military Plane Crashes With 85 People Aboard, Reports Say
The four-engine turboprop military transport crashed as it tried to land on Jolo island in Sulu province, Philippines.
A military plane carrying at least 85 people has crashed in the southern Philippines, the country's armed forces chief said.
Philippines armed forces chief General Cirilito Sobejana said that 40 people have been rescued from the burning wreckage of the C-130 plane.
According to the Philippine military chief, the plane crashed after missing the runway.
The rescue operation continues.
In June, an S-70i Black Hawk helicopter of the Armed Forces of the Philippines crashed during a training flight north of Manila. The crash occurred several miles from the Kapas air base in Tarlac province. The search for the helicopter began after it failed to return to base. As a result of the disaster, all six people on board were killed.
For a video: https://twitter.com/khalid_pk/status/1411558549537296384
#14050368 at 2021-07-04 05:55:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17779: EBake post rally
Posting this because it is what hammered the realization that chyna, politicians, global conglomerates, and ALL of mass media are all ONE AND THE SAME, and there's a MUCH better chance of people being open to this information now.
(Own guilt will probably never subside, so will never let it go.)
Love of dogs and learning the hardest way possible is what caused alienation of everyone, as Truth In Advertising Laws had already gone the way of the Dinosaur. TOO mnay people still trust what is advertized.
Perhaps this info has a better chance today of reaching more people? In hindsight, those 2006-08 pet food poisonings were a trial run, as people STILL went back to those "name" brands.
While dogs have the teeth, jaws, physiology of carnivores, people still won't believe it due to the above.
Very thorough Harvard Law Paper written back in 2006:
Citation Deconstructing the Regulatory Facade: Why Confused Consumers Feed their Pets Ring Dings and Krispy Kremes (2006 Third Year Paper)
Abstract Americans own more than 130 million cats and dogs and spend over $12 billion per year on commercial pet foods. The commercial pet food industry faces minimal substantive regulation, despite navigating several layers of regulation from various groups including the FDA, the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), and state regulators.
The FDA entrusts AAFCO to issue regulations governing ingredients, feeding trials, labels and nutritional claims. But AAFCO's rules fall short of ensuring that America's pets receive adequate nutrition, or even foods that cause chronic digestive, skin, eye, and coat problems. The influence by the pet food industry over AAFCO manifests itself through AAFCO's irrational regulations, including ingredient definitions which effectively prohibit organic chickens and vegetables,
while blindly permitting thousands of euthanized cats and dogs to make their way into pet foods through the unsupervised rendering industry.
Trusting, but uneducated, consumers purchase these commercial pet foods under the assumption that the FDA or some other regulatory body has ensured that the foods contain balanced meals, and complete nutrition. These consumers naively believe veterinarians that endorse and sell pet foods from their offices while neglecting to mention that these pet doctors are often on the take and can earn up to 20% of their total income from such sales. This paper will examine the ways in which inadequate regulation results in confused consumers and sick, malnourished pets. Ultimately this paper seeks to reveal that multiple parties, including consumers themselves, share the blame for the current muddled state of regulation.
#14050295 at 2021-07-04 05:36:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17779: EBake post rally
Still, the boat captains are mistaken. A death notice for Epstein's father, Seymour, appeared in The Palm Beach Post on December 16, 1991; a notice for his mother, Pauline (under her nickname, Paula), appeared on April 23, 2004. Both said that funeral services would be held at Menorah Chapels, later known as Menorah Gardens & Funeral Chapel, in West Palm Beach, Florida. A representative for the facility, now called the IJ Morris at Star of David Cemetery, confirmed that Seymour and Pauline Epstein are interred in a mausoleum there.
Verdict: Initially believable, but provably false. That said, it's possible Epstein designed the building as a future burial ground for his parents but never got around to having their remains shipped to the island.
Theory 5: It's a music room
This theory is based on three separate accounts.
The first was published by The Associated Press in July:
"Epstein built a stone mansion with cream-colored walls and a bright turquoise roof surrounded by several other structures including the maids' quarters and a massive, square-shaped white building on one end of the island. Workers told each other it was a music room fitted with a grand piano and acoustic walls. Its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season."
The second account was published by NBC News in early August. According to the reporter Rich Schapiro, an unnamed architectural firm submitted blueprints for a domed, single-story building on Epstein's behalf to the Department of Public Works of the US Virgin Islands. The documents clearly show a building designed to show off a grand piano.
But as Schapiro acknowledged, the building substantially deviates from the blueprints, which describe an octagonal structure surrounded by a covered porch, with internal partitions for a bathroom, a closet, and a living room. The building, by contrast, is shaped like a rectangle and has no covered porch to speak of.
The third account came from a reader:
"Mr. Epstein did in fact have grand piano in that 'temple,' but the roof leaked because the AC units are on top, and the roof is flat. The piano was a '50s Baldwin Concert Grand ... so huge they had trouble getting it across the island and installed there ... It wouldn't fit the first time they tried (it was 1200 lbs). The leak was ruining the top of the piano, and the flooring. There were theater drapes in the room, and furniture. No stairs, no elevator. I know this because my friend ... has been in that room several times to tune the piano."
#14049634 at 2021-07-04 03:12:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17779: EBake post rally
>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble
>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge…
>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself
>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.
>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime
>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?
>>14043581 Tippy Top?
>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.
>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots
>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case
>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum
>>14043629 Basham Retweets
>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.
>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school
>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially 'Extremist' Friends
>>14043746 Two Arizona 'Republican' State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)
>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register
>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.
>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.
>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.
>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?
>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95
>>14045636 #17771\2
>>14042452 Supreme Court order ends congressional Democrats' attempts to determine if Trump lied in Mueller probe
>>14042495 Bill Cosby's press conference outfit choice angers former high school class president
>>14042500 Some hackers on twitter are really embarrassing GETTR
>>14042530 Moral Of The Story
>>14042611 Anon opine 'It will be up to those willing to effect & affect the outcome'
>>14042731 The election audits are a threat to (((our democracy)))
>>14042760 Georgia Secretary of State Seeking Election Takeover of Fulton County: 'Enough Is Enough'
>>14042827 WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal
>>14042854 'Dozens' of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence
>>14042901 Pentagon: Military will prepare for COVID-19 vaccines to be mandatory in September
>>14042877 Clinesmith and Judge James Boasberg
>>14042935 'A new chapter:' Merkel aims for UK-Germany relations reset
>>14042944 Fox News Really Wants You to Think Its Ratings Aren't Down
>>14042967 More embarrassing news from the groups attacking GETTR
>>14042994 Link notes 07032021
>>14043009 Elections board staffer resigns in wake of counting snafu
>>14043026 SCOTUS Defends Election Integrity, Dems Panic, Brnovich v. DNC
>>14043027 Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study
>>14043040, >>14043053 Sidney was interviewed on Friday, June 25, by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV
>>14043050 Lightning to the East, storm coming. We're ready... Florida
>>14043061 Panicked and yapping Dr. Carol M. Swain
>>14043063, >>14043139 158 years ago today, the sun rose over the final day of battle at Gettysburg
>>14043064 RSBN LIVE: Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL
>>14043115 Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation, the comments are hilarious
>>14043125 Vatican court indicts cardinal and nine others for alleged financial crimes
>>14043149 THOUSANDS getting tested for covid at Bondi beach? NOT (Cap 1:02)
>>14043177 #17770
#14049627 at 2021-07-04 03:11:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17779: EBake post rally
>>14044853, >>14045032, >>14045225 <0 Patriot
>>14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl
>>14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21
>>14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by 'colossal' cyberattack before July 4th
>>14044923, >>14044927, >>14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing 'Industrialized' Organ Harvesting in China
>>14044942 Joe Biden's Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth
>>14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada
>>14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo
>>14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone "misinformation" and slander them without recourse
>>14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?
>>14044976, >>14044980, >>14045026 Australia: "NO JAB, NO PAY"
>>14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault
>>14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.
>>14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients
>>14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation
>>14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows
>>14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'
>>14045028 Moor Takeover plans?
>>14045037, >>14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins
>>14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War
>>14045064, >>14045415, >>14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'
>>14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption - What are GOP Voters to Do?
>>14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition
>>14045087 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming
>>14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment
>>14045099, >>14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop
>>14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform 'Black National Anthem' During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote 'Juneteenth'
>>14045113 satanic Money stuff
>>14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho
>>14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021
>>14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable
>>14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union
>>14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
>>14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash
>>14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'
>>14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election
>>14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began…)
>>14045236 French general under investigation for 'antisemitism' for asking who controls the media...
>>14045246, >>14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found
>>14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens
>>14046276 #17773\1
#14048860 at 2021-07-04 01:59:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17778: Happy Independence Day America! Edition
>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble
>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge…
>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself
>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.
>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime
>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?
>>14043581 Tippy Top?
>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.
>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots
>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case
>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum
>>14043629 Basham Retweets
>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.
>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school
>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially 'Extremist' Friends
>>14043746 Two Arizona 'Republican' State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)
>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register
>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.
>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.
>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.
>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?
>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95
>>14045636 #17771\2
>>14042452 Supreme Court order ends congressional Democrats' attempts to determine if Trump lied in Mueller probe
>>14042495 Bill Cosby's press conference outfit choice angers former high school class president
>>14042500 Some hackers on twitter are really embarrassing GETTR
>>14042530 Moral Of The Story
>>14042611 Anon opine 'It will be up to those willing to effect & affect the outcome'
>>14042731 The election audits are a threat to (((our democracy)))
>>14042760 Georgia Secretary of State Seeking Election Takeover of Fulton County: 'Enough Is Enough'
>>14042827 WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal
>>14042854 'Dozens' of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence
>>14042901 Pentagon: Military will prepare for COVID-19 vaccines to be mandatory in September
>>14042877 Clinesmith and Judge James Boasberg
>>14042935 'A new chapter:' Merkel aims for UK-Germany relations reset
>>14042944 Fox News Really Wants You to Think Its Ratings Aren't Down
>>14042967 More embarrassing news from the groups attacking GETTR
>>14042994 Link notes 07032021
>>14043009 Elections board staffer resigns in wake of counting snafu
>>14043026 SCOTUS Defends Election Integrity, Dems Panic, Brnovich v. DNC
>>14043027 Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study
>>14043040, >>14043053 Sidney was interviewed on Friday, June 25, by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV
>>14043050 Lightning to the East, storm coming. We're ready... Florida
>>14043061 Panicked and yapping Dr. Carol M. Swain
>>14043063, >>14043139 158 years ago today, the sun rose over the final day of battle at Gettysburg
>>14043064 RSBN LIVE: Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL
>>14043115 Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation, the comments are hilarious
>>14043125 Vatican court indicts cardinal and nine others for alleged financial crimes
>>14043149 THOUSANDS getting tested for covid at Bondi beach? NOT (Cap 1:02)
>>14043177 #17770
#14048852 at 2021-07-04 01:58:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17778: Happy Independence Day America! Edition
>>14044853, >>14045032, >>14045225 <0 Patriot
>>14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl
>>14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21
>>14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by 'colossal' cyberattack before July 4th
>>14044923, >>14044927, >>14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing 'Industrialized' Organ Harvesting in China
>>14044942 Joe Biden's Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth
>>14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada
>>14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo
>>14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone "misinformation" and slander them without recourse
>>14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?
>>14044976, >>14044980, >>14045026 Australia: "NO JAB, NO PAY"
>>14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault
>>14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.
>>14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients
>>14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation
>>14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows
>>14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'
>>14045028 Moor Takeover plans?
>>14045037, >>14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins
>>14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War
>>14045064, >>14045415, >>14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'
>>14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption - What are GOP Voters to Do?
>>14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition
>>14045087 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming
>>14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment
>>14045099, >>14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop
>>14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform 'Black National Anthem' During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote 'Juneteenth'
>>14045113 satanic Money stuff
>>14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho
>>14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021
>>14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable
>>14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union
>>14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
>>14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash
>>14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'
>>14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election
>>14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began…)
>>14045236 French general under investigation for 'antisemitism' for asking who controls the media...
>>14045246, >>14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found
>>14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens
#14048020 at 2021-07-04 01:13:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17777: Patriots Rally with Trump, Happy 4th America! Edition
>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble
>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge…
>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself
>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.
>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime
>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?
>>14043581 Tippy Top?
>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.
>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots
>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case
>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum
>>14043629 Basham Retweets
>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.
>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school
>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially 'Extremist' Friends
>>14043746 Two Arizona 'Republican' State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)
>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register
>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.
>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.
>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.
>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?
>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95
>>14045636 #17771\2
#14048000 at 2021-07-04 01:12:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17777: Patriots Rally with Trump, Happy 4th America! Edition
>>14044853, >>14045032, >>14045225 <0 Patriot
>>14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl
>>14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21
>>14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by 'colossal' cyberattack before July 4th
>>14044923, >>14044927, >>14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing 'Industrialized' Organ Harvesting in China
>>14044942 Joe Biden's Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth
>>14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada
>>14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo
>>14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone "misinformation" and slander them without recourse
>>14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?
>>14044976, >>14044980, >>14045026 Australia: "NO JAB, NO PAY"
>>14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault
>>14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.
>>14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients
>>14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation
>>14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows
>>14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'
>>14045028 Moor Takeover plans?
>>14045037, >>14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins
>>14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War
>>14045064, >>14045415, >>14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'
>>14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption - What are GOP Voters to Do?
>>14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition
>>14045087 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming
>>14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment
>>14045099, >>14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop
>>14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform 'Black National Anthem' During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote 'Juneteenth'
>>14045113 satanic Money stuff
>>14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho
>>14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021
>>14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable
>>14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union
>>14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
>>14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash
>>14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'
>>14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election
>>14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began…)
>>14045236 French general under investigation for 'antisemitism' for asking who controls the media...
>>14045246, >>14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found
>>14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens
#14047347 at 2021-07-04 00:24:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17776: Patriots Rally Edition
>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble
>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge…
>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself
>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.
>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime
>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?
>>14043581 Tippy Top?
>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.
>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots
>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case
>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum
>>14043629 Basham Retweets
>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.
>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school
>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially 'Extremist' Friends
>>14043746 Two Arizona 'Republican' State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)
>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register
>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.
>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.
>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.
>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?
>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95
>>14045636 #17771\2
#14047338 at 2021-07-04 00:24:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17776: Patriots Rally Edition
>>14044853, >>14045032, >>14045225 <0 Patriot
>>14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl
>>14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21
>>14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by 'colossal' cyberattack before July 4th
>>14044923, >>14044927, >>14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing 'Industrialized' Organ Harvesting in China
>>14044942 Joe Biden's Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth
>>14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada
>>14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo
>>14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone "misinformation" and slander them without recourse
>>14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?
>>14044976, >>14044980, >>14045026 Australia: "NO JAB, NO PAY"
>>14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault
>>14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.
>>14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients
>>14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation
>>14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows
>>14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'
>>14045028 Moor Takeover plans?
>>14045037, >>14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins
>>14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War
>>14045064, >>14045415, >>14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'
>>14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption - What are GOP Voters to Do?
>>14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition
>>14045087 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming
>>14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment
>>14045099, >>14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop
>>14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform 'Black National Anthem' During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote 'Juneteenth'
>>14045113 satanic Money stuff
>>14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho
>>14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021
>>14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable
>>14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union
>>14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
>>14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash
>>14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'
>>14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election
>>14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began…)
>>14045236 French general under investigation for 'antisemitism' for asking who controls the media...
>>14045246, >>14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found
>>14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens
#14046531 at 2021-07-03 23:01:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17775: Prepare To Celebrate Our Independence Day POTUS RALLY! Edition
>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble
>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge…
>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself
>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.
>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime
>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?
>>14043581 Tippy Top?
>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.
>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots
>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case
>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum
>>14043629 Basham Retweets
>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.
>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school
>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially 'Extremist' Friends
>>14043746 Two Arizona 'Republican' State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)
>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register
>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.
>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.
>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.
>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?
>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95
>>14045636 #17771\2
>>14042452 Supreme Court order ends congressional Democrats' attempts to determine if Trump lied in Mueller probe
>>14042495 Bill Cosby's press conference outfit choice angers former high school class president
>>14042500 Some hackers on twitter are really embarrassing GETTR
>>14042530 Moral Of The Story
>>14042611 Anon opine 'It will be up to those willing to effect & affect the outcome'
>>14042731 The election audits are a threat to (((our democracy)))
>>14042760 Georgia Secretary of State Seeking Election Takeover of Fulton County: 'Enough Is Enough'
>>14042827 WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal
>>14042854 'Dozens' of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence
>>14042901 Pentagon: Military will prepare for COVID-19 vaccines to be mandatory in September
>>14042877 Clinesmith and Judge James Boasberg
>>14042935 'A new chapter:' Merkel aims for UK-Germany relations reset
>>14042944 Fox News Really Wants You to Think Its Ratings Aren't Down
>>14042967 More embarrassing news from the groups attacking GETTR
>>14042994 Link notes 07032021
>>14043009 Elections board staffer resigns in wake of counting snafu
>>14043026 SCOTUS Defends Election Integrity, Dems Panic, Brnovich v. DNC
>>14043027 Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study
>>14043040, >>14043053 Sidney was interviewed on Friday, June 25, by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV
>>14043050 Lightning to the East, storm coming. We're ready... Florida
>>14043061 Panicked and yapping Dr. Carol M. Swain
>>14043063, >>14043139 158 years ago today, the sun rose over the final day of battle at Gettysburg
>>14043064 RSBN LIVE: Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL
>>14043115 Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation, the comments are hilarious
>>14043125 Vatican court indicts cardinal and nine others for alleged financial crimes
>>14043149 THOUSANDS getting tested for covid at Bondi beach? NOT (Cap 1:02)
>>14043177 #17770
#14046523 at 2021-07-03 23:01:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17775: Prepare To Celebrate Our Independence Day POTUS RALLY! Edition
>>14044853, >>14045032, >>14045225 <0 Patriot
>>14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl
>>14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21
>>14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by 'colossal' cyberattack before July 4th
>>14044923, >>14044927, >>14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing 'Industrialized' Organ Harvesting in China
>>14044942 Joe Biden's Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth
>>14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada
>>14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo
>>14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone "misinformation" and slander them without recourse
>>14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?
>>14044976, >>14044980, >>14045026 Australia: "NO JAB, NO PAY"
>>14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault
>>14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.
>>14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients
>>14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation
>>14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows
>>14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'
>>14045028 Moor Takeover plans?
>>14045037, >>14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins
>>14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War
>>14045064, >>14045415, >>14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'
>>14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption - What are GOP Voters to Do?
>>14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition
>>14045087 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming
>>14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment
>>14045099, >>14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop
>>14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform 'Black National Anthem' During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote 'Juneteenth'
>>14045113 satanic Money stuff
>>14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho
>>14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021
>>14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable
>>14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union
>>14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
>>14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash
>>14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'
>>14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election
>>14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began…)
>>14045236 French general under investigation for 'antisemitism' for asking who controls the media...
>>14045246, >>14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found
>>14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens
#14046276 at 2021-07-03 22:29:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17774: Viacom FF Comms Edition
>>14044740 Q Research General #17773: The Further We Go The More UnRealistic It Appears Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14044853, >>14045032, >>14045225 <0 Patriot
>>14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl
>>14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21
>>14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by 'colossal' cyberattack before July 4th
>>14044923, >>14044927, >>14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing 'Industrialized' Organ Harvesting in China
>>14044942 Joe Biden's Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth
>>14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada
>>14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo
>>14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone "misinformation" and slander them without recourse
>>14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?
>>14044976, >>14044980, >>14045026 Australia: "NO JAB, NO PAY"
>>14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault
>>14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.
>>14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients
>>14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation
>>14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows
>>14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'
>>14045028 Moor Takeover plans?
>>14045037, >>14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins
>>14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War
>>14045064, >>14045415, >>14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'
>>14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption - What are GOP Voters to Do?
>>14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition
>>14045087 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming
>>14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment
>>14045099, >>14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop
>>14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform 'Black National Anthem' During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote 'Juneteenth'
>>14045113 satanic Money stuff
>>14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho
>>14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021
>>14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable
>>14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union
>>14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
>>14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash
>>14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'
>>14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election
>>14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began…)
>>14045236 French general under investigation for 'antisemitism' for asking who controls the media...
>>14045246, >>14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found
>>14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens
#14045651 at 2021-07-03 20:48:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17774: Viacom FF Comms Edition
>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble
>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge…
>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself
>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.
>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime
>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?
>>14043581 Tippy Top?
>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.
>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots
>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case
>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum
>>14043629 Basham Retweets
>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.
>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school
>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially 'Extremist' Friends
>>14043746 Two Arizona 'Republican' State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)
>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register
>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.
>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.
>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.
>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?
>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95
>>14045636 #17771\2
>>14042452 Supreme Court order ends congressional Democrats' attempts to determine if Trump lied in Mueller probe
>>14042495 Bill Cosby's press conference outfit choice angers former high school class president
>>14042500 Some hackers on twitter are really embarrassing GETTR
>>14042530 Moral Of The Story
>>14042611 Anon opine 'It will be up to those willing to effect & affect the outcome'
>>14042731 The election audits are a threat to (((our democracy)))
>>14042760 Georgia Secretary of State Seeking Election Takeover of Fulton County: 'Enough Is Enough'
>>14042827 WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal
>>14042854 'Dozens' of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence
>>14042901 Pentagon: Military will prepare for COVID-19 vaccines to be mandatory in September
>>14042877 Clinesmith and Judge James Boasberg
>>14042935 'A new chapter:' Merkel aims for UK-Germany relations reset
>>14042944 Fox News Really Wants You to Think Its Ratings Aren't Down
>>14042967 More embarrassing news from the groups attacking GETTR
>>14042994 Link notes 07032021
>>14043009 Elections board staffer resigns in wake of counting snafu
>>14043026 SCOTUS Defends Election Integrity, Dems Panic, Brnovich v. DNC
>>14043027 Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study
>>14043040, >>14043053 Sidney was interviewed on Friday, June 25, by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV
>>14043050 Lightning to the East, storm coming. We're ready... Florida
>>14043061 Panicked and yapping Dr. Carol M. Swain
>>14043063, >>14043139 158 years ago today, the sun rose over the final day of battle at Gettysburg
>>14043064 RSBN LIVE: Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL
>>14043115 Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation, the comments are hilarious
>>14043125 Vatican court indicts cardinal and nine others for alleged financial crimes
>>14043149 THOUSANDS getting tested for covid at Bondi beach? NOT (Cap 1:02)
>>14043177 #17770
#14045636 at 2021-07-03 20:46:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17773: The Further We Go The More UnRealistic It Appears Edition
>>14043182 Q Research General #17771: BECOME THE MONSTER THEY TELL US WE ARE Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble
>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge…
>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself
>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.
>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime
>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?
>>14043581 Tippy Top?
>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.
>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots
>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case
>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum
>>14043629 Basham Retweets
>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.
>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school
>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially 'Extremist' Friends
>>14043746 Two Arizona 'Republican' State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)
>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register
>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.
>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.
>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.
>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?
>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95
(# Notables)
#14045208 at 2021-07-03 19:32:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17773: The Further We Go The More UnRealistic It Appears Edition
1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'
On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security under Alejandro Mayorkas leaked yet another "internal bulletin" fearmongering about how "white extremists" may be planning to carry out mass shootings in the run up to July 4th.
"Federal authorities are deeply concerned about the possibility of domestic terror and violence, including mass shootings, as the Fourth of July holiday approaches and the summer season gets fully underway," ABC News said.
If you managed to read past ABC News' headline, you'd see the feds admit there's "no specific threat" and their only evidence of a possible threat is some online chatter (that was probably put out by their own agents working to entrap gullible saps and the mentally disabled).
The bulletin came out just days after a black extremist shot a Daytona Beach police officer in the head.
JUST IN - Othal Wallace, wanted for shooting a DBPD officer, was taken into custody early Saturday in a wooded area outside of Atlanta that is associated with the black nationalist militia NFAC. pic.twitter.com/YTGjK2gBJc
- Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) June 26, 2021
The last time Attorney General Merrick Garland, Mayorkas' partner in crime, issued a similar warning about "white extremists" was right after another black extremist went on a shooting spree targeting white men.
AG Merrick Garland Declares 'White Extremists' Greatest Threat As Black Extremist Goes On Shooting Spree 'Targeting White Men' https://t.co/LKiC9XOqoz
- Chris Menahan 🇺🇸 (@infolibnews) June 16, 2021
Mayorkas has issued multiple of these fearmongering bulletins warning of imminent mass death and always leaks them to ABC News who reports on it every time as though it was the first time and never points out how their past leaks were total bulls**t.
ABC News together with Mayorkas hyped the hell out of the notion that "Q-Anon extremists" were going to attack the Capitol on March 4 yet literally nothing happened.
Glenn Greenwald recently detailed how they're issuing such fearmongering bulletins every few weeks. This appears to be the fifth such bulletin this year.
Though no "white extremists" carried out any mass shootings as they were predicting, there were multiple mass shootings in Chicago over just the past week.
From WGN 9, "Baby among 20 shot in Chicago as holiday weekend gets underway":
A baby girl was among 20 people shot in Chicago as the holiday weekend gets underway.
A 1-month-old baby girl was one of seven people shot Thursday night in Englewood. Police said three gunmen got out of a Jeep and started shooting in multiple directions around 8 p.m. on the 6500 block of South Halsted Street.
Perhaps community leaders in Chicago could get creative and start a crowdfunding campaign to pay so-called "white extremists" to come to their neighborhoods in the hopes the feds will finally pay them some attention?
As it stands now, the feds are happy to just watch the slaughter from the sidelines while they focus on disarming middle America, entrapping "white extremists" and hunting down every last grandma who walked into the Capitol on Jan 6.
#14043847 at 2021-07-03 15:27:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17771: BECOME THE MONSTER THEY TELL US WE ARE Edition
Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI
SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC
Biden going to Michigan to pitch his infrastructure package
#14042753 at 2021-07-03 09:20:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition
Now you have pay someone between 130 - 250 to stick shit up both nostrils to get your test results within 72 hrs of your trip. And you have to deal with constant delays, fuckery, and cranky airport workers who give you shit over everything. Sometimes I think they want to cause some mass murder shit at an airport with the shit going on. Because eventually people are going to go apeshit. I lost my shit on the phone waiting for 1.5 hrs on hold for a United customer service rep to help me and I just cursed the fucker out because he was like well I know that new airline charged you money for your bags on a rescheduled leg even though another airline cancelled a leg of your trip.
Fuck airports and fuck everyone who works there now. No one cares anymore. The customer is always wrong and is a walking money punching bag for greedy fucks.
#14042653 at 2021-07-03 08:45:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition
Granted it takes a special type from the US who can deal with a lack of creature comforts we grow accustomed to here including AC and hot water. Brazil's infrastructure just isn't there unless you happen to live in a wealthy area. My family in Brazil is middle class, but we own three homes because they're priced like homes were here in the 50s. Much easier to live there financially even with the shittier healthcare, roads and crime.
#14040794 at 2021-07-03 01:41:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17767: Kitchen/Notables are the #1 attack vector Edition
Who are the owners of Champlain Towers?
Champlain Towers South, the building that collapsed in the municipality of Surfside on Thursday morning,had 138 registered owners.While LLCs and investment organizations hold some apartments, the majority are owned by individuals or couples, according to Boca News Now. Many of the retirees in the complex are either owners or renters.According to the Herald, which spoke to Compass Realtor with numerous listings in the building, around 70% of the 130 units were occupied at the time by primary or secondary homeowners, It's unclear how many other units were being rented out for short periods of time.
#14039815 at 2021-07-02 23:21:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17766: Saw That Coming Ebake Edition
It doesn't make sense that we're only hovering around ~130-170 UIDs.
This world is an Illusion created by something Huge which I am a CORE of – I do not yet have control over this reality AND IT'S COMPLETELY OUTTA CONTROL imho.
So come what may. The BALANCE has tilted and FATE will right all wrongs.
#14039624 at 2021-07-02 22:48:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17766: Saw That Coming Ebake Edition
==here it comes NWO=
Over 100 countries sign onto U.S. agreement to implement a minimum global corporate tax
China and India are among the 130 countries that signed the agreement.
President Biden's plan to establish a worldwide minimum corporate now has the support of 130 countries including China and India.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who has been leading the United States' effort to have a global minimum tax of at least 15%, made the announcement Thursday when the agreement among the countries was made official, according to CBS News.
"Today's agreement by 130 countries representing more than 90% of global GDP is a clear sign," Yellen said. "America will enter a competition that we can win - one judged on the skill of our workers and the strength of our infrastructure. … We have a chance now to build a global and domestic tax system that lets American workers and businesses compete and win in the world economy."
The two-step, framework plan was coordinated by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. The first part allows countries the right to tax roughly $100 billion in multinational profits on companies that do business within their borders. The second part supports implementing a 15% global minimum tax, which the organization estimates would generate roughly $150 billion a year in revenues.
#14034831 at 2021-07-02 04:41:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17760: from Dark to Light Edition
I do like your timeline.
But consider the white horse has rider..the AC.
Rev 6
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
#14034714 at 2021-07-02 04:18:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17760: from Dark to Light Edition
I'm no scholar either. But from my studies, Rev is written in consecutive order of events on Earth. John does backtrack in a few chapters to describe what's going on in Heaven.
That's why I don't think Trib has started yet. The revealing of the AC happens in Rev 6 that kicks it off. The clock begins to tick.
#14025969 at 2021-07-01 01:40:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17749: My Edition
>>14024960 lb
What makes you think they're not working on it.
God has protected His word. But that will be over soon enough when the AC arrives. We're already heading towards a one world religion.
#14020256 at 2021-06-30 08:53:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17742: Ebake
Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of "nonviolent weapons" at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action, by Gene Sharp.
Formal Statements
1. Public Speeches
2. Letters of opposition or support
3. Declarations by organizations and institutions
4. Signed public statements
5. Declarations of indictment and intention
6. Group or mass petitions
Communications with a Wider Audience
7. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols
8. Banners, posters, and displayed communications
9. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books
10. Newspapers and journals
11. Records, radio, and television
12. Skywriting and earth-writing
Group Representations
13. Deputations
14. Mock awards
15. Group lobbying
16. Picketing
17. Mock elections
Symbolic Public Acts
18. Displays of flags and symbolic colors
19. Wearing of symbols
20. Prayer and worship
21. Delivering symbolic objects
22. Protest disrobing
23. Destruction of own property
24. Symbolic lights
25. Displays of portraits
26. Paint as protest
27. New signs and names
28. Symbolic sounds
29. Symbolic reclamations
30. Rude gestures
Pressures on Individuals
31. "Haunting" officials
32. Taunting officials
33. Fraternization
34. Vigils
Drama and Music
35. Humorous skits and pranks
36. Performances of plays and music
37. Singing
38. Marches
39. Parades
40. Religious processions
41. Pilgrimages
42. Motorcades
Honoring the Dead
43. Political mourning
44. Mock funerals
45. Demonstrative funerals
46. Homage at burial places
Public Assemblies
47. Assemblies of protest or support
48. Protest meetings
49. Camouflaged meetings of protest
50. Teach-ins
Withdrawal and Renunciation
51. Walk-outs
52. Silence
53. Renouncing honors
54. Turning one's back
Ostracism of Persons
55. Social boycott
56. Selective social boycott
57. Lysistratic non-action (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata)
58. Excommunication
59. Interdict
Noncooperation with Social Events, Customs, and Institutions
60. Suspension of social and sports activities
61. Boycott of social affairs
62. Student strike
63. Social disobedience
64. Withdrawal from social institutions
Withdrawal from the Social System
65. Stay-at-home
66. Total personal noncooperation
67. "Flight" of workers
68. Sanctuary
69. Collective disappearance
70. Protest emigration (hijrat)
Actions by Consumers
71. Consumers' boycott
72. Nonconsumption of boycotted goods
73. Policy of austerity
74. Rent withholding
75. Refusal to rent
76. National consumers' boycott
77. International consumers' boycott
Action by Workers and Producers
78. Workmen's boycott
79. Producers' boycott
Action by Middlemen
80. Suppliers' and handlers' boycott
Action by Owners and Management
81. Traders' boycott
82. Refusal to let or sell property
83. Lockout
84. Refusal of industrial assistance
85. Merchants' "general strike"
Action by Holders of Financial Resources
86. Withdrawal of bank deposits
87. Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments
88. Refusal to pay debts or interest
89. Severance of funds and credit
90. Revenue refusal
91. Refusal of a government's money
Action by Governments
92. Domestic embargo
93. Blacklisting of traders
94. International sellers' embargo
95. International buyers' embargo
96. International trade embargo
Symbolic Strikes
97. Protest strike
98. Quickie walkout (lightning strike)
Agricultural Strikes
99. Peasant strike
100. Farm Workers' strike
Strikes by Special Groups
101. Refusal of impressed labor
102. Prisoners' strike
103. Craft strike
104. Professional strike
Ordinary Industrial Strikes
105. Establishment strike
106. Industry strike
107. Sympathetic strike
Restricted Strikes
108. Detailed strike
109. Bumper strike
110. Slowdown strike
111. Working-to-rule strike
112. Reporting "sick" (sick-in)
113. Strike by resignation
114. Limited strike
115. Selective strike
Multi-Industry Strikes
116. Generalized strike
117. General strike
Combination of Strikes and Economic Closures
118. Hartal
119. Economic shutdown
Rejection of Authority
120. Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance
121. Refusal of public support
122. Literature and speeches advocating resistance
Citizens' Noncooperation with Government
123. Boycott of legislative bodies
124. Boycott of elections
125. Boycott of government employment and positions
126. Boycott of government depts., agencies, and other bodies
127. Withdrawal from government educational institutions
128. Boycott of government-supported organizations
129. Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents
130. Removal of own signs and placemarks
131. Refusal to accept appointed officials
132. Refusal to dissolve existing institutions
Citizens' Alternatives to Obedience
133. Reluctant and slow compliance
134. Non-obedience in absence of direct supervision
135. Popular non-obedience
136. Disguised disobedience
137. Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse
138. Sitdown
139. Noncooperation with conscription and deportation
140. Hiding, escape, and false identities
141. Civil disobedience of "illegitimate" laws
Action by Government Personnel
142. Selective refusal of assistance by government aides
143. Blocking of lines of command and information
144. Stalling and obstruction
145. General administrative noncooperation
146. Judicial noncooperation
147. Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by enforcement agents
148. Mutiny
Domestic Governmental Action
149. Quasi-legal evasions and delays
150. Noncooperation by constituent governmental units
International Governmental Action
151. Changes in diplomatic and other representations
152. Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events
153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition
154. Severance of diplomatic relations
155. Withdrawal from international organizations
156. Refusal of membership in international bodies
157. Expulsion from international organizations
Psychological Intervention
158. Self-exposure to the elements
159. The fast
a) Fast of moral pressure
b) Hunger strike
c) Satyagrahic fast (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satyagraha)
160. Reverse trial
161. Nonviolent harassment
Physical Intervention
162. Sit-in
163. Stand-in
164. Ride-in
165. Wade-in
166. Mill-in
167. Pray-in
168. Nonviolent raids
169. Nonviolent air raids
170. Nonviolent invasion
171. Nonviolent interjection
172. Nonviolent obstruction
173. Nonviolent occupation
Social Intervention
174. Establishing new social patterns
175. Overloading of facilities
176. Stall-in
177. Speak-in
178. Guerrilla theater
179. Alternative social institutions
180. Alternative communication system
Economic Intervention
181. Reverse strike
182. Stay-in strike
183. Nonviolent land seizure
184. Defiance of blockades
185. Politically motivated counterfeiting
186. Preclusive purchasing
187. Seizure of assets
188. Dumping
189. Selective patronage
190. Alternative markets
191. Alternative transportation systems
192. Alternative economic institutions
Political Intervention
193. Overloading of administrative systems
194. Disclosing identities of secret agents
195. Seeking imprisonment
196. Civil disobedience of "neutral" laws
197. Work-on without collaboration
198. Dual sovereignty and parallel government
Without doubt, a large number of additional methods have already been used but have not been classified, and a multitude of additional methods will be invented in the future that have the characteristics of the three classes of methods: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation and nonviolent intervention.
It must be clearly understood that the greatest effectiveness is possible when individual methods to be used are selected to implement the previously adopted strategy. It is necessary to know what kind of pressures are to be used before one chooses the precise forms of action that will best apply those pressures.
#14020011 at 2021-06-30 07:03:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17742: Ebake
This may explain why there're always only ~130-170 posters of 751 posts constantly.
Another theory: everything is fake. 8-kun is a dead giveaway. That's why "everyone else" has an aversion towards 8-kun.
#14017970 at 2021-06-30 00:54:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17739: Expect increased noise. #BOOM! Edition
>>>>>"there was a holocaust?"
The Kalinago Genocide, 1626
Main article: Kalinago Genocide of 1626
The Kalinago genocide was the massacre of some 2,000 Island Caribs by English and French settlers in 1628 in St. Kitts.
The Carib Chief Tegremond became uneasy with the increasing number of English and French settlers occupying St. Kitts. This led to confrontations, which led him to plot the settlers' elimination with the aid of other Island Caribs. However, his scheme was betrayed by an Indian woman called Barbe, to Thomas Warner and Pierre Belain d'Esnambuc. Taking action, the English and French settlers invited the Caribs to a party where they became intoxicated. When the Caribs returned to their village, 120 were killed in their sleep, including Chief Tegremond. The following day, the remaining 2,000-4,000 Caribs were forced into the area of Bloody Point and Bloody River, where over 2,000 were massacred, though 100 settlers were also killed. One Frenchman went mad after being struck by a manchineel-poisoned arrow. The remaining Caribs fled, but by 1640, those not already enslaved, were removed to Dominica.[49][50]
Attempted Extermination of the Pequot, 1636-1638
Main article: Pequot War
The Pequot War was an armed conflict that took place between 1636 and 1638 in New England between the Pequot tribe and an alliance of the colonists of the Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook colonies and their allies from the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes. The war concluded with the decisive defeat of the Pequots. The Connecticut and Massachusetts colonies offered bounties for the heads of killed hostile Indians, and later for just their scalps, during the Pequot War in the 1630s;[51] Connecticut specifically reimbursed Mohegans for slaying the Pequot in 1637.[52] At the end, about 700 Pequots had been killed or taken into captivity.[53] Hundreds of prisoners were sold into slavery to the West Indies;[54] other survivors were dispersed as captives to the victorious tribes. The result was the elimination of the Pequot tribe as a viable polity in Southern New England, and the colonial authorities classified them as extinct. However, members of the Pequot tribe still live today as a federally recognized tribe, and they continue to contribute to their tribe's ongoing history.[55]
Massacre of the Narragansett people, 1675
Main article: Great Swamp Fight
The Great Swamp Massacre was committed during King Philip's War by colonial militia of New England on the Narragansett tribe in December 1675. On 15 December of that year, Narraganset warriors attacked the Jireh Bull Blockhouse and killed at least 15 people. Four days later, the colonial militia from Plymouth Colony, Connecticut Colony, and Massachusetts Bay Colony were led to the main Narragansett town in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. The settlement was burned, its inhabitants (including women and children) killed or evicted, and most of the tribe's winter stores destroyed. It is believed that at least 97 Narragansett warriors and 300 to 1,000 non-combatants were killed, though exact figures are unknown.[56] The massacre was a critical blow to the Narragansett tribe during the period directly following the massacre.[57] However, much like the Pequot, the Narragansett people continue to live today as a federally recognized tribe, contributing to their Nation's ongoing history.[58]
French and Indian Wars, 1754-1763
Main article: French and Indian Wars
During the French and Indian War, Lord Jeffrey Amherst, commanding officer of British forces in North America, authorized the use biological warfare to exterminate a local tribe of Ottawa Indians. As of 12 June 1755, Massachusetts governor William Shirley was offering a bounty of £40 for a male Indian scalp, and £20 for scalps of females or of children under 12 years old.[59][60] In 1756, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Robert Morris, in his Declaration of War against the Lenni Lenape (Delaware) people, offered "130 Pieces of Eight, for the Scalp of Every Male Indian Enemy, above the Age of Twelve Years," and "50 Pieces of Eight for the Scalp of Every Indian Woman, produced as evidence of their being killed."[59][61]
#14017942 at 2021-06-30 00:51:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17739: Expect increased noise. #BOOM! Edition
>>>"there was a holocaust?"
Historians and scholars whose work has examined this history in the context of genocide have included historian Jeffrey Ostler,[22] historian David Stannard,[23] anthropological demographer Russell Thornton,[24] Indigenous Studies scholar Vine Deloria, Jr., as well as scholar-activists such as Russell Means and Ward Churchill. Stannard compares the events of colonization in the Americas with the definition of genocide in the 1948 UN convention, and writes that,
In light of the U.N. language-even putting aside some of its looser constructions-it is impossible to know what transpired in the Americas during the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries and not conclude that it was genocide.[25]
Thornton describes as genocide the direct impact of warfare, violence and massacres, many of which had the effect of wiping out entire ethnic groups.[26] Political scientist Guenter Lewy says that "even if up to 90 percent of the reduction in Indian population was the result of disease, that leaves a sizable death toll caused by mistreatment and violence."[27] Native American Studies professor Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz says,
Proponents of the default position emphasize attrition by disease despite other causes equally deadly, if not more so. In doing so they refuse to accept that the colonization of America was genocidal by plan, not simply the tragic fate of populations lacking immunity to disease.[28]
By 1900, the indigenous population in the Americas declined by more than 80%, and by as much as 98% in some areas. The effects of diseases such as smallpox, measles and cholera during the first century of colonialism contributed greatly to the death toll, while violence, displacement and warfare by colonizers against the Indians contributed to the death toll in subsequent centuries.[29] As detailed in American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present (2015),
It is also apparent that the shared history of the hemisphere is one framed by the dual tragedies of genocide and slavery, both of which are part of the legacy of the European invasions of the past 500 years. Indigenous people north and south were displaced, died of disease, and were killed by Europeans through slavery, rape, and war. In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere. By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90-95 percent, or by around 130 million people.[30]
According to geographers from University College London, the colonization of the Americas by Europeans killed so many people it resulted in climate change and global cooling.[31] UCL Geography Professor Mark Maslin, one of the co-authors of the study, says the large death toll also boosted the economies of Europe: "the depopulation of the Americas may have inadvertently allowed the Europeans to dominate the world. It also allowed for the Industrial Revolution and for Europeans to continue that domination."[32]
Leif Eriksons brother is said to have had the first contact with the native population of North America which would come to be known as the skrælings. After capturing and killing eight of the natives, they were attacked at their beached ships, which they defended.[33]
#14016217 at 2021-06-29 20:19:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17737: EBake Hold the Line
you need WT, to make AC like like Dr. Jill.
