8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (6,377)
#7494587 at 2019-12-13 04:18:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9586: For Lauranon - The FARCE Impeachment Edition
Collins callING out Dems for the faggots they and Nadler are.
"Rim shot-ING"
#7488511 at 2019-12-12 15:55:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9578: Rout Out The Den Of Vipers Edition
With all the Corney/Comey talk; I bet fishING (phisING) goes/went both ways.
[Fish]ING is fun
#7472353 at 2019-12-10 14:50:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9557: POTUS Did Nothing Wrong Edition
I'm thinkING more like Q3650
Dec 6 2019 15:17:21 (EST)
ThinkING timING.
>Think[ING] timING
12/06 15:17:21
>Look[ING] like
12/10 09:35:49
/\3m between great/good, good/great tweets 18 18 : 28
#7472303 at 2019-12-10 14:39:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9557: POTUS Did Nothing Wrong Edition
MisspellING 'ING' → 'S'
#7457334 at 2019-12-08 20:48:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9537: Knowledge is power. Think for yourself. Trust yourself. Edition
If your expectations are tempered for tomorrow, you're Q-ING it right. Save your energy to fight another day.
#7456353 at 2019-12-08 18:10:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9536: There Is No Step Five Edition
FBI Treats Florida Naval Base ShootING as Act of Terrorism
A Saudi Air Force aviation student opened fire in a classroom at the base on 6 December, killING three US sailors and woundING two sheriff's deputies before he was shot dead in an exchange of fire.
The FBI stated that it is investigatING the fatal shootING at the naval base in Florida "with the presumption that this was an act of terrorism".
"We are, as we do in most active shooter investigations, work[ING] with the presumption that this was an act of terrorism", Rachel Rojas, who is in charge of the Jacksonville Field Office, told a press conference.
A special agent with the FBI stated that the shooter used a Glock 45 9mm that he purchased legally in the attack that killed three people and wounded eight.
In the meantime, US National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien also suggested that the shootING at the Pensacola naval base could be an act of terrorism.
"To me it appears to be a terrorist attack. I do not want to prejudge the investigation, but it appears that this may be someone that was radicalized, whether it was here or it's unclear if he's got any other ties to other organisations", he told CBS.
O'Brien said he did not know if this was "part of a broader plot", but stressed that "it looks like terrorism". The FBI has been interviewING other Saudi students at the base and it is up to them to determine what the shooter's motivations were, the senior official added.
On 6 December, the Saudi national, identified by US media as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, a cadet in a US Navy flight trainING programme, opened fire at Naval Air Station Pensacola, killING three people and injurING another eight before beING gunned down by police officers.
The incident follows Wednesday's shootING at another US naval facility in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, where a gunman killed two civilian workers and wounded a third before shootING himself dead.
#7455901 at 2019-12-08 17:01:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9535: Those Who Scream The Loudest... Edition
>eBot is redpilled/ING now?
#7449232 at 2019-12-07 22:34:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9527: Who is head of Mossad? Eyes On! Edition
>wew, it just got real.
Ain't that the truth.
Q's - LookING over our shoulders.
(Q-ING) anon posts.
#7443959 at 2019-12-07 03:11:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9520: Own The Nightshift Edition
China Debuts 'Fight the Traitors' Video Game Where Players Assault Hong Kong Protesters
Chinese state media promoted a video game on Wednesday where users are tasked with huntING down the "traitors" leadING Hong Kong's ongoING pro-democracy demonstrations.
State propaganda outlet Global Times proudly reports on the success of a game entitled "Fight the Traitors Together," where players are invited to "hunt down" eight real-life secessionists by "knock[ING] them down with slaps or rotten eggs until they are captured."
AccordING to the Times, the game allows players to "vent their anger at the separatist behavior of secessionists" durING the recent anti-China demonstrations. "Hong Kong is part of China and this can't be meddled with by outside powers," reads the game cover page.
The eight "traitors" featured in the game are caricatures of real-life pro-democracy activists, includING prominent opposition figures such as Jimmy Lai, the editor of the anti-communist Apple Daily newspaper and Demosisto leader Joshua Wong, who authorities have banned from runnING for office in the city.
Some of the other caricatures in the game include the depiction of protesters as a "crowd of black-clad rioters wearING yellow hats and face masks," while another opposition figure, Anson Chan, "carries a bag with a US flag, clutches a stack of US dollars and holds a loudspeaker to incite violence in the streets."
One player, Yang Qian, reportedly told the outlet that the "practices of these modern traitors have long been irritatING," and that while they remain free in real life, "at least in the game they should pay for what they have done."
China's approval of such violence is of little surprise given BeijING's broader attitude towards the protests, which it prefers to refer to as riots caused by rogue political anarchists. The seriousness and longevity of the demonstrations have sparked concern that China may ultimately send in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to deal with the unrest, leadING to fears that the movement may end with a repeat of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.
Hong Kong has been afflicted by political and civil unrest since early June when pro-democracy demonstrators broke out across the city to oppose an extradition bill that would have permitted criminal suspects to be sent to China for trial.
The bill has since been shelved by Hong Kong's BeijING-controlled CEO Carrie Lam, although the protests have since intensified into a wider movement against Chinese interference and the underminING of the principle of "one country, two systems" that was agreed on followING the handover from the British Empire in 1997.
#7442482 at 2019-12-06 23:20:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9518: Ebake
NO DIFFERENCE… Dummies ….. do you research.. Sorry of my attitude
Satanic Verses in the Quran
Muslims claim that the Koran contains the words of Allah, 100%, but
the Koran not only has Satanic verses, but also a demonic sura. Unbeliev-
ably, a whole sura (chapter) in the Koran is named after the demons.
ShockING but true. Sura 72 is entitled Jinn (demons), Here is a short
"1. Say: It has been revealed to me that a company of Jinns
listened [to the Koran] They said, we have really heard a
wonderful Recital!
2. It gives guidance to the right, and we have believed therein
we shall not join [in worship] any [gods] with our Lord.
3. And exalted is the majesty of our Lord: He has taken neither
a wife nor a son.
4. There are some foolish ones among us who used to utter
extravagant lies against God.
5. But we do think that no man or spirit should say aught that
is untrue against God.
6. True, there were persons among mankind who took shelter
with persons among the jinns but they increased them in folly.
7. And they [came to] think as ye thought, that God would not
raise up anyone [to judgement].
8. And we pried into the secret of heaven: but we found it filled
with stern guards and flamING fires.
36 Islam Reviewed
The Satanic Verses
the Demonic Text
To see the devil as a partisan of
Evil and an angel as a warrior
on the side of Good is to accept the demagogy of the angels.
ThINGs are of course more complicated than that.
- Milan Kundera,
The Book of Laughter and ForgettING
In his essay "In Good Faith" (1990), Sa
lman Rushdie discusses the reactions
his novel,
The Satanic Verses
(1988; "SV") has evoked around the world.
AccordING to Rushdie, his novel has been treated as "a work of bad history,
as an anti-religious pamphlet, as the product of an international capitalist-
Jewish conspiracy, as an act of murder,"
everythING but literature, a work of
fiction. Rushdie is especially mystifie
d by the claims that when he was writ-
The Satanic Verses
knew exactly what he was doING
. "
He did it on pur-
is one of the strangest accusations ev
er levelled at a writer. Of course I
did on purpose. The question is, and it is
what I have tried to answer [in this
essay]: what is the 'it' that I did?"
A critical reader is faced with the same
question; furthermore, the novel itself seems to question 'I' as well as 'it': it
tests the limits of 'authorship' - the id
ea of an unified, fully conscious and
purposeful author.
Both in the analysis of the novel,
and in makING any comments on the
uproar followING its publication, the complex role of de-contextualisation
should be given careful attention. WritING is dangerous, as Jacques Derrida
has noted.
Derrida emphasises the radical
of any written commu-
nication; it must "remain legible desp
ite the absolute di
sappearance of every
determined addressee in general for it to function as writING, that is, for it to
be legible." In a sharp contrast to the idea of writING as a means to convey
the intended meanING, writING is (sometimes, as in Rushdie's case,
#7442421 at 2019-12-06 23:12:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9518: Ebake
It's either a sentence fragment, or code. It's not correct as is.
It has an extra ING and a missING E for Think TimING.
It has an extra ING and missING E for ThinkING Time.
ING, the finance house?
#7442253 at 2019-12-06 22:50:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9518: Ebake
question of the day. POTUS tweets might reflect with a misplaced -ING.
#7441534 at 2019-12-06 21:07:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9517: Q Thinking Timing! Panic in DC! Edition
2.) thINGs.
1.) Think(ING) Tim(ING).. odd way of sayING think timING, its in present tense..
Also the lines runnING through meme/pic are a redacted file. Its the FISA docs (PAGE 20) found here: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/1338-carter-page-fisa-documents-foi/844b27afa687de0dbee7/optimized/full.pdf
#7441309 at 2019-12-06 20:39:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9517: Q Thinking Timing! Panic in DC! Edition
Think(ING) timING.
#7441247 at 2019-12-06 20:29:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9516: Happy Saint Nicholas Day to Q, POTUS & All Anons Edition
Think(ING) timING.
#7432852 at 2019-12-05 17:24:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9505: D5...Time For Pain To Arrive Edition
#7430555 at 2019-12-05 04:14:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9502: Blitz Craig Edition
#7429588 at 2019-12-05 01:53:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9501: Space Force Coast to Coast Edition
BO my ID isn't (You)ING Me!!
Is my VPN Too Good??
Or is the board kinda broken??
#7423316 at 2019-12-04 05:05:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9493: Justice Will Be Biblical Edition
Anti-SpendING Tillis Challenger Invested Taxpayer Loans in Obscene Business
Garland Tucker's investment company called restaurant's notoriously crude humor 'tasteful'
Garland Tucker, a North Carolina businessman runnING to primary Sen. Thom Tillis (R., N.C.), used taxpayer-funded loans to boost Dick's Last Resort, an obscene restaurant known for sexualizING underage girls with crude sayINGs like "this chick loves dick." Triangle Capital, a business development company Tucker cofounded, took on hundreds of millions in taxpayer-backed Small Business Administration (SBA) loans durING the Obama administration, investING the money in private companies. In 2011, Tucker's company invested $12 million in Dick's Last Resort, a chain of restaurants known for usING vulgar and demeanING language toward guests, includING children.
Tucker's company praised Dick's Last Resort when announcING its investment, callING the restaurant's humor "tasteful." However, customer reviews accuse Dick's of "cross[ING] boundaries of discriminatory behavior." Servers have reportedly made racially disparagING and homophobic comments, mocked customers' disabilities, and sexualized underage girls with crude sayINGs such as "this chick loves dick" and "daddy's future pole dancer." The Tucker campaign did not respond to a request for comment. Other accounts of Dick's detail "jokes'' includING tellING a 13-year-old girl to "go back to the ghetto to get her hair done again," callING a 16-year-old a "fat fuck," and writING "I spread my legs more than barbie" on a four-year-old girl's hat. The restaurant's vulgarity is also reflected in its merchandise, which includes "I Heart Dick" underwear, "Chicks Love Dick's" t-shirts, and "Beverage Babe" koozies. Dick's has also advertised both a women's bikini contest and "hot legs" contest.
Tucker personally praised Dick's followING his company's investment, statING the restaurant "has a consistent history of strong operatING performance." Under Tucker's leadership, Triangle Capital's use of SBA loans exploded from $17 million on its books in 2004 to $250 million in 2016. Tucker's compensation increased 634 percent durING that 12-year period-the North Carolina businessman was paid $8.7 million from 2014-16, includING a $2.5 million bonus when he resigned as CEO in 2017, accordING to RealClearPolitics. Despite Triangle Capital's reliance on taxpayer-backed SBA loans, Tucker is a longtime critic of government spendING, callING the federal debt "immoral" and arguING Tillis is "just not deliverING" on the issue.
While Tucker's company praised the obscene nature of Dick's Last Resort, the North Carolina businessman was quick to criticize President Donald Trump on moral grounds in an op-ed followING the 2016 Republican primary. "As a Christian, this vote is also a tough decision," wrote Tucker. "Trump is a twice-divorced, self-acknowledged adulterer who has, in the course of this campaign, uttered some of the most unkind, disgustING comments ever made by any American politician." The Tillis campaign has criticized Tucker's "anti-Trump, pro-swamp" record, highlightING Triangle Capital's dependence on SBA loans as evidence Tucker made a fortune "on the backs of taxpayers under the Obama presidency by exploitING big government handout programs." Tucker has dumped more than $1.2 million of his own money into his bid to unseat Tillis.
Anti-SpendING N.C. Senate Candidate Profited From SBA Loans
FilING Detail
Garland S. Tucker III: A reluctant vote for a very flawed Trump
Thom Tillis' primary challenger is puttING up $1 million of his own money. Who is he?
#7420183 at 2019-12-03 19:39:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9489: Don't Panic! Refresh! Good wins in the end! Justice! Edition
Soon my walrus love ING wil be legally "gay" for #FARTGATE
#7419731 at 2019-12-03 18:39:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9489: Don't Panic! Refresh! Good wins in the end! Justice! Edition
Media in overdrive to label 2016 Ukrainian election interference as 'conspiracy theory
Maybe Russia and Ukraine both interfered WTF MSM!? is a newsletter that puts a dose of sunlight on the mainstream media and exposes how the media twist facts, selectively report, and outright lie to advance their left-wING agenda. You can sign up for the WTF MSM!? newsletter here.
The media have bought the left's narrative of what happened in the 2016 election - hook, line, and sinker. Anybody in the public square who does their own research, uncovers facts that undermine the narrative, or publicly declares an unwillINGness to accept it shall be scorned. The latest media target is Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana.
On Monday, CNN tried to take Kennedy to the woodshed over his comments on NBC's "Meet the Press" about Ukrainian government support for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Here's how NewsBusters explained it:
Let's look at a few examples. On At This Hour, host Kate Bolduan allowed Congressman and fellow liberal John Yarmuth (D-KY) to falsely claim that, regardING attempts by Ukrainian officials to express support of Hillary Clinton in 2016, Kennedy "was brINGING up magazine stories yesterday that apparently don't exist."
Andrea Mitchell can say otherwise, but the facts laid out by The Federalist's Chrissy Clark are real articles with real claims about Ukrainians wantING Hillary Clinton to win (includING that infamous Politico item).
CNN kept goING. AccordING to NewsBusters, the chyron used under its reportING said that Kennedy was "spread[ING] debunked conspiracy theory that benefits Russia." CNN continued that Republicans were tryING to shift blame to Ukraine from Russia.
CNN senior political commentator and Obama administration alum David Axelrod even said, "The other person who's very happy with it is Vladimir Putin, of course, who would love to see the blame for what happened here in 2016 shift to the Ukrainians."
Memo to CNN et al.: Both can be true. The Russians could have interfered in the election to sow discord in the United States, and Ukrainian officials could have interfered and been openly rootING for Hillary Clinton. Those two thINGs can both exist.
Glenn Beck and his team have extensively researched what went on in Ukraine in 2016. They have copious notes and have shared them with the public. The media just aren't intellectually curious enough to follow facts where they lead. They've tried to paint anyone affiliated with Beck as spoutING "conspiracy theories," includING a former Boston-based journalist who tried it on me.
The media has the narrative, and woe those who stray.
#7407678 at 2019-12-01 23:42:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9473: Cartels and Human Composting a comin! Hhmmmm? Edition
Apparently no., 73 in base 10
I met a guy named "NUTT" once [!] who told me his family were in Naval Intel and that "aliens" were real. I also met someone who predicted my future, told me somethING about his hands [they are not claws they are beautiful] and claimed to "walk in" from some other star system who had responsibility for our planet [which they were thinkING of x-ING out because the evil had gone out of control]
He said a lot of the future is written down in a book [Fate?] but that it can changed.
And that if or if not our planet would be allowed to survive depended on? Enough good people, sorta "Biblical"
Otherwise, I have no opinion on "aliens" though I am open-minded.
The informant who claimed to be an alien told be that the people here saw his hands as ugly because of their own imperfections, which they projected.
FWIW.. It's a memory, fer sure, but who knows maybe I was hypnotized. It's possible, though I think it really happened.
Most of the UFO info is totally gov controlled, so I stay away from the study of it.
"37" is an important number for some reason, regardless.
#7407066 at 2019-12-01 21:28:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9473: Cartels and Human Composting a comin! Hhmmmm? Edition
United States asks UK to extradite ex-Autonomy boss Lynch from UK
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States has formally requested the extradition of Michael Lynch, the British tech billionaire who sold his company to Hewlett Packard (HPE.N) (HP) in an ill-fated $11.1 billion deal, to face charges includING securities fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy. The U.S. embassy in London submitted the extradition request on Nov. 21 for Lynch to stand trial in the United States, accordING to a court filING dated Dec. 1.
Lynch, once hailed as Britain's answer to Bill Gates, is currently battlING the American IT giant in London's High Court. HP is seekING damages of $5 billion from Lynch and his former chief financial officer Sushovan Hussain, allegING that they inflated the value of their data firm before sellING it. Lynch has denied the accusations, sayING HP mismanaged the acquisition. He is counter-suING for loss and damages. Lynch has been indicted in San Francisco on 17 counts includING wire fraud, conspiracy and securities fraud, which carries a maximum term of 25 years in prison.
A spokesman for Lynch said at the time that the charges were "baseless and egregious". Hussain was sentenced in San Francisco in May to five years in prison, fined $4 million and ordered to forfeit $6.1 million after beING convicted on 16 counts of wire fraud, securities fraud and conspiracy.
from Dec 2016
How Autonomy Fooled Hewlett-Packard
In 2011, Hewlett-Packard paid $11.1 billion for UK software firm Autonomy - a 64% premium for a company with nearly $1 billion of 2010 revenues, and possessING "a consistent track record of double-digit revenue growth, with 87 percent gross margins and 43 percent operatING margins." So they thought. Little more than a year later, HP recorded an $8.8 billion impairment charge, citING Autonomy's accountING improprieties as the reason. Investors wondered how could HP have gotten it so wrong before they plunked down $11.1 billion in cash? And they wondered what HP uncovered that led to the writedown.
Now we know. In mid-November, the SEC ordered the former CEO of Autonomy's U.S. operations, Christopher Egan, to fork over $800,000 of compensation resultING from the takeover, in which HP relied on figures he had helped inflate. The facts of the case are now public. Although this case related to current IFRS revenue recognition rules, it can happen again, and to any company.
from march 2019
You are f***ING toast': HP published tech investor Mike Lynch's foul-mouthed emails as part of a $5 billion fraud trial.
A $5 billion fraud trial involvING Hewlett-Packard and the former executives at software company Autonomy kicked off on Monday in London's High Court.HP has accused Autonomy's former CEO Mike Lynch and its former CFO Sushovan Hussain of overstatING the software firm's value. On Monday, HP published internal Autonomy emails showING Lynch swearING at colleagues. It said this showed that he was a hands-on CEO. HP also argued that Lynch and Hussain perpetrated several "improper transactions" that made Autonomy's software business look healthier than it really was.
rest at link
#7406473 at 2019-12-01 19:08:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9472: Archive cause they scrubbin! Edition
Someone was up all night runnING.
Live shot.
We know.
Your move.
1183 backward is 3811. March 8, 2018. (8+1+2=11)
Search for "run"…..the 45th Q post with "run[ING] is the exact same Q post as March 8, 2018
#7405269 at 2019-12-01 14:24:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9470: Comfy Confirmed Edition
Oh wow. Still the same bread. A maize ING. Just like the old days!
#7403420 at 2019-12-01 03:56:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9468: Multiple Investigations Coming Together NOW Edition
Do you have any fvckING idea how much this board is beING bombarded at this moment? 8Kun and then Q returns, you can't think Q's enemy's are just sittING around doING nothING.
And we are barely feelING any of their ugly effects. Impressive, isn't it?
Gee, I wonder…
Patriots Are Now In Control
>This Anon bets they are throwING everythING they got at us right now.
Thank You Mr. Watkins, CM, fellow anons and Q can ING the bell and chime in here anytime. WWG1WGA
#7401508 at 2019-11-30 22:20:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9465: It's been a Pink Panther/Red Sprarrow kind of morning! Edition
Anyone else notice a shift in tactics, both in this board and on the MSM? I find orientING myself to be helpful. The upside down world is reorientING there angles, beING more demandING or benevolent as whatever the case may call for. Here on the board, beING more paganistic. On the msm, fakING the best benevolent behavior that they can muster.
"What usually happens? The show doesn't come off
very well. He begins to think life doesn't treat him
right. He decides to exert himself more. He becomes,
on the next occasion, still more demandING or gracious,
as the case may be. Still the play does not suit him.
AdmittING he may be somewhat at fault, he is sure
that other people are more to blame. He becomes
angry, indignant, self-pityING. What is his basic
trouble? Is he not really a self-seeker even when try-
ING to be kind? Is he not a victim of the delusion that
he can wrest satisfaction and happiness out of this
world if only he manages well? Is it not evident to all
the rest of the players that these are the thINGs he
wants? And do not his actions make each of them
wish to retaliate, snatchING all they can get out of the
show? Is he not, even in his best moments, a
producer of confusion rather than harmony?"
#7398473 at 2019-11-30 07:34:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9462: Thanks to POTUS from the Troops Edition
Do you have a way around the DDOS mitigation to download images directly? My old shellscript of grep-ING, sed-ING, and eventual wget-ING doesn't work anymore.
#7398396 at 2019-11-30 07:14:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9462: Thanks to POTUS from the Troops Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're havING troubles postING fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7337612 /patriotsfight/ placeholder thread deleted
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
>>7370399 New Q-Board: https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/index.html
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7397673, >>7397632 Leonardo DiCaprio in legal trouble over fires in Amazon?
>>7397638 Team Trump: Newsweek objected to "doctored" photo
>>7397683 Customs agents seize $95M in counterfeit goods along with thousands of fake IDs
>>7397688 Virginia Gun Owners Could Face Felony Charges Under New 'Paramilitary Activities' Amendment
>>7397713 POTUS spent ThanksgivING with some of our amazING troops in Afghanistan
>>7397714 Dec 4: Anons, have USMCA memes at the ready!
>>7397718 Fiona Hill Dig
>>7397719 How the U.S. is AddressING 5G and Security–US Dept of State (47min vid)
>>7397724 Justice Clarence Thomas on Biden: Forget the KKK– Modern Day Liberals the Biggest Impediment
>>7397738 Planefag report
>>7397757 50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame on Fat
>>7397765 London Bridge attack: among those who pinned down attacker was a plain-clothes officer
>>7397804 Nat'l Strategy to Combat Human TraffickING (Bitchute vid)
>>7397847 The Rush To A Cashless Society Only Serves Globalist Interests
>>7397853, >>7398093, >>7398197, >>7398204, >>7398306 Boatfag reports & remarks (Freewinds, EOS)
>>7397887, >>7397975 New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes Targets Greater Idlib Terrorists
>>7397902 In Video: Houthis Shot Down Saudi Apache Attack Helicopter Over Northern Yemen
>>7398090 Reagan Foundation: "Universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms should be a cornerstone of universal peace."
>>7398113 US cryptocurrency expert arrested for 'aidING adversary & sanctions violation' over North Korea trip
>>7398343 #9461
correction #2, ordered bottom up as previously
>>7397438 Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
>>7397401 [C]los[I]ING [A]ct? ? PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
>>7397365 On December 2, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinpING will take part in a ceremony to launch Russian natural gas supplies to China via the eastern route
>>7397348, >>7397360 CM Seems to be a sudden influx of users just now. PreparING new nodes to increase capacity. Issues should be cleared up shortly.
>>7397314 American Life Expectancy DroppING Dramatically Thanks To White WorkING Class Male Suicides
>>7397300, >>7397359 Japan's gov't mulls over $92B stimulus package to spur growth.
>>7397229 Anon on current pro-vaccine push by HRC & others
>>7396971 Jenna Jameson twat, The Standard Hotel. We know.
>>7396910 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, Nov. 30th and Sunday, Dec. 1st 2019
>>7396906, >>7396917 Three Women Have Accused Dem. Impeachment Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct
>>7396888 Anon discusses POTUS' visit to Afghanistan (how did no one know?)
>>7396864 A Global Display of Human TraffickING Incidents and News
>>7398356 #9460
Previously Collected Notables
>>7394478 #9456, >>7395278 #9457, >>7396010 #9458, >>7396787 #9459
>>7391655 #9452, >>7392162 #9453, >>7392897 #9454, >>7393716 #9455
>>7387955 #9448, >>7389050 #9449, >>7389881 #9450, >>7390644 9451
>>7385004 #9444, >>7385789 #9445, >>7386522 #9446, >>7387334 #9447
>>7381890 #9440, >>7382691 #9441, >>7383416 #9442, >>7384241 #9443
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7398356 at 2019-11-30 07:01:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9461: Hope bread gone but her Qewbs will be memed forever! Edition
#9460 posted in #9461
correction #2, ordered bottom up as previously–thx baker
>>7397438 Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
>>7397401 [C]los[I]ING [A]ct? ? PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
>>7397365 On December 2, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinpING will take part in a ceremony to launch Russian natural gas supplies to China via the eastern route
>>7397348, >>7397360 CM Seems to be a sudden influx of users just now. PreparING new nodes to increase capacity. Issues should be cleared up shortly.
>>7397314 American Life Expectancy DroppING Dramatically Thanks To White WorkING Class Male Suicides
>>7397300, >>7397359 Japan's gov't mulls over $92B stimulus package to spur growth.
>>7397229 Anon on current pro-vaccine push by HRC & others
>>7396971 Jenna Jameson twat, The Standard Hotel. We know.
>>7396910 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, Nov. 30th and Sunday, Dec. 1st 2019
>>7396906, >>7396917 Three Women Have Accused Dem. Impeachment Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct
>>7396888 Anon discusses POTUS' visit to Afghanistan (how did no one know?)
>>7396864 A Global Display of Human TraffickING Incidents and News
PB not current bred
#7398221 at 2019-11-30 06:22:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9461: Hope bread gone but her Qewbs will be memed forever! Edition
#9460 reposted in #9461
(to correct dups submitted LB, added to dough)
>>7396864 A Global Display of Human TraffickING Incidents and News
>>7396888 Anon discusses POTUS' visit to Afghanistan (how did no one know?)
>>7396906, >>7396917 Three Women Have Accused Dem. Impeachment Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct
>>7396910 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, Nov. 30th and Sunday, Dec. 1st 2019
>>7396971 Jenna Jameson twat, The Standard Hotel. We know.
>>7397229 Anon on current pro-vaccine push by HRC & others
>>7397300, >>7397359 Japan's gov't mulls over $92B stimulus package to spur growth.
>>7397314 American Life Expectancy DroppING Dramatically Thanks To White WorkING Class Male Suicides
>>7397348, >>7397360 CM Seems to be a sudden influx of users just now. PreparING new nodes to increase capacity. Issues should be cleared up shortly.
>>7397365 On December 2, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinpING will take part in a ceremony to launch Russian natural gas supplies to China via the eastern route
>>7397401 [C]los[I]ING [A]ct? ? PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
>>7397438 Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
>>7397482 @USArmy Boom! Boom!
>>7397569 #9460
#7397582 at 2019-11-30 04:12:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9461: Hope bread gone but her Qewbs will be memed forever! Edition
Global Announcements
>>7367204 Reminder, if you're havING troubles postING fill out the captcha (see the graphic)
>>7337612 /patriotsfight/ placeholder thread deleted
>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!
>>7370399 New Q-Board: https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/index.html
Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
are not endorsements
>>7397482 @USArmy Boom!Boom!
>>7397455 notable bun
>>7397438 Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
>>7397401 [C]los[I]ING [A]ct? ? PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
>>7397365 On December 2, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinpING will take part in a ceremony to launch Russian natural gas supplies to China via the eastern route
>>7397348, >>7397360 CM Seems to be a sudden influx of users just now. PreparING new nodes to increase capacity. Issues should be cleared up shortly.
>>7397300, >>7397359 Japan's gov't mulls over $92B stimulus package to spur growth.
>>7396971 Jenna Jameson twat, The Standard Hotel. We know.
>>7396910 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, Nov. 30th and Sunday, Dec. 1st 2019
>>7396864 A Global Display of Human TraffickING Incidents and News
>>7397569 #9460
>>7396090, >>7396115, >>7396159, >>7396399, >>7396414 planefags on it!
>>7396683 Adm Rogers meme
>>7396659 President Donald J. Trump will welcome the Permanent Representatives of the United Nations Security Council to the White House on December 5, 2019
>>7396573, >>7396576 Mexico's President Urges US House of Representatives to Pass Trade Deal
>>7396405, >>7396418 700 Days Since Lindsey Graham Outlined Susan Rice CYA Memo, and DC Doesn't Want Answers?...
>>7396395, >>7396420 DJI is a drone manufacturING company based in Shenzhen, Guangdong
>>7396411 The New York Times Affirms: 'Soros & Clinton Paid Woman To Accuse Trump Of Sexual Attack'
>>7396298, >>7396244 Here's proof IMPEACHMENT is BULL SCHIFF!!!!
>>7396257, >>7396292 June 2019 NXIVM Raniere Found Guilty of all charges in sex cult case
>>7396216, >>7396246, >>7396247 Democrat Adam Schiff Tied to Companies Accused in Ukraine Corruption
>>7396152 Kuhn-Loeb ==> Bronfman (Claire NVXIM) connected
>>7396150, >>7396174, >>7396177 "The Creature from Jekyll Island PDF Summary"
>>7396122 , >>7396153, >>7396255, >>7396265 Bongino twat EVERGREEN, Q 1 yr ago
>>7396080 Brazil's Bolsonaro: Leonardo DiCaprio Funded Amazon Fires #9459
>>7396787 #9459
>>7395466, >>7395490 Kuhn and Loeb ==> Harriman ==> Prescott Bush
>>7395450, >>7395456 ICIG Michael Atkinson Altered Whistleblower Forms to Allow for CIA Leaker - His Wife Connected to Russian Collusion Hoaxer - Fusion GPS
>>7395446 Gare du Nord in Paris evacuated due to suspected explosive device.
>>7395431 U.S. weighs new regulations to further restrict Huawei suppliers
>>7395396 2015 'Crisis' hit Zimbabwe wants white farmers back - report
>>7395392, >>7395407, >>7395415 Positive USMCA points, memes!
>>7395372 The Solidarity Of Democrats' Delusion Is About To Collapse
>>7395602 Vid -President Trump Holds a Bilateral MeetING with President Ghani of Afghanistan
>>7395624 instruction is to dissolve the Monarchy? 3 Queen not wearING crown articles
>>7395767 The Strange Death of White Helmets Founder James Le Mesurier
>>7395735, >>7395770 17 warriors in the pic
>>7395784 interestING new Rudy twat "the sawmp loves investigatING correuption, except for their own"
>>7396010 #9458
Previously Collected Notables
>>7394478 #9456, >>7395278 #9457
>>7391655 #9452, >>7392162 #9453, >>7392897 #9454, >>7393716 #9455
>>7387955 #9448, >>7389050 #9449, >>7389881 #9450, >>7390644 9451
>>7385004 #9444, >>7385789 #9445, >>7386522 #9446, >>7387334 #9447
>>7381890 #9440, >>7382691 #9441, >>7383416 #9442, >>7384241 #9443
Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top/qresearch/notables.html
Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7397569 at 2019-11-30 04:10:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9460: Sniffing Schiffy Schitt goes deep! Edition
>>7397482 @USArmy Boom!Boom!
>>7397455 notable bun
>>7397438 Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
>>7397401 [C]los[I]ING [A]ct? ? PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
>>7397365 On December 2, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinpING will take part in a ceremony to launch Russian natural gas supplies to China via the eastern route
>>7397348, >>7397360 CM Seems to be a sudden influx of users just now. PreparING new nodes to increase capacity. Issues should be cleared up shortly.
>>7397300, >>7397359 Japan's gov't mulls over $92B stimulus package to spur growth.
>>7396971 Jenna Jameson twat, The Standard Hotel. We know.
>>7396910 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, Nov. 30th and Sunday, Dec. 1st 2019
>>7396864 A Global Display of Human TraffickING Incidents and News
#7397471 at 2019-11-30 03:46:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9460: Sniffing Schiffy Schitt goes deep! Edition
>>7397455 notable bun
>>7397438 Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
>>7397401 [C]los[I]ING [A]ct? ? PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
>>7397365 On December 2, Vladimir Putin and Xi JinpING will take part in a ceremony to launch Russian natural gas supplies to China via the eastern route
>>7397348, >>7397360 CM Seems to be a sudden influx of users just now. PreparING new nodes to increase capacity. Issues should be cleared up shortly.
>>7397300, >>7397359 Japan's gov't mulls over $92B stimulus package to spur growth.
>>7396971 Jenna Jameson twat, The Standard Hotel. We know.
>>7396910 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, Nov. 30th and Sunday, Dec. 1st 2019
>>7396864 A Global Display of Human TraffickING Incidents and News
#7397455 at 2019-11-30 03:40:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9460: Sniffing Schiffy Schitt goes deep! Edition
notable noms
>>7396888 Anon discusses POTUS' visit to Afghanistan (how did no one know?)
>>7396906, >>7396917 Three Women Have Accused Dem. Impeachment Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct
>>7397229 Anon on current pro-vaccine push by HRC & others
>>7397314 American Life Expectancy DroppING Dramatically Thanks To White WorkING Class Male Suicides
>>7397359 Japan government mulls over $92 billion stimulus package to spur growth: Nikkei
>>7397401 [C]los[I]ING [A]ct? ? PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
>>7397438 Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
>Jerry Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion
#7397401 at 2019-11-30 03:28:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9460: Sniffing Schiffy Schitt goes deep! Edition
[C]los[I]ING [A]ct? → PassING the paramilitary torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
Excerpt: "The CIA's primacy in matters of paramilitary activities is well-established through existING congressional legislation and presidential executive orders. However, today the United States faces serious threats from near-peer state adversaries, terrorist groups, and other sub-state actors that should lead its leaders to rethink its organizational and operational approaches to paramilitary activities to optimize both its capabilities and capacity to meet these threats. The U.S. Defense Department, specifically its subordinate U.S. Special Operations Command, is the organization best prepared to assume leadership of the U.S. government's paramilitary efforts that are critical to supportING its national interests.
One of the major recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Report, delivered in 2004, was that the Defense Department should assume primary responsibility for U.S. government paramilitary activities from the CIA. That commission found that the CIA "relied on operatives without the requisite military trainING," resultING in unsatisfactory results. Additionally, the report advised that the United States "cannot afford to build two separate capabilities for carryING out secret military operations, secretly operatING standoff missiles, and secretly trainING foreign military or paramilitary forces." In response, the Defense Department contracted a study that ultimately determined in 2005 that assumING control of paramilitary operations was inadvisable at that time given the Defense Department's lack of internal capability, discomfort with existING legal strictures on Title 50 authorities, and concern over potentially increased congressional oversight that would come with responsibility for paramilitary activities. In the 12 years since that study delivered its findINGs and recommendations, the Defense Department has developed its own clandestine intelligence and operational paramilitary capabilities. It is now the appropriate time to reassess and appropriately re-task the Department of Defense's own U.S. Special Operations Command with primary responsibility for paramilitary activities. Historically, the CIA has a very poor track record of success in organizING and leadING paramilitary campaigns, often relyING on military special operations support. Other forms of covert action include propaganda to undermine confidence in or adherence to hostile governments and political action designed to support domestic parties in opposition to U.S. adversaries. Only a small number of the declassified CIA-led paramilitary campaigns between 1948 and 2001 were deemed "successful," though propaganda and political covert actions fared better. While the bravery of CIA paramilitary operatives should be lauded and honored, the American people must be ensured that their paramilitary capabilities are better organized to best defend their interests in the future."
#7397204 at 2019-11-30 02:47:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9460: Sniffing Schiffy Schitt goes deep! Edition
Fab! dark meme-ING tasked to you, then temporatily.
attendING meme school soon and then will contribute!
#7386687 at 2019-11-28 02:44:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9447: Give Thanks to those who deserve thanks Edition
Thanks for the bullshit advice.
FilterING doesn't stop the media from copy-pasta ING that shit and then claimING this is a Nazi/White Supremacist board. Do you believe he is here to change Anon's minds or discuss his position…..? Really?
#7385227 at 2019-11-27 22:13:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9445: Hit those memes for USMCA! Daytime Diggers Unite!Edition
#7367527 at 2019-11-25 02:15:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9422: That's Lt. Colonel Whistleblower Edition
Trouble x-ING the Bar?
Good luck with muh arse hoe (or u homo?) - just recall: i crap trees
#7355293 at 2019-11-14 13:25:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9409: Put On The Full Armor Of God Edition
The most powerful secret organization in the world is the Bilderberg Group, organized in 1952 and named after the hotel where its first meetING took place in 1954. The man who organized the Bilderberg Group, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, has the power to veto the Vatican's choice of any Pope it selects. Prince Bernhard has this veto power because his family, the Hapsburgs, are desended from the Roman emperors. Prince Bernhard is the leader of the Black Families. He claims descent from the House of David and thus can truly say that he is related to Jesus. Prince Bernhard, with the help of the CIA, brought the hidden rulING body of the Illuminati into public knowledge as the Bilderberg Group. This is the official alliance that makes up the world governING body.The core of the organization is three committees made up of thirteen members each. Thus the heart of the Bilderberg Group consists of 39 total members of the Illuminati. The three committees are made up exclusively of members of all the different secret groups that make up the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Black Nobility. This committee works year round in offices in Switzerland. It determines who is invited to the annual meetING and what policies and plans will be discussed. Every proposal or plan that has ever been discussed at an annual meetING of the Bilderberg Group has come to pass usually within one or two years follow- ING the meetING. The Bilderberg Group is directING the "quiet war" that is beING waged against us. How can they do it? These are the men who REALLY rule the world.
#7355280 at 2019-11-14 13:16:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9409: Put On The Full Armor Of God Edition
The most powerful secret organization in the world is the Bilderberg Group, organized in 1952 and named after the hotel where its first meetING took place in 1954. The man who organized the Bilderberg Group, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, has the power to veto the Vatican's choice of any Pope it selects. Prince Bernhard has this veto power because his family, the Hapsburgs, are desended from the Roman emperors. Prince Bernhard is the leader of the Black Families. He claims descent from the House of David and thus can truly say that he is related to Jesus. Prince Bernhard, with the help of the CIA, brought the hidden rulING body of the Illuminati into public knowledge as the Bilderberg Group. This is the official alliance that makes up the world governING body.The core of the organization is three committees made up of thirteen members each. Thus the heart of the Bilderberg Group consists of 39 total members of the Illuminati. The three committees are made up exclusively of members of all the different secret groups that make up the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Black Nobility. This committee works year round in offices in Switzerland. It determines who is invited to the annual meetING and what policies and plans will be discussed. Every proposal or plan that has ever been discussed at an annual meetING of the Bilderberg Group has come to pass usually within one or two years follow- ING the meetING. The Bilderberg Group is directING the "quiet war" that is beING waged against us. How can they do it? These are the men who REALLY rule the world.
#7353506 at 2019-11-12 10:08:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9407: 8kun.us Edition!
Test ING
#7342858 at 2019-08-04 21:49:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9395: Data on Dayton FF rollin in!Edition
LOL, look at this manufactured crisis shit.
Weekly narrative 'look here'…
Narrative/censorship takING place there…
Patterns are unmistakable once you're awake.
All of these weekly shitposts is maybe just a prelude to the cabal havING to give it up as a consequence of justice based on true reasons for who is $'ING' what…if they're weapons…
Events tellING us to fear guns whenever they fear the truth comING out about their own killING torturING ways?
#7340487 at 2019-08-04 19:05:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9392: The Far Left Terror Edition
el paso = the cross(ING).
messages beING conveyed.
#7340248 at 2019-08-04 18:48:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9392: The Far Left Terror Edition
>I am basically an unimportant person in the world but I can feel somethING comING most times
who is diggING, meme-ING
who is not
which is moar important durING this time
#7336737 at 2019-08-04 14:05:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9387: Kind of E-bake edition.
Poland's $32 Billion Mortgage Fiasco Gets Its Day in EU Court
Warsaw lawyer has spent years assemblING a landmark case. BankING shares are under pressure as EU court is set to rule.
A non-bindING opinion by an adviser to the European Court of Justice in May said Polish courts can't maintain abusive terms in foreign-currency loan agreements. That view has dramatically shifted the risk perception. The Polish BankING Association estimates the cost of a negative rulING at 60 billion zloty ($16 billion), or about four years of the industry's profits. BankING stocks have come under pressure in recent weeks, as investors fret over the outcome of a final rulING expected from the Luxembourg-based court as soon as next month.
Wrong Bet
At the heart of the issue is a clever bit of financial engineerING that many Polish home buyers enjoyed before the 2008 financial crisis. AssumING that the zloty would indefinitely maintain its value-increasING run, mortgage holders took out foreign-currency denominated loans, with the Swiss franc provING particularly popular.
But when markets turned in the wake of the global bankING meltdown, the equation no longer worked as the zloty began its long descent. To date, the currency lost about half of its value against its Swiss counterpart over the past 11 years. Poland now faces the burden of $32 billion in non-zloty loans that have left many homeowners strugglING to reduce their debt or have pushed them underwater with mortgages exceedING their property values.
So far, about 8,000 lawsuits have been lodged in Polish courts by foreign-currency mortgage holders, with creditors winnING about 90% of the 70 rulINGs handed down this year.
FallING Shares
Investors are startING to listen, with an index of Polish banks droppING 7% in the past two weeks on concern the industry will need to take massive provisions if the EU tribunal rules against lenders. Banks with the biggest foreign-loan portfolios, includING Bank Millennium SA, Getin Noble Bank SA and MBank SA, have lost about a fifth of their value in the past month.
The concern for banks and their investors is that a favorable rulING on potentially abusive clauses in loan agreements could trigger a litany of lawsuits from the roughly 600,000 Polish families holdING such loans. The counter-argument goes that even with such a verdict, it will take years for any change to take hold as cases wind their way through the legal system.
More to Come
Either way, Czabanski says the litigation to date is merely the tip of the iceberg. HavING spent years neglectING the issue, and with politicians shiftING awkwardly between protectING the biggest lenders on the one hand and appeasING angry mortgage owners on the other, banks now face a much bigger bill if the EU court rules in favor of home owners, he says.
Claimants in the case before the EU tribunal argued abusive terms in their contracts enabled their bank, the local unit of Raiffeisen Bank International AG, to set rates unilaterally in violation of the law. In his opinion, the EU court adviser said local courts will have to decide whether the whole contract can be maintained once the illegal terms have been removed.
Markets were spooked last week when ING Bank Slaski SA's CEO Brunon Bartkiewicz discussed the scale of provisions that banks would need to make followING a negative EU court verdict.
Poland's financial regulators said they're closely monitorING the situation, amid concern that a negative rulING could destabilize a key industry for the entire country.
'Panic Mode'
Still, bank executives have largely played down the threat of provisions wipING out their profits. Court cases notoriously drag on for years in Poland, where class action suits aren't popular, makING it difficult to predict the cost for individual banks.
UnpackING entire mortgage contracts could set a precedent for invalidatING unfair elements of loan agreements or re-denominatING the mortgages into zloty. Other terms could be kept unchanged, such as linkING the costs of the loan linked to Libor, where rates are currently below zero, instead of the higher rates used by Polish banks.
As the EU rulING nears, creditors are stayING on top of the latest developments, too. Many have pooled resources in lobby groups that attend parliamentary hearINGs, pressure politicians and stage protests. One group with about 11,000 members and callING itself "Stop BankING Lawlessness" plans an education campaign after the verdict to stimulate more suits.
a lot of this is due to the swiss franc slidING against the polish zloty. Currency valuations cause many of the problems world-wide when they move against each other. It's not the root cause but does not help.
#7333133 at 2019-08-04 05:46:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9383: Third Time's The Charm Edition
Putin's Pledge to Ditch the Dollar Is Slowly BecomING a Reality
Euro closes in on dollar as top currency for exports to EU. India agreed to pay Russia in rubles for defence sales.
Russia is actING on a pledge by President Vladimir Putin to shrink the role of dollar in international trade as tensions sour between WashINGton and Moscow.
The shift is part of a strategy to "de-dollarize" the Russian economy and lower its vulnerability to U.S. sanctions. But while the central bank was able to quickly dump half of its dollar holdINGs last year, progress in trade has been slow due to INGrained use of the greenback for many transactions.
The share of euros in Russian exports increased for a fourth straight quarter at the expense of the U.S. currency, accordING to central bank data. The common currency has almost overtaken the dollar in trade with the European Union and China and trade in rubles with India surged. The dollar's share in import transactions remained unchanged at about a third.
"There's been a strong incentive to change, not just for Russia but for its tradING partners too," said Dmitry Dolgin, an economist at ING Bank in Moscow. "The European Union is also now facING trade pressure from the U.S." pushING them to try to reduce dependence on the dollar, he said.
The euro came close to replacING the dollar as the currency of choice for Russian exports to the European Union, with its share climbING to 42% in the first quarter from 32% a year earlier.
Russia still relies on the dollar for more than half of its $687.5 billion annual trade, though less than 5% of those deals are with the U.S. Part of Russia's motivation to shift is that companies suffer delays on as much as a third of international payments in dollars because Western companies have to check with the U.S. whether the transactions are allowed, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in December.
The euro's share also increased in Russia's $108 billion annual trade with China, jumpING to more than a third of export settlements in the first quarter from almost nothING at the start of 2018. This shift, which covers commodity sales and big state contracts, has been accelerated by the development of payment infrastructure at the central bank and other lenders, accordING to Sofya Donets, an economist at Renaissance Capital in Moscow.
Trade in yuan is difficult because of capital restrictions that limit foreigners' access to Chinese assets, Dmitry Timofeev, who heads the Finance Ministry's sanctions department, told the RBC newspaper.
"The yuan isn't completely convertable, which means it can't play a significant role in world trade," Timofeev said.
The most dramatic shift is visible in Russia's $11 billion trade with India. The ruble accounted for three quarters of total settlement in exports between the two emergING markets after they agreed on a new payment method through their national currencies for multi-billion-dollar defense deals.
"The trend is likely to continue because the infrastructure for transactions in alternative currencies is improvING," Renaissance Capital's Donets said. "Russia won't be able to give up usING the dollar completely though, especially for trade of oil."
this is why VP was let out of the US treasury notes startING in 2017 and accelerated in 2018. You can't do this without the help of the the original issuer, US treasury-he used most of the proceeds to buy gold.
still has to exist with the EU so you can't just shut off yourself from them, hence the usING of euro's will continue to rise as long as the chinese use them to settle trade balances-the yuan is not usable(on a large scale) because they are in massive printING mode to save themselves-no one wants to be "caught" holdING them durING an inflationary currency cycle.
#7326127 at 2019-08-03 21:06:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9373: Another Day Of Unrelenting (((Mossad))) Terrorism
((((anti-bakers))))) reeee-ING
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
oy vey shut it down
parentheses arent kosher !!
#7323018 at 2019-08-03 17:19:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9370: Born For The Storm Edition
Global Announcements
>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045
Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
>>7179001 NEW: Ways to convert to JPG or PNG
are not endorsements
>>7322318 Kevin Spacey Returns w. Symbolism Laden Public Appearance
>>7322324 , >>7322406 , >>7322458 , >>7322788 A Wild Planefag Appears With Updates
>>7322332 New Hilary Tweet + AD Space Command Tweet RE: Greenland
>>7322386 Wicked Lives of the Elite That Come To Wicked Ends - do not envy (((them)))
>>7322387 Illinois state Senator Thomas E. Cullerton indicted on federal embezzlement charges
>>7322555 91-year-old Holohoax Survivor Speaks out against Trump BannING Antifa.
>>7322395 , >>7322561 , >>7322569 Anon Digs On The Mob Hit of Tuscon AZ's Gary Triano (Heavy Cabal Presence In Arizona)
>>7322597 Twatter is censorING memes related to Voter ID
>>7322621 Avenatti ConsiderING a run for president again
>>7322581 , >>7322632 VIDEO: Police and rescue respond to reports of an overdose inside Kennedy Compound (666 License Plate)
>>7322586 Maldives police arrest ex-vice president after India denies entry
>>7322718 Steve Bannon: There's no Democrat in the race that can take on Trump
>>7322724 Obama spy chief applauds DOJ for not prosecutING James Comey over his memos
>>7322671 Anon explains how to avoid Twitter Meme AI censor
>>7322995 #9369
>>7321798 Walmart Is TryING to Patent Its Own Crypto
>>7322023 Trump Banner Booted From BBall
>>7322009 .5 Chan Clinton Email Dig
>>7321781 Google Will Try to Prevent Trump from BeING Re-elected
>>7321766 French Unrest
>>7321756 Trump Judicial Appoitnments Dig
>>7321714 Stephen Miller Emails
>>7321658 Germany tries to Bully Italy on Migrants
>>7321620 USN pilot casualty named in F-18 crash
>>7321593, >>7321617, >>7321654 Pedo/Epstein News and Digs
>>7321588 Nunes Discusses Criminal Referral
>>7322227 #9368
>>7321403 Pete Hoekstra for DNI(?)
>>7321295 Bezos "On a Boat!"
>>7321191, >>7321198, >>7321261 Pelosi & Omar in Afrika | After FLOTUS
>>7321183 Planefag reports
>>7321074 DNC > Wikileaks Lawsuit Dismissal Fuggery
>>7320893, >>7321009, >>7321089, >>7321114 Omar & Justice Democrats Shakeup/T.Fitton
>>7320977 DoD JEDI: Amazon vs. Microsoft
>>7320936, >>7320953 DJT Tweets "REAL trade deals"|"No help from Fed"
>>7320907 Elon BorING China
>>7320899, >>7321214 Twatter Panic over VoterID
>>7320890 T: AF #B52
>>7320850 Anon's Analysis on FBI/Q/Wray
>>7320765 L. Loomer(ING) over congress
>>7320395 (lb) S. Bannon Flashback Speech
>>7320742 DARPA Open Source, Secure VotING System
>>7320708 FBI is implicated in destroyING evidence / Clinton
>>7321643 #9367
Previously Collected Notables
>>7319723 #9365, >>7320265 #9366
>>7316702 #9361, >>7317486 #9362, >>7318220 #9363, >>7318995 #9364
>>7313626 #9357, >>7314412 #9358, >>7315153 #9359, >>7315923 #9360
>>7310534 #9353, >>7311275 #9354, >>7312040 #9355, >>7312781 #9356
>>7307324 #9349, >>7308145 #9350, >>7309141 #9351, >>7309851 #9352
'''Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
'Notables Archive: https://''8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
Plain text archives of all QR Notables https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7322242 at 2019-08-03 15:54:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9369: POTUS Says Cures Incoming Edition
Global Announcements
>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045
Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough
>>7179001 NEW: Ways to convert to JPG or PNG
are not endorsements
>>7321798 Walmart Is TryING to Patent Its Own Crypto
>>7322023 Trump Banner Booted From BBall
>>7322009 .5 Chan Clinton Email Dig
>>7321781 Google Will Try to Prevent Trump from BeING Re-elected
>>7321766 French Unrest
>>7321756 Trump Judicial Appoitnments Dig
>>7321714 Stephen Miller Emails
>>7321658 Germany tries to Bully Italy on Migrants
>>7321620 USN pilot casualty named in F-18 crash
>>7321593, >>7321617, >>7321654 Pedo/Epstein News and Digs
>>7321588 Nunes Discusses Criminal Referral
>>7322227 #9368
>>7321403 Pete Hoekstra for DNI(?)
>>7321295 Bezos "On a Boat!"
>>7321191, >>7321198, >>7321261 Pelosi & Omar in Afrika | After FLOTUS
>>7321183 Planefag reports
>>7321074 DNC > Wikileaks Lawsuit Dismissal Fuggery
>>7320893, >>7321009, >>7321089, >>7321114 Omar & Justice Democrats Shakeup/T.Fitton
>>7320977 DoD JEDI: Amazon vs. Microsoft
>>7320936, >>7320953 DJT Tweets "REAL trade deals"|"No help from Fed"
>>7320907 Elon BorING China
>>7320899, >>7321214 Twatter Panic over VoterID
>>7320890 T: AF #B52
>>7320850 Anon's Analysis on FBI/Q/Wray
>>7320765 L. Loomer(ING) over congress
>>7320395 (lb) S. Bannon Flashback Speech
>>7320742 DARPA Open Source, Secure VotING System
>>7320708 FBI is implicated in destroyING evidence / Clinton
>>7321643 #9367
>>7320012 QDrop #207 Why $4.9 Billion in Gov Subsidies? (Elon Musk) LA Times article.
>>7319899, >>7319925, >>7319972, >>7319995, DS 'SMOCKING' Glow Party pics bun
>>7319906 CREDIBLE Evidence Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother (Tom Fitton)
>>7319825 QQQ stock kept goING across screen w/ Bannon PDJT twatt
>>7320036 @Anonabis twatt w/ Don Jr wearING Q Punisher hat
>>7320047 Politico Twatt about replacING the soon to be "Q'd" Gang of 8 w/ 9 freshman Dems
>>7320046 Sealed Cases state to state totals maps
>>7320118 Nunes interview on Foxnews (Youtube)
>>7320197 Laura Silsby > Hammons > Hewlett-Packard/Tech used to launch only live nuke alert in Hawaii 2018
>>7320265 #9366
>>7319380 @NASA Parker Solar Probe next close encounter Aug 27
>>7319229, >>7319234, >>7319246, Return of Q?
>>7319116 Eyez On! US Secret Service, local law enforcement participate in two upcomING school safety events
>>7319105, >>7319107 Resignations update
>>7319052, >>7319062 moar NSA flag words
>>7319723 #9365
>>7318946 FBI vault/pdf HRC emails released
>>7318369, >>7318475 Planefaggotry
>>7318829 "substation fire" coinkidinks?
>>7318647 POTUS's Weekend Schedule - August 3rd & 4th 2019
>>7318533, >>7318557, >>7318569, >>7318616, >>7318650, >>7318688 private plane just took off from John Wayn Airport, Yan Felix Genlin, Rotor Notions, Robert Domandi
>>7318409, >>7318480, >>7318915 anon on HOT_1 Q
>>7318379 JPMorgan in pole position to lead WeWork IPO after debt offerING
>>7318332, >>7318349 Planefag Jersey updates
>>7318301, >>7318331, >>7318636 Maer Roshan Pedo pics/Standard Hotel
>>7318300 Migrant Omar Haji Mohammed arrested for threatenING to stab POTUS
>>7318309, >>7318389 John Wayne airport reports full ground stop, now comING back online
>>7318995 #9364
Previously Collected Notables
>>7316702 #9361, >>7317486 #9362, >>7318220 #9363
>>7313626 #9357, >>7314412 #9358, >>7315153 #9359, >>7315923 #9360
>>7310534 #9353, >>7311275 #9354, >>7312040 #9355, >>7312781 #9356
>>7307324 #9349, >>7308145 #9350, >>7309141 #9351, >>7309851 #9352
'''Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045
'Notables Archive: https://''8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
Plain text archives of all QR Notables https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
#7321521 at 2019-08-03 14:28:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9368: Damn the post floods Edition
Notables @500
>>7321403 Pete Hoekstra for DNI(?)
>>7321295 Bezos "On a Boat!"
>>7321191, >>7321198, >>7321261 Pelosi & Omar in Afrika | After FLOTUS
>>7321183 Planefag reports
>>7321074 DNC > Wikileaks Lawsuit Dismissal Fuggery
>>7320893, >>7321009, >>7321089, >>7321114 Omar & Justice Democrats Shakeup/T.Fitton
>>7320977 DoD JEDI: Amazon vs. Microsoft
>>7320936, >>7320953 DJT Tweets "REAL trade deals"|"No help from Fed"
>>7320907 Elon BorING China
>>7320899, >>7321214 Twatter Panic over VoterID
>>7320890 T: AF #B52
>>7320850 Anon's Analysis on FBI/Q/Wray
>>7320765 L. Loomer(ING) over congress
>>7320395 (lb) S. Bannon Flashback Speech
>>7320742 DARPA Open Source, Secure VotING System
>>7320708 FBI is implicated in destroyING evidence / Clinton
>>7321489 #9367
Dough Will be corrected
Technical SNAFU
#7321255 at 2019-08-03 13:45:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9367: Ghostly Kitchen E-ish bake Edition
Notables @500
>>7321191 Pelosi & Omar in Afrika
>>7321183 Planefag reports
>>7321074 DNC > Wikileaks Lawsuit Dismissal Fuggery
>>7320893, >>7321009, >>7321089, >>7321114 Omar & Justice Democrats Shakeup/T.Fitton
>>7320977 DoD JEDI: Amazon vs. Microsoft
>>7320936, >>7320953 DJT Tweets "REAL trade deals"|"No help from Fed"
>>7320907 Elon BorING China
>>7320899, >>7321214 Twatter Panic over VoterID
>>7320890 T: AF #B52
>>7320850 Anon's Analysis on FBI/Q/Wray
>>7320765 L. Loomer(ING) over congress
>>7320395 (lb) S. Bannon Flashback Speech
>>7320742 DARPA Open Source, Secure VotING System
>>7320708 FBI is implicated in destroyING evidence / Clinton
#7310547 at 2019-08-02 16:39:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9353: The Final Countdown? Edition
Not at all cunt, just an anon, who's been here longer than you. So Fug you and keep me out of your shill list.
Your worse than user are weaker from the pizza gate days.
Anyway, rep,y all you want, it's Friday night. I'm goING for a beer, if you are still bithc ING at me when I get back you will know about it.
#7309373 at 2019-08-02 15:01:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9352: Friday is Soooo Shadilay Edition
he's got wookie-ING to do
#7304892 at 2019-08-02 03:54:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9346: Curing or COntaining? Mind Will Be Blown By Chain Of Command Edition
What happened with Q @ING Snowden?
#7304863 at 2019-08-02 03:51:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9346: Curing or COntaining? Mind Will Be Blown By Chain Of Command Edition
/r/ING a good documentary to watch
bonus points for government corruption, similar to conspiracy of silence, who took johnny, etc
#7294050 at 2019-08-01 16:41:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9332: White Robots Are Raycis Edition
Sorry, but I have to agree w/these anons.
Old fags speak up!
The whole purpose of this board was NEVER to attract more traffic HERE, but rather as information exchange between between Q and anons, who would then dig, meme, pray and spread the word/red pill normies in other venues without id-ING this particular board.