#14015028 at 2021-06-29 17:45:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17736: #DemandAudits AZ, OH, TX, MI, CA... Edition
Nigeria announces arrest of separatist leader who fled to Israel, UK
Nigerian AG says Nnamdi Kanu, head of the Indigenous People of Biafra movement, was 'brought back' to the country from unknown location
ABUJA, Nigeria - A Nigerian separatist leader, Nnamdi Kanu, whose whereabouts were previously unknown, has been arrested to face trial, the country's justice minister said Tuesday.
"Nnamdi Kanu has been intercepted... He has been brought back to Nigeria, in order to continue facing trial after disappearing," Abubakar Malami, who is also attorney general, said in a statement.
Kanu was arrested in late 2015 after calling for a separate state for Biafra, in southeast Nigeria.
His detention sparked mass protests and clashes with security services.
The former London estate agent disappeared in 2017 after being released on bail, only to reemerge in Israel and then in Britain.
Kanu maintains the Igbo people, who are in the majority in southeast Nigeria, are a lost tribe of Israel and it is his mission to lead them to the promised land of Biafra.
The head of the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) movement was detained again on Sunday, Malami added, without giving details on the location of his arrest.
He is facing trial for charges that include "terrorism, treasonable felony, managing an unlawful society, publication of defamatory matter, illegal possession of firearms and improper importation of goods, among others," the statement said.
Southeast Nigeria has seen a recent surge in attacks, with around 130 police and security officials killed and around 20 police stations attacked this year, according to local media tallies.
Election offices have also been attacked.
IPOB, which agitates for a separate Igbo state, has denied being behind the violence, accusing the government of a smear campaign.
Calls for a separate state of Biafra are a sensitive subject in Nigeria, after a unilateral declaration of independence in 1967 sparked a brutal 30-month civil war.
More than one million people died, most of them Igbos, from the effects of conflict and disease.
#14008559 at 2021-06-28 22:06:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17728: God Wins Edition
The Gravity Shield Conspiracy June 28, 2021"It is unfortunate that these fine superconducting specimens were never used in the desired experiments." - Dr. Ning Li
Memory Holes are often utilized by the different world governments to hide public research which they feel should be classified and hidden from the public. Next generation technologies which have clear military and strategic application are always the first projects to be memory holed and classified. Governments engaged in hiding science and technology from the public are a huge hinder to our scientific progress as a species. While public research stagnates, military research grows and develops technologies which the general populace can just dream about.
Anti-gravity Timeline
In 1991, physicist Dr. Ning Li began publishing a series of papers claiming that she had discovered a practical method for producing anti-gravity type effects by using a superconducting disk.
In 1992, material scientist Dr. Eugene Podkletnov published a paper in Physica C claiming to have created a gravity modifaction effect using a spinning superconducting disk. He had independently stumbled across this anomalous effect when he noticed tobacco smoke formed a column above a ceramic superconductor he was experimenting with.
In 1996, Dr. Podkletnov was accepted to a scientific journal to publish a peer-reviewed follow-up to his 1992 claim, but withdrew his paper at the last moment and subsequently left his lab position and job at his University.
In 1996, NASA created the Research and Technology 1996 document showcasing their advanced research of which much is now classified. In the subsection titled "Superconductor Interactions with Gravity", NASA Scientist Ron Koczor cites Dr. Podklenov and Dr. Li Ning in a summary of the 1996 understanding of gravity shield research. Ron Koczor then discusses an agreement between NASA and Dr. Ning Li to further NASA's understanding of gravity shields.
In 1997, NASA announces their Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program, citing Dr. Podkletnov's spinning superconductor research.
In 1997, Dr. Ning Li puts out a paper essentially refuting her own previous anti-gravity claims.
In 1998, NASA begins to scrub their website of information, papers, and documents that discuss Dr. Ning Li and Dr. Podkletnov.
In 1999, Dr. Ning Li left her University research position to found the company AC Gravity LLC. which was subsequently awarded nearly $450,000 from the Department of Defense to continue anti-gravity research.
In 2000, Dr. Ning Li published the NCC8-124 report summarizing four years of anti-gravity research she did while partnered with NASA. She claimed success in learning to fabricate superconducting disks, but notes that the disks were never used for experiments.
In 2020, Dr. Podkletnov claimed in an interview with Tim Ventura that in the 1990s he was brought in to help Dr. Ning Li and NASA replicate his experiments, but NASA ran out of money right before the anti-gravity experiments were set to begin. The Department of Defense showed up shortly after NASA ran out of money, confiscated all of the experiments, and finally transfered all of the research to Dr. Ning Li.
In 2021, The U.S. Government publishes verified videos of anti-gravity vehicles performing high performance maneuvers.
As of 2021, Dr. Ning Li's whereabouts are unknown. She continues to renew her AC Gravity LLC. company every year amidst rumors that she has returned to China to continue her anti-gravity research.
Quick Summary:
Both Dr. Ning Li and Dr. Podkletnov began publishing papers about anti-gravity and gravity shields in the early 1990s.
Both Dr. Ning Li and Dr. Podkletnov discredit themselves in academia in 1996/1997.
NASA begins recruiting scientists for their Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program in 1996/1997.
NASA begins removing information about Dr. Ning Li and Dr. Podkletnov from their website in 1998.
By the year 2000, Both Dr. Ning Li and Dr. Podkletnov end up working for NASA to develop gravity shielding experiments.
After 2000, Dr. Ning Li takes the experiments from NASA, begins work with the DOD, then continues anti-gravity research for the military.
In 2021, the US Government releases "tic tac" video footage of vehicles seemingly maneuvering using anti-gravity propulsion.
#14005250 at 2021-06-28 14:51:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17724: Ninjas, Pirates, Covfefe And Shit Edition
Ok anons got to do some work fagging atm
will leave you with this my frens
#14000523 at 2021-06-27 23:05:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17718: The '........Baked.' Edition
>Burkina Faso: Children Ages 12-14 Responsible for Massacre of over 130 People
anybody see the John'sHereToHelp interview where he said that the cabal is fine with children not getting the vaccine because once all the old people and parents die off from the vax, then it would be easy to indoctrinate the kids.
#14000477 at 2021-06-27 22:58:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17718: The '........Baked.' Edition
Burkina Faso: Children Ages 12-14 Responsible for Massacre of over 130 People
Child soldiers "between the ages of 12 and 14" perpetrated a massacre in Burkina Faso this month that killed over 130 people, Burkina Faso's government said on Thursday.
"The attackers were mostly children between the ages of 12 and 14," Ousseni Tamboura, a Burkina Faso government spokesman, told reporters in the nation's capital, Ouagadougou, on June 24.
Tamboura referred to a massacre of residents in the northeastern village of Solhan on June 4. The incident marked Burkina Faso's deadliest Islamist terror attack since 2015.
"On the night of June 4-5, scores of jihadists linked to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS) group swarmed the village of Solhan, located near the border of Mali and Niger, and staged a ruthless attack on civilians, including women and children," Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported on June 14.
"I saw them arrive on their motorcycles. There were over a hundred - so many I couldn't count them. They killed a baby who wasn't even crawling yet and left its mother alive," a survivor of the attack identified only as Amadou told AFP.
The West African Sahel region - which includes parts of northern Burkina Faso and neighboring sections of Mali and Niger - has battled an Islamist insurgency since 2015 that has significantly worsened since 2018.
Jihadist groups linked to the Islamist terror groups al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) regularly target civilians and government soldiers as part of the insurgency, which has killed hundreds of people and displaced more than 1.2 million more, according to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The conflict has forced more than 2,200 schools to close in Burkina Faso in recent years, or "about one in ten" according to the UN, which says the closures have affected "over 300,000 children."
"In 2020 alone, an estimated 3,270 children were recruited into armed groups in central and West Africa, the United Nations found. That accounts for more than a third of the world's documented child soldiers," the Washington Post reported on June 24.
"Children as young as 7 are kidnapped to become soldiers [in Burkina Faso]," a Burkinabe military officer allegedly told the Washington Post this week, speaking "on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media."
"We've been seeing them more and more," he said. "They start fighting around the age of 12."
A Reuters report on June 25 seemed to support the Washington Post's alleged account concerning child soldier recruitment in Burkina Faso.
"Local officials in Burkina Faso's north, where jihadists control large areas, said child soldiers have been used by Islamist groups over the past year, but this month's attack was by far the highest profile case [sic]," the news agency noted.
#13998530 at 2021-06-27 17:44:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17716: Comms/Animefag/GerBil/Doge BTFO Edition
I am not sure but I honestly believe that anti-biotic accumulation also plays a role in this. There is supposed to be pro-biotics all through the body, but if there anti-biotics and they don't leave the body then the body can't clean itself properly and shit putrifies. Get rid of the anti-biotics get back on track.
I am becoming more and more interested in activated charcoal because it does something called adsorbtion (not absorbtion). It is used in cleaning the blood in dialysis machines. It is also used in the case of poisonings. If a person ingests AC it will clean out the stomach, and once in the intestines it goes into the villi and the blood gets cleaned by the charcoal as it moves through the villi.
Docs say it does not help with heavy metals… but it removes heavy metals from water when used as a water filter.
#13988421 at 2021-06-26 15:32:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17704:
The U.S. Air Force unveiled a weapon this month designed to take out hundreds of drones at once with barely a sound.
The Tactical High Power Operational Responder(THOR)uses a beam of energy to scramble the electronics inside hundreds of drones at once.
"This unique system allows base defense forces to stop [unmanned aerial system] attacks at long range before they threaten critical infrastructure," the Air Force Research Lab said in a June 16 animated video.
Increasingly sophisticated drones are becoming more threatening in the hands of enemy militaries as attack and surveillance capabilities grow, the Air Force said in the video. THOR is more effective than small arms and more efficient than heavy arms, which are currently used against drones.
When THOR identifies a target, it shoots a beam of microwaves in less than a second, providing an instant effect on the drones.
The system is different from a laser, which shoots a beam capable of destroying one drone, according to the Air Force. Instead, THOR's utilization of high-powered microwaves allows it to scuttle swarms of unmanned aerial systems.
"THOR completely stows in a 20-foot shipping container which can easily be transported in a C-130. The system can be set up by as few as two people within three hours and operates from ground power," according to the video's narration.
The first prototype was unveiled in 2019 in New Mexico. It costs about $15 million to develop, and each system costs $10 million to produce.
Some bases have taken steps to defend themselves from drones while THOR is still in its prototype stage.
Troops at al-Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar received quad-copters in May to protect the base from enemy surveillance and attack drones.
#13988224 at 2021-06-26 14:54:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17703: The 'Pre-Rally Rally Preview' Edition
Someone should rig AC 360 with a 360 webcam for an episode.
I would tune in.
#13986504 at 2021-06-26 06:46:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17702: Light'Edition
we aspire to be the premier research-intensive biopharmaceutical company in the world
For 130 years, Merck (known as MSD outside of the U.S. and Canada) has been inventing for life, bringing forward medicines and vaccines for many of the world's most challenging diseases in pursuit of our mission to save and improve lives.
We demonstrate our commitment to patients and population health by increasing access to health care through far-reaching policies, programs and partnerships.
Today, we continue to be at the forefront of research to prevent and treat diseases that threaten people and animals - including cancer, infectious diseases, such as HIV and Ebola, and emerging animal diseases.
#13984920 at 2021-06-26 01:36:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17700: If only you knew how bad things really are Edition
anons my witch detector is dinging off the charts
why did joe biden say he has three degrees
Golden Dawn & freemasonry
Hermetic Order on Route 130 in New Jersey
#13984170 at 2021-06-25 23:37:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17699: John McAfee secret stash/Building Collapse Edition
The Guardian Angels are volunteer, unarmed, vigilante crime fighters. They were founded on February 13, 1979, in New York City, by Curtis Sliwa. They have grown to over 130 different chapters globally.
In the 1980s, over 250 felonies were committed every week in the system. The New York subway was the most dangerous mass transit system in the world. The Guardian Angels were created to combat the widespread violence and crime. The Angels were trained in self-defense in order to make citizens arrests for violent crimes. In addition to self-defense, Guardian Angels are trained in first aid, CPR, law, conflict resolution, and communication. Safety patrol members are prohibited from carrying weapons and are actually searched before they begin their patrol. They patrolled the subways and streets but also provided educational programs and workshops for schools and businesses.
The Guardian Angels are known for their uniforms, red beret and red jacket or white T-shirt with the red Guardian Angel logo of an eye inside a pyramid on a winged shield. They are equal opportunity and promote diversity.
Initially, former New York City Mayor Ed Koch publicly opposed the vigilante group. As citizen involvement and outreach increased, he reversed his stance. Former mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg have publicly supported the group.
Today the Guardian Angels activity died down in the 1990's and 2000's but have recently resurfaced as a result of increased crime in New York City. A group of all female Guardian Angels has also surfaced patrolling to prevent sexual assaults.
#13983087 at 2021-06-25 20:55:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17697: 5 minutes Texas border visit Ebake edition
More on the space object
Astronomers sifting through data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) have spotted a large Oort Cloud object approaching the outer regions of the solar system.
The discovery has caused ripples of excitement within the planetary science community because of the object's unusually large size - initial estimates suggest it may be as big as 130-160 km across, substantially bigger than some of the largest comets. Studying the object could also give researchers insights in
#13982211 at 2021-06-25 18:57:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17696: #GAaudit > Bqqms = Enable Edition
Not AF2 98-0002 USAF C-32A departed El Paso Int'l-this AC was AF2 in it's flight from JBA to El Paso..not nao
Heading to Los Angeles Int'l
#13980782 at 2021-06-25 15:40:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17694: Plenty of Digs, Grab a Shovel Edition
people can survive without food for 30 days, water only 3 days…. I imagine a curfew would be brought in as well as military to patrol. Having infrastructure for washing, using toilets, and handing out food rations would have to be organized. Fuel would have to be pumped by generators and rationed. No AC means many would die. So I guess it all depends on the length of the power outage and preparedness to deal with power outages by local govt.
#13979930 at 2021-06-25 13:23:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17694: Plenty of Digs, Grab a Shovel Edition
>>13974359 @kayleighmcenany What did I just watch!?
>>13974361 "mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on 'Tucker' after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks"
>>13974363 President Donald Trump blasting MI Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, claiming they are "doing everything possible" to "hide the truth" about the 2020 presidential election.
>>13974381 Statement from President Trump in support of America's Mayor @RudyGiuliani?
>>13974422 The Arizona audit continues!
>>13974426 Reminder, Rudy Giuliani on the killing of Ashli Babbitt
>>13974441 MI Senate Oversight Committee Report #MIaudit
>>13974483 Discord User Is Sentenced To 14 Years For Distributing Child Pornography #SaveOurChildren
>>13974571 McAfee Spying on the 3LTRS? ArchiveOffline #McAfeeDintKilHimself
>>13974600 China lodges complaint against Australia at World Trade Organization
>>13974641 Israel to reinstate indoor mask mandate as COVID-19 cases increase
>>13974672, >>13974696 Qlocken
>>13974701, >>13974749 U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed all six pieces of legislation to break the monopoly power of Big Tech companies.
>>13974707 Mailchimp deplatforms Babylon Bee
>>13974759 Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up - So What's Next!?
>>13974800 Officials: US to leave about 650 troops in Afghanistan to protect diplomats, will largely complete withdrawal in 2 weeks - AP
>>13974844 t/linwoodspeakstruth Sidney Powell Proves There Was No Medical Emergency
>>13974873 @Jim_Jordan releases statement on Democrats' antitrust legislation.
>>13974902 Fauci Book Author Kate Messner Has A History of Targeting Kids With Anti-American Propaganda
>>13974913 John McAfee Death NOT 'Suicide', Evidence Suggests Premeditated Murder | Shots Fired!?
>>13974923, >>13974929 #AZAUDIT
>>13974956 Russia releases VIDEO of British warship's incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London's version of events
>>13974990 NASA 2021 Full Moon Calendar (Cap)
>>13975020 gab/JimWatkins "Don't sneak a Coke."
>>13975049 Fed clears all 23 major banks in latest stress tests
>>13975063 #17687
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13979158 at 2021-06-25 10:55:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17693: John McAfee Has A Brother Edition
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13978360 at 2021-06-25 07:24:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17692: Controlled Burn Edition
>>13974359 @kayleighmcenany What did I just watch!?
>>13974361 "mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on 'Tucker' after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks"
>>13974363 President Donald Trump blasting MI Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, claiming they are "doing everything possible" to "hide the truth" about the 2020 presidential election.
>>13974381 Statement from President Trump in support of America's Mayor @RudyGiuliani?
>>13974422 The Arizona audit continues!
>>13974426 Reminder, Rudy Giuliani on the killing of Ashli Babbitt
>>13974441 MI Senate Oversight Committee Report #MIaudit
>>13974483 Discord User Is Sentenced To 14 Years For Distributing Child Pornography #SaveOurChildren
>>13974571 McAfee Spying on the 3LTRS? ArchiveOffline #McAfeeDintKilHimself
>>13974600 China lodges complaint against Australia at World Trade Organization
>>13974641 Israel to reinstate indoor mask mandate as COVID-19 cases increase
>>13974672, >>13974696 Qlocken
>>13974701, >>13974749 U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed all six pieces of legislation to break the monopoly power of Big Tech companies.
>>13974707 Mailchimp deplatforms Babylon Bee
>>13974759 Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up - So What's Next!?
>>13974800 Officials: US to leave about 650 troops in Afghanistan to protect diplomats, will largely complete withdrawal in 2 weeks - AP
>>13974844 t/linwoodspeakstruth Sidney Powell Proves There Was No Medical Emergency
>>13974873 @Jim_Jordan releases statement on Democrats' antitrust legislation.
>>13974902 Fauci Book Author Kate Messner Has A History of Targeting Kids With Anti-American Propaganda
>>13974913 John McAfee Death NOT 'Suicide', Evidence Suggests Premeditated Murder | Shots Fired!?
>>13974923, >>13974929 #AZAUDIT
>>13974956 Russia releases VIDEO of British warship's incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London's version of events
>>13974990 NASA 2021 Full Moon Calendar (Cap)
>>13975020 gab/JimWatkins "Don't sneak a Coke."
>>13975049 Fed clears all 23 major banks in latest stress tests
>>13975063 #17687
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13977895 at 2021-06-25 05:00:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17691: Grab Your Shovel Edition
>ya gotta shop earlier then the end of June
Ordered an 8k btu portable with all the goods for 340. Good for one room. My place is small.
Lived in Western Wa. all my life, it rarely hits 90 and is only intolerable for a few days a year, we are looking at 3 days near 100.
I will have an ac unit by July 7th. Hope I never need it again.
#13977583 at 2021-06-25 04:03:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17691: Grab Your Shovel Edition
>>13974359 @kayleighmcenany What did I just watch!?
>>13974361 "mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on 'Tucker' after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks"
>>13974363 President Donald Trump blasting MI Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, claiming they are "doing everything possible" to "hide the truth" about the 2020 presidential election.
>>13974381 Statement from President Trump in support of America's Mayor @RudyGiuliani?
>>13974422 The Arizona audit continues!
>>13974426 Reminder, Rudy Giuliani on the killing of Ashli Babbitt
>>13974441 MI Senate Oversight Committee Report #MIaudit
>>13974483 Discord User Is Sentenced To 14 Years For Distributing Child Pornography #SaveOurChildren
>>13974571 McAfee Spying on the 3LTRS? ArchiveOffline #McAfeeDintKilHimself
>>13974600 China lodges complaint against Australia at World Trade Organization
>>13974641 Israel to reinstate indoor mask mandate as COVID-19 cases increase
>>13974672, >>13974696 Qlocken
>>13974701, >>13974749 U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed all six pieces of legislation to break the monopoly power of Big Tech companies.
>>13974707 Mailchimp deplatforms Babylon Bee
>>13974759 Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up - So What's Next!?
>>13974800 Officials: US to leave about 650 troops in Afghanistan to protect diplomats, will largely complete withdrawal in 2 weeks - AP
>>13974844 t/linwoodspeakstruth Sidney Powell Proves There Was No Medical Emergency
>>13974873 @Jim_Jordan releases statement on Democrats' antitrust legislation.
>>13974902 Fauci Book Author Kate Messner Has A History of Targeting Kids With Anti-American Propaganda
>>13974913 John McAfee Death NOT 'Suicide', Evidence Suggests Premeditated Murder | Shots Fired!?
>>13974923, >>13974929 #AZAUDIT
>>13974956 Russia releases VIDEO of British warship's incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London's version of events
>>13974990 NASA 2021 Full Moon Calendar (Cap)
>>13975020 gab/JimWatkins "Don't sneak a Coke."
>>13975049 Fed clears all 23 major banks in latest stress tests
>>13975063 #17687
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13977524 at 2021-06-25 03:56:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17690: New And Improved, 100% less Pentagrams! Edition
>we know why.
all I know is I went to Lowe's, Home Depot, and Walmart, not an ac unit to be found.
I'm going to cook to death.
#13976832 at 2021-06-25 02:32:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17690: New And Improved, 100% less Pentagrams! Edition
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
#17689 TBC
(anon collected @400)
>>13976274 #17689
(anon collected, see below)
>>13974359 @kayleighmcenany What did I just watch!?
>>13974361 "mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on 'Tucker' after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks"
>>13974363 President Donald Trump blasting MI Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, claiming they are "doing everything possible" to "hide the truth" about the 2020 presidential election.
>>13974381 Statement from President Trump in support of America's Mayor @RudyGiuliani?
>>13974422 The Arizona audit continues!
>>13974426 Reminder, Rudy Giuliani on the killing of Ashli Babbitt
>>13974441 MI Senate Oversight Committee Report #MIaudit
>>13974483 Discord User Is Sentenced To 14 Years For Distributing Child Pornography #SaveOurChildren
>>13974571 McAfee Spying on the 3LTRS? ArchiveOffline #McAfeeDintKilHimself
>>13974600 China lodges complaint against Australia at World Trade Organization
>>13974641 Israel to reinstate indoor mask mandate as COVID-19 cases increase
>>13974672, >>13974696 Qlocken
>>13974701, >>13974749 U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed all six pieces of legislation to break the monopoly power of Big Tech companies.
>>13974707 Mailchimp deplatforms Babylon Bee
>>13974759 Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up - So What's Next!?
>>13974800 Officials: US to leave about 650 troops in Afghanistan to protect diplomats, will largely complete withdrawal in 2 weeks - AP
>>13974844 t/linwoodspeakstruth Sidney Powell Proves There Was No Medical Emergency
>>13974873 @Jim_Jordan releases statement on Democrats' antitrust legislation.
>>13974902 Fauci Book Author Kate Messner Has A History of Targeting Kids With Anti-American Propaganda
>>13974913 John McAfee Death NOT 'Suicide', Evidence Suggests Premeditated Murder | Shots Fired!?
>>13974923, >>13974929 #AZAUDIT
>>13974956 Russia releases VIDEO of British warship's incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London's version of events
>>13974990 NASA 2021 Full Moon Calendar (Cap)
>>13975020 gab/JimWatkins "Don't sneak a Coke."
>>13975049 Fed clears all 23 major banks in latest stress tests
>>13975063 #17687
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13975870 at 2021-06-25 00:18:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17689: Ebake round 3
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13974359 @kayleighmcenany What did I just watch!?
>>13974361 "mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on 'Tucker' after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks"
>>13974363 President Donald Trump blasting MI Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, claiming they are "doing everything possible" to "hide the truth" about the 2020 presidential election.
>>13974381 Statement from President Trump in support of America's Mayor @RudyGiuliani?
>>13974422 The Arizona audit continues!
>>13974426 Reminder, Rudy Giuliani on the killing of Ashli Babbitt
>>13974441 MI Senate Oversight Committee Report #MIaudit
>>13974483 Discord User Is Sentenced To 14 Years For Distributing Child Pornography #SaveOurChildren
>>13974571 McAfee Spying on the 3LTRS? ArchiveOffline #McAfeeDintKilHimself
>>13974600 China lodges complaint against Australia at World Trade Organization
>>13974641 Israel to reinstate indoor mask mandate as COVID-19 cases increase
>>13974672, >>13974696 Qlocken
>>13974701, >>13974749 U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed all six pieces of legislation to break the monopoly power of Big Tech companies.
>>13974707 Mailchimp deplatforms Babylon Bee
>>13974759 Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up - So What's Next!?
>>13974800 Officials: US to leave about 650 troops in Afghanistan to protect diplomats, will largely complete withdrawal in 2 weeks - AP
>>13974844 t/linwoodspeakstruth Sidney Powell Proves There Was No Medical Emergency
>>13974873 @Jim_Jordan releases statement on Democrats' antitrust legislation.
>>13974902 Fauci Book Author Kate Messner Has A History of Targeting Kids With Anti-American Propaganda
>>13974913 John McAfee Death NOT 'Suicide', Evidence Suggests Premeditated Murder | Shots Fired!?
>>13974923, >>13974929 #AZAUDIT
>>13974956 Russia releases VIDEO of British warship's incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London's version of events
>>13974990 NASA 2021 Full Moon Calendar (Cap)
>>13975020 gab/JimWatkins "Don't sneak a Coke."
>>13975049 Fed clears all 23 major banks in latest stress tests
>>13975063 #17687
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13975815 at 2021-06-24 23:54:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17688: The #AZaudit Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up – So What’s Next!? Edition
A US Air Force Ghostrider gunship crew received awards for saving 88 lives with nearly 2 hours of non-stop fire
The crew of an ac-130J Ghostrider gunship received awards for heroism this week.
The crew, according to an award citation, saved 88 lives with continuous fire for nearly two hours.
The crew was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medals.
See more stories on Insider's business page.
The crew of a heavily armed US Air Force gunship received awards this week for saving dozens of lives by pouring non-stop fire on the enemy during a fight in Afghanistan.
Five crew members assigned to the ac-130J Ghostrider gunship Shadow 71 with the 73rd Special Operations Squadron received the Distinguished Flying Cross and four other members received Air Medals for "extraordinary achievements" during a mission in Afghanistan in September 2019, 1st Special Operations Wing said Thursday.
The Distinguished Flying Cross citation, which Task & Purpose first reported, says that "the ac-130J crew provided nearly two hours of continuous close air support fire against multiple enemy ambushes, saving the lives of 88 American and Afghan Special Forces members."
The 1st Special Operations Wing said that the gunship crew engaged three enemy positions, providing fire support that allowed helicopter assault forces to land and evacuate wounded troops from the battlefield.
The DFC was presented on Tuesday to aircraft commander Lt. Col. Christopher McCall, weapons systems officer Capt. Jasen Hrisca, combat systems officer Capt. Tyler Larson, special missions aviator Tech Sgt. Jake Heathcott, and sensor operator Staff Sgt. Kyle Burden.
And the four Air Medals were given to co-pilot Maj. Brian Courchesne and special missions aviators Staff Sgt. Alex Almarlaes, Senior Airman Brianna Striplin, and Senior Airman Thomas Fay.
"I always say gunships are a team sport; you really can't do something like this without a great team," McCall said. "Shadow 71 has talent from front-to-back."
The Distinguished Flying Cross citation said that "the professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by the ac-130J crew reflect great credit upon themselves and the United States Air Force."
The ac-130J is the latest version of a US gunship with a combat history dating back to the Vietnam War. The 73rd Special Operations Squadron, according to the Air Force, was the first ac-130J squadron. It was activated at Hurlburt Field, Florida, which is where the awards were handed out this week.
Previously described by Air Force officials as a "bomb truck with guns on it," the ac-130J gunship is armed with a Precision Strike Package consisting of 30 mm and 105 mm cannons, as well as standoff precision guided munitions, including both bombs and missiles.
The ac-130J took to the skies over Afghanistan for the first time in June 2019, just a few months before the crew of Shadow 71 would carry out the mission during which they heroically saved the lives of fellow troops.
The commander of Combined Joint Special Operations Air Component-Afghanistan told Stars and Stripes that fall that the ac-130Js were getting called out to support missions every single night and that in a period of about four months, the gunships had flown over 200 sorties.
An enlisted leader told the paper at the time that the Ghostriders not only emboldened troops on the ground but have also saved lives.
wasnt there somthin to do with mcafee and ghostcoins
search mcafee ghost
#13975071 at 2021-06-24 22:01:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17688: The #AZaudit Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up – So What’s Next!? Edition
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13974664 at 2021-06-24 21:08:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17687: Rudy, Rudy, Rudy Edition
U.S. Attorney's Office
District of Columbia
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Illinois Man Arrested for Assault on Law Enforcement, and First to be Arrested for Assault on Members of News Media during Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
Defendant Tripped and Pushed Officer to the Ground, Breached Media Staging Area and Tackled Cameraman
An Illinois man was arrested today for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, which disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress that was in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election.
Shane Jason Woods, 43, of Auburn, is charged with federal offenses that include assault on a law enforcement officer; assault in special maritime and territorial jurisdiction; and engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds, among other charges. Woods will make his initial court appearance in the Central District of Illinois on June 24 at 4:30 p.m. EST.
According to court documents, Woods was at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 in a large crowd of protesters who were congregated on the lower west terrace in the northwest corner of the building. Around 2:10 p.m., a U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officer was one among several sprayed with bear mace, which obstructed her vision. As the officer tried to pursue the individual who sprayed the bear mace, Woods can be seen in publicly available video running toward her. He then tripped the officer and pushed her to the ground.
At approximately 4:50 p.m., a large crowd made its way to a media staging area that was set up outside the northeast corner of the U.S. Capitol grounds. As individuals stormed past metal barricades, media members were forced to flee the area before recovering all of their cameras and equipment. As depicted in several publicly posted videos and images, Woods gathered in the vicinity of the media staging area around 5 p.m. where several protestors were yelling and spitting at members of the news media near a pushed-over fence next to the staging area. Moments later, Woods climbed over the toppled fence and participated in the assault on the media equipment. Woods can be seen walking around the piled media equipment, as well as picking up and tossing some of it. He was also observed walking closely around a cameraman. As depicted in publicly available video, Woods then ran into and tackled the cameraman, causing him to fall and drop his camera.
The case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice National Security Division's Counterterrorism Section. Valuable assistance was provided by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of Illinois.
The case is being investigated by the FBI's Washington Field Office, who identified Woods as #238 in its seeking information photos, with significant assistance provided by the U.S. Capitol Police and FBI's Springfield Field Office.
In the 150 days since Jan. 6, approximately 465 individuals have been arrested on charges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, including over 130 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.
#13974259 at 2021-06-24 20:10:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17687: Rudy, Rudy, Rudy Edition
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
>>13974254 #17686
#13974254 at 2021-06-24 20:10:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17686: EBake No Deals
#17686 FINAL
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
#13974172 at 2021-06-24 20:00:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17686: EBake No Deals
#17686 @600
>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary
>>13973532 John McAfee's lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself
>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: "Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit
>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19
>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus 'Delta Variant' to Push Youth Vaccinations
>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed
>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?
>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION
>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani's law license
>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports
>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized
>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.
>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide's Brother
>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD
>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison
>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani's New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies
>>13973933 #17685
>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI's Role in Trump Probe
>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:
>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico's 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation
>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license
#13973520 at 2021-06-24 18:28:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17686: EBake No Deals
UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids
The United Nations (UN) has condemned the use of child soldiers after reports from Burkina Faso that a recent attack, in which over 130 people were killed in mass shootings and home raids, was carried out by kids as young as 12.
Spokesperson for the Burkinabe government, Ousseni Tamboura, said information gleaned during interrogations after the attack indicated that most of the assailants of the brutal attack on Solhan village were youths aged between just 12 and 14.
In response to the authorities' claims, the UN branch dedicated to the rights and wellbeing of children, UNICEF, condemned the recruitment of child soldiers by terrorist groups as a "grave violation of their fundamental rights."
The brutal attack on the northern village of Solhan occurred late at night on June 4, with the assault continuing into June 5. The perpetrators destroyed homes, set a market ablaze and shot scores of residents. According to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), around 3,300 people managed to flee the unfolding attack in Solhan.
The official death toll stands at 132 fatalities, but the total number is reported to be over 160, with around 20 children among the deceased.
While no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, the Burkinabe government has said it suspects that Al-Qaeda sympathizers, specifically the Group to Support Islam and Muslims (JNIM), are responsible.
Burkina Faso has been plagued by an increase in terrorist attacks by Jihadi groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda for several years.
An estimated 40% of all child soldiers globally operate in Africa. It has been theorized that the reasons for deploying child soldiers are that they are seen as more "dispensible" than adults and often show greater loyalty to commanders than adults.
Since 2019, more than 1.2 million people living in Burkina Faso have been expelled from their homes due to turbulent conditions in the country. Over 80% of those displaced this year alone are women or children, according to the UNHCR.
#13971561 at 2021-06-24 13:14:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17683: Rising Light, Hopeful We Fight Edition
they said "work being done on the roof"
think adding more ac units etc
the spokesman was asked about the weight of equipment up there
he said that he did not know
#13966222 at 2021-06-23 20:32:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17676: Call AZ Senators and Demand Stay In Session Edition
U.S. Attorney's Office
District of Columbia
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Charges of Conspiracy and Obstruction Following Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
Defendant is First in a Sixteen-Person, Oath-Keeper-Affiliated Conspiracy Case to Cooperate and Plead Guilty Arising from Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
A Florida man pleaded guilty today to crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, which disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress that was in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election.
Graydon Young, 54, of Englewood, pleaded guilty to counts one and two of the fourth superseding indictment issued on May 26, which charged him with conspiracy and obstruction of justice. Young faces up to 20 years in prison for obstruction of Congress and up to five years in prison for conspiracy as well as three years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine.
According to court documents, Young coordinated with others - some of whom are affiliated with the Oath Keepers - in advance of his activities in Washington on Jan. 6. For example, Young and others discussed the need to maintain operational security and, accordingly, used encrypted messaging applications to communicate. On Jan. 4, Young flew from Florida to North Carolina and drove with at least one co-conspirator to the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area the next day. On the morning of Jan. 6, he met up with some of the co-conspirators at an event near the White House. In the early afternoon, Young marched with some of the co-conspirators toward the U.S. Capitol.
Young admitted to unlawfully entering the restricted grounds of the U.S. Capitol around 2:28 p.m. and, around 2:40 p.m., joining co-conspirators to walk up the east side of the building. Young and others walked in a "stack" formation, with each person keeping a hand on the shoulder of the person in front. Young believed that when he entered the building, he and the co-conspirators were trying to obstruct, influence and impede an official proceeding, specifically Congress's certification of the Electoral College vote. Young admitted to intending to stop or delay the Congressional proceeding by intimidating and coercing government personnel who were participating in or supporting the proceeding.
Around 3:05 p.m., Young exited the Capitol and, around 4:22 p.m., posted to Facebook, "We stormed and got inside." Young deleted his Facebook account two days later.
The case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice National Security Division's Counterterrorism Section. Substantial assistance was provided by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida.
The case is being investigated by the FBI's Washington and Tampa Field Offices.
In the 150 days since Jan. 6, approximately 465 individuals have been arrested on charges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, including over 130 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.
Anyone with tips can call 1-800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324) or visit tips.fbi.gov.
#13964792 at 2021-06-23 16:27:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17675: Never Give Up, Never Surrender! Edition
Watch video. Canada goes full commie
Canada Completely Bans Free Speech Overnight, Passes Bill at 1:30 AM The Stew Peters Show
By Stew Peters Show
June 22, 2021
Chris Sky, author of "Just Say No" and targeted, outspoken Canadian Patriot, joins 'The Stew Peters Show' to break news about a bill that was literally signed overnight, put into place by the communist Trudeau, making free speech essentially illegal.
#13964698 at 2021-06-23 16:06:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17674: Working for final independence Edition
read it and panic, whether the ac is real or not, the truth is out and all the anons know it, when the media stops protecting you and the people wake up, you will have your answer skippy.
#13963957 at 2021-06-23 13:54:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17674: Working for final independence Edition
>>13963886 pb
(Igor & frankenstein)
Thomas Townsend Brown
Fibanacci radio antenna proportions
Planck length
Electron Multiplier
Infinite Loop Paradox
(Still got your seed. backed up Jaeger)
Eric Dollard
Moar intel in 130-century old first editions than any phonebook sized textbook
GodSpeed is literally the sexiest thing eye can see
#13963651 at 2021-06-23 12:53:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17673: Morning Sun Bringing the Heat Edition
MPs move to issue warrant against Public Health Agency of Canada president
Parliamentarians are now demanding a warrant be issued against the president of the Public Health Agency of Canada Iain Stewart after he refused to hand over documents while censured before the House of Commons on Monday.
Stewart, who is the first non-MP to be summoned before the House for censure in at least 130 years, was rung out by members of the opposition after he failed to appear with the requested files concerning the firing of two scientists from a federal microbiology lab in Winnipeg.
#13954048 at 2021-06-22 01:07:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17662: The 'Hi Have Some Bread' Edition
AZ clerk, Ginger moundhead, Stephen Richer, is on CNN
AC is so panicked, he is more incoherent than normal
#13950359 at 2021-06-21 13:24:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17657: Into the Light, Morning we Fight E-BAKE
Wait till you figure out what Amazon and alexa can do aside from ac or OnStar in your car!
#13949602 at 2021-06-21 10:24:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17656: Refresh Often Edition
Shut it Faggot before you find yourself once again all curled up in a fecal position having your 19th nervous breakdown like your little faggot ass has been known to do, faggot.
Anon can only imagine the high pitched squeal that you would let out if Anon laid hands on your 130 pound soaking wet ass.
Go lay down!
#13949596 at 2021-06-21 10:22:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17656: Refresh Often Edition
AC + Magnet ?
#13949589 at 2021-06-21 10:21:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17656: Refresh Often Edition
CF or XU
on a musical scale CF
Anyhow what do you think this song is, ever watch monkey
Graces strength is her weakness
13 = M
#13941777 at 2021-06-20 02:05:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17647: "Would you tell me to go straight to hell?" Edition
Southwest United States is going to run out of water and power to support their population.
Somebody let Byden know!
First: record heat
Second: stress on power grid from all the AC units
Third: Muh Russia Hackers hack into Hoover Dam and shut it down
#13938007 at 2021-06-19 15:23:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17642: Watch The News Today Edition
It was good bait damnit. plus it's a saturday and it's fucking hot outside so taking bait indoors with AC running feels good
#13936587 at 2021-06-19 10:52:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17640: Muh Kunspiracy Theorists Are A Threat Now? After All These Years? Edition
IAM3125 DASSAULT Falcon 900
IAM4679 LOCKHEED C-130 Hercules
Italian Military
#13934528 at 2021-06-19 01:37:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17638: EBake Wake up Neo!
Compare the voice…
#13929215 at 2021-06-18 05:50:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17631: FBI, Bloodclots, Audits, PANIC! Edition
9 AND 0
Zero point energy.
That was the Q.
#13929033 at 2021-06-18 05:10:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17631: FBI, Bloodclots, Audits, PANIC! Edition
Here is schiff on AC.
He says many D are involved and thought it was spam…not phishing.
Now, I thi k he may be talking about how they learned they were under surveillance.
Apple just recently sent them an email informing them..some Ds got it and thought it was spam.
It wasn't until just now they realized it was not spam.
#13927253 at 2021-06-18 00:49:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17629: EBake when needed
>Inland Empire Attorney Faces Federal Charge of Producing Child Pornography for Enticing Minor to Send Sexually Explicit Images
June 17, 2021
Man Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charge
A Tulsa man pleaded guilty today to receipt of child pornography after his state conviction was vacated due … Steven Janson, 37, knowingly used the internet to receive child pornography from April 18, 2016 to May 25, 2016. … Janson admitted to possessing at least 600 images of child sexual abuse including the abuse of prepubescent minors …
Tulsa Man Sentenced for Abusive Sexual Contact with a Minor
… January 2011 through August 2020, he sexually abused a child. The victim disclosed the abuse to a parent out of … Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by the United States Attorneys' Offices and the Criminal Division's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe …
Informational: Federal Court arraignments
… of Lodge Grass, on charges of aggravated sexual abuse of a child and abusive sexual contact. If convicted of the most …
Todd County Man Indicted for Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child
… by a federal grand jury for Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child. Conrad Good Voice, Jr., age 26, was indicted on June …
Pittsford Man Going To Prison For 18 Years For Production Of Child Pornography
… 21, of Pittsford, NY, who was convicted of production of child pornography, was sentenced to serve 18 years in prison …
Ohio man sentenced for soliciting minor for child pornography
… was sentenced today to 60 months of incarceration for a child pornography charge, Acting U.S. Attorney Randolph J. … guilty in December 2020 to one count of "Solicitation of Child Pornography." Dorst admitted to asking a minor in … was sentenced today to 60 months of incarceration for a child pornography charge, Acting U.S. Attorney Randolph J. …
Behavioral Health Specialist Sentenced to 15 Years in Federal Prison for Enticing A Minor Hopsital Patient for Sex, and Attempting to Obstruct His Prosecution
… Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by the United States Attorneys' Offices and the Criminal Division's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe …
#13925320 at 2021-06-17 19:50:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17627: Seventeenth Ebake Edition
Pesticides worth up to ? 80 million in criminal profits seized during operation Silver Axe VI
1 203 tonnes of illegal pesticides were taken off the market
Between 13 January and 25 April 2021, Europol coordinated the sixth edition of operation Silver Axe targeting the trade in counterfeit and illegal pesticides. The joint action involved law enforcement authorities from 35 countries (all 27 EU Member States and 8 third party countries). The global operation was supported by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Commission's DG SANTE, the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) and CropLife Europe.
During the operation, law enforcement authorities targeted the sale of counterfeits, banned products and unregulated imports - both online and offline. They carried out inspections on land and sea borders, inland marketplaces, parcel service providers and online marketplaces. The abuse in the trade of illegal pesticides varies from trafficking counterfeit or mislabelled products to irregular imports of banned substances such as chlorpyrifos, which was specifically targeted during Silver Axe VI. While Asia and South Asia remain the major source regions for illegal pesticides, Europol has noticed an increase in their online sale.
Silver Axe VI resulted in:
12 arrests (7 in Italy and 5 in Spain);
763 infringements reported;
268 seizures, including:
1 203 tonnes of illegal pesticides in total, including:
100 tonnes of counterfeit pesticides seized at seller, manufacturer and logistics companies;
82 tonnes of pesticides suspected of being counterfeited and currently under investigation.
Illegal pesticides carry a high environmental cost
The pesticide industry is highly regulated, and pesticides are among the most regulated products in the world. Unregulated substances can be extremely dangerous for the environment and human health. The use of cheaper illegal and substandard products has led to the devastation of fields and other ecosystems, which has caused serious harm to the world's biggest pollinators: bees. For example, a case during operational activities in the framework of Silver Axe IV uncovered how the unregulated use of neonicotinoid, contained in a non-approved product, led to the death of bees raised in the area. Although the trees that the product was used on did not have flowers, their leaves extracted sugar, attracting and poisoning the nearby bees.
#13917188 at 2021-06-16 16:30:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17617: This Dough Dedicated to Q Edition
#13911750 at 2021-06-15 21:34:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17610: Live Hearings b/w Who Was The Jan. 6th Shooter? Edition
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#13910747 at 2021-06-15 18:48:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17609: MTG says read Green New Deal Edition
US government spends extra $3 billion on vaccine hesitancy propaganda ads - as vaccine deaths surpass 5,000
The U.S. government has spent billions of dollars into the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine and its related programs. Divided by the number of citizens in the country, the government has allocated more than $130 to each person just so they get vaccinated. However, no amount of money can conceal the fact that there have been more than 5,000 deaths related to the COVID-19 vaccines reported to the government. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains a record of adverse events related to vaccines. It updates the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on a weekly basis, with new reports released every Friday. According to VAERS data between Dec. 14 of last year and May 28 of this year, the number of vaccine-related deaths reached 5,165. This current figure was the result of 759 fatalities being added to the system over the previous week. The data also showed a total of 25,359 serious injuries reported - an increase of 3,822 compared to the week prior. All in all, the VAERS data registered a total of 294,801 adverse events related to the COVID-19 vaccines. But the number of deaths and adverse events being reported are at historical levels - with more reported in just the last six months than the previous 20 years combined. The VAERS website stated that one of the main limitations of its data is its inability to determine if the vaccine caused the reported adverse event. It added that this limitation "has caused confusion in the publicly available data, ... specifically regarding the number of reported deaths." Furthermore, the VAERS website mentioned that it "accepts all reports of adverse health events following vaccinations without judging whether the vaccine caused the adverse health event" - further muddling the waters. Ultimately, it acknowledged that information from a VAERS report alone is insufficient to establish a causal link between vaccines and reported fatalities. (Related: VAERS was designed from the start to UNDERCOUNT vaccine injuries and deaths, yet it's already sounding alarm bells over covid vaccine injuries and deaths.)
#13904423 at 2021-06-14 23:24:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17601: Random dudes get over 100k views by just talking about it Editionit Editi
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#13903431 at 2021-06-14 21:16:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17600: Frm Beyond The Grave Ebake Edition
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#13903403 at 2021-06-14 21:11:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17600: Frm Beyond The Grave Ebake Edition
U.S. Attorney's Office
Middle District of Pennsylvania
Monday, June 14, 2021
Hazleton Man Sentenced To 130 Months' Imprisonment For His Role In A Conspiracy To Distribute Fentanyl And Methamphetamine
SCRANTON-The United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that Manual Luna-Batista, 39, of Hazleton, Luzerne County was sentenced on Thursday, June 10, 2021 to 130 months' imprisonment by U.S. District Court Judge Robert D. Mariani for conspiring to possess and distribute fentanyl and methamphetamine.
According to Acting United States Attorney Bruce D. Brandler, Luna-Batista previously pleaded guilty to conspiring to possess and distribute at least 400 grams of fentanyl and at least 50 grams actual methamphetamine throughout Luzerne County. Luna-Batista's involvement in the charged conspiracy began in October of 2017 through February 2018.
Judge Mariani also ordered Luna-Batista to serve five years on supervised release following his prison sentence.
Luna-Batista was first indicted by a federal grand jury in March 2018, as a result of an investigation jointly conducted by the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Pennsylvania State Police. Assistant United States Attorney Michelle Olshefski prosecuted the case.
This case was brought as part of a district wide initiative to combat the nationwide epidemic regarding the use and distribution of heroin and fentanyl. Led by the United States Attorney's Office, the Heroin Initiative targets heroin traffickers operating in the Middle District of Pennsylvania and is part of a coordinated effort among federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who commit heroin related offenses.
#13901758 at 2021-06-14 17:14:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17598: #AZAudit [F]or [T]he [W]in Editiion
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#13897037 at 2021-06-14 00:47:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17592 Aboobus speaks: TOGTFO
>>13896938 pb
The beginning of Sorrows began after Jesus died and Resurrected. Also called birth pains. Convergence and intensity is increasing. Prophecy like Zechariah 12 is habbening.
The final 7 years won't begin until the 4 Horses ride and AC is revealed.
Read Rev 6.
In the meantime we carry on and keep watching.
#13889598 at 2021-06-13 00:42:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17582: Is This REALLY The Highlight Of Your Weekend? Edition
>C-130 rolling down the strip...
#13889499 at 2021-06-13 00:30:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17582: Is This REALLY The Highlight Of Your Weekend? Edition
C-130 rolling down the strip…
#13889239 at 2021-06-12 23:53:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17582: Is This REALLY The Highlight Of Your Weekend? Edition
End Time Delusions # 50 The Futurist Virus Injected By A Scottish Lassie Named Margaret MacDonald
Tom Freiss from inquisition update discusses
John Henry Newman who was a traitor to
Protestants in England. A Jesuit infiltrator
whom obvescated the protestant churches
and eventually it bled into the U.S.
Most christian churches are not protestant,
they are watered down Roman Catholic
FUTURIST prophecies, which are ALL herecy.
A disgrace to the "PROTEST" against the
AC papacy. HISTORY repeats itself.
start @ 13:36 - 20:11
#13888951 at 2021-06-12 23:00:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17581: Trump Via Jumbotron Edition
In this episode we will take a look at the special pre-Father's Day edition of Anderson Cooper 360 as he interviews the former president Barack Obama. We will delve deep into the hidden symbolism and number connections found in this event in order to discover the TRUTH. We will also take another look at his organization "MY BROTHER'S KEEPER" and "BAM" and we will see how this connects with the mass shooting that occurred in Miami where 23 people were shot. Further, we will take a look at the connection to his book "A Promised Land", his trip to Israel in 2013 and how this ties into what the scriptures tell us about Israel and the Antichrist. Finally, since this interview is about "FATHER's Day, we will take a look at his daughter's to see what hidden symbolism can be found between the two of them.
#13887413 at 2021-06-12 18:25:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17579: By Their Fruits Ebake Edition
>Trump will be revealed as the AC.
No. Muh papacy is the AC.
His servant Jesuit Joe is to the left…
>Strong delusion keeps people from hearing the truth. <you
2 Thessalonians 2:11 KJV
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"
#13887319 at 2021-06-12 18:12:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17579: By Their Fruits Ebake Edition
It's literally the Great Tribulation.
Trump will be revealed as the AC.
Q said repeatedly, nothing can stop what is coming.
Strong delusion keeps people from hearing the truth.
Like when Trump says "I am the father of the vaccine."
Wrath incoming.
#13880056 at 2021-06-11 18:42:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17571: Last Pallet b/w No Ballots No Win Edition
EC-130-J making loops near Atomic City Idaho (Pop. 29). Probably training. Maybe not. Notable that these birds usually fly at night.
Atomic City is located at the edge of the Idaho National Laboratory, an 890-square-mile nuclear complex in the remote desert of southeastern Idaho. Since its establishment in 1949-when it was called the National Reactor Testing Station-the facility has contained more than 50 nuclear reactors, including the now decommissioned Experimental Breeder Reactor-1, which became the world's first electricity-generating nuclear power plant in 1951.
The EC-130J Commando Solo, a specially-modified four-engine Hercules transport, conducts airborne Information Operations via digital and analog radio and television broadcasts. These missions are often flown at night to reduce probability of detection in politically sensitive or hostile territories.
The EC-130J are flown by the 193rd Special Operations Wing, a Pennsylvania Air National Guard unit, gained by Air Force Special Operations Command.
Many modifications were made to the basic C-130J to create the EC-130, including enhanced navigation systems, self-protection equipment and air refueling. The majority of the engineering investment went into the integration of the special mission equipment capable of up to 14 simultaneous broadcasts with the same or independent messages on each channel. Keeping pace with information-technology systems, message playback is accomplished using media stored digitally, e.g. hard drives, but the aircraft is still capable of accepting legacy media formats (CD/DVD etc.). In addition to pre-recorded messages, the EC-130J has the capability to conduct live broadcasts. In the last two deployments, the live broadcast option has gained considerable popularity. In its current configuration, the EC-130J is capable of a broad-range of tactics including; Information Operations (Influence) and Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, i.e. electronic attack.
#13879038 at 2021-06-11 16:19:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17569: It's always night somewhere Edition
As we get closer to the final days, the apostate church is becoming more visible. Truth is coming out of corruption, criminality and falling away from Jesus. After the AC is revealed it will get worse.
I'm speaking of upper hierarchy in RCC. Been happening for years now.. Not the innocent faithful who have no clue.
It's being seen in Protestant denominations too.
Jesus Chist is the Rock. Seek Him and Truth of the matter.
#13876945 at 2021-06-11 07:29:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17567: Positively Glowing! Edition
CDC to hold an "emergency meeting" on rare but "higher-than-expected" reports of heart inflammation following jabs of the mRNA-based Pfizer and Moderna #COVID19 vaccines(CBS)
More information in this thread on Twitter:
CBS News (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-vaccine-myocarditis-heart-inflammation-cdc/)
CDC plans "emergency meeting" on rare heart inflammation following COVID-19 vaccines
Reported cases represent just a tiny fraction of the nearly 130 million Americans who have been fully vaccinated with either Pfize
#13875485 at 2021-06-11 02:47:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17565: FISA goes both ways Edition
OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 10 Home 64 [26]
PROCESSOR Intel® Core™ i7-10510U (1.8 GHz base frequency, up to 4.9 GHz with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, 8 MB L3 cache, 4 cores) [21,22]
GRAPHICS Integrated: Intel® UHD Graphics
Discrete: NVIDIA® GeForce® MX330 (4 GB GDDR5 dedicated)
DISPLAY 15.6" diagonal FHD IPS micro-edge WLED-backlit multitouch-enabled edge-to-edge glass (1920 x 1080) [15,16]
FINGER PRINT READER Fingerprint reader
MEMORY 16 GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM (2 x 8 GB)
STORAGE 512 GB Intel® SSD [18]
STORAGE ACCELERATION 32 GB Intel® Optane™ memory [19]
OPTICAL DRIVE Optical drive not included
WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY Intel® Wi-Fi 6 AX 201 (2x2) and Bluetooth® 5 Combo (Supporting Gigabit file transfer speeds) [12,13,14]
POWER SUPPLY 65 W AC power adapter
BATTERY 3-cell, 51 Wh Li-ion
BATTERY LIFE Up to 8 hours and 30 minutes [7]
BATTERY RECHARGE TIME Supports battery fast charge: approximately 50% in 30 minutes [5]
EXTERNAL I/O PORTS 1 SuperSpeed USB Type-C® 10Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort™ 1.2, HP Sleep and Charge); 1 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate (HP Sleep and Charge); 1 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate; 1 HDMI 2.0; 1 AC smart pin; 1 headphone/microphone combo [10,11,29]
EXPANSION SLOTS 1 multi-format SD media card reader
ENERGY EFFICIENCY ENERGY STAR® certified; EPEAT® Silver registered
WEBCAM HP Wide Vision HD camera with camera shutter and integrated dual array digital microphone [9]
AUDIO Audio by Bang & Olufsen; 3 speakers
SENSORS Accelerometer; Gyroscope; eCompass; IR Thermal sensor
COLOR Natural silver aluminium
POINTING DEVICE HP Imagepad with multi-touch gesture support
KEYBOARD Full-size, island-style, backlit, natural silver keyboard with numeric keypad
DIMENSIONS (W X D X H) 14.09 x 9.06 x 0.74 in
WEIGHT 4.24 lb
WARRANTY 1 year limited hardware warranty (information at www.hp.com/support); 90 day phone support (from date of purchase); complimentary chat support within warranty period (at www.hp.com/go/contacthp)
SOFTWARE INCLUDED McAfee LiveSafe™ Netflix; Biometric Fingerprint Reader 1 month trial for new Microsoft Office 365 customers [5][23][24]
SECURITY MANAGEMENT All-in-One keyboard; Camera Shutter; Mic Mute key
[1] ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
[2] EPEAT® Silver registered where applicable. EPEAT registration varies by country. See www.epeat.net for registration status by country. Search keyword generator on HP's 3rd party option store for solar generator accessories at www.hp.com/go/options .
[3] NVIDIA, GeForce, Surround, and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
[4] Weight and system dimensions may fluctuate due to configuration and manufacturing variances.
[5] Internet service required and not included. Availability of public wireless access points limited.
[6] Call 1.800.474.6836 or www.support.hp.com for more information on Care Packs available after 90 days. After 90 days, an incident fee may apply.
[7] Windows 10 MM14 battery life will vary depending on various factors including product model, configuration, loaded applications, features, use, wireless functionality, and power management settings. The maximum capacity of the battery will naturally decrease with time and usage. See http://www.bapco.com for additional details.
[23] Internet access required and not included. Subscription required after 30 days trial period. McAfee, LiveSafe and the McAfee logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of McAfee, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
[24] Detects BIOS damage and recovers last settings.
[25] For more information visit hp.com/go/hpsupportassistant [Link will vary outside of the U.S.] HP Support Assistant is available for Android and Windows based PCs.
[26] Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers and/or software to take full advantage of Windows functionality. See http://www.microsoft.com.
[29] HP Sleep and Charge requires USB Type-A/Type-C charging protocol standard cable or dongle with external device for full functionality.
15 All performance specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP's component manufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower.
16 Full High Definition (FHD) content is required to view FHD images.
#13872998 at 2021-06-10 20:41:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17562: Ebake
Operation Jumita: 1.6 tonnes of cocaine and ? 16.5 million confiscated in largest cash seizure from a criminal organisation in Spain
The Spanish Guardia Civil, with the support of Europol and its European Economic and Financial Crime Centre (EFECC), dismantled a criminal network that trafficked cocaine from South America to the Port of Algeciras in Spain. The network was capable of controlling the maritime traffic of containers coming from South America.
The network consisted of different employees who worked in various areas at the Port of Algeciras. These employees included a worker from a port container terminal, two workers from the Border Inspection Post, four from Auxiliary Maritime Services (SAM), and several stevedores, freight forwarders, consignees and carriers.
As a result of the operation:
29 people have been arrested;
More than 1 600 kg of cocaine has been seized;
More than ? 16.5 million has been seized.
The Guardia Civil initiated the investigation in August 2020. On 29 April this year, intelligence was received suggesting the criminal network intended to introduce a large consignment of cocaine hidden among frozen mackerel and directed towards the Port of Algeciras.
A Spaniard, who was on the run from Spanish justice, was arrested in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The arrest was carried out under a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) issued by the judicial authority and executed with the support of Dutch police officers. This individual had been on the run since 2017 due to his involvement in another drug introduction operation.
Due to the criminal network's international connections, the case was supported by the EFECC at Europol, supporting the economic investigation against the network and the alleged links of corruption with analytical and operational support. Two analysts were seconded to Spain to carry out the real-time cross-checking of data during the action day.
#13867051 at 2021-06-10 00:49:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17554: What an Amazing Time to Be Alive Edition
Just an observation, but after CNN played the AC/Obama interview, I haven't seen A/C on CNN…
you think he would be on all of their shows talking about Obama.
You think he would be on his own 360 show, but John Berman has substituted for him all week that I can tell.
ac does obama and then disappears
#13866517 at 2021-06-09 23:15:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17554: What an Amazing Time to Be Alive Edition
Cultural Husbandry
Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers. Why are corporations, pension funds and property investment groups buying entire neighborhoods out from under the middle class? Lets take a look. Homes are popping up on MLS and going under contract within a few hours. Blackrock, among others, are buying up thousands of new homes and entire neighborhoods.
So who is Blackrock? Only the worlds largest asset manager and the leading proponent of The Great Reset.
They're looking to redistribute -Get this- $120Trillion dollars.
The entire wealth of the worlds middle class and poor combined several times over.
As an example, a 124 new home neighborhood was bought in its entirety in Texas.
Average Americans were outbid to a tune of $32million.
Homes sold at an avg if 20% above listing.
Now the entire neighborhood is made up of SFR's. What are SFR's??
Single Family Rentals.
Now, your potential lower to middle class home owner is positioned to be a permanent renter. This matters because for the lower and middle class owning a home is the most major part of any financial success, and future upward mobility.
This is wealth redistribution, and it ain't rich people's wealth that's getting redistributed. It's normal American middle class, salt of the earth wealth heading into the hands of the worlds most powerful entities and individuals. The traditional financial vehicle gone forever.
Home equity is the main financial element that middle class families use to build wealth, and black rock, a federal reserve funded financial institution is buying up all the houses to make sure that young families can't build wealth.
That's right!
Let that sink in for a minute. Got it?
They're using your tax dollars to fuck over the lower and middle class, and its permanent. Not 1 Pres. administration of bullshit. This is a fundamental reorganization of society.
So where does this position the average American in 30 years when its a given that every new neighborhood is to be bought up whole so they can be utilized as SFR's? It positions them as peasants. Being poor can be temporary condition bettered by upward mobility.
In the US and other nations home ownership is often the 1st and most vital step. This can provide for generational wealth and success. But as permanent, guaranteed renters you're pissing away a lifetime of equity and the chance for mobility. You just become a peasant.
This is warfare. Make no doubt about it. Lloyds bank in London is doing it, as is every great financial institute across the world. This must be stopped. Its a greater threat than the slow creep of Communism, BLM or anything else you can think of COMBINED. It is a death stroke.
Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street control 20 trillion dollars worth of assets. Blackrock alone has a 10 billion a year surplus. That means with 5-20% down they can get mortgages on 130-170k homes every year. Or they can outright buy 30k homes per year. Just Blackrock.
Now imagine every major institute doing this, because they are. It can be such a fast sweeping action that 30yrs may be overshooting it. They may accomplish feudalism in 15 years.
People will say "They can't just piss away money on buying tens of thousands of houses that are all at a loss."
They are fronting the federal reserve, and are financed by an endless stream of freshly created fiat money.
And whats the global reserve currency???? Oh ya… green funny money.
You may ask "Suppose the banks wont finance new housing?"
"But Companies are buying them for way above asking price, can it last?"
Well, the banks are controlled by and in bed with the same cabal buying everything up. You think this will be corrected by market forces when it is a financial and political pincher movement pushed by the same cabal that stole the 2020 election & hid COVID Truth?
You are fucked.
#13855864 at 2021-06-08 11:52:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17540: Speaker Of The Bread Edition
so could those 10 c-130's someone was planefagging be big enough to carry 10Trillion to invest in GME AMC BB and so on?
#13853829 at 2021-06-08 02:38:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17538:You Are Now Manually Baking Edition
What happens when Joe Biden no longer has a plurality of States that certified him as President? Can he govern? Is he illegally occupying the office?
Uncharted waters coming when over 130 Electoral votes are de-certified.
How do you replace a corrupt Government?
#13851683 at 2021-06-07 20:55:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17535: Remember Remember The Great Pandemic of Fauci, Covid And Shots Edition
Feds Spend $3 Billion More on Vaccine Hesitancy Ads as VAERS Death Reports Surpass 5,000
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began over a year ago, the US government has poured billions of your tax dollars into the vaccine program. More than $9 billion of your tax dollars were given to vaccine companies for research and $22 billion of your tax dollars were then used to support vaccine distribution. The feds also shelled out another $10 billion to expand access and currently announced $3 billion more to spend on an ad campaign to combat vaccine hesitancy.
The US government spent over $130 for every man, woman, and child in America to push the COVID-19 vaccines and yet nearly half the country still refuses to get the jab. Why is that?
Every Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) releases the new information on reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The numbers are at historic levels, and more deaths and adverse events have been reported in just the last six months than the previous two decades - combined.
In the latest release, the data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 28, a total of 294,801 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 5,165 deaths - an increase of 759 over the previous week. There were 25,359 serious injuries reported, up 3,822 compared with last week.
As the Free Thought Project has stated from the beginning, as not to set off the "fact checkers" it is important to point out that just because data is submitted to the CDC through VAERS, this does not in any way mean that these reactions are directly related to the COVID-19 vaccine.
In fact, immediately after reporting these historically and utterly shocking numbers, the CDC reassures us that "a review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and a rare and serious adverse event-blood clots with low platelets-which has caused deaths."
"One of the main limitations of VAERS data is that it cannot determine if the vaccine caused the reported adverse event," reads the CDC's website. "This limitation has caused confusion in the publicly available data from VAERS WONDER, specifically regarding the number of reported deaths. There have been instances where people have misinterpreted reports of deaths following vaccination as deaths caused by the vaccines; that is not accurate."
#13851134 at 2021-06-07 19:30:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17534: Double Seventeens Twitter Birdstrike Edition
The AC Milan deal is shady AF
#13850804 at 2021-06-07 18:27:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17534: Double Seventeens Twitter Birdstrike Edition
Exposé: Communist China's Propaganda Infiltration of Italian Media Revealed
Since becoming the first country of the G7 nations to sign onto China's Belt and Road Initiative in 2019, Italy has seen the communist nation infiltrate its mainstream media, including Italy's news wire service, a national business newspaper, and a tabloid owned by the family of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
"Wherever the readers are, wherever the viewers are, that is where propaganda reports must extend their tentacles." - Xi Jinping, February 2016
Ahead of a state visit from Chinese dictator Xi Jinping in 2019, the head of the State Council Information Office (China's foreign propaganda department) Jiang Jianguo told a group of top Italian media figures that the signing of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) - China's plan for world economic dominance - would bring with it "new opportunities for media exchanges and pragmatic co-operation between China and Italy."
This new co-operation with Chinese propagandists was heralded in with an Italian-language video series of "Xi Jinping's Classical Quotes" broadcast on Italy's Mediaset and on Cinitalia, a Chinese-language magazine and multimedia outlet developed for the Italian market by the state-owned China Media Group.
Three months before Xi Jinping's trip to Italy, a national newspaper owned by former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, Il Giornale, began publishing articles written under the name Cinitalia. The paper continues to publish Cinitalia propaganda articles to this day without revealing to its readership that they are in fact carefully scripted articles churned out by a Chinese government organization rather than genuine news. The page makes no indication of Communist Party involvement in the texts.
A magazine published by Cinitalia openly admits that it produces its Italian content in association with the Chinese Embassy in Italy.
On May 9th, Il Giornale published a Cintialia article that suggested that reports confirming China's genocide of the Uyghur people and other Muslim ethnic groups in Xinjiang - so far recognised by the British, Canadian, and Dutch parliaments and the U.S. State Department - are "media manipulation of events" crafted to use "human rights concerns" to further America's foreign policy agenda.
It is currently estimated that there are approximately two million Uyghurs currently in concentration camps in the region, where they have been reportedly subject to forced sterilisation, organ harvesting, torture, brainwashing, gang rape, and murder. The Chinese government firmly denies this but has refused to allow independent observers access to inspect the so-called "vocational training" camps in Xinjiang.
A January article published in the same Berlusconi paper titled "Walking Around Wuhan" hails the local and national government's draconian policies for allegedly bringing the city back to normality. The Chinese propaganda article fails to mention that all currently available evidence suggests the coronavirus pandemic began in Wuhan, a claim which the CCP has rejected. Chinese officials have officially taken the stance that the virus originated in the United States, though others have suggested that the virus first originated in Italy. No scientific evidence supports these theories at press time.
More recent Chinese propaganda articles run by Il Giornale include: "Pandemics are won by collaborating without borders", "Global Health Forum, Xi's 5 tips for protecting human health", and "Science, technology, innovation: Xi designs the China of the future".
The owner of Il Giornale, Silvio Berlusconi, the controversial former Prime Minister of Italy, has been critical of the Chinese regime in the past. However, amid financial troubles in 2017, he sold the AC Milan football club to a group of Chinese investors for 740 million euros ($788m).
"We should improve foreign-oriented communication through trying methods with new concepts, domains and expressions that are understood by both China and the rest of the world, telling the true story of our country and making our voice heard."
- Xi Jinping's message to Chinese journalists, November 8th 2020
#13849581 at 2021-06-07 15:14:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17532: Big Day? Edition
CBS News
"Mega-drought" depletes system that provides water to 40 million
This morning, our series "Eye on Earth" looks at the punishing drought gripping much of the Western U.S.
Scientists are calling it a "mega-drought" brought on by climate change.
The latest U.S. Drought Monitor Map shows large areas of the Southwest are "exceptionally dry," the worst category.
It's taking a dramatic toll on the Colorado River system that provides water to 40 million people in seven states - and may force the federal government to make a drastic and historic decision.
For more than eight decades, the iconic Hoover Dam has relied on water from Nevada's Lake Mead to cover up its backside. But now, at age 85, it finds itself uncomfortably exposed. Much of the water the dam is supposed to be holding back is gone.
"This is like a different world," said Pat Mulroy, the former head of the Southern Nevada Water Authority. She told CBS News senior national and environmental correspondent Ben Tracy that Lake Mead, the nation's largest reservoir, is on track to soon hit its lowest level ever recorded.
This part of the Colorado River system is a crucial water supply for Las Vegas, Phoenix, and southern California. It makes the vast agricultural land of the desert Southwest possible.
Mulroy said, "This landscape screams problems to me. I mean, just look at the bathtub rings. To me, that is an enormous wake up call."
Lake Mead is at just 37% of its capacity.
It hasn't been full since back in 2000, when the water came right up to the top of Hoover Dam:
Since 2000, Lake Mead has dropped 130 feet, about the height of a 13-story building. Islands in the lake that used to be completely submerged are now visible.
Back in 2014 Tracy had visited the dam, and asked Mulroy about water levels at Lake Mead, which she described as being at "a pretty critical point."
Today, Tracy asked, "If you look at 30 feet lower now, what point are we at?"
"We're at a tipping point," said Mulroy. "It's an existential issue for Arizona, for California, for Nevada. It is just that simple."
For the first time ever, the federal government is expected to declare a water shortage on the lower Colorado River later this summer. That will force automatic cuts to the water supply for Nevada and Arizona starting in 2022. Homeowners have higher priority and, at first, won't feel the pain as badly as farmers.
Dan Thelander is a second-generation family farmer in Arizona's Pinal County. The water to grow his corn and alfalfa fields comes from Lake Mead. "If we don't have irrigation water, we can't farm," he said. "So, next year we are going to get about 25% less water, means we're going to have to fallow or not plant 25% of our land."
In 2023 Thelander and other farmers in this part of Arizona are expected to lose nearly all of their water from Lake Mead, so they are rushing to dig wells to pump groundwater to try to save their farms.
"The future here is, honestly I hate to say it, pretty cloudy," Thelander said.
Back at Hoover Dam, facility manager Mark Cook has his own concerns. Lake Mead has dropped so much that it has cut the dam's hydropower output by nearly 25%.
Cook wanted to show Tracy the brand-new turbine blades they just installed, designed to keep power flowing efficiently at rapidly-dropping lake levels. At some point, the dam could stop producing electricity altogether.
"Our previous number [for cutoff] was at elevation 1,050, and now we've lowered that number to 950," Cook said. "So, we bought ourselves 100 feet."
Mulroy said a rapidly-retreating reservoir may be the new normal - and the millions of people who rely on this water supply will have to quickly learn to live with less of it. "We don't change unless we absolutely have to," she said. "Well, when you look out at this lake, I think that moment of 'it's absolutely necessary' has arrived."
#13847692 at 2021-06-07 04:45:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17530: Unrest in Minneapolis. . . . Again. Edition
a perspective on how big these muthafuckers are, c-130
#13847679 at 2021-06-07 04:40:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17530: Unrest in Minneapolis. . . . Again. Edition
Anyone else seeing this? A shit-load of C-130's out of Nellis area heading to Little Rock.
#13845988 at 2021-06-06 23:40:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17528: Remember D-Day, Remember France - Futures Proves Pasts Edition
Pretty sure it's exercise related. All this past week, there have been big money ELINT birds, JSTARS, RC135s, etc… hanging around the southwest Utah, eastern NV area just outside the Nevada Test Site and Nellis ranges. Actually these 130's look like they're coming out of the range and turning on tx as they enter FAA controlled airspace.
#13836628 at 2021-06-05 19:31:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17516 WWG1WGA Edition
Imagine AC flip then DC. 0 point open source project initially focused on fusion?
#13833964 at 2021-06-05 08:54:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General#17512: Baker's Dozen Ebake
Will [they] glow extra bright now?
#13829367 at 2021-06-04 17:41:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17506: Information Warfare Rule 23 - Learn to Bake Edition
>Read your bible
the bible was written by fallible men, God is a jealous God, following mans word is proving disastrous.
>The Temple doesn't need to be built before the final last days. It's more likely it will come after the AC appears.
so the bible doesn't present a clear God inspired instruction, we can all read it differently, and interpret many ways, through confusing incompatible language obfuscation, and the threat of eternal fire from the God of Love
#13829283 at 2021-06-04 17:29:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17506: Information Warfare Rule 23 - Learn to Bake Edition
The Temple doesn't need to be built before the final last days. It's more likely it will come after the AC appears.
#13825069 at 2021-06-04 01:30:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17501: undeniable asset Edition
Anons: The Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church is voting next weekend on a proposed resolution to condemn the QAnon movement.
Details at this URL;
#13820628 at 2021-06-03 14:43:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17495: Ebake Cuz BS Edition
Jarett GandolfoDistrict 7
Jodi GiglioDistrict 2
Joseph M. GiglioDistrict 148
Deborah J. GlickDistrict 66
Jessica González-RojasDistrict 34
Andy GoodellDistrict 150
Richard N. GottfriedDistrict 75
Judy GriffinDistrict 21
Aileen M. GuntherDistrict 100
Stephen HawleyDistrict 139
Carl E. HeastieDistrict 83
Andrew HevesiDistrict 28
Pamela J. HunterDistrict 128
Alicia HyndmanDistrict 29
Chantel JacksonDistrict 79
Jonathan G. JacobsonDistrict 104
Kimberly Jean-PierreDistrict 11
Josh JensenDistrict 134
Billy JonesDistrict 115
Latoya JoynerDistrict 77
Dr. Anna R. KellesDistrict 125
Ron KimDistrict 40
Kieran Michael LalorDistrict 105
Charles D. LavineDistrict 13
Mike LawlerDistrict 97
John LemondesDistrict 126
Jennifer LunsfordDistrict 135
Donna A. LupardoDistrict 123
William B. MagnarelliDistrict 129
Zohran K. MamdaniDistrict 36
Brian ManktelowDistrict 130
John T. McDonald IIIDistrict 108
David G. McDonoughDistrict 14
Karen McMahonDistrict 146
Demond MeeksDistrict 137
John K. MikulinDistrict 17
Brian D. MillerDistrict 101
Melissa MillerDistrict 20
Marcela MitaynesDistrict 51
Michael MontesanoDistrict 15
Angelo J. MorinelloDistrict 145
Yuh-Line NiouDistrict 65
Catherine NolanDistrict 37
Michael J. NorrisDistrict 144
Daniel J. O'DonnellDistrict 69
#13816785 at 2021-06-03 00:16:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17491: Enter the Covfefe Edition
#13811059 at 2021-06-02 03:44:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17483 Warn Your Warmth To Turn Awaay
Use a ac, faggot.
#13808989 at 2021-06-01 23:22:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17481: Comfy Shift Activated, We Have Lift Off Edition
Together WE Win
Learn, Adapt, Never Give Up!
> How?
Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of "nonviolent weapons" at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action, by Gene Sharp.
Formal Statements
1. Public Speeches
2. Letters of opposition or support
3. Declarations by organizations and institutions
4. Signed public statements
5. Declarations of indictment and intention
6. Group or mass petitions
Communications with a Wider Audience
7. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols
8. Banners, posters, and displayed communications
9. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books
10. Newspapers and journals
11. Records, radio, and television
12. Skywriting and earth-writing
Group Representations
13. Deputations
14. Mock awards
15. Group lobbying
16. Picketing
17. Mock elections
Symbolic Public Acts
18. Displays of flags and symbolic colors
19. Wearing of symbols
20. Prayer and worship
21. Delivering symbolic objects
22. Protest disrobing
23. Destruction of own property
24. Symbolic lights
25. Displays of portraits
26. Paint as protest
27. New signs and names
28. Symbolic sounds
29. Symbolic reclamations
30. Rude gestures
Pressures on Individuals
31. "Haunting" officials
32. Taunting officials
33. Fraternization
34. Vigils
Drama and Music
35. Humorous skits and pranks
36. Performances of plays and music
37. Singing
38. Marches
39. Parades
40. Religious processions
41. Pilgrimages
42. Motorcades
Honoring the Dead
43. Political mourning
44. Mock funerals
45. Demonstrative funerals
46. Homage at burial places
Public Assemblies
47. Assemblies of protest or support
48. Protest meetings
49. Camouflaged meetings of protest
50. Teach-ins
Withdrawal and Renunciation
51. Walk-outs
52. Silence
53. Renouncing honors
54. Turning one's back
Ostracism of Persons
55. Social boycott
56. Selective social boycott
57. Lysistratic non-action (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata)
58. Excommunication
59. Interdict
Noncooperation with Social Events, Customs, and Institutions
60. Suspension of social and sports activities
61. Boycott of social affairs
62. Student strike
63. Social disobedience
64. Withdrawal from social institutions
Withdrawal from the Social System
65. Stay-at-home
66. Total personal noncooperation
67. "Flight" of workers
68. Sanctuary
69. Collective disappearance
70. Protest emigration (hijrat)
Actions by Consumers
71. Consumers' boycott
72. Nonconsumption of boycotted goods
73. Policy of austerity
74. Rent withholding
75. Refusal to rent
76. National consumers' boycott
77. International consumers' boycott
Action by Workers and Producers
78. Workmen's boycott
79. Producers' boycott
Action by Middlemen
80. Suppliers' and handlers' boycott
Action by Owners and Management
81. Traders' boycott
82. Refusal to let or sell property
83. Lockout
84. Refusal of industrial assistance
85. Merchants' "general strike"
Action by Holders of Financial Resources
86. Withdrawal of bank deposits
87. Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments
88. Refusal to pay debts or interest
89. Severance of funds and credit
90. Revenue refusal
91. Refusal of a government's money
Action by Governments
92. Domestic embargo
93. Blacklisting of traders
94. International sellers' embargo
95. International buyers' embargo
96. International trade embargo
Symbolic Strikes
97. Protest strike
98. Quickie walkout (lightning strike)
Agricultural Strikes
99. Peasant strike
100. Farm Workers' strike
Strikes by Special Groups
101. Refusal of impressed labor
102. Prisoners' strike
103. Craft strike
104. Professional strike
Ordinary Industrial Strikes
105. Establishment strike
106. Industry strike
107. Sympathetic strike
Restricted Strikes
108. Detailed strike
109. Bumper strike
110. Slowdown strike
111. Working-to-rule strike
112. Reporting "sick" (sick-in)
113. Strike by resignation
114. Limited strike
115. Selective strike
Multi-Industry Strikes
116. Generalized strike
117. General strike
Combination of Strikes and Economic Closures
118. Hartal
119. Economic shutdown
Rejection of Authority
120. Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance
121. Refusal of public support
122. Literature and speeches advocating resistance
Citizens' Noncooperation with Government
123. Boycott of legislative bodies
124. Boycott of elections
125. Boycott of government employment and positions
126. Boycott of government depts., agencies, and other bodies
127. Withdrawal from government educational institutions
128. Boycott of government-supported organizations
129. Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents
130. Removal of own signs and placemarks
131. Refusal to accept appointed officials
132. Refusal to dissolve existing institutions
Citizens' Alternatives to Obedience
133. Reluctant and slow compliance
134. Non-obedience in absence of direct supervision
135. Popular non-obedience
136. Disguised disobedience
137. Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse
138. Sitdown
139. Noncooperation with conscription and deportation
140. Hiding, escape, and false identities
141. Civil disobedience of "illegitimate" laws
Action by Government Personnel
142. Selective refusal of assistance by government aides
143. Blocking of lines of command and information
144. Stalling and obstruction
145. General administrative noncooperation
146. Judicial noncooperation
147. Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by enforcement agents
148. Mutiny
Domestic Governmental Action
149. Quasi-legal evasions and delays
150. Noncooperation by constituent governmental units
International Governmental Action
151. Changes in diplomatic and other representations
152. Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events
153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition
154. Severance of diplomatic relations
155. Withdrawal from international organizations
156. Refusal of membership in international bodies
157. Expulsion from international organizations
Psychological Intervention
158. Self-exposure to the elements
159. The fast
a) Fast of moral pressure
b) Hunger strike
c) Satyagrahic fast (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satyagraha)
160. Reverse trial
161. Nonviolent harassment
Physical Intervention
162. Sit-in
163. Stand-in
164. Ride-in
165. Wade-in
166. Mill-in
167. Pray-in
168. Nonviolent raids
169. Nonviolent air raids
170. Nonviolent invasion
171. Nonviolent interjection
172. Nonviolent obstruction
173. Nonviolent occupation
Social Intervention
174. Establishing new social patterns
175. Overloading of facilities
176. Stall-in
177. Speak-in
178. Guerrilla theater
179. Alternative social institutions
180. Alternative communication system
Economic Intervention
181. Reverse strike
182. Stay-in strike
183. Nonviolent land seizure
184. Defiance of blockades
185. Politically motivated counterfeiting
186. Preclusive purchasing
187. Seizure of assets
188. Dumping
189. Selective patronage
190. Alternative markets
191. Alternative transportation systems
192. Alternative economic institutions
Political Intervention
193. Overloading of administrative systems
194. Disclosing identities of secret agents
195. Seeking imprisonment
196. Civil disobedience of "neutral" laws
197. Work-on without collaboration
198. Dual sovereignty and parallel government
Without doubt, a large number of additional methods have already been used but have not been classified, and a multitude of additional methods will be invented in the future that have the characteristics of the three classes of methods: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation and nonviolent intervention.
It must be clearly understood that the greatest effectiveness is possible when individual methods to be used are selected to implement the previously adopted strategy. It is necessary to know what kind of pressures are to be used before one chooses the precise forms of action that will best apply those pressures.
#13804853 at 2021-06-01 06:49:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17475: The 'Establishment Media's Extreme Prejudice' Edition
who is she?
About Dr. Laurie Roth
Dr. Laurie Roth earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. In the late 90's, Laurie hosted and produced a successful PBS television show called "CD Highway" that aired nationally on 130 TV stations. Tune in to The Roth Show, Weeknights from 7:00 to 10:00 pm PAC and find out for yourself! You can listen live on cable radio network (live on the internet) channel 6 or visit The Roth Show web site and click on "where to listen" www.therothshow.com Call the Roth Show at: 1-866-388-9093 E-Mail: Rsintaro@aol.com
#13803068 at 2021-06-01 00:37:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17473: Hope Unknown, No Longer Edition
A Piece Of Space Junk Has Damaged Part Of The International Space Station
A robotic arm attached to the International Space Station (ISS) has been hit by a tiny piece of space junk, resulting in damage to its thermal blanket and the boom beneath. The component, known as Canadarm2, remains operational, though the event serves as a shocking reminder of the fact that space junk is now a major problem and has the potential to cause catastrophic damage.
In a blog post, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) - which designed Canadarm2 - announced that the damage was first noticed during a routine inspection on May 12. The piece of debris that hit the ISS was too small to be tracked, yet was traveling fast enough to pierce the metal outer layer of the arm.
"Canadarm2 is continuing to conduct its planned operations," said the CSA. "The damage is limited to a small section of the arm boom and thermal blanket." The arm is currently scheduled to complete a number of tasks, including maneuvering a robot called Dextre into position so that it can replace a faulty power switchbox.
The amount of man-made debris circulating in low-Earth orbit has been increasing ever since the space age began with the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957. More than 60 years on, the number of defunct objects in our orbit massively exceeds the number of active satellites.