Do NOT Advertise THIS Board
This is NOT a Game
Think Logically
#7285648 at 2019-08-01 01:38:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9321: They’re Desperate For Trump! Edition
he sounds like he is parody-ING (?) mayor butt-gig
#7278861 at 2019-07-31 18:06:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9313: Reread Crumbs Anons! SHTF SOON! Edition
see that noose? used it on yourself already. Your memes suck. Your message is stale and antiquated. And I hate you-ING you….ya unpaid bitter feckless shill
#7273320 at 2019-07-31 08:13:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9306: ebake "TRAITORS!!! JUSTICE. JAIL. DEATH" Edition
China Bans Citizens From Travel to Taiwan as Individual Tourists
Bloomberg News
July 31, 2019, 2:13 AM EDT
Updated on July 31, 2019, 3:49 AM EDT
In its latest effort to increase pressure on Taiwan, BeijING said it will suspend a program that allowed individual tourists from 47 Chinese cities to travel to Taiwan, citING the current state of relations between the two sides.
The ban is effective from Aug. 1, accordING to a statement Wednesday from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and means that Chinese nationals can only travel to Taiwan as tourists if they're part of tour groups. The scheme had been in place since 2011 under the more China-friendly administration of former President Ma YING-jeou.
The ministry's statement didn't provide any further details as to the reason for the ban. The unexpected move comes as China attempts to isolate Taiwan and Tsai ING-wen, it's independence-leanING president. The move may also be aimed at hurtING her re-election chances in January's presidential election.
Restricted Island
China Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua ChunyING declined to answer a question about the decision, askING reporters at a briefING in BeijING on Wednesday afternoon to talk to the relevant department for Taiwan affairs. The Mainland Affairs Council in Taipei declined to comment immediately when contacted.
"This is a shock to all of us. We are all very worried about it," Benny Wu, chairman of the Taipei Association of Travel Agents, said by phone. "This will have a huge impact on Taiwan's tourism and economy. Hotels, restaurants will all be affected."
SpendING by foreign tourists accounted for about 2.2% of GDP in 2017, the last year for which data is available, accordING to the tourism bureau. China was the largest sINGle source of people visitING Taiwan and accounted for almost one third of total visitors to the island in May 2019, accordING to a Bloomberg calculation based on data published by Taiwan's tourism bureau.
- With assistance by Dandan Li, Yinan Zhao, Chinmei Sung, Cindy Wang, and Lucille Liu
#7262864 at 2019-07-30 19:48:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9292: News Unlocks… Edition
US StealING Syrian Oil. Controls About 30% of Syrian Territory
Imperial adventurism is grand theft on a global scale - seizING, controllING, and lootING the resources of targeted nations, along with exploitING their people.
OperatING from illegally constructed military bases in northern and southern parts of Syria, platforms for war and trainING of jihadists, the US controls about 30% of Syrian territory, includING where most of the country's oil reserves are located.
Pre-war, Syria was a small producer, the only Eastern Mediterranean country with significant/yet small reserves, estimated at about 2.5 billion barrels earlier by the Oil and Gas Journal, along with around 5.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
Looted Syrian oil by US-supported ISIS was earlier transported cross-border to Turkey for refinING and sales.
President Erdogan, his family and cronies reportedly profited from the grand theft/smugglING operation.
Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov earlier said
"Turkey is the main destination for the oil stolen from its legitimate owners, which are Syria and Iraq," addING:
"Turkey resells this oil. The appallING part about it is that the country's top political leadership is involved in the illegal business - President Erdogan and his family."
Like the US, NATO, Israel, the Saudis, and their Middle East partners, Turkey supports regional jihadists these countries pretend to oppose.
Antonov earlier explained that
Erdogan and other "Turkish elites conspir(e) to steal oil from their neighbors in industrial quantities along 'rollING pipelines' made up of thousands of tanker trucks."
"We are certain that Turkey is the destination for stolen (Syrian and Iraqi) oil, and (have) irrefutable facts to prove it."
The illicit trade was worth hundreds of millions of dollars on the black market. Turkey may still be involved as the destination for US-stolen Syrian oil.
On Monday, Russian General Staff/Main Operational Directorate commander General Sergey Rudskoy accused US and allied forces of "highjack(ING)" Syrian oil from ISIS, profitING from its sales - perhaps shippING it cross-border to Turkey and/or elsewhere, the Trump regime runnING a black market operation with looted Syrian oil, addING:
US-supported ISIS and other jihadists were also trained to destroy Syrian (and perhaps Iraqi) oil and gas infrastructure, along with continuING attacks on government forces and civilians, usING heavy and other weapons supplied by Western and regional countries, includING Israel, Turkey, the Saudis and UAE.
Rudskoy added that the Trump regime is armING Arab and Kurdish fighters, workING with them as well in the illicit traffickING of stolen Syrian oil.
US trained and armed jihadists are also beING used against Russia's Khmeimim airbase in Syria's Latakia province, attackING it with Western-supplied drones and rocket launchers.
They're deployed by US transport planes and helicopters to continue endless war in Syria. Thousands are beING trained at the Pentagon's Al-Tanf base in southern Syria near the Iraqi and Jordanian borders.
The US came to Syria, Iraq, elsewhere in the region, North Africa, Central Asia, and other parts of the world to stay - part of its imperial aim for global conquest and control, endless wars its favored strategy.
#7257987 at 2019-07-30 14:01:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9286: World Day Against Trafficking In Persons Edition
Collectively logic…ING
In practice, what would have stopped the US Mil from startING this operation prior to election of 45 by handlING renegade?
Dialog appreciated.
#7256732 at 2019-07-30 10:39:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9284: Spotlight on the Red Cross Edition
Just saw the red cross vid. On qmap.pub. This is what happens with my tax dollars I paid all ….my…..life!!!!????? I worked so hard workING buildING ships and offshore. Knee destroyed ribs broken and hearING shot from an explosion.
I want every f&%$ING penny of my tax dollars back with interest! And I am NOT a patient man. Pissed dont even BEF#&%KINGIN to discribe it. Q sir, ladies and gents. Its time to oull the strING on this hoss! I served my country and did my due. Not happy right now. Not even.
And why the hell we still got captcha?
#7256279 at 2019-07-30 08:48:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9284: Spotlight on the Red Cross Edition
Whoever's on Israel's side, we're against Erdogan slams Netanyahu & US over Palestinian killINGs
"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned Israel and its enablING allies over "state terror... in Palestine," declarING, "Whoever is on Israel's side, let everyone know that we are against them."
"We do not approve of silence on the state terror that Israel blatantly carries out in Palestine," Erdogan said on Sunday, addressING senior provincial officials of his Justice and Development Party in Ankara, accordING to Iranian PressTV."
Erdogan has been a fierce critic of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government, denouncING the PM currently mired in multiple corruption and bribery probes as "the thief who heads Israel" and a "tyrant who slaughters 7-year-old Palestinian kids" earlier this year.
When Israel adopted its controversial "Jewish state" law, Erdogan likened the move to "the Hitler spirit... risen again among some Israeli officials."
However, his latest comments could also be interpreted as a dig at WashINGton, after the US "suspended" Turkey from the F-35 fighter jet program, condemnING its purchase of Russian-made S-400 missile systems as a betrayal of NATO's security interests.
While the Trump administration has made it clear that Ankara can rejoin the pricey program if it ditches the Russian equipment, Erdogan has hinted instead that he is prepared to further distance Turkey from the American weapons market, publicly mullING the cancellation of an order of 100 "advanced BoeING aircraft."
Israeli military forces killed 56 Palestinian children and injured nearly 2,700 "in the context of demonstrations, clashes, and search and arrest operations" in 2018, accordING to a United Nations report released on Friday that - like many UN fact-findING missions before it - urged Israel to "end the excessive use of force." The number of children killed was the highest since 2014, when Israel waged its most recent one-sided war against Gaza.
The UN Security Council attempted to denounce Israel's demolition of 10 Palestinian apartment buildINGs in the Wadi Hummus area of Jerusalem last week, draftING a resolution that condemned the destruction for "undermin[ING] the viability of the two-state solution and the prospect for just and lastING peace," only for the US to veto the move."
#7254847 at 2019-07-30 06:04:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9282: Baltimore, 2nd only to Chicago as Dem Policy Gem! or Detroit? Edition
anyone have that STICK FIGURE CHILD TRAFFIC-ING explination graphic. it highlighted all the angels of this sick topic, and was normie safe
#7252572 at 2019-07-30 02:40:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9279: The Garlic Bread Edition
Also, Maggie appears to be "cc"ING someone who died 6 years ago…
#7252489 at 2019-07-30 02:33:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9279: The Garlic Bread Edition
Richard D. Fairbank, 66
Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Capital One Financial Corp.
Mr. Richard D. Fairbank is Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer at Capital One Financial Corp., Chairman at Capital One, FSB, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Capital One Bank (USA) NA, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Capital One NA and a Member at The Presidents Council. He is on the Board of Directors at Federal Reserve System. Mr. Fairbank was previously employed as Chairman by Mastercard, Inc. and Chairman by Chevy Chase Bank Corp. He also served on the board at MasterCard International, Inc. and ING Bank FSB. He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University and an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business.
#7241514 at 2019-07-29 14:03:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9265: Will The Trap Be Sprung This Week? Edition
Baker Notable
Repost from LB
They're comING for your memes folks!
Meme Stasi!!!
(Supreme Court may likely rule unconstitutional but because of the time it takes for them to take case and rule on it the election may be over and many discouraged from meme-ING)
#7238891 at 2019-07-29 05:20:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9261: FF triggered the shills! Anons looking for sauce! Edition
No security cameras?! f-ING a
There are trailers for $250K for cities/counties with towers, hundreds of cameras, sensors, mics, etc.
to have just for large events like this.
#7238127 at 2019-07-29 04:12:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9260: Music Stopped, People Dropped, Garlic Smell Lingers! Edition
You haven't experimented wit it.
ID 'A' and three responses:
A1 → B1, C1, D1
Other chatter:
B2→C2, D2→B3, B4→E1, etc
ID+ING A via the A1 posts also hides B1, C1, and D1. But it does not also hide the B2, C2, D2, B3, B4, and E1 posts.
#7236958 at 2019-07-29 02:44:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9259: The Anons Lament the FF at GG & The JQs rejoice @Steve-O's twat Edition
Notice to Newfags
The Board is under direct attack to slide and funnel eyes away from important information and digs.
Stay strong and stand united!
Fear not, (((their))) weak minded tactics only prove that "These people are stupid!"
Imagine hirING shitpostING board-sliders as your last line of defense.
Truly outrageous and top fuckING kek.
Train your mind to discern fact from fiction.
Avoid the FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS, they are here to promote a culture of WRONG THINK.
Similar to the shuttING down tactics we see from the left today, but instead in the form of SELF-CENSORSHIP.
Even allowING slides and gore spam to be projected on your screen can be used to identify (((their))) tactics and strengthen your resolve.
And besides it's kind of hilarious that porn spam is (((their))) front line in the information warfare, kek!!
Don't X yourself out of the conversation.
Let your MIND be the tool for discernment.
Of course information you find here is unsettlING.
But don't let (((their))) spam and the like sway the culture into CENSORSHIP.
It is part of (((their))) - PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION technique
This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!
no homo
It is critical to our movement that information is not censored and that it an be discussed openly and challenged as such.
The filter mentality is the same mechanism of the left we see today. ShuttING down and voices that have unsettlING insight to the problems of today.
Remember that you mind is the greatest tool for discern.
Not remember this is your choice, personally I think it is wise the use the FILTER ID but not FILTER ID+ for gore and porn spam.
However, do not FILTER on conversation and dig, because those rabbit holes may develop ING to great insight.
Such is the natural flow of the imageboard.
#7207965 at 2019-07-27 00:08:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9222: Rothschild, Epstein, Nadler, Smollett, Ginsberg, Feinstein...(((Oy Vey)))
Never trust a bald(ING) man.
#7202568 at 2019-07-26 18:13:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9215: CA goes for more gun control! Ghost guns in their sites? Q drops! Edition
>>7202085 lb
uh huh…and? This mega assumption in this 'Sara Friday filler piece' is suggestING that the f_i did absolutely NOT consider any of the exculpatory evidence. Where's the fuckING proof that they did not?
She's doING eighteen months. It's not as if she was buried.
wtf did you think they do?
One of the best recent posts in qres was the FBI file on Robert Maxwell that was FOIA'd. 1,000+ pages.
Lots redacted but if one took the time and read it? FascinatING.
She's a Russian spook, Byrne helped out, she's doin' time for it.
f-ING a
#7196713 at 2019-07-26 06:40:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9207: Disney twist n turns! Moar G. Maxwell Save the Children! Edition
Steve Bannon's strange "obsession" with Andrew Weissmann
Jonathan Swan Jan 5, 2018
Sources who've spoken to Steve Bannon tell me they're perplexed by his apparent fixation on
Andrew Weissmann - the Russia investigation prosecutor described as Robert Mueller's "pit bull."
Sources who've spoken to Steve Bannon tell me they're perplexed by his apparent fixation on Andrew Weissmann - the Russia investigation prosecutor described as Robert Mueller's "pit bull."
The intrigue: What's raised the eyebrows of some who've heard Bannon hold court about Weissmann is that he refers to him only positively and with great admiration.
"He obsesses on Weissmann in a positive way, labelING him a 'killer' which is his [Bannon's] highest form of compliment," said one source who's spoken to Bannon about the prosecutor.
"He [Bannon] would give the impression he had an inside knowledge of what was goING with the [Mueller] investigation," the source added. "I've never heard him once utter a criticism of Weissmann, which is odd.
A second source confirmed that Bannon had spoken this way about Weissmann.
In Michael Wolff's explosive new book, "Fire and Fury," he quotes Bannon as sayING:
"You realize where this is goING … This is all about money launderING. Mueller chose (senior prosecutor Andrew) Weissmann first and he is a money-launderING guy," Bannon reportedly said: "Their path to f***ING Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner … It's as plain as a hair on your face."
Wolff also quotes Bannon sayING this of Mueller hirING Weissmann: "You've got the LeBron James of money launderING investigations on you, Jarvanka. My a—hole just got so tight!"
Sources who've spoken to Bannon about the Mueller probe say he's tellING everyone that Mueller's team hasn't contacted him and that he's told them nothING.
A source close to Bannon told Axios: "Steve has zero relationship with Weissmann. If he speaks with knowledge it is for beING a voracious reader of the news."
Bannon declined to comment on the record when contacted for this story.
#7194137 at 2019-07-26 03:46:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9204: Epstein, BC and Wexner on the same page! Pedos All!Edition
and whyyyy u pry-ING on how'
'Q" fucked over'
#7189523 at 2019-07-25 23:27:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9198 Disney The Mask Of Evil Edition:
" "I've been in there," he explained, "There's nothING but a cement floor and four walls."
"No," Ida shook her head and covered her mouth, stiflING a sob, "You've been on top of it."
~ Room Zero[1]
Room Zero refers to an underground bomb shelter located in Disney World.
An unnamed incident which occurred at this shelter durING an air attack led to a new form of Corruptus and the Gascots (which may be one and the same).
Only the protagonist and Hammer know about it. Ida witnessed the incident takING place in Room Zero while she was still alive.
Entities associated with Room Zero
Possibly a manifestation of Corruptus
A Mickey Mouse gas mask, of the type that Hammer describes
Affiliations Room Zero
Appears in None so farnote
Age Various
Gender Various
Status Unresolved
Location Disney World
Gascots are entities seen by humans as variously aged and gendered figures with Disney gas masks.
Hammer has witnessed Gascots up close. Hammer describes the Gascots as "mov[ING] weird […] [as if] they were weak or injured." He also noted that the Gascots' masks "seemed wet on the inside".
Not much else is known about the Gascots, but their relation to Room Zero is clear, and their appearance is at the very least humanoid.
" Hammer worked around the Disney World park, doING demolition and construction. At one point, he approached a superior regardING some strange construction plans. "
~ Room Zero[2]
Hammer is or was one of the constructors of Disney World. He had witnessed Gascots up close before and was once told about Room Zero by Ida, makING him a viable target for Disney; because of this, it is unknown if he is beING pursued by Disney, where he lives, or if he is still alive.
" [Hammer] hit dead ends throughout, until he was directed to Ida, an elderly woman who worked in a restaurant on Main Street. She'd been there since way back, and though nobody had the balls to ask directly, everyone KNEW she had plenty of terrible stories to tell. "
~ Room Zero[3]
Ida was a worker at a restaurant on "Main Street" (supposedly close to Disney World). It is possible that Ida worked at Disney World as well. She is one of the few that left Room Zero durING the incident that occurred there.
Ida died shortly after explainING Room Zero to Hammer. It is implied that the company covered it up in the press.
Not much else is known about her.
A Mickey Mouse gas mask….
#7188368 at 2019-07-25 21:59:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9197: Prebake Ebake. Edit if Q, Lock if Baker Showed Edition
Just a thought that came to me on tryING to expand my thinkING on the word "KnowINGly" as in, Know ING lee. I looked up Lee inc, and it's an engineerING firm based in San Francisco, notable shithole and home of cabal leaders like (((Diane Feinstein))) and Silicon Valley. Perhaps a possible connection to the buildING of Epsteins island/pedo centers but idk just a thought.
#7175808 at 2019-07-25 03:36:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9181 Q droppin Suicide and Signals Intelligence Docs! Edition
Ok, this is just f-ING funny….
#7174435 at 2019-07-25 02:44:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9179: Anons own droneanon Rusty makes it big! Edition
Publish some info we got spy ING on aulstrailia?
#7165033 at 2019-07-24 17:30:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9167: Sessioin 2 with Liddle Schitt! Pass the popcorn! Edition
>>7164850 pb
Schiff's BS-ING for his life. But he thinks it's a joke, since his family were housemate/ close buddies to the Rothschilds?
And worked with them on a BankING Empire.
So he's very entitled in his carriage?
#7162573 at 2019-07-24 15:37:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9163: Patriots In Control Edition
Neck slice ING joo porks
Trust Hebrew national
Has electrolytes and faith
#7146826 at 2019-07-23 16:53:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9144: Jihad has been called! ANONS say MAKE IT RAIN KEK! Edition
>>7146692 (lb)
epic fail, hypocrite …i hate you-ING you because you are an attention seekING slut….nevertheless..
#7141696 at 2019-07-23 03:29:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9137: NYC airports grounded but Q on the fly! Edition
"apple core"
The pic-related 546/91/321 FED
#7138061 at 2019-07-22 22:57:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9132: We, the PEOPLE Edition
but IS ther anythING REWALLY hupppING ING?
huh? lolo
#7133929 at 2019-07-22 17:42:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9127: What's a Q? That Q is coming! BE READY! Edition
This is self nominated F-ING NOTABLE
#7127446 at 2019-07-22 02:45:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9119: Bro, Do You Even NightShift Edition
yo yo..anons..u notice from al this anon practise of free speech ING here…that in known real world encounters …..ur/our mouths be speakin like we do as anons here……i am reminbded every time i look in fac eof one i am talkING with…..like wht the fk?why the fk? …..and then i wonder …
#7119291 at 2019-07-21 10:49:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9109:Trafficking ET's? Extragalctic origins? Baking's fun! Learn to Bake Edition
Watch ING
#7116163 at 2019-07-21 01:43:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9105: Live From Kekistan, It's Saturday Night Edition
RisING Odds of SINGapore(Central Bank) EasING May See Yields Go Up, Not Down
GDP unexpectedly shrunk last quarter, exports tumbled in June.
A rapid deterioration in SINGapore's economic data has fueled speculation the central bank will ease monetary policy. The result may be higher interest rates and bond yields.
Bets the Monetary Authority of SINGapore will adjust policy have intensified after government reports over the past month showed the economy unexpectedly shrank 3.4% in the second quarter and exports slumped 17.3% in June. The trade-reliant economy has suffered amid escalatING tensions between the U.S. and China.
The data caused a jump in the three-month swap-offer rate, one of the nation's benchmark interest rates that reflects the cost of borrowING in SINGapore dollars. The gauge rose for four days after the GDP data even as borrowING costs in the rest of the world fell. The rate had previously surged in January 2015 when the MAS eased policy, and again in April 2016 when it stopped seekING currency appreciation.
The counter-intuitive relationship between monetary policy and borrowING costs is due to how SINGapore's central bank seeks to guide the economy.
Instead of usING interest rates to adjust liquidity, MAS does so through adjustING the currency against an undisclosed basket.
In the absence of central bank control, interest rates are typically dependent on those overseas, particularly in the U.S. They also move based on expectations for whether the local currency is expected to strengthen or weaken.
Any weakness in inflation numbers due this week may add to easING bets. Core inflation probably slowed to 1.2% last month, which would be least since March 2017, accordING to a Bloomberg survey before the data is released Tuesday. The gauge has dropped from as high as 1.9% in December amid stutterING local growth and the U.S.-China trade war.
Whereas most central banks review policy eight to 12 times a year, MAS only does so twice: in April and October. Given the rapidly worsenING economic environment, ING Groep NV says local policy makers may feel compelled to make an unscheduled adjustment.
#7114693 at 2019-07-20 23:11:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9103: New bak0r Edition
>clowns new roman
I've gotten to the point of ID+ING that font on sight regardless of the meme's content.
#7113983 at 2019-07-20 21:53:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9102: (((Vampires))) Hate The Light Edition
Thank you.
This new bak0r is expienced in lurkING, diggING, meme-ING and shitpostING.
I'm aware of the etiquette.
Might have some help with notables..
#7107727 at 2019-07-20 05:52:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9094: Never forget the Ginga! Edition
#7107554 at 2019-07-20 05:24:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9094: Never forget the Ginga! Edition
went lookING/diggING around to get more sauce for this and may come tomorrow mornING-
Leftist Starts Petition Drive to Ban President Trump Campaign Rallies After "Send Her Back" Controversy
So now the DS panics and leftards go nuts (on cue) at the largess of the crowds that POTUS draws and their overzealous chantING- to where they are now called …drumroll……wait for it….
Trump cultists
thass right.
Stop ALL free speech by any means- lets petition all arenas, outlets, places where Trump rallies can take place- like that Hogg kid tried to boycott advertisers for FOX news, and snowflakes tried to out Chic Fil A at airports.
lets see- send Melania back, and Ivanka, and Gorka, anyone else?
Leftists Outraged Over 'Send Her Back' Chant Call for DeportING Melania, Gorka
Lets not forget the mod SQUAD shakING in their boots despite hero welcomes for Illan when she returned to her district.
Democrats Call for Increased Security for 'Squad' After Trump Rally
Donald Trump: Rock Star Welcome for Ilhan Omar 'Staged' in Minnesota
Democrats are callING for authorities to evaluate security for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and the other three freshmen members of the so-called "Squad," arguING that President Trump's verbal attacks on them at a recent rally in North Carolina have threatened their safety, accordING to Politico.
"It's crystal clear to me that her life is in imminent danger," Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) told the outlet. "He has threatened the safety of a member of Congress. That takes this to a whole different level."
Trump later disavowed the chant, and Omar reportedly told reporters Thursday she was not worried about her personal safety.
But accordING to Politico, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Democrats spoke with the Sergeant-at-Arms office "about makING sure that our members have what they need for their protection," and House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) has sent two recent letters to Capitol Police, urgING them to reevaluate their security protocols for Omar and the other freshmen.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has also reportedly said she has concerns for her safety and is discussING with Democrats whether to ask for additional security.
However, while Democrats warn of threats against their own members, they have been largely silent about an attacker who claimed to be a member of the far-left Antifa movement who tried to firebomb an immigration detention facility on Saturday, threatenING immigrants and facility workers.
"Squad" members Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) remained silent when a Rebel News reporter asked them if they would condemn the attack on the detention facility.
In the meantime, Republican firebrand Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) revealed this week on Fox News that the authorities have identified a man who made repeated death threats against him and his family, but are declinING to press charges.
The man in a phone call said:
Gaetz, you pathetic piece of s*. Do you know that I could blow your f*ING head clean off you should from a mile away? Watch your back, b**. You pathetic piece of s*. You got your head so far up Trump's a, I could still take it off your shoulders. F* you Gaetz. I'm comING after you, b****.
Gaetz told the Northwest Florida Daily News: "These threats are unique in that they are very specific about how the individual intends to kill me, and a specific threat to my family. ... That was unique to this occurrence."
He said federal prosecutors in California, where the man is located, have declined to press charges, despite a federal statute that makes it a crime to threaten a federal official or that official's family.
"It's hard to understand how the U.S. Attorney in California and the FBI would not deem these recordINGs threats," he told the paper. "He committed a crime and he's not goING to be prosecuted for it by the U.S. Attorney in his area. That strikes me as really problematic."
sauce: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/19/democrats-call-for-increased-security-for-squad-after-trump-rally/
Today was 19th madness for sure. Up is down and black is white and its gaslightING the peeps via the media all the way around. Ho hum.
It has to come to a head- pop like a festerING boil, then we will all feel much better
after the PAIN.
#7107211 at 2019-07-20 04:33:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9093: A Weekend To Remember Edition
you-ING yourself, while is frowned upon in most situations….might be acceptable here with the digit score…maybe….
#7105378 at 2019-07-20 01:48:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9091: New Q Bakers Wanted MOAR ! Edition
ah, gINGer mound is truly a classkek, back a little before my time here, but I notice those are still posted often and dankly.
pleasure MAGA-ING w you, fren!
#7101737 at 2019-07-19 21:45:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9087: This Is My Jammer, This Is My Gun Edition
Audience member asks the q, with MILLIONS WATCH ING
#7099626 at 2019-07-19 19:34:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9084: Treason Charges Gonna Happen! Edition
Why Didn't Mueller Investigate the Seth Rich Murder?
The former spy chief ignored Assange's allegations and instead pushed his own conspiracy theory.
Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, almost exactly three years ago. It's a mystifyING murder investigation, a case that remains unsolved. Rich was killed by a gunshot wound to the torso, accordING to the medical examiner. Rich's mother specified that it was "two shots to the back."
The 27-year-old computer applications developer for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) remained alive for 90 minutes after the shootING. Rich's brother described him as beING "very aware, very talkative" to police durING that time. Yet the D.C. Metro Police have released very little information on the Rich murder, never disclosING whether Rich described his murderer(s). Weeks later, police assured the nation, "There is no indication that Seth Rich's death is connected to his employment at the DNC." Robert Mueller's investigation did nothING to seek further information and served only to nix any theories that the Rich murder coincided with any part of a DNC inside job.
Early in the investigation, the police verified that robbery was not the motive of the killING, as nothING was missING from Rich's personal belongINGs, includING his wallet, money, credit cards, and expensive watch. There is no evidence to disprove, however, that the murder was related to his position within the DNC and, more specifically, to the leaked DNC emails published by WikiLeaks on July 22, 2016. The proximity of the murder date to the publishING date hardly seems coincidental. Yet, since those same DNC email leaks were such a major plot point of Mueller's investigation, a thorough investigation conducted under the auspices of the extended powers of a special prosecutor's office could have produced alarmING results had that investigation happened. It didn't.
"Robert Mueller is dead certain that the murder had nothING to do with the emails," wrote journalist Daniel Lazare, "just as he was dead certain in 2003 that Iraq was bristlING with weapons of mass destruction 'pos[ING] a clear threat to our national security.' "
Mueller described WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's semi-cryptic statements regardING the Rich-DNC leaks ties as beING "dissemblING," meanING disguisING his true motives.
The Mueller report states: "BeginnING in the summer of 2016, Assange and WikiLeaks made a number of statements about Seth Rich, a former DNC staff member who was killed in July 2016. The statements about Rich implied falsely that he had been the source of the stolen DNC emails. On Aug. 9, 2016, the @WikiLeaks Twitter account posted: 'ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks has decided to issue a US$20k reward for information leadING to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.' "
In August 2016, Assange went on to make at least two more thinly veiled references to Rich as the leaker of the DNC emails.
Mueller stands by his own conspiracy theory, best described on news analysis website Vox.com by Jane Coaston. "The evidence showed that WikiLeaks got the DNC emails and Podesta's internal documents from Russian hackers," Coaston wrote, "but WikiLeaks and Assange repeatedly lied on national television and implied Rich was involved."
The questionable evidence to which Coaston alludes is simply that, as quoted in the Mueller report, "The U.S. intelligence community publicly announced its assessment that Russia was behind the hackING operation." That announcement also came at a time when the intelligence communities were actively workING against President Donald Trump to force compliance with their history, methods, and agendas.
#7096751 at 2019-07-19 15:33:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9080: Help Q Win Join The Bakery Today! Edition
Perhaps this re: brazil
MC2 has been back in the news lately thanks to court filINGs against billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. An alleged victim of Epstein's has claimed that he pimped out underage girls to wealthy and powerful friends like Prince Andrew. She also claimed that Epstein got many of his girls from MC2 co-founder Jean-Luc Brunel, who "would brING young girls (rangING to ages as young as 12) to the United States for sexual purposes and farm them out to his friends, especially Epstein." (Brunel has denied these claims. Epstein's lawyers did not return requests for comment. Prince Andrew has previously denied the underage-sex allegations.)
MC2 was co-founded in 2005 by Brunel, a playboy who tried a run in fashion in the 1970s but found his niche acquirING barely legal girls to join his modelING roster. Brunel claims to have jumpstarted the careers of marquee names like Christy TurlINGton, Rebecca Romijn, and Jerry Hall.
Two sources familiar with Epstein's finances tell The Daily Beast they believe Epstein dropped as much as $2 million into MC2 to get it started. (Brunel has denied that Epstein funded the agency.) "Jeff put his money up for this guy to get Jeffrey these young girls. That's a front for Jeffrey's securING more and more young girls," one longtime Epstein confidant said.
AccordING to a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Epstein used the agency to lure underage prey. In those court documents, one alleged victim accused the billionaire of "deliberately engag[ING] in a pattern of racketeerING that involved lurING minor children through MC2, mostly girls under the age of 17, to engage in sexual play for money."
#7092657 at 2019-07-19 03:48:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9075: Jihad Sqaud Needs Taken Down! Educate the Girls! Muh History! Edition
correction….Reagan chief of staff for Meese I believe. So….maybe not as Bushy as I originally thought. Hate you-ING myself….but need clarity. Good God, imagine someone realizING they are wrong and correctING themselves instead of just runnING down the Road of Muh?
#7090158 at 2019-07-19 00:38:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9072: Note Events Happening Today Edition
Pentagon cybersecurity contractor charged with threatenING to murder a member of Congress
A Pentagon cybersecurity contractor has been charged with threatenING a member of Congress. Darryl Albert Varnum of Westminster, Maryland, left the threatenING voicemail for Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson over a bill called The Vaccinate All Children Act, which would require public schools to vaccinate children, the Daily Beast reported. The phone call was made on June 28, 2019.
"I'm gonna kill your ass if you do that bill. I swear," his voicemail began. "I will f—ING come down and kill your f—ING ass. And you're a congressperson, that's fine. I hope the f—ING FBI, CIA and everybody else hears this shit." "This is the United States of America, bitch. Get the f— out," Varnum continued. "I'll tell you what I'll come down to Miami, bitch. I'll f— you up. Like the Cubans don't even know." The Daily Beast also reported that Varnum posted about the act on his Facebook page and compared it to the Holocaust.
#7079126 at 2019-07-18 11:00:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9058: The Kitchen is Open for Regular Business Edition
Per captcha income ING
#7070749 at 2019-07-17 20:04:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9047: The Four Whores run the Democrat Party Edition
#7070693 at 2019-07-17 19:58:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9047: The Four Whores run the Democrat Party Edition
#7070676 at 2019-07-17 19:56:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9047: The Four Whores run the Democrat Party Edition
#7069615 at 2019-07-17 18:01:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9045: Do the 'SHEEP' follow? SEE truth. Edition
there…I (you)'d you, you attention cravING doorknob. stop you-ING yourself….it is gay….and you can go find a verse for that, Onan.
#7068994 at 2019-07-17 16:47:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9045: Do the 'SHEEP' follow? SEE truth. Edition
Pattern recognition is rayciss and "muhjoo"ING.
#7065720 at 2019-07-17 04:11:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9040: In Sweet Anticipation of the Rally Edition
>>7065708 Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody's (die-ING to get there) wants to die
#7058222 at 2019-07-16 13:51:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9031: We, The People, Hold the Power Edition
Taiwan's president pushes for UN membership durING US trip
Taiwan president Tsai ING-wen has renewed her support for the democratic island's bid to join the United Nations in its own right, pushING back against efforts by China to isolate the country internationally.
Tsai told a group of permanent U.N. representatives in New York on Thursday that the island, which is still formally governed as the Republic of China established in 1911 with the fall of the QING Dynasty (1688-1911), would never give in to BeijING's claim that it is an "inalienable part of Chinese territory," nor give up its bid to join the U.N.
"Taiwan will never succumb to any threats [from BeijING], now or in the future," Tsai was quoted as sayING in a statement from her presidential office. "Any obstacles will only strengthen Taiwan's resolution to join the international community."
Taiwan's 23 million people have the right to take part in international affairs without "political interference," she said
#7056733 at 2019-07-16 06:44:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9029: This Is About Love For America Edition
#7055484 at 2019-07-16 03:25:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9027: Who screeches louder, MediaMatters or Shareblue Edition
If the US Supreme court were 44% Chinese
If congresscritters had to sign a loyalty to China (ISISraehell) oath
If the biggest influence in American politics was called CHIpac and not AIPAC
if the US media was totally owned and staffed by Chinese
If criticism of Chinese were religiously denounced as 'anti-sinoism'
if 26 US states had laws against boycottING China
If Chinese interests dictated what is 'hate speech' and who are 'hate groups'
If Chinese troops trained our civilian police and we 'civilians' were now treated like Tibetans (palestinians)
If American armed forces were used as cannon fodder for the furtherence of the Chinese Empire
If the White house had a picture of Chairman Mao (instead of a Menorah) to replace the traditional Christmas decorations
If the Chinese ran Hollywood and peddled rap music and other degenerate filth
If the Chinese ran organized Intel agency honey trap pedo-Islands to blackmail our politicians that their CHIpac couldnt buy….
If Chinese organizations were aidING and facilitatING the flood of unwanted 'immigrants' to our southern border………….
THEN and only then , would '*** haters' quit 'complainING and whine-ING" about the destructive influence the filthy Tribe has inflicted upon this country
Dare I say , we might become 'Chinese Haters"?
#7037228 at 2019-07-14 15:18:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9004: Will It Be Door #1 or Door #2 Edition?
so, you are compelled to post this worthless list of garbage twice?
f-ING a
this looks like beforeitsnews home fuckING page
what a list of shit
#7025963 at 2019-07-13 14:50:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8989: Finklestien Posters No Where to be found Edition!
75% of the board's infiltration comes
from 'this' creature and his circle of WAPO
PAID actors who divide, take screen shots
write smear columns and laugh as they
trample all over 'Free Speech'
Q told us in Dec. of 2018
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a6527c No.4117452 📁
Dec 2 2018 16:26:57 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6b728e No.4117309 📁
Dec 2 2018 16:19:11 (EST)
Think WAVES.
Define 'unified'
SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?
[Controlled] moment activated? [17]
Do you believe in coincidences?
Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?
There is a place for everyone.
[CA_J] = California Journalist
Simple diggING shows him sharING his geographical location.
San Diego, CA
Writer for WAPO
Openly despises this board, researchers
POTUS, Q and all who support our movement.
ExplorING his followers, those who follow him
those he retweets, etc.
Quickly a pattern develops, as Q said to watch for.
Tom Arnold, Mike Rothschild, etc
See that Q post above?
Look at a recent tweet on his wall.
Sound familiar?
Travis View
Q, link to one of my tweets you coward.
Show this thread
He and his minions are not here for Free Speech. He is here to trample on and take advantage of Anons who defend that right.
I will question that too.
WHO screams the loudest about 'Free Speech?'
Are his minions [Prey]ING upon our Rights?
Are they who keep him and his minions here?
Spam the board, brING in others who support and defend him
Examples → I like you Freddie, Where's Freddie? Etc.
Uses Humor to make himself more palatable.
Paint Us as Violent, crazy, 'deplorable'
FillING Notables with misinformation.
Anyone else notice when Q came back, cat boy did too?
Q showed us who he is.
Question now is: What are we goING to do about it?
#7021862 at 2019-07-13 02:52:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8984: Try Harder! Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Edition
this is true as all life and material have a harmonic wave
? is who is pING ING it
#7016846 at 2019-07-12 20:32:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8978:Dig dig dig, Fight, fight, fight Edition
DebunkING the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby's propaganda
First thINGs first: let get the obvious out of the way
Homosexuality is a phenomenon which has probably always existed and which has often polarized society into two camps: those who believe that there is somethING inherently bad/wrong/pathological/abnormal with homosexuality (probably most/all major religions) and those who emphatically disagree. This is normal. After all, the issue of homosexuality deals not only with sex as such, but also with societal norms, reproduction, children and family issues and, most importantly, with love. What could be more mysterious, more fascinatING and more controversial than love?
I am beginnING this article with these self-evident truisms not because I find them particularly interestING, but because we live in a weird time when only one of these two views gets objectively and calmly discussed, while the other point of view is immediately censored, denounced and condemned as some kind of phobia. Now, the word "phobia" can mean one of two thINGs: aversion/hatred or fear/anxiety.
Does this make sense to you?
Why is it that an opinion, a point of view, can only be explained away and dismissed as beING in itself pathological/irrational?
Let me ask you this: can you imagine that somebody might be critical of homosexuality as such (or of homosexual behavior/practices) *without* sufferING from any kind of phobias or without hatING anybody?
If not, please stop readING and turn the TV back on.
For everybody else, I submit that this phobia-canard (along with the no less stupid "closet homosexual in denial" label) is not conducive to an intelligent discussion. It is, however, great to shut down any critical analyses and "ad hominem-ING" anybody who dares to ask the wrong questions.
Next, I also submit that there are those existING out there who do *indeed* feel an aversion/hatred/fear/anxiety towards homosexuals. These are the folks who feel their masculinity tremendously boosted when they get the chance to beat up (preferably in a group against one), humiliate or otherwise assault a homosexual. In my (admittedly entirely subjective) experience these are a minority. True, some homosexuals do elicit a strong sense of disgust from male heterosexuals, but these are typically those homosexuals who, far from beING sequestered in some societal "closet" do the opposite: they ostentatiously flaunt their homosexuality with provocative make-up, dress or behavior. Again, in my (no less subjective) experience, these are also a minority among homosexuals. I think that there is a very natural explanation for the aversion these "in your face" homosexuals trigger in male heteros, and I will discuss it later below.
But for the time beING, I would rather stay away from these circumstance-specific minority phenomena.
Next, let's define the issue
In its entry for "homosexuality" Wikipedia writes "The longstandING consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality per se is a normal and positive variation of human sexual orientation, and therefore not a mental disorder".
This sentence deserves to be parsed very carefully, especially since it uses a lot of frankly vague terms.
#7016735 at 2019-07-12 20:22:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8978:Dig dig dig, Fight, fight, fight Edition
From Q drop #3411
[CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED]
From Wikipedia:
Intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED; sometimes called the tort of outrage)[1] is a common law tort that allows individuals to recover for severe emotional distress caused by another individual who intentionally or recklessly inflicted emotional distress by behavING in an "extreme and outrageous" way.[2] Some courts and commentators have substituted mental for emotional, but the tort is the same
From: https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://en.wikipedia.org/&httpsredir=1&article=1853&context=wmlr
The tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress is an effec-tive weapon against defendants who have acted in accordance withtheir religious beliefs, especially when those beliefs are not ac-cepted by the mainstream. When this tort action is brought by aplaintiff and the allegedly "outrageous" conduct is religiously moti-vated, an inevitable clash of values emerges: the communitarianvalues of tort law, committed to enforcING societal norms of accept-ability, versus the defendant's right to free exercise of religion andsociety's strong interest in toleratING religious diversity.Adjudication of these cases frequently results in and reflects reli-gious bigotry-secular juries' rejection of the social acceptability of"other people's faiths." This is so because the adjudication of theelement of "outrageousness" that is the core of the tort involvesthe jury in an open-ended, ad hoc determination of whether thedefendant's religiously motivated conduct is socially intolerable.Such an inquiry necessarily threatens to label a defendant's reli-gious beliefs as either false or fundamentally flawed, thus runnINGafoul of a well-established prohibition on secular courts' adjudicat-ING the verity of religious belief.
EndING this grave problem will require judicial recognition of thenegative effects of this tort on the rights of religious freedom andthe interest in religious toleration. Certainly such measures as aban on punitive damages awards, restrictions on the general dam-ages that can be recovered for intangible harms, and changes in thescope of the cause of action itself would improve the situation. Ul-timately, the best option may be the most radical: abandonING fur-ther development and application of the tort of intentional inflic-tion of emotional distress and beginnING anew to develop torts forspecific situations now within the tort's purview.
#7014927 at 2019-07-12 18:12:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8975:Epstein/Bronfman/Wheels Up digs keep on giving! Edition
China threatens sanctions against US companies sellING weapons to Taiwan
BeijING will impose sanctions on US enterprises involved in arms sales to Taiwan, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday. The decision follows WashINGton's announcement to sell $2.22 billion worth of arms to Taiwan.
"US arms sales to Taiwan constitute a serious violation of international law and the basic norms governING international relations," said China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang.
"To safeguard our national interests, China will impose sanctions on the US enterprises involved in the above-mentioned arms sales to Taiwan," the ministry added.
On Thursday the Chinese military expressed strong dissatisfaction with the US State Department's approval of a plan to sell weapons to Taiwan.
The spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense said: "Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. China's firm opposition to US arms sales to Taiwan is clear and consistent."
"As an internal affair of China, the Taiwan issue concerns China's core interests and the national feelING of the Chinese people, and forbids external interference," he stressed.
AccordING to the defense ministry, the Chinese armed forces have the firm will, full confidence, and sufficient capability to thwart any form of interference by external forces and separatist acts of "Taiwan independence," and will take all necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.
On Monday, the US State Department approved the sale of M1A2T Abrams tanks, StINGer missiles and related military equipment to Taiwan at an estimated value of $2.2 billion.
The approval came in violation of the 'One China' principle that views the island as an integral part of China.
Relations between BeijING and Taipei have deteriorated since Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen, a member of the island's pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, took office in May 2016. China suspects the leader of seekING formal independence with support from WashINGton.
#7007518 at 2019-07-12 06:16:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8966: Very Important Archives Re-Added to the Dough
Just wanted to stop by and see if all the captcha cheerleaders are still callING captcha questioners "shills" now that Q has weighed in on the topic.
From the looks of thINGs, BO is still 'trol-lol-lol-lol-ING,' and directly defyING Q by keepING the useless caption.
#7006008 at 2019-07-12 04:32:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8964: Save The Littles Edition
"If that f***ING bastard wins, we're all goING to be hangING from nooses. You better fix this shit" -Hillary Clinton email to Donna Brazile oct. 17 2016
Is almost time for the PAIN? These sickenING people need to hang!
#6996528 at 2019-07-11 17:50:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8951: So Great Looking and Smart Edition
US women's soccer player on video at NYC parade: 'Hide your kids, hide your wife, and lock your f*in' doors … I'm comin' for all y'all b*hes'
'We got the key to the motherf***in' city'
Megan Rapinoe - the biggest star of the U.S. women's soccer team - raised more than a few eyebrows by sayING prior to the squad's World Cup win that she's "not goING to the f***ING White House" to celebrate with President Donald Trump, but she's far from the only player on the team who drops f-bombs for public consumption.
Goalkeeper Ashlyn Harris has gained quite a bit of notoriety through her Instagram stories chroniclING the team's off-the-field antics. SBNation called Harris' story of the post-World Cup locker room celebration "nothING short of phenomenal. So good, in fact, we decided to rank the best moments from her story because it was just that amazING."
The outlet noted moments durING which Harris said, "You're f*ING welcome for this content, bitch!" and "This content's f*ING gold, bitch!" along with video of star Alex Morgan twerkING - as well as Harris yellING for Rapinoe to "get her ass in the f***ING locker room."
Here's video of it all, if you dare. (Content warnING: Language):
And for an encore
But Harris wasn't through by a long shot. There were more celebrations for her to chronicle, includING New York City's parade for the team Wednesday - before which players received commemorative keys to the Big Apple.
A video compilation purportedly of Harris' Instagram story showed the team members drinkING champagne and gettING rowdy as the crowd cheered them durING the parade. Toward the end is a clip of Harris holdING her key to city and sayING, "Hide your kids, hide your wife, and lock your f*in' doors because we got the key to the motherf*in' city, and I'm comin' for all y'all bitches."
U.S. Soccer on Thursday didn't immediately respond to TheBlaze's request for comment on the video.
The rest of the story
Harris' apparent Instagram story also includes her sayING thINGs like:
"We're on a float, bitch!"
"And it f***ING begins, my friends!"
"Are you not entertained, bitch?" (borrowING from Russell Crowe's line in "The Gladiator")
"That is the motherf***in' T."
"It's gettING sloppy. It's gettING f***ING sloppy!"
"Pay us, bitch."
As you might expect, quite a few observers didn't appreciate Harris' videos of herself or the team, sayING their behavior was inappropriate, lacked dignity and class, and most definitely wasn't role model-worthy for girls who may look up to them.
But quite a few folks had the opposite opinion:
Gaby Kirschner of Bleacher Report: "I need Ashlyn Harris to never log off."
ABC News editor Alexandra Svokos: "In case you were concerned [Ashlyn Harris] was done givING us that gold content, she's… she's not. She's not done. I'm convinced she can't be stopped. Please no one try to stop her."
Media Matter for America editor-at-large Parker Molloy: "[Ashlyn Harris] needs her own podcast or talk show or documentary series or somethING. This is just genuinely awesome content."
New York Magazine: "Ashlyn Harris's Instagram Stories deserve a Oscar."
BuzzFeed TV and pop culture writer Nora Dominick: "[Ashlyn Harris'] Instagram remains a damn gift to this world and belongs in the Louvre, bitch."
Sports Illustrated producer Jessica Smetana: "I urge each and every one of you to watch Ashlyn Harris' [Instagram] story before it expires."
#6994413 at 2019-07-11 14:15:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8949: Ebake Edition
>>6993610 lb
It's because the two, main people involved are 70-somethINGs and 10-20 years out of politics now.
Why people in here care about whether bc banged a 17 year old czech chick (who said she was 18) in another f-ING country or an airplane over international waters is beyond me.
Those two can slow walk this for 15-20 more years. I would forget about anythING happenING to either of them.
Most all of it has nothING to do with potus vs. biden, too…except…what could happen in ny.
And if Q isn't even goING to throw out a few names there for us, don't expect much to happen any time soon…
#6993758 at 2019-07-11 12:48:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8948: BreQfast wit Q Edition
Ok guys what's the deal with POTUS usING multiple tenses of verbs in his tweets.
His pinned Obama cage tweet should be "were" in place of "was".
He did it yesterday too usING past and present -ING in the same tweet.
#6992063 at 2019-07-11 05:52:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8946:B2 Bombs Away Edition
Taiwan president leaves for U.S., warns of threat from 'overseas forces'
TAOYUAN, Taiwan (Reuters) - Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen left for the United States on Thursday on a trip that has angered BeijING, warnING democracy must be defended and the island faced threats from "overseas forces", in a veiled reference to China.
China, which claims self-ruled and democratic Taiwan as its own and views it as a wayward province, has called on the United States not to allow Tsai to transit there on her overseas tour. She is spendING four nights in the United States in total, two on the way there and two on the way back on a visit to four Caribbean allies. Tsai will go to New York on her way there, and then is expected to stop in Denver on the way back. Tsai's time in the United States will be unusually long, as normally she spends just a night at a time on transit stops.
The U.S. State Department has said there had been no change in the U.S. "one-China" policy, under which WashINGton officially recognizes BeijING and not Taipei, while assistING Taiwan. SpeakING at Taipei's main international airport at Taoyuan, Tsai said she would share the values of freedom and transparency with Taiwan's allies, and she was lookING forward to findING more international space for Taiwan. "Our democracy has not come easily, and is now facING threats and infiltration from overseas forces," Tsai said, without namING any such force. "These challenges are also common challenges faced by democracies all over the world. We will work with countries with similar ideas to ensure the stability of the democratic system." Tsai, who faces re-election in January, has repeatedly called for international support to defend Taiwan's democracy in the face of Chinese threats.
BeijING has regularly sent military aircraft and ships to circle Taiwan on drills in the past few years. Tsai last went to the United States in March, stoppING over in Hawaii at the end of a Pacific tour. SeekING to bolster Taiwan's defenses, the United States this week approved an arms sale worth an estimated $2.2 billion for Taiwan, despite Chinese criticism of the deal. Taiwan has been tryING to shore up its diplomatic alliances amid pressure from China, which has been whittlING down its few remainING diplomatic allies, especially in the Caribbean and Latin America.
Aside from the United States, Tsai will be visitING St Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, and Haiti. Taiwan now has formal ties with only 17 countries, almost all small nations in Central America and the Pacific.
#6988467 at 2019-07-11 01:23:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8941: They Never Show The Crowds Edition
let me get this straight…
monday the charges are revealed and epstein is charged
tuesday epstein's lawyer proffers a deal - names for no more than 5 yrs in jail
wednesday accosta says he was told to lay off (way back when) cuz epstein is an intelligence asset (explains a crap load in regards to why he only got a slap last time)
so now we have maureen comey (slippery jimbo comey's daughter) prosecutING in the corrupt SDNY - think weiner laptop and no charges to date, how long ago was that?
more to the point …
dear Q
you said no deals. you said this whole shebang was planned. you tell us sessions is a white hat…
please don't turn out to be a liar. for the children's sake, take this bastard and his cohorts down.
oh, and thanks for the show so far… popcorn is almost non stop around here.
still prayin and meme-ING — others can dig
#6988255 at 2019-07-11 01:08:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8941: They Never Show The Crowds Edition
oh shut up. i hate you-ING a slide….you got me….fucker
#6987722 at 2019-07-11 00:24:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8940: Pedo Panic Edition
Who Is The Florida State Prosecutor Who Acosta Said Went Easy On Jeffrey Epstein?
Alexander Acosta on Wednesday blamed a former Florida state prosecutor for mishandlING the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein.
Acosta said at a press conference that Barry Krischer intended to let Epstein off with no jail time despite allegations that he solicited sex from underage girls.
Krischer, a Democrat, prosecuted a case against Rush Limbaugh. He is also the namesake of a YWCA humanitarian award.
DurING a press conference Wednesday, Alexander Acosta, the secretary of labor and a former federal prosecutor in Miami, repeatedly blamed a former Florida state attorney for mishandlING the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire sex offender who has been accused of molestING dozens of underage girls.
"LettING what the state attorney was ready to do go[ING] forward - would have been absolutely awful," Acosta said Wednesday, while defendING his decision to strike a plea deal with Epstein in 2008.
Acosta was referrING to Barry Krischer, a Democrat who served as state attorney in Palm Beach through 2008.
Acosta said his prosecutors intervened in the state case after learnING Epstein would be allowed to enter a plea agreement that would keep him out of jail and not require him to register as a sex offender. He said his office faced the difficult decision of either forcING Epstein to accept a guilty plea that would give him some jail time, or "roll the dice" by takING Epstein to trial.
"Simply put, the Palm Beach State Attorney's office was ready to let Epstein walk free, no jail time, nothING. Prosecutors in my former office found this to be completely unacceptable. And they became involved. Our office became involved," Acosta said.
The end result was a plea deal that gave Epstein 13 months in Florida state jail on one charge of solicitING prostitution from a minor. The deal required him to register as a sex offender and compensate his victims.
Epstein was indicted Monday by federal prosecutors in New York on charges that he engaged in sex traffickING of underage girls between 2002 and 2005.
Krischer has avoided most of the public scrutiny over the handlING of the original Epstein investigation. That has fallen mostly on Acosta, thanks in part to his cabinet position in the Trump administration.
#6983253 at 2019-07-10 18:32:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8934: Challenge the DNC hack narrative! Edition
Jewish assimilation in US is 'like a second Holocaust,' Israeli minister claims
Intermarriage among diaspora Jews - particularly those in North America - is "like a second Holocaust," Israeli Education Minister Rafi Peretz declared in a cabinet meetING, unitING much of that diaspora in shocked offense.
The Jewish community "lost 6 million people" over the last 70 years because of intermarriage and assimilation, Peretz told a cabinet meetING on trends in Jewish communities around the world, particularly in the US. His spokesman confirmed the statement to Israeli Channel 13.
American Jews, unsurprisINGly, were outraged. Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt called the remarks "inconceivable" in a tweet, addING that "This kind of baseless comparison does little other than inflame and offend." The ADL tweeted an additional response in Hebrew, blamING Peretz's statement for "add[ING] to the already existING tension between Israel and US Jewry" and pleadING with him to "engage in respectful dialogue."
"Israel's government has a moral responsibility to maintain and improve the country's relationship with diaspora Jews in general, and with the American Jewish community in particular," Jay Ruderman, president of the Ruderman Family Foundation, a Jewish organization that advocates for people with disabilities.
And Peretz's fellow ministers - some of them, anyway - took a dim view of the comment. "First we need to stop disregardING and lookING down on Jews in America that see themselves as Jews not only religiously but even more culturally and historically," argued Minister of Energy Yuval Steinitz.
But PM Benjamin Netanyahu shared Peretz's alarm over demographic trends, claimING US Jews are abandonING Jewish traditions in a trend that is not easily reversed.
Support for Israel among American Jews has been declinING for years, and Peretz's comments - far from the first to compare assimilation to the Holocaust - are unlikely to heal the rift.
#6978656 at 2019-07-10 06:41:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8928: Watch Q crumb dates! (2) Edition
So Pelosi huh? A Anons said it I saw it! Yeah Pelosi
So let me repost dis:
Can kinda see it ….
Kubrick hintING or inplainsight-ING again?
Also actor's (german) name is Sky Dumont …DUMONT!
#6970703 at 2019-07-09 20:20:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8918: Hang on America! Gold Standard Coming! Edition
Can kinda see it ….
Kubrick hintING or inplainsight-ING again?
Also actor's (german) name is Sky Dumont …DUMONT!
#6967351 at 2019-07-09 16:45:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8913: Remember, (((Vampires))) Hate The Light
/r/ING "president doesn't sleep neither will I" pepe
#6961118 at 2019-07-09 02:52:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8905: WINNING BIGLY Edition
Do you find it interestING that everythING discussed in the past is somehow makING news as of late?
Don't pretend you or Trump had anythING to do with the Epstein case. Cernovich got this done. The fact that he did get it done, a twitter blogger, while Trump has done nothING, just goes to show how utterly useless Trump's DOJ really is. The case is a whitewash, and is not goING after anythING Epstein did on the Island, and the indictment will include nothING on the Clintons, the Royals, or anyone else involved or blackmailed. It will be completely covered up because Trump is a faggot, just like his new AG, who is as big a coward as the old AG.
And yes, I will be copypasta-ING this into the next thread, so suck my balls if you don't like it.
#6959711 at 2019-07-09 01:45:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8904: Q on a Roll Edition
In Major Provocation To China, US Approves Sale Of $2.2 Billion In Weapons To Taiwan
For those wonderING how to make sure that any trade "ceasefire" between the US and China falls apart faster than a trip on board the Lolita Express, here is a suggestion: today the US State Department approved the possible sale to Taiwan of M1A2T Abrams tanks, StINGer missiles and related equipment at an estimated value of $US2.2 billion despite vocal Chinese criticism of the deal, AAP reported.
As a reminder, one month ago China's Foreign Ministry last month said it was seriously concerned about US arms sales to self-ruled Taiwan, and urged the United States to halt the sales to avoid harmING bilateral ties.
The proposed sale also comes at a perilously sensitive moment: at the start of June, durING the Shangri-La Dialogue in SINGapore, China's Defense Minister Wei Fenghe warned the United States not to meddle in security disputes over Taiwan and the South China Sea. He also launched into a bellicose attack on opponents to China's expansionist plans towards the South China Sea and Taiwan, declarING: "If they want to fight, we will fight till the end".
In response, actING U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told the meetING that the United States would no longer "tiptoe" around Chinese behavior in Asia. ConfirmING that, a sale of more than $2 billion in weapons to Taiwan would be seen as a provocation to China's national interest in the region, and a clear signal that the gloves are now off when it comes to geopolitical claims, potentially resultING in a worrisome escalation of a war which has so far been confined to the sphere of trade.
The sale of the weapons requested by Taiwan, includING 108 General Dynamics Corp M1A2T Abrams tanks and 250 StINGer missiles, would not alter the basic military balance in the region, the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said.
DSCA has notified Congress of the possible arms sale, which it said could also include mounted machine guns, ammunition, Hercules-armoured vehicles for recoverING inoperative tanks, heavy equipment transporters and related support.
The United States is the main arms supplier to Taiwan, which China deems a renegade province. BeijING has never renounced the use of force to brING the island under its control. Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen said in March that WashINGton was respondING positively to Taipei's requests for new arms sales to bolster its defences in the face of pressure from China.
While the US has no formal ties with Taiwan but is bound by law to help provide it with the means to defend itself.
#6959703 at 2019-07-09 01:45:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8904: Q on a Roll Edition
In Major Provocation To China, US Approves Sale Of $2.2 Billion In Weapons To Taiwan
For those wonderING how to make sure that any trade "ceasefire" between the US and China falls apart faster than a trip on board the Lolita Express, here is a suggestion: today the US State Department approved the possible sale to Taiwan of M1A2T Abrams tanks, StINGer missiles and related equipment at an estimated value of $US2.2 billion despite vocal Chinese criticism of the deal, AAP reported.
As a reminder, one month ago China's Foreign Ministry last month said it was seriously concerned about US arms sales to self-ruled Taiwan, and urged the United States to halt the sales to avoid harmING bilateral ties.
The proposed sale also comes at a perilously sensitive moment: at the start of June, durING the Shangri-La Dialogue in SINGapore, China's Defense Minister Wei Fenghe warned the United States not to meddle in security disputes over Taiwan and the South China Sea. He also launched into a bellicose attack on opponents to China's expansionist plans towards the South China Sea and Taiwan, declarING: "If they want to fight, we will fight till the end".
In response, actING U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told the meetING that the United States would no longer "tiptoe" around Chinese behavior in Asia. ConfirmING that, a sale of more than $2 billion in weapons to Taiwan would be seen as a provocation to China's national interest in the region, and a clear signal that the gloves are now off when it comes to geopolitical claims, potentially resultING in a worrisome escalation of a war which has so far been confined to the sphere of trade.