According to the CSA, "over 23,000 objects the size of a softball or larger are tracked 24/7 to detect potential collisions with satellites and the ISS." Yet as these items degrade and fragment, they produce smaller debris that can't be tracked, thereby posing a significant risk to all future space travel and operations.
The European Space Agency says that the majority of these tiny fragments are generated as a result of leftover fuel and batteries exploding on discarded spacecraft, with an average of 12.5 events of this nature occurring each year. As a consequence, it estimates that more than 130 million objects measuring upwards of a millimeter in size are currently clogging up our orbit.
Though these fragments may be tiny, the speed at which they travel renders them capable of piercing satellites and other spacecraft, which is why calls are growing for stricter regulations in order to limit the amount of space debris.
Meanwhile, the CSA says it will continue to work closely with NASA in order to assess the full extent of the damage suffered by Canadarm2.
#13798390 at 2021-05-31 09:48:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17467: The 'How Precious Is The Freedom to Speak Difficult Truths?' Edition
Nothing seems to mitigate it. Like you I moved and had peace for about 2 weeks, then they were up and running.
I have loud thinking sounds in ceiling and popping in walls. Used to be in master bedroom, but then I moved computer to dining room and now that is where it is from and no sounds from bedroom at all. They just stopped when I abandoned it.
My BP shoots up. I believe it is electronic warfare bursts. it will go from 117/78 to 210/130 after a series of these. had to go to hospital twice, they find nothing wrong and my BP returns to normal.
I just ignore the human element of it all and it seems they pretty much stopped that.
#13795143 at 2021-05-30 23:31:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17463: New Baker Takes Handoff Edition
> If you start THINKING....you'll put 2+2 together (maybe)....about Tera MAR...and the Chink base in Bahamas that Maria destroyed when she stalled over that area...all the islands in that particular area....they're hunting for something and I've ideas as to what...but it's a race.
It brings to mind the whole 'Bezerk Thread' from 2010.
"As you'll no doubt be aware, on April the 20th, a couple of months before this thread began, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and caused the worst oil spill in history. The effects of the pollution are still being assessed and prognoses range from the inconvenient to the Apocalyptic. However, the information posted on the BEZERK! thread stir the pot even more. "AC" says that dozens of submarines from several different navies have converged on the Gulf of Mexico as a result of this incident. "AC" gives us live blow-by-blow coverage of the unfolding events, relayed from his girlfriend in America. The French submarine attacked was an SSN, nuclear-powered hunter-killer boat, called Amethyste; see: http://www.naval-technology.com/projects/rubis/ . It turns out a few hours later that the sub was not sunk, but just badly damaged. Many of her crew were injured. The attacker was a US Navy ASW helicopter, like a Sikorsky Seahawk…. It soon becomes clear why the Amethyste was attacked in this way; the submarine is carrying some kind of "cargo" that has been stolen from American territorial waters and the government wants it back. "
#13792684 at 2021-05-30 17:06:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17460: Ghost Bake, Winning!
Tip of the Spear.
16 Year Plan +1
Tesla 369 AC.
#13791670 at 2021-05-30 14:36:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17458: EBake
Cicada 3301 puzzle. Connect long strings of information cross boards. 4D chess. DOE Tesla 369 AC
#13790685 at 2021-05-30 11:03:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17457: Gaslight Circus Edition
pRESIDENT {PINO} bidAn day 130
o7 Anons, Autists and non-shillified Bakers
#13787060 at 2021-05-29 23:46:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17453: There is Q. There Are Anons... Edition
>Its all about you
Motherfucker is already at 9 posts and we're barely 130 in.
I'm changing my bet to (30) BV whines for this bread.
Is he still all-capping red text? I can't see that motherfucker.
#13784102 at 2021-05-29 17:34:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17449: Like A Thief In The Night - A Bolt In The Blue Edition
1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Join Together and File Lawsuit to Prosecute the "2nd Nuremburg Tribunal" Against Corona Fraud Scandal
Thousands of attorneys and doctors have joined forces to sue the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.
Humansarefree reported in March:
Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?
One prominent German lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, [in photo below] who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a "second Nuremberg tribunal" against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the "corona fraud scandal."
Fuellmich was on the legal team that won a major lawsuit against German automaker Volkswagen in a 2015 case involving tampered catalytic converters in the U.S. He also was involved in a lawsuit that exposed one of Germany's largest banks, Deutsche Bank, as a criminal enterprise.
The bank was recently ordered by the U.S. Justice Department to pay $130 million to resolve corrupt practices that included money laundering, bribery and fraud between the years 2009 and 2016.
Fuellmich is licensed to practice law in Germany and the state of California.
He believes the frauds committed by Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank pale in comparison to the damage wrought by those who sold the Covid-19 crisis as the worst viral outbreak to hit the world in more than a century and used it to cause media-driven panic, government overreach and human suffering on a scale still not fully quantified.
The truth is revealed in the numbers, Fuellmich said, citing figures that show COVID-19 has not caused any statistically significant increase in the 2020 death counts over previous years.
This group claims the tests used to identify COVID-19 were faulty and was used to commit crimes against humanity.
Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud.
The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is almost 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result.
This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases / "infections" detected by the use of this incorrect test.
In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the "experimental" vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention.
Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, "mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person" are prohibited.
The group claims:
The "Experimental" Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes - Which Carry The Death Penalty For Those Who Try To Break These International Laws.
#13783886 at 2021-05-29 16:50:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17449: Like A Thief In The Night - A Bolt In The Blue Edition
1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Join Together and File Lawsuit to Prosecute the "2nd Nuremburg Tribunal" Against Corona Fraud Scandal
By Joe Hoft
Published May 29, 2021 at 9:32am
Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?
One prominent German lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, [in photo below] who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a "second Nuremberg tribunal" against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the "corona fraud scandal."
The bank was recently ordered by the U.S. Justice Department to pay $130 million to resolve corrupt practices that included money laundering, bribery and fraud between the years 2009 and 2016.
Fuellmich is licensed to practice law in Germany and the state of California.
He believes the frauds committed by Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank pale in comparison to the damage wrought by those who sold the Covid-19 crisis as the worst viral outbreak to hit the world in more than a century and used it to cause media-driven panic, government overreach and human suffering on a scale still not fully quantified.
The truth is revealed in the numbers, Fuellmich said, citing figures that show COVID-19 has not caused any statistically significant increase in the 2020 death counts over previous years.
This group claims the tests used to identify COVID-19 were faulty and was used to commit crimes against humanity.
Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud.
The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is almost 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result.
This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases / "infections" detected by the use of this incorrect test.
In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the "experimental" vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention.
Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, "mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person" are prohibited.
The group claims:
The "Experimental" Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes - Which Carry The Death Penalty For Those Who Try To Break These International Laws
#13781463 at 2021-05-29 06:34:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17446: What did RUNBECK do with all the ballots they mailed out Edition
Former student seeks $30m in damages from Brisbane Grammar School for abuse by paedophile school counsellor Kevin Lynch
A former Brisbane Grammar School (BGS) student says he wants his allegations of abuse against a former school counsellor heard in court, in a landmark case where he is seeking $30 million in damages.
Key points:
David Welsh is one of more than 130 victims of school counsellor and paedophile Kevin Lynch
Mr Welsh says he is raising money for a fighting fund for legal fees and to help other victims mount cases
Brisbane Grammar School says the matter is "subject to legal proceedings and the school can't comment on detail"
David Welsh said he was one of more than 130 victims of paedophile Kevin Lynch, who raped and sodomised teenage boys while they were in the school's care.
Established in 1868, the elite private school is a non-denominational day and boarding school for boys in years five to 12, and is Brisbane's oldest secondary school.
Mr Welsh, 51, said he went from a smiling happy Year 11 boy to quiet and sullen after allegedly being abused by the counsellor in the mid-1980s.
Mr Welsh did not tell anyone at the time.
"There was a fear I would not be believed - it makes me extremely angry and I want justice," Mr Welsh said.
Mr Welsh said the abuse had left him with PTSD, depression and anxiety after using alcohol and gambling to try to ease the torment and shame.
Once a high-flying investment banker with Goldman Sachs earning $1 million a year in London, Mr Welsh is now penniless, living with his parents and on a disability pension.
"I have got nothing to lose - I do not have a wife, kids , reputation, money - there is nothing more they can take from me, so I want to take them to court," Mr Welsh said.
"[Lynch] was a teacher at the school - these guys were gods - this was [former headmaster] Max Howell's Brisbane Grammar School where people did what they were told," Mr Welsh said.
"More than anything you are so embarrassed and ashamed - you are not going to tell anyone because you do not want to admit it happened."
'The life it could have been'
The former high-flyer said he was raising money for a fighting fund for legal fees and to help other victims mount cases.
He said he no longer recognised the boy in the photo wearing his school uniform who used to laugh and smile every day.
"It is the life it could have been, I guess", Mr Welsh said.
#13772147 at 2021-05-28 04:06:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General # 17436: Ebake, addendum
America's New ac-130J Ghostrider Gunship is a Beast
The ac-130J Ghostrider's primary missions are close air support, air interdiction and armed reconnaissance. Close air support missions include troops in contact, convoy escort and point air defense. Air interdiction missions are conducted against pre-planned targets or targets of opportunity and include strike coordination and reconnaissance and overwatch mission sets.
The ac-130J provides ground forces an expeditionary, direct-fire platform that is persistent, ideally suited for urban operations, and delivers precision low-yield munitions against ground targets.
#13758220 at 2021-05-26 14:58:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17418: Release All Of The January 6th Videos! Edition
They are losing I can see that, bought AMC at $7.00, now it's at $18.00 same with GME, they can't drive it down that far. Got it down at $60 and $130, now it's at $283.00. I heard they are holding billions in the short squeeze. And the consultants are saying sell, so you know not to sell
#13757805 at 2021-05-26 13:36:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17417: Collapsing leftist narrative Edition
An analysis by The Associated Press and the Human Rights Center Investigations Lab at the University of California, Berkeley, looked at cases where bodies of those targeted indiscriminately by police and the military are being used as tools of terror. The findings are based on more than 2,000 tweets and online images, in addition to interviews with family members, witness accounts, and local media reports.
The AP and HRC Lab identified more than 130 instances where security forces appeared to be using corpses and the bodies of the wounded to create anxiety, uncertainty, and strike fear in the civilian population. Over two-thirds of those cases analyzed were confirmed or categorized as having moderate or high credibility, and often involved tracking down the original source of the content or interviewing observers.
Since the military takeover, more than 825 people have been killed - well over two times the government tally - according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a watchdog organization that monitors arrests and deaths. The junta did not respond to written questions submitted by AP.
The HRC Lab examined hours of footage posted online over a two-month period showing dead bodies being snatched off the streets and dragged like sacks of rice before being thrown into vehicles and driven to unknown destinations. Some people have been disappeared or arrested one day and returned dead the next, their corpses mutilated with signs of torture, witnesses confirmed to AP.
Autopsies have been carried out without the permission of families. And some death certificates blame heart attacks or falls after violent attacks, contradicting witness accounts and images captured by protesters, journalists, or residents, including some who have been stealthily recording incidents with mobile phones through windows or from rooftops.
Cremations and exhumations of the deceased have been secretly conducted in the middle of the night by authorities. Other times, grieving families have been forced to pay military hospitals to release their loved ones' remains, relatives and eyewitnesses told the AP.
Though the incidents may seem random and unprovoked - including kids being shot while playing outside their homes - they are actually deliberate and systematic with the goal of demobilizing people and wearing them down, said Nick Cheesman, a researcher at Australian National University, who specializes in the politics of law and policing in Myanmar.
"That," he said, "is exactly the characteristic of state terror."
#13756556 at 2021-05-26 06:24:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17416: Ebake Edition
May 19, 2021
White Supremacist President Sentenced to 35 Years in Violent Racketeering Case
… parole in the federal system. Gullett was president of New Aryan Empire (NAE), a white supremacist group founded by …
May 7, 2021
Member of White Supremacist Gang Pleads Guilty to Violent Assault and Conspiracy to Sell Firearms
A member of the Aryan Circle (AC) pleaded guilty Thursday to his role in an … Task Forces USAO - Texas, Eastern A member of the Aryan Circle (AC) pleaded guilty Thursday to his role in an …
May 6, 2021
Investigation into White Supremacists and Drug Traffickers Yields Guilty Pleas
TEXAS - One member of the Aryan Circle (AC) pleaded guilty today to his role in a … According to court documents, Torres-Cadenas supplied an Aryan Circle member with between 1.5 and 5 kilograms of …
April 23, 2021
Aryan Brotherhood Member Receives More Than 14 Years in Prison for His Involvement in a Methamphetamine Trafficking Organization
… According to law enforcement Pearce was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and occupied a position of leadership in …
April 21, 2021
23rd Defendant Sentenced in Sweeping Federal Drug and Gang Case
… Few, East Side Raskals, Baby Regulators, Soldiers of Aryan Culture, and Tiny Oriental Posse. The sentences …
April 1, 2021
Leader of Aryan Knights Prison Gang Sentenced to Life in Federal Prison for RICO Conspiracy
… Hale, 55, a leader of the Idaho prison gang known as the Aryan Knights, or "AK," was sentenced to life in federal …
March 19, 2021
Russellville Woman Sentenced to More Than 21 Years in Prison for Kidnapping in Aid of Racketeering
… revealed that Rapp was an associate of the New Aryan Empire (NAE), a white supremacist organization that … intimidation inflicted by violent drug gangs like the New Aryan Empire," said Drug Enforcement Administration Special …
March 4, 2021
Members of White Supremacist Prison Gang Plead Guilty to Federal Charges of Violent Crime in Aid of Racketeering
… Department's Criminal Division. Michael Martin, aka Aryan Prodigy, aka AP, 38, of Austin, Texas, and Bobby Dayle … committed the assault as part of their membership in the Aryan Circle (AC), a gang that operates in Texas and other … of Prisons (BOP) USAO - Texas, Eastern Michael Martin, aka Aryan Prodigy, aka AP, 38, of Austin, Texas, and Bobby Dayle …
White Supremacists Plead Guilty to Violent Crime in Aid of Racketeering
Two members of the Aryan Circle (AC) pleaded guilty this week to their roles in … assault of a man in October 2016. Michael Martin, aka Aryan Prodigy, aka AP, 38, of Austin, Texas, and Bobby Dayle … This case is part of a larger investigation into the Aryan Circle by an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task …
February 26, 2021
John Huber Leaves his Post as Longest-Serving United States Attorney in the Nation
… the nationally known white supremacist gangs Soldiers of Aryan Culture and Silent Aryan Nation. In addition, federal prosecutors have led high …
#13752363 at 2021-05-25 20:14:02 (UTC+1)
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (FOX 46 CHARLOTTE) - More than 130 missing juveniles have been located following a months-long operation by the US Marshals and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police.
On Wednesday, May 19, CMPD was joined by the US Marshals Office, Atrium Health, and Pat's Place Child Advocacy Center, who all assisted in 'Operation Carolina Homecoming,' which focused on finding missing and runaway juveniles in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.
'Operation Carolina Homecoming' led to CMPD identifying and locating over 130 juveniles. Most of them had been missing for more than six months. This operation took place from April 26 to May 7.
#13748308 at 2021-05-25 06:27:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17406: Freedom.... What IS It? An Idea? Belief? A Lifestyle? Edition
He has plenty of better engines.
This guy removed the computators, perfected AC power over DC, then (all mapped in his head effectively before production) bested his own AC transmission with insanely high oscillation resonating omnidirectional waves that can send and receive power along with information.
Had musical Tesla coils and aurora vacuum tube lights without even grounding to the apartment plumbing or hardwire.
Magnifying Transmitter.
The world rather crawled under desks in fear of the Bomb than let Tesla's work freeflow.
Dude wanted to light the skies and the oceans.
From what eye seen this far;
That is a show worth sticking around for.
#13745940 at 2021-05-24 23:58:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17403: Where The Is Light There Can Be No Darkness Edition
Rachael A. Honig is the Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey. She serves in that capacity under the Vacancies Reform Act, as the Office's First Assistant U.S. Attorney. As Acting U.S. Attorney, she is responsible for overseeing all federal criminal prosecutions and the litigation of all civil matters in New Jersey in which the federal government has an interest. Between the offices in Newark, Camden, and Trenton, Ms. Honig supervises a staff of approximately 170 federal prosecutors, and approximately 130 support personnel.
She rejoined the U.S. Attorney's Office as the First Assistant in March 2018 after working as a litigation and compliance investigations counsel at a healthcare company. Prior that, Ms. Honig was employed at the U.S. Attorney's Office for just under fourteen years, serving as Counsel to the U.S. Attorney from 2013 to 2016; Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division from 2010 to 2013; and an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Criminal and Special Prosecutions Divisions from 2003 to 2010. From 2000 to 2003, Ms. Honig was a litigation associate at a law firm in Washington, D.C. From 1999 to 2000, she was a judicial law clerk to the Hon. Mary M. Schroeder of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Ms. Honig received her law degree with High Honors from The University of Chicago Law School in 1999, where she served as a member and a Comment Editor of The University of Chicago Law Review. She received a B.A. in English Language & Literature with General and Departmental Honors from The University of Chicago in 1995.
G. Norman Acker, III became the Acting U.S. Attorney on February 28, 2021, upon the resignation of the prior U.S. Attorney, Robert J. Higdon, Jr.
As Acting U.S. Attorney, Mr. Acker is the chief federal law enforcement officer in the Eastern District of North Carolina, which includes the 44 eastern-most counties of North Carolina. He oversees a staff of 125 employees, including 58 attorneys and 67 non-attorney support personnel. The office also partners with approximately 44 Special Assistant United States Attorneys from branches of the United States military, local District Attorneys' offices and federal and state regulatory agencies. Each of these Special Assistants also works in federal court under the United States Attorney's supervision.
The office is responsible for prosecuting federal crimes affecting the district, including crimes related to terrorism, public corruption, child exploitation, firearms, and narcotics. The office also defends the United States in civil cases and collects debts owed to the United States.
Prior to becoming Acting U.S. Attorney, Mr. Acker served as an Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) for more than thirty years. During his tenure he has litigated numerous civil and criminal cases in United States District Court as well as in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. He was the Deputy Civil Chief and the Civil Chief for a total of 18 years, and between 2018 and 2021, he served as the First Assistant United States Attorney, supervising the work of the Civil, Criminal and Appellate Divisions.
While working as an AUSA, Mr. Acker's primary focus of litigation was pursuing individuals and corporations who committed fraud against the United States. He was the Affirmative Civil Enforcement Coordinator and the Health Care Fraud Coordinator for the office. He handled "white collar" cases involving contract fraud against the military, health care fraud against the Medicare and Medicaid programs, as well as many other types of fraud against the government. He was responsible for collecting approximately $100 million from perpetrators of fraud against the government.
Mr. Acker was born and raised in Raleigh and is a lifelong resident of the Research Triangle area. He received both his undergraduate degree and his law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been married for more than 37 years and has three grown children and four grandchildren.
#13745931 at 2021-05-24 23:57:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17403: Where The Is Light There Can Be No Darkness Edition
Randolph J. Bernard was named the Acting United States Attorney for the Northern District of West Virginia, effective March 1, 2021. Mr. Bernard previously served as First Assistant U.S. Attorney and the Chief of the Criminal Division.
Mr. Bernard joined the office in 2002, and has experience prosecuting a wide range of criminal cases, including drugs and violent crimes, firearms, white collar offenses, fraud and tax cases, and child pornography cases.
Mr. Bernard has also served as the District Office Security Manager.
Before becoming an Assistant United States Attorney, Mr. Bernard served as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Wheeling, West Virginia Resident Agency. Prior to the FBI, he was a litigation attorney in private practice with Coolidge, Wall, Womsley & Lombard in Dayton, Ohio.
Mr. Bernard is a 1987 magna cum laude graduate of Ohio Northern University College of Law and a 1984 graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Stephen R. Kaufman is the Acting United States Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In this position, Mr. Kaufman leads of staff of nearly 130 employees representing the United States in courts throughout Pennsylvania's western 25 counties, including staffed offices in Pittsburgh, Erie and Johnstown.
Mr. Kaufman's career in the Department of Justice has spanned four decades. Most recently he served as First Assistant U.S. Attorney beginning in April 2018. Prior to that appointment, Mr. Kaufman held a series of leadership positions in the U.S. Attorney's Office, including serving as the Chief of the Criminal Division from 2010 to 2018. Mr. Kaufman joined the U. S. Attorney's Office in 1988. In his career as a federal prosecutor, Mr. Kaufman has handled a wide variety of violent crime, narcotics, child exploitation and white collar cases. Notable cases include the successful eight-week trial of the Pittsburgh La Cosa Nostra organized crime family on RICO charges, the prosecution of the distributors of China White, a deadly synthetic form of heroin which caused the overdose deaths of 17 individuals in 1988, the prosecution of the perpetrator of a $31 million dollar check kiting scheme against PNC Bank, and obtained the conviction of a physician who was the most prolific illegal distributor of oxycodone in the Pittsburgh area prior to his arrest.
After graduating summa cum laude from Allegheny College in 1981, Mr. Kaufman attended Harvard Law School, where he graduated cum laude in 1984. He joined the United States Attorney's Office after working as a law clerk for United States District Judge Donald E. Ziegler. He also engaged in the private practice of law with former United States Attorney Frederick W. Thieman at the law firms of Titus & McConomy and Thieman & Kaufman. Mr. Kaufman has been a member of the Adjunct Faculty at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law since 1997, where he has taught courses in White Collar Crime, Criminal Procedure and Trial Advocacy.
#13742549 at 2021-05-24 15:06:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17399: A week to remember Edition
>>13740206 @NCSCgov OTD 1997, former NSA clerk Robert Lipka guilty espionage, dead drops near the Potomac River
>>13740239 Dragons lair? 2 days, May 25th, the monitor gets hit with lightning XVIII Airborne Corps
>>13740274 U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command Soldiers conducted the #ACFT Thomas Cieslak
>>13740294, >>13740351, >>13740529 AZ Maricopa Audit restarts Monday 7am, live camera links
>>13740372, >>13740375, >>13740381 Biden's solar ambitions collide with China labor complaints
>>13740388, >>13740476, >>13740590, >>13740618, >>13740596, >>13740632 Why did the Jews outlaw Dicyanin Dye, and make it Illegal? The ability to see the Astral Realm
>>13740551, >>13740555, >>13740558, >>13740566, >>13740616, >>13740653, >>13740666, >>13740678, >>13740701 Bitcoin Has Crashed: What's Next After The 'Extreme Fear' 50% Price Plummet?
>>13740841 DOD conflicting tweets about March planning for a UPCOMING DEPLOYMENT from HUNTER army airfiel
>>13741718 #17396
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739879, >>13739886, >>13739896, >>13739904, >>13739915, >>13739926, >>13739936, >>13739949 Francis Collins is NIH Director. NIH OTT lists 4 inventions from Dr. Francis Collins, while Justia Patents lists Francis Collins as an inventor on many patents
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
>>13740003 NYP: Bloomingdale's pulls out of Chrissy Teigen deal over bullying scandal
>>13740020 Sputnik with the dog comms? Mud-Loving Golden Retriever Finds Her Personal Heaven; Identifies as a snake
>>13740033 CBS: 21 runners die after extreme weather hits ultramarathon trail in China
>>13740071 NASA: Watch the total lunar eclipse & supermoon On Wed., May 26
>>13740088 #17395
#13741749 at 2021-05-24 12:25:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17398: EYEZ ON AZ AUDIT Edition
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739879, >>13739886, >>13739896, >>13739904, >>13739915, >>13739926, >>13739936, >>13739949 Francis Collins is NIH Director. NIH OTT lists 4 inventions from Dr. Francis Collins, while Justia Patents lists Francis Collins as an inventor on many patents
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
>>13740003 NYP: Bloomingdale's pulls out of Chrissy Teigen deal over bullying scandal
>>13740020 Sputnik with the dog comms? Mud-Loving Golden Retriever Finds Her Personal Heaven; Identifies as a snake
>>13740033 CBS: 21 runners die after extreme weather hits ultramarathon trail in China
>>13740071 NASA: Watch the total lunar eclipse & supermoon On Wed., May 26
>>13740088 #17395
#13740888 at 2021-05-24 07:32:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17396: They Live: Why did the Jews outlaw Dicyanin Dye Edition
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
>>13740206 @NCSCgov OTD 1997, former NSA clerk Robert Lipka guilty espionage, dead drops near the Potomac River
>>13740239 Dragons lair? 2 days, May 25th, the monitor gets hit with lightning XVIII Airborne Corps
>>13740274 U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command Soldiers conducted the #ACFT Thomas Cieslak
>>13740294, >>13740351, >>13740529 AZ Maricopa Audit restarts Monday 7am, live camera links
>>13740372, >>13740375, >>13740381 Biden's solar ambitions collide with China labor complaints
>>13740388, >>13740476, >>13740590, >>13740618, >>13740596, >>13740632 Why did the Jews outlaw Dicyanin Dye, and make it Illegal? The ability to see the Astral Realm
>>13740551, >>13740555, >>13740558, >>13740566, >>13740616, >>13740653, >>13740666, >>13740678, >>13740701 Bitcoin Has Crashed: What's Next After The 'Extreme Fear' 50% Price Plummet?
>>13740841 DOD conflicting tweets about March planning for a UPCOMING DEPLOYMENT from HUNTER army airfiel
>>13740871 #17395
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739879, >>13739886, >>13739896, >>13739904, >>13739915, >>13739926, >>13739936, >>13739949 Francis Collins is NIH Director. NIH OTT lists 4 inventions from Dr. Francis Collins, while Justia Patents lists Francis Collins as an inventor on many patents
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
>>13740003 NYP: Bloomingdale's pulls out of Chrissy Teigen deal over bullying scandal
>>13740020 Sputnik with the dog comms? Mud-Loving Golden Retriever Finds Her Personal Heaven; Identifies as a snake
>>13740033 CBS: 21 runners die after extreme weather hits ultramarathon trail in China
>>13740071 NASA: Watch the total lunar eclipse & supermoon On Wed., May 26
>>13740088 #17395
#13740101 at 2021-05-24 04:58:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17396: The 'Waterfalls Gushing in Gulches' Edition
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739879, >>13739886, >>13739896, >>13739904, >>13739915, >>13739926, >>13739936, >>13739949 Francis Collins is NIH Director. NIH OTT lists 4 inventions from Dr. Francis Collins, while Justia Patents lists Francis Collins as an inventor on many patents
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
>>13740003 NYP: Bloomingdale's pulls out of Chrissy Teigen deal over bullying scandal
>>13740020 Sputnik with the dog comms? Mud-Loving Golden Retriever Finds Her Personal Heaven; Identifies as a snake
>>13740033 CBS: 21 runners die after extreme weather hits ultramarathon trail in China
>>13740071 NASA: Watch the total lunar eclipse & supermoon On Wed., May 26
>>13740088 #17395
>>13738591 Loosen Technology's Grip on Your Mind
>>13738781 Baker change
>>13738612 Pjmedia: Texas Legislature Bans Critical Race Theory From Public Schools; Needs to Pass '1836 Project' Bill
>>13738724 GP: Whitmer gets caught doing the "do as I say, not as I do" thing…
>>13738748 jber.jb.mil: Alaskan airspace will be exercised this summer.
>>13738749 MSN: Former Trump advisor Michael Flynn claims the COVID-19 pandemic was fabricated to distract from the 2020 election
>>13738785 STLTimes: OSHA won't enforce ruling on counting vaccine reactions as 'recordable injuries'
>>13738792 AFP: RATS EVERYWHERE? New York's rats are notorious
>>13738811 Odysee: RealTime vax tracking!!!! Hacked!!!!
>>13738857 AP gushing over the Billboard music awards.. Follow the stars. It'a everywhere.
>>13738858, >>13739018 A mountaintop cable car in northern Italy disconnected and crashed to the ground on Sunday, killing several people and injuring a few more
>>13738872 MSN: DOJ seizes $90,000 from Insurgence USA activist who sold riot footage to media outlets
>>13738896 AP: Queen Elizabeth II made a quick visit Saturday to the Royal Navy's flagship aircraft carrier that bears the name of her eponymous 16th- century predecessor
>>13739020 Sputnik: IDF Spokesman Claims 'Iranian Fingerprints Are All Over' Israeli-Hamas Conflict
>>13739090, >>13739105, >>13739125, >>13739129 Scavino and Archillect both tweeting out waterfall comms within mins of each other just now.
>>13739159 GP: BLM Activist Hospitalized with Life-Threatening Injuries After Being Shot in the Head in London
>>13739200 kbs.co.uk: N. Korean Ship Presumed on UN Sanctions List Sinks Near Japan
>>13739279 NYP: Blood red eye cicada comms?
>>13739322 #17394
>>13737866 Poetic justice
>>13737874 The AMAZING sound of [DS] FEAR is GLORIOUS! GA and AZ Booms! Pray! (57:12)
>>13737875, >>13736605 pb, >>13737896, >>13737898, >>13737913, >>13738001, >>13738052, >>13738080, >>13738189 Solar Flare Frenzy and CME Q 3 year delta 'RAPID FIRE'.
>>13737902 From: Not Gen. McInerny Defend Majorie Taylor Green
>>13738016 Blinken: Two-State Disaster for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
>>13738020 FUD old push, Panic And Desperation Of A "Dark Winter" Continue To Rise
>>13738069 Trump sued by civil rights group for calling COVID-19 'China virus'
>>13738090, >>13738144 PF Reports 1111
>>13738315 The Nine new Covid billionaires have a combined net wealth of $19.3 billion
>>13738389 I think by This Summer We're Going to Have a Final Conclusion on Durham" - Papadopoulos DROPS BOMB on the release of Durham report
>>13738344 Wuhan lab staff sought hospital care beforeCOVID-19 outbreak disclosed
>>13738538 @lancer_brigade troops conquer the obstacle course with teamwork, style, and dedication
>>13738554 #17393
>>13737288 An FBI employee has been charged with taking home classified national security documents and keeping them for years
>>13737397, >>13737643 #NothingToSeeHere (21:00)
>>13737463, >>13737470, >>13737480, >>13737485, >>13737513, >>13737517 What are they hiding?
>>13737696 Europe is crowded with military vessels
>>13737845 #17392
>>13736308, >>13736399 Increasing UFO footage; What are they preparing for Normies?
>>13736315 Dominion voting system: Election or "Selection"?
>>13736317 Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs
>>13736346 Researchers Find 1,000 Different Proteins in AstraZeneca's COVID Vaccine Linked to Deadly Blood Clots
>>13736372 Newspapers being paid by UK govt to publish 'news' on their positive COVID response
>>13736441 Gov. Ron Desantis: We Have To Reject Open Borders
>>13736385, >>13736447 Autist on fire: We Are The Plan
>>13736499 Secretary of State Blinken Says Joe Biden is Working to Lift Sanctions on Iran Even Though Iran Funds Terror
>>13736605 Solar Flare Frenzy and CME
>>13736641 Jon Voight ~ Don't be fooled
>>13736652 Devin Nunes on Revelations of Hunter Biden Trips Through Joint Base Andrews: 'Proof of Corporate Media's Utter Corruption'
>>13736719 Mike Pompeo: Exodus 15:2
>>13736981 PF: SAM 549, reset callsign to XXXXXX over the Gulf of Mexico on its outbound leg.
>>13737029 #17391
Previously Collected Notables
>>13736251 #17390
>>13733920 #17387, >>13734710 #17388, >>13735467 #17389
>>13733183 #17384, >>13733183 #17385, >>13733016 #17386
>>13729222 #17381, >>13733198 #17382, >>13730797 #17383
>>13726252 #17378, >>13727245 #17379, >>13728254 #17380
>>13724053 #17375, >>13724850 #17376, >>13725625 #17377
>>13721659 #17372, >>13722463 #17373, >>13723311 #17374
>>13719371 #17369, >>13720140 #17370, >>13720895 #17371
>>13718902 #17368, >>13719371 #17369, >>13720140 #17370
>>13716235 #17365, >>13717014 #17366, >>13717691 #17367,
>>13712887 #17362, >>13713805 #17363, >>13714621 #17364
>>13710295 #17359, >>13711206 #17360, >>13712115 #17361
Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com
*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/
>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7
#13740088 at 2021-05-24 04:55:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17395: The 'Fabricated Distractions' Edition
Notable Posts
#17395 @FINAL, >>13739358
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739879, >>13739886, >>13739896, >>13739904, >>13739915, >>13739926, >>13739936, >>13739949 Francis Collins is NIH Director. NIH OTT lists 4 inventions from Dr. Francis Collins, while Justia Patents lists Francis Collins as an inventor on many patents
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
>>13740003 NYP: Bloomingdale's pulls out of Chrissy Teigen deal over bullying scandal
>>13740020 Sputnik with the dog comms? Mud-Loving Golden Retriever Finds Her Personal Heaven; Identifies as a snake
>>13740033 CBS: 21 runners die after extreme weather hits ultramarathon trail in China
>>13740071 NASA: Watch the total lunar eclipse & supermoon On Wed., May 26
#13740041 at 2021-05-24 04:46:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17395: The 'Fabricated Distractions' Edition
Notable Posts
#17395 @650, >>13739358
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739879, >>13739886, >>13739896, >>13739904, >>13739915, >>13739926, >>13739936, >>13739949 Francis Collins is NIH Director. NIH OTT lists 4 inventions from Dr. Francis Collins, while Justia Patents lists Francis Collins as an inventor on many patents
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
>>13740003 NYP: Bloomingdale's pulls out of Chrissy Teigen deal over bullying scandal
>>13740020 Sputnik with the dog comms? Mud-Loving Golden Retriever Finds Her Personal Heaven; Identifies as a snake
>>13740033 CBS: 21 runners die after extreme weather hits ultramarathon trail in China
#13740007 at 2021-05-24 04:39:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17395: The 'Fabricated Distractions' Edition
Notable Posts
#17395 @600, >>13739358
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739879, >>13739886, >>13739896, >>13739904, >>13739915, >>13739926, >>13739936, >>13739949 Francis Collins is NIH Director. NIH OTT lists 4 inventions from Dr. Francis Collins, while Justia Patents lists Francis Collins as an inventor on many patents
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
#13739941 at 2021-05-24 04:30:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17395: The 'Fabricated Distractions' Edition
Notable Posts
#17395 @500, >>13739358
>>13739412, >>13739438, >>13739460, >>13739832, >>13739710, >>13739587, >>13739895 More anon interest in Dan Scavino's waterfall posts tonight from last bread
>>13739424 Earthquake fags commenting on lb discussions also
>>13739463 IBT: Thousands flee Goma City in DR Congo after volcano erupts
>>13739482 Sara Carter calling for rakes: This is not a drill... They are giving out tickets for shaking hands in Ontario.
>>13739617 Rawstory: Documents about fake Bill Barr investigation of Trump obstruction of justice must legally be released Monday
>>13739647, >>13739658, >>13739740, >>13739742 Slate of nomination and space policy hearings coming up in the armed services committee
>>13739648 RT: National Guard leaves US Capitol grounds after nearly 5-month deployment, Capitol to remain closed to public
>>13739686 LIVE: Protests/Riots in Colombia; Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. They have recently been responding with water cannons and firing projectiles.
>>13739713 'We're talking spells': Teen Vogue is openly promoting witchcraft
>>13739725 All the Bitcoin HODLers are Freaking, well follow Owen Benjamin's advice on owning something of no value, because Gold and other Precious metals are skyrocketing
>>13739733 Bloomberg: Microsoft Unveils New Vaccine Tools to Address Earlier Failures
>>13739746 "I can honestly say that there are definitely CCP sleepers here in the US. I see certain people spending large amounts of old hundred dollar bills.": Oped on the superdollar and the cashless push
>>13739758, >>13739894 Planefag reports
>>13739766 GP: Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and "Shaking Hands" with Attendees
>>13739772 Anon dig on 5G being used in military applications for communications back in the 80s.
>>13739841 XVIII AC: 2 Days. Tuesday, May 25th. Dragon's Lair, Episode 4.
>>13739892 ZH: "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release
#13735581 at 2021-05-23 17:16:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17390: Is this about the virus or something else Edition
Growing mystery of suspected energy attacks draws US concern
WASHINGTON - The Biden administration is facing new pressure to resolve a mystery that has vexed its predecessors: Is an adversary using a microwave or radio wave weapon to attack the brains of U.S. diplomats, spies and military personnel?
The number of reported cases of possible attack is sharply growing and lawmakers from both parties, as well as those believed to be affected, are demanding answers. But scientists and government officials aren't yet certain about who might have been behind any attacks, if the symptoms could have been caused inadvertently by surveillance equipment - or if the incidents were actually attacks.
Whatever an official review concludes could have enormous consequences. Confirmation that a U.S. adversary has been conducting damaging attacks against U.S. personnel would unleash calls for a forceful response by the United States.
For now, the administration is providing assurances that it takes the matter seriously, is investigating aggressively and will make sure those affected have good medical care.
The problem has been labeled the "Havana Syndrome," because the first cases affected personnel in 2016 at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. At least 130 cases across the government are now under investigation, up from several dozen last year, according to a U.S. defense official who was not authorized to discuss details publicly. The National Security Council is leading the investigation.
More at: https://lasvegassun.com/news/2021/may/23/growing-mystery-of-suspected-energy-attacks-draws/
#13732091 at 2021-05-23 03:32:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17385: A Test Of Will
"AJ" born in '61
a "Wizard"
I'll find the original AC Clarke quote in this vid. But the full vid is too big to upload here, So I'm doing bit by bit
#13729063 at 2021-05-22 19:42:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17381: E - Bake
Obama Campaign Aide To Lobby For Chinese Communist Party-Owned Energy Company.
Jonathan McCollum, a former Obama campaign aide, is registered to lobby the U.S. federal government on behalf of a Chinese Communist Party-owned energy company.
Now the Chair of Federal Government Relations at Davidoff Hutcher & Citron (DHC) LLP, McCollum previously worked on several Democratic party campaigns including former President Barack Obama's 2008 run. His professional bio also reveals he served as a legislative correspondent to anti-Trump Senator Gordon Smith and his former stint at the New Hampshire Democratic Party:
"Working for the New Hampshire Democratic Party, he managed two statewide races, a mayoral race, and over thirty municipal campaigns. His accomplishments in New Hampshire led him to become a Regional Field Director and Political Advisor to the Obama Campaign in 2007. In this role, Mr. McCollum handled media relations, managed staff, coordinated volunteer bases, organized events, and gathered political endorsements. He travelled across the country during the 2008 Presidential Primary and managed five counties for the Obama Campaign in Central and South Florida during the General Election."
Now, McCollum is working on behalf of UNIPEC, a "wholly-owned subsidiary of China International United Petroleum and Chemical Co. Ltd." and "trading arm" of Chinese state-owned SINOPEC, according to Foreign Agent Registration Ac (FARA) filings.
As the May FARA filing notes, 84 percent of UNIPEC'S parent company is "owned by SINOPEC Group, a People's Republic of China state-owned company."
"The period of this agreement shall be for a 12-month term commencing on May 1, 2021 and concluding on April 31, 2022 for a fee of $17,500 per month," the agreement reads.
Among the services McCollum's firm will provide UNIPEC with are arranging meetings with U.S. government officials, including individuals in the Biden White House:
"DHC was retained by UNIPEC America, Inc. for government relations consulting to provide regular updates and insights into policy and regulations related to commodities and trade. As part of the representation, DHC may schedule meetings with Congressional and/or Administration staff if requested by UNIPEC America, Inc. [...] Representation may also include meetings before the United States Congress, Executive Branch and Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government to discuss and understand regulations and policy related to commodities trading."
#13728930 at 2021-05-22 19:19:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17381: E - Bake
Egyptian mediators hold talks to try to secure long-term Israel-Hamas truce
As ceasefire holds, officials reach out to Israel and Gaza-based terror group to firm up deal; Palestinians in the coastal enclave begin to clean up destruction
Egyptian mediators held talks Saturday to firm up an Israel-Hamas ceasefire as Palestinians in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip began to assess the damage from 11 days of intense fighting. A 130-truck convoy carrying urgently needed aid was headed to Gaza.
Saturday marked the first full day of a truce that ended the fourth Israel-Hamas war in just over a decade. In the fighting, Israel unleashed hundreds of airstrikes against terror targets in Gaza, while Hamas and other terror groups fired more than 4,300 rockets toward Israel. More than 250 people were killed, the majority of them Palestinians. Israel asserts some 200 were terror operatives.
Gaza City's busiest commercial area, Omar al-Mukhtar Street, was covered in debris, smashed cars, and twisted metal after a 13-floor building in its center was flattened in an Israeli airstrike. Merchandise was covered in soot and strewn inside smashed stores and on the pavement. Municipal workers removed broken glass and twisted metal from streets and sidewalks.
"We really didn't expect this amount of damage," said Ashour Subeih, who sells baby clothes. "We thought the strike was a bit further from us. But as you can see not an area of the shop is intact." Having been in business for one year, Subeih estimated his losses were double what he had made so far.
#13727310 at 2021-05-22 15:06:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17380: Jesus Exalted Worldwide Edition
Chick is lucky they did not take her white ass
Tim Xeriland
People in this wealthy Minneapolis suburb assumed they were immune to the ramifications of left-wing policies. It's all good until someone gets carjacked in broad daylight.
4:58 AM · May 21, 2021
More video in article link:
Police: Minneapolis averaging more than a carjacking per day in 2021
By Theo Keith
Published 1 day ago
Crime and Public SafetyFOX 9
Police: Minneapolis averaging more than a carjacking per day in 2021
Minneapolis homicides, shootings and carjackings have all soared in 2021, Minneapolis Police said Thursday as City Council members splinter over how to respond.
MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - Minneapolis homicides, shootings and carjackings have all soared in 2021, Minneapolis Police said Thursday as City Council members splinter over how to respond.