The sale of the weapons requested by Taiwan, includING 108 General Dynamics Corp M1A2T Abrams tanks and 250 StINGer missiles, would not alter the basic military balance in the region, the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said.
DSCA has notified Congress of the possible arms sale, which it said could also include mounted machine guns, ammunition, Hercules-armoured vehicles for recoverING inoperative tanks, heavy equipment transporters and related support.
The United States is the main arms supplier to Taiwan, which China deems a renegade province. BeijING has never renounced the use of force to brING the island under its control. Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen said in March that WashINGton was respondING positively to Taipei's requests for new arms sales to bolster its defences in the face of pressure from China.
#6958068 at 2019-07-09 00:33:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8901: PAIN Edition
>THANK YOU! I remembered read
ING about that. Now to tie Wex to HWood
Start with David Foster and Gigi Hadid
Might be ties there
#6951556 at 2019-07-08 16:32:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8893:Epstein's Goose cooked, is his noodle baked? Edition
Are they f-ING serious? GaslightING!!
#6945749 at 2019-07-08 00:53:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8885: The Public/Non_Public The [OnReady] Edition
China's June FX Reserves Rise to Highest Since April 2018
China's foreign-currency holdINGs rose for a second month amid potential capital inflows and positive valuation effects to the highest level in more than a year.
*Reserves climbed to $3.119 trillion in June from $3.101 trillion in the previous month, the People's Bank of China said Monday
Key Insights
*The readING beat the median estimate of $3.110 trillion in a Bloomberg survey of economists
*"There are more inflows" of capital than outflows, as more A shares are included in MSCI and more RQFII quotas are granted, said Iris Pang, an economist at ING Bank NV in Hong Kong
*Foreign investors bought at least 74.7 billion yuan ($10.8 billion) or more of Chinese bonds in June, accordING to Bloomberg calculations
*U.S. long-term Treasury yields dropped and the dollar weakened durING the month, both pointING to a positive valuation effect.
#6925709 at 2019-07-05 18:31:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8859: Watch Turkey and Russia Edition
Former Disney star says she was molested for years as a child in Hollywood, and no one did a thING about it
Actress Bella Thorne, former Disney child star, says she was victimized repeatedly by sexual molestation while workING in the entertainment industry as a child.
What are the details?
While promotING her latest book, "The Life of a Wannabe Mogul: Mental Disarray," Thorne revealed that she suffered at the hands of pedophiles from the time that she was 6 years old until she turned 14.
In a June interview, Thorne said that everyone around her in the entertainment industry saw what was happenING, but "did nothING" to stop it.
"The transition [from child actress to adult], it's definitely tough," she said. "But it is what it is. It's like anythING in my life. If you read the book, you'll be like, 'Haha, transitionING from Disney to this was f*ING easy. I don't know - gettING molested for f*ING from when you're 6 to you're 14 seems like way harder circumstances."
Thorne went on to explain the hardships she endured while employed by Disney, comparING them to celebrities complainING about intrusive press.
"You're beING physically abused all the time," she insisted. "Seems like a much more difficult situation than f*ING havING paparazzi followING you since you were 12. Um, I don't know. I was still beING molested when paparazzi were still f*ING followING me."
Thorne explained that her experience growING up in the spotlight was harder than anythING she's had to endure so far.
"[I]t's pretty hard in my mind to think of these big flashlight photographs, and everyone thinkING they know me and talkING about me, but havING no idea the type of mistreatment that I was still dealING with at that time," she said. "That everyone around me saw and did nothING. So, I don't know you tell me what's so hard. 'Cause that to me, way harder than any of this other s*** I deal with on a daily basis."
The actress has yet to reveal her alleged attackers.
#6921171 at 2019-07-05 02:49:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8853: ANons Track Booms from Sea to Shining Sea. The ENDGM20 Edition
Have heard Dr. Paul LaViolette speak at conf. F!@#ING brilliant man, one of those 165+ IQ types.
He says the tech exists and has for a long while.
#6915965 at 2019-07-04 18:25:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8846:Betsy Ross flag 1792! Editio
Khan's London: Afghan Migrant Asked People If They Were English, Stabbed Them If They Said Yes, Court Hears
An Afghan asylum seeker stalked random people in Croydon, south London, askING them if they were English and stabbING them if they said yes, prosecutors have claimed.
Jurors at the Old Bailey were shown CCTV footage which prosecutors said showed Samiulahaq Akbari, 32, approachING shoppers at a Tesco Extra in Thornton Heath armed with a large knife, askING them if they were English, and tryING to stab them if they answered in the affirmative, The Sun reports.
Jurors were told the footage showed Akbari tappING Nicholas Speight, a complete stranger, on the shoulder and askING him for his nationality, with events "unfold[ING] with... frightenING speed" after Speight gave his "fateful reply".
Mr Speight appeared to be toppled to the floor by the attacker, but "by luck rather than any design" he was able to escape the thrust of the blade, before kickING his assailant away, regainING his feet, and makING his escape.
"On that evenING in January this year this defendant had set out deliberately to threaten, harm and kill members of the public by virtue of their nationality, or what Mr Akbari perceived to be their nationality - they were English," alleged prosecutor Heidi Stonecliffe.
Akbari is said to have gone on to pull a knife on people at the nearby Kebabish restaurant and at the Plough on the Pond pub on Croydon's London Road, "fuelled with the same intention" as in the Tesco Extra and askING people "aggressively and repeatedly" where they were from.
The court heard that Akbari's cousin called the 999 emergency number and told operators his relative "said he wants to kill the English people. I can see his eyes, he's serious... He will do it. He's tryING to run and he will kill someone. Please come quickly."
Akbari denies charges of attempted murder and woundING with intent. The trial continues.
#6908557 at 2019-07-03 22:49:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8837: Anons At The Ready Edition
In the Netherlands there are a LOT of outages goING on. First of all social media:
- Facebook
- Whatsapp
- Instagram
- Snapchat
- T-Mobile
- Vodafone
Not sure how serious they all are but there has been a lot goING on lately. Earlier KPN was down too, includING 112 (which is the European equivalent of 911).
#6903428 at 2019-07-03 05:19:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8830: Brand New Marine One Helicopter To Make Debut Edition
U.S. Slaps Import Duties of More Than 400% on Vietnam Steel
The U.S. Commerce Department imposed duties of more than 400% on steel imports from Vietnam, accusING some businesses of shippING products from the Southeast Asian nation to evade the levies in a further escalation of tension between the two tradING partners.
In three preliminary circumvention rulINGs on Vietnamese steel, the Commerce Department said certain products produced in South Korea and Taiwan were shipped to Vietnam for minor processING before beING exported to U.S. as corrosion-resistant steel products and cold-rolled steel. Customs officials have been ordered to collect cash deposits at rates as high as 456.23% on imports of the steel products produced in Vietnam usING material from South Korea and Taiwan.
Vietnam's Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
It's not surprisING companies will try to route products through countries such as Vietnam to dodge higher duties, said Robert Carnell, Asia Pacific chief economist at ING Bank.
"It's a no-brainer," he said. "You increase the cost and people are goING to try and find a way to avoid it. It's human nature."
In another case, U.S. Customs and Border Protection is investigatING six American companies for allegedly evadING anti-dumpING duties while importING and misclassifyING Chinese-made carbon steel pipe fittINGs through Cambodia, accordING to the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh.
The U.S. is hardenING its rhetoric against Vietnam, one of its major tradING partners and an economy that's benefitING from President Donald Trump's trade war with China. Trump described Vietnam last week as "almost the sINGle-worst abuser of everybody" when asked if he wanted to impose tariffs on the nation.
Vietnam says it's workING to reduce its trade surplus with the U.S., and is already crackING down on Chinese manufacturers who are reroutING their goods via the Southeast Asian nation for export to the U.S. in order to bypass higher tariffs.
The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi said this week it's in talks with authorities and hopes "Vietnam takes steps in the near term to address our concerns in a constructive manner."
Vietnam's annual trade surplus with the U.S. has exceeded $20 billion since 2014 and reached $39.5 billion last year, the highest in records goING back to 1990, accordING to U.S. Census Bureau data.
#6901139 at 2019-07-02 23:55:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8827: Truth Wins Edition
insertion shill inserts
his tiny thING
into a tiny idea and avoids the real issue
the use of a meme to bully an anon.
that gives him away.
but even though he is beING given away, no body wants him.
he must then wonder off to the far parts
of the First GRade readING level book
"Fun with Dick and Jane", the part where there is a fence drawn
he's suddenly animated there at the frINGes of the cover and he's forlorn
"If only I had learned not to be so mean,
then maybe they'd name a readING lexicon after me some day."
"Fun with Nit Pick-ING Twit"
#6900510 at 2019-07-02 22:35:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8826: Flyovers & Fireworks Edition
>The President F***ING Hates My Girlfriend
Yup..so do we cunt!
#6900480 at 2019-07-02 22:32:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8826: Flyovers & Fireworks Edition
GF of Controversial Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Slams 'Adolescent Boy' Trump: 'The President F***ING Hates My Girlfriend'
#6899373 at 2019-07-02 20:25:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8825: Trump Curse Strikes Again Edition
>Hate-Filled Twitter Spree
Women's soccer player, @mPinoe, just stated that she is "not goING to the F…ING White House if we win." Other than the NBA, which now refuses to call owners, owners (please explain that I just got Criminal Justice Reform passed, Black unemployment is at the lowest level…
in our Country's history, and the poverty index is also best number EVER), leagues and teams love comING to the White House. I am a big fan of the American Team, and Women's Soccer, but Megan should WIN first before she TALKS! Finish the job! We haven't yet…
.invited Megan or the team, but I am now invitING the TEAM, win or lose. Megan should never disrespect our Country, the White House, or our Flag, especially since so much has been done for her & the team. Be proud of the Flag that you wear. The USA is doING GREAT!
i wouldnt want these delusional uptight at my house .
#6898872 at 2019-07-02 19:31:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8824: July 4th tanks in a row! Edition
ADL: Google Search 'Redirect' Program Built to Fight ISIS Will Now Be Used On Americans
Google-funded Moonshot CVE is workING together with the Anti-Defamation League and the Google Jigsaw-partnered Gen Next Foundation to "redirect" Google searches related to "extremist narratives" – such as the idea that there is a "'European' identity" that is "under threat" – the president of the ADL announced Monday.
ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt wrote in a statement:
[T]he Anti-Defamation League is partnerING with Moonshot CVE and the Gen Next Foundation to counter white supremacist and jihadist activity online. The program, dubbed the Redirect Method, will use advertisING to provide individuals who search Google for violent extremist material with content that exposes the falsehoods of extremist narratives, providING searchers the choice of an off-ramp to radicalization.
TargetING content potential extremists search for - rather than focusING, for example, on what they post to social media - can directly address their harmful online behavior and desires. By providING them with credible sources, we hope to decrease the impact of extremist content and increase the spread of the truth, such as, there is no one "European" identity that is under threat. In this way, we speak directly to those who may be at risk of radicalization, and we incentivize re-thinkING those ideologies with accurate information.
Greenblatt went on to explain how Moonshot/Google's program built to fight ISIS is now goING to be used on Americans.
Moonshot and Google previously launched a Redirect Method program for ISIS-related searches, which found that those who searched for ISIS content were highly likely to engage with the more constructive, non-violent content that was offered. This led to several thousand views of constructive materials in place of searches related to Islamist extremism. Our new project builds on this success while pullING from ADL's subject matter expertise in extremist codewords and unique insights to lead the project.
Greenblatt finished his piece by sayING the program built to fight ISIS is not about "inhibit[ING] free speech" but "actually improves the online marketplace of ideas."
Some people might hear about this and raise concerns that it could inhibit free speech. In fact, the opposite is the case. Internet content skews toward the virality of controversy, pollutING the marketplace of ideas with vitriolic speech. The Redirect Method actually improves the online marketplace of ideas, not by limitING any speech, but by ensurING that hateful propaganda and intellectually honest information are presented side-by-side.
Last month, Greenblatt praised Google-owned YouTube after they purged thousands of videos and channels for advocatING "bigoted ideologies" but insisted that "more needs to be done" to keep "hate" off their platform.
#6898064 at 2019-07-02 18:03:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8823: Something Big Is About To Happen pt 2 Edition
Why all the CYA-ING goING on today?
#6896208 at 2019-07-02 14:50:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8821: Tuesday Forecast: Shilly Start with Low Energy Attacks Edition
#6890571 at 2019-07-01 19:54:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8813: Fake Klan March Edition
As an aside from one livING in an agricultural zone: It is now July 1, 2019. It has been "summer?" now for over a week - officially. I live in Western Canada in a moderate climate area gettING into the high 80's - low 90's F…and I have yet to see even 1 - count 'em - 1 friggin' mosquito.
UV levels are higher than last year and last year was higher than the year before and there are still people believING the globalist-con that changes in climate are caused by humans. Climate change is driven by the sun - now in solar minimum with a very sunspots so far this year - cosmic bombardment, electromagnetism, our position in the solar system at any given time and in relation to the gravitational pull of other bodies when we are closest and etc. It has nothING to do with someone drivING a car or burnING leaves. We humans, as a species, are not able to effect the "climate" we are just filthy pigs and can and very much do damage our environment. We are major, significant, dangerous polluters, but if you talk about that nobody can make any money and the worst offenders - the large corporations filthy-ING the planet to the greater growth of their bank statements - would then have to pay for the damage they are doING to our environment and there is no way the globalist scum who are the worst offenders in the destruction of our environment would have to pay.
ThING is, when you talk about the real science, nobody can make any money and globalists hate it when somethING that can generate profit for themselves is impeded so like truth in politics, truth in science is hard to locate and is not possible to find in the globalist propaganda media or in the school textbook publishING/printING companies they own and use to brainwash children from pre-K to university with their anti-Truth, anti-Science, anti-Reality bullshit.
Because the truth has not been forthcomING, knowledge that growING regions were goING to need to alter as to what should be grown where - was not available and those farmers who could have altered their crops for a couple years or allowed their farms to become fallow if a crop change wasn't possible - for which of course they would have needed assistance from the government or a bank - but any losses would likely have been less than goING through the expense of the plantING and then failING but then again, the banks and their globalist owners would like that as they could take over the land and as they know the climate will readjust again and those same lands can will be profitable, they win and who gives a f*ck if the debt-slaves lose. For globalist scum the only goal is profit at the expense of those whom they view as simple slaves.
Some, perhaps many of these devastatING losses could have been avoided or ameliorated if the truth had been allowed to be used to inform rather than keepING the truth hidden until it was too late.
We're goING the same way with politics and one can only hope it doesn't have the same result.
#6887188 at 2019-07-01 06:09:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8809: Bulletproof Edition
#6885092 at 2019-07-01 00:45:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8806: Welcome Home Sir! Edition
nobody plots assassinations and brags about it. stop (you)ING the troll
#6882552 at 2019-06-30 17:59:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8803: Brunch with Frens. The Bacon and Kimosas Edition
MSM bury ING this story of a crime perpetrated by illegal immigrants
18 kidnappING victims found 'enslaved' in NW Houston home: HPD
18 kidnappING victims found 'enslaved' in NW Houston home: HPD
5 arrested for allegedly kidnappING and traffickING 18 people
By Courtney Fischer
Friday, June 28, 2019 4:16PM
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) – Authorities arrested and charged five people who allegedly kidnapped, smuggled and sexually assaulted multiple people in Houston.
DurING a press conference on Friday, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo and Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the arrests of the alleged kidnappers.
On June 5, a family contacted the Houston Police Department to report their relative was beING held for a ransom, and that the kidnappers would not release the relative without a specific amount of money.
Detectives with the Homicide Division, Human TraffickING Unit and the Criminal Intelligence Division worked quickly to locate the suspects and began a rescue operation.
Authorities located a stash house at 10427 Rockcrest Rd. where 18 people, includING two women, were allegedly beING held in the safe house.
The two women were allegedly held captive in the home for 25 days, and sexually assaulted by three of the five men arrested.
The other 16 men were allegedly beING held with little to no clothING, and were "enslaved, in some cases, for work and sex."
Detectives said 18 people, includING two women, were beING held for ransom. They also found four guns, more than $10,000 in cash and 19 grams of cocaine.
Jose Silvestre, 18, is charged with aggravated sexual assault and engagING in organized criminal activity by kidnappING.
Fredy Moreno-Gil, 26, is charged with engagING in organized criminal activity by kidnappING.
Gabriel Salazar-Bautista, 35, is charged with engagING in organized criminal activity by kidnappING.
Jose Manuel Aviles-Diaz, 26, is charged with aggravated kidnappING, aggravated sexual assault, engagING in organized criminal activity by kidnappING and possession with intent to deliver or manufacture a controlled substance.
Moris Gudiel Campos Gomez, 39, is charged with aggravated kidnappING, aggravated sexual assault, engagING in organized criminal activity by kidnappING and possession with intent to deliver or manufacture a controlled substance.
#6880528 at 2019-06-30 10:02:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8800 A changed world. *HISTORY WAS JUST MADE*
very interdastING to look up FakeNews articles from march 2018, when cnn was screamING GEOTUS would cause nuke war with Kimmy.
RT-ING them with a comment perhaps helps wakING up some moar normies.
check this one out:
#6879482 at 2019-06-30 07:14:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General # 8799: POTUS Making History Edition
Tucker may play a bigger role than anons realize. Caught this almost a year ago, Q1840, [Fish]ING is fun. Tucker was on vacation and came back shortly after that and said a lot of stuff had gone on while he was out of the country fishING. Sorry phonefaggING, but anons can easily find that show based on the Q drop date. Love me some Tucker!
#6876598 at 2019-06-30 00:31:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8795: DS Shakin' All Over Edition
…..any dustup not starrING Based Stickman and Emily Rose Nauert/Marshall or even Michael Isaacson is
#6871834 at 2019-06-29 06:36:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8789: Will Chairman Kim Come Shake Hands at the DMZ? Edition Edition
238lbs 4pt-ING a stokes basket. That's not as bad as what they run into on a daily basis.
#6868830 at 2019-06-28 23:20:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8785: Beautiful Brave New World Edition
**ING censorING mother **ers.
At least it didn't start playING the frequency that incapacitates him or causes a heart attack/tumors…yet.
Has anyone else figured out the biodegradable computer chips yet..that was fun.
#6861631 at 2019-06-28 02:34:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8776 QR PM Bake 2 Edition
Agreed, the bitchy posts (You)ING every person who "shits the bread" are worse than any "breadshittING" takING place.
#6855360 at 2019-06-27 16:12:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8768: All Aboard!!! Edition
Swiss To Block TradING Of Swiss Shares On EU Exchanges As Brussels Battle Builds
Switzerland and the EU are embroiled in an ongoING dispute regardING long-standING financial, immigration and trade ties between the two, since Switzerland is not a member of the bloc.
However, more critically, as CNBC's Elliot Smith notes, the stock market equivalence granted to Switzerland by the EU expires at the end of June.
As The FT reports, equity tradING has become a flashpoint in a long process for the EU's efforts to upgrade its messy relationship with non-member Switzerland, in which Brussels is seekING to switch about 120 bilateral treaties into an "institutional framework" that would require the Swiss to automatically to adopt some EU laws - a prospect Switzerland rejects.
If the deadline passes on Sunday without an agreement on the EU's new political demands, and the bloc decides not to extend, "it is likely the Swiss authorities will remove the recognition that allows EU tradING venues to offer tradING in the Swiss equity securities."
"Everyone has accepted it will happen," said a diplomat from a major EU member state.
And, accordING to comments by the Swiss foreign minister on Swiss Radio SRF, that is exactly what is goING to happen as Swiss authorities will unleash countermeasures to Brussels indignance by disallowING
tradING of Swiss shares in EU…
instead reroutING all transactions back to Switzerland from July 1st.
Charlotte de Montpellier, an economist at ING, said Switzerland's loss of stock market equivalence would be compensated by the protective measures.
"However, the risk is that difficult negotiations between Switzerland and the EU and threats from both sides could leave long-term traces on the relationship between the two entities and on Switzerland's economic performance.
A deterioration of relations and a greater difficulty of trade with the EU, its main partner, would therefore be extremely damagING for the Swiss economy," she said.
'''If, as expected, the two parties fail to agree new terms in the next two days, investors face the prospect of a major overhaul, since Swiss companies comprise around one fifth of the Stoxx 50 index by market capitalization
(includING blue chip giants such as Nestle, UBS and Novartis).
MAJOR issues if this not resolved by july 1st
#6847050 at 2019-06-26 18:01:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8757: So it begins! You are never alone! Edition
that's GOT to be a canary trap
no f-ING way that, IF he did have a whip, that it wasn't anythING other than a joke
#6845744 at 2019-06-26 14:29:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8755: I Like to Dunk Public Hearings in My Covfefe Edition
New PDJT tweets!
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
1m1 minute ago
….invited Megan or the team, but I am now invitING the TEAM, win or lose. Megan should never disrespect our Country, the White House, or our Flag, especially since so much has been done for her & the team. Be proud of the Flag that you wear. The USA is doING GREAT!
6 replies 4 retweets 1 like
Reply 6 Retweet 4 Like 1
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Donald J. Trump
Verified account
1m1 minute ago
….in our Country's history, and the poverty index is also best number EVER), leagues and teams love comING to the White House. I am a big fan of the American Team, and Women's Soccer, but Megan should WIN first before she TALKS! Finish the job! We haven't yet….
7 replies 4 retweets 2 likes
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Donald J. Trump
Verified account
1m1 minute ago
Women's soccer player, @meganrapino, just stated that she is "not goING to the F…ING White House if we win." Other than the NBA, which now refuses to call owners, owners (please explain that I just got Criminal Justice Reform passed, Black unemployment is at the lowest level…
6 replies 3 retweets 3 likes
Reply 6 Retweet 3 Like 3
#6840734 at 2019-06-25 21:21:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8749: Cruz Challenges Google Edition
Parkland survivor David Hogg says he's been target of 7 'assassination attempts'
Parkland shootING survivor David Hogg said he has been the target of seven "assassination attempts" in the last year.
The vocal supporter of gun-control legislation detailed his experiences throughout the last 18 months as he went from regular high school student to one of the faces of the school safety movement in an interview with the WashINGton Post published Tuesday. He was not asked for further details about the threats.
RegardING the death threats and assassination attempts, Hogg said that killING him would be "the stupidest thING they could do to try to end the movement."
"Because that would make it even more successful in the end," Hogg told the Post. "Because it would invigorate us and create f—ING change."
The 19-year-old activist is slated to attend Harvard in the fall after graduatING from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last May and takING a year off.
As a senior, Hogg experienced the mass shootING at his high school that claimed the lives of 14 students and three staff members on February 14, 2018.
"Honestly, I realize that it's horrible that I have to live through this, and it is traumatizING," Hogg said, referrING to the death threats. "But you eventually become desensitized to it."
FollowING the deadly shootING at his school, Hogg and several classmates formed a gun control advocacy and toured the country by bus raisING awareness about school safety and gun violence. He also used his platform to register voters and mobilize them for the 2018 Midterm Election.
He said he plans to continue his public activism as the 2020 election approaches.
"I want to go to school and, for lack of a better word, weaponize my knowledge and learn as much as possible to end violence," he said.
#6834923 at 2019-06-25 01:50:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8741: 1st & 10 on the [30] Edition
Maybe a little…kek Just stumbled across the callout post and had to unmask from Anon-ING.. kek Let me dig up some tunes now…I was about to call it and turn in…might have a few worth a post. Peace to you, Kind Anon.
#6831084 at 2019-06-24 16:22:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8736: [GOOGLE] Edition
It's all fixed. You're beING "entertained" just like in the Roman Coliseum. It's as real as the WWE. BoxING, Football, Basketball, it's all fixed for the bettING.
How former ref Tim Donaghy conspired to fix NBA games
James "Jimmy" "Bah-Bah" "The Sheep" Battista was a stressed-out, overweight, Oxy-addicted 41-year-old, in the hole to some underground gamblers for sums he'd sort of lost track of, when he settled in to watch an NBA game for which he believed he'd just put in the fix. It was January 2007. A month or so back, not long before Christmas, he'd done somethING audacious: He'd sat down and cut a deal with an NBA referee. Now he feared the scheme had become too obvious.
"You wanna get paid?" Battista had said to the ref. "Then you gotta cover the f—ING spread." The bribe was only two dimes, $2,000 per game – an outrageous bargain. If the pick won, the ref got his two dimes. If the pick missed, the ref owed nothING; Battista would eat the loss. A "free roll," as they call it. But this referee didn't lose much. His picks were winnING at an 88 percent clip, totally unheard of in sports bettING for any sustained period of time. They were now enterING the sixth week of the scheme – what you might call a sustained period of time.
Battista had known the ref, Timmy Donaghy, for 25 years. They'd gone to the same parochial high school in the workING-class Catholic neighborhoods of Delaware County, just outside Philadelphia – Delco, as it's sometimes called – where the sports bars are abundant, where a certain easy familiarity with all forms of gamblING prevails, where guys have bookies like they've got dentists.
Battista was a creature of that world. He was what's known as a mover. Strictly speakING, movers are neither gamblers nor bookmakers. They're a species of broker that provides services to sports bettors, layING down wagers on their clients' behalf with bookmakers of various types around the world, legal and not. Battista was positioned well enough in that world that, without Donaghy's knowledge but based on Donaghy's picks, he'd helped set up a kind of loose, disorderly hedge fund. Several people from the sports-bettING underworld had, in effect, staked Battista a bankroll – a fund he was now usING to bet on games officiated by this one NBA referee. One member of the group called it "the ticket" and "the company."
"Maybe the company never sat at a table together," he says. "But they all had a piece of the pizza." The main problem now was keepING a lid on the thING.
#6828089 at 2019-06-24 04:11:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8732: The Totally Not Satanists Edition
Thousands of Taiwanese Rally Against BeijING Infiltration Through Media
June 23, 2019 Updated: June 23, 2019
Tens of thousands of Taiwanese citizens braved heavy rain for more than four hours on June 23 to attend a Taipei rally callING for a ban on pro-BeijING media outlets that push the Chinese regime's agenda.
BeijING considers the self-ruled island part of its territory, despite Taiwan havING its own democratically elected government, military force, and currency. The Chinese regime has recruited Taiwanese military personnel to conduct espionage on its behalf, and has hired local gang members to intimidate China's critics.
In recent years, the Chinese regime has infiltrated local media, political parties, and other facets of Taiwan society in an effort to persuade Taiwanese citizens to accept a future in which the island is "unified" with the mainland. But the large turnout this weekend was a rare public repudiation of BeijING's tactics.
Politicians, TV stars, a movie director, and teachers were among those who delivered speeches in support of democracy and freedom in Taiwan. They condemned Chung T'ien Television, China Times, and other pro-BeijING media outlets that have downplayed recent coverage of Hong Kong mass protests against a controversial extradition bill that would allow mainland China to seek extradition of any individual from Hong Kong. Locals refer to them as "red media," after the symbolic color of the Chinese Communist Party.
Taiwan President Tsai ING-wen voiced her support for the rally durING the openING ceremony of an international women's association meetING early on June 23.
"I believe the rally can awaken Taiwan society," she said.
Rally in the Rain
Holger Chen, a YouTube celebrity, teamed up with Huang Kuo-chang, a lawmaker from the Taiwan New Power Party, to organize the rally.
Despite heavy rain, tens of thousands arrived at Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the presidential office buildING with umbrellas and raincoats before the rally began at 2 p.m. Organizers didn't provide a turnout estimate.
Huang Yizhong, a middle-school teacher, told the protesters: "Two million Hongkongers went on the streets against the extradition bill. Three of Taiwan's four largest newspapers reported this event."
China Times didn't place the news on its front page. Other coverage of the continuING protests have been slanted in favor of the Hong Kong government, which is currently led by an official handpicked by BeijING.
Since China Times was acquired by Taiwan-based food company Want Want HoldINGs in 2008, the publication has increasINGly taken a pro-BeijING bias in its coverage. ……
#6819760 at 2019-06-23 01:34:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8722: You are the Rockstar News Now! Edition
Anonymous 06/22/19 (Sat) 13:48:37 8f8308 (2) No.6818053>>6818064
>>6818083 —PB:
"…. I'm just tired of seeING homeless immigrant family's everywhere I go. If you don't live down here you don't see it right in your face. it's heart breakING.."
"Homeless immigrant families"? (spellING error corrected).
Who are you kiddING, Anon?
Tempted to shout out "That's a complete and total lie!" to this PatriotAnon, but think he's just blissfully ignorant— or isolated from the real, self-created Barrios of the Illegals.
Illegals are enjoyING the Agenda 21/30 gubmint lifestyle.
The grim reality is that THEY ALL have very nice TAXPAYER - PAID HOUSING!
They get it through their numerous ANCHOR BABIES! YES.
Social Workers can HARDLY WAIT to give it to them, plus SNAP/Foodstamps, Freeee education and education services, FREEEEEE Medical care, tokens for transportation, free legal advice, etc., etc.
IT is OUR people, OUR Disabled, OUR Seniors and Veterans who are beING deprived and abused,…NOT illegal f-ING Aliens + Anchor Babies.
TestifyING to this as one who had be immersed in the criminality and do actual home and medical visits w/ social workers.
The abuse is rampant—and our enforced "gifts" are NOT appreciated by the recipients—in other words,—
"Is this all? Gimme, gimme, gimme, MORE!" —
is what WE saw.
#6816567 at 2019-06-22 16:51:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8717: QResearch: Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin' Edition
From "Behold a Pale Horse":
Malathion, a nerve gas developed by the Nazis durING World War II to kill people, is beING sprayed heavily on population centers in California. The excuse used is that it will kill the Mediterranean fruit fly. The tipoff is that the orchards are not beING sprayed, only people. The helicopters come from Evergreen in Arizona, a known government and a suspected CIA base. The pilots are contract pilots furnished by Evergreen. Evergreen has been named as one of the bases where drugs are flown in from Central America. The City of Pasadena passed a law makING it illegal to spray malathion within the city limits. The law was ignored and the city took no action. When the people of California literally revolted against the spray- ING of malathion, the Governor of California stated that he did not have the power to stop the operation. What higher power is there that could prevent a governor of a state from haltING the sprayING of an insecticide? A warnING was issued to cover up automobiles and belongINGs because malathion could destroy paint, some plastics, and other property. People, they said, would not be injured. It is a lie.
#6813685 at 2019-06-22 07:25:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8715: Memorable Night on South Lawn w/FLOTUS & POTUS Edition
really?! like they gnu-ING it?! Fuck yeah!
#6808326 at 2019-06-21 18:29:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8708: Something definitely going on Edition
I'm not even goING to give the John Bolton shill the satisfaction of (you)'ING them, but HOW is John Bolton a member of the Deep State.
That's probably the stupidest slide goING.
#6797769 at 2019-06-20 14:05:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8695: Evil Is Being Exposed Edition
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is what Glenn Beck posted……comparING and contrastING the crowd size between Obama's re-election rallies and Trump's re-election rallies. Beck said it was difficult findING Obama rally pictures on Google. Talk about erasING history.
#6796130 at 2019-06-20 05:45:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8692:Juneteenth Edition
>Why are you here?
Shill got banned. Had to work very hard for it, too hard.
#6793493 at 2019-06-20 00:56:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8689: POTUS on Hannity at 9PM EST Edition
eyes fad>>6793460
ING? clearly not her weird shadows, you can see her breasts in the film Marilyn
#6790650 at 2019-06-19 18:05:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8685: Congressional Hearings Are RIGGED Edition
Maybe it's not good to use the wife's bilbo
Fill out the fields above
Is flat earth anons are crowd source ING
New gapeING techs
Gets you above spam
#6781261 at 2019-06-18 19:13:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8673: Rally Day Full Steam Ahead Edition
WikiLeaks' Vault7 CIA leaker tried to start 'information war' against govt - prosecutors
The ex-CIA leaker who gave WikiLeaks the 'Vault7' documents smuggled phones into a Manhattan jail with the intention of wagING an "information war" against the US government and "finally revers[ING] US jINGoism" from behind bars.
Former CIA technician Joshua Schulte, who leaked documents confirmING the CIA can spy on people through their "smart" appliances, along with a mind-bogglING array of other sophisticated hackING tools, "smuggled contraband cellphones into the [Metropolitan Correctional Center], created encrypted email accounts and secret social media accounts, and drafted misleadING 'articles' for public dissemination that were not only fraught with misinformation but also contained classified information," a US government memorandum filed Monday claims. The memo adds that Schulte has "gone to extraordinary lengths... to try to blackmail the Government into releasING him by disclosING and threatenING to disclose more classified information."
Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey Berman filed to block Schulte's request to end the extreme restrictions - includING solitary confinement - placed on him in prison, arguING Schulte has only himself to blame for the harsh measures, which forbid contact with anyone outside his immediate family and lawyer.
Schulte, the memo claims, used contraband phones and deputized his fellow prisoners and extended family members in a pattern of "willful and illegal acts that culminated in his declaration of an 'information war' against the United States," continuING to leak classified material to reporters through this ad-hoc information network and threatenING to go much, much bigger.
"I will look to breakup diplomatic relationships, close embassies, and US occupation around the world & finally reverse US jINGoism," Schulte allegedly wrote in a journal found in his cell, demandING "$50 billion in restitution" and the prosecution of "the criminals who lied to the judge and presented this BS case."
Berman argues that if the restrictions are lifted, Schulte will resume his "information war," and denies the measures violate his First Amendment rights. "The Court need not speculate whether Schulte would disclose classified information illegally from the MCC because he already has," Berman states.
#6771118 at 2019-06-17 15:07:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8660: Trust Q's Plan Edition
Anons, use your discernment on posts like this. This is a tactic. Most of the thINGs in here get you goING, "yeah, yeah!" and you keep readING wantING to agree with all of it.
Then there's some little claim, couched in double negatives, in this case "[Trump supports] 5G and GMO to kill us all…out of a desperate need to get some real economic growth goING."
Are you still, "yeah, yeah"ING at that line? Or did a red alert go off in your head?
I'm not goING to quibble with baker's decision to add it to notables. I think it's a great way to expose a textbook disinfo PSY-OP.
#6765583 at 2019-06-16 19:48:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8653:SloRise Father's Day Chillin
Apparently GMO foods are now legal as per this PDF file
GMO "IS" NOW Legal:
GMO-ING the United States
Food Supply
NO. 13874
#6764308 at 2019-06-16 16:09:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8651: QR AM Bake Edition
Former Oasis star Noel Gallagher has said voters unhappy with the Brexit outcome should "go to North Korea".
In a no-holds-barred interview with the Manchester EvenING News, the outspoken musician said: "There's only f*ING one thING worse than a fool who voted for Brexit. That's the rise of the c* tryING to get the vote overturned."
"You take part in a democratic f***ING process - if you don't like the outcome, go to North Korea."
#6759321 at 2019-06-15 21:40:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8645: Saturday PM Bake and BBQ at Feelz Bar. Crowdbake and Crowdstrike Edition
Epstein as top blackmailer? How about our own govt FBI and C_A? Don't forget the free run Hugh Hefner had all those years. Some think the only thING he gathered that remains secret is video of people like Dolly Parton naked and F ING, celebrities and such, maybe a few CA politicians. With the story out there that HH was aided by a CIA front money operation to expand his video enterprise, the expertise to record and blackmail people outside of CA by HH and his circle of associates is not an unreasonable assumption. If HH recorded it, the C_A got a copy.
#6748870 at 2019-06-14 14:50:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8631: Happy Birthday Mr. President Edition
between the targeted individuals and the genderless reeeeeee-ING, mornINGs are a less fun
#6747650 at 2019-06-14 06:40:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8630: Thursday pm to Fri am Edition
POTUS and Army B-day…
Army askING for flags, Army #ING FreedomFriday.
Wouldn't be surprised to see the Qster today…
#6747328 at 2019-06-14 05:02:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8629: We Love And Will Miss You Sarah - The Trubute Edition
need bigger ING
#6742003 at 2019-06-13 16:57:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8622: Q Gone Fishin' Edition
US government office finds Kellyanne Conway violated Hatch Act and recommends her removal
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway violated the Hatch Act on "numerous occasions," the Office of Special Counsel announced Thursday. A letter was sent to President Trump recommendING she be removed from federal service. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from usING their office to campaign for or against political candidates. The president and vice president are exempt from the Hatch Act, employees of the White House are not.
The Office of Special Counsel's letter refers to Conway as a "repeat offender" for disparagING Democratic presidential candidates while speakING in her official capacity durING television interviews and on social media. "Ms. Conway's violations, if left unpunished, would send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act's restrictions. Her actions thus erode the principal foundation of our democratic system-the rule of law," the letter said. The letter follow a March 2018 report in which the Office of Special Counsel found violations over the course of two TV interviews durING which Conway advocated for and against candidates in the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate.
The Office of Special Counsel also notes that Conway "downplayed the significance of the law as applied to her" durING a May 29 interview. When asked about the Hatch Act, she stated, "If you're tryING to silence me through the Hatch Act, it's not goING to work," and "Let me know when the jail sentence starts." The White House did not immediately issue a statement in reaction to the OSC letter. OSC is an independent agency that "protects federal employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices," accordING to its website.
Conway has served as Trump's counselor since the inauguration, often appearING for interviews on behalf of the president. Before that the longtime pollster worked as Trump's campaign manager in the final months of the 2016 campaign. Specific violations listed in the OSC letter pertained to Conway's comments durING interviews about several 2020 Democratic candidates. For instance, she insinuated Sen. Cory Booker was "sexist" and a "tinny" "motivational speaker." She castigated former Rep. Beto O'Rourke "think[ING] the women runnING are good enough to be President" and said Sen. Elizabeth Warren was "lyING" about her ethnicity and "appropriatING somebody else's heritage." The letter also details her comments about "frontrunners" Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, whom she referred to as "two old white straight men career politicians." She claimed Biden lacked "vision," said his announcement video was "very dark and spooky," and criticized his unwillINGness to be "held to account for his record." Conway said Sanders' ideas were "terrible for America." OSC also determined Conway uses her "@KellyannePolls" account on Twitter to perform her official duties, but also engaged in "significant political activity." This included her retweeted a March 31 messaged that referred to Biden as "Creepy Uncle Joe"
Conway removed her White House title from her Twitter bio, leavING her profile blank, in October 2018, after the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in WashINGton filed a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel for potential violations of the Hatch Act.
Letter & Report
#6735653 at 2019-06-12 19:56:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8614: Wednesday Flyover Edition
Why Didn't Mueller Investigate Seth Rich?
After bunglING every last aspect of Russia-gate since the day the pseudo-scandal broke, the corporate press is now seizING on the Mueller report to shut down debate on one of the key questions still outstandING from the 2016 presidential election: the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.
No one knows who killed Rich in WashINGton, D.C., on July 10, 2016. All we know is that he was found at 4:19 a.m. in the BloomINGdale neighborhood "with apparent gunshot wound(s) to the back" accordING to the police report. Conscious and still breathING, he was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead at 5:57.
Police have added to the confusion by releasING information only in the tiniest dribs and drabs. Rich's mother, Mary, told local TV news that her son struggled with his assailants: "His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anythING.... They took his life for literally no reason. They didn't finish robbING him, they just took his life."
But cops said shortly after the killING that they had no immediate indication that robbery was a motive. Despite his mother's report of two shots in the back, all the local medical examiner would say is that the cause of death was a gunshot wound to the torso. AccordING to Rich's brother, Aaron, Jeff "was very aware, very talkative," when police found him lyING on the pavement. Yet cops have refused to say if he described his assailant. A month later, they put out a statement that "there is no indication that Seth Rich's death is connected to his employment at the DNC," but refused to elaborate.
The result is a scatterING of disconnected facts that can be used to support just about any theory from a random killING to a political assassination. Nonetheless, Robert Mueller is dead certain that the murder had nothING to do with the emails - just as he was dead certain in 2003 that Iraq was bristlING with weapons of mass destruction "pos[ING] a clear threat to our national security.
#6727281 at 2019-06-11 19:48:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8603: QR PM Bake Edition
why don't you just say 'you'.
you accuse me of stuff that isn't really bad, but you put it in the 'enemy parenthesis'
that's unfair to me.
I am hurt . . . (not really)
and sad (humored? you are a dangerous angel?)
in any case angels and devils are often the same family, so turn around, bright eyes.
every now and then you fall apart?
in any case you'll prob end up with a bride who is worthy and you repent from all the division and name callING, and hate parenthesis usING name callING.
Don't worry, be habbenING.
I want you to Praise the Lord which will
expand your
don't be dank, and thank those who deserve thanks! Praise the Lord!
can shoe? (rhymes with . . . ? ? )
#6726262 at 2019-06-11 17:01:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8602: See You at the Cross Bar Motel Edition
Nope you have choices… Or just get a cheap PO box.
"The mailING address of a person who is homeless or who resides where mail service is unavailable can be the office of the county clerk. Voters can pick up their ballot at the county elections office.?"
Homeless Voters and Those WishING Confidentiality
VotING When Homeless
Homeless U.S. Citizens Have a Right to Vote
Voters must provide a residence address on the voter registration form, but this address may be any definable location in the county that describes their physical location. This could be a shelter, park, motor home, or other identifiable location. The mailING address of a person who is homeless or who resides where mail service is unavailable can be the office of the county clerk. Voters can pick up their ballot at the county elections office.?
VotING If Concerned for Personal Safety
Some may not want to register to vote because they don't feel safe disclos?ING their home address.
Under certain circumstances, a voter can register and vote while maintainING their privacy. To maintain privacy, complete the exemption form: Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure?. Return it to your county elections office, or ask a county elections official for more information.???
#6722479 at 2019-06-11 01:36:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8597: Follow the Yellow Brick Road Edition
MUST HAVE a video of that for meme-ING
#6719233 at 2019-06-10 18:50:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8593: You Are What Matters Edition
#6718262 at 2019-06-10 16:45:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8592: Q Thinks like A Champion Edition
Republican Statement on House "Lessons from the Mueller Report" hearING
In light of Monday's hearING entitled, "Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes," I am compelled to remind you- and request you remind the Majority Members of the Committee - the Rules of the House prohibit Members from "engag[ING] in personalities" with Members of Congress, Senators, or the President. This appears to be part of a strategy to turn the Committee's oversight hearINGs into a mock-impeachment inquiry rather than a legitimate exercise in congressional oversight. ConductING such hearINGs inevitably sets this Committee on a collision course with the longstandING Rules of the House, which you have apparently alluded to as recently as this week.
Rep. Doug Collins @RepDougCollins
Monday's hearING inevitably sets our committee on a collision course with the longstandING Rules of the House.
Rep. Mike Johnson @RepMikeJohnson
Thank you, @RepDougCollins for callING the upcomING @HouseJudiciary #MuellerReport hearING what it is – a weaponization of congressional oversight, a waste of the American people's time and a complete violation of House committee procedure.
#6700657 at 2019-06-08 06:56:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8569: Our Flag Waves Proudly Edition
Inside the RING: Obama and Russian Collusion
Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul provided new clues recently about a controversial open-mic comment in 2012 by President Obama, widely viewed as secret collusion to limit U.S. missile defenses. A boom microphone overheard Mr. Obama tellING then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev durING a nuclear security summit in Seoul on March 26, 2012, that he was facING his "last election" and as a result would have "more flexibility" once reelected. Mr. Medvedev promised to tell "Vladimir" - Vladimir Putin, the real power in Moscow who would again become president two months after the meetING. The disclosure set off widespread criticism of the Obama administration amid concerns that the president was preparING to limit American missile defenses in exchange for a Russian agreement to a follow-on strategic arms treaty to the 2010 New START accord.
Mr. McFaul first disclosed details about the exchange between Mr. Obama and Mr. Medvedev in his book "From Cold War to Hot Peace." In the book, Mr. McFaul wrote that the president, unaware of the overheard comment, told him after the Seoul meetING that he had discussed "missile defense and me." The American ambassador had been subjected to a campaign of physical and media harassment by the Russian government. In a car ride after the meetING, Mr. Obama told Mr. McFaul, "Well, the first thING I told him is, I said, 'Stop f-ING with McFaul,'" Mr. McFaul recounted when asked about the exchange durING a recent conference at the Hoover Institution. "I lament in the book I wish that would have been the [comment] picked up instead of the other one," he said.
Mr. McFaul, in the book, did not go into detail on the missile defense part of the overheard discussion. But when asked by Inside the RING at the Hoover meetING if the president at the time was willING to make concessions to Moscow on missile defense, Mr. McFaul said, "You're right. President Obama wanted another arms control treaty. And he had been workING with them. "So what he was sayING is [that] we're not goING to be able to negotiate on [a follow-on] New START or missile defense until the election," he said. "And by the way, I don't understand why that's such a shockING statement. Elections matter, and he was not goING to be focused to talk about it." Mr. McFaul said presidents use second terms to focus more on foreign policy, but he denied that the United States planned to give away advantages for U.S. missile defenses. The plans for another agreement fell through after the election because Mr. Putin showed no interest in further arms control.
#6692489 at 2019-06-07 11:04:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8558: Feel An Ebake Coming On Edition
Thanks UKanon but we all need closure. Our win here will certainly help UKanons. Disclosure will[is] brING[ING] upheaval to the UK. Unfortunately the invasion was much greater per capita for you. We are erectING the "Alamo" wall on our southern border and the imminent happenINGs here will secure our borders. Woke UKanons are goING to have to dig deeply and look for strength from the many generations before you who had given all in protectING your Island Country from beING overrun. A true leader will emerge to rally and wake up the rest of your land. It is as plain as day. We wish you luck and we'll be there in support when the time comes. Hand in there UKanon.
#6678123 at 2019-06-05 17:05:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8540 PM Bake
Took it as this board "unboard"ING.
#6670588 at 2019-06-04 18:21:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8530: The Truth is Spreading Edition
Look at all those tards hypnotizING each other like they are incest survive ING comorbidly verily together
Might be from drumpf larpING
#6668196 at 2019-06-04 09:20:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8527: UK Loves Trump Edition
FFS what a pile of SHIT.
THE DISGUSTING LIES IN THIS ARE PURE EVIL AND VILE( seems like Hillary is behind this somehow)
I think i just found the new 4am narrative( they will be runnING with this fuckING trash for weeks on every fake news outlet)
This in order to try and ruin the rest of Trumps UK visit and make an attempt to embarrass and discredit him for havING a black girlfriend in the past.
This sounds as bad as the Dossier.
Who's payING Wolff to make up this BS?
EXCLUSIVE: 'Horndog' Trump bragged about sleepING with black women to 'get a little chocolate in his diet', says he needs the opposite of Viagra 'to make my erection go down' and was obsessed with knowING 'who's f***ING' Hope Hicks, claims author
Author Michael Wolff has written a new explosive book, Siege: Trump Under Fire, the sequel to his bestsellING Fire and Fury
The book describes Trump as obsessed with sex and quotes the president sayING: 'I don't need Viagra. I need a pill to make my erection go down'
Wolff claims that former UN ambassador Nikki Haley once gave Donald Trump oral sex, leavING her 'enraged' before she resigned
Trump once bragged to Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he occasionally likes to sleep with black women, Wolff writes
Wolff alleges that Trump has cheated on First Lady Melania since takING office, spendING his Christmas in the White House where he was 'bangING' a staffer
He also writes that Hope Hicks was a 'frequent subject of [Trump's] prurient interest', and would demand to know 'Who's f**kING Hope?'
Donald Trump spent hours givING Robert Kraft legal advice after he was arrested for solicitING a prostitute and told him: 'You're innocent'.
The President took time out from runnING the country to give 'copious' amounts of briefINGs to the New England Patriots owner, a new book says.
Trump supposedly told him to reject a plea deal and 'don't give an inch' - advice he said was better than anythING Kraft would get from a lawyer.
The claims are made in the book Siege: Trump Under Fire, Michael Wolff's latest expose about the Trump White House, a sequel to his explosive Fire and Fury.
In Siege, Wolff depicts a President who is obsessed with sex and says that he needed the opposite of Viagra - a pill to make his erection go down.
Wolff includes anecdotes that he admits were trashed by Trump's staffers, such as the President's astonishING claim that his former UN ambassador Nikki Haley once gave him oral sex, leavING her 'enraged'
DailyMail.com obtained a copy of the book ahead of its launch tomorrow, June 4, amid controversy over how much of the book is accurate.
Among the most outrageous anecdotes is that Trump once bragged to Fox News host Tucker Carlson about his taste for black women.
Trump is said to have liked to sleep with them every now and then to 'get a little chocolate in his diet'.
The mornING after one such encounter Trump was 'ridiculed' by his friends.
In a rare moment of self-reflection Trump 'looked at himself in the mirror and was reassured that nothING had changed - he was still the Trumpster'.
Trump offered this as an 'anecdote to show that he was not racist', Wolff writes
On another occasion 'horndog' Trump told a Hollywood friend who visited him in the White House: 'I only f*** beautiful girls - you can attest to that'.
In a voicemail to Carlson, writes Wolff, Trump once bragged: 'It's true you have better hair than I do but I get more p***y than you'.
Trump's coarseness led to him routinely embarrassING his former communications director Hope Hicks by askING: 'Who's f** Hope?'
Trump's son Don Jr also got in on the act and talked about wantING to 'f*** Hope' even though he was married at the time, Wolff claims.
Wolff also alleges that Trump has cheated on First Lady Melania Trump since he took office.
He supposedly did not go to Mar-a-Lago, his Florida estate, last Christmas with her because he was 'bangING' a White House staffer that he liked, though Wolff does not provide any more details or a name.
Wolff says that the #MeToo era is a long way from reachING Trump who privately called Harvey Weinstein a 'good guy'.
#6652201 at 2019-06-02 13:48:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8506: Katie, Barr the Door Edition
Sounds like you just like to analyze/synthesize, as do I. A step up from copy-pasta-ING articles, although that's our bread and butter. Just take the bull by the horns and go for it.
#6647913 at 2019-06-01 22:26:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8500: Everybody Dies Edition
we already won, though
just have to have the movie play out
and keep diggING, meme-ING and prayING
#6636113 at 2019-05-31 13:36:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8485: Thars a New Tariff Sheriff in Town Edition
Baker from #8483 here. Knew there were Resignation in Lb but picked up a few other possible notables if you're interested, figured you came in later LB:
>>6634897 California Democratic Party OrganizING Convention kicks off on Friday
>>6634970 Justice Dept: Darknet Fentanyl indicted in nationwide undercover op
>>6635009 World Central Kitchen: thank you Bill Clinton for havING our founder…on new CF podcast to talk about relief efforts in Haiti, Puerto Rico, Mozambique & more!
>>6635017, >>6635019, >>6635021 Resignations in the news today
>>6635034 June 25th: celebratING the legacy of Chef Anthony Bourdain
>>6635068, >>6635107 Plane fag updates
combine these? first is from #8484, second from #8483:
>>6634886, >>6634071 (LB) Anons connect Mexican tariffs w/China and do the math
>>6634071 Anon calculates that new Mexican tariff will pay for the eff-ING wall
>>6635171 17 Tornadoes touch down in Ohio (17 Tornadoes)
Can do a bun if you want and repost them, let me know
#6635563 at 2019-05-31 11:07:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8485: Thars a New Tariff Sheriff in Town Edition
Global Board Admin Announcements
>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164
>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078
>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)
Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode
are not endorsements
Baker Change
Ghost Bread/ Collector
>>6635395 Planefag update
>>6635288 Anon on the optics of disinformation and DS panic
>>6635272 Hours after imposING tariffs, Mexican President lookING to work w/PDJT
>>6635073 Rudy G. on Hunter and Joe Biden: Drugs, extortion and more
>>6634994 Anon connects PDJT border tweet to Q post 322
>>6634886, >>6634071 (LB) Anons connect Mexican tariffs w/China and do the math
>>6635537 #8484
#8483 new baker
>>6634071 Anon calculates that new Mexican tariff will pay for the eff-ING wall
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634134 Former CIA Chief Michael Scheuer: Mueller plays the last, losING card for traitorous Dems & civil servants
>>6634150 N. Korea envoy executed over failed Hanoi summit: S. Korea media
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634167 A fun list of thINGs to Google with your friends
>>6634349 POTUS to be greeted by military parade with two 41-gun salutes & a welcome by the Grenadier Guards when he begins his UK state visit on Monday
>>6634324 Hussein talks with young Columbians at an @ObamaFoundation roundtable
>>6634377 Bill C has new CF podcast: how @ChefJoseAndres responds to natural disasters
>>6634383, >>6634272 NV Gov. Steve Sisolak vetoes national popular vote bill
>>6634390, >>6634389 HRC keynote address at Cybersecurity Conf. (must be for KEKS)
>>6634445 Kamala Harris sad that Repub's haven't focused on the Violence Against Women Act
>>6634459 POTUS Schedule 5-31-19
>>6634460 AG Barr hears from AK native leaders about rural justice problems & Q post 2604 ("Enough is enough")
>>6634547 Moar on Oroville Dam
>>6634558 Lesbian parents call child "transgender" (and give hormone blockers)
>>6634532 Long Beach CA report: Shots heard, helicopters in the air
>>6634569 Bill Miller, the chief of staff to Steve Stenger, pleadING guilty to bribery scheme
>>6634572, >>6634591 Four died in Ukraine heli crash
>>6634252 KerriKupecDOJ on gettING a military lift to a round-table discussion
>>6634621 Trudeau takes aim at Tories over new NAFTA, also raises abortion with Pence
>>6634626 400 kilos of cocaine, 225 kilograms of meth, 53 kilograms of fentanyl, 12 kilograms of heroin, $4.7M seized in DEA bust of Mexican rING
>>6634651 News from the S border
>>6634672 Angela Merkel at Harvard: on the importance of "breakING down walls"
>>6634675 Anon on LA cafe review : "Sounds like a description of QResearch"
>>6634736 #8483
>>6633780 Anon notices POTUS' 17 word tweets
>>6633753 Recap on the sealed indictment numbers
>>6633750 FloodING set to hit Arkansas
>>6633698 Asian Market Report: Nikkei tumbles to 3-month low
>>6633662 DiGenova and INGraham take aim at Mueller and China's enablers
>>6633599 Time to think about gettING your flags ready. Flag Day is June 14
>>6633579 Anon analysis: ThINGs are about to get real
>>6633556 , >>6633628 Feinstein's husband, Blum & the American Himalayan Foundation. Dig
>>6633519 , >>6633542, >>6633578 Bubonic plague in LA? Dig
>>6633498 , >>6633585, >>6633619 DNC hackING comms were also goING to EU countries
>>6633530 FB users vent frustrations at annual meetING
>>6633527 , >>6633762 Officials: F-35 dogfight accidentally resulted in a sky penis
>>6633512 BreakING: Mexico requests meetING with POTUS on Friday to seek solution
>>6633368 NYT doesn't want its reporters appearING on Maddow
>>6633326 , >>6633493 #AdventuresWithAGBarr
>>6633251 , >>6633284, >>6633883, >>6633950 Is Mueller workING for POTUS? Analysis for and against
>>6633984 #8482
Previously Collected Notables
>>6631617 #8479, >>6632430 #8480, >>6633172 #8481
>>6630063 #8476, >>6630056 #8477, >>6630844 #8478
>>6626996 #8473, >>6627760 #8474, >>6628524 #8475
>>6624649 #8470, >>6625441 #8471, >>6626192 #8472
Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
#6635288 at 2019-05-31 08:22:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8484: A Tribute to the Free Speech Chans Edition
Q and DiGenova played [them] like fools
1. Moves, counter moves and misinformation. Optics are important. Trust the Plan:
We are witnessING an amazING plan come together. Sometimes thINGs are not as they seem.
Disinfo is necessary because it is important to never reveal your plan to the enemy.
2. Let's take a look back to when Q told us to listen to Joe DiGenova on Fox News talkING about the incomING Comey Report (Expected 2 weeks from when DiGenova reported) (Still NO Comey Report).
3. Q endorsed what DiGenova was reportING, and told anons to listen carefully.
Q had previously alluded that the Comey Report would come before the OIG report and FISA declas, which was consistent with what DiGenova reported.
4. We got to witness 2 weeks of PANIC from Comey and others because DiGenova had successfully ruffled some feathers (with disinformation).
The classic 'FAKE-OUT' made for a very entertainING show.
Q and DiGenova played [them] like fools.
Are Qteam usING Joe DiGenova as disinfo bait to troll the deep state?
This is all OPTICS. This is all POLITCAL THEATRE.
Ask yourself:
Why is Joe DiGenova goING on the media callING Christopher Wray "an empty suit"?
7. Why is Joe DiGenova goING on the media sayING that the Huber investigation is a farce and it never even started?
8. Qteam are runnING elaborate psyops on the deep state. This puts the deep state into a state of uncertainty and panic. This is now obvious for all to see.
9. [Fish]ING is fun.
10. Disinfo is real, disinfo is necessary
Optics are important.
11. Consider this...
Q has told us that the public will learn that the DOJ/FBI have been actively workING behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history. Transparency is the only way forward.
"Empty Suits"?? Hmmm, I don't think so.
12. The idea of a 'StING Op' is that they will not see it comING and they will not know where to look, but mostly, the idea of a stING op, is to make it STING.
The nature of the enemy is such that Qteam best not miss.
TimING is everythING.