The city has seen a 222 percent increase in carjackings this year compared with this point in 2020, averaging 1.27 incidents per day, according to police data.
Homicides are up 108 percent from a year earlier, while shootings have risen 153 percent.
'The surge in violent crime comes as Minneapolis Police lost more than 200 officers over the past year since the police killing of George Floyd and the riots that followed.
The agency is now asking outside departments for help investigating gun crimes, Commander Jason Case said.
"We're intensifying our resources to focus on gun investigations, on those people we know have a high propensity to use guns for violence," Case told the City Council's Public Safety committee. "The chief has made a plea to other agencies to help us in that, given our staffing situation."
Earlier this week, Gov. Tim Walz said he would not permanently station Minnesota State Patrol troopers on city streets. Troopers have been deployed to the city repeatedly over the past year, most recently during Derek Chauvin's murder trial.
Walz declined to say if Mayor Jacob Frey had asked his administration for specific assistance in dealing with violent crime.
Case blamed a 22 percent drop in the number of gun recoveries in part on MPD's staffing situation.
The city has experienced a 130 percent increase in the number of guns stolen from vehicles, he said.
"Before the losses were cell phones and wallets and cash or laptops. Now it's becoming guns," Case said. "That's adding to it, a new variable we haven't seen before."
The violence reached a new level this month with the shootings of three children, including the death of a 6-year-old girl this week.
Frey and council members are divided over what to do next. This week, Frey released a four-point plan that included additional funding for police and some new restrictions on police tactics, including traffic stops for minor equipment violations.
Several council members immediately opposed the mayor's plan, leaving its fate uncertain at City Hall.
At Thursday's meeting, Council Member Cam Gordon questioned how the guns are getting into the wrong hands.
"It seems to me if we could stop the flow of guns into our city, that would also have repercussions on ShotSpotter (reports on gunfire) and all of the crimes committed with guns," he said.
Josh Peterson, a manager at the city's Office of Violence Prevention, told council members about his office's community-based work to head off violence.
A program called Next Step engages with victims of violence at three hospitals in so-called "bedside interventions" and then provides follow-up services after they're discharged from care. Groups of Violence Interrupters work on a neighborhood level to provide informal dispute resolution. <<< kek
Office of Violence Prevention staff are working with the families of the young shooting victims, Peterson said.
"This shooting and this level of violence really isn't acceptable, and it has to stop," he told council members.
#13725867 at 2021-05-22 07:28:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17378: 1/6 Commission Being Formed To Prosecute Trump Supporters Edition
AC giving code word Green.
All assets being deployed, R + D.
Watch the water.
#13723347 at 2021-05-22 01:03:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17374: Rise to new Heights Edition
Out and back to Andrews
Joe uses this AC when the 747 used
#13720309 at 2021-05-21 17:25:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17371: White Substance Reported at Arizona GOP Leaders Office Edition
Potential Scenario for seeing a legitimate AF1 call sign, Not AF1 Joe and THAT moment of major shit going down
2 parts:1) dealing with the USA Corporationand 2) potential wtf moment pf sees as a possibility to mark it-Q drop #35
AF1 call sign usage Not AF1 Joe and POTUS
The increased activity of the E-4B Nightwatch AC's over the last few weeks (plus TIMMY's 3 flights on 0407) has got me thinking about wut scenarios we could see with finally having some major (overt and seeable by all) habbenings. 0408 yet another TIMMY01 flight and that hooked up with 09-0015 C-32A for a short period of time over KY and W.VA. These 757's have not had much time put on them since late last year and they need to be flown or they, like all AC, do not do well when sitting and not active.
Here is the meat for the first issue…we may have not seen an AF1 call sign because the Corporation known as the USA may have been totally dissolvedand since there would technically be nothing to be "in charge" of there would be no real President and the call sign not used. Remember they have still used AF2 for Kneepads and EXEC1F for Flauxtus which is S.O.P. so this is wut sorta throws a "wrench" in this at present. Joe has never had AF1 as a call sign…not on the 747 and not on the 757 howeverPOTUS has not used it since March 2020(trip to Charlotte, NC and back for Rally on 0302-cap#3 ) it was used for the India trip the week prior as well. After that I have no documented caps of it's use-I saw a call go out on soc. media for an example but have yet to see one.
Musings onthe Corporationand AF1
Yeah, I'm way off base. Whatever shall I do.
#13717268 at 2021-05-21 05:51:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17367: Comfefe Edition
By T. Grant Benson -May 20, 2021
Charlotte, N.C. - More than 150 missing and/or runaway children were located in North Carolina, officials say.
During Wednesday's weekly press conference, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department joined with several of its partners to share the success of Operation Carolina Homecoming, which was a collaborative effort focused on the recovery of missing and runaway juveniles in the Charlotte area where previous efforts to locate them had been unsuccessful.
Prior to the start of the operation, work by Detectives and Marshals resulted in the recovery of more than 130 missing and runaway juveniles. Following this preliminary effort, Detectives and Marshals launched the intensive recovery efforts of Operation Carolina Homecoming. Between April 26 and May 7, 2021, two-person teams consisting of CMPD's Missing Person Unit detectives, United States Marshal Service deputies and the Department of Public Safety Missing Persons Unit conducted extensive searches and located 27 more missing juveniles.
Police said "several of the juveniles were discovered to have been engaged in high-risk activities such as prostitution and narcotics activity, and a few of them were victims of human trafficking." To provide them with resources for recovery, the CMPD leveraged partnerships with Atrium Health Levine Children's, Pat's Place Child Advocacy Center, the North Carolina ISAAC Fusion Center and Mecklenburg County Child Protective Services.
"Kids don't need to be living alone in hotels, kids don't need to be living alone with an older partner," CMPD Captain Joel McNelly said. "Kids who are actively taking measures to avoid being recovered. They're self-sustaining, they're trying to make money, support themselves."
"These kids were engaged in high-risk activities," McNelly said. "Not to sugar coat anything but narcotics activities, human trafficking, prostitution."
Dr. Stacy Reynolds with Atrium Health Levine Children's Hospital told WCNC. "Even if a kid goes out there with good intentions that they're going to stay on the straight and narrow, it doesn't take very long to get cold and hungry and succumb to the pressure of somebody who knows just how to time their effort into manipulate you into activity you maybe otherwise wouldn't have wanted to be apart of."
#13717267 at 2021-05-21 05:51:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17367: Comfefe Edition
there is a Q drop on this
Possible energy attack being investigated near White House
May 21, 2021
Fox News
7.31M subscribers
US officials say there are 130 suspected victims being treated for brain injuries; Fox News' Jennifer Griffin reports on 'The Story.' Former CIA agent describes the silent attack. #FoxNews
#13716038 at 2021-05-21 03:16:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17365: Fuck Em All edition
People in 5 hour video using Freemasonry/Satanic symbols
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion
Very well-documented video
Daniel Radcliffe
Gordon Ramsay (chef)
Ronald Reagan
Kid Red
Trippie Redd
Keanu Reeves
L.A. Reid
Jeremy Renner
Busta Rhymes
Giovanni Ribisi
Christina Ricci
Michael Richards (actor)
Lionel Richie
Nicole Richie
Margot Robbie
Emma Roberts
Julia Roberts
Jordi Roca (chef)
Bob Rock
Chris Rock
Joe Rogan
Rolling Stones
Henry Rollins (The Rollins Band)
Cristiano Ronaldo
Amber Rose
Ruby Rose
Jacob Rothschild
Nathan Rothschild
J K Rowling
Mark Ruffalo
Richie Sambora
Nicolas Sarkozy (French President 22:20)
Saturnian Mist (band)
Savage Garden
Jimmy Savile
Liev Schreiber
Jason Schwartzman
Bon Scott (AC/DC)
Lea Seydoux
Lloyd Shearer
Ed Sheeran
Father Jim Sichko (4:10:16)
Sarah Silverman
Gene Simmons (Kiss)
Ashlee Simpson
Cody Simpson
Frank Sinatra
Alexander Skarsgard
Will Smith
Willow Smith
Sam Smith
Val Soros
Kevin Spacey
David Spade
Jordin Sparks
Britney Spears
Ginger Spice
Rick Springfield
Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)
Paul Stanley (Kiss)
Jeffree Star
Ringo Starr
Gwen Stefani
Howard Stern
Kristen Stewart
Rod Stewart
Ben Stiller
Emma Stone
Meryl Streep
Keifer Sutherland
Wayne Swan (Australian Labor Party)
Patrick Swayze
Taylor Swift
Tilda Swinton
Quentin Tarantino
Ryan Tedder (One Republic)
Tila Tequila
Dita Von Tesse
Third Eye Blind
Greta Thunberg (4:15:40)
Uma Thurman
Justin Timberlake
Ashley Tisdale
Christina Tosi (chef)
John Travolta
Harry S. Truman (President)
Donald J. Trump (President)
Twenty One Pilots
Liv Tyler
Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
Tyler the Creator
U2 (whole band)
Keith Urban
Brendon Uri
Christian Vale
Jean Claude Van Damne
Vince Vaughn
The Veronicas
Sebastian Vincent
A.E. Waite (A-Z Quotes)
Mark Walhberg
Christopher Walken
Fetty Wap
Denzel Washington
George Washington (President)
Emma Watson
Naomi Watts
Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance)
Andrew Lloyd Webber
The Weekend
Florence Welch and the Machine
Kanye West ("fake Christian")
Wil Wheaton (child star)
Prince William (34:55)
Hayley Williams (singer)
Michelle Williams
Pharrell Williams
Robbie Williams
Robin Williams, daughter Zelda
Robert Anton Wilson (author)
Amy Winehouse
Reese Witherspoon
Tom Wolfe (chef)
Elijah Wood
Sam Worthington
Stephen Wozniak (33rd degree freemason)
Bonny Wright
Milo Yiannopoulos (44:33)
Neil Young
Syria head & UN head 55:04
3 supermodels (2:22:11)
Heads of State 55:12
Palestine & Isreal 55:16 & 55:19
Italian presidents 55:29
China & Japan presidents 55:34
#13715887 at 2021-05-21 03:02:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17365: Fuck Em All edition
Part 6
People in 5 hour video using Freemasonry/Satanic symbols
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion
Very well-documented video
Daniel Radcliffe
Gordon Ramsay (chef)
Ronald Reagan
Kid Red
Trippie Redd
Keanu Reeves
L.A. Reid
Jeremy Renner
Busta Rhymes
Giovanni Ribisi
Christina Ricci
Michael Richards (actor)
Lionel Richie
Nicole Richie
Margot Robbie
Emma Roberts
Julia Roberts
Jordi Roca (chef)
Bob Rock
Chris Rock
Joe Rogan
Rolling Stones
Henry Rollins (The Rollins Band)
Cristiano Ronaldo
Amber Rose
Ruby Rose
Jacob Rothschild
Nathan Rothschild
J K Rowling
Mark Ruffalo
Richie Sambora
Nicolas Sarkozy (French President 22:20)
Saturnian Mist (band)
Savage Garden
Jimmy Savile
Liev Schreiber
Jason Schwartzman
Bon Scott (AC/DC)
Lea Seydoux
Lloyd Shearer
Ed Sheeran
Father Jim Sichko (4:10:16)
Sarah Silverman
Gene Simmons (Kiss)
Ashlee Simpson
Cody Simpson
Frank Sinatra
Alexander Skarsgard
Will Smith
Willow Smith
Sam Smith
Val Soros
Kevin Spacey
David Spade
Jordin Sparks
Britney Spears
Ginger Spice
Rick Springfield
Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)
Paul Stanley (Kiss)
Jeffree Star
Ringo Starr
Gwen Stefani
Howard Stern
Kristen Stewart
Rod Stewart
Ben Stiller
Emma Stone
Meryl Streep
Keifer Sutherland
Wayne Swan (Australian Labor Party)
Patrick Swayze
Taylor Swift
Tilda Swinton
Quentin Tarantino
Ryan Tedder (One Republic)
Tila Tequila
Dita Von Tesse
Third Eye Blind
Greta Thunberg (4:15:40)
Uma Thurman
Justin Timberlake
Ashley Tisdale
Christina Tosi (chef)
John Travolta
Harry S. Truman (President)
Donald J. Trump (President)
Twenty One Pilots
Liv Tyler
Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
Tyler the Creator
U2 (whole band)
Keith Urban
Brendon Uri
Christian Vale
Jean Claude Van Damne
Vince Vaughn
The Veronicas
Sebastian Vincent
A.E. Waite (A-Z Quotes)
Mark Walhberg
Christopher Walken
Fetty Wap
Denzel Washington
George Washington (President)
Emma Watson
Naomi Watts
Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance)
Andrew Lloyd Webber
The Weekend
Florence Welch and the Machine
Kanye West ("fake Christian")
Wil Wheaton (child star)
Prince William (34:55)
Hayley Williams (singer)
Michelle Williams
Pharrell Williams
Robbie Williams
Robin Williams, daughter Zelda
Robert Anton Wilson (author)
Amy Winehouse
Reese Witherspoon
Tom Wolfe (chef)
Elijah Wood
Sam Worthington
Stephen Wozniak (33rd degree freemason)
Bonny Wright
Milo Yiannopoulos (44:33)
Neil Young
Syria head & UN head 55:04
3 supermodels (2:22:11)
Heads of State 55:12
Palestine & Isreal 55:16 & 55:19
Italian presidents 55:29
China & Japan presidents 55:34
#13715872 at 2021-05-21 03:01:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17365: Fuck Em All edition
5 >>13715828
People in 5 hour video using Freemasonry/Satanic symbols
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion
Very well-documented video
Benji Madden
Mack Maine
John Malkovic
Marilyn Manson
Bob Marley
Ricky Martin
The Marx Brothers
Anuncio Mauro (chef)
Theresa May
Guissepe Mazzini (founder of mafia)
Jenny McCarthy
Paul McCartney
Travie McCoy
Ewan McGregor
Martin McGuinness (N. Ireland politician)
Hanna Beth Merjos
Joyce Meyer (pastor 4:10:26)
Mika (Universal Music)
Mac Miller
Steve Miller (The Steve Miller Band)
Nikki Minaj
Kylie Minogue
Helen Mirren
Sophie Monk
Marilyn Monroe
Scott Morrison (Australian PM)
Vince Mortensen
Kate Moss
Mubarak (Egypt)
Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)
Eddie Murphy
Elon Musk and his mother
Vince Neil (AC/DC)
Jack Nicholson
Stevie Nicks
Leonard Nimoy
Nirvana band, Chris, Dave
Barack Obama
Conan O'Brien
Sinead O'Connor
Jamie Oliver (chef)
One Direction
Shaquille O'Neal
Yoko Ono
Rita Ora
Ozzy Osbourne
Joel Osteen (pastor 4:10:21)
Joel Osteen's son and wife
Bishop David Oyedepo (Nigeria 4:10:18)
Al Pacino
Sarah Palin
Robert Palmer
Hayden Panettiere
Hayley Williams Paramore
Parliament Funkadelic
Robert Pattinson
Aaron Paul
Lera Pentelute
Shimon Peres (Israel President, 34:46)
Joe Perry (Aerosmith)
Katy Perry
Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh, 35:17)
Ryan Phillipe
River Phoenix
Chris Pine
Brad Pitt
Pope Francis
Popes (55:59)
Elvis Presley
Lisa Marie Presley
Prince Charles
Richard Pryor
PSY (Gangnam Style song)
Vladimir Putin
Dan Quayle
#13715857 at 2021-05-21 03:00:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17365: Fuck Em All edition
Part 4
People in 5 hour video using Freemasonry/Satanic symbols
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion
Very well-documented video
Billy Idol
David Ike ? (4:16:06)
Enrique Iglesias
Julio Iglesias
Natalie Imbruglia
Eddie Izzard (comedian UK)
Jessie J
LL Cool J
Hugh Jackman
Michael Jackson (46:06)
Paris Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson
LeBron James
Rick James
Kendall Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Olivia Newton John
Daniel Johns (Silverchair)
Boris Johnson
Brian Johnson (AC/DC)
Angelina Jolie
Kevin Jonas
Alex Jones (4:16:06)
Bon Jovi
Mila Jovovich
Asma Kahn (chef)
Daniel Kaluuya
Kim Kardashian (46:18)
Kardashians (46:20)
Bob Katter (Australian Independent MP)
Anthony Keidis (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Minka Kelly
R Kelly
Alicia Keys
Wiz Khalifa
The Killers
Val Kilmer
Kim Jong-un
Jimmy Kimmel
Larry King
Stephen King
King Diamond (sick website)
Audrey Kitching
Keira Knightley
Zoe Kravitz
Lenny Kravitz
Mila Kunis
Ashton Kutcher
Shia LaBeouf
Nick Lachey
Adam Lambert
Adam Perry Lang (chef)
Cindy Lauper
Anton LaVey (freemason founded satanic church)
Avril Lavigne
Jude Law
Sergey Lazarev
Miriam Leaone
Tommy Lee
Phillipe Legendre (chef)
Vladimir Lenin (Bolsheviks)
John Lennon
Jay Leno
Jared Leto
Emmanuel Lewis (Webster)
Leona Lewis
Lil Wayne (rapper)
Blake Lively
Meat Loaf
Lindsay Lohan
Eva Longoria
Courtney Love and daughter
Rob Lowe
#13712083 at 2021-05-20 19:45:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17361: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Edition
the c-130 6 pack crossed the brazos just up from mineral wells and dropped off
wasn't at waco but…
On the Chisholm Trail it was midnight
Carmela was strong on his mind
Because of the life he had chosen
Carmela had left him behind
Too long he'd been el bandito
Carmela had left him alone
But today someone brought a message
She'd be seen in old San Antone
Cross the Brazos at Waco
Ride hard and I'll make it by dawn
Cross the Brazos at Waco
I'm safe when I reach San Antone
He glanced back over his shoulder
The posse were nowhere in sight
He'd sent for Carmela to meet him
On the banks of the Brazos tonight
She was waiting and he kept the promise
He'd made such a long time ago
As he dropped the guns that she hated
In the mighty Brazos below
Cross the Brazos at Waco
Ride hard and I'll make it by dawn
Cross the Brazos at Waco
I'll walk straight in old San Antone
Then the night came alive with gun fire
He knew that at last he'd been found
As the rangers' badges shone brightly
And bandito lay on the ground
Carmela knew he was dying
That all of her dreams were in vain
As she kissed his lips for the last time
She heard him whisper again
Cross the Brazos at Waco
Ride hard and I'll make it by dawn
Cross the Brazos at Waco
I'm safe when I reach San Antone
I'm safe when I reach San Antone
#13710251 at 2021-05-20 16:18:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17359: Penzone Denied Auditors Router Access, Received $2M From Soros Edition
Officials say 130 suspected victims of possible energy weapon
The number of cases specifically within the CIA, State Department, Defense Department and elsewhere, according to the paper, caused considerable unease within the Biden administration.
#13709342 at 2021-05-20 14:23:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
The Pentagon has built the world's largest secret army over the last decade, amassing approximately 60,000 troops who make up the undercover force, a Newsweek exclusive report revealed on Monday.
According to the report, service members in the force often work under masked identities as part of a program called "signature reduction." More than 10 times the size of the CIA's covert elements, the secret army works on both foreign and domestic assignments in both military uniforms and civilian attire, in real life and online. The troops reportedly hide in well-known private businesses and consultancies.
Newsweek's report comes after a two-year investigation in which the news outlet scanned more than 600 resumes and 1,000 job postings, numerous Freedom of Information Act requests, and countless interviews with both participants and defense officials. The report shares a glimpse into an entirely unregulated realm of the American military - the size of which is yet unknown.
Congress has never held a hearing on the secret force, and its existence raises concerns relating to U.S. laws, the Geneva Convention, the code of military conduct and accountability.
The program works with 130 private companies to facilitate the secret army, including making false documentation and paying the bills and taxes of troops working in disguise, as well as creating invisible devices that are undetectable and used to photograph and monitor activity in remote areas of the Middle East and Africa.
The so-called "shadow warriors" are almost entirely special operations forces, working behind enemy lines in places like North Korea and Iran. Another large portion of the force is made up of military intelligence specialists, including collectors, counter-intelligence agents and linguists.
The fastest-growing group in the secret army is comprised of cyber fighters and intelligence collectors who operate undercover online, using "nonattribution" and "misattribution" techniques to conceal their identities and locations.A recently-retired officer responsible for managing signature reduction and "special access programs" (SAPs) told Newsweek that no one knows the extent of the program.
anon feelz safe.
#13709225 at 2021-05-20 14:02:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17358: Arizona Audit. Good job migrating. 518 = 5/18 Edition
6 130's is a shit ton of payload
#13707761 at 2021-05-20 06:35:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17356: Comfefe Edition
he created everything in 7 days. We just began the 6000th year, and 6th day. On the 6th day
he gets everything ready for the 7th. Its the Preparation day for the Sabbath, before the Real
day of Rest. Thats what the Day of the Lord is about. Barnabas wrote about this too, even that
it would happen 2000 years after he wrote it, now. We're right on time. Theres, just no stopping
whats coming.
the one thing I noticed satan wasn't lying about was as above so below. Theres an inverted image
of everything which good is, below 40,000 hz, on the dark side of the particle.
The Daughter of Zion, Ariel, My Lady and I, will replace the two stars that fell from the 7, completing
the image of God. Which is why they call her little wisdom. The Daughter of Jerusalem is Big Wisdom.
Thats like Mary, oddly enough. After Catholocism running rampart with her name, you kind of stop expecting
it to be relevant. But it is.
Jah feels yo, but I figured I'd still drop the info
El Arcón 05/19/21(Wed)23:56:37 No.28589482
Israel !LvGXMETkMo 05/20/21(Thu)00:03:10 No.28589533
Israel !LvGXMETkMo 05/20/21(Thu)00:25:29 No.28589670>>28589673
File: Screenshot 2021-04-26 7.0(…).png (51 KB, 641x347)
The thing about the anti christ is that his arrival
is paralleled by the sun rising in the middle of the night
and that will happen when Lightning strikes from
East to West.
It sounds like your perspective on the deep state and the Illuminati
can be perfectly described by the patriots dialogue in metal gear solid
thing with trump is, he isnt the ac. hes the son of perdition, and the king
of the north. Bringing it quicker, is retarded yeah, and impossible.
I was given the key to the great tribulation. I just have to act on it now.
I hadn't realized in what form I held it until earlier today. But Jesus told
me something about it a long time ago, so I had a clue.
I've read daath separoth, the emerald tablets, I studied anthroposophy.
and the builders rejected me before I knew who I was.
I didn't gain much from those texts. I found very little valuable information
in retrospect to that which I've gathered among the Words of God. I only
have about 40 extra books, tops and total, than the rest of the Christians.
Part of being MethuSelah, I had to preserve these teachings.
Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall recieve. If any of you desire wisdom,
ask God, who gives it liberally, and unbraided. Although he reveals his secrets
to those who Love him. I'm under the impression that ones capacity for these
things can be a sign of Love for God. True Love, no matter how buried or obfuscated
I fully suspect you and I will both find what we are looking for. And I'll be praying for you.
Almost forgot to mention. Those you call the deep state, well.
If we're speaking along the lines of Q. Then it turns out, thats the
order of Melchizedek. They used the Light that is outside of time
to communicate with me before I met God. I passed through this
beam of Light in a vision and it exploded into the Cicada 3301
logo, the white one on the black background. It looked like a bunch
of stars, shimmering and making the Cicada noise. SHSHSH
Israel !LvGXMETkMo 05/20/21(Thu)00:26:33 No.28589673
File: Screenshot 2021-04-26 7.0(…).png (34 KB, 641x347)
>>28589670 (You)
It was through that Light that I've been able to maintain what
little contact I've had with Q and Cicada 3301. I caused Q post
3303 when I realized I could use it too.
As incredibly difficult as it is to believe. Q is involved with Heavenly
forces far outside of the understanding of Mankind. Its not quite
convenient. I have some information about the illuminati too.
The people we see in their circles on the world stage are brand
spankin evil, absolute monsters. A lot of them. Obviously I can't
speak for everyone individually. But the Podestas, Clintons, Comet
and El'fantis, some of the Bush's. Theres lots and lots of them.
They're all subserviant to a vast and monolithic beast system, its
a hierarchy built in the same style as the government in Heaven.
Their both Pyramid schemes.
#13706794 at 2021-05-20 03:07:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17355: Wonderful Comfy Shift Edition
More than 150 children found during CMPD's 'Operation Carolina Homecoming'
CHARLOTTE - Dozens of young people are safe after the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department's Missing Person's Unit conducted an operation that brought them home.
According to CMPD, "Operation Carolina Homecoming" was focused on finding missing and runaway juveniles in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.
#13702342 at 2021-05-19 17:11:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17350: God Won and Patriots Win Edition
Qauntom splicing in a digital ac/DC age
#13695841 at 2021-05-18 21:57:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17342: Calm Before The Storm Edition
'The Wehrmacht in Poland was accompanied by seven SS Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolitizei ("special task forces of the Security Police") and an Einsatzkommando, numbering 3,000 men in all, whose role was to deal with "all anti-German elements in hostile country behind the troops in combat".[129] German plans for Poland included expelling non-Jewish Poles from large areas, settling Germans on the emptied lands,[130] sending the Polish leadership to camps, denying the lower classes an education, and confining Jews.[131] The Germans sent Jews from all territories they had annexed (Austria, the Czech lands, and western Poland) to the central section of Poland, which they called the General Government.[132] Jews were eventually to be expelled to areas of Poland not annexed by Germany, but in the meantime they would be concentrated in ghettos in major cities to achieve "a better possibility of control and later deportation", according to an order from Reinhard Heydrich dated 21 September 1939.[133][l] From 1 December, Jews were required to wear Star of David armbands.[132]'
#13692919 at 2021-05-18 15:42:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17338: Beautiful Day E-Bake Edition
Kneepads has also not used the known as primary AF2 AC yet (tail #98-0001).
#13692808 at 2021-05-18 15:29:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17338: Beautiful Day E-Bake Edition
the support AC 09-0015 went to Youngstown
#13690024 at 2021-05-18 03:27:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17335: Maricopa Board of Supervisors HEADED for the PANIC ROOM Edition
The New Pentagon Papers? Bombshell Report Claims DoD Operating 60,000-Troop Strong Secret Army
16:01 GMT 17.05.2021
The force allegedly engages in operations abroad and on US soil, and if its existence is confirmed, would violate numerous US laws, as well as the Geneva Conventions on the rules of armed conflict.
The US military is operating a 60,000-troop strong secret army without any Congressional oversight, spending at least $900 million on the programme annually, a bombshell report by Newsweek alleges, citing the results of a two-year investigation.
The magazine's report, said to be based on dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests, the analysis of 1,600 resumes and job postings, and interviews with several persons involved, suggests that this secret army carries out operations across the United States and abroad, both online and offline, and that its tasks include defeating increasingly complex technologies.
Over half of the force is said to consist of special operations troops operating in countries across the globe, including Pakistan, Yemen, nations in West Africa, and even North Korea and Iran. Intelligence specialists engaged in the collection of information, counter-intelligence, and linguists are reportedly its second-largest contingent. Other personnel make up a cyber army engaged in cyberwarfare and intelligence collection, and are even reportedly working to manipulate social media - an illegal practice the United States has repeatedly accused countries like Russia, China, and Iran of engaging in.
The programme is said to be known as "signature reduction," and is an estimated ten times bigger than the CIA's clandestine operations division.
Some 130 companies are said to be involved, with nearly a billion dollars in taxpayer money spent on the creation of fake documents, the payment of bills and taxes, and the construction of complex false identities. Banks and credit card companies are said to be made to look the other way for the secret army's soldiers while searching for illegal activities such as fraud and money laundering.
Moar in spicy hot sauce:
#13686759 at 2021-05-17 20:53:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: E BAKE
Huma-originally founded in 2011 as Medopad-will receive $130 million up front from a group of investors led by Leaps by Bayer and Hitachi Ventures. The group also includes Samsung Next, Sony Innovation Fund, Unilever Ventures and HAT Technology & Innovation Fund.
#13686701 at 2021-05-17 20:48:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: E BAKE
>>13681514 Anon decode: DJT "Catch & Telease"
>>13681600 Nunes letter to Biden May 16, 2021 on finding origin of Wu Flu
>>13681648 First Active Duty Service Member Charged in Capitol Breach
>>13681664 Just Whose Coast Is The Coast Guard Guarding?
>>13681676 Divisionfag Fauci claims Covid-19 pandemic showed 'undeniable effects of racism' in US
>>13681699 The Village Voice 1988 open letter about Dr. Fauci
>>13681700, >>13681714, >>13681725 new Snowden tweet: "DC political parties belong to the "same club"
>>13681585 Michigan Voter Fraud Atty. Matt DePerno's Office Broken Into - Then VFW Hall Cancels DePerno Presser After Threats
>>13681754 Aussie: Millions must get COVID jab before borders can open, NSW Premier says
>>13681785 Europe: "It's not a virus, it's a tool to use power"
>>13681851 Clockfag: today (17th) lines up with Calm Before The Storm
>>13681910 Tiny, Wireless, Injectable Chips Use Ultrasound to Monitor Body Processes
>>13681941 Vimeo video platform has banned MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.
>>13681973 South Africa's ex-president Zuma to face corruption trial on Monday
>>13681959, >>13681900 Fauci & the AIDS Genocide
>>13684097 #17326
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13680998 Thomas Gold destroys the Foreign Exchange Desk, CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681167, >>13681224, Dam Neck, how you connecting finger lakes anon?
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
>>13681275 8 Counties' in NV, challenging Clark County they won't vote or confirm any Governor, Senator or congressman unless Clark County (Las Vegas) changes all voting procedures
>>13681314 Microsoft board members thought Bill Gates should resign
>>13681323, >>13681328, >>13681343, >>13681345, >>13681357, >>13681414, >>13681418, >>13681420 It gave an interview about capitalism, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
>>13681358 Oct. 25, 2017 Justia Patent - Coronavirus Spike Proteins, list of inventors and more
>>13681448 #17325
#13686188 at 2021-05-17 20:03:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17331: #ArizonaAudit all EYES and fuck the BV/Gerbil slide Edition
The New Pentagon Papers? Bombshell Report Claims DoD Operating 60,000-Troop Strong Secret Army
The force allegedly engages in operations abroad and on US soil, and if its existence is confirmed, would violate numerous US laws, as well as the Geneva Conventions on the rules of armed conflict.
The US military is operating a 60,000-troop strong secret army without any Congressional oversight, spending at least $900 million on the programme annually, a bombshell report by Newsweek alleges, citing the results of a two-year investigation.
The magazine's report, said to be based on dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests, the analysis of 1,600 resumes and job postings, and interviews with several persons involved, suggests that this secret army carries out operations across the United States and abroad, both online and offline, and that its tasks include defeating increasingly complex technologies.
Over half of the force is said to consist of special operations troops operating in countries across the globe, including Pakistan, Yemen, nations in West Africa, and even North Korea and Iran. Intelligence specialists engaged in the collection of information, counter-intelligence, and linguists are reportedly its second-largest contingent. Other personnel make up a cyber army engaged in cyberwarfare and intelligence collection, and are even reportedly working to manipulate social media - an illegal practice the United States has repeatedly accused countries like Russia, China, and Iran of engaging in.
The programme is said to be known as "signature reduction," and is an estimated ten times bigger than the CIA's clandestine operations division.
Some 130 companies are said to be involved, with nearly a billion dollars in taxpayer money spent on the creation of fake documents, the payment of bills and taxes, and the construction of complex false identities. Banks and credit card companies are said to be made to look the other way for the secret army's soldiers while searching for illegal activities such as fraud and money laundering.
The programme also reportedly includes a major component for the defeat of modern identification and biometrics systems, including fingerprinting and facial recognition, not just abroad, but in the US itself.
The covert initiative reportedly has access to the US intelligence community's grab bag of real, counterfeit, and altered foreign passports and visas, as well as what's known as a Cover Acquisition Management System, a previously never reported-on register of false identities logging the mechanisms used by operators. Along with the alteration of foreign documents and the defeat of foreign security systems, the secret army's operators reportedly accesses and make changes to US customs and immigration databases to ensure fake identities match up so that the programme's soldiers can safely return to the US without raising suspicions.
Needs digging
#13684706 at 2021-05-17 17:12:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17330: Ebake 11 Re-orderedEdition
NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements
#17329 >>13683085 TBC
#17328 >>13683086 TBC
#17327 >>13682284 TBC
>>13681558 AZ: Hickmans chicken farm fire. Around same time as shredded ballots story, March. Dig
>>13681572 Patents by Inventor Robert Kevin Runbeck
>>13681577 How to Watch the Board of Supervisors "Special Meeting" on Monday 5/17
>>13681585 Michigan Voter Fraud Atty. Matt DePerno's Office Broken Into
>>13681591 possible Gitmo Judge movements
>>13681641 Kenya news
>>13681644 Anon on CM: putting out so many election revelations, and it seems the pace is accelerating
>>13681890, >>13682075, >>13681906, >>13681916 RON becomes a household name, HBO. Proceeds to drop election MOABS
>>13681648 First Active Duty Service Member Charged in Capitol Breach
>>13681676 RT: Fauci with some Critical Racism Theory
>>13681699 Raheem to Fauci
>>13681700, >>13681714 new Snowden tweet: "DC political parties belong to the "same club"
>>13681706 Pedo Lincoln Project plans
>>13681772, >>13681841, >>13682004 Anons on the Scavino Giraffe tweet
>>13681851, >>13681944 Clockfag: Storm is coming
>>13681942 Moar Runbeck Patents?
>>13684097 #17326
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13680998 Thomas Gold destroys the Foreign Exchange Desk, CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681167, >>13681224, Dam Neck, how you connecting finger lakes anon?
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
>>13681275 8 Counties' in NV, challenging Clark County they won't vote or confirm any Governor, Senator or congressman unless Clark County (Las Vegas) changes all voting procedures
>>13681314 Microsoft board members thought Bill Gates should resign
>>13681323, >>13681328, >>13681343, >>13681345, >>13681357, >>13681414, >>13681418, >>13681420 It gave an interview about capitalism, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
>>13681358 Oct. 25, 2017 Justia Patent - Coronavirus Spike Proteins, list of inventors and more
>>13681448 #17325
#13684475 at 2021-05-17 16:37:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17329: Ebake
>no Club Feds
NO INTERNET, NO AC, same food as average joe convict. Televised live while working. gitmo channel.
#13683091 at 2021-05-17 12:59:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17329: Ebake
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
#17327 TBC
#17326 TBC
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13680998 Thomas Gold destroys the Foreign Exchange Desk, CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681167, >>13681224, Dam Neck, how you connecting finger lakes anon?
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
>>13681275 8 Counties' in NV, challenging Clark County they won't vote or confirm any Governor, Senator or congressman unless Clark County (Las Vegas) changes all voting procedures
>>13681314 Microsoft board members thought Bill Gates should resign
>>13681323, >>13681328, >>13681343, >>13681345, >>13681357, >>13681414, >>13681418, >>13681420 It gave an interview about capitalism, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
>>13681358 Oct. 25, 2017 Justia Patent - Coronavirus Spike Proteins, list of inventors and more
>>13681448 #17325
#13683087 at 2021-05-17 12:58:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17328: Someone kneads this Dough to get Some Bread Edition
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
#17327 TBC'
#17326 TBC
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13680998 Thomas Gold destroys the Foreign Exchange Desk, CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681167, >>13681224, Dam Neck, how you connecting finger lakes anon?
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
>>13681275 8 Counties' in NV, challenging Clark County they won't vote or confirm any Governor, Senator or congressman unless Clark County (Las Vegas) changes all voting procedures
>>13681314 Microsoft board members thought Bill Gates should resign
>>13681323, >>13681328, >>13681343, >>13681345, >>13681357, >>13681414, >>13681418, >>13681420 It gave an interview about capitalism, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
>>13681358 Oct. 25, 2017 Justia Patent - Coronavirus Spike Proteins, list of inventors and more
>>13681448 #17325
#13682285 at 2021-05-17 07:07:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17327: Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg Edition
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
#17326 TBC
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13680998 Thomas Gold destroys the Foreign Exchange Desk, CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681167, >>13681224, Dam Neck, how you connecting finger lakes anon?
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
>>13681275 8 Counties' in NV, challenging Clark County they won't vote or confirm any Governor, Senator or congressman unless Clark County (Las Vegas) changes all voting procedures
>>13681314 Microsoft board members thought Bill Gates should resign
>>13681323, >>13681328, >>13681343, >>13681345, >>13681357, >>13681414, >>13681418, >>13681420 It gave an interview about capitalism, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
>>13681358 Oct. 25, 2017 Justia Patent - Coronavirus Spike Proteins, list of inventors and more
>>13681448 #17325
#13681464 at 2021-05-17 04:19:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17326: AZ, This Looks Familiar…Photographic Evidence of Ballot Shredding Audit E
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13680998 Thomas Gold destroys the Foreign Exchange Desk, CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681167, >>13681224, Dam Neck, how you connecting finger lakes anon?
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
>>13681275 8 Counties' in NV, challenging Clark County they won't vote or confirm any Governor, Senator or congressman unless Clark County (Las Vegas) changes all voting procedures
>>13681314 Microsoft board members thought Bill Gates should resign
>>13681323, >>13681328, >>13681343, >>13681345, >>13681357, >>13681414, >>13681418, >>13681420 It gave an interview about capitalism, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
>>13681358 Oct. 25, 2017 Justia Patent - Coronavirus Spike Proteins, list of inventors and more
>>13681448 #17325
#13681448 at 2021-05-17 04:16:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17325: Who had the ballots on March 2, Jack Sellers? AZ Audit Edition
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13680998 Thomas Gold destroys the Foreign Exchange Desk, CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681167, >>13681224, Dam Neck, how you connecting finger lakes anon?
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
>>13681275 8 Counties' in NV, challenging Clark County they won't vote or confirm any Governor, Senator or congressman unless Clark County (Las Vegas) changes all voting procedures
>>13681314 Microsoft board members thought Bill Gates should resign
>>13681323, >>13681328, >>13681343, >>13681345, >>13681357, >>13681414, >>13681418, >>13681420 It gave an interview about capitalism, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
>>13681358 Oct. 25, 2017 Justia Patent - Coronavirus Spike Proteins, list of inventors and more
Anythnig missing or needs removing, speak now
Callem out
#13681255 at 2021-05-17 03:47:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17325: Who had the ballots on March 2, Jack Sellers? AZ Audit Edition
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835, >>13681026, >>13680844, >>13681195 Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami Timestamp 10:27:1 22:27 (Cap 0:04)
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681077, >>13681103, >>13681234 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
>>13681215 RUNBECK multi-layered security devices on ballots watermarks and folding artifacts?
>>13681236 Former Professor Sentenced To 37 Months In Prison For Using Federal Grants To Aid China's Medical Research
Anything missing or needs removing, speak now
Call em' out
#13681178 at 2021-05-17 03:34:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17325: Who had the ballots on March 2, Jack Sellers? AZ Audit Edition
NOTABLES are not Endorsements
>>13680674, >>13680678 CM: On March 6, The Gateway Pundit reported that SHREDDED BALLOTS were found in Maricopa County.
>>13680687 CM: Were any ballots removed from the pallets on March 2?
>>13680788 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680921 CM: Photographic evidence of ballot shredding
>>13680923 CM: This looks familiar...
>>13680927 CM: Recommends https://t.me/AZAuditChat for discussing the Maricopa Audit in real-time
>>13680729, >>13680920 Alex Marlow: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Left-Wing Bias Is Only the Tip of Media Corruption Iceberg
>>13680812 Two children, ages 7 & 9, butchered to death by their own mother, Arizona police say
>>13680826 U.S. ARMY: "In line with the President and the Secretary of Defense's direction, the Army is prioritizing climate change considerations in its threat picture..."
>>13680833, >>13681024 Brian Runbeck of Runbeck Election is also an actor who performs in the FINGER LAKES.
>>13680835Dan Scavino Great day at the @ZooMiami
>>13680840 Clockfag chimes BARR CHINA BRIDGE First clock OWL comms
>>13680887 IDF jets launch 'extensive attacks' on Gaza as violence enters 2nd week
>>13680904 Instagram labelled a 'disgrace' by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted pedophiles using platform
>>13680925 Lin Wood I am honored to now be the steward of Cotton Hall
>>13680947 Democrat Mayors May Have Violated Open Meetings Law During Secret Election Planning
>>13680978 @maricopacounty has some explaining to do, Anyone having any information or who wants to confess to destroying evidence should TALK NOW
>>13680988 Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
>>13681022 @1stAF C-130 MAFFS-equipped airtankers are participating in @forestservice training at Jeffco Air Tanker Base in Colorado, practicing water drops in national forests
>>13681055, >>13681160 Saucless Runbeck Election Services Obtains Patent for Computer-Implemented System for Image Processing of Documents Associated with Elections and Methods Thereof.
>>13681077, >>13681103 BlueCrest and Runbeck Election Services Team up to Tackle Vote-by-Mail Surge.
Anythnig missing or needs removing, speak now
Callem out
#13679422 at 2021-05-17 00:14:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17323: Who Deleted the Database? AZ Audit Edition
if he's alive
He's in custody
If he's in custody
He's talking
Media is covering bc they could have proven it in secs ( look at ac.)
Osama bin laden is the first arrest.
#13676338 at 2021-05-16 15:28:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17319: To Bake Or Not To Bake Edition
>That pedo jesuit pope POS with his red shoes does NOT represent God.
never said he did, I wrote
>When the -ac- speaks better listen!
#13676283 at 2021-05-16 15:20:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17319: To Bake Or Not To Bake Edition
>I'm sure both sides are quaking in their boots
>with more than a few wet pants.
>When the -ac- speaks better listen!
That pedo jesuit pope POS with his red shoes does NOT represent God.