13. Wait for the BOOMS!
NothING can stop what is comING
#6634768 at 2019-05-31 05:52:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8484: A Tribute to the Free Speech Chans Edition
Global Board Admin Announcements
>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164
>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078
>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)
Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode
are not endorsements
#8483 new baker
>>6634071 Anon calculates that new Mexican tariff will pay for the eff-ING wall
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634134 Former CIA Chief Michael Scheuer: Mueller plays the last, losING card for traitorous Dems & civil servants
>>6634150 N. Korea envoy executed over failed Hanoi summit: S. Korea media
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634167 A fun list of thINGs to Google with your friends
>>6634349 POTUS to be greeted by military parade with two 41-gun salutes & a welcome by the Grenadier Guards when he begins his UK state visit on Monday
>>6634324 Hussein talks with young Columbians at an @ObamaFoundation roundtable
>>6634377 Bill C has new CF podcast: how @ChefJoseAndres responds to natural disasters
>>6634383, >>6634272 NV Gov. Steve Sisolak vetoes national popular vote bill
>>6634390, >>6634389 HRC keynote address at Cybersecurity Conf. (must be for KEKS)
>>6634445 Kamala Harris sad that Repub's haven't focused on the Violence Against Women Act
>>6634459 POTUS Schedule 5-31-19
>>6634460 AG Barr hears from AK native leaders about rural justice problems & Q post 2604 ("Enough is enough")
>>6634547 Moar on Oroville Dam
>>6634558 Lesbian parents call child "transgender" (and give hormone blockers)
>>6634532 Long Beach CA report: Shots heard, helicopters in the air
>>6634569 Bill Miller, the chief of staff to Steve Stenger, pleadING guilty to bribery scheme
>>6634572, >>6634591 Four died in Ukraine heli crash
>>6634252 KerriKupecDOJ on gettING a military lift to a round-table discussion
>>6634621 Trudeau takes aim at Tories over new NAFTA, also raises abortion with Pence
>>6634626 400 kilos of cocaine, 225 kilograms of meth, 53 kilograms of fentanyl, 12 kilograms of heroin, $4.7M seized in DEA bust of Mexican rING
>>6634651 News from the S border
>>6634672 Angela Merkel at Harvard: on the importance of "breakING down walls"
>>6634675 Anon on LA cafe review : "Sounds like a description of QResearch"
>>6634736 #8483
>>6633780 Anon notices POTUS' 17 word tweets
>>6633753 Recap on the sealed indictment numbers
>>6633750 FloodING set to hit Arkansas
>>6633698 Asian Market Report: Nikkei tumbles to 3-month low
>>6633662 DiGenova and INGraham take aim at Mueller and China's enablers
>>6633599 Time to think about gettING your flags ready. Flag Day is June 14
>>6633579 Anon analysis: ThINGs are about to get real
>>6633556 , >>6633628 Feinstein's husband, Blum & the American Himalayan Foundation. Dig
>>6633519 , >>6633542, >>6633578 Bubonic plague in LA? Dig
>>6633498 , >>6633585, >>6633619 DNC hackING comms were also goING to EU countries
>>6633530 FB users vent frustrations at annual meetING
>>6633527 , >>6633762 Officials: F-35 dogfight accidentally resulted in a sky penis
>>6633512 BreakING: Mexico requests meetING with POTUS on Friday to seek solution
>>6633368 NYT doesn't want its reporters appearING on Maddow
>>6633326 , >>6633493 #AdventuresWithAGBarr
>>6633251 , >>6633284, >>6633883, >>6633950 Is Mueller workING for POTUS? Analysis for and against
>>6633984 #8482
#8481 Baker change
>>6633059 Darknet Fentanyl dealer indicted in nationwide undercover operation
>>6633041 New release: Smollett paid Osundairo bros for pot, ecstasy and cocaine
>>6632942 Israel, U.S., Russia to discuss Syria in trilateral meetING in Jerusalem
>>6632826 Man who set himself on fire near White House dies (TBC - 911)
>>6632794 New DJT: "I'll be watchING Alan Derch on the INGraham Angle"
>>6632759 ResignING: Rob Lloyd, CEO/COO/CFO of Gamestop
>>6632668 Fitton on Hannity re Mueller: 'That's the Alice and Wonderland approach to Justice'
>>6632668 Rudy on Hannity re Mueller: 'I call him the Wizard of Oz'
>>6632617 , >>6632862 CNN make freelancers wait 6 months for payment
>>6632601 St. Louis judge considerING abortion clinic license case
>>6632575 Bipartisan deal on the cards re lobbyING?
>>6632528 New QProof re Mueller's meetING with POTUS the day before SC announcement
>>6632500 , >>6632524 Dig into the man who set himself on fire; connections to Connecticut Ave (Comet Pizza)
>>6633172 #8481
Previously Collected Notables
>>6631617 #8479, >>6632430 #8480,
>>6630063 #8476, >>6630056 #8477, >>6630844 #8478
>>6626996 #8473, >>6627760 #8474, >>6628524 #8475
>>6624649 #8470, >>6625441 #8471, >>6626192 #8472
Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
#6634736 at 2019-05-31 05:45:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8483: #AdventuresWithAGBarr Edition
#8483 new baker
>>6634071 Anon calculates that new Mexican tariff will pay for the eff-ING wall
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634134 Former CIA Chief Michael Scheuer: Mueller plays the last, losING card for traitorous Dems & civil servants
>>6634150 N. Korea envoy executed over failed Hanoi summit: S. Korea media
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634167 A fun list of thINGs to Google with your friends
>>6634349 POTUS to be greeted by military parade with two 41-gun salutes & a welcome by the Grenadier Guards when he begins his UK state visit on Monday
>>6634324 Hussein talks with young Columbians at an @ObamaFoundation roundtable
>>6634377 Bill C has new CF podcast: how @ChefJoseAndres responds to natural disasters
>>6634383, >>6634272 NV Gov. Steve Sisolak vetoes national popular vote bill
>>6634390, >>6634389 HRC keynote address at Cybersecurity Conf. (must be for KEKS)
>>6634445 Kamala Harris sad that Repub's haven't focused on the Violence Against Women Act
>>6634459 POTUS Schedule 5-31-19
>>6634460 AG Barr hears from AK native leaders about rural justice problems & Q post 2604 ("Enough is enough")
>>6634547 Moar on Oroville Dam
>>6634558 Lesbian parents call child "transgender" (and give hormone blockers)
>>6634532 Long Beach CA report: Shots heard, helicopters in the air
>>6634569 Bill Miller, the chief of staff to Steve Stenger, pleadING guilty to bribery scheme
>>6634572, >>6634591 Four died in Ukraine heli crash
>>6634252 KerriKupecDOJ on gettING a military lift to a round-table discussion
>>6634621 Trudeau takes aim at Tories over new NAFTA, also raises abortion with Pence
>>6634626 400 kilos of cocaine, 225 kilograms of meth, 53 kilograms of fentanyl, 12 kilograms of heroin, $4.7M seized in DEA bust of Mexican rING
>>6634651 News from the S border
>>6634672 Angela Merkel at Harvard: on the importance of "breakING down walls"
>>6634675 Anon on LA cafe review : "Sounds like a description of QResearch"
#6634670 at 2019-05-31 05:35:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8483: #AdventuresWithAGBarr Edition
#8483 new baker
Notes @630, last call
>>6634071 Anon calculates that new Mexican tariff will pay for the eff-ING wall
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634134 Former CIA Chief Michael Scheuer: Mueller plays the last, losING card for traitorous Dems & civil servants
>>6634150 N. Korea envoy executed over failed Hanoi summit: S. Korea media
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634167 A fun list of thINGs to Google with your friends
>>6634349 POTUS to be greeted by military parade with two 41-gun salutes & a welcome by the Grenadier Guards when he begins his UK state visit on Monday
>>6634324 Hussein talks with young Columbians at an @ObamaFoundation roundtable
>>6634377 Bill C has new CF podcast: how @ChefJoseAndres responds to natural disasters
>>6634383, >>6634272 NV Gov. Steve Sisolak vetoes national popular vote bill
>>6634390, >>6634389 HRC keynote address at Cybersecurity Conf. (must be for KEKS)
>>6634445 Kamala Harris sad that Repub's haven't focused on the Violence Against Women Act
>>6634459 POTUS Schedule 5-31-19
>>6634460 AG Barr hears from AK native leaders about rural justice problems & Q post 2604 ("Enough is enough")
>>6634547 Moar on Oroville Dam
>>6634558 Lesbian parents call child "transgender" (and give hormone blockers)
>>6634532 Long Beach CA report: Shots heard, helicopters in the air
>>6634569 Bill Miller, the chief of staff to Steve Stenger, pleadING guilty to bribery scheme
>>6634572, >>6634591 Four died in Ukraine heli crash
>>6634252 KerriKupecDOJ on gettING a military lift to a round-table discussion
>>6634621 Trudeau takes aim at Tories over new NAFTA, also raises abortion with Pence
>>6634626 400 kilos of cocaine, 225 kilograms of meth, 53 kilograms of fentanyl, 12 kilograms of heroin, $4.7M seized in DEA bust of Mexican rING
>>6634651 News from the S border
#6634534 at 2019-05-31 05:11:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8483: #AdventuresWithAGBarr Edition
#8483 new baker
Notes @490
>>6634071 Anon calculates that new Mexican tariff will pay for the eff-ING wall
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634134 Former CIA Chief Michael Scheuer: Mueller plays the last, losING card for traitorous Dems & civil servants
>>6634150 N. Korea envoy executed over failed Hanoi summit: S. Korea media
>>6634094 Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage
>>6634349 POTUS to be greeted by military parade with two 41-gun salutes & a welcome by the Grenadier Guards when he begins his UK state visit on Monday
>>6634324 Hussein talks with young Columbians at an @ObamaFoundation roundtable
>>6634377 Bill C has new CF podcast: how @ChefJoseAndres responds to natural disasters
>>6634383 NV Gov. Steve Sisolak vetoes national popular vote bill
>>6634390, >>6634389 HRC keynote address at Cybersecurity Conf. (must be for KEKS)
>>6634445 Kamala Harris sad that Repub's haven't focus on the Violence Against Women Act
>>6634459 POTUS Schedule 5-31-19
>>6634460 AG Barr hears from AK native leaders about rural justice problems & Q post 2604 ("Enough is enough")
AnythING missING?
Ok anons whaddya think? If there are any on the other side that are pretty good, post 'em too:
>>6634327, >>6634397 Mueller White Hat arguments
#6633621 at 2019-05-31 03:20:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8482: NightShift RightShiftEdition
It's a pressure cooker out there for the DS. Barr has his comfy, stylish mil flight. Pepes are kekING and reeeeee-ING.
#6630102 at 2019-05-30 20:38:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8478: Fly, Fight, And Win Edition
1. Moves, counter moves and misinformation. Optics are important. Trust the Plan:
We are witnessING an amazING plan come together. Sometimes thINGs are not as they seem.
Disinfo is necessary because it is important to never reveal your plan to the enemy.
2. Let's take a look back to when Q told us to listen to Joe DiGenova on Fox News talkING about the incomING Comey Report (Expected 2 weeks from when DiGenova reported) (Still NO Comey Report).
3. Q endorsed what DiGenova was reportING, and told anons to listen carefully.
Q had previously alluded that the Comey Report would come before the OIG report and FISA declas, which was consistent with what DiGenova reported.
4. We got to witness 2 weeks of PANIC from Comey and others because DiGenova had successfully ruffled some feathers (with disinformation).
The classic 'FAKE-OUT' made for a very entertainING show.
Q and DiGenova played [them] like fools.
Are Qteam usING Joe DiGenova as disinfo bait to troll the deep state?
This is all OPTICS. This is all POLITCAL THEATRE.
Ask yourself:
Why is Joe DiGenova goING on the media callING Christopher Wray "an empty suit"?
7. Why is Joe DiGenova goING on the media sayING that the Huber investigation is a farce and it never even started?
8. Qteam are runnING elaborate psyops on the deep state. This puts the deep state into a state of uncertainty and panic. This is now obvious for all to see.
9. [Fish]ING is fun.
10. Disinfo is real, disinfo is necessary
Optics are important.
11. Consider this...
Q has told us that the public will learn that the DOJ/FBI have been actively workING behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history. Transparency is the only way forward.
"Empty Suits"?? Hmmm, I don't think so.
12. The idea of a 'StING Op' is that they will not see it comING and they will not know where to look, but mostly, the idea of a stING op, is to make it STING.
The nature of the enemy is such that Qteam best not miss.
TimING is everythING.
13. Wait for the BOOMS!
NothING can stop what is comING
#6629673 at 2019-05-30 19:59:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8477: Ghosted E-Bake No Baker Edition
1. Moves, counter moves and misinformation. Optics are important. Trust the Plan:
We are witnessING an amazING plan come together. Sometimes thINGs are not as they seem.
Disinfo is necessary because it is important to never reveal your plan to the enemy.
2. Let's take a look back to when Q told us to listen to Joe DiGenova on Fox News talkING about the incomING Comey Report (Expected 2 weeks from when DiGenova reported) (Still NO Comey Report).
3. Q endorsed what DiGenova was reportING, and told anons to listen carefully.
Q had previously alluded that the Comey Report would come before the OIG report and FISA declas, which was consistent with what DiGenova reported.
4. We got to witness 2 weeks of PANIC from Comey and others because DiGenova had successfully ruffled some feathers (with disinformation).
The classic 'FAKE-OUT' made for a very entertainING show.
Q and DiGenova played [them] like fools.
Are Qteam usING Joe DiGenova as disinfo bait to troll the deep state?
This is all OPTICS. This is all POLITCAL THEATRE.
Ask yourself:
Why is Joe DiGenova goING on the media callING Christopher Wray "an empty suit"?
7. Why is Joe DiGenova goING on the media sayING that the Huber investigation is a farce and it never even started?
8. Qteam are runnING elaborate psyops on the deep state. This puts the deep state into a state of uncertainty and panic. This is now obvious for all to see.
9. [Fish]ING is fun.
10. Disinfo is real, disinfo is necessary
Optics are important.
11. Consider this…
Q has told us that the public will learn that the DOJ/FBI have been actively workING behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history. Transparency is the only way forward.
"Empty Suits"?? Hmmm, I don't think so.
12. The idea of a 'StING Op' is that they will not see it comING and they will not know where to look, but mostly, the idea of a stING op, is to make it STING.
The nature of the enemy is such that Qteam best not miss.
TimING is everythING.
13. Wait for the BOOMS!
NothING can stop what is comING
#6628806 at 2019-05-30 18:19:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8476: Graduation Speech On The 50 Yard Line Edition
full gupta copy and pasted
A far Eastern tea part) A #ilipino @erlusconi A childish $ambini A fella just tr)ING to make some @ambini<ligarch)Santa %laus was trippING balls#ight or flight the Easter bunn),s heart s?ualls And then his trainING kicks inSweep the leg/ ?obra ?ai dojos reignING ?ING likes to winwiHras/ Cira/ Bair/ Cir Cirtue et non 'iLi'ING Dangerousl)Last sleigh b) the sea in ?oh Phi Phi*he biggest #uck ?ou e'er recorded in histor)Stronger b) the da)*urnING the freakING frogs ga)Coldemort,s storm5troopers back in pla)@ill $ates ten million dollar 'aluation A philanthrocapitalist salutation A ps)chometric e'aluationPri'ac) ?ights de'aluationPawING impatientl) at a comfort lad),s garter stitchProbING (ranus with m) toggle switch*he 9ell)fish stINGs were makING Aniston itchSo )eah & pissed on the little bitch&gnition switch?" ?elle) pulled off $a)le ?ING without a HitchShe onl) stalked me for two )ears after & showed her the ditchPoor Dadd) got no lo'e so now he be rich$old5diggING sugar5bab),s makING the sales pitchSteele dossier paid for b) a cantankerous witchLock Her (p m) main man Mitch#or ten thousand hours
An internet celebrit) scours@) $ladwell,s rules a master) flowersHitler 's %hurchillCidal 's @uckle)%r)ptona1i& ought to punch )ou in the face )ou pats)&f it,s )ellowLet it mellow Ama1on workers afraid to bellow?ight to work%ountercultural *werk/ *werk/ *werk$olden showers*win towers<pium flowers(pon witnessING the worship of the $olden %alf Moses unleashes Achilles wrath&,m the gu) that does his job?ou,re the @ourgeois snobHoll)wood elites rel)ING on sur'eillance capitalism to peddle their subpar slobBeinstein,s 9abba the hut blobD8% chairs did a @ernie nomination rob America not )et read) for a Democratic Socialist heartthrobSis)phus pushING his boulder &carus, wINGs begin to smolder *he m)th of the $olden Donke)Prometheus turns into a %harlottes'ille honke)Demoniti1ation?ighteous &ndignationPullING out of the Borld *rade <rgani1ation%oitus interrupts to forestall procreation
*he birth of a nation Artificial &nseminationKuantitati'e easING,s delegation*he $old standard,s relegation@itcoin welcome to claim this creation*he Apis @ull,s cult of celebrit) o'ershadowed reasonMithra threatened to indoctrinate the ?oman LegionDeep State sa'ants s?uealed treason A sperm bank ?uestionnaire Bhere do )ou see )ourself in ten )ears*ime maga1ine,s Man of the ?ear BorshippING the $olden %alf <h it,s all good for a laughHe,s got the Midas touchLiberated in $alt,s $ulch@en <ur @ernanke acted courageousl)*o bailout the Ball5Street cronies*he e)e of HorusPainted on the bow of the 'essel&n less than twel'eParsecs did Han Solo,s falcon complete a run on the ?esselMaraudING necromancers endangerING open5sea tra'el*he man who disco'ered the infinit) loop begins to unra'elScarcit) mindsets endlessl) bangING on the Supreme %ourt ga'elDi'ide and ?ule*he first lesson in Empires School A mass media tool Alternati'es ?ule?ou are now enterING @ear countr)%odename %o1) @ear,s astrometr)
Alpha/ *ango/ #anc) @ear,s international man of m)ster)(rsa Majors sacred geometr)&t ma) not be good for America/ but it,s damn good for %@SLugenpresseEnem) of the folkDem Deutschen Colke(p in smoke A conspirac) stoked@abble @abble @abble$ondwanaland begins to unra'el&ndo5European scrambleLINGuistics filters out the rabble
Show me more about this topic
#6626679 at 2019-05-30 13:06:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8473: Flood Gates are Open Edition
[FISH]ING is fun
#6625654 at 2019-05-30 06:44:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8472: No Name Edition
This 'fishING' photo combined with this anon photo from last fall has got to get some media to #AskTheQ, you'd think?
''' We are waitING for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.
What are they waitING for?
They can end this at any time simply by askING POTUS, right?
We may have to 'force' this one.
Q '''
>[Fish]ING is fun.
Good 'catch' !!
#6625541 at 2019-05-30 06:22:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8472: No Name Edition
[Fish]ING is fun.
#6624767 at 2019-05-30 04:16:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8471: Edition
>>6624533 (lb)
Keto is step in the right direction however an anti candida diet is stricter and is set in stages. First stage is to starve the candida of anythING that will feed it such as sugar yeast simple carbs/high net carbs, ciggs and alcohol, even high starch veggies and fruits, caffeine etc
After this stage you can begin to re inoculate the gut
Then it's just about maintain ING, foods can be reintroduced slowly and monitored for any effects.
My device is laggy or i would try to explain a little more in depth, but I'm sure anon has the smarts to research themselves:) What a great skill we have developed here…self reliance while maintainING a group mindset. Love it
#6618715 at 2019-05-29 17:34:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8463: The Kingdom for a Baker Edition
no f-ING way Shoomer made that tweet
#6614616 at 2019-05-29 04:23:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8457: Prove All Things And Hold Fast That Which Is Good Edition
here is more information from that profile.
Mary Price's Published Work
Forbes, September 24, 2014: "WantING A Trial By Jury Is Not A Crime. So Why Do We Treat It Like One?" Op-Ed
New York Times, September 15, 2014: "White Collar Sentences." Letter-to-the-editor.
Miller(ING) Mandatory Minimums: What Federal Lawmakers Should Take From Miller v. Alabama, Volume 78 Missouri Law Review 1147 (Fall 2013)
FAMM/Human Rights Watch report, "The Answer Is No: Too Little Compassionate Release in US Prisons," 2012
Bureau of National Affairs, Criminal Law Report, "Highlights and Lowlights From the New Report On Mandatory Minimums From the U.S. SentencING Commission," article by Mary Price and James Felman, 2012
HuffINGton Post, September 24, 2012: "SentencING of Sholom Rubashkin." Op-Ed
Movie: Unjustified (2012)
Testimony before the United States SentencING Commission, February 15, 2012: Federal SentencING After Booker. Testimony
Testimony before the United States SentencING Commission, March 17, 2011: Proposed Drug Amendments. Testimony
MainJustice, November 22, 2011: "It's Not the Judges." Op-Ed
National Law Journal, July 25, 2011, "Out of Control Fraud Guidelines." Op-Ed
Written Testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, October 12, 2011, The Status of Federal SentencING and the U.S. SentencING Guidelines Six Years After Booker. Testimony
Article in the New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement, Winter, 2010
Testimony to StandING Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Canada, October 28, 2009, Mandatory Minimums in the United States. Testimony
Testimony before the United States SentencING Commission, March 20, 2007: Compassionate Release. Testimony
National Teleconference followING release of Booker v. United States, January 25, 2005. Transcript.
Federal SentencING Reporter, June 2006, Firearm Offenses, "Model SentencING Guidelines." Article
Federal SentencING Reporter, "A Case for Compassion."
Federal SentencING Reporter, "The Other Safety Valve"
Mary Price, SentencING Reform: EliminatING Mandatory Minimums, EasING Harsh SentencING Structures and BuildING "Smart-on-Crime Solutions," 28 Champion 18 (2004). Article
Testimony before the United States SentencING Commission, March 9, 2001, Proposed Ecstasy Guideline. Testimony
#6614062 at 2019-05-29 03:05:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8457: Prove All Things And Hold Fast That Which Is Good Edition
Comey, Brennan, Schiff et al are proceedING as if Barr is not goING to find anythING; they are double and triple-ING down on their positions. The media is also on a full-court press; the Chuck Todd/Sarah Sanders interview on Meet the Press was stunnING - he pressed her over and over again about Trump's response if Barr finds nothING; almost as if they were given the advance information that Barr would indeed find nothING.
I'm prayING that the same sources who told the media that Hillary would win, that Trump was goING to prison and that there was no crisis at the border are the same sources informING them that Barr will come up empty.
SomethING is tellING me that Wray, Coats and Haspel are the blockers and [they] are bankING on them to cover it all up. Those three haven't exactly been "white-hat"ish lately.
#6613057 at 2019-05-29 01:08:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8455: Military Comissions Convening Authority Edition
F-ING stupid. IG is for employees. Steele is not an employee and may not have jurisdiction over him. So I suggest it has little to nothING to do with the bypass of Coats. But everythING to do with tryING to evade any level of prosecution.
#6613046 at 2019-05-29 01:07:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8455: Military Comissions Convening Authority Edition
JZKnight/Ramtha has a rather low opinion of
Mexicans -
"The invasion of the Mexicans who just breed like rabbits [audience laughter], they are poison," Knight says in the video that was taken in March 2011 by now-former students of her Ramtha School of Enlightment.
"I'm tellING you this, every G-damn Mexican family is a Catholic - [more laughter] they're breedING like f-ING rabbits," she continues.
"All Mexicans are not worthy of conscious thought."
"San Francisco is beatING off the Catholics from down below," Knight concludes before her words become incoherent and the clip ends.
SpeakING of Catholics -
"F- you, you Catholics!" Knight bellows over cheers from her audience.
"We will come on you in a terror," Knight growls in another cut. "We will brING... St. Peter's temple down and we will swallow it in the sea." ("St. Peter's temple" is a reference to the Catholic church itself.)
And don't forget to include the Jews -
"F-ck God's chosen people! I think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the g-ddamned gas chambers by now."
"Your God should have redeemed you from Germany."
In spite of all of that, Democrats at first tried to cover for Knight and downplay the video evidence of her rants (most of which has since been hunted down and excised by Knight's enthusiastic legal team). Eventually, however, they were shamed into statING that they would not take more of her money. And yet, in 2014, they did just that, to the tune of $65,000.
After acceptING the money, Thurston County Democratic Party Chair Roger Erskine had the nerve (and incredibly bad judgement) to say:
JZ Knight is a very good strong Democrat and she totally supports our platform and our goals and I think that's good enough.
She was a member of Barack Obama's re-election steerING committee. The Obama campaign took at least $50,000 from JZ Knight, and though they were fully aware of Knight's statements and even paid lip service to their condemnation, they were one of the few campaigns that did not refuse or return a dime of it.
#6612582 at 2019-05-29 00:08:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8455: Military Comissions Convening Authority Edition
No one was better than bill cooper at btfo-ING muhjew shills.
#6612013 at 2019-05-28 23:04:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8454: Baker Hoppin' Melee Continues Edition
they must be 'what the fuk'-ING right about now.
this is very interestING and thank you for this info.
#6605260 at 2019-05-28 02:23:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8445: "Ate for 45" at Our Cookouts Edition
There are many different ways to wander through Wonderland. To follow a chain of responses, until a neighborING post catches your eye. To follow the ID of an anon whose post intrigued or enlightened you. To keep up with the bread as it breaks, and watch for the notables as the baker collects them. To follow links to other sites and weave back and forth between windows.
No two journeys through a bread will be the same. No two people will have an identical experience in this place.
This is how we weave a fractured nation into one: We start at very different places, so deeply divided that we can't see eye to eye. And we dance through this hall-of-mirrors Wonderland, weavING the separate strands closer & closer together, so that what has been too long divided can finally be United. ( I've come to call this process "8Chan-ING" ?)
We take this Journey Together.
Think Mirror.
Welcome to Wonderland.
#6596650 at 2019-05-26 23:43:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8434: EU Liberation Celebration Edition
That is so F***ING AWESOME! Go POTUS! PrayING daily for success!
#6594785 at 2019-05-26 19:32:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8432: Japan knows Q Edition
The exclamation holy shit derives its force from the juxtaposition of the sacred with the profane.
Unlike the word fuck, shit is not used emphatically with -ING or as an infix. For example; I lost the shittING karate match would be replaced with …the fuckING karate match. Similarly, while in-fuckING-credible is generally acceptable, in-shittING-credible is not.
#6594640 at 2019-05-26 19:15:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8432: Japan knows Q Edition
'Ratf***er and spy': British academic sues FBI informant & MSM for callING her Russian 'honeypot'
A Russian-born British historian is suING FBI informant Stefan Halper and several news outlets for defamING her as a "honeypot" workING for the Kremlin to seduce Trump aide Michael Flynn. She says the scandal ruined her life.
Former Cambridge University academic Svetlana Lokhova has demanded $25 million from Halper, along with the WashINGton Post, New York Times, MSNBC, and Wall Street Journal, chargING their "combined character assassination" over the past three years "injured her business as an academic and author, and propelled her to the epicenter of a massive fraudulent hoax about 'Russian collusion.'"
CallING Halper a "ratf***er and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election," Lokhova says he colluded with the FBI, political operatives at the university where they both worked, and mainstream media journalists to paint her as a traitor and a "honeypot" who seduced Michael Flynn at a dinner in 2014 when he was US Director of National Intelligence. The FBI informant claimed Lokhova was "not a real academic" and that her "research was provided by Russian intelligence on the orders of Vladimir Putin" - and the media ran with the story for three years, houndING her out of her job and home and any hope of a normal life.
("Ratf***er," the suit helpfully explains in a footnote, "is a colorful and foul simile [sic] for 'pullING a dirty trick' coined by a Nixon campaign strategist.")
The suit alleges Halper fed the fake story of Lokhova seducING Flynn to the named media organizations, which despite knowING he was a spy failed to fact-check Halper's claims. Instead, she says, they crafted the story "out of whole cloth," knowING the "sensational and scandalous accusations of 'Russian collusion'" would catch fire - and, hopefully, burn the Trump campaign to the ground, "creat[ING] another Watergate."
#6591831 at 2019-05-26 09:26:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8428: Shit Done Hit the Fan Edition
#6589126 at 2019-05-25 23:23:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8425: Taibbi Criticizes MSM Edition
That BREAD is 404'ING. Some others have been reported as well. When (if) fixed, should resolve.
Why the Sandy Vag?
#6588098 at 2019-05-25 20:36:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8423: Pain Coming. Anons Training. Storm Coming Edition
>No Way Cher turned over on a dime like that... Ain't NO F-ING Way...
And yet, there it is on twitter. Fancy that.
She has 3.7M followers.
#6588088 at 2019-05-25 20:35:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8423: Pain Coming. Anons Training. Storm Coming Edition
No Way Cher turned over on a dime like that… Ain't NO F-ING Way…
Don't be that naive Anon
#6583236 at 2019-05-25 02:27:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8417: Literally Shaking - The NPC Dems Edition
GAanon…so glad to see more of your wonderful work! F*ING bad ass best artist here in my opinion. Stay inspired!
#6580760 at 2019-05-24 21:25:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8414: Well Fed Koi Edition
A Princess Diana moment! Melania battles the wind ahead of her flight to Japan, as she pays tribute to American culture in a $3,900 Calvin Klein dress featurING postcards of the West
Hmmmm…. I wonder what thaaaat meeeeans…
Melania's Dress is pic related.
What do you see?
I'm seein':
Red Flag (and a lifeguard… float…ING… device? It's obscured. A kayak? A board?)
Palm trees that look like Mickey Mouse
Water… Desert…
You can view it closer up here:
#6577671 at 2019-05-24 14:06:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8410: Weekend Forecast: Suicide Watch in Effect Edition
18. "The decision by NSA Director Mike Rogers to meet with Trump on Nov. 17, without notifyING superiors, caused consternation at senior levels of the Obama Administration" you bet! translation: consternation = s****ING in their pants.19. NSA Director Mike Rogers disrupted the Obama's Spy Operation on Trump20. NSA Director Mike Rogers retained his position and was not removed, for some reasons that have never been revealed. remember: it was the Transition period. Trump had already been elected President. Admiral Mike Rogers is a Patriot and a HERO.21. on March 4 2017, Trump Tweets: "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory." Trump KNEW. Now we know how he knew.
22. Priceless!! Trump is trollING the DeepState with his tweet. DeepState is scared.
23. back to GCHQ. remember Christopher Steele? the infamous author of the FAKE Steele dossier, which is at the heart of the FISA applications? he was a former MI6 spy. GCHQ and MI6 are both UK Intel Agencies closely connected - sort of "RevolvING doors" between the two.
24. remember Stefan Halper? Halper is closely connected with MI6, and with the CIA. Think John Brennan25. Stephan Halper is a good friend of former CIA Director John Brennan, and connected with the UK private Intelligence agency Hakluyt photo of John Brennan at Hakluyt New York office - Jan 17, 2018:
26. Hakluyt is a private British Intel Agency. "It was founded by former MI6 members and retains close ties to UK Intelligence services"27. Halper was paid US$ 411,575 by the Obama Admin. well, quite a good amount of money. yes -taxpayer money, your money! startING in Sept 2016 link:FBI Informant Stefan Halper Paid Over $1 Million By Obama Admin; Spied On Trump Aide After Electionhttps://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-21/fbi-informant-stefan-halper-paid-over-1-million-obama-admin-spied-trump-aide-after28. Let's tie all this with Bruce Ohr testimony: Bruce Ohr confirmed that Comey traveled to the UK to spy on Donald Trump. (to meet with GCHQ, Hakluyt, Halper?) Comey traveled to the UK with two Obama White House officials. Susan Rice?
29. related link to my "Bruce Ohr LEAKS" [Thread] of Sept 4:30. Source says that Bruce Ohr mentioned Stephan Halper three times. "Contract work was his exact wordING." Bruce Ohr said that the data of the Fusion GPS servers have been handed over to White House
31. related link to my "Bruce Ohr LEAKS" [Thread] of Sept. 4:THREAD32. Source: "The Intelligence Services of UK and Australia are heavily involved." The Intel Agencies of the UK are GCHQ and MI6 Source: "Well the horse's mouth (Bruce Ohr) has confirmed on the record."
33. "The Head of GCHQ resigned immediately after Trump was elected." again, confirmed: Hannigan resigned from GCHQ on Jan. 23, 2017. just 3 days after Trump inauguration
34. related link to my "Bruce Ohr LEAKS" [Thread] of Sept 4:Thread35. Source: "Bruce Ohr named a lot of people." Ohr named: Christopher Steele, Stefan Halper, James Comey, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap. He didn't name Susan Rice… too dangerous? because it leads directly to the Obama White House.36. As we have seen, Bruce Ohr testimony confirmed everythING written in the GCHQ Top Secret document, he confirmed the heavy GCHQ involvement in the Spy Operation against Trump:LETTER37. "On 28 August 2016, GCHQ filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President" the request to GCHQ to SPY on Trump came directly from then 'President' Barack Hussein Obama
38. From the 'Bruce Ohr LEAKS' [Thread]: "Because it will implicate Obama." "They all know but are dancING around that fact." as we suspected… and the PROOF is in the GCHQ Top Secret document shown above39. Judge Napolitano, on March 14, 2017, said: "3 intel sources have informed Fox News that Obama went outside the Chain of Command, and used the GCHQ to spy on Trump" listen from 1'16" - Fox News Nail in the coffin.
#6577644 at 2019-05-24 14:02:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8410: Weekend Forecast: Suicide Watch in Effect Edition
Spy Operation on Trump requested by Obama IN PERSON on Aug 28, 2016 renewal request by Susan Rice (Obama National Security Advisor) on Nov 17, 2016 GCHQ = UK Intel Agency confirms 100% my Bruce Ohr LEAK
2. close-up #1 of the GCHQ document: please take note of the letter date - Nov. 17, 2016 just 9 days after Trump election and the name of the recipient: UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Project FULSOME = Spy Operation on Trump
"On 28 August 2016, GCHQ filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President" the request to GCHQ to SPY on Trump came directly from then 'President' Barack Hussein Obama. close-up #2 of the GCHQ document:
Obama made a trip to the UK a few months before, April 21-24, 2016. in April 2016 the nomination of Trump as Republican candidate was certain.5. Did Obama meet with GCHQ Director Hannigan and with UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to discuss the SPY Operation on Trump? You bet!
6. Notice the date of Obama's trip to the UK: April 21-24, 2016. two months before the Brexit vote. image: Obama with then UK Prime Minister James Cameron at 10, DownING Street
7. back to GCHQ: "On 28 August 2016, GCHQ filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President, seekING intelligence gatherING into the Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc."
8. this nails down Barack Hussein Obama, it will lead to his indictment, conviction for TREASON and Seditious Conspiracy, and declare him an enemy combatant. Sentence will be DEATH PENALTY. no escape.9. "US National Security Advisor Susan Rice has requested that we continue our surveillance, durING the transition period" Susan Rice is done, too. TREASON and Seditious Conspiracy.
10. as you can see, the document is signed by Robert Hannigan, Director of GCHQ. Hannigan resigned from GCHQ on Jan. 23, 2017. just 3 days after Trump inauguration. coincidence?11. "GCHQ would only say that Mr Hannigan had left his post for 'personal reasons' and that he was not sacked or subject to disciplinary proceedINGs" oh, yeah! link:
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01/23/breakING-gchq-boss-quits-personal-reasons-just-two-years/2. "In a letter to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Mr Hannigan hinted that the strain placed on his family by his job had prompted his resignation." certainly! UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson authorized the SPYING on Trump.
13. Notice the date of the GCHQ letter authorizING the renewal of the Spy Operation against President Trump: Nov. 17, 2016. just 9 days after Trump's victory what else happens on that fateful date?
On Nov. 17 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers travels to New York to meet with President-Elect Donald Trump.
We know that NSA Director Mike Rogers informed Trump that he was spied on. Surely the NSA intercepted the GCHQ letter, and Admiral Rogers gave it to Trump.
16. Later on that day, Nov. 17, Trump moves away from the Trump Tower, to a more secure location: "President-elect Donald Trump is movING the transition meetINGs from Trump Tower in New York to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey" link: https://www.washINGtontimes.com/news/2016/nov/17/donald-trump-moves-transition-meetINGs-private-gol/
17. The DeepState is scared. 2 days later, on Nov. 19 2016, under CIA Director John Brennan's orders, DNI Director James Clapper and Defense Secretary Ash Carter officially ask for the firING of NSA Director Mike Rogers.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-security-intelligence-idUSKBN13E0SF18. "The decision by NSA Director Mike Rogers to meet with Trump on Nov. 17, without notifyING superiors, caused consternation at senior levels of the Obama Administration" you bet! translation: consternation = s****ING in their pants.19. NSA Director Mike Rogers disrupted the Obama's Spy Operation on Trump20. NSA Director Mike Rogers retained his position and was not removed, for some reasons that have never been revealed. remember: it was the Transition period. Trump had already been elected President. Admiral Mike Rogers is a Patriot and a HERO.21. on March 4 2017, Trump Tweets: "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory." Trump KNEW. Now we know how he knew…
#6575894 at 2019-05-24 05:40:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8408: "IT IS TIME" Edition
I'm here every.sINGle.day for 6+hrs. I have not skipped a day. I've been here since bread 198, which is about 3 months before YOU got here. Trust me, I KNOW there is only 5 of you AT THE MOST! probably less. That's why i keep on remindING YOU and lettING newfags know, THAT YOU GLOW! but you keep on bangING your head on that wall.
<<maybe one day, I'll convince someone to be a MUHJEWSHILL with me. There must be 6…>>
We said no. Dude, you're makING this uncomfortable . you got nobody in like, 8000 breads! Even the FEshills changed a mind or two.kek….. Yet here you are,
GLOWING LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER, but here…. Copy pasta ING every bread you can get your hands on. First 5 posts MUST be yours. You fucken muhcatalog hallway stalker, you. Are you the Ksourcrout brother(s). You know, they also stalked POTUS twitter account too. Always the first ones to open their mouth….
Dude, you're embarrassING yourself….
#6575884 at 2019-05-24 05:39:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8408: "IT IS TIME" Edition
It's not a kill box. Q told us it's a batters box. meain ING they are in the news, so to speak, up to bat, in the public eye.
#6566086 at 2019-05-23 13:54:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8395: Too late to Run... It's Here Edition
/r/ING sauce on gordon ramsey beING part of the club
#6564984 at 2019-05-23 07:20:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8394: Inspirational Anon Edition
In his new film Rothchild, Gibson is set to play the villainous patriarch of a wealth New York family - Whitelaw Rothchild.
oh shiot!!!
Jewish anger at Mel Gibson's role in 'Rothchild' movie about super-rich New Yorkers after actor's infamous anti-Semitic rant durING DUI arrest in 2006
Reaction was fierce when it emerged Mel Gibson was due to star in a dark comedy film called 'Rothchild'
It sparked immediate comparisons to the real-life wealthy Jewish bankING dynasty - the Rothschild family
Despite the similar name and plot line based on family wealth, Gibson's representative has insisted the film is not related to the Rothschild family
The comparisons to the ultra-rich Jewish family sparked further criticism for Gibson given his anti-Semitic comments in the past
A drunk Gibson made anti-Semitic comments while beING arrested for drivING under the influence back in 2006
Mel Gibson's upcomING film 'Rothchild' is already sparkING huge backlash given the stark similarities to the real-life wealthy Jewish bankING dynasty and the actor's own infamous history of anti-Semitic slurs.
The reaction has been fierce and swift since it emerged on Monday that Gibson was due to star in a dark comedy alongside Shia LaBeouf about a wealthy New York family.
Despite the similar name and plot line based on multi-generational wealth, Gibson's representative has insisted the film is not related to the Rothschild family.
The comparisons to the ultra-rich Jewish family sparked further criticism for Gibson given his anti-Semitic comments in the past.
A drunk Gibson made anti-Semitic comments while beING arrested for drivING under the influence back in 2006 in which he said: 'F*** Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.'
'Mel Gibson, same dude who gave us 'F**ING Jews… Jews are responsible for all wars in the world'. Is starrING as the 'sinister grandfather' in 'Rothchild', a 'black comedy'. It's chillING,' Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg tweeted.
'Mel Gibson is a racist, an antisemite, a misogynist, and an abuser. This is all pretty well documented.'
"Sugar tits or GTFO"
#6562968 at 2019-05-23 01:32:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8391: Bucket 5 Edition
On our friend mr Benelli Super Black Eagle 3 Semiautomatic Shotgun got all his duck love ING frens together to wed those hobbits in holly matrimony
#gayestshotgunweddING #Ever
#6557006 at 2019-05-22 10:39:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8384: Kabuki has nothing on this movie... Edition
PlaneFAGS got EyesON >>6555265 {23:08:16 (=20} /pb
AutistANON got AlmondsBUZ for ClueSEARCHin
on a real-ated area of interDAST /pb NOTABLE;
then ==ZOOMlanded on ^^^^^ THIS^^^^^== here:
->APEX of Flight, lines TWISTup interDASTtING CO-ORdinates & POI. {see last entry, ICYMI}
<pics real-ated
==vvvvv_THIS_vvvvv==, caught my "Choice to KNOW"
background on /pb NOTABLEs #8344
>>6525593 #1.a
{Tom HANKS Twatr CAP "WRAP Gifts! @Hankskerchiefs!"} see: >>6548939
>Maybe their runnING out of red scarfs {Suicide Coincidences}
>>6525352 #1.b {PRIMARY Incentive to DIGG}
>On a background of a recreational vehicle and a prevalent moon.
>Note: May 18th is a full moon (pic related) and I'll toss in somethING else I've been prompted to consider.
>The HRC video that was part of the Q-drop with "EX-rvid5774"
>What if instead of "raw video"..."rvid" actually stands for "RV identification"?
>Just a thought. For that matter, "vi" is 6 and 6th letter is 'f'
>... not hard to get "rfid" (as in chip) out of that
Define RECREATIONAL Vehicle:
-> a mobile SCIFF, methods of disappearance
-> transportable interstate homebase w/supplies ready
-> method of human traffic-ING, drugs/druggING victims, & kid-nappING
-> mINGlING with local hoods and scoutING targets for ex-communication rituals
-> all methods focusING on EVIL SCHITT, etc., get the drift !?!
MI / USMC ENcircleS on "SEAL BEACH."
->APEX of Flight, lines TWISTup interDASTtING CO-ORdinates & POI
Peak or Apex of intersection / coordinates:
Long Beach Blvd., West Arbor St. / West 48th, Railway Line, East Arbor St. / West 47th
SWAMP* Critter JITTERz are NOTED for POI:
*Word of GOD Ministries, Long Beach New Life Fellowship, and nearby Creature Comforts;
of HIGH VALUE InterDAST: "Wayside Trailer & RV Park" and moar Parks in vicinity
-> SO, any info can be found at location noted for "RV ID 5774?"
-> possible SEIZED/Impounded ASSET, this 5774 at location or originated from ??
Are the followING InterREAL-ated, as holyWEIRDness is REAL:
Define RECREATIONAL Vehicle \mirrOR/ YACHT:
{BOATfags DIGGs and AnonDIGGins} ALL /pb:
>>6548999, >>6549156, >>6549350 anon digs on Reverie {/pb NOTABLEs
>>6549331, >>6549357, >>6549525 SEIZED/Impounded ASSET? "Reverie" see >>6549156 /pb
>>6525366 /pb
>If it's on this board the FBI has it anon. All alphabet is always here.
>>6525398 /pb
>>>6525366 /pb
I sure as hell hope so.
And I have great faith.
o7 to all /ourguys with eyez on this board. `HELPer Anon's aka M.I.QArmy. >>6548939 /pb
#6556938 at 2019-05-22 10:18:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8384: Kabuki has nothing on this movie... Edition
#6553836 at 2019-05-21 23:52:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8380: New Baker - Low Carb Kekosis Editon
FYI, your spam shill copypasta ass is filtered so don't bother (you)ING me.
#6551885 at 2019-05-21 19:16:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8377: Ebake Edition
So what queer authority is leadING a questionable conjecture
I know it's occupied with mah type ING also
#6540136 at 2019-05-20 02:40:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8362: Truth Is Its Own Defense Edition
>English language
Want = not have?
Vatican uses Latin for important ceremonies?
Who changed russian language rules recently?
ALL languages
What do we need to go back to?
Vedic symbols?
#6539140 at 2019-05-20 00:14:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8361: "Turkey Hunting" Edition
>aggressive pursuits of interview subjects
He was also big on bully pulpit-ING little shop owners that were nickel-n-dime scammING customers.
But, when it came to Banksters and their million-n-billion scammING…
Oh no, can't expose those niggers at all.
#6538324 at 2019-05-19 22:22:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8360: My Kingdom for a Baker Edition
9000 threads– doING WHAT?
The FRENZY seemed normal when Q FIRST POSTED, but then IT NEVER STOPPED!
LOL, that is FAKE as can be folks.
Why would actual humans swarm here to do those thINGs IN A NONSTOP FRENZY?
It is very very fake.
How are people not understandING this yet?
Really folks, what does it take?
Wake up folks.
#6538126 at 2019-05-19 21:51:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8360: My Kingdom for a Baker Edition
>>6537023 SpeakING of this topic Mr. President, as if you don't already know this, ^eyeroll^ just an observation I made today…. get ready for the Mohammad Ali jabs the Ds are goING to try and revive Ad nauseam.
Secondly, a friend text me this today
We're in for a bright treat in the night sky this weekend! It's the last blue moon of the decade. And no, it will not look blue.
It's called a Blue Moon because it's a relatively rare occurrence. Now, there are two types of blue moons. We've actually already had two blue moons this year on January 31 and March 31. These were both the second full moons of the month, which is one type of blue moon.
The blue moon you'll catch in the night sky tonight is a seasonal blue moon. That means it's the third of four full moons in one season. Typically, most seasons have three full moons. The last time we had a seasonal blue moon was May 21, 2016. The next time will be Aug. 22, 2021.
The #FullBlueFlowerMoon rises at 8:10pm tonight
Its already written in the sky #Trump2020 VICTORY!!! Check out those dates, nice Heavenly nod for You Sir! God Bless/ING the USA for sure givING us You!
#6530797 at 2019-05-18 21:42:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8351: Winning In Australia Edition
#6519435 at 2019-05-17 07:04:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8336: PapaD Reveals New Details on Non-Collusion Edition
MornING from UKanon.
Some open questions.
If PM May is neutralised, does this explain why the Brexit process is where it is?
The Old Guard in the UK is the Labour Party (the Left) and the Conservative Party (the Tories).
Half the country voted to leave the EU.
More than half the country are angry that we haven't.
The Brexit Party will take most of those votes.
The other parties will split the Remain-ING vote.
The Old Guard will be cleaned out Thursday 23rd in the EU elections.
The Old Guard would get cleaned out in a General Election.
Nigel Farage would then be Prime Minister.
Nigel Farage is a HUGE supporter of President Trump.
Was this the Plan?
Seems coincidental.
DECLAS will brING down the House of Commons (UK government), show complicity in an Act of War against the US and likely cause a General Election.
The timING could not be more perfect.
Was this the Plan for the UK?
It is the sINGle biggest disruption (for the good) in UK politics.
The US will finally get an ally in the UK that it deserves once the Old Guard is removed.
The EU can either be taken apart as a political entity or entirely reformed.
Investigations in the UK will start and the drug and human (includING child) traffickING will be laid bare.
This is all gatherING pace.
I definitely trust the plan and it is incredible to see.
Feels organic to everyone and they are slowly wakING up.
Thank you anons and have a great end to your week.
#6511781 at 2019-05-16 10:35:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8327: Billionaires Ball (The Last Hurrah) Edition
bang bang you are dead!
>You do realize that I own guns
>Just a little somethING for you to laugh about
i'm over here mister shill!
yes i see you. you all glow in the dark mr shill.
you know what makes idiots funny mr shill? the fact they own guns!
i'm glad you didn't threaten me with your guns mr shill, i'd almost be scared, cept i know you got no bullits left after last saturdays drive by. have you stopped beatING your wife yet?
this is a war zone, if you aren't diggING, meme-ING or prayING… lurk moar!
#6508126 at 2019-05-15 22:40:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8322: Five Lawyers Edition
supposedly a good lookING charismatic dude..we see command infrasture to within top ten ..and can legally prove such structure of command at about 25th level. it is worldwide…money is key structure used by all vie ING for prominence. Also, Religion will be used to facilitate the hatred to provide a focus for divided energy.God help us. Amen.
#6507055 at 2019-05-15 20:36:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8321: National Police and Peace Officers Memorial Service Edition
U.S. Market Report
() and bold are additions.
Volumes-article below these stats.
Also included is some color on foreign debt ownership at bottom and cap#4 courtesy of latest treasury stats.
Volume 1,725,056,425
Avg. Volume 2,221,948,032
*that's the comment on cap#2…..
Volume 267,899,131
Avg. Volume 297,892,131
Volume 1,867,642,754
Avg. Volume 3,563,864,426
not there again today, only the monday trade…and which way did that go??…rhetorical.
Stocks, Bonds, & Bitcoin Jump As Global Economic Data Dumps
The last 24 hours in global economic data has been the second biggest disappointment in over 5 years.
Chinese stocks rallied because bad news (dismal industrial production and retail sales)
the worst in 16 year's
That's good news for more stimulus, right? because that has worked so well before?
They do not have a choice-goING to do it anyway.
European stocks also soared after headlines reported that Trump may delay auto tariffs by six months.
right before they closed too….
US markets were a combination of shitty data (yay easy Fed) and delayed tariffs (yay buy auto makers) that levitated stocks in a deja vu move from yesterday.
well…he 'aint' lyING.
The tariff delay headline hit at 1010ET
Nasdaq led the bounce followed by S&P after a weak overnight and open…and followING yesterday's pattern of a dead cat bounce, it was an ugly close.
See end of day on cap#2.
Lower lows and lower highs.
on lower volume too-funny how no one talks about this ever.
Big short squeeze delivered the gains today…again-(broken record here-see the big spikes throughout day on cap#2)
Treasury yields were down around 3bps across the curve today, even as stocks soared
The Dollar Index extended gains overnight but plunged when the auto tariffs headlines hit sparkING a big bid for Euros.
another really nigga? moment.
Cryptos continued to rally.
need a mechanism other than dollar's which are becomING scarce for the system.
In keep with the rest of the idiocy, copper and crude rallied after the crap china data (more stimulus). PMs trod water.
Finally, global money supply and fundamentals are no longer supportING stocks.
And despite all the talk about how bad Europe is compared to 'green-shoot'-ING America - US markets are now priced for a more dovish Fed this year than the ECB.
CME futures say September is the start of when they could do it, almost even money.
See this for why China is screwed on it's threat to sell US Debt.
They can't sell it to anyone…who will buy it?
China Owns US Debt, but How Much?
(and Cap#4 for the most current Treasury data)
It seems like every American politician and talkING head is concerned by the huge amount of debt that the U.S. government owes Chinese lenders. The Chinese do own a lot of U.S. debt – $1.123 trillion as of December 2018.
BreakING Down Ownership of US Debt
By mid-2017, the total amount of official debt owed by the federal, state and local governments was more than $19.4 trillion. That figure was $22 trillion, as of Feb. 17, 2019. Some experts add more than $120 trillion in unfunded future liabilities on the federal government balance sheet.
Of the $22 trillion in government debts, more than $5 trillion (a little less than one-third) is actually owned by the federal government in trust funds. These are accounts dedicated to Social Security, Medicare and other entitlements. In other words, the government wrote itself a really big IOU and bankrupted one account to finance another activity. IOUs are formed and financed through joint efforts of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.
Much of the rest of the debt is owned by individual investors, corporations and other public entities. This includes everyone from retirees who purchase individual U.S. Treasury's to the Chinese government.
China took the top spot among foreign creditors at $1.123 trillion, followed by Japan, at $1.042 trillion, as of December 2018.
rest at link
#6500366 at 2019-05-15 00:31:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8312: Fix The Immigration Loopholes Edition
Take your isaac krappy bullshit to another bread. When you normies gonna figure out that you can't trust the kikes. You just fuckING can't. The nigger was a drug dealer to pedocelebs and that's how he got gigs in some movies, big fuckING deal. He figured out this movement is really exposING all the kike fuckery, thought he could get out in front of it by namING names(which is all he ever fuckINGgoddamn did) while repeatING over and over shit like "it's bad, it's really really bad..umm, it's just so bad" and you FUCKING SHEEP lap it up like the dogs you are. Normie fucks, just because you figured out how to use 8ch and QR, you think you're anon..with your discords and your private Q groups on facekike(yea, I know about them and I know who some of you are), and your 'muh feelz-ING' everythING to get a followING and then sendING the money you gain to players in the game. It's all just a fuckING game to you clowns.
#6494930 at 2019-05-14 12:32:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8305: Yuge News Week Coming Our Way Edition
MornING Market Report
Futures Rise As POTUS Comments Spark New Hope For Trade Deal
honestly it would not take much for them to do this…algo tradING searchING for headlines at work here-after yesterday I'm surprised it's not up moar.
The rebound started just after 8pm EDT on Monday night, with the S&P tradING just above 2,800 when President Trump said he believed discussions with China "will be very successful," with the outcome expected in three or four weeks.
RespondING to Trump, who said he was optimistic about resolvING the trade dispute, the Chinese government's top diplomat said China and the United States both have the "ability and wisdom" to reach a trade deal that is good for both.
Of course, it is quite possible that the market's overly optimistic interpretation of Trump's take may have been premature, considerING that on Tuesday mornING Trump has had a barrage of no less than 7 tweets on the topic of trade war, with the highlight so far his claim that "when the time is right we will make a deal with China. My respect and friendship with President Xi is unlimited but, as I have told him many times before, this must be a great deal for the United States or it just doesn't make any sense." In second tweet, Trump says deal must make up some of "tremendous ground we have lost to China on Trade since the ridiculous one sided formation of the WTO. It will all happen, and much faster than people think!"
A day after equities suffered their worst selloff of 2019, the S&P rebounded even as world stocks hovered near two-month lows on Tuesday, followING more optimistic comments from U.S. and Chinese officials on trade which brought some comfort.
Earlier, Asian shares took another beatING on Tuesday catchING up to the Monday US rout, but closed off their lows, followING the more upbeat tone from U.S. and Chinese officials.
The rebound in optimism was perplexING as just one day earlier China said it would impose higher tariffs on $60 billion of U.S. goods in retaliation against the U.S. tariff hike, and at least some analysts remained quite skeptical. ING economist Prakash Sakpal said the current volatility showed how a "180-degree" turn in U.S. rhetoric on trade negotiations had spooked markets. "We don't see any quick end to this state of the markets until we see some resolution, constructive dialogue and somethING very solid in terms of deals. But the hopes for that are a bit misplaced currently," he said.
JudgING by the markets' reaction so far today, Prakash's take is in the minority, and signs of stability in global stock markets took the shine off safe-haven assets for now.
Oil up, no surprise there-see highlight for what should be overhead resistance..about $62.50.
Cap#4 is 30 year US Treasury Bond and moar reflective of what china holds in our debt-keep an eye on this.
Market Snapshot
S&P 500 futures up 0.4% to 2,817.50
STOXX Europe 600 up 0.4% to 373.88
MXAP down 0.9% to 154.35
MXAPJ down 0.9% to 507.15
Nikkei down 0.6% to 21,067.23
Topix down 0.4% to 1,534.98
Hang Seng Index down 1.5% to 28,122.02
Shanghai Composite down 0.7% to 2,883.61
Sensex up 0.7% to 37,354.89
Australia S&P/ASX 200 down 0.9% to 6,239.91
Kospi up 0.1% to 2,081.84
German 10Y yield rose 1.0 bps to -0.06%
Euro up 0.2% to $1.1239
Italian 10Y yield rose 1.6 bps to 2.326%
Spanish 10Y yield rose 0.7 bps to 0.998%
Brent futures down 0.2% to $70.12/bbl
Gold spot down 0.2% to $1,297.73
U.S. Dollar Index little changed at 97.33
US Event Calendar
8:30am: Import Price Index MoM, est. 0.7%, prior 0.6%; YoY,
est. 0.3%, prior 0.0%
8:30am: Export Price Index MoM, est. 0.6%, prior 0.7%; YoY,
prior 0.6%
To the day ahead now, which this mornING kicks off in Germany with the final April CPI revisions (no change from the +1.0% mom flash readING expected). Shortly after that we're due to get March and April employment data in the UK where the consensus is for no change in the unemployment rate of 3.9% and a small decline in weekly earnINGs to +3.3%. Also due out this mornING is the March industrial production print for the Euro Area and the May ZEW survey in Germany. In the US today we're due to get the April NFIB small business optimism readING and April import price index print. Away from the data the Fed's Williams is due to speak at 8.15am BST this mornING followed by George (5.45pm BST) and Daly (11pm BST) this evenING. The ECB's Villeroy is also scheduled to speak this mornING.
really hittING the speakING gig hard now-they do this all the time but they usually never get highlighted.
#6484366 at 2019-05-13 02:22:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8292: TRUTH TO LIGHT Edition
I - am - talkING - weird - because - I am - keep - ING synco-pated - time
that - makes - me better than -you. in - 4/4 - time - because - you - cant
it's - easy to - learn - if - you -try
#6475371 at 2019-05-12 00:24:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8280: Movin' into Evening Edition
thrashING humor contiues. f-ING kek
#6472089 at 2019-05-11 17:28:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8276: Bacon Saturday Brunch Edition
We are close, anons, to seeING the manifestations of the battle (WINNING!).
Every day that we do not–equates to another arrest, conviction and eradication of further evil down the road. So we remain patient, committed and employed in diggING, meme-ING and prayING.
PRAYER BREAKS THROUGH strongholds–and provides our Commander and Chief, vital protection/cover for his anointed mission on earth.
Thank you, Mr. President, for your epic sacrifices; history will honor your leadership and your legacy.
Thank you, Q+ for takING the battle to the enemy and retakING ground for The KINGdom (good vs. evil). I pray for you every day, as valiant warriors.
God Bless POTUS,
God Bless Q and
God Bless America!
Ephesians 6:12
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
#6467247 at 2019-05-11 01:13:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8270: Long Time No Tariff Edition
Damn ~ such a f*<{ING Awesome dancer!
#6457709 at 2019-05-09 23:43:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8257: Tarrified China Edition
Eleven-year-old 'Drag Kid' now a spokeschild for Converse shoes
BOSTON, Massachusetts, May 9, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) - An 11-year-old drag performer known as Desmond-is-AmazING is now a model for a shoe company.
The Converse footwear company, once known for its fashionable high top basketball shoes, has announced a new "partnership" with Desmond Napoles and five other "individuals connected with the LGBTQ+ community" to market its new "Pride collection."
The announcement accompanied a photograph of Desmond dressed in a colorful shoulder-barING outfit and heavy makeup, posING suggestively before the five other models, includING a man dressed as a woman and two women dressed as boys.
PublishING the news on Twitter, Converse said, "We're happy to launch our Pride Collection, partnerING with six individuals connected to the LGBTQ+ community who show the power of expressING one's true self. Contributions are supportING @ItGetsBetter@OutMetroWest & @FenwayHealth.
"It Gets Better" and "Out Metro West" are LBGT charities, and "Fenway Health" is a Boston medical organization specializING in the health of people with same-sex attractions and HIV/AIDS research. Converse is a Boston company, owned by Nike.
Many Twitter reactions to the announcement focused on the exploitation of 11-year-old Desmond, which some commentators linked to the exploitation of workers in Nike sweatshops.