#13676238 at 2021-05-16 15:12:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17319: To Bake Or Not To Bake Edition
I'm sure both sides are quaking in their boots
with more than a few wet pants.
When the -ac- speaks better listen!
#13673997 at 2021-05-16 05:39:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17316: EBake in the Midnight
Had to AFK. So I went back to my cap of DJT's post. Played it like a NYT crossword and word association game.
"Illegal Arms Missing"= NK U1 Awan Nukes?
"Fear Me DC"?
"DELETION DS (of the Deep State)?
Lots of "13" =130 dead Hamas?
See some LdRothschild comms too
How'd I do boss & famalam?
Hot Week
#13669371 at 2021-05-15 18:25:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17310: Ebake
Feds Fly Venezuelan, Cuban Migrants to U.S. Interior from Border
DEL RIO, Texas - A law enforcement source with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), speaking on the condition of anonymity, informed Breitbart Texas more than 130 single adult Venezuelan and Cuban nationals who recently entered the United States will be flown to Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Friday. The flight will depart from Laughlin Air Force Base and likely land at Kirkland AFB.
There are no ICE detention facilities located in Albuquerque, according to the published list of such facilities. To the seasoned anonymous source, this seems odd.
"In my decades of experience with ICE, usually when you load a full plane, the destination is the home country." He added, "You don't fly into the interior of the United States, especially when there are places to detain closer to the border."
The source says he is astonished by the move.
"There is no way ICE intends to detain these aliens through the lengthy asylum process-my intuition is there will be some quick move to release them under the Alternatives to Detention Program, which means they will be released in Albuquerque or some other city in the United States rather than removed to their home country."
Del Rio has seen a surge in recent illegal crossings by Venezuelan nationals. This border city currently leads the nation in the apprehension of Venezuelans. Prior to the cancellation of the Migrant Protection Protocols by the Biden Administration, Venezuelan nationals were being quickly expelled to Mexico while their asylum claims were weighed.
#13663404 at 2021-05-14 23:25:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17303: This is NOT fucking Q Warroom Edition
"Governor Larry Hogan [MD] announced Friday evening he will lift the state mask mandate for all residents, effective Saturday, May 15, and Anne Arundel [county] will follow suit. The announcement comes the day after the Centers for Disease Control released a similar recommendation, encouraging localities to allow vaccinated adults to go about their lives unmasked in most situations. Hogan's order goes further and rescinds the mask order for all residents, regardless of whether they've been vaccinated or not, but requires masks on public transit, in hospitals and in schools. Unvaccinated residents are strongly encouraged to wear masks, Hogan said, but not required."
#13663350 at 2021-05-14 23:20:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17303: This is NOT fucking Q Warroom Edition
Jews Were Kicked Out of 132 Countries 1,030 Times in The Last 2,000 Years
*Note - Many countries prior to now were ruled by different Kings and feudal Lords in different regions within each country. For ex. early England had 7 kingdoms: Wessex, East Anglia, Kent, Mercia, etc.
Page 2 of 44
12 B.C. - Gaul - Jews massacred after revolt/resistance against introduction of Roman census/taxes
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 152)
5 B.C. - Palestine - Jews massacred/expelled partially by the Jew Archelaus, a Roman puppet-ruler and successor to Herod The Great
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian', p. 106)
4 B.C. - Palestine - Jews massacred (2,000 crucified)/exiled/sold into slavery by Syrian legate Publius Quinctilius Varus and Syrian procurator Sabinus (who looted the Temple's treasury) after failed Jewish revolt against Rome in what Jewish tradition calls the "War of Varus"
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian', p.110-115; Sidney E. Dean, 'War of Varus: Judea Rises Against Rome in 4 BC', p. 1; Josephus,'Antiguitates Judaicae', XVII, 273-277)
3 B.C. Egypt - Jews Expelled
19 A.D. - Rome, Italy - Jews Expelled by Emperor Tiberius for Corruption and aggressive missionary tactics
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey toDiocletian', p. 130, 387)
30 A.D. - Babylonia - Jews Expelled for revolting against Rome (E. Mary Smallwood, 'TheJews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 415)
30 A.D. - Adiabene - Jews Expelled; Jews backed ruler Artabanus III financially and militarily, and after his death, the mob genocides Jewry
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under RomanRule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 415)
30 A.D. - Armenia - Jews Expelled; Jews backed ruler Artabanus III financially and militarily,and after his death, the mob genocides Jewry
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under RomanRule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 415)
30 A.D. - Batanaea - Jews Expelled; Jews backed ruler Artabanus III financially and militarily,and after his death, the mob genocides Jewry
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under RomanRule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 415)
30 A.D. - Ctesiphon - Jews Expelled; Jews backed ruler Artabanus III financially and militarily,and after his death, the mob genocides Jewry
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under RomanRule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 415)
36 A.D. - Nisibis - Jews Expelled;
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: FromPompey To Diocletian', p. 415)
36 A.D. - Cilicia, Italy - Jews massacred after revolt/resistance against introduction of Roman census/taxes
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey ToDiocletian', p. 152)
39 A.D. - Jamnia - Jews massacred/expelled after "Jewish provocation"
(E. Mary Smallwood,'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 195)
39-40 A.D. - Antioch, Syria - Jews Expelled/Killed after a riot that started between circus factions and ended with total attack upon the Jewish community
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 176)
38-40 A.D. - Alexandria, Egypt - Jews massacred/expelled under Caligula after multiple popular mob attacks on Jewry; this is the first known 'ghetto' in the world
(E. MarySmallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 195, 237-242,360, 364)
40 A.D. - Nehardea - Jews Expelled; Jews backed ruler Artabanus III financially and militarily,and after his death, the mob genocides Jewry
(E. Mary Smallwood, 'The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian', p. 415, 420)
41 A.D. - Rome, Italy - Jews denied right of public assembly by Emperor Claudius
#13663046 at 2021-05-14 22:47:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17302: #ArizonaAudit for the Win Edition
Bill reintroduced in U.S. House to support grandparents raising grandchildren
WWLP|2 days ago
Rep. Jim McGovern Vows To Restore Normal Debate Rules As Rules Committee Chair
WGBH|58 days ago
Congressman Neguse appointed to House Rules Committee
Estes Park Trail-Gazette|2 days ago
'A good team': Rep. Jim McGovern, Rep. Richard Neal say Western, Central Massachusetts, will keep House seats following Census
MassLive on MSN.com|9 days ago
Reps. Jim McGovern, Ayanna Pressley reintroduce bill to help grandparent-led families access safe, affordable housing
MassLive on MSN.com|4 days ago
On This Week's 'Objections' Podcast: Meet the Environmental Lawyer 'Begging' the Justice Department to Prosecute Him
lawandcrime on MSN.com|3 days ago
Rep. Jim McGovern picks up Sen. George McGovern's mission to end hunger in the U.S.
KELOLAND News|16 days ago
House Rules Committee Takes up Impeachment
UPI.com|206 days ago
Pelosi's new House rules are gender-neutral, curtail GOP's ability to force 'gotcha' votes
Fox News|132 days ago
Republican Lawmakers Who Still Support Trump Are 'Cowards,' McGovern Says
WGBH|10 days ago
House Democrats changing rules to clear way for Green New Deal, top Republicans warn
Fox Business|130 days ago
House committee advances resolution to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from committee assignments
FOX 5 Atlanta|100 days ago
House Dems' New Majority Faces Cold Opening With Lingering Shutdown
Talking Points Memo|7 days ago
Dem lawmaker defends 2017 Trump electoral objection as 'protest vote' under pressure from Jordan
Fox News|121 days ago
Rep. Jim McGovern Reacts To President Biden's Congressional Address
WBUR|15 days ago
Democratic leaders find a way to defuse conservatives' House floor sabotage
Politico|24 days ago
Fact-check: Does Biden want to 'remove any term that denotes gender'?
Austin American-Statesman|23 days ago
Congress' embrace of technology is slow, hampered by partisanship and tradition
Bangor Daily News|16 days ago
House Dems Urge AG Garland To Intervene In Donziger Case
Law360|11 days ago
Congress' embrace of technology is slow, hampered by tradition
Roll Call|17 days ago
Tom Cole
C-SPAN|8 days ago
White House, Pelosi try to recognize 'Mother's Day' but can't put 'birthing people' genie back in bottle
BizPac Review|4 days ago
Fact-checking whether Biden, Democrats want to remove all terms that note gender
Politifact|26 days ago
This Week in Congress: June 22 - 26, 2009
Center for American Progress|9 days ago
Jim McGovern
C-SPAN|24 days ago
Democratic U.S. congressman Alcee Hastings of Florida dies at 84
Thomson Reuters Foundation|38 days ago
House Panel Votes To Sue Obama
Talking Points Memo|22 days ago
#13659121 at 2021-05-14 13:12:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17297: Clearing Wiping & Deleting All with No Keys AZ Maricopa The Dirty Edition
>so CNN cunt was "reporting" what's going to happen with the ballots during the graduations
>Right next to the carnival.
>In the green building.
>where carnies use the bathrooms.
>It's hot in there cuz summer sabotage the ac
>recon reporting
#13658929 at 2021-05-14 12:49:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17297: Clearing Wiping & Deleting All with No Keys AZ Maricopa The Dirty Edition
so CNN cunt was "reporting" what's going to happen with the ballots during the graduations
Right next to the carnival.
In the green building.
where carnies use the bathrooms.
It's hot in there cuz summer sabotage the ac
recon reporting like how they tell caravan faggots to make their way north
>>13658080 AZ Audit MSM desperate to change reality CNN (5:38 mins) 5/14/2021
#13658218 at 2021-05-14 09:30:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17296: AZ Senate Stores Election Ballots/ Computers at State Fairgrounds Edition
The Concept of the Crown and Its Potential Role in the Downfall of Coronavirus
#13654264 at 2021-05-13 21:35:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17291: Where the HELL is everyone? Edition
#13648505 at 2021-05-13 02:29:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17284: Ladies And Gentlemen, Take Your Seats. The Show Is About To Begin Edition
>>13647572 (pb) "Tesla has suspended vehicle purchases using Bitcoin. We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for Bitcoin mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel
Bitcoin Could Churn Out 130 Million Tons Of Carbon, Undermining Climate Action. Here's One Way To Tackle That a Chinese study has found. By 2024, mining of the cryptocurrency in China alone could use as much power as the entire nation of Italy uses in a year, with greenhouse gas emissions equalling those of the Czech Republic.
China carries out at least 65% of the world's bitcoin operations.
#13647185 at 2021-05-12 23:50:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17282: EBake History Books Edition
Not a planefag but…lots of C-130 Hercules activity at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport north of Denver today, especially earlier this afternoon. Dang those things are big, and loud. They appear to have flown in from Colorado Springs. They could be here for fire-fighting training, as the C-130s are used to drop slurry on forest fires in the mountains. Or they could be here for another reason. I did see personnel deplane and equipment off-loaded, so not sure what that's about.
#13646200 at 2021-05-12 21:16:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17281: EBake take Five
Fighting between Israel and Palestinians escalating toward a full-scale war, UN warns
The United Nations has called for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Palestinians, warning that the devastating violence is on the cusp of spiraling out of control.
The most severe outbreak of violence between Israel and the Palestinians since the 2014 war in Gaza has prompted a deepening sense of international concern, with ostensibly no end in sight to the crisis.
"Stop the fire immediately. We're escalating towards a full scale war," Tor Wennesland, United Nations Middle East envoy, said via Twitter late Tuesday.
"Leaders on all sides have to take the responsibility of deescalation. The cost of war in Gaza is devastating & is being paid by ordinary people. UN is working (with) all sides to restore calm. Stop the violence now."
The Palestinian extremist group Hamas, which rules in Gaza has been firing hundreds of rockets on Israel, including at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and Israel retaliated with deadly airstrikes on Gaza. The enclave is where roughly 2 million Palestinians have lived under a stringent Israeli-Egyptian blockade since Hamas came to power in 2007.
Gaza's Health Ministry said Wednesday the death toll from Israeli airstrikes had climbed to 43 Palestinians, including 13 children. Israeli airstrikes also leveled two tower blocks on Tuesday.
The United Nations cited reports on Tuesday that more than 900 Palestinians in east Jerusalem had been injured between May 7 and May 10, and over 200 in the West Bank, "most by Israeli security forces," some of whom had also been hurt.
More than 1,000 rockets have been fired by Palestinian militants at Israeli towns in the past 36 hours, according to Israel's Foreign Ministry. Five people have been killed by rocket fire, Israel said, with over 200 injured.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier this week that Hamas had crossed a "red line" by firing rockets on the Jerusalem area for the first time since 2014.
On Tuesday, Hamas said it had launched "a massive rocket strike against Tel Aviv and its suburbs, with 130 rockets, in response to the enemy's targeting of residential towers," according to Reuters.
#13644654 at 2021-05-12 16:54:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17279: 1 RINO Down, Who's Next! #VoteRINOSOut Edition
JUST IN - Al-Shorouk Tower building in central Gaza collapsed after it was targeted by a series of Israeli missiles. @disclosetv
NOW - Direct hits on residential buildings Ashkelon and Sderot.
JUST IN - 130 rockets have been launched toward Ashkelon, Sderot, and Netivot in Israel minutes ago. @disclosetv
#13644642 at 2021-05-12 16:51:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17279: 1 RINO Down, Who's Next! #VoteRINOSOut Edition
JUST IN - 130 rockets have been launched toward Ashkelon, Sderot, and Netivot in Israel minutes ago.
12:44 PM · May 12, 2021·Twitter Web App
#13641911 at 2021-05-12 05:44:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17275: The 'US Under Assault By Socialists, Marxists' Edition
Office of Public Affairs
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Federal Health Care Fraud Takedown in Northeastern U.S. Results in Charges Against 48 Individuals
Three Plead Guilty to One of Largest Health Care Fraud Schemes Prosecuted Involving Fraudulent Telemedicine Networks Targeting Elderly Patients Nationwide
The Justice Department today announced a coordinated health care fraud enforcement action across seven federal districts in the Northeastern United States, involving more than $800 million in loss and the distribution of over 3.25 million pills of opioids in "pill mill" clinics. The takedown includes new charges against 48 defendants for their roles in submitting over $160 million in fraudulent claims, including charges against 15 doctors or medical professionals, and 24 who were charged for their roles in diverting opioids.
In addition to the new charges, today's enforcement action also includes the guilty pleas of three corporate executives, including the Vice President of Marketing of numerous telemedicine companies and two owners of approximately 25 durable medical equipment companies, for their roles in causing the submission of over $600 million in fraudulent claims to Medicare. This is one of the largest health care fraud schemes ever investigated by the FBI and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (HHS-OIG) and prosecuted by the Department of Justice, which previously resulted in charges against 21 other defendants. The enforcement action also includes three additional recent guilty pleas by other defendants. In addition, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Center for Program Integrity (CMS/CPI) announced today that all appropriate administrative actions would be taken based on these charges. As part of the announcement in April, CMS/CPI announced that it took administrative action against 130 DME companies that submitted over $1.7 billion in claims to the Medicare program.
Today's enforcement actions were led and coordinated by the Health Care Fraud Unit of the Criminal Division's Fraud Section in conjunction with its Medicare Fraud Strike Force (MFSF), as well as the U.S. Attorney's Offices for the District of New Jersey, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Western District of Pennsylvania, Eastern District of New York, Western District of New York, District of Connecticut and District of Columbia. The MFSF is a partnership among the Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney's Offices, the FBI and HHS-OIG. In addition, IRS-Criminal Investigations (IRS-CI), Department of Defense-Defense Criminal Investigative (DoD-DCIS), Food and Drug Administration-Office of Inspector General (FDA-OIG), U.S. Postal Service-Office of Inspector General (USPS-OIG), the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and other federal and state law enforcement agencies participated in the operation.
The charges and guilty pleas announced today continue to target corporate health care fraud involving fraudulent telemedicine companies and the solicitation of illegal kickbacks and bribes from health care suppliers in exchange for the referral of Medicare beneficiaries for medically unnecessary durable medical equipment and other testing. The charges also involve individuals contributing to the opioid epidemic, including medical professionals involved in the unlawful distribution of opioids and other prescription narcotics, a particular focus for the Department. According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 115 Americans die every day of an opioid-related overdose.
Today's arrests and guilty pleas come one-year after the Department of Justice announced the formation of the Newark/Philadelphia Regional Medicare Fraud Strike Force, a joint law enforcement effort that brings together the resources and expertise of the Health Care Fraud Unit in the Criminal Division's Fraud Section, the U.S. Attorney's Offices for the District of New Jersey and the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, as well as law enforcement partners. The Strike Force focuses its efforts on aggressively investigating and prosecuting complex cases involving patient harm, large financial loss to the public fisc, and the illegal prescribing and distribution of opioids and other dangerous narcotics.
"Physicians and other medical professionals who fraudulently bill our federal health care programs are stealing from taxpayers and robbing vulnerable patients of necessary medical care. The medical professionals and others engaging in criminal behavior by peddling opioids for profit continue to fuel our nation's drug crisis," said Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department's Criminal Division.
#13637912 at 2021-05-11 21:03:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17270: EBAKE
Hamas hits central Israel with unprecedented rocket fire; woman killed
Terror group says 130 projectiles fired at Tel Aviv area, injuring dozens; Ben Gurion Airport briefly shuttered, schools south of Herzliya closed Wednesday
A woman was killed and dozens were injured on Tuesday evening when Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip pummeled central Israel with a major rocket fusillade, in what appeared to be the largest-ever barrage aimed at the broader Tel Aviv area.
The massive attack caused Israel to briefly suspend flights at its major international airport and cancel schools Wednesday in all areas south of Herzliya.
Rocket sirens blared repeatedly throughout central and southern Israel on Tuesday evening, sending millions of Israelis rushing for shelter, as Gaza-based terror groups fired multiple long-range rockets from the coastal enclave toward Tel Aviv and its suburbs.
The Hamas terror group, which rules Gaza, claimed to have launched over 130 rockets in the volley. There was no immediate statement from the Israel Defense Forces on the number of rockets fired.
#13637742 at 2021-05-11 20:35:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17270: EBAKE
Beirut anons confirms. It was a horrible sight. Palestinian media saying it went down like the buildings of 9/11. It's a residential building in Gaza, in an overpopulated area. Loads of injured/killed are expected.
It's after this building was hit by Israel that the Palestinian Jihadist threw around 130 missiles on Tel Aviv.
Loads taking place, I will keep anons posted.
#13637628 at 2021-05-11 20:16:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17270: EBAKE
part 2
And it's not just the U.S. that wants their taxes paid up; it's the EU as well. Apple paid $15.4 billion to the European Union in 2018, while Google paid $1 billion to the government of France.As for Facebook, however? There's very little info on what Baker McKenzie was able to do for its client.
Baker McKenzie has been ranked as the world's most powerful brand by Legal Cheek's "Most" lists. It is informally recognized as part of London's Magic Circle, a term coined in the 1990s by business journalists to indicate the creme de la creme of global business firms. You get the idea.
Back to the Oversight Board. Baker McKenzie's role is pretty important right now because the board - once named as a Supreme Court by its creator, Mark Zuckerberg - calls for 40 members. Right now there are only 20.
According to the Baker McKenzie-run web portal, Facebook is actively involved in the selection process, and it's been widely reported that the company has endowed it with a $130 million trust. The Oversight Board will have sole power over member selection once all 40 seats have been filled.
"Facebook and the Oversight Board are looking for additional candidates from around the world who are familiar with matters relating to digital content and governance and have a proven track-record of working with others on difficult problems. To help with the ongoing sourcing of potential candidates, the Oversight Board and Facebook are partnering with the firm Baker McKenzie to allow anyone to put forward the name of a qualified candidate for consideration."
And the board members themselves? It's quite an impressive list. It includes a vast international melting pot of highly credentialed people, from a UNESCO official to a Nobel laureate. Some names include Afia Asantewaa Asare-Kyei, a human rights lawyer who is program manager, Open Society Initiative for West Africa; and John Samples, free speech expert and vice president of the establishment-heavy, libertarian-leaning Cato Institute in Washington, D.C., as well as Jamal Green, Constitutional law professor at Columbia Law School.
And, notably, Stanford's Pamela Karlan, who made a joke about Barron Trump at the impeachment hearings (Ukraine version), was a board member, but she quit on Feb. 8, 2021. But it wasn't due to a conflict of interest. You might say it was simply interest: She joined the Biden administration. The article I found doesn't specify her role, though it's back at the DOJ like when she worked there for Obama. Previously she had been part of the Obama DOJ. I counted up the board members, not finding her there, and concluded that she has been replaced by a colleague at Stanford, Michael McConnell, professor and director of the Constitutional Law Center there.
Pamela Karlan.
As for the IRS tax case? It must be in Facebook jail because no one has seen it. There was an article in Pro Publica from this January which blamed Republicans in Congress for gutting the IRS budget so much that the agency couldn't afford to pay experts to fight Facebook's lawyers, essentially.. I have no way of evaluating how much the delay was due to Republican budget cuts, since I know from experience that Democrats are simply not curious about where their money is actually going. Of course there are always exceptions.
The article, titled "Who's Afraid of the IRS? Not Facebook," is a pretty enlightening account detailing the amount of money and manpower Facebook has mounted to resist this case. They stonewalled on documents and tried to do get an IRS pledge that they wouldn't use the extremely powerful weapon of a designated summons (the IRS commendably said "no." And then they got the documents they needed and they raised the claim amount from $9 billion to $20 billion (take a look at Facebook's annual ad revenue growth, all based in Ireland). The most recent year is bigger than the first huge cache of $85 billion to "kill terrorists over there so they don't come... over here." And ads make up almost all of Facebook's total revenue. Now think of the corporate tax rate in Ireland as 12.5 percent of that revenue. Then compare it to the 35 percent corporate tax rate in the United States at that time (before Trump's tax reform act in 2017 which lowered it to 21 percent). That's a formidable amount of taxes owed. That's almost worth a U.S. war.
And the lack of movement or media reporting since February 2021 could point to some major stalling. Which brings me to the question: Does Facebook have the ear of President Joe Biden and the IRS? This battle has been going since Barack Obama's presidency. Only time will tell. Stay tuned for a pittance of a settlement. Though I really hope not.
#13637334 at 2021-05-11 19:32:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17269: Unstoppable Force Meet Unmovable Object Edition
All Hell Breaks Loose: Hamas Fires 130 Rockets On Tel Aviv, Israel Collapses 13-Story Building In Gaza
update(3:03pm): In the last hours there's been massive escalation as Hamas and Islamic Jihad has unleashed wave and wave of rockets on central Israel, and targeting Tel Aviv.
Hamas has announced that it launched 130 rockets on Tel Aviv and central Israel through its TV channels moments ago. While it's unclear if this is exaggerated, rockets appear to be landing across Israel, many slipping through the Iron Dome anti-air defenses.
This after Israeli airstrikes took out an entire 13-story residential building, which collapsed in on itself after multiple explosions and direct hits.
#13637008 at 2021-05-11 18:36:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17269: Unstoppable Force Meet Unmovable Object Edition
Apple Slams Georgia Election Law While Relying on Chinese Slave Labor
In April, Apple announced it would not produce a film about slavery in Georgia in light of the state's recent voting law. A month later, the tech giant was found to have relied on Chinese slave labor to build parts for its tech products.
Apple moved production of its upcoming drama Emancipation to Louisiana after star Will Smith and director Antoine Fuqua said they could not support a state that "enacts regressive voting laws that are designed to restrict voter access." But this week, The Information released a report naming seven Apple suppliers that rely on the forced labor of Uyghurs.
Apple is the latest corporation to suspend business in protest of a law that added requirements for absentee ballots. House majority whip Jim Clyburn and President Biden have referred to the law as a "new Jim Crow." But Apple's continued reliance on forced labor raises questions about the company's dedication to human rights.
According to The Information, one of Apple's suppliers is based in Xinjiang, where up to 1 million members of the Uyghur Muslim ethnic minority have been detained in "reeducation" camps. Multiple reports have detailed torture and forced sterilizations in the camps.
The report is not the first to document Apple's reliance on forced labor. In March 2020, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute found that some Apple suppliers were required to provide political indoctrination to Uyghur laborers.
Other Apple suppliers are not based in Xinjiang, but records show that workers were shipped from Xinjiang to their plants. Avary Holdings, which makes circuit boards for Apple, received 400 Xinjiang workers at one of its factories. Shenzen Deren Electronic, which makes internal cables, received 1,000 workers. According to The Information, a video produced by a fourth supplier outlines how it used forced labor in 2018 and 2019.
Apple, along with Nike and Coca-Cola, has lobbied extensively against a bill that would create stricter penalties for companies caught using forced labor. The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act would make operating Chinese supply chains more difficult for these multinational corporations.
Apple bought the film rights to Emancipation in 2020 for $130 million. The film is based on true events featuring the subject of a famous Civil War-era photograph who displayed the web of scars on his back.
Apple has denied relying on forced labor in the past and did not respond to requests for comment.
#13634002 at 2021-05-11 07:39:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17265: The Gaslighting Never Ends Edition
Biden is the New Carter, and we Now Have the Gas Lines to Prove it
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | May 11, 2021 1:00 AM ET
That Maya Angelou quote comes to mind:
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
We had 47 years of that first-time experience with Senator and Vice President Joe Biden. We knew he had failed up throughout his political career and made more bad policy decisions than Pelosi's had Botox injections. Yet Biden still managed to be installed as President because, "mean tweets!", or something.
Candidate Biden tried to do a song and dance about ending energy production in the United States, but no one wanted to believe that he actually would. After President Biden's Day One executive order killing the Keystone XL Pipeline, then others that put a moratorium on fracking and domestic gas production, I think it's apparent that he meant what he said the first time.
It is now around Day 130 of the Biden administration, and we have had the privilege horror of seeing the result of his bad policy decisions in real-time. Gas prices have increased. Quite a lot, in fact.
After the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack this weekend, we are now seeing a full-on fuel shortage, to a degree we have not seen since... oh, 1978?
The end result of this is increased prices that you pay at the pump. IF you can even get to a pump:
#13631070 at 2021-05-10 23:08:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17261: Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals Edition
> Champaign Man to Serve Nearly 11 Years in Federal Prison for Child Pornography
U.S. Attorney's Office
Central District of Illinois
Monday, May 10, 2021
Champaign Man to Serve Nearly 11 Years in Federal Prison for Child Pornography
URBANA, Ill. - Senior U.S. District Judge Michael M. Mihm today sentenced Mathew McDuffie, 37, of the 1500 block of Holly Hill Dr., Champaign, Ill., to serve 130 months (10 years, 10 months) in federal prison for receiving and possessing child pornography. In rendering sentence, the court noted the humiliating and degrading sexual abuse of toddlers depicted in McDuffie's images of child pornography.
Following McDuffie's release from prison, he was ordered to serve 15 years on federal supervised release and will be required to register as a sex offender.
On Jan. 6, 2021, McDuffie entered pleas of guilty to the indictment that charged him with one count of receipt of child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography on September 25 through 30, 2019. McDuffie has remained in the custody of the U.S. Marshals since his arrest on Aug. 13, 2020.
The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Elly M. Peirson. The charges were investigated by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations and the Champaign Police Department.
The case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide Department of Justice initiative to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by U.S. Attorneys' Offices and the Criminal Division's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS), Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state and local resources to better locate, apprehend and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the Internet as well as to identify and rescue victims. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit www.projectsafechildhood.gov.
#13631037 at 2021-05-10 23:01:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17261: Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals Edition
>Former Honduran National Police Officer Sentenced To 12 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Import Cocaine Into The United States And Related Weapons Offense
U.S. Attorney's Office
Southern District of New York
Monday, May 10, 2021
Former Honduran National Police Officer Sentenced To 12 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Import Cocaine Into The United States And Related Weapons Offense
Ludwig Criss Zelaya Romero Is the Seventh Former Member of the Honduran National Police To Be Convicted And Sentenced For Drug Trafficking Offenses In SDNY
Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that LUDWIG CRISS ZELAYA ROMERO, a former member of the Honduran National Police ("HNP"), was sentenced today to 12 years in prison for conspiring to import cocaine into the United States and conspiring to use machineguns and destructive devices in furtherance of drug trafficking. ZELAYA ROMERO previously pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Lorna G. Schofield, who imposed today's sentence.
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: "Ludwig Criss Zelaya Romero was a lawless law enforcement officer, a purported crime-fighter working for a murderous criminal enterprise. For the personal role he played in cocaine trafficking and multiple murders, Zelaya Romero has been sentenced to a lengthy prison term."
According to the Superseding Indictment, other court filings, and statements made during court proceedings:
Between at least approximately 2004 and 2014, ZELAYA ROMERO worked with members of a drug trafficking organization known as the Cachiros, which was a prolific and violent criminal syndicate that relied on connections to politicians, military personnel, and law enforcement to transport cocaine to, within, and from Honduras. During that time, and while ZELAYA ROMERO was purportedly enforcing the law as member of the HNP, he participated in the Cachiros' criminal enterprise by engaging in cocaine trafficking and violence. Among other things, ZELAYA ROMERO participated in Cachiros drug shipments, recruited other members of the HNP to join the Cachiros, located teams of hitmen in Honduras to carry out murders for the Cachiros, and himself committed and attempted to commit murders to protect and strengthen the Cachiros' criminal enterprise.
Beginning in about 2004, ZELAYA ROMERO personally helped escort large drug shipments belonging to the Cachiros as they were transported through Honduras over land toward the Guatemalan border, so that the drugs could be brought by others to the United States via Mexico and Guatemala. ZELAYA ROMERO helped transport cocaine from the Atlantic coast of Honduras, where many maritime shipments arrived on their way to the United States, and also coordinated with other members of the HNP along the planned drug routes to ensure that tons of cocaine would transit Honduras unimpeded. With the help of ZELAYA ROMERO and other members of the HNP, the Cachiros were able to distribute over 130 tons of cocaine to the United States.
In addition, ZELAYA ROMERO participated in violence and murder for the Cachiros. ZELAYA ROMERO participated in a 2011 massacre at the airport in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, that left six dead, and recruited a hitman who murdered Honduran journalist Anibal Barrow in 2013. ZELAYA ROMERO also himself shot and killed a victim at the Cachiros' request, murdering an individual who had participated in the robbery of a truck containing a large quantity of concealed currency.
This prosecution resulted in the drug trafficking convictions of Fabio Porfirio Lobo, the son of former Honduran president Porfirio Lobo Sosa, and seven former members of the HNP: Zelaya Romero, Mario Guillermo Mejia Vargas, Juan Manuel Avila Meza, Carlos Jose Zavala Velasquez, Victor Oswaldo Lopez Flores, Jorge Alfredo Cruz Chavez, and Carlos Alberto Valladares Garcia. On September 5, 2017, Judge Schofield sentenced Lobo to 24 years in prison. On February 6, 2018, Judge Schofield sentenced Lopez Flores to five years in prison. On June 27, 2018, Judge Schofield sentenced Zavala Velasquez to 12 years in prison. On September 27, 2018, Judge Schofield sentenced Valladares Garcia to 14 years in prison. On March 29, 2021, Judge Schofield sentenced Avila Meza to 12 years in prison.
* * *
In addition to the prison term, ZELAYA ROMERO, 44, was sentenced to four years of supervised release and forfeiture of $120,000.
Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding efforts of the DEA's Special Operations Division Bilateral Investigations Unit, New York Strike Force, and Tegucigalpa Country Office, as well as the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of International Affairs.
#13626122 at 2021-05-10 08:22:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17255: "The Cannon was Me" Comms to Anons [OnReady]
May 10, 2020 12:50:46 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4c9b3f No. 9109809
A week to remember.
#13620280 at 2021-05-09 14:56:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17248: Happy Mothers' Day!
How many of your famous Australians are actually English/British?
John Farnham
Bee Gees
Olivia Newton John
just off the top of my head.
#13613762 at 2021-05-08 18:01:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17240: Forty Ounce Ebake Edition
going to have to hash that one out
<Overall, cryptocurrency energy use is around 130 Terawatt-hours per year
Don't tell AOC or Al Gore though
#13613499 at 2021-05-08 17:17:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17239:Timestamps Have Meaning Edition
You need to be taking vitamon C & D right now in higher quantities too.
This sounds silly but, if you have any pepcid AC or antacid try it. It helped me when I thought I was having a heart attack. It can be caused by pressure on your diaphragm.
#13604722 at 2021-05-07 12:59:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17228: Maricopa County Miscalculated and Blows Dominion Sweet Nothings Edition
Trump Thunderstruck AC/DC
#13598959 at 2021-05-06 19:38:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17221: Follow Le Pen Edition
A Light Slap: Honeywell Fined For Sharing F-35, Other Secrets To China
On May 5th, the US State Department announced that it had reached a $13 million settlement with defense contractor Honeywell.
The settlement is over allegations it exported technical drawings of parts for the F-35 fighters and other weapons platforms to China, Taiwan, Canada and Ireland, according to the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs' charging document.
"Honeywell voluntarily disclosed to the Department the alleged violations that are resolved under this settlement. Honeywell also acknowledged the serious nature of the alleged violations, cooperated with the Department's review, and instituted a number of compliance program improvements during the course of the Department's review. For these reasons, the Department has determined that it is not appropriate to administratively debar Honeywell at this time."
The State Department alleged some of the transmissions harmed national security, which Honeywell acknowledges with the caveat that the technology involved "is commercially available throughout the world. No detailed manufacturing or engineering expertise was shared."
Overall, the materials pertained to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the B-1B Lancer long-range strategic bomber, the F-22 fighter, the C-130 transport aircraft, the A-7H Corsair aircraft, the A-10 Warthog aircraft, the Apache Longbow helicopter, the M1A1 Abrams tank, the tactical Tomahawk missile; the F/A-18 Hornet fighter, and the F135, F414, T55 and CTS800 turboshaft engines.
Honeywell would only pay its fine, essentially, and keep working for the US government, because it voluntarily admitted to violating national security.
Between 2011 and 2015, Honeywell allegedly used a file-sharing platform to inappropriately transmit engineering prints showing layouts, dimensions and geometries for manufacturing castings and finished parts for multiple aircraft, military electronics and gas turbine engines. Its first disclosure of violations to the government came in 2015.
"The U.S. Government reviewed copies of the 71 drawings and determined that exports to and retransfers in the PRC [People's Republic of China] of drawings for certain parts and components for the engine platforms for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, B-1B Lancer Long-Range Strategic Bomber, and the F-22 Fighter Aircraft harmed U.S. national security," the charging document read.
In a statement, Honeywell said it has since taken steps to ensure there are no repeat incidents.
"Under an agreement reached with the State Department to resolve these issues, Honeywell will pay a fine, engage an external compliance officer to oversee the Consent Agreement for a minimum of 18 months, and will conduct an external audit of our compliance program," Honeywell's statement on the matter reads in part.
"Since Honeywell voluntarily self-reported these disclosures, we have taken several actions to ensure there are no repeat incidents. These actions included enhancing export security, investing in additional compliance personnel, and increasing compliance training."
Interesting enough, the US was concerned that the F-35 flying disaster's secrets would be shared through Turkey's purchase of an S-400 missile defense system.
Turns out, a US corporation simply sold the secrets to China and others, simply for profit.
But it is all well, since it apologized after the fact, reinforcing the notion that it is much simpler to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.
#13598391 at 2021-05-06 18:13:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17220: Glory to the Father Edition
Honeywell International Exported US Military Engineering Prints to China.
he US State Department just concluded a settlement for "alleged export violations" with Honeywell International. Honeywell was sharing engineering prints relative to US military technology with several countries, including China.
According to the official statement from the State Department, Honeywell will pay a "civil penalty" of $13 million, and hire a "Special Compliance Officer" who will oversee the "36-month Consent Agreement." The latter will require the implementation of additional "compliance measures" and an external audit of the company's "compliance program."
The settlement is an instance of the State Department's strengthening of US industry through its protection of "U.S.-origin defense articles, including technical data, from unauthorized exports," the statement says.
The full State Department statement follows:
The U.S. Department of State has concluded an administrative settlement with Honeywell International, Inc. (Honeywell) of Charlotte, North Carolina, to resolve alleged violations of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), 22 U.S.C. § 2751 et seq., and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 C.F.R. Parts 120-130. The Department of State and Honeywell have reached this settlement following an extensive compliance review by the Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance in the Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.
The Department of State and Honeywell have reached an agreement pursuant to ITAR § 128.11 to address alleged unauthorized exports and retransfers of ITAR-controlled technical data that contained engineering prints showing dimensions, geometries, and layouts for manufacturing castings and finished parts for multiple aircraft, gas turbine engines, and military electronics to and/or within Canada, Ireland, Mexico, the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan.
The settlement demonstrates the Department's role in strengthening U.S. industry by protecting U.S.-origin defense articles, including technical data, from unauthorized exports. The settlement also highlights the importance of obtaining appropriate authorization from the Department for exporting controlled articles.
Under the terms of the 36-month Consent Agreement, Honeywell will pay a civil penalty of $13 million. The Department has agreed to suspend $5 million of this amount on the condition that the funds will be used for Department-approved Consent Agreement remedial compliance measures to strengthen Honeywell's compliance program. In addition, for an initial period of at least 18 months, an external Special Compliance Officer will be engaged by Honeywell to oversee the Consent Agreement, which will also require the company to conduct one external audit of its compliance program during the Agreement term as well as implement additional compliance measures.
Honeywell voluntarily disclosed to the Department the alleged violations that are resolved under this settlement. Honeywell also acknowledged the serious nature of the alleged violations, cooperated with the Department's review, and instituted a number of compliance program improvements during the course of the Department's review. For these reasons, the Department has determined that it is not appropriate to administratively debar Honeywell at this time.
#13591579 at 2021-05-05 22:57:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17212: If Fucking Dan Would Just Stop Changing The Banner Edition
Anons, so today had to go see the doc, bloodwork and referral to another doctor etc. So as I am sitting in the exam room waiting for my turn I can hear the patient in the next room, a man probably older, heart attack once before and takes heart meds but is pretty healthy. He starts to tell the provider that a few weeks ago he got his second moderna shot, that night his heart rate shot up to 190 per minute and his blood pressure was 180/130 so he called the ambulance to go to the ER because he was afraid he was having another heart attack, he goes on to tell the nurse that while he was in the ER he tried telling every nurse and doctor who he saw that he believed it was from the second Covid shot, but he was incredulous when they ignored what he said and didn't even write in his chart that he had gotten the shot that day. He asked them to write it in there and they told them it wasn't related. This man was not stupid, he regrets getting the shot now that he knows there are risks (something they did not tell us of course) and he is very very worried that he is just gonna have a major cardiac episode and die….the provider who I also saw was very compassionate and did make a note of it in his chart but that was all they could do because they weren't there….so our medical facilities are all in on the scam….I know its all about money and funding and testing and continuing to jab us but just wanted to share what someone went through singularly…..This shit is nuts…..
#13589757 at 2021-05-05 18:30:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17209: Ebaked Again Edition
General McInerney
162K Subscribers
180 Photos
126 Videos
1 File
130 Links
Political commentator and a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the President of the United States and Secretary of Defense.
Expecting a false flag/massive distraction soon. Be prepared for it.
General McInerney
Drew McKissick must not win in South Carolina. We the people must make sure Lin Wood is the winner.
General McInerney
Lindsey Graham is a well known pedophile.
General McInerney
Mike Pence is a well known pedophile.
General McInerney
Mitch McConnell must be placed under arrest for treason.
You got some 'splainin' to do one of these days about your "Bush years" yet other than that Anon thinks Anon loves you!
#13587977 at 2021-05-05 13:25:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17207: April showers bring May flowers Edition
How odd.
My sources say that it is catholics who have murdered 68,000,000 Christians, and that was a source from several centuries ago. The number is surely higher now.
What is your source for "Jews did it", again?
The figure of 68 million appeared in Schmucker's talk in 1838, in Brownlee's book of 1836, and also in a book "Plea for the West" by Lyman Beecher (Cincinnati, Truman and Smith, 1835), pp. 130-131:
And let me ask again, whether the Catholic religion, in its union with the state, has proved itself so unambitious, meek, and unaspiring so feeble, and easy to be entreated, as to justify-a proud, contempt of its avowed purpose and systematic movements to secure an ascendancy in this nation? It is accidental that in alliance with despotic governments, it has swayed a sceptre of iron, for ten centuries over nearly one-third of; the population of, the globe, and by a death of violence is estimated to have swept from 'the' earth about sixty-eight millions of its inhabitants, and holds now in darkness and bondage nearly half the civilized world?
The exact quote of Brownlee referenced above is as follows:
In one word, the church of Rome has spent immense treasures and shed, in murder, the blood of sixty eight millions and five hundred thousand of the human race, to establish before the astonished and disgusted world, her fixed determination to annihilate every claim set up by the human family to liberty, and the right of unbounded freedom of conscience.
- Popery an enemy to civil liberty, 1836, pp. 104-105.
Also, in another work Brownlee states
Papal Rome has shed the blood of fifty millions of Christians in Europe!
- The Roman Catholic Religion viewed in the light of Prophecy and History, New York, Charles K. Moore, 1843, page 60.
How like the Jesuits/CIA, to blame their atrocities on the Jews!
#13587500 at 2021-05-05 11:47:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17207: April showers bring May flowers Edition
Show me a room vvith Geronimo's skull in it I'll show you a time traveling Pahana white boy vvith enough connections and counterblackmail to get it back to where & who it belongs
Turturro its ne nice if vve could use these timeless books to get some righteous native folks most their Lands back
"The tide has turned"
Love & Light said "4 days" a year and a month ago at Golden Gates park. If I didnt see epsteins reflection I'd probably have said hey to they treasure chest random people even somehow referenced to.