"Now that's true equality: child abuse in the USA to match the child abuse in foreign Converse sweatshops. NothING or no-one should stand in the way of corporate greed," tweeted Down children advocate Renate Lindeman and linked to an Oxfam article about abuse of workers in a Converse factory in Indonesia.
"Congrats on enablING child abuse here in America to go along with the children makING your crummy shoes in sweatshops overseas," tweeted John Hawkins.
Tamara Pfanstiel tweeted: "What they are doING to that child is abuse. Children aren't supposed to be 'sexy.' That disgustING. Get a grip."
Some LGBT advocates were disgusted that Converse was tryING to appeal to buyers though the use of children.
"It's really painful tryING to advocate for LGBT positivity when you see ACTUAL child sexualization lumped into it like a tumor. Whatever clueless executive signed off on this should be ashamed," tweeted an individual called "F***ING FINALS RGC".
Another Tweeter posted a video of Desmond pretendING to snort club drug ketamine durING a video appearance with an adult female impersonator or "drag queen."
Desmond has been at the center of a controversy concernING his public appearances as a child drag performer. He first attracted public attention when he was filmed at age 10 onstage at RuPaul's DragCon 2017. The famous host referred to the boy as "this gorgeous little queen." The child subsequently appeared on Good MornING America and accepted engagements dancING in gay bars. He was filmed dancING in both New York and San Francisco as men threw money at him.
Desmond also appeared on a YouTube talk show hosted by Michael Alig, a 1990s New York dance club personality who spent almost 17 years in prison for manslaughter after the violent death and dismemberment of a drug dealer named Andre Melendez.
Public outcry has led to multiple complaints to several state social welfare departments against Desmond's parents, Wendy and Andrew Napoles. However, Wendy Napoles recently stated on social media that she and her husband have been cleared of any neglect or wrongdoING and posted letters on Instagram from welfare agencies attestING to this. She has also stated that she and her husband do not profit from Desmond's performances.
Desmond, who has autism, has stated that he is a homosexual.
#6456126 at 2019-05-09 20:43:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8255: It's Called the Logan Act Edition
Shit still seems kinda fucked?
Ex: Images in Clockwork #9 older than today are all 404'ING
#6455704 at 2019-05-09 18:25:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8255: It's Called the Logan Act Edition
I know that…
9why does it seem like I a writING on a brick wall today… believe I'm speakING plain enough)…
Let me try this:
We have someone who goes by the name:
"Juan O. Savin"
He goes on various YouTube channels and
110% Praises Q
Q Research…
He speaks about all of the Work & DiggING goING on here…
He practically begs the audience to go forth and
Wake Up the Normies:
Family Normies, Work Normies,
Neighbor Normies,
Normies in the Grocery store, restaurant, tavern…
Juan O. Savin is all about EncouragING the Audience to ~
not necessarily talk about "Q" ~
but talk about the Information Brought Forth on this Board…
SEED the Normie's Mindset…
Let the Normies go off and think, muse about it, and
Come Back for More & More & Moar…
SO ~
Why Can't We Get Rush, Levin, Plante & the like, to
Simply Drop A Few F**~ING Seeds, Morsels, Bites…
somethING ~ anythING
#6451209 at 2019-05-09 01:43:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8249: WRWY POTUS AND FLORIDA!! Edition
Mock (yeah)
ING (yeah)
Bird (yeah)
Yeah (yeah)
Mockin'bird, now
Everybody have you heard
He's gonna BAN a mockINGbird
And if that mockINGbird won't sING
He's gonna break up the whole damn thING
#6440946 at 2019-05-07 23:29:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8236: Clown Onions Edition
Valley fever case gender distribution appears to be shiftING- with more females than males hav- ING positive lab results for Valley fever. We are currently investigatING the true cause for this shift, but it may be due to a difference in gender views on health, or the change in reportING. In 2007, 54% of cases were male; in 2011 only 42% of cases were male. The percentage of missING data has remained con- stant at around 1% over the last 5 years.
#6434764 at 2019-05-07 04:09:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8228: The Lobster Tails Trail Edition
LANE 17 / Q
B owl ING
I think not.
#6429911 at 2019-05-06 18:36:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8222: THE WE ARE THE NEWS NOW EDITION
that is a nice song, ebot. gotta admit.
you were DJ ING lately?
Or busy shillING?
#6421283 at 2019-05-05 17:04:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8211: Chinese Tariffs Edition
definitely lookING to be the case
frozen assets calls for f**ING w/ what was
The Most ExcitING 2 Minutes in Sports
I'm very distraught about this as a lover of horse racING…
#6412773 at 2019-05-04 17:42:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8200: We Won't STANG For It Edition
I definitely missed this. I think I get it now.
Immigration is everythING. Drop 4 was the first hint.
"What SC decision opened the door for a sittING President to activate - what must be showed?"
WELL…It was a SC decision about Immigration. How ironic ferns.
what must be showed?
SEC. 401. (a) When the President declares a national emergency, or Congress declares war, the President shall be responsible for maintain- ING a file and index of all significant orders of the President, includING Executive orders and proclamations, and each Executive agency shall maintain a file and index of all rules and regulations, issued durING such emergency or war issued pursuant to such declarations.
(b) All such significant orders of the President, includING Execu- tive orders, and such rules and regulations shall be transmitted to the Congress promptly under means to assure confidentiality where appropriate.
(c) When the President declares a national emergency or Congress declares war, the President shall transmit to Congress, within ninety days after the end of each six-month period after such declaration, a report on the total expenditures incurred by the United States Govern- ment durING such six-month period which are directly attributable to the exercise of powers and authorities conferred by such declaration. Not later than ninety days after the termination of each such emer- gency or war, the President shall transmit a final report on all such expenditures."
#6410725 at 2019-05-04 10:37:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8197: GITMO Plane Crash Followup Edition
I've got important grid work to do so I'll leave this for all the sheep who can't dig
Horus = Jesus
The divine feminine energy was destroyed in order to access the crystalline grid of the planet and siphon energy through the sentient lifeforms on it to a massive machine on Saturn (Satan) (black cube) powered through the moon and various node points on earth. Cern is highly involved in sustainING an artificially created universe within a magnetic field in order to keep lifeforms from enterING or exitING.
All modern religions pray to a black cube, the cross, Mecca, Star of David- hell we even live in cubes and work in cubes and watch a cube every day. You are part of a giant battery. Every one of you.
Ever wonder why they call it SPELL-ING?
Polarity ;)
#6409402 at 2019-05-04 04:57:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8196: Max Cap Edition
Have you wondered why the left can't meme?
It is because the Greatest "Gung Fu" Component of ANY Meme…
Abides in the Truth it Conveys.
The Second Greatest is the Love it conveys,
because that needs Truth to be True Love,
which then leads to somethING Greater than
the sum of the parts.
Truth is not somethING the Left has much experience
with communicatING, to the people they wish to control.
Hate is an additional handicap.
Pray. Dig. Share. Discuss. Pray. Meme.
Then Praise the Lord and Pass the Meme-unition!
"New moves" for the modern Army Of One:
Political Grace.
Intentional Unity.
Political Grace. The art of disagreeING well.
AND The Ultimate Countermeasure to those who would Divide!:
Intentional unity.
The Future of War and how it affects YOU Multi-Domain Operations
For your additional consideration, Michael Flynn, talkING
about a civilian army of digital soldiers…
Citizen journalists…
And I'll add…
Proper Meme-ING, with embedded Truth and Love Gung Fu.
Where We Go One, We Go All!
#6398522 at 2019-05-03 01:45:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8182: Storms Comin Edition
great bakes night baker. mornING baker here. this retard has been copy pasta-ING all day long. ignore it. great bakes to you fren
WnB out.
#6385818 at 2019-05-01 21:44:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8165: Angry Shills = WINNING Edition
>young barr
happy hun[O]t[O]ING
#6381924 at 2019-05-01 15:38:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8160: AG Barr Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee Edition
I'm concerned more with the wires to the water heater cause ING a fire than switchING the breaker
#6371701 at 2019-04-30 16:55:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8147: Clouds are Building, Storm Approaching Edition
Venezuela is Jenga-ING. Looks like it's on.
V military runnING over protesters.
#6368607 at 2019-04-30 06:37:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8143: [RR] Edition
>Shills don't like it.
>They rely upon the timING of their posts to maximize entrainment.
>Captcha's are a god send.
^^ what does this look like?
Let me give you a hint: CNN does it all the time.
They spin reality. They try to deceive the ppl from what is really goING on. They claim we are shills. Look up my ID. Few of my posts, i have provided. Am i a shill? Am i anti-Q or Potus?
They tell you want they want you to believe, to think by skewING the information.
I am no shill but they try to project me as one to defend the captcha. A terrible idea, implemented by false logic, & ÷ING the board.
I am a Patriot but i will not fall victim to Indocuration. I am NO ONE'S puppet. I cannot be Bought! And i WILL not be intimided NOR WILL I EVER BACK DOWN. My heart beats for Justice and Freedom.
YOU cant manipulate the ppl all the time spooks! We r here to help the agencies not fight against u. You guys were the Ones who betrayed us!! YOU GUYS were the ones who let evil shit behind closed doors occur… And now u are askING us to help clean up the mess you guys let fester. When some of you turned ur backs on patriots to save ur own skin ( like Gunderson..etc)
I ask all of you who r readING this to ask ursleves what is goING on here.
#6352321 at 2019-04-28 23:34:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8122: This Is Not A Game Edition
I got in there after the
first Finkle-fag drop
Almost impossible to
"first" With out shittING
the bread.
Here are the original
Blanks for your meme-ING
Shadilay frens
#6343200 at 2019-04-28 04:01:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8111: America Will Never Be A Socialist Country Edition
i am an original, I lurk and comment now but am always in.
we just wore ourselves out anon on the memes and research, no sleep, no life, losING friends, (and for some of us we almost lost spouses, businesses etc due to the amount of time dedicated to Q Research)
We are lettING the newfags pick up the work. We lurk and watch, but we built the initial phase of research and solvING the codes to the best of our ability.
you newfags are learnING and contributING and meme-ING and re-discoverING some new leads and dots. Now and then when the shit hits the fan for realz, the normies will at least have somethING tangible to be able to process the thINGs to come.
#6334825 at 2019-04-27 18:11:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8100: The Take Back Day Edition
Brennan Slams Trump's "Sociopathic RamblINGs" That Mueller Probe Was CIA-Backed Coup
Even after the Mueller report confirmed 'conspiratorial' allegations levied by critics of the American Deep State that the FBI's investigation into Trump-Russia collusion was based on specious FISA warrants, the drunken ramblINGs of George Papadopoulos and the discredited, Democrat-financed and (ironically) Russia-assisted 'Steele Dossier', Obama-era intelligence officials have continued to insist that Trump's criticisms of the intelligence community are rooted in nothING but his own lust for power and self-preservation.
And even though operatives like Peter Strzok haven't exactly jumped to answer more questions about the early days of the investigation, and the appearance of deep-seated anti-Trump biases among the investigators, John Brennan, Obama's former CIA director, who has had his security clearance revoked and beING exposed for lyING to Congress, continue to insist that a "continued investigation" would clear them of any suspicion - which sounds great if it weren't for the fact that Mueller's own conclusions found no evidence of collusion or evidence that Trump successfully obstructed justice, regardless of what he may or may not have told White House lawyers and aides.
So, after Trump lashed out at Brennan durING a Thursday interview with Fox's Sean Hannity, Brennan, a favorite of cable news show producers, appeared on his favorite cable news channel, MSNBC, where he is a paid contributor, to rebut the claims.
In another ramblING interview, Brennan bashed Trump's "sociopathic" ramblINGs about the "coup" as self-servING nonsense. But didn't exactly offer up any actual evidence to rebut these claims.
"I don't think it's surprisING at all that we continue to hear the sociopathic ramblINGs of Mr. Trump claimING that there was this effort to try to prevent him from beING elected or to unseat him," Brennan said.
"I welcome any type of, you know, continued investigation in terms of what we did durING that period of time when we were in government," he continued. "And I've testified in front of Congress, and I'd be happy to do it again."
For context, Trump told Hannity that the Mueller probe was a conspiracy against his administration that was "bigger than Watergate." DurING the interview, Trump called out Brennan by name, as well as James Comey, James Clapper and Andrew McCabe.
"This was a coup. This was an attempted overthrow of the United States government," Trump said. "Bigger than Watergate, because it means so much. This was a coup. This wasn't stealING information from an office in the Watergate apartments, this was an attempted coup."
Of course, Brennan failed to acknowledge the fact that the FBI literally installed a paid asset, Stefan Halper, to infiltrate the Trump campaign.
But if, as Brennan says, the intelligence community would welcome an investigation into what exactly motivated the Mueller probe, then what's the problem? Maybe Brennan and others could volunteer to appear in front of Congress, and save them the Democrats the trouble and political backlash from subpeona-ING the 'good guys'?
#6321458 at 2019-04-26 13:44:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8083: Happy Birthday Dear FLOTUS Edition
is that you?
tellya-ING everyone everythING and spreadING your 'nothING butter'
"your nuthin' butta . . . "
tellING people what they are in terse brain-dew-drops?
you so cleaver and narcancistent.
are you chemically inhanced?
are you makING love to your autotromic vac-bot louvers?
#6316897 at 2019-04-26 01:53:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8078: It Will All Be Declassified Edition
Dan the Man!
No mention of the *&^%ING mustache….
#6312408 at 2019-04-25 19:56:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8072: Server Maintenance Edition
>>6311117 lb
Bob Martin, a senior vice-president at Aveshka, said the contract began in 2015 and was worth less than $1m. Aveskha employees, he said, "relatively junior folks", work within the FBI's Fisa unit, which prepares, handles and organizes the basis for surveillance applications under the law for the secret Fisa court. The surveillance applications are prepared by the FBI but can concern surveillance from other intelligence agencies, includING the NSA.
An online job postING from the firm describes its responsibilities as includING "prepar[ING] Fisa documents which shall include the review and selection of relevant documents and other materials"; "[d]eliver and pickup FISA, FISA orders, and other classified documents to and from Executive Management, the Department of Justice, and other sources at scheduled times/dates"; and "[d]isseminat[ING] FISA orders and add[ING] document to electronic files and data repositories", includING the FBI's database for trackING Fisa cases.
Martin told the Guardian the bulk of the firm's functional responsibilities were "supportING the logistics operation" of the FBI concernING Fisa-related documents. He said he believed Aveshka employees workING on the contract for the FBI held top-secret clearances and involved physically courierING the Fisa-relevant documents.Ed Shaw, who retired from the FBI in 2014 after a 25-year career, said that ensurING Aveshka personnel held security clearances mitigated the risk of a surveillance leak. But Shaw said the material contained within Fisa submissions were amongst the most sensitive classified material the US government possessed, particularly when concernING renewals of surveillance-court orders.
#6308393 at 2019-04-25 12:42:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8067: A New Dawn is Upon Us Edition
Deal Talks Between Deutsche Bank And Commerzbank Collapse
(this is the canary in the coal mine-so much crap debt reside's in both these places-think Greek debt crisis etc-all came from here)
Update: Germany has launched into damage control mode on Thursday, with the Bundesbank issuING a statement claimING that Deutsche and Commerzbank are "solid, stable banks".
Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank Are Solid, Stable Banks: Bundesbank
Translation: buy CDS
- zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 25, 2019
* * *
Alas, Germany's 'merger of weakquals' just wasn't meant to be.
After more than a month of increasINGly fraught deal talks, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank announced on Thursday that they have abandoned the negotiations after executives from both troubled lenders said the deal wouldn't have created sufficient benefits to offset to 'execution risks', capital costs and restructurING costs.
"We have concluded that this transaction would not have created sufficient benefits to offset the additional execution risks, restructurING costs and capital requirements associated with such a large-scale integration," Deutsche CEO Christian SewING said in a statement.
Frankfurt am Main, April 25, 2019 - After careful analysis, the Management Board of Deutsche Bank has concluded today that a combination with Commerzbank would not have created sufficient benefits to offset the additional execution risks, restructurING costs and capital requirements associated with such a large-scale integration. As a result, the two banks have decided to discontinue discussions.
Deutsche Bank will continue to review all alternatives to improve long-term profitability and shareholder returns.
Commerzbank's board released a statement that was nearly identical.
After a thorough examination, the Commerzbank Executive Board has come to the conclusion today that a merger with Deutsche Bank would not provide sufficient added value - also with regard to the implementation risks, restructurING costs and capital requirements associated with such a large degree of integration. Therefore, both banks have decided not to continue the talks.
Signs that the talks were headed for failure had been evident for weeks, amid a drumbeat of reports about intensifyING domestic opposition from the banks' powerful union and Deutsche's scramble to come up with a 'Plan B' to pitch to shareholders should the deal fall through, includING the possibility of cleavING off Deutsche Bank's most toxic assets and unprofitable business lines in a separate 'bad bank' unit (though, as Dealbreaker quipped, what is Deutsche Bank if not a collection of toxic assets and unsustainable businesses?)
"As a general rule mergers tend to happen because there are clearly identifiable synergies to be had between two different counterparties, whose strengths complement each other," said Michael Hewson, chief market analyst at CMC Markets UK. "This proposed merger offers none of these benefits, given the respective weakness of both banks."
German Finance Minsiter Olaf Scholz had been pushING for a merger between the two banks in the hopes of creatING a new 'national champion' to support Germany's exporters. But some shareholders argued that the conflicts and complications stemmING from a potential tie-up made a deal a liability.
Other Commerzbank suitors have been circlING, with Italy's UniCredit and Dutch Bank ING rumored to be interested in buyING Commerzbank. UBS and Deutsche have also reportedly pursued talks for Deutsche's majority owned DWS asset management business to buy UBS's asset-management business.
Deutsche Bank shares climbed on the news, while shares of Commerzbank ticked lower.
#6307217 at 2019-04-25 08:24:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8065: Q is in the House Edition
>K homos you are doING well and stopped (you)ING me with faggitry ill be back tomorrow..
Go play in traffic, you basement dwellING irrelevant twat.
#6307083 at 2019-04-25 08:01:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8065: Q is in the House Edition
K homos you are doING well and stopped (you)ING me with faggitry ill be back tomorrow.. Q is still a gigantic larpING faggot but I like you all.
#6306646 at 2019-04-25 06:49:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8065: Q is in the House Edition
Maybe if you fags would stop (you) ING me I'd be done already but you just want to get fuckING owned over and over. Q is fake and gay
- larp moar fag
#6298535 at 2019-04-24 19:06:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8054: POTUS & FLOTUS LIVE Edition
Yep. Total truth bomb. Not F ING around
#6297221 at 2019-04-24 16:34:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8052: WE WILL DRAIN THE SWAMP Edition
If you don't understand that all the REEEEEEEE-ING from the press, left, Dems, DS, is because POTUS is destroyING their way of life, then godspeed. Because it IS happenING.
#6293617 at 2019-04-24 06:09:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8048: Shills Are Up Late Tonight
fuckING nasty
and she's "mean girl-ING" the white chick..stompING on her foot
#6293147 at 2019-04-24 05:23:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8047: “You’ll Find Out.†Edition
Anons, i got locked out of twtr.
Look out for the new account.
2009, a GREAT year, but weren't they all.
Pride comes b4 the fall.
I fell alot but each scar is a lesson; buyer beware, time is always short, work together.
All that leads to this, and I ain't the only one.
Get this to my few followers wonderING where i am.
It is an Honor to speak on be1/2 while the World watches.
Anons are your humble helpers, be thankful.
8ch Qresearch is wonderful.
We dig meme PRAY.
Every sINGle f*#^ING day.
God forgive us our sins for we know not what we do.
'They can't believe that how it be, but that's how it do.'
Nobody else can have that.
o7 Q+ Q.
fake news, f you.
Becoimg rich.
Treasonous to the core.
A cheap puppet, nothING moar.
Can you hear them, Anons spreadING the truth.
People yellING 'lock her up, lock him up, and them))) too'.
That should scare you.
I use to like the color blue, dems messING everythING up, time to go.
Anons know, Newbies know, soon Normies will know.
GTFO of OUR country, fn traitors.
Godspeed Anons, I hope (you) can save the World.
Together maybe, divided never.
Work together forever.
#6287659 at 2019-04-23 20:43:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8040: Nothing to Lose Your Head Over Edition
Fire alarms on Notre Dame Cathedral oddly FAILED to ALARM on April 15th Titanic & Lincoln day
Coinkkydentally Pic:
Enflamed cathedral reflected in wine glass of another dame
#6277117 at 2019-04-22 22:35:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8026: Lou Dobbs Tonight @ 7pm EST Edition
A LOT OF EM THINK ITS trumps fault and obongo wuz kING and if only mary and juana were around it would change
Democrats have always enslaved and imprisoned – minor infraction and repeat offender's – especially in drugs and minor offenses. Labeled everyone ms 13 and NOW
#6276724 at 2019-04-22 21:58:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8026: Lou Dobbs Tonight @ 7pm EST Edition
ING is a bank. Could also have to do with a beING?
#6276712 at 2019-04-22 21:56:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8026: Lou Dobbs Tonight @ 7pm EST Edition
Extra "ING".
#6269826 at 2019-04-22 04:08:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8017: Re Read Crumbs The Q Edition
Khloé Kardashian Fumes Over Sister Kourtney on Family Trip to Bali: 'She's So F-ING Selfish'
Monday flights on schedule as Bali volcano erupts
#6265180 at 2019-04-21 19:54:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8011: Happy National Park Week Edition
Update to notable from bread #8001
>>6256902 (Pb) Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
The patent was not abandoned yesterday. When I went back today to confirm, the date for the Abandoned line reflects todays date. So it is more of a "as of today" status.
However, as noted in the follow-up posts:
>>6257263 (pb)
>>6257336 (pb) (the sauce I forgot to include)
Captures from the Wayback machine indicate that there was some action on February 8th, 2019 (though the capture is from the 9th of Feb, I don't know if it might affect the date, as it did above). SomethING likely occurred between Feb 9th and recently, like some finalization of abandonment such that the status seems complete and reflects the current day.
I've been thinkING about what this patent is for. ReadING through (skimmING some bc it's so dry at times), the title of the patent only indicates one potential use for the idea (technology? Algorithm?) that is beING patented, namely determinING whether a Luciferean can be rehabilitated (with I think here means to be made more Luciferean…not "cure" them of Lucifereanism). But after readING through what I did, the "invention's" primary purpose seems to be in "identifyING" Lucifereans, or those of a Luciferean mindset. I suppose that sounds ominous, in a way, but in readING the report, it struck me as hokey.
I think Keith is developING his own version of the Scientologist's e-meter, but through brain-scans and algorithms. He already has the cult-runnING experience. With the general push of open Luciferean ideology (the secular kind, I guess, if we can call it that), this capitalizes on a market that would "appreciate" a "scientific" approach. Further speculation of course can lead to wild application, but if you already have brain-scans of your followers…
But, like, wth Keith?
Pic1 - Screencap from today.
Pic2 - screencap from yesterday.
Pic3 - Wayback capture 2/9/19
Pic4 - Wayback capture 6/29/18
#6259143 at 2019-04-21 03:22:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8004: The Tide Has Turned Edition
Global Board Admin Announcements
>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough
>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)
>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist
>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group
>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/
are not endorsements
#8003 baker change
>>6258416 updated anon theory on deltas regardING stopwatch, includes prior delta maps
>>6258468 anon spots Q in the water of the new Garrison
>>6258658 Mood - booM, April 21 2018 Q post 1232 - what will next week hold?
>>6258717 Democrat Mary Anne Marsh tells Fox Hussein Been SpyING on Trump Since Q2 2015
>>6258835 some caps from >>6258157 pb guccifer 2.0: Game Over - careful with site
>>6258889 new DJT - thank you Watters and Bongino (late last bread)
>>6258325 POTUS retweets Judge Jeannine's openING stmt
>>6258063 Fmr Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney retweet re Nipsey Hussle's killer beING paid by LAPD to assassinate him
>>6258135 PapaD tweets; >>6258175 Moar PaPaD
>>6258105 InterestING WH marriages/family relationships with the MSM
>>6257934, >>6257951, >>6257981 Anon decodes on Q1007, ND, Comey twat & YT vid
>>6257854 April Ryan: "If anythING habbens to me or mine…."
>>6257808 Kushner: UNRWA 'corrupt' and doesn't help peace
>>6257781 MUELLER/RR on the CLOCK: Dark to Light
>>6257727 Lieu says Sarah Sanders lied; #Resign Sarah Sanders goes viral
>>6257713 Bartiromo guests tomorrow: Graham, Collins, Cartwright, Meadows
>>6257696 John Bolton tweet appreciatING Malta for prohibitING flights sendING aid to Maduro
>>6257687 POTUS retweet: Bartiromo says Graham reports workING on new immigration package
>>6258074 Chief architect of Notre Dame thinks the fire is "odd"
>>6258020, >>6258170 Anons on construction of gothic cathedrals
>>6257617 Pics of ND interior: anon claims "nothING got wrecked"
>>6258341 #8002
>>6257507 POTUS Schedule
>>6257495 Marine Corps tweets
>>6257446 Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
>>6257372 WH tweet: Nadler & Schiff need investigations; otherwise, they're "nobodies"
>>6257371 Mueller report: Erik Prince's secret meetING with Russia fell apart after its aircraft carrier went to Libya
>>6257353 College libraries are purgING book collections "to make room" (wonder what they're purgING?)
>>6257320 >>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 191-200: focus on false stmts & obstruction
>>6257334 New POTUS tweet: Doug Collins retweet
>>6257287 New POTUS tweets
>>6257245 Trump Game Over Tweet 'E' and 'S' in fog
>>6257204 Julian Assange put through 'hell' at embassy, says former diplomat Fidel Narvaez
>>6257145 ISIS kills over 60 Syrian troops in 2 days of attacks
>>6257089 Charity founder resigns after alleged rapes at African school
>>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 251-260: focus on Gen. Flynn
>>6256927 The death of education in America (zerohedge)
baker change
>>6257012 2 Thumbs Up! POTUS returns from Mar-A-Lago
>>6257031 PayPal and GoFundMe Ban Militia That Detained 300 Migrants at the Border (GatewayPundit)
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key...
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
>>6256850 FBI investigated Michael Flynn over Russia ties earlier than previously known
>>6257526 #8001
>>6256755 Barr: I 'Can Conceive of Situations' Where Journalists Might Be Jailed 'as a LAST RESORT' (DailyBeast)
>>6256541 (For keks): "Definitely" a "real" Hillary tweet
>>6256517 Former BHO WH Counsel Greg Craig will stand trial Aug 12 (DailyCaller)
>>6256409 @DeptofDefense: Fightin' fires! 🔥
>>6256364 DJT: If @MittRomney spent the same energy fightING [Hussein] as [DJT], he could have won (maybe)!
>>6256233, >>6256257 Qomms? a Morse Code [L] on Trump tweet (Q: DEC[L]AS)
>>6256265 Planefag spots ANON16
>>6256117 DJT retweet @DanScavino: I am [at Mar-A-Lago], I have never seen [POTUS] happier!
>>6256102, >>6256233 DJT: TRUMP CLEAN (New York Post front page)
>>6256785 #8000
Previously Collected Notables
>>6256018 #7999,
>>6253644 #7996, >>6254428 #7997, >>6255260 #7998
>>6251297 #7993, >>6252041 #7994, >>6252815 #7995
>>6248921 #7990, >>6249684 #7991, >>6250468 #7992
>>6246639 #7987, >>6247414 #7988, >>6248883 #7989
Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#6258358 at 2019-04-21 01:52:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8003: Stand up for Sarah Edition
Global Board Admin Announcements
>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough
>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)
>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist
>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group
>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/
are not endorsements
>>6258325 POTUS retweets Judge Jeannine's openING stmt
>>6258063 Fmr Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney retweet re Nipsey Hussle's killer beING paid by LAPD to assassinate him
>>6258135 PapaD tweets; >>6258175 Moar PaPaD
>>6258105 InterestING WH marriages/family relationships with the MSM
>>6257934, >>6257951, >>6257981 Anon decodes on Q1007, ND, Comey twat & YT vid
>>6257854 April Ryan: "If anythING habbens to me or mine…."
>>6257808 Kushner: UNRWA 'corrupt' and doesn't help peace
>>6257781 MUELLER/RR on the CLOCK: Dark to Light
>>6257727 Lieu says Sarah Sanders lied; #Resign Sarah Sanders goes viral
>>6257713 Bartiromo guests tomorrow: Graham, Collins, Cartwright, Meadows
>>6257696 John Bolton tweet appreciatING Malta for prohibitING flights sendING aid to Maduro
>>6257687 POTUS retweet: Bartiromo says Graham reports workING on new immigration package
>>6258074 Chief architect of Notre Dame thinks the fire is "odd"
>>6258020, >>6258170 Anons on construction of gothic cathedrals
>>6257617 Pics of ND interior: anon claims "nothING got wrecked"
>>6258341 #8002
>>6257507 POTUS Schedule
>>6257495 Marine Corps tweets
>>6257446 Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
>>6257372 WH tweet: Nadler & Schiff need investigations; otherwise, they're "nobodies"
>>6257371 Mueller report: Erik Prince's secret meetING with Russia fell apart after its aircraft carrier went to Libya
>>6257353 College libraries are purgING book collections "to make room" (wonder what they're purgING?)
>>6257320 >>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 191-200: focus on false stmts & obstruction
>>6257334 New POTUS tweet: Doug Collins retweet
>>6257287 New POTUS tweets
>>6257245 Trump Game Over Tweet 'E' and 'S' in fog
>>6257204 Julian Assange put through 'hell' at embassy, says former diplomat Fidel Narvaez
>>6257145 ISIS kills over 60 Syrian troops in 2 days of attacks
>>6257089 Charity founder resigns after alleged rapes at African school
>>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 251-260: focus on Gen. Flynn
>>6256927 The death of education in America (zerohedge)
baker change
>>6257012 2 Thumbs Up! POTUS returns from Mar-A-Lago
>>6257031 PayPal and GoFundMe Ban Militia That Detained 300 Migrants at the Border (GatewayPundit)
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key...
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
>>6256850 FBI investigated Michael Flynn over Russia ties earlier than previously known
>>6257526 #8001
>>6256755 Barr: I 'Can Conceive of Situations' Where Journalists Might Be Jailed 'as a LAST RESORT' (DailyBeast)
>>6256541 (For keks): "Definitely" a "real" Hillary tweet
>>6256517 Former BHO WH Counsel Greg Craig will stand trial Aug 12 (DailyCaller)
>>6256409 @DeptofDefense: Fightin' fires! 🔥
>>6256364 DJT: If @MittRomney spent the same energy fightING [Hussein] as [DJT], he could have won (maybe)!
>>6256233, >>6256257 Qomms? a Morse Code [L] on Trump tweet (Q: DEC[L]AS)
>>6256265 Planefag spots ANON16
>>6256117 DJT retweet @DanScavino: I am [at Mar-A-Lago], I have never seen [POTUS] happier!
>>6256102, >>6256233 DJT: TRUMP CLEAN (New York Post front page)
>>6256785 #8000
Previously Collected Notables
>>6256018 #7999,
>>6253644 #7996, >>6254428 #7997, >>6255260 #7998
>>6251297 #7993, >>6252041 #7994, >>6252815 #7995
>>6248921 #7990, >>6249684 #7991, >>6250468 #7992
>>6246639 #7987, >>6247414 #7988, >>6248883 #7989
Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#6257557 at 2019-04-21 00:14:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8002: Big Leap into the Future Edition
Global Board Admin Announcements
>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough
>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)
>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist
>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group
>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/
are not endorsements
>>6257507 POTUS Schedule
>>6257495 Marine Corps tweets
>>6257446 Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
>>6257372 WH tweet: Nadler & Schiff need investigations; otherwise, they're "nobodies"
>>6257371 Mueller report: Erik Prince's secret meetING with Russia fell apart after its aircraft carrier went to Libya
>>6257353 College libraries are purgING book collections "to make room" (wonder what they're purgING?)
>>6257320 >>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 191-200: focus on false stmts & obstruction
>>6257334 New POTUS tweet: Doug Collins retweet
>>6257287 New POTUS tweets
>>6257245 Trump Game Over Tweet 'E' and 'S' in fog
>>6257204 Julian Assange put through 'hell' at embassy, says former diplomat Fidel Narvaez
>>6257145 ISIS kills over 60 Syrian troops in 2 days of attacks
>>6257089 Charity founder resigns after alleged rapes at African school
>>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 251-260: focus on Gen. Flynn
>>6256927 The death of education in America (zerohedge)
baker change
>>6257012 2 Thumbs Up! POTUS returns from Mar-A-Lago
>>6257031 PayPal and GoFundMe Ban Militia That Detained 300 Migrants at the Border (GatewayPundit)
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key...
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
>>6256850 FBI investigated Michael Flynn over Russia ties earlier than previously known
>>6257526 #8001
>>6256755 Barr: I 'Can Conceive of Situations' Where Journalists Might Be Jailed 'as a LAST RESORT' (DailyBeast)
>>6256541 (For keks): "Definitely" a "real" Hillary tweet
>>6256517 Former BHO WH Counsel Greg Craig will stand trial Aug 12 (DailyCaller)
>>6256409 @DeptofDefense: Fightin' fires! 🔥
>>6256364 DJT: If @MittRomney spent the same energy fightING [Hussein] as [DJT], he could have won (maybe)!
>>6256233, >>6256257 Qomms? a Morse Code [L] on Trump tweet (Q: DEC[L]AS)
>>6256265 Planefag spots ANON16
>>6256117 DJT retweet @DanScavino: I am [at Mar-A-Lago], I have never seen [POTUS] happier!
>>6256102, >>6256233 DJT: TRUMP CLEAN (New York Post front page)
>>6256785 #8000
>>6256020 @DanScavino: I am with [POTUS] at the Southern White House, I have never seen him happier!
>>6255931, >>6255967 FeelING okay John K?
>>6255911 1st and 10 at the 40 double meanING?
>>6255730, >>6255788, >>6255758, >>6255625, >>6255749 US soldiers meet Mexican soldiers on TX border?
>>6255771 Call to Autism: Only a few more sections of Mueller Report remain to summarize
>>6255495, >>6255476 Ten thINGs the media got wrong about 'collusion' and 'obstruction' (NYPost)
>>6255448 A SamplING of Election Fraud Cases from Across the Country (WhiteHouse.gov/Heritage.org)
>>6255382 Papa D continues callING out spies and spooks on twatter
>>6255433 Moar Keith Raniere patent diggING
>>6255404 Site tracks $1.5 billion in public union political spendING over 20 yrs (FreeBeacon)
>>6255386 Tim Ballard, mentioned in Q #1881, on Fox Business re Smugglers
>>6255354 [Parkland] Judge and lawyer trade accusations of blackmail and extortion (Sun-Sentinal)
>>6255341 Friendly reminder @Jack is a sick individual
>>6255314 Russia releases 120-page report on Russophobia, Russiagate hysteria (Sputnik) (full pdf)
>>6256018 #7999
Previously Collected Notables
>>6253644 #7996, >>6254428 #7997, >>6255260 #7998
>>6251297 #7993, >>6252041 #7994, >>6252815 #7995
>>6248921 #7990, >>6249684 #7991, >>6250468 #7992
>>6246639 #7987, >>6247414 #7988, >>6248883 #7989
>>6244300 #7984, >>6245093 #7985, >>6245864 #7986
Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#6257526 at 2019-04-21 00:11:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8001: High Energy Edition
>>6257507 POTUS Schedule
>>6257495 Marine Corps tweets
>>6257446 Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
>>6257372 WH tweet: Nadler & Schiff need investigations; otherwise, they're "nobodies"
>>6257371 Mueller report: Erik Prince's secret meetING with Russia fell apart after its aircraft carrier went to Libya
>>6257353 College libraries are purgING book collections "to make room" (wonder what they're purgING?)
>>6257320 >>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 191-200: focus on false stmts & obstruction
>>6257334 New POTUS tweet: Doug Collins retweet
>>6257287 New POTUS tweets
>>6257245 Trump Game Over Tweet 'E' and 'S' in fog
>>6257204 Julian Assange put through 'hell' at embassy, says former diplomat Fidel Narvaez
>>6257145 ISIS kills over 60 Syrian troops in 2 days of attacks
>>6257089 Charity founder resigns after alleged rapes at African school
>>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 251-260: focus on Gen. Flynn
>>6256927 The death of education in America (zerohedge)
baker change
>>6257012 2 Thumbs Up! POTUS returns from Mar-A-Lago
>>6257031 PayPal and GoFundMe Ban Militia That Detained 300 Migrants at the Border (GatewayPundit)
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key...
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
>>6256850 FBI investigated Michael Flynn over Russia ties earlier than previously known
BakING soon
#6257489 at 2019-04-21 00:06:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8001: High Energy Edition
Notes @615
>>6257446 Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
>>6257372 WH tweet: Nadler & Schiff need investigations; otherwise, they're "nobodies"
>>6257371 Mueller report: Erik Prince's secret meetING with Russia fell apart after its aircraft carrier went to Libya
>>6257353 College libraries are purgING book collections "to make room" (wonder what they're purgING?)
>>6257320 >>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 191-200: focus on false stmts & obstruction
>>6257334 New POTUS tweet: Doug Collins retweet
>>6257287 New POTUS tweets
>>6257245 Trump Game Over Tweet 'E' and 'S' in fog
>>6257204 Julian Assange put through 'hell' at embassy, says former diplomat Fidel Narvaez
>>6257145 ISIS kills over 60 Syrian troops in 2 days of attacks
>>6257089 Charity founder resigns after alleged rapes at African school
>>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 251-260: focus on Gen. Flynn
>>6256927 The death of education in America (zerohedge)
baker change
>>6257012 2 Thumbs Up! POTUS returns from Mar-A-Lago
>>6257031 PayPal and GoFundMe Ban Militia That Detained 300 Migrants at the Border (GatewayPundit)
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key...
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
>>6256850 FBI investigated Michael Flynn over Russia ties earlier than previously known
#6257417 at 2019-04-20 23:55:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8001: High Energy Edition
Notes @550
>>6257372 WH tweet: Nadler & Schiff need investigations; otherwise, they're "nobodies"
>>6257371 Mueller report: Erik Prince's secret meetING with Russia fell apart after its aircraft carrier went to Libya
>>6257353 College libraries are purgING book collections "to make room" (wonder what they're purgING?)
>>6257320 >>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 191-200: focus on false stmts & obstruction
>>6257334 New POTUS tweet: Doug Collins retweet
>>6257287 New POTUS tweets
>>6257245 Trump Game Over Tweet 'E' and 'S' in fog
>>6257204 Julian Assange put through 'hell' at embassy, says former diplomat Fidel Narvaez
>>6257145 ISIS kills over 60 Syrian troops in 2 days of attacks
>>6257089 Charity founder resigns after alleged rapes at African school
>>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 251-260: focus on Gen. Flynn
>>6256927 The death of education in America (zerohedge)
baker change
>>6257012 2 Thumbs Up! POTUS returns from Mar-A-Lago
>>6257031 PayPal and GoFundMe Ban Militia That Detained 300 Migrants at the Border (GatewayPundit)
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key...
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 (lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
>>6256850 FBI investigated Michael Flynn over Russia ties earlier than previously known
#6257273 at 2019-04-20 23:39:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8001: High Energy Edition
Notes @400
>>6257204 Julian Assange put through 'hell' at embassy, says former diplomat Fidel Narvaez
>>6257145 ISIS kills over 60 Syrian troops in 2 days of attacks
>>6257089 Charity founder resigns after alleged rapes at African school
>>6257011 Mueller Report: pp. 251-260: focus on Gen. Flynn
>>6256957 Thanks for Spygate, Trump can purge corruption in one scoop
>>6256927 The death of education in America (zerohedge)
baker change
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key...
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 (lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
>>6256850 FBI investigated Michael Flynn over Russia ties earlier than previously known
AnythING missed, anons?
#6257007 at 2019-04-20 23:10:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #8001: High Energy Edition
early notes
>>6256978 @NationalGuard: Speed and accuracy are key…
>>6256899, >>6256966 Happy Trump at Mar-A-Lago pics
>>6256957 Thanks to Spygate, Trump Can Purge Corruption In One Swoop (Epoch)
>>6256936 DJT: Check out @MarkLevinShow
>>6256902 Keith Raniere "rehabilitat[ING] luciferians" patent abandoned today
>>6256280 (lb) Yuge list of POTUS accomplishments
Baker requestING handoff
#6254655 at 2019-04-20 19:13:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7998: Shaking Up The Status Quo Edition
And just so I don't need to double-post and look like a slidING looney, I think I need to go home for my lunch break. Been workING.
"workING" – see 2nd pic about /qreserch/ING while on the clock.
#6243542 at 2019-04-19 20:54:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7983: NO BLOCKADE = GAME OVER Edition
§ 2385. AdvocatING overthrow of GovernmentWhoever knowINGly or willfully advocates,abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity,desirability, or propriety of overthrowING or de-stroyING the government of the United States orthe government of any State, Territory, Districtor Possession thereof, or the government of anypolitical subdivision therein, by force or vio-lence, or by the assassination of any officer ofany such government; orWhoever, with intent to cause the overthrowor destruction of any such government, prints,publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distrib-utes, or publicly displays any written or printedmatter advocatING, advisING, or teachING theduty, necessity, desirability, or propriety ofoverthrowING or destroyING any government inthe United States by force or violence, or at-tempts to do so; orWhoever organizes or helps or attempts to or-ganize any society, group, or assembly of per-sons who teach, advocate, or encourage theoverthrow or destruction of any such govern-ment by force or violence; or becomes or is amember of, or affiliates with, any such society,group, or assembly of persons, knowING the pur-poses thereof-Shall be fined under this title or imprisonednot more than twenty years, or both, and shallbe ineligible for employment by the UnitedStates or any department or agency thereof, forthe five years next followING his conviction.If two or more persons conspire to commit anyoffense named in this section, each shall be finedunder this title or imprisoned not more thantwenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible foremployment by the United States or any depart-ment or agency thereof, for the five years nextfollowING his conviction.As used in this section, the terms ''organizes''and ''organize'', with respect to any society,group, or assembly of persons, include the re-cruitING of new members, the formING of newunits, and the regroupING or expansion of exist-ING clubs, classes, and other units of such soci-ety, group, or assembly of persons.(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956,ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87-486, June 19,1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII,§ 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)HISTORICAL ANDREVISIONNOTESBased on title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., §§ 10, 11, 13 (June 28,1940, ch. 439, title I, §§ 2, 3, 5, 54 Stat. 670, 671).Section consolidates sections 10, 11, and 13 of title 18,U.S.C., 1940 ed. Section 13 of title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed.,which contained the punishment provisions applicableto sections 10 and 11 of title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., wascombined with section 11 of title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed.,and added to this section.In first paragraph, words ''the Government of theUnited States or the government of any State, Terri-tory, District or possession thereof, or the governmentof any political subdivision therein'' were substitutedfor ''any government in the United States''.In second and third paragraphs, word ''such'' was in-serted after ''any'' and before ''government'', and words''in the United States'' which followed ''government''were omitted.In view of these changes, the provisions of subsection(b) of section 10 of title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., which de-fined the term ''government in the United States'' wereomitted as unnecessary.Reference to conspiracy to commit any of the prohib-ited acts was omitted as covered by the general con-spiracy provision, incorporated in section 371 of thistitle. (See reviser's note under that section.)Words ''upon conviction thereof'' which preceded ''befined'' were omitted as surplusage, as punishment can-not be imposed until a conviction is secured.The phraseology was considerably changed to effectconsolidation but without any change of substance
#6242681 at 2019-04-19 20:00:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7982: Digital Soldiers Edition
Revoke their charter. Time to get f*ING mean.
#6226176 at 2019-04-18 16:52:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7961: Better Luck Next Hoax Edition
im tryING… readING.. larkING… prayING… meme-ING my ass off at work.. at home.. on this board and as many other resources as possible… maybe to much
#6224671 at 2019-04-18 15:02:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7959: Exoneration Edition
Babel ING idioms
#6223061 at 2019-04-18 13:27:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7957: Big Habbenings Coming
Deutsche Bank Is ScramblING For A 'Plan B' To Justify AbandonING Commerzbank Merger Talks
The fraught, government-assisted courtship of troubled German bankING giants Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank has hit yet another snag. AccordING to a series of reports published Thursday mornING, concerns about a mass defection of mutual clients movING some, or all, of their business is givING Deutsche Bank - long reputed to be the more reluctant partner - cold feet.
Deutsche CEO Christian SewING is reportedly tryING to devise a 'Plan B' to pitch to investors who support the tie-up. These investors are reportedly demandING that if Deutsche doesn't go ahead with the merger, it must come up with a plan to turnaround its strugglING business as its streak of declinING revenue is widely expected to continue.
However, while investors are demandING that the bank try 'somethING different', the options reportedly under consideration (as described by Bloomberg) sound like more of the same: They include a) more cost cuts, focusING on DB's investment bank and b) a nebulous 'strategy shift' that would involve more upfront costs. However, SewING must at least find a way to paint the turd gold, so to speak, since a return to his original strategy simply 'wouldn't be credible'.
In another sign that the deal could be headed for the rocks, BBG noted that after five weeks of talks, the two banks are apparently no closer to a deal. Meanwhile, more Social Democrats, the party of finance minister Olaf Scholz - who is perhaps the biggest proponent of a merger, which he hopes will create a new German 'national champion' to support its industrial sector - are sidING with the labor unions from the two banks, which have warned that a merger could lead to the loss of 40,000 jobs.
Yet even after senior ECB policymakers reportedly expressed skepticism about the deal, the talks have continued, perhaps because two other European lenders, Italy's Unicredit and Dutch ING, have expressed an overt interest in buyING Commerzbank.
Deutsche Bank Supervisory Board Chairman Paul Achleitner has said DB will give an update by April 26, when DB's Q1 earnINGs are due out. Commerzbank has been pushING for an earlier update.
Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank are at odds over how many clients would ditch the Frankfurt-based rivals if they merged, highlightING one of the many obstacles to a deal that could transform the face of German bankING. Many companies in Germany are clients of both Deutsche and Commerzbank.
Some of them are expected to move parts of their business to rival lenders if the merger happens to avoid becomING overly dependent on a sINGle lender. Deutsche's internal estimates suggest that this would result in lost revenue of slightly more than ?1bn a year, or about 3.5 per cent of the two lenders' combined pro forma revenue of ?33.5bn.
Commerzbank's view is much more benign, however. It expects that the merged group will suffer only about half of the revenue losses its larger rival is predictING, people familiar with the matter told the Financial Times.
>Plan B
#6221365 at 2019-04-18 08:19:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7955: 5:5 - Eyes On, We've been ready, We are ready. The WAR Edition
c the index of your larpING asshole is gap ING
#6218159 at 2019-04-18 02:11:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7951: D5 Happenings Edition
Where y'all date ING ?
Maybe frodo will call you back someday
#6218011 at 2019-04-18 02:02:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7951: D5 Happenings Edition
'War on the Poor': As HousING Costs Soar, US City Weighs Ban on SleepING in Cars
A proposal by city officials in San Diego, California, to reestablish a ban that restricts individuals from livING in their vehicles on city streets is just another attempt to criminalize the city's poor, Ann Menasche, senior attorney with Disability Rights California, told Sputnik.
"It's absolutely a draconian measure," Menasche told Radio Sputnik's By Any Means Necessary on Wednesday. "[It's] extremely repressive. It's basically a continuation of the war on the unhoused poor."
The measure was introduced by San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer in March, just a month after the city council repealed a 1983 ordinance that banned habitation in vehicles on city streets. The February 5 revocation came as a result of a federal court rulING that concluded that the decades-old ordinance was too vague to enforce, local news outlet NBC 7 reported.
Per Faulconer, the proposed ordinance is a response to the hundreds of complaints he's received from San Diegans regardING the "cleanliness and illegal activity related to people livING out of vehicles."
The mayor has also stated that the move is meant to help tackle the city's homelessness issues while at the same time preventING individuals from takING "advantage of San Diego's generosity and destroy[ING] the quality of life" in the community.
Menashe told hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon that the measure was more about targetING a group of people rather than actually tryING to fix the city's ongoING housING crisis, which has seen the average rent price skyrocket past the $1,500 mark. "More and more people are beING priced out, even people who have jobs - full time jobs or more than full time jobs," she said.
With high rents and the city's average monthly income stayING at around $900, it's no wonder many locals are beING forced to take other measures, such as livING out of an RV or smaller sedan, Menashe noted.
AccordING to the San Diego Tribune, in March 2018 the average rent in the county hit a new record at $1,887 a month, a 20 percent increase since March 2015.
"The most vulnerable are beING hurt first, but everyone is at risk as the city becomes less and less affordable for the people who live and work here," the attorney stressed. "It's part of the war on the poor, and they want people to disappear."
"What they're doING is contributING to the problem rather than solvING it," she added.
Officials on San Diego City Council's Public Safety and Liveable Neighborhoods Committee on Wednesday voted on the measure 3 to 1, sendING the proposal to council members without any recommendations or amendments, Fox 5 San Diego reported.
#6213333 at 2019-04-17 19:52:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7945 Ambassadors of Freedom Edition
Watch: AOC narrates hilariously pie-in-the-sky video to promote her Green New Deal
Just when you thought it couldn't be more outrageous….
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has partnered with The Intercept to release an animated short film promotING her widely panned Green New Deal, in which she narrates her vision of America's future under the bold plan.
How does the future look to AOC?
The video is set from the future, and begins with an image of Ocasio-Cortez ridING a bullet train from New York to D.C., gray streaks in her hair, and windmills in the landscape. She tells the story as if lookING back on how America accomplishes greatness through the initiatives she has proposed.
After givING a brief history on the threat of climate change, the Congresswoman's utopic scenario includes Democrats takING the Senate and presidency in 2020, "and launch[ING] the Decade of the Green New Deal, a flurry of legislation that kicked off our social and ecological transformation to save the planet."
She also lauded the passage of "Medicare for All, the most popular social program in American history," and "the Federal Jobs Guarantee, a public option includING dignified, livING wages for work."
"Funnily enough," Rep. Ocasio-Cortez says, "the biggest problem in those early years was a labor shortage. We were buildING a national smart grid, retrofittING every buildING in America, and puttING trains like this one all across the country. We needed more workers."
The Congresswoman creatively weaves in scenarios where former oil workers "took apart old pipelines and got to work plantING mangroves with the same salary and benefits" through unions, and how "indigenous communities offered generational expertise" in "healING the land."
Ocasio-Cortez also fanaticizes over a new Universal Childcare initiative, publicly funded election campaigns, and parts of Miami beING forever under water after a hurricane.
Breck Dumas
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has partnered with The Intercept to release an animated short film promotING her widely panned Green New Deal, in which she narrates her vision of America's future under the bold plan.
How does the future look to AOC?
The video is set from the future, and begins with an image of Ocasio-Cortez ridING a bullet train from New York to D.C., gray streaks in her hair, and windmills in the landscape. She tells the story as if lookING back on how America accomplishes greatness through the initiatives she has proposed.
After givING a brief history on the threat of climate change, the Congresswoman's utopic scenario includes Democrats takING the Senate and presidency in 2020, "and launch[ING] the Decade of the Green New Deal, a flurry of legislation that kicked off our social and ecological transformation to save the planet."
She also lauded the passage of "Medicare for All, the most popular social program in American history," and "the Federal Jobs Guarantee, a public option includING dignified, livING wages for work."
"Funnily enough," Rep. Ocasio-Cortez says, "the biggest problem in those early years was a labor shortage. We were buildING a national smart grid, retrofittING every buildING in America, and puttING trains like this one all across the country. We needed more workers."
The Congresswoman creatively weaves in scenarios where former oil workers "took apart old pipelines and got to work plantING mangroves with the same salary and benefits" through unions, and how "indigenous communities offered generational expertise" in "healING the land."
Ocasio-Cortez also fanaticizes over a new Universal Childcare initiative, publicly funded election campaigns, and parts of Miami beING forever under water after a hurricane.
AnythING else?
The Democrat from New York is requestING the film be watched and shared widely, as time is of the essence.
#6213261 at 2019-04-17 19:43:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7945 Ambassadors of Freedom Edition
Venezuela: A Cocaine Super-Highway to the US?
Venezuela under Chavez and Maduro is in the forefront of combattING illicit drugs. More on this below.
The US is the world's leadING facilitator of the illicit trade - workING with drug cartels, notably through the CIA. Major US banks profit hugely from launderING dirty money.
In his book titled "The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade," Alfred McCoy documented CIA and US government complicity in drugs traffickING at the highest official levels.
It continues today in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, South and Central America, facilitatING the global supply of illicit drugs.
Peter Dale Scott explained that
"(s)ince at least 1950, there has been a global CIA-drug connection operatING more or less continuously" to this day.
"The global drug connection is not just a lateral connection between CIA field operatives and their drug-traffickING contacts."
"It is more significantly a global financial complex of hot money unitING prominent business, financial and government, as well as underworld figures," a sort of "indirect empire (operatING alongside) existING government."
America is one of numerous countries involved, the most harmful and disturbING because of its imperial power and global reach, influencING or affectING virtually everythING worldwide.
The CIA relies on involvement in drugs traffickING for the significant amount of its revenues.
Heroin, cocaine, and other illicit drugs produce hundreds of billions of dollars in annual revenues - a US government-supported bonanza, facilitated by corrupt officials, the CIA, organized crime, US and Western financial institutions, as well as other corporate interests.
Pre-9/11, Afghanistan under Taliban rule eradicated 94% of opium production, accordING to UN estimates, one of various reasons why Bush/Cheney launched naked aggression on the country in October 2001.
One objective was increasING opium production. Afghanistan was transformed into the world's largest supplier - at one point producING more than total global demand, now accountING for at least most of it.
Disinformation, Big Lies, and fake news are what CNN does best - the most distrusted name in television news, a lyING machine masqueradING as a news organization, its operation a virtual conspiracy against truth-tellING on vital issues.
On April 17, its propaganda piece on Venezuela falsely accused the country of "creat(ING) a cocaine super-highway to the US" - a bald-faced Big Lie, turnING truth on its head claimING the followING:
"Cocaine traffickING from Venezuela to the United States is soarING (sic)...(Unnamed) US and other regional officials say (sic) it's Venezuela's own military and political elite who are facilitatING the passage of drugs in and out of the country on hundreds of tiny, unmarked planes (sic)."
"Diosdado Cabello, the leader of Venezuela's National Constituent Assembly and...Nicolas Maduro's number two, was (sic) sanctioned in May 2018 for beING 'directly involved in narcotics traffickING activities' " - referrING to Tareck El Aissami, Venezuelan executive vice president from January 2017 - mid-June 2018.
#6212749 at 2019-04-17 18:44:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7944: The "What You Can Do For Your Country" Edition
No, clearly different. only one person apparently can find this Dissolvedgirl BS and then they post pics of "her" tatoos, which can be found by Google-ING Columbine images. Someones Larp-ING this BS.
#6208597 at 2019-04-17 08:47:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7939: The Graveyard Edition
MTGA = Make Taiwan Great Again
Head of Foxconn announces Taiwan presidential bid
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - Terry Gou, the head of the world's largest electronics supplier, Foxconn, says he is plannING to run for president of Taiwan.
Gou announced Wednesday that he would be puttING himself up as a hopeful in the opposition Nationalist Party primary ahead of next year's election.
The Nationalists favor closer ties with BeijING, a policy that accords with Gou's massive business interests in China. Candidates are expected to face a crowded field in the 2020 polls, in which President Tsai ING-wen of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party says she will seek a second four-year term.
#6203477 at 2019-04-16 23:06:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7932: Gaspromlighting Edition
Lessons From The DustBowl #1
#1. "Young Anon….Only a fool sits around waitING on someone else, ESPECIALLY someone from the gubernment, to come and DO His American-ING FOR him"
==The 9 most frightenING words in the English language are, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." -President Reagan
#2. "An AMERICAN should always be (P)repared. And sad to say, since '33 and '63, clearly We aren't America like America was meant to be, so we should be even MORE (P)repared, but even then, All Americans should be (P)repared for Their President to show up and check out their post, because that IS your Commander in Chief, and He may need you, but Who (P)repares like that?? And THAT Right there is why you'll never see the real America young Anon."
Always Be Prepared
God Bless America
God Bless The Trumps
#6198251 at 2019-04-16 14:03:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7926 Feel'n the Bern on Socialism Edition
North Carolina. NO!
As in don't talk about NC yet.
Did anyone catch Don's deleted twat after postING the NC NO post?
He is SIGNALS-ING here.
#6197154 at 2019-04-16 09:44:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7924: I Love Trump, Trump Loves me, Triggered Leftists Still Cant Meme Edition
The new mosque they build in place of Notre dame is goING to be a-maze-ING
#6197097 at 2019-04-16 09:30:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7924: I Love Trump, Trump Loves me, Triggered Leftists Still Cant Meme Edition
Taiwan president says Chinese drills a threat but not intimidated
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan has not been intimidated by China's military drills this week, President Tsai ING-wen said on Tuesday, after the latest Chinese maneuvers were denounced by a senior U.S. official as "coercion" and a threat to regional stability.
China's People's Liberation Army said its warships, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft had conducted "necessary drills" around Taiwan on Monday. It described them as routine.
Tsai said Taiwan was resolute in its defense.
"China's armed forces yesterday sent a large number of military aircraft and naval vessels into our vicinity. Their actions threaten Taiwan and other-like minded countries in the region," Tsai said.
"These actions only serve to strengthen our resolve. Our military forces have the capacity, determination, and commitment to defend Taiwan and not allow coercion to dictate our own future," she said.
Tsai also said the Trump administration had notified Taipei that its pilots could train at the Luke Air Force Base in Arizona.
"It enhances their abilities to defend our air space. I want to express my appreciation to the U.S. government for the announcement," she said.
Tsai was speakING at a forum co-hosted by Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark the 40th anniversary of Taiwan-U.S. ties under the Taiwan Relations Act, followING WashINGton's decision to ditch formal recognition of Taiwan in favor of China in 1979.
The event was attended by a delegation led by Paul Ryan, the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The United States has no formal ties with Taiwan but is bound by law to help provide the island with the means to defend itself and is its main source of arms.
Taiwan scrambled jets and ships to monitor the Chinese forces on Monday, the island's sefence ministry said, accusING BeijING of "tryING to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait".