"Over my dead body"
You knowthe rulest
Already saw my dead body but not epsteins
[Eye actuslly know]
Dont have your private island property manager talk to my captain fri3nds weath incorrect backstory
(Love ya Robin)
Still not sure who you think ky sister is vvaverider unless it's my electronuclear counterpart
Impossible I know
My favorite flavor of possible
Tesla I'm shining that Gold mirror reflection authorization all the bay back thru ac electrocuting myself to 96 to talking to our lightning on the lake before that sexy af ball lightning
Still remember the pact "remains to remain" "in the name…"
Good ol SinTax
Harry_Potter(Albus)>Edmund _Dantes>Monte_Cristo>The_Good_Shepherd>_>Stonehearst_Asylum
"Only thing is I cant remember what I've forgotten"
Gotta love quantom storage
#13583574 at 2021-05-04 23:35:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17202: If You Can Keep Your Head When Shills About You Are Losing Theirs Edition
Virginia Teachers Unions Plan Power Grab, Critical Theory Curriculum After Public Sector Collective Bargaining Legalized
Public sector unions achieved a major victory in Virginia, and are wasting no time planning their next steps
Teachers unions are organizing a massive power grab and pushing for the use of radical left-wing curriculum in Virginia's schools following the state's legalization of public sector collective bargaining, a key piece of the left-wing agenda championed by Democrats since taking full control of the state's government. Under the new rules, touted by unions as some of broadest in the country, public employees will have the ability to collectively bargain with their local governments, opening the door to hundreds of potential labor disputes statewide.
Long known for its enthusiastic support of right-to-work legislation, public sector collective bargaining has been banned outright in Virginia since 1977. Despite this, unions have managed to stick around, particularly in Northern Virginia's D.C. suburbs and perhaps none more successfully than the Virginia Education Association (VEA), which appears to have spent the better part of the last year preparing for the May 1st change in bargaining laws.
Led by union President James Fedderman, the VEA has over 40,000 members across 130 local divisions and lobbied heavily for the legalization of public sector collective bargaining in the state. Under the new law, teachers and other public employee unions will have the ability to collectively bargain with local governments, though not the state, a piece of the law that even pro-Union observers say sets up the potential for hundreds of separate labor disputes and could force the state to step in, spelling an end to Virginia's long-held status as a right-to-work state.
According to the VEA, collective bargaining will be the union's top priority for the next two years, while the group remains focused on keeping teachers home from work due to alleged COVID-19 health risks.
"History beckons, and so VEA's Organizing2Bargain campaign will be the Union's top priority for the next two years," reads a statement on the union's website, while a COVID-19 "resource page" makes clear that the group "demands" teachers be given a stay-at-home employment option.
In addition to prolonging school shutdowns and alterations, the union says it will be advancing efforts to overhaul Virginia's school curriculum to further increase the radical left's hold on public education, and continue to support efforts by unionized teachers to push school districts farther left.
As previously reported by National File, in Northern Virginia's Loudoun County, the local division of the Virginia Education Association has been at the forefront of a radical left-wing effort to embed Critical Race Theory and other anti-white, anti-American curriculum in to fabric of the school system - one of Virginia's largest. In addition to pushing for the radical curriculum, unionized school teachers, left-wing parents, and even the county's Soros-funded lead prosecutor are members of a Facebook group dedicated to doxxing and destroying district parents opposed to the left's radical efforts. Some members of the group even suggested hiring hackers to obtain sensitive information on the parents and their children.
During the VEA's annual convention, Fedderman reaffirmed the union's support of the far-left in what the VEA calls a "fiery speech" to members, vowing to promote the Black Lives Matter agenda in schools and calling for the creation of a "tool-kit" to help teachers "protect" students from online "hate content."
"We owe our students a rich and inclusive curriculum," said Fedderman in advocating for a left-wing overhaul similar to that seen in Loudoun County.
#13578543 at 2021-05-04 12:11:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17195: God Won Edition
Where did Inthematrixxx/Jeffy get P = PAYSEUR? Let's have a look at the "source" of Jeffy's "inspiration".
Where did Fritz Spingmeier aka Viktor Schoof, the multiple felon, religious white supremacist religious grifter get his Payseur story?
Let's have a look at any "Proof" offered up Fritz Springmeier in "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" shall we?
Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier Page 144 Old edition Page 130-131 New edition here - Free "Bloodlines" pdf > https://pubhtml5.com/ejtz/jmue
INTRODUCTION by Fritz Springmeier
The Rothschilds are one of the most well-known of the thirteen families. David J. Smith of Portland was
asked to prepare an article on the Rothschilds for this newsletter. His article follows this introduction. Satan's
selective breeding program has been continuing down through the ages hidden from the eyes of the public.
One of the most powerful Rothschild bloodline families in America are the Springs. The Springs were
originally the Springsteins when they came to America in the mid-I 1700s and settled in NY and NJ. They
later changed their name from Springstein to Springs to hide their identity. Leroy Springs was hired by LC.
Payseur.Now most American's have to ask, who is L.C.Payseur? One of the most secret and most powerful
families in North America has been thePayseurs.They have been so powerful that they could hide their
wealth and power, and use other Satanic families as proxies. ThePayseursare part of the 13th top Illuminati
family. The firstPayseurto come to America was the former crown prince of France DanielPayseur(1785-
1860). He came over about 1805 to the U.S. and married Susannah Kiser c. 1814. They had two boys Adam
and Jonas (1819-1 884). Jonas married Harrietta Smith and they had Lewis CassPayseur(1850-1939). It was
this Lewis CassPayseurwho hired the Rothschild bloodline of the Springs to run a number of thePayseur's
companies. ThePayseurswere one of the original big railroad families along with Issac Croom and William
H. Beatty. Isaac Croom's wife was a sister of William Beatty's, so the reader can see how all these elite
bloodlines intertwine. Remember that LC.Payseurhired Leroy Springs to operate a host of his companies.
Leroy Springs father was A.A. Springs and A.A. Springs was the secret father ofAbraham Lincoln.
In 1808, Nancy Hanks, of the lineage of the McAdden Scottish family visited some of her family at
Lincolnton, N.C. Nancy Hawks visited the Springs family and that is when A.A. Springs impregnated her,
and her child when born was named Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's Rothschild blood was kept very
secret, but he did grow up to be a famous lawyer, a secret leader of the Rosicrucians, and President of the
United States.
It is believed from the evidence that the establishment conspiracy concocted the person of
Thomas Lincoln out of thin air. The actual early history of Abraham Lincoln is shrouded in myth and
mystery, and as one encyclopedia puts it, "We know little about the family of his mother, Nancy Hanks
While a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln had a sexual liaison with Elizabeth who was the illegitimate daughter of German King Leopold,
who is also of elite blood lineage. Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth had
two twin daughters Ella and Emily in 1856 who were adopted out.
Lincoln in fact had a fairly large number of illegitimate children.
Now A. A. Springs, who was both the biological father of Leroy Springs and
Abraham Lincoln left an enormous amount of land in what is now Huntsville, AL to his son Abraham
Lincoln. Huntsville, AL by the way has become a hotbed of NWO activity. Some of the mind-control
research the intelligence community has been conducting has been done at Huntsville.
Abraham Lincoln secret father was A.A. Springs! Lincoln was the secret leader of the Rosicrucians!
The only sauce Fritz may have had is simply more rumor from another CT's book which is all almost always very loosely based upon History. Gives it that "special sauce" flavor!
So the Head of the Rosicrucians, Illegitimate son of one of the "Illuminati" families, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, refused the "Illuminati"! Right! Right!
#13578005 at 2021-05-04 08:59:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17195: God Won Edition
Anyone remember "this is what's going on. Gold : Gould"
This is what happens while I babysit police and protesters and the locals end up thinking I'm a rioter the protestors end up thinking I'm a fed and the feds wondering why we called eachother in just to have the mayors hand blocks over to meth heads (cool hippy action in the mix but enough is enough)
What do you do when other routes extinguished
What do you do when the cia openly stated "were gonna have her meet a golfer" (not even 'professional'? Really) and you have the cia and dea dead to rights on tippy-top too many to name?
Bad actors / foreign agents into Goulds I dont allow walking around.
And most the "dead" are welcome to party.
How do you legally?
Healthy people "locked down":Tyranny
Played nice. Watched [their] versions.
vve dont acknowledge or allow [their] version of history
Coming from someone who watched world history change while I died a few times and most the public was sleeping.
Repair a bridge without closing the lanes?
Analog meets digital meets ai vvunderland meets rock & roll
Who made who
There is no turning back
"If I tell you _ _ _ _ _"
Much Love
#13574250 at 2021-05-03 22:33:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17191: Even Gay Marriages Come To An End Sometimes Edition
From The QR Interzone archive:
Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra
Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson
Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a 'scribe' in the initial channeling of the "A Course in Miracles "(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.
After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]
In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:
Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: "A Course in Miracles "
…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.
CIA Headquarters - Central Intelligence Agency
Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike ...
Chapter One - Central Intelligence Agency
Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word "keystone" to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey ...
In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?
#13572362 at 2021-05-03 18:40:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17188: POTUS T Dubs 2020 Election Results 'THE BIG LIE' Edition
Maybe red light 206 12 LINKs this Time instead
Ok… you've got a secret
"Try it"
(Induction and ionizing radiation and making a human bridge in a pinned circuit br3aker bonded DC/ac/dc eye got this)
Columbia U.
Another "crazy" person told me to look at you when it's time to get the band back together)
#13571525 at 2021-05-03 16:34:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17187: POTUS T Started Global Twatter Trend & Spy Plane Circles AZ Audit Edition
Where did Inthematrixxx/Jeffy get P = PAYSEUR? Let's have a look at the "source" of Jeffy's "inspiration".
Where did Fritz Spingmeier aka Viktor Schoof, the multiple felon, religious white supremacist religious grifter get his Payseur story?
Let's have a look at any "Proof" offered up Fritz Springmeier in "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" shall we?
Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier Page 144 Old edition Page 130-131 New edition here - Free "Bloodlines" pdf > https://pubhtml5.com/ejtz/jmue
INTRODUCTION by Fritz Springmeier
The Rothschilds are one of the most well-known of the thirteen families. David J. Smith of Portland was
asked to prepare an article on the Rothschilds for this newsletter. His article follows this introduction. Satan's
selective breeding program has been continuing down through the ages hidden from the eyes of the public.
One of the most powerful Rothschild bloodline families in America are the Springs. The Springs were
originally the Springsteins when they came to America in the mid-I 1700s and settled in NY and NJ. They
later changed their name from Springstein to Springs to hide their identity. Leroy Springs was hired by LC.
Payseur.Now most American's have to ask, who is L.C.Payseur? One of the most secret and most powerful
families in North America has been thePayseurs.They have been so powerful that they could hide their
wealth and power, and use other Satanic families as proxies. ThePayseursare part of the 13th top Illuminati
family. The firstPayseurto come to America was the former crown prince of France DanielPayseur(1785-
1860). He came over about 1805 to the U.S. and married Susannah Kiser c. 1814. They had two boys Adam
and Jonas (1819-1 884). Jonas married Harrietta Smith and they had Lewis CassPayseur(1850-1939). It was
this Lewis CassPayseurwho hired the Rothschild bloodline of the Springs to run a number of thePayseur's
companies. ThePayseurswere one of the original big railroad families along with Issac Croom and William
H. Beatty. Isaac Croom's wife was a sister of William Beatty's, so the reader can see how all these elite
bloodlines intertwine. Remember that LC.Payseurhired Leroy Springs to operate a host of his companies.
Leroy Springs father was A.A. Springs and A.A. Springs was the secret father ofAbraham Lincoln.
In 1808, Nancy Hanks, of the lineage of the McAdden Scottish family visited some of her family at
Lincolnton, N.C. Nancy Hawks visited the Springs family and that is when A.A. Springs impregnated her,
and her child when born was named Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's Rothschild blood was kept very
secret, but he did grow up to be a famous lawyer, a secret leader of the Rosicrucians, and President of the
United States.
It is believed from the evidence that the establishment conspiracy concocted the person of
Thomas Lincoln out of thin air. The actual early history of Abraham Lincoln is shrouded in myth and
mystery, and as one encyclopedia puts it, "We know little about the family of his mother, Nancy Hanks
While a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln had a sexual liaison with Elizabeth who was the illegitimate daughter of German King Leopold,
who is also of elite blood lineage. Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth had
two twin daughters Ella and Emily in 1856 who were adopted out.
Lincoln in fact had a fairly large number of illegitimate children.
Now A. A. Springs, who was both the biological father of Leroy Springs and
Abraham Lincoln left an enormous amount of land in what is now Huntsville, AL to his son Abraham
Lincoln. Huntsville, AL by the way has become a hotbed of NWO activity. Some of the mind-control
research the intelligence community has been conducting has been done at Huntsville.
Abraham Lincoln secret father was A.A. Springs! Lincoln was the secret leader of the Rosicrucians!
The only sauce Fritz may have had is simply more rumor from another CT's book which is all almost always very loosely based upon History. Gives it that "special sauce" taste!
#13562848 at 2021-05-02 10:17:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17176: GERONIMO 144% PROOF Edition
Where did Inthematrixxx/Jeffy get P = PAYSEUR? Let's have a look at the "source" of Jeffy's "inspiration".
Where did Fritz Spingmeier aka Viktor Schoof, the multiple felon, religious white supremacist religious grifter get his Payseur story?
Let's have a look at any "Proof" offered up Fritz Springmeier in "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" shall we?
Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier Page 144 Old edition Page 130-131 New edition here > free pdf > https://pubhtml5.com/ejtz/jmue
INTRODUCTION by Fritz Springmeier
The Rothschilds are one of the most well-known of the thirteen families. David J. Smith of Portland was
asked to prepare an article on the Rothschilds for this newsletter. His article follows this introduction. Satan's
selective breeding program has been continuing down through the ages hidden from the eyes of the public.
One of the most powerful Rothschild bloodline families in America are the Springs. The Springs were
originally the Springsteins when they came to America in the mid-I 1700s and settled in NY and NJ. They
later changed their name from Springstein to Springs to hide their identity. Leroy Springs was hired by LC.
Payseur.Now most American's have to ask, who is L.C.Payseur? One of the most secret and most powerful
families in North America has been thePayseurs.They have been so powerful that they could hide their
wealth and power, and use other Satanic families as proxies. ThePayseursare part of the 13th top Illuminati
family. The firstPayseurto come to America was the former crown prince of France DanielPayseur(1785-
1860). He came over about 1805 to the U.S. and married Susannah Kiser c. 1814. They had two boys Adam
and Jonas (1819-1 884). Jonas married Harrietta Smith and they had Lewis CassPayseur(1850-1939). It was
this Lewis CassPayseurwho hired the Rothschild bloodline of the Springs to run a number of thePayseur's
companies. ThePayseurswere one of the original big railroad families along with Issac Croom and William
H. Beatty. Isaac Croom's wife was a sister of William Beatty's, so the reader can see how all these elite
bloodlines intertwine. Remember that LC.Payseurhired Leroy Springs to operate a host of his companies.
Leroy Springs father was A.A. Springs and A.A. Springs was the secret father ofAbraham Lincoln.
In 1808, Nancy Hanks, of the lineage of the McAdden Scottish family visited some of her family at
Lincolnton, N.C. Nancy Hawks visited the Springs family and that is when A.A. Springs impregnated her,
and her child when born was named Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's Rothschild blood was kept very
secret, but he did grow up to be a famous lawyer, a secret leader of the Rosicrucians, and President of the
United States.
It is believed from the evidence that the establishment conspiracy concocted the person of
Thomas Lincoln out of thin air. The actual early history of Abraham Lincoln is shrouded in myth and
mystery, and as one encyclopedia puts it, "We know little about the family of his mother, Nancy Hanks
While a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln had a sexual liaison with Elizabeth who was the illegitimate daughter of German King Leopold,
who is also of elite blood lineage. Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth had
two twin daughters Ella and Emily in 1856 who were adopted out.
Lincoln in fact had a fairly large number of illegitimate children.
Now A. A. Springs, who was both the biological father of Leroy Springs and
Abraham Lincoln left an enormous amount of land in what is now Huntsville, AL to his son Abraham
Lincoln. Huntsville, AL by the way has become a hotbed of NWO activity. Some of the mind-control
research the intelligence community has been conducting has been done at Huntsville.
Abraham Lincoln secret father was A.A. Springs! Lincoln was the secret leader of the Rosicrucians!
The only sauce Fritz may have had is simply more rumor from another CT's book which is all almost always very loosely based upon History. Gives it that "special sauce" taste!
#13560807 at 2021-05-02 01:25:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17174: Promises Made, Promises Kept, Patriots United Edition
Back channels only at this point
Not taking a biological vaccine for a digitized analog RNA bioelectric code editing code virus I opened intentionally
No sick people
CDC says 2.5-2.7 million average flu cases annually
This year says blah blah dielectric bonded electro nuclear sun resonance coronal radiation decay rate virus
But dont sneeze or laugh in public
And NO flu according to them
Trump was getting messed with as soon as press briefings had someone overlayed behind qnd in front of him, thought maybe sign language at first but no
Where do you go when you sleep
Where do you go when you (die)
What was RA & SET in Egypt
Why do humans tan & cathode ray tubes "brown"
What do you do when you've reset a calendar and clock independent of "standard" analog or electro mechanics
When does peizo electric dielectric transforms lighting to ac back to dc agree on the relative length of a second
When do physics no longer apply
When do waveforms begin to make their own one point of light resonances
What happens when light echoes light
What happens when I've recorded it and timestamps prove
What do you say when your trying to charge a "dead" man
Where was eye between the yule April fools one's birthday 7:17 Am Pm on the 17th solstice waverider
Marry Me
When does Africa find out about India?
Washington Jefferson?
Who else sees rust before project completion or start date
Gaps in the welding
#13558150 at 2021-05-01 18:24:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17170: Eyes On #AzAudit Edition
>What ever happened to the hole in the Ozone?
The people who install AC units used to vent the refrigerant into the air instead of recovering it. The stuff they used was pretty bad for ozone I think it was classified as HFCs'
#13550654 at 2021-04-30 17:06:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17161: God Bless and Have a Wonderful Bread Edition
For the record of theres a way to expedite this I'm doin it already had all my clocks moving at different speeds and DC to DC charging 117% quicker at least than AC if theres another ball throw it at me il catch this girl in the clouds in IFR at this rate
Shout out to whoever's unburyin / unbreaking my neck shots been qracked 9 ways from no sunnydays for 4 digital years.
Havent seen my heart in eternityz
#13550423 at 2021-04-30 16:25:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17161: God Bless and Have a Wonderful Bread Edition
Q314 (4-31 date, 5-1), 314 is "2 ahead of" John 3:16
Today is 2 days ahead of Orthodox Easter.
House and Senate are on break as of this evening.
Who is their "antichrist," when/how do they sacrifice him/her/tranny creature and does the "woman's water break" to rebirth AC Sunday morning?
The "BIBLICAL" part of this movie feels suddenly more more real and quite imminent. Also thought this each of several prior years. Kek.
#13549587 at 2021-04-30 14:25:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17159: Morning Sun Bringing the Heat Edition
Corona is q digital analog ac/dc virus to the electrical sun resonance
Feels like your hearts breaking forever everyday
Covid is all bullshit mask up to burn the last election vve ever had
#13549508 at 2021-04-30 14:17:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17159: Morning Sun Bringing the Heat Edition
Yeah I have both actually but read somewhere the 1599 had more footnotes. Leather bound 1560 version was like 130 bucks and it was really hard to find. Nice woodcut illustrations though
#13542273 at 2021-04-29 17:09:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17150: Reminder All Eyes on #AZAudit Edition
The 1 lbs will go through your windshield and kill you.
The 130 lbs one will go through the top 10 levels of the hotel you're in and kill you.
#13542006 at 2021-04-29 16:28:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17150: Reminder All Eyes on #AZAudit Edition
Just looked up the size of a one lb hail = about 5 "
Now x that by 130
I don't have the formula for this
#13534297 at 2021-04-28 21:55:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17141: E-Bake
CodeMonkeyZ, [28.04.21 10:22]
[Forwarded from Arizona Conservatives Take Action (Patriot)]
AZ Audit Hearing Update
The new Maricopa County Judge Martin did not extend the injunction today after an hour-plus long hearing. The audit in Arizona continues for now. Judge Martin says he will rule on the TRO tomorrow at 10:30AM.
He stated: "the Senate has the authority to audit but must balance that with the constitutional rights of voters." He added later: "I'm not persuaded that rights of voters in Maricopa County are being protected," i.e. he may enforce the TRO tomorrow. Judge said that issue is central to the case,.
This is a biased judge.Keep calling and demand that he recuse himself:
Learn more: 🔗Call Judge Martin https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/1487
Watch:🔗AZ Audit Hearing 4/27 https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/1504
#13532683 at 2021-04-28 18:04:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17139: Rudy to introduce Evidence? Edition
We in Spain and spanish speaking countries don't use this kind of words.
In the Canary Islands live more than 130 nationalities. We use the word 'moreno/morena (if female) because anybody can be moreno/a: even people with brighter complexion can be more tanned in summer than people who were born with a natural tan.
Sorry but we run things different here and do not have this white/black bullshit thinking.
#13521725 at 2021-04-27 03:58:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17125: Why Are Dems And Rinos Trying To Stop The AZ Audit? Edition
Eh Q & + plus that part the plan vve hoped we wouldn't need…..
Eye "green" lit 206 twelve times heres 360 a month and some change Ffter the wave rider had my GPS time yo 17th 16th 19th 18th back to 17th 717am/pm ac/DC kids back from Jack's dark rock somewhere in space places thru time
Spooneh I think that part of you know what's for the vvaverider if you are out there make sure that Dogs and frogs alright alright alllllright
#13518573 at 2021-04-26 20:24:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17121: DS Runnin' Outta People To Euthenize, Oops Eh Vaccinate & AZFraud Edition
>Follow the Wives
World's richest woman donates $15 million to Elizabeth City State University
ELIZABETH CITY, N.C. - The world's richest woman, MacKenzie Scott, has donated $15 million to Elizabeth City State University.
It is the largest gift from a single donor in the school's 130-year history, according to a release from the university.
The money will go towards academics, athletics, student experiences and faculty and staff development, said Chancellor Karrie G. Dixon.
"Thanks to Ms. Scott's gift, this affords us the opportunity to improve the institution's financial footing for long-term stability," Dixon said in the release.
Scott is an author and the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. She received a 4% stake in the company as part of the divorce settlement last year, according to Forbes.
Scott's net worth of $68 billion makes her the richest woman in the world and 12th richest person in the world, according to a CNN report in September.
She signed the Giving Pledge in 2019 and announced in July she had given $1.9 billion to nonprofits and historically Black universities, Forbes said. She announced today she has given away another $4.2 billion in the last four months, according to Bloomberg.com
The Giving Pledge initiative, started by Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates, encourages the rich to donate a majority of their wealth to charity.
Jeff Hampton, 252-491-5272, jeff.hampton@pilotonline.com
MacKenzie Scott Jeff Bezos Amazon wealth Elizabeth City State University
#13516281 at 2021-04-26 13:45:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17118:Who owns a Slice the Pentagon's Internet COMCAST Edition
>steel gone up in price
Not just steel. I just paid $130 for about 8# of aluminum bar.
#13506139 at 2021-04-25 03:16:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17107: The Banner That Started It All Is Back By Popular Demand Edition
Jacob Jew Esau Gentile Ephraim Gentile Manasseh Jew
Rome fell 400 years after the Crucifixion with the Tribes of Judah and Israel which was
being scattered across the Earth left its Mark on Rome with the Kingdom of the Goths,
which instead of being persecuted by the Romans decided to resist them, successfully
till they'd beaten rome fullwhile showing them mercy, a few times, up unto the death of
the great goth King Theodosius whose death pretty much ended the goths with rome.
Founded on the Death of the King, Fallen on the Death of the King.
The Lamb = 61 1600 years later the Birth of the Lamb. the 3rd day from Christ
40 And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
America began 400 years ago in 1620 when the mayflower touched soil after colonists
from Europe had fled the oppression of the Monarchy which had been totally conquered
by Jesuits, Oppression, the Vatican, Satanic Propriety and Depravity. In League with Grecia,
Persia, Media. While Successfully holding the last bastions of Freedom and Faith in Europe
for hundreds of years, till the point of basic slavery and violent usurpation. They sailed the
Freedom Trail and founded the Nation that would give Birth to Zion. Literally upon the Death
of King James.
Together To Get Her
Come Out of Babylon
/x/ Israel !SVa4RgiQBk Sat 06 Feb 2021 23:43:20 No.27573568 ViewReport
Quoted By: >>27573583
1000 BC
2020 is 2027 is 2000 AC
7 year tribulation cut short
in 3 and 1/2 years - the beginning of the Day of the Lord
i.e. the 1000 year reign will resemble the End.
The Day of the Lord begins with New Jerusalem coming out of Heaven
and landing in the Promise Land built by the Lamb - when Jesus Christ
makes his 2nd Coming ending the Great Tribulation.
the Israelites was in Egypt for 400 years.
The Pharoah conquered the Judean Israelites over time through deceits
and usurpations gradually encroaching on all of their freedoms until they'd
become slaves. Moses was born a slave, but the Pharoah feared him, because
of the Words of the Prophets, and his appearance floating down the river Jordan
before Joshua floated down the same river
Then, the 7 and 3 plagues happened. Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt which
subsequently was toppled totally upon their whole exit, and conquering Israel for 40
#13503305 at 2021-04-24 19:02:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17103:Emergency Ebake Edition
Pentagon Contractors Left in the Dark on Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan
There are currently16,832 Pentagon contractors in Afghanistan, the head of CENTCOM said 'most' will leave under Biden's withdrawal plan
According to a report from Bloomberg Law, contractors in Afghanistan employed by the US military, who vastly outnumber US troops in the country, have been given minimal direction on President Biden's withdrawal plan.
"We need a much clearer idea of what the endgame looks like," said David Berteau of the Professional Services Council, which represents 400 government contractors, many of whom are in Afghanistan. "None of that has been revealed to us or our member companies and that is what we're calling for."
The report said the Pentagon currently has 16,832 contractors in Afghanistan, including 6,147 who are US citizens. US military officials have been vague when asked if the contractors are leaving with the combat troops, which number about 2,500, although some reports say the number is closer to 3,500.
Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the head of Central Command, told the House Armed Services Committee earlier this week that "most" of the contractors will be leaving. "Most of the contractors are going to leave, and certainly the US contractors are going to leave," he said, offering no further details.
At a press briefing on Thursday, McKenzie again said the US contractors will be leaving, which suggests contractors of different nationalities could stay. "The US contractors will come out as we come out. That is part of the planned withdrawal we have in place right now," he said.
Last week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made it clear that the US will continue supporting the Afghan military financially. He said the US "will seek to continue paying salaries for Afghan security forces."
The issue is that the Afghan military, especially the air force, is almost entirely reliant on Pentagon contractors to maintain their equipment. Continued support for the Afghan military could be all the justification the US needs to keep contractors in the country.
Last month, John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction (SIGAR), explained just how dependent the Afghan government's military is on these contractors. One example he gave is that Pentagon contractors provide 100 percent of the maintenance for the Afghan air force's Blackhawk helicopters and C-130 cargo planes.
The US military is also looking to maintain the ability to bomb Afghanistan after the withdrawal and is looking to reposition forces possibly in neighboring Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, or Uzbekistan, although the US currently has no basing agreements with these countries.
#13499395 at 2021-04-24 02:57:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17098: Friday Night Is Alright For Fighting Edition
Car leading police on chase just hit around 130 mph!
#13497795 at 2021-04-23 23:12:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17096: Patriots Never Give Up Edition
His car:
FF it seems…
#13497640 at 2021-04-23 22:54:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17096: Patriots Never Give Up Edition
>>13495732 INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol - Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown
>>13495746 300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction
>>13495751 Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495757 Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity. (They want you divided)
>>13495774 Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.
>>13495778 Democrat New York Mayor 'Applauds' Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine
>>13495788 FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs
>>13495789 2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says
>>13495796 130 Migrants possibly drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
>>13495797 What Happened to $16 Million Georgia's Secretary of State's Office Received Before the 2020 Election?
>>13495809 Reading, PA Woman Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Children
>>13495811 , >>13495896 2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in 'Operation Keiki Shield', a multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii
>>13495839 Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge - Seeks National Guard
>>13495844 Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime
>>13495794 , >>13495846 AZ Audit beginning
>>13495856 "Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? ... I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here."
>>13495880 'Absolute Interference' movie from Mike Lindell link
>>13495892 Army Futures Command - The @USArmy announced today the fielding and testing of the service's new Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system
>>13495908 Lindsay Lohan's father arrested in Florida for steering patients to rehab firms
>>13495909 Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution
>>13495911 , >>13495931 GMAX News - today will be her first trip from a Brooklyn jail to the federal court in lower Manhattan, New York
>>13495927 #17093 Notables
>>13495930 Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief
>>13495943 Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag
>>13495985 , >>13496007 Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING
>>13496002 Biden Cabal Open to Lifting 'Terror' Sanctions on Iran's Central Bank
>>13496019 US Navy - #WelcomeHome, Shipmates!
>>13496048 Knifeman is shot dead by police after stabbing female officer to death in France
>>13496120 Newt Gingrich accuses Biden, Harris of parroting Chinese propaganda on race in America
>>13496125 Soros Makes First Contributions of 2022 Cycle
>>13496143 @USMC Flight Vibes
>>13496145 Whistleblower DHS official speaks out about the border crisis
>>13496144 ICYMI Last night we had an interesting post. Look at the date and time think mirror.
>>13496184 At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 "cases" are occurring in people who were already vaccinated
>>13496227 @16thSMA Always great to visit the All American Division
>>13496242 Notables from Ebaker
>>13496252 Louisiana Leads 10-State Lawsuit Against Biden's Climate Order
>>13496258 Nurse aid found death in patient bathroom, few hours after taking the pfizer vax for China Virus
>>13496284 Donald Remy, an Army veteran with long ties to both Biden and former President Barack Obama, was nominated Friday as VA's deputy secretary
>>13496292 Stakeholder Capitalism as "advocated by Klaus Schwab"
>>13496307 Ghislaine Maxwell pleads not guilty to new sex-trafficking raps
>>13496316 Maricopa County Ballots Arrive For Audit At Veterans Memorial Coliseum
>>13496344 The Maricopa judge has just paused the audit from 5 PM today until noon monday and all it cost the democrats was 1 million bucks!
>>13496396 Trudeau minister says internet censorship bill will make Canadians 'safer'
>>13496402 OAN on what's really happening re. Russia and Ukraine
>>13496438 Link to Mike Lindell video on Election Fraud 'Absolute Proof'
>>13496470 "Democrats Sent 73 Lawyers to AZ - THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!"
>>13496487 #17094
#13496559 at 2021-04-23 19:40:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17094: R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
>>13495732 INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol - Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown
>>13495746 300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction
>>13495751 Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495757 Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity. (They want you divided)
>>13495774 Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.
>>13495778 Democrat New York Mayor 'Applauds' Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine
>>13495788 FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs
>>13495789 2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says
>>13495796 130 Migrants possibly drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
>>13495797 What Happened to $16 Million Georgia's Secretary of State's Office Received Before the 2020 Election?
>>13495809 Reading, PA Woman Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Children
>>13495811 , >>13495896 2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in 'Operation Keiki Shield', a multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii
>>13495839 Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge - Seeks National Guard
>>13495844 Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime
>>13495794 , >>13495846 AZ Audit beginning
>>13495856 "Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? ... I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here."
>>13495880 'Absolute Interference' movie from Mike Lindell link
>>13495892 Army Futures Command - The @USArmy announced today the fielding and testing of the service's new Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system
>>13495908 Lindsay Lohan's father arrested in Florida for steering patients to rehab firms
>>13495909 Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution
>>13495911 , >>13495931 GMAX News - today will be her first trip from a Brooklyn jail to the federal court in lower Manhattan, New York
>>13495927 #17093 Notables
>>13495930 Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief
>>13495943 Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag
>>13495985 , >>13496007 Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING
>>13496002 Biden Cabal Open to Lifting 'Terror' Sanctions on Iran's Central Bank
>>13496019 US Navy - #WelcomeHome, Shipmates!
>>13496048 Knifeman is shot dead by police after stabbing female officer to death in France
>>13496120 Newt Gingrich accuses Biden, Harris of parroting Chinese propaganda on race in America
>>13496125 Soros Makes First Contributions of 2022 Cycle
>>13496143 @USMC Flight Vibes
>>13496145 Whistleblower DHS official speaks out about the border crisis
>>13496144 ICYMI Last night we had an interesting post. Look at the date and time think mirror.
>>13496184 At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 "cases" are occurring in people who were already vaccinated
>>13496227 @16thSMA Always great to visit the All American Division
>>13496242 Notables from Ebaker
>>13496252 Louisiana Leads 10-State Lawsuit Against Biden's Climate Order
>>13496258 Nurse aid found death in patient bathroom, few hours after taking the pfizer vax for China Virus
>>13496284 Donald Remy, an Army veteran with long ties to both Biden and former President Barack Obama, was nominated Friday as VA's deputy secretary
>>13496292 Stakeholder Capitalism as "advocated by Klaus Schwab"
>>13496307 Ghislaine Maxwell pleads not guilty to new sex-trafficking raps
>>13496316 Maricopa County Ballots Arrive For Audit At Veterans Memorial Coliseum
>>13496344 The Maricopa judge has just paused the audit from 5 PM today until noon monday and all it cost the democrats was 1 million bucks!
>>13496396 Trudeau minister says internet censorship bill will make Canadians 'safer'
>>13496402 OAN on what's really happening re. Russia and Ukraine
>>13496438 Link to Mike Lindell video on Election Fraud 'Absolute Proof'
>>13496470 "Democrats Sent 73 Lawyers to AZ - THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!"
>>13496487 #17094
#13496500 at 2021-04-23 19:31:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17095: [350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
>>13495732 INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol - Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown
>>13495746 300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction
>>13495751 Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495757 Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity. (They want you divided)
>>13495774 Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.
>>13495778 Democrat New York Mayor 'Applauds' Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine
>>13495788 FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs
>>13495789 2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says
>>13495796 130 Migrants possibly drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
>>13495797 What Happened to $16 Million Georgia's Secretary of State's Office Received Before the 2020 Election?
>>13495809 Reading, PA Woman Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Children
>>13495811 , >>13495896 2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in 'Operation Keiki Shield', a multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii
>>13495839 Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge - Seeks National Guard
>>13495844 Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime
>>13495794 , >>13495846 AZ Audit beginning
>>13495856 "Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? ... I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here."
>>13495880 'Absolute Interference' movie from Mike Lindell link
>>13495892 Army Futures Command - The @USArmy announced today the fielding and testing of the service's new Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system
>>13495908 Lindsay Lohan's father arrested in Florida for steering patients to rehab firms
>>13495909 Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution
>>13495911 , >>13495931 GMAX News - today will be her first trip from a Brooklyn jail to the federal court in lower Manhattan, New York
>>13495927 #17093 Notables
>>13495930 Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief
>>13495943 Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag
>>13495985 , >>13496007 Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING
>>13496002 Biden Cabal Open to Lifting 'Terror' Sanctions on Iran's Central Bank
>>13496019 US Navy - #WelcomeHome, Shipmates!
>>13496048 Knifeman is shot dead by police after stabbing female officer to death in France
>>13496120 Newt Gingrich accuses Biden, Harris of parroting Chinese propaganda on race in America
>>13496125 Soros Makes First Contributions of 2022 Cycle
>>13496143 @USMC Flight Vibes
>>13496145 Whistleblower DHS official speaks out about the border crisis
>>13496144 ICYMI Last night we had an interesting post. Look at the date and time think mirror.
>>13496184 At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 "cases" are occurring in people who were already vaccinated
>>13496227 @16thSMA Always great to visit the All American Division
>>13496242 Notables from Ebaker
>>13496252 Louisiana Leads 10-State Lawsuit Against Biden's Climate Order
>>13496258 Nurse aid found death in patient bathroom, few hours after taking the pfizer vax for China Virus
>>13496284 Donald Remy, an Army veteran with long ties to both Biden and former President Barack Obama, was nominated Friday as VA's deputy secretary
>>13496292 Stakeholder Capitalism as "advocated by Klaus Schwab"
>>13496307 Ghislaine Maxwell pleads not guilty to new sex-trafficking raps
>>13496316 Maricopa County Ballots Arrive For Audit At Veterans Memorial Coliseum
>>13496344 The Maricopa judge has just paused the audit from 5 PM today until noon monday and all it cost the democrats was 1 million bucks!
>>13496396 Trudeau minister says internet censorship bill will make Canadians 'safer'
>>13496402 OAN on what's really happening re. Russia and Ukraine
>>13496438 Link to Mike Lindell video on Election Fraud 'Absolute Proof'
>>13496470 "Democrats Sent 73 Lawyers to AZ - THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!"
>>13496487 #17094
#13496487 at 2021-04-23 19:30:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17094: R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
>>13495714 Dough
Notables FINAL
Something big is about to drop. Entities are trying to control the board and notables and have been for about a week now.
>>13495732 INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol - Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown
>>13495746 300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction
>>13495751 Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495757 Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity. (They want you divided)
>>13495774 Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.
>>13495778 Democrat New York Mayor 'Applauds' Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine
>>13495788 FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs
>>13495789 2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says
>>13495796 130 Migrants possibly drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
>>13495797 What Happened to $16 Million Georgia's Secretary of State's Office Received Before the 2020 Election?
>>13495809 Reading, PA Woman Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Children
>>13495811 , >>13495896 2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in 'Operation Keiki Shield', a multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii
>>13495839 Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge - Seeks National Guard
>>13495844 Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime
>>13495794 , >>13495846 AZ Audit beginning
>>13495856 "Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? ... I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here."
>>13495880 'Absolute Interference' movie from Mike Lindell link
>>13495892 Army Futures Command - The @USArmy announced today the fielding and testing of the service's new Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system
>>13495908 Lindsay Lohan's father arrested in Florida for steering patients to rehab firms
>>13495909 Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution
>>13495911 , >>13495931 GMAX News - today will be her first trip from a Brooklyn jail to the federal court in lower Manhattan, New York
>>13495927 #17093 Notables
>>13495930 Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief
>>13495943 Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag
>>13495985 , >>13496007 Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING
>>13496002 Biden Cabal Open to Lifting 'Terror' Sanctions on Iran's Central Bank
>>13496019 US Navy - #WelcomeHome, Shipmates!
>>13496048 Knifeman is shot dead by police after stabbing female officer to death in France
>>13496120 Newt Gingrich accuses Biden, Harris of parroting Chinese propaganda on race in America
>>13496125 Soros Makes First Contributions of 2022 Cycle
>>13496143 @USMC Flight Vibes
>>13496145 Whistleblower DHS official speaks out about the border crisis
>>13496144 ICYMI Last night we had an interesting post. Look at the date and time think mirror.
>>13496184 At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 "cases" are occurring in people who were already vaccinated
>>13496227 @16thSMA Always great to visit the All American Division
>>13496242 Notables from Ebaker
>>13496252 Louisiana Leads 10-State Lawsuit Against Biden's Climate Order
>>13496258 Nurse aid found death in patient bathroom, few hours after taking the pfizer vax for China Virus
>>13496284 Donald Remy, an Army veteran with long ties to both Biden and former President Barack Obama, was nominated Friday as VA's deputy secretary
>>13496292 Stakeholder Capitalism as "advocated by Klaus Schwab"
>>13496307 Ghislaine Maxwell pleads not guilty to new sex-trafficking raps
>>13496316 Maricopa County Ballots Arrive For Audit At Veterans Memorial Coliseum
>>13496344 The Maricopa judge has just paused the audit from 5 PM today until noon monday and all it cost the democrats was 1 million bucks!
>>13496396 Trudeau minister says internet censorship bill will make Canadians 'safer'
>>13496402 OAN on what's really happening re. Russia and Ukraine
>>13496438 Link to Mike Lindell video on Election Fraud 'Absolute Proof'
>>13496470 "Democrats Sent 73 Lawyers to AZ - THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!"
#13496265 at 2021-04-23 18:53:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17094: R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
>>13495714 Dough
Notables @500
>>13495732 INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol - Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown
>>13495746 300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction
>>13495751 Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495757 Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity. (They want you divided)
>>13495774 Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.
>>13495778 Democrat New York Mayor 'Applauds' Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine
>>13495788 FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs
>>13495789 2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says
>>13495796 130 Migrants possibly drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
>>13495797 What Happened to $16 Million Georgia's Secretary of State's Office Received Before the 2020 Election?
>>13495809 Reading, PA Woman Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Children
>>13495811 , >>13495896 2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in 'Operation Keiki Shield', a multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii
>>13495839 Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge - Seeks National Guard
>>13495844 Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime
>>13495794 , >>13495846 AZ Audit beginning
>>13495856 "Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? ... I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here."
>>13495880 'Absolute Interference' movie from Mike Lindell link
>>13495892 Army Futures Command - The @USArmy announced today the fielding and testing of the service's new Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system
>>13495908 Lindsay Lohan's father arrested in Florida for steering patients to rehab firms
>>13495909 Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution
>>13495911 , >>13495931 GMAX News - today will be her first trip from a Brooklyn jail to the federal court in lower Manhattan, New York
>>13495927 #17093 Notables
>>13495930 Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief
>>13495943 Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag
>>13495985 , >>13496007 Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING
>>13496002 Biden Cabal Open to Lifting 'Terror' Sanctions on Iran's Central Bank
>>13496019 US Navy - #WelcomeHome, Shipmates!
>>13496048 Knifeman is shot dead by police after stabbing female officer to death in France
>>13496120 Newt Gingrich accuses Biden, Harris of parroting Chinese propaganda on race in America
>>13496125 Soros Makes First Contributions of 2022 Cycle
>>13496143 @USMC Flight Vibes
>>13496145 Whistleblower DHS official speaks out about the border crisis
>>13496144 ICYMI Last night we had an interesting post. Look at the date and time think mirror.