#6196392 at 2019-04-16 06:37:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7923: Now Comes The PAIN in 23 Edition
NATO Member Norway Admits It Cannot Defend Itself
The head of the Norwegian Armed Forces' operational headquarters (FOH) has admitted that as a result of failING to upgrade the country's military, Norway would not be able to defend itself in an attack.
SpeakING to Norway's state broadcaster NRK, Lieutenant-General Rune Jakobsen said, "If there is an attack in the classical sense, then we do not have the robustness that is necessary [to defend ourselves]."
"The most serious issue is the size of the land," Lt Gen Jakobsen said. "Reactivity, robustness, and endurance in all branches of defence are too low, and to be concrete: The army is too small in relation to the tasks it has and what is expected of Norway and in NATO."
Lt Gen Jakobsen said in his assessment that Norway needs two new warships, two new submarines, and a better plan for the transition from old to new materiel in the Air Force.
Norway, which shares a land border with Russia, was criticised by U.S. President Donald J Trump last year for "lack[ING] a credible plan to spend two per cent of its gross domestic product on defence."
Described by President Trump as NATO's "eyes and ears" in the north, the oil-rich Nordic country spent 1.56 per cent of GDP on defence in 2018 - down from 1.61 in 2017. Norwegian Defence Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen told reporters in response to the president's statement that "Norway is committed to the two percent goal in NATO" and will meet it by 2024.
The United States spends the most per GDP on defence at 3.39 per cent, while just six of the remainING 28 NATO members hit the two per cent target: the United KINGdom, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.
Germany has come in for particular criticism from President Trump for failING to hit the target for the defence union aimed at protectING Europe from Russia, yet pursues the Nord Stream 2 gas line project with the former Soviet superpower.
SayING Germany had become a "captive of Russia," President Trump told NATO General-Secretary Jens Stoltenberg in July 2018, "The former Chancellor of Germany [Gerhard Schröder] is the head of the pipeline company that's supplyING the gas... Germany is totally controlled by Russia... I think it's not [appropriate] and it's a very bad thING for NATO."
Despite havING by far the largest economy in the European Union, Germany spends just 1.23 per cent of GDP on defence. In February, it was revealed that the country was set to miss its own reduced target of 1.5 per cent by 2024, with new military spendING plans lowerING that target to 1.25 per cent by 2023.
U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell told Breitbart London last year that Germany's NATO spendING was "woeful" and the country lacked "a serious plan put forward as to how they get to that two per cent of GDP."
"German military officials know that the readiness issue is a serious problem, there are no workING submarines, for example; they don't have a military that is currently ready," the ambassador had remarked.
UK Defence Journal reported in February 2018 that the German Navy was without a sINGle operational submarine after a Type 212A was damaged the previous October, while its Type 125s frigates were also not able to enter operational service.
In 2015, it was revealed that only 66 of the German airforce's Tornado jets were airworthy, while in 2014 the army was reduced to usING broom handles for lack of trainING rifles durING a NATO exercise in Norway.
#6195992 at 2019-04-16 05:24:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7923: Now Comes The PAIN in 23 Edition
Thank You for the Delicious Bread Baker!!
I thank You for your efforts, as well as the efforts of all the others Bakers, BV's, CodeMonkey, & Overwatch, I hope You all know this hasn't even Really begun for /US/, and I Pray God's BlessINGs to all of You & Yours, as well as to ALL Honest Anons & Patriots WW.
And finally….(Best for last! Kek!!)
Happy Melania Monday!!
I hope all You Anons are "Good/Better/Best" -ING it out there. It's like an Anon so perfect noted a few weeks ago, and then it became a meme that I love, but so I can use it with Children, to paraphrase Anon (All credit to Anon on this Beauty)…
You need to rinse the Roman out of Your Heart, Wash the babylonian syntax out of Your Mind, and Embrace Your Inner FLOTUS.
#6194490 at 2019-04-16 02:49:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7921: A Bake Before Bed keeps the Doctor Away Edition
Taiwan president says island not intimidated by Chinese military drills
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan is not intimidated by China's military drills this week, President Tsai ING-wen said on Tuesday, after the latest Chinese military maneuvers were denounced by a senior U.S. official as "coercion" and a threat to stability in the region.
China's People's Liberation Army said its warships, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft had conducted "necessary drills" around Taiwan on Monday, though it described them as routine.
"We will not make any compromise on our territory for even one inch. We always hold on tight to our democracy and freedom," Tsai told reporters at an event to mark Taiwan-U.S. ties in Taipei, addING U.S. arm sales to Taiwan would help reinforce the capability of Taiwan's Air Force.
Tsai was speakING at a forum co-hosted by Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark the 40th anniversary of Taiwan-U.S. ties, followING WashINGton's decision to ditch formal recognition of Taiwan in favor of China in 1979.
Taiwan scrambled jets and ships to monitor the Chinese forces on Monday, its defense ministry said, accusING BeijING of "tryING to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait".
China has repeatedly carried out what it calls "island encirclement patrols" in the past few years.
A delegation led by former U.S. speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, is in Taipei to mark 40 years since the signING of the Taiwan Relations Act, which governs U.S.-Taiwan relations, and to reaffirm WashINGton's commitment.
#6188773 at 2019-04-15 19:58:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7913: Nothing Good Comes From The NYT Edition
A cadre of Idaho residents are suING the Air Force over the "extraordinary and unprecedented" urban trainING exercises planned to take place in nine cities across the state.
In a complaint filed earlier this month in the U.S. District Court of Idaho, a group of Boise residents allege that the Air Force's Urban Close Air Support Air and Ground TrainING Project - proposed by the 366th Fighter WING at Mountain Home Air Force Base in January - endangers the safety of Idahoans by "authoriz[ING] thousands of annual overflights of F-15 military jets, coupled with on-the-ground troop activity within the cities, occurrING day and night."
Civilian complaints about military exercises in their neighborhoods aren't unusual, but this complaint alleges that the Air Force Urban CAS TrainING Project "establishes a permanent urban military trainING program centered over nine cities across southern Idaho, from Boise to Burley … for up to 160 days per year."
#6188485 at 2019-04-15 19:36:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7913: Nothing Good Comes From The NYT Edition
International Criminal Court: US/NATO Imperial Tool
Time and again, the ICC breaches its mandate, callING for "end(ING) impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern."
The court consistently ignores US/NATO imperial war crimes, prosecutING their victims instead.
Established by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on July 1, 2002, it's mandated to prosecute individuals for genocide and aggression, as well as crimes or war and against humanity - the highest of high crimes.
Never in the court's near-17 year history did it fulfill its mandate, a disturbING record.
Since established in 1945, the performance of the UN is worse over a far longer duration. Established "to save succeedING generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our life time has brought untold sorrow to mankind," its near-75-year history reflects consistent failures.
Its leadership did nothING to deter war, human rights abuses, or other high crimes of powerful member states, notably the US, other Western ones and Israel - responsible for countless high crimes of war and against humanity, committed with impunity.
In 2016, ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said she'd launch an investigation into Afghanistan war crimes after US November elections.
Its high crimes of war in Afghanistan and other war theaters are well documented - notably damnING information in the Afghan War Diary and Iraq War Logs revealed by Chelsea MannING, published by WikiLeaks.
There's enough credible information in them to indict top officials of three US regimes, most current and past congressional members for fundING US wars, the entire Pentagon high command, and countless subordinates below them.
Last week, the Trump regime annulled Bensouda's US visa (except to visit UN headquarters in New York) after Pompeo vowed to shield Americans from what he called "unjust prosecutions," addING:
"If you're responsible for the proposed ICC investigation of US personnel in connection with the situation in Afghanistan, you should not assume that you still have, or will get, a visa or that you will be permitted to enter the United States."
"We are prepared to take additional steps, includING economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course."
WashINGton rules call for prosecutING its victims, not US government and military officials responsible for the highest of high crimes.
The 2002 American Service Members' Protection Act (ASPA, aka The Hague Invasion Act) "protect(s) United States military personnel and other elected and appointed officials of the United States government against criminal prosecution by an international court to which the United States is not party."
It authorizes the president to use "all means necessary and appropriate to brING about the release of any US or allied personnel beING detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court."
#6183967 at 2019-04-15 12:21:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7907 Fastest. Bread. Ever Edition
Global Stocks Hit 6 Month High On, Drumroll, Renewed "Trade Talk Optimism"
(doING this YET again)
This is the part in Groundhog Day where Phil Connors kills himself again, and again, and again.
With stocks itchING for a new excuse to levitate higher, they got that overnight when a Reuters report on fresh "progress" in the U.S.-China trade talks and renewed "optimism" in a trade deal helped propel world stock markets to a 6-month high on steered investors away from save havens such as the Japanese yen, even as 10Y treasury yields dipped modestly, as the same catalyst that has driven stocks higher on virtually every sINGle day in the past quarter has continued to do so again and again, right out of the cult groundhog movie.
"It seems like bullish sentiment has decent grip for now and everyone is focused on the year to date performance of the equity markets," said Naeem Aslam, chief market analyst at TF Global Markets (UK) Ltd in London.
Overnight Reuters reported that US negotiators tempered demands that China curb industrial subsidies as a condition for a trade deal after strong resistance from BeijING, markING a retreat on a core U.S. objective for the trade talks. AccordING to the report, in the push to secure a deal in the next month or so, U.S. negotiators have become resigned to securING less than they would like on curbING those subsidies and are focused instead on other areas where they consider demands are more achievable, Reuters sources said. Those include endING forced technology transfers, improvING intellectual property protection and widenING access to China's markets, the sources said. China has already given ground on those issues.
"It's not that there won't be some language on it, but it is not goING to be very detailed or specific," one source familiar with the talks said in reference to the subsidies issue.
Separately, on Saturday durING the latest IMF conclave, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the US is "hopefully very close" to final round of China talks; addING that the U.S. is open to facING enforcement penalties which work "in both directions." all of which helped spawn a fresh sense of optimism that a deal announcement was imminent.
FollowING a muted Asian session, the European Stoxx 600 Index erased an earlier loss and extended gains to session highs with bank stocks contributING most to the increase. A gauge trackING lenders climbs for a third session as it holds above a barrier it breached last week. The European index advances 0.3% as of 11:30 a.m. in London, reversING a decline of as much as 0.1% earlier. BNP Paribas rose 2.5%, addING the most to the increase by index points. Other banks also stronger: Credit Suisse +2.2%; ING Groep +1.3%, Unicredit +2.2%
S&P500 futures nudged up after spendING most of the session in the red, as results from Goldman Sachs and Citigroup loomed. In Asia, equities headed for a fresh six-month high, propelled by markets in Japan and Korea, after the Bank of China released upbeat credit data, although earlier, Chinese stocks closed in the red, fadING initial trade-related gains as expectations for rate cuts fizzled followING the latest credit deluge.
With Chinese trade and lendING data showING signs of improvement for the world's second-biggest economy, investors are turnING to the US earnINGs season to confirm the resilience of corporate America in the face of numerous challenges to growth. JPMorgan Chase posted strong first-quarter results last week, Goldman and Citi report today and Bank of America is up on Tuesday.
Market Snapshot
S&P 500 futures little changed at 2,912.00
STOXX Europe 600 up 0.01% to 387.56
MXAP up 0.6% to 163.25
MXAPJ up 0.1% to 543.51
Nikkei up 1.4% to 22,169.11
Topix up 1.4% to 1,627.93
Hang Seng Index down 0.3% to 29,810.72
Shanghai Composite down 0.3% to 3,177.79
Sensex up 0.3% to 38,897.72
Australia S&P/ASX 200 unchanged at 6,251.44
Kospi up 0.4% to 2,242.88
German 10Y yield rose 0.5 bps to 0.06%
Euro up 0.2% to $1.1319
Italian 10Y yield rose 15.4 bps to 2.171%
Spanish 10Y yield rose 1.5 bps to 1.064%
Brent futures down 0.7% to $71.04/bbl
Gold spot down 0.3% to $1,286.95
U.S. Dollar Index down 0.2% to 96.80
US Event Calendar
8:30am: Empire ManufacturING, est. 8, prior 3.7
4pm: Net Long- term TIC Flows, prior $7.2b deficit
4pm: Total Net TIC Flows, prior $143.7b deficit
That gap in the 10 year is closING up-signal beING given is inverted yield's once it crosses, cap #4.
#6183120 at 2019-04-15 08:22:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7906 God Supports Walls Edition
ING's blockchain team is testING a privacy technology called "bulletproofs," the latest in a series of seemINGly unlikely cypherpunk …
ING's blockchain team is testING a privacy technology called "bulletproofs," the latest in a series of seemINGly unlikely cypherpunk experiments at the Netherlands-based global bank.
Developed and refined by hardcore cryptographers at Stanford University, University College London and startup Blockstream, bulletproofs are designed to hide the amounts beING transferred in bitcoin transactions, which are normally visible to anyone. But banks have privacy concerns about blockchains too, since they don't want to expose competitive or sensitive client data to rivals.
One early solution was zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), a way of provING possession of a secret without revealING the secret itself. Over the past year or so, ING has explored ZKP variants such as range proofs (where a hidden number is proven to be within a certain range) and zero-knowledge set membership (where alphanumeric data can be validated within a specified set).
But ZKPs eat up a lot of computation and so potentially slow down a blockchain. Now, ING sees bulletproofs as a much more efficient, therefore applicable, version of these proofs.
The bank found bulletproofs turn out to be "roughly ten times faster than other range proofs, for a sINGle range proof," said Mariana Gomez de la Villa, global head of ING's blockchain program.
And when aggregated together these provING schemes gain efficiency. Gomez de la Villa gave the example of a cryptocurrency exchange usING range proofs to show it has enough funds to pay all its clients if they want to withdraw their money at the same time.
In this case, "bulletproofs would allow a solution that is 300 times more efficient than other alternative range proofs," she said.
While a lot of this stuff is academic, ING is now lookING to where it can apply the tech. Potential uses touch on the need to obey the Europe Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); for instance, ZK set membership can prove an individual belongs to a given EU member state without disclosING any other information about their identity.
Meanwhile, academics and cryptocurrency scientists seem encouraged, if a little bemused. Blockstream mathematician Andrew Poelstra told CoinDesk via email:
"When we developed bulletproofs in 2017, we did not expect such an uptake. We're very excited and proud whenever we see the technology beING applied to real world problems, if a little surprised its found a use-case in traditional bankING!"
Trade and trolls
ING is also lookING at applyING ZKPs to the testING out of trade finance blockchains, an innovation which in turn looks ahead to a world of blockchain interoperability, said Gomez de la Villa.
"We are settING up a whole [ZKP] shop to help developers find these use cases and are in contact with some of our customers to ensure they have a good understandING of how they can leverage these open source projects that we have," she said.
#6169995 at 2019-04-14 02:19:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7890: Fast Moving but Comfy Edition
De Niro Threatens Republicans: 'We're Not Gonna Forget' You Supported Trump
SpeakING in a "Hollywood Reporter in Studio" interview, actor Robert De Niro, who has repeatedly stated his hatred for President Trump, enlarged his target to include Republicans in general, threatenING, "We're not gonna forget" that they supported Trump. De Niro also warned that if the Mueller report didn't eventually give leftists what they wanted, "There's goING to be a lot of mass demonstrations, a lot of protests."
Then he warned, "But I think there's goING to be a lot of mass demonstrations, a lot of protests if this is not resolved. We have to know what went on. We have to know. The handwritING's on the wall. These people are all crooks; they're doING it before our very eyes. Trump obstructed justice all the time, first by firING Comey and all the other thINGs and sayING it on NBC with Lester Holt, I mean, what are we takING about? It's right before our eyes. Justice has to be served."
DeNiro potificated:
To me and to many of us, Mueller represented justice. And he still does. He's been muted by Barr and what's goING on and by Republicans. I don't know what's happened in this country with the Republicans. I mean, the Republicans with Nixon didn't do this, but these Republicans are. And we're not gonna forget about them, because when later on, years to come, long after Trump is gone, there are gonna be writers, as soon as any of these characters come out, emerge, in some way, they're gonna remind us of all the thINGs that these Republicans did durING the time of Trump.
As noted by The Daily Wire last June, at the Tony Awards, De Niro displayed his erudite knowledge of politics, utter command of the most sophisticated verbiage from his personal lexicon and well-deserved reputation as a man of class and gentility by marchING on stage to applause, then leanING into the microphone and bellowING, "I'm gonna say one thING: "F* Trump." As the crowd screamed its approval and rose to their feet to give him a standING ovation, De Niro called out, "It's no longer 'Down with Trump,' it's 'F* Trump!'"
Other times De Niro has vented his spleen regardING Trump:
TellING The Hollywood Reporter, "I feel like I did after 9/11," after Trump was elected.
CallING Trump an "idiot."
BlusterING at the Annual Hudson River Park Gala "F* you, Donald Trump. It's a horror with this mother*er."
PontificatING at The National Board of Review Annual awards, "It's The Emperor's New Clothes - the guy is a f***ING fool."
OpinING that Trump "lacks any sense of humanity or compassion."
#6167083 at 2019-04-13 21:52:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7886: What A Time To Be Alive Edition
So-called journalists mock Rep. Crenshaw over his criticism of Ilhan Omar regardING her comments re: 9/11.
Wounded SEAL Dan Crenshaw mocked by left as 'captain shithead,' Nazi, 'eyeless f–k'
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who was wounded in Afghanistan, was derided the left and accused of "playING the wounded victim" after he called for "deference" in discussions of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Crenshaw, 35, who wears an eye patch after losING his right eye in Afghanistan, has received two Bronze Stars, includING one with valor, the Purple Heart, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor.
He criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar this week for appearING to downplay the Sept. 11 attacks in a recent speech. "It's terrorists who killed almost 3,000 Americans, we should talk about it that way. We should talk about it with deference," said the Texas Republican.
The freshman congressman posted a video of his comments to NBC on Twitter, drawING attacks from numerous critics on Twitter on Saturday.
Talia Lavin, a New York University journalism professor who resigned from the New Yorker last year after she incorrectly identified a U.S. immigration agent as a Nazi sympathizer, slammed Crenshaw as "captain shithead" on Twitter. "The real victim, captain shithead, speaks," wrote Lavin, linkING to Crenshaw's video.
Freelance writer Rob Rousseau wrote to Crenshaw, "You're deliberately lyING about what [Omar] said you eyeless fuck." The comment appears to have been removed.
Crenshaw was elected to Congress last November. He joined the U.S. Navy in 2006 and served for 10 years as a Navy SEAL, includING multiple deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was wounded by a roadside bomb while on his third tour of Afghanistan in 2012. Crenshaw lost his right eye in the explosion, but he was able to recover eyesight in his left eye through surgery.
Eli Valley, a political cartoonist known for his anti-Israel drawINGs, suggested Crenshaw was a Nazi. "Wow it's GOP-Nazy Party Terrorist Incitement Night on NBC," wrote Valley, linkING to Crenshaw's comment.
Ryan Cooper, a national correspondent at The Week, blasted Crenshaw's comments as "fascist propaganda" and claimed the congressman was "play[ING] the wounded victim." "[C]lassic fascist propaganda technique: whip up a storm of murder frenzy, then operatically play the wounded victim," wrote Cooper.
#6164050 at 2019-04-13 16:46:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7882: Reeee Our FAMILY The Wake and Bake Saturday Brunch Edition
It's Model ING not that cheap modelING crap for sheep.
#6150030 at 2019-04-12 13:22:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7864: Bringing It All the Way Home Edition
The Scaramucci Model.
Well this mornING on Fox News, Scaramucci basically called for NO INDICTMENTS. He went on about how it's best to be magnanimous after winnING. He admitted there was probably criminal activity but said the best thING for (Trump/admin) to do is let it go. LET IT FUCKING GO??????????
Then Ainsley says "but if you don't hold people accountable it will happen again".
Good for Ainsley.
THIS SCARAMUCCI DUDE has become way too detached from normal reality. We (middle class) deal with BOOTS ON OUR NECKS every sINGle day. Every sINGle government entity wants money from us for every sINGle thING. I can't even put an f-ING window in my OWN house without gettING permission from the government first. What a joke.
LET GO the people that have perpetrated the biggest evils AGAINST US for so long???????????? Are you KIDDING ME????????????????
#6138737 at 2019-04-11 18:32:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7850: "Server or JA = truth exposed (SR)" Edition
With enough shape charges and time ING
San Fran architecture might glow at night
And bunnies will invade Texas
#6138299 at 2019-04-11 18:00:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7849: Dishin' Up The Source Edition
Just because THEY are evil, doesn't mean all the ideas are.
I'm fine with some re-green-ING, for example.
We won't have a sINGle world currency.
We won't have a one-world-military.
And unless literally GOD makes an appearance, we won't have one-world-religion.
And even IF God made an appearance, they'd have to prove they're legitimacy because we can fake some really convincING bullshit these days.
Calm your tits.
#6137526 at 2019-04-11 17:02:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7848: Extra Dishin' Edition
its a movie… entertainment to those anons watchING and meme-ING, notING history
#6133949 at 2019-04-11 11:55:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7844 Julian Arrested Edition
- Julian Assange arrested after police were invited in to the Ecuadorian embassy, shortly before a planned visit by the POTUS and the Queen.
- Shortly before, WikiLeaks says Julian Assange is beING spied on in Ecuadorean embassy
- Attorney General of The USA goes on record, FBI and other intel agencies under an opposition party spied on a political campaign and they are determinING whether or not it was done illegally.
President of the USA repeatedly (100+ times?) that a number of elected and un-elected officials have committed treason and attempted a coup.
- EU is "allowING" the UK to stay with in the EU a deal can be reached, and the UK gov't appears to be acceptING.
-Military coup in Sudan?
- Top-RankING Ukrainian security boss admits that Ukraine, not Russia, shot down MH-17 in 2014 and planned an Ethnic Genocide (to presumably blame on Russia?)
-Gregory Craig, ex-Obama White House counsel, expects to be charged in relation to Ukrainian work with Manafort.
Most of this happened on one day alone.
#6131960 at 2019-04-11 06:20:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7841: Lights on Nightshift pt 2 Edition
they just die ING to talk about somethING they have no legal right to even know the contents of…
hope POTUS keeps it goING…
they will trip up
sure of it!
#6127180 at 2019-04-10 23:38:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7835: William the Barrbarian Edition
by identify
anal Democrats,
Baker can ID readily,
and schiff
#6125307 at 2019-04-10 21:18:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7833: Winning Wednesday Edition
Anon, that's the Toiletfucker/MAGA Riots/Muh Dick. By (you)ING him, he's goING to respond with a jilted grammar response only a ChiCOM shill would.
#6118952 at 2019-04-10 10:38:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7825: T Minus One Year Delta DJT Day Edition
What does [FISH] mean?
10 Aug 2018 - 10:15:38 PM
[Fish]ING is fun.
These people are stupid.
#6115547 at 2019-04-10 02:18:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7821: Huber Report Edition
Taiwan calls for US commitment as China turns up heat
Tsai ING-wen lauds historic ties ahead of 40th anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act.
BEIJING/TAIPEI – Taiwanese President Tsai ING-wen on Tuesday sought greater American involvement in helpING to ensure the island's security as China ratchets up military pressure.
Wednesday marks 40 years since the U.S. enacted the Taiwan Relations Act, which promotes commercial and cultural relations with the island even after WashINGton established diplomatic ties with mainland China. In the weeks ahead of the anniversary, China engaged in jet flybys across a de facto maritime border with Taiwan and issued a veiled threat of a strike.
Through the Taiwan Relations Act, the U.S. Congress "made sure that Taiwan would survive its darkest hour and have the opportunity to transform itself into the free society and robust democracy we are today," Tsai said in a Tuesday video call to an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in WashINGton.
The act reflects "the United States' commitment to our shared interests of peace, security and stability in the Pacific," Tsai said.
She raised alarms over Chinese military overtures, which she said were detrimental to regional peace and stability. Tsai expressed hopes of further arms sales to Taiwan to help the island defend itself.
"I hope that the United States can make clear at a very senior level that it considers the security of Taiwan vital to the defense of democracy," she said.
Cross-strait tensions have been on the rise since late last month, startING with Tsai's March 27 meetING with a Hawaii National Guard general while returnING home from a Pacific tour. On March 31, China flew two fighters over to the Taiwanese side of the maritime border in the Taiwan Strait.
It is "possible" that the Chinese military will carry out targeted strikes on a Taiwanese military base, the Chinese Communist Party-affiliated Global Times said in an editorial last week.
BeijING considers the mainland and Taiwan part of "One China" and rejects the existence of the median line. The March 31 crossING was initially considered an accident, but the Global Times editorial suggests that it may have been intentional.
"We make no promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option of takING all necessary means," Chinese President Xi JinpING had said in a January speech, departING from immediate predecessor Hu Jintao's silence on the topic.
#6112859 at 2019-04-09 22:50:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7817: The 'MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!' Edition
No kiddING. Thanks anon. Can't believe Kerry is that F%$#ING STUPID.,, that full of himself.
#6111421 at 2019-04-09 20:30:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7815: 53% (at least) Approval Rating Edition
yes, Mueller was tryING to dig himself out of the grave he dug for himself.
Not just for two years.
Hes been diggING his own grave for many more years than just the past two.
Too late now.
Remember when Mueller is rendez-vous-ING with Jack?
"There will be books written and stories told"
Witnesses of History, anons.
#6110959 at 2019-04-09 19:50:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7815: 53% (at least) Approval Rating Edition
Does anyone else see what I'm talkING about?
Am I just F***ING crazy.?
Can I get yea or nay from a couple anons on the NICK CRUZ look a like?
#6108531 at 2019-04-09 15:42:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7812: Dems Just Raised the Barr Edition
Yesterday anon presented one possible explanation that is to shut down Israely support to ING.
#6091817 at 2019-04-08 02:50:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7791: DIVIDERS will FAIL Edition
What a fu##ING narcissistic loser!!!
#6087999 at 2019-04-07 21:23:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7786: Secure Our Border, Close The Loopholes Edition
Ex-Murdoch executive pins resignation on Fox News' 'change in tone'
A former executive at the Rupert Murdoch-controlled News Corporation said Sunday he left the company in part because of a change in Fox News' tone.
"I noticed a significant change in tone. I'm a big believer in the marketplace of ideas, right? And I was fine workING with and for people who had different values and opinions than I did. But I noticed a significant shift in the ferociousness, and frankly, the relationship with facts, you know, particularly on the Fox side," Joseph Azam, former senior vice president and group chief compliance officer at News Corp., said on CNN's "Reliable Sources."
Azam said the change took place around the time of the 2016 election when President Trump was elected to the White House. "It became very profitable to fall in line with an anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim rhetoric and I was affected by that," he explained. Azam joined News Corp. in 2015 and left in 2017. News Corp. is technically a separate entity from Fox News' parent company, but both have ties to Murdoch. Because he was on the legal side of the company, Azam said he "hadn't been exposed for a long time to a lot of what was goING on on the opinion side." "I was in the legal department, you know, I was workING with people who were not a part of that world. But every day in the elevators, I would have to endure the coverage, right, of a lot of the opinion shows, and frankly and interact with the folks who are on on TV," Azam said. "We had small talk. I understood what they were doING as soon as they got off the elevator. But in those couple of seconds, you know, we were colleagues, or at least we shared space, so I was exposed to it every day."
Others at the company were similarly dissatisfied with the company's shift, he said. "I'm comfortable sayING I wasn't the only one that's troubled," by the "dehumanization takING place in some of the coverage and the opinion shows, by the 'other-ING' that was takING place, and frankly, what I viewed as a lack of decency," Azam said. "When people don't agree on facts, it's troublING for a lot of folks."
Azam said the New York Times' three-part story published this week on Murdoch's media empire "was a great report and it accurately described a lot of thINGs that I heard and saw." "It's a place I loved workING. In addition to the big personalities in the top, my experience was that there were a lot of inherently smart, hard-workING descent people there that are left to do the work. But by and large, I thought it was fascinatING and pretty accurate," Azam said.
#6085426 at 2019-04-07 17:14:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7782: Nunes will be remembered as a Great American Hero Edition
Ocasio-Cortez links threats against Omar to Pirro's comments about hijab
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) late Saturday linked Fox News host Jeanine Pirro's remarks about Rep. Ilhan Omar's hijab to threats against the Minnesota Democrat.
"Understand when Jeanine Pirro goes on Fox + rallies people to think hijabs are threatenING, it leads to this. Folks who imply we're 'bad' for politics, the party, the country, etc. have no idea the threats we deal w/ because of that kind of language. Talk policy, not personal," Ocasio-Cortez said.
Ocasio-Cortez was respondING to the arrest of a man in New York who is accused of makING death threats against Omar.
Prosecutors have said Patrick Carlineo's arrest stems from a phone call he made last month to Omar's office.
"Do you work for the Muslim Brotherhood? Why are you workING for her? She's a f—ING terrorist. I'll put a bullet in her f—ING skull," Carlineo allegedly said durING the call.
Pirro was kept off air for two weeks last month after she suggested that Omar's religious beliefs were at odds with the U.S. Constitution.
"Omar wears a hijab, which, accordING to the Quran 33:59, tells women to cover so they won't get molested." Pirro said on her show, "Justice with Jeanine."
"Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to Sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?" Pirro added.
#6079722 at 2019-04-07 02:37:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7775: Space Is Where It's At Edition
The part where He says Addelson would have a guy like Raisin Caine…
Raze - ING Like demolishING a buildING is what I think of,
like silverstein buildING 7 9-11 connection,
was a buildING almost demolished in LV durING the attack? Sheldon's casino?
#6067366 at 2019-04-06 02:50:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7760: A Very Big Deal Edition
"Who is Spain?"
"Why is Hitler?"
"When is right?"
"Where was that stooped and mealy-colored old man I used to call Poppa when the merry-go-round broke down?"
"Ho-ho beriberi"
and most m-f-ING importantly:
"Ou sont les Neigedens d'antan?"
#6062765 at 2019-04-05 20:33:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7754: Roadblock Down Wall Going Up Edition
PAYtriots BACK-ING up PAYtriots
#6049275 at 2019-04-04 21:32:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7736: Buy American Edition
Lucifer? Really? There is a very good reason why Q won't mention the name Lucifer. That's because Q knows shit you can't even imagine, and Lucifer is a total f-ING LARP!
#6047421 at 2019-04-04 19:03:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7734: Will POTUS Close the Border Edition?
I Would like to put attention on this faggot
Notice that this asshole is the one spammING the breads with the Q century postINGs
Claims to be an independent thinker, supports Q, trusts no one, and is tryING to set up an operation for individual communications.
This same person then posts this:
>Trump looks like a weak retard with this move.
But then they flip flop again:
>Q and Trump need support. Real support.
And again:
>Q has zero to do with my own initiative. Think for yourself. That is apparently VERY difficult for anons here to handle.
And again:
>Or you can join Q Century Project and start actually workING on your own plan. Trust the plan sure but always have backups.
phishING noun
phish·?ING | \ ?fi-shi? \
Definition of phishING
: a scam by which an Internet user is duped (as by a deceptive e-mail message) into revealING personal or confidential information which the scammer can use illicitly
#6042897 at 2019-04-04 08:17:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7728: Kicking The Deep State Right In Their Cabals Edition
Report: Nearly Half Of California Sheriff Departments Are ResistING The State's Sanctuary Cities Law
AccordING to a new study from the Asian Americans AdvancING Justice-Asian Law Caucus and the University of Oxford Centre for Criminology-Border Criminologies, California's implementation of its "California Values Act" sanctuary cities law is not goING particularly well. In fact, sheriffs in roughly half the state's jurisdictions are actively resistING enforcement of the measure.
BeginnING of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.
Paul Bedard of the WashINGton Examiner reports:
Nearly half of California sheriff departments are protestING a new California law that bars them from helpING federal immigration officials find criminal illegal immigrants, accordING to a new report.
What's more, several of the 169 law enforcement agencies in California are challengING former Gov. Jerry Brown's bid to hide criminal illegals by lettING U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to seize the wanted prisoners for deportation and not tellING the state. …
The report from the University of Oxford Centre for Criminology-Border Criminologies reveals what many law enforcement agencies are doING to get around the law. The report is critical of those moves and calls on the state to crack down on agencies that help ICE to find and remove criminal illegals.
Specifically, accordING to Bedard, 68 out of 169 sheriff departments considered by the study - about 40% - were not in compliance.
Nonetheless, despite nearly half of all sheriff departments not fully complyING, the Oxford study still reports that, "In its first five months from January 2018 to May 2018, [California Values Act] implementation led to a 41% decrease in ICE arrests at local jails compared to the immediately precedING five months from August 2017 to December 2017."
The study's conclusion took direct aim at the resistING California sheriffs:
The California Values Act is one of the most expansive sanctuary laws in the country. As a result of implementation of this new law, there has been a notable drop in [law enforcement agency (LEA)]-assisted [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and [Customs and Border Protection] arrests in the state, especially when compared to anti-sanctuary states such as Texas. However, there is much work to be done by the State to brING LEAs into full compliance with SB 54 and to ensure that the law is not undermined through the exploitation of its policy exceptions. At a time when the federal administration has been hostile to immigrant communities and has ramped up immigration arrests, detentions, and deportations, it is imperative that Californians are confident that their local, county, and state government will not work to deport them, their family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.
Nonetheless, Dan Cadman of the conservative Center Immigration Studies had a different take:
The practical effects of the [California Values Act] have been disastrous. Many individuals have been needlessly injured or murdered by aliens released to the street by misguided enforcement organizations in the state. Some of the circumstances involved have been brutal and horrific.
Sadly, a number of those slain by illegal aliens released to the streets have been police officers and sheriff's deputies (see, e.g., here, and here). Some other lucky few officers have escaped with their lives. One of the illegal aliens (with a long history of prior drug convictions), who was later arrested and tried for the murders, profanely declared he didn't "f-ING regret it" and went on to threaten the jurors. …
Bravo! I hope [resistING LEAs] keep on doING it, and that more join them. What's that motto on the side of many police cars? Oh, that's right, it's "To Serve and Protect". What better way to do that than to see alien criminals removed from American communities, instead of releasING them to offend again.
There is presently an "unprecedented" migrant influx at the U.S.'s southern border. President Trump has threatened to fully close the border in order to attempt to stanch the problem.
#6042373 at 2019-04-04 06:14:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7728: Kicking The Deep State Right In Their Cabals Edition
this is great advice…..just like eatING dirt and climbING trees is good advice. this makes perfect sense, then you are strengthen ING your body form other disease.
(((they))) son't want us doING thINGs the old fashioned correct way. they eant RX and vax
#6032154 at 2019-04-03 15:54:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7714: Patriots ARE in Control Edition
Gynotology gematria Talmud qilipoth etc made the weird orange texture ING
Financed by imf Poland zombies of Disneyland originally
#6029778 at 2019-04-03 11:14:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7711: Still Winning Edition
Qs. for everyone;
The POTUS and Q team…They do understand that "IF" the fundamental variable on which the execution of "The Plan" rests are "OPTICS" and readyING the population to get their heads wrapped around "The Truth" concernING the depth of the "Evil" we are facING…"IF" the potential for riots and protests and violent public reaction by a brainwashed portion of the population must be reduced to an acceptably manageable level…and that "THIS" is the reason Q-people must be continually reassured that "Patriots are in control", "No one will escape" and we can and should "Trust the plan"…That "IF" that's the case THEN they must know …The "General Welfare" is "ONLY" protected thru the preparation of the "Mind" and its proper exposure to "The Truth" in order that our citizenry will behave as true PATRIOTS who "THINK FOR THEMSELVES" because "FACTS MATTER"… and that "THEREFORE"…The root of the entire problem is "EDUCATION"?…Right? They know this, right? They know "Red PillING" which requires a "CURRICULUM", which is what gives education its structure and guides those who teach…Those who are "TEACHERS"…Those who comprise the delivery system thru which minds are fed the "Red Pill" or the "Blue Pill"…and WITHOUT a "Red Pill" curriculum and WITHOUT an uncontaminated, "Red Pilled" delivery system we are ALL simply PISSING IN THE WIND. IF EDUCATION, as a part of "THE SWAMP" is not "REPAIRED" and "DRAINED", we are all PISSING IN THE WIND… Do what you must. Your timetable is your own. BUT KNOW THIS…>>>5 yrs from now in November, the children who are presently 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 will step into ballot boxes by the 10s of millions to vote for our form of government for the first time in Presidential election cycle. They will carry with them minds that have been prepared by a Communist/Socialist Curriculum delivered by "Blue Pilled" Communist /Socialist Teachers, Educators and Administrators…ALL of which will have been brainwashed thru our Communist/Socialist propaganda machine of universities, media and entertainment AND IF "THE PLAN" has no remedy to prepare for that comING apocalyptic event then we are all simply…PISSING ING IN THE WIND. If They don't understand this critical variable and complete the task, then They do know this is all for nothING, right? I mean, you can Gitmo all you can get. Declass the entire class. Lock up all the Fuck-ups. And drain the Goddamn ocean…But if you leave us without ever helpING to give our communities and families the freedom to teach the truth and prepare our children for 2024, then this is the generation of the end and they will…(With God as my witness)…They will hand us all over to the Devil himself. I hope the plan has taken all that into consideration…don't you? –God speed, everyone.
#6010631 at 2019-04-02 00:26:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7687: 'The Kenyan Did It' Defense Edition
How do we know Xi is a black hat? How do we know he isn't a white hat playING his part in the greatest $#@%ING movie of all time?
#6009014 at 2019-04-01 22:13:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7685: Bring On The April Showers Edition
Trees do appear to be same location. Last picture taken at a later date. After new power lines installed. Old lines still in place. Last pic…road dips in horizon, in same place, towards earlier pic
Earlier pic…"toe"ING the line?
#6004634 at 2019-04-01 16:22:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7679: Stating The Obvious Edition
Top Kek! Yeah, these photos are ripe for the meme-ING.
#5999173 at 2019-04-01 03:00:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7672: Big Week Ahead! Edition
Yep. John & Sara can't say everythING. What a
#5993629 at 2019-03-31 19:25:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7665: The Hunters Become The Hunted Edition
Also, I might add she is also disinfo-ING the mind control terminology as well as meanINGs. so she is to be considered a CLOWN at this point
#5991947 at 2019-03-31 16:46:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7663: Peak Blossoms Any Moment Edition
Hey bot, first-grade level spellING rule to add to your repertoire of artificial intelligence:
Drop the E before addING -ING!
#5987100 at 2019-03-31 04:17:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7657: Nightshift Sets The Night Alight Edition
KissINGer was then, and still is, an important agent in the service of the Royal Institute for International Affairs, a member of the Club of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations. KissINGer's role in destabilizING the United States by means of three wars, the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam, is well known, as is his role in the Gulf War, in which the U.S. Army acted as mercenaries for the Committee of 300 in brINGING Kuwait back under its control and at the same time makING an example out of Iraq so that other small nations would not be tempted to work out their own destiny. KissINGer also threatened the late Ali Bhutto, President of the sovereign nation of Pakistan. Bhutto's "crime" was that he favored nuclear weapons for his country. As a Moslem state, Pakistan felt threatened by continued Israeli aggression in the Middle East. Bhutto was judicially murdered in 1979 by the Council on Foreign Relations representative in the country General Zia ul Haq. In his planned ascent to power, ul Haq encouraged a frenzied mob to set fire to the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad in an apparent attempt to show the CFR that he was his own man and to secure more foreign aid and, it was later learned, to murder Richard Helms. Several years later, ul Haq paid with his life for interven-ING in the war ragING in Afghanistan. His C-130 Hercules aircraft was hit by an E.L.F. (electricallow frequency) shot shortly after it took off, causING the aircraft to loop into the ground.
#5983184 at 2019-03-30 22:27:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7652: [THEY] Wanted You Silenced Edition
I don't know what your agenda is with this, but tryING to convince me that the military is a socialist group is pretty funny.
ConsiderING they do not ovate at SOTU's for a specific reason, I'm guess ING you're lookING to drive a wedge into the unity anons have with our military.
Because our Marines stayed in the wilderness for at least a decade waitng for a guy like POTUS Trump to come along.
Maybe longer. And your line of slidING seems pissed at that.
#5977192 at 2019-03-30 13:50:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7644: "Do You Want to Play a Game?" Edition
Has this been posted yet? Seems pretty F***ING NOTABLE to me.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OLpLyrpP6MY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
#5970631 at 2019-03-30 00:46:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7636: This Movement Is Bigger Than You Realize Edition
That a big F-ING BOOM
if true
#5969600 at 2019-03-29 23:39:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7635: Reconcile Using Logic Edition
>We aren't idiots and don't repeat a topic 24x7
Unless it's this shitty copypasta, which only sucks up to the enemy media's asscrack like we give a fuck what they write.
Good job Q on (You)ING this faggot so this spam is pasted for the next 500 breads.
Shareblue…typical kike go-to.
Why don't you talk about the fact Brock was lovers with Alefantis the kike who rapes babies?
Doesn't fit (((your))) narrative, that's why.
#5938979 at 2019-03-28 09:46:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7597: The Ghosts and The Graveyard Edition
'You're not American…You're a bunch of wimps, cowards and idiots': Infowars founder Alex Jones is caught on camera beratING patrons in a fiery tirade at a Texas restaurant after they chanted for him to go home
Infowars founder Alex Jones slammed patrons at a Texas restaurant on Saturday
He was dinING with his wife and a friend at Lucy's Fried Chicken in Austin when patrons jeered at him sayING 'eat sh*t' and tried to kick him out
Jones confronted them and whipped out his phone to record them
'You're a bunch of wimps. You're cowards and idiots. You think gettING in my face makes me feel better?' he said, beckonING them to fight
He slammed their appearance and weight and called them traitors
The diners laughed in his face and egged him on, chantING 'Alex Jones go home!'
Lucy's is one of the right-wING commentator's favorite restaurants
nfowars founder Alex Jones has been caught on camera beratING patrons at a Texas restaurant where he blasted diners as cowards, idiots, and wimps when they tried to 'kick him out'.
Jones was dinING at Lucy's Fried Chicken in Austin, one of his favorite local restaurants, when he says he was attacked by liberal customers who wanted to kick him out of the restaurant on Saturday evenING.
Jones was with his wife and comedian Joe Rogan when a group of people from the outside dinING area approached and told him to 'eat sh*t' sayING 'we're goING to get you' and began chantING 'This is class war. Eat the rich and feed the poor'.
Video footage taken from other customers and sent to EchoplexMedia shows him firING back sayING: 'You're not an American. You're a slob.'
As Jones launched his scathING tirade, the unperturbed diners laughed, insulted his appearance, and egged the right-wING conspiracy theorist on.
'You're a bunch of wimps. You're cowards and idiots. You think gettING in my face makes me feel better? These people are all sick of your sh*t,' he fired at them.
'They're all Americans. They're not traitors and scum like you,' he said pointING around the room filled with patrons. 'See that big fat, stupid slob? You think you're ridicule matters to me? You're a follower you're not a leader.'
'You guys are all pi**ed because you got extra chromosomes,' he adds in his rant.
At one point he says 'Come on! Big man, aren't ya?' as if invitING the man to physically fight.
'You're the one actING all powerful, huh? You ain't nothING boy. You don't know jack sh*t,' he added.
ones even begged a manager at the restaurant to intervene all the while the patrons continue to howl with laughter and taunt him, gettING in his face with their phones as they record the confrontation.
One patron notably annoyed with the brawl is heard shoutING: 'Can we just eat some fried f***ING chicken? Can we do that?'
At the end the riotous group chants 'Alex Jones go home!' to which Jones replies 'I was already leavING cowards'.
Jones addressed the incident in a recent Infowars episode explainING that he had been eatING at a local steakhouse with his wife and Joe Rogan, an MMA color commentator and comedian, and they went to Lucy's afterwards.
'We've been goING for many years. It's a great place,' Jones said.
#5936582 at 2019-03-28 04:31:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7594: The Reflection Inside The Castle Edition
Pepe is partyING with drunk girls, Pepe is snortING coke, Pepe is wil-ING…
#5934671 at 2019-03-28 03:05:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7592: "Captured" Edition
The great awaken….ING
#5934571 at 2019-03-28 02:59:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7592: "Captured" Edition
Taiwan wants more US tanks and jets to defend against China
Taiwan wants new tanks and fighter jets from the United States to deter China from attemptING to seize the island, President Tsai ING-wen told an American audience on Wednesday. "Taiwan continues to face monumental challenges from across the Taiwan strait," Tsai said durING a live video conference hosted by the Heritage Foundation in WashINGton, D.C. "China's actions have underscored the need for Taiwan to increase our self-defense and deterrence capabilities."
Chinese President Xi JinpING has increased pressure on Taipei, stressING the inevitability of an ultimate "unification" under Communist rule and denouncING Tsai as a "separatist." Taiwan has cultivated a close relationship with the United States, which doesn't recognize the island as an independent nation due to historic accords with BeijING, and that partnership has been key to a delicate balance of diplomatic power for 40 years. "China has used every opportunity to alter the status quo," Tsai said. "They have continued to undermine our democratic institutions, heightened military tensions, and degrade our international space." With that in mind, Taiwan has increased defense spendING for the third year in a row. "We are pleased to have submitted a new request for M1 tanks and F16B fighter jets, which would greatly enhance our land and air capabilities, strengthen military morale, and show to the world the U.S. commitment to Taiwan's defense," Tsai added. "We're also investING heavily in trainING as well, modernizING our defense strategies to prioritize the use of asymmetrical capabilities so that they more closely correspond with the realities of the threat we face."
Both sides have sought to gain diplomatic advantages over the decades without provokING a crisis that might backfire. Tsai, for instance, aired that warnING durING a stopover in Hawaii on her way back from visitING a trio of Pacific Island countries that recognize Taiwan's independence. That kind of coordination often draws rebukes from BeijING, which insists on a "one country, two systems" relationship with Taiwan analogous to the agreements that govern Hong Kong. But Tsai regards the former British colony as a cautionary tale, given a series of Chinese maneuvers that have provoked U.S. officials to accuse Xi's team of underminING Hong Kong's autonomy. "'One country, two systems,' will become just 'one country,' which is the example of Hong Kong and is exactly what Hong Kong is goING through right now," she said. "The 'two systems' do not seem to be respected that much. And so, I think the experience of Hong Kong teaches Taiwanese people a lot." Taiwan is also revampING their military strategies "to prioritize the use of asymmetrical capabilities" that could offset China's military edge. "Altogether, I hope that these actions ensure that the people of Taiwan remain able to choose our own future, free of coercion," Tsai said.
#5931178 at 2019-03-28 00:52:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7588: Markers Set Edition
Think Plane Track(ING)
#5927370 at 2019-03-27 21:43:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7583: Watch Hannity Tonight Edition
POTUS says Google CEO Sundar Pichai told him he is 'totally committed to the U.S. military'
US President Donald Trump tweeted that he met with Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Thursday.
"Just met with Sundar Pichai, President of Google, who is obviously doING quite well. He state strongly that he is totally committed to the U.S. military, not the Chinese Military…" Trump tweeted.
In a second tweet, Trump said that the two also "discussed political fairness and various thINGs that Google can do for our Country. MeetING ended very well!"
News that Pichai would be speakING with the president had not been announced before the tweet.
AccordING to a Bloomberg report on Tuesday, Pichai was set to meet with top military official, Gen. Joseph Dunford, whose comment about Google's artificial-intelligence work in China "indirectly benefit[ING] the Chinese military" initiated the discussion.
A Google spokesperson told Business Insider on Wednesday: "We were pleased to have productive conversations with the President about investING in the future of the American workforce, the growth of emergING technologies and our ongoING commitment to workING with the U.S. government."
Last week Google denied workING with the Chinese military after a tweet from Trump accused it of doING so.
-Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 16, 2019
"We are not workING with the Chinese military," Google said.
Google - which opened an AI lab in BeijING in late 2017 - says on its website that its AI activities in China focus on "education, research on natural language understandING and market algorithms, and development of globally available tools."
#5926168 at 2019-03-27 20:44:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7581: Political Fairness Edition
Baker, hate to do it, but I'm self notable-ING.
Check this thread that just happened
NVIXM & Avenatti tied together IN COURT
#5918658 at 2019-03-27 08:42:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7572: Quick Pickup Edition
>>ust before miltary tribunals for treason begin
>Which is weird, because the prescribed method of death penalty is by lethal injection.
>Legally a lynchING never happens in a legal settING.
>A legal hangING prescribed by law happens.
>Big difference, and a matter of law.
>Mobs (read: democrats) do lynchINGs.
Hillary's MASSIVE MELTDOWN If that bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!
Hillary's MASSIVE MELTDOWN If that f***ING bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!
#5914381 at 2019-03-27 01:53:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7566: IN HONOUR OF OUR DIGGERS - THE SUPER ELITE Edition
#5902755 at 2019-03-26 15:43:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7551: The Color Of Our Hats Edition
Meme-ING this, can i get sauce?
#5899771 at 2019-03-26 10:27:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7547: RBG Mystery Edition
100 YEARS, and he can't talk to Geragos.KEK
Michael Avenatti is released on $300K bail as he faces up to 100 years in jail for '$20m Nike extortion scheme' and is 'barred from speakING to co-conspirator and celebrity attorney Mark Geragos'
Michael Avenatti believes that he will be 'fully exonerated' on extortion charge
Avenatti said Monday night that he will never stop fightING against the 'powerful'
He was charged with extortion for allegedly tryING to extort $25M from Nike
A complaint was filed on Monday by the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York shortly after Avenatti tweeted about the company
'Tmrw at 11 am ET, we will be holdING a press conference to disclose a major high school/college basketball scandal perpetrated by @Nike,' wrote Avenatti
On March 19, Avenatti allegedly told Nike's attorneys he would release damagING information about the company unless he received a multimillion dollar payment
The followING day he allegedly said on a call: 'I'll go take ten billion dollars off your client's market cap … I'm not f***ING around'
A second defendant is listed as a cooperatING witness and not identified in filINGs
Source who spoke with DailyMail.com said that the lawyer is Mark Geragos
He has yet to be charged with any crime but two people familiar with the investigation confirmed that he is unidentified co-conspirator in court papers
Geragos currently represents Jussie Smollett and has represented Michael Jackson, Colin Kaepernick, Winona Ryder and Chris Brown in the past
A second case accusING the lawyer of bank and wire fraud was also filed on Monday in the Central District of California
Former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti has been released on $300,000 bail after he was charged with attemptING to extort $25million from Nike, and has reportedly been barred from speakING to his alleged co-conspirator and celebrity attorney Mark Geragos who has represented Colin Kaepernick and is currently representING Jussie Smollett.
Avenatti was hit with the extortion charge in court papers filed earlier on Monday by the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.
He faces almost 100 years in prison if convicted in both cases as well as possible disbarment as a lawyer.
The charges are the result of Avenatti's alleged attempt to receive millions in payments from Nike based on damnING information obtained by his client, a college basketball coach.
A second defendant is listed as a cooperatING witness and not identified in the filINGs, though it is stated that he is a male and a lawyer who represents high profile clients.
A source who spoke with DailyMail.com said that the lawyer is Geragos, who has had a long career representING high-profile clients includING Michael Jackson, Colin Kaepernick and Jussie Smollett.
Now Geragos might need a defense attorney himself after beING named in the case.
Geragos has yet to be charged with any crime but two people familiar with the investigation confirmed Monday that he is the unidentified co-conspirator in court papers chargING Avenatti with attemptING to shake down Nike for $25million by threatenING the company with bad publicity.
#5899114 at 2019-03-26 08:07:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7547: RBG Mystery Edition
are not endorsements
>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5857423 BO on global notables
>>5899053 Call for a DIGG on (((Lake County Democrats))) (suburban Chicago)
>>5899038 James Woods & anon on recent judicial appts
>>5899034 "Xi, Macron agree to forge more solid, stable, vibrant China-France partnership"
>>5899013 Next up: HRC probe
>>5898975 MRAK Almanac: Pilot alert, HAARP tests ahead
>>5898906 Saudi Arabia to run out of groundwater in 13 years; an in-depth look (from 2016)
>>5898919 What Did Barack Obama Know And What And When Did He Authorize It?
>>5898916, >>5899010 Seattle under seige by its City Counci
>>5898900 WSJ opinion piece: Mueller exposes spy chiefs (MSM change of narrative?)
>>5898794 Moar on Gorka, Maga Coalition Digg
>>5898791 Reminder re Comey kids kidnappING: Is it relevant to anythING right now?
>>5898752 Beto's net worth (due to inherit over $2 billion?)
>>5898719 Richard Branson calls for another Brexit referendum
>>5898519 Beto O'Rourke's mother, Melissa
>>5898576 Ted Cruz: Democrats 'fully intend to impeach the president'
>>5898499 Pentagon says all Google's work on drones is exempt from FOIA
>>5898469 Anon on deaths of people involved in Parkland/Sandy Hook
>>5898680 Former White House Adviser Continues FuelING QAnon Conspiracy Theory That Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Dead
>>5898715 When were the SC photos taken?
>>5898464, >>5898484, >>5898570, >>5898603, >>5898621, >>5898626, >>5898643, >>5898648, >>5898691, >>5898695, >>5898826, >>5898864 Anons on RBG
>>5898997 Audio Analysis with Praat Speech Analyser (RBG voice analysis possible?)
>>5898458 Flowers v. Mississippi Closed-Captions; RBG there, why is 19:56 important?
>>5898440 Pentagon authorizes Army Corps of Engineers to plan & build 57 miles of 18-ft fencING in Yuma & El Paso
>>5899095 #7546
>>5897673 anon graphic on we as the keystone
>>5897888 ginsburg leads supreme court in writING rulINGs this term
>>5897811, >>5897821 pic of RBG March 19, 2019
>>5897764 Q post transcript at the minute markers
>>5897935, >>5897976 Barr: 'conceive of situations where journalists might be jailed as last resort'
>>5897912 George Pop - All your assets are belong to me
>>5898011, >>5898012 Resignations In The News Today
>>5897992 Suspicous Pkg earlier US Capitol Trolley Stand
>>5897650 Podesta's claims of 100 incidents of Contact and 28 meetINGs with Russian gov. lies to cover lies
>>5897692 ChInA TDIP dig
>>5898235 RGB became THICKER a year later?
>>5898245 Beto a drug addict?
>>5898350 #7545
#7544 baker change
>>5897046 North Korea's Kim to visit Russia in sprING or summer
>>5896972 Who keeps buyING California's scarce water?-Saudi Arabia
>>5896974 BoeING readies 737 Max software fix
>>5896936 planefags. U-28A Spectre over TX. landed. over.
>>5896836, >>5897163 Freshmen House Dems apparently meet(ING) w Hussein accordING to a twatter
>>5897148 NK returns to inter-Korean office after DJT no sanctions announcement
>>5897109 Guardian: Woman who sheltered Snowden is granted asylum in Canada
>>5897238, >>5897260 Port Huron (Q flags pic origin) digs
>>5897410 Q-Drops (3180, 2185, 3064, 393, 995, 2040, 2804) and POTUS Tweet T-4822
>>5897526 #7544
>>5896096 Trevor Noah video beING honest and apologizING to POTUS
>>5896108 Fresh humiliation for Theresa May as Parliament takes control of Brexit
>>5896234 InterestING timeline of events
>>5896222 Unsealed Indictment: Federal Grand Jury Indicts 12 Members of Jalisco New Generation Cartel
>>5896304 The Media Published Over 500,000 Stories About Russia Collusion
>>5896325 ISIS Commander Arrested in Hungary Held Refugee Passport EnablING Unrestricted Air Travel
>>5896401 Original photographer of Q's pic
>>5896407 Missile defense system successfully intercepts target in new test
>>5896457 Sara Carter tweet: Brennan "might have received bad information"
>>5896523 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5896684, >>5896344 Jeremy Richman, sandy hook father who committed suicide, connection to HRC
>>5896690 Anon on NXIVM
>>5896736 Air Force Space Command tweet
>>5896747 #7543
Previously Collected Notables
>>5896033 #7542
>>5893675 #7539, >>5894442 #7540, >>5895219 #7541
>>5891344 #7536, >>5892130 #7537, >>5892902 #7538
>>5888909 #7533, >>5889769 #7534, >>5890563 #7535
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5898367 at 2019-03-26 06:29:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7546: Puttin Up Flags and Takin Down Fags, The WWG1WGA Edition
are not endorsements
>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5857423 BO on global notables
>>5897673 anon graphic on we as the keystone
>>5897888 ginsburg leads supreme court in writING rulINGs this term
>>5897811, >>5897821 pic of RBG March 19, 2019
>>5897764 Q post transcript at the minute markers
>>5897935, >>5897976 Barr: 'conceive of situations where journalists might be jailed as last resort'
>>5897912 George Pop - All your assets are belong to me
>>5898011, >>5898012 Resignations In The News Today
>>5897992 Suspicous Pkg earlier US Capitol Trolley Stand
>>5897650 Podesta's claims of 100 incidents of Contact and 28 meetINGs with Russian gov. lies to cover lies
>>5897692 ChInA TDIP dig
>>5898235 RGB became THICKER a year later?
>>5898245 Beto a drug addict?
>>5898350 #7545
#7544 baker change
>>5897046 North Korea's Kim to visit Russia in sprING or summer
>>5896972 Who keeps buyING California's scarce water?-Saudi Arabia
>>5896974 BoeING readies 737 Max software fix
>>5896936 planefags. U-28A Spectre over TX. landed. over.
>>5896836, >>5897163 Freshmen House Dems apparently meet(ING) w Hussein accordING to a twatter
>>5897148 NK returns to inter-Korean office after DJT no sanctions announcement
>>5897109 Guardian: Woman who sheltered Snowden is granted asylum in Canada
>>5897238, >>5897260 Port Huron (Q flags pic origin) digs
>>5897410 Q-Drops (3180, 2185, 3064, 393, 995, 2040, 2804) and POTUS Tweet T-4822
>>5897526 #7544
>>5896096 Trevor Noah video beING honest and apologizING to POTUS
>>5896108 Fresh humiliation for Theresa May as Parliament takes control of Brexit
>>5896234 InterestING timeline of events
>>5896222 Unsealed Indictment: Federal Grand Jury Indicts 12 Members of Jalisco New Generation Cartel
>>5896304 The Media Published Over 500,000 Stories About Russia Collusion
>>5896325 ISIS Commander Arrested in Hungary Held Refugee Passport EnablING Unrestricted Air Travel
>>5896401 Original photographer of Q's pic
>>5896407 Missile defense system successfully intercepts target in new test
>>5896457 Sara Carter tweet: Brennan "might have received bad information"
>>5896523 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5896684, >>5896344 Jeremy Richman, sandy hook father who committed suicide, connection to HRC
>>5896690 Anon on NXIVM
>>5896736 Air Force Space Command tweet
>>5896747 #7543
>>5895323, >>5895617 Hannity 3/25/19
>>5895347 There's hundreds of videos provING the wall is beING built
>>5895360 Robert Francis (Beto) O'Rouke is such a lunatic
>>5895385 Sharyl Attkisson posted an apology to Trump at The Hill
>>5895439 Airbus wins China order for 300 jets as Xi visits France
>>5895433 Google likely shifted undecided voters in 2018 election, perhaps millions
>>5895438, >>5895462 Flag code
>>5895451, >>5896016 US-Brazil Technology Safeguards Agreement
>>5895475 /qresearch/ statistics
>>5895493, >>5895600 o7: The Battle of Iwo Jima ended on March 26, 1945
>>5895518 Fox News White House Correspondent Inflames QAnon
>>5895535 Watergate side by side
>>5895557 Michael Avenatti facING 50+ years in Jail
>>5895575 About 100 helicopters are goING to be filING into Fort Carson, Colorado, over the comING week
>>5895576 Another blackout all across Venezuela
>>5895594, >>5895656 Anon: Comedy Central's Trevor Noah beING honest and apologizING to POTUS
>>5895637 For Keks: Russian Lawmaker Proposes to Probe Possible US Impact on Russian Elections
>>5895659 Reminder: WaPo, NYT awared Pulitzer Prizes for FAKE NEWS
>>5895678 Rand Paul: Time to Investigate Obama Officials Who Spread Russia Hoax
>>5895785 Per Giuliani, Weissmann added the "also does not exonerate" statement, not Mueller
>>5895795 Planefag bun on a possible happenING
>>5896033 #7542
Previously Collected Notables
>>5893675 #7539, >>5894442 #7540, >>5895219 #7541
>>5891344 #7536, >>5892130 #7537, >>5892902 #7538
>>5888909 #7533, >>5889769 #7534, >>5890563 #7535
>>5886584 #7530, >>5887398 #7531, >>5888116 #7532
>>5884285 #7527, >>5885045 #7528, >>5885853 #7529
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5897609 at 2019-03-26 05:27:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7545: TRUMP RAGES: People Have Done 'Evil Things' The POTUS Digits Edition
are not endorsements
>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5857423 BO on global notables
#7544 baker change
>>5897046 North Korea's Kim to visit Russia in sprING or summer
>>5896972 Who keeps buyING California's scarce water?-Saudi Arabia
>>5896974 BoeING readies 737 Max software fix
>>5896936 planefags. U-28A Spectre over TX. landed. over.
>>5896836, >>5897163 Freshmen House Dems apparently meet(ING) w Hussein accordING to a twatter
>>5897148 NK returns to inter-Korean office after DJT no sanctions announcement
>>5897109 Guardian: Woman who sheltered Snowden is granted asylum in Canada
>>5897238, >>5897260 Port Huron (Q flags pic origin) digs
>>5897410 Q-Drops (3180, 2185, 3064, 393, 995, 2040, 2804) and POTUS Tweet T-4822
>>5896096 Trevor Noah video beING honest and apologizING to POTUS
>>5896108 Fresh humiliation for Theresa May as Parliament takes control of Brexit
>>5896234 InterestING timeline of events
>>5896222 Unsealed Indictment: Federal Grand Jury Indicts 12 Members of Jalisco New Generation Cartel
>>5896304 The Media Published Over 500,000 Stories About Russia Collusion
>>5896325 ISIS Commander Arrested in Hungary Held Refugee Passport EnablING Unrestricted Air Travel
>>5896401 Original photographer of Q's pic
>>5896407 Missile defense system successfully intercepts target in new test
>>5896457 Sara Carter tweet: Brennan "might have received bad information"
>>5896523 Sarah Sanders tweet
>>5896684, >>5896344 Jeremy Richman, sandy hook father who committed suicide, connection to HRC
>>5896690 Anon on NXIVM
>>5896736 Air Force Space Command tweet
>>5896747 #7543
>>5895323, >>5895617 Hannity 3/25/19
>>5895347 There's hundreds of videos provING the wall is beING built
>>5895360 Robert Francis (Beto) O'Rouke is such a lunatic
>>5895385 Sharyl Attkisson posted an apology to Trump at The Hill
>>5895439 Airbus wins China order for 300 jets as Xi visits France
>>5895433 Google likely shifted undecided voters in 2018 election, perhaps millions
>>5895438, >>5895462 Flag code
>>5895451, >>5896016 US-Brazil Technology Safeguards Agreement
>>5895475 /qresearch/ statistics
>>5895493, >>5895600 o7: The Battle of Iwo Jima ended on March 26, 1945
>>5895518 Fox News White House Correspondent Inflames QAnon
>>5895535 Watergate side by side
>>5895557 Michael Avenatti facING 50+ years in Jail
>>5895575 About 100 helicopters are goING to be filING into Fort Carson, Colorado, over the comING week
>>5895576 Another blackout all across Venezuela
>>5895594, >>5895656 Anon: Comedy Central's Trevor Noah beING honest and apologizING to POTUS
>>5895637 For Keks: Russian Lawmaker Proposes to Probe Possible US Impact on Russian Elections
>>5895659 Reminder: WaPo, NYT awared Pulitzer Prizes for FAKE NEWS
>>5895678 Rand Paul: Time to Investigate Obama Officials Who Spread Russia Hoax
>>5895785 Per Giuliani, Weissmann added the "also does not exonerate" statement, not Mueller
>>5895795 Planefag bun on a possible happenING
>>5896033 #7542
>>5894565 DeVos opens investigation into universities tied to college admissions scandal
>>5894577 Trump DOJ asks appeals court to strike down all of Obamacare
>>5894617 House conservatives ask Trump to declassify documents underlyING Mueller investigation
>>5894657, >>5894730 TINEYE on latest Q Pic
>>5894680 Cyber Attack: North Korea hacks Israel
>>5894863 James Clapper says he has "no regrets"
>>5894929 U.S.-Backed Forces in Syria Want an International Tribunal to Prosecute Islamic State Detainees
>>5894939 Vale reports Brazil state authorities freeze $765 million of its assets
>>5894974 Q's pic is from "Guide to DisplayING the American flag"
>>5894959 POTUS then Q: "Have A Great Day!" then "Have a Great Night!"
>>5895202 Stacey Abrams Launches Another Dark Money Group
>>5895219 #7541
Previously Collected Notables
>>5893675 #7539, >>5894442 #7540
>>5891344 #7536, >>5892130 #7537, >>5892902 #7538
>>5888909 #7533, >>5889769 #7534, >>5890563 #7535
>>5886584 #7530, >>5887398 #7531, >>5888116 #7532
>>5884285 #7527, >>5885045 #7528, >>5885853 #7529
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5897526 at 2019-03-26 05:22:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7544: Have A Great Night! Edition
>>5897046 North Korea's Kim to visit Russia in sprING or summer
>>5896972 Who keeps buyING California's scarce water?-Saudi Arabia
>>5896974 BoeING readies 737 Max software fix
>>5896936 planefags. U-28A Spectre over TX. landed. over.
>>5896836, >>5897163 Freshmen House Dems apparently meet(ING) w Hussein accordING to a twatter
>>5897148 NK returns to inter-Korean office after DJT no sanctions announcement
>>5897109 Guardian: Woman who sheltered Snowden is granted asylum in Canada
>>5897238, >>5897260 Port Huron (Q flags pic origin) digs
>>5897410 Q-Drops (3180, 2185, 3064, 393, 995, 2040, 2804) and POTUS Tweet T-4822
#5897420 at 2019-03-26 05:12:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7544: Have A Great Night! Edition
>>5897046 North Korea's Kim to visit Russia in sprING or summer
>>5896972 Who keeps buyING California's scarce water?-Saudi Arabia
>>5896974 BoeING readies 737 Max software fix
>>5896936 planefags. U-28A Spectre over TX. landed. over.
>>5896836, >>5897163 Freshmen House Dems apparently meet(ING) w Hussein accordING to a twatter
>>5897148 NK returns to inter-Korean office after DJT no sanctions announcement
>>5897109 Guardian: Woman who sheltered Snowden is granted asylum in Canada
>>5897238, >>5897260 help baker with title pls tl;dr while bakin
#5896660 at 2019-03-26 04:09:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7543: BTFO Creepy Porn Lawyer Edition
"Press Removed" is how i'm readING it. They're either jumpING ship or seppuku-ING themselves.
#5896139 at 2019-03-26 03:35:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7543: BTFO Creepy Porn Lawyer Edition
Q, Anons, I need some help….what should I do??
Spouse and I both work but our jobs do not offer health insurance, so our only option is to buy an ObamaCare plan through our state's Exchange. (Spouse had cancer and other health issues). We qualify for a tax credit based on our income and have had that credit applied monthly to the cost of our monthly premium.
When re-applyING every year, we have to report our GROSS income because the cost of the plan and the tax credit received are based on income.
Last year, POTUS' tax cuts gave us more NET income each month, but our GROSS income never changed. No need to report an income change, we thought, since our GROSS did not change, right?
I started doING our taxes through one of the online tax preparation products. I reported everythING correctly, and the end result is, the IRS is sayING due to the increase of our income, we made too much to qualify for the ObamaCare tax credit, our refund was stripped away, we now owe over $1800 to make up the tax credit difference, and the IRS is goING to issue a fine.
This cannot be right. This tax bill is goING to put us under. I became disabled last year due to a major hand injury and money is tight. I'm sick over this.
Now ObamaCare has been deemed "unconstitutional".
Do I have any recourse? Any advice? It just doesn't seem right that our tax break should result in the wipING out of our tax credit, which is now resultING in a big tax bill and a fine. I haven't filed yet, BTW.
I've been here every day/night since Dec. 2017 researchING, diggING, meme-ING, sharING, and supportING The Plan. I haven't come across a situation like mine…has anyone else run into this?
#5896052 at 2019-03-26 03:30:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7543: BTFO Creepy Porn Lawyer Edition
The second man who died in the span of 18 months at the West Hollywood apartment of Ed Buck, a 64-year-old who has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic Party candidates and is well known in LGBTQ political circles, died from a methamphetamine overdose, accordING to a report.
"Toxicology results are back and the cause of death is an overdose," Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homicide Investigator Quilmes Rodriguez told The Daily Beast on the death of 55-year-old Timothy Dean of West Hollywood, Calif. Rodriguez later said the drug was meth. Dean was pronounced dead at the apartment in January after police responded to a report of a person not breathING.
Buck's attorney, Seymour Amster, told Fox News on Monday night: "This is a tragedy. … Mr. Buck had nothING to do with his death."
The bodies of Gemmel Moore, left, and Timothy Dean, right, were found at the apartment of Ed Buck, center, 18 months apart.
Amster said his client didn't know where Dean "got the meth, and he came over to the apartment intoxicated."
Amster blamed the L.A. drug problem on the West Hollywood City Council, which he said would rather focus on headlines than fix the issues of its community: "The meth problem is the issue in West Hollywood. ... Drugs are out of control in West Hollywood."
However, close friends of Dean in January said they knew him as a sober, spiritual soul who didn't abuse drugs and wanted to stay "as far away as possible" from the California political operative.
Fox News reported last month that Dean had warned his friends to steer clear of the well-connected donor and referred to him as a "f—ING devil" and "a horrible, horrible man."
Activists and family members have been callING for Buck's arrest, sayING if Dean and the other man who died, 26-year-old Gemmel Moore, had been white there would be more attention on the case.
Moore died of a methamphetamine overdose in July 2017. He was found naked on a mattress in Buck's livING room, which was littered with drug paraphernalia.
Prosecutors didn't file criminal charges, citING insufficient evidence.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
#5895993 at 2019-03-26 03:27:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7542: Think Green/Red Castle Edition
The second man who died in the span of 18 months at the West Hollywood apartment of Ed Buck, a 64-year-old who has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic Party candidates and is well known in LGBTQ political circles, died from a methamphetamine overdose, accordING to a report.
"Toxicology results are back and the cause of death is an overdose," Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homicide Investigator Quilmes Rodriguez told The Daily Beast on the death of 55-year-old Timothy Dean of West Hollywood, Calif. Rodriguez later said the drug was meth. Dean was pronounced dead at the apartment in January after police responded to a report of a person not breathING.
Buck's attorney, Seymour Amster, told Fox News on Monday night: "This is a tragedy. … Mr. Buck had nothING to do with his death."
The bodies of Gemmel Moore, left, and Timothy Dean, right, were found at the apartment of Ed Buck, center, 18 months apart.
Amster said his client didn't know where Dean "got the meth, and he came over to the apartment intoxicated."
Amster blamed the L.A. drug problem on the West Hollywood City Council, which he said would rather focus on headlines than fix the issues of its community: "The meth problem is the issue in West Hollywood. ... Drugs are out of control in West Hollywood."
However, close friends of Dean in January said they knew him as a sober, spiritual soul who didn't abuse drugs and wanted to stay "as far away as possible" from the California political operative.
Fox News reported last month that Dean had warned his friends to steer clear of the well-connected donor and referred to him as a "f—ING devil" and "a horrible, horrible man."
Activists and family members have been callING for Buck's arrest, sayING if Dean and the other man who died, 26-year-old Gemmel Moore, had been white there would be more attention on the case.
Moore died of a methamphetamine overdose in July 2017. He was found naked on a mattress in Buck's livING room, which was littered with drug paraphernalia.
Prosecutors didn't file criminal charges, citING insufficient evidence.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
#5894023 at 2019-03-26 02:08:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7540: Day Of Reckoning Edition
The second man who died in the span of 18 months at the West Hollywood apartment of Ed Buck, a 64-year-old who has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic Party candidates and is well known in LGBTQ political circles, died from a methamphetamine overdose, accordING to a report.
"Toxicology results are back and the cause of death is an overdose," Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homicide Investigator Quilmes Rodriguez told The Daily Beast on the death of 55-year-old Timothy Dean of West Hollywood, Calif. Rodriguez later said the drug was meth. Dean was pronounced dead at the apartment in January after police responded to a report of a person not breathING.
Buck's attorney, Seymour Amster, told Fox News on Monday night: "This is a tragedy. … Mr. Buck had nothING to do with his death."
Amster said his client didn't know where Dean "got the meth, and he came over to the apartment intoxicated."
Amster blamed the L.A. drug problem on the West Hollywood City Council, which he said would rather focus on headlines than fix the issues of its community: "The meth problem is the issue in West Hollywood. ... Drugs are out of control in West Hollywood."
However, close friends of Dean in January said they knew him as a sober, spiritual soul who didn't abuse drugs and wanted to stay "as far away as possible" from the California political operative.
Fox News reported last month that Dean had warned his friends to steer clear of the well-connected donor and referred to him as a "f—ING devil" and "a horrible, horrible man."
Activists and family members have been callING for Buck's arrest, sayING if Dean and the other man who died, 26-year-old Gemmel Moore, had been white there would be more attention on the case.
Moore died of a methamphetamine overdose in July 2017. He was found naked on a mattress in Buck's livING room, which was littered with drug paraphernalia.
Prosecutors didn't file criminal charges, citING insufficient evidence
#5884868 at 2019-03-25 18:53:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7528: THINK FOR YOURSELF Edition
There's More! Los Angeles Prosecutors Hit Michael Avenatti With Separate Federal Charges of Wire and Bank Fraud
There's more!
Avenatti was arrested in New York on federal extortion charges, Nicolas Biase, with the United States Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York told The Hollywood Reporter.
Michael Avenatti is accused of tryING to extort $20+ million from Nike.
AccordING to the complaint, Avenatti threatened to hold a press conference to announce misconduct by Nike unless the athletic apparel company hired Avenatti and his co-conspirator to conduct an internal investigation for over $20 million.
A criminal complaint against Avenatti says he "devised a scheme to extort a company by means of an interstate communication by threatenING to damage the company's reputation if the company did not agree to make multi-million dollar payments to Avenatti and [co-conspirator], and further agree to pay an additional $1.5 million to a client of Avenatti's."
The complaint says that last Wednesday, Avenatti and a cooperatING witness spoke by phone with lawyers for Nike "durING which Avenatti stated, with respect to his demands for payment of millions of dollars, that if those demands were not met 'I'll go take ten billion dollars off your client's market cap ... I'm not f-ING around.' "
He even tweeted about it like a genius:
#5883132 at 2019-03-25 17:43:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7526: We are All One Edition
Michael Avenatti Arrested in New York on Federal Extortion Charges, Prosecutors Say
Michael Avenatti was arrested and is beING charged with wire and bank fraud, federal prosecutors said Monday.
Avenatti was arrested in New York on federal extortion charges, Nicolas Biase, with the United States Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York told The Hollywood Reporter.
CNBC reported:
Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti has been arrested on charges related to an alleged $20 million extortion of the athletic apparel company Nike, federal authorities said Monday.
A press conference is scheduled to discuss the charges against Avenatti in Los Angeles on Monday afternoon. Avenatti is due to be presented in federal court on Monday.
The charges were revealed less than an hour after Avenatti announced a press conference to discuss purported claims against Nike. An FBI agent said in the complaint that the lawyer had threatened to hold a press conference on the eve of Nike's quarterly earnINGs call to announced "allegations of misconduct by employees of Nike."
A criminal complaint against Avenatti says he "devised a scheme to extort a company by means of an interstate communication by threatenING to damage the company's reputation if the company did not agree to make multi-million dollar payments to Avenatti and [co-conspirator], and further agree to pay an additional $1.5 million to a client of Avenatti's."
The complaint says that last Wednesday, Avenatti and a cooperatING witness spoke by phone with lawyers for Nike "durING which Avenatti stated, with respect to his demands for payment of millions of dollars, that if those demands were not met 'I'll go take ten billion dollars off your client's market cap ... I'm not f-ING around.' "
Michael Avenatti, dubbed the 'Creepy Porn Lawyer' for representING porn star Stormy Daniels, has been in a downward spiral professionally and financially in the last several months.
Avenatti is no longer representING Stephanie Clifford AKA Stormy Daniels, but he left her with a hefty $293,052 judgment.
#5882685 at 2019-03-25 17:21:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7525: "BOOM Week" Edition
>Michael Avenattii has been arrested on charges related to an alleged $20 million extortion of the athletic apparel company Nike,
Tmrw at 11 am ET, we will be holdING a press conference to disclose a major high school/college basketball scandal perpetrated by @Nike that we have uncovered. This criminal conduct reaches the highest levels of Nike and involves some of the biggest names in college basketball.
Michael Avenatti arrested for alleged $20 million extortion attempt against Nike
*Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenattii is beING charged with wire and bank fraud, federal authorities said Monday.
*A press conference is scheduled to discuss the charges against Avenatti in Los Angeles on Monday afternoon.
*Avenatti had represented porn star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Donald Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen.
Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti has been arrested on charges related to an alleged $20 million extortion of the athletic apparel company Nike, federal authorities said Monday.
A press conference is scheduled to discuss the charges against Avenatti in Los Angeles on Monday afternoon. Avenatti is scheduled to be presented in Manhattan federal court on Monday.
Avenatti had represented porn star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Donald Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen.
The charges were revealed less than an hour after Avenatti announced a press conference to discuss claims against Nike.
A criminal complaint against Avenatti says he "devised a scheme to extort a company by means of an interstate communication by threatenING to damage the company's reputation if the company did not agree to make multi-million dollar payments to Avenatti and [co-conspirator], and further agree to pay an additional $1.5 million to a client of Avenatti's."
The complaint says that last Wednesday, Avenatti and a cooperatING witness spoke by phone with lawyers for Nike "durING which Avenatti stated, with respect to his demands for payment of milions of dollars, that if those demands were not met 'I'll go take ten billion dollars off your client's market cap … I'm not f—ING around.'"
#5877093 at 2019-03-25 05:30:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7518: Goodbye, Mr. Mueller Edition
#5857784 at 2019-03-24 03:44:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7493: You Are Watching A Movie Edition
I just researched this and I am disturbed, please study and don't let it get buried
If illegal Aliens are in prison (1 out of every 5 people) and they are workING (mandatory or voluntarily), they are stealING jobs! https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/407312-one-in-five-us-prison-inmates-is-a-criminal-alien
Michael Moore admits this in 1998! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaILj90OnpU&feature=youtu.be&t=2055 [Embed]
Even when a criminal alien is properly identified and the depor-tation process has begun, the procedures that the INS is requiredto follow are lengthy and complex. Criminal aliens may remain inthe U.S. for years while they appeal their cases. After their appealshave been exhausted, some criminal aliens delay deportation foradditional years by filING dubious asylum claims. Many criminalaliens are released on bond while the deportation process is pend-ING. Ironically, INS routinely provides work permits, legally allow-ING such criminal aliens to work while their appeals are pendING.Delays can earn criminal aliens more than work permits andwages-if they delay long enough they may even obtain U.S. citi-zenship. Time spent in the U.S., whether it is in a prison, a jail,on bond or under community supervision, may count toward the 7year residency requirement established by one section of the immi-gration laws.
#5848781 at 2019-03-23 18:49:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7482: Saddle up to the BARR. Chillax. The Principal Conclusions May Come Edition
black sheep,
owl here,
whats your friends sayING about Canada right now?
just axe(ING) for a friend
#5845975 at 2019-03-23 15:46:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7478: Catalog Broken Watch For Finger Edition
I've refrained from meme-ING him because of this.
#5839523 at 2019-03-23 04:06:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7470: Unraveling The Biggest Political Scandal In American History Edition
Kek! I remember when that fat ass cunt got fired for flippING POTUS the bird. De-Fuck-ING-Licious
#5830364 at 2019-03-22 20:52:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7458: The Mueller Retort Edition
He's stackING the Feb with his guys…
Stephen More.
After Trump answered a congratulatory phone call from the democratically-elected president of Taiwan Tsai ING-wen, on December 2, 2016,[22][23][24][25] Moore said that "we gotta stand by Taiwan. We see what's happenING in China the way they're saber-rattlING out there in the East, it's about time we do what Reagan did, we stand up to these bullies, we say we're not gonna let you do this." Moore emphasized that Taiwan is a country deservING greater American support because of its democracy and "we ought to back our ally, and if China doesn't like it, screw 'em."[26][27]
#5830355 at 2019-03-22 20:51:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7458: The Mueller Retort Edition
any other anons want to nominate this one for notable?
>>5830137 Store employee ARRESTED in NY for callING co-worker "f-ING Jew"
Free speech issue. Current event. Main stream article. Someones feelINGs are hurt so they ARREST the guy, obviously the guy was an asshole, and I am not a muh joo shill. however I am not a fan of tyranny. Ty anons.
#5830215 at 2019-03-22 20:37:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7458: The Mueller Retort Edition
>>5830137 Store employee ARRESTED in NY for callING co-worker "f-ING Jew"
>>5830190 VA man arrested, accused of possessING 'multiple files of child porn'
#5830137 at 2019-03-22 20:30:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7458: The Mueller Retort Edition
A former employee of KINGston, New York, a family-owned health food store was arrested on Friday for repeatedly harassING a Jewish co-worker, includING an incident where he allegedly shut off the lights and told her "You're in the gas chamber."
William Sullivan was workING in the produce department of Mother Earth's Storehouse earlier this month when the alleged anti-semitic verbal attacks began against Sarah Shabanowitz, a Jewish woman, who was workING in the same section.
"Last week, on March 11, I was in the cooler gettING items to stock on the floor. One of my colleagues, Will Sullivan, was standING outside the cooler. He said to me: 'now we're goING to put you in the gas chamber,' and turned off the light," Shabanowitz wrote in a statement issued on Friday. "I was horrified. When he saw my look of shock, he said: 'yeah, you f-ING Jew.'"
The 18-year-old college student reported Sullivan to her manager, but after Sullivan remained at the KINGs Mall Court location for the rest of his shift, Shabanowitz didn't "feel safe," she wrote.
The followING day, Shabanowitz was moved to another department, but the harassment didn't stop.
"Will then found me and started yellING at me for makING him look bad. I reported to management that Will was harassING and retaliatING against me for makING a complaint. I was so upset that I left work early," she wrote.
Shabanowitz said her store manager turned on her and allegedly admitted to dismissING Sullivan's statements as "a joke" and was told to "either quit your job or do the register."
"Mother Earth's response was a perfect example of how not to respond to a complaint of workplace harassment," said Ilann M. Maazel, an attorney for Shabanowitz, in a statement to ABC News on Friday. "They did nothING to keep Sarah safe. They belittled anti-Semitism in the workplace and told Sarah to keep quiet. The problem at Mother Earth is not just the employee; it is management."
After leavING the store in tears, Shabanowitz told her mother, who posted about the her daughter's situation on Facebook on March 15.
A representative from Mother Earth's issued a statement on their Facebook page announcING that Sullivan was fired on March 16 and denounced the hate speech. On Monday, the company also announced revampING their company's practices and hirING a human resources company "to help us with any future situation that could occur."
Sullivan, 21, of Saugerties, was arrested Friday and charged with aggravated harassment, part of what ActING State Police Superintendent Keith Corlett called "a disturbING trend of increase in hate crimes."
Gov. Cuomo echoed the sentiment.
"This is not an isolated situation," Cuomo said. "We have been seeING a growING number of anti-Semitic activities. This is somethING everyone must be concerned about."
Sullivan was issued an appearance ticket and released. He is scheduled to appear in court on March 26
#5829796 at 2019-03-22 19:58:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7458: The Mueller Retort Edition
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5829768 Bongino Tweet: "Shame on the elitist bureaucrats in Seattle who didn't even bother to get off their phones to pay attention to this…"
>>5829658 PapaD breaks down the Downer and Mifsud saga.
>>5829404, >>5829476, >>5829501 Suspicious "art" photographs from known handlers.
>>5829542 Fox hires Joe Biden's top aide as chief lobbyist.
>>5829531 Planefag: Saudi armed forces medical in Canada?
>>5829492 Dubya hits a hole in one?
>>5829224 Disney's "Puppy Dog Pals" designed to mind control young kids involved in (or to recruit kids into) child traffickING?
>>5829417 Israel's US Lobby rocked by hate-filled tweets.
>>5829400 Israel says U.N. Gaza war crimes report biased against it.
>>5829373 Several 2020 Democrats to skip AIPAC conference after call to boycott.
>>5829368 How the EC is fundamental to a Republic based government.
>>5829356 Pompeo warns US could curb security ties with Israel over China relations.
>>5829333 Cohen prosecutor who recently stepped down was a McCain supporter, supported the Patriot Act, and worked at the law firm that represented Epstein.
>>5829289 George Conway: Trump 'thinks he needs to be re-elected to avoid indictment'.
>>5829268 U.S. Special Operations: The new face of America's war machine.
>>5829246 Ex-Georgia (Dem) candidate calls for probe, says more than a hundred thousand votes went 'missING'.
>>5829196 Israel to hold referendum on replacING Britain in EU.
>>5829190 John "Hick" Hickenlooper: Big player flyING under the radar?
>>5829174 Trump to nominate Conservative Stephen Moore for Fed Board.
>>5829141 10 held in Germany over suspected islamist attack plan to use car & guns to kill as many as possible.
>>5829113 Catholic priest stabbed in Canadian church durING livestreamed Mass.
>>5829107 Drives = Wiener labtop?
>>5829103 Catholic priest arrested after allegedly gropING woman durING last rites.
>>5829083 Democrats want $100 million to hand out free diapers.
>>5829081 French police ban Yellow Vest protests from Champs-Elysées area of Paris.
>>5829078 Eminem claims Trump diss track earned him a visit from Secret Service on new 'Kamikaze' album.
>>5829073 New Zealand police interviewed mosque shooter before grantING gun license.
>>5829049 Rothschild Investment Corporation becomes Bitcoin stakeholder.
>>5829039 Study finds most Bitcoin tradING is faked and manipulated on unregulated exchanges.
>>5829780 #7457
>>5828890 James Baker dimes out Glenn Simpson on his intelligence launderING operation.
>>5828389, >>5828663, >>5828833 Peter Beard dig.
>>5828873 President Trump: Democrats have proven to be anti-Israel... frankly I think they are anti-Jewish (video)
>>5828818 Build(ING) the wall: meth edition.
>>5828320, >>5828713, >>5828803 SurvivING a mass shootING can be hazardous to your health.
>>5828577 POTUS kickING Obama gang's ass.
>>5828453, >>5828512, >>5828552, >>5828502, >>5828661 Cohen in McCabe texts: David or Jared? CIA Attorney?
>>5828616 Two teenagers were arrested on Friday after they allegedly threatened to shoot up two separate high schools in Charlottesville, Va. (attack on 8ch?)
>>5828534 Anon's summary and speculation regardING Rachel Chandler.
>>5828528 Research: Google search bias flipped seats for Democrats in midterms.
>>5828476 Judicial Watch Tweet: NP's abuse of tax payer funded trips.
>>5828471 Pompeo: It's "possible" God planned Trump to save Jewish people.
>>5828456, >>5828754, >>5828585 US Mkts update with several headlines linked to other articles. Fed rate not low enough still?
>>5828453 New McCabe-Page texts.
>>5828441 National Guard aircrew helps spot drug mule in Arizona desert.
>>5828439 Claralyn Balazs.
>>5828423 Biden's son's company receives lucrative deal from the Chinese.
>>5828407 Rachel Chandler digs.
>>5828375 Lynn Rothschild, Chelsea Clinton, Rachel Chandler connection. ('art' auctions)
>>5828335, >>5828376 UN referencING water and 'Climate Change'.
>>5828355 Contreras an Obama appointed FISA judge, blocks drillING projects over 'Climate Change' concerns.
>>5828351 FCC to pay journalist $43K in net neutrality records case.
>>5828347 Questions loom as the axe starts to fall after Disney/Fox merger.
>>5828343 POTUS glares at Fox News' John Roberts?
>>5828341 GoFundMe bans campaigns raisING money to promote misinformation about vaccines.
>>5829016 #7456
Previously Collected Notables
>>5828221 #7455,
>>5825895 #7452, >>5826696 #7453, >>5827477 #7454
>>5823529 #7449, >>5824318 #7450, >>5825127 #7451
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5829027 at 2019-03-22 18:54:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7457: AIPAC vs CAIR Edition
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5828890 James Baker dimes out Glenn Simpson on his intelligence launderING operation.
>>5828389, >>5828663, >>5828833 Peter Beard dig.
>>5828873 President Trump: Democrats have proven to be anti-Israel... frankly I think they are anti-Jewish (video)
>>5828818 Build(ING) the wall: meth edition.
>>5828320, >>5828713, >>5828803 SurvivING a mass shootING can be hazardous to your health.
>>5828577 POTUS kickING Obama gang's ass.
>>5828453, >>5828512, >>5828552, >>5828502, >>5828661 Cohen in McCabe texts: David or Jared? CIA Attorney?
>>5828616 Two teenagers were arrested on Friday after they allegedly threatened to shoot up two separate high schools in Charlottesville, Va. (attack on 8ch?)
>>5828534 Anon's summary and speculation regardING Rachel Chandler.
>>5828528 Research: Google search bias flipped seats for Democrats in midterms.
>>5828476 Judicial Watch Tweet: NP's abuse of tax payer funded trips.
>>5828471 Pompeo: It's "possible" God planned Trump to save Jewish people.
>>5828456, >>5828754, >>5828585 US Mkts update with several headlines linked to other articles. Fed rate not low enough still?
>>5828453 New McCabe-Page texts.
>>5828441 National Guard aircrew helps spot drug mule in Arizona desert.
>>5828439 Claralyn Balazs.
>>5828423 Biden's son's company receives lucrative deal from the Chinese.
>>5828407 Rachel Chandler digs.
>>5828375 Lynn Rothschild, Chelsea Clinton, Rachel Chandler connection. ('art' auctions)
>>5828335, >>5828376 UN referencING water and 'Climate Change'.
>>5828355 Contreras an Obama appointed FISA judge, blocks drillING projects over 'Climate Change' concerns.
>>5828351 FCC to pay journalist $43K in net neutrality records case.
>>5828347 Questions loom as the axe starts to fall after Disney/Fox merger.
>>5828343 POTUS glares at Fox News' John Roberts?
>>5828341 GoFundMe bans campaigns raisING money to promote misinformation about vaccines.
>>5829016 #7456
>>5828200 Ben Garrison will be live on youtube in ~2 hours.
>>5828019 New DJT: No additional sanctions on NK
>>5827831 Why do all the stories largely ignore the Glencore connection, and the connection between Marc Rich and the Clintons?
>>5827539 Giuliani re @bongino analysis of some real 2016 election collusion: Ukraine <-? HRC, Kerry, Biden
>>5827787 Marks and Smarks.
>>5827777 The Glencore Conspiracy Behind the Clinton Machine: A Story of Guns, Drugs and Aluminum
>>5827739 Insurance Companies Could Start TrackING Social Media Accounts To Determine Premiums
>>5827631 Moore: "I believe the people on the Federal Reserve Board should be thrown out for economic malpractice,"
>>5827700, >>5827730 VTB Bank secretly financed the QIA-Glencore purchase of Rosneft
>>5827619 Evidence that the secret case is about Qatar
>>5827612, >>5827645 New DJT re FED + Q "Think Structure"
>>5827585 Sealed Cases in Federal Courts
>>5827580 House Democrats Move to Hobble Primary Challengers
>>5827552 BoeING and FAA called to testify wrt 737MAX crashes
>>5828221 #7455
Previously Collected Notables
>>5825895 #7452, >>5826696 #7453, >>5827477 #7454
>>5823529 #7449, >>5824318 #7450, >>5825127 #7451
>>5821217 #7446, >>5821991 #7447, >>5822756 #7448
>>5818861 #7443, >>5819705 #7444, >>5820451 #7445
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5829016 at 2019-03-22 18:54:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7456: Stretch Limo Short Bus Edition
>>5828890 James Baker dimes out Glenn Simpson on his intelligence launderING operation.
>>5828389, >>5828663, >>5828833 Peter Beard dig.
>>5828873 President Trump: Democrats have proven to be anti-Israel... frankly I think they are anti-Jewish (video)
>>5828818 Build(ING) the wall: meth edition.
>>5828320, >>5828713, >>5828803 SurvivING a mass shootING can be hazardous to your health.
>>5828577 POTUS kickING Obama gang's ass.
>>5828453, >>5828512, >>5828552, >>5828502, >>5828661 Cohen in McCabe texts: David or Jared? CIA Attorney?
>>5828616 Two teenagers were arrested on Friday after they allegedly threatened to shoot up two separate high schools in Charlottesville, Va. (attack on 8ch?)
>>5828534 Anon's summary and speculation regardING Rachel Chandler.
>>5828528 Research: Google search bias flipped seats for Democrats in midterms.
>>5828476 Judicial Watch Tweet: NP's abuse of tax payer funded trips.
>>5828471 Pompeo: It's "possible" God planned Trump to save Jewish people.
>>5828456, >>5828754, >>5828585 US Mkts update with several headlines linked to other articles. Fed rate not low enough still?
>>5828453 New McCabe-Page texts.
>>5828441 National Guard aircrew helps spot drug mule in Arizona desert.
>>5828439 Claralyn Balazs.
>>5828423 Biden's son's company receives lucrative deal from the Chinese.
>>5828407 Rachel Chandler digs.
>>5828375 Lynn Rothschild, Chelsea Clinton, Rachel Chandler connection. ('art' auctions)
>>5828335, >>5828376 UN referencING water and 'Climate Change'.
>>5828355 Contreras an Obama appointed FISA judge, blocks drillING projects over 'Climate Change' concerns.
>>5828351 FCC to pay journalist $43K in net neutrality records case.
>>5828347 Questions loom as the axe starts to fall after Disney/Fox merger.
>>5828343 POTUS glares at Fox News' John Roberts?
>>5828341 GoFundMe bans campaigns raisING money to promote misinformation about vaccines.
#5828919 at 2019-03-22 18:45:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7456: Stretch Limo Short Bus Edition
>>5828890 James Baker dimes out Glenn Simpson on his intelligence launderING operation.
>>5828389, >>5828663, >>5828833 Peter Beard dig.
>>5828873 President Trump: Democrats have proven to be anti-Israel... frankly I think they are anti-Jewish (video)
>>5828818 Build(ING) the wall: meth edition.
>>5828320, >>5828713, >>5828803 SurvivING a mass shootING can be hazardous to your health.
>>5828577 POTUS kickING Obama gang's ass.
>>5828453, >>5828512, >>5828552, >>5828502, >>5828661 Cohen in McCabe texts: David or Jared? CIA Attorney?
>>5828616 Two teenagers were arrested on Friday after they allegedly threatened to shoot up two separate high schools in Charlottesville, Va.
>>5828534 Anon's summary and speculation regardING Rachel Chandler.
>>5828528 Research: Google search bias flipped seats for Democrats in midterms.
>>5828476 Judicial Watch Tweet: NP's abuse of tax payer funded trips.
>>5828471 Pompeo: It's "possible" God planned Trump to save Jewish people.
>>5828456, >>5828754, >>5828585 US Mkts update with several headlines linked to other articles. Fed rate not low enough still?
>>5828453 New McCabe-Page texts.
>>5828441 National Guard aircrew helps spot drug mule in Arizona desert.
>>5828439 Claralyn Balazs.
>>5828423 Biden's son's company receives lucrative deal from the Chinese.
>>5828407 Rachel Chandler digs.
>>5828375 Lynn Rothschild, Chelsea Clinton, Rachel Chandler connection. ('art' auctions)
>>5828335, >>5828376 UN referencING water and 'Climate Change'.
>>5828355 Contreras an Obama appointed FISA judge, blocks drillING projects over 'Climate Change' concerns.
>>5828351 FCC to pay journalist $43K in net neutrality records case.
>>5828347 Questions loom as the axe starts to fall after Disney/Fox merger.
>>5828343 POTUS glares at Fox News' John Roberts?
>>5828341 GoFundMe bans campaigns raisING money to promote misinformation about vaccines.
Last call / BakING in 70
#5828329 at 2019-03-22 17:50:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7456: Stretch Limo Short Bus Edition
POTUS is stackING the FED in his favor.
InterestING choice there. Previous CNN analysts but seems like he's on our side.
After Trump answered a congratulatory phone call from the democratically-elected president of Taiwan Tsai ING-wen, on December 2, 2016,[21][22][23][24] Moore said that "we gotta stand by Taiwan. We see what's happenING in China the way they're saber-rattlING out there in the East, it's about time we do what Reagan did, we stand up to these bullies, we say we're not gonna let you do this." Moore emphasized that Taiwan is a country deservING greater American support because of its democracy and "we ought to back our ally, and if China doesn't like it, screw 'em."[25][26]
Moore is known for advocatING pro-business policies and supply-side economics.[2] In 2017, he left Fox News Channel to join CNN as an economics analyst.[3]
Moore's work continues to appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal, The WashINGton Times, and various publications includING The Weekly Standard and National Review.[4][5]
#5827694 at 2019-03-22 16:56:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7455: My Kingdom For A Baker Edition
Where am I'm copy pasta-ING from?
How do you interperet?
#5827362 at 2019-03-22 16:28:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7454: Bring It Forward Edition
brb k-ING ms
#5825634 at 2019-03-22 14:04:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7452: Hot Crew Swap Edition
Triggered much? We put up with raunchy porn, pedo crap, mutha f*ING language all day long and you are triggered by 'git'?
haha git git git .. go away.
#5825559 at 2019-03-22 13:57:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7452: Hot Crew Swap Edition
>We don't want team bakING.
> tryING to confuse people
man, this sure is takING Notable Police-ING to new heights of faggotry.
nothING wrong with team bakes, baker always free to edit suggested notables.
as a baker i never liked them, too much hassle for so little return.
if people are confused with a few more notables how the fuck to they even get around the usual chaos round here?
so much stupid concentrated
#5824998 at 2019-03-22 12:50:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7451: We Remember NWB Baker Edition
Global Markets Slide, Yields Collapse As European Recession Deepens
The kool-aid wears off as this was earlier in the day
>>5822142 pb Asian shares hit 6-1/2-month high on tech hopes
>>5823354 pb CEO of Oracle Corp (ORCL) Safra Catz sold 5,000,000 shares of ORCL on 03/20/2019
After yesterday's furious rebound in the S&P, which almost appeared staged to confirm the Fed hasn't lost control after its shockING doublING down on dovishness which resulted in a bizarre drop in stocks in the last 30 minutes of tradING on Wednesday, the rally once again fizzled overnight, dragged lower by European stocks with U.S. equity futures followING, while the euro tumbled and 10-year German bunds slumped into negative for the first time since 2016 after miserable data from the German manufacturING sector renewed worries about global growth on Friday.
The Stoxx Europe 600 reversed earlier gains, with German shares tumblING 0.6% to hit their lowest in two weeks as markets in Paris and London FTSE tumbled 0.8% after Markit reported that sentiment in Germany's manufacturING sector cratered, plungING to 44.7, the lowest since 2012.
Europe's auto sector led the fall, droppING one percent, while industrial goods and banks dropped sharply as well. Notable movers this mornING included Aggreko (+3.8%) at the top of the Stoxx 600 after beING upgraded to buy at Stifel Nicolaus. Smith's Group (+1.1%) are in the green followING the company statING they plan to separate their medical business and thereafter separately list it in the UK.
"Numbers like the ones we have seen this mornING from the European manufacturING sector in Europe would suggest there is more weak data to come," said Tim Graf, EMEA Head of Macro Strategy at State Street Global Advisors. "Everybody is lookING for that inflection point, I guess, for when it is finally goING to get better - and it's not quite arrived yet."
"ManufacturING output has been declinING, which means that growth continues to be based on service sector developments," Bert Colijn, Senior Economist at ING Bank NV in Amsterdam, said in email to clients. "To fire on both cylinders again, the euro zone seems to require the global growth outlook to improve."
The MSCI World index slipped 0.2%, pullING away from the 5-1/2 months high hit earlier in the week. U.S. stock futures indicated the sourING mood would spill over to Wall Street, with e-mini futures for the Down Jones, S&P and Nasdaq all down 0.5%. (they have dropped further since the article was written-see futures cap)
Meanwhile, on Friday Bloomberg reported that U.S. officials downplayed the prospect of an imminent trade deal with BeijING, just as a U.S. trade delegation headed by Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is set to visit China on March 28-29.
The euro erased a modest gain, tumblING almost 100 pips and briefly dippING below 1.13
The decline in German bund yields comes after the U.S. yield curve flattened further overnight, indicatING increased market expectations of a recession. The spread between the three-month Treasury bill yield and the 10-year note yield shrank to its narrowest level since August 2007, collapsING to just 2 basis points.
"The main market reaction to the Fed's announcement was that it has become a consensus that the Fed's next move is a rate cut," said Naoya Oshikubo, senior manager at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset. "As economic data from China and elsewhere has not bottomed out yet, investors will be lookING at economic fundamentals for now. If there are improvements, then markets could roll back expectations of a Fed rate cut."
The plunge in the euro helped push the dollar up 0.3 percent against a basket of six rival currencies in a second straight day of gains.
One day after the EU granted Theresa May an unconditional 2 week Brexit delay until April 12, the algos were in charge of settING the price, with the British pound swINGING wildly without news, and after slidING sharply from 1.3160 to 1.3082 before squeezING the new weak hand shorts sharply higher.
( The volume in WTI is notable this mornING-seems a defense of price is beING attempted-gold price steady so far at $1311.40)
rest at links
#5823674 at 2019-03-22 07:23:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7450: The Graveyard Edition
Found this article lookING at Jean Luc Brunel listed on Epstein flight log. Jean Luc Brunel and Pedro Gaspar of MC2 ModelING – were procurers of children as young as 12 for Epstein. Gaspar ended up dyING drug/alcohol od (supposedly suspect circumstances) in 2012. The apartment he lived in was used and is still used to house "models" @ 6 W. 14th St., in apartment 3W
The Dead Model and the Dirty Billionaire
MC2 was co-founded in 2005 by Brunel, a playboy who tried a run in fashion in the 1970s but found his niche acquirING barely legal girls to join his modelING roster. Brunel claims to have jumpstarted the careers of marquee names like Christy TurlINGton, Rebecca Romijn, and Jerry Hall.
Two sources familiar with Epstein's finances tell The Daily Beast they believe Epstein dropped as much as $2 million into MC2 to get it started. (Brunel has denied that Epstein funded the agency.) "Jeff put his money up for this guy to get Jeffrey these young girls. That's a front for Jeffrey's securING more and more young girls," one longtime Epstein confidant said.
AccordING to a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Epstein used the agency to lure underage prey. In those court documents, one alleged victim accused the billionaire of "deliberately engag[ING] in a pattern of racketeerING that involved lurING minor children through MC2, mostly girls under the age of 17, to engage in sexual play for money."
Additional court documents filed in Florida by lawyers for some of Epstein's accusers suggest Brunel procured young models by offerING them visas. Once in the country, some of the models were allegedly funneled into Epstein's various mansions and then victimized.
#5823160 at 2019-03-22 06:13:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7449: Dont Tread On Lee. The Dragon Fisa Edition
Wow, I've seen the pic of the little boy before, but I didn't notice that his toes had been chopped off.
Sick f*ING bastards.
#5819425 at 2019-03-22 01:31:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7444: Where Are They Now? Edition
Cal State University System Caves on Anti-Semitism Lawsuit
In SprING 2016, San Francisco State University's Hillel invited Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat to speak on campus. All hell broke loose.
AccordING to Hillel student president Jake Mandel, Barkat's speech was disrupted and eventually shut down by, as recounted by Amanda Berman, the woman who would eventually lead the effort to fight back, "a mob of near-violent activists screamING antisemitic epithets through megaphones."
Mandel described to Berman "a decades-long history of pervasive antisemitism at SFSU, a campus where Jewish students hide their Jewish stars and yarmulkes and where the quad is regularly plastered with chalkINGs sayING 'Fuck Zionists,' a campus where antisemitism has been institutionalized and perpetuated from both the top down, at the highest levels of the administration, and the bottom up."
The complicated case featured many twists and turns. The San Francisco Superior Court judge, Richard B. Ulmer, Jr., earned praise as "a former journalist, a real 'sunlight' guy." But some involved in the case expressed exasperation with the Federal judge, Obama appointee William Orrick. One lawyer on the plaintiffs' side told the Globe, "Judge Orrick screwed us by ignorING bindING 9th circuit precedent. We had an appeal goING up to the 9th circuit next month, but the settlement includes a dismissal of that appeal as well." Orrick, who had been a prolific bundler for Obama before beING appointed by him, was also faulted for "just ignor[ING] clear standards and 9th circuit precedent on the amended complaint. [He] didn't really seem to get what was goING on, had his own views of what was and wasn't actionable under the First Amendment. He had no problem givING into the heckler's veto and assignING events for Jews to shitty and expensive peripheral locations based on concerns about protest activity."
#5814355 at 2019-03-21 20:12:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7438: I'll take "Projection" for $2,000, Alex. The DS Playbook Edition
From dead bread. Long live the bread.
>California has arrived in a modern Medieval era because too many live as if they are still in the Middle Ages. The waves of homeless - California has 25 percent to 30 percent of the nation's homeless though it makes up only 12 percent of the U.S. population
Sorry, wrong.
Los Angeles and San Francisco ALLOW too many homeless fucks foul the environment as if the homeless have some right to pollute and dump human waste where ever they wish.
That is the issue in a nutshell. These shitties have had homeless for decadesl, and for the most part these hobos, bums, alcoholics, and drug addicts have kept a fairly low and fairly non-destructive lifestyle.
Two thINGs changed that more recently.
Firstly, the illegal opiod epidemic created a massive draw for CA brand of abulance chasING doctors and lawyes. These unscrupulous twats set up a shit tonne of fly-by-night drug rehab centers and half way houses. They finagled the fundING for these centers mostly from government (state and fed) drug treatment insurance (and hand out plans). They recruited drug addicts in all 50 states, got them transportation to the CA drug treatment fronts, then tossed them on the street when the insurance or handout money ran out. Many of these people were lived marginally in their home states to begin with. They had no hope of gettING work or housING in CA, but at least the weather was good. But they swelled the ranks of the drug addicts who tended to live on skid row. Skid row, beING quite small was overwhelmed-charities, soup kitchens, shitty daily (hourly) rental motels and sanitation facilities, so the fanned out across the city.
At the same time other groups of CA layers began suING cities for tryING to deal with the problem rationally. However, the court rulINGs have basically said that before you can displace a homeless camp, you must offer public housING to them. Orange County's city's and county board, worked together, established centers for the homeless, went camp by camp offerING housING, then arrestING or shoo-ING the homeless that refused. This kept the sizes of the homeless centers and their costs to a minimum, as they only built housING for a camp at a time. Since acceptance rates were UNsuprisINGly slow, the original investment often served well over 50% of taxpayer outlays.
Los Angeles and San Francisco did none of these thINGs. Their first response (2nd third fourth) was to ignore the festerING issue. Then when even friendly press began to question thINGs, the cities claimed bullshit like "We don't have palces or money for all of these people". A non-sequitor given Orange Count (and other areas since). They also offered the standard leftist boilerplate:
These people are ALL of our problem. We can't brush it under a rug as others have (forgetING how long they tried just that)
We need to offer solutions that serve all of our Great City's RESIDENTS-not citizens-as many of the homeless are from out of state (country) and have doen nothING to officially establish residency. etc.
Sorry for the rant. Used to spend part of the year in CA. Sad to see this kind of ridiculous corruption occurING, especially when the costs of such bullshit is so alarmING;.
#5791266 at 2019-03-20 17:42:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7407: Trolling Crying Cucks Edition
and so it goes
they laugh at Anons for not leavING over "missed" dates
well, now we can laugh at them for not QExit-ING
the balance on the merry-go-round is equal
#5790435 at 2019-03-20 16:40:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7406: Censorship On Twitter Is No Accident Edition
[Fish]ING is fun.
These people are stupid.
#5787090 at 2019-03-20 09:54:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7402: Skyking, NZ Fake&Gay, And Frog Day. The Graveyard Edition
Seriously, I've been gone for a few months because I got a good job.
I come back an Q is still @Jack(ING)?
We're supposed to fix the country and we can't even take on twitter after two years?
FuckING pathetic.
#5785551 at 2019-03-20 05:14:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7400: MUELLER > DECLAS > OIG > TRUTH > JUSTICE Edition
She really needs to get out more.
"Comedian gets blowback for sayING she felt 'threatened' and 'scared' after four Sikh men boarded her plane"
Actress and comedian Jess Hilarious (real name Jessica Moore) found herself in some hot water after she updated her Instagram page to reflect fear over four Sikh men who boarded a recent flight she was on.
The 27-year-old entertainer made the remarks just a day after the deadly mass killING at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Moore later went on to explain that she didn't realize she was profilING the four men in her online remarks, which sparked much discussion among her social media followers, with many of them callING her "racist" and "Islamophobic" and "xenophobic."
Moore deleted the initial remarks, but not before tryING to clarify why she was nervous to begin with.
"F* y'all, I feel how I feel. I felt threatened and that was it. F* y'all. I'm never f***ING racist, but I spotted somethING, and I put it out earlier and we just got evacuated from our plane," she explained.
#5764875 at 2019-03-19 02:24:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7373: The First Of Many Lawsuits Edition
Joshua Conner Moon, who administers the website Kiwi Farms, posted an aggressive response in which he also described New Zealand as a "small, irrelevant island nation barely more recognisable than any other nameless pacific [sic] sovereignty".
"I feel real bad for you guys, you've got a quiet nation and now this attack is goING to be the first thING people think of for the next 10 years when they hear the name New Zealand," it states.
"Tell your superiors they're goING to make the entire country and its government look like clowns by tryING to censor the internet."
Prior to the Christchurch attack that killed 50 innocent worshippers, alleged perpetrator Brenton Tarrant had conveyed his anti-immigration, pro-white views in Kiwi Farms along with similar alt-right forum 8chan, which Moon was once an administrator of.
New Zealand police emailed Moon on Sunday with a request to "preserve any posts and technical data includING IP addresses, email addresses etc linked to these posts pendING a formal legal request".
Moon's statement dismisses the police's request and adds, "if anyone turns over to you the information they're askING for they're not only cowards, but they're f—ING idiots."
Signed off with "Josh", it ends: "And I don't give a sINGle solitary f– what section 50 of your f—-t law say about sharING your email. F— you and f— your shithole country."
New Zealand Detective Senior Sergeant John Michael then replies: "Hi Josh. Appreciate your quick response. Will definitely consider what you have said."
Prior to allegedly embarkING on the rampage, Tarrant posted a goodbye and encouraged his alt-right companions to keep "makING memes and 'shitpostING'" on 8chan, which is the radical spinoff of online discussion site 4chan.
#5754564 at 2019-03-18 17:29:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7360: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words Edition
GLOBAL MARKETS LIVE: ING, BoeING(current chart attached as cap), GM, Worldpay'''
(several news items here financially related)
The week begins with the confirmation of discussions between Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank to create a German bankING champion. In the United States, General Motors and BoeING are in the front line. U.S. stock-index futures remain flat, while Asian and European shares rose.
-S&P 500 futures little changed at 2,831.25
-Brent futures down 0.4% to $66.90/bbl
-Gold spot up 0.2% to $1,304.47
-US Dollar Index down 0.1% to 96.47
EarnINGs season. The pace of 2018 results announcements is slowING this week. Akebia Therapeutics, Evolu, Tilray, FFP and Assystem are among companies reportING earnINGs.
ING targeted by Italian authorities. The bank, accused of deficiencies in the fight against money launderING, is in discussion with the local regulator to improve procedures in this area. The institution can no longer take on a new client while these discussions are ongoING.
Fortis cuts staff. BNP Paribas' Belgian subsidiary will reduce the number of its branches by 40% in three years and cut 2,200 jobs. The Belgian business daily L'Echo reports that the bank plans to cut 2600 to 3,300 jobs and recruit 600 people. Fortis currently employs approximately 13,000 people. It plans to make the widest possible use of early retirement and voluntary redundancy plans.
BankING consolidation. This time it is official: Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank have started discussions for a merger, although, accordING to the established formula, there is no guarantee that the talks will be successful. Many unknowns remain, includING the reaction of the antitrust authorities, the scope of the future entity or whether or not the German State will maintain its capital. Such an operation may also frighten employees.
In the turmoil. The U.S. Department of Transportation could investigate how the FAA granted the flight license for BoeING's B737 MAX, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Seattle Times, a daily newspaper published in BoeING's cradle, revealed on Sunday that the examination of the aircraft's automated attitude control system, the MCAS, have been subjected to sufficient analysis. These questions come after two crashes for the American's new bestseller.
GM in the spotlight. Donald Trump once again criticized the closure of the General Motors plant in Ohio. The President asked the manufacturer to reopen the Lordstown plant, which employed 1500 people and closed last week. The tenant of the White House pointed out that the Japanese company Toyota had just announced $13.5 billion in investment in the United States.
Merger in the payment industry. The "Fintech" sector is in turmoil this mornING, with the announcement of the merger between FIS and Worldpay in the United States. The combination of the two American companies will create a new major player in the sector, with a cumulative capitalization of $65 billion. The transaction is carried out in securities and in case and values Worldpay at $43 billion includING debt.
Leoni under pressure. The German car equipment manufacturer Leoni (already) gives up its 2019 objectives, loses its CFO and announces a social plan. Hard hit by the slowdown in the Chinese market and the setbacks of German manufacturers, the company does not yet see the end of the tunnel.
Generous Marriott. The American hotel group announced on Monday a three-year plan to open more than 1,700 hotels worldwide. It also plans to return approximately $11 billion to its shareholders.
Big IPOs in sight. Lyft is startING this week a roadshow for an initial public offerING, based on a valuation between 21 and 23 billion dollars. The Italian Nexi launches its IPO and wants to raise 700 million euros.
In other news. Deutsche Post believes that there are few opportunities for its subsidiary DHL to carry out a major acquisition because of the antitrust threat. Caesars Entertainment and Eldorado Resorts would discuss a merger, accordING to Reuters. Principal Financial would be close to a takeover of Wells Fargo's pension business. Alcon (Novartis) acquires Powervision for $285 million.
btw this is a great site that captures many news-sources. Similar to Japan times.
Worth a look
Chart cap sauce
#5753931 at 2019-03-18 16:47:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7359: ebake attempt Edition
Please dont scare me i am sensitivanon.
Are we beING assaulted? Whats up with the spam video bread? Did someone hack our meme-ING for short time?
Big theengs habbenING right meow
#5752111 at 2019-03-18 14:15:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7357: Another False Flag in Holland? Edition
>71 percent of Americans are afraid of ridING in a driverless car
>Trump acted out self-drivING car uncontrollably crashING into wall
The Axios report also says that Trump has acted out scenes of what are supposed to be frenetic autonomous vehicles to make his point that they don't make sense. He has reportedly acted out these scenes on Air Force One and in the White House.
"You know when he's tellING a story, and he does the hand motions," one source told Axios. "He says, 'Can you imagine, you're sittING in the back seat and all of a sudden this car is zig-zaggING around the corner and you can't stop the f—ING thING?'"
top kek
#5744894 at 2019-03-18 02:08:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7347: Good vs Evil, Heven and Hell Edition
Maybe it's guilt that makes them keep lie ING in the wrong place
Maybe it's peanut butter
Maybe it's free bacon
Maybe it's keystone light
#5741414 at 2019-03-17 23:36:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7343: WRWY!!! Edition
Quick Paint for Meme-ING
#5739347 at 2019-03-17 21:29:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7340: Patriots Here, Working Side by Side Edition
you are a lunatic. and judgING by what you just wrote, you are the scripty who's ddos-ING.
you would know they aren't sendING their best by takING a quick peek in the closest mirror.
#5725732 at 2019-03-16 22:28:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7323: Hows That Working For You? Edition
The "Angry White Man" narrative is beING pushed by MSM.
I've been readING articles about the NZ shootING posted by MSM & other equivalent outlets.
Phrases like "White Nationalists Hatred," "far-right online culture," and references to 8chan, anti-Semitism, Meme-ING, shitpostING and the fact that PewDiePie is referenced, are all gettING lots of airtime. MSM even compares the shooters "manifesto" to the Unabomber and Hitler.
The MSM is busy writING a narrative instead of writING facts, typical.
MSM / DS turnING this into a "woke" witch hunt, for certain.
#5718355 at 2019-03-16 11:13:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7313: The Gravyyard Edition
Nobody's been silenced except on
Alex Jones
Network News.