>>13496184 At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 "cases" are occurring in people who were already vaccinated
>>13496227 @16thSMA Always great to visit the All American Division
>>13496242 Notables from Ebaker
>>13496252 Louisiana Leads 10-State Lawsuit Against Biden's Climate Order
#13496141 at 2021-04-23 18:32:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17094: R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
>>13495714 Dough
Notables @400
>>13495732 INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol - Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown
>>13495746 300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction
>>13495751 Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495757 Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity. (They want you divided)
>>13495774 Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.
>>13495778 Democrat New York Mayor 'Applauds' Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine
>>13495788 FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs
>>13495789 2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says
>>13495796 130 Migrants possibly drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
>>13495797 What Happened to $16 Million Georgia's Secretary of State's Office Received Before the 2020 Election?
>>13495809 Reading, PA Woman Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Children
>>13495811 , >>13495896 2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in 'Operation Keiki Shield', a multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii
>>13495839 Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge - Seeks National Guard
>>13495844 Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime
>>13495794 , >>13495846 AZ Audit beginning
>>13495856 "Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? ... I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here."
>>13495880 'Absolute Interference' movie from Mike Lindell link
>>13495892 Army Futures Command - The @USArmy announced today the fielding and testing of the service's new Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system
>>13495908 Lindsay Lohan's father arrested in Florida for steering patients to rehab firms
>>13495909 Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution
>>13495911 , >>13495931 GMAX News - today will be her first trip from a Brooklyn jail to the federal court in lower Manhattan, New York
>>13495927 #17093 Notables
>>13495930 Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief
>>13495943 Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag
>>13495985 , >>13496007 Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING
>>13496002 Biden Cabal Open to Lifting 'Terror' Sanctions on Iran's Central Bank
>>13496019 US Navy - #WelcomeHome, Shipmates!
>>13496048 Knifeman is shot dead by police after stabbing female officer to death in France
>>13496120 Newt Gingrich accuses Biden, Harris of parroting Chinese propaganda on race in America
>>13496125 Soros Makes First Contributions of 2022 Cycle
#13495992 at 2021-04-23 18:12:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17094: R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
>>13495714 Dough
Notables @250
>>13495732 INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol - Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown
>>13495746 300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction
>>13495751 Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495753 Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers
>>13495757 Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity. (They want you divided)
>>13495774 Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.
>>13495778 Democrat New York Mayor 'Applauds' Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine
>>13495788 FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs
>>13495789 2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says
>>13495796 130 Migrants possibly drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
>>13495797 What Happened to $16 Million Georgia's Secretary of State's Office Received Before the 2020 Election?
>>13495809 Reading, PA Woman Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Children
>>13495811 , >>13495896 2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in 'Operation Keiki Shield', a multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii
>>13495839 Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge - Seeks National Guard
>>13495844 Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime
>>13495794 , >>13495846 AZ Audit beginning
>>13495856 "Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? ... I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here."
>>13495880 'Absolute Interference' movie from Mike Lindell link
>>13495892 Army Futures Command - The @USArmy announced today the fielding and testing of the service's new Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system
>>13495908 Lindsay Lohan's father arrested in Florida for steering patients to rehab firms
>>13495909 Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution
>>13495911 , >>13495931 GMAX News - today will be her first trip from a Brooklyn jail to the federal court in lower Manhattan, New York
>>13495927 #17093 Notables
>>13495930 Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief
>>13495943 Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the LGBTQ Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag
>>13495985 Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING
#13495796 at 2021-04-23 17:45:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17094: R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
At Least 130 Migrants Feared Drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found
MILAN-Merchant vessels and a charity ship searching the Mediterranean for boats carrying migrants has found 10 bodies floating near a capsized rubber boat believed to have had 130 people on board, French humanitarian organization SOS Mediterranee said.
Another wooden boat was still missing with about 40 migrants aboard, a spokesman for the group said on Friday.
The civil hotline Alarm Phone had reported three boats were in distress on Wednesday, prompting SOS Mediterranee to launch a search "in very rough seas, with up to 6-metre waves," the non-governmental organization said in a news release issued earlier.
Three merchant vessels helped the charity's own rescue ship Ocean Viking search for the boats in international waters northeast of the Libyan city of Tripoli.
SOS Mediterranee said merchant ship MY ROSE found three bodies in the water and an airplane from EU border agency Frontex spotted the rubber boat soon after.
When Ocean Viking arrived on the scene it did not find any survivors but there were 10 bodies in the water nearby. The statement issued on Twitter carried a photograph of a capsized black rubber boat.
A spokesman for the NGO said he had no information on the third boat that Alarm Phone had said was in distress.
Libya, divided by civil conflict for years, is a major route for migrants seeking to reach Europe.
The U.N.'s International Organization for Migration said that the latest deaths would bring the tally for the central Mediterranean route to close to 500 people this year, more than triple the toll for the same period of 2020.
"States stood defiant and refused to act to save the lives of more than 100 people," said IOM's Safa Msehli. "Let it be clear that it is state responsibility to respond to distress calls at sea," she added.
The U.N. agencies called for reactivating state-led search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean and for a halt to returning migrants to "unsafe ports."
The IOM said in a report at the end of March that last year more than 2,200 people perished at sea.
The true toll is probably far higher as aid groups reported at least five "invisible shipwrecks" that were never confirmed as they left no survivors.
#13492236 at 2021-04-23 04:32:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17088: How Long Until Mathematically Impossible Edition
Not enough time for blood to appear?
#13489422 at 2021-04-22 22:13:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17086: Come Remember Greatness That You Are Edition
>>13482730 LeBron James' DELETED TWEET - "YOU'RE NEXT"
>>13482731 Daily Mail Sues Google Over Downranked Search Results
>>13482736 Air Force Two-Star General to Face Court-Martial on Sexual Assault Charge
>>13482742 Biden's 'Orderly' Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul
>>13482748 Mike Gordon is a PEDO
>>13482749 According to the FBI there are around 15k white supremasists in the USA. What is around 0.04% of the population
>>13482751, >>13482849 GENERAL FLYNN now LIVE on FRANKSPEECH.COM
>>13482754 Trial by Jury Died During the OJ Simpson Extravaganza
>>13482762 A Top California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Raping Multiple Children
>>13482772 Snowden, The Feds, Documents and AYYYYLMAOS
>>13482776 Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges
>>13482784 Q DROP 161 REVIEW
>>13482785 Alarms go off near Israel's nuclear reactor amid reports of explosions & missile defense system being activated
>>13482788 o7 God Bless America! o7
>>13482789 FrankSpeech.com UNDER ATTACK?
>>13482792, >>13482860 Q DROP 345 REVIEW
>>13482804 SCARY: Hillary Clinton Calls For Govt To Censor Conservatives And Critics Who 'Cost' Her The 2016 Election
>>13482843 Finger Lakes and Rochester - CHAUVIN IMAGE
>>13482850 Q DROP 194, 195 REVIEW
>>13482854 Trudeau gov't: Don't call vaccines a "treatment" for COVID
>>13482856 Department of State honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
>>13482863, >>13482905 CodeMonkeyZ Throwback to 2014 - Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
>>13482866 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13482872 'An Endangered Species': The Scarcity of Harvard's Conservative Faculty
>>13482878 Kraken Wood, Seattle Antifa calls for direct action tonight in the former CHAZ area: "All Cops Are Chauvin"
>>13482910 Police are arresting this man because he was riding a bike without a license
>>13482955 Dan Bongino - Chauvin Takeaway: Part 1 and 2
>>13482958, >>13483004 Inspector General says DHS had the authority to use federal law enforcement in Portland last year
>>13482964 Delta CEO expects COVID immunity proof for international flight but won't call it 'vaccine passport'
>>13482967 Dan Bongino - Psaki: Racism to Blame for Cop Shooting Teen Stabbing People
>>13483005 "Squad" Rep. Ayanna Pressley Made Thousands on Rental Property While Demanding We Cancel Rent, What a hypocrite
>>13483006 Dancing FBI agent admits accidentally shooting Denver bar patron
>>13483007 Murders, carjackings spike in 1st 3 months of 2021, although overall crime down from last year, police say
>>13483010 Maxine Waters Did Exactly What Donald Trump DID NOT DO | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 130
>>13483031 Lin Wood - Are you kidding me? Clean up Horry County, S.C.
>>13483044 Some Old News Articles - Baby Killers and the like..
>>13483082 Trial begins for man accused of deliberately driving into GOP registration tent
>>13483084 Oops they did it again. WH Youtube page is open again for comments.
>>13483119 Q DROP 252 REVIEW
>>13483121, >>13483163 Tempest Storm, burlesque star who dated JFK and Elvis, dead at 93
>>13483158 China Behind Another Cyber Attack in the US - Hacked Into US Computers and Networks Accessing Systems Remotely
>>13483188 Italian Police Arrest Accomplice of 2016 Nice Attacker - Reports
>>13483196 Portland's Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things
>>13483245 DecodeAnons: please read
>>13483249 US Coast Guard vessel offloads nearly $95 million of cocaine in Miami, Florida
>>13483263 Sad reason Robert De Niro's career has taken a nosedive in recent years
>>13483280 Q DROP 4509 REVIEW
>>13483289 POTUS.....listen til' the end. "A couple of Republicans say 'Sir, you're gonna do great in 2024!' say 'No, no, let's finish..."
>>13483293 Gavin Newsom declares drought emergency - THIS IS FOR THE EMERGENCY MONEY ONLY
>>13483294 Safety Compass :: Virtual Roundtable + Benefit
>>13483296 Lanny Davis Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukrainian Oligarch Facing Bribery Charges
>>13483297 Mike Gordon of Phish
>>13483304 Australia 'not targeting China' by scrapping Victoria deals; And more
>>13483314 Family Of Italian Woman Whose Death Linked To AstraZeneca Jab Launches Legal Action
>>13483328 China Presses Foreign Governments, Companies to Disregard Human Rights: US Report
>>13483335 SUM OF ALL FEARS?
>>13483358 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13483372 New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To...Turkey
>>13483385 Donald Trump Jr. RETWEETS - Top Kek
>>13483386 George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
>>13483391 Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
>>13483439 #17078
#13489063 at 2021-04-22 21:25:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17085: Emergency Bake Edition
By idmwriter Posted on April 19, 2021
New financial disclosure forms are showing that the speaker's husband, Paul Pelosi, has purchased millions of dollars' worth of stock from Roblox (RBLX) and Microsoft (MSFT) last month.
According to Fox Business: "Paul Pelosi has exercised several call options for both of these companies, paying $1.95 million to purchase 15,000 shares of Microsoft on March 19th at a strike price of $130. It was on that same day that Pelosi, who is also known as the owner and operator of a California venture capital investment and consulting firm, purchased 10,000 shares in a different transaction at a rate of $1.4 million. Paul Pelosi also has an important transaction on March 10 where he paid from $500,000 to $1 million to buy the 10,000 shares of Roblox Corporation, which is the same day that the online game platform went public.
Same after Mr. Pelosi made this purchase, the share price of Microsoft rose from $230 per share to $255 per share precisely because of the fact that the company had secured a government contract to the tune of $22 billion. The deal was announced on March 31, and it allowed Microsoft to become a supplier of augmented reality headsets to the U.S. Army.
#13488699 at 2021-04-22 20:39:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17085: Emergency Bake Edition
>>13482730 LeBron James' DELETED TWEET - "YOU'RE NEXT"
>>13482731 Daily Mail Sues Google Over Downranked Search Results
>>13482736 Air Force Two-Star General to Face Court-Martial on Sexual Assault Charge
>>13482742 Biden's 'Orderly' Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul
>>13482748 Mike Gordon is a PEDO
>>13482749 According to the FBI there are around 15k white supremasists in the USA. What is around 0.04% of the population
>>13482751, >>13482849 GENERAL FLYNN now LIVE on FRANKSPEECH.COM
>>13482754 Trial by Jury Died During the OJ Simpson Extravaganza
>>13482762 A Top California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Raping Multiple Children
>>13482772 Snowden, The Feds, Documents and AYYYYLMAOS
>>13482776 Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges
>>13482784 Q DROP 161 REVIEW
>>13482785 Alarms go off near Israel's nuclear reactor amid reports of explosions & missile defense system being activated
>>13482788 o7 God Bless America! o7
>>13482789 FrankSpeech.com UNDER ATTACK?
>>13482792, >>13482860 Q DROP 345 REVIEW
>>13482804 SCARY: Hillary Clinton Calls For Govt To Censor Conservatives And Critics Who 'Cost' Her The 2016 Election
>>13482843 Finger Lakes and Rochester - CHAUVIN IMAGE
>>13482850 Q DROP 194, 195 REVIEW
>>13482854 Trudeau gov't: Don't call vaccines a "treatment" for COVID
>>13482856 Department of State honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
>>13482863, >>13482905 CodeMonkeyZ Throwback to 2014 - Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
>>13482866 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13482872 'An Endangered Species': The Scarcity of Harvard's Conservative Faculty
>>13482878 Kraken Wood, Seattle Antifa calls for direct action tonight in the former CHAZ area: "All Cops Are Chauvin"
>>13482910 Police are arresting this man because he was riding a bike without a license
>>13482955 Dan Bongino - Chauvin Takeaway: Part 1 and 2
>>13482958, >>13483004 Inspector General says DHS had the authority to use federal law enforcement in Portland last year
>>13482964 Delta CEO expects COVID immunity proof for international flight but won't call it 'vaccine passport'
>>13482967 Dan Bongino - Psaki: Racism to Blame for Cop Shooting Teen Stabbing People
>>13483005 "Squad" Rep. Ayanna Pressley Made Thousands on Rental Property While Demanding We Cancel Rent, What a hypocrite
>>13483006 Dancing FBI agent admits accidentally shooting Denver bar patron
>>13483007 Murders, carjackings spike in 1st 3 months of 2021, although overall crime down from last year, police say
>>13483010 Maxine Waters Did Exactly What Donald Trump DID NOT DO | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 130
>>13483031 Lin Wood - Are you kidding me? Clean up Horry County, S.C.
>>13483044 Some Old News Articles - Baby Killers and the like..
>>13483082 Trial begins for man accused of deliberately driving into GOP registration tent
>>13483084 Oops they did it again. WH Youtube page is open again for comments.
>>13483119 Q DROP 252 REVIEW
>>13483121, >>13483163 Tempest Storm, burlesque star who dated JFK and Elvis, dead at 93
>>13483158 China Behind Another Cyber Attack in the US - Hacked Into US Computers and Networks Accessing Systems Remotely
>>13483188 Italian Police Arrest Accomplice of 2016 Nice Attacker - Reports
>>13483196 Portland's Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things
>>13483245 DecodeAnons: please read
>>13483249 US Coast Guard vessel offloads nearly $95 million of cocaine in Miami, Florida
>>13483263 Sad reason Robert De Niro's career has taken a nosedive in recent years
>>13483280 Q DROP 4509 REVIEW
>>13483289 POTUS.....listen til' the end. "A couple of Republicans say 'Sir, you're gonna do great in 2024!' say 'No, no, let's finish..."
>>13483293 Gavin Newsom declares drought emergency - THIS IS FOR THE EMERGENCY MONEY ONLY
>>13483294 Safety Compass :: Virtual Roundtable + Benefit
>>13483296 Lanny Davis Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukrainian Oligarch Facing Bribery Charges
>>13483297 Mike Gordon of Phish
>>13483304 Australia 'not targeting China' by scrapping Victoria deals; And more
>>13483314 Family Of Italian Woman Whose Death Linked To AstraZeneca Jab Launches Legal Action
>>13483328 China Presses Foreign Governments, Companies to Disregard Human Rights: US Report
>>13483335 SUM OF ALL FEARS?
>>13483358 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13483372 New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To...Turkey
>>13483385 Donald Trump Jr. RETWEETS - Top Kek
>>13483386 George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
>>13483391 Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
>>13483439 #17078
#13488292 at 2021-04-22 19:32:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17084: EBAKE
It's a Climate Emergency!
Give up your cars
Stop eating beef
Stay of planes
Turn your AC off
Turn your Heat off
#13487893 at 2021-04-22 18:28:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17084: EBAKE
>>13482730 LeBron James' DELETED TWEET - "YOU'RE NEXT"
>>13482731 Daily Mail Sues Google Over Downranked Search Results
>>13482736 Air Force Two-Star General to Face Court-Martial on Sexual Assault Charge
>>13482742 Biden's 'Orderly' Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul
>>13482748 Mike Gordon is a PEDO
>>13482749 According to the FBI there are around 15k white supremasists in the USA. What is around 0.04% of the population
>>13482751, >>13482849 GENERAL FLYNN now LIVE on FRANKSPEECH.COM
>>13482754 Trial by Jury Died During the OJ Simpson Extravaganza
>>13482762 A Top California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Raping Multiple Children
>>13482772 Snowden, The Feds, Documents and AYYYYLMAOS
>>13482776 Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges
>>13482784 Q DROP 161 REVIEW
>>13482785 Alarms go off near Israel's nuclear reactor amid reports of explosions & missile defense system being activated
>>13482788 o7 God Bless America! o7
>>13482789 FrankSpeech.com UNDER ATTACK?
>>13482792, >>13482860 Q DROP 345 REVIEW
>>13482804 SCARY: Hillary Clinton Calls For Govt To Censor Conservatives And Critics Who 'Cost' Her The 2016 Election
>>13482843 Finger Lakes and Rochester - CHAUVIN IMAGE
>>13482850 Q DROP 194, 195 REVIEW
>>13482854 Trudeau gov't: Don't call vaccines a "treatment" for COVID
>>13482856 Department of State honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
>>13482863, >>13482905 CodeMonkeyZ Throwback to 2014 - Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
>>13482866 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13482872 'An Endangered Species': The Scarcity of Harvard's Conservative Faculty
>>13482878 Kraken Wood, Seattle Antifa calls for direct action tonight in the former CHAZ area: "All Cops Are Chauvin"
>>13482910 Police are arresting this man because he was riding a bike without a license
>>13482955 Dan Bongino - Chauvin Takeaway: Part 1 and 2
>>13482958, >>13483004 Inspector General says DHS had the authority to use federal law enforcement in Portland last year
>>13482964 Delta CEO expects COVID immunity proof for international flight but won't call it 'vaccine passport'
>>13482967 Dan Bongino - Psaki: Racism to Blame for Cop Shooting Teen Stabbing People
>>13483005 "Squad" Rep. Ayanna Pressley Made Thousands on Rental Property While Demanding We Cancel Rent, What a hypocrite
>>13483006 Dancing FBI agent admits accidentally shooting Denver bar patron
>>13483007 Murders, carjackings spike in 1st 3 months of 2021, although overall crime down from last year, police say
>>13483010 Maxine Waters Did Exactly What Donald Trump DID NOT DO | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 130
>>13483031 Lin Wood - Are you kidding me? Clean up Horry County, S.C.
>>13483044 Some Old News Articles - Baby Killers and the like..
>>13483082 Trial begins for man accused of deliberately driving into GOP registration tent
>>13483084 Oops they did it again. WH Youtube page is open again for comments.
>>13483119 Q DROP 252 REVIEW
>>13483121, >>13483163 Tempest Storm, burlesque star who dated JFK and Elvis, dead at 93
>>13483158 China Behind Another Cyber Attack in the US - Hacked Into US Computers and Networks Accessing Systems Remotely
>>13483188 Italian Police Arrest Accomplice of 2016 Nice Attacker - Reports
>>13483196 Portland's Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things
>>13483245 DecodeAnons: please read
>>13483249 US Coast Guard vessel offloads nearly $95 million of cocaine in Miami, Florida
>>13483263 Sad reason Robert De Niro's career has taken a nosedive in recent years
>>13483280 Q DROP 4509 REVIEW
>>13483289 POTUS.....listen til' the end. "A couple of Republicans say 'Sir, you're gonna do great in 2024!' say 'No, no, let's finish..."
>>13483293 Gavin Newsom declares drought emergency - THIS IS FOR THE EMERGENCY MONEY ONLY
>>13483294 Safety Compass :: Virtual Roundtable + Benefit
>>13483296 Lanny Davis Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukrainian Oligarch Facing Bribery Charges
>>13483297 Mike Gordon of Phish
>>13483304 Australia 'not targeting China' by scrapping Victoria deals; And more
>>13483314 Family Of Italian Woman Whose Death Linked To AstraZeneca Jab Launches Legal Action
>>13483328 China Presses Foreign Governments, Companies to Disregard Human Rights: US Report
>>13483335 SUM OF ALL FEARS?
>>13483358 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13483372 New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To...Turkey
>>13483385 Donald Trump Jr. RETWEETS - Top Kek
>>13483386 George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
>>13483391 Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
#13485801 at 2021-04-22 12:28:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17082: Later than late captcha fight Edition
>>13482730 LeBron James' DELETED TWEET - "YOU'RE NEXT"
>>13482731 Daily Mail Sues Google Over Downranked Search Results
>>13482736 Air Force Two-Star General to Face Court-Martial on Sexual Assault Charge
>>13482742 Biden's 'Orderly' Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul
>>13482748 Mike Gordon is a PEDO
>>13482749 According to the FBI there are around 15k white supremasists in the USA. What is around 0.04% of the population
>>13482751, >>13482849 GENERAL FLYNN now LIVE on FRANKSPEECH.COM
>>13482754 Trial by Jury Died During the OJ Simpson Extravaganza
>>13482762 A Top California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Raping Multiple Children
>>13482772 Snowden, The Feds, Documents and AYYYYLMAOS
>>13482776 Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges
>>13482784 Q DROP 161 REVIEW
>>13482785 Alarms go off near Israel's nuclear reactor amid reports of explosions & missile defense system being activated
>>13482788 o7 God Bless America! o7
>>13482789 FrankSpeech.com UNDER ATTACK?
>>13482792, >>13482860 Q DROP 345 REVIEW
>>13482804 SCARY: Hillary Clinton Calls For Govt To Censor Conservatives And Critics Who 'Cost' Her The 2016 Election
>>13482843 Finger Lakes and Rochester - CHAUVIN IMAGE
>>13482850 Q DROP 194, 195 REVIEW
>>13482854 Trudeau gov't: Don't call vaccines a "treatment" for COVID
>>13482856 Department of State honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
>>13482863, >>13482905 CodeMonkeyZ Throwback to 2014 - Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
>>13482866 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13482872 'An Endangered Species': The Scarcity of Harvard's Conservative Faculty
>>13482878 Kraken Wood, Seattle Antifa calls for direct action tonight in the former CHAZ area: "All Cops Are Chauvin"
>>13482910 Police are arresting this man because he was riding a bike without a license
>>13482955 Dan Bongino - Chauvin Takeaway: Part 1 and 2
>>13482958, >>13483004 Inspector General says DHS had the authority to use federal law enforcement in Portland last year
>>13482964 Delta CEO expects COVID immunity proof for international flight but won't call it 'vaccine passport'
>>13482967 Dan Bongino - Psaki: Racism to Blame for Cop Shooting Teen Stabbing People
>>13483005 "Squad" Rep. Ayanna Pressley Made Thousands on Rental Property While Demanding We Cancel Rent, What a hypocrite
>>13483006 Dancing FBI agent admits accidentally shooting Denver bar patron
>>13483007 Murders, carjackings spike in 1st 3 months of 2021, although overall crime down from last year, police say
>>13483010 Maxine Waters Did Exactly What Donald Trump DID NOT DO | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 130
>>13483031 Lin Wood - Are you kidding me? Clean up Horry County, S.C.
>>13483044 Some Old News Articles - Baby Killers and the like..
>>13483082 Trial begins for man accused of deliberately driving into GOP registration tent
>>13483084 Oops they did it again. WH Youtube page is open again for comments.
>>13483119 Q DROP 252 REVIEW
>>13483121, >>13483163 Tempest Storm, burlesque star who dated JFK and Elvis, dead at 93
>>13483158 China Behind Another Cyber Attack in the US - Hacked Into US Computers and Networks Accessing Systems Remotely
>>13483188 Italian Police Arrest Accomplice of 2016 Nice Attacker - Reports
>>13483196 Portland's Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things
>>13483245 DecodeAnons: please read
>>13483249 US Coast Guard vessel offloads nearly $95 million of cocaine in Miami, Florida
>>13483263 Sad reason Robert De Niro's career has taken a nosedive in recent years
>>13483280 Q DROP 4509 REVIEW
>>13483289 POTUS.....listen til' the end. "A couple of Republicans say 'Sir, you're gonna do great in 2024!' say 'No, no, let's finish..."
>>13483293 Gavin Newsom declares drought emergency - THIS IS FOR THE EMERGENCY MONEY ONLY
>>13483294 Safety Compass :: Virtual Roundtable + Benefit
>>13483296 Lanny Davis Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukrainian Oligarch Facing Bribery Charges
>>13483297 Mike Gordon of Phish
>>13483304 Australia 'not targeting China' by scrapping Victoria deals; And more
>>13483314 Family Of Italian Woman Whose Death Linked To AstraZeneca Jab Launches Legal Action
>>13483328 China Presses Foreign Governments, Companies to Disregard Human Rights: US Report
>>13483335 SUM OF ALL FEARS?
>>13483358 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13483372 New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To...Turkey
>>13483385 Donald Trump Jr. RETWEETS - Top Kek
>>13483386 George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
>>13483391 Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
>>13483439 #17078
#13485794 at 2021-04-22 12:27:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17082: NCSWIC is not just a catch phrase.
>>13482730 LeBron James' DELETED TWEET - "YOU'RE NEXT"
>>13482731 Daily Mail Sues Google Over Downranked Search Results
>>13482736 Air Force Two-Star General to Face Court-Martial on Sexual Assault Charge
>>13482742 Biden's 'Orderly' Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul
>>13482748 Mike Gordon is a PEDO
>>13482749 According to the FBI there are around 15k white supremasists in the USA. What is around 0.04% of the population
>>13482751, >>13482849 GENERAL FLYNN now LIVE on FRANKSPEECH.COM
>>13482754 Trial by Jury Died During the OJ Simpson Extravaganza
>>13482762 A Top California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Raping Multiple Children
>>13482772 Snowden, The Feds, Documents and AYYYYLMAOS
>>13482776 Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges
>>13482784 Q DROP 161 REVIEW
>>13482785 Alarms go off near Israel's nuclear reactor amid reports of explosions & missile defense system being activated
>>13482788 o7 God Bless America! o7
>>13482789 FrankSpeech.com UNDER ATTACK?
>>13482792, >>13482860 Q DROP 345 REVIEW
>>13482804 SCARY: Hillary Clinton Calls For Govt To Censor Conservatives And Critics Who 'Cost' Her The 2016 Election
>>13482843 Finger Lakes and Rochester - CHAUVIN IMAGE
>>13482850 Q DROP 194, 195 REVIEW
>>13482854 Trudeau gov't: Don't call vaccines a "treatment" for COVID
>>13482856 Department of State honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
>>13482863, >>13482905 CodeMonkeyZ Throwback to 2014 - Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
>>13482866 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13482872 'An Endangered Species': The Scarcity of Harvard's Conservative Faculty
>>13482878 Kraken Wood, Seattle Antifa calls for direct action tonight in the former CHAZ area: "All Cops Are Chauvin"
>>13482910 Police are arresting this man because he was riding a bike without a license
>>13482955 Dan Bongino - Chauvin Takeaway: Part 1 and 2
>>13482958, >>13483004 Inspector General says DHS had the authority to use federal law enforcement in Portland last year
>>13482964 Delta CEO expects COVID immunity proof for international flight but won't call it 'vaccine passport'
>>13482967 Dan Bongino - Psaki: Racism to Blame for Cop Shooting Teen Stabbing People
>>13483005 "Squad" Rep. Ayanna Pressley Made Thousands on Rental Property While Demanding We Cancel Rent, What a hypocrite
>>13483006 Dancing FBI agent admits accidentally shooting Denver bar patron
>>13483007 Murders, carjackings spike in 1st 3 months of 2021, although overall crime down from last year, police say
>>13483010 Maxine Waters Did Exactly What Donald Trump DID NOT DO | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 130
>>13483031 Lin Wood - Are you kidding me? Clean up Horry County, S.C.
>>13483044 Some Old News Articles - Baby Killers and the like..
>>13483082 Trial begins for man accused of deliberately driving into GOP registration tent
>>13483084 Oops they did it again. WH Youtube page is open again for comments.
>>13483119 Q DROP 252 REVIEW
>>13483121, >>13483163 Tempest Storm, burlesque star who dated JFK and Elvis, dead at 93
>>13483158 China Behind Another Cyber Attack in the US - Hacked Into US Computers and Networks Accessing Systems Remotely
>>13483188 Italian Police Arrest Accomplice of 2016 Nice Attacker - Reports
>>13483196 Portland's Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things
>>13483245 DecodeAnons: please read
>>13483249 US Coast Guard vessel offloads nearly $95 million of cocaine in Miami, Florida
>>13483263 Sad reason Robert De Niro's career has taken a nosedive in recent years
>>13483280 Q DROP 4509 REVIEW
>>13483289 POTUS.....listen til' the end. "A couple of Republicans say 'Sir, you're gonna do great in 2024!' say 'No, no, let's finish..."
>>13483293 Gavin Newsom declares drought emergency - THIS IS FOR THE EMERGENCY MONEY ONLY
>>13483294 Safety Compass :: Virtual Roundtable + Benefit
>>13483296 Lanny Davis Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukrainian Oligarch Facing Bribery Charges
>>13483297 Mike Gordon of Phish
>>13483304 Australia 'not targeting China' by scrapping Victoria deals; And more
>>13483314 Family Of Italian Woman Whose Death Linked To AstraZeneca Jab Launches Legal Action
>>13483328 China Presses Foreign Governments, Companies to Disregard Human Rights: US Report
>>13483335 SUM OF ALL FEARS?
>>13483358 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13483372 New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To...Turkey
>>13483385 Donald Trump Jr. RETWEETS - Top Kek
>>13483386 George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
>>13483391 Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
>>13483439 #17078
#13484950 at 2021-04-22 06:56:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17081: As The Sun Begins To Arise Edition
>>13482730 LeBron James' DELETED TWEET - "YOU'RE NEXT"
>>13482731 Daily Mail Sues Google Over Downranked Search Results
>>13482736 Air Force Two-Star General to Face Court-Martial on Sexual Assault Charge
>>13482742 Biden's 'Orderly' Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul
>>13482748 Mike Gordon is a PEDO
>>13482749 According to the FBI there are around 15k white supremasists in the USA. What is around 0.04% of the population
>>13482751, >>13482849 GENERAL FLYNN now LIVE on FRANKSPEECH.COM
>>13482754 Trial by Jury Died During the OJ Simpson Extravaganza
>>13482762 A Top California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Raping Multiple Children
>>13482772 Snowden, The Feds, Documents and AYYYYLMAOS
>>13482776 Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges
>>13482784 Q DROP 161 REVIEW
>>13482785 Alarms go off near Israel's nuclear reactor amid reports of explosions & missile defense system being activated
>>13482788 o7 God Bless America! o7
>>13482789 FrankSpeech.com UNDER ATTACK?
>>13482792, >>13482860 Q DROP 345 REVIEW
>>13482804 SCARY: Hillary Clinton Calls For Govt To Censor Conservatives And Critics Who 'Cost' Her The 2016 Election
>>13482843 Finger Lakes and Rochester - CHAUVIN IMAGE
>>13482850 Q DROP 194, 195 REVIEW
>>13482854 Trudeau gov't: Don't call vaccines a "treatment" for COVID
>>13482856 Department of State honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
>>13482863, >>13482905 CodeMonkeyZ Throwback to 2014 - Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
>>13482866 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13482872 'An Endangered Species': The Scarcity of Harvard's Conservative Faculty
>>13482878 Kraken Wood, Seattle Antifa calls for direct action tonight in the former CHAZ area: "All Cops Are Chauvin"
>>13482910 Police are arresting this man because he was riding a bike without a license
>>13482955 Dan Bongino - Chauvin Takeaway: Part 1 and 2
>>13482958, >>13483004 Inspector General says DHS had the authority to use federal law enforcement in Portland last year
>>13482964 Delta CEO expects COVID immunity proof for international flight but won't call it 'vaccine passport'
>>13482967 Dan Bongino - Psaki: Racism to Blame for Cop Shooting Teen Stabbing People
>>13483005 "Squad" Rep. Ayanna Pressley Made Thousands on Rental Property While Demanding We Cancel Rent, What a hypocrite
>>13483006 Dancing FBI agent admits accidentally shooting Denver bar patron
>>13483007 Murders, carjackings spike in 1st 3 months of 2021, although overall crime down from last year, police say
>>13483010 Maxine Waters Did Exactly What Donald Trump DID NOT DO | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 130
>>13483031 Lin Wood - Are you kidding me? Clean up Horry County, S.C.
>>13483044 Some Old News Articles - Baby Killers and the like..
>>13483082 Trial begins for man accused of deliberately driving into GOP registration tent
>>13483084 Oops they did it again. WH Youtube page is open again for comments.
>>13483119 Q DROP 252 REVIEW
>>13483121, >>13483163 Tempest Storm, burlesque star who dated JFK and Elvis, dead at 93
>>13483158 China Behind Another Cyber Attack in the US - Hacked Into US Computers and Networks Accessing Systems Remotely
>>13483188 Italian Police Arrest Accomplice of 2016 Nice Attacker - Reports
>>13483196 Portland's Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things
>>13483245 DecodeAnons: please read
>>13483249 US Coast Guard vessel offloads nearly $95 million of cocaine in Miami, Florida
>>13483263 Sad reason Robert De Niro's career has taken a nosedive in recent years
>>13483280 Q DROP 4509 REVIEW
>>13483289 POTUS.....listen til' the end. "A couple of Republicans say 'Sir, you're gonna do great in 2024!' say 'No, no, let's finish..."
>>13483293 Gavin Newsom declares drought emergency - THIS IS FOR THE EMERGENCY MONEY ONLY
>>13483294 Safety Compass :: Virtual Roundtable + Benefit
>>13483296 Lanny Davis Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukrainian Oligarch Facing Bribery Charges
>>13483297 Mike Gordon of Phish
>>13483304 Australia 'not targeting China' by scrapping Victoria deals; And more
>>13483314 Family Of Italian Woman Whose Death Linked To AstraZeneca Jab Launches Legal Action
>>13483328 China Presses Foreign Governments, Companies to Disregard Human Rights: US Report
>>13483335 SUM OF ALL FEARS?
>>13483358 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13483372 New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To...Turkey
>>13483385 Donald Trump Jr. RETWEETS - Top Kek
>>13483386 George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
>>13483391 Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
>>13483439 #17078
#13484196 at 2021-04-22 04:34:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #17080: Deja Vu I Have Been In This Bread Before Edition
>>13482730 LeBron James' DELETED TWEET - "YOU'RE NEXT"
>>13482731 Daily Mail Sues Google Over Downranked Search Results
>>13482736 Air Force Two-Star General to Face Court-Martial on Sexual Assault Charge
>>13482742 Biden's 'Orderly' Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul
>>13482748 Mike Gordon is a PEDO
>>13482749 According to the FBI there are around 15k white supremasists in the USA. What is around 0.04% of the population
>>13482751, >>13482849 GENERAL FLYNN now LIVE on FRANKSPEECH.COM
>>13482754 Trial by Jury Died During the OJ Simpson Extravaganza
>>13482762 A Top California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Raping Multiple Children
>>13482772 Snowden, The Feds, Documents and AYYYYLMAOS
>>13482776 Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges
>>13482784 Q DROP 161 REVIEW
>>13482785 Alarms go off near Israel's nuclear reactor amid reports of explosions & missile defense system being activated
>>13482788 o7 God Bless America! o7
>>13482789 FrankSpeech.com UNDER ATTACK?
>>13482792, >>13482860 Q DROP 345 REVIEW
>>13482804 SCARY: Hillary Clinton Calls For Govt To Censor Conservatives And Critics Who 'Cost' Her The 2016 Election
>>13482843 Finger Lakes and Rochester - CHAUVIN IMAGE
>>13482850 Q DROP 194, 195 REVIEW
>>13482854 Trudeau gov't: Don't call vaccines a "treatment" for COVID
>>13482856 Department of State honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
>>13482863, >>13482905 CodeMonkeyZ Throwback to 2014 - Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
>>13482866 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
>>13482872 'An Endangered Species': The Scarcity of Harvard's Conservative Faculty
>>13482878 Kraken Wood, Seattle Antifa calls for direct action tonight in the former CHAZ area: "All Cops Are Chauvin"
>>13482910 Police are arresting this man because he was riding a bike without a license
>>13482955 Dan Bongino - Chauvin Takeaway: Part 1 and 2
>>13482958, >>13483004 Inspector General says DHS had the authority to use federal law enforcement in Portland last year
>>13482964 Delta CEO expects COVID immunity proof for international flight but won't call it 'vaccine passport'
>>13482967 Dan Bongino - Psaki: Racism to Blame for Cop Shooting Teen Stabbing People
>>13483005 "Squad" Rep. Ayanna Pressley Made Thousands on Rental Property While Demanding We Cancel Rent, What a hypocrite
>>13483006 Dancing FBI agent admits accidentally shooting Denver bar patron
>>13483007 Murders, carjackings spike in 1st 3 months of 2021, although overall crime down from last year, police say
>>13483010 Maxine Waters Did Exactly What Donald Trump DID NOT DO | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 130
>>13483031 Lin Wood - Are you kidding me? Clean up Horry County, S.C.
>>13483044 Some Old News Articles - Baby Killers and the like..
>>13483082 Trial begins for man accused of deliberately driving into GOP registration tent
>>13483084 Oops they did it again. WH Youtube page is open again for comments.
>>13483119 Q DROP 252 REVIEW
>>13483121, >>13483163 Tempest Storm, burlesque star who dated JFK and Elvis, dead at 93
>>13483158 China Behind Another Cyber Attack in the US - Hacked Into US Computers and Networks Accessing Systems Remotely
>>13483188 Italian Police Arrest Accomplice of 2016 Nice Attacker - Reports
>>13483196 Portland's Black Leaders Ask Woke White Folk to Stop Ruining Things
>>13483245 DecodeAnons: please read
>>13483249 US Coast Guard vessel offloads nearly $95 million of cocaine in Miami, Florida
>>13483263 Sad reason Robert De Niro's career has taken a nosedive in recent years
>>13483280 Q DROP 4509 REVIEW
>>13483289 POTUS.....listen til' the end. "A couple of Republicans say 'Sir, you're gonna do great in 2024!' say 'No, no, let's finish..."
>>13483293 Gavin Newsom declares drought emergency - THIS IS FOR THE EMERGENCY MONEY ONLY
>>13483294 Safety Compass :: Virtual Roundtable + Benefit
>>13483296 Lanny Davis Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukrainian Oligarch Facing Bribery Charges
>>13483297 Mike Gordon of Phish
>>13483304 Australia 'not targeting China' by scrapping Victoria deals; And more
>>13483314 Family Of Italian Woman Whose Death Linked To AstraZeneca Jab Launches Legal Action
>>13483328 China Presses Foreign Governments, Companies to Disregard Human Rights: US Report
>>13483335 SUM OF ALL FEARS?
>>13483358 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>13483372 New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To...Turkey
>>13483385 Donald Trump Jr. RETWEETS - Top Kek
>>13483386 George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
>>13483391 Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
>>13483439 #17078
8kun Midnight Riders Posts (833)
8chan/8kun QRB Posts (2,197)
8chan/8kun QResearch2Gen Posts (12)
8chan/8kun TheStorm Posts (28)
8chan/8kun CBTS Posts (280)
endchan qanonresearch Posts (27)
endchan qrbunker Posts (327)
Q-Posts ANSWERS (7)
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001 Buckle up!
Answer: MILITARY.COM https://web.archive.org/web/20201019125334/https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/4HJ16JsJ
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: Video: Show Force Gilligan's Island Mosul Iraq Dec 04
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/LY7tHwzN
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001 `Batten down the hatches.
Answer: MILITARY.COM: ac-130 GUNSHIP LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT (REPOST) https://archive.vn/MD3r8 http://web.archive.org/web/20120301142203/https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/xJ4zwfCY
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: LASER PAINTING THE TARGET (3rd repost)
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/D8M86vRD
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001 A week to remember. [SCREENSHOT OF Q POST >>74 5-10-18 Conspiracy no more.]
Answer: filename: Dc4i0iCWsAAouoo.jpg MILITARY ac-130 GUNSHIP LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT (repost, 3rd time} Look how the laser targets the exact spot rowards which the weapons fire is needed 99% of the terrain is left untouched. Only the 1% that harbors the evil enemy iIs marked by the infrared laser beam which guides the cannon fire and missiles directly to the targets. 99% and 1% sound familiar to me What about you? Did Q use those numbers in another drop? Wouldn't it be great if Q provided a refresher class Just to help us study the important facts? It takes time to winnow through the barrel and find where all the rotten apples are hiding. But once you know where they are BOOM [F] BOOM [F] BOOM [F] BOOM [F] They're all gone!!!
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7821d7f36192e913e6a04eb40ac950c91fe01d9f1ef83404bb4df987502033ec.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/MnSHq69B SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/sM4X2kLN
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: Do you get the analogy of a LASER POINTER pointed at a target, followed by a hellish BOMBARDMENT? Who is the laser? (Q) Who will destroy the target? (Anons).
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/SJP4Cjyw
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001
Answer: MILITARY.COM: ac-130 Gunship Lights up the Night 29 Jan 2008 | Posted by Charles Daniel An ac-130 gunship and UH-60 helicopter light up the night as troops on the ground work a laser illuminator. [THIS IS THE ORIGINAL OF THE VIDEO POSTED ON YOUTUBE BY TEXAS GUN TRUST (WITH THE BANNER AD) - VIDEO DOES NOT ARCHIVE WELL-SA]
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/HrrY0cPX
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