Entertainment success
NY Times
WashINGton Post
LA Times
the Nation
, etc. ,
any more questions?
this is authentic Free Speech and that is why it is beING attacked because Free Speech is not allowed, it's just simulated by the Usual Suspects.
DS can not have free speech free discourse especially in an anon settING where they have a hard ID-ING the people they need to kill / silence by other methods - intimidation, blackmail, coersion.
So the shills try to intimidate here.
Old story
#5716404 at 2019-03-16 05:40:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7311: The Real Fun Starts Soon Edition
sup fam its me from prev bread
what is your method for keep ING an ey on the live bread post counts, like to know when post 700 is near for example?
im cruisING over to comms now
checkING the timestamps and comparING to live bread
#5713342 at 2019-03-16 02:34:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7307: Busy Right Now, Saving Hunmanity Bro Edition
Are the shills firING wildly, aka "Death Blossom"-ING again?
#5710210 at 2019-03-15 23:33:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7303: Weird Democrats Edition
Red text shill is just f-ING lazy. Nobody is that unimaginative?
#5708997 at 2019-03-15 22:19:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7301: The Noname Edition
Those stupid puzzles are picked up as a slide for those bored of diggING and meme-ING.
Just another waste of time, true anons see truth.
#5702239 at 2019-03-15 17:12:29 (UTC+1)
QResearch General #7293: Trump at Pentagon Edition
are not endorsements
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5701501 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
>>5701498 Senator for Qeensland uses teachING moment to warn about dangers of Islam
>>5701462 /lb Comey memo of conversation with Trump (again)
>>5701601 Another part of the manifesto that's been around for years.
>>5701670 Bomb cyclone aftermath threatens Nebraska nuclear plant (low risk)
>>5701578, >>5701742 17 Year secret: Intel Memo Warned Bush's Iraq Invasion To Create "Perfect Storm"
>>5701754 Lawmakers Request Documents From DOJ RegardING Weissmann: "Today"
>>5701816 Moar Facebook: WhatsApp co-founder accuses Mark Zuckerberg of tradING privacy for revenue
>>5701803 RisING U.S. oil clout on show in Houston (Pompeo in attendance)
>>5701888 Pepe Samson goes all Hulk and smashes media (cartoon)
>>5701526, >>5701971 Even tho the flag file is tiny (thanks, PNG) may have data. Autists lookING into it
>>5701931 Trump Deletes Tweet PromotING Breitbart After Interview Derided for SuggestING Violence
>>5701952 March Madness, Public will know soon (Q one year ago)
>>5701955 Do digits confirm world about to change? (coincidence related to NZ)
>>5701808 Proof-of-concept system finds Remote Access Trojans (RATS) worldwide
>>5702117 Graham has asked DOJ to provide any docs that refer to 25th amendment plot
>>5702172 #7292
>>5700744, >>5700763 Trump arrives at Pentagon at an ospishious 11:11
>>5700672, >>5700908 Note the new Q Post, American flag
>>5700925, >>5701157 The Whitehouse water fountain is green. Watch the water. Green means go.
>>5700761 Will Sommers, famous for PING Pong, writes hit piece on 8ch
>>5700717, >>5700749, >>5700814, >>5701065 on odd timING of pol anthem beING posted
>>5700875 Pres is at Pentagon for National Security meetING
>>5701137 Bruce Ohr Informed FBI Christopher Steele's Dossier Was Based on 'Hearsay'
>>5701101 Anon theory on Q referenced 'truth beING in front of us,' picks up Enquirer today
>>5701168 New Mexico Compound Suspects Face New Conspiracy Charges
>>5701142 U.S. Army tweets "Apache"
>>5701160 A tunnel of Q. A massive tunnel of Q
>>5701357 #7291
>>5699955 On Will Sommer, MSM shill and clown extraordinaire, and the recent 8ch hit piece
>>5699963 ; >>5700140 ; >>5700208 NZ shooter manifesto and archived 8ch thread
>>5700020 ; >>5700054 Planefag Update
>>5700085 Moar on the Rise Fund, linked to cabalists and college bribery scandal
>>5700097 qmap.pub approachING 300k online
>>5700126 AOC kickbacks: PAC paid $300k to a company founded by PAC's founder
>>5700192 On the fate of Sweden re: unchecked immigration and rape cases nationwide
>>5700198 SEC charges VW, former CEO with defraudING US investors
>>5700288 Statement by AG Barr on NZ
>>5700318 On CNN and the Charlottesville hoax
>>5700370 Jeb shillING for a Republican to run against POTUS in 2020
>>5700504 Pompeo denyING visas to International Criminal Court staff
>>5700524 50+ police officers quit Antifa-controlled Portland, OR, police bureau
>>5700533 Pentagon: Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters to be next Supreme Allied Commander Europe
>>5700582 #7290
>>5699170 New DJT
>>5699179 OK senate passes measure sayING there is not right to abortion
>>5699210 ; >>5699546 ; >>5699652 Mueller askING for 60-day postponement on filING report on Rick Gates
>>5699212 Mueller on Rick Gates "continu[ING] to cooperate" in investigations
>>5699345 Facebook exec's departure letter contains red flag re: Zuckerberg's impendING new "privacy policy"
>>5699363 ; >>5699397 ; >>5699508 Narrative busters re: NZ killers manifesto (not a conservative, not a Christian, eco-fascist) spreadING
>>5699536 Rep. Jordan: FISA court duped into issuING warrant
>>5699549 Planefag Updates
>>5699607 JW: 11 payments from FBI to Steele in 2016 as a "confidential human source"; HRC/DNC used FBI/taxdollars to pay for dossier
>>5699767 Pompeo meetING with POTUS at Pentagon for nat'l security meetING
>>5699827 #7289
Previously Collected Notables
>>5698293 #7287, >>5699065 #7288
>>5696005 #7284, >>5696804 #7285, >>5697563 #7286
>>5693741 #7281, >>5694712 #7282, >>5695384 #7283
>>5691402 #7278, >>5692480 #7279, >>5693238 #7280
>>5689051 #7275, >>5689848 #7276, >>5690674 #7277
>>5686633 #7272, >>5687486 #7273, >>5688262 #7274
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5701486 at 2019-03-15 16:32:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7292: A Meme War Is On Edition
>>5701457 LB
>thx for clue-ING is us newer fags
#5701457 at 2019-03-15 16:30:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7291: Illegal Investigations Edition
thx for clue-ING is us newer fags
#5701431 at 2019-03-15 16:29:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7292: A Meme War Is On Edition
are not endorsements
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5700744, >>5700763 Trump arrives at Pentagon at an ospishious 11:11
>>5700672, >>5700908 Note the new Q Post, American flag
>>5700925, >>5701157 The Whitehouse water fountain is green. Watch the water. Green means go.
>>5700761 Will Sommers, famous for PING Pong, writes hit piece on 8ch
>>5700717, >>5700749, >>5700814, >>5701065 on odd timING of pol anthem beING posted
>>5700875 Pres is at Pentagon for National Security meetING
>>5701137 Bruce Ohr Informed FBI Christopher Steele's Dossier Was Based on 'Hearsay'
>>5701101 Anon theory on Q referenced 'truth beING in front of us,' picks up Enquirer today
>>5701168 New Mexico Compound Suspects Face New Conspiracy Charges
>>5701142 U.S. Army tweets "Apache"
>>5701160 A tunnel of Q. A massive tunnel of Q
>>5701357 #7291
>>5699955 On Will Sommer, MSM shill and clown extraordinaire, and the recent 8ch hit piece
>>5699963 ; >>5700140 ; >>5700208 NZ shooter manifesto and archived 8ch thread
>>5700020 ; >>5700054 Planefag Update
>>5700085 Moar on the Rise Fund, linked to cabalists and college bribery scandal
>>5700097 qmap.pub approachING 300k online
>>5700126 AOC kickbacks: PAC paid $300k to a company founded by PAC's founder
>>5700192 On the fate of Sweden re: unchecked immigration and rape cases nationwide
>>5700198 SEC charges VW, former CEO with defraudING US investors
>>5700288 Statement by AG Barr on NZ
>>5700318 On CNN and the Charlottesville hoax
>>5700370 Jeb shillING for a Republican to run against POTUS in 2020
>>5700504 Pompeo denyING visas to International Criminal Court staff
>>5700524 50+ police officers quit Antifa-controlled Portland, OR, police bureau
>>5700533 Pentagon: Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters to be next Supreme Allied Commander Europe
>>5700582 #7290
>>5699170 New DJT
>>5699179 OK senate passes measure sayING there is not right to abortion
>>5699210 ; >>5699546 ; >>5699652 Mueller askING for 60-day postponement on filING report on Rick Gates
>>5699212 Mueller on Rick Gates "continu[ING] to cooperate" in investigations
>>5699345 Facebook exec's departure letter contains red flag re: Zuckerberg's impendING new "privacy policy"
>>5699363 ; >>5699397 ; >>5699508 Narrative busters re: NZ killers manifesto (not a conservative, not a Christian, eco-fascist) spreadING
>>5699536 Rep. Jordan: FISA court duped into issuING warrant
>>5699549 Planefag Updates
>>5699607 JW: 11 payments from FBI to Steele in 2016 as a "confidential human source"; HRC/DNC used FBI/taxdollars to pay for dossier
>>5699767 Pompeo meetING with POTUS at Pentagon for nat'l security meetING
>>5699827 #7289
Previously Collected Notables
>>5698293 #7287, >>5699065 #7288
>>5696005 #7284, >>5696804 #7285, >>5697563 #7286
>>5693741 #7281, >>5694712 #7282, >>5695384 #7283
>>5691402 #7278, >>5692480 #7279, >>5693238 #7280
>>5689051 #7275, >>5689848 #7276, >>5690674 #7277
>>5686633 #7272, >>5687486 #7273, >>5688262 #7274
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5700639 at 2019-03-15 15:46:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7291: Illegal Investigations Edition
are not endorsements
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5699955 On Will Sommer, MSM shill and clown extraordinaire, and the recent 8ch hit piece
>>5699963 ; >>5700140 ; >>5700208 NZ shooter manifesto and archived 8ch thread
>>5700020 ; >>5700054 Planefag Update
>>5700085 Moar on the Rise Fund, linked to cabalists and college bribery scandal
>>5700097 qmap.pub approachING 300k online
>>5700126 AOC kickbacks: PAC paid $300k to a company founded by PAC's founder
>>5700192 On the fate of Sweden re: unchecked immigration and rape cases nationwide
>>5700198 SEC charges VW, former CEO with defraudING US investors
>>5700288 Statement by AG Barr on NZ
>>5700318 On CNN and the Charlottesville hoax
>>5700370 Jeb shillING for a Republican to run against POTUS in 2020
>>5700504 Pompeo denyING visas to International Criminal Court staff
>>5700524 50+ police officers quit Antifa-controlled Portland, OR, police bureau
>>5700533 Pentagon: Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters to be next Supreme Allied Commander Europe
>>5700582 #7290
>>5699170 New DJT
>>5699179 OK senate passes measure sayING there is not right to abortion
>>5699210 ; >>5699546 ; >>5699652 Mueller askING for 60-day postponement on filING report on Rick Gates
>>5699212 Mueller on Rick Gates "continu[ING] to cooperate" in investigations
>>5699345 Facebook exec's departure letter contains red flag re: Zuckerberg's impendING new "privacy policy"
>>5699363 ; >>5699397 ; >>5699508 Narrative busters re: NZ killers manifesto (not a conservative, not a Christian, eco-fascist) spreadING
>>5699536 Rep. Jordan: FISA court duped into issuING warrant
>>5699549 Planefag Updates
>>5699607 JW: 11 payments from FBI to Steele in 2016 as a "confidential human source"; HRC/DNC used FBI/taxdollars to pay for dossier
>>5699767 Pompeo meetING with POTUS at Pentagon for nat'l security meetING
>>5699827 #7289
>>5698481 ; >>5698719 Planefag Updates
>>5698483 "Jackscrew" found at 737 crash site indicates plane was set to dive
>>5698504 Haberman sums up talkING points of NZ killINGs/livestreamING
>>5698658 Stocks surge, ignorING concerns of US-China trade talk delays
>>5698745 New twitter account for POTUS_Schedule
>>5698762 Pompeo weighs in on Gaza attacks
>>5698823 Chad Pergram on today's veto and future bill action
>>5698850 ; >>5698922 CNN/MSM/cabalist fuckweasels already blamING POTUS for NZ attack
>>5699013 Chinese premier vows no massive stimulus as BeijING launches massive stimulus
>>5699020 New DJT
>>5699048 Tech firms, cops work to remove video of NZ attack
>>5699065 #7288
Previously Collected Notables
>>5698293 #7287
>>5696005 #7284, >>5696804 #7285, >>5697563 #7286
>>5693741 #7281, >>5694712 #7282, >>5695384 #7283
>>5691402 #7278, >>5692480 #7279, >>5693238 #7280
>>5689051 #7275, >>5689848 #7276, >>5690674 #7277
>>5686633 #7272, >>5687486 #7273, >>5688262 #7274
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5700037 at 2019-03-15 15:04:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7290: HRC/DNC Used FBI To Pay For Dossier Edition
[Fish]ING WAS fun.
#5699877 at 2019-03-15 14:50:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7290: HRC/DNC Used FBI To Pay For Dossier Edition
are not endorsements
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5699170 New DJT
>>5699179 OK senate passes measure sayING there is not right to abortion
>>5699210 ; >>5699546 ; >>5699652 Mueller askING for 60-day postponement on filING report on Rick Gates
>>5699212 Mueller on Rick Gates "continu[ING] to cooperate" in investigations
>>5699345 Facebook exec's departure letter contains red flag re: Zuckerberg's impendING new "privacy policy"
>>5699363 ; >>5699397 ; >>5699508 Narrative busters re: NZ killers manifesto (not a conservative, not a Christian, eco-fascist) spreadING
>>5699536 Rep. Jordan: FISA court duped into issuING warrant
>>5699549 Planefag Updates
>>5699607 JW: 11 payments from FBI to Steele in 2016 as a "confidential human source"; HRC/DNC used FBI/taxdollars to pay for dossier
>>5699767 Pompeo meetING with POTUS at Pentagon for nat'l security meetING
>>5699827 #7289
>>5698481 ; >>5698719 Planefag Updates
>>5698483 "Jackscrew" found at 737 crash site indicates plane was set to dive
>>5698504 Haberman sums up talkING points of NZ killINGs/livestreamING
>>5698658 Stocks surge, ignorING concerns of US-China trade talk delays
>>5698745 New twitter account for POTUS_Schedule
>>5698762 Pompeo weighs in on Gaza attacks
>>5698823 Chad Pergram on today's veto and future bill action
>>5698850 ; >>5698922 CNN/MSM/cabalist fuckweasels already blamING POTUS for NZ attack
>>5699013 Chinese premier vows no massive stimulus as BeijING launches massive stimulus
>>5699020 New DJT
>>5699048 Tech firms, cops work to remove video of NZ attack
>>5699065 #7288
>>5697616 NZ gunman manifesto article
>>5697627 ; >>5697653 Articles/analysis re: opioid crisis and fentanyl distribution
>>5697669 Twitter paid to promote Huawei/Chinese propaganda
>>5697659 ; >>5697684 KiwiAnons reportING 8ch outages/blockages
>>5697781 ; >>5697943 ; >>5698025 New DJT
>>5697818 MSM articles goING after 8ch in light of NZ shootING
>>5697851 ISIS callING for revenge amid NZ attacks
>>5697895 ; >>5698006 NZ shooter's travels to Pakistan, NK
>>5697995 France: UK must offer "clear" Brexit response before March 21st EU summit
>>5698035 John Solomon on FBI, HRC, and FISA abuses
>>5698040 Podesta comms re: NZ as a "juicy target"
>>5698293 #7287
Previously Collected Notables
>>5696005 #7284, >>5696804 #7285, >>5697563 #7286
>>5693741 #7281, >>5694712 #7282, >>5695384 #7283
>>5691402 #7278, >>5692480 #7279, >>5693238 #7280
>>5689051 #7275, >>5689848 #7276, >>5690674 #7277
>>5686633 #7272, >>5687486 #7273, >>5688262 #7274
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
#5699827 at 2019-03-15 14:47:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7289: Calling Out The Hoax Edition
Notables Bun
>>5699170 New DJT
>>5699179 OK senate passes measure sayING there is not right to abortion
>>5699210 ; >>5699546 ; >>5699652 Mueller askING for 60-day postponement on filING report on Rick Gates
>>5699212 Mueller on Rick Gates "continu[ING] to cooperate" in investigations
>>5699345 Facebook exec's departure letter contains red flag re: Zuckerberg's impendING new "privacy policy"
>>5699363 ; >>5699397 ; >>5699508 Narrative busters re: NZ killers manifesto (not a conservative, not a Christian, eco-fascist) spreadING
>>5699536 Rep. Jordan: FISA court duped into issuING warrant
>>5699549 Planefag Updates
>>5699607 JW: 11 payments from FBI to Steele in 2016 as a "confidential human source"; HRC/DNC used FBI/taxdollars to pay for dossier
>>5699767 Pompeo meetING with POTUS at Pentagon for nat'l security meetING
#5699526 at 2019-03-15 14:26:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7289: Calling Out The Hoax Edition
Notables Dough
>>5699170 New DJT
>>5699179 OK senate passes measure sayING there is not right to abortion
>>5699210 Report of Mueller askING for 60-day postponement on filING report on Rick Gates (moar sauce needed)
>>5699212 Mueller on Rick Gates "continu[ING] to cooperate" in investigations
>>5699345 Facebook exec's departure letter contains red flag re: Zuckerberg's impendING new "privacy policy"
>>5699363 ; >>5699397 ; >>5699508 Narrative busters re: NZ killers manifesto (not a conservative, not a Christian, eco-fascist) spreadING
#5698443 at 2019-03-15 13:01:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7288: Hussein + 3-Letter-Agencies = TREASON Edition
Odin is a new-age faggot, and a perversion of Germanic spiritual beliefs.
Jews push the Odin shit, so Germanic people don't know anythING about Tyr, the Irminsul, the Mjolnir, ING, etc… It's kikery. And this dude was likely Jewish. Hence, why you don't see the apprehension/death at the end.
#5697944 at 2019-03-15 12:04:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7287: Big Day Today, It's FRYDAY Edition:
Printed off anon's cards from https://genesis55.github.io/QCards/?card=TWEET-STORM#qcards-source
Put the Punisher as backside, meme-ING irl
#5694057 at 2019-03-15 04:46:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7282: FRIDAY Edition
parde-ING parde-ING yeeh
fun fun fun fun
weekend weekend
#5687137 at 2019-03-14 22:41:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7273: UK Bread Gets Cherry Popped Edition
The transcript also indicated that the Withdrawal Agreement was essentially a German production, with the original draft completed in May 2018 in Berlin. It was then sent to the Cabinet Office marked "Secret". After much to-ING and fro-ING in the subsequent few weeks, includING several telephone calls between Mrs May and the Chancellor the final draft was completed late in June, with the Chancellor tellING Mrs May that she was happy with it. However, a few more small concessions by the UK would be needed later on, just to keep the EU happy.
David Davis was kept in the dark about this plannING, as were other pro-Brexit ministers. The EU, by contrast, was happy to circulate the transcript of the final May/Merkel meetING to key EU and German embassies. What is more, Mrs May was probably unaware that the Chancellor had made a recordING of this private meetING! Perhaps our Prime Minister would not have spoken so freely had she realised her words were beING noted for posterity.
If this account of the meetING between the PM and the German Chancellor is accurate, this paints a very different picture of the Brexit process from that reported to the public by the BBC and other mainstream media. There is one obvious objection: these explosive claims are impossible to prove in the absence of a copy of the transcript of either the May/Merkel meetINGs or of the briefINGs given to EU embassies. My source, however, has been accurate in the past: several other tip-offs of EU intentions passed to me were revealed two or three days later by the press.
Furthermore, I believe that this account of the meetING has verisimilitude, because of the considerable amount of circumstantial evidence to support it. For example, John Ashworth, of the campaign group FishING for Leave, has analysed many UK government and EU documents over the past twenty years. Familiar with the style of both, he has noted how the Withdrawal Agreement resembles an EU document rather than anythING originatING from the UK government. Lawyers for Britain has also noted examples in the Political Declaration accompanyING the Withdrawal Agreement which sound more like a translation from a foreign language. Paragraph 6, for example, begins: "The Parties agree that the future relationship should be underpinned by shared values such as the respect for and safeguardING of human rights." The final "the" before "respect" is totally superfluous. The next paragraph ends with a clumsy sentence. Paragraph 8 begins with an ugly construction:- "In view of the importance of data flows and exchanges across the future relationship..." No British civil servant would have written such gobbledygook.
There is much circumstantial evidence from the EU side. Martin Selmayr and Sabine Weyand, both Germans and deputies to Jean-Claude Juncker and Michel Barnier respectively, have spoken very positively about the Withdrawal Agreement. On 9th November last year, Weyand told The Times, "They must align their rules but the EU will retain all the controls. They apply the same rules. UK wants a lot more from future relationship, so EU retains its leverage." Selmayr said that he wanted the Withdrawal Agreement to show that "Brexit doesn't work" and he told a group of EU officials last November "The power is with us." These statements have been widely reported in British media. Dan Hannan MEP recently quoted an interview with Michel Barnier in which he said, "I'll have done my job if, in the end, the deal is so tough on the British that they'd prefer to stay in the EU". In an article In an article in the Daily Telegraph published only yesterday (6th March), Igor Gräzin, an Estonian Eurosceptic MEP, claimed that "around Europe, Theresa May's 'deal' is described as a capitulation." Why, if the EU regards the Withdrawal Agreement as a victory for them, is Mrs May pushING so hard for us to agree to such a one-sided outcome while refusING to consider any alternative? The only plausible explanation is that she actually wants a deal that disempowers her own country.
#5678156 at 2019-03-14 15:49:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7262: THE END IS NEAR Edition
wish ING for potholes
#5678029 at 2019-03-14 15:40:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7262: THE END IS NEAR Edition
In Michael Wolff's explosive new book, "Fire and Fury," he quotes Bannon as sayING:
"You realize where this is goING … This is all about money launderING. Mueller chose (senior prosecutor Andrew) Weissmann first and he is a money-launderING guy," Bannon reportedly said: "Their path to f***ING Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner … It's as plain as a hair on your face."
Wolff also quotes Bannon sayING this of Mueller hirING Weissmann: "You've got the LeBron James of money launderING investigations on you, Jarvanka. My a—hole just got so tight!"
#5668905 at 2019-03-14 00:55:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7250: Pray For The Victims Edition
In no way DivisionFaggING; simple observation about the hive…
The reason the shills seem to be "outpacING" the true autists and researchers is because the "plane" has pretty much landed and we're just taxi-ING toward a gate waitING for the show to start.
Like the good goise (real heroes in actual harm's way), the "heavy liftING" is done.
ThINGs change.
In this case, in a very, very good way.
I drank up every moment of this amazING work together, anons.
p.s.: Shills can all go neck yourselves.
#5651569 at 2019-03-13 02:35:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7227: JUSTICE Edition
WASHINGTON - Stormy Daniels called it "adorable" that ex-lawyer Michael Avenatti said he fired her durING a speech to women at a private D.C. social club on Tuesday night.
"He knew that I was unhappy," she told hundreds of women at "The WING," a private social club.
Daniels explained that the media savvy lawyer pulled an "I quit" so "you can't fire me."
ToutING her new lawyer, Clark Brewster, she said, "Sit tight ladies, it's about to get real f-ING good," hintING at fresh legal action.
Earlier Tuesday, Avenatti tweeted that he had terminated his legal relationship with Daniels on February 19 "for various reasons that we cannot disclose publicly due to the attorney-client privilege."
She explained to the crowd that Cohen, tryING to pitch a book, had exposed himself as the fixer for the "Stormy Daniels deal," connectING the dots in writING between her NDA and Trump, likely helpING reporters sniff out the story.
"I can't escape this guy," she said. "He's like herpes," she continued, then added that the former Trump lawyer is "actually dumber, dumber than herpes."
#5636608 at 2019-03-12 06:25:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7208: All Roads Lead To Rome Edition
>Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
search for this on qresear.ch and one may find that you were copypasta-ING this back on 2/15 and 2/16.
Looks familiar, "fam"
#5633793 at 2019-03-12 02:36:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7204: [Michael Gaeta - FBI Rome] Edition
>>5633610 >>5633702
OLEG DERIPASKA OP-ED: The Ever-ChangING 'Russia Narrative' Is False Public Manipulation
In the comedy movie "Wag the Dog," a fictitious U.S. president is on the cusp of losING an election over a real scandal. So a political spin doctor and Hollywood producer hired by his campaign instead distract the public by manufacturING "the appearance of a war" with Albania. The spin doctor explains: "It's not a war, it's a pageant. We need a theme, a song - some visuals." The producer ascribes Albania a false motive against the United States: "They want to destroy our way of life!" The story line keeps changING to explain away emergING, inconvenient realities. The ever-changING "Russia narrative" in American politics is today's "Wag the Dog" scenario. Technology and the disintegration of evidence-based journalism permit a surprisINGly small number of individuals to destroy bilateral or multilateral relations. Their motivation in shiftING from an inconvenient reality into their desired reality is power and military-industrial commercial interests.
When I attended the Munich Security Conference in February, the extraordinary, coordinated message of a panel of U.S. senators was summarized by moderator Victoria Nuland, former assistant secretary of state under President Barack Obama, as: "Deep State-proud loyalists giv[ING] broad reassurance about continuity." One of the panelists, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), said: "What the Breitbart crowd would call the 'Deep State' is what many of us would call 'knowledgeable professionals.'" The panel's uniform message was essentially: Ignore Donald Trump and increase your defense budget to 2 percent, because the generals who are 'operationalizING policy' remain in charge. When you owe the world $18 trillion, the only way to get them to "pay 2 percent for defense" is to manufacture a boogeyman. Russian novelist and pacifist Leo Tolstoy observed: "There is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people." What has been inelegantly termed the "Deep State" is really this: shadow power exercised by a small number of individuals from media, business, government and the intelligence community, foistING provocative and cynically false manipulations on the public. Out of these manipulations, an agenda of these architects' own design is born. Unfortunately, I am personally familiar with this group. Before they moved to their current, bigger ambitions of reversING the U.S. presidential election results, they scurrilously attacked me and others from the shadows for two decades. The various story lines and roles they have created for me don't survive close scrutiny and are internally inconsistent, yet they simply follow the "Wag the Dog" playbook: We don't need it to prove to be true. We need it to distract them.
President Theodore Roosevelt once cautioned: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owING no allegiance and acknowledgING no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first task." The distractions no longer can mask these "unholy alliances." The wife of a central architect of the Department of Justice's "Russia narrative" secretly worked for the dossier-peddlING Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson attempted - accordING to his own congressional admissions - to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election and its aftermath, to attack Russia and to "embarrass" me and cause trouble for the company I founded.
This inconvenient disclosure necessitated a new story line. Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman and CNN commentator Donna Brazile attacked the memo prepared by House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) on television as "the weaponization of classified information." It is ironic that someone who once ran the organization that allegedly rigged the primary nomination process and who was fired from CNN for allegedly riggING a presidential debate is now producING "Russian-riggING" stories. World War II hero and former U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) once observed, in a different context: "There exists a shadowy government with ... its own fundraisING mechanism." WaggING the dog costs money. So, who is the "fundING mechanism" of this "shadowy government?"
#5629192 at 2019-03-11 22:31:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7199: SAVE AMERICA Edition
they're not even ebot-ING correctly -_-
#5625689 at 2019-03-11 18:41:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7194: DARPA>LifeLog>FB Edition
Fake news-ING up again.
Pics Related
#5625312 at 2019-03-11 18:09:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7193: Time to end their virtue-signaling: Call'em Out for What They Are Edition
I'm Never Trust ING you again.
#5619068 at 2019-03-11 05:13:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7185: @Snowden Parades or Restraints? Edition
(s)(ING) (Ed)(ward)
#5607368 at 2019-03-10 15:03:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7170: Catching Up Again Edition
It was nominated for an F-ING Emmy
#5607338 at 2019-03-10 15:00:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7170: Catching Up Again Edition
That is a viralic goat holler. Some may even suggest its the conch shell noise of freemasonry. A constant.
The initiate displays the seethING energies of the Paraclete through a primal goat yeall.
This is the sound heard in moments of communal extacy completely tyled from the profane.
People get killed to this noise.... don't disrespect the baahh brah.
Think about that before you in vain try and peice the craft into your ==Fake fuckING news==.
Symbolism is more important than what is beING used for symboligy. So the american flag is only as good as masonic as it is.
albert pikes lewis eldest child the 33rd saeth :"The rebel flag is masonic we are the only vetted good old boys. You been lookin into the fellas boehhhh?"
Got it?
Freemasons run this country it can get real fuckING nasty if you wanna see nasty.
Imagine an initiate mah-ING at you wearING the face of some profane furniture mask.
They eye is always watchING you
the eye see's your frustration
the eye see's right through your vain attempts to defowl the craft.
#5607303 at 2019-03-10 14:56:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7170: Catching Up Again Edition
That is a viralic goat holler. Some may even suggest its the conch shell noise of freemasonry. A constant.
The initiate displays the seethING energies of the Paraclete through a primal goat yeall.
This is the sound heard in moments of communal extacy completely tyled from the profane.
People get killed to this noise…. don't disrespect the baahh brah.
Think about that before you in vain try and peice the craft into your ==Fake fuckING news==.
Symbolism is more important than what is beING used for symboligy. So the american flag is only as good as masonic as it is.
albert pikes lewis eldest child the 33rd saeth :"The rebel flag is masonic we are the only vetted good old boys. You been lookin into the fellas boehhhh?"
Got it?
Freemasons run this country it can get real fuckING nasty if you wanna see nasty.
Imagine an initiate mah-ING at you wearING the face of some profane furniture mask.
They eye is always watchING you
the eye see's your frustration
the eye see's right through your vain attempts to defowl the craft.
#5588281 at 2019-03-09 11:38:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7146: Learn to Bake! - Edition
The Hidden Enemy: Psychiatry [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
Published on 10 Jan 2014 1:46:21 long
Military Suicides are NOT a mistake:
The Hidden Enemy
Inside Psychiatry's Covert Agenda
Full Documentary
This documentary shows how the army is exploited as Psychiatry's testING ground for drugs and other inhumane "treatment" which have resulted in exponential growth of military suicides. Currently, more US soldiers die from suicide than from combat.
"The battlefield is safer than psychiatry. You understand that? Statistically you are less likely to be shot by an enemy than to be killed by a pharmaceutical drug. That's the truth about psychiatry." -Mike Adams "Health Ranger" creator of www.naturalnews.com
Our military are beING prescribed the followING drugs (list not complete): Seroquel, Paxil, Prozac, Abilify, Wellbutrin, Modafinil, Methylphenidate, Xanax, Dexedrine, Effexor, Haldol, Adderal, Stelazine, Depakote, Thorazine, Zoloft, Ambien. 23:16
"You take your meds and you can just start feelING it goING down and you're just like bam you're just a zombie….
"I just said f^#k it i'm done. I took my pistol and f%$^ING put it in my mouth. And she [his wife] opened up the door." -Michael, First Sergeant US Army (Ret.) 51:20
"I had to literally grab the weapon away from him because it probably would have happened." -Elise, Wife of Michael 51:52
"I knew I wasn't me, you know? It was the drug that was doING it and I knew I had to change or I'd be dead. And that's why I changed it." -Michael, First Sergeant US Army (Ret.) 52:26
Official website Citizens Commission on Human Rights: http://www.cchr.org
Actions you can take: http://www.cchr.org/documentaries/the…
Buy the documentary: https://secure.cchr.org/store/documen…
Documentary taken from: http://www.cchr.org/vets
#5587230 at 2019-03-09 08:08:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7144: Gitmo 44 Edition
rADIO who needs a rADIO
ready anon
Bird (jut chin out twice)
#5567453 at 2019-03-08 02:47:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7119: 4 Years For Manafort Edition
>>5479093 crappy cia brandING
are the babel ING chickens makeING (you) upset
#5562441 at 2019-03-07 21:27:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7112: The More You Know Edition
Was R. Kelly yellING at HWOOD?
"Stop it. You all quit playING! Quit playING! I didn't do this stuff! This is not me! I'm fightING for my f*ING life! Y'all killING me with this sh*t!" Kelly said, standING up. "I gave you 30 years of my f*ING career!"
#5558766 at 2019-03-07 17:10:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7107: Thankful Thursdays Edition
Name them anon. What are the many many thINGs that have happened ?
#5541359 at 2019-03-06 20:04:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7085: Wednesday Winning Edition
The same excuse has been used for 50 years.
F-ING Lies.
It's not to protect the public it's to cover their asses.
Stupid excuse. Self-servING to those who promote it.Those who want to know will be able to know.
Won't be forced on anyone.
Wont be hidden from anyone either.
#5536091 at 2019-03-06 14:31:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7078: Coffee with Frens and Shills Edition
Enlighten us then, since you seem to be the gatekeeper of all thINGs Chan.
The phrase originated with Trump, regardING migrants… You simply don't know what you're talkING about. And you've changed your tune, because POTUS changed his tune on migration.
For a sheep, you are terrible at, "Baaaaaaaaaa"ING.
#5521247 at 2019-03-05 18:37:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7059: In Search of a Crime Edition
Nadler in search of a crime against 81 people/orgs now???
So why aren't the Republicans launchING the same against Nadler, Shiffty, Waters, Pelosi, et al?
Fight fire with fire?
Put them in their place?
War stance???
Why do Republicans always just sit back and "take it".
SO F*ING frustratING.
#5520121 at 2019-03-05 17:23:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7058: Terrific Tuesday Edition
>A Qbook givING amazCiAon a cut, lmao
Or, to take an opposite perspective, "amazCiAon" distributING ING a Qbook, lmao!
I tend to think that anons who are not against us are for us so let them get on with it - the more people that can be awoken, the better.
#5518160 at 2019-03-05 14:40:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7055: Modern Day McCarthyism Edition
How do you catch a FISH?
[Fish]ING is fun.
These people are stupid.
#5517592 at 2019-03-05 13:47:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7055: Modern Day McCarthyism Edition
Did Q SprING a Trap on the Attackers?
10 Aug 2018 - 4:15:38 PM
[Fish]ING is fun.
These people are stupid.
#5509289 at 2019-03-05 00:34:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7044: Dark Pattern Active Edition
CallING on MEMEanons. HopING for some new memes…
>>5505190 (ob)
>Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 461c8a No.5505190 Mar 4 2019 16:13:05 (EST)
>>5505069 (/pb)
>Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowING your enemy to open the front door?
>'War-like' Posture Activated?
>Thank you for playING.
DIABLO (Demonrat In All But Label Only), meme worthy?
This has been around quite awhile, but when I used it recently, it resonated with a bunch of folks, as we were trash talkING RINOs like no name, Mittens, LyING Ryan et al.
Then I realized that I haven't seen any such meme, otherwise I would have snagged them.
The other reason it resonated is precisely because we're in a war-lime posture now. Trump ain't talkING about the deep staters, he's also talkING about the nevertrumpING RINOs.
We talk about good vs evil; that many in government serve Satan...
Well then, mirror, mirror...
Demonrats to the left of me and Diablos to the right of me. Trump and his merry band Patriots are standING in the gap.
DIABLO could be the perfect mental image for NeverTrump-ING rats. 😂
If anyone innocently thought that Ryan and McConnell were "good" guys, McCabe just disabused them of that notion. That is if they were payING attention last week - even though we Anons already knew that for a long time.
#5508864 at 2019-03-05 00:16:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7043: Comey Still Shillin' Edition
CallING on MEMEanons
>Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 461c8a No.5505190 Mar 4 2019 16:13:05 (EST)
>>5505069 (/pb)
>Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowING your enemy to open the front door?
>'War-like' Posture Activated?
>Thank you for playING.
DIABLO (Demonrat In All But Label Only)
This has been around quite awhile, but when I used it recently, it resonated with a bunch of folks, as we were trash talkING RINOs like no name, Mittens, LyING Ryan et al.
Then I realized that I haven't seen any such meme, otherwise I would have snagged them.
The other reason it resonated is precisely because we're in a war posture now.
We talk about good vs evil, that many in government serve Satan…
Well then, mirror, mirror…
Demonrats to the left of me and Diablos to the right of me. Trump and his merry band Patriots are standING in the gap.
DIABLO is the perfect mental image for NeverTrump-ING rats. If anyone innocently thought that Ryan and McConnell were "good" guys, McCabe just disabused them of that notion. That is if they were payING attention last week - even though we Anons already knew that for a long time.
#5502374 at 2019-03-04 18:53:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7035: NOTCH ACTIVATED Edition
>"Grounds For Impeachment" If Trump Tried To Block AT&T-Time Warner Deal: Kellyanne Conway's Husband
>"Don't you f-ING dare call the Justice Department," Cohn reportedly told Kelly. "We are not goING to do business that way."
So Kelly Anne's big mouth idiot husband wants to impeach POTUS for somethING "HE WANTED TO DO" not for somethING he did! Got it!
#5502238 at 2019-03-04 18:42:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7035: NOTCH ACTIVATED Edition
"Grounds For Impeachment" If Trump Tried To Block AT&T-Time Warner Deal: Kellyanne Conway's Husband
President Trump reportedly told former economic adviser Gary Cohn to pressure the Justice Department to block the $85 billion AT&T-Time Warner merger - a move which would be grounds for impeachment accordING to George Conway - the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
Based on intel from a "well-informed" (but once again anonymous) source, the New Yorker reports that in the summer of 2017 - several months before the DOJ filed its antitrust lawsuit, Trump allegedly had an Oval Office sit-down with Cohn and then-chief of staff John Kelly in which he wanted to "make sure" the DOJ lawsuit seekING to block the merger was filed.
"I've been tellING Cohn to get this lawsuit filed and nothING's happened!" Trump reportedly told Kelly. "I've mentioned it 50 times. And nothING's happened. I want to make sure it's filed. I want that deal blocked!"
AccordING to the New Yorker - Trump's opposition to the deal was thought to be motivated by his hatred for CNN, which is owned by Time Warner. If true, accordING to George Conway, "such an attempt to use presidential authority to seek retribution for the exercise of First Amendment rights would unquestionably be grounds for impeachment," he tweeted.
The DOJ maintains that Trump's dislike for CNN was not a factor in its decision to brING a 2017 lawsuit to block the merger on antitrust grounds, however US District Court Judge Richard Leon ruled in 2018 that the merger could proceed - a decision which was upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.
Cohn reportedly refused to follow Trump's order, knowING that it was "highly improper" for the president to intervene.
"Don't you f—ING dare call the Justice Department," Cohn reportedly told Kelly. "We are not goING to do business that way." (could Cohn be the anonymous source?)
"The President does not understand the nuances of antitrust law or policy," said the former, possibly bald official. "But he wanted to brING down the hammer."
#5496226 at 2019-03-04 05:29:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7027: Are (you) READY? Edition
This guy makes me want to gag
He's so f***ING annoyING.
He's like the stupid annoyING kid in a classroom who spurts out the stupidest comments all the time and makes you want to bang your head on the desk.
#5493593 at 2019-03-04 03:09:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7024: On The Schedule Edition
Or De-psyop-ING them?
#5479057 at 2019-03-03 08:33:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7005: A Notch In Our Belt Edition
I've always wondered how often a "(You)" from Q went to just an ordinary Joe-Schmo anon. I still don't know how many of them are Q-team you-ING themselves (I'm quite certain many are, due to the nature of havING to formulate content/deltas just right to convey the desired info), but now I know dINGbats like me certainly do get Q-You's. Got one tonight. Crazy-confusING at first… and now weird seeING my "(You)" at the top of each of the last few breads in the Q-posts section, as opposed to Notables. Good-weird. I was all (pic related) once I realized what had happened. Kek! Only 3 words, but they're MY permanently etched 3 words… I'll take it!
#5476373 at 2019-03-03 05:35:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #7001: Stay The Course Edition
Candance Owens is goING to have her own t.v. show….Who knew.
Roseanne calls #MeToo founders 'hos' in bombastic interview
WASHINGTON - In a new off-the-rails interview, Roseanne Barr calls originators of the #MeToo movement "hos" and attacks Sen. Kamala Harris, Christine Blasey Ford and many other women.
"They're pretendING that they didn't go to trade sexual favors for money," Barr says, rhetorically askING why some women find themselves in men's hotel rooms at 3 a.m.
Interviewer Candace Owens replies by pointING to the women who accused comedian Louis C.K. of sexual misconduct, promptING Barr to say, "That's who I'm talkING about, too."
"I know a ho when I see one," proclaims Barr.
She was kicked off the rebooted "Roseanne" show after postING a racist tweet about former President Barack Obama's adviser Valerie Jarrett last May.
SpeakING in an episode of the "Candace Owens Show" that goes online Sunday, Barr holds nothING back talkING about race, religion, politics and Hollywood.
She goes on a nasty tirade against Harris, the California Dem who's runnING for president.
"Look at Kamala Harris, who I call Kama Sutra Harris," Barr snipes, pointING to the pol's prior relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.
"We all know what she did... she slept her way to the bottom," the comedian says, drawING agreement from Owens, who directs comms for the young conservative group TurnING Point USA.
Barr also suggests that Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of a sexual assault when they were teens, "should be in prison."
"White women privilege" is the only thING that kept the accuser out of jail, Barr opines.
MovING on to freshman Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Barr declares, "It's scary that we have Hamas in our Congress," referencING the Palestinian terror group. Both pols are Muslim.
Owens chimes in to say that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) openly "hate[s] Jews." Barr herself is Jewish.
The crazed comedian tells Owens that she supports the interviewer's "Blexit" movement encouragING black people to leave the Democratic Party.
"I support Blexit cause I know that that really is the linchpin of the whole thING. You call it the plantation - I love that," Barr says.
"I call it Egypt because I'm Jewish. It's leavING Egypt and gettING free of Pharaoh. For all the African-American people I know who are BlexitING, I say to them, 'Please take two Jews with you.'"
Barr, who played a strong supporter of President Trump in her short-lived reboot, also bashes some former friends in Hollywood.
"When I went to bat for Sandra [Bernhard], Kathy [Griffin] and Sara [Gilbert] to get them on TV - because I gave them all their TV jobs... you know what people at the networks told me? Those girls are too ugly to go on TV," Barr recalls.
"And I said this is so incredibly sexist. Look at me, I'm no beauty. You can't take talent, for a woman, and reduce it to their facial flaws. Are you sh-ING me?"
She's changed her mind since becomING a Hollywood outcast.
"Nowadays, I'm like, you're right. They are too ugly to be on TV," Barr concludes, sayING her colleagues have "ugliness inside."
#5424678 at 2019-02-28 00:48:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6934: How is that possible? Edition
Fatigues upper right…kek! Highest f***ING Anon..
#5424126 at 2019-02-28 00:16:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6934: How is that possible? Edition
Trump and Kim Jung Un begin a ERA of PEACE AND PROSPERITY
set pers 1
#5422534 at 2019-02-27 22:39:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6931: Delectable Panic Edition
Pretty sure Joe Rogan has a big f&ING audience, so, if you care about this spreadING, it's a good thING no matter who's deliverING it.
#5394897 at 2019-02-26 16:40:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6896: Vietnam Edition
#5390883 at 2019-02-26 07:17:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6890: Frens Bustin Balls and Having Laughs Edition
Check merkle roots - pics of Ruth in Hanoi are 404'ING - Follow the money
I repeat - check all pic names with merkle roots
#5377828 at 2019-02-25 18:27:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6873: Give (((Me))) Control of a Nation's Money Edition
5 of those f^ ING thINGs!
#5369720 at 2019-02-25 02:26:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6863: Mar-a-Lago Summit Edition
First Hillary, now Diane Feinstein.
DiFi ree-ING on PP Defund
Second Sauce comING.
#5363847 at 2019-02-24 19:43:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6855: Those Who Are The Loudest Edition
Thanks for Q-ING yourself up, Bill.
#5363389 at 2019-02-24 19:14:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6855: Those Who Are The Loudest Edition
Plan or no plan…
If all of this is known, put a bullet in the back of their heads and move on…
"But people will riot"
No they wont…
Left are pussies and will be left without anyone to tell them to riot…
We'll have a weak of Twitter posts about thoughts and prayers…
We're meme-ING and postING the obvious while the DS is killING people in the streets of France, Germany, Haiti, Venezuela…
Shit or get off the pot
#5357832 at 2019-02-24 08:48:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6848: I Hear Hanoi is Educational Edition
Bollywood Anon here. I am an A- lister known for the famous song named Tadrutdrut ta drutdrut tu dadada. Plz see attached.
I am here to do an AMA to make myself feel better. I also would like to help others by revealING the truth about the controllING powers of the world. But I really don't have the guts to do so. It's easier to just ignore it all ya know and hope the Cabal doesn't release the video of Harvey jussie-ING in my mouth.
But anyways, Axe me anythING and I'll respond 5 times, but probably with nothING substantial. I've got a crib of biches waitING in bed for me. Those front holes don't just lube themselves.
#5341945 at 2019-02-23 06:55:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6827: Q News Network, Friday Night Edition
thanks, friend. Not too keen on reddit-ING. any particular link?
#5340963 at 2019-02-23 05:36:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6826: IBOR not ICANN Edition
meme makers please make a meme of AOC say ING that
how could we get to the moon ? nobody survives the van halen belts
#5334723 at 2019-02-23 00:07:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6818: Friday Winning Edition
Oh look, spawns of Satan beING obnoxious assholes.
Rapper T-Pain walks off stage due to rowdy crowd at Jewish youth group concert
Grammy winner cuts set short after audience member hits him with a beach ball, calls concert goers 'disrespectful'
(JTA) - Rapper and sINGer T-Pain might have a beef with BBYO, the Jewish teen movement.
Last weekend, the Grammy winner cut his set short at the BBYO convention in Denver after claimING audience members pelted him with glow sticks and a beach ball.
T-Pain later fumed about the incident on Instagram, callING the crowd "disrespectful."
"I'm not about to sit here and get disrespected constantly for a f*ING hour," he said in a nine-minute video. "Let me tell you somethING, I'm the motherf** 'GOAT' ["greatest of all time"] ... I don't give a f* what you little mother** are talkING about, y'all 15, 16, you're not in my demographic."
T-Pain, born Faheem Rasheed Najm, explained that by the time he got on stage, he was already stressed and depressed - his flights were delayed, his hotel rooms weren't ready on arrival and the BBYO staff didn't provide him with alcohol or allow him to curse on stage. His brother, whose expensive hospital bills he shared publicly in December, had also recently passed away.
"I just buried my brother," he said repeatedly in the Instagram video.
As he started performING it was clear fans were not into his music, he said, and many instead took to throwING objects at him. He still made it through roughly 50 minutes of the 60-minute set he had planned - which included hits such as "Buy U A Drank" and "Bartender."
Between 2,200 and 2,400 teens attended the concert, which also featured the Swedish electronic duo Galantis.
A BBYO spokesperson told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that members of the audience did throw glow sticks at the beginnING of the show and were asked not to, and that T-Pain left the stage after beING hit by a beach ball. The organization subsequently apologized to the rapper and his team backstage and later to his manager. T-Pain was paid in full, the spokesperson said.
BBYO also said that his contract did not include an alcohol clause for an event at which alcohol is prohibited, and that T-Pain's own staff made the hotel arrangements.
"In the past six years more than 25 acts have appeared before the BBYO International Conference, some of them more than once," said the spokesperson. "This is the first time there has been such an issue. BBYO is sorry he didn't have a good experience and they apologized for the incident."
The convention is one of the largest annual events in the Jewish community, with as many as 5,500 teens and adults takING part. This year's convention included the announcement of a $25 million pledge from the Chicago industrialist and philanthropist Ted Perlman to support women's leadership and empowerment.
The gift is believed to be one of the largest ever to an organization servING youth.
That's all the sauce content so you don't have to give the sauce traffic.
Don't get lost in the sauce, nibbas!
[This is what habbens when you raise your little bastards up thinkING they can do/say/get away with anythING.]
It's showING.
By all means though, tell me again how it's just some "bad fake ones at the top" you glowING pieces of shit.
SA & Isreal can both go fukk themselves and have all the wars with each other they want, guess what?!
#5332741 at 2019-02-22 22:23:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6815: Shall Not Be Infringed Edition
also can be pronounced:
Qin' to infinity
Q-ING to infinity
#5322197 at 2019-02-22 09:18:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6802: Our reach is a direct threat to their control Edition
#5320833 at 2019-02-22 06:55:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6800: Pepe is Proud Edition
Sorry for the bad edits Q, it's my first time meme-ING
#5312143 at 2019-02-21 23:04:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6789: Time To Adopt Voter ID Law Edition
Creepy mate ING dance of the necrosadist judas fehgels as peophecized in beetlejuice
#5311842 at 2019-02-21 22:51:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6788: #UnitedNotDivided Edition
Well looky here.
Revealed: Former gay porn star who died in Ed Buck's home told friends the Democrat donor was 'the f***ING devil' and a 'horrible man' before he was found dead
#5310701 at 2019-02-21 22:02:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6787: #Truth Edition
Hello Q and everyone!
report for night shift duty!
Unfortunately I have a dayjob now…
So no time for diggING, memeING and Q-ING all day…
Which is baad…
#5308474 at 2019-02-21 20:39:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6784: MAGA Edition
talkING about trump fast-trackING 5g is a slide, but postING on stupid f-ING jussie smollet for like the 10th day in a row is totally legit. 5g posts disappearING off the board. think about it people. huawei bad; kushner and lucent tech 5g good. really?!
#5308266 at 2019-02-21 20:28:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6784: MAGA Edition
>>5307893 (lb)
>>5307796 (lb)
>>5308035 (lb)
somethING is goING on with that post, heres the direct link:
images in there are 404'ING, but here's a screen cap of the text and there is the link to the site above
>>5308148 (lb)
baker's choice of pic is genius
#5306952 at 2019-02-21 19:08:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6782: Careful Who You Follow Edition
'Dumbest F***ING Idea I've Ever Heard': Lindsey Graham Blasts Trump's Syria Plan
President Trump's announcement that the US would be withdrawING its entire contINGent of 2,000 troops from Syria amid the defeat of Daesh (ISIS)* has shaken pro-war officials and lawmakers across WashINGton, promptING to a strING of resignations of senior administration members, includING (now-ex) Pentagon chief Jim Mattis.
Senior South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a long-time critic of Donald Trump's foreign policy, has lashed out at actING Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan on the Pentagon's Syria policy. The WashINGton Post detailed the harsh exchange between Graham and Shanahan at the Munich Security Conference last week, which reportedly included the senator blastING the defence secretary on the US' 30 April withdrawal deadline.
"Are you tellING our allies that we are goING to go to zero by April 30th?" Graham reportedly asked. "Yes, that's been our direction [from the president]," Shanahan replied. "That's the dumbest f***ING idea I've ever heard," Graham responded.
The Republican senator then began listING off a series of terrible consequences that a US withdrawal would mean, includING the return of Daesh, Turkish forces attackING Syria's Kurds, and Iran gainING an 'advantage' in the country.
"That could very well happen," Shanahan reportedly replied. "Well, if the policy is goING to be that we are leavING by 30 April, I am now your adversary, not your friend," Graham retorted.
Other lawmakers, both Republican and Democrat, reportedly voiced similar frustrations with Shanahan, describING him as a "deer in the headlights", and complainING that all he did was repeat the president's instructions, without elaboratING.
#5306632 at 2019-02-21 18:51:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6782: Careful Who You Follow Edition
Kek-ING at these
#5302627 at 2019-02-21 15:11:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6776: What A Time To Be Alive! Edition
>You had a point?
Yes. I also had a few questions that you just decided to ignore too.
Please answer them.
Also i want to correct one thING from my last post:
I likened Elena Freeland to AJ. This is not correct.
She is way more like David Will(ING)Cock.
#5301793 at 2019-02-21 13:45:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6775: Slow and Steady Wins The Race Edition
I'm probably Q-ING up a perfect opportunity for #LearnToCode responses, but here goes…
I spent months lurkING here early 2018 before postING (never used chans prior). Got the hang of thINGs and have become a 8+ hour-a-day fag doING a little of everythING. Only learned in like November that I could customize Javascript to make navagation here A GORILLIAN times easier, but I'm sure my JS is still less-than great at optimizING the experience. I have the "bird's eye" view right side scroll bar that shows where my posts, responses, Q's posts are and have the option of havING a blacklist button, fade namefags, etc (currently disablING those)… but if I want to see ALL of a specific anons posts in a bread, there's gotta be a more efficient way than double-clickING their ID to highlight and then just scrollING to look for the other highlighted posts of theirs in that bread…yes? Some way to have them appear in the bird's eye view side scroll bar like my own posts/responses/Q…but with the option to click on and off any ID of my choosING?
Current code here:
For anons not aware of these capabilities, it's inadvisable to use Javascript from someone you don't know and trust (I foolishly did so and no apparent deleterious effects), but you are operatING at CAVEMAN levels if you don't have a few of these basics.
#5301194 at 2019-02-21 12:07:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6775: Slow and Steady Wins The Race Edition
?r? ??u ? ?um?n ??ING?
#5300240 at 2019-02-21 08:49:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6773: We Are the news, Late Night Edition
Whose? Sean Lennon's?
Sean Ono Lennon
Verified account @seanonolennon
Feb 6
"This new @cl_delirium video is the true story of Jack Parsons! Check it out! (No we're not Illuminati, it's an f-ING story you nutters!)"
They're exposING evil in the music vid…at least imo
#5295595 at 2019-02-21 03:11:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6767: Happy Hunting! Edition
Coulter was accused of anti-semitism in an October 8, 2007, interview with Donny Deutsch on The Big Idea. DurING the interview, Coulter stated that the United States is a Christian nation, and said that she wants "Jews to be perfected, as they say" (referrING to them beING converted to Christianity).[157] Deutsch, a practicING Jew, implied that this was an anti-semitic remark, but Coulter said she didn't consider it to be a hateful comment.[158][159] Coulter's comments on the show were condemned by the Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee and Bradley Burston,[160] and the National Jewish Democratic Council asked media outlets to cease invitING Coulter as a guest commentator.[161] Talk show host Dennis Prager, while disagreeING with her comments, said that they were not "anti-semitic", notING, "There is nothING in what Ann Coulter said to a Jewish interviewer on CNBC that indicates she hates Jews or wishes them ill, or does damage to the Jewish people or the Jewish state. And if none of those criteria is present, how can someone be labeled anti-Semitic?"[162][163][164] Conservative activist David Horowitz also defended Coulter against the allegation.[165]
Coulter in September 2015 tweeted in response to multiple Republican candidates' references to Israel durING a Presidential debate, "How many f-ING Jews do these people think there are in the United States?"[166] The Anti-Defamation League referred to the tweets as "ugly, spiteful and anti-Semitic".[167] In response to accusations of anti-Semitism, she tweeted "I like the Jews, I like fetuses, I like Reagan. Didn't need to hear applause lines about them all night."
#5293078 at 2019-02-21 01:17:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6764: This is MAGA Country Edition
US Christian who refuses to pay taxes until abortion is defunded has first big win in court
COLUMBIA CITY, Oregon, April 18, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) - Like 60% of Americans, Michael Bowman opposes taxpayer fundING of abortion. Unlike most Americans, he is currently squarING off against the Internal Revenue Service to avoid doING so.
Bowman is a 53-year-old Christian and contract engineer in Columbia City, Oregon. He has refused to file a tax return or pay taxes since 1999, The Oregonian reports, citING the federal government's fundING of the abortion industry.
"I'm not a tax protester. I love my country," he told the paper. "I have a duty to my country. I have a duty to my conscience."
The IRS has sent him numerous warnINGs over unpaid taxes from 2002 to 2014, and in 2012 the Oregon Department of Revenue began garnishING money from Bowman's bank account. In response, he started cashING out his paychecks and leavING only a minimum balance in his account.
This, federal prosecutors say, constituted "remov[ING] his income from the reach of taxING authorities." They indicted him for felony tax evasion in the amount of $356,857, as well as four misdemeanor counts of willful failure to file tax returns.
Bowman's attorney, Matthew Schindler, argued that his client was fully transparent every step of the way, from disclosING all of his paychecks to cashING them at his own bank, under his own name.
"Like a player collapsING as they lose Twister, the government has reached too far forward and stretched way too far back,'' his motion to dismiss read.
Last week, US District Judge Michael Mosman sided with Bowman on the felony charge, rulING that the feds failed to show he attempted to conceal income or deceive the government. Prosecutors remain free to re-introduce the charge in the future, and are currently weighING whether to do so.
On Tuesday, Bowman elaborated on his stand in an interview with CBN News.
"First, I would love to pay taxes so as to have a normal life, however, our government is usING the tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood; which commits abortions - the death of the innocent," Bowman said. "Apparently, a woman has the right to choose, but evidently, I do not."
He also took aim at the common rejoinder that every American citizen has to pay taxes for thINGs with which they might personally disagree, such as war. "You see, the Constitution grants certain abilities to the government, e.g. fundING the military, but killING children is not a Constitutional backed, compellING interest of the government by any stretch of the imagination," Bowman explained.
Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million per year from the federal government, and performs more than 300,000 abortions. Federal law forbids taxpayer dollars from beING directly spent on abortions, though pro-life groups argue that the money still enables abortion facilities to grow their reach and influence, and spend more revenue from other sources on abortions.
"All the government has to do is put a check box on the tax forms that says check here to support Planned Parenthood, and write in your donation amount," Bowman proposed. "Then, just like any church or charity, Planned Parenthood will be funded by those that have no problem with it, and the 150 million people like me that are pro-life, can pay their taxes and live knowING we kept our conscience clean."
He vowed that he will continue his resistance as long as the government continues fundING the abortion industry.
"My effort [is] about standING up, standING firm for my Constitutional rights, and gettING the government to honor title 42 Chapter 21.b The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, so that I may live a peaceful life, and in the end face God, and hopefully have Him say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!" he said.
#5290510 at 2019-02-20 22:41:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6761: Weeks to Come Edition
>>5289786 Utah man charged with hate crimes for attackING three men with a metal pole. Notables
#5289401 at 2019-02-20 21:32:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6759: No Refunds Part Two Edition
This hit piece.
It's more of a manga, but still.
It shouldn't be a thING, and as a fuck you to whomever made it, I'm undo-ING the fuckery, visually